[00:00] all I can say is that although I do agree with him on most of the issues, I know that I cannot be taken as the "mean value" of all the women in FLOSS and can understand why he was shunned (even if I don't follow LinuxChix ML's anymore) [00:06] claiming that ubuntu is doomed is a bit OTT though [00:07] it is [00:08] we cant do anything about the mailing lists [00:12] nope [00:12] /me shakes her head [00:13] the irc council could get involved int he fact that he was asked to leave -women [00:13] but thats about it [00:14] hmm? [00:14] PriceChild: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/237852 [00:14] Launchpad bug 237852 in ubuntu "Freenode #ubuntu* Channels are Too Fragmented, Over-specialised and "on-topic"" [Undecided,Invalid] [00:15] * PriceChild takes a look then moves on [00:16] 00:15 hi [00:16] 00:15 a s l [00:16] he's in #ubuntu [00:18] fcol [00:19] fcol? [00:42] evening. [00:43] lo [00:46] how goes ubuntuland? [00:46] not bad [00:46] how goes staffland? [00:47] Quiet enough for me to say hi here it seems :) [00:51] * PriceChild fires up a tor client [00:52] Night :) [00:57] tomaw: looking forward to the weekend? [00:57] It's already here for me :) [00:57] oh? [00:58] I have a date with someone who has a pet snail. [00:59] Can't get a better weekend than that, I think :) [01:04] :D [01:04] when is the date? [01:05] an undefined evening this week :) [01:08] good luck :) [02:23] hi [02:38] lo [03:00] Okay guys [03:00] Unban me from Ubuntu or not [03:00] i dont care now [03:00] i'm getting on windows in a few days but would like to say sorry and i personally hate ubuntu and was just trolling [03:01] it wont happen again because i'll either be banned and/or because i'm on windows or debian so sorryfor the trouble i caused you but..... here's what people in the irc's been saying: [03:01] ubuntu users don't say "fuck" [03:01] so [03:01] that's all i did and a big deal was made out of it [03:01] if you can't handle "fuck" because you consider this user-friendly, you need to ask your mom to try ubuntu as her first linux os without any instructions [03:01] goodbye [03:03] what in the...? [03:07] *shrugs* [03:07] another happy customer [03:07] he's been here on and off for quite a while [03:27] That is the same drunk that has been trolling the channel for days [05:22] Flannel called the ops in #ubuntu (horaciocs) [05:23] klined [05:23] will be back, i'm sure [05:24] hey guyz [05:26] i hear theres a lot of dick sucking going on in here [05:51] can anyone explain why: [05:51] !-nice [05:52] nice is terminal - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 21:53:33 [05:52] What does nice have to do with terminal? [05:54] terminals are nice [05:54] don't deny it [05:57] nalioth: true, but so are many other things... [06:11] my, the logs for this channel were strange recently [06:14] nickrud: how so? [06:15] crazed people dropping in. Language not something I think bears repeating. [06:16] * nickrud no longer wonders why ops seem crazy, it's self innoculation [06:19] Heh... yeah, about that [06:39] !-opsnack [06:39] opsnack has no aliases - added by Amaranth on 2007-03-26 19:44:08 - last edited by Myrtti on 2008-06-04 20:48:29 [06:39] hrm... looks like Myrtti doesnt like peanuts... :P [06:39] allergic I think [06:40] someone was anyway [06:41] probably ompaul... === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [07:03] I'm banned from #ubuntu - I'm guessing since I'm accessing it from a (somewhat) public shell provider, that someone on it got the entire server banned. [07:03] Pretty sure that since I've only been in there once or twice before, and never even said anything, I didn't do it ;) [07:13] Cthalupa the guy that banned your network (and can therefore unban you) is asleep, won't be around for a few hours yet [07:14] Alright, thanks for the fast response [07:20] jussi01: I like them, Jack_Sparrow was allergic [07:22] Cthalupa, you can always go into #freenode and beg for an unffiliated cloak [07:23] we tend to not allow anonymisers at all anyway, as their use:abuse ratio is abysmal [07:35] s/beg/ask politely/ , they don't respond well to beggars ;) [07:36] this is true === Cthalupa is now known as Cthalupa_ [07:36] and here ompaul comes to save the day [07:36] i see he's got somewhere though [07:37] ? [07:37] sup? === Cthalupa_ is now known as Cthalupa [07:38] silence is defeat will never be allowed into #ubuntu the usefulness vs the troll like activities are like 1:100 [07:38] Cthalupa, does that answer your unasked question? [07:39] Understood [07:39] !register [07:39] Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [07:39] get yourself a real nick and register it and you can get in [07:39] get yourself a cloak [07:40] Cthalupa, anything else we can help you with? [07:40] Nope, in #freenode asking for a cloak now. Thank you [07:41] please see the topic here [07:41] Alright. Goodbye, and thanks for the help [07:41] have a good day [07:41] You too [07:41] I am already ;) [07:41] hehe [07:43] Cthalupa, you can always go into #freenode and beg for an unffiliated cloak [07:43] we tend to not allow anonymisers at all anyway, as their use:abuse ratio is abysmal [08:06] tales from the crypt: there's absolutely no better way to tackle hangover than to get a sudden urge to clean the place which includes: 1) tossing away cabbage soup almost two months old, moldy and thick enough to block your toilet so that you have to shove your hand up to your shoulders among moldy cabbage smelling cold water to unblock it... [08:07] Myrtti, tooooo much info [08:07] :-D [08:14] i *was* eating :-/ [08:16] I am going out - it is Saturday [08:16] ;-#0 [08:17] hu [08:17] ;-) [08:17] that qualifies as a typo [08:17] cheers later [08:17] /me hides [09:27] gents who's awake [09:27] I suspect help will be needed in 2 minutes in #ubuntu [09:28] ikonia: im kind of here [09:28] hang around for a second #ubuntu's becoming issues [09:28] ahhh here is one of the issues now [09:28] meh [09:28] ill stop [09:28] :) [09:29] it's not funny [09:29] ok [09:29] telling people sudo rm -rf / in a public channel of new users is not funny [09:29] granted [09:29] then calling people stupid - thats not cool either [09:29] k [09:30] fleebailey33: I assume you know the rules of ubuntu's usage [09:30] in terms of the guidelines for the community ? [09:30] which is? [09:30] !coc | fleebailey33 [09:30] fleebailey33: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [09:30] fleebailey33: have a read through those links [09:31] probably read em [09:31] back in warty [09:31] bottom line comes out as be polite and respectful to everyone - and "help" not cause damage [09:31] fleebailey33: looks like you could do with a refresher read though [09:31] hehe [09:31] or sleep [09:31] is good to [09:31] well, what ever changes your attitude would be appriciated [09:32] k [09:33] thanks, just remember 1000+ users, pretty issue to cause damage or cause offense [09:33] pretty issue ??? pretty easy I should say [09:34] IIRC that is a ban first than explain when they come here to complain or just forward them here [09:34] o.0 ban [09:35] gnomefreak: he came here of his own accord as no-one was around to kick/ban/mute on that command [09:35] comment [09:35] ah [09:35] +m #ubuntu? [09:35] which is appriciated as fleebailey33 get's the situation now [09:35] sounds cool [09:35] from what I'm reading [09:35] yeah [09:35] well peace [09:35] im off [09:36] better explained in here then in #ubuntu [09:36] agreed [09:49] * elkbuntu hits 'publish' and waits for the proverbial to hit the fan. [09:50] elkbuntu: how do we go about suggesting things to the IRCC? [09:52] gnomefreak, writing to the irc list, ccing to the council list (irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com) [09:52] or viceversa with the to and cc [09:52] so its apublic list? [09:54] publicly postable, but not publicly archived [09:55] elkbuntu: thanks i will ponder some more on the topic before i write it up [09:55] feel free to use any council member as a bouncing board [09:58] is there a date for the next council meeting? [09:58] or are they as needed? [09:59] they're 'as we can agree on a time that every part of the world can get to [09:59] since we have to cover au, eu and uk now. [09:59] errr. [09:59] au, eu and us [10:00] finding a time suitible for all those areas is hell. [10:02] * Hobbsee wonders what's happened now [10:05] nothing really [10:06] aww [10:06] ok ikonia you have ops around now. im gonna try to get some sleep as its 5am [10:31] In #ubuntu-uk, Moniker42 said: !gary is "Gary is as Gary does, four fingers and a thumb!" [10:31] In #ubuntu-uk, Moniker42 said: !gary is not phear-worthy! *hides* [10:39] lol [10:52] LimCore> yey, another thing fails in ubuntu \o [11:03] In #ubuntu, butchoy said: ubottu: what is QEmu?.... never heard of that before.... [11:28] Jad gives a strange blog post. [11:28] PriceChild, jad? [11:29] planet [11:30] ... strange indeed [11:30] elkbuntu: let us welcome HIM [11:30] hehehe [11:31] nah, im still waiting for microsoft employees to read my post [11:31] awww saturday, no comics :( [11:31] Right, I'm off to do some more mowing, don't press the red button. [11:32] aww! [11:32] but it's so shiny... and red... and buttony [11:40] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [11:40] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [11:41] thanks tomaw [11:41] np [11:42] was off reading that planet blog post-->should have kicked waaaah right off the bat my bad [11:48] bazhang_, remember: we are not psychic. [11:48] remember v2: we are not psychologists. [11:48] elkbuntu, turn away from the channel for just one minute... [11:49] bazhang_, yeah, we're not quite omnipresent either [11:49] elkbuntu, too true :) [12:03] bazhang_, wanna take a look at siccness_? [12:03] * elkbuntu mutters about gentoo trolls [12:04] loco problem. problem is everyone seems to like his company. he's doing this to irritate me because i had him banned in -au-chat for excessive swearing [12:04] heh [12:05] i unbanned him and he went into a monologue-on-crac [12:05] +l [12:05] err. +k [12:06] mute? or just kick [12:06] mute is all i did in -au-chat [12:06] he'll give up and leave there, he's only trolling to peeve me [12:07] he is on mute now [12:07] yep [12:07] and playing 'why, i was only helping' cards in -au-chat [12:08] same in my PM [12:08] with or without swearing? [12:09] so far without; though talking about 'downing 30 brews' [12:09] sicc. what fun. [12:10] Hobbsee, yeah. he's gone nuts. he met a few of us at LCA, and has decided we're all 'Utter Gimps' [12:13] http://pastebin.ca/1041167 [12:21] fun [12:22] more of the same now [12:22] 'guaranteed to reduce channel to 900 users' in a week [12:24] im trying to not bite too much, since this is specifically aimed at me [12:34] Has anyone got anything against removing the bans on emma in a few more channels? I was thinking almost all the bans now? I don't think we've heard much from her lately, nevermind bad? (elkbuntu Hobbsee nalioth LjL) [12:35] sure, but she's still on probation. if we find out she's going against anything in the guidelines she's out again. moreso if it's something we've explicitly told her to cease. [12:36] irc list is public archived [12:36] would you ;grrr uside down b came off again [12:36] unless that was council [12:37] 'p' yay fixed [12:37] PriceChild, i had a problem with the x key at my old work [12:38] I bet you have a few tales about that :) [12:38] Would you prefer the one in -offtopic remained another week or so? [12:38] yes. [12:39] im not ready for her to go crazy there yet. [12:43] Can I convince somebody to mangle my cloak? [12:44] bazhang_, still around? [12:45] wgrant: changing it to current nick? [12:46] PriceChild: Yes please. [12:46] bazhang_, if you are, and siccness shut up eventually, unmute him and we'll see if he goes off again. if so, ban and remove. [12:46] wgrant: done [12:46] How long is it since he's been an Ubuntu user? [12:46] PriceChild: Danke. [12:47] wgrant, im not sure he ever actually was an ubuntu user [12:47] elkbuntu, done [12:47] elkbuntu: I thought he was in the distant past, but perhaps not. [12:48] wgrant, only because i started -au-chat where he could talk footy cars and beer without obstructing general operation of -au [12:48] Right. He's always been nice and loud. [12:49] then he met a few of us at LCA and decided we're all loser, then i got too busy to keep him in line and he took to using the f-word and the phrase 'sex on $thing' too much [12:49] Ah, lovely. [12:49] will be away for a bit [12:56] elkbuntu, to quote Myrtti your slip is showing [12:57] eh? [12:57] +o somwhere [12:58] right. im too busy to pick up all these new codewords [12:58] elkbuntu, hehe [12:59] PriceChild: my usual response still applies. she who cannot be named still argues and says she's not arguing, says she always follows instructions, when she doesn't, etc. [13:00] She does seem to be doing better - at least most of the time [13:00] Hobbsee, which should make her reprieve short then. [13:00] supposedly [13:00] but, me not being in those channels doesn't give me so much of a say anymore. [13:01] that was your choice. [13:01] and i'm sure the trolls will be happy to note that they can get back in, just by waiting. [13:01] Hobbsee, AND they know if they do it again they will be removed [13:01] it's always been that way [13:01] yes, i know - wasn't saying that as a bad thing, just saying that it happens. [13:01] Hobbsee, this is well known [13:02] ompaul: ie, they can continue their behaviour, but less so than usual, and be let in [13:02] Hobbsee, the threshold does lower over time [13:02] this has been seen [13:02] Hobbsee, the main fact is we all suffer from the human condition [13:03] Hobbsee, if she's still doing it, and we find out, she will be held accountable. there is no two ways about this. [13:04] elkbuntu: i hope so. [13:04] elkbuntu: i really hope so. [13:08] someone's awake [14:11] good luck jrib [14:14] jrib, having a good talk? [14:14] splendid [14:15] he keeping his mouth clean? [14:15] (incase you dont know, this is the ubuntu-au-chat resident troll you're talking to) [14:15] yes [14:16] he decided to help #ubuntu today because i unmuted him on the vow of ceasing swearing, then informed him that his flooding about TSM was more traffic than #ubuntu had, so he decided to try fix tha. [14:17] But TSM is so good! Hasn't he drilled it into your skull yet? [14:18] mind you his version of 'help' is to inform people how sucky things are, or tell them to work around problems by either buying new stuff or using 'an alternative'. [14:18] he's apparantly solved everyone's problems, or so we've been informed [14:18] He's a legend. [14:18] without a doubt [14:19] it's like if we sat in ##windows and informed every windows user to install linux and everything would be fixed. [14:19] and that's *all* we said [14:21] Sounds good. Let's head over there now. [14:34] wgrant, but think about it you would see people who still believed that what happened inside a computer was "magic" in fact I would go further and say "proprietary magic and should not be messed with except by wizards" and that really does hurt [14:35] ompaul: Where'd that come from? My three lines seem to have little relevance to that. [14:35] Sounds good. Let's head over there now. [14:36] I see. [14:36] elkbuntu: Seen -au-chat? [14:36] wgrant, so I do read what you say ;-) [14:37] sorry no, sec [14:38] Must be un-CoC enough to dispose of him... [14:40] jrib, you dud, you. [14:41] Deadset dud, at that. [14:41] indeed [14:42] when I asked siccness to stop breaking his responses up into multiple lines and offer constructive help, he said that wasn't his style, so he wouldn't help anymore. Now I've asked him to stop telling people he can't help them (and now I've asked him to stop). I have to go, but feel free to ban if he continues [14:42] i am abstaining from any decision pertaining a removal from the channel, but you need not. [14:42] s/(.*)// [14:42] he's headed to bed. he'll continue tomorrow when he gets drunk again. [14:43] I think drunkenness is his default state. [14:43] if he doesnt have to work the next day, yes. [14:43] that's never been a valid excuse in #*buntu* though [14:44] as i mentioned to jrib before... this guy used to be an op of -au and -au-chat [14:45] I wondered where he'd gone from the access lists. [14:45] i removed him a while back when he decided to ban someone from -au for disagreeing with him [14:46] Ah. Lovely [14:53] wgrant, btw, the guy in -chat now is dead serious when he asks what things mean [15:01] * ompaul breaks ompaul and gets to keep all the pieces === profoX` is now known as Gunirus === Gunirus is now known as profoX === profoX is now known as profoX` [16:24] is there a factoid for those poor souls who insist on using windows partitions and they get some file system inconsistency junk error messages [16:24] * ompaul offers nealmcb a seat at the table [16:25] pici has a life sorry weekend [16:26] lo [16:26] evand, ^^ I think that you might be closest to an answer to that [16:26] * ompaul just thinks ok - not saying, guessing [16:39] smallfoot currently being mediated [16:39] wants an ubuntu channel with no rules. [16:40] haha [16:40] explain that'd mean no rule to stop us kickbanning his butt to kingdom come [16:41] how he ever got a cloak I cannot imagine. [16:42] his cloak has a - in it.. i thought that qualified for a /x-12355676 crappy thing [16:43] smallfoot-, its like use mosquito spray in arctic referring to antivirus advice [16:49] that logic hurts my brain [16:50] apparently #ubuntu is not the only channel he is being disruptive in either. [16:50] you mean other channels have rules too? drat! :) [16:50] yeah; he asked again for a #norules channel :) [16:51] it conveniently exists [16:51] hehe [16:53] he's just informed #freenode someone wants to removes his cloak [16:53] he expressed much concern about that. [16:54] said he would trade it for 1000 year ban in #ubuntu. [16:55] riiight, because he'll be around to see that ban lifted and all [16:55] heh [16:55] and of course we'll be around to enforce it [16:55] the singularity is near :) [16:56] he's in +1 too [16:56] anyway, it's 2am. im off to bed. cya [16:56] cya [17:56] Jack_Sparrow, when you have a moment ping me please [17:56] ping [17:56] msg me [18:38] elkbuntu: - is the only non-alphanumeric character that is allowed in cloaks [19:03] * jussi01 walks in [19:04] lo jussi01 [19:04] Heya Seeker` [19:04] how be? [19:05] tired... but ok [19:40] Gary, vorian is a ctcp ping with a large series of numbers a bad thing? [19:41] ompaul: yes [19:42] nalioth, chris| [19:42] see - offtopic [19:42] we're having splits [19:43] nalioth, I notice [19:43] oh that [19:43] client idiocy [19:43] ack [19:52] !whoami [19:52] Factoid whoami not found [19:53] !who am i [19:53] Factoid who am i not found [19:53] !ompaul [19:53] ompaul is well ompaul, don't get me started about that guy [19:53] @whoami [19:53] Pici: pici [19:53] @whoami [19:53] ompaul: ompaul [19:53] I am who I am because the bot says so? [19:55] we wave at ompaul [19:55] ubottu, in is #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India [19:55] I'll remember that, ompaul [19:55] !in [19:55] in is #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India [19:57] ubottu no in is #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India [19:57] I'll remember that ompaul [19:58] In #kubuntu, seraph said: ubottu: thanks. is that for gnome? is there any anything from cli (i remember, ooat, there was an apt-spy)? [19:58] !bot > seraph [20:17] !repomirror-#kubuntu is To find the fastest repo available, go to Adept - Manage Repositories and select "Other" from the drop down list, then click "Find Best Server" [20:17] I'll remember that, jussi01 [20:17] !no, repomirror-#kubuntu is To find the fastest repo available, go to Adept - Manage Repositories and select "Other" from the drop down list, then click "Find Best Server" [20:17] I'll remember that jussi01 [20:22] wtf is up with ubottu ? [20:22] nalioth: ? [20:22] @btlogin [20:22] * nalioth grumbles about bots in general [20:22] :/ [20:39] /me yawns [20:48] * Seeker` prods the servesr [20:49] ikonia, you on planet IRC? [21:01] anyone know what is up with the servers? [21:15] fix my irc kthxbye [21:15] lo Myrtti [21:15] visitin at my moms :-) [21:15] :D [21:15] I gotta send this one picture to flickr... [21:16] nah, didn't even take it [21:17] http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2557627183/ Daddy ♥ [21:18] he made two of those, the other one has a plastic box as a roof so I can grow wheat on top of it :-P === Ward1983__ is now known as Ward198 [21:24] my original nick is ghosted, can someone kick it? [21:24] i need to send a /msg so i need to identify [21:24] Ward198: /msg nickserv help release [21:24] Ward198: you don't need to be identified to message anymore, unless the other person is +E [21:25] PriceChild, never mind the person accepted PMs from unindentfied people :) [21:25] didnt notice that [21:32] i would like to know why i cant be in here? [21:32] am i banned from here too? [21:33] Ward198: could you come back in an hour please? [21:34] Ward198, read the topic and then go away for an hour [21:34] well in an hour chences are large that im sleeping.......... [21:35] well whatever, its not that you people care about ubuntu users anyway [21:35] come back tomorrow then [21:35] this one can get back in - in an hour also [21:35] PriceChild, ^^ [21:36] PriceChild, have a look at the pm [21:45] Myrtti: lol - http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/1967206098/ - Can you make me one for my tablet :p [21:47] depends :-) [21:47] very nice bit of sewing [21:47] or knitting even [21:49] WTH?! [21:49] :O [21:49] Your slip is showing [21:50] ompaul: whuzzup [21:50] Myrtti, we are loosing chanserv [21:50] okies [21:50] now and again so maybe someone can still have ops [21:50] that is all [21:50] says who? [21:50] Seeker`, what happens in a netsplit? [21:50] servers disconnect [21:50] and [21:51] its been netsplitting for > an hour, so why op now? [21:51] Seeker`, in case we need it [21:51] and while we can [21:51] I changed servers [21:51] Myrtti, so no use ;-) [21:52] you would have had it on one side I had noticed you splitting [21:52] /me changes back [21:54] so. [21:55] now that works [21:55] :) [21:56] Myrtti, you not in #ubuntu since you rejoined? [21:56] not yet [21:56] k [21:57] I've tried to reduce the amount of IRC I use by not having a thing in my autojoin [21:57] ... [21:57] no such luck [21:58] WTH [21:59] [20:53] [freenode] *** Irssi: Looking up heinlein.freenode.net [21:59] [20:58] *** Netsplit heinlein.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: teksturi, [22:00] how can I be connected to heinlein and *NOT* be affected with the split? [22:00] uit (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) [22:00] wrong server ;-) [22:37] soundray called the ops in #ubuntu (InMyButt) [22:40] i was asked to return, but i don't get any response now... (not so far at least) [22:40] why should i talk about my ban? i just renew my ip and come back... [22:41] InMyButt, then they will ban you decently :) [22:41] how?? [22:41] actually its impossible [22:42] whatever you say :) [22:42] u wanna ban my isp then? [22:43] actually there is now technical way to do it without hurting others [22:43] so, well fuck you [22:43] im not a op lol [22:43] i meant fuck u ubuntu ops [22:44] lol [22:44] Ward1983, well ehh given your comments I wonder - my client froze so heres the deal in 10 mins I will unban you I ask you to read this doc in the interim [22:44] !guidelines [22:44] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [22:45] sure, only i find it weird that you need ten minutes to unban someone because your client froze, but i won't ask lol [22:46] no that is not it [22:46] maybe you have my nice little gnome problem too, that would be hylarious [22:46] I did not reply because my client froze but its happy again [22:46] give up mirc ompaul [22:47] * ompaul looks at nickrud [22:47] yeah i understand, no problem, i thought you were not replying to annoy me [22:47] * ompaul thinks peter gabriel words [22:47] * nickrud sidles off [22:47] nickrud, :P [22:47] * ompaul thinks nickrud knows the song [22:48] and i know the doc [22:48] probably, but the ref isn't coming yet ... oh. Glad I'm out of reach :) [22:48] Ward1983, well you are unbanned and I wonder if you actually did what I suggested and if you have anything to report [22:49] ompaul, i didnt try noapic no, because it was never needed before for this machine [22:49] not ever [22:49] Ward1983, I suggested it for a reason if you don't try it you won't get very far [22:49] you need to rule things in and out [22:50] but how can that be the problem if it has never caused problems before? [22:50] just try it ;-) [22:51] it has sorted stuff for me in the past where it didn't appear to make sense [22:51] then i need to let it run like a week or so with noapic to make sure it will stay running :s [22:51] if it doesnt crash for a week the problem is probably gone [22:51] so try it [22:51] for as long as you can [22:51] and do both of them [22:52] i dunno it doesnt seem to be a logical first step :s [22:52] it doesnt make any sense nobody talked about noapic before [22:52] and its like the tenth time i coma and ask about my problem [22:52] then get different hardware [22:53] i will remember it but i think it might be better to try something else first [22:53] if there are other things i can try [22:53] replace your power supply run memcheck [22:54] but first I always try that [22:54] and it works for me I run 60 desktops in work [22:54] power supply is fine its one with those digital digits on it, it tests the power first before you turn it on [22:55] it could output faulty to the board [22:55] memtest i allready tried remember [22:55] I have 60 machines I am telling you what I do [22:55] they are all desktops [22:55] then you have some spare parts [22:55] im a home user its not liek i have power supplyes lying around here [22:56] no I have a supplier less than 3km away [22:56] and they know me well [22:56] :) [22:56] im not rich enough to buy a new power supply just to check to make sure [22:56] my pwer supply is fine though [22:56] do what I said [22:56] i could easily test it [22:56] [22:56] just do it where does it say this is not the issue [22:57] ompaul: this isn't #ubuntu [22:57] and btw this is not the support channel please just do it and then you can rule it in or out [22:57] Seeker`, correct [22:57] * nalioth wonders where #ubuntu went . . . [22:57] jesus you people are all the same [22:57] nalioth: two channels -> way (for me at least) [22:57] * Ward1983 runs away [23:40] Myrtti, has it stopped yet do you think?