[00:59] can someone help with an vsftpd problem? error @ http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17028/ [01:09] I get no love [01:10] soulc: sounds like something is wrong with your PAM configuration [01:13] any suggestion on fixing it? [01:13] soulc: perhaps something as simple as a too restrictive permission [01:14] can you point to docs maybe? [01:14] soulc: check the permissions of /etc/pam.d/vsftpd [01:14] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 334 2008-05-25 17:05 vsftpd [01:15] soulc: and the /etc/pam.d directory? [01:15] should the dir be exicutable? [01:15] yes, 0755 in that case [01:16] drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-05-25 22:38 pam.d [01:16] sommer: the openldap in my ppa should be built if you want to test it out [01:17] soulc: looks fine, I don't have any more immediate ideas [01:17] hi all. anyone written a patch for logwatch to report the number of blocked keys/the keys (like failed logins/illegal users). [01:17] thansk [01:17] er [01:17] thanks for the effort.. |-) [01:17] perhaps the file is empty, or has some bogus content [01:18] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17038/ [01:20] dendrobates: I don't see a spec for the different flavors of server (e.g. the mail gateway) that we discussed at UDS. [01:22] soulc: no immediate clue, sorry [01:22] soulc: I would enable debugging somewhere, vsftpd probably [01:22] thanks anyway it is kinda strange [01:22] ok [01:22] or add some pam_warn.so lines in the pam file to see up to where it is getting [01:24] the error message is saying that it can't load the vsftpd file in /etc/pam.d [01:24] soulc: pastebin the error [01:24] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17028/ [01:26] soulc: does the file exist? whats its perms? [01:27] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 334 2008-05-25 17:05 /etc/pam.d/vsftpd [01:28] was it created by you or something else? [01:28] something else [01:29] i'm sure i've seen the error before, just dont remember the context [01:29] (eg, how i fixed it) [01:29] ha ha ha [01:29] isn't that always the way [01:30] yeah :/ it was 10 months ago in a different country :P [01:30] I just can't login [01:30] it is weird [01:31] does your /etc/ftpusres (or whatever it was called) exist? [01:31] yes [01:33] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/17043/ conf file [01:46] guys - anybody know how to set up a ddns-update scheme? [01:46] between bind9 and dhcp-server === nealmc1 is now known as nealmcb [02:12] * danshearer is away: Zzzz [02:23] zul: sweet [02:23] evening [02:24] hey jjesse_ === jjesse_ is now known as jjeses === jjeses is now known as jjesse [02:24] thats better [02:24] hello sommer [05:37] kirkland: Would you please add licensing/copyright info to your ubuntu-vm-builder parameter generator script? It's be useful for me possibly to reuse it. [05:37] ScottK: sure, i'm planning on adding it to ubuntu-vm-builder, soren-permitting [05:37] ScottK: would be licensed under the same as that package [05:38] ScottK: I'm glad to hear you find it useful ;-) [05:38] ScottK: I'll prepare a debdiff/branch for soren tomorrow, okay? [05:39] kirkland: All i need is for you to add it to your .html file on p.u.c. I plan to modify it. [05:40] ScottK: okay.... [05:40] * kgoetz respams channel with his question - anyone written a patch for logwatch to report the number of blocked sshkeys by ssh-vulnkey (like failed logins/illegal users) [05:43] ScottK: see how that looks.... [05:44] kirkland: THanks. [05:44] ScottK: no prob, enjoy. === dantalizing is now known as the_apostle [06:08] hi all [06:09] I need some help with compiling a driver [06:09] specifically how the heck I get all the headers needed [06:11] What are you compiling? [06:14] highpoint "open source" drivers [06:14] for the rocket raid 454 [06:15] I am trying to follow this howto: http://stefan.freyr.org/?page_id=6 [06:15] but am stuck at the make section [06:15] it is obvious I am missing headers [06:15] but I have no idea wich ones or how to get them [06:18] It's not obvious to me without an error message. [06:18] :) [06:19] there are alot of them [06:19] Pastebin them. [06:19] how do I do that? [06:19] I have been trying to pipe to an output file [06:19] with no success [06:20] Are you in an SSH terminal or at the console? If a SSH terminal just copy and paste. [06:21] at the terminal [06:21] ca_dsl: try 'upstream-dev' (it may still be in the repos) [06:22] You should be able to `command > output_file` [06:23] kgoetz: "Could not find package upstream-dev" [06:23] ls [06:23] oops. (ls wasa meant for my terminal) [06:23] hads: i did that but the output did not match what was on the screen [06:23] pity. it would be handy right now [06:24] Well it may be stderr, try `command &> output_file` [06:24] ca_dsl: you might need 2> as well (stderr) [06:24] ahh [06:24] okay [06:24] says that I don't have config.h [06:25] Do you have the kernel headers installed? [06:25] I believe I do [06:25] yes [06:25] pastebin the output from `uname -r` and `dpkg -l | grep linux-` [06:26] "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-server exists [06:26] hads: trying now [06:28] hds: does not come up with anything [06:28] but I am sure I did an apt-get install linux-2.6.24-16-server [06:28] Impossible. type; uname -r [06:29] uname-r = 2.6.24-16-server [06:29] ? [06:30] I am running Hardy [06:30] OK now type dpkg -l | grep linux-header [06:30] 2 things [06:31] header files related to Linux kernal version [06:31] The package name... [06:32] linux-headers-2.6.24-16 [06:32] and linux-headers-2.6.24-16-server [06:32] OK good [06:33] ca_dsl: did you 'sudo apt-get build-dep ?' [06:33] am running all these commands after a sudo su [06:34] I never did a build-dep [06:34] could that be the prob [06:34] simply apt-get install [06:34] * nealmcb nods [06:34] Sounds like the source is too old for the kernel you are running. [06:34] that's what its for [06:34] *sigh* [06:34] figures [06:34] your also using your own environment, just be aware that when you switch back to your user some of your files may be owend by root [06:35] hmm, did not know that but is good to know [06:35] if I could build the driver then install it the file ownership is not too important [06:35] I would think any way [06:36] I need this driver for the rocket raid card as [06:37] I intend to use the raid 5 array to store the network data [06:37] http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch/2006-December/012952.html [06:37] * ca_dsl goes to url [06:38] *ponders* [06:38] could I copy autoconf.h to config.h [06:38] since i have no idea where the reference is for me to change it [06:38] nm [06:39] so if I understand that [06:40] I simply edit the .c file and change config.h to autoconf.h [06:41] well that took care of the first error [06:41] but there are a whole bunch of others [06:54] hads: I can send you the file [06:54] the output that is [07:01] ahh [07:02] hads you were right [07:02] the source code it too old for the kernal [07:02] http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=777848 [07:04] so basically this card is a 4 channel ide card for me [07:04] with no raid support [07:13] if I could download a pre-compiled driver for ubuntu 7 would it work on 8? [07:14] ie compile it on 7 and copy it my server (8) [07:14] ? [07:18] well i guess compile it on a previous kernel [07:18] and use it on the new kernerl [07:19] err kernel? [07:19] anyone? [07:31] i doubt it would [07:32] (read: it wont) === nijaba` is now known as nijaba [08:05] does the server kernel have PAE support? [08:12] heylow [08:13] i have a handfull of qestions... that im shur any of you can easly anwser [08:15] !ask | thatguyisjames [08:15] thatguyisjames: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [08:15] ok... i wanted to wait to make shur you all where alive.. [08:17] i have just installed the 8.04 ubuntu server on a older pc i have siting around. im just goofing around to basicly see what i can do, i want to learn more about web services and servers. now i have a ok knolage of command line, i can get around in CLI, but... i dont know much about servers. i know enuff about IP addresses to setup a small network. but i dont understand how i can get my dommain name to work and stuff.. [08:18] i have currently a static ip address setup... and the server is named \\server ... the catch is how do i get it so i can go to the firefox addie..and type http://server and it load the page [08:18] not just load the page... but load a html page that i made... i dont even know what folder to ftp into ..or if i can even ftp it... [08:18] you need a dns server of some sort [08:18] and an httpd i guess [08:18] use scp to copy files around [08:19] over the network? [08:19] see im making the webpages on this desktop...and im going to ftp over to it.. or was... cuz thats all ive ever messed with is ftp [08:19] use scp to copy files around [08:19] the webserver is working.... when i type in the IP it conects and gives me LAMP's defualt of 'its working!' [08:20] so syntax would be somthign like ' scp ~/site http://server/site [08:20] or is scp the protacol [08:21] scp is the tool. man scp [08:21] (ssh is the protool) [08:21] *protocol [08:23] ok thats easy enuff so the syntax is pretty simple i omost had it right... [08:23] scp thatguy@server ~/file.html [08:23] almost [08:24] scp ~/myfile login@server: [08:24] and you'll probably want to make a public_html in your home on the server, and enable usermod [08:24] oks.. now..where do i put that on the server.. [08:24] so in the home folder.. i need to make AH HA.. so the home folder is like the main index [08:25] so make a dir . then do a chmod 777 on it? [08:25] i just dont get how the computer takes the ip address and turns it into a webpage [08:25] i get that apache dose it.. i just dont get what its thinking and like how its ya works [08:26] did you bother to read what i said :/ [08:27] yes... make a folder that is public and enable usermod... [08:27] i made a folder named ... public... [08:27] and i ran chmod 777 [08:29] you dont need or want to [08:29] you want ~/public_html to be 755 [08:30] and your ~ to be 701 [08:30] ok [08:31] now how do i view a hosted webpage, i just made a html doc on the server a simple one in nano, and i saved it test.html inside public [08:32] is that where i should save the file... what i dont you understand is i am completly dumbfounded on how apache is hosting this i dont understand the background workings...so everything else is magic cuz i dont know the workings [08:33] it would be easier to work with you if you used english. [08:33] and i cant find crap online thats helpful... everything is telling you how to install apache .. bla bla ..but isnt explaing where to store the files. [08:35] (my apologies for bad spelling and punctuation.) i will try and type slower so that its clearer, its just i am geting frustrated. all im looking for is a short explination on where to store my html files so that i can go to firefox, and type http://www.server.net/index.html and get a page i made [08:36] if you visit http://server.net/~yourusername/index.html you will see the index.html in ~/public_html on the server [08:37] if you visit http://server.net/index.html you will see index.html in /var/www/ on the server (thats its default location at least) [08:37] to get server.net to resolv to an IP address you will either need to add it to your clients hosts file, or setup a dns server of some sort [08:39] ok and is that the /etc/resolv.conf (somone elses wrote a readme on how to setup LAMP) they mentioned this. [08:39] http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn-lamp-server.html [08:40] thats what i followed [08:42] no its not. its the hosts file ( /etc/hosts) for static configuration, or a dns server [08:43] ok i found host.conf it says [08:43] order host,bind [08:43] multi on [08:44] did you find /etc/hosts? [08:44] yes.. its /etc/host.conf [08:44] NO ITS NOT [08:45] oks.. i did ls |home so i can see it all.... [08:45] i have host.conf hostname hosts [08:46] cat hostname prints out server [08:46] should i change that to server.net or .com? [08:46] no. server is fine [08:48] oks now with the home dir it dont seem to be working, i cant accsess the server trew the name yet. ive just been doing http:// ip address/ and it brings up the index.html that is in /var/www [08:49] have you done this? : (17:07:28) kgoetz: to get server.net to resolv to an IP address you will either need to add it to your clients hosts file, or setup a dns server of some sort [08:50] 'add to your clients host file' that means on this comptuer .. i have to add server to the hosts file? [08:50] yes [08:51] New bug: #237557 in openssh (main) "chroot fails if compiled with SELinux support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237557 [08:51] thatguyisjames: pastebin the contents of your hosts file and i'll give you an example [08:51] !pastebin | thatguyisjames [08:51] thatguyisjames: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [08:52] dude i got it... just add the ip and then add the name server [08:53] no, then the servers name [08:54] yep, in my case the name of the server is server [08:54] "name server" means something else again :) [08:54] yep http://server/ now gives me the it index page ... found in /var/www on the server [08:56] woot :) [08:56] oks thats a pretty simple fix, this is just a 'in house' fix tho... for small networks. my desktop is the only comptuer that knows to think of as server every one else just sees the ip address [08:56] now ... if i type http://server/thatguy/index.html i get a not found error [08:57] needs to be http://server/~thatguy/ [08:57] (notice tilda) [08:57] yep.. i noticed it..but i figured it was a typo [08:58] still gives me a error saying not found on server [08:58] do i need to chmod 755 the html file too? [08:58] 644 should do [09:00] still its not finding it [09:01] do i need to do a link in the /var/www/ folder or dosnt apache need to know what folders to share to the 'net' [09:01] sounds like the module isnt enabled properly (without knowing the error your getting) [09:02] its a 404 error [09:03] ' the reqested url was not found on this server [09:03] how did you enable the userdir module? [09:04] ... i installed LAMP... http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn-lamp-server.html [09:05] i fallowed this read me exactly down to the static ip... [09:06] look this whole thing is a learning experiance. im just trying to learn how all this works.i dont know anything about any of this. i know linux, i dont know web or server info at all [09:08] right. so having installed a lamp server, you have to work out how to enable userdir [09:09] btw, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ? [09:09] yes? ... as in i havnt done it yet [09:09] i have googled everything i can thing of and cant find any good resorces ... just to explain the software... [09:17] ok so it tells me to make a new file called 'mysite' inside of /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and point it to my home/user/public_html [09:17] ive done this... now the name defualt means this is the defualt page loaded when the server is reached... how do i make it view the 'mysite' option? [09:25] ahh.. im done for the night.. ill bug you peeps later. thank you for the link, that was very helpful, and you did help me understand alittle bit more then i did. [09:27] moin [10:44] i installed windows server 2008 a while back, then I booted the hardy live cd and used gparted to resize my main NTFS and create a small ext2 fs as well.... when I rebooted the machine it failed to boot because gparted has overwritten tbe MBR... this is NOT good because tons of people will never install linux ever again if this happens [10:45] (I was able to restore the MBR with dd etc but most windows users won't have a chance to recover from such an error) [10:45] i believe this is a new bug which happens only with windows server 2008 because I did the same thing at home with my vista home premium and there everything worked fine [11:15] mnemo: Please report a bug at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+filebug [11:16] i dont have access to the windows server 2008 machine any more so I can't provide any detailed info on it [11:26] i posted a bug now anyway --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/237585 [11:26] Launchpad bug 237585 in gparted "gparted makes MBR unreadable by win2008" [Undecided,New] [11:27] hello all [11:28] I want to create my first test blueprint. Any clues how to associate it with Ubuntu Server? [11:28] I went to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/specs/+new [11:28] Then searched for a project: ubuntu-server, ubuntuserver, serverteam.... [11:28] ? [11:32] ah ha, I found this via the wiki: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/ [11:37] experience with hardy on dell m1000e enclosure and m600 blades anyone? [11:38] mnemo: thanks :) [11:57] New bug: #237587 in samba (main) "crash application before upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237587 [12:01] danshearer: you just have to subscribe "ubuntu-server" to the blueprint. use "Subscribe someone else" on the left side. Also it is a good idea to mark Rick Clark/dendrobates as the approver. [12:04] ikonia: I have an ubutu client authenticated to my network server but the client cannot play sound from a cd rom. Client does have access to the cd but just no sound. I have verified that nothing is muted. Any help here? [12:05] ikonia: umm.. I'm authenticated using ldap [12:05] cjsstables: hello, what's up [12:05] just reading [12:05] cjsstables: the cdrom is not local ? [12:06] yes cdrom is local on the client. it is playing fine. just no sound on the client [12:06] how can it be playing fine on the client, but have no sound on the client ? [12:06] can you be a bit more specific [12:08] What I mean is the I have rhythem box running. IT accesses the cdrom just fine. and begins playing the Audio CD, but I have no sound output [12:08] cjsstables: ok, can anything else work/play sound ? [12:09] no [12:10] cjsstables: is your user in the audio group ? [12:10] If I log on to the client with a local user (non network authentication) sound plays just fine. Also on boot up I get the ubuntu drum roll... [12:10] ok, so it looks like your central authenticated user is not in the audio gorup [12:10] group [12:10] (at a guess) [12:10] my guess is no the user is not in the audion group since the user is an ldap authenticated user [12:11] ok, so make a ldap audio group [12:12] ok. I know how to make an ldap group, but I don't know the ins and outs of making a specific audio group [12:12] on your local box the sound stuff is controlled via a group called "audio" with a gid of 30 (I think) easy think to do is to match that up in ldap [12:13] you can do it in am ore awkward way, but thats the easy way [12:14] ok. I use phpldapadmin to edit groups after I create them, so once created then use phpldapadmin to change gid to 30 right [12:14] call it audio too to keep it simple, but the key is the gid [12:14] see how that effects your client [12:14] (I now see why you where pointing out it was authed against ldap) [12:15] ok I can do that... how can I verify that the local client uses gid30 for audio? [12:15] cjsstables: look in /etc/group at the adutio group [12:15] audio [12:16] or do "id" on your local user [12:16] (the one that works) [12:16] or "groups" [12:17] hello [12:17] ok. I gotta switch users and be back.... thanks [12:17] could anyone please give me a dns server ip (anything but a german dns) [12:17] [12:18] errr, most dns servers will be locked down from public use [12:18] Nafallo: thanks! [12:19] also [12:27] ikonia: guess I have a problem with the local client. I get the drum roll at the login screen, but no sound after a local login. [12:28] * nijaba bbl [12:28] so I guess I'll hold off on doing the audio group at the server and try to figure out why local sopund doesn't work [12:30] anyone know of a good sound diagnostic wiki? [12:30] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems ? === slimjim8094____ is now known as slimjim8094 [12:39] orga: Thanks.. got that debugged... === [gquit]bombadil is now known as gquit|bombadil [12:49] ikonia: i did smbldap-groupadd -g 30 Audio and got error adding group [13:05] hello all, i have ubuntu-server installed but alsa not installed by default, what package i need to install for alsa to get sound working ? [13:11] mohamed_: For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu [13:12] thanks soren i'll do now [13:12] :) [13:12] i only because i installed ubuntu-server :) === danshearer is now known as danshearerimnots === danshearerimnots is now known as danshearer [13:41] morning [13:41] morning jjesse [13:44] sommer: thanks for testing [13:45] how are you sommer? [14:04] zul: no problem, I'm going to update my test production machine this morning to check for regressions, but so far looks good :) [14:04] jjesse: I'm good, need some more sleepy time, heh [14:04] sommer: don't we all, was up watching the red wings game instead of going to bed [14:07] ya that looked like a good game, but I missed it [14:07] recorded it and saved it to my dvr [14:08] hi all [14:08] is it no longer possible to configure software raid through the server installer? [14:09] sommer: sweetness [14:09] sommer: let me know as soon as possible if anything goes wrong [14:10] i have to say software root raid [14:11] as far as i remember it is possible with the etch installer [14:27] hi. can anyone point me to a good tutorial to make a network server? [14:29] saltedlight: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html [14:29] In your ~/public_html folder you can put your files, php is supported. [14:29] sorry, wrong # [14:33] saltedlight: what sort of "networked server" [14:33] web, ftp, file, etc [14:33] router [14:34] well sommer covered it. [14:44] is there a proper way to remove old kernels from /boot? [14:47] yes [14:47] I don't know it >_> [14:48] i have a system that is connected to internet using pppoe on eth0. what i wanna do is to share the internet connection with other computers. for this i have the second network card, eth1, wich is connected to a switch. other computers should just be pluged in to the switch and they should get an local ip and get connected to internet [14:49] i'm not shure if is the proper way to do that, but i just remove the old kernels from /boot/grub/menu.lst and then delete each of them from /boot [14:50] <\sh> melter, apt-get remove linux-image- ? [14:52] New bug: #237630 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 - fails due to AppArmor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237630 [14:52] http://mibbit.com/pb/BYl9df [14:52] saltedlight look at that [14:53] not sure if it will help [14:56] is there some howto for ubuntu server 8.04 and raid installation? [14:57] jdstrand: can you look at that new mysql bug? [15:04] Hi soren. Filed a qemu bug for you, complete with screenshot and patch :) bug 237635 [15:04] Launchpad bug 237635 in qemu "qemu mouse and keyboard grab is an accessibility problem" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237635 [15:06] zul: responded [15:07] jdstrand: thanks.. === uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot [15:22] heno: Heh.. thanks. [15:23] is it possible having /boot partition on a ubuntu server raid installation? [15:24] <_ruben> sure [15:25] when i try with installer it fails [15:27] <_ruben> /dev/md0 on /boot type ext3 (rw) [15:27] <_ruben> works like a charm [15:28] <_ruben> didnt do anything special to make it work either [15:30] i create only one raid device [15:30] #0 [15:30] so where's your root partition? [15:30] i try o use only one raid device with all partition on it [15:32] and i have boot and / partition on the same software raid device [15:33] partman fails with this error [15:33] Error running tune2fs -l dev/md/0 [15:40] errr, most dns servers will be locked down from public use [15:40] cjsstables: how did you get on [15:40] (oops, ignore the first line) [15:45] <_ruben> tomsh: you cant create multiple partitions on a md device, you need a single md device for each partition [15:45] <_ruben> but im out .. bbl [15:45] ok [15:45] thanks [15:45] tomsh: Er.. [15:45] tomsh: How would you put more than one filesystem on a single block device? [15:45] LVM? [15:46] no [15:46] Hi, i need a web-based GUI for an ubuntu server running apache and some ftp server (proftpd maybe) to do the accounting and general monitoring. any suggestions or recommendation? [15:49] soren: you are right but installer permits this way [15:51] tomsh: How? === lamont` is now known as lamont_ === lamont_ is now known as lamont__ === lamont__ is now known as lamont [15:54] soren: installer fails during partitioning but permit to put more than one filesystem using menu [15:54] how` [15:54] ? [15:55] after creating raid device [15:55] if i use guided partitioning [15:55] it put / and swap on the same raid device [15:56] The guided partitioning did? [15:56] yes [15:56] i'm tryng with a virtual server now [15:56] I'd talk to the good folks in #ubuntu-installer about this, if I were you. [15:56] i have to do other test [15:57] now grub fails... [15:57] coffee break now... :) [16:25] any way to get official cds of the ubuntu server? [16:26] Hey guys. I've implemented an icecast2 server, but using ffmpeg2theora with oggfwd renderse horribly out of sync videos. I'm working on an mplayer hack right now that'll encode from raw streams sitting in a buffer. In the meantime, any other ideas for a small streaming server for 5 people? [16:26] jjesse: shipit.ubuntu.com is what you are probably looking for [16:27] zul: can i get official server cds from there? i know i can get official ubuntu cds but didn't know if i can get official server cds [16:28] jjesse: I believe so but if you download the iso thats offical as well [16:28] i know was hoping for something shiny and nice like i got at UDS Boston [16:30] jjesse: yes you can get an offical server cds fom shipit [16:30] zul thanks [16:32] zul: thanks for the info always used shipit.kubuntu instead of shipit.ubntu [16:35] any idea why permission to copy files would be denied to the Darwin Streaming Server ./Install? I'm running as sudo and tried as root. [16:44] hi all, is there anyone who have tried heartbeat in hardy using IPaddr2 as clone resource? === ogra_ is now known as ogra [17:02] anyone on permissions problem above? [17:56] mathiaz: ping [17:59] mathiaz: so I went through all of the upstream openldap bugs and divided them into crashers/hangs, syncrepl bugs, and other ran the openldap testsuites, sommer is running it on his test servers without any problems so far and I just have to file all the SRU paperwork and do the upload to proposed [18:09] zul: awesome ! [18:09] zul: which bug number ? [18:10] mathiaz: still writing up the bug :) [18:16] mathiaz: bug #237688 [18:16] Launchpad bug 237688 in openldap2.3 "[SRU] openldap 2.4.9 from 8.04.1." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237688 [18:17] A newbie here. just got LAMP working. I was wondering if there was a way to assign my IP a public hostname when I have dynamic service. i'd love a live test/demo site for this little project im doing.. [18:19] babolat: dyndns.org [18:20] * danshearer is away: blah [18:22] zul: where the two test run sucessful ? [18:23] mathiaz: yep [18:23] zul: hm - were qa-regression and upstream tests sucessful ? [18:23] zul: did some of them failed in 2.4.7 ? [18:24] mathiaz: yeah there are two tests that are know to fail [18:24] s/know/known/g [18:25] zul: known to fail in 2.4.7 and 2.4.9 ? [18:25] zul: or only 2.4.7 ? [18:25] mathiaz: known to fail in 2.4.7 and 2.4.9 because of the way we build openldap I believe [18:26] New bug: #237688 in openldap2.3 (main) "[SRU] openldap 2.4.9 from 8.04.1." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237688 [18:27] zul: I'd update the bug description to specify that both test suites are sucessful [18:27] zul: and that the tests that fail, also failed on 2.4.7 [18:27] zul: ie no regression were introduced as far as tests are concerned [18:29] i may joined the discussion a bit late and I dont know what you guys were talking about but i just gave up on openldap yesterday since i could not implement tls [18:30] mathiaz: grr its complaining about a bad md5sum [18:30] lsal: would this be your problem: http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi/Software%20Bugs?id=5360;selectid=5360 ? [18:31] lsal: could you try openldap 2.4.9 for hardy - it's available in zul PPA - https://launchpad.net/~zulcss/+archive [18:34] i will scratch the whole thing and start it now. I am following this procedure for the certificates http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/185.html [18:35] is anything else to add in the slapd.conf or ldap.conf [18:46] kirkland: random thought while review my TODO list, can you add to the "Private directory" blueprint the need to document the adduser configuration files better so that admins can set home dirs to 700 by default if they want to? [18:46] kees: sure [18:47] thx :) [18:51] mathiaz: uploaded to hardy-proposed [18:52] test [18:53] kees: done, added to "Outstanding Issues" -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory === the_apostle is now known as dantalizing [18:55] perfect [19:04] I'm having trouble with a new install of mysql whereby I cannot log in as the root user, only as user mysql, and in which case I cannot access the mysql db and edit the users table...any help appreciated [19:07] can we add http://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki/utrace/tests to a checklist somewhere for kernel testing once the intrepid kernel is out? [19:10] kees: we should start a wiki page on u.c that lists how to run test suites on our packages [19:33] hello all [19:33] iam using ubuntu8.04 (server) [19:33] is there a way to set default-grub-parameters in a config. so that after an update they will allways use automaticly [19:33] i mean grub-parameter like ro quiete splash [19:34] ctx144k: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst line '# defoptions=...' changing "..." to whatever you want, and then "sudo update-grub" [19:35] kees, one moment, ill look for it [19:36] nice, ill try [19:49] kees, that is not what i mean [19:49] after a kernel-update grub is reconfigure the menu.lst [19:50] i need lang=de_DE for the new kernel [19:59] ctx144k: did you read 'man update-grub' ? [19:59] and the comments in the default menu.lst ? [20:20] sup guys [20:20] anyone there? [20:22] !ask | slimjim8094 [20:22] slimjim8094: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [20:23] kees: regarding EncryptedPrivateDirectory, I'm going to need to get ecryptfs-utils from universe into main, so we'll probably need to have a code review of it at some point, right? [20:23] ubuntu server 8.04 with bind9 authoratative for my domain and dhcp3-server on the same computer. need dhcp3-server (or alternately the dhcp client) to update the ddns records in bind [20:24] kees: can we set aside some time for that during our July sprint? [20:28] kirkland: sure, that sounds good [20:28] kirkland: it might be a good idea to start the MIR process for it now anyway, since there is more than just the audit to do. [20:29] kees: you bet, i'm capturing that in the outstanding issues in the spec, at the moment [20:30] eeeexcellent [20:33] heya people :) [20:33] heya emgent === slimjim8094 is now known as Guest63888 === slimjim8094____ is now known as roblaptop === roblaptop is now known as slimjim8094 === nijaba` is now known as nijaba [21:15] regex n00b help: " named\[.(computer|" [21:16] never mind [21:34] zul: debdiff uploaded to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/235294 [21:34] Launchpad bug 235294 in apache2 "[SRU] apache2 mpm-worker segmentation fault." [Undecided,Confirmed] === dantalizing is now known as the_apostle [22:49] kees: is there any reason to keep the logic and dependencie on openssl-blacklist in ssl-cert in intrepid ? [22:50] kees: IIUC we don't need to check that the snakeoil cert has been generated with a vulnerable openssl since we'd only upgrade from hardy [23:09] mathiaz: hm, well, I'm unsure. What about hardy-to-LTS+1? [23:11] kees: hm.. we support upgrade from LTS to LTS+2 ? [23:11] dunno, but since hardy was affected, I'd guess we'd want to keep it. [23:12] kees: hardy has an updated version of ssl-cert - and before starting a dist-upgrade, end user are supposed to run an update [23:12] "supposed to" is the key there. I'm certainly on the fence about it. [23:12] kees: keeping around means we'd support from hardy that haven't installed the ssl-cert update [23:13] yeah, I think perhaps not then -- double check with jdstrand, though. he spent much more time on the ssl cert part of the problems. === erichammon1 is now known as erichammond [23:21] New bug: #237768 in krb5 (main) "Please sync krb5 1.6.dfsg.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/237768 [23:31] if they've still got bad ssl certificates by the time they go to upgrade, they've got issues [23:40] mathiaz, kees: I'd prefer to keep it. [23:40] soren: why ? it's the only diff with debian. [23:41] There's a difference between which upgrades paths are supported and which upgrade paths we'll accept might leave you with a highly vulnerable system. [23:41] mathiaz: What has debian done to combat the ssl problem in ssl-cert? Nothing? [23:41] soren: AFAICT yes [23:41] I'd much rather work towards getting the cool stuff into Debian and then keep it. [23:42] I for one sometimes upgrade from odd versions of Ubuntu to whatever is current. [23:42] soren: right - that's the another option [23:42] ...because I'm perfectly fine with the "if it breaks, I get to keep both pieces" policy. [23:43] I'm not so much fine with the "if you don't do exactly what we say, your system will be horribly, horribly insecure" idea :) [23:58] hey guys [23:58] i just installed ubuntu server hardy on a new server i got hold of [23:58] im 13 and im a unix "user" but very new to ubuntu [23:58] and i know how all nice you guys are to n00bs... :P [23:59] so i was wondering if i could ask for a bit of help [23:59] !ask [23:59] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)