=== nealmc1 is now known as nealmcb [03:58] hi, i would like to have a replacement for ubotu in #ubuntu-ni, ubout is on holiday [03:59] someone can help with this [04:00] forget it, i see the bot now [04:01] bot is on holiday? wow [05:43] Hi, I'd like to request an Ubuntu Member cloak [05:43] launchpad: launchpad.net/~nick.ellery [05:50] nickellery, i'll recommend you ask for it later on, cuz i think there's no one around that can help ya with that right now;) [05:51] RoAkSoAx, Ok.. I'll probably wait for tomorrow [05:51] Thanks [05:51] yeah that will probably be the best thing to do [05:51] i think most of'em are sleeping :P [11:59] Hi all, I'm a new Ubuntu Member and I'm here asking for a cloak on freenode (here my LP profile page: https://launchpad.net/~volans ) [12:04] PriceChil:D I can ask you for that? [12:05] (sorry PriceChild auto-correction of my irc client) [12:09] Volans: done [12:10] thank you very much PriceChild, I have to join the LP group now? [12:11] Volans: when you're not terribly busy [12:11] h, sorry [12:11] Volans: you probably are already [12:11] since you could be cloaked [12:12] ahah no Myrtti tell me no problem [12:12] PriceChild: when you're not terribly busy :-) [12:13] Myrtti: hmm? [12:14] i gotta apply for membership too :( [12:15] Myrtti: cloak? [12:19] yup [12:22] done [12:22] ♥ [12:22] /me hugs pricey [12:23] fal [12:23] PriceChild we have to join LP ~ubuntu-irc-cloaks team now? [12:23] *fail [12:23] hm? [12:23] can someone tell me how do i remove a cloak? [12:23] Volans: no, i've forced you into it cuz i'm mean [12:23] Ekushey: you ask me [12:23] ok thanks Pricey :) [12:23] Ekushey: (you ask in #freenode or a staffer who appears on /stats p [12:23] ) [12:24] Ekushey: you've come to the bright side from the dark side? [12:24] /me runs [12:24] DUCK AND COVER [12:25] lol Myrtti [12:26] PriceChild, can you please remove my current one? [12:26] Myrtti, there's no shame in being involved in multiple projects [12:28] Ekushey: you can't get it back and will need to get the gc of fedora to reinstate it? [12:29] PriceChild, i don't want it back... you can remove it :) === Ekushey is now known as cyberking [12:44] elkbuntu: I know [12:44] just teasin [13:40] hi to all [13:43] Hiyas [13:45] can I request a cloak? I want it and I'm ubuntu member [13:45] devfil: Can you link your LP page? [13:46] devfil: Also make sure that you have followed *all* of the steps here http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for your freenode account [13:46] Pici: sure, https://launchpad.net/~d.filoni [13:47] PriceChild, nalioth: cloak ping for devfil , ( https://edge.launchpad.net/~d.filoni ) === devfil is now known as dfiloni === dfiloni is now known as devfil [13:49] Pici: I have followed the steps [13:49] devfil: Okay, just need to wait for one of our two staffer/group contacts to make the changes for you, it may be a while. [13:50] Pici: no problem, thanks === erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL [14:08] devfil: please set an email and verify it with nickserv [14:09] PrinceChild: email should be already setted [14:10] devfil: it isn't [14:10] devfil: /msg nickserv help set email [14:13] PriceChild: done [14:14] devfil: done [14:14] thanks [14:25] i have a ban like this *!*@unaffiliated/andsux on #ubuntu-es but that person (/who * andsux H 0 n=andsux@unaffiliated/andsux [Andrey Antoukh] ) is currently active on the channel how come?? [14:26] erUSUL: speaking? [14:27] PriceChild: yep [14:27] erUSUL: check for an entry on /mode +e [14:27] PriceChild: no; sorry my fault is using other machine [14:27] hmm? [14:28] PriceChild: i have checked again... sorry for the noise [15:00] hi everyone. Id like to have a cloak :), my launchpad account is https://launchpad.net/~hacktick [15:03] hacktick: Have you followed *all* the steps here yet for your irc account: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup ? [15:04] yes :) [15:04] 1 to 7 [15:05] PriceChild: poing, 'nother cloak === russelljohn is now known as Ekushey [15:59] Good Afternoon: I would like to acquire a Canonical IRC cloak. What it the process for this? [15:59] PriceChild: [16:00] cgregan: please group an alternate nickname (e.g. /nick cgregan_, then /msg nickserv group) and could i have your launchpad url? [16:00] canonical or ubuntu cloak? [16:00] I only do ubuntu cloaks [16:01] Myrtti: I am both a member and a Canonical employee...what is the usual protocol? [16:02] hacktick: please set an email on your nickserv account [16:02] hacktick: /msg nickserv help set email [16:04] cgregan: I don't know if you can have two cloaks simultaneously (I think yes) but it's your choice. Canonical cloaks are provided by the Canonical Group Contact, who I'd guess you should find asking around from your colleagues. PriceChild can do the Ubuntu one [16:05] Myrtti: Thanks...I think I'll go with the Ubuntu one for now. [16:06] Myrtti: only freenode staff and pdpc cloaks will be linked with others linked afaik. [16:07] oh. [16:07] PriceChild: Here is my Launchpad URL: https://launchpad.net/~cgregan [16:07] well then [16:08] cgregan: great, now we just need you to group an alternate nickname. [16:08] PriceChild: I know how to change my nick to cgregan_ but I am not familiar with grouping. Is it a separate process? Sorry...fairly new to IRC [16:08] !register [16:08] Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. === cgregan is now known as cgregan_ [16:13] PriceChild: Got it [16:13] Thanks ubottu [16:13] vhost cgregan_ ubuntu/member/cgregan [16:13] * PriceChild sighs [16:14] cgregan_: done :) [16:14] Thank you PriceChild [16:14] no probs [16:15] Nafallo: ska du komma till Lugradio Live eller ska vara då på din sommarlov i Sverige? [16:15] Nafallo: usch, komma... jag vet inte häller ännu om jag ska vara där [16:17] Myrtti: jag planerar att komma :-) [16:17] Myrtti: du ocksa? [16:19] Nafallo: jag skickade Visa-kort ansökan förra dagen :-> Men jag har också frågat om firman kunde betala [16:19] jag har nästan beslutat att jag kommer även om firman betalar inte [16:21] jag är inte den typ som visiterar musikfestivaler, så jag tänkte att LRL kunde vara kul [16:21] yay! [16:22] jag letar rumskompis btw... om det vore intressant :-) [16:22] heheh :-D [16:24] o_O [16:25] Ekushey: multilingual channel with LoCo ops. [16:26] just wondering what language that is :) [16:27] Swedish, though mine has probably a lot of Finland-Swedish "accents" [16:27] and my Swedish is a bit rusty [16:27] /me remembers she is also an op of #ubuntu-fi_SV [16:27] :-D [16:28] :) [16:28] or was [16:28] atleast [16:29] I bet all the Swedish speaking Finns are in #ubuntu-se [16:31] hehe [16:32] Myrtti: registreringen har inte oppnat annu dock :-P [16:32] Ekushey: and I write Swedish in ASCII, so not really representative ;-) [16:33] Nafallo: därför är det här perfekt att fråga om firman sku betala [16:33] Myrtti: betala hotell ocksa? ;-) [16:34] jag sku vara glad om även flyg/tågbiljettena [16:34] det är ca 280 euron från Helsingfors till Heathrow, jag vill inte flyga med Ryanair [16:35] och tågbiljettena på [16:54] usch [16:54] Heathrow. [16:54] kollat London City Airport? [16:54] har ju Gatwick, Luton och Stanstead ocksa. [16:54] :-) [16:55] jag lar behova jobba pa fredagen, sa aker nog inte forren fredag kvall :-) [16:56] Myrtti: ^^ [16:59] Ryanair flyger rikt från Tammerfors till Stanstead, men jag har hört att resan till Wolverhampton sku vara gräslig [17:00] du maste till London forst antar jag. [17:00] sa det lar inte gora mycket skillnad :-P [17:01] jag behöver en aboriganal som jag kunde bara följa :-P [17:01] aboriginal även [17:01] ? [17:01] vad ar det? [17:03] alla stora fyndresare hade ju aboriginalvisare eller guiden som de bara följade :-P [17:03] ah. guide ja. [17:03] det dar andra ar nog inte ett ord :-P [17:03] vagvisare? [17:03] niuniu [17:04] PriceChild: I successfully set my emailadress [17:04] ehh. [17:04] jag kan inte finska :-P [17:05] jag har ätit för mycket godis för i dag... [17:05] usch [17:05] blech. [17:05] bra att du vet det iaf [17:06] nehepp. [17:06] PriceChild: thank you [17:06] dusch kanske [17:06] hacktick: no probs [17:07] jaja [17:07] Pici: pensando en español? [17:07] jpds: /me shrugs [17:08] piu italiano [17:22] fetova: hola [17:23] hola jpds :) [17:48] Hello :) [17:50] PriceChild: I want to request a cloak https://edge.launchpad.net/~xander21c [17:51] xander21c: While you're waiting, make sure that you've followed all the steps here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [17:51] ok:) === xander21c is now known as foo_ === foo_ is now known as xander21c_ [17:55] the nick foo_ was an example [17:55] I'd suggest you'd pick some other nick that isn't already registered in services, perhaps something closer to the original nick? [17:57] and you may want to identify to nickserv too [18:00] sorry about that === xander21c_ is now known as xander21c [18:02] Myrtti: need to head off. keep me updated ;-) [18:04] :) memory is fragile, i done all that last year :) [18:10] Nafallo: I will [18:24] Myrtti, how long it takes to have an email redirection? [18:25] to be honest, I've got no idea [18:25] Myrtti, :) [18:26] Pretto, few hours [18:26] RoAkSoAx, i still not having the alias working [18:26] Pretto, i got it working in 12 hours or so [18:28] RoAkSoAx, mine is taking 13h now :), well i just have to wait [18:29] Pretto, 13h. after you have been added to ubuntumembers in LP or after you have been approved [18:30] RoAkSoAx, added in LP [18:30] well wait a few more hours :P you will get it don't worry [18:30] RoAkSoAx, ;) [18:57] to be honest, I'm not even sure what my own ubuntu address is going to be [18:59] Myrtti: its whatever your launchpad account is [19:00] Myrtti, it's your name in launchpad url [19:01] cool [19:01] I'm very "educated" in this matter [19:01] Myrtti, and it will be redirect to the first email that you use in launchpad [19:01] hmh [19:02] Pici, what about planet posts? [19:03] Pretto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu [19:03] Pici, thank you [19:05] hahahha... i just found that my wiki is in chinese too http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/UbuntuWiki:Pretto [19:07] so if my email addy in launchpad is myrtti+launchpad... [19:07] @gmail.com... then the ubuntu.com will be myrtti+launchpad@ubuntu.com? [19:07] iz confuzed [19:07] Myrtti: no. [19:07] Myrtti, myrtti@ubuntu.com [19:08] great. [19:08] https://edge.launchpad.net/~*myrtti* [19:08] I'm happy too, I wanted mine to be bnrubin, not pici [19:09] Pici, you can change it i think [19:09] Pretto: I dont want to. [19:09] Pici, just change your primary email there [19:10] Myrtti, i think your myrtti@ubuntu.com will be an alias to myrtti+launchpad@gmail.com [19:10] Yep [19:10] yeah, I don't mind that [19:10] Myrtti, but you can change it if you want [19:10] I can still filter it with gmail's filters to the correct one [19:11] Myrtti, you can do that here if you want https://edge.launchpad.net/~myrtti/+editemails [19:12] I dont think she wants to [19:12] nope [19:12] :) [19:12] though, I could set up the filters and change it anyway [19:12] ... [20:22] Good day [20:38] I would like to buy an IRC cloak, how much does it cost these days? [20:39] :D [20:41]  I want to request a cloak https://edge.launchpad.net/~xander21c [20:41] have a 3 beer boxes :) [20:41] huh! [20:42] I have Pepsi truck:-) [20:42] lol [20:43] Ekushey, Why laughing? serious biding going here, we might get acquired by ebay.com. [20:44] can i get a mircosoft cloak? i'm can pay via paypal/wire transfer [20:46] lol [20:46] <[NikO]> han [20:46] <[NikO]> kick him he s famous ! [20:46] <[NikO]> ;o [20:49] xander21c, learning Python ? [20:50] what's gonna happen to my MS cloak? [20:50] Syntux: some just started some days ago [20:50] xander21c, then you got to read byte of python, it is the book. [20:50] PriceChild :  I want to request a cloak https://edge.launchpad.net/~xander21c [20:50] Ekushey, we are formatting our windows machines, please come back later [20:51] very mean [20:51] i'll write to my boss Mr. Gates [20:52] xander21c: please group an alternate nickname see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for instructions === xander21c is now known as Xander21c__ [20:54] PriceChild: Done [20:55] Xander21c__: you might want to make your client use Xander21c__ as the alternate nick when logging on, to ensure you identify :) [20:55] PriceChild, can I get one for lp/~jad [20:56] Syntux: i thought you were only just approved? [20:56] PriceChild ok :) [20:57] PriceChild, yeah [20:57] Xander21c__: done [20:57] do I have to wait for certain period before requesting one? [20:57] Syntux: nope, its just on launchpad it says you were approved in 2007... [20:58] Now that's a bad thing, as it means your membership will expire in 11 months... [20:58] oh hmm, well that bug isn't related to me hehe [20:58] WHAT! [20:58] lol [20:58] * PriceChild checks logs [21:00] hmm, weird indeed. [21:04] Syntux: i guess you applied a year ago on launchpad, but didn't get approved at a meeting till now [21:04] the expiration date is still correct though, 2010 [21:05] PriceChild, I did not apply before, maybe I clicked on mentoring or something like that never went through the official process before. [21:06] cool [21:09] Syntux: what do you want on the end of your cloak, syntux? [21:10] jad [21:14] PriceChild, do you have the magic power on email aliases too? [21:17] <[NikO]> hi PriceChild [21:20] Syntux: nope, they will be done when they are done [21:20] hi [NikO] [21:21] PriceChild, Okie, thank you :-) [21:21] <[NikO]> i know you are a ircop so, could you check status of #flex and ##flex ( sorry for the offtopic ) [21:23] [NikO]: hmm? [21:24] <[NikO]> i means, flex should be forbidden, reserved for adobe, ( like #flash ) and i think #flex should be in the same way [21:24] PriceChild, I would like to have jad at the end of the cloak. [21:30] Syntux: ok well for that we'd like you to register jad as your account, so please /nick jad [21:30] PriceChild, I do not own that nickname, can you drop it ? [21:30] that's the plan === Syntux is now known as Jad [21:31] oh wait silly me... [21:31] :D [21:31] was looking at the wrong date === Jad is now known as Syntux [21:31] Jad: its in use sorry 8-) [21:31] Syntux: i reading How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python [21:32] PriceChild, then Syntux :D [21:32] Xander21c__, I didn't enjoy that one [21:33] man, 16h later e no laudeci@ubuntu.com alias yet :( [21:33] Xander21c__, many good technicals lacks good writing skills, delivering the message aint easy. [21:33] Pretto, I was approved in 2007 and yet I don't have an alias. [21:33] at least according to LP. [21:33] Syntux, huh???? [21:34] Syntux i will check the one told me :) [21:34] Xander21c__, your alias is working? [21:34] Syntux: /msg nickserv set accountname Syntux [21:34] Xander21c__, check Django book too, it's an easy way to get directly into python but first you got to read byte of python [21:34] ok [21:35] PriceChild, Your account name is already set to Syntux. [21:36] /msg nickserv set accountname xander21c [21:37] Syntux: done [21:37] PriceChild, Thank you :-) [21:38] ヅ [21:38] abuse of kanjis! [21:38] what? === Xander21c__ is now known as xander21c [21:39] Syntux, that was a japanese character? [21:39] xander21c, is your email alias working? [21:39] Pretto: how do i test it?? [21:39] Ekushey, yes [21:39] neat! [21:39] xander21c, by sending an email? [21:40] xander21c, send an email to our lauchpad account name @ubuntu.com [21:40] not our... your :) [21:41] xander21c, from one email account different from the one you have set on launchpad [21:46] Ok, thank you again [21:46] Have a good day :-0 [21:47] Pretto: not working, [21:47] xander21c, ok :( [21:48] yup, mine is not working either [21:50] mine is working :P [21:51] Myrtti, some people said that it took a week to get it working [21:52] patience :) [21:52] :S [21:53] yeah, I'm not in a hurry [21:54] I got approved on monday evening, but it doesn't matter [21:55] Myrtti, yes :) [22:04] back