[00:00] np [00:00] your trashcan will be out of place tho [00:00] chev_chelios: what distro I use? I use regular ubuntu 64bit, hardy [00:00] like far left from the work spaces [00:00] deejaypip: just reload gnoome. [00:00] nokian95: so you hit one server in the huge cluster of youtube that was down? did you refresh? [00:00] Gin, do I need to add a repository to get it? [00:00] manacim, but I can drag it back to its place by click and dragging it, right? [00:00] Slart: ok [00:00] im trying to run an app and i get error that the shared library libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 doesnt exist. anyone know what package would satisfy this need? [00:00] yeah [00:00] chev_chelios, how do I reload gnoome? [00:00] thanks manacim [00:00] if that doesn't work [00:00] you can always right clikc the panel [00:00] wepeel: don't think so. it is already in the default repo's [00:00] to where you want the trash can [00:00] deejaypip: logout/login [00:00] Need help with FTP [00:00] anyone? [00:01] okay, thanks chev_chelios and manacim [00:01] what kidn of ftp help [00:01] i am going to log out/in [00:01] miko: where did you install this app from? [00:01] i refresh i still get 500 internal server error [00:01] miko: are you trying to run or install (./configure make makeinstall it?) [00:01] Boohbah: i recon not from a repo [00:01] I am used to IIS, so you set up a FTP to work on a single directory [00:01] chev_chelios: me too [00:01] chev_chelios, trying to run the app [00:01] i got that for apps not from repo [00:01] i dont know how to do that with fsftp [00:01] vsftp [00:01] anyone have experince in using anjuta with SDL? [00:01] hmm [00:02] shit this place is busy [00:02] miko: where did you install the app from? [00:02] do you know where that specific directory is located in the server? [00:02] miko: you'll need to install libstdC++ from your repository, or download it and install it manually [00:02] Storrgie: yes, what do you mean work on a single directory [00:02] no but give me an example [00:02] Storrgie: chroot? [00:02] if not you can always put the "/" in the path to go to the root [00:02] and from the root directory you can navigate to that folder you want === clifford is now known as clifford_ [00:02] boohbah i used alien to convert a rpm to deb format..which i assume is most of my problem [00:02] miko: i cannot understadn how you installed withou that dependency, I could not install without stdc++ installed. [00:02] Gin, not found let me try updating as I haven't had this done yet [00:02] after I play music or videos in flash.. i cant play mp3s from my harddrive.. [00:02] boohbah: I am such a newb i dont know what chroot means [00:03] tried totem and rhythmbox [00:03] miko: what is the app and why don't you get a modern ubuntu version? [00:03] wepeel: sudo apt-get update , do that first [00:03] i have to restart to get my sound back :( [00:03] storrgie: google it [00:03] lol [00:03] miko: it is. it has no dependencies. i recon stdc++ is not going to be the only dep. [00:03] ok now i know, you set up chroot so it works within a specific directory [00:03] Gin, done... hehe one step ahead That's a first :) [00:03] its 'sandboxed' then [00:03] PicMonger, and i didnt see it in the repository [00:03] so you have the vsftp daemon running in a directory, thats your server [00:03] chev_chelios, correct, there were other missing components that i got installed fine [00:04] mutliple FTP's, you need multiple daemons [00:04] right? [00:04] gotta go guys [00:04] i'm late for a concert [00:04] miko: isn't there that app in .deb already? [00:04] anyone have experience in using anjuta with SDL? [00:04] cl0s probably pulse audio. Go into sound and change everything from autodetect to alsa and see if the problem goes away. === Life is now known as Jesus === tat- is now known as tat [00:05] Hello Phreaks of un-natural nature :) [00:05] hej guys. I have in one dir: /home/list/ files that starts with 0* how can I rename all these files that has 0 at front so there would not be 0 at front ? [00:05] miko: if you can;t find lib in repo, download it from the place you downloaded that rpm app, or, google libstdc++ [00:05] geeze is there any other irc threads that are not as busy where i can ask my questions? [00:05] Is there a program that I can use to sync music and/or videos to my iPod touch? I heard there were a few programs that could allow me to do this, but I'm not sure. [00:05] frojnd: you can do it with shell scripting :P [00:05] ArthurArchnix: thanks, going to try that now [00:05] Storrgie: shoot [00:06] Gin: isn't a command there [00:06] 2 questions [00:06] Storrgie: Trying joining #helpStorgie [00:06] chev_chelios, not sure, their stable release page is 404. i have libstdc++6 installed already, but i still am getting the errors [00:06] should be quiet and focused on you [00:06] !ipod | AlexRADL [00:06] AlexRADL: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [00:06] thanks for the help though, ill try something else =) [00:06] frojnd: not that I know off [00:06] Ok, thanks ubottu. [00:06] Or slart [00:06] bulkrenamer [00:06] miko: you should find a path where libstdc++ is installed === tat is now known as tat- [00:06] AlexRADL: =) [00:06] anyone have experience in using anjuta with SDL? [00:06] Hey guys, someone can tell me how to install bmpanel on hardy? [00:06] Gin what's the rename command ? [00:07] im in #helpStorrgie [00:07] Storrgie: ask your question [00:07] Gin: just rename [00:07] Storrgie, just ask your question [00:07] ArthurArchnix: worked! thanks [00:07] Slart: I'm guessing you guys get that question a lot, with the bot and all lol. :) [00:07] frojnd: mv filename new_filename [00:07] lol @ #helpStorrgie [00:07] haha [00:07] i know [00:07] ok [00:07] Gin: :) [00:07] lol [00:07] hello i am trying to set up dual head with ati radeon 9600 with fglrx drivers. will it work with fglrx or do i have to use ati or radeon drivers? [00:07] can anybody tell of a sound recorder program that will record from the sound card? [00:07] Gin: that this is simple.. [00:07] AlexRADL: well.. it's been a while now.. but it does come up every now and then [00:07] chev_chelios, ill see if i can find it. would i just copy the library it wants to the apps executable directory? [00:07] dannyboy: audicity [00:07] hi [00:07] does anyone know of any software that I can use to have a private encrypted network like WASTE [00:08] miko: no:( === Boohbah_ is now known as Boohbah [00:08] cl0s-home: Cool. I've uninstalled pulse because I don't use any of its features. If you think you might want to then you'll need to fix it. But it's not needed in a lot of cases. [00:08] Gin: oh no it's not.. because I need to loose just 0 :S [00:08] could somebody help me to set my display resolution to the native res of my monitor? [00:08] dannyboy: Try Audacity--lots of great features. === sixforty is now known as sixforty_ [00:08] frojnd: just use the filemanager [00:08] chev_chelios, didnt think so :) ill futz around with it, i appreciate th e help though [00:08] anyone have experience in using anjuta with SDL? [00:09] hey guys, someone can tell me how do I install bmpanel on hardy? [00:09] Steve-cal: oh ok...will do [00:09] !pulseaudio [00:09] i can't set my res to 1680x1050 [00:09] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [00:09] miko: no problemo:) [00:09] anyone well versed in FTP? [00:09] Gin: I have a lot of files.. [00:09] Gin: ALOT [00:09] dannyboy: One small caveat: if you have any problems with the new 1.3 version in the repos crashing, you may have to go with the stable 1.2 version like I had to. [00:10] oh and for mass renaming I like pyrenamer. Its in the repos and it rocks. [00:10] I forget who asked about that. [00:10] Steve-cal: of audacity? [00:10] there is a multifile renamer in ubuntu repo i think:) [00:10] dannyboy: Yes. :) [00:10] !webcam | Blasphemer [00:10] Anyone well versed with setting up an FTP server? [00:10] Storrgie, i have a ftp server, but no expert [00:10] :) [00:11] Oh.. frojnd asked. sudo apt-get install pyrenamer you'll thank me. Takes five minutes to learn. Less if you're bright. [00:11] seaPhor join #helpStorrgie [00:11] Blasphemer: Can I has webcam? [00:11] please [00:11] Steve-cal: lol yes i have the 1.3 version....hope it doesnt give me any problems [00:11] algun chileno [00:11] !gprenamer [00:11] Factoid gprenamer not found [00:11] !gprename [00:11] Factoid gprename not found [00:11] seaPhor: join #helpStorrgie [00:12] !info gprename [00:12] gprename (source: gprename): Complete batch renamer for Linux. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5-2 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 312 kB [00:12] Storrgie, I'm with someone in #SeaPhor, that would be easier [00:12] Steve-cal: i normally use audacity to make ringtones....how do i configure it to record the sound card? [00:12] sure [00:12] dannyboy: If you have problems recording, let me know and I can probably help you set the right options in the sound control. [00:12] Steve-cal: lol yes please... [00:12] frojnd: this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-470688.html [00:12] frojnd: but is a bit advanced [00:12] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15427/ [00:13] dannyboy: Right-click on speaker icon in system tray, and open it. Under preferences, check "Mix", "PCM", and "Capture", click OK. Then under the "Switches" tab, select "Mix" as the input. [00:13] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15428/ [00:13] dows the new network manager remember WEP keys? [00:13] Storrgie: i feel all alone here [00:14] I don't know what to do because my discs don't mount [00:14] storrgie: sudo apt-get install vsftpd [00:15] Storrgie: and configure, etc.. https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html [00:15] dannyboy: And then in Audacity, go to "preferences", and choose "ALSA" as the recording device. [00:15] Can anyone reccomend some sort of fix for Pulseaudio? [00:15] bye [00:15] is there a hoe-to for, tomcat-5.5 on Ubuntu ? [00:15] Zaiden: what kind of problem is the fix supposed to fix? [00:16] is there a HOW-TO for, tomcat-5.5 on Ubuntu ? [00:16] Hey guys, I have a VPS system that runs Ubuntu 8.04 server, it is my mailserver, webserver and few other things. I want to mirror the exact setup so I have installed ubuntu server 8.04 as a guest operating system in a vmware server environment, the system is setup I just need a simple way to mirror the VPS to this virtual machine - any ideas guys, I want to do testing etc on the vm as the VPS system is in a production [00:16] environment and don't want to risk breaking things. What is the simplest way to mirror the system ? [00:16] Steve-cal: i dont a MIX switch.... [00:16] does anyone know why when i issue the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc" i end up with the message that it failed to start the remote control daemon lirc? [00:16] Slart: PulseAudio is delaying my sound after an action [00:16] Steve-cal: and do i select ALSA default or ALSA with the name of my sound card? [00:16] Zaiden: use regular alsa instead of pulse then.. change everything in System, preferences, sound to ALSA [00:16] hey guys, someone can tell me how do I install bmpanel on hardy? [00:17] Anybody know is Ubuntu is ready to run on a laptop with Dual 8600m GT's in SLI? cause even after i install ubuntu with the text installer, it turns the screen off when i log on [00:17] err boot into ubuntu* [00:17] is there a HOW-TO for, tomcat-5.5 on Ubuntu ? [00:17] there are laptops with dual geforce cards??? [00:17] dannyboy: Use ALSA default, because if you select ALSA w/ your soundcard, that means Audacity monopilizes your soundcard and no other programs will be able to use it while you use Audacity. [00:17] Slart: I've tried that, but it still delays [00:17] lol yeah my laptop has Dual 8600M GT's Koro [00:17] Steve-cal: oh ok [00:17] Ian__: what is it? [00:18] Toshiba X205-SLI5 [00:18] What prgram can record stuff from my webcam? [00:18] Zaiden: then I don't know what could be the problem.. are you sure it's pulseaudio that's causing this delay? [00:18] debian gnome has this new thing called cheese [00:18] debian: cheese perhaps [00:18] debian: never tried it [00:18] anyone using Hardy on a macbook? [00:18] i also get the same result from issueing "sudo /etc/init.c/lirc start [00:18] my trackpad doesnt work AT ALL [00:18] Ian__: doesn't it get uber-hot or get low battery life? [00:19] Slart: Before I reinstalled ubuntu 8.04, I killed pulseaudio and ran a script a forum member suggested, and it fixed the delay, but I could only get sound from one program at a time [00:19] Nope, it runs pretty cool, never overheated, has 2 fans on the bottm, battery life is about 1 1/2 hours with sli on, about 2-2 1/2 hours with sli off [00:19] dannyboy: So under "input" in your Gnome sound settings, "Capture" should be selected, and you'll have to adjust that volume along with "PCM" to get the right recording level. [00:20] Ian__: awesome. [00:20] kponds: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519295 [00:20] Awesome cept I cant get windows XP or Ubuntu on here [00:20] sudo modprobe appletouch [00:20] ok i finally got the remote control daemon to start, but it is apparantly still not recognizing my remote [00:20] And I have 3, 160gb harddrives running at 7200rpm in this laptop lol [00:20] Ian__: did you test the gaphics card performance? [00:20] Zaiden: well.. you can still kill pulseaudio if you want to.. I'm not sure it will make things better though (pkill pulseaudio) [00:20] Ian__: why not win xp? [00:20] doesnt see the harddrives no matter what i do [00:20] Steve-cal: Internal Mic Capture right? [00:20] *three* hd' s? [00:21] yes [00:21] 3 [00:21] lol [00:21] man what do you use that thing for [00:21] lol [00:21] gaming hehehe [00:21] cirkit: you are cool thanks [00:21] oi [00:21] what's the problem with installing winxp anyway? [00:21] Slart: Killing it kills all my sound. I'm just trying to find a way to either remove it or apply a fix to it [00:21] Runs half life 2 lost coast with over 300 fps sometimes [00:21] so what would i do to get clear terminals and such like in the example picture of black line? [00:21] Are there any other programs like screenlets and gDesklets? [00:21] dannyboy: Should just be "capture" i think--nothing to do with the mic. You want to record thru the sound card, not thru the mic. [00:21] it doesnt see the hd's which is ok cause i dont care anymore haha [00:22] Boohbah yep..thats me [00:22] lan_, does your BIOS see the Hard Drives? [00:22] yeah [00:22] Steve-cal: yea but thats all i have [00:22] i've played with all the settings, i just wanna get ubuntu working now :( [00:22] Does XP have the drivers for the Drives? [00:22] ah ok [00:22] looking for help for a friend..but think he's on his own with his problem [00:22] cirkit: but that post is from mid 2007, I never had any problems on Gutsy, and I'm running completely stock and nothing suggested in that thread helps :< but thanks [00:22] im just going insane, cause i love ubuntu! [00:22] haha [00:22] Zaiden: hmm.. none that I know of.. but it's a big world out there.. I haven't really looked for pulseaudio fixes since it works nicely for me [00:23] I even get OS X to run on here, but not ubuntu :( [00:23] how do i get clear terminals? [00:23] hi can anyone tell me if elisa runs off the LiveCD? [00:23] what is the default source folder for the wine you install from synaptic? /usr/lib/wine [00:23] dannyboy: I'm using my Kubuntu desktop right now so I don't remember exactly what the options are in Gnome. You don't have any other options then "Internal Mic Capture"? [00:23] can't run ubuntu Ian__ ? [00:23] seems pointless to carry on doesn't it ? [00:23] kponds: appletouch module is loaded when checking with lsmod? [00:23] nope, i can install it, but the screen turns off and it wont come back on [00:23] cirkit: yes [00:24] I'm guessing its cause the SLI'd 8600's [00:24] Steve-cal: lol negative [00:24] if i cat /dev/psaux and move it around i get nothing [00:24] but if i do so with my usb mouse i get noise [00:24] Ian__ does the live cd run? [00:24] "apt-cache rdepends foo" shows everything that depends on "foo", right? So if there's nothing there you care about, you can uninstall "foo", right? [00:24] no lol [00:24] you can alter screen settings from there I think..before install [00:24] (s/care about/have installed/) [00:24] dannyboy: Well try it and see if it works. ;) [00:24] oh :( [00:24] :( [00:24] :( [00:24] Steve-cal, Hi we still on for marriage or are u also in the USA? LOL [00:25] whats SLi'd ? [00:25] ANYONE? [00:25] Chiselh_uk: Oh yes my darling! When are you going to send me the cyber-marriage-certificate to sign? :D [00:25] !offtopic [00:25] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [00:25] jo_: if you mean transparent bkgd, open terminal, select Edit-profiles-edit-effects, check t'parent bkgd [00:27] Steve-cal: i think ill have to downgrade to the 1.2 version [00:28] Steve-cal, Will u promise t never lay a finger on a MS system till death us do part? :) [00:28] dannyboy: What happened? [00:28] kponds: check your xorg.conf file and make sure the "InputDevice" section shows a similar config for your trackpad http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/xorg.conf [00:29] i copied a config from someone elses macbook that works [00:29] can some one help me ? [00:29] the screen keeps turning black and white and then going into color... [00:29] complete n00b here :P [00:29] is 8.04 currently using pulse audio? [00:29] it seems as though its using alsa by default [00:29] i am believing that it's a kernel issue, as i've just installed and havent got updates yet, getting this in Xorg log: [00:29] Bored just ask your question and people will answer it if they know [00:29] (EE) Synaptics Touchpad no synaptics touchpad detected and no repeater device [00:29] (EE) Synaptics Touchpad Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware. [00:29] (EE) PreInit failed for input device "Synaptics Touchpad" [00:29] im getting updated kernel now [00:30] dannyboy: Is it travelling forward in time from the 1950's? Cause then that would be normal behaviour. [00:30] !touchpad [00:30] For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad [00:30] dannyboy: I don't know what to say except I had problems with the beta 1.3 version in the repos crashing on me. I had to downgrade, but I don't know for sure what your problem is. [00:30] i'm trying to run this command "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" but it keeps telling me "permission denied" even if i use the sudo command :| [00:30] Why does my add/remove keep locking? :( I just clicked on apply changes to add amsn 'n it's all greyed out 'n don't look like there's a pulse!! :( [00:30] Bored: use sudo -i first.. then do the "echo... " thingy [00:31] Bored: because the redirection is done by the shell which is being run by your user. pipe to tee instead [00:31] Bored: or do the tee thing =) [00:31] tee ? :| [00:31] ok, i need a good screencapture/recordmydesktop substitute for 8.04, any ideas? [00:31] Bored: That's because the redirection is not run as root. Use something like: sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' [00:31] jrib would sudo -s work in that situation? [00:31] Bored: echo foo | sudo tee file is like echo foo > file as root [00:31] with the -i says "permission denied" too.... [00:31] Jack_Sparrow: yeah that would work too [00:32] Bored: you did it wrong maybe? You run 'sudo -i' by itself first, then what Slart said [00:32] Jack_Sparrow, no one's listening 2 me! :( [00:32] Chiselh_uk: I am! [00:32] oh... ok === Gaint_Sura is now known as GaintSura === ubuntu is now known as ike3 [00:32] hello ppl [00:32] how can I allow another user to access my display session? [00:33] jrib, I may have 2 marry u instead!! lol steve-cal is history now!! [00:33] i think it worked! [00:33] ie, I want to start firefox as a diferent user [00:33] Chiselh_uk What does your sources.list look like [00:33] !u | Chiselh_uk [00:33] Chiselh_uk: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. [00:33] Bored: great! [00:33] =) [00:33] Bored: and since you asked about tee.. here's a nice page explaining it =) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tee_(command) [00:33] thank you =) [00:33] * Chiselh_uk stands suitably corrected on her grammer! [00:33] Chiselh_uk: Well my gosh that was an awfully quick tryst! Only last 5 minutes! :) [00:33] oops grammar! lol [00:34] Slart thank you! i'm going to give a look =) [00:34] Steve-cal, I was only telling him what he wanted to hear! lol [00:34] Got your attention didn't I? :) [00:34] Bored: you're welcome [00:35] s0undt3ch: Read 'man xauth' to do it properly. Here's how I do it: run 'xhost +local:' as your current user. Then with the other user, set DISPLAY the same as your current user. Then run firefox as your other user [00:35] Steve-cal, Okay, so it's obvious to me now that the add/remove application is now officially crashed.....I have my system monitor open and cannot see it in the list in order to kill it! *sigh* [00:35] !aptfix [00:35] If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [00:35] Jack_Sparrow, If I knew what my sources.list was I'd tell you! lol [00:36] Chiselh_uk sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [00:36] Chiselh_uk: No problem, go the the command line, type "sudo xkill" and click the add/remove application window, and presto! No more! [00:36] Hi, i'm dualbooting with windows, haven't logged in to ubuntu for months and just realized that i forgot my password =/ Is there a way to recover it? [00:36] jrib: k, trying [00:36] Jack_Sparrow: what is the difference between ; and &&? [00:36] I have connecte my iPaq with USB on ppp0. Everything works fine, except when I connect with the PDA I have no internet connection anymore. Unplugging the USB-cable gives an internet connection again. I tried to list ppp0 in /etc/network/interfaces like this: iface ppp0 inet dhcp; but still no luck. Please help? [00:37] s0undt3ch: you know you can just have multiple firefox profiles though? [00:37] Jack_Sparrow, I have no idea what you're suggesting there dear, you confuse me with a techy?? :P [00:37] kayzu: boot via LiveCD and read the /etc/shadow file [00:37] Steve-cal, Now you're talking my language! [00:37] Chiselh_uk Blind faith is all I ask.. :) [00:37] ok, i need a good screencapture/recordmydesktop substitute for 8.04, any ideas? [00:37] !screenshot [00:37] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP. [00:37] hello [00:37] Chiselh_uk copy and paste into a term without the () at the end [00:37] !hi | wolf23 [00:37] wolf23: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [00:37] jrib: yeah, but I need to test cookie sessions, and I don't want to restart my ff, so, I thought of having another user running the test FF [00:37] Jack_Sparrow, and if what you typed didn't move up so quickly....I'd cope! lol [00:38] hello [00:38] * Chiselh_uk panics [00:38] Chiselh_uk sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [00:38] theFATMAN: Istanbul or Recordmydeskop [00:38] what's a good web site usage monitor? [00:38] !hi | mok_ [00:38] mok_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [00:38] BCM43: the semicolin separates commands to run, the && will run the next command ONLY if the first command exits successfully. [00:38] BCM43: Both say to run two commands, but the && means "only do the next one if the first one worked" and the ; means just go ahead and do the next one. Or maybe I got those backwards. Just repeating what I heard once. [00:38] BCM43: thanx, but i want to know if pcsx2 supports play station 2 on pc? [00:38] mgol: thanks :) isn't it a bit insecure if it's possible to recover passwords though ? =/ [00:38] Steve-cal: ArthurArchnix: thanks [00:38] if i want to reinstall an application say TF .. would i need to apt-get remove then install or is there a way to have it reconfigure? [00:38] mok_: what you mean? rss? [00:38] jeroen, Istanbul? is it good? I get an error with recordmydesktop [00:38] hello [00:39] Steve-cal, Blimey!! How easy was that sudo xkill!! Now I've learned something cool! ;) [00:39] dont say helloo [00:39] theFATMAN: the are all using a lot of cpu, so thats the main issue [00:39] !info pcsx2 [00:39] Package pcsx2 does not exist in hardy [00:39] just try it [00:39] <`Chris> !info xgl-server [00:39] Package xgl-server does not exist in hardy [00:39] Chiselh_uk: Be careful though--that will kill anything you click on--don't be sadistic now... :) [00:39] what do you call a chinaman with a bullet in his head [00:39] margaret: if 1300 people said hello every time someone joined, this channel would be unusable, but hello :) [00:39] dead [00:39] jeroen, i have a quad core with 3072 RAM, i'm good on resources, lol [00:39] hi [00:39] BCM43: so there is no emulator for play2 on pc? [00:39] !ot | margaret [00:39] margaret: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [00:39] jeroen-: noo, I mean as in, monitoring my employees porn surfinghabits [00:40] theFATMAN: than use istanbul [00:40] does anyone here have an Via Pico ITX board? [00:40] Steve-cal, I've got the power....whoo hoo! [00:40] mok_: oooooh [00:40] jeroen, sweet, thanks dude! [00:40] porn is not suppported on Ubunti :-) [00:40] Wolf23: PCSX2 for ubuntu, right? [00:40] lol [00:40] I'm having trouble working out where to connect the power switch :) [00:40] BCM43: yes [00:40] #join ubuntu-fr [00:40] Jack_Sparrow, I copied 'n pasted 'n now it's asking if I want to install these packages without varification, what am I installing out of curiosity? :P [00:40] how can I make GNOME notify me about things being loaded on start up just like it happens on KDE? [00:40] bobbyd: try the neighbours [00:40] jeroen-: I just want to see urls visited and hostnames [00:40] Jack_Sparrow, Talk about blind faith!! lol [00:41] the FreeBSD box is for porn [00:41] Wolf23: it says it works http://www.pcsx2.net/ [00:41] jeroen-: ? [00:41] mok_: I dont know [00:41] Hi world === mok_ is now known as M0lk [00:41] noooo, if porn is what you;re looking, linuxfromscratch [00:41] rodolfo: Its called the gnome splash screen i think, and its still there, just disabled. To enable it go into gconf-editor and search for the key with splash in it. [00:41] bobbyd: "I'm having trouble working out where to connect the power switch" [00:41] Chiselh_uk pastebinit.. a tool that makes it easy to send a file to the pastebin so you dont need to do it manually.. [00:41] could someone explain me how can i install a french dictionary for XChat [00:41] ok, so I update and now my wireless doesn't work... [00:42] Slart: Is there a way to undo the pkill pulseaudio command? [00:42] Chiselh_uk the rest of that is the file.. sources.list that we wanted to check [00:42] Zaiden: restart your pc [00:42] rodolfo: It's called "show_splash_screen" just check it. [00:42] wepeel: did you chaged the default settings before the update? [00:42] Pauldb: I did, and Pulse isn't running [00:42] could someone explain me how can i install a french dictionary for XChat [00:42] ArthurArchnix and where is it supposed to be? [00:42] jeroen, it produces ogg theora format, whats a good format converter? [00:42] rodolfo: Where is what supposed to be? [00:43] theFATMAN: pfff [00:43] Zaiden: try runnig it... [00:43] BCM43: yes i have installed fro this site? and the emulator works fine, but when i insert a play2 cd game in the cdrom and i run it with pcsx2,it shows entertainment and after finishing it quits or exit automatically [00:43] i don't know the command line sorry [00:43] ArthurArchnix gconf-editor [00:43] eh try mencoder [00:43] chew_chelios yes, but it's not even recognizing the card now [00:43] jeroen? pffff, pass? huh [00:43] oh... just hit alt+f2 then type it in [00:43] wepeel: if you chaged something on old package to make it work, you have to do that on new package too, i think.. [00:43] or something like thar [00:43] could someone please tell me what could be breaking sound and wireless card after upgrading to hardy(8.04) [00:43] Pauldb: How do I run Pulse? [00:43] jeroen-: no seriously :) the manual tell me where to put it but it's not clear and doesn't work [00:43] Wolf23: did you confirm the game works? [00:43] rodolfo: ^^ [00:43] or a frontend for that [00:43] wepeel: what card? [00:43] ArthurArchnix hold up [00:43] bobbyd: "power switch" [00:44] we are talking about software here === sixforty_ is now known as sixforty [00:44] jeroen? pffff ? [00:44] Zaiden: i dunno sry look at the doc www.doc.ubuntu.org [00:44] theFATMAN: that means I had problems with that to [00:44] bobbyd: try compiling your power source [00:44] could someone please tell me what could be breaking sound and wireless card after upgrading to hardy(8.04) [00:44] try to search for video encoder in synaptic [00:44] can someone help me with my font problem? the forum isn't helping:( [00:44] jeroen-: yep, connecting to that pinout doesn't seem to do anything [00:44] Wolf23: what game? [00:44] What's currently considered the "best" way to install flash in firefox? [00:44] jeroen, oh, lol, i almost searched for it in synaptic! [00:44] BCM43: it works but the begining, and when i press enter , the game disappear and exit, maybe i am configuring wrong or i dont know [00:44] chev_chelios: pretty sure the power supply is working :) [00:44] !fonts [00:44] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [00:44] chew_chelios, it's an atheros chipset it was working on a clean install and now is not. the hardware monitor says the driver is not in use [00:44] Gokul: about 7483 things [00:45] bobbyd: so, what is the problem:) [00:45] Wolf23: What game? [00:45] chev_chelios: I compiled it already with -O3 [00:45] Gokul: Hm, ps -ef | fgrep esd [00:45] bobbyd: oh... [00:45] *double-checks repository* [00:45] chev_chelios: i compiled it already with -O3 [00:45] BCM43: black hawk [00:45] oops [00:45] ArthurArchnix no 'splash' is mentioned [00:45] What's the other sound daemon? [00:45] bobbyd: it makes power more "green"? [00:45] chev_chelios: the problem is that it doesn't turn on :) [00:45] http://www.pcsx2.net/compat.php?c=search [00:46] bobby [00:46] Gokul: I doubt that sound and wireless both being broken are intrinsically related. [00:46] chev_chelios: indeed, wouldn't want that fat old debug power [00:46] bobbyd: did you tried to switch it on? [00:46] chev_chelios: yes, of course! I'm not stupid, it's just not working [00:46] trying to follow this command, but I dont have a /dev/usb/ - any idea what I should be looking for instead? its Ubuntu..... : sudo irrecord -H macmini -d /dev/usb/hiddev0 /etc/lirc/lircd.conf [00:46] BCM43: i have another one call Alon ein the dark and it is .iso [00:46] Gokul: In my experience, sound breakage is predominantly either a driver issue (supporting whatever encoding) or it's a resource contention issue. [00:46] I'm having a problem with torrents. I've tried multiple torrent clients. For some reason, when I have a torrent client uploading more than a few kbps, it makes my mouse movement extremely slow and unreliable (jumping from one end of the screen and such). In all my googling, I was only able to find a single person with a problem anything like mine, and there was absolutely no help [00:46] puff: nothing in the output, there seems to be a bunch of bugs logged about the same issue though [00:46] Does anyone know of a linux app that allows me to mount ISO images? [00:46] chev_chelios: http://www.anderberg.co.uk/connectors.png [00:46] bobbyd: replace power supply:) [00:46] puff: but none of them fixes my issue [00:47] is there some reason why doing apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.24-16 gets the src for 2.6.24-17? [00:47] unr3a1: for what purpose ? [00:47] theFATMAN: try in #ubuntu-studio [00:47] unr3a1: mount -t ISO9660 yourFile yourDir -o loop [00:47] rodolfo: You have to check the box that says find key names too [00:47] unr3al, why mount? just play in vlc [00:47] ArthurArchnix should I create one? [00:47] Gokul: Specifically, on earlier versions (I think it may have changed in the last couple of versions) the kernel had exactly one lock for access to sound. Whichever app grabbed it first... The fix was a daemon that served access to sound output. [00:47] chev_chelios: I've tried two and confirmed that they work independently [00:47] rodolfo: No. [00:47] bobbyd: what in the world forced you to do this? [00:47] Gokul: But I ended up, due to upgrading, with two different systems trying to grab that lock, so every now and then I'd restart esd (or the other one, can't remember the name) and it'd trip itself up. [00:48] chev_chelios: forced me to do what? try to make the motherboard work, or test the power supplies? [00:48] bobbyd: i think, those are preinstalled to work on any case [00:48] puff: what is the resolution to the issue? [00:48] unr3a1: if they are movia ISO's you can just open them with VLC [00:48] hello friends, im running hardy heron and for some reason my broadcom wireless is not booting up .. before it boot up and i make it work with ndiswrapper [00:48] chev_chelios: what's pre-installed to work? [00:48] rodolfo: So you've got gconf-editor open, and you hit control+F to find, and you typed exactly this "splash" and you checked "search key names too" and nothing came up? [00:48] but now when i type lspci it wont even show broadcom [00:48] bobbyd: did you get a manual for that power? [00:48] ArthurArchnix I got it. /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image [00:48] Is there a command to find out all my hardware info? [00:48] rodolfo: Yup [00:49] sileni: you need to load ndiswrapper - sudo modprobe ndiswrapper [00:49] ArthurArchnix, value? [00:49] nono [00:49] it's /cat/something I think [00:49] i did [00:49] chev_chelios: can you see from the diagram which pins should be used? it looks like 6 and 8 : http://www.anderberg.co.uk/connectors.png [00:49] rodolfo: Just check it to activate it. It will take on the default value. logout and come back to see if it works. [00:49] but it wont even show broadcom as one of the devices [00:49] as lspci [00:49] chev_chelios: but that doesn't work [00:49] bobbyd: all the thingys are preplugged in the factory, or in the shops where you buy [00:49] Jack_Sparrow: What did u have me do on the command line? [00:49] Gokul: In my case, the resolution was to reboot (only way to free up the lock) and make sure that only one of the sound daemons was running before I did something that used sound. [00:49] let me see... [00:49] problem! no matter what browser i load. if i try to access !yahoo or myspace the browser closes... any clues? and can someone tell me how to uninstall macromedia flash plugin ?? [00:49] like for some reason it is not being recognized as being there [00:49] rodolfo: The one above splash image, says "show_splash_image" or something, put a checkmark in that box. [00:49] chev_chelios: um, this is a pico-itx motherboard, it has no case [00:49] seems far less than ideal [00:50] ArthurArchnix ok [00:50] chev_chelios: http://www.mini-itx.com/reviews/pico-itx/ === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [00:50] sileni: ndiswrapper -l [00:50] ArthurArchnix what about '/apps/compiz/plugins/splash? [00:50] sileni: does that list the device? [00:50] What does THIS do? - sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit [00:51] rodolfo: Dunno. I don't have compiz installed on this machine. [00:51] no [00:51] thats the problem [00:51] I'm just trying to understand what Jack_Sparrow was getting me to do? [00:51] Gokul: So, I'd guess that something similarm may be happening in you case. Step one, make sure *no* sound is working. If sound is working one place but not another, that's a clue that the problem is encoding. [00:51] before when i do ndiswrapper -l [00:51] it would say something like driver installed and blah blah device present [00:51] Gokul: If sound is completely missing, then it's a clue that it's a lock issue. [00:51] is there a way to create symbolic links of an entire folders contents? I want to use the same profile information for thunderbird in ubuntu as windows [00:51] bobbyd: 6 and any grnd [00:51] but now it just say driver there [00:51] problem! no matter what browser i load. if i try to access !yahoo or myspace the browser closes... any clues? and can someone tell me how to uninstall macromedia flash plugin ?? [00:51] bobbyd: it should be those [00:51] ogg theora format to avi/mpeg4/mp4/xvid, whats a good format converter? [00:51] puff: sound is completely missing [00:52] chev_chelios: yeah, so 6 and 8 [00:52] hmmmmmmmm [00:52] Chiselh_uk: it installs this cool app that pastes output to pastbin. Then it asks a command to run, reading your apt sources, then it pastes it to pastebin, then it gives you a link to paste here so other poeple can look at it. [00:52] sileni: you sure its not powered off somehow? a hardware switch? [00:52] Hi. [00:52] bobbyd: what about the power suply... [00:52] yes [00:52] bobbyd, I tried that, and it says that ISO9660 is an unknown filesystem type [00:52] well thats what im wondering [00:52] im pretty sure its powered off [00:52] but i dont knwo how to power it back on [00:52] i went to bios [00:53] and i put network adapter enabled [00:53] ArthurArchnix: Thank you. Now if only I knew why he wanted that? :P [00:53] but that isnt turning it on for some reason [00:53] What's the command line command to check for software updates ? [00:53] bobbyd: what are you trying to connect it to? [00:53] does anyone have any idea why uploading, particularly through torrents, would make my mouse act extremely slow? [00:53] stupid windows vista... i was iinstalling it and power went out and everything screwed afterwards [00:53] What question did you ask Chiselhuk_Plus1 [00:53] indio: sudo apt-get update [00:53] indio: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrades [00:53] indio: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade [00:53] does anyone know the Ubuntu equivilant to /dev/usb/hiddev0 ?? [00:53] so I'm guessing that the current kernel went from 2.6.24-16 to 2.4.24-17 sometime fairly recently. outside of apt-get update apt-get upgrade what do I need to do to make everything match again? [00:53] (no s) [00:54] chev_chelios: connect what to? the switch? I'm connecting it to 6 and 8 [00:54] ixion: It should be the same [00:54] problem! no matter what browser i load. if i try to access !yahoo or myspace the browser closes... any clues? and can someone tell me how to uninstall macromedia flash plugin ?? If anyone can help pls PM me i must go AFK [00:54] ixion: Unless that's from another Unix? [00:54] fde I dont have a /dev/usb [00:54] Gokul: Okay, one sec while I restart firefox. [00:54] bobbyd: what are you connection the motherboard to? [00:54] ArthurArchnix it worked. but it shows only until the time the desktop has been loaded. all other progresses are not being showed [00:54] its from another linux probably I dunno... trying to follow some documentation [00:54] bobbyd: what are you connecting the motherboard to? [00:54] ixion: Is the device plugged in? What are you expecting that device to be? [00:55] ArthurArchnix: It feelslike a lifetime ago, I don't remember, it was at the same time as my add/remove programs had crashed & Steve-cal showed me how to sudo xkill the app, really cool! lol [00:55] bobbyd: it says unknown filesystem type: ISO9660 [00:55] rodolfo: I think that's the best gnome can do. It's being phased out I think. Unfortunately, no one really wants it. Slows down bringing up the desktop. [00:55] ixion: /dev/ is dynamic so devices only show up when they are enabled [00:55] chev_chelios: I don't understand the question === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [00:55] fde: a USB IR Recveiver (built into imac) yes its known to be on and working [00:55] or, failing that is there a way to make apt-get get the actual -16 source instead of the -17 one? the way things are all my kernel build links are breaking [00:55] bobbyd: never mind [00:55] ixion: 'lsusb' displays it? [00:56] fde yes [00:56] well, ppl, got to go, watch a flick, sleep etc... bye bye now [00:56] GNOME 2.22.2 Released [00:56] unr3a1: get rid of the -t blah bit and try again [00:56] ArthurArchnix I see. is there any debapp that i can download to set splashscreen's configuration? [00:56] ixion: is there anyway i can turn it back on [00:57] rodolfo: Yeah... I think startup manager might do the trick. Check out the descruption in synaptic. It should let you set custom themes for it too quite easily. [00:57] sileni: dunno man its your wireless card [00:57] :( [00:57] ArthurArchnix that's great but I have one more question [00:58] sileni: does it show up in lspci ? [00:58] ArthurArchnix how can I change the login background? [00:58] no [00:58] rodolfo: Nope. Nevermind. Descriptions says it only does usplash [00:58] ixion: no :( [00:58] I am trying to run an application (kismet) and the screen is not formatting with the correct characters. When I echo $TERM it gives me "ansi". On my other box it says "xterm". Where do I change this so that I get correct formatting? [00:58] verison of libs and apps look like this gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7). what does the -2ubuntu7 part mean? does it mean from version 7.x of ubuntu? [00:59] rodolfo: Yes again. That one's a bit easier. Just go to >administration >login window it will let you drag and drop new themes in there, change background colours, set images... so forth [00:59] ixion: have you looked into what driver it should be? [00:59] ArthurArchnix and what kind of file does it accept? [00:59] (sorry, I had to do something real fast) [00:59] is there a Ubuntu download CD with KDE already with it?? [01:00] kubuntu [01:00] gdm files in tar.gz format. Head over to gnome-look.org to get a nice selection. [01:00] Shiver2365: yes... kubuntu.com [01:00] rodolfo: [01:00] is that on the ubuntu site? [01:00] gooogle.com [01:00] google.com* [01:00] ArthurArchnix I mean the file extension [01:00] Shiver2365: I think they took the links away actually... so no. [01:01] I've been having a problem with my wireless connection for a couple days now. It will work for up to 10 minutes then while it still says it's connected, I can't access the internet. It worked fine before a couple days ago, anyone know how to fix it? [01:01] http://www.kubuntu.org/ [01:01] ArthurArchnix, PNG? BMP? JPG? [01:01] hey guys, just setting up hardy, and I am trying to see if it enabled the wireless card on this lappy, where do I go, or what terminal command should I use? [01:01] Shiver2365: http://www.kubuntu.org/ thats the first thing i got when i type kubuntu in google -.- [01:01] good link.. thank you sileni [01:02] Gokul: Try: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd [01:02] rodolfo: Not sure I understand. There are two kinds, gdm themes that are packaged into tar.gz, and then if you just want to set an image I think all three of those should work. Mind you... this is just the gdm, then there's blank screen, then desktop. Are you wanting to change the blank screen part? Or the first part. The login window? [01:02] sileni> what do you recomend? Hardy Heron or KDE 4 remix?? [01:03] hey guys, just setting up hardy, and I am trying to see if it enabled the wireless card on this lappy, where do I go, or what terminal command should I use? [01:03] Gokul: If that command (find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd) does not list a sound module, then sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic [01:03] [01:03] puff: it returns 116 files [01:03] mary_: From scratch? [01:03] ArthurArchnix, the login window. I want it to look exactly like this one: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=81795&file1=81795-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Believe+Ubuntu+-+blue+GDM+ [01:03] mary_ iwconfig from terminal [01:03] Shiver2365: i like simplicity so i just went with hardy [01:03] Shiver2365: its your taste, my brother loves KDE so he has Kubuntu [01:03] mary_: should be a network manager icon on the task bar if you have gnome installed [01:03] witch one is the smallest install? im limited on HD space [01:04] Shiver2365: define limited [01:04] Gokul: hm, well, try installing linux-buuntu-modules-versionnumber (where versionnumber is the output from uname -r0 anyway. [01:04] Shiver2365 It isnt an either or situation, you can have both [01:04] 2.5gig [01:04] you're fine [01:04] mary_: iwconfig. [01:04] so hardy dosent use KDE?? [01:04] gnome [01:04] by default, its gnome [01:04] <`Chris> Not by default [01:04] mary_: Your sound card is probably something like eth1, in which case, try "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" and then "sudo iwconfig essid someessid", "sudo iwconfig channel somehcannel", and then "sudo dhclient eth1" [01:05] ok so if i want the KDE download i have to get KDE remix [01:05] Shiver2365: you can install kde at any time though [01:05] <`Chris> Download Kubuntu for a KDE version Shiver2365 [01:05] Hardy also doesn't officially support KDE this time around. [01:05] er if its ubuntu its gnomes, kubuntu kde [01:05] Shiver2365: no, you can install plan Hardy and then install KDE [01:05] rodolfo: Oh yeah. No problem. Download the file, which should be a tar.gz file. Then open the login window. Switch to the "local" tab. Drag the file into that window. It will install it. Make sure it has a check mark in it. Logout and it should be set. [01:05] sure it does. [01:05] the good thing about linux is it can be customized to your liking... so explore the possibilities [01:05] s/plan/plain [01:05] It'll be supported again in the future... just not now. [01:05] just not kde4 [01:05] ohh ok... thanks guys [01:05] mary_: Oh, you may need to do "sudo ifup eth1" to activate the sound card. Or, if that says it's already active, but the iwconfig commands don't wrk, then "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" [01:05] bazhang: afaik, it's both. === tat-_ is now known as tat- [01:05] fde that is not correct [01:06] Hello, I got my DVD playbacks working now. I think that there is a problem with the program dvd::rip. Anybody have any experiences? [01:06] * fde read a lot about the situation, doensn't understand how he could be wrong [01:06] puff: surely you mean network card :) [01:06] anyone got ndiswrapper to work in hardy ? [01:06] :/ [01:07] deejaypip: maybe if you describe the problem, someone will be able to help [01:07] yell0w: what wireless card? [01:07] mary_: er, yeah, what bobbyd said, wireless card. [01:07] BCM43: 4318 [01:07] bobbyd: Thanks :-) [01:07] ArthurArchnix, indeed it worked xD thank you! [01:07] yell0w: the broadcom? [01:07] bobbyd: sorry. Wasn't thinking. Whenever I rip DVDs with dvd::rip, the DVD won't play on my computer [01:07] I think I may scrape the rust off my C skills and fix ifup/ifdown to be less stupid about the lock files. [01:08] Gokul: any change? [01:08] Hey, my graphics card (nvidia) isn't being detected and is not showing up in restricted drivers manager. [01:08] Any idea why? [01:08] puff: i resintalled it, still no luck [01:08] deejaypip: you mean the files it produces won't play? what does that mean? what are you trying to play them with? [01:08] Where does one get C skills anyway? Kroger said they don't stock them anymore. [01:08] BCM43: yes [01:08] ffm: how old is it? [01:08] yell0w: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff [01:08] Gokul: Okay, so, see if /proc/asound exists [01:09] yell0w: tell me if you need help with that [01:09] pp [01:09] bobbyd: I mean, when I insert the DVD and try to play the DVD, it will not play. My computer plays other DVDs fine. Also, the files that it produces do not play. [01:09] Gokul: Did you reboot after reinstalling? === ivanm is now known as ivanmd [01:09] ArthurArchnix, I've wrote down all steps mentioned by you so I can pass all those tips on for other people on my community. Thanks for sharing. [01:09] BCM43: it worked in feisty, gutsy. no go on upgrade to hardy [01:09] Gokul: Come tothink of it, have you rebooted at all in trying to fix this? [01:09] bobbyd: within 3 years. [01:09] puff: yes, several times [01:09] Gokul: if not, step one, reboot. If that "fixes" it, then odds are high it's a lock problem. [01:09] BCM43: something with ssb, b43 and the -24 kernel :( [01:09] ffm: what does lspci say about it? [01:09] Okay. Hm. [01:09] yell0w: follow the instructions. it has a hardy workaround. [01:09] bobbyd: It worked a few days ago. [01:09] Gokul: See if /proc/asound exists [01:09] yell0w: try skipping right to the workaround [01:10] BCM43: hardy bug fix ? [01:10] yell0w: yes [01:10] Gokul: Or does "ps -ef | fgrep -i esd" show you anything? === jo_ is now known as Psyux [01:10] bobbyd: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6200] (rev a2) [01:10] BCM43: ok thanks [01:10] BCM43: let me reboot and try them [01:10] bazhang: afaik... the Kubuntu kde3 offering is supported as a normal release, and kde4 isn't supported at all... but there is no Kubuntu LTS this time around... [01:11] yell0w: once your done, be sure to tell what happend on the forum thread. [01:11] BCM43: ok [01:11] not a major problem, but I've been having problems with sound on bootup (8.04) if my headphones are plugged in when the system boots, it bypasses them and goes to the speakers anyway, the only way it doesnt is before the system is all the way up and at the login screen is to unplug/replug the headphones. Slightly irritating, anyone seen this and have a fix? [01:11] where are scores for games stored in Gnome ? [01:11] so how would i go about having emerald load my theme each start up? [01:11] wx9j_: likely ~/.gnome2/ [01:11] hello. I type "locate stest" in terminal. It's located at /usr/bin I wish to erase ir. However the file is not there even with "hidden files" disabled. Any help? [01:12] tonyyarusso, tu [01:12] ffm: what about "glxinfo | grep -i corporation" [01:12] fde http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php right you are--my mistake. [01:13] southafrikanse: did you try gksudo gedit /usr/bin/stest ? [01:13] bobbyd: nothing, other than some stderror output, want me to pastebinit? [01:13] so how would i go about having emerald load my theme each start up? [01:13] BCM43, it's not a file. It's an "executable" [01:14] sudo rm /usr/bin/stest [01:14] bobbyd: http://pastebin.ca/1032679 [01:14] southafrikanse: oh, are you sure it is not fining a folder with the same name? [01:14] BCM43, sorry but define "fining" I'm not English [01:14] southafrikanse: sorry, finding [01:14] ffm: I don't know what to suggest, looks like it's not using the nvidia driver at all [01:15] southafrikanse, you just wan tto delete the file? [01:15] miko, yes [01:15] but it's not a file [01:15] help [01:15] bobbyd: Should I {Ask in the forums, Reinstall} [01:15] !helpme | katatau [01:15] katatau: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [01:15] is there not a torrent for the CDR of Kubuntu ?? [01:15] ffm: you could maybe look at the output of "lsmod" to see what driver it's using, and then maybe /var/log/syslog to see if there's anything in there about it failing to load the driver [01:15] is there a way to make frostwire work with 8.04? or is there an alternative to it? [01:15] southafrikanse, what does this look like: ls -l /usr/bin/stest [01:15] katatau: just ask a question :) === Lunks2 is now known as Lunks [01:15] quero um canal ubuntu em portugues [01:16] Please Help>>> I just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu then I updated then I installed the restricted drivers from ubuntu.. now I get a white screen of death when I log on. [01:16] !po [01:16] Factoid po not found [01:16] miko, ls -l /usr/bin/stest [01:16] sorry [01:16] hi can someone tell me what this means "Enter Password for default keyring to unlock the application 'nm-applet' (user/bin/nm-applet) wants access to the default kering, but its locked"?? [01:16] !pg [01:16] Factoid pg not found [01:16] miko, ls: cannot access /usr/bin/stest: No such file or directory [01:16] same happens with drivers from ati.com I know that from a previous isntallation of ubuntu :( [01:16] Gokul: You still there? [01:16] 100% not working drivers [01:16] southafrikanse, what does this look like: sudo ls -l /usr/bin/stest [01:16] join ubuntu in portugues [01:16] br [01:16] ?? [01:16] !pt | katatau [01:16] katatau: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [01:17] I have a Radeon 9800XT [01:17] isso [01:17] Ubuntu Hardy [01:17] yes [01:17] miko, the same [01:17] Gokul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting [01:17] PdUb101: it's just asking to open the default keyring to get the password for your wireless network [01:17] guess not [01:17] <`Chris> !cy | `Chris [01:17] <`Chris> Lol that sucks, my language isn't supported [01:18] BCM43, you speak pt? [01:18] bobbyd, is there a way to store that password?? [01:18] katatau: no, sorry [01:18] katatau, pt here :P [01:18] southafrikanse, vc fala mano? [01:18] southafrikanse: please help him in the pt channel if ou do. thanks [01:18] BCM43, ok [01:19] katatau, falo sim. Queres os canais de suporte pt? [01:19] southafrikanse, what does this show: find /usr/bin/ -name stest [01:19] southafrikanse, isso mesmo. [01:19] southafrikanse, acho q vc pode me ajudar. [01:19] katatau, #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt é como quiseres [01:19] how do you uninstall a program you installed through a .deb file? [01:19] so i'm having trouble with getting emerald to even get my theme to work now : / i double click the theme and nothing happens [01:19] mas se puder ajudar diz [01:19] sematic package manager [01:20] miko, it says nothing [01:20] can somebody help me? [01:20] is there a way to store your wireless internet password for your wireless router? [01:20] southafrikanse, instalei recentemente o ubuntu 8.04, so que nao consigo instalar minha placa de video [01:20] xss4hell, just ask your question [01:20] q é uma geforce fx5200 128 [01:20] southafrikanse, try running: updatedb - then see if slocate finds the file still [01:21] I am getting crazy with my WIRELESS 8187B [01:21] miko, thank you [01:21] it's not ther anymore [01:21] deejaypip I have Ubuntu 8.04 with all updates. I installed the restricted drivers from ubuntu for my ATI 9800XT, now I get a WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH on logon [01:21] yeah it just had cached data [01:21] miko, why does this happens? [01:21] I had tried everything anyone got any luck with this wireless device???? [01:21] I tried a lot to fix my bandwidth shaper.. i googled a lot, but no success for me.. Need Help my shaper is not working here my problem, only one look please, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15440/ [01:21] Does anyone know how to enable Youtube on Elisa? [01:21] doolph: put the retun of lspci in the paste bin [01:22] that sucks hard [01:22] slocate looks through a cached database, you need to update it every so often [01:22] BCM43: its a show as usb device with lsusb [01:22] miko, can that be a reason for my program to stop working when I unnistal the product? [01:22] even the drivers from ati.com produce the same error [01:22] Bus 006 Device 003: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. [01:22] doolph: ok, but that in paste bin [01:22] katatau, pvt [01:22] Hello all, when I start synaptec from the panel it refusus to start [01:22] synaptics [01:23] Zikiti: does it give errors? [01:23] no error message [01:23] strange [01:23] When I run the command from a terminal it starts [01:23] the exact command as the launcher's [01:23] gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic [01:24] : / [01:24] anyone had installed Realtek wireless 8187B before??? [01:24] Where is Bitch-x IRC client? I cannot find it in aptitude. [01:24] doolph: hold on [01:24] has anyone used wine and World of Warcraft? im having some minor problems [01:24] anyone currently using a note taking or personal information manager? which are you using? [01:25] I tried a lot to fix my bandwidth shaper.. i googled a lot, but no success for me.. Need Help my shaper is not working here my problem, only one look please, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15440/ [01:25] PdUb101, have you tried Cedega ? [01:25] Where is bitch-x IRC client? I cannot find it in aptitude. [01:25] so anyone know it would refuse to start from the panel but run from the terminal? [01:25] afaik it works much much better for emulating warcraft [01:25] ya, and actually wine has worked better and its free, im getting more fps in wine then cedega, but for some reason the past few days it hasn't saved my interface settings [01:25] hmm [01:26] I see [01:26] wine has surpasses crossover/cedega for most purposes for some time now [01:26] southafrikanse, como q faz? [01:26] I haven't used wine in ages, I'll tried it out then [01:26] PdUb101: might try looking on warcraft-specific forums for a linux users section. i remember helping a friend setup WoW with wine and he didn't have any issues [01:27] nobody can help? [01:27] doolph: http://blog.crythias.com/2008/04/install-realtek-8187b-on-ubuntu-hardy.html [01:27] I have read that already [01:27] !patience | Xsss4hell [01:27] Xsss4hell: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [01:27] it doesnt work [01:27] PdUb101: well, you know they patch it all the time, so they can make changes that break wine compatibility... [01:27] wine works great, so far, but i was messing around with ubuntu, trying to get themes to work; downloading gtk and other programs and now it won't store setting [01:27] katatau, é melhor pedires suport no canal #ubuntu-br [01:27] ok ill look on forums for it [01:27] I am very good with linux but this ATI problem kicks my ass :( [01:27] <`Chris> !pt | southafrikanse [01:27] southafrikanse: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [01:27] katatau, faz /join #ubuntu-br e logo estarás lá [01:28] `Chris, I was telling him where to go === chaky_ is now known as chaky [01:28] southafrikanse, you're south african and speak portuguese ? [01:28] just out of curiosity :) [01:28] 'Chris he knows, he is helping him get there. [01:28] Xsss4hell: really, AIT support for Linux is crap, you're seriously better off just getting an Nvidia card if you want to use 3D apps [01:28] but i have one more question please, for some reason when i restart ubuntu my cube doesn't work, i have to go back and activate compiz fuzion and reload the display manager [01:28] <`Chris> I don't speak Portuguese so... [01:28] Infinito_, born in South Africa, residing in Portugal for already 15 years :P [01:29] Xsss4hell: ATI even [01:29] doolph: are you getting errors, or does it just not do anything? [01:29] southafrikanse, cool :P [01:29] Ubuntu didn't seem to set up my NTFS partitions in /etc/fstab after the installation (8.04). Is there any easy way to have them added (dpkg-reconfigure something?), the UUIDs and such [01:30] or rather, where are those UUID symlinks again? [01:30] bobbyd but it worked with previous drivers but I dont remember the version and I've got no nerves anymore..this kills me since a week === tat-_ is now known as tat- [01:31] Xsss4hell: do you need 3d at the moment? If not just use the non ATI drivers [01:31] Aha! Nevermind! ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/ solves! [01:31] doolph: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4784343 did you try this? [01:31] Xsss4hell: did you reinstall or something? [01:31] tried everything from compiling a new kernel 2.6.25, compile latest fglrx or the ati drivers none worked [01:31] I tried a lot to fix my bandwidth shaper.. i googled a lot, but no success for me.. Need Help my shaper is not working here my problem, only one look please, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15440/ [01:32] bobbyd dude my entire screen becomes completely white after login [01:32] 3D does not work [01:32] Xsss4hell: do uname -a , i just want to check something. === hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka [01:33] Linux SGC-Abydoss 2.6.24-17-generic #1 SMP Thu May 1 14:31:33 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [01:33] would anyone know why my cube stops working after every reset? i have to restart compiz fusion and reload the display? [01:33] as said this is a fresh install [01:33] Hey, how do I change what driver is in use by xorg? [01:33] how do I make sure that eth0 is always used - also when ppp0 is connected? when I plug in my pda with ppp0, eth0 is not working anymore [01:34] so i'm having trouble with getting emerald to even get my theme to work now : / i double click the theme and nothing happens [01:34] Hi; my mouse is NOT triggering compiz at all! All other effects work.. the nifty app switcher(special key+tab), the cube works via ctrl+alt+right/left arrow... but dragging my mouse and ctrl+alt no longer show the cube. I have reset all settings, and tried everything I know. Any idea? [01:34] hello [01:35] does someone have problems writing to windows shares from ubuntu hardy? like not be able to write to the shared folders from windows only readonly avaible and a authenitification dialog, but the win share dont have any pass , in gutsy used to work [01:35] I tried a lot to fix my bandwidth shaper.. i googled a lot, but no success for me.. Need Help my shaper is not working here my problem, only one look please, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15440/ [01:35] dez5y, its ctrl+alt+left click on the desktop [01:35] i have ushare set to use eth1 but it says eth1 is down...... but my network manager is running eth1 and it is up and running [01:35] PdUb101, I know that. [01:35] i copied a folder from one computer to another....but now i cant move the folder I copied...says I don't have permission....how do i change that [01:35] PdUb101, I know that. I drag on the desktop, and it acts as if it's highlighting icons [01:35] what is the openssh called in apt-get ? [01:36] dez5y: You want a quick way to re-enable the cube, or a GUI to do it? [01:36] Hey, how do I change what driver is in use by xorg? [01:36] fde, What do you mean? It's enabled in CCSM if that's what you're asking. I don't want it to re-enable.. I just want my mouse to trigger Compiz events. It doesn't do the transparency(special key+scroll bar on mouse), the rotate cube.. nothing [01:37] hi..What software can I use to cut some parts of a mp3 song? [01:37] dez5y: The GUI will give you an easy way to configure tons of things, but the quick way has you directly editing gconf keys etc, so might be intimidating to you. [01:37] dez5y, im having similar problems, whenever my fusion doesn't work i have to reload compiz fusion then reload windows manager [01:37] hi..What software can I use to cut some parts of a mp3 song? edit a song.. [01:37] i copied a folder from one computer to another....but now i cant move the folder I copied...says I don't have permission....how do i change that? When I right click and then look at properties--->permissions---> it says you are not the owner so you cant change these permissions [01:37] is there a way to install ubuntu on a eeepc without booting from usb ? [01:37] gleyve: audacity [01:38] Hi, just downloading the amd64 release of 8.04, wanted to confirm that was best release for Intel Core2 chip? [01:38] bobbyd: thank you [01:38] PdUb101, How do u do that ? You mean just restart x, and re-load compiz? [01:38] Dante123: do you have access to the other computer? [01:38] southafrikanse, [01:38] vc tai? [01:38] yes bobbyd [01:38] Dante123: if so, change the perms on that machine to allow everyone to access the folder [01:38] ok, so I fell off before I got an answer to my question, any fixes? [01:39] bobbyd i wnet in there and change permissions....but I want to delete this folder I just copied and it wont even let me throw it away. [01:39] dez5y: gconf-editor ... go to /apps/compiz/plugins/cube/all screens ... set it there, it should be able to use the mouse fine. [01:39] anyone know why ushare thinks eth1 is down? [01:39] lets try this again now that I don't have to leave [01:39] fde, Not sure what you're talking about... set what? Let me start gconf-editor! [01:40] is it possible to use a key combination to switch between open applications? [01:40] Dante123: I'm not clear on what you're trying to do now, is the folder on a shared network drive somewhere? [01:40] I've upgraded to 8.04, enabled the restricted nvidia drivers and now my dual monitor setup won't work. I've tried restoring an old xorg.conf, and no change happens. any thoughts on what to do next? [01:40] dez5y, applications > system tools > Compiz Fusion Icon... then on the task bar i Right Click the icon > Reload Windows Manager [01:40] fde; All I have under Options are "next_slide_key" "Prev_slide_key" and "unfold_key" [01:40] BCM43: no go [01:40] anyone think a clean install would help? vs the upgrade? [01:40] i copied a folder from one computer and put it into another shared folder on a second computer. Now the folder on the second computer (where I am) I cannot move it or throw it away [01:40] dez5y then for some reason it works fine, but i have to do that every start up, won't save my settings since i moved ubuntu to its own partition instaid of WUBI [01:41] how come my openssh doesnt accept connections like its firewalled ? its fresh install of ubuntu [01:41] bobbyd i copied a folder from one computer and put it into another shared folder on a second computer. Now the folder on the second computer (where I am) I cannot move it or throw it away [01:41] PdUb101, I don't have a "Compiz Fusion Icon" in "System Tools" are you talking about CCSM? [01:41] ahh [01:41] yell0w: ok, start from the beginning then. [01:42] Can anyone help me install my nvidia graphics card drivers please? [01:42] Does anyone with automounted NTFS partitions and 8.04 mind pasting me one of the device lines from /etc/fstab ? [01:42] Dante123: quick fix, open a console and do "chmod -R 777 /path/to/your/folder" [01:42] I'm trying to set up Apache with ISPConfig but when I go to certain pages in ISPConfig it says "The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading." [01:42] BCM43 did you check it? [01:42] BCM43: ndiswrapper hangs on modprobe , so something's wrong [01:42] :( [01:42] how come my openssh doesnt accept connections like its firewalled ? its fresh install of ubuntu [01:42] fde; not trying to bug you... but did you get my last message in here? [01:42] Xsss4hell: yes, it is fine === yannick_ is now known as ylynfatt [01:42] the folder on the second machine right....the one I am on with the copied folder bobbyd [01:42] dez5y, nope, when i installed it, i went to add/remove > all available applications > compiz and installed ccsm and compiz [01:42] yell0w: hm... hold on [01:43] dez5y: hmm... yeah... I don't see the key there by default for activation... and I don't recall the keys name either... sorry [01:43] BCM43: it was working fine on gutsy, so i know i got the drivers and stuff right [01:43] dez5y, im using ubuntu 8.04 tho? not sure of your version [01:43] PdUb101, 8.04 === yannick_ is now known as ylynfatt [01:43] yell0w: when you say hangs, what do you mean? [01:43] dez5y: (all values in there are called keys) [01:43] can ubuntu use the xfs file system? [01:43] BCM43: gutsy, feisty, hardy, [01:43] dez5y: Apologies. [01:43] yell0w: what do you mean hangs? [01:44] BCM43: when i do sudo modprobe ndiswrapper after unloading on the others, the machine hangs [01:44] yell0w: define hangs. [01:44] I can't install zsnes for ubuntu 8.04, the option in the add/remove menu won't let me check it in [01:44] bobbyd that did it...thanks [01:44] PdUb101, I just went to add/remove, and when i type compiz i only get "desktop setup".. so ? [01:44] just replaced cdrw with dvdrw, anything I need to do to read DVD data [01:44] Does anyone with automounted NTFS partitions and 8.04 mind pasting me one of the device lines from /etc/fstab? [01:44] I'm trying to set up Apache with ISPConfig but when I go to certain pages in ISPConfig it says "The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading." [01:45] ctarvid, use vlc [01:45] BCM43 but the fine thing want show me a desktop :( just metacity --replace (ALT+F2) helps but thats no solution [01:45] PCChris: im not sure it is 81 [01:45] Hi, I'm downloading the amd64 release of 8.04, wanted to confirm that was best release for Intel Core2 chip? [01:45] dez5y, did you make "Show" All available Applications?? [01:45] trying to read data dvd [01:45] BCM43: I know it's 81 b/c some of the other pages work [01:45] Hi, anybody knows how to disable a nic card? I have 2, but need to disable 1 of them when in Hardy. The network icon won't do it... I want it disabled everytime i boot, not just once. Thanks! [01:45] Xsss4hell: im mean what i wonderded bout [01:45] aptitude -y update && aptitude -y upgrade && aptitude -y dist-upgrade && aptitude -y autoclean [01:45] BCM43: nothing works, no keyboard, no mouse, no system monitor no nothing except for a hard reset [01:45] PCChris: ok [01:46] PdUb101, found it! [01:46] BCM43: I think it might be something with my SSL setup [01:46] yell0w: that is not good [01:46] Hello. [01:46] dez5y, grats :) [01:46] BCM43: no sir [01:46] I'm having a problem in installing HPLIP. [01:46] heres the e log: BUILD AND INSTALL [01:46] ----------------- [01:46] Running './configure --enable-network-build --disable-pp-build --enable-fax-build --enable-dbus-build --enable-gui-build --enable-scan-build --enable-doc-build --disable-foomatic-ppd-install --enable-foomatic-drv-install --with-drvdir=/usr/share/cups/drv/hp/ --with-hpppddir=/usr/share/ppd/hpijs/HP --disable-hpijs-only-build --prefix=/usr' [01:46] Please wait, this may take several minutes... [01:46] Command completed successfully. [01:46] PdUb101, Ok, I reloaded.. and the mouse *still* doesnt trigger the cube, or the transparency :( [01:46] Running 'make clean' [01:46] Please wait, this may take several minutes... [01:46] Command completed successfully. [01:46] Running 'make' [01:47] Please wait, this may take several minutes... [01:47] error: 'make' command failed with status code 2 [01:47] !enter | matteus [01:47] matteus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [01:47] anyway.. I think you don't find a solution. until next month when ati releases 8.6 [01:47] could anyone help me please? [01:47] fuc* aaargh [01:47] BCM43: any suggestoin ? [01:47] Xsss4hell: you could try a bug [01:47] BUILD AND INSTALL [01:47] ----------------- [01:47] Running './configure --enable-network-build --disable-pp-build --enable-fax-build --enable-dbus-build --enable-gui-build --enable-scan-build --enable-doc-build --disable-foomatic-ppd-install --enable-foomatic-drv-install --with-drvdir=/usr/share/cups/drv/hp/ --with-hpppddir=/usr/share/ppd/hpijs/HP --disable-hpijs-only-build --prefix=/usr' [01:47] Please wait, this may take several minutes... [01:47] Command completed successfully. [01:47] Running 'make clean' [01:47] Please wait, this may take several minutes... [01:47] yell0w: holon [01:47] Command completed successfully. [01:47] Running 'make' [01:47] Please wait, this may take several minutes... [01:47] error: 'make' command failed with status code 2 [01:47] matteus: please sto[ [01:47] lol [01:47] I dont know why that happen man. [01:48] BCM43: I'm downloading the amd64 release of 8.04, wanted to confirm that was best release for Intel Core2 chip? [01:48] Dude, i just Ctrl+V and it goes that way. [01:48] !paste | matteus [01:48] matteus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [01:48] the answer is, don't paste [01:48] PdUb101, Ok, I reloaded.. and the mouse *still* doesnt trigger the cube, or the transparency .. sorry to repeat, don't know if u saw it from where he flooded [01:48] Kyrin: why are you asking me? [01:48] BCM43 bug report? I wrote an email to ati [01:48] Oh, sorry, i didnt know that. [01:48] just seemed like someone knowledgeable [01:49] Xsss4hell: most likely it is ubuntu devs that can fix it [01:49] My error log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15445/ [01:49] but I don`t they react.. they aren't active on linux side...those ...xxyyyzz [01:49] dez5y, everything else works besides the mouse?? [01:49] BCM43: brb, if you got anything just include my name in the response and i'll pick up the highlight later [01:49] How can I tell if if my nvidia graphics card drivers are installed and working? [01:49] thanks BCM43 [01:49] BCM43 I asked at #kernel but compiling fglrx agains 2.6.25 shouldn't work I heard [01:50] currently [01:50] PdUb101, Yes. And what I just noticed is, the mouse doesn't toggle properly between windows, either. IE: if I click from pidgin, to xchat.. pidgin chat window stays up, and if i try to type. .it types in pidgin, and not xchat. It really seems like a mouse issue.. but it was happens with my touchpad, too [01:50] Chlorate: type lsmod for a list of loaded modules [01:50] Chlorate: does it say nvidia there? [01:50] After yesterday's updates to gdm and the nvidia driver, Firefox window decorations appear to be missing. Switching off desktop effects resolves the issue. [01:50] since upgrading to hardy, my ati graphics are wack. i have used envyng to install the latest drivers, i have the proprietary drivers switched on, yet the graphics are slow/laggy/awful and when i open a folder (ie home) it flashes then disappears. any ideas? === yannick_ is now known as ylynfatt [01:51] Chlorate: I think you can go to System>Admnistration >Drivers Hardware and see if its active. Am I right? [01:51] Chlorate: You can also run glxgears. If you see the gears, then they are installed correctly. [01:51] matteus: try using sudo [01:51] K BCM, ill try, ty [01:51] dez5y, hmm... do you have all of the latest updates from ubuntu? may be a driver issue for your mouse [01:51] I see nvidia in there. So does that mean it is working? [01:51] <`Chris> !etiquette | `Chris [01:51] Chlorate: glxinfo should also tell [01:51] revilodraw, goto add/remove in menu, goto other or system tools and look for ATI catalyst ctrl center [01:52] matteus: http://www.mail-archive.com/hplip-help@lists.sourceforge.net/msg03553.html [01:52] Chlorate: If nvidia is present in `lsmod` it means the module is loaded, but to check for 3D acceleration use glxinfo. [01:52] I want software updates from the command line, Is "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" my solution ? [01:52] Chlorate: what video card? [01:53] theFATMAN: thanks ill try that! [01:53] BCM, sudo didnt work. Ill try that website.. just a moment [01:53] revilodraw, no p, it lets u configure [01:53] indio: Affirmative [01:53] hi, im setting up a jabber server for a few friends and myself and after setting up ejabberd i go to register myself a admin user, but get a error that the user cant be registered at that node: not_allowed any ideas? [01:53] alright. Nvidia geforce 7900 GS. What should I look for to see if I am getting the 3d accel in glxinfo [01:54] theFATMAN: i actually already have it, but i couldnt use it, but since im in failsafe gnome now i can! so thanks again [01:54] PdUb101, I have them all. It was working a week ago :(. I did a fresh re-install, with all new settings.. with NO updates, it still doesn't work.. so I'm truly clueless. [01:54] revilodraw, no p, mate [01:54] Chlorate: a bunch of symbols...direct rendering yes [01:54] BCM43: i checked that out, but it seems its a solution only for SuSE [01:54] ogrimdoom: Sounds like permission problem within the jabber server. But I know nothing about Jabber :( [01:54] can someone help me figure out how to do a network install? [01:54] BigPick: Is it the same as software updates that appear in Ubuntu Gnome session ? [01:54] After yesterday's updates to gdm and the nvidia driver, Firefox window decorations appear to be missing. Switching off desktop effects restores the decorations but eliminates visual effects. Anyone here have this problem? [01:54] not sure what the problem is, but it made a new user on my server called ejabberd and i dont know its password >> scares me lol [01:55] orgrimdoom: Join ejabberd@conference.jabber.ru in your Jabber client [01:55] matteus: try googleing the error and looking around more [01:55] dez5y, hmm... im sorry i wish i could help more but im just going from person experience here, im not in any way a master user [01:55] !install | whisperkiller [01:55] whisperkiller: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [01:55] Chlorate: if you want more controol over your xserver config install nvidia-settings [01:55] is it possible to use a key combination to switch between open applications? [01:55] ty MattJ [01:55] indio: Affirmative. [01:55] Alright I see a huuuge list of letters, numbers, etc after it. Is that good then? lol. [01:55] BCM43, yeah i have done that before, ill try looking up in the HP website [01:55] AcornAcorn, ALT + TAB [01:55] matteus: what are you trying to install? [01:55] Are the repos totally down now? i'm getting 404's on squid from edgy. [01:56] Infinito_: It doesn't do anything [01:56] I was getting a 404 earlier [01:56] BCM43 HPLIP [01:56] hold ALT and each time you press time it TAB it should switch to a different application AcornAcorn [01:56] Infinito_: I switched the compiz plugin off [01:56] it should work.... :s [01:56] Chlorate: you can know for sure if the nvidia "logo" shows up when you start the x server. you can shut off the xserver with ctrl-alt-backspace and gdm with automatically start the xserver again [01:56] Rabbitbunny: Repos are working here... barely. [01:57] matteus: should not matter, try it anyway [01:57] press and realease TAB whilst holding ALT key [01:57] Infinito_: I want to be able to switch with ALT + TAB without having the graphical stuff coming up on the screen [01:57] hmm [01:57] Repos are hella slow atm... [01:57] i don't see any option for that in compiz settings [01:57] Hmm. [01:57] BCM ok, thanks for the support === illovae_ is now known as illovae [01:58] anyone know why my compiz/fusion has to be manually loaded everytime i restart my computer? [01:58] AcornAcorn: Yeah compiz is kinda all about the graphical stuff :P Interesting question. [01:58] I have a Linksys Wireless router and I want to connect trough my laptop. I can see my wireless network with very high signal, but it won't connect... On another place, where there is a D-Link router, works perfectly. Any ideas? the router model is WRT54G. [01:58] I did the ctrl + alt + backspace and I didn't see any nvidia logo. However, I did see that it had "Yes" for direct rendering. Anything else? And how do install the nvidia settings to make sure? [01:59] BCM Ill try installing using tarball [01:59] michael__: Are you using the propietary driver? [01:59] proprietary( [01:59] BigPick: yeah, it's nice sometimes, but not when you want things to be clean and simple :P [01:59] michael__: System --> Admin --> Restricted Drivers [01:59] IIRC [01:59] ian_liu88: I've the exact same router. Do you have encryption on or off? [01:59] Not in Ubuntu atm [01:59] Steve-cal: It is on [01:59] It says in use and enabled. [02:00] michael__: Also - if you just enabled it - you have to reboot (not just restart X) [02:00] ian_liu88: And the Dlink--was encryption on or off? [02:00] It does a kernel update [02:00] I will do that real quick and make sure. [02:00] michael__: I don't see the logo every time either come to think of it - only sometimes [02:00] Steve-cal: I think it was on too, it was WPA2 protected [02:00] Where should it be when I see it? [02:01] hola tengo una pregunta rapida [02:01] !es | alpert [02:01] alpert: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [02:01] hey [02:01] it there such a thing as a device manager? or something similar in ubuntu? [02:01] Steve-cal: My router was configured with the Wizard that came with it, on a Windows machine, it has some kind of computer registration, but it seems it only works for Windows XP/Vista [02:01] BCM43: any new insight on my problem ? [02:02] can anyone help me getting gparted 0.3.7 installed on ubuntu? [02:02] how do i list files on a cd from command line? [02:02] cd .. [02:02] whisperkiller: ls -a /media/cdrom ? [02:02] ls [02:02] can anyone help me with live-helper [02:02] question, i just installed ubuntu server 8.04 on an ibm xseries 235 server, it booted up a couple of times just fine then all of a sudden it was complaining about being unable to write to a few files and so i rebooted, now when grub loads i get "Error 25" any idea what this means? [02:02] ian_liu88: Are you using WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption on the Linksys? [02:03] Steve-cal: I'm using WPA [02:03] PdUb101, omg! It was the mouse! [02:03] dez5y, hehe did you switch it otu? [02:03] PdUb101, I swapped it out w/ a $5 cheapo i had - restarted my computer, and bam.. desktop cube works like a charm, the rotating, that is! [02:03] what's OTU? [02:04] FloodBot2, can you help me with live-helper [02:04] I wonder if restarting w/ the wireless mouse will fix my woes once and for all [02:04] dez5y, congrats!! makes learning ubuntu fun when you figure things out for yourself [02:04] Is it possible to use zsnes on 64bit hardy? [02:04] yes shoudl be zaiden [02:04] ian_liu88: Do you have the "wpasupplicant" package installed? [02:04] Just wanted to let u know PdUb101 thanks a million! [02:04] Steve-cal: hmm, I don't think so, let me check [02:05] I can't find a download for zsnes that'll install on ubuntu [02:05] Zaiden: I know snes works [02:05] Steve-cal: Well, there is a wpa_supplicant [02:06] Steve-cal: with "_" [02:06] what does it mean when packages are kept back? [02:06] when I do sudo apt-get install zsnes, I get "Package zsnes is not available, but is referred to by another package." [02:06] Zaiden: Just use your favorite package manager and install the zsnes package. [02:06] !info zsnes [02:06] zsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 879 kB, installed size 4060 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) [02:06] BigPick: the package from the zsnes website? [02:07] Zaiden: use snes9x :) [02:07] Zaiden, enable repo and reload [02:07] hai......................... [02:07] ian_liu88: Hmmm, mine says only "wpasupplicant" no _ in mine. My version is 0.6.0 What do you have? [02:07] Zaiden: No, just use the package manager. [02:07] silly question, why does it say Kubuntu when my pc restarts now? [02:07] chrisbdaemon, it is a disk error [02:07] help [02:08] I cannot install my realtek 8187b wireless card!!!ç [02:08] PdUb101: Because you have crossed over to the light. :) [02:08] LordOllie, so does that mean the hdd is bad or could it be something in the cmos? [02:08] how can i repair a damaged install from commandline? [02:08] Steve-cal: on the repos there is a wpasupplicant, but it says I already have the latest version. When I run wpa_supplicant, it says "Version 0.5.8" [02:08] doolph: Were you here earlier? Have you tried ndiswrapper for your card? [02:08] does anyone know if/when we might get gparted 0.3.7 as an available option to install on Ubuntu? [02:09] does anybody know if virtualbox 1.6 ose packages are in the works of being created? [02:09] chrisbdaemon, it could be a bios problem with upper or lower addresses or disk issues, have you removed a disk from the machine? [02:09] BigPick, it used to say Ubuntu ??? and now i can't see some things that i could see before, like system > Preferences > Hardware [02:09] hi ppl [02:09] glor You can always get gparted livecd if there is some new feature you must have [02:09] ian_liu88: OK, we'll assume it's OK then. Which type of WPA are you using? Enterprise or Personal? [02:09] Steve-cal: Personal [02:10] Steve-cal, yes I have tried that [02:10] LordOllie not i, but i bought the computer used. what i'm confused about is the fact that it booted a couple of times just fine [02:10] whisperkiller, if you reboot you should find a option in grub menu to restore [02:10] PdUb101 What did yo just install .. kubuntu desktop or kde etc? [02:10] Steve-cal, I can only see the access points, but it cannot connect [02:10] then suddenly died [02:10] i get this error when trying to run apt /usr/bin/python: error while loading shared libraries: libutil.so.1: cannot open shared object file: Error 27 [02:10] the latest version of puppy uses 2.6, right? [02:11] bloodrock: i dont [02:11] chrisbdaemon, it could be disk problems, if you haven't removed any disks from it since you got it and it worked fine before. [02:11] changed cdrw to dvdrw, how do I fix fstab? [02:11] Jack_Sparrow, i have no idea, i was following a thread on how to get themes to work and now it says kubuntu at startup, and some things aren't working right [02:11] ian_liu88: And if you pull up your Linksys router configuration page, under "Advanced Wireless Settings" what is the "authentication type" set to? [02:11] what kernel does puppy linux use? [02:11] PdUb101 You need to look at that tutorial and see what you installed [02:11] please, a command to know how much space is left on hd? [02:12] df -h ? [02:12] anybody have any experience with getting Stellarium up and running, i am currently getting an error [02:12] LordOllie, thats not what i want to hear :P lol, so the disk is probably bad then? [02:12] Jack_Sparrow thanx [02:12] doolph: Are you trying to connect to APs with encryption or are they open-access? [02:12] Steve-cal: its "auto" [02:12] is there you can just dump something with lynx ? like lynx -dump http://blah.file > /tmp/file [02:12] np [02:12] they have WPA [02:12] tinin - have you seen the Disk Usage Analyzer ? [02:12] * frankie_ is also accident [02:12] no [02:12] can someone PLEASE help me figure out what i can do to fix my laptop....it is royally boned and none of the simple stuff will work [02:12] no m-c [02:12] tinin - Applications -> Accessories menu [02:13] what kernel does puppy linux use? [02:13] whisperkiller why not reinstall if it is that messed up [02:13] Steve-cal: There is a "WPA Shared Key" on Wireless Secuity [02:13] chrisbdaemon, I am by no means a grub expert, but if there has been no bios changes and no hardware changes it is what makes sense to me. [02:13] !ot | frankie_ [02:13] frankie_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:13] I have tried with this one too http://www.datanorth.net/~cuervo/rtl8187b/ [02:13] because my cd rom is messed up and i cannot find my usb stick [02:13] chrisbdaemon, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Stage2-errors [02:13] whisperkiller: I've had a similar error on gutsy once, which was fixed by reinstalling some python library [02:13] m-c I need a command to use in a old notebook with icewm ;) [02:13] whisperkiller, what happened....tell us everything [02:13] Anyone have a link to an article how to install Windows on a USB drive from Ubuntu? All the ones I seen require a running Windows installation [02:13] LordOllie, do you know if theres some kind of way to test the hdd? [02:13] !fsck [02:13] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [02:13] it will not boot and gives me python errors and a command line @ root [02:13] hexoroid: Yes. There's a command line option to output to a file. Or that may be links I'm thinking of, not lynx. [02:14] http://pastebin.com/m2e35896 --- i get this error when i try using starting it up [02:14] zelrikriando he dropped it while booting [02:14] ho [02:14] oh even [02:14] ian_liu88: Can you turn off your encryption and try connecting? That might give some clues here what is causing your problems... [02:14] i cannot ping my router so i cannot figure out how to reinstall python [02:14] whis do a apt-get python [02:14] zelrikriando niether the hd or cd will work [02:14] Steve-cal: Ok [02:14] puff i thought there was a lynx -dump not sure [02:14] Ok, trying again!! I just figured out my wireless mouse doesn't trigger any compiz events, or toggle windows correctly. When I put a $5 el cheapo in, and restarted X.. bam! all compiz bindings work, and window toggling is A-OKAY! Is there any way to try a different .. mouse driver?? [02:14] whisperkiller, buy a new laptop [02:15] chrisbdaemon, this might do the trick http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page [02:15] thanks but i can do without the jokes....been 2 days trying to fix this [02:15] dez5y: look into using different X settings [02:15] whisperkiller, if you droped it... === DBLobster is now known as U09526 [02:15] whisperkiller: I don't think zelrikriando was joking, and I agree with the statement [02:15] m-c, as in look at what X set for my wired el cheapo, and copy it for my wireless mouse? [02:15] Help please! i type in the terminal -> sudo umount -o loop /home/hendaus/Desktop/afro-aitd_tnn.ISO ~/Desktop [02:15] and after that i see my desktop has a lock icon on each folder and disappear manythings from my Desktop [02:15] whisperkiller That is what happened right.. [02:15] doolph: Can you try to connect to any APs without encryption? That might be holding you up right now. [02:15] LordOllie, thanks. I appreciate the help :P [02:15] Steve-cal: Yes, disabling WPA works [02:15] hexoroid: lynx --help, or 'man lynx'. I'm afraid I'm in the middle of reinstalling from scratch (drive failure, ugh) so I don't have it installed ot check. [02:16] chrisbdaemon, no problem [02:16] hello how can i print in my screen the name of the partitions i currently have in my harddrive im not sure if they are hda or sda [02:16] tico: df -h [02:16] tico: 'sudo fdisk -l' [02:16] nice, my new philips mp3 player works ootb [02:16] puff: thanks [02:16] guys this was my sisters laptop and she was murdered last year....im not buying a new laptop [02:16] puff: that will only show mounted partitions (tico) [02:16] ian_liu88: OK, so there's where your problem is... [02:16] what is the best WYSIWYG web design app for ubuntu? [02:16] !html [02:16] html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/ [02:16] soundray: ok [02:16] whisperkiller: that's sad [02:16] tico: df -h will show you -- what soundray said. [02:16] !best [02:16] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [02:16] LordOllie: Maybe you could update linuxcompatible.org with your device information, and help others deciding whether to purchase the same [02:17] whisperkiller: that you'll never upgrade [02:17] whisperkiller, If the laptop is damaged...you cant do anything about it... [02:17] i can't remember, where do i go to change what application opens with certain files [02:17] Steve-cal: At D-Link router, there was another security, I think it was WPA / WPA2, which I guessed it was WPA and WPA2 compatibility [02:17] whisperkiller, why not just reinstall that be your best bet [02:17] theFATMAN: emacs. [02:17] yeah i would really appreciate it if someone whos expereince would help me figure out some way of getting the damned thing to boot [02:17] TaRDy: right click the file - go to properties [02:17] Steve-cal: I will try WPA 2 === hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka [02:17] theFATMAN: there is *no* "best" wysiwyg web design app, because the web IS NOT WYSIWYG. [02:17] example, any video media that opens from firefox chooses totem or something else and i want VLC [02:17] whisperkiller: the least you will have to do is to replace the hard disk drive [02:17] yeah i can get it fixed but i really dont think its that damaged [02:17] whisperkiller Buy a usb stick.. or take it to a professional else you are wasting your time otherwise not to mention ours [02:17] TaRDy: you can add, remove, and change the default applications that open a file [02:18] puff, thanks, true, but it helps to go from HTML to design [02:18] ian_liu88: With your encryption key, do you have it set to ASCII or HEX? [02:18] TaRDy: oh, you mean within Firefox? [02:18] puff, do you use emacs? [02:18] whisperkiller, I agree with Jack_Sparrow .... [02:18] -c, (sorry can't type your name?) mostly firefox [02:18] i have a usb stick but i think my toddler must have flushed it [02:18] is there any advantage installing 64bit instead of 32bit??? [02:18] hi all how do i get my headphone's jack workin i have a toshiba a135 s7404 laptop [02:18] its not muted [02:18] not everyone can afford to just go out and buy crap [02:18] tryed alsamixer and hit M key couple times [02:18] Steve-cal: Well, looking to the Key, I suppose it is ASC [02:19] i remember there was a way I was able to choose what handles mms:// links before [02:19] doolph, its based on ur actual cpu [02:19] whisperkiller, a memory stick is not that expensive... [02:19] theFATMAN: I doubt there is much out there in the linxu world. hm... http://webdesign.about.com/od/htmleditors/tp/aatpwyslinux.htm [02:19] TaRDy: use right click for the file manager, at least --- you might need to ask in #firefox for web-files [02:19] yeah? [02:19] theFATMAN, my cpu is amd 64 [02:19] whisperkiller A $9 usb stick... isnt worth the time you have already spent on this [02:19] TaRDy: that's MIME filetypes [02:19] you dont think so? [02:19] Steve-cal: I don't have an option for ASC or HEX [02:19] puff, thats what i was afraid of [02:19] theFATMAN: Yeah, I do web design the old fashioned^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hright way. [02:19] thats a pack of diapers [02:19] i feel stupid for asking this but i just installed vmware and i cant figure out which folder to run vmware out of, anyone know? [02:19] you could even borrow one [02:19] doolph: it's faster with certain applications and it supports more memory. It may or may not be good for you [02:19] whisperkiller, you can borrow one...no? [02:19] doolph, then u want the 64bit, for sure [02:19] thank you [02:19] no [02:19] nathanial: not much information about vmware or other closed applications here [02:20] i dont know anyone who owns one [02:20] TaRDy: you bet [02:20] its not important [02:20] can anyone help me figure out my headphone's jack problem on my toshiba laptop a135 s7404 [02:20] puff, tomato ta-ma-to [02:20] m-c, oh thats an M, it looks like a red box when you were saying my name [02:20] your guys arent going to help me so im going to quit wasting your time and mine [02:20] have a nice night [02:20] Steve-cal: no success with WPA2 [02:20] whisperkiller: feeling sorry for yourself won't fix it either [02:20] whisperkiller Good luck [02:21] theFATMAN: Well, I have yet to see a wysiwyg editor that gets it right, since I started doing web work in 1994. [02:21] soundray, attitude is everything homie [02:21] theFATMAN: so. [02:21] theFATMAN: pardon? [02:21] ian_liu88: I suppose you could try "WPA enterprise" [02:21] puff, no dreamweaver? [02:21] whisperkiller, did you try doing a reinstall? [02:21] soundray: i think he meant ot direct that at whisperkiller. [02:21] soundray, no offense, but ur a lil abrasive [02:22] theFATMAN: Dreamweaver was the best of the lot in 1999, but it still had a bad habit of locking down table sizes in pixels. [02:22] no...i dont feel sorry for myself...i feel sorry for my sister who was 6 months preagnant and was stabbed to death in her own apartment....i feel sorry for my mom who had to pay 75 bucks to have it shipped to her when she makes 700 dollars a month in disability [02:22] theFATMAN: He's also one of the most helpful people here. [02:22] !ot | whisperkiller [02:22] whisperkiller: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [02:22] someone gave me a link to instructions on how to set up dual-boot with Ubuntu installed first and Windows XP installed after, but I bookmarked it on my Ubuntu partition. just wondering if it's unusual to get hd(0,0) from a grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 since the example page had it giving hd(0,1) [02:22] fuck you jack [02:22] im out [02:22] whisperkiller, that s sad for you sister but the laptop is a separate issue [02:23] puff, huh, i am not as experienced as you, lol, i have only used FrontPage and dreamweaver [02:23] anyone familiar with getting headphone jacks enabled [02:23] theFATMAN: I don't think your criticism is justified. I feel peuple have given whisperkiller good advice, and he's not exactly showing signs of accepting the truth in that advice, much less being grateful for it. [02:23] soundray, i wasnt trying to be rude, friend, but it just came off as...u know what, nevermind, none of my biz [02:23] Chaotic_Descent: Grub starts numbering with 0, so the hd(0,0) means your first harddrive and the first partition (which is most likely your windows partition.) [02:24] theFATMAN: exactly, and I'd appreciate if you didn't address me as 'homie' or 'friend' [02:24] Nostahl, did you check volume control to see if headphone vol is turned up [02:24] Jack_Sparrow and soundray : Thank you very much for your relentless pursuit of supporting, at no cost, these anonymous Ubuntu users. Regardless of anyone's criticism here, your efforts are sure appreciated by me, at least!! :-) [02:24] I'm having problems upgrading this package: gdm_2.20.6-0ubuntu1_i386.deb if I download it manually, is there a way to tell the package installer to upgrade? [02:24] Steve-cal: I will try [02:24] Thanks m-c [02:24] bloodrock aye its turned on and i hit M a few times to check and unplugged and replugged in to double check [02:24] well, either whisperkiller is a troll, or he has problems far larger than we can fix here. [02:24] steve-cal, ok, thanks. I was worried because they said hd(0,0) was the master boot record. my first partition would actually be Ubuntu. [02:24] pcm is turned up and master is as well to check [02:25] You are champions of Free Software. [02:25] soundray, i know the help i here is voluntary, so....duly noted....sorry dude, i'll just call ya soundray then, my apologies for being friendly, since this is a support channel and i have gotten my help, i'll leave you be [02:25] Nostahl, what about the switches tab is headphones checked [02:25] hello to all [02:25] m-c`thanks. we just didnt have much to work with.. after two days... we really couldnt help him [02:25] let me see [02:25] !hi | cjsze [02:25] cjsze: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [02:25] Is anyone capable of playing *.3gp cell phone videos in ubuntu with sound? [02:25] BCM43, hi [02:25] guess we'll see if that worked. :) [02:26] thank BCM43 ubottu [02:26] cjsze FYI Ubottu ... is a bot [02:27] m-c, i think it was gconf-editor i was looking for [02:27] thank for the info Jack_Sparrow [02:27] hrmm i dont see switches tab [02:27] ChaosTheory_: Hmmm, I would be a little wary of that tutorial then. :) [02:27] Sorry to keep coming back. My wireless mouse doesn't trigger compiz events - however, my $5 el cheapo does.. I can literally switch mouses during the same session, the wireless won't trigger compiz bindings - but the cheapo will.. any ideas?? [02:28] Nostahl, what is your sound device [02:28] its a toshiba a135 s7404 [02:28] hda intel [02:28] it lists [02:28] !enter | Nostahl [02:28] Nostahl: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:28] it also lists it as realtek alc861-vd [02:28] Nostahl: thanks [02:29] any one know something about vpn connection setup in ubuntu ? [02:29] !anyone | Bshkot [02:29] Bshkot: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [02:29] dose anyone know something about vpn connection setup in ubuntu ? [02:30] sorry for my bad eng [02:30] I just installed the 64bit Ubuntu version and all I get is a bar on the bottom two desktop boxes and a trash bin? [02:30] Bshkot: just ask a question about it, we will do our best to answer it [02:30] no, he meant it would be more useful to say "i am trying to setup a vpn connection, but my computer caught fire and said file not found, help?" [02:30] I cant even find the applications menu or the control panel help!!! [02:30] ok im having trouble Running Guild Wars with Wine on Ubuntu...not could it be that i installed the wrong Ubuntu that it doesnt work properly? [02:31] Bshkot: your English isn't the problem. You should say what difficulties you experience, rather than asking for "anyone'"s experience [02:31] lol [02:31] Nostahl, when you click on file in the volume control and change device does it give you several options of devices [02:31] wat a big help [02:31] can u guys help me [02:31] thnx [02:31] im lonely [02:31] haha jk [02:31] no really im lonely but i need help too [02:31] newbieubuntu, please be patient. [02:32] cj_: What's it doing, or not doing? (Note: I don't play GW, I play WoW but it could be unrelated to the choice in game) [02:32] bloodrock aye [02:32] my ubuntu installed without giving me any programs or application menu or anything... its bare! what do i do [02:32] newbieubuntu: right click the bottom panel and see if you can add the top one [02:32] so, has anyone else had this problem? with the new upgrade, links from pidgin and thunderbird no longer open in firefox (have to copy/paste the URL). emacs, however, can do it. [02:32] newbieubuntu: Do you have a top panel at all? [02:32] http://google.com (testing link in pidgin) [02:32] when i try to start it the Loading screen comes up then it freezes [02:32] newbieubuntu: then add the system menu to the top panel. [02:32] Does anyone have any idea why I would be able to see all the wireless networks around me, but not be able to connect? I used ndiswrapper to install the drivers for my card. It claims it is supported. When I look at ndiswrapper -l the device and driver seem to be recognized. [02:32] Nope, Pidgin launched the link just fine [02:33] Catslacks, I'm in the same situation [02:33] most interesting [02:33] The_PHP_Jedi: what card do you have? [02:33] is anyone here using vim as IDE? [02:33] Fishscene: firefox 3b5? [02:33] Catslacks, which encryption method are you using? I tried WPA (with wpa_supplicant) and WEP, and nothing works. It works in my old install of Feisty and Debian. [02:33] I tried them all. [02:33] Catslacks: What is your wireless card chipset? [02:33] Nostahl, when you option the volume control click on file> change device if there are serveral options for diff devives try messing with those [02:33] Catslacks, it's a netgear card. Don't recall the exact model number [02:33] cj_: It could be a number of things. The version of Ubuntu isn't likely a factor. Do you have the proper driver installed for your graphics card? [02:34] *open [02:34] bloodrock i opened all of them and none of htem affect it [02:34] Thanks that was a start.... Now next question... How do I use Beryl on this baby [02:34] Steve-cal: My wireless card is a D-Link DWA542. I can get the exact output of lspci if you want, but it's on a different computer. [02:34] newbieubuntu, why beryl? [02:34] durka, yes [02:34] yes [02:34] zelrikriando: I like the graphical interface and the cool effects [02:35] does it come preinstalled with ubuntu i heard? [02:35] newbieubuntu: stick with compiz-fusion. System-Preferences-Appearance-Desktop Effects === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:35] how do i get to system [02:35] ? [02:35] i am following tutorial on internet conection sharing , but it seems i cant get it to work. it looks pretty straight forward but after i reboot i lose connection to internet. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 , any help is appriciated. [02:35] newbieubuntu: ^^ [02:35] Nostahl, you sure your plugging phones into correct jack [02:35] newbieubuntu, Beryl is old...Compiz-fusion is the one you want [02:35] Catslacks: If there are all ready drivers for your chipset that came with Ubuntu, you need to blacklist them to use ndiswrapper. Did you do anything like that by chance? You may need to. [02:36] Newbie, the top bar has the word "system" [02:36] I just booted my computer and in the grub screen it looked like I had installed another copy of ubuntu with a different kernel (one said 2.something.something-16-generic, and the other was 17, or something like it). What's going on and do I need to worry? [02:36] does anyone know if its possible to do a cli-only install from the ubuntu live/desktop cd. [02:36] newbieubuntu, look at my account on youtube (zelrikriandooo) there are some cool vids for you :) [02:36] Steve-cal: I blacklisted them already. [02:36] TeslaTony: did you just update the kernel? as in apt-get update [02:36] TeslaTony: if you did, the old entries stay in the grub list [02:37] i just looked at Ubuntu i know i DL and installed the wrong one for my PC now so im going to try and install that one [02:37] cj_: Have you followed any of the tutorials on getting it to work? A google search will net you quite a few... [02:37] newbieubuntu: add the Menu Bar applet to the top panel. [02:37] Catslacks: OK, and did you say whether you can connect to an AP without encryption? [02:37] Steve-cal: I tried, but I can't. [02:37] Steve-cal: I can see them all though. [02:37] bloodrock in alsamixer there is no 00 or MM under pcm [02:38] what does that mean [02:38] fen_: no. Only the alternate and server CDs have the text-based installer [02:38] durka: Ahhh...I'm not sure, but I did install some updates. Should I bother removing the old listings? Or will they automaticall go away? [02:38] Catslacks: If you do a "sudo iwlist scan" does it show all the networks? [02:38] i have spent 2 days now trying to get it to work and just realized the Ubuntu i DL was the wrong one [02:38] TeslaTony: they don't go away, but they don't do much harm... plus if the new kernel borks something you can try booting with an old one [02:38] Steve-cal: Bear with me, it's on a computer that's kind of far away so I'm running back and forth. I'll check, brb. [02:39] How is it the wrong one? [02:39] cj_: arrgh. What have you downloaded? [02:39] durka: Groovy. Thanks. That's probably what went wrong with my madwifi driver, then [02:39] Nostahl, what do you mean by no 00 or mm [02:39] what do you mean which Ubuntu did i DL? [02:39] newbieubuntu, if you have any concern or you dont have the 'task bar' please let me know [02:39] Steve-cal: Yes, they are all listed [02:40] TeslaTony: If it really bothers you to see it as a option on boot-up, you can always remove it from your Grub boot screen. [02:40] Why do you say you downloaded the wrong Ubuntu? [02:40] cj_: you said it was the wrong one. So which is it? [02:40] Steve-cal, I'm having the same issue as Catslacks [02:40] Hey all. [02:40] 64bit AMD and Intel computers << is the one i need [02:40] who can i format my external disc [02:40] ? [02:40] I have a problem with booting ubuntu.... [02:40] i386 should work fine [02:41] Steve-cal: Nah. I was really curious as to why I had it. Like durka said, I might as well leave it for now [02:41] TeslaTony: looking at /boot/grub/menu.lst, the listings for the all the kernels (current and old) are automagically generated on kernel update, so I'm not sure you could remove them. however it looks like there is a preference you can set in the file so it will start dropping old entries after a set number of them. look for "howmany" [02:41] zelrikriando: I wonder if newbieubuntu's installation went wrong beyond the top panel missing [02:41] my ubuntu doestn regconaise it [02:41] i DL and installed >>>Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM) [02:41] XxScHw4RtZxX: Whats the problem? [02:41] and even my xp [02:41] It says something like activating swapfile or something for like 10 minutes, what is that and why does it take so long [02:41] what can i do [02:41] cj_: not necessarily -- the 32bit i386 installation will work fine on yours [02:41] soundray, yeah... [02:41] oh [02:41] XxScHw4RtZxX: I have the same problem.... just press Ctrl+alt+del and it will go..... [02:42] soundray, that s weird...when I right click on my desktop I dont have any menu coming [02:42] so it will make no difference [02:42] bloodrock open up terminal and type alsamixer [02:42] there should be a 00 or MM under each channel [02:42] maybe that's because I have been messing up with it [02:42] yo can some one help me [02:42] Catslacks: OK, good sign, and what is the output of "ifconfig" and "iwconfig"? Can you try and connect with something like "sudo dhclient wlan0" or whatever your card is (eth1, wlan0, etc)? (I think that's the right syntax) [02:42] Oh, well why does it do that, the first time I installed it it didn't. Then I reinstalled Ubuntu, and now it does it. [02:42] What causes it? [02:42] keops: just ask the question [02:42] Steve-cal: I'll go try, give me 2 mins. [02:42] durka: Thanks for the help. [02:43] XxScHw4RtZxX: same for me... first time it worked without doing that and then i reinstalled also.... LoL... i dont know why... but it's not a "problem" i don't think... [02:43] ok i brough a new external disc and my pc doestn regconaise it [02:43] zelrikriando: by default, nautilus is responsible for generating a desktop context menu [02:43] Steve-cal, iwconfig gives the standard info, but it's not associated with any access point (obviously). [02:43] i want to know what to do [02:43] oh thanks anyways ^_^ I'll try the ctrl alt del thing next time i reboot. [02:43] Steve-cal, I'm using static IPs, but still it's not connecting. [02:43] The_PHP_Jedi: Exactly the same problem as Catslacks? Can't even connect to a non-encrypted AP? Just curious, might help us troubleshoot. [02:43] keops: what is the name of it? [02:43] i dont know [02:43] cuz i dont even see it [02:44] keops: i thought it was external? [02:44] Steve-cal, yeah, exactly the same problem. Not sure on unsecure APs, as my modem doesn't allow you to set no encryption at all. [02:44] soundray, I removed 'show desktop' in nautilus preferences...maybe that is why [02:44] cj_: My guess is that you either need to tweak the graphics settings or the wine configuration. In my experience those have been the major obstacles. [02:44] And limited, another problem, sometimes I cannot open like anything [02:44] yep [02:44] XxScHw4RtZxX: yeah i wouldn't mind knowing why it does that..... let me know if you find out... Do you have yahoo/AIM or MSN? [02:44] but is new [02:44] Nostahl, oh i see i rarely use terminal i use the volume control by right clicking on lil speaker on panel lol [02:44] keops: why cant you see it? [02:44] XxScHw4RtZxX: what do you mean? [02:44] lol in the pc [02:44] Yes lane i have aim [02:44] Should we talk on there [02:44] Steve-cal, I have tried both WEP open/shared, and WPA1. WPA used to work on my old install of Feisty and Debian Etch, but the same config doesn't work in Ubuntu Hardy. [02:44] arent u asking me about the name on the pc [02:44] XxScHw4RtZxX: we could [02:45] K my s/n is blakhawk006 [02:45] The_PHP_Jedi: What chipset is yours? [02:45] OK. I have a flv which Totem says needs a codec. So I install on2/vp6 codec. Video plays. Audio needs codec. I install. Audio plays. But now video does not. It ping-pongs back and forth in this way. Any resolution to this? [02:45] !private | XxScHw4RtZxX [02:45] XxScHw4RtZxX: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [02:45] soundray, is there a keyboard shortcut for that? [02:45] keops: look on the physical thing, what is the name? [02:45] Catslacks: Hmmm. Do you get any errors when you try to connect? What about if you do a "dmesg" in the terminal--do you see what the wireless errors are? [02:45] newbieubuntu, you still alive? [02:46] o [02:46] he was eaten by a grue [02:46] is a samsung [02:46] i have tryed different configs with Wine how to i tweak my Graphic settings? [02:46] Steve-cal, Marvell Tech Group Ltd. 99w8335 [Libertas] -- it's a netgear card. [02:46] zelrikriando: no. But it has the same entries as any folder context menu, plus a "Change background" item [02:47] keops: a samsung what? [02:47] Nostahl, when you right click lil spaeker icon on panel and open volume control does it show pcm in there [02:47] but i dont have the model and these stuff [02:47] I went to Appearance and desktop effects How do I now add fire and those different color star effects when closing windows? [02:47] ok let me see [02:47] zelrikriando: well, roughly the same [02:47] Incidentally I can convert to avi with ffmpeg without incident and both streams seem to stay intact [02:47] !ccsm | newbieubuntu [02:47] newbieubuntu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [02:47] http://youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ i want these desktop effects [02:48] newbieubuntu: please :) [02:48] bloodrock aye [02:48] newbieubuntu, did you watch my vid? [02:48] soundray, so how to fix it :) [02:48] no wheres ur vid zelrikriando [02:48] Steve-cal, dmesg returns 'ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready' '....wlan0: link becomes ready' and then 'wlan0: no IPv6 routers present' [02:48] newbieubuntu, ok hold on... [02:48] keops: did you find the model name? [02:48] zelrikriando: well, tell nautilus to show the desktop of course... [02:48] newbieubuntu, http://fr.youtube.com/user/zelrikriandooo [02:48] The_PHP_Jedi: I can't believe it--you are using almost the exact same chip I am--I've got a Libertas 88w8335. Mine works great with ndiswrapper. [02:49] soundray, I dont want to [02:49] Nostahl, if it shows it but shows a red x chlick it to unmute it [02:49] no bro i dont have it [02:49] soundray, I have good reasons for now showing the desktop [02:49] Steve-cal, mine works great with ndiswrapper as well on other distros. I don't know why it isn't working on this fresh install of Hardy. [02:49] this is the first Error i get.... err:d3d:WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat Can't find a suitable iPixelFormat [02:49] keops: how could you buy something without finding out the model number? [02:49] newbieubuntu, start from the oldest to the most recent === ketamin[e]_ is now known as lol [02:49] zelrikriando: what do you want from the context menu then? [02:49] its not mine [02:49] no red x [02:50] As a Windows turned Linux user, I have to say that the Linux community has been very friendly and welcoming. This is judging from a few forums and this IRC channel. So, thanks to all the experienced users for all the help. :) [02:50] hi guys, was trying to install vsftpd on my new server but 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] is down [02:50] soundray, that just scares me that I cant bring it [02:50] is there a way i can skip this server? [02:50] soundray, not that I dont need it [02:50] oops [02:50] not that I need it that is [02:50] keops: ah, look all around it. still nothing? [02:50] how do i enable wpa? [02:50] buggmaster, fix your DNS/internet connection. [02:50] harpreet, use wpa_supplicant. [02:50] harpreet: it depends on the wireless card [02:50] i cant even ping this server [02:50] its down [02:50] hello. how do I find out if my computer has PCI Express and/or PCI? And furthermore, how do I find out to which one is my graphics card connected? [02:50] ping the ip [02:51] Steve-cal: Are you still here? I had to run to the other computer to get the output and burn it to a disc, haha [02:51] buggmaster: The repos have been buggy all afternoon. [02:51] #surabaya [02:51] buggmaster: works fine for me, something on your end [02:51] The_PHP_jedi, is it some package i have to install? [02:51] buggmaster, it's up here. [02:51] Catslacks: Still here. :) [02:51] where is here [02:51] harpreet, it should be already installed. Check UbuntuForums.org for more info on how to configure for your card. [02:51] andresj: The `lspci` command can get you that information. [02:51] buggmaster, here = caribbean. [02:51] zelrikriando: if nautilus isn't managing your desktop, it can't give you a context menu. Maybe there are other programs you can install, that will manage the root window in such a way that you get a customizable context menu, but I'm not aware of any. [02:51] no [02:51] buggmaster: NC, USA [02:51] Steve-cal: Is there any way to post this without flooding the channel? [02:51] its just says that is firewire [02:52] Nostahl, did you try ubuntu forums see if anyone else has had same trouble [02:52] soundray, ok [02:52] and have 160gb [02:52] !pastebin | Catslacks [02:52] !paste | Catslacks [02:52] Catslacks: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [02:52] but nothing else [02:52] jbroome: nooooooo, you beat me to it [02:52] * The_PHP_Jedi also plugs http://slexy.org as a pastebin :P [02:52] Catslacks: You bet: pastebin.com [02:52] they must have half the world firewalled... its plain ignoring requests [02:52] why is it that i keep getting problems playing vids.... and also i have problems opening multiple sound files [02:52] Steve-cal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15456/ [02:52] can I regenerate fstab after an upgrade from gutsy to hardy? [02:52] although i installed all drivers needed [02:52] soundray, actually not showing the desktop is a work-around to get several wallpapers (one on each face of the cube) [02:52] BigPick: what should I look for in its output? [02:52] buggmaster: No clue, its been hella slow even when you get through though. [02:53] I typed this ' sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm' but it wasn't found [02:53] keops: without the name of it, i cant help you. sorry [02:53] does ubuntu come with simple-ccsm or do i have to dl it [02:53] cj_: This thread might be useful. It's only 87 pages long. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=7cdbd4b20ca4a5c3540b4b7f72e18ee3&t=283122 [02:53] cool man thanks for the efford [02:53] !info simple-ccsm | newbieubuntu [02:53] newbieubuntu: simple-ccsm (source: simple-ccsm): Simple Compizconfig settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.4-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 31 kB, installed size 376 kB [02:53] why is it that i keep getting problems playing vids.... and also i have problems opening multiple sound files [02:53] although i installed all drivers needed [02:53] andresj: You are looking for references to PCI Express controllers. [02:53] i can't use media players when I have certain browsers open, and other odd stuff [02:53] so there is no alt servers? [02:53] i delete this OS then lol [02:53] newbieubuntu: you have to enable universe in software sources under adminstration [02:54] buggmaster, try your local servers, or the servers of some other country [02:54] newbieubuntu: make sure the 'universe' repository is enabled. System-Administration-Software Sources [02:54] buggmaster: theres plenty [02:54] buggmaster: there are hundreds of alt servers [02:54] J [02:54] newbieubuntu, I dont have simple-ccsm..I dont think...and I dont feel bad about it [02:54] where is list? [02:54] hang on [02:54] tarvid: regenerate it? That shouldn't be necessary -- did yours get lost? [02:54] Catslacks: OK hang on, technical difficulties on my end here.... [02:54] lol i guess i got reading to do then lol thanks [02:54] it still had /dev/hdc entries [02:54] buggmaster: http://lifehacker.com/384325/speed-up-ubuntu-updates-with-a-mirror-server [02:54] buggmaster: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors [02:55] steve-cal: haha, it's okay [02:55] I commented tham out but DVDs do not automount [02:55] ty [02:55] andresj: Also try using `lspci -v -t` [02:56] if its server edition you'll need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list in nano or you normal editor.. [02:56] andresj: That will give you the entire map of your system as PCI sees it. [02:56] bloodrock i fixed it i modifyed alsa-base [02:56] heh [02:56] ty for your help [02:56] BigPick: Oh thanks :D So if my graphics card is on 00:05.0 and my two PCI Express controlers are on 00:02.0 and 00:04.0, it means that I can still connect a new PCI Express card to do dual monitor, right? [02:56] Steve-cal, dmesg returns 'ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready' '....wlan0: link becomes ready' and then 'wlan0: no IPv6 routers present' [02:57] tarvid: I think you need to restart gnome after making those changes [02:57] How do I unarchive a .bz2 file? [02:57] Catslacks: I'm not sure what is going on with you and The_PHP_Jedi. Let me check some of my notes and maybe we can come up with an idea of what to try next. [02:57] even tried rebooting [02:57] andresj: I honestly don't know how the numbering schemes operate. [02:57] Steve-cal, sure. Just highlight me. :) [02:57] What do people use for playing shoutcast stuff? [02:57] others have complained of the same problem after upgrading from cd to dvd [02:57] BigPick: I see... thanks for the help anyways :) [02:57] Ok, I am very new to Linux. What the heck is initramfs? My other computer is dual-booting Win XP and Ubuntu installed using wubi. After it told me there were updates booting stops at initramfs and will not do anything. === tscolin is now known as _tscolin [02:58] poseidon: with bunzip2 (or tar jxf if it's a tar.bz2) [02:58] Anybody know how the PCI numbering schemes operate? :) [02:58] Specifically, streaming mp3s, .pls files? [02:58] andresj: I should, but I usually let the headers take care of the low level details :P [02:58] puff: vlc maybe? [02:58] Steve-cal: thanks for your help. It's pretty frustrating, haha. [02:58] andresj: What exactly are you trying to do? [02:58] The_PHP_Jedi, Catslacks: I probably should have asked this to begin with, but are you guys on 64 bit machines or 32 bit? [02:59] soundray, thanks. It was tar.bz2 :) [02:59] Steve-cal: 32 [02:59] krim: Worth a shot. [02:59] Steve-cal, 32 bit. [02:59] poseidon: don't install software from it if you can at all avoid it. [02:59] is there a way to do a sort of "frugal install" of windows? install it into a partition in your linux installation and reload GRUB to show windows as an option? i need windows for something but dont have any extra hard drives to sacrifice[other than a 80GB SATA, but my mobo has no SATA now] [02:59] soundray, install? You mean install the software inside it? [03:00] BigPick: well I have two monitors, but my current graphics card can only use one. I'm looking for a solution to have dual monitor. I have been told that I can connect one graphic card to PCI and the other to AGP, thus having two outputs. But AGP is expensive, so I was looking to see if using PCI Express isntead was good for my computer. [03:00] poseidon: so it is a software package... what are you trying to install? [03:00] this is too slow, im going to bed. good night #ubuntu [03:00] PCI-E would probably be better in the long-run. It's the new standard and AGP is practically dead. [03:00] soundray, I'm compiling ogre3d [03:01] I am trying to open up firefox and when I open it the window doesn't come up. I tried going into the system processes to see what was up and I saw that it was in "sleeping" mode. Every time I click on firefox to open it up, it immediately goes into sleep mode. I tried killing the firefox process and re-opening firefox, but that didn't work. I don't really feel like restarting lol, should I just restart? [03:01] andresj: The deciding factor is really what is physically available on your motherboard. Pop the hood and get out the manual. :P [03:01] poseidon: okay, you seem to know what you're doing. Do have a look at checkinstall, though [03:01] hey all. I hope I am in the right chatroom. I am using feisty and am a newbie. I am trying to mount a bad external hardrive (windows) to obtain some data off it before I wipe it. Am I in the right place? [03:01] !checkinstall | poseidon [03:01] poseidon: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! [03:02] AlexRADL: hmmm... that's an odd problem for sure [03:02] AlexRADL: is firefox actually not working? [03:02] andresj: This might be helpful http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/iii/ [03:02] BigPick: well that's why I wanted to see if this stuff was viewable within Linux, to avoid having to turn the machine off and open it :) [03:02] soundray, thanks. I was going to look into making a debian package soon :) [03:03] Linkified: http://pci-ids.ucw.cz/iii/ [03:03] AlexRADL: open terminal and type ps aux|grep firefox [03:03] D'oh [03:03] geekymom: say what the problem is and we'll work out whether this is the best place to get help. [03:03] Fen: ok, I'll try that [03:03] andresj: Your going to have to open it up anyway, don't be scared. Electricity feels like puppy kisses. [03:03] Nice name, geekymom lol [03:03] Zeus: yeah. Attracts help ;) [03:03] monkeybritches: thanks :) but I think that's for product names, not slots :P [03:04] BCM43, i have the model [03:04] BigPick: I know... I'm just lazy :) [03:04] its a laptop hard drive [03:04] double d'oh! :) [03:04] I'm running Ubuntu on a sony vaio UX [03:04] andresj: HAHA, yeah me too. Its the only way to be sure though. Chipsets will report open slots that don't actually exist. [03:04] I am using my dual-booted laptop and trying to mount an external usb harddrive. I am a newbie and not extremely comfortable with this. I have looked in my media folder and my windows folder is sda1. [03:05] geekymom: you are indeed in the right place! [03:05] great!! === oooo is now known as hhhaa [03:05] geekymom: So what exactly do you need help with at this juncture? === hhhaa is now known as oooo [03:06] BigPick: :) I see I see... do you know what I should be looking for to find an open PCI Express slot (in the hardware)? [03:06] geekymom: sda1 is most likely not your external drive, though. Can you do a 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if the external drive's partitions are listed? [03:06] geekymom: And don't worry, I've recovered data off of NTFS drives that have been repartitioned and reformatted with just linux. [03:07] howcome its not letting me change my name [03:07] BigPick: wow. gpart? testdisk? [03:07] I do not see it...it is list my ntfs on the laptop as well as sda2 (linux swap) and 3 as well as 4 as linux [03:07] ketamin[e]_: because someone might already be using the name that you're trying to use? [03:07] andresj: Ack, your bringing back my A+ certification days... erm, the owners manual is your best bet :P [03:08] Starnestommy: but its mine :{ i have the pw for it [03:08] soundray: nope, just ntfstools on knoppix [03:08] BigPick: I don't have any owners manual... :( [03:08] * soundray is impressed [03:08] ketamin[e]_: /msg nickserv ghost [03:08] BigPick: only a couple of promotional papers [03:08] geekymom: how is the drive connected to your computer? USB? [03:09] didnt work [03:09] folks, can anyone tell me how to change the default port on vnc: 5900 [03:09] I have the harddrive enclosed in a usb case and plugged in via usb [03:09] ketamin[e]_: did you type the nick without the < and >? [03:09] Starnestommy: yep [03:10] ketamin[e]_: you may have used the wrong password [03:10] geekymom: can you see any error messages relating to plugging in the drive when you enter dmesg? [03:10] Starnestommy: but it's not even letting me change it in another channel [03:10] andresj: I got nothin. Google? [03:11] ketamin[e]_: you might be in a channel that doesn't let you change nicks for some reason [03:11] hols on [03:11] BigPick: :) k I think Wikipedia has a couple of helpful pictures :) [03:12] I'm having a problem booting the latest kernel on my laptop (or any 2.6.24 kernel, for that matter). My system boots fine in 2.6.22. The error is that it can't find my hard disk. When I boot I strip the "quiet splash" options off, and it reports that /dev/disk/by-uuid/blahblah does not exist. It kicks me to a busybox terminal and indeed /dev/disk/by-uuid/ is not present. [03:12] Hi. Anyone using Emacs from CVS ? [03:12] * BigPick grovels at the feet of all knowing wikipedia. [03:12] ahhh i still like vista [03:12] lol [03:12] soundray: it says usb 4-1device descriptor read/64, error -71 [03:13] krim: Yeah, vlc seems to do it. [03:13] Steve-cal, I'm going to try unencrypted one more time. I need to restart my router though, brb [03:13] Ciao all. [03:13] back in a ibt. [03:13] BigPick: lol. Well thanks for your help :) [03:14] geekymom: ah, USB problem. I see this quite often with particular devices. Sometimes it helps to unplug and replug them. [03:14] geekymom: Hmm... unplug, then replug the drive and check dmesg [03:14] geekymom: run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' to follow the messages while you do so. [03:14] AHH!!! soundray is too fast. === hoarycri1ple is now known as hoarycripple [03:14] Does anyone know of a Max OSX Finder alternative for Ubuntu Linux? [03:14] Mac* [03:14] i need help making vbox work [03:14] geekymom: also, plug it directly into the computer if you were plugging it into a hub before. [03:15] Zeus: deskbar and tracker [03:15] THank you, jrib. [03:15] Yeah, USB is still one of the "rougher" edges of linux atm. [03:15] Steve-cal: Ok, back. [03:16] bigpick:same error [03:16] soundray:no usb hub [03:16] wb Catslacks :) [03:16] BigPick: I think it might be one of those cases where Linux is less tolerant of hardware that doesn't stick to the standard [03:16] geekymom: any change after unplug-replug? [03:17] wtf, now i cant get passed authentication for mirrors [03:17] this is gay [03:17] geekymom: you may have to do it a few times [03:17] !wtf | buggmaster [03:17] buggmaster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [03:17] fuck this server, bye bye ubuntu [03:18] Catslacks: Seems like you and The_PHP_Jedi may have found a genuine bug with your wireless cards and ndiswrapper. Have you tried searching ubuntuforums.org for your specific chipset? That is probably your best bet. The forums have the most up-to-date solutions for problems like yours. [03:18] can someone tell to me why the "update manager" dont have the same upgrades then apt-get upgrade ?! [03:18] dolphin_noel Different repos enabled? [03:18] dolphin_noel: it has the same ones as apt-get dist-upgrade [03:19] Steve-cal, I'm browsing through the forums. Nothing yet. Thanks for all the help. :) [03:19] Howdy [03:19] What's the best IRC program out there? [03:19] Hello steveryherd [03:19] soundray:no change..this isn't critical as I do back up. I just need to know how to do this (mounting and recovering data) [03:19] Zeus, I recommend XChat [03:19] !best | Zeus [03:19] Zeus: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [03:19] I have a pretty simple question, and I'm not quite sure how to go abouts it, Jack_Sparrow... [03:19] Jack_Sparrow yes but i make apt-get upgrade ... and come recomended upgrades and in "update-manager" it comes things that have nathing to do it ... and dont come on apt-get [03:19] Zeus: xchat (not xchat-gnome), irssi, konversation, or kvirc [03:20] Zeus: if you like cli style then try out irssi [03:20] dolphin_noel: listen [03:20] hey anyone here installed hardy on their ps3? [03:20] dolphin_noel: compare the list in update-manager with the one that apt-get dist-upgrade gives [03:20] DrUnKeN_MuNKeY, I couldn't get Feisty on there. :( [03:20] dolphin_noel: they will be identical [03:20] I was curious about the same thing [03:20] The_PHP_Jedi: Your welcome. I know how aggravating it can be to have everything working, upgrade, and then have things break. [03:20] geekymom: Well the trouble in this case is the interface. What kind of hard drive enclosure are you using? [03:20] steveryherd Just ask .. on one line with all the details you can include [03:21] The_PHP_Jedi i keep getting a debootstrap warning failure while configuring required packages [03:21] Steve-cal, actually, it's a fresh install. It works fine on my old Feisty install and Debian. [03:21] Steve-cal: Yes, I have. And it surprises me that it would be a bug with both our cards even though they are different cards and the ndiswrapper site says it supports it. [03:21] ... When I log into Ubuntu, I have to run a script to start my wireless device, is there a good location to move this script to? And then how do I run it on start-up (or login from any account)? [03:21] Steve-cal: I guess it's back to vista for me, though. [03:21] soundray this list is ussually diferente?! ohh so thta theproblem :| thanks :) [03:21] geekymom: it might be best to find a USB stick or some other device that works reliably. [03:21] !startup [03:21] To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [03:21] Has anyone had an update that caused their computer to no longer boot? [03:22] mobilediesel: More than I care to say. [03:22] geekymom: it's difficult to learn in the presence of these weird problems... [03:22] Catslacks, some people say their wifi is working with this app: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php [03:22] soundray see it thanks i was think this strange lol :x never see it beford that they can be diferent then sources in apt-get :x lol [03:22] hello to all [03:22] Catslacks, I'll try it out myself in a bit. [03:22] steveryherd: Depends--if there is nothing in the script that needs to be run as root, just put it into the "Sessions" program. If it needs to be run as root, put it in the /etc/rc.local file. [03:22] Soundray:it is a usb2 SATA/IDE HDD case [03:22] My other computer dual-boots XP and Ubuntu. well no longer Ubuntu as it stops at "initramfs" now. Any ideas what to do? or reinstall? [03:23] un should it take forever to "store language [03:23] "? [03:23] The_PHP_Jedi: I'll try it as well === sCOTTo is now known as DrAnalog [03:23] Ook, it does need to be ran as root... so the etc/rc.local file is a list of start-up apps? [03:23] mobilediesel: Well, for starters, your going to need a Live CD. [03:23] geekymom: it may be your laptop's USB hardware that's iffy. I generally get better results on older laptops with a PCMCIA adapter card with two or for USB sockets. [03:23] soundray: I am wondering if this 4 year old laptop has usb2.0 [03:23] hey guys, i have noticed that the tab autocompletion for bash is programmable (it's an installed package showing in synaptic as 'bash-completion' with a description saying that it's programmable). how can i see the 'programmable' options? i'd like it to be non-case-sensitive [03:24] geekymom: it probably has, but if not, it shouldn't matter -- your drive should still be recognized and automounted as a USB mass storage device [03:24] soundray:I can boot this desktop (not dual-booted..only windows) into DSL and try it from there [03:24] I still have the live cd sitting here. I installed Ubuntu on the machine via WUBI. [03:24] soundray:ok [03:24] mobilediesel: Its not an uncommon problem and can be fixed, but it does require some work. [03:24] steveryherd: Well, it doesn't list everything that gets booted on startup, but if you put a command/script in there, it will run as root on startup. [03:25] anonymous__ have you looked at zsh? [03:25] geekymom: that would be a good way. Or boot the Ubuntu Desktop CD [03:25] soundray:the drive is making a lot of noise :-) === Asymetric is now known as RAFY [03:25] ... ok, well for organization purposes where should I put the script that I'd like to run? [03:25] anyone has the same problem than me? i installed a fresh ubuntu hardy. and not, my grub freeze when i select the Windows menu at "starting up" [03:25] geekymom: really? I can't hear a thing... [03:25] I mean, the wlan0up file to start my device. [03:25] * soundray blushes at his bad joke === DaVinci2008_ is now known as DaVinci2008 [03:25] soundray:when was the last time you had your hearing checked :-P [03:26] mobilediesel: It is a long process so I'm trying to find you a good link that you can use as a reference. [03:26] still on 75% [03:26] The_PHP_Jedi: I can't find any place to download it [03:26] BigPick: no problem about being some work. half of what I did in XP was command line. [03:26] Catslacks, I found the solution [03:26] !boot [03:26] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [03:26] oh wait [03:26] mobilediesel: Excelent! Your like me then. [03:26] Catslacks, false alarm. I was pinging myself >.> [03:27] Catslacks, not false alarm. It still was the true solution :P [03:27] haha [03:27] The_PHP_Jedi: Haha. Look how fast my internet is! [03:27] Catslacks, disable wpa_supplicant. [03:27] !enter | The_PHP_Jedi [03:27] The_PHP_Jedi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [03:27] BigPick: that will be very appreciated. I'm quite new to Linux of any version. I've tried redhat before as well as slackware but it's been a couple years. === DrAnalog is now known as sCOTTo [03:27] The_PHP_Jedi: What did you do? [03:27] tritium, sorry. Too excited [03:27] Thanks, The_PHP_Jedi. :) [03:27] geekymom: can I leave you to it now? I'm sure BigPick and others will help you if need be. Especially if you stick to your gorgeous nick. [03:27] BigPick: yeah sometimes opening a terminal and typing a few things is way faster than waiting for a gui to load so I can click a button. [03:27] Catslacks, I removed wpa_supplicant from the system. (I'm trying to connect using WEP, since WPA1 was failing to connect for some reason) [03:27] The_PHP_Jedi: How do I do that? [03:27] mobilediesel: Basically what we are going to do is boot into the live CD, chroot over into the damaged system, and then repair the initrd image. [03:28] steveryherd: If it is a script, go ahead and put it in the /etc/rc.local file--should work fine for you. [03:28] Catslacks, apt-get remove wpa_supplicant should do the trick. [03:28] soundray:I am signing off and will try this again tomorrow on my desktop. Thanks to you and BigPick. I will sign in tomorrow under my normal nick of flybaer. Thanks again. [03:28] THE_PHP_JEDI: brb, I'll try it [03:28] geekymom: bye [03:28] geekymom: sorry we couldn't be of more help. [03:28] Just place the file path on a new line? [03:29] still on 75% [03:29] soundray and bigpick:not to worry. I will nag you guys again tomorrow. [03:29] soundray: You're very right though. I have seen far too many USB devices that don't even come close to supporting any kind of standard. [03:29] Catslacks, I'll be right back once I get xchat set up in my desktop [03:29] steveryherd: Yes, that's exactly right. Make sure your script is executable of course, which I assume it is. [03:29] harriseldon: no i haven't, what's the difference? [03:30] I need help! [03:30] mobilediesel: Its an annoying process because of the number of steps and having to wait for the Live CD but I have done it many times. [03:30] Yep, okie, doke. -- I'd still feel more comfortable if I didn't have this script in a folder under my user account though -- can I move it somewhere? [03:30] BigPick: I get this error all the time when I run Ubuntu as a vmware guest [03:30] The_PHP_Jedi: So you're connected with WEP now? Or with no encryption? [03:31] not to mention windows, but some place organized like /Program Files/ [03:31] Steve-cal, with WEP. I removed wpa_supplicant, since I noticed it was running, even though I wasn't trying to connect to the AP using WPA. [03:31] The_PHP_Jedi: Well, good luck Jedi. I can't get mine to work, and Ubuntu is doing strange things. [03:31] Catslacks, oi... I hope for the best. [03:31] steveryherd: /usr/local/bin/ is a good place for system-specific programs. [03:31] I have a Belkin F5D7000 Wireless Card for my Desktop, and im new to ubuntu and I cant for the life of me get this thing working. [03:31] Thank you =) [03:31] is there a gnome app that lets you control the mouse cursor with the keyboard? [03:32] mobilediesel: So would you like to try this now or later? [03:32] Steve-cal, thanks for the help, seriously man. :D [03:32] BigPick: computers can be totally annoying. it's 2008 and technology is supposed to be so good that you forget it's there. and we're supposed to have flying cars and vacations on the moon already. [03:32] hi guys, i just bought a creative zen 4gb pmp. trying to get it to work. there is a page that asks me to compile stuff... just wondering of anyone has an easy solution? [03:32] BigPick: anyway, I'll be afk for a while. You've been good company, thanks! [03:32] The_PHP_Jedi: The best seems to be Vista in this case, because Ubuntu is turning out to be what I thought it would. I can't even get the internet to work. :P [03:32] soundray: See you! === adante_ is now known as adante [03:32] The_PHP_Jedi: No problem--hopefully you can get WPA working too soon. Take care. :) [03:32] catslacks: I haven't been paying attention to the whole thing, but what exactly is the problem you all are having? [03:33] I have a Belkin F5D7000 Wireless Card for my Desktop, and im new to ubuntu and I cant for the life of me get this thing working. [03:33] * Steve-cal "There's no panacea for wireless woes in LinuxLand..." [03:33] BigPick: I can see all the APs around me. But I can't connect to any. [03:33] BigPick: well the other system is booted into XP at the moment. I don't suppose the steps can be put into a text file or something? [03:33] catslacks: what is your wireless card? [03:33] steveryherd: No problem. :) [03:33] Catslacks: just focus on your own wireless connection, and not the whole internet. [03:33] hello waht is the package that i install to get my console mouse working ? [03:34] its cmouse on debian [03:34] BigPick: D-Link DWA542. I'm using ndiswrapper and installed the drivers for it. On the site it says it is supported. When I run a ndiswarpper -l, everything seems fine. [03:34] mobilediesel: Well lemme see if I can dig up that link I used. I got really good at the whole live CD recovery thing during the upgrade to gutsy... *shudder* [03:35] Yggdrasil: gpm [03:35] catslacks: ndiswrapper is the devil's tool... [03:35] BigPick: But that doesn't help me. :P [03:35] jrib thanks. goolged it [03:35] catslacks: sorry, random outburst. What are you using to configure the interface? === iliketowin is now known as TJ3 === kevin_ is now known as bash [03:36] BigPick: This may seem like total noob, but I have no idea what you mean. [03:36] Yggdrasil: you're supposed to do that /before/ you ask the channel :) [03:36] aye [03:36] sorry [03:36] Catslacks: do you have some protection on your wireless netowrk ? === bash is now known as bashDOTorg [03:36] what should i use to extract a .rar [03:36] BigPick: Thank you very much. I also wonder if anything can be done from withing Windows since the Ubuntu directory seems to be quite accessible. [03:36] !unrar > jack-desktop (read the private message from ubottu) [03:36] m13: I did have WPA, but I turned it off while testing. I also tried WEP. [03:37] mobilediesel: there are ways to access the Linux partitions.. is that what you mean? [03:37] Catslacks: you're not MAC filtering, are you? [03:37] Catslacks: try 1st without any protection , also notice that WPA dont work with all cards over ndiswrapper very well [03:37] tritium: How can I check? [03:37] m13: I've tried it all, is what I'm saying. [03:37] Catslacks: it's a router setting [03:37] !Translation [03:37] Factoid translation not found [03:37] mobilediesel: unfortunately no, to rebuild the initrd image takes software specific to the installation. [03:38] catslacks: what is the controlling interface. I'm assuming it is NetworkManager. [03:38] where can i start Translating, and how [03:38] tritium: it's off [03:38] anyone happen to know how to import qt to python? [03:38] i have python-qt4 installed [03:38] BigPick: Yes, I'm using Network Manager [03:38] ubuntu would do well if they copied vistas interface and mouse icons [03:38] newbieubuntu: yuck, please, no [03:38] bashDOTorg: no, I installed using wubi from within windows. on my d: drive there is an Ubuntu directory. [03:39] newbieubuntu: true. but the customization of Linux allows you to do that anyway [03:39] Ubuntu is doing very well without that [03:39] newbieubuntu: vista would do well if they copy 0.1% of ubuntu :P [03:39] catslacks: okay, can you run `iwlist {your iface} scanning` and get a list of networks? [03:39] im tryin to set up a ftp server, and im wondering how i can link my hard drives to the /var/ftp folder [03:39] where can i start Translating, and how [03:39] BigPick: Yes, but it will take me a minute or two to get back to you. Hold on. [03:39] Catslacks: iwlist scan in terminal [03:39] !rosetta > Dillizar (read the private message from ubottu) [03:39] mobilediesel: so what is it that you want to do? access a filesystem from another? [03:39] i like the vista user interface and program compatibility [03:40] BigPick: I didn't think so. [03:40] i dont have to use wine or anything [03:40] newbieubuntu: do you have a question about ubuntu support? [03:40] newbieubuntu: u can join #windows to discuss vista [03:40] 10x jrib [03:40] bashDOTorg: no, Ubuntu stopped being able to boot after an update, stops at "initramfs" but I can still boot into Windows [03:40] m [03:40] i have ubuntu on my other computer im just hanging around to pick some info up [03:41] How do I tell Transmission to put my downloads in my shared partition? [03:41] newbieubuntu: please stay on-topic, then [03:41] mobilediesel: God, I can't find a good site... do you know how to chroot into a system? [03:41] newbieubuntu: please stay on the topic of ubuntu support here in #ubuntu since it is really busy. We hang out and chat in #ubuntu-offtopic [03:41] BigPick: Okay, it says l0: scanning not supported, and then wlan0 no scan results [03:41] ok [03:41] mobilediesel: are these OSs on two different drives? [03:41] /msg ubottu etiquette [03:41] mobilediesel: have you tried booting from one and not the other? [03:41] mobilediesel: If your not 100% sure then lemme find something for you. [03:42] BigPick: "your" is possessive, and does *not* mean "you are" [03:42] catslacks: that indicates that ndiswrapper isn't working. Lemme lookup your card real quick. [03:42] BigPick: Okies [03:42] tritium: Awesome, you try answering two questions at once :P [03:43] Catslacks: ifup wlan0 , then iwlist scan ? [03:43] BigPick: I do [03:43] m31: ugh, okay, haha brb *runs* [03:43] If a program is already running locally in an X session, can I connect with ssh -X and take over? Display it remotely instead of (or as well as) locally? [03:43] newbieubuntu, have you watched my vids? [03:43] im settin up an ftp server and id like to have my music on there, but i have no clue how to link the hard drives to it [03:43] hello [03:43] who know what is Bind DNS? how to use? [03:43] branstrom: no, not directly [03:43] Ifs this English class or an Ubuntu forum... [03:44] -f [03:44] 日本の人はいますか? [03:44] ali1234: directly? [03:44] new here, IM noobie, and need a bit of help:) [03:44] m13: a bunch of stuff an then for ifup wlan0 Permission denied [03:44] can i change the language of my ubuntu without reinstalling it [03:44] What do you need help with? [03:44] branstrom: there are ways to do it, but you have to have set it up specifically to do that, and i'm guessing you didn't else you wouldn;t ask that question [03:44] how do I make miro work with alsa? [03:45] BigPick: never did chroot. I don't yet know many commands in terminal. [03:45] mobilediesel: no prob... hang on. [03:45] is there some magic trick you need to do to get a persistant live-cd on a flash stick to save your wallpaper? [03:45] can't seem to watch videos on mydeo site [03:45] irc.freenode.net [03:45] can i remove MySql? [03:45] I have a Belkin F5D7000 Wireless Card for my Desktop, and im new to ubuntu and I cant for the life of me get this thing working. [03:45] Catslacks: seems ndiswraper not working, did u installed corect drivers ? [03:45] running 8.04, amd64 [03:45] anyone willing to assist me regarding the BIND DNS issue thanks alot! [03:46] bashDOTorg: Well there are two drives. C: and D: with Ubuntu being installed on D: right on the FAT32 filesystem. it's in the add/remove programs in Windows [03:46] can i change the language of my ubuntu without reinstalling it [03:46] catslacks: what did you say your wireless card was? [03:46] is anyone in here using anjuta? I wonder how i can change the default file extension for c/c++ projects from cc to .cpp [03:46] dredimus: I may be able to help you but I'm trying to do too much at once :P [03:46] can i change the language of my ubuntu without reinstalling it [03:46] branstrom: for console programs, look at gnu screen, for X, you need xmove [03:46] I understand BigPick, ill come back some other time, Im done for the night I think, lol [03:46] anyone know a workaround for the DVD writer bug in Hardy? [03:46] is there some magic trick you need to do to get a persistant live-cd on a flash stick to save your wallpaper? [03:47] Dillizar: just add new language [03:47] ali1234: so, xmove will do it? [03:47] hi, gibts hier jemanden der deutsch kann? [03:47] my rants about fstab were erroneus [03:47] ali1234: thank you [03:47] how to configure BIND DNS in ubuntu? [03:47] m13: Yes, I installed the correct drivers. I tried sudo ifup wan0 and it said "Ignoring Unknown Interface wlan0=wlan0" [03:47] branstrom: so i am told, but i have never used it, and i cant even find a reference for it anywhere [03:47] anyone willing to guide me please [03:47] googling 'mydeo' comes up with a mention of blocked streaming [03:47] BigPick: D-Link DWA542 [03:47] branstrom: i highly recommend you try to find a console program that does what you want and just run it in screen, it is way easier [03:47] m13: not for Writing! the whole ubuntu [03:48] mobilediesel: http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=776693 [03:48] jackw, i wind up doing the config by hand, what are you trying to do? [03:48] Catslacks: can u check lspci and put output of chipset here ? [03:48] ali1234: I know about screen and all that, but this is fun too ;) === the is now known as the|doctor [03:48] Dillizar: system>administration>language [03:48] mobilediesel: best I can find atm. A really good explanation though, [03:48] How do I reinstall grub while keeping Windows XP functional? [03:49] I have it on a seperate partition on a single drive. [03:49] wow [03:49] catslacks: okay I'm checking the chipset compatability on that... [03:49] m13: Atheros Communications Inc. Ar5416 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Adapter (rev01) [03:49] When i press enter on a .php file and click 'display' the dvd drive spins up before gedit opens. is this normal? [03:49] I can't find a problem with Google to match, and "mydeo" seems to be popular [03:49] 10x m13 i found it [03:50] Catslacks: that is powerfull card :) let me check [03:50] Ksilebo Grub will not overwrite the windows partition. All of the grub details are in the menu.lst file. As long as that stays, booting to Windows should still work. [03:50] the mplayer plugin seems to work, but nothing plays, totem the same with the URL [03:50] harriseldon: I wiped the MBR [03:50] Maverick243: try to reboot [03:51] harriseldon: I know the grub-install or whichever command but will it see the windows partition? [03:51] BigPick: That looks great. as soon as my wife is done on the computer I'll fire up my live cd. Thank you very much! my wife likes Ubuntu as much as I do now. [03:51] Maverick243: download and install the VLC player [03:51] does anyone know where you set a custom incoming port in evolution [03:51] mobilediesle: glad to hear it. [03:51] Maverick243: i am sure you will not have problems [03:52] Ksilebo, make a copy of the menu.lst file on your boot partition first. Then do grub-install. You can always copy your old menu.lst back [03:52] loaded video player firefox extension, but doesn't support mydeo.com [03:52] anyone good with ATI video card I need to get my 3d card up and running [03:52] is anyone familiar with libusb? [03:52] catslacks: that chipset may be supported by the madwifi driver, I'm checking now. [03:52] machine has been rebooted [03:52] BigPick: Madwifi didn't say it was when I looked [03:52] Catslacks , BigPick , fot that wlan card u will need mad-wifi drivers [03:52] Maverick243: you are trying to play a vidio online "Streaming" === mike_ is now known as thebishop [03:53] Q: im trying to get a permanent HH install on a usb key that will be bootable, but will also be able to be used as a VM from windows through ... say... xen vm. any takers? [03:53] m13: Madwifi doesn't say it supports it though [03:53] Catslacks: your only option is to try [03:53] VLC player? OK Dillizar! I'll try it, though I should have all video codecs covered... bbl! [03:53] ok [03:53] hi what is needed to be installed to share files from my computer to toehr computers connected wirelessly in my router [03:53] m13: Or switch back to vista (seriously considering because this Ubuntu fiasco is a nightmare) [03:54] catslacks: madwifi should support it. [03:54] Catslacks: your choice :) [03:54] sory other computers in my nertwork tha are windows xp computers [03:54] Catslacks: it's your hardware. Blame the manufacturer, not ubuntu. [03:54] catslacks: BTW, vista is a bad word 'round these parts. [03:54] sorry [03:54] BigPick: It should support it even if it doesn't say it does? haha. [03:54] yuri_, I'm not sure about the xen part but this may be of some use to you http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/21/usb-xubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/ [03:54] Catslacks: next time u buy hardware, first check forum if it is suported ;) [03:54] matthias_N when you try to share a folder it will prompt you to setup necessary packages [03:54] Tritium: I'm not blaming anyone. [03:55] m13: I bought that months ago. [03:55] Catslacks: forum is your friend b4 u go shoping , trust me ;) [03:55] Luhta: thanks ill give it a go [03:55] harriseldon: when i select an folder to share it asks me nothing ???, let me try again ... [03:55] Catslacks: try mad-wifi driver [03:55] Catslacks: the support list you are looking at is for product names, not chipsets. Plus Madwifi's list is a wiki, it isn't kept officiall up to date with every model number. [03:55] Catslacks: the "fiasco" as you describe it is because of your hardware [03:56] matthias_N it will most likely share over CIFS via Samba. This can be mapped as a network drive from Windows [03:56] Tritium: Okay, I understand that. Thanks. [03:56] tritium: bad shoping :P [03:56] BigPick: Windows XP made me so mad that I wiped it on my computer. did the wubi dual-boot on the other machine. Windows was making my wife mad quite often and she hates Windows even more every time she's using Ubuntu! The computer feels almost twice as fast in Ubuntu compared to windows [03:56] tritium: The end result is that it still doesn't work. [03:56] Maverick243: tell me if that will fix your problems [03:56] BigPick: I'm aware [03:56] BigPick: Okay, I looked at the madwifi drivers, but I don't really know how to install them, haha. Also how do I get rid of all the ndiswapper stuff? [03:56] yuri_, good luck also keep in mind those instructions assume you don't need any data off the flash stick [03:56] Catslacks: synaptic package manager [03:57] yuri_, so backup first if you need to, or modify to taste [03:57] m13: To both? [03:57] Catslacks: remove ALL from ndiswrapper [03:57] harriseldon: i select an subfolder folder in my usb hard drive but i find nothing about share, give me an kick in the right direction and i let you know what happens [03:57] mobilediesel: I used to be a domain administrator on a server 2003 network hated it. [03:57] catslacks: wow hang on. Lets slow down here... [03:58] harriseldon: o do i need to selct my entire hard drive ??? [03:59] catslacks: madwifi was part of the mainline kernel a while ago. Check to see if you have it by running `modprobe -l | grep madwifi` [03:59] catslacks: its shouldreport a *.ko file [03:59] BigPick: i think he should remove all from ndis b4 go tinker with madwifi [03:59] hey all, anyone have any suggestions on using microsd cards? (packages) [04:00] m13: He will be fine, I don't want to burn the ndiswrapper bridge just yet. [04:00] BigPick: There's a whole list of them that came up [04:00] BigPick: dont u think his driver can interfere ? [04:01] who knows about everything there is to know about wine? I want to know how to use it and how to know what programs i can run with it. thank you [04:01] anyone good with ATI video cards I need to get mine set up here [04:01] catslacks: good. What I want you to do first is `modprobe -r ndiswrapper` [04:01] catslacks: this will remove the ndiswrapper module from your kernel [04:01] BigPick: Alright, brb (keep in mind I have to ruin a flight of stairs every time, haha) [04:02] NO I DID NOT SLEEP WITH THAT WOMEN [04:02] how do I make miro work with alsa? [04:02] harriseldon: i am running hardy version .... i do not have any sharing in system->administration ... [04:03] I had no clue he was running up and down stairs LMAO [04:03] BigPick: Alright, I did that. It didn't output anything, but it gave me a new line [04:03] where do i go to change the "automatically start rhythmbox when inserting a cd" setting under gnome in hardy? it used to be under removable drives and media. the ipod setting was on the same screen... [04:03] catslacks: excellent, that is what it should do. Sorry, I had no idea you were running up and down stairs :P [04:03] Maverick243: ? [04:03] BigPick: I never dealt with server 2003. XP pro was bad enough :P although XP was great when I replaced 98 [04:03] i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 [04:03] catslacks: Lemme give you the next couple quick steps. [04:03] BigPick: it's just taking me a bit longer because of the running all day. [04:04] who know what is BIND DNS? [04:04] none of my sudo command is working in terminal... [04:04] mobilediesle: all the clients were xp :P [04:04] catslacks: I used to have an atheros card and I loved madwifi so I'm trying to remember the exact sequence... [04:04] Pramod_Helios: Is the username you are logged on with the first user that was created by the system when it installed, or a subsequently created user? [04:05] well it told me to create a normal user.... [04:05] catslacks: The next step is going to be installing the madwifi module into the kernel [04:05] Catslacks :) [04:05] during installation... [04:05] BigPick: ok [04:05] Candive: Hello [04:05] can i remove the password and the user name? [04:05] Pramod_Helios: So this name is the one which you are using? [04:05] catslacks: ath_pci if I remember so `modprobe -i ath_pci` and then check dmesg for any errors. [04:05] yeah [04:06] how to give full permission to the user so that i no need to login to root [04:06] jackw: BIND = Berkeley Internet Name Domain. DNS - Domain Name Service [04:06] Pramod_Helios: OK. When you do: sudo ls what does it say? [04:06] jackw: use sudo when you need it [04:06] BigPick: I've blacklisted ath_pci from ndiswrapper, should I unblacklist it? [04:06] !sudo > jackw (read the private message from ubottu) [04:06] it does not say anything... :S [04:06] can someone help me with something? [04:06] ask [04:06] found the answer to my question... it's moved into media under nautilus preferences. lame [04:06] catslacks: indeed, and if ath_pci works you should definately blacklist ndiswrapper [04:06] tal: can you be a little bit more specific? [04:07] it just returns to the normal prompt... :( [04:07] lol tal [04:07] Thanks dude :) [04:07] catslacks: but just unblacklist ath_pci for now [04:07] !ask [04:07] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:07] Pramod_Helios: How about: sudo ls /usr/* ? [04:07] BigPick: Should I restart after that? [04:07] !ask tal [04:07] Factoid ask tal not found [04:07] Pramod_Helios: Only tell me if it lists a bunch of files or tells you an error, not the contents of the file listing please [04:07] nothing... [04:08] harriseldon: i guess you do not know or something but thank you anyway ... [04:08] I installed ubuntu on a second harddrive on here and it pops up a little boot page where i have to pick betwen ubuntu or windows. But when I disconnect that harddrive with ubuntu windows fails to boot without it plugged it [04:08] catslacks: lord no! this is linux not windows xp. modules take effect immediately. [04:08] no error nothing... just return back to the prompt [04:08] :s [04:08] BigPick: Sorry I got used to restarting a lot! [04:08] anyone know what service needs to be installed in order to share files on my computer [04:08] Catslacks: /etc/init.d/networking restart ; iwlist scan [04:08] do i need to install ubuntu again? [04:08] can i remove the password and the user name? === Blasphemer is now known as rotted [04:09] Pramod_Helios: Do you see a $ or a # to the left of the blinking cursor? [04:09] catslacks: HAHA I know what you mean. The ONLY time linux should ever have to restart is if you recompile the kernel or you get an OOPS [04:09] matthias_N: you can do it with samba or ssh. if you right cick on a folder and select sharing, it will prompt you to install samba [04:09] there is $ [04:09] when i do normal ls it works [04:09] the sudo command itself does not seem to be working... :( [04:10] Pramod_Helios: If for instance it was a matter of not allowed to run sudo, it would give you some message [04:10] RadiantFire: i do not have that option when choosing right click on my folder that is an sub folder on my USB connected external hard drive ... === anthis is now known as echowip [04:10] well it seem the installation itself is corrupt? [04:10] Pramod_Helios: Did you recently edit the file called /etc/sudoers ? [04:10] nopes... [04:10] any reason why my video card might not be showing up in system > administration > Hardware Drivers? [04:10] matthias_N: try going to the actual path in /media/ the files on the desktop aren't actually folders and are handled differently [04:10] Pramod_Helios, what if you try su ? [04:11] i did not edit any file... [04:11] genii: nobody ever should, by the way [04:11] BigPick: okay, it gave me a new line and then I tried dmesg and beside ath_pci it gave me what looks like a version number [04:11] not sure why its not showing up as a component [04:11] I installed ubuntu on a second harddrive on here and it pops up a little boot page where i have to pick betwen ubuntu or windows. But when I disconnect that harddrive with ubuntu windows fails to boot without it plugged it [04:11] it says unknown id for su ls [04:11] can anyone help? [04:11] Does anyone know how to enable text with the Main Menu applet. I would rather not just have the small Ubuntu logo. [04:11] tritium: I agree wholeheartedly [04:11] anyone willing to guide me for BIND DNS tutorial in Ubuntu please!!! [04:11] anyone know what causes high IO wait times with 3ware controllers? [04:11] RadiantFire: okey hold on ... [04:11] anyone willing to guide me for BIND DNS tutorial in Ubuntu please!!! [04:11] Pramod_Helios: Just: su not: su ls [04:11] it has occured to me that should probably be fixed [04:12] anyone willing to guide me for BIND DNS tutorial in Ubuntu please!!! [04:12] !repeat | jackw [04:12] jackw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [04:12] su asks for the password... [04:12] Pramod_Helios: don't use su [04:12] then it goes to the prompt root@ubuntu [04:12] wow [04:12] thanks for helping [04:12] not.. [04:12] ok... [04:12] jackw: try the help on the ubuntu [04:13] tritium: Interesting results [04:13] is ekiga softphone compatible with people who use skype? [04:13] ya... i lost patience i no familiar with Linux enviroment.. [04:13] genii: what are? [04:13] catslacks: Sexy. Okay run `iwconfig` and see if your interface comes up [04:13] new [04:13] how do I see what applications are using a dir? (I try to safely remove my disk but it says device is busy, but I can't find another program that can possibly be using it to close it) [04:13] catslacks: I think it should be name wlan0 [04:13] VLC worked on mydeo.com where mplayer and totem didn't! Thanks! [04:13] RadiantFire: i went by root to meda/My Book/folder name ... but on that subfolder in my external hard drive on the filder i do not have that option to share, encrypt, sign and other stuff but nothing about sharing ... [04:13] okie i try again :) [04:13] Maverick243: you are welcome [04:13] RadiantFire: what services do you have running ??? [04:13] andresj: Oh! I remember that command... hang on... [04:14] matthias_N: share is what you want [04:14] tritium: That he is able to login as root. [04:14] genii: indeed [04:14] matthias_N: unless i misunderstood your question [04:14] now to make it a bit more convenient! [04:14] BigPick: Notta [04:15] hi [04:15] RadiantFire: yes i like to share but right clicking on that subfolder on my external hard drive i do not find any option saying sharing .... [04:15] bye for now, thanks again Dillizar!!!! [04:15] catslacks: no interfaces listed ? [04:15] matthias_N: sorry, select the option labeled "share" [04:15] see ya Maverick243 [04:15] BigPick: Nope. [04:15] hi everyone [04:15] * andresj smiles and waits. He also knew the command but forgot it in a couple of minutes. [04:15] andresj: arg totally forget... [04:16] i installed ubuntu on a 2nd harddrive and now if i unplug that one windows wont load without it what can I do about that. if i ever remove ubuntu on that harddrive.... [04:16] :) [04:16] im having an issue with an ftp server iv set up, whenever someone trys to download an mp3, it tries to play it in the browser, is there a way to make it so it jsut downloads it? [04:16] could someone give me a hand, i'm trying to make gparted detect my raid-0 partition [04:16] andresj: got nothin... I just used it today too... [04:16] catslacks: okay lemme think.... [04:16] Pramod_Helios: Did you have some problems in the installation? [04:16] why is sudo not working? [04:16] yeah i had some problems... [04:16] how do I make miro work with alsa? [04:16] does manshee just looks like itunes or it can Recognize a Ipod [04:17] talormanda, a second hard disk or a second partition? [04:17] i downloaded the iso using torrent... [04:17] will00, that's probably to do with the browser. give me the url, let me check. [04:17] Pramod_Helios: And you are booted now to the hard drive and not to the livecd? [04:17] and while installing it halted once or twice... :( [04:17] I put in another HARDDRIVE so i have 2 in there [04:17] yeah i am on the hard drive... [04:17] lastnode_ [04:17] talormanda, ubuntu installs grub to the MBR [04:17] not a partition [04:17] RadiantFire: i do not have that option, only , open, open in new window, copy, paste, create archive, make link, rename, move to trash, rename, encrypt, sign, properties [04:17] hello, i have decided to ditch windows and i have installed ubuntu today and i am having a problem with my sound i have logitech z-5500 speakers connected via spdif and i have no sound from banshee, any help? [04:17] yeah i found that out [04:17] what can i do now...? [04:17] how do i get out of su? [04:17] catslacks: if madwifi didn't support the device, then it would have reported "no such device" to dmesg. [04:17] Pramod_Helios: I would say tentatively the issue is being caused by hard reboots during the install [04:17] i did install the mp3 codecs too [04:17] will00, asks for pw [04:17] Pramod_Helios: exit [04:18] its pw [04:18] Pramod_Helios: or ctrl+d [04:18] password [04:18] Pramod_Helios: Yes, exit from the root login [04:18] Pramod_Helios: the only way su would be working is if you enabled the root account. When did you do that? [04:18] talormanda, you can just keep grub, or you can fix the MBR with the windows CD in repairmode [04:18] BigPick: oh? It just said nothing was listed [04:18] matthias_N: thats odd, i thought it would be different [04:18] !manshee [04:18] Factoid manshee not found [04:18] i just did it when genii told me to... :) [04:18] does manshee just looks like itunes or it can Recognize a Ipod [04:19] matthias_N: I have a different set of options whenI select my external harddrive, so I don't know [04:19] will00, what is the username? [04:19] Does anyone know how to get USB charging going on ubuntu (gutsy) ? [04:19] guest [04:19] tritium, su works straight out of the box [04:19] Dillizar: I assume you mean banshee, not manshee. Also, please don't try bot triggers if you're not sure they exist. [04:19] Kode: no it doesn't [04:19] catslacks: It will give an error if it doesn't find a compatable device. [04:19] Kode: That seems....wrong [04:19] :D ok tritium [04:19] any help getting spdif to work? [04:19] please [04:20] Does anyone know how to get USB charging going on ubuntu (gutsy) ? [04:20] can i try it with B now tritium [04:20] hey whats the name for the off topic channel? [04:20] PLEAASE [04:20] RadiantFire: i might have foubd the problem , help me out please, when i choose permission on that folder and permissions it says that i am not the owner of the folder and see that root is the owner ... [04:20] Dillizar: :) [04:20] tmapj: #ubuntu-offtopic [04:20] the software properties is missing... :/ [04:20] BigPick: I don't know. Thanks for your help BigPick, but it's time to call it quits. I'll give it one more shot tomorrow. [04:20] USB charging ur phone... anyone??? [04:20] Kode i need to pm you [04:20] Pramod_Helios: please answer my question [04:20] matthias_N: that might be the problem, I think you have to own a folder to be able to share it [04:20] catslacks: we may also have to do `modprobe -i wlan` The driver topology might have changed. I'm on the lkml wl mailing list but the madwifi guys do their own thing. [04:20] tritium: which question u asked? [04:20] RadiantFire: can i do an chmod on it ... [04:20] !banshee [04:20] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [04:20] Pramod_Helios: the only way su would be working is if you enabled the root account. When did you do that? [04:20] or how do i fix that ... [04:20] Pramod_Helios: ^ [04:21] Kode i need to pm you.. [04:21] RadiantFire: how do i fix that ??? [04:21] BigPick: Well nothing seems to be working. I've had several people try to help me now, lol. [04:21] tritium: I enables the su when genii told me to... :) just some minutes ago... [04:21] Kode: the root account is disabled by default on ubuntu. [04:21] matthias_N: is it something that automatically gets mounted or is it in /etc/fstab? [04:21] Pramod_Helios: I see. Well, that's not recommended. [04:21] RadiantFire: I have only one user on my computer so i do not understand why ??? [04:21] catslacks: Alright. Well don't give up on linux just yet. I have a funny feeling the defaul madwifi driver worked. [04:21] ok [04:22] Kode are you there [04:22] tritium: i exited su... :) [04:22] matthias_N: I'm not entirely sure why that is, I suppose you could chown it [04:22] tritium: He attempted su ls as in sudo syntax, I corrected the usage. I believe you actually were requesting him to report result of it (su) [04:22] I just PM'ed you talormanda [04:22] hm didnt get it [04:22] do i need to register? [04:22] genii: I was asking when he actual assigned root a password, enabling the root account [04:22] genii, that was me who suggested su [04:22] Does anyone here know how to get compiz to start as the default decoration manager for Ubuntu? [04:22] BigPick: My public email is absurdist@live.ca, so drop me a line or add me on msn and I'll tell you how things went. Thanks for the help, though. [04:22] RadiantFire: or can i assign myself as root in users and group ??? [04:23] tritium i assigned root a password during installation... [04:23] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer [04:23] Pramod_Helios: is this a server install? [04:23] normally you assign a password to root during install [04:23] Ah, it was Kode, my error [04:23] Kode: not on ubuntu [04:23] well during installation i was told to do chroot install or something like that... [04:24] well it works here... [04:24] The Ubuntu Desktop LiveCD installer does *not* ask you to assign a root password during install. [04:24] hello people [04:24] hi genuser [04:24] any people with ndiswrapper? [04:24] tritium: i used the alternate installation cd === Xulthus is now known as pwnt [04:24] !root [04:24] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [04:24] having issues running ndiswrapper.... [04:24] andresj: Just remembered, `lsof` [04:24] talormanda, here is a link to fix MBR for windows http://www.techzonez.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3975.html [04:25] who knows about everything there is to know about wine? I want to know how to use it and how to know what programs i can run with it. thank you [04:25] kode, ok [04:25] genuser: Slow down there. Trust me you don't want to use ndiswrapper unless you have no other recourse. [04:25] and the "Software Properties" is missing from the administration... :/ [04:25] BigPick: oh wow thanks :) It was actually a zombie that was causing it :D [04:25] kode should i remove the ubuntu harddrive before i do tha? [04:25] !appdb | LaneLimited [04:25] LaneLimited: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [04:26] any help to get spdif audio to work is greatly appreciated [04:26] LaneLimited: you just run "wine blah.exe" [04:26] BigPick: well, using netgear MA111. It is support by wlan-ng-utils... [04:26] genuser: What wireless card do you have? [04:26] i think my installation went wrong.... will i have to download directly from the server? [04:26] Does anyone here know how to get compiz-manager to start as the default decoration manager for Ubuntu? [04:26] BigPick: however, is doesn't support WPA according to documentation. [04:26] Frogzoo: thanks i wwill try it [04:26] Pramod_Helios: Have you been able to install any programs since you have booted into the new system? [04:26] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer please help [04:26] talormanda, that shouldn't really matter, but know that when you do that, you cannot boot into ubuntu again unless you fix grub again [04:26] oh wow and now my cellphone wont put up with all those files I put in the SD :) [04:26] genii: well no [04:27] how can i become root but not using root username or is it needed ... [04:27] Frogzoo: what do i run and how do i run it? [04:27] matthias_N: use sudo [04:27] Kode, I'm going to remove the windows drive and only leave the one in and install ubuntu on it next time [04:27] matthias_N: sudo -i [04:27] so that doesnt happen again [04:27] and i am not being able to access any ntfs partition... :( [04:28] well the problem is that on my external hard drive the owner of the folders on the hard drive is root and not me ... [04:28] btw in ubuntu what application is better for irc? [04:28] Pramod_Helios: that's a matter of opinion. [04:28] BigPick: using NetGear MA111. Any suggestion? [04:28] talormanda, what exactly is the problem actually, you cannot boot into windows anymore? [04:28] genuser: We just pushed a ton of wlan driver improvements into mainline, I can't say off the top of my head weather support made it into 2.6.24 [04:28] does anyone know how to create a bootsplash? Obviously people are creating them, but I cannot find any good howtos... [04:28] Pramod_Helios: I like xchat (not xchat-gnome) [04:29] genuser: lemme check my list history. [04:29] Kode, nah it automaticlly goes into ubuntu and my mom will kill me. [04:29] BigPick: ok. [04:29] tritium , Pramod_Helios My inclination would be to say to use su for temporary bypass of non-working sudo by way of: su -c "apt-get update;apt-get install --reinstall sudo" [04:29] talormanda, you can change that so that it boots in windows by default [04:29] genii: in this case, I'd agree [04:29] ok [04:29] kode, yeah didnt find that... [04:29] thanks genii, thanks tritium i will try that [04:30] talormanda, you can edit grub.lst [04:30] Is anyone else having the problem of X just showing a black screen and not starting up? [04:30] join #ubuntu-cn [04:30] you just need to change one number into that file [04:30] guys do you guys have an user root and your own usrname and password ??? [04:30] genuser: There should be support for it in the existing wlan-ng kernel driver and packages for hardy. [04:30] !sudo | matthias_N [04:30] matthias_N: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [04:31] Kode, im not that good with linux so eh dont know where grub.1st is [04:31] genuser: I'm not aware of any WPA limitation. [04:31] genii: it says reinstallation of sudo is not possible... it cannot be downloaded... :( [04:31] Matthias, I believe there's a post about how to get into the root account on the forums somewhere. [04:31] talormanda: /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:31] But 'sudo' is better. ;] [04:31] BigPick: ok. cool thanks. Let me go try that. :) [04:31] BigPick: will let people know if it doesn't work. :) [04:31] BigPick: thanks. :) [04:31] Does anyone here know how to get compiz-manager to start as the default decoration manager for Ubuntu? [04:31] dominique_: I had that problem on one of my desktop systems. Try using ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X. Also, if you can, do ctrl-alt-f1 and type this in: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart < - those two solved the issue most of the time [04:31] tritium, is that on the boot selection page? [04:32] talormanda: no, that's the path to the file [04:32] tritium: yes i know but when i am tryinf to share folders that i do not have the option of sharing i guess it have to do with that in my permisssion folder in the tap permission says that root is the owner ... and not me ... [04:32] in linux? [04:32] talormanda, in linux yes [04:32] I've tried both of those things, but the screen remains unresponsive. [04:32] matthias_N: you can access files owned by root with sudo priveleges [04:32] ok kode, what do i have to change then [04:32] or is it easy to see [04:32] genuser: Please do let me know if there are any problems. I'm not an ubuntu dev but I can check with the guys on the kernel-wireless list. [04:32] it's quite easy [04:33] are you in ubuntu at the moment? [04:33] Well i think i will really need to download the new iso Directly from server [04:33] no [04:33] give me a sec and ill get in it [04:33] :$ [04:33] tritium: but how do i change so i am owner of all the files so i can share those folders with other computers on my network ??? [04:33] :-$ === geso_ is now known as geesorry [04:33] tritium: sudo chown .... [04:33] dominique_: dunno then... [04:33] matthias_N: you're asking for a command? chown [04:33] Kode, I will go into it now. brb [04:34] ok [04:34] be right back... i will restart the pc... [04:34] Hi,all [04:34] I haven't been able to log into the regular GNOME session for about a week now. Think I should do a reinstall of Ubuntu? [04:34] tritium: is the "Software Properties" installed by default in ubuntu? [04:34] Pramod_Helios: yes [04:34] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer please help [04:35] where is the file that is the configuration for screensaver? i need to turn it off manually [04:35] tritium: i do not have it... :( [04:35] no i am not sure what si wrong since i can not share folder ,,,,, but as my self i can not share folder and i am not using root when i work on the computer, do you understand ... [04:35] Pramod_Helios: something went terribly wrong, then [04:35] anyone know someone with the nick interference [04:35] tritium: i downloaded the iso from torrent... [04:36] tritium: do you have another user beside your own, named root ??? [04:36] matthias_N: no, I've told you many times that the root account is disabled [04:36] Pramod_Helios: Yes, I think the simplest solution is to just get a new iso. And to make sure the md5 matches prior to creating the cd/dvd and also afterwards. [04:36] genii: what is md5??? [04:36] nobody here knows how to create a bootsplash? [04:36] tritium: than i my case it is enabled ..., how do i dissable it ??? [04:36] matthias_N: what are ya trying to do [04:37] Pramod_Helios: It is amethod of seeing if the file is intact [04:37] !md5 [04:37] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [04:37] matthias_N: no, it's not enabled. root owns system files [04:37] guess not but if you do tewll him olehippified is tryin to get in touch tx [04:37] hi everyone [04:37] Pramod_Helios: See above [04:37] matthias_N: that doesn't mean you can log in as root without first enabling the account [04:37] thanks genii [04:37] Pramod_Helios: You're welcome [04:37] Dillizar: sharing folders and i do not have the option share, when selecting properties on the folder and selects permissions it says i am not owner of the folder [04:38] matthias_N: use chown to change the file ownership [04:38] where is the folder [04:38] tritium: okey will do , that is not sometrhing in redhat world only ??? [04:38] Kode, I am in [04:38] matthias_N: chown? No, it's universal. [04:38] ok [04:39] talormanda, open a terminal [04:39] tritium: thank you, let me try [04:39] done [04:39] genii: where do i download the md5sum? [04:39] talormanda, type in: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst === mgregsond is now known as m3lawren [04:40] Kode, I have a blank window open now with menu.1st as the title [04:40] Pramod_Helios: All the info is on the pages supplied by the bot === m3lawren is now known as mgregsond [04:40] or is that an L [04:40] not 1 but L [04:40] ok [04:40] thought so [04:40] :) [04:41] Kode, opened now [04:41] I have a .img firmware file for my wireless card and am wondering how to update my card using ubuntu [04:41] search for default [04:41] there is a number after that [04:41] Pramod_Helios: Just for your convenience https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes [04:41] genii: the md5 check file itself... :) [04:42] Kode, the word default? I have many instances [04:42] talormanda, it should be like this : # By default, boot the first entry. [04:42] default 0 [04:42] Pramod_Helios: What OS will you be checking the md5 from? [04:43] windows XP [04:43] Pramod_Helios: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#head-cc4057205f46f3da4e36ee1974c50c51bd89ed24 [04:43] which edition of server performs better for web apps - 8.04 or JEOS? [04:44] Kode, looking.... [04:44] thanks genii... :) [04:44] Pramod_Helios: np [04:44] talormanda, normally there should be only 1 in it, you can also use the search function [04:44] Kode I found, "# array will desync and will not let you boot your system. default 0" [04:44] how to make miro use alsa? [04:44] if i have a file called ~/.bashrc...does this mean that /etc/bash.bashrc will not be executed? [04:45] or make xine use alsa? [04:45] mokzu: Remember you are asking in a somewhat biased channel. But also much depends on the nature of the web app (page serving, database, streaming media,ftp, etc etc) [04:45] nano_: it still reads from both [04:46] Starnestommy: it reads from /etc/bash.bashrc first though, correct? [04:46] is that the only one you can find? [04:46] Kode, I uh copy and pasted it all to you lol [04:46] nano_: I think so === Cracken227 is now known as Cracken226 === Jurkki_ is now known as Jurkki [04:46] Starnestommy: what is meant by a "login" shell [04:46] as opposed to a non-login shell? [04:46] genii: they are both ubuntu distributions [04:46] mokzu: I would not suggest virtualized environment for a server, where possible. [04:46] nano_: a shell that has a user logged into it [04:47] can you send it to me again? [04:47] mokzu: Others may of course have other opinions. [04:47] I wasn't logged in I noticed [04:48] tritium: how does it work sudo chown username.username foldername or ? [04:48] mokzu: You may discover more specific answers to your queries in #ubuntu-server channel, likely [04:48] talormanda, you also need to be registered [04:48] genii: thanks [04:48] matthias_N: :, not . [04:48] you cant see me speak? [04:48] how do I make miro use alsa efficiently? I can't have miro and mplayer open at the same time [04:48] on PM? [04:49] talormanda, no I can't [04:49] eh whats the register command quick lol [04:49] esata hotplug, not sohwing any activity in dmesg or syslog, what can I check or do? [04:49] mokzu: You're welcome [04:49] !register | talormanda [04:49] talormanda: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [04:49] talormanda: /msg nickserv register your-password-here === talormanda is now known as Tal_Ormanda [04:50] ok so im having some samba issues. everytime i try accessing my shares from the server, it asks for username and password, which I give the correct combo of, and it continues to ask for them. i try mount.cifs and i get "mount error 127 = Key has expired" any ideas? === talormanda is now known as Tal_Ormanda [04:52] hey, how can I uninstall vmware (the repost don't show that its installed) but it is in my /etc and I see a install script called installer.sh [04:52] i never get help here despite over 1000 nicks :( [04:52] have a good day [04:52] tritium: use sudo -hR username /foldername that is correct ? or do i need to state group as well and in that case where can i find the goup name if needed ... [04:53] i have a hauppauge 1800 that i have finally configured for tv and all that other fun stuff but the issue is that there is no audio, i saw on a fedora forum that someone simply removed the pulseaudio package and that fixed the problem. if i do that, synaptic wants to remove the ubuntu desktop too [04:54] will00: removing ubuntu-desktop isn't a problem [04:54] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer please help [04:54] !md5sum [04:54] To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [04:54] adam7 does that remove the gui? [04:54] how do I make xine use alsa [04:54] will00: nope [04:55] ok then [04:55] will00: Perhaps: asoundconf unset-pulseaudio [04:55] will00: when you click apply, it'll tell you what it is going to remove, so you can make sure nothing bad will happen [04:55] ok [04:55] hello, how do i get to root in terminal? [04:55] tritium: it did not work still in user root [04:55] amart487: sudo -i [04:56] Hi, i am trying to eject my cd, and the device is busy, how can i find what is using /media/cdrom and kill it? [04:56] Anyone know how to setup cario-dock? [04:56] im trying to install the driver for a creative xfi sound card [04:56] any help? [04:57] ticky: try lsof /media/cdrom [04:57] ticky lsof | grep /cdrom should find it [04:57] ticky: be sure the cd in question is not your current pwd or anything using that cdrom is closed [04:57] amart487: what are you having issues with? (more specific information is needed) [04:57] installation [04:57] i downloaded the driver [04:57] from the website now not sure what to do [04:57] !enter [04:57] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:57] im reading the readme, but not much help [04:57] adam7 and nickrud: let me try that. [04:58] I have installed cairo-dock... How do I set up and run it? === Cracken227 is now known as Cracken226 [04:59] !repeat | HackOfChris [04:59] HackOfChris: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [04:59] what happened to ED IRC? [05:00] HackOfChris: in a terminal, perhaps, 'man cairo-dock' [05:00] ticky: i guess make an ls -al and see what is saying something like media/cdrom, i guess ... [05:00] creative xfi driver installation help? [05:00] only lsoft /media/cdrom worked [05:00] dieselpete, doesnt run [05:01] using grep didn't work.. maybe because it is updating constantly? [05:01] matthias_N: how ls -al is supposed to work? [05:01] HackOfChris: google that baby :) [05:01] hello, i'm new to Ubuntu, and Linux in general. I have a question: is it possible to join an Ubuntu PC onto a network domain that based on windows servers? [05:01] dieselpete, thanks [05:01] Crema10: i think you are looking for Samba [05:01] HackOfChris: You should ask the cairo dock people. It's not in the repositories. [05:01] !samba | Crema10 [05:01] Crema10: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [05:02] Flannel, I found it in the repositories [05:02] HackOfChris: Which repositories? [05:02] ticky: sorry ps -aux shows what process is in use and not and look for /media/cdrom and see if it tells you anything from... [05:02] Flannel, ubuntu 8.04 [05:02] ticky: is a file manager or your command prompt in the /media/cdrom directory? it won't umount othersize [05:02] thank you guys [05:02] HackOfChris: in which part (main, restricted)? [05:02] matthias_N: yes. that did not work [05:02] amart487 here's the bug on your xfi card, there's a link there that works for some [05:03] Can I get some help here to get team fortress 2 running in wine? Or would I have to go to the wine irc channel [05:03] amart487 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/63352 [05:03] Launchpad bug 63352 in linux "Creative labs X-Fi sound card unsupported" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [05:03] HackOfChris: Whats the package name? [05:03] ticky: worked or not ? [05:03] how do i tell if mythtv backend is running correctly? [05:03] alan_m, not sure, just open synaptic package manager and searched cairo-dock [05:03] Flannel, it was called cairo-dock [05:04] HackOfChris: there is no package called cairo-dock in the Hardy repos. Which third party repositories have you added? [05:04] genii: the md5sum is the same... [05:04] ticky: sudo fuser -vkim /media/cdrom [05:04] astro76: lsof /media/cdrom worked [05:04] HackOfChris: theres cairo-clock but no cairo-dock that I see. [05:04] Flannel, nothing, maybe i just installed something else.. Maybe i just thought it said that... Sorry i'm still a newbie unfortunately =( [05:04] genii: i think i need to make another copy and try to install it again... :) Hope it works... [05:04] Pramod_Helios: The md5sum of the iso you made previously matches the official md5 sum? [05:05] genii: yes... [05:05] alan_m, I may have install something else =( i'm still new [05:05] HackOfChris: that's perfectly fine. You probably can't get cairo-dock to run, because it's not installed. Nothing wrong with that, just trying to clear it up. [05:05] Pramod_Helios: OK. Ensure that Verify is on in your burning application. and then afterwards also run the md5 check against the actual cd [05:05] ok genii thanks [05:05] HackOfChris: its ok, we just have confusion written all over our face :) (we do that a lot in here, hehe) [05:05] how can i change ownership on my external hard drive ??? sudo chown username:username /folder, this does not work for me ... [05:05] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:06] matthias_N is it an ntfs partition? [05:07] * nickrud thinks he needs to actually plug in his ntfs external so he sees what hardy does [05:07] nickrud: iam not sure but i used it the 1:st time on windows XP and later changed os to Ubuntu ... [05:07] genii: how can i check that on the real cd? [05:07] matthias_N with it plugged in, sudo fdisk -l will tell you the partition type [05:07] how can i copy a file into the root folder [05:07] nickrud: okey let me check ... [05:07] sudo cp *.* [05:08] make xine work with gstreamer? [05:08] can anyone help me get my dvdrom mounting working, having trouble reading it [05:08] !md5sum [05:08] To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [05:09] nickrud: how do i identify in an external hard drive ??? [05:09] are there any utils for mass conversion of images? say from png to jpg? [05:09] matthias_N plug in the drive, then run sudo fdisk -l . that will list all the partitions, including the plugged in external [05:10] Pramod_Helios: From linux it would be: dd if=/dev/scd0 bs=2048 | head -c 727488512 | md5sum - but in Windows I'm not certain. The program suggested by the help site *might* work directly on a physical cd [05:10] nickrud: does not find it as My book as i am used 2 ... [05:10] hiiii [05:10] ok thanks... :) [05:11] matthias_N true. What you're looking at there is the actual partitions. You would see the internal drive, sda probably, with all the partitions listed. The last column tells you the partition type. The second drive would have another listing [05:11] nickrud: see this : http://pastebin.com/d11adaf3f [05:11] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:11] Pramod_Helios: A roundabout way might be to make another iso from the cd and then check that, as well [05:12] ok genii... i think the cd i have used is wrong... [05:12] matthias_N ok, the /dev/sdb is the external drive, and the /dev/sdb1 is the partition. So, it's an ntfs, unless it's a mac formatted drive? [05:12] hi there! [05:13] uhm, has anybody made the upgrade to 8.04? [05:13] nickrud: no i used it with windows Xp no mac in this case .... [05:13] Crazy_Diamond: I did [05:13] so, hows that working? [05:13] how can i copy a something to root directory, please? [05:13] matthias_N and saying mac was a brain fart on my part. Ok, next, with the drive plugged in, show me the output of ls -l /media [05:14] amart487: cp /src /dest simple as that [05:14] how would i jump from one location to another in terminal if i know the address? like using cd ? [05:14] Eisenhower: use cd! [05:15] nickrud: here it is http://pastebin.com/d202ea46e [05:15] amart487: as root... [05:15] make xine work with gstreamer? [05:15] nickrud: i need to change owner of my Book ... to matthias [05:15] anything? i want to convert a folder of images from png to jpg [05:15] amart487: Oh, right. You'll need to use sudo. sudo cp /source /destination [05:15] matthias_N so what's the problem, the partition is read/writeable by everyone? [05:15] Flannel: well ya but like can you jump instead of doing .. and .. and then moving forward? anyway to jump? [05:16] Eisenhower: cd /full/path/to/directory [05:16] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:16] Eisenhower: the leading / means you're doing an absolute path instead of a relative path [05:16] matthias_N ownership of ntfs volumes is illusory, they don't handle ownership and permissions like ext3 or other linux file systems do. Having the ability to read/write is what matters. [05:16] Eisenhower: (well, its because it just starts at /, it's nothing special, just how it works) [05:17] nickrud: sharing, the opyion in the subfolder in my external hard drive does not have the option sharing ... and the subfolder have owner root when i do properties and permissions on the subfiolder [05:17] Flannel: tries magical things you have told me =) ty] [05:17] Flannel: your amazing [05:17] nickrud: i can not do sharing that is the whole head ache ... [05:18] matthias_N yes, I can see that. Do you leave the external plugged in at all times? [05:18] yes ... [05:18] I could use a hand with open office base if anyone could help? [05:18] how is it possible to change directories in terminal? [05:19] nickrud: yes i do to 99 % of the time ... [05:19] amart487: cd [05:19] amart487: cd .. (to the up diretory) cd - (to the preview) cd /home (to the home directory), etc. [05:19] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:20] nickrud: so i tried to issue sudo chown matthias:matthias /media/my Book but does not work ... [05:20] matthias_N ok, you can add the line /dev/sdb1 /My\ Book defaults,umask=007,gid=matthias,uid=matthias 0 1 to your /etc/fstab , and it will be mounted at boot as owned by you [05:20] thanks [05:20] matthias_N yeah, ntfs doesn't do permissions like that. You have to tell it at mount time who owns it [05:20] nickrud: let me look ... [05:20] make xine work with gstreamer? [05:20] Hello, Ubuntu 8.04 Live cd is no recognizing my partions [05:21] it has been a long time sinc I ask this question [05:21] is not^ [05:21] thank you [05:21] maybe an hour [05:21] no one answer my question [05:21] nickrud: the tring ends wit hthe 1 ??? [05:21] how shameful it is, for asking a question unanswered for an hour [05:21] matthias_N yes, from /dev/sdb1 through the 0 1 [05:21] nickrud: the tring ends with the 1 ? [05:22] does anyone know what package /usr/include/boost/python.hpp is in? I installed libboost-python-dev and it still isn't there [05:22] nickrud: hold on and let me try ... [05:22] Mr-NONO: is there a windows install on it [05:22] * nakedgoat OUCH my ubuntu husts [05:22] matthias_N after you have that line in the fstab, let me know. We can test without reboot [05:22] ye j1solutions_, vista o me exact. It won't recognize my partions when trying to install XP either [05:22] can anybody give me some advice on getting my DVD running === worldideas is now known as steviebuns [05:23] amart487: use the "apropos" command to see a list of commands about... as the "man" comand, like, $man ls [05:23] power2theplankto : whats wrong with yer ddvd? [05:23] hi [05:23] somebody has any idea how to use another java plugin than icedtea with FF3 on hardy ? [05:23] won't play commerical dvds? [05:23] it doesn't seem to be recognizing it [05:23] I usually replace the symlink in /usr/lib/ff*/plugins [05:23] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:23] but on hardy, there is none there [05:23] reginatto im not sure what you mean [05:23] it always look for icedtea whatever I do [05:24] benh install sun-java6-plugin, then run sudo update-java-alternatives and select sun [05:24] power2theplankto : so if you put sometihng in your dvd player,. ie: data dvd/cd ect... it doesn't show up on yer desktop? [05:24] i can mount cdroms... in the terminal only, but dvds are not being read, and so i can't find the directory to command to mount to [05:24] Mr-NONO: try booting into the windows OS and shutting it down cleanly, i had a problem installing after an unclean shutdown [05:24] no [05:24] I love ubuntu! :D [05:24] cdroms don't either, but i use sudo mount /dev/cdrom [05:24] cd and dvd both? [05:25] It was after a clean shut down [05:25] hrm [05:25] nickrud: nah, I want to use another plugin [05:25] amart487: if you have some doubt about how the ls command works for example... type: man ls [05:25] nickrud: (ibm java to be precise) [05:25] benh which one? [05:25] power2theplankto ; gimme a sec boot into ubunut ;) [05:25] Mr-NONO: i'd wipe vista then. lol. sorry [05:25] I just can't figure out where ff3 is looking for the plugin [05:25] thank you [05:25] cool thanks [05:25] nickrud: it doesn't seem to be a symlink [05:25] power2theplankto : what vers? [05:25] benh use java-package to create a deb of ibm java, then use the update-java-alternatives [05:26] j1solutions_, that is what I am afraid of, if i were to do that, how will I install anything ese? :) [05:26] amart487: if you don't know what command do the network configuration, type: apropos net (this will list some commands to this job) [05:26] nickrud: but that's going to update javac, etc... [05:26] 8.04 [05:26] sounds like drivers, but will take u over some basic's too check [05:26] ko [05:26] nickrud: stil doesn't tell me how FF3 finds the bloody plugin [05:26] :) [05:26] nickrud: I want to know :-) [05:26] it's in a config file somewhere ? [05:26] Mr-NONO: once you format the drive, you probably won't have any problem, thats been my experience [05:26] is there a way i can fool a java program into thinking that X is running? [05:27] nickrud: done ... [05:27] brb one sec. [05:27] benh you can fine tune it by using sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so [05:27] i'm trying to run ted.jar from console, but it wants me to run X [05:27] nickrud: unmont volume and mount it again ? [05:27] matthias_N yes [05:27] ok [05:27] Mr-NONO: you can always install another OS on your harddrive. [05:27] The thing is, this laptop was made especially for "vista" [05:27] bluefoxx: in terminal convert *.png *.jpg [05:27] ooooh [05:27] benh good question is, does javapackage create that one :) [05:28] ok another question sorry for so many, im in the terminal as root, i cd to home folder, i type dir, see a sub folder but i cant cd to it? [05:28] nickrud: I see ... they moved it from firefox config to xulrunner config [05:28] Mr-NONO: boot Ubuntu from CD-ROM and see if hardware is recognized. [05:28] miro can't play with alsa player [05:28] benh yeah, I went round and round on that with one guy a while back. If I'd only done a simple ls /etc/alternatives ;))) [05:28] robg_, it is not [05:28] even xp can't recognize the hd [05:28] legend2440: so basically the command is "convert -R //*.png / thx [05:28] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:28] amart487: just cd directory [05:28] power2theplankto : gimme a rundown of yer hw? lap? desk, insternal, ext. cd/dvd? [05:29] is there something wrong gstream with video playback its seem to add a video filter over all video [05:29] i did [05:29] says does not exist [05:29] Mr-NONO: If not all hardware is recognized your laptop could be unsuitable for Ubuntu. [05:29] nickrud: says that it can not find My\ Book in fstab ... when doing sudo mount .. [05:29] laptop acer aspire 1350 (getting old) [05:29] why do you use gnome and not KDE? [05:29] Mr-NONO: might need to configure bios to recognize drive. is it a second drive [05:29] k thx [05:29] bluefoxx: not sure if need -R read man convert [05:29] nickrud: says that it can not find My\ Book in fstab ... when doing sudo mount .. [05:29] cd rw and dvd reader [05:29] ok i got it, no / thanks [05:30] not sure what type it is [05:30] matthias_N I hate spaces in fstab, a sec [05:30] no j1solutions_, it is the original one [05:30] legend2440: well it usually stands for recursive, so everything in there is done right? [05:30] how do I make miro xine work with rhythmbox or other players [05:30] nickrud: thx [05:30] nickrud: whacked the symlink in /usr/lib/xulrunner :-) works fine too [05:30] amart487: / is the root (don't mistake with the root user) [05:30] <|StOnE|> compiz fusion revolution is only for ubuntu 8.04? [05:31] Mr-NONO: installs on commodity dekstops usually without problems. Laptops is more special.. [05:31] help! i recently tried to apt-get remove gdm, which then tried to remove fast-user-switch-applet [05:31] unfortunately the remove for fast-user-switch-applet failed [05:31] and now i'm stuck [05:31] power2theplankto : but it worked enought to install ubuntu? [05:31] enough* [05:31] i can't use apt-get anymore, because it errors out trying to remove fast-user-switch-applet each time [05:32] bluefoxx: i dont see reference to -R in man convert but you could try it if you want . i just open terminal in the folder where the images are and type convert *.png *.jpg [05:32] can someone tell me where I can find a good tutorial on flash? [05:32] the error it reports is: Removing fast-user-switch-applet ... [05:32] scrollkeeper-update: error while loading shared libraries: libscrollkeeper.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [05:32] how can i copy a folder to root dir? [05:32] legend2440: nvm, got it. thanks![-R was un-necessary and unrecognized] [05:32] nickrud: i see in the comments that is does not see the \ in My Book instead of My\ Book/ ... [05:32] matthias_N change the fstab to My\040Book [05:32] oh yeah no problems [05:32] dvd/cd? [05:32] of course i cannot install from dvds it seems [05:32] whats the latest xorg.conf mouse set for back/forward that actually works in hardy [05:32] amart487: man cp [05:33] when i do ldconfig -v|grep libscroll, no results are returned...but i don't know how to get the lib back, w/o using apt-get (which is broken) [05:33] but before i installed ubuntu, i had sabayon and it was reading dvds [05:33] can anybody help? [05:33] yeah [05:33] power2theplankto : check this out night help [05:33] ok [05:33] power2theplankto : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=418440&page=2 [05:33] toad-six do ls /usr/lib/libscroll* , do you see any output? [05:33] what do you use to develop websites in gnome? [05:34] nada [05:34] Mr-NONO: you can consult Google about laptop install. [05:34] nickrud: see http://pastebin.com/m2c7bb60d [05:34] there is a nic on here named "google" :) [05:34] hey, I have a question. Does xserver-xgl still handle Compiz Fusion better than what the current ATI drivers use? (I think AIGLX now) [05:35] im having trouble installing the Videos Driver on my computer. i have DL the file i need.. but im having trouble trying to run it in the Terminal [05:35] toad-six do dpkg -l libscrollkeeper0 , are the first characters in the output ii ? [05:35] matthias_N do sudo mount /dev/sdb1 [05:35] cj_ : error msg> [05:35] ? [05:36] What's the command sequence to reconfigure xorg so I can set my proper resolutions available, again? [05:36] ii - yes [05:36] im not getting a error message i just dont know how to do it [05:36] I have a sound card problem. Anyone willing to help me out? I can provide extensive output. [05:36] ii libscrollkeepe 0.3.14-13ubunt Library to load .omf files (runtime files) [05:36] matthias_N you would have needed to do sudo mount /media/My\ Book , by the way [05:36] robg_, I have tried with little succes. I figured this problem was more common when someone was trying to install Linux. [05:36] locust what sound card you have [05:36] k, bye [05:36] i have a problem too [05:36] anyone know how to get "torrent episode downloader" to run from the console? [05:36] Hi, what are the Perl Curl Bindings? [05:36] Ensoniq 5880 [05:36] toad-six yet ls /usr/lib/libscroll* shows nothing? === qmr is now known as Quintin [05:36] yep [05:36] i dont know what i need to type to run it [05:36] eh i have a creative xfi [05:36] cant get the driver installed :( [05:36] Should I use displayconfig-gtk or nvidia-settings to setup my dual monitors?? [05:37] Mr-NONO: Look up your laptop in de Linux community and see if others can easily get Linux on it. [05:37] I broke ubuntu [05:37] amart487: I have tried many things. I have an embedded sound card (Intel AC97 iirc) which I disabled. [05:37] yippe! [05:37] im on an eeepc 701 [05:37] be more specific lord_spidey [05:37] umm [05:37] i deleted xorg.conf [05:37] what did you "break"....oh [05:37] booted in saf graphics mode [05:38] Who needs xorg.conf anyway? [05:38] put the backup i made back in [05:38] and [05:38] lord_spidey : reinstall ? [05:38] toad-six that's bad. try sudo apt-get install --reinstall libscrollkeeper0 fast-user-switch-applet , hopefully that will work. Otherwise, we'll get the net and extract it [05:38] nakedgoat: yeah i saw that one before... but when i types sudo lshw > lshwpower2theplankton.txt i don't get any info as is shown in the forum [05:38] there is no sound in miro [05:38] lycus, if your on linux, then chances are you do need it [05:38] toad-six get from the net, that is [05:38] ah well [05:38] oh wait...got it [05:38] why do i need to reinstall [05:39] nakedgoat: lord_spidey: a reinstall shouldn't be necessary to fix xorg.conf [05:39] power2theplankto : I've never worked with an acer, hehe sicne they were packard bell, if the hardware worked to install, then it's just a drive, what does, ur fdisk say pastebin [05:39] toad-six but if that lib is missing, and you're not sure how it disappeared, there might be other issues [05:39] Hello all... I cannot go to package manager ... it gives me this error... E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [05:39] E: _cache->open() failed, please repor [05:39] driver* [05:39] nickrud: see http://pastebin.com/d25ccd16d [05:39] i DID fix xorg.conf [05:39] Does anyone here know how to use wireshark to decrypt wpa? My parents just bought my younger brother a laptop and want me to make sure he is staying in line. Mostly what I'm looking for is torrent and http data. I know his ip mac and the network pass [05:39] hey, I have a question. Does xserver-xgl still handle Compiz Fusion better than what the current ATI drivers use? (I think AIGLX now) [05:39] E: _cache->open() failed, please repor Please help me!!!!! [05:39] All: when I run 'lspci -v' the sound card's class is 'ffff'. dmesg | tail after 'alsa reload' says that the sound card could not grab onto IRQ 255 [05:40] arc_shmoo: you need aircrack-ng [05:40] matthias_N ah, forgot that automounting now removes dirs. sudo mkdir /media/My\ Book [05:40] lord_spidey: did you reboot after doing that? [05:40] cisco80211: I have that [05:40] yes [05:40] where is config.log [05:40] but it was insafe mode [05:40] and i cant do squat in safe mode === cj_ is now known as Brother_NoX [05:40] look at my fstab ... http://pastebin.com/d123a2d33 [05:40] arc_shmoo: well you will need to use it to capture, inject and crack the wifo key [05:40] shit thats weird [05:40] lord_spidey : did u try creating a new user? [05:40] cisco80211: airodump-ng +wireshark? [05:41] matthias_N did you make the directory? [05:41] there is no sound in miro, what should I do [05:41] no [05:41] cisco80211: sry missed scroll [05:41] .... i just put the dvd in again and it auto-loaded [05:41] nickrud: seems okey ???, no let me do that ... [05:41] Excuse me while I switch shells [05:41] seems like the problem sortof fixed itself [05:41] arc_shmoo: just aircrack I believe.... I don't do much wifi cracking... [05:41] matthias_N no, umask not unmask, and it's a comma after 007 [05:41] !illegal | arc_shmoo [05:41] arc_shmoo: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [05:41] Brother_NoX : don't pm me please.ask your question in the #.. [05:41] cisco80211: wifo key? he is on the same network i am why do i need to crack it? [05:41] type it again please ... [05:42] nickrud: type it again ... [05:42] if you are using the legacy nvidia driver in 8.04, what type of card to you say it is in the xorg.conf? [05:42] adam7: illegal? [05:42] arc_shmoo: they are correct, this doesn't sound legit === juning is now known as Juning [05:42] Brother_NoX : I'm sure someone can help you if you ask, just don't please don't PM, it also narrows your getting fix down to me :) [05:42] arc_shmoo is doing nothing out of line [05:42] arc_shmoo: i use it as i'm a pen tester [05:42] matthias_N /dev/sdb1 /media/My\040Book/ defaults,umask=007,gid=matthias,uid=matthias 0 1 [05:42] arc_shmoo: I don't *think* it is (it is your network, after all), but we try to stay away from that kind of discussion in here... [05:42] amart487: http://www.p4th3t1c.co.uk/2008-05-05/getting-creative-x-fi-to-work-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron-8/352 [05:42] arc_shmoo, its a questionable topic [05:43] alan_m: not really [05:43] ok i have the Driver DL i have opened the terminal.. i tryed to install it like the Site said to from Nvidia [05:43] arc_shmoo and no offence, but people have claimed to be doing that on their own network but lied [05:43] Anyone willing to help me out with my sound card probs? [05:43] nakedgoat, but for oyur information http://pastebin.com/d23f2f63f [05:43] Brother_NoX : error msg? [05:43] nickrud: true that [05:43] there is no sound in miro, what should I do [05:43] either way, we were asked to move from that topic, so lets do what the ops have asked of us :) [05:44] nickrud: ug understood ill seek own research and respect the board [05:44] bash: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run: command not found [05:44] nickrud - i'm fairly certain that the rest of my system is still intact... [05:44] hey my ubuntu 8.04 hardy stops in the middle of boot for nfs daemon....i have to push cntrl alt deltete to get past it....what can i do? [05:44] but its working auto now... didn't do anything to make it work though [05:44] arc_shmoo if I knew the right channel I'd send you there. Maybe someone else can [05:44] arc_shmoo: ideally you would do the monitoring at your router device anyway, avoiding the wireless entirely... [05:44] anyone good with ATI video cards I need to set mine up fpr 3d [05:44] toad-six I take it the --reinstall didn't work? [05:44] for [05:44] thanks legend let me try this [05:44] Brother_NoX : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage [05:45] arc_shmoo: you could use wireshark if not for the fact you are probably using a switch, or your router has a switch, rather than a hub [05:45] Hello all.... please help me... I cannot update or go to syntipac papckage manager ... it comes up with an error that says run dkp* something manally to fix this problem!! [05:45] astro76: im a bit ignoranton all this parents are just "hey your the tech gooru and 30 you do it..." [05:45] 20 [05:45] nickrud: think i got it let me create the directory My\ Book first ... [05:45] LaneLimited type sudo dpkg --configure -a in a terminal [05:45] how do i change file associations? [05:45] there is no sound in miro, what should I do [05:46] thanks! [05:46] --reinstall?? [05:46] from what? [05:46] Ensoniq 5880 sound card is not recognized by Gnome. Any suggestions? [05:46] arc_shmoo: if you had an old pc you can use it with something like ipcop as your "router" [05:46] locust: Gnome doesn't recognize sound... [05:46] how do i change the association of a file that uses x program to use y program from now on? [05:46] toad-six that's bad. try sudo apt-get install --reinstall libscrollkeeper0 fast-user-switch-applet , hopefully that will work. Otherwise, we'll get it off the net and extract it [05:46] locust: It's alsa which takes care of sound - try running 'alsaconf' from console [05:46] you are good! have some kind of osmotic error fixer thing going [05:46] matthias_N: that was a script install fstab imho, and it won't work that way. [05:46] amunra: alsaconf has been removed from Debian based systems. Just a note :) [05:46] nickrud: thanks a lot [05:46] loluser : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=374660 [05:47] locust: Could be I'm using Archlinux so [05:47] LaneLimited yw. [05:47] removing alsaconf, :| [05:47] amunra: lspci -v outputs the sound card's class as being 'ffff'.. which seems unorthodox [05:47] k that work to get it running but now in the installer it says Error: Nvidia-installer must be run as root [05:47] astro76: got plenty of old pc's ill go grab one tomorrow and look into that i hope there is a way only to see his comp i dont need to know about my parents [05:47] * nickrud has promised himself to learn asoundconf Real Soon Now [05:47] nakedgoat thanks but one problem, no file that im trying to work with is on my pc, im trying to dl it and it wont even let me do that [05:47] nickrud: http://pastebin.com/d48dbe2b3 [05:47] how do I make miro xine engine use alsa? [05:48] locust: ...:/ it is [05:48] matthias_N you have to give the full path, /media/My\ Book (or use /dev/sdb1 , another full path) [05:48] amunra: The class should be ffff then? [05:48] Brother_NoX : run it as sudo [05:48] nickrud: okey let me try ... [05:48] Is there a way to change the whole desktop theme? [05:48] adam7: sorry for the drama [05:49] arc_shmoo: no problem :) [05:49] arc_shmoo: you'll need to network cards in it [05:49] arc_shmoo: *two [05:49] locust: No idea :) [05:49] removing alsaconf was a bad idea hah :P [05:49] amunra: Thanks for the effort. One more question if I may ask? [05:49] astro76: dont have those but i can go and buy them [05:49] locust: Go for it [05:49] * kdc1956 is away: I'm busy working on my ATI card [05:49] k how do i do that? [05:49] astro76: anything special? [05:49] gregbrady some complete themes are available on gnome-look.org, you can install them and then use system->prefs->appearance, Theme tab [05:49] arc_shmoo: what are you using for the wireless ap? [05:50] nickrud: mount unknown filesystem type uid=matthias .... [05:50] Can anyone suggest a good linux program for making DVDs? I'm looking for something simple that can make a nice menu with a simple play button. [05:50] I make an effort to move from pulseaudio to alsa, now miro can't play with other players presents [05:50] arc_shmoo: not really [05:50] hmmm...seems to be working... [05:50] thanks nickrud [05:50] linksys 54gs router [05:50] how do I make xine integrated into alsa? [05:50] so I can have miro sound with other programs [05:50] Brother_NoX : good question u doing this all via GUI? [05:50] matthias_N doh. between my book and defaults, put ntfs . [05:50] astro76: linksys 54gs router [05:50] amunra: After running '# alsa reload' then '# dmesg | tail' the output from dmesg says that my snd card cannot grab onto IRQ 255. Motherboard problem? Or sound card problem? [05:50] guess u are if ur using the tut i gave u :) [05:50] locust: IRQ 255? [05:51] arc_shmoo: you will be plugging one of the ethernet cards on the pc to the *lan* port on the linksys, and you won't use the wan port [05:51] locust: Well that's sort of way out there [05:51] matthias_N: that was a script install fstab imho, and it won't work that way. [05:51] amunra: yes. [05:51] matthias_N been looking at those for so long I sometimes don't actually read, I grok. And groking ais bad [05:51] idk im new to ubuntu just got it yesterday [05:51] amunra: lol that's exactly what I was thinking! [05:51] arc_shmoo: and you'll turn off the dhcp server in the linksys config [05:51] locust: You may want to check your bios because that sounds more than wrong :] [05:51] amunra: should I do a flash recovery perhaps? [05:51] Brother_NoX : give me a sec not fam. with .run's [05:51] ;) [05:52] does anyone know how to create web access for users to put up their web page and stuff (using apache2).. any bit of help would be great/. [05:52] Hello Everyone!! A friend and I would LOVE to get Kiba-dock .. May anyone join us in a convo on AIM for step by step instruction on how to install it? Please! [05:52] kk [05:52] thx [05:52] locust: If you know that no power out is coming ;) - but before all things you should check to make sure there are no jumpers on the card that may be in the wrong order.. [05:52] thanks nickrud - it fixed it... [05:52] Brother_NoX: to run a command as root type sudo before the command [05:52] astro76: im saving this chat because its a bit late to go rummaging around the garage waking the dead 12PM [05:52] i didn't know you could do install --reinstall [05:52] nickrud: so, I download them and then what do I do? [05:52] diesel: than how ?? [05:52] toad-six now you should be able to remove the applet [05:52] yeah I don't think he's running it from a term [05:52] astro76: ok [05:52] yea, honestly, i wasn't even trying to remove it [05:52] nickrud: look at this http://pastebin.com/d21e295cb [05:52] amunra: I have nothing connected to the sound card besides it being connected to the motherboard. No cables whatsoever. [05:52] locust: I know not many SC's have jumpers today - but ... I don't know maybe yours does, if not you may want to check your PNP settings, onboard settings as well... because yeah IRQ 255... something def wrong there [05:52] Brother_NoX : at step five add 'sudo' [05:53] i was trying to reinstall alsa [05:53] arc_shmoo: no prob, I should be around tomorrow night if you need more help [05:53] I make an effort to move from pulseaudio to alsa, now miro can't play with other players presents [05:53] hey my ubuntu 8.04 hardy stops in the middle of boot for nfs daemon....i have to push cntrl alt deltete to get past it....what can i do? [05:53] and alsa-base (or whatever it was called) [05:53] how do I make xine integrated into alsa? [05:53] so I can have miro sound with other programs [05:53] forces you to remove gdm and ubuntu-desktop [05:53] amunra: Defective sound card perhaps? [05:53] removing gdm forced removal of fast-user-switch-applet [05:53] hey guys. I have a very weird problem. I'm not sure what I did to make it happen [05:53] matthias_N that's better. Sorry for the run around [05:53] and that's how i ended up in this predicament [05:53] amunra: It /has/ been sitting in a box collecting dust for about two years :/ === Lo_Pan_ is now known as Lo_Pan [05:53] sudo: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run: command not found [05:53] basically, my GDM is borked [05:53] Hey is any one else having problem with the nvidia driver discoloring video [05:54] gregbrady I'm sorry, I got lost What did you download? [05:54] Brother_NoX : skip the sh [05:54] thanks all [05:54] it logs me in over and over and over again, with a blank password + username. Syslog says warning: couldn't authenticate user, every second [05:54] Brother_NoX: sudo ./ NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run [05:54] nickrud: mounted let me check owner of the sugfolders ... [05:54] gregbrady ah, I found it [05:54] nickrud: Yes, you seem overly busy! [05:54] i am a newer of ubuntu ,what can i do using ubuntu? [05:54] legend2440 : agreed [05:54] dfeng: almost anything you can on any other OS but faster... [05:54] gregbrady after you download a theme, you can simply drag it onto the appearances preference window to install them [05:55] dfeng : what can you do using windows [05:55] and even when I login through tty and start x manually, the windows themselves flicker consistently [05:55] Brother_NoX : chmod a+x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run [05:55] dfeng: boot it from CD and take a look at it. [05:55] nickrud: slow down, take a breath here. You are only doing favours for free1 [05:55] sudo: ./: command not found [05:55] the guide should have told u all that. [05:55] astro76: alright i should be back on about the same time tomorrow given that i can get my parents to get the cards [05:55] ^what robg_said. [05:55] dfeng, a quick answer: it's an OS, use it anyway you want [05:55] * kdc1956 is back (gone 00:05:54) [05:55] gregbrady usually I only do 1 at a time, prevents errors of distraction like I took matthias_N through :) [05:55] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [05:55] chmod: cannot access `NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run': No such file or directory [05:56] Brother_NoX :use ur filename :) [05:56] nickrud: rude well the owner permission is changed, thank you a lot another question how come i can not select sharing on the subfolder in MY book ???, My book says in permissions that owner is not determined .... [05:56] nickrud, do you have any idea what happened to my system/what I can do to fix it? [05:56] nickrud: It is people like you that make Linux work! Take a time out. [05:56] Brother_NoX : chmod a+x just makes it exec..cute - able :) [05:56] matthias_N not really, I'm not a samba expert. Getting you to own the folders I could do [05:56] Brother_NoX: is the terminal open in the folder where the driver is? [05:57] yeah ,thank all of you ,perhaps i'll use it for someting programing ! [05:57] chmod: cannot access `NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05-pkg1.run': No such file or directory [05:57] night all, astro76 [05:57] Brother_NoX: is the terminal open in the folder where the driver is? [05:57] talcite I'd start with sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm , then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (since that package will be removed also) [05:57] yes its on the desktop [05:58] Brother_NoX : like legand said, can you se the file/folder, are u in the app. dir? [05:58] nickrud: okey well thanks let me see if anyone can get mre going on the file sharingstuff ... [05:58] nickrud: :) [05:58] nickrud: ahh. Alright, I'll give it a shot. Thanks =D [05:58] Brother_NoX : cp filename to ~/home [05:58] cj@cj-desktop:~$ [05:58] Brother_NoX: type dir or ls is the driver listed? [05:58] Brother_NoX : then open a term and go to home..~/ [05:59] nickrud: sorry to bother again, I can't seem to find where my firefox downloaded the file@ [05:59] * nakedgoat busts out webex :) [05:59] Question - does ubuntu have a calendar/scheduler that determines when the trunk is open for edits, or building, etc? [05:59] gregbrady: It is usually the desktop if you are running default Gnome/Firefox settings. [05:59] it doesnt show up on the list [05:59] nickrud: sorry for beiing in doubt, thanks a lot ... [05:59] locust: nope, no luck there [06:00] Anonona_DC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule [06:00] gregbrady: Try 'find / | grep "file name here"' [06:00] matthias_N no problem, if I'd been paying better attention, we'd have been done in a few minutes. Thanks for hanging in there [06:00] cp (copy it) to your ~/home folder, then chmod a+x to then [06:00] ./ [06:00] gregbrady try looking in Downloads [06:00] nickrud: no worry i was to blame ... [06:00] sorry for the 2 lines [06:01] nickrud: how to find the downloads? [06:01] Flannel - thx [06:01] gregbrady in the file manager, it will be under /home//Downloads [06:01] gregbrady: Do you know the exact or partial name of the file? [06:02] got it but it does not show up...hmmm [06:02] Hopefully it is not 2girls1cup.mpeg.... [06:02] Brother_NoX: this will make life much easier type in terminal sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal. this script lets you open teminal by right click in any folder [06:02] gregbrady then you can try find $HOME -iname ** [06:02] locust please, never ever mention that file here (at least you didn't link ;) [06:03] lol [06:03] nickrud: Excuse my sick humor. :/ [06:03] * locust bows in shame. [06:04] * hotmonkeyluv waves [06:04] nickrud: yeah, that link, gnome-look results in no useable links. At least for me. [06:04] gregbrady you'd need the name of the file you downloaded, not the site name [06:04] ok i did the Sudo Apt-get [06:04] now what? [06:04] anyone that knows how to do filesharing if that sharing option does exists on the foler i like to share ??? [06:05] Brother_NoX: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal [06:05] nickrud: I've tried several and all they do is show a picture. No download [06:05] k i did that [06:05] gregbrady try clicking thru the links, till you find a download link [06:05] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:06] offtopic [ What's the first step in getting an IP mask? ] [06:06] Brother_NoX: can't remember if you have to reboot for script to kick in or not. anyway open folder where driver is and right click inside. you will see open terminal here [06:06] nickrud: Yup, I've tried that. They all result in a great preview. Nothing else [06:06] is there a channel for ps3-ubuntu ? [06:07] No worries, I guess this option is just not for my machine. [06:07] nope dont see it so ill restart brb [06:07] afk [06:08] gregbrady for a test, on gnome-look.org there's the hardy heron theme. Click that, then down the page find the download link [06:08] is there any way to defragment a mounted disk? [06:08] depends on what filesystem you're using [06:08] yurimxpxman: what filesystem is on it? [06:08] gregbrady that is, on the next page that loads, look for the download link [06:08] adam7: ext3 [06:08] yurimxpxman: you don't need to defrag ext3 [06:08] doesnt ext3 automatically defrag in the background? [06:08] nickrud: how will I know. I'm running Heron? [06:08] !defrag | yurimxpxman, tbag [06:08] yurimxpxman, tbag: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this. A package "defrag" is available in !Universe, however its use is not safe, and is generally not needed. [06:08] adam7: yes I do... the disk is like 97% full 0_o [06:09] in fact, I don't think you *can* defrag ext3 because it doesn't need it [06:09] gregbrady this is simple site navigation. We must be miscommunicating somewhere [06:09] yurimxpxman: how do you know it needs defragging? [06:09] tbag, thats true if u can call that defrag, it does it with each file operation [06:09] defragging a 97% full disk is going to be nearly impossible [06:09] adam7: because it's gotten really slow after I filled the disk [06:10] My X-Chat is awfully laggy and I don`t see the userlist nowhere... Can someone help me solve these problems? [06:10] yurimxpxman you're gonna need to clear some space [06:10] Psychlo : /server? :) [06:10] nickrud: yes, slow down. [06:10] Psychlo, did you load xchat-gnome or just xchat? [06:10] xchat gnome [06:11] Hello, I need help with wireless network card. I am running Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and I am using TP-Link USB dongle TL-WN321G. Currently, the driver RT73USB that comes pre-installed with Hardy is working and is able to join any open network. But it is not able to join any WEP 64bit ASII encryption. I tried configuring it through the GUI, but the connect button under the WEP option is not available. Any idea why? [06:11] Psychlo on the right border of the xchat window, you'll see a bunch of dots. grab them with the left mouse button, and pull left [06:11] nickrud: ok, what theme? They all don't load [06:11] Psychlo, uninstall and try xchat.. you'll get the list as default.. not sure but the lag may not change [06:11] nickrud: i restarted the computer and the hard drive is not mounted ... [06:11] yurimxpxman: you can't defrag it if it is that full anyway [06:11] lag is server based 99% of the time. [06:11] gregbrady load? You downloaded one to your desktop, and dragged it onto the appearance window? [06:11] ok I`ll try [06:12] nickrud: all I get when I click on download are screenshots [06:12] type /servers [06:12] and pick a new one. [06:12] youre going to want at least 25% free space (lol, admittedly, thats the reccomendation in the windows defrag tool.. hahah) [06:12] nickrud: when i choose places->My Book is says that i am not previlegied to mount ... [06:12] hi, im trying to convert a xvid into a 320x240 mp4 for my creative zen.... what should i use? [06:12] psychlo userlist click with mouse where it says 1237 users [06:12] matthias_N, hm, that sounds strange. Anything in /etc/fstab gets mounted at boot. [06:13] hi === oddalot_ is now known as oddalot [06:13] is anyone familiar with running ubuntu on a ps3 ? (ive got no network devices showing on a clean install) [06:13] gregbrady I clicked on the screenshot on the front page, it gave me another page. Down the page I saw 3 download links, I clicked the first one. It downloaded. [06:13] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:13] yuri_, try ffmpeg, make sure u install it from medibuntu though [06:14] !medibuntu | yuri [06:14] yuri: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [06:14] nickrud: see http://pastebin.com/d4e114e0c [06:14] #000000 [06:14] Is there a way to scan my windows paritions through linux in hopes of cleaning out a virus? What program can do this job? [06:14] !antivirus | speedhunt3r [06:14] speedhunt3r: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus [06:14] pen : best I can do for ya is a link! :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=781330 [06:14] klamav? [06:14] Clamav works, but i never use it [06:15] usser: anything more graphical? [06:15] can I do a base installation from the 8.04 desktop cd? [06:15] no need, now if your trying to find a virus on an NTFS partition, you shouldnt have a problem deleting it..doesnt mean it will stay gone thouugh [06:15] How take off the comments in ubuntu desktop? [06:15] nickrud: no worries, it just does not work here. [06:15] through unbuntu [06:15] Does anyone here do dual monitors with nvidia-settings? What does 'twinview' mean? [06:15] matthias_N have you tried simply navigating to /media/my book ? [06:15] nakedgoat, I already looked that one before [06:16] pen : sorry buddy [06:16] keep asking someone will help [06:16] nickrud: let me try [06:16] maybe [06:16] nickrud: I will live without. [06:16] Does anyone have a Logitech MX518 [06:16] Brother_NoX : wb [06:16] ok that did work and thx [06:16] quicksilver_, separete views.. one pc, one tv [06:16] didnt* [06:16] nickrud: when doing cd /media/My Book [06:16] yuri_, never used a gui tool, ffmpeg is really easy to use give it a shot [06:17] but when i restart my resalution got worse [06:17] i get to My Book but after that there is nothing , just the library so it does not get mounted ... [06:17] Brother_NoX: where id the driver on desktop? [06:17] nickrud: i get to My Book but after that there is nothing , just the library so it does not get mounted ... [06:17] usser: can you help me with the command? i want 320x240 mp4 [06:17] matthias_N mount , type that and show me the output [06:17] yes on the desktop [06:18] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:18] nickrud: http://pastebin.com/d3f89077e [06:18] Brother_NoX: ok on desktop right click and create foler and call it nvivia and right click copy paste driver into nvidia folder [06:19] hi all, how i take off the comments when example i leave mouse in a icon [06:19] Anybody have a sample X11org.conf file for logitech MX-518. I have everything on unbutu working fine, including my samba and mail server..but for the life of me have had trouble with confgire mouse. thank you [06:19] manchester: my name's not quicksilver [06:19] matthias_N no, only mount , it will show all the mounted devices [06:19] nickrud: I've tried like 10 different themes...none work. They just result in a preview graphic. no worries, it just does not work on my machine [06:20] ok done [06:20] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:20] Quintin, yes, sorry, i uses the twinview, thar problem whit that ? i can help u [06:20] nickrud: http://pastebin.com/d5c90dd3d [06:20] Can gparted live cd be used to clone a partition with an OS onto another hard disk? [06:20] Brother_NoX: ok open nvidia folder you just made and right click do u see Open in Terminal? [06:20] yuri_ yea sure hang on 1 sec [06:20] matthias_N that is very strange. try sudo mount -a [06:20] Brother_NoX : https://pearsononlin.webex.com/sc [06:20] Brother_NoX : 801 299 473 [06:21] no i dont see it [06:21] nickrud: now it is mounted ... [06:22] nickrud: Themes just don't work. [06:22] matthias_N very strange that it doesn't mount at startup. The only thing I can think of is the usb subsystem isn't started before the mount command is run during startup. That is very strange [06:22] Brother_NoX: ok open terminal and type cd ~/Desktop/nvidia [06:22] nakedgoat the site didnt open [06:22] http://pearsononline.webex.com [06:22] Why won't catalyst 8.5 let me use my optimal monitor resolution? It keeps saying my maximum is 1024x768 when it can go up to 1600x1200. [06:22] enter the number in the join box [06:22] gregbrady what does don't work mean? They don't install when you drag them, what themes in particular are you talking about (there are icon, window decoration, control, etc themes) [06:22] bash: cd: /home/cj/Desktop/nvidia: No such file or directory [06:23] nickrud: i have an USB hub, let me power down completely before i i start it, but hey why does it need to be root ??, i am not root ... [06:23] whats root!?! :P [06:23] matthias_N stuff listed in fstab need to be mounted by root, but that's who mounts them during boot [06:23] nickrud: anytheme.....none download. Just a preview shows up [06:23] Brother_NoX: is nvidia the name of the folder you made. also linux is case sensitive [06:23] yuri_, try this ffmpeg -i -vb 300000 -s 320x240 file.mp4 [06:23] naked goat [06:23] yes [06:23] root is master login, like admin. [06:23] nickrud: try an powerdown and startup again ??? [06:24] Brother_NoX: Is there a directory called Desktop there? If you installed in another language it may be called something else [06:24] hello [06:24] how to: i take off the descriptive comments in ubuntu desktop ? [06:24] ok ill check the caps [06:24] you use sudo in place of actually logging in as root [06:24] xsmatt81 : sorry I know that ;) [06:24] oh ok [06:24] I'll shut up [06:24] Hello? I need help with fglrx! [06:24] matthias_N make sure everything is turned on before you reboot [06:24] usser: will do. thanks alot! [06:25] nickrud: back in 5 [06:25] legend2440: I came across a "missing" Desktop dir the other day. Turns out it was called Desktop but in Swedish. May be same symtom [06:25] ok work [06:25] Brother_NoX : I have an open webex... 801 299 473 [06:25] yuri_, no problem [06:25] at the nvidia folder [06:25] genii: possible i suppose [06:25] /say %C3 Does anybody have a Logitech mx518 mouse, with fully set up buttons for x11org.conf so i can paste it in! Thanks %C [06:25] how is ubuntu's support for ati chips? [06:25] or any logtech [06:26] Brother_NoX: ok sudo chmod a+x [06:26] mehal88 : I have a ati makes me wanna jizz [06:26] nickrud: no worries for my problem, you have tons more pressing problems. Deal with those. I will struggle alone on my own. [06:26] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:27] how i takeoff the tooltips 4 ever? [06:27] "//say %C6 This is PURPLE.%C [06:27] Brother_NoX: if you type first few letters like Nvid then hit tab it should complete the name for you [06:27] gregbrady try looking for text: "download" , [06:27] xsmatt81: colored formatting doesn't work in this channel, and I don't think your client has /say [06:27] ok did it but nothing happened [06:28] nickrud: no unmounted, i have an USB hub where it is connected but the hard drive is running when i poer up my laptop ... [06:28] HOW can I "syntax enable" in vim ? [06:28] Brother_NoX: ok now sudo ./ [06:28] !curl [06:28] Factoid curl not found [06:28] !vim [06:28] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [06:28] phoenix: "syntax on" [06:28] phoenix (colon first) [06:29] Striking7, thrown error [06:29] phoenix24: do you have the regular vim package installed instead of just vim-tiny? [06:29] phoenix24: what'd it say? [06:29] Brother_NoX: theres aperiod befor the/ [06:29] phoenix24: Starnestommy has a point - try installing vim-full first. [06:29] Brother_NoX: Please, tell me what result of command: grep DESKTOP ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs [06:29] ok it opened but [06:29] (if you haven't) [06:29] anybody here uses vmware workstation? [06:30] Hello? I need help with fglrx! [06:30] Manacim: I do sometimes. [06:30] ripps: what kind of help do you need with it? [06:30] striking7 [06:30] did you get 3d to work? [06:30] Striking7, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478/ [06:30] Manacim: Yep. [06:30] Striking7, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15478/ [06:30] ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before [06:30] installing. For further details, please see the section [06:30] anybody know what these packages would be ? [06:30] * xlib (pkg-config xlib) - Standard Xlib library [06:30] * xtst (pkg-config xtest) - XTEST library [06:30] INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux [06:30] driver download page at www.nvidia.com. [06:30] phoenix24: clicked. [06:30] Brother_NoX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:30] can anyone tell me the fastest way to transfer files from an ubuntu filesystem to an external harddrive formatted for mac os x which i need to remain formatted for osx? (smb, ftp, sftp...)? [06:30] ahh [06:30] !paste [06:30] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [06:31] errr...oops [06:31] nvm, you found the file already now [06:31] striking7: what kind of card you got? [06:31] phoenix24: Yeah, looks like you should be able to fix that by installing vim-full [06:31] sorry didnt know it was going to do that [06:31] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:31] nickrud: no still not mounted [06:31] phoenix24: not sure if that's the full package name, but open up synaptic and look for vim. [06:31] Brother_NoX, for Nvidia driver to work u have to kill your xserver and go to bare terminal, why are u doing this anyway when there's an easy way, just use restricted manager [06:31] Brother_NoX: are you following a tutorial?? if so what is the http: [06:32] matthias_N I've no clue why it's not automounting then. Something strange in usb, maybe. Reading up [06:32] Striking7, thanks! [06:32] Manacim: I've tried it with the big 3, Intel, Nvidia, and ATI [06:32] Starnestommy: Why won't catalyst 8.5 let me use my optimal monitor resolution? It keeps saying my maximum is 1024x768 when it can go up to 1600x1200. [06:32] nickrud: can we add an timer so it waits for the hard drive to be mounted or change media/My Book to dev/sdb1 ??? [06:32] Manacim: Nvidia is the only one that works at present, that I know of [06:32] really? [06:32] phoenix24: Sure thing. Did that work? [06:32] i have an ati radeon 2400 pro agp [06:32] my card is workin fine [06:32] Striking7, installing [06:33] but no 3d using vmware [06:33] Manacim: the problem is that VMWare's 3D requires specific features of opengl. [06:33] to easy install video drivers use envy [06:33] yeah [06:33] well thx anyways [06:33] !ebvy [06:33] Factoid ebvy not found [06:33] Manacim: as far as I know (and my experience agrees), Nvidia's drivers are the only ones that suppor those features. [06:33] !envy [06:33] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. [06:33] :-( [06:33] i g2g [06:33] thx for the info [06:33] =] [06:34] Manacim: Sure thing. Night [06:34] ripps: the drivers might not be able to automatically detect supported monitor resolutions [06:34] IF anyone has a second, i have a question on setting up MX518 mouse or any logitech for full support of buttons! Thank you [06:34] envy installed my ati driver and I was able to get compiz to work [06:34] nickrud: no mechansm to check for a certain time before proceeding or should my line be 1:st in the fstab ??? [06:34] matthias_N a sec, please [06:35] xsmatt81: I definitely can't answer your questions at the moment... tired as heck and leaving soon, but I had a similar issue [06:35] Starnestommy: I specifically put "1280x1024" under Modes in the Screen Section. Still nothing. [06:35] Brother_NoX: are you there? [06:35] hehe ok [06:35] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:35] xsmatt81: www.ubuntuforums.org, look for imwheel [06:35] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:35] xsmatt81: That fixed it for me. [06:35] I did the imwheel, but i would like example of x11org [06:36] imwheel was no luck for me [06:36] thank you though [06:36] xsmatt81: it's odd that way, if I remember right, because different mice will report clicks with different numbers. [06:36] yes im here [06:36] Striking7, yes; Installing vim-full helped :) [06:36] yes very time consuming [06:36] im looking for the tutorial i was using [06:37] phoenix24: Awesome! Glad to help. <3 vim [06:37] luckily firefox beta has back-forward support [06:37] xsmatt81: Hrm... problem is that different mice give different numbers to buttons. [06:37] Brother_NoX: i think your best bet is let envyng install the drivers for you. are you using gnome or kde? [06:37] but would like it in nautilus, and opera..for mouse back and forth and other buttons, using alt-< get's old [06:37] xsmatt81: they figure their windows drivers will differentiate for them :-( [06:38] do you have mx518? [06:38] nope dont knwo how to do any of that.. i just installed Ubuntu and loaded it up im now trying to install the drivers [06:38] xsmatt81: I've never tried to get it working in anything but Firefox, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask. Mx310 here, btw. [06:39] can anyone tell me if hteres a way to put audacious to just be a symbol in the systray? [06:39] Trusty MX310 - served me for like 4 years quite well :-) [06:39] Brother_NoX: on top panel click System tab does it say about gnome in there? [06:39] anyone know a good tool for download a website? [06:39] yes [06:39] Hi all, I have a data dvd I would like to split into couple of cds to use on a system which has WIndows. This system doesnt have a dvd drive either so writing as a dvd is not an option. Could any explain what process I might want to follow ? [06:39] how do you disable the bootup gui so the kernel messages are displayed (via grub)? [06:39] phoenix24: just wondering... what do you use vim for? [06:40] NukeSkyjumper: change [06:40] NukeSkyjumper: er, whoops, hold on [06:40] Brother_NoX: ok in terminal type sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk [06:40] NukeSkyjumper: get rid of the "quiet" directive [06:40] Striking7, programing [06:40] NukeSkyjumper: and anything that looks like "splash" [06:40] phoenix24: I figured, just curious what you do. [06:40] ah, splash. got it [06:41] NukeSkyjumper: remove the quiet splash in the defoptions line [06:41] ok done [06:41] yeah, removed quiet, but splash was still there. thanks [06:41] matthias_N rebooting, brb [06:41] phoenix24: just so you know, there are a ton of vim plugins for various languages and libraries. There's a rails plugin for ruby on rails programmers, for example. [06:41] Has anyone had much luck using wine with Rivatuner [06:41] nickrud: ? [06:42] * nakedgoat is gone.. autoaway after 15 min ..[cyp(l/on.p/on)] [06:42] phoenix24: which is totally different from the normal ruby plugin, which is also really cool. [06:42] Striking7, vim-plugin ? [06:42] Brother_NoX: ok now on top panel click Applications >system tools then Envyng and follow the directions it will install latest driver for you [06:42] Striking7, where can I get them ? [06:42] Has anyone had a problem with Firefox maximizing over the top and lower panels when a webpage calls to maximize the browser? [06:42] i'm trying to go here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/server/C/firewall.html [06:42] but i'm getting a 404 [06:42] the link to that page is on: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features/security [06:43] hi [06:43] vluther: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html [06:43] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:43] phoenix24: vim.org [06:43] how do I find out what runlevel I am on? [06:43] It has instructions on how to install them. [06:43] and what they do. [06:43] and how to use them. [06:43] thanks Flannel: may wanna tell the copy guys about the broken link then :) [06:43] Kartagis: use the command "runlevel" [06:44] Kartagis: ubuntu only uses 1 and 2, and 1 is single-user mode, so you're in 2 [06:44] vluther: I'll file a bug once LP comes back up [06:44] is there any reason to have /vmlinuz be a link to your kernel image? update-grub keeps adding duplicates to the grub menu [06:44] lp? (i'm an ubuntu/debian noob, been using redhat/fedora/slack/centos) [06:44] NukeSkyjumper: Are you sure they're duplicates? [06:44] afk! food [06:45] vluther: Launchpad is a bug tracker and more. [06:45] !launchpad [06:45] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [06:45] Flannel: yep. it's adding /vmlinuz and the real image in /boot [06:45] ahh [06:45] how do I find out what my kernel version is ? [06:45] navetz, uname -a [06:45] Has anyone had a problem with Firefox maximizing over the top and lower panels when a webpage calls to maximize the browser? [06:46] NukeSkyjumper: Pastebin your menu.lst please [06:46] usser: thanks [06:46] navetz, np [06:46] Flannel: http://nuklear.org/menu.lst [06:46] NukeSkyjumper: oh, you have a plain /boot/vmlinuz? without the version stuffs? [06:47] sudo update-rc.d alsa-utils start 2 <--- what is the correct syntax to this? [06:47] nickrude [06:47] Flannel: that's what hardy put there, apparently === [mindvirus] is now known as mindvirus [06:47] NukeSkyjumper: Interesting. Let me check my Hardy box. [06:47] matthias_N still here? [06:47] what happned to Hardware info [06:47] nickrud: i am here [06:48] i can not find it on Hardy.. [06:48] I have extra entries in my menu.lst file but I believe they are links to different kernel versions? [06:48] anyone have problem installing xubuntu? mine is stuck at 82% 'scanning the mirror' [06:48] tried to change ntfs to auto but did not work complained about nautilus .. [06:48] nickrud: tried to change ntfs to auto but did not work complained about nautilus .. [06:48] matthias_N ok, I found the technique that's supposed to work, but I get an error: "Need to rethink extra options." Honest :) add the line mount -a to /etc/rc.local , above exit 0. This is a hack but should work [06:49] nm found [06:49] gnome-device-manager [06:49] nickrud: hold on ... [06:49] why did they remove this from hardy? Gutsy had hard info..and i found it useful..ohwell [06:49] NukeSkyjumper: I don't have that. Are you sure you didn't make it by accident? Lets see if it belongs to a package. `dpkg -S /boot/vmlinuz` get anything? [06:49] Flannel: no packages [06:50] Does anyone know how to get a USB ethernet adapter to work with the Ubuntu server edition? It works with Debian Etch, but not Ubuntu. Any ideas on why this is? [06:50] NukeSkyjumper: Well, it shouldn't hurt to remove it, since it doesn't exist here, and I don't really see a good reason for it to exist anyway [06:50] nickrud: will try rebooting it right now ??? [06:50] i definitely didn't do it manually, but it was a text-install and i did forget to create a native /boot partition [06:51] matthias_N might as well. [06:51] NukeSkyjumper: You said it's in /? or in /boot? [06:51] nickrud: back in 5 [06:51] does anyone know any good virtulization software I can use? vmware and virtualbox both are having trouble with my new kernel [06:51] sudo update-rc.d alsa-utils start 2 <--- what is the correct syntax to this? [06:51] Flannel: there was one in /, but apparently the duplicate is the link from /boot [06:52] Kartagis using sysv-rc-init is much simpler than update-rc.d [06:52] navetz: vmware and vbox ARE the good software [06:52] NukeSkyjumper: Odd. That shouldn't be in / for any reason. I say remove them both. [06:52] Flannel: won't the /boot link be recreated by new kernel image packages? [06:52] Flannel the / ones are a holdover from debian [06:53] keveam, well what does it say when u plug it in? [06:53] NukeSkyjumper: Oh, right. they are. And I have those too. (in /) but there shouldn't be one in /boot, and no, it won't get recreated, or shouldn't. If it does, that package ought to lay claim to it within dpkg [06:53] keveam, what does dmesg say? does it get recognized at all? [06:53] nickrud: it works ... [06:54] how do you restart x? [06:54] NukeSkyjumper: What it might be is the one in /boot is misplaced from / [06:54] mokzu: they don't work :( [06:54] matthias_N a hack. You'll want to revisit this on the next release. [06:54] nickrud: is that a package I should apt-get? [06:54] HappyHater, CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE [06:54] Happy Hater, either just log out [06:54] nickrud: can you explain me what we have done and why ???, and why not right from the start ??? [06:54] Flannel: hmm. do you have similar links to config, initrd, and System.map? [06:54] (in /boot) [06:54] Kartagis yes, it's a semi-gui init.d editor [06:54] i'm looking here: http://wiki.freespire.org/index.php/Using_Apt [06:54] nickrud: becasue of windows meeese it up a bit ??? [06:54] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [06:54] but it doesn't seem to say how to just show the packages that are already installed [06:55] Happy hatter:http://johnboy45.wordpress.com/2006/09/09/how-to-restart-x-windows-without-rebooting/ [06:55] xsmatt81: too slow :P I think he took the ctrl+alt+bksp router [06:55] s/router/route [06:55] usser: It says no network hardware found during the install. [06:55] NukeSkyjumper: If you're worried about it, rename it, and see if something breaks next upgrade. No, just in /, vmlinuz and initrd.img [06:55] hmm didnt know that method, but either works [06:56] nickrud: apt-get search can!t [06:56] keveam, can u pastebin the output of dmesg when u pop it in [06:56] nickrud: apt-get search can't find it [06:56] matthias_N what we've done is told the system how to mount your external, with the options you want (in /etc/fstab) . For some reason, the disk isn't mounted at boot (as all fstab entries are supposed to be) so we tell the system to try mounting it again, as the last thing it does in the bootup sequence [06:56] not woried. i'll let it break, to see what happens [06:56] apt-cache search [06:56] Hello, how do I bring up /etc/apt/sources.list? [06:56] sorry, i meant apt-cache search [06:57] any know how i can make sure my DSL modem connection starts up automatically? [06:57] nickrud: the mount -a in /etc.local that does it again ... [06:57] usser: No, as it's during the install of the server edition. [06:57] psykroll: alt-f2 gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [06:57] haha duh cntl-alt-backspc [06:57] Kartagis sysv-rc-conf , sorry [06:57] good deal, all this time i have been restarting X the hard way [06:57] matthias_N yes [06:58] nickrud: thnak you for the help are you one of the programmers ??? [06:58] genii: tyvm! [06:58] nickrud: by any cjane ??? [06:58] psykroll: Wlcome [06:58] bah, typos [06:58] keveam, oh i see, are u setting it up in a virtual machine? i suggest u finish the installation so we can troubleshoot from there [06:58] nickrud: by any chance, getting sleepy ... :) [06:58] matthias_N lol, I hope not. If I was, I'd suggest running as fast as you can away from this os ;) [06:58] only 11 pm here, wide awake [06:59] im using "pon dsl-provider" at commanf line.. [06:59] no work tommrow, think i will play some quakewars [06:59] usser: No, no virtual machine. [06:59] hmmm 3rd time i tried to install xubuntu, it's stuck at 82% again [06:59] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [06:59] nickserv register help [06:59] mokzu: did you burn the disc slowly [06:59] usser: HD install. [07:00] Burn disc at 2x..then check disc for defect [07:00] xsmatt81 - it's a mounted iso file [07:00] sam_ you can add pon dsl-provider to /etc/rc.local as a hack. [07:00] nickrud: no i would not, seems interesting hate everyting with microsoft but orks but have more time on the market like to see a change in the windows dominace ... [07:00] oh hmm [07:01] nickrud: under which menu does IT go? [07:01] what's the key to press to see what's happening behind the install progress bar? [07:01] keveam, well there is not much i can help u with at this point. Install it so we can see whats happening there, maybe usb controller didnt get recognized, or maybe it is recognized but its initialization is done after network recognition i dunno [07:01] Kartagis it's probably not in a menu, you'd run it from a terminal: sudo sysv-rc-conf [07:01] usser: Alright. [07:02] anyone around able to help me confirm a potential bug? :) [07:02] nickrud: do a great job ... [07:02] squish it, if it stops moving it was a bug [07:02] is ubuntu good decision for rather old hardware (1,4 GHZ, 512 ram) ? [07:02] mokzu: lol :) === roxahris__ is now known as roxahris [07:02] matthias_N the best strength I have is bulldog attitude, and willingness to hack away at crap [07:02] to mount ISO is Gmount-iso good choice? [07:02] I always use daemon tools in windows..but [07:03] kam: it should work ok [07:03] kam you'd be better off with xubuntu, or add a little more memory [07:03] kam, oh yea definitely. it will run ok [07:03] hurrah xubuntu installed at last, 3rd time lucky [07:03] nickrud: good point, by any chance working with bluetooth ??? :) [07:03] . [07:03] thanks for answers [07:03] mokzu what did you use to mount the iso with? [07:03] matthias_N never had bluetooth on any of my machines [07:03] noob here [07:03] thanks nickrud [07:03] Hello everyone! I am having problem with apache2 module jk. I get this message when I try to start ---- Invalid command 'JkUriSet', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration [07:04] nickrud: how do you know where to look and what to look for ??? [07:04] can any one help [07:04] ? [07:04] I have a problem with images loading in firefox specifically in youtube. [07:04] xsmatt81: i am using vmware on a vista host [07:04] matthias_N lotttttssss of google [07:04] xsmatt81, to mount an iso just type in terminal sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mountpoint [07:04] ok thanks [07:04] nickrud: bluetooth work great between computers and cell phones but to headset i have, got 50 % to work can hear but not talk ... :) [07:04] matthias_N as time goes by, you get a little more knowledge here and there, it adds up [07:04] the xubuntu logo is mighty cool [07:05] nickrud: so you have some time with ubuntu than ... [07:05] matthias_N between debian and ubuntu, about 8 years now [07:05] zeshe17, WHICH VERSION OF UBUNTU ARE YOU RUNNING? [07:05] mokzu, yes, yes it is [07:05] By clicking the "maximize" link within this webpage it will cause Firefox to not have window decorations... Can anyone confirm this to be the case? http://www.htmlgoodies.com/legacy/beyond/javascript/bigsmall.html [07:05] one other question. the other day I copied bookmarks.html to ~/.mozilla/firefox// but the bookmarks didn't appear. any ideas? [07:05] nickrud: ever tried fedora ? [07:05] Hello everyone! I am having problem with apache2 module jk. I get this message when I try to start ---- Invalid command 'JkUriSet', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration \n Can any one Help me pla ? [07:06] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [07:06] matthias_N I used redhat really early on, but I only used it long enough to learn how to use the universal operating system ;) [07:06] Kartagis, import them from withing the firefox [07:06] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [07:07] zeshe17, try #apache [07:07] matthias_N, rumor is rpm based distros such as fedora are not so good :P [07:07] thnx [07:07] usser: import says it's not applicable [07:08] * nickrud learned debian just to get out of rpm hell. he hears rumors that it's only purgatory now [07:08] nickrud: i am running Cent OS now but was some year ago on fedora but still a bit different way to do things, i am still new to programing well you do good and i like to know better but i do not know where to look so at work i am stuck withthat i can not installamanda backup on it and do not know where to start ... [07:08] I tried Fedora werewolf and for the noob was not liking it. So far Unbuntu and pclinux os have been best [07:08] Kartagis, thats weird, hm... u may have to export from the other firefox, not just copy it. [07:08] matthias_N sudo apt-get install amanda [07:09] matthias_N erm, amanda-server amanda-client , there's no metapackage I see [07:09] usser: I copied bookmarks.html from another pc [07:09] how can i change the mouse pointer under hardy heron? [07:09] nickrud: in CentOS 6 i think they use something else like rpm or another program insted of apt-get ... [07:10] Itai: I am using Hardy [07:10] Kartagis, do export bookmarks on other pc. [07:10] I need help... thumbnails of video in youtube not loading in firefox. (Hardy heron) === artificial is now known as artificial_ru [07:11] Story, do you have flash installed? [07:11] nickrud: got it installed but no trace of the program once installed ... no complains at all [07:11] matthias_N yep. rpm is a packaging system, as is deb. Each can use front ends; apt-get is a front end for installing debs. Not familiar with what front ends rpm uses these days [07:11] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [07:12] flash should be because the videos work and every other website seem to work fine loading up images [07:12] nickrud: centos and fedora seems to bee there but there is another tool but not apt-get for sure ... but that is okey , i will digg into it when i get an chance ... [07:12] matthias_N oh, it's there. /usr/share/doc/amanda-client|server has the docs [07:12] but how do i check [07:13] nickrud: seems to be the moast popular one so far, well thank you for your time and i am sure i wil talk more another day ... [07:13] matthias_N I spend to much time here, so you probably will [07:13] anyone has the Intel 3945ABG WiFi card working? [07:14] hey [07:14] nickrud: like i will do probably but it is a as well an hobby and social network in a way ... [07:14] anyone here managed to get openvz working [07:14] i keep running into this issue where it says not meant for this cpu and 0:6 [07:14] I have set the TMPWATCH in /etc/default/rcS :) the computer didn't wipe all of the /tmp directory :) but does this periodically clean out the /tmp directory when the computer is on ? [07:15] corporal_clegg, yes having trouble eh? using hardy? [07:15] nickrud: pure curiosity where are you ??, [07:15] matthias_N Los Angeles [07:15] usser: yes using hardy (8.04) [07:15] adobe flash player pluggin is installed but verry few thumbnail images on youtube seem to be loading [07:15] anyone can help me [07:15] corporal_clegg, whats the problem? [07:15] adobe flash runs quiet buggy on linux atm [07:16] nickrud: than it is time for you too to go to bed i guess ...i am in Mexico but from Sweden ... [07:16] to install and configure my BROADCOM WIRELESS adapter? [07:16] BCM4318 [07:16] anyone? [07:16] usser: is seems that it doesn't work. The button to activate the wifi card seems dead [07:16] anyone can help me [07:16] ? [07:16] Hello everyone! I am having problem with apache2 module jk. I get this message when I try to start ---- Invalid command 'JkUriSet', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration \n Can any one Help me pla ? [07:16] usser: how did you got it working? [07:16] matthias_N nah, I go to work at 1pm tomorrow. Watching a good movie, maybe I'll find out the name :) [07:16] corporal_clegg, it kinda just worked for me, when u boot up wifi is dead? [07:17] usser: yes [07:17] corporal_clegg, and wifi activate doesnt work? [07:17] usser: wifi activate is the button on the keyboard? [07:17] nickrud: seems good me too can not sleep right away start working in 8 hours more but still some good movie to fall asleep ..., Nice talking to you and good luck ... [07:17] matthias_N see you about [07:18] nickrud: buy and sleep ZZZZZZZZZZz [07:18] nickrud: bye ... tooo ZZZZZZZ [07:18] this documentation is wrong: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVZ [07:18] i tried will nowaks ppa , it didnt help [07:18] corporal_clegg, yes thats the one. do u have backported modules installed it fixes alot of problem with intel driver [07:18] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [07:18] adobe flash player pluggin is installed but verry few thumbnail images on youtube seem to be loading [07:19] anyone can help me with broadcom wireless adapter (BCM4318) how install and configure in ubuntu 8.04 ??? im noob [07:19] usser: I will now install the backported modules [07:19] !broadcom | Cogumelo [07:19] Cogumelo: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [07:19] corporal_clegg, sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy [07:19] corporal_clegg, that is going to require a reboot [07:20] Cogumelo, i was going to ask if you had solved your issue :) [07:20] usser: I have it installed. Now I will reboot. Do I need to do anything else? [07:20] corporal_clegg, no thats the first step come back if it doesnt solve your problem [07:21] ok [07:21] thanks! bye bye [07:21] !iwl3945 [07:21] Factoid iwl3945 not found [07:22] !info iwl3945 [07:22] Package iwl3945 does not exist in hardy [07:22] I have set the TMPWATCH in /etc/default/rcS :) the computer didn't wipe all of the /tmp directory :) but does this periodically clean out the /tmp directory when the computer is on ? [07:22] Can anyone reccomend a good wireless card to get for a dell inspirion 5100 that would be easily compatible with ubuntu? [07:22] i can clone display (two screens) but can't have them separate. (hardy, intel 965) [07:22] !broadcom [07:22] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [07:23] no i don't think TMPWATCH will clean your /tmp === cO_gEe_sTrEzZZ is now known as [cE_eXeMpHE_FZ_C [07:23] please help.... adobe flash player pluggin is installed but verry few thumbnail images on youtube seem to be loading [07:23] normally a cron oder anacron job does that [07:23] ive got a little prob.. whats the command for launching a NEW firefox window in the current workspace.. since when I open links from lets say DESK1 and firefox is open at DESK2... its gonna open the page on DESK2 :( [07:23] thanks [07:24] @tyberion you can use the -display parameter [07:24] what is the maximum amount of ram that 8.04 x64 will support? === roxahris is now known as roxanFKSJfLSFJAL [07:24] @bobsomebody more than you are able to put on your mainbord :D [07:24] patric only --display? [07:25] * Bradj47 just installed ubuntu [07:25] patric_, 8gb? it will do 8gb? [07:25] please help.... adobe flash player pluggin is installed but verry few thumbnail images on youtube seem to be loading [07:25] is there a way to tell if i have i686 or x86_64? [07:25] Bradj47, uname -a [07:25] ok, thanks [07:26] you are a Buntu! [07:26] @tyberion no this isnt a parameter of firefox it's a parameter for x. you can use it like this: firefox --display:screen:desktop; normaly its --display :0:1 [07:26] patric_, ? [07:26] bobsomebody, the number is about 2^64 bytes which is more than u can imagine [07:26] @bobsomebody that should be no problem [07:26] it doesn't say [07:26] because it oly shows about 1/2 that available in htop [07:26] wait, nevermind, i see it [07:26] 64 bit can adress quiet alot =) [07:27] bobsomebody: 16 exabytes [07:27] bobsomebody, is it on 2 sticks? [07:27] patric_: I looked at the script in /etc/init.d/bootclean and man rcS ... and it looks like that is what happens at boot. I was wondering if it also worked if the computer had been left running for a few days. [07:27] @bobsomebody do you have high-mem module in kernel? [07:27] usser, four 2gb sticks [07:28] can u speed up ur computer with usb storage chips [07:28] patric_: ahh ok... so is there any thing in the 0:_1_ to make the _1_ the CURRENT desk?? [07:28] hello there? [07:28] patric_, eh? unless its in by default, no [07:29] bobsomebody: as long as your motherboard supports that much, should be fine [07:29] how do i register? [07:29] adam7, it does, asus M2A-VM [07:29] !register | nseremo [07:29] nseremo: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [07:29] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [07:30] newbieubuntu: there is something like that for Linux yes, but the concept itself probably won't get you a lot [07:31] is there a channel for the X Window? [07:32] OMG that was bad im back [07:33] vv [07:33] surabaya [07:33] holas [07:33] is legend still here [07:33] #surabaya# [07:34] or naked [07:34] anyone here? i have a quick--if possibly dumb-- question [07:34] !anyone | foufga [07:34] foufga: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [07:34] Brother_NoX : eating whats up? [07:35] ok my bad. so i'm trying to run a virtual machine on my ppc... and i'm trying to install ubuntu 606 over that [07:35] foufga: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 381, column 84 [07:35] and for some reason teh virtual machine will not recognize the cd as a boot volume [07:35] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [07:35] ok had to reinstall ubuntu so i back to square one but the program Envy that Legend told me to get worked [07:36] * nakedgoat was hiding in offtopic eatring [07:36] but i need it agian was wondering if he could put it up agian so i can copy and paste [07:36] Brother_NoX : install Envy? [07:36] foufga: You might try a newer version. Um, also... I believe there's a virtualization specific image for certain virtualization...ers. [07:36] yea [07:36] ubottu how do i pass your dtd? [07:36] foufga: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [07:37] lmao [07:37] it auto installed the drivers for me [07:37] tyberion ...doesnt work with the -display way [07:37] Brother_NoX : so the drivers are installed? [07:37] Brother_NoX : please fill me in on whats going on ? [07:37] patric_: doesnt want to :( [07:38] Hi all. I am upgrading my 7.04 box to 8.04 [07:38] no i had to reinstall Ubuntu so i lost everything that i had so i need to get evny back to i can reinstall the drivers [07:38] hi hi [07:38] I have done the upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 [07:38] what do u guys do on ubuntu [07:38] ?? how do i find where the launch files are at on my computer [07:38] tyberion : i'm shure there's a way [07:38] Brother_NoX : http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/05/15/installing-nvidia-drivers-with-eny-on-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/ [07:38] but failed to do-release-upgrade to 8.04 [07:38] tyberion : google search gave any ideas? [07:39] 7.04 server, remote upgrade by ssh... [07:39] I'd sudo apt-get install envy [07:39] patric_: Im trying to find something currently [07:39] Brother_NoX : http://www.albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html [07:40] Anyone know how to make java stop trying to open everything in Xubuntu? [07:40] Story, they generally are in either /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin [07:40] * canthus13 would prefer to have Mousepad open anything it doesn't know how to deal with. [07:40] Story, but u dont have to know where they are just type a command that launches the program [07:41] hello [07:41] ciao [07:41] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [07:42] i need some help who thinks they can help me out [07:42] !ask | kite [07:42] kite: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [07:42] !ask | kite [07:42] ok [07:42] sorry [07:43] Can you name all the desktop enhancements for UBUNTU [07:43] ok im new to linux and ubuntu my friend has been talling me about it and im trying it out i just dont get it i trying to install compiz on my ubuntu but i cant figure it out [07:43] So, can I use aptitude dist-upgrade instead of do-release-upgrade ? [07:43] newbieubuntu: Is that some kind of joke? [07:43] im following th instructions but its not working...Reading package lists... Done...Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package en vy-gtk [07:43] kite : hw specs? [07:43] kite, are u using the latest ubuntu? [07:43] is compiz fusion the only one? [07:43] kite, what video card do u have? [07:44] hi [07:44] newbieubuntu: you don't *ONLY* compiz. [07:44] friends where i can find script, which gnome execute when i click hibernate button? [07:44] newbieubuntu, not what u mean by enhancement [07:44] kite : ver, in 8.04 comiz installed default, if u have the video hw [07:44] Ian, yes [07:44] newbieubuntu, there are plenty of eyecandy applications for ubuntu [07:44] ive follyeah im usuing a vaio laptop cause im waiting for my harddrive for my desktop [07:44] kite : sudo apt-get install simple-cssm [07:44] but clean install is the best choice [07:44] yeah i got the lastest ubuntu [07:44] and im trying to install compiz fuzion [07:45] WHAT GOES WITH COMPIZ??? [07:45] any awesome ones [07:45] !caps | newbieubuntu [07:45] newbieubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [07:45] ive installed the compiler packets [07:45] WHAT [07:45] ?> [07:45] the development packets for the compiz fuzion [07:45] kite, u dont have to do that [07:45] Ive got a problem installing a certain plugin to audacious.. well..rather building it... ./configure gives me an error.. could someone check out and tell me whats wrong??? http://pastebin.org/39401 Thanks:) [07:45] a lot, newbieubuntu. try installing ccsm to see for yourself ;) [07:46] it said to in the install instructions on the compiz fuzion site [07:46] kite, just go to system->preferences->appearance->visual effects and enable compuz [07:46] tyberion : i'm shure i can help you better with that, then the last one =) [07:46] kite: if you go to system > pref > appearence, then effects tab? [07:46] ok [07:46] kite, compiz is installed by default in ubuntu theres no need to go into all that trouble [07:46] patric_: heh okie,, thanks.. well Im going to find out that other problem too, and tell you:D [07:46] kite: have you installed compiz config settings manager? [07:46] no [07:47] im trying to learn to install something [07:47] Anyone know why Xubuntu would think that everything it can't identify should be opened with java? [07:47] !compiz | kite [07:47] kite: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [07:47] im new to ubuntu i just installed lastnight, and im trying to delete some files is /usr/lib/jvm and it wont let me, how do i ? [07:47] kite: you need to, so that you can have access to advanced effects. In Add/Remove Apps, search for (ccsm) [07:47] ok [07:47] damageplan420, why are u trying to do that? [07:48] lol yeah ccsm :) sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm :) [07:48] damageplan420: Is there a particular reason you want to delete your jvm? [07:48] kite: then after installing that, you should have a settings manager at System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings [07:48] AFK [07:48] ok [07:48] damn [07:49] usser because i been having trouble getting java to work and there are over 6 folders of java in it now [07:49] a reminder, kite. you need to have 4 desks in General Options to get the cube effect [07:49] thanks user [07:49] Ah. [07:49] ok [07:49] gotcha [07:49] !tab | kite [07:49] kite: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [07:49] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [07:49] damageplan420: Good reason, but you should uninstall with a package manager. [07:49] damageplan420, 6? are u on a 64 bit ubuntu? [07:50] damageplan420, yes use a package manager [07:50] i was just saying because i want to learn how to install applications on ubuntu [07:50] thats why i was goin throiugh all the trouble [07:50] is there a room on freenode that's dedicated to X support? [07:50] damageplan420, if not installing java is as easy as sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre [07:51] kite : then checkout the ubuntuusers wiki [07:51] kalimera [07:51] kite, the way u were trying to do is not a standard way, ubuntu uses something called packages so there's rarely a need to compile from source [07:51] hi, i was messing around and accidently reinstalled windows, i was dual booting and now grub doesnt load and it goes straight into windows, how might i get grub to be the default on startup again [07:51] KALIMERA APO THESALONIKI [07:51] o [07:52] !grub | ArrowLance [07:52] ArrowLance: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [07:52] kite, use synaptic or any other package manager of your choice to install programs [07:52] wow... compiz works just fine in ubuntu... [07:52] ok [07:52] it shows its installed but i cant play any games on pogo yet, after reinstalling and restarting computer [07:52] i had some problems using compiz in kubuntu... :) [07:52] ArrowLance take a live cd and install grub [07:52] Thank you Nakedgoat and if you see legend tell them thank you === pramod is now known as Pramod_Helios [07:52] I will [07:52] have a good one. [07:52] lol maybe GW will work now lol [07:52] ArrowLance le me know when you need more insctructions, but it's easy [07:52] maybe! [07:53] i need install and configure my BCM 4318 WIRELESS CARD in ubuntu 8.04 kernell 2.6.24 anyone can help me? [07:53] so when i install a virtual pc in linux so i can run xp at teh same time as linux it should be in package [07:53] !wireless | Cogumelo [07:53] Cogumelo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [07:53] thanks [07:54] !broadcom | Cogumelo [07:54] Cogumelo: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [07:54] kite, virtual PC is windows only in ubuntu use vmware-server or virtualbox [07:54] thats what i meant virtual box i just had it confused [07:54] so virtual box should be a package [07:54] kite, it sure is [07:54] * nakedgoat runs xp sp3 in virtualbox [07:54] coo [07:55] !who | kite [07:55] kite: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [07:55] usser: I had to remove backported modules, my system keept hanging... well, it seems that I have to use the usb wifi key :) [07:55] nakedgoat, virtualbox runs inx win xp... [07:55] patric_ : agreed [07:55] clegg_, dont give up yet [07:56] haiiiii [07:56] I have a question... [07:56] usser thanks for the help [07:56] nakedgoat i have no idea, why win xp sp 3 should not run in virtual box [07:56] I have unallocated space on my hard drive I wana install Ubuntu on [07:56] usser: I don't have time now :( [07:56] clegg_, try to compiz latest wireless stack from http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download [07:56] I have a skype account... can i use it on the ekiga software? [07:56] clegg_, its not as scary as it sounds, try it :) [07:56] but the option I chose on my other computer was the first one which makes space from the first windows partition and puts linux in it [07:56] So what should i do? [07:57] usser: ok [07:57] thanks for the help everyone [07:57] Pramod_Helios, no skype uses proprietary protocol it only works with skype client. sing a petition for them to open it up [07:57] hello, I need to share a folder on my server that it's accdssible from a windows network [07:57] ok usser thanks... === de3de is now known as co_caem [07:57] Waddr set up a samba server [07:57] for the time being i will install the skype software :P [07:57] !samba | warddr [07:58] warddr: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [07:58] babolat ubottu magnetron [07:58] babolat ubottu magnetron [07:58] babolat ubottu magnetron [07:58] Cogumelo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:58] o_O [07:58] Cogumelo: read the message from ubottu! [07:58] !broadcom Z Cogumelo [07:58] magnetron: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [07:58] !broadcom > Cogumelo [07:58] only say U HAVE TYPE LSPCI [07:58] btw i want to change the look of ubuntu... where can i get some good guides? [07:59] magnetron [07:59] the link [07:59] is a shit [07:59] Cogumelo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:59] understand? [07:59] !compiz | Pramod_Helios [07:59] Pramod_Helios: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [07:59] !ff3 [07:59] Factoid ff3 not found [07:59] Cogumelo: language plz [07:59] !ff [07:59] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [07:59] !lang | Cogumelo [07:59] Factoid lang not found [07:59] magnetron magnetron magnetron is a shit link.... [07:59] Pramod_Helios : http://www.gnome-look.org/ [07:59] hi i'm really new to ubuntu and trying to figure out some really basic things. how do i use the gui to create a shortcut to a directory on the desktop? i know about symbolic linking but i would've thought there'd be something in the context menu or something [07:59] ok nakedgoat... thanks [07:59] I need help I have 1 partition for vista... then the rest I have unallocated space [08:00] which unbuntu install option to chose [08:00] Pramod_Helios : np [08:00] amerinese, you can't you would to write a script [08:00] amerinese: it's a folder on the Desktop? [08:00] amerinese: right click on the folder, create a shortcut [08:00] amerinese, right click->create launcher->choose link to location [08:00] no the directory is /usr/lib/... [08:00] amerinese, that is right click on your desktop [08:00] ah i see [08:00] amerinese: in a Location type launcher, try file:///usr/lib... as the target [08:00] so i need to copy and paste it over? [08:01] amerinese : I'm sorry u wannt to creat a alias to yer desktop? [08:01] the location imean? === Lanlost is now known as Lanlost|Sleep [08:01] yes [08:01] no [08:01] amerinese: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:01] amerinese, oh i disunderstood you. ln -s /usr/..... /home//Desktop [08:01] * usser haha [08:01] I need help fixing X Window. It keeps on crashing on me when Im viewing some sites. As to exactly which sites, i can't tell which ones. Also, this happens when I try to maximize the Details window for an active torrent in transmission. [08:01] amerinese : dragy and droppy? [08:01] whoops... yeah is there a way to drag and drop to do that? [08:01] amerinese : yeah u drag and rop. [08:02] DROP* [08:02] babolat plz post logfiles erros [08:02] nakedgoat: doesn't that copy instead? [08:02] where do i get them patric_ [08:02] amerinese : depends where ur draggin' it from [08:02] babolat, /var/log/X.org [08:03] amerinese: I'm sorry maybe ya need to elaborate on yer situation [08:03] nakedgoat /usr/lib/ dragging to the desktop [08:03] patric_: one moment [08:03] babolat, or yout could try /var/log/syslog instead [08:03] * kdc1956 is away: Nap Time [08:03] amerinese, on your desktop. right click->create launcher->choose link to location click browse, browse to /usr/lib done [08:03] I am trying to use Synaptic package manager to delete some of these folders in usr/lib/jvm and only 1 of the many java folders show up, how do i get rid of all but the 1 [08:04] amerinese : if you dragg it moves it. [08:04] amerinese : right click copy [08:04] patric_: Xorg.0.log -->http://paste.ubuntu.com/15489/ [08:04] is anyone else having the problem in hardy where clicking the left and right mouse buttons at the same time acts like a right click [08:04] What partition option do I use for Ubuntu Install. I have a Vista Machine with 1 partition + unallocated space. I want to keep vista and add ubuntu on unallocated space [08:05] usser: alright, gotcha, thought there might be a simpler way [08:05] babolat, hmm that doesn't helps alot. errors messages get stored in these files... is there anything mor around? [08:05] amerinese, thats probably as easy as it gets :) [08:05] patric_: /var/log/syslog -->http://paste.ubuntu.com/15490/ [08:06] anyone here got openvz working on a ubuntu host? [08:06] babolat, plz post : tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log [08:06] patric_: that's in a terminal right? [08:06] amerinese : if u want a sym link use ln / man ln [08:06] babolat, yes [08:07] patric_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15491/ [08:07] anyone here using audacious? [08:07] hi all. my Intel 945G is no problem running compiz with gutsy. but now, with hardy, it cant start. what should i do? [08:07] nakedgoat | amerinese ln creates hardlinks! use ln -s to create symlinks [08:07] tyberion, yes [08:07] skillet: do you use global hotkeys? [08:08] tyberion, havent set it up yet. [08:08] just reinstalled [08:08] patric_: there are several files that resemble Xorg.0.log like xorg.0.log.old, xorg.20.log.old etc [08:08] ln --help ;P [08:08] skillet: hmm, but do you know howto? im having trouble [08:08] hi amerinese: one way is in the terminal. ln -s /usr/lib linkname [08:08] nope, just saw it when i was poking around [08:09] skillet: damn... cos I seem to be too stupid D [08:09] babolat, no thats great.. i just didn't realize that i need to go to the link...=)that's right could you do the same again with tail -n 100 /var/log/Xorg.0.log [08:09] whhheee [08:09] patric_: ok one moment [08:09] tyberion, let me take a look real quick [08:09] //////quit [08:09] skillet: thanx [08:09] miwk: i see, i'm just thinking if i'm already at a folder and think of adding a shortcut then, if there was a quick way to do that rather than browse back to the location again [08:10] My application on the menu bar does not give the drop down menu when clicked.How can i get to fix that ? [08:10] sn -beer /usr/bin/beer/bin \user\nakedgoat\desktop\beer [08:10] some .'s with \'s [08:10] patric_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15492/ [08:10] akf beer [08:11] usser: are you sure that using launcher works? two problems i encountered 1) when i select type location then try to browse to a folder, it doesn't let me select a folder 2) it tells me it doesn't know what application to open it with when i launch it === Winchester is now known as co_caem [08:11] tyberion, works for me [08:11] amerinese : launch it [08:11] soh [08:11] sorry [08:12] it seems I have to convert my bookmarks.html to sqlite format. how do I do that? [08:12] amerinese: you need to prepend the location with "file:///foldername/subfolder/..." [08:12] amerinese : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73096 [08:12] babolat, that looks all great. You got now 2 options. you can let the crash happen and the use the same command as before to get the error message or you use less /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find the error messages [08:12] Hi folks. When I booted my machine this morning, I noticed the screen resolution had suddenly been lowered. I checked the screen res tool, and 1024*768 and 1280*1024 seem to be missing. What could have caused this and how should I fix it? [08:13] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [08:13] skillet: hmm, where did you get that plugin from?? [08:13] i tried less, patric_ it gave me a terminal window. what do i do with it? [08:13] Is anyone else having a problem in Hardy where clicking the left and right mouse buttons at the same time acts like a right click instead of a middle click? E.g., I used to be able to move something on the panel by left-right clicking on something and dragging. Now it acts like just a right click. [08:13] pen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=781330 [08:13] nobody wants to help me with a simple question [08:13] damnittt [08:13] tyberion, i think i installed it last night when i was using synaptic to install audacious [08:13] What's the difference between apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade? [08:13] newbieubuntu : ask? [08:13] skillet: well.... whats the package :( i cant find it [08:14] nakedgoat: Just install Ubuntu to the unallocated space [08:14] newbieubuntu [08:14] I have 1 partition with vista and i delete a partition and now i have unallocated space [08:14] babolat, less is just a programm to open and browse text files, you can use gedit when you fell more comfortable with it. i use vi, but that's quiet strange. it is important, that you find out why your xserver crashes [08:14] alienbrain: updgrade will not install any new packages [08:14] yea but how do I do that what option is it [08:14] ok, patric_ thanks [08:14] babolat: ah, sorry, i saw your msg then forgot about it when using the browsing method (which doesn't actually let you select the folder, but anyways). works perfect now, thanks. [08:14] alienbrain: dist-upgrade upgrades the main core elements [08:14] newbieubuntu : i missed ur issue, Flannel, whats up with him? [08:14] newbieubuntu: What options do you have? Something like "Use free space" [08:14] no prob, amerinese [08:15] nakedgoat: sorry, my nick complete betrays me. [08:15] Flannel : mine too :P [08:15] crdlb: sarmisak aha, thanks guys [08:15] Flannel : i'll let u help him :) [08:15] skillet: aaaaaah i just had to reload plugins arg [08:16] heh [08:16] tyberion, working now./ [08:16] alienbrain: since it updates the core, you should avoid using it unless you know what you are doing ;) [08:16] nakedgoat, why the same link? [08:16] alienbrain: sometimes it may render a system unusable due to compatibility and other problems [08:16] nakedgoat: Answering doesn't have to be a muutally exclusive thing. You probably remember the options better than I do. I haven't installed without manual partitioning (and the alternate CD at that) in ages. [08:16] pen: casue it works [08:17] Is there a way of parititoning on windows and then choosing it in linux [08:17] sarmisak: then what is i released if it's not compatible? [08:17] newbieubuntu yes [08:17] is it* [08:17] nakedgoat, I actually did that hours ago [08:17] nakedgoat, no use [08:17] newbieubuntu: Just shrink your windows partition, then use the free space in the installer. One of the options should be do to do that automatically (the using the free space) [08:17] of course, newbieubuntu. i already forgot how. i think it was in Admin Tools or something. [08:18] sarmisak: sorry, that was meant to be: why is it released if it's not compatible? [08:18] sarmisak: eh? there's no reason not to use dist-upgrade [08:18] newbieubuntu : u using raid? [08:18] Hey guys, i know that i'm probably sol here, but I have a bunch of email saved into a pst file, any ideas on how to import them into evolution? [08:18] Flannel: i think he wants his install on a separate physical drive [08:18] pen: then my bad [08:18] alienbrain: ok let's say you have installed a package depending on, but when you update the new kernel is [08:18] hi, how can i ping a range of ip addresses like from to [08:18] nakedgoat, I actually set everything in sound to alsa, I'm not sure why this cause miro not working [08:19] alienbrain: this may create a problem for some packages [08:19] nakedgoat, every other apps works perfectly [08:19] alienbrain: but of course it is compatible since it is released, but just be careful with it ;) [08:19] pen: sorry bro, keep asking i don't use xine so I can't really help except to give ya links [08:20] sarmisak: sure thing, no worries ;-) [08:20] nakedgoat, then what do you use? [08:20] whats the name fo the virtual disk [08:20] pen: for music? [08:20] nakedgoat, can you make miro work with gstreamer? cause it comflicts with rhythmbox too... [08:20] nakedgoat, yea [08:20] can i install linux on a virtual disk? [08:20] Does anybody have an idea, how you could send syslog messages with mail? i thought about saving in a file and start cronscript to mail it. any ideas? [08:20] darren_: I know thunderbird can do it. And I believe there are some converters out there too, most are for windows. Evolution may be able to import it as well, I haven't tried in ages. [08:20] pen: i use xmms and vlc [08:20] if I install linux on a virtual disk can I still use compiz fusion [08:21] newbieubuntu, do you know what a virtual disk is? if you would. you would find out that your question is senseless [08:21] nakedgoat, xmms with what plugin? [08:21] newbieubuntu : sure long as it's not a VM virtual disk :) [08:21] newbieubuntu, probably not if you mean a virtual install [08:21] damn... [08:21] hello, i am trying to get ushare to work with my xbox 360 and i am having some problems [08:21] cuz i know it uses low resolution or something [08:21] I've tried evolution, it won't import them; thunderbird has a plugin that is supposed to work, but I could not get it to; and i don't even have windows installed anymore........thanks though [08:21] pen : I installed a x64 codec pack covered it all. [08:21] may help if you clarify [08:22] i found the config file and tried editing it but when i hit save, says i do not have permissions [08:22] pen : honeslty I don't know what excat plugin I use with xmms [08:22] Can anyone help me here.The application button does not work when clicked left but works when i right click it.How can i fix that ? [08:22] pen : if i did I'd help u more than a link. [08:22] I just try to help out kids... sorry. [08:22] amart487, isn't there an xbox irc channel? [08:23] ntolo, is there a general problem with your mouse? [08:23] nakedgoat, well, I think I have to keep asking [08:23] patric_ my mouse if working fine. [08:23] yes I would [08:23] just not me :) [08:23] how can i change the icon theme in ubuntu? [08:23] anyone using fluxbox and FBRUN? [08:23] should I install ubuntu amd 64 will I be able to use wine for broodwar and coutner strike source [08:23] etyrnal if there is can you tell me [08:23] someone will get done helping someone else and help u [08:24] pen, hang in there [08:24] amart487, lemme check,,, [08:24] thanks [08:24] nakedgoat, ok [08:25] hi all [08:25] hi [08:25] amart487, wow - crazy to think that there is none [08:25] hello [08:25] Microshaft i slame [08:25] lluis , hey [08:25] do you know anything about ushare in general? [08:25] ...is lame ^ [08:26] hi nakedgoat === FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC [08:26] my question is more general, how do i save an edited config file in the terminal, it says like ^X exit but it doesnt mean much to me [08:26] amart487: ctrl-X [08:26] hi guys [08:27] use the combination Ctrl+Z [08:27] amart487, what editor r u using ?? [08:27] hi guys [08:27] amart487: ^X is ctrl+X [08:27] use the combination Ctrl+X [08:27] etyrnal: nano [08:27] any girls wanna webcam [08:27] !offtopic | krishandsen [08:27] ah [08:27] krishandsen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [08:27] amart487 : exmaple? ctrl^x is ctrl + x used in like pico ;) [08:27] Flannel, then just press F, then F [08:27] thanks [08:27] ok another simple question [08:27] lookin for any cute gitls [08:27] Flannel, gah! F3 then F2 [08:27] how do i empty my trash [08:27] lookin for any cute girls [08:27] !ops | krishandsen [08:27] krishandsen: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! [08:28] because i hit empty trash and it wont open [08:28] er [08:28] empty [08:28] krishandsen: are you done? [08:28] amart487, does Your user have administration priviledges? [08:28] hi [08:28] how can i check [08:28] i am the oly user [08:28] 18 hot guy looking for girls!! [08:28] can You "sudo ps" [08:28] amart487 : rm -rf ~/.Trash/* [08:28] you can to the .trash folder and delte all [08:29] 18 guy looking for girls [08:29] amart487, ... are You on a Mac ? [08:29] hey can someone help me [08:29] if he's on a mac he's in the wrong channel :)P [08:29] not a mac [08:29] amd64 [08:29] !ask | knoppix [08:29] knoppix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [08:29] and i typed that command [08:29] ubunut x64 rm -rf ~/.Trash/* [08:29] still have trash [08:29] amart487, then how do You have .Trash ?? [08:30] !opera [08:30] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [08:30] i have the top 5 entries of "top" in my sysmon widget and lsb_release periodically hits #1 and freezes that part of the sysmon, what is calling this, should i be worried? [08:30] .trash? [08:30] all *nix os's have .Trash [08:30] i am on a live cd of knoppix and i want to install on hard drive [08:30] powertool08: It's definately odd. [08:30] nakedgoat, i never saw that in a *nix OS until NextSTep [08:30] Hi All [08:30] knoppix: Please try #knoppix, thanks. [08:31] How do i install the applications applet ? [08:31] ok i see, but i open trash and it wont let me delete it and i tried eytranls command [08:31] etyrnal : *BSD's all like that. [08:31] no good [08:31] bitchx-1.0c18 openbsd 4.0(brunner) cypress.01kb2 [08:31] Flannel: could it be an attack on my system? what are some options to setup auditing to catch any attacks? [08:31] HI I m using apache2 and when i rebuild i get following error in the build file>> taskdef class org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask cannot be found some body help me please [08:31] nakedgoat, oh - i learned something [08:31] me too [08:31] :) [08:32] powertool08: If it is an attack... its a pretty lame one. Uh, do you have ssh running? That is, a SSH server. (openssh-server) [08:32] amart487, did You stick a sudo in front of Your command ? [08:32] Anyone know how to disable the hpt366 module in ubuntu 8.04 LTS server edition? [08:32] my bad [08:32] sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/* [08:32] One quick question... I have a 8500 GT Nvidia graphics card... My monitor has lines and stuff shaking in linux [08:32] anyone know how to get chanserv to auto op? [08:32] i'm usally su'd [08:32] how do u fix that? [08:32] etyrnal , no let me try [08:32] amart487, itll ask u for yer pw [08:32] afallenhope: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, thanks. [08:32] Flannel: yes I do but I don't have the port forwarded in the router yet as my lappy crashed so I don't think its accessible outside my private lan [08:33] Do I have to install 8500 GT nvidia drivers? [08:33] etyrnal: no i did still have trash [08:33] blah [08:33] if so where do i get them for linux [08:33] sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/* [08:33] newbieubuntu: from the nvidia webpage [08:33] morning [08:34] !nvidia | newbieubuntu [08:34] newbieubuntu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:34] oh sigh [08:34] isn't this fun [08:34] geeze you cannot delete trash its comes back its a trash folder === agus is now known as cE_ucHUL_fz [08:34] my ubuntu install goes tits up [08:34] try that in a term no irc [08:34] so i reinstall it, get all my software installed and all that jazz [08:34] then i do one last reboot after installing the patches and stuff [08:34] if needed in irc id' use ./exec rm -rf ~/.Trash/* [08:34] !enter | uatec_ [08:34] uatec_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [08:34] and X is broken and doesn't start up on it's own anymore [08:36] Flannel : u don't mind me helping do ya? just yell and I'll hit offtopic [08:36] powertool08: Um, I'm not really sure what to tell you. Try shutting down ssh, seeing if that fixes it. check ps aux for oddities, and if you're paranoid (you think someone, while attacking, set up a second ssh server), pull the plug on the internets (for that computer anyway) and see what changes, etc. Difficult to diagnose remotely, at any rate. It could just be some bug. Although I'm not sure what calls lsb_release to begin with. [08:37] lsb_release is user called only asaik [08:37] er afaik [08:37] Hi All, Anyone know how to disable the hpt366 module in the 8.04 LTS server edtion? [08:37] if I cant open links here because it says WRONG APPLICATION associated with... here in gnome-terminal.. where do I have to take a look? [08:38] Maxus: you can black list it [08:38] tyberion: i think in gconf somewhere is some section called urlhandlers or so [08:38] Flannel: ok, i also had rtorrent going, i shut that down so if it pops up again i'll stop ssh, thanks for you help [08:38] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [08:38] mgolisch: alright.. wheres that gconf ;) [08:38] Soldats, tried that i think it might be built into the kernel? [08:38] !torrent | powertool08 [08:38] powertool08: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [08:38] ;P [08:38] hey all, while i am downloading packages with apt-get, it kind of blocks all the other applications that are accessing to the internet. it this possible? [08:38] tyberion: try update-alternatives. sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser === cristina is now known as prodigel [08:38] tyberion: type gconf-editor and look if you can find it there [08:39] what's the best Linux softphone [08:39] ? [08:39] birgi: how fast is your internet connection? [08:39] ferguscan: ekiga is fine [08:39] how do you keep track of changes to upstream debian packages? [08:39] Maxus: so i take it you added it to the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file [08:39] I want a number of ubuntu VMs to periodically connect to a host and use a file on that host to receive directions (such as updates and maintenance).... what should I know before beginning? [08:39] ferguscan : http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT9423084269.html [08:39] Soldats, yes that is correct, then rebooted the machine [08:39] magnetron: approximately 800kbps [08:40] Maxus: juat to make sure you didnt have a "#" in front of ot right [08:40] birgi: if an apt download will be a couple of MB, it [08:41] birgi: it's maybe enough to saturate it [08:41] HI all. I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and I'm having problems mounting floppy drive. It worked until some days ago. I'm using nautilus and the only option I see is rescan with doesn't help. Using mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 works, but since the user is not a pro I cannot make them work from console :) [08:41] Bits: You could do it with cron. However depending on what you're doing (updates & maintenance), you might be able to accomplish it with your own private repository. [08:41] prodigel : why you still need a floopy ;) [08:41] hi all [08:41] Soldat, yep it was on its own line without "#" eg. blacklist hpt366 [08:42] nakedgoat, I'll explain you if you really need it, fact is I need to use floppies [08:42] * nakedgoat pc's has no floppy [08:42] thanks for the help [08:42] beb ack tomorrow [08:42] flannel: thanks for the tip, but I think i'm aiming for cron/ssh/bash scripts solution at the moment [08:42] prodigel : I'm sure you already viewed ::: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3687.html [08:42] Flannel: hmm not working... [08:43] flannel: just wanted to know if anyone had some advice before I started digging in the books [08:43] Flannel: Could not oppen the address "..." There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location. [08:43] magnetron: thanks, perhaps it was a temporary strange behaviour, because the download was 100 mb, it is still downloading something but now works fine [08:43] Maxus: the only think i can think of is its not listed right in the blacklist file or the name in which it is listed isnt right. do you think you can do a lsmod and make sure he nme is right [08:44] * nakedgoat guesses give flannel a break :) he can't work on crackers [08:44] Soldats, yep i copy and pasted it from the lsmod and esnured there was no white space, Is the hpt366 driver built into the kernel? [08:45] One at a time, what can I aleave from Flannel? [08:45] drwxr-xr-x 2 MYUSER root 4096 2008-05-28 21:25 MYUSER [08:45] the home dir belongs to the ROOT group .... [08:45] I tried "sudo chown MYUSER MYUSER" but it doesn't change anything [08:45] backslash7 : u try chmod 777 ? [08:45] nakedgoat: I don't want to change it's permissions just CHOWN it to the corresponding user? [08:45] Should I use chmod 777 for this ? [08:46] a+w? [08:46] sorry a+x? [08:46] I thought CHOWN is to change group [08:46] backslash7 : well 77 will do all users [08:46] chgrp changse group, chown changes ownership [08:46] Maxus: i honestly feel your concern but i really cant understand why it isnt blacklisting it. it seems very strange to me. i wish i couold help further but.....im too used to doing it the way i mentioned so forgive me. maybe ask again and hopefully someone will help [08:46] nakedgoat: 777 is never a good set of permissions [08:46] aah okay faisal_d thx I'll try [08:46] I did an upgrade from Dapper to Hardy using Alternate CD.. But My keyboard and mouse are not working on X11. the kbd and mouse modules are not loaded [08:46] hay [08:46] yea [08:46] backslash7 : what are u trying to do, sorry for interjecting? [08:47] any help on that? [08:47] soldats, so the blacklist command should work regardless if it is built in the kernel or not? [08:47] nakedgoat, thanks for the link, It solved somehow my problem. Still I'm curios why nautilus won't mount it from 'Computer' tab. [08:47] Chousuke : never? never say never? I use it to trblshoot [08:48] backslash7: anyway, for chown you need to use it like this: sudo chown user:group directory/ [08:48] nakedgoat: I got it now, /home/MYUSER belongs to MYUSER - MYUSER now [08:48] okay [08:48] prodigel : kewl, ask away if ur still stuck [08:48] It's fine now === mactimes_ is now known as mactimes [08:48] backslash7 : good [08:48] Maxus: yes as i have always done so. thats why it is strange [08:48] thanks [08:48] :D [08:48] tyberion: That's the exact error? Odd. Seems that it isn't recognizing it as http [08:48] backslash7 : u didn't use 777 did u to slove it? [08:48] Hey guys, what is some good image mounting and dvd burning software to use? I used to use NERO, power iso, and sometimes alcohol120 in windows.....any suggestions? [08:48] no nakedgoat [08:49] backslash7 : good [08:49] a+x [08:49] Soldats, cool, thanks maybe i stuffed somthing up, thanks for your help and your time. have a great day! [08:49] I'm trying to configure PROFTPD to allow all users (even without shell) FTP access to their homes. It's only working with users who DO have a shell :/ Anyone help me? @proftpd is for nothing [08:49] Maxus: no prblem i really hope you get it figured out [08:49] backslash7 : ahhh there is ur problem! [08:49] darren_: you don't need that stuff in Ubuntu you can just use the command line program: mount [08:49] soldats, me too ;) [08:49] ? [08:49] backslash7 : use glftpd [08:49] :D [08:49] hope you can help me [08:49] why nakedgoat [08:49] ohh nice [08:49] backslash7: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:49] Maxus: ill look into it and if i find something ill let you know somehow [08:50] backslash7 : cause it 0wnz ya ;) [08:50] it should be possible to do it with proftpd shouldn't it ? [08:50] yeah [08:50] well, what do you use to burn your dvd's and such [08:50] tyberion: When you did the update-alternatives, what did you change your browser to? [08:50] backslash7 : yes, sec. permissions, are permissions ;) [08:50] backslash7 : I just love glfptd :) [08:50] Soldat, thanks really appreciate it :) [08:50] use whatever , you can run most of those programs you just listed with wine [08:50] :) [08:50] cool..thanks man [08:50] * nakedgoat drinks wine not use it with *nix :) [08:51] Flannel: I found it.. just changed all my *firefox-2 stuff in gnome-conf to firefox only [08:51] !burning | darren_ [08:51] darren_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [08:51] darren_: i haven't burned many so i just use k3b with kde and it works fine for me [08:51] !iso | darren_ [08:51] darren_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [08:51] tyberion : re-create your user account. [08:51] darren_: mounting isos doesn't need a program (see the last thing ubottu gave you), and there are a number of fine burning apps (see the previous) [08:51] morning all [08:51] morning [08:52] :-) [08:52] where can i run c progamming in ubuntu [08:52] gcc [08:52] woops ignore that [08:52] nakedgoat: do you run virtualbox on your ubuntu? [08:52] tyberion : if ur stillhaving issues with .mozzila dir., recreate ur account [08:52] thanks guys....i'm going to check all this out [08:52] how to do c programming in ubuntu [08:52] one: vim program.c [08:52] buckhill : I run VB on my BSD with ubuntu :) [08:53] one: (aptitude install build-essential to get started) [08:53] nakedgoat: So you're not familiar with proftpd ? [08:53] one: You compile with gcc, like Bits said. you edit in... whatever editor you choose. If you're looking for an IDE, Anjuta is available, as is Eclipse (with cdt, of course) [08:53] backslash7 : no i run all flavors of nix, nit mo O [08:53] ^^ okay.. [08:53] backslash7 : only ftpd I have exp with is GL [08:53] nakedgoat: all flavors? :o [08:54] hello how do i blank ubuntu gg to reinstall an earlier version until i'm ready it won't let me uninstall [08:54] Chousuke : cherry, grape! [08:54] nakedgoat: ah, you have any issues with headfones? my XP SP2 under Virtualbox (using usb emulation, it's logitech headset) makes the sound stutter. Even with the new Sun xVM 1.6 :( [08:54] is not letting me reinstall earlier o.s. [08:54] says cannot mount etc [08:54] nomic: Just reinstall over top of it [08:54] Hey people I know it's not an ubuntu question but does anybody know if it is possible to do a domain name query asking about all existing subdomains of a domainname? [08:54] nomic: you can use gparted to wipe a harddisk. [08:54] gparted? [08:54] How can I reset a users password? I forgot it. I have root access. [08:55] a utility? [08:55] SmokeyD: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for such questions, thanks. [08:55] SmokeyD, look up nmap [08:55] i have no problem with ubuntu [08:55] buckhill : I'm running xp sp 3 in my virtualbox - ose works fine with cam and head phones, mebeam even works [08:55] ok, thanks Flannel [08:55] backslash7: sudo passwd username [08:55] (i think) [08:55] nomic: het a gparted LiveCD from Sourceforge. [08:55] gparted is on the live cd? [08:55] nomic: yes [08:55] ok [08:55] ty [08:55] Whenever i run most application in my comp i get "Fontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 2: not well-formed (invalid token)" .I have tried to google for a solution but there isn't much helpful.how can i fix it ? [08:55] nomic : yes [08:55] nomic: No need, the installer itself will let you edit partitions [08:55] nakedgoat: thanks, I need to set up OSE, I think i'm using ALSA [08:55] yea Flannel thank you :D [08:55] Forgot this :P [08:56] nomic: it's called the partition editor or something like that in the menus [08:56] nomic: best install results when harddisk is first wiped with gparted. [08:56] buckhill : try ose I can help if needed [08:56] thanks rob [08:56] nakedgoat: any good howto links? I'm fairly new to ubuntu desktop :-) only used CLI server so far. My vista died so I thought i'd take the plunge, only sound is my last issue. [08:56] buckhill : want a link where i did mine? [08:56] how do you change the time zone? [08:56] nomic: Wikipedia: Gparted, link into Sourceforge, download latest version. [08:57] nakedgoat: sure, thanks buddy. [08:57] vista died while in the womb [08:57] bits: LOL indeed. I got the black screen of death with just a cursor.. very odd. Screw it. Used too much memory anyway. [08:57] buckhill : getting it 1 sec. [08:57] MrNaz: There should be a screen to do so under preferences [08:57] Is it possible to "mount" a ftp/sftp folder like a normal resource, so I can browse, create files and so on in ubuntu "explorer" ? [08:57] nakedgoat: thanks [08:57] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [08:57] vista has failed in the market [08:57] backslash7: yes you can [08:57] backslash7: that's nautilus, and Places > Connect to server [08:57] cool :D how? [08:57] nomic: Gparted Live 0.3.6-7.iso [08:58] oh [08:58] ty rob [08:58] I'm quite new to ubuntu :P Thanks Flannel and buckhill [08:58] buckhill : http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2007/12/installing-virtualbox-with-usb-support.html [08:58] backslash7: yes you can -> Places > connect to server, bookmark [08:58] beat me too it flannel :P [08:58] backslash7: If you want to "actually" mount it (so you can access via command line), there are ways to do that too, although they're more complicated. [08:58] AFK beer [08:58] backslash7: sorry for stealing your thunder ;) [08:58] nakedgoat: excellent, n1 matey. [08:58] Flannel: You mean directly using "mount" or fstab ? [08:58] why is FloodBot3 flooding? [08:59] anyone here played with openvz [08:59] i don't think I'm using OSE === nico_ is now known as nothere [08:59] I think it's closed 1.6 I'm using, so I'll reinstall it :) === nothere is now known as nico|afk [08:59] hey [08:59] guys [08:59] i got it [09:00] hi.. im trying to compile a program and it needs gtk/gtk.h.. how can i search for a file in the repositories packages to find out which package i need? [09:00] the onyl problem im gaving is i cant seem to put the cube on [09:00] i can flip the desktop but no cube [09:00] backslash7: using mount, but if I remember correctly, you end up using a fuse filesystem, or loopback, or something like that. There's a package for it. curlftpfs [09:00] Still, I wonder how you keep all changes to debian packages [09:00] if we could keep al debain packages I wouldn't be pissed about bitchx :) [09:00] uh okay thanks for that additional info Flannel. It's absolutely fine with nautilus. [09:01] kite: right click on your task bar and 'add to task bar' add workspace switcher, then right click on the workspace switcher and make 4 screens instead of 2 [09:01] i did exp [09:01] pepsi: You can either use apt-file, or the second form on packages.ubuntu.com [09:01] syn. package.. [09:01] my switcher shows 4 but i only got two when i flip the cube [09:02] make sure desktop cube and rotate desktop cube is on [09:02] pepsi: What's the program? [09:02] kite mor edesktops ? [09:02] gtkhx [09:02] they are [09:02] kite : u want more? [09:02] it doesnt let me add anymore desktops [09:02] have you restarted X ? [09:02] sure it does. [09:02] Flannel, packages.ubuntu.com is what i was looking for.. thanks! [09:02] AzaTht: You might have more luck in #ubuntu-motu [09:02] i just restarted now [09:02] cause it was working at first [09:03] Im using xchat, rather than irc.. it's a bit different here. any idea how i "perform" so that I autojoin when loading ? [09:03] but i changed some setting and now its no [09:03] not [09:03] Flannel: ok [09:03] kite : sure it does system > pref [09:03] is there a way for reporting a bug without registration? [09:03] mirc* i should say, which I'm used to :-) [09:03] kite : give me a sec, I run Beryl.. Loading up my laptop [09:03] my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram (i have ubuntu-server and want to install openbox3 or fluxbox) commands for it? [09:04] ok naked [09:04] good morning #ubuntu. I just installed Hardy in VirtualBox. The installer detected the resolution of the (virtual) VESA as 800x600. It's capable of 1024x768 (booted with vga=0x317). My problem is the 'Screen Resolution' tool still believes the max resolution is 800x600. Is there a way to override that, or another tool to configure xorg apart from manually? [09:04] could use a bit of advice. I have 5 virtual servers (VB) running in a host, which connects to a switch>router>modem>internet>external_workgroup and switch>int_workgroup. I want all the VB servers to periodically connect to the host, and get instructions from it to perform. before i set it up, does anyone have recommendations/advice pro/con? [09:04] hi [09:04] Bille : did u install the -ose? [09:04] (blam) [09:04] nakedgoat: yes, OSE [09:04] k [09:05] one sec, lemme help kite, then I'll help u [09:05] nakedgoat: if i switch to a text console the resolution is 1024x768 alright. only when i start X does it switch down. [09:05] i'll be patient :) [09:05] can ubuntu be reinstalled [09:05] Please,is there i work around of launching application without using the applications menu ? [09:06] pawan: sure [09:06] pawan: you can re-install to harddisk as many times as you want. [09:06] q. how can i disable the automatic update everyday or so ? [09:06] ntolo: alt/f2 or use terminal [09:06] zorglu_: system/admin/update something or other. its in there [09:06] i previously upgraded from gutsy [09:06] kite: issue agian? [09:06] you can tell it how often to update [09:07] Hi. Is there any way in the Tom Boy application to deactivate spell checking? [09:07] more desktops? [09:07] now i want to fresh install from livecd [09:07] holycow, ok thanks [09:07] yes, uninstall tomboy [09:07] okay i'm being a smarty pants, i don't know === n8ature_ is now known as n8ature [09:07] is it only me or does anyone else have massive graphics probs since a few days??? [09:07] pawan: no problem, best is to wipe disk clean with gparted first. [09:07] holycow: i dont know the commands,my application menu is not working for some reason and there are some applications i want to launch. [09:08] ok i got 4 workspaces but i cant switch it in cube [09:08] it only flips over [09:08] kite u use CCSM? [09:08] kite: go to #compiz [09:08] oh for tomboy open up gconf-editor, search for tomboy [09:08] sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm [09:08] ok [09:08] open up result: /apps/tomboy, ther eis a spellcheck option there [09:09] i have existing windows installtion also if i wipe through gparted i will loose those also [09:09] hi [09:09] i am using ccsm naked [09:09] ok, thanks holycow [09:09] ntolo: start typing the application and press tab [09:09] it will autocomplete [09:09] them system > pref > CCSM [09:09] pawan: gparted will let you choose which partitions to wipe. [09:09] if it doesn't press tab quickly several times and it will give you options for all possible variations of those spellings [09:09] how to start gparted [09:10] man conky hates compiz [09:10] ;P [09:10] idid i changed the stuff to get 4 workspaces [09:10] pawan: same as install CD, through CD-ROM boot. [09:10] but it wont let me turn the cube [09:10] !compiz | kite [09:10] kite: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [09:10] !cron |miwk [09:10] holycow: Its does not. [09:10] pawan: well clearly you haveto be careful and understand what you are doing [09:11] what is that ubottu [09:11] ntolo: does not what? [09:11] !cron | miwk [09:11] !compiz | kite [09:11] kite: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [09:11] pawan: you cannot afford to make mistakes with gparted. Proceed with care and make a plan first. [09:11] holycow:does not auto complete .sorry [09:11] hi can anyone help, how can i change a username in ubuntu 8.04 [09:11] yes it does [09:11] in the terminal [09:11] if you got it totally wrong it cannot give you any examples [09:12] holycow : chaning or adding? [09:12] changing [09:12] if you want firefox just type fi and press tab several times and see [09:12] it was working at first then i changed the appearance to default [09:12] and also how do i change the computer name?? [09:12] and now i cant do it [09:12] I'm not going ot look that up, just copy the user. [09:12] nakedgoat: say what? [09:12] give us an example [09:13] holycow : example [09:13] exampleof what? [09:13] !hostname | paulo_ [09:13] paulo_: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [09:13] holycow: with fi it gives me options but with application it does not. [09:13] NM somoene else can help ya [09:13] ntolo: what do you mean? i type in fi into terminal press tab several times and it gives me 40 options [09:13] use the user GUI [09:14] if not u'd need to give me an example of what it is your trying to do [09:14] nakedgoat: help me? [09:14] your kidding right? [09:14] i think you autocompleted the wrong nick bro [09:14] I never kid, sorry === master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master [09:14] inthat case screw off [09:14] holycow, please calm down [09:14] ntolo: are you typing it into terminal or? [09:14] someone else will be glad to help u, i'm sure [09:15] bazhang: i didn't ask you for your opinion [09:15] holycow: with fi it gives me options too but when i type "appli" i get only appletViewer. [09:15] with no info I cannot help you sorry. [09:15] nakedgoat: right. congratulations there bright boy. now learn to read please. [09:15] holycow: Yes am typing on my terminal. [09:15] "data" man "data" [09:15] ntolo: well, thats all it can autocomplete [09:15] i tried changing the user name via user and groups but its grayed out [09:15] holycow there are certain rules in this channel; if you refuse to abide by them you will asked to leave [09:15] thats all that starts ith appli or similar [09:15] holycow : now if i could I wouldn't. [09:15] bazhang: speak to the hand [09:16] how to install audacious [09:16] i've been banned more times then you have been using ubuntu [09:16] holycow: then does that mean application is not working somehow ? [09:16] ntolo: just notinstalled thats alls [09:16] sorry I'm trying to help more than just you, sorry if I can't read each of you 10 lines, please use xlines to ask for help [09:16] what are you trying to run? [09:16] nakedgoat: welcome to my ignore list. [09:16] holycow : thank U! [09:17] holycow: add/remove . [09:17] oh thats a different app, let me see if i can find it, i'm not in gnome right now [09:17] holycow: Am not that good with the terminal so i rely heavily on the application menu. [09:17] ntolo: well you can add/reomve apps from terminal as well [09:18] /msg chanserv op #ubuntu | //msg chansevr kick #ubuntu holycow (clever kick msg here) [09:18] thats okay [09:18] what do you need to get installed [09:18] i can try to run you through terminal related stuff [09:18] will openbox with gnome run well on my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram [09:18] ntolo sounds like you lost your desktop? is that right? [09:19] holycow:My desktop is working fine except the application menu. [09:19] oh [09:19] sec [09:19] how do i manage my runlevels in ubuntu server? [09:19] ntolo : create a new user. === rotted is now known as Blasphemer [09:20] sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment [09:20] you are using gnome right? [09:20] I cannot find the Gnome Theme Manager in the new Ubuntu 8.04 [09:20] holycow:Good idea. === desti_T2 is now known as desti [09:20] ntolo: oh heh wait even [09:20] ntolo : don't matter gnome or KDE, u kids play with ur home dir.. [09:20] you mean your applications menu is gone but your panel is there? [09:20] right click and add to pannel [09:20] command to install audacious player [09:20] i think applications is in there somehwere [09:21] also [09:21] holycow: what does gnome-desktop-environment do? [09:21] sudo apt-get install audacious [09:21] just a metapackage to pullin all of gnome desktop [09:21] ntolo: another option is just to reset your gnome settings [09:21] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install audacious [09:21] Reading package lists... Done [09:21] Building dependency tree [09:21] Reading state information... Done [09:21] E: Couldn't find package audacious [09:21] pawan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:21] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ [09:21] how do I make miro xine engine uses alsa? [09:21] hey buddies, is anyone here using pidgins and familiar with plugins??? [09:21] how can i access the Gnome Desktop Manager? [09:21] !pastebin | pawan [09:21] pawan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [09:21] ntolo, the correct command is sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [09:21] go to your home/user directory and rename the .gnome .gnome2 directories and similar [09:22] and then log out and log back in [09:22] very easy is too also recreatethe user to test. [09:22] will start all new .'s [09:22] is there any way to bring an OSD if some user logs in to pidgin? [09:22] hello [09:22] those would the 3 general approachs to regaining your original config providing its as simple as you loosing your applications applet [09:22] * Bille waves in the general direction of nakedgoat [09:22] cp [09:23] i can't figure out how to install fonts [09:23] just drag your fonts into your .fonts directory [09:23] green_ : have u installed openoffice? [09:23] linux supports most font formats including .ttf and whatever apple uses [09:23] yes [09:24] holycow:How do reset my setting? [09:24] like holy said , drag ur fonts to .fonts [09:24] ntolo, from terminal go to ~/ [09:24] do cd ~/ [09:24] ctrl+h to see ur . dirs's [09:24] the do ls -alh [09:24] hello?anyone into violent femmes? I am confused on one of their albums. [09:24] i searched for .fonts, doesn't show up [09:24] How can i access the Gnome Theme Manager please? [09:24] ctrl;+h [09:24] you will see a list of a whole bunch of . files [09:24] och1, not here [09:24] do mv .gnome .gnomebackup [09:25] domv .gnome2 .gnome2backup [09:25] then logout and log back in [09:25] ok thanks, Ctrl+H made it show up [09:25] green_ : np [09:25] it should just recreate those . folders that ocntain your gnome settings [09:25] How can i access the Gnome Theme Manager please? [09:25] heh [09:25] all you are doing is moving the . folders for gnome out of the way so that when you log back in gnome goes 'oh i don't have any default settings, i'll just recreate them' [09:26] system > pref> appearence [09:26] Pramod_Helios: settings/config or similar? [09:27] im setting up acidbase and it asks for my mysal admin password, where can i find that? [09:27] Pramod_Helios: right click on your desktop, choose change background, click theme tab [09:27] * nakedgoat goes to offtopic holycow can handle it [09:27] thanks fellas, bye :) [09:27] welcome [09:27] man i dont get this [09:27] ok i got that... thankjs [09:27] ive tried everything i can think of [09:27] but how can i change my icon theme now??? :( [09:27] mysql thqt is [09:28] now any effect i try to put on using ccsm doesnt work [09:28] !ccsm | kite [09:28] kite: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [09:28] i wanna change the icon themes as well... :D [09:29] ive installed ccsm the effects dont work after i restarted [09:29] Pramod_Helios : http://www.gnome-look.org/ [09:29] system > prefs > appearence [09:29] KALIMERA APO SALONIKA [09:29] kite: that is common with compiz [09:29] it flaky [09:29] nakedgoat: i went to gnome look and downloaded an icon theme... then? [09:30] i've run into that as well on some boxes there is just no way to fix it [09:30] manyw yas [09:30] err many ways [09:30] !gr | kikol [09:30] kikol: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [09:30] open system > pref> apper [09:30] so is there something better i can use [09:30] Compiz works great in gnome... i used kde earlier... it did not work in kde... :( [09:30] or none obvious prior to recompile or similar [09:30] drag and drop [09:30] ok nakedgoat.. i will try this... [09:30] if ur base ubunut u need to use GTK themes [09:30] its just luck of the draw from what i can tell, but i like compiz a lot [09:30] cough install beryl ;) [09:30] KALIMERA [09:31] im running the newest ubuntu [09:31] How can I check if my laptop has bluetooth activated? [09:31] kite there really isn't anything else, compiz and beryl merged so its one project now [09:31] i just started messing with ubuntu today [09:31] kikol, /join #ubuntu-gr [09:31] kde uses their own approach and doesn't work on gnome [09:31] omg [09:31] kite : ur doing fine. [09:31] so what? [09:31] ok [09:31] you are bound to make mistakes and not understand [09:31] Pramod_Helios: then you drag and drop the .tar.gz to System > Preferences > Appearance > Theme ... it should say "Installed Successfully" ... then go to "Customize" in the same window... then "Icons" tab... then pic it there. [09:31] when you tried osx or vista did you learn it in one day? [09:31] * nakedgoat bows out while holycow yaps [09:31] ok thanks... :) [09:31] is there any way to bring an OSD if some user logs in to pidgin? [09:31] all i did was put all my appearance graphics to default [09:31] holycow: no but it broke within 1 day :) [09:31] and i didint work anymore [09:32] and? [09:32] is this the end of the world? [09:32] yup [09:32] well then [09:32] i dont like leaving things unfinished [09:32] back to vista for you i guess right? [09:32] its not how i do things [09:32] nope [09:32] never [09:32] kite: ah i get it, i'm the same [09:32] holycow : that is not a way to answer someon question [09:32] someons' [09:32] someone's [09:32] ;P [09:32] well, what you are experienced isn't incredibly common but i'm just giving you a heads up you aren't alone [09:32] nakedgoat: smoooth :-) [09:33] people have run into that [09:33] nice huh [09:33] ;) [09:33] its probable that shitty sony vaio im on [09:33] lol [09:33] perhaps there is a specific fix for your specific problem [09:33] holycow: Here, we try to assist people, not send them back where they came... Ubuntu does have a vested interest in accommodating home users. [09:33] * nakedgoat goes back to offtopic [09:33] no cursing kite [09:33] kite, if you set default it kicks out the emerald/beyrl [09:33] fde: i really don't care, nor did i ask you [09:33] just re-enable it [09:33] how do i re enable it buckhill [09:33] My laptop suddenly lost the ability to scroll using the right side of the mousepad. How can I enable it again? [09:34] System > Pref > Emerald Theme Manager [09:34] I want a GUI to test bluetooth, what should I aptitude install? [09:34] haha [09:34] ok I'm back [09:34] Also make sure you havent set desktop effects to "none" [09:34] im setting up acidbase and it asks for my mysal admin password, where can i find that? [09:34] That killed mine :-) [09:34] mysql thqt is [09:34] kite : what is broke on comp?? [09:35] debian: hasnt aptitude been phased out? use synaptic package manager or apt-get (irrc?) [09:35] ok i was using the cube feature [09:35] kite: ya, you turned desktop effects off, that's why irrc [09:35] hi [09:35] then i put things to defualt so i can choose what i wanted better [09:35] but now nothing works [09:35] I have a GeForce Nvidia 8500 GT. Ubuntu Found drivers and I restarted and its working. But How do I enable Dual View? [09:35] does msn save online the contact's conversation? [09:36] kite: do you have system > pref > advanced desktop effects? [09:36] yeah [09:36] kite go back to CCSM, and fix, ur happy settings one turns off another, ie default is cube wall, which shuts off cube desktop [09:36] so, does anybody know how to reconfigure X from scratch, when a new video card is installed? [09:36] kite: go play with ur settings [09:36] right I better get some work done ... ;-) [09:36] i have been for an hour === buckhill is now known as buckhill`away [09:36] buckhill: aptitude certainly hasn't been phased out... it is probably the most active cli package management tool for debian-based [09:37] does msn save online the msn's conversation? [09:38] i bet you its gonna be something dumb [09:38] ccsm and reboot it's not really hard, if your having over compiz issues, then hit #compiz-hq [09:38] buckhill`away: aptitude is best! [09:38] http://compiz.org/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide [09:38] i rebooted 3 times [09:38] Ward1983: use 'sudo mysqladmin -u root -p password' where password is a unique pw. [09:38] graphics 's card drivers install properly? [09:39] i think im running integrated [09:39] what chip? [09:39] but i dotn think that matters because it was working [09:39] newbieubuntu3, use nvidia-settings [09:39] holycow: i moved the files but still it is not working.Sorry for bothering this much. [09:39] is there any ubuntu chat channel ? [09:39] newbieubuntu3, if its not installed do: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings [09:40] list [09:40] when i run apt-get install ubuntu-desktop it says i have the latest one. [09:40] !ot | babo, This is the general chat channel [09:40] babo, This is the general chat channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [09:40] thanks [09:41] ntolo : sudo apt-get purge --remove ubuntu-desktop [09:41] gnutron, pffff now it still wont work, if i surf to localhost/acidbase i get a not found error [09:41] im gonna try and reinstall ccsm [09:41] kite: good idea [09:41] dude i love linux so much [09:41] ntolo: what are you trying to accomplish exactly? [09:41] Ward1983: is mysql installed? [09:41] its so much more complex and fun than xp [09:41] kite : someone is always here to hepl [09:41] *help* [09:41] hang in there. [09:41] gnutron, yes, it was installed when i setup mythtv and mythweb [09:41] i will [09:42] fde: get my application menu to work. [09:42] its too good to let go [09:42] haha good man. [09:42] Hi [09:42] kite: It's not much more complex, it just enabled you more, and is much different. [09:42] if you want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pcw [09:42] Ward1983: whats the error again? [09:42] ntolo: what are you trying to add the the menu? [09:42] Hi, when running xrandr I cannot see my externel DVI monitor however in nvidia-settings I can, can I get xrandr to show it? [09:42] gnutron, not found [09:43] Ziroday : are u still running Xrandra?> [09:43] if I want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pc2 which folders insede will sync you? [09:43] Ziroday: Likely you want to go via nvidia-settings when using nvidia module. [09:43] gnutron, i installed acisbase but if i surf to that is not found [09:43] Ward1983: try whereis mysqladmin [09:43] brb, going to reconfigure xorg myself :) [09:43] fde: I would prefer to use xrandr [09:43] after i fix this shit storm i gotta put virtual box and try that [09:43] gnutron, mysqladmin: /usr/bin/mysqladmin /usr/share/man/man1/mysqladmin.1.gz [09:43] nakedgoat: xinerema> [09:43] nakedgoat: sorry I am not running xinerema [09:43] Ziroday: xrandr is very new... I'm not sure it has support in the nvidia drivers currently. [09:43] kite : i can gelp with VB [09:43] Ward1983: use the full path executing the password in a terminal [09:44] Ziroday : kewl whats up [09:44] ? [09:44] !language | kite [09:44] kite: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [09:44] fde: according to the xrandr site it does [09:44] gnutron, im not sure what you mean [09:44] nakedgoat: I don't follow? [09:44] i cant seem to figure out how to setup my audio ... - LSPCI shows nvidia ck804 ac97 controller, and // // audio shows the device too... yet still no sound ... [09:44] hey i got some problem with the ports on ubuntu 8.04 [09:44] Ziroday : this is not #Xrandra [09:44] Ward1983: use 'sudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password' [09:44] :( nobody see the Http [09:44] :( [09:44] Is it wise to install LVM over RAID 1? or is it best to use some other file system (and if so, which one)? [09:44] fde : launch applications using it. [09:44] if you have ubuntu questions ask away [09:44] Ziroday: Maybe previous versions of xrandr ... not the version in Ubuntu though... although there is a slim chance I am mistaken... heh [09:45] gnutron, but well that one works now, i have that password now, i dont want to break mythtv [09:45] * nakedgoat checks his domains status [09:45] Ward1983: you lost me. [09:45] gnutron, it gave an error about the password first not anymore now, so that should be fine [09:45] ntolo: What functionality is currently not working for you? Have you tried editing it via right clicking on the Menu Bar and selecting "Edit Menu"? [09:45] nakedgoat: yes but it is #ubuntu....and I am running ubuntu? [09:45] Ward1983: ok [09:45] anyone know how to get dual view on nvidia working [09:45] ? [09:45] ntolo: Similarly, via System > Preferences > Main Menu [09:45] i hate vios with a passion [09:45] haha [09:45] ! [09:45] allready! [09:45] gnutron, the password is fine but the program doesnt work [09:45] vaios are the worste [09:46] hi all [09:46] hi all [09:46] fde : Edit Menu does not work.It shows up but it does nothing when i click it. [09:46] how are all [09:46] Ward1983: i don't know the program. [09:46] ok , going to look for a ber, brb [09:46] if I want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pc2 which folders insede will sync you? [09:46] Hi! My Geforce 6100's Fan burnt down yesterday, now I've put an old CPU fan on the GPU powered by the same voltage :P where in ubuntu can i see the GPU temp?? [09:46] i'm going to walk to store brb [09:46] anyone know how to enable dualview on nvidia cards [09:47] i got problem opening ports :( [09:47] Ward1983: re-install it, then give it the sql pass maybe [09:47] if I want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pc2 which folders insede will sync you? [09:47] gnutron, ok never mind, it just sets up a webspace on with some lan stuff [09:47] anyone know what kind of hardware specs im gonna need to run ubuntu and virtual box windows xp [09:47] gnutron, i allready tried that several times [09:47] fde : It does not work even when i go through the System path. [09:47] benistar: on some bioses you can see it in the pc helath section [09:47] Cheese crashes all the time... [09:47] kite, i did it with my laptop a few times and it only has 256 mb ram [09:47] Ward1983: try localhost/acidbase instead [09:47] lol [09:47] kite, WOW sorrt 512 [09:48] if I want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pc2 which folders insede will sync you? [09:48] kite, sorry 512 mb ram i meant [09:48] hak5fan, and something like acpi -t isnt there for gpu? [09:48] kite: modern nardware usually overkill for Linux [09:48] fde : Could this have anything to do with "Fontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 2: not well-formed (invalid token)" [09:48] yeah [09:48] gnutron, also tried that allready :) [09:48] i think im safe [09:48] i shouldnt have much of a problem them [09:48] ten [09:48] Ward1983: any error? [09:48] then [09:48] benistar: I don't know exactly where to find it [09:49] hak5fan, my old fan litelly "burnt" yesterday!! lol [09:49] kite: ur good, hang i'm going to store.. [09:49] kite, my desktop has 4 GB RAM i start 3 VMs with virtualbox sometimes, it works like a charm [09:49] laterkids [09:49] ntolo: no... care to remove that file or move it to .fonts.fde for instance though... it is not required. [09:49] ok [09:49] kite: not too old desktop will run several Linuxes with no problems. [09:49] AFK! Store. [09:49] hell i could easily start 3 more lol [09:49] Ward1983: you might need to load the database in mysql [09:49] hak5fan, gotcha: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/Hardware#How_to_show_nvidia_GPU_temperature_.28nvidia-settings.29 [09:49] well thanks anyway [09:49] It works in AMSN [09:49] benistar: nice [09:49] hi [09:49] hi [09:49] hi [09:49] hi [09:49] h [09:49] nitin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:49] debian: what does? [09:49] i only got 2 gigs but im running a dual core 3.0 [09:49] gnutron, i have no clue how to do that, maybe phpmyadmin would be a nice start? [09:49] fde: My webcam. I want to record it. Cheese crashes... [09:50] i cant seem to figure out how to setup my audio ... - LSPCI shows nvidia ck804 ac97 controller, and // // audio shows the device too... but it also shows realteck somthing, with alsa, or osd and some other ... yet still no sound ... and i dont have a clue what to chose [09:50] Ward1983: i would check the acidthingy docs first [09:50] i know the solution [09:50] debian: well... amsn can record the sessions ... [09:50] hi debian plzzzzzzzzzzz reply [09:50] Anyone care to remind me what the Gnome menu editor binary is called? I can't seem to recall. [09:50] !hi | nitin [09:50] nitin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [09:51] fde: alacarte [09:51] fde: But I have to send it to someone... [09:51] hi [09:51] erUSUL: yes! much appreciated :) [09:51] thanx [09:51] for the welcxome [09:51] nitin: need any help? [09:52] ntolo: when you run 'alacarte' from the terminal... does it return any errors, or give any output at all? [09:52] a [09:52] ya [09:52] i need help [09:52] *** glibc detected *** cheese: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000000666cf0 *** [09:52] Cheese says that... [09:52] nitin: elaborate [09:54] fde: A bunch of stuff comes up. [09:54] debian: you might try camstream or just something like istanbul to record the cam session. [09:54] ntolo: please paste it to paste.ubuntu.com [09:54] to get the cube affect off ubuntu all i have to install is ccsm right [09:56] if I want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pc2 which folders insede will sync you? [09:56] kite: simple-ccsm [09:56] fde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15498/. I pasted the output down there. [09:56] dave12: really bad idea if you ask me [09:57] Got a question related to recompiling the kernel, if that's not taboo. Specifically, recompiling to add CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G to the 32-bit kernel. [09:57] yeah i did [09:57] anyone knows how to make it [09:57] ? [09:57] Vertelemming: ask [09:58] im uinstalling ccsm right now [09:58] * kdc1956 is back (gone 01:54:29) [09:58] and gonna try and reinstall it again [09:58] I'm pretty sure I've added the config option to the kernel sources correctly, and that seems to have compiled properly. It's the linux-ubuntu-modules and linux-restricted-modules packages that I'm confused on. Do I have to add it to the config files in those before I recompile, or install the kernel before I recompile those? [09:58] wow.... [09:58] would I need a blockid to specify in /etc/fstab for a samba share? [09:59] How do I know what device my webcam is? [09:59] Kartagis: it helps [09:59] magnetron: how do I find that out? [10:00] Kartagis: you can get the UUID using "sudo blkid" in a terminal [10:00] Vertelemming: i would recompile them before installing the new kernel but i've never done it (i se vanilla kernels and use the vanilla way of compiling) [10:00] is there anyway i can resize partitions(make my windows partition smaller and ubuntu one bigger) without having to format the drive? [10:00] wasn't expecting ubuntu to be this good =) [10:00] debian: lspci -v or lsusb -v should reveal the webcam [10:00] your web cam should work mine does here [10:01] nebulta: you can use Windows partition manager to reduce Windows partitions. [10:01] hi [10:01] ntolo: I think you should probably use that output as a bug report... my apologies. [10:01] nebulta: yes, you can! you would need to do it from a live cd, as you can't resize the OS you are running. i recommend the gparted live cd for this [10:01] Hrm. That was my guess too. I suppose adding the option to the config files can't hurt. If it means nothing to them, they should just get ignored during compilation. [10:02] magnetron: Parted LiveCD is indeed the best tool. [10:02] fde:thanks for your time. [10:02] Thanks for the advice. [10:02] ahhh alright awesome, thank you much, didn't think about a livecd, since no drive would be mounted it would allow to resize them [10:02] thanks a ton [10:02] cheers nebulta [10:02] nebulta: I cannot live without a Gparted LiveCD. [10:03] arg, one more thing and i'll get out of yall's hair. this is my first time running a distro outside of a livecd. when ubuntu gets updated, will i have to redo everything or how does that work? [10:04] nebulta: no relationship between partitioning and updating. [10:04] question has nothing to do with partitioning [10:04] just the os in general [10:04] nebulta: Ubuntu updates try not to disturb anything you've got setup. It doesn't always succeed, but... in any case, it should retain configuration and home directories and what have you. If it encounters anything it doesn't know what to do with, it'll ask you during the update process. [10:04] like when ubuntu his say 9.x [10:04] *hits [10:05] nebulta: when ubuntu is upgraded, the settings are kept [10:05] ahhh good stuff, best too all of ya [10:05] nebulta: And the programs! [10:05] if I want sync my /usr of unbuntu pc1 with ubuntu usr pc2 which folders insede will sync you? [10:06] sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //campus01/mtozses /mnt/t should do it, right? [10:06] dave12, why do you want to sync /usr? [10:06] What is the best ubuntu bittorrent client??? [10:07] !best > debian [10:07] dave12, it can sometimes be useful for lots of machines, with nfs mounted /usr, but syncing them may be quite a hassle [10:07] !bittorrent > debian [10:07] Hmm, I'm not in the mood of configuring rtorrent, ktorrent is for kde... [10:07] Does anyone know how to "remove" the launcher (aka icons) from the desktop? Like a link to any extra partition you have within ubuntu? [10:07] debian: read the message from ubottu [10:08] magnetron: Witch is based on GTK? [10:08] btdownloadcurses.bittorrent [10:08] debian i find theres nothing wrong with transmission [10:08] debian: did you read the message from ubottu? [10:08] magnetron: Tes... [10:08] debian: azureus for torrent, definately :) [10:09] och1: delete them, they're just symlinks [10:09] debian: in the messsage, it says "Transmission (GTK based)", did you read that? === p33 is now known as |p33| [10:09] magnetron: I allready have Transmission... [10:10] debian: azureus is the best torrent client .. [10:10] gnutron, nope. I tried that. When I installed the OS, ubuntu put them there and now I can [10:10] http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ [10:10] debian: transmission is good. try deluge too. if you like gtk apps [10:10] because I have a project to sync one pc wit other [10:10] automatically with rsync [10:10] gnutron, can't get them off without umount it. [10:10] question about top panel: how do I see properties for apps loaded onto my panel if there is no settings / properties / about with === Effex is now known as BrokenShadow [10:10] until know I sync all etc var and home === BrokenShadow is now known as Effex [10:11] I need taht every program I have in pc1 stay in pc2 [10:11] who what ubuntu? [10:11] dave12: are you running ubuntu? [10:11] yeah [10:12] dave12, it may be easier to do that with dpkg [10:13] dave12, check out http://www.debianadmin.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html [10:13] I use rsync to syn the pc [10:13] how thefish? [10:13] * nakedgoat goe's to play with domain names, yekll if ya need me [10:13] sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //campus01/mtozses /mnt/t should do it, right? [10:13] it gives me error [10:14] Kartagis: you shouldn't use smbfs. use cifs instead. sam functionality, except it works :D [10:14] magnetron: the same thing [10:15] any direct ubuntu questions? [10:15] Kartagis: tell the channel about which error you get [10:15] Can I make Transmission to download from the begining to the end? [10:16] thefish but I want that in one minut I have the same programs and with this sentence I can't in one minut? [10:16] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //campus01/mtozses, [10:16] missing codepage or helper program, or other error [10:16] (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might [10:16] need a /sbin/mount. helper program) <---sorry for flood [10:16] any direct ubuntu questions? [10:16] Kartagis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:16] och1: You could tell /etc/fstab not to automount them. [10:16] debian i dont know that you can make any torrent do that easily, the whole principle of how torrents are distributed cuts against that [10:17] !torrent | koshari1 [10:17] koshari1: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [10:17] nakedgoat and? [10:17] dave12, you can do that, but then what about their configs in /etc? [10:17] just inforn [10:17] yer ass sorry [10:17] dave12, what about the libs they use in /wherever? [10:18] did u need another torrent like don't belong in here class? [10:18] dave12, its nice to use a shared /usr, but you need to be careful, and possibly do some config of the apps [10:18] gnutron, thats the next problem though. I need them to need them to be auto mounted [10:18] magnetron: can you help me with that? [10:18] nakedgoat its "debian" inquiring about torrent clients, [10:18] Kartagis: did you install the "smbfs" package first? [10:19] koshar1 : I don't care I was just forwarding the torrent link. [10:19] hrm do I need that to mount samba shares? [10:19] in /etc I sync all and in var and in home [10:19] koshar1 : does torrents really help his ubuntu situation? [10:20] if you can say that then I will shut the hell up. [10:20] nakedgoat: yes. [10:20] ? [10:20] nakedgoat: he just want to torrent with ubuntu. [10:20] I got shit to do , so please shut me up [10:20] lol [10:21] * nakedgoat points to ubuntu.com way faster, but I'll shut up [10:22] Blogs: 1 of 2 in use [10:22] arg never stops builing [10:22] bui;ding [10:23] I have a question [10:23] Which themes should i download for Ubuntu from gnome-look.org? the gtk ones? [10:23] Pramod_Helios: yes. [10:23] anyone know when there will be an RC of ubuntu mobile and what hardware it will be initially compiled for? [10:23] can unbuntu speed up my blog builds [10:23] ok thanks... :) [10:23] Pramod_Helios: Yes. [10:23] Pramod_Helios: the choice of theme depends on the window decorator ect your using [10:23] nakedgoat: what are you using to build the blog? [10:24] ubuntu [10:24] :P [10:24] serer [10:24] server [10:24] i use gdm... [10:24] nakedgoat: no specific software? [10:24] no default [10:24] I' using som egui [10:24] nakedgoat: which _application_ are you using to build the blogs? [10:24] and compiz which is builtin in the new Ubuntu... [10:25] some gui this dude pays me to blog [10:25] i think it's still windows [10:25] nakedgoat: then you should use "some gui" to speed up the blog building [10:25] yeah agreed it was a joke [10:25] to get ppl to talk [10:26] !offtopic | nakedgoat [10:26] for real it's a xeon quad running fedroa core [10:26] nakedgoat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [10:26] magnetron : thanks!! [10:27] thanks magnetron, it worked [10:27] Kartagis: great [10:28] I'm now looking for a GUI tool to ping an IP block. does anyone know of one? [10:28] I love Ubuntu [10:28] * nakedgoat loves it too [10:28] why not write a shell? [10:29] shell script** [10:29] geekhut: me? [10:29] yes [10:29] Kartagis: nmap can ping ip blocks [10:29] # [10:29] is there any way to let that tracker search thing index mail from thunderbird? because im not going to use evolution :( [10:31] i don't mean to bash ubuntu. it's just kinda got old for me. like, I used it for over an year and I feel like I am constrain something. I am on opensuse 10.3 right now, but I have to say, I did learn A LOT from ubuntu. [10:31] AFK!! [10:31] Is every driver inculded in Ubuntu? [10:31] Really? suse? [10:31] I want to install a driver... [10:31] for what device? [10:31] But every driver is allready there! [10:32] debian: take a look in medibuntu.org [10:32] So I am forced to watch a movie instead... [10:32] I want a stream server to my PS3 [10:32] hi i have 3 computers of same hardwares and ubuntu, one of them has its cdrom on /dev/hda , where the other two is on /dev/hdc.. the cdrom on /dev/hda is always giving a cdrom: hda: mrw address space DMA selected.. what could be wrong? [10:32] * nakedgoat yawns [10:33] cat /etc/fstab [10:33] what is the output?\ [10:33] geekhut, first distro i have ever installed and then went over to ubuntu and then a lot of other distro before i decided to come back to opensuse. I have only been back under suse for about a few months now. [10:33] ps ax -uax | grp yawn [10:33] ps ux | grep yawn [10:33] rm -rf /bin ? [10:34] hello all, can i install ubuntu on mini-itx, or better to search another light distribution ? [10:34] my fstab /dev/hda /cdrom udf,iso9660 defaults,user,noauto 0 0 [10:34] can i use compiz themes in the new Ubuntu 8.04? [10:34] there ya go [10:34] yes [10:34] how can i do that? [10:35] mohamed_ : yeah sure u can install it whereever u want [10:35] sorry about that [10:35] can anyone guide me please? :) === Ward1983 is now known as Ward1983_ [10:35] thx nakedgoat [10:35] hello -can anyone explain to me why fonts in Hardy are such a big problem? whats gone wrong? [10:36] Isn't there a front-end for managing compiz themes? [10:36] nakedgoat: FYI, I had to upgrade virtualbox-OSE from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0, to be able to install the Guest Additions, then ubuntu sees the resolutions above 800x600. [10:36] apt-get install emerald-theme-manager or something\ [10:36] netron1234 : rm ur .fonts from gust [10:36] what do you need Pramod_Helios [10:36] fonts:/// [10:36] i need some help too [10:36] since a royally screwed ubuntu up ;) [10:36] for some reason the 2.6.24-17 kernel wasent working properly anymore [10:36] can anyone tell me how i use compiz themes in the new Ubuntu 8.04? [10:36] nakedgoat-> remove all fonts and then reinstall? [10:36] mohamed_, you might want to check through google real quick just to make sure. [10:36] lord_spidey : how did u f up ubuntu? [10:36] anyone here who installed thermalright ultra 120 extreme on asus striker extreme ? [10:37] lord_spidey : thats not easy? [10:37] nakedgoat, i deleted xorg.conf [10:37] nakegoat -> the same font issues come up with a FRESH install of hardy. [10:37] i put the backup back in place [10:37] then [10:37] 2 ways lord [10:37] when i use the Add/Remove program and install a program(like xchat) where do the programs go(directory wise) [10:37] it keeps booting me in safe mode [10:37] lord_spidey : 2 ways , reinstall [10:37] lord_spidey : create a new user [10:37] och1: i do this now, because i need distribution specefic for via itx due to drivers [10:37] well [10:37] just dual booted my Toshba with Ubuntu 8.04 and leo4all http://geekhut.org/2008/05/taking-another-look-at-hackint0sh/ [10:38] lord_spidey : have u re-crated ur user>? [10:38] is there a way to recompile the 2.6.24-17 ? [10:38] mohamed_, you are checking now? what drivers for what hardware? [10:38] no [10:38] im using the other kernel [10:38] 2.6.24-16 [10:38] lord_spidey : come back after u do that [10:38] anyone needs support? [10:38] If I am to buy 4 computers... With same hardware. How can I avoid downloading every package four times? [10:38] that'll fix all ur profile .confg's [10:39] debian: set up a caching http proxy or apt proxy [10:39] debian : buy the pc's from me :) [10:39] och1: a friend bring to me two mini-itx yesterday this is have its special hardware, also one of them contain TV-out [10:40] <_coredump_> debian, what about using cloning system like fog or even use fai? [10:40] mohamed_, what graphic card? [10:40] nakedgoat, did you understand what i said [10:40] !automate | debian [10:40] debian: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning [10:40] och1: i'm not sure, but i think they use openchrome drivers [10:40] i replaced the 2.6.24-17 files in /boot with the -16 files [10:40] lord_spidey : yeah from what i heard u jack your .xconf [10:40] * lord_spidey eye rolls [10:41] <_coredump_> nakedgoat is a bored kid i think, dont read his posts [10:41] lord_spidey : if not my bad.. what is the prob? [10:41] mohamed_, will the tv out be the main source of a monitor? [10:41] how do i get 2.6.24-17 back [10:41] _coredump_ : I'm 34 [10:41] Any use the usenet front end Urd? [10:41] och1: no, there is still normal VGA [10:41] I'm not getting reminders from Evolution. The calendar events have a little alarm bell on them and I've turned reminders on in options so have I missed another step? [10:41] but I don't read myt shit yer correct [10:42] och1: but the target is to create mediacenter and at last get output on TV [10:42] nakedgoat, spellchecking isn't very hard [10:42] hey guys is there a proggie that downloads youtube videos for hardy heron? [10:42] cracky there is 2 ways, remove (purge) and reinstall xorg [10:42] or fucking do what I said [10:43] sajuuk=> apt-get install youtube-dl [10:43] lord_spidey : lick my balls? [10:43] !language | nakedgoat [10:43] nakedgoat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [10:43] !laguage | nakedgoat [10:43] you got slapped by the chanserv! [10:43] #ubuntu-fr [10:43] haha [10:43] lol family friendly [10:44] Ohhhh sajuuk [10:44] mohamed_, so two video out puts then? like clone mode or twin mode? [10:44] tis i [10:44] curse your name now im tempted to play the most kickass rts ever [10:44] lol [10:44] hw1 is more kickass [10:44] i wonder [10:44] wc3? [10:44] LIES [10:44] :P [10:44] och1: yes, but in real TV only will used [10:44] actually i never played the one [10:44] is hw series playable on linux? [10:45] in regards to wine [10:45] !offtopic [10:45] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [10:45] hmmm holdon [10:45] * lord_spidey tries [10:45] isn't "kickass" not family friendly? >_> <_< [10:45] depends on the family [10:45] I think they use Ubuntu in CSI Miami [10:45] ok [10:45] alastair1: lmao [10:45] sudo-apt youtube-dl doesnt work [10:46] thats because it doesn't exist [10:46] sudo apt-get install youtube -dl [10:46] there are other Ubuntu oriented channels for off-topic and avoiding the "family friendly" thing if you want [10:46] there is a firefox plugin to download youtube videos [10:46] but why would you want them? poor quality short videos... [10:46] * lord_spidey is trying to play HW2 in wine === ogra_ is now known as ogra [10:46] Carbonflux, no, cos there are only ubuntu channels for those who are interested in the Code of Conduct [10:46] cos [10:46] mohamed_, you want to do twin mode then?? [10:46] WORK DAMN YOU [10:46] Fedora has the "family friendly" thing in its main support channel too, I think professional would be a better word tho :) [10:47] lord_spidey, what does HW2 stand for? [10:47] homeworld 2 [10:47] Home World 2 [10:47] I h8 whorees [10:47] ompaul, I just meant if he wanted to be offtopic etc there were Ubuntu related channel to do it in [10:47] naw its not working :/ [10:47] dont worry [10:47] lot of things i cant get working [10:47] och1: yes, but first i have to install and optimize ubuntu, because i only need one application running called elisa [10:47] i tried photoshop 2 [10:47] cs 2 [10:47] ola [10:47] heh [10:48] said system error [10:48] gimp > photoshop :P [10:48] it worked the first time [10:48] sajuuk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:48] gimp looks scary though :\ [10:48] i got used to it ;) [10:48] sajuuk, it has all the same functionality [10:48] Gimp takes some patience to learn [10:48] gimp is great imo if you use it with more then one monitor [10:48] but is just as powerful [10:48] anyways is there a fix to my problem? [10:48] I got flash CS3 working in Wine..., lot of errors with GUI tho... [10:48] well [10:48] i forgot my admin password, is there a way to retrieve it ? [10:49] sudo apt-get install recover-root [10:49] zax1 goto single user mode [10:49] that downloads all the intarwebz [10:49] ok, and then ? [10:49] how does that make linux secure for admin passwords if u can put that line in? [10:49] zax1 then you change the password with passwd [10:49] Can I use Photoshop in wine? [10:49] not well [10:49] Office 2003? [10:50] why not buy a mac if you are a graphic artist? [10:50] geekhut, i ruined my 2.6.24-17 kernel how do i get it back? [10:50] debian: Just use The Gimp and Open Office [10:50] why bother with office 2003 [10:50] * lord_spidey despise macs [10:50] debian, you can use CS-2 i wine, bit i never made it running well [10:50] mohamed_, i have never heard of elisa, what is it? i had a lot of problems with multiple display with ubuntu. make sure you leave the setup when you get it working, because it's a pain to get it to switch around to different displays and multiple displays, at least for me. [10:50] why not use Open Office, it supports ooxml now [10:50] sajuuk: you need to enter the admin passwords when you run "sudo" [10:50] k, i dont meant to be pushy, but can you explain that to me step by step, as i never done it before and have no clue bout how to do it , as green as grass, as they say [10:50] k [10:50] och1: http://elisa.fluendo.com/ [10:51] Hi, On wine when I am trying to install a game, I can't see the set up properly, part of the window is distorted [10:51] is there anyone with networking / bridging / virtualbox skills that has time and feels like helping someone in #vbox who is helping me? [10:51] im trying this for days and nothing seems to work [10:51] but the person in there doesnt know much about ubuntu itself [10:51] i love it when i ask questions i get great answers in this [10:51] sajuuk theres no such thing as a secure sysytem where users have PHYSICAl access [10:51] geekhut, ? [10:51] zax1, ok shure [10:51] hey, anyone on hardy heron, having an issue of Partial Upgrade today? [10:51] zax1, do you got an adminuser? [10:51] heh? [10:51] geekhut, i ruined my 2.6.24-17 kernel how do i get it back? [10:51] patric_: no [10:51] you need to reed :P === Ademan_ is now known as Ademan [10:51] zax1, what kind of user do you have got? [10:51] what was the command to fix broken dependencies? [10:51] Anyway: [10:52] I'm not getting reminders from Evolution. The calendar events have a little alarm bell on them and I've turned reminders on in options so have I missed another step? [10:52] remoteCTRL: sudo apt-get install -f [10:52] *bump* anyone with Partial Upgrade notification when trying to install new updates from the repos??? [10:52] I am currently traveling in beijing, china. the ubuntu repository is super slow here. is there any repo that works fast here? [10:52] jussi01: nice thanks! [10:52] och1: yes, it will be the first time also deal with multiple vga out, but i have to try first [10:52] myf: switch on download in the evening and go to bed. [10:53] hmm [10:53] mohamed, do you mean vga and s-video out? or two vgas? [10:53] Hi, On wine when I am trying to install a game, I can't see the set up properly, part of the window is distorted? [10:53] flannel u ban me? [10:53] !repomirror | myf [10:53] myf: Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically. [10:53] anything can happen shervin [10:53] no, it is automagic... silly [10:53] robg__: the only internet i can get is in starbucks [10:54] hi [10:54] does anyone know how i can change my bit depth? === pawa1 is now known as pawan [10:54] mohamed_, do you mean vga and s-video out? or two vgas? two different things [10:54] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [10:54] och1: the first VGA, s-video [10:55] ok my deopendencies are ok but sudo apt-get install allways says it cannot install this and that cos it depends on another packet. why are dependencies not resolved automatically?? [10:55] zax1, ...? [10:55] wanna unban me [10:55] question, anyone know what "Visits" is in Webalizer? [10:55] or in other words what does the package dependencie resolution? [10:55] ng__: please join #ubuntu-ops [10:55] yeah, unique visitors [10:56] geekhut: Thanks. Is that per IP different viewers? [10:56] sorry patric_ [10:56] hi guys [10:56] go on [10:56] sorry got to go, lunch is over [10:56] zax1, no problem ready to go on? [10:56] sorry patric [10:56] started and cant finih will be in later [10:57] geekhut, and hits would be?... [10:57] page views, doesnt matter who it is just how many times the pages was called\ [10:57] zax1, ok i won't be there, you can mail if you want to crate_@hotmail.com [10:58] why not use google analytics? its free and better [10:58] hi [10:58] plus you can pinpoint keywords based on what people searched to find your site [10:59] hi [10:59] mohamed_, it should be better with the release of Hardy, because everything before it was a pain in the butt to setup and get working. even when they finally introduct a GUI front for the x display, it was still a piece of garbage. i haven't convert over to hardy yet. I am still deciding, Elisa seems like a waste of processes. (I have never been a fan of those type of applications though.) whats the spec of your computer? [11:00] what's a good source for ubuntu hardy main? [11:00] hey guyz... i wanna know if i shud hang on with ubuntu hardy or go over to PCLOS - i am not a complete noob - i mean i've been using buntu since 2 months and feel good with it but ppl say i shud use pclos, any advice? [11:00] how to do c programming in ubuntu [11:00] usama: if you feel goed with it then stay with it. [11:01] if you are asking that [11:01] thanks [11:01] you probably arent a very good c programmer [11:01] i think i will [11:01] I think you should consider sticking with Ubuntu or trying Linux Mint [11:01] its prettier [11:01] even prettier? hows that possible [11:01] grettings, fellows [11:01] does it use .deb or .rpm? [11:01] one: you need the build-essential package [11:01] I have just upgraded to hardy and lost my amarok global shortcuts [11:02] My girlfriend uses Mint, she feels it is more intuitive and prettier [11:02] * lord_spidey is fucked and it seems no one can help [11:02] "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted" is not working, anybody got another one? [11:02] * lord_spidey goes to get the livesd card [11:02] anyone knows why? I can't seem to find them in keyboard shortcuts [11:02] geekhut: Linux Mint may be prettier but Ubuntu is more robust. [11:02] de.archive.ubuntu.com is down :\ [11:02] usama: it uses .deb [11:02] och1: specs is low power pc, is something called m ini-itx, which proccessor built-in board is via mini-itx [11:02] yes, I know, got another one? [11:02] robg__: Ubuntu is more documented. [11:02] well hardy seems to be a freakin hbug heap anyways.. [11:02] specifically - windows key + c and wk+d [11:02] is anyone here using beagle? usually tracker is installed, do i have to remove it or does it automatically use beagle as backend? [11:03] how the fuck do i cancel a mission in GTA IV?? [11:03] ctrl alt bksp [11:03] clemyeats: i dunno why but personally u feel deb is much better than rpm.. rpm feels like old [11:03] robg__: and more secure, but not more robust. [11:03] clemyeats: there are many reasons to go for Ubuntu. [11:03] and i've just realized alt+dragging window doesn't work as expected [11:03] !ohmy | loluser [11:03] loluser: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [11:03] Help me, how to change label for USB use file system FAT? [11:03] robg__: yes. [11:03] how to set vlc as default player [11:03] c1|freaky: afaik you need to remove otherwise it runs parallelly, but beagl has quite some bugs i dnot recommend that one... [11:03] mohamed_, you might want to be careful then, you don't want elisa sucking up all your power. will the vga output be close enough for viewing? [11:03] (dragging windows when they're too big [11:03] nano /etc/fstab for usb [11:04] i removed totem: that works [11:04] hi [11:04] remoteCTRL, but tracker doesnt support thunderbird :( [11:04] och1: you know another good software for mediacenter ? [11:04] XBMC [11:04] mohamed_: Linux MCE [11:05] geekhut: this i can install on my mini-itx board ? [11:05] mohamed_: medibuntu [11:05] c1|freaky: well beagle tends to get stuck when switching to screensaver, if you dont mind that it massacres your hdd nad you need to kil it every time you return from screensaver you can of course use it;) [11:05] it can! [11:05] bonjour [11:05] mohamed_: Linux MCE Is the best i know of... it's an addon to kubuntu [11:05] michel_: salut [11:05] mohamed_ the upcoming atom boards will make great itx [11:05] je fais un essai! [11:05] http://photos.geekhut.org/?level=picture&id=19 [11:05] hak5fan, doesn't elisa come with hardy though? [11:05] hak5fan linuxMCE is a mythtv ripoff [11:06] mythtv is horrible [11:06] koshar1: but better [11:06] !mythbuntu | mohamed_ [11:06] mohamed_: Mythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information [11:06] xbmc is by far the best media center frontend available [11:06] och1: don't know [11:06] hak5fan: magnetron koshar1 geekhut i already have two via mini-itx boards this is why i'm asking because this board is low power not like normal computer [11:06] how do i install the awn theme for pidgin?? [11:07] xbmc is vey limited with regard the scheduling [11:07] comment ça marceh? [11:07] even the linux port [11:07] mohamed_: i recommend mythbuntu [11:07] !fr | michel_ [11:07] michel_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:07] mohammed ok.... the Linux MCE won't run nice i think [11:07] magnetron: i will give it a try [11:07] how do i install the awn theme for pidgin??? [11:07] that is true but who rips tv anymore? [11:08] get is as soon as it is available using Pan or Urd [11:08] qui parle français? [11:08] hak5fan: linuxmce this board can work as a good client for it but not as a server [11:08] I get CSI ripped in HD about 10 minutes after the show is over using pan or urd [11:08] michel_: allez à #ubuntu-fr svp [11:08] mohamed_ atom platform will have a <18 watt TDF [11:09] hey someone knows how to switch on the fancy alt tab switch without all the other fancy stuff? [11:09] comment faire? [11:09] je débute* [11:09] mohamed_: ok [11:09] michel_: /join #ubuntu-fr [11:09] allez à #ubuntu-fr svp [11:09] koshar1: yes, but i already get via itx [11:09] !fr [11:09] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:09] via = yuk, [11:09] hey whats wrong with my compizfusion or ubuntu - whenever i toggle the desktop cube - it shows the view from INSIDE the cubE!!! HELP?! [11:09] this river is english, go to drink lemonaid in french! [11:09] oui mais comment rejoindre ubutun.fr [11:10] thanks all for your help i will start with mythbuntu then i see the result [11:10] I'm out of hardrive space... [11:10] sudo apt-get install harddrive-space [11:10] remoteCTRL, ok thanks [11:10] ahaha [11:10] that installs two 500 GB raptors [11:10] mohamed_ you could prolly run myth without a window manager streight from gdm [11:11] you can with xserver [11:11] I've heard apparmor isn't necessary for a secure system and usually causes probs...Opinions? [11:11] yes koshar1 i will try this, [11:12] "ANY HELP????!!!!!" hey whats wrong with my compizfusion or ubuntu - whenever i toggle the desktop cube - it shows the view from INSIDE the cubE!!! HELP?! [11:12] do not use crap armor [11:12] PastorBones: for your desktop it's probably better to turn off [11:12] geekhut: I have a wubi install... [11:12] no, command line public webserver [11:12] PastorBones: but for the server that's getting a lot of attacks, you'd probably want it [11:12] If I boot windows and delete files, would I then get more storage? [11:12] debian: no [11:12] k, thanks [11:12] ohhh, then install ubuntu the right way then [11:13] debian use the wubi uninstaller [11:13] anyone want root access to my server in California? [11:13] usama cant you change that in the advanced settings manager [11:13] its going to wipe ubuntu off the drive and fix the MBR [11:13] i know i can frm somewhere in there but how [11:13] lord_spidey: Why the hell? I want more HD for ubuntu! [11:14] ahhh [11:14] lol [11:14] i understood it the wrong way around [11:14] *needs sleep* [11:14] To install ubuntu wont help me... [11:14] I need more ubuntu space. === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [11:14] My antialiasing isn't working with compiz fusion HELPPP [11:14] hey debian.. do this: format ur whole hdd and install ubuntu on the whole of it [11:15] simplest way [11:15] debian: use a gparted live cd, boot it, shrink the ntfs partition and increase or create a ext2 partition in the freed space. [11:15] debian: u can resize ntfs from the ubuntu install dvd [11:15] usama: I need WPA shartificates [11:15] gnutron: But... Ubuntu is on the NTFS partition... [11:15] debian: ext3 rather, or your fave flavor. [11:15] how much space you got over there in CA, geekhut? [11:15] copy the data off the ntfs partition [11:15] debian: in a file? [11:16] aegzorz: Ubuntu is on the NTFS partion [11:16] debian: you can use gparted to create an empty space. The installer will format that empty space. [11:16] aegzorz: A folder [11:16] create a new ext3 partition and install ubuntu there [11:16] does anyone know if they got BSD & Macinpoop working in Virtualbox or any other virtual application yet? [11:16] och1: i would recommend qemu [11:16] debian: then u can shrink the NTFS one === goki_work_ is now known as goki_work [11:17] debian: why don't you just backup your etc and home directory, create a blank partition and then install? [11:17] magbetron, does that mean yes for qemu? is it rep? [11:17] usama: My Ubuntu, is inside a folder in the NTFS partition! [11:17] sarmisak: I need the WPA setifikates! [11:18] debian: did you use wubi? [11:18] aegzorz: yeah, that's the problem [11:18] hi [11:18] aegzorz: Yes [11:18] the update manager installed the latest kernel, 2.6.24-17 [11:18] try this page: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html [11:18] can i safely uninstall the previous kernel? (2.6.24-16) [11:19] seems it is possible to transfer to a new partition [11:19] mr_boo: yes you can [11:19] debian: yea, so copy those folders frm INSIDE the NTFS partition [11:19] then make a new ext3 partition [11:19] inst ubuntu there [11:20] paste all that data (home folder and etc folder_ [11:20] hi, any body use suspend/hebirnate mode in hardy? [11:20] But I need my WPA setifikates from windows... [11:20] can i safely remove the older kernel when i've got the newest? [11:20] sklyar: my hardy alternate will not hibernate. [11:20] gnutron: oh, thanks [11:22] I want to install a good Widget manager for ubuntu... can anyone recommend me a good one? :D [11:22] Pramod_Helios: awn? [11:23] AWN? [11:23] ok [11:23] lemme try it... :) [11:23] hi there [11:23] my ThinkPad TPM Module does not longer work with hardy [11:23] i loaded tpm.ko and tpm_infineon.ko [11:23] but i dont get a /dev/tpm [11:23] are there any bugs or so? [11:23] Silicium: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:23] anybody here use brasero for burning discs? [11:25] robg_: what about suspend mode in your alternate hardy? [11:30] Hi! i upgraded gutsy to hardy via the Net,and when i received the CD Rom i wanna add it to (sources list>third party sofwtare>add CD-ROM) ,i insert the CD but i got error msg : E:Failed to mount the cdrom. so whats the problem? [11:32] beginner: CD signed to install an OS. [11:32] beginner: designed to install an OS. [11:33] Is there a tag for errors in the syslog? [11:33] like EE or something [11:33] robg_ so no problem if i won't add it to sources list ? [11:33] arrg, bind won't start, error: "open: /etc/bind/named.conf: permission denied" [11:33] beginner: logic is contained in OS. I [11:33] what permission should it have? [11:33] beginner: OS knows best. [11:34] PastorBones: are you running it as root using sudo? [11:34] yes [11:34] hey guys anyone needs support? [11:34] actually, I'm su [11:34] I've got bind chrooted... [11:34] PastorBones: log out of su and try to run the command with sudo [11:34] k [11:35] hello! there appears to be sth wrong with my packages. An update notification came up for a partial upgrade. ooffice couldn't be upgraded, and the packages for writer, base, math, draw, and impress were removed. I installed them from synaptic, but now I can't install language support for them. I get this --> http://pastebin.com/m25b624e6 from synaptic [11:35] PastorBones: make sure nothing besides bind is using named.conf, no text editors or whatever... [11:35] I think bind runs as a nonpriv user for security reasons, ownership should probably be to group 'bind' or something ... [11:35] sorry, something was wrong with my internet connection - a still interesitng about SUSPEND/HIBERNATE MODE in HARDY, some body use it? [11:35] ok robg__ and if i want to turn from ubuntu to edubuntu ,should i desinstall hardy ? or just adding some pakcages from edubuntu CD (sorry im new & beginner with linux) [11:35] how do I do that neeto? [11:35] sudo didn't work [11:35] afternoon all [11:35] PastorBones: /msg me [11:35] anyone here familiar with TorK? [11:36] -rw-r--r-- 1 root bind 907 2008-04-10 07:42 /etc/bind/named.conf [11:36] beginner: I always use re-install method. Others may know of an upgrade method. [11:36] well, I got it as bind:bind [11:37] robg__: I dont think you have to reinstall [11:37] everything in /etc/bind/ is bind:bind [11:37] PastorBones: as long as group 'bind' can read it that should be right... [11:37] Seeker: OK tell him howto. [11:37] dunno but i dont want to get risk of loosing data!by reinstalling it [11:37] robg__: beginner: "sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop" will add all of the edubuntu base install pacakges to your system [11:37] beginner: you must always save data to removable storage. [11:38] beginner, sudo aptitude install edubuntu-desktop [11:38] robg__: You mean that you should back up data to removable storage [11:38] that installs edubuntu on top of ubuntu [11:38] can i use usplash with vgafb16? [11:38] uhm vga16fb [11:39] Seeker: It is always smart to plan for future failures and future re-installs. [11:39] hey all [11:39] ive just downloaded the server install ubuntu 8.04 and would like to do a text only install, doI need to boot to the live environment? Can anyone please advise [11:39] all storage is removable with sufficient leverage.. [11:39] or do I need the alternative ISO? [11:39] robg__: Yes, but you dont need to save ll of your data to external storage, just back it up regularly [11:39] seeker,ratpoison thats will do it from the net or CD Rom coz i have Edubuntu addon CD [11:39] ActionParsnip, no you dont [11:39] beginner: That will add the edubuntu packages from the internet [11:39] that will do it from the net [11:39] patric_: how do i kick off the text install please? [11:40] Seeker: I want to be able to wipe my harddisk clean and rebuild any system. [11:40] I unplug my /home drive during reinstalls, 'just in case' and then reconfigure it afterwards... I've been known to get confused and format the wrong drive.. [11:40] BUT if you add the CD as a repo , you can choose to install edubuntu-desktop from synaptic I guess [11:40] robg__: that isn't the best method fro everyone [11:40] zcat[1]: good move [11:40] ActionParsnip, when you turn the cd in. it asks you for language. in this option can you set install method to ext mode.. [11:40] Seeker: OK [11:40] hello! there appears to be sth wrong with my packages. An update notification came up for a partial upgrade. ooffice couldn't be upgraded, and the packages for writer, base, math, draw, and impress were removed. I installed them from synaptic, but now I can't install language support for them. I get this --> http://pastebin.com/m25b624e6 from synaptic [11:40] ratpoison: its probably best to go with the simplest option [11:40] patric_: so its in the language list? [11:41] ActionParsnip, wait i try it shortly [11:41] Seeker` beginner, yup unless your connection is really slow [11:41] patric_: appreciate it man [11:41] Seeker,ratpoison my connexion is 256 k i think it ll need much of time to download edu packages [11:41] beginner, choose the net version. It will be more up-to-date than the cd as well [11:42] beginner, you'll waste quite a lot of time upgrading to new software anyway [11:42] hey all, I'm running into a bit of a stability issue while playing files with mplayer, sometimes my computer completely locks up if I am watching a movie or something. I can't find anything about it in the logs... anyone have any suggestions? [11:42] beginner: it shouldn't be too long, you probably have quite a few of the main packages installed anyway [11:42] does anyone know some good linux port of classic doom? [11:43] thnx seeker & ratpoison :) last question how i can add cd to repository [11:43] neeto: what video card and which drivers? [11:43] neeto set up another video output device in the mplayer options [11:43] och1 http://www.doomworld.com/classicdoom/ports/index.php?platform=3 [11:43] zcat[1]: 8800 GTS; proprietary drivers [11:43] * PastorBones pets his google [11:43] check out system>admin>software sources [11:44] AccessExcess, ok it tested it on my other computer. Looks like there is no text mode. But you can say Install Ubuntu and it won't load the whole live-cd environment [11:44] neeto: hmm, that should work pretty well .. [11:44] yep i did that but i got error [11:44] pastorbones. :D thanks [11:44] anyhoo.. gtg [11:44] zcat[1]: it happens randomly [11:44] afk, bbl, ttfn.. [11:44] zcat[1]: peace [11:44] zcat[1]: c j00 [11:44] AccessExcess, when you got a problem with your graphic card you can hit f4 and set to save graphics mode [11:44] Yo anyone know some fucking great games for linux? [11:45] beginner: what error? [11:45] tremulous [11:45] is a great game [11:45] !language | marcusklaas [11:45] marcusklaas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [11:45] system>admin>software sourecs>thir party >add CD Rom if its like this i got a problem it asked me to insert cd (it was inserted) then E:Failed to mount the cdrom. [11:45] ActionParsnip, AccessExcess, ok it tested it on my other computer. Looks like there is no text mode. But you can say Install Ubuntu and it won't load the whole live-cd environment [11:45] i got a question, what is the key combo i have to press to switch between the desktops? I need it so I can assign it to a mouse button :D [11:45] i can't mount my usb disk [11:45] forget the command [11:45] Manacim: What kind of game is it? [11:45] how do I get Tork to connect to Tor? I have no idea what to do [11:45] smbmount .... [11:45] beginner: do you have any problems reading any other CDs? [11:45] it's a real time strategy fps [11:45] alien vs humans [11:45] patric_: cheers man :P [11:45] seeker,no problem [11:45] ActionParsnip, when you got a problem with your graphic card you can hit f4 and set to save graphics mode [11:45] Manacim: Does it have online play? [11:46] it's only an online game [11:46] AccessExcess, you are welcome [11:46] or lan [11:46] it's not a single player game [11:46] lol [11:46] Manacim: fucking great :D [11:46] beginner: i dont know what could be causing it, mayeb ratpoison has an idea? [11:46] I'm getting it :D [11:46] get it [11:46] !language | marcusklaas [11:46] marcusklaas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [11:46] www.tremulous.net [11:46] ActionParsnip, you are welcome..damned your nick is driving me insane! [11:46] patric_: i want a barebones system to run a samba server, so I dont want all the extra fluff that comes with a vanilla install [11:46] patric_: why? [11:46] i usually play in skittles server [11:46] find me, my in game name is C i M $ t A h [11:46] patric_: just tab autocomplete it :) [11:46] Thanks Manacim :D [11:46] np [11:46] ActionParsnip, ok but why don't you use debian instead [11:47] ok gief me 1 sec 2 install it n all [11:47] k [11:47] seeker,ratpoison : the CD Rom i can read it from /media/ but when i do that from source list i got that error [11:47] can anyone help me with mounting usb disk [11:47] oh guys..What could be the reason POST data is not being send through the browser.. [11:47] patric_: pretty much the same deal when i'm down to it, i dont want an x server [11:47] hanak, http://www.mydigitallife.info/2006/09/10/how-to-mount-usb-disk-drive-in-unix-or-linux/ [11:47] I am using Hardy and tried opera, konqueror, and firefox [11:47] beginner: I would recommend installing from the internet [11:47] all has the same problem [11:48] pappan, what language? [11:48] I can't post in any of the forums [11:48] all I am trying is PHP [11:48] beginner: You would have to download all of the updates from the internet anyway [11:48] including search mail function of yahoo [11:48] ActionParsnip, yes thats what i mean. you cannot install only the basic (debian) system only with console vi and cat =). [11:48] yes that what i ll do :) but just i wanted to know howto add CD to repository as extra information :) [11:48] you know i'm a beginner [11:48] pappan, you're coding something or using tools? [11:48] how are you guys dealing with the .17 kernel update? [11:48] ActionParsnip, you can! but just not with the ubuntu 8.04 dvd. [11:49] Just browsing the net using the browser [11:49] beginner: Sorry, I dont have a clue why you cant add the cD [11:49] not at all coding related [11:49] browser is not working :-( not even contacting the server .. [11:49] patric_: you can with alternate cd, theres an install server version which installs a minimal rig to command line [11:49] beginner, how about you add it from /etc/apt/sources.list do you know how to do that? [11:49] patric_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems [11:49] Yo, tbh, 8.04 added nothing besides a sweet looking background. Only new bugs :/ [11:49] dont be seeker :) thnx so much for your help ,you & Ratpoison [11:50] ActionParsnip, haha thank you. Sry for spamming you. [11:50] This is being a pain for last two weeks.. [11:50] but yeah, an internet install is just a "command and wait" [11:50] beginner: no problem. Good luck. === yacc_ is now known as yacc [11:50] lol [11:50] patric_: np man, just here for friendly advice :D [11:50] i have linux only on my laptop [11:50] my main computer has xp on it [11:50] I am not able to post into any of the forums, can't update my joomla powered site [11:51] 4 games? [11:51] I am clueless :-( [11:51] yeah [11:51] games [11:51] photoshop cs3 [11:51] flash programs [11:51] they don't run too well with linux [11:51] ratpoison how ? ( i did something maybe stupid :s as i went to etc/apt/sources.list and changed what was gusty to hardy :p and its deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080408)]/ Hardy main restricted ( [11:51] i know [11:51] hi when we install packages through apt-get install and remove any package through apt-get remove are there any packages left over and how to clean these [11:51] Gutsy was so cool..Upgraded to hardy and issue started :-( [11:51] it's a pain gettign them to work thru wine [11:51] it's not a pain [11:51] i don't mind finding a solution [11:51] pappan, hey guy thats the wrong irc chat for this question, try an php or a joomla board [11:51] it's fun actually [11:51] keeps me busy for hours [11:51] lol [11:51] hmmm :P [11:51] Manacim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:51] i lose track of time sometimes [11:51] that's not fun for me ^^ [11:52] sorry floodbot2 [11:52] xD [11:52] in /dev whats usb drives? [11:52] !paste > beginner [11:52] sda2 or5? [11:52] wow i got muted for a quick second lol [11:52] patric_, how can that be related to php or joomla board ? [11:52] !pastebin > beginner [11:52] Haha [11:52] arghhhh [11:52] ls /dev [11:52] dude marcus [11:52] tremulous looks awesome in XP [11:52] ye? [11:53] ratpoison ? [11:53] i mean Windows [11:53] Hi I can't get my antialiasing working GEFORCE Nvidia 8500 GT ........... helpppp [11:53] i didnt flood the channel :) [11:53] sorry, I'm trying to do the bot to do something [11:53] pappan, maybe i got something wrong.. sry [11:53] lol [11:53] anyway, for large pastes use http://paste.ubuntu.com [11:53] patric_, I am searching mails in yahoo and it is not working even [11:53] manacim i need a little help im kind of a ubuntu idiot [11:53] the file i downloaded [11:53] sup? i'm also an ubuntu noob [11:53] lol [11:53] is a .run -- how do i execute? [11:54] console? [11:54] yes thnx ratpoison,,, u didnt tell me if what i did is right?! [11:54] oh [11:54] type sudo sh *.run [11:54] pappan, did you tried another browser? [11:54] in console [11:54] yeah [11:54] what's sh? [11:54] if you saved it into the desktop then type in terminal cd Desktop [11:54] opera, konqueror and firefox..all the same [11:54] but it works in IE from windows [11:54] sh is a command [11:54] beginner, try adding a line for Edubuntu [11:54] Manacim: never understood why desktop has a capital D [11:55] Hi all. It seems like my swap space is not being used. Is that normal behaviour? [11:55] yes [11:55] it means you have enough ram [11:55] = good === nevermore_ is now known as nevermore [11:55] ok thanks [11:55] mouz: yeah, thats great news [11:55] lol [11:55] this laptop only has 1 gig [11:55] pappan, hmm that is strange. i'm not a joomla user. i use to write my website stuff self. Do you get any kind of error message or something like that? [11:55] ratpoison:ok thnx [11:55] mouz: normal behaviour. Modern systems hav a lot of RAM. [11:55] mouz: if you wanna see it work, launcha few gimp processes, then compile a kernel [11:56] Ok ActionParsnip :) [11:56] anyone know how to fix the "grey box" problem with flash in firefox? [11:56] aegzorz, which flash player do you ese? === Cracken227 is now known as Cracken226 [11:57] macromedias [11:57] i've tried installer nsplugin-wrapper but that didn't help [11:57] i love this mp3 player i have [11:57] it has a built in radio [11:57] gnash and the other free one just crashes firefox [11:58] aegzorz, ok. it is the fastest in my oppionion but got a lot of bugs. you could use gnash but gnash will take alot of resources [11:58] hi.whare can i find a good documention / tutorial of whats under banto hood and what part is responsible for certain actions etc.? [11:58] Help me please [11:58] I need to get my antialiasing working [11:58] poopuser: what sort of thing are you looking for [11:59] poopuser: what sort of specifics [11:59] the thing is, it works like 1 time out of 5 [11:59] patric_, no error message [11:59] but 4 out of 5 just a grey box [11:59] Hi... my creative MuVo media player is detected by Hardy, and shows up on desktop. And if I drag files into it it will play them fine. But it won't show up in rythmbox and everything I can find online says it is suppsed to. [11:59] somtimes if i refresh the page it works, on the same swf [11:59] patric_, opera says, "You tried to access the address posting.php, which is currently unavailable." firefox will return white page or asks me to download a blank posting.php [12:00] ArthurArchnix: is rythmbox trying to read your player as a file system ? [12:00] believe me it is not an issue of the sites [12:00] it happens with yahoo and 10 other sites I tried [12:00] pappan, is it your own page? [12:00] No [12:00] Can anyone help me [12:00] I am using search mail function of yahoo and it happens [12:00] pappan, hmm sry i have no idead [12:00] ikonia:lately i was reading installation tutorial for arch and they cover almost everythig so u realy knew how your os is working.i am looking for something similar [12:00] ikonia: I have no idea. [12:01] it's ok patric_ thanks for help [12:01] quit [12:01] poopuser: there really isn't that sort of guide [12:01] ; ( [12:01] is it possible to run flash with wine somehow? [12:01] thx anyway [12:01] flash what? [12:01] poopuser: the distros are put together in the same way, just versions and packing [12:01] flash video [12:01] in firefox [12:01] ikonia: How would I find that out and how would I change it so that it detects my player as a media player? [12:02] using the stand alone player ? [12:02] no embedded [12:02] on a site? [12:02] yeah [12:02] ArthurArchnix: not sure without looking, I've seen problems with ryhtembox trying to read file systems on remote players [12:02] the browser should play it without using wine [12:02] are we talking about opera? [12:02] it only plays 1 in 5, completely random [12:02] ikonia; i am not sure did i got it right,u mean arch and banto have same file architecture? [12:02] ok... it gives me a google direction anyway thanks [12:02] flash embedded in a site should play on any browser [12:03] it is a cross-platform file [12:03] poopuser: the OS is called "ubuntu" do you mean "ubuntu [12:03] Manacim yeah well thats not true with current flash and current (non-beta) opera [12:03] yeah but flash for linux is buggy at best in my experience [12:03] u b u n t u [12:03] what do you mean by it only plays 1 in 5? [12:03] i don't use opera [12:03] do you know how to sync programs ogf ubuntu in Pc1 to pc2 [12:03] so i don't have any exp with that [12:03] 4 out of 5 times it's just a grey box [12:03] to have the same apps [12:04] poopuser: super, you do mean ubuntu. Yes all the distros are put together in the same way, there are just distro specific changes [12:04] oh, which flash plugin did you install? the official one from macromedia or an open source? [12:04] the official one [12:04] Hey ikonia, thanks. With that little hint I found a website and a solutino in ... (checks watch) 30 seconds. Thanks. [12:04] weird, which browser are you using? [12:04] the open source ones just crashed firefox [12:04] ArthurArchnix: good work, [12:04] using ff3b5 [12:05] ikonia: It needed a file on the disk called ".is_audio_player" restarted rythmbox and it showed up perfectly. [12:05] Anyone here [12:05] empty file [12:05] i'm using that too on my intel mobile processor laptop [12:05] ArthurArchnix: yes, thats it, I've seen that before with other players [12:05] Can you help me install my 8500 gt nvidia drivers to enable antialiasing for the compiz fusion cube and windwo movements [12:05] the flash works fine for me [12:05] ArthurArchnix: nice job [12:05] hm ok [12:05] well so i am going back to arch tutorial to knew banto ; D lol david lynch [12:05] have you tried looking for a solution in the forums? [12:05] maybe i should just try to reinstall then [12:06] i've googled alot on it [12:06] poopuser: you'll find it easier to discuss things if you call thing by the proper name [12:06] k.o. [12:06] tried a few tips with libflashsupport and nsplugin-wrapper [12:06] did you try the forums? maybe google missed indexing it [12:06] poopuser: the Distribution name is "Ubuntu" not "banto" it's quite confusing [12:06] aegzorz: ff3b5 works ok with the official flash 10 beta [12:06] hey is there a way to transfer current files and settings from ubuntu to another partition with ubuntu on it? as in.. I want to clone my copy on another fresh install on another disk [12:07] if what glitsj16 say is true then it's probably your graphics card [12:07] omg i have connected to my own remote desktop and now in ever-repeating paradox! [12:07] speedhunt3r: you want to use dd [12:07] thx, i'll try that one [12:07] speedhunter3r: sometimes you can access files of Ubuntu1 with Ubuntu2. [12:07] what kind of graphics card do you have aegzorz? [12:07] ArthurArchnix, how do i use dd? [12:07] got to get to work.auf wiedersehen [12:07] speedhunt3r: I'm no great shakes with it, but search for dd and clone on the forums. There's lots of good tutorials. [12:07] it's an ati 9600xt [12:08] i see [12:08] i'm also running compiz on it [12:08] i have an ati radeon 2400 pro agp [12:08] hd pro* [12:08] ok, to get bind chrooted and working I had to disable and purge apparmor [12:08] hi! is there a way to find out how a package was build? (configure parameters and so on) [12:08] I got a question, for some reason I cant login to hotmail any more on 8.04 , it this somthing that has happened anyone else ? [12:08] Hatl: look in the source deb [12:08] sorry recon69, i don't use hotmail [12:09] speedhunt3r: Here's one to start with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=599599&highlight=clone+partition [12:09] hey aegzorz [12:09] you there? [12:09] do you know how to sync programs ogf ubuntu in Pc1 to pc2 === _tom is now known as shoot^ [12:10] my other question is are kernel panics normal in 8.04 cause i been getting them quite regularly ? [12:10] what do you mean kernel panics? [12:10] what is a good font to use with xchat? [12:10] !clone | dave12 [12:10] dave12: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [12:10] Manacim: yeah still here [12:10] speedhunt3r: such methods should not be used to build solid systems. [12:10] try this thread [12:10] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=785028&highlight=flash+gray+box [12:11] does anybody know dnswasher pcapfile output .. what is pcapfile .. is this tcpdump? [12:11] hey guys [12:11] ikonia: how can i download the souce debs= [12:11] aegzorz: there's some more info on installing the flash 10 beta here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 .. hope it works out [12:11] hello [12:11] but ubottu [12:11] I have to make it this automatic [12:11] speedhunt3r: The second post in that thread also has a tip that cp -a wil work on two mounted partitions... and it might not have problems with the partitions being different sizes. It might be faster too, since dd copies every block while cp just copies every bit of data. [12:11] dave12, ubottu is a bot. [12:11] lol [12:11] wondering if you guys/gals can assist me with a problem regarding leopard [12:12] and every time I think the pc will reinstall all and no the application left [12:12] can i allocate all of a core (of my processor) to one process? [12:12] thx glitsj16 and Manacim i'll check those links [12:12] np [12:12] dave12, write a script that does it then. grabbing the my-packages file from some ftp/samba/other server [12:12] yw [12:12] xD [12:12] sorry and thank willis [12:12] ArthurArchnix, all i need to do is copy and change boot priority? it can't be that simple... if all it takes is cp -a [12:12] dave12 first set up aptcacher then run a whoping big install line line sudo apt-get install this that and the other [12:12] got leopard installed, boots to the gray (MAC) icon the the screen goes black [12:12] is there anything i can do to remedy this? === Cracken227 is now known as Cracken226 [12:13] what's leopard [12:13] its an operating system [12:13] oh [12:13] OS X Manacim [12:13] and dosent have much to do with ubuntu. :) [12:13] lol [12:13] kinda random there [12:13] Manacim leopards a big cat that lives in africa [12:13] do you know if there is a script made of this [12:13] whats the full hostmask of nickserv? [12:13] true @ koshar1 [12:14] If they're both mounted, and you make sure the copy includes hidden files and does it recursively sure, why not? [12:14] speedhunt3r: [12:14] dave12, shouldent be too hard to make one. it would be just like 4 commands or so. [12:14] Can someone please help mee [12:14] i needdd helpp [12:14] what's wrong neo [12:14] my antialiasing isnt working [12:14] but I only want programs that are in pc1 but no in pc2 [12:15] dave12, if you are trying to clone a machine several times.. it may be more efficient to clone it in some other way [12:15] but this senteneces install all of them? [12:15] what graphics card [12:15] 8500 gt [12:15] dave12, it clones the installed programs that are on pc1, and installs them on pc2 [12:15] speedhunt3r: Wait... better just read the whole thread then make up your own mind. Post three has some serious reservations about using cp regarding file permissions and such. [12:15] hi everybody! [12:15] no [12:15] hi [12:15] ok [12:15] hmm [12:16] in pc2 there are some programs that are the same as pc1 [12:16] did you install the correct drivers? [12:16] Any one who run adobe air in ubuntu? [12:16] Manacim: In Monitor Resolution Settings it has me listed as 1 monitor with a resolution of 2720 768 but i have twinview in nvidia settings with two monitors differnet resolution and not 2720 [12:16] i installed the nvidia drivers ubuntu told me to [12:16] how can i make gnome not draw the contents of a window while dragging it? [12:16] but others that are in pc1 I don't have in pc2 and I would like that a ascript test programs that are not in pc2 and are in pc1 clones [12:17] how do you download an http file command line? [12:17] i see [12:17] it appears you installed the open source version drivers [12:17] they don't work for everyone === dcb is now known as stemount [12:17] PastorBones:wget [12:17] ty [12:17] you installed it using the hardware drivers right? [12:18] dave12, that made very little sence to me.. all that script does it generates a list of ALL packages installed on pc1, and you then take that list to pc2. the 2nd half of the script then reads the list and tries to install the programs if they are not allready installed. You could generate a list on both machines and some how compared them if you wanted. [12:18] package manager cannot connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com ( !! [12:18] dave12, if theres a program allready installed.. it wont reinstall it. the package manager is smart enouhg to know not to. [12:18] try just archive.ubuntu.com [12:18] Manacim: i don tknow [12:18] Manacim: someone said this to me eo_: turns out you have to start nvidia-settings --load-config-only (or set the proper enviroment variables) prior to launching compiz [12:18] Now how do i do this? [12:19] did you try that person's suggestions [12:19] Manacim: How do i configure 8.04 ubuntu to load it before compiz [12:19] there is any example of this script or the keywords to see in google [12:20] greetings [12:20] howdy [12:20] I get an error message while logging on ubuntu: The greeter theme is corrupt... can anyone help me out please? :) [12:20] trying to install ubuntu server atm.. it's getting to the point where it wants to install the grub boot loader, but every time it trys, it fails.. does this mean the hard drive is no good? [12:20] you can check sessions [12:20] anyone knows why hardy freezes when clicking the logoff/power off button? [12:20] same issue as: http://linuxtnt.wordpress.com/2008/05/26/hardy-heron-everything-everything-everything-is-wrong/ [12:20] wild_oscar, 3D stuff running? [12:21] yes [12:21] there's your sign [12:21] compiz effects running [12:21] sign of what? [12:21] wild_oscar, try ctrl-alt-f2 and see if you can login there [12:21] I can [12:21] and ctl+alt+backspace works too [12:21] Pramod_Helios: check your settings under 'Login window' , there you should have a list of greeter themes .. maybe try another one to see if that works [12:21] ANYONE know how to do this in Ubuntu 8.04: turns out you have to start nvidia-settings --load-config-only (or set the proper enviroment variables) prior to launching compiz [12:21] mordof:it depends on what the error is [12:21] ok glitsj16... thanks [12:21] yw [12:21] neo [12:21] neo_, compiz is a script...edit it there [12:22] I'm now looking for a GUI tool to ping an IP block. does anyone know of one? [12:22] just tells me it's failing to put the grub boot loader on the hard drive, then takes me to a menu giving me steps in the installation process to go to [12:22] so when you select your time zone based on city that is how your package servers are selected.... i should have picked LA not Vancouver [12:22] wat this means?: The theme does not contain definition for username/password entry element [12:22] marcat, PastorBones: not totally froze, ctl+alt+backspace works; it all worked in gutsy [12:22] nmap said no host was up, which was wrong [12:22] Manacim: dude how do i check sessions [12:22] after switching locale to hindi...i am seeing the last word of every post cut off...any ideas why? [12:22] if you plan to reinstall ubuntu or uninstall your current drivers completely, try reinstalling your drivers using envyng [12:22] barbarella: just tells me it's failing to put the grub boot loader on the hard drive, then takes me to a menu giving me steps in the installation process to go to [12:22] mordof:does it try to install grub on the MBR? [12:22] go to system > pref > sessions [12:22] um.. i don't know [12:23] wild_oscar, i would say turn every thing off then test each feature one by one to see which one is caussing the issue [12:23] i would think so.. isn't that where isn't supposed to go? [12:23] it's* [12:23] *sighs* [12:23] mordof:can you pastebin your partition table? [12:23] Pramod_Helios: Can't be sure, but it looks that the theme author forgot some options that the default login manager needs .. [12:23] What is the best way to search a file in console? [12:23] ok thanks... :) [12:23] wild_oscar, reinstall gdm & ubuntu-gnome [12:23] backslash7, locate or find [12:24] Sure not "find / file" is it? It doesnt even find things sometimes lol [12:24] buntu-fr [12:24] backslash7, locate is for system files IIRC [12:24] it's the default, 33.8gb / and left over as swap from a 40gb hd. i just used the original "let it parition the hard drive for you" thing [12:24] of course, I'm a newb, I just googled that [12:24] ok thanks :) [12:24] lol [12:24] i'm a noob too [12:24] wild_oscar, here's the link I read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=334414 [12:24] Me too i am noob in ubuntu... :D [12:24] marcat: Yea I know that but is there no alternative to find ? [12:25] *ubuntu-fr [12:25] i also want to try FreeBSD :P [12:25] PastorBones: testing this: "gnome-power-manager has to be enabled, you change by ticking the Power Manager check box in System -> Preferences -> Sessions. Then log out, and log back in." [12:25] brb [12:25] backslash7, cd / ls -R | grep "w/e" [12:25] barbarella: well originally i had made a second partition for /home, but then it didn't work, so i went back in the installation process and am re-doing everything after whiping that clean with the default options given [12:25] have had adobe air for linux reinstalled,but can't install twhirl,it indicates the error install file,any one has an idea? [12:25] mordof:Try to replace your ide cable [12:25] how can I mount a USB memory stick from the command line in Ubuntu if the graphical environment has problems starting up? [12:25] #ubuntu-fr [12:26] barbarella: hmm.. ok, i'll try that once this is done running through (installing base system again) [12:26] there you go [12:26] one problem solved :) [12:26] how can i make gnome not draw the contents of a window while dragging them? [12:26] can anyone help me with my lancard (pls german) [12:26] I had download the install file from twhirl.org many times and can make sure the file is ok [12:26] hey can i get some help with setting up msn like when you use windows live mail on xp so i dont have to use my browser to check my emails [12:27] hey toznoshio [12:27] yo marcat: would like to know aswell -- it just looks bad indeed [12:27] only one left (of the ones I discovered) is compiz zoom not working [12:27] try sudo mount -a after starup [12:27] startup* [12:27] mordof: ubuntu-server may need extra drivers. Dell issues a "remastered" ubuntu-server.iso with extra drivers. [12:27] marcusklaas, yes [12:27] hlp please [12:27] Manacim: thanks, I'll give that a try [12:27] mordof:Try to reset all to default in de computer bios. That might work as well. [12:27] Zbradsta, #ubuntu-de ? [12:28] can any one help me [12:28] #ubuntu-tn [12:28] Manacim: its not working [12:28] "The 'grub' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot." just tried it again and that's what i got [12:28] Zbradsta, not sure by what you mean by "like msn", but there are lots of mail clients under linux...that is if msn supports other mail clients..which it should [12:28] Hello, I have a serious problem =/ I accidentaly double-clicked instead of single-click on a install script.. This made my partition table on /dev/sda destroyed and only displays one partition on /dev/sda with the size 15mb.. Before it was 2: one with about 30gb ext2 and a second encrypted partition with the space that was left.. can anyone help me?? Thanks [12:28] Zbradsta, evolution is installed by default [12:28] Hi every body! [12:29] Zbradsta you can try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=809289 [12:29] brb [12:29] mordof:can you go to an other terminal, to find out what the problem is [12:29] barbarella: another terminal? you mean... in the middle of the installation process? [12:29] or zbradsta [12:29] try this command in terminal [12:29] barbarella: is that even possible? lol [12:29] sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 [12:30] yea ive tried lots of stuff like dat but it wont rekognise msn mail [12:30] mordof:alt F3 or alt F4 i think [12:30] Manacim help me fix this crap man lol [12:30] barbarella: ok, i'm in a different terminal.. i'm not sure what to do to check though [12:30] lol neo, which problem? the antialiasing or the different resolution for each comp [12:30] i mean monitor [12:30] the antialiasing [12:30] I want make micro ubuntu server. Support : grub, network and same utilites (dd, cp ....). Who can help me ? [12:31] i need help to configurate my lancard for internet (pls german/deutsch)# [12:31] mordof:do see lot of text? [12:31] #ubuntuac [12:31] mordof:do you see lot of text? [12:31] I think the problem is that monitor settings in ubuntu isn't picking up the same settings as configured in nvidia..... [12:31] or not? [12:31] barbarella: just says BusyBox v1.1.3 built-in shell (ash) enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands [12:32] maybe ubuntu is interpreting it differently than the graphics card [12:32] can any one help me [12:32] joggel: normally Ubuntu does an automatic DHCP. [12:32] mordof:ok, and alt F4 or alt F2 [12:32] what do u want me to do [12:32] well neo, i'm sorry to say but i haven't messed with dual monitors before [12:32] I want make micro ubuntu server. Support : grub, network and same utilites (dd, cp ....). [12:32] barbarella: ah, alt+f4 is the one you wanted.. give me a min [12:32] make msn work like windows live mail but on ubuntu 8.04 [12:32] mordof:ok [12:33] manacim the dual monitors arent the problem [12:33] i can disable one if u want [12:33] its the antialiasing thats not going on [12:33] hi! is there a way to find out how a package (i.e. hal) was build? (configure parameters and so on) [12:33] you're just more concerned about antialiasing right [12:33] yea... [12:33] i save it by running nvidia-settings with a root terminal [12:33] Hello, I have a serious problem =/ I accidentaly double-clicked instead of single-click on a install script.. This made my partition table on /dev/sda destroyed and only displays one partition on /dev/sda with the size 15mb.. Before it was 2: one with about 30gb ext2 and a second encrypted partition with the space that was left.. can anyone help me?? Thanks [12:33] but the antialiasing doesnt go on [12:33] even if i set it on [12:33] barbarella: seems it failed to grab grub package off the cd [12:34] hmm [12:34] barbarella: hash sum mismatch [12:34] mordof:ok [12:34] hi all .how can i play movies in web site [12:34] neo have you tried installing your drivers using envyng? [12:34] ? [12:34] barbarella: alternatively as well, calling 'apt-install grub' failed. [12:35] mordof:yes that doesn't work cause you are not in your target partition [12:36] EnvyNG is fixed for ati/nvidia drivers [12:36] Manacim: How do I restart compiz? [12:36] barbarella: that's what the installer said anyway [12:36] mordof:get your self a new cd [12:36] I am having some words cut off after changing locale..screenshot at http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotox0.png [12:36] i'm not sure i've restarted compiz before [12:36] maybe a computer restarT? [12:36] * mordof sigh [12:36] * mordof sighs. [12:36] lol -.-' [12:36] alright then, i'll burn a new copy on to a dvd instead and start over i guess [12:37] alright guys [12:37] guys... did anybody know why XMMS are not avaiable on Hardy Heron??? [12:37] it's almost 5 am [12:37] i'm hitting the sack [12:37] beyta: because it [12:37] Question: I have a nice mouse with 2 extra buttons (forward/ back) which used to work in Firefox in 7.10. Now I updated and it no longer works :( Still using the same xconf file. Any ideas? [12:38] SndbaD, flash needs flashplugin..get it from medibuntu repo...wmv etc should play with totem..but that never works for me..so you could install mplayerplug-in and remove mozilla-totem [12:38] yes [12:39] can Nautilus have tabs in the file browser? [12:39] i need help to configurate my lancard for internet (pls german/deutsch)# [12:39] beyta, debian sort of removed it also.. from what i gather.. its not updated much, and has some security issues. and there alternatives. [12:39] andre__, you still running off /dev/sda [12:39] Zbradsta, what's your problem? [12:39] barbarella: in the meantime i'll reset the bios to defaults and get a new IDE cable just incase, lol [12:39] marcat, unfortunately..no [12:39] i cant get msn email as a program instead of usin my firefox browser [12:39] mordof:ok, goodluck === psjifovn is now known as symmetry [12:39] beyta: because it's not developed anymore. install Audacious instead, it's very similar to XMMS [12:39] marcat, beats me why it does'nt..its a fairly good fm otherwise [12:39] barbarella: ty and as well for the help. :3 [12:40] Dr_willis: oh i see... [12:40] Zbradsta you cant sorry you should use firefox [12:40] Zbradsta, see http://www.dslreports.com/faq/7773 [12:41] its too slow i need a prog like windows live mail but for linux instead [12:41] Zbradsta, maybe your ports are blocked [12:41] il try the link and c if it works and il get bak 2 you [12:41] no all my ports are pen [12:41] im trying to figure out how to turn off the drawing of the window while it is being moved? I think tis some gnome setting but i dont know [12:41] alright... time to try this again, lol [12:42] * mordof runs the check cd for defects thing first. [12:42] magnetron: i was install Audacious, just want to know why xmms is not available anymore.. [12:42] I am having some words cut off after changing locale..screenshot at http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotox0.png [12:43] found another one :s [12:43] beyta, xmms uses GTK1..which is _old_...so fonts dont render properly by default...basically its an archaic piece of code [12:43] xmms depreciated --- http://blog.sartek.net/2008/04/install-xmms-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html [12:43] beyta: because nobody is working on that project anymore, and if there is noone that will fix bugs, it's a risk to include it in ubuntu [12:43] dvd / avi's have weird colours [12:43] hey sedra it says the connection was refused [12:44] xmms is still ok wine gets better with age [12:44] Zbradsta, you tried the settings mentioned in the site in evolution [12:44] yes [12:44] joe_chat: what do u mean? [12:44] I'm now looking for a GUI tool to ping an IP block. does anyone know of one? [12:44] nmap said no host was up, which was wrong [12:45] i like xmms [12:45] anirudh0: no im running off a live cd [12:45] i just posted hardy instructions [12:45] joe_chat, hmm..maybe yes..but the gui is far too ancient [12:45] i need help please [12:45] gnome nettool [12:46] then give me open source itunes [12:46] andre__, DO NOT LOG OFF..if you leave the live session now, your computer may be unusable at next boot [12:46] it says error while fetchin mail [12:46] anirudh0: it already is, thats why i am on a livecd >P [12:46] anirudh0: this is why I adways advise removable storage. [12:46] Zbradsta, looks like ports are blocked..or authentication failed.. [12:46] do you have any other ideas [12:47] ive checked my ports and there open [12:47] Zbradsta, :)...you give me 10% of the information and ask me for ideas [12:47] what you mean 10% [12:47] not enough info [12:48] andre__, please describe your problem a bit more..posting a screenshot of gparted will help..the one that shows sda [12:48] anirudh0, http://www.redhat.com/magazine/001nov04/departments/tips_tricks/ [12:48] i typed in all that it said to do and all it said to me was "error while fetching mail" [12:48] Zbradsta are you sure you've enterd the write email? [12:48] yes [12:48] i still get a screen flicker in full screen mode any leads [12:48] guys what is an LVM? [12:49] marcat, sorry..but how does what help? [12:49] mordof, linux volume manager..i think.. :) [12:49] morfof: logical volume manager [12:49] Zbradsta: it looks like a network issue, the protocol is breaking at the middle. [12:49] or linux virtual machine [12:49] anirudh0, turn off drawing of window content. makes this faster [12:49] :) [12:49] I do not know how, but my ubuntu got a problem of unmet dependencies which will remove most of my essential packages to resolve these dependencies... can i get a solution for this problem? :( [12:50] anirudh0, wrong person :( [12:50] Pramod_Helios: Yes [12:50] display: :0.0 screen: 0 [12:50] OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. -- OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 3600 Series -- OpenGL version string: 2.1.7415 Release [12:50] Out of curiosity is Edgy supported still ? Not that I have it but Id like to know whats the oldest product thats being supported in Ubuntu ? [12:50] ok im not sure how to fix it cus my modem is a dsl-302g and all of the setting are blocked from bein changed exept for port forwarding [12:50] what is the solution julien_china? [12:50] Pramod_Helios: There is probably one package only who is making the mess, try to identify it and remove it. [12:50] marcusklaas, http://www.redhat.com/magazine/001nov04/departments/tips_tricks/ [12:51] Filled-Void, AFAIK dapper is supported [12:51] Filled-Void: Dapper is the oldest still supported [12:51] thanks marcat will look into it [12:51] Pramod_Helios: Do you know how to use apt with the command line ? [12:51] ok lemme try it [12:51] thank you folks :> [12:51] marcusklaas, well it looks kinda bad with all the wires. there may be other settings around. or manual editing .... [12:51] I am having some words cut off after changing locale..screenshot at http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotox0.png [12:51] il jst have to use the firefox browser cus my comp obviously dont like me [12:51] Hey guys. I'm wondering how I can give a local user bind() permissions. [12:52] anirudh0: I had a setup running encrypted lvm over /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb (sda1 30gb ext3 partition, and using the whole sdb). But when i by accident ran this install, it fucked up the partition table, and created a 15mb partition on /dev/sda, and the rest is unallocated.. luckily the new partition is in the first 30gb partition that was only used for testing, but i really need to have back /dev/sda2.. [12:52] anirudh0, words get cut off in the text enter box of xchat? [12:52] marcat: yes i think checking that option changes multiple things -- will probably need to manually edit some config fil [12:53] hey does any one know how i can make it so my user has permanant root privaleges [12:53] Zbradsta, NO [12:53] Zbradsta: bad idea! [12:53] marcat, never happened before [12:53] Zbradsta: there is a reason you dont have :) [12:53] Hi i need to recover deleted files from an ext3 part. Wich is the tool / tut to doo it? [12:53] Zbradsta: This one will be added in the fortunes :-) [12:53] Zbradsta: that's why windows sucks, lol [12:53] phantom, foremost [12:53] mordof, lol yes until vista [12:53] dam i hat having to constantly type in my password [12:53] Zbradsta: use sudo my friend [12:53] Anyone? I can't use bind() on a non-root user at the moment, how can I fix this? [12:54] marcat: yeah but i don't like vista, so i'm still on xp xD. vista sucks way too much performance out of everything [12:54] i need 2 make it so i dont have to constantly type in a password [12:54] Zbradsta: you can set up passwordless sudo, see 'man sudoers'. Not brilliant security though. [12:54] server cafeirc.org [12:54] Zbradsta: if its a lot of commands you have to copy-paste as root you can use "sudo su" [12:54] sorry [12:54] ok cool thanks im off [12:54] 'sudo -i' is preferable over 'sudo su' [12:54] pity..i'll have to switch back to the english locale :( [12:54] Zbradsta: use sudo -i instead as foldart suggests [12:54] anirudh0, have you asked for xchat help in #xchat [12:55] kk cya guys hav fun [12:55] bye [12:55] Zbradsta: You can activate the capability for root to login. [12:55] For this you will type : [12:55] sudo passwd root [12:55] !noroot | julien_china [12:55] julien_china: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [12:55] jrib, just plain su not good? [12:55] Please can someone tell me maybe a program for Ubuntu for taking videos of my computer like fraps? Is their one?? Please I would like to make some videos, thank you. [12:55] LaneLimited, what are you specs [12:55] marcat: no as ubuntu does not have a root password set by default [12:55] !supportroot | julien_china [12:55] can I see what version of a specif ic softwareubuntu repos have? [12:55] !supportroot | julien_china [12:55] julien_china: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [12:56] marcat: low =( [12:56] !screencast | LaneLimited [12:56] LaneLimited: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [12:56] Question: how do go to my /etc directory in console, no matter where I am at? [12:56] LaneLimited, i use recordMyDesktop. it works on a p3 666mhz 320mb ram s3 save gt apg 2x [12:56] marcat: Need good computer to take a video? [12:56] How can i try to identify the package which is causing the broken dependencies problem? can anyone guide me please? [12:56] LaneLimited, h/o [12:56] marcusklaas: cd /etc === andre__ is now known as twosharp [12:56] Lachlan: are you trying to bind a port less than 1024? Only root can bind ports below 1024 [12:57] must be dri only thing left [12:57] jussi01: I disagree with this policy, which is not very convenient. And allowing root to login is no more a security issue than to allow a user to use sudo. === Lord_FlashHeart is now known as LordFlashy [12:57] dam flicker [12:57] !supportroot | julien_china [12:57] julien_china: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) [12:57] marcat: I want something that is good quality but easy to use..... half and half i guess...? [12:57] hi [12:57] julien_china: it has the same convenience. Anyway, it's offtopic here. Discuss the merits of it in #ubuntu-offtopic please [12:57] no astro76, i mean not the folder in that specific place. but i mean the low level /etc --- i know you can use ~ to go to home but what is it for /etc? [12:57] julien_china: It's a second password to manage for a start... [12:57] marcusklaas you're doing it wrong [12:57] if you are in home and go cd /etc you'll just go /home/etc [12:57] LaneLimited, http://youtube.com/user/mrynit look at my vids [12:57] !bash | marcusklaas [12:58] marcusklaas: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [12:58] marcusklaas: no, if you cd /etc, you'll go to /etc, note the beginning / [12:58] jrib: I am indeed. I didn't know that, that helps. :) [12:58] can I see what version of a specif ic softwareubuntu repos have? [12:58] hi all [12:58] anirudh0: Are there any tuts for foremost on ubuntu [12:58] Kartagis: http://packages.ubuntu.com [12:58] Kartagis: packages.ubuntu.com [12:58] phantom, no [12:58] Kartagis: apt-cache show [12:58] jrib: Some topics are taboo here ? [12:59] anirudh0: Dosent it have a gui [12:59] julien_china, yes [12:59] phantom, look up man foremost [12:59] LaneLimited, instanbal and xvidcap are the other ones [12:59] i installed the adobe macromedia flash plugin from the add/remove programs dialog but I still can't seem to view swf's [12:59] phantom, no [12:59] afaik [12:59] marcat: what did you use for your vids and how do i get it? === Tophat_offwork is now known as Tophat [12:59] anirudh0:Thanx [12:59] LordFlashy, did you restart the browser? === RicardoPerez is now known as RicardoPerezLope [12:59] yeah === RicardoPerezLope is now known as Ricpelo [13:00] I had some other swf viewer in it previously though [13:00] LaneLimited, read the info on the vids http://youtube.com/watch?v=8o-swehxoyI [13:00] gnash? or something sounding like that [13:00] How can i try to identify the package which is causing the broken dependencies problem? can anyone guide me please? [13:00] is a database basically a huge array? [13:00] marcat: i just installed kiba-dock .... is it harder then that? that was easy, i guess... [13:00] LordFlashy: yes, there is flash-nonfree and gnash [13:00] What is a file with ~ behind it? For example, there is xorg.conf and there's xorg.conf~. [13:00] julien_china: the only topics allowed are ubuntu *support* [13:00] LordFlashy, adobe seams to be the best swf player at the moment, or lets say the fastest but it is fucking buggy. [13:01] chelz: more like a huge hash :-) [13:01] marcusklaas: some editors will save a backup copy before saving === Ricpelo is now known as RicardoPerez [13:01] marcusklaas: gedit is such an editor that makes a backup [13:01] I just find what I had wasn't very compatible with the sites I was at [13:01] ben_underscore: hash..? like md5 hash? [13:01] LaneLimited, just goto applications > add/ remove type in the names. Like i said i got recordMyDesktop to work on very old computer [13:01] Hello, I'm wondering if there's somewhere I can put an export for PATH for the local Gnome session. I can't seem to alter the environment vars for my local session. Any ideas? [13:01] Thanks chelz, astro76 [13:01] so do I need to remove the old on to make the adobe one work properly? [13:01] is there any difference in the different english locales..eng(us),eng(can),eng(gb),eng(au),eng(in), and others? [13:01] LordFlashy: uninstall one of both, two flash plugins in the same browser .. recepy for conflicts ;) [13:01] exit [13:02] marcat: thank you [13:02] LordFlashy, nice name, considering your current problem :) [13:02] will that be in firefox itself? [13:02] Lachlan how about ~/.bash_profile [13:02] Lachlan: ~/.profile [13:02] I'll try both of those, thanks guys. [13:02] someone owns lord_flashheart on this network [13:02] (are they different to bashrc? [13:02] ) [13:02] LordFlashy: no try removing it via synaptic [13:02] Lachlan, ~/.bashrc...ubuntu does [13:02] so I use this [13:02] LaneLimited, how bad of hardware do you have? i got recordmd to work by command line under IceWM on xubuntu [13:02] Lachlan: yes there's a difference, I always have to look it up though to remember ;) [13:02] Lachlan, does'nt use .bash_profile by default [13:03] How can i try to identify the package which is causing the broken dependencies problem? can anyone guide me please? [13:03] I have an export in .bashrc, but that doesn't seem to work. It works for terminal sessions, but not Gnome. (I'm trying to open eclipse from an icon on the desktop, says it can't find jvm, works in terminal) [13:03] Lachlan: right, .profile will do what you want ;) [13:03] Thanks astro76 :) [13:03] how can i make my kpkg built kernel build my initramfs too?? [13:03] Lachlan, unless the terminal is invoked, bashrc is not read [13:03] anirudh0: I had a setup running encrypted lvm over /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb (sda1 30gb ext3 partition, and using the whole sdb). But when i by accident ran this install, it fucked up the partition table, and created a 15mb partition on /dev/sda, and the rest is unallocated.. luckily the new partition is in the first 30gb partition that was only used for testing, but i really need to have back /dev/sda2.. [13:03] Lachlan, are you isntalling java? [13:04] twosharp, you are same are andre_ ? [13:04] ompaul: Where can I find the list of taboo topics ? [13:04] anirudh0: yes, sorry i had to change nick =) [13:04] how do i select login screen resolution ? [13:04] twosharp: did you try gparted (live cd) to check what's happening ? [13:04] Pramod_Helios: wait a minute. [13:04] Boris, press f4 [13:04] julien_china, you can't but you can look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines you can see what is encouraged [13:04] hey everyone :) [13:05] wow I had all three [13:05] twosharp, well...if you have repatitioned and _formatted_, then AFAIK there is no easy way to get data back [13:05] glitsj16: im running gparted now on the ubuntu livecd [13:05] no wonder it wasn't working [13:05] hi. im in the livecd, how do i mount my sda1? [13:05] lol Lordflashy [13:05] revilodraw, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt [13:05] julien_china: anything not ubuntu support is offtopic, that's the list. It's not taboo, it's just in a different channel (#ubuntu-offtopic) so people in this room can just get help with their ubuntu [13:06] LordFlashy, lord flashheart is a hp character, right? [13:06] Pramod_Helios: What did you type before you saw that apt wanted to remove all the list you mentionned ? [13:06] patric_: thank you!! [13:06] <[nrx]> hi folks, can anyone help me installing VMWare on Heron? The synaptic wont install it because it complains about unresolved dependencies [13:06] Blackadder [13:06] anirudh0: i have only repartioned, no data is overwritten because it only write to the first 15mb of sda1 and not touching sda2 [13:06] revilodraw, you are welcome [13:06] twosharp, you can get gparted on a usb flash drive. less over head that ubuntu live [13:06] i think it happened when i tried to install support for the Hindi Language and after that i tried to reinstall the swn-manager [13:06] Rick Mayall's multi series cameo [13:07] i mean awn-manager** [13:07] i have deleted a directory (the etc/samba folder) is there someway to recover it, please? [13:07] [nrx], hey, you need to adjust your /etc/apt/sources.list [13:07] patric_: hey hold on, this is bad. any linux user could use a livecd to gain access to a linux computer, since you bypass the login! [13:07] twosharp, i use gparted usualy with slax so i can poke around with slax then use gparted [13:07] !undelete | pembs [13:07] twosharp, wait for someone else to help you...i am not very certain of your case, and any wrong action now will completely destroy hopes of rrecovery [13:07] pembs: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html [13:07] <[nrx]> patric_, i've checked that, and it all seems to be okay [13:07] marcat: i know, but i need xchat also so i can be here chatting with you ;) [13:07] LordFlashy, yup..best comedy series ever imho [13:07] zSoilworker: nothing happens [13:07] astro, ok thanks ill have a look at that [13:07] revilodraw, and the same live cd will let you at the hard drive of a windows machine [13:07] marcat: Great video, thanks a lot!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* [13:07] twosharp, slax has irc clients. you can do a perma install [13:08] revilodraw, yes but you can set a BIOS password and set different boot options [13:08] it's a toos up between it and Jeeves and Wooster for me [13:08] pembs: yes in /usr/share/doc/samba/examples probably or the most simple is to type : [13:08] sudo apt-get remove --purge samba && sudo apt-get install samba [13:08] LaneLimited, the linux journal one? i use miro to get all those shows now that learned about it [13:08] patric_, yes..that is why you are supposed to disable boot from cd in bios [13:08] marcat: I didn't understand what miro was.... [13:08] [nrx], this things with the sources are mostly quiet strange, i would download the sources and compile it [13:08] The programs require the kernel module i8k.o which can be compiled from the package sources or found in Linux kernel 2.4.14 and later versions. [13:08] LordFlashy, lol..some same characters right..but jeeves and wooster seemed too slow paced to me [13:08] pembs: I was thinking you were trying to recover a custom config, but julien_china has made a very good point [13:09] Where can I get that kernel module? Thanks! [13:09] <[nrx]> patric_, do you know if it's a known issue with heron? [13:09] ompaul and patric; hmm very true, but i like to think linux is more secure... anyway. if you could help with one other thing, im still in the live cd, i want to copy some files to an external hdd, but the permissions are set to read only, what can i do? [13:09] LaneLimited, getmiro.com or org. it is an iptv aggeragotr, it downloads internet tv shows and manages them. its like itunes but for internet tv [13:09] KOJV, apt-file search [13:09] Hello, if I burn DVD content on a regular CD-R, can I play it on TV with a regular DVD player? I am using DeVeDe on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Wubi) on Toshiba Satellite M55. The DVD player attached to my TV is a Polaroid DHX1-1000A. Any pertinent information is helpful. If you think there might be another channel which might be of more help, please let me know about that too. Thank you. [13:09] marcat: nice [13:09] [nrx], how do mean that ? [13:09] marcat, but does'nt play audio [13:10] kushal_12_27_200: it should, is it not? [13:10] anirudh0, its not meant for audio, it is for IPTV. it will play sounds files [13:10] kushal_12_27_200: oh cd-r [13:10] anirudh0: please be more specific, I'm teh n00b. [13:10] kushal_12_27_200: probably not, some players might [13:10] anirudh0: ok, thank you very much for trying at least =) but what i need is actually just to find what sector the encrypted partition is starting on, and make a new partition table for /dev/sda where i make sda2 start from that sector and end with the last sector of the disk.. this way i can mount sda2 and continue as normal :P well at least get my files out :) [13:10] Hi, ls -l /media/cdrom [13:10] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 999 6 2008-03-20 04:50 /media/cdrom -> cdrom0 [13:10] marcat, yes of course...i meant itunes is also meant as an audio player right [13:10] julien, i have done that before and just tried again and get the same error message [13:10] LaneLimited, http://revision3.com/ http://getmiro.com/ http://www.geekbrief.tv/ http://dl.tv/ [13:10] what's this 999? [13:11] anirudh0, i said itunes for IPTV [13:11] twosharp, best of luck [13:11] <[nrx]> well, I was running it on 7.10 2 hours ago.. I've just upgraded to Heron and VMWare was complaining of issues. so I removed it.. and want to install it again. I'm guessing the repo's for Heron aren't quite sorted yet? === zSoilworker is now known as zSkr00w [13:11] anirudh0, iTunes is so terrible [13:11] astro76, do you think it is worth the trouble. [13:11] edgy, looks to me like something broke it [13:11] KOJV, i meant for you to type that command in a terminal :) [13:11] julien, is there some way to copy etc/samba from the cd? [13:11] ompaul: for you what's the ownership there? [13:11] edgy: root.root [13:11] Anyone knows a good way to recover data on an ext2 partition that was accidentaly used under in Vmware for another OS ? (not sure if something was written on it, but the parition type is unkown now) [13:11] <[nrx]> loops? [13:11] edgy, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2008-05-11 13:59 cdrom -> cdrom0 [13:12] marcat, does consume a lot of mem and cpu..but not terrible..was one of the better players when i was on win [13:12] LaneLimited, IPTV + podcats + wiki + forum + IRC = massive knowledge [13:12] HiTo, use foremost. [13:12] edgy, note that it is a link so look at that which points to it [13:12] pembs: yes from the alternate CD maybe, but it's far more complicated than the command line I have given to you. [13:12] [nrx], ok now i get you. when you upgrade some package will be removed. and i looks like vmware needed some of them. VMWare isnt in the actual package mirror so you need to compile, unless you find something finished on the web [13:12] marcat, or massive time waste :) [13:12] anirudh0, well miro is a system whore for me [13:12] !language | marcat [13:12] marcat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [13:12] <[nrx]> it was for 7.10 :/ [13:12] julien, i just used that line annd got the sam error message [13:13] same error [13:13] lol ok... [13:13] sry for my bad english [nrx] [13:13] anirudh0 i will try [13:13] When using firefox how do you open the java console to see errors? [13:13] how can i make my kpkg built kernel build my initramfs too?? [13:13] HiTo, good luck...run it as root [13:13] pembs: the line is : sudo apt-get remove --purge samba && apt-get install samba [13:13] it's rock solid. [13:13] !kernel [13:13] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [13:14] hi. i have afew questions about ubuntu. Id like to use it abit for gaming, downloading and movies etc. Also for using photoshop. Are all these things possible with ubuntu? Secondly, i lan quite often (gaming lan) and id like to know if it has any problems connecting to computers with windows? === zSkr00w is now known as zSoilworker [13:14] ompaul, astro76: [13:14] $ sudo chown root.root /media/cdrom ; ls -ld /media/cdrom [13:14] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 999 6 2008-03-20 04:50 /media/cdrom -> cdrom0 [13:14] perfector, hey... search in google kernel compiling the ubuntu way. [13:14] pembs: sorry it is sudo apt-get remove --purge samba && sudo apt-get install samba [13:14] i've problems with my headset, i changed the audio settings can anyone help me? thanks [13:14] ompaul, astro76: how can I change the ownership of a symlink? [13:14] just want to say that 8.04 has been a total disaster for me. my system lockup regularly and many other little weirdness's , about ready to try a new distro as i have had so many different problems [13:14] edgy: chown -h [13:14] chimp: Ctrl+Shift+J [13:14] julien, yes, I did that now, 2 minutes ago after you said,and got the same error messages as before [13:15] pembs: && means : execute the command after only if the one before has exited with success. [13:15] g'day [13:15] glitsj16: Thats the firefox error console, i need the ones for java [13:15] astro76: thanks! this is new to me ;) [13:15] I get choppy MP3 playback in Ubuntu. Can anyone suggest a resolution? Currently using VLC and Mplayer. Intel core 2 duo with 2gb ram, machine is running good hardware. [13:15] What version Xorg is in Ubuntu 8.04? [13:15] 7.0? [13:15] anirudh0 thanks, will try that [13:15] !wine | colips0 [13:15] colips0: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [13:15] BonezAU, what audio driver do you use? [13:15] chimp_: misread your question, sorry, dunno about java console but i'll check, brb [13:15] julien, yes, I did that now, 2 minutes ago after you said,and got the same error messages as before [13:16] marcusklaas: 7.3 i think [13:16] patric_, i'm unsure. can you please tell me how to check? [13:16] I read on a site that linux in last august held only 1.34 % of the market.. Could it really be THAT low? === tdoggette_ is now known as tdoggette [13:16] Thanks julien [13:16] julien, the first part succeeds, the second fails [13:16] Sorry, the machine hung. Please repeat any messages to me. Thanks! [13:16] pembs: what is the error message ? [13:16] edgy, so now that I got back in my chair - you need to tackle the device that it points from [13:16] julien, its quite short so ill send here. Generating /etc/default/samba... [13:16] * Starting Samba daemons [fail] [13:16] invoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed. [13:16] dpkg: error processing samba (--configure): [13:16] subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [13:16] Errors were encountered while processing: [13:16] pembs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:16] samba [13:16] gronne: on the desktop market, yes it's that low [13:16] BonezAU, sure. Can you see the little speaker on your top-panel. Right-Click and go to Preferences [13:16] hi, whenever I plugged a digital camera or memory stick in, it used to automount, but it stopped doing that recently. How do I get it to automount stuff again? [13:16] ok thanks. but has any one had experience with connecting Linux to a windows comp over lan? === KOJ1 is now known as KOJV [13:17] patric_, HDA (Intel Mixer) [13:17] oh sorry it seems it was too big, ill paste next time [13:17] colips0, yes..counter strike works brilliantly [13:17] patric_, sorry, i mean HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer) [13:17] colinma, age of empires also works [13:17] BonezAU, ok =) [13:17] ompaul: the device is already with correct ownership but astro76 told me how to change the symlink and now it's fixed [13:17] Anyone? I know someone wrote to me. Please repeat, thanks! [13:17] colips0, and quake rocks [13:17] pembs: do you have /etc/samba here now ? [13:17] what about games that use punkbuster? i heard afew people not being able to play games online with punkbuster? :/ [13:18] recon69.. ok, I think I see linux and ubuntu users everywhere.. Or maybe we're more keen on showing it... What other markets apart from the desktop would it be then? Laptop? [13:18] colips0, what is punkbuster [13:18] BonezAU, you got ALSA Drivers. That is the best one. hmm... do you have soundproblems in wine or normal? [13:18] astro76: ls -ld /media/sda1/ [13:18] drwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 28672 2008-04-24 15:28 /media/sda1/ [13:18] chimp: check settings (sun java control panel, there's an "advanced" section on the right which enables you to start the error console) .. is it sun's java that you run btw ? [13:18] julien, well I cann see it on the cd when i boot to the live cd [13:18] dave leadwood [13:18] astro76: why is this plugdev group needed? [13:18] its an anti cheat system used in many online games. ie bf3, cod4 etc [13:18] BF2* [13:18] astro76: this is my windows partition [13:18] gronne: servers [13:18] pembs: if you have /et/samba here, you can now try /etc/init.d/samba restart [13:18] patric_, I don't use wine. The only problem that I have is MP3 playback as far as i know. To be completely honest i'm not much of a multimedia person :) [13:18] pembs: with sudo at front of course [13:18] recon69.. I read another right now: "Linux went from 1.25 percent in May of 2007 to 2.02 percent in March of 2008. That is 61.6 percent increase in market share in nine months. [Put another way,] that is 82 percent annual growth in installed computers." [13:18] colips0, i've only played over lan..ports blocked fot the internet :) [13:19] julien, ok i misunderstood, no i dont have a copy. can i just boot to the cd, copy the folder and then do that? [13:19] recon69: if that's true, something may actually happen [13:19] kayak zambezi [13:19] colips0, otherwise we'd play 24x7 :) [13:19] BonezAU, yeah multimedia isn't that multimedia OS ^^ [13:19] is there a way to install linux over xp or do i need to reformat? [13:19] hi, whenever I plugged a digital camera or memory stick in, it used to automount, but it stopped doing that recently. How do I get it to automount stuff again? [13:19] Hi all, I have a Asus Travelmate 5720 and can only get sound to work with OSS... Can I make it work with ALSA or Pulse? [13:20] patric_, i'm a geek, not a torrent whoring movie downloaded :) I have been using linux since back in the slackware 2.0 days... i don't play games but like the odd bit of background music. It just seems choppy all the time! [13:20] KOJV: You probably have that kernel module available. Try 'sudo modprobe i8k' to load it [13:20] !wubi> colips0 [13:20] !install colips0 [13:20] Factoid install colips0 not found [13:20] selinuxium: checked the PulseAudio wiki ? Has loads of info ... [13:20] !install | colips0 [13:20] colips0: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [13:21] oops [13:21] BonezAU, wow nice. then you will have a higher linux skill, then i have. I'm just preparing for LPIC-102 certification.... [13:21] gronne: well I think linux has reached a turning point. you dont need to be a total computer geek to use it any more. as more people learn to use it it will spread faster. [13:21] kayak zambezi [13:21] thanks a lot guys! :D [13:21] BonezAU, anyway ... you could configure your driver with asound [13:21] colips0, any specific game you had in mind? [13:21] Thank you foldart, no result from that though. [13:21] BonezAU, no sry.. asoundconf... [13:22] i8kfans still won't run. [13:22] mainly call of duty 4 [13:22] anyone know why "report broken site" and "report web forgery" links in ff3b5 on hardy are disabled? [13:22] patric_, good luck to you! my employment means I have various Microsoft certifications... I am interested in doing some *nix certs that's for sure :) [13:22] KOJV, that modukle is not for the 2.6 kernel [13:22] ompaul, i8kfans? [13:22] patric_, ok, thanks for the tip, i've not heard of that package so I will check it out [13:22] colips0, friends said that it did'nt work for them [13:22] i know it can run on linux, i saw some vids on youtube, my main concern is if it will work over multiplayer [13:22] ~chan #redball [13:22] nkk, NFC, man [13:22] KOJV, the modules you tried to insert [13:22] <_RedderBall_> See you there! [13:22] recon69: sure, Ubuntu is not as easy as windows, but it gets better and better, but i think "we" need the shares, MS cannot keep dominating such important software [13:22] ompaul, okay. [13:22] KOJV, what are you trying to do? [13:22] BonezAU, Well thank you. I'm shure you can solve the rest alone.. Good Luck to you too [13:22] ompaul, run i8kfans. [13:23] how to run audacious on Ubuntu in terminal without exiting audaciuos when i close terminal? [13:23] HI ompaul [13:23] KOJV, what is that? [13:23] Zambezi river [13:23] ompaul, a program to control the system fans without the yellow wire. [13:23] BuFF, you can start a program with & [13:23] gronne: well I would question if ubuntu is harder to use than windows. [13:23] BuFF, then it will run in background . for example : gimp & [13:23] patric_: thanks dude [13:23] BuFF, look at the --headless option [13:24] ok [13:24] recon69, yes it's harder, but then you've got free online like with no other system.... (on ubuntu) [13:24] so could someone say, please? is it possible to boot to the cd, then copy the etc/samba folder? [13:24] free online support* [13:24] pembs, yes of course [13:24] pembs, do you need instructions how? [13:25] zSoilworker: both options are working here ... did you change any add-ons options lately ? [13:25] pembs, it is possible..but it might not do what you hope it will [13:25] patric, im not entirely clear, the right-click copy doenst seem to work [13:25] recon69: Well i certainly think so. I may be bad at learning, but I'm still far better than most, and I can have a major pain in the ass installing software... libraries needed and all the various ways one needs to install software on is really annoying.. If installation gets easier and more one-way, I think we can gain some serious shares [13:25] anirudh, oh ok, is there a way which would woork? [13:26] pemps do you have a client for chatting while you do it? [13:26] KOJV: it's not harder if you consider all the problems windows have with viruses and spyware , a windows install generaly only lasts about a year and then has to be reinstalled to fix all the gunk it collects. and what can be easier that synaptic [13:26] Nobody knows how to make i8kfans work? [13:26] gronne, and most people have already forgotten ./configure :) [13:26] hey, it seems that my Ubuntu installer from my very newly aquired CD doesn't give the option of splitting my partition when I try to install it. I can either go for "Guided - use entire disk" or "Manual" (which doesn't work either)... [13:26] if anyone can help that'd be great [13:26] pembs, sorry...never used samba much [13:26] where to download the base-on pakages of chmsee? [13:26] patric, i could log on to my xp laptop and try using chhat with that [13:26] anirudh, oh ok [13:27] Atomic_Bedroom, run sudo gparted from terminal..after cancelling installer [13:27] pembs, ok do that, i can give you step by step instructions [13:27] is the full kernel source code in /usr/src/linux-header-2.6.... [13:27] anirudho: yeah? :) I've only used linux for 2 months, but I need to use it all the time :( Sure, synaptic is a major step forward, but things not on synaptic can still be hard [13:27] does anyone know a good non-gtk msn protocol client ? [13:27] patric, thanks. ill be five minutes or so. appreciate it [13:27] recon69: well I still consider Ubuntu a lot^H^H^H^H^H harder than Windows... yet, Windows can't come close to free online support like the one Ubuntu has. [13:27] marcat, when you downloaded it yes [13:27] how can i run it without installing? unless you want me to do it with the liveCD? [13:27] im trying to compile the kernel and wondered if i can you it from there, patric_ [13:27] Atomic_Bedroom, exactly [13:27] ok [13:28] yo [13:28] KOJV, that is not what you want as far as I can see - it is build for a previous generation I have tried looking up fans on google what kind of hardware have you got? [13:28] when when i run "apt-get update" it sticks on Waiting Headers [13:28] wont do anything else.. whats the matter [13:28] patric_, i upgraded to 8.04 and there are files in the directory, i dont know if it is the entier thing [13:28] marcat, did you download the sources and set the symlink on /usr/src/linux [13:28] flush, repo down [13:28] gronne: come off it, the stuff you get for free with Ubuntu you would have to pay mega-bucks for to MS. === Blasphemer is now known as rotted [13:28] what is with this openoffice.org update that does not want to install (partial upd (hardy 64 bit).. anyone else got that? [13:28] anirudh0 mkey.. but what do i do [13:28] marcat, first of all you should download all the sources using apt oder synaptic [13:28] flush, ping the site to check..like ping archive.ubuntu.com..and see if any packets return [13:28] gronne: there is a how to out there called how to install anything in ubuntu, google it, it demystifys installations of debs, rpm, tars etc [13:29] marcat, they are named like linux-kernel or something like that [13:29] anirudh0 it does reply [13:29] !pastebin [13:29] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [13:29] robg__: I love Ubuntu.. I'm only talking about market shares... gnuskool: ok, I'll check it up.. thanks [13:29] Resynchronise with Debian (r1108), Version 1:2.4.1~ooh680m14-1ubuntu1 [13:29] flush, strange..site's up..try manually browsing to the packages via firefox [13:29] How can I make ubuntu less ram eating? [13:29] gronne: free office program [13:30] /quit [13:30] debian, you could remove some static libraries [13:30] debian: change the policy to not cache stuff in ram, and then have to load it from disk all the time instead. let it use your ram, it's good for you. [13:30] debian, check what progs use more ram..stop using them if possible :) [13:30] debian: have you switched off desktop effects? [13:30] It is using 622+ 143swap [13:30] Ap4ch3: I suspect that it needs to pull in some new dependencies with the upgrade, so you probably need to run an apt-get dist-upgrade [13:30] patric_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15525/ [13:31] is there something for x3100 intel vga chips? [13:31] marcat, don't you want to compile the newest kernel? [13:31] i cant get my resolution over 1024x768. [13:31] debian, ram is _meant_ to be used..it increases the speed at which executables run...reading from disk all the time wil a)kill the disk eventually b)slow you down quite a bit [13:31] What is user/sbin/console-kit-daemin? [13:31] robg__: openoffice is probably great, I don't need it myself though, but it's crucial in order to get people over from win to linux... Is openoffice fully compatible with office on win? [13:31] patric_, what is the newest? i thought tha was fairly new [13:32] anirudh0: I have at least 3 years warranty on the disk. Or maybe five. [13:32] gronne: file formats may be a problem, but I can print a very decent letter with it. [13:32] i've problems with my headset, i changed the audio settings can anyone help me? thanks [13:32] Pici when i did that i got: The following packages will be REMOVED ... firefox firefox-3.0 firefox-3.0-gnome-support.. few others ..yikes! :P [13:33] I have like twenty: user/sbin/console-kit-daemon... They use some ram, what do they do? [13:33] <_adriaan> robg__,gronne : as long as you don't need exotic stuff, OOO works just fine === pyth0n is now known as PyTh0n === stunatra_ is now known as stunatra [13:33] robg__: maybe not anymore since ms convinced iso to make ooxml iso [13:33] shenlong: are you running ALSA ? [13:33] ok, gparted doesn't seem to want to let me resize my current partition [13:33] robg__, if letters are what you want maybe lyx can help you..i assure you that the letter will look _much_ better [13:33] W: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/u/unrar-nonfree/unrar_3.7.8-1_i386.deb [13:33] wtf now [13:33] adriaan: you can even do coloured graphics with it. [13:33] marcat, sry needed to reconnect [13:33] Ap4ch3: Thats not good either... maybe the rest of the packages just arent available for the ooo upgrade yet. [13:33] robg__: so my friend she needs to have office 2003 in order to work with her school-computers, because accordingly 2007 doesn't work... but openoffice wouldn't be able to that at all, right? [13:33] Atomic_Bedroom, please be more specific [13:34] flush: That mirror server is no longer online. [13:34] flush: Please use System>Administration>Software Sources to find a different mirror [13:34] <_adriaan> robg__: was that an ironic remark? Either that or I'm misunderstainding you :) [13:34] well, it's an ntfs at about 225 gig and when I click Resize/Move, the max i can make it is 225 gig and the min i can make it is 225 gig [13:34] flush, your repo might not have finished syncing with the main server [13:34] glitsj16 my settings are all automatic and USB Audio(Alsa mixer) i have a usb headset [13:34] gronne: you have to try it out to see if it meets your needs. [13:34] robg__: her needs, but ok :) I'm googling it now [13:35] adriaan: No I have actually printed coloured letterheads with it. [13:35] gronne: oo.o is mostly compatible with office formats before office 2007 [13:35] patric_, this is just practice, im not concerned with the newest version. I was wondering if that is all the code i needed. the stuff you said above i havent read else where [13:35] gronne: sometimes minor formatting issues [13:35] hmm i seem to have found that the ntfs on the disk is inconsistent [13:35] i'll chkdsk /f on windows :/ [13:35] shenlong: try running "alsamixer" from a terminal and check whether all channels are unmuted .. [13:35] ok astro76, that's interesting... I'll try to read up [13:35] I really like the desktop effects of ubuntu (compiz fusion) :D === puzzle is now known as pzl [13:36] is anyone here using multiple desktops? [13:36] c1|freaky: aren't we all? [13:36] glitsj16 i checked but they are not unmuted :( [13:36] flush, some packages might still be downloading at the repo's end...hence they are visible in sources, but not available for download [13:36] gronne: anything with macros of course is a problem, the latest oo.o will preserve vba macros, and allow their inspection in order to translate to oo.o's scripting language [13:36] <_adriaan> robg__: Ah, like that. Yes, that is obviously all fin. As I said, for normal use, it's definitely just fine. I meant when you expect (msoffice) macro's to work etc you might have a problem [13:36] marcat, ok just set a symlink of the sources you want to use to /usr/src/linux. and then go to /usr/src/linux and start the compiling [13:36] c1|freaky: do you mean virtual desktops or more than one monitor ? [13:37] bonjour [13:37] patric_, what is the reason for that? [13:37] adriaan: you print a coloured letterhead and then run it through the printer again to apply black text. [13:37] no avahi [13:37] j'ai une question que faut t'il faire après le mot de passe sur le boot d'ubuntu [13:37] !fr | franck [13:37] franck: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [13:37] shenlong: ubuntu hardy comes with PulseAudio system, do you have sound from speakers ? [13:37] astro76: sure, but if you're doing nothing fancy you should be ok? Was hard finding good info on compatibility between openoffice and office, unfortunately [13:38] marcat, huh i dunno it's in the fsh so ervery distributor needs to keep it this way [13:38] o [13:38] the latest ubuntu updates broke my firefox browser [13:38] <_adriaan> Ap4ch3: I had the same problem as you with the last update, although an apt-get dist-upgrade worked fine (no removing firefox or anything) [13:38] patric, should i boot to the live cd? [13:38] gronne: indeed [13:39] cryptovenom, how so? my address bar is gone and i have all back and forward arrows in its palce [13:39] gronne, ms office also runs under winw [13:39] *wine [13:39] marcat, but basicly its for peoble that compile 4 kernels a day. so they can just set the symlink to the newest sources and go to /usr/src and start compiling [13:39] pembs, hey! yes. ahm could you plz write patric_ thanks [13:39] glitsj16 my headset worked perfect then i tried my speakers and changed my audio settings, now my headset doesnt work [13:39] patric_ [13:39] patric_ ok thanks [13:39] marcat: Hello... I have got all 3 programs that video was talking about... Recordmydesktop wouldn't even load... and the other two, istanbul and xvidcap I could not find where my videos go or how to work them? =( [13:40] ndan le boot [13:40] !fr| franck [13:40] SVP [13:40] franck: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [13:40] anirudh0: Ok, I'm eager to have things running well natively though, and as compatible with it's windows counterpart as possible [13:40] !screencast [13:40] Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [13:40] shenlong: where did you change your audio settings ? Logic would advise to re-check them from the same place (don't have a lot of info to go on sorry) [13:40] heya [13:41] hey guys, i'm trying to install the driver for my wireless card, but when i run a command which needs to download something from ubnutu.beryl-project.org, it gives me this and sticks on it for about 5-10 minutes then it diaplays an error saying it can't download the file: 89% [Connecting to ubuntu.beryl-project.org (] [13:41] hey Assid [13:41] do you know a script that install /var/cache/apt/archives [13:41] @Assid hello [13:41] anyone here got openvz working on ubuntu host [13:41] i cant get the kernel to boot [13:41] hay === administrator is now known as lewisbeechey [13:41] hi [13:41] got intrmfs Assid ? [13:41] glitsj16 system preferences audio .. i changed almost all and i cant remember my old settings :( [13:41] automatically check if the programs are in ubuntu don't install if thes programs aren't in the pc install them [13:42] patric_: shouldnt it take care of it itself [13:42] dave12: I'm not sure what you mean. [13:42] Assid, no the debian program does that [13:43] "This kernel require the following features not present on the CPU: 0:6" [13:43] thats what i get [13:43] Assid, Ubuntu isn't so considered about the hardcore kernel-compiler! [13:43] shenlong: i'm running xubuntu and ubuntustudio, maybe someone with a view on the exact ubuntu menu system can guide you along .. [13:43] i am having a problem with the updating the system...doesnt update [13:43] i'm with ubuntu hardy proposed and an upgrade have removed firefox-3.0 :-/ [13:43] patric_: nevertheless, if a openvz kernel exists.. it should work [13:43] what don't you understand [13:43] thats the whole idea of choosing the openvz kernel [13:44] dimas869, do you got your network driver working? or your proxy seetings set? [13:44] KLes_, perhaps we are finally seeing the coming of RC1 [13:44] hi.. [13:44] patric_: you have it working? [13:44] i have a t41, i see there are issues with the sound card in hardy, would people suggest that i go with edgy or dapper (dapper is what i am chatting with to you on using a imb t41 sound works fine here) [13:44] how do i get firefox back, the latest updates remove my firefox browser [13:44] <^NighT^WalkeR^> hey guys... i have a friend that has just installed linux, and now vista wont boot (it shows in grub loader)... is there any way i can change from grub loader to vista's bootloader? from linux that is... i can't use easyBCD because i can't start vista [13:45] I gave up on flash in linux, now running FF3 in wine and flash works perfectly [13:45] patric_ as you mention now i did change the networking to principal === Idefix_ is now known as BezNalogov [13:45] *that second t41 sould say t22 [13:45] Assid, i could only getting it to work with you using the debian tools, that compile it to a debian file. there's a good tutorial just google for: Kernel Compiling, the ubuntu way. i got it working with that [13:45] patric_ ok im in the live cd [13:45] anirudh0: yes but now, I'm without any firefox :-( === KLes_ is now known as klesssou [13:45] do you know a script that install all programs of /var/cache/apt/archives [13:45] is there _ANY_ way to voice chat through msn network in Ubuntu? [13:45] pembs, ok good. open a terminal and write "sudo sh" [13:45] klesssou,waiting for a few hours will bring it back...as they say "new and improved" :) [13:45] LaneLimited, umm one uses /temp and i thought home for the other. if you apt-get installed them they all should have had their depencies taken care of [13:46] patric_, right [13:46] patric_ but i did that in synaptic [13:46] dave12, Tryed sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/* [13:46] dave12, you could write one..should only be 5 lines [13:46] pembs, which partition do you want to mount? === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [13:46] how do i get firefox back, the latest updates remove my firefox browser? [13:47] patric_, im not sure i know [13:47] patric_: nowaks repository didnt work for you either? [13:47] DOOM_NX: did you try gaim-vv ? [13:47] cryptovenom, wait for a few hrs..rc1 is coming [13:47] my_haz, no [13:47] ok [13:47] pembs, you need to mount the partition you want to copy and the external device or whatyouwant [13:47] hi [13:47] my_haz, what is it? [13:47] Hello. I am installing Ubuntu 8.04 on my notebook (Toshiba Satellite L350. During the installation it says that no network card has been detected and that I should install a driver. I try to install from the alternate cd. When I look with lspci it says that it found a RTL8101e network card. What should I do? [13:47] ok do you know which directory it was? [13:47] DOOM_NX: its still in beta or less i think but its a gaim with voice [13:47] pembs, do you know which directory it was? [13:47] sg [13:47] asdg [13:47] sdgf [13:47] asdg [13:47] asdg [13:47] sonbx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:47] patric_, etc/samba [13:48] Assid, it dunno that [13:48] "GDM could not write to your authorization file..." [13:48] pembs, ok. do df [13:48] except for disk space, does any1 know how to fix this? [13:48] patric_: https://edge.launchpad.net/~compbrain/+archive [13:48] marcat: i think i see where one is going..... I installed recordmydesktop just fine i beleive.... how come it won't load? Also How can i see how BIG a file is inside ubuntu? like how many mb's? [13:48] has anyone tried the asus EEE? [13:48] any advice on edgy vs dapper? [13:49] patric_, ok i have a load of results [13:49] patric_ when i try to update saids not been able to do the updates and try to recuperate [13:49] BezNalogov: Ubuntu Alternate does on online automatic network configuration. Alternate must be installed with a live internet conection. [13:49] my_haz: Edgy is end of life and is no longer supported. [13:49] Guillaum3, wrond permissions on the said file? [13:49] HII [13:49] LaneLimited, idk what you meanby ubuntu. the file if it is ogg is the recording or the fragments of it. try running recordMydesk from command line and see if it give you any errros [13:49] dimas869, sry kind of overloaded atm [13:49] I know that, but why it doesn't see my network card, it's there [13:49] patric_ got ya [13:49] Pici: how long does dapper have to live? [13:49] How I can load it? [13:50] pembs, how many partitions do you have? [13:50] anirudh0: somehow my /tmp directory's permissions has changed how do i set it back to: Access: (1777/drwxrwxrwt) [13:50] my_haz, lol...its as if you were talking about someone [13:50] Anyone knows how to get the network card running before a user logs in and without deactivating the network-manager-applet? [13:50] BezNalogov: if hardware is not detected then Ubuntu is not suitable. [13:50] do you know a script that install all programs who are in /var/cache/apt/archives [13:50] Guillaum3, chmod...for more info look up the manual page [13:50] marcat: thats the thing.... recordmydesktop is not in my start menu but it types it's self in the alt+F2 screen... but don't load and is a sleeping process [13:50] anirudh0: LOL! [13:50] my_haz: June 2009 on the desktop, 2011 on the server. [13:50] dave12, sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/* [13:50] my_haz, gaim-vv is no longer supported and it doesn't include msn support :( [13:50] So I should try to install it with the standard install cd? [13:50] LaneLimited, you need to install gtkrecordmydesktop [13:51] patric_, ok on my hard drive there is just the swap file and the main partition [13:51] how do I get konversation to stop auto loading at boot. I use irssi. [13:51] DOOM_NX: wine? [13:51] Is it common for Ubuntu to output a lot of white noise on the audio devices? [13:51] hello [13:51] anirudh0: thanks [13:51] I make it [13:51] how is everyone doing today? [13:51] my_haz, wine with? [13:51] pembs, ok. Now do mount /dev/sda1 /mnt [13:51] avippy: no [13:51] dont work [13:51] BezNalogov: the Linux community has info on successful laptop installs. Consult Google. [13:51] Why does it do that for me then, my_haz? [13:51] avippy, you have an inbuilt mic? [13:51] dave12, Any errormessages? [13:52] I don't think so, anirudh0. [13:52] avippy, maybe mic vol is too loud...therefore noise input to mic is amplified and sent to speakers [13:52] patric_ok [13:52] oh [13:52] patric_ ok [13:52] avippy: i couldn't tell you, but its not normal [13:52] I really need some help on this evolution issue... when i do debug i get (evolution:19759): WARNING **: LDAP authentication failed (0xffffffff) ... the username and password are correct unless it has an old password cached somewhere... can anyone please help? [13:52] pembs, can you see it on the desktop? [13:52] chad: is it a pdf file? [13:52] Well, it has happened for all laptops I have installed Ubuntu on. [13:52] I thought it was just my crappy laptop. [13:52] error install [13:53] patric_ no [13:53] Damnit... seems my files are all messed up.... :'( [13:53] dave12, That can't be everything. Paste the complete output somewhere. [13:53] avippy: i have not had it on my t41 or t22, but i do have problems with multiple sources of sound with hardy on a t41 [13:53] my_haz: no... just trying to get evolution to be able to see my company GAL in exchange [13:53] avippy, do you hear a "tap-tap" sound from the speakers when you type something? [13:53] HiTo, by foremost? [13:53] pembs, ok do cd /mnt;ls [13:53] No, anirudh0. [13:53] how do I get konversation to stop auto loading at boot. [13:54] I need to sync apps of ubuntu pc1 on ubuntu pc2 automatically [13:54] bdog, you could try #kubuntu [13:54] patric_ ok [13:54] anirudh0 no, I recovered some files with PhotoRec 6.8... but there are some block in the middle of the movie, and it is not even the good format [13:54] ok thanks [13:54] I lauched foremost to see, but nothing is happening, I am reading the site, to see how it works [13:54] hey guys, i'm trying to install the driver for my wireless card, but when i run a command which needs to download something from ubnutu.beryl-project.org, it gives me this and sticks on it for about 5-10 minutes then it diaplays an error saying it can't download the file: 89% [Connecting to ubuntu.beryl-project.org (] [13:54] is there an alternative to filelight on gnome? [13:54] pembs, now you should some directorys be listed..right? [13:54] my_haz, regardless, it is still annoying. :( [13:54] some sites mention a package called baobab...but i dont find it in the repos [13:54] not smart ubuntu not smart at all, you send updates and kill firefox in the process [13:55] lewisbeechey: That repository is no longer online. Use System>Administration>Software sources to remove it [13:55] patric_ yeah there are abot 22 directories listed [13:55] HiTo, foremost only recovers what it can recover fully. [13:55] cryptovenom: ? [13:55] anirudh0 but maybe it can be corrupted no ? [13:55] Can someone help me install 173.14.05 new Nvidia x64 video driver.............??????????????????? [13:55] LaneLimited, how did you install it? [13:55] HiTo, what can be corrupted? [13:55] * Swish decided against installing x64 ubuntu [13:55] good now do cp -r /mnt/etc/samba / [13:55] LaneLimited, nvm [13:56] pembs, good now do cp -r /mnt/etc/samba / [13:56] considering I don't need a single process to use more than 2-3GB RAM, the incompatibilities introduced by 64bit are not worth it at the present time. [13:56] patric_, uh...does that copy data off other computers? [13:56] my_haz, have you fixed the multiple sources issue though? [13:56] !evolution [13:56] Factoid evolution not found [13:56] marcat, no it doesn't [13:56] I need to sync apps of ubuntu pc1 on ubuntu pc2 automatically how to make it? [13:57] Pici: What do i use instead of that repository? I need the wireless driver files for my notebook but every site i look at only has that repositiry listed on it [13:57] anirudh0 the file, as data (a little bit) was written on the disk after [13:57] patric_ ok, ill have to put it on anexternal drive then. ill have to plug that in first [13:57]  I really need some help on this evolution issue... when i do debug i get (evolution:19759): WARNING **: LDAP authentication failed (0xffffffff) ... the username and password are correct unless it has an old password cached somewhere... can anyone please help? [13:57] can someone help fix the updating system? [13:57] pembs, yes. external devices are normally mounted as /media/disk [13:57] marcat: I got it now..... works... thanks for your help [13:57] patric_: didnt help [13:57] lewisbeechey: Which driver? [13:58] gonna recompile the kernel .. lets see what happens [13:58] HiTo, i'm sorry, but i do not understand..you mean the file can be corrupted..yes it can..but foremost is your best bet on linux [13:58] LaneLimited, what are you recording? [13:58] pembs, so just do sudo cp -r /mnt/etc/samba/ /media/disk/samba [13:58] Pici: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI [13:58] How do I get rid of this error? W: GPG error: http://deb.wapper.ru ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 54A7B3680F240264 [13:58] HiTo, the better recovery progs are on windows though [13:58] pembs, I'm sry i need to go to a meeting now [13:58] marcat: nothing yet [13:58] pembs, good luck! [13:58] marcat: just like to know i can [13:58] anirudh0 I am reading the manual, but I don't see where I can specify the device to check [13:58] !broadcom | lewisbeechey [13:58] lewisbeechey: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [13:58] branstrom, add your repo gpg key...see their site for more detail [13:58] ok... [13:58] patric_ ok thanks ill try that htnaks for your help [13:59] marcat: wanna show some friends my screen [13:59] lewisbeechey: I dont have that card, but you shouldnt need that repository to get that to work [13:59] SOMEONEEEEEEEEE [13:59] HiTo, sudo foremost /dev/ ..something like that [13:59] anirudh0: pretty sure there's no key to add, but I don't want to be warned every time [13:59] how do i install nvidia video driverrrr [13:59] marcat: =) [13:59] hey...i am trying using apt-get update and the system tryed to get repositories from an old ubuntu version === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [13:59] branstrom, afaik every repo needs a key..wait a sec though [14:00] anirudh0: ah there it is... I think [14:00] Fixed a problem that caused OpenGL to stop rendering to windows with origins at or beyond 4096 pixels (horizontally) on GeForce 8 and 9 GPUs. [14:00] !nvidia [14:00] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [14:01] anirudh0 ok... lauching it, i will see, thanks, can easy recovery under windows recover ext2 files ? [14:01] HiTo, no [14:01] branstrom, sudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv F120156012B83718 [14:01] branstrom, replace the key number with the key you are missing [14:02] http://deb.wapper.ru/nginx/Release.gpg isn't the one I should be using? [14:02] branstrom, how should i know :) [14:02]  I really need some help on this evolution issue... when i do debug i get (evolution:19759): WARNING **: LDAP authentication failed (0xffffffff) ... the username and password are correct unless it has an old password cached somewhere... can anyone please help? [14:02] !evolution | chad [14:02] Factoid evolution not found [14:02] anirudh0: I believe it is, but if you look at the contents... is it the line that starts with F02 that I should use? [14:03] !evolution [14:03] okay guys..(for those who tried to help me here), the actual reason why POST was not working is..I configured two IPs in my machine === Tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [14:03] branstrom, 54A7B3680F240264 [14:03] with different gateway [14:03] anirudh0: where'd you get that? [14:03] could someone tell me a good repository for hardy medibuntu? [14:03] branstrom, from your previous post...it said "no pubkey 54A7B3680F240264" [14:04] chad, Evolution saves its data in ~/.evolution and somewhere below ~/.gnome2* [14:04] dimas869: www.medibuntu.org [14:04] robg__ thanks [14:04] anirudh0: ah... so the Release.gpg is a private key? Or what? Guh... I should read up on this stuff. [14:05] branstrom, once the key is imported..do sudo gpg --export --armor 54A7B3680F240264 | sudo apt-key add - [14:05] is there a calculator in ubuntu [14:05] branstrom, yes you should :) [14:05] lol === zaputr is now known as Deamon_of_Ubuntu [14:06] anirudh0: ah, wondered why it wasn't working ^^ [14:06] lw0x15: many... Applications > Accessories > Calculator for instance. [14:06] I think my issue is the LDAP one ... deleting the evolution data and setting everything back up produces the same results ... [14:06] branstrom, leaving now...your problem should be fixed === Deamon_of_Ubuntu is now known as zaputr [14:07] chad, Then check the logs of the ldap server. [14:07] wh [14:07] nbkr ... its an exchange 2003 enterprise server .. there is no ldap logs [14:07] How do I leave a message for a user the next time they log in? [14:07] pembs, i've got 10 minutes. how ware you doing? === mgallagh is now known as mattva01 [14:07] what is the name of the command which reconfigures x? [14:07] (here on FreeNode) [14:07] my_haz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [14:08] my_haz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [14:08] branstrom, /etc/issue === tero is now known as rc600 [14:08] patric_: (here on IRC) :) [14:08] chad, Sorry, but I don't know anything about Exchange. But I guess even Microsoft has something that produces a kind of log file. [14:08] the issue is not on the server .. its in evolution's ldap client somewhere [14:08] branstrom, o sry, ahm no idea [14:08] just cant seem to find it [14:08] :-( [14:09] patric_: no sweat, thanks for your trying to help ;) [14:09] weird is that it was working fine until yesterday afternoon [14:09] there now seems to be something wrong wth the partitioner [14:09] branstrom: /query memoserv help [14:09] been there for an hour and still at 0% [14:09] !bugz ldap [14:09] Factoid bugz ldap not found [14:09] chad, Maybe the administrators did an upgrade which broke the protocol. Did you change anything on your client? [14:09] is it possible to get a detached panel menu in gnome? [14:10] use openbox [14:10] hello everyone! [14:10] chad: There are 66 bugs related to openldap... you read them all? [14:10] hey byte_slace [14:11] patric_ oh are you still there? i mangaed just about i think to copy the samba to an external hard drive and am now rebopoting [14:11] servus @ all [14:11] I see webmin is back in the repositories... what gives? [14:11] pembs, yes my chief is again to late. great! [14:12] patric_ your chef? [14:12] pembs, yes [14:12] patric_, what do you cook? [14:12] y0, my hardy heron updated a couple of days ago and i started getting two copies of Ubuntu generic in my grub boot loader at startup? any one had this problem [14:13] pembs, I'm having no work all day long and this is driving me crazy [14:13] !manners | pembs [14:13] pembs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [14:13] Could somebody clarify the Ubuntu update policy for me, please? Do applications receive non-security-related upgrades? Eg: will Compiz be upgraded from 0.7.4 to 0.7.6? [14:13] i wanna build a backup server with ubuntu 8.04, but i've some doubts and even reading some articles these doubts still. basically i've 2x500GB WD sata HDD and 1 SGT ATA 250GB HDD to use as backup disk, and i've a small HDD for system and boot files. what should i do? waht kind of file system should i use? [14:13] marcat, am sry how did came to the idea i'm cooking? [14:13] patric_ i bet. ok i can see smaba on my external [14:13] rakan: you need to uninstall the older kernel is all [14:13] rakan: that happens when there is a kernel update. The old kernel is left, just in case the new one doesn't work for you [14:13] Oli```: no [14:13] patric_, chef/chief [14:13] not that i know if [14:14] versions stay equal during the lifetime of the release [14:14] ext3 is the more common, but i read is not very performant or speedy but is stable [14:14] Frogzoo, foldart: how do i delete the old kernel one? [14:14] how to uninstall kernel [14:14] marcat, i was talking about my boss! [14:14] only security fixes if applicable and bugfixes are backported [14:14] byte-slave: the installer usually takes care of formatting. Always ext3. [14:14] and it seems gparted is stuck on "scanning all devices" [14:14] oh [14:14] pembs, allright gongratulations [14:14] is there a console text editor which uses the CUA standard for cut/copy/paste and shift arrow keys for selection? [14:14] mgolisch: oh right, so it'll be available through backports? [14:15] patric_ should i uninstall smaba before doing anything? [14:15] Bollinger, fte might. if not you can always customze its keys. [14:15] rakan: Use synaptic [14:15] this has to be one of the most amazing things i have ever seen before, i just put my imb t22 harddrive into my t41, after reconfing X, the darn thing works, including random other stuff like wifi, there is a good, and her name is ubuntu! [14:15] Dr_willis: thanks I'll give it a try. [14:15] hi if I want to install raid0 ubuntu do I have to make boot partition EXT2 or it can be EXT3 ? [14:15] foldart: what should i look for in synaptic? [14:15] pembs, what do you want to do with your samba server? [14:15] foldart: thx [14:15]  I really need some help on this evolution issue... when i do debug i get (evolution:19759): WARNING **: LDAP authentication failed (0xffffffff) ... the username and password are correct unless it has an old password cached somewhere... can anyone please help? [14:16] now i am wondering if i should do a fresh install of dapper or not, as well as why i waisted so much time moving all my files to another hd [14:16] markotitel: the installer applies the formatting. Ext3 is just a development of Ext2. [14:16] Bollinger, i thought emacs did [14:16] patric_ well i would like to netowkr with my xp laptop, but i was having real problems doing so, which is how i decided to start again and ended up deleting the directory, but i wondered if i should uninstall before trying to move the samba folder to /etc [14:16] rakan: search for linux-image [14:17] Im doing manual partitioning because of radi [14:17] I have done a dist-upgrade this morning on my systems, and it removed firefox. And now I cant install it again [14:17] ompaul, I've got a Dell Inspiron 8200 with new, 2-wire fans (no yellow wire connected) and I need a software to make them run upon boot. [14:17] markotitel: manual partitioning is risky [14:17] I can install raid0 ubuntu and I can boot it just with help of Install CD [14:17] frostburn: I could never get the keys to work both from a console and over a ssh connection. [14:17] when you want to start fresh would i start without anything. and when the whole thing is running adjust your clients and load the data onto [14:17] there is no guided partitioning to setup RAID [14:17] markotitel, yes, there is guided partitioning to setup RAID in the ubuntu installer [14:18] pembs, when you want to start fresh would i start without anything. and when the whole thing is running adjust your clients and load the data onto [14:18] hm [14:18] Bollinger, you might hate me for suggesting this, you may wish to get acquainted with vi [14:18] exit [14:18] markotitel: not sure that ubuntu isos have been designed for RAID. [14:18] KOJV, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-74578.html [14:18] robg__, they have [14:18] can anyone tell me why i have a blank screen since i upgraded to hardy? [14:18] patric_ ok you lost be a bit there. ill uninstall samba and then try to move the samba folder into the directory and then try to reinstall samba, does that make sense? [14:18] rakan: easiest way, do this "sudo dpkg --purge linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic" [14:18] Ubuntu alternative CD is [14:18] Swish: then tell us how to do it. [14:19] pembs, not at all [14:19] can anyone point me to info on why the removal of firefox 3 beta 5 today? [14:19] remoteCTRL: blank during boot but login eventually appears? [14:19] pembs, i will publish a samba server howto in some days on my homepage. May you could try it then again [14:19] I'm looking for a good URL, but basically you can do a Manual setup of partition tables, pick the "use as" type as "physical volume for RAID" ... [14:20] rc600: so now that I'm using openbox, how do I get a detached panel menu? [14:20] remoteCTRL: just start it with f4 [14:20] markotitel: if you are installing a server then I suggest you get instructions from server manufacturer. [14:20] foldart: nope blank right after login [14:20] pdlnhr1: RC1 is out isn't it? [14:20] pdlnhr1: Do you have the proposed repositories enabled? [14:20] pembs, smbd configuration is really not easy [14:20] foldart: gnome failsafe is ok and kde is also ok only gnome regular not [14:20] no ubuntu gnome alternative CD because raid support [14:20] once you have more than one volume setup like that, you will see a new menu option in the debian/ubuntu partitioner that allows you to configure md-based RAID [14:20] pdlnhr1: you're not using Intrepid, are you? [14:20] And it finishes smoothly [14:20] patric_ ok thanks but i still need to repair the directroy with the etc/smamba fgile we just copied [14:20] zSoilworker: what you mean by that i dont understand? [14:20] i don't know how to answer any of those questions [14:21] remoteCTRL: hm, perhaps reconfigure X [14:21] then if you setup that md-based RAID for use as LVM, you'll get ANOTHER new menu item which will allow you to configure LVM :) [14:21] remoteCTRL: start it in safe graphics mode [14:21] Im on it now, but problem is I get Grub ERROR 2 when it tries to boot, then I boot CD UBUNTU altyernative and choose Boot From First HardDisk === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [14:21] branstrom: and i know RC1 isn't out yet but they released it with firefox 3 included... pretty crazy to remove it after the fact [14:21] then I use it noramlly [14:21] isn't 8.04 suppose to be LTS? [14:21] pdlnhr1: it is [14:21] foldart: i have purged x and gnome and even deleted my usersa nd their home directories, after that same effect... [14:21] branstrom, pdlnhr1 firefox2 is still in the repo, install it using synaptec [14:21] pembs, when you just want to move it. do cp -r /etc/samba /tmp;mv /media/disc/samba /etc/ [14:21] pdlnhr1: yes, well 8.04.1 [14:21] markotitel, /boot partition must be ext2 and should be RAID1 no LVM [14:22] pdlnhr1: If you have the proposed repositories enabled in System>Administration>Software Sources then this is normal. [14:22] zSoilworker: but then i dont have much of a graphics accel, do i? [14:22] and RAID should be statically built into the kernel (which it is) [14:22] How do I check my computer for 3D aceleration? [14:22] pdlnhr1: Proposed are potentially buggy and broken. [14:22] DVD works if I boot but not in the current [14:22] remoteCTRL: then I'm stumped sorry [14:22] Yop yop konrad147 ^^ [14:22] frostburn: I know enough vim to know that I will never be able to tolerate it, I've used CUA for the best part of 20 years. and going back to a modal editor with so many key strokes for simple cut and paste won't wash. (sorry) [14:22] KOJV, gkrellm-i8k - Dell Inspiron and Latitude module for GKrellM2 (i8krellm) i8kutils - utilities for Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel << install these you don't need to compile anything [14:22] remoteCTRL: It's just to see if that's the problem. [14:22] Chaluuuuut FLeiXiuS :) [14:22] screen resolution is fouled in [14:22] Boot partition is ext3 and is not LVM raid is sepparate, so I should try to isntall it in radi0 array also ? [14:22] foldart: k, dude thanks for trying... [14:22] remoteCTRL: np :) [14:23] aurelimiss22, :-) [14:23] Pici: than why release it at all... seems like something should have been resolved before releasing 8.04 [14:23] patric_ could you give me the url for your blog b4 you go pls. ill try tht cp now [14:23] zSoilworker: as i wrote above i can launch gnome in failsave mode and i can launch kde perfectly normal [14:23] S'lut sCOTTo [14:23] udma detection on dvd drives is apparently broken in current kernel [14:23] any recommendations [14:23] Bonjour arooni________aa :)) [14:23] Ouéé coucou wolfdart :) [14:23] glxgears === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [14:23] pembs, give me your email adress i will mail it to you [14:23] Wesh herzi bien ou bien ? XD [14:23] Is anybody else here suffering from bug #235462 ? [14:23] !fr | aurelimiss22 [14:23] Launchpad bug 235462 in linux "[regression] Broken suspend wakeup in kernel 2.6.24-17" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235462 [14:23] aurelimiss22: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [14:23] Hi, I'm KOJV, the official dumbnut IRCing on the machine that keeps hanging from overheating... please repeat any messages to me for the past five minutes. Thanks a lot! [14:23] !fr | aurelimiss22 [14:23] markotitel, robg__, http://dev.jerryweb.org/raid/ [14:24] Hellooo (ben_underscore) [14:24] that should help you [14:24] Coucouuu ericx :) [14:24] pdlnhr1: Proposed updates are NOT intended for regular users. [14:24] anyone with a v4l2 only webcam around? [14:24] Swish: I know that Dell issues "remastered" ubuntu iso's because standard ubuntu server does not install. [14:24] robg, URL? [14:24] ok i just realized its a compiz problem-.- [14:24] robg, and which ubuntu version are we talking about? [14:25] swish thx I will read it [14:25] welcome :) [14:25] pembs, here's mine patric.steiger@gmx.net, sry need to go [14:25] Can someone please help me get i8kfans running? It's a Debian project that I try to run on Xubuntu. Dell Inspiron 8200 with new, 2-wire fans (no yellow wire to control them). I need i8kfans to make the fans run. Works fine in Windows. Please help! [14:25] Swish: Al I know is that Dell provides the remastered iso with its servers. [14:25] Pici: where is this setting so that it never happens again.... i am in software sources... and looking at updates and do not see proposed updates [14:25] patric_ ok thanks for your help [14:26] How do I check my computer for 3D aceleration? [14:26] looks like Dell remastered 7.04 [14:26] Tobias78, gkrellm-i8k - Dell Inspiron and Latitude module for GKrellM2 (i8krellm) i8kutils - utilities for Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel << install these you don't need to compile anything [14:26] pdlnhr1: Check the third tab. [14:26] and 7.10 [14:26] What is the best sound card for ubuntu ? [14:26] aurelimiss22, Do I know you? [14:26] Pici: already there [14:26] pdlnhr1: third option [14:26] pdlnhr1: And? Is it checked? [14:26] Swish: Dell adds drivers and removes OpenOffice. [14:27] FLeiXiuS: it was a bot [14:27] Pici: do you mean Pre-released updates? [14:27] Im installing it once more :) C U L8R [14:27] ben_underscore, Oh..understood. Now I feel liek an idiot ;-) [14:27] if uncheck it can i get firefox 3 back [14:27] How can I make my wubi harddrive bigger? [14:27] Please, What is the best sound card for ubuntu ? [14:28] ompaul, I succeeded with installing i8kfans but I fail to run it. [14:28] pdlnhr1: you should uncheck it anyway. All thos updates get moved to option 2, Recommended updates, anyway [14:28] !best | abuyusuf [14:28] Tobias78, i8kutils [14:28] abuyusuf: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [14:28] ompaul, yes. [14:28] danbhfive: i file a lot of bug reports and thought getting the prerelase would be nice to help out the community.... i guess it isn't worth it [14:29] i will just download the executable and run it from my desktop [14:29] err.. patric_ you there? [14:29] err.. anyone here got openvz working? [14:30] foldart: OK, i need a normal sound card no production needs, So .. What is the most suitable one ? [14:31] I did distro upgrade, it halted on 17 minutes left to complete, i waited for 30 minutes but then i had power shortage, i rebooted and it says its 8.04 in terminal, fails to start x normally (no login screen, just orange background with a cursor). [14:31] Andycasss: restart the update [14:31] ikonia: How? [14:31] abuyusuf: i have annintel variety that seems to be well supported [14:31] How do I run a .sh file? [14:32] Andycasss: sudo apt-get upgrade [14:32] pdlnhr1: well, I REALLY don't know. What I said IS true, that packages in proposed get moved to updates. Proposed is for testing, and clearly, you have found the problem. But now, you gota wait till a fix is released, right? I dunno. Personally, I caught the broken dependency on ff3, and I am holding off on upgrading [14:32] abuyusuf: intel [14:32] debian: it's a shell script [14:32] debian: ./file.sh [14:32] hi guys. What is the command to reconfigure xorg again? [14:32] Steve-cal: It comes an error... [14:32] I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but all it asked me for was keyboard stuff [14:33] danbhfive: it just makes me less prone to fill out detailed bug reports in the future... oh well.. [14:33] Can someone please help me get i8kfans running? It's a Debian project that I try to run on Xubuntu. Dell Inspiron 8200 with new, 2-wire fans (no yellow wire to control them). I need i8kfans to make the fans run. Works fine in Windows. Please help! [14:33] * Assid needs help with openvz [14:33] debian: ...So what's the error? [14:33] gzip: sfx_archive.tar.gz: not in gzip format [14:33] gzip: sfx_archive.tar.gz: not in gzip format [14:33] debian: file sfx_archive.tar.gz: [14:33] gnuskool: do you mean built in one ? [14:33] !xconfig > talcite2 [14:34] ikonia: Got some dpkg was interrupted, have to use "dpkg --configure -a" to correct it, shall i do it? [14:34] Hey there i keep getting this message everytime i boot up "usb 1-1: can't read configurations, error -71" what does this mean? [14:34] abuyusuf: yeah [14:34] Andycasss: sounds good to me [14:34] ikonia: Is that a command? [14:34] debian: yes [14:34] Andycasss, you need sudo with that [14:34] ompaul: well spotted [14:34] and i lost my splash screen too [14:34] idk how [14:34] ikonia: sfx_archive.tar.gz: ERROR: cannot open `sfx_archive.tar.gz' (No such file or directory) [14:34] ikonia, I don't feel like it you want to file the bug ;-) [14:34] danbhfive: It doesn't work. There's no prompt for anything, it just rewrites the xorg.conf file [14:35] ompaul: shhhhhh [14:35] ikonia: Oh, it continues from where it left off, i remember now, i got the same prompts when it halted [14:35] debian, did you type "file sfx_archive.tar.gz" [14:35] Does anybody know where to file bugs against proposed updates ?? [14:35] Andycasss: well done [14:35] how do i fix this? [14:35] erUSUL, launchpad [14:35] gnuskool: i've built-in one also, but see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811393 [14:35] What happened to edgy in the apt repo? [14:35] talcite2: I guess if you want questions, you can try -plow, but this is out of my league [14:35] abuyusuf: here is a list of supported sound cards in ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards [14:36] ompaul: against the packages that failed? r is there a meta proposed thing? [14:36] ompaul: Copy, but I am sure there is no such file. It is only woopra_unix.sh! [14:36] pdlnhr1: if you like, I can break my system, and see if I can find a way to get ff3 back [14:36] debian: ?? ls -la 13:57 < ompaul> debian, did you type "file sfx_archive.tar.gz" [14:36] oops [14:36] erUSUL, against each package [14:36] debian: ls -la sfx_archive.tar.gz [14:36] ompaul: ok thanks [14:36] hello, any idea why i am unable to fetch packages from ca.archive.ubuntu.com? i hav a valid ip and can surf wired [14:36] Gh0st75: repo down ? [14:37] Hey there i keep getting this message everytime i boot up "usb 1-1: can't read configurations, error -71" what does this mean? [14:37] Gh0st75: firewall ? [14:37] hello, will openbox with gnome run well on my system is 256mb ram 1.4ghz processer and 64mb vram? [14:37] gnuskool: thanks, i'll see that .. but did you read my problem ( forums ) ? [14:37] no firewall, direct to modem [14:37] pdlnhr1: actually, I have some ideas already, but you let me know [14:37] trying to get the wireless working before i attempt connecting the router [14:37] Gh0st75: It's giving me horrible lag right now as well [14:37] danbhfive: nope.. not needed... i have d/l a copy to ~home/firefox and made a symlink... it is all good for now [14:37] liassist: i use it on 128mb ram 500mhz [14:37] ah, ok. so might be super coincidence, lol [14:37] ompaul: the thing is a loosed firefox3 due to the upgrades how i'm supposed to file the bug report now XXDD ( i loosed openoeffice.org too among other things) [14:37] abuyusuf: yeah let me check out something, 2 min [14:38] pdlnhr1: cool beens [14:38] <[nrx]> hey guys, i've just upgraded to Heron... i'm having issues with stuff freezing etc, but I don't have time to sort it - is it easy enough to downgrade back to 7.10? [14:38] ikonia: ls: cannot access sfx_archive.tar.gz: No such file or directory, It is only ONE file in my foler: woopra_unix.sh!! [14:38] gnuskool: OK [14:38] !bcm [14:38] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [14:38] i give ubuntu a try about once a year, was hoping this would be the year i could get wireless working, will have to check the repo later [14:38] but to release it as part of the distro of LTS and than remove it is confusing for a lot of people... especially after we have spent a lot of time getting plugins working correctly [14:38] erUSUL, this would be against the .1 or 8.10? [14:38] hi guys have a few questions for ya, #1 Is there a way to make Compiz fusion start up after every restart? and #2 how would i go about making link from my desktop to the documents folder?? [14:38] m13, i have ordered ubuntu-server how do i install gnome and then install opnbox3 (i have ubuntu and kubuntu desktop cd's) [14:38] they should not have released in 8.04 till it was ready [14:38] !broadcom [14:38] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [14:39] i deleted a directory file, etc/samba ive copied one from the cd to an external drive, but now cant get it to move to etc on the hard drive, could someone help, please [14:39] erUSUL, ask in motu methinks they know 93.763% of everything [14:39] erUSUL: If you are talking about the firefox removal in proposed, its already known. I dont have a bug # though. [14:39] liassist: isntall ubuntu , then isntall openbox and choose openbix w/ gnome [14:39] * Assid looks around for anyone who can assist in OPENVZ [14:39] ompaul: 8.10 i was offered "Partial upgrades" that only desinstalled things without installing the new packages [14:39] m13, can thus be done using the desktop cd (it is very slow and sometimes unresponsive) [14:39] *this [14:39] m13, i need the command [14:39] erUSUL: is it ff3? [14:39] Pici: the same happened with openoffice packages this morning [14:40] liassist: check on synaptic for openbox packages [14:40] erUSUL, talk in motu that is not for here the solution is though :) [14:40] debian: Just out of curiosity, what does "woopra_unix.sh" do? What are you trying to accomplish? [14:40] <[nrx]> hey guys, i've just upgraded to Heron... i'm having issues with stuff freezing etc, but I don't have time to sort it - is it easy enough to downgrade back to 7.10? [14:40] ompaul: i have asked in -devel no reponse (felt ignored :|) [14:40] Steve-cal: Real time website analytics, it instals a java client. [14:41] erUSUL, ask in #ubuntu-motu not devel [14:41] ompaul: thanks [14:41] Is edgy no longer supported? [14:41] erUSUL, or better yet #ubuntu-bugs === asizemore is now known as TangentCollision === TangentCollision is now known as asizemore [14:41] m13,iam completely new to ubuntu a little more elborate [14:41] PdUb101: right click on Documents folder choose make link. cut paste link on to Desktop [14:41] Sionide21, what was the release number? [14:41] debian: So it's not available in the repos, or there's no .deb package available? Where did you get that shell script? [14:42] !info openbox [14:42] openbox (source: openbox): standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 240 kB, installed size 1320 kB [14:42] Steve-cal: http://www.woopra.com/download/ [14:42] pdlnhr1: well, this is a bit off-topic, but I personally think they need more levels of "beta". There should be developer level beta, just to see if packages are broken. and power-user betas, for people who like to test software, and then user level betas, to get wider testing, and then a release. Maybe just more stages [14:43] when i try to copy a folder to etc to replace the one i deleted i get cp cannot stat '/etc/samba' [14:43] did anyone else have their updates remove firefox? [14:43] 6.10 [14:43] Gh0st75: I suspect lag is due to the 62Mb of what seems to be xorg updates [14:43] it's not updates. [14:43] wbrady: Only if you are running proposed updates. [14:43] liassist: system>administration>synaptic package manager -- search for openbox [14:43] it's Proposed. [14:43] legend2440, thanks any idea on fusion? [14:43] Pici: they proposed to remove firefox? why? [14:43] And yes, i have no firefox. [14:43] .. [14:43] wbrady: The update is broken. [14:44] m13, in the desktop cd (kubuntu is a lot more faster can i do the same with it) [14:44] abuyusuf: must be a realtek prob, im not familiar with your problem [14:44] ok, think i'd have better success if i tried again in a few minutes, or is this likely to be a longer issue? [14:44] ompaul: 6.10 [14:44] !info KDE | liassist [14:44] Pici: it won't let me reinstall it either [14:44] liassist: yes i guess , i dont use Kubuntu [14:44] wbrady: turn off hardy-proposed, and then try to reinstall [14:44] wbrady: Things in proposed are pretty much 'this may break your system, be careful' [14:44] hey there [14:44] danhfive: ok ill try [14:45] ill try in #kubuntu [14:45] Anyone know how to make Compiz Fusion load on startup?? [14:45] gnuskool: So, do you see that i replace my card ? === Oval_ is now known as Oval [14:45] i'd have to know if i have libgpg-error 1.0 installed, how do i do that //? [14:45] when will the day come when we will have full video card support on nvidia === roxahris_ is now known as roxandSLEEP [14:45] i just connected a USB serial port to my notebook, how do i see which serial port as assigned to it? [14:45] Sionide21, and that is more than 18 months ago is it not? [14:45] whats the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?? [14:45] abuyusuf: id say dig around a bit more before spending money, ask later maybe someone knows [14:45] PdUb101: problem is what? you have to restart compiz after every reboot? [14:46] PdUb101: the window manager [14:46] ompaul: yeah, Is that the supported lentgh? [14:46] yes [14:46] gnuskool: OK, thanks .. [14:46] I got no sound when using flash in Firefox. What shuld I do? [14:46] PdUb101: its gnome(ubuntu) vs kde(kubuntu) [14:46] is the guy who tried to help me with the dvd image yesterday still here? I've found the problem: my ram was corrupt. now I've replaced it, and it seems to work... :) [14:46] legend2440, ya, after every reboot i have to load compiz and then reload windows manager [14:46] Sionide21, unless you use LTS [14:46] yes. firefox is removed by updates [14:46] hi all [14:47] Hey .. i've a problem with playing any media type .. Can someone help ?? [14:47] andry: Yes, you have the Proposed repo enabled. Things in Proposed might be broken. [14:47] PdUb101: hardy? [14:47] ompaul: What confused me is the the dapper repo is still on all the servers but edgy seems to be gone. Is dapper somehow special? [14:47] debian: That is sure a monstrous shell script--3.5 MB. I'll take a quick look at it for you and see if I come up with anything. [14:47] is there a better version? or just personal preference? i tried kubuntu last night and now my splash screen says kubuntu but i think im using gnome [14:47] legend2440, yes [14:47] danbhfive: i turned off hardy proposed but it still won't let me reinstall [14:47] mar77i: Were you the fellow with the sudo not running issue but md5 looked ok? [14:47] wbrady: update repositories first [14:47] Steve-cal: It worked now, I downloaded it with wget to my debian ssh box, then here. Then it worked. Stupid firefox [14:47] Hello, I have a really big problem.. I had a setup running encrypted lvm over /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb (sda1 30gb ext3 partition, and using the whole sdb). But when i by accident ran this install, it fucked up the partition table, and created a 15mb partition on /dev/sda, and the rest is unallocated.. luckily the new partition is in the first 30gb partition that was only used for testing, but i really need to have back /dev/sda2.. No data is overwritten o [14:47] n the /dev/sda2 partition, but i cant find it with any tools (tested with testdisk, gpart and gparted) anyone know how i can do this? [14:48] wbrady: try going into synaptic, and removing all local packages [14:48] Pici: is there a launchpad bug # to watch for fix? [14:48] twosharp: Please watch the language here, thanks. [14:48] i'd have to know if i have libgpg-error 1.0 installed, how do i do that //? [14:48] nope, that didn't do it at all [14:48] Hey .. i've a problem with playing any media type .. Can someone help ?? [14:48] could some help me move a directory folder from my external drive to my etc folder please? i keep getting error messages and wwhen i try to drag it across i dont have permisssion [14:48] andry: Maybe, I dont have the # though. [14:48] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow didn't give me any video options either [14:48] UGH this is making me crazy.. i'm in hardy heron.. i have a file that is listed in the trash can.. but it won't let me delete it.. gives me an error "No such file or directory" and if i navigate to the trash in terminal.. that file isn't there for me to remove it there.. [14:48] this was only since hardy [14:48] andry: https://launchpad.net/bugs/235758 [14:48] Launchpad bug 235758 in xulrunner-1.9 "apt-get update removes firefox3, gnome user guide, et" [Undecided,New] [14:48] !trash | jayde_drag0n [14:48] jayde_drag0n: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [14:49] debian: Great, glad you have it working. [14:49] does anyone know how they redesigned the xorg setup in Hardy? [14:49] myrtti.. yah i got there just fine in terminal [14:49] I can't configure anything [14:49] Myrtti: but the file i want to delete is not showing up in terminal.. yet on the dektop its there and i can't delete it and the icon won't clear out [14:49] danbhfive: thanks. will have to use other browser to check that one [14:50] --> Can Some One Help Me With -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811393 ?? [14:50] did, anybody know how to install control center on Ubuntu? just like in PCLOS... or control panel on MS windows. [14:50] @Sionde21: edgy is not supported anymore. [14:50] andry: lol, there isnt really anything there... [14:50] jayde_drag0n: You did "ls -al" to show everything? [14:50] can anyone tell me how to find out which serial port is assigned to a usb serial adapter? [14:50] Steve-cal: yes [14:50] albech: probably ttyUSB0 [14:50] albech: try dmesg | grep USB [14:51] does anyone know in what way the devs redesigned the xserver system? [14:51] I can't find any video conf options in xorg.conf! [14:51] beyta: If you want something like the control center, you could try Kubuntu--it has "KDE System Settings" which is analogous. [14:51] The new ubuntu update removed firefox. [14:51] any idea why videos have blue color in hardy? [14:51] jayde_drag0n: And out of curiousity, what is the file name? Or do you know anything else about the file? [14:51] slashus2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9/+bug/235758 [14:51] Launchpad bug 235758 in xulrunner-1.9 "apt-get update removes firefox3, gnome user guide, et" [Undecided,New] [14:52] I've seen some fixes, but it makes either totem or xine work [14:52] Thanks. [14:52] none of the solutions make them both work simultaneously [14:52] When I'm running flash in firefox I don't get any sound. Any one know what I shuld do? [14:52] talcite2: can you manually change your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [14:52] Steve-cal: its a funky named torrent file [14:52] Anyone [14:52] --> Can Some One Help Me With -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811393 ?? [14:52] Steve-cal: ah... i do not wish to change into Kubuntu.. [14:53] can anyone help please? i deleted a directory which i have copied to an external drive from my cd, but i cannot move it to /etc [14:53] Steve-cal: it was a torrent i downloaded.. used and got what i wanted.. then deleted [14:53] glitsj16: yes, but under devices in xorg.conf, it just says "configured video device" [14:53] foldart: where is that mapped? not /dev/ttyUSB0 [14:53] can someone please tell me how to connect, via samba, to my usb hdd that's connected to my router? I have set up everything but i just can't connect to it? Samba never seems to work for me, even between computers... Please help someone? [14:53] Vikketorr: that's a now issue, try the adobe flash 10 beta, that solves it --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 [14:53] which tells me nothing. They totally redid the system for Hardy. [14:54] hy [14:54] jayde_drag0n: Well, try searching your entire HD for it: find / -iname "theexactname.torrent" -print [14:54] glitsj16, ok ill try [14:54] can anyone tell me how to get Compiz Fusion to load on startup? [14:54] talcite2: yes indeed, but you can still manually add the necessary sections (if you got the details for your specific card) [14:54] albech: it was a guess. If the driver for the the USB Serial loads automatically it usually sets up /dev/ttyUSB0. [14:55] how can I get the X libraries? [14:55] Kartagis: via synaptic [14:55] @pems: I advice to check cnd change (if necessary) the ownership of the directory. [14:55] --> Can Some One Help Me With -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811393 ? === buckhill`away is now known as buckhill [14:56] well im getting a message in dmesg that ttyUSB0 is attached, but nothing about where its mapped to [14:56] Vikketorr: read part B at that link, that's about flash [14:56] Why can't I use networkmanager to change the channel/frequency on my wireless card? :/ [14:56] i deleted a smaba directory, i have copied one from my cd to an external drive, but i cant move it to /etc, anyone able to help please? [14:56] albech: it's not 'mapped' anywhere, you can use that device to communicate to [14:56] jayde_drag0n: When you say "funky named", does it have special characters or something? What is the name exactly? Can you share it here? [14:57] albech: that's all you need [14:57] hmm... I have no idea whether this is even something to do with my card [14:57] rsk: what is it called? [14:57] abuyusuf: taking a look [14:57] Steve-cal: find / -iname _=Demonoid.com=_-The_Tipping_Point_By_Maclom_Gladwell_UNABRIDGED_1789044.435.torrent [14:57] QUILz: I think the channel is set by the hub, not the card [14:57] rsk: thanks .. Waiting .. [14:57] QUILz: That's a function of your router--your router chooses the channel, not your card. [14:57] well i need to hell my terminal where to look for a connection [14:57] hell = tell ;) [14:57] tell it /dev/ttyUSB0 [14:57] Steve-cal: and that produced nothing [14:57] what would be the opposite of this command: $ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge compiz* libcompiz* libdeco* emerald* libemerald* [14:58] im looking to reinstall all of those now [14:58] talcite2: what is the output of "glxinfo" ? [14:58] jbroome: that device doesnt exist [14:58] abuyusuf: replied [14:58] PdUb101: sudo apt-get install allthosepackages [14:58] danbhfive: I'm aware, but if I change the channel on the hub, my card won't find it. And I need to change the channel because there are about 4 APs around here... [14:58] jbroome, ok thanks :) [14:58] i deleted a smaba directory, i have copied one from my cd to an external drive, but i cant move it to /etc, anyone able to help please? [14:59] PdUb101: it won't be the complete reverse - you still lose local customisations.. [14:59] jayde_drag0n: Please copy and paste exactly, try this: [14:59] find / -iname "*1789044*" -print [14:59] rsk: what is it called? [14:59] QUILz: my guess is the channel you are picking is just not working. Try some others, see if that works. [14:59] Frogzoo, which is fine, im running into thte problem of compiz not loading when i start windows up so im hoping if i do a fresh install it might solve my problem [14:59] Frogzoo, pfft windows, i mean ubuntu [15:00] Ah OK, I'll try that later since it seems to be working fine now. Thanks [15:00] albech: 'ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0' and see what the group is. Then use 'groups' to see if you're in it. [15:00] what are X library package is called? [15:00] s/are/is [15:00] rsk: replied [15:01] foldart: the file doesnt exists.. 2 sec let me pastebin the dmesg rq [15:01] Kartagis: xorg [15:01] i deleted a smaba directory, i have copied one from my cd to an external drive, but i cant move it to /etc, anyone able to help please? [15:01] !xlibs [15:01] When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev [15:01] PdUb101: usual reason compiz fails is you're not running the right driver [15:01] Steve-cal: i think i found the problem.. but it still won't resolve.. its located on an exterior hard drive in the folder called trash-1000 but if i delete it there.. it just reappears... i can move it OUT of that folder.. and my trash clears up.. but if i move it to the trash from somewhere else.. it just goes back to trash-1000 and repeats [15:01] If I create an empty package with a certain name (like udev), can I stop apt-get from handling or complaining about that dependancy? [15:02] Can someone please help me get i8kfans running? It's a Debian project that I try to run on Xubuntu. Dell Inspiron 8200 with new, 2-wire fans (no yellow wire to control them). I need i8kfans to make the fans run. Works fine in Windows. Please help! [15:02] hello everyone [15:02] is there a way to delete the trash from the cli? [15:02] abuyusuf: pong [15:02] Steve-cal: I got it.. finally.. i had to cut it from trash-1000.. move it to the main space of the HD.. then move it to my main home directory.. delete it there... aaaannnd then it finally deletes [15:03] foldart: http://pastebin.ca/1033100 [15:03] nice name. lol [15:03] jayde_drag0n: Sounds like you may need to exorcise your HD. What a crazy problem, but glad you finally were able to delete that file. :) [15:03] Tobias78: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-216652.html [15:03] Steve-cal: LOL thanks.. apparantly just talking to you made me figure it out.. tech support magic :-D [15:04] rsk: OK, will reboot and come again [15:04] hey everyone. i need some help with intel's x3100 video card [15:04] is there a way to delete the trash from the command line? [15:04] jayde_drag0n: I guess so, and in the future you should mention that you have more than one HD... that is quite relevant. :) [15:04] i deleted a samba directory, i have copied one from my cd to an external drive, but i cant move it to /etc, anyone able to help please? [15:05] Steve-cal: i do have a dumb question for you tho... i came from windows and was quite proficient.. i can navigate in terminal pretty well.... BUT i don't know the command to go BACK a directory... just typing cd or cd.. takes me all the way back to the home directory and i have to start over [15:05] sparkyy: it'll be under ~/.trash in gnome.. [15:05] Thanks danbhfive, I'm gonna upgrade BIOS... [15:05] sparkyy: In Hardy? [15:05] i've got xchat version 0.11 and it doesnt show users on the right, how to turn it on? [15:05] i'm trying to run a game in a separate x session, but apparently hardware acceleration doesn't work when i do that [15:05] jayde_drag0n: try cd. [15:05] jayde_drag0n: No problem, I know how you feel. :) The command to go up one directory is "cd .." note the space. [15:05] yeah 8.04 [15:05] the game runs fine in the main x window [15:05] jayde_drag0n: cd - [15:05] jayde_drag0n: oh, listen to steve, i dont know crap [15:06] sparkyy: Trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash now [15:06] sparkyy: rm ~/.local/share/Trash/files/* [15:06] well I'm stumped [15:06] Frogzoo: fyi, Trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash in Hardy [15:06] ohhh its in .local I see [15:06] what kind of error would affect GDM and also xorg? [15:06] jayde_drag0n: cd - not what you are looking for, but you sill still find it useful [15:06] Pici: ah, thx [15:06] albech: and despite that there's no /dev/ttyUSB0 ? [15:06] Frogzoo, it works great, and im pretty sure i have the right driver, how would i go about checking that?? [15:06] AH HA... the space did it!! [15:06] finek: View > User List [15:06] foldart: nope [15:06] wooo [15:06] If I remember correctly... [15:07] Steve-cal: thank you!!! [15:07] albech: hrm, that's a bit wierd. I'm stumped at this point sorry. [15:07] is there a terminal mp3 player ??? [15:07] foldart: its ok.. thanks anyway [15:07] !mp3 [15:07] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [15:07] blah [15:07] does anyone have any experience running 3d applications in separate x sessions? [15:07] but in gnome version 0.11 there isnt view [15:07] albech: np :) [15:07] jayde_drag0n: No problem, I came from Windows too, so I know how you feel. [15:07] PdUb101: glxinfo | grep direct should say Yes [15:07] Tobias78: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/i8kutils/+bug/194335 [15:07] Vegombrei, mp123 [15:08] Launchpad bug 194335 in i8kutils "i8kutils does not create /proc/i8k" [Undecided,Confirmed] === pyth0n is now known as PyTh0n [15:08] jbroome: you have any ideas? [15:08] Pici, I can't delete it. I get: cannot remove - it is a directory [15:08] Hi, I've just installed Ubuntu Server on my server, with MySQL. Now I can't access it form an other computer, though on the same network. Any ideas if this is there's something I should take into consideration? [15:08] hi! Is there any way to prevent the Sticky Notes from minimizing automatically, I would like them to stay on the screen even when I click on an empty space on my desktop... [15:08] Vegombrei: mpg123, mplayer-nogui [15:08] sparkyy: You need to look in there to see what files to delete. [15:08] foldart: could it be that maybe i should enable serial ports in the bios on my notebook? [15:09] is it a good idea to burn a DVD iso that doesn't match the checksum but whose image was burned to the harddisk. I just want to install it. It's hardy 8 DVD. [15:09] foldart: even though its running through usb [15:09] probably not but just want to install it [15:09] stupidknight: Maybe try #ubuntu-server they can probably help you better there. :) [15:09] Pici, thats a bug right? I cant delete it in Gnome [15:09] Hi all. I f I install the 64bit version of ubuntu does that mean I have to run all 32bit programs in chroot? [15:09] albech: I doubt it. Doesn't seem logical. But sometimes these things aren't :) [15:09] sparkyy: Delete which? [15:09] Frogzoo, run glxinfo in a terminal?? (sorry new to ubuntu( [15:09] foldart: hehe true [15:10] any Gnome guru here ? :P [15:10] !ask [15:10] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:10] sparkyy: The actuall Trash directory, or something inside it? [15:10] kenshin: The md5 checksum match is so that you don't make a lot of coasters. Use a corrupted cd/dvd at your own risk [15:10] Pici, I deleted it normally in Gnome and the Trash will NOT empty [15:11] ok [15:11] ubottu, heh! no recursive questions ^-^ [15:11] der|kunstler: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [15:11] haha lol [15:11] kenshin: I certainly wouldn't burn it if the MD5 hash doesn't check, but suite yourself. [15:11] hey all [15:11] hey unr3a1 [15:12] anybody knows how to prevent the sticky notes from minimizing automatically ? [15:12] genii: I have done dozens of installs without checksum. I have the impression that checksum is actually harmful to the file. [15:12] rsk: i've another problem now .. [15:13] robg__-> they were put there for a purpose noh? [15:13] Pici, Its all set now. But the permissions where 700 on the files/directory for some reason... (in the Trash dir) [15:13] rsk: i done http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4874981 minutes ago .. after a restart, i've no any sound output devices available !! === sandeep is now known as skshandilya [15:13] what is the copy / paste website so you don't flood the room? [15:13] sparkyy: Odd. [15:13] !paste | PdUb101 [15:13] PdUb101: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [15:13] amenado: the risk of contamination during download is very small. === sandeep is now known as skshandilya [15:14] the proprietary drivers for my video card make my blender software crash.. is there a way i can have these drivers used for some programs? [15:14] Pici, looks to be a bug. I downloaded gparted and then deleted the iso. And the trash would NOT empty. Perhaps ubuntu really liked it. =P [15:14] robg__: But you just skipped verifying the MD5 checksums right? That's alot different than checking them and finding they are actually different. [15:14] robg__-> its not the contamination during download was the intent, its the malicious replacement of the files thats in the repository in case someone breaks into it [15:14] Jaikkuli: probably only if you write your own [15:14] Jaikkuli, are you using any compositing on your desktop ? [15:15] amenado: you have to be a genius to perform that malicious replacement. You also need a motive. [15:15] could someone look over this for me, not sure what im looking for, i was told to check my glxinfo and maek sure the grep direct says yes, but i dont' see grep anywhere http://paste.ubuntu.com/15541/ [15:15] Does it save any energy when the pc puts the display to sleep, while I dont really have a display? [15:15]  der|kunstler like compiz or something? no [15:15] robg__-> am not a genius, therefore i can not replace them myself, but certainly there are wily superduper leets that can.. [15:16] Running Xubuntu, this Inspiron 8200 suddenly hangs, with CapsLock and ScrollLock lights flashing. Anybody dare guess why? [15:16] rsk: Are you there ? [15:16] Jaikkuli, run blender on the command line and paste the message it dumps when the crash happens [15:16] robg__: On direct downloads the iso often gets corrupted actually. On torrent/jigdoo there is built in ckecksum checking of each fragment so less times is this method producing corrupt images. But it does happen. [15:16] Tobias78, kernel panic ? maybe ? [15:16]  der|kunstler it just says segmentation fault [15:16]  der|kunstler it happens pretty much whenever i add geometry into a scene [15:17]  der|kunstler including loading exsisting scenes [15:17] Jaikkuli, ok, 64-bit or 32-bit ? [15:17]  der|kunstler 64bit [15:17] genii: I have the impression that a slow download actually produces better files. [15:17] PdUb101: yes yours says direct rendering: Yes thats a good thing [15:17] Jaikkuli, are you running the 64-bit of blender ? [15:17] legend2440, ok thank you [15:17] wsup! [15:17] Andycasss: On the fourth line down on that pastebin file, it says "direct rendering: Yes" so I assume that's what you want. You're not searching for "grep"--grep is what does the search. :) [15:18] Andycasss: Ooops. Sorry that was meant for PdUb101. [15:18] Tobias78: did you see this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/i8kutils/+bug/194335 [15:18] Launchpad bug 194335 in i8kutils "i8kutils does not create /proc/i8k" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:18] PdUb101: Please see above ^ [15:18]  der|kunstler i should be.. i downloaded this version through SPM.. whch i believe by default gets the 64 bit version if possible.. but i also downloaded a tar of their later version.. which was certainly 64bit.. and yes it did the same thing [15:18] Steve-cal: Okay :) [15:18] Jaikkuli, what is your video card [15:19]  der|kunstler ATI Xpress 1100 [15:19] Jaikkuli, let me see something [15:19] Steve-cal, ok thank you - appreciate the insight [15:21] Jaikkuli, did you download this driver: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux64/linux64-radeon.html ? [15:21] how to play .rmvb [15:21] HEY everyone!!!! FF3 is fixed! go do your upgrades :p [15:21] PdUb101: No problem, I have sympathy for anyone who's rather new to Linux and doesn't know alot of the arcane commands, because I've been there, and I'm still there. :) [15:21]  der|kunstler mine were installed via notification of ubuntu.. i never visited a page in search of them [15:21] Hi, anyone knows what must I install to have rmj files work? [15:22] Does it save any power when the pc puts the display to sleep, while I dont really have a display? [15:22]  der|kunstler downloading now.. i will see if this differs [15:22] Steve-cal, would you happen to know a site that could give me a little more insight on some of the terminal commands for ubuntu hardy?? [15:22] how to play dvd? [15:23] !dvd [15:23] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [15:23] Andycasss: curious, you got no display? [15:23] Jaikkuli, yes, probably that might make a difference, though the feature for propietary drivers works very well... but I think it might be a blender thing [15:23] gnuskool: Im running my own server for experiments [15:23] PdUb101: this is a good site for some basic commands: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [15:23] danbhfive, FF3?? what is that? [15:23] Jaikkuli, try moving the .B.blend file to the Desktop to see if it makes a difference: mv $HOME/.B.blend $HOME/Desktop/B.blend [15:23] PdUb101: That's a good question.... I'm not sure of the best one, but here is a good one to get started: http://www.linuxcommand.org/ [15:24] u2, ubuntuguide.org [15:24]  der|kunstler i disagree.. i could successfully run it without the prop drivers [15:24] PdUb101: firefox 3 [15:24] My server upgrade from gutsy to hardy always fails.. and always when upgrading NFS in some way? Also I noticed it wouldnt shut down Apache... Should a upgrade be done in failsafe mode? [15:24] hi [15:24] blender is nearly all in C. crazy [15:25] how to install ccsm in 8.04 [15:25] Jaikkuli, that's definitely possible. But we can't disregard that possibility :) [15:25] Steve-cal, awesome thank you, im a long time windows user, and have dabbled in redhat suse, and ubuntu.. and it seems the more i play with ubuntu the more i love it.. hopefully be transitioning completely over to ubuntu in the near future ;) [15:25] Jaikkuli, try running blender after moving the B.blend file to the desktop with the command I gave you [15:25] hey guys [15:25] kari, apt-get ? [15:25] danbhfive, ahh great! thanks for the heads up [15:25] !ccsm | kari [15:25] kari: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [15:25] i have a ploblem with my laptop with hardy 8.04 [15:25] i need some help with x11. i think. [15:26] dont conect to wireless [15:26] ok abuyusuf cheking [15:26] sebrock: It is usually recommended when upgrading a live server to go to init level 1 [15:26] PdUb101: Sounds great--I came from Windows too. Good luck and stop in here whenever you have questions, and another great resource is www.ubuntuforums.org. [15:26] sektor666: what is the issue? [15:26] i think i'm unable to run a separate x session with hardware acceleration enabled [15:26] kari: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [15:27] i have a toshiba tecra A4 s211 with ipw2200 [15:27] der|kunstler: nope, no change [15:27] sektor666: what graphics card? lspci | grep -i graphics [15:27] my xorg.conf looks pretty empty, but hardware acceleration seems to work in the main window [15:27] Jaikkuli, the same segfault [15:27] hi sektor666, i have the same problem, which card do you have? [15:27] Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller [15:27] in other words - the dreaded X3100 [15:28] Installed a fresh hardy and sound concoler reconized as nvidia ck804 ac 97, but no sound even though unmuted [15:28] Jaikkuli, you can go to #blender and explain them what's going on, they might be able to help you with this issue [15:28] sektor666: ahh... those are blacklisted by compiz unfortunately and I'm not sure where. [15:28] what package do I need for qt 3.x header files? [15:28] mine is x1100 but have u try to install ati driver [15:28] http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/fg....19-1.i386.rpm [15:28] ichat: is your pulseaudio daemon running ? If not, try "pulseaudio -D" [15:28] blacklisted? are you sure? like i said, acceleration works fine in the main window [15:28] (I'm fairly sure it's not /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ... could be though, I haven't taken a close enough look) [15:28] i have full desktop effects enabled [15:29] der|kunstler: didnt know how to open in terminal.. but it appears to do be the same thing.. since it behaved exactly the same [15:29] bonjour, je cherche le canal français pour unbuntu. Quelqu'un aurait-il le lien? [15:29] sektor666: Yes, the maintainer of Compiz in Ubuntu blogged about it... hold on [15:29] Jaikkuli, ok [15:29] !fr | farfadet [15:29] farfadet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [15:30] thank you,gnuskool [15:30] h4eh [15:30] i try to install ubuntu from live cd with XFS [15:30] ounie: you have an xpress 1100? [15:30] does that work? [15:30] because it tolds something about it needs LILO [15:31] sektor666: http://www.realistanew.com/2007/09/23/compiz-in-ubuntu-update/ ... you have a 965 card... [15:31] Jaikkuli, well, you can try installing the drivers from the webpage, maybe that helps [15:32] der|kunstler: i am trying just now.. how do i install it? sorry, i am still newish to ubuntu [15:32] and linux [15:32] Can anyone suggest a cheap web hosting provider that will give me root and a static IP? I don't need a dedicated server, it can be virtual but I need root and the static ip. [15:32] genii: what is the difference from runlevel 2? [15:32] Jaikkuli, what's the name of the file you downloaded ? [15:32] .run [15:32] fde: hmm... i still don't quite understand. compiz is responsible for the desktop effects, right? [15:32] sektor666: yes [15:33] fde: well it's not desktop effects that i need in the separate x session. it's hardware acceleration for a game [15:33] fda: a game that runs fine in the main window [15:33] gnuskool, THANK YOU SO MUCH! That thread totally solved my problem! The program is now running. :) [15:33] sebrock: In debian and ubuntu runlevels 2,3,4, and 5 are identical. So it's like the difference on other linux init systems between 1 and 3 [15:33] sektor666: ahhh... sorry. [15:33] Now I just need to find out how to a) put it in the systray and b) make it autostart. [15:33] glitsj16 - playing any sound give no error at all - nor any sound [15:33] Anyone have experience getting a Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T USB2 stick running? dvb-usb isn't appearing in dmesg... [15:34] Now I just need to find out how to a) put it in the systray and b) make it autostart. [15:34] is there an easy terminal command that prints JUST your ip address? [15:34] Question please, i did a sudo apt-get install compiz* libcompiz* libdeco* emerald* libemerald* and it ran into an error at the end http://paste.ubuntu.com/15546/ [15:34] Jaikkuli, do this: sh filename.run [15:34] fda: of course it's just a guess that the lack of h/w acceleration is the problem [15:34] Jaikkuli, tell me the exact filename [15:34] Anyone know how to put i8k in startup and place it in the systray? [15:34] fde: but the game runs at 15fps in the main window and at 1 fps in the separate session [15:34] español [15:35] !es | arcadio [15:35] arcadio: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [15:35] ichat: hmm, can you pastebin your .asoundrc and /etc/asoundconf ? I'll take a look [15:35] <_0tt0v0nc4t_> Is it posible to get vidalia/tor working with firefox 3? [15:35] arcadio, hola [15:35] genii, I know. But runlevel one is basically just a kernel and a shell running? No other programs? [15:35] Tobias78: To run it on startup you can use System > Admin/Prefs > Sessions (assuming you don't need to run it as root--do you?) [15:36] fde: i thought it might be xorg.conf-related, but then the main x session would be affected too, right? [15:36] sektor666: correct... I've never attempted to run multiple xsessions though, so I'm not sure if that's normal or what... [15:36] der|kunstler: ati-driver-installer-8-5-x86.x86_64 [15:36] Jaikkuli, thanks, gimme a sec [15:37] fde: from what i managed to establish, the script i use to start the game in a separate x session works for users with ati and nvidia cards. so it might be intel-related too [15:37] Tobias78: And I've not tried, it but "alltray" claims to dock any application to the system tray. You could try that. [15:37] sebrock: runlevel 1 is single user mode. As opposed to multiple-user mode. So as the system is updating in this mode, less chance of exploit or data corruption from stopped/restarted services which people are using when the update is applied. [15:37] Jaikkuli, try this: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.36.5-inst.html [15:37] any idea how I get an Outlook .msg file to open in Ubuntu ? [15:38] sektor666: perhaps... would appear support for that card isn't particularly good if Compiz guys aren't allowing it to be used. [15:38] buckhill, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=247085 [15:38] where can i get libgstreamer0.8-0 for ubuntu 8.04, [15:38] sebrock: A more elegant overall solution of course is to have another box that has been recently rsynced and apply the updates to that for testing before migrating it to the live box. [15:38] Using 8.04, Is there a way to obtain the kernel source that was used to build the first kernel without having to recompile the kernel to get the /include/version.h ? [15:38] der|kunstler: nice one. thanks. [15:38] fde: since i'm new to linux, i don't even know which part of x's configuration is responsible for enabling/disabling acceleration, so i'm not even sure where to start diagnosing the problem [15:38] love this channel ... [15:38] Steve-cal, thanks, but i8k is suppose to hang on to the systray by itself... thanks a lot for directing me to auto-start. [15:38] :-) [15:39] genii, I have done a HD clone so no worries there :D [15:39] buckhill, welcome! :P [15:39] Camorama reports it 'Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) but webam works in aMSN and the webcam light flashes once as i start camorama up. any ideas? [15:39] However, I wonder why the switch in runlevels is not suggested in the Ubuntu documents. [15:39] genii ^^ [15:39] i think xfs is the better choice on a notebook [15:40] because it has a battery [15:40] how do i get the grub bootloader onto the local disk? i've got the appropriate menu.lst and know the partition map... i ran grub-install on /dev/sda7, but it doesn't come up with the menu at boot. [15:40] Pici, Thanks man! [15:40] Pici, Have a great day! === lewis is now known as lewisbeechey [15:40] sparkyy: Sure, you too [15:40] is there an application/script in ubuntu that automatically reconfigures my xorg.conf based on my hardware? [15:40] does Hardy have mod_rewrite included in the apache2 package? [15:40] der|kunstler: it says to go to /usr/share/ati but i dont have that ati folder there, it doesnt exsist [15:40] Jaikkuli, ok, let's see [15:41] sektor666: nvidia-xconfig will [15:41] yeah, but unfortunately i have an intel gfx card [15:41] sektor666: sorry then, i dunno [15:41] sektor666: can't you tell apt to reconfigure it? [15:41] I'm using 8.04, Is there a way to obtain the kernel source that was used to build the first kernel without having to recompile the kernel to get the /include/version.h ? [15:41] djin1: you want the kernel source for your kernel? [15:42] uhhh maybe i could. but i'm a total linux noob. so how do i do that? [15:42] I know how to obtain the source, but isn't there an option to get the source that was used for installation so I don't have to recompile the kernel? [15:42] bonjour [15:42] je cherche le canal français... === lonejack is now known as insalatina [15:42] !fr | farfadet [15:42] farfadet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [15:42] if you just want the source, you shouldn't have to compile anything? [15:42] jabba: I believe you have to run "grub-install /dev/sda" and not sda7, but make sure you use that command while you are in the OS on sda7; that will make the MBR point to sda7. [15:42] When I'm setting my server to static ip, for the 'network' setting what do I put there? I have been given this from my hosting company(with stars for some of the numbers) *.*.*.122/29 === sybarite1 is now known as sybariten [15:43] rsk: reached any solution ? [15:43] The only examples I can find have [15:43] Hi guys, any idea why i get this error when trying to enable the "Extra" visual effects...infact, any other than "none" dont work: Desktop effects could not be enabled [15:43] Steve-cal: i'm booting off the live cd to set grub up [15:43] jabba: for some reason the version.h doesn't exist in the /include [15:43] ericvw: I've got this so far: ifconfig eth1 | grep "inet addr" | sed s/\ /\\n/ig | grep addr | sed s/addr://gi [15:43] jabba: can you give me the syntax for telling apt to reconfigure xorg.conf? [15:43] sektor666: i can look it up... [15:43] Hi to all [15:44] sektor666: sorry, it's dpkg [15:44] ericvw: by no means simple and it only gets your most local IP for one device - but if that's enough for you... [15:44] hi , I'm new to ubuntu, I want to execute a script that I found on a webpage, how do I do that ? [15:44] is there any way to delay a program startup when its added to my sessions in gnome? [15:44] sektor666: Most aren't bad at all... I have one... just that model is acting up. [15:44] lewisbeechey: google for compiz-check, it's a script that helps you track what you need to get compiz going [15:44] glitsj16 - either im blind or no sutch file exists :S [15:44] I have the .sh file , should I use batch file.sh ? [15:44] sektor666: dpkg-reconfigure [15:44] level09: download it, "chmod +x filename" then "./filename" [15:44] alright, thanks. i'll try to reconfigure and restart x and then see what happens [15:45] Oli```: thanks !! :) [15:45] Camorama reports it 'Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) but webam works in aMSN and the webcam light flashes once as i start camorama up. any ideas? [15:45] level09: alternatively, right click it in nautilus, head to permissions and click allow execute. then double click it, or right click it and click "Open" [15:45] jabba: And what's in sda7 right now? Is it a clean formatted partition or do you have an OS installed? [15:45] how can i mount a iso image from net to install ubuntu [15:45] ichat: .asoundrc is not needed, but should be in your home directory, without /etc/asoundconf it's no wonder you can't hear a thing ;) [15:45] i think my cd drive has errors [15:46] can i moint it to /media/cdrom0? [15:46] When i start ubuntu appears in my desktop the BlankDisk icon, but in my drive there isn't any medium, how i can solve this problem? [15:46] level09: correction on that second version, right click it, then click properties, then permissions, then check "Allow executing file as program" [15:46] Oli```: thanks you !! btw, where do i find a list of keyboard shortcuts ? [15:46] djin1: What you need it for? Trying to compile a 3rd party module for a kernel? [15:46] Steve-cal: i have a clean hardy install on sda7. but i have vista and xp on other partitions, so i installed grub manualyl rather than clobber them. :/ [15:46] Is there a way to install a Windows .SYS driver? [15:46] Franck1: Right click eject.... [15:46] on Ubuntu [15:47] level09: erm... here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts [15:47] level09: system - preferences - keyboard shortcuts [15:47] ianliu_88: for wine? for ubuntu itself no [15:47] you rock ! [15:47] glitsj16: My sound works fine without an .asoundrc, that file is really only need for special ALSA sound options if I understand it correctly. [15:47] hmmm that's funny... [15:47] glitssj16: i get this when i execute it: http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/683/title/Compiz_Check [15:47] Hi gues! Could you tell me, what irc-servers has link with "freenode"? [15:47] fde , the eject function don't run.... [15:47] now the "Device" section in my xorg.conf doesn't say anything about intel [15:47] der|kunstler: I need specific perl modules... using CPAN any idea how I just search and install these without compiling... like apt-get ? [15:47] is there any utility to execute windows "exe" files in case I needed one ? [15:47] I've got a mouse which didn't came with any driver CD, and Ubuntu doesn't recognise it... but Windows does [15:47] it just says Identifier "Configured Video Device" [15:47] Steve-cal: yes indeed, ichat is also missing /etc/asound.conf and i thought that was necessary .. [15:47] a Wireless mouse [15:47] ianliu_88: Ubuntu isn't Windows... and I'm not sure what the usefulness is of the .sys file in wine either... generally you just want .dll files. [15:48] !freenode | ubuntugeek [15:48] mount -t cifs //nal blah [15:48] ubuntugeek: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml [15:48] sektor666: that's pretty typical [15:48] or something [15:48] but aren't i supposed to configure hardware acceleration here? [15:48] hey guys [15:48] level09: you can use wine, but it will not work with all applications... [15:48] fde: Do you know any generic driver for wireless mouse? [15:48] jabba: So is grub installed on sda7 right now, but you just don't have the MBR pointing to that partition yet? What is handling your boot-up right now? [15:48] is there a reason that my xserver is recieving multiple client connections at a time? [15:48] or is that standard behavior? [15:48] how would i be able to configure sutch a file .. [15:49] fde i have to apen a terminal and make mount /dev/hdc, at this point the shell tell me that there isn't any medium and the icon will disappear from desktop [15:49] Steve-cal: sweet, it just booted [15:49] i am know that i am on freenode, but i need to enter here from another server to change my ip =) [15:49] ianliu_88: Nope... no experience in that area at all. I'd start in System > Preferences > Bluetooth though. [15:49] -to open - [15:49] i was wrong about using sda7, it's supposed to be sda [15:49] ichat: just a moment, i'll look up some bookmarks [15:49] i guess that makes sense, my fault :/ [15:49] thanks danners [15:49] glitssj16: i get this when i execute it: http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/683/title/Compiz_Check [15:49] jabba: OK, glad it's working for you anyway. :) [15:49] Steve-cal: mebbe i'll send in a docpatch. [15:50] I started X with a -audit 9 option, and it basically gives says client * connected and client * disconnected, where * is an integer between 7-30 [15:50] fde: I don't think it is bluetooth.. on the box its written Digital Transmition via radio [15:50] lewisbeechey: ok, i'll check that and report back here [15:50] any ideas? [15:50] ianliu_88: it'll be bluetooth... I'm 90% sure. [15:50] 98% [15:50] or 99.9%? [15:50] fde: hmm, let me try [15:51] i hope grub works for xfs [15:51] never tried xfs [15:51] alteregox: umm, it doesn't. [15:51] Steve-cal: do you know what the splash line i supposed to have? [15:51] could someone do a favour for me please? [15:51] i have the appropriate splash on my desktop, but not on this machjine because i just put it together. [15:51] alteregox: make an ext2 /boot [15:51] I need to know if this happens on other people's computers as well [15:51] hmm [15:52] and can i install lilo after [15:52] alteregox: only needs to be like 200mb or so for plenty of room [15:52] jabba: You mean you want to set grub to have a splash screen, or are you setting options for Hardy in the menu.lst? [15:52] i already installed ubuntu [15:52] Anyone know how to put i8k in the systray? [15:52] ichat: here's a link to the ALSA wiki http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Main_Page [15:52] from terminal, type startx -- -audit 9 and see if it says X: client * connected/disconnected [15:52] Steve-cal: i want grub to have the splash machine my other hardy machines do. [15:52] at 98% and i don't want to begin from scratch [15:52] er, splash screen not machine [15:52] too early [15:52] your xserver has to be killed first of course [15:52] so can i apt-get install lilo ? [15:52] and configure the boot loader? [15:53] there's a fix for that compiz/workspace switcher bug? [15:53] is there any way to delay a program startup in gnome under sessions? [15:53] alteregox: sure... but I don't think lilo supports xfs for booting either. [15:53] ichat: If you need any help with ALSA, the folks in #ALSA are sometimes quite helpful. They helped me sort out some problems. [15:53] im lookin to set up my computers for college, and i have a desktop and a laptop, i would like to be able to access the files on the desktop from the laptop regardless of where i am, anyone have any ideas? [15:53] will00: that's hard to do [15:53] will00: but hosting is cheap [15:53] alteregox: I guess try it, see if it works... but I'm fairly sure it won't... [15:53] fde: ok so i try to resize the swap to 200mb [15:53] lewisbeechey: just a moment please, looking into it .. [15:53] then i install grub to it? [15:53] jabba, i know that, could i use the main computer as a server or something? [15:54] alteregox: not swap... you want that to be about 2 gigs [15:54] will00: Will the desktop be stationary? [15:54] will00: well yes, but you won't be able to get to it "everywhere" [15:54] 1.8 or 2gb who cares [15:54] Hi, sound is owrking like 1/3 of the times weith my intel HDA soundcard [15:54] lynet, yes [15:54] glitssj16: thank you === roch^ is now known as Beefeater [15:54] anyone know how I could fix this? [15:54] i resize swap to 1.8GB and leave 200mb for grub [15:54] ill try out the wikki, - at least now i know its likely to be a (miss / un configured alsa problem ... [15:54] is there any sites that offer paid linux services ? [15:54] jabba: So let me make sure I understand--you want a background image (splash) in your Grub boot-up menu? [15:54] alteregox: heh... that seems fine... use gparted... the livecd has it in system > administration > partition manager [15:54] Steve-cal: yeah, i think the install normally places it somewhere grub can see it, but since i configured grub manually myself, it doesn't have the splash screen on this new machine. [15:55] alteregox: uhh... editor... [15:55] haven't set up triple-booting manually before. [15:55] will00: You could set up a VPN thingie. Exactly how depends a bit on how the desktop is connected to the net etc. [15:55] E: Couldn't find package gstreamer [15:55] ok, then i have to modify grub? [15:55] where is it? === ichat is now known as ichat_dinner [15:55] lynet, is there an easy way to do that? [15:56] or would it be easier to do an ftp type thing [15:56] crap there is no advise in the setup that i have to use a ext2/3 partition for grub using xfs [15:56] very awfull [15:56] question: I have a kubuntu*alternate*.iso, with all the debs on it. Can I somehow easily set up my own debian mirror to be used during the installation process? (I'm pxebooting, fwiw) [15:56] jabba: Do you have any splash images in the /boot/grub directory? It is usually a folder called "splashimages" or similar. The files need to be .xpm.gz files. [15:56] Steve-cal: lemme check. [15:56] will00: Ftp? You kid, right? That would make the ftp server be accessible from the Internet, and ftp username/password is sent in the clear. Not good. [15:56] Hi, sound is working like 1/3 of the times with my intel HDA soundcard. I already had this issue in ubuntu 8.04 and someone gave me commands to restart alsa and pulseaudio at every boot and after it was working, I unfortunately lost them. ANyone could help me? [15:57] Steve-cal: no, i don't have anything named *xpm* [15:57] lewisbeechey: could you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf as well please ? Looks like you might need a different driver .. [15:57] hi, inittab is driving me craze, it just won't respawn anything [15:57] alteregox: yes... hda is (hd0) ... hda1 is (hd0,0) ... work from that... and remove the /boot part from /boot/grub/menu.lst ... so it says something like /vmlinuz-blah whatever whatever rather than /boot/vmlinux-blah whatever whatever ... same for initrd line [15:57] will do [15:57] alteregox: it's actually sda now... meh... [15:58] alteregox: think you understand though? [15:58] yeah [15:58] lynet, ok so vpn is the way to go, is there an easy way to set that up? (i also would like my friends to be able to access this stuff so they can view the videos we made and such) [15:58] jabba: Well first you need to get a splash image you want to use--in the repos there's a grub splash images package for some, or you can make your own, or download one from the web. But you need a image first. :) [15:58] grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/xfs /dev/sda1 [15:58] will00: To repeat myself: Exactly how depends a bit on how the desktop is connected to the net etc. [15:58] Steve-cal: but what about the default splash? [15:59] alteregox: also, when you create the new /boot ... you have to edit /etc/fstab and move the file over... [15:59] Steve-cal: this is a machine i'm setting up for a user. all mine have the default splash from hardy [15:59] but i installed those automatically (no windows...) [15:59] files* [15:59] glitssj16: http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/684/title/xorg_conf [15:59] glitssj16: http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/684/title/xorg_conf [15:59] jonaskoelker: Loopmount the iso on the server, someplace accessibly to apache2. In your preseed file declare the server as repository, using the local url. [15:59] lewisbeechey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:59] sorry about that [15:59] Camorama reports it 'Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) but webam works in aMSN and the webcam light flashes once as i start camorama up. any ideas? [16:00] alteregox: look at 'ls -l /dev/dist/by-uuid' after using gparted to know what to fill in there [16:00] lewisbeechey: no problem, in the mean time you could look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567108, the card does work for people ... [16:00] ok [16:00] jabba: You must be confusing the Ubuntu splash startup screen with having a background image in the Grub menu. Because I don't believe Grub comes with a default "splash image" that I'm aware of. [16:00] alteregox: there being /etc/fstab [16:01] Steve-cal: hm, ok... so what's the display when it boots up and says "ubuntu" and has the little progress bar? [16:01] will00: The short of it is: Install a VPN server on either the desktop pc or the firewall/gateway to the Internet. Install VPN clients on PCs that want to access the server. [16:01] Steve-cal: problem is, my user is scared of the console :) better he think that it's just a gui :) [16:01] jabba: That's the Ubuntu splash startup screen. :) [16:02] Is it correct that the boot partition does not need to be very large? 3 GB or less? [16:02] usplash [16:02] how do I boot a ubuntu server into runlevel 1? [16:02] lat a 500Meg is adequate [16:02] jabba: So you are not getting the Ubuntu splash right now, i.e. the screen that says "Ubuntu" with the logo and progress bar? [16:02] lat: /boot can be about 200 mb or so... provided / and /usr are well sized. [16:02] sebrock-> at boot, you type single [16:02] how do i troubleshoot init not wanting to spawn and respawn processes from my inittab? this is the only line in it: IAX:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/iaxmodem ttyIAX [16:02] Steve-cal: correct [16:02] lat: are you talking about a boot partition that will be used just for /boot ? [16:02] lat: /boot is pretty much just kernel and drivers, 3GB is way overkill. [16:02] it does run when called from the command line [16:02] sebrock-> at boot, rather on the grub menu .. you type single [16:03] Tobias78: for systray i use alltray app on http://alltray.sourceforge.net/ [16:03] genii: cool; I have myhost.net/loop/pool/main/v/vim/vim*.deb, what do I enter for mirror information? myhost.net/loop? [16:03] i am running linux with limited gfx drivers.. while instaling new ones.. problem is.. the window is so big.. i cannot reach down to click next.. any ideas? [16:03] lat: my /boot with 2 kernels and all other applicable files is 36mb right now occupied. [16:03] lat: 400 MB for some extra space for all the kernel updates should be enough [16:03] the window is so big because the resolution is so shitty.. 800x600.. and i cannot seem to increase it [16:03] i install kernel .25 afterward [16:03] Ok, I was confusing boot and root. [16:04] rdlang-> man inittab; but i believe once is the word you wish to put there..its been a long while since i have to use that [16:04] alteregox: unless you're going to do that manually, doesn't exist [16:04] yeah manualy [16:04] How big should the swap partition be? [16:04] lat: / can be fairly small too... but only if you seperate out /var and /usr [16:04] 2.5x mem or something [16:04] jabba: OK, just make sure you have the "splash" option in the kernel line of your /boot/grub/menu.lst file for the hardy partition. It should look something like: [16:04] kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=1506ac9d-8368-407f-b0f2-6ff81bad959f ro quiet splash [16:04] lat: 2gb is a good size [16:04] i tried man and google exstensivly, but found no solution [16:05] lat: 1.1 x memory size, i would say === Eric78 is now known as KOJV [16:05] you can use swap from graphics memory [16:05] !init | rdlang are you sure your syntax is correct? [16:05] rdlang are you sure your syntax is correct?: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [16:05] lat the suggested twice the ram size is very good...and people may say it is too much, but you may want to use part of that swap as temp file system...so 2x is very good [16:05] someone has a patch done to do that [16:05] but,...thats just freaky [16:06] when I try to upgrade to 8.04 from the cdrom, with the cdromupgrade, I get this error "error authenticating some packages" and then a huge list of packages [16:06] lat: 2 x your ram is too much unless you have specific requirments [16:06] lewisbeechey: sorry to get you to paste all the time :) .. but could you bring up /var/log/Xorg.0.log as well ? your missing a secion i think in your xorg.conf , with the log i could try to trace it .. [16:06] lat: for swap size, if you intend to use the hibernate feature you will need a swap partition as big as your RAM, otherwise about ½ or ¾ of your RAM size should be fine I think [16:06] i run postresql [16:06] lat: that is a rule from back when 128mb of ram was common :/ === hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka [16:07] glitssj16: http://www.pastebin.biz/messages/show/id/685/title/Xorg_0_log [16:07] damn, just got a call, have to run, thnx for the help... bye [16:07] Ok, you guys have saved me a lot of drive space. I had some very wrong misconceptions. Thanks! [16:08] Steve-cal: yeah the options are quiet splash [16:08] hm. [16:08] lewisbeechey: .. there's actually quite a few things missing in your xorg [16:08] lat: keep in mind, if you use ext2/3 you can resize later... it's easier to grow than shrink :) [16:08] i think it would be faster to compress the swap drive somehow using RLE [16:08] How do I remove an environment variable in bash? [16:09] Anyone running debian on HP 380's? or know if they support disk checking incase the raid fails? [16:09] glitssj16: how do i go about fixing it? [16:09] those cpus are not affected at all to compress/decompress 300MB/s [16:09] amenado, you're sure that works? I've heard about ubuntu always booting into runlevel 2 anyways? [16:09] have an PCI wireless network card running with hardy and it works out of the box? please tell me the brand and device number ! [16:09] fde, thanks. I'll remember that. [16:09] Anyone good with sound troubleshooting here? (intel hda) [16:09] jabba: ...and even with those options you still don't get the Ubuntu startup screen? [16:09] theneb: Umm, avoid software RAID... if you use hardware RAID, the RAID controller handles that. [16:10] Steve-cal: negative :/ [16:10] sebrock-> what to get into init level 1? you go to single user mode, if you were referring to the default init level it boots into, it is level 2-5 [16:10] bernier: be specific about your problem and people are more likely to respond :P [16:10] theneb: hardware RAID, Linux sees it as one regular drive. [16:10] fde: why should software raid be avoided? [16:10] Hi, sound is working like 1/3 of the times with my intel HDA soundcard. I already had this issue in ubuntu 8.04 and someone gave me commands to restart alsa and pulseaudio at every boot and after it was working, I unfortunately lost them. ANyone could help me? [16:10] where do i find backported ati drivers for hardy? [16:10] here [16:10] lewisbeechey: i'm not exactly familiar with ati cards, but try installing a package called envyNG, that checks for recent updates for your card and can help you set it up properly [16:10] jabba: Cuz it's fundamentally flawed? [16:10] software raid 0/1 is faster then hardware raid [16:10] fde: how so? i usually use software raid and then lvm on top of that [16:10] OUt of interest, how does swap space get dealt with when using hibernate/suspend? If I had 1gb of ram in use and had 1gb of swap space of which 512Mb was in use, if I wanted to hibernate/suspend, would I be able to? by my maths, i'd be using 1.5gb of memory (both physical and swap) but would only have a total of 1gb of swap space, so presumably, to be safe I'd need 2gb of swap in that case [16:10] for a r600 i would need latest radeon [16:11] hello? [16:11] bernier: "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" should restart alsa, and to run pulseaudio just type "pulseaudio" [16:11] lewisbeechey: to be more precise: "apt-get install envyng-gtk" [16:11] jabba: Do you have grub installed on any other partitions? [16:11] jabba: It just is... too prone to issues etc... hardware raid controllers have one task and one task only. [16:11] Steve-cal: other partitions? i just use sda [16:11] Now, I'm in the middle of installing, and I've made the boot and root partitions way too big. Can I just reboot and start over? Or do I need to reformat the drives first (I'm using software RAID 1)? [16:12] lat: sure [16:12] fde: i'm not sure it's especially relevant, but when i went through the RHCE course a year or two back, we were instructed to use hardware raid, and lvm on top of that. rhat at least is pretty confident in it. [16:12] lat: it'll let you reformat - actually it will be default - when you create a new partition. [16:12] how can I use apt-get to install the flash plugin? [16:12] or does it have to be manually installed? [16:12] please, i need help with some trouble [16:12] jabba: No I mean your Hardy install is on sda7, right? So what about sda1, sda2, .... What are on those partitions? [16:13] unr3al, apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [16:13] nonfree? [16:13] jabba: of course they are... they spent 250 million acquiring the technology.... the sistina purchase. [16:13] is there a way to resize a partition torwards it's beginning? [16:13] amenado, yes well I have just read that Ubuntu by default always boots into init 2 regardless of any user input [16:13] how are the atheros drivers working in hardy? [16:13] fde: well, i've just never had it fail on me and i've been using it since 2004, and had it deployed on 30,000 machines at aol [16:13] any one using them right now? [16:13] enable it [16:13] like in ... adding more sectors before it, instead of after it? [16:13] seemed pretty stable to me. [16:13] ubuntu doesn't recognize my board [16:13] atheros works with those proprietary stuff [16:13] Lacrymology: You can use gparted for resizing partitions. [16:14] Marco what board? === pyth0n is now known as PyTh0n [16:14] <[deXter]> Steve-cal, Do you know if gparted can convert primary partitions to logical? [16:14] Steve-cal: i have sda6 = vista, sda5 = xp, sda7 = hardy, sda8 = swap. [16:14] unr3a1: nonfree means the adobe flash, it's not open sourced (apart from that it works) [16:14] is an AsRock [16:14] jabba: hardware raid + lvm? that is compliant with what I suggested :/ [16:14] Marco : type ? [16:14] oh ok [16:14] 775i65g [16:14] Marco : or even better what happens when you try? [16:14] [deXter]: I don't think it can. I remember having to do some weird partition shuffling when I wanted to do that. [16:15] Steve-cal: but where's the l337ness in that? =P [16:15] what plugin does youtube use? [16:15] <[deXter]> :( [16:15] [deXter]: Good question, I'm not sure. You'll have to check the documentation. [16:15] fde: oh, i guess i misunderstood. i usually take the hard disks i want to lvm, use sw raid to tie them together and lvm to slice them up into dynamic partitions (in case, say, /usr runs out of space) [16:15] youtube = flash [16:15] unr3a1: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree [16:15] the sounds don't function [16:15] hmm [16:15] cause I installed the flash plugin, and youtube is still not working [16:15] jabba: What about sda1, sda2, sda3 and sda4? [16:15] jabba: I just use resize2fs and avoid complexity. [16:15] Marco : i see , thats an onboard sound , right? [16:15] i try download the drivers from the website but i can't find it [16:15] yes [16:16] Steve-cal: that's a good question. i don't know. [16:16] unr3a1: check this, it, install flash player 10 beta and it should work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 [16:16] For what it is worth, phony RAID has caused me a lot of grief. I have Ghost backups, but my motherboard went out, and Ghost can not restore to the new hardware. And I was very diligent to make backups. I still have them, but they are useless. [16:16] Would it be really lazy of me to ask how to stop my Ubuntu installation from apparently defaulting to lilo every time I upgrade the kernel? [16:16] sda2 is lba [16:16] Marco , do you know what chip set the soundcard is? [16:16] jabba: Do a "sudo fdisk -l" and please let me know the output. [16:16] the rest are logical [16:16] jabba: safe operations are partition delete and partition downsize when the partition has a large empty space. [16:16] i don't remember [16:17] Marco : when you run lspci on the gnome terminal you get to see , or run slhw, then it lists all your hardware [16:17] help.. i am installing new drivers for my video card.. but when i try it says error vcdk is missing. [16:17] robg__: i usually just leave a gig or four unallocated so i can add it to volumes that are running out of space. [16:17] is there any way to get an ubuntu livecd going from a DOS prompt? I'm using a windows boot disk because this laptop can't boot from a CD [16:17] glitsj16, ok, I will try that [16:17] ok, [16:17] i will try [16:17] Steve-cal: in other words, fdisk doesn't show a 1, 3, or 4 slice [16:17] Marco , the last line on lspci is most likely your soundcard [16:17] I have a fresh install of ubuntu, how do i find out my root password ? [16:17] !root [16:17] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [16:17] dos prompt? [16:17] jabba: whatever you do do not attempt to move executables from one location to another. [16:17] hi... i'm doing update from gutsy to hardy.... it finished setting up all the updates but the update-manager is chopping my harddrive for over 20 minutes [16:17] thanks [16:18] should i kill the upgrade process? [16:18] thank you so much, i come back later [16:18]  help.. i am installing new drivers for my video card.. but when i try it says error vcdk is missing. [16:18] robg__: hm, i guess i've never tried to do that with swraid [16:18] there is a rescue boot disc [16:18] !root says event not found ;( [16:18] level09: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:18] alteregox: This laptop no internal drives except for the hd, so I need USB support for a CD [16:19] that's where things get complicated [16:19] ok [16:19] jabba: Hmm. OK. So please make it clear--does Hardy load just fine except it just doesn't show the splash screen? Does it show a console output with lots of messages flying by or what does it look like? [16:19] kdorf enable legacy support in bios [16:19] legacy usb [16:19] ubottu: tell level09 about root [16:19] Steve-cal: yeah, the "normal" linux boot stuff. [16:19] and press f12 during boot [16:19] does anyone know wht vcdk is? [16:19] how are the atheros drivers working in hardy, do they load by default, i am looking for an good pci wireless network card... [16:19] alteregox: It's a toshiba r100, and it will only boot from the toshiba cd drive which I don't have === PyTh0n is now known as PyTh0n_M3sGuL [16:19] Hi. Which is the file in my homedir where I should put "setterm -blank 0" ? Thanks. [16:20] is it possible to get the ubottu facts without spamming the channel? can you just msg him? [16:20] unimatrix9: yes they should [16:20] kdorf: I suppose it would be possible to clobber together something using loadlin. [16:20] ok thanks [16:20] but you can try to use the legacy support [16:20] funkyhat: for less typing... you can type '!root > someuser' ... same functionality... nice how it doesn't bother you huh? :P [16:20] hi [16:20] i have 5.1 board [16:20] maybe it boots maybe not [16:20] hey Steve-cal i have a code review, i gotta go. i'll pester you in a bit :) [16:20] unimatrix9: i use them myself infact :) no fuss [16:20] jabba: I don't know why the splash screen wouldn't load then if you did a normal Hardy install and set the menu.lst grub file with the "splash" option. Guess I can't help you on that one. [16:20] its not working.. [16:20] thanks, though. saved muh bacon :) [16:20] I am getting dependency errors [16:20] and 5.1 speakers, can anybody help me how to set amarok and mplayer to play in all speakers and woofer ? [16:20] AcornAcorn: yeah you can just msg ubottu [16:20] funkyhat: thanks, sudo works fine for me , but I was thinking about switching users [16:20] unimatrix9: welcome [16:20] fde: ah nice :-) thanks [16:20] funkyhat: also, for in the channel, if its something others might benefit from, '!whatever | someuser' === sales is now known as sourcode[0] [16:21] unr3a1: did you install it via Gdebi ? [16:21] Lynet: I'll look into putting loadlin on the disk and see what I can come up with [16:21] level09: use sudo -i [16:21] who knows what vcdk is? [16:21] Which is the file in my homedir where I should put "setterm -blank 0" ? [16:21] why does df /boot not give me a partition with /boot? it gives me one with just / [16:21] glitsj16, I have no idea what that is [16:21] kdorf: What options do you have for booting, btw? floppy? [16:21] Chaotic_Descent: df -h | grep boot [16:22] Lynet: Yes, pretty much just floppy. But once I get booted off the floppy I can get into the CD drive [16:22] Chaotic_Descent: did you actually set a separate /boot though? There's none by default. [16:22] <^NighT^WalkeR^> does anyone know where i can find a tutorial about how to add a system call ubuntu? [16:22] unr3a1: Gdebi is a way to install .deb packages, ubuntu (apt) doesn't know what to do with them default like, try accessories > appfinder for Gdebi [16:22] fde: I don't know. I'm trying to fix grub since it broke my linux and windows partition. [16:23] ^NighT^WalkeR^: what exactly do you mean by that? What are you trying to accomplish? [16:23] unr3a1: .. that checks all the dependencies for you, and installs those as well if you choose so [16:23] Chaotic_Descent: fdisk -l output to paste.ubuntu.com please.... also /boot/grub/menu.lst [16:24] appfinder? [16:24] can i easily remove applications installed using deb packages? [16:24] gooody: yes, that's the whole point [16:24] unr3a1: That's a KDE thing... just double click a .deb and it'll popup automatically... or any .deb on the net, same thing. [16:24] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, i just want to know how to do it... i am capable to do it in mandriva... but i really can't find out how to do it in ubuntu, because i can't find the same libraries in the kernel [16:24] ianbeyer: can i uninstall them completely using package manager? [16:25] unr3a1: yep, it's short for application finder, gives you a rundown of everything presently installed on your system [16:25] ^NighT^WalkeR^: What libraries are you looking for? [16:25] what does kpgk --initrd binary do when compiling a kernel? [16:26] i mean what does the binary part do? [16:26] does anybody have any experience running the livecd w/ loadlin? [16:26] fde: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15560/ [16:26] how can I convert avi to 3gp in Ubuntu ? [16:26] marcat: umm... nothing... make-kpkg --initrd creates an initrd for that kernel so if you have modules, it can initiate them [16:27] Gdebi is installed [16:27] unr3a1: just double click on whatever .deb you downloaded. [16:27] unr3a1: open it, or follow fde's advice and double-click the .deb file via your file-manager, should both work [16:27] fde, --initrd no binary is fine then? [16:27] can someone tell me how can I convert avi to 3gp in Ubuntu ? [16:27] fde: can i uninstall .deb packages using synaptic package manager? [16:28] Chaotic_Descent: strange... but ok... can I see your /boot/grub/menu.lst also please? [16:28] I mean video format conversion [16:28] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, i was suppose to add a helloworld system call (just to test) in mandriva i add helloworld.c to the library /usr/src/linux-2.6.17-13mdv/arch/i386/kernel/ [16:28] gooody: yup [16:28] like Total Video converter in Linux [16:28] pappan, ffmpeg [16:28] fde: thanks. [16:28] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde but i cant find it in ubuntu [16:28] oops [16:28] is there a gui for it ? [16:28] marcat: uhh... I've never used that option. [16:28] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde off with the ubuntu kernel [16:28] i just installed ubuntu, how do i make it detect the network, dhcp [16:28] pappan, maybe [16:28] thanks [16:28] pappan: winFF [16:29] fde, saw it in a tut other tuts dont have it. so i was confiused about it [16:29] hello everyone [16:29] i have an odd problem. i can ping remote hosts, and nslookup, but when i try to http or wget i get connection refused. i recently upgraded feisty to latest. [16:29] hello guys [16:29] I have a wireless mouse wich has a USB to comunicate with. But Ubuntu isn't recognizing it... any tips?? [16:29] and girls :) [16:29] what syntax is menu.lst in? [16:29] ^NighT^WalkeR^: linux-headers should be installed by default... I guess you want linux-source-2.6.24 though [16:30] nanoprobe, none here [16:30] Shouldn't a Wireless mouse act the same way as a wired one?? [16:30] hehe im a women !! [16:30] im wondering if im doing something wrong i can get on the internet on a windows box just not on any linux box? the network admin says everything should be ok? has anyone seen this? ive got four machines here and all machines dual boot to windows too so i know its not a cable or such issue [16:30] m0 w4yz [16:30] hi [16:30] marcat: I think they're refering to what you wish the kernel to be called... idk === san_ is now known as Piojoo [16:30] man woman -> segfault [16:30] envy-ng detects my ati radeon 9200 correctly, but says that the legacy driver which works with this card not available is for hardy, what to do for 3d acceleration? [16:30] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, just have to re extract it... fucked it up last time [16:30] Whats the best alternative to nero for burning dvds [16:31] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, but i do have it [16:31] ^NighT^WalkeR^: please watch your language. [16:31] suRs, are you good with linux? or do you steel shout at your computer like me? :D [16:31] lw0x15: k3b brasero... [16:31] I double click the deb file, and I get a dependency error [16:31] well i just started =p [16:31] cheers [16:31] i started yesterday :$ [16:31] fde: menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/15563/ [16:31] shame on me [16:31] lw0x15: I just tell the file system to burn a CD and it presents me with options. [16:32] unr3a1: anything specific about the missing dependencies ? [16:32] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, sorry bout that [16:32] how do i stop and completely uninstall screenlets [16:32] robg__, srsly ? =O [16:32] Dependency is not satisfiable: libflashsupport | libasound2-plugins [16:32] im thinking about maybe i if should install it on my other computer i only have it on my laptop but i cant get compiz to work [16:32] Hi [16:32] couse i have an intel card [16:32] ubuntuisloved: when i had this it turned out to be a file called resolve.conf needs a nameserver entry [16:32] thank you glitsj16 [16:32] so I installed those via apt-get, and it is still coming up [16:32] Chaotic_Descent: see the title Windows 95/98/NT/2000 example? you want to use that... but set it to (hd0,2) ... remove the #'s infront too. [16:32] lwox15: yeah, seriously. [16:32] weird .. [16:33] Chaotic_Descent: make sense? [16:33] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, the thing is... that i can't find the .../i368/kernel/ [16:33] gnuskool: yea i checked DNS in /etc/resolv.conf and i used nslookup and no luck it works and returns IP's [16:33] i need help with fonts, fonts in most my apps are barely readable [16:33] gnuskool: also routing internally works fine just not out to the net [16:33] I am new to Ubuntu/Linux . Is there a possibility to get infected with viruses or trojans ? [16:33] ^NighT^WalkeR^: x86 ... they merged i386 and x86_64 ... mandriva just has a _really_ old kernel [16:33] question: I have a mirror based on the live CD; is there a package corresponding to kubuntu-desktop? The installer only installed a basic command-line... [16:34] unr3a1: did you "sudo apt-get remove libflashsupport nspluginwrapper" first ? [16:34] herzenstern; no. [16:34] fde: editing the file from my linux partition will keep the changes? editing it from grub didn't. [16:34] (where *the* livecd is kubuntu*alternate*iso) [16:34] Chaotic_Descent: yup. [16:34] I tried, and it said it wasn't installed [16:34] envy-ng detects my ati radeon 9200 correctly, but says that the legacy driver which works with this card not available is for hardy, what to do for 3d acceleration? [16:34] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde ok... so i am supposed to use x86... and then the Makefile_32? etc [16:34] nanoprobe what verison do you use? [16:34] fde: ok, thanks. I'll take a look. [16:34] bastid_raZor, even if Ubuntu is installed to HDD ? [16:35] jonaskoelker: ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso in LVM encrypted mode. [16:35] 7.10 [16:35] couldn't find package flashsupport [16:35] ^NighT^WalkeR^: I'd guess so, yes [16:35] someday i am able to use gentoo [16:35] 7.10 xubuntu? [16:35] what kinad name [16:35] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, thanx... [16:35] robg__: which packages should I install to get the default kubuntu installation? [16:35] any1 knows what distro linus travolds uses [16:35] no, ubuntu ultimate [16:35] <^NighT^WalkeR^> fde, i'll give it a try [16:35] hi [16:35] what computer do you have? [16:35] my net connection is working, but i can't open any page in my firefox, wat;s going on? [16:35] robg__: default *gui/desktop* installation, not command-line [16:35] alteregox: It's really not worth it... you spend a week compiling, and you might get a slim performance advantage over Ubuntu :/ [16:35] errr... nspluginwrapper [16:35] it couldnt find that package [16:36] suRs: dell vostro 1000, laptop [16:36] ^NighT^WalkeR^: you'll want to 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' first. [16:36] how annoying: i a, on an internet connection from my windows boot; but with ubuntu i can not connect to the very same connection, what can i do ? [16:36] is there any easy way with apt to say "what depends ON this?" [16:36] jonaskoelker: I have not installed kubuntu but all systems are installed with one LiveCD. [16:36] ^NighT^WalkeR^: although could be the linux-source package did that for you. [16:36] do you have compiz on your computer [16:36] suRs: yes [16:36] robg__: well, I installed with netboot (pxe)... [16:36] xubuntu is not that lightwieght. fluxbuntu takes chunks away from the distro and uses flux box. much faster than xubuntu [16:36] herzenstern; it doesn't matter where you have ubuntu installed. from browsing the web or emails you will not get a virus unless you actively run a binary that has someone sends you. then if you don't give it root privileges it can't do anything that isn't fixable [16:36] brett_h: apt-cache rdepends packagename [16:36] evening :) [16:36] its enabled [16:36] windows=internet ubuntu=no internet please help [16:37] unr3a1: i'm at a loss there i'm afraid, following the detailed instructions at that url worked for me, sorry [16:37] hey [16:37] if ping, and nslookup works, why would ssh, wget, and browsers return "connection refused" [16:37] i cant mine to work :/ [16:37] how do i setup dhcp on my new ubuntu 8 install? [16:37] it sucks i think i have wrong verison of linux or somting [16:37] Hello, I need help with quemu [16:37] bastid_raZor, Thanx [16:37] Any laptop users here that can say tricky stuff like hibernate, audio jacks etc was a breeze to get going and recommend a laptop? [16:37] Pici: thanks [16:37] herzenstern; it all goes back to the common sense thought.. if you don't know what it is.. don't run it :) but unlike windows (i assume you are converting from) you won't magically acquire a virus. [16:37] jonaskoelker: download a LiveCD and do a guided install in either entire disk or largest empty space. [16:38] glitsj16, its ok. thanks for trying though [16:38] . [16:38] hi is there any simple command to install gstreamer plugins [16:38] robg__: no thanks; I don't want to fiddle with burning CDs right now [16:38] Hi everyone, is there anyway I can download a fully bootable version opf ubuntu just to mess around with? also, can i boot form a flash drive or should i burn to a cd? I dont want to switch anything, I just want to boot to it so I can decide if I want it on my future eee :D [16:38] robg__: I could just as well install all packages from the net [16:39] Pici: aptitude why is more readable :P [16:39] jonaskoelker: OK, go ahead. [16:39] hi is there any simple command to install gstreamer plugins [16:39] !livecd | simply [16:39] simply: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. [16:39] hello [16:39] robg__: ^_^ [16:39] matrix, search for gstreamer in Synaptic or use the updater [16:39] so burn the livecd? or can i run it off of a flash drive? [16:40] ok i made /boot 2GB i hope its enough [16:40] i got everything to run smoothly on my laptop (dell vostro 1000), i changed only screen resolution manually later [16:40] * maximilion_ has a dream... Run Linux off two raided CF cards on a cheap laptop [16:40] fde: But that doesnt tell me anything I need to know if the package is already manually installed [16:40] yeah i run debian on my dreambox [16:40] where do i download livecd? [16:41] because there is no ubuntu for dreambox [16:41] releases.ubuntu.com simply [16:41] ubuntuisloved: hmm, not sure,what address is in resolve.conf, router address or isp nameserver address [16:41] ping/nslookup works, but everything else doesn't. how do i debug? === hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka [16:41] eeepc : ubuntu can not get on internet; windows can, same cable, same computer ?? hellp! [16:41] okay thanks :) i just dont want to pay for aother microsoft liscense D: [16:41] 2.5" replacement adapters are on eBay, people seem to have reasonable results with Vostro 1500 [16:42] simply; you could always dual boot.. [16:42] Pici: I think I picked a bad example to look at... apt-cache rdepends libmad0 dumps out a bunch of stuff... much cleaner to just know why it's installed... [16:42] care to explain? :o [16:42] guys&girls, need help with fonts [16:42] Any snags between me and my dream? :) [16:42] install mscorefonts [16:42] :-D [16:42] !fonts | nonix4 [16:42] nonix4: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [16:42] err, nanoprobe ^ [16:42] nonix4: sorry. [16:42] get winetricks [16:42] one computer (eeepc) one internet cable, two OSes, windows and ubuntu, guess which one has trouble getting on the internet ! [16:42] thx, hope that help. [16:42] envy-ng detects my ati radeon 9200 correctly, but says that the legacy driver which works with this card not available is for hardy, what to do for 3d acceleration? [16:42] question: all the packages installed from the live/install CDs, are they inside filesystem.squashfs? [16:42] Pici: I see what you mean though I suppose... but if you installed it yourself, I doubt you really want to know why it's installed :P [16:43] The_ManU_212: anything in system>admin>hardware drivers to enable driver? [16:43] jonaskoelker: yes [16:43] fde: I often do actually, like if something is bugged, or if I'm helping someone else out... neat command anyway, wasn't in zsh's autocomplete for aptitude stuffs [16:43] legend2440: no [16:44] i am typing this from windows because if i boot into ubuntu (same machine+cable) i cant connect, please help [16:44] ping/nslookup works, but i gen connection refused on everything else. can anyone please help me debug? [16:44] The_ManU_212: type fglrxinfo in terminal are ati drivers being used? [16:44] skiptree: firewall? [16:44] tim167: is it fresh install or upgrade [16:44] fde: cool, thanks [16:44] albech IPTable -L shows no rules [16:44] Pici: I'm trying to do everything via aptitude... been an apt-get user for 10 years... it's really nice once you get used to the search strings... heh [16:45] i recently upgraded feisty if that helps. everything was working before update [16:45] what is the command to request dhcp? [16:45] Ext3 journaling file system is best for swap and home partitions, right? But what about for the boot partition? [16:45] legend2440 9200 should not be using fglrx.. [16:46] skiptree: did you check your network settings ? [16:46] Pici: also, there is why-not that can answer why something is being help back or what is breaking the installation... etc... [16:46] held* [16:46] skiptree: look in /etc/resolve.conf, is your name server there [16:46] lat:reiserfs my favouirte but ext3 also works fine [16:46] gnuskool: resolv.conf ... no e [16:46] i need to get contact to a dhcp server through my ethernet port, what is the command? [16:46] Jack_Sparrow: fglrxinfo just gives info about drivers [16:47] fde: ty [16:47] gnuskool: yes, and nslookup works [16:47] soulhacker, what is special about reiserfs? [16:47] are all the repos down ? [16:47] ssh, wget, and internet are not working, ping, nslookup are [16:47] gnuskool: just pointing out, cuz he'll probably return saying it's empty [16:47] lat:lees time naggmore effective utilization of spacein about filesystem checking [16:48] frank__: sudo dhclient [16:48] Jack_Sparrow: i have radeon 9600 not sure if fglrxinfo command work for 9200 but i would think so [16:48] legend2440 fglrxinfo should show fglrx is not installed... for the 9200 .. acording to my nores anyhow [16:48] hey im trying to find the easiest way to setup a mail server in ubuntu for my domain name that catches all and redirects to a gmail acct [16:48] notes [16:48] : not empty, i checked correct one :) nslookup also works [16:48] legend2440 9550 and up uses fglrx [16:48] hello everyone, does ubuntu supports every lcd-projector? [16:48] muzy: that's not really a function of the OS [16:48] i mean the newest ubuntu 8.04 [16:49] a projector is merely a display. [16:49] soulhacker, reiserfs for the boot partition also? [16:49] Jack_Sparrow: you just want local stuff to go there? [16:49] can anyone help me with qemulator? [16:49] how to wget from ftp with user and pass and specific port. Thanks. [16:49] ? [16:49] yes but not every OS suports evrything ^^ [16:49] fde: do you know which packages I need to install to loop-mount my squashfs volume? I get [unknown fs type] from mount... [16:49] muzy: there's your answer. [16:49] yes that is my question too [16:49] Jack3: you just want local stuff to go there? [16:49] i would like to get firefox back to version 2 cause of plugin incompat. how do i do that? [16:50] does ubuntu completely lcd-projector? [16:50] Jack_Sparrow: sorry... autocomplete by last-spoken backfired... heh [16:50] hello? [16:50] np [16:50] apt-cache show doesn't tell me the last 2.X version... [16:50] !man > Andycasss [16:50] ubuntu is not detecting my IP from my router [16:50] how do i make it [16:50] fde: nvm [16:50] jonaskoelker: umm... none... mount -o loop /path/to/it /where/to/mount should be fine... [16:50] hello, when i enable desktop effect, all window movements and window scrolling becomes extremely slow! I've followed the guide to using open source drivers for ubuntu (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver). Here is the relevant info about my setup http://paste.ubuntu.com/15569/ === effie is now known as effie_jayx [16:51] muzy: I'm not sure what you're asking [16:51] hey im trying to find the easiest way to setup a mail server in ubuntu for my domain name that catches all and redirects to a gmail acct [16:51] does anyone have any advice for me? [16:51] anirudh0: im aware of man, i thought i could get a fast response from here instead of man [16:51] Jack3: did you see what I asked? [16:51] okay i must aks my question another way [16:51] jdv79: apt-get install firefox-2 [16:51] lat:sorry no [16:51] how do you delete a user folder in home? it says i don't have permission. The folder still exists even though I deleted the user :( [16:51] fde, no sorry i got disconnected, can you post again? [16:52] Jack3: you just want local stuff to go there? [16:52] fde: yeah, I just hadn't loaded the module :\ [16:52] hello, i would like to disable write support to my windows (ntfs) partition, here is my line from fstab, what should i change? "/dev/sda1 /media/hda1 ntfs umask=222,utf8 0 0" [16:52] !sudo | AcornAcorn_ [16:52] AcornAcorn_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [16:52] heasdf [16:52] fde: I can't $ find -name '*deb' on there, though ... [16:52] fde: you know where they're hidden? ;) [16:52] Jack_Sparrow: so I can't do it through nautilus? [16:52] how do i make a bash alias to something that's already in my path? [16:52] soulhacker, ok, thanks. [16:52] AcornAcorn_ gksudo nautilus [16:52] fde, not surewhat you mean by local stuff? i want blahbalh@domain.org and etcetc@domain.org and everything@domain.org to go to mainaccount@gmail.com [16:52] i will do presentations with my notebook, i wanna install ubuntu on it but i'm not sure that ubuntu supports every lcd-projector. I havn't an own projector, so i must use another projector everytime [16:53] e.g. alias pico="/usr/bin/nano" still runs /usr/bin/pico i think [16:53] fde,a catch all forwarder [16:53] AcornAcorn_ Use that command with caution.. it is not forgiving if you make a mistake [16:53] jonaskoelker: They should be all be extracted already... I'm not sure of the file structure, never looked.... /var/cache/apt/archive is where they usually are. [16:53] is there a "What U hear" (recording the sound that is played on the computer) equivalent for ubuntu? [16:53] fde: none there [16:53] i am not getting any sound in the vlc plugin in ff 3 beta [16:53] fde: there's a lot of installed software... you think the installer just copies the files? ^_^ [16:53] at this site http://streamer.perimeterinstitute.ca/mediasite/viewer/NoPopupRedirector.aspx?peid=91860d81-e5a9-44e7-8a35-2577461a857f&shouldResize=False [16:53] how can i add a lvm volume group after i installed ubuntu server ? [16:53] muzy: if the projector presents itself as a display to the OS, the OS doesn't care. [16:54] Is it possible to reinstall Ubuntu (8.04) and just replace the system files? (like is possible with XP) [16:54] okay thanks [16:54] Jack_Sparrow: you can have all that stuff go to a local mbox ... I'd suggest something like dovecot-imap ... then send them off to gmail via ssmtp - really easy to set up. [16:54] unless it's one of those weird ones that uses a proprietary protocol using only an IP connection [16:54] WDN: put /home in a separate partition ? [16:54] fde ? :) [16:54] Armada: "audacity" can do that .. [16:54] WDN, if your /home is on a seperate partition [16:54] fde i assume that was meant for me? [16:54] thehurley: did u enable drivers in system>admin>hardware drivers? [16:54] Jack3: you can have all that stuff go to a local mbox ... I'd suggest something like dovecot-imap ... then send them off to gmail via ssmtp - really easy to set up. [16:54] glitsj16: where? [16:54] Jack3: yup... haha... Jack_Sparrow stop talking so much... lol [16:54] haha [16:55] Jack_Sparrow: jk :) [16:55] ive already copied the home directory (just using copy and paste from live CD), so all my fioles are copied to the Windows partition [16:55] np [16:55] Armada: apt-get install audacity [16:55] anybody knows how can i handle .bin files in ubuntu? [16:55] do i just need to delete the partitions i made for ubuntu, then install it again [16:55] I have audacity, used it alot, but I've never seen such an option [16:55] Jack3: I'd actually recommend maildir actually... it's layout is a little better... you know gmail can automatically fetch pop3 mail though right? [16:56] glitsj16: I have audacity, used it alot, but I've never seen such an option [16:56] Armada: weird :) === Ada is now known as Manggatal [16:56] fde, im not really familiar with mail terms... what does auto fetch pop3 mean? [16:56] Hey I have a AMD 64 Athlon 3400+ 2.2ghz Processor. With 3 gigs of ram...Going to be useing for basic stuff web browsing and web development.....Quesino is should I use 64 bit or 32 bit....I would like to use 64...But are there bugs in it? Like does everthing work in 64 bit and same programs availble? [16:56] glitsj16: Where would it be? [16:56] alabamahit 32 [16:56] can you add dictionaries of other languages to the spell checker? [16:57] Jack3: Likely the format your mail servers use are pop3 ... you can have gmail do all the magic for you, instead of setting up your own mailserver and forwarding it to gmail === tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal [16:57] Armada: i don't have it installed now, freshly installed ubuntu this afternoon, but it should look like a big red 'record' button [16:57] alabamahit just use 64 bit, the only thing that i miss is the java applet plugin [16:57] can i wget a directory? It seems wget only wants to get files [16:57] is it ok for me to autoremove and autoclean apt-get??? I am afraid not to srew something up... [16:57] Jack_Sparrow: hehe, exciting stuff :) [16:57] Jack3 : you can use gmx too [16:57] thehurley: did u enable drivers in system>admin>hardware drivers? [16:57] fungo: there is no java pluging for FF on 64 bit? [16:58] legend2440, i've looked there and there are no driver relating to my graphics card. I was under the impression that only the closed source drivers from ATI would be there [16:58] alabamahit there's one, but doesn't work with my bank site [16:58] fde: is this true even if I didnt buy the email part with the domain,... just the domain [16:58] one from openjdk or icedtea, something like that [16:58] legend2440, either way, I'm trying to use the open source [16:58] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver [16:58] fungo: so basically 64 bit is still kinda bugy? [16:58] hi when i want to play a mp3 file i get this error Unable to open 'file:///home/matrix/Skrivbord/Usher%20-%20Here%20I%20Stand%20%5B2008%5D%5BCD+SkidVid_XviD+Cov%5D320Kbps/01%20%20Usher%20-%20Intro%20%5BForever%20Young%5D.mp3' [16:58] chev_chelios Not a bad idea to back up /var/cache/apt/archives before you do [16:58] glitsj16: That would record the input, not the output, I need to set the output as the input [16:58] hey Jack_Sparrow :) [16:59] thehurley: if you type fglrxinfo in terminal does it mention ati or mesa? [16:59] hey [16:59] Any thoughts on my running Linux off Flash on a Dell Vostro 1510? [16:59] legend2440, i'm not useing the fglx driver [16:59] some one say my name?? [16:59] Jack3: it should be... try... in gmail ... go to settings, and Forwarding and Pop3 or whatever... then add them there. [16:59] * maximilion_ strokes marcat [16:59] my name [16:59] Jack_Sparrow: what could happen if i do not? i reocn, i only remove packages that are not used and installation files that are already instaled... [16:59] glitsj16: currently my input is my Mic, I can set it to Mic, Front Mic and Line. But not the output (or "What U hear") [16:59] :3 [16:59] PriceChild Just saw that.. thanks [17:00] >^-^< [17:00] matrix, is the file there? If it is the problem is probably permissions === Ronald|Laptop is now known as Ronald [17:00] Armada: that's a task for alsa i suppose, they have some great info on their wiki, you need to rework /etc/alsasound.conf i believe [17:00] chev_chelios it will just save you time in case of reinstall. saves wear and tear on the servers etc [17:00] thehurley: have you tried installing latest drivers using envyng? [17:00] Jack3: ahh... I mean go into "accounts" ... sorry [17:00] Jack_Sparrow: thanx [17:00] glitsj16: now that's more helpfull ;) thnaks [17:00] legend2440, nope, whats envyng? [17:00] i can play on rhythim box not on vlc weird [17:01] np [17:01] Jack3: Under "Get Mail from other accounts) [17:01] Armada: yw [17:01] this ubuntu is scarein me [17:01] matrix: why for? :( [17:01] fde but thats askin for a specific mail account [17:01] i can not play a simple mp3 file [17:02] thehurley: its a script in synaptic that automatically downloads and configures drivers for ati and nvidia. are you using gnome? [17:02] !mp3 [17:02] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [17:02] hi, can anybody help me please? i have a 5.1 onboard soundcard. can anybold help me out setting 5.1 to mp3 and movies please ? [17:02] legend2440, yes [17:02] matrix, ogg [17:02] I'm not able to resolve machines by name whereas I was able to just days ago. eth0 is configured for dhcp, and no major changes have occurred recently to that device that haven't been made before without affecting things [17:02] Jack3: yes... hmm... then back to dovecot-imap and ssmtp :D [17:02] hello. How can I create a keyboard shortcut for an application in the menu? [17:02] other [windows] machines are able to resolve the same machine by name using the same gateway/dns settings [17:02] any ideas? [17:02] thehurley: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk [17:03] I can't copy to clipboard from a terminal that is running vim. I can't middleclick copy/paste either. Anyone know where I can set these options? Hardy, Gnome 2.22.2 [17:03] matrix: did you install drivers from medibuntu ? mp3 decoding is not supported by default (legalisties ...) [17:03] tahooie: have you tried #vim? [17:03] Jack3: actually... dovecot-pop3d ... so you can fetch it with google... please it's easier to administer [17:03] anybody please? [17:03] nope how i install that i installed gstremaes [17:03] i have a 5.1 onboard soundcard. can anybold help me out setting 5.1 to mp3 and movies please ? [17:03] Jack3: s/please/plus/ [17:03] xine [17:03] tahooie: Mouse drag to highlight. Right click to select copy. [17:03] thehurley: then open applications>system tools>envyng and follow prompts [17:03] threexk, not yet [17:04] helder_ You might try /join #alsa [17:04] never mind i will try it later thanx anywyas [17:04] legend2440, doing it now [17:04] genii, doesn't work [17:04] hello everybody [17:04] you need xineplayer [17:04] how can i install .sh.bin file? [17:04] gooody: sh whatever.sh.bin [17:04] and middle click to copy/paste -never- works in any app. [17:04] tahooie HAve you tried shift-ctrl c or v [17:04] Phantal-: whats in /etc/nsswitch.conf [17:04] I have plugged my apple monitor to my laptop running kubuntu [17:04] but I can't see nothing [17:04] tahooie: middleclick should work. if you look in the Edit menu, you'll see that ctl+shift+c is for copying and vice versa [17:04] Hi people, I would like to know if somebody here had any experience installing ubuntu in a Dell PowerEdge 1950 or similar. I want to use all disk space RAID0 but when installing the only option I did get was the PERC 5/i system. HOw can I install Ubuntu in the way to use the both 143G? [17:04] Jack_Sparrow, ya, doen't work [17:04] gnuskool, nm. Thanks for responding. I was able to fix it by disabling eth0 & re-enabling it [17:05] how can I check it the monitor itsel has been detected? [17:05] gooody: .sh's are shell script (mostly) and .bin files are binary execuables, folow the README provided with app [17:05] how is linux not depending on extensions? [17:05] does it read the header of the files? [17:05] doktoreas, anything on screen? [17:05] Phantal-: thx for the reply, there have been heaps of ppl ask that today [17:05] alteregox: yes. [17:05] alteregox: umm, yeah [17:05] juannicolas: try #ubuntu-server [17:05] thx [17:05] marcat: nothing [17:06] juannicolas I looked at that yesterday for a guy and found that is not a true hardware raid.. it is only supported in windows and redhat using drivers.. [17:06] doktoreas, :( sry [17:06] Ali_ix: there are no README files provided [17:06] glitsj16, did you say something to me? I wasn't paying attention to my xchat icon, so I can't see if you directed anything towards me [17:07] unr3a1: not lately no :) [17:07] ok [17:07] i dope 8gb is enough [17:07] lol [17:07] did you get it going ? [17:07] whats the trick to get acceleration with intel 82852 mobile card, its been really slow for weeks [17:07] magnetron, you're right, middle click does work. It must be a vim problem. I'll ask there. [17:08] tahooie: check to see if ctrl+shift+c works [17:08] "wget ftp://myuser:mypass@ ~/Desktop/" gives me "Unsupported scheme." Why? === Impostor is now known as Humesit === Humesit is now known as Skiptor [17:09] Andycas read wget man pages you shoudl pass ftp user/pass viaparameters not URL [17:09] am having trouble in running Live CD/Installing Hardy, error while booting http://pastebin.org/39489 (seems like it has prob with detecting sata ports & stops at *initramfs*... system had no probs booting with feisty & gutsy [17:09] One cold-reboot and wubi ubuntu was dead... [17:10] any parameters to be passed to kernel while booting ? [17:10] Ali_ix, nope. I'm asking in #vim. [17:10] I have my usb mic plugged in and it shows up in the sound mixer but audio is not recorded in sound recorder [17:10] debian_ You can try the wubi faq page.. sorry I cant help but I wont use or recommend using it [17:10] !wubi [17:10] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [17:10] HI FAGGOTS! [17:10] !kernel [17:10] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [17:11] Jack_Sparrow: How to install without CD-boot? Simply, with only one computer. [17:11] debian_ usb stick [17:11] Jack_Sparrow: No external boot devices... [17:11] debian_:do u ahve a usb? [17:12] soulhacker: Yes, but can't boot from it. [17:12] marcat: are you using pulseaudio ? if so, maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio can help .. [17:12] Can I install a real ubuntu from Wubi? [17:12] how could i place emerald and avant window navigator to start up with gnome? [17:12] glitsj16, idk ALASA [17:12] debian_:ftp access to a computer?? [17:12] fungo: prefrences > session > start up > add [17:12] Ali_ix: Even if i use wget with --ftp-user and --ftp-password i get same error. [17:12] how can i get kernel source in hardy ? [17:12] Hi, I hear tv-sound at ubuntu hardy start-up, is it Pulse Audio (it only lasts about 2 seconds)! [17:12] debian_ Nocd and no external boot devices.. sounds like a really nice system to work with.. I have a toshiba tablet like that.. I use it for a doorstop [17:12] soulhacker: Why? [17:12] Ali_ix thank you [17:13] tahooie: Seems something here on the subject http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=399485 [17:13] debian_:u can do a network install [17:13] marcat: they can work together, ALSA configuration is explained there [17:13] How can i get the kernel source in hardy ? [17:13] anybody can help ? [17:13] Anyone have a link or information how to install the Ubuntu Hardy Heron LiveCD to my USB drive so i can run livecd and install from the USB stick, im looking for a solution that uses Windows (i want to get this done while im at work ;) ) and no CD burning (dont have any CDs with me) [17:13] !kernel | kevin_syt [17:13] kevin_syt: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [17:13] Jack_Sparrow: I can boot wubi when I can remember my password... I do have a cdrom, but my bios password is lost! [17:14] !parameters [17:14] Factoid parameters not found [17:14] glitsj16, well audacity can record it just fine :S [17:14] Jack_Sparrow: Can I go from Wubi to a livecd? [17:14] kevin_syt: check synaptics, there is some package for it [17:14] kevin_syt:add/remove software>development>kernel develoment files [17:14] debian_ See my earlier comment.. and read the faq [17:14] thanks a lot [17:15] SubOne, You could use damen tools to mount the iso, but I cant help with the USB part [17:15] anyone? [17:15] debian_: resetting your bios password is often easy, unless we are talking about a laptop. just find the jumper pins to "clear your nvram" or similar [17:15] can i ls ftp directory with user and pass auth? [17:15] magnetron: Laptop [17:15] Is the kernel develpment file including kernel source ? [17:15] marcat: yes, audacity is a thing apart it seems, you have to make some changes in pulseaudio to get your sound sinks combined, just a sec, i have another bookmark that might help ... [17:15] * lolzer sucks in air "OOOOhhhh" [17:15] sc006: if i mount the iso how can i boot from it if Daemon tools runs in Windows >_< [17:16] http://wklej.org/id/64cdea1f2d is this normal while upgrading ubuntu from 7.10 to 8.04? [17:16] SubOne: you can't boot from mounted .iso files. [17:16] its been doing this for like hour and a half [17:16] magnetron: I realize that ty [17:16] glitsj16, I really want to get my mic to work wtih gtkrecodMYDesktop [17:16] SubOne, you said you had no cd, and you wanted to put it on a usb [17:16] There have to be a way to jump from wubi too love cd? [17:16] genni, threexk, Jack_Sparrow, magnetron, Ali_ix It was a vim problem after all. I had to install vim-gnome and that fixed it. [17:16] marcat: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 & http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup [17:16] ano what do you mean you hear "tv-sound"? [17:16] !nopci [17:16] Factoid nopci not found [17:16] !noacpi [17:16] Factoid noacpi not found [17:17] sc006: Yes I want to make the USB drive bootable obviously [17:17] tahooie glad you got it.. [17:17] marcat: sorry, not familiar with recordMydesktop [17:17] using 8.04. I can ping (yahoo.com) but when I try just yahoo.com it doesn't work (nslookup doesn't either) any thoughts? [17:17] SubOne, did you try the wiki or google [17:17] orbitron, http port blocked? [17:17] tahooie: i just rememberd that the "vim-tiny" package shipped with the default install isn't very capable at all [17:17] orbitron: check your browser proxy setting, [17:17] yes everything ive found requires either a cd and/or an existing ubuntu installation [17:18] I have a SSH connection to my remote server and I need to make some changes to my router settings, but unfortunately lynx doesn't support form buttons properly so I can't save them, any ideas what to try? Is there a better CLI browser or any other ways to do this? [17:18] legend2440, I mean the sound from tv from my pinnacle tv stereo tv-card [17:18] magnetron, ya someone told me that yesterday when nothing was working and I installed vim. [17:18] orbitron: sounds like a DNS malconfiguration [17:18] Ursinha: no FW, just trying to ping no proxy present either [17:18] what a pain! [17:18] Webu: elinks [17:18] Myrtti, okey thanks, I'll try if that helps. [17:18] orbitron, you can try a telnet yahoo.com 80 to see if its ok [17:18] hey does anyone know how to get a pty added to libvirt kvm machines? [17:18] the debian ssl is very secure [17:19] en0x: how did you upgrade? [17:19] approved by nobody [17:19] this: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2008-05/msg01338.html is happening to me [17:19] (hardy) [17:19] hello, i have to PCs and i want to install the same packages that installed on the first PC on the second one , how can i do this ? thank you. [17:19] I even tried in the temlate [17:19] template [17:19] magnetron: I used the upgrade manager as it says on ubuntu.com [17:19] !clone | codered [17:19] codered: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [17:19] en0x: did you add any extra repositories? [17:20] magnetron: no [17:20] "wget ftp://myuser:mypass@ ~/Desktop/" gives me "Unsupported scheme." Why? I also gives me "Wrote HTML-ized index to `index.html.2' [1397]." [17:20] Ursinha: telnet 80 works, not yahoo.com. [17:20] ubottu: thank you [17:20] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [17:20] magnetron: can i kill the process and start again? [17:20] bunty broke broke [17:20] magnetron: any ideas how to clean the dns? (tried /etc/init.d/dns-clean already) [17:20] Hi ubottu [17:20] en0x: don't think so [17:20] Andycas: check this: http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2004/08/16/using-wget/ [17:21] SubOne, from the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?action=show&redirect=LiveUsbStick [17:21] orbitron, here both worked [17:21] bunty [17:21] magnetron: so u think it will be a bad idea to do this? kill the process and start again? [17:21] Myrtti, ouch lol, elinks handles the save buttons, but not the form drop menus :-P Love the TeleWell's software :-) [17:22] en0x: yes [17:22] but well how long do i have to wait for it to finish its bee over an our magnetron [17:22] hi [17:22] i im using ubuntu dvd ultimate edition [17:22] s/our/hour [17:22] Ali_ix: Thanks, i found that i needed -r option [17:23] the problem is that i cannot see my webcam [17:23] en0x: i have no idea. really, it sounds like you're facing some serious problems [17:23] i have compaq C700 hp laptop [17:23] ano http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/debian-ubuntu-linux-configure-pinnacle-pctv-tuner.html#comment-143386 [17:23] every key-press of the windows key on my keyboard opens a nautilus window [17:23] Hi... I installed xen on my laptop with a nvidia graphics card, and it screwed up my screen resolution. I'm in the generic kernel now and have re-enabled the nvidia driver, but the max resolution I get is 640x480 from the menu, even though compiz is working perfectly [17:23] can anyone help out with this issue [17:23] where can I configure that behaviour? [17:23] !mint [17:23] The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [17:24] !fixres | Ollie_ [17:24] Ollie_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [17:24] !mint | aims_stillnoobs [17:24] aims_stillnoobs: please see above [17:24] aims:stilln00bs:do cat /var/log/messages|grep uvcvideo [17:24] ok [17:24] which is the best way to dual boot Ubuntu on a system already running Vista? [17:25] !ru | Skiptor [17:25] Skiptor: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [17:25] technow__: Easy - just install Ubuntu and it will detect the Vista installation. [17:25] ty sc006 [17:25] technow_:ubuntu does that automatically on install [17:25] technow__: Then it will ask if you want to dual-boot and it will configure Grub to give you a menu to pick between both OSes. [17:25] hey folks, does anyone have a moment to advise me on the "accepted" way to add a command to run at boot? i've been searching about and found a few methods, but a lot of them are pretty old, and some even mention that there should be a "better way". Anyone have a moment? [17:25] can my broadcom wireless work with ubuntu? [17:25] SubOne, no prob glad I could help [17:25] !startup [17:25] To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [17:26] !broadcom | bdog__ [17:26] bdog__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [17:26] well actually my problem is i dont know how and where to open my camera in my laptop [17:26] How can one add file-roller shortcut into accessories tab so he can start file-roller without need to type into terminal? [17:26] Hello, the update-manager on ubuntu 8.4 hangs when i try to update via it , when i use the command line everything be alright ? any advice ? thank you. === LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja [17:26] Jack_Sparrow: ah, i should have been more specific. I'm running ubuntu server 8.04... no desktop === bah_ is now known as bah [17:26] aims_stillnoobs You need to find the ultimate channel [17:26] Thank you movedx ) [17:26] pedja_portugalac: right click on menu > edit menu > add [17:26] pedja_portugalac: right click on menu > edit menu > new item [17:27] Opening open dialogs or applications causes the application to lag and gray out prior to the open dialog appearing. http://reikon.us/stuff/arrgh.ogg is a video of the behavior. Anyone have any ideas? [17:27] where can i find ultimate channel [17:27] please help out im a complete beginner [17:28] can anyone help me setup proftpd so that I can rw directly to /var/www ? [17:28] aims_stillnoobs Dont know.. but you are running a version that is not supported in here [17:28] hiya jack [17:28] ok [17:28] Ali_ix, Thank You very much. ;-) [17:28] the ultimate channel, you can find it as a tunnel , most peoples reported there is something like a channel when they died [17:28] actually i got this dvd [17:29] every key-press of the windows key on my keyboard opens a nautilus window. how can i change that? [17:29] from a megazine [17:29] only the left windows key, to be precise [17:29] its ultimate ubuntu 7.0 or something like that [17:29] ok now i have to find acerhk [17:29] hi [17:29] those acer hotkey crap [17:29] I'm trying to figure out whether or not Ubuntu Hardy initramfs _should_ support DNS (from DHCP, ideally) or if I have to add it on my own. [17:29] beerockxs: there is a setting in the config where you can remap keys in the keyboard section [17:29] !acerhk [17:29] Factoid acerhk not found [17:29] Anyone here use the NX Web Companion? [17:30] im trying to use windows deluge in wine, because thats the only way to overcome traffic shapping in my isp. but wine isnt opening that .exe [17:30] n6rej: just found it. i didn't see the "home folder" setting when i checked earlier [17:30] any help [17:30] I have read that the "best" way to add a command to run at startup in ubuntu server is to add the commands to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh . Is this good advice? [17:30] well then will my laptop camera be detected if i use XUBUNTU HARDY HERON [17:30] beerockxs: np [17:30] ?? [17:30] !hardware > aims_stillnoobs [17:30] helder_: event tried ktoorent or deluge? [17:30] helder_, they make a linux ver. [17:30] aims_stillnoobs you can look it up in our supported hardware info .. [17:30] i know [17:30] !hardware | aims_stillnoobs [17:30] aims_stillnoobs: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [17:30] but TS works [17:30] psyferre: look in /etc/xdg/autostart if it's just a 'regular' command you're looking to add .. [17:30] with windows versions it doesnt [17:30] ok thanks very much for the valuable info [17:30] thats why i want to use windows version [17:31] this is a sort of pointless question but does anyone know how to make a screen saver of saved photographs? [17:31] helder_ /join #winehq [17:31] glitsj16: thanks very much, i will check that out [17:31] Jack_Sparrow: you know much about proftpd? [17:31] aims_stillnoobs we try to be helpful where we can [17:31] n6rej nope [17:31] n6rej: check #ubuntu-server [17:31] Jack_Sparrow: grrrrrrrrrr :P [17:31] Ali_ix: tried..nobody's answering [17:32] yeah today i learn something from you all [17:32] once again thank you [17:32] welcome [17:32] glitsj16: /etc/xdg does not exist..... should it? [17:32] Hello everyone. Any ideas why crash report would not open? [17:32] helder_, thought they where both the same sorry, my works fine, the linux ver. anyways never had a prob with it [17:32] psyferre: not familiar with ubuntu server editions i'm afraid .. [17:33] glitsj16: ahh... thought maybe it was a part of gnome desktop. thanks anyhow :) [17:33] yes they are the same, but dont know why windows version can overcome traffic shapping [17:33] psyferre we have #ubuntu-servers channel [17:33] it goes to 2mb download in 10 seconds [17:33] psyferre: what are you trying to add if i might ask ? [17:33] with ubuntu version never overcomes 200kbs [17:33] Jack_Sparrow, psyferre: #ubuntu-server [17:34] glitsj16: i need to add a command to mount a samba share [17:34] well,what is iptables [17:34] alec: There is a screensaver that does just that, have you looked in system > preferences ? [17:34] jpds yep.. no s [17:34] how do i start iptables.. [17:34] whoa... where is nickserv? [17:34] Jack_Sparrow: thanks, i'll check there. I appreciate the help! [17:34] can i use it while chating in yahoo rooms [17:34] price child: not yet, thanks [17:34] helder_, hmm you sure u set it up right i had 700- 800 before [17:34] aims_stillnoobs They start on every boot [17:34] !iptables [17:34] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [17:35] can my broadcom wireless work with ubuntu? [17:35] hello [17:35] pricechild : do you know what its ccalled? [17:35] !hello [17:35] !broadcom [17:35] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [17:35] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [17:35] thanks jack [17:35] np [17:35] is there anyone with nvidia card in laptop, with working backlight control using nvclock? [17:35] well may i know the command for starting ip tables [17:36] you guys are a lot more supportive than the fedora folk [17:36] alec: its something obvious like slideshow [17:36] and is there GUI based iptables [17:36] aims_stillnoobs Thaey are running now [17:36] ok [17:36] pricechild: thanks [17:36] aims_stillnoobs please read the factoid [17:36] well where can i know more details on it [17:36] aims_stillnoobs: there is somthing, try firestarter [17:36] aims_stillnoobs: iptables is already working, you can use the ok [17:37] i will try it out now [17:37] aims_stillnoobs firestarter and guarddog will make you less secure if you dont understand how things work.. Best to let iptables do their think on theior own [17:37] i think ubuntu hardy also has a GUI called ufw [17:38] aims_stillnoobs in terminal man iptables [17:38] :D [17:38] that'll keep him reading for a while :) [17:38] :) [17:38] :0 [17:38] where do i set the volume channel that the volume button on my mouse and keyboard control, under 7.10 it was just preference of the volume but not anymore? [17:39] can anyone tell me where in ubuntu (hardy) firefox stores the theme's? i'd like to add one from a users site.. and they put it in a zip file [17:39] does anyone know if there's a way to get nvidia graphics cards working in the xen kernel? [17:39] i have noticed that allow all rule is pretty much moust painless iptable setting === MetalSnake is now known as Meta|Snake [17:40] nobody [17:40] everybody [17:40] how do I find what ubuntu I'm running [17:40] hi [17:40] lsb_release -a [17:40] i'm using desktop effects, and have 2 panels at the bottom of the screen [17:40] any of u no how i can run AIM under ubuntu [17:40] bdog__ that was for you sorry [17:40] I got it, thanks [17:40] when I now maximize windows, the maximize to the top border of the lower of the two windows, ie. the lowest part of the window gets hidden by the second panel [17:41] bdog__: run "sysinfo" from a terminal [17:41] how an i prevent that? [17:41] nature_ Pidgin is what most use [17:41] hello [17:41] simplexio: sudo su, ufw enable, ufw logging on, ufw default deny [17:41] Why is there a crash report detected message after upgrading to heron? [17:41] Nessa: click on it, it will tell you which app crashed [17:41] how can I edit the order of the boot options for startup? [17:41] nature_, pidgin, works very well === Meta|Snake is now known as MetalSnake [17:42] Ollie_: there is a packgae called startup optins, it edits grub confs graphically [17:42] the simplest way of installing AIM messenger on OSlinux Ubuntu is >>> <<< [17:42] Ollie_: !grub [17:42] hello [17:42] !grub | Ollie_ [17:42] Ollie_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [17:42] !aim [17:42] The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete [17:42] nature_, you could try wine I guess [17:42] hello [17:42] can someoneplease tell me where the firefox FOLDER is located. so i can find otu where the themes are stored? [17:42] Ali_ix: that's another thing, the crash report does not open. [17:43] I understand rsync does some checksum to know whether to copy or not, right? [17:43] jayde_drag0n: ~/.mozilla ? [17:43] is it possible to disconnect a yahoo user from his internet connection using in ubuntu like using iptables [17:43] I cant install packages, it keeps saying that another program is up yet that is the only one (msg: Please close the other application e.g. 'Update Manager', 'aptitude' or 'Synaptoc' first) yet I have none of those running. [17:43] Nessa: may be it is crashed too! [17:43] crashed [17:43] flow [17:43] water :) [17:43] hello all, i have a question, how can i fix an issue when i type ./configure in terminal it says c compiler cannot create executables? [17:43] !ot | nature [17:43] nature: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [17:43] jayde_drag0n: .mozilla/firefox/some-cryptic-stuff.default is your profile, but simply dropping themes inthere from a zip isn't going to work i'm afraid .. [17:44] amart486: dod you install build-essential ? [17:44] jayde_drag0n: that's all inside your home dir [17:44] odd - no, how do i do that [17:44] !compile | amart486 [17:44] amart486: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [17:44] glitsj16: hmm.. so any idea how to install the theme then? [17:44] woot FF rc1 in proposed updates now [17:44] hi, [17:44] none [17:44] I am would like to learn how to create a script in ubuntu that would let me start ZOPE and Plone when the computer starts. Is this possible with bash or python scripts? [17:44] where would be a good place to start? [17:45] Ramasdf: check the zope/plone sites, i'm pretty sure they have that covered [17:45] jayde_drag0n: in what format is the theme exactly ? if it's a .xpi you can get it installed via the add-ons routine in firefox [17:45] Ramasdf: a simple shell script should work, check tldp.org [17:45] I cant install packages, it keeps saying that another program is up yet that is the only one (msg: Please close the other application e.g. 'Update Manager', 'aptitude' or 'Synaptoc' first) yet I have none of those running. Any suggestions? [17:46] demfrax: are you sure [17:46] demfrax: auto update could be running in backround just wait [17:46] Can I partition from a wubi install? [17:46] glitsj16: no its a bunch of folders.. and it was packaged as a .jar.. thought it was a zip cuz it opened wasn't paying attention [17:46] how do I turn off auto update? [17:46] demfrax: maybe there's one of those still hanging around, check output of "top", that lists all running processes [17:47] can anybody help me install a .bin fiel? [17:47] when I now maximize windows, the maximize to the top border of the lower of the two windows, ie. the lowest part of the window gets hidden by the second panel [17:47] how can i prevent that? === forcerain is now known as NthDegree [17:47] if i am trying to install something and i am missing a package how can i obtain it? [17:47] glitsj16: and unfortunatley i didn't pay attention when i upgraded to hardy.. and just went happily along with firefox 3... it has soo many flaws i want to scream.. but i was told i can't roll back unless i want to lose everything [17:47] gooody: where did you get the bin file? are you sure it is installable? [17:47] Ubuntu is working much better than before for me, and standby usually works, but I have had once or twice in the last few weeks where I turned my laptop back on and it went to a white screen with vertical lines and didn't do a thing. How can I catch this in the act next time and capture some sort of debugging info that could be useful to solving the problem? [17:47] i was wondering is there any like dumbed down launcher for gnome [17:47] jayde_drag0n: for themes a jar used to work , drag and drop it onto the add-ons window, can't be sure whether firefox 3 changed any of that though .. [17:48] gooody : chmod a+x ./*.bin [17:48] !dependency | amart486: [17:48] Factoid dependency not found [17:48] LeChacal: it's a game and i guess it's installable [17:48] well i dont have wireshark [17:48] where to get it [17:48] ?? [17:48] jayde_drag0n: rolling back to firefox-2 is possible, there are packages in the official repo's to do just that [17:48] http://tomster.org/blog/archive/2008/01/25/autostart-zope-on-ubuntu [17:48] gooody: try what kevin_syt said [17:49] i read this and part of the script says SUDO=`which sudo` [17:49] kevin_syt: what will chmod a+x ./*.bin do? [17:49] i do not understand that part, could any1 explain [17:49] jayde_drag0n: ff rc1 is now available in the repos. alot better than beta 5 [17:49] gooody: make file executable [17:49] glitsj16: what will i lose by rolling back? and do i just search in synaptics for firefox? [17:49] chmod a+x *.bin ,then ./*.bin [17:49] what is compiz-real? [17:49] Ali_ix: will it automatically install the file? [17:50] help! My desktop doesn't show up as a folder [17:50] kindofabuzz: can you give me the apt-get command for that? or what i should search for? [17:50] jayde_drag0n: Just wait for it to hit the main repositories [17:50] umm search for firefox [17:50] gooody: it just changes file premissions [17:50] what else would you search for? [17:50] :) [17:50] what is compiz? [17:50] glitsj16: the drag and drop method worked .. lol dunno why i thought it needed to be harder [17:50] kindofabuzz: Its only in proposed iirc, and proposed also has some broken updates. [17:50] jayde_drag0n: maybe backup your firefox profile first (that's in the .mozilla/firefox/xxxx.default dir), you should be ok then .. could take a restart or two to check all your extensions are activated [17:51] jayde_drag0n: great :) [17:51] kevin_syt: ./*.bin executes the file. am i right? [17:51] !compiz | demfrax [17:51] demfrax: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [17:51] gooody: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#installer [17:51] well m a complete noobs so i would like to know how to get wireshark [17:51] where can i get the libpcre package? [17:51] how to chat on irc ? [17:51] amart486, apt-cache search libpcre [17:51] kindofabuzz: sorry i kind of assume that in apt-get nothing is named nicely.. i figured it would be called ffrc1 or something akin.. not just apt-get install firefox [17:52] jayde_drag0n, ffrc1 is not yet available on the main repositories === eth01` is now known as eth01 [17:52] you will be notified when the update gets available [17:52] Hey guys, I need some help. I went into my "Add/remove" tab and I got the following message: [17:52] Hello [17:52] where can i get help installing fuppes? [17:52] This is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'. [17:53] That's what it said^ [17:53] When I opened up add/remove [17:53] AlexRADL: run syanptic from administrative menu [17:54] Can grub boot a livecd? [17:54] i think the bios takes care of that [17:54] AlexRADL: in left column click on 'Status' section and then select 'brocken' (if available) [17:54] Ok [17:54] Hi all [17:54] AlexRADL HAve you changed your sources.list [17:54] !hi | Lollo [17:54] Lollo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [17:55] Hi Ali [17:55] debian_: It is possible to boot a CD from grub, but its less straight forward [17:55] Ali_ix: Should I click "Fix broken Packages" in the edit menu? [17:55] what does 'which sudo' do? [17:55] anyone into pd? The channels seem to be all asleep :| [17:55] I have an intel (snd_hda_intel) sound card in my laptop that doesn't work after I resume from sleep [17:55] AlexRADL: yes [17:55] Ok [17:55] Flannel: Me wantto! [17:55] Ramasdf: It'll tell you the path to 'sudo' [17:56] Ramasdf, it prints the path fro the binary file "sudo" [17:56] is there a good alternative to vnc for ubuntu/xubuntu? [17:56] kindofabuzz: did you get update for ff3b5 through update manager? cause i haven't yet. do you have the hardy-proposed repo enabled or something? [17:56] or maybe a more general question: [17:56] mokzu, why not use vnc? [17:56] ok can someone answer a really basic question for me? if i do an apt-get install where does it actually install that package to? [17:56] Lollo: ask you question. [17:57] Which is the typical way to include all subdirectories when entering a path for a progeam? [17:57] Ali_ix: Thanks! The Add/remove thing works now :) [17:57] jitters usually /usr/bin [17:57] hi all [17:57] sorry, program. [17:57] thebishop: it's not secure? [17:57] j1tters, the files will be installed to the paths described on the package file [17:57] debian_: #grub will be a better resource than here. [17:57] factotum i know where the actual runnable file is but where are the rest of that packages files.. [17:57] hola [17:57] j1solutions, unlike windows a soft set of files is not installed on a single directory [17:57] read up and find out, whats what everyone else does [17:57] j1tters: if you use synaptic, you'll find a tab in there called 'installed files' per package, neatly organised :) [17:57] mokzu, vnc over ssh [17:57] AlexRADL: the Synaptics is the advanced mode for add/remove, and both are frontends for apt [17:58] !apt | AlexRADL [17:58] AlexRADL: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) [17:58] j1tters, after installing you can check the files that were installed with: dpkg -L package_name [17:58] thanks all [17:58] I always just send people here: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz [17:58] Was my question clear enough? [17:58] Found the problem. It was Tracker. Removed it and everything's fine. [17:59] thanks [17:59] thebishop: can vnc over ssh be done with just the ssh login or does the user have to login to ssh then vnc? [17:59] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [17:59] Lollo: using terminal? [17:59] mokzu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH [17:59] Ali_ix: no. [18:00] Ali_ix: in a program's setup [18:00] thebishop: thanks i'll check it out [18:00] hello room; Just wanted to see if anyone can confirm the apt repository ca.archives.ubuntu.com as being down. [18:00] Lollo: you need to specify a path? for installation? [18:00] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:00] (10:39:08 IST) altayb81 has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported [18:01] what is my problem here? [18:01] (10:39:08 IST) altayb81 has sent you a webcam invite, which is not yet supported [18:01] * ubuntu_newbie need a help [18:01] aims_stillnoobs: pidgin doesn't support webcam/voice [18:01] aims_stillnoobs You are not using ubuntu.. please stop and look for a channel for the distro you are using [18:01] davou: yes its down [18:02] legend2440, thanks downtime unusual? [18:02] davou A bunch of work is being done today on everything [18:02] Ali_ix: I guess I should explain better: the program is pure data audio environment. You can add startup paths where libs will be searched for. I know the libs are stored in various directories located under /usr/lib/pd/extra/ [18:02] does anyone have any suggestions for a good video board for ubuntu? I have ATI and Nvidia boards but have lots of problems with them [18:03] Ali_ix: I tried adding /usr/lib/pd/extra/* [18:03] I need to get MoL working on my PPC G5. I realize that MoL doesn't yet work under 64-bit, so I'll need to install 32-bit. Does anyone have experience working with this? [18:03] but here its showing ubuntu [18:03] legend2440: sorry, yeah, it's in proposed [18:03] Jack_Sparrow, legend2440 : Many thanks. I was wondering if my sources list was out of date or something. [18:03] aims_stillnoobs Ubuntu ultimate is NOT supported in here.. [18:03] has anyone used MoL before? [18:03] Lollo: it is up to that program to support 'wildcards' like *, check program manual [18:03] ok i get now [18:03] davou: why not use a different server for now? [18:04] kindofabuzz: ok thanks [18:04] why i get always disconnected from yahoo chatrooms [18:04] moshe: Depends on what you intend to use it for. For good 3D performance, I'd recommend nVidia and their binary driver. === brocebeats is now known as brocebesleepn [18:04] heyyyy [18:05] Ali_ix: Thanks. Would you say that * wildcard is quite 'standard' in linux programs? [18:05] Lollo: not exactly [18:05] aims_stillnoobs: you're welcome to install a supported version of Ubuntu though. But we're unable to support "ultimate" because they've made changes that we don't know about. [18:05] I have a Nvidia Gforce3 but have problems with the drivers in X [18:05] Lollo: linux is a big word! it is popular in bash and common shells === nico_ is now known as nico|afk [18:06] thanks glitsj16 and Ali_ix that's what I thought [18:06] Hello all. I have the problem that Brasero does not burn .cues to VCDs properly (they are not viewable in dvd and vlc player). If I burn them with cdrdao, it works. I didn't find anything in the Bug reports. Has anybody an idea for that? [18:06] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:07] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:07] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:07] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:07] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:07] i use cdma phone as a modem, one time its works but other time it doesn't work. in M$ Wi*##s it work anytime.anyone help me? [18:07] heh [18:07] !repeat | ubuntu_newbie [18:07] ubuntu_newbie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [18:07] <_0tt0v0nc4t_> Hello, I am having a hard time getting tor to work in hardy. It seems that it doesnt work with FF beta 3 and I get errors installing tor button using the FF 2 from synaptic. Does anyone know how to get it to work? [18:07] its not working now, ubuntu_newbie [18:07] its repeating all the packets for some reason [18:07] !flood | ubuntu_newbie [18:07] ubuntu_newbie: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [18:07] Ali_ix: that's not what !flood is for ;) [18:08] I've got an Intel soundcard in my laptop that stops working when I resume from Sleep. How can I tell if this is a kernel problem or Pulse/Ubuntu problem? [18:08] what is the term for protocols such as SMTP and HTTP, as opposed to TCP etc. [18:09] oich: network thingies? :) [18:09] moshe: Again, what do you intend to use it for? I could always recommend an insane nVidia 9800 SLI setup, but if you are building say a mythtv box that is intended to connect to an old SD TV over svideo then that's insane overkill. [18:09] wouldanyone know how to escape / for sed? (i need to sed s /media/cdrom, but i get all errors because of the /'s) [18:09] oich, UDP? [18:09] Are there any good alternitives to the Nvidia and ATI video boards out there that are supported by Hardy? [18:09] does ./*.bin installs an executable file? [18:09] I belive SMTP and HTTP are protocols that work over TCP [18:09] anyone have an idea why thunderbird wouldn't start, with no error message? [18:10] giantmidget: escape char is "\", so "\/" should do it [18:10] beerockxs HAve you treid from cli [18:10] looks funky too [18:10] I use the system mostly for programming and web page design but have a few 3d games [18:10] thebishop: I believe that too, but I'm hoping for a technical term slightly less general than network thingies [18:10] Jack_Sparrow: yeah [18:10] no error message [18:10] but it doesn't start [18:10] i also tried reinstalling the package [18:10] Does anyone here have a wordpress blog that is syndicated by planet ubuntu? I am having a strange issue. [18:11] !enter | beerockxs [18:11] beerockxs: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [18:11] glitsj16, thanks, but that somehow won't work [18:11] my title loops back to the planet, but the feed looks fine. [18:11] moshe 3d games in ubuntu or under wine etc? [18:11] hmm, how does ubuntu determine the UUID in grub's menu.lst [18:11] oich, they're just protocols [18:11] it is picking the wrong one [18:11] does ./*.bin installs an executable file? [18:11] in ubuntu. I'm still a little unsure about wine [18:11] !uuid | ChaosR [18:11] ChaosR: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [18:12] moshe: For 3D, pretty much the only alternative to ati/nvidia is intel onboard graphics or perhaps matrox (if excellent 2D multi-monitor is also a requirement). [18:12] ChaosR: 'blkid' command in terminal gives you UUIDs per drive [18:12] moshe, what about? [18:12] giantmidget: could you pastebin your sed ? than people can take an exact look at it, escaping char sequences is tricky as you found out :) [18:12] Jack_Sparrow: I know how to get the UUID, but the autogeneration script picks the a wrong (non-existing) UUID, and I wonder how to fix this [18:12] ChaosR You can also just switch it to the old /dev/sdax [18:13] chanserv should be back soon(ish) [18:13] Jack_Sparrow: every time the kernel updates, I need to reconfigure my meny.lst, and I think that shouldnt be happening [18:13] ChaosR: You ment blkid ? [18:13] I still have an old NEC P1150 multisync monitor (20") but the ATI drivers fail to correctly identify the monitor and I cannot get compiz to work at all [18:13] glitsj16, well its like this: [18:14] cat * | sed s/media/REP/ behaves as expected [18:14] Is it possible to install feisty packages on hardy? [18:14] but cat * | sed s/\/media/REP/ gives me sed: -e expression #1, char 10: unknown option to `s' [18:14] so i was just hoping gomeone might know sed better [18:15] I mean, when I sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and a new kernel is installed, grub messes my menu.lst, it picks the wrong UUID for the kernel location [18:15] giantmidget: ask #bash [18:15] giantmidget: try to quote whole s/../.. [18:15] So I wonder where grub/apt gets this non-existing UUID [18:15] ChaosR fix fstab then see what happens [18:15] Jack_Sparrow: how to you mean, "fix" fstab? [18:15] Jack_Sparrow: no idea about the thunderbird silently not starting then? [18:16] giantmidget: just a sec please, my sed is rusty too say the least, but there should be a space after your very first sed s/ i think [18:16] ChaosR gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and fix it [18:16] ChaosR: check you fstab for wrong entry [18:16] Jack_Sparrow: there is nothing wrong with my fstab [18:17] ChaosR I would change uuid to /dev for a start as this is an odd problem [18:17] beerockxs no idea... [18:17] sed takes filenames, you don't have to use cat and pipe [18:17] ok, lets try this [18:17] Ali_ix, thanks, that does work if i still escape the /'s too. but the problem is that the first par should come from a variable, so i can't use esc characters in it. thanks though [18:17] quick question, every time i close an app that should minimise to the panel i.e pidgin or amorak, it dissappears, also my network status and battery meter etc have gone from the panel, how do i get these back?? [18:17] Question please, i did a sudo apt-get install compiz* libcompiz* libdeco* emerald* libemerald* and it ran into an error at the end http://paste.ubuntu.com/15546/ anyone know what this means?? [18:18] hello everyone, just a question: is it right if the folder .dbus is not accessible? [18:18] ChaosR sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [18:18] Hello people I've got some problems with ndisgtk [18:18] youry501 right client on the panel and add the app that olds them I forgot the name was stausbar or something [18:19] ChaosR: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=644661 [18:19] glitsj16, so the main thing is that i cant use esc chars in the "/media/dvdrw" part, so i can substitute it with a variable... [18:19] but is a actual panel that holds them [18:19] After a reboot I always need to reinstall the driver? [18:19] microwaver no [18:19] Jakoo: yep, it needs root privileges .. and that's a good thing [18:19] microwaver: You probably just need to add "ndiswrapper" to /etc/modules... is it in there? [18:20] ah, thanks legend2440 [18:20] ChaosR: yw [18:20] giantmidget: what does "man sed" do for all that ? [18:20] Can I troubleshoot/get help on getting a game to work on wine here? Or should I go to #wine [18:21] diefordethklok: you just answered your self, #winehq [18:21] glitsj16 thanx though when i shut the system i get weir warns about dbus [18:21] They to specific aps there? [18:21] glitsj16, okay okay, thanks for your time :) [18:21] Jakoo: what weird warnings exactly ? [18:21] diefordethklok: i dont know, but sounds more revelant than here. [18:22] bloody hell i should get ascreen of it, have you an idea how to? [18:22] giantmidget: sorry, i don't know the aanswer to that one, didn't want to shout ;) [18:22] it doesnt let me enough time to read well [18:22] All right. === locobot_0 is now known as Methe_Elven_Wine [18:23] Steve-cal, let me chec [18:23] codecaine, I need to , cuz I can't enable it. [18:23] glitsj16, i got it ;) [18:23] giantmidget: glad it worked out :) [18:24] Steve-cal, there is no directory /etc/modules [18:24] microwaver: That's correct--/etc/modules is a file. :) [18:24] :p [18:24] Steve-cal, aha, I thought because it's sys/modules :) [18:24] glitsj16, well the got it meant i know what youre saying, not that i now have the solution :P [18:24] Jakoo: maybe there's a log, look in the /var/log directory .. [18:25] microwaver you append it ot the file [18:25] oki [18:25] lol, okay, it's a start i guess :p [18:25] codecaine, thanks ! [18:25] np [18:25] codecaine, just add ndiswrapper rihgt :) [18:26] microwaver: type: sudo bash -c 'echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules' [18:26] Hello, I have a problem with my old computer, i installed ubuntu 8.04 and my mouse is not working [18:26] anyone know why the last set of ubuntu updates uninstalled ff3? [18:26] how do i go about adding something to startup? [18:26] maybe someone know how i can make it work allright? [18:26] yes just like Steve-cal said [18:26] ok nothing about dbus [18:26] In which file is the command line welcome message stored? [18:27] !startup | PdUb101 [18:27] PdUb101: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [18:27] Thorghal: how is your mouse connected? [18:27] giantmidget: i'm gonna take a fresh look at the sed manual myself, i'll report back ... [18:27] Help, I need somebody. I'm installing ubuntu for the 1st time, and at the point of partitioning a drive. I'm keeping a vista partition, and I had used gparted to set up a second partition as ext2. I forgot about needing swap space. So I need to delete the ext2 partition, and create more partitions. Where is the best source of information on learning the difference between ext3, ext2, etc.? [18:27] Sergeant_Pony: i heard earlier that it was fixed [18:28] my mouse is connected in COM port [18:28] PdUb101: Adding stuff to Sessions works if you want to run it under your user name; if you need to run a program as root on startup you can put it in /etc/rc.local. [18:28] Hello [18:28] slacker1.... my partition is ext3, SWAP [18:28] Sergeant_Pony: do you have hardy-proposed repo enabled? i think there is a firefox update its been doing [18:28] glitsj16, thats real nice of you, thanks :) [18:28] gnuskool : I did my updates this am (eastern USA) and it uninstalled ff3 [18:28] Hi there, how do I use "ls" or "find" to filter for executables? [18:28] !serialmouse | Thorghal [18:28] Factoid serialmouse not found [18:28] legend2440: yes I do === mok_ is now known as M0lk [18:28] if you just free unalocated space then use the "guided using free continuous space" [18:28] Thorghal: oops, I thought there was a factoid [18:29] Sergeant_Pony: i would uncheck it i think its been causing problems [18:29] leeping2008: man find there is some switches to specify file attributes (like execution permission) [18:29] slacker1: ext3 is ext2 but with journaling turned on [18:29] thanks tj83 [18:29] My Evolution Calendar doesn't show the imported ICS Calendar Entries... i can only view them in the "List view" but in the "month view" the entries are not shown [18:29] legend2440: will I be able to install ff3 again? [18:29] what is journaling? [18:29] slacker1... np [18:29] Thorghal: go through 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg' and set your mouse driver to 'serial' and the device to /dev/ttyS0 (unless you already know that it has to be /dev/ttyS1) [18:29] ccsm window is not fitting to screen..main window goes up and down when i click [18:29] Ali_ix, thanks :) [18:30] !serial [18:30] Factoid serial not found [18:30] !mouse [18:30] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [18:30] seri dont have it enabled so cant be sure but i think other people have had same problem as you [18:30] legend2440: and tha x permission is 100% proof that its is program [18:30] Thorghal: found it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [18:30] Sergeant_Pony: i dont have it enabled so cant be sure but i think other people have had same problem as you [18:30] legend2440: .. .is not proof [18:31] hi, i can't set up google calendar within evolution [18:31] In which file is the terminal welcome message stored? [18:31] simplexio: what? [18:31] okay ill check it, so long to work without mouse :S [18:31] CzarAlex, I think its ~/.profile [18:31] ccsm window is not fitting to screen..main window goes up and down when i click [18:32] CzarAlex: /etc/issue* [18:32] ok so im trying to add Compiz Fusion to my startup, and under properties > Launcher tab > Command: fusion-icon --no-startup ........ now.. if i wanted it to startup with windows would i take the --no-start outta the command? [18:32] Ali_ix: That tells me the version of ubuntu that im using. [18:32] CzarAlex: yes, and you can fill it with your desired messages [18:32] Steve-cal, thanks [18:32] CzarAlex: /etc/issue [18:32] i legend2440: mean that if file has x attribute set, it dosent mean that it is executable, or if some file dosent have x file atrribute dosent mean that you cant execute it [18:32] giantmidget: cat * | sed -s /media/REP/ ... does that produce anything usefull ? [18:33] Ali_ix I already defined a message years ago and i want to change it. Its not in there. [18:33] slacker1: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/4136/3/ [18:33] thanks gnuskool [18:33] CzarAlex: maybe you mean /etc/motd then [18:33] PdUb101, fusion starts automatically for me after installing compiz manager [18:33] CzarAlex: so grep part of your message in /etc, it might be there === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [18:33] soundray Perfect thank you. [18:33] isn't ~/.profile where some distros have fortune run? can't you just do (echo "your welcome message") [18:33] tj83: for some reason it won't auto start for me, im trying to add it to the startup [18:34] CzarAlex: note that this gets overwritten by /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh [18:34] simplexio: yes x means allow it to be executed. what kind of file is it? [18:34] microwaver: Did that work for you? [18:34] I assume you removed it completely including configs, and reinstalled? [18:34] Anyone else here running Ubuntu on Pentium III class hardware? 800mhz P3? [18:34] soundray Sounds good. thanks again. [18:34] would like /dev/sda2 to boot using grub and kernel off of live 8.04. can anyone help me with this? [18:34] glitsj16, that doesnt substitute anything [18:34] syb: yep, anything not working ? [18:35] PdUb101: you removed it completely and reinstalled? [18:35] legend2440: it means that file is allowd to execute as default. it could be bash script, perl script, or executable [18:35] was thining, copy /boot from cd, to sda2, then run grub-install /dev/sda2 . that does not seem to work === genii is now known as genii-around === genii-around is now known as genii [18:35] glitsj16: I've just now upgraded to Hardy. Ping times are inconsistent in pattern. [18:35] any one help me with ccsm problem? [18:35] ccsm window is not fitting to screen..main window goes up and down when i click [18:36] syb did you disable ipv6? [18:36] glitsj16, now im thinking of instead of figuring out escape, finding out the number of characters in my '/media/dvdrw' string and using sed s/{. times number of chars}// to do the job :P [18:36] yes, i did a uninstall of compiz, libdeco, emerald, and libemerald [18:36] How do i open a window with a running program through terminal? the progg is allready running but i have no window cuz i closed it... [18:36] is there a mythtv package I can install to get a mythtv backend master that *doesn't* install a bunch of x11 libraries? [18:36] giantmidget: that's an exellent idea :) [18:36] gpled: Does sda2 all ready have an OS installed in it? [18:36] Jokka: depends on the program [18:36] Steve-cal: nope [18:36] Jokka, that is not possible === rude is now known as deSeb [18:37] how can i see the last changed files ? [18:37] Jokka: what program is it? [18:37] soundray: transmission.. a friend told me to go "transmission fg" but it didnt work [18:37] tonyyarusso: I'm getting weird msgs from nickserver, sorry about nick changes [18:37] glitsj16, i have no idea how to do the multiplying part though... like how to say . times variable [18:37] it worked once ^^ [18:37] Steve-cal: just swap and ext3 partions [18:37] tj83: yes i did a uninstall of compiz, libcompiz, libdeco, emerald, and libemerald [18:37] PdUb101: are you using GNOME? and you didnt list compiz-settings-manager... did you reinstall that package? [18:37] Jokka: I don't know that well enough. Are you sure it's still running? ps aux | grep transmission [18:37] gpled: And out of curiosity then, why are you trying to install Grub to that partition if it has no OS? [18:37] PdUb101 thats what made it work for me. === mohbana_ is now known as mohbana [18:37] I have a NTFS disk that will not boot as it is currupt... it is still detectable by the machine. I have a ubuntu live disk and was wonderign if there is anyway to mount and recover files from the disk? [18:37] Steve-cal: have / dir, but they are empty [18:38] genii: same, but they announced a change of database servers earlier [18:38] codecaine: Why disable IPv6?... When I use "ping -n -i 0.2" on LAN from my Thinkpad at 100mbit I would expect the ping to consistently be <1ms! [18:38] I know there is with DSL but I have no boot disk and im hoping it is posible with ubuntu [18:38] soundray, it is running. i can se transmission as a working program in conky [18:38] Steve-cal: trying to do a ground up install [18:38] ipv6 is not nessary yet and it slows down networks [18:38] what web server would you guys recommend for a newb? i would have very light traffic [18:38] by default its enabled [18:38] genii: nickserv is offline atm, or not really working [18:38] gpled: Are you planning on installing a OS to that partition at some point? [18:38] Jokka: what happens when you just enter 'transmission'? I'd be surprised if it starts a new instance... [18:38] tj83: no.. when i reinstalled i used applications add/remove.. what would the command in a terminal be?? and yes im using gnome.. i believe? [18:39] apache or lighttpd? or something else? [18:39] soundray, it says that its already running [18:39] Soopa: maybe lighttpd or apache [18:39] giantmidget: i'm afraid math was always out of my dept .. that's why i blessed the compiz gods for some eyecandy, sorry, maybe someone can point you to a # filled with regex guru's .. :) [18:39] and with transmission fg it says the same [18:39] tonyyarusso: worked for me just now [18:39] genii: back now? [18:39] tonyyarusso: OK. It keeps seeming to bug me for identify of nickname genii-around [18:39] wil_: Sounds like you should try ddrescue on the failing NTFS drive! [18:39] soundray: yeah, just got the wallop [18:39] magnetron: which is easier to configure? [18:39] perhaps its "dd_rescue". [18:39] Soopa: dunna [18:39] Steve-cal: peace by peace. will start with some bin files then start adding souce for programs [18:39] magnetron: okie, thanks :) [18:39] Jokka: perhaps you should kill it and start afresh [18:40] Hello [18:40] PdUb101, synaptics is a sure thing.... search "compiz-settings-manager" or see if its even installed by "sudo apt-get install compiz-settings-manager" [18:40] do geeks use ubuntu ? or they prefer more tech like slack or gentoo [18:40] soundray, thats the prob, i dont wanna close it and restart it. i want it to open in a new window.. [18:40] 1w0x15 lots of people use ubuntu [18:40] syb, il look that up now [18:40] lw0x15: i'm a geek and i endorse this distro [18:40] i still use gentoo too [18:40] nix is nix :) [18:40] lw0x15: idk, but I'm a nerd who uses ubuntu [18:40] lw0x15: that's more of a question from #ubuntu-offtopic [18:40] tj83: isn't it compizconfig-settings-manager ? [18:41] Steve-cal: should i be able to get a kernal to boot off the drive like that? [18:41] gentoo takes forever to install software because it compiles everything from source [18:41] can anyone help me with runlevels plz ? [18:41] Which should be installed first, a file system or LVM? [18:41] codecaine: and its still faster than windows [18:41] can someone do me a favour and give me the output of "dpkg -S update-menus" please ? === fdd-0 is now known as fdd [18:41] tj83: i recieved a "E: Couldn't find package compiz-setting-manager" [18:41] can anyone help to get the right vga code for 1680x1050 and 1280x800 like this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/blog/archtoad6/2007-12-29/VGA_Resolution_Codes_for_GRUB_Lilo [18:41] Im not to sure took me almost a whole day to install it [18:41] When trying to view two videos that work fine on a friend's computer, on mine (in mplayer) they play slowly, withoutsound, in black and white. In VLC, it's the same, but they play regular speed. In "Movie Player" (8.04 default), they play same as they do in mplayer. [18:41] PdUb101: compizconfig-settings-manager [18:41] wil_: Make as good a copy as you can of all the bits on the disk using such a low-level tool. Only after you've made a copy onto a fresh working drive should you then risk changes to the NTFS file system. [18:42] What is the deal? [18:42] Wobbo: there is no VGA Code for widescreen resoloution [18:42] glitsj16, heheh im a complete noob at this, i ever only studied literature and languages and such, but im starting to really love the shell, so im not giving up ;) thanks again for your time [18:42] gpled: Well I don't think just copying over the /boot directory from your liveCD to your sda2 partition will work. You need to formally install Grub to that partition. And about the kernel, depends probably how you put it there--a simple copy won't likely work. [18:42] I just configured ubuntu hardy server on an ibm server running vmware esxi. i am getting an error on boot "Host SMBus controller not enabled." Is this serious? everything seems to be working. [18:42] Jokka: firefox has the -remote option (which is default when an instance is running). Perhaps there is one for transmission, too. Try man transmission [18:42] * syb *waves*, Rebooting to try Live CD incase "e100" network driver on Hardy has a bug! :-( [18:42] question for you guys, my laptop has shortcut a FN and shortcut keys ie Fn and F4 to turn up the volume etc, does anyone know how these are configured????? [18:42] all in all gentoo did have fast menus and could run appz etc faster [18:42] PdUb101 try the settings with an "s" [18:42] [or combination of things I'm running] [18:42] plural [18:42] codecaine: my home server was rebooted first something like 1h after i used livecd to install [18:43] SoulChild: oh... anything i can do? [18:43] tj83: says its already the newest version 0 upgrage 0 installed 0 to remove [18:43] PdUb101: Also put the word "config" at the end of "compiz" [18:43] dbrewer_rjr: You might have better luck finding help in #ubuntu-server, just an idea. [18:43] codecaine: after that 1year uptime, then power decided to blow [18:43] yorky501: have you verified that it's not already working? [18:43] Wobbo: yes, use the maximal normal resouloution [18:43] I also used a lived cd with bare configurations [18:43] Steve-cal: grub should just boot on its own, even if i do not have a kernal, right? [18:43] with windows its 10 reboots before it "works" [18:43] soundray, nope.. [18:43] PdUb101: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [18:43] gpled: ya, if you installed it [18:43] soundray indeed i have [18:43] most linux install are just one reboot [18:44] PdUb101, i would try the synaptics route... and remove it completely then install again. [18:44] gpled: If you have Grub installed correctly, I believe the answer is yes. [18:44] kajo: could be a settings issue in your player, choosing the correct output modules can also greatly affect audio/video performance .. what format are the vids ? [18:44] kajo ... codec packages ? [18:44] yorky501: try System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts then [18:44] tj83: synaptics??? [18:44] simplexio: from live cd, $sudo grub-install /dev/sda2 ?? [18:44] codecaine: thats true... somethimes ubuntru annoys me. it offers reboot when it could just tell to relog to X [18:44] I want to run Ubuntu 8.04 64bit. My current Intel board (socket 775) can't memory-map, so all I get is 3.3 Gigs RAM. Can anyone suggest a decent combo that will let me USE the full 4Gigs? [18:44] SoulChild: thanks [18:44] true :) [18:45] Hi, is there a program for Ubuntu that shows the bitrate of MP3's? [18:45] "sudo synaptic" [18:45] gpled: you porbably need /boot/ partition mounted too [18:45] dutch: Ubuntu x86_64 should support all of your memory on your board [18:45] cheers soundray [18:45] or menus Administration-Synaptic Package Manager [18:45] gpled: That command will not work I don't think--that command is used to install grub into the MBR, not a partition. [18:46] simplexio: was thinking about that. just going with one partiton. not going to make a sep partition for boot. [18:46] glitsj16, grobda24, the vids are mp4/m4v, and I don't know much about the tech side of media players on linux at all (I know only basic concepts of what codecs, etc are- I don't know what is meant by 'output modules'.) [18:46] gpled: I think you would be better off asking in #grub, but that's just an idea. :) [18:46] soundray: Yes, it does. The limitation is in the motherboard itself. That's why I need advice on another mobo and/or cpu [18:46] gpled: then yyou probably need / partiotion mounted before installing that grub. i think after all it installs stuff into /boot/grub/ [18:46] hello - sorry to ask the obvious, but can I have a newbie synopsis of ssh? I mean, I did info ssh, but it was... cryptic. I just want to log into my friend's computer, which I have an IP of. [18:46] NW2190: right click mp3>properties>audio tab [18:46] Steve-cal: sounds like a good idea :) [18:46] Thanks in advance [18:47] dutch: this may not be the best channel for your question... There is also ##hardware [18:47] Nihilist_Nerd: on console : ssh username@targetip [18:47] <^NighT^WalkeR^> if i make a new linux-source-2.6.24, shouldn't i get a initrd.img-2.6.24-* ? [18:47] soundray: thx. [18:47] !ssh | Nihilist_Nerd [18:47] Nihilist_Nerd: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [18:47] simplexio: i think you are right. im going to dump my mkdir /mnt/boot file, and let grub try and make it [18:47] simplexio: thanks... oddly, it's not working [18:47] Thanks [18:48] tj83: ok in the process of completely removing all compiz software, and will try the reinstall.. thanks for the help [18:48] simplexio: now that i think about it, that might be whats worng. grub sees boot dir already there [18:48] Nihilist_Nerd: umm.. you have username on target, target is reachable ip from your point [18:48] PdUb101.... no problem.... just come back after reboot to let us know the outcome [18:48] thanks Steve-cal and simplexio for brainstorming with me [18:48] is there a good gui for scp? [18:48] kajo, vlc for instance, another widely used media player uses that concept , translates into something like 'via which codec are we going to decode and play the files' .. i'll check my own settings for that format, brb [18:48] I would like to 'right-click' a file and scp it to a server [18:49] legend2440: Ah. Thanks that's what I was looking for. [18:49] Wobbo: The codes listed in that link are, afaik, the complete list of standard resolutions. Some video cards *might* support other modes, but that depends entirely on the VESA bios on the graphics card. [18:49] MitchM: nautilus can handle sftp [18:49] simplexio, thanks [18:49] is there a setting blocking the port 1328 [18:49] thanks glitsj16. [18:49] gpled: No problem, good luck with it. [18:49] nickserv [18:49] kajo ... the default player that comes with the distro installs codecs on demand. [18:49] MitchM: in english you can use it ocer ssh connection, try look coonec to server from gnome places menu [18:49] MitchM its not a gui of scp but you can use sftp, and you can see list of files etc like an ftp [18:49] Wobbo: If I'm not mistaken, setting vga=ASK should list all available modes. [18:49] <^NighT^WalkeR^> if i make a new linux-source-2.6.24, shouldn't i get a initrd.img-2.6.24-* ? [18:50] grobda24, you mean totem? [18:50] kajo: in the mean time, did you install any additional media-related packages after a fresh install ? [18:50] like I said, it plays it, it is just glitchy in the aforementioned ways (grobda24) [18:50] !kernelcompile | ^NighT^WalkeR^ [18:50] ^NighT^WalkeR^: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [18:50] glitsj16, nothing outside of restricted extras, I believe. [18:50] kajo ... was your friends system Ubuntu ? [18:51] simplexio, codecaine: neither suite my needs, i would like to right-click on a single file... do a 'Send To:' as scp (just type in login/pass/path and done)... [18:51] Lynet where do i perform that ask command? [18:51] perhaps i'll have to write something myself. [18:51] grobda24, no, he's on a mac. [18:51] MitchM: why don't you mount the remote directory with sshfs. Then you can drag and drop. [18:51] yea would be pretty easy to do MitchM [18:51] :) [18:52] Wobbo: At exactly the same place where you would say vga=775. [18:52] soundray, because that's not what i want to do [18:52] MitchM: that is probably possible with after somecoding, but how about onelines in terminal: scp filename user@somewhere: [18:52] Hi. I havent used this PC for 4 months and the password seems to be something else. And now I can't upgrade to 8.04. Any way to reset it? [18:52] simplexio, i do onelines currently. [18:52] hello ehm I am guessing what this means as i get it everytime i shut the system or i reboot : http://paste.ubuntu.com/15592/ [18:52] <[T]an1> can anyone recommend a good flowchart utility for gnome? [18:52] kajo: if it plays it's not a codec issue, you could try adding packages.medibuntu.org to your repo list (via synaptic in a GUI is one way) and see what gives .. [18:52] Lynet where do i get respons then? [18:52] simplexio, but there should be a simple gui for this. [18:52] MitchM: and that sshfs i good idea [18:52] Hey guys [18:52] MitchM: why ? [18:52] any one help me with ccsm problem? [18:52] Wobbo: On screen.. At boot.. [18:52] simplexio, for a couple hundred servers? [18:52] ccsm window is not fitting to screen..main window goes up and down when i click [18:53] Lynet, ok ill try thanks [18:53] glitsj16, how would adding a repository help me? [18:53] Andeh: you can bootup in recovery mood and use 'passwd' command o change your user password [18:53] MitchM: then do script [18:53] Ali_ix: Ah. Didn't think of that. Thanks :) Except anyone else who knows that can do that too. Hmm. [18:53] Jakoo: Does it prevent you from shutting down or rebooting? === irjis is now known as irjis_ [18:54] simplexio: I have a username on the target, yes [18:54] Kari.... what is your screen resolution? [18:54] Dow do I know if the IP is reachable from my point? [18:54] Nihilist_Nerd: and target ip is reachable [18:54] no it just reboots normal or shut but i get that screen everytime before it shuts [18:54] *how [18:54] Nihilist_Nerd: ping ? [18:54] simplexio, but i have files that change names [18:54] kajo: support for some formats is not in the default ubuntu repositories, it could be that you are using an outdated codec system .. just guessing though, nothing that i can conform that will make it snappier ... [18:54] ok thanks [18:54] is that normal? [18:54] how can i use a text browser inside vim? [18:54] MitchM: use bash magic [18:54] simplexio, in different directories, and a script doesn't satisfy my 'dynamic' needs. === matthew__ is now known as _bash3ll_ [18:54] eldalion: ask in #vim [18:54] MitchM: then make perl script [18:54] hah. "passwd will reject any password which is not suitably complex." neat. [18:54] just ping yes? [18:55] simplexio, how about i just make a gui for scp? [18:55] MitchM: and that helps ? [18:55] I have a usb headset it was working fine last night when I left for work and I came in tonight and my laptop was completely off. I turned it back on and when it booted up half of the startup sound played through my headset and it swapped to my laptops loud speakers and after logging in i went to the soudn manage and my stuff said usb headset but when I went to go play a "test" tone it failed saying the device wasn't there then I restarted it and it said [18:55] tj83:800*600 but it happens only with ccsm main page [18:55] usb headset (not connected) so I restarted again and now it's not even listed as a device but when I press the buttong on my usb headset to mute/turn up/down the volume I get the on screen display doing it and cat /etc/alsa/modules/cards does not list my headset [18:55] gui progs just slow down processes [18:55] yeah [18:55] Any ideas on what I can do to make it see my headset right again? I know it's good and the usb port is good because it still works just fine in windows [18:55] Katami: sounds like a bad USB cable [18:55] Kari... what seems very low... what size screen? desktop or notebook? standard or wide screen? what video card? [18:55] glitsj16, grobda24, totem is saying the properties are 640 x 426, the codec is H.264 / AVC, 30 fps, N/A bitrate, and the audio codec is MPEG-4 A..., stero, 44100 Hz. [18:56] Wobbo: An, I found an other way. sudo apt-get install hwinfo; sudo hwinfo --framebuffer | grep Mode [18:56] simplexio: Thanks - how do I know if ping worked? [18:56] Jakoo: Just my own opinion, but since it doesn't actually interfere with shutting down or restarting, I wouldn't worry about it at this point. You could spend many hours figuring out exactly why it gives those errors and it probably isn't a big deal anyway. [18:56] if you really need to send one file to hundred server then gui dosent help it [18:56] guis are good for beginners though [18:56] sthough [18:56] Nihilist_Nerd: you get answer [18:56] yep probably I was just curious about it thanks anyway [18:56] If you expire a user's password can anyone login as him and change it? [18:56] kari: what = that [18:57] Andeh: no [18:57] Andeh: teh root can [18:57] codecaine: sure. i dont touch vim wihtout gvim. [18:57] /teh/the [18:57] Jakoo: there is a way to fix that bug [18:57] err can kvm be defined to give a VM only 200mhz of the available processor? [18:57] wut that floodbot does ? [18:57] i setup a bridge for virtualbox host interfaces, it works fine but network=panel si totally confused now [18:57] oh and? [18:57] any suggestions? [18:57] Ali_ix: It says it prompts the user to change it himself upon next login. How does it know it's the user? [18:57] Jakoo: give me a second to find the info... I have it right here... [18:57] soundray [18:57] network-panel i mean [18:57] oki [18:57] tj83:15" standard desktop crt...dont know about video card but special effects are working [18:57] I use 2 network cards [18:57] how can it be a bad usb cable if IT WORKS IN WINDOWS >_< [18:58] Andeh: sorry, i misunderstood it [18:58] one 10/100 and one is a giga [18:58] Katami: maybe you just haven't triggered the problem in Windows [18:58] hi ppl :) [18:58] i need some help [18:58] Kari: what size CRT? and use "lspci" to find out what card is installed in your system [18:58] hi spicemint what the problem [18:58] spicemint just ask the question [18:58] i have a network card [18:58] spicemint, ok [18:58] it is not working anymore after kernel update [18:59] spicemint, what card is it? [18:59] spicemint, you should type your entire problem out, and then post it in one paragraph. [18:59] there is a solution here http://www.jamesonwilliams.com/hardy-r8168.html [18:59] Ali_ix: So it is true that while an account is expired and waiting for password change anyone can set the password? [18:59] spicemint, listen to kajo [18:59] simplexio: Thanks - I got this: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. [18:59] spicemint, so ... [18:59] Katami: Is headset connected through an usb hub? I seem to recall some problems with that. [18:59] i just don't know how to install the precompiled drivers [18:59] no Andeh [18:59] Jakoo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15594/ [18:59] Andeh: it shouldn't be ANYONE, but i have no specific info about that [18:59] is there a way to install 32-bit Ubuntu on a G5? [19:00] guys, where can i find a channel specific to mkv to xvid conversion? media conversion [19:00] Shiba, yep [19:00] codecaine: How does it know it is actually the user? [19:00] Ward1983: how? [19:00] andeh you need the old password to set the new password [19:00] Shiba: no [19:00] helder_: try mencoder or mplayer chan [19:00] spicemint, u need to compile ur own kernel [19:00] Nihilist_Nerd: you should get something like this after it : 64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.732 ms , where xxx is ip used [19:00] the user types in the old password then the new one they want [19:00] Jakoo: be careful with the cut and paste operations detailed there and it should fix it. [19:00] no way really? [19:00] tj83:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) [19:00] is there no easier way? [19:00] Shiba: only PPC [19:00] yorky501: I should have guessed that. Thanks :) [19:00] spicemint, unless if its a module [19:00] tj83:15 inch crt [19:00] like inserting those drivers to the right place [19:01] Shiba: (which is 32bit, but not i386) [19:01] ok ty [19:01] spicemint, then u can compile the module and go enable module [19:01] !u [19:01] Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. [19:01] hi i just installed mpeg123 .. how do i use it ?? [19:01] spicemint, hold on let me read the page [19:01] soundray: yes. the point is that I am trying to get ubuntu-ppc (and not ppc64) but the install CD gives me ppc64 [19:01] spicemint, I get an error at the page [19:01] Vegombrei: 'mpg123 musicfile.mp3' [19:01] kthakore: thx in the tarball there is also a readme, which sat it shoudl be possible to insert it to the right place [19:02] Kari: go up on resolution to 1024X768 and try it again [19:02] weird loads fine here [19:02] spicemint, ok === irjis_ is now known as irjis [19:02] soundray, as you said yourself the PPC versions IS 32 bit...... [19:02] I have hte Ubuntu 6.06.1 PPC install CD and it gives me only ppc64 [19:02] spicemint, let me know how that turs out [19:02] soundray: do i have to be in the particular folder ?? [19:02] im trying to setup a server for vnc support and i cant connect to the server. i forworded the port but i cant connect is there something on ubuntu 7.10 blocking the port 1328 [19:02] Lynet, there is nothing comming out, i installed hw info... I found that in grub console i can do vbeprobe, that gave me resolutions in hex i think... For 1280x800x32 its 0x161 [19:02] Shiba, is it downloaded or [19:02] Shiba, mailed cds [19:02] Ward1983: you're right. Can you ask Shiba's last question? [19:02] hm there is some new info [19:02] <^root^> All that drives that I have mounted have root:plugdev as owner, I cannot share a file without root account, even tried chown, but doesn't work... how to make my account say "account123" owner of those [19:02] *answer [19:02] * soundray too tired [19:03] soundray, "How?" :p [19:03] lolzer Reboot, Halt, Suspend and Custom Command that' it? [19:03] ME CAN HAS PARTITIOING WITHOUT A LIVECD? [19:03] Ward1983: :) [19:03] how do i change user in terminal? [19:03] joey_ did u install firewall or touch iptables [19:03] Andeh, su -u user [19:03] Andeh: su [19:03] kthakore: downloaded [19:03] how do i install stuff? anyone know i just downloaded kmess-1.5.1.x86.package [19:03] spicemint: disable the card n re-enable it. that solved a similiar issue over a recent update [19:03] no i did not install any firewall [19:03] Thanks [19:03] Shiba, maybe check the cd md5 chu,mcheck [19:03] how do i reach a folder .. cd \music ? [19:03] soundray, cant seem to find the link (i luckily dont own a mac i never used it) [19:04] Vegombrei: cd /music (forward slash) [19:04] the CD installs fine. is there a way to get a 32-bit kernel then? [19:04] debian_: Are you a lolcat today or what's the problem? :) [19:04] kthahore no firewall is installed that i know of [19:04] ok will try, thanks [19:04] Shiba, sure apt-get or synatpics [19:04] I can install just fine; the system boots after the install and everything is kosher except the kernel is 64-bit [19:04] soundray: it doesnt work .. [19:04] Vegombrei: thought so... sorry [19:04] my girlfriend moved my desktop folder into another folder. I moved it back but now my desktop shows my home folder, how do I reset my desktop to be linked to the desktop folder? [19:04] Shiba, u downloaded the 64 bit one [19:05] soundray, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/hardy/release/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-powerpc.iso right? [19:05] vegombrei what you trying to do [19:05] Vegombrei: you probably have a music folder in your home, in which case you should do 'cd Music' if you're in your homne [19:05] what should i use to burn a xbox360 iso game ? [19:05] Steve-cal: The ubuntu wont let me partition NTSF while running of the partition. I cannot remember the damn bios password. So I cannot boot from anything cept hardrive. [19:05] kthakore: where can I get the 32-bit one? [19:05] Shiba, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/hardy/release/ [19:05] Vegombrei: are you using terminal? any errors? [19:05] joey_, what pacakage are u using to vnc connect [19:05] Shiba, download pages [19:05] soundray: is there a link where they have the basic commands so i can move about thru folders .. [19:05] Shiba, it says there "Mac (PowerPC) and IBM-PPC (POWER5) desktop CD [19:05] For Apple Macintosh G3, G4, and G5 computers, including iBooks and PowerBooks as well as IBM OpenPower machines. " [19:05] suRs: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ gives a nice overview of the options ... [19:05] Steve-cal: I need to boot livecd, from wubi innstalled ubuntu [19:05] !cli | Vegombrei [19:05] Vegombrei: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [19:05] !terminal | Vegombrei: [19:05] Vegombrei:: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [19:06] Vegombrei: first thing to understand is absolute and relative paths [19:06] Ali_ix: yes, terminal ... actually trying to learn stuff [19:06] servus @ all [19:06] Jakoo: just cut out the text *including* the quotation marks, save, then paste it back in and save for both commands. make sure you paste it back in and save. then reboot. it should fix it. [19:06] joey_ http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [19:06] Vegombrei: check also tldp.org, there is pleny of beginner tutorials [19:06] Ward1983: I need something with a slightly older kernel; Mac-on-Linux doesn't work with kernels newer than 2.6.22 [19:06] Shiba, as you can see there's even a server disc too :) [19:06] kthakore it is called echo vnc the server is echoserver and that is what i am having problems with i have already talked to there tech sapport and they had no answere for me [19:06] Vegombrei: with absolute paths, it doesn't matter where you are at the moment. E.g. 'cd /home/user/Music' [19:06] oops [19:06] Shiba http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [19:06] thank you lolzer [19:06] Shiba, gutsy? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/ [19:07] goodnite all [19:07] Jakoo: here is more discussion on the bug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784295&highlight=network+manager+shutdown+error [19:07] debian_: If you can't boot from the LiveCD at startup, I don't know what you can do. Maybe pull your computer open, pull out the motherboard battery, and try to reset the BIOS password or something. [19:07] Vegombrei: with relative paths, you can change to a subfolder of the current one by entering its name without a leading slash: 'cd Music', or e.g. the parent directory with 'cd ..' [19:07] likewise scaliska [19:07] joey_ vnc is a standard try using remote server in system preferences remote desktop [19:07] kthakore: i dont want to upgrade to that version [19:08] joey_ oh [19:08] Steve-cal: It is a laptop! I just want to boot a livecd from grub/or something [19:08] how i want to add GDM theme on ubuntu [19:08] Or from ubuntu [19:08] Joey_ have u tried xvnc [19:08] I know you can swap kernel while you are booted [19:08] Can't I do that with the livecd? [19:08] Ward1983: ah, I just checked the userland and it appears to be 32-bit [19:08] soundray: thanks :) [19:08] Steve-cal: Or mount the livecd at /? [19:08] Ward1983: /bin/ls is a 32-bit MSB ELF executable [19:08] Jakoo: I had the same issue and this fixed it. the important thing to note is that it is not a serious problem. just a bug. your system is still shutting down properly. [19:08] Shiba, i tohught thats what you needed? [19:08] Ward1983: I need a 32-bit kernel too [19:09] debian_ No external bootable devices no option to boot cd as you dont have the password.. no usb.. what do you want us to do for you [19:09] Its not working.. [19:09] 1/win 2 [19:09] Ward1983: how can I get it? [19:09] Vegombrei: I was a bit concise -- did it all make sense? [19:09] soundray: how do i switch hdd's ? [19:09] how i want to add GDM theme on ubuntu [19:09] Shiba, i gave you the link? :s [19:09] debian_: Maybe jump over to #grub and they can help you boot from the LiveCD. You wouldn't want to mount it I think because you want to completely boot off of it--you don't want to be using any partitions. [19:09] yes it is lolzer [19:09] pdf files dont have any default pdf icon.pdf files are shown with a page instead of an icon.how can we assign a pdf icon? [19:09] Shiba, on the link i gqve you you cqn downloqd the imqges [19:09] WordLife drag and drom a gdm theme onto the login manager window [19:09] debian_: do you allready have grub installed ? [19:09] Steve-cal: No, they wanted a damn dos partition, witch is the root of the problem, I cannot partition [19:10] tj83 not workinh\g [19:10] simplexio: With wubi [19:10] Vegombrei: you don't. You make sure your hdd is mounted, and then you cd to the mount point. Typical example would be 'cd /media/disk-1' [19:10] soundray: like i wanna go to a music folder in a partition called vegombrei .. so what do i type there ? [19:10] Ward1983: so I've got ubuntu 6.06.1, which will work fine, already installed. Can you help me get a 32-bit kernel installed from synaptics? [19:10] kthakore: no would that program allow the clients to connect via internet and and not to have to install anything to be able to connect? all the client comp has to do is download ans run this small program and click connect with this software [19:10] where can i find login manager window [19:10] Shiba, nope sorry thqts over my head, maybe someone else [19:10] WordLife: look for a menu item in your setting called "login window", from there you can add/remove gdm themes, running xubuntu myself, the menu item might be called differently in standard ubuntu distro .. poke around a bit in the menu [19:10] debian_: noidea what it means, but you could try http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html chainloader part of it [19:10] Shiba, i dont even own a mac myself :) [19:10] WordLife depends on which login manager you use [19:10] Vegombrei: are you sure you are using the term "partition" in the intended sense? [19:10] kari: so even at 1024X768 its the same problem? or would it not change to 1024X768? [19:10] where can i find login manager window [19:11] is there a simple way to remove gnome since I've converted to kubuntu [19:11] WordLife system..admin..loginwindow [19:11] debian_: idea is if you can get grub into hd then boot to it then tell it to chainload livecd grub :) [19:11] soundray: actually a partition on a complete different drive [19:11] does anyone know how to install a 32-bit kernel on PPC? [19:11] soundray: but mounted [19:11] Morydd: are you short of space? Otherwise I would just leave it there [19:11] joey_ yes [19:11] kthakore: all i need to know is if there is something about linux blocking the port how do i find that out [19:12] what is the advantage to leaving it? [19:12] Shiba We dont support ppc anymore.. not since edgy [19:12] joey_, no there shouldn't be [19:12] kthakore ok thanks [19:12] c ya [19:12] Vegombrei: what's the mount point? Find out using the 'mount' command. It'll say something1 ON something2 -- something2 is the mountpoint [19:13] !purekde | Morydd [19:13] Morydd: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [19:13] soundray, Shiba wants to get a new kernel on his allready running ubuntu 6.06, can you help him? i have no experience in that erea [19:13] area [19:13] stdin: thanks. [19:13] kari : so even at 1024X768 its the same problem? or would it not change to 1024X768? [19:14] Shiba: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu [19:14] Hey where can I get more info on how to use launch pad to help out with a project [19:14] Shiba: what kernel are you currently running, and which one do you want? ( Ward1983) === nevill_ is now known as adac [19:14] Shiba: follow those instructions. === lsd_ is now known as stephdl [19:14] soundray: oh ok lermme see [19:15] soundray: I need a 32-bit kernel with sources booted [19:15] guide [19:15] !guide [19:15] Factoid guide not found [19:15] soundray: I'm trying to get Mac-on-Linux working [19:15] Where can I locally edit the source for update-manager? [19:15] !ppc | Shiba [19:15] Shiba: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [19:16] Shiba: if you've installed 64bit ppc, you can't switch to a 32bit kernel without reinstalling [19:16] does anyone know of an ubuntu/linux app where it's a web-based multi-user database for entering information in columns/rows (like a spreadsheet)? [19:16] Rolcol gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list === gardar`afk is now known as gardar [19:16] soundray: why not? the userland appears to be 32bit [19:17] Jack_Sparrow, not the sources. I mean the source code. Isn't it written in python? [19:17] soundray: file /bin/ls shows that it is a 32-bit executable [19:17] junkeR: if it's webbased there's nothing to install .. or are you looking to host such a system on your ubuntu server ? [19:17] Shiba: what does 'uname -a' show? [19:17] junkeR: Google Spreadsheet? [19:17] yeah, host on ubuntu server [19:17] I would to host internally [19:17] Rolcol Ah.. It should be py yes.. [19:17] soundray: ppc64 [19:17] ei [19:17] sou do braziiiiil [19:18] Excuse me, but can anyone help me find out why I might be port scanning? Can using ping cause someone to see you as port scanning? Otherwise, could there be something causing an automatic port scanning of outside networks? [19:18] 2.6.15-26-powerpc64-smp [19:18] Monkeyfett8 Ping can be seen that way [19:18] Hm, odd... I am trying to install a firefox add-on and the "add to firefox" button ins't working. [19:18] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1559 [19:18] Shiba: what kernels do you have available? 'dpkg -l linux-image-2.6.2*' (please use http://paste.ubuntu.com) === FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU [19:19] Oh, wait, for an older version of firefox it says. Well. [19:19] How do I change my mouse's scroll wheel to 1 line instead of 3 lines..? System/Preferances/Mouse doesn't have an option to change. [19:19] hrmm okay, that might be it then, thanks [19:19] i need help..my screen res is locked at 800/600 i clicked keep screen res low when it first started up...how do i fix it? [19:19] Jack_Sparrow, how? [19:19] !res [19:19] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [19:19] right, there is something really annoying happenin with my computer. for some reason, it tells me in the bottom of the screen whenever i change a song in rhythmbox, or get a message in x-chat. i have checked both of them and cant see anything to change it. i'm using ubuntu 8.04 with gnome and compiz btw [19:20] i need a good program for logistics account keeping [19:20] skillet How what [19:20] you tell me ;) [19:20] any recomentations? [19:20] Now,how the heck did I get swiftofx 3.0pre installed on this machine? [19:20] Ntemis: Logistics account keeping? Is that like ERP? [19:20] uhhhh [19:21] hi [19:21] what the hell's with that last update that uninstalled xulrunner AND devhelp? [19:21] and firefox? [19:21] junkeR: what webserver environment are you used to working with ? plenty of Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP apps that can offer such a service ... hard to give advise without further info .. [19:21] soundray: hmm, it looks like I might have a 32-bit kernel installed [19:21] puff: swiftfox is not the default... it has to be manually installed.. usually through synaptic or aptitude or apt-get [19:21] I'm trying to upgrade a ubuntu box remotely, using do-dist-upgrade [19:21] !language | emdash [19:21] emdash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [19:21] ciao [19:21] this box got openoffice and GNOME removed, but the dist-upgrade to Hardy insists in installing it again. Any idea what metapackage is pulling this? [19:21] I currently have all three running - I'm not really good with SQL databases [19:22] #ubuntu-chat.it [19:22] soundray: http://rafb.net/p/tVHGK261.html [19:22] Scunizi: Looking at getswiftfox.com now... should I use the debs there, or are there ubuntu-specific debs? [19:22] puff like this http://www.gnucash.org/ [19:22] jordi Ubuntu-desktop will pull that in [19:22] tj83: 1024X768 dint work.. [19:22] puff: should be specific debs I think.. have you used the search button in System/Admin/Synaptic Package Manager? [19:22] Jack_Sparrow: that isn't installed [19:22] Can you name a few of the apps? [19:23] Jack_Sparrow: and isn't being installed whne I do dist-upgrade either [19:23] kari: you mean it would not accept 1024X768? or ccsm give the same behavior under 1024X768? [19:23] Shiba: you seem to have it installed, but you're not booting to it. Are you booting with yaboot? [19:23] puff: but it begs the question of why you want to do this.. did you upgrade from gutsy to hardy and are having problems with FF? [19:23] soundray: yes [19:23] jordi no idea.. [19:23] Scunizi: Ah, yes, I see it. === daniele is now known as mel8 [19:23] Scunizi: Why I want swiftfox instead of firefox? [19:23] junkeR: the SQL is mostly already written for you in these things, it's the configuration of the web- and database server that's the tricky part if you haven't done it before, i'll dig into the bookmarks, brb [19:23] Lynet, its simple 0x161 add 200, so i get 361, turn it into decimal and you get the answer [19:23] Jack_Sparrow: hm, I suspect something to do with language-support stuff [19:23] Shiba: I think you can see the available kernels at the yaboot: prompt by hitting the Tab key [19:23] Lynet: thanks for the tips... bye [19:23] yes, I've done that before [19:23] Scunizi: Unfortunately, I had to ugprade the hard way - drive failure. Installed from scratch. [19:24] is there a way to make 'ls' sort by date? [19:24] ddonky: ls -t [19:24] soundray: looking at the yaboot config, it only lists a single kernel [19:24] soundray: but that kernel is a symlink in boot to the 64-bit kernel [19:24] blah, it looks like the swiftfox site *only* provides 3.0pre downloads. [19:24] tj83:1024X768 is not accepted [19:24] soundray: I see what appears to be a 32-bit kernel; maybe I can switch to it [19:25] where do i type in commands? [19:25] kari : did it give you an "RandR" error? [19:25] Shiba: worth a try... Will you have a rescue method in case it won't boot after that? === brocebesleepn is now known as brocebeats [19:25] soundray: yeah, the reinstall CD [19:25] :) [19:25] leftheart: in a terminal Window. Applications-Accessories-Terminal [19:25] so what is the advantage of swiftfox? I don't get it. [19:26] puff: I've never looked at swiftfox.. it's based in FF but I don't know what the differences are.. if you have to go for the ubuntu deb or debian deb.. but be aware that if you get a deb from places other than the ubuntu repos you might break your system [19:26] lolzer: absolutely none imo [19:26] soundray - thanks === irjis is now known as irjis_ [19:27] lolzer: it's not using the firefox trademark, so swiftfox can carry modifications that aren't blessed by the Mozilla Foundation [19:27] "optimized for linux" or so the swiftfox site says- but firefox was born in linux. [19:27] right, there is something really annoying happenin with my computer. for some reason, it tells me in the bottom of the screen whenever i change a song in rhythmbox, or get a message in x-chat. i have checked both of them and cant see anything to change it. i'm using ubuntu 8.04 with gnome and compiz btw [19:27] soundray: thanks for the reminder, I'm adding multiple entries for all available kernels now [19:28] I'm having problems with compiz desktop effects since this morning, after upgrading to hardy [19:28] when i logout of kubuntu it goes to a black screen what do i need to do to figure out why its doing that ? it used to work then it didn't [19:28] lolzer: thanks for the login window cut and paste tip. it worked for me at least on last two reboots. it was just mostly annoying [19:28] lolzer: they say it's "optimized". yet when compared with just firefox itself, there is no difference. === Zoidberg is now known as Rolcol [19:28] are there any known issues with it? enhanced zoom doesn't work, shift switcher doesn't work either [19:28] Scunizi: Swiftfox is just firefox compiled specifically for your CPU. It's equivalent to swapping the default kernel from the ubuntu installation with a cpu-specific kernel. [19:28] Jack_Sparrow: left over mozillaf-firefox language packs [19:29] puff: ah.. ok.. [19:29] ah [19:29] legend2440: no problem. yeah, that little bug is annoying but you should have it squashed now. :) === irjis_ is now known as irjis [19:29] hello, Im having some problems with a game using /dev/dsp from some reading I've found that /dev/dsp is now obsolete? Is there anyway to fix this. Problem just arouse from upgrade to 8.04 [19:29] hi guys, after rebooting yesterday I can only boot into low graphics mode === irjis is now known as irjis_ [19:29] LaG|Fingel What game [19:29] i reinstalled the drivers and such but no luck [19:30] !res | jessika [19:30] !res | jessika [19:30] jessika: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [19:30] Jack_Sparrow, Unreal Tournament 1999 [19:30] I'm back.... still intalling ubuntu for the first time... no wireless networking, checked the troubleshooting, checked to see if the wireless device is on. I'm told "unable to resolvehost " [19:30] LaG|Fingel I dont know the answer but I knew the first question people would ask [19:30] suggestions? === irjis_ is now known as irjis [19:31] slacker2: is that message actually from sudo? Try 'sudo ls' in a terminal [19:31] slacker2 Can you connect hardwire to intenet and do the updates. [19:31] I get the error "open /dev/dsp: Invalid Argument" "Audio init failed" [19:31] I typed "sudo lshw -C network" and the response was "unable to resolve host..." [19:32] slacker2: please try 'sudo ls' and see if it says the same thing [19:32] yes, still unable to resolve host [19:32] weird! [19:32] and thanks for the help [19:32] !hostname | slacker2 [19:32] slacker2: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab [19:32] Hello friends [19:32] I was playing with fsck and I broke my partition [19:32] Any ideas on how to fix this? [19:33] slacker2: you will have to reboot into recovery mode to follow ubottu's advice ^^. Do you know how to do that? [19:33] doesn't look like anything there applies. the nvidia driver isn't loading [19:33] no [19:33] iami Did you ignore the warnings about fsck a mounted partition [19:33] I'm a newbie [19:33] what packages do i need to install to be able to program with QT in c++? [19:33] Jack_Sparrow, what is the first question people would ask? [19:33] soundray: I'm getting OpenFirmware problems on the 32-bit kernel [19:33] although it says it is in the hardware manager [19:33] iami: actually, fsck is somthing to fIX partions, how did you broke something with tah? [19:33] soundray: illegal memory access or some such [19:33] LaG|Fingel What game you were having trouble running [19:33] oh ok [19:33] Ali_ix: I was just messing with it, and it said it could cause data loss [19:33] slacker2: it's an option on the grub menu during early boot. You may have to hit Esc to see that menu [19:33] yeah, but if you run fsck on a mounted partition bad things arise [19:33] jessika: any output from glxinfo ? [19:34] Ali_ix: Then I continued to run the application === Dark-Fx_ is now known as Dark-Fx [19:34] Shiba: that's over my head. Sorry... [19:34] hello there [19:34] and now I cannot mount my Hard disk, it says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad suplerblock on /dev/sda1/, missing codepage or helper program [19:34] glx info returns Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [19:34] !fsck | iami [19:34] iami: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [19:35] it worked until the kernl update [19:35] iami Try booting a livecd and fsck after you make sure nothing is mounted [19:35] then after the first reboot, but on the second no display [19:35] Ali_ix: I do not even want to fix it [19:35] is there a way an usb peripheral can retain the same bus and device (see lsusb) after disconnecting/reconnecting the device? [19:35] Ali_ix: I just want to get access to a few files on the machine [19:35] Hello [19:35] jessika: looks like a mis-configured /etc/X11/xorg.conf, hardy has a newer xorg and things have changed a bit .. could you pastebin that xorg.conf please ? [19:36] I have installed a Hardy in my laptop [19:36] C10uD If a mountable drive etc.. fstab can use uuid [19:36] iami: try live cd, mount desired partions and backup your files, if they are on corrupted partion, you need to fix it first [19:36] I have a problem with the temperature [19:36] iami: then just use a live cd to access the file system. [19:36] i am using the same xorg that i was until yesterday, even did dpkg reconfigure, etc but no luck [19:36] Ali_ix: I'm currently booted with the live CD, it's on my laptop sitting next to me... How do I fix the partition? [19:36] C10uD: I don't think there is a way to do that, but there may be another way to tackle your problem, as Jack_Sparrow suggests === |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo [19:37] in normal use (surfing in internet ) the temperature is 70C [19:37] mmm thanks for the answers ;) [19:37] How do I check my ip through terminal? [19:37] !fsck [19:37] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [19:37] i'll ask google now [19:37] :P [19:37] and in a heavy use it can rise to 100 or more temperature [19:37] Does anyone help me? [19:37] iami: i have some few info about repairing partiontions, you may try to search community (forum/wiki) or ask someone else here [19:38] pedro__: please keep everything on one line. Have you checked your fans? [19:38] jaja, ok [19:38] I'm sorry [19:38] Ali_ix: can I re-run fsck from the livecd to fix the partition? [19:38] Does anybody know about installing an optimized kernel? [19:39] pedro__: fans working? [19:39] iami: that's an option and may help [19:39] Anyone knwo the terminal command to check My IP address on the comuter? [19:39] ifconfig [19:39] I have installed a Hardy in my laptop, and I have a temperature problem. It is too hot, in normal use it is almost 70C. [19:39] AlabamaHit: ifconfig [19:39] Back on hoary I could install a kernel image from apt that suited my CPU; is that still doable/necessary with Hardy? [19:39] Thanks :) [19:39] puff: the generic kernel loads CPU-specific optimizations at runtime, so it's not strictly necessary [19:39] pedro__: What kind of laptop? [19:39] nc8430 hp [19:39] soundray: Ah, it does? Cool. [19:39] hi [19:40] anyone from Greece?? [19:40] !gr | Metty_ [19:40] Metty_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [19:40] http://pastebin.com/m2ab0a9b7 <---- is my xorg.conf, which has not changed since a month ago [19:40] mike_: ^ [19:40] puff: I think there's a factoid... [19:40] !generic | puff [19:40] puff: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) [19:40] I have been reading about it in inet and a lot of people have the same problem but I didn't find any solution [19:40] have you found any apps, glitsj16? [19:40] soundray: Cool. [19:40] lsmod | grep nvida give no result so i dont think its loading [19:41] pedro__: are those people using the same laptop model? [19:41] junkeR: nope sorry, it's a jungle and my web-dev days are long gone i'm afraid ;) [19:41] no [19:41] pedro__: What kind of laptop? I've been seeing high temps with my thinkpad t43p ever since upgrading to gutsy. [19:41] hmm - how can i get s-video _input_ to work @ubuntu? got the ati driver installed via menu, but well - don't know what do to any further [19:41] what would you recommend searching for in google? i can't really find relevant results === platyhelminth is now known as Plath|afk [19:41] dual core 4 gB ram 160 gb [19:42] Metty_: s-video *output* you mean? [19:42] linux friends: what fsck options do I run to repair a corrupted disc? [19:42] laptop rise up to 105C [19:42] no, _input_ i mean [19:42] getting a signal from my receiver -> pc [19:42] works fine under windows using the wdm drivers [19:42] I think that can be a problem whit the kernel and the dual core [19:43] but i am not sure [19:43] jessika: do you have nvidia-settings package installed ? [19:43] Metty_: no idea [19:43] pedro__: Are you sure there have been no other hardware changes recently? [19:43] yes, running nvidia-settings says the nvidia driver is not enables and to run nvidia-xconfig [19:43] are there any known issues compiz desktop effects after upgrading to hardy? enhanced zoom doesn't work, shift switcher doesn't work either [19:44] I have change from windows to linux recentrly [19:44] register hborole [19:44] I used to use linux long time ago :D [19:44] and i did that and it did not help. i have tried the nvidia driver from nvidias website to [19:44] pedro__: does your laptop have a SantaRosa chipset? If so, this page might be helpful: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro/SantaRosaFanControl [19:44] hi, i m using ubuntu with compiz [19:44] in windows I dont have any problem with temperature [19:45] jessika: did you try the envyng-gtk drivers ? [19:45] anybody here have problems with the sound being out of sync with the video in ubuntu? [19:45] my screen res only shows 2 res and the highest is 800/600 how do i add more to that? [19:45] pedro__: use system monitor or 'top' in terminal to see if there is abnormal CPU usages [19:45] I dont think my problem is the fan [19:45] hi [19:45] pedro__: if there is no cpu usage, you shouldnt get abnormal tempretures either [19:45] pedro__: what makes you think so? [19:45] I dont think my problem is the fan, it is running all time [19:45] what is the command usage for fsck to fully check and repair a courrupted drive? [19:45] It worked ok when booting into the previosu kernel, but i uninstalled it on advice of a thread on the ubuntu-forums [19:45] How can I make (k)ubuntu reconfigure my screen- and mousepad settings again from scratch as if I reinstalled from scratch? [19:46] so, is there any way how i can determine if there is even the hardware capability given under linux? [19:46] iami: 'sudo fsck -y /dev/sda1' Replace /dev/sda1 with your real device name. Make sure that it's not mounted. But judging from your story, you're going to have to reinstall. [19:46] just dropped to say hello ;) [19:46] yes, And because it i think it is a problem of the kernel [19:46] or xorg server :( [19:47] how do you reinstall screen res settings? [19:47] jessika: well, i can't state that it's bullet-proof, but couldn't hurt to re-install and see what gives i suppose, since your system is crippled as it is right now .. re-installing that solved my xorg problems though, running smoothly ever since [19:47] leftheart, go to screen and graphics in system, and change the screen you have. Also, are you running in low-graphics mode? [19:47] Metty_: is this an ATI All-in-Wonder card? [19:47] yeah how do i get out of low graphics? [19:47] yeah, had a lot of customisation i wa shoping to avoid re-doing heh [19:47] i used envy for my ati card [19:47] Dont you hear any troubles about temperature in hardy? [19:47] you can give it a shot ;) [19:48] soundray: ati x800xt [19:48] pedro__: no [19:48] if you are in low-graphics their might be a problem with your graphics driver [19:48] is there an email program for ubuntu that will run in the background and alert you when you get an email? can this be done with thunderbird? if not, how can you do it? [19:48] ok [19:48] I dont Know what i'll do, because it is to hot to the cpu [19:49] tmapj, do you only want a notification of a new email or you want it stored it localy ? [19:49] maybe I try to install 7..10 [19:49] jessika: hehe, yep, take the necessary backup precautions .. and use xorg-edit package to "test-drive" before committing ;) [19:49] but I don like this chamge [19:49] nu werkt het zalig [19:49] !evoloutions | tmapj [19:49] Factoid evoloutions not found [19:49] well i took out my video card and tried my pc w/ just the motherboard vga plug, and i click low graphhics and then i pluged my graphics card back in and now its stuck with 800/600 [19:49] heb ene server2003 en 2 XPs [19:49] !evoloution | tmapj [19:49] Factoid evoloution not found [19:49] oops wrong window [19:49] !evolution | tmapj [19:49] Factoid evolution not found [19:49] :| [19:49] I'm back (and still having wireless network issues). I've reset the hostnames issue (I had added a workgroup name that was causing problems). Now when (in terminal) I type "sudo lshw -C network", both network adapters are found, but the wireless adapter is unclaimed. [19:49] how do I claim it? [19:50] jessika: any guidance from the /var/log/Xorg.0.log btw ? [19:50] tmapj, you could use alltray with evolution, or even with thunderbird [19:50] new1: i want it stored locally because i want to use the email program to make my own spam filters [19:50] Hi all -- did something happen to the Edgy repositories on archive.ubuntu.com? [19:50] !wifi | slacker2, these links are going to help [19:50] slacker2, these links are going to help: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [19:50] Do you use ubuntu in laptops whit kernel [19:50] I looked at it, but I couldn't tell [19:50] any one know how to unclick "keep low graphics" in start up? [19:50] what's alltray? [19:50] tmapj: evolution will do that.. it's built in. [19:50] I'm looking at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ and it looks like all the edgy repositories are gone [19:50] tmapj, you can use evolution or thunderbird [19:51] http://alltray.sourceforge.net/ [19:51] new1: how do i enable evolution through alltray? [19:51] can i change my ubuntu installation from 64bit to x86? [19:51] tmapj: execute alltray evolution [19:52] when you have alltray, you just need to type alltray programname [19:52] pedro__: what does it matter to you what other people use? [19:52] Odd-rationale: put that in my startup? [19:52] http://pastebin.com/m1becf239 is my xorg.log [19:52] gooody: only by reinstalling [19:52] can anyone tell me what this kern.log entry means "kernel: [#,#] ssh-scan[#]: segfault at # eip # esp # error 4 where # is some long number that changes with each log entry [19:52] gooody: why do you want to? [19:52] tmapj: only if you want to have it on startup... [19:52] jessika: ok great, i'll look and report back [19:53] how do u increase screen res, from start up ";low res" max is 800/600 [19:53] soundray: i encountered some problems with compatibilities [19:53] i want it to start up with my computer every time it starts up and alert me whenever i get an email [19:53] does anyone know where the Edgy repositories can be found? [19:53] gooody: more specifically, please [19:53] tmapj: you can test by doing alt+f2 and type in "alltray evolution" [19:53] tmapj, put it in sessions [19:53] new1: what exactly should i put in sessions? [19:53] just "evolution" [19:54] ok [19:54] thnx [19:54] np ;) [19:54] but then wont it start up with a big splash screen?> [19:54] no [19:54] It doesnt matter to me, but i think it is a bug [19:54] i want it to startup in the background [19:54] evolution doesnt have a splash screen [19:54] also, as x is starting, the screen "flickers" several times and shows a tty log in screen, which is new [19:54] neW1: i think he wants to have evolution in alltray. so should he put "alltray evolution"? [19:54] soundray: This kernel optimization discussion is good reading. [19:54] well i dont want to see it except inside my system tray [19:55] Odd-rationale, i dont think that will work [19:55] puff: is it? Will have a look at it myself, then [19:55] I have used Netbeans to export all my java files to HTML to preserve syntax highlighting, but when copy-pasting the HTML to OpenOffice Writer, I lose the highlighting, what to do? [19:55] soundray: what is the advantage of 64bit installation from x86? [19:55] tmapj, you cant do that with evoluition (i dont know how) [19:56] see if thunderbird has an option like that [19:56] pedro__: you are claiming that Ubuntu has a bug, but you are not willing to pursue diagnostics with me. That is not on. [19:56] does anyone know of a guide for installing ubuntu from an iso file without burning it? I want to install it to another partition on this cpu [19:56] hi all [19:56] tmapj: have you installed evolution? [19:56] Odd-rationale: no [19:56] Odd-rationale, evolution is installed by default [19:56] tmapj: sorry, i meant. have you installed alltray... [19:56] who can help me with vsftpd? [19:56] gooody: the main one is probably that you've installed it already. [19:56] tmapj, just use alltray and for startup put alltray evolution in sessions [19:56] Odd-rationale: no [19:56] Kode, that was my idea 2 [19:57] Does anyone know if the Edgy Eft repositories have disappeared? Synaptic can't update from them and it looks like they're not where they're supposed to be on the web [19:57] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ [19:57] tmapj: well apt-get install alltray [19:57] hi :) can anyone help with the installation of Beryl/Compiz? it seems installed (theres something in the applications menu) but so far.... nothing [19:57] jessika: looks clean allright ... one of those harder nuts to crack it seems [19:57] it says evolution alarm notifier is already in sessions [19:57] gooody: beyond that, it's a bit faster especially with memory I/O intensive tasks like video encoding. And it supports more than 3.5 GB, which 32bit doesn't (or at least not as well) [19:57] soundray: im sorry I was reading about it in google [19:57] what is evolution alarm notifier [19:57] :D [19:57] why wont ubuntu install my video driver automatically [19:57] tell me Waht we cand do [19:57] who can help me with vsftpd? [19:57] leftheart, what videocard do you have? [19:57] tmapj, have you configured evolution ? [19:57] robotic: I think it is no longer supported [19:58] yeah, im afraid that reinstalling and uninstalling the drivers like ive been doing will bork my ststem to where i have to reinstall [19:58] neW1: no [19:58] tmapj, do it ;) [19:58] I need help with a very annoying issue, if I add the xfce battery monitor and then restart my laptop, sometimes when I login I get 'HAL failed to initialize' and then nothing really works, like my wireless card doesn't connect. Is there anyway to solve this or do I have to avoid using that panel item? [19:58] neW1: ok [19:58] radeon hd 2600xt [19:58] shane2peru: edgy eft is no longer supported? dapper is still there [19:58] the screen flickers as x starts which it shouldnt [19:58] soundray: thanks for the info. [19:58] leftheart: basic Ubuntu only installs software that is freely (re)distributable. ATI and NVidia's own drivers are restricted, so they can't be installed by default. [19:58] who can help me with vsftpd pls? [19:58] robotic: Dapper is a lts (Long Term Support) like Hardy [19:58] and even when the hardware manager says the nvidia driver is enabled and in use it isnt and isnt loaded according lsmod [19:58] robotic: dapper is LTS (long term support) [19:59] gooody: yw [19:59] jessika: yep, the display 0.0 bit is the only thing to go on i suppose, weird [19:59] join -m CHaT.iToMa.iNFo [19:59] so, no one having an idea how to get (s-)video input working @ubuntu? [19:59] robotic: I think dapper is still supported for the server edition, but I think the desktop is about to end [19:59] leftheart, you could try to install them through system-admin- restricted driver manager [19:59] shane2peru: wow! so they just take the repositories off the web after that? [19:59] i am running two monitors? [19:59] that is with the proprietary driver [19:59] ahh..i thought it did when i first put it in...i took out card pluged pc i to motherboard vga, click keep low res, and then put 2600xt back in and now i'm stuck in 800/600 mode [19:59] help why did autoupdate remove firefox! [19:59] shane2peru, the supported edition goes for 5 years [20:00] robotic: well, it is a lot of upkeep etc, not to mention bandwidth [20:00] shane2peru, the supported server edition goes for 5 years desktop 3 [20:00] shane2peru: OK, time to upgrade then, I guess :) [20:00] jessika: no it's a syntax thing that double O notation [20:00] who can help me with vsftpd , on private pls ? [20:00] soundray: Well, that may be subjective; I'm not too familiar with this sort of stuff, but I've always been curious about it. Seeing knowledgable people hash it out at a level that's (just barely) intelligible to me is interesting. [20:00] ompaul: I thought the 5 years was only for the servers? [20:00] Anyone able to help with an upgrade issue? I am unable to mount my second ide hard drive, it was ok before I upgraded from 7.10 [20:00] robotic: yes, it is advisable to upgrade [20:00] puff: sounds like exactly the kind of thing I need to read [20:00] shane2peru: what is the next LTS? [20:00] has anyone else had their autoupdate remove firefox for no reason? [20:00] robotic: Hardy [20:00] !hardy [20:00] Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents [20:01] joshp: why don't you just reinstall it and be done with it? [20:01] soundray: do you have any idea? [20:01] is there and option in X that makes you keep LOW RES and makes you stay under 800/600? [20:01] why would autoupdate choose to remove firefox for me? [20:01] jessika: i'm gonna take a precise look at my xorg.conf, back in a sec, just want to check something display-settings wise [20:01] leftheart: vga driver issues [20:01] pedro__: I've given you all my ideas and the SantaRosa link. Now it's your turn to try things out [20:02] ALI...? [20:02] ok [20:02] thanks. [20:02] who can help me with vsftpd , on private pls ? [20:02] for no reason my ubuntu uninstalled firefox and all related softwares [20:02] joshp: maybe you've removed a package that firefox depended on, so it was autoremoved. I still don't understand what the problem is. Just reinstall firefox! [20:03] jessika: what is the busid in your xorg.conf for the device section ? [20:03] !pm | pedro__ [20:03] pedro__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [20:03] leftheart: probably you have some issues with your VGA driver, or may be some mis-configurations. check wiki for vga specific how-to's [20:04] And now my wireless connection isn't working at all. :/ [20:04] !vga | leftheart [20:04] Factoid vga not found [20:05] it worked right before i unpluged my 2600xt, i tried to run things with just the motherboard, and i actdently click "keep low res graphics" and then pluged my 2600xt back in....now i'm stuck in low graphics mode [20:05] Hi @ all [20:05] i dont see a busID [20:05] leftheart: did you tried 'displayconfig-gtk' program or screen resloutin in Prefrences to ix this? [20:06] http://pastebin.com/m2ab0a9b7 here is my xorg [20:06] yeah in pref the make screen res available is 800/600 [20:06] ..max screen res is 800/600 [20:06] leftheart: what is you vga? ati? nvidia or intel? === Guest2764 is now known as Dukkan [20:06] jessika: that could be a problem .. i'll add something to your pastebin okay, it's worth a shot [20:07] how risky is it to install unauthenticated packages? [20:07] ati [20:07] I'm still downloading from the old repositories, but they sources list isn't on the web so apt-get can't authenticate them anymore [20:07] !ati | leftheart [20:07] leftheart: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [20:07] is this a serious security risk or will it be OK just this once? [20:07] i just want to be able to unclick "keep low res graphics option" [20:07] leftheart: re-check your vga drivers and follow wiki guides === fserve_ is now known as sferve [20:08] hello, I'm working my way down the troubleshooting page for wireless faults. I'm not sure what I'm seeing. I typed "sudo lshw -C network" and I'm told the device is unclaimed. Do I need to get a driver for it? It has a physical id but not a logical id. === sferve is now known as fserve_ === blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog [20:08] ok, thanks [20:08] robotic: it depends on whether you think the servers may have been cracked without the administrators noticing [20:08] does anyone know anything about "ssh-scan" [20:08] soundray: OK, thanks, good advice [20:08] soundray: smarter just to upgrade the whole distro [20:08] Anyone able to help with an upgrade issue? I am unable to mount my second ide hard drive, it was ok before I upgraded from 7.10 [20:09] robotic: fully agree. [20:09] I looked for ndisgtk, but it's not listed. [20:09] slacker2: what's your wireless chipset? [20:10] ar242x atheros communications adapter [20:10] hi peeps, wonder if anyone can help with a firewire / ipod issue [20:10] jessika: added a one-liner, line 88 [20:10] what where the names of the packages I need to start developing(PHP/MySql) [20:10] ok, i'll try it out [20:10] slacker2: you should look for the madwifi driver & related instructions then [20:10] thanks [20:10] Psychlo: try xampp [20:11] i was thinkin' 'bout apache [20:11] just don`t remember what were the names of them packages [20:11] jessika: that sound be the same sequence of numbers as generated by the output of 'lspci' [20:11] has anyone else had rhythmbox breakage after the last set of updates? [20:11] Psychlo: it removes the hassle of configuring everything (apache php mysql) [20:11] eldalion: Why use a third party installer for that? [20:11] ok, I'll do all my questions in the general channel [20:11] !lamp | Psychlo [20:11] Psychlo: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) === skillet_ is now known as skillet [20:12] jessika: *should, sound is working i hop ;) [20:12] ok, I'll do all my questions in the general channell [20:12] pedro__: that's better, because I'm leaving soon and you'll have to ask someone else for input on your overheating problem [20:12] uhoh my dns seem to have passed away :p [20:13] Hi guys I just got connected to my windows domain and when I log in with a domain account I get User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default seddion..... [20:13] Its telling me the user has to have permission for its home directory [20:13] Hello? [20:14] hmmm [20:14] I need help with this: http://redhatcat.blogspot.com/2007/09/beating-sandvine-with-linux-iptables.html [20:14] I can`t see my own msgs.... === computer is now known as thejak [20:14] anybody available to help a total newbie to linux get a printer installed? [20:14] tj83: its working... now its higher resolution and evn ccsm is working [20:15] i can see your msgs [20:15] badassmuther: if you can't get a reply, consider changing your nickname. [20:15] tj83:are you there.. [20:15] Hi [20:15] is badassmuther too PG13 [20:15] is there a way to check the CPU temperature? [20:16] Hi, everybody [20:16] badassmuther: I don't know... it's just a suggestion. [20:16] ok [20:16] spiekey: do you have the hddtemp package installed ? [20:17] did it change [20:17] oops, sorry that's for drives [20:17] dam! [20:18] Please, is there a recognized Live Boot Product? For some reason if it exists it appears from the Ubuntu Site that it doesn't exist. I see all sorts of installable products, but noLive CD product. I know one was getting worked on. [20:18] Anybody with a lot of patience for my almost utter ignorance of Linux wanna help me out with getting a partition working correctly? [20:18] hello? [20:18] sweet it worked [20:18] !sensors | spiekey [20:18] spiekey: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [20:18] i need help wit doing this: http://redhatcat.blogspot.com/2007/09/beating-sandvine-with-linux-iptables.html [20:19] I can confirm that these instructions worked for Hardy Heron https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?action=show&redirect=LiveUsbStick [20:19] xenocampanoli: the Desktop Install CD is a live CD. [20:19] anybody ever manage to get a winmodem running? usrobotics model 0766 to be exact. all the info i could get is that the drivers are closed source and i'm pretty much hosed. [20:19] soundray: So, I can use that to do a live as well as an install. [20:19] dan__: have you created the file as they suggest? [20:19] xenocampanoli: yes [20:19] Hi to all [20:19] soundray: Thanks. That's very helpful. [20:19] ? [20:19] dan__: I know nothing about sandvine, but the instructions seem straightforward [20:20] I'm try make Gnome 2.22 from garnome but tellme error [20:20] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=753442 [20:20] this is the error [20:20] any idea? [20:20] dan__: what exactly is the problem? [20:21] wen i do it it says this: WARNING: Error inserting x_tables (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/net/netfilter/x_tables.ko): Operation not permitted [20:21] FATAL: Error inserting ip_tables (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko): Operation not permitted [20:21] iptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root) [20:21] Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. [20:21] dan__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:21] dan__: when you do what exactly? [20:21] type in what it says to in the termnal [20:22] dan__: did you notice that it says "place the following in a file"? [20:22] dan_ its a script. [20:23] so i need to make #!/bin/sh [20:23] dan__: no [20:23] how do i edit it? [20:24] ña [20:24] open a fresh doc in an editor. c/p it in. then do: "sudo ./" [20:24] dan__: just copy the red stuff into a gedit window and save the file on your desktop under the name 'iptables-fix' [20:24] ok thx a alot! [20:24] dan__: gedit is Applications-Accessories-Text Editor [20:25] hello, i'm n00b in ubuntu, how i must register my nickname in IRC? === halloween_ is now known as halloween [20:25] dan__: then open a terminal and run 'sudo $HOME/Desktop/iptables-fix' [20:25] gonzo345: /msg nickserv help [20:25] thx [20:25] question please, how would i go about connecting to another ubuntu hardy pc over a wireless network? [20:26] heh, no change, still stuck in low res mode [20:26] PdUb101: is your network already set up? Using a router? [20:26] PdUb101, through ssh? [20:26] we are both connected wirelessly to a wireless router [20:26] hi [20:27] Kode, ssh?? [20:27] jessika: too bad .. annoying [20:27] !hi | ivan-merida [20:27] ivan-merida: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [20:27] someone know with what package can i control the bright of my laptop screen? [20:27] ivan-merida: just use the hardware buttons on laptop ? [20:27] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell [20:27] hi [20:27] yeah. i just don't get why it says the driver is in use when it's not. i dont know what would clock it from laoding [20:27] PdUb101: you can open a shell on the other computer by running 'ssh' (or whatever the remote IP address is) [20:28] has anyone got sound working with a via px10000g mainboard? [20:28] in my laptop (fujitsu siemens) i control it a través the keys Fn+Fx [20:28] :) [20:28] Quintin i found it Kmilo!! [20:28] Amilo K7600 [20:28] XD [20:28] so... anybody have experience with softmodems under linux? is it even possible? [20:28] halloween: I'd give up and just get a real modem.. [20:29] /j #pataproot [20:29] I can confirm that these instructions worked for installing the live cd to usb stick with persistent mode for Hardy Heron https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?action=show&redirect=LiveUsbStick from Windows. I used Windows to format the drive as FAT32 and then resized and added casper-rw in gparted when i booted from the stick. though i had to change the name of the partition with e2label. Email me at subone@subone.org with any questions. [20:29] halloween: some are supported, some poorly, some not. [20:29] it is saying this: sudo: /home/luke/Desktop/iptables-fix: command not found [20:29] jessika: that is a tough one indeed .. although I didn't catch any mode lines in your xorg.conf neither ... taking a second look as we type .. [20:30] Rob, [20:30] When the phones are done, we need to figure out how to get XM back to the on hold music. I asked the phone company about getting XM to play over the PA system, but I haven’t heard anything. If you have any ideas or if you talk to the phone guy, I would like to get that done as well. [20:30] Thanks, [20:30] dan__: then you haven't done what I said, which was to save the file to your Desktop under the name of iptables-fix [20:30] whoops i meant [20:30] bogey_: ? [20:30] http://www.ubuntugeek.com/a-much-easier-way-to-install-ubuntu-on-a-usb-device-stick-or-hd.html [20:30] subzero2000: check out that url [20:30] Sony Vaio VGN-N38E. Just installed Hardy Heron onto it, and have an odd problem with sound and video. It is as if they are both playing extremely slowly. Audio sounds like machine gun fire, and video play at what seems a frame per 5 or 6 seconds. Any ideas what is wrong? [20:31] dan__: once you've done that, it will say 'Permission denied' when you try to run it, so you will have to do a 'chmod +x /home/luke/Desktop/iptables-fix' [20:31] ok another question, whenever i open a program, it doesn't come to the front of the rest of the programs.. how would i go about doing that? [20:32] jessika: are you running a twinview xinerama set-up as your xorg.conf suggests ? [20:32] has anyone got sound working with a via px10000g mainboard on ubuntu hardy? [20:32] PdUb101..are you sure it is behind other programs or some program is confgured to be always on top? [20:32] Can grub boot a usb stick? [20:33] !sound | fr500, read this, then ask as specifically as possible. [20:33] fr500, read this, then ask as specifically as possible.: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [20:33] debian_, sure [20:33] alan_m: Easily? [20:33] yeah, i am. [20:33] alan_m: Can I put the live cd onto a usb stick? [20:33] Hey btw, anyone got Microdia 1670 webcam driver working? [20:33] Hi is there an easy way to export printer settings to a file so I can import the settings after installing a new version of Ubuntu? [20:33] soundray: thanks [20:34] soundray: sound seems to be working [20:34] ok i think it did it how do i tell if it worked? [20:34] debian_, not too hard to do, actually your BIOS is in control over usb booting, and to that second question, yup you can :) [20:34] soundray: i mean hadrware is detected and everything [20:34] dan__: did it report any errors? [20:34] but no audio coming out of the speakers [20:34] fr500: see the SoundTroubleshooting link ^^ === bogey_ is now known as bogey- [20:35] hola? [20:35] no it ran then put up a blank line in the termanal [20:35] !es | olsano_ [20:35] olsano_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [20:35] Hi all. Is this the right place to get support for ubuntu? [20:35] Latuman, yes [20:35] ya latuman [20:35] Wlan problem [20:35] ya latuman [20:35] alan_m: My bios wont let me boot usb, unless I remember the god damn passowrd [20:35] dan__: that means it has worked. You can 'sudo iptables -L' to get a list of your current rules [20:35] debian_, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html [20:35] debian, watch your language please. [20:35] salut [20:35] !players [20:35] "It just does not work". Simple as that. I guess it detects the card and all, and I can put all the right settings in, but eventually the network will not work [20:36] Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [20:36] !sound [20:36] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [20:36] salut tom66 [20:36] alan_m: Ok, but can I do it? [20:36] it says this Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) [20:36] target prot opt source destination [20:36] Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) [20:36] target prot opt source destination [20:36] Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) [20:36] dan__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:36] target prot opt source destination [20:36] jessika: the only thing i can come up with is the somewhat unfamiliar *0 "Screen0" 0 0* bit on line 3, anyone around that can translate that into human speak for jessika ? [20:36] debian_, i gave you a link earlier on how to do it. [20:36] dan__: do not paste stuff into the channel [20:37] What are the first things to check when installing Wlan? I got my settings right, I know it. Where is the button "connect to network", I cant find it. Is it automatic? [20:37] Is there a way to export my sources and then import them after installation of a newer ubuntu? [20:37] Latuman: You'll need to give more detailsif youi want help--what chipset is the card using? (use "sudo lshw -C network" in a terminal) [20:37] dan__: did you actually run 'sudo /home/luke/Desktop/iptables-fix'? [20:37] alan_m: I can't get the usb stick out of the plastic... [20:37] JonathanEllis, , which sources ? [20:37] charlie, as far as i can tell, everytime i open a window and have something else up, it pops up behind the open window.. as in, if i have xchat open, and open firefox, firefox opens behind xchat.. this happens with all programs [20:37] debian_, i cant help you with that, heh [20:37] ya [20:37] joaopinto: Sorry, should have been more specific. Software sources that apt uses [20:38] hmm...sorry cant help...wait and try to raise someone more xperienced [20:38] jessika: : never used a twinview setup like yours .. maybe someone who has can assist you [20:38] JonathanEllis, if you are doing a distro upgrade, the sources are going to change, you should not use the older sources [20:38] im gong to restart with a new xorg and just see if i can get the nvidia drver loaded [20:38] okay, goodluck [20:38] thanks! [20:38] your welcome [20:38] Steve-cal: "unable to resolve host Kotipakki" === Cosmosan is now known as Cosmo-san [20:39] Its a packard bell laptop. [20:39] how would i configure each new window i open, opens on top of the rest of the open windows?? as in, if i have xchat open, and open firefox, firefox opens behind xchat [20:39] dan__: now check your speed or whatever you were trying to fix. [20:39] Latuman: First try that command I gave you in a terminal window... Do you know how to do that or do you need help? [20:39] why does the mysqld_safe process consume all my processor time? [20:40] PdUb101: are you by any chance running compiz ? [20:40] hi, im trying to write in japanese in amsn, but nogo. As far as I've readed seems that amsn doesn't support it... is this right? or is it a way to? [20:40] Steve-cal: I did. It said "Unable to resolve host Kotipakki" [20:40] glitsj16, yes i am [20:40] JonathanEllis: there is a way of saving a list of everything you have installed so it is easier to reinstall if that is what you mean [20:40] Psychlo, do you mean the TIME field on top ? That is related to how long it has been running... [20:41] thx! i think it worked cuz i did the sudo iptables -L and it said something els [20:41] PdUb101: there's a setting in the "general options" that you might check, i'll look it up, brb [20:41] joaopinto, no I mead that it is using 95% of it [20:41] Latuman: Go to your Applications menu > Accessories > Terminal to get a gnome terminal. [20:41] mean* === ttt-- is now known as ttt [20:41] Psychlo, well, you must be running some complex queries... === ttt is now known as trtr [20:41] I just installed it 5 minutes ago [20:41] !clone | lolzer [20:41] lolzer: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [20:42] is there anyway to have proxychains tunnelling my WHOLE traffic though a proxy server ? [20:42] Steve-cal: My finnish version just has a "terminal", no separate gnome-terminal. This terminal is what I used === trtr is now known as trtrt [20:42] Psychlo, that is odd [20:42] from the command line, how do i search through a bunch of files which contain a word or a phrase [20:42] indeed it is === irjis is now known as irjis_ [20:42] Latuman: OK, how about doing a "lspci -v" in the terminal you have open--what does it return? [20:43] PdUb101: check "focus & raise behaviour" section, and please state what's in your "focus prevention windows" line [20:43] Psychlo, check /var/log/daemon.log for mysql related messages [20:43] i killed it [20:43] jedimind: Do you want to search in each file for a word/phrase or just search file names? [20:43] glitsj16, very high === be1 is now known as benyameen [20:43] Hey guys I get an error when I try to log in with a windows domain user "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. [20:43] inside each file [20:44] Sony Vaio VGN-N38E. Just installed Hardy Heron onto it, and have an odd problem with sound and video. It is as if they are both playing extremely slowly. Audio sounds like machine gun fire, and video play at what seems a frame per 5 or 6 seconds. Any ideas what is wrong? [20:44] glitsj16, oh i mean any [20:44] hi, im trying to write in japanese in amsn, but nogo. As far as I've readed seems that amsn doesn't support it... is this right? or is it a way to? [20:44] PdUb101: if you want, try setting it to "off" and also state what's in the box right below, should be empty to have no window preventing a newly started one from obscuring it [20:44] Steve-cal: It finds the correct chips inside. Networks are correct, I have 3945ABG Wlan chip. The same as in Windows. Capabilitie: is peculiar [20:45] does vino come installed by default? [20:45] Steve-cal: Its Intel [20:45] Bits: Yes. [20:45] Latuman: Please pastebin the full output of those two commands (paste.ubuntu.com): "sudo lshw -C network" and "lspci -v" [20:46] glitsj16, looks like that worked! thanks alot! [20:46] genii: is it necessary, if I don't intend to allow anyone to remotely connect to me? [20:46] Steve-cal: hold on, I'll transfer with usb stick... [20:46] PdUb101: had the same problem, it sounded familiar :) [20:46] Steve-cal: yeah im trying to search for a phrase INSIDE a set of files [20:46] benyameen: In case no one can help you here, you might try searching ubuntuforums.org because I think I've seen others with that problem.... [20:47] Steve-cal: thank you very much for the reply [20:47] Bits: Probably not. I'm not aware of anything crucial that's dependent on it [20:47] genii: and is a vnc client installed by default or only the server === san is now known as Piojoo [20:47] genii: thanks... [20:47] Bits: vino is the server [20:48] jedimind: Try: "grep -ri "phrase" *" which will search in current directory and all directories under it for files with "phrase" in it. Or you can replace the * with the path to a specific directory to start searching in. [20:48] genii: I figured that much out -- I'm asking if the client is also installed by default... in other words -- how do I connect to vino running on a remote computer? [20:49] Steve-cal: thank you [20:49] can someone please tell me how to run CUBE (fps game) ? i've downloaded the *.TAR.GZ package for unix [20:49] Bits: vino is a metapackage , in which the client is a component [20:49] oh good thanks [20:50] Steve-cal: Done [20:50] Anacranom: hey, whats up with your channel? [20:50] i have just installed sensor applet and restarted system application not running and X sensors too not working. [20:50] Latuman: OK, so I need the pastebin link so I can look at your output... :) [20:51] http://paste.ubuntu.com/15622/ [20:51] Piojoo, Cube2 is available on the repositories, the package name is sauerbraten [20:51] Piojoo: is there a "README" or a "INSTALL" file in the .tar.gz ? Don't know the game, just trying to find out if it needs to be built (compiled) or whether it comes with a install script of some sorts .. [20:52] hi all - could someone remind me how to install fonts into gnome in hardy (it changed from fonts:// IIRC) [20:52] I'm looking to downgrade apache to version 2.2.3 (from 2.2.8 that's installed currently). How do I check to see if such a package exists? [20:52] cube usually provides a binary package, but use the repositories version instead [20:52] elliotjhu1: /usr/share/fonts/truetype [20:52] !fonts [20:52] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [20:52] jamisnemo, how would you want to do that ? [20:52] erm, i mean, why [20:52] holy shit this is a huge channel [20:53] thanks all [20:53] I want to copy my wubi install to be a real install on my usb stick, is this possibole? [20:53] genii: when trying to uninstall vino i'm prompted to uninstall ubuntu-desktop.... [20:53] im using keytouch to make my keyboard work, but when i try to start it, it gives me the error that not all keys can be grabbed by this program, iv configured the keys the way teyr supposed to be, but they dont work, any ideas? [20:53] joaopinto, preferably I'd cross my fingers and hope that a package was made for version 2.2.3... but the package search tool doesn't show past versions as far as I can tell... [20:53] Latuman: In your /etc/hosts file you should have a line that something like " Kotipakki" and in the /etc/hostname file it should say "Kotipakki". Do those files agree on your system? [20:54] jamisnemo, it is not usual to require an older apache2 version [20:54] I can't listen my new music (original) CD in Linux [20:55] Bits: On mine it does not say this when I try. I gives instead a list above of "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:" then below "The following packages will be REMOVED" and only vino listed === |hfsdo| is now known as hfsdo [20:56] the no longer required ones do not get removed === nenolod is now known as happinessturtle [20:56] Steve-cal: Hostname -file has just kotipakki in it, and hosts file has localhost and Kotipakki.happy.net plus extra ipv6 lines [20:56] glitsj16: it has a readme file, but all it says is "install and run cube.bat" and i've extracted it and cube.bat doesn't exist [20:57] Latuman: You've got something funny going on.... try just typing "sudo true"--what does that return? [20:57] Piojoo: well there you go for trusting readme's ... [20:57] genii: very bizarre. i'm on 7.10... you? [20:57] Piojoo, Add/Remove programs, sauerbraten [20:57] Bits: 8.10, with Gnome and also KDE [20:58] Steve-cal: "unable to resolve host kotipakki" [20:58] Bits: 8.04 rather [20:58] joapinto: but, sauerbraten is cube2 right? [20:58] Ever since I upgraded to 8.04 I have problems accessing samba shares. Is this a bug, is there a way to fix it? [20:58] joaopinto, unfortunatly, I need to try duplicating a CentOS Apache2 install under Ubuntu. CentOS is stuck at 2.2.3 as delegated by the Red Hat higher-ups.... [20:58] Piojoo, yes, which is the current cube [20:58] Steve-cal: Also, can network name (happy.net) have anything to do with it? Also, my WPA2 settings disappear when I go see those settings after enabling them [20:58] Next1, are you using active directory? [20:59] Is it possible to search old packages or does ubuntu always use the latest releases? [20:59] frostburn: yes [20:59] jamisnemo, you can only get the "current" packages [20:59] joaopinto: is it just a different version? or a different game? :S [20:59] Next1, yeah, it's a known issue, i don't have the launchpad link though. To get around it i just mounted the shares manually [20:59] Latuman: That's definitely a problem, and it may or may not be a problem with networking. Where are you seeing "happy.net"? [20:59] genii: that may be the difference [20:59] joaopinto, ok that's what I needed to know. I guess I'll compile from source if I need... [20:59] Piojoo, it's a difference version, no one plays cube1 any longer [21:00] jamisnemo: you can get any package your sources.list states ... if the repository is still active that is [21:00] Has anyone been able to successfully play .mov files in ubuntu? [21:00] frostburn: So it's not just me for a change :) [21:00] Steve-cal: I have used happy.net as a home network name, and so I put it in ubuntu too. Should I ditch it? [21:00] jamesnet, anyway you will get a lot of other differences to CentOS, related to modules like php, recompiling apache2 will not get you CentOS alike [21:00] JacksDepression: yes [21:01] lolzer: Using what player? [21:01] when i do a ls in /dev i get null. what blew up? [21:01] joaopinto: thanx =) [21:01] Latuman: Please be more specific--what do you mean "network name"? Where are you specifying "happy.net" as your network name? [21:01] <__> !vpn [21:01] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [21:01] JacksDepression: Yes. However, .mov is a container and not a codec. [21:01] Next1, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/209520 there it is [21:01] Launchpad bug 209520 in nautilus "SMB error: Unable to mount location when server configured with security=share" [Undecided,Confirmed] [21:01] glitsj16, is there a website with all of the available packages? (not just the current ones but the past ones as well?) [21:01] JacksDepression: mplayer [21:01] Steve-cal: Network settings -> general. host name is Kotipakki and domain name is happy.net. In the world of windows, this has not really meant anything special, just something common for all computers. Maybe thats not the case here? [21:02] is it possible to have seperate desktop backgrounds on the compiz cube without disabling the desktop icons?? [21:02] packages.ubuntu.com, it's a system that is organized in a tree-like fashion [21:02] hey, anyone having an issue with the updates today? I'm being asked to do a partial upgrade ( the Open Office packages aren't being selected i.e. grayed out.) any idea why?? [21:02] whats the default text editor for ubuntu gedit or something ? [21:02] jamisnemo, installing packages from older versions will break your system !!! [21:02] jedimind: no, vi.... [21:03] Steve-cal: Also, my wireless network is NOT broadcasting essid, could that kill wlan on ubuntu? [21:03] when i do a ls in /dev i get null. what blew up? [21:03] jedimind: jk. gedit is fine... :) [21:03] :) thanks [21:03] Latuman: I haven't messed with setting up a domain name for my computer, since yours is arbitrary I would definitely leave it out. [21:03] hello every1 [21:03] im anewbie [21:03] hey, anyone having an issue with the updates today? I'm being asked to do a partial upgrade ( the Open Office packages aren't being selected i.e. grayed out.) any idea why? [21:03] In VLC: Missing rlc codec; In MPlayer missing mp4a codec. Wtf? [21:03] to ubuntu [21:03] s_spiff, not me [21:03] i did my updates [21:03] PdUb101: that's a tricky one, there's a wallpaper plugin for compiz but you'll have to compile that yourself as it isn't in any of the packages .. and don't forget to turn your present window managers desktop control "off" or it won't work [21:04] Latuman: No, I think if you know the ESSID, then your router does not have to broadcast it for you to connect. [21:04] Steve-cal: I took it out, but nothings changed [21:04] joaopinto: ouuu ok. I wonder why I'm having this issue. started today morning. :( [21:04] Steve-cal: Also, I have typed my essid correctly [21:04] any alternatives mplayer [21:04] is there an alternative to Ebox in hardy (I miss my webmin) [21:04] Latuman: That's because you have other problems--"sudo" doesn't even work on your computer right now. [21:04] glitsj16, any idea where i can find that? [21:04] sharatchandra: VLC [21:05] thanks it has all codecs right [21:05] PdUb101: checking th ebookmarks, brb [21:05] frostburn: I hope this gets fixed soon. [21:05] ? [21:05] hi.. where i can find in info new release 8.04 then new update ?? [21:05] glitsj16, k thanks [21:05] Steve-cal: I just installed 8.04, I havent changed anything yet. At all [21:05] hello [21:05] completely fresh install [21:05] i have just installed sensor applet and restarted system application not running and X sensors too not working. [21:05] sharatchandra: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ [21:05] joaopinto, breaking a linux system is a misnomer if you've got yer head on straight... [21:05] thanks... [21:06] better to be root than to reboot [21:06] Latuman: is it installed on its own partition or did you use Wubi/VirtualBox/VMware or something like that? [21:06] k one more thing these midgets [21:06] are also aproblem [21:06] frostburn: Should I install smbfs? [21:06] Steve-cal: I have 1 hd with 2 partitions. one has windows xp and one has ubuntu [21:06] No live-version or anything, a normal install [21:06] im not able to properly install them [21:06] anyone? alternatives to ebox?? [21:06] Next1, yes, i used this command to mount them sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=yourusername,password=yourpassword // /mnt/snap/ [21:07] I dont really like ebox much [21:07] Steve-cal: Partitioning gone wrong? I got / partition and swap. First one is ext3 and is "primary" partition [21:07] question: trying to install Hardy on a Dell Inspiron 3500 [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DellInspiron3500]. Boots OK, select a language, main menu. No matter what I try to do, I get the scrolling ubuntu waiting logo, then the screen goes blank (with the exception of the blinking white underscore in the top left corner). Nothing else happens, so I kill the power at that point. Any ideas for getting it booted? [21:07] sharatchandra: midgets? [21:07] yes [21:07] frostburn: thanks! [21:07] can anyone gimme the link to generate sources.list for the repos availale? [21:07] jamrun9: try burning a new disk [21:07] i think thats what they are called [21:07] jamisnemo, your questions reveals that you don't have much experience with package management, at least not on Ubuntu, and linux is not human-proof :) [21:07] do you prefer mplayer firefox plugin to vlc firefox plugin? [21:07] hi :> [21:07] do anyone of you prefer mplayer firefox plugin to vlc firefox plugin? [21:07] Latuman: You need to figure out why you can't even do root commands--anything else you can tell me about how you did the install? [21:07] i mean the one that makes ur destop look cool [21:07] sharatchandra: maybe you mean widgets [21:08] j1solutions: you think it's just a corrupted disk? obviously I can't check with the built-in utility, because that has the same reaction [21:08] s_spiff: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [21:08] ya [21:08] im sorry bout that [21:08] jamrun9: i'd be 37 cents that the disk is ng [21:08] be=bet [21:08] Steve-cal: I basically just hit "next". Did not select any individual packages, it was straight out of a demo show [21:08] lolzer: ohh i know that, i wanted the link. There's a webpage by Ubuntu, which keeps track of all the repo's online, and generates a sources.list based on your selections. [21:08] do anyone of you prefer mplayer firefox plugin to vlc firefox plugin? [21:08] PdUb101: here goes --> http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?s=feacefb9dcb213bcb1b3d95b2e6b9df4&t=8121 .. not sure whether you'll be able to keep desktop icons though, i'm looking into that combo myself, more precies, it's on a rather long to-do list ;) gdluck [21:08] j1solutions: okay. verifying the .iso, then going to re-burn. thanks [21:09] Latuman: When you open System > Admin > Synaptic, does it ask you for a password, and does it work with the password you give it? [21:09] I need to mount a shared folder just before login, without using fstab... is there a script I can edit that would accomplish this? [21:09] do anyone of you prefer mplayer firefox plugin to vlc firefox plugin? [21:09] widgets any1....which ones good [21:10] Steve-cal: Just by starting it, it does not ask anything. Just a popup telling me what it is [21:10] Steve-cal: Programs like network config DID ask me for my password, which I gave, which worked [21:10] jamrun9: you're welcome. if you need one mailed to you, let me know [21:10] I give up! I'm going to uninstall the firefox package and install 3rc1 from the tar.gz source on mozilla.org! [21:10] joaopinto, there are many package systems that allow you to use older versions of software. Even under Ubuntu, I'm sure it's possible to un-mess up changes even if it requires manually typing every line into ever messed up file from scratch. Linux isn't human-proof but at least it allows humans to fix it when it breaks. [21:11] brunne1: what are you talking about? [21:11] do anyone of you prefer mplayer firefox plugin to vlc firefox plugin? [21:11] Latuman: OK try "gksudo gedit" in the terminal window--does it pull up gedit OK? [21:11] !best | pen [21:11] pen: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [21:11] joaopinto, I'll just compile from sources if I need an older version since it seems as if ubuntu can't deal with older packages. [21:11] any software that exports music off an ipdo [21:11] PdUb101: I would try to 'simulate' desktop icons buy putting them on the compiz widget layer, but that's hardly the same functionality you might be looking for (trying to run a clean-desk as a chaotic isn't easy but trying is fun :p) [21:11] *ipod [21:11] pen: 6 or 1/2 dozen of the other. they are both good. [21:12] Steve-cal: Yes, and it asks for a password, which I gave, which opened gedit [21:12] joaopinto, I'm talking about the controls [21:12] lolfrenz, what do you mean [21:12] lolzer: Firefox 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 is sooo unstable! [21:12] !best [21:12] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [21:12] hello [21:12] joaopinto, is there any controls in vlc firefox plugin? is it better than mplayer? because in mplayer it always messed up [21:12] im i talking to myself === zonem is now known as zo [21:13] !ipod | sharatchandra [21:13] sharatchandra: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [21:13] lolzer, no best, but there is a difference between usability [21:13] lolzer, I'm talking about the controls [21:13] lolzer, interface [21:13] pen: see !best [21:13] !best [21:13] ergh. is the md5sum for Hardy Desktop x86 not posted, or am I just looking in the wrong place? [21:13] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [21:13] jamrun9 it is [21:13] lolzer, you are not answering my question. You are just giving away junks [21:13] How do I make nm-applet not prompt me for the password to the default keyring each time I log in? [21:13] lolzer, it's not a "best" app question [21:13] zo: k, I'll keep looking. thanks. [21:14] jamrun9, hang on i'll try to get it for you too... [21:14] I have an annoying kind of a setting, where if i move my mouse all the way down the desktop, another desktop appears [21:14] lolzer, if an app has better control over the other, then it's not comparing it's justifying [21:14] can anyone help me resolve this ? [21:14] lolzer, who would still use the crappy win3.1 if winxp has everything and everything superior [21:14] ubuntu 804 desktop i386 md5 8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f [21:14] Ubuntu bug 804 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update (dup-of: 803)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804 [21:14] *sigh* pen: it is up to you to decide which controls YOU like. [21:14] Ubuntu bug 803 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/803 [21:14] katja: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192281 [21:14] need help configuring my laptop to boot a friends via bootp. his cd/dvd drive is busted and we need to install another os on his hdd. [21:15] why is there no package for Firefox 3rc1? [21:15] thank you, zo [21:15] lolzer, but I have never used vlc, so I'm here just asking for reviews [21:15] np jam [21:15] pen: they both play the media files with equal ability. [21:15] how did I get stuck with such a horrible version of firefox? [21:15] brunne1: there is. You just haven't gotten it yet. [21:15] Latuman: I can't figure out why your "sudo" seems to be broken, and yet you can use "gksudo" just fine. Try doing "gksudo gedit /etc/sudoers &" and pastebin the contents of that file. Be SURE not to save any changes to that file though. [21:15] tonyyarusso: where? [21:15] Thank you glitsj16. [21:15] lolzer, you sure? both can handle the stream effectively? both control works as equally? [21:15] pen As suggested.. we dont do polls or opinion surveys.. see offtopic channel [21:15] glitsj16, thanks alot, i had multiple desktop wallpapers yesturday through gconfig-editor>apps>nautilus>preferences>show desktop (disable), but i couldn't use the desktop icons.. (no point in that) [21:15] ubuntu compiz, why does another desktop appear when my mouse moves all the down the screen [21:16] pen: software interface preferences are a personal choice and come down to personal taste. [21:16] Jack_Sparrow, it's not surveys, I'm not asking for survey results [21:16] GEO: Stop using my nick. [21:16] pen I am asking you to not do so in here [21:16] lolzer: well said === geo is now known as Guest80498 [21:16] PdUb101: yes it seems complicated, please report back if you stumble onto anything that works :) [21:16] Jack_Sparrow, I'm not doing anything you say [21:16] Hi Channel [21:17] Jack_Sparrow, no poll and surveys [21:17] tonyyarusso: where is the package for 3.0rc1? === zo is now known as zozo [21:17] ubuntu compiz, why does another desktop appear when my mouse moves all the down the screen [21:17] brunne1: there isn't any such package [21:17] pen: this is my suggestion. install both and decide which one you like best. [21:17] glitsj16, i will defintily === geoffe is now known as geo [21:17] md5sum works out, so I'm going to re-burn the cd. [21:17] nick irssi_user [21:17] glitsj16: I didn't think so.. I only thought there might be because tonyyarusso told me there was. [21:17] brunne1: -proposed === hborole is now known as irssi_user [21:17] lolzer It has been handled [21:18] tonyyarusso: where can I find that? [21:18] sorry. I lagged a bit there [21:18] Steve-cal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15629/ [21:18] np [21:18] ubuntu compiz, why does another desktop appear when my mouse moves all the down the screen [21:18] brunne1: It will be coming to your mirror shortly if testing goes well. [21:18] why can't I connect to ssh from ubuntu machine? [21:18] tonyyarusso: I don't care about testing. [21:18] oh god I facked up my windows when installing ubuntu [21:18] brb === eldalion is now known as eldawlion [21:18] kane77 do you have sshd running? [21:19] irssi_user: could it be that you have compiz settings for vertical desktops ? [21:19] tonyyarusso: have you use 3.0b5? [21:19] irssi_user, that is my webhosting ssh [21:19] used* [21:19] it's *horrible*! [21:19] glitsj16 how do i verify that? [21:19] irssi_user: that is a setting in compiz. the desktop can flip as on a cube when you mouse to the edge. it can be turned off. [21:19] hi [21:19] speaking of 3.0b5 - are they planning on fixing the memory issues w/ linux distribution of firefox at all ? [21:19] it's not stable and it doesn't render 5% of the web properly [21:19] i have it as a cube [21:19] Apache2 uses /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as it's config file under Ubuntu by default. Where is that location defined? [21:19] jedimind: I gave up on that many years ago [21:19] i m trying the settings, and am unable to find it [21:20] irssi_user: if you are running the "big" ccsm it's in the general options section, i'll check the correct name for the setting i'm refereing to, just a moment please [21:20] brunne1: overall i like ff3 for the most part except the memory hog part [21:20] how do i install nvidia drivers (8400M GT) on ubuntu 8.04 ? [21:20] brunne1: All right then. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.0/ [21:20] irssi_user, it acts weird, first it asks Password (it looks like when you use sudo) and no password seems to work, then after 3 tries it asks the password for user@sshdomain.com... [21:20] how do i install nvidia drivers (8400M GT) on ubuntu 8.04 ? [21:20] <_zo> !nividia [21:20] Factoid nividia not found [21:20] hmm lemme c the general settings again [21:20] !nvidia [21:20] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [21:20] !ati [21:20] irssi_user: general options (the one on top), desktop size tab ... [21:20] Does someone have the same problem as me? when i download a movie with Galeon(doesnt work with firefox) and then open firefox to check YouTube, i dont get any sound. but when i close Galeon and restars Firefox, the sound suddenly works again. Why? [21:20] <_zo> thanks jedimind [21:20] in there, i have vertical desktop size=1 [21:21] hey, how come when I press ctrl-alt-del it reboots the machine instead of just X [21:21] :) [21:21] Latuman: if you type "groups" in the terminal, does it list "admin" as one of them? [21:21] horizontal as 4 [21:21] irssi_user, could it be related to the recent debian ssh bug? [21:21] i want to stop the vertical changes [21:21] Steve-cal: yes [21:22] kane77 no i am not aware of any such bug, i have updated ubuntu and i can ssh very well [21:22] glitsj16: i have the vertical virtual size as 1 [21:22] irssi_user, there is some openssl update that could not be installed because I get hash mismatch each time... :/ [21:22] and still i can go below the screen how do i stop that [21:22] I hope enabling nvidia wont crash my system [21:22] and still i can go below the screen how do i stop that [21:23] hey, how come when I press ctrl-alt-del it reboots the machine instead of just X [21:23] <_zo> gp, it could mess up your x server [21:23] Apache2 uses /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as it's config file under Ubuntu by default. Where is that location defined? [21:23] is anyone running hardy with an ati card? [21:23] <_zo> revilodral, me [21:24] irssi_user: that's okay, maybe some other setting is responsible for that .. hmm, did you activate any screen edge effects for your mouse ? [21:24] trying to completely delete horde3 on my system and reinstall, but if I just apt-get remove it leaves the config files around, so I deleted them, then apt-get installed again but I don't get the default configs back, any ideas, sort of a dpkg newb [21:24] revilodra1: yes [21:24] adwestB0ss_, apt-get remove --purge package [21:24] Latuman: I can't figure out why you can't use sudo, and yet you can use gksudo. Make sure you don't have that happy.com in your domain any more, and try rebooting. Let's make sure that's not an issue. [21:24] tonyyarusso: can i please see ur xorg.conf? [21:24] joaopinto, thanks! [21:24] or zo? [21:24] Steve-cal: k [21:24] glitsj16, i am not aware of any mouse settingg that i configured, may be it is default [21:24] revilodra1: Not now - it's at home. Plus, it would probably not be all that helpful unless we have identical cards and monitors. What's the real question? [21:24] Latuman, you can't use sudo if your hostname is not resolving because you have "broken" your /etc/hosts [21:25] Latuman, do this id and paste the result into http://paste.ubuntu.com [21:25] irssi_user: wait, in the same ccsm you can check that by going into the "advanced search" screen, located on your bottom left in the main view .. [21:25] Rebooting [21:25] tonyyarusso: im having a lot of difficulty getting x to work, and have been playing around with xorg.conf, and using the dpkg reconfigure and the dpkg phigh thing, but to no avail [21:26] ok i m in advanced search, is it in animation selection [21:26] tonyyarusso: errr; no screens found [21:26] irssi_user HAve you treid turning off compiz and making sure it has anything to do with compiz [21:26] mouse edge flip is a setting in compiz config settings manager. you can also turn off the "flip" when moving open applications from one cube to the next [21:27] hm i didnt try that, lemme try it [21:27] lolzer where is the mouse edge flip ? [21:27] <_zo> revilodral, I'm reinstalling so it will be a bit [21:27] Jack_Sparrow: that's sound advice, got carried away ;) [21:27] revilodra1: Try making a backup of your xorg.conf and then deleting the original. [21:27] hmm. I'd like to check the md5sum of a CD... but md5sum /media/cdrom0 won't work, because it's a "directory" (I burned the install CD, the .iso)... any ideas? [21:27] !verify > jamrun9 (read the private message from ubottu) [21:28] ok when i switch off compiz those effects are gone [21:28] it is a check box in compiz config setting manager. go to the desktop cube settings. it's in there. it is on by default. [21:28] tonyyarusso: will it then make a new one automatically to compensate? [21:28] jamrun9, try md5 /dev/ [21:28] ompaul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15630/ [21:28] irssi_user: well, try the animations section if the advnced search indicated that some screen edge setting is actve .. [21:28] jamrun9, you can find whatevercdis using 'mount' [21:28] How do I break my hosts file without doing anything? [21:29] ty, working on it [21:29] I'd blame wireless lan. It has never worked well anywhere, ever. [21:29] <_zo> latuman, did you change your hostname? [21:29] _zo: "I dont think so". Does that require effort? [21:29] <_zo> or change some samba config stuff? [21:29] Installation finished 1hour ago [21:29] first thing I did was config my wlan, which was inserting essid and wpa2 key [21:30] and thats where I am now [21:30] <_zo> latuman, if you mess with your network card settings it adjusts your hosts file if your hostname changes [21:30] !enter | Latuman [21:30] Latuman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [21:30] !pastebin [21:30] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [21:30] can anyone tell me how to install a a tar.gz file? [21:30] can anyone tell me how to install a tar.gz file? [21:30] hey, how come when I press ctrl-alt-del it reboots the machine instead of just X [21:30] Latuman: Paste the entire contents of /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname for us to see. [21:30] revilodra1: it does some kind of crazy magic that I don't quite understand, but often works [21:31] When trying to install Java I get the following error, (I'd go to the java channel but i forgot my register password): http://paste.ubuntu.com/15632/ [21:31] tmapj: what are you trying to install? [21:31] djvu === Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer [21:31] while using synaptic and uninstalling it says E: ebox-ntp: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1: [21:31] tonyyarusso, djvu [21:31] <_zo> tmapj, you don't install tar.gz files you gunzip them and un tar them, then you "install" the source inside of it [21:31] tmapj, a tar.gz is an archive, not an installer... you can list what there is inside using tar -fzt and decompress using tar -fzx [21:31] how do i remove it (via terminal) [21:31] Fogel1497, java is available on the repositories: search fore "jre" [21:32] tmapj: what's it do? [21:32] how do you install the source inside of it [21:32] tonyyarusso, it reads high resoulution documents [21:32] tmapj: and what's the file name of the .tar.gz? [21:32] tmapj, what software are you trying to install ? [21:32] Joaopinto do you know what repository? Because I have 'all' selected and cannot find it [21:32] tmapj: there's a small but informative howto at http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ (general purpose) === happinessturtle is now known as nenolod [21:32] irssi_user: did you find it? [21:33] <_zo> tmapj, you install the source by following the documentation in the README usually its configure then make then make install or something like that [21:33] tonyyarusso, djview4-4.3.tar.gz === nenolod is now known as happinessturtle [21:33] http://paste.ubuntu.com/15633/ [21:33] I hope that helps [21:33] Fogel1497, it is available on the multiiverse repository [21:33] Hey is the correct room to ask question about how to start help out with ubuntu? [21:33] If I copy the contents of a livecd to an usb, will it be bootable? [21:33] and using launch pad [21:33] tmapj: Okay, then the answer is "you don't" [21:33] debian_ no [21:33] tmapj, djview is available on the repositores, Add/Remove programs, djview [21:33] Fogel1497: sun-java6-jre [21:33] Jack_Sparrow: I have a primary ext3 partition on it [21:34] debian_ pendrivelinux.com [21:34] Jack_Sparrow: What more should be done? [21:34] joaopinto, thanks [21:34] tmapj: Install it from the repositories like the system is designed for. System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, install the djview4 package. [21:34] gah thanks glits [21:34] Jack_Sparrow: I need the ubuntu installer === floating_ is now known as jfjgjgh [21:34] joaopinto: is it really in Add/Remove too? Seemed obscure enough not to be, but didn't look. [21:35] debian_ that site tells how to use iso on usb [21:35] debian_, you need to read some documentation on how to build a bootable usb pen, it is not something you can learn on IRC, there are plenty of docs explaining how to do it [21:35] Latuman: OK I believe I found your problem... [21:35] Can someone do me a favour and try googling for "bdellion"..when I try the resulting page is wierd/broken.. text don't update until I select it etc etc..bdelliom or cdellion works nicely.. but not bdellion.. [21:35] debian_ this sometimes can work Make an iso on usb bootable http://jak-linux.org/tmp/iso2usb.sh [21:35] tonsofpcs, add/remove is just another front-end, all packages are available there... [21:35] erm, was tonyyarusso ^ [21:36] Slart, nothing is broken here [21:36] Latuman: Do a "gksudo gedit /etc/hosts &" and make the line " Kotipakki.happy.net" just " Kotipakki" [21:36] Slart: "works for me". Which browser? [21:36] joaopinto: No, only some are available there. Look more closely. ;) [21:36] why does my music skip when im doing something? [21:36] joaopinto: just my compter being weird then.. I'm running ff3 on 64 bit ubuntu [21:36] <_zo> uplink, CPU lag [21:36] _zo, how can i fix that? [21:37] <_zo> uplink, get a faster cpu [21:37] tonyyarusso, every package which provides a .desktop file is there :) [21:37] _zo, its 2.0 Dual Core [21:37] Slart, I am also running ff3 64 bits [21:37] lo all [21:37] thanks guys [21:37] joaopinto: Well that may well be, but that's a tiny minority of all packages. [21:37] <_zo> uplink, actually it probably has something to do with the audio driver and memory and CPU stuff, just try to make sure you are using the latest drivers for your audio === knoppix_ is now known as NickC [21:38] _zo, it was a pain in the butt getting those drivers to work [21:38] joaopinto: ahh.. I had a dead npviewer.bin process hanging around.. it works after I killed that off [21:38] Steve-cal: Done. Do I need a reboot or something? [21:38] anyone have a XPS 1530 that can help me out? [21:38] <_zo> uplink, maybe you misconfigured then? Sounds like a hardware/driver issue, not an easy fix. [21:38] i installed the jre from synaptic but java ermbedded objects in firefox still dont display properly. and yes i restarted firefox [21:38] Lynet, joaopinto: thanks for checking [21:38] Slart, that was the flash plugin [21:38] Latuman: I don't think you'll need to, just try doing "sudo true" now. Does it work or return an error? [21:38] _zo: There was a configuration snafu in the default hardy desktop kernel with regards to scheduling - running a cpu hog under an other username (even niced to oblivion) can have adverse effects on realtime stuff like audio. Not sur if it has been fixed yet. [21:38] Uplink Are you talking about pulse-audio? [21:38] joaopinto: yup [21:38] Uplink: look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 part c 'stuttering audio fix' [21:38] _zo, nah... its just the player... sometime does it sometimes not... im streaming music live [21:39] <_zo> uplink, over a flash based player? [21:39] Steve-cal: Great success: Done gksudo gedit blabla [21:39] Hi, I've got a boot problem and found out that I need to reinstall GRUB. Could somebody take me by the hand and help me with that? [21:39] where could i find Alpine (pine) users? i'd need some help [21:39] _zo, amarok live radio [21:39] * _zo uses pine sometimes [21:39] !grub | NickC [21:39] NickC: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [21:39] NickC Start by understanding the basics from there [21:40] <_zo> sorry uplink, too many variables to point you in a fruitful direction... [21:40] Latuman: OK, so do yourself a favor and don't put anything in the "domain" option again under networking, sound OK? [21:41] _zo, i understand... but why on windows it doesnt do that? [21:41] Hey is the correct room to ask question about how to start help out with ubuntu? [21:41] i.e i switch a workstation and open a chat window and the music skips [21:41] <_zo> uplink, because vendors work hard to optimize their drivers for windows? [21:41] Uplink What did you do to get it working.. It may be all you tried that is the problem [21:41] Steve-cal: Yeah. Not sure I understand why it went wrong? I've just previously used it to just make computers to join a same default workgroup, in this case happy.ne that I myself named. [21:42] Latuman: Please pastebin the output of "sudo lshw -C network" so I can get more details on your card. [21:42] well, the drivers worked perfect with ubuntu install... [21:42] <_zo> anyone know if the alternate install CD lets you choose xubuntu-desktop over ubuntu-desktop? [21:42] anyone know of a good free RDP server? i don't like vnc [21:42] vbabiy-laptop: it all depends on your question .. fire at will :) [21:43] Hi! I install firefox rc1 from hardy proposed repository. Now firefox is in English! Is there any way to change the language? Language pack? Thanks [21:43] well... [21:43] Uplink You said earlier it was a pin to get the drivers to work... So what did you do.. [21:43] pain [21:43] Steve-cal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15637/ [21:44] Uplink: Which kernel version are you using? There was an issue that could cause sound skipping in 2.6.24-16-generic but it should be fixed in 17-generic. [21:44] Jack_Sparrow: Thanks. [21:44] NickC np [21:44] tonyyarusso: yay, i now have a graphical interface, but it is still flawed. i cant go into a folder, it just flashes then disappears. also, im a cli newb and cant install a .run file situated on the desktop from the terminal [21:44] Jack_Sparrow, i was having problem with my audio cause it sounded like my speakers blew up... so i went to ubuntu help website and i followed ALL the instructions to troubleshoot sound... all the possible options [21:45] Latuman: And did you say you had your wireless card working in previous versions before Hardy? [21:45] i installed the jre from synaptic but java ermbedded objects in firefox still dont display properly. and yes i restarted firefox [21:45] Uplink Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions .. then /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file. [21:45] Steve-cal: No, first time on ubuntu with a wireless network. Not to mention a completely new computer (laptop) [21:45] Fogel1497: did you instal sun-java6-plugin as well ? [21:45] Uplink: mine does that too.. if I raise to volume to much.. something clips the sound somewhere I think (using pulseaudio) [21:45] yup [21:46] this is pissing me off! [21:46] :@ [21:46] i cant even touch/go over my applications because my music skips [21:46] Fogel1497: it is in your about:plugins page ? bizar ... [21:47] Jack_Sparrow, i read that i can fix the problem from knoppix (i encountered the grub thing by formatting my ubuntu partition) - do you know of such a nice walkthrough for that as well? [21:47] ill try a system reboot [21:47] who knows... brb [21:47] Uplink: ah.. no problems with that here.. [21:47] <_zo> uplink, does it happen when you play a CD? [21:47] _zo, when i play audio with which ever player [21:47] NickC Knoppix uses lilo if I remember... ubuntu live would be a better choice [21:47] i tried from exaile to amarok and they ALL skip [21:47] can i do a tiny paste? "laptop:~$ ati-driver-installer-8-5-x86.x86_64.run bash: ati-driver-installer-8-5-x86.x86_64.run: command not found" === pinPoint is now known as pinpoint [21:48] Uplink /join #Alsa to work on audio problems [21:48] Latuman: If you go to System > Admin > Network, and try to set up your wireless now (make sure only the wireless adapter is checked/enabled and not ethernet), does it work? It just might since we fixed your sudo problem. [21:48] Jack_Sparrow, its not audio [21:48] revilodraw: try putting a "sh" before the filename there [21:48] revilodraw: add "./" before your command and try again .. [21:48] thank you both of you ill try [21:48] does anybody know where i can find a good guide to setting up a samba share with a linux sever and win-xp client? [21:48] revilodraw: you might even have to put "sudo sh ati-driver-install...." [21:48] Uplink you said your audio was skipping [21:48] its processes and performance [21:50] Hi! I install firefox rc1 from hardy proposed repository. Now firefox is in English! Is there any way to change the language? Language pack? Thanks [21:50] i'm running Debian on the server, and I need to share a directory on the server with a Windows XP client, anybody have any suggestions? [21:50] slart; hmm no, "bash: command not found" [21:50] Travis /join #Debian [21:50] I'm running Hardy (all my updates are up to date) and am occassionally running into a situation where a program on my system will freezeup and stop responding (the window just goes gray and I have to "force" it to quit). I'd say I'm getting this near to daily and I'm not sure how to diagnose it. If I have top running in a terminal window when this occurs I don't see any extreme CPU or memory use. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions as to wh [21:50] at might be happening here, or how I can track down some more details? [21:50] what is the package to install gtk2? [21:50] Steve-cal: the wired connection is "roaming". Wireless connection should be properly set up and working, but when I go look at the settings afterwards, my wpa2 key has disappeared and theres WPA Personal selected as password type. Also, I cannot ping my router at [21:50] Travis: samba.. I think it's the only way when windows is involved [21:50] Slart: Actually, if he is going to run it in a subshell with "sh", technically he should use "bash" instead I believe. [21:50] Travis: try !samba for more info [21:51] how can i tell if gtk2 is installed? [21:51] Steve-cal: what is bash? [21:51] Steve-cal: afaik some scripts expect to be run under "sh" instead of "bash".. [21:51] ok, i have a problem [21:51] InforMed: look for the package "mozilla-firefox-locale-xx", they're all in synaptic [21:51] Steve-cal: I'm back. :P I figure I'll give it one more shot. I have a fresh install of Ubuntu I haven't touched and I moved my computer so I have a hard connection. [21:51] why does it show im using 100% of my CPU when im not? [21:51] i dont see a package to install gtk2!!! [21:51] Uplink: maybe u are [21:52] Steve-cal: but using the ./scriptname thingy would make it use whatever it specified on the first line of script.. wouldn't it? [21:52] bad_cables, if you are using ubuntu, gtk2 is installed for sure, what are you trying to achieve ? [21:52] <|DuReX|> Whats the difference between -AMD64 & AMD64-K8 kernels ? [21:52] fserve_, im looking over my processes tab and IM NOT === citronbleu-v is now known as rgegergreg [21:52] Slart: True, he could check by looking at the first line in the script whether it is #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh. [21:52] revilodraw: did you try both the suggestions? [21:52] ok ok, sorry : ( [21:52] but maybe u are... [21:52] slart; hyes, no avail === rgegergreg is now known as Surcoufff [21:52] |DuReX|, -8 is a dummy package [21:53] Slart: Yes, doing ./script is the preferred way. [21:53] Steve-cal: I was just being lazy since ./ requires that the script be set as executable =) [21:53] glitsj16, I have installed mozilla-firefox-locale-pt-pt and firefox keep in English [21:53] joaopinto: postfish sais that $(POSTFISHDIR) cant find postfish-wisdomrc which is a config for the fft's [21:53] i know it is there... in etc/postfish [21:53] fserve_, im not... lol [21:53] <|DuReX|> joaopinto: oh :) didn't notice that [21:53] Latuman: OK turn off the roaming mode and set up your connection... [21:53] hi all === Surcoufff is now known as citronbleu-v === citronbleu-v is now known as citronbleu- [21:54] revilodraw: isn't there some kind of how-to for the drivers? or a readme file? [21:54] Can anyone help me? I have been trying to get my wireless working in Ubuntu 8.04, but it hasn't gotten anywhere. I've tried both ndiswrapper and Madwifi. Ndiswrapper allowed me to see the APs, but I couldn't connect to any (even when unsecure). Madwifi seems to have trouble installing and gives me an error right off that bat. [21:54] wth is wrong! [21:54] Im NOT using 100% of my CPU [21:54] joaopinto: how can you check what $(APPDIR) is set too? [21:54] Uplink: gnome-terminal -> type "top" [21:54] <_zo> catslacks, give hardware information [21:55] Catslacks [21:55] the file is on the desktop, called ati-driver-installer-8-5-x86.x86_64.run [21:55] and i think ive dc [21:55] _zo: My card is a D-Link DWA-542. [21:55] Catslacks: Good to see you! Unfortunately I have to leave in a few minutes and won't be back for another hour or so... hopefully someone can help you in the meantime. Otherwise I'll be back like I said and can maybe troubleshoot with you. [21:55] bad_cables, are you trying to compile something ? [21:55] slart: yes, im following the howto [21:55] joaopinto: it is compiled [21:55] Steve-cal: Thanks. [21:55] joaopinto: in fact, i found the .deb! [21:55] revilodraw: what does it tell you to do? [21:56] Uplink: (h)top is your friend [21:56] InforMed: guess you also already tried changing firefox preferences > content > languages ? [21:56] I have no idea about the messages you are pasting here [21:56] it seems like it should be very easy, the instruction is "Enter the command ati-driver-installer-8-5-x86.x86_64.run to launch the ATI Proprietary Linux driver installer" [21:56] revilodraw: do you have an url to the howto? [21:56] I dont understand this [21:56] APPDIR is set to whatever you set it to [21:56] Uplink: open a terminal. [21:56] yes [21:56] slart: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat85-inst.html [21:56] joaopinto: where do you set that? [21:56] Uplink: type "top" (no quotes) [21:56] i dont understand how Xorg is using half of my CPU process [21:56] <|DuReX|> there is something weird with Ubuntu, my http interface of my raid card crashes my whole pc when I start it ... not errors nothing :s [21:56] Uplink: what process is eating the CPU? [21:56] <|DuReX|> never had it before === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [21:57] glitsj16, that only changes language for displaying pages... Not for firefox [21:57] glitsj16 and lolzer [21:58] yes [21:58] revilodraw: that's an odd way of doing things.. try running this "gksudo ./ati-driver-install...." [21:58] <_zo> catslacks, google says you need madwifi drivers for atheros...that not work? [21:58] glitsj16 and lolzer, i did find the animation settings [21:58] 5409 root 20 0 299m 144m 29m S 10.3 7.6 81:05.29 Xorg [21:58] catslack have you tried to compile compat-wireless-2.6? [21:58] informed: true, out of ideas on that one sorry [21:58] but what do I change ther? [21:58] _zo: I tried both ndiswrapper and madwifi. I get an error right off that bat with madwifi. [21:58] glitsj16, thanks! [21:58] irssi_user: and did it solve your issue ? [21:58] lluis: I am a noob so I have no idea what you mean [21:58] compiz config settings manager, then look for desktop cube, that is where the setting is. it is set to flip on mouse edge by default. uncheck that box [21:58] Uplink: so restart X and see if the problems clears [21:58] hey where can i get the firefox plugin to be able to play streaming .wma files on the net? [21:58] glitsj16 no it didnt, i [21:59] <_zo> catslacks, you follow this too? http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo [21:59] ever since i started using kiba-dock my network icon at the top right of my screen has been missing, and when i start up my computer, the kiba-dock has a bunch of empty icons. how can i fix this? [21:59] hey all how can i stop my postfix logging to syslog ... i obviously need to log *.* to syslog however I have seperate lines for mail but its ending up in syslog too [21:59] i accidentally overwrote my sources.list on hardy, where can i find the default one? [21:59] mneptok, that problem is forever [21:59] or any windows media content [21:59] joaopinto: do you have to recompile something and set the appdir? [21:59] catslack type in google compat-wireless [21:59] i cannot locate any setting that tells me to turn off this behaviuos [21:59] i cannot locate any setting that tells me to turn off this behaviuor [21:59] _zo: yes, that's what I followed [21:59] Uplink: what video chipset, and what driver? [21:59] download the tar ( compressed file) [21:59] mneptok, how do i know? [21:59] Steve-cal: I set a static address to the wired connection, and now both are checked as usable. Not working. I then unchecked the wired connection (which is still configured with a static ip) and still does not work [21:59] irssi_user: i'll check the animations section in ccsm, brb [21:59] Hello, my keyboard 'Repeat Keys' settings aren't reapplied after I reboot. I found a bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/173721 is there any workaround? [21:59] Launchpad bug 173721 in gnome-settings-daemon "Gnome keyboard layout options (like remapping Caps Lock) are not reapplied after reboot" [Undecided,Fix released] [21:59] thanks glitsj16 [22:00] Slart: it's working! thanks!! [22:00] Uplink: lspci -vvv | grep aphic [22:00] i accidentally overwrote my sources.list on hardy, where can i find the default one? [22:00] Hey, does anyone know how to easily get contact info off a motorola krzr? [22:00] Steve-cal: Should I use lower case letters in my hostname? Could that break something, its now "Kotipakki" with a capital K [22:00] I've been googling and experimenting like crazy and it just seems like there isn't an easy way to do it [22:01] Hi all, How can I resart my configuration ? I tryed to remove .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacit but nothing is changed ! [22:01] revilodraw: for future reference.. if you're going to run a command line program as root.. use sudo.. if you're running a gui-application (like this one apparently was) use gksudo instead [22:01] mneptok, nothing happens [22:01] revilodraw: oh.. and you're welcome.. glad it worked =) [22:01] Latuman: Only one should be checked--just check the wireless one and try that one. I have to go now but I'll be back maybe in an hour or so. Someone can help you in the meantime. Good luck. :) PS no you don't need to use lowercase letters in the hostname. [22:01] <_zo> catslacks, read up on this... http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download this is what lluis was talking about [22:01] irssi_user: didn't find any keyboard or mouse binding setting in that section ... what did the advanced search state exactly ? [22:01] Uplink: lspci -vvv (and look for anything graphic related) [22:01] Steve-cal: yeah, only wireless is now checked, not working still. [22:02] _zo: Is there a way to check if my card is compatible with it? [22:02] irssi, I'm actually stuck on a windows pc so I can't tell you which tab that is on in the settings. go to the desktop cube settings in the compiz settings manager [22:02] mneptok, why graphic? [22:02] <_zo> catslacks, I'd have to read the site same as you to know [22:02] scroll down until you see the desktop cube. click on it to open up the settings tab [22:02] glitsj16 the advanced settings has a settings tab [22:02] under it it shows plugin and groups [22:03] hoi [22:03] catslacks http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Devices/USB [22:03] _zo: My drivers aren't listed on there [22:03] in the plugin i choose animations (they were disabled) [22:03] yes, click on the desktop cube plugin [22:03] _zo thanks for th elink [22:03] Is there anyone else who has experience with non-working Wlan on ubuntu? [22:03] and the there is group which shows focus animation, shade animation, etc etc [22:03] <_zo> np [22:03] Illus: I'm not using a USB adapter? [22:04] <_zo> latuman, just ask you question instead of asking about asking your question [22:04] catslack pci? [22:04] below it there are some more settings for mininize animation, close animation and so on [22:04] what's the easiest way to get firefox 3rc1 installed? [22:04] irssi_user: it is not under the animations plugin, it is under the desktop cube plugin [22:04] has anyone had problems with compiz desktop effects when upgrading to gutsy? [22:04] my shift switcher is not working - it fades to desktop but fails to show any of my opened windows for switching [22:04] irssi_user: okay, i'll track it down, but according to lolzer it should be something in the cube settings, have you checked those ? [22:04] and my enhanced zoom doesn't work at all [22:04] heh [22:04] anybody? [22:04] bueller? [22:05] i have a question concerning External hard drives, i got one from a friend and it is NTFS, how could i "use" it? I need the files ... [22:05] <_zo> !enter [22:05] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:05] catslack tell me the model [22:05] <_zo> !enter > dk1 [22:05] sorry ubottu [22:05] MOzartstaedter, just plug it in, it should be autodected and mounted [22:05] illus: D-Link DWA-542. [22:05] Ok: Wlan appears to be perfectly working, but does not actually let me ping anything. What could be the problem? [22:05] glitsj16 and lolzer, i m now in desktop cube plugin [22:05] I'm wondering how to get contacts off my motorola cell phone === brunne1 is now known as brunner [22:05] I have a mini usb cable, and bluetooth [22:05] but thats the problem ... it isn't mounted ... [22:06] Latuman, when you say anything, have you tried with a numeric IP instead of an hostname ? === debian_ is now known as dmc^2bian [22:06] I've tried bitpim, kbluetooth, bluetooth-applet, nothing seems to work [22:06] there are sections for general, behaviour, appearance, etc [22:06] which one do i look into? [22:06] catslack is not the model, you have to found the chip [22:06] irssi_user: I think it is on the second tab? go there and tell me what you see [22:06] I can connect with kbluetooth, but I just get empty obex folders === eldawlion is now known as eldalion [22:06] joaopinto: Yes. My router, [22:06] MOzartstaedter, open a terminal and type: dmesg [22:06] irssi_user: correct, can't find anything mouse-related though .. [22:06] it usually provides an hint on the problem [22:06] nopes [22:06] Latuman, can you ping your router ? [22:06] Latuman: Do you get an ip address from dhcp? [22:06] joaopinto: No [22:06] hi all, i've been riddled with crashes from firefox for the past 2 days, it used to happen occasionally but no it happens way too often. the crash seems to have something to do with flash because it's always the use of some kind of embedded flash object that seems to crash it. i just opened firefox through the terminal and i'm trying to replicate it now so that i can pastebin the error. i was just hoping someone would already know o [22:07] Lynet: How do I check that? [22:07] joaopinto: i've done that ... and now? [22:07] MOzartstaedter, there should be some messages related to the device you plugged in [22:07] irssi_user: probably it's the "rotate cube" section as the effect shows up when you drag your mouse to the bottom edge no ? [22:07] catslack i think that card have an atheros chip [22:07] there is key bindinds etc in general options [22:07] one of the reasons for it to not be mounted is an unclean unplug [22:07] catslack in a console type lspci -nn [22:08] <_zo> lluis, catslacks, according to posts it does [22:08] it should be called Screen Edge [22:08] irssi_user: what's the problem [22:08] ? [22:08] joaopinto: thx a lot, ill read them [22:08] Latuman: Hmm. Can you pastebin the output from the commands "route -n" and "ifconfig"? [22:08] glitsj16, i don understand [22:08] !pastebin | Latuman [22:08] Latuman: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [22:08] _zo yes, it have to, if have an atheros chip [22:08] lolzer, screen edge in what [22:08] ha [22:08] wild_oscar, the prob is when i move my mouse to the bottom(only) i get another blank desktop [22:08] the option you want to turn offf [22:08] i want to disable that [22:08] illus: Okay, I did that [22:08] lolzer where is that option [22:09] Catslacks: atheros? [22:09] Slart: ok i installed it, but it doesnt seem to have made much, if any, difference. glxgears it still appalling, and i still cant open my home folder, or any other folder, it just flashes then disappears [22:09] illus: Yes. [22:09] anyone else having problems with apt-get update? ca.archive is timing out for me [22:09] is there a security update for ubuntu's samba package? [22:10] revilodraw: can't really help you with ATI drivers.. I use nvidia.. have you tried the !ati factoid? [22:10] Catslacks: what else? [22:10] lolzer i searched for screen in the filter [22:10] How do I get a higher resolution than 640x480 on a projector with an nvidia driver? [22:10] it just shows me extras and paint fire on screen [22:10] Catslacks: paste the entire line [22:10] mokzu: yes, it's been doing that for a while today it seems .. tried a different mirror ? [22:10] slart; lol what is that? [22:10] lluis: A bunch of stuff came up. I'm on a different computer, but hold on I'll type it out/ [22:10] irssi_user: and you have desktop cube enabled? [22:10] wild_oscar, yes [22:11] hi, where does the adobe flash plugin store its cache/etc? [22:11] glitsj16: didn't know there were other mirrors in synaptic package manager i'll look for options [22:11] revilodraw: try typing !ati here in the channel.. the text you get is called a factoid [22:11] irssi_user: I finally remember! - Rotate Cube in the Desktop section of CCSM. On the General tab uncheck the box marked "Edge Flip Pointer". [22:11] irssi_user: in that one, bidings [22:11] lluis: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5416 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Adapter [168c:0023] (rev01) [22:11] <_zo> !ati | revilodraw [22:11] !ati [22:11] revilodraw: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [22:11] rotate cube - rotate left (click bidings): what edges of the screen are green [22:11] thsnks guys [22:11] Lynet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15641/ [22:11] irssi_user: ^^^ [22:11] irssi_user: go to Rotate Cube in the Desktop section of CCSM. On the General tab uncheck the box marked "Edge Flip Pointer". [22:12] lolzer it is unchecked [22:12] it shouldn't flip when your mouse gets to the screen edge now [22:12] yes wild_oscar? [22:12] man, for some reason at some point the microphone on this machine was on and feeding back and I muted it -- now a month later, I can't figure out how to unmute it [22:12] mokzu: yes, open synaptic > settings >repositories and you'll find a download from dropdown .. [22:12] sigh, windows it is [22:12] in the sound settings the mic shows unmuted [22:12] found it, it was in .macromedia (yuk) [22:12] but it doesn't record sound [22:12] you can also uncheck the box that will allow you to drag an app from one desktop to another [22:12] irssi_user: desktop cube ->bindings ->rotate cube - rotate left (click bidings): what edges of the screen are green [22:13] lolzer: all those boxes are unchecked [22:13] then you are good to go [22:13] wild_oscar: nuthing is green [22:13] exit out of the manager and give it a test [22:13] <_zo> might need to reboot? [22:13] ok lemme try restarting compiz [22:13] wait, that's not all of it, it stores somewhere else too.... [22:14] it should already be set. just exit the settings manager [22:14] irssi_user: sorry; instead of "rotate left", check the "rotate flip left" (and right) [22:14] lolzer: i just changed the desktop to kwin and back to compiz, that didnt have any effect [22:15] wild_oscar: rotate flip left and right have the left and right part of screen green [22:15] Catslacks: and have you tried with the madwifi? [22:15] I wish I would have known you were using "K"ubuntu. [22:16] irssi_user: and going to the left and right side of the screen show u the next desktop? [22:16] guess what? i sat amarok process priority to -5 and my music doesnt skipp that bad now [22:16] lluis: That's my problem. I just get a whole bunch of errors when I follow the HOWTO. I'm using a fresh install of 8.04, so if someone could guide me through it that would be great [22:17] Catslacks: have you dowloaded the firmware? [22:17] Catslacks: paste the howto url [22:17] i've been riddled with crashes from firefox for the past 2 days, it used to happen occasionally but now it happens way too often. the crash seems to have something to do with flash because it's always the use of some kind of embedded flash object that seems to crash it. i was hoping someone would already know of this and be able to show me a fix for it. here is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15644/ [22:17] lluis: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo [22:17] wild_oscar: no it does not [22:17] if any of the compiz gurus can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811973: Some effects (enhanced desktop zoom, shift switcher) stopped working after upgrading to Hardy [22:17] <_zo> amirman84, probably best to reinstall both === gardar`afk is now known as gardar [22:18] irssi_user: is your compiz "desktop wall" activated by any chance ? that one also has several edge-flipping settings you might want to check/uncheck ... [22:18] _zo: reinstall both firefox and flash? [22:18] <_zo> amirman84, thats what i'm thinking [22:18] <_zo> amirman84, maybe just flash first [22:18] glitsj16: lemme check that, but i thought, when i enable cube the desktop wall is disabled [22:18] but lemme double check anyways [22:19] _zo: have you known that to work? if i uninstalled firefox wouldn't i have to reconfigure all my settings and extentions? [22:19] irssi_user: could be, it's been a while since i was in the cube ... [22:19] glitsj16: ok desktop wall is disabled [22:19] !fffc | amirman84: I don't know if this will help.. but anyways... [22:19] amirman84: I don't know if this will help.. but anyways...: If Firefox is crashing on sites using Flash try adding "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (ref: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/14911 ) [22:19] Catslacks: what errors and when?I mean, when modprobe,when you where compiling... [22:19] lolzer: is it ok to just change to kwin and then back to compiz? does that restart compiz? [22:20] <_zo> nice slart === dmc^2bian is now known as debian [22:20] _zo: it is, isn't it.. =).. I have no idea if it works.. but it's a quick thing to try [22:20] lluis: all throughout it. There was a lot of "directory does not exist" and such. I can try going through it again if you want. [22:20] you probably erased your chages. check to see if you need to uncheck those boxes again. [22:21] lolzer: i m using emerald on compiz [22:21] Catslacks: with the command ./configure , with make?.... [22:21] gljits16: i m using emerald on compiz [22:21] you don't need to restart compiz for the settings to take effect. you just want to exit the setting manager and continue to use compiz [22:21] wild_oscar: i m using emerald on compiz [22:21] Catslacks: have you got the kernel headers? [22:21] lluis: I don't recall exactly, but pretty much every one gave me an error, haha. [22:21] Catslacks: do you have build-essentials installed? [22:21] lluis: What is that? [22:21] lolzer: i did that my mouse still goes below the screen to open desktop [22:21] BCM43: I remember trying to install that and it gave me an error [22:22] _zo: Slart: that bug has the same effect but it's definitely not the same bug. [22:22] <_zo> amirman84, did you try it anyway? [22:22] irssi_user: so the changes you make in the settings manager have no effect? [22:22] Catslacks: well there is your problem. Sudo aptitude install build-essentials [22:22] -s [22:22] irssi_user: sorry, mate I don't know [22:22] it's build-essential, not build-essentials [22:22] Catslacks: BCM43 is for broadcom chipsets [22:22] lolzer: they do, but the unchecking those boxes did not have any effect [22:22] _zo: i'll try it out, but the error is completely different and that bug seems to be as old as ubuntu itself [22:22] Catslacks: you have to load ath_pci [22:23] I'm installing jEdit via the installer and was wondering where should I make it install the shortcut to so I can access it from a terminal? [22:23] I'm having huge problems with desktop effects myself after uprgading to hardy [22:23] I'm not sure what the problem is then. [22:23] lluis: BCM43 is a user in this chat. [22:23] lluis: BCM43 is also the nickname of someone in here right now. [22:23] Daisukethanks, sorry [22:23] hello [22:23] ubuntu upgrades are always like this... [22:23] BCM43: Sorry, what do I type in? [22:23] !hi | eyzi [22:23] eyzi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [22:23] Catslacks: hah!!BCM43 was a nick... [22:23] i want to install my vista over my ubuntu so i can dual boot with vista and ubuntu [22:23] the settings manager should have reign over compiz, but since it doesn't you may have another problem [22:23] Hi lluis [22:23] BCM43: This is to install the madwifi drivers, right? [22:23] BCM43: hi [22:23] but i cant cos my pc isnt ntfs any mire [22:23] more* [22:24] Catslacks: for anything from source. there is no s at the end though [22:24] :\ [22:24] BCM43: a funny confussion [22:24] i like vista [22:24] my clock is wrong, how do I sync it with a timeserver? [22:24] what is a good video editor for ubuntu? something similar to virtualdub [22:24] lololololololololololol [22:24] vista ftw [22:24] BCM43: Okay, so in the terminal I type: "Sudo aptitude install build-essentials" [22:24] lluis: i have this name so i cant tell when people are taking about it [22:24] vista ftw [22:24] vista [22:24] vista [22:24] I-raped-charq: please stop [22:24] I-raped-charq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:24] vista [22:24] i dont need anything fancy, just something for chopping up pieces of videos [22:24] how would I add a kernel parameter when booting from a live CD? (or can I?) [22:24] any ideas? [22:24] neeto, sudo apt-get install ntp-server [22:24] vista gets me wet [22:24] !ops | I-raped-charq [22:24] I-raped-charq: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! [22:24] hi, what does ubuntu "base" mean? [22:25] BCM43: good idea [22:25] ubuntu without gnome? [22:25] Jaikkuli: there's "lives" and "kino" that come to mind .. lives seems fit for the job you wnat to achieve [22:25] I'm installing jEdit via the installer and was wondering where should I make it install the shortcut to so I can access it from a terminal? [22:25] BCM43: No s at the end of build-essentials, or at the end of drivers? haha [22:25] glitsj16: thanks [22:25] Catslacks: build-essentials should be build-essential [22:26] hmm... can someone help me with installing vista over ubuntu? [22:26] <_zo> aless, its the base functional install of ubuntu [22:26] eyzi: what do you mean over it? deleate ubuntu? [22:26] eyzi: ##windows for help with windows [22:26] yes [22:26] eyzi, try ##windows [22:26] BCM43: "Couldn't find any package whos name or description matched "build-essential" [22:26] ##windows [22:26] here? where? [22:26] xD [22:26] terminal? [22:26] eyzi: /join ##windows [22:26] eyzi, /join ##windows [22:26] here [22:26] ahh ok [22:26] thx [22:26] eyzi, /part #ubuntu [22:27] Catslacks: you might need universe installed. [22:27] glitsj16: i find kino, but not lives.. is that the proper name it goes by? [22:27] BCM43: How do I do that? [22:27] build-essential is in main... [22:27] when I use vim inside of screen, I don't have a 256 color term anymore. Is there a way around this? [22:27] how do you change an $(APPDIR) ??? [22:27] aless: where could i see what does it include? [22:27] Jaikkuli, www.getdeb.net/app/lives [22:27] Catslacks: one sec [22:27] jadams: using gnome-terminal? [22:28] jaikkulie i 'm pretty sure that's what it's called, you might find it at getdeb.net or gnomefiles .. [22:28] yup [22:28] whats code for backscape in unicode table [22:28] remoted in [22:28] bad_cables, that is a shell environment variable, you can set it with export APPDIR=value [22:28] !who | joaopinto [22:28] joaopinto: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [22:28] jadams: erm, that was for you ^ [22:28] jrib: I ssh into my machine at work, use vim, it's 256 colors. Open a screen -D -R on that server, use vim, it's 16 colors [22:28] jadams: set t_Co=256 [22:28] jrib: I've done that in vim... [22:28] jrib: it's only in screen [22:29] jadams: that's all I do here [22:29] can someone tell me how to restart my keyboard [22:29] jadams: wait, what version of ubuntu? [22:29] jrib: ok, well I don't get it...I can't even use vim it's so garish in 16 color mode. [22:29] Jaikkuli: http://getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=lives (in case you don't know, a .deb you download can be installed by double-clicking and letting Gdebi take over the dependency checking ...) [22:29] jrib: hardy, all around [22:30] Catslacks: sudo aptitude install build-essential [22:30] glitsj16: yeah .deb are my favourite :) nice for a former windows user [22:30] Catslacks: have you put the universe repositorie in the apt sources list? [22:30] lluis: you need it for build-essential? [22:30] lluis: I don't know what you mean. [22:30] does anyone have experience with KIBA-DOCK??' [22:30] BCM43: I tried that and it said no packaged matched that. [22:30] <_zo> Catslacks: are you using synaptic? [22:30] Catslacks: go to administration --> software sources [22:30] BCM43: I think so [22:30] jadams: in previous versions I had to rebuild screen, but that isn't the case in hardy [22:30] ringer: it is running as we type [22:30] <_zo> !ask | ringer [22:30] ringer: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [22:30] BCM43: Okay [22:30] jrib: well, I'll rebuild screen later I supopse [22:31] !info build-essential [22:31] build-essential (source: build-essential): informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB [22:31] jrib: the machine was an upgrade, not a hardy base install [22:31] jadams: well, you don't have to in hardy. Check what version of the screen package you have [22:31] glitsj16: lol cool. i was wondering why, when i start up, it shows a bunch of blank icons. including network manager which is now missing from the top right of my screen [22:31] how would i format ubuntu? [22:31] BCM43: Now what? [22:32] Catslacks: check universe [22:32] jrib: Screen version 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06 [22:32] BCM43: where can i see the all the commands like !info or !ask? [22:32] BCM43, he is missing the main repository ! [22:32] BCM43: I'm not connected to the internet [22:32] jadams: nah, what version of the ubuntu package? apt-cache policy screen [22:32] Catslacks: well that would explain it. [22:32] will google [22:32] ringer: i've shut down all panels while using kiba-dock, did you compile a recent version ? [22:32] BCM43: If that matters [22:32] Catslacks: hahahaha!!! [22:32] arrggh...i hear that scary high pitch tone..proly on one of the hard disk..i have four..any test to find out which is making that high pitch tone? [22:32] Catslacks: yes, quite a bit. [22:33] <_zo> eyzi: format ubuntu? [22:33] yes [22:33] Catslacks: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/build-essential download and transfer to your computer [22:33] <_zo> eyzi: why would you want to do that? [22:33] so i can install my vista and then dual boot vista and ubuntu [22:33] jrib: http://pastie.caboo.se/205641 [22:33] BCM43: Okay, haha. now I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere. Give me a minute. [22:33] glitsj16: uh, not sure what ive done lol. i found an install script which did it for me. the About shows me Kiba-Dock 9999 [22:33] _zo:Windows cannot be installed to this hard disk space. Windows must be installed to a partition formated as NTFS. [22:33] oops [22:34] _zo: so i can install my vista and then dual boot vista and ubuntu [22:34] <_zo> eyzi: formatting your ubnutu partition will erase your ubuntu install [22:34] BCM43, Catslacks , that will not work, build-essential is just a meta package listing other packages [22:34] yes i know [22:34] lluis: pm ubutu, and play around with it [22:34] hi, i'm looking for example preseed file for 100% automatic ubuntu 8.04 install [22:34] * _zo is confuzed then [22:34] joaopinto: your right, i forgot [22:34] ringer: same here ... never had the effects you describe though [22:34] i know what formatting is but i dont know how [22:34] anyone have ever done this? [22:34] BCM43: So don't do that? [22:34] ringer: it happens everytime you strat it ? [22:34] Catslacks: no [22:34] BAAAH!!! [22:34] jadams: make sure t_Co is really set to 256 with just ':set t_Co' inside vim in screen [22:34] bad_cables: please sotp [22:34] _zo: i want to install windows, then install ubuntu with it [22:34] BCM43: Okay so what should I be doing? lol. [22:34] **stop [22:35] pm ubuntu [22:35] Catslacks: hold on one sec [22:35] hehe [22:35] glitsj16: only when i start the computer. i then can Quit Kiba and restart the dock then it solves the problem, but it is a bit annoying [22:35] maybe it doesnt make sense, but i wanna be able to load vista aswell as ubuntu [22:35] eyzi, installing windows natively is not ubuntu/linux related [22:35] BCM43: what you mean? [22:35] lluis: i mean ubottu [22:35] if you install .deb without satisfying dependencies, can you retroactively install them? [22:35] <_zo> eyzi: its called dual booting [22:35] <_zo> !dual [22:35] Factoid dual not found [22:35] bad_cables, yes you can [22:35] ubottu [22:35] yea, that's it [22:35] ?? [22:35] <_zo> !dual boot [22:35] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [22:36] ringer: i guess so yes, can't say that i have anything springing to mind solution-wise alas :) === scott__ is now known as Qster [22:36] !ubottu > lluis [22:36] joaopinto, i tried the ##windows channel but they didnt wanna help me installing windows on ubuntu cos i mentioned ubuntu [22:36] >_> [22:36] Uh, why would the updates remove Firefox and not reinstall it? :| I thought maybe it was the new version, but nope.. [22:36] !dual boot [22:36] anyone noticing ff3b5 pulling up random options from the right-click menu? i.e: sometimes i'll right click a link (even if i hold down the right mouse button) and i'll get a bookmark prompt, or a save as prompt or a properties prompt. [22:36] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [22:37] thanks _zo [22:37] will ubuntu run on my new amiga5000 ? [22:37] bad_cables interesting question...wonder what if you re-install? would it prompt for dependencies? [22:37] eyzi: you're just installing windows, it has nothing to do with ubuntu. windows installs where you tell it to (in particular, over ubuntu) [22:37] not sure if this is a ff3b5 issue or a synaptics issue--but it only seems to manifest in ff3b5 [22:37] nite guys! [22:37] eyzi, you dont want to install it on Ubuntu, you want to do a windows clean install that is what you have explained here some minutes ago, do not bring Ubuntu into the subject [22:37] glitsj16: okay thanks anyways. i also dont have any of the physics effects. any idea how i can activate those? i have looked in the preferences but found nothing [22:37] oh, n/m [22:37] this is a known issue [22:37] ringer: that's a known issue at the moment, the physics engine is unavailable in 9999 === nand is now known as nand_ [22:38] sorry.... hmm.. ill read the link from !dual boot thingy and come back here if i didnt see how to do what i want to do [22:38] all of my games and screensavers flicker. How do I fix this? [22:38] brb.. x) [22:38] glitsj16, have you tried AWN? if so do you like Kiba better? [22:38] <_zo> eyzi: didnt someone mention to you the ##windows channel? === nand_ is now known as _nand_ [22:39] <_zo> caesal, fix your display drivers [22:39] ringer: AWN and Cairo-Dock are both going under fast development , i've tried both tes [22:39] Hey I need some help with WINE [22:39] _zo what's there to fix? [22:39] _zo, yes they did, and when i got there they didnt wanna help because i mentioned ubuntu [22:39] ringer: but on my humble PIII system it's too much :p [22:39] XxScHw4RtZxX: best to just ask your question [22:39] pretty ironic [22:39] !wine | XxScHw4RtZxX [22:39] XxScHw4RtZxX: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [22:39] <_zo> caesa1: if you have poor performance on your display then you probably need different/better drivers for it [22:39] eyzi: go to ##windows please [22:39] <_zo> eyzi: lol [22:40] jrib: we already had this conversation [22:40] glitsj16: awn is too much? is kiba better for your resources? [22:40] BCM43: So no ideas, eh? This is a headache. [22:40] <_zo> !ask | XxScHw4RtZxX [22:40] XxScHw4RtZxX: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [22:40] can someone please tell me how to restart my keyboard, my control and shift keys stoped working [22:40] _zo well, the performance is just fine. Compiz works A-ok, and games are at as good framerates as they ever are. It just flickers. [22:40] BCM43: cool... [22:40] Catslacks: one sec [22:40] *have [22:40] Whenever i try to run GuildWars, it loads it all and then it has a box that says my drivers are not supporteed and if i want to continue or not. whatever i click (yes or no) it just closes WINE all together [22:41] _zo: try !anyone [22:41] <_zo> caesa1: hmm, maybe it's your monitor drivers? [22:41] _zo I should mention that it didn't happen before I updated to hardy [22:41] navetz-> try tput reset [22:41] XxScHw4RtZxX, try #winehq, and check the compat db [22:41] <_zo> BCM43: better! [22:41] ringer: yes definately, it chucks away at a steady 15 MB .. Cairo-Dock was very nice last time i checked though, i've settled down a bit on the dock-changing road ;) [22:41] it says guild wars all versions is compatible [22:41] XxScHw4RtZxX, so try their channel [22:41] amenado; ok [22:41] Catslacks: not sure how you would go about getting all of them. [22:42] Catslacks: what is it for? [22:42] _zo hm, I don't know. I've never had to worry about monitor drivers. Ever. It's plug and play. === _nand_ is now known as nand__ [22:42] navetz-> did it work? [22:42] amenado; didn't work [22:42] how do i get xmms? [22:42] BCM43: What do you mean? [22:43] suRs, xmms is no longer available on the repositories, it is unsupported, use an alternative player [22:43] riinger: did you try putting kiba-dock to 'sleep' for a few seconds in your boot-sequence ? [22:43] glitsj16: should i give cairo a try? do you think it may be worth a switch? i do like kiba, but im always up for new things [22:43] Catslacks: im not sure how to help, try asking in this channel [22:43] BCM43: I haven't been able to get my wireless working for 3 days. I've tried to install the madwifi drivers and I get errors. [22:43] <_zo> caesa1: no idea then...usually flickering games means bad drivers, are you sure you are using the best driver you can for your chipset? [22:43] witch player can i use to lissen to musik from webbpages and so? [22:43] navetz-> try tput -T vt100 reset [22:43] like winamp? [22:43] BCM43: I have been... for three days now, haha. I've had at least 7 people try to help me. [22:43] Catslacks: what wireless card? [22:43] !players | suRs [22:43] suRs: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs [22:43] BCM43: D-Link DWA542 [22:43] ringer: yes it is really nice, if your system can take the load, go for it [22:43] joaopinto: i tried to look whats wrong with mei external hd, but dmesg hasn't given me further information why it don't want to mount the volume ... [22:43] BCM43: It is an Atheros Chipset [22:43] glitsj16, but kiba is the lowest hog out of them all? [22:44] Catslacks: i have tried to help you before, havent i [22:44] so how do i install them? [22:44] amenado; nope [22:44] suRs: xmms has been deprecated. it is no longer maintained. [22:44] amenado; nope [22:44] amenado; i gota go thanks for help [22:44] i feel that my upgrade to hardy was only partial, but the update manager is giving me problems. how do i complete the update from the cli [22:44] _zo I'm using the fancy restricted driver I have to go out of my way to enable [22:44] navetz oh well, good luck [22:44] BCM43: Yesterday, yes [22:44] revilodraw, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [22:44] okej anyone tell me a good mp3 player for my xubuntu that i can use. [22:44] how do upgrade from gutsy gibbon to hardy heron from the live cd? [22:44] joaopinto: thank you [22:45] ringer: yes that's not scientifically measured or anything, kiba doesn't crash for me, that's also a big plus :p [22:45] !upgrade | tpw_rules [22:45] tpw_rules: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [22:45] glitsj16; okay, ill give it a try, thanks! === nand__ is now known as nand [22:46] thanka joaopinto [22:46] Catslacks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5073293#post5073293 i bumped this thread for you, keep track of it [22:46] ringer: do you know that cairo-dock has a repo with the latest stuff ? .. i'm checking the link if you 've got a second, it's worth it .. [22:46] BCM43: Yeah, I looked at that as it seems to be a similar problem. [22:47] glitsj16: yep, i have time. i appreciate it [22:47] i have an issue. anybody having problems opening .bin files? i am a newbie. [22:47] Oh, well. Maybe someone else can help me. I'm trying to get my wireless working (D-Link DWA-542) [22:47] !bin | jon_high9000 [22:47] Factoid bin not found [22:47] !.bin | jon_high9000 [22:47] Catslacks-> what have you done so far to load the driver? [22:48] All, really frustrated with U right now. Upgrade in gutsy took my DT system down. Server is on Fiesty with no problems. Tried loading the new 8.04 but it always gets to a point and stalls. Had two original problems with install of Fiesty/Gutsy on DT. 1.) MB=ECS-755A so uses RealTek AC97 drivers, which are not config'd in releases, 2.) Monitor is AMW MR19C-AB LCD monitor and X-Win/Gnome would not work on neither Fiesty of Gutsy except in 800x600. As [22:48] binary files [22:48] ringer: add "deb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu/hardy" to your repo list and you'll be able to use the synaptic update features automatically that way [22:48] amenado: I did a fresh install in case I messed anything up from earlier. So far I've done nothing. It's a direct 8.04 from the cd. [22:48] jon_high9000, what are you trying to install ? [22:48] ringer: i presume you're on hardy ? [22:48] realplayer 11 gold [22:48] Catslacks-> did it work while you were boot on liveCD ? [22:49] amenado: No. [22:49] a little bit out of the blue..... ísland?? [22:49] jon_ : http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#installer [22:49] jon_high9000, open a terminal and type: sh file.bin [22:49] Ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize the keyboard part of my ps/2 keyboard and mouse to usb converter. i'm on windows and it is working fine. Is there anything I can do about it? [22:49] glitsj16: yep im on hardy. do i add hardy to the end of that? its not letting me add it as it [22:49] glitsj16: as is* [22:49] HI [22:49] !hi | Veritto [22:49] Veritto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [22:49] glitsj16: or do i add "main" [22:49] where is the java mozilla plugin ? [22:50] joaopinto: thanks [22:50] ringer: in the GUI you put the "hardy" bit in the box "Distribution" [22:50] I want to find the grub: I mind grub-install /dev/sda [22:50] Veritto: so you want to remove it? [22:50] ringer: and "cairo-dock" in "Components" [22:50] All, do I need to repost? [22:51] glitsj16: lol i am confused now. i have an APT line, thats how i usually add stuff to the repos [22:51] mirak : did you install it or you are trying to install? [22:51] Catslacks-> do you have /lib/modules/`uname -r`/madwifi/ath* [22:51] <_zo> TBotNik: there was no question just an explination and complaint about something [22:51] ringer: there's no "main" in my list, can't be sure [22:51] amenado: How do I check that [22:51] glitsj16 lol okay, ill try main. [22:51] zvacet: I need it [22:51] Error: /dev/sda: Noot foound or not a block device anybody can help me? [22:52] !dual boot [22:52] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [22:52] Catslacks-> you do an ls -la [22:52] anybody know right sound juicer gstreamer pipeline for mp3 encoding VBR preset extreme, but when tags are written right? I have problem while encoding because after that rhythmbox show wrong mp3 file frequency. It show 30kbps file frequency when i know it's around 224 kbps. [22:52] amenda: And look for madwifi? [22:53] glitsj16: uh oh. i may have screwed my computer up bad. i cant open up synaptic manager now [22:53] ringer: what did you do ? don't panic ... [22:53] All, really frustrated with U right now. Upgrade in Gutsy took my DT system down. Cannot get it back even in recover mode. Server is on Fiesty with no problems. Tried loading the new 8.04 but it always gets to a point and stalls. Had two original problems with install of Fiesty/Gutsy on DT. 1.) MB=ECS-755A so uses RealTek AC97 drivers, which are not config'd in releases, 2.) Monitor is AMW MR19C-AB LCD monitor and X-Win/Gnome would not work on neit [22:53] Veritto-> are you booted on liveCD ? [22:53] anyone have any ideas on how i could resolve this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/235629 [22:53] Launchpad bug 235629 in ubuntu "sound and wireless not working, hardy (2.6.24-17)" [Undecided,New] [22:53] mirak : install it with synaptic type in search box sun and you will find it [22:53] _zo: Is that clear enough? [22:54] glitsj16: lol i just added that link to the repos the way i usually do, then added "main" to the end. now when i try to open synaptics i get an error and it shuts down immediately [22:54] <_zo> TBotNik: no, "would not work on nei" ? [22:54] zvacet: not on amd64 [22:54] anyone know why my keyboard won't work on my ps2 to usb converter? [22:54] amenado: I don [22:54] Catslacks-> yes.. [22:54] hi BCM43 [22:54] ringer: "killall synaptic" ... it should recover after "sudo apt-get install -f" no ? [22:54] amenado: I don't see any Madwifi in the list [22:55] Catslacks-> what was your exact commands ? [22:55] mirak : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [22:55] _zo: Yes neither Fiesty nor Gutsy works in X-Win only in text mode [22:55] glitsj16: im not all that experienced in ubuntu. your telling me to put "killall synaptic" into the terminal? [22:55] amenado: I typed ls -la [22:55] anybody know right sound juicer gstreamer pipeline for mp3 encoding VBR preset extreme, but when tags are written right? I have problem while encoding because after that rhythmbox show wrong mp3 file frequency. It show 30kbps file frequency when i know it's around 224 kbps. [22:55] anyone have any ideas on how i could resolve this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/235629 [22:55] Launchpad bug 235629 in ubuntu "sound and wireless not working, hardy (2.6.24-17)" [Undecided,New] [22:55] buenas tardes, tengo una duda y me gustaria saber si me podrian hechar una mano [22:56] mirak : and I think all architectures use same repos [22:56] <_zo> TBotNik: so you had a computer that was running feisty and you dist-upgrade to gutsy and now x server won't work? [22:56] ringer: correct, the sound of the killall command is a little dramatic, but that's what you should do to remove the process [22:56] _zo: Worked with NeddySeagoon, on ##Linux (He's there now) to get X-Win to work, but could only do Text install to get system up. [22:56] Hi! I need some help with .xlsx files with Ubuntu. Is there a support for such files in any Ubuntu package? [22:56] !es | ochoa [22:56] ochoa: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:56] glitsj16: okay ill give it a try lol [22:57] <_zo> TBotNik: did you install from a cd or over the network? [22:57] i have ubuntu installed on my laptop, and i want to dual boot it with vista, help? the help link from "!dual boot" is assuming i have windows previously installed but i dont [22:57] glitsj16: just tells me "no process killed". should i run the sudo spt-get install -f"? [22:57] ringer: no, it means it's allready killed [22:58] Aloha [22:58] eyzi, grrr, not again, if you dont know how to install Vista, keep asking on ##windows [22:58] <_zo> eyzi: if you have freespace (not freespace in a partition) on your HDD the windows installer should detect that and partition it and install to that freespace [22:58] ringer: i'm gonna tripple check the correct syntax for the next step .. just a moment [22:58] glitsj16: okay thansk [22:58] hey everyone - I've been using ubuntu for some time but I have never really played around with themes/desktop effects. I want to do something like Mac4Lin/similar. Anyone able to guide me on this. [22:58] what means: "Cannot mount volume. Unable to mount the volume USB-STICK Cannot obtain lock on /media/.hal-mtab"???? i tried to get my external hard drive to work, but now it seems that i made it worse because it doesn't even mount my usb-stick (before this worked well) ... help pls =( [22:59] I need to open a ms Office sheet in xlsx format on Ubuntu. Is there any way to do it? [22:59] <_zo> eyzi: you have a windows install problem, you need to take that to windows, or wipe your whole harddrive and follow the directions from !dualboot [22:59] <_zo> err !dual boot* [22:59] Hello, could someone see this , this is the box which is shown to me when startup. Look at some entries which is repeated 5 times. I haven't re-install Ubuntu or something like that, I was just upgrading from internet, and each time there is a new entry, also, I have installed KUbuntu and XUbuntu from internet, if this make sense.. [22:59] eyzi : download http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ and shrink your Ubuntu partition free space format as NTFS and on that partition install Vista [22:59] <_zo> !fglrx > _zo [22:59] yes, ok, but the problem i had when i tried dual booting [22:59] oops, accidently pressed enter, but ok [22:59] _zo: No I had DT box with Fiesty, did dist_upgrade to Gutsy, worked fine. Update Manager ran and blew the box, so much so that it is non recoverable. Now having to start from scratch so need to do TEXT ONLY install, which I remember takes a special build, so need to know how to do that again, so I can build torrent, download it, install in TEXT ONLY and get the box working. If I can't I'll install server (which is text only) and then install the DT co [23:00] i will try gparted [23:00] SnakeArt Regular xl spreadsheets are not a prob.. never heard of that extension so perhaps asking the people in open office [23:00] hello [23:00] <_zo> !alternative [23:00] The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [23:00] OsamaK, you need to clean your /boot/grub/menu.lst [23:01] whoami [23:01] eyzi Ask in #Windows for how to install vista. [23:01] <_zo> TBotNik: that what you want? [23:01] How long until Lost airs? [23:01] I'm waiting for the torrent over here... [23:01] !ot | phpBob [23:01] phpBob: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [23:01] joaopinto: Firstly, what's the problem always? [23:01] Jack_Sparrow : but he is dual booting with Ubuntu [23:01] ringer: what happens when you start it up again the usual way ? any messages ? it should give you a box with the command to key in to recover [23:01] anyone have any ideas on how i could resolve this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/235629 [23:01] zvacet but he is installing vista [23:01] BCM43, I lost the grup and I want recovery the grub [23:02] Launchpad bug 235629 in ubuntu "sound and wireless not working, hardy (2.6.24-17)" [Undecided,New] [23:02] Hi. [23:02] *grub [23:02] _zo: Sorta, but on W2K box now so no hope of compile here. Is there a compiled version as .iso? [23:02] Where can I find a sample .bash_profile in my system ? [23:02] Jack_Sparrow : and Ubuntu is only OS he has right now [23:02] zvacet Once he installs vista we can help him fix grub [23:02] j #mysql [23:02] zvacet Doesnt matter [23:02] Hi, can I manage kerberos and AFS with seahorse? [23:02] indio: ~/.profile or /etc/skel/.profile [23:02] <_zo> TBotNik: alternative CD is an ISO [23:02] glitsj16: yes it gives me error on line 60, then a few other lines. doesnt tell me what to do though. how can i paste the error here? [23:02] Jack_Sparrow : I agree [23:02] or is there an easy way to obtain kerberos and automount afs upon ubuntu login? [23:03] _zo: K downloading now! Thanks! [23:03] ringer: either that or we need to check your /etc/apt/sources.list manually, could you paste it ? [23:03] E: Malformed line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) [23:03] E: The list of sources could not be read. [23:03] Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem. [23:03] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [23:03] ringer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:03] joaopinto: You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. [23:03] ringer: use paste.ubuntu.com please [23:03] erUSUL: Thanks. So .bash_profile = .profile ? [23:03] ringer sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [23:04] Can anyone help me get my wireless running? [23:04] help [23:04] indio: yep [23:04] indio, .bash_profile is just a regular bash script, just like .bashrc [23:04] joaopinto: There is no admin on my computer else, there isn't any even users else.. [23:04] hi [23:04] gparted live cd seems to be a good solution for my mess x) === RealUser19633634 is now known as HolyDemon [23:04] ringer open up the sources.list and go to line 60 [23:04] tigerplug: I have whole desktop configured to look like a MacOSX Tiger. You should try to google "Gnome macosx" or similiar... [23:04] erUSUL: Great. Thanks. I'll put the commands I wanted to put in .bash_profile in .profile. [23:04] what means: "Cannot mount volume. Unable to mount the volume USB-STICK Cannot obtain lock on /media/.hal-mtab"???? i tried to get my external hard drive to work, but now it seems that i made it worse because it doesn't even mount my usb-stick (before this worked well) ... help pls =( === huayra is now known as hubuntu [23:05] Stroganoff: how exactly do i get to the sources list? paste "cat /etc/apt/sources.list " in terminal? [23:05] tigerplug: there are plenty of how-to's about it and effects are so good, that my friend with Macbook was thinking that I'm using Mac:) === Arakthor_ is now known as Arakthor [23:06] anyone know what happened to the edgy eft repository? [23:06] or "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ", Stroganoff? [23:06] ringer I gave you all you needed earlier to handle that [23:06] * Mac [23:06] ringer gksudo gedit for gui apps [23:06] Anyone know if there is a debian package for honeytrap? [23:06] _zo: OK have file, but it won't do anything here on W2K. What now? [23:06] Jack_Sparrow: hi! [23:07] <|DuReX|> I'm having something weird, my http interface of my raid card crashes my whole pc when I start it ... not errors nothing, sometimes it just runs, sometimes it crashes ... any id's ? :( [23:07] Jack_Sparrow: i am confused by that though.. do i just copy all you put? im a noob i know [23:07] ringer : cat /etc/apt/sources.list in terminal [23:07] is it possible to install msn 7.5 on ubuntu ? [23:07] <_zo> !iso | TBotNik [23:07] TBotNik: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [23:07] ringer sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit [23:07] in terminal [23:07] <_zo> !burning | TBotNik or in your case it will be this: [23:07] TBotNik or in your case it will be this:: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [23:07] DJTamse Ask in #winehq [23:07] upped to 8.04 and now there's no place to select different styles of mouse pointers. moved? removed? or am i lsot? [23:08] jack sorry [23:08] new here [23:08] np [23:08] or see [23:08] how i go there ? [23:08] !appdb [23:08] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [23:08] did edgy eft repositories just vanish a couple days ago? [23:08] thank u [23:08] DJTamse /join #winehq [23:08] Can anyone help me get my wireless going? [23:09] shamu : month ago edgy is not supported anymore [23:09] there's no pointer selection in 'mouse preferences' [23:09] !eol [23:09] anyone have any ideas on how i could resolve this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/235629 [23:09] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle [23:09] Launchpad bug 235629 in ubuntu "sound and wireless not working, hardy (2.6.24-17)" [Undecided,New] [23:09] ringer yeah use gedit. then ctrl+g -> 60 [23:09] ringer: how are you getting along ? [23:09] not supported, sure, but it's completely gone from the mirrors -- is there any way I can point to the last updated archive? [23:09] Gokul Please post description of the problem when posting a link [23:09] hi to all [23:09] shamu nope [23:09] could someone help me with a more-or-less complicated question? [23:10] !ask [23:10] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [23:10] shamu, ubuntu mirrors are getting huge, they need to do some cleanup [23:10] Hey everyone, I'm trying to run mplayer on my desktop by invoking it through an SSH session. This is successful, no worries, the film plays, but I have to use the X window to control the movie itself. Is there a way of telling mplayer to accept all keyboard control via the terminal? [23:10] Stroganoff: may have to talk to me like im a 3yr old. just type "gedit" ? [23:10] HALP! i just tried to connect a monitor to my laptop and tried to configure it to work instead of my laptop monitor..... but it doesnt... and it screwed up nvidea drivers?!?! [23:10] It's asking for the Hardy Heron CD, but I made a DVD and it isn't picking it up. [23:10] glitsj16: not really sure lol. im not understanding alot of this [23:10] hello I have a small question : what is a file ending by ~ ? please [23:10] so no way to get the 'last state' of the edgy repo huh [23:10] (or is there a better place to ask?) [23:10] <_zo> Gokul: try adding the project or package the problem effects then those who manage the package can have their attention on it [23:11] I have downloaded Ubuntu (desktop version) 8.04 LTS with the latest kernel available, that's 2.6.24-17, but... what I would like to know is what kernel version this new kernel is RESPECT to the official kernel tarball release... I mean... is it [23:11] Jack_Sparrow: my wireless and sound card stopped working after upgrading to hardy 8.04 (2.6.24-17). [23:11] ringer: correct, then track down line 60 and report back please [23:11] mattheO, usually it means it's a backup file [23:11] arfarf: system>preferences>appearance>theme>customize>pointer [23:11] thanks joaopinto :) [23:11] _zo: i don't know which package causes the bug [23:11] thanks [23:11] _zo: Download show file at 27.4 KB and WinAce shows it as empty file. Did I do it right? Two burner tools I have are Nero (full tech bench version) and MagicISO. What next? [23:12] glitsj16: "gedit" opens a blank document [23:12] <_zo> TBotNik: iso should be about 600+MB [23:12] legend2440, thanks, musta changed it's location. [23:12] Gokul, have tou tried from a live CD to discard any upgrade related issues ? [23:12] shamu : in your source list replace every archive.ubuntu.com with old-releases.ubuntu.com. sudo apt-get update [23:12] matheO: Those are backup files of files you modified with some text editor usually. [23:12] ah let me check that [23:12] joaopinto: no, not yet [23:12] ringer: that's normal behavior, like in Word you open the document we'll be needing to examine closer [23:13] ringer: that is /etc/apt/sources.list [23:13] Gokul, that would be a better option than keeping here repeating yourself, for a problem which is hardware specific ;) [23:13] how do i control the system fan in feisty? [23:13] _zo: That is what I though, should fill the disk completely right? So what is wrong. The link you gave that downloaded a .iso.torrent file is not full .iso image. Got a better link. I couldn't find it on the download page. [23:13] joaopinto: how do you know it's hardware specific, i donlt think it's hardware specific [23:14] <_zo> !BT | TBotNik [23:14] Factoid bt not found [23:14] <|DuReX|> how do I stop gnome ? [23:14] <_zo> !bittorrent [23:14] Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [23:14] glitsj16 i am really really confused right now. i typed gedit and it opens up a blank doc. i dont know what im supposed to do from here [23:14] Gokul, it is hardware specific, is not a problem affecting veryone [23:14] what should i do with this error? "cannot obtain lock on /media/.hal-mtab??? i'am a beginner and don't know what to do [23:14] |DuReX|: i've found that you can stop gnome with either a squirt of water to the nose, or a rolled up newspaper [23:14] erm, every [23:14] another question: I have an ACER Aspire 5920G, supposed to have an ALC286 HDA codec, ALSA reports it as ALC888 but the fact is... sound is working but not my speakers, I mean... I have to plug in my headphones to hear sound... is this related to the way Ubuntu manages sound scripts or this could be related to the use of Hal or Hal-Info? [23:15] <_zo> |DuReX|: you can try "killall gnome" but i wouldnt recommend it [23:15] sorry... meant... ALC268 [23:15] ringer gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in a terminal [23:15] ringer: you find the top menu bar, File > Open and navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list [23:15] |DuReX|, from a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [23:15] |DuReX|: what exactly are you trying to do? [23:15] shamu : it is old-releases.ubuntu.com [23:15] <_zo> LydianKnight: there is an #alsa channel I believe, they might be better able to help you [23:15] joaopinto's suggestion is best if you just want to completely kill X [23:15] joaopinto: no it's not, there are numerous bugs logged for similar issues where the resolution is to make sure you have "linux-generic" package installed as opposed to "linux-386" etc [23:16] joaopinto: so it makes no sense to blindly assume it's hardware specific [23:16] Jack_Sparrow and glitsj16: alright, i am there, i see my sources. [23:16] ok... anyone then to be able to answer my question about the kernel version used in the latest kernel upgrade for ubuntu... 2.6.24-17 equals to... or it's a lower version? [23:16] ringer paste only line 60 in here [23:17] if anyones interested Im trying to get seeds for the BigBuckBunny short movie http://download.blender.org/peach/bigbuckbunny_production.torrent [23:17] Jack_Sparrow i dont have 60 lines. unless line 60 means something else? [23:17] <_zo> !ot | ideasman-42 [23:17] ideasman-42: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [23:17] these are the files used to render it - all the art assets and Id like to have enough people seeding them for the online release tomorrow [23:17] Guys, Ubuntu won't recognize my dvd as the ubuntu cd. What can I do? [23:17] hello, I put the tomboy thing, how do I use synchronise with webdav ? do I put some server host or something ? is there some generic existing service for that ? [23:17] Gokul, please do not follow the wrong assumption that other bugs which have similar symptoms are the same issue [23:17] ubottu, ah, okay, np ;) [23:17] Factoid ah, okay, np ;) not found [23:17] lol [23:17] ringer copy and paste everything into the pastebin// [23:17] !paste [23:17] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [23:17] hey, is there any way to use xfce4 with ubuntu and not use the default configs you get with ubuntu that make it not look like xfce? [23:18] Gokul, if you do believe that your problem was already reported then you should subscribe to an existing bug instead [23:18] _zo: So I need a BitTorrent client on the W2K machine. Will that cause Firewall issues? My machine is closed as I do DOD level development. [23:18] <_zo> Bizzeh: if you install xubuntu-desktop you will have an xfce desktop [23:18] joaopinto: please do not follow the wrong assumption that since it's affects the system sound and wireless connection that it is hardware specific [23:18] Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15674/ [23:19] _zo: yes, with a terrible default config, rather than the config (the default xfce stuff) that i get with gentoo [23:19] <_zo> TBotNik: you don't need bitorrent you can download the alternate CD from ubuntu site over http, just look for the alternate checkbox [23:19] ok, i tried to check the repo listings for apt under ubuntu server, but it seems the universe and multiverse package repos are there. which repos do i need to get stuff like irssi? [23:19] ringer: ok, taking a look .. brb [23:19] thats why i asked if i could use it WITHOUT the configs that come with ubuntu [23:19] <_zo> Bizzeh: just overwite your config then? [23:19] Gokul, that is not an assumption, that is a fact, hardware specific does not mean hardware fault, it means an issue related to your hardware configuration [23:19] _zo: Couldn't find it, but will look again! [23:19] Jack_Sparrow turns out i do have 60 lines..i wasnt counting the spaces [23:19] 2.6.24-17 kernel explanation, anyone? :( === scott__ is now known as Qster [23:19] so the answer is no, i cant get it already vanilla? i HAVE to deal with the ugly version? [23:20] <_zo> TBotNik: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download see the little box that says "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer." [23:20] ringer It is a really really bad idea to use the debian repos [23:20] I have a memory problem. Something is using all of my memory, and I don't know what and it doesn't go down unless I log out/restart [23:20] Lichig0, have you checked "top" ? [23:20] ringer, would you install nissan parts in a toyota? [23:20] joaopinto: how do you know it's a harware mis-configuration issue? [23:20] top? [23:20] ringer As a new user.. you are looking for serious trouble that we will not be able to help you fix when it blows up [23:20] Jack_Sparrow, ^^ check that [23:20] _zo: Found it on a mirror site. [23:20] <_zo> ompaul: I would [23:20] Jack_Sparrow aahhhhhh [23:21] ompaul Check what? [23:21] Jack_Sparrow: okay, i had no clue [23:21] Jack_Sparrow, my comment [23:21] _zo: Know it's right at 696MB [23:21] Lichig0, top is a terminal utility which display processes resources usage [23:21] I burned Ubuntu to a dvd. When I try to apt-get build-essential it asks me for to insert the cd even though the dvd is already in. What can I do? [23:21] ringer: change the last line in that file .. the line with the cairo-dock reference [23:21] Lichig0, it will show you the processes using more cpu and mem [23:21] ringer, would you install nissan parts in a toyota? <<< yes, because they are quite compatable... [23:21] ompaul Ah.. was typing and not reading [23:21] ok im new to Ubuntu and im having trouble using Command line options.. if there a How to guild i could read or can someone tell me what i need to do please.. help === ^miaw is now known as seide [23:21] <_zo> !command [23:21] Factoid command not found === seide is now known as seelisch [23:22] <_zo> !commands [23:22] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [23:22] Catslacks: if you have a cnnection to the internet to download from there, as root edit /etc/apt/sources.lst and comment out (using #) the lines that refer to the CD [23:22] <_zo> stupid "s" [23:22] ringer: change 'main' with 'cairo-dock' and save the document [23:22] Arakthor: I don't. That's why I'm not. [23:22] ringer dont act like a kid [23:22] Catslacks: Or go to System > admin/prefs > Software Sources and add your DVD there. [23:22] think and try.. [23:22] Catslacks: there is a software sources in the prefs... use that and turn off the dvd [23:22] Catslacks: open system>administration>synaptic>sttings>repositories uncheck cdrom [23:23] Stroganoff: pardon me? [23:23] Catslacks: open system>administration>synaptic>settings>repositories uncheck cdrom [23:23] Steve-cal: Welcome back. [23:23] Catslacks: sorry, can't help you- don't know enough about using the cd :( [23:23] joaopinto, I have looked in System monitor, and that shows me the memory for things, and there is nothing using enough(not even everything total) to take up 91% of my memory... [23:23] Catslacks: Thanks... sorry you're still having problems. [23:23] Lichig0: where are you seeing your memory being taken up? Is it in the gnome applet (system monitor applet)? [23:24] ringer: did you find the part you need to change ? last line, last word .. [23:24] ringer http://paste.ubuntu.com/15676/ is how I would edit that then sudo apt-get update [23:24] joaopinto, yea [23:24] My laptop just went haywire. All sound came out greatly delayed so much that it sounded like dialup sounds and it would not recognise any hardware plugged into the pcmcia slots [23:24] where could i find Pine users? i need help [23:24] _zo: OK, downloading both i386 and AMD. Current DT box is Semperon, but other box is Intel. [23:24] <_zo> !anyone | AlexMorris [23:24] AlexMorris: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [23:24] Steve-cal: How do I add my dvd? [23:24] Jack_Sparrow: okay, do you suggest i just replace your pastebin with my document? [23:24] the graph is almost maxed out but in the process list there isn't anything using that much [23:24] !find pine [23:24] Found: pinentry-doc, pinentry-qt, alpine, alpine-dbg, alpine-pico (and 5 others) [23:25] Has anyone else had my problem? [23:25] TBotNik: is it a 64bit sempron? [23:25] glitsj16: yep, just replace the word main with cairo-clock [23:25] ringer or just ## the last 4 lines of yours [23:25] but there are about 40 things is the list under N/A for memory [23:25] Lichig0: what you are probably seeing is that most of that memory is being used a temporary storage. It's just there holding recently accessed information so that it doesn't have to look back to the hard drive, or other place for it immediately [23:25] Or can anyone else help? [23:25] <_zo> Jack_Sparrow: pine == alpine :) [23:25] semperon 2800+ Yes I think so, but not sure will check specs [23:25] !idiot _za [23:25] Factoid idiot _za not found [23:25] Jack_Sparrow okay, should i just delete line 49 then? [23:25] Lichig0: I have found that process to be normal on ubuntu machines [23:25] no, it's used memory [23:25] is there a reason that the upgrade to 8.04 changed one of my HDD's from hdc1 to sdc1? [23:25] Jack_Sparrow: line 59 rather [23:25] i doubt it would be 64bit if its a 2800 [23:26] Catslacks : sudo apt-cdrom add sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential [23:26] 8% is cache 91% is used [23:26] Lichig0, do you feel any performance decrease ? or you are only concerned about the number shown on the system monitor ? [23:26] !idiot AlexMorris [23:26] akazawa: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:26] like Arakthor explained, a lot of memory gets used for cache [23:26] ringer: Jack_Sparrow: : that's a good idea, by commenting out those lines they have no effect, but the goal was to get cairo-dock via apt, so if you leave it commented (by putting a # infront) and change 'main' into 'cairo-dock' you'll hve the option later to try it again [23:26] Where should I put this "xset s off" ? [23:26] !gat akazawa [23:26] Factoid gat akazawa not found [23:26] zvacet: It just says "Waiting for disc" [23:26] !gay akazawa [23:26] Factoid gay akazawa not found [23:27] stop playing with the bot ! [23:27] !botabuse | AlexMorris [23:27] AlexMorris: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [23:27] what does !idiot and !gat and !gay do? [23:27] ringer I use cairo dock and I can give you a direct link to the file without the change in your source list [23:27] Catslacks : and disc is in drive? [23:27] Jack_Sparrow: that would be excellent [23:27] !morons akazawa, AlexMorris [23:27] DIL: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:27] akazawa, AlexMorris: Don't make me get the ops. [23:27] zvacet: The DVD is, yes [23:27] <_zo> akazawa: read what ubottu says [23:27] ringer gimme a minute to find it [23:27] DIL: you too [23:27] Jack_Sparrow: should i then get rid of the last line in my sources? [23:27] Jack_Sparrow: thx for your help [23:27] !bot anal abuse Flare183 [23:27] AlexMorris: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:27] Hi .. I have a AMD64 dual core @ 1800 Mhz .. but it starts at 800 Mhz only under ubuntu 8.04 .. i have to set the frequency to 1800 Mhz Manually .. do you think i should report the bug ? [23:28] glitsj16: thank you too! [23:28] ringer rem last 4 lines [23:28] hello [23:28] Jack_Sparrow: Should I get them? [23:28] <_zo> !hi | cristian [23:28] cristian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [23:28] mm... [23:28] ummm, I've been afraid to open too much because of how much is being used [23:28] Jack_Sparrow why all 4? launchpad is not good to use? [23:28] Hmm does anyone have any clue as to what my issue is? This issue is only when I boo tinto the newest kernel [23:28] Catslacks : sorry I´m out of options somebody smarter then me will help you [23:29] My laptop just went haywire. All sound came out greatly delayed so much that it sounded like dialup sounds and it would not recognise any hardware plugged into the pcmcia slots [23:29] zvacet: Well nobody in 3 days has been able to. :( lol. [23:29] randbot: help [23:29] ringer 1.5.6 both of those debs... and leave out launchpad [23:29] randbot: Are you a bot? [23:29] No [23:29] joaopinto, I guess I haven't NOTICED a performance decrease.... [23:29] randbot: Lets hope not [23:30] Lichig0, so, it's regular cache mem use === ^miaw is now known as seelisch [23:30] Jack_Sparrow lol im not sure what you just told me to do. delete line 1, 5, and 6? [23:30] In which file should I put "xset s off" ? .xinitrc ? [23:30] Catslacks : I didn follow from begining but why don´t you install build-essential from net [23:30] Nah.. [23:30] Jack_Sparrow like highlight and press delete? or add ## infront of them?> [23:30] joaopinto, why is it showing up as used? [23:30] zvacet: I'm trying to set up my wireless. But I plugged in a hard line and I still can't get the net to work. [23:30] ringer no... on https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=14108 cairo version 1.5.6 get both *.debs [23:31] Lichig0, because it is used, for caching purposes, but such usage is dynamically managed [23:31] ringer ## in front of the last 4 lines of your sources list [23:31] Steve-cal: Hi honey, I'm home! :) [23:31] Lichig0, unused memory means wasted memory... [23:31] :P [23:31] begin longterm test [23:31] Jack_Sparrow: firefox wont allow access to the page, it tells me there is an invalid security certificate [23:31] ringer click accept [23:31] joaopinto, I'm just confused why it's showing up as used instead of cached [23:32] Catslacks: laptop or desktop [23:32] Chiselhuk_Plus1: Oh my..... :) [23:32] I am problem when execute wine hangs [23:32] does anyone on here use ipod linux and want to join me on the ipod linux irc? [23:32] Catslacks : i don´t know if it work but you can try with http://nonetdebs.unixpod.com/ [23:32] _zo: Hard to tell 32 vs 64 the way AMD writes their spec sheet, but it does support 64 command set, etc. so gotta be 64. [23:32] Steve-cal: Well I don't have any problems now you've armed me with sudo xkill! :) [23:32] Lichig0, the memory is either free or used, when its used, it can be used for binaries, data, cache, whatever, it is all used mem [23:32] davi3: i didn't know someone could be a problem [23:33] from italy [23:33] :-) [23:33] Steve-cal: So I had 2 just come 'n say Hi! I understand you're working, honey, so I won't keep you! lol [23:33] Catslacks: So what is your status right now? You have ubuntu connected via ethernet but that's not working either? [23:33] Jack_Sparrow: okay, i downloaded both debs. now just install? [23:33] Steve-cal: Correct. [23:33] _zo: AMD says I need two Linux downloads to opitmize operation and power monitoring, which they provide. [23:33] Jack_Sparrow: i have to leave the computer for a little while [23:33] 1337 # of people in channel [23:33] lol [23:33] ringer Double click them one at a time [23:33] Chiselhuk_Plus1: You really are amazing... :) [23:33] davi3: what is the problem [23:33] I make this playte leet [23:33] Steve-cal: And I can't install anything from the dvd because it just asks for a cd and says it isn't there [23:33] place [23:33] I cannot update to kernel 2.6.24-17 as I get an error on postinst. === CatCheet1 is now known as catcheet1 [23:33] if anybody is having problems with flash crashing firefox on hardy heron, here is the solution: http://wvarner.blogspot.com/2008/05/firefox-crashing-on-youtube-in-ubuntu.html [23:33] davi3:(description) === seelisch is now known as ^miaw [23:34] Trae leet, lol etc are ot in here thanks [23:34] Steve-cal: How am I amazing??? :) [23:34] ringer: take it one step at a time .. save the sources.list and try to fire-up synaptic again, it should not give you that error now and you're back to normal stress-levels before you now it ;) [23:34] What program can I used to test my mic to see how it sounds? [23:34] <_zo> TBotNik: 32 vs 64 is chip size, do you have a 64 bit process or 32 bit processor? [23:34] Jack_Sparrow, lawl === catcheet1 is now known as catcheeto [23:34] anyway I dont use flash [23:34] joaopinto, huh, its never been all used memory, it was usually cached [23:34] glitsj16: lol okay, thanks [23:34] Steve-cal: I'm gonna get a coffee, want one? [23:35] does anyone here use iPod linux? [23:35] glitsj16 Jack_Sparrow - i will be back later if it is still broken lol. thanks a mil for all your help [23:35] Catslacks: Did you try the "sudo apt-cdrom add" that zvacet mentioned? Did that work or no? [23:35] search italian help ubuntu 8.04 [23:35] :-) [23:35] Steve-cal: It just tells me to insert a cd [23:35] !it [23:35] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [23:35] ringer: okay, goodluck [23:35] vbman11: installed the wine when he'll run computer crash [23:35] tanks [23:35] Catslacks: In Nautilus, can you even open up your DVD and see what's on it? [23:36] davi3: what are you trying to run in wine [23:36] Steve-cal: Yes. When I pop it in it even comes up [23:36] Can anybody help me figure out why it is that VLC and MPlayer won't output any sound for videos yet Movie Player will? [23:36] dmsuperman_, movie player probably has your audio in use still [23:37] Catslacks: Seems like all the stars and Ubuntu Gods are aligned against you right now... Your problems have no end. [23:37] miko__, Movie Player is closed...how can I tell it to release it? [23:37] I tried to configure my screen and graphics settings to make my LG monitor default instead of my laptop monitor....after i tried to do that.... i completely screwed up my graphics settings and says that i dont have my nvidia drivers installed... also my computer window is smaller than ever... with black "blankness" all around my window... (im not using full window size)... and running on low graphics mode. [23:37] _zo: Do you know what is in the alternative kernal? Does it have the RealTek AC 97 driver set or do I need to download this also while I'm waiting on the iso's? [23:37] davi3? [23:37] Can someone help me with getting kernel 2.6.24-17 installed in Hardy? [23:37] miko__, and why would exaile still work if that were the case? [23:37] Steve-cal: I noticed, but if I were to say that I just get "Well it's your hardware, not Ubuntu!" :P [23:37] dmsuperman, each of those players have settings, they seem to be different, check what's in the working player and try to simulate that in the others .. [23:37] i can't write to an external usb hdd that's connected to a router. I can see it and browse the drive via samba but not write to it. My guess is that the permissions are wrong but how do i add a user or make it writeable please? It's ext3 format and the cmd "adduser" does not work [23:37] <_zo> TBotNik: best to download it also, it might have it but you should be prepared [23:37] neofax: go to synaptic and search for it [23:37] Steve-cal: I have no idea what to do. I can't install this build-essential thing. I can't get any sort of internet going. [23:38] I tried to configure my screen and graphics settings to make my LG monitor default instead of my laptop monitor....after i tried to do that.... i completely screwed up my graphics settings and says that i dont have my nvidia drivers installed... also my computer window is smaller than ever... with black "blankness" all around my window... (im not using full window size)... and running on low graphics mode. [23:38] _zo: K, Anything else? What about my X-Win problem? [23:38] vbman11: I have already done that, but postinst hooks error out and I cannot update with apt now. [23:38] what is the gui tool for managing ntfs partitions? [23:38] shadowman: try gparted [23:38] <_zo> TBotNik: your x server issues will probably be another can of worms after you get your distro updated and stable [23:39] vbman11: something even the notpad, I am beginner in linux [23:39] vbman11: I am getting error 10 when the postinst runs update-grub [23:39] shadowman: usually works with most partitions... would be surprised if it doesn't work with ntfs [23:39] I tried to configure my screen and graphics settings to make my LG monitor default instead of my laptop monitor....after i tried to do that.... i completely screwed up my graphics settings and says that i dont have my nvidia drivers installed... also my computer window is smaller than ever... with black "blankness" all around my window... (im not using full window size)... and running on low graphics mode. [23:39] tzd: thanx. [23:39] dmsuperman_ in Mplayer>preferences>audio>alsa>codesc & demuxer>FFmpeg audio [23:39] Catslacks: Well if you open up System > Admin > Network, do you have just the ethernet connection checked (enabled), and if so what are the settings? And refresh my memory--are you connected to a router or DSL modem or what? [23:40] Catslacks: with dvd in drive open synaptic>settings>repositories>third party tab and click add cdrom button on bottom right. that may wotk not sure though [23:40] tzd: sorry, i wasnt looking for that kind of tool:) refrase the question: i need a tool to manage ntfs privilegies (i want to enable writing to them) [23:40] neofax: i'm sorry but i can't help you with that [23:41] davi3: run it in terminal "wine" [23:41] HELP, HAALP! [23:41] I tried to configure my screen and graphics settings to make my LG monitor default instead of my laptop monitor....after i tried to do that.... i completely screwed up my graphics settings and says that i dont have my nvidia drivers installed... also my computer window is smaller than ever... with black "blankness" all around my window... (im not using full window size)... and running on low graphics mode. [23:41] Steve-cal: I'm connected to a router. And there is nothing in Network Settings but "Point to point connection" and a telephone beside it. [23:41] zvacet, that did it, it was set to use pulse audio. Any idea why VLC would do that? I have specifically set it to Alsa but it still doesn't work [23:41] insomnia_: could you check whether you have a backup of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [23:41] shadowman: oh i see... hmm as far as i know it should be installed in ubuntu by default... think it's called 3g-driver or something like that? [23:41] insomnia_: What version of Ubuntu are you running? [23:41] neofax: 8.04 [23:41] <_zo> insomnia_: lots of laptops have a special hardware screen switchter button thingy, have you toggled that? [23:41] glitsj16: yes i do [23:41] tzd: YES! ntfs-3g, thanx [23:41] legend2440: It just asks for a cd [23:42] vbman11: I have just installed wine when vo up anything ... notpad example computer crash and have to restart [23:42] _zo: Preaching to the choir. Yeah fought that forever and then gave up. AMW is made by China company. Took forever to find contact info. Sent EMail and they popped back with "Fine it's certified on Ubuntu". I said "xorg.conf" please. They said sorry already trashed it. Dang if you cert it on Linux, you post the xorg.conf on your web site. DUHHHHHH!!!! some people are clueless!! [23:42] Steve-cal: Sorry hon, I changed my mind 'n nicked the last cold bottle of Becks beer! :D [23:42] shadowman: yeah that's the proper name :) Good luck ^^ [23:42] HEY! how do i configure VNC?? [23:42] insomnia_: Do this in the CLI: sudo mv /etc/X11/Xorg.conf /etc/X11/Xorg.conf.bak [23:42] !vnc | m_newton [23:42] m_newton: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [23:42] glitsj16: do i just "sudo mv /etc/X11/back to original? [23:42] Catslacks: Well you do have problems then.... BTW try legend2440 advice for getting your DVD to work, and we'll go from there. [23:42] insomnia_: Then restart X [23:42] dmsuperman_ : I don´t use VLC so I don´t know try to do something in VLC preferences [23:42] yup, definite decrease in performance, I almost froze... [23:42] zvacet, alright, thanks anyway :D [23:42] Steve-cal: I just did. It said to insert a disc. [23:43] insomnia_: yes [23:43] Yes VNC, what are the ports that i need to forword [23:43] The newer versions of X do not need the config file unless you have some off the wall stuuf [23:43] does anyone else have a emerald themer windows that is too large for his monitor and won't resize ? [23:43] dmsuperman_ : Mplčayer isn´t that bad ;) [23:43] m_newton: check the wiki page ubottu gave you [23:43] Hey, if i was to dual boot windows and ubuntu, How much space would windoze need to run? [23:43] *Mplayer [23:43] <_zo> HackOfChris: try asking #windows [23:43] davi3: what version of ubuntu are you using(kubuntu, xubuntu, 8.04, 7.10, 32bit, 64bit) [23:43] HackOfChris: 4gb min. 10 gb would be good... [23:44] is it possible to autorun a cd in ubuntu if it has an autorun.inf file? [23:44] zvacet, meh, it's alright I just like VLC a bit more, mainly for the small things (like double click the video for fullscreen) [23:44] Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". [23:44] ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. [23:44] or is that completely windows specific? [23:44] i moved it, but is the error normal? [23:44] dmsuperman_ :It was just a joke [23:44] Catslacks: if you open the dvd in nautilus can you see build-essentials.deb and right click to install? [23:44] _zo, thanks [23:44] AcornAcorn: Yes, you just need to set it up in your desktop [23:44] Catslacks: Do you see eth0, wlan0, or similar listed in here: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules === defs|Abd is now known as Abd67 [23:44] zvacet, well it went over my head :P [23:44] Odd-rationale, so 20g should be more than enough space? [23:44] Hi .. I have a AMD64 dual core @ 1800 Mhz .. but it starts at 800 Mhz only under ubuntu 8.04 .. i have to set the frequency to 1800 Mhz Manually .. do you think i should report the bug ? [23:45] <_zo> ok bye all [23:45] legend2440: I downloaded build-essentials and burned it to a disc. I tried to install it but it asks for the ubuntu cd. [23:45] dmsuperman_ : good then [23:45] insomnia_: What did you try to do? [23:45] glitsj16: Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". [23:45] neofax: should running the .inf file work? [23:45] ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. [23:45] HackOfChris: for xp? defintaly [23:45] I need some help. [23:45] neofax: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf [23:45] insomnia_: no it isn't .. try the GUI way if you feel more comfortabkle with that [23:45] vbman11: ubuntu 7 [23:45] neofax: exaclty what i did [23:45] AcornAcorn: What desktop are you using Gnome or KDE? [23:45] d34d10gic: yes ? [23:45] neofax: gnome [23:45] what's the developer name or w/e for 8.04? [23:45] davi3: 7.xx 32bit or 64bit [23:46] Steve-cal: No [23:46] Steve-cal: It's just some comments [23:46] I just tried to switch to Ubuntu Hardy Heron, but it's the slowest thing in the world for me. [23:46] davi3: 7.04 or 7.10 [23:46] insomnia_: Do what I said and sudo mv /etc/X11/Xorg.conf to /etc/X11/Xorg.conf.bak [23:46] Odd-rationale, yes xp, was thinking about keeping xp or vista just for my engineering school crap [23:46] neofax: no other way around [23:46] I used to have the version 7, and it was working great, so I really have no idea why it's acting so slow. [23:46] _zo: RealTek driver options are 1.) Packet driver3.44, 2.) Unixware 7.2.x, 3.) Solaris 7, 8, 9 and 10, 4.) Beta rtls driver (V1.20), 5.) FreeBSD 1.20, 6.) Sllackware 8.0, 7.) SCO Unix 5.0.X. Which is best? [23:46] hey, does anyone know how i can make gkrellem like in DSL ? there it has a transparent theme, with white fonts and graphs... id also like to only have clock/wifi/du meter and battery.. or if i can use similar apps to get the same effect [23:46] neofax: if I run it it prompts me asking if i want to run it or view it but nothing happens when i run it [23:47] generalsnus: conky [23:47] Catslacks: OK let's back up to the beginning... How did you install Ubuntu Hardy? And is it on its own partition or in Wubi or similar? Please give some details of your install... [23:47] AcornAcorn: In System go to Administration and there should be a setting to enable CD autorun. I use KDE, so I will have to find it. [23:47] Anyone know what's wrong? [23:47] d34d10gic: what is slow ? [23:47] AcornAcorn: What is on the CD? [23:47] Everything. [23:47] conky looks real nice.. but i have no clue how i edit the conky config file [23:47] Steve-cal: I burned it to DVD and restarted with the DVD in the drive. And hit install. I used the guided installer and used the whole drive. [23:47] vbman11: version 7.10(gutsy) kernel linux 2.6.22-14-generic gnome2.20.1 [23:47] neofax: was that a problem? [23:48] neofax: it's just opening a html file [23:48] neofax: it would be nice if i could just run the mounted cd though [23:48] Catslacks: OK fair enough. When you do "sudo lshw -C network" does it show your wireless/ethernet cards? [23:48] davi3: it should work... try running it in the terminal [23:49] neofax: like be able to rightclick>autorun [23:49] insomnia_: No, but like I said. X does not need a config. So basically move the config out of the way to see if X can guess your settings. If so, problem solved. If not one step at a time. [23:49] davi3: after saving everything of course [23:50] I'm trying to use the "sound recorder" app. it gives me five options for "Record from input" and I don't know which one to pick. I have my microphone plugged into the analog 1/8" jack on the back of my computer. [23:50] i have a question about http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ [23:50] vbman11: which command run by terminal? [23:50] AcornAcorn: Nautilus should show the contents of what is on the cd. Also, you could try doing ls /media/cdrom in the terminal [23:50] Choices are "IEC958", "ADCMux", "Digital", "InMux", and "InVol". Which should I use? [23:50] I ask because none of them seem to work. :) [23:50] Steve-cal: Yes, my wireless comes up only. [23:51] davi3: applications->accessories->Terminal then type "wine" then enter [23:51] anyone use the scripts? [23:51] neofax: oh, i can browse the cd fine, i just meant it would be nice to be able to just autorun it rather than running the file [23:51] Hi. [23:51] davi3: tell me what the terminal says [23:51] How do I remove GDM ? [23:52] Hey I have an issue with my wireless, The light refuses to come on... the wireless itself is connected but the light doesn't come on... I'm on a dell inspiron e1405 [23:52] AcornAcorn: I guess I misunderstood what you meant. autorun a program is a windows thing, not linux. [23:52] I don´t want to uninstall it, but just not be my login manager. [23:52] anyone with RealTek AC97 driver load experience? [23:52] vbman11: ok install again sudo apt-get wine [23:52] I want to login to the console and then do startx. [23:52] AcornAcorn: Linux can autorun mp3 cds, movie cds and such, but not say games. [23:53] neofax: so i moved the file out to my home directory for now.... i ran nvidia-xconfig again and it made a new config file [23:53] indio: sudo apt-get install kdm [23:53] All, download options from RealTek are 1.) Packet driver3.44, 2.) Unixware 7.2.x, 3.) Solaris 7, 8, 9 and 10, 4.) Beta rtls driver (V1.20), 5.) FreeBSD 1.20, 6.) Sllackware 8.0, 7.) SCO Unix 5.0.X. Which is best? [23:53] neofax: is this cool? and when do i "restart X? [23:53] What is kdm ? [23:53] insomnia_: OK, now just hit ++ [23:53] i can't write to an external usb hdd that's connected to a router. I can see it and browse the drive via samba but not write files to it, creating folders works. My guess is that the permissions are wrong but how do i add a user or make it writeable please? It's ext3 format and the cmd "adduser" does not work [23:53] indio: It is a login manager like gdm [23:54] indio: Except it is for KDE [23:54] indio: kdm is a different login manager, what are you trying to achieve ? [23:54] vbman11: tanks [23:54] good morning, does anyone know what the deal is with those >60 console-kit-daemon processes? [23:54] I want to login to the console. [23:54] davi3: welcome [23:54] neofax: my computer start processing something... and now what? nothing popped up or anything... do i run nvidia-xconfig again? [23:54] indio: Strike that, it is a login manager that uses the KDE+QT libraries [23:54] No graphical login manager. [23:55] Anyone familiar with the networking options on VirtualBox? [23:55] Catslacks: I'm not sure what to do because you've got some really basic problems--you're ethernet card is not recognized and even though lshw shows your wireless card, the system didn't assign a logical name to it (wlan0) in the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file... [23:55] Can somebody help me troubleshoot a xfce4-session segfault? [23:55] There must be somewhere to choose this. [23:55] insomnia_: In the terminal do sudo nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for the error [23:55] Steve-cal: well, maybe this build-essential thing will do something? [23:55] hello [23:55] can anyone help me or give me a link for help on how to add the repos i need for stuff like irssi? i've looked on ubuntu wiki and it always takes me back to the one page that doesn't have much help, the main repos are already enabled [23:55] !hi | Jyri-C [23:55] Jyri-C: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [23:55] Steve-cal: It asks for a vd in the drive '/cdrom/' [23:56] indio: You can try sudo apt-get remove gdm [23:56] Anyone on the dell issue? [23:56] Hey, I just did some stuff to make Ubuntu play more than one sound channel at once, and I think, because of it, there is now static coming out of one speaker channel (left). It's only in Ubuntu. [23:56] mordof: you mean modifying software sources? [23:56] mordof: Have you tried doing sudo apt-get install irssi? [23:56] BCM43: no i mean adding repo's to apt [23:56] neofax: yes, package not found [23:57] Hi. I am just about to do a clean install of Ubuntu 8.04. I have previously used 7.10. I am looking to partition three hard disks for speed and flexibility. I have two 40GB hard drives as sda and sdb. I also have a 6GB disk as sdc, which I plan to use for swap space and not much else. I would like to leave room for windows in case I ever decide to install it (you never know I may need to experiment with a windows installation from time to time). I [23:57] mordof: Have you googled for a irssi repo? Or is it in getdeb's repo? [23:57] ok im new to Ubuntu and im having trouble using Command line options.. if there a How to guild i could read or can someone tell me what i need to do please.. help [23:57] Anyone know if crossover office would handle WOW better than wine does? [23:58] Brother_NoX: What exactly are you trying to do? [23:58] neofax: every time i've installed ubuntu before there's always a couple repos that don't get put in by default that have a bunch of other stuff in it like that. not looking for a repo specifically for irssi or something [23:58] I have a stupid question for the ubuntu devs [23:58] Steve-cal: Is there any way to MAKE it look at the dvd? [23:58] Catslacks: I doubt the build-essential thing is the magic bullet at this point, but it sure won't hurt if you can install it. [23:58] why on earth does the default *server* install automaticaly setup a nic for DHCP? [23:58] Catslacks: Add the dvd as a repository [23:59] mordof: do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the universe and multiverse lines. Then sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install irssi [23:59] to have higher fps use commands in launcher options -dx8 -noshaders -heapsize xxx (where xxx - amount of memory to allocate ex. if you have 512MB ram, type in -heapsize 256000 it will use 256MB of your ram.) ...so that Guild wars runs smother [23:59] JonathanEllis: 6 GB for swap seems a bit overkill .. how much RAM do you have on board ? [23:59] I just did some stuff to make Ubuntu play more than one sound channel at once, and I think, because of it, there is now static coming out of one speaker channel (left). It's only in Ubuntu. [23:59] HackOfChris: I would just use plain wine, theres a guide to setting it up on WineHQ, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=11329 [23:59] Arrick: I'm not a dev, but I would guess that it would enable easier use of apt(itude). [23:59] !google | Brother_NoX [23:59] Brother_NoX: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux