[00:22] hey guys [00:23] can anyone who knows about hosting talk me through a few of my options pls? [00:24] I currently use a reseller account with cPanel on it, I need a windows server for remote desktop through terminal services and also am thinking about getting a linux server up with virtual machines in it to run both a linux server and a cPanel account... anyone here who can help me ? [00:25] with cpanel? [00:25] there's probably a dedicated channel for cpanel that can help you better [00:26] Deeps: nah that just one of the things i want to run.. [00:27] what i am debating - because of a lack of understanding really - is whether I should get my OWN hardware and split it OR use the massive hardware my friend has in his own datacenter - he offered me v-servers which I Would pay by the month of - they are mantained by his employees... woul that be the best because its on his hardware? [00:28] Unless you have the ability to own spares for your hardware and the likes I would probably go with hardware offered by the datacentre. That's just me though. [00:28] Not really Ubuntu related though. [00:28] from my memory, cpanel largely takes over almost all the components that it manages [00:29] and you're forced to use it to configure said services, anything that you try to do by hand afterwards gets replaced by cpanel shortly after [00:29] thats ok. [00:29] also not really ubuntu related [00:29] * Nafallo runs away screaming [00:30] cpanel make you cry too? [00:30] I've just got out of a job managing ~200 such servers [00:30] nah not really... [00:31] sCOTTo: your options are basically, a) tool to manage your services for you, either paid for (cpanel, plesk) or free (ebox, webmin), or b) do it all by hand using a command line [00:31] i am a reseller atm.... [00:31] Deeps: I would rather cPanel. [00:31] in both cases i've cited simply 2 examples of many options [00:31] what you choose depends on your needs [00:31] thats a must in my eyes - i HATE PLESK... YUCK!! [00:33] my essential internal battle is if I go with getting my OWN hardware or using the massive H/W virtual server setup i am being offered... [00:33] hads answered that best already [00:34] hads: im so sorry - i COMPLETELY missed what you said!!! [00:35] i had to scroll and look hard :( [01:50] hi all. i got a strange problem. i've installed phpmyadmin apache php etc.. phpmyadmin worked ... now it suddenly doesnt anymore is this a bug? [01:52] c1|freaky: are there any errors? [02:03] yea, 404 not found but the phpmyadmin link in /var/www is there if i CD to it, the directory is filled with files [02:03] i tried different vhosts and the default one none work [02:03] always 404 not found [02:03] The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server. [02:04] c1|freaky: how about any errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log ? [02:04] did you change anything in your apache config? [02:09] the default virtualhost also points to /var/www/ [02:17] oh yea i see something [02:17] thank you I didnt see it the last time [02:44] working now :D [06:13] Hi~ *Newbie warning* [06:13] I wanted to setup a ubuntu server on Dell poweredge 2600 [06:14] but I the ubuntu wiki shows that Dell server are not supported for this poweredge [06:15] what can I do to confirmed the hardware is supported? anyone? [06:25] The graphic is integrated ATI Rage XL [06:25] Intel Xeon [06:27] you could install it and see what doesn't work... [06:27] or boot off a live cd and check the boot message about put [06:28] with the exception of some of the weirder raid hardware i can't see to much of the stuff in a modern dell server `not` working to atleast some extent [06:31] New bug: #235143 in samba (main) "Samba keeps drive "busy" even after unsharing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235143 [06:32] ubuntu server edition is live cd too? I was thinking of trying with live cd but it doesn't work with the one I downloaded (8.04 Hardy) [06:36] the option I have on the boot-up screen is 1. install ubuntu server 2. Scan for valid CD 3. Test memory 4. boot from first harddisk... sorry I can't remember all, but it is all something like that and not to boot ubuntu into memory [06:37] naughtykid001, you'll need a desktop live cd, but try install it and see what happens [06:39] RoAkSoAx: I see, thanks! I'm out of harddisk actually so was trying to use a live cd to test it out first [06:40] ok ;) [07:47] moin ;) === brocebeats is now known as brocebrb === brocebrb is now known as brocebeats [09:17] hey, when munin makes mysql graphs, and the horizontal axis is in quries per second, and graph is marked in 50m, 100m etc, does the m mean million? doesnt seem right at all.. that said 50 queries per second doesnt seem right either. Is there a good manual for interpreting the graphs? [09:21] The horizontal axis is never queries per second. [10:15] hi. I'm having issues with 7.10 server (I have to use this version) and software RAID5. I've got 3 drives, each partitioned into / and swap. The setup goes fine and the install is great, until it tries to install grub on the boot record. At this point it fails. I've searched google and someone believed that /boot could not be on software raid 5. Any ideas on how to get this working? many thanks. [10:17] i do have the option of using a nasty raid card but that doesn't have a driver for ubuntu so i'd really like to sort software raid [10:17] http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2003-July/008898.html [10:17] might be relevant to your interests [10:19] keywords used in google: /boot grub raid [10:20] is this possible during install? [10:20] soren: I [10:21] will link the graph i'm looking at... looks like quries / seconds to me :Z [10:21] jords: Possibly, but not on the horizontal axis. [10:21] [10:21] aah i mean vertical [10:22] i always get it wrong... still wondering how to interpret that though [10:22] Deeps: this problem occurs with lilo also. i don't know if that's a further clue to the problem [10:22] is 150 m queries/ seconds 150 milliqueries per second ie .150 queries per second? [10:23] <_ruben> jords: i would guess so, without looking at the actual graphs, i do know that with cacti it'd mean mili [10:25] _ruben: [10:25] i thought it was 150 million for a moment... gave me a shock [10:25] <_ruben> million would be M [10:26] Yeah, 'm' is milli (1/1000). [10:27] guess they follow S.I conventions then. :D [12:41] is it possible to view information about an package in apt-get what is fixed with that update? [13:03] I have a small question about Firestarter, if I deny service on port 80 for is it blocking 92.114.*.* ? those damn moldovian :| [13:03] oups I meant [13:05] or is it ? [13:17] I'm using Firestarter, where can I set the range of blocked ips for port 80 ? [13:24] sommer : pitti just copied clamav from -backports to -updates for feisty/gutsy so we now have one fully patched version for all distro releases. Thanks for all your help with this. [13:24] sergevn: IIRC apt-listchanges (or something similar, I didn't look it up) will do that. [13:43] ScottK: awesome! [13:44] Of course there's an RC out for 0.93.1, so probably a new wave of security fixes coming soon. [13:45] heh, it's a never ending cycle :) [13:46] How do I configure Firestarter to block a certain range of ip from my web server ? [13:46] New bug: #234901 in samba (main) "Please apply upstream patch for dpkg-buildsource" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234901 [13:58] labidoche... est-tu la [13:58] tu pourrais reparer ca avec un livecd et Grub [13:59] oups sorry [14:02] hi. anyone using hardy+samba in production? [14:03] just wondering if there are any issues i should know about before starting to migrate [14:06] stonekeeper: Samba has so many options there's really no way to know if any one else's experience would be like yours. Local testing is strongly recommended in any case. [14:08] sure. i appreciate that. I was just hoping that someone could say "no issues on my setup" or "fatal bug! must do xyz after install". [14:08] just testing waters, y'know.. [14:12] Sure. [14:12] We do get people in here that don't understand you need to test your config, so I thought I'd mention it. [14:13] :) [14:13] i was enquiring about general experiences :) [14:13] * ScottK can't help you with that one. [14:14] i have the horrible task of deciding to stick with feisty (ouch), moving to hardy (seems risky) or using etch (:O) [14:15] hardy is LTS, you might be better long term, I switched my personnal server from 6.06 without a hitch [14:15] it just worries me that it's just out of the door... [14:15] not that i'm adverse to crazy gambles you know :) [14:15] what are the services you will need ? I use the LAMP stack with samba everything is smooth [14:16] upgrade to gutsy then [14:16] just samba/dns/dhcp [14:16] avoid hardy til .1, then you're not dealing with something overly fresh [14:16] seems similar to me, don't worry it is a very good release, I run the AMD64 [14:16] ooh, i will be using dual core opterons so AMD also [14:17] Hardy is solid [14:17] unless you use xen ;) [14:17] I even added a raid1 to it when I reinstalled and it's working wonderfully [14:17] i was considering using openvz. been testing it for ages and it's good [14:17] Well, yeah aparently. I'm using KVM [14:18] ah, KVM [14:18] how are you finding it? It kinda crashes a bit on my laptop [14:18] stonekeeper: if you're interested in virtualization, I'd suggest to use kvm [14:18] kvm needs VT enabled hardware [14:18] i have VT enabled hardware [14:18] stonekeeper: it's supported [14:18] Really good. No issues here, been testing it for a month or so. [14:19] stonekeeper: openvz and xen are in universe - kvm is in main [14:19] do you connect via the libvirt thing? [14:19] zul: bug #189616 ... has it been resurrected? [14:19] Launchpad bug 189616 in dovecot "[SRU] connection problems under load with hardy dovecot" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189616 [14:20] virsh/virt-manager yes. [14:20] zul: oh, wait, nevermind... you marked it confirmed for Hardy. [14:20] is there a vmdk->kvm convertor? [14:21] stonekeeper: I think so - ask jdstrand ^^ [14:23] vmware2libvirt [14:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM [14:26] stonekeeper: There is indeed. [14:27] stonekeeper: http://people.ubuntu.com/~soren/vmware2libvirt/ [14:27] kirkland: yep its an SRU [14:27] It'll be in an upcoming virt-goodies package. [14:27] zul: yeah, sorry, misread the launchpad email notification [14:27] kirkland: no problme [14:27] argh I cant spell [14:28] * ScottK thought maybe zul was goind lolcat on us. [14:28] goind/going (maybe it was me). [14:28] Oh, noes! [14:28] cool [14:28] thanks soren [14:29] i'm kinda scared of using kvm [14:29] kirkland: I would appreciate it if you could verify that the SRU is fixed though :) [14:29] stonekeeper: Boo! [14:29] for instance, can you dynamically allocate more memory/disk space on a running maching? [14:30] stonekeeper: Not with the version of kvm in hardy, no. [14:30] soren: that suggests it is possible thought? [14:30] Anything is possible. [14:30] :) [14:30] I'm not sure what you're getting at. [14:31] well your answer wasn't no, it was "not in the version in hardy" [14:31] KVM in Hardy doesn't allow you to expand memory and disk images while the vm is running. [14:31] what strategy do you take wrt that? [14:32] I... don't try? [14:32] Or add more storage over iscsi or nfs or something. [14:33] I'm not sure how a guest OS would feel if the hard drive it was looking at grew underneath it.. [14:33] yeah. hmm... [14:34] i may just use openvz [14:34] soren: does the kernel have online fs resizing available ? [14:35] mathiaz: Yes. [14:35] mathiaz: For some filesystems, at least. [14:35] mathiaz: But that's rather different, though. [14:36] soren: right - so if you use lvm in your guest you could add more storage to a running system === RogerFarFarAway is now known as Roge [14:36] mathiaz: How? [14:36] mathiaz: I know that you can add new pv's to a vg, but where would this new pv come from? [14:37] soren: from a new block device that you add from the host [14:37] That's not the same as growing an existing block device, though. [14:37] * mathiaz nods [14:37] ...which is what I'm not sure how an OS would feel about. [14:37] morning all. anyone familiar with rrcomputer consulting LDAP howto? [14:38] soren: agreed - expanding a block device may have unexpected result [14:38] cjsstables: No. Neither is Google. Are you making this up? :) [14:39] soren: i'd love to use iscsi/etc but i have 5 sites and no money for iscsi on one let alone 5 sites. :( [14:40] stonekeeper: iscsi can be done in software. [14:40] but you still need a different server? [14:41] nope.. the rrcomputer consulting web site has a howto on seting up a server with logins using LDAP. I have set it up once before and it worked great, however I moved to Ub 8.04 and redid a setup. followed all the directions... but I placed the shared /ldaphome director on a raid5 and the security permissions are preventing the login [14:41] stonekeeper: Not really. [14:41] cjsstables: let me know how you get on, this is the setup I'm doing [14:41] soren: ??? [14:41] cjsstables: you'll probably have to adjust the slapd apparmor profile [14:41] stonekeeper: !!! [14:41] are you asking for the web site page [14:42] cjsstables: see /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.slapd [14:42] If I google for "rrcomputer consulting ldap" all I get is an irc log from this very channel from today. [14:43] Sorry, not from today. [14:43] From March 21st. [14:43] the web site is www.rrcomputerconsulting.com [14:43] I call shenanigans [14:43] :) [14:44] Er.. [14:44] sommer: what is this new apparmor thing? [14:44] I suggest you ask Rick and Richard why their stuff doesn't work. [14:44] soren: it did work under 7.10 [14:45] Yes? [14:45] cjsstables: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/apparmor.html [14:45] my only issue is I strayed from the directions on the placement of the /ldaphome directory by placing it on an md device. [14:45] cjsstables: Did you honestly expect us to know about a howto that google doesn't even know about? :) [14:45] I found it with google... [14:46] and fortunately to because I like others have been looking for this kind of server setup [14:47] * stonekeeper is worried about using 8.04 for his samba/ldap servers :'( [14:47] stonekeeper: Why? [14:53] soren: Is apparmor uninstallable? meaning that I can remove it without destroying my server install. Apparmor really isnt necessary for my private network [14:55] cjsstables: you should check your log files to see if there a apparmor messages about slapd [14:55] cjsstables: you can then update slapd profile [14:55] mathiaz: thanks.. which log would that be in? [14:57] cjsstables: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log [14:57] cjsstables: apparmor uses the audit subsystem [14:58] cjsstables: you can also use aa-logprof to update the profile [14:58] cjsstables: the ubuntu server guide has a section on apparmor as pointed out by sommer [15:02] ok thanks. I'll look, but it appears to me that my only issue is that there is a permission error on the directory /ldaphome/testuser. I say this because when the attempts to log on (with a ldap user) I get the $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored error. When I log in with a local user on the client. The /ldaphome directy is mounted exactly as I have specified in my etc fstab. [15:03] so it appears to me that file permissions are ok for /ldaphome, but not for /ldaphome/testuser [15:05] when I do ls -l on /ldaphome I get the proper ownerships etc. but when I do ls -l on /ldaphome/testuser I get total 0 and that is it [15:06] New bug: #231004 in nagios2 (universe) "Path to 'mail' incorrect in /etc/nagios2/commands.cfg" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/231004 [15:07] ok thanks all. I disabled apparmor for a test.. thanks again [15:09] can someone help me with something? please? I'm pulling my hair out :( I have a promise fasttrack 150 raid controller and I'm not using the raid it gives. I've setup software raid but no matter how many times i do it and different configs, the server just wont boot off it. I've done the manual grub install on each sdX1 partition to ensure it wasn't that. Still nothing. I'm going spare here :( [15:11] <_ruben> stonekeeper: any errors ? [15:11] do i really need do define a Host_Alias in a sudoers to use this hostname in a Runas_Alias or could i also use %my_unix_group my_hostname = (username_as_sudoers_should_use) ALL? [15:12] _ruben: none. It's like the bios can't see the devices, but i know i used to boot off it as i've not altered the sata cables [15:13] <_ruben> stonekeeper: not even a grub error ? .. then my guess would be a messed up MBR [15:13] unless i used it's fake raid.... hmm... but then the 8.04 installer doesn't have dmraid loaded so i'm dead in the water on that front too [15:13] <_ruben> ah .. boot order settings in the bios? tell it to boot from 1st disk instead of raid ? [15:13] You also got to set the Promise controller in IDE mode or something like that [15:14] TritonX: oddly, there doesn't seem to be that option [15:14] Are you sure, I have a K8V and there is such an option somewhere in the bios [15:16] this is an asus board too. i have a A8v at home and know of it, but this board..... it's hidden! [15:16] :|, do you have other IDE connector available ? [15:16] yeah ide - this is sata [15:17] i remember now [15:17] hmmm [15:17] the manual has a screenshot showing the option for sata mode [15:17] but the firmware doesn't have it [15:17] and i've got the latest one [15:17] !!! [15:17] that's an onboard controller we are talking abou t? === bamed|away is now known as bamed [15:20] yeah, onboard promise [15:20] it has another controller too [15:20] but it seems that it has only 2 ports [15:21] TritonX: check it out. here's the manual (pdf) : http://dlsvr02.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/Socket604/NCCH-DL/e1636_ncch-dl.pdf [15:21] hello [15:21] clearly on there is the promise mode [15:23] I'm on windows here(work) and everythings is froZen :| [15:23] i have 2 realtek 8139 cards and on 1st server run i got : id 10ec:8139 is not and 8139C+ compatible chipset ? try the 8139too driver instead [15:23] can't see your pdf [15:23] ml3: they should autoconfigure fine [15:24] on install it asked me for primary card, i choe eth0, ... reboot server , and on 1st run refused my cards [15:24] TritonX: it's on page 84. You can't?? [15:24] hi stonekeeper :) [15:24] stone: nah, my comp here is overloaded, seems like displaying a pdf is a lot of work [15:25] m13: What if you load the 8139too driver? [15:25] soren , i never had to do that b4 [15:25] this cards were always working by default [15:25] ml3: maybe they are blown [15:25] ml3: it happens [15:26] nope [15:26] 2 cant be blown [15:26] m13: ... [15:26] ussualy oneto internet blowns from thunder or somthing, not the one for internal network [15:26] 14:25:19 < soren> m13: What if you load the 8139too driver? [15:26] soren , i can try to load it [15:27] That's what I'm asking. === mista_bone is now known as dantalizing [15:27] but i cant belive this hapenening [15:27] << What? [15:27] ml3: never had any problem with realtek cards [15:28] remove them, reboot, replug, reboot.. maybe ... [15:28] it is driver problem, and this shouldnt be hapenening imho [15:29] ml3: you could try with a livecd to see [15:29] Like all software, drivers have bugs. [15:29] soren , yes, but they are working on 7.04 , 7.10 normaly [15:29] So what? [15:29] Does 8139too work? [15:30] no i try fix now [15:30] sorry stonekeeper, can't look at your pdf, my windows machine at work sux, [15:30] m13: What "fix"? [15:32] lovely using apache2-mpm-worker I get lots of segfaults when trying to hammer it [15:33] soren, load 8139too driver i mean [15:33] m13: And does it work? [15:34] soren , sudo modprobe 8139too ? [15:34] yes [15:34] cards are detected [15:34] i go reboot [15:34] Err.. [15:34] Why? [15:35] i get same error on reboot :/ [15:37] soren , do i need anything else then modprobe ? [15:38] Modprobe doesn't change configuration. [15:38] i see [15:38] You probably want to blacklist the modules that doesn't work for you. [15:40] sudo bash -c 'echo blacklist 8139cp >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local' [15:40] or something like taht. [15:40] that, even [15:40] tnx soren , i go try [15:40] Next time you stop by here, please try harder to explain your problem to begin with. [15:41] ok , tnx for tip soren [15:44] is there a way to install dmraid from the server installer [15:44] ? [15:46] soren , ok i blacklisted 8139cp, and added 8139too to /etc/modules, is that ok ? [15:49] m13: No need to add it to /etc/modules [15:50] ok i remove it [15:51] same error on reboot with blacklisted 8139cp [15:52] on lspci card lists as RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ [15:54] What is the complete, exact error message? [15:54] sec [15:55] And what does "cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local" say? [15:56] (16.604779) 8139cp 0000:02:04.0: This (id 10ec:8139 rev 10) is not an 8139C+ compatible chipset [15:58] And what does "cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local" say? [15:59] i put 8139cp in blacklist, as i didnt see blacklist-local [15:59] I told you *precisely* the command to run. [15:59] What *exactly* did you put in blacklist then? [16:00] 8139cp [16:00] Look... [16:00] It's not easy (or any fun) to try to help you, when you refuse to do what I tell you to do. [16:01] Remove 8139cp from blacklist and run the command I sent you. [16:01] 14:40:00 < soren> sudo bash -c 'echo blacklist 8139cp >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local' [16:03] *headdesk* [16:04] * ScottK mumbles something about -server being the only Ubuntu flavor that does not have separate channels for development and support. [16:04] That's not really the problem. [16:05] soren , my wlan droped, sry [16:05] 15:00:25 < soren> Look... [16:05] 15:00:53 < soren> It's not easy (or any fun) to try to help you, when you refuse to do what I tell you to do. [16:05] 15:01:15 < soren> Remove 8139cp from blacklist and run the command I sent you. [16:05] 15:01:23 < soren> 14:40:00 < soren> sudo bash -c 'echo blacklist 8139cp >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local' [16:06] yes, sry again , will do now [16:07] kirkland: yay php5-dbg :) [16:07] just reading the changelog [16:07] zul: yeah, lots of changes upstream [16:09] dendrobates: how are we handling specifications drafting/writing for intrepid ? [16:09] dendrobates: the deadline for spec approval is next week [16:10] soren , done [16:14] mathiaz: thanks for iproute ACK :) [16:15] kirkland: looks good to me [16:16] zul: sweet... [16:16] zul: we better move the php5 merge talk to -motu or mathiaz might kick our butts :-) [16:21] what do you all reckon the best solution for sharing files (primarily movies, music, etc.) from a Ubuntu Linux server to multiple Linux and OS X clients is? No need for Windows so I was hoping to avoid Samba, unless it really is the best [16:23] FTP [16:23] sausageman: nfs is the other good options [16:25] sftp ;) [16:26] mathiaz: I was planning on writing them this week. [16:28] dendrobates: all of them ? [16:32] mathiaz: yes, you doubt my ability. :) [16:32] mathiaz: seriously, I could use all the help I can get. [16:35] I guess it isn't very wise to have your /var on another machine [16:35] sausageman: nfs and cifs (Samba) are your best bets [16:43] dendrobates: well - during last release I wrote a couple of blueprints. [16:43] dendrobates: and others did as well. [16:44] dendrobates: has something changed in terms of blueprints handling and spec writing process for this cycle ? [17:09] morning... I did an "upgrade" yesterday for HARDY and now the server is dead :( I can get it to boot only with the .14 kernel. All others can't find the drive. And once it does boot nothing functions... no dns, apace, and most of all no network [17:10] I need some real help... I'm totally lost as to where to begin troubleshooting [17:10] n6rej: what network card do you have ? [17:10] 8139 [17:10] its an old kingston I think. [17:10] only 10mb [17:11] same here 8139, i get error on fresh install [17:11] it frequently says to use the 8139too not the 8139C but i have no idea how to fix that. [17:11] same here :) [17:11] well I have a nice belkin card I can throw in [17:11] * n6rej trying to remember where the stupid thing is. [17:11] lucky you, i have 2x 8139 [17:12] m1r: yeah I am blessed that way... I never throw stuff away LOL [17:12] :) [17:12] wife wonders why i keep 20yr old card [17:12] s [17:12] :D [17:12] were you able to get your system running? [17:12] i am still blocked on that 8139too [17:13] but card detects on lspci and ifconfig now at least [17:13] well with the .14 kernel it used it just fine even with the too error [17:13] but now it doesn't [17:13] lspci? [17:14] oh nice [17:14] does anybody know any good books/guides on setting up radius on ubuntu [17:14] I haven't done radius in almost 15yrs :( [17:14] specialKevin: for what purpose ? [17:15] m1r: wireless authentication [17:15] specialKevin: join #daloradius please [17:16] m1r: ok thanks [17:16] m1r: how can I start troubleshooting this problem? [17:16] or roll back the kernels [17:17] n6rej: i am on 8139too, so u can try do what soren sugested me , : sudo bash -c 'echo blacklist 8139cp >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-local' [17:17] then try load 8139too [17:18] done [17:18] that is as far as i got :/ [17:18] reboot? [17:18] u can try [17:19] which kernel? [17:19] try latest and check card ? [17:19] dunno if that will solve the drive not being identified by the .17 kernel though [17:20] card works. [17:20] thats the beauty of it.... its older then dirt but never fails :D [17:20] :) [17:20] I've even got a bnc nic as backup :D [17:21] kne4-bt [17:21] hehe :D [17:21] if I remember right [17:21] a whooping 5mb nic LOL [17:21] but the old boat just keeps ticking [17:21] ok, recovery mode or norm? [17:21] i would go for normal [17:21] and we're off [17:22] acpi fails cutoff [17:22] still get the 8139cp error [17:22] srst failed [17:22] :/ [17:22] rebooting [17:22] does anyone know how to initialise dmraid on server install? This is my last hope of not scrapping 5 servers :( [17:23] stonekeeper: you should have a nix driver [17:23] nix replaces dmraid? [17:23] dunno about dmraid but with raid devices if it can't find the driver you'll need to provide it. [17:23] had that problem with windblows [17:24] stonekeeper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto - this is 1st google droped me [17:24] yeah, that tut is for desktop [17:24] !dmraid [17:24] Factoid dmraid not found [17:24] !raid [17:24] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [17:25] does that help? [17:26] nah, not really. [17:26] m1r: "failed to load profile" for cups [17:26] software raid is fubared on these disks as it seems to find some old raid config on the partitions (even though i deleted them). So going to Software Raid in the part man shows incorrectly parsed values like ";" and "not available" [17:27] whatever that means [17:27] sorry stone i'm terrible at raid :( [17:27] n6rej: cups is for printing , no ? [17:27] yeah [17:28] i can uninstall it if I need to for now [17:28] but it says the same about mysql [17:28] n6rej: no worries. I've just had the second most frustrating day of my life today. I'm ready to set fire to things [17:28] and named [17:28] lol join the club, I upgraded the server and now its DOA [17:28] with no way to back things up :S [17:28] :D [17:28] I've got a cdr but don't think I installed the software to use it. [17:29] so why would it be loading a "profile" for mysql and named? [17:30] its trying to explain to me what is wrong but i'm not understanding :( [17:32] how can you pause the boot screen? [17:32] just pause? [17:33] gonna try a "hard" reset [17:34] wow, i wonder if it's a full moon. i have really crap days at those times. Technology refuses to work. The gremlins come out to play. [17:35] lol === sausageman_ is now known as sausageman [17:36] i joke not [17:36] I really should buy a new bios battery [17:36] poor thing is ancient [17:36] don't feel bad stone... I've got a dead server with no real way to back everything up :( [17:37] n6rej , take out hdd and put in other pc as last option ? [17:37] yeah, thats a final solution [17:37] will take me weeks to get it back to the way it is now though :( [17:38] http://www.debuntu.org/2006/06/03/61-how-to-burn-dvds-from-the-command-line [17:38] dang missed it. [17:38] n6rej: check link [17:38] check link? [17:38] n6rej: http://www.debuntu.org/2006/06/03/61-how-to-burn-dvds-from-the-command-line [17:38] something is failing on boot but i can't stop the boot long enough to catch it [17:38] kk I'll do that [17:40] shift+pgup should get u up on CLI [17:41] i'm in cli [17:41] just don't know where to go form here [17:41] s/form/from/ [17:41] i need to find out what is failing at boot [17:41] that is the KEY [17:42] check logs ? [17:42] yeah but which? [17:42] ok, i think there's a nasty bug in the installer to do with software raid. I just had to go to command line during part-man and use mdadm to kill a md0 device that part man would not delete. Returning to part man after my endevours allowed me to create the array again. [17:43] stonekeeper: do you know how to freeze the display during boot? [17:46] u! didn't do very well with this distro :( [17:47] found it! [17:47] "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key [17:48] n6rej: /var/log/syslog [17:48] kk [17:48] fyi ^S freezes the boot process [17:51] wth? I've got lots of 172. entries in my dns [17:51] how could that have happened? :S [17:53] m1r: ok, named looks fine... must be from root records... anyway... i dunno where to go from here. [17:54] I don't understand what its trying to tell me. [17:55] did u check systemlogs ? [17:55] m1r: yeah but I don't understand what its trying to tell me. [17:55] it LOOKS fine to me [17:55] right up to named failing [17:56] but these are failing AFTER the message I told you [17:56] "vm.mmap_min_addr" is an unknown key [17:56] that part i really cant help you :/ [17:56] dont have clue what is that :/ [17:56] right after that is when everything goes to heck [17:56] can you tell me how to filter the apt-search so I only see the kernels? [17:56] I want to remove all kernels except for the .14 [17:57] n6rej, you can add: | grep [17:58] RoAkSoAx: the problem is I don't know what to filter LOL... I get a HUGE list of things when I say sudo apt-cache search linux kernel [17:59] wait, you can dpkg -L to get a list right? [18:02] dpkg -l *kernel* | grep ii (ii for installed things...) [18:02] blue-frog: tyvm [18:02] won't list the linux kernel... [18:02] I wish *nix has a system rollback like windblows does [18:03] why? [18:03] so you can have your virus back? [18:03] blue-frog: so I could easily recover from this last update [18:03] virus? [18:03] what virus? [18:03] :) [18:03] n6rej: downgrade the things you have upgraded then [18:03] blue-frog: thats what I'm trying to do now [18:04] blue-frog: i installed the .17 server kernel and everything and its uncle went to hell in a hand basket [18:04] i figured out how to remove the kernels so I'm removing all but the .14 kernel which is what worked b4 [18:05] stonekeeper: i just read something in menu.lst that might help you... it says "don't use saveddefualt" or it will not let you boot :D [18:05] http://photofile.name/photo/fishki_net/3565337/77816482.jpg [18:05] n6rej: was the 16 removed when you upgraded to 17. [18:05] New bug: #235265 in freeradius (main) "Update FreeRADIUS Version to 2.0.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235265 [18:05] sorry 14 [18:05] blue-frog: no [18:06] then boot with the 14 [18:06] blue-frog: thats how I'm being able to do things... but I can't use named, eth0, samba, nothing [18:07] weird [18:07] ok, all kernels are removed except for .14 [18:07] rebooting [18:07] << aso/also [18:08] m1r: i'll let you know how this goes [18:08] tnx n6rej [18:08] np... shared knowledge is 10x more powerful :D [18:08] :D true [18:09] poor pc, its only a p3-933 [18:09] heh, mine is p3-500 :) [18:09] same error [18:10] i saw something about fsck just before all the failures [18:10] did fsck check disk ? [18:11] nope [18:11] i just did it while mounted thought :( [18:11] hope it didn't foobar anything [18:12] nah [18:12] it found 6 orphaned inodes [18:12] good afternoon - -can someone point me to the upgrade guide to go from server 6.06LTS to Server 8.04LTS? [18:12] !upgrade [18:12] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [18:13] !dist-upgrade [18:13] n6rej, thanks [18:13] w8tah np, glad I could help OM [18:13] 73 [18:13] 73's [18:13] * n6rej QRZ [18:14] m1r: keep your fingers and everything else x'd [18:14] :) [18:15] m1r: now its running fsck.. finding several errors [18:16] still have a kernel variable problem thought [18:16] may have to reinstall .14 [18:16] blue-frog: you know what vm.mmap_min_addr means? [18:17] m1r: i think i foobar'd it badly now... its having a fit. [18:17] m1r: "multiply-claimed blocks" all over the place [18:18] hmm [18:18] * n6rej thinks he may have to try to recover his data and do a fresh install :( [18:19] never saw that [18:19] says I need to run fsck manually [18:20] n6rej, does anyone have the sources.list line for dapper-upgrades repo its not in my list for whatever reason [18:20] W8TAH: i'm confused as to why you need it? [18:20] because the instructions say to enable it [18:21] http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [18:21] W8TAH: oic..ok in the sources-list file.. there is a line that says dep-src [18:21] see it? [18:21] should be one for each [18:21] yes, however dapper-updates is not there [18:21] hmmm ok lets see [18:21] !dapper-update [18:21] Factoid dapper-update not found [18:21] !source [18:21] You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [18:21] !apt [18:21] APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) [18:22] never mind -- i found it [18:22] :D [18:22] trade you problems :D [18:22] no thanks - it still wont work but the line is there [18:22] ok, so its there [18:22] now do sudo apt-get update [18:23] then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [18:23] it says to use the new upgrade tool [18:23] which is what im trying to do [18:23] for now just do sudo apt-get update [18:24] ya - -done - and i found the error -- one of the pages left off a flag in the command [18:24] its running [18:24] :D [18:24] thank you [18:24] np [18:24] i'm not on my *nix side or I could've helped faster [18:24] no worries [18:25] :D [18:25] m1r: boy it had a fit!!!.. either it will work now or is permamently hosed [18:26] n6rej: dunno about your vm thing. anything related to vmware? [18:26] blue-frog: shouldn't be.... I don't run vmware.. but I suppose anything is possible [18:27] n6rej: good luck :) [18:27] blue-frog: its something to do with virtual memory memmory map.... [18:27] I can decipher that much [18:27] lol ty m1 [18:27] i have managed to get card runing [18:28] dont know if it has anything to do with blacklisted driver, it is working now , i wont touch it :) [18:28] m1r: thats whats nuts...it WAS working fine till the upgrade.... I'm really ticked at u! with this last distro [18:28] i don't blame you [18:28] I've never had a problem like this b4 with *nix [18:29] i say to myself, every day u learn 1 thing, even if it is stupid, u learn 365 things per year :P [18:29] m1r: yeppers.... my wife couldn't understand how I wanted to build the railings for the porch... I built the deck last year, and this year want to finish it off.... but over the last week we've gotten 50% of the railings done and now she see's what my concept was... and loves it :D [18:30] my son is accidently starting to love working with wood which he was resistant to b4 [18:30] :) [18:30] well, its back to the same shape it was in b4 :( [18:31] dag nab it! [18:31] n6rej: i sugest u backup stuff 1st :/ [18:31] yep.. i think i'd better do that [18:31] then go play with fixes [18:31] get everything off the drive [18:31] then just do a fresh. [18:32] m1r: can you walk me through parted? [18:32] i need to make a 20G partition or so [18:33] to resize disk ? [18:33] yeah [18:34] never done that on server :/ only gparted on desktop [18:34] will be same idea.. its just cli and I don't know that one [18:34] well i know cli just not parteed [18:35] n6rej: haven't read the discussion but if it partitioning with parted, it is quite easy [18:35] blue-frog: yeah, i've got files in var/www and /etc/and /home that I need to save... total usage right now for entire disk is 26G [18:36] I think i've got about 20G in data I need to save [18:36] so I need to resize part1 to -20G [18:36] call it 30G to be safe [18:37] hell better yet, make it 50G then i can use that for the files LOL [18:37] its an 80G drive and its only purpose in life is to be a file/lan server [18:37] then it's a reize2fs job first [18:37] resize2fs [18:38] blue-frog: ok, so what do I tell it? [18:38] hang on wonder if you need to get rid of the journalisation first [18:39] kk [18:40] yep apparently people on the net do remove the journal first [18:40] should I reboot into recovery mode or from the cd? [18:40] n6rej: it depends if you can unmount the partition you want to resize [18:41] nope can't [18:41] umount /dev/hda1 says busy [18:41] ah only one partition [18:41] 2 but the other is swap [18:41] then you need a livecd or sysrescd or whatever cd you are used to [18:42] kk [18:42] rebooting now [18:42] its the desktop version of hardy, but it shouldn't matter [18:42] will be easier as you will be able to do that with gparted [18:42] kk [18:42] agree [18:42] poor thing [18:43] I feel sorry for my server [18:43] lol [18:43] i've got every version of U! back to 4 [18:43] lol [18:43] breezy I think it was [18:43] 4.10 was warty. [18:43] thats right [18:44] warty, then breezy [18:44] Warty the warthog [18:44] :D [18:44] blue-frog: its taking its sweet time but its loading [18:44] warty, hoary, breezy, dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid. [18:45] infinity: intrepid is out? [18:45] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+series [18:45] (For the curious) [18:45] n6rej: Oh, heavens no. We're just starting on intrepid now. [18:45] infinity: ok so I'm an old fart LOL [18:45] n6rej: Not out until 8.10 [18:45] infinity: your a dev? [18:45] n6rej: Yes. [18:46] infinity: plz don't take this wrong... but the hardy dist was not ......tested? very well [18:46] n6rej: Some things could certainly have used more testing, yes. We have a stable realease process which should end up dealing with most of those rough edges. [18:46] New bug: #230030 in php5 (main) "php segfaults with readline" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230030 [18:47] infinity: i really appreciate that... like I said I've been a long time U! user and the kernel problems are bad enough to almost push me back to Engarde. [18:47] Gah. [18:47] n6rej: One possibility is that you're using it with a hardware combination that is not used by developers/testers. It might benefit you to be involved in testing of Intrepid once we get to that point in the cycle. [18:47] * infinity looks at that bug. [18:47] zul: Who enabled readline in PHP? [18:48] ScottK: i'd be happy to. I'm using a p3-933 because I can't afford to waste money on new hardware just for a file server [18:48] Understand. [18:48] n6rej: apprently ext3 does not need to lose journal first to get resized. gparted does it straight (with a FS check first though [18:48] zul: libedit is known broken (I have years-old bugs open in Debian on its breakages), and libreadline is, obviously, a non-starter for licensing reasons, which I why I explicitely disabled it for the last 5 years. [18:48] infinity: not me [18:48] * n6rej kicks himself for not plugging in a mouse [18:49] hang on guys gotta install a mouse stupid me! [18:49] n6rej: For intrepid the QA team has a goal to make it easier to test in a VM so you can do it without risking your actual setup. [18:49] infinity: should I reject that bug then? [18:49] n6rej: ctrl shift numlock to activate mouse with keypad [18:50] ok, now what [18:50] syst/admin/partition editor [18:51] runing [18:51] zul: I commented. More of a "what should we do?" comment. [18:51] zul: It's unacceptable to leave things as they are, IMO. Either we need to disable readline support, or fix libedit to stop sucking. [18:51] blue-frog: no devices detected [18:51] ScottK: save this email addy... troy@hallhome.us [18:52] ScottK: let me know when you need help [18:52] blue-frog: no devices detected :( [18:52] n6rej: how old is your machine ? [18:52] blue-frog: old LOL... msi-9306 I think [18:52] like noah [18:52] n6rej: Just hang out here. I'm not in charge of test coordination, just aware of some things they are doing. [18:52] zul: In the past, linking to libedit meant you could even background php-cli processes, the library was THAT broken. I'm not sure if that's still the case, but yeah. It's not maintained code. [18:52] blue-frog: yeppers... circa 1997 [18:53] zul: It's not necessarily BAD code, just very unmaintained, it seems. [18:53] ScottK: np, I'm not on much but I'll check in from time to time [18:53] n6rej: well does not smell good [18:53] infinity: I can look into it [18:53] blue-frog: lol I hear ya [18:53] zul: s/could even/couldn't even/ Typing is hard. [18:53] infinity: how can I get access to dev /hda1 from live cd? [18:53] n6rej: even if you shrink the partition with another rescucd, ubnutu is apparently a nono for this machine now [18:53] infinity: yeah tell me about it :) [18:54] n6rej: debian will suit it though certainly [18:54] blue-frog: no, it was working fine... right up till I did the last upgrade to the .17 kernel [18:54] n6rej: Become root and mount it? :) [18:54] n6rej: working with dapper or hardy?? [18:54] infinity: i want to resize it [18:54] blue-frog: both [18:54] oh [18:54] ok [18:54] blue-frog: works fine with the .14 kernel [18:54] has for month or so [18:54] ever since it was released [18:54] and with dapper for long time [18:55] its run U! for 7 years now :D [18:55] n6rej: then systemrescuecd will be your pal, i guess [18:55] n6rej: there is even a small graphical mode on it now [18:55] blue-frog: is that ont he live cd? [18:55] with gparted or q (don't remember [18:55] s/ont he/on the/ [18:56] n6rej: Oh, hrm, I never resize anything. Ever. :/ [18:56] infinity: why doesn't the live cd find the hd? [18:56] n6rej: 16kernel I assume [18:56] blue-frog: OH YEAH! doh! [18:56] stupid thing! [18:57] http://www.sysresccd.org/Index.fr.php [18:57] 100 Meg to get [18:57] infinity: thats the thing I was talking about both the .16 and .17 kernels don't work :( [18:57] http://www.sysresccd.org/Download [18:57] blue-frog: kk ty.. give me a sec. [18:58] blue-frog: can you give me 5 min to dl and burn? [18:59] can anyone point me how to install xserver for 8.04 server? [18:59] valemon: want the whole desktop or minimal x [19:00] blue-frog: whole desktop [19:00] valemon: sudo tasksel [19:00] you will choose what you want [19:01] that simple? [19:01] valemon: you prefer it to be complicated? [19:02] blue-frog: nahh [19:02] blue-frog: thank you :p [19:02] blue-frog: dl'ng now [19:03] mathiaz: ping [19:03] blue-frog: its going very slow... only 357kb.. will take 10 min to dl [19:04] :D very "slow" [19:04] n6rej: about time for my kid's story. once you boot sysrescd you can "startx" (it's all explained anyway...) [19:04] kk [19:04] tyvm [19:08] zul: wazzup ? [19:09] mathiaz: so #230878 is a werid one I cant reproduce his oom but I do get sigbus or segmentation faults when torture testing apache2-mpm-worker, the odd thing is he is getting oom with mysqld as well [19:09] doh #230878 [19:09] * zul kicks uvirtbot [19:09] bug #230878 [19:09] Launchpad bug 230878 in apache2 "Apache 2 produces an OOM after 4 hours using" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230878 [19:11] I have a patch which fixes the segmentation faults locally though [19:11] and kirkland and I were debating this bug at UDS [19:15] zul: That bug is worthless without more info. [19:15] zul: (not your segv, that's real, but the "OOM bug") [19:16] zul: He doesn't even include any ps output to show that apache is what's eating all his RAM. [19:16] infinity: thats what I thought [19:16] zul: Anything could be eating his memory for lunch, but apache2 is the first thing killed because it's constantly forking new processes, so it's the first one to hit the ceiling. [19:18] zul: right - it seems that mysql is taking 127 M [19:18] zul: from the screenshots [19:19] zul: like infinity mentionned, he should first figure out which process is eating up the memory [19:20] ok gotcha [19:20] Because of the way apache and MySQL both agressively spawn new thread/processes, they're often the first on the chopping block, even if your OOM was due to, say, bziping / in a ramdisk. [19:20] (The OOM killer isn't that bright, it just nails the first malloc attempt when you run out of memory) [19:20] so get him to list the output of ps and tell him to buy more memory? ;) [19:21] infinity: idk if this helps you or not but the problem with the kernel is the "SRST" failure [19:21] n6rej: Doesn't help me terribly, I don't do much kernel work these days. But a bug report would find its way to the right people. [19:21] infinity: there was one placed at the relase of 8 and its still there :( [19:21] .17 didn't fix it [19:22] zul: "Buy more RAM" probably isn't the answer if the system was humming along fine with gutsy, but blaming apache just cause it was the first process killed isn't very scientific either. [19:22] infinity: true [19:22] ok thanks for the help [19:22] n6rej: Well, follow up to the existing bug, reopen it if it's closed, include new info, etc. [19:22] infinity: kk [19:23] blue-frog: are you still here? [19:23] Maybe the person reporting that bug might consider switching from prefork model as well. [19:23] macd: are you talking to me? [19:23] n6rej: back [19:23] blue-frog: sweet [19:23] blue-frog: i'm in xorg now [19:23] n6rej, if your the person with the apache bug. [19:23] macd: He's using PHP, prefork's his only option. [19:23] macd: nope thats zul [19:24] n6rej: then on the right (if memory serves) there is the partitioning tool [19:24] blue-frog: just as an fyi I saw the srst bug go flying past [19:24] srst bug? [19:25] infinity, we use worker MPM with php all the time, just not on ubuntu [19:25] blue-frog: starting with .16 everytime i boots it has problems finding the hd (srst failure) because of using dev uid instead of device name [19:26] blue-frog: gparted started "no devices found" [19:26] macd: Well, yes. I had this argument with upstream repeatedly, and they refuse to support TSRM, so we don't build threaded PHP. [19:26] macd: *shrug* [19:26] infinity, yeah I hear you there, what a serious bottleneck in perf. [19:26] macd: Of course, one could use fastcgi or other options, but whatever. [19:26] n6rej: do you mean that /dev/hda1 does not exist? [19:27] blue-frog: i'm thinking not.... [19:27] blue-frog: doesn't show up on a df [19:27] n6rej: I mean does not exists for that kernel [19:27] blue-frog: correct! [19:27] I should reopen that dialog some day. But for now, prefork is "they way and the light" for mod_php users. [19:27] blue-frog: only with .14 [19:27] n6rej: gonna be tough, need to download a rescue cd with kernel 14 [19:27] infinity, I still shudder at someone using that in a heavy production env [19:27] blue-frog: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [19:27] infinity: ill open a bug for my apache testing with a fix and get an SRU for it [19:28] macd: I have for over a decade. [19:28] infinity: anyway to fix this srst bug on the fly? [19:28] infinity, but hey, when you reopen that dialog I'll happily chime in ;) [19:28] macd: We all used mod_php with apache1.3, which was prefork by design. [19:28] infinity, yeah we miught as well still be using it, why bother with 2/2.x [19:28] * n6rej wonders why its doing that in the first place. [19:28] n6rej: I have no idea, to be honest. Like I said, I'm not heavily involved in kernel work these days. [19:29] n6rej: for my part I played a little with partitioning in command line (tune2fs, parted) and I am a bit surprised as parted does not want to resize the partition I want [19:29] * n6rej rats'n fratz'n cottn pick'n :'( [19:29] macd: Because 2.x is a higher version number, and therefor cooler. :) [19:29] if thats the limitation, at least without php installed the apache model defaults to worker, but I cant help but think people installing LAMP on install and not really needing php, and not knowing the diff [19:29] infinity: mmmm....crack [19:30] macd: If you dig through the PHP changelog, you'll see I enabled thread support in Debian for all of a few versions, then disabled it again when upstream had a hissy fit. [19:31] blue-frog: gonna try 0.4.2 [19:31] macd: But, yes, some day soon, I should revisit that argument, fix some outstanding upstream bugs in TSRM, and just tell them "tough shit, we're shipping it this way, cope". [19:31] infinity, ^5 [19:31] almost a year old so should be ok for the kernel [19:31] its what an extra half dozen packages that cant just be directly merged [19:32] macd: The other issue was that upstream didn't build TSRM versions of their proprietary accelerator modules and such, which is a loss for some users who hate freedom, but like speed. [19:32] Oh, that brings up a good point, is eaccelerator ever going to be bundled with a buntuized LAMP? [19:33] is there by any chance somebody around that would be willing to chat about tools that i can use to manage a small linux farm that is going to grow to a large size quickly? [19:33] Wicky656: depends what you wanna do [19:34] Wicky656, cfengine is your friend. [19:34] Wicky656: pssh is a good tool [19:34] Wicky656: puppet is another option [19:34] Wicky656: cfengine is also an option. [19:35] well I need tools to centrally manage logins. deploy servers fast and be alerted when things break both in software and hardware... [19:35] Musn't forget FAI. [19:35] looking at FAI and puppet right now. [19:35] the hardware alreting is tuning out to be tricky [19:36] Wicky656: nagios is an option for monitoring and alerting [19:36] Wicky656: as for hardware alerting, you may need to use the vendors tools to extract that information [19:37] Wicky656: the information can then be used in nagios [19:37] yeah the problem is all the servers are ibm [19:37] director on RPM not a great fit with ubuntu [19:38] and director not my favorite tool [19:39] macd: Personally, I'm not sure I see eaccelerator (or any accelerator/cache) as much of a value-add for a one-button LAMP install. Users that really need it will need to tweak a lot of things anyway, adding another package isn't rocket science. [19:39] infinity, good point [19:40] macd: That is, if you're serving so many clients that you need the performance boost, you need to tweak apache client/process limits, MySQL table caches, etc, etc. [19:40] infinity, yeah thats for sure, the baseline install is good for serving about 5 people ;) [19:41] At least 10, surely. :P [19:41] of course people using any acceleration surely wouldnt have mysql on the same server as apache either [19:41] (Seriously, though, I've used the baseline on ridiculously busy sites with thousands of DB-mangling requests per minute, on pretty sketchy old hardware... It's not THAT bad) [19:41] * macd drools over memcached [19:41] DB-mangling = bad coding practices? [19:41] But then I get grumpy about any sort of percieved perfomance loss, and I go tweaking anyway. [19:42] It's not my code, I plead innocence on that score. :) [19:42] But the site I'm thinking of is a terribly-written forum that inserts/updates on every hit. [19:43] * macd shudders [19:43] Indeed. :) [19:47] blue-frog: still the same problem :( [19:50] blue-frog: you here? [19:55] * n6rej is very multi-tasking... fixing television, working on server, cleanign office all at the same time LOL [19:56] n6rej: u see somthing good came out of this error :P [19:56] hahahha yeppers [19:57] i'm going to repartition the silly hd so the "FILES" are in their own partition. [19:57] that way if this ever happens again its not so scary [19:58] m13: my son was complaining for months that his TV was DOA... opened it and it was just a fuse :D GLad too cause my Oscilliscope is missing [19:58] hehe [19:59] m13: oh well, thats what I suspected it was, but its ok, cause now he understands resistance and could do this himself if he needed to :D [20:00] m13: do you know if there is a way with *nix to "share" a scanner? I have a program for windblows that lets you do that via html, and its slick, but I'd prefer everything be on the server [20:01] hmm [20:02] never used such feature, probably somthing like network scanner would be needed or some thinkering with usb [20:03] m13: yeah... idk how it works just that you put the server driver on the pc with the scanner and then call it via html and tell it waht you want... kinda like how cups does things [20:04] ye, i know what u mean, but i have no clue about it, only used cups for printers, probably sane would be good way to start [20:04] probably === pteague is now known as pteague_laptop [20:09] boy the resize tool 8is SLOW [20:11] New bug: #235294 in apache2 (main) "apache2 mpm-worker segmentation fault." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235294 [20:24] kirkland: what's your issue with ubuntu-vm-builder ? [20:39] I am baffled as how gparted manages to resize a partition while I can't with parted [20:39] magic dust [20:40] blue-frog: GParted also uses other tools [20:40] parted only uses libparted AFAIK [20:40] well I was watching the operation gparted used and saw nothing special [20:41] seems that an anttribute is not liked. found a bug report from 2004 and it seems it is still actual [20:41] which filesystem was that? [20:41] ext3 I take off journal but still ' File system has an incompatible feature enabled' [20:42] trying to remove the feature one by one (don't how I will get them back by the way :) ) [20:42] hm, libparted should support ext3 AFAIK [20:44] going to run gparted again and note all operations [20:45] hm, I'm not so sure anymore, GParted uses e2fsprogs I think [20:47] thing I have no idea what gparted is doing when shrinking the partition, says nothing special besides old start old end new start... as if it was deleting the partition and recreating it in fact, not resizing it [20:47] yes, it uses resize2fs [20:47] for the FS ok butfor the partition [20:47] like I thought [20:48] hm, partition is probably done with libparted? [20:49] you can click the > arrow to expand and see the operation (and output) [20:49] eg, when resizing ntfs partitions, gparted uses ntfsgrow [20:49] Deeps: done that and there is no command while "shrinking" the partition [20:49] only information about start and end of partition [20:50] which leads me to think it is deleting and recreating it [20:50] dunno then [20:50] data needs to be moved as well [20:50] and file systems recreated [20:51] hi soren. Are you sure kvm is stable for you? stuff just doesn't work too well for me :( [20:51] it's dead easy to resize a partition if you don't care about the filesystem on it ;) [20:51] Stonekeeper: kvm is mostly stable for me too [20:51] weel apparently deleting/recreating the partition works ok, I will stick with that [20:52] JanC: ok. thanks for your feedback. It may be my turion chip being crap :/ [20:52] except for some known bugs with 16-bit code [20:52] and take for granted that it is what gparted does in fact [20:52] brb [20:52] i'd make a backup first [20:53] or accept the fact that you'll probably lose any data that's stored outside your partition boundaries [20:53] am just playing with it on a test partition. don't like to be at the bottom of the wall so I test... [20:54] I usually use LVM so... [21:05] deleting /recreating works a treat. no data loss. perfect [21:06] Stonekeeper: Quite sure. [21:07] most iso's don't boot well for me :/ [21:07] ah well [21:08] i also get cdrom boot failure codes then the machines wont shutdown for me. I must be doing something majorly wrong. ah well [21:08] Stonekeeper: e.g. Gutsy live-cd doesn't boot because of gfxboot [21:09] ok, why would gfxboot be an issue? [21:09] it's a boot loader, so it's 16-bits code, I guess ;) [21:09] (or at least starts as 16-bits code) [21:09] bah, actually ignore me. even though i eventually want 8.04 server running in kvm, this is kinda OT. [21:10] 8.04 server CD should boot fine [21:12] hm, Stonekeeper did you try adding a CD-drive to the VM, linking it to the ISO, and then set the boot device to the virtual CD-drive? [21:13] um.. yeah i think so. just used the new vm dialogs [21:14] i think there is issues with turion chips as i can't even stop this machine via libvirt [21:14] I got an issue once or twice like that, and the dialogs don't add a CD-drive to the VM definition (they just add it temporarily for the first run or something) [21:15] but maybe all this should be discussed in #ubuntu-virt ;) [21:15] is there such a channel? :) [21:16] there is [21:21] New bug: #235309 in dhcp3 (main) "dhcp3-server crashes with bootp clients" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/235309 [22:03] can anyone tell me how to set a "mount point" for 2 partitions I just created? [22:03] infinity: are you still here? [22:03] !mount [22:03] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [22:04] n6rej: /etc/fstab [22:04] infinity: yeah, I went into there and discovered something weird... parted says ext3 is not supported yet the file system for dev/hda1 is ext3 [22:04] so i made hda3 and 5 ( the new partitions, ) ext2 [22:05] infinity: but I don't know how to say "be /backup" and mount [22:05] infinity: know what I mean? [22:05] infinity: i also noticed the uuid thingy which is whats driving srst nuts [22:06] n6rej: Err, say what now? ext3 has been the default FS for eons. parted is clearly lying... [22:07] infinity: if I type mkfs 3 ext3 that should make partition 3 ext3 right? [22:07] n6rej: Anyhow, to mount something at "/backup", you need to create /backup as a directory (mkdir /backup), and then add a line to /etc/fstab something like /dev/sda3 /backup ext3 defaults 0 1 [22:08] OIC [22:08] so make a dir on dev/hda1 b4 I mount /dev/hda3? [22:08] n6rej: "mke2fs -j /dev/sda3" would format /dev/sda3 as ext3 (ext3 == ext2 with a journal) [22:09] infinity: mke2fs doen'st like the lowercase j [22:10] infinity: mke2fs -j /dev/hda3 [22:12] infinity: i just did mke2fs -T ext3 /dev/hda3 [22:18] how can i make sure /backup is on /dev/hda3? [22:18] nm I c === bamed is now known as bamed|away [23:24] how could I find out what gparted is doing when moving partitions? look at the source? strace (if yes how?)? other? [23:30] dhcp3 server wont start, how can i troubleshot it ? was working when setup, then when reboot i lose it [23:31] look at the logs for errors [23:31] i have wlan2 and eth0 , it seems it wants revert to wlan2 all the time altho i set it to be eth0 [23:31] blue-frog: i check [23:32] m13 then you might need to "force" it to use eth0 [23:33] in /etc/default/dhcp3-server [23:34] eth=0 [23:34] umm eth0 [23:36] ok tnx blue-frog found error [23:37] one dot can do a lot of mess it seems :) [23:42] blue-frog: do you maybe know how i could get eth0 to get internet pass over wlan2 ? [23:43] so i can serve it over my local network [23:43] masquerading [23:44] you have desktop or command line? [23:44] desktop [23:45] cli is on pc conectiong over eth0 to wlan2 [23:45] aws talking of that one [23:45] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=782936&highlight=virtualbox+wifi [23:46] look the part starting at "enable ip_forwarding" [23:47] ok, tnx blue-frog [23:47] then it is just a matter of gateway [23:56] Hello pplz