[00:00] Launchpad bug 194196 in linux "Fails to insert nVidia SATA disk modules on boot causing boot fail" [Undecided,Incomplete] [00:00] well the mods in here need to start sending ppl there [00:00] jrib: im at the point where im just going to stick with fedora since i dont have the error with it. [00:00] problem here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14213/ [00:00] cause everything just flys by like a dcc/xdcc serving channel [00:00] this is crazy [00:00] DIL: okay, right click on your menu bar, hit 'edit menus', go to whatever submenu you want, press 'new item', and fill in the fields ('Command' field is where you will type the command you usually type [00:00] * ls3 using xubuntu [00:00] Does anyone know of an opensource client management and billing software? Something that can generate invoices based on data in a database? [00:00] cory: I wouldn't blame you. I don't see this as an easy thing to track down. You could try a different ubuntu version too and see if that works out better [00:01] nadjavox: so if we can set up an initrd image so those 2 modules can load before the hdd drivers you should have it working with full sata support [00:01] err === The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 [00:01] el1te: your the only offtopic person I see here at the moment :) [00:01] :( So I'm back again wih the same problem, I can't seem to move one of my partitions to the right so I can add more space to another partition. I've tried using the Live CD's GParted and the GParted live cd as well, and I could not get Partition Magic 8 to read the nix partitions. I get a read/write error at sector xxxxxx every time I try to move. I can resize the partition ok, but I cannot move it. does anyone have [00:01] over? the Check option in gparted did not seem to work :( [00:01] you're [00:01] *so those modules can load before the hdd is mounted - they are the hdd drivers :D [00:01] has anyone here heard about SETC? [00:01] hello, just installd BT on my drive, partition SDA3. I have Ubuntu on SDA1. Problem is the bootloader changed after installing BT. now im probably using LILO on /mnt/sda3/, but i walt to use GRUB on /mnt/sda1. HELP!!! [00:01] who do i speak with about using pulseaudio [00:01] jrib: I think i will take that course of action. My hardware just has problems with linux. [00:01] jpw27_: you DA man!! [00:02] DIL: i think that is what you're asking. you may have to do some monkeying around to get an icon to show up if you want an icon. otherwise it will be the regular application launch icon [00:02] No1CanTel: you cannot move a paritition that contains an OS. [00:02] DIL: np [00:02] el1te: just ask your question/state your problem on a single line and direct it to the channel. If someone can help, they will respond [00:02] jpw27_: ty i am good to go [00:02] blumm: Kasablanca and kftgrabber is waht i found so far.. [00:02] jrib: when i upgrade i will probably try ubuntu again. This system is about 5 years old now anyway. Thanks for your time. [00:02] my question fly by so fast no one can read it [00:02] el1te: ask again :) [00:02] robg_: mkay, now I wish I had that answer yesterday :P [00:03] i have 2 computers (comp 1 = vista box) (comp2= will be linux box)....i take the analog-out of comp1 and put it in comp2 analog-in then its router to its own optical-out (soubdstorm apu) to goto my stereo reciever....when it works ddl and dts sound great [00:03] samba will work only if the two computers are on a router correct ? [00:03] remoteCTRL: thanks, kasablanca doesnt seem to support proxy using [00:03] funkyhat: hmm...that looks almost identical. Thank you for finding the bug. I have no idea how to setup an initrd image, but I will read more. thank you [00:03] No1CanTel: you can safely delete a partititon or you can reduce it in size by knibbling a piece of the side where there is no data. [00:03] Please, help, Pidgin doesn't view any statuses and qips don't see ma status, can i solve this problem? [00:03] hexoroid: no. they just have to be routable [00:04] hexoroid: if you can ping the boxes, less you have samba firewalled off, it'll work [00:04] nadjavox: I can talk you through it once I've figured it out - just googling it now. I've done it before but forgotten the ins and outs [00:04] I've retried over and over again. okay, hmmm. the drive I want to move is my home partition, the os is installed on another partition so should I still be able to move the home partition? === adante_ is now known as adante [00:04] garrett__, well i have a HUB and it has ip 12.* and then linux is plugged into router [00:04] garrett__, so i guess i can use samba fine ? [00:05] No1CanTel: Although Gparted offers the option of moving an OS from one side of the disk to another, if you try it will fail. [00:05] hexoroid: like i said, if you can ping between the two boxes, it should work fine [00:05] blumm: kind of hard :D [00:05] /join #citrusdb [00:05] remoteCTRL: indeed, wlfxp seemed to be perfect but it doesnt work ;( [00:06] hexoroid: also, 12.* is an internet-routable ip block. use 10.* or 192.168.* [00:06] anyone? my GRUB got raped by LILO... help? [00:06] garrett__, what about transfer rate [00:06] is it gonna be fast ? [00:06] el1te: as long as the sound card is supported properly by ALSA pulseaudio can do the routing for that no problem [00:06] basically I have to areas with unallocated space, I want to put them together but I have another partition in between them (the home partition) which is in the way. is there another way I can go about doing this? [00:06] or did I screw myself from the start :P [00:06] blumm: http://jfxp.sourceforge.net/ ? [00:06] garrett__, well this windows box has 12.* its not hooked up on router its on the HUB [00:06] blumm: ah already found it:/ [00:07] henxor: that depends on your network card and hub/router. in the least case, it'll be ~1MB/sec; in the other case (more normal, these days), it'll be ~10M/sec [00:07] remoteCTRL: yes, but i get an error message while using it [00:07] No1CanTel: how about re-installing one OS ? [00:07] remoteCTRL: and java ppl dont know whats wrong... [00:07] hexoroid: ok, well, that doesn't mean anything to me as i have no idea what your network's like [00:07] mmm, too much backing up too do if it can be avoided I would prefer to do so [00:07] Please, help, Pidgin doesn't view any statuses and qips don't see ma status, can i solve this problem? [00:08] hexoroid: the simplest thing would be to either plug both machines into the router [00:08] No1CanTel: use a temporary installed Ubuntu as a stepping stone. [00:08] I have question can i have Ubuntu and Ubuntu studio together ? Like the Ubuntu Studio and the Ubutnu 8.04 settings [00:08] In different sessions [00:08] blumm: which one? [00:08] hexoroid: does your network actually work? as in, can you ping between the two machines? [00:08] garret router is plugged into Switch.. and windows box is also hooked up into switch and then linux box is hooked into router [00:08] hexoroid: if not, you need to fix that before you worry about samba [00:08] wait, I misdescribed it a bit. sda1 is my Ubuntu install, sda2 is windows, sda3 is home, then unallocated space :P [00:08] well i sure cant ping 198.* [00:08] remoteCTRL: wlfxp. i get java.lang.NullPointerException as error message when using my proxy [00:08] I am adding to sda2 [00:09] hmm [00:09] i can ping external ip of 192.* box [00:09] i mean [00:09] how do I go about doing that? [00:09] No1CanTel: write all your files to CD. Re-install the OS. [00:09] Altair, why would you? isnt ubuntu studio good enough on its own? [00:09] my personal files? [00:09] like media [00:09] dosc, etc [00:09] docs* [00:09] funkyhat: sounds good. i appreciate your help [00:10] is there a less crowded dell linux channel? [00:10] hexoroid: are you using a cross-over cable to connect the switch to the router? [00:10] No1CanTel: either you live with the current situation or you write everything to CD and do a clean re-install. [00:10] blumm: well i know what that error means so i also know that that will be not to find:/ [00:10] hexoroid: or are you using a standard straight-through? [00:10] sa pitty... [00:11] nadjavox: ok, it should be very simpls as there's a package that can automatically generate one for you :-). Start with apt-get install initramfs-tools [00:11] remoteCTRL: i was told its probably some coding bug [00:11] standard straight-through for 12.* ip and then linux is on the router [00:11] hexoroid: if it _should_ work and it doesn't, that'd be my first guess. [00:11] what if I delete the windows partition, should I be able to add the unallocated space to sda3, and then free it up afterwards? [00:11] hexoroid: like i said. 12.* is NOT a PRIVATE IP block [00:11] hexoroid: 12.* is internet routable [00:11] ok then it has to be privat ip block :-) [00:11] No1CaNTeL: are trying to move sda3 to the end? [00:11] Altair: is there really a big difference from ubuntu 8,04 and ubuntu studio 8,04? [00:11] blumm: kFTPGrabber ? [00:12] Broadcom: i think i found some tips, sudo aptitude install build-essential (maybe need to run for first-time maker) [00:12] I was trying to move the unallocated space after sda3 over to sda2 [00:12] remoteCTRL: i tried it and didnt find the socks proxy support [00:12] blumm: definitely, null pointer means that some pointer is pointing into nirvana instead of to an object.. [00:12] No1CanTel: Gparted will delete a partition (only by deleting the pointer to it). It will also tell you what your options are after that. [00:12] g e n i u s [00:12] No1CaNTeL: first grow sda3 to the end, then shrink it from the start. Do you get what I say? [00:12] hexoroid: specifically, 12.x is owned by ATT [00:12] blumm: gosh i'm slightly running out of ideas slowly:D [00:13] remoteCTRL: thanks, but as linux newbie i wont be able to change anything to the code - hehe [00:13] Hi is this the right place for tech help? [00:13] hexoroid: if this is an internal network, you should be using 10.x or 192.168.x.x [00:13] Afromonkey0: About Ubuntu, it is. [00:13] funkyhat: it's already installed 0.85eubuntu36 [00:13] remoteCTRL: haha, me too. iglooftp pro seems to be nice but it costs 30$ :/ [00:13] suriro: I tried that but it fails as it first frees the space to the right then it tries to move the filesystem which fails [00:13] great thanks [00:14] robg_: See I was hoping to know those options before I delete anything :P [00:14] blumm: which was the reason that i dodn't mention it... [00:14] if a python script is trying to import cups and gtk.glade and cant find them where can I find these files and were should they be? [00:14] nadjavox: ok that's cool. run gksu gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules [00:14] the script im talking about is my-default-printer.py [00:14] oddar a bit theres more programs for music edting and photos editing programs [00:15] No1CanTel: I can understand that but parititioning remains risky business with sometimes unpredictable outcomes. [00:15] remoteCTRL: yea, this sucks badly. i cant imagine there isnt any ftp client which can do all this [00:15] blumm: http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2008/04/crossftp-synchronization-tool-and.html ? [00:15] but again, if I was to delete sda2 then add the space from sda2 to sda3, then resize sda3 so the new free space gets appended to the already free space after sda3? [00:15] hexeor: that said, if you're computers aren't on the same subnet, you're going to need to setup routing tables to get packets from subnet A to subnet B [00:15] s/you're/your [00:15] hiya [00:15] hi i just got a linksys wrt150n router and was wondering how to setup a secured wireless. the cd that came with it only works on windows [00:15] * No1CaNTeL wonders if that made any sense :P [00:15] hexoroid: of which there are plenty of tutorials for doing [00:15] my xorg.conf file looks totally different on 8.04 [00:15] remoteCTRL: seems to be windows only or web-based [00:15] funkyhat: ok...done [00:15] so I've finally made the switch to Ubuntu.. I was planning on duel-booting Windows, but I think I'm just going to use Ubuntu.. I love it [00:16] I've followed pendrivelinux.com's tutorial for making an Ubuntu pendrive from the livecd, but has anyone had success in copying-over all of one's file settings etc to it? [00:16] No1CanTel: You will have to ask Gparted if that is an option. [00:16] although I might install Windows to play games on [00:16] im still trying to get dual screen with no success [00:16] hi i just got a linksys wrt150n router and was wondering how to setup a secured wireless. the cd that came with it only works on windows [00:16] can someone help me out? [00:16] I dont care where the free space comes together, as long as it gets together somehow :P do they have a channel on here as well? [00:16] tony_: try going to in your browser [00:16] tony_: in general you should be able to connect to the router from the wired interface [00:16] tony_: [00:16] tony_: it may have a WEP key already set [00:16] one question, how to modify /etc/modules file? [00:16] blumm: Operating System : Windows XP/Vista/2003/2000/98, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris. [00:17] i got the Can't open file to write error [00:17] is anyone in hear good with postfix? [00:17] remoteCTRL: but its not for free? [00:17] it prompts me for username and password [00:17] bleh im about to pay someone to fix this crap im so tired of dealing with it [00:17] tony_: once you get in, set a WEP or WPA key that's not terribly obvious, and change the router password [00:17] tonyyarusso: i think the default is admin/pass [00:17] and i didn't set those up yet [00:17] nadjavox: ok add (on a separate line each, at the bottom) sd_mod and sata_nv [00:17] So my problem is I installed audacity with apt-get, was recording something and tried to increase playback speed for some reason. Audacity crashed and froze the whole OS (ubuntu hardy) so i had to do a hard reboot. Now it says "find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/grub/menu.lst Error 15: File not found" It gives me different options for boot lines and all return error... [00:17] ...15. tl:dr ubuntu is bricked [00:17] tony_: just google for your router's default password [00:17] tony_ admin blank [00:17] thnx [00:17] tony_: admin | admin [00:17] tony_: my wrt54g is admin/pass *shhrug* [00:17] or admin admin [00:18] i dont know if they changed up since i last used linksys [00:18] tony_: go to http://portforwards.com they have lists of most routers [00:18] tony_: do make sure you change them ;-) [00:18] admin admin worked thanx! [00:18] :) [00:18] tony_: incidentally WEP will keep a determined person out for about 5-10 mins, WPA-PSK about 10-20 mins [00:18] anyone good at setting up xinerma? [00:18] *xinerama [00:18] i'll try to setup a wpa [00:18] blumm: ?? http://www.crossftp.com/crossftp.jnlp [00:19] btw it ubuntu hardy heron installed with wubi [00:19] what's the kernel dir for ubuntu? [00:19] tony_: more trouble than it's worth ;-) [00:19] Altair, i know, so why do you want anything else than Studio version... it doeslt lack alything now, does it? [00:19] funkyhat: ok...all done :) [00:19] arigs: nothing you can delete it [00:19] joke [00:19] I mean, where is it? [00:19] :D [00:19] remoteCTRL: trying now :) [00:19] this is the third time in a month ubuntu has failed to boot and i'm only installing supported packages [00:20] blumm: right:) [00:20] anyone here from Copenhagen (Kobenhavn)? [00:20] . [00:20] funkyhat: should I try rebooting and see what happens? [00:20] makes me a sad panda === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [00:20] nadjavox: first you need to run sudo update-initramfs [00:20] nadjavox: then try rebooting :D [00:20] hi, im trying to get my Wacom tablet to work as it should (its working as a mouse, but not as a tablet),any ideas would be appreciated :) [00:21] funkyhat: heh...ok [00:21] what's the kernel dir for ubuntu? [00:21] if so (re: Copenhagen), I have an odd requests that involves receiving an envelope via snail mail === SuperLag is now known as someone [00:21] so is there a way of restoring my menu.lst file? I have a live cd.. [00:21] ariqs: I can tell you the names of packages related to i386, if that's what you're after.. [00:22] Ok who wants to be my messiah for the day? [00:22] suriro: nah, I'm trying to compile the drivers fir i686 myself === someone is now known as SuperLag [00:22] for [00:22] omg [00:22] xserver is crashing on login. I think I deleted an ALSA driver but how the hell would this affect xorg? [00:22] funkyhat: it wants me to specify a kernel [00:22] seting up the wpa for my router and use the mac filtering should be fairly secured right? any other thing i mighte need to know? [00:23] ariqs: are you sure that's possible? that's a closed source driver.. hence the name restricted. [00:23] tyler: try logging in with the Failsafe GNOME session [00:23] tony_: that's about the best you can do without using ssh tunnels [00:23] cool. thanx [00:23] suriro: i have the source code to lt modem drivers right here ;P [00:23] great, i got my atheros wifi available !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:23] thanks broadcom [00:23] it just won't compile for me yet [00:24] is there a place I can go where people are less busy? [00:24] Hello [00:24] amaranth: no luck i get errors [00:24] Need some emergency help here [00:24] funkyhat: how do I find a list of the kernels? Here is the output - http://paste.ubuntu.com/14218/ === freelance is now known as blumm [00:24] amaranth: cannot open display: 0 [00:25] Afromonkey0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-778ecd20f83f92ebaa5aaec5f1b4615539c2f8d3 [00:25] When i boot up, and X starts, the screen says "out of range"... [00:25] !ask | thespecialone200 [00:25] thespecialone200: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [00:25] remoteCTRL: after installing it, it started a new application all 5 seconds or so [00:25] stroganoff: hanx il check that out [00:25] blumm: aw my gawd [00:25] i couldnt do anything else but closing crossftp windows [00:25] outta luck eh? [00:25] amaranth: really frustrating, i've reinstalled gnome-desktop. so it's got to be with xorg [00:25] I'm having a devil of a time with Ubuntu and formatting this drive. I formatted this drive to be ext2, but the GUI reports it as ext3. ...? [00:25] seems so [00:25] I need to change the resolution of X before booting up ubuntu , because the resolution is probably set wrong for my monitor... How can i do this= [00:25] ? [00:25] anyone good at setting up xinerama? [00:26] thespecialone200: have you tried booting into xconfig? [00:26] thespecialone200: depends on what graphics card you got, meaning ati or nvidia? [00:27] its intel.. [00:27] thespecialone200: sorry meant xclient [00:27] remoteCTRL: i will continue my search tomorrow - thanks for helping [00:27] bye [00:27] If I want to broadcast to a shoutcast / icecast (i prefer shoutcast) [00:27] blumm: no prom buddy, good luck with that [00:27] need nvivdnvdid help [00:27] Should i install meediubuntu? [00:27] nadjavox: ok try sudo update-initramfs -u [00:27] I'm going to cry if I have to install Hardy one more time [00:27] medibuntu [00:27] Hi, im trying to get my Wacom tablet running properly (its running as a mouse, not as a tablet) and ive got the things it gives me off Synaptic, any suggestions would be of great help :) [00:27] i have made X work before, its just that i think the resolution is set wrong, out of range for my monitor [00:28] tyler: what's going on? [00:28] thespecialone200: which makes it a little harder, you might need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [00:28] you sure you installed the video drivers corectly ? [00:28] Stroganoff: if i do that will i lose my data and setting etc? [00:28] tyler: all i saw was the "cannot open display :0" [00:28] thespecialone200: what about the screen resolution in the menu? [00:28] garrett_: I deleted an alsa file and x is crashing on login [00:28] so...I clean installed ubuntu 8.04 on new formatted partitions 3 times now..every time I reboot is says "failed to mount partition" but I can mount those drives from inside the live cd.. [00:29] Afromonkey0 no [00:29] remoteCTRL: i tried "fix X" in recovery mode, it didnt work. probed my gf card, but still that "out of range" message on my monitor. [00:29] Afromonkey0 there's also a sample menu.lst further down [00:29] garrett_: At first all I was getting was CLI on boot, then I reinstalled gnome-desktop, but x is not wanting to run [00:29] garrett_: I've tried to reconfigure it is fail safe with no luck yet [00:29] remoteCTR1: how can i get into that menu when i cant even boot X? [00:29] tyler: m [00:29] thespecialone200: edit that xorg.conf of yours and kick out exotic resolutions like 1400x1050 and such [00:29] then restart x [00:30] stroganoff: so if i knew what i was doing i could just write that into it? Thing is i'm new to linux and not farmiliar with command line commands [00:30] tyler: odd [00:30] funkyhat: i think that worked, i found what my current kernel version is, and set it it update [00:30] bobsomebody: ati or nvidia? [00:30] remoteCTRL: ok then how do i edit that? need to get into console somehow [00:30] tyler: it sounds like something within the bowwels of gnome is still looking for alsa [00:30] garrett_: I'm getting a protocal not supported by server, xrdb: can't open dislpay: '0' [00:30] tyler: have you tried removing the package? [00:30] legend2440, one is Ati + Nvidia, other is all ATI [00:30] thespecialone200: press crtl+f2 [00:30] tyler: i'm going to google xrdb, hold on a second [00:30] garrett_: Alsa? [00:31] tyler: er--maybe i misread [00:31] tyler: yeah, alsa [00:31] thespecialone200: then use a editor of choice to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [00:31] tyler: alsa's a sound system [00:31] garrett_: ALSA is a sound driver right? [00:31] hello [00:31] hi everyone, just want to thank all of you for the great support you all give to new users THANK YOU [00:31] bobsomebody: have you read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=633647 [00:31] just trying [00:31] garrett_: standby, it can't hurt [00:31] thespecialone200: uuuh sry ctrl+alt+f2 of course [00:31] I have a problem with "make" after I successfully do ./configure and I try "make" here is what I get: No targets specified and no makefile found. [00:32] yeah guys, thanks for always giving it your best [00:32] how do i go to channels [00:32] tyler: it's a sound interface. sort of like a bunch of software that sits atop your sound card and allows you to do multi-channel sound when you only have one sound input (like you can listen to mp3s and still hear the audio queues from your mail client) [00:32] remoteCTR1; long time since i was using those kind of things. how do i edit that file? and remember i need to have root access [00:32] so...I clean installed ubuntu 8.04 on new formatted partitions 3 times now..every time I reboot is says "failed to mount partition" but I can mount those drives from inside the live cd.. [00:32] wildfire "/join #channelname" [00:32] joos try make install [00:32] wildfire_: /j #chanel [00:32] funkyhat: here is the result - http://paste.ubuntu.com/14219/ [00:32] Could that be a boot loader configuration problem or..? [00:32] jooos: read the README, read the output of ./configure carefully, if that does not help you, read the source code [00:32] thespecialone200: change back to your graphics console with ctrl+alt+f7 but you need to restart gdm before that in order to the changes to have effect [00:32] tyler: if gnome was configured to use alsa as its sound interface, it might be blowing up somewhere when alsa's crashing [00:32] jooos try make install, or see readme [00:32] garrett_: But it crashed xfe interface as well [00:33] legend2440, im loading it now :) [00:33] tyler: ideally, if you remove alsa, gnome will reconfigure its self [00:33] Hello. I just installed Ubuntu within windows from the CD. How do I access my windows drive from within what I assume is a mounted virtual drive. now I have Ubuntu booted ? [00:33] :s [00:33] tyler: yeah, that i can't explain, but it started with alsa, so let's look there first [00:33] thespecialone200: well what editor do you use usually? like nano or joey or mcedit...? [00:33] jooos try make install, or see readme , or see make u need to build the programs what libraries are needed [00:33] garrett__:wish me luck, [00:33] Afromonkey0: your problem could be worse than just a missing menu.lst, since you're on wubi [00:33] tyler: i'll cross my fingers for you [00:33] funkyhat: thanks again, i am going to reboot and see if that worked [00:33] thespecialone200: and yes you need to use sudo in order to open that file writable [00:33] tyler: and if we have to, we can just reinstall X. it shouldn't be much work [00:33] I have a problem [00:33] I installed Ubuntu [00:34] suriro: they won't compile for me though. i get errors /: [00:34] suriro: i don't understand how it would happen though, i just did a hard reboot after a freeze up [00:34] I could mount my NTFS partitions from Places menu [00:34] garrett__:This is all Creative's fault, If they would just release a friggin proprietary driver none of this would have happened [00:34] is there a specific channel for speaking about dell omsa on ubuntu server 8.04 LTS? [00:34] it tells me : "no rule to make target install" [00:34] tyler: hehe [00:34] tyler: i feel your pain :P [00:34] but now an error appears: mount point cannot contain the following characters, newline, / [00:34] why? [00:34] garrett__: Looks like your gonna guide me through reinstalling xserver [00:34] I did nothing [00:35] just installed updates [00:35] garrett__:it didn't work [00:35] and wow [00:35] interesting. [00:35] DaVinci2008: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:35] I cannot see my NTFS partitions [00:35] oh, sorry [00:35] I am new [00:35] garrett__:Booting back into failsafe [00:35] tyler: can you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if there's anything interesting in there? [00:35] if u want to automatically mount the partition, sudo gedit /etc/fstab [00:35] ok [00:35] sudo gedit /etc/fstab [00:35] garrett__: whats the command for that [00:35] tyler: that's the log file for X. if anything goofy's going on, it's a good bet that it'll be listed there. [00:35] remoteCTR1: i think i used PICO or something..? [00:35] thanks! [00:36] Is there a codec I can install to get dvd's to run with vlc/mplayer on ubuntu? [00:36] sudo gedit /etc/fstab see there what says in the partition u are tryin to mount [00:36] tyler: try 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log' [00:36] remoteCTR1 but it has to be in the ubuntu linux cause i have a standard install [00:36] cant mount my windows share says it is already mounted but i dont see it [00:36] !medibuntu | poseidon [00:36] poseidon: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [00:36] tyler: that'll spit a whooole bunch of shit at you. but you're probably only interested in the last 20lines or so [00:36] tyler: you can use shift+pgup/shift+pgdown to scroll around [00:36] thespecialone200: what do you mean by that? [00:36] garrett__: no cursing [00:36] remoteCTR1: my text editor [00:36] Afromonkey0: AFAIK wubi does not access hard disk natively.. that's not good for native failover mechanisms. You might seek some wubi centric support [00:37] so, the problem was that sudo thing. I had no permissions [00:37] remoteCTR1: how about if i type "sudo gedit c:\xorg.conf" ? [00:37] Broadcom: ah sorry [00:37] garrett__:hmmm alot of hex, I'm not seeing any errors. client 2 rejected from local hos (UID 1000) [00:37] suriro: thanks for the advice. do you know where i can get wubi-centric help? [00:37] can I be just root, bypassing sudo? [00:37] date [00:37] tyler: that probablyshouldn't be there [00:37] tyler: xrdb was causing problems, you say? [00:37] DaVinci2008: use su [00:37] sudo su [00:37] Garrett__:yes [00:37] sudo -s [00:38] !tab > lnar [00:38] garrett__:I thought UID was a drive interface? [00:38] DaVinci2008: sudo bash [00:38] my pass does not work [00:38] tyler: it i [00:38] tyler: it is [00:38] so...I clean installed ubuntu 8.04 on new formatted partitions 3 times now..every time I reboot is says "failed to mount partition" but I can mount those drives from inside the live cd.. [00:38] DaVinci2008 and use 'exit' when done rooting [00:38] does root has one password by default? [00:38] thespecialone200: well thatll not lead you to far as the file is not located in c: but as i am writing for the third time now in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [00:38] can you install ubuntu from a usb drive? [00:38] it worked, the sudo bash, thanks [00:38] DaVinci2008: sudo -s to root and add a pass with passwd [00:38] !prefix | DaVinci2008 [00:38] DaVinci2008: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [00:38] Afromonkey0: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 [00:38] garrett__:thanks for helping. non of the forums were posting anything that worked [00:38] ubottu: ok [00:38] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [00:39] tyler: no worries. i'm waiting on some friends, so i've got some time [00:39] Hi, im trying to get my Wacom tablet running properly (its running as a mouse, not as a tablet) and ive got the things it gives me off Synaptic, any suggestions would be of great help, or a website thats 'linux-idiot proof'.. i.e me :) [00:39] hey, is ubuntu using esd? [00:39] ubottu: the first bot with smileys [00:39] DaVinci2008: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:39] remoteCTR1: ok so "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" ? [00:39] hi ppl ....i got a prob for u ....pls help me ....i cannot increase the number of desktops from 1 ... [00:39] suriro: o right, thatnks [00:39] thespecialone200: yes for example [00:39] ubottu: really? [00:39] Factoid really? not found [00:39] ubottu: any chance i could get a date with your mom? [00:39] arpreply: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:39] ubottu: this fellow could pass Turing test [00:39] DaVinci2008: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:39] lol harrassing the bots [00:39] ihcus are u using compiz? [00:39] please stop messing wtih ubuttu [00:39] ubottu: no [00:39] Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! [00:39] ubottu: less fun than bucket [00:40] Afromonkey0: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:40] sure ok [00:40] tyler: i'm going to poke around my packages for a second and see if i can figure out a good way to do this; hold on a second [00:40] Please stop [00:40] inar : thanks for replying [00:40] inar : i am using compiz... [00:40] how do i isntall vm server [00:40] i'm off. Thanls for the help guys [00:40] nice [00:40] so...I clean installed ubuntu 8.04 on new formatted partitions 3 times now..every time I reboot is says "failed to mount partition" but I can mount those drives from inside the live cd.. any ideas? [00:40] How can I tell what "module" (driver) a wifi card is using? [00:40] garrett__:copy [00:40] remoteCTR1: ok thanks for your patience, ill give it a shot [00:40] ThreeFinity, well windows partion or what? does it boot? [00:40] ihcus ok try installing compiz-manager [00:40] komputes: lspci [00:40] komputes: modprobe | less [00:40] thespecialone200: np good luck and good night, hehe [00:40] komputes: and lspci [00:40] I have another problem, I try to reproduce videos by streaming from a website, and the movie player stays there and does not play anything [00:40] can you install ubuntu from a usb drive? [00:41] inar: i have installed compiz manager...inside it i have opened the general settings [00:41] ThreeFinity use the alternate cd [00:41] !usb | dvs_ [00:41] dvs_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [00:41] ihcus there in general options u can increase the number of horizontal and vertical desktops [00:41] vm server anyone? [00:41] dvs_: you can, but last time I checked, you have to edit menu.lst after it's done [00:41] inar: i have seen that thing but the number doesnt increase more than 1 ..its struck [00:42] bazhang_ got me tanks do rickyfingers [00:42] kumarphilly: ext3, doesn't boot at all. says fails to mount when I select my kernel from grub [00:42] Broadcom: that doesn't show what module the card is using, i need to see the module name [00:42] anyone played around with layer-2 ssh tunnels? [00:42] grstreamer-properties and go to video options and try what works better [00:42] kumarphilly: qemu [00:42] Stroganoff: alternate cd? I'm on the livecd atm. [00:42] kumarphilly: which univ are u studying ? [00:42] komputes: sorry, see the other reply [00:42] gstreamer-properties and go to video options and try what works better [00:42] lnar: ok [00:42] tyler: which alsa package did you remove? [00:42] tyler: alsa-base? [00:42] Stroganoff: it worked fine the last 5 installs or so, just stopped working lol [00:42] Stroganoff: checked the cd for errors and it came out fine [00:42] garrett__: lol I don't remember [00:43] Hello. For some reason I cannot prevent the screensaver from being run. I have unchecked the "activate screensaver when computer is idle" checkmark in the gnome screensaver preferences. The computer is on AC and has been configured in power manager to never do anything. Can someone help disable this pesky automatic unwanted screensaving? [00:43] tyler: try removing alsa-base [00:43] xset something [00:43] tyler: that should remove all dependent packages [00:43] garrett__:just did, no luck [00:43] ha! i got the same issue AskHL [00:43] tyler: same xrdb error? [00:43] see if anyother user has it enable, see root... [00:43] rickyfingers: Broadcom:modprob needs an option in its usage and lspci does not show the module being used by this particular card [00:44] garrett__: Rebooting [00:44] tyler: it's got to be your window manager that's mucking up... X has no native understanding of sound devices [00:44] komputes: lspci tells you what hardware the o/s sees. [00:44] inar: is there anything i should edit ? [00:44] remoteCTRL, then at least I'm not alone! There's a chance someone will get around to fixing it then, I suppose [00:44] I was wondering if i could get some help getting my computer to duel boot properly? I found a thread last night thta would help me but I've been searching for ages now and I can't seem to find it again [00:44] ThreeFinity try reinstalling with the alternate cd. or try a low level format before with your hdd vendor tools [00:44] AskHL: have you restarted xscreensaver daemon? [00:44] garrett__:maybe i should sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [00:44] rickyfingers: i need to know what mode is being used for that hardware [00:44] lnar, "see root"? What do you mean by that? [00:44] lnar: how should that affect if you are not logged in as root?? [00:44] what where u tryin to do? hehe im lost [00:44] rickyfingers: module* [00:44] komputes: if you need to know what option you need, you need some documentation [00:44] yay! ubuntu's installed! [00:44] !alternate > ThreeFinity [00:44] rickyfingers, what? [00:44] /home/ryan/Desktop/ltmodem-2.6-alk-9/serial.c: In function ‘lt_set_termios’: [00:44] /home/ryan/Desktop/ltmodem-2.6-alk-9/serial.c:489: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘uart_get_baud_rate’ from incompatible pointer type [00:45] hi, I've just upgraded to 8.04, my system is very unresponsive, and I cant play wmv files [00:45] garrett__:still getting that error, time for kubuntu [00:45] AskHL: i hope so as that is extremstly annoying when watching movs [00:45] arpreply, I will look into that. I take it that it might be an artifact of having two different screen saver systems, gnome vs X [00:45] they are corrupted [00:45] Laurenceb: medibuntu.org [00:45] rickyfingers, qemu ? [00:45] inar: i can increase the horizontal and vertical desktops but i cannot increse the number of desktops! [00:45] tyler: then gnome's mucking something up [00:45] hmf [00:45] kumarphilly: good vm for linux I use it all the time [00:45] i had the same problem for reason, i enter x with root user and disable screensaver it did worl [00:45] argh, my ubuntu is almost unusable, i can't set it to a reasonable resolution, what do i do? [00:45] does anyone know what the problem is? [00:45] tyler: as far as X is concerned, sound doesn't exist [00:45] rickyfingers: i have read the modprobe man page, there is nothing about identifying hardware or PCI ID [00:45] as far as wmv goes? [00:45] tyler: what happens if you type "startx"? [00:46] Laurenceb: yea you don't have the codecs, browse to medibuntu and get the repositories, mf [00:46] garrett__: Gray sceen with x for cursor [00:46] lnar, how exactly do you enter x? [00:46] tyler: then X works [00:46] how come it beeps evertime i touch a key on the keyboard? [00:46] rickyfingers: I can't correlate modprobe to lspci, do you know how this is done? [00:46] Can someone tell me or point me towards something that will tell me how to make the duel booter see my Windows install? I installed Ubuntu last night and I'm rather lost [00:46] there u can add more desktops virtual and horizontal and vertical, what effect are u tryin to enable? [00:46] how come it beeps evertime i touch a key on the keyboard? [00:46] rickyfingers, bette then virtual box and vm server? [00:46] tyler: something in gnome is mucked. [00:46] garrett__:Yeah but the xfc I install is crashing it [00:46] sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf, no? [00:46] WIDESPREADpanic, no need to repeat [00:46] tyler: you could try fluxbox just to get it up and running [00:46] login as root [00:46] inar : i cannot get the cube working ... [00:46] sorry [00:46] my ubuntu is almost unusable, i can't set it to a reasonable resolution, what do i do? [00:47] komputes: use lsmod | less this will tell you whether or not a module is loaded. [00:47] garrett__:I can't fetch any archives [00:47] tyler: apt-get install fluxbox [00:47] tyler: oooh [00:47] tyler: no network? [00:47] inar:i think i need to increse the number of desktops on my computer but i am unable to do it .. [00:47] Acorn, crappy vid card or soemthing? drivers maybe [00:47] Acorn: what is your video ? [00:47] If the module is loaded, and hardware is not working the way you think it should the problem is not with the driver. [00:47] garrett__: Yeah it's down know [00:47] rickyfingers, so is it comparable to vm server and virtual box [00:47] nvidia gforce4 ti 4200 [00:47] garrett__:looks like another clean install [00:47] lnar, I can sudo. Is that not good enough? I don't have the root user enabled [00:47] i installed the restricted driver [00:47] *enabled [00:47] tyler: hm [00:48] rickyfingers: what good is a loaded module if the hardware isn't using it? [00:48] garrett__:Would any of this be on the install cd? === zSoilworker_ is now known as Soilworker [00:48] Hi folks ;) [00:48] tyler: everything but fluxbox should be [00:48] hmm theres so much on medibuntu [00:48] question : with which command can I see if a program belongs to main, restricted, universe or multiverse ? [00:48] but now my maximum resolution has got even smaller! [00:48] kumarphilly: Yes, but it is more "bare bones" you have to install any software by hand. === Soilworker is now known as zSoilworker [00:48] and my system is extremely unresponsive [00:48] u can increase the number of virtual desktops only... so u should be able to do so if u are usin compiz with compiz-manager if u have not enable compiz then in gnome applet there is an application that does that [00:48] NitroGlyceriX: aptitude show packagename [00:48] tyler: you could reinstall xserver-xorg [00:48] Laurenceb: not really, add the repos and follow the guide for the 'entire repo' [00:48] Starnestommy, tx so much [00:49] tyler: that should blow away all your old configs [00:49] But it's great for running something like plain old debian. Works fine in Ubuntu. [00:49] can anyone advise me what packages to get then? [00:49] tyler: and save you the hour and a half of reinstall time [00:49] WIDESPREADpanic, go to sound prefs (tab) system beep and uncheck [00:49] garrett__:how would I tell it to access the cd an not the repositories? [00:49] To get started, google, "ubuntu windows xp" [00:49] Laurenceb: there is one for dvd and one for non-free codecs [00:49] in the example (hd0,0) the first 0 is the drive and the 2nd 0 is the partition correct? [00:49] How can I tell what "module" (driver) a specific wifi card is using? [00:49] enable root login and do so, then restart, desable root login i had the same problem and solve it that way [00:49] tyler: mount the disk, then dpkg --insatll package.deb [00:49] "read with your eyes" [00:49] arpreply: what do you think? [00:49] ok, but it will take me 5 minutes just to load up the window [00:49] tyler: if it doesn't work, worst case scenario is that you've spent an extra 5minutes [00:49] rickyfingers, can i talk to you in #magicjack plz? hard to get through in #ubuntu lol [00:49] top shows processor use at around 15% [00:49] dont get it [00:50] garrett__:thanks for you help [00:50] thanks [00:50] komputes: What I'm trying to show you is there are certain commands you can use to determine whether or not the o/s sees the hardware, and whether or not drivers are loaded to use the hardware. [00:50] inar: can u be clear..as i have already installed advanced compiz settings ...and it is located in my system under the preferences === david__ is now known as subinfinity [00:50] rickyfingers: it's the in-between (correlation) that i'm looking for [00:50] komputes: once you eliminate these factors of the o/s, you can further troubleshoot. [00:50] garrett__:Anyway you think i could fix it with the live cd? [00:50] Acorn: restricted driver with 8.04 should be ok.. run install and run nvidia-settings. describe exactly what it's doing. [00:51] ihcus, wait one sec i have spanish version of ubunut [00:51] tyler: the package should be there, yes [00:51] arpreply: run install? [00:51] Acorn: install.. [00:51] tyler: if you can get X installed from the live cd, then the package has to be there. [00:51] lnar, thank you. I will do that [00:51] arpreply: run what install? [00:51] garrett__:ok, the live cd boots just fine, i guess I should have mentioned that [00:51] entonces lnar habla español? [00:51] ihcus, ok... are u sure that u are runin compiz??? in appearance u have desktop effects enable???? [00:51] inar: ok dude [00:52] si davinchi pero aca solo ingles [00:52] Is it possible to run 32-bit programs in Ubuntu 64-bit [00:52] rickyfingers: I don't understand what factors i have to eliminate, i just understand "Card" + "Module" = "Working", I know the card and it's PCI ID, I know 2 or three drivers it COULD be using, i need to confirm which one itt IS using [00:52] tyler: see if you can find xserver-xorg on there anywhere [00:52] Acorn: do you have any X at all or are you strictly console? Acorn: sudo apt-get nvidia-settings [00:52] inar: sure i have enabled them [00:52] tyler: or any xorg .deb files [00:52] lnar: cool! === subinfinity is now known as sbnfnty [00:52] talking about languages... I installed French packages but it appears in English, everything [00:52] ok ihcus [00:52] even Mozilla [00:52] komputes: dmesg | less [00:52] inar: desktop effects enable???? i have only advanced compiz settings [00:52] DaVinci2008, did you set your default language to French? [00:52] the go to desktop size tab [00:53] arpreply: what does X mean? I've just installed ubuntu, got the updates, then enables the restricted driver which popped up.. then restarted again [00:53] ? [00:53] arpreply: should i disable it and do it through terminal instead? [00:53] and there is an option for each horizontal and vertical number of desktops, and under those options u have another option for number of desktops [00:53] garrett__:Alright booting in now [00:53] tyler: cool [00:53] Acorn: XWindows, of course [00:53] Is it possible to connect to a samba fileshare that is OUTSIDE the current "workgroup" you're on? [00:53] # /dev/sda1 [00:53] UUID=93dc288f-0439-45fb-b505-160dc1bc7645 / ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 [00:53] Acorn: if you want to set your resolution easily. Run nvidia-settings and configure your screen. Type 'sudo apt-get nvidia-settings' in a console [00:54] rickyfingers: ubuntu's in need of a Device Manager [00:54] Anything in taht line that looks wrong? that might keep a partition from mounting at boot? [00:54] Fishscene: yes, I did. But after restarting, it is still in English [00:54] No idea =\ [00:54] inar:exactly [00:54] ihcus if u dont see the desktops see if u have the desktop applet enable rightclickin on the gnome panel then add to panel... [00:54] Is it possible for 64-bit Ubuntu to run 32-bit applications? (such as flash or programs under WINE) [00:55] Fishscene: it is [00:55] inar: that is where i stumbled i cannot increase the number more than 1 ...although i see the column [00:55] Awesome. Thanks [00:55] Could someone give me a hand with something? the bootloader menu list thing doesnt have my Windows install listena dn I dont want to FUBAR anything [00:55] arpreply: ""E: Invalid operation nvidia-settings [00:55] gnome crashes when i log into, can anyone help me find out why? i've checked some logs but don't know what i'm looking for [00:55] Fishscene: absolutely, you may need to set up a chroot'ed environment. Google is your friend. [00:55] Acorn: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings [00:55] rickyfingers: this doesn't really help me, it's quite verbose and not containing any searchable keywords relating to the hardware OR the module [00:55] Fishscene: you'll need ia32-libs installed, though [00:55] powertools: any way to pastebin your Xorg.0.log file? [00:55] mmk.. sounds like a project to tackle when I have some time. :) Thanks guys. [00:56] (why aren't we having nvidia-settings run upon reboot after the restricted install?) [00:56] ihcus ok u have the cube plugin enable? [00:56] garrett__: not sure... its not this computer [00:56] "your resolution sucks, click here to configure" [00:56] * delcoyote hi [00:56] Does anybody know how to really change the language of Ubuntu? I changed it to French, but everything is still in English... [00:56] powertool08: does anything look "odd"? [00:56] arpreply: you dont need nvidia-settings if you use restricted drivers manager [00:56] and Ubuntu downloaded some packages in French [00:57] powertool08: like.. anything about error or failure or resource? [00:57] danbhfive: oh [00:57] komputes: dmesg will tell you what hardware the o/s detects. lspci will confirm that the hardware is detected at runtime, lsmod will tell you what is running, and what modules depend on what. Use that information to determine what modules are driving what hardware. In the end, my question is, what hardware is not working like you think it should be? [00:57] Is gdesklets like screenlets of they different ? [00:57] garrett__: hold on, i'll check it real quick [00:57] garrett__:jump into #ubuntuforums [00:57] ihcus to see different desktops in the cube u have to increase the number of horizontal desktops for example 4, not the number of desktops [00:57] arpreply: hehe, okay it's installed now, how to i get to the settings? [00:58] Acorn: gksudo nvidia-settings, then 'X server settings' on the left tree [00:58] ihcus to see different desktops in the cube u have to increase the number of horizontal virtual desktops for example 4, not the number of desktops [00:58] !gdesklets > mohamed__ [00:58] arpreply: okay, i see it, why is it called server settings? [00:58] inar: i have done this [00:59] ihcus, so what plugin are u tryin to enable??? [00:59] garrett__: (!!) mergedFB support has been removed and replaced with xrandr 1.2 [00:59] does anyone know offhand how to send an email using a bash script? [00:59] its not the plugin i am trying ...i am trying to increase the number of desktops [00:59] rickyfingers: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=801387 i just loaded the rt73 module but I don't know if it's using the module that was used at auto detection or if it's using rt73 [00:59] I've got as far as using mail but I can't figure out how to run it non-interactively [00:59] Acorn: your screen is actually a client that calls into a server that provides a display. it's called a display server. tell it what resolution you want. [01:00] ihcus if u have cube, horizontal desktops will work, and if u dont see the change then u dont have compiz runin [01:00] powertool08: hm. those are both used for multiple-monitor configurations [01:00] hmm [01:00] powertool08: did X ever work? [01:00] garrett__: (WW) Radeon(0): DRI init changed memory map, adjusting ... [01:00] powertool08: or did it just magically break? [01:00] komputes: all you need to do is examine the output of lsmod | less [01:00] /server -m irc.thyexile.net [01:01] arpreply: I can't change the settings, because my resolution is low, it keeps moving the window partly onto my other work area when I click. [01:01] /server -m irc.thyexile.net -j #Main [01:01] inar: the horizontal cube is working i mean i can rotate but i ctrl+alt+ down key is not working ? [01:01] garrett__: yes it did, i can't remember what i changed to break it, i know i was trying to get it to have one resolution on the laptop screen, another on a non-widescreen secondary [01:01] & [01:01] how do i copy directories in bash , cp isnt working [01:01] powertool08: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, comment out 'Load "DRI"' in the modules section -- to comment something out, place a # in front of the line [01:01] ** [01:01] inar: how do i check if compiz is running or not ? [01:01] WIDESPREADpanic: cp -r [01:01] powertool08: in fact, comment out everything in modules [01:01] WIDESPREADpanic: cp -rRp [01:01] danbhfive: why would Acorn's screen be like that after installing via restricted? that doesn't seem right [01:02] what does -rRp stand for? [01:02] garrett__: i also tried to get compiz to start with gnome but something wasn't starting right and it loaded some of compiz but didn't have window decorations === asdfasdf is now known as Kaell2 [01:02] arpreply: like what? I havent been following closely [01:02] if the cube rotates then its runin... then see in rotate cube plugin... u have to configure compiz and each plugin u want to make it run like u want.... [01:02] what would be the problem if you dont get smooth text in ubuntu.I have a laptop that does it very well but my desktop has font that looks like fuzzy [01:02] WIDESPREADpanic: man cp [01:02] i've never installed restricted and had 640x480.. [01:02] Hey, not long ago install Ubuntu and I'm having problems with sound, works on start up (drum roll after log on) but no where else any ideas? [01:02] WIDESPREADpanic: recursive, recursive, and make new parent directories at the target location if they don't exist [01:02] f [01:02] powertool08: gconftool-2 –type string –set /apps/gnome-session/rh/window_manager “metacity” [01:02] rickyfingers: thanks: it was lsmod, which correlates with the name on dmesg [01:03] powertool08: that'll disable compiz [01:03] Acorn: you're going to need to use your alt key and left click to move the window over.. it grabs the window anywhere so you can slide it on to your screen where the buttons are. sorry it's hard. [01:03] WIDESPREADpanic: man cp explains what they do [01:03] what happen to beryl [01:03] are there any benefits of ubuntu compared to fedore? [01:03] !beryl > imjesus_1 [01:03] imjesus_1: it merged with compiz to form compiz-fusion [01:03] komputes: no problemo dude. device drivers are always a pain in the a$$ [01:03] Acorn: hold down left alt key and drag the window to where you need it [01:03] where do i bget it [01:04] WIDESPREADpanic: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic [01:04] garrett__: i don't see a modules section... [01:04] imjesus_1: system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects [01:04] rickyfingers: i hear that! [01:04] powertool08: also, i haven't tried doing dual-head display stuff in a couple of years, but the last time i was, it was unable to do different resolutions in multiple displays [01:04] powertool08: hm. [01:04] powertool08: try just disabling compiz [01:05] arpreply: is it possible to lock it in place? :P [01:05] inar: my headphone jack is not working and i cannot listen to sounds from my headphones [01:05] Actually what the problem can be if you dont get smooth text in ubuntu [01:05] powertool08: using the command i said earlier [01:05] see soundconfig appelt in gnome in properties check that [01:06] I have another laptop running ubuntu too but its font is very smooth. [01:06] arpreply: argh, now i can't reach the bottom of the window, it get's stuck at the top of the screen [01:06] where do i get compiz [01:06] inar: i have done this before and it still doesnt work [01:06] garrett__: error while parsing options: unknow option -type [01:06] imjesus_1: sudo apt-get install compiz [01:06] google compiz [01:06] powertool08: huh. try just uninstalling compiz [01:06] imjesus_1: I just told you [01:06] arpreply: I have a feeling the only resolution setting is auto :( [01:06] i type that in terminal [01:06] ihcus... mmmmmmm what sound card u have? [01:07] imjesus_1: I told you how to enable it through the menus [01:07] inar: idont see any headphone options in it [01:07] so why doesnt ubuntu come with a software firewall? [01:07] powertool08: unfortunately, I have a hard time sorting out X problems less I can actually see the configuration files :( [01:07] security risk [01:07] ok thx [01:07] WIDESPREADpanic: it does. It's called iptables [01:07] inar: i have intel ich8...the big problem with lenovo y 410 laptop [01:07] !firewall | WIDESPREADpanic [01:07] WIDESPREADpanic: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [01:07] WIDESPREADpanic: firestarter [01:07] Hey, not long ago install Ubuntu and I'm having problems with sound, works on start up (drum roll after log on) but no where else any ideas? [01:07] ihcus see edit preferences and check there if headphones are enable [01:07] If you dont get smooth text in ubutnu would that be anything to do with the resolution ? [01:07] thanks ricky [01:08] WIDESPREADpanic: or read up on iptables commands [01:08] inar: there is no headphones option in the menu [01:08] ntolo: are you using an lcd? [01:08] ihcus... edit preferences [01:08] ntolo: have you tried looking around for "antialiased fonts in ubuntu" on google or something? [01:08] Yes am using an Asus LCD [01:08] ntolo: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [01:09] ntolo: FYI, that package breaks java [01:09] inar: yes there is no headphones [01:09] garrett__: to remove compiz it wants to uninstall ubuntu-desktop... would reseting to a basic xorg.conf help? [01:09] ihcus what sound card u have? [01:09] arpreply: yeah, i can't change the resolution, the only option is auto [01:09] Acorn: Acorn: type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and follow the menus.. save the X file and reboot. then try nvidia-settings again.. it will tell you to type a command to set up the driver again. [01:10] ihcus re install alsa and alsa-base and try again [01:10] arpreply: okay, i'll give that a go [01:10] inar: i had tried the same option toooo [01:10] I need java.The thing is my eclipse looks pale white i cant program anymore. [01:11] i got compiz .6.2 how do i install it [01:11] !java > ntolo (read the private message from ubottu) [01:11] arpreply: should i tell it to use kernel frambuffer? [01:11] ihcus google then im sorry [01:11] !who > ntolo if you want to talk to me, you need to mention my name. Otherwise, I miss your msgs [01:12] hello, ubuntu plays joined tracks in audio cds with cuts between them, any help? regards [01:12] inar: one more thing...can u tell me how to use virtual box [01:12] danbhfive : thanks [01:12] Anyone know of a cli where I can monitor http traffic specifically URLs requested? [01:13] powertool08: yeah, resetting to the default desktop would probably solve your problems [01:13] Anyone know where I can find a blackberry channel? [01:13] netpro25: you can start with tcpdump [01:13] powertool08: does typing "startx" bring up a gray background? [01:13] rickyfingers: thanks [01:13] danbhfive : So how come the fonts in my laptop are so smooth while i did not have to tweak it even a bit ? [01:13] powertool08: if so, then X is fine [01:14] netpro25: tcpdump | grep will enable youj to pull specific information out of packets. [01:14] ntolo: so the problem is fixed? [01:14] garrett__: dpkg-reconfigure xsession-xorg isn't fixing it, it starts to login, i get the login sound but its freezing at a black screen with "x" cursor [01:14] sure... do u have it installed??? once u done that when u run it there is a wizard that tells u all u have to do... and if for some reason u can not run the virtual machine u have to change some permision i dont remember exactly have to create a group called virtuabox and add ur user or something like that, i found how in google [01:14] rickyfingers: thanks [01:14] Hey, not long ago install Ubuntu and I'm having problems with sound, works on start up (drum roll after log on) but no where else any ideas? [01:14] I installed the "mingw32 cross compiler"-package but can't find the cross compiler executable - how is it named? [01:14] garrett__: if i start x with sudo command it works fine, i think its just my user thats messed up [01:14] danbhfive : I dont wanna break java.Anyway i will try it and see what happens. [01:15] could i convert an RPM of vm server to deb and install vm server that way? [01:15] inar: i have used the wizard ....but i am unable to install the windows xp sp2 [01:15] kumarphilly NOt the best way to get that done [01:15] !rpm [01:15] RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [01:15] kumarphilly: you could, but it would be very unlikely that the .rpm would be would be converted properly [01:15] ihcus sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a name of user [01:16] ntolo: well, if the command I gave you solved the problem, then here is the reason. That package install several things, including some proprietary MS fonts. (it also installs a broken java package) [01:16] why is it dangerous and unlikiley Jack_Sparrow and Starnestommy [01:16] ihcus sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a name of user [01:16] arpreply: okay, it asked me load of questions about my keyboard, and now it's finished [01:16] kumarphilly: because .rpms contain different metadata than .debs and use different scripts [01:16] ihcus enable cd boot from the properties of vbox and install the system... [01:16] can anyone help me with a shell doubt [01:16] im going crazy [01:16] inar:just a sec [01:17] this was suppsoed to work [01:17] paperless: best to just ask (on one line) [01:17] does anyone know how the executable of the "mingw32" cross compiler is named/how I can find out? I can't find it and therefore not use the cross compiler :( [01:17] yeah [01:17] sorry [01:17] grr [01:17] I remember it being gcc-mingw32-x86, but that doesn't seem to exist [01:17] but i want vm server! [01:17] where can i drop some code [01:17] paperless: can you be more precise about the problem? [01:17] kumarphilly: because of that, it will be very likely that it won't corrrectly install or uninstall [01:17] and i dont get how i should install it [01:17] ihcus i have to go man sorry.... [01:17] Yarcanox: dpkg -L PACKAGE | grep bin may get you closer [01:17] im trying to compare two strings [01:17] why doesnt this work [01:17] #!/bin/bash [01:17] var1="estou" [01:17] var2="farto" [01:17] if [ "$var1"="$var2" ];then [01:17] paperless: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:17] echo "são iguais..." [01:17] kumarphilly: if there's a .deb, use that. if there isn't, look for a .tat.gz or .tar.bz2 [01:17] *.tar.gz [01:18] !ot | paperless [01:18] paperless: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:18] !ot | paperless [01:18] paperless try /join #bash [01:18] well i see tar but idk how to work a tar Starnestommy assitance? [01:18] how do you stop windows snapping? [01:18] thank you [01:18] how do i open a .acu file ? [01:18] paperless: get rid of the quotation marks in the if statement. === lnar is now known as lnar-ImNotHere [01:18] kumarphilly: extract it, then read the readme or install files in it [01:19] !away > lnar-ImNotHere (read the private message from ubottu) [01:19] Acorn turn off that feature in ccsm [01:19] I cannot enable the desktop effects on 7.10 with an nvidia card, produces a generic error and nothing definative written to my log files? [01:19] rickyfingers, ive tried that [01:19] didnt work [01:19] Jack_Sparrow: is that in preferences? [01:19] Acorn advenced desktop effects in the menus [01:20] my eth1 intel pro wireless does not find any wireless connection since i upgraded to hardy [01:20] iwconfig shows radio off for eth1 [01:20] Is there a problem printing from a 64 bit ubuntu box to a 32 bit system running cups? [01:21] axisys_-> is it using intel 3945 chip? [01:21] ifconfig does not show eth1 until I up'd it manually.. [01:21] garrett__: i tried startx in a failsafe terminal login and it says user not authorized to run X server, couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console [01:22] powertool08 you were root. root cant startx [01:22] Stroganoff: i tried it as mynormal user [01:22] you need to go to runlevel 5 i think [01:23] Stroganoff: how? [01:23] i got compiz 0.6.2 [01:23] sudo init 5 [01:23] how do i install [01:23] powertool08: interesting... [01:23] powertool08: try "sudo startx" [01:23] imjesus_1 /join #compiz [01:23] imjesus_1 0.7.4 is in the hardy repos [01:23] hi [01:23] wahts [01:23] I am trying to install emerald themes [01:23] but I cannot find it in Synaptic [01:24] Jack_Sparrow: is it the "place windows" option? [01:24] garrett__: server already active for display 0 [01:24] probably need to update the repositories [01:24] paperless: get rid of the quotation marks in the if statement.and use the right equality operator, -eq not = [01:24] amenado: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14230/ [01:24] powertool08: ps auxw | grep X [01:24] powertool08: is X still running? [01:24] seracht: its not available it seems.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/emerald-themes [01:24] rickyfingers, -eq is for integers [01:24] Acorn system.. pref.. advanced desktop [01:24] garrett__: yes, i tried to kill it but it keeps restarting [01:25] powertool08: /etc/init.d/edm stop [01:25] Stroganoff how do I install Clearlooks then [01:25] powertool08: killall -9 edm [01:25] having so much trouble with that === chaky_ is now known as chaky [01:25] Jack_Sparrow, any other easy to install and use virtualization sofware... wanna have virtual windows and vmserver inst working out for me [01:25] axisys_-> is it using intel 3945 chip? you can not answer this? [01:25] powertool08: ps auxw | grep X --- grab the pid, then kill -9 the process id [01:25] amenado: let me check [01:25] powertool08: that'll kill it [01:25] kumarphilly: qemu [01:25] kumarphilly: I'm telling you, qemu. [01:25] kumarphilly I dual boot and avoid virtual soultions [01:25] garrett__: ok its stopped [01:26] rickyfingers: = is the proper way to compare strings. -eq is for numbers [01:26] amenado: hmm lspci does not show it [01:26] amenado: how do I find out? [01:26] someone knows linus? [01:26] !ot | coil [01:26] coil: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:26] jrib: then you debug paperless's code! [01:26] someone know ? [01:27] rickyfingers: #bash took care of it already, just passing that tidbit along [01:27] anyone? [01:27] linus and i go way back [01:27] how can I install clearlooks [01:27] rickyfingers, oh right i forgot... in synaptic? and Jack_Sparrow pfft... no thats waht i am avoiding! [01:27] hi [01:27] It says I have to compile the source?!?! [01:27] where can i select another login theme? [01:27] seracht: it's installed by default [01:27] i already download the one i want [01:27] i need to talk to him [01:27] about my problem [01:27] nikoboy: system -> administration -> login window [01:27] whats your problem [01:27] i'll relay the message for you [01:27] thanks [01:28] grub isn't booting [01:28] seracht http://www.compiz-themes.org/ [01:28] kumarphilly: google windows xp ubuntu. That will get you a howto that explains using qemu in Ubuntu. [01:28] linus didn't develop grub [01:28] i know [01:28] so why would you want to talk to him about that [01:28] this is driving me insane, can someone help me get my resolution to work? :( [01:28] can you still help me with grub [01:28] whats the problem [01:28] coil what distro or release are you running [01:29] 8.094 [01:29] kumarphilly: my bad, add qemu to that google. [01:29] -9 [01:29] did you make the partitions first w/ fdisk [01:29] PedanticSteve: back, sorry, did you resolve the problem? [01:29] yes [01:29] i have a separate /boot partition [01:29] and a / [01:29] and set your ext3 to active or bootable [01:29] rickyfingers, i get a link to help.ubuntu in google but it is for 7.10 and 7.04 running 8.04 here [01:29] i can mount the partitions [01:29] !enter | coil [01:29] coil: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [01:29] robbie``: fdisk shows as it's already marked as bootable [01:29] did you make /boot active in fdisk [01:30] it has the * next do /boot [01:30] anyone uses hp nc 6220 with inter centrino chip? my wireless stopped working since the upgrade [01:30] but my linux hard disk is the second drive (sdb) [01:30] are you dual booting [01:30] sda is winxp [01:30] yes [01:31] i used to get a list of wifi channels with 7.10 [01:31] powertool08: get it working? [01:31] intel centrino I meant [01:31] kumarphilly: then you have just run into an opportunity to prove it works in 8.04. Congratulations most people don't recognize opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work. [01:31] coil: not sure [01:31] ite [01:32] seracht i just got the info that emerald has been merged back into compiz. uninstall emerald, update compiz (are you on hardy) [01:33] can someone help me get my screen resolution sorted? [01:33] Acorn what is the problem? [01:33] Byron1: I'm limited to 640x480 [01:34] Acorn what video card? [01:34] hello, I'm trying to repair the FAT32 filesystem on an SD card, and fsck.vfat says: Read 32 bytes at 1024278528:Input/output error [01:34] garrett__: ok i stopped gdm then started X from the command line with my normal user, it loaded the background and some of the taskbar stuff, and i got the error "user switcher has quit unexpectedly, if you reload a panel object, it will automatically be added back to the panel reload or not?" [01:34] Byron1: nvidia gforce4 Ti 4200 [01:34] Acorn: get smart about /etc/Xorg.conf [01:34] Acorn are you using restricted driver? [01:34] garrett__: and then it locks up, so i guess my problem is with the user switcher? [01:35] Byron1: yes [01:35] powertool08: possibly [01:36] powertool08: i'm not entirely sure [01:36] anyone have any idea's why my mouse and keyboard will only work in recovery mode? any ideas on how to enable them in regular mode? [01:36] powertool08: i'm not sure why user switchher would crash [01:36] having the resolution so low makes my computer unusable :( [01:36] garrett__: is there a way to disable the user switcher to see if that helps? [01:36] powertool08: let alone why it'd crash [01:37] powertool08: user switcher is an applet loaded by gnome [01:37] Acorn what version of Ubuntu are you using? [01:37] i installed nvidia xserver settings but it only has auto for resolution options [01:37] powertool08: ps auxw | grep switch and kill the pid [01:37] Byron1: newest version [01:37] powertool08: i'm not sure what configuration file loads that -- old linux user, but i don't use gnome often [01:37] Byron1: just installed an hour ago [01:37] Acorn 8.04? [01:37] I plugged in my printer, and it recognizes it as an HP Deskjet F4100 series, but when I try and print a test page, it says it may not be connected, and doesn't print .. Why? [01:37] powertool08: well, not old.. but have been using it for years and years [01:37] Byron1: yeah [01:38] Acorn I had a hard time trying to get my video to work with 8.04. I went back to 7.10 [01:38] maybe restart my computer? or disable the driver and then re-enable? [01:38] any wireless expert here? [01:38] Byron1: that doesn't sound good :( [01:38] garrett__: its not running until i log in, but it crashes before i could stop it [01:38] iwconfig shows the eth1 radio off on my intel pro wireless card [01:39] how do I turn it back on? [01:39] I love ubuntu [01:39] Acorn Did you do a fresh install or update? [01:39] garrett__: do you use ubuntu? [01:39] Byron1: fresh install today [01:39] powertool08: hm. i don't know how to fix that without being able to play with the system myself [01:39] powertool08: yea [01:39] powertool08: but i've been using slackware for the past 9years [01:39] powertool08: i just started playing with ubuntu last weekend [01:40] garrett__: which do you like better? [01:40] hello, i got problem with hardy on my laptop. the wireless card only got 11mb. can anybody explain why ? [01:40] I plugged in my printer, and it recognizes it as an HP Deskjet F4100 series, but when I try and print a test page, it says it may not be connected, and doesn't print .. Why? [01:40] umm i cant hear nothing on youtube any one knows y [01:40] couldn't i just download the linux driver for my graphics card from the nvidia website? [01:40] powertool08: they both have their strong suits. package management is good but can totally screw you over sometimes [01:40] powertool08: but sometimes it's nice to be able to apt-get [01:40] Acorn, I'm pretty sure it's in the repos. (Try Restricted Driver manager?) [01:41] Acorn I thought you said you were using restricted driver? [01:41] powertool08: it's harder to fix things like ubuntu when they break, because all these different components are glued together [01:41] with emerald...how do you exactly "apply" a theme [01:41] I plugged in my printer, and it recognizes it as an HP Deskjet F4100 series, but when I try and print a test page, it says it may not be connected, and doesn't print .. Why?? [01:41] how do install compiz-0.7.4 [01:41] powertool08: but with something like slackware, you have to make the glue yourself [01:41] seracht: http://svn.beryl-project.org/beryl/trunk/emerald-themes-repo/ [01:41] garrett__: thats what i've noticed, its nice for the install but i've been in dependency hell so many times trying to uninstall [01:41] powertool08: yeah [01:41] Byron1: I am, but it doesn't work [01:41] Stroganoff I am trying to install futurelooks [01:41] hello, i got problem with hardy on my laptop. the wireless card only got 11mb. can anybody explain why ? [01:42] I plugged in my printer, and it recognizes it as an HP Deskjet F4100 series, but when I try and print a test page, it says it may not be connected, and doesn't print .. Why?? Anyone alive or am I gagged or dead or something? [01:42] seracht here's your related bug report... [01:42] powertool08: i don't think it's my distro of choice, to be honest. i liked gentoo a bit better [01:42] GRUB LOADING, PLEASE WAIT [01:42] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald/+bug/139957 [01:42] Launchpad bug 139957 in emerald "[Gutsy] Emerald-themes is missing from repos" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [01:42] hmm, i'll try restarting [01:42] ERROR 15 [01:42] coil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:42] How do I get my memory card on my cellphone to show up as a removable disk? So I can add music to it. [01:42] how do i install compiz 0.7.4 [01:42] powertool08: that was a nice middle ground [01:42] thanks man [01:42] Acorn Can you paste your xorg.conf file [01:42] How do I get my memory card on my cellphone to show up as a removable disk? So I can add music to it. It shows up in "lsusb" [01:42] seasons__: it can be anywhere. you link to it in your document. [01:42] erp [01:42] sorry [01:42] how do i install compiz 0.7.4? [01:42] If you install GRUB into a partition or a drive other than the first one, you must chain-load GRUB from another boot loader. Refer to the manual for the boot loader to know how to chain-load GRUB. [01:42] garrett__: ha, i tried gentoo as my first install after playing around with knoppix [01:43] can i put grub on my winxp hd? [01:43] any one how do i install compiz 0.7.4 ? [01:43] coil: yes [01:43] !compiz | imjesus_1: [01:43] imjesus_1:: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [01:43] coil: it's eaiest done if it's on the first hdd [01:43] it keeps giving error 15 though [01:43] Can you guys recommend a simple firewall for ubuntu without a GUI? For my desktop box firestarter is just fine, but I have a couple of servers too where i'd like a firewall that doesn't require a GUI setup app. Just something simple where I can list the services I want to have access to in a text-file -- similar to the suse firewall script [01:43] whatever i do it still fails [01:44] hansen: iptables [01:44] coil: is it the first hdd? [01:44] my linux is on the second hd, windows is on the first [01:44] powertool08: hehe. i liked gentoo quite a bit. [01:44] hansen: scripts on iptables rules and chains [01:44] can i just to a grub-install on hd0? [01:44] yes [01:44] did you do that? [01:44] not yet [01:44] you will also want to manually check grub.conf [01:44] !list [01:44] I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) [01:44] i was afraid i was gonna fuck up my windows [01:44] coil: post the grub.conf on pastebin [01:44] powertool08: but for the most part, any time you have a package system, dependencies will trip you up at some point [01:44] coil just change your bootup options [01:44] iptables is the tool of course, but there must be something pre-cooked available so I dont need to write my own rules [01:44] you can't fuck up windows [01:44] hello, i got problem with hardy on my laptop. the wireless card only got 11mb. can anybody explain why ? [01:44] !language | coil: [01:45] it will just keep you from booting it until you fix the bootloader [01:45] coil:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:45] powertool08: like, for instance, if your depency table gets corrupt (which happened on one of my redhat enterprise servers awhile ago) [01:45] give me a while, i have to reboot into the livecd [01:45] cool got it to work [01:45] force restarted emerald [01:45] ok opefully this is my last question [01:45] powertool08: when that happens, you basically can't install or uninstall any software through the package manager [01:45] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:45] coil: query me if you have a problem, i'll bbl [01:45] Do you guys have any recommendations of different panels [01:45] ok thx [01:45] I kinda like LinuxMint's "Start menu" [01:45] anything similar out there> [01:46] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:46] garrett__: so how do you keep track of installed apps when you compile to install? [01:46] powertool08: or if you need to compile something yourself with some specific packages, you have to make a package for it, or you're going to screw up the dependency tree [01:46] powertool08: it's not as hard as you'd think. [01:46] hey all [01:46] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:46] powertool08: if it works, you have all the dependencies. if it doesn't, you look at the compiler error messages and track down the right package [01:46] and where do you extract the files to? should everything be extracted to the home drive with symlinks to /bin? [01:46] I plugged in my printer, and it recognizes it as an HP Deskjet F4100 series, but when I try and print a test page, it says it may not be connected, and doesn't print .. Why?? Anyone alive or am I gagged or dead or something???????????????????? [01:47] hi, if I have two OSes on two separate HDs, then make a 80gb partition on one. Will GRUB allow me to choose both OSes? [01:47] powertool08: as for keeping track of it--well, less it's something sort of out there.. like some weird specific lib, most things depend on the same set of packages [01:47] yeah, i can't set my resolution above 640x480 [01:47] answering to smmagic: yes grub will let you choose the OS [01:47] so.... why does ubuntu auto load up some restricted athero's drivers for my wifi and they dont work? [01:47] Acorn, Run sudo nvidia-xconfig [01:47] invision did you get hp's printer installer? [01:48] powertool08: there's lots and lots of software out there, but you don't need most of it to get a system up and running--especially if you're running servers. [01:48] marcus, But over two HDs? [01:48] yes, I think so [01:48] I seem to having a problem with the grub boot loader. I just finished installing Ubuntu 8.04 Alternate Desktop AMD64 Edition and upon booting, i get the error, "Grub Loading, please wait..." followed by "Error 17". [01:48] I plugged in my printer, and it recognizes it as an HP Deskjet F4100 series, but when I try and print a test page, it says it may not be connected, and doesn't print .. Why?? Anyone alive or am I gagged or dead or something???????????????????? [01:48] anyone here know LinuxMint's start panel? How do I get something like that going [01:48] ok.. [01:48] oh wait... [01:48] !repeat | Invisionfree [01:48] Invisionfree: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [01:48] hohow do i creat e a ssl certificate? [01:49] Ahadiel: what should happen? [01:49] Gtfo bbyever, I've been asking for like 5-10 mins with no answer. [01:49] smmagic: the entry for the second drive contains "root (hd1,?)" [01:49] Hey, I have a really complex problem! I want to route my internet from my laptop, but I have to use a LiveCD of Linux Mint on it and its screen is broken! [01:49] !attitude | Invisionfree [01:49] Invisionfree: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [01:49] Acorn, It should give you some output about xorg.conf, then either reboot or do CTRL+ALT+BKSPACE [01:49] WIDESPREADpanic: for a web server? [01:49] for the first is root (hd0,?) [01:49] !gtfo | bbyever [01:49] bbyever: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:49] this is my second day with ubuntu and i would like to know any softoware for it thats pretty cool [01:49] powertool08: the only real problem comes up when you have to keep track of updates in packages.. like when there's a security problem in some random library you installed 3 years ago and completely forgot about [01:49] Painless: TLS for postfix, for smtp authentication [01:49] !language | Invisionfree [01:49] Invisionfree: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:50] I think that you will have to choose the which HD you want to use on your computer's boot menu [01:50] bud32, Hm, let me explain again. On boot, I press f12 and from there got to HD options, from there I select my 500 or 160gb drive. I want to know if grub will let me use both to boot from [01:50] Jack_Sparrow: bbyever is abusing ubottu, and can you help with my printer? : [01:50] why do the restricted drivers for athero's not work [01:50] garrett__: so there's not any auto update? [01:50] Or, if I boot to the 500gb whcih I'm installing ubuntu onto. will it come up with grub? [01:50] !paste [01:50] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [01:50] powertool08: for all intents and purposes, not really [01:50] smmagic: GRUB should be set in the first drive's MBR, from there, the /boot/grub/menu.lst file specify other drives [01:51] bbyever please /msg ubottu to avoid spamming the channel [01:51] garrett__: and to update do you remove the old version first and then install new, or just leave the old? [01:51] bud32, So I must do it manually? [01:51] If it works on a partition, it will work with two HD's [01:51] powertool08: google was my package manager until about 2003 [01:51] WIDESPREADpanic: this tutorial is for a webserver, but you can create a key the same way -> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=30115&seqNum=4 [01:51] you can use grub [01:51] Ahadiel: like that? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14232/ [01:51] smmagic: do you have grub set in the MBR? [01:51] powertool08: just install over the old ones, usually [01:51] anything i can download to get better visual effects [01:51] I need to intall ubuntu first, bud32 [01:51] Jack_Sparrow: i was not abusing ubottu, invisionfree was repeating his question and i used the ! repeat factoid. he then became agreesive and started insulting [01:51] e [01:51] Invisionfree I just woke up from nap.. gimme a few [01:51] Acorn, The output does not matter. Just reboot or do CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE. [01:51] ok [01:52] for the love of god....does anyone know how to get optical out working on a soundstorm apu [01:52] jesus this is sound right [01:52] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:52] garrett__: so you just periodically go through all installed packages, search google for new ones, update if necessary? [01:52] but so, bud32 if I chooose the 500gb drive on boot it shall load GRUB? [01:52] powertool08: libs are usually something like somelib.so which is a symlink to foo., and 'make install' relinks the symlink to the new version [01:52] bbyever: Jack_Sparrow knows I'm a nice person *Cough* [01:52] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:52] bbyever Invisionfree please both settle down... I am grumpy when I wake up [01:52] powertool08: yup [01:52] I just booted from the live CD and it is asking me for a username and password... [01:52] any programs reccomned for ubuntu [01:52] what should i put in? [01:52] I seem to having a problem with the grub boot loader. I just finished installing Ubuntu 8.04 Alternate Desktop AMD64 Edition and upon booting, i get the error, "Grub Loading, please wait..." followed by "Error 17". [01:52] Jack_Sparrow: Just when you wake up? :P [01:52] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:53] powertool08: outfacing services like ssh/apache you'll know about quick fast.. but as for the rest, usually just install a new version whenever [01:53] smmagic: the most important is that GRUB is in the MBR, Ubuntu can be installed on whichever drive you want [01:53] :) [01:53] now what? [01:53] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu [01:53] NeilDude: You might want to check out this forum post -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 [01:53] so no one here uses optical out...? 1300 feaking ppl here and no one uses optical out? [01:53] marcus: please check the topic [01:53] powertool08: and i'm not saying package managers are bad, i'm just saying that while they provide a lot of convenience, when they break, it's hell [01:53] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu. please help [01:53] !repeat marcus [01:53] Factoid repeat marcus not found [01:53] marcus: Ubuntu installation is really not supposed to touch ntfs partition (MS), even if the installer would like, it just couldn't [01:53] marcus: one suggestion in there is be patient [01:54] !repeat | marcus [01:54] marcus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [01:54] Acorn Are you able to change resolution [01:54] a WEEK WITH NO SOUND [01:54] come on [01:54] marcus: this is to be fixed from within windows [01:54] Ahadiel: what after that? [01:54] marcus I seem to remeber something about that.. power all the way down go back into win and see if it works === The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 [01:54] this is insane i feel sorry if dell is putting this distro on any computet [01:54] Acorn, Yes, as byron said try changing your resolution. [01:54] el1te /join #alsa [01:54] Byron1: only between 320 and 640 [01:54] el1te, marcus have you guys posted your issue in mailing list ? [01:54] Acorn, What nVidia card do you have? [01:55] Can i mount of hard drive and salvage files from a hard drive through the live CD? [01:55] wtf are you talking about [01:55] mount a hard drive* [01:55] 99,99999% ppl here use irc for hgelp [01:55] why cant we [01:55] Invisionfree have you tried hplip [01:55] bud32, Hope I don't destroy my OS >>_> [01:55] I'm getting Error 17 in the Grub Boot Loader. How do I fix this? [01:55] Stroganoff: Huh? [01:55] el1te Fixing sound.. download this: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa/raw-file/tip/alsa-info.sh #and run the script as Normal User... with this command: bash ./alsa-info.sh ... then go to http://en.pastebin.ca/906336 and answer those questions .. then /join #Alsa and provide them with your question and a link to the uploaded file. [01:55] Acorn What are yo using t change resolution? [01:55] NeilDude: You might want to check out this forum post -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 [01:55] el1te: with this kind a attitude ? [01:55] Hey! After I hibernate(8.04, compiz, emerald) - i can't re-size my windows! Any idea? [01:55] smmagic: just choose carefully where you install Ubuntu [01:55] Ahadiel: geforce4 Ti 4200 [01:55] el1te Please dont use rude shorthand in this channel. [01:55] smmagic: windows is usually always on hda1 [01:56] I have already shrank my vista partition so there is 80gb left bud32 [01:56] Painless, thank you [01:56] i been asking nicely for past 4 days with good attitude [01:56] NeilDude: yw [01:56] Byron1: nvidia xserver settings [01:56] smmagic: ok [01:56] um i also been in #also for last week [01:56] Invisionfree: sudo apt-get install hplip [01:56] #also wont help me cause ubuntu changes shit in iut [01:56] el1te do yo have a link to the output from that script [01:56] Acorn, Try using the one in System => Preferences => Screen Resolution === Taco is now known as Maslow [01:56] Ahadiel: same [01:56] Stroganoff: Already the newest version :? [01:56] Acorn have you looked in /usr/share/application/Screen and Graphicss? [01:56] garrett__: have you ever used fedora? any opinions? [01:57] Thats not the same Ahadiel as the one from #psp-hacks is it? [01:57] Invisionfree, try sudo hp-setup [01:57] Byron1: no, what should i look for? [01:57] Maslow, Are you the same Taco from #psp-hacks? [01:57] powertool08: i did for about a year. it's alrigt. same tradeoffs [01:57] Yessir :D [01:57] ive got a laptop, ive been running ubuntu for about 2 1/2 years now, and im wondering if anyone else has had this experience. on hardy, when on batteries, my entire system just runs so much worse than it used to [01:57] sacamano, Do you have cpu scaling? [01:57] sacamano, ie. cpufreq-utils [01:57] Invisionfree then there's also the old trick of disabling usb 2.0 support in the bios.. [01:58] Acorn go to /usr/share/applications and click on Screens and graphics [01:58] Actually im trying to figure out how to add two more desktops to this so that the whole cube deal works right, right now its only got two so its like flipping over a flat piece rather than a cube. [01:58] Good Night :) === marcus is now known as marca311 [01:58] Maslow, Do you have compizconfig-settings-manager? [01:58] powertool08: they were the first distro to do the automatic updates stuff, which was nice at the time. but i wouldn't say it's anything special. the only reason i used it is because it was the only distro with commercial support at the time i was migrating a homebrew linux network to something that the person who'd be replacing me would be able to manage [01:58] Mhmm, going through it right now. [01:58] Maslow under compiz setting general is horizontal set to 4? [01:58] Ahadiel, i don't think so. ive upgraded from gutsy === roxahris is now known as roxandLAPTOP [01:59] Maslow, There's an option under "General Options" [01:59] does anybody here own a sansa? [01:59] sacamano, then sudo apt-get install cpufreq-utils [01:59] 1 thnx [01:59] powertool08: but we had a very good reason for a homebrew network (of like 40 machines and 5 servers) [01:59] Thanks, I appreciate it. [01:59] Maslow, General Options => Desktop Size [01:59] Ahadiel, here's a random one, my audio just cut out twice. same problem? [01:59] Stroganoff [01:59] error: PyQt not installed. GUI not available. Exiting. [01:59] warning: PyQt init failed. Reverting to interactive mode. [01:59] wol2 I have one that I am working with for my nephew [01:59] sacamano, I don't think so. [01:59] hello, i got problem with hardy on my laptop. the wireless card only got 11mb. can anybody explain why ? [01:59] powertool08: this was back when machines couldn't really afford to have a general kernel, and we had to write scripts to poll our servers for new kernel source and rebuild each of their kernels with specific configurations [01:59] nice byron. [01:59] byron1, are you a developer? [02:00] Thats cool, I can do like 15 and it just changes shapes. === marca311 is now known as hacker_at_12 [02:00] powertool08: i liked gentoo more than fedora, though. [02:00] If I were running Ubuntu on a non internet connected Power PC, would it be possible for me to jumpdrive the packages over to the system? [02:00] Invisionfree, My guess is that you need pyqt. (Probably sudo apt-get install pyqt) === wol2 is now known as woli [02:00] !usb | chronos_ [02:00] chronos_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [02:00] !aptoncd | chronos_ [02:00] chronos_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers [02:01] Invisionfree: sudo apt-get install python-qt3 [02:01] my windows network connection doesn't work after installing ubuntu. please help [02:01] chronos_: er, sorry, misread. yeah, just dpkg --install package.deb [02:01] hacker_at_12 did you power down and it didnt change [02:01] hacker It doesn't work in Ubuntu? [02:01] yes [02:01] Invisionfree, you need hplip-gui [02:01] it works in ubuntu [02:02] hey when i try to install hardy, i get errors that grub couldnt be installed, i tried hd0 (default) and tried changing it to sda but no go [02:02] Jack_Sparrow, I don't have access to a ubuntu internet connected PC, just my windows work pc [02:02] powertool08: also, i'm only 25, so saying "back in the day" feels completely absurd, but i guess hardware just moves fast. [02:02] but not in windows after installing ubuntu [02:02] powertool08: and i should preface that with the fact that most of the computesr were build with academic grants for different projects so some people were still running P133s and the like. [02:03] !alternate | android6011 use this and install LILO === tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal [02:03] android6011 use this and install LILO: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent [02:03] how do i remove a program [02:03] Ahadiel, is cpufreq-utils in the standard repos or did i misspell it? [02:03] chronos_ boot a livecd and save debs to a usb stick [02:03] Hacker are you familiar with windows network setup? [02:03] sacamano, try apt-cache search cpufreq (I don't actually use Ubuntu so it might be a different package name) [02:03] garrett__: wow, i figured you to be much older [02:03] yes [02:03] Painless: isnt there a easier way to creat a key for tls? [02:03] byron1, are you a developer? [02:03] Jack, would that work for the mix between ppc and x86? [02:03] Stroanoff ok thanks ill try that [02:04] woli yes [02:04] powertool08: nah. i first installed linux in 1997 in my freshman year of highschool. just had an early start. [02:04] powertool08: i even date people and have a social life and the like :O [02:04] hacker does the card show up? [02:04] Ahadiel, got it. ty [02:04] chronos_ you would use whatever works on ppc since we dont support it in here [02:04] byron1, are you interested in developing a synching-with-sansa software? [02:04] yes [02:04] does the alternate cd give the option of having no window manager? [02:04] woli I really don't have the time sorry [02:05] help, i changed my graphics card model, and logged out, and then it couldn't detect my graphics card, and now i can't find the settings anymore [02:05] android6011 as in server install [02:05] awww... [02:05] powertool08: i'm also three beers in before going out tonight, so excuse my typing :O [02:05] WIDESPREADpanic: hmm... there's another tutorial here? --> http://www.aet.tu-cottbus.de/personen/jaenicke/pfixtls/doc/myownca.html [02:05] Jack_Sparrow I suppose, id just like a scaled down system to start and add thigns as needed [02:05] is that i hate switching into windows everytime i want to synch songs to sansa [02:05] garrett__: i'm a couple years younger than you, i first installed back in fall of 06 [02:05] !minimal [02:05] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [02:05] and sometimes i drag em and they ain't in the sansa when i unplug it [02:05] only synch works [02:05] msg el11te [02:06] woli what do you mean? [02:06] thanks! i wasnt aware there was a minimal cd for ubuntu [02:06] np [02:06] Ahadiel: where were the settings again? i messed it up and can't find it anymore [02:06] Stroganoff: sudo hp-setup isn't doing anything? [02:06] i seem to have broke perl http://hashbin.com/3yd [02:06] Acorn under /etc/X11 [02:06] that only the 'plays for sure' mode really works, because otherwise you might add songs without being able to hear them when the deviced is 'refreshed' [02:06] Invisionfree: sudo apt-get install hplip-gui [02:06] then try again [02:06] hello? [02:06] Acorn, /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:06] garrett__: i feel like the learning curve is alot shallower than it used to be, which i guess is good for the growth of linux in general... but i feel that it loses things along the way [02:07] Stroganoff: I did, see PM. [02:07] #helpme [02:07] i wonder if the wmp synch just copies songs to the sansa drive, or if it does something different.... [02:07] powertool08: word. steep learning curve when stuff breaks, but good knowledge to have, as most operating systems behave in the same way once you strip away all the upper-level doodads and whizbags [02:07] After i booted the Live CD it came to a log-in screen. What is the username and password for the login screen? [02:07] Ahadiel: no, what you said earlier, about screen and settings or something, it was in user [02:07] powertool08: agreed. but you can peel away that abstraction any time you like [02:07] !helpme | hacker_at_12 [02:07] hacker_at_12: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [02:07] Acorn, I didn't say that, Byron1 did. [02:07] Billenium, are you using xbuntu ? [02:07] oh, byron then :) [02:08] no === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [02:08] Ubuntu LiveCD [02:08] garrett__: and of course i've noticed the changes even in help chats such as this, with a shallow learning curve comes less patient, more demanding users [02:08] powertool08: that's absolute truth right there. [02:08] Acorn there is a program located in /usr/share/applications called screen and graphics [02:08] anyone knows why I can't get the boot splash with a custom kernel?? [02:09] powertool08: try reading a programming forum. "I NEED CODEZ FOR JAVA PROGRAM TO DO MYSPACEZ!" [02:09] ugh this is no help... [02:09] quit [02:09] ^quit [02:09] thankyou Byron1 [02:09] quit [02:09] sorry [02:09] mongolai, /quit [02:10] hacker did you say that your wireless was visible in windows network settings [02:10] whoever is interested in helping me with my windows-ubuntu network problem, just go to #qafor [02:10] whats the effect name for the sliding frames in compiz-fusion [02:10] ?? [02:10] garrett__: haha, i thought they were always after homework help [02:10] how do you disable a hardware driver? [02:10] hello everyone [02:10] !hello [02:10] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [02:10] Acorn, I'd say replace "nvidia" with "mesa" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:10] powertool08: but for the most part, those who're willing to learn will learn, and those who won't, won't. hopefully the software gets easier to use but fosters some understanding of what's going on under the hood [02:10] !blacklist [02:10] To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » [02:10] powertool08: haha, true. [02:10] how do i remove programs [02:10] powertool08: i've used #c and #math for homework help, before :P [02:11] my wireless started working.. [02:11] i had to press the wireless button on my laptop [02:11] would be nice if the led turns with [02:11] so I would know that wifi is on [02:11] axisys_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:11] Ahadiel: i need to work out how to undo everything i've done [02:11] is there a place i can see what window managers are available in ubuntu? [02:11] yojesus_1 depends on how they were installed [02:11] yojesus_1: chmod 644 /program [02:11] yojesus_1: Applications > Add/Remove [02:11] yojesus_1, use synaptic.. what do you want to get rid of? [02:11] Hey guys I'm having some dependecy problems when I try to compile simdock, can anyone help? [02:11] powertool08: though #math wound up being a 3hour conversation about finite automata [02:11] Acorn, Well, as far as I know nvidia-xsettings *should* give you a working config. [02:11] well i want to get rid of firefox ver3 and get ver2 [02:11] oh [02:11] android6011 I may have a webiste with the most popular ones listed [02:12] yojesus_1, did you do an upgrade and are now having problems? [02:12] powertool08: anyhow, i think the axiom is that some people expect and demand immediate solutions, and some people are willing to suss out why it's broken and then figure out how to fix it [02:12] im having problems [02:12] Jack_Sparrow if you do that would be great [02:12] is it possible to reset the installation? [02:12] powertool08: and thankfully that's not something limited only to computers. [02:12] im like very new to ubuntu [02:12] android6011 http://xwinman.org/ [02:12] yojesus_1, did you upgrade from Gutsy? [02:12] and go back to how it was before? [02:12] thanks again! [02:12] Is there a place to download the Debian Ubuntu 8 Package PERL for install since i broke it ? [02:12] android6011 let me know if that is what you were looking for [02:12] nahh i just got ubunt yestarday [02:12] second day using it [02:12] yojesus_1, what kind of issues are you having? [02:13] Jack_Sparrow ya thats perfect thanks [02:13] i cant hear nothing on firefox [02:13] powertool08: and from the amount of help i've recieved from people over the years, i do my best to help out the later whenever possible [02:13] a little help here please [02:13] yojesus_1, when playing a flash video or something? [02:13] hello. When I use sftp in Nautilus, it asks me for my password every time I open any file. how can I fix this [02:13] android6011 great [02:13] like youtube video music anything [02:13] !helpme | hacker_at_12 [02:13] hacker_at_12: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [02:13] it worked fine yestarday [02:13] Acorn If you get frustrated in trying to get it to work in 8.04 You might want to install 7.10 [02:14] hacker_at_12: i can't think of a reason why ubuntu would touch your ntfs partition during install, so i can't provide anything useful aside from telling you to turn it off and on and reinstall the drivers. [02:14] to get my webcam working, after every log off/ shutdown / restart etc. i have to go onto the terminal and type "sudo modprobe vloopback pipes=1", then my admin password, then "flashcam -qD". is there a way of making it do this automatically when ubuntu starts up instead of me having to do it? [02:14] yojesus_1, that might not be FF but a problem with pulse audio.. my FF plays just fine.. do sounds work in other places? [02:14] Painless, this is way over my head. that link you sent me does not apply to me and the documentation i'm reading on how to fix the error 17 is cryptic and confusing [02:14] hey fellas [02:14] yrah [02:14] anyone care to tell me where to get some sysmonitor screenlet themes? [02:14] yeah it doesnt work in fire fox only [02:15] Ok my issue is one that could make my wife make me (cause i would not if i had a choice) put xp bake on her system if she doesnt have it the simplest way possible and right not I am suck. She has a wireless connection and I am broadcasting and have wpa personal enabled and after she boots it takes a little bit to I guess see the network and then asks her for the password. I am looking to make this network default so she doesnt have to do all that it just [02:15] connects. Thats it [02:15] hacker I went to #qafor what happen? [02:15] does anyone know how i can fix grub boot loader error 17? [02:15] anyone care to tell me where to get some sysmonitor screenlet themes? [02:15] yojesus_1, have you tried to change any of the audio options by double clicking the volumn control icon? [02:15] anyone care to tell me where to get some sysmonitor screenlet themes? [02:15] the strange thing is that when i just go straight from the modem and not through a router, it works perfectly. [02:15] tux0, gkrelm in synaptic [02:15] to get my webcam working, after every log off/ shutdown / restart etc. i have to go onto the terminal and type "sudo modprobe vloopback pipes=1", then my admin password, then "flashcam -qD". is there a way of making it do this automatically when ubuntu starts up instead of me having to do it? [02:15] ledmushroom: so you want the network config to automatically provide the WPA/WEP key? [02:15] idk im listing to music on rythmbox but cant listent to anything on firefox [02:16] yes [02:16] i checked on the volume control [02:16] evrything seems fine [02:16] how [02:16] sorry, bad link forget about it [02:16] NeilDude: did you try the fixgrub doc? [02:16] and the name of the network too if i turn off bradcasting [02:16] to get my webcam working, after every log off/ shutdown / restart etc. i have to go onto the terminal and type "sudo modprobe vloopback pipes=1", then my admin password, then "flashcam -qD". how do i make it do this automatically when ubuntu starts up instead of me having to do it? [02:16] danbhfivei, i don't think so. [02:16] can anyone help yojesus_1 activate audio in FF.. fresh install.. new user.. I'm stumped on this one. [02:16] GottaBeAndrew: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-2.html [02:17] thankyou [02:17] my wireless on my hp nc 6200 with intel pro 2200BG is now working.. [02:17] !fixgrub > NeilDude and tab completion makes spelling names easier [02:17] !startup | GottaBeAndrew [02:17] GottaBeAndrew: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [02:17] GottaBeAndrew: make a script with those commands and add it to the things ran at startup [02:17] i had to press the wifi button which had no use in earlier versions of ubuntu [02:17] audio works for yojesus_1 everywhere except in FF [02:17] is there a way to turn the led on of the wifi button [02:17] GottaBeAndrew-> you can cheat and insert your script in the /etc/network/if-pre-up.d [02:18] yojesus_1, are you running 64 bit or 32? [02:18] ok, thanks bbyever and amenado [02:18] how do i check [02:18] will i have to enter my password as a part of the script? [02:18] yojesus_1, when you downloaded the install iso did you choose 64 or x86 [02:18] danbhfive, that doesn't really help [02:18] Jack_Sparrow i tried the alsa script and gives an erroor [02:18] el11te See gnubien in Alsa [02:18] GottaBeAndrew-> scripts in the if-up.d are usually root owned [02:18] ok [02:19] so i won't need a password then? [02:19] ok [02:19] el1te Did it wor for you before? [02:19] idk i order ubunt online and got it yestarday on mail i think 64 [02:19] thanks, bye!!! [02:19] work [02:19] GottaBeAndrew: you could add your commands to the end of /etc/rc.local also [02:19] ok [02:19] i'll note that down [02:19] GottaBeAndrew: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:19] ledmushroom: hm. i use my neighbors wireless network, and it just uses MAC address protection, but my guess is that google will yeild an answer [02:19] NeilDude: well, it either works, or it doesnt [02:19] that would be a more relevant place for them [02:19] garrett__: do you know where the gnome startup scripts are stored? [02:19] danbhfive, I don't have access to an OS. [02:19] Jack_Sparrow in windows it did [02:19] anyone feel like telling me why the new 8.10 mounts my disk as /dev/sda not hda? [02:19] NeilDude: you would have to boot with the livecd [02:19] stuck in 16bit access and no dma [02:19] since ubunut wontt work on my laptop what is the distro most like ubuntu? [02:19] danbhfive, I need to repair this somehow from the terminal that comes on the alternate desktop amd64 installation cd. [02:20] el1te If you have been working on this for days in here and alsa you should have already run that script.. and it wont work from windows [02:20] Question: When I use sftp in Nautilus, it asks me for my password every time I open any file. how can I fix this [02:20] Painless-> i agree with you, thats why i said to cheat...have it in if-pre-up.d [02:20] penis [02:20] ledmushroom: this looks like it might be relevant to you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo [02:20] check your logs if you are calling me a liar [02:20] Can anyone tell me what the definitive best CD ripper is for Linux? [02:20] danbhfive, I don't have the livecd. [02:20] NeilDude: ok, so did you try the instructions? Im getting confused... [02:20] yojesus_1, go to Applications/accessories/terminal and type uname -a that should tell you [02:20] MariusAZ: cdparanoia [02:20] do you guys usually install all the software updates? [02:20] cypha yes [02:20] fireun: is there a GUI front end? [02:20] the ones that automatically show up at your system tray [02:20] k [02:20] Hey guys! [02:21] MariusAZ: likely [02:21] fireun: I'm looking for something that'll also do tagging, multiple burners, etc [02:21] I am thinking of switching to ubuntu for my HTPC [02:21] powertool08: hold on, i'll take a look [02:21] will SPDIF optical OUT work with ubuntu? [02:21] cypha: definately, unless it's a debian made patch for openssl (joke) [02:21] since ubuntu wont work on my laptop what is the distro most like ubuntu? === ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u [02:21] MariusAZ: try #vorbis [02:21] Thanks [02:21] lol, k [02:21] thanks [02:21] danbhfive, I simply cannot try those instructions. step 2 says open a terminal by going to blah blah menu. I cannot boot into Linux from the live cd because I do not have the live cd. I only have the shell from the rescue mode on my alternate CD. [02:22] I was thinking centos but I wanted to get someone elses opinion [02:22] NeilDude: terminal == shell [02:22] terminal is the shell [02:22] My question is why does my hd show up as /dev/sda when its an IDE drive and normally (previous ubuntu installs) it shows up at /dev/hda, which is normal, and allows me to use hdparm [02:22] fancy name [02:22] bigred2k579: what happens when you try and use ubuntu on your laptop? [02:22] danbhfive, okay [02:22] follow up question, i have "gnome-do -quiet" added to my sessions to autostart [02:22] but gnome-do shows up when i start ubuntu [02:22] how can i not have it show up at all? [02:23] someone please help, I am trying to switch to ubuntu for my HTPC - will SPDIF optical OUT work with ubuntu? [02:23] at the start [02:23] !uuid > fireun here is a tidbit of info, but I dont really know [02:23] ehhh long story....I can install from a cd but only by disabling a bunch of stuff and then after the install is done it wont boot from the hdd [02:23] danbhfive, after following step 3, i get "/bin/sh: sudo: not found" [02:23] NeilDude: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-ec3e41291c7a5a7b61d7827299415204067765de [02:23] just says starting up with a blinkiung cursor [02:23] danbhfive, these instructions assume I am booted into an OPERATING SYSTEM. I am at a BLUE SCREEN that is definitely NOT an operating system. am i getting through to you? [02:23] bigred2k579: ouch [02:24] i cant hear sound on firefox any one thinks they know y [02:24] danbhfive: thanks, I think its one of the causes for my laptop locking up if left unattended for long enough, I come back, type my pwd in and it just freezes, cant get a virtual term or ctrl-alt anything [02:24] anyone use gnome-do and have it autostart? [02:24] yo maybe you muted firefox [02:24] hey all, any issues with Emerald theme veiwer? [02:24] i cant change themes [02:24] how [02:24] and where [02:24] or if i do change them they dont actually change until i reboot [02:24] fireun-> if you look into udev rules, thats how the newer naming convention is done.. [02:24] I think its ctrl+m or something [02:24] you have to add it to your startup modumass [02:24] Icould be wrong [02:24] how do i unmute it [02:24] darkcrab, it strarts [02:24] amenado: yeah, I've seen the uuids in fstab [02:25] oh [02:25] like it runs when you reboot [02:25] darkcrab, it just doesnt change to the theme i select when i select that theme [02:25] amenado: but I couldnt even boot the new ubuntu install without changing root=/dev/sdaX instead of hda [02:25] fireun-> that too, i dislike it but..its a trend in most distros [02:25] someone please help, I am trying to switch to ubuntu for my HTPC - will SPDIF optical OUT work with ubuntu, if so, how might I get it to work? [02:25] darkcrab, it will only change tot the selected theme on reboot [02:25] cypha: there's an alternative method here --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/do/+bug/195097 [02:25] Launchpad bug 195097 in do "Please provide an autostart file" [Medium,Confirmed] [02:25] and this aint windows, screw rebooting all the time [02:25] NeilDude do you know the device id of your root partition? [02:25] someone please help, I am trying to switch to ubuntu for my HTPC - will SPDIF optical OUT work with ubuntu, if so, how might I get it to work? [02:26] well yea [02:26] I need to take a screenshot of a contextual menu [02:26] how do I do this? [02:26] k, cool thanks painless [02:26] I want the cursor, menu, all that [02:26] oii [02:26] ethana2, use the print screen button then edit in gimp [02:26] iSplicer: search for SPDIF optical out support for ubuntu on google [02:26] powertool08: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/GNOME.html [02:26] scunizi: but it won't let me [02:26] Does anyone know the username and password for Ubuntu Live CD? [02:26] scunizi: it won't let me do that unless all menus are closed [02:27] powertool08: err.. that might be out of date [02:27] Billenium-> blank blank [02:27] scunizi: does it do it like windows when I have menus open? [02:27] UMM ANYONE KNOWS Y I CANT HEAR SOUND IN FIREFOX [02:27] garrett__: thanks, i think i've almost got this sorted out now, i can login if i don't run the startup scripts [02:27] NeilDude: I understand that you are upset, but please understand that I don't know what your troubles are, until you tell me. Even then, I may not know how to help. I'm just some guy. That said, does the 'grub' command work? [02:27] as in enter enter or type in blank? [02:27] ... [02:27] I solved it!! [02:27] powertool08: so you just need to figure out what's breaking gnome [02:27] ethana2, yeah i can't even change my volume when a menu is open [02:27] Acorn: yippie! [02:27] powertool08: rigt on to you :) [02:27] ethana2, just tried it and it doesn't work for me either.. [02:27] Billenium-> noooh..i was just teasing you, there are no password [02:27] NeilDude: since you are in rescue mode, you are already root, and you dont need sudo [02:27] powertool08: i wish i could be more help, but i've spent the past 8years avoiding gnome because it's bloated :P [02:27] scunizi: I have a bug I need to confirm [02:28] growl [02:28] amenado-> What? It is asking me for a username and password... [02:28] ethana2, if you find a way to make the menu not take priority over keyboard presses or whatever, let me know please [02:28] powertool08: and it's hell if you don't have a gui [02:28] so cool thing i can connect to svn bad thing it won't accept passwords? [02:28] the problem wasn't the graphics card, that was all fine, the problem was that I didn't have my monitor selected [02:28] Billenium-> on a liveCD ? [02:28] cypha: I need the pic /of/ the menu here [02:28] nothing else [02:28] anyone? what is another distro that is similar to ubuntu's ease of install and use [02:28] lol [02:28] yes [02:28] Jack_Sparrow: Printer help please? [02:28] this is horrible [02:28] on a LiveCD [02:28] ethana2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:28] anyone thinks they know y i cant hear sound on firefox but i am able to listent to music on rythim box ?? [02:28] ethana2, not neccessarily a but but you could report it as one in launchpad and it might get some attention [02:28] powertool08: almost every WM i've ever used has just used the ~/.xsession file to run things at statrup [02:28] bigred2k579: debian? (: [02:28] what's /of/ mean? [02:28] scunizi: ok [02:28]  Billenium: leave those empty [02:28] powertool08: so if something was broken, there were only a few places to look. gnome's a byzantian mess [02:28] garrett__: ha, ya i don't normally use it myself, and you've been tons of help, not to mention your insight on linux in general [02:29] Invisionfree what printer... [02:29] I did, i hit enter then enter and it said password wrong [02:29] ethana2, btw, you can make a time delay before the print screen [02:29]  Billenium: try ubuntu or lvecd [02:29] livecd* [02:29] but i think you have to download a print screen plugin [02:29] how come there's no easy way to get to the screen and display settings? [02:29] garrett__: what do you use for a wm? [02:29] powertool08: it's nice to talk to people who're interested aside from just wanting to get redtube and skype working [02:29] i am using Ubuntu LiveCD x.x [02:29] fireun: you being serious? [02:29] i definitely read that somewhere though [02:29] Billenium: have you tried 'root' and just hitting enter for the password? [02:29] Jack_Sparrow: HP Deskjet F4180 [02:29] not yet [02:29] be right back [02:29] powertool08: fluxbox, usually. i've been a little too lazy to install it just yet, as when i haven't been working i've been playing neverwinternights [02:29] bigred2k579: you asked for another distro - what do you want from it? [02:29] Acorn: what are you needing to do? [02:30] cypha: thanks! it did what I need [02:30] !sudo | Billenium [02:30] Billenium: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [02:30] powertool08: i just decided to give ubuntu a shot last weekend when my windows install did the windows thing and imploded on its self like a child of divorce at an open abr [02:30] erp, bar [02:30] garrett__: whats the difference in fluxbox and blackbox? [02:30] ethana2, what did what you need? [02:30] powertool08: blackbox isn't maintained anymore [02:30] an image of a menu [02:30] powertool08: fluxbox is based on blackbox [02:30] to file a bug on firefox [02:30] is there a channel for conky? [02:30] ugh... do you guys not understand? [02:30] Billenium, Try sudo su when on the livecd [02:30] I am at a login-screen [02:31] not a terminal... [02:31] fireun....just a secure file system...ease of install and use.... [02:31] !conky [02:31] Factoid conky not found [02:31] Jack_Sparrow: HP Deskjet F4180, but apparently it only shows up with F4100.. === elkbuntu is now known as elky [02:31] Billenium, Since when does the livecd have a login screen? [02:31] powertool08: i don't remember what happened, exactly, but the guy(s)/girl(s) writing blackbox quit working on it, and some other developers picked it up [02:31] Billenium, Try username: ubuntu password: ubuntu? [02:31] thingfish: just need to change my monitor, and should the hardware driver thing automatically get the correct graphics card driver? is there any way to tell which model of graphics card it is installing a driver for? [02:31] powertool08: and thus fluxbox was born [02:31] bigred2k579: gentoo? [02:31] Ahadiel: i have had a login screen on livecds, but if you leave the fields empty you can login [02:31] I want a OS that if it gets stolen ALL of the data on it is safe [02:31] I dont know... I even unplugged my hard drive ( i corrupted the thing or something... so im using the LiveCD to try and salvage some important files) [02:32] i tried ubuntu:ubuntu [02:32] bbyever, I know some do, but I didn't think ubuntu did. [02:32] I can no longer extract rar files, what gives? [02:32] Billenium, ubuntu:blank?\ [02:32] tried it [02:32] * [02:32] hrm [02:32] Billenium, It's supposed to be username: ubuntu and no password [02:32] Billenium: which option did you take from the livecd's boot menu? [02:32] how do you make it so that inserted media (CD-ROM, USB device etc) doesn't appear on the desktop? [02:32] Acorn: is this on hardy? Because if so, the ability to define one's display components has been taken away by the new and improved xorg. [02:32] First one: install and boot from liveCD [02:32] powertool08: it's light weight, looks good and integrates with just about anything [02:33] Everyone.. please pardon a little flood as I clear out the ban list... This wont take but a minute [02:33] theFATMAN: console: unrar [02:33] powertool08: i've only got 512M in my laptop, so I dig it [02:33] Ill restart and try to boot again... My CD-Drive is pretty fishy... it hates cooperating with LiveCDs [02:33] Acorn: I'm assuming this is a nvidia card? [02:33] thingfish: yes it is, but i'm on hardy and i just changed my display components :S [02:33] garrett__: i'm thinking about switching to either enlightenment or fluxbox, i liked kde since that was my first experience, but i've been slowly migrating to more cli programs and i hate kde4 [02:33] hello [02:33] stroganoff: can u clarify? [02:33] Stroganoff, during the installation of ubuntu, I did not choose a /boot or swap. I simply chose 1 parition to be / and that's it. does that pose a problem? [02:34] theFATMAN check if the "unrar" package is installed. if so, check terminal output if you run just "unrar" [02:34] Acorn: you mean you bought new components and you're needing to configure them? [02:34] powertool08: word word. i haven't tried enlightenment since there notices saying "you really need 64M of ram to use enlightenment" [02:34] Can anyone help me get frostwire working in hardy? it keeps telling me that it has the wrong java [02:34] powertool08: but right now gnome's using about 60M of ram just to run all the various applets and whatnot [02:34] how do you make it so that inserted media (CD-ROM, USB device etc) doesn't appear on the desktop? [02:35] thingfish: no, i just installed ubuntu for the first time. I need to get it set up with my monitor and my graphics card. [02:35] NeilDude you dont need a /boot, but a swap comes in handy. should be no problem regarding grub though [02:35] stroganoff, I have unrar and xarchive installed, as well as other needed files [02:35] Guys. My computer doesnt give me the option to set resolution to 1920X1200, just 1600X1200... Even though my 24" can do 1920. How do i fix this? Graphic card seems to work. [02:35] powertool08: but i'd say give it a shot. [02:35] theFATMAN terminal output on "unrar" [02:35] Stroganoff, ah okay === eric is now known as erisco [02:35] garrett__: do you know of any cli aim clients other than naim? [02:35] I just purchased an ATI Radeon x1550. Got the drivers in. How do I use composite video in/out? [02:36] Acorn: not much you can do if it doesn't work "out of the box". dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't allow one to configure video hardware anymore. [02:36] hey, I am using 8.04 and am unable to created a shared folder [02:36] powertool08: a friend of mine mentioned he was going to try it out, and i remember reading about how the project was picking up steam after like 5 years or something a couple of years ago, so maybe they're making some cool stuff [02:36] thingfish: i just tried lots of things and eventually went to the screen and display settings and changed it to my monitor model and it allowed me to change my resolution, but i had already messed things up a bit so i'm doing a clean install [02:36] Acorn: you can write your own xorg.conf ;) [02:36] it complains I do not have permission... so I try through the terminal but cannot seem to grant write access no matter what I do [02:36] powertool08: nope. i haven't used a cli aim client in years [02:36] alexander_ Xorg is till pretty inflexible.., try editing Xorg conf with this tool: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ [02:36] any ideas? === CharlesWillard is now known as HelpwFrostwirePl [02:36] stroganoff, just a second [02:36] heya... i'm using hardy, & i fdisked an old hard drive i had, rebooted... and now i'm trying to mkfs.ext3 the partition... but it says it's "in use by the system" even tho i've umounted everything there is to umount!! [02:36] garrett__: do you not use aim anymore or use something like pidgin? [02:36] powertool08: you could look into writing your own, though. you could use the pidgin libs [02:37] erisco: in a terminal su -l then try again [02:37] thingfish: i don't think i need to , i think it was the fact that the monitor was set to plug and play that stopped me from changing my resolution [02:37] stroganoff: filetype not supported [02:37] powertool08: i use pidgin for aim [02:37] theFATMAN use "unrar e archive.rar" [02:37] bbyever, it says authentication failure = [02:37] stroganoff, it doesnt make sense, i was using it earlier [02:37] erisco: with the root password? [02:37] stroganoff, ok [02:37] bbyever, yes [02:37] powertool08: on win32, too. though this stupid bruhah with the size of the conversation box in the new pidgin build is really annoying [02:37] powertool08: so i might start using the pidgin fork [02:38] erisco: sure you typed it correclty? [02:38] bbyever, absolutely [02:38] Acorn: ok well it sounds like you had better luck than I did. Doing things the right way, I could never get more than 1024x768 using the nv driver, and only 640x480 using the nvidia driver. I had to resort to replacing the hardy xorg.conf with one from gutsy. [02:38] Stroganoff: weird thing is that it used to work before. but now it only give me the 1600 option. should i add 1920 manually to xorg.conf and reboot? [02:38] is there any difference between setting your graphics card to nvidia or geforce4 (generic) or legacy? [02:38] aleX-xx: you don't need to reboot to do that. just ctrl+alt+bksp your X window [02:38] if a package is included with this distro it is this channel policy to support it isnt it [02:38] alexander_ yes add the modeline manually. dont reboot though, just press ctrl+alt+backspace when ready. [02:38] i mean i can ask rightfully right? [02:38] bbyever, the password works for all other root operations [02:39] bbyever, no idea what is going wrong ehre [02:39] erisco: try sudo instead, at the beginning of your command [02:39] elite: i don't know about policy, but the convention is to help where you can [02:39] bbyever, haha, sudo su -l [02:39] do i need an extra mirror to get qt-4.4 ? [02:39] bbyever, of course [02:39] Stroganoff: could you help me edit the xorg.conf file? [02:39] bbyever, but this does not help me... [02:39] garrett__ 1st thing ppl ask is what distro you using [02:39] bbyever, the issue is through the file browser GUI I cannot create a share [02:39] I am tryin to get my music to only come up when my music player is running, but for some reason the if_running is not working correctly, when i open my music player its only displayin the first line after ${if_running rhythmbox} and not the rest of it === elky is now known as elkbuntu [02:40] el1te: yeah? so? lots of distros have pecularities [02:40] erisco: sudo nautilus [02:40] bbyever, so I decided to use net usershare to do it myself but regardless of what I do I cannot seem to grant write persmissions [02:40] does anyone use their optical out from there comp to their home reciever [02:40] el1te: if you were using slackware, i wouldn't tell you to apt-get something. if you were using debian i wouldn't tell you to get an .rpm [02:40] stroganoff, how do i: 'enable component called multiverse'? [02:40] alexander_ add the modeline to the "Monitor" section [02:41] garrett__ "[20:39] elite: i don't know about policy, but the convention is to help where you can" [02:41] erisco: sudo nautilus [02:41] bbyever, I tried sudo nautilus --browser but it doesn't recognize it as a command [02:41] Acorn: dunno...but you most definitely want to choose the one that most closely matches your hardware. [02:41] el1te: that's apropos to what? [02:41] erisco: just sudo nautilus [02:41] bbyever, even though it says it is one [02:41] I didnt understand much of that xorg modline-tool... sorry... but i have the specs of my monitor: it can do 1920x1200, Horizontal Frequency : 31-94kHz, Vertical Frequency : 50~85Hz. can you help me create a modline that i should add? [02:41] you try and help no matter the distro [02:41] el1te: i do, personally, yes. [02:41] erisco: try it without the --browser option [02:41] el1te No.. we support it UNDER ubuntu.. not some other distro [02:42] thingfish: on the official nvidia website my card comes under legacy, but it is also a geforce4 card [02:42] el1te: but as a general principle, i think the convention is simply to help where you can. [02:42] ppl dont help no one if someone came in here and said they ran suse [02:42] they would say goto #opensuse [02:42] el1te: in this channel go figure, the topic is ubuntu [02:42] jesus we all know that [02:42] bbyever, okay how do I get out of root [02:42] Acorn: yes, geforce4 is legacy [02:42] bbyever, thanks by the way, worked well [02:42] el1te: what was your point? [02:42] !attitude | el1te [02:42] how do i enable the 'multiverse' component? [02:42] el1te: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [02:42] this conversation got sidetracked from the real problem [02:42] erisco: close the window or the terminal which you tiped the command from [02:42] thingfish: when i first installed it popped up a thing saying that restricted drivers were availiable for my gfx, and i think that set my gfx to just nvidia [02:42] erisco: np [02:42] el1te: i was simply saying that there's no mandate saying that we have to be completely familiar with every package in ubuntu [02:42] bbyever, I must have got the net usershare syntax wrong because my ACL arguments ended up in the share comments :P [02:42] Acorn: that is what's supposed to happen. [02:43] el1te what does lsb_release -a show exactly [02:43] el1te: if there's no one here that can/wants to offer support for something, you will recieve no support. [02:43] bbyever, ah, okay, thank-you [02:43] Jack_Sparrowi alread said i was running kubuntu 8.04 kde remix [02:43] several times [02:43] alexander_: instead of a modeline, you might want to try just inputing your vert and horiz refresh rates into the monitor section instead... that used to do that trick for me [02:43] el1te what does lsb_release -a show exactly [02:43] thingfish: hmm, well, my installation has just finished so i'll try enabling the restricted driver, and then setting the monitor setting to the correct make and model [02:43] if it shows the same thing i just typed im gonna be man [02:44] hopefully that will work [02:44] Jack_Sparrow i cant paste all that in channel [02:44] what part you want [02:44] el1te Use a pastebin [02:44] in debian with Gnome, how do you make it so that inserted media (CD-ROM, USB device etc) doesn't appear on the desktop? [02:44] I am tryin to get my music to only come up when my music player is running, but for some reason the if_running is not working correctly, when i open my music player its only displayin the first line after ${if_running rhythmbox} and not the rest of it [02:44] !paste | el1te [02:44] el1te: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [02:44] ok you better do this to other ppl also [02:44] not just me [02:44] I mean ubuntu [02:45] from now on you going to tell them that command to [02:45] Painless: ok. where is the monitor section? [02:45] adama: edit your fstab so the mount point is somewhere other than /media/whatever [02:45] in ubuntu with Gnome, how do you make it so that inserted media (CD-ROM, USB device etc) doesn't appear on the desktop? [02:45] i told you im on kubuntu 8.04 kde remix...something else you need [02:45] hmmm [02:45] ill paste it [02:45] but man is there something in there special your not getting cause i dont see it [02:45] okay, I am attempting to install Ubuntu for the 2nd time today. If the grub boot loader fails to work again, then it proves once again that Linux is a pile of junk [02:46] NeilDude: what happens? [02:46] NeilDude: and no it doesn't [02:46] garrett__, error 17. [02:46] el1te Your attitude is a big part of why you do not already have an answer [02:46] NeilDude: you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 already? [02:46] NeilDude: error 17 may mean your harddrive is dieing, FYI, so backup! [02:46] http://pastebin.ca/1027622 [02:46] garrett__, I have attempted to fix it through the shell on the alternative CD and the gui way. both have failed. [02:46] Jack_Sparrow: someone had to say it [02:47] why ppl keep on making me jump through hoops for nothng [02:47] garrett__: not sure how to pm... i'm using irssi [02:47] garrett__, yes I tried that. [02:47] NeilDude: no just that ubuntus installer is [02:47] Painless: where is this "monitor section"? is it in a menu somewhere, or in the xorg.conf? [02:47] here is the pastebin http://pastebin.ca/1027622 tell me whats in there that is diff then me saying i had kubuntu 8.04 kde remix [02:47] Acorn: what tool are you using to configure your monitor? [02:47] el1te: because an alien god smote you as a child for sins your doppleganger in a parallel dimension commited [02:47] alexander_ Xorg.conf [02:47] alexander_: check your pm's [02:48] garrett__ what is the diff of info that was missing [02:48] powertool08: /msg nick msg [02:48] why dont oyu answer [02:48] el1te You said you were using kubuntu yet that shows ubuntu [02:48] alexander_: looks like pm's are blocked... in /etc/X11/xorg.conf look for a section that begins 'Section "Monitor" ' [02:48] el1te: because after getting a jist for your attitude, i didn't feel like scrolling up and wasting my time. [02:48] hello world === Kaell2 is now known as genetimorphic [02:48] Jack_Sparrow trust me i know the diff between kde and gnome [02:48] how do i enable the 'multiverse' component? [02:49] and i know the diff from kde 3.5 and 4.0 [02:49] I am using Istanbul for capturing my screen and none of the video editor seem to read the file it makes. I can watch it ,but I can't use avidmux and open movie editor loads it ,but I don't see the video . So I am wondering does anyone know of a good video editor that reads Theora video and Vorbis sound [02:49] el1te Perhaps I should forward you to #Kubuntu [02:49] garrett__, I am going to record a video and put it on youtube. I'm tired of explaining the many ways I do something properly and and all hell breaks loose somehow screwing everything up. I haven't been able to install linux on my pc since ubunutu 6. [02:49] Jack_Sparrow perhaps i should install a real OS that works? [02:49] windows is the only thing that works [02:50] takes 5seconds [02:50] oh god i totally freaking agree. [02:50] NeilDude: i wish i could help you out a bit so you didn't have a sour taste in your mouth, but i've never come across that problem, so i haven't had to fix it myself === genetimorphic is now known as Qayos [02:50] el1te: nobody is making you install ubuntu [02:50] If you guys don't like linux [02:50] i've just installed django through ubuntu's package manager and i was reading a tutorial that would tell me to create a symbolic link in /var/www to /django_src/django/contrib/admin/media. this tutorial was made based on checking out a working copy of django through svn, so the path is off for me.. where can i find that in my system? [02:50] Keep it to yourself [02:50] el11te, windows does not work [02:50] Don't bother us about it [02:50] Joshua 11 [02:50] 1And it came to pass, when Jabin king of Hazor had heard those things, that he sent to Jobab king of Madon, and to the king of Shimron, and to the king of Achshaph, [02:50] 2And to the kings that were on the north of the mountains, and of the plains south of Chinneroth, and in the valley, and in the borders of Dor on the west, [02:50] if someone could have helped me by now they would have....its been a long week [02:50] Painless: i see. in my xorg.conf, under "monitor" it says: Identifier "Configured Monitor". and thats it. [02:50] 3And to the Canaanite on the east and on the west, and to the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Jebusite in the mountains, and to the Hivite under Hermon in the land of Mizpeh. [02:50] yuti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:50] 4And they went out, they and all their hosts with them, much people, even as the sand that is upon the sea shore in multitude, with horses and chariots very many. [02:51] 5And when all these kings were met together, they came and pitched together at the waters of Merom, to fight against Israel. [02:51] !ban yuti [02:51] Factoid ban yuti not found [02:51] thanks [02:51] how do i enable the 'multiverse' component? [02:51] airstrike: i dunno, but i'd say try 'cd / ; find | grep django' [02:51] alexander_: join #monitor so I dont flood here [02:51] airstrike: that'll tell you about all the files with 'django' in them [02:51] thingfish: byron1 told me earlier, it's usr/share/applications/screens and graphics [02:51] theFATMAN: system > administration > software sources? [02:51] thanks [02:51] airstrike: my guess is you'll be able to figure out the root django dir from there [02:51] I cannot enable the desktop effects on 7.10 with an nvidia card, produces a generic error and nothing definative written to my log files? [02:51] airstrike: sure ting :) [02:51] thingfish: seems odd that it's so inaccessible though [02:52] jsut tell me this...a quick poll if you will...does anyone use ubuntu/kubuntu/ANY LINUX (that is in this room) with optical-out? [02:52] /usr/share/doc/python-django [02:52] :> [02:52] Starnestommy, i'm gonna check it out, wasnt sure, lol, thanx, and brb [02:52] airstrike: nice! [02:52] what's that ; for? [02:52] airstrike: it separates commands so that you can run several on one line [02:53] i see [02:53] garrett__: did you get any of my messages? freenode says unregistered user pm's are blocked due to spam problems [02:53] airstrike: it's a command separator. command1 ; command2. so 'cd / ; find | grep django' cd's to your root dir then runs find from there [02:53] so it's really just 'find | grep django' [02:53] powertool08: i didn't [02:53] yup [02:53] thanks [02:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236/ any one help with my if_running code for my music? If i start my music player after conky is started it will only display Music and nothing after it. [02:53] powertool08: are you registered with nickserv? [02:53] Jack_Sparrow you see that Q i asked [02:53] that Poll? [02:53] garrett__: no i'm not [02:54] el1te , What do you mean by optical-out ? [02:54] powertool08: ah, that's why. suffice it to say that we're on the same page? [02:54] toslinlk cable [02:54] Joshua 15 [02:54] 1This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Judah by their families; even to the border of Edom the wilderness of Zin southward was the uttermost part of the south coast. [02:54] 2And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward: [02:54] im unable to hear any type of sound if firefox but im able to listent to music and watch videos on rythmbox [02:54] perhaps? [02:54] can I make a sh link executable? [02:55] its a fiberoptic cable used for the transmission of sound signals...ie...replaces the old analog rca cable with phone jack ends [02:55] tyler_2: in terminal chmod 777 filename [02:55] joe_chat: ty [02:55] tyler_2: with sudo [02:55] is there a way to get firefox and rhythm box working together ? [02:55] hey Acorn thanks for that info - had NO idea that stuff was there [02:56] powertool08: or you can register with nickserv and be able to send msg's [02:56] powertool08: /msg nickserv register, i think [02:56] dassouki: take them out to dinner [02:56] powertool08: /msg nickserv register your-password-here [02:57] thingfish: yeah, i think with most lcd monitors ubuntu detects it automatically and knows the resolution, but with an old ctr it just sets it to plug and play and you can't set it to a higher resolution than 640x480 [02:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236/ any one help with my if_running code for my music? If i start my music player after conky is started it will only display Music and nothing after it. [02:57] Jack_Sparrow nvidia licensed the tecjh from dolby i think....that is why boards that have the soundstorm apu like the xbox1 cost more...the license lets you have the ddl encoder....idk if linux has this included do you? [02:57] Can someone help me connecting my phone to Ubuntu? [02:57] acron: you have to specify the modelines yourself if the monitor doesn't support EDID values (which is basically like a bios in the monitor that gives the OS the modelines it supports) [02:57] Joshua 16 [02:57] 1And the lot of the children of Joseph fell from Jordan by Jericho, unto the water of Jericho on the east, to the wilderness that goeth up from Jericho throughout mount Bethel, [02:57] 2And goeth out from Bethel to Luz, and passeth along unto the borders of Archi to Ataroth, [02:58] 3And goeth down westward to the coast of Japhleti, unto the coast of Bethhoron the nether, and to Gezer; and the goings out thereof are at the sea. [02:58] uti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:58] is it good friday or something? [02:58] wuth the windows binary driver comes the licensed codec i guess [02:58] What are 'host access files control files for? (found in man 5 hosts_access) [02:58] !don't feed the troll [02:58] The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. [02:58] haha [02:59] Well im gonna step out for a while, thanks again Ahadiel. [02:59] I just purchased an ATI Radeon x1550. Got the drivers in. How do I use composite video in/out? [02:59] i don't think that's a troll so much as someone lazily doing god's work or whatever. [02:59] haha, why is power manager coming up on my desktop computer? :P [02:59] no one knows the answer to my Q? [02:59] el1te, what is it [03:00] Acorn: It comes up by default in Hardy. [03:00] about DDL/DTS hardware sound cards [03:00] linux dont do DDL/DTS for 5.1 gaming does it [03:00] !who | el1te [03:00] el1te: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:00] did you see what i wrote [03:01] el1te: yes [03:01] anyone know anything about this [03:01] el1te: Have you tried the ubuntu forums as well? [03:01] when it uses a media player the media player has codecs to make 5.1 audio streams right? well gaming is completely different it "ENCODES" to 5,1 [03:02] Joshua 18 [03:02] 1And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them. [03:02] 2And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. [03:02] 3And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you? [03:02] rer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:02] well baisacally im just saying if linux ppl made the driver it wont do DDL/DTS it will have to be a binary driver with that licensed codec right? [03:02] what does selecting your graphics card model in "screen and graphics" do? [03:02] el1te, please hang on a second while I search, ie wait until I give an answer before repeating again thanks [03:03] i was explaining not repeating [03:03] el1te, you want my help or not? [03:03] hey i think i know already and im trying to help you [03:03] hello [03:04] i just gave you more info then you know what to do with [03:04] el1te, is that a yes or a no? [03:04] somebody know how can i install freewins plug in for compiz? [03:04] el11te, i would listen to bazhang , your best chance fr help [03:04] i know DDL and DTS are licensed i guarantee linux cant do it [03:04] its not free [03:04] i should have thought before i installed kubuntu [03:04] I just purchased an ATI Radeon x1550. Got the drivers in. How do I use composite video in/out? [03:05] el1te, still waiting on your answer; you need my help or not [03:05] el1te then you know the answer.. end of story [03:05] help in which part...trying to fix my problem with sound or the info i gave you you are going to research? [03:06] hey i got a question [03:06] Jack_Sparrow you are correct and you know what i mean dont you...linux cant do it unless its included with the binary drivers or is some illegal hacked software [03:06] hi i was wondering how to get the wpa working. in the router configuration it says to choose a passphrase, then it says renewal in 3600s. does that mean the passwrd changes everytime and disconnects my wirelesss? [03:06] does anyone know if damn small linux has wifi enabled by default? [03:06] somebody know how can i install freewins plug in for compiz? [03:06] Jack_Sparrow: Whenever I click Print in ANYTHING, firefox, gedit, etc, it freezes the program .. Why, and how can I fix it? [03:06] bigsexy, doubtful and offtopic here :) [03:07] el1te I guess it cant do it.. end of story. So stop this line of discussion or get tagged as a troll [03:07] Woohoo Windows free for a week. [03:07] i just helped this whole channel....what are you talking about [03:07] if anyone asks about 5.1 someone who read what i wrote will say linux cant do it with 5.1 gaming [03:07] thats good info [03:08] !congrats [03:08] Factoid congrats not found [03:08] i need some help useing emearld themes how do i get them to work i installed the mearald them thing but theyy wont work [03:08] Hola [03:08] !yay | saint__ [03:08] saint__: Glad you made it! :-) [03:08] can anyone help me out? [03:08] Alguien que hable español? [03:08] i was wondering how to get the wpa working. in the router configuration it says to choose a passphrase, then it says renewal in 3600s. does that mean the passwrd changes everytime and disconnects my wirelesss? [03:08] !es | oscar: [03:08] oscar:: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [03:08] !es | oscar [03:08] oscar: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [03:08] congrats saint__ [03:08] !ot | el1te [03:08] el1te: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [03:08] when's 8.10 coming out? [03:08] thnx [03:08] el1te: in October [03:08] er, evilbug [03:08] Joshua 22 [03:08] 1Then Joshua called the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, [03:08] lol [03:08] please take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic el1te [03:08] 2And said unto them, Ye have kept all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, and have obeyed my voice in all that I commanded you: [03:09] 3Ye have not left your brethren these many days unto this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God. [03:09] tonewhy: no, renewal should only be for the dhcp lease (and it will just ask and get the same address again usually) [03:09] yourmama: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:09] Jack_Sparrow: Whenever I click Print in ANYTHING, firefox, gedit, etc, it freezes the program .. Why, and how can I fix it? [03:09] evilbug: 8.10 comes out in 2008/10 [03:09] What can i use to make DVD Case Inserts in ubuntu have tried glabels but it doesn't do it. Any Suggestions [03:09] i need some help i got the emearld themeaer and i imported a theme i want but it wont work [03:09] Invisionfree did it ever work? [03:09] bazhang after you thank me for teaching you something that you were going to try and look up and i saved you time [03:09] yourmama: sudo apt-get install gnomesword [03:09] What's the big changes in 8.10? [03:09] right. [03:09] Jack_Sparrow: No idea, this is the first time I've had a printer to try it :( [03:09] el1te, please stop [03:09] you keep having bot send me shit [03:10] you stop [03:10] i need some help i got the emearld themeaer and i imported a theme i want but it wont wor [03:10] zcat[1], :) [03:10] i need some help i got the emearld themeaer and i imported a theme i want but it wont wor [03:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236/ any one help with my if_running code for my music? If i start my music player after conky is started it will only display Music and nothing after it. [03:11] I am having the same emerald problem. [03:11] Jack_Sparrow: No idea, this is the first time I've had a printer to try it :? [03:11] i need some help i got the emearld themeaer and i imported a theme i want but it wont wor [03:12] @emerald: have you activated emerald as your window decorator already? typing 'emerald --replace' in console would start it for example [03:12] i need some help i got the emearld themeaer and i imported a theme i want but it wont wor [03:12] diddl: whats the code i forgot it [03:12] test: alt-F2 and type "emeraly --replace" [03:12] evdev mouse support anyone know how? [03:13] test: alt-F2 and type "emerald --replace" sorry [03:13] can anybody tell me which webcam is best compatable for ubuntu [03:13] folks, whats the best way to power off a USB hard drive? [03:13] and also in compizconfig-settings-manager, windows decorations tab change the window decorator to emerald [03:13] zcat[1]: isnt it emerald --replace & disow or something [03:14] .. or something. [03:14] has anybody gotten the built in remote desktop on 8.04 to work [03:14] judgepg: unmount it? [03:14] isnt it emerald --replace & disow or something [03:14] @emerald and ccsm: changing it there does not work for me. I had to include a 'emerald --replace' in my session startup [03:14] bbyever: thanks for your answer. How about turning the power off it [03:14] no idea, but mine is working and yours isn't .. take it or leave it :) [03:15] Jack_Sparrow: No idea, this is the first time I've had a printer to try it :? [03:15] hello everyone [03:15] does anyone know what the code is for emaerald themes [03:15] bbyever, can I kill the power safely after umount, or that's not really controlled by Ubuntu [03:15] judgepg: it should be safe after unmounting it [03:15] bbyever, thanks buddy [03:15] okay you guys. moment of truth! I just followed a tutorial word for word and i am at a stopping point not because "i" screwed something up, but because LINUX screwed something up. [03:15] judgepg: np [03:15] is it emerald --replace & disown [03:15] can anybody help me choose [03:16] a webcam [03:16] !webcam | ynyus77 [03:16] ynyus77: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [03:16] I have 1 of 2 options. Give up. 2. hurt people! [03:16] you decide! [03:16] thanks [03:16] hey people [03:16] NeilDude, ask a question [03:16] test: that would be in the terminal, so that emerald goes background and doesn't get killed when you close the terminal.. I says alt-F2, not terminal [03:16] NeilDude, and stay on topic [03:16] bazhang, why does linux suck so much? [03:16] NeilDude, with that attitude, i advise giving up. hurting people will only cause you more trouble. [03:17] NeilDude: because that is your opinion on linux [03:17] wow, special conversation [03:17] NeilDude: if you dont like it, use windows or os x or whatever you see fit [03:17] ok [03:17] yep, definately time to give up NeilDude. [03:17] NeilDude: all OSes suck .. linux doesn't suck as much as some others.. [03:17] NeilDude, bad timing [03:17] UBUNTU OWNS! [03:17] The grub package failed to install into /target/. without the grub boot loader, the installed system will not boot. AMAZING. [03:17] anyone have tx2000z? [03:17] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help? [03:17] Huge tip for you guys don't edit your config files from windows... they should put a warning about that. [03:18] you can use dos2unix [03:18] Ubuntu would suck slightly less if I could find a way to record /dev/video0; composite1 without having to screen-record tvtime [03:18] i would have to say that grub boot loader is a big piece of sh*t! [03:18] i'm trying to connect to my network. dmesg shows a message like this: wlan0: authentication with [my router] timed out. i have bcm4306 and i have run the b43-fwcutter. i have kernel 2.6.24 [03:18] oh pulease, windows is cheap, copier and costs. apple just is too, white. so UBUNTU OWNS [03:18] ;( [03:18] NeilDude, stop with the profanity [03:18] can anyone help me with mdadm? i am having a problem with 2 UUIDS showing up in examine mode [03:18] so does nintendo.. hehe [03:18] anyone notice myspace pages lag really bad? [03:18] How do I add a splash theme? [03:18] when they shouldnt really.. well not this comp anyhow [03:19] does anybody have any pointers on making xubuntu eat as little system resources as possible? like services and stuff i can turn off [03:19] ubuntu? [03:19] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help???? [03:19] ok, people. [03:19] NeilDude: then go back to windows. goodbye. [03:19] InGunsWeTrust: yeah, turn off all the ones you don't need :) [03:19] just installed wine [03:19] now get a glass. [03:19] gamui: make sure to let it breath before you drink it [03:19] How do I add a splash theme? [03:20] prettyricky, !usplash [03:20] NeilDude: and google "vista compatibility" while you're at it. cheers. [03:20] hahaha.. >_< [03:20] I'm unable to setup my second monitor and I'm totally clueless of what can I do to have it working .... help is really appreciated! [03:20] haha [03:20] gamui: ill get my coat...... :( [03:20] i have start up manager but when I try to add a new one It wont show up [03:20] e are looking in the irc logs... can someone point me to a specific time in there or a name [03:20] Kay, can someone give me some advice on why my screen is little diffrent colored lines with 7.04 during install [03:20] InGunsWeTrust: you could try installing a minimal install, and then just install xfce. Maybe that will work [03:20] wladston: google about for "dual monitor ubuntu" [03:21] !usplash | prettyricky [03:21] prettyricky: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork [03:21] wladston: i hate to send you off to google, but there are lots of good how-tos and tutorials on the topic [03:21] people, install and go on atlantic. [03:21] garrett__: I have ... got a long time .... [03:21] wladston: hahaha [03:21] tell me when your on [03:21] !twinhead | wladston [03:21] Factoid twinhead not found [03:21] InGunsWeTrust: or you might want to install fluxbuntu [03:21] wladston: i've only done it with nvidia [03:21] garrett__, there will always be a divide between linux users and everyone else. when you fail to meet success with windows, you just try again and it works. nobody smites you for your rage. if you fail at linux, you try again and fail again. then when you smite linux, there's a whole community of people smiting you. you people are called fanboys and you don't help in any way [03:21] !dualhead | wladston [03:21] wladston: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [03:21] wladston: nvidia has a nice little tool to do it, actually [03:21] In "Gene," a PHP IDE, I receive a permission denied for attempting to overwrite a file on the desktop? Why is the permission denied? I really dislike using the "nautilus," or whatever it is, as it does not looks like the theme I have applied, it looks rather ugly. [03:21] obsessive programming people [03:22] sigh [03:22] linux is a piece of shit. [03:22] * Jade_Warlord Winamp: Love Pop Ballad - Hello - Lionel Richie [04:19m/192Kbps/44KHz] [03:22] garrett__: I'm stuck with an Intel card on my notebook [03:22] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help???? H E L L O I A M S T I L L H E R E. [03:22] hi folks, i've followed a tutorial to backup my box to another box by gzip-ing everything in my root, then copying it accross and unzipping, this has worked ok but now on boot I get "waiting for root filesystem" can this be repaired? [03:22] Neildude: WHAT?????? maybe you prefer other shit like windows or mac... YOUR CRAZY [03:23] !language [03:23] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [03:23] NeilDude: i'm not a fanboy. i've written code for linux and for windows. i've admin'd linux and windows servers, solaris, irix and vms. every operating system has its strengths and weaknesses. you're faulting an entire operating system for a component written by a group of people completely disjoint from the rest of linux. [03:23] hey guys i need to ask why i can't install ubuntu with 2 partition it already [03:23] Any ideas how I can allow to have "permission" to overwrite this file? [03:23] NeilDude: there's no central "linux." there are people that work on the bootloader. there are people that work on drivers. there are people that work on file systems. [03:23] is there somewhere to pastebin the output of my mdadm --examine --verbose ? [03:23] garrett__: hes gone dude [03:23] garrett__: oh nvm [03:23] In "Gene," a PHP IDE, I receive a permission denied for attempting to overwrite a file on the desktop? Why is the permission denied? I really dislike using the "nautilus," or whatever it is, as it does not looks like the theme I have applied, it looks rather ugly. [03:23] NeilDude: you're having a very peculiar problem. i'm sorry, and i'm sure it's frustrating. but at the same time, linux != grub [03:24] soory for the language i am just TOO suprised [03:24] garrett__, I just don't understand how it could fail to work. i chose the harddrive. I installed it. then grub gives me error 17. i've tried 3 ways to solve the problem, all 3 ways result in deadends. [03:24] dudes [03:24] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help???? H E L L O I A M S T I L L H E R E. [03:24] is there no way to fix error 17? [03:24] do you have a life? [03:24] NeilDude: hold on a second, i'll read up on what that might mean [03:24] pidgim is freezing chat windows on me :( [03:24] In "Gene," a PHP IDE, I receive a permission denied for attempting to overwrite a file on the desktop? Why is the permission denied? I really dislike using the "nautilus," or whatever it is, as it does not looks like the theme I have applied, it looks rather ugly. [03:24] gamui, stop with the comments please [03:25] NeilDude: I looked up the error, and it could mean your harddrive is corrupting [03:25] NeilDude: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 [03:25] pdgin is better than this *** [03:25] danbhfive, absolutely not true. [03:25] Invisionfree: it could be a bad printer driver, bad cups setting, or an incompatible printer [03:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236/ any one help with my if_running code for my music? If i start my music player after conky is started it will only display Music and nothing after it. [03:25] Starnestommy: I can print test pages. [03:25] danbhfive, I have attempted to install linux on multiple different hardrives. grub boot loader error 17 persists. [03:25] i take it, you people like linux so much that you lost your mind, sigh, like facebook for SOME [03:26] NeilDude: can you tell me wat three things you've tried so i'm not looking down another dead end? [03:26] gamui, please stop now [03:26] me? or him? [03:26] gamui, you [03:26] gamui: you [03:26] fine [03:26] fine [03:26] Invisionfree: is anything able to print besides the test pages, or is everything failing besides the test pages? [03:26] gamui, YOU! [03:26] anyone know anything about adding add-ons to firefox that report back the error, "Failed to load XPCOM component: /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5/components/pyabout.py" I've only experienced probably with add-ons since I upgraded to 8.04 [03:26] NeilDude: also, are you using a raid controller (hardware or software) and if possible, what sort of motherboard do you have? (maybe there's a pecularity with your IDE controller or something) -- also, PATA or SATA? [03:26] just bored [03:27] In "Gene," a PHP IDE, I receive a permission denied for attempting to overwrite a file on the desktop? Why is the permission denied? I really dislike using the "nautilus," or whatever it is, as it does not looks like the theme I have applied, it looks rather ugly. [03:27] probably=problems [03:27] people, what does "/bin/bash: no: command not found" mean??? [03:27] NeilDude: also, are you able to boot from a live cd and mount your disks? [03:27] blah561 got a screenshot of your theme? [03:27] blah561: run "ls -l ~/Desktop" and make sure that everything there has the right permissions [03:27] Starnestommy: I don't even get the chance to TRY and print anything else .. is there a command to print from the command line? [03:27] shree_, is the executable on the PATH ? [03:27] h [03:27] Hi, I'm trying to play the demo for Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness on my hardy box but I'm having some trouble. The game seems to work until I select "Play Demo" from the main menu. It seems to begin to play a cut scene or something and then the screen just goes dark and stays that way. Anyone here gotten the game to work? [03:27] shree_: "no" is onot a valid command [03:27] *not [03:27] garrett__, i attempted "The GUI Way" at this URL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-ec3e41291c7a5a7b61d7827299415204067765de [03:28] NeilDude: and if you have access to windows on that machine, have you tried using a SMART disagnostic tool, just to rule out any possible disk-failure issues? [03:28] people, i cant follow a thing [03:28] shree_, check syntax [03:28] gamui, then depart [03:28] so lets just have a simpler conversation [03:28] CaptainMorgan: SeaPhor [03:28] does starcraft/broodwar run on ubuntu? [03:28] NeilDude: SMART's basically a diagnostic self-check in the firmware for your HD which will record some good stats on your disk [03:28] I just receieve a directory listing of the content on the Desktop. [03:28] integrand yes [03:28] NeilDude: looking at that link [03:28] well thank you i feel much better [03:28] gamui not here; chat elsewhere thanks [03:28] let me look again into the configure script [03:28] shree_, what? [03:28] Starnestommy? [03:28] battlenet no problem? [03:28] I have the file in a folder, is it possible to set the folder permitions to "777" or such? [03:28] Invisionfree: I'm not sure how to print from the command line, but I am pretty sure that it can be done [03:29] garrett__I followed that step by step until I reached step... 10. it says, "install base system". if i attempt to proceed, I get an error [03:29] integrand that im not sure [03:29] hmm [03:29] blah561: chmod 777 folder [03:29] thanks [03:29] blah561: try this first: sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/Desktop [03:29] blah561 got a screenshot of your theme? [03:29] CaptainMorgan: I guess the configure script that I ran prior tothis might be having a problem. le tme look if I overlooked any error [03:29] ohhhhhhh, i just understood, iwas so dumb, bye bye, guys that somehow of what easily anoyed [03:29] One second, I'm going to see if the chmod was a success. [03:30] garrett__, I have not used SMART to rule out disk failure. I don't need to. I have attempted to install Linux on 2 different harddrives. I tried with version 7 and 6 of Ubuntu. I ALWAYS get Error 17. [03:30] NeilDude: what's your disk's partition layout look like? [03:30] ill get mack to my rct3 [03:30] NeilDude: huh [03:30] NeilDude: are you trying to install around an existing windows partition? [03:30] also, have you tried asking in #grub? [03:30] garrett__, I have an existing windows partition. I tried to install linux to another partition on another harddrive. [03:31] i'm not an expert with grub, by any means [03:31] garrett__, no. [03:31] my windows can wobble :D [03:31] Neildude: why not install the latest versions? [03:31] ah that is the problem then [03:31] what do i need to install to be able to change the settings? [03:31] theFATMAN, latest version of what. [03:31] !ccsm | Acorn [03:31] Acorn: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [03:31] !mdadm [03:31] Factoid mdadm not found [03:31] blah561: type ls -la on a directory above the folder you chmod'ed [03:31] neildude: and, do you have the appropriate disc for that systems architecture? [03:31] I have attempted the chmoding, and the "sudo chown $USER:$USER ~/Desktop," but I still receive no success. [03:31] Starnestommy: I don't even get the chance to TRY and print anything else .. is there a command to print from the command line? [03:32] bbyever: Okay [03:32] I shall try. [03:32] Starnestommy: I got the CLI printing (lpr ) but the freezing persists :( [03:32] neildude: u said you were working w/ 6&7, go with 8.04 LTS [03:32] NeilDude: ok. does this error occur when you boot the machine? or when you're trying to install grub? [03:32] help for the 3d desktop [03:32] So, I would use "home?" [03:32] blah561: you need to add a -R to that command [03:32] blah561: yes [03:32] NeilDude: silly question, diagnostic [03:32] !compiz | thiamtech [03:32] thiamtech: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [03:32] Invisionfree: it sounds like it could be a bad driver or misconfigured printer settings [03:33] gfg [03:33] Starnestommy: That would cause things to freeze? [03:33] hi gents & ladies [03:33] Invisionfree: it would [03:33] So, what would the full function I would use? I have a tad confussion. [03:33] hi! [03:33] achilles: avast [03:33] hi [03:33] blah561: ls -rla [03:33] there is anyone who can help me? [03:33] Starnestommy: I beleive the driver is fine. How can I check the printer settings? [03:33] ls -rla directory? [03:33] conscin: just ask away [03:34] Conscience_: just ask [03:34] Invisionfree: system > administration > print8ng [03:34] blah561: no, just ls -rla [03:34] *printing [03:34] Starnestommy: What do I need to check? [03:34] !who | blah561: [03:34] blah561:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:34] k [03:34] Invisionfree: I'm not exactly sure what to check [03:35] i have some problems, i think i might have accidently deleted something important because i was bcwipe'ing my old hdd which i plugged in, and i went out for a walk and when i got back the login box wouldnt come back up, and i couldnt login at a console, i kept getting an error about /lib/libncurses.so.5 too short, so i restarted and it gets the same error when it boots up... i dont know if i deleted something by accident or if something just broke [03:35] I receive a huge list of files and folders. [03:35] blah561: also, most IRC clients will highlight text that's "directed" at them, so it's a bit easier to follow the conversation and reference earlier statements [03:35] garrett__I get error 17 when I'm attempting to boot. [03:35] hello all === ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK [03:35] i figure maybe something in my old hdd because it was also a linux install, was linked to just /lib and so its deleted that or something... [03:35] is there a way to fix it without a full reinstall [03:35] Ah, nice [03:35] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14236/ any one help with my if_running code for my music? If i start my music player after conky is started it will only display Music and nothing after it. [03:35] what is the best editor for PHP script and how can I install it??? [03:35] I tried to play a video and it completley locked my computer again. I restarted and now there are no Window borders. How do I get borders back? [03:36] blah561: the first column of the folder you chmod'ed should be drwxrwxrwx [03:36] CaptainMorgan: Starnestommy: SeaPhor: I had missed out on a dependency when I ran configure script hence I got that error in Make [03:36] NeilDude: have you seen this # [03:36] # [03:36] erp [03:36] has anybody dealt with "UDF-TOOLS" ? the-/ect/default/"script is a mess [03:36] what is the best editor for PHP script and how can I install it??? [03:36] chn_boy: Quanta+ gives a good PHP support, and others like Kate support PHP synatax [03:36] How do I get borders back? [03:36] NeilDude: have you seen this? http://www.3till7.net/2007/10/25/grub-error-17/ [03:37] Starnestommy: I believe it's configured right. [03:37] shree_, so,, syntax/missing parameter? [03:37] had to reinstall ubuntu which is on a separate drive from my 4 disk raid5 configuration, however im concerned about my mdadm configuration for md0, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14239/ [03:37] chn_boy: i write most of my code in vim [03:38] chn_boy: but eclipse w/ the php plugin is good [03:38] blah561: so? [03:38] i'm having some trouble with gnome i guess. menus are coming up blank at first, and when i log in, it goes through the log in twice. is there something i can do to fix this? [03:38] garrett__, I have not seen that. reading [03:38] chn_boy: any editor can do PHP, some will understand and support PHP better than others [03:38] Starnestommy: It still freezes after I turn the printer off .. [03:38] SeaPhor: Well, the configure script didnt find a dependency but it didnt fail either. So I overlooked it and when I went to the next stage, amke, I got the error [03:38] SeaPhor: make* [03:38] Invisionfree: I'm sorry, I'm out of ideas [03:38] I need an editor to create any web document [03:39] I do not see my directory that I am writing to in ls -rla [03:39] so, what is the best??? [03:39] chn_boy: well, you can do that in anything and "best" is subjective [03:39] I quite like anjuta as an editor / ide [03:39] All web and php is actualy text documents, which is why any editor You Like is a good choice [03:39] how would you check for dependencies in a given service? [03:40] rabid: You mean how /dev/md0 is listed twice, once using full /dev/sdb and once including /dev/sdb1. I think you are right to be concerned. [03:40] anyone want to help me getting compiz and dual monitors playing nice? [03:40] anyone here use Linuxdcpp? [03:40] Starnestommy: I don't even get the chance to TRY and print anything else Why?\ [03:40] Starnestommy: Oops, bad up arrow! :( [03:40] go with bluefish if youre so concerned [03:40] chn_boy: you probably only really need syntax highlighting, automatic indention and maybe a class/function browser and name-completion [03:40] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help??? [03:40] garrett__, for some reason, i feel like that's going to be a complete waste of time and not solve my problem. [03:40] chn_boy: Thats why [03:40] I want an editor like macromedia dreamweaver. So, what is your suggestion?? [03:40] stroyan: /dev/md0 can be started with --examine --scan (starts on those for partitions) however i think i have some bad superblocks to repair [03:40] blah561: if you did ls -la in /home/ the and you chmod'ed the Desktop folder, then the line thaat has Desktop at the end should start with drwxrwxrwx [03:41] chn_boy: i like vim becuase i'm stuck in my ways, but eclipse is good, and so is ajunta, as was mentioned [03:41] four* [03:41] blah561: use ls -la | grep Desktop [03:41] hey guys, is there a way to find out which mouse driver is in use? i.e., get a list of running drivers or something like that [03:41] bluefish, vim [03:41] NeilDude: basically, just boot off a cd. fdisk your disk and list the partitoin types [03:41] So you can try Eclipse, Quanta+ and Bluefish [03:41] NeilDude: if it's not type 83, that's your problem. should only take 3minutes to do [03:41] * khin heard Hardy Heron is buggy. khin is not upgrading until July. [03:41] garrett__, okay i will download a live cd somewhere :X [03:42] can i just install ubuntu again, then move over /lib into my old install [03:42] NeilDude: or you could boot off a floppy [03:42] NeilDude: basically, all you need is a way to boot [03:42] NeilDude: there might be a windows utility that'll do that [03:42] Oj.. [03:42] bbyever: I receive "^[[6~drwxr-xr-x 7 blah569 blah569 4096 2008-05-23 21:54 Desktop" [03:42] Ok.... [03:42] Sarah, I wouldn't recommend it. [03:42] thanks for help [03:42] eh, what is default root password? [03:42] NeilDude: all you need to do is determine what the partition type is [03:42] D3javu: there isn't one [03:42] Ahadiel, is there another way to fix it do you think [03:42] D3javu, If you want you can set it, sudo passwd [03:42] garrett__, which one should i get? [03:43] garrett__, ftp://ftp.oss.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/current [03:43] blah561: ok so now use sudo chmod 777 -R Desktop [03:43] NeilDude: i dunno--you can use ANY linux boot cd [03:43] Sarah, I haven't even heard your problem >_> [03:43] hi folks, i've followed a tutorial to backup my box to another box by gzip-ing everything in my root, then copying it accross and unzipping, this has worked ok but now on boot I get "waiting for root filesystem" can this be repaired? [03:43] stroyan: any idea what i need to do for the 4 devices one to be the only raid5 config [03:43] D3javu: just use sudo; there's no need to use the root account directly [03:43] NeilDude: checking that link [03:43] Ahadiel, oh ok [03:43] D3javu: ubuntu disables teh root account by default for security. [03:43] the* [03:43] blah561: though those permission should be good, why are you changing them? [03:43] hahaha [03:43] knoppix is good [03:44] bandits are out like crazy tonight [03:44] bandits? lol [03:44] I still receieve that error (I exited the application and repopened the application, by the way.) [03:44] I'm trying to access administration tools but it asking for password and it doesnt work without a password. any solution? [03:44] bandits?? [03:44] blah561: what error, what application? [03:44] I can not overwrite a file in my php editor. [03:44] Gene. [03:44] D3javu: use your user's password [03:44] D3javu: your user password [03:45] If someone can recommend a good "IDE," I just enjoy syntax highlighting + indention. [03:45] NeilDude: dsl-4.2.5.iso === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [03:45] D3javu: the first user gets sudo priveleges [03:45] blah561: what about "ls -l ~/Desktop" ? === chrissy is now known as chrissy_ [03:45] blah561: anjuta is a nice lightweight ide [03:45] rabid: I would guess that front of the /dev/sdb is somehow marked as an md. But I don't know how you would clear that, except _very carefully_. [03:45] Can KDE application be installed to GNOME??? [03:45] chn_boy: yes [03:45] chn_boy, aye [03:45] how do I update the drives for my graphics card. I have downloaded the drivers but don't know how to update them since they are restricted [03:45] blah561: vim :) [03:45] blah561: vim [03:45] blah561: If you cant write to the file the chances are its a file permissions issue [03:45] garrett__: just followed one more guide to enable xinerama and got the same results - a weird green pattern on the screen, and them Ubuntu starting with cloned screens on low resolution mode .... [03:45] garrett__, thanks [03:45] all of them??? [03:45] chn_boy, aye [03:45] Thanks :) [03:45] stroyan: there's always failing the device and rebuilding but i'd rather not go thru that [03:45] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help??? [03:45] 'vim' always makes me think of a bathroom cleaner [03:45] wladston: what sort of video card? [03:45] I don't really see much point in an IDE, at least for the size projects I usually work on (small) [03:45] ati [03:45] intel 945GM [03:45] hello [03:46] wladston: i had that same problem with my geforce 440go [03:46] its on a laptop [03:46] wladston: due to my LCD reporting goofy modelines for my laptop [03:46] Starnestommy: I receive several folders, but this is what I see for the folder I wish to overwrite a file into. "drwxrwxrwx 2 blah569 blah569 4096 2008-05-23 22:14 blahport" [03:46] wladston: what model? [03:46] Have you installed the Nvidia drivers through envy? [03:46] hi all what stuff do i need to save so i can get wifi working on this laptop right off the bat when i reinstall ubuntu [03:46] Well not completely true, I use Eclipse for Java, but... its just by habit [03:46] Is install procedure same with the installation in GNOME??? [03:46] garrett__: my lcd is an LG flattron 17" [03:46] I had lines going down my screen [03:46] chn_boy: yes [03:46] install the Nvidia drivers [03:46] ok [03:46] Which has better support, ubuntu with ntfs or windows with ext3? [03:46] blah561: what about ls -l ~/Desktop/blahport ? [03:46] hmm, I'm new to linux. how do i check? [03:47] eugman: ubuntu + ntfs [03:47] chn_boy. it is all across the board the same [03:47] Why does it freeze whenever I click Print in any program? Hardy, anyone help??? [03:47] Starnestommy, thanks [03:47] wladston: nvidia or ati card? [03:47] weasel: what do you mean??? [03:47] NeilDude: no problem [03:47] Starnestommy: I receive "-rwxrwxrwx 1 blah569 blah569 6315 2008-05-23 18:53 index.php" [03:47] garrett__: this is what shows on lspci : Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME [03:48] garrett__: Intel ... [03:48] Invisionfree: freeze how like have to hard reset, can you check your logs? [03:48] im having a issue... my sound is messed up, when i play something the sound is real low and distorted sounding but if i jiggle the sound button next to the date up top right, then it sounds right [03:48] anyone seen this before [03:49] rabid: I suspect that "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb" could clear the /dev/sdb md superblock and leave /dev/sdb1 undisturbed. [03:49] chn_boy...same platform....same everything...different desktop manager...you can add anything to the platform kde, gnome, enlightenment, etc [03:49] d4t4min3: do u use alsa and what soundcard [03:49] Starnestommy: Did you receive my message? I am just wondering, as this is an active IRC channel. [03:49] wladston: did you see this? http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html [03:49] joe_chat: alsa? [03:49] * wladston takes a look [03:50] I have an internet modem and it is used a AT command. But, when I type in shell: "AT!BAND?", it does'nt work. What is the problem?? [03:50] blah561: I did. The permissions look fine, but something very odd is happening [03:50] What is the odd instance? [03:50] system/preferences/sound [03:50] who here has a beer in hand? [03:50] wladston: and i feel for you. setting up dualhead can be a pain in the ass [03:50] wease|, offtopic [03:50] that sounds good weasel [03:50] hello. I've just accidentally installed flash player 9 by running ./flashplayer-installer, and I found out that I need to get rid of that in favor of flash player 10. Can anyone tell me how I can get rid of the flash-player 9 stuff? [03:50] what does it say for sound playback [03:50] haha [03:51] wease|: I have a coffee, does that count? [03:51] i got called offtopic for that [03:51] coffee? [03:51] joe_chat: yeah says alsa [03:51] * garrett__ raises his beer. [03:51] where are you? [03:51] I enjoy carbonated beverages. [03:51] d4t4min3: alsa - advanced linux sound arcehtecture [03:51] wease|: I'm at work... can't drink a beer [03:51] wease|, take chit chat elsewhere thanks [03:51] !offtopic [03:51] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [03:51] haha [03:51] load a terminal and type alsamixer [03:51] bazhang, i am kewl here unless you wish to kick me [03:52] painless, sucks to be you [03:52] so how can I find out what type of ati card I have? is there a type of add/remove hardware i can check? [03:52] aye [03:52] joe_chat: ok im there [03:52] wease|, chat elsewhere [03:52] Starnestommy: Anyway, Starnestommy, what is the odd instance? [03:52] catandfear: type "lspci" [03:52] what do u see [03:52] hello [03:52] !hi | tmapj [03:52] tmapj: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [03:52] blah561: the permission denied error [03:52] bazhang, why cant i chat here with fellow ubuntu users and help them at the same time? [03:52] joe_chat: a app for sound... card intel ich5, and sound levels [03:53] garrett__: thanks, going to try it ... will report results later! [03:53] Maybe I should try a different application, like the text editor, and see if I still receieve permission denied? [03:53] wease|: because the channel is too busy for that, and you've been warned [03:53] can anyone tell me how to enable the tun module? [03:53] wease|: think of it as fire retardation :P [03:53] #ubuntu-offtopic for chat wease| [03:53] wease|: ther is too much going on at the same time [03:53] are sound levels set right you tab through and hit 7 for 70% m will toggle mute [03:53] wow [03:53] blah561: that would be a good idea [03:53] joe_chat: master s is set to zero [03:53] is that right? [03:53] i keep up just fine. whats wrong with you folks? [03:54] stroyan: that did the trick, i can only start the device with --assemble, i would like to have it start with mdadm mdadm.conf i current have that correct ARRAY line in my conf, but i get Devicedisappeared events on mdadm restart [03:54] catandfear: You could open a terminal and use lspci at the shell prompt. [03:54] what's the best irc client for linux? [03:54] tab through and hit 70 at that bar [03:54] !best | Acorn [03:54] Acorn: there's no "best" [03:54] Acorn: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [03:54] wease|: just stop or someone will have you kicked. [03:54] hehe [03:54] bah [03:54] Acorn: i use BitchX, because I run ssh from a colo'd box through screen [03:54] kick me [03:54] i forgot how u save alsa mixer settings but it should come back at boot [03:54] wease|, you have been asked numerous times [03:55] google search [03:55] thanks [03:55] Acorn: and i prefer console-based irc stuff for reasons i can't explain [03:55] Acorn: I like xchat, irssi, conspire, and telnet, although conspire isn't in the repos and telnet is very minimalist [03:55] joe_chat: how do i exit it and save [03:55] TextEditor can save to the file, so I am assuming that it is a fault with Gene? [03:55] Acorn: irssi is very scriptable but console-based [03:55] blah561: yes [03:55] rabid: Is it possible that you are changing mdadm.conf but rebooting with an initrd that doesn't have that change? [03:55] I'm going to try Anjuta. [03:55] Thanks for the assistance. [03:55] blah561: np [03:55] blah561: cheers [03:56] Wait --- Does anyone have a favorite php editor? I just enjoy syntax highlighting, and indention. [03:56] hmm, might try xchat and bitchx [03:56] blah561: i use vim [03:56] anyone using an HP mininote? [03:56] it saves right away hit esc [03:56] blah561: syntax highlighting, auto indention, code-folding, paren/brace/bracket matching [03:56] ok its still doing it [03:56] !anyone | Lagbolt [03:56] Lagbolt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [03:56] stroyan: no but its possible that i have a typo in my conf! I think that did it thanks for your help [03:56] ok guys, i have a ati laptop graphics card. how can i update the drivers? [03:56] Hey Acorn: are you ARM ed ? [03:56] it seems that I'm having sound issues after installing adobe flash 9 [03:56] garrett_: Nice, I'll take a look at it. Thanks. [03:56] blah561: it's already installed on your system ;P [03:56] joe_chat: like its playing now, its very low and i cant hear any words but if i jiggle the sound level it will be ok [03:57] Oh :P [03:57] blah561: just type "vim" at the command line [03:57] blah561: hit 'i' to type stuff [03:57] Simonft, i am not asking in the sense that i have a general problem, i want to know if anyone has one and can talk to me about it and there sucess [03:57] oh, nice. [03:57] not if anyone can solve a problem maybe not having one [03:57] :) [03:57] Lagbolt: google the printer name then hardy. [03:57] blah561: when you want to save and quit, hit 'esc' then ':wq" [03:57] okay, thanks. [03:57] blah561: learning curve's a bit steep, but it becomes second nature after like 20minutes or so [03:57] gah! dell poweredge 2300 will not boot after successfull-looking 8.04 server install [03:57] Lagbolt, best search the forums then; this is realtime support [03:57] joe_chat: i have to jiggle it all the way to the 100 percent and then back down [03:57] then it works [03:58] printer? [03:58] Simonft, do you even know what a mininote is? [03:58] Thanks, I'm going to leave this IRC channel, but I shall return if I require more assistance. [03:58] d4t4min3: /sbin/alsactl [03:58] Lagbolt, a computer [03:58] i am curious about the laptop <-- not a printer [03:58] that saves setting perm [03:58] Lagbolt: sorry, misread it [03:58] :) [03:58] blah: word [03:58] get the setting where u want and hit esc [03:58] Lagbolt, ubuntuforums; here is for realtime support [03:58] oh [03:58] maybe twice [03:59] how do you move a window to another workspace? [03:59] drag it [03:59] Acorn: drag it [03:59] <\3TATUK> right click the titlebar [03:59] Lagbolt: http://www.liliputing.com/2008/05/minbuntu-ubuntu-804-custom-built-for-hp.html [03:59] or right click title bar and move to another workspace [03:59] that doesn't work, and neither does right clickering and doing move to workspace [03:59] anyone use dc++? [03:59] Simonft, thanks. [03:59] you must only have one workspace [03:59] could it have been something i changed in compiz? [03:59] Lagbolt: your welcome [04:00] nothing.. my sound is still messed up [04:00] bazhang, no need to be like that. but now i understand why ubuntu chan people flee to #debian and ask their questions in there [04:00] i have to jiggle it to 100 percent on teh sound icon top right then back down and it will sound right [04:00]  Acorn: right click on the window bar and then Move to another workspace [04:00] d4t4min3: in console try man and command ie man alsactl or man alsamixer this loads the linux man pages [04:01] garrett__, I just attempted to boot DSL and get this. it says "scanning for USB Devices... done" followed by, "an't find knoppix filesystem, sorry. dropping you to a very limited shell. and then when i attempt to type something, it doesn't work. apparently DSL doesn't recognize my VERY SIMPLE USB KEYBOARD. [04:01] sorry i use console im a long time former slackware user [04:01] so here's what i have to say to linux. FUCK it and FUCK you all [04:01] what an ass. [04:01] boot Neil please [04:01] he quit [04:01] Ah USB kbd [04:01] joe_chat: he left on his own [04:01] good [04:01] ban him [04:02] so what am i supposed to do [04:02] bbyever: doens't work [04:02] the window just stays where it is [04:02] guess he didn't like free support from people helping in their spare time [04:02] is anyone here good with restriced driver stuff? [04:02] !anyone | catandfear [04:02] catandfear: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [04:02] oh well, i'm sure EEBKAC [04:02] d4t4min3: youre done it should fix the next time u reboot [04:02] er [04:02] owdy [04:02] howdy [04:02] EEBKAU [04:02] JoaoJoao_: doody [04:02] !hi | JoaoJoao_ [04:02] JoaoJoao_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [04:03] joe_chat: all i did was do man alsamixer [04:03] catandfear: in what capacity? [04:03] i didnt change any settings [04:03] it was just like a manual for the alsamixer [04:03] garrett__: well, tried again, and it didn't work on the dynamic setup ... I'll just stop bothering, archive my LCD monitor for another six months and hope that on the next release, Ubuntu will support my scrren .... :( thanks for the help ... [04:03] im giving u a reference so u can leaarn on you own [04:03] I have an ati card in my laptop that ubuntu says the drivers need updated [04:03] joe_chat: so what did i do that will fix my problem [04:04] but just pops the restricted drivers page up and won't let me do much else [04:04] catandfear: i just didthat [04:04] joe_chat: why just "u"? Be fair to all the letters in the alphabet. [04:04] So, I installed flashplugin-nonfree , but websites with Flash still crash Firefox constantly [04:04] catandfear: just a sec [04:04] wladston: sorry we couldn't get it going. i'm sure it DOES work, as some googleness has showed positive reports, but i only know about pecularities in nvidia hardware [04:04] wladston: i'd say ask again tomorrow or something [04:04] wladston: someone might know then [04:04] d4t4min3: by setting volume an =nd saving setting thats all u have to do [04:04] garrett__: I've been trying to get it working for about 10 months [04:04] wladston: or post on the forums [04:04] wladston: WHOA [04:04] joe_chat: sorry, I am trying to do a few things at once. [04:04] Is there anything else to make Flash stop crashing Firefox? [04:05] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [04:05] wladston: dualhead stuff could be a bit more intuitive :( [04:05] yay, now we know our abc's... [04:05] next time won't you type with me [04:05] garrett__: I already posted on the foruns, reported bug, voted on brainstorm, asked on launchpad ... [04:05] wladston: can't ask for anything more than that [04:05] wladston: hm [04:05] catandfear: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html [04:05] catandfear: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide [04:05] digitalvectorz: yet so many can't spell [04:05] wladston: sorry, man [04:05] tritium, so true. [04:06] garrett__: I wish I could pay some bucks to at least help someone to solve this issue [04:06] Maybe disabling PulseAudio [04:06] hopefully they'll implement bounties on ubuntu soon [04:06] wladston: just an offhand guess, but have you unloaded all the modules and made sure that you're not specifying a goofy modeline? [04:06] JoaoJoao_: I've been through the same dilema. It seems that you have to uninstall the free plugin and lib and install flash 10 beta [04:06] catandfear: worked for me and now glxgears shows 6800fps [04:06] wladston: or hit ctrl+alt+(numpad + or numbad -) [04:06] wladston: to toggle resolutions? [04:06] wladston: maybe the default modeline isn't supported [04:06] Any body has a idea about how to get into the python channel? [04:06] wladston: there have been bounties already [04:07] joe_chat: when i move my volume now it doesnt effect well ... the volume [04:07] yotsuba_: I already got the flashplugin-nonfree 10 version installed [04:07] garrett__: well, that's beyond the stuff I know ... I have a clean instalation of Ubuntu ... [04:07] it doesnt go up or down [04:07] just stays the same [04:07] it does on mine [04:07] Ah, then you're in the same dilemma as myself. [04:07] wladston: try starting X and then hitting ctrl+alt+(numpad + or numbad -) [04:07] I can't seem to get any system audio working now. [04:07] wladston: who knows, maybe it'll work [04:07] audio works fine [04:07] please hold [04:07] It tells me the device is already busy [04:07] garrett__: tryed the numpad shortcut, nothing happened.. [04:08] wladston: hmmm [04:08] hello [04:08] yotsuba_: Have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart [04:08] garrett__: will try [04:08] but e.g. if I'm watching a video on Youtube and try to watch another one, Firefox crashes [04:08] Would disabling PulseAudio have any side effects? [04:08] wlad: on my keyboard (laptop) that's ctrl+alt+fn+; [04:08] yotsuba_: it seemed at first the sound wouldnt play unless i jiggled the volume all the way up then back down.. then i changed the settings in the prefrenced and moved the volume up and now the volume in the icon doenst work.. it doesnt effect the sound [04:09] PulseAudio seems to be a major PITA [04:09] yotsuba_: so my sound it just really really loud now [04:09] at least until it stabilizes [04:09] garrett__: weird ... it cloned my screen for the login window ... but after login, it shut down the second screen ... [04:10] wait there it goes agin.. no sound [04:10] has anyone used "UDF-TOOLS" for old RW-CD [04:10] I cannot for the life of me find a linux app to rip a DVD to my desktop. I don't want to encode it or anything. I want the straight video_ts file etc [04:10] garrett__: I can get it working pretty with the correct resolutions, but just on the clone mode [04:10] Fishscene: tried that, no change. [04:10] i can hear it very distorted but i cant hear any words === fiyawerkin is now known as fiya_werkin [04:10] can anyone help? [04:10] yotsuba_: did you get it fixed [04:10] wladston: huh. that might be a good thing [04:10] wladston: i don't have dualhead at my disposal at the moment, unfortuantely, so i can't help out too much [04:10] vanessa: put the dvd in, open in in nautilus, copy the contents, paste wherever you want [04:10] Vanessa, have you tried VLC? [04:11] says this: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application. === ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris [04:11] nautilus you say [04:11] wladston: does your laptop have a function key to toggle between your built-in display and the vga/dvi out? [04:11] this is when I try to test it in the "sounds" preferences [04:11] garrett__: sure man ... well, let's give it another 6 months :) untill then, my brother will be superhappy to have an extra monitor to work on his windows box :) [04:11] vanessa, i just normally dd the cd/dvd to an iso file. :) you can just mount the cd/dvd and copy the files over. done that befor also. [04:11] whole ah [04:11] I didn't realize VLC copied DVDs [04:11] wladston: haha, cheers. silver lining and all that :"P [04:12] ;) [04:12] this DVD has special sony copy protection [04:12] d4t4min3r: no, I did not get it fixed yet [04:12] VLC can re-encode tons of things. Although it might be a little slow [04:12] I doubt a dd will work [04:12] oh the Sony Balogna [04:12] 007 Casino royale [04:12] the sarpie-marker-defeated sony copy protection? [04:13] uh maybe [04:13] vanessa, i just used dd on about 5 dvd's befor. :) it does keep the encryption - which is one big reason to use somthing like k9copy [04:13] garrett__: care to elaborate? [04:13] maybe rkhunter can do it [04:14] rickyfingers_: some of the sony copy protection crap can be defeated by painting out a ring on the disc with a felt-dip (cleans off with water -- so actually, don't use a sharpie) pen [04:14] rickyfingers_: google it [04:14] in which directory the apt-get's server list located? [04:14] k9copy seems to be what I want [04:14] hmmm killing pulseaudio made Firefox stop crashing, at least for a while [04:14] hello [04:15] /etc/apt/sources.list [04:15] garrett__: kewl thanks [04:15] what is an open source iso mounter? [04:15] Simonft: mount [04:15] how can I get firefox 3 rc1? Cause the file they give me is some odd library thing [04:15] Simonft: mount ./file.iso /where/you/want/to/mount/it -t iso9660 [04:15] simplexio: er, sorry [04:15] ok, thanks [04:15] Simonft: just use mount [04:15] Simonft: er [04:15] <^Tech-Help^> Whats that grep command that searches for a word, if the word is in the terminal? [04:15] Simonft: mount ./fileiso ./dir -o loop [04:15] sigh. I guess I'll try restarting.. give it the ol' windows-style try [04:15] thanks [04:16] Simonft: np [04:16] nvm [04:16] Simonft: if it complains, add -t 9660; probably won't, though [04:16] ok [04:16] simplexio: er, -t iso9660 [04:16] Tech, grep | (word) [04:16] <^Tech-Help^> Fishscene thanks [04:17] does anyone know if you can backup or save pidgin user logs ? [04:17] NP [04:17] Wangberg: pidgin has native support for conversation logs, no? [04:17] UDF-TOOLS ! Does this ring any bell to anyone ? adaptec? Roxio? now Ubuntu [04:17] Wangberg: or do you mean once it's logged, some way to automatically back it up? [04:17] well, i'm installing a new distro [04:18] but i just wanted to back them up and keep them for records [04:18] get 30 plugins for Pidgin you get it ALL [04:18] Wangberg: just upload them somewhere [04:18] garrett: how ? [04:18] repos [04:19] what do i do if my sounds have stopped? [04:19] Wangberg: well, you could, for example, make a .tar file of them or a .zip or whatever and upload them to divshare? [04:19] Wangberg: or you could burn them to cd? [04:19] besides restart [04:19] i can't access them in that format [04:19] i would have to go throuh and copy/paste text [04:19] GO TO SYNAPTICS and you see a lot of extras for Pidgin [04:19] i don't want to do that [04:19] Wangberg: uh... what? [04:19] i can't just save them or zip them up.... [04:19] Wangberg: your logs are stored as text files [04:19] WHERE? [04:20] Wangberg: wait.. what? [04:20] adsf [04:20] saf [04:20] saf [04:20] marsdtn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:20] how do I tell what partition my /home is mounted on? [04:20] Wangberg: they're not logged anywhere if you aven't enabled logging [04:20] where are the pidgin user log files stored ? [04:20] oh my god [04:20] this is why i hate ubuntu [04:20] you people are fucking retarded [04:20] Wangberg: no, this is why you ate yourself [04:20] Wangberg: ~/.purple/ [04:20] Wangberg: check your homedir [04:20] !patience | Wangberg [04:20] Wangberg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [04:20] language Wangberg [04:21] my apologies [04:21] thank you [04:21] how do I tell what partition my /home is mounted on? [04:21] Wangberg: look in your ~/.purple directory. find what you want. make an archive of it. upload tat somewhere. [04:21] marathe25: type "mount" [04:21] wow, i can't believe how patient you guys are here [04:22] garrett: thanks [04:22] Acorn: we must have done something horrible in a past life. [04:22] LOL [04:22] <[azrael]> hello, can someone tell me the command for the sticky notes applet [04:22] [azrael]: tomboy [04:23] well.. that actually worked.. [04:23] Wangberg: and just as a heads up, think through what you ask a little bit. like, imagine you were writing a quick email to someone and you wanted to give tem all the facts so they could work from that [04:23] Wangberg: it helps prevent miscommuncations and frustration [04:23] So I recently moved my /home folder to a new partition, where it currently shows as being mounted. I never deleted my old /home folder. Is it still around somewhere? [04:23] <[azrael]> no i mean the other one, the GNOME_StickyNotesApplet [04:23] UBUNTU ROCKS!!!!! [04:23] I'm sure there was another way I could have fixed it, but the good-old windows way of doing things solved the problem === Ziroday is now known as GLessam [04:24] Wangberg: "where does gaim store log files" would have been a better question [04:24] er--pidgin [04:24] Anyone know of a patient and/or drug management software for a NGO? [04:24] garrett__: ~/.purple [04:24] although, now that i think about it, there's no real intutive way to figure out where that's stored. [04:24] tritium: yeah i know. [04:24] tritium: i'm just reflecting on a previous question [04:24] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: no i mean the other one, the GNOME_StickyNotesApplet [04:25] garrett__: ok [04:25] [azrael]: right click panel>add to panel>sticky notes [04:25] tritium: thank you, though :) [04:25] @pidgins log location: It only becomes intuitive if one knows that the underlying lib is known as libpurple :D [04:25] can someone help me install firefox 3 rc1? Cause it keeps opening the old version, and when I run the binary itself, it says it can't find a shared library, even though the lib it asks for is in the same folder [04:25] <[azrael]> legend2440: the thing is i want it as desktop shortcut [04:25] how is it, that after apparently successfully completing a i386 8.04 Server install that SAW, and PARTITIONED, and INSTALLED to a 6-drive RAID, when i reboot from the installer, the systen doesn't come up... ?? [04:25] i have my Ubuntu on 8 partitions, works like a charm [04:26] How do I turn a video inside out? [04:26] [azrael]: I'm not sure if there's a command for it [04:26] how how how ? [04:26] diddl: and it's a catch-22, because people who know what libpurple is probably aren't going to be searching for their logfiles. [04:26] err.. upside down :) [04:26] <[azrael]> legend2440: therefore i have to create a starter which includes the command [04:26] Is there any tool to run a comparison between two folders and see if their contents are identical? [04:26] whats the real name of the login window settings tool? the app will never start and never displays, fails silently. i want to run it from the console [04:26] <[1]Rafa> how can i unistall ubuntu wiout messing up my boot? [04:26] CapaH: you might get a better response if you let people know what software you're using :P [04:26] <[azrael]> legend2440: also i cannot find it in /usr/bin [04:26] garret: Lol, yeah indeed :D they should rename it to .pidgin in their next release :) [04:26] I know there is a way but I cany figure it out, how can I view the kernel boot up messages to see [04:27] I have an mp4 video that was recorded upside down. I am trying to convert it into an mp4 that is right side up :) [04:27] martman: gksudo gdmsetup [04:27] after I have booted [04:27] I dont mind which software is used :) [04:27] diddl: that'd make sense, wouldn't it ;P [04:27] what can i do if my sound has stopped working? [04:27] CapaH: mencoder might do something like that [04:27] how can i restart it? [04:27] This seems like a good place to ask instead of my normal irc... i'm making a 3d game in flash and right now im doing textures. Have a realistic map... but using dice as the main characters seem appropriate... where dice are usually used when figures are not on hand? [04:27] from the terminal [04:27] I know it is a cat command I think, but I dont remember the file [04:27] i just removed hwtest-gtk and it removed ubuntu-desktop, is that bad? [04:27] [azrael]: in synaptic gdesklets-data contains sticky notes [04:27] yes it is [04:28] <[azrael]> Does anyone know the command (program name) for the StickyNotesApplet (not Tomboy)? [04:28] * Templarian should of said it was for dnd min game... lol [04:28] Starnestommy thanks [04:28] why did it remove ubuntu-desktop? [04:28] Templarian: that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. [04:28] can anyone tell me how to enable the tun module? [04:28] can someone help me install firefox 3 rc1? Cause it keeps opening the old version, and when I run the binary itself, it says it can't find a shared library, even though the lib it asks for is in the same folder [04:28] Acorn: because it was a dependency of ubuntu-desktop [04:28] >.< Ubuntu crapped on itself when upgrading to 8.04 [04:28] matthew uninstall both versions, then reinstall FF3 [04:29] matthew: mozilla.org? [04:29] <[azrael]> legend2440: path? [04:29] tritium: will it all be okay if i just install it again? [04:29] garrett__: yea. I'm making a 3d flash game. In dnd when the figurines are not used are they usually replaced with dice to represent monsters/players. [04:29] [azrael]: /usr/lib/gnome-applets/stickynotes_applet [04:29] tritium: how come the computer still works with it uninstalled? [04:29] [azrael]: I'm not sure what arguments it uses, though [04:29] Acorn: yes, but it will reinstall the dependency [04:29] Acorn: because it's just a meta-package [04:29] hi [04:29] tmapj, will that get rc1? cause the package manager says its version 3b5, which isn't what I want [04:29] Templarian: fair enough, but totally offtopic [04:29] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: thx, i will try it out [04:29] * Templarian wonders if there is a dnd irc... hmm a part of me doesn't want to know. [04:29] hi everyone [04:29] Templarian: dunno [04:29] Templarian: have you googled for dnd irc? [04:30] arg, wine's sources.list is down on their site for ubuntu :( [04:30] what will happen if i don't reinstall it tritium ? [04:30] matthew whats rcl? [04:30] * Templarian leaves you guys thanks everyone for help. garrett_ i'm not actually going to research it lol. [04:30] can anyone tell me how to enable the tun module? [04:30] can someone pm me the sources.list line for wine's repo/ [04:30] ? [04:30] * garrett__ poops in your milk [04:30] tmapj: sudo modprobe tun [04:30] garrett__: stop, please. Stay on topic. [04:30] tritium: yeah, that's what i was trying to do [04:30] tmapj, rc1 is release candidate 1, which unbreaks some stuff, and works better than 3b5 [04:31] tritium: i need to stop feeding that stuff. [04:31] Acorn: nothing serious. Just remember to reinstall it before you do a dist-upgrade. [04:31] i thought the hardware test thing was something optional [04:34] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: i'm using openSuSe, the stickynotes_applet is not in that folder, nor can i find it with "whereis" [04:35] [azrael]: someone in #suse probably knows where opensuse has it [04:35] @azrael: one way to locate it would be to use your package management tool to locate the gnome packages and then look at the installed files. (assuming that the opensuse package tool is as powerful as debians) [04:36] I have recorded a mp4 video upside down. This was because I held my iphone upside down :) -- I want to convert the video I recorded to be right-side-up. What software can do this? anyone? [04:36] anyone have the deb line to put in sources.list for winehq? [04:36] for hardy [04:37] rabidweezle: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb [04:37] !wine [04:37] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [04:37] [azrael] I don't have scrollback, you were looking in /usr/lib/gnome-applets? [04:37] getting a 404 on their sources.list [04:37] ;/ [04:37] !appDB [04:37] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [04:37] group:how do i install the open office 3.0 file?BEA300_m2_native_packed-2_en-US.9301 [04:37] lol, appdb? [04:37] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: yes i was [04:37] why don't you do a !grub while you are at it? [04:37] rabidweezle should be the same as gutsy, should only have to change it to hardy [04:38] rabidweezle i wondered what it was, sorry...? [04:38] rabidweezle s/gutsy/hardy/ that is [04:38] oh [04:38] sorry, I'm a little snappy today [04:38] sorry [04:38] :( [04:38] MY TERMINAL isn't starting! [04:38] it opens, but doesn't show the CL [04:38] rabidweezle no problem, [04:38] I just purchased an ATI Radeon x1550. Got the drivers in. How do I use composite video in/out? [04:38] then it turns grey/black [04:38] it never actually gets to the cl [04:39] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: that's the path you gave me [04:39] cypha: my guess would be that your console's using the framebuffer, and something's mucked with that [04:40] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: is there another console command to find that applet? [04:40] [azrael]: locate stickynotes_applet [04:40] framebuffer? [04:40] garrett__, what's that? [04:40] nickrud, I don't have the old repo in any of my pc's sources.list :/ [04:40] [azrael]: this channel is for ubuntu support [04:40] how do I join a different network? [04:40] ActionGrant: /server new.server [04:41] thanks [04:41] cyhpa: the framebuffer allows your console to display graphics (like the splash screen) and run in non-console resolutions, like 640x480 or 1024x768 === roxandLAPTOP is now known as roxandAWAY [04:41] rabidweezle deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt hardy main should do it [04:41] cypha: otherwise you use the same resolution as the bios [04:41] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: this command does not work [04:41] [azrael]: find / -iname stickynotes_applet [04:41] [azrael] grep stickynotes /usr/lib , should find it [04:41] cypha: can you goot off a cd? [04:41] garrett__, i haven't tried restart [04:42] cyhpa: if so, google for how to disable the framebuffer in ubuntu; i don't remember the boot flag off hand [04:42] i know that will work [04:42] * nickrud looks at what he typed, and gags [04:42] but why has this happened at all is my question [04:42] *i know restart will work, that is [04:42] thanks nickrud [04:42] cypha: i don't have an answer for you, unfortunately [04:42] why do my windows keep opening in the top left corner of the screen? :( [04:42] when i open add/remove programs and it scans, the scanning window is all the way up in the corner [04:43] garrett__, does your linux ever do errors like that out of the blue? [04:43] cypha: can't say it does. [04:43] cypha: usually once it works it works [04:43] this sucks [04:43] i'm wondering if i should reformat [04:43] cypha: i don't disagree [04:44] cypha: linux != windows [04:44] you don't disagree with a reformat? [04:44] windows ~= windows [04:44] meaning you would agree [04:44] cypha: and using that as a base premise, once you figure out why tat happened you can actually fix it [04:44] hrm, they don't have one for hardy right now, I will use gutsy... [04:44] how can i figure out why? [04:44] cypha: when it boots all you get is a gray screen? [04:44] huh [04:44] no [04:44] i'm in right now [04:45] cypha: oh, i misunderstood. can you run your problem by me again? [04:45] <[azrael]> Starnestommy: i found it: /usr/lib/gnome-panel/stickynotes_applet [04:45] is there anyone who can make heads or tails of this? (comment from 2008-04-20) [04:45] when i go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal, it starts, but it doesn't show the CL [04:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/194029 [04:45] Launchpad bug 194029 in synergy "2.6.24-8 Introduces Network Issue" [High,Confirmed] [04:45] so.. cany anyone help me troubleshoot my vpn connection? I'm at a bit of a loss here =_= [04:45] it's like frozen, it turns grey/black after a few moments (showing that it's a frozen application or whateveR) [04:46] cypha: your entire desktop? [04:46] no [04:46] just the terminal app [04:47] cypha: huh. i can't speak to that directly, sorry. i don't know why it'd do that [04:47] cypha you could try sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-terminal [04:47] looks to be the wine repo is down so you can still download the packages and install with gdebi package installer from the direct download with firefox at http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/ [04:48] Does anybody here use a Tablet PC with a passive digitizer? I'm using a Fujitsu Lifebook P1510D and can't figure out how to make the touchscreen work. [04:48] cypha: you could---yea; reinstall the terminal app and see if that helps, or use someting like rxvt or aterm as a stopgap [04:48] i'm saying, i have'nt restarted the computer [04:48] i' sure that would work [04:48] i'm wondering why this has happened at all [04:48] bobsomebody: that's a realllllly weird problem [04:48] mib_4u9qp3, I have one, but it's hard to setup right now as the calibrate program is broken [04:49] Rotund: What driver did you use? [04:49] bobsomebody: and i'm glad i don't have to fix it :P [04:49] What package provides 'seom-player'? [04:49] garrett__, lol [04:49] !find seom-player [04:49] unfortunately i do :/ [04:49] mib_4u9qp3, usbtouchscreen or something like that [04:49] Package/file seom-player does not exist in hardy [04:49] when i move the top bar, a ghost gets left behind [04:49] the sudo fix dont fix for me [04:49] :( [04:49] YourNameHere apparently none [04:50] Rotund: I tried to set up an X11 driver from conan.de (I think) and some Perl-based driver; neither worked. Have you ever encountered them? [04:50] I have a removal script that's throwing an error. How do I tell apt-get or dpkg to ignore the error and remove anyway? [04:50] bobsomebody: maybe the process has an absurd priority and it's screwing with the X poll events for input? [04:50] nickrud, dang. yukon needs it for playback. I noticed that it came with the beryl recording plugin, but I can not find it by itself [04:50] Rotund put the error on paste.ubuntu.com [04:50] yeah i read that part [04:50] bobsomebody: oh, someone mentoined that? [04:50] suposedly a kernal recompile might fix it [04:50] bobsomebody: haa, well, that's the only thing i can think of :P [04:51] mib_4u9qp3, mine actually has a driver from the manufacturer, but it's binary and hasn't been updated in a while [04:51] YourNameHere never heard of it till now myslef [04:51] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14244/ [04:52] Rotund: Oh... What company made your computer? [04:52] Newbie question. Had problems getting ATI Radeon 9550 to work properly. If I can use the "Extra" visual effects can I assume all is well? [04:52] anyone have an idea why a Lenovo Ideapad Y510, why the volume control on the actual laptop not work? All sound works and I finally got the subwoofer to work. There is a separate control physically on the laptop to control the volume but it doesn't work anymore [04:52] mib_4u9qp3, HP it's an eGalax touchscreen === jmazaredo2 is now known as dahongpalay [04:53] xodiak: yes [04:53] legend2440: thank you. [04:53] Rotund take a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/dspam-webfrontend.postrm , that's where the error is. See if you can fix the cause, and putting exit 0 just after set -e (or line 2, if there is no set -e) is a big hammer fix. [04:53] what's the apt package for the commandline mysql client? [04:54] bobsomebody: did you try tweaking kernel options as was mentioned? [04:54] tigliona1bit: I think it's mysql-client [04:54] Rotund: Hm. Mine's an ultraportable notebook which is mostly useless without some sort of touchscreen :-( [04:54] when I use f11 to make terminal full screen and have that on one workspace, and then navigate to that workspace from another one, the bottom bar goes over it, any way to stop that form happening? [04:54] thanks [04:54] im looking into that part [04:54] its alot of french to me though [04:54] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git;a=commit;h=273f7b551a420580307fa414fe616f0e276a4035 [04:54] that tweak? [04:54] bobsomebody: ah, it's a race conditoin in that package [04:55] bobsomebody: i'm going to finish reading this, hold on a second [04:55] xodiak: in terminal type glxinfo | grep direct will tell if direct rendering is enabled [04:55] k [04:55] argh, the ubuntu gui seems so buggy [04:56] Anybody know whether http://conan.de/touchscreen/p-series.html will work on 8.04? [04:56] Acorn I like it a lot (but I only keep one panel on the top). You might like the kde (kubuntu-desktop) gui better [04:56] bobsomebody: it seems like tweaking the kernel options is the best bet, but the lag will still occur under heavy IO input [04:57] bobsomebody: *shrug* goofy problem [04:57] nickrud: when i move the top panel the space where it used to be goes all strange and ghosty [04:57] could i be a clash with compiz? [04:57] *it [04:57] Help! I did something and now I only have a white screen. [04:57] garrett__, yeah it bites, thanks for giving it a look-see :) [04:57] Acorn compiz is something I don't use myself [04:57] nickrud, thanks [04:57] bobsomebody: sure thing, mate [04:57] I went into fireglconfig and tried to put my graphics card into clone mode. [04:58] Acorn it's cockroachy in my opinion :) [04:58] can anyone help me with the new firefox 3.0, when I download things it wont let me open them by a default application, I always have to download and open them, any ideas? [04:58] nickrud: haha [04:58] Intelligitimate an ati chip? [04:58] Yep@ [04:58] nickrud, yeah. [04:58] did you try to install the drivers from the ati site? [04:58] It was working fine. [04:59] I just tried to make the tv-out work. [04:59] And screwed it up. [04:59] Now when it boots, I don't get --anything-- but a white screen. [04:59] Not logos, not text, no nothing. [04:59] ok, hit ctl-alt-f2 , you should get a console [04:59] Just white screen. [04:59] Nope. [05:00] Does nothing. [05:00] how do you switch between desktops? [05:00] ok i just gota say something...i setup ubuntu a few days ago to play around with...well after tonight xp just got kicked to the curb. [05:00] Intelligitimate ok, boot in recovery mode, and try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , and then exit. [05:00] How do I get into recovery mode? [05:01] Intelligitimate when you boot, hit escape when you see something about grub. There'll be a menu [05:01] Acorn clt-alt- [05:01] There is no grub. [05:01] Only white screen,. [05:01] Literally --- power on ---> white screen [05:01] Nothing else. [05:01] i got about 25 tabs in firefox going...xchat on 3 - 4 servers...and compiz-fusion...and i have a movie going on mpayer playin smooth as hell. [05:02] Intelligitimate how do you boot? This comes long before you can get a white screen. (White screen in the first couple seconds??!) [05:02] navetz: in firefox open edit>preferences>applications and change always ask to preferred app to open different file types with === kevin_ is now known as Dragonace14 [05:02] Yes, in the first couple seconds. [05:02] i couldnt even have 10tabs in firefox open by itself...hehe..let alone a movie going with it =P [05:02] legend2440: thanks, I will look into that [05:02] Any mutt users here? [05:03] Newbie ubuntu question: IF you have a php/MySQL site up and running already can you install some kind of control panel to administrate it? Thanks ahaed of time I am lost!!! [05:03] Intelligitimate wow. grub comes before even the linux kernel. Can't imagine how working on tv out could do that [05:03] i think ill have to reinstall ubuntu [05:03] kevin__: You can install phpMyAdmin to administrate the MySQL database. What kind of site do you refer to? [05:03] kevin__ install either mysql-admin , or phpmyadmin and apache2 [05:03] I am gonna remove the graphics card and try the onboard graphics. [05:04] its a shopping cart website and I think phpmyadmin is loaded, but the problem is that the guy workign on the site wants a control panel to load a ssl cert for the site [05:05] kevin__: you could use ebox for that [05:05] * nickrud makes a note to actually take a look at ebox, rather than just thinking about it [05:05] coudl you install ebox without distubing the exsiting site? [05:05] hi, where I can get instructions about how to install or configure compiz? please. [05:06] legend2440: I have nothing in my applications menu for firefox. [05:06] arab-boy if you're running either gutsy or hardy, you have compiz installed already. what video chip do you have? [05:06] Wow, graphics card is completely removed...boots to white screen. [05:07] kevin__, direct admin is nice if your doing hosting or stuff like that [05:07] nickrud: ati but I am not able to enable desktop effects. I think I have some drivers missing.. [05:07] arab-boy probably. system->admin->hardware drivers or restricted managers look there to enable your video driver for ati or nvidia [05:07] I think I just screwed my new computer up... [05:08] Intelligitimate if you have access to another, download dsl linux or knoppix to test [05:08] bleh i think i might just pay someone to fix this stupid problem [05:08] Nothing is happening. [05:08] nickrud: hmmz, i am on hardware drivers and it doesn't show any drivers here.. it isn't detected. [05:08] its beyond me lol [05:08] The screen is white. [05:09] Power on ---> white screen. Nothing else. [05:09] arab-boy what type of video chip do you have? If you're not sure , lspci | grep -i vga in a terminal will tell you [05:09] ok I have a problem with Ubuntu, it doesnt seem to be loading the best driver for my sata controller, ICH9, tried Native and AHCI in the bios, both give low hdparm scores in Ubuntu, but not other distro's [05:09] arab-boy: this really helped me out. If you aren't on hardy, they have the other versions as the site. http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide [05:09] how do you change things like the top and bottom bars? [05:09] How do you uninstall an application in termnial? [05:09] terminal * [05:09] blah561: sudo apt-get uninstall [05:09] Acorn right click, and add/remove [05:09] xodiak: thanks. I am on hardy [05:09] sudo apt-get remove [05:09] oh, d'oh [05:10] sorry--long day :S [05:10] :) [05:10] all this switching around between Ubuntu and MacPorts is confusing me [05:11] I just quit my old machine running "Xubunut" there was an option to modify the top and bottom bars and make your own. Cannot find that in Ubuntu. Is that possible? [05:12] Xubunut = Xubuntu [05:12] nickrud: when i add a panel it's just blank [05:12] xodiak right click the bars, add to panel, drag them around, etc [05:12] xodiak: thanks for the link. it is so helpful :) [05:12] Acorn right click it and select add to pane, add the stuff you want [05:12] Where do I redefine $PATH so that bash always finds it at startup. It says that it is set to include user's bin file, if it exists, but it does not seem to... [05:12] JRlinux you do have ~/bin ? [05:13] arab-boy: No problem. Hope it works. It did for me. [05:13] JRlinux, set it in the .bashrc is the common way to do that. [05:13] !find b43 [05:13] Found: b43-fwcutter [05:13] a [05:13] JRlinux or .bash_profile [05:13] Dr_willis, yeah, that is what I do in KDE... Just don't see it in the gnome bashrc... [05:14] .bash_profile is ONLY read by 'login' shells. gnome dosent have a bashrc :) bash uses the .bashrc :) if you set it in your default bash_profile, then it should be set for all things. I think [05:14] hi, im running Python 2.4.3 but for some reason when i try "from email.mime.text import MIMEText" I get "ImportError: No module named mime.text" [05:14] okay, I just ubuntu onto my PC which has two HDs, a 160 and a 500gb. ubuntu installed to the 500gb and grub to the 160gb, so when I try to boot to the 160gb I get GRUB error 22, how do I fix it? [05:14] do a test.. set it in .bash_profile and see if it takes. [05:14] anyone know if there is some problem with the install on dapper or something [05:15] its probably just me being a python n00b of course [05:15] How do you make a file browser with root or su ability? [05:15] is there any way to choose the place on the screen where newly opened windows appear? i'd rather they appeared in the middle rather than all the way in the top left corner. [05:15] * nickrud has if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}" fi in ~/.bash_profile [05:15] Acorn: using compiz? [05:16] JRlinux alt-f2 gksu nautilus will open a root enabled browser instance [05:16] nickrud, THANKS [05:16] Is this install of python messed up or something. Why do I not have a mime.text submodule? This seems gay [05:16] JRlinux Use that command with caution [05:16] Jack_Sparrow, OK, thanks [05:17] anyone have instructions on how to install hardy heron via a usb thumb drive? [05:17] Jack_Sparrow hello! [05:17] anyone going to linuxworld expo in SF this year? [05:17] hey is there any problem with the ATI accelerated drivers in 8.04? [05:17] Hi nickrud , long time no see [05:17] * JRlinux finds ubuntu a different world. [05:18] Jack_Sparrow yeah, real life has been demanding lately [05:19] !find mime.text [05:19] File mime.text found in claw4, python2.5-doc [05:19] Is anyone here having an issue with broadcom bcm43xx wireless... I am working on a small tutorial and need to test it [05:19] khin did you see that? mime.text is in the doc python2.5-doc package [05:19] Jack_Sparrow: mine's working fine once I installed the non-free driver [05:19] Jack_Sparrow if you promise it won't break mine, I'm using b43 [05:20] nah.. I want one that isnt working. [05:20] mine have worked with no problems [05:20] nickrud: nah, that's not it :) [05:20] see ya next week... [05:21] crdlb ah, well if I can't trust !find, what can I trust ;( [05:21] it would be email/mime/text.py if you were searching for it (or something close) [05:21] * alan_m is using ipw3945 jack...cant help ya there man. [05:21] dang, 1 second too late lol [05:21] can someone help me out? i want to use pidgin to connect to msn account. but it is unable to authenticate: .net messenger service [05:21] The stupid fireglconfig broke my brand new computer. [05:22] It's broke. [05:22] hello, i clicked "Remember currently running applications" under session preferences, and now firefox and virtualbox start everytime i log in. how do I stop this? [05:22] hello world [05:22] if anyone's got any answers, I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 and my ATI drivers don't want to work right, when I play a movie in MPlayer or any other player, it likes to A) not use the output device (X11, OpenGL, et cetera) or when I use OpenGL it's very choppy, not to mention so is my screensaver [05:22] I've installed the Gnome artwork manager, however nothing happens when I launch it. How come? [05:22] it never did that on 7.10 [05:22] can someone help me out? i want to use pidgin to connect to msn account. but it is unable to authenticate: .net messenger service [05:23] Hey guys, does anyone know how I can check my computer for 3D acceleration? [05:23] !patience > tonewhy [05:23] tonewhy: Check your credentials. [05:23] Y glxconfig | grep direct in a terminal [05:24] mhz128 I think you have to tell it to download the artwork; [05:24] nickrud: Just type glxconfig? [05:24] Hi, when I boot up my PC i get GRUB error 22. How do I fix it? [05:24] navetz: the empty applications menu is why you are always aked what to do with the files you download. do a search for the mimeTypes.rdf file. the firefox one not the thunderbird one and check the permissions on the file [05:24] !grub | smmagic [05:24] smmagic: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [05:24] Y that will tell you a lot; the | grep direct will search for the exact line you need in that output [05:24] nickrud: its not a GUI app? [05:24] Nickrud: Terminal returns "command not found" [05:24] how does that help? [05:24] hi [05:24] mhz128 yes, it is. Or was, I haven't used it for a while [05:24] you might want to reinstall smmagic, that error is probably due to a invalid configuration. [05:25] Y glxinfo | grep direct <-- [05:25] how to automount NTFS files in 8.01 on startup? [05:25] alan_m: The thign is, I have two HDs, one with vista and one with XP [05:25] its looking for a MBR that probably isnt there smash__ [05:25] *smmagic [05:25] nickrud: That works. Thanks. =D [05:25] Apparently I've installed ubuntu to the vista drive and grub to the XP drive [05:25] that sounds likely smmagic [05:26] So, I'm looking at the menu.lst and it appears to be good [05:26] from what your telling me [05:26] how to automount NTFS Drives in 8.04 on startup? [05:26] nickrud: Can you help me out with this? I'm trying to run a program and I think I'm having a 3D accel. problem, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for. [05:26] ii [05:26] venkatachar, put an entry in the /etc/fstab file for them is one way. [05:26] hmm i tried forwarding port 1863 to my comp but the msn thru pidgin stil doesn't work does anyone know why [05:26] something is wrong with my grub [05:26] help. I can't uninstall the kiba dock... [05:26] alan_m: Do you want me to pastebin my menu.lst? [05:26] and now [05:26] smmagic, please :) [05:26] is there a linux version of Microsoft Expression Studio or Microsoft Expression Web? [05:27] Y if it answered yes, you have 3d. However, if you're running compiz (the fancy desktopeffects) it can conflict with other opengl apps [05:27] it's trying to mount my winxp partition even if i do root=/dev/sdb3 (my /) [05:27] !pastebin [05:27] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [05:27] winxp partition is sda1 [05:27] Has anyone tried Landell or Ereseva on Hardy [05:27]  Dr_willis: can you let me know what exactly i need to put in fstab or point me to somw wiki/webpage? [05:27] I think its probably a very simple thing, alan_m, I just don't know what to do :P [05:27] tmapj, i imagine most of us in here - have no idea what those 2 programs do. :) tell us what tasks you want to do.. and we will suggest programs to do the jobx. [05:27] One sec, I'm going to put up a link to pastebin. [05:27] * alan_m is almost positive thats whats going on.... [05:27] can somebody help me to uninstall the kiba-dock? [05:27] anyone know how to get window borders working with compiz at default for mythtv windowed mode? [05:27] venkatachar, this is documented at dozens of places.. lets see if the bot has some factoids.. [05:27] alan_m: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14246/ [05:27] !ntfs | venkatachar [05:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/14247/ [05:27] mhz128 I just installed gnome-art and tried running it, it got reset by the peer (meaning, the site it leeches artwork from said NO!) [05:28] venkatachar: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE [05:28] Dr_willis, im looking for webpage making software [05:28] nickrud: I do not have compiz on. In fact, desktop effects are set to none. [05:28] nickrud: ah makes sense! same error i got [05:28] ANYONE, im looking for webpage making software [05:28] nickrud: any other Ubuntu themes available? [05:28] !bluefish [05:28] Factoid bluefish not found [05:28] tmapj, use blue fish [05:28] tmapj, theres a lot of html editors out there. - I dont really use them 'bluefish' seems popular. [05:28] tmapj bluefish, and kompozer [05:29] is it in the repositories? [05:29] Dr_wills: thanks i will google it. [05:29] yes think so [05:29] tmpaj yes [05:29] mhz128 art.gnome.org, and gnome-look.org [05:29] wheres the conf file for system bootup [05:29] smmagic, i really dont know what to tell you...your grub looks immaculate (great).... [05:29] I know. [05:29] Maybe [05:29] coil scattered. What exactly are you looking for? [05:29] I put my swap in hd1,2 [05:29] and ubuntu in hd1,3 [05:30] well for some reason fsck has a hardon of trying to check my ntfs drive [05:30] smmagic, can I ask that you not do the enter as punctuation, and keep responses on 1 line? [05:30] rickrud: cool thanks man! [05:30] thank you buddy :) [05:30] Okay, sorry [05:30] so something is causing a fsck [05:30] during bootup [05:30] alan_m: Anyway to check where the ubuntu partition is? [05:30] I'm trying to run a game. When I pull it up it is just a black screen with just a version number and the game's cursor. Can someone offer some advice? [05:31] can anyone help me out to get msn account to work on pidgin? [05:31] tonewhy: Did you check your login credentials? [05:32] y: ok nvm thnx [05:32] how to I open file browser as su? [05:32] smmagic, I can see that its on your 2nd hd second partition. [05:32] tonewhy you might try in #pidgin [05:32] nickrud: how come I cant find Emerald for ubuntu anymore? [05:32] alan_m: But i sized my swap first. and ext3 partition second. [05:32] how do make it so that when bars autohide they don't have a bit sticking out? or so that windows can go under the sticking out bit when full screen? [05:33] xodiak: gksu nautilus but be careful [05:33] nick: i got it to work the port had to be forwarded thnx [05:33] mhz128 it's there, sudo apt-get install emerald. I've never had any luck getting it started without doing alt-f2 emerald --replace [05:33] smmagic, you have me baffled by this...sorry man. [05:33] hey guys [05:33] I'm sorry that I can't explain well alan_m [05:33] legend2440: thanks and understood [05:33] whats the file to auto mount stuff [05:33] on bootup [05:33] smmagic, its not your fault buddy :) [05:33] nickrud: where can i find a list of all the packages availble to ubuntu? the package manager sux =p [05:34] synaptic sucks? its amazing haha [05:34] xodiak: gksu gedit /etc/fstab [05:34] smmagic, im just baffled by what your saying and then what grub's telling me..it just doesnt add up. [05:34] i believe it was coil who asked that ledgend, not xodiak [05:34] I know =_= I'm an idiot [05:34] (not that your necessarily wrong smmagic...im NOT saying that) [05:34] ooh [05:34] can sum1 help me; i recently installed opensuse to an external hdd that i hooked up to my computer. then i installed the boot loader that came with it. I now have to hook up 2 the hdd to bring up my boot menu, but if i select a system on my internal hdd, after i select it from the menu i can unpug the external drive. Ho can i e-install my boot loader to m internal drive? [05:34] Check this out, alan_m === jordan is now known as psychofish25 [05:35] can sum1 help me; i recently installed opensuse to an external hdd that i hooked up to my computer. then i installed the boot loader that came with it. I now have to hook up 2 the hdd to bring up my boot menu, but if i select a system on my internal hdd, after i select it from the menu i can unplug the external drive. Ho can i e-install my boot loader to m internal drive? [05:35] alan_m: on /dev/sdb/ ubuntu is on dev/sdb3/ [05:35] Bash question! How can I recursively delete empty folders? [05:35] and thats my vista drive, alan_m [05:36] guys i have a question, i know that the keycode for Alt is and control is and theres also >