[03:05] hi all [03:06] wondering if anyone could help me with cairo-dock? [03:06] it installed ok, but will not launch [03:07] using ubuntu 8.04 [03:07] installed by launching the cairo-dock*.deb and cairo-dock-plug-ins*.deb [03:08] files show up in right places [03:08] but /usr/bin/cairo-dock wont launch [03:08] says it's there but no launchy :-( [03:09] specific error msg. is Failed to execute child process "cairo-dock" (No such file or directory) [03:10] which is puzzling as the files and directories exist and the cairo-dock is marked as executable [03:10] any help would be appreciated [04:50] does anyone else find the tracker-applet notification icons not very intuitive? [06:55] good morning [09:37] moring everyone [10:01] pochu: did you read my reply to your comment about the gtk-vnc update? [10:03] seb128: yeah, I'll look at them [10:03] thanks [10:04] soren: gtk-vnc is a sync for Intrepid, right? [10:04] let me know if you need some testing, etc [10:04] thanks [10:05] pochu: AFAIR, yes. [10:05] from the changelog it looks like ;) [10:08] soren: it adds a new binary package, mozilla-gtk-vnc (--enable-plugin=yes), is that ok? [10:09] pochu: For intrepid? Sure, sure. [10:09] I looking forward to that one, actually :) [10:11] heh [10:11] seb128: can you sync gtk-vnc for Intrepid? [10:11] yes [10:14] good morning slomo_! [10:18] pitti: the pending sru code seems to pick upstream bug numbers too, it doesn't use Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed? [10:19] seb128: it only looks at the actual changelog [10:19] seb128: I started with parsing for LP: #1234 [10:19] seb128: but that didn't catch a lot of mis-formatted bug numbers [10:19] hum [10:19] so I made it more flexible [10:19] pitti: looks at the evolution bugs list for example [10:19] of course that means getting false positives, but that's better than not showing all LP bugs IMHO [10:20] ok [10:20] I should clean the upstream numbers next time then [10:20] hehe, yea [10:20] seb128: no, please keep them, they are useful [10:20] seb128: it's quite clear that those are upstream #, not LP # [10:20] ok [10:20] seb128: well, I have started to reject packages with invalid changelogs (missing bug #), etc. [10:21] if we become consequent with that, I can make the parsing stricter again [10:21] I was not sure if you were aiming at "all green" on this list before copying to updates or something [10:21] seb128: oh, no; only the LP ones [10:21] ok, as long as you can figure which ones are lp or not that's fine I guess ;-) [10:22] once we hit the 3xxxxxx range, it becomes harder, of course [10:22] I try to train myself to not be forgiving about wrong SRU changelogs now [10:27] hi all [10:27] Is this channel correct place to ask about strange behaviour of hal and policy-kit ? [10:28] or it's better to ask at ubuntu-devel ? [10:32] anyone here? [10:33] hi mantiena, you can always ask [10:33] seb128: :) [10:34] so, question is - why policy-kit doesn't allow to upgrade hal package in chroot ? [10:34] root@linux-desktop:/# dpkg --configure -a [10:34] Setting up hal (0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu8) ... [10:34] * Reloading system message bus config... [ OK ] [10:34] polkit-read-auth-helper: needs to be setgid polkituser [10:34] polkit-auth: NotAuthorizedToReadAuthorizationsForOtherUsers: uid 0 is not authorized to read authorizations for uid 111 (requires org.freedesktop.policykit.read) [10:35] I've found which hal.postinst line couses this message: [10:36] # Allow hal to query the PolicyKit database to enforce privileges [10:36] if ! /usr/bin/polkit-auth --user haldaemon --explicit | grep -q 'org.freedesktop.policykit.read'; then [10:36] /usr/bin/polkit-auth --user haldaemon --grant 'org.freedesktop.policykit.read' [10:36] fi [10:36] So, is it bug in hal package or bug in policy-kit ? [10:41] seb128, soren: gtk-vnc uploaded and built at https://edge.launchpad.net/~pochu/+archive, with the 3 fixes. [10:41] pochu: Awesome! [10:42] seb128: I'll ask for testing in the 3 bug reports [10:42] ok, thanks [10:42] wait [10:42] pochu: it's not listed there yet, maybe you need to remove the 0.3.5 candidate? [10:42] right, I just got a rejected mail [10:43] anyway, it built fine on my desktop ;) [10:45] bah I guess it will take some time for the ppa to remove the package... [10:45] should not [10:46] Er.. Yes. [10:46] It's done by a nightly cron job. [10:46] I thought that was already fixed, but looks like not [10:46] At least it used to be. [10:46] at least it's dissapeared from the UI but it's still at http://ppa.launchpad.net/pochu/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gtk-vnc/ [10:47] so I guess a new upload will be rejected again [10:47] seb128, soren: anyway, I've put the diff.gz & .dsc at http://emilio.pozuelo.org/~deb/, you know where to get the orig from ;) [10:47] ah ok [10:47] feel free to play with it :) [10:47] pochu: can you attach the debdiff to one of the bugs rather? [10:47] ah, sure [10:47] pochu: that's what is required for a sure anyway [10:48] s/sure/sru [10:50] seb128: attached at bug 206227 [10:50] Launchpad bug 206227 in gtk-vnc "vinagre fails to connect" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206227 [10:50] pochu: thanks [10:51] anytime [10:51] bbl [10:51] see you later [10:51] soren: want to give it a try and do the sponsoring? [10:52] seb128: I won't get around to it today, then. [10:52] seb128: I can do it tomorrow or the next day. [10:52] soren: well, no hurry, before 8.04.1 would be nice though ;-) [10:53] I think I can manage that :) [10:57] thanks [12:01] seb128: so, could you tell me anything about hal updating problem? It appreard when I upgrading hal from hardy-updates... [12:05] no [12:06] I've no clue about this one [12:13] pitti: maybe I should talk with you about hal updating problems ? [12:13] mantiena: sure [12:35] pitti: should I repeat my lines or you can look at the history of this channel (I've post 2 hours ago) ? [12:35] mantiena: I have scrollback, give me another 5 mins [12:36] (I'd like to finish my current task) [12:37] ok [12:38] mantiena: oh, hal in a chroot? I guess that will break in more than one way [12:38] mantiena: do you have policykit running in the chroot? [12:39] pitti: I don't think so, but in any case - I think there should be a way to upgrade hal package in chroot [12:40] pitti: I'm remastering Ubuntu LiveCD and wanna have to update latest packages [12:41] mantiena: does it help to stop the 'outside' hal and policykit, and restart the ones in the chroot? [12:41] pitti: I can try, didn't this break my internet connection or something ? [12:42] yes, it might (network-manager) [12:42] I don't see a way how to sensibly run two hals on the same machine at the same time [12:42] pitti: but I don't need to run hal inside chroot, I just need to update hal package [12:42] mantiena: oh [12:43] mantiena: using policy-rc.d might help then, but it'll proably stumble over the polkit-auth call [12:44] I've found which hal.postinst line couses this message: [12:44] # Allow hal to query the PolicyKit database to enforce privileges [12:44] if ! /usr/bin/polkit-auth --user haldaemon --explicit | grep -q 'org.freedesktop.policykit.read'; then [12:44] /usr/bin/polkit-auth --user haldaemon --grant 'org.freedesktop.policykit.read' [12:44] fi [12:45] are these lines needed for upgrading hal package ? [12:45] * mantiena is not policy-kit guru ... [12:45] mantiena: actually only for the first installation [12:46] so those could be wrapped into [12:46] if [ -z "$2" ]; then [12:47] pitti: so, should I report a bug against hal package ? [12:47] :) [12:47] pitti: [12:47] merging country code en [12:47] merging country code es [12:47] merging country code pt [12:47] merging country code zh [12:47] i guess for those few it makes sense to manually upload lang packs? [12:48] mantiena: no need to, I just fixed it in trunk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/hal/ubuntu/revision/235 [12:48] * pitti hugs asac [12:49] asac: yes, I think so; that should be done in the update packages [12:49] pitti: update package? will that work? [12:50] asac: you need to update them anyway, since version(base) == version(update) ATM, and base version X depends on update version >= X [12:50] asac: so you can as well put them into the updates only (they Replaces: -base) [12:50] yes ... i thought ill punch the new tarballs in base and upload update with bumpbed depends [12:51] pitti: ok i see .. problem is that in en we have "en" + "en_GB" ... i would like to remove "en" from that [12:51] seb128, soren: gtk-vnc is now in my ppa in the correct version (the debdiff remains the same): https://edge.launchpad.net/~pochu/+archive [12:51] pitti: oh, you don't wanna increase my karma in launchpad .... [12:51] i think its not important. [12:51] so i can go for update package only [12:51] pochu: cool, thanks [12:51] mantiena: heh; if you insist, you can file it anyway :) [12:51] mantiena: (or if you need it for tracking purposes) [12:52] asac: I agree; fewer packages to touch, and testing this scenario is good anyway (it's supposed to work) [12:52] asac: scenario> update packages providing newer translations than -base [12:52] * mantiena wanna to become ubuntu member, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MantasKriaučiūnas [12:53] pitti: maybe you wanna write testmonial into my wiki page ? [12:53] ;) [12:53] pitti: ok fine. how about moving things to language-support when 3.0 RC1 comes out. people kick me all the time :/ [12:53] asac: to language-*support*? heck, we just got rid of that? [12:54] pitti: err, no idea how the package is called. i mean move it from -gnome- to a common package [12:55] asac: ah, I see; if Riddell is ok with that, sure [12:55] pitti: ok, ill talk into him :) [12:55] anyway ... i am doing the langpack updates as discussed for now === crevette_ is now known as crevette [12:56] asac: great [12:59] pitti: so, what about your testmonial into my wiki page ? ;) [13:38] pitti: all three packs in bug 222673 are waiting for approval i guess [13:38] Launchpad bug 222673 in rosetta "language-pack-gnome-pt-base has pt-br translation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/222673 [13:43] mantiena: what do you mean? [13:43] asac: great, so it worked correctly? (replacing files, etc.) [13:44] pitti: for me the result looks ok. there are no conflicts when installing and the problems are fixed [13:46] cool [13:46] pitti: all files replaced are identical to the ones in -base ... so i cannot check that easily if he replace worked properly [13:47] but i hope that dpkg still works :) [13:47] at least the new files are now in there ... and thats what i wanted [13:47] processing [13:50] asac: accepted; so what did you change in the po2xpi scripts now? can we roll this out to rookery as well? [13:51] pitti: i produced it on rookery [13:51] asac: ah, so there's just one language tarball now? awesome [13:51] * pitti hugs asac [13:52] so its already rolled there ... i added merge logic to the mozilla-rosetta/rosetta_xpi_to_sources script [13:52] asac: I'll check the next set of automatic PPA updates then [13:52] ah, I see [13:53] pitti: you run daily PPA updates? [13:53] asac: twice a week, rather [13:53] just note that for the next few days the .po files for firefox and xulrunner are bogus because a fix landed in launchpad and we have to reimport translations [13:54] oh, good to know [13:54] asac: I was planning to copy the PPA to -proposed next Monday [13:54] ill let you know once everything is fine again [13:54] but then I'll hold off [13:54] thanks [13:54] yeah ... i just got to know about this today [13:54] but jtv is on it [13:56] but there is good news ... the xulrunner-1.9 update triggered the auto import this time. so at least that appears to work finally now [14:04] seb128: hey, could you sync gstreamer0.10 for Intrepid? [14:04] slomo_: ^^ [14:04] :) [14:04] \o/ [14:04] yah for the GStreamer stuck in sync with Debian! [14:05] "stuck"? [14:05] err, stack :) [14:05] ah ;-) [14:05] what was the change there? the symlink upgrade cdbs thing? [14:06] slomo_: what would you think if I find a new contributor willing to learn and do merges? you have a lot to do and I don't think I'll be able to take care of all of them as I did when Hardy opened [14:06] seb128: yup [14:06] and this one [14:06] debian/libgstreamer.symbols: [14:06] + Don't use the binary registry for now, too intrusive change for [14:06] hardy and we'll switch after release. [14:06] synced [14:06] ok [14:06] thanks! [14:06] heya [14:08] pochu: you have a list of merges you would like to give away? [14:08] pochu: i have someone in mozillateam who needs more on his list for MOTU application :) (jazzva) [14:10] pochu, slomo_: do you know if some of the gstreamer updates are bug fix versions we should consider for hardy updates? [15:09] asac: I have tracker and liferea, feel free to ask him to give them [15:10] pochu: ok ill ask once he shows up [15:27] pitti: I mean than you could recommend me :) I'm good bugreporter :) [15:35] pitti: or you could mention me at least in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/hal/ubuntu/revision/235 :) [15:35] * mantiena wanna to become ubuntu member, so, I need to document my contributions to Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MantasKriaučiūnas [15:39] mantiena: aah, I see [15:39] pitti: btw, maybe we need to forbid hal to query the PolicyKit database to enforce privileges in hal.postrm if we "allow hal to query the PolicyKit database to enforce privileges" in hal.postinst ? [15:40] mantiena: I'll put a blob on your page [15:43] pitti: thanks [15:53] seb128: good morning [15:53] hello hggdh [15:53] hggdh: so the cpu issue seems to be due to the e-a-n run? [15:54] seb128: yes, it seems so. I sort of expected that, but we still do not know why [15:54] no [15:54] I'm pondering dropping the autostart desktop if upstream doesn't respond to the issue [15:54] a bypass is to take out e-a-n from the suto start-up, but this would break notifications everywhere [15:54] s/suto/auto/ [15:54] well, we added it for this reason [15:55] I've the impression upstream doesn't care a lot about non evolution users [15:55] now that I am home, I will set up one system I have to try to get it [15:55] or rather they use evolution so they don't miss notifications because it has not been started [15:55] I agree -- chats I had upstream... they tell me to get more data, [15:55] but we have gotten a lot of data already [15:56] right, I'm wondering what exactly they want now [15:56] we got debug stacktrace, strace logs, we know it's triggered for users not using evolution [15:56] interesting is that only Ubuntu seems to have been hit so far [15:56] it is triggered for evo users also [15:56] well, the autostart desktop is an ubuntu patch [15:56] ah [15:56] so not so surprising [15:57] upstream relies on evolution being started and running e-a-n [15:57] ah... so there! [15:57] who do you speak to about this issue upstream usually? [15:58] anyone online, mchra, mbarnes, srag [15:58] ok [15:58] AFAIR mbarnes and mchra were the last [15:59] now one thing I do not understand: if e-a-n is used elsewhere in Gnome, why isn't e-a-n autostarted on every distro? [16:00] also, what would happen is we autostarted e-d-s before e-a-n? [16:05] hggdh: other distros get no calendar notifications until somebody starts evolution [16:06] seb128: so... either Gnome sports (and announces) calendar notifications, or officially drops this to only Evo users [16:08] well, that's something GNOME should look at fixing yes [16:08] hggdh: starting e-a-n before e-d-s causes no issue on my box, e-d-s is just autospawned as it should [16:09] hggdh: I just tried several evolution --force-shutdown && /usr/lib/evolution/2.22/evolution-alarm-notify [16:16] seb128: I have been trying also, and never got it -- but, then, all I had was linux64 [16:16] seb128: this is why I want to install hardy32 on one of my machines [16:17] my hunch of being related to one single CPU did not pan out :-( [16:17] I'm using only 32 bit installs [16:17] darn! another hunch goes down the drain! [16:18] I don't think it's so low level issue [16:18] /me wonders why pitti wanna put Binary Large OBject (BLOB) on my page... [16:18] must be a race somewhere in the e-d-s code [16:18] what is weird is that some users have it occasionally, and others almost always (secretlondon, for example) [16:18] races can be weird ;-) [16:18] yeah [16:19] on one of the loops all that I could see were very fast poll () -- like glib got lost [16:20] and continuous poll() with a timeout of zero would indeed cause some CPU use [16:20] right [16:21] now this is why I still think it is related to glib -- applications do not have that low access to poll, or g_hash_* [16:24] that's weird that nothing else trigger the issue if that's a glib bug [16:25] I also agree. Must be something on how e-a-n starts up. But the e-a-n code is quite simple, and looks very much (to my ignorant eyes) like a standard glib usage [16:26] so we go back to e-a-n and e-d-s iteraction -- and, still, glib [16:27] because glib is the glue between both === asac_ is now known as asac [17:43] ember: feel free to ping me if you need sponsorship for your exaile merge ;) [17:51] ember: or if you can't do it, let me know, I'll find some new contributor willing to do it! :) [17:51] there's people on ubuntu-motu-mentors asking for merges so should be trivial [17:52] ^-- that's for everybody in the channel, if you don't want to do your merges... although you will have to help the new contributor if he has issues with it ;) [17:52] yeah i think you can give that merge to one of those people [17:52] i'm waiting till i get a chroot of intrepid created (because of perl bug) [17:53] ah, ok [17:54] well actually I have requested some syncs without test-building them, but this soon in the cycle I don't think that's very important... as they built in Debian and the auto-syncer doesn't test-build them prior to sync packages :) [17:55] and I don't think I'm the only one here ;) [17:55] actually cdbs seems to be uninstallable in the buildds [17:57] if nobody looks for exaile i can do it later at night [17:59] but you can sync evolution-rss [17:59] :p [19:42] Hello ! [19:43] Can you help me about gDesklets (is #ubuntu-desktop the good channel ?) [19:43] I would like to put a desklet always on top [19:44] is anybody here ? [19:46] doul_doul: you can try #ubuntu , this is a development channel [19:46] I have no idea how to do it myself [19:52] okay, thank you [19:57] pitti: May I expect your blob on my ubuntu wiki page, which you mentioned at 17:40:54 ? === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [20:21] Ugh, it's pretty annoying that the Screen Resolution window doesn't fit in 640x480 [20:28] mpt: because other applications do fit nicely on that? ;-) [20:28] seb128, I'm testing applications that don't, and it would be nice to be able to use the mouse to go back to my normal resolution afterwards :-) [20:29] (testing, and providing design fixes for) [20:31] mpt: I was just reading bug #224229 [20:31] Launchpad bug 224229 in gnome-control-center "Quite hard to change screen resolution back to normal when resolution is set very low" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224229 [20:33] seb128, +1 to Bryce's comments [20:33] The "Detect Displays" button taking up as much room as it does is ridiculous [20:34] GTK should refuse to make any button more than 250% the width of its label ;-) [20:34] mpt: did the Brasero bug where it asked if you wanted to set it as default get solved? [20:35] andreasn, according to the Bugzilla comment yes. I haven't confirmed it myself. [20:35] mpt: I'm not sure those will be enough to get it fitting on screen though [20:35] mpt: you would like better an non expansed button there? [20:36] that would look weird no? [20:36] mpt: I just noticed evolution throws up a pretty similar icky dialog, so I wanted to check that it was technically possible to insert "Current Application X" [20:36] seb128, sure, it would look weird either way, which is a clue that it's in the wrong place [20:36] andreasn, I'd be (pleasantly) surprised if the Brasero peeps had implemented that detail [20:37] gicmo, looks like we're room mates in Prague. [20:37] mpt: still, I'm not sure it's possible to make GNOME works correctly on 640x480, and who is used that on normal installations anyway? [20:37] mpt: right [20:37] seb128, people with subnotebooks [20:37] like that eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepc [20:38] mpt: I wrote "normal" on purpose, mobiles are a different target and have adapted interfaces [20:38] subnotebooks != mobiles === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak === fta_ is now known as fta