[00:47] Heya all, quick question, is there a way to remove the VNC password so it doesnt require authentication?> === MythbuntuGuest74 is now known as Cards [02:02] I just set up a new mythbuntu system, and the top panel stays on top of mythtv. I've tried auto-hide, but it still shows a little bit. Am I missing an obvious setting to fix this? [04:07] hey guys [04:08] does anyone have hardy desktop and a bt979 audio and video tv card ? [04:08] bt878* [04:10] ? [04:17] yes [04:18] I have 4 878 cards in my backend [04:23] what is need to configure it under hardy desktop ? can you point me some sites or directions ? [04:24] TenetManta [04:24] TelnetManta [04:25] yes [04:25] my cards were all detected by hardy [04:25] look under /dev/dvb [04:26] if you have adapters then they're already setup for you [05:36] any fixes for lirc_pvr150 module? [05:38] hello channel [05:39] i just upgraded to 8.04 and found that the mythtv-frontend package is incompatible with the mythtv-backend package im running on a separate machine. How can i downgrade mythtv-frontend package? [05:46] momelod, you are better off upgrading your other machine [05:46] the version in 8.04 is not "downgradable" per say [05:46] 0.21 is all that's available in 8.04 [05:48] I second upgrading everythign [06:13] I miss running Mythtv :( [06:13] Im really looking forward to finishing up this compiling job I've been working on for the last month.. takes 2 computers so I had to put windows on my Ubuntu server for a bit [06:14] I'm really hoping that say in a month or so they'll be a nice stable 0.21 release or 0.22 or whatever for me to play with [06:15] I've heard really good things about XBMC interfacing with 0.21 nicely and natively so to speak [06:16] my knees are knocking at eachother in excitement over that [06:28] hrmm.. in that case how to i update my backend which is a mythbuntu install.. i get an error when i try to do a distrobution upgrade [06:29] it says im missing ubuntu-desktop package and so it cant determine how to upgrade [10:30] Hi, I cannot access network admin due to policy kit throwing up some strange errors [11:29] hi [11:52] hi there [12:27] Hi I can't unlock many apps due to policykit [13:46] hi guys [13:47] can anyone help me seting up a tv card in linux chip brooktree bt878 [13:48] or point me directions [13:48] I have look all over net [13:48] abnd still nothing [13:48] :( [13:59] the bt878 devices usually just work [13:59] you put it in [13:59] and it workd [14:07] I did a sudo lsmod and the driver bttv is there [14:07] so, whats next ? [14:08] I installed a package that is in the repository "Me Tv" and does not recognizes the card :( [14:08] it says "No tunner device" [14:16] anyone in here? [14:33] Hello. Does anyoneknow how to resize X for tv out? [15:29] Hey guys, just upgraded to 8.04, but now my ATI Remote Wonder II doesn't work anymore [15:30] I actually decided to switch back from lirc to the kernel module, but I can't get the kernel module to work anymore. [15:31] I removed the blacklist entries for ati_remote and ati_remote2 and I thought that's all I changed when I set the machine up, but I get no mouse cursor control like I used to. [16:15] laga [17:18] hi guys [17:19] can anyone help me out in setting channels on mythtv ? (have hardy ) [17:24] !ask | obione [17:25] hmmmm no bot [17:25] obione: ask your question and if anyone knows the answer they will say something [17:25] also stick around or at least leave the window open and check back [17:41] rh. tnks [17:51] hi all, i'm currently running 8.04, just installed sound blaster audigy se card [17:51] stereo works, but can't get surround sound [17:52] i disabled my on board sound and ran through a couple of old tutorials but nothing seems to fix this issue [17:53] any suggestions would be awesome [17:54] you have a property on the litle column over the wath [17:55] obione: i don't understand what you mean [17:55] when you open the sound properties, you can add a property that is exactly "surround" [17:56] I mean the notification area [17:56] there is a litle sound column [17:56] press twice with mouse [17:56] to open [17:56] do you mean the sound preferences? [17:56] oh right [17:56] yeah [17:56] yes i have that open now [17:56] sorry 4 my english :s [17:56] no problem [17:57] if you go to edit preferences [17:57] ..... [17:57] you'l see there a item "surround" [17:57] ok here's what i did: double clicked the speaker in the toolbar, this opens volume contro, go to edit > preferences [17:57] this opens volume control preferences window [17:58] the only option i have is "master" and it's chekced [17:58] in that window go to Edit menu [17:58] ok i had the wrong mixer open [17:58] and choose "preferences" [17:58] sorry had wrong device selected i think [17:59] try it out [17:59] testing now [18:00] you can then switch the surround level ... it's mazing the sound :p ..... if you have 4 columns and sub woofer [18:00] got it! [18:00] :) [18:00] try it [18:00] put up a music [18:01] and try to play with that control :) [18:02] I'm thinking about setting up a central media server with mythbuntu and then using 3 or 4 diskless heads at each tv being booted over the network. It appears this is possible, but I just wanted to check a few things. I would like to use HDMI at the heads, but it appears it isnt fully functioning yet? Also is there any HD tuner cards that support Cable cards in linux yet (if there ever will be)? [18:02] ok i have sound from digital jack to coaxial on my surround sound box now, but it's only coming out of the center speaker [18:03] i think the issue is that I'm not using a mono cable... so I'm off to microcenter to buy one :) [18:03] thanks for the help obione [18:03] k [18:12] is it just me or is it impossible just to delete one capture card in mythtv? [18:22] Jerr: I think is just you. I think the supr key deletes one turner. [18:27] I pressed delete, backspace, and combinations of shift, alt, ctrl del [18:31] Jerr: then you cant [18:33] hey, anyone tried to install "MythTV for iPhone" http://code.google.com/p/mythtv-for-iphone/ or would mind helping me troubleshoot my issue. [19:03] hi there! [19:03] does anyone here have some experience with diskless booting? [19:39] anyone here? [19:40] I have a program somewhere thats supposed to help with diskless booting [19:41] theres all kinds of free ones out there [19:41] like booting from a usb stick type thing [19:42] cool! I saw this option in the new mytbuntu control-centre, but it doesn't seem to work properly [19:42] now i'm trying to make a new image to put on the usb-stick following a guide on the mythbuntu wiki [19:42] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV/Install/Hardy/Diskless [19:42] i'm currently at 99% [19:43] rad [19:43] LTSP client installation completed successfully [19:43] it says... so now i should make a bootable usb-stick out of it... [19:43] I take it your doing diskless so that you can use a part time pc as a frontend? [19:44] so i can put a frontend in the living room, that i will only boot when i want to watch something, and that doesn't need a full install. [19:44] I may have to give tha a wack soon [19:45] I will let you know if i get it to work... [19:45] I wanna build a computer for xbmc since its the best media center on the planet.. but since it can't control mythtv very well, a usb stick might be the key [19:46] with another lightweight pc? [19:46] Thanks.. I sure would like to know [19:46] I have 3 mini pc's floating around here.. and unfortunately their build in video cards aren't totally linux friendly.. so I might have to look into building a new pc [19:48] course if I buy a mac mini, I wonder if this usb boot drive idea of yours would work [19:50] if it is a intel-based mac... then it would, i suppose. [19:50] in theory it should [19:50] didn't work yet... you said you had some programs? [19:50] im having a hard time deciding if I wanna pay $800 for a mini or $800 for a powerful linux computer [19:51] lemme look.. [19:52] i would love to buy one of those shuttle KPC K45's. sub 200 euros (even less in dollars) [19:53] but ... i have several older pc's floating around the house... my wife would kill me... :p [19:54] I have a program called Flashboot [19:54] I never actually used it.. [19:55] www.prime-expert.com/flashboot/ [19:56] you're sending me a link to a winblows program :p ? [19:56] lol [19:56] you have have a windows laptop floating around? [19:56] i just found a tutorial using syslinux (on which your program seems to be based anyway...) [19:56] I thought everyone did.. they are cheap [19:57] right on [19:57] yes, i do, but i'm trying to learn while i'm doing all this :D [19:57] thats the spirit [19:57] I remember when I liked to learn [19:57] you don't anymore? [19:57] :p [19:57] actually yeah.. I do [19:58] for a while I went linux exclusive for a few years [19:58] then I was over it [19:58] over it? not having fun anymore? [19:58] for the life of me, i cannot get mythtv-setup, in channel scanning to find any digital channels (EIT)? - using dvbsnoop program - scan work no problem. can anyone tell me what code is used to find eit channels? [19:58] now I just keep a mix of everything around and I use them all [19:58] sorry, dbmister, only using analog here... no experience with dvb... [19:59] once imported from a channels.conf from scan, it can update the channels? grrrrr [19:59] im using the latest mythbuntu 8.04 [20:05] solar, the cool thing is, you can launch mytbuntu-control-centre on your server, and configure everything you want on your client. [20:09] yeah that is pretty hip.. hyphun are you new to mythtv? [20:12] not really, i had knoppmyth running for nine months or so, before i'm now converting to mythbuntu [20:13] I was pissed at knoppmyth.. the boot dvd would always crash while partitioning my drive [20:13] then i downloaded ubuntu-mythtv and I was a satisfied as I could be [20:14] my first try at knoppmyth went excellent.. so... it worked and i only tweaked it since... [20:14] Any tips on how to improve the interaction between lirc, mythfrontend and gnome-screensaver? [20:15] i was always curious at how mythbuntu would perform on my celeron 900Mhz, but i liked the way my knoppmyth was running... [20:15] dont use a screen saver :) [20:15] every kepypress on my remote trigger a series of events vi dbus that sends cpu-load skyhigh for a few sec [20:16] no screensaver is fine for a dedicaded media frontend, not for a workstation [20:16] has anyone used a asus my cinema hybrid PCI card? [20:16] until i installed mythbuntu 8.04 as frontend on my laptop and it seemed to have corrupted my backend-database... (or it could be coincidence)... but the backend wouldn't recognize my tv-card anymore... [20:16] negative [20:17] so instead of tinkering with that install of knoppmyth again, i opted for a separate backend/frontend approach... [20:17] backend is running now on my core2duo [20:17] good choice [20:17] and i'm trying to create a lightweight, easy frontend... [20:18] this diskless approach seems the way to go... if it would work... [20:18] you should probably check out xbmc just cause its a kewl project [20:18] I created a new usb-stick now... [20:18] but then i would need a modded xbox? [20:18] I swear by it personally.. but itts not much of a frontend for mythtv quite yet.. just basic controls.. live tv, record, watch recordings.. that kind of thing [20:19] it doesn't need a moded xbox anymore.. you could use windows or linux or mac now to load xbmc [20:19] why wouldn't you just do a mythbuntu frontend install then? [20:19] like I said it provides just the basics as a frontend to mythtv, but as a Media Center its amazing [20:20] Mythbuntu is my secondary frontend [20:20] for when I need extra control.. which is almost never [20:20] I have xbmc installed on all my xbox's.. and currently installed on a few windows computers around the house as well [20:20] you use it on an xbox? or pc? [20:20] all your xbox?? how many do you have? [20:20] I use xbmc on both xbox and pc.. I also run mythtv frontend on both xbox and tv [20:20] does is play normal games after that as well? [20:20] err and pc [20:21] yeah the xbox plays all the xbox games, and its also loaded with 14,000 roms as well [20:22] anyone here good with pip? I have a pchdtv5500 as tuner 1 and 2, and a pvr150 as tuner 3, when i do pip i get tuner 2 as small window and can not change it to tuner3, i know Y changes tuner but it wont work for pip [20:22] toorima: thats behind the scope of my experiences [20:23] beyond [20:23] damn I can't type anymore [20:24] hehe [20:35] back [21:11] I just finished the install and rebooted for the first time, it loads grub and the boot process starts but then all of a suddent the screen goes completely blank. Any ideas what could be wrong? === Penfold__ is now known as Penfold [23:04] I just tried setitng up my firewire with my STB [23:04] it is changing the channels, but the picture isn't showing up, and it shows up as (L____) Partial Lock === JThundley_ is now known as JThundley