[02:41] good evening, i got a problem with my printer connected via windows file/printer sharing, using samba on my linux box. it's a lexmark Z25, the driver is for the lex z32, as close as it gets, and when i try to print, it only gives out empty pages. any solutions? online I found a couple of posts with the problem described, but no answer?! === greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco [08:56] howdy edubuntu'ers! [17:42] anybody seen the firefox 3 entry gone missing from the menu in hardy upgrades? [17:54] johnny: nope shouldnt happen no bugs on it alteast i upgraded 4+ times and that wasnt one thing ive seen, but i fixed firefox 2 :) [19:38] gnomefreak, what do you mean you fixed ff2?