[00:12] like away [00:15] just upgraded to 8.0.4 everything works fine except pulseaudio server [00:16] anyone good with this thing [00:16] it's invoked per-user via GNOME-session [00:16] since you don't use GNOME, you likely want to make pulseaudio run per-user upon Xfce session login [00:18] well it runs fine if I run the command pulseaudio from bash [00:18] just need to find a way to run the deamon automatically [00:18] it also outputs some weird errors [00:18] ill get pulse audio errors with hardy too [00:19] lll [00:24] I tried putting the command pulseaudio in rc.local [00:25] didn't work think I need the deamon command [00:25] boykillsworld: putting it in rc.local invokes it as root. You, as non-root, can't use that one. [00:26] boykillsworld: google something like "Xfce autostart" [00:27] ok thanks [00:37] ok how do you change resolutions in 8.0.4 [00:37] manual xorg.conf doesn't work anymore [00:38] the gui setting menu locks me at 800x600 as max [00:38] is there no option under screen display? [00:38] are you doing a vnc? [00:39] wont give me 1024x768 [00:39] no I am not doing vnc [00:39] yes I checked the settings first [00:39] don't know I'm afraid [00:39] I need the manual way [00:40] for some reason hardcoded it in xorg.conf doesnt work anymore [00:40] weird [00:41] I have the same problem, but only when I vnc in [00:42] well it's like xfce is controlling the resolution instead of xorg.conf [00:43] open settings manager, then display and select resolution? [00:43] cuts me at 800x600 as max [00:43] if it were that easy I would do it [00:46] xrandr [00:48] could try that but that doesn't work at bootup right [00:49] i actually have a script running couple xrandr commands when i connect to xfce [00:50] ok I'll look into that [00:50] for dual monitors though [00:50] I had to use it one for dual monitors on an ati card [00:50] nite [00:50] later [01:02] Hi guys, just wonder if there will be a hardy powerpc iso soon? the download page has only a daily build from the 21st. [01:29] no idea about the powerpc iso [01:29] if I had to guess I would say it will be up eventually [01:30] sportjunkie: are you looking to upgrade or just try it out? [02:00] im back again [02:00] and still has a slight problem [02:02] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4806312#post4806312 [02:02] lol its not the same prob as before [02:02] reinstalling xfce worked [02:03] but my additional harddrives won't mount on startup... or even show up in the list [02:03] even after adding them to fstab [02:03] running "mount -a" mounts them into the folders ok... but it still doesnt show up on the lists of filesystems [02:05] any ideas? [02:05] the list of filesystems? [02:06] hold a sec [02:06] /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdc5 [02:06] both ntfs [02:07] what list of filesystems [02:07] thunar side panel.. [02:07] ah [02:07] just "File System" [02:07] do they ever show up there? mine dont [02:07] ive never tried to make them [02:07] yea mine did before [02:07] mine do [02:07] mine did before I had them mounting properly [02:07] but atm i have to run "mount -a" in order to mount them :S [02:08] if mount -a works, they should be coming up when you boot. weird [02:08] afaik [02:08] hmmm [02:08] just a question... [02:08] for those on 8.04... (and used to have 7.10)... which do you perfer so far? [02:09] I run both atm [02:09] been on 8.04 for a month or so on my laptop [02:09] ah ok [02:09] running smoothly [02:09] liking ff3 [02:09] havent noticed much else [02:09] yea... [02:09] other than the new artwork i dont see alot different [02:09] has anyone had experience running 64bit xubuntu on a 32bit processor? I apparently am atm [02:10] the add/remove thing has been moved around a bit... (the gui) [02:10] nope [02:10] well [02:10] i dunno lol [02:10] im using 32 bit X... but i dont know what me cpu is [02:11] the 64 bit kernel would never load [02:11] i have a 64 bit ubuntu cd... the kernel loads but then i get a heap of weird errors then it reboots [02:11] so i guess not lol ^_^ [02:11] I am rather confused because that's what I figured, no weird errors, and it seems to be running. [02:12] who knows lol [02:12] (maybe someone does.. but i don't_ [02:12] *) [02:13] !bye [02:13] Au revoir! [02:14] my upgrade to hardy on my laptop went horribly wrong so i grabbed the disk i used for installing hardy on one of my desktops. After the lastfm repo wouldn't work i realized it was a 64bit disk but i'm on a intel core 2 duo(32bit) but it installed and upgraded to hardy without issue. [02:14] second hardy = gutsy* [02:24] Hi, room. I have a general xubuntu question...hoping someone can answer. I have recently started using the gnome based ubuntu instead of windows for both home and work. Recently I found xubuntu when looking looking for something without the heavy gnome overhead for an older machine...and I really like it so far. The question is, do you all use xubuntu for your everyday use, or is it mainly for older machines and servers? Hope [02:25] thanks in advance... [02:26] i'm unable to get x11vnc working on a default install. any know issues? [02:27] all i can see is *** XOpenDisplay failed (:0) [02:30] panthermartin13: I use it for my old machine [02:30] randall: what are you trying to do? [02:30] connect to an existing X session [02:31] thanks, K. i had about decided to scrap the old machine until I found it. [02:31] runs great on this P3. [02:31] i use it on my everyday use machine [02:32] KillerOrca: I commented out DisallowTCP so it doesn't append -nolisten to X [02:32] randall: so you are trying to vnc into a windows box or linux one? [02:33] KillerOraca: To a linux box with Xubuntu installed. [02:33] thanks, float. I just wanted to be sure before putting it on a couple of more boxes. thanks, again. [02:33] KillerOraca: I've done this many times on other machines. Just start-up x11vnc and connect. [02:33] KillerOraca: but x11vnc is failing and I don't know why [02:34] randall: fresh install of 8.04? [02:34] yea. on an ibook g3 [02:35] randall: someone else was just saying they couldn't find the powerpc isos for 8.04 [02:36] they're in the ports section [02:37] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ports/ [02:37] wait, it's not there [02:38] randall: if the problem was a different chipset it probably wouldn't have installed :/ [02:38] it's under daily [02:38] randall: my experience with vnc is limited [02:38] KillerOraca: Yea. I'm just frustrated b/c this is usually so easy to do and x11vnc is not giving me useful feedback [02:38] randall: the only reason I am using x11vnc is to vnc from a windows box to a linux one [02:39] randall: there are probably other linu vnc's [02:39] KillerOraca: I'm trying to help my wife in D.C. [02:39] KillerOraca: The great thing about x11vnc is that it grabs the current X session instead of starting a new one [02:40] randall: never vnced outside the local network before [02:40] KillerOraca: I think I just got a hint "no protocol specified" [02:40] KillerOraca: I'm using openvpn [02:41] KillerOraca: I also get "no protocol specified" when I try something like DISPLAY= xclock [02:41] randall: can you vnc into other boxes on your network? [02:42] KillerOraca: yes [02:42] KillerOraca: think i'm on to it [02:42] randall: I was thinking it might be her end [02:42] randall: especially if you can vnc into other boxes [02:47] KillerOraca: I think some env variable is not set right [02:48] randall: nothing to do but sniff it out, somehow [02:49] Would I go to Launchpad to talk about an Idea i have for a new Ubuntu? [02:50] HACKhalo2: seems about right === zoredache_ is now known as zoredache [02:53] How would i do that? [02:53] lol im noobish [02:53] what kind of idea [02:54] It's called Mubuntu (Multiple-Ubuntu), which is a ISO image With Ubuntu, Xubuntu, and Kubuntu on it [02:55] basically a Test Image to see what Ubuntu fits you [02:56] HACKhalo2: almost all the *buntus are made to fit on a CD [02:57] HACKhalo2: how do you suggest 'they' get everything to fit on a single cd? [02:57] BUT, Mubuntu has Ubuntu, Xubuntu, and Kubuntu on one image [02:57] HACKhalo2: the major difference between the 3 are window managers, and those can be switched [02:57] or are you thinking it would be a dvd image? [02:57] right [02:57] no CD image [02:57] Basically, a LiveCD with Barebones [02:57] I would bet that it is impossible to have everything on a single cd image [02:58] each window manager brings in too much of stuff for all the libraries [02:58] anyway, if I where you I would research how the cdimages are created and try and create one if you can... If you can do it, submit it as a patch maybe [02:59] The CD itself won't install the *buntu's which will save space [02:59] not much space.... [02:59] I'm thinking using a custom made script using apt-get calls to install [03:01] and since the window mangers use the same files, all they really need is the manager spicific files [03:02] what do you mean they use all the same files? kde is a major differences in libraries needed compared to ubuntu/xubuntu [03:02] and the normal CD images for the *buntu's are about 580MB, including all the fancy windows installers and junk like that [03:03] well, the drivers, stuff like that [03:03] the kernel is the same [03:03] and like i said, it'll be bare bones [03:04] if it is bare bones, they people won't get the real experience [03:04] well, bare bones as in no fancy windows installers, etc [03:06] well make a post at the idea storm site... or perhaps whatever package/meta package that builds the cd images [03:06] basically, a bootable CD that windows itself can't read [03:06] or build a protoype yourself and post that [03:06] i was thinking of prototyping the shell scripts that it would need [03:07] because i want it to change OS's on the fly [03:08] and to prototype and test the apt-get installer [03:08] why not start simple... build a vm and install all the windows managers and stuff you want in the vm... see how much disk space it takes up [03:09] well, first i need non-tainted file lists of the three OS's [03:10] then the VM [03:10] what do you need that? [03:10] then build a script that would install all the files that i need [03:11] for a list of files needed to install the OS [03:11] I thought you weren't installing anything [03:11] within the VM [03:11] KillerOraca: to get it to work I had to chmod -R o+rw /var/lib/gdm and specify the auth file within [03:12] KillerOraca: seems like something just isn't set up right by default [03:12] why don't you start with just a ubuntu cli install then just add the ubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages [03:12] thats what i was going to do [03:12] since Ubuntu is the father to Xubuntu and Kubuntu [03:12] or... you could fire up each version of a livecd... and do a dpkg --get-selections which should give you the list of packages installed [03:14] because if all three of them use mostly the same packages, then this is hypothectically possible [03:14] because i'm thinking it would be near 690MB for the CD Image [03:15] HACKhalo2: do you know what debootstrap is? [03:16] nope [03:17] you'll probably want to look that up... You'll probably need it [03:17] ok [03:32] I have instlled u-server. what is the meta package that will get me the xfce wm, without any apps? [03:33] all I really want is for usb drives to auto mount the same way they do with a full u-desktop instlll - wich is based on drive label or soething [03:36] so do you actually want a gui? or do you just want to have devices automount? [03:36] just automount [03:36] you might want to look at setting up autofs instead... [03:36] I did - not quite the same [03:37] no... it is better :p [03:37] it doesn't query the volume label [03:37] sure it can... [03:38] out of the box/ [03:38] ? [03:38] I have config file with the volume names of all my backup disks [03:38] all you have to do is tweak a configuration file... and know the volume names in advance [03:39] 2 things I dont want to do [03:40] well, you could also build an executable mount map that can mount any device [03:40] apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will do what i need - just hoping for something that wont take as long to install [03:41] well the xubuntu-desktop package may be what you want... [03:42] For a server though I might argue that the autofs solution is even better... [03:42] does that include apps, like firefox, email... [03:42] it isn't a real server [03:42] yes it includes a full desktop [03:42] it's a usb->eththernet bridge because my old mac only has usb1 [03:43] so are you going to login to the 'server' every time you need to unmount? [03:44] drives are mac formated, wich get mouted RO, so just unplug em [03:46] Does anyone have Xubuntu Hardy installed? [03:46] Sorry, does anyone *here* have Xubuntu Hardy installed? [03:47] !anyone [03:47] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [03:47] Thanks for the tip, but does anyone have it installed? [03:47] If not, they can't try something and answer my question. [03:47] Jeah: yes [03:47] almost certainly... but they may not be available... instead of wayting... why not just ask [03:48] KillerOrca: If you open a terminal, do all the window decorations draw properly? [03:48] Jeah: I think I just saw a new bug about terminals lacking window decorations [03:49] Jeah: Usually I just ssh in, luckily I have a vnc here ... [03:49] Jeah: Yes, everything looks normal [03:49] Yeah, it's here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-terminal/+bug/194769 . It's happening for me, but I'm wondering if it works properly for anyone. The bug's been open since Feb and I'd be surprised if it is universal and not just specific systems. Here are some screenshots of the buggy behavior: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12163771/screenshot.jpg and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/12163778/screenshot2.jpg [03:49] Launchpad bug 194769 in xfce4-terminal "xfce4-terminal window borders / decorations / widgets being incorrectly drawn (xubuntu 8.04)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [03:50] KillerOrca: Ok, so yours looks fine? [03:50] Jeah: yep [03:50] KillerOrca: Weird. I wonder what's doing it. I redownloaded and reinstalled the terminal package as well as the WM and themes packages. [03:51] KillerOrca: Oh well. Thanks, I was just curious if it was working for everyone else. I'm glad to hear that it's not everyone, though that probably means it will take longer to get a patch. [03:51] Jeah: I did change one thing in the xorg.conf file, but that was only cause opening terminal caused a reboot [03:52] KillerOrca: Haha, at least I don't have that one! :) [03:52] Jeah: change the default color depth from 24 to 16 [03:53] KillerOrca: Where's that? Is it a terminal setting or a system setting? [03:53] Is there any way to find out what packages are different between two xubuntu hardy computers? [03:53] open up xterm with alt-f2 'xterm' than run for another terminal [03:54] then in that 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' [03:55] wait wrong path [03:57] no it's right [03:58] hello ;) [03:58] KillerOrca: Ok, then it's just an obvious setting in there? There isn't more than one instance or anything? [03:58] Jeah: yeah, just default depth [03:58] Jeah: not even sure if it will help to change [03:59] KillerOrca: Ok, thanks. I'll give it a try, but I suspect it won't be the fix since it's just the one app doing it. I'll let you know; the system's booting at the moment and it's a slow one! [03:59] Jeah: then save and ctrl-alt-backspace [04:00] CarlF1 here is all the autofs config you need to automatically mount any device by label http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64630/ [04:12] KillerOrca: It didn't fix the problem, but thanks for the suggestion. And thanks for confirming that it works fine for you. [04:15] Jeah: too bad [04:16] Yeah, well thanks anyway. And since the bug has been confirmed I can at least hope for a speedy patch. It's not the biggest deal anyway, since the buttons still work, they're just not visible. A little guessing normally gets the job done just fine. [04:17] KillerOrca: Whoops, that was supposed to be directed to you. [04:42] I have a problem, I have an acer laptop with 3 systems installed, xubuntu, ubuntu and XP, after i upgraded the xubuntu to hardy, i fail to mount the other 2 partitions that ubuntu and xp are installed on, i mean for file browsing. i think it has something to do with kitpolicy, can anyone help me please? [04:44] deformation: I personally can't help at all, except to say that it doesn't sound like a Xubuntu-specific issue, so you can probably look/ask in the Ubuntu channel and/or forums, too. [04:44] deformation: There are more people in there, so you're probably more likely to run into someone who can answer your question. [05:04] Thanks @Jeah thats what i am doing :) [07:23] how do i get hardy to recognise my Epson Stylus CX5200 printer/scanner? i've opened the printer configuration window but i don't see it in the list... anybody familiar with this? [07:24] I wonder if I have to hook it up AFTER the computer is running? I had it powered on already before i turned the computer on ... [07:25] it is aksing me for a device URI, but I don't know what that would be [07:32] no results on doc site that i can find.... arrrrrrgggghhhhhh [07:41] i wouldn't do that [07:48] ummmm, guess nobody knows about printers tonite .... try again tomorrow [07:48] try the forums === HACKhalo2_ is now known as HACKhalo2 [08:02] !anyone [08:02] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? === gaurdro is now known as gaurdro|away [08:14] hmmmm, i solved one riddle and uncovered another ... found the config process for my printer, but when i go to select it, ubuntu asks me for password, as usual. but now, my password isn't working. i upgraded this box to hardy yesterday, so i'm guessing there is some connection there... has an [08:16] it's mom's computer, i tried my password and then her's but it seems to be rejecting both ... arrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh. [08:28] i don't understand this. i tried to open synaptic, and i used my regular password -- no prob. on the printer configuration process, tho, it asks for my 'password on localhost' and is rejecting. i don't ever remember having any other passwords to use on this system, can someone help please? [11:01] hello [11:02] i've just installed xubuntu for the first time, but i can't see any of my other drives and usb storage is not mounting automatically, what can i do? [11:02] is there something i forgot to install? [12:19] i wish there was an option "copy selection" in the xfce4-terminal (like its automatically on putty) in xfce4-terminal you can enable option "paste selection" so i wonder if copy selection is possible [12:20] floating: ctrl+shift+c [12:21] yes, that copies the text that i have selected [12:21] looking for auto copy on selection [12:22] hi, got a little problem with Xubuntu+compiz. Compiz is working great, but when I restart the computer I have to run the "compiz --replace"-command to get window decorations back, even though the command allready is in the autostart applications [12:22] anyone know why that is happening, or how to fix it? [12:34] floating: do you want selected text to be pasted without middle mouse click? [12:35] no. just want to paint some text in terminal, then go to firefox for example and click ctrl+v there to paste it [12:36] ! [12:36] suriro: sorry, i didnt know that middle-mouse-button actually does that [12:36] hehhh thx [12:39] hmm linux question:; can i see my current upload rate and download rate from command line ? [12:39] ifconfig shows the total amount but [13:08] hey there, every time I log in I get a "brown" desktop background (sounds strange I know) with none of my icons. I have to go Applications>settings>desktop settings and click "allow xfce to manage the desktop" every time to get my wallpaper and icons back. Can someone help to make it so it starts up every time please? [13:28] homebrewcider: do you have 'save session' enabled/clicked at logout dialog? [13:30] yes [13:30] xubuntu 8.04? [13:31] 7.10 [13:33] floating: there's sysstat if you don't want the network monitor applet [13:34] hi [13:34] is it normal that i cannot select more icons on the desktop by dragging? [13:39] yes [13:39] keep ctrl pushed [13:39] and select individually the icons [13:39] otherwise you might open thunar at /home//Desktop [13:48] thanks [14:17] hi [14:18] by now i´ve installed ubuntu but wish to try xubuntu because i expect more speed beacuse it is said that xubuntu is the right thing for older ocs, right ? [14:21] thats true [14:22] ok, but in ubuntu my broadcom 43xx-wlan wont work (acer 5220 laptop), anyone who got i running ? [14:22] is ubuntu using nm-aplet together with b43-fwcutter as well ? [14:32] hy [14:36] hi [14:38] i upgrade from 7.10 most of the things runs fine. i have sound but i can not set the volume... i started pulseaudio, but i could not connect to the server [14:39] mmmh pulseaudio [14:39] i dunno [14:41] dont you know how to get back my goodold alsa ? [14:42] sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio [14:52] i have done it [14:54] trying to use ftp commandline tool. i connect to host and type get -vi /remote/dir/ /local/dir/ and it doesnt copy the /dir/ to local machine but says : No such file or directory. and then goes one file at a time from the remote dir and says no such file on each of them :/ [15:00] ok. got it this way. enter the directory on local machine where want it, then connect, then just use get file [15:05] ok i uninstalled the pulseaudio but nothing has chnaged... i can not change the volume in xfce.. he device shows up but the settings do not... neither on alsamixergui [15:05] i ame using an asus eee pc [15:06] argh, ftp doesnt understand wildcards:? [15:11] can anyone tell me which packages install the GL/gl.h and GL/glx.h headers? [15:19] hi! [15:24] http://pastebin.ca/999343 [15:25] I want to agree a resolution at my xubuntu, but I don't know how to do that [15:40] forces: hi [15:41] maybe you want to look at Applications -> Settings -> Screens and Graphics [15:41] !resolution [15:41] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [15:42] !xconfig [15:42] To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes [15:48] xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration [15:48] file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080427084802 [15:49] that says when I type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, [15:49] yes, you can always revert to what you had before by copying that file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf [15:50] The resolution 1280x768 is not avaible in Screen and Graphics, I have to agree to xorg, but in xubuntu if diferent to ubuntu [15:52] try running without phigh, don't worry it will backup your file so you can always revert [15:52] although, with phigh it SHOULD ask you what resolutions are appropriate [16:05] hey, is there a way how i can scan what udp ports works here ? i am behind such routers i cant tweak them, but would like to see if some udp port is open === HACKhalo2_ is now known as HACKhalo2 [16:38] anyone know how to make XF86AudioLowerVolume and RaiseVolume keys work as in Gnome desktop? [16:39] ...without binding to aumix commands [16:39] suriro: select a keyboard layout that has them [16:39] already did [16:39] suriro: and add a volume control applet to the panel [16:39] sme alyout as in Gnome [16:39] *same layout [16:39] gnome overrides layout settings [16:40] and always expects multimedia keys [16:40] i have no problem those keys being detected on xfce [16:41] ok, then the panel; plugin should handle them [16:41] Hi, anyone keen on helping me udnerstand wy my 7.04 wont upgrade? [16:41] kallej: any details? [16:43] TheSheep: gnome shows a little popup when those keys are pressed, xfce also shows it but only for keys that control screen brightness, not for volup/voldown [16:43] I wonder what shows that popup.. [16:44] I get the 8.04 LTS is available in my upgrade dialog, but the instantly "Not all upgrades can be installed" [16:46] suriro: I guess it's metacity [16:47] kallej: can you open the terminal and type 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and pastebin the result? [16:48] When I try upgrading it goes all the way to installing the upgrades, but then aborts with a "could not install the upgrades" [16:48] I will try [16:50] TheSheep: Sorry to be an idiot, but what is pastebin? Plain pasting in this IRC? [16:51] !pastebin [16:51] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [16:52] kallej: no need to be sorry, don't hesitate to ask [16:52] kallej: I'll be back in 10 minutes [16:54] TheSheep: No worries, my prime objective is, to see if it's easy to fix my installation or if I should reinstall 8.04, and if then, are my programs then gone? [16:56] TheSheep: Sorry about the swedish but heres the link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64707/ [17:04] Hi. I'm having problems every time I upgrade or install something with apt. here is error i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/64710 [17:05] xubuntu version is 8.04 [17:06] In the meantime I have to reflect on this phenomena. Skilled people sitting here helping complete strangers, with sometimes very complicated problems..... Very impressive!!! [17:13] Bodle: are trying to install glascow haskell? [17:15] TheSheep: here's a screenshot of the popup I talked about http://img31.picoodle.com/img/img31/4/4/27/f_Screenshotm_768b4f1.png [17:16] suriro: no, but I do have it and I have played with xmonad. Is it possible that something is messed up with those [17:17] what apt-get command causes that error? [17:18] upgrade and install [17:18] it doesn't matter what i'm trying to install, every time same problem [17:19] actually it does install everythin I want to. It just throws that error after that, no matter what [17:19] apt-get check may elp [17:19] *help [17:20] or just run synaptic and select "fix broken packages" [17:20] didn't help :/ [17:22] It can't find anything broken [17:24] you sure you don't need that haskell stuff anymore? [17:25] yep, I'm sure [17:25] dpkg -l '*ghc*' [17:26] then apt-remove the pkgs from that list [17:28] 'apt-get remove libghc6-hgl-dev' might even be enough === suriro is now known as suriro-- === suriro-- is now known as suriro [17:33] it doesn't let me remove that [17:45] kallej: sorry, I'm back. try uninstalling audacious, doing the upgrade and installing it back [17:49] hello [17:49] what's the CLI for deleting unused packages leftovers [17:53] Hi Ben_Cs [17:53] try sudo apt-get clean [17:53] Ben_Cs: ^^ [17:53] hi TheSheep [17:54] Ben_Cs: apt-get autoremove might be what you are looking for [17:55] read up on it with "man apt-get" [17:56] Ben_Cs: with the --purge option [17:57] TheSheep: did you see the screenshot I posted? [17:59] suriro: I know how it looks in gnome. xfce doesn't have such a thing. [18:00] TheSheep: that's an xfce desktop shot [18:01] TheSheep: apt-get autoremove --purge ? [18:01] hmm... but that's brightness control [18:01] Ben_Cs: that should work [18:01] Ben_Cs: yes [18:02] hello [18:02] hi rooger [18:02] TheSheep: yes.. what pops it up? gnome has it too. [18:03] TheSheep, j1mc: thanks. it did [18:03] trying to install drapper on ibook g-4 duel boot and it wont partion [18:03] btw, i directed opera browser to ~/.mozilla/plugins directory but still flash wont work on it although it works on firefox. know why? [18:07] boots up just fine from the cd but it fails to partition1 anyone know a fix? [18:07] Ben_Cs: same problem here. I suppose recent flash plugins are incompatible with opera. [18:07] rooger: sorry, i don't. you might want to check in #ubuntu-ppc [18:08] suriro: i see. ok thanks [18:11] i had bad flash experience in firefox with xubuntu 8.04 . it appeared that there were lots of free flash plugins installed that came with hardy. i removed them and now i have flashplugin-nonfree, and now all is well. i wish xubuntu didn't bloat with flash plugins that don't do the job [18:16] suriro: forums say that opera 9.5 beta should work with current adobe flash plugin. trying now [18:18] TheSheep: Will do so. BRB [18:19] yeh baby!!!!!!!! the new opera 9.5 beta works great with flashplugin-nonfree [18:21] Ben_Cs: is it still qt3 based? [18:21] I dont know about the beta Opera [18:22] TheSheep: THE INSTALLATION IS RUNNING!!! [18:22] suriro: i guess so. just go to opera site and download opera 9.5beta for your version of ubuntu [18:27] I have no interest for another beta browser. FF is beta already on Hardy. :/ [19:33] anyone here able to help with a simple xubuntu 8.04 graphics driver question? i think it's simple anyway... [19:35] just to get going in advance...i put the new xubuntu hardy heron on my sony viao notebook (replaced ubuntu gnome 7.10) and the intel 810 driver is no longer working - lost my 1024x768 screen resolution [19:36] looked at xorg.conf and i don't see anything in there that looks like it detected it...any ideas? [19:54] panthermartin13: I'm guessing you dont have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup or somesuch? [19:55] panthermartin13: you could compare then what xorg used to load with what its loading now [19:56] is the driver loading at all (but with the wrong res)? or is X not even starting? [19:58] back - dog knocked something down...perfect timing... [19:59] yeah...i did not save my old xorg since i expected the new xubuntu to work like the old install did [20:00] i am using it...it only shows 800x600 - it did not detect the display card and screen properties like 7.10 did [20:01] i tried regenerating the xorg using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" - that did not work [20:02] panthermartin13: and in your xorg.conf what resolutions are defined? [20:03] none [20:03] panthermartin13: i am not sure then whats happening, usually the dpkg-reconfigure.... is enough [20:03] Section "Device" [20:03] Identifier "Configured Video Device" [20:03] EndSection [20:03] Section "Monitor" [20:03] Identifier "Configured Monitor" [20:03] EndSection [20:03] Section "Screen" [20:03] Identifier "Default Screen" [20:03] Monitor "Configured Monitor" [20:03] Device "Configured Video Device" [20:03] EndSection [20:03] yup [20:03] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/4780814/xorg.conf [20:03] something like that [20:04] it looks like it hasnt found the card at all though [20:05] i am a little new at this - is the best way forward to edit the xorg or run some utility to do it for me? [20:05] under the device section it should say something like Driver "intel" (i dont have intel so I'm not sure) [20:06] maybe there is someone out there with a sony vaio who has posted their xorg and i can just copy it...i'll try googling some more - thanks for your help [20:09] panthermartin13: yeah, goog idea. good luck === HACKhalo2_ is now known as HACKhalo2 [20:29] TheSheep: Thank you my friend. It seems to have worked though I had to klick away some warning dialogs!!!! [20:30] kallej: cool, try to run that 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' to make sure everything is upgraded [20:30] :) [21:11] i have a problem with the resolution when i start xubuntu the resolution change in session manager. But when i'm in the desktop the resolution is normal [21:18] ok, i've been searching and searching, and nothing is working; emerald is not reporting any errors, and i'm not getting any window decorations... I've done everything i can think of and find on the net.. any ideas? [21:18] im using "sudo hdparm -Y /dev/sdb1" to shut down one of my drives, and it works fine, i just want to know how i can do it without being a superuser, how i can do it without the "sudo" part [21:19] alado2: the easiest way is to tell sudo to not require a passwd for a particular group and application combo, and then alias your user's input to make hdparm acutally "sudo hdparm" [21:19] then you won't be bothered with a passwd [21:20] : hmm ok, how would i go about doing that? [21:20] google [21:21] that's well discussed [21:21] ok, i'll do a search, thnx for the info [21:21] !compiz [21:21] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [22:17] update-menus does not remove the entries I want gone [22:18] xfce4 menu editor is worthless because there are no entries there except "settings" [22:18] how can I correct my xfce4 menu? [22:18] ugh [22:18] darthanubis: you can uninstall the applications you don't want [22:18] darthanubis, you have a couple of options [22:19] I thought of that before I started editing [22:19] the apps are long gone of course [22:19] you can edit it via fiddling about with the text files which store the data.. [22:19] darthanubis: other than that, you can copy the relevent menu entries from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/application and add 'hidden: yes' line to them [22:19] Sionide, I looked at the menu.xml, nothing is in there [22:19] or... you can fix it so the menu editor works properly, but if you do that, you'll find that if you install something it won't automatically show up in the menu, you'll have to add it manually.. [22:20] it's because the menu editor is ripped straight out of gnome i reckon [22:20] Sionide: not really [22:20] Sionide, I knw the menu application is keeping the consistency, just trying ot figure out how to edit [22:21] TheSheep, there are no entries to copy, I trying to remove zombies, or did I misunderstand your statement? [22:21] darthanubis: the menu is cosntructed from files in /usr/share/applications [22:21] yeh [22:22] I don't need that stuff, they are all there [22:22] darthanubis: but if you edit these directly, they will come back at updates [22:22] the fact is, the menu editor is broken [22:22] basically [22:22] darthanubis: so you instead copy them to your ~/.local/share/applications and edit in there, then they will 'cover' the system-wide ones [22:22] I'm trying to remove application entries from applications that are not in the repos [22:23] darthanubis: for example? [22:23] I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but I have a quick question. I'm trying to install Xubuntu on my Laptop with the "Install Inside Windows" option. But When I try I get the message "You need at least 256mb of memory to run the installer!" I have 256mb of ram already. [22:24] TheSheep, a windows app installed with wine [22:24] darthanubis: you should have said you mean wine [22:24] I did not because I don't [22:24] wine is gone [22:24] been gone [22:24] darthanubis: it's in ~/.local/share/applications/wine/ [22:24] darthanubis: or ~/.wine [22:24] I've cleaned that Sheep [22:26] the menu place "other" [22:26] where do those entries reside? [22:26] I have nx from nomachine there [22:26] this is where the empty zombies are as well [22:27] I should be able to edit this out? [22:27] should a normal user be able to write to /tmp? [22:27] yes [22:27] darthanubis: they *all* come either from /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/...etc., where they appear inn the menu depedns on categories they are in [22:27] hey, even root can't. I've got problems. :( [22:28] TheSheep: how you doing man? long time no chat. [22:29] quit [22:29] cellofellow: good, thanks [22:29] cellofellow: does it appear in the list when you type 'mount' ? [22:29] nope. I think that's part of the proble, [22:30] problem* [22:30] cellofellow: can you write anywhere in / [22:31] nope [22:31] does your / appear as mounted ro in mount? [22:32] wait, it was the sudo thing [22:32] no, it's not [22:32] and I can write, if I do it right. [22:33] ah, ok, in /tmp too? [22:33] yes [22:33] but my regular user can't write to /tmp and therefore when I try to launch a session from GDM (except Failsafe Terminal) it fails. [22:34] /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/displayconfig-restore.py [22:34] oops [22:34] cellofellow: what does 'ls -ald /tmp' say? [22:34] mode 755, owner root [22:35] TheSheep, thx [22:35] the mode is wrong... should be 1777 [22:35] ok, can I just change that? [22:35] yes... chmod 1777 /tmp [22:36] cellofellow: can you paste the line? [22:36] you might also need a -R to get the sub folders... [22:36] zoredache: /tmp has special rigths [22:36] I've been trying to copy it. [22:36] I'll be write back (but using screen so won't sign out.) [22:37] heya [22:38] hello PsynoKhi0 [22:38] that worked, but will it survive a reboot? [22:39] cellofellow: make sure it has the 't' right [22:39] what's that? [22:39] that a the '1' part of the mode... it the 'stick bit' [22:39] cellofellow: disallows deleting the directories inside not owned by you [22:39] whenever a file is created the creator becomes the owner [22:39] ok... [22:40] that too [22:40] (normally you could delete them if you have +w to the directory) [22:40] but, this mode-setting will survive a reboot? [22:40] cellofellow: yes, unless you have some script that sets it back in your init [22:40] the T is in there, yes. [22:40] ok [22:40] my old desktop really doesn't like version upgrades it seems [22:40] well, not gonna try it just yet, running a backup so I can install Hardy clean. [22:41] the question really how did it break... did you do something like a chown -R . 755 at some point it time? [22:41] (hmm, anybody know how to kill a specific window in screen?) [22:41] anyway I'm kind of confused about the new xorg.conf [22:42] cellofellow: type xkill in a terminal [22:42] and click on the window [22:42] zoredache: not sure, I used BackupPC with tar and that messed something up I think. Went back to Rsync after that. [22:43] PsynoKhi0: um, screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows several emulated terminal "windows" in one terminal. [22:43] ah [22:43] so, window 1 is frozen and I need to somehow kill it. [22:43] ctrl+a k [22:44] thanks [22:44] now that I look, I should have just read the manpage. [22:44] * cellofellow hides behind his shell. [22:44] or ctrl+a ? :) [22:44] to change color depth do I need to manually DefaultDepth in xorg.conf? [22:44] manually add* [22:44] PsynoKhi0: yes, in the screen section [22:45] in Hardy that is [22:45] dang... not sure that xorg.conf-on-a-diet move was good /( [22:46] you can always try X -configure :) [22:47] noobs love GUIs, too bad they don't quite work. [22:47] cellofellow: guis neither [22:47] haha [22:50] is there a screen resolution app similiar to ubuntu in xubuntu? [22:50] tgm4883_laptop: yes, system->display [22:54] hmm TheSheep thanks, not exactly what i'm looking for though. Let me explain a little more. I have a laptop hooked up to a large LCD screen. I enabled this via xrandr, but what I want to do is force this to be enabled on boot up. [22:55] hmm... the nvidia-settings can do it, but only if you have nvidia [22:55] other than that I just edit xorg.conf [22:56] hmm, k, I have intel, so i'll mess around with it a liittle [22:56] one more thing [22:56] how about a power app for setting what happens when I close my laptop lid? [22:57] you can isnatll gnome-power-manager [22:57] ok, will do [22:57] thanks for the help [22:57] or edit the scripts in /etc/acpi/ [22:57] hi all [22:58] is xfce4 automatized as gnome ? [22:58] aLeSD: no [22:58] I mean is it easy ? [22:58] aLeSD: depends what you do [22:58] cause I'm leaving gentoo to have something that do the stuff for me [22:59] TheSheep: what r the most problems ? [22:59] aLeSD: for example there is no program to configure multiple screens or what happens when you close the laptop lid :) [22:59] ah [23:00] aLeSD: some configuration things are changed in text files, not in gui [23:00] heh [23:00] the pint is that i find gnome slow [23:01] no pain no gain [23:01] and I'm chosing between kde4 and xdfe4 [23:02] tbh most common things are pretty easy [23:03] and default configuration is usable [23:04] anyone in here [23:04] *65 people hide* [23:04] no [23:05] i need help with samba in hardy [23:05] cant get it to show my ntfs files [23:05] mmm [23:06] but I can install the kde4 desktop and gnome desktop [23:06] can see my ext3 files in windows but cant see my ntfs files in xubuntu [23:06] and I have all the 3 in the same machine [23:06] isn't it ? [23:06] !ntfs-3g | skinnymg1 [23:06] skinnymg1: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [23:06] or there are more stuff that change ? [23:07] aLeSD: you can install xubuntu, ubuntu and kubuntu all at once [23:07] this is amazing [23:07] aLeSD: just install xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages [23:07] bye and thanks [23:08] its already installed but i still cant see them [23:10] under Sessions at the login screen? [23:10] is there any way to manually mount the files [23:13] !mount [23:13] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [23:14] oh well i figure it out [23:14] thanks anyways [23:15] TheSheep: is glxinfo the easiest way to find out what driver the system is using? [23:15] video driver that is [23:19] PsynoKhi0: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [23:20] suriro: ah right... thanks [23:21] uuuuh ok this is creepy [23:22] the driver is right, but the performance is not o.O [23:23] already switched to 16bits and set the refresh rates for the monitor [23:24] also checked that DMA was on [23:31] PsynoKhi0: which gpu? [23:32] good old VooDoo3, tdfx is loaded... weird... [23:37] PsynoKhi0: it has a man page. did you check it? [23:37] man page for what? [23:37] man tdfx [23:39] err maybe... started playing around with Xubuntu on that computer since 7.04, and tdfx hasn't been updated since 2002, I doubt it would help TBH [23:39] something's prolly sucking away my CPU cycles [23:43] hello [23:44] anyone around? [23:44] SOMEONE! [23:44] i need help [23:45] with xubuntu [23:45] coldhack? [23:45] coldhak [23:45] eteran [23:47] hello [23:47] anyone there [23:47] matthewpaulster, let me save you the trouble [23:47] hello [23:47] anyone around? [23:47] SOMEONE! [23:47] i need help [23:47] with xubuntu [23:47] coldhack? [23:47] coldhak [23:47] eteran [23:47] thank you. [23:48] when i install xubuntu shouldi erase everything on the computer first? [23:48] if you want [23:48] but Should i? [23:49] during the installation willl it take care of another OS? [23:49] because we dont want the old OS anymore [23:49] HELLO? [23:49] * tgm4883_laptop sighs [23:50] * matthewpaulster shrieks: answer me already [23:50] matthewpaulster, i'm guessing you don't really know how IRC works do you [23:50] yes i do. [23:50] you are lucky I don't have OP powers in this channel [23:50] wtf [23:51] sorry channel. If that was uncalled for or not how things are handled in this channel let me know [23:51] :( [23:51] but that was kinda ridiculas [23:51] tgm4883_laptop, best just to use your client's ignore function for people like that ;] [23:52] heh [23:52] i'd have kicked him for that [23:52] i was about to explain how you ask and wait for a response [23:52] Yea, I probably would have done the latter before the former ;] [23:52] and that no one in this channel is paid support [23:53] but he left before I had the chance [23:53] and was kinda rude anyway [23:54] I didn't have an exact answer since I haven't tried what he wanted to do with xubuntu. Normally it would work, but a few things are different with xubuntu [23:54] * tgm4883_laptop shrugs