[00:15] Ertyle called the ops in #ubuntu (tmccrary) [00:15] tmccrary called the ops in #ubuntu (hellogoodbye) [00:51] For the logs.. I banned eternalis1 for very abusive pm after asking him to not use wtf in channel === gnomefre4k is now known as gnomefreak [01:28] i think #ubuntu+1 should forward to #ubuntu-release-party [01:30] if its gonna stay open sure or they will be forwarded 2 times [01:30] going to #ubuntu === gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak [01:35] well of course when -release-party is closed the forward would be changed back to #ubuntu [01:35] but people now are complaining (as they do on each release) about +1 not existing anymore [01:36] and you can't blame them, being throwing into the mess that #ubuntu currently is like this [01:37] those people can certainly take 2 weeks off [01:48] hm. [01:48] anyone got IRC client info for "orochi?" [01:48] i'm interested as to who he is [01:49] /version him [01:49] 1). not connected [01:50] 2). want realname and other client strings, not version [01:50] * mneptok is demanding [01:51] whatever happened to anonymity ;) [01:52] it goes buhbye when you claim special status as a customer. [01:52] if you want to make such claims, tell me who you are. or fuggoff. [01:53] >:) [01:53] Heh. [01:53] ah. I'm a customer. Just not a paying one ;-p [01:53] if he's offline, no info will be available [01:53] yeah, been gone too long for /whowas [01:55] mneptok: I'm sure Gerry can tell you. [02:00] wgrant: i'm sure he can't [02:02] Ah. [02:02] Damn. === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [02:21] Fishscene called the ops in #ubuntu-release-party (jeevan_ullas) [02:34] why is that channel still open? [02:35] dang, the 24th isn't even over [02:35] hey guys,. ive been talking to the ubuntu forums beginners team and realised that its not very well known about on irc -- i was wondering if we could get a factoid like !beginners -- If your new to ubuntu theres a team of dedicated helpers to ensure that your transition is as smooth as possible ##beginners-help -- what do you think? [02:35] it is for the majority of the world [02:35] because we have release parties going on all over the world still in few next days [02:36] Tm_T: that channel is hardly a coordination point [02:36] * nickrud thinks mneptok it becoming a crotchety old man before his time [02:36] nickrud: cool, so you'll moderate that channel for the next few days? [02:36] mneptok: I know ;) [02:37] nickrud: oh, that's right, you're not even /join'ed to it [02:37] mneptok is it that crazy? I was never offered mod there, so I never spent time there [02:38] In #ubuntu, JoshBP said: !upgrade is slow [02:38] nickrud: we can add you to the op list if it's important to you to keep the channel open. [02:39] mneptok oh, a sarcastic one too :) Sure, I'll stick around there for a day or so [02:39] mneptok better to keep the joy there rather than #ubuntu [02:40] In ubotu, JoshBP said: cheese is a delicous dairy product [02:43] tonyyarusso: please add nickrud to the -r-p access list? [02:48] is ubotu open source? [02:48] konversation literally isn't keeping up with the scrolling in #ubuntu, for christ's sake why should -r-p be closed strictly within 24 hours? it's not like *very* much op attention is being given to #ubuntu either so [02:48] !ubotu | bod_ [02:48] bod_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:48] it's there, somewhere on launchpad [02:48] google "launchpad ubuntu-bots" [02:49] mneptok, your friend clamied to be 'an employee of a customer' [02:49] anyway, from the perspective of someone who's been off irc for some days [02:49] LjL-Temp, is that a yes - or you dont know? il check launchpad ty [02:49] you're all going nuts, seriously [02:49] 'night [02:49] bod_: it's a yes [02:49] LjL-Temp, oh, cool,. cheers [02:51] I need a bigger screen [02:51] but then I couldn't lie on the couch [02:53] please add !fastrepos is To select your fastest local repo, select System > Administration > Software Sources and choose "Other..." in the Download From: combo box. Select your country from the list and click the Select Best Server to speed-test them all and automatically pick the fastest one for you. [02:53] (to ubotu) THANKS!!! [02:55] ALSO: Please append the following to !slow " To select a faster (local) repository see !fastrepos" THANKS! [02:55] In #ubuntu-offtopic, SNuxoll said: !hardytorrent is Torrents for hardy are available at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ [02:56] !torrents > snuxoll [02:57] hey PriceChild could you have a look at my earlier factoid request plz [02:59] Luckrider called the ops in #ubuntu-release-party () [03:05] nice, my linode has donated over 60gb of bandwidth so far [03:05] elkbuntu: yeah I've done 40GB this morning [03:06] jdong, i throttled rtorrent to 2500 each way, or i probably could have done alot more [03:07] elkbuntu: yeah I forgot to throttle transmission and it took me 5 minutes to log in again to do some QoS :D [03:07] oops [03:07] lol [03:07] apparently my ethernet cables do not agree with my 80mbit/s estimate :) [03:07] i think a few people managed to do similar [03:08] yeah, nice to pump the torrents with some bandwidth [03:08] because the mirrors sure were hosed [03:10] yeah [03:12] !ebox [03:12] ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec [03:12] now, how about ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [03:45] How do I sugest something to ubotu? The normal !foo is bar doesn't work. [03:46] ffm_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [03:47] !bar is baz [03:47] But bar already means something else! [03:47] !bar [03:47] baz [03:47] !repomirror is Go to "System>Administration>Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically. [03:47] And ubotu insiststs he isn't smart. [03:48] It may not like those angle brackets [03:49] !repomirror is Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically. [03:49] In #ubuntu-ops, ffm_ said: !repomirror is Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically. [03:50] You guys need to do anything to approve it? [04:58] ffm_: anything we can do to help you? [04:58] Seeker`, Yes. [04:58] Seeker`, Can you approve the factoid I added a while ago? [04:58] !repomirror [04:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about repomirror - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:58] I can't personally [04:59] but I'm sure someone who can will get round to it when they wake up [05:00] is there anything else we can help you with? [05:00] !repomirror is Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically. [05:00] I'll remember that, Hobbsee [05:00] lo Hobbsee [05:00] heya [05:01] how be? [05:02] doing OK [05:02] * Seeker` wishes it wasn't 5am [05:03] Seeker`, No. [05:03] Hobbsee, THanks [05:03] !repomirror [05:03] Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically. [05:03] Cool. [05:07] So what did we peak at, anyone know? [05:07] My optimistic guess was obviously wrong again [05:08] I'm thinking we're starting to stabilize wrt the number of users in #ubuntu [05:08] It doesn't seem to peak much anymore during release time [05:11] Amaranth: there's a limit on when people can actually get help, too [05:12] that wouldn't happen if health care were socialized! [05:12] wait what's the context? ;-) [05:38] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [05:38] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [05:38] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [05:40] were being invited to censor people now? how amusing [05:40] heh [05:41] oh dear. now she doesn't like being insulted. do we really want to bring up in the logs how many times she's insulted the ubuntu ops? [05:41] or her. [05:42] just my opinion, but I think emma has had more than enough chances by now [05:42] stdin: if you could get the -uk ops to agree... [05:42] stdin: she was banned last night. someone's gone and removed it [05:43] oh dear. emma spamming me. [05:43] * stdin pokes Amaranth [05:44] I banned her for PMing people we ban [05:44] Amaranth: someone's removed it [05:44] I thought perhaps she understood why that was bad so I removed it [05:44] And she didn't even stay in the channel long [05:45] she'll try and weasel here way back after a ban [05:45] *her [05:46] * Hobbsee dumps her on ignore [05:46] oh, then she came back after i stopped paying attention [05:46] of course [05:46] stdin: that requires that she gets unbanned from here [05:46] I've just been watching the whole "emma saga", but it's seems quite obvious to me what type of person she is now [05:47] yay, now she's threatening me. [05:47] "After being harassed yet again last night on irc, this is very timely news indeed!" [05:47] lovely [05:47] What did you mean by that? [05:47] Amaranth: fujisan. [05:47] Right, but what does that have to do with launchpad beta testers? [05:48] Do you get harassed on launchpad too? [05:48] Amaranth: yes. [05:48] Amaranth, fujisan stalked hobbsee and found out info about her from launchpad [05:48] they would have found that anyway [05:48] you don't have to be on the beta testers team [05:48] it may have been from the real name on irc, but yeah. [05:48] or even have an account [05:49] I could probably find you on launchpad based on your IRC nick [05:49] yeah, true [05:49] http://www.google.com/search?q=Hobbsee+launchpad [05:49] but that wouldnt' give an indication of my gender, et [05:49] you could probably find it via google for that matter [05:49] c [05:49] just the alias that i use [05:50] yeah, or her real name [05:51] from launchpad i get to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hobbsee [05:51] You're not very private :) [05:52] Amaranth: i know my nick isn't [05:52] Amaranth: my real name used to be [05:52] Every time you install hardy, Hobbsee pokes a kitten with the long pointy stick of doom! [05:52] wtf [05:54] well ubotu has that, in !installhardy [05:54] Is that from the channel which shall not be named? [05:57] yes [05:57] !installhardy [05:57] Every time you install hardy, Hobbsee pokes a kitten with the long pointy stick of doom! [05:57] !forget installhardy [05:57] I'll forget that, Hobbsee [05:58] Amaranth: yeha, they've pulled ubotu's config [06:03] Amaranth: i presume you know about /.? [06:04] You mean orochi_ posting my chat with him on there? [06:05] yeah [06:05] tha't sclassy [06:10] Amaranth, it's more favor to you than him anyway [07:50] * jussio1 wakes up and surveys the aftermath of a day of carnage.... [07:50] jussio1: You don't want to. [08:22] mneptok: sure thing [09:00] lalalala in #ubuntu is obviously a troll [09:14] In ubotu, Lynoure said: no sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/32906 on "unable to look up" bug [09:36] !sudo [09:36] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [09:50] can someone please remove lalala in #ubuntu it's getting a very old spam/flood/troll [09:53] /me checks [09:56] ta [09:58] oh joy. fujisan is back [09:59] trolling straight away [09:59] just ban him [09:59] "I've never been in ubuntu before" [10:00] "ctrl+alt+del" etc [10:00] i cant yet. he hasnt done anything actually wrong :( [10:00] messing around, lying [10:00] lie-ing ?? [10:01] yes hes lying, but does that mean i should boot the next person who says they know what they're doing? :Þ [10:01] "I've never been in here before, it wasn't me that got banned yesterday for asking about ctrl+alt+del [10:01] I'll kick him [10:01] if I get a reason [10:03] I just had a gut full yesteday and not up for another day of it [10:07] nnnngggggg... /me prays he doesnt join -offtopic [10:09] he did [10:09] joyu [10:10] this isn't fair on people [10:10] he's made his intentions quite clear [10:13] * wgrant is no longer to be confused with Fujisan. [10:13] looooollll [10:15] ikonia: ignore him [10:15] fed up with it [10:15] I'll take care of it [10:16] (he has a point) [10:16] he does [10:20] Argh, I keep thinking "What? I didn't say that!" [10:20] hahah [10:21] could that factoid be revised please [10:21] he's not logged off [10:21] just left the channel [10:21] but now I'm asking, could that factoid be revised [10:22] I'd leave the bashing of operating systems to sabdfl and the users, not the bot [10:22] with the current climate it may be wise to have a house keep/tidy up of the factoid database in general [10:22] as anything tounge in cheek will be used agaisnt ubuntu [10:22] * jussio1 tends to agree with Myrtti [10:23] at the current moment [10:23] eg: the hobsee one that she removed [10:23] !vista [10:23] vista is the new 'operating system' by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org and !windows [10:23] !fujitsu [10:23] Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too! [10:23] hahah [10:23] thats not good [10:23] I'm sure there are plenty of Vista users who are happy and for whom Vista (any Windows) is the best choice [10:23] ooh [10:23] (I'm an alias for nixternal; I've only ever used Vista for 5 minutes :P) [10:23] it's a different guy [10:24] Myrtti: exactly [10:24] we deal with Ubuntu [10:24] period [10:24] I would request a little tidy up of the factoid database, ubuntu appears to be under certain spot lights, [10:24] !forget fujitsu [10:24] In #ubuntu-ops, jussi01 said: !forget fujitsu [10:24] would !o ps be a good spot now [10:24] bleh [10:25] so those who might have access to the bot factoid database could revise it [10:25] jussi01: Might want to !forget nixternal as well. [10:25] @login [10:25] OK [10:25] @login [10:25] OK [10:25] !forget fujitsu [10:25] I'll forget that, jussi01 [10:25] !unforget fujitsu [10:25] In #ubuntu-ops, Myrtti said: !unforget fujitsu [10:25] yeah. [10:26] whatever [10:26] more coffee [10:26] heh [10:26] jussi01: ubot5 is listening? [10:27] Myrtti: no. Ill sync the db later [10:27] shouldnt be... [10:27] oh hang on [10:27] [12:25] <+Myrtti> !unforget fujitsu [10:27] [12:25] *** Irssi: Query started with ubotu in window 11 [10:27] [12:25] *** Irssi: Query started with ubot5 in window 12 [10:28] Myrtti: weird... doesnt do it for me. :/ [10:33] ubotu5 messaged me yesterday when I suggested a factoid [10:33] ubot5: part [10:33] :) [10:36] Hello can someone help me please i am banned from #ubuntu-offtopic while i have never been there before... [10:36] !no vista is Vista is one of Microsoft Windows'es. Chat about them on ##windows (note Freenode policy); most of other issues covered in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows [10:36] In #ubuntu-ops, Myrtti said: !no vista is Vista is one of Microsoft Windows'es. Chat about them on ##windows (note Freenode policy); most of other issues covered in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows [10:36] it seems that they banned mibbit in general [10:36] so everyone who is using it [10:36] yes [10:36] i filed a bugreport to mibbit already [10:36] why? [10:36] mibbit is looking into it [10:37] why ban an entire client? [10:37] webproxies in general aren't that well liked [10:37] web gateways [10:37] thats discrimination mibbit has freenode on their save networks list even [10:38] you have something against web 2.0? [10:38] we have something against trolls who abuse the web proxies [10:38] mibbit is no exception [10:38] i dont understand i just came here to get help for ubuntu [10:39] i can join every other channel except that one [10:39] you cant just ban an entire client [10:39] thats not fair [10:39] it's not a client [10:39] it's a web proxy [10:39] i have a choice what i use to irc with [10:39] its the principle that matters [10:39] accessible to anyone who wants, bypassing proxies [10:39] a way for the trolls to avoid bans [10:39] and bypass them [10:39] i dont know what that means [10:40] mibbit is not about it [10:40] perhaps not [10:40] trolls are [10:40] its an easier way to communicate [10:41] you cant limit freedom of choice for a few rotten apples [10:41] if it only were few [10:41] well i will address this issue with mibbit and let know about it [10:41] i see [10:41] thats unfortunate [10:41] esp for me i am just here to benefit from the ubuntu community [10:42] i hope this wont spread to other channels [10:42] Ubuntu comes with an IRC client by default [10:42] have you contacted mibbit? [10:42] what's there to contact them about? [10:42] anyways i will let them know about the issue maybe they can do something about it [10:42] "you've got bad users" [10:42] i dont know [10:42] !vista [10:43] Vista is the new version of Microsoft Windows. Chat about them on ##windows (note Freenode policy); most of other issues covered in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows [10:43] "yes, we know" [10:43] jussi01: thanks [10:43] hrm [10:43] i see [10:43] so which client should i use then? [10:44] there's so many users abusing mibbit that the amount of work we'd need to do with emails to them is uncountable [10:44] i am sorry to hear i had no idea sorry [10:44] PaulVanVliet: XChat comes by default on Ubuntu [10:44] jpatrick: no it doesn't [10:44] Myrtti: may I, "Vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from ubuntu to windows is convered in the the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows" [10:44] jpatrick: pidgin does [10:45] XChat hasn't for a while. [10:45] Myrtti: damn, you can tell I don't use gnome :) [10:45] ikonia: sure, any enhancment is welcome [10:45] there you go [10:45] jpatrick: and I wouldn't notice the absence of xchat since I use irssi [10:45] windows to ubuntu that should read [10:45] Myrtti: me too [10:45] hehe [10:47] !vista [10:47] Vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows [10:47] hows that? [10:47] PaulVanVliet: there's plenty of irc clients installable with the package manager if you don't like pidgin (I wouldn't personally use it to IRC even if I'd be paid 100€) [10:47] thanks [10:47] jussi01: great [10:47] ok ty Myrtti [10:47] that reads better to me and removes troll bait [10:47] !irc | PaulVanVliet - see this [10:47] PaulVanVliet - see this: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [10:49] jussi01: there's still a missing caps there [10:49] gah, yeah I see it [10:49] 1 sec [10:49] <3 [10:50] elkbuntu, it should be I think [10:50] !no vista is Vista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows [10:50] I'll remember that jussi01 [10:50] elkbuntu, sudo apt-get install ctrlproxy [10:59] PaulVanVliet: was there anything else we can help you with? [11:00] nealmcb: and you? [11:02] !ubotu [11:02] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [11:02] !sudo [11:02] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [11:03] Just making sure no one added that link to the bug report [11:03] mojo: how may we help you today? [11:03] Silly users breaking local hostname resolution and complaining about their system suddenly not working... [11:08] mojo: hello? [11:08] Amaranth: your slip is showing in -ot [11:08] ? [11:08] @ [11:09] Wow, for like 18 hours I think :P [11:09] :-) [11:13] hi [11:14] hi, how can we help? [11:14] Myrtti:: sorry, don't even know how long i was lurking idle... i am ready to fall asleep [11:15] Seeker`:: Myrtti :: I was here earlier giving suggestions I had for updating ubotu database [11:15] please add !fastrepos is To select your fastest local repo, select System > Administration > Software Sources and choose "Other..." in the Download From: combo box. Select your country from the list and click the Select Best Server to speed-test them all and automatically pick the fastest one for you. [11:15] ALSO: Please append the following to !slow " To select a faster (local) repository see !fastrepos" THANKS! [11:16] !repomirror [11:16] Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the closest mirror to you automatically. [11:16] is that not sufficient? [11:16] closest isn't always fastest [11:16] btw [11:17] so perhaps s/closest/fastest/ [11:17] okay so !fastrepos would be an alias of !repomirror. Still might be good to reference in !slow, since it was quoted a lot w/regard to the stampede [11:17] I dont see the point of a factoid that says [11:17] "see !other-factoid" [11:18] you may as well just use the other factoid in the first place, otherwise you just get a lot of botspam [11:18] Myrtti:: true, closest not == fastest. I put the country select in there because it takes a while to test them all, and some folks would be waiting on that dialong a long time. Restricting to country seemed reasonable as a suggestion [11:19] Myrtti:: Just thought !slow could use something better than "be patient with APT" or whatever. Some offered recourse would benefit some [11:20] Myrtti:: but it's no holy war for the one true ubotu answer, :p , just trying to be helpful [11:20] maybe look at !dumb [11:20] !dumb [11:20] The only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels. [11:20] ooh [11:21] ahh that only works in -offtopic [11:21] maybe worth dropping !dumb from #ubuntu-offtopic [11:21] sounds like simple ettiquite to me ;) [11:21] umb-#ubuntu-offtopis mc44 [11:22] I need more coffee [11:22] but anyway if y'all want to update !slow to offer some recourse in addition to a general explanation, cool. If not, I'll go lurk in #unloved-pretenders-to-the-bot [11:24] Myrtti:: i am _so_ beyond coffee. I'm typing at like 1/4 natural pace, lol. I'm gonna call it quits for the night. i'm in tzone -6, 2am is coming around the horizon soon (or I'm sliding toward it)... [11:25] nite [11:25] gnite [11:26] Shouldn't we close #ubuntu-release-party now? [11:28] !hal in #ubuntu-offtopic should also be considered for a tidyup/removal [11:28] !hal900 [11:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about hal900 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:28] sorry hal9000 in #ubuntu-offtopic [11:28] !hal9000 [11:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about hal9000 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:41] I get the odd feeling that Piero_Scaruffi and Fujisan are the same person [11:42] Myrtti: Any particular reason? [11:42] the fact that after Fujisan left, Piero was the first to test the factoid [11:43] and now that amaranth mentioned fsf after Fujisan left, now Piero asks what's fsf [11:43] I know it's far fetched [11:43] but I got the feeling before Piero asked what's fsf [11:43] the ammount of people playing games with ubuntu channels at the moment is beyond belief [11:43] just didn't say anything [11:44] I've seen Piero say something very seldom [11:44] now out of the blue he becomes vocal [11:44] on such a handy topic [11:44] last him and his last comments before that are !vista [11:44] 10:18 < Piero_Scaruffi> !vista [11:46] Staff would have to tell you [11:46] doubtful, could be using seperate IP's [11:46] They both have nice convenient cloaks [11:47] but anyway [11:47] it doesn't reallyl matter since they're not evading any bans, are they [11:47] just a strange speculation [11:47] and a note [11:47] I think the unaffiliated cloak should have something in it that uniquely identifies your IP [11:47] no no, but I find it odd that on the same day two people do !vista [11:47] one just before fujitsu joins complaining about it [11:47] yeah [11:47] it is odd [11:48] but now its said and noted [11:48] ikonia: I changed my nick and people *still* get me mixed up. Wow. [11:48] wgrant: no, Ijust can't type [11:48] Unless someone's running around with my old nick already. [11:48] Heh. [12:58] In #ubuntu-server, Kamping_Kaiser said: ubotu, hardy is hi ops, also also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades for upgrades. [13:07] whut? [13:07] what no need to see CC during a membership renewal? [13:07] gnomefreak: nope [13:08] cool i thought i had to thanks [13:27] * Hobbsee waves to Amaranth [13:27] hey [13:28] Amaranth: how's it going? has the guy stopped harassing you yet? [13:28] orochi_? yeah, that ended yesterday [13:28] * Hobbsee spoke to jorge about it - glad to see we're all on the same page, at least w.r.t. him [13:28] oh good [13:29] You guys are weird, I don't get stalkers [13:29] lucky [13:29] Well, I'm thinking emma might count at this point... [13:29] Amaranth: she's stalking all of us, though. [13:29] * wgrant creeps around quietly. [13:29] Amaranth: those who actually did the banning, in particular. [13:29] * Amaranth throws a net on wgrant [13:29] Damn. [13:29] haha [13:30] * Hobbsee sends wgrant off to china, for a holiday. [13:30] (why china? sounded like an interesting place. interesting to try to connect to irc, too) [13:30] No thanks, I already choked there once. [13:30] ouch [13:30] Xi'an's air is seriously bad. [13:32] Amaranth: what are your thoughts on what we should start doing, as an op team, for those who appear to be somewhat insane? [13:32] In particular, those who refuse to listen to reason, etc. Like some of the stalkers yesterday. [13:33] Can your IRC client ignore PMs from certain people? [13:33] yes [13:33] Sounds like a plan to me [13:33] Amaranth: ignore is too powerful tool for ops to use [13:33] but they're still damaging ubuntu channels by turning people against us, etc. [13:33] And just ban them from any channel they try to do it in [13:34] FCOL the damn Fujisan is at -ot AGAIN [13:34] It appears that they'll just believe what they like, and call it a power abuse, though. [13:34] There is no right answer [13:35] Amaranth: it effectively means that the CC gets pulled in, for each time that someone who doesn't listen to reason, and/or doesn't agree with the state of events. [13:35] Myrtti: has he learned? [13:35] So the best answer is the one that causes us the least stress, I'd say [13:35] entered and hit !vista [13:35] the first thing he did [13:36] Which is to just ignore them and make sure they can't disrupt any of the channels. [13:36] They can go seethe in their own channel, that's fine [13:36] Amaranth: what about long term? [13:36] I think that's the first time I've ever used the word seethe in writing [13:37] There is no long term solution [13:37] They'll get bored before us [13:37] obviously, those who refuse to listen to reason will not agree with the events, and so will expect them to be overturned. [13:37] We hope, anyway. [13:37] Well, we've already been around longer than them, proves we have staying power :) [13:38] guess it's not hard to just keep enforcing the restrictions placed on them, as they spread out. [13:38] Worst case they all go sit in their own little channel and complain about us [13:38] But that's already the case so... [13:38] Amaranth: or keep hitting our channels [13:38] Well, we can stop that [13:39] These aren't people with botnets, just life-long trolls [13:39] True [13:52] Myrtti: leave him alone. he can choose to harass me again if he likes, in which case i'll go to freenode again, and tell them that their catalysing clearly didn't work the first time. [13:52] Myrtti: no point him getting both of us [13:52] Myrtti: in terms of kickign him out, anyway [13:52] I kicked him from -r-p yesterday [13:52] so it's no use anyway [13:53] Myrtti: oh, you as well? [13:53] Myrtti: bans tend to gte more of a response. [13:53] wow, #ubuntu is getting small. [13:54] AHHAHHAHHA! [13:54] Ok, now I'm sure they're the same person [13:54] Amaranth: who and who? [13:55] Piero whatever and Fujisan [13:55] fujisan and piero [13:55] ahhhh [13:56] /me does a victory wiggle [13:57] random: what does "re" mean? [13:57] returned [13:57] in what context [13:57] what Hobbsee said :) [13:57] they always say that in #ubuntu-desktop, never did figure it out [14:04] it can also mean 're-hi' [14:20] elkbuntu: btw, should emma be unbanned? now that it's not release day.... [14:20] * Hobbsee still has little confidence that she'll bring anything convincing and new, but should at least give her the chance. [14:21] it would stop her privmsg'ing some of the less active ops in here, which might be nice. [14:23] then again, she's still putting in her lies, so.... [14:23] eg: < emma> I was just banned without warning or the first word of why. [14:24] which is wrong on 2 counts. [14:24] * Hobbsee lets it be, then. [14:32] elkbuntu: heads up - piero [14:32] #ubuntu-women [14:38] Hobbsee: has fujisan been back? [14:38] PriceChild: yeah, he's back now. [14:38] sorry, has he been back harassing you? [14:38] being annoying [14:38] PriceChild: still spouting crap, but he hasn't started harassing me again. mind you, i havent given him the boot for spouting crap though. [14:39] That's something. [14:39] What is piero's full nick? [14:39] [23:31] hi girls :) [14:42] ty [14:48] In ubotu, DJones said: !envy is EnvyNG is an application written in Python which will download the latest ATI or NVIDIA driver or the Legacy driver for Hardy/8.04, FAQ's are at http://albertomilone.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.EnvyNG-InstructionsForUbuntu. The earlier version of Envy is unsupported and should be used at your own risk. [14:49] aha. [14:50] do we know we should support the new envy? [14:50] I think we do [14:51] Myrtti: we do. [14:51] Myrtti: it's even got most of it's crack removed, now [14:51] but still? [14:54] Hobbsee: Unless it's grabbing from multiverse, it should still be on the bad list. [14:54] wgrant: its' grabbing from multiverse now [14:54] that's what the latest upload was - although i didn't check the code [14:55] Ah, good. [14:55] Well, better. [15:07] I've got a horrible lag [15:13] hello [15:14] i have a problem with blockade on #ubuntu-pl [15:15] elektronik123: do you know who banned you? [15:16] pressenter or JU-REK [15:17] we're dealing with non-loco specific irc channels [15:17] you might get better luck /msg him directly [15:17] i can`t remember who [15:18] *sigh* [15:18] elektronik123: gimme a mo [15:18] mo ? [15:18] i don`t speak good english [15:19] every loco channel should have a representative at #ubuntu-irc, IMO [15:19] moment [15:19] elektronik123: it was 'cheester' [15:19] maybe [15:20] cheester isn`t avaible [15:22] what can i do ? [15:24] elektronik123: you could wait until he returns (probably not long) or you could see if any of the other active ops are willing to discuss it. /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-pl list [15:31] nothing nothing [15:48] zloy, Dim252, adm_24had0w: understood? [15:48] oups [15:48] wrong channel [15:50] ooh, there's an annoucement fro the CC === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [15:53] Hobbsee: where? [15:53] PriceChild: topic of -meeting [15:54] Hobbsee: announcement? [15:56] PriceChild: huh? [15:56] 7am. ouch [15:56] Hobbsee: I don't see an annoucement? Just a new meeting time? [15:57] PriceChild: yes. [15:57] that is it. [15:57] ok [16:31] can i get tested [16:32] CyberSamurai: on what? [16:33] the ubuntu channel told me to join this one to get tested by an op [16:34] CyberSamurai: could you go back and read the instructions again? [16:34] i did....however it said it was unable to test me [16:54] oh, it'll only test you if it has you logged as someone with the exploit [16:54] guess that makes sense, otherwise people could use it to get their bans removed [16:56] Amaranth: it only removes the read topic bans [16:57] no worky [16:57] it must keep a list of who it bans [16:57] both [16:59] It does, however, if you have access you can add people to the list [17:00] neat [17:01] <+FloodBot1> amaranth has been removed from the exploit quarantine [17:01] Amaranth, you learn something new every day :D [17:01] hehe [17:02] Amaranth, that channel is also useful, as it gives some great info for monitoring the main chan [17:03] <+FloodBot1> liveinteractive sent 6 messages while muted [17:03] <+FloodBot1> _aeGIs sent 5 messages while muted [17:03] eh, i'm almost never around for dealing with the things it helps with [17:03] for example (when it auto-mutes things) [17:03] I just ban people when someone calls !ops [17:03] lol [17:03] And apparently co-run #ubuntu-release-party with stdin :) [17:03] * Gary pokes Amaranth for setting his hilight off [17:03] :/ [17:04] silly people, you're in the list [17:04] Gary: Gary Gary [17:04] funny enough, that doen't hilight me PriceChild [17:05] * Mez hugs Gary !ops [17:05] :P [17:08] * Gary hurts Mez [17:08] * Mez feels loved [17:10] * Amaranth tries to remember Gary's old nick [17:10] GaryK [17:10] or was it GazzaK [17:10] GazzaK [17:10] /nick MrKearley [17:10] it was GazzaK, and no, that does not hilight either [17:11] that's pretty useless [17:11] why [17:11] highlighting on !ops gets too many false positives [17:11] like that [17:12] * nalioth doesn't highlight on ! o p s or ! s t a f f === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [17:12] do you hilight on nalioth though nalioth [17:12] * Hobbsee stabs nalioth [17:13] Hobbsee, do you have a hilight on ! o p s ? [17:13] (with the spaces) [17:13] Mez: you mean ! o p s ? [17:13] jdong :P [17:13] Gary: Gazzak: MrKearley: yes i do [17:13] jdong, get back to convincing Canonical to get you more RAM [17:14] * Hobbsee stabs Mez too [17:14] Hobbsee, what did I do ? [17:14] jdong: interestingly, that didn't trigger my highlight. [17:14] Hobbsee, but ! o p s did? [17:14] Mez: oh wait. [17:14] you really have a strange hilight there [17:14] my bad. [17:14] Mez: no i don't. [17:14] Mez: but i do have a highlight on Hobbsee :P [17:14] :P === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [18:14] Can someone change the ubotu factoid for ebox? [18:14] !ebox [18:14] ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec [18:14] now, how about ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [18:15] nealmcb: you can make suggestions by pm'ing ubotu with !factoid is new content here. :) [18:20] In #ubuntu, SimplePlan said: !ask which one is more efficient gnome or kde???? [18:22] !best > SimplePlan [18:23] !ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [18:23] In #ubuntu-ops, nealmcb said: !ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [18:23] !ebox [18:23] ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec [18:24] jussio1: so does that get put in some ubotu workflow or something? [18:25] nealmcb: no, it just forwards it here so we see it :) [18:25] !ebox is ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [18:25] But ebox already means something else! [18:25] !no, ebox is ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox [18:25] I'll remember that jussi01 [18:25] nealmcb: :) [18:26] many thanks :-) [18:26] nealmcb: you are welcome :) [18:26] I'd consider that a "workflow" of sorts [18:26] hehe [18:27] nealmcb: alright then. anything else we can help with? [18:27] Nope :-) [19:06] In ubotu, evand said: wubi is Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [19:07] pls to accept updated wubi factoid [19:13] In ubotu, liamrharvey said: my wi fi is playing up === Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker` [19:39] !wubi [19:39] wubi is Wubi advice here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 and http://wubi-installer.org [file wubi bugs here: https://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ] (it is included in hardy 8.04 beta CD and will be in the final release) [19:40] evand, I disagree [19:40] Is wubi officially supported? [19:41] jussio1, yes, not my choice, but yes [19:41] really? as in canonical supported or community supported? [19:42] jussio1, dont know.. I personally would NEVER recommend it [19:42] :/ [19:43] Jack_Sparrow: I don't see how your personal distaste for it should overrride the existing community support and Canonical support. [19:44] It doesnt over-ride it.. I told the developer straight up I thought it was the worst idea since automatix [19:44] I simply will not personally suggest or support it [19:45] If there's a bug in it that you're experiencing that's one thing, but I fail to see how its a bad *idea*. It's just a regular Ubuntu install with the root filesystem in a file. [19:45] I agreed not to flame it in the ubuntu room. [19:45] It brings new people to Ubuntu who wouldn't otherwise try it. [19:45] evand I know what it is.. [19:46] regardless of whether anyone likes it or not, the factoid needs to be correct. [19:46] Indeed. [19:48] I proposed a change. I can do so again if necessary. [19:48] hrm, I worry about the "officially" supported - whether it actually is supported by paid support or just supported by community [19:48] it's officially supported [19:48] evand: it sounds fine, just that one concern. [19:49] evand: can you point me to documentation of that? [19:50] jussio1: confirming that it's covered under paid support. I'll get back to you as soon as I have a response from the right people at Canonical. [19:50] evand: ok. before I go changing things, I want to make sure. :) [19:52] jussio1: of course, completely understandable :) [20:16] lol [20:17] something amusing budgieboy ? [20:17] haha [20:17] ye, sorry [20:17] Whats this place? [20:17] read the topic and find out [20:18] Istill dont get it [20:18] oh now I do [20:18] why am I here? [20:18] budgieboy: you were forwarded here because you did something wrong. [20:18] you were forwarded here because it seems you can not follow the rules in #kubuntu [20:18] oh yeah, thats why I said lol when I entered! [20:18] I said tux kept raping suse [20:19] !guidelines | budgieboy please read these, then come back. [20:19] budgieboy please read these, then come back.: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [20:19] if you don't want to behave in #kubuntu, then you will not be aloud to be in #kubuntu [20:19] eeeeyyygghhh [20:19] Im ean, can you imagine a penguin and an iguwana? [20:19] /me disapproves [20:19] I was just making a linux joke [20:19] may I? [20:19] please :) [20:20] because tux is a penguin and suse is a green iqwana [20:20] did you know that [20:20] ? [20:20] In #kubuntu, angasule said: ubotu's Spanish message is kind of broken, language names are not capitalised in Spanish, plus "para español" makes no sense (verb missing) [20:20] as a woman, I highly, very very HIGHLY disapprove the usage of the word RAPE as supposedly FUNNY [20:20] IT'S NOT [20:21] You're sexist [20:21] ehehhe... and you're not funny [20:21] you're a troll, that's clear [20:21] you think they olny target women [20:21] no, I don't [20:21] Yes, you do [20:21] clearly [20:22] lookie fellers, we have a telepath in our midst. [20:22] but did you know...the Suse logo came about when the creator found an igwana in his draw [20:23] it's not funny [20:23] why not? [20:23] you trying to explain the joke will not make it funnier [20:23] Tux is [20:24] budgieboy, I dont find it funny either and I am a man [20:24] he wwears a kape to stop making skid marks on the box [20:24] anyway, if you're not capable of listening to the ops telling you what's appropriate behaviour, then you clearly aren't supposed to be on a channel [20:24] s/a/that/ [20:24] That's because you have no sense of humour [20:24] This is why linux is dying [20:24] now you're just trolling [20:25] and we're not buying it [20:25] I gave a way 4.3thousand copies already [20:25] way to go [20:25] it still doesn't make your behaviour acceptable [20:25] why exactly is this conversation happening? he clearly doesn't care what anyone else has to say [20:25] agreed [20:25] Seeker`: I'm starting to think the same [20:26] it took me a whole year to do that, 3 years ago it took meer weeks! [20:26] they call him the seeker [20:26] budgieboy: now be a good sport, read the IRCguidelines and come back later, preferably when you've matured a bit mentally [20:26] thats racist! [20:26] just because im blakc [20:26] baclk [20:27] black [20:27] :rolleyes: [20:27] someone should set a +b now, if not sooner [20:27] yeah, I could clearly see it thru my crystal ball and your black typing [20:27] oh yeah look at you running around with your heads full of eye balls [20:27] Seeker`: oh puhleeze, I'm bored [20:27] oh, wait! [20:27] I set my budgie on tu! [20:28] he goes "chtchtchtcht!" [20:28] 46% complete [20:28] /me takes out her emp cannon and points at budgieboy [20:28] *BWUUUUUP* [20:28] I no longer have the energy to deal with more mentally disturbed people, my weeks quota is up [20:28] Im gonna have a hardy hardon [20:28] * jussi01 hugs Myrtti [20:28] next one will earn him a /hellokitty [20:28] Myrtti: thanks [20:29] awww [20:29] ouch [20:29] tsk [20:29] well now, you were warned, budgieboy [20:29] /me takes her Hello Kitty® emp cannon, points at budgieboy and flips it on *BWUUUUUP* [20:29] *snif* This thing is heavy! [20:29] there. [20:30] that was hellokitty effect [20:30] sigh... theres always one... [20:30] gah, they are from the UK. I always feel ashamed when idiots come from England [20:30] Seeker`: atleast you've got more population than we Finns [20:30] and FCOL, Linus is Finnish [20:30] Myrtti: How many peopel in finland? [20:30] as is IRC... [20:30] can you imagine how ashamed I am when the idiots come from here [20:30] 5 million [20:31] luckily our idiots stay on Quakenet and IRCnet [20:31] well, most of them anyway [20:34] !no, wubi is Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [20:34] I'll remember that jussi01 [20:35] I just love my irssi and my aliases [20:35] hehe, nice [20:36] apparently it actually has trouble uninstalling [20:36] really? [20:38] so I've heard on the channels and forum [20:38] something to do with the windows boot loader or something [20:38] hrm... not so good [20:39] but I don't pay much attention as I can't really help with any issues [20:39] it is, after all, a windows app ;) [20:39] hehe [20:43] test me [20:44] jedimasterk: this isn't the right channel to be tested in [20:44] I can't join the channel [20:44] which channel? [20:45] I had problems with my port. Read that I should use 8001 [20:45] yes, you should [20:45] which channel are you having problems joining? [20:45] did you read the topic in #ubuntu-read-topic ? [20:46] Yes I read the #ubuntu-read-topic [20:46] jedimasterk, you need to do what is here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit [20:46] then you need to ask the bot to test you [20:46] I did that [20:46] it will remove your ban then [20:46] ok [20:46] jedimasterk: where did you try it? [20:46] Under Ubuntu Server [20:47] you need to say "test me" without the quotes in #ubuntu-read-topic [20:47] ok I'll try it [20:48] test me [20:49] In ubotu, emorris said: !no, Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [20:49] Pici: What is the capital of England? [20:49] London! [20:49] WRONG! [20:49] Seeker`, essex [20:49] It is, in fact, "E" [20:49] :) [20:49] capital/capitol [20:50] !gutsy [20:50] Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents [20:50] Seeker`: I thought approximately 5 billion GBP? [20:50] *ducks* [20:50] !edgy [20:50] Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes [20:50] !dapper [20:50] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details. [20:51] !no gutsy is Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [20:51] I'll remember that ompaul [20:51] !gutsy [20:51] Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [20:51] what's with the space [20:51] looks odd [20:51] which one? [20:51] between "is" and "ubuntu" [20:51] !gutsy =~ s/ / / [20:51] I'll remember that Seveas [20:52] on irssi is just made an extra line break first :-o [20:55] In ubotu, emorris said: no, Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [20:57] !gutsy | emorris [20:57] emorris: Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [20:57] woops [20:57] !gutsy > emorris [20:57] I hope ubot3 and ubotu didn't both send a /msg then [20:58] no, it doesn't make sense "Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu." [20:59] hmm, which is why they added I guess [21:11] !no gutsy is Gutsy, known as Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [21:11] I'll remember that ompaul [21:11] !gutsy [21:11] Gutsy, known as Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [21:12] you still got's the extra spaces [21:12] !no gutsy is Gutsy, known as Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [21:12] I'll remember that ompaul [21:12] Myrtti, ? [21:12] !gutsy [21:12] Gutsy, known as Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [21:12] as Ubuntu [21:13] that is one space [21:13] !no gutsy is Gutsy - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour [21:13] I'll remember that ompaul [21:13] not according to my terminal [21:13] according to my buffer it is [21:13] what fonts are you using? [21:13] monospace [21:14] anyway now that is done what is the situation [21:14] budgieboy: have you read the irc guidelines? [21:14] where are they? [21:14] !guidelines | budgieboy [21:14] budgieboy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [21:14] I believe there's a link in the topic [21:15] oh wait it's ok, problem solved [21:15] budgieboy, can we help you in some way? [21:19] was that a no? [21:20] I just smacked him with both my normal emp and hellokitty before you arrived [21:21] aye [21:21] he had told a supposedly funny joke about a Linux raping SuSE (Tux raping "Iguwana") in #kubuntu and failed to understand that we couldn't find it funny [21:21] ahh that would help things be a bit bannish [21:28] How do I install flash player for 64bit? [21:28] there is non on the site! just 32bit! [21:28] *gasp* [21:28] budgieboy, why would you ask in the -ops channel [21:28] you're on the wrong channel [21:29] did you read the guidelines? [21:29] where are they? [21:29] !guidelines [21:29] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [21:30] you were told several times, you must have a poor memory [21:30] you're still banned from #kubuntu [21:30] budgieboy, ok - last time you were here we had the same conversation with different players [21:30] budgieboy, so read them go away and come back in an hour [21:30] and you're not getting any further until you show some understanding on what is a nono and what is ok [21:30] wait, its ok I fixed it myself [21:30] you ... [21:30] fixed what? [21:30] I think he knows what he is doing Myrtti. [21:30] elisa [21:31] * jussio1 sighs [21:31] he can wait the hour [21:31] * Seeker` wonders why the previous ban was removed [21:31] to give him a chance [21:31] Seeker`: bans in -ops are bad [21:32] jussio1: how about you revise the ban in k [21:32] :-P [21:32] Myrtti: to a straight ban? not a forward? [21:32] yup [21:33] PriceChild: on the whole, yes, but in some cases when people are obviously trying to be irritating [21:33] PriceChild, read the interaction - mine stays for 31 minutes [21:33] or longer [21:33] and less than 1 [21:33] hour [21:33] yup yup [21:33] Myrtti: done [21:34] ok, Im off for a bit. [21:34] LjL, want a to write a very special bot [21:35] where we can submit a ban time to it and it removes a nick and ban at that juncture if nothing specified it keeps them out for 15 minutes [21:42] Myrtti, that is hardly 30 minutes [21:42] * ompaul goes to get something to chew on [21:42] :) [21:43] ompaul: there's no need for it anymore because jussi01 revised the banforward in k --> here to be no more [21:44] would not bet on it [21:44] now I am off to get that thing I referred to [21:44] well atleast he won't be coming here believing he's in k [21:44] and we'll be dealing with the real issue [21:45] I don't think he ever realized being banned from there and coming here automatically [21:48] watch #u [21:51] !bot > n000b [22:40] stdin called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [23:20] am i here? [23:24] gnomefreak: do you want to be? [23:24] nalioth: having connection issues [23:24] 3rd day worth of them [23:24] so i've noticed [23:25] sorry working on it atm looking for a way to get real time stats