[01:13] Hey, anybody around? [01:20] oh [02:48] new DVDs and live CDs up for testing [02:49] * Riddell sleeps [02:53] yay new cds :) [04:11] evening [04:11] hmm could somebody politely respond to bug 219412 [04:11] Launchpad bug 219412 in kubuntu-default-settings "start/windows key does nothing" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219412 [04:15] based on his comments in bug 219413 i kind of just want to tell him to go use pclinuxos or similar [04:15] Launchpad bug 219413 in kdebase-workspace "double clicking upper left of windows doesn't close them" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219413 [04:27] * Hobbsee waves [04:28] politely != striking with long pointy stick of doom :P [04:28] * Jucato waves back [04:30] hehe [04:33] hmm SSH X forwarding works a whole lot less nicely cross country [04:38] yuriy: indeed. [05:31] Hobbsee: youre there! [05:31] Hobbsee: hate to see you go sarah [05:31] i am, yes [05:32] but then again, i'm not running the distro, hadn haven't been for a release, so... [05:32] but, thanks for all your contributions [05:32] it gives someone else a shot [05:32] you're welcome :) [05:32] i know [05:32] but, its sad to see one of us leave [05:32] you know? [05:33] make sure you stick around here on the channel [05:35] Hobbsee isn't going anywhere! That long pointy stick is here forever! [05:35] lol [05:35] hehe [05:35] as long as you dont completely leave us [05:37] * Hobbsee shrugs [05:37] Hobbsee: have you checked out Tasque for Gnome yet? Zonker from Novell showed it off to us as this weekends con...totally awesome! [05:37] nope? [05:37] what is it? [05:38] I even slipped up and told jcastro that I liked it...man, I even hung out with the Gnome-Do devs...uh oh, something isn't feeling right [05:38] it is a task manager that totally kicks arse [05:38] at least I had wolfger with me to keep me safe [05:39] whom I must admit ran one hell of a Bug Jam at Penguicon...our Ubuntu talks attracted more people than any other I saw, except for the Masquerade, which now I wish we wouldn't have missed [05:39] haha [05:39] gnome do is great. [05:39] oooh [05:40] nixternal: not in teh repos? [05:40] not yet...noticed that earlier when I installed Ubuntu on my desktop :) [05:41] had to build out the tarball...even setup a Remember The Milk account to use it [05:41] ahh [05:42] is wolfger a member yet? I can't remember and I am to lazy to go to LP and look [05:43] unsure [05:50] well, im off to bed now [05:50] goodnight all [06:19] good morning [06:21] heya Tm_M [06:21] i'm in local health center [06:22] bit nervous [06:24] might see the baby in ultrasound scan <3 [06:24] ooo [06:26] gotta go === hunger_t is now known as hunger [07:26] yay, baby is well, alive, and living in [07:40] now I can go and arrange release party with big smile [07:51] Tm_M: \o/ [08:26] <3 sleep [08:26] * apachelogger gives Tm_M a cookie [08:26] Nightrose: are ye going to do a radio show for the kubuntu hardy party? [08:26] or maybe Mez can? [08:27] yay [08:30] hm [08:32] apachelogger: seems unlikely I'd say [08:32] :( [08:32] Nightrose: why? [08:32] you haz all nu internetz, so? [08:33] other stuff(TM) that needs doing [08:33] haha yea I do [08:33] * Nightrose is happy that her SoC student finally showed up [08:33] shy guy it seems [08:34] you have a soc student? Oo [08:34] pfft, everyone got a slave, just not me [08:34] haha I might get you one :P [08:34] there might be another one who needs a mentor [08:34] so far we have got 2 who wnat to do their prjects besides being rejected [08:34] and a third one needs to ping me [08:35] so if you are game I can probably give you the third one ;-) [08:36] thinking about it, I'd rather spend my time torturing ubuntu contributors :P [08:36] hehe [08:36] then I need to find someone else... [08:36] * Nightrose starts looking [08:37] * apachelogger points at .... [08:37] emonkey [08:39] so [08:39] Hobbsee: instead of a 'thank you, good luck' mail .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8g_gj4VRUA [08:40] * apachelogger uses his nifty cookie distribution system to get everyone a cookie and a cup of tea [08:41] Nightrose: does insanity actually have a present stock? [08:41] I can't remember [08:41] * apachelogger sips the tea [08:42] present stock? don't think so [08:45] hm [08:45] Nightrose: do I get a soc student, whom I can abuse to rewrite the rbotbar? [08:45] nope! [08:45] :P [08:46] pfft [08:46] and besides: I already got a mentor now [08:46] ;-) [08:46] pfft^2 [08:46] hehe [08:46] * apachelogger goes crying [08:46] * Nightrose hugs apachelogger [09:13] hi kids [09:13] * Nightrose waves [09:30] ô mon dieu! [09:31] for bug #220655 we need a super special squad for uploading [09:31] Launchpad bug 220655 in kdewebdev-kde4 "Many KDE 4 packages reference KDE 3 packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220655 [09:31] stdin: if you feel like it, chaning the status and importance for all packages whould be nice ;-) === _Czessi is now known as Czessi [09:38] stdin: btw, you shouldn't upload 2 identical debdiffs, that is gonna end in confusion [09:38] for me :P [09:46] apachelogger: automagic 2-row taskbar doesn't seem to work anymore for me - did your patch get removed for some reason? [09:47] nowadays everthing is possible [09:47] hehe [09:47] nope [09:47] workspace is still at ubuntu2 [09:47] hmm k [09:47] and I revued the patch for ubuntu2, so I doubt it got removed ;-) [09:47] yea [09:49] definitely doesn't work here [09:49] maybe because I have the taskbar set to small [09:49] * Nightrose tests [09:49] yea that's it [09:52] jpatrick: btw, it appears more than likely that bug #149936 is also caused by luks :| [09:52] Launchpad bug 149936 in amarok "Amarok fails to start when SQLite database is "corrupted"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149936 [10:24] hello... quick question: "apt-get -b source ksnapshot-kde4" fails with "CMake Error: Qt qmake not found!" - but "which qmake" says "/usr/bin/qmake"...so why is it not found by the dpkg-build system? (at Hardy) [10:27] is it the wrong qmake? qt3? [10:28] ahh - you are rigth... "qmake --version Qmake version: 1.07a (Qt 3.3.8b)" [10:29] than the build-deps (for ksnapshot-kde4) are not fully set... which qmake do i need? [10:31] qt4 at a guess. [10:32] qmake-qt4 is the executable iirc [10:33] update-alternatives --config qmake [10:33] ah... youre right, hmnm... but how to i tell this "apt-get -b" to use this [10:33] oh... okay, will try [10:34] hads: Thank you - it works now! - just found a new error, but thats an other problem [10:37] Riddell: for intrepid we use ~/.kde for KDE 4? [10:38] apachelogger: yes I think so [10:39] Riddell: I guess we need a metabug for migration issues [10:39] can do [10:40] bug #209053 is a perfect example of how wrong things can go [10:40] Launchpad bug 209053 in kdebase-workspace "GUI is rendered huge" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209053 [10:48] Riddell: bug #220940 [10:48] Launchpad bug 220940 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "KDE 4 Migration Issues" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220940 [10:49] hm [10:50] Riddell: should I mark the original bug report as duplicate? [11:06] when will be the kubuntu release? [11:06] when all the tests have been done [11:07] Serega: So that's why we are testing the living daylights out of everything ;) [11:08] Riddell: Restricted manager message is still 2/3's of the way up the screen :( [11:08] on kde4 [11:08] I think I missed importrant thing in codec installation: to update package lists before :) [11:08] package lists? [11:09] Riddell: 'apt-get update' .I plan to upload this today's evening. [11:10] Riddell: I relized that on fresh installation no repo packages available in apt-cache [11:10] so installation of libxine1-ffmpeg will fail [11:10] oh right [11:11] Riddell: please wait for this before release [11:11] that's not always the case, only if you don't have an internet connection during install, but is an issue indeed [11:11] Serega: sorry too late, it'll have to go in -updates [11:11] awww... :( [11:11] sorry [11:12] but not chance to install libxine1-ffmpeg w/o internet connection anyway. I hope users will update as a first. [11:14] Hello World! The guys behind Seminarix want to build another version of there LiveCD now Kubuntu-based. emile (Aka W.D. Zimmermann) is looking for contacts.... [11:15] ys76: great [11:16] Riddell: I got just informed by a third party.... [12:06] kwwii: doing any CD testing today? [12:07] hi folks [12:07] hrm, openoffice crashes upon attempting to print after I just did an upgrade :/ [12:07] ooh, cd testing, too bad I'm stuck at the uni until really late :o( [12:08] mhb: uni. lots of bandwidth. dvd testing! [12:08] ah yes, unfortunately I've got neither my laptop nor any blank DVDs :o [12:08] :o( [12:09] I'll fetch in the evening, if that may be helpful [12:09] would indeed [12:09] okay [12:09] Riddell: are we releasing tomorrow? or later? [12:09] jussi01: yes, tomorrow [12:09] dunno what time tomorrow [12:10] great :) [12:11] any ideas on what might make open office crash though standard test page prints fine :/ [12:11] jussi01: Which ooo application was it? [12:12] writer [12:12] Prints fine here. [12:13] curious.... its a network printer if that makes any differece :/ [12:13] Mine too. HP 3380 on a jet direct box. [12:14] this is a 3055 [12:14] (hp) [12:15] Hobbsee: too bad to hear you're leaving [12:20] are we planning to appoint a new member soonish or are we going to wait for the next expiry, which is at 2008-07-29 ? [12:23] mhb: council renewal is due in May, we'll probably discuss it at UDS and appint new people at the next irc meeting after [12:23] Riddell: from KGRUBEditor's changelog: "*ADDED: Automagic Kernel List support(found in Debian[-derived] distros)" [12:23] sure [12:23] Riddell: these comments don't get deleted from now on [12:23] Artemis__Fowl: ooh, lovely [12:23] Riddell: (K/X)Ubuntu are fully compliant' [12:24] Artemis__Fowl: ah, so that's why you asked me about grubconfig [12:24] mhb: y [12:24] * Artemis__Fowl will release in a couple of hours [12:25] Artemis__Fowl: well, it has a terrible name (I personally would like to see a GTK version of it, too - so we can share love (the editing code) with our very active Ubuntu friends) [12:25] Artemis__Fowl: just kidding about the name [12:25] mhb: maybe (I say maybe) I will rewrite the core of the app in std C++ not QT [12:26] mhb: so that they are able to create their own GTK-based app [12:27] in the last version I have done many new feature additions [12:27] Artemis__Fowl: that would be rad [12:27] Artemis__Fowl: I can help if you want [12:28] mhb: help is always welcome :-) we'll see [12:28] Artemis__Fowl: I presume I will be doing some intensive hacking during the UDS [12:29] and here is a screenshot illustrating Automagic Kernels (in yellowish color): http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/thumbs/small/1245198_1lgk2/KGRUBEditor26.png [12:30] oups [12:30] thumbnail [12:30] http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1245198_1lgk2/KGRUBEditor26.png [12:30] mhb: you, or someone like you, can have a shot at it. *shrug* [12:30] someone like me I hope, because I'm very busy with school lately [12:31] the less I have to do, the better [12:31] :o) [12:31] Artemis__Fowl: nice [12:32] mhb: if you are to write the GTK frontend then you have much to do. the core is only a small piece of the app... [12:32] Artemis__Fowl: I'm not a UI specialist, but I'd want the default behaviour of KGrubeditor to not show popups at startup [12:33] it's not nice for apps to start bothering users at first run, after all, like the popups say, if you're not a specialist you do not want to move the Automagic options [12:33] mhb: hmm. this is temporary. [12:33] Artemis__Fowl: right, I'm just suggesting [12:33] Artemis__Fowl: so you host it at SF at SVN, right? [12:34] Artemis__Fowl: I'll fetch the code [12:34] mhb: in this last release I have added many new features and the code needs cleanup [12:35] mhb: or you'll probably find undocumented functions [12:35] mhb: anyway [12:35] mhb: SF page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kgrubeditor [12:35] thanks [12:36] mhb: I use SF only for SVN. official web page is on kde-apps.org [12:36] okies [12:36] mhb: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KGRUBEditor?content=75442 [12:37] * Artemis__Fowl has to leave. bbz [12:37] right, me too [12:37] see you around [12:42] Riddell: once I get some more blank DVDs from the store and the download finishes, yes [12:43] kwwii: not got rewritables? [12:43] Riddell: nope, never tried them actually === Serega_ is now known as Serega [13:12] http://kdemonkey.blogspot.com/2008/04/magic-trick.html << this has to be default for intrepid [13:28] Neat trick === _nemphis is now known as nemphis [13:42] kool :) [13:42] very nice [13:48] nixternal: re: openweek kde4 - I have no net connection at home so I doubt I'll make it... [14:49] davmor2: anything interesting happening at wolveslug tonight? [14:49] Riddell: Barbie from the perl mongers is giving a talk and probably JJ too [14:50] Normally very interesting. [14:50] http://www.wolveslug.org.uk for more info [14:53] now if only I had a paddle, I could canoe there [14:58] Riddell: attach the canoe to you bike you'll get the same sensation :D [15:31] hey, does anyone want to redo a Kubuntu talk for OpenWeek next week? I am holding a Kubuntu talk on Monday [15:31] there are 3 slots open for OpenWeek, so someone step up and ADVOCATE! ADVOCATE! ADVOCATE! [15:31] * jpatrick has school :( [15:31] I am already doing Kubuntu, KDE 4, and Documentation [15:32] jpatrick: ya, that is groovy and understandable :) [15:33] well, the second part yes, not at all sure about the first [15:33] anyone want to do a PyQt or a PyKDE talk? something? Kubuntu rocks, OpenWeek is a perfect time to let everyone know that! :) [15:34] if nobody steps up, I am switching to openSUSE, Zonker told me and jcastro there are jobs coming for it as well :p [15:34] muhehehehehe [15:35] ohnoes we are loosing the visternal to suse!!oneeleven1111 [15:35] :P [15:36] feel the love! [15:39] nixternal: when? [15:39] hm [15:39] Nightrose: but then he has to switch away from blista [15:39] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuOpenWeek [15:39] susa > blista [15:40] check out the TBD boxes, there are 3 left I think [15:40] apachelogger: good point [15:40] nixternal: I'm on train, so veery limited bandwidth [15:40] that's fine, we (actually jcastro has about 2 hours to get them filled) [15:41] nixternal: I can do a talk about why apachelogger is the perfect man for world domination [15:41] not good for an IRC talk, better for a huge con talk where everyone can throw stuff at you then :p [15:42] nixternal: ok, that's too soon for me, sowwy [15:42] * apachelogger doesn't want to talk about that topic really [15:43] Open Slots: Thu 1 May @ 16:00 UTC || Sat 3 May @ 20:00 UTC || Sat 3 May @ 21:00 UTC [15:43] apachelogger: what do you want to talk about? [15:44] me, myself and I [15:44] I have no idea what I could talk about [15:44] Nightrose: suggestions? [15:44] Kubuntu! Kubuntu! Kubuntu! [15:45] caKe [15:45] shame I can't help [15:45] apachelogger: upstream relations? [15:46] Nightrose: we have upstream relations? Oo [15:46] ;-) [15:46] how kubuntu does kick-ass release parties on IRC [15:46] which leads back to the me, myself and I topic [15:46] -> #ubuntu-release-party [15:46] jpatrick: nono [15:47] we have tha ultimate NightrosePardäää(tm) [15:47] \o/ [15:47] hehe [15:48] np: GNELLO'S VOCAL MIX) - MOBY [15:48] that tag looks broken really [15:49] indeed [15:49] any hints what to do if the installer for 8.04 (alternate) keeps on crashing immidiately after selecting install? [15:49] nixternal: we could probably get someone from kubuntu-de.org to do a talk about something community/markting related [15:50] talavis: did you ensure that the ISO and the CD are in proper shape? [15:50] i.e. not broken [15:51] i have checked md5 for both iso and burned cd [15:51] morning :) [15:51] jjesse: noooooooooooo [15:51] * Tm_T hides [15:51] :) [15:51] ;) [15:51] some one is in a good modd [15:51] I am [15:53] :)) [15:54] ...and party goes on <3 [15:54] oh yeah [17:05] I think, I have a party wallpaper [17:07] apachelogger: oh? [17:08] Riddell: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/img063.jpg [17:08] Should it really be named Kubuntu LTS? (https://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=17) [17:09] goodness [17:09] emonkey: nope [17:10] Riddell: just perfect, isn't it? [17:10] * apachelogger needs to buy the beer [17:18] apachelogger, nice now go ahead and make the picture available for all major resolutions, and then put it on kde-look ... ;-) [17:19] emonkey: not just yet :D === kitterma is now known as ScottK2 [18:34] apachelogger: i can change status (though for that bug it takes like 5 mins), but I can't change importance. and and the 2nd identical diff was a mistake, but LP doesn't let you remove one attachments ;) [18:34] stdin: I think it does now. [18:35] If you click on edit attachment one of the options is remove it. [18:35] really? [18:35] * ScottK2 thinks so. [18:35] ooh, didn't notice :) [18:36] yep, there's a big "Delete Attachment" button there :p [18:36] lol [18:37] stdin: well, forget about the status, I wasn't too serious on that comment ;-) [18:38] apachelogger: it took long enough to add all the "also effects", assign to me and upload the diffs. I should probably learn to use that new email feature some say [18:55] Known or not: LifeCD: amarok does not recognize my MP3 player. Not in action selector dialog that pops up and not in amarok mediaplayer tab :( [18:55] MP3 player interface is USB mass storage device [18:55] though question [18:56] I think I will go with not known [18:56] * apachelogger is wondering what to win in 'known or not' anyway [18:57] apachelogger: save me time searching launchpad ;) I've not followed Cd testing at all [18:57] that game doesn't sound funny at all [18:57] allee: does the media device detected popup appear? [18:58] apachelogger: yes, and it lists digikam twice (in at least german setup) [18:58] anyone else getting time outs in launchpad? [18:59] allee: so what is the problem really? [19:00] apachelogger: popup does not offer to start amarok, and when amarok is started by hand, the media-player gives no way to acces the MP3 player (optinal amarok test inhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/KubuntuDesktop) [19:00] of Live CD session testing [19:00] ohaha [19:00] the KDE popup shouldn't offer amarok really [19:01] since the player is only a usb mass storage [19:01] apachelogger: so what? It's an MP3 player :( [19:01] s/:(/:D/ [19:01] allee: does it support a media transfer protocol? [19:02] apachelogger: kern log shows only USB mass storage [19:02] so how should KDE know it is anything other than a usb mass storage? -.- [19:03] apachelogger: well, in digikam we just let the user decide (aka offer a digikam download icon in device pop up) for all USB mass storage [19:04] jjesse: on bug pages, yeah [19:04] allee: digikam != KDE [19:04] in amarok we do exactly the same [19:04] the reason is that when you start digikam you probably are going to plug in a camera, if you start amarok you are probably going to plug in a media device [19:05] if you start KDE you are probably going to plug in anything [19:06] apachelogger: I'm confused. amarok Media-Player tab show 'Kein Geraet verfuegbar' (no device found). So amarok 'ignores' the USB storage MP3 player [19:06] ok [19:06] das ist ein problem! [19:06] Nightrose: we forgot about the multi-lingual stuff again [19:07] allee: was gibt `dcop kded mediamanager fullList` aus? [19:08] kommt sofort [19:11] apachelogger: http://paste.debian.net/1416/ [19:14] alleeHardy: listet amarok das device nachdem es mit KDE gemounted wurde? === nixternal is now known as lanretxin === lanretxin is now known as nixternal [19:30] apachelogger: uhm MP3 player FS is f*cked up. I've tried with a 'real USB disk stick' with lots of mp3 on it. Still: 'no device found' in amarok. ditto after restarting amarok. [19:30] Oo [19:30] alleeHardy: when the device is mounted? [19:32] apachelogger: yes [19:32] this is certainly not good [19:32] alleeHardy: please try whether this still appears after an installation [19:34] evening lads [19:34] apachelogger: ah, amarok installs no ServiceType for unmounted media. So no entry in device popup dialog. http://paste.debian.net/1419/ [19:35] mhb: hi mister kubuntu-testing ;) [19:40] mhmm, khelpcenter (click on About Kubuntu) has on the left hand side 2 entries for seach document (only kcm module entries are lised once) [19:40] ^^ in german liveCD [19:53] * Artemis_Fowl is too tired to upload KGRUBEditor v0.7 and blog about it...Too many changes to talk about... [19:55] several people testing Kubuntu complaining about usplash not showing [19:55] and i must admit my install also won't show usplash at all, switches to console immediately [19:55] what about you folks? [19:55] I guess it's less Kubuntu and more Ubuntu related [19:56] Works for me. [19:56] am I right in thinking that kubuntu-kde4 comes without an IRC client installed? [19:56] just doing some testing and realised this [19:57] it has kopete :) [19:57] (I think) [19:57] mhb: slash is fine with livecd. /me install currently to partiotion [19:57] it does have kopete [19:57] I didn't know kopete did IRC [19:57] I've never used it [19:58] yeah.. it does [19:58] the last i heard kopete didn't have irc was that fixed? [19:58] of course, Konversation is better [19:58] jjesse: oh... I didn't know that.... let me check [19:58] nosrednaekim: i ran into that problem documenting kde4 for the oficiial ubuntu book [19:59] i was told it was a bug w/ kopete and kde 4 port of it [19:59] woah... you're right, its not there in the kde4 port [19:59] in the book, i tell the end user to install konverstation to access irc for help and support [20:00] any idea why konversation wasn't included if there isn't a kde4 alternative? [20:00] i hope that's correct [20:00] because konverstation doesn't have a kde 4 port? [20:00] jjesse: seems to be correct [20:03] nosrednaekim: kopete(KDE4) does not do IRC [20:17] mhb: booting and rebooting a freshly installed hardy and usplash was always there. Kompared to hardy before, the usplash seem to use now native resulution. not 800x600 (or whatever) scaled to full screen === _nemphis is now known as nemphis [20:26] Riddell: ping, can you check the testsite? [20:27] * nosrednaekim asks ryanakca for the secret link [20:27] allee: splendid [20:27] mhb: :) but on the other hand knetworkmanger seem to be broken :( [20:29] icon in systray was spinning all the time. ifconfig and route show working setup. wget works, but konquror didn't because it rely on knm's opinion. [20:33] mhm, after rebooting once more knetworkmanager seem to work again. Puh... [20:45] apachelogger: eh, amarok again: moving with mouse of an index.html file, I get always an error dialog complainng about invalid menu entry: http://paste.debian.net/1424/ [20:45] ^^ index.html in dol3phin [20:45] allee: d3lphin issue, not amarok related [20:51] call me crazy :-) , but how do I start vmware-player in Hardy (to test the iso; s)? [20:52] type in vm and hit tab in the terminal [20:54] vmmouse_detect vmstat [20:54] doesnt sound like vmware [20:55] odd [20:57] apachelogger: Ah, right, despite it's name the desktop file is from pkg dol3pin. The desktop file has no Exec= line. Therefore the error :( [20:58] I don't know why this desktop file is used in d3lphin anyway [20:58] it's only useful for webbrowsers [20:59] Riddell: also, did you want the Release Notes ported to kubuntu.org, or did you want them to be left on the wiki? [21:23] nixternal: Am I right, that there will be no significant difference between the Release Notes of the RC and the main Release? === mbiebl_ is now known as mbiebl [21:24] I really hope not. [21:33] ScottK2: I think emu meant the content rather than the topics :) [21:34] * apachelogger is wondering whether we need a lot of cookies for the NightrosePartä(tm) [21:34] why is it called NightrosePartä(tm) anyway? [21:34] emu: actually yes there will be a significant difference because we won't do our notes on the wiki and will do a more informative version of the applications for the website instead [21:36] apachelogger: because you called it that way [21:36] ;-) [21:36] Oo [21:36] strange drugs apparently [21:37] Nightrose: we should consider a different name that one is too long [21:37] ;-) [21:37] nixternal: could you mail the new release notes on kubuntu-devel so I can translate them? [21:37] Nightrose: what's german for hardy? [21:38] apachelogger: robust [21:38] bventremuger! [21:38] uhmmmm good question actually [21:38] ah yea [21:38] robust [21:38] emu: they stay hidden until release and JR approves them...after I work them up, he usually tweaks them a bit [21:38] apachelogger: thats like we translated it [21:38] emu: klingt schwul, gefällt mir :P [21:39] Nightrose: RobustParty [21:39] oO [21:39] stress the multilanguage promise of -devel [21:40] nixternal: mhhmm that makes things complicated. Are there an other way to get the stuff? [21:40] Nightrose: HardyPartä sounds too boring IMO [21:40] jep [21:40] apachelogger: Just PartyHard! [21:40] Oo [21:41] emu: you aren't a lot into partyin, are you? [21:41] apachelogger: no not atm [21:41] partyhard is totally 90's [21:41] that's like good looking party promotional artwork === __Czessi is now known as Czessi [21:43] Nightrose: HardyFeierei? [21:43] ohnoes [21:43] that sounds like.... [21:43] yes it does :P [21:43] :P [21:43] we need a different approach [21:44] a german adjective with an english noun [21:44] both starting with H [21:45] http://artfowl.blogspot.com/2008/04/kgrubeditor-version-07.html [21:45] all that's left is uploading... [21:46] woohooo [21:46] Artemis_Fowl: shiny release [21:46] apachelogger: 2 months... [21:47] apachelogger: Automagic is the highlight feature for you ;-) [21:47] well, it just makes it more reasonable for the average user I guess ;-) [21:47] yep [21:48] Artemis_Fowl: now you just need to wrap a kcm around it and we have a kick-ass grub editor tool for systemsettings-kde4 [21:48] apachelogger: that's hell easy with all the modifications I did in this last release [21:48] cool [21:48] apachelogger: I could do it in 5 mins [21:49] but [21:49] * Artemis_Fowl is a lazy dog [21:49] * apachelogger declares: "I still love kgrubeditor" [21:49] * apachelogger gives Artemis_Fowl a cookie [21:49] you got 6 months [21:49] iKnow ;-) [21:50] Nightrose: any suggestions for an adj with H? [21:50] nope [21:50] too busy with other stuff (TM) [21:50] :( [21:50] uh, I have a party name [21:50] WHUF [21:51] wuschig, hell und freundlich [21:51] emu: opinion? [21:52] apachelogger: Sounds like a dogs party [21:52] dogs are cool -.- [21:53] emonkey: H**** Hummel Party [21:53] just what H***** to use [21:54] Halligalli [21:55] lol [21:55] emonkey: uh, I think I like [21:55] Halligalli Hummel Party [21:56] ll [21:56] nixternal: how does that sound in us-en? [21:58] * Artemis_Fowl uploading the source package [22:01] emonkey: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/img065.jpg [22:01] nice lol [22:03] emonkey: do you think we should fill up the cookie stock? [22:04] yea would be gret [22:04] greaat [22:04] that looks flemish to me [22:15] ok. I'm finished. only SF is left but I've no mood for FTP uploasd [22:15] apachelogger: will you package this version? [22:17] Artemis_Fowl: as soon as I have, time which is in ... july I think [22:17] after the hardy release I will focus on my finals 100% [22:18] okiez [22:18] * Artemis_Fowl heads for bed... [22:46] Hi all [22:46] hmmm [22:46] anyone using kde trunk [22:47] CheGuevara: yes [22:47] hey r0uzic [22:47] apachelogger, is it messed up for u or no? [22:47] yes, plasma is [22:47] but that is normal plasma b0rkage these days :P [22:48] all icons are small and taskbar is all weird? [22:49] I wanted to report a failure unimportant Hardy Heron on a Macbook [22:50] CheGuevara: yes [22:50] r0uzic: theres not only one minor bug on macbook (pro) [22:51] meh [22:51] thx apachelogger [22:51] CheGuevara: well, it's due to latest changes from the plasma sprint [22:52] TheInfinity: the bug is that the output of sound appears a red light [22:53] yeah thats what i thought as well [22:54] you mean out of the headphone cnnector? [22:54] TheInfinity: yes [22:54] thats normal [22:55] Riddell: party preperation is finished, we just need some regular promotion via blogs and twitters tomorrow ... oh, and someone to do a radio show [22:55] macbooks have optical out IN headphone connection [22:55] * apachelogger thinks emonkey would be perfect as radio moderator :P [22:55] TheInfinity: I never happened, nor dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy [22:55] thats your optical 7.1 sound out you can see shining red ;) [22:55] i think optical out support is quite new [22:56] apachelogger, ahm wat? I? really? which radio? And why is a banane yellow? [22:56] shouldn't 4.1 alpha 1 be tagged by now [22:57] TheInfinity: and to turn off the red light? [22:57] should have soemthing to do with options you load with sound drivers [22:57] dont know exacly [22:57] oks, very thanks TheInfinity :) [22:58] emonkey: radio amarok [22:58] hm [22:58] banana yellow [22:58] emonkey: my guess is because of the colourant in the ehh [22:58] skin [22:59] whatever the right word is [22:59] apachelogger, I've never done this bevore and I'm a bit afraid of doing it whitout any time to test it. [22:59] my guess it is green before, because of the chlorophyl stuff [22:59] that gets removed when the fruit is aging [22:59] which leafs the yellow colourant behind [23:00] emonkey: you have until tomorrow evening :P [23:00] apachelogger, I've to learn linear algebra until friday, i've got an very important exam then [23:01] meh [23:01] I don't wanna do the radio show again [23:01] * apachelogger needs to get the project rolling so he has a pool of good djs he can abuse for kubuntu release parties ;-) [23:01] maybe I've got the exam tomorrow, would be bad luck, but in this case I can do it [23:03] TheInfinity: it's off, in alsamixer command :D [23:03] :)