=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso [03:01] timing: please follow up on the bug. === TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso [04:28] What is different in the -virtual kernel ? [04:33] "~$ lsmod | grep 8139; 8139cp 24704 0; 8139too 27520 0." I would like to prevent that one of the 2 modules will be loaded because after a while after booting my computer looses its LAN connection. How to prevent 8139cp from being loaded at boot time? [04:34] (There is no modules.conf.) [04:45] e.g., echo blacklist 8139cp|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [04:54] crimsun: There is no /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. [04:56] then you're not running ubuntu [05:00] sn9: "~$ cat /etc/issue: Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l" [05:01] then you have /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [05:02] sn9: Your statement is false. I have checked that by using mc. [05:03] pastebin ls /etc/modprobe.d/ [05:08] sn9: "~$ ls /etc/modprobe.d; aliases, alsa-base; arch; arch-aliases, blacklist20080116; blacklist.dpkg-dist; blacklist-framebuffer; blacklist-modem; blacklist-oss; blacklist-scanner; blacklist-watchdog; bluez; fuse; fuse; ipw3945; isapnp; libpisock9; libsane; lrm-video; nvidia-kernel-nkc; options; toshiba_acpi.modprobe." [05:11] type: sudo dpkg --configure -a [05:15] sn9: "~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a" does not produce an output. A following "~$ls /etc/modprobe.d/" obtains the old result. [05:16] why is there a "blacklist20080116" and a "blacklist.dpkg-dist" in there? [05:20] I have made a backup file "blacklist20080116" on 16th of January 2008 because my Gutsy did not work properly with my framebuffer console. Subsequently my framebuffer console did work all right. -- I do not know why there is a 'blacklist.dpkg-dist' file. May be I knew but if so, I have forgotten. [05:22] the filenames are ignored -- the fact that it's in that folder means it gets used [05:23] sn9: I am sorry but I do not understand your message. Pleas say it in other words. [05:24] your renaming from "blacklist" to "blacklist20080116" did nothing, because the name of the file does not matter [05:25] it's still in that folder, and that's what counts [05:25] touble is, you have two of them now [05:26] you should delete both, and immediately reinstall the pkg that owns it [05:27] sn9: In January 2008 I made a backup copy of the 'blacklist' file then. [05:27] The original 'blacklist' file has gone. [05:27] but that was gutsy, and you're on hardy now [05:28] * sn9 refrains from yelling "do as i say!" [05:29] Yes, and I have not changed anything in the /etc/modprobe.d directory by hand myself. [05:29] except making the backup [05:29] that was a change, and one you shouldn't have done [05:30] sn9: I have made the backup in January 2008 and changed the 'blacklist' file subsequently. But this was under the Gutsy reign. [05:30] if you need to add additional blacklist entries, you should always create a new cfile for them, not edit existing ones [05:30] s/cfile/file/ [05:32] Hm, if I made a mistake in Gutsy, how can I repair this faulty Hardy configuration now? [05:32] i just told you [05:32] you should delete both, and immediately reinstall the pkg that owns it [05:34] I do not understand what you mean by "the package that owns it". What DEB program package do you mean? [05:35] sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20080116 /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.dpkg-dist ; sudo apt-get --reinstall install module-init-tools [05:44] I have done so. Now "~$ls /etc/modprobe.d does not show a 'blacklist' file either. [06:15] it redownloaded and reinstalled, right? === asac_ is now known as asac [07:29] Yes. [09:22] hey all [09:22] i'm trying to do a custom kernel with the hardy release candidate live cd [09:23] and i've gotten it to boot but i get hung on: [09:23] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1, 0) [09:23] and i've googled the crap out of it [09:23] i get a bunch of answers like [09:24] enable X in your config and it will work, etc. [09:24] but I can't get anything to fly [09:24] i was hoping the pro's might have some ideas [09:24] here's my config: [09:25] http://clecol.net/config [09:25] if anything is glaringly obvious i would appreciate the help [09:26] my e-mail is ccole2@mix.wvu.edu [09:27] thanks [09:28] bigcx2: have you recompiled l-u-m on the live cd? [10:31] bigcx2: unknown-block(1, 0) smells like a problem loading your initramfs. [10:32] bigcx2: Oh, live cd, you say? [10:33] bigcx2: Remastered live cd with your own kernel, is it? [10:34] soren: he proabably left out unionfs/squashfs [10:35] amitk: Probably, yeah. [10:35] *shrug* [11:44] hi, why do you use old drivers for pdc old? it would work fine with new pata ones. also when can we expect merged? [11:47] Kano: will not be merged [11:47] why not? as update? [11:47] only important fixes will be cherry picked [11:47] see no reason to do that [11:48] Kano: we have some reasons - chief among them being avoiding introducing more regressions [11:53] is there a power pc iso somewhere? [12:12] ppc ubuntu is dropped afaik Kano [12:12] but there is still a powerpc part in the kernel? [12:15] Kano: there are still ppc iso's [12:15] Kano: look in ports on cdimage.ubuntu.com [12:16] thx [12:17] Kano: And in regard to, we don't have the luxury of being able to merge without concern...regressions are a real issue (we've had them before because of .y updates) [12:18] well is used or not? [12:18] Kano: we are at .3 + cherry picks from .y [12:19] hmm [12:19] We'll probably look into a full sync for 8.04.1 [12:19] which is just a little more than 3 months away [12:19] is there a way to sync it manually? [12:20] Check out our git and pull from 2.6.24.y :) [12:20] have to look into that how that works... [12:20] Basically git-clone of our tree, and git-pull of the 2.6.24.y stable git URL [12:21] ah [12:21] will try that now [12:23] is there already a 2.6.25 git for u? [12:31] is there something more powerfull than SysRQ for debugging? I currently have a fresh hardy-install that crashes randomly so hard that SysRQ is not responding any more. [12:32] Yetiszaf: fglrx used? [12:33] Kano: Nope. [12:33] it's using madwifi and nvidia, but it has to be madwifi then. [12:34] and I can't get any information out since it virtually stops at zero. [12:34] i guess so, try blacklist ath_pci [12:34] and use ndiswrapper instead [12:35] 'k. I'll try that when I'm home. [12:35] anything known about special Cards crashing? [12:35] or disable it using the restricted modules tool [12:37] thanks. [12:42] Anything else that can be done to get more information from the kernel? [12:42] BenC: well a "trivial" merge does not seem to be possible [12:42] BenC: http://paste.debian.net/1240 [13:06] cjwatson: ping [13:26] mjg59: ping [13:31] Hi, I was wondering how the prepare-ppa-source script in git is meant to be used, because it just deleted my git branch twice (my branch is in linux-2.6.24 and the script does "rm -rf ../linux*") [13:37] alex_joni: pong [13:39] cjwatson: short question, if it's not a bother.. do you remember where the /etc/apt/sources.list for an installed system gets created? (I need to add a custom repo, and don't seem to remember - it was something casper related iirc) [13:48] alex_joni: apt-setup [13:49] alex_joni: in the case of a desktop installation it's borged into the ubiquity package, /usr/lib/ubiquity/apt-setup/ [13:49] cjwatson: oh, that's right.. thanks [13:54] cjwatson: and that is used both when installing from the Live system and when using the boot option to install? [13:57] yeah [13:58] nifty :) [14:18] BenC: did you get anywhere with that hang during installation? [14:18] cjwatson: I'm writing up a summary of what I've done over the weekend [14:45] Can anyone here form an answer on my last question in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/58170 ? [14:45] Launchpad bug 58170 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Kernel race condition if nfs mounts present on real or virtual nodes [kernel BUG at lib/radix-tree.c]" [Undecided,Confirmed] [14:51] is help.ubuntu.com down for anybody else? [14:53] i was in the middle of editing a page [14:53] it should be back now [15:34] BenC: Hi [15:39] mjg59: hey, have you looked into kernel mode setting at all? [15:43] I guess not? [15:43] BenC: is .25 or .26 planned for Intrepid? kernel mode-setting might make it in .27 AIUI [15:44] tjaalton: .26, but we might consider pulling in the feature [15:44] tjaalton: no firm plan yet, but likely .26 [15:44] yeah, that's what I had in mind too.. === amitk changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: "Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.24-16.30 | Latest news: Intrepid plans open: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/UDS/May2008 | Next meeting: April 22, 16:00 UTC | Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com" [15:49] BenC: To what extent? [15:50] mjg59: I'm interested in the feature in general, but haven't had a chance to look at it other than the simple article I read [15:51] bryce said that keithp hopes to rewrite it within a month or so :) [15:51] but this is second hand information.. [15:53] BenC: The model is basically to move the code in X that bangs the hardware into the kernel [15:54] BenC: I'm not sure that the userland API is nailed down yet, so it probably won't hit mainline for a little while yet [15:54] mjg59: right, but I'm looking at the benefit of cleaner boot screens, vt switching, and linux BSOD type stuff [15:54] especially the latter [15:55] The BSOD stuff hasn't been implemented yet [15:55] That's what I figured...sound like a good project for ubuntu though [15:58] the improved suspend/resume was another bonus [15:58] even if this is all just for intel gfx at the moment [16:07] hey all [16:08] how would i call debian/rules if i just wanted to build unionfs and squashfs [16:08] for l-u-m [16:09] or even all of the fs/ [16:12] you would need to change the config, but usally you should build sound too [16:13] i don't need sound [16:14] bigcx2_: just edit debian/config/i386 to your liking [16:14] Kano: which config are you talking about [16:14] hm [16:14] the default config has no sound card support [16:15] mk [16:15] gotcha [16:28] it's failing on d-i stuff [16:28] which i don't want [16:28] No module interdependencies found. This probably means your modules.dep is broken. [16:28] If this is intentional, touch /usr/src/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/d-i-i386/no-modules [16:28] which i did [16:28] i touched it [16:29] but somewhere along the line it got hosed [16:30] this is my command: debian/rules binary-arch arch=i386 flavours="386" [18:14] tjaalton: did you have a look at Bug #36625? [18:14] Launchpad bug 36625 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "can't remove nvidia-glx" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36625 [18:15] it looks like adding a simple || true to the end of the lines would solve the problem === smb_tp is now known as smb_away [18:58] tseliot: hmm, to the end of which lines? [19:06] tjaalton: have a look at this file: [19:06] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13643439/nvidia-glx-new.postrm [19:07] and compare it with the original file [19:08] tjaalton: of course you will have to patch the debian/nvidia-glx.postrm.in of the linux-restricted-module instead of that file. [19:09] ah right [23:38] I'm still working on the hang-until-key-pressed thing in kvm. If you have any ideas at all, please don't hesitate to share them..