=== heno is now known as heno_away [02:59] Who should I check with to see why a launchpad vcs import hasn't been attempted yet. It's been almost four days. [03:14] have you asked a question [03:14] ? [03:14] (the FAQ says you should ask a question on launchpad-bazaar on new import requests) [03:24] hi rockstar_ :) [03:36] mwhudson, Hi there. [04:30] New bug: #219016 in launchpad-bazaar "Show series branches in listings" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219016 [04:40] Hi all, I'm trying to decrypt the gpg message sent to me; I've pasted in the message into gpg, and it asked me for my passphrase, but now it seems stuck on "gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG-E key, ID 7985835F, created 2008-04-14..." === superm1 is now known as tgm4883 === tgm4883 is now known as superm1 === asac_ is now known as asac [05:12] awmcclain: You want to hit Ctrl+D. [05:13] Figured that out. Thank you. :) [05:18] What's the correct syntax for the "Distribution:" tag? === asac_ is now known as asac [07:14] cprov: any ETA on automatic debdiffs between source versions? [07:53] [07:54] possibly. [07:55] Heh. [07:57] Hrm. I'm trying to upload a debian package to ~mylpaccount/ubuntu/debian before i make the changes to build it for ubuntu... what am I doing wrong? [07:58] debian is not a ubuntu release. [07:58] you can't currently build for debian. [08:00] mdke: has gnome's user-guide been changed.. after the deadline? [08:03] Hobbsee: So the part of PPAQuickstart that says "You can use PPA to build sources from other distributions that use .deb packages." isn't correct? [08:03] * Hobbsee checks what hte quickstart says now [08:04] awmcclain: hum. So, either the doc is wrong, or you can do that now, in which case you haven't given any real information about why it might not be working. [08:05] Hobbsee: Heh. I have an email from the launchpad builder-bot saying the doc is wrong. :) [08:06] then it probably is - launchpad devs are probably confused (guy who does the doc doesn't write the software behind it) [08:06] i'd *guess* that's for another ubuntu release, and override it that way [08:06] but, we don't get comprehensive changelogs, etc, so NFI. [08:07] Okee doke. No problem! [08:07] cprov: perhaps you can clarify (and work with mrevell to fix the doc) ? [08:08] * Hobbsee wonders if i'ts a bug that packages sitting in the unapproved queue already have their bugs closed. [08:17] yeager: let's try #ubuntu-doc [08:33] mdke: did you sort out the bzr problems you were having yesterday? [08:36] jamesh: not yet, I'm still doing some last minute work on one of the branches before hardy, so I'll live with them until those and finished and I can upgrade the LP branches [08:36] jamesh: nice of you to ask! [08:37] mdke: it sounds like they're going to roll back the changes that killed the performance for 1.4 final [08:37] but it is worth upgrading to packs anyway :) [08:39] jamesh: sure thing [08:59] Hobbsee: It is a bug. [08:59] Fujitsu: right [08:59] Hobbsee, awmcclain: *From* other distributions. [08:59] Not *for*. [09:00] Gooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! [09:00] It's an mpt! [09:01] argh! [09:12] Bug #183685 [09:12] Launchpad bug 183685 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183685 - Assigned to Michael Vogt (mvo) [09:13] I can't unsubscribe from this bug [09:13] because I subscribed to a dup that I can't find to unsub from [09:14] Can't you just click unsubscribe on that bug? [09:14] I would not be here if I could, hence the statement "I can't unsubscribe from this bug"? === Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis [09:15] danilos, could you answer Nazo's question in launchpad-users@? [09:15] Is there no unsubscribe button at all, or does it not work? [09:15] thre is a button [09:15] it works [09:16] New bug: #219078 in launchpad "not able to sync from rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219078 [09:16] darthanubis, I think you can unsubscribe by subscribing to it, and then unsubscribing from it [09:16] (this is a bug in itself, obviously) [09:17] bug 151101, I think [09:17] Launchpad bug 151101 in malone "Users not properly subscribed to bugs when their bug is marked as duplicate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151101 [09:17] but says I'm not allowed in theis area, because I have subscribed to a dup, that I can't find to unsub from. Last time this happened someone here from my dup, gave me the bug #, ,I then unsubbed from the dup, thus ending the issue. I was looking to repeat that event? [09:17] So it doesn't work. [09:17] Yeah, that was me. [09:18] mpt, If I was not already subscribed to it, I would not be trying to unsub from it. [09:18] When I ask if something works, it failing means it doesn't work... [09:18] Fujitsu, I figured man, why you acting like you don't know? :) [09:18] Bug #185259 [09:18] Bug 185259 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/185259 is private [09:18] It works [09:18] That's yours. [09:18] statik, question for you from Zed A. Shaw in launchpad-users@ [09:19] mpt: answered Nazo, thanks for the pointer [09:19] thanks danilos [09:19] Fujitsu, I don't understand why that does not show on my page of subscribed bugs? [09:19] darthanubis: Because it's marked as a duplicate. [09:20] so how are you able to find my dups so quickly? [09:20] You'll need an advanced search, and to uncheck the very hidden checkbox down the bottom of the page after the absolutely ridiculous number of milestones. [09:20] I'm just trying to repeat bothering you ? [09:20] not [09:20] Can somebody please, please use a nice vocabulary-searching input box there instead of a list? [09:21] thx again [09:22] mpt: Oh UI god, please fix that UI. [09:22] It makes Firefox lag. That is bad. [09:22] hmm, what? [09:23] barry: you won't like my mail. But please answer it anyway [09:23] mpt: Try an advanced search inside a person. Scream. [09:23] yyyyyeah [09:24] I'm not able to fix that, sorry [09:24] I don't know the Python+JavaScript [09:24] But I'm not wrong to think it's ridiculous? [09:24] Well, it's highly suboptimal [09:24] and it will be fixed one day [09:25] just not by me. [09:25] Post 2.0. Then post 3.0. Then post 4.0... [09:25] advanced serach inside a...person? [09:25] Hobbsee: Yes. [09:25] If I want to see bugs that I'm subscribed to. [09:25] Or have reported. [09:25] Not in any particular project/distro/spr [09:25] oh right [09:25] yes [09:27] Fujitsu: er, how do you do an advanced search on a person? [09:27] oh, an advanced bug search? [09:27] Yes. [09:27] and why do i suddenly have an open ID generated, when i've shown no interest in wanting one? [09:28] In +(reported|subscribed|commented|arbitrarilyverbed)bugs. [09:28] Hobbsee: Because you want a randomly generated universal online ID! [09:28] ....holy fucking potatoes. [09:28] * Hobbsee scrolls [09:28] * Hobbsee scrolls more [09:28] * Hobbsee scrolls more [09:28] Yep. [09:28] and more [09:28] does this end? [09:28] Be glad that most projects have boycotted LP. [09:28] oh gosh. even Z isn't the end! [09:29] now there's lower case too! [09:29] * Hobbsee scrolls more [09:29] man that's ridiculous. [09:29] Fujitsu: yeah. stuff like this doesn't make me at *all* surprised. [09:31] Fujitsu: at least most people probably don't try to sort by person. [09:32] er, search by person [09:32] Fujitsu: have they clearly boycotted LP, or just not been aware of it? [09:33] Hobbsee: A number have clearly boycotted LP due to being nice and closed. [09:34] Fujitsu: oh. that wasn't the reason i was expecting [09:37] mpt: so, it is intentional that all the private projects on LP also have their milestones listed? [09:37] ... no [09:38] hmm [09:39] If that list of milestones started causing the advanced search page to time out, it would be fixed really quickly [09:39] * Hobbsee has a closer look at this list, then [09:39] Heheh. [09:40] * mpt likes the milestone called "a-stone-of-miles" [09:41] Hobbsee, can you give an example? [09:41] I don't recognize any, but that's probably because I'm not familiar with which projects are private [09:41] mpt: well, i guess the shit's already hit the fan now, but i hear that acton stuff is private. [09:42] Hobbsee, all those milestones are also listed on [09:42] That's what I thought. [09:43] none of its stuff is private, so far as I can tell [09:44] mpt: ah, i'm told it's because they don't have private projects for LP at all yet, so were using the security-by-obscurity approach [09:45] Anyway, this is bug 50970 (which I note with surprise was reported by moi) [09:45] Launchpad bug 50970 in malone "Don't list irrelevant milestones for person Bugs advanced search" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50970 [09:45] Haha. [09:45] I knew it had been reported somewhere. === heno_away is now known as heno [11:35] New bug: #219125 in shipit "Kubuntu Ship It page displays wrong information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219125 [11:55] New bug: #219135 in shipit "s/Pendium/Pentium/ on /myrequest-server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219135 === mrevell is now known as mrevell-luncheon [12:44] hi === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara === mrevell-luncheon is now known as mrevell [13:18] mrevell: ping? [13:18] hi Hobbsee [13:18] mrevell: any chance you could clear the PPA documentation up? [13:19] [17:03] Hobbsee: So the part of PPAQuickstart that says "You can use PPA to build sources from other distributions that use .deb packages." isn't correct? [13:19] ^ seems to be confusing [13:20] Hey, cprov, you around? [13:20] mrevell: yes [13:21] cprov: Is the line from the PPA quick-start that Hobbsee quotes correct? Or do we need to fix it? [13:21] Hobbsee: what would you suggest instead ? [13:22] Hobbsee: use-case: John downloads a source package from debian and wants to build and distribute it for ubuntu using his PPA. [13:23] Hobbsee: you can also replace debian by the other hundreds of linux distros using deb packages. [13:23] cprov: clarify it so that you can build for any supported ubuntu release, not any supported release of any debian-based distro [13:23] I admit it's not clear that it has to be distributed under ubuntu. [13:23] cprov: it has to be *built* under ubuntu. [13:23] independant of where you choose to distribute it [13:24] Hobbsee: right. [13:25] cprov: afaik, anyway. Unless i've missed something in the changelogs. [13:26] Hobbsee: no, what you say is 100 % right. That paragraph is misleading. [13:28] cprov: i'd change it so that you can take a source package from any debian, or debian-based distribution, to build a binary for a supported release of ubuntu. [13:28] cprov: i'd also put in stuff about how to build the same package for multiple ubuntu releases, too. [13:28] Hobbsee: +1E6 [13:28] cprov: eparse. [13:29] +1e6, perhaps. [13:29] unless E is exponential there [13:29] the text fix is great. [13:29] cprov: I hear that private PPAs will build on non-virtualised builders... any chance trusted non-private PPAs might be able to too? [13:30] Might be useful for MOTU to be able to test builds. [13:30] Fujitsu: high chance ... virtualized and private are orthogonal in our model, but not yet in the UI. [13:30] Right. [13:31] Fujitsu: you can chat with bigjools to validate this use-case. [13:31] Hobbsee: PPA 'Copy package' UI will be in edge tonight. [13:32] Hobbsee: it will allow you to copy source[+binaries] within and across PPAs you have upload rights. [13:33] Aha, nice. [13:33] Hobbsee: so, upload once and copy as many times as you want. [13:34] Just need to make sure people don't upload to Hardy, then copy to Dapper... [13:37] Fujitsu: is this real, proper private ppas? [13:38] cprov: nice. [13:38] cprov: doesn't let me do it for different ubuntu releases though [13:38] or does it? [13:38] Fujitsu: one build failure more, one less ... no problem if the user wants to do it. Sometimes it will work. [13:38] Hobbsee: One can copy from Dapper to Hardy, for example. [13:38] No need to build multiple times. [13:39] Of course, it does :) [13:39] Fujitsu: so the hardy one will have dapper dependancies, or? [13:39] Hobbsee: As lots of our packages do now. [13:39] oh, i see, so you could actually have the same source in one place, then copied [13:39] Fujitsu: true [13:39] as a bonus, it also allow you to undelete packages ;) [13:41] what, for whne people discover that "delete" doesn't actually mean delete? [13:41] the way you like, hotel-california-style, it allows you to do almost anything you want, except things that will would break apt [13:42] cprov: Ah, so it's a fairly complete UI to create new (S|B)PPs, rather than just copying? [13:42] Aw, it's not even on dogfood yet :( [13:43] cprov: it's not me who wants to do it. [13:43] then again, in certain cases it's nice to be able to remove current uploads, because i've forgotten how quilt works, and then reupload the same version, so no one notices, all before it escapes out of UNAPPROVED [13:43] speaking of which [13:43] bigjools: thankyou thankyou thankyou! *hugs* [13:45] What's he done now? [13:46] Fujitsu: he's finally fixed one of my longstanding bugs. [13:46] The queue is improving? 'tis good. [13:46] Fujitsu: the one about accepting from unapproved taking you back to the new queue, not the unapproved queue. [13:46] which, when the queues are both long, is kinda disorentating. [13:46] he is in charge of making Hobbsee happy this week :) New queue-ui [13:46] woot! [13:47] Not bad. [13:47] cprov: i saw that actually. it looks good [13:47] cprov: speaking of which, is the dogfood instance supposed to work? [13:49] Hobbsee: restarted, it works for me now. [13:49] cprov: only tried it a few days ago. might try again later. [14:00] Hobbsee, Fujitsu: new queue-ui and PPA copy-packages running in dogfood. You can get wild testing, the data used is a old static copy of production. [14:02] cprov: Hm, it wasn't when I checked 20 minutes ago... [14:02] Have you updated it? [14:02] Fujitsu: yes [14:03] Aha. Thanks. [14:04] Hm. [14:04] The SPR selector could do with a bit of polishing... Showing deleted packages by default is probably a bit odd, and means one doesn't see all of the published packages. [14:05] New bug: #219193 in malone "[feature request] make bug reports clickable in Launchpad's CVE tracker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219193 [14:05] * Fujitsu points the reporter at the portletp. [14:05] s/p.$/./ [14:06] cprov: Won't things get confusing (or failing to upload...) if one doesn't copy binaries within a PPA? [14:06] Fujitsu: filtering would certainly help for PPA with a lot of packages, but it's not a blocker since you can filter by name. [14:06] Copying a source for the first time to another PPA should work, but I can't imagine that copying it to a new DistroSeries would work well. [14:08] The new build status stuff is rather nice. [14:08] Fujitsu: that's pretty much the same that could happen if you do a bad source upload, so why bother. [14:08] And I bet those three will fail to upload... [14:08] whihc build status stuff? [14:08] Ooh, estimated build start time. [14:09] woot [14:09] wonder if that breaks if you reprio something [14:09] Why does +archive show my pending builds with a building icon? [14:10] Hobbsee: it will cope fine. [14:11] oh, dogfood. [14:11] Fujitsu: cause it's almost the same if the buildfarm-load tends to zero. [14:11] cprov: Once can't get into a situation where no binaries can be published, simply by uploading a new source... [14:11] * Hobbsee actually switches servers [14:11] *One can't [14:12] Fujitsu: sure you can, change you rules to generate binaries with versions N-1. [14:12] Fujitsu: presumably because there is no "pending" icon, or they're showing a "has built correctly" "has not built" or "is not yet built" only [14:12] all binaries will build and fail to upload [14:12] cprov: True, but that's a horrid hack. [14:12] heh, another rdiff-backup backport [14:13] Whereas here, the default option will generate useless sources. [14:13] Hobbsee: Of course. [14:13] * Hobbsee thought soyuz was supposed to go...less crackful? [14:13] :) [14:14] * Hobbsee attacks compiz with a screwdriver [14:14] alt+scroll is a really annoying key combo to hit, at times [14:14] cprov: Many PPA users are clueless enough at times... leaving them with the `Copy binaries' option unchecked is a recipe for mass confusion. [14:15] Fujitsu: they will only copy stuff to PPAs they would upload sources, so, it doesn't make it any worse. [14:16] sure we can glue logic to prevent mistakes [14:16] speaking of clueless users, why the rise in number of questions about "how do i upload a .deb to my ppa?" [14:16] but that's less important than letting users who know what to do, to do what they want to do. [14:17] * Hobbsee advocates a "simple user" mode, and a "i actually know what i'm doing. show me the options" mode. [14:17] The only situation in which it works to not copy binaries is the first copy to a new PPA... [14:17] and a test to switch to the advanced mode [14:17] Heh. [14:18] ditto for hte new archive admin stuff [14:18] although they should be clueful, so it should just be split into common tasks / advanced rare tasks [14:18] you are getting too fascist about newbies [14:18] i've been watching #ubuntu+1. [14:19] it's....yeah [14:19] or reading the forums. [14:19] either way [14:19] oh yes. and dealing with work. [14:20] Fujitsu: any idea where one would go on reporting a critical bug on the eftpos macines for CML? [14:20] the worst case scenario is 'broken PPA' ... well, all PPAs are broken until you can prove the opposite or really trust the uploaders. [14:20] Fujitsu: i don't think it's a eftpos machine thing, i think it's the main system. [14:20] cprov: Broken PPA that can't be recovered easily... [14:20] Or... [14:21] hmm, I guess deleting and redoing a SPP would be instantaneous, as there are no required file removals. [14:21] So I guess it's not so bad. [14:21] As long as it's covered in the docs. [14:21] Fujitsu: SPP = source package P? [14:21] Fujitsu: of course, they can be recovered in one click, deleting the broken publication. [14:21] Hobbsee: Publishing. [14:21] oh [14:21] cprov: I was going by the usual issues with deletions. [14:22] * Hobbsee headdesks [14:22] Where people complain that they don't actually vanish for some time. [14:22] But these would of course be rather different. [14:22] Fujitsu: it should be gone with the removal-script running each 30 min [14:24] Fujitsu: it will only remain in disk if it's blocked be a previous publication of the same orig, but anyway it's another problem, because it affects only the archive size [14:24] and 1Gb is enough to make tons of mistakes w/o even noticing. [14:24] * Hobbsee blinks, turns around 3 times, and looks again. [14:24] i'm sure this is wrong. or i've gone mad. [14:25] Hobbsee: what is wrong ? [14:25] cprov: Because these are so quick, as long as it's documented it should be OK. [14:25] cprov: i'm attempting to navigate my work site. [14:26] cprov: in the midst of doing that, i've found the "serach for available positions" section. [14:26] One of the locations is shanghai. This is an australian company. [14:27] anyway, back to PPA's. Hopefully they make more sense [14:27] wth are we talking about right now ? [14:27] don't worry [14:27] okay, cool [14:30] okay, last statement before coffee pause, "yes, users are allowed break their own PPA, in the same way they are allowed to fix them. The possible mistakes are all recoverable." [14:30] oh wow, my wishlist got done with the queue, too [14:31] O.O - there's a hamradio section. [14:31] As long as the docs are good, that's fine with me. [14:31] Hobbsee: Indeed. [14:31] One of the more niche sections. [14:33] !ping [14:33] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore [14:34] whisky tango foxtrot? [14:34] Yay for HHGttG. [14:34] so, is dogfood dead, or is my connection dead? [14:34] indeed! [14:34] dogfood is always a bit sluggish. [14:34] WFM [14:34] Fujitsu: i seem to be getting 100% packet loss on the second hop. [14:35] as in, the one directly outside my router. [14:38] Fujitsu: can you define " a bit"? [14:39] Well /ubuntu often times out, but that's obviously not a network issue. [14:41] hmm. this queue looks frozen, or something [14:41] waiting on dogfood.... [14:45] is it just me, or is "edit dependencies" confusing? [14:45] i always think it refers to editing the dependencies of packages, like build orders or something. [14:46] Hobbsee: 'edit 'archive' dependencies', maybe ... but it sounds a little bit redundant [14:47] cprov: "link to other ppa's" or somethign? [14:48] sounds good, file a bug, so we can see what the other users think about it. [14:48] or "add required ppa's" or something [14:49] 'add' sounds wrong because you can also remove archive dependencies in that page. [14:50] cprov: s/Destination series:/Destination release:/ please [14:50] series is a soyuzism. [14:50] well, a launchpadism. [14:51] Series is better, IMO. There should be a glossary, but changing it to `release' is probably a bad idea. [14:51] Hobbsee: ehe, "no way" :) release will be soon something else, update your dictionary. [14:51] Fujitsu: ah right. yes, a comprehensive glossary might work [14:51] cprov: Snapshot archives? [14:51] Fujitsu: yep [14:52] snapshot archives? [14:52] When's that appearing? [14:52] the branch nomenclature ... [14:52] soon, next release, maybe. [14:52] Oh, I see. [14:53] oh right === fta_ is now known as fta [14:53] * Hobbsee looks for the missing binaries. [14:55] cprov: so why don't the binaries show up immediately like the source does, when you copy a source adn binaries from another ppa? [14:56] Hobbsee: because the source is not yet published. However the fix being reviewed to show binaries even for deleted packages will fix this too. [14:57] Hobbsee: it will be release sometime in 1.2.4 (it got stuck in review queue, my bad). [14:57] cprov: oh, right. for some reason, i was expecting the source not to be shown on the UI if it wasn't published yet. [14:57] must have remembered wrong [14:58] cprov: Is that my bug #193996? [14:58] Launchpad bug 193996 in soyuz "PPA packages unavailable once deleted" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193996 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov) [14:58] Fujitsu: yes [15:06] cprov: why can't i delete packages that aren't published yet? [15:06] do i have to wait for them to be published, before i can actually get rid of them? [15:07] Hobbsee: not necessarily, but pending publication are really hard to catch in production. [15:07] cprov: how often do things publish in production again? [15:07] 20 minutes time-window [15:08] Hobbsee: but that's also a good point, I wouldn't be against allowing users to delete pending publication, file a bug :) [15:09] * cprov needs an bot [15:09] cprov: for filing bugs? [15:10] oy oy [15:10] no, that would be too much, it would just say "$user: file a bug, please" when I say '$user.*I agree.*' [15:10] so you like my new queue ui then? [15:10] Evening bigjools. [15:11] What's new about it? [15:11] hi there Fujitsu [15:11] check out dogfood and you'll see [15:11] Nah, I can't see the queue admin UI. [15:11] ah [15:11] bigjools: i do, but i can't seem to make it work. [15:11] well it allows people like Hobbsee to override the queue items properties [15:12] Hobbsee: check again, I fixed that bug [15:12] bigjools: s/like/named/ :P [15:12] bigjools: oh, in the last hour? [15:12] well, 2 hours ago [15:12] or so [15:12] Hobbsee: you won't be the only person using that feature [15:13] bigjools: i know. i was meaning currently. [15:13] Are the new celebrities going to make 1.2.4? [15:13] 90% no :( [15:13] bigjools: i'm looking forward to see the announcement for that though, as people are still debating better ways to do the old processes, without the new archive admins. [15:13] we're discussing a more generic way to do it at the moment [15:13] cprov: 2 soyuz bugs filed. [15:14] Hobbsee: thanks, I hope you've used the "ppa" tag. [15:14] cprov: erm, no. Can i add tags when filing now? [15:14] ooh, estimated build time does work [15:15] Hobbsee: Only on the advanced form. [15:15] yes, you can. [15:15] yes, +filebug-advanced. [15:15] that's presuambly not the dropdown that i used. [15:16] ubotu stopped bringing in new bugs, i take it? [15:16] No, it just has ~8 minute latency. [15:16] oh no, i'm going to have to use that awful dratted people search thing, aren't i? [15:16] * Hobbsee cries [15:16] As the initial email doesn't appear for 5 minutes, and ubotu doesn't check more than every 3 minutes, IIRC. [15:17] Hobbsee: Why? Use https://launchpad.net/soyuz/+reportedbugs?field.bug_reporter=hobbsee [15:17] Er, s/reported// [15:17] right, fixed. [15:18] Fujitsu: thanks. I tend not to memorize the URLs [15:18] * Hobbsee wonders when build cancelling gets implemented. [15:18] Hobbsee: next cycle, if the time permits. [15:19] \o/ [15:19] Hobbsee: my time to wonder, How many times did you really need to use it ? [15:19] cprov: <10, so far. But it's usually *when* i need to use it, not how many times... [15:20] It has a habit of happening over Christmas, too. When there are no sysadmins around. [15:20] But not too major. [15:20] cprov: actually, for "need", never. it'd just be handy to be able to cancel builds which we know are wrong, or ones that we see infinite looping. [15:20] cprov: happens particularly during autosync. [15:21] New bug: #219220 in soyuz "Please allow the user to delete packages from ppa before they are published." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219220 [15:21] Hobbsee: so, not that important, I could even pay you telephone bill to call IS and get the job killed :) [15:21] cprov: and if you think they're going to answer over christmas.... [15:21] :) [15:21] besides, IS numbers are not public, and i have voip, so it wouldn't be that bad anyway. [15:22] Hobbsee: btw, infinite-looping builds should be suppressed automatically, not relying on a human-being clicking a button. [15:22] cprov: oh, do they do that now? [15:22] * Hobbsee recalls the lovely one that was an interactive cpan build. [15:23] Hobbsee: retry-dep-wait will be smarter in 1.2.4, hopefully it will get it fixed. [15:24] Hobbsee: there might be something else to do in the lp-buildd itself, but there will be much looping packages. [15:26] New bug: #219222 in soyuz "Please rename "Edit dependencies" to something more logical for ppa" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219222 [15:28] cprov: right [15:40] carlos: re: bug #216279. rosetta wants the .pot file in the po/ directory of the source package, right? [15:41] Launchpad bug 216279 in tasks "Translation template is not being generated" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/216279 [15:41] Adri2000: it's not a hard requirement, but makes things easier if it's in the same place where the other .po files are [15:41] Adri2000: anyway, there is an standard rule used by GNOME packages to do it [15:42] Adri2000: tasks is using intltool, right [15:42] ? [15:43] I guess yes, at least intltool-update -p in the po/ directory create the .pot file [15:45] ah, tasks uses cdbs, let's try langpack.mk then [16:12] New bug: #219240 in launchpad "Project page lists the same distribution series package twice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219240 [17:02] hi. is there a way to delete a project? [17:14] carlos: fyi, actually tasks already has langpack.mk, via gnome.mk, but there is another bug preventing the .pot file from being generated. I'm working on it [17:14] izibi: I think a launchpad admin can do that for you. maybe ask a question on answers.lp.net [17:15] Adri2000: ok, thanks [17:17] but why is there no delete function? === kiko-afk is now known as kiko [17:32] izibi, which project? [17:34] kiko: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/30105 izStats [17:37] kiko: thanks [17:37] np === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === silwol is now known as student_silwol [18:21] Where does one input feature requests for launchpad? [18:24] yacc, normally, by opening a bug in Launchpad [18:25] Having a way to see the context where a given translation string has been found would be useful for a good translation. [18:32] yacc, if you mean link to the relevant part of the source code, I already reported that one [18:33] bug 198978 [18:33] Launchpad bug 198978 in launchpad-bazaar "Translation string location should be hyperlinked if Launchpad hosts the code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198978 [18:35] mpt :) [18:40] Hi there! The bug #213430 is slowing down my work because I have to e-mail every person by hand and sometimes I forget to do this, could somebody triage it and maybe add a milestone target, please? [18:40] Launchpad bug 213430 in blueprint ""Request feedback" should send an e-mail to the person who is asked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/213430 [18:42] andrea-bs, done -- I thought that bug was already reported, but it doesn't seem to be, thanks. [18:43] thank you! :) [18:43] see also https://launchpad.net/blueprint/+bugs?field.searchtext=feedback [18:52] mpt, that's a dupe of bug 3522 [18:52] Launchpad bug 3522 in blueprint "Specification tracker does not handle review email" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3522 - Assigned to Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [18:53] aha [18:53] thanks matsubara [18:53] I didn't find it because it didn't mention "feedback" [18:53] indeed [18:54] now it will show up in the dupe finder at least === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [19:02] or it could be resummarized ;-) === leonel is now known as IoFran___ === IoFran___ is now known as leonel [19:45] New bug: #219330 in launchpad-buildd "Private archive flag needs to be passed to build slaves" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219330 [19:51] New bug: #219331 in launchpad "Not loging in correctly in edge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219331 [21:36] New bug: #219354 in launchpad "Test suite can't cope with non-standard DB port" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/219354 === doko_ is now known as doko [23:53] My PPA is giving me a build error, but the linked build report says it was successful... I've already retried building and gotten the same error: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/+build/565555 [23:54] I see - status "failed to upload" -- is this because of all the business with the Ubuntu RC today? [23:54] Should I just try again?