[11:06] New bug: #214518 in ubuntu-docs (main) "ubuntu-docs: about-ubuntu / string 19 / translated string does not show up in help documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214518 [16:28] doing translations suck! [16:30] :-) [18:46] mdke: did you have any translations that didn't validate? I just ran validation on the kubuntu ones and supposedly all of them validated [18:47] kind of hard for me to believe after my experiences the past 2 years [19:01] ahh, nevermind, a booboo in my script :) [20:27] nixternal: yeah, loads [20:31] nixternal: I have some ideas about improving the translation import experience [20:32] nixternal: but I've just realised I haven't got time before dinner to explain them, so I'll do it later! :) [20:32] I have them all fixed now for Kubuntu docs [20:33] mdke: I was thinking about writing a new translation script in python that would automate a lot of stuff, but fixing the imported translations would be the toughest to script [21:07] nixternal: I don't think translation fixage is possible automatically [21:08] nixternal: however, carlos is talking about implementing some syntax highlighting or tag validity checking in rosetta for that [21:09] nixternal: for now there is something we can do [21:10] nixternal: if you fix the translation directly in the po file, rather than the xml file, then it can be uploaded to rosetta to ensure: [21:10] (a) that if you need to download translations later on (like for an update) it will be fixed [21:10] and (b), that you won't get the same error repeating itself over multiple releases: for the next release it will be fixed [21:13] is there a way to validate po files at all? [21:14] nixternal: using translate.sh :) [21:14] there wasn't all that much breakage this time around [21:14] but fixing some of the breakage is tough due to not knowing the language [21:15] sweet [21:15] nixternal: i generally find it's all tag breakage rather than language [21:16] nixternal: anyhow, if you want to upload any po files to rosetta, you need to update the PO-Revision-Date in the header, that should be sufficient. [21:16] ya, it is all tag breakage here as well [21:16] doing everything in the po file is a good idea because that way we can build the xml at deb build time as I've done for the intrepid branch [21:16] slims down the package a lot [21:17] Hello all. I'm new. [21:17] nice [21:17] howdy mophead [21:17] hi mophead, welcome aboard [21:17] Have you been hearing the talk about making a more accessible documentation? [21:17] Howdy, yourself! :) [21:17] more accessible as inputting it into peoples brains? [21:17] what do you mean by accessible? and what talk? [21:18] man, I nixed common/ and bzr revert will not revert it :) [21:18] This kind of talk http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/5580/ about making the text more accessible for people who are a little less tech savvy [21:18] In ubuntu speak, "human beings." [21:18] that post is about the release notes [21:19] There's also 6662, which I wrote [21:19] sounds sensible, I agree. that's something for the marketing team really though, I think [21:19] the docteam doesn't really work on the release notes [21:19] ok. But take a look at idea 6662 [21:20] http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/6662/ [21:20] mophead: you refer again to the release notes, but I think you're really thinking of the desktop help system [21:20] mophead: we take care of the desktop help system, and would certainly be interested in any concrete suggestions for improving it [21:21] Awesome. [21:21] mophead: we've worked quite a lot over the last year or two on making it understandable for all users [21:22] cool. The first thing that I noticed is that, under troubleshooting, the help says "if x, then do y", but never says what to do if not x. [21:22] troubleshooting in which section? [21:22] It was the wifi card section on connecting to the internet [21:23] yeah, that section needs a lot of improvement. We have a bug report about it, I think [21:23] Really? Wow. I wouldn't go so far as to file a bug report [21:24] yeah, bug reports are essential for us to trace issues [21:24] I will definitely volunteer to proofread help files for readability [21:24] mophead: that would be helpful; you can file a bug report for each issue you find and we'll fix it; or even start submitting some fixes of your own [21:24] mophead: i can show you how to do bug reporting on tuesday [21:24] it's not hard at all [21:25] mophead: have a look at the pages under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/ for info on our processes [21:25] mophead: and tell us about any issues on those pages too :) [21:25] mophead: this is leigh btw :) [21:25] hypa7ia: heya! [21:25] yes, I know! [21:25] mdke: hi? [21:25] mophead: ok good :) [21:26] hypa7ia: sorry, perhaps you are a different hypatia [21:26] https://edge.launchpad.net/~hypatia [21:26] I can start crawling through the documentation wiki. [21:26] But the thing is, I recognize there is also a need for technical documentation. [21:27] mophead: technical documentation can be written in a way that is easy to understand too; our aim is that any user can use our help [21:27] mdke: yup, i'm the other one :) https://edge.launchpad.net/~hypa7ia [21:27] my bad [21:27] no worries [21:28] mdke: that's the trick, yeah. I guess that's what I'm volunteering for [21:31] I'm glad that it's something that is on your radar though [21:31] hypa7ia, if you could guide me, that wou ld be a big help [21:32] mophead: sure [21:42] mophead: remind me on tuesday and we'll go over it :) [21:43] sweet [21:48] :D [21:48] LINUX PARTY [21:53] :D [21:54] No localization exists for "config_desktop-ku" or "config". Using default "en". [21:55] mdke: ^^ [21:55] don't get why it is doing the "config_desktop-ku" [21:55] in the past it would have just been "ku" [21:55] oh man [21:55] derr on me [21:55] * nixternal needs to fix the xml files for the correct lang [21:55] argh argh argh argh! [22:02] I'm still not entirely sure how I want to do it [22:02] But I know I'm a good reader! [22:05] nixternal: is that because you changed something inside the xml? Maybe you changed the value of &language;? [22:05] I didn't change it manually, it was changed with the pot files [22:05] po files rather [22:07] nixternal: erm, that's very odd indeed [22:08] it happened in Gutsy as well, I remember fixing it [22:08] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/13283459/launchpad-export.tar.gz [22:08] there is the kubuntu-docs translations...take a look and see how weird it is [22:08] nixternal: no problem to report in ubuntu-docs like that [22:11] it's all language="en" as per the original [22:13]
[22:13] those get added to all of the translated .xml files [22:14] about-kubuntu-cy.po [22:14] and that is how the files look from the translation tarball [22:15] do you rename to po files to cy.po before you use the translate script [22:15] to/the [22:16] yeah .po is expected [22:16] ya [22:16] I forgot to change them first [22:17] ah, that's why. are you using the same translate.sh as ubuntu? [22:17] ya [22:17] I will write a quick script to fix that [22:17] how do you check out a bzr branch? ie. what is the best way? I have to re-checkout the kubuntu-hardy branch [22:18] see hack.sh for the rename [22:18] nixternal: well, "bzr branch url" is the usual way. Some tips are on wiki.u.c/DocumentationTeam/Repository for speeding things up [22:18] ya, looking there as well as the bzr bind docs [22:19] bzr bind doesn't help you with checking a branch out [22:21] alright, branch downloading...that should take a week or so :) [22:21] I need to go put this desk together while that goes [22:21] bbiab [22:22] nixternal: if you have the ubuntu-docs branch already in a shared repo, getting kubuntu-docs in the same repo will only take a few minutes [22:25] nixternal: I have some scripts in edubuntu-hardy too for tranlsation stuff [22:38] man there are insane amounts of errors in ubuntu-docs this time round :( [22:38] this will take a while [22:45] I don't want to put this desk together [22:45] I wish I knew magic [22:46] flat packs rock [22:46] my goal for Intrepid, is make it much easier to do translations [22:48] there is no way around it, except if rosetta implements syntax highlighting or checking for translators at the source [22:48] I am talking the importing stuff :) [22:48] and uploading corrected po files, I think that will help [22:48] the validation portion is easy enough to fix, just tedious and time consuming [22:48] nixternal: well, that is already pretty straightforward, to be honest. The renaming bit is just a bug in rosetta [22:48] ahhh [22:48] everything else is done in translate.sh automatically [22:49] so lets beat up the rosetta people in getting stuff fixed :) [22:49] well, it's not hard to do the rename thing either :) [22:49] ya, but I am lazy and forgetful obviously [22:49] but I'll certainly pursue this syntax highlighting/checking idea, it sounds awesome [22:50] but, unlike some people, I haven't forgotten my svn password or lost my ssh key :) [22:50] it's only a matter of time [22:50] it's the kubuntu way [22:50] haha [22:50] ooh [23:13] mdke: should I commit that spelling fix patch, for the serverguide? [23:15] sommer: yes, go ahead. thanks [23:15] mdke: cool, will do. thank you [23:16] sommer: also to the intrepid branch if you don't mind [23:16] otherwise I'll do that bit [23:16] yep, I'll apply it there as well [23:17] great [23:17] cheers [23:20] ok, here goes with the supercommit [23:24] * mdke signs off for the night