=== dhaval_away is now known as dhaval === dhaval is now known as dhaval_away === asac_ is now known as asac [07:43] Can bug #124406 please be assigned to someone? [07:43] Launchpad bug 124406 in ubuntu "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124406 [07:55] Also, importance should be "High" [07:57] TomJaeger: so it's a kernel bug? I'll mark it as such [07:57] Yes it is [07:58] it's a scheduling issue [07:59] thanks [08:00] yep, done === dhaval_away is now known as dhaval [09:06] moin [09:57] tjaalton, are you sure that patch fixes it? [10:01] dhaval: no === doko__ is now known as doko [11:33] tjaalton, i don't think that is the right fix. that patch if for the group scheduler which has not been in 2.6.22 days which is the timeframe where it has been see. [11:34] dhaval: I'm not the one who did the triaging, contact Tom Jaeger [11:35] i have responded to the bz thread [11:35] ok === dhaval` is now known as dhaval [14:58] Would someone from the kernel team with a free moment please provide any insight they can on bug 204133. Thanks in advance. [14:58] Launchpad bug 204133 in wubi "wubi install unusable - Buffer I/O error on device loop0" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204133 [15:24] evand: that looks like a good one for cking to noodle over. [15:24] rtg: OK I'll pop that on my todo list... [15:25] cking: thanks! [15:26] I start looking into in a mo. [15:26] rtg: could your comment (#8) from bug 191338 apply to bug 211556? [15:26] Launchpad bug 191338 in cmap-adobe-japan2 "Please sync cmap-adobe-japan2 0+20020208-4 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (non-free)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191338 [15:26] Launchpad bug 211556 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.24 "dmesg spam from updated iwl driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/211556 [15:26] err [15:26] I mean bug 191388 [15:26] Launchpad bug 191388 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "syslog is spammed with " wme:wme_qdiscop_enqueue ht_queue=4,queue=2 pool=0xF qdisc=ffff81007c4548c0" on hardy" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191388 [15:26] Ng: its next on my todo list for this morning. [15:27] sweet, thanks :) [15:28] rtg: ...just need to get a Windows system first to do this one :-( [15:29] cking: I have a bunch of XP disks, but I'm in the same boat, e.g., no windows boxen. [15:32] ..I don't even have any XP disks - my laptop came with Linux pre-installed :-) [15:37] soren: can you respond to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/207098 [15:37] Launchpad bug 207098 in linux "i915 drm driver fails to hibernate with certain i855's" [High,Triaged] [15:47] does l-u-m use a release or snapshot of alsa? [15:47] Ng: 0.1.16 [15:48] rtg: ta [15:49] * Ng looking forward to building his own lum with a snapshot alsa. not ;) [15:52] rtg: Done. [15:52] soren: thanks. [16:37] <_MMA_> I get "-1 Invalid module format" when trying to load the VirtualBox modules for -rt. Should that be a bug filed against -rt or the VB modules? [16:38] _MMA_: what does dmesg say? [16:38] <_MMA_> Sorry. Error is "-1 Files exits" [16:38] anything interesting from the kernel? [16:41] <_MMA_> BenC: Id most likely have to read up more to know how to find out. I just try to load the module manually from a terminal and that what it tells me. "insmod: error inserting /lib/modules/2.6.24-14-rt/misc/vboxdrv.ko ': -1 Files exits" [16:41] <_MMA_> Maybe I should just email Alessio. :-/ [16:42] sounds like it is already loaded [16:43] dmesg might show some info [16:43] grep vbox /proc/modules [16:43] See if it is already there [16:47] Ng: just uploaded http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy-lbm.git;a=blobdiff;f=debian/changelog;h=317fc6067758b38a7d565b687d2eb895424dd059;hp=aea6b3f549e3e97e965c81b230184f405e6f6692;hb=5d519cd93608678a686f67e3ac083d5dfc88679e;hpb=f41126e18c2f9b4988430e9de767650f09482e74 [16:48] rtg: outstanding, thanks :) [18:03] hi all [18:03] I am having troubles with a thumbdrive [18:03] here is the dmesg output : http://pastebin.com/m49b74fc3 === thegodfather is now known as fabbione [19:30] asabil: you'll need to better describe what the "trouble" is [19:33] I plug the thumbdrive [19:33] and it doesn't get detected at the udev level [19:33] actually a cdrom get detected instead [19:34] so there is a /dev/scd1 [19:34] but not /dev/sdb === chuck_ is now known as zul [19:34] I heard about those thumbdrives using something called U3 [19:34] this is probably one of them [19:35] BenC: do you need any more questions ? [19:35] s/need/have/ [19:55] asabil: that's weird, last time I tried one of these U3 devices with my lappy it appeared as both a cdrom and a standard HDD partition [19:56] asabil: yours seems to only show the cdrom part [19:56] yep [19:56] and I think there is something missing in udev [19:56] a missing rule maybe ? [19:57] because the dmesg output says that both are detectec [20:15] asabil: I'm thinking more like usb-storage isn't detecting the hdd part at all [20:15] asabil: Otherwise, you would see it in the dmesg [20:16] asabil: It's likely that the driver (which is what the cdrom device contains) is needed, even on windows...and that the linux usb-storage driver doesn't support it [20:17] BenC: I do see it in the dmesg [20:18] USB Mass Storage support registered. [21:06] w00t [21:07] I just noticed that packages like linux-headers-lbm-2.6.24-15-server seem to use linux-ubuntu-modules in the control templates [21:07] Should probably be linux-backports-modules instead [21:08] Also, would someone be so kind to process linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-15-lpia for lpia in NEW? [21:17] BenC: looks like the fixes for bug 202065 and bug 201431 (basically enabled cx88-alsa and saa7134-alsa in lum) are flushing out some kernel oops now. see bugs 212100 and 212271. [21:17] Launchpad bug 202065 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[hardy] cx88-alsa.ko missing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202065 [21:17] Launchpad bug 201431 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "saa7134-alsa module missing in linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201431 [21:17] Launchpad bug 212100 in linux "Kernel Oops: NULL pointer dereference caused by hald" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212100 [21:17] Launchpad bug 212271 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "2.6.24-15-generic: saa7134-alsa makes HAL to fail" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212271 [21:20] actually, thats wxactly why i joined the room just now [21:21] ...but im away from that machine right now and cant test 'till later. [21:25] Is there any reason the libGL and etc files in nvidia-glx-new have a different md5sum from the files directly from the .run file? [22:17] ogasawara_: #212960 has the appropriate fix [22:18] ogasawara_: I've added that he needs the matching fix in _free(), but aside from that, it's fine. [22:20] crimsun: cool, thanks. [22:20] np === dhaval is now known as dhaval_away [22:28] Amaranth: seems that something touches the files after they've been installed in the package directories.. I've also confirmed that using the nvidia installer fixed the pink shadows bug with my 8600GT [22:29] hm, dh_strip maybe [22:30] eheh, "dh_strip -s -X1.0.$(nv_release) -X1.0.$(nv_legacy_release) -Xtls_test" [22:30] something missing?-) [22:30] (nv_new [22:30] ) [22:38] oh, those excludes were broken anyway.. [22:38] since the versioning has changed.. uh [22:48] guys, for the cx88-alsa you just need to pull in the alsa changes for that module from the alsa guys [22:48] bug 212100 , bug 202065 [22:48] Launchpad bug 212100 in linux "Kernel Oops: NULL pointer dereference caused by hald" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212100 [22:48] Launchpad bug 202065 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[hardy] cx88-alsa.ko missing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202065 [22:49] building the new module from linuxtv.org fixes the problem because it's being built on the local system using the local kernel & alsa headers, thats why using linuxtv.org modules fixes it [22:50] tjaalton: Someone brought this up to me and claimed it was the cause of some compiz problems [22:50] I'd like to either fix it or prove them wrong :) [22:54] Amaranth: well, I think that the libraries should not be stripped.. that could cause problems [22:54] and that's exactly what has happened since the versioning has changed (and nv_new has been stripped right from the start) [23:57] tjaalton: seen any suspend/resume regression with 2.6.24-15? [23:58] reactivating the disk fails the first two times, and it waits 5 seconds each time [23:58] it's super quick on -14 and earlier