[00:00] rhineheart_m, did you type that pastebin out by hand? [00:00] nope.. I just pasted it.. I just hide the domain/machine name.. [00:01] rhineheart_m, was that stuff from mail.error or mail.log? [00:02] cat /var/log/mail.log [00:02] rhineheart_m, i want the last *30* lines of both mail.error and mail.log [00:04] cat /var/log/mail.error? [00:04] tail -n 30 /var/log/mail.error [00:05] got this: tail: cannot open `/var/log/mail.error' for reading: No such file or directory [00:07] rhineheart_m, `ls -lh /var/log/mail*` [00:08] got this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57776/ [00:10] rhineheart_m, i suppose the last 30 lines of /var/log/mail.log /var/log/mail.err /var/log/mail.warn /var/log/mail.info would be useful [00:11] herro! [00:12] AtomicSpark, welcome back [00:13] you can never get rid of me :P [00:13] yes i can, i can go and eat breakfast :p [00:13] i just had a whopper. mmm. [00:13] a what? o_0 [00:14] lol. burger king. [00:14] and now i am setting at work. listening to groovy music. [00:14] oh [00:14] heh [00:15] wondering if i should install a server now or wait till 8.08 is released. [00:15] 8.04 ;) [00:15] whatever. [00:15] i almost got it right. :P [00:15] and the answer really depends on how soon you need it stable [00:15] where do they get the version numbers? [00:16] $(year -2000).(month) [00:16] hmm. [00:16] i never thought of that. [00:16] should have been : $(year -2000).$(month of release) [00:17] well month of hopeful release ;) [00:17] i hate how m$ does their years. its always the next year... like its a freaking car. [00:17] no, month of release [00:17] so if it was delayed till may, it would be 8.05? [00:18] yep. [00:18] which is why dapper was 6.06 [00:18] oh god i hope it's not delayed that long. waiting till april is enough. [00:18] * Kamping_Kaiser was rather hoping this would get shifted to 8.06. lts needs more work imnsho [00:18] * AtomicSpark hopes for desktop alt cd will work [00:19] stupid freezing on boot scripts. i read about it and lost interest lol. only can do live cd now. [00:19] oh well. at least server cd's work. :) [00:23] is there a list of updates to the hardy server? i've only seen the desktop "improvements". [00:23] of course it's probably just new versions of stuff. [00:50] afk. [01:26] Kamping_Kaiser: is procmail needed by postfix? [01:28] no [01:28] * lamont gets dragged off to dinner === c_schmitz is now known as c_schmitz|away [02:20] anybody here use virt-manager? [02:22] no. [02:23] although if it makes KVM easier, i would be happy. can't seem to figure out how to go host > guest networking. [02:23] like cant ssh to the machine. [02:26] it makes it much easier [02:26] I had it; networking just worked [02:26] ..but the second time just now it didn't.. [02:26] hmm [02:26] can you install it for 7.10? [02:27] don't know [02:27] I'm on 8.04 [02:28] nope D: [02:38] ethana2: iirc soren is handling kvm / virtio / virt-manager stuff on 8.04 [02:38] I'm not sure what his current status on it is [02:42] ok.. [02:42] my problem seems to be that virt-manager won't let me use the cd-rom even if it has permission to or something.. [02:42] there is no cdrom group on my system [02:46] however, if you have found a bug, by all means, report it to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy [02:46] create the cdrom group then? [02:49] just add something like "cdrom:x::,haldaemon" to /etc/group [02:53] uh [02:53] I don't know anything about group numbers [02:53] I'm filing a bug [02:56] ethana2: Wazzup? [02:56] there ya go, the man himself [02:56] heya soren [02:56] oh hey [02:56] I was told about you [02:56] ;) [02:57] well [02:57] I'll file this bug and pass you a link [02:57] I guess I lit the Soren Signal [02:57] * faulkes- will have to remember that trick [02:58] ok... [02:59] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+bug/196850 [02:59] Launchpad bug 196850 in virt-manager "vm cannot access cd-rom unless run as root" [Undecided,New] [03:00] ethana2: Yeah, I noticed you talking about in #kvm this morning, too :) [03:00] yes. [03:00] and last night [03:00] ethana2: Well, kvm can. [03:01] they directed me to the CLI [03:01] ethana2: Virt-manager makes some rather crude assumptions about what you can and can't do. [03:01] I tried it and was exhausted and confused within minutes [03:01] I see [03:02] ...can one of those crude assumptions be fixed? [03:02] reading from an optical disk drive isn't that high risk.. [03:03] but I was running a windows virtual machine as root [03:03] and networking didn't work that way [03:03] ethana2: Well, yes, sure it can be fixed. It's just not as high priority as a lot of the other stuff I've got on my list. [03:04] I see [03:04] ethan2: sounds like a job for a volunteer [03:04] If you can send me a patch, though... :) [03:04] well... [03:04] come to the dark side of the server team ;) [03:04] I don't really know how to code [03:05] lots of ways to help other than just coding [03:05] I wouldn't mind learning if someone had enough patience to lead me to being productive... [03:05] hmm [03:05] like filing bugs ;) [03:05] like bug reporting, testing, packaging, support [03:05] all that good stuff that makes our team rock [03:05] yes [03:05] I try to participate as much as possible [03:05] there is a mentoring process being setup by mathiaz [03:06] ooooh [03:06] sign me up [03:06] my problem is this: we need to reinstall windows because it got a virus we can't remove [03:06] we need to run the latest Office [03:06] blasted standards incompliant mi... [03:06] iirc, send mail to mathiaz@ubuntu.com about mentoring [03:06] /anyway/... I don't want that code touching my MBR [03:06] k [03:07] ..so I wanted to put windows in a little cage were it couldn't hurt anything [03:07] or check the server team wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam I believe it's listed there as well [03:07] ...but still use it for Office and such [03:07] contacting him now.. [03:07] ethan2: yeah, I know, I tried to install xp sp2 on a g4 via qemu ;) [03:08] lets just say, unless you have 5 days to wait for it to install, it really isn't that useful ;) [03:08] then again, a 350mhz process running seti at full blast and only giving qemu 256mb of ram probably didn't help [03:08] man.. I want a tablet with a SPARC T2 and an x86 chip on a card with kernel virtualization [03:08] s/process/processor [03:10] heya nijaba [03:10] * faulkes- gets the feeling nijaba is either gonna be happy, or is gonna kill him [03:10] * faulkes- whistles innocently [03:11] hello... [03:11] faulkes-: what's going on? [03:11] eh? nothing [03:12] just commenting on outstanding bugs for survey [03:12] I just figured being new with bzr and lime I might have blown something up ;) [03:12] but I don't think I have [03:13] does not look like you did... [03:14] what's your feeling on [03:14] !bug #196559 [03:14] Launchpad bug 196559 in server-survey "target of questions is hard to follow." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196559 [03:18] so in the mean time, since filing that bug.. [03:18] am I advised to learn how to work this via CLI? [03:18] I may give it a try, if someone can explain the process in a way that doesn't confuse the heck out of me [03:20] ethana2: You can add the cdrom to the libvirt xml afer creating the rest of the stuff via the gui. [03:20] the server is shipped CLI, so getting comfortable with it is always good [03:20] ok... [03:20] where is this xml file? [03:21] What you want to do is do a "virsh -c qemu:///whateveryouusedtouse dumpxml nameofyourvm" [03:21] edit the output. [03:21] save it to foo.xml [03:21] And then do: [03:21] so... [03:21] virsh -c qemu:///whateveryouusedtouse dumpxml windows | foo.xml [03:21] "virsh -c qemu:///whateveryouusedtouse define foo.xml" [03:21] ? [03:21] No, > instead of |. [03:22] oh [03:22] ok [03:22] now, I can't have any residual confusion [03:22] so to avoid being overwhelmed again, I need to really understand all of that [03:23] so [03:23] what is virsh, exactly? [03:23] and what I used to use for /what/? [03:24] ethan: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/advanced-topics/C/index.html is a good place to start learning about the server environment [03:25] re: CLI and other stuff [03:25] well.... [03:25] I'm on a laptop [03:25] never touched a server in my life [03:25] opening link... [03:26] CLI principles still apply to desktop environments [03:26] I can use the cli generally [03:26] I use it to install stuff... [03:26] I've gotten ubuntu gutsy working on a machine with two gpu's with vim in xorg.conf [03:26] ...but I have no familiarity whatsoever with virtualization [03:27] * faulkes- nods [03:27] it's all about the reading and the talking, which you seem to be doing, we'll help as best we can [03:27] (I don't know if you're aware of a certain xorg bug that makes that last accomplishment look really impressive....) [03:27] faulkes-: regarding bug 196559, I think that it is a bit to convoluted and I don't see any simple way to solve that. what do you think? [03:27] Launchpad bug 196559 in server-survey "target of questions is hard to follow." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196559 [03:28] I don't see virtualization on that page you sent me... [03:28] nijaba: I think some re-ordering may make sense but overall, I think it's convoluted [03:28] also, this is ubuntu hardy.. [03:28] ethan: it wouldn't be, however, that was server stuff, one sec [03:29] k [03:30] faulkes-: for the reodering, ok, but explaining what will be the impact of an answers over the rest of the survey? I really don't see how, plus I believe it is not that important, IMHO === puff is now known as jrhammer` === jrhammer` is now known as jrhammer [03:30] ethan: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/jeos.html thats ubuntu specific and jeos specific but it does deal with virtualization === jrhammer is now known as puff [03:31] k [03:31] nijaba: agreed [03:31] I'll make a note on it [03:31] and give some thought about ordering [03:32] so it's recommended that I use vmware instead of virt-manager and such? [03:32] Does it take advantage of the hardware acceleration present in C2D chips? [03:33] I think it's called something like 'intel vt' [03:35] 8.04 is going to use kvm [03:35] the docs are still being written [03:35] hey all [03:36] 7.04 docs on KVM are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM - I wouldn't suggest using them, but reading them will get you familiar with stuff, plus links at the bottom [03:36] speak of the documentation devil himself [03:36] ok [03:37] so kvm is a method of acceleration [03:37] that is used by xen and qemu [03:37] ok, well I have all that installed and enabled in my bios already... [03:37] I was running a vm that worked just fine.. [03:37] blasted permissions.. [03:38] two vm's actually [03:38] yes, damnable permissions [03:38] ethana2: what's your issue with virtuals? [03:39] well, when I go to crea.. [03:39] uh [03:39] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+bug/196850 [03:39] Launchpad bug 196850 in virt-manager "vm cannot access cd-rom unless run as root" [Undecided,New] [03:40] ethana2: ah... okay, I also read the back log [03:40] yes [03:40] permissions woot! [03:41] policykit integration would be marvelous ;) [03:42] ethana2: ya, I'd imagine a future version will have it [03:42] are you running this on server edition? [03:42] no [03:42] I'm using this to run Office on a laptop [03:42] without letting xp slaughter my MBR [03:42] the hardware supports kvm, and it came with 1 GB of RAM [03:43] what else am I going to do with that? [03:43] eliminate rebooting all the time [03:43] heh... compile stuff [03:43] watch movies while compiling stuff :-) [03:43] oh [03:43] blend [03:43] ;) [03:44] well I don't, really [03:44] ..but that of course isn't the point [03:44] so you didn't have a cdrom group? or am I understanding that wrong? [03:44] I did not have said group, no [03:44] strange... new install? [03:44] kinda [03:44] I still do not have that group, now [03:45] of course, I do have a group for libvirtd and kvm [03:46] Mmmmm... I have the cdrom group on a new hardy server install and a gutsy desktop [03:46] have you tried creating it? [03:46] I did try yes [03:46] I'll try again [03:46] add group [03:46] group name: cdrom [03:46] ..so far so good? [03:47] group ID: 1001 [03:47] group members set to include myself [03:47] clicked ok, and the window went away [03:47] do I need to log out and back in, or should it have done it already? [03:47] can I just open that thing up again and see that group? [03:48] ...it's not there [03:48] does this mean I have to log out? ..or is this group thing segfaulting on trying to create the group? [03:48] I'll run it from the terminal [03:49] ya, try logging out [03:49] oh, ok [03:49] brb [03:50] k.. checking for group.. [03:50] not there. [03:50] running from terminal.. [03:51] try grep cdrom /etc/group from a terminal [03:51] users-admin [03:51] oh, ok [03:51] cdrom:x:24:ethan [03:52] party! [03:52] I did set it that way recently trying to figure this out [03:52] what? [03:52] it's there [03:52] uh [03:52] ohh [03:52] weird [03:52] so users-admin is buggy? [03:53] running from terminal [03:53] users-admin [03:53] Segmentation fault [03:53] Oh. [03:53] suspected as much [03:53] no wonder [03:54] I'm going to see if a bug has been filed on that yet [03:55] cool [03:56] oh no [03:56] users-admin doesn't even have a launchpad project [03:56] * ethana2 explodes [03:59] I don't want this virtual machine to see the same fate as my dual seat desktop [03:59] ran into so many bugs, so much frustration and confusion [03:59] that an essential function just never got done [03:59] ...then found userful, which doesn't work on Hardy yet... [04:00] I think I have to go now [04:00] yup [04:02] well, thanks for your time... [04:05] sure, have a good one [04:06] yup.... [04:06] I'll try [04:34] well, that was fun [04:41] * nijaba vanishes.... good night [04:42] night nijaba [04:59] how do I re-activate a raid setup? [05:00] I reinstalled, but forgot to backup my raidtab [06:25] why is webmin not supported on ubuntu? [06:26] it works just fine for me [06:26] 'works for me' is not a big picture view... [06:27] Kamping_Kaiser, help me understand then [06:27] :D [06:28] works for me is probably not the best statement [06:28] AnRkey, its guilty of reguarly breaking system configuration, and is *amazingly* buggy and insecure [06:28] you see i run it on and have run it on many installs of ubuntu [06:28] iirc, webmin has in the past had isues with security, stability and support [06:28] Kamping_Kaiser, but then are we not supposed to help them with bug reports? [06:29] eBox is the current preferred solution for ubuntu [06:29] AnRkey, pardon? [06:29] faulkes-, hello [06:29] faulkes-, I like ebox but it does not do enough for me [06:29] if it's not supported, there would be no reason to submit bug reports [06:29] eBox is growing daily [06:29] zul just put up a whole whack of ppa's on LP [06:30] Kamping_Kaiser, i just don't understand why every1 stopped supporting it when (imho) we should help make it better [06:30] is it really that bad? [06:30] I'm not arguing that webmin may have all the functionality you need [06:30] and what are the examples of this [06:30] AnRkey, go and help make it better, just dont expect us to fix your system when it doesnt work :) [06:31] well, I don't that's an appropriate answer, however [06:31] Kamping_Kaiser, Thats not cool bud. I am asking not telling [06:31] it is simply a decision made by ubuntu [06:31] AnRkey, sure, and i'm telling you what i think. [06:31] if you feel strongly that webmin should be supported, you can bring it before the council [06:31] it should however have been s/us/me [06:32] is there a wiki page about this that is hidden somewhere? [06:32] about eBox? [06:32] faulkes-, how do i do that? is there a mailing list that non council members can email? [06:33] the wiki lists the various councils [06:33] faulkes-, no webmin [06:33] faulkes-, thanks [06:33] and yes, they have mailing lists and they meet on irc [06:33] i don't want to bother the council, I am just reading up for now [06:33] more power too you [06:33] are the meetings open to non members of the council? [06:34] to a point yes [06:34] if a meeting becomes out of order, they will take it private [06:34] iirc [06:34] but otherwise, they are open [06:34] cool [06:34] thanks faulkes- [06:34] gonna do some more reading first and then take it further [06:34] * Kamping_Kaiser would have thought muting everyone else would be more apropriate [06:34] if you do plan to petition them for it though, I suggest you bring a very strong case [06:35] i have looked around but there is no complete list of problems that ubuntu has with it [06:35] or is there? [06:35] faulkes-, thats what my plan is [06:35] I can't fully answer the question [06:35] I don't want to waste their time [06:36] it was a decision that was made prior to my joining and may in fact have been something related to debian [06:36] as we work closely with them [06:36] Kamping_Kaiser, this is open source, should we not always be open to fixing things if they are broken? [06:36] i expect it was removed by debian (or you'll find discussion about it on debian-devel) [06:36] yeah i read about the debian part in their lists [06:36] AnRkey, no we shouldnt. [06:37] AnRkey: it's all about support and development, commitment to maintain, etc.. as well as the actual application itself [06:37] faulkes-, thanks for your help [06:37] fixing oss is fine, but if you have to support it in a 5 year plan, thats a different story [06:38] np, glad to help [06:38] I am trying to find an alternative and ebox is cool but just does not do all the cool things that webmin does [06:38] what do you need it to do? [06:38] you can always submit feature requests or see the latest development [06:41] https://launchpad.net/~zulcss/+archive [06:41] that is zul's latest work with ebox modules [06:42] brb, client here [06:42] is ebox going to be ready for 8.04? [06:42] i have not checked it's progress [06:42] also, ebox tends to take over a bit [06:43] in London my old network's firewalls use ubuntu with webmin [06:43] the proxy and firewall is all done from there as well as vpn [06:43] and webmin rocked for thi [06:43] this [06:44] ebox worked well in tests but the biggest problem was that it wiped configs done manually [06:44] we had a parent proxy for example that required one line of config to work [06:45] ebox kept wiping that line for some reason [06:45] faulkes-, it looks like ebox is my solution despite it's small problems that I have with it [06:45] thanks for the chat [06:47] hi! i've a problem with mysql-server install. When i installed it, it didn't ask me for set up my password, why ?? and the socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' doesn't exists! [06:48] Bidou [06:48] have you already got databases in it? [06:48] guess not [06:48] how can i get it ? [06:48] remove mysql-server with apt-get remove mysql-server --purge [06:48] that will wipe it's configs too [06:49] then reinstall, it should then ask for a root password [06:49] mine did [06:50] ok, i did what you said and there are the same problem. I did exaclty what you said [06:50] Dépaquetage de mysql-server (à partir de .../mysql-server_5.0.45-1ubuntu3.1_all.deb) ... * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ] /// Paramétrage de mysql-server (5.0.45-1ubuntu3.1) ... [06:51] it's what i can get in my shell [06:51] when i installed it [06:51] an idea ? [06:51] AnRkey: ? === c_schmitz|away is now known as c_schmitz [06:52] then you can set a root password [06:52] how ? [06:53] http://keystoneit.wordpress.com/2006/10/28/resetting-mysql-root-password-in-ubuntu-dapper/ [06:53] google is your friend [06:53] thanks, i'll see [06:53] i googled reset root password mysql ubuntu [06:54] np [06:58] Bidou, by default mysql's password for root is not set [06:58] AnRkey: hum sorry, for the first command i've a problem :/ "Any file or directory" > kill `cat /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid` cat: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid: any file or directory [06:58] sorry about that [06:58] but i cant change it ? [06:58] i think it's an other problem [06:59] is it a fresh install? [06:59] of mysql-serv or gutsy ? [07:00] yep it's a fresh install for mysql-server [07:00] mysql [07:01] sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop [07:02] what i have to do now ? [07:04] sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables & [07:04] that starts mysql so that you can login as root without a password [07:05] then run [07:05] mysql -u root [07:06] then you should be logged in to the mysql-server with root [07:06] then run [07:06] UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD ('newpassword') WHERE User = 'root'; [07:06] i can see that in my shell: Version: '5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.1-log' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 Debian etch distribution /// But anythings else happen now [07:06] replace newpassword with your new password [07:06] push enter [07:07] i think that's ok [07:07] I have just tested that on one of my test boxs [07:07] ok [07:07] then type exit to exit the mysql client [07:07] and run [07:07] sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart [07:07] you should be good to go [07:08] ok i'm trying [07:09] Oh thanks a lot !! it's works !!! [07:09] cool, glad I could help [07:10] anybody else find the problem [07:10] i don't know [07:10] it's not really a problem\ [07:11] anybody else find the solution, if you prefer :) [07:13] what you mean? [07:15] i thought those Translation-en_AU issues had been fixed in apt :/ it's been 3 releases [07:15] i mean you're the first who find the solution of my myster [07:16] if you don't understand me it's because i'm french and my vocabulary is very short [07:18] Morning === c_schmitz is now known as c_schmitz|away [07:18] Bidou, your english is cool [07:19] thanks 8-) [07:19] Bidou, I think it's just setup that way and it's up to the end user to configure a password [07:19] Bidou, it's not a bug if that's what you mean [07:20] hi Jeeves_ [07:21] What's new today? [07:21] no not a bug but a difference like others people: i ask many people for help, and all said "I don't understand, at me mysql-server doesn't proced like this" [07:21] hmmm, 2:21am est, I should probably go to bed [07:22] Bidou: there is also #ubuntu-fr when language is an issue [07:22] Bidou, maybe they did not understand you [07:22] however, your english seems ok [07:22] Bidou, i have set up many servers like that for my clients so I do password resets often [07:22] #ubuntu-fr sleep all the time -_- [07:22] my french however, mon dieu [07:22] :) [07:23] faulkes-: lol tu connaît le français toi ? [07:23] Bidou, this is where you should teach me [07:23] :P [07:24] :p ok if you want lol [07:24] naa [07:24] i am already learning xhosa [07:25] some word: Bonjour = Hello / Bienvenue = Welcome / Merci = Thanks / Merci beaucoup = Thanks a lot [07:25] our employee's laugh at me allot [07:25] J'adore tellllement Ubuntu = I love so muuuuch Ubuntu [07:25] well i know 3 of the 4 :D [07:26] Bidou: je pense qeue sais presque vignt ans ou j'parle francais chaque jour [07:26] ok i better get back to work [07:26] AnRkey: ok ok, thanks again for your help [07:26] je suis trais rouille, oui? [07:26] faulkes-: lool a little bed [07:27] hmm, I thought that was rusty [07:27] Bidou, no probs, remember to pay it forward [07:27] that good ! but there some mistakes [07:27] mais, pas de probleme mon ami, bon nuit [07:28] lol bonne nuit, in france, time is: 08:28 am [07:28] so good morning for me [07:30] ou'est vous dans france? [07:30] A Paris ! [07:30] you'll have to excuse my spelling, it's been 20 years ;) [07:30] Ah, Paris! je t'aime [07:30] it's ok, i can understand [07:31] lol, every morning i can see the effeil tower because my high school is just under [07:31] jais travaille dans arondismant pour quelque mois dan l'anne 1999 [07:31] arondismant neuf [07:32] ohh ok, what did you do? [07:32] technologie [07:32] ok ok, and do you know trocadero ? [07:32] eh bois beaucoup de vin ;) [07:33] lol sorry ? [07:33] drank lots of wine [07:33] oh me ? no, i don't like it but it's maybe cause my age [07:34] non, c'est moi qui bois beaucoup ;) [07:34] ah ok ! >> any mistake in your sentence ! [07:34] et travaille tojours [07:34] french wine ? [07:35] mais oui [07:35] ^^ sure you drink french wine im stupid [07:35] so i asked you if you know "trocadero" ? [07:36] non [07:36] oh it's maybe the most beautiful place of Paris ! [07:37] very near the effeil tower [07:37] il'a une, je ne sais pas in francais, "bar" ou "pub" avec le non anglais "the frog" [07:38] hum that mean something to me [07:38] but im not sure if I know [07:38] le grenouille, beaucoup de l'ais ex-pats et las apres le jour travaille [07:39] je suis canadienne [07:39] "de l'ais" ? "ex-pats" ? i don't understand these two words [07:39] anglo-canadienne [07:39] s/l'ais/les [07:40] oh ok it's why you speak french well ! [07:40] ex-pat est les ex patriots de les autre countrie [07:40] ah ok, i didnt know this expression [07:41] which places did you visit in paris ? [07:42] the museums, churches, cafes, the eiffel tower [07:42] jais une photo de moi avec la mona lisa [07:43] ^^ you see many things i never seen ! [07:44] maybe i'll live in america next years [07:44] c'est une nouveau ville pour moi, je pense que sie to visite canada tu sons visite beaucoup de les place ou j'ais nais pas [07:44] maybe in connecticut, or near new york, or i dont know yet [07:45] ^^ [07:45] c'est difficile, le couture c'est trais, hmmm, [07:46] entranger [07:46] couturee = culture ? [07:46] oui [07:46] ok ^^ [07:46] heh, ok, enough trying to remember a language I havent spoken in 20 years ;) [07:47] some people say, american are not very cultivate, is it true :p ? [07:47] thank you though, it brought back some wonderful memories of paris [07:47] it's ok if i can understand ^^ [07:47] I wouldn't say that, I have many good friends in america [07:47] it is the adjustment to many things, like food [07:49] or maybe i was thinking about geographic [07:49] and like many countries, they have perceptions of other countries which aren't true [07:49] sure! [07:50] it is just an adjustment from what you are used to being around, to new surroundings [07:50] for some people, it is easy, for others, very difficult [07:51] i think people must be interressted if they want to be cultivate [07:51] cultivate = cultured? [07:52] yeah xD [07:52] cultivate in english is usually referred to growing plants [07:52] lol xD [07:52] ok i've to keep learning english [07:53] the best solution is to go in us and learn by listening [07:53] thats entirely more difficult in new york or connecticut [07:53] last time i was in us was last summer and after 2 month i spoke english well [07:54] why ? [07:54] 'cause in new yawk, it's like dey speak a different language, use knows? [07:54] i didn't know yet [07:55] very accented english [07:55] some people in new york cant understand other people in new york ? [07:55] like dialects, consider that quebec french is very very different from parisien [07:56] they do, but only because they live there everyday [07:56] quebec is very different but a french can easy understand quebec [07:57] however, travelling, exploring and learning are all good [07:59] it's better to leave in wich parts of us ? [08:00] lol are you searching on google ? [08:01] leave or live? [08:01] oh sorry: live [08:01] boulder, colorado is nice, so is san francisco [08:02] new york is nice as well, especially if you enjoy dancing/night clubs etc [08:02] i went to las vegas but never to sans fransisco [08:02] I remember my time exploring paris, I got off at les alles, was with an american woman I was seeing at the time [08:02] new york and for theater too :p (broadway, i saw grease, en the chorus line) [08:03] we walked around, enjoyed a cafe and then down to the seinne, walked along it and came to the louvre [08:03] she asked "I wonder what the big old building is" [08:03] * faulkes- had to laugh a little bit [08:04] lol yeah, le louvre is so beautiful [08:04] and so old [08:04] although I have to say, navigating the paris subway system is a nightmare if you've only been in the city two days and you've been drinking for 6 hours [08:05] the damn things just keep going in circles until you reach the turnstiles [08:06] but I loved my time there, I want to go back again [08:06] lol, maybe yes, but with a guid that isn't good ? [08:06] walk along st. germaine [08:07] if you come back to paris, visit "trocadero" and "champs élisée" and "l'arc de triomphe", there are good places to visit === \sh_away is now known as \sh [08:07] yes, we did champs elisee and the triomphe [08:08] walked from les alles station to the eiffel tower [08:08] ok but trocadero is maybe the most beautiful ^^ [08:08] taking side streets, stopping at cafes [08:08] looking in little shops [08:08] oh that's the best ! [08:08] even for me [08:10] in new cities I like to take long walks around the neighborhoods rather than subways and taxis [08:10] gives you a much better feel and enjoyment, for me at least [08:10] discovering new places [08:11] ok, now it's time for bed, I've been reminiscing for too long [08:11] enjoy your day Bidou [08:12] i think i have to rediscover paris, when you speak to me of paris like that i remember i forgot how it's so beautiful paris ^^ tanks to you [08:12] good night ! [08:12] and sweet dreams of paris ;) [08:15] faulkes-, what virtualization would you use on ubuntu server [08:15] damn, he's gone [08:15] heh, just as I head off [08:15] AnRkey: kvm is the ubuntu way [08:15] i'm using Xen [08:16] kvm is the ubuntu way currently, most of my experience is with Xen and Qemu though [08:16] * faulkes- & bed now [08:20] clear [08:20] oops, sorry about that.. lol [08:26] and an easy one for gutsy [08:26] kvm integration in 8.04 just makes me supper excited [08:26] super [08:27] it's on my production box [08:27] i was about to use vmware [08:27] to me anything that needs a serial to activate it is not open enough [08:28] but i do like vmware [08:52] Oh by the way [08:52] I get to remove a SCO server soon [08:52] as in wipe the thing [08:52] UBUNTU! [08:52] :D [08:53] * AnRkey feels good about this [09:10] that's awesome === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson [09:39] Why doesn't 'do-release-upgrade' in Feisty/amd64 work? [09:40] It tries to download stuff from us.archive [09:40] And that really isn't configured anywhere [09:58] Jeeves_: is not? [09:58] Jeeves_: grepped for it? :-) [09:59] Nafallo: Yes, I'm sure of it :) [10:32] Jeeves_, can you describe your problem/s better ? i'm not sure what they are :/ [12:18] Heeft iemand ervaring met een redundante dhcp server? [12:19] say what? o_0 [12:23] hello [12:23] faulkes-: around? [12:23] sergevn, can you use english? i take your question is something about redundant dhcpd's? [12:25] Kamping_Kaiser: sergevn was indeed asking if someone had experience with an redundant dhcpd setup [12:26] no, not real servers. [12:27] semi redundant with two dhcp servers with both theire own scope works nice [12:28] if you set two servers with the same ranges and make sure only one is authoritive you should be mostly ok [12:29] Kamping_Kaiser: sorry, mistaking i was talking in ubuntu-nl :) [12:29] Kamping_Kaiser: yes I need to setup an redundant dhcpd server(s) [12:30] sergevn, ah, np *hehe* [12:30] Kamping_Kaiser: If one goes down, the other has to take over [12:30] sergevn, try what i suggested above. it should work ok, depending on your routers [12:46] nijaba: I am now [12:50] Kamping_Kaiser: yes, but it does not automaticly take over [12:50] sergevn, it should become authoritive when the first server goes away [12:51] the problem you'll have is a lack of shared asignments files (but i havent done proper redundatn dhcp ) [13:28] morning all [13:34] morning sommer [13:38] Kamping_Kaiser: ok thx === `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser [14:06] hi all [14:06] people, what package I need instal to have file /etc/hosts.deny and hosts.allow ? [14:09] iirc tcpd is what you want [14:09] J_P, its tcpd [14:09] sudo install apt-get tcpd [14:09] /var/lib/dpkg/info/tcpd.postinst: cat >> /etc/hosts.deny < err [14:09] sudo apt-get install tcpd [14:09] even [14:09] * faulkes- not fully awake yet [14:10] * Kamping_Kaiser injects cafine into faulkes- 's eyeballs [14:10] I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee, what I really need is a decent martini or a good scotch [14:11] Kamping_Kaiser: thanks [14:11] faulkes-, heh [14:12] np [14:19] morning nijaba [14:20] nijaba, helo [14:27] Kamping_Kaiser: and faulkes- thanks :-) [14:28] :) [14:39] * faulkes- pokes nijaba [14:43] faulkes-, he is away from his computer [14:43] * faulkes- nods [14:44] * faulkes- goes back to perl stuff [15:25] anyone have a recommendation for a web svn frontend? I know there is websvn and viewvc, but are there any others out there? [15:30] jetsaredim: trac combines bugtracking + wiki + websvn [15:31] henkjan: not sure I need all that [15:31] this is just for my own personal uses === \sh is now known as \sh_away [16:23] mathiaz, soren: had a chance to look over the virt section? [16:23] sommer: not yet - I hope to get there by today. [16:24] mathiaz: cool, I just wanted to make sure it's on the right track [16:24] I think that section is the hardest I've worked on yet :-) === leonel_ is now known as leonel [17:48] hi, any parameter for igorar some folders in rsync? [17:52] any parameter to ignore some folders in rsync?* === \sh_away is now known as \sh [18:40] I just read an article about landscape. I was curious if the beta was available at all, or if it's unavailable until release [18:40] rjune: there is but it's by approval only. [18:41] ah. [18:41] rjune: also beta are limite to two systems only. [18:41] I was wanting to find out how it compared to ZENworks. but if I have to wait, I have to wait. [18:43] it's pretty sweet... [18:44] ZENWorks is very slick. it would be difficult to be better then it [18:44] but only avaialbe when it is released to purchased support. [18:45] 'k [18:45] or people who carefully craft marketing emails to blog about it ;) [18:45] * faulkes- whistles innocently [18:45] heh [18:45] http://www.canonical.com/projects/landscape [18:46] nice. looks like a good run at zen [18:47] landscape works nice [18:47] i applied few months ago for the public beta [18:49] my employer is just worried about the fact that canonical has access to too many resources from the systems you manage with landscape [18:49] installed packages, users etc [18:49] that might be a privacy issue [18:50] landscape is not installed locally? [18:50] I figured you set it up on a local server, ala ZEN. [18:50] landscape client is [18:51] but it connect to central landscape server at canonical [18:51] :-/ [18:51] yeah, that's a bit of an issue [18:51] i asked for local landscape server, but canonical has no plans selling the server product [18:52] I had submitted for the beta, if they contact me. I'll excuse myself because of that [18:52] rjune: you should certainly write a note to us stating this right now. I think it is a problem that we would like to address ASAP [18:53] What email address should I send it to? [18:53] * faulkes- prods nijaba [18:53] nick.barcet@canonical.com will do, I'll forward [18:53] or more appropriately, which department do you think it should go to? [18:54] * nijaba prods back at faulkes- [18:54] you were looking for me earlier today? [18:54] yep, did you read my msg? [18:54] * faulkes- didn't think he did [18:54] refresh my memory [18:55] merging your branch looks like you took the wrong version of the survey to make your changes as they are reverting all of my previous fixes. What survey did you use? [18:55] in the inactive survey, the one marked TEST is the old one. You'll recognize it because it has 4 section. The newest version is the other one. [18:55] ah, yes, actually, I didn't see your message about that but I came to the same conclusion [18:55] v0.2 wasn't listed for me when I did the original export [18:55] ScottK: ping [18:56] * faulkes- will fix it up [18:56] faulkes-: sorry about that :( [18:56] eh, it happens [18:56] no biggie [18:56] your current branch should be up to date with v0.2? [18:56] s/branch/trunk [18:56] yep it is [18:56] ok, I'll pull from there and go about it [18:57] all god [18:57] s/god/good [18:57] thanks [18:58] well, god can help, maybe? not sure... ;) [18:58] I'll ask him next time we go drinking [18:58] right... [18:58] he gets a bit uppity though after the tequila's start flowing around [18:58] faulkes-: when you go drinking with god, who buys? [18:59] he has a fully stocked bar ;) [18:59] he is god after all [18:59] so you freeload his booze, eh? [18:59] I would too [19:01] rjune: mail received, thanks [19:01] no problem. [19:02] I hope it works out well [19:04] rjune: I got 3 rules about drinking, all booze is good booze, free booze is the best booze and get me another drink before I call you sally and treat you like my prison lover ;) [19:09] is there a package that I could install that bans an ip if multiple login attempts fail say set to 3 unsuccessful attempts from no matter what login then it gets banned? [19:09] I believe the proper term for that is "prison bitch" [19:10] soulc: fail2ban [19:10] do you know the deps? [19:11] depends on iptables i think :) [19:11] soulc: fail2ban or denyhosts [19:11] damnit I don't know what to do with iptables....|-( [19:12] denyhosts works with tcpd [19:12] no iptables [19:12] and fail2ban iirc will do all the iptables work for you [19:12] indeed, no need to type iptables yourself [19:12] I am using tcpd [19:12] nijaba: I've updated to v0.2, I'll go through and re-update as required [19:13] faulkes-: thanks so much [19:13] np, it's a small issue, things like this happen [19:16] nijaba: for countries, do you just want the primary regions listed on the url you supplied? [19:16] listing everything would be, a bit much [19:16] I can do either but one is alot more work [19:17] I think we shouldjust add the url for reference. What do you think? [19:17] allow people to enter it themselves then? [19:18] could be a bit hard on tabulation, given case matching and such [19:18] no, I think we should stick on listing the UN regions [19:18] and place the URL in the decription of the question so that people can refer to it [19:18] if they do not know where they live [19:18] ah, ok [19:18] heh, not knowing where you live ;) [19:19] well, that seems odd, doesn't it? [19:19] I will take care of it [19:19] * nijaba hugs faulkes- [19:36] what is the post url plz? [19:36] er paste? [19:40] soulc: this what you're looking for: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ [19:51] thanks [19:53] libclamav.so.2 how do I find what package this is supplied by? [19:58] <\sh> apt-file search libclamav.so.2 [19:59] <\sh> soulc: but most likely it belongs to libclamav* package [19:59] thanks === \sh is now known as \sh_away [20:53] is there a fix for fail2ban on 6.06? [20:55] whats wrong with it? [20:56] it has a leap year bug [20:58] ie its not running at all it dies immediately after starting [21:18] i guess that would be a no [21:20] perhaps you should report a bug then [21:21] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fail2ban/+bug/196854 [21:21] looks like a bug report to me [21:21] Launchpad bug 196854 in fail2ban "fail2ban doesn't handle leap years" [Undecided,Confirmed] [21:21] looks like the official position is 6.06 is unsupported [21:23] LiENUS, please open a bug in launchpad [21:23] * LiENUS looks again [21:23] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fail2ban/+bug/196854 [21:23] a bug is open [21:23] Launchpad bug 196854 in fail2ban "fail2ban doesn't handle leap years" [Undecided,Confirmed] [21:23] why should i open another bug when one already exists? [21:24] the official position seems to be that 6.06 is unsupported and the fix is to upgrade to a newer version [21:24] hence i came to ask if that was true or not [21:26] LiENUS, its supported but its in universe so the fix has to be fixed in hardy first and backported ill look into it. For now you might wan to get the source from upstream [21:28] I meant to say 6.06 is supported but fail2ban is in universe which is not supported [21:33] http://breakherthewang.com/fail2fix is a patch based upon the patch from the fail2ban guys [21:34] thanks...ill try to get the fix in for hardy now [21:43] hello, i am trying to figure out why i get this message when trying to up eth0:1 SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address [21:44] incorrect_: what's the exact command you're using? [21:46] ifup bond0:1 :) [21:46] i have an ip, a netmask and a gw [21:46] i tried without a gw [21:46] you might try sudo ifup bond0:1 [21:46] i am root [21:46] sudo -i [21:46] im lazy [21:47] ah... are there any errors in /var/log/syslog ? [21:47] nope [21:48] do i need a module to ip alias? [21:48] i wonder if that error is coming from ipv6 module? [21:49] i just want to understand the error [21:49] the interface comes up [21:50] it's probably because of the leap day ;-) [21:51] incorrect_: is there another dhclient process trying to get an ip? [21:55] incorrect_: you might also read through this thread: http://forums.theplanet.com/lofiversion/index.php/t13650.html [21:55] is bond0 the correct interface? [21:58] yes i bonded the two gigabites together [21:59] gotcha... I wonder if that's why you're getting the error [22:00] haven't used bonded interfaces myself [22:02] i've done it before [22:02] not had this error [22:06] !enter | incorrect_ :) [22:06] incorrect_ :): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:07] wibble [22:13] its undoubtably something silly and obvious but im not sure [22:14] i think its something to do with ip6 [22:14] its not like i can't use the interface [22:15] arg, sorry can't help hitting enter [22:15] heh [23:57] zule [23:57] doh