[16:59] * jpatrick got the logbot back [16:59] With irssi-proxy I somehow have an almost 9 second lag :/ [16:59] Nice. [16:59] jpatrick, where'd it go? [16:59] Pricey: lost in netsplit [16:59] Pricey: get it right, you're tunneling through Oz to get here [16:59] nalioth, nope [17:00] Do we have a 'how to ask' factoid thats not !ask? [17:00] Its america, but still 9 seconds is excessive, especially when bip was near perfect. [17:01] This is really wierd :/ [17:02] Ah that's much better... odd [17:04] maybe it was just wierd while I synced [17:04] Hello from the future [17:07] by the time you read this, I will have wasted 9 seconds of my life [17:09] "weird" grr [17:10] can someone remind me how to add the date timestamp to my irssi? [17:11] /set timestamp_format [17:12] LjL: ubuntulog has joined #ubuntu-irc === mc44_ is now known as mc44 [17:13] Pici: thanks, now could you remind me of the variable syntax? [17:13] jussi01: no idea. [17:13] jussi01: but I bet its on the irssi homepage. [17:14] timestamp_format = %H:%M:%S [17:14] Seeker`: yeah, but what about for the date? [17:14] Pici: if you have the date, could you call that without variables and tell me? [17:15] 'd guess %d %m and %y [17:15] jussi01: %m/%d/%y or just %D [17:15] Pici: ahh, thank you [17:16] jussi01: http://irssi.org/documentation/settings#a_c [17:16] * jpatrick likes to keep irssi compact and just has %H:%M [17:16] I'm using %H:%M:%S, nice for knowing if someone in the past was flooding or not. [17:21] Pici++ [17:43] In ubotu, nikoPSK said: !typo is Please try to write your messages with the least amount of spelling mistakes possible so others can make sense of them. [17:44] heh. [17:46] LjL: Floodbots aren't kicking when someone ctcps the channel, only setting the ban. [18:28] In #ubuntu-bots, DaSkreech said: ubotu: nick is By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration. Live CD users! Try changing your nick from ubuntu to something else with the command /nick mynewnick it may help you to get noticed from the many other livecd users [18:28] hi Just sent in an amendment to the nick factoid [18:32] !nick [18:32] By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration [18:33] doesn't look like its updated [18:33] ikonia: because hes not a factoid editor. [18:33] ah [18:34] DaSkreech: I personally don't think the addition is needed, but we can wait for some other op to show up. [18:35] not many users in as "ubuntu" based nicks [18:35] Pici: I was kinda asking for opinions [18:44] hey [18:44] Guest77003: Hello. [18:45] Guest77003: How can we help you today? === Guest77003 is now known as mysterycool [18:45] ok so see [18:45] i was a windows user and today i installed linux. but i was stupid enough to make the partitions while the install of linux so my windows were deleted [18:45] mysterycool: This isnt a support channel. [18:46] yeah its not for this that i want help with [18:46] so i need to join #ubuntu to ask quite a few stuff for getting started cuz online guides can get a bit confusing [18:46] but it says that im banned :s [18:46] !proxy | mysterycool [18:46] mysterycool: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [18:47] mysterycool: We dont allow java irc clients into #ubuntu due to abuse. [18:47] ooh. well i was gonna download an irc client [18:47] but i have NO idea how the hell u install it on linux [18:47] and online guides didnt really help [18:47] so i really need someone to explain [18:47] !synaptic | mysterycool [18:47] mysterycool: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [18:48] mysterycool: If you are running gnome, there already is one installed, applications>internet>xchat I believe. [18:48] no xchat :s [18:48] Pici: Nope [18:48] Pici, xchat isn't installed, only pidgin is [18:48] No IRC is installed by default with ubuntu [18:48] Not counting pidgin [18:48] yeah i only have pidgin [18:48] * DaSkreech boots up from live cd often enough to know [18:48] DaSkreech: ah, I've been spending too much time in Hardy. [18:49] mysterycool: That does IRC well enough to get connected [18:49] mysterycool: pidgin can connect to irc. [18:49] DaSkreech: and Pidgin isn't counted, because... [18:49] Pici: It comes with xchat by default now? [18:49] btw one question. with wine i can make all software of windows run on linux? [18:49] Tm_T: Cause one doesn't open up An instant messenger which pidgin is clearly labeled as to go on IRC ? [18:49] mysterycool: No. And like I said, this isnt a support channel, its only for operator issues. [18:50] ok so what i need is just to be able to join #ubuntu [18:50] Tm_T, pidgin isn't configured otb for joining #ubuntu on freenode. It doesn't know anything about irc nets [18:51] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto -> this is for what? [18:51] mysterycool: how to install software. Install xchat and you should be good. [18:52] wait, so synaptic is a program that I can download? -_- [18:52] mysterycool: No Click on Applications -> Add/remove programs [18:52] It shoudl be easy from there [18:53] ah k [18:54] thanks downloaded ;) [18:54] cya and thanks again ;) [18:54] (sry for asking all those questions but i am really a newbie on linux :p) [19:05] arg. [19:06] ay matey! [19:06] Thar she blows! [19:08] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/02/15/%23ubuntu-ops.html - woohoo [19:08] jpatrick: how long was it out for? [19:08] Eh? [19:08] Pici: less than a day [19:09] jpatrick: What do you think about adding information to the !register factoid about using the nick 'ubuntu'? [19:09] * DaSkreech laughs at the small size diffrential between kubuntu.html and ubuntu.html [19:09] Pici: what DaSkreech suggested? [19:10] jpatrick: yeah. [19:10] Pici: it also lets people know they can change thier nick with /nick [19:10] it was two messages I was trying to akwardly tack in :) [19:10] Pici: should be in a different fact, like !liveuser [19:11] jpatrick: How about the ability to cahnge your nick with /nick should that be under !nick ? [19:11] change [19:11] that's already aliased to !register [19:12] !no register is By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select a nickname to use. [19:12] I'll remember that LjL [19:12] Yeah something like that [19:13] !register [19:13] By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [19:13] !nick [19:13] spam protection. [19:14] Pici: yeah, was just to show they were the same [19:14] !nick | Pici [19:14] Pici: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [19:14] !-nick [19:14] nick is register - added by LjL on 2007-02-09 18:13:37 [19:14] Thanks :) [19:25] HYPOKRIT - #ubuntu- troll? [19:27] probably. [19:36] Pici: yep, he is to me [19:42] ahh your already disscussing him [19:42] can someone do someyhing with HYPOKRIT [19:43] ikonia: one more chance [19:43] getting a bit tedious [19:43] then we ! ----asda ops [19:44] enoguh now [19:44] he's telling people to reboot [19:45] * Pricey wonders why he's now seeing plus signs before all messages. [19:45] voiced [19:45] yep [19:45] It wasn't doing that before though... [19:46] heh [19:49] Its happenning in #ubuntu too... [19:49] except sometimes there are minus signs [19:49] Pricey: that would be the result of /quote capab identify-msg [19:50] Pricey: that would be the result of /quote capab identify-msg [19:50] credible, lost you. [19:51] the + means the user is identified, the - means they're not [19:51] Aha right. [19:51] Thankyou. [19:51] That could maybe kind of be useful sometimes... [19:51] credible, do you have any idea how it could have been randomly turned on? [19:52] there's a script for irssi that lets you creatively format it [19:52] so I put ~ in front of unidentified nicks [19:52] no clue :) [19:52] How is it turned back off? [19:57] !staff | my new script http://rs97.rapidshare.com/files/91484126/mirc.zip [19:57] banned in #ubuntu [19:59] gone [20:00] I have my capab identify-msg set to stick ? in front of un-ided users. [20:01] Pricey, you can't turn it off [20:01] He could unload the script. [20:01] do you possibly use irssi-proxy? [20:01] Dave2, I can't even turn it back on. [20:01] I do yes. [20:01] with xchat? [20:01] haha yes [20:01] Yeah, that'll do it; xchat sends CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG [20:02] it then has no defaults to deal with it, which is somewhat annoying, but you can tweak it to display it. [20:02] meh i'm fine with it displaying again if it appears [20:03] aha yes, a disconnect then reconnect and they all appear again. [20:04] Thanks Dave2, credible. [20:04] It breaks /mes in irssi unless you load a script to deal with it [20:05] In #ubuntu-offtopic, recon said: !no, SYN is ACK [20:06] also, since it's quite useful to know whether someone's identified or not in general, you can `/set irc_id_ntext ~` and modify your channel message event to be "%C2<%C$4%O$1%C2>%O$t$2%O" or similar. [20:06] ($4 is the variable showing IDd status) [20:08] Yeah I'd noticed the /me's... that last bit I think I'll read over a couple of times to work it out :) [20:33] but first, the tranya. [20:34] mmmm tranya [20:35] did you bring enough for all of us, mneptok ? [20:37] of course. i hope you relish it as much as i. [20:48] * Pricey finds toma.w's format_identify script [20:56] Haha, just noticed the "auto_bleh/chanserv on steroids" [20:56] script for klining in there [20:56] * Pricey hits his enter key [21:02] Pricey, you is not plus the right stuff or that would be very dangerous :) === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [21:52] I see that http://ircarc.com/network/ is logging us. [21:53] is anyone officially in charge of #ubuntu-us-hi anymore? [21:53] Aloha, kitofhawaii still owns it. I believe he was going to give it to a "scott"? [21:54] i havn't seen either one of them in ahwile... Scott was supposed to take the lead but I think he flaked [21:55] Aloha, I'd suggest sending him an email to see what's up. [21:55] ok. [21:56] nalioth, remind me if ircarc were given permission to log here [21:57] ompaul, http://ircarc.com/freenode-ubuntu-ops/4.html [21:57] read the end of that [21:57] I assume it isn't being logged anymore, hard to find dates. [21:59] aye [22:00] oh wait... date at the very top... I'm not very good today am I. [22:01] what steps should i take if i don't hear back from kit or scott? [22:01] Aloha, I would suggest you get hold of kit. [22:01] ok [22:35] Hello is LJL here? [22:40] it would be rather late in .it so LjL may not be here [22:41] Oh he's Italian? [22:41] well he sure as whatever ain't Irish [22:41] ompaul, :) [22:41] I don't have any information to go by. [22:41] or for that matter English [22:41] Pricey, ack [22:42] Pricey, root kit my machine and make it do "stuff" please :-) [22:43] emma, what is on your mind? [22:44] ompaul, people keep PMing me, despite my signature saying not to and why, then asking me to ssh in to their machines and fix them for them. [22:44] Then they get annoyed when I suggest I'm evil and random, and am going to be installing something evil. [22:45] Pricey, na I know what you are - and I said stuff I really don't care ;-) [22:45] hehehe [22:45] Pricey, would not ask if you were not evil [22:45] etc etc etc [22:45] emma, what is on your mind? [22:45] Well I'm embarrassed to say I was banned from ubuntu-offtopic a few days ago, so hopefully eventually I can talk to someone and start over. [22:45] ahh [22:46] emma, remind me, (i do remember, i actually just want you to explain) why you were banned. [22:48] yay kahrytan's at it again [22:49] Pricey: how do you do that? is that an op thing? [22:49] I was saying some things about the philosophy of voting that could be construed and political. So I was kicked. I got miffed and made a sequence of passive aggressive comments that pushed my luck too far. [22:49] oh for pete's sake.. [22:49] Aloha, /notice nickname message [22:55] My comments were not really productive but they were not directed at any of the ubuntu channels or any of the ubuntu-ops, and they were not vulgar or really very malicious. It just happened that I should have probably left chat for a while and things would have been fine. So hopefully we can work it out because I am very reasonable and I know the ops here are too. [23:00] one moment emma [23:00] k [23:10] emma, have you read the ubuntu-irc irc guidelines? [23:12] Yes I've read them now. [23:12] Do you agree to abide by them whilst in Ubuntu channels? [23:13] Yes. [23:14] emma, next time... [23:14] 1) Calm down, go grab a cup of your favourite beverage, and do something else for 1/2 an hour. Realise that the intarwebs don't really matter. [23:15] Pricey: (1) favorite (2) realize (3) didn't you mean "mattre" so I could correct you and say matter? [23:15] *nods* [23:15] Attention all -ops and IRC Council members, Any continued harrasssment of myself from any -ops member will result in report to Ubuntu Community Council. If they fail to correct the problem, then it will goto Canonical. The problem the continued harrassment and respect of IRC Ubuntu Ops and Council members. I will not tolerate it any longer. This not a empty threat, it is a promise that continued harrassment will be reported. Do not [23:15] private message me for at least 48 hours and correct your behavior. Violation of Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. [23:15] 2) If you are still a little miffed, /msg the user/operator you've been annoyed by and try to sort it out in a calm manner. [23:15] O_O [23:15] He practised that.... [23:15] He's talking about me by the way. [23:15] Pricey: he forgot to split his first rant correctly [23:16] how am I supposed to know what I'm not supposed to do?!?!! [23:16] * jdong runs around in circles [23:16] oh nvm it was wrapped [23:16] emma, I have removed the ban in #ubuntu-offtopic. [23:16] wait, do not correct behavior or is that not distributive? [23:16] Okay thank you. [23:17] Pricey: How did you 'harass' him this time? [23:17] Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. any harrassment or respect from Ubuntu Community Council or Canonical will result in contacting UK Ambassador to USA. [23:17] * Pici rolleyes [23:18] err... what will the UK ambassador do? [23:19] jdong, I'm trying to think of a witty british spelling to reply with. [23:19] at least he doesn't live in the same city as me anymore :/ [23:20] not the ambassador! [23:22] emma, anything else we can help you with? [23:24] jdong, take have him arrested for harassment? [23:24] Okies, thanks very much, see you all later (or maybe hopefully not here :) ) [23:24] cheers emma [23:26] * Gary giggles [23:26] d0nuts, LiENUS, can we help you? [23:27] * mc44 will help Pricey flee to the cayman islands [23:27] I thought you said "fly" for a second... [23:27] I'm very impressionable atm, was just reading about swallows. [23:27] the canon doesn't have that much range [23:27] *cannon too [23:28] guess not [23:28] please note the topic [23:28] if you have no direct business here you may be asked to leave [23:29] who is that mc44 guy anyway :P [23:29] dunno, some troll [23:29] I'm the UK ambassador to the USA [23:29] I'm here for a Mr. Child [23:29] LiENUS, how can we help you? [23:29] mc44, grow up :P [23:30] mc44: psst, its Mr. Price [23:30] Pici: he has many aliases, is a slippery fellow [23:30] Pici, my pun and no one said anything [23:30] ompaul: ugh. [23:42] I'm not looking forward to learning how to ban ipv6 cleverly. [23:43] *:*:*:*:*: [23:44] * Gary sets mode +b * [23:45] would that work? [23:45] Gary: You're the staffer... why are you asking us? [23:46] And probably not. needs to be in the format *!*@* [23:46] in answer to priceys question [23:46] I know.... but learning which sections of it mean what. [23:46] * Pici shrugs [23:46] For example ipv4 addresses in ipv6 [23:46] (Any present but banned and voiced users can still speak, just not rejoin) [23:47] * alone is invalid, technically [23:47] I'll figure it out when I need to :) [23:47] although i think the server would turn it into a *!*@* automatically - not entirely sure [23:47] irssi doesnt let me set +b on * [23:47] it does [23:48] Pricey: that might just be your client doing that [23:48] perhaps [23:48] just playing devil's advocate you know [23:49] anyway yes it does [23:50] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/191691 [23:50] Launchpad bug 191691 in xchat-gnome "To prevent dcc exploit, default port should be 8001 for irc.ubuntu.com" [Medium,Confirmed] [23:51] * Pricey files a bug on ubotu not giving both statuses [23:51] The xchat client from hardy now defaults to 8001 for freenode.