[02:15] New bug: #188497 in rosetta "Please change Hungarian plural forms in Rosetta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188497 [03:25] what is a good interface to search irclogs.ubuntu.com besides googling for `site:irclogs.ubuntu.com "#launchpad"`? [03:25] wget it all, then grep it? :) [03:26] eddyMul: what do you want to serach for? [03:26] well, I'm pretty sure someone before me had asked this question: how to have PPA build packages from 'main' (in my case: git-core) [03:27] as in, how do you get them to build against main? [03:28] Hobbsee: yes. [03:28] ... well, maybe... Ubuntu Installer emailed me "Signer is not permitted to upload to the component 'main' of file 'git-core_1.5.2.5-2build1+ppa1.dsc'" [03:28] they will build against main, universe, and restricted by default now [03:32] Hobbsee: I feel like Ubuntu Installer is telling me to change my git-core package to another component [03:33] eddyMul: ahhh. are you actually uploading to ppa, or you uploading to archive.ubuntu.com? [03:33] Hobbsee: PPA. (me no Ubuntu-dev) [03:33] eddyMul: i didn't ask where you had permissions to upload to - i asked where you were uploading to. [03:34] Hobbsee: I'm trying to upload to PPA [03:34] did you use dput ppa foo_source.changes [03:34] or just dput foo_source.changes [03:34] Hobbsee: I might've missed the "ppa" argument..... will try.... [03:34] eddyMul: i think you did [03:35] or whatever you named your ppa section in ~/.dput.conf to be [03:37] I guess I can be lazy and rename the suggested ~/.dput.cf:[my-ppa] to ~/.dput.cf:[DEFAULT] [03:37] someone ping me [03:38] AlgorithmicContr: ping [03:38] eddyMul: actually, you can chuck it all into /etc/dput.cf, and then change the default= line in there [03:38] the guide doesn't say that, as not everyone has root access [03:38] but that's the standard, easiest way of doing it [03:40] Hobbsee: I don't see 'default=' in `man dput.cf`. Did I just find a documentation bug? [03:41] default_host_main [03:41] This defines the default host for packages that are allowed to [03:41] be uploaded to the main archive. This variable is used when [03:41] guessing the host to upload to. [03:41] i suspect it's that [03:41] yeah, it is. [03:43] Hobbsee: so, my /etc/dput.cf should look like: http://dpaste.com/33536/ ? [03:45] looks good to me [03:45] unsure if you ened the default_host stuff in the higher section, though [03:48] Hobbsee: can I peek at yours? [03:49] Hobbsee: can you show me your /etc/dput.cf? [03:49] eddyMul: give me a sec [03:50] I noticed PPAQuickStart now suggests appending ~ppa instead of +ppa. Do I need to re-submit my packages? [03:51] eddyMul: see http://wedontsleep.org/~sarah/dput.cf [03:51] no, i wouldn't bother [03:51] but you do need to use ~ normally, as that makes it lower than the package without the ~. + will make it higher [03:53] Hobbsee: thanx for showing me your dput.cf [03:53] eddyMul: no problem [04:06] argh, that documentation is *still* out of date, adn therefore wrong. [09:50] New bug: #188564 in launchpad "Build also packages for Debian in PPA's" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188564 [09:54] Oh dear. [10:04] If I've got man pages in an upstream package that are nroff formatted and uncompressed, should the debian/rules file compress those? Why doesn't dh_installman have the option of doing that? [10:05] Surely I don't understand how this is normally done. [10:07] Ummm, can anybody really modify a question's summary and description without record or special permissions? [10:09] If that was a reply to me, I don't understand what you're saying. [10:09] It wasn't, sorry. [10:12] I believe that dh_compress should do that compression. [10:16] That did the trick for the man pages. Thanks! [10:16] np [10:33] I have a problem, I don't fully understand, so I may not ask the right question. I have a orig.tar.gz file that my package uses. It's listed in the dsc file, but when I build, it's not listed in the changes file. As a result dput isn't sending the orig.tar.gz file to my ppa. [10:34] Why is the orig.tar.gz not listed in the changes after a build? [10:36] You need to run debuild -S -sa [10:36] -sa includes the .orig.tar.gz [10:36] ah ok. [11:06] Lintian is returning the error: E: worklogproc_0.4-0ubuntu0+8.04+ppa1_source.changes: bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file hardy [11:07] Is that just because my version of lintian doesn't know about hardy? [11:07] Is the error safe to ignore? [11:07] goobsoft: yes, you can ignore that or update lintian [11:07] ok, thanks [11:10] hi, I have one question: [11:10] shoot [11:10] If I add two comments to a bugreport with the same subject and same text only the first one is added to the bugreport, [11:10] * Fujitsu watches Hobbsee fall to the floor. [11:11] Correct. [11:11] is this intended, perhaps as a kind of spam protection? [11:11] And to avoid people accidentally posting the same thing twice, I believe. [11:11] If so, why do I get, as I am subscribed to the bug, two notification-emails? [11:11] is this a bug? [11:11] thekorn: what are the X-launchpad-rationale's for each of the bugs? [11:12] * thekorn tries to find out how to show the header in evolution [11:13] You may have to view the source. [11:14] Hobbsee, both "Subscriber" [11:14] OK, it's a bug, then. [11:15] ok, will report it then, [11:15] thanks Hobbsee and Fujitsu [11:15] Why can't I upload packages to my ppa for hardy? [11:15] http://pastebin.com/d6359e5e2 [11:16] goobsoft: Because that wasn't uploaded to your PPA; you uploaded that to Ubuntu. [11:16] oh, good call [11:16] doh [11:36] New bug: #188592 in malone "duplicate comments are not added to the bugreport but notification mails are send" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188592 [13:42] Hello [13:42] Is there any way to remove deactivated OpenPGP keys from LP? [14:17] thekorn: Bug 187346 may be relevant [14:17] Launchpad bug 187346 in malone "Multiple bug mails received when both package bug contact and on a team that's contact" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187346 [14:22] ScottK, let me read the bugreport... [14:26] ScottK, no, I dont think this is related, [14:27] the behaviour I discribed happens also in projects where no bug contact is set, [14:27] and also the number of mails I get is equal to the number of same comments I tried to add === doko_ is now known as doko [14:31] seems like i have this problem : [14:31] https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/1697 === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette [15:25] New bug: #188651 in soyuz "[wishlist] Enable Sid building in Soyuz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188651 === fabbione is now known as thegodfather [19:01] Hey [19:01] Any LP guy around? :) [19:01] !weekend [19:01] It's a weekend. Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week. [19:03] not everywhere :P [20:08] morning [20:14] * Moniker42 looks around [20:31] morning Moniker42 [20:32] Morning all. [20:32] morn.. hey, it's 8:30pm ¬.¬