=== \sh is now known as \sh_away [02:08] If I want to create a webserver with pages that users can create an account and such what server and how should i do it? I have a plain apache server now. Can I use asp pages? [02:10] no you will have to configure apache to use asp pages check google [02:11] thomas_newbie__: anyone witha shell account can have their own web page if you enable apache mod_userdir [02:11] as for asp - avoid it [02:11] zul: but whats the best way to do it. Internet sites as facebook are using .php extension pages on Apache servers [02:11] thomas_newbie__: you will have to install php5 then [02:11] !php [02:11] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [02:12] php is not asp [02:12] yes but if he wants to use php like facebook then he will have to install php if he wants to use asp then he will have to configure apache to use php [02:12] er..asp [02:12] zul: yes, thats kind of what i was trying to say. [02:12] I know I just don't know how to go about this. Using a page where people can go on a website create and account and login aftewards. I"LL BE BACK, DINNER is READY [02:13] talking about sites with php is irrelevent if he wants asp (or vica versa) [02:13] Dinner [02:34] kgoetz: hey i'm back, so do I need asp, or should I just use html forms on its own? [02:35] thomas_newbie__: if you need server side scripting, use php [02:35] or python, for more hardcore uses [02:36] kgoetz: So for the purposes I described to you...you connect to my page..you create account...submit..and then you can login to your own page....What should I use? [02:38] thomas_newbie__: dont know, i havent setup a login system like that, unless you use something like wordpress/plone perhaps [02:39] kgoetz: what the heck is that. You don't understnad what I mean? As an example you create a hotmail account [02:39] thomas_newbie__: what the heck is what? how did email get into this? [02:41] kgoetz: hehe i dont know what wordpress is. No not email just any forum/email/facebook, any site that you can enter your: Username and Password and then you can login with it. I would like to do that [02:42] thomas_newbie__: go have a look at wordpress and come back and tell us if its what your thinking [02:44] kgoetz: wordpress is a blog thing [02:44] yes it is. [02:45] kgoetz: I guess it could be a blog it don't matter. First I want the user to establish their own account. [02:45] so you want facebook the equivalent? [02:46] kgoetz: I don't know if I need to use IIS or Apache for my page. That's the debate right now. I can execute asp scripts without IIS? [02:46] thomas_newbie__: apache can run asp. [02:46] thomas_newbie__: its probably the out of the scope of this channel [02:46] zul: no. Ok forget the examples. I just want a user to login to my first page. Enter their name. Enter a password. Then submit to me [02:47] * kgoetz giggles [02:47] kgoetz: behave [02:47] ajmitch: sorry [02:49] thomas_newbie__: google is usually good for finding things like that or freshmeat.net [02:50] zul: google is my friend i know....but google didn't give me any best answers [02:52] but look at zope,plone,django.. [04:11] www.mysite.com/~thomas/ works for my webserver. Is that a good thing? Correct? [04:12] yes [04:14] kgoetz: i don't understand why it works though [04:15] kgoetz: i have documentroot set to /thomas/public_html/ [04:15] thomas_newbie__: why? leave document_root at /var/www [04:16] the userdir module is what gives you access to $HOME/public_html via the /~username directory [04:19] kgoetz: omg i dont' understand this..I have document_root set to /var/www and yet mysite.com/~thomas/ still redirects me to a page in my home folder [04:20] yes. [04:20] thats [04:20] what [04:20] it [04:20] does [04:20] !!! [04:20] thats the point of the ~/yourname [04:20] * /~yourname [04:22] kgoetz: i have another problem, I can't stop my webserver: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop [04:23] It says the server stopped BUT IT DOESNT! [04:25] thomas_newbie__: what do the logs say? [04:28] kgoetz: these logs? /var/log/apache2 [04:29] thomas_newbie__: yes. [04:29] and posably syslog [04:30] kgoetz: not sure which file [04:31] thomas_newbie__: /var/log/syslog and /var/log/apache2/*log [04:32] kgoetz: well in the access logs [04:32] kgoetz: you're looking for a shutdown thing? [04:32] thomas_newbie__: yes [04:33] I'm just seeing what i accessed [04:33] access.log [04:35] kgoetz: I don't know if I may have screwed something...I installed php5 and MySQL [04:35] hmmm [04:35] lol wtf i wanna stop it [04:36] did you isntall them using apt? [04:36] adept package [04:37] kgoetz: * Stopping web server (apache2)... httpd (no pid file) not running [04:38] but you can still visit your local web server? [04:39] yea [04:39] hm [04:39] kgoetz: even through external ip....i installed mysql-server [04:39] is apache the only httpd you have installed? [04:40] is it possible to have 2 apache's installed? [04:40] run `ps aux |grep -e httpd -e apache` and pastebin the output [04:40] apache1 and apache2 potentially, but iirc not on ubuntu [04:41] kgoetz: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/52863/ [04:42] thomas_newbie__: what version of buntu? [04:42] kgoetz: not sure but i think feisty [04:42] hmm [04:42] lol [04:43] http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=%2Fusr%2Fsbin%2Fapache&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=feisty&arch=i386 [04:43] kgoetz: how do i check console :D? [04:44] thomas_newbie__: `ls_release -a` [04:45] kgoetz: that dont work [04:45] kgoetz: you want me to install apache webserver? [04:46] * kgoetz is heading afk [04:55] anyone there? [04:55] kgoetz: hello? [04:55] I Found the solution. SHOULD I use APache2 or Apache? [04:56] apache2 [04:56] heading off. good luck :) [04:56] kgoetz: yoasd [04:56] kgoetz: :( [04:56] last question? [04:57] kgoetz: apache has took over apache2...I used apache2 before [04:57] so Now only apache 1.3 works. How do I change? Uninstall. Any clue why? [07:57] moin === _emgent is now known as emgent === nijaba_ is now known as nijaba [11:14] hi [11:14] i am using rdesktop on an ubuntu-server via ssh -X and having problems with the graphics on the remote-windows-box. does anybody know, how i could fix this? [11:14] the ubuntu-server is a dapper. [11:15] no backports or multiverse packages are installed [11:52] <_ruben> kraut: im not sure what it is you're trying to do, nor what those "problems" actually are [11:52] i am using rdesktop on an ubuntu-server and having graphi-problems [11:54] <_ruben> thats even less information than the first time [11:56] _ruben: http://exodus.packetloss.biz/~kraut/temp/rdesktop.png [11:56] with rdesktop 1.5.0 on gutsy it's working fine [11:59] <_ruben> rdesktop has various ways to deal with screen updates afaik, might need some tweaking in that area [11:59] <_ruben> even when i started using rdesktop years ago, i never had issues like these [12:02] the window of rdesktop itself is broken as you could see above the title-bar [12:02] any other application like konqueror is working fine [12:04] <_ruben> i dont see any title bar [12:04] ah, sorry. it wasn't captured by import [12:04] but it's also broken [12:06] <_ruben> that sounds like a bigger problem, like with the window decorator/widget set/etc [12:07] don't think so, because konqueror for example is working fine [12:07] and when i use rdesktop without window-decorations, i'll get the same errors in the windows-screen [12:08] <_ruben> well .. rdesktop isnt drawing its own titlebar afaik ... then again, im far from knowledgeable in the X details [12:09] me, too. [12:09] i only want to get it fixed :P [12:12] <_ruben> the only other thing i can think of is that dapper's rdesktop version isnt (fully) compatible with the newer rdp protocols used by xp/2k3 (which seems to be what you're connecting to) [12:14] ok, i've compiled now in a dapper32-chroot my own 1.5.0 rdesktop version and everythin runs fine [12:14] yes, it's windows 2003 server [12:15] <_ruben> the rdp protocol evolved over time, might be related [12:15] i think i should open a bug-report === nijaba_ is now known as nijaba [14:18] for the apache modules in universe should the maintainers be set to the server-team? === _emgent is now known as emgent === shawarma is now known as soren === \sh_away is now known as \sh [15:14] zul: for bug 182256, I wouldn't confirm it yet. [15:14] Launchpad bug 182256 in apache2 "error while apache start" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182256 [15:14] zul: it seems that it may be related to a wrong configuration on the system === mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz [15:15] yeah I get that as well but apache starts but it starts as normal [15:16] zul: not sure it's related to apache [17:12] ScottK: around? [17:16] Yeah [17:16] I just wanted to comment on avscan... is it really needed? [17:17] with clamtk, and klamav it seems redundent [17:17] after looking through the code, in the dapper version, it seems more like a learning project than a serious project [17:18] I could definitely be wrong about that though [17:23] I got avscan working [17:23] Agreed it's redundant, but it's in the repos, so we're stuck with it. [17:23] The Dapper version was a very early one. I probably shouldn't have even been packaged yet. [17:24] ah, gotcha... just wanted to complain a little I guess [17:24] Sure [17:24] I really appreciate all your testing help. [17:25] np [17:25] Have you got Edgy? [17:26] not currently, but I can probably get it setup today or sometime this week [17:26] If at all possible, I'd like to actually execute the backport in Edgy first as a test. [17:27] sounds reasonable [17:27] I'll try and work on that this evening [17:38] Looks like I used the wrong version of sylpheed-claws-gtk2. Gotta test that again. [17:46] okay, I can do that... are you updating the ppa? === nijaba_ is now known as nijaba [20:14] I am trying to install Ubuntu server 6.06.2 in virtualbox. It installed with no errors, on boot it sits and does nothing (other than use a whole cpu core) after "uncompressing linux... Ok, booting the kernel." [20:15] suggestions? [20:43] hi, I'm setting up an ubuntu server 7.10, with no GUI. I need something like bum but that doesn't need gui, need suggestions :D [20:44] bum? [20:44] bum bum ? [20:44] boot up manager [20:44] tequila bum bum yes :D [20:45] I am building up a very simple edonkey server [20:46] and I want to disable all the services that are useless [20:46] at startup [20:47] sudo update-rc.d -f SERVICE remove [20:47] I have not so much experience with command line...I use ubuntu desktop since 6.10, but I do quiet all with GUI programs [20:48] tnx... and how can I see services list? === \sh is now known as \sh_away [20:50] leonel, ? [20:52] the default server installation has no services running [20:52] if there's a service running [20:52] you can remove with [20:52] sudo update-rc.d -f SERVICE remove [20:53] this way the server won't start at boot [20:55] tnx...but in future with which command can I see the running services? [21:00] ps aux [21:00] you see all the process in your machine [21:00] or more visual [21:00] [21:00] pstree [21:03] Hi everyone, I'm trying to get tomcat set up on a development machine but every time I launch it it dies instantly with no error messages whatsoever [21:03] I installed tomcat from the repo hoping that it would work with the defaults [21:03] Here is what happens: [21:03] arthur@mshlindev02:/etc/tomcat5$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat5 start [21:03] Starting Tomcat 5 servlet engine using Java from /usr/bin/java: arthur@mshlindev02:/etc/tomcat5$ [21:04] arthur_kalm: did you installed sun-java6 ? [21:04] arthur_kalm: and make the default java [21:05] sun-kava6 [21:05] *java [21:05] and I switched to it using update-alternatives [21:06] I uncommented some of the things in /etc/defaults/tomcat5 [21:07] ah [21:07] hmmm [21:08] could it be a permissions thing? [21:09] leonel, do you know which folders should be owned by tomcat5? [21:10] arthur_kalm: not really [21:10] leonel, :( OK... [21:18] arthur_kalm: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=614584&highlight=tomcat maybe can help [21:22] leonel, hrm, I did that :(.. grr I tried setting the permission and it didn't help... [21:22] JAVA_HOME is set... [21:24] ok [21:25] * leonel sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk tomcat5.5 [21:25] let see .. [21:27] mirrors are slow [21:31] Has anyone else noticed no development work has been done on dovecot in the last two months? [21:32] leonel, it's OK don't worry about it [21:33] leonel, I'll ask around in the tomcat channel. Thanks for your help :) [21:33] for some reason my terminal is in all caps.. what could be the cause of this? [21:33] caps lock ? [21:33] arthur_kalm: ok [21:33] leonel: even the output is caps [21:34] like man pages [21:34] do a reset to your terminal [21:35] on the terminal type : [21:35] reset [21:35] [21:35] that should reset the terminal setings [21:35] leonel: thanks. This is a fresh install.. why would it do that? [21:36] well when I do a cat to a file the terminal gets the settings wrong then with reset gets solved [22:07] leonel, well I figure it out finally :P [22:08] leonel, it was because I had JAVA_HOME as the java executable instead of the actual folder :P [22:08] leonel, it should have really said something... [23:39] sommer: ubuntu-clamav PPA is updated