[00:32] did the new gnome-keyring solve th elogin issue for anyone? [00:33] * michaelfavia is going to restart to try but was hesitant to do the gdm shuffle yet again [00:54] today i decided to check out the gnash plugin, so i removed the flashplugin-nonfree packaged and installed mozilla-plugin-gnash. after playing with it, i removed it and reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree. sound in flash is not working for me if a multimedia program such as rhythmbox since i did so. i'm using hardy.. any help? [00:54] *such as rhythmbox is open at the same time [00:56] any thoughts? ._. [01:02] hm [01:02] is pulseaudio support broken for now or i'm just unlucky? [01:41] hi all [01:42] quick question [01:42] in gutsy and hardy we are using the new autoconfig X configuration [01:42] when you change graphics cards how do you get the reconfiguration to look at your hardware again [01:43] I new three months ago but forgot :-( [01:45] I guess the best way to ask the question is "how do you force bulletproof-X to reconfigure your hardware"? [01:51] where can I get applets for awn that's in the repos? [02:01] I'm having trouble getting Rhythmbox to play. I get debug output as shown here: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/52515/ === bigon is now known as bigon` === Pricey is now known as PriceChild === kalpik_ is now known as kalpik [04:07] Wow, I just tried OSSv4 just for the heck of it, and boy is it complicated. [04:07] It leaves figuring out pin configs entirely up to the user. [04:08] So you can screw around with line-in and line-out, but at the same time, you HAVE to figure out what the heck they mean by 'front pink' and 'front blue' and 'front green' [04:08] (Neither of my two jacks is colored.) [04:11] alsa seems to work best for me [04:11] alows me to configure all my output/input stuff [04:11] ona a 7.1 hdsoundcard [04:11] I can't set "line in as output" or "mic as output" on my hda-intel. [04:12] pulse audio only alows me to change the output levels of one [04:12] I also can't get any capture at all on it. [04:12] lol [04:12] In fact, it doesn't even manage to capture 'NOTHING'. [04:12] and alsa? [04:13] Instead, it merely hangs. [04:13] Even with just bare ALSA, I mean. [04:14] and how about pulse? that work for u? [04:16] Yeah. [04:16] I have three audio devices, though I normally use only two. [04:17] Onboard audio for system and web stuff, and for when 'on the go'. [04:17] Cardbus Audigy for music, and USB sound card for voice chat (though I have yet to actually voice-chat with anyone...) [04:18] Though the auto-restore-stream-to-device on hotplug doesn't work with Exaile. [04:25] what do u use for voice chat? [04:25] waiting for banter or empathy myself [04:38] Hmm, ekiga is the only one I remember well, and I don't remember how well it gets along with PulseAudio. === BaD-Laptop is now known as BaD-AcerLaptop [06:01] Hey guys wanted to say that I did try hardy for a while but the one big issue for me was that wacom tablet driver was a bit messed up [06:01] Oh yeah, if it's USB, then you can use that thingy in Virtualbox, too! [06:01] I use dual monitors but the tablet driver only allowed the cursor to work on th primary monitor [06:01] Nice safe way of testing. [06:02] Oh, dual monitors with Virtualbox? Beats me how you'd do that. [06:02] DanaG, well as soon as the wacom tablet driver is fixed i will go ahead and reinstall hardy [06:02] there are few other bugs I believe I have already reported though [06:17] is it possible to get networkmanager to deassociate with an AP without actually disabling the interface? [06:17] not that I'm aware. [06:18] nm-tool perhaps? [06:18] or maybe if you send it a message [06:18] via dbus [06:19] I'd bypass nm altogether and just do it via wpa_cli [06:20] (which, essentially, is what nm does) [06:20] i still dont get the motivation behind nm [06:20] NetworkManager is buggy after suspend and resume. [06:20] I have to kill and restart it. [06:20] nm works fine here [06:20] nm-tool merely provides information [06:21] fedora supposedly has system wide nm networks [06:21] Hmm, what wifi card? I have iwl3945. [06:21] I'm not using hardy's kernel, however [06:21] heh [06:21] But also, I do pass "qos_enable=1" and "hwcrypto=1" to the module. [06:21] ( [06:21] wpa_cli doesn't work either [06:21] hardy's kernel finally mounts my sd card [06:21] Oh yeah, did you see my earlier comments about OSS? [06:21] 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01) [06:22] It gave me a bit of a new appreciation for the fiddlyness of HD Audio devices. [06:22] first time since like 2.6.15 [06:22] not sure what you mean by "OSS" or "fiddlyness of HD Audio" [06:22] pwnguin, what are system wide nm networks? [06:22] OSSv4, the third-party sound system. It gives manual control of pin settings, but names things only by color. [06:23] UnNaturalHigh: as in default networks that the entire system can use [06:23] you have manual control of pins with ALSA, too [06:23] before anyone logs in [06:23] ahhh [06:23] you just need debug enabled in the kernel config [06:23] pwnguin, I just wish I could disconnect from the network [06:23] ALSA is a real PITA, as is OSSv4, as is ... [06:25] The actual device? [06:25] what do you mean? [06:26] for ALSA, you need hwdep and debug both enabled [06:26] I was guessing at what the ellipsis led to. [06:26] oh, I'm alluding to every existing sound subsystem [06:26] Aah. [06:27] this is so annoying [06:27] i cant log in with my normal user [06:27] as it crashes X [06:28] Try logging into terminal and running gnome-session from there. [06:28] what? [06:28] crashes [06:28] as in, coredump [06:28] segfault [06:28] Even failsafe-terminal? [06:28] Perhaps a .X(something) file is messed up, or something. [06:29] i guess that works [06:29] but the xorg backtrace i got last time was pretty clear that it was a null pointer [06:30] Do you have compiz enabled? If so, easy temporary fix: sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz [06:30] Makes it not executable. [06:30] compiz works for the other user [06:30] and i dont think so [06:31] if i log in via failsafe-terminal, running gnome-session there crashes it [06:31] I disable DRI so compiz's not even an option [06:33] hmm [06:33] .xsession errors has some interesting parts [06:39] ah [06:39] ive been going about this wrong [06:39] i just need to load the core file, and i guess the default size is now zero [06:51] pwnguin: just set it to unlimited [06:52] `ulimit -c unlimited` [06:53] crimsun: that doesnt seem to be doing the trick =( [06:53] i smoke a hardy [06:53] i still get 0 length core dumps [06:54] pwnguin: are you executing the app from the tty in which that ulimit is set? [06:54] im calling init.d gdm restart [06:56] but hey, at least network manager isnt working anymore after that last update [06:58] * DanaG wonders if networkmanager would, ironically, work better with broadcom than with Intel. [07:01] hmm. [config/hal] couldn't initialise context (null) ((null)) [07:01] that sounds not good [07:04] DanaG: it does [07:04] After all that about Intel being better? Wow, that IS (at least marginally) funny. [07:05] something is garbage on the RT kernel [07:05] anyone up for helping me with compiz & fglrx? it won't enable for some reason. Xorg.0.log says composite is enabled. no obvious errors in there about aiglx or composite or anything else. [07:06] i would say the whole molnar patch is garbage [07:06] i keep hearing people saying sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz [07:06] DanaG: I don't know if I can make a blanket statement. IME, however, b43 is as reliable as ipw2200. [07:06] compiz has execute ? so that's all good ? [07:06] -x is to make it NOT executable. [07:06] donno [07:08] DarkMageZ: and what happens exactly if you try to run compiz --replace ? [07:09] alteregolio: ...or you could tell him how it is, and he can work to fix it. [07:09] crdlb, http://pastebin.ca/862681 [07:11] so how critical is HAL to network connectivity? [07:12] DarkMageZ: twice isn't enough :) [07:12] it needs to appear three times in glxinfo to "count" [07:12] so you do not have texture_from_pixmap [07:12] pwnguin: pretty critical if you use nm. Completely non-critical if you don't use nm. [07:13] DarkMageZ: what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' say? [07:13] hmm, but i've managed to get this version of fglrx working before. [07:13] direct rendering: Yes [07:13] hmm [07:13] crimsun: so next question. where do the ifconfig definitions come from? [07:13] !info xserver-xorg-core hardy [07:13] xserver-xorg-core: Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1~git20080105-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 3987 kB, installed size 10908 kB [07:13] ah [07:13] you're out of luck [07:14] who broke what where? [07:14] fglrx does not support AIGLX on xorg-server 1.4 [07:14] use Xgl, or go back to gutsy if you want to use compiz [07:14] ah. well then... time for me to revert xserver-xorg-core [07:14] O_o I really wouldn't suggest that [07:14] so it was /etc/network/interface [07:14] pwnguin: ...ifconfig definitions? used by which tool? [07:15] crdlb, why? [07:15] ifconfig, and ifupdown ;) [07:15] but ive figured it out [07:15] pwnguin: ifconfig doesn't care about /etc/network/interfaces. [07:15] well it wasnt showing anything but lo [07:15] only ifup/ifdown and nm do [07:16] right, because anything enabled in /e/n/i will not be managed by nm [07:16] well, close enough [07:16] (that's how static configs in nm work) [07:16] DarkMageZ: because that's a somewhat critical system package with lots of interactions with many other important packages? [07:17] sounds like fun. i'm going to do it. [07:17] i just forgot that when i tried to change the file i was using a user without sudo =( [07:18] hmm, maybe not. this would mean reverting to a package that's over 2 months old. [07:18] hardweed is great === awalton__dos is now known as awalton__ [07:38] cute, it seems that "erasor" is the device segfaulting X [07:54] how long before they stop adding new packages to hardy heron? [07:55] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule [07:55] feature freeze is about a month from now [07:56] but i think it's already past new package freeze [07:56] fortunately, you can always request an exception [07:57] heh, I doubt they will accept I want aircrack-ng because it supports packet injection for my b43/b43legacy for a package [07:57] maybe if I slightly reword it [07:58] is aircrack-ng already in the archive with an old version? [07:58] well to be honest I am not even sure aircrack-ng will have the next version out by the time feature freeze happens [07:59] currently it is only supported from svn [08:01] 'sides, injection is evil ;) [08:01] not really, it does have practical uses [08:01] you need packet injection for penetration testing of any sort [08:02] heh, penetration is such a great [08:03] im thinking if you need that, just use a ppa [08:03] ppa? [08:03] personal package archive [08:03] one thing I have not learnt how to do yet is package deb's [08:03] * UnNaturalHigh still thinks ebuild's and PKGBUILD's are easier [08:04] when I looked at the wiki on making a deb there is so many things to add to produce a good deb file [08:04] tedious imho [08:04] most of that is for main archive quality [08:05] is there a good article on just making a quick deb package? [08:05] that you know of [08:05] the packaging guide section on cdbs [08:05] if you like ebuilds [08:06] no, the new packages freeze has been absorbed into feature freeze for 8.04 [08:06] we continue to process new source packages [08:07] crimsun, are you a developer? [08:07] yes. [08:07] still, i doubt anyone's gonna pull from a cvs [08:07] pwnguin: it happens regularly [08:08] see that gcc-4.2 package you've installed? It's a snapshot. [08:08] for the most important core stuff, sure [08:08] crimsun, where would I make such a request for a feature to be pulled from svn or would I have to make a patch and submit it? [08:08] same for linux, etc. [08:08] UnNaturalHigh: a debdiff is appreciated. [08:09] pulling from svn is usually a sign that you'll be following the package closely, from what ive observed [08:10] yes, that's generally the case. [08:10] e.g., compiz [08:10] aircrack-ng | 1:1.0~beta1-1 | hardy/universe | source, amd64, i386, powerpc [08:10] what specifically do you need with it, UnNaturalHigh? [08:11] well I have yet to test the svn as I am just compiling it but it is supposed to have support for packet injection on b43/b43legacy drivers [08:12] this might be more something though in line with nUbuntu [08:16] UnNaturalHigh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#head-b205c74e27fe15e79e10c9e7f14d3cdfb359d81d [08:16] thanks, I will read it over before I fall asleep [08:16] * UnNaturalHigh is out [08:17] gnight gents [08:31] urg, late. === Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_ [10:18] heya [10:18] how do i update kubuntu to alpha3? [10:19] is there a command line option like in kubuntu? :) [10:19] like in ubuntu* [10:22] eh, damn kde4 bugs :D ... [10:27] hi [10:27] how I should install nvidia restricted drivers in hardy ? In system settings, under advanced tab, there is no option for restricted drivers [10:36] so kde4 is in hardy? === ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFCLI [10:38] yes [11:11] Hi! [12:20] hi all [12:54] does anyone know what would cause severely reduced download speeds compared to gutsy over wlan? [12:55] using an rt73 card [13:01] nm, found the bug in launchpad [13:24] hi, I've searched launchpad but I cant see any bug exactly like mine and would like to discuss it a bit if possible before filing: using i386 alternative CD, if I setup an encrypted partition, once I'm done and it goes on formatting etc installation stalls [13:24] opening a second shell I can see S partman processes [13:25] installing with the desktop CD or alternate with no encryption will work fine [13:28] another weird thing is, out of 5 boot from CD only one or two will have my keyboard working. cant see anything about this either [13:31] what kind of keyboard? [13:31] ps2 or usb? [13:37] urgh, apparently I failed badly at describing my system, sorry. this is on a macbook santarosa. they keyboard also fails with the desktop CD but never fails again during system usage [13:38] one problem is, the alternate CD doesnt have a countdown so you cant just wait [14:54] who was asking about installing with encryption problems? [14:54] spike? === bigon` is now known as bigon [14:57] cwillu__: I was yes [14:59] I was just reading through the latest updates [15:00] there was some changes re: loopback device installations, not quite sure what it was about [15:01] might want to try a nightly cd image [15:01] cwillu__: ok, will do, thank you [15:03] altho I was just trying with a gutsy alternate CD and I have the exact same problem :/. I wonder if it's something up with creating encrypted volumes as manual partitioning. I have several boxes installed with encrypted root but I always used the guided "encrypted lvm" [15:03] now I need to save the osx partition so I cant use that :/ [15:04] and there's no "encrypted lvm using free space" [15:11] How do you change the gdm theme? [15:23] !themes | sajes [15:23] sajes: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [15:23] sajes: I believe you just drag and drop onto the theme manager === amblin_ is now known as amblin === bigon is now known as bigon` [16:32] This is probably not Hardy specific at all, but I'm running GNOME and for some reason pure QT apps have totally different font settings (not seemingly controlable through kcontrol either). KDE apps are fine, as controlled by kcontrol. What's up? I Googled but nothing even remotely relevant came up. === gourdin is now known as gourdinho === gourdinho is now known as gourdin [16:34] Meh, found out QT has a seperate control utility (qtconfig) === bigon` is now known as bigon [16:51] hi [16:52] Some windows (xchat at the moment) are losing name, and have the time to replace it [16:52] is it a known bug ? === bigon is now known as bigon` [16:58] So Dapper>Hardy is definitely going to happen, right? [16:59] You know there is a few versions between dapper and hardy :) [16:59] yes, I do. [16:59] I just kept the LTS version [16:59] because it was LTS [17:00] but yes hardy will be LTS [17:01] But will Dapper>Hardy be supported? [17:01] And if you never saw any version since Dapper, you will have a lot of good surprise :) [17:02] the update should work yep [17:02] and some kind of re-installation shoud be a good idea [17:03] magnetik, nope, I haven't seen (or really looked at screencaps) of any version since dapper. [17:04] wow [17:04] it'll be an amazing experience [17:04] no idea for my bug ? [17:04] I wanna post it [17:05] burner, so I hear [17:05] magnetik: what do you mean by "losing name"? [17:07] crdlb, you know in the bar at the bottom on the screen ? [17:07] the taskbar I suppose [17:07] syntaxerror55: yes, 6.06>8.04 is explicitly supported [17:08] crimsun, good. :D [17:08] For example, atm, I have GIMP opened, and a few minutes ago, the name wasn't gimp but "18:08:04" (and counting) [17:09] err that's really odd [17:09] do you still have the clock in the normal place too? [17:10] yep [17:10] it happens with random window [17:10] only once [17:11] http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/3564/capture3lz4.png screenshot here [17:12] i'm posting on launchpad anyway [17:12] well, an app could decide to set its title to a ticking clock, but that would be rather silly [17:12] it happened with Xchat, gimp and a nautilus folder [17:13] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/184375 [17:13] Launchpad bug 184375 in ubuntu "[Hardy] Window's name replaced by time in taskbar" [Undecided,New] [17:13] exactly :) [17:14] (Does the bot follows the link or post everytime a bug in filled in ?) [17:14] in this channel, yes [17:19] hi all [17:19] hi [17:20] I have a weird problem. When the session start, the gnome panel disappear. I have to open a terminal, kill gnome-panel e it start again. But after a while it disappear again... [17:20] where I can find a log, or there is a way to start it in verbose mode? [17:20] *is there [17:30] the gnome-panel process is still running, but I cannot see it === bigon` is now known as bigon === bigon is now known as bigon` === Skiessl is now known as Skiessi [19:14] i have to hand write my xorg.conf file do get my video working right in ubuntu Hardy. how can I find out what to use for the settings for my laptops display. the only things I know are color depth and resolution. [19:18] can anyone with Nvidia GeForce Go 6100 or 6150 on a laptop, and able to use 3d acceleration, please pastebin me their xorg.conf? [19:19] !pastebin [19:19] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [19:20] Why are you handwriting it? DOes EDID not work, or something? [19:20] well, anyway, I have a Go 7600, posted at www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/xorg.conf --- note that if EDID works properly, you really shouldn't need to manually specify things such as resolutions. [19:49] anyone else seeing this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/176392 [19:49] Launchpad bug 176392 in ubuntu ""Sans Italic" is noticably thinner than "Sans"" [Undecided,Confirmed] === jacobmp92 is now known as jacob === amblin is now known as resultsbot [21:31] If you dont use the source packages [21:31] can you comment them out? [21:31] all i ever use are the debs.... i think [21:32] hey, im on a live cd atm trying to do a chroot/upgrade on the local system [21:32] but i get 96% [Working]FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor [21:33] when i try to update, how can i fix it and sorry for abuse of enter key === ajmorris|AFCLI is now known as ajmorris [23:22] hello there, what the "punctuation" means on aptitude? [23:34] I mean aptitude scores, what do they mean?