[00:25] sommer: haven't tried it yet. I'm lazy and was waiting for a downloadable image - got one? [00:26] * nealmcb is surprised at the slowness of sugar === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [01:53] nealmcb: nope, no image... I'm not really sure how to make one? [02:12] hello [02:16] I would like to install Zend Framework. [02:17] I have a working Apache / PHP / MySQL already. [02:17] Naturally, I don't want to mess anything up. Any hints/tips? [02:17] By default, it wants to install Apache for you, but I think I can turn that off. [02:46] my ssh and apache server starts each time i boot up my os. How to disable that [02:49] whats the os and version? ;) [02:50] thomas_newbie__: in direct answer for apache: /etc/default/apache2 [02:51] thomas_newbie__: and for ssh touch /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run [02:56] kgoetz: whats the second one? [02:56] kgoetz: why do I create a file? [02:56] so /etc/default/ is all startup config? [02:56] no its not [02:56] its where some tools put startup settinsg [02:57] look at /etc/init.d/ssh for why you touch teh 2nd file [02:57] kgoetz: but what would that do? that wouuld create an empty file.... [02:59] yes it would [02:59] read the init script? 13:27 < kgoetz> look at /etc/init.d/ssh for why you touch teh 2nd file [02:59] kgoetz: ohhh i see [02:59] i just read the script [03:00] kgoetz: dude though how would I know what settings are in each config file....? how do I know where to look for any other services besides ssh? [03:01] thomas_newbie__: depends what you want to know [03:02] kgoetz: so in the future where do I look? look in the init.d/ folders config files? [03:02] thomas_newbie__: depends what you want to know [03:02] :S [03:02] its something you find out with time, mostly. [03:02] i see...its done the hard way :S [03:03] welcome to life :D [03:03] kgoetz: hey btw I was looking to set up UML for a honeypot, what do you think? [03:03] perhaps it could be documented as part of the process installing docs. [03:03] thomas_newbie__: why? [03:03] kgoetz: for learning purposes...that's a good idea right? [03:04] learn to drive your own server, before asking people to screw you over [03:07] kgoetz: no but I would screw myself over....see how to break into my own system [03:08] thomas_newbie__: 'no'. theres constructive ways to learn, which dont involve making yourself a target [03:10] hmm...i mean basically I would be pretending to be a client trying to break into my own server, That can be educational right? [03:11] ah... you want to honeypot yourself? [03:11] seems a somewhat nonsense way to do it. [03:12] lol [03:12] kgoetz: so you disaprove? its stupid, i found the user-mode linux kernel on the ubuntu package search but it diesn't fine it in adept manager [03:13] thomas_newbie__: set a goal, decide what you want the system to do, then work towards it [03:14] kgoetz: i mean i have 2 servers, I just odn't know if they're safe enough....Doubt it.... [03:15] thomas_newbie__: first of all what do they do, and what do you want them to be safe from? [03:18] kgoetz: apache2 webserver. I am only using it mainly for learning purposes. I am thinking of maybe setting up an authentication or some kind. My teacher said using PAM and perhaps using it for logging aswell. I also want to be sure that I will be safe from the outside world when experimenting with my server. I don't want to jeopardize my other computer on MY LAN. Also i have an SSH server that is [03:18] just there for now....... [03:22] apache isnt a particularly problem prone bit of software [03:22] its more what you run in apache that will cause issues [03:22] as for pam, yeah, you could backend on it [03:23] i have done it [03:25] what do you man backend [03:25] authenticate against [03:29] kgoetz: I'm thinking of changing default port 80 to something else for security...What is a good port #? [03:31] you wont gain security from it [03:31] kgoetz: most people expect all webservers to be port 80... [03:31] thomas_newbie__: look into 'security by obscurity' [03:51] kgoetz: well i've been reading [03:51] kgoetz: and what exactly did you mean of security through obscurity [03:51] kgoetz: the fact that I'm ignoring everything else and just changing the port # as a quick fix? [03:52] thomas_newbie__: basically, yes [03:58] kgoetz: can i ask you one more question [03:59] sure [03:59] kgoetz: if you don't think I should learn by using UML, then what should i learn next? Conserning my Webserver however [04:00] thomas_newbie__: learn something thats useful to you - make the system do what you want it to. [04:00] as you learn more you can try and make it do different things [04:01] shall I try to use PHP adn PERL? [04:01] what do you want to do? [04:02] * kgoetz doesnt use either [04:02] secure the server [04:02] loggi [04:04] you don't use PHP for your webserver? [04:04] kgoetz: [04:05] not at home, at work we run (eg) mediawiki, an dneed it for that === ember_ is now known as ember [09:49] I would appreciate it if someone could have a look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CalendarServer and finish it. What's necessary, is making a user for it, scripts for /etc/init.d and scripts to run it at boot and shut it down with the system. === ember_ is now known as ember [15:28] hum, i just installed request tracker to try it out, but have no idea what port / address i need to type in to get up the web interface [15:28] anyone happen to know ? [15:28] i thought it was /rt [15:29] http://localhost/rt? [15:29] just tried that nothing [15:29] this is straight from gutsy repo version 3.6 [15:30] its a real shame they dont put a note in the descriptions of these packages with how to access the web interfaces [15:31] i hit this problem far to often :p [15:31] oly-: have you seen this guide: http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/UbuntuInstallGuide [15:32] oly-: on my installation I created a vhost and I simply go to the "ServerName" directive [15:32] nope thxs that looks like it will ansswer my question :) [15:32] well usually the deb files do all that for you [15:33] oly-: np, basically create a new vhost pointing the DocumentRoot to /usr/share/request-tracker3.6/html/ [15:33] oly-: ya, but with webapps it's more open to the admins preferences I think [15:33] okay will do thxs for that info :) [15:33] welcome [15:33] i am all for that but a default setup is nice [15:34] i only want to give it a quick try to see if its any good [15:34] oly-: I've found it to be great, as a help desk anyway [15:35] cool, i mainly need ldap support and a simple interface [15:35] with e-mail support as well for sending in requests [15:35] oly-: LDAP is a little tricky, but the RT wiki has instructions [15:36] and email support works great as well :) [15:36] yeah LDAPs often tricky lol [15:41] hi everybody! [15:41] does anyone use ldap + phpldapadmin? [15:42] I'm getting the message "Could not start TLS. Please check your LDAP server configuration." [15:42] pubo: is your LDAP server using STARTTLS? [15:43] uhm, I'm not sure, but if I do "ldapsearch -x -Z" the output is correct [15:43] sommer, /etc/init.d/slapd starttls? [15:44] pubo: ah you should be good then... can you login using TLS, I guess should have been my question :) [15:45] and netstat says: *:ldaps *:* LISTEN 8017/slapd, so I thought slapd is correctly configurated [15:45] was [15:46] pubo: in your config.php do you have: $ldapservers->SetValue($i,'server','tls', true); ? [15:47] yes, but if I change it to false, then everything goes right [15:47] pubo: is your ldap server using a self-signed cert? [15:48] I made my self CA, and then I created a certificate and signed it [15:48] ah you might try adding 'TLS_REQCERT never' to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and see if works with 'tls', true [15:49] with Common Name = server.domain.es [15:49] Hi, I'm running postfix on ubuntu-server and I'd like to get reports on the how much traffic is going through. Are there specific packages that you would recommend? [15:49] sommer, I'm goin to... :) [15:50] nothing :"( [15:52] pubo: MMMmmm... I'm pretty sure that's what worked for me, another thing you can try is run a packet sniffer (like wireshark) and see where the LDAP communication is failing [15:53] pubo: also try running slapd from the console with a high debug ouput: slapd -h "ldap:// ldaps://" -d -1 -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf [15:54] I was doing that xD. Please, take a look at: [15:54] tls_read: want=5 error=Resource temporarily unavailable [15:54] TLS trace: SSL_accept:error in SSLv3 read certificate verify A [15:55] pubo: does slapd have permission to read the cert? [15:55] yes, I changed the permissions to 755 [15:55] Do you want I post in pastebin the whole auth log? [15:56] sure [15:56] http://pastebin.com/m7c399685 [15:59] pubo: I think you have tls started [16:00] are you running phpldapadmin on the same host as your ldap server? [16:01] yes, but I'm trying to login from another PC as the server doesn't have any browser installed [16:02] pubo: gotcha [16:02] really?!! [16:03] heh, I understand your setup now anyway... you tried the TLS_REQCERT option on the phpldapadmin server, correct? [16:04] uhm, don't know xDD. I'm very noob in ldap :) [16:05] I only want to configure ldap to use TLS, and manage it with phpldapadmin. But I'd like the client-server authentication were through TLS [16:06] pubo: sure, the TLS_REQCERT option in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf determines whether or not the LDAP client verifies the servers certificate [16:08] sommer, in both archives (slapd.conf and ldap.conf) I't set TLS_REQCERT never [16:09] pubo: and still not working? [16:10] no :( [16:14] ufff, that's stressing xD [16:16] sommer, in login DN should I have something like cn=admin,dc=server,dc=es ? [16:16] pubo: in your phpldapadmin config.php? [16:17] no, in the login dialog at phpldapadmin page [16:17] ah, in my install I do [16:17] I did not made any change in config.php [16:18] did make... sorry (spanish) xDD [16:18] okay, I login to phpldapadmin using the full dn [16:19] but I also bind with the full dn in config.php [16:19] ok, I'm going to try it [16:23] hello. i have a question about pxe servers === \sh_away is now known as \sh [16:24] :'''( [16:24] i have configured my ubuntu linux install with tftpd and downloaded the network boot image and started the daemon... [16:25] then i added the servername as the tftp server on my windows dhcp server... [16:26] problem.. every tutorial i have found say use the dhcp server as your pxe server but they dont say how to configure the dhcp server specificly if your pxe server is somewhere else. [16:28] pubo: are you using port 389 in your config.php? [16:29] sommer, nop, 636 :S [16:30] pubo: you might try 389... TLS works over the default port, 636 is for SSL IIRC [16:30] Error message from phpldapadmin: "LDAP said: Operations error". And google get no results.. ¿?¿??¿ [16:31] pubo: when using 389? [16:32] every time. Using it and with 636 port :( [16:32] so you tried 389? [16:32] I start ldap server with: /usr/sbin/slapd -h ldap:/// ldaps:/// -g openldap -u openldap [16:32] sommer, yes, I've just tried it [16:33] maybe group and user should be www-data? [16:33] pubo: nope openldap is correct user and group [16:34] try adding the -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf option [16:34] just to make sure it's using the correct config file [16:39] no... [16:39] -h 'ldap:/// ldaps:///' (is this correct?) [16:40] pubo: yep [16:40] sommer, do you have installed ldap on your pc? Could you send me the configs? [16:41] pubo: sure, I'll pastebin [16:43] http://pastebin.com/m11c956c7 [16:43] this is my TLS config and ldapsearch output [16:47] pubo: here's mine: http://pastebin.com/m7020400 [16:47] it's migrated from a redhat config so some things may not be 100% the same [16:52] :O [16:53] oops, it's working now. [16:53] no, but... [16:53] I changed my slapd.conf to TLSCertificateFile /etc/ssl/empresaCA/newcert.pem [16:53] TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/empresaCA/newreq.pem [16:54] TLSCipherSuite HIGH [16:54] (Removed CA path) [16:55] and now, when I do ldapsearch -x -Z, I get: [16:55] additional info: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed [16:56] I made a wrong certificate? === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [17:49] afternoon [17:57] sommer, are you there? [17:58] sommer, do you remember the guide you read to made ldap on your network? [17:58] just got back [17:59] yep: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/ldapsa/ [18:19] oki, thanks a million :) [18:21] pubo: np, it feels like you're really close though [18:23] I must make a mistake in somewhere. I've just tried to implement ldapserver with phpldapadmin and TLS in a VMWARE virtual machine, and this time everything has gone right, so I think I will start from the beggining :) [18:27] pubo: ah... sometimes that works best :-) [18:36] hi all [18:37] how can i list the unfformated newly added drives to my machine? [18:38] i tried df command but only shows formated and mounted drives [18:39] pubo: you can look though dmesg... dmesg | grep -i sda for example [18:39] woops meant poor_man [18:41] dmesg thats the command [18:41] and the next command to format and mount it [18:42] format it as EXT3, the entire disk and after make a mount [18:43] poor_man: you'll need to create a partition with fdisk... fdisk /dev/sda (or whatever your drive is) [18:43] thanks, lets try that [18:44] poor_man: you might also take a look at this article: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [19:12] soren: now that the alpha3 is out, can you upload Bug #130836 [19:12] Launchpad bug 130836 in apache2 "Specify OpenDocument icon(s) in Apache2 configuration" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130836 [20:41] Anyone running vmware 1.0.4 on Gutsy 32-bit? [20:43] ScatterBrain: i'm running vmware server [20:43] 1.0.4 [20:44] jjesse: on 32-bit Gutsy? [20:44] ScatterBrain: yes [20:45] jjesse: Any hoops you had to jump through? [20:45] ScatterBrain: 1.0.4 build-56528 [20:45] i followed the isntall guide (google vmware install gutsy) [20:45] Or simply d/l the tar ball and install? [20:45] i think its from christer edwards [20:46] http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/11/17/install-vmware-server-on-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-updated/ [20:46] fopund it...reading...thx. [20:47] np [20:57] partner has it [21:08] Nafallo: the parner repos? Has vmware server? [21:09] yes. but correctly spelled. [21:09] heh ;-) [21:09] hmmm... me goes to check that out [21:21] * emgent hi === \sh is now known as \sh_away [21:46] hi [21:48] let's say i installed subversion in a partition of 100Gb, what if the available space becomes unavailable, can i some way join another partition to supply 100Gb more of space for the same subversion repository directory? [21:49] /srv/svn for example is mounted on /dev/hda, can i do something so that the space is merged with /dev/hdb's ? [22:09] jvargas: you need to use lvm to do that kind of partition management. [22:12] mathiaz: already using LVS [22:12] but the filesystem auto resizes ? [22:17] jvargas: you can resize ext3 filesystem - have a look at resize2fs [22:30] i'm trying to preseed network info from the boot line but i'm having trouble (i think) with sourcing confmodule in my early script. anyone familiar with that? [22:41] XiXaQ: I'm poking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CalendarServer Thanks!! I would think that recurring events are possible with webcal also? Specifying the format of the files (ical?) would help. [22:42] or perhaps a reference to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webcal [22:43] irissssh