[00:00] slave [00:00] not cs [00:00] nickrud, gnoift, ty checking now. [00:00] right click -> disable "Lock to panel" and then Right Click -> Move; then put your cursor upon the field and drag [00:00] gnoift: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical will return the xorg.conf to default parameters [00:00] spencer: do you have any experience with the terminal? [00:00] i started my ubuntu 7.10 yesterday, and i had a bunch of updates (wasnt using it for some weeks)... those updates screwed my ubuntu install completelly, it won't boot anymore! when selecting the OS in grub i get this error: "Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format" [00:00] ya [00:00] okay then [00:00] Toaster`: can you relogin to the machine and use the -X flag with ssh? [00:00] even the recovery mode!! [00:01] ArthurArchnix, no i'll explain again [00:01] imaginator the software that came with it, (maxtor hd) will format it, but i want it ext3 not ntfs [00:01] * ArthurArchnix puts on listening cap. [00:01] rredd4: are you using the kind of cables that have a notch, or making sure the red line is on the proper side, so that the cable is connected properly? I wonder, do you see an sdb in the dmesg? [00:01] is there a way i can change permissions of a file? === elliot_ is now known as LupinZX [00:01] !chmod > Aeleon (Aeleon, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:01] imaginator the windows software does see the drive [00:01] nickrud: ta, did now know that :-) [00:01] thanks a lot, LjL. [00:01] rredd4: ok [00:01] Aeleon: chmod 777 filename to give it complete full permission (probably dont want to do that ;) ) [00:02] anyone?? === Ttech is now known as The_doctor [00:02] gnoift: I've already done that. I could restart session of the same programs, but I'd rather just re-attach then to the local x session. I'm thinking of somehting like screen, but for x servers [00:02] could i get one of those chmod pms === The_doctor is now known as Ttech [00:02] imaginator sdb attached scsi disk <-- that is what dmesg says [00:02] spencer70: just type /msg ubotu chmod [00:02] !bot > spencer70 (spencer70, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:02] nickrud, gnoift: hm, that is a first. My xorg.conf has *NO* resolutions listed whatsoever. I can pastebin the xorg.conf if you don't believe me. :P [00:02] Aeleon: sudo chmod ugao+-rwx , user group all others plus-minus read write execute <-- all you need to know [00:02] ArthurArchnix, gutsy installed fine ..booted into linux (thru grub)..things seemed fine there..then rebooted into windows (thru grub)..windows booted fine..now when I rebooted..I never got to the grub display screen..it always keeps rebooting before it shows the options menu [00:02] haha, thanks, Ubuntu-fan, it's going to get deleted as soon as i transfer it. [00:02] sp0ro: yeah, that's common now, X is getting smarter. [00:02] which driver should i install for nvidi [00:02] which driver should i install for nvidia [00:02] thanks, nickrud! [00:02] ? [00:02] !nvidia > Kibble_ (Kibble_, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:03] rredd4: ok. try parted /dev/sdb or gparted (though I haven't used gparted that you mentioned) [00:03] sp0ro: hm. nvidia? [00:03] ArthurArchnix, I get the 'loading grub 1.5' message and it reboots again [00:03] gnoift: Nope, ATI. [00:03] Aeleon: learning the numbers will sometimes be useful for complex perms that a simple letter usage won't though === jabagawe1 is now known as jabagawee [00:03] !fixgrub [00:03] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [00:03] rredd4: you'll also need to use sudo probably with that command [00:03] Toaster`: so let me get this right, you want to forward a already existing and running x progs to another X display somewhre else? [00:03] arag0rn: Ah... ok... and you've confirmed that the hard-drive connection hasn't come loose? [00:03] gnoift: exactly [00:04] no..windows (when it boots) works fine [00:04] imaginator i am in parted, next command please! [00:04] /msg ubotu flash [00:04] arag0rn: But when you choose ubuntu it just reboots? [00:04] to run an executable script in cron do i just type the/path/toscript.sh? [00:04] ArthurArchnix, infact i installed gutsy twice ..and confirmed the problem [00:04] ArthurArchnix, no.. I never get to choose [00:04] Toaster`: nope... there's no way to do that that i know of.. [00:05] nickrud, gnoift: Going to try uninstalling and reinstalling the restricted ATI drivers for my card and see if that works. brb [00:05] ArthurArchnix, it reboots before I can choose [00:05] qwaz: well you need to tell cron when to run the script and such as well [00:05] imaginator mkfs .dev/sdb ? [00:05] ArthurArchnix, so I cant even choose windows [00:05] oh my god is this ever going to work?!?!?! [00:05] rredd4: erm try help :) you'll want to do mkfs or mkpart [00:05] hey [00:05] sp0ro: just a sec [00:05] How would I go about making sure that my "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller" has the latest driver(s)? [00:05] arag0rn: So let me get this straight... it just keeps rebooting, over and over, but sometimes it will boot windows? [00:05] gnoift: ahh shoot. ok, I'll keep trying the web searches. Thanks! [00:05] kitche: yeah, that part i got...but im having trouble getting it to launch my dumb little script [00:05] rredd4: there's a manual for parted. man parted should help too [00:05] cheatr [00:05] mnemonica: i don't believe that driver is available yet.... coudl be wrong though... [00:05] kitche: most of the cron jobs i already have are just to run gui apps [00:05] FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [00:05] !intel [00:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:06] Toaster`: dude, if you find a way, pm me - there's really no way that i know of unless you using a citrix server [00:06] !language [00:06] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. === unagi is now known as MrUnagi [00:06] !language | haln [00:06] haln: please see above [00:06] :D hi ubuntooz ^__^ [00:06] gnoift: Ok, will hold on. :) [00:06] gnoift: will do! [00:06] I am looking for pointers on hosting multiple sites [00:06] !language | Hal9000 [00:06] Hal9000: please see above [00:06] rredd4: little late.. :) [00:06] qwaz: you could put MAILTO="user" to make sure the application runs :) but of course you need sendmail installed or something along those lines I believe [00:06] lol [00:06] I had to change teh default file in sites-avail to get one site to owrk [00:06] IndyGunFreak: Alright... Well... Where would you suggest I look? [00:07] sp0ro, have you used the system, admin, screens/graphics and installed a screen? [00:07] ArthurArchnix, not exactly ..things work fine till I boot into windows ..the next time I reboot grub seems messed up and it keeps rebooting over and over again [00:07] <|l337_n166a|> I figured out what's happening with my disappearing windows --> the GL desktop and the 2d pager are running seperately, but at the same time - so i have to disable one of them. Any suggestions? [00:07] mnemonica: they're not available yet.. i don't know where you'd look. [00:07] kitche: im confused...wasn't asking about mail :) [00:07] IndyGunFreak: Alright. [00:07] you can try google, but everytime i search it, it says its a waiting pattern... [00:07] <|l337_n166a|> heh, nvidia with twinview support? [00:07] can anyone here help me with an apache config question? [00:07] qwaz: cron can send you emails about the stuff it runs it sends the output of the script to you in an email [00:08] <|l337_n166a|> gnoift: nah, is intel onboard laptop [00:08] mnemonica: for what its wortht hough, looks like the driver is being worked on in Hardy, because i booted the Hardy live CD, and was able to run COmpiz. [00:08] kitche: oh ok...duh [00:08] :) [00:08] qwaz: good for debugging :) [00:08] gnoift: It's set on default LCD with 1280x1024 [00:08] linux__: I may be able to. I run apache [00:08] what is the name of the compiz plugins that when going to one corner of the screen all the windows are arranged just like macosx does [00:08] cool [00:08] is there a console-video player? [00:08] kitche: yes, you're exactly right...just fired up mutt and got plenty of needed info [00:08] kitche: thanks for your help man :) [00:08] Is windows setup for software raid? [00:08] how do I set up apache2 to run multiple sites? The docRoot only points to one site? [00:08] arag0rn: see above [00:08] sp0ro, select the generic resolution screen? [00:09] gnoift: Going to try Monitor 1280x1024 and see if that fixes the problem [00:09] Can anyone help me to get 1440x900 resolution with intel graphics card [00:09] gnoift: Yes [00:09] ArthurArchnix, no [00:09] is there a console-video player? [00:09] gnoift: I'll brb, this might have been an easier fix than I thought. [00:09] linux__: you want virtual hosts? [00:09] anyone have experience with airsnort ? [00:09] yes! [00:09] How do I set that up? [00:09] Moduliz0r: yes , mplayer with some plugs that will make it in console [00:09] arag0rn: Are both OS installed to the same hard-drive? [00:09] <|l337_n166a|> is there more than one screen defined in your xorg.conf? [00:09] Qnix: what plugins? [00:09] hi all [00:09] ArthurArchnix, yes, a sata disk [00:10] <|l337_n166a|> gnoift: i'll check, but shouldn't be; maybe i'll restart X... [00:10] Moduliz0r: wait i'll get you a tutorial about it [00:10] Can anyone help me to get 1440x900 resolution with intel graphics card [00:10] how to install adobe flash in ubuntu 7.10 64 bit [00:10] <|l337_n166a|> gnoift: was okay this morning. [00:10] thanks [00:10] linux__: at a guess, as I only run one site, adding a config similar to the default /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default should work, and then run sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart [00:10] Moduliz0r: you welcome ;) [00:10] ok, do I do this every time I set up a site? [00:11] arag0rn: I award you the prize for most intersting problem I've heard this month. Year actually. :) [00:11] linux__: should help you http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/09/setting-up-name-based-virtual-hosting/ [00:11] <|l337_n166a|> gnoift: nah, just the one screen section; i'll close X and restart it, stupid gl desktop/2d pager breaking lol :) [00:11] <|l337_n166a|> bbs. [00:11] cool thx, will take look [00:11] Qnix: when you find a link could you tinyurl it? I'm in irssi so i can't click stuff [00:11] arag0rn: When you remove linux how do you restore windows? (Vista, XP?) Recovery disk, or some third party utility? [00:11] linux__: this may help http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/ [00:11] <|l337_n166a|> that's all i can think of, that and twinview but you're not using that obviously. and i'm sure your DISPLAY in the term is right, if you're starting your apps from one [00:12] ArthurArchnix: It depends on if you dualboot or not. [00:12] hello [00:12] Do you? [00:12] in parted, how do i find out the "number" of my slave hd? mkfs number ext3 [00:12] Hello oskarloko :D [00:12] sdb [00:12] Can someone please explain how to install grub to an external usb floppy drive rather than to the hard disk when installing a fresh copy of ubuntu? [00:12] Thanks guys for all of your help [00:12] I need a little help with CVS [00:12] I am going to do some reading [00:12] rredd4: that would be the partition number [00:12] /dev/hda4 194G 75G 120G 39% /media/storage [00:12] oskarloko: what kind of help? [00:12] err [00:13] arag0rn: We're dealing with a windows problem here. You said you can reboot into linux a number of times. It's only when you choose windows that things get messed up right? [00:13] How do I install back/forward button functionality on my mouse? [00:13] rredd4: print will list the partitions you have created [00:13] I need to checkout a proyect - grub2 - from CVS of Gnu savannah [00:13] http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/grub/ [00:14] so noone here who can help me with airsnort ? :( [00:14] oskarloko: #grub ? [00:14] I have installed cvs [00:14] imaginator for sdb, nothing. its not even formatted to ext3 [00:14] ArthurArchnix, sorry..lost connection..did u reply ? [00:14] <`Matir> Does anyone in here have an environment using LDAP authentication where LDAP users are able to hotplug USB devices? [00:14] imaginator brand new out of the box hd [00:14] rredd4: did you run mkpart? [00:14] i will [00:14] .-.. the problem is that I don't know how to make CVSROOT to checkout the proyect [00:15] it's not a GRUB problem itrself [00:15] anyone know if someone is maintaining the latest SNORT for 710 with the rules? like maybe 2.8? I can dl it but it would be nice if there's already a .DEB out there... [00:15] imaginator and man parted did not help me [00:15] rredd4: hint: you can run mkpart and it will interactively ask you more questions [00:15] arag0rn: Yeah. I asked you to confirm that you can reboot linux, again and again, and its only when you boot windows that things go haywire. [00:15] Can someone please explain how to install grub to an external usb floppy drive rather than to the hard disk when installing a fresh copy of ubuntu? [00:15] cvs checkout CVSROOT === genii_ is now known as genii [00:15] ArthurArchnix, the 2 times I tried it worked..booting into linux that is [00:15] CAN ANYONE HELP ME?? [00:16] arag0rn: I think we're dealing with a windows problem here. Since I've never heard of it I'm gonna assume you have vista? [00:16] !CAPS | Eagle2160 [00:16] what with [00:16] Eagle2160: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [00:16] Eagle2160: with? [00:16] !anyone | Eagle2160 [00:16] Eagle2160: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [00:16] ArthurArchnix, nope.. XP actually [00:16] i need to reinstall unbuntu on my desktop [00:16] aragorn: Do you have the recovery disc for xp? [00:16] you might want to check out howtoforge (www), or the DSL linux project (they have lots of instructions for USB/pen drives) [00:16] Eagle2160: Enter the LiveCD and click install? [00:16] ArthurArchnix, yea I think I should [00:16] I can't fathom what might cause xp to mess with the boot sector. I think you may have a windows virus. [00:16] Eagle2160: pop in the live cd and click install [00:17] arag0rn: See above. [00:17] Eagle2160: ok, so reinstall? [00:17] no i already did that and now it does not give me the regular install optionm [00:17] gnoift - thanks a lot [00:17] and when i log into ubuntu to the desktop page and i click install it wont install [00:17] airsnort... anyone? :-/ [00:17] the original install got screwed up and i need to start from scratch to reinstall it correctly [00:18] Ubuntu-fan, what are you trying to do? [00:18] arag0rn: I suppose it's possible that a third party resize tool like gparted messed up the partition table and windows tries to fix it... if that's the case then using the restore cd to fixmbr and then running a filesystem scan should solve your problems. [00:18] Eagle2160: you installed it from the same LiveCD last time? [00:18] syntacerror yes [00:18] can someone link me to a tut on how to install a mouse with back/forward buttons? [00:18] ubuntu-fan; nah sorry but i know, again howtoforge had a article on normal snort with mysql backend, not sure if it will help but worth a try, in the ubuntu section [00:18] ArthurArchnix, heh..ok..i'll check my system again for viruses..actually I installed XP 3 days ago [00:18] syntaxerror well no i used a different cd [00:18] !mouse | neeto [00:18] neeto: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [00:19] ArthurArchnix, but I havent used anything else [00:19] I just tried the live cd but after the os loaded there were no bars at the top or bottom. Is this normal for the live cd? [00:19] thanks [00:19] arag0rn: Ok.. well then let's rule out virus. [00:19] Eagle2160: Have you tried to use the CD you used the first time? [00:19] !snort | gnoift [00:19] lol [00:19] arag0rn: Use your recovery cd to run fixmbr. Then when windows boots do a scan for and fix file problems on c. You'll need to reboot. [00:19] ArthurArchnix, does having /boot as a logical partition cause problems ? [00:20] PriceChild: Well I heard that WEP isnt secure anymore and now I am trying to see if that is true... so I am basically trying to break into my own network and see how long it takes to get the WEP key... Ive been doing it for a while... but donno when to stop... or if it gets the WEP by itself or if I have to do anything... [00:20] Are you manually creating boot during install? [00:20] ArthurArchnix, no [00:20] Ubuntu, wep takes minutes to crack. [00:20] ik am trying now [00:20] Ubuntu, read whatever documentatino you've been reading and I'm sure it'll tell you. [00:20] Eagle2160: okay. [00:20] ArthurArchnix, while installing I had set ubuntu to use a different logical partition to mount /boot [00:21] Ubuntu-fan, pretty sure you also don't need to stop the sniffing before trying the cracking [00:21] arag0rn: I don't know. My best guess is no. Grub puts info into the MBR after that, logical or primary wouldn't matter much. [00:21] PriceChild: minutes!? I have been running the software for like almost an hour... have like 60000 packets... and the PW HEX / ASCII field is still empty... I even changed our key to something really simple as in 2233.... etc. [00:21] gnoift: yeah... didn't change anything after X restarted, but I've figured out that the GL desktop is being silly anyway, so i'll just live without it; should make my laptop run a bit cooler anyway! [00:21] PriceChild: Aha... how do I try the cracking ? [00:21] gnoift: thanks for the help anyway :-) [00:22] Ubuntu, read whatever documentation you've already been using [00:22] Mornin boys, I'm on a new install of Gutsy and no matter what I do I can't get flash to install/work with firefox, I can install through the cute firefox prompt, looks like it works but no result, same thing through synaptic [00:22] bye! [00:22] any ideas on why flash doesn't seem to want to work with mozilla? [00:22] Can anyone help? I have to use Thunderbird for mail, but I really miss a notification area or panel new mail notifier, especially when using multiple desktops... I need a biff or mail checker that can work either with IMAP or Maildir++ but it needs to be able to detect mail in any folder as I use maildrop to route mail to folders [00:22] !flash | ThinkingMan [00:22] ThinkingMan: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [00:22] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [00:22] ArthurArchnix, hmm and MBR is present on first sector of each hard disk right ? [00:22] hm. sorry i can't help you there, i'm actually still now sure what the diff is between gldesktop and compiz enabled [00:22] arag0rn: Yup. [00:22] now=not [00:23] PriceChild: Do you know of a good documentation.. I havent really been using one :-/ [00:23] arag0rn: What's the second hd for? [00:23] yeah, I've already been throug what ubotu says [00:23] * ThinkingMan gives the bot a dirty look [00:23] ArthurArchnix, as of now its empty :) [00:23] hi all [00:23] Can someone please explain how to install grub to an external usb floppy drive rather than to the hard disk when installing a fresh copy of ubuntu? i'm not trying to install linux on the usb drive but GRUB ONLY [00:23] ThinkingMan: so you've tried to fix flash the unsupported way? [00:23] ArthurArchnix, I'm thinking of installing ubuntu on that [00:23] ArthurArchnix, now that this doesnt seem to work [00:23] Ubuntu, i don't sorry, and believe it pointless for you to be trying it [00:24] ThinkingMan: just download it from adobe and follow the instructions, takes literall 10-15sec [00:24] I have downloaded both the live CD and the DVD, both autoload within windows but when I use them to bootup (so that I can get on with the installation) they stall.... any1? [00:24] arag0rn: Just to simplify things, why not unplug it completely before re-attempting this. Fixmbr, run a fixdisk scan from within windows. Then install ubuntu. [00:24] IndyGunFreak: I guess I'll try that way [00:24] Oh, and check your installation cd for errors. [00:24] ThinkingMan: its the easiest way, i do it that way, even when the installer is working.. just download the .tar file and follow the instructions [00:24] PriceChild: Why pointless? [00:24] PriceChild, you don't know of anyone maintaining a repo for snort and 710? [00:25] ArthurArchnix, ok.. I'll try that too..that seems a much cleaner approach as well [00:25] 710? [00:25] gnoift, no [00:25] ArthurArchnix, thanks for the help [00:25] Flare183 7.10 [00:25] gnoift are you trying airsnort too ? [00:25] arag0rn: np. good luck. [00:25] I'm running gutsy and am having some issues getting any flash player to work. I have installed every way reccomended and even tried gnash and mozilla still wont load my flash vids. [00:25] ArthurArchnix, it stalls for the too, just says it is loading and then it stalls, does same no matter which option is selected [00:25] Ubuntu-fan, no just snort [00:25] nautilus only shows parts of icons and emblems, some more shows up when i highlight the icon, how do i fix this in feisty? [00:25] gnoift what is that ? [00:25] oh [00:25] eric: have you installed Flash from adobe's site?.. the flash installer is broken [00:26] * ArthurArchnix waves goodbye. [00:26] Ubuntu-fan, snort lets you know if someone is trying to hack into your machine, it looks at network traffic [00:26] archangelpetro, (my drive is also unformated wanted to put it into extention 3 using the live disk).... is that the problem [00:26] ? [00:27] gnoift so basically I counter airsnort ? Or a method to detect attacks used by airsnort and others ? [00:27] is there a program for linux that allows to send messages across local networks to other computers? [00:27] LupinZX: yes.. samba can do that [00:27] if i used wget ot donload something hear is it saved? [00:27] Hey all, Just wondering, Wheres the more specific config for compiz? I just installed and got it all running but theres a few tweaks i wouldnt mind doing and all i can find are the three settings... the none, Some, All sorta thing [00:27] whear* [00:27] LupinZX: samba i think [00:27] can someone help me troubleshoot why i am getting 80mbps transfer over gigE with ubuntu? [00:27] LupinZX: there's also regular mail.. im.. irc etc [00:27] ubuntu-fan; well kinda. it only alerts you. and then you have to read /var/log/snort/alert* [00:28] !linpopup [00:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about linpopup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:28] !info linpopup [00:28] linpopup: X Window System port of Winpopup, running over Samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-8.2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 78 kB, installed size 344 kB [00:28] i am expecting 500mbps or so [00:28] anyone know the command line syntax to extract a bz2 file from the local file system to a windows share? [00:28] Hi I was here earlier about grub help and i followed two guides on the !fixgrub page but with both of them when i get grub working it just says error 22: no such partition for ubuntu and bootmgr is missing for windows xp [00:28] Slart: thanks, i'll look into the samba route [00:28] any help would be apreciated [00:28] Is problem with random freezing of Ubuntu Gutsy fixed? [00:28] Can someone help me with my ATI Video Card?? [00:28] eric: according to about:plugins in Firefox do you see flash as handled by the official plugin? [00:28] nautilus only shows parts of icons and emblems, some more shows up when i highlight the icon, how do i fix this in feisty? [00:29] LupinZX: it may be overkill but you could run your own jabber server and then you can take your pick of clients [00:29] ubuntu-fan; for nice intusion detection you can use ossec but it's not supported. used it on debian before and it worked fantastic. ask some of the older ubu guys what they use [00:29] eric: you may want to remove gnash and others if not... [00:29] IndyGunFreak: thanks for the tip, adobe's install works no prob [00:29] lets try again [00:29] ah... feels so good to have ubuntu up and running again [00:30] ThinkingMan: i don't know why that just wasn't put in the !flash ubotu output.. those other steps on that link, are far more complex... the source code takes seconds [00:30] IndyGunFreak: absolutely [00:30] nautilus only shows parts of icons and emblems, some more shows up when i highlight the icon, how do i fix this in feisty? [00:30] if i used wget to donload something whear did it get saved? [00:30] VSpike: thats massive overkill, there's only two of us on a router [00:30] bluefox83: in the directory you were in when you called wgat [00:30] anyone? [00:30] bluefoxx: most likely in your current directory [00:30] well, now to catch up on some youtube videos, thanks folks [00:30] bzip2 files (bz2) apt-get install bzip2 ; man bzip2 [00:30] imaginator: ok, ty [00:30] bluefox83: erm, called wget that is [00:31] nautilus only shows parts of icons and emblems, some more shows up when i highlight the icon, how do i fix this in feisty? [00:31] Hi I was here earlier about grub help and i followed two guides on the !fixgrub page but with both of them when i get grub working it just says error 22: no such partition for ubuntu and bootmgr is missing for windows xp [00:31] bluefoxx in the directory where you called it from unless you use the "-O" flag to tell it where to go [00:31] !repeat | helluvaCSMajor [00:31] helluvaCSMajor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [00:32] * arag0rn goes to sleep [00:32] Can Anyone help me with my ATI Video Card?? [00:32] helluvaCSMajor: that sounds like a bug. Does it happen all of the time? [00:32] Am having a DVD inside a .img file that I want to play with mplayer. I guess I need to mount the DVD some way to be able to play it with mplayer. How can I mount a .img file and then point mplayer on to it? [00:32] Why can't I design the cds? I own! [00:32] http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u151/ax-ax/ubuntucd.jpg [00:32] Blinkiz: just mplayer play it [00:32] Blinkiz: you want a loopback mount [00:33] SAndma2: Do you have picture at all? [00:33] night guys [00:33] imaginator: Okay, and that is? :) [00:33] Blinkix: or as Flare183 suggested you may be able to use mplayer directly. man mount has information on loopback mounts [00:33] Flare183.... okay [00:34] yeah [00:35] at a friends house, his sound is all static when we play anything in ubuntu, mixer looks normal, any ideas? [00:35] oh, Flare183 was a nickname here on #ubuntu :D Started to search the net for a package named flare183 :P [00:35] anybody having a correct ubuntu logo image so that i can put it on top and down on compiz cube? [00:35] <`Zmax`> hello guys, I have a Samsung i600 Smartphone (HSDPA), I would like to connect to the internet through it... Do you know if exist an "Active Sync" emulator or clone for Linux ? [00:35] Blinkiz: just for future reference, something like: mount /path/to/foo.img /mnt -t iso9660 -o loop=/dev/loop0... I think the mount manual has examples. [00:36] Mikealcl, i would start with the speakers and the speaker wire [00:36] Flare183: Yes, I can just point mplayer to the .img file but dvd menus, subtitles and so on, does not seems to work. [00:36] hello, I am unable to install from the cd [00:36] imaginator: Thanks for that line. [00:36] I cannot get a full boot from the cd [00:37] Well... I'm back... In a way that I have not anticipated... [00:37] hiii [00:37] Ubuntu is unble to start X [00:37] lol draggin why? [00:37] pierreth: did you check if your video card is supported? [00:37] Piereth, do you have more than 384 megabytes? [00:37] Tell me, is there any easy to use text-web browser that I can install? I don't have access to GNOME at all at the moment... [00:37] imaginator: no, where should I go? [00:37] Draggin: links seems pretty easy to use [00:38] Hey, Does anyone know where abouts i can find the compiz setup thing, not the three option "low med high" but the actual setup stuff [00:38] cables are correct, nothing but single audio plugged in (no mic, line in, etc) [00:38] imaginator - and is that available in the repositories? [00:38] !ati | pierreth [00:38] pierreth: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [00:38] imaginator - apt-get install links ?? [00:38] pierreth : click on f6 for advanced boot options and type noapic and then press enter [00:39] Draggin: that should work [00:39] pierreth: nevermind, i thought you were having trouble with ATI drivers.; [00:39] F6 when I see the menu of the boot cd? [00:39] imaginator - thanks - I'll give it a shot [00:39] pierreth: how fast did you burn the disk? [00:39] pierreth: just a moment. I don't recall where the hardware list is. [00:39] pierreth : yes [00:39] IndyGunFreak: the disk is working, I did install before on other machines [00:39] ok [00:39] whats a good dvd copier program? [00:40] pierreth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport [00:40] nj786 i use nero 3 [00:40] Miu: on ubuntu? [00:40] o yea [00:40] =) [00:40] nj786: Try also k3b [00:41] ubotu: I have a GPU integrated mother board [00:41] ubotu is a bot [00:41] Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information. [00:41] imaginator: thank you [00:41] pierreth: you're welcome [00:41] yo dudes [00:41] megaribi: and K3B makes copies of DVDs? [00:42] nj786:: k3b does it all. [00:42] ok, I will try these, I am on PCBSD now [00:42] yay. wireless. <3 [00:42] T_T [00:42] bastid_raZor: can you tell me how to make a copy of a dvd because i am in a hurry right now lol [00:42] I was able to install without problem with this version [00:42] !dialup [00:42] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up [00:42] bastid_raZor: using k3b? [00:42] nj786:: do you have k3b installed? [00:43] bastid_raZor: yes [00:43] My mother manufacturer is not listed [00:43] nj786: fastest way dd if=/dev/cdrom of=my.iso then wait then cdrecord my.iso [00:43] nj786:: simply put the dvd in the drive open k3b and select Tool > Copy DVD [00:43] bastid_raZor: i have it opened i just want to make a copy of a dvd [00:43] mother borad [00:43] gnoift: yeah, i finally figured it out, thanks. anyone know why Nautilus is so buggy and why there doesn't seem to be any rush to fix the pleathora of bugs? the darn thing can't even copy large files to & from Windows shares. [00:43] I have an EVGA board [00:44] hi [00:44] all in a sudden my sound isn't working. the system acts like it believes it's playing [00:44] happy1: software development is difficult, and motivating people even more so. [00:44] Thats odd.... [00:44] Anyone whos a master with nvidia compiz please message me [00:44] william:: the volume turned down? [00:44] imaginator - thanks - I got it and it's working beautifully :) [00:44] Draggin: good [00:44] no it's turned all the way up [00:44] :) [00:44] gnoift: actually, i am curious if there is a single command that will mount everything that was automatically mounted at startup, tho? [00:45] Hey people. I am trying to figure out a way, on the UNIX command line, to generate a JPG that would be a screen capture of a given URL. Know how to do this? [00:45] Pierreth: Current versions of Ubuntu can not work if you have less than 384 megabytes RAM. Did you check? [00:45] megaribi: I have 2GB [00:45] bastid_raZor: does it matter if the orig cd is DVD+R AND THE BLANK ONE IS DVD-R? [00:45] megaribi: sure they can [00:45] gnoift: certainly mount -o remount /whateverismountedthatyouwanttoremount is better than manually mounting everything, but it would be nice to do it all in w/ one command [00:46] william:: in a terminal type alsamixer and see if any of them are not [00:46] nj786:: that should not matter. [00:46] whats gstreamer? [00:46] tretle: I will try the F6 thing, see you later... [00:46] bastid_raZor: thank you very much u just saved me from bruises ; ) [00:46] #ubuntu-es [00:46] Whoohoo I got wireless working. Yay. [00:46] I cant get a pls stream to open, it worked yesterday, now no :( [00:46] :) [00:47] bastid_raZor: is there anything else? [00:47] Laurenceb: Did you reboot? [00:47] nj786:: glad i could help. nothing else.. [00:47] happy1: "sudo mount -a" will try to mount everything that is listed in /etc/fstab. [00:47] alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device [00:47] bastid_raZor: oh and btw is it suposed to burn fast? [00:47] yes [00:47] william:: i guess you don't have the alsa drivers.. [00:48] nj786:: that depends on your burner. [00:48] bastid_raZor: its already on 31% [00:48] MrObvious, just rebooted [00:48] bastid i have had this ubuntu system running on gutsy since gutsy came out and it's been fine [00:48] it worked before I rebooted [00:48] bastid_raZor: i see. [00:48] Laurenceb: I would go through the steps you got to get it working and then see if you can get it to work again. You might need to modprobe something. [00:49] william:: that is my sound drivers. that doesn't mean you need them .. just that i'm out of options to help :\ [00:49] Who here is running x64? Do you guys like it? [00:49] "gstreamer plugins could not be found" [00:49] ya. [00:49] should I reinstall gstreamer? [00:50] Laurenceb: send me a link to what you're trying to watch [00:50] HELP! burnt the CD and DVD and they bootup + loads fine only when you select an option they say.. "loading kernel etc" then they hang... whats the matter? [00:50] It might be your audio drivers Laurenceb too. [00:50] please not my Gparted disk which I also downloaded and burnt works fine, I just dont know how to use it [00:50] I'm trying to run 7.10 as guest under vmware server. The thing locks up or the clock goes haywire. Is this a known problem, or do I have a botched installation? [00:50] note* [00:50] IndyGunFreak: anything from http://www.di.fm/ [00:51] Hmm, I got a big problem. I'm pinging my router which I'm connected wirelessly to (it's only a foot away) and I'm getting pings in the 5 MS range. === marko-_-_ is now known as marko-_- [00:51] Does anyone have any ideas? [00:51] How much hd space does ubuntu NEED to install? [00:51] i think 4gb [00:52] i think its 5gb [00:52] bastid_razor but look at this http://img158.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1wl8.png [00:52] I mean bare minimum [00:52] barely running [00:52] 5gb [00:52] K [00:52] hey guys, major problem: my usb wifi thingy works in the live cd but refuses to work in a reg gutsy install [00:53] bastid_raZor: for some reason my screen turned black and white(dim) [00:53] jabagawee, checked restricted drivers ? [00:53] no restricted drivers avaiable [00:53] william:: it seems you are using alsa drivers. sure all the speakers are plugged in? [00:53] Did anybody encounter problem with random lockup of Gutsy, discussed for example in this forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=54dca74d5970647a504e8376ac6910fc&t=587905#post3608200 ? Is there solution for this problem, because I still have it, no matter if I disabled Compiz effects, upgraded kernel to 2.6.24 or tried with acpi=off. My card is ATI, so I can not try sugessted replacing nvidia with nv driver. [00:53] its a zonet zew2500p usb device. i think its based on rt2500 or rt2570 [00:54] bastid_razor i have tried different speakers too, but no change [00:54] i also checked in bios [00:54] bastid_raZor: and the download is stuck on 50% [00:54] nj786:: download? [00:54] bastid_raZor: yea the burning [00:55] can someone help me out with a flash player and java install? [00:55] bastid_raZor: like my screen is like gray [00:55] william:: http://tinyurl.com/2bc9na [00:56] can someone help plz ive made a nfs share on ubuntu [00:56] you guys got any clue to my problem? [00:56] makers_mark: The easiest way for it is to look at ultimateedition.info. They have repository with flash and java. [00:56] nj786:: okay [00:56] jabagawee: Not really shure what else to do :/ [00:56] oh lord [00:56] When i do the desktop cube i am only getting two and not 4 sides [00:56] is there a multibuntu repo for Hardy yet? [00:56] can anyone help me? [00:56] now im trying to mount this on another machine. I got my nfs share mounted but i dont have permission to browse the folder ? [00:57] but everyone says it works with ubuntu! [00:57] megaribi i've downloaded and installed flash an java,but for some reason i go to youtube.com and the actual player is cutting out some controls and the video are lagging. [00:57] sorry i mean medibuntu [00:57] bastid maybe it's a new kernal? [00:57] bastid i will try that but i have to get going for now [00:58] I'm having some issues with ubuntus default compiz install, I let it do what ever it does in the install. told it it could install the nvidia driver, let it do its thing, Rebooted, Compiz worked fine. Then i had to log out and log back in and now i have no boarders [00:58] any ideas [00:58] ive mounted my nfs share but i dont have permission to browse the directory even if i su in terminal [00:59] anyone care to help me find an .inf driver? [01:00] makers_mark: It seems that some background program uses your CPU cycles. Try install some light window manager like jwm and login with this session to see if it is faster. [01:01] jabagawee: It works on the livecd, right? [01:01] yes [01:01] So boot the livecd and check which driver it loads. [01:01] how? === chryss_ is now known as chryss [01:02] megaribi i have a windows partition on this comp and flash n java work flawlessly. [01:02] . [01:02] dmesg. lsmod. [01:02] megaribi i also don't see my cpu & ram usage go very high either (cpu up to 10% and ram 300mb our of 1gb) [01:02] lynet: clarification please, im not a cli guru [01:03] I have mounted a remote nfs path into my /mnt folder. Everything is working except when I try to access files on that nfs path with user "root". Then I get permission denied. The files am trying to access is owned by niklas:niklas and should be like this. How can I make so "root" as permission to read/write files on the remote nfs path? [01:03] although, im not afraid to get my hands wet [01:03] Would you guys suggest tracker or google desktop? I'm a little google paranoid, but tracker is giving me problems. [01:04] <`Matir> Anyone here using Hardy on a daily basis yet? [01:04] bobbob1016: I'd suggest trying to work out the tracker problems, and if it's futile then maybe jump to google. Consider beagle too. [01:04] !hardy | `Matir [01:04] `Matir: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [01:04] how do I verify tracker is enabled and functioning ? (gutsy) [01:04] hi all i have new asus f3sa notebook i can not install ubuntu [01:05] lynet? i do not know what you mean by dmesg and lsmod. [01:05] i understand, however, that they are cli programs [01:05] during the installation some error occurs [01:05] is there anyone [01:05] can help me [01:05] what error? [01:05] tacone: system -> preferences -> indexing. And Accessories -> Tracker to run a search [01:05] jabagawee: I sent you a msg. [01:05] jrib, It works fine, then occasionally stops, and I have to restart it from scratch. I had beagle, I switched to tracker since I was under the understanding it was better, I have no preference either way. [01:05] jrib: thanks [01:05] ibrahim: what error ? [01:06] and i did not receive that message [01:06] jabagawee: Open a cli and do "dmesg | less" (without the quotes). Look for any lines mentioning loading a wireless driver. [01:06] jrib: it returns nothing [01:06] so dmesg pipe to less? [01:06] If i reboot my PowerPC G4, I have to reset my wireless nic to restore my network connection. Any suggestions? [01:06] jrib: I already went to Indexing Preferences [01:06] tacone: you need to let it index stuff first. Make sure the daemon is running [01:07] jrib: it is [01:07] jabagawee: yes [01:07] jrib: I thought result would appear incrementally [01:07] Hello :) [01:07] tacone: /bin/sh : can not access tty: job control turned off (initramfs) erorr [01:07] Anyone know how to make 7.10 work properly running as a vmware server guest? [01:08] jrib: is it yet integrated with the deskbar applet, and other application, on gutsy ? [01:08] bots: bin/sh : can not access tty: job control turned off (initramfs) erorr [01:08] tacone: there is a deskbar plugin, yes [01:08] what should i be looking for in the less output? [01:08] phoul: Go to Advanced options and check if Windows decorations is check [01:08] jabagawee: Anything mentioning a wireless driver. [01:09] there is a LOT of output, what shuld i be looking for [01:09] jabagawee: Anything mentioning a wireless driver. [01:09] is there a way to get NetworkManager to stop enabling wifi on login? [01:09] jrib, could you point me to some url to understand how much it's integrated with the other standard applications ? [01:09] i see some lines starting with wlan0 [01:09] tacone: not sure, try the tracker home page [01:09] tacone: so i can not install ubunut because of that error [01:09] I have successfully mounted a movie dvd into /media/dvdmount. I now want mplayer to play this dvd and thread it like a dvd. How can I play this DVD with mplayer? Am using the GUI for mplayer that exist in ubuntu 7.10 [01:09] I've been reading through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller and checked out bug #131133 for devices with the ID: 8086:284b ... Sound *works* with Alsa shipped with Gutsy/7.10, but when I insert headphones (it's a laptop) - sound comes from both the speakers and headphones... any ideas/links please? :) [01:09] do you have any idea about that [01:10] what is rc80211? === dave______ is now known as daveUMR [01:10] ibrahim: I guess I cannot help you but in my case installation dropped cause of a cd error and an acpi error [01:10] ibrahim: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=520713 and see if one of the fixes there works for you. [01:11] I have successfully mounted a movie dvd into /media/dvdmount. I now want mplayer to play this dvd and thread it like a dvd. How can I play this DVD with mplayer? Am using the GUI for mplayer that exist in ubuntu 7.10. When I choose "DVD" within mplayer gui, it says no stream can be found on dvd://1 . Can I change this path? [01:11] ibrahim: try to press ctrl+alt+f1 and see if you see any error message on there [01:11] can someone help me with my wireless card. It's an Atheros AR5006(7)AG. [01:12] tacone: i've googled and tried whatever they said but :( [01:12] Lynet: i cannot find anything pertaining to a wifi driver [01:12] what do you do with *.gz files? [01:12] gunzip them :) [01:12] yay! [01:12] * Aeleon tries it. [01:12] how do i make rsync not only copy files to a destination dir if they are in the source dir but also REMOVE files from the dest dir if they are removed in the source dir? [01:12] <_MattB> is there a way to get status information from dd? the example in the man page seems to only give me statistics, not actual progress [01:12] shall i disconnect and reconnect the usb device and recheck dmesg? [01:13] i guess not =( [01:13] jabagawee: Good idea. :) [01:13] why does my wireless nic not retain it's settings after reboot [01:14] ibrahim: I guess I cannot help you either. for the sake of curiosity, which computer are you on ? [01:14] im getting something on rt2x00usb [01:14] I've been reading through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller and checked out bug #131133 for devices with the ID: 8086:284b ... Sound *works* with Alsa shipped with Gutsy/7.10, but when I insert headphones (it's a laptop) - sound comes from both the speakers and headphones... any ideas/links please? :) [01:14] ok how about an easier one, how do I remove shortcuts from my menu bar at the top of my screen? [01:15] McKayCR: right click -> remove [01:15] jabagawee: Ah, that sounds like it. [01:15] I'm on a powerbook G4, there is no right click [01:15] _MattB: I think it is not possible, but you can do dd in smaller chunks [01:15] tacone: i have a asus f3sa if you want i can write features of notebokk [01:15] now what? [01:16] Does anyone know the name of the compiz manager to fine tune compiz [01:16] McKayCR, [Apple]-click? :P [01:16] IM trying to find it and im having no luck [01:16] McKayCR: better question is then, "How to right click on a powerbook?" (I don't know) [01:16] McKayCR: does ctrl+click still operate like a right click? [01:16] jabagawee: Hmm, strange. That's an open source driver, it should be available by default both on the livecd and in a regular install. [01:16] lsmod is also saying something about rt73usb [01:16] phoul: Advanced Desktop Configuration [01:16] tracker log gives this error: ERROR: could not get file id for /usr/share//applications/anjuta.desktop - unable to continue indexing this file [01:17] megaribi, where is that located [01:17] brb [01:17] [Apple] + click and ctrl+click doesn't seem to work, it just activates the program [01:17] btw, im on a separate machine, so i can reboot the affected computer [01:18] I have never had a MAC before, and I never used linux either [01:18] McKayCR: do you have any two buttoned mice in your house? [01:18] yes [01:18] nice I didn't think of that [01:19] lol [01:19] phoul: In system/preferences menu [01:19] Lynet: you researching my problem or just afk? [01:20] ok, lets try another. How do I remove a shared folder from my computer [01:20] right click it too? [01:20] jabagawee: I'm not familiar with that driver, so busy googling right now. [01:20] remove as in delete or remove as in un-share? [01:20] megaribi, nothing in there is called that, The only thing relevant to compiz is the appearance thing and thats just three levels of stuff not really configuring it [01:20] i found something about rt2500usb here too... [01:21] I mapped to one of my other computers, but I did it wrong so the mapping doesn't work and I want to delete it [01:21] So, login as user you first created, this that can be sudo [01:21] hi [01:22] hello how to i enable telnet to be on? [01:22] What can I do with this? [01:22] update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-genericcryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab - cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab - [01:22] !ssh > geekworx (read the private message from ubotu) [01:22] geekworx: you probably want to use ssh [01:23] McKayCR: I'm not really sure, sorry [01:23] :/ [01:23] no [01:23] i wants to use port: 40000 [01:23] look this [01:23] its ok, it was worth asking [01:23] !enter | geekworx [01:23] geekworx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [01:23] does anyone else use a powerbook G4? [01:23] ubuntu@linuxsecurity:~$ telnet (unknown number) [01:23] Trying [01:23] Connected to [01:23] Escape character is '^]'. [01:23] jabagawee: Hmm.. It should be supported by the rt2500 driver. Dunno why the install doesn't load it by default. [01:23] KDE 4.0 is stable, is it in the repositories? [01:24] geekworx: what's the reason you need telnet instead of ssh? [01:24] cannotdownload java needed for playing games [01:24] geekworks: type telnetd and it will tell you which packages to install [01:24] I have a question about enabling visual effects on a powerbook G4 [01:24] I put a link in two files and I need to unlink them how do I unlink them [01:24] jrib: i need it to run a eggdrop [01:24] Lynet: so the trail goes cold? [01:24] help [01:24] megaribi: how to type that? [01:24] Hi all! [01:25] how do i install libflac7 ? [01:25] In command shell type telnetd. Ubuntui will tell that telnet daemon is not installed and it will recommend three packages. Try install one of them using apt-get instal [01:25] /usr/sbin/update-inetd --enable telnet [01:25] how to enable people telnet? [01:26] How do you unlink two files? [01:26] geekworx: telnet is terribly insecure [01:26] will scim input method support ms-windows? [01:26] jrib: i need to ENABLE IT [01:26] :S [01:26] come on [01:26] i really need [01:26] ironfoot_495: how did you link them? [01:27] will scim input method support ms-windows? [01:27] jrib: will you help me? [01:27] hey, what sort of filesystem does ubuntu use? [01:27] geekworx: what's wrong with ssh? [01:27] ok [01:27] sean: ext3 by default, but it can use others, like xfs , jfs , rieserfs [01:27] i see nobody can help me [01:27] thanks [01:27] sean, ext3,reiserfs etc [01:27] geekworx: you need to be patient [01:27] geekworx: what's the question, sometimes you have to ask for a while [01:27] geekworks: In command shell type telnetd. Ubuntui will tell that telnet daemon is not installed and it will recommend three packages. Try install one of them using apt-get instal [01:27] travalas hes trying to install telnet so he can chattr with his eggdrop via telnet [01:28] jrib: i ASK 1000 timkes [01:28] times* [01:28] nickrud: can i change the hard drive that my ubuntu partition is installed on to a dynamic disk without any problems? [01:28] !telnet [01:28] telnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh [01:28] i can't get into ubuntu. i have repaired installation of windows xp on partition sda3 (~500gb) using the windows cd becase of a "ntldr is missing" error. after the successful reparation, that grub screen does not show up in the bottom. ubuntu is installed on an 8gb partition. Sensitive material is on that partition that I cannot loose! [01:28] hrm.... [01:28] sean: not sure what you mean by dynamic disk ... [01:28] using windows xp [01:28] * echowip slaps ubotu around a bit with a large trout [01:28] !grub | daftpunkk [01:28] daftpunkk: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:28] !ssh [01:28] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [01:29] If anyone who helped me with VirtualBox is till here I just wanted to say thanks. Everything works great! [01:29] sean: you can't [01:29] daftpunkk: see the recoveringubuntu one, it's the issue [01:29] ok thanks [01:29] kk thanks [01:29] sean: yah, you can't :) [01:29] will scim input method support ms-windows? [01:29] jabagawee: Sorry. Without the computer in front of me it is kinda hard to figure this one out. [01:29] datfpunkk just use livecd, cp files to a safe place then reinstall grub [01:29] how do I run a tcl file? [01:29] geekworx: patiently wait for the answer. As I said, I don't see the need for anyone to use telnet, and I won't help anyone use it. Use ssh instead [01:30] if i changed my hard drive to a dynamic disk would that make my ubuntu partition unusable? [01:30] icesword: windows has it's own language support for keyboards, ask about it in ##windows [01:30] the external two button mouse idea worked great. It also solved my bad file share mapping [01:30] thanks [01:30] jrib: ln -s /etc/apache2/conf.d/ /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf [01:30] is this a bad idea on gutsy? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31310 [01:30] i get a "no space left on device" error when i try to compile xconfig.. anyone know how i can clear up some space.. i have 20 gigs left on the hard drive [01:30] sean: define dynamic disk, precisely. Maybe readable but not bootable, etc [01:30] jrib: Telnet client is installed by default on all windows and linux machiunes. Maybe he wants to set up server without setting up clients. [01:30] Lynet: darned. [01:30] dynamic disk is a windows feature [01:31] What protocol do you suggest for moving files around between computers on a network? I know FTP is the classical answer, however I've heard some rumors that it's slow compared to others, and nowhere near as secure. [01:31] ummm [01:31] kriel:: scp [01:31] could I install gentoo/linux on an ibm as/400 machine? I understand it has a 64bit risc cpu, will that be a problem? [01:31] Ryuho: since ubuntu no longer uses inittab, it's moot [01:31] Pinchiukas, #gentoo [01:31] PriceChild ubuntu [01:31] bastid_raZor: do you know what that stands for? [01:31] kriel just use konqueror and fish [01:31] jabagawee: You might read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 to see if it can provide any hints. [01:31] Pinchiukas, gentoo questions in #gentoo [01:31] is ubuntu gutsy pretty much current with a debian sid system? [01:31] yeah well just convert it to a ubuntu questino [01:31] jabagawee, problems with rt2500? (i have one) [01:32] yes [01:32] sean: well, then I guess I'll bow out, I try my best to not know windows stuff [01:32] absolutely yes [01:32] jabagawee, what's the problem? [01:32] ironfoot_495: rm /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf and then create it as a normal file [01:32] good morning [01:32] Hello [01:32] jabagawee: But according to the documentation, it should work fine out of the box so dunno why it doesn't work. [01:32] nickrud: im just going to keep it seperate [01:32] blindrat: no, it's behind since about august [01:32] anybody can tell me if I can install linux on an ibm as/400 machine? [01:32] Lynet, nope [01:32] ubotu, will not eidting this "bootloader" give me that ntloader error again? [01:32] kriel secure copy .. scp will transfer files on a network.. i do this between two computers on my network daily with it.. and it is as fast as my router will push [01:32] alright, it's a zonet zew2500p. works in livecd. dies in hard drive install. [01:32] i see flash installation is still broken, anyone have any idea when it will become un-broken? [01:32] wirechief: isn't konqueror a kde component? [01:32] jabagawee, do you have an alternative internet connection for that machine, wired? [01:33] nickrud: then I should be able to make a sid chroot and run gutsy packages [01:33] jrib: thanx [01:33] hey, my screen only comes up at 640x480 [01:33] jabagawee, because you need to install the "module-assistant" package, then use it to build rt2500-source [01:33] kama: when konqueror gets updated to use the new plugin structure [01:33] if absolutely necessary, i can move the machine [01:33] bastid_raZor: but that dosen't use a client/server setup, does it? [01:33] kriel yes, i guess thats why i use it ;-) [01:33] Okay... Can someone tell me... If you really want to become a pro Linux user, what's the best way of going about it without ultimately destroying your PC? I find that I learn most when things break and I have to try and get them up and running again, but this isn't very practical if your computer is also the one you need for doing work [01:33] clearlooks looks different now. when was it updated [01:33] jabagawee, you can download it and its dependencies then move them over on a flash disk [01:33] nickrud: actually I guess its the same proceedure to just build a gutsy chroot [01:33] blindrat: often, yes. But ubuntu tweaks stuff enough that behavior is unpredictable [01:33] kriel i realized that right after i said it... [01:33] Draggin: install linux in a virtual machine and play all you want [01:33] can anyone help me? [01:33] kriel:: it is command line.. and it requires you to accept keys for each. there is a simple yes to hit enter to and that is it [01:33] pricechild: do you have a jabber or aim account? id like to talk without all this background chatter, and pidgin doesn't like irc PMs. [01:33] bastid_raZor: I apologize, I should have specified that that's something I'm looking for as well. [01:33] hmmm, i dont have a clue what konqueror is [01:33] how do I open a tcl file? [01:33] jabagawee, or with a working net connection on the livecd, you could chroot in and download it from there [01:34] !virtualbox > draggin (read the private message from ubotu) [01:34] jrib - what do you mean? [01:34] wtf.. [01:34] blindrat: sure is. Underneath it all it's pretty much still debian [01:34] oi [01:34] bastid_raZor: Ah, so it's similar to ssh? [01:34] pricechild, do you have jabber or aim? [01:34] a [01:34] jrib - a virtual machine in Windows? [01:34] kriel:: exactly [01:34] jabagawee, pricechild@gmail.com [01:34] there is a package called ***dpi in snaptic,what is it used for? [01:34] laurenceb you mean open or fun? [01:34] Hi [01:34] algum brasileiro ar [01:34] run [01:34] ****75dpi [01:34] !br | hqxriven [01:34] hqxriven: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [01:34] nickrud: great, now all I gotta do is remember how to do it in the first place [01:34] How can I make my mouse middle button launch an app when its clicked? [01:34] valeu!!! [01:34] Draggin: virtualbox (and others) let you run an operating system in a window seperate from your main operating system. And you can save and restore points so there's no worry of breaking anything [01:35] icesword: its bitmapped fonts for X , not really used much now since ttf is well supported [01:35] nickrud, will not eidting this "bootloader" give me that ntloader error again? [01:35] is there dosbox or something similar in ubuntu? [01:35] jrib - and does virtualbox run in Windows? And is it free? [01:35] Draggin: I think so, and yes [01:35] travalas: I think run [01:35] bastid_raZor: how do you specify what directory to send the file to? The manpage isn't exactly the most verbose. [01:35] Draggin:: you could try the free version of VMware. it works in windows yes. [01:35] kama - you can install DosBox in ubuntu [01:35] daftpunkk: hopefully not. if you tell me your windows partition and put a copy of the menu.lst on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org I'll help you set up a standard windows boot [01:35] i get a "no space left on device" error when i try to compile xconfig.. anyone know how i can clear up some space.. i have 20 gigs left on the hard drive [01:36] !info dosbox | kama [01:36] kama: dosbox: A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.71-0.1 (gutsy), package size 658 kB, installed size 2096 kB [01:36] I need help with my WACOM Intous 1. When I plug it in it works like kinda like a mouse. I want it so wherever I put the pen on the pad, it gous on the same place on the screen. Is there a program or something for this? Also, the eraser works as a mouse only, its no different. [01:36] jrib, bastid_razor, thanks :) [01:36] !info dosbox | kama [01:36] kriel:: scp file user@host:directory [01:36] sFEARs: you can do sud apt-get clean, that should clear up 500mb , but that's not much really. X is a pig, isn't it [01:36] where do i find more info on the commands like !info? I am completely IRC illiterate [01:37] !wacom [01:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:37] !ubotu > kama (read the private message from ubotu) [01:37] nickrud, i have 20 gigs left on the hard disk & apt-clean didn't work [01:37] How can I make my mouse middle button launch an app when its clicked? [01:37] my video came up at 640x480 several times now, its been working fine for years, its done this like twice before, i left it off for a few hours and i think it just worked again, it still works high res in windows.. i left it off for hours and its not correcting, im stuck at 640x480 [01:37] nickrud, not really,x is big,but bigger is openoffice [01:37] TigranG: maybe with xbindkeys [01:37] how do I run a tcl file? [01:37] sFEARs: do you have your home set up as a separate partition, is that where you have the space? [01:38] fuck the window is so small i cant fucking follow the chat [01:38] icesword: so they're both pigs ;p [01:38] jrib: Thanks, I'l have a look [01:38] !ohmy | Intangir [01:38] Intangir: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:38] Hi, in which file does Ubuntu store the X configuration? is it /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? [01:38] yes home is on a separate partition and i'm compiling in /usr/src/linux [01:38] kwame: yes [01:38] Intangir: switch to xchat for your irc , it's much better (you can turn off part/join and lines to you are in red) [01:38] in xchat how can i have my users list on the right hand side [01:39] sFEARs: do the compile in home then [01:39] nickrud, so you did not have x installed on your machine,you didn't like it? [01:39] i didn't even think of that [01:39] icesword: no, I mean a pig when compiling [01:39] duh [01:39] how can i turn off part join in pidgin? [01:39] spider pig? [01:39] help, I have ubuntu 7.10 and I cant get any sound out of my mobo with sigmatel chipset [01:39] kama: there is a plugin for that [01:40] spider pig...hehe, Ilove that pig [01:40] i am trying to use optical [01:40] sFEARs: in general the only thing you compile in /usr/src is kernel stuff [01:40] ok, that is mostly meaningless to me [01:40] that's what i'm doing [01:40] kwame, startx init X windows server. Why? [01:40] I dont have the first idea of where to look for a plug in for this [01:40] kama: search in pidgin's menu for something to do with plugins and find the one you want [01:40] xconfig are the settings for the kernel [01:40] !hdaintel | mia (sigmatel is hda) [01:40] mia (sigmatel is hda): For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [01:40] and once i emptied the trash it worked.. go figure [01:41] xobius: I have this scenario, I have a laptop and a monitor, I want to configure xinerama with the monitor and the laptop display [01:41] xobius: I modified /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restarted X but didn't see any changes [01:41] ubotu:fcitx [01:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about fcitx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:42] sFEARs: argh, I had a brain lock there. how much space do you have on your root partition? [01:42] kwame, xinerame should be suport by the aplication that is running too [01:42] /join #ubuntu-br [01:42] sFEARs: ah, trash, what a lovely concept [01:43] Hello [01:43] how is everyone? [01:43] confused [01:43] i could be better [01:43] Why is that? [01:43] kwane http://www.paralipsis.org/2006/01/enabling-xinerama-in-ubuntu/ [01:43] life is good, once again I ddn't get fired [01:44] heh I feel that [01:44] xobius: let me pastebin my xorg.conf [01:44] kwane did you do that? [01:44] kwane ok [01:44] Okay... Need more help now... I seem to have managed to get X up and running (to a certain extent at least) again, but my monitor keeps saying "Attention Out of range" with something like H: .2kHz V:203.1Hz. Any ideas?? [01:44] ok, so i have 2 hdds, 1 is 80gb and it holds the ubuntu OS... the other is a 250 gb hdd that holds all my music and videos and the nunsuch... for some reason, ubuntu doesnt see the other drive... why is this? [01:44] hi, i'm trying to install the flashplugin (nonfree) and while it's installing it says something about a md5 mismatch... i marked for complete removal and then reinstalled but the same issue came back [01:44] wsgued1: is it listed when you do 'sudo fdisk -l'? [01:45] The checkbox for the alternate cd was not working yesterday. Is it working now or does someone have a different link for gutsy alternate...? [01:45] !flash > efif (read the private message from ubotu) [01:45] Draggin: you can try adding the monitor's horizontal and vert freqs to xorg.conf, see !fixres [01:45] Jack_Sparrow: does releases.ubuntu.com work? [01:45] !fixres > Draggin [01:45] flash is screwed up [01:45] Jack_Sparrow: releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 [01:45] jrib: yep [01:45] jrib, thanks, when do you think there'll be a fix?? [01:46] that is the same reason I cam here as well [01:46] efif: type sudo apt-get install flash [01:46] nickrud - you mean the lines that say HorizSync and VertRefresh? [01:46] Nope, I selected desktop and alt last night and got desktop.. confirmed with md5 [01:46] Hii all [01:46] Draggin: yes [01:46] are there still package mirrors for gutsy? [01:46] nickrud - they are in there... That's why I find it somewhat strange [01:46] efif: they're waiting for konq to patch up their plugin system because latest flash does not work there [01:46] hello [01:46] jrib: It doesn't let me add mouse bindings, only keyboard (using xbindkeys-config) [01:47] geekworx: doesn't work [01:47] jrib, ok thanks for the info [01:47] Does anyone here use dial-up on Ubuntu? [01:47] efif: sudo apt-get update [01:47] and try again [01:47] * Grammaticus reclines and listens to the chirping of the crickets. [01:47] Draggin: if you're sure they are the right ones, take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log , it should tell you if X is overriding with values it reads from the monitor (edid) [01:47] TigranG: see 'man xbindkeys' for some examples with mouse keys [01:47] I have a question; If my processor is "Processor AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor TK-53, 1700 Mhz, 2 Core(s)"... would I be better off installing the 64 bit or 32 bit version of Ubuntu? [01:47] geekworx: that won't work [01:48] Ok.. that is right... thanks guys [01:48] hello [01:48] jrib: Ok [01:48] anybody [01:48] Tits: 32bit, [01:48] !ask [01:48] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [01:48] nice tits. I did 64 bit [01:48] just me and the ghost of [01:48] and am less than impressed [01:48] TOm joad [01:48] sup [01:48] aha [01:48] Hii all, we have an idea of writing a new tool which is related to apt system, we want to know whether something of that sort already exists [01:48] I only ask because I know some programs aren't able to fully utilize the 64 bit [01:48] where can we ask about this?? [01:48] thanks [01:49] efif: what do i do know, it show up in the terminal [01:49] madrazr: #ubuntu-offtopic [01:49] can someone answer here ?? [01:49] most are craptacular in 64 [01:49] hey my intel realtek card wont work and the drivers ain't installin right I use fiesty should I upgrade [01:49] madrazr: debian-devel mail list [01:49] x-chat rules === Tits is now known as Titties [01:49] hehe, after reading that I hadnt realized i wrote nice tits [01:49] nickrud: if we do it on Debian-Debian devel list how fast can we see it in Ubuntu's repo?? [01:50] is there an easy way to switch to a 32 bit installation? [01:50] kama: reinstall [01:50] hmm. I guess a reinstall would be easy [01:50] jrib: hah :) [01:50] madrazr: probably a long time. If you want to talk to ubuntu devs, start in #ubuntu-motu [01:51] kama: blow the PC with shotgun [01:51] but the pita factor.... [01:51] nickrud - I just had a wild guess at something... How do I know what the BusID of my graphics card should be? [01:51] kama: just backup your HOME and see ubotu's !clone factoid [01:51] !clone > kama (read the private message from ubotu) [01:51] nickrud: Oh ok thanks for that [01:51] and the shotgun advice wouldnt really work because I would have trouble getting the 32 bit to install after the fact [01:51] Draggin: lspci | grep -i vga , the first numbers [01:51] jrib: what do i do know? [01:52] wsgued1: pastebin the results for me [01:52] !pastebin > wsgued1 (read the private message from ubotu) [01:52] that could just have easily have been written in Swahili for all could understand [01:52] gdm autologin has got me on a reboot loop and it wont let me do anything, what should i do [01:52] jrib: Thanks, works :) [01:53] kama: tell me the first part that you do not understand [01:53] nickrud - okay... that was right... So what exactly should I be looking for in that log file? [01:53] Guys Im having trouble trying to open ports on ubuntu server for torrent clux [01:53] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51607 [01:53] *torrent flux [01:53] Here: where would Itypdpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages » [01:53] is there a command that I can use to open a range of ports over SSH? [01:53] Ryuho: boot into recovery mode, and look for it in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom [01:54] thanks [01:54] and how do i disable the shortcut to unicode? [01:54] wsgued1: ok, which one is your music on? [01:54] any help? [01:54] top [01:54] !who | kama [01:54] kama: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [01:54] excuse my silly question, but does gtk have something to do with kde? or something that is installed or works with kde? would anything GTK releated (such as gtk-qt-engine) be installed with the default gnome version of Ubuntu? [01:54] Tigerplug: all ports are open by default === Varka_ is now known as Varka [01:54] Draggin: the section where it talks about reading the monitor and setting the rates, shortly into the driver recognition section [01:54] jrib: top one... the one with only 2 partitions... ntfs [01:54] Ryuho you might try logging into safe mode, then edit /etc/gdm/gdmsysconfig.conf....make the autologin = "" [01:55] jrib - are you familiar with torrentflux [01:55] mather: gtk is the gimp-tool-kit, most gnome programs use it [01:55] I would like to shutdown the X temporarly and run a command. How can I do that? [01:55] mather: nothing that is kde related is installed with gnome, you would have to add that gtk-qt-engine with kde [01:55] !ntfs > wsgued1 (read the private message from ubotu) [01:55] mather, the default version of uubuntu is gnome based, and used the Gimp ToolKit (GTK) but this has nothing to do with KDE unless you installed a some kde app which you can [01:55] wsgued1: there is a nice gui program on that wiki that page that should "just work". If not, poke me [01:55] ok [01:55] Blinkiz: why? what command? [01:56] I'm trying to go here sudo cd /home/linuxwacom in my temin al but its not working, why?? [01:56] Draggin: if you have problems finding it, put the log on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [01:56] mather, why are you asking ? [01:56] how do I run a tcl file? [01:56] IL0v3C0fF3E, you don'T need to use sudo with cd [01:56] !Tab [01:56] You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [01:57] Laurenceb, try this, sudo chmod 777 /path/file.tcl then ./file.tcl [01:57] well, my Appearance Settings window (gnome-appearance-properties) was freezing everytime i tried to change tabs... then I read that the removal of gtk-qt-engine fixed this problem, and it did... and i recently installed kde on top of gnome and was hoping that was the reason things broke.... so now its possible that other programs will not work? [01:57] okay...I found this now which do I put in the alsa-base: 974 STAC9227/9228/9229/927x === damaltor_ is now known as damaltor [01:57] 975 ref Reference board [01:57] 976 3stack D965 3stack [01:57] 977 5stack D965 5stack + SPDIF [01:57] Pelo, cool, it worked, but now this wont work: cp xserver-xorg-input-wacom.udev /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xserver-xorg-input-wacom.rules [01:57] mia: don't paste here please [01:57] mather: what that engine does is try to make gnome apps look similar to the qt theme, optional (and apparently not useful) [01:58] mather, gtk-qt-engine allows you to run kde aps on gnome, not related to having kde installed along gnome as far as I know [01:58] oh cool, so nothing important [01:58] IL0v3C0fF3E, now you need to use sudo [01:59] ubotu:ms-sys [01:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about ms-sys - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:59] and you can still run kde programs without it, sweet [01:59] the 5stack is probabl mine, but what do I put in for model 5stack or the long name above it [01:59] !info my-sys [01:59] Package my-sys does not exist in gutsy [01:59] !info ms-sys [01:59] ms-sys: Write a Microsoft compatible boot record. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (gutsy), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB [01:59] !info ATI [01:59] Package ati does not exist in gutsy [02:00] * Pelo will probably get banned if he asks about a gui editor for gtk thems [02:00] mia: 5stack [02:00] whats tixwish? [02:00] !ati > LinChapulin check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu [02:00] another noob question, but do the rest of you just install updates when they come available? [02:00] what's the difference between a process in the D state and a process in the Z state? [02:00] can someone help with nvidia driver on hardy heron , or to downgrade back to gusty? [02:00] in the update manager I mean? [02:00] Laurenceb, where are you seing that ? [02:00] nickrud - I think I found it, but it seems to be using the values that are entered in xorg.conf (and they've always worked). Plus I wouldn't know how to paste anything on the pastebin right now since I'm doing everything from the commandline here :) [02:00] kama: I usually read the changelog first so I know why it's there, and then install it [02:00] its cant find tixwish [02:00] I have a problem with my resolution and restricted ATI drivers. Whenever I use my restricted ATI drivers, GNOME loads in "low-graphics mode" in 800x600 resolution and is unchangeable. The monitor settings also change to a weird monitor. When I disable the restricted drivers, the monitor goes back to a generic 1280x1024 resolution. Any ideas what could be causing this? [02:01] kama, yes we do [02:01] bash: ./mfile.tcl: /usr/local/bin/tixwish: bad interpreter: No such file or directory [02:01] vecna: hardy support is in #ubuntu+1. If you need a usable system, I'd recommend reinstalling and sticking with gutsy until hardy is released [02:01] is there a debootstrap in ubuntu? can someone help me with a script for gutsy /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/gutsy I am on debian and trying to make a gutsy chroot [02:01] so... I am better off just doing it? Most of the stuff in the description is meaningless to me anyway [02:01] Laurenceb, look in synaptic do a search and install if you find it [02:01] How can I open up a range of ports in iptables? [02:01] hmm [02:01] thanks jrib [02:01] Draggin: what kind of video card do you have? [02:01] when did hardy heron come out? [02:02] kama, they are updates for stuff you have installed on your comp, might just be libs or other such packages taht are needed by apps, nothing you actualy realise you are using [02:02] kama: not until april at the soonest [02:02] Anyone running a Fujitsu Lifebook? [02:02] Tigerplug, man iptables should tell you how [02:02] nickrud - nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4800SE, but I'm trying to use a generic vesa driver so that I can just at least get into X again to fix things [02:02] do the rest of you upgrade as soon as the new OS comes out (Is is called a new os?) [02:02] LinChapulin, better ask about your problem [02:02] hello [02:02] kama, I usualy wait a couple of weeks [02:03] Draggin: I'm not real good with nvidia quirks, I don't have one [02:03] what is a good chat program? [02:03] xchat [02:03] kama,do a sudo apt-get upgrade ,that brings many new feature [02:03] like mirc [02:03] would I be better off going with an older distro? [02:03] kama: for what purpose? [02:03] !sudo [02:03] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [02:03] nickrud - I'm busy following the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=650161 [02:04] Pirate-King, we like xchat, you can install it from the repos, but look in add/remove, several are available, you can pick the one you like best [02:04] Draggin: but simply changing the Section Device driver to vesa should do the job [02:04] where can i find that info about drivers? [02:04] does anyone know a good program to convert my dvds to divx [02:04] been trying to make a lan with xp and vista work for a week. loaded the ubuntu live cd on the xp machine and EVERYTHING WORKS out of the box [02:05] sheesh [02:05] I followed the guide for Gutsy in the forums This lappie has a ATI Radeon HD 2600 video card installed..however setting the driver to fglrx just screws up the display, and I can't get it out of 800X600 [02:05] kama, linux supports most hardware out of the box, ifyou have any specific hardwware you are having diffulcities with just tell us wath it is [02:05] ubotu:man mklivecd [02:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about man mklivecd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:05] Direct Rendering quit working (I have an Intel X3100) -- how can I get it working again? [02:05] Draggin: oh, you are dealing with an envy install? [02:05] my sound card [02:05] the, acidrip [02:05] !mklivecd [02:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about mklivecd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:05] i assume you cant see the maker and number either [02:05] the: http://www.google.com/search?q=linux+dvd+rip&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a [02:05] !fishing | icesword [02:05] icesword: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [02:05] if that is not the case, then i need to know where to find it without opening my machine [02:06] i'll try that thanx pelo [02:06] the: there is quite a few good ones [02:06] I have a problem with my resolution and restricted ATI drivers. Whenever I use my restricted ATI drivers, GNOME loads in "low-graphics mode" in 800x600 resolution and is unchangeable. The monitor settings also change to a weird monitor. When I disable the restricted drivers, the monitor goes back to a generic 1280x1024 resolution. Any ideas what could be causing this? [02:06] !customlivecd > icesword [02:06] LinChapulin, look in the forum for ati resolutions, this is fixable , I just don'T know how [02:06] nickrud - I actually don't think so - I thought I did, but there was no envy installed in the first place - I accidentally installed the nvidia-glx-new driver (where it should have been nvidia-glx for my card) and I think that caused a mismatch in the nvidia kernel and the driver... [02:06] Ok thanks...I did try the other alternatives in the HOWTO for setting up the card per earlier versions... [02:06] sp0ro, there is a fix for that , look for ati resolution in the forum [02:07] i need help installing gutsy on an external hard drive [02:07] LinChapulin, I can't realy help with ati stuff sorry [02:07] Pelo: Thanks [02:07] Yes I know [02:07] Draggin: no, that wouldn't do it since the nvidia-glx* from ubuntu are compiled against the ubuntu kernel ... You didn't custom compile a kernel did you? [02:07] can someone help me? [02:07] bash: ./mfile.tcl: /usr/local/bin/tixwish: bad interpreter: No such file or directory [02:07] havent used linux in a while, but i remember passing boot paramaters that gave me much smaller fonts in text mode [02:07] its still cant find it :( [02:07] is there a way to pass that paramater to a live ubuntu cd? [02:07] Pelo: that fix does not fix "low-graphics mode" though, already tried it. [02:08] i think it was vidmode or summat [02:08] nickrud - nope - no custom anythings... But I can't seem to get a normal bloody nvidia driver back... I removed glx-new and tried reinstalling glx only (which worked), but whenever x should start up, it gives me the error about the mismatch [02:08] ubuntu__, boot the live cd, check in gparted to see what the /dev/sd** address of the external hdd is, then proceed with the install as usual but make sure you set the grub menu to isntal on the external hdd [02:08] how easy is it to use wine? [02:09] where will tuxwish be on my system? [02:09] sp0ro: I don't believe the ubuntu fglrx supports that card, apt-cache show xorg-driver-fglrx lists the chipsets it does support [02:09] sp0ro, are you sure there aren'T' other options available in the forum ? [02:09] kama: it's easy to use. Whether or not it will work for a given .exe is a different story [02:09] !wine > kama (read the private message from ubotu) [02:09] I need help on booting gutsy from an external hard drive [02:09] Laurenceb, in the terminal type locate tuxwish [02:09] can i put the boot stuff on a memory stick and make a free partition into the root partition? [02:09] ty jr, i was reading about it [02:09] zeemystteryman, more specifycaly ? [02:10] Draggin: and simply adding vesa to the device doesn't work? try leaving it as vesa and commenting out your monitor refresh stuff [02:10] bltzfsck, whut ? [02:10] thanks for you help everyone, i am walking away a smarter man [02:10] nickrud: Yes the restricted drivers work, they were working perfectly before I had to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 on a new hdd [02:10] nickrud - I'll give that a shot... Haven't tried that yet. Do you think I should leave the ModeLine in tact or comment that out as well? [02:10] i installed it onto a usb external harddrive and when i rebooted i chose the option to boot from the harddrive and it said that it cant find the linux kernal [02:10] mather, beer will take care of that for you [02:10] Pelo: I'll check around [02:11] zeemystteryman, you messed up your boot sector wit the new install [02:11] how do i properly intall it then? [02:11] zeemystteryman, you have ubuntu installed on your hdd as well &? [02:11] no [02:11] Draggin: comment it out. In fact, copy that xorg.conf to your desktop for safekeeping, and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg . Get a default xorg.conf to work with [02:11] instead of rearranging my whole boot sector on this windows machine, can i just make a usb memory stick the boot device, and mount a free partition from my h/d? [02:11] zeemystteryman, what do you have installed on the hdd ? [02:11] my hdd is corupt and isnt even recognized by the os [02:12] what is the best torrent client to use? I like having a lot of options to manipulate like download specific files from a torrent, pausing, having them saved in memory when I re-open the torrent application. [02:12] half my harddrive is an empty partition [02:12] nickrud - what does the -pcritical switch do? [02:12] I'm looking for an easy way to manage my network connections. Can anyone please help me? Network manager will not work on my lan card... :(! [02:12] Draggin: creates the same config it did during install [02:12] <_jwd_> is there something similiar to ESPN's bottom line for GNOME? Any recommendations? [02:12] one more actually, how can i tell whether or not a program is included in a base install of say Gutsy? [02:12] im sure theres a list or something [02:12] nickrud - great - that might be just what I need... Let me try that [02:12] _jwd_: what does it do? === osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude [02:12] Draggin: it doesn't ask any questions, if you leave it out it asks every question under the sun [02:12] bltzfsck, you'll need to install grub on the usb stick , toward the end of theinstall questionnair, change the hd0,0 thing to what it would be for the usb stick [02:12] if there is anyone with experience with bluetooth: I'm trying to use pand as nap - but somehow the interface "bnep0" doesn't exist at all - I spend like the last 4hours on this and can't find where I did anything wrong. [02:13] how big a partition does a full install of ubuntu require? [02:13] <_jwd_> sports scores type widget [02:13] anyone know how to tweak menu.lst to boot vista from /dev/sda1 [02:13] bltzfsck: i wouldnt go smaller than 5gb [02:13] brand0con: I'll put up a stanza for you , a sec [02:13] zeemystteryman, can you boot from the usb stick ? [02:13] thx [02:13] it doesnt need that much, but thats enough to mess around in [02:13] a lot of the thumb drives go about 4 gigs [02:13] nickrud, stanza ? , nice word for it [02:14] i think it only requires like 1.3 gb? [02:14] maybe i cd put /bin and /usr on the h/d [02:14] I went into setup when i booted my comp and went to the boot section and in the usb section i told it to boot from my external harddriv [02:14] I think i found tixwish... now what do I do? [02:14] thats off the top of my head [02:14] is there any program to capture packet [02:14] <_jwd_> no suggestions I take it, I know its not very geeky but some people might want it [02:14] jrib: do i have to rebot now? [02:14] something like wireshark which is for windows [02:14] if i can leave windows the way it is, mama will be much easier to get along with [02:14] bltzfsck: 4gb is plenty, especially if you want to run it off the thumb drive [02:14] is there any thing like that in ubunut [02:15] brand0con: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51608/ , add it to the very bottom, below the END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC [02:15] thx much [02:15] Pelo: yeah, I'm a poet :) [02:15] I'm looking for an easy way to manage my network connections. Can anyone please help me? Network manager will not work on my lan card... :(! So now changing networks is really painfull... and I repeat this process daily... :( help me please. [02:15] wsgued1: I don't think so, but if it's not showing up yet, sure [02:15] zeemystteryman, ok try this , boot regularly from the same hdd that was set as boot when you instaled ubuntu on the external hdd, my guess is that grub pahse one is on the internal but set to look for menu.lst on the external [02:15] Draggin: wireshark [02:15] mather, you in texas? [02:16] matkix: what kind of card do you have? have you tried an alternate network-manager like wicd? [02:16] uhm - just a small question *cough* could it be that bnep0 is pan0 in ubuntu? *cough* [02:16] <_jwd_> matkix you have to be more specific.. [02:16] can i use fiesty fawns kernel in gutsy? [02:16] <_jwd_> wireless? [02:16] bltzfsck: yah, howd you guess [02:16] Dragon67: wireshark sorry Draggin [02:16] i /who'd ya [02:16] i'm in dallas [02:16] * _jwd_ laughs [02:16] you better buy me dinner first perv [02:16] mather, I have a wireless card that IS supported by the network manager, but my lan card is not... [02:16] nickrud: draggin is packet capture [02:16] articpenguin3800: it's been done, but it's not a good idea. [02:16] Pelo>> i never had gutsy installed on the internal, infact, when i installed it on the external, the internal didnt even show up [02:16] mather, Where can I find another network manager? [02:16] Dragon67: no, that's a person. wireshark is in ubuntu [02:16] wicd is the only one i know of [02:17] <_jwd_> your LAN card is not supports? what type of card? [02:17] so mather, you think booting from a thumb drive is a practical solution? [02:17] _jwd_, Is that enough detail? [02:17] what is the shortcut to switch to a japanese entry system? [02:17] Pelo>> i had XP installed on the internal [02:17] Is anyone familiar with setting up a bluetooth connection via usb adapter within ubuntu? [02:17] zeemystteryman, not a qustion of having gusty installed on the internal, but the bootloader ( grub) default installs on the boot hdd as per the bios settings [02:17] bltzfsck: do you want to run it off the thumb permanently? or just install it from the thumb? [02:17] nickrud: ok i dont mean person ,i ask for program which can capture packet [02:17] _jwd_, Well its all one unit, its an intel lan / wan card on my ibm thinkpad. [02:17] hello [02:17] <_jwd_> bluez-utilz mattgyver83 [02:17] run from the thumb [02:17] * _jwd_ nods [02:17] Dragon67: wireshark :) [02:17] save all the back up and repartition of C drive [02:17] ok [02:17] I was able to install with the noapic thing [02:18] i will try it then [02:18] nickrud: is it going to work in ubuntu? [02:18] zeemystteryman,just try it [02:18] hi [02:18] _jdw. I have installed that however i cannot locate any of my devices. any suggestions? [02:18] mather, Where do i find wice? [02:18] <_jwd_> lemme look matkix [02:18] Dragon67: just look for it in synaptic , it's available [02:18] zeemystteryman, if you can boot that way you'll just need to dl the supergrub cd and fix it ,easy enough [02:18] matkix: google it [02:18] wicd [02:18] i dont think its in the repos [02:18] nickrud: thanks a lo [02:18] lot [02:18] ide hard drive is split into a couple of 80 gig partitions, one empty [02:18] but there is a .deb for it, which installs like an .exe does, just double click [02:18] that could be root [02:18] im not too experienced with linux so hopefully this wont be hard [02:19] nickrud - I'm just about to give up... That doesn't seem to do it either... ran dpkg-reconfigure and still nothing. It says - Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X Driver not found) [02:19] !enter | EVERYBODY PLEASE [02:19] EVERYBODY PLEASE: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:19] * bltzfsck figures ubotu is talking to him [02:19] * scyon says yar [02:19] bltzfsck, amongst others [02:20] what is a good player to have in ubuntu? [02:20] shoot, fellas, i havent been on irc in a couple of years [02:20] Draggin: it shouldn't be trying to get composite running .... Look in xorg.conf for anything about composite , and delete that section. Make sure the Device driver is nv [02:20] mplayer xine? [02:20] zeemystteryman, it won'T be but check if you can boot from the internal with the external plugged in first, that way we will know if that is the problem I think it is [02:20] bltzfsck: im confused with all the harddrive talk... you wanna run ubuntu from the thumb drive, so whats the harddrive got to do with it? or were you talking to someone else? [02:20] nickrud - composite? Composite what? Not sure what you mean [02:20] i want to put 7.10 on sdb1 and make my home partition sdb2, swap is currently unallocated. Using the live cd to install, how do I make sdb2 home partition (its partitioned ext3) [02:20] ok [02:20] Pirate-King, just install all of them so you can switch around if you need to [02:21] i have reinstall gutsy on the external though... [02:21] mather, not enuf room on a thumb drive for a good / [02:21] zeemystteryman, you uinsalled gusty ? [02:21] really [02:21] i formatted the disk [02:21] zeemystteryman, I think I am a bit confused as to the nature of the problem [02:21] im running it on live currently [02:21] bltzfsck: either way, running from the thumb drive full time is practical if you plan on tinkering around with ubuntu once a week, imho [02:21] zeemystteryman, nemver mind then [02:21] Anyone here using perlpanel? I need help on how to get back the original config ... I fucked up pretty much ;) [02:21] IS practical, you say? [02:21] Draggin: Try this: edit xorg.conf , and change the device driver to vesa. [02:21] zeemystteryman, , check in gparted, figuere out the /dev/hd** of the external hdd [02:22] chmod a dir and everything inside it is it "sudo chmod -r 777 *"? [02:22] bltzfsck: IS practical if you dont plan on using it full time [02:22] !language | Patogen [02:22] Patogen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [02:22] Draggin: composite is the stuff that makes compiz, the fancy fading and wobbly window effect work [02:22] nickrud - that's how it is at the moment [02:22] zeemystteryman, when you get to the last dialog of the installer for ubuntu , where you see (hd0,0) I'll give you the correct addy to change that to and your will be able to boot gutsy from the external [02:22] with no issues [02:22] jrib: nope didnt work [02:22] it says that my internal is /dev/sda and my external is /dev/sdb [02:23] #ubuntu [02:23] oh [02:23] i need help [02:23] nickrud - okay... How would I know whether it's trying to load that or not? [02:23] what is the equivalent device for /dev/pcsp/ on ubuntu? [02:23] wsguede: pastebin the contents of your /etc/fstab [02:23] hi, I enabled the upnp plugin in rhythmbox and now rhythmbox wont start [02:23] is anyone familiar with Transcode????? [02:23] jrib: how do i get this? [02:23] pretty much when i plug my headphones into my computer they don't go to the headphones [02:23] btw [02:23] zeemystteryman, ok start wit the insatller when you get to the last screen chanage (hd0,0) to (hd1,0) [02:23] can anyone help? [02:23] and it keeps playing speaker [02:23] where is gparted located?> [02:23] Draggin: that makes no sense, if the vesa driver is in use it wouldn't even try to do composite. Look in the xorg.conf , look for a line with Composite . Is it there? [02:23] i was usint the terminal to figure that out [02:23] bltzfsck: i have my ubuntu installation on 30GB of space, its about a year old and ive installed countless programs... still have 30% of drive left (that includes countless mp3s and videos etc) [02:24] nickrud: adding those lines to my menu.lst returned "Error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format" [02:24] zeemystteryman System>Administration>Partition editor [02:24] ideas [02:24] i need help i am in troubl, does anybody help me?"Cant Ccess ACPI event in /var/run/"ACPID Socket! Make sur the ACPI Subsystem is working and the ACPID daemon is working [02:24] why did ubuntu used to let me use headphones and now it doesnt [02:24] ok [02:24] shep_, rightclick the volume icon, select properties, or prefs ( not sure where it is , look for jacksense [02:24] brand0con: then there's a problem with your windows install if it's really on sda1 [02:24] sysctl -a | grep forwarding is not working... any other commands? [02:24] i thought that it would actually be called gparted [02:24] haha ok [02:24] nickrud - nope - the word doesn't appear in the file at all [02:24] zeemystteryman, if you don'T need it anymore, I just wanted you to look up the dev of your external hdd [02:24] master pcm and digital are the choices [02:24] boots fine tho [02:24] wsguede: type 'gedit /etc/fstab' [02:24] does anyone know what device under /dev/ is for the pc speaker on ubuntu? (the built-in speaker) [02:24] i need help i am in troubl, does anybody help me?"Cant Ccess ACPI event in /var/run/"ACPID Socket! Make sur the ACPI Subsystem is working and the ACPID daemon is working [02:25] Hello, I seem to be having a network issue. I'm using a linksys wireless card and netgear WRG54 for the net and the last two days on my road runner cable 16mbs connection I haven't been able to break 70k/s download speed, though my roommate who is sharing it and using vista has been getting excellent speeds when we test the connection on his machine. [02:25] brand0con: windows boots fine? you using a boot floppy or something? [02:25] the /dev/pcsp/ device isn't present [02:25] */dev/pcsp [02:25] ibm_, do a search for the error msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org [02:25] !pastebin [02:25] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [02:25] i can boot it through hitting f9 and selecting the correct drive [02:25] i need help i am in troubl, does anybody help me?"Cant Ccess ACPI event in /var/run/"ACPID Socket! Make sur the ACPI Subsystem is working and the ACPID daemon is working [02:25] still isnt working :( [02:25] cant use headphones [02:26] do you think its a problem with my actual computer [02:26] shoeunited, your roommate might be bogarding the bandwith [02:26] shoeunited : ubuntu is your server? [02:26] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51609/ [02:26] nickrud - let me see if I can figure out the copy and paste commands in this text only environment, and then I'll try pasting it into pastebin [02:26] Draggin: ok [02:26] shep_, hard to tell, try looking up the problem in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org [02:26] shoeunited: Where is the wireless router located and what objects are within a 3ft radius of it? [02:26] Ubuntu is my personal computer. [02:26] ?"Cant access ACPI event in /var/run/"ACPID Socket! Make sur the ACPI Subsystem is working and the ACPID daemon is working [02:26] wsguede: what does 'ls /media/music' return at the moment? [02:27] how do I install 7.10 onto my sdb drive using the livecd? I have the install program running and I want 7.10 to go onto sdb1 and my home directory to go onto sdb2 [02:27] The router is located right next to my machine. [02:27] Pelo>> which install methog do i use, the only one i know about is the icon on the desktop of the live cd [02:27] I am getting about 84% connection rate. [02:27] My 360 is near and on, my computer is practically on top of it. [02:27] The 360 is not on right now though. [02:27] brand0con: do sudo fdisk -l and put the result on pastebin [02:28] jrib: nadda [02:28] shoeunited: hm, was going to suggest making sure it's 3ft away from any metal objects, but if it's right next to your box I don't think it would make a difference. What channel is the router using, what standard, and what type of key/encryption if any? [02:28] sda and sdb are partitions on an internal secondary drive for me but somehow doesnt register in ubuntu as hdb [02:28] My in72 projector is on top of the stand about 5 ft vertically. [02:28] hey, quick question. [02:28] wsguede: did you use ntfs to create this? [02:28] yep [02:28] bawwwwwwwwww nothing on ubuntuforums from a quick glance [02:28] wsguede: argh, I mean "ntfs-config" [02:28] brand0con: let me see your partitions, because sda and sdb are disks not partitions [02:28] rredd4, just use the manual partitionning options, crate a partiton on the sdb hdd, after the screen that looks like the partiton editor,you'll get a screen that lets you specify what goes where put / on the sdb1 and /home on sdb2 and don'T forget to make a /swap [02:28] Ubuntu Partitions - whats normal? I am use to mandriva [02:28] ok [02:28] brand0con they are now called sd... not hd... [02:28] brand0con: sdb is a seperate drive not partition [02:28] wsguede: pastebin 'blkid' [02:28] It is set to open currently, and it is using channel 11. [02:28] jrib: i used some program and it did it for me [02:29] wsguede: what program? [02:29] I believe it is using b/g [02:29] oh thx rredd [02:29] cracker... Is it possible to copy text from VI and then paste it in Links? [02:29] へっぉ [02:29] zeemystteryman, there is only one the icon on the destkiop, the important bit you need to remember to get this working problerly is that on the last dialog screen of the installer you need to chagne hd0,0 to hd1,0 [02:29] Draggin: gpm may allow that [02:29] ok [02:29] Storage devise manager... it was off that website u gave me [02:29] that didnt show up [02:29] !enter | shoeunited [02:29] bascule - gpm? [02:29] shoeunited: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:29] hey got a question for a friend: (with no internet) as you will see in a sec, hes looking for a cheap ide wireless card that has nice suppoort for ubuntu, he has one now with next to nothing and ndiswrapper hates him, any ideas? [02:29] Draggin:if you install gpm you can copy and paste with the middle button [02:29] Pelo: I considered that, but I ran the test right after him and peeked, he would say if he was bogarting. lol [02:29] jrib: Storage devise manager... it was off that website u gave me [02:29] Draggin: copy to "* [02:29] !info gpm | draggin [02:29] draggin: gpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25 (gutsy), package size 372 kB, installed size 708 kB [02:29] but i managed to find it by going to advanced [02:29] zeemystteryman, in the summary screen at the very end [02:30] shoeunited: Guessing you made sure no other APs in your area are using channel 11 already since 6 is default. Are the antennas on both the AP and the NIC situated at a 90-degree vertical angle? [02:30] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51611/ [02:30] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51610/ [02:30] Draggin: allows mouse in the shell, middle click paste [02:30] Draggin: (and then use the X clipboard by middle clicking to paste) [02:30] I changed it form (hd0) to (hd1) [02:30] Pelo do I select the partitons one at a time? I have sdb1, sdb2 and unallocated (for swap) [02:30] sp0ro1, No, I don't think so, I didn't consider that. [02:30] does my apache server work? [02:30] Wow... The universe is conspiring against me... That sounds great, but I don't have a middle mouse button... hehe [02:30] shoeunited, I din'T mean he was doing it voluntaraly but if you are testing while he,s using the internet some of it is used by him, if you get me [02:30] wsguede: it seems you have sda5 as a swap partition [02:31] * bascule assumed Draggin was at a shell using vim and links :) [02:31] how do I access a local windows network? [02:31] rredd4, I would assume so , I ahven't actualy seen that bit in a while, I've been setup along those lines for over a year [02:31] Pelo, I understand. :) He had to reboot though while I ran my test. [02:31] bascule - I am [02:31] What's the wget command to download http://m.peponas.free.fr/gngeo/download/gngeo-0.6.12.tar.gz ? [02:31] sda5 IS my swap... on my 80gb [02:31] sda5 IS my swap... on my 80gb jrib [02:31] Arthur: wget URL [02:31] j #mac [02:31] can anyone help me [02:31] Thank you [02:31] wsguede: so where is your music? [02:31] zeemystteryman, you should be good to go then [02:31] Draggin: both together may emulate middle, dunno if gpm has a config [02:31] shep_: probably #macintosh, and /j [02:31] whats tixwish/ [02:32] on my ntfs 250 gb jrib [02:32] I could have sworn that there was something else, but oh well [02:32] shoeunited: Try that, it probably won't make a huge difference, but it will help signal strength. Especially if you roam around with a laptop or something. [02:32] ok [02:32] wsguede: yes, but what partition? [02:32] thanks for the help [02:32] what a damn mission... [02:32] i will be back if it doesnt work [02:32] zeemystteryman, best of luck [02:32] wsguede: sda1? [02:32] kay so my laptop still isnt recognizing my headphones like it used to, just keeps playing on speaker :( [02:32] no 5 [02:32] jrib: no 5 [02:32] does anyone else have rhythmbox crash when loading the upnp plugin? [02:32] i like cheese [02:32] haha [02:32] wsguede: you just told me sda5 was your swap... [02:32] ty [02:32] is my test ububtu server... guess what platform... [02:32] jrib: 2 different hdds [02:32] shoeunited: As for your transfer rate, have you tried situating the router anywhere else in the room? [02:32] brand0con: try this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51613/ [02:33] anyone know of a cheap wireless card (ide) that has good support not using ndiswrapper [02:33] mckooter, try asking in #hardware [02:33] sp0ro1, So this could be a situation of antennas at weird angles? Also, I forgot to mention that yesterday, I that the router had dropped me but ubuntu wouldn't drop the netgear connection even though it was @ 0% I even went and grabbed a wired connection and it wouldn't let go. I had to do a full restart to get it to dump. [02:33] pelo: thanks [02:33] mckooter, ask for a card with good linux support instead [02:33] a link works too [02:33] nickrud: thx much. tried somethign similar to this at one point and couldnt get it right. hopefully this is the ticket [02:33] kimsheera... That's running on an iPhone?? [02:34] yea [02:34] wsguede: sda5 the fifth partition on your first hard drive, you can't have it be both [02:34] brand0con: I"ve got my fingers crossed. Not real familar with how mixed ide and sata work [02:34] shoeunited: Hm, that could be an authentication problem. Do you have MAC address restrictions set on your network or something? [02:34] so is my chat client [02:34] sp0ro1, No, I hadn't since it was reporting 84% when it was right next to the comp. Since you mentioned metal interference, possibly that is creating noise and ruining my connection? [02:34] kimsheera - wow :) That's really cool [02:34] wsguede: pastebi 'mount' [02:34] jrib: correct sda5 is ntfs and sdb5 is swap [02:34] How do I open tar.gz files through the ternimal? [02:34] unpack [02:35] Arthur: tar xf file.tar.gz [02:35] sp0ro1, Not that I'm aware, though I did see an area in the router setup specifying a specific mac address. [02:35] Many thanks [02:35] shoeunited: If you're getting 84%, most likely not, but it could cause collisions and/or make your CSMA collision avoidance system queue your computer up and make you have longer wait times to process things. [02:35] nickrud... I don't know anymore... [02:35] while installing ubuntu this message occured " create symlink /dev/root/ " i didnot understand what should i do pls help me [02:35] nickrud: are you noting my drives to be sata because of their sda sdb notation or something else [02:35] nickrud - do you have any last suggestions before I go mad? :) [02:36] Draggin: I'm not real good with nvidia, especially since they started splitting drivers into three [02:36] *drive [02:36] does anyone the device for the pc speaker (the built-in one) under /dev/? [02:36] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51615/ [02:36] ibrahim, search for the error msg in www.ubuntuforums.org my guess it is an easy fix but I just don'T know that you are suppose to link to [02:36] brand0con: that's the assumption, yes [02:36] nickrud - no problem - thanks a lot for your patience though [02:36] ok [02:36] thx [02:36] I am plauged with the orange square of bug [02:37] shoeunited: But to be completely honest, I don't think any of that would slow down your transfer speed. It might just be a compatibility issue between the router and the NIC. I've seen it happen before between different vendor wireless products. [02:37] i'm having an issue with autodir w/autofs4 in gutsy. i think i might need a newer kernel. is there an easy way to try out a pre-built newer kernel? [02:37] alexbOrsova, try looking for hte speakers in menu > system > admin > hardware info ( might be in prefs) [02:37] Pelo: thx alot [02:37] is there anyway to track what devices under /dev/ a program uses? [02:37] hi-has anyone followed this guide? http://www.howtoforge.com/openldap-samba-domain-controller-ubuntu7.10-p1 [02:37] Pelo: thanks [02:37] wsguede: ok, notice your fstab *is* trying to use sda5 as swap, change line 8 to use your sdb5 instead [02:38] jrib: you lost me [02:38] * Pelo makes no promises , unless there is something in it for him [02:38] sp0ro1, the thing is (ironically) that ubuntu had more or less been happy with this connection for the last two weeks. :/ [02:38] <-- noob jrib [02:38] wsguede: oh wait, that's funky. Your UUID for sda5 and sdb5 are the same [02:38] I've followed it dilligently but getting 'path not found' when trying to add xp box to domain [02:38] * nickrud is tired of Pelo's extraneous comments scrolling the window ;p [02:38] jrib: i am going to imagin that is not a good thing [02:38] sp0ro1, In the last 48 hours it seems to have started difficulties. I considered network things, but I haven't installed anything besides sdlmame in the last 2 days. [02:38] * Pelo hides the handfull of breadcrums jrib left for wsguede behind his back [02:39] thanks pelo... i dont like bread crumbs [02:39] shoeunited: Yeah, but CSMA|CA doesn't knock you off your connection, it just pauses whatever you're doing until whatever other device(or interfering object) is finished doing what it's doing, then resumes. [02:39] hmm [02:39] Can anyone offer a website that shows/explains how to run ubuntu headless (x11) [02:40] releod, just install the server version [02:40] is it possible for blkid to provide stale UUIDs. If so, how can make sure the information is accurate? wsguede has two different partitions that blkid claims have the same UUID [02:40] does anyone know how to tell what device the "beep" command is using (under /dev/)? [02:40] shoeunited: Which could essentially could make your download speeds *LOOK* slower, when infact they are actually just stalled. If it is an interfering object though, it would clog your network and you wouldn't even be able to do anything. So I'm not sure if that is the problem at all. [02:40] alexbOrsova, it is using the soundcard [02:40] Pelo: is it easy to swap to the server version from the desktop version? [02:41] jrib: I had that situation, I wrote new ones with tune2fs -U . They don't show in blkid until reboot [02:41] Pelo: no, it's not [02:41] Pelo: it's using the built0in speaker on my computer [02:41] jrib: it was due to a dd , that carried over the UUID to the new partition [02:41] Pelo: and I can't find the device for it [02:41] wsguede: for now, just edit line 8 to say "/dev/sdb5" instead of the "UUID=fecc186c-d322-4e7b-ae1b-f953af309805" [02:41] shoeunited: Have you tried checking your network for IPs or dual MAC addresses? You could possibly have a leecher if your system is open. [02:41] releod, I guess you could just remove the ubuntu-desktop files [02:41] Pelo: unless the built-in speaker is controlled by the soundcard? I don't think it is. [02:41] releod, taht would get you just the minimal part fo ubuntu , hold on [02:42] I've been checking for leechers. lol ^_^ [02:42] nickrud: thanks [02:42] alexbOrsova, check in menu > system > prefs > sounds, second tab I Think see what device is used for system sound or system events or smeothing [02:42] I just installed a new laptop with 7.10 didn't have internet till after the install. Now when I try to install something it tells me to refresh the package list which I tell it to then when I try to install something it does the same thing [02:42] releod, hold on I think I have what you need here , gime a sec [02:42] sp0ro1, I will try checking my MAC addy's and try moving the router though. As well as checking the antennae. I will give those a shot first before I ask for more help stabbing in the dark. lol ^_^ ty :) [02:43] Pelo: i did, and I can't open any of the devices under there except the one used for normal speaker output [02:43] Pelo: ok [02:43] shoeunited: Np, just work with the stuff you can try to change without completely altering the network first...although moving the router is essentially doing that I suppose. ;P [02:44] jrib: what do u mean just edit it [02:44] releod, just the remove ubuntu line , no need to install, kde , that should get you down to just the command line version of ubuntu ei headless as you call it http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde [02:44] hum [02:44] jrib how do i do that? [02:44] I would try to setup WPA on your AP though if you can. [02:45] alexbOrsova, just so I just don'T keep driving you in circles, what is the actual problem you are trying to resolve ? [02:45] wsguede: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab === Kalamans1 is now known as Kalamansi3 [02:45] mount /dev/lasers /mnt/sharks === Kalamansi3 is now known as Kalamans1 [02:45] alright im running ubuntu and i would like to know if it is possible to install windows to dual boot now. My friend told me you have to install windows first and then ubuntu [02:45] How do I turn on DRI? It was running and after running updates it's stopped... now anything 3d (including screensavers) is really choppy === Kalamans1 is now known as Kalamansi [02:45] Well... off to try some more random fixes... [02:45] woooo....now i have lasers mounted on sharks [02:45] sam__: you should do windows first, but it's fixable. see the next factoid in a pm [02:45] Pelo: this will leave my users directory in-place still right? [02:45] thanks for all the help [02:45] !grub | sam__ [02:45] sam__: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [02:46] time for world domination! [02:46] Draggin: good luck [02:46] sam__, that is the best way to go about it , installing windows messes up the ubuntu boot loader [02:46] Pelo: I can't seem to find the device file for my computer's built-in speaker under /dev/ [02:46] shoeunited: if none of that works, start looking into your NIC configurations and/or what you have changed since you have been getting slower speeds. [02:46] Pelo: even though I know it must be there, the beep command uses it [02:46] alrighty thanks [02:46] releod, yes, this only removes progs related to the ubuntu desktop and such [02:46] hello can i use ubuntu as an enterprise server? [02:46] the server version? [02:47] amigamiga: yes, that's it's intent. [02:47] Pelo: background info: I'm trying to open it from a c++ program but I need to know the filename of the device [02:47] alexbOrsova, the question is , why do you need to find this file ? [02:47] I just installed ubuntu. installed the nvidia drivers using the drivers from the nvidia page === Fin1 is now known as iRRVi [02:47] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51616/ correct? [02:47] what does it use as the admin interface? [02:47] that brings up a question for me [02:47] and then I installed the drivers from the repositories [02:47] does seveas still come here? [02:47] amigamiga: the terminal [02:47] alexbOrsova, the ppl in ##linux might know better then we do about this [02:47] amigamiga: rarely [02:47] Pelo: I need to use specifically the built-in speaker for a little app I'm writing [02:47] hi can someone help me with my samba problem? [02:47] and now when i hit ctrl+alt+f1 it doesn't show the login [02:47] or anything [02:47] not gui? [02:47] Pelo: ok, thanks [02:48] wsguede: yep, now what ubuntu version are you using? [02:48] amigamiga: nope. It's a server. You can install a gui with X , though [02:48] !enter | merde [02:48] merde: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:48] 7.10 [02:48] jrib: 7.10 [02:48] ok [02:48] can i distrobute copies of ubuntu on computers that i sell along with re-install disks? is this against the "rules" [02:48] thanks [02:48] majikins, just state the problem if anyone knows the solution they will try and tell you [02:48] yo guys so i just reinstalled my 6.10.. and im wanting to burn mp3s to an audio cd.. what codec i need to download? thanks [02:48] wsguede: what happens when you type 'sudo mount /dev/sda5'? [02:48] iRRVi: not the right channel, we don't give legal advice... but as far as i know, you can do it [02:48] iRRVi, as long as you are selling the computers and not ubuntu === dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk [02:49] i think i like the itunes interface better than amarok for many reasons but itunes runs crappy on ubuntu is there any open source music players with an interface similar to itunes? [02:49] followed http://www.howtoforge.com/openldap-samba-domain-controller-ubuntu7.10-p1 but now stuck at joining xp machine to the domain [02:49] !mp3 > ir4d0m check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu [02:49] what window manager does g0S use [02:49] ok thx [02:49] gives 'network path' not found [02:49] iRRVi: you can sell it any way you like, that's the way the license is written. You must make the source available though if you sell it [02:49] Uhm guys how do i set up Mac4Lin_part1? [02:49] any advice for when ubuntu suddenly decides you no longer have a printer connected? [02:49] majikins, since no one here is gonna go and read the tutorial just tell us what part you don'T understand [02:50] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51617/ [02:50] Pelo and/or LjL: does that include selling copies of disks with the computers (as long as i dont charge extra for the cd's?) [02:50] is there a search command i can excecute? [02:50] good evening folks.. i am trying to install an i386 program on my amd64 version of ubuntu.. is that possible? i have read on forums that it is, and people have gotten this specific program working successfully, but i can't seem to find any sort of directions on how to go about installing it [02:50] or where should i ask? [02:50] Geoffrey2, reconnect and turn on the printer ? or just delete the printer in cups and install it again [02:50] Geoffrey2: if its usb replug in the usb [02:50] I installed ubuntu. I installed the drivers from the nvidia page. It loaded after installing, but after rebooting it didn't work. So I installed the drivers using apt and that didn't work. but after that when I hit ctrl+alt+f1 it doesn't show anything [02:50] Geoffrey2: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart works for me most of the time [02:50] how can i see my ip address on the terminal [02:50] well there were no errors in the install - all was right [02:50] wsguede: read the error and choose an option [02:50] but I just can't add the pc to the domain [02:51] Pelo, I deleted it and tried to redetect, ubuntu just doesn't see it..... [02:51] iRRVi: you do need to redistribute the source too, i'm afraid. perhaps it's best to get in contact with canonical's legal dep [02:51] is there a search command i can excecute from the command line? i forgot where i put a file. [02:51] iRRVi, ubuntu is free of charge you are not allowed to sell it , you can give away as many copies as you like , with or without a computer [02:51] is there a log file I can look at to see what could be going wrong? [02:51] i think i like the itunes interface better than amarok for many reasons but itunes runs crappy on ubuntu is there any open source music players with an interface similar to itunes? [02:51] Aeleon: find or locate [02:51] Geoffrey2, is it turned on ? [02:51] Pelo: k thnx [02:51] Aeleon, man find. locate may or may not be on your system, and requires a stupid db [02:51] Pelo: actually he can sell it for as much as he likes (but I'll stop here, off-topic) [02:51] Anybody got links to a Tutorial for Mac4Lin? [02:51] Aeleon, locate filename [02:51] has anyone tried connecting an iphone or ipod touch to itunes via vmware? [02:51] Geoffrey2: if using kde, but your default installation was gnome, letting gnome handle the printers seems to be helpful [02:51] jrib: beautiful [02:51] and LjL: so i should also distrobute a cd with the source on it? [02:51] Pelo, sure you aren't allowed to sell it? [02:51] thanks, jrib, preaction, and Pelo. [02:51] how can i see my ip address on the terminal? [02:52] oriez ifconfig [02:52] oriez: type ip a [02:52] LjL, I guess he can sell the cd for a 1 to cover the cost but I dont, think he's allowed to sell the os [02:52] <_jwd_> ifconfig [02:52] hi what filesystem do i need to format my drive as so its writable when mounted as nfs [02:52] * nickrud thinks Pelo needs to read up on the gpl and related licenses [02:52] iRRVi, according to the GPL, yes, or (possibly, not sure it's valid in all cases) you can make a written offer to provide the source for free if asked. however, not all of Ubuntu is under the GPL [02:52] oriez: for your external ip, wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org [02:52] <_jwd_> ntfs [02:52] nickrud, probably [02:52] >.> [02:52] jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51619/ but in the end it worked so yeah... do i have to do this every time now? [02:52] ok, unplugged and re-plugged both ends, shut off printer and turned back on.....trying to detect printer again [02:52] * Pelo needs to get out fo this channel and go to bed [02:53] g'Night folks [02:53] nickrud, Pelo: maybe, and maybe not. ubuntu is a collection of gpl and non gpl code [02:53] Geoffrey2: don't forget to restart cups [02:53] im using nfs not samba [02:53] gginght Pelo [02:53] ntfs is samba [02:53] i think i like the itunes interface better than amarok for many reasons but itunes runs crappy on ubuntu is there any open source music players with an interface similar to itunes? [02:53] im guesst fat32 or ext3 [02:53] wsguede: you have to look into what the error is about and see what the ramifications of using "force" are. If you add "force" to your fstab options it should automatically mount when you boot [02:53] ablyss: ok, and how do I do that? [02:53] g4lv4tr0n: nfs and ntfs are two completely different things. samba is something akin to nfs (but different) [02:53] ok I remember that logs are in var/log/samba [02:53] LjL: true, aggregated software can be complex [02:53] Tell majikins x [02:54] can anyone tell me how to install an i386 program on an amd64 build of ubuntu? [02:54] Geoffrey2: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart [02:54] how do I get the kde4 effects to work [02:54] all in all iRRVi, the message is, get real legal advice, don't ask a bunch of non lawyers on IRC. [02:54] Well anyone guides on using Mac4Lin on ubuntu 7.10... [02:54] yeah i know i want to mount a drive using nfs but not sure what to format my drive as and im guessing i dont want to use ntfs as thats a windows fs [02:54] would anyone happen to know why my copy paste gets messed up sometimes? [02:54] i'm getting 'Connection to LDAP server failed for the 15 try! [02:54] ' [02:54] Connection to LDAP server failed for the 15 try! [02:54] LjL: thnx... [02:55] is ipmasq and iptables and dhcp are already installed in ubuntu 7.10?no need to install it? [02:55] cal_mac: install 32bit libs [02:55] i guess... [02:55] where would i add it? jrib [02:55] wsguede: in the column for the /dev/sda5 row [02:56] alsa says i have to install alsa 1.0.15rc3 to get my mobo to work....how do I do that...its not in synaptic and I cant find it with apt-get either [02:56] Well im guessing im invisible? [02:56] is there anyway to restart the copy paste functionality in linux? [02:56] ablyss: will that change my system to 32bit, or will it just allow me to run 32bit programs? [02:56] jpiccolo: what do you mean? [02:56] cal_mac: the latter [02:56] Can some 1 just point me to the graphics channel === merde is now known as Impiety [02:57] javatexan: you would have to compile it, a sec & I'll give you a couple of links [02:57] hello i am using ubuntu 7.10 desktop. do i need to download dhcp,ipmasq and iptables and install it? or it is already installed? [02:57] cal_mac: sometimes you can edit a few lines of source code and compile for 64bit [02:57] jrib: sometimes no matter what i copy, whenever i paste it is like this: ŸŸ [02:57] cal_mac: may I ask what program you want to run? [02:57] ablyss: wing-101 [02:57] !fixgrub [02:58] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [02:58] restarted cupsys, still not detecting the printer..... [02:58] cal_mac: haven't heard of that program [02:58] I installed ubuntu. I installed the drivers from the nvidia page. It loaded after installing, but after rebooting it didn't work. So I installed the drivers using apt and that didn't work. but after that when I hit ctrl+alt+f1 it doesn't show anything. I booted using the restore option(single user mode) and it shows stuff in tty1, but not when i boot normally. It just shows the usplash and loads X. [02:58] ablyss: its a free python interpreter/editor [02:58] Geoffrey2: maybe reboot. [02:59] just noticed that everytime I try to open a link or copy a link in here, xchat shuts down [02:59] Impiety: there is a bug on launchpad about it [02:59] jrib: ok as i am looking at the fstab, it says that my ubuntu is on the first drive... but its not... ie /dev/sda1 type ext3 should be sdb1 could this be why my computer looks like it has a billion errors when it boots up? [02:59] Well.....HELLO!!!....... [02:59] cal_mac: i use 32bit libs and runs fine. in fact you can run 32bit and 64 bit firefox together to test the speed [02:59] does anyone know where you can find the source code of the "beep" command? [02:59] jrib: launchpad? [02:59] ablyss: i am reading that there is more than one way of getting 32bit libs.. [02:59] javatexan: hm, I'm not finding the pages I expected [03:00] Impiety: bugs.ubuntu.com [03:00] jrib: thanks [03:00] just to doublecheck, I'd add the printer by going under Administration > Printing ? [03:00] anyone know what my problem could be? [03:00] is anyone else having a problem with kde4 and clicking on links on xchat [03:00] ? [03:00] cal_mac: probably easiest to use synaptic.. but silly me forgot what the package names are [03:00] wsguede: well it is using the UUID for sdb1, so it is ok. The # part is just a comment. At one point it probably was sda1 and got moved [03:00] Hi everyone, is there a queue to get help here? [03:00] Bascote: nope, just ask [03:00] ablyss: alright i'll have a look. thank you [03:01] Alrighty thanks [03:01] What I am trying to do is create a startup script that runs before X and my nvidia drivers load [03:01] anyone know why my copy paste is messed up, i dont want to restart [03:01] I have an idea of how to do this but I do not think im completely there.. [03:02] jrib: this is true, after installing ubuntu on the 80gb drive, i connected the 250 to the computer, but now my computer thinks that its the primary, and that the 80gb is the slave... i cant change it in my bios either... [03:02] is it possible to either find out or get rid of or change the windows administrator password using ubuntu as a live cd? [03:02] jpiccolo: have you tried logging off? [03:02] Bascote: why? [03:02] javatexan: the best info I have for you is that alsa 1.0.15 is going to be in hardy, you can ask about it in #ubuntu+1 [03:02] wsguede: it's fine now [03:02] i hope [03:02] ablyss: i dont want to do that either, i have vm's open and everything [03:02] not sure if this is the right channel, since my issue is with the latest alpha for 8.04, but I'm a little confused about the X11 configuration. I am trying to install the accelerated ATI drivers, but when I go to dit my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, the Monitor, Device, and Screen sections of the file are all empty... how is the xserver running with an empty xorg.conf file? [03:02] Its to unlock some pixel pipings and overclock my card [03:02] heyy all [03:02] jrib: i am going to do a quick restart, and see if it re mounts it [03:02] BRB! [03:02] jpiccolo: the vm is no doubt causing the issue though [03:03] can one of you ping www.officeconvert.com and tell me if it's exceptionally slow? [03:03] keith: #ubuntu+1 for help with hardy [03:03] jrib, thanks... i figured this probably wasnt the right channel [03:03] The way I was planning to do it (please correct me if this process is completely wrong) is this: [03:03] Open the text editor and type in.. [03:03] nvclock -n 380 [03:03] nvclock -m 770 [03:03] nvclock -v 111111 [03:03] ablyss: i must have been when i tried to pasted in the vm [03:03] Sorry I thought that would be one post [03:03] jpiccolo: i had that problem when I used vm in tty10 [03:03] hiyas btw :o) [03:04] keith: you should ask about hardy on #ubuntu+1 , but I can tell you that the new version of X creates nearly all of it's config dynamically now [03:04] jpiccolo: if you keep the vm in the current tty and or upgrade you should be fine [03:04] i guess i will restart, i didnt want to have to bring xp, and photoshop back up [03:04] jpiccolo: is it an older version of vmware? [03:04] ablyss: vbox [03:04] i got a quick question to anyone who cares.. ive used fedoracore for a while on my desktops but have had issues with my laptop. i have a toshiba satellite. think id be alright with ubuntu on it? [03:04] tommyjr: try the live cd [03:05] oh i haven't used vbox is it good? [03:05] im kinda concerned on wirelss [03:05] i just read an artical which points to a place that has a good fix for it [03:05] Also I stopped a game installation prematurely and deleted it but im still showing the game icon under games, any way to remove this? [03:06] but i know in my experiance with laptops are tricky with certin builds of linux.. === Administrator__ is now known as icesword [03:06] Anyone available to help me with a couple beginner issues/ [03:07] <|ns|nR8> ask your question here Bascote [03:07] Ok [03:07] My first question is how do I create a startup script to run before X and my nvidia drivers load? [03:08] scripts go in /etc/init.d and have a specific runlevel [03:08] *working* [03:08] If that was a beginner question, I'm in REAL trouble. [03:09] rflol jonathan [03:09] Once I am there what do I do and what do you mean by specific runlevel/ [03:09] Bascote, google: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=startup+scripts+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a [03:09] is the regular 7.10 .iso also a live cd? [03:09] My impression to creating a startup script is to just open gedit and type in what I want such as "nvclock -m 770" to set the memory clock speed [03:09] Bascote: use /etc/init.d/screen as a template (assuming it's a real simple startup) and then do sudo update-rc.d defaults [03:10] keep in mind that Debian and Ubuntu don't play runlevel games. In this case, you need to make sure the script is run before your display manager. [03:10] ablyss: i'm totally at a loss as to which package it might be.. is it in libraries (old)? [03:10] cal_mac: let me see what I can find... give me a few [03:10] ablyss: sure thing [03:10] yes this is ubuntu [03:10] ah, defaults are too late [03:11] and also, those google searches, I dont think they include running the scripts before X and certain drivers load? [03:11] ok, i'm trying to find the setting for turning the menu background transparent. Does anyone know where it is? [03:11] ubuntee [03:11] no [03:11] Bascote, that's what the runlevels are [03:11] 1-6 iirc [03:11] could/should i email the people at ubuntu to know if i can distrobute the cds and/or install it on the computers that i sell as long as i dont charge them for ubuntu...or who might i contact concerning this? [03:11] I know if you right click a bar and click properties, under the background tab you can set to transparent. [03:12] *distribute [03:12] Thank you lemme catch up on reading and try. [03:12] crimsun: do you know who iRRVi should contact about info for redistribution? [03:12] Bascote: that is only the panel, not the menu itself [03:13] cal_mac: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs also have a look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libs/ia32-libs [03:13] So according to the template all I need is !/bin/sh and under that the nvclock commands? [03:14] Bascote: you mean #!/bin/sh [03:14] cal_mac: that should get you rolling.. the link was just for reference [03:14] yes sorry [03:14] Bascote: pretty much, in the start stanza [03:14] Ok lemme try that out first see if itll set fan speed at least. [03:14] Thanks guys. [03:15] hey guys, i thought you could launch somethign specifying a screen with like, say, :0 gedit [03:15] but its not working for me [03:15] cal_mac: you can also search synaptic with "ia32" for all available programs and utilities or shell command sudo apt-cache search ia32 [03:16] the device for my built-in pc speaker is in the wrong place under /dev/ and it doesn't work when I try to open it manually. However, the "beep" command uses it correctly. What's going on? [03:16] iRRVi: you may distribute images with and/or install Ubuntu on your hardware. You may even charge a nominal fee. See also http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy if you plan to use "Ubuntu" somewhere. [03:16] tsukasa: that would be DISPLAY=":0" gedit, but that doesn't control which desktop it goes on [03:17] crimsun: thanks i'll check it out [03:17] nickrud, is there a better way to do it then, which you can specify the desktop [03:17] tsukasa: wish I did. [03:17] anyone know how to enter an alt code in Linux? [03:19] netham45: linux doesn't accept the alt code for characters, you will need to use apps->accesories->charmap [03:19] Noob question on repositories...help, please. [03:19] Permission from us is necessary to use any of the Trademarks under any circumstances other than those specifically permitted above. These include: *Any commercial use [03:19] does this include distributing it for free with my computers...? [03:19] !ask | jonathan [03:19] jonathan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [03:20] a few bugs in kubuntu kde4.0: while in system settings>appearance, when you change something in a submenu, say the color scheme, but don't apply the setting and click on another submenu like the 'theme manager'.. the dialog which says 'unsaved changes, apply or discard' doesn't appear until you come back into the colors submenu [03:20] * iRRVi is worried [03:20] iRRVi: "Trademarks" is key there. [03:20] does anyone know how I can use the device for my computers built-in speaker? It won't work when I try to output random data even though the "beep" command works with it just fine [03:20] I am trying to install a firewall on the latest Ubuntu. I used the "help" and the instructions are to "Install the firestarter package from the “Universe” repository". I looked that up and tried to follow the instructions, but the required selections are not on my computer. [03:20] can anyone help me with a "no space left on device" error while trying to compile a new kernel [03:20] The instructions say to "Open System ▸ Administration ▸ Software Sources and press Third-Party Software." However, Software Sources is not on my menu. [03:20] nickrud, I am completely on a CLI [03:20] a very minimal CLI [03:21] the other bug: "clicking on menu editor kde4" in the kde menu doesn't execute the program [03:21] netham45: sorry, I don't know how to do that on a cli. [03:21] iRRVi: You might ask in #ubuntu-marketing, that would be (slightly) more appropriate than here. [03:21] My apologies, ubotu. [03:21] Flannel: thanks [03:22] jonathan, ubotu is a bot. ;_ [03:22] ;) [03:22] jonathan: oh, it's gotta be. You can right click the menu, and select edit. Look under system->admin, check software sources if it isn't [03:22] And I am a noob with so very much to learn. Thank you. [03:22] \join #olpc-help [03:22] !noob | jonathan :) [03:22] jonathan :): Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [03:23] Very, very much to learn... [03:25] jonathan: are you absolutely sure that system->admin->software sources are not visible? [03:25] hahaha [03:26] Yes. I show keyring manager, network tools, printing,system log, system monitor and update manager. [03:27] yes [03:27] jonathan: ok, right click the menu. You should see an option, edit menus, select that [03:28] !ati [03:28] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === adrian__ is now known as AksCuoo [03:28] this is very annoying. when i restart ubuntu, i keep reverting back to vesa even though I change my drivers to nvidia [03:28] anyone have experience with bcm43xx-fwcutter? === AksCuoo is now known as AksCupp [03:29] Ok. I found a menu with check boxes and software sources is there. But, when I check the box, it un-checks itself. [03:29] how can i tell apt-mirror to mirror more than the native architecture of the system in question [03:29] i want to do i386 and amd64 [03:29] the system is amd64 [03:30] I am trying to get my wireless up and running on my dell laptop with feisty distro but when I apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter I get a dkpg error code 1 [03:30] jonathan: that is extremely odd. Lemme think a sec [03:30] Hm, what's the latest stable kernel at the moment? [03:30] jonathan: when you installed ubuntu, did you make a separate home partition? [03:31] No. I don't know what you mean. [03:32] jonathan: ok, you didn't. It's like using D:\ for Documents and Settings , useful but not important [03:33] Does anyone know the name of the package to see the motherboard temperature? [03:33] Joelito, do you mean the desklet? [03:33] desklet? [03:33] jonathan: go to applications->accessories->terminal , and type there: ls -l ~/.local/share . copy and paste that to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give me the url [03:34] I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my Macbook pro with an nvidia geforce 8600M GT.. and it sits there all black for a few minutes and then goes into safe graphics mode, and then freezes. [03:34] What should I do? [03:34] can I set the touchpad to ignore input when typing so random things don't get clicked on? [03:34] !synaptics | Kevin` [03:34] Kevin`: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad [03:35] jbinder i'd just use the alternate install. not worth messing with it just to make the livecd work [03:36] anyone able to help me with my problem? [03:36] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51622/ [03:36] Kevin`: Does the alternate CD have a partition manager? [03:37] I need to delete the Windows partition and install it on that. [03:37] can i ask questions about xchat here? [03:37] jbinderyes I think so === monkey_ is now known as monTree [03:38] my xchat keeps trying to bann ppl for "away msg spamming" (even moderators) its kinda getting embarassing and i really cant find the setting to swich ti off. can someone help me? [03:38] jonathan: well that wasn't it. I was looking to see if that directory was not owned by you or not writeable. [03:39] I'm not using my admin account. Maybe that's the problem? [03:40] Hi folks, I installed Ubuntu using the Alternate CD because my video card is not supported by Ubuntu's LiveCD. After installing, I have a black screen. What can I do from Recovery Mode to install the drivers? [03:41] SyberJJ-: i would just remove $HOME/.xchat folder and start afresh [03:41] how come Konq/KDE can have spring loaded folders but Naut/Gnome can't? [03:41] BRB [03:42] jrib: sweet, everything works... 1 last question... how do i share the music folder with the network... ie windows computers will access it [03:42] fadumpt: kde has a lot of things gnome doesn't [03:43] ablyss - but i never enabled it ^^ [03:43] or konqueror has a alot things nautilus doesn't I should say [03:43] how do i share a folder to a network? [03:43] wsguede, see Administration => Public folders [03:44] Question: How do I install NVIDIA drivers from the recovery console? [03:44] how do I remove KDE and restore GNOME? Just tried KDE, not liking it, and want to go back to the default GNOME without any KDE files on my system? [03:44] Would someone be kind enough to help me write a small script to download some web pages off the web, scan through it for links, and save the src= field to a file? [03:44] SyberJJ-: maybe your g/f did to get back at you for being mean to her ;-) [03:44] is there a program that let's me capture the screen in repos? [03:44] tiff [03:45] kristjan_: do you mean a screenshot or a video? [03:45] how do you do a memtest in the terminal thx guys [03:45] Ziroda1: video [03:46] kristjan_: you can try instabul or recordmydekstop [03:46] Pelo? [03:46] How can I have two versions of libraries on my system - one used by Ubuntu, the other used for development work? [03:46] Pelo>> it didnt work [03:46] Would someone be kind enough to help me write a small script to download some web pages off the web, scan through it for links, and save the src= field to a file? [03:47] zeemysteryman: pelo went to bed, what did he have you doing? [03:47] 8==============================D [03:47] hi guys [03:47] :D [03:47] Very mature Krodolfo [03:47] i had the issue of not being able to install gutsy on an external harddrive [03:47] ablyss, sorry that wasn't what I was getting at [03:47] so [03:47] zeemysteryman: what did he suggest? [03:47] I did a bunch of looking a week ago trying to find out how to get that functionality and the basic answer was that Apple had patented it [03:48] and it was unavailable to anyone else [03:48] he had me change the boot sector to (hd1) from (hd0) [03:48] i got a different error this time [03:48] the error says "no such partion" [03:48] or alon the lines [03:48] hello, if im looking for a p35 mobo which would be better gigbyte or asus pls? [03:48] hey guys u all suck :D [03:48] suck thissssss 8================D [03:48] :D [03:48] zeemysteryman: putting the boot sector to the external drive is the right stepp ... [03:48] !ops | Krodolfo (just a pain in the firmament) [03:49] Krodolfo (just a pain in the firmament): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici! [03:49] !ops Krodolfo [03:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about ops krodolfo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:49] how do you ignore users like Krodolfo [03:49] what's the command [03:49] i know but when it booted up i think it was in grub or something, it said at the top of the screen "no such partition" as if the installer didnt partition the drive [03:49] LOL [03:49] hello [03:50] my data is gone after using gparted on the ubuntu live cd to resize (shrink) the ntfs partition and create a new unallocated partition. [03:50] zeemysteryman: this was with the external plugged in, right? and then, after you unplugged the external, windows booted fine? [03:50] #edubuntu === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [03:50] what should I do? [03:51] motherbord which is better pls gigabyte or asus? [03:51] can someone help me get compiz running on my radeon 7500 [03:51] how do I remove kde files from my system?? [03:51] i had it working before i installled gutsy [03:51] apt-get remove kde* [03:51] Eyemean: ##hardware [03:51] 8====D funny [03:51] kimsheera: please don't. [03:51] sorry [03:51] im not worried about windows, my internal has been corrupted and i cant use it, i dont have the money to get a new internal, so im trying to install gutsy on my external usb hard drive [03:51] lol sorry pici, i always seem to think im in that room, my aplogies [03:51] thank you [03:52] zeemysteryman: but an actual answer to what I asked will help me troubleshoot what went wrong [03:52] Pici: how do you block users? [03:52] windoughxp: I removed them from the channel, but /ignore will work locally on your client. [03:52] I just installed 07.10 and flash is not working in firefox 2.0.11 and no plugin is found!!! [03:52] zeemysteryman: ah, you did, your internal doesn't boot at all then [03:52] !flashissues | haisam [03:52] haisam: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [03:52] widows cant boot up i dont have any os installed [03:53] when i try to connect (via network) my windows computer to my ubunutu computer (via shared folders) it wants me to put in a user name and password, i tried my ubuntu login but it didnt work [03:53] zeemysteryman: you're in the live cd? [03:53] by [03:53] Auschwitz [03:53] yes [03:53] how do I get a heart to output to the cli? [03:54] nickrud: Thank you. The problem was that I was using a non-admin account. [03:54] ubotu: when is the official fix expected? [03:54] hello? [03:54] How would I enable a wacom tablet in gutsy? [03:54] haisam: Ubotu is a bot... [03:54] ok, make sure the external is plugged in, then type sudo fdisk -l in a terminal, and put that on a pastebin [03:54] * mnemonica laughs quietly to himself [03:55] Othello: it happens for some admin people also, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alacarte/+bug/96706 [03:55] haisam: And I dont know when its expected, but I hope soon :) [03:55] How would I enable a wacom tablet in gutsy? [03:55] * nickrud has quit holding his breath [03:55] nickrud: Now you've lost me completely. [03:55] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l [03:55] Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes [03:55] 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders [03:55] Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes [03:55] Disk identifier: 0x3834066b [03:55] Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System [03:55] Othello: that's a bug report about your issue, some people can't do that even in the admin account [03:55] zeemysteryman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:56] How do I use grep to only output the contents of ? [03:56] OIC [03:56] !pastebin | zeemysteryman [03:56] zeemysteryman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === bofh is now known as DrOnline [03:56] nickrud: What is an exxternal? [03:56] zeemysteryman: that sucks. I would expect the live cd to show the drive [03:56] please help... i have a mounted ntfs volume on my ubuntu os and i would like to access it from a windows computre over the network, how do i do this? [03:56] Othello: that's for someone else :) [03:56] it does [03:56] nickrud: Please explain this problem further [03:57] its in /dev/sdb [03:57] oh. I was on as jonathan before. [03:57] nickrud: Need to make sure my new version doesn't have this problem [03:57] can someone help me please? its not anythign to complicated [03:58] ask and you shall be helped [03:58] do you still need me to use pastebin? [03:58] maybe [03:58] How do I use grep to only output the contents of ? [03:58] zeemysteryman: yes [03:58] can any one tell me if ubuntu works on hp pa-risk ??? [03:58] nickrud>> edit>>do you want me to re-paste it in pastebin? [03:58] Amaranth: Othello was using alacarte as a non-admin user, and was not able to see software sources. Not suprising. I was showing him a bug report (the one that got your attention :) just to show he hadn't been alone [03:58] ok so i installed ubuntu and it is working fine finally after trying for a week the only thing is that it can not connect the internet and the desktop effects wont work why is this? [03:59] zeemysteryman: yes [03:59] Eagle2160: what do you mean it wont connect to the internet? [03:59] ok [03:59] <_gtt_> can anyone tell me why my htc cingular modem doesnt show up in /dev, even though it connects and works fine in wvdial [03:59] its pasted [03:59] zeemysteryman: I need the link [03:59] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51625/ [04:00] BTW sorry everyone for earlier ^_^ [04:00] nickrud: Ah, I should really close that bug, it's not a bug [04:00] guys ubuntu works on pa-risk machine?? [04:00] well i have a belkin wireless "jumpdrive" that i use to connect to the internet but its not working this is probably just kuzz ubuntu doesnt recognize it but how do i fix it? [04:00] nickrud: I can not locate the Firestarter package using the Add/Remove Applications box. [04:00] Amaranth: that's what usually happens to mine as well :_) [04:01] ok, i looked at some tutorials on booting from pen drives, and they all work from a fat16 filesystem. what's with that? [04:01] Eagle2160: was it working before and now it isnt or was it just never there to begin with [04:01] halo [04:01] nickrud: do u know alot about networking a windows machine to an ubuntu machine? [04:01] why cant you just put a linux filesystem on a pendrive from the getgo [04:01] nickrud>> although it does show my internal hard drive it is unusable [04:01] am new here...how to join other channel? [04:01] evil tech oh well i just installed it about an hour ago it works on windows but i dunno if itll work with ubuntu is there a way to do this? [04:02] "/-join" without the - [04:02] Othello: if you have the first four items enabled in software sources, system->admin->synaptic , hit update , and search (ctl-f) for firestarter there [04:02] How do you add an app to the application database manually? [04:02] wsguede: not a thing [04:02] guys ubuntu works on pa-risk machine?? [04:02] is there like an all in one plugin package or something i cant watch wmv files and a few other files i prefer using mplayer [04:02] Eagle2160: best way to go is to type the thing into google and add ubuntu and see if there is a how to [04:02] GuCci^GirL: "/join " [04:02] wsguede: I one one machine at a time, I'm just a user [04:02] <_gtt_> resctricted-meta or something like that right [04:02] nickrud: ok thanks anyways [04:02] and the other question is, will linux run from a pen drive as fast as if it was on the hard drive? [04:03] jrib: you there? [04:03] adub: ubuntu-restricted extras [04:03] zeemysteryman: now, gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , and put that on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [04:03] <_gtt_> adub: search adept for restricted meta [04:03] adub:has most of what you need [04:03] evil_tech i dont get what you are saying [04:03] adub: install ubuntu-restricted-extras [04:03] how do we see our ignore list? [04:03] on irc [04:04] thanks guys i hope this works [04:04] nickrud: it opens a blank window [04:04] Eagle2160: punch the model number of your internet adapter in to google along with ubuntu and it should turn up whether or not people have gotten it working [04:04] zeemysteryman: of course. Sorry [04:04] hehheh np [04:04] evil_tech ohh ok gotcha and is there a reason the desktop effects are not working? is it because of my graphic card? [04:05] adub: you'll also need to install libdvdcss2, libdvdnav, libdvdread3 [04:05] zeemysteryman: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt , then gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst [04:05] Eagle2160: what is the graphics card? [04:05] evil_tech not sure its nothign extremely recent though we havnt updated it since we got it and its a few years old [04:05] that as well is blank [04:05] is it windows irc the same wit ubuntu? [04:06] Anyone else having proplems with CS 1.6 and no keyboard? [04:06] Irc is the same everywhere [04:06] what is a good music player for ubuntu... one that can handle alot of songs and make easy playlists like itunes [04:06] Eagle2160: open a terminal and type lspci and tell me what it says for VGA Adapter or pastebin the output [04:06] ubuntu on a thumb drive, anybody tried it? [04:06] wsguede: banshee rhythmbox amarok [04:06] bltzfsck: yeah it wasnt so hot [04:06] k guys what is the program for wireless that chills in the system tray and list all the other wireless aps in an area [04:07] bltzfsck: I have. it's not too bad [04:07] adub: nm-applet [04:07] evil_tech how do you open a terminal? [04:07] kismet? [04:07] i boote the live CD from it [04:07] wsguede, how so? [04:07] er-booted [04:07] and why do you put it over a windows filesystem? [04:07] bltzfsck: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-610 [04:07] nickrud: are there some external hard drives that arent able to do this fo some reason? [04:07] y cant join kuching channel? [04:07] bltzfsck: i am sure you can upgrade to 7.10 [04:07] Eagle2160: Applications-> accessories-> Terminal [04:08] installed ubuntuce and want to blow it away to install just ubuntu - do i need to completely reinstall? [04:08] evil_tech ok hold on a second please [04:08] nickrud: Thank you, very much. [04:08] GuCci^GirL: no one is in it? [04:08] zeemysteryman: not that I'm aware of, if the bios is getting to the point of booting from the external, grub should find the linux partition. That's why I want to see your menu.lst [04:08] anybody able to help with a wacom intuos3? [04:08] GuCci^GirL, maybe you are on the wrong server? [04:08] zeemysteryman: that can't be blank :) [04:08] yeah [04:08] that one did show up blank though [04:08] I used to chat irc in windows...its totally different [04:09] zeemysteryman: I missed your blank comment until now, be sure to use my nick. [04:09] hmm i wonder y === athe_ is now known as athe [04:09] how [04:09] ? [04:09] GuCci^GirL: are u logged in through pidgin? [04:09] the only difference in IRC will be server rules and your client's look/settings, GuCci^GirL [04:09] zeemysteryman: just type nic at the start of each line, it makes it red here [04:09] yeah [04:09] zeemysteryman: I do zeem for yours [04:09] GuCci^GirL: read what nickrud said above you [04:10] nic like this? [04:10] i read the stuff on pendrive linux, but why do you put the boot partition on a windows filesystem? [04:10] zeemysteryman: hit the tab key :) [04:10] hehheh [04:10] i knew that [04:10] nickrud: like this? [04:10] GuCci^GirL: also, did u login to the right sever? === monkey__ is now known as monTree [04:10] I mentioned that wsguede >.> [04:10] well its my hometown channel [04:10] zeemysteryman: excellent. Now, type ls /mnt/boot/grub/ , do you see menu.lst [04:10] evil_tech it says intel corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset graphics controller (rev 03) [04:10] mayber diffren server then cant log in [04:11] GuCci^GirL: are you sure u changed it? [04:11] nickrud: yes [04:11] normally i using dalnet irc [04:11] GuCci^GirL: it defaults it as irc.ubuntu.com [04:11] Eagle2160:yeah you aren't going to be running desktop on PIII era integrated graphics [04:11] though someone correct me if i am wrong [04:11] zeemysteryman: ok, now do cat /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst , is it empty? [04:11] how do I find out my IP address, not the one for my local network but for the "outside internet"? [04:11] are you using XChat or Pidgin, GuCci^GirL ? [04:11] evil_tech whats your suggestion? [04:11] matthew_: google myip [04:12] Xchat [04:12] matthew_: [04:12] matthew_: ie myip.com [04:12] nickrud: no [04:12] haha [04:12] does anyone know of a thinkpad irc ? [04:12] Eagle2160:suggestion for what? getting desktop effects working? [04:12] evil_tech yes [04:12] use the server list to find dalnet and log in there GuCci^GirL [04:12] or IBM irc? [04:12] zeemysteryman: so that means you mistyped something gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst [04:12] Hi guys. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to run Ubuntu 64 bit or not. How well is it supported? [04:12] am lost....just use ubuntu few day...still unfamiliar [04:12] IdleOne, wsguede: is there a command line way of doing this? is this always my IP or just for right now? [04:12] date prints a time value that differs from my radio-controlled clock by 21 s. (In earlier times I never noticed such a high value. May be it is due to longer uptimes.) When setting the system date using the date command, when will be this setting overridden automatically by another setting? [04:12] HOW Do I remove KDE entirely from my system?? [04:13] im having a hard time playing wmv files [04:13] Eagle2160: only way that is going to happen is if your computer has an AGP slot and you nave a video card to put in it [04:13] MrObvious: I'm using 64 right now, but I see no reason to keep doing so. Firefox was a bit of a pain, and it runs no faster [04:13] releod: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop I think should do it. [04:13] nickrud: ok it opened [04:13] matthew_: it should always be your ip, unless ur isp changes it [04:13] zeemysteryman: ok, put it up on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [04:13] bullgard4: ditch ntpdate and use ntpd instead: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html [04:13] nickrud: Yeah I run FAH and I can get more points if I run 64 bit (this is a dual core laptop). [04:13] evil_tech what does an AGP slot look like? [04:13] nickrud: Is it really that hard to set up? [04:13] MrObvious: still has the KDE loading on boot and shutdown :S [04:13] matthew_: depends if you isp provides you with a static ip. I used /dns matthew_ to get your ip. only works for people who arent using server hosts [04:13] MrObvious: not really [04:14] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51626/ [04:14] I get this error when booting my desktop : Command executed............. a:\SCRUB3.EXE /D=ALL /L=2 [04:14] anyone? [04:14] Eagle2160: Just do a Google Image Search for AGP slot. [04:14] IdleOne, wsguede: can i do "ssh user@ip" to ssh into this computer over the internet? i do it over the local IP address but have never tried over the "outside" ip address. i would like to ssh into my computer from work. [04:14] Eagle2160: closest slot to the CPU set back a little from the white PCI slots and is usually brown in color though not always [04:14] or google it [04:14] hi...i am running gutsy amd64...i tried to run dpkg-reconfigure locales but it did not display the dialog box as usual..any idea on how i may troubleshoot this prob? thanks [04:14] nickrud: umm now its says the root is hd0 when i clearly had it install on hd [04:14] nickrud: hd1 [04:14] Can I just download a 64 bit kernel or something like that or do I have to totally reinstall? [04:14] releod: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [04:14] matthew_: never tried it myself [04:15] mrobvious thankyou [04:15] Eagle2160: Yw. [04:15] Eagle2160: haha sounds funny [04:15] evil_tech ok thanks [04:15] couldnt find any dal net server [04:15] nickrud: i will brb i have to take care of something [04:15] haha [04:15] Eagle2160: what are the rest of the specs on this machine [04:15] how do i search? [04:15] you should have put thankyou MrObvious [04:15] evil_tech specs? === dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk [04:15] zeemysteryman: no, that's correct. Thats the second drive. One more thing, do blkid in a terminal and paste that [04:15] GuCci^GirL: /server irc.dal.net should get you to Dalnet [04:15] under network list it is listed as DAL net, GuCci^GirL [04:16] Eagle2160: what type of proc (i know its a PIII but what speed) amount of ram etc [04:16] nickrud: Is it possible to download something off of synaptic/apt-get to get 64 bit or do I need to reinstall? [04:16] IdleOne: do u know anything about connecting a windows computer to an ubuntu computer via lan [04:16] MrObvious: reinstall. [04:16] !iso [04:16] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [04:16] !samba | wsguede [04:16] evil_tech mmmm i wish i knew im not that technical with computers so i dont really know sorry =/ [04:16] wsguede: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [04:17] What is XUBUNTU compared? [04:17] I installed it instead of KUBUNTU I think oops.. heh [04:17] good night folks [04:17] Heh, just started recompiling my kernel only to find out there is a new patch. :x [04:17] !xubuntu | releod [04:17] releod: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels [04:17] Eagle2160: open up the terminal again and type: sudo lshw > myhardware.txt [04:17] IdleOne: you just got here [04:17] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51627/ [04:17] wsguede: gotcha. thanks [04:18] any good opensource torrent sites? [04:18] i installed ubuntu 7.10 from alternate cd now....it didnt asked me for a user and password when i completed the installation it asks the username and password what to do...> [04:18] Tigerplug: by opensoursce u mean? [04:18] GuCci^GirL, can i message you? [04:18] kop: it should have asked you about a user and pass right after making the partitions [04:18] opensource software trackers - just want to test out a torrentflux ubuntu box that I'll be using for iso's [04:18] no it didnt [04:19] what to do now should i reinstall [04:19] Flannel: Thank you for your advise. I need some time to read the articel you suggested in order to comprehend the usefulness of your suggestion. [04:19] yeah sure [04:19] kop: maybe... [04:19] Flannel: article [04:19] can i not have two network cards operatinal at the same time? [04:19] kop i am going to bet that it did ask you and you put something you normally put at work or school... try that [04:20] you can evil_tech [04:20] evil-tech umm its not syaing anythign [04:20] nickrud: did you get the link? [04:21] Eagle2160: what did you type [04:21] No! [04:21] well thanks i will try to learn more abt it [04:21] zeemysteryman: ok, from everything I see, that should boot. hd1,0 is sdb1 and the uuid is right. You might try getting the supergrub disk, and see what it says about booting the partition [04:21] bullgard4: ntpdate is a one time thing, it gets the time, and sets it. You run it with a cron job or whatnot (I think ti runs each boot by default). ntpd is a gradual thing, it knows what time your system is, what time it should be, and guradually speeds up/slows down (which is nicer for log files, no big jumps) and then once you're there, continually tunes your time to keep itin synch [04:21] kop did it work? [04:21] evil_tech sudo lshw > myhardware.txt [04:21] ok [04:22] Someone help me, there is a messed up proxy thingy here. It can't connect to localhost:4001 and I don't know what I installed. [04:22] zeemysteryman: but I am not a grub expert by any means, keep those links and be prepared to show them to someone who knows more [04:22] Can someone tell me a program that burns bootable ISOs in Linux? [04:22] ok [04:22] I think K3B can but I forget. [04:22] MrObvious: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [04:22] Eagle2160: did it ask for your password? go check your home directory for the text file [04:22] Flannel: Perfect. Thanks. [04:22] MrObvious: right click the iso, and select write to disk [04:22] Flannel: I will keep that in mind. -- Thank you. [04:22] nickrud: thank you for your help [04:22] zeemysteryman: sorry I wasn't better help [04:23] How can I make something link only to my custom glib, not the system one? [04:23] nickrud: you were a great help! i learned alot more about linux [04:23] register nick? [04:23] i can not scale a video with mplayer [04:23] !register | GuCci^GirL [04:23] GuCci^GirL: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration [04:23] evil_tech yes it did ask me for the password [04:24] Eagle2160: ok it worked then. in your home directory should now be a text file called myhardware open it and paste the content in to pastebin [04:24] !pastebin | Eagle2160 [04:24] Eagle2160: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [04:24] does anyone know the package names for the libraries lame faad2 and mad [04:24] I've got custom gtk/glib installed (for development) and I need the thing I'm working on (bunch of gnome stuff) to link to my custom glib/gtk, not the system one. [04:25] how do i uninstall ubuntu? [04:25] Are there any other good Windows emulators? Wine isn't working very well for IMVU. It's 3d game, losta communicating with the server, and loading new objects. It also has a website with link that interact with the program, but thats not very important to me. [04:25] evil_tech home directory? pastebin? [04:25] uninstall an entire OS, RazorFish ? I believe you would reformat or install another OS over it [04:25] How can I get the alternate disc? [04:26] I selected the alternate checkbox on ubuntu.com and it decided to ignore me and I just wasted a CD burning the regular disc. [04:26] Eagle2160: go to Places-> home folder [04:26] theshadow, apt-cache search [04:26] i'm trying to upgrade from fiesty fawn but keep getting an error [04:26] want to start from the beginning [04:26] Eagle2160" [04:26] jbinder: releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 , you can download the alternate directly there [04:26] dang cat [04:26] just install whatever it is you want to move on to, RazorFish [04:26] timandtom, few 3D games will work *well* under emulation [04:26] evil_tech oh gotcha [04:27] Someone help me, there is a messed up proxy thingy here. It can't connect to localhost:4001 and I don't know what I installed. [04:27] WINE maybe [04:27] if you want Gutsy without using upgrade install gutsy from CD or alt source, RazorFish [04:27] evil_tech so what are we trying to accomplish right now? [04:27] my usb drive won't mount in gusty. I;ve tried 'modprobe -r ehci_hcd' to no avail, and the only message dmesg ever puts out about it is 'ehci_hcd --- USB bus 3 deregistered'. any ideas? [04:28] would love to use upgrade but it doesn't seem to work - aborts on read error [04:28] worthawholebean: I'd ask on #gnome , they do that often [04:28] Eagle2160: trying to figure out the specs on your machine to see if there is any hope for you to have desktop effects [04:28] Any ideas why a PS/2 barcode scanner would power up and "beep" when scanning barcodes, but won't actually spit the barcode out into a text field? [04:28] worthawholebean: Yeh, I know... But, meh, I don't know much about Linux, I was hoping there was some way [04:28] nickrud, thanks [04:28] DanielEads: Nope. [04:29] Are there any webcams that work with ubuntu (gutsy) out of the box? [04:29] did you change all your repository sources from Feisty to Gutsy, RazorFish ? [04:29] no [04:29] Wow... The torrent is really fast. [04:29] i am having problem getting mplayer to scale video sizes [04:29] evil_tech oh well my computer just shut down power went out =/ [04:29] it will just stay one size [04:29] Eagle2160: that sucks [04:29] is it that simple inoodle [04:30] should be RazorFish unless you are having another issue local to your machine [04:30] adub: Is your heart set on mplayer? VLC usually works pretty well for me [04:30] hmm [04:30] still couldnt register [04:30] adub: try mplayer -vo xv [04:31] nickrud, no response in the gnome channel [04:31] Are there are any other Windows emulators that would be worth trying for IMVU? [04:31] i do that in the synaptic package manager - correct? inoodle [04:31] can someone tell my how I set xglx as my default xserver? [04:31] worthawholebean: It's been too long since I've built that stuff, sorry [04:31] aganthorp: you mean xserver-xgl ? Install it [04:32] I did install it [04:32] adub: When running mplayer, did you use the -zoom option? [04:32] aganthorp: then it would be the default for ati [04:32] jedinick i use the gui [04:32] here RazorFish , the official method http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [04:32] nickrud: it isn't turning out that way [04:32] Can anyone recommend a good webcam that will work with ubuntu? [04:32] thx inoodle [04:32] adub: then use the gui and set the video out to xv [04:33] can someone explain me step-by-step how to access grub and change the default OS? [04:33] aganthorp: you trying to get compiz sorted out? [04:33] nickrud: I am using ati and it obviously isn't using xglx because it isn't in my processes and I am getting a no composite extension error trying to use compiz [04:33] nickrud the video wont open then it will only let vidoe open with x11 [04:34] adub: ah, you running compiz? that's what happens. You have to use the x11 output, and mplayer won't scale that [04:34] inoodle - i have followed the link directions and it is the Upgrade dialog that aborts [04:34] que rollo [04:34] sosus_: I think there's pretty wide support. Do you have any particular models in mind? [04:34] i dont know if im using compiz or not [04:34] is there a way to route traffic to a specific NIC. for example to route VNC via my direct connection to the contrlled computer rather than through my router? [04:34] aganthorp: uninstall xserver-xgl , restart X , then run fglrxinfo . Make sure it's using ati drivers, not mesa for 3d [04:35] can someone explain me step-by step how to access grub to change the default OS? [04:35] adub: you got wobbly windows or other fancy effects? [04:35] ya xv crashes [04:35] evil_tech are both your nic's on the same subnet? [04:35] nickrud not that i know of [04:35] FactTech, Not really, I was thinking logitech but only because that is what I've seen so far... I just want something that is easy to work with and good quality [04:35] i just have a plan jane setup [04:35] darkkith: no [04:35] FactTech, do you have a specific recommendation? [04:35] adub: strange then. That's the only time I've had problems with xv. [04:35] sosus_: No, I haven't tried to get one working in linux yet. [04:35] evil_tech then maybe i am not understanding what you mean [04:36] hmm [04:36] sosus_: I just remember reading an article lately about some guy who personally wrote a driver usable by over 200 models or something. [04:36] nickrud: ok going to reboot x I will be back [04:36] FactTech, wow, do you remember where you saw the article? [04:36] upgrade dialog via what , RazorFish ? [04:36] im reading it could be compiz [04:36] sosus_: It showed up a couple times on digg... hold a sec. [04:36] how do i know if i have that running [04:36] darkkith: ok i have two NIC's in each computer. one of them supplies them the internet and are plugged into a router. the other nic is connected to the ither computer. i want to route VNC over the direct connection instead of through the router [04:37] How do I install the ivtv drivers [04:37] within the Update Manager inoodle [04:37] So I just did "killall gnome-panel", now how do I get it back? (fyi I am asking how can I open up a terminal without gnome or without restarting xserver or logging off the user[recompiling kernel at the moment]) [04:37] nickrud: my fglrxinfo output is as follows [04:37] display: :0.0 screen: 0 [04:37] OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. [04:37] OpenGL renderer string: MOBILITY RADEON X300 [04:37] aganthorp: don't paste [04:37] sosus_: http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/All_235_low_cost_webcams_supported_thanks_to_this_man [04:38] try the command line or synaptic, command line preferred since you will get more than just a failed result hopefully [04:38] RazorFish, [04:38] aganthorp: just the last line, that will do [04:38] how can I install a package that has unmet dependencies? Make apt-get install it anyway? [04:38] FactTech, thanks! [04:38] nickrud: am I doing something wrong? [04:38] sosus_: No problem [04:38] WorkingOnWise, always on the edge I see [04:38] sosus_: people on newegg say this works with linux and specifically ubuntu: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductReview.aspx?Item=N82E16826104021&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=100&SelectedRating=-1&PurchaseMark=&VideoOnlyMark=False&Page= [04:38] aganthorp: yeah, pasting here is wrong :) Just show me the last line, it has the important info [04:38] ahh i got it [04:38] So is there anyway to run terminal without restart xserver, logging off, or without the use of gnome-panel? [04:38] gl2 was my combination [04:38] iN00DLE: lmao! hey there! U know it! [04:38] OpenGL version string: 2.0.6334 (8.34.8) [04:39] now i need to find out how to play wmv i have w32codecs installed but not luck [04:39] aganthorp: you're using feisty, right? [04:39] try and meet those dependencies would be my suggestion WorkingOnWise , is it a popular package or to bleeding edge? [04:39] sp0ro: alt + f2 then run xterm? [04:39] nickrud: correct [04:39] DanielEads, thanks [04:39] evil_tech you should be able to bind your VNC server to the direct connect NIC by specifying the interface. regardless, the client should be able to connec to the server by ip, so specify the ip of the direct connect NIC on teh vnc server and you shoudl be fine. assuming the direct connect NICS are in their own subnet, and the router connected NIC's are in a different subnet. [04:39] how do i set my resolution to 1440x900? [04:39] Question: Does anyone know anything about video codecs? [04:40] aganthorp: for feisty you have to jump through some hoops to get xgl server to run. A sec, I'll run down a link [04:40] darkkith: ok let me see if that will do it [04:40] FactTech, If your ever looking for a camera, I just found this list of supported cameras: http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html [04:40] nickrud: thanks, I was running gutsy originally but I downgraded because I had troubles with SLUB [04:40] spencer Is that resolution on the list of options in display settings? [04:40] what codec do i need to play wmv files [04:40] evil_tech: alt+f2 is not bringing up a run screen for some reason. Like I said earlier, I ran "killall gnome-panel" [04:40] FactTech: no [04:40] sosus_: Thanks. I'll check it out. [04:40] evil_tech you might find that VNC has its own set of problems, depending what exactly you are trying to do. I found that nomachines free client/server is very efficient for remote connections. [04:41] spencer: But you know your monitor can support it? [04:41] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl (and the new ati works with slub, use http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide ) [04:41] evil_tech: That's the reason I need to open up a terminal. [04:41] Am having problem understanding how to burn a cd iso file with command line tool cdrecord. "cdrecord -v myisofile.iso" make the burn start but then a error message comes up, "cdrecord: CUE sheet still not accepted", "cdrecord: Cannot send CUE sheet." and "cdrecord: Could not write Lead-in.". Finally "cdrecord: fifo had 128 puts and 0 gets." What should I do to be able to burn a normal iso file with cdrecord? [04:41] Anyone using opera and have skins fully working? [04:41] iN00DLE: bleeding edge. Gnome-do the package it wants is actually there, but in hadry it is called something differant. I dont want to change the code if I can just give apt-get the command "apt-get install --because-I-am-smarter-than-you gnome-do" :) [04:41] darkkith:ive noticed that thats why i wanted to use the gigabit between the two [04:41] FactTech: Yes that what it is built for [04:41] vnc uber laggy [04:41] aganthorp: I forgot your nick look up. I have suspend working nicely with that link [04:42] spencer: Check into your settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf... you can see what is detected for your monitor type. [04:42] adub: are you using totem? [04:42] evil_tech the gigabity probably woulnd't make much difference regarding VNC's latency [04:42] sp0ro:couldnt you just go to a different tty and do what you need? [04:42] nickrud: I tried everything I could find on getting it to cooperate with SLUB but I couldn't do it [04:42] sp0ro open a terminal by doing this. CTL+ALT+F1 [04:42] aganthorp: the downside is the aiglx in the new driver isn't quite there, you get some jerky motion occasionally [04:42] nickrud: I have only been using linux for two days though [04:43] sp0ro login as your user and then type export DISPLAY=:0.0 [04:43] sp0ro then type 'xterm' [04:43] darkkith: does nomachine work in windows? cause im controlling my ubuntu box from my windows box currently [04:43] nickrud: I am still trying to figure out what the hell I am doing most of the time [04:43] sp0ro finally hit ALT+F7 to return to your xwindows session with the term [04:43] so is there a way to install a package without meeting the dependencies? [04:44] spencer: If necessary, you may need to update your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with additional parameters as described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/180601 [04:44] evil_tech yes they have windows clients and it works great under ubuntu. www.nomachine.com .. the free version only supports 2 simultaneous connections, however that does not sound likee a problem for you [04:44] FactTech what do i look for in that file [04:44] I don't recall the exact option, WorkingOnWise , --force or something [04:44] darkkith: nope perfect actually [04:44] spencer: There will be a section titled "Monitor" [04:44] spencer: Be absolutely sure that you use manufacturer specification data for your exact model. Setting it too high is not good. [04:44] !virtual terminal [04:45] aganthorp: I used that howto, and the acpi-support stuff at the bottom of http://blog.vaxius.net/?p=19 . Only the acpi-support stuff from that page [04:45] adub: if you are using totem (i am assuming you are, it's the default) you need to install the gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg package [04:45] spencer: Setting it too high can potentially damage your monitor. [04:45] hm. my virtual terminals aren't working,, is there a way to enable them? [04:45] does anyone know if ubuntu can export 1080p to my television (nvidia geforce 7600 card) [04:45] FactTech how would it do that? [04:45] iN00DLE: I checked man apt-get and the only thing I found was --ignore-missing, which oddly enough, didnt work.... [04:45] spencer: [04:45] guys ubuntu works on pa-risk machine?? [04:45] spencer: How can you do what? [04:46] risc? [04:46] FactTech how would it damge your montier [04:46] darkkith: Thanks, will try that. [04:46] yes [04:46] I did mke2fs but the new UUID is not in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ... how do I refresh /dev/disk/by-uuid/ without doing a reboot? [04:46] reduced instruction set but what does the PA stand for? [04:47] spencer: By sending the signal at a frequency that is too high for its circuit to handle. This will probably not happen for any relatively recent monitors, but it's not wise to chance it. [04:47] FactTech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51629/ [04:47] WorkingOnWise, what are you trying to install exactly? [04:47] FactTech there is my moniter section of that file [04:47] iN00DLE: gnome-do [04:47] iNOODLE - ran sudo apt-get upgrade and nothing changed - received: Reading package lists... Done [04:47] Building dependency tree [04:47] Reading state information... Done [04:47] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [04:47] roadfish: try using blkid , it may read it on the fly [04:47] nickrud: hay this is zeemysteryman i used SGD once and it didnt work, i used it again and it loaded linux from the hard drive but idk if it will load without the disk do you know? [04:47] iN00DLE: the dependency problem is a known bug. [04:48] stupid clearwire slow connection having blarg [04:48] what would be the command line to rid a program......sudo rm X --purge [04:48] spencer: It detected the monitor type, but it looks like the default data for that type is doesn't allow the resolution setting you want. [04:48] nik_: you should be able to use the info that sgd used in your menu.lst . [04:48] FactTech why would it not allow it? [04:48] darkkith: That brought up a terminal, but I can't run "gnome-panel" off that to start gnome-panel back up on my xserver [04:48] adub: did that fix your problem? [04:48] WorkingOnWise, do you have it as a deb pkg? [04:49] nettow822: are you trying to uninstall it? cause that would be sudo apt-get remove packagename [04:49] spencer: As I understand it, the range of resolutions are automatically determined based on the information on horizontal and vertical scan rates. [04:49] nik_: again, I'm not a grub expert , maybe someone here can interpret what it's doing for you [04:49] sp0ro is there a reason you cannot rstart your xsession ? [04:49] darkkith: Nevermind, got it. Thanks a ton. :) [04:49] hes compiling [04:49] how do i get that info? i booted SGD and chose the option&linux auto or something like that and it went blank and loaded gusty [04:49] darkkith: Yeah, recompiling my kernel at the moment. [04:49] trying to reinstall a module [04:49] spencer: Some monitors just have "safe" rates programmed, but you can override them as described in that link. [04:49] FactTech, so do you recommend trying to change it to 1440x900 [04:49] sp0ro in future you should do things like that in a 'screen' session.. [04:49] iN00DLE: it is a repository. apt-get wont download it because of the dep problem. [04:49] sp0ro you won't have to leave the xterm open for the process to continue then. [04:49] darkkith: Live and learn. :) [04:49] spencer: If you enter in the correct manufacturer data, all options you get should be safe. [04:49] nickrud: I WILL attempt to reload without sgd [04:49] nik_: ask a grub expert to walk you through the manual stuff. At least you've confirmed that it will boot, that's the real hurdle [04:50] spencer: Just don't guess the numbers you enter, is what I'm saying. [04:50] yeah [04:50] Uh, guys? [04:50] nickrud: would they be in this channel? [04:50] darkkith: Thanks for the advice, will take that into consideration. Definitely makes a lot more sense. ;) [04:50] My APT lost it's super cow powers... it won't connect to the proxy at localhost:4001 [04:51] nickrud: nvm i will try on my own first [04:51] iNOODLE: ran sudo apt-get upgrade and nothing changed - received: Reading package lists... Done [04:51] Building dependency tree [04:51] Reading state information... Done [04:51] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [04:51] you *could* go to that repository via browser, nab pkg then force install via shotgun with gdebi [04:51] WorkingOnWise, [04:51] spencer: Just add lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf for HorizSync and VertRefresh, as described in the link, but do *not* use the values in that example. Use the examples from your monitor's manual or specifications. [04:51] im having problems mounting my usb flash drive. the only message dmesg gives out is 'ehci_hcd ...: USB bus 3 deregistered'. ive tried 'modprobe -r ehci_hcd' to no avail. any ideas? [04:51] can anyone help me with the purge command? [04:51] nik_: has an external usb hard drive that won't boot from the ubuntu created grub, but will boot with super grub disk. The relevant info is in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51627/ , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51626/ , and http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51625/ . A grub expert is needed :) [04:51] could someone help me get my sound working on ubuntu? [04:51] what is the program for wireless that is new since fiesty that will stay up by your clock i have gutsy and its not up there [04:52] want to get that program for wireless by my clock [04:52] FernandoL: What's the symptom you're getting? [04:52] Anyone using a Wacom Bamboo tablet? Would like to know how one sort of "calibrate" it so it match the screen so to speak... [04:52] FactTech: I just don't get any sound coming out of my laptop :( [04:52] FernandoL: Do you know what kind of sound hardware it has? [04:52] adub network-admin ? [04:52] FactTech should those numbers be online? the manufactureres website? [04:52] nickrud: thanks for the tip but doesn't update /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ... anyway, I have the answer now: partprobe -s [04:53] spencer: Usually you can find them online or in the printed manual that came with the monitor. [04:53] spencer: Who made your monitor? [04:53] roadfish: thanks. I could have used that a few days ago :) [04:53] FactTech Viewsonic [04:53] spencer: look up "Viewsonic specifications" on google [04:53] iN00DLE: i'm here....dogs needed me... [04:53] darkkith not sure i just know that it shows wireless aps [04:53] my esc key doesn't work [04:54] roadfish: oh, that is a nice command to know, thanks again [04:54] and its in system tray [04:54] neither does my colon key [04:54] + [04:54] I don't know the answer so reask the question for others who may know WorkingOnWise , or download the file from the repository address via browser and force install with gdebi [04:54] FactTech: I have no idea what my sound card is [04:54] adub: network-admin will do that when you enable wireless [04:54] -*/ [04:55] FernandoL: lspci from a terminal [04:55] adub just run it with sudo, sudo network-admin [04:55] damn [04:55] FernandoL: Do you see anything that looks like a sound card when you type 'lspci -v' in a terminal? [04:55] nickrud: it works ^_^ [04:55] nik_: it just started ??? [04:55] iN00DLE: i didnt know gdebi could force an install.... [04:55] nickrud: yeah i rebooted my comp and it started [04:55] -* [04:56] FactTech: nope [04:56] nik_: well at least I know I read the stuff right. heh. [04:56] i came here to get my ipod touch working in linux or 1080p exported to my tv, and ended up helping more people than answered me. this place is a trap [04:56] FernandoL: What model is your laptop? [04:56] nickrud: hehheh thanks alot man!! i really appreciate your help [04:56] darkkith: :) [04:56] darkkith: lol.... [04:56] nik_: hm, put the /boot/grub/menu.lst back up on pastebin, I want to see if it changed [04:56] FactTech: i dont know, all I know is that it's gateway. Someone gave it to me. [04:57] ok [04:57] darkkith knows our evil secrets now.... [04:57] FactTech: I haven't had it for long [04:57] FernandoL: It's a gateway model what? [04:57] lol [04:57] How do i make a program the default program to run a certain file type [04:57] Question: Does anyone know anything about video codecs? [04:57] how do i bring that back up? [04:58] right click on the file adub and choose one [04:58] adub try right-clicking in nautilus, similar to what you would do in windows. [04:58] nickrud: sorry how do i bring it up agian/> [04:58] FactTech: well I dont know what modelit is because someone gave it to me. [04:58] nik_: if you're running from the hard disk, gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:58] does linux use APIPA? [04:58] lol darkkith >.> [04:58] facttech: im looking for any model names around the laptop, one sec [04:58] FernandoL: Usually there is a label or something on the bottom (for a laptop) that will tell the model number. [04:59] Question: Is there a better forum than this one to ask about video codecs? [04:59] FactTech: W340UI is the model [04:59] !codcs [04:59] what is the url agian? [04:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about codcs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:59] !codecs [04:59] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:59] FernandoL: should be a sticker on the bottom under the cd drive...thats where mine is [04:59] linux keeps getting better and better [04:59] nickrud: sorry what was the url for paste? [04:59] adub: and windows keeps getting... [04:59] FernandoL: Try looking online to see what the product specs are... it may list the sound hardware. [04:59] !wanker [04:59] nik_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [04:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about wanker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:59] nik_: pastebin.ca [04:59] worse and worse [05:00] Do I mark the ext3 partition with the bootable flag? [05:00] evil_tech wins [05:00] you wanna have a fun time go to #windows and poke fun [05:00] jbinder: doesnt much matter...linux doesnt care. only windows does [05:00] :P [05:00] evil_tech that is just.... evil... [05:00] macogw: Lol. Tell me which to do. [05:00] evil_tech: ive done it. i asked how to kill X [05:00] >: D [05:00] It's off by default. [05:00] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51631/ [05:00] evil_tech: thats so ... recusrive [05:01] jbinder: doesnt matter. linux doesnt care if the flag is set or not. windows is the only os that cares. grub knows what to do. [05:01] no -R is recursive [05:01] :) [05:01] only for chown! [05:01] anyone know if i can run vmware workstation and vmware-server simultaneously on one machine? [05:01] -r is recursive for grep [05:01] nik_: thanks [05:01] FactTech: okay thanks I'll get back to you on it [05:01] nickrud: np [05:01] FernandoL: Looks like others have had the same problem... I'm reading. [05:01] how can i verify if my ftp server is running? [05:01] evil_tech: no, evil-tech = windows , being evil on #windows as evil-tech is recursive [05:02] lol [05:02] niuq ps ax | grep ftp [05:02] alas much supporting of windows does I [05:02] th0r ps -e | grep ftp is the same right? [05:03] niuq don't know....I always use ax [05:03] FactTech this is what i found, is this the info i need Fh: 30~82kHz, Fv: 50~85Hz [05:03] th0r what output should i get? [05:03] grrr i gave my second adapter an ip address yet it doesnt show up when i do an ifconfig [05:03] spencer: OK, great. So you see how you would plug that in as in the example from that link I gave you? [05:04] hey, I recently upgraded to an nvidia 8800gt and went from analog to a digital connection. I'm trying to get to a command console to install the nvidia drivers but for some reason when i ctrl+alt+f2 from the login screen all i get is a blinking cursor [05:04] evil_tech: did you do ifup ? (silly question, I hope) [05:04] niuq if the server is running you will see a line with ftpd in it and a process id number. If there is no ftp server runniing the only line will be the grep command === tftv is now known as Ashfire [05:04] Facttech i think so [05:04] niuq (the process of the grep command) [05:04] yeah i tried bringing it up and down [05:04] no dive [05:04] dice* [05:04] "Is the system clock set to UTC?" [05:04] spencer: First, make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then edit it (you need to do this in su mode), then restart X (CTRL-ALT-Backspace). The new settings should kick in. === Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908 [05:05] th0r i actually get 5 outputs, well let me check if it's working [05:05] evil_tech still troubles with that gige direct interface? [05:05] jbinder: it can be, depends on what you requested during the install [05:05] th0r i mean lines [05:05] yeah [05:05] Is there a way I can get to the ubuntu console to install the nvidia drivers? [05:05] niuq there may be more than one instance running....that might be normal depending on the server software [05:05] spencer: You know how to enter superuser mode? [05:05] jbinder: grep UTC /etc/defaults/rcS will tell you if it is [05:05] th0r proftp [05:06] is the kde4 in gutsy-backports the new stable verison? [05:06] niuq for instance, in my webserver I see a dozen instances of apache [05:06] FactTech ya sudo [05:06] evil_tech before fighting with it too much longer, just give nomachine a try. i use it from work to my home pc and it feels almost local. [05:06] facttech thanks for the help I think I found some good help on the forums [05:06] spencer: If you're using plain Ubuntu, you should use 'gksudo' instead to activate a graphical app (like gedit). [05:06] tahts while i'm seeding 70k/s upstream for torrents [05:06] FernandoL: No sweat, good luck. [05:06] th0r ok, i get it [05:06] facttech that came out wrong! I didnt mean that the forums had better help, I just dont wanna bother you :) [05:07] !es [05:07] Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [05:07] is there a reason I woudln't be able to access a console by pressing CTRL+ALT+F2? [05:07] anyone?> [05:07] FernandoL: Not a bother. I've just been going through a bunch of sound stuff myself, so it's good practice. This is the help forum, after all. [05:07] hello does someone know how to setup a network printer? [05:07] FactTech: alright. One thing I'd like to know though, how can I make my user root? [05:08] angloman: i think that's the hot key for opening a new session [05:08] is the kde4 in gutsy-backports the new stable verison? [05:08] FernandoL: If you're using Ubuntu, you don't want to login as root, you want to activate root abilities using 'sudo' (for terminal apps) or 'gksudo' (for graphical apps). [05:08] I need to login to just the console to install nvidia drivers for my 8800gt... does anyone know how I can do that? [05:08] it says I can't have x running [05:09] Are any of you familiar with LBRC? [05:09] facttech oh okay [05:09] angloman: clt-alt-f1 , hit enter, log in, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop. Do your nvidia stuff , then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to restart X [05:09] nickrud: when I press ctrl+alt+f1 it just gives me a blinking cursor [05:09] how do i make a ntfs filesystem writeable from the live CD without having access to that drive in windows? [05:10] and I can't do anything else afterways [05:10] th0r well is not working, can you help me out, troubleshooting? [05:10] angloman you would have to use F2-F6...F1 is the tty running X [05:10] angloman: oh, you have one of those cursor bugs. You can try booting into recovery mode, and doing the nvidia stuff there. Then type exit to continue to X [05:10] i have to wait for synaptic to finish before i can install nomachine here [05:10] niuq give me a sec [05:10] Question: Third try -- anyone know anything about video codecs? [05:11] th0r okay [05:11] alright how about this. anyone here want to write me a fancy perl CLI to my ldap server [05:11] th0r: X does that with some cards? I though it used the first free console after 1-6 [05:11] nickrud: thanks! I'll try that [05:11] hi ive just formatted my spare drive too ext3 and mounted it on yelllowdog linux using ext3, i can read from it but cant write to it ??? [05:11] angloman: try clt-alt-f2 first, [05:11] hi ive just formatted my spare drive too ext3 and mounted it on yelllowdog linux using nfs, i can read from it but cant write to it ??? [05:11] nickrud: i did... same thing, I just get the blinking cursor [05:12] angloman: ok, thanks. You do have that bug [05:12] nickrud X uses F7, but it is called from F1....F2 through F6 should still be available for login, but F1 is the original you log into to start x [05:12] isnt yellowdog redhat? [05:12] <_Net> Hi There. [05:12] th0r: no, not here. [05:12] how can i mount a ext3 drive using nfs and write to it ? [05:12] niuq open a terminal and type '/etc/init.d/proftpd restart' and see what it says [05:12] FactTech: what about video codecs? [05:12] i have it mounted just cant write to it [05:12] <_Net> Does anyone have any Links or tutorials to how to properly uninstall Ubuntu. I am dual booting with xp media center, I have 100gb of Ubuntu that I want back on my XP harddrive. Any help please? I've tried google [05:13] th0r when i did that i had no output [05:13] th0r okay [05:13] g4lv4tr0n, you should find a redhat or yellow dog chat room, this room is for ubuntu [05:13] does anybody know where the tty's are located [05:13] ? [05:13] th0r btw, i'm not using standalone [05:13] g4lv4tr0n: i've never dealt with nfs before but i think it may have to do with how you mounted it, if it's anything like any other device you have to make sure you're not mounting it read only [05:13] _Net: after you back up your ubuntu stuff, must format the partition you gave to ubuntu as ntfs [05:13] evil_tech: I'm having a weird issue -- some .avi files that used to work fine no longer play video since I've been mucking about with my sound card. If I try to launch vlc from terminal, it complains that the codec is IV41 -- a proprietary one. [05:13] jay-oh-en: CTR+ALT+F1-6 [05:13] hi, i need some help getting my laptop's soundcard to work all the way. [05:13] th0r i thought would be easier using xinetd [05:13] _Net: that was supposed to just, not must [05:13] evil_tech: i mean like in /dev or wherever [05:14] my current problem is that, though i can play sound fine, the line in and webcam mic don't work at all. [05:14] /dev/tty1 [05:14] Evenin [05:14] how can I change my default video application under gnome? [05:14] evil_tech: I haven't the foggiest about how codecs work in linux and am looking for some basic orientation. [05:14] jbinder: thanks [05:14] th0r not sure if that make any sense [05:14] FactTech:no clue either i just know where to find em in repos and which ones to install [05:14] FactTech: what evil said [05:14] ubotu, codecs | FactTech [05:14] evil_tech: I'm thinking the proper codec got accidentally removed, but I've reinstalled all packages. [05:14] FactTech: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:15] i have a dell xps m1530 with an intel hd audio [05:15] <_Net> nickrud: I have already backed up my things, How would format the partition? Should I do it under windows or do it in linux? [05:15] th0r i am using xinetd daemon for ftp [05:15] Madpilot: I didn't even think to ask the bot. [05:15] <_Net> nickrud: also wouldnt that break the startup, grub runs at startup and formatting it would screw things up. [05:15] _Net: I'd just do it in windows. It's the only one that really knows ntfs, anyway [05:15] FactTech, always ask the bot. The bot knows all. :) [05:15] niuq I follow that. Just a sec [05:16] _Net: you would boot your XP install disk into repair, and fdisk /mbr to return to the XP boot loader [05:16] th0r ok, sorry for being pushing [05:16] FactTech i spit that out earlier for you as well. [05:16] i think the dual boot how to tell you how to get rid of ubuntu [05:16] darkkith: Must have missed it. Thanks, though. [05:16] least it did last time i looked at it [05:16] _Net: make sure you defrag your windows partition unless you're not dual booting [05:16] !dualboot | _Net (per evil_tech) [05:16] _Net (per evil_tech): Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [05:16] niuq I just tried it and got an error about not being able to start...but that doesn't surprise me as I never configured it....never needed it [05:16] <_Net> nickrud: My xp didnt come with an XP CD but it came with a master format CD, If I had to recovery my computer there is a dual option on windows dual menu [05:17] niuq it should be possible to restart it without restarting xinetd. [05:17] _Net: you know more than I do about windows, I try to learn as little as possible. It hasn't been my main os since 98 [05:17] Anyone here use icewm? [05:17] th0r i get an error if i don't use xinetd [05:17] hate it when computer manufacturers dont give you a os disc [05:17] <_Net> nickrud: :) Thanks for your help still. [05:17] can somebody help me ,everytime i restart my screen goes to a black screen with a little white line but my computers worked for six months til now? [05:17] hi [05:17] I bet you do evil_tech [05:17] <_Net> nickrud: I think I have it figured out. Should I do the fixmbr first or remove the linux partition [05:18] lol evil, hence i use ubuntu :P [05:18] _Net: do the fixmbr I'd say. Get windows booting right, then move on [05:18] <_Net> reason Im doing this, I made a mistake and gave linux 100gb of space, I want to make it only 10gb, and install fedora on the side [05:18] niuq what does the error indicate? that you need to use xinetd? [05:18] th0r ProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration. [05:18] <_Net> 100gb is quite a lot when you dont need it that badly, its for developing purposes only [05:18] _Net: doesnt matter. running fixmbr and fixboot will allow you to boot into XP and then you can use disk management to format the linux partition to NTFS [05:18] evil_tech, fdisk /mbr from windows and format unknown partition [05:18] th0r well it's more a warning [05:19] can somebody help me ,everytime i restart my screen goes to a black screen with a little white line but my computers worked for six months til now? [05:19] that works too [05:19] que porra é essa? [05:19] root: changed anything recently? [05:19] HOw do I zip files? [05:19] th0r a configuration issue i guess [05:19] <_Net> evil_tech: Some website has it fdisk /mbr and some has it fixmbr, try both or anyone know which works? [05:19] .. [05:20] root___, hard drive power up and function, root___ ? [05:20] pygmymath: tried installing kde4 and removed it then it worked again and i moved my tty's to .baks [05:20] iN00DLE: ? [05:20] Question: How do I install NVIDIA drivers from the recovery console? [05:20] BetaTest: run file-roller [05:20] Madpilot, darkkith: Do either of you know if Xubuntu uses the gstreamer architecture? [05:20] niuq right...that's the error I get...I think it means that proftp isn't config'd correctly [05:20] _Net: i use fixmbr when it comes to dual booting [05:20] FactTech no clue [05:21] FactTech i use mplayer, it seems to just work. [05:21] FactTech, I think it does, but I'm not sure. #xubuntu [05:21] <_Net> evil_tech: THanks for the help, god bless freenode. [05:21] you made a symptom statement that made me wonder if your hard drive failed, root___ [05:21] <_Net> I'll give this a try. thanks. [05:21] iN00DLE: it didnt im in recovery mode it didnt fail [05:21] th0r mmm, you want me to pastebin the configuration file? [05:21] FactTech: xubuntu uses totem and i think that it does use gstreamer [05:21] iN00DLE: "on the same harddrive" [05:21] you could always hassle the Sheep over in #xubuntu [05:21] >: D [05:21] evil_tech: Thanks. [05:22] evil_tech: I harassed TheSheep earlier today. I don't want to push it. [05:22] yeah he can get testy [05:22] root___: never used kde i'm afraid, couldn't say [05:22] hey, is there an option somewhere that i can enable so like in window i hold shift (or some button [05:22] evil_tech: Since it seems he/she's the only one ever answering questions, I don't blame him/her. [05:23] factTech; i still do not see the option for 1440x900 [05:23] pygmymath: but i bet its not that cause i cdont have kde installed anymore [05:23] LeChacal: hold shift and do what? [05:23] you can sometimes catch sommerville32, soldats, or zordache [05:23] spencer: Aw, crap. [05:23] spencer: Did you restart X? [05:23] Can anyone point me to some help for fixing white screen when enabling compiz? [05:23] factTech: ya then still didnt see it so i restarted whole computer [05:23] niuq I am not sure I would be able to do anything with it....I use sshfs outside my own network and fusesmb inside...haven't looked at ftp in years [05:24] root___: you have xfce4 now? [05:24] spencer: Can you send me the new "Monitor" section from your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? [05:24] pygmymath: no i have kubuntu and ubuntu installed [05:24] FactTech k hold on [05:24] i was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with installing the realtek alsa HD audio drivers [05:24] macogw: i meant to say hold down shift and when i delete something it doesn't go to the trash [05:24] darkkith: is no machine in the repos or should i use what is on the web site? [05:24] niuq open a second terminal and type 'tail -f /var/log/messages', then try to restart ftp again, see if you get any meaningful messages [05:24] me22975: What vidya card? [05:24] evil_tech i installed from the website [05:24] th0r ok [05:24] evil_tech didn't even check the repos [05:24] ok [05:24] root___: does it boot into gdm? [05:25] LeChacal: where do you want it to go? and why are you deleting if you dont want to delete? [05:25] pygmymath Nvidia 8800gts [05:25] pygmymath: but im 9in recoverymode right now and i dont know how to fix this :[ i dont have a recovery disc with me so i cant reinstall [05:25] LeChacal: or do you mean delete all the way skipping trash? [05:25] evil_tech there are three debs, just need to install in certain order. nxclient, nxnode, nxserver .. i think. [05:25] not in the repos so i guess that answers that [05:25] macogw: yes i want to skip the trash [05:25] pygmymath: right after the loading screen after grub it goes to a black screen with a white line [05:25] reading now [05:25] FactTech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51633/ [05:25] pygmymath: can you please look this up on google? please? [05:25] root___: i used to get dodgy lines on my fujitsu before fiddling with my drivers [05:25] guys... simpel question what's command to copy exact partition to partition or disk to disk.. i forget... single simpel command? anyone know? [05:25] LeChacal: umm..... using rm skips the trash... [05:26] where would someone get a live CD that works with old PPC processors? [05:26] nalpha: dd [05:26] pygmymath: thats not it its like top left theres a white blinking line [05:26] macogw: ah you rigth thanx alot [05:26] evil_tech nomachine/freenx is essentially rdesktop for linux. [05:26] can you tell me whats in the device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [05:26] pygmymath: and it just sits there [05:26] nalpha: dd if=/dev/device/copying/frome of=/dev/device/copying/to [05:26] macogw: i have seen an option somewhere for it i just can't remember where [05:26] spencer: I don't see the lines for your updated HorizSync and VertRefresh values. Did you enter them in? [05:26] root___: i had white vertical stripes [05:27] or do live CDs not work with PPC architectures anymore? [05:27] Wisteso: officially, no [05:27] me22975: ok [05:27] Wisteso: there is a port though....i think its linked on the wiki [05:27] can anyone help with wireless networking [05:27] macogw: thanks. i'll look there [05:28] me22975: does ubuntu work with medium effects enabled in system > preferences> appearance settings? [05:29] Hi all, I would like to know where can i find the list of all the applications installed. [05:29] can anyone help me with wireless issues [05:29] th0r i didn't get anything useful, i'll ask for help [05:29] pygmymath: no when i try to enable any effects the screen goes all white . i can gdm stop and start and recover from it [05:30] Bharadwaj: Add/remove programs, top left theres a picker for installed/uninstalled stuff [05:30] niuq ok. when I used ftp I know it was easy to set up...all I changed was some user options in the config...especially with proftp...it was very straightforward. [05:30] LeChacal: gconf-editor /apps/nautilus/preferences/enable_delete [05:31] me22975: Do you have the drivers on? if so whered you get them? [05:31] i jus set up a wireless network at the house and all my computers get on with no problem except my laptop with ubuntu [05:31] th0r i've installed wu-ftpd over red-hat, was pretty easy [05:31] pygmymath: Thanks but whats the backed for the same so that i could access it and use it in my code.. [05:31] it works jus fine at the office tho [05:32] Bharadwaj: thats a good question... [05:32] khaotik: are you using encryption? [05:32] niuq let me tinker a little here and see if I can get mine running. [05:32] i dont believe so. i use my USB wireless adapter jus fine at the office [05:32] pygmymath : i have 169.07 installed by envy [05:33] khaotik: the settings at your office and the ones at home might not be the same [05:33] th0r ok, than you, i'll try with wu-ftpd, i might be out of problems [05:33] whats weird is it picks up internet. i open browser and my google home page appears [05:33] me22975: Hmm. Have you tried drivers from the apt-get? [05:34] well then that would mean it is working [05:34] i'm testing.. someone say.. dark or kith or darkkith or .. [05:34] <[R]> i've just tried ubuntu amd64 7.10 and 8.04 and both a) have no console output on bootup (my monitor just says no signal) b) when X loads it doesnt... the little circle cursor is there, but its locked up and nothing happens... anyone know how to fix this? [05:34] Bharadwaj: not sure to be honest but aptitude --help might be a good start.. [05:34] darkkith [05:34] i can google anything and it goes to that page, but when i click on a link to take me to a website it jus goes to a white screen and says done loading [05:35] humm [05:35] pygmymath: yes i tried those also [05:35] that didn't work like i was hoping. [05:35] how do i see if i have encryption on [05:35] Why is ubuntu wiki so sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow? [05:35] for some reason, xfce's xfdesktop segfaults when I right-click on the desktop [05:36] pygmymath: Thanks,, will try it. [05:36] if you mean if my router has WEP on, no its disabled [05:36] khaotik: open up a terminal and ping a website other than google [05:36] me22975: Hmm.. [05:36] Hmm. I'm on 7.04 32 bit right now and I would like to get to 64 bit 7.10 but when I run the install CD it basically blacks out on the display and I don't think it's doing anything. [05:36] BTW this is a Dell Vostro 1700 [05:37] Madpilot, darkkith: I appreciate the ubotu lead, but they seem to talk about getting additional codecs that aren't provided in the default install. Do you either of you know how I might make sure that all of the codecs that came by default are currently installed? [05:37] MrObvious: ive had that problem on my desktop when i was running an X800 [05:37] me22975: do alt + f2 gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [05:37] MrObvious: hit F6 at the boot menu and change "quiet splash" to "nosplash" [05:37] is it same as i would type in DOS. forgive me i am jus learning debian [05:37] you probably want w32codecs [05:37] FactTech sorry i woulndt know that much about codecs. have you tried apt-get remove && apt-get install again ? [05:37] khaotik: yes but you will have to tell it to stop by pressing cntrl-c [05:38] FactTech: try uninstalling ubuntu restricted extras and then reinstalling it again [05:38] darkkith: I would try that, if I knew what packages to try it with. [05:38] Ok. Another problem I've been having is there is a boot command line thing where I have to do modprobe piix && exit, but I tried that and it died. [05:38] Or not died, but rather blanked out. [05:38] evil_tech: I don't think I had those before, but I'll try it. [05:38] is there a good way to convert swf movies to another format in ubuntu? [05:38] evil_tech: that's just a metapackage, he would need to reinstall the packages that itemizes [05:38] pygmymath: done [05:38] me22975: in the Section "Device" what does it say for driver? [05:39] it says unknown host [05:39] EDinNY: I can't seem to locate the w32codecs package with Synaptic. Do you know which repository it's in? [05:39] I can try the nosplash thing and see what happens. [05:39] nickrud: reinstalling it after removing it wouldnt reload all the packages? [05:39] pygmymath: "nvidia" [05:39] its in medibuntu [05:39] FactTech, found it yesterday...googling [05:39] anyone use mutt here? [05:39] evil_tech: no, just as removing ubuntu-desktop doesn't remove gnome [05:39] EDinNY: It's not in any repository? [05:39] me22975: fiddlesticks [05:40] It is, but I needed to add the repository I think [05:40] hey guys whats the sudo apt-get command to upgrade my sys? [05:40] me22975: Can't help you with that i'm afraid then.. i've got the joy of ati myself [05:40] FactTech: win32codecs can be found either in medibuntu or seveas though i dont know if there are seveas gutsy packages been a while insince i checked [05:40] I know that if you go to the mplayer page you can find a link to a tar of it, but I am looking for the repositary [05:40] EDinNY: The thing is, this video used to work, so I don't think I need anything too special... strange. [05:40] medibuntu I thik [05:41] pygmymath : been looking at forums for the last 5 days and many with the same problem and no clear fixes. thanks for the try [05:41] its not working says unknown host [05:41] !medibuntu | FactTech this will have what you're looking for [05:41] FactTech this will have what you're looking for: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [05:41] me22975: No problem, i know the pain. google can be a better friend than the fora though [05:41] evil_tech, EDinNY -- I don't recall having installed anything like that before. Oh, well, I'll check them out. [05:41] FactTech type file [05:41] well, if you want windos codecs I think it is in medibuntu [05:41] www.medibuntu.org [05:42] cant hurt [05:42] its one of the first repos i add [05:42] brb need to restart [05:42] niuq I uninstalled proftpd and installed vsftpd and it runs out of the box. As i recall, I always used vsftpd becuase I had problems with pro [05:42] IndyGunFreak: Thanks. But I have been trying to play by the rules. Are any of those codecs installed by default? [05:43] nickrud: thank you that was what i was looking for [05:43] FactTech: not to my knowledge [05:43] Umm.. [05:43] I just installed Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro (nvidia geforce 8600M GT 128mb VRAM) [05:43] I can't find any drivers for it.. [05:43] FactTech: well, if you install the codecs, then technically, you're breaking the rules, so make your decision, medibuntu just makes it wasy to install them all. [05:43] Where can I get drivers? Right now it's in like low graphics mode and I can' [05:43] Can't find them on nvidia.com [05:43] !nvidia | jbinder [05:43] jbinder: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:44] IndyGunFreak: Right. [05:44] th0r well i give it a shot then === DiCha_cHa-Cha is now known as co_cr_tmn [05:45] niuq yeah....vsftpd started right up just like it was supposed to [05:46] i need to set irssi up to auto log me in [05:46] send the nickserv password as the server password [05:47] is irssi cli ? [05:47] yeah [05:47] is it something ffancier than scrollz ? [05:47] g'night all [05:48] hello, I downloaded the ubuntu cd, burned it, restarted and it came up fine. however, after restarting it gets stuck [05:48] live cd i386 7.10 [05:48] help :)? [05:48] FYI: what do you mean by stuck? [05:48] FYI: After restarting once Ubuntu is installed? [05:48] anyone know a good channel i can get wireless help at? [05:49] just goes to a black screen and gets "stuck". But no, no install, just booting from the live cd [05:49] khaotik: Wireless help with Ubuntu or just general/specific wireless knowledge? [05:49] with ubuntu [05:49] so this is a room for ubuntu users [05:49] computer: It's a room for Ubuntu help/support. [05:49] ...hmmm, i wonder what people chat about.?? [05:50] ok, so i need help [05:50] th0r i'm confuse, i thing it's working, but when i try to log on it says something of anonymous, not sure what's that [05:50] dont we all [05:50] #ubuntu-offtopic is for general discussion.' [05:50] i want to change the ubuntu sign off of my bar, and put the apple symbol [05:50] Need help setting up a wacom tablet... Here's my xorg.config What's wrong with it? ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51634/ [05:51] computer we are bunch of nerds.. nerdin out. [05:51] khaotic: What exactly is it that you need help with? [05:51] any ideas? Is stuff getting stuck in memory... I am lost [05:51] niuq did you install vsftp? [05:51] i just installed wireless network at the house and cant get my laptop with ubuntu working [05:51] ok nerds [05:51] th0r yes i did, it actually worked, i could start the service [05:51] FYI: can you press CTRL+ALT+F1? [05:51] khaotic: What router and NIC? [05:51] niuq are you trying to log on as anonymous or as a local user? [05:51] why dont the make a security tools distribution just like that old one...knoppix-std [05:51] th0r local user [05:52] Need help setting up a wacom tablet... Here's my xorg.config What's wrong with it? ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51634/ [05:52] evil_tech: what does that do? (I've been removed from linux for a few years and don't remember that at all) [05:52] router is a dlink 614 [05:52] what is NIC [05:52] FYI: will display kernel messages [05:52] th0r it says something of this server is anonymous only [05:52] NIC= Network Interface Card [05:52] khaotic: network interface card [05:52] niuq I think by default it is set up for anonymous only...you need to change the config...just a sec === godfather is now known as Godfather85 [05:52] computer we are too busy nerdin out to make useful things [05:52] useful things? [05:52] like [05:52] but on the other hand linux is known more as DIY [05:52] khaotic: aka the wireless card you use to connect to the router. [05:53] im using a USB level one adapter [05:53] i want to be a nerd [05:53] he's calling us nerds, but we're all in on a Friday night, aren't we :)? [05:53] there is supposed to be a security distro based on ubuntu i just read about it somewheres [05:53] computer: its an exclusive club buddy === mnemonica is now known as mnemonica|GoGuts [05:53] niuq it is /etc/vsftpd.conf === mnemonica|GoGuts is now known as mnemonica [05:53] yea man i guess... [05:53] I go to work tomorrow, what's your excuse :) === Godfather85 is now known as Godfather [05:53] i dont have my internal broadcom chip working yet [05:53] computer: you gotta grow mushrooms on your head and live in your moms basement [05:53] nerds and n00bs :) [05:53] ok [05:53] Question: How do I install NVIDIA drivers from the recovery console? [05:53] th0r ok [05:53] i'm l33t [05:53] REPEATING: Need help setting up a wacom tablet... Here's my xorg.config What's wrong with it? ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51634/ [05:53] niuq there is a line anonymous_enable=YES change that to NO [05:53] evil_tech: this irssi is better then scrollz [05:54] dunno? never used scrollz [05:54] mnemonica: Nothing whats wrong with the wacom? [05:54] does anyone know how to run apple software on linux vm maybe, [05:54] mnemonica: line 66 [05:54] pygmymath: mouse doesn't work and pen behaves like the mouse -should- but has no pressure sensitivity and no "hover" ability. [05:54] nickrud: What should I change about it? [05:55] mnemonica: fix the typos [05:55] mnemonica: Odd.. define hover ability? [05:55] does anyone have shake for linux? [05:55] niuq then restart and see if that does it. [05:55] khaotic: sec [05:55] niuq I don't see anything else that needs changing [05:55] any web devs here that use ubuntu? [05:55] your good [05:55] ok. on my desktop and booting ubuntu right now on my laptop [05:55] th0r i had a trouble, i had to enable for local user [05:55] th0r i'll restart again [05:55] mnemonica: the section is wrong, there's no n at the end of sectio# [05:55] pygmymath: when the pen doesn't have to actually touch the pad for it to move the cursor... Touching = clicking or click+holding [05:55] ubuntu sux! [05:56] bios bug #81 found [05:56] nickrud: heh. [05:56] Does anyone in here know if you can import a virtualbox disk image/machine into vmware? [05:56] niuq I didn't see anything to enable local user...might have missed it [05:56] virtualbox > vmwaer [05:56] virtualbox > vmware [05:56] th0r xDxD mission accomplished ^_^ [05:56] niuq ah...there it is...very next line [05:56] mnemonica: I'm runing ubuntu with a similar xorg on this tablet pc (uses wacom) - i dont get pressure sensitivity but i do get hover [05:56] niuq chalk up one for the good guys [05:56] supersako: Yeah, but virtualbox can't do 3d graphics. VMware can [05:57] th0r it worked, thank you man [05:57] vmware can now?? [05:57] niuq np [05:57] supersako: yeah, it's still beta though [05:57] ahh [05:57] thats cool i take back what i said then :) [05:58] pretty soon there will be absolutely no reason for a native windows install.. actually there isnt right now [05:58] th0r now i have to configure my ipod touch hehe i hope those folks of apple, made their homework [05:58] unless u cant afford xbox and still play sorry ass computer games [05:58] niuq I have had no luck at all getting my nano to work [05:58] supersako: Know of anyway I can clone a virtualbox machine into VMware?? [05:58] niuq will probably set up one of the old laptops in xp just for the nano [05:58] is Cedega worth buying? [05:58] hi all, just upgraded to kde4, but having problems getting the kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4 package to install [05:58] nickrud: Does this look better? ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51635/ [05:59] th0r this have a ftp client, i hope it works [05:59] or is it best to stick with just using wine? [05:59] no clearzen sorry have u tried google? [05:59] nickrud: Do I have to restart X for it to take effect? Because I changed it and saved it as that but there's no difference. [05:59] th0r ncftp, something like it :S [05:59] niuq I use gftp [05:59] FYI: any thing other than bios bug #81? [05:59] hello [05:59] what does cedega actually do for you? anything that cant be done for free? [05:59] mnemonica: yes, you have to restart. A sec, I'll compare to mine [05:59] th0r i only found that client for ipod touch [05:59] niuq there is a command line ftp by default...but I always install gftp. Had some problems with filezilla [05:59] nickrud: alright. [05:59] niuq you doing ftp from the ipod???!!! [05:59] Hi! I'm trying to use a jfs filesystem as root on a luks crypt system, but the system frozen at boot. I already updated my initrd to add some modules I think are important.. but system still froozed. What can I do? [05:59] pygmymath: Ah... Does pressure sensitivity just not work? [06:00] th0r yeah, pretty cool eh? [06:00] evil_tech: nope.... just goes to a blank (looks like the lcd is producing black) screen [06:00] supersako: Yeah, but virtualization doesn't seem to be a topic that is talked about a lot. Especially this kind of thing unfortunately, the IRC wasn't any help either. [06:00] mnemonica: My xorg has the last but one line commented out though - the synaptics touchpad bit..? try that maybe? [06:00] niuq how you typing in ip and such? [06:00] supersako: I'll just have to spend some time with it I guess [06:00] FYI: tried safe graphics mode? [06:00] th0r this actually has an terminal [06:00] I tried booting with acpi=off and that works [06:00] mnemonica: I've never tried to make it to be fair.. [06:00] but it says pnp bios error [06:00] i have just tried to reinstall Windows, so in doing so i formatted my windows installation, but then the windows installation failed (stupid cd) so now i have no OS. i am now running a ubuntu liveCD. can i install ubuntu into that space which was formatted? and if later on i want to try other distros can i remove ubuntu completely? [06:00] th0r would be something like "ftp [06:00] mnemonica: I don't have the usb option, but otherwise it looks right [06:00] niuq jeez....wish I could do that with the nano! [06:01] th0r check out ipod touch or iphone, are pretty cool toys [06:01] y1: Yeah, if you don't like it then you can just reinstall over it [06:01] ok great :) [06:01] FYI: what are the specs on this laptop [06:01] nickrud: alright, think I should take that out or try to restart as is? [06:01] th0r i can even program with pyhon or php [06:02] niuq I love my naon...I use it strictly for video...have about a dozen movies loaded on it. [06:02] mnemonica: I don't know for sure. I do think you should be commenting out the stuff that says tablet pc only , if you are using a usb device [06:02] (nano) [06:02] Is there any tutorial or howto to use a crypt system on / or something like it? [06:02] evil_tech: I just googled that also ... It appears people have been having trouble w/ the same 'series' (compaq f500)... amd 64 x2 tk-53, 1gb ram, nvidia stuff, broadcom wireless [06:02] th0r i'm pretty sure you'd love ipod touch!! [06:02] piero: Yes, use truecrypt [06:02] th0r: do you use magnifying glasses? [06:02] darkkith: how do i set up the nomachine server on the linux side? [06:02] niuq yeah...I could go broke buying tech toys if I wasn't careful [06:02] th0r built it wi-fi [06:02] piero: I'll try to find a link to a tut [06:03] th0r xD [06:03] Clearzen: Can you tell me something more? I'm behind a black low resolution terminal on ttyS0.. hehehe [06:03] niuq I'm gonna have to leave now...before you talk me into buying something else [06:03] th0r lol [06:03] mnemonica: without having a tablet, I can only go by obvious stuff though [06:03] i ran aptitude safe-upgrade yesterday and my sister's mp3player stopped working with it, so i ran it again today and it upgraded some other kde packages but now she can't login via kdm :\ [06:03] s/with it/after it [06:04] piero: basically you have to format the drive for encryption before you install anything on it. Then mount it and install. I'll get a link for you. [06:04] hi all, just upgraded to kde4, but having problems getting the kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4 package to install, here is terminal output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51636/ [06:04] th0r thats why i love holidays [06:04] I really can't stand vista anymore, haha [06:04] Clearzen: cool! I'm waiting for the link... [06:04] FYI:cant blame you there [06:04] niuq I understand [06:04] nickrud: uncommenting the bottom lines works fine on a fujitsu stylistic 4110 [06:04] well...enough for tonight....it is after 1 here and I have to get up early [06:04] th0r well playtime, laters [06:05] nite all [06:05] Does anyone else here use bitchx? [06:05] FYI: are you trying to install via the live cd or just play with the live cd? [06:05] pygmymath: I caught the obvious error, the bad paste. You have a tablet, so I'll step back here [06:06] i am trying to install pidgin 2.3.1 off of the getdeb.net site, i have fiesty and the only version i could find was for gutsy. I am getting a libc6 error, anyone have an idea how to fix this? [06:06] I have the libc6 installed that comes with fiesty [06:06] evil_tech: I'm trying to install now [06:06] FactTech: i got it working thank you [06:06] nickrud: alright, going to restart in a bit. [06:06] reeeh2000: you could force the package, but it's a bug in the packaging and you should see if it's added to bugs.ubuntu.com , see if they are recommending a workaround or have a fix in the works [06:06] nickrud: you have more experience heh, my wacom is built in too, not a periph [06:07] pygmymath: lol, up to a point theory works, but device in hand is better [06:07] nickrub: actually looking at bug reports right now [06:07] piero: http://www.howtoforge.com/truecrypt_data_encryption [06:07] FYI: you could always try the alternate install if you cant get the live to go [06:07] hey i need help configuring my graphics card on xubuntu 7.10 [06:07] is there anyway to edit kboot.conf in kboot sh mode? [06:07] im using a ati radeon x1300 [06:07] weee [06:08] hmm i just ran the ubuntu livecd and it's staying at a pink screen with a mouse for a really really long time [06:08] hey how do i use emerald themes in 7.10 agian? [06:08] !ati | nugz1212 [06:08] nugz1212: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:08] (after i pressed start/install ubuntu" [06:08] akorn: sudo aptitude install emerald [06:08] i installed the resrticted drivers in the manager [06:08] can anyone help me with wget? [06:08] evil_tech: should I be using the 64 bit version (I have an AMD 64 x2 TK-53)? [06:08] Question: whats the proper "linux" terminology for say the Theme Preferences ___blank____ ... my M$ instinct is to say "Theme Preferences Window" but I dont wanna look like a n00b if theres a better way to say it.... dialog? [06:08] you can [06:08] haha yea i'm dumb [06:08] I have the i386 version because someone said it would be better [06:08] darkkith thanks [06:08] now it lags when i move the mouse [06:08] Clearzen: Thank you very much my friend.. I'm going to give some work to me links!! [06:08] ive tried that install [06:08] FYI: i'd stick with the i386 [06:08] it doesnt work [06:09] hi,there [06:09] and the properietery dont either [06:09] akorn: you will need to install an emerald theme yourself however, think themes.beryl-project.org [06:09] it was working earlier [06:09] FYI: i don't know if its *better*, but it requires less hoop jumping... its all a matter of opinion, to me, 64bit isn't worth it just yet. [06:09] any idea what i should do? [06:09] akorn: do that before restarting x. [06:09] if i want to download a series of images using wget, all in one go, how do i go about it? what would the command be? the images are all numbered in sequence (1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc.) [06:09] arunkale: what do you want to wget [06:09] darkkith i thought it came with themes? [06:09] i cannot install ubuntu on my laptop! [06:09] akorn: 7.10 did not. [06:09] darkkith okay sounds good thanks :) [06:09] when i tried to run xfce-terminal ,the xfce-desktop7.10 will restart itself ,these is a bug of xfce ? [06:09] piero: np, remeber in the US it is not a crime to not give your encryption key. You are protected under the 5th amendment [06:09] dakkith what's the difference between apt-get install and aptitude install? [06:09] nickrub: no luck, only one report that I see so far, and its on hardy, im on gibbon [06:10] icesword: why? [06:10] mather: system > preferences > appearances settings [06:10] probing scsi devices:_ [06:10] the system just stopped here,cannot go further? [06:10] icesword: well thats not a very good description, why? [06:10] i use livecd [06:10] akorn: not so much certain. i have heard that aptitude has better dependency .. management? beats me. i like aptitude because everyone at my work uses it and im just a sheep. [06:10] darkkith: any idea? [06:11] nickrub: how do i force the package? [06:11] darkkith hahaha *baaah* i'll be a sheep too then haha [06:11] icesword: sounds like a burn issue if you ask me.... if it just froze [06:11] mather: Visual themes might be what you're thinking of though [06:11] darkkith: how do i set up the nomachine server? [06:11] .. [06:11] darkkith alright thanks for the help! see you [06:11] okay [06:11] reeeh2000: then you should file the bug yourself. sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4_4%3a4.0.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa1_all.deb will force the install, but it's a judgement call on whether you want to do that or wait for a response to your bug. I'd wait, icons arent that important [06:11] arunkale: lets say that all of the images you want are on a single html page, like on a porn page for instance (not pointing fingers but.. for instance) [06:11] so now compiz-fusion is working [06:11] but its really slow [06:12] mnemonica: wb [06:12] not really,i installed ubuntu on my another machine,desktop successfully [06:12] arunkale: then you do wget http://thepornserver/thepornpage.html [06:12] i ran it perfectlly with the restricted drivers earlier [06:12] darkkith: all the images are not on a single html page, and it's definitely not porn :) [06:12] but all my games came up with texture errors [06:12] darkkith: downthemall :P [06:12] nugz1212: welcome to the world of crappy ati linux support [06:12] nickrub: ok, ill report of course, but its more annoying than you think it would be to be missing all of my icons [06:12] darkkith: wget -r -p http://thepornserver/thepornpage.html/path/to/image/source [06:12] arunkale: i lied, there are some switches to sift through and only get the images. give me a moment and i will search my por... err.. cache [06:13] heh [06:13] reeeh2000: nah, kde sucks with icons :p [06:13] nickrud: ive run this fine before [06:13] evil_tech: you downloaded the three .deb's right ? [06:13] nickrud: i got compiz running in gutsy onati ;) [06:13] hey guys, i have a slight problem with my C compiler. can you help? [06:13] darkkith: wget cannot follow java links though :( [06:13] okay how do i remove all ati drivers from my computer? [06:13] downloaded and installed in the proper order according to the instruactions on the site [06:13] evil_tech: dpkg -i nxclient*deb && dpkg -i nxnode*deb && dpkg -i nxserver*deb [06:13] ok [06:14] evil_tech: from your windows box install the nxclient for windows [06:14] IndyGunFreak, so what does that"probing scsi devices"- and then froze, mean? [06:14] usually? [06:14] pygmymath: so did I, but it wasn't worth the effort [06:14] did that [06:14] evil_tech: same site, then.. launch it.. and connect, as you would with RDP/mstc [06:14] nickrub: hehe, say how do i get new widgets, the button is blanked out, or have you not messed with them yet? [06:14] nugz1212: what you trying to achieve [06:14] I guess a better way to put it is : Is it proper to say "move the Settings _window_ to the bottom" or is there better terminology.. or terminology more common to linux... such as Settings dialog, or Settings box [06:14] evil_tech: the default wm is KDE however, if it is not setting up the connection then maybe that is the problem (if you have only GNOME) [06:14] icesword: who knows.. its either not detecting your scsi device properly(unlikely, as it would kick out an error, at least it has for me).. i'd suspect something else. [06:15] !ask elbermungsterses [06:15] nickrud: sudo apt-get install xgl- tab tab tab tab enter logout login?:P [06:15] will ubuntu work on a sony srx99? [06:15] evil_tech: also, freenx/nomachine relies on SSH auth [06:15] pygmymath: im trying to get my ATi radeon x1300 to work like it was before with compiz-fusion [06:15] back to the guy with wget [06:15] who was that [06:15] its running slow [06:15] pygmymath: yeah, but no suspend with that. I got the latest from ati, got suspend, but the aiglx is sssslllllooowww [06:15] nickrub: thanks, i got to head, ill report the but then sleep, thanks again === dmb__ is now known as dmb [06:16] every time i do ./configure when installing from source it always says "error: C compiler cannot create executables". [06:16] !build-essential | elbermungsterses [06:16] elbermungsterses: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [06:16] nugz1212: using xgl session? [06:16] im on 7.10 [06:16] arunkale: wget -l 1 -A jpg,JPG -r -nd -P [06:17] nickrud: 170 fps on a desktop heh.. ? [06:17] when i tried to run xfce-terminal ,the xfce-desktop7.10 will restart itself to logo windows ,these is a bug of xfce ? [06:17] it said i could run the regular session === isr_ is now known as isr [06:17] nickrud: used adf/removes drivers & xgl, et voila [06:17] pygmymath: never checked the fps, just wanted to mess with compiz. But suspend is critical, so I'm using the regular desktop [06:17] darkkith: would you mind explaining that? [06:18] pygmymath: not a desktop, a laptop. Gotta have suspend :) [06:18] nickrud: hibernate for me, and fair play === lizili is now known as jhon [06:18] man will do a better explaining it however, the -A is the filetype limiter, -l i believe is limited the depth -nd is saying don't create a local directory strucutre, -P .. beats me, consult man, and -r .. again.. not really sure sorry [06:18] Hi everyone [06:18] nickrud: mind you im on icewm and have a whole 800mhz :P [06:19] darkkith: where do i define the numbers [06:19] after installing phpmyadmin via apt-get, when I navigate to /phpmyadmin it gives me a 404, any ideas? [06:19] from 1 to whatever [06:19] Is there a problem with the latest upgrade? I had a single file to upgrade this morning and since the upgrade completed I have lost my network connection on 2 computers. Windows computers are working fine. Any ideas?? [06:19] brb [06:19] arunkale: you don't. you simply put the path to the directory, or page, and it will sift through it all and pull it in. [06:19] pygmymath: heh. anyone that uses that weak little crappy wm is crazy, anyway. If it doesn't take at least a gig to run, it's not hefty enough for me. [06:19] darkkith: nice [06:19] arunkale: you might be able to do like wget -blah -blah http://porn/is/hot/???.jpg [06:20] thanks a lot man [06:20] darkkith: -r means recursively and -P is image files I believe [06:20] how can i make an ntfs filesystem writeable using the live cd? [06:20] hi [06:20] Hello All [06:20] ok [06:20] I could really use some help here [06:20] hello all [06:20] gyro: what package got updated? [06:20] hey is there anyone good with the hertz frequencies and the bytes memories? [06:20] !ask | techgeek40 [06:20] techgeek40: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:20] I'm on something I think [06:20] how can i hide my secret folder? [06:20] with a . [06:20] evil_tech: did you get it ? [06:21] Could someone please tell me which package has alsa conf in it, [06:21] Without mounting the share, is there a way I can play audio and video files over a samba share with mplayer? [06:21] goldsniper: put a . before the name [06:21] sup [06:21] Please HELP! I was using my external HD formated with ntfs and I didn't safely unmount the drive. It is now saying that I need to boot to windows and shutdown the drive properly. I don't use windows. I tried mounting the drive with the force option, but it still won't mount. Any ideas? Should I format the drive to ext3? [06:21] anyone play really cool games on their linux ? [06:21] goldsniper: make a directory with a . in front of it... like /home/user/.secret [06:21] oh [06:21] goldsniper: so .nameoffolder [06:21] i mean.. cooler than nibbles [06:21] a lot of people in here eh [06:21] ok, thanks... its so simple... [06:21] I'm trying to get some drivers installed for my on-board video card [06:21] Could someone please tell me which package has alsa-conf is in? [06:21] I can't remember but it seemed insignificant at the time. It was just in my update list. I would think other would have received it also [06:21] thanks guys [06:21] when i tried to run xfce-terminal ,the xfce-desktop7.10 will restart itself to logo windows ,these is a bug of xfce ? [06:21] NullName: either take it over to a friends, or reformat to ext3 if you don't need the data [06:22] anyone's good with hertz and bytes? Hertz like in MHz and Bytes like in Mb? [06:22] what is this "good" [06:22] nickrud: If I reformat to ext3, will I be able to use the drive on a windows box? [06:22] I'm running the Chrome9 HC 3d/2d Graphcis card - Motherboard is a P4M900 Micro 775 [06:22] darkkith: install wine and then install soldat [06:22] anyone here using a linksys usb wireless adapter and ubuntu [06:22] I updated a second computer which had 16 updates includings CUPS and stuff to go with it. That computer has no network either since the upgrade [06:23] I do luchador [06:23] luchador: I use a linksys usb adapter [06:23] i have version 4 [06:23] and cant get it to work properly [06:23] oops sorry I read something else [06:23] Nickrud: What version of Windows? [06:23] darkkith:nope [06:23] NullName: if the other machine has the driver from http://www.fs-driver.org/ installed, or explore2fs installed [06:23] I'm using the WUSB300N [06:23] keeps refusing connnection [06:23] ah [06:23] techgeek40: Lost the context [06:24] evil_tech: you do have ssh right ? [06:24] luchador: what model linksys USB adapter do you have? [06:24] darkkith:hmm [06:24] moment [06:24] I'm running the Chrome9 HC 3d/2d Graphcis card - Motherboard is a P4M900 Micro 775 [06:24] mines the WUSB54G [06:24] evil_tech: apt-get install openssh-server [06:24] hello everybody. i am having much trouble with suspend to ram on my laptop. it worked in fiesty but not in gusty. dose anybody knwo how to go about reporting the problem. i would also like to involved in fixing it. but i don't think i can fix it all on my own if i could it would be fixed by now :) [06:24] luchador: Beware my WEP or WPA does NOT work [06:24] nope i didnt [06:24] NullName: explore2fs will run from a usb stick, it's simply an executable by the way [06:24] I could use some help here [06:24] could have sworn i installed it [06:24] must have been the work computer [06:24] nickrud: thanks. I'll check it out [06:24] techgeek40: Have you tried the openchrome drivers? [06:24] evil_tech: that one like will work absolute magic on any linux box :) [06:25] Without mounting the share, is there a way I can play audio and video files over a samba share with mplayer? [06:25] nickrud: Just letting you know... Everything is working perfectly now. I edited the xorg.config file as you recommended and it's awesome. Thanks!! [06:25] its installed now [06:25] NullName: explore2fs is read only [06:25] hmm [06:25] its cool Goupil418 [06:25] mnemonica: cool, I love it when a plan comes together [06:25] i've got a cd which installs a program meant for windows, how do i intstall it for ubuntu? [06:25] Clearzen: no - would I do aptitude install --openchrome ? [06:25] err NullName [06:25] FYI: hahah soldat looks like 1985 wolfenstein 3d [06:25] I have a really stupid question [06:25] or whoever has a usb adapter working on ubuntu [06:26] luchador hi there can you help me out I have a couples of questions [06:26] techgeek40: I dunno, let me check if they are in the repos now [06:26] nickrud: sorry I should direct the message to you. Any ideas? [06:26] luchador: Use ndiswrapper [06:26] ive tried [06:26] i tried ubuntu like a year ago [06:26] tried so much stuff with ndiswrapper [06:26] I have a machine that will only let me delete one character when I hit the delete key.... this is under gutsy, but only on one machine... [06:26] yea mine didn't work with ndiswrapper right out the box [06:26] techgeek40: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome [06:26] darkkith: i decided to write a small php script for it :) [06:26] evil_tech: must be working now [06:26] luchador, I think I'm on something, are you comfortable with hertz and bytes? [06:26] all the other gutsy machines I have work fine... this is also a fresh install [06:26] gyro: I really don't know what could cause that, I'm not very good with networking in the first place [06:27] Nickrud: I know with vista you can boot up with the CD and when you get to the part about repair - go to the command prompt and tye BootRec.exe /FixMbr [06:27] arunkale: ahh i have a shell script so whenever i see good porn its easy to keep. [06:27] anyone have an idea how to fix this [06:27] arunkale: err.. i meant art [06:27] luchador: You must download the windows drivers for your adapter, and install them using ndiswrapper [06:27] yes of course [06:27] i'm using the script for a web comic [06:27] ...right [06:27] mind if i pm you? [06:27] techgeek40: you might have to change the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to openchrome [06:27] techgeek40: yes, that would overwrite the mbr written by ubuntu ... [06:27] sure go ahead [06:27] it is [06:27] nickrud: I have just come online has there been any others with similar problems? [06:27] working [06:27] somewhat [06:27] hello i'm running a ubuntu live cd but after selecting run/install ubuntu, it shows a pinkish screen with a mouse, it plays a start up sound, then thats it. it doesn't display anything else...what can be causing this? [06:28] gyro: not for the last few hours [06:28] nickrud: Are you aware of a way to edit the sensitivity of the graphire4 mouse..? [06:28] my computer has just formatted the partition containing my "windows" os by the way...if that helps... [06:28] Clear: I'll try that now - thank you - will let you know [06:28] luchador: You can PM me [06:28] Brb - seeing if the new drivers worked [06:28] luchador: This is what worked for me : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530772 [06:28] nickrud: Thanks I will go and try and figure myself [06:28] mnemo: add the line Option "SHMConfig" "1" to the synaptics touchpad section in xorg.conf , then install gsynaptics it gives you some control over the pad [06:28] i can do ctrl-alt-f1 and get into console though, but i don't see any gui [06:29] hmm i think i am logged into this machine twice [06:29] luchador: Try and find the windows drivers of your card [06:29] i have the cd [06:29] mnemonica: did you see the line above, I mis-nicked it [06:29] with the windows drivers [06:30] i've just gone back to gui by ctrl-alt-f7, now i see a black screen and a mouse...any ideas? (i can move the mouse) [06:30] evil_tech: umm.. are you logging into it from an rdesktop session through your win box [06:30] gyro, are you on a wireless link? [06:30] evil_tech: that would be kind of neat [06:30] evil_tech: but a bit latent [06:30] y1: ctrl+alt f1 then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [06:30] I need some one comfortable with Bytes and Hertz, anyone here? [06:30] hi lgc , you're just in time [06:31] darkkith: i think thats exactly what ive done [06:31] nickrud, hi. [06:31] lgc: tag, you're it, I'm watching some tv :) [06:31] i just tried ctrl-alt-f1 and the screen just turned off. [06:31] (this ubuntu cd has worked on other computers though) [06:31] y1: try f2?? [06:31] nickrud, "tag" als in "guten Tag"? [06:32] Clearzen: nothing happens [06:32] maybe it's because the cd is dusty now? [06:32] lgc: no tag as in the game, you get to keep running around till you can tag someone else :) [06:32] kein Deutsch hier >: ) [06:32] well it hink its time to sleep gnite folks [06:33] good night [06:33] night [06:33] g'night fyi [06:33] y1: other than a restart I would say try to ssh in. But I don't think ssh server is installed by default. (I'm assuming you don't have a terminal of any kind) [06:33] nickrud, sorry I don't know the game...:( (but, see, there's always plenty of censors!) [06:33] ok let's say I want to do a new program and I don't know how anyone can help me? [06:34] rebooting now (i didn't have any console at all) [06:34] nickrud, you mean the game where the others hide and you get to find one and touch them so they have to do the search again? [06:35] lgc: pretty much, yes [06:35] Goupil: how do you mean a new program? as in create one? === suehtnilaP is now known as Palintheus [06:35] * nickrud goes off to hide, now that the rules are clear [06:35] lol [06:35] nickrud, then I think I know it (in a Mexican variant, I figure). [06:35] * FYI finds nickrud hiding between a heap of old windows ME pc's [06:36] FYI, yes! [06:36] Goupil: you would need to learn a programming language [06:36] FYI, I want to make a new program... something no ones has never tried [06:36] nickrud, see? You got tagged by FYI-censor. [06:36] lgc: No a normal wired network with 4 computers [06:37] i'm back on the pinkish screen now [06:37] what should i do? (just played the startup music) [06:37] gyro, you talking about the tag game? [06:37] anyone try ncomputing with ubuntu 7.10? [06:37] gyro, (joke). [06:37] Goupil, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_language [06:37] y1: what kind of video card do you have? [06:37] FYI, Is there a place in any language that can tell my computer how I want him to work with hertz? [06:37] hm is the ubuntu-supplied ffmpeg without mp3 support? [06:37] Clearzen: no idea at the moment [06:38] Goupil: hertz the car renters? [06:38] Goupil418: you aren't serious are you? [06:38] clearzen yep [06:38] Goupil418: give up now [06:38] Haha! [06:38] Hello all! [06:38] Clearzen, I think I've found a way man [06:38] Clearzen: so now what? [06:38] gyro, I suppose you checked for the obvious things, like the cable being connected and stuff. [06:38] Goupil: you could always hire someone like me to do it for you :) [06:38] Goupil418: with uber leet hacker skills right [06:39] Okay I did the install of the openchrome [06:39] Clearzen, yeah kinda but this shit is way over my skills [06:39] But I can't enable the advanced desktop options [06:39] Just a quick question for the gurus tonight.... When copying an install/live cd - Can I make a direct copy of the disc I have already, or do I need to rip it to ISO, then re-burn the image? [06:39] techgeek40: do you mean compiz? [06:39] is there a way I can have a mac ox like dock? [06:39] Yeah, I'd like to use that - I have it on my Dell laptop and I like the effects [06:40] i have returned [06:40] sanguisdex: yeah, I hear avant is good [06:40] sanguisdex: for a dock [06:40] sanguisdex: avant? [06:40] Clearzen, I'm good in theses kinds of things normally but now playing with all those bases data is way over my skills, [06:40] hey guys i got vim but for some reason it doesnt highlight code like html tags, etc [06:40] gvim* [06:40] I will take look [06:41] supersako, :sy on [06:41] FYI, so you'd be able to tell your computer how hertz system works? [06:41] thanks lgc [06:41] also, i cant seem to find it in my accesories tab [06:41] GOupil: what kind of hertz? [06:41] can i manually add it? [06:41] Even when I try to turn on the Visual Effects - I get the error that it can't be enabled :< [06:41] Clearzen: ? [06:42] FYI, You know in computers, there's GHz and MHz and everything [06:42] supersako, did it work? Otherwise you can fumble with the drop-down menus on gvim. [06:42] y1: sorry, what kind of video card do you have? [06:42] FYI, I run on a 2.0 GHz [06:42] why would you want to tell your computer how they work [06:42] do you mean the user? [06:42] techgeek40, what graphics card? [06:42] Just tried normal and got that it couldn't be enabled :< [06:42] because they're not using hertz correctly [06:43] Clearzen: i don't know [06:43] Will I need to 'do' anything except the physical installation of more memory? I saw that I could buy 2GB of more ram for a couple of dollars so I thought of doing it ... [06:43] techgeek40: type glxinfo | grep direct in the terminal; tell me what it said ... yes or no [06:43] Clearzen: i just went into console, did pwd, worked fine, then i tried ls, and now it's lagging [06:43] When copying an install/live cd - Can I make a direct copy of the disc I have already, or do I need to rip it to ISO, then re-burn the image? [06:43] y1: k, drop to a terminal with ctrl+alt f1 [06:43] then lspci -v and post the output to pastebin [06:44] Question: How do I install NVIDIA graphics drivers in Recovery Console? I found this url, but I am unsure how to download that '.run' through Recovery Console, 'WGET' doesn't seem to work. http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html [06:44] I'd like to enable, or configure the extra buttons on my mouse. Can someone point me in the right direction? [06:44] this is weird [06:44] Iceman: glxinfo | grep [06:44] i did ls, now i don't see the ubuntu@ubuntu: thing [06:44] Woops [06:44] but i can still type [06:44] direct rendering: No [06:44] ah ok, done [06:44] laaag [06:44] y1: if you can. If you can't you may be able to find the line with the graphics card listed [06:45] FYI, you see, computers are now in GHz, but we can tell a computer how many hertz a GHz is equal to [06:45] y1: I just need to know the manufacturer/chipset [06:45] why is this console so laggy? [06:45] techgeek40: that's why you got these error messages "it cannot be enabled" [06:45] am i getting the right package for gvim? [06:45] i did sudo apt-get gvim-gnome [06:45] Clearzen: I have the Chrome9 HC 3D / 2D graphics card (HCIGPWDDM) [06:45] If I install more ram I don't need to do anything in ubuntu to make it work right? [06:45] for some reason it didnt add the program to my applications menu bar [06:45] y1: not sure. Could be several reasons [06:45] 2GB -> 4GB on x64 [06:46] Iceman: Is there a way to get it working? [06:46] techgeek40: It may not be compatible with compiz [06:46] such as? [06:46] http://online.unitconverterpro.com/unit-conversion/convert-alpha/frequency-wavelength.html [06:46] Question: How do I install NVIDIA graphic drivers through Recovery Console? [06:46] y1: lack of system resources aka RAM [06:46] hi and hello all [06:46] Patogen - you shouldn't, it'll detect [06:46] vwfanatic: Sounds good :) [06:47] y1: that would be my first guess [06:47] FYI, there we go ^_^ [06:47] how can i open a website which does not want firefox [06:47] At least mine did when I upgraded from 512 to 1gig [06:47] the website only wants ie??? [06:47] Clearzen: someone in here said something about avant? is that like compiz or ??? [06:47] FYI, 1Ghz is equal to 1000000000Hz [06:47] techgeek40: i have no idea about Chrome9 video card; you might want to search the ubuntuforums.org to see if there is a thread on that specific card [06:48] Or is there a way to enable direct render? [06:48] 1Hz is a frequency [06:48] techgeek40: No, avant is a dock. It's similar to the OSX dock for example [06:48] any ideas? [06:48] Clearzen: i have 240mb ram [06:48] Ahh okay - thanks [06:48] let me try the formums [06:48] When copying an install/live cd - Can I make a direct copy of the disc I have already, or do I need to rip it to ISO, then re-burn the image? [06:48] supersako, probably yes. [06:49] y1: that would be the problem then. The livecd runs off ram exclusively. 258 is not a lot of memory for that kind of thing [06:49] FYI, So computers have like 21000000000 [06:49] i need to open an 'only ie permitted website'... how to do with firefox? [06:49] so what should i do? [06:49] FYI 2000000000 frequencies I meant [06:50] has anyone installed ubuntu on a system remotely? [06:50] goldsniper, throw away Firefox and install Opera. And use the emulation mode. [06:50] FYI, Imagine, 2000000000 frequencies... [06:50] can i install ubuntu from the live cd some other way? [06:50] techgeek40: apparently only the openchrome driver supports hardware 3d, but it doesn't have the stuff for compiz built in. See the package description for xserver-xorg-driver-openchrome , it also has a link to openchrome.org with more info [06:50] Question: Ubuntu displays a blank screen when I attempt to boot after a 'text based' install. How do I get my Ubuntu to display the desktop with my nvidia 7800 GT? [06:51] lgc...you mean opera can open those ie site? [06:51] y1: you could try the alternate install [06:51] its text based [06:51] FYI, that's a shitload of frequencies we could use to our own advantage [06:51] how? [06:51] install with driver update cd? [06:51] Goupil418, they do not actually work at 3 billion hertz or what have you [06:52] Usually run around a few million [06:52] And have a multiplier [06:52] lgc: Yes I have changed the Ubuntu computer to my laptop on the same cable and works fine under windows [06:52] I'm sketchy on the details, but that [06:52] ryantmer you mean the computers? [06:52] goldsniper, most of the times yes. Although some sites are sort of problematic. You can tailor Opera to identify or to mask as IE. [06:52] s as much as I can remember [06:52] Goupil418, yes [06:52] Can someone help troubleshoot my video card? [06:52] y1: find out what kind of video card you have [06:52] y1: then I could help you [06:52] ryantmer, yes but who would run more than a million program on his computer? [06:53] Goupil418, me :) [06:53] jk [06:53] ryantmer, you know where I'm going? :P [06:53] Clearzen: how do i find out?> [06:53] has anyone installed ubuntu on a system remotely? [06:53] Goupil418, who'd have the money to afford a system that could run 1 million programs? (hi ryantmer) [06:53] y1: it should be outputted with lspci | grep video [06:53] Oh hay netham45 [06:53] ... [06:53] y1: try that [06:53] netham45, IBM does :) [06:53] LOL [06:53] caps... [06:53] how can i manually add a program to my applications menu? [06:53] gyro, you mean that you connected your windows laptop to the cable of your ubuntu machine and it works fine? [06:53] netham45 if you'd make your computer understand that he's running on a few millions of frequencies you wouldn't have to pay a bucks [06:54] y1: lspci will list your video hardware [06:54] Clearzen, I think lspci | grep VGA is the proper command. [06:54] lspci displays alot of stuff, convenient [06:54] I just downloaded the text installer, and burned it to a dvd and it's the live cd [06:54] son of a bitch [06:54] Goupil418: Are you on acid, or have you been hit in the head to much? [06:54] what is this alternate install? [06:54] its a text based installer [06:55] netham45: you're right thanks [06:55] y1: it's text-based [06:55] clearzen, that's what they said with Einstein too... [06:55] FYI Kein Deutsch hier! (hee-hee!) [06:55] how do i get it? [06:55] All the DVD"s are Live -- you're best best, should you have an internal NIC would be to run the MINI.ISO [06:55] hey, i'm having a issue with 7.10 [06:55] Goupil418: No they said einstein was retarded [06:55] I burn't mine to a CDRW and installed that way [06:55] any idea why the MIT mirror gave me the regular live cd when I clearly checked the alternate cd checkbox? [06:55] clearzen, Look on www.wikipedia.com 2ghz is equal to 2000000000hz [06:56] FYI: are you sure its the -desktop iso? [06:56] Question: How would I download this file through terminal? 'http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.07/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run' [06:56] Clearzen: i am i385 [06:56] So, I'm trying to install on a 266mhz MMX, from a 7.10 disk, but it freezes up after i hit "start ubuntu" and the little bar thing flys around for a while [06:56] whats going on? [06:56] clearzen, if you can tell your computer that hertz are frequencies and that you could put a program on each frequency... shit you'd have the best pc in the world [06:56] is the system too slow? [06:57] nickrud: if explore2fs is read-only, does that mean there is NO way to write to ext3 from windows? Not even with cygwin? [06:57] JerseyMonkey: wget thefilesurl [06:57] Goupil418: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss it further, this isn't the place. Thanks [06:57] JerseyMonkey: wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.07/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run ? [06:57] Starnestommy, I attempted that, and it kept saying "Name or service unknown' and it seems like I spelt everything right. [06:57] Sophieee: it would be better to use alternative cd instead of livecd to install ubuntu [06:57] Flannel: looks the same; same options, has start in safe graphics mode, loading progress bar still appears etc. [06:57] NullName: with the http://www.fs-driver.org/ driver you have write ability in xp [06:58] freezes the same [06:58] Sophieee: Try your boot options, like nodma etc, through the Fx options [06:58] Flannel, eh I thought we we're a community? and that if we would find something to make ubuntu better we should talk about it? [06:58] Starnestommy, I'm just going to install ssh-server and SCP the file over. Should hopefully work through recovery console. [06:58] FYI: Whats the file name? [06:58] NullName: but that has to be installed on the computer [06:58] FYI: the alternate installer should not have a start in safe graphics mode [06:58] Goupil418: This channel is for ubuntu support only. #ubuntu-offtopic is for general chatter, even ubuntu related chatter [06:58] nickrud: installing shouldn't be a problem [06:58] should say install in text mode, oem install (for manufacturers) [06:59] Flannel, and you are? [06:59] Flannel: is a god :) [06:59] nickrud: Does it make more sense to format to NTFS? What are the limitations of using NTFS with linux? [06:59] evil_tech, I don't think Ubuntu's 'click for Alternate' is working. I attempted it on a few mirrors, and ended up getting Desktop copy. [06:59] Flannel, evil_tech: the one served by the mit server (sans -desktop in filename) has the start or install in safe graphics mode [06:59] JerseyMonkey: same here [06:59] NullName: permissions, but for general data storage it doesn't matter [06:59] Goupil418: try it in #ubuntu-marketing [06:59] i dont like the new download set up [06:59] Anyone success installing nCOmputing on ubuntu 7.10? Can give me the guide :D hehe [06:59] Okay I found some open source scripts for the video driver here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=485646&highlight=P4M900 [06:59] nickrud: If I format to ext3, will I be able to unplug the drive and not have an error? [07:00] JerseyMonkey, go straight to releases.ubuntu.com [07:00] n2diy: I don't want to make money out of what I'm saying [07:00] NullName: not without unmounting. That's a truth with all usb storage devices [07:00] I'm going to be stupid here (like that is new) they are named openchrome-stable.sh - how would I run those? [07:00] NullName, no. [07:00] FYI: no -desktop? interesting. no -alternate either? Thats odd indeed. File a bug against the website (the ubuntu one) if it gave you the wrong one. Someone'll take a look at it. [07:00] Madpilot, I got alternate now, I am just giving him the heads up that people are getting misdirected. [07:00] techgeek40: openchrome drivers come with ubuntu, don't use that [07:00] Madpilot, Thankyou though. [07:00] nickrudL How lame is that? Shoot I just formated the drive to ext3... I think I'm going to format to NTFS. IS gaprted the correct tool? [07:01] Goupil418: its not about making money, it is about promoting Ubuntu, if you can make money doing, who cares? [07:01] anyone know how to make the file NTUSER.DAT on a windows partition writeable? [07:01] hey guys how do i add a shortcut to applications in 7.10? i installed gvim but theres no shortcut in my apps [07:01] Nickrud: from what I read this resolves the direct render issue [07:01] n2diy, lol [07:01] lgc: Yes that was after I had checked the entire system and replaced the network card [07:01] techgeek40: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-driver-openchrome [07:01] n2diy well I guess it's not that bad after all [07:01] nickrud: Sorry misspelled your SN in last message. How lame is that? Shoot I just formated the drive to ext3... I think I'm going to format to NTFS. IS gparted the correct tool? [07:01] techgeek40: erm, sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome that is [07:02] gyro and you are going out via eth0 still? [07:02] Question: I'm in recovery console, and just realized my ethernet card isn't enable. How do I enable such for recovery console? [07:02] techgeek40: follow nickrud's comment [07:02] techgeek40: but it still won't give you compiz, [07:02] i have used a live linux cd to boot the system in question, I have mounted the drive, according to the filesystem tools under kubuntu, its mounted as writeable, but when i try to remove the file from the console it tells me its a read only filesystem... why? [07:02] Goupil418: Nope, making money is ok. [07:02] AYye, reporting it now [07:02] FYI: thanks a bunch [07:02] j2daoshL have you checked your BIOS? [07:03] j2daosh: Sounds like your boot order for your BIOS needs to give more permission to your Harddrive [07:03] n2diy, I wonder how many programmers will need to be on that thing [07:03] what could possibly be in the bios that wouldn't allow me to write to the bios? [07:03] can someone please let me know how to install a modem .. i have a modem attached but ubuntu doesn't see it? [07:03] j2daosh? A bios password? [07:03] when the file is noted as "desktop" is that the live cd version? [07:03] Goupil418: What thing?? [07:03] nope [07:03] Sophieee: yes [07:03] i can get into the bios [07:03] what happens when you try? [07:03] n2diy, My program I'm currently designing [07:03] ... what the heck. thats what i DON'T want [07:04] How do I tell 'ifconfig eth0' to get an ip from DHCP? [07:04] nothing, it loads the bios like one would expect [07:04] dhclient eth0 [07:04] Goupil418, n2diy, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for Ubuntu support only. [07:04] Sophieee: you want the -alternate then [07:04] j2daosh: I would try flashing your bios...update it with the newest driver from your BIOS manufactuer. [07:04] hi [07:04] whats the name of the process called when the Client request for IP Address from the DHCP Server [07:04] can't, not my system. its actually the sys admin's box [07:04] j2daosh: REad about flashing your BIOS [07:04] NullName: i dont see how bios would be affecting read/write permissions [07:04] there's clearly something wrong with choosing MIT from the select element [07:05] on the download page [07:05] hi guys [07:05] evil_tech: I thought he was having problems making changes in the BIOS [07:05] evil_tech: it shouldn't [07:05] Flannel: I'm asking questions, how do I know what channel to take something to, unless I know what we're talking about? [07:05] kaushal: dhclient ? [07:05] no null, im having problems with the read/write of the harddrive [07:05] !modem [07:05] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto [07:05] no he is having problems writing to an NTFS drive to which he supposedly has full access to [07:05] !modem > IndianGrl, [07:05] got a prob with internet connection, it works totally fine in windows, but extremely slow in linux boxes, any ideas on what that could be? [07:05] j2daosh: HAve your tried messing with gparted off your live disk? [07:06] can i access the ubuntu alternate install from the ubuntu live cd? [07:06] does mount say that it is read/write? [07:06] its a ntfs filesystem, i mount it while running the live cd, make it writeable, but trying to delete files results in a "read only filesystem" error [07:06] j2daoshL Can you mount? [07:06] IcemanV9: is it dhclient [07:06] y1:no [07:06] yes NullName [07:06] Got a question, i installed the KDE desktop and have decided to use the GNOME one instead. Is there a way to delete the KDE desktop so it will quit refering to itself as kubuntu? [07:06] kunzy:sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop? [07:07] what do i type into a terminal if i want to kill all X processes and apps, logout a user and force the system into terminal mode, with out booting recovery mode? [07:07] evil_tech: that will result in the loss of serveral dependencies [07:07] j2daosh: Could you post the results of "df -Th" from your terminal, onto the site http://www.pastebin.com and give us the URL? [07:07] kunzy: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [07:07] evil_tech, k i'lltry that just a sec [07:07] kunzy, hers what you do [07:07] wait! [07:07] i want to convert some vids and i find they come in better with no other process running [07:07] bluefoxx: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && logout [07:07] got a prob with internet connection, it works totally fine in windows, but extremely slow in linux boxes, any ideas on what that could be? [07:07] Clearzen: ty [07:07] bluefoxx check them man pages for "init" [07:07] kaushal: is that what you're looking for? if not, then what are you trying to do?? [07:07] j2daosh, in order to write to NTFS you need ntfs-3g, and in order to delete a file you need write permissions, according to Unix canons. [07:07] listen to j2daosh first [07:07] kunzy, you still here? [07:07] anyone have experience mapping hard drives to /dev entries using udev? [07:07] yes [07:08] ok [07:08] to change the look of your system [07:08] sorry, not use to fast moving channels [07:08] Synaptic says that the DEB program package 'gnome system tools' comprises "Cross-platform configuration utilities for GNOME." The word 'cross' means that several platforms are involved. What kind of platforms are meant here? [07:08] j2daosh: I thought that 7.10 lets your write to NTFS...I was with no problems [07:08] log out, then change your session to gnome [07:08] how do i add a shortcut to the applications -> accessories menu???? [07:08] set that as default, and then your done [07:08] j2daosh: what version of ubuntu are you running? [07:08] hmm, thats what i have been doing but it still refers to itself as kubuntu [07:08] i believe it is the fiesty fawn edition [07:08] bullgard4: bsd, solaris, linux, platforms of that type [07:08] Is there anyway to take certain programs off the automatic update list? ie; compiz(I don't use it and have no plans to) [07:09] when you say "refers" what do you mean? [07:09] got a prob with internet connection, it works totally fine in windows, but extremely slow in linux boxes, any ideas on what that could be? [07:09] nickrud: Thank you for commenting. [07:09] bullgard4: also redhat, ubuntu, suse, whomever writes backends that the gnome system tools frontend can use [07:09] j2daosh. I would upgrade to 7.10. I'm pretty sure it will work then. [07:09] as in the boot up screen says kubuntu and when i open FF, it loads to a kubuntu page [07:09] zouzou: Wireless or wired? [07:09] Flannel, I'm sorry to tell you that but you don't look really intelligent over here maybe you're just distracted and can't read what I'm talking about with n2diy because you're too much tired of being on your computer or anything else(drugs,etc?) but if you'd look correctly over thing we're currently talking on(IRC) you'd see that I'm not stealing any messages of anyone and I don't tell them either to look at what I'm writtin [07:09] g if someone sees what I'm writting and find it interesting then they can reply sorry but this is a free world where no ones has to be distracted by retards who want's to show off there skills in programming (you) while some other's working and need some answers to their questions (me) [07:09] Its good to upgrade anyway [07:10] NullName [07:10] got it working [07:10] so before you log in you choose the Gnome session, and it still logs in with kubuntu? [07:10] cactaur walked me through it [07:10] was simple [07:10] luchador: You got the linksys working?>??! [07:10] didnt need ndiswrappers or anything [07:10] really???? [07:10] wire sp0ro [07:10] how did you get it luchador? [07:10] yea, but it loads the GNOME desktop [07:10] #ubuntu-youth [07:10] cactaur showed me [07:10] http://www.stoltenow.com/archives/2006/12/ubuntu_configur.html [07:10] so where we we're at n2diy [07:10] and you did a 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'? [07:10] Goupil418: Maybe you could be tired too? Flannel is an op here. [07:10] just do it in terminal [07:10] sp0ro , actually both! [07:10] is there a way to `svn update` but only for small files (ignoring images/binaries for example) [07:10] do you know the process luchador? [07:10] hold on, i think sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop is working for me [07:10] j2daosh, did you read my message to you? [07:11] yeah its all on that link [07:11] thannks [07:11] lgc, what message? im sorry i missed it [07:11] j2daosh, in order to write to NTFS you need ntfs-3g, and in order to delete a file you need write permissions, according to Unix canons. [07:11] luchador: Are you getting WEP or WPA encrytion? [07:11] ok, tried that command [07:11] yes [07:11] didnt work [07:11] wep key is working [07:11] j2daosh: and you did a 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'? can you expand on that a little, im still abit noobish [07:11] doesn't fiesty use ntfs-3g by default? [07:11] n2diy if he/she's a good person and know what I'm talking about he'll let us discuss about anything we want we're still talking about ubuntu, programming is a part of ubuntu [07:11] luchador: That's awesome. I can't get mine to work with ndiswrapper [07:11] killed apps but didnt give me a login shell [07:11] goto #ubuntu-youth [07:12] kunzy, when you installed ubuntu, was it the kubuntu version or ubuntu version? [07:12] Goupil418: What language are you programming in? They may have a channel that would give you help? [07:12] Flannel: We can take it private if you want Flannel maybe you'd be interested in what I'm talking about [07:12] j2daosh: Ubuntu, KDE came second [07:12] Goupil418, insulting people is a really good way to get ignored. Be polite. [07:12] j2daosh, on the live CD? I doubt it, but I might be wrong. [07:12] j2daosh: i think i got it [07:12] zouzou: So you're having problems with connection speeds on both a wireless connection and a wired connection on 2 separate computers? [07:12] lgc, ok, ill have to check [07:12] had to REISUB, was left with a black screen and a blinking _ on the top left of my screen [07:12] j2daosh: i will try and report back [07:12] thanks [07:12] Goupil418: this is a support channel. Either provide support, ask for support, or take your conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic, that's where programming ubuntu gets talked about. Also, #ubuntu-motu [07:12] kunzy: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome will get you where you want. Depending on what you're doing, kubuntu-desktop removal may not be enough (because a lot of kde will still be left) [07:12] madpilot, I'm applying my constitutional rights [07:12] kunzy,ok, lemme know if that worked for you [07:13] Flannel: Thanks for that, i got the page open and bookmarked [07:13] Goupil418, this is IRC, not a political forum. [07:13] rflol Goupil418 [07:13] nickrud, did you go on this channel? [07:13] Flannel: Just didnt read it yet, will try next [07:13] flannel thats what i was thinking was going to happen. too many dependencies that would have to be left installed [07:13] Goupil418: Yes, but Perl, Ruby, etc... have there own channels. [07:13] bluefoxx: sorry, I didn't think it would hang your system. Did you try ctrl+alt f2? [07:13] how do i get the driver for the mp700 from ubuntu to kubuntu [07:13] n3diy: Sometimes programmers need the advice from other linux/ubuntu programmers [07:14] Goupil418: no, I've been watching you dis people that use this channel in the manner it was intended for, and have been doing it for years [07:14] Not all programs compile the same on all OS's [07:14] Clearzen: tried F1 to F12, as far as it goes on my kbd [07:14] ok, i will be back in a sec. I need to delete my acount off the sys admins system before he craps a brick :P [07:14] I need to bridge an Internet connection from my laptop's Wi-Fi card through an Ethernet cable to my desktop PC. how do I go about bridging that connection? [07:14] bluefoxx: wow. I guess I should've separated the commands with a ; [07:15] Goupil418, if you just want to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place. This is a tech support channel. [07:15] so my grub has sda1 as hd0,0. what would sdb1 for windows be then? and do i need the map for it? [07:15] nickrud, you did not follow a single thing of what I said clearly [07:15] Clearzen: oh? what difference would that have made for me?[thank god for REISUB] [07:15] Zarathu: be careful doing that or you might create a broadcast storm [07:15] would grub accept sd0,0? [07:15] nemik: sdb1 is hd1,0. To keep windows happy, you'll need to map it. Because windows doesn't like being on the second disk [07:15] Madpilot, I've found a way to boost the computer to an amazing speed but I need help in programming the program in question [07:15] evil_tech: do you know how to go about doing that? [07:15] lgc : is there an easy how to .. for hayes modem? [07:16] nemik: grub-speak is "hd" for HardDrive, regardless of IDE/SATA [07:16] Zarathu: in Windows yeah and like i said it caused a broadcast storm and pissed the net admins off [07:16] Flannel: i tried that though and it didn't like it for some reason. with map (hd0) (hd1) then map (hd1) (hd0) [07:16] Madpilot, you guys are bashing me since like 1h45AM because I can't explain myself enough clearly [07:16] not sure if it would do the same in nix but just a warning [07:16] hey you guys I'm formating my drive(500GB external USB) to ext3 and it's taking forever. I realize now that I want to format to NTFS. Will it hurt my drive if I stopped formating in ext3 and then switched to NTFS? How long will this take? [07:16] evil_tech: no idea how to do it using brctl? [07:16] :< [07:16] nope [07:16] sorry [07:16] Goupil418: the essense of what you've been doing: he'll let us discuss about anything we want we're still talking about ubuntu, programming is a part of ubuntu. This is not the purpose of this channel [07:16] IndianGrl: What do you need to know? Hayes is the default for most operating systems. [07:16] NullName: why NTFS? [07:16] thats for windows? [07:17] IndianGrl, I'm afraid I don't know. You might have to google for it. [07:17] bluefoxx: && means if the first command executes then immediately do the second. the ; says do one command and then the other. It wouldn't have froze your system. [07:17] Clearzen: ah [07:17] nemik: thats right. But when did you do it? and what did you use as root after that? [07:17] j2daosh: Yes, but I can write succesfully( aND have with this drive) in ubuntu to NTFS. I want to be able to use my drive on windows and linux boxes. [07:17] Clearzen: ok, so thats what thats for[yay i learned another new thing todayX3] [07:17] ahh [07:17] nickrud: I'm good at doing things on ubuntu man my ubuntu run's like windows with all drivers but better speed! if anyone ask me a question I'll gladly help him [07:18] n2diy, i have connected a hayes modem and i am trying to create a dial up connection but it says no modem found on an port === amidaniel is now known as amidnaiel|away [07:18] Flannel: my setup hasn't changed before or after trying that. root is mounted at sda1 which maps to hd0,0 [07:18] nickrud: but I want to take it a step farther [07:18] Goupil418: good, we always need useful helpers :) [07:18] nemik: Right, but for windows I mean [07:18] well unless you gonna be popping out the drive and putting in the different systems, why not set it to share out thru samba? [07:18] i seem to have an error, i can't install libc6-dev [07:18] IndianGrl: Do you have minicom installed? [07:18] j2daoshL It's an EXTERNAL drive. [07:18] Flannel: ah, since it is separate drive i installed windows on it with JUST that drive connected [07:18] elbermungsterses: paste the error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [07:18] n2diy, no unles it comes in default intallation [07:19] bluefoxx: yeah a semicolon separates commands. It's just like C or C++ [07:19] oh, i missed that part :P [07:19] j2daosh: I have my house networked. I want to use this drive when I got to friend's houses. ALthough most of my friends I've converted to linux...; [07:19] ignore me... too much coffee and not enough hours in the day [07:19] Flannel: think i had it set to channel so no need for switching master/slave jumpers. xp setup and boot was fine [07:19] NullName, if I were you, I'd let the formatting to ext3 finish. [07:19] j2daosh: It's okay! [07:19] nemik: since the map only happens when you've chosen the windows boot. you map, then root (and the root is the same regardless of mapping. Map only works for the booted OS) [07:19] lgc: How long will it take? [07:19] nickrud: all I need is a good programmer's help someone that will be able to help me out if you know who to forward me to I'd be really happy [07:19] IndianGrl: Ok, it a terminal try "apt-get install minicom" [07:20] it/in [07:20] 500 gigs? external.... probably a good 30 minutes atleast [07:20] Flannel: yea, map first then do the rootnoverify(hd0,1) ? [07:20] NullName, it depends on the size of your partition. Several minutes... [07:20] nemik: yeah. not hd0,1 but hd1,0 [07:20] Goupil418: I can help with programming. Do you need a specifi language? [07:20] Goupil418: seriously, try #ubuntu-offtopic. Lots of programmers idle there, and are interested in that kind of thing [07:20] Ok, thanks Flannel and j2daosh, that fixed me up good and got rid of the un-needed packages [07:20] Clearzen: my dad knows more in the area of c and c++, im still learning about computers, i just learned linux in may last year, was with no computer at all the summer until september and then i really took off with it, im teaching myself python right now, electronics and dnd are two very good hobbies... [07:20] np [07:20] Thanks, now on to the next question [07:20] nullname, can we take it private? [07:20] it says "libc6-dev: [07:20] Depends: libc6 (=2.6.1-1ubuntu10) but 2.7-5 is to be installed" [07:21] nickrud, I'm already in that channel but there's like 26 people there [07:21] Flannel: i'll give it a shot, thanks. so much effort just to play counterstrike on the HDTV/mythtv setup :/ [07:21] yes Goupil418 [07:21] Is it possible to have a drive automatically moust at startup, before the desktop and such loads [07:21] nullname cool thanks [07:21] elbermungsterses: so install the libc6 (2.6 version and then upgrade [07:21] elbermungsterses: oh, you have hardy sources enabled, don't you [07:21] kunzy [07:21] Goupil418: I im'ed you [07:21] yes, put it in /etc/fstab [07:21] n2diy, its installed now [07:21] !info libc6 hardy [07:21] how do i do that then? [07:21] libc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.7-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 4159 kB, installed size 10280 kB [07:22] j2daosh: How? Is there any particular way to do so or just drag and drop? [07:22] Goupil418, or you might try #C, #C++ or whatever. [07:22] nullname: I can't see your message [07:22] Goupil418: I've had some problems with IM on this server [07:22] elbermungsterses: it's not a good idea to have hardy sources enabled with gutsy [07:22] Clearzen: any new knowlage is always a good thing in my eyes, i try to learn as much as possible wehn im on a computer...which has lead to me getting kicked off of the school computers for going on wikipedia and how-to sites too ofton, not to mention they blocked other nice sites i liked to visit [07:22] n2diy, wat does it do? [07:22] bluefoxx: Indeed, you can always do fun things with electronics. Python is useful as well [07:22] sudo vim /etc/fstab (or gedit if you perfer [07:22] then add an entry at the bottom of that file [07:22] NullName: you need to be registered to pm on freenode [07:22] Goupil418, NullName: Freenode blocks queries from unregistered users [07:22] hi folks i just restarted ubuntu and cannot change monitor refresh rate. yesterday it worked flawless. it seems that ubuntu changed bak to 50 Hz. but i can still selct the rate. but nothing happens. even the "wanna keep resolution" window appears. i cannot even cahnge resolution. what happened? how can i fix this? plz help [07:22] IndianGrl: Ok, run minicom from your terminal, and learn how to talk between the modem, and the computer. [07:22] Goupil418: I'm sunksullen on aim or sunksullen@hotmail.com for MSN [07:22] there will be other mounts in there for you to look at and get examples of [07:22] k, i'll give it a try in vim, im more familiar with that [07:23] I'm also "suicide" on the IRC server irc.whatnet.org [07:23] nullname: kk [07:23] good man(or woman...::shrugs::) [07:23] elbermungsterses: in fact, it breaks your system, as you can see [07:23] im a man lol [07:23] ok :P [07:24] Nullname: I'm goupil418@live.ca [07:24] Nullname: I'm not able to add you [07:24] bluefoxx: you can use ssh to bypass their firewalls btw [07:25] IndianGrl: if your modem is on Comm 2, that would be ttyS1 in linux. The capital "S" is important, a small "s" won't work. [07:25] Goupil418: NullName you can just create a new channel on freenode, both of you just join #NullName [07:25] Clearzen: in the past year i have gone from not knowing what a harddrive is/does[other than the name and what it looks like] to re-building my computer from the ground up, modding the case with a rather intricate window design, making it cooler and increasing airflow in it, programming linux into it and even going into modding other electronics as well [07:26] Goupil418: Thanks to nickrud, lets join #NullName [07:26] Nickrud thanks! [07:26] bluefoxx: Sounds like you've been busy. Not bad progress for a year. [07:26] n2diy, how do i know which port is modem installed on? [07:27] Anyone know if WICD has wpa personal support [07:27] so if im running in text mode on ctrl+alt+f1 how would i run a second terminal session on alt+f2?say to run a second comand line based pregram? [07:27] IndianGrl: ifstab [07:27] Clearzen: indeed, a busy one and not cheap either [07:27] bluefoxx: just log in on alt-f2 [07:27] IndianGrl: whoops. [07:28] bluefoxx: hit alt+f2 and then log in [07:28] n2diy, wat? [07:28] Clearzen: theres no login shell, i booted from recovery mode, gave root password and the went "su bluefoxx" and ran irssi to get here [07:28] IndianGrl: working on it. [07:28] Anyone here know if WICD has any wpa personal support? [07:28] bluefoxx: If you find something you love to do then pursue it. Passion is the number one thing if you want to be good at something I think. But I think we're a little offtopic. Send me a msg [07:29] Clearzen: ok, will do , im gonna just reboot and do the conversion when i have to sleep [07:29] Anyone know a way to remove grub from startup? [07:30] Having some issues with lvm. Added 5gb to a LV but it doesnt see the volume as the size i just extended it too [07:30] bluefoxx: oh, in recovery mode there's only one terminal [07:30] btw, i was wondering, how do ppl get those custom messages when they leave a room? [07:30] IndianGrl: try "lshw" and see if it finds your modem, still working on it. [07:30] nickrud: ok, ty [07:30] I did fixmbr and fdisk /mbr but i thought it would work, it didn't. Now I am on xp and If I restart my computer I will never be able to boot another partition because grub interfers [07:30] j2daosh: so will this work? [07:30] /dev/disk/by-uuid/044CB2834CB26F54 /media/Big Bertha rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other [07:31] DiGiTaL: while you have xp up, go get Super Grub Disk it will deal with your boot issues [07:31] (i checked the uuid and it is correct) [07:31] Anybody know a nifty tool capable of mass resizing images? [07:31] Anyone know why when I hibernate, then turn back on my screen goes all freeky then comes up with a password box? Where can I set the res so it won't keep doing that... its not on boot just on turning back up after hibernating... any ideas? [07:31] Ok. [07:31] !wicd [07:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about wicd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:31] nickrud; Im the guy who came earlier about that Ubuntu problem with XP, turns out fixmbr or fixboot didnt work :( [07:32] I know i could probably be done with a bash script and mogrify, but I have no clue about scripting [07:32] Devrethman: install nautilus-image-converter, it'll add a resize option to right click [07:32] DiGiTaL:thats a first. never had it not work [07:32] oh, cool [07:32] nickrud: thanks [07:32] I used an older version of xp home edition i had to access the recovery console [07:32] typed fdisk, then typed fixmbr [07:33] n2diy, no i did not find any modem [07:33] j2daosh:? [07:33] it wouldnt return anyhting, so i wasn't sure and typed fixboot and it gave me an error i restarted and bamn grub error [07:33] n2diy, i have to go out for a while i will be back in a hour .. i hope u r here by then [07:33] DiGiTaL: boot into recovery console and just type fixmbr [07:33] if that doesnt work then try the fixboot [07:34] fixmbr didnt say anything after typing it, I gave it a minute because I thought it was working backend [07:34] j2daosh: I will give it a try and report back [07:34] then typed fixboot and got an error message [07:34] IndianGrl: Good luck, sorry, it is late here, and I must hit the hay, but others here will help you, take care, good luck. [07:34] what was the error? [07:34] DiGiTaL: when you use fixmbr, then grub will be gone [07:34] n2diy, thanks [07:34] DiGiTaL: listen to evil_tech he supports the evil os [07:35] IcemanV9: Do I have to use the windows cd version Im running or can I use any XP cd to get into recovery console? [07:35] DiGiTaL: do what evil_tech just told you to [07:35] for the commands you are using any xp cd will do [07:36] just dont go repairing the os with a profesional disc [07:36] Yea, I got a home edition while my current Xp is media center [07:36] I hv Aspire 1640 (Acer machine).... I tried several times to install Ubuntu on it but failed... I tried Ubuntu 6.10(live CD & Alternate), Kubuntu 6.10, New Ubuntu 7.10 (Live).. I am really interested to run ubuntu on my PC. But really disappointed by the result. [07:36] Anyone know why when I hibernate, then turn back on my screen goes all freeky then comes up with a password box? Where can I set the res so it won't keep doing that... its not on boot just on turning back up after hibernating... any ideas? [07:36] See Im worried now, If I restart my computer to do fixmbr [07:37] and if it doesnt work i cant load this partition again [07:37] i need a midi player application for GNOME!!! [07:37] DiGiTaL: download super grub disk, burn it to cd. It wll boot that partition again for you [07:37] do you have any apt: recommendations? [07:37] 2 bedrooms are nice [07:38] Is there a prebuilt kernel package for Gutsy that supports large memory? (> 4GB) [07:38] :P [07:38] hk2999: search synaptic, but i seem to recall terminator x and hydrogen play midi [07:38] Ok. I'll do it nickrud. [07:38] hk2999: hydrogen for sure, terminatorx im not so sure [07:38] thx bluefoxx [07:38] SOmebody reccoment me a FTP client plz [07:38] hi [07:38] sftp [07:39] or ftp [07:39] Devrethman: gfpt [07:39] iostat command is not found in Ubuntu 7.04 [07:39] Devrethman: erm, gftp [07:39] I'm trying to export the raw data contained in a postgresql database to an excel file. I've got pgAdmin III installed, but I'm not finding an option to export anywhere. [07:39] just open terminal and type ftp [07:39] Devrethman, yafc is really nice [07:39] :) [07:39] hk2999: no prob, i rember as i use both [07:39] /me loves making teh tunez [07:39] is there any other command instead of iostat [07:39] Can i get the location of that one file that mounts the devices on startup again please? [07:39] is yafc GUI based? [07:39] kunzy, /etc/fstab [07:39] Devrethman: No ftp is dangeroous, learn how to use stp [07:39] /etc/fstab [07:39] thanks [07:39] Devrethman, no it is not [07:40] Devrethman: gftp is [07:40] n2diy: whatever that is, if godaddy supported it, I'd gladly use it [07:40] FTP is terrible [07:40] hi... I have Gutsy installed on an old laptop with a Geforce2 go... does anyone know a good way to get rudimentary 3d acceleration going? I would like an accelerated desktop to boost 2d performance... [07:40] ??? [07:40] Devrethman: although I often use the fireftp firefox extension as well [07:40] fireFTP can't upload, can it? [07:41] Devrethman: have a link handy for godaddy? [07:41] at least it couldn't last itme I used it [07:41] yes it can [07:41] which was like... 4 years ago [07:41] godaddy.com [07:41] my webhost [07:41] Devrethman, if u're looking for a GUI approach, gFTP is probably your bet [07:41] Devrethman: yes it does, at least to mine [07:41] not so great service, but great price [07:41] Hi All, is there any equivalent of 'piky' basket of windows for linux?? [07:41] devrethman, what package do you have from them? [07:41] The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma [07:41] complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. [07:41] Devrethman: Konqueror is an excellent FTP client - but it's a KDE app. [07:41] the not cheapest but cheaper than everything else one [07:41] Devrethman: thanks, stp is part of the ssh package, IRC? [07:42] yeah, I used to use gentoo/KDE [07:42] so that's why I don't know any programs and ways to do things with gnome [07:42] just got ubuntu on here yesterday [07:42] Ok Super Grub Disc is burned. [07:42] Wish me luck [07:42] Thanks again [07:42] Anyone know why when I hibernate, then turn back on my screen goes all freeky then comes up with a password box? Where can I set the res so it won't keep doing that... its not on boot just on turning back up after hibernating... any ideas? [07:42] asking for wep key in text installer; is this in hex or plain text? [07:43] kde blows [07:43] so's your mother, but what does that have to do with the conversation?? :) [07:44] kde began requiring nonfree to even run at all [07:44] bull [07:44] thats not bull [07:44] which non-free? [07:44] it is however, offtopic [07:44] qt was nonfree when kde began [07:44] jklfdskl: I don't care about nonfree/free/political crap [07:44] and why's it matter? [07:44] WHOA, my wireless card works! [07:44] if I'm not paying for it, I consider it free [07:44] sweet! [07:44] LDE [07:44] s a memory hog though [07:44] err [07:44] KDE [07:45] KDE is a hog compared to what? [07:45] jklfdjskl: awww.. that argument is SOOOOO old - QT has been GPL'd for most of KDE's life. [07:45] compared to gnome? I think not. [07:45] everything else I've used [07:45] enlightenment, Wmaker [07:45] what else... I dunno [07:45] well of course enlightenment [07:45] im sure all you kde users are familiar with the kde krash handler [07:45] never used gnome seriously [07:45] i think it runs comparable to gnome [07:45] thats because it always reminds you its there [07:45] Well, it picked up the network but failed with DHCP [07:46] ahh.. those are "windows mangers". KDE is a "desktop environment", slight difference. [07:46] Hey guys, take the WM-war to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks. [07:46] we're all gunna get banned for off topic [07:46] yeah, well, they do the same thing pretty much [07:46] Flannel: agreed.. :) sry [07:46] and KDE is noticably slower [07:46] than gnome [07:46] it took longer to start up and open programs and such [07:46] I've noticed the reverse. KDE being much faster - on all my boxes. === ereal2 is now known as Ereal2 [07:46] <--- hasnt noticed [07:46] and that was with my -ffast math'd gentoo system too [07:46] but that's a style/personal preference thing... [07:47] have they released KDE4 yet? [07:47] I know it was supposed to be sometime this month [07:47] !topic [07:47] Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [07:47] dynamic ip ,how to build ftp ? [07:48] KDE4 was released today. [07:48] the topic's wider than my screen... [07:48] Devrethman: yes, it is released today [07:48] geez, what a coincidence [07:48] for real this time? [07:48] I haven't thought about it since before christmas [07:48] how does enlightenment run as compared to fluxbox or xfce? [07:48] fer real. 4.0 hot off the presses. [07:49] what are the 7.10 process/job IDs for the gnome desktop that i kill to go to text based mode? i tried "killall X && logout" and "stop X && logout"with no luck [i ran the "; logout" and gnome in place of "x" in place of "x" with no luck. i also ran both as root with still no result [07:49] I dunno, never used flux, and XFCE only briefly [07:49] E is pretty nice though [07:49] waiting for the new linux mint thing with E [07:49] bluefoxx: gdm maybe? [07:49] linux mint thing? [07:50] bluefoxx: kill-all? [07:50] E17 or something they call it [07:50] bluefoxx: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [07:50] ah [07:50] yeah, E17 is fun [07:50] sgrover, wait,kde4 is released?what is it like?can 256m ram run it ? [07:50] Devrethman: will try that, if i get D/Ced you know it worked [07:50] I wonder what they've done with it, I used it back when it was like "pre-alpha-alpha-the-cvs-won't-compile-every-other-day" version [07:50] and they changed shit all the time [07:51] but it was freaking amazing nonetheless [07:51] cause compiz wasn't out yet [07:51] does anyone know where i can download the small ~10 MB iso of netinstall for ubuntu? [07:51] ok, im stumped. I need basically a how to on how to get a drive to mount on startup. [07:51] !off-topic | Devrethman (it is pretty quiet here, but) [07:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about off-topic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [07:51] icesword: it's released, but I haven't tried it, can't help ya there. (and off topic) [07:52] kunzy: you need to add an entry to your /etc/fstab file (as root) [07:52] i see [07:52] quickquestion528: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [07:53] Anyone suggest a .avi to .vob converter? [07:53] thanks nickrud [07:53] pfft, offtopic, this channel's no fun [07:53] sgrover: tried that, it was a no go. But i may have done it incorrectly. Let me get you a copy/paste to what i put [07:53] kunzy: local drive? Or remote/SMB/CIFS/NFS/etc... ? [07:53] local, sata [07:54] sgrover: /dev/disk/by-uuid/044CB2834CB26F54 /media/Big Bertha rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other [07:54] got the right identifier? sda? sdb? etc.? [07:54] Ahhh, you're using the IDs. [07:54] kunzy: the space is the issue [07:54] yea, i checked it [07:54] what one? [07:54] kunzy: in Big Bertha [07:54] Try it with /dev/sda1 (or what ever drive/partition) [07:54] another live cd question. When loading the live cd my video becomes funky with lots of artifacts on screen. Mouse still works ok but nothing is clickable. what gives? video card is 7900gt [07:54] ok, let me see what one it is [07:54] you can do fdisk -l to get a listing (that's an L) [07:55] kunzy: try /media/Big%040Bertha , I think that works [07:55] ahhh, installing [07:55] IcemanV9: "bluefoxx@azurE-prIDE:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ; logout" is what leaves me with a black screen and blinking _ cursor [07:55] isnt %20 space? Or is that just HTML [07:55] I think that's just http encoding [07:55] k [07:55] nickrud: /media/Big Bertha would be his mount point. Hmmm.. if he's using spaces, doesn't that need to be in quotes? [07:56] kunzy: or \040 , i forget [07:56] i might just try sgrovers idea. Much simpler i think [07:56] nickrud: nm - noticed what you were saying.. :) [07:56] sgrover: or have the right escaped character, I'm pretty sure it's \040 [07:56] bluefoxx: that is your console/text-based terminal [07:56] ice [07:57] anyone know if there is more control for touchpads in 7.1 (as in tapping etc.)? [07:57] another live cd question. When loading the live cd my video becomes funky with lots of artifacts on screen. Mouse still works ok but nothing is clickable. what gives? video card is 7900gt [07:57] Hi All, is there any software in linux that implements copying of multiple files from different folders and paste it into a single folder? [07:57] IcemanV9: i cant do anything from it though...its the same thing i got when i fried my old mobo and looks the same as when i fried a computer trying to run win 98 on it[was a p2] [07:58] kunzy: it's definitely \040 for a space [07:58] ok [07:58] i am going that path now [07:58] roshan: you can only issue a command to copy from a single location at a time. but you can write a script to do what you need with multiple copy commands. [07:58] where can i get a good C++ IDE [07:59] jonn: Eclipse with the CDT package would be a good starting point... [07:59] sudo apt-get install eclipse? [08:00] sgrover: nickrud: Ok, i think i got it, brb [08:00] bluefoxx: well. you wanted to go to text-based mode (which you did). now you can restart X again by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start [08:00] er.. I've had bad luck using apt-get for Eclipse. Just make sure you have the Java SDK installed, then grab the package from the Eclipse site. Unzip it, and you're set. [08:00] jonn: apt-get WILL work though... === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [08:01] agrover whats the best way to do it? synaptic? [08:01] jonn: I second sgrover 's idea of getting eclipse from eclipse.org , it just seems to work better [08:01] sgrover, is there any automated script software for implementing such a thing? [08:01] alright [08:02] roshan: nope. Cuz it'd be very specific to what YOU want. Just open a text file, put one "cp" command on each line, save the file, make it executable (chmod 755) and then run it... [08:03] sgrover this site is mentioning java a lot. is this relevant for c compiling? [08:03] jonn: If I remember the apt-get repositories are not kept as current as the Eclipse site (once installed eclipse can keep itself updated). But things go odd when you use apt-get to install Eclipse packages - like CDT [08:03] vista partition is gone... amen [08:03] can anybody make out what this error is? I did an update through update manager and once it finished I got this: E: libflickrnet2.1.5-cil: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [08:03] what? no geany for dapper? :-/ [08:03] forget that stupid question i asked [08:03] jonn: Eclipse is a Java developement environement with extensions to handle most other languages - PHP, C/C++, Cold Fusion, JavaScript, etc... Eclipse is just the framework though. [08:04] IcemanV9: i dont want to get back into X, i want to go to entirely text based mode, as to remove extra stress from the CPU and devote it entirely to one task[converting videos to mpg for sansa] otherwise i wind up with choppy vids everytime i run more apps[if using mencoder from gnome-terminal]what i want is to go to a text based login shell, login to my account and run a script i made to automatically go to the next vid without me h [08:04] it was updating ntfs-3g and libntfs-3g16 [08:04] jonn: the only gotcha is that you need your Java set up properly. [08:04] jonn: and that's easy , just sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre [08:04] sgrover, ok.. thanks [08:05] jonn: you can try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Eclipse_IDE [08:05] sgrover: nickrud: Ok, did that and rebooted. It didnt mount the drive and now when i go to access it, i dont have the privilages. Here is another copy paste of what i got in the fstab [08:05] /dev/disk/by-uuid/044CB2834CB26F54 /media/Big\040Bertha rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other [08:05] what happened to creating a file with javascript and refreshing your browser hahaha [08:05] jonn: and right below the Eclipse entry is Ajunta - a c/c++ IDE [08:05] kunzy: you can "simulate" a reboot with a "sudo mount -a" [08:05] sgrover: now you tell me [08:06] you left tooooo quick.. :) [08:06] sgrover: I'm easily excited :P [08:06] Is there anyway to enable drivers in the Restricted Drivers Manager through terminal? [08:06] kunzy: ah, missed the first error: it would be UUID= as the first parameter , not /dev/disk/by-uuid [08:06] sgrover do they both highlight reserve words and whatnot? [08:06] looks like ajunta is used for just c and c++ [08:07] I've never used Ajunta, so can't say there. Eclipse - yes - it has syntax highlighting. [08:07] nickrud: So i want UUID=(numbers/letters) /media/Big\040Bertha rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other [08:07] bluefoxx: ah. "sudo /etc/xinit.d/gdm stop" will stop X. then you can do what you need to do in text-based mode. [08:07] (personally, I prefer using Kate for my dev needs... but it's just a glorified editor... [08:07] IcemanV9: ok, thanks [08:07] kunzy: yes. The missing space jumped out at me, didn't look further [08:07] jonn: you can also try KDevelop (that's a KDE app though) [08:08] nickrud: I've done similar before, i'll give that a go and then the sudo mount -a that i just recently learned [08:08] kunzy: try taking off the options for now. Run mount -a and see if you get any reported errors. [08:08] sgrover yea i thought of that but i dont think i want kde on my laptop [08:08] kunzy: it's amazing how you get stuff by osmosis [08:08] on another issue i had, how can i remove the 'hibernate' and 'sleep' options from the power options menu, as they dont work on my computer and they tend to confuse my grandfather [08:09] lol [08:09] kunzy: I've been coming here for a long time, I learn at least one new thing every time [08:09] hi guys [08:10] haha, everyday is a new day [08:10] nickrud: /media/Big\040Bertha rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other [08:10] oops just a sec [08:10] i wanna setup a http server please help me [08:10] nickrud: mount: mount point /media/Big Bertha does not exist [08:10] i want to use apache and tomcat [08:10] kunzy: you're missing the UUID= [08:11] so i saw synaptic [08:11] it has something called apache2 [08:11] is it what i have to install? [08:11] kunzy: did you do sudo mkdir /media/Big\ Bertha [08:11] nickrud: No? here is what i got in fstab now [08:11] UUID=044CB2834CB26F54 /media/Big\040Bertha [08:11] shishirm1: Apache 2 is the 2.0 branch of Apache. Some sites still have a need for the 1.3 branch. Apache2 will work fine with tomcat [08:11] kunzy: as an aside, this is why I never use spaces :) [08:12] hehe, this pc is shared by XP [08:12] kunzy: the mount point has to preexist [08:12] ok thanks.. [08:12] ubotu, apache | shishirm1 [08:12] kunzy: yep - I agree - I use underscores instead of spaces... [08:12] Anyone know much about Nagios? #nagios seems to be dead at the moment. :) [08:12] so where will get the documentation for apache2? [08:12] shishirm1: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [08:13] shishirm1: you can always check the Apache website.. :) [08:13] ubotu, ubuntu | FYI [08:13] nickrud: Just clarification, was that to be a mkdir /media/Big\040Bertha [08:13] oops [08:13] ok thanks [08:13] Their docs are great - but not for beginners - look for an apache tutorial or better yet, a Tomcat tutorial from start to finish. [08:14] kunzy: no in this case /media/Big\ Bertha is correct [08:14] FYI, just do /msg ubotu factoid [08:14] ompaul, OK... was just testing it === amidnaiel|away is now known as amidaniel [08:14] nickrud: mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/Big Bertha': Permission denied [08:14] sudo === schlort_ is now known as schlort [08:14] *smacks head [08:14] kunzy: notice the backslash ... nm :) [08:14] * sgrover chuckles [08:15] I got learnin to do with what all can represent a space [08:15] sp0ro, maybe people would be able to judge the answer to that question if they had the detail - i.e. maybe I know something of nagios but not a lot so your question could be pitched to the whole channel and then people could evaluate it against their existing knowledge :) [08:15] kunzy: make sure you change ownership of that directory to your target user... otherwise you may have access problems... :) [08:15] nickrud: Ok, it made it run sudo mount -a ? [08:16] kunzy: yeah, or just never use it in file/directory names , and yup, try again [08:16] nickrud: mount: unknown filesystem type '' (its NTFS) [08:16] do you have NTFS support installed? [08:17] sgrover: haha guess not [08:17] kunzy: I"m tired. UUID mountpoint ntfs [08:17] ompaul: Very true, hold on a second and I'll post the question(s). Had multiple problems, so give me a minute. [08:17] I just installed nagios 3.0rc1 step by step in the Nagios quickstart installation guide. When I goto the web interface, it says that it could not read host and service status information. I already started and restarded Nagios, double checked on the verification of files, and double checked that I did everything that documentation said to do(which I did in fact do right the first time). Any ideas? [08:17] kunzy: you need the file type in the fstab, following the mount point [08:17] I found a problem in the log: "Could not create external command file '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd' as named pipe: (2) -> No such file or directory. If this file already exists and you are sure that another copy of Nagios is not running, you should delete this file." My folder tree only goes upto /usr/local/nagios/var/, there is no "rw" folder or "nagios.cmd" present. [08:17] nickrud: ok i think i get you, just a sec [08:17] hello? [08:18] kunzy: and you need UUID mountpoint ntfs defaults [08:18] hiilooo [08:18] hello...does anybody a program for creating flash animations (like dreamweawer or something) [08:18] !hello [08:18] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [08:18] kunzy: I think the package you need is ntfs-config (apt-get install ntfs-config) [08:18] what is this new search stuff 7.1 comes with? [08:19] * nickrud decides that when kunzy gets his partition mounted, he's calling it a night [08:19] what happened to updatedb and find [08:19] :P [08:19] hi all [08:19] i want to recompile a kernel withouth initrd....how can i do this in ubuntu's way? [08:19] nickrud: haha you might be here all night :P ok, i ran the sudo mount -a and it didnt return an error [08:19] kunzy: ah, finally!!! [08:19] FYI, (A) not 7.1 but year 7 month 10 => 7.10 (B) trackerd (C) nothing [08:19] Does that mean i just need to add the rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other stuff [08:20] ompaul, thanks :) [08:20] kunzy: check you can see the files first [08:20] nickrud: yup, access is good. ( i have been able to use this already, i just didnt want to mount it all the time) [08:21] kunzy: great see you around [08:21] damn, GNOME is still awesome in it's own right [08:21] hold up [08:21] ompaul: tag .... [08:21] nickrud: Thanks for your help. If you have time, we may could use you at eggxpert.com (hope this isn;t considered spam() [08:21] nickrud, - I have breakfast appt in 1 hour [08:21] how do i find the files that are taking up the most space on my HD [08:21] kunzy, it is but I won't remove you ;-) [08:22] ompaul: Thanks for the warning duely noted [08:22] ompaul: I have bed appointment now, but it's a joke anyway. jack_sparrow's quacked up idea See ya [08:22] nickrud, hehe ack [08:22] how do i find the files that are taking up the most space on my HD? [08:23] david919__: Applications > Accessories > Disk Usage Analyzer [08:23] david919__: I think i have what you are looking for. Just a sec while i find it [08:23] david919__: nm....I think that was it [08:23] night nickrud [08:23] okay thanks [08:24] david919__: welcome [08:24] I'm out too... night all. [08:26] david919__: or in the terminal: du -hs [08:26] Alright -- problem. When I was using the text-based installed the network config recognized my SSID and accepted my WEP key but could not connect. Any ideas? [08:27] installer* [08:27] What was the name of the MP3 player in KDE. The one with the wolf looking logo. "re-experience your music" [08:28] amaroK [08:28] kunzy: amaroK [08:28] I think [08:28] FYI: Thanks [08:28] ompaul: See, that's why I asked if anyone had Nagios experience first. :P [08:28] sp0ro, na - much better to ask the full question and people can work out if they have answers [08:29] sp0ro, a beginners expert is on the page ahead in the book :) [08:29] ompaul: hehe true [08:30] Ok, last question for the night. I have the G15 gaming keyboard from logitech. Is there a way to use it more fully in Ubuntu? [08:31] Now I am getting the erro " the software source for this package (bcm43xx-fwcutter) is not enabled. Any ideas? Do you still have to enable repositories? [08:31] sp0ro, using rc3 ... that is not in the supported archive so I guess it has not been altered to read from upstart - therefore the 2.9 in the repos is the ideal one to use [08:31] sp0ro, that is a best guess [08:32] hey everyone. how do I exit a channel in xChat with a message? [08:32] ompaul: The documentation I read *SAYS* to install rc3. ;) [08:32] ompaul: That documentation was directly from the Nagios website, by the way. :) [08:33] sp0ro, it is not the release version with ubuntu - what a package suggests and what is supported may differ - your distro is your distro - if you choose to step beyond it you need to start dealing with devs [08:33] ompaul: The documentation was altered for Ubuntu 7.10. :P [08:33] ompaul: I guess I can give 2.9 a shot though. [08:33] it is in the repos === blahjust is now known as oddalot [08:34] msg ubotu bcm43xx [08:34] woops [08:34] sorry [08:34] where can i get drivers for a canon multiPASS mp700 [08:34] hey everyone. how do I exit a channel in xChat with a message? [08:34] hey what irc client is good for linux? [08:34] like 'Peddy quit (message) [08:34] Peddy: /leave #ubuntu [08:34] is there one similar to mirc? [08:34] Peddy, /quit (your message here) n o( [08:34] thanks IcemanV9 [08:34] oddalot: I personally use xchat. [08:34] and ompaul [08:35] is there a way to always see the users on x chat? [08:35] oddalot: Yes, the GUI is very similiar to mIRC, except the channel list is on the left side. [08:36] oddalot, on the rhs of the screen there is a second bar just pull it to the left a little [08:36] oh the right hand side? [08:36] i don't see a bar? [08:38] oddalot: Are you using xchat at the moment? [08:38] yes [08:38] why i cant set password in terminale after "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [08:38] sudo update-flashplugin" [08:38] May be somewhat bias, but is there noticed clarity between Ubuntu and Windows Vista? On FF2 (Ubuntu) images look much more crips -- as does rendered text [08:38] crisp* [08:38] oddalot: Because by default, xchat hides the user list on the right hand side. Just drag the right hand side of the window like ompaul said. :) [08:38] mine isn't like that [08:39] it has a user list as a button on the left bottom side [08:39] есть русские желающие немного помочь? ;) [08:39] and if you click it a user list pops up [08:39] yourmind, non-cyrillic :)? [08:39] oddalot: Sounds almost like you downloaded and install xchat through "Add/Remove Programs". [08:40] symantic package probably [08:40] who from russia, or why want to help me? :P [08:40] err [08:40] oddalot: I know the xchat version there is different than the normal xchat package on Synaptic. [08:40] synaptic [08:40] ahh [08:40] ok [08:41] oddalot: There are a few different versions of xchat on Synaptic also, but just get the normal "xchat" from the list there. [08:41] not the gnome one? [08:41] oddalot and sudo apt-get remove the other xchat you downloaded [08:41] oddalot: No, the gnome one is completely different than the regular version of xchat. :) [08:41] ok [08:41] :D [08:42] brb [08:42] Ciao a tutti! Dopo aver trafficato con i driver fglrx la finestra di login grafico mi si è impallata tutta, insomma non riesco a fare più il login graficp, esiste un qualche comando da shell? [08:42] Is GNOME window height dependent on the font size in the title bar? if not, I would like to adjust it in some way. 1280x800 sucks :/ [08:42] !ru | yourmind [08:42] yourmind: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [08:43] !it | BlackAladar [08:43] BlackAladar: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [08:43] !resolution | FYI [08:43] FYI: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:44] hi [08:44] ahh [08:44] much beter [08:45] thanks [08:45] so for some reason, after i updated vista, my optical drive no longer works [08:45] ompaul: you da man [08:45] omg, there is only one op [08:45] so i decided to format the disc [08:45] how does he keep control? [08:45] but then i couldnt boot from the livecd. [08:45] i had to boot from a bootable usb flash drive [08:45] and still, my optical drive doesnt work. it lights up and opens [08:46] !enter [08:46] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [08:46] but ubuntu keeps saying there's no media [08:46] oh sorry [08:46] lol, that's called ircitis [08:46] there are several they are not marked as ops [08:47] is there a command to join a multiple server [08:47] so apparently ubuntu has been assuming my flashdrive was a cd drive [08:47] like in irc it's /server -m irc.server.com [08:48] oddalot, I just invoke multiple clients - one per network [08:48] well, in xchat you can connect using the menu [08:48] but i wanted to do it using text [08:48] oddalot, you can do /server but I think it disconnects you from a server to join another one [08:49] aaa control s [08:49] i just installed kde4-core from the repos. but i'm missing stuff like konsole and a network manager...which package(s) am i missing? [08:49] err control T i mean [08:49] Hello I looking for help getting my wirless working with my dell xps 1330. Can any body help [08:50] !wifi | American-Tech [08:50] American-Tech: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [08:51] anyone willing to help me figure out a problem with a fresh install and the nvidia driver? I've read through the forums, didn't find anything helpful [08:52] !grub [08:52] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:52] houdini, it wouldn't let me install the nvidia drivers at all either [08:52] it installed the restricted drivers (which I assume to be nvidia-glx-new, since that's installed now) [08:52] but X can't use it. I just end up in low-res mode [08:53] I've tried fixing it with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and hacking the xorg.conf file by hand [08:53] what distro, ubuntu? [08:53] xubuntu [08:54] 7.10, installed about 2 hours ago [08:54] and up to date at that point [08:54] hmmm [08:55] houdini, i believe xubuntu has an option to enable a restricted driver [08:56] imanassah: yeah, that's what I did. the first time I logged in, it asked me if I wanted to use that [08:56] I checked yes and rebooted when it asked [08:56] actually... [08:56] * houdini goes and disables the driver [08:57] I have a Nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 video card. I went to System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager to enable the accelerated driver. When I stream video, such as youtube, it is slow. I use cable internet, and in windows videos play ok. any ideas how to make this faster? [08:57] rredd4: how's local video? [08:57] slow as well, or ok? [08:57] great [08:58] local video is ok [08:58] ok, my desktop is ok (resolution-wise) without the restricted driver [08:58] yahoo or you tube is slow [08:58] but I'd like 3d, you know? :) [08:58] rredd4: sorry, I've got nothing. just checking on the basics [08:58] yeah [08:59] houdini: i'm not too sure [08:59] i want to recompile a kernel withouth initrd....how can i do this in ubuntu's way? [08:59] houdini: i bet you've been banging your head for the past two hours [09:00] imanassah: oddly, I've seen this happen on a machine at work. at the time I just assumed the guy had messed it up [09:00] now I'm wondering if it's an ubuntu problem [09:00] he's got completely different hardware than I do, but he was also on a fresh 7.10 (in his case, upgrade from 7.4) on an nvidia card [09:01] <_KAMI1> hello! [09:01] my monitor only does 1280x1024, so that's ok. he's got a 30" monstrosity, so it doesn't work out unless he's running the restricted driver [09:02] houdini: ok so you installed it, however it is restricted so you can't have decent imagery? [09:02] i installed anjuta but i dont see any compiling tools [09:03] am i missing some dependencies or something? [09:03] imanassah: er... I think the "restricted" is about the license [09:03] specifically, it's non-free [09:03] I think [09:04] houdini i turned off the accelerated driver, streaming video is still slow [09:04] houdini: here's what i found on a forum [09:04] HI === FlannelKing is now known as Flannel [09:04] Go back into your restricted drivers, turn off the Nvidia card, then uninstall the one you got, probably the "Glx-New" and go down to "Binary X-Org" and install that. Then restart your computer, enable the Nvidia card again in restricted drivers and restart and see what happens. [09:04] anyone know a good dvd ripper than is simpler than dvdrip and can do multiple titles at once [09:04] hmm [09:04] imanassah: I'll try that, thanks! [09:05] houdini: thats only a thread i read [09:05] so if something happens...dont blame me lol [09:05] i'm running ubuntu 7.10 and my youtube flash videos are choppy. How can i fix this [09:06] hi - please can someone help me with a samba problem? [09:06] majikins: maybe I can [09:06] ...all depends on the prob [09:06] I get the error 'duplicate name exists on network' when I try to attach my xp machines [09:07] ya'll have the same computer name? [09:07] thats just after I reboot after successfully joining [09:08] nope - I've check that as far as I know [09:08] why dont i see any compiling tools on anjuta? [09:08] when I run hostnames on my linux boxes, they show unique [09:08] houdini: once you try what i suggested, PM me and let me know how that went [09:08] imanassah: can you link me to what you just pasted? [09:09] hi! can anyone tell where i can get beryl package and how to install it [09:09] hello [09:09] how is everyone [09:10] houdini: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-635402.html [09:10] can anyone PLEASE tell me where i can get beryl package and how to install it [09:11] !beryl | aman [09:11] aman: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz [09:11] hello how to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu desktop 7.10? [09:11] !yahoo messenger ubuntu 7.10 [09:11] Kalamansi: use Pidgin [09:11] aman: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/x11/beryl [09:11] !compiz [09:11] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [09:12] Enselic : i dont want to use pidgin. there is no voice chat there... [09:12] I don't see a "Binary X-Org" anywhere in Synaptic or Add/Remove [09:12] imanassah: i m using gutsy [09:12] Kalamansi: you could try installing it through wine, or ask yahoo for a linux client [09:12] Enselic : how to ask? like email them? [09:13] !yahoo messenger [09:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about yahoo messenger - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [09:13] Kalamansi: yeah. let them know there is a demand for a linux client [09:13] imanassah [09:13] Enselic : how to disable irc or remove the icon of irc in pidgin? [09:14] Kalamansi: ? [09:14] oh. it should be mentioned, I'm running 64-bit [09:14] imanassah ??? [09:14] houdini: hang tight for a sec [09:15] aman, hold up a sec [09:15] i decided to go with geany [09:15] imanassah: ok i m waitin [09:15] imanassah: k [09:16] houdini: is this any help for you? http://www.bitswamp.com/blog/ [09:17] imanassah: I'll give it a shot [09:17] lol [09:17] houdini: i'm tryin my best for ya [09:17] imanassah: i m looking for beryl in gutsy(ubuntu 7.10). [09:17] anyone? [09:18] imanassah: and I appreciate it :) [09:18] can anyone help with samba problem I'm having pls? [09:18] aman: didnt gusty insall it already? [09:19] aman: compiz? [09:19] Enselic : wget http://us.dl1.yimg.com/download.yaho...0.4_1_i386.deb and i got an error ... i follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=628670 and i get this error http://pastebin.com/m6b89435f [09:20] imanassah: its giving the windows effects but i am not able to rotate my desktop on the cube. [09:20] you have to enable that [09:20] use ccsm [09:20] sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6 [09:20] Reading package lists... Done [09:20] Building dependency tree [09:20] Reading state information... Done [09:20] E: Couldn't find package libssl0.9.6 [09:21] Kalamansi: the link is dead, search for an up-to-date link on the yahoo website [09:21] Enselic : this is not dead http://us.dl1.yimg.com/download.yahoo.com/dl/unix/ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb [09:21] Kalamansi: right, so what is your problem? [09:21] imanassah: same problem [09:22] what the crap [09:22] good question :) [09:22] fdisk? [09:22] ... what? [09:22] haha [09:22] Enselic : the error after downloading a lib is this http://pastebin.com/m6b89435f [09:22] what program does ubuntu use for printing [09:22] format [09:22] Jay-Oh-En: cups [09:22] imanassah: this is a brand new install! [09:22] is this the same for ubuntuvideo [09:22] geany wont let me compile [09:23] the option button is greyed out [09:23] what version is it again? [09:23] Enselic : no no not that one..this one: sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6 [09:23] Reading package lists... Done [09:23] Building dependency tree [09:23] Reading state information... Done [09:23] E: Couldn't find package libssl0.9.6 [09:23] imanassah: of what? Xubuntu 7.10 ... [09:23] anyone who maintains ubuntuvideo site here? [09:23] houdini: ok hang tight [09:24] Kalamansi: you are not wgeting the same URL........ [09:24] Enselic : what is right then? [09:24] Kalamansi: you gave me the right link [09:24] houdini: was this a purchased version? [09:24] imanassah: no, downloaded, a few hours ago [09:25] a [09:25] houdini: cuz i know there's a bug in the shipped version of xfce [09:25] .. [09:25] Enselic : ok done 17:25:19 (31.22 KB/s) - `ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb' saved [668580/668580] [09:25] lol...sorry getting on a tanget [09:25] hold on lemme ask around [09:25] cool, thanks [09:26] Enselic : next is this right sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6 [09:26] Kalamansi: first of all try to install the .deb [09:26] Enselic how to install? [09:26] Kalamansi: double-click the file [09:26] Kalamansi: dont' ask for every step, try to do it first, if you encounter problems, feel free to ask [09:27] Enselic: yeah im doe downloading it or wgeting where to find the file deb? [09:27] Kalamansi: guess [09:27] houdini: do you get the little bubble that says "restricted drivers available"??? [09:28] Enselic : $ search ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb [09:28] bash: search: command not found [09:28] imanassah: I did. that's what I used to get into this mess [09:28] hi, on ubuntu 7.10 where is the "workspaces on cube" option [09:28] Kalamansi: where you downloaded it, of course.. [09:28] Kalamansi: type pwd [09:28] Kalamansi: and there's your answer [09:28] my feisty->gutsy upgrade messed up heh [09:28] where are the .deb's found in Dapper? (say, I downloaded vim. does Ubuntu keep the .deb archives?) [09:28] gonna do a clean install [09:28] I've uninstalled the restricted drivers more than once. it fixes the problem (using the nv" driver) [09:29] but I'd really like to use the graphics card [09:29] syntaxerror55: what would you want to use such a .deb for? [09:29] how can i contact the maintainers of ubuntuvideo.com [09:29] Enselic: maybe that was too general (and rediculous) :P [09:30] Enselic : after double clicking the file " Error : Dependency is not satisfiable: libssl0.9.6 [09:30] syntaxerror55: not at all, but I think there is a solution to your problem that does not involve looking up the actual debs [09:30] houdini, i'm not too sure...i've never even came upon that problem before at all [09:30] Kalamansi: right so you need to install it, using the sudo aapt-get install comand you asked about earlier [09:30] krish: at the bottom of the page, look for "More..." [09:30] you can find a contact link from there [09:30] houdini: but i did what i could...i'd say just keep googling like i was for ya [09:31] imanassah: sure, thanks. I've been googling around, tried a few things on my own [09:31] I thought you were using some other source [09:31] Enselic: that's what my actual problem is. :| I want to have a few of the actual debs on a CD (limited bandwith, don't want to redownload) [09:31] lol nope - just know how to use google heh [09:31] Enselic : $ sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6 [09:31] Reading package lists... Done [09:31] Building dependency tree [09:31] Reading state information... Done [09:31] E: Couldn't find package libssl0.9.6 [09:31] houdini: yep i wrote them a mail through that page [09:31] i meant irc chat [09:31] Kalamansi: use Synapitc to search for it [09:32] syntaxerror55: you can configure the APT system to look for packages on CD:s, for example that installation CD [09:32] syntaxerror55: iirc you can do that in Synaptic [09:33] Enselic: oh, k then. [09:34] Enselic : is it okay to install libssl0.9.8? [09:35] Kalamansi: it is ok to install anything [09:36] hm. a strange high pitch noise coming from my laptop processor when the usage is high. anyone here experienced something like it? [09:39] hey guys where to place my html files to be picked by apache [09:39] in ubuntu [09:40] i have apache2 [09:40] I'm puzzled - have an SD card in card reader. The line output by "mount" is "/dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)" ... [09:40] Hey all, issue is this: Vertical scroll bar isn't working after getting my wacom graphire4 tablet working. The tablet works great, but now my touchpad is being glitchy... What could be the problem? [09:40] if I list files, I see for example "rwx------ 1 johncc root 2063056 2008-01-11 16:28 P1030627.JPG" ... I am johncc [09:41] but if I try to delete, I get the message "rm: cannot remove `P1030627.JPG': Read-only file system" [09:41] can someone help me with this? I am getting "E: libflickrnet2.1.5-cil: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" when installing certain things... for instance right now I am trying to install libxine1-all-plugins. [09:43] REPEATING: Hey all, issue is this: Vertical scroll bar isn't working after getting my wacom graphire4 tablet working. The tablet works great, but now my touchpad is being glitchy... What could be the problem? [09:43] !lamp [09:43] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [09:44] sis there a way to change the niceness of daemons/programs on startup? [09:45] i have connected a modem on my ubuntu pc but i cannot see it in hardware list . can someone help me out [09:45] what modem? [09:46] IndianGrl: what modem? [09:46] hayes serial modem [09:46] shishirm1, hayes serial modem [09:46] hi ubuntu gang [09:47] dial up? [09:47] imanassah: just wanted to let you know, manually installing the drivers from nvidia worked. don't know what's wrong with the Ubuntu package, but it works without problems this way [09:47] shishirm1, yes dialup [09:48] hey does anyone know if there's a way to make Xorg re-read xorg.conf without restarting it? (i don't want to lose my apps right now...) [09:48] now you are on windows? [09:48] Ademan: I don't think it does that [09:48] !skype [09:48] To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto [09:48] !msn [09:48] The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete [09:49] shishirm1, no am on the same pc with ubuntu [09:49] get amsn... its a bit nicer for msn [09:49] ok its lil difficult to install dial up i guess just a sec brb [09:49] When I use the media keys to adjust volume on my laptop, a volume indicator pops up. What decides the colors on this? Something in my theme? [09:50] shishirm1, thanks [09:50] On a lot of themes I get black on black -> non-readable [09:51] Ayabara, then I suggest you customize your theme... it's all there in that control panel [09:51] Hi, I've set up LDAP on ubuntu 7.10 server. After rebooting, the it stalls at starting kernel logger (although a login prompt does come up, when trying to login with a local user it hangs). If I boot with the server install cd, mount and chroot to the installed drive, when I su to a local user in /etc/passwd, it just hangs.Suggestions? [09:51] Ayabara: yes this has to do with the theme you choose in the Appearance controlpanel [09:51] !java [09:51] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) [09:52] silent, dirkg3nt1y: but if I have a theme that says there are no color options, I'm scr**d? [09:52] hey did you try using restricted drivers or something like that? [09:52] Hi I have a dell xps 133o and need help with wireless connection.. [09:52] shishirm1, no i have not [09:52] Also, ls -lh /home hangs, so it looks like it's hanging trying to get users/groups. [09:52] well try [09:52] i am not sure [09:53] Ayabara, yes, use a different theme [09:53] Ayabara: yes, older themes don't have color prefernece and can only use the default ones. [09:53] darn. all my murrina themes "does not support color themes" [09:53] Enselic : still error after install the latest version lib9.8 =/ [09:54] shishirm1, wats the package name [09:54] Kalamansi: what error [09:54] Enselic : where to look some lib9.6? [09:54] hey its a feature in ubuntu [09:54] I am trying to follow these wireless directions and it refers to "/etc/iftab" [09:54] this error Enselic : " Error : Dependency is not satisfiable: libssl0.9.6 [09:54] I have no /etc/iftab [09:54] any ideas? [09:54] administration>restricted driver [09:54] shishirm1, how do i turn it on? [09:54] Kalamansi: you have not installed libssl0.9.6 or higher [09:54] shishirm1, that is already installed for my ATI card [09:54] FYI, probably an old guide... look to the interfaces file [09:54] Enselic : i install ibssl0.9.8 since there is not 9.6 and i tried to download too [09:54] i installed 9.8 =/ [09:55] FYI, I wouldnt recommend you follow an old guide [09:55] Enselic : it needs a restart i guess [09:55] Kalamansi: no, you need: sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8 [09:55] IndianGrl: ok try installing this app gnome-ppp [09:55] hi there [09:55] i havent used it [09:55] Kalamansi: oh you tried that? [09:55] how might i add some more eye candy to gnome? [09:55] Ayabara: I use the Si Pack theme http://freakcode.deviantart.com/art/Si-Pack-67995947 [09:55] but it says it should work [09:55] its looking awful bland [09:56] silent: where would I find a new guide, this sucks [09:56] shishirm1, will it install the driver too? [09:56] Enselic : yes... [09:56] Enselic : it needs a restart? [09:56] silent: it's weird; it recognized my wireless card (picked up the signal, the ssid and my WEP key) during the text-based installation... now it's defunct [09:57] try.. :S [09:57] Kalamansi: you very rarely need to reboot, although in some cases that will also help [09:57] Kalamansi: in this case I doubt it will make any differences [09:57] could anyone help me in my quest to find eye candy for gnome? [09:57] dirkg3nt1y: thanks for the tip. I'll try to start reading the books about you soon :-) [09:57] only we indians use this dial up connection its history in the west so difficult get any help [09:57] Kalamansi: when you install a new package, it is confgigured immedietaly, no need to reboot for it to happen [09:57] Enselic : error after installing 9.8 " Error : Dependency is not satisfiable: libssl0.9.6 [09:57] Hi I have a dell xps 133o and need help with wireless connection.. [09:57] eye candy for gnome? .. gah [09:58] dark__, is it even possible? [09:58] Kalamansi: for some reason it appears as if the .deb does not accept a newer version of libssl to satisfy the dependency [09:58] it just needs more pizzazz [09:58] Enselic : thats the error after double clicking the .deb [09:58] dark__, what window manager are you running [09:58] Enselic : so its not supported then... [09:59] I like Amarok alot but am having issues. Whats the next best thing? [09:59] http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/pronege/mydekstop2.png [09:59] Enselic : but ill try to restart [09:59] foibles yeh is possible. at the moment i use gnome but used to use XFCE and also KDE a long time back [10:00] Enselic : so no luck then [10:00] what is the binary name for the firmware utility that pops up when you do a fresh install? [10:00] IndianGrl: did that help you?? [10:00] foibles http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff164/DuelODDity/desktop.jpg [10:00] Kalamansi: I don't know enough detals of the .deb package format to be of any more help, sorry [10:01] i asusmed you use gnome... if you use kde then there is a diff app [10:01] nope [10:01] Jay-Oh-En: good lookting top [10:01] Enselic : its okay.. thanks dude. i ll restart and see what will happen [10:01] IndianGrl: it dint help?? [10:01] dark__, tremulous is quite fun [10:02] dirkg3nt1y: thanks [10:02] FYI, make sure you have the correct drivers/modules for the wireless card [10:02] ANYONE know? You know that nice program that tells you there's firmware not supported by ubuntu that you can install? [10:02] shishirm1, i am downloading it now [10:02] http://www.gnome-ppp.org/ find out what it does [10:02] ok [10:02] silent: I'm following the guide on the forums, I just want to do this [10:02] first [10:02] you are on what os now? [10:02] foibles ahhh you like the tremulou eh [10:02] FYI, check your /etc/network/interfaces file to edit preferences [10:02] anyone here had any experience from the new kde4? [10:02] 7.04 [10:03] when unfolding its only horizontal workspaces, how to cube? [10:03] foibles its cool... about the only game i play at the moment [10:03] then how are you connecting to the internet??? dsl? [10:03] dark__, yep, tremulous, open arena and urban terror [10:03] !frostwire > syntaxerror55 [10:03] does mplayer work like amarok? [10:03] josiah: no [10:03] foibles ahhhh.. yeh at least opengl work on linux [10:04] dark__, yeah [10:04] dark__, are you dual booting to windows? [10:04] dirkg3nt1y: it's a good theme, but .. a little "flat" [10:04] Enselic: what is the difference between them? What is a good media application to use? I like amarok but am having issue with it right now that i cant figure out. [10:04] foibles for eyecandy though.. isn't just kinda having *nix working enough. [10:04] Ayabara: I like simple :) [10:05] foibles not dual booting no [10:05] silent: do you know what I'm talking about with regards to that program? It pops up telling you there's available firmware files (but that ubuntu does not support them). It had NVIDIA and Broadcom for me; I would like to access it again [10:05] dark__, heh, no i desire more [10:05] josiah: mplayer plays as good as any format, but does not provide facilites to organize media files [10:05] dark__, if you dont think its possible, try enlightenment or fluxbox [10:05] foibles was for a while but now windows dont work no more [10:05] dark__, ill probably just indulge in some desklets of some sort [10:05] josiah: why not use Amarok on Ubuntu? it's not Kubuntu specific [10:06] foibles oh ive seen enlightenment but its not for me [10:06] josiah: you can run both KDE and GNOME apps at the same time, they are not mutually exsclusive in any way [10:06] Enselic: Im getting errors with it that I cant figure out. Its not loading xine drivers. [10:06] l [10:06] dark__, i <3 e17 [10:06] Enselic: it runs but it doesnt produce any sound [10:06] foibles i use a mix of KDE, XFCE and gnome apps in a gnome environment [10:07] josiah: have you installed xine? [10:07] foibles we;; enlightment does do some funky things [10:07] foibles i couldn't bring myself to spend enough time configuring it because its not intuitive enough [10:08] Hi I have a dell xps 133o and need help with wireless connection.. [10:08] REPEATING half an hour later: Hey all, issue is this: Vertical scroll bar isn't working after getting my wacom graphire4 tablet working. The tablet works great, but now my touchpad is being glitchy... What could be the problem? [10:08] Enselic: yes. I am told I need the xine1-all-plugins package but I get an error when I try to install that lol. Error is E: libflickrnet2.1.5-cil: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [10:08] dark__, yeah, preconfigured packages are much better when it comes to e17 [10:08] hi guys...I have a wmv file which I want to burn onto a CD-R, so that it will automatically run in any dvd player../.is this possible? [10:08] its very very tough to get going [10:08] josiah: how have you installed amarok? [10:09] Enselic: with Synaptic [10:09] when I start up ubuntu and enter my username and password a box shows up telling me that the $HOME/.drmc file was being ignored thus leaving me with no default language or session, can I fix that? [10:09] hi, I have a question about the pre-released updates (Gutsy-proposed). If I have them enable is safe or it could broke the whole system some times? [10:09] shishirm1, i think it works i have to get a phone to test it [10:09] josiah: sorry I gtg [10:09] foibles well perhaps ill giv it another go sometime but the mix of kde and gnome doesn't leave me wanting really [10:10] Enselic: ok :( thank you anyway [10:10] dark__, gtk crashes far too often [10:10] IndianGrl: ok test it and ping me if there is a problem.. [10:10] dark__, i go back and forth from kde, e, flux and icewm [10:10] i just get bored [10:10] shishirm1, thanks [10:10] i will help as much as i know [10:10] IndianGrl: actually really strange to see a indian gal usin ubuntu [10:11] foibles yeh.. i dont know much about gtk, but it seems to me its the program that runs it that has the prblem not the library itself [10:11] hi how can I see witch disc I have (if I type discus I see only mounted ones)? [10:12] shishirm1, strange things happen :) [10:12] Does anyone know if there is a opera help chan? [10:12] hi can someon help me with samba problem "duplicate name exists on network" pls? [10:12] IndianGrl: i mean its great that you are tryin out stuff.. but its strange... [10:12] foibles i just use gnome nowadays, [10:12] hi guys...I have a wmv file which I want to burn onto a CD-R, so that it will automatically run in any dvd player../.is this possible? [10:13] Anyone in here installed RTCW-server on ubuntu? (1.4, setup keeps failing) http://rafb.net/p/sDKFXe93.html [10:13] IndianGrl: i have asked so many frns of mine to try... no one ever even thinks of [10:13] foibles but i use kde apps in gnome too [10:13] dark__, i find downloading all the libraries seems to bloat my system [10:13] when I start up ubuntu and enter my username and password a box shows up telling me that the $HOME/.drmc file was being ignored thus leaving me with no default language or session, can I fix that? [10:13] shishirm1, well my last bf made me and i am happy with it now [10:13] dark__, so i do my best to balance each out [10:13] Hi, I updated to gutsy yesterday and now I can't update anymore. I get GPG-errors with four of the lines in sources.list, and I don't know how to fix them. Any help? [10:14] foibles disk space is pretty cheap.. libraries are small.. [10:14] foibles at least you have a choice [10:14] what is the command to show the full path u are at pls ? [10:14] IndianGrl: oh great... where are you from? [10:15] dubai [10:15] IndianGrl: in dubai you have dial up stuff?? !! [10:15] I'm on xchat, how do I get to #ubuntustudio? help! [10:15] hello internet i have UBUNTU!!! [10:15] You type /j #ubuntustudio [10:16] no but i have a connection in my room and i use it when my bro is downloading the bradband and choaking it [10:16] cool thanks [10:16] mikebeecham: I'm not sure about what dvd players will accept as a standard to be able to play but I do know that stadard mpeg 1 files will play on most dvd players. it is not the most efficient format but it should do for most players. [10:16] ok , let me clarigy. I know that apple with some coporattions wrote the mpeg 4 format that is a hightly compact form of mpeg, I wrote a conversion to mpeg 4 but it is still experimental.. http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_DVD_to_MP4 [10:16] dirkg3nt1y: I guess what would be easier is to create a video CD...is this possible? [10:17] IndianGrl: oh... you are a comp science person [10:17] hi jimmy__ congrats.. [10:17] ? [10:17] yes i am [10:17] which one is the compiz chat room, does anybody know exactly # === [sshd] is now known as [explorer] [10:18] EminX: #compiz-fusion [10:18] hmmm... thats why u are trying [10:18] IndianGrl: well what is your domain? [10:18] sandr-_: thanx a lot [10:18] emirates.ae [10:19] hey domain in the sense domain of work... networking, dbms, os, web dev etc [10:19] opees [10:19] hehe [10:19] i would take up networking i guess [10:19] oh studying still? [10:20] I have a certain cursor set up, but when I mouse over the menu bar it changes back to the default cursor. Is there any way to make it use one cursor no matter it's position? [10:20] yes [10:20] be? [10:20] B.E? [10:20] hi how can I see witch disc I have (if I type discus I see only mounted ones)? [10:20] BSc [10:21] Can someone help me with opera here? [10:21] ajitam: what do you mean which disc you have? [10:21] IndianGrl: hmmm.. which year? [10:22] 2nd year [10:22] oh... [10:22] hopefully this drew b's thing works for my wifi card [10:22] so I can roam freely [10:22] neeto: I have one ntfs disk but I can't see it so I'm guessing that is unmounted [10:22] how can i know which are the libs called by an executable i compiled from source please? [10:23] i am in 3rd year.... my blog if you wanna have a look http://watilearnt.blogspot.com/ [10:24] neeto: ok I found it when I want to mounted I get 'Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:' [10:25] I can't seem to mount USB drivers on my laptop === Janito is now known as Lamego [10:25] any good troubleshooting steps I should take? I have my keyboard and mouse plugged into USB -- so I know the bus works [10:25] neeto: I don't know If is the good Idea to use force command here [10:25] IndianGrl: do you know any good bookmark manager for ubuntu? [10:27] <_Undefined> hey guys, do you know if its possible to use wget to fetch files using wildcards, like wget
/*.* ? [10:27] man wget [10:28] Hi [10:28] undefined there are programs that will rip sites based on a path you provide [10:28] <_Undefined> its for a remote shell account so i cant install anything, unless it doesnt need installing? [10:29] Where will a (daily) cronjob make a /var/log/ entry after it executed the job successfully? [10:30] hello world! [10:30] why would the text-install accept the signal, my ssid and wep key and the gui or whatever not? [10:30] goodbye, cruel world [10:31] argh [10:31] i'm italian, is there Mondo89? [10:32] uboto italian [10:32] !rm [10:32] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [10:32] How do I play .rm? The mac format, totem opens it, but it's all static noise. [10:32] could try install real player? [10:33] Hi [10:33] hi [10:33] No proper GStreamer plugin? [10:33] Is there any good gps navigation software with maps on linux? [10:33] (11:30:28 AM) EminX: I've got an Lenovo IBM desk pc, with Vga onboard : Intel 965 , I've just installed ubuntu and updated it, but cant start Compiz (Visual Effects), Can somebody help me on that please [10:33] I've always known rm as a real player format... Not sure if they share it or if there's a plugin for it. sorry [10:33] in Device manager looks: 82945GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller [10:33] In System, Preferences, doesn't appear Advanced desktop effects, like it should do [10:35] shishirm1, sorry i was away .. no i have no clue as yet [10:35] IndianGrl: thats ok [10:36] IndianGrl: do you miss media player and winamp?? [10:38] nope i do not :) [10:38] what do you use? [10:38] xine and xmms [10:38] i need some kind of guide about setting up a LAN between ubuntu and XP (but i want only a shared internet connection, no shared files or anything) [10:39] sometimes vlc [10:39] oh... i somehow dont like xine... i use vlc.. just found a nice link to make em like mediaplayer [10:39] so i asked [10:39] http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/make-vlc-player-look-like-windows-media-player-10/ === echos_ is now known as echos [10:40] If I have a bin and cue file...what software can I sue to burn these onto a CD? [10:40] http://www.howtogeek.com/tag/linux/ [10:40] shishirm1, the whole idea to use linux is to get away from microsoft .. so i don't want my ubuntu to look like windows [10:41] IndianGrl: well it adds the only + point of windows to linux... [10:41] I want to install this font to use it the terminal emulator, but It doesn't appear in the preferences after I followed the instructions; it worked with the truetype version of it though - http://www.is-vn.bg/hamster/ttf-en.html [10:41] so now linux is all powerful [10:41] http://www.is-vn.bg/hamster/jimmy-en.html [10:41] there is no plus points in windows .. other then is micro soft [10:42] IndianGrl: its GUI is because we are used to using it [10:42] that's y i use linnux... i hate windowz [10:42] or rather atleast i am used to using linux [10:43] IndianGrl: anyway the debate is not necesssary at all bcoz we are all on the same side.. [10:43] Hi I get this trying to mount: 'Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:' I don't have windows and I really don't want to use -force [10:43] i use enlightenment...its nothing like windowz [10:43] i have tried it too [10:44] * IndianGrl winks [10:44] Hi I have a dell xps 133o and need help with wireless connection.. [10:44] but dont want to learn a new environment altogether [10:45] all new apps and so many probs [10:45] enlightenment is icing on the cake .. its not about looks .. its about speed [10:45] true dat [10:45] i hope someday they perfect it .. [10:45] yep... tht i accept its 5 times faster than gnome [10:45] it makes it sooo much easier to multitask [10:45] ya if they perfect it i am switching in minuted [10:45] minutes... [10:46] i am in love with enlightenment .. [10:46] well try elive [10:46] i was when i used slackware and used older version of enlightenment [10:46] is there any way I can test all my USB ports? [10:46] i rarely ever go to gnome [10:46] and u'll never see me on kde...too windowzy [10:47] elive .. are idiots .. askign for money to download it [10:47] heh [10:47] why pay for what u can get for free i alwayz say [10:47] ya get it free.. at softpedia.com [10:47] What controls remote access to Ubuntu boxes by default? [10:47] ok fine [10:48] oops [10:48] <_Undefined> vnc built in [10:48] hi! [10:48] _Undefined: I haven't even set a username or password for VNC yet, how would I go about doing so? [10:49] ok guys bye [10:49] got to have some food [10:49] nice talking to you IndianGrl: [10:49] Indiangirl: how about fluxbox? [10:49] <_Undefined> i'm on windows :( atm but its just in the admin menu i think [10:49] * Leviathan u r on what? [10:50] <_Undefined> :( [10:50] _Undefined: Are you talking about Users and Groups? [10:50] <_Undefined> no, remote desktop [10:50] sorry, is there some kind of part or gparted channel where I can ask some stuff about ufs and hfs+ ??? [10:50] _Undefined: Oh [10:50] _Undefined: No, that's not what I am looking for. [10:51] <_Undefined> just install openssh then [10:51] _Undefined: That's what I did [10:51] <_Undefined> ah [10:51] * Leviathan do you thing fluxbox is better than gnome? [10:51] sorry, is there some kind of partman or gparted channel where I can ask some stuff about ufs and hfs+ ??? [10:51] _Undefined: Apparently, my user name and password are wrong....even though I am 100% sure they are right. [10:51] <_Undefined> then you should just be able to ssh to it and use your username and pass [10:51] bert: Can u ask, i missed it? [10:52] <_Undefined> :S wierd [10:52] Levianthan: not better, faster [10:52] <_Undefined> have you tried root with your pass? [10:52] dirkg3nt1y, I'm searching for a channel to ask some stuff about hfs+ and ufs [10:53] Levianthan: and a lot lightheight, take a look how much mem gnome panel takes... :) [10:53] bert, i run an old ibook that has a hfs partition, perphaps I can help!? [10:53] I don't mean hfs but hfs+ [10:53] _Undefined: Alright I figured out my problem I think. :) [10:53] I want to make a hfs+ or ufs partition inside ubuntu [10:53] bert: ok [10:53] a4ndr3c: im satisfied with gnome speed. I just want to try something new [10:53] <_Undefined> ok [10:53] <_Undefined> gotta go anyway [10:53] <_Undefined> cya [10:53] cya [10:54] Leviathan: try enlightenment [10:54] Levianthan: why not fluxbox? or other light windowns manager? if u have gdm u only need to change between windowns manager in login [10:55] ok i go to be now [10:55] later all [10:56] Levianthan: the thing is, u will need to spend some time configuring the menu, some icons programs can be: idesk and gkrllem [10:56] ok bert, so you want to split your ext3 partitin to include a hfs+ partition? [10:56] hi [10:56] hello leszek_ [10:57] hi there, i'm trying to remove some shortcuts i have in nautilus side panel [10:57] but i can't seem to find how to do that ? [10:57] I just have freespace on my external HD and I want a hfs+ or ufs partition to easily backup some stuff from my old mac [10:58] the context menu iget when i right click on a shortcut is grayed, i cannot use it to remove the drive shortcut .. [10:58] Levianthan: u can still use nautilus, but dont invoke desktop.. try "nautilus --no-desktop" [10:58] bert: gparted can resize and ext3 partition. [10:58] * Leviathan i have to go eat... my mother is getting angry again [10:58] yeah, but can't make ufs and hfs+ [10:58] dont piss of fyer mom [10:59] how do i pure kde or gnome by removing all the xubuntu packages? [10:59] isn't there a way to get support for those on gparted ? [10:59] <|thunder> Where can I find games built using the TuxCap Games Framework ? [11:00] Levianthan: lol ok [11:03] | thunder, goole gave me this: freshmeat.net/releases/269200/ [11:03] google [11:03] im tryin to use lkl logger.. while running that command it giving me error as "unable to find keymap-file: No such file or directory [11:03] a keymap is required!! run lkl with -k [11:03] " [11:03] did anyone knows abt it [11:03] <|thunder> joot, ya, thats the framework itself, to make a game. [11:04] i have problems playing *some* comercial DVD with vlc... any pointers? [11:04] Guys whats the best gaming emulator with ubuntu is it WINE or isnt there an emulation software that starts with an A? [11:04] I am trying to use --- sudo lkl -l -k '/home/home/keymap/us_km' -o /home/home/log.txt command...but givin me error [11:04] that keymap is required [11:04] did anyone knows? [11:05] whats the error? [11:05] | thunder, OK sorry I do not know. [11:05] Wine is the best *free* windows emulator. === holly is now known as holly13 [11:05] wassup holly? [11:05] To be honest, Wine has better support than Cedega in my opinion. [11:05] spOro: wine is not an emulator :P [11:06] bert: in my ignorance, I hope I can assist. If gparted can create another partition it is possible format another partition in hfs+. I'm not using Ubuntu at the moment but hfs plus utils are available. http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=e828df78565da32b8df4364c7b892682&t=392287&highlight=hfsplus [11:06] Oh right, sorry. :p [11:06] Cedega is actualy what i was thinking of i dont know where i got the A from [11:06] dvdread demuxer error: fatal error in vts ifo [11:06] kirk: its giving error as unable to find keymap-file: No such file or directory [11:06] wine is not an emulator is an emulator [11:06] thx dirk, I'll have a look at it [11:06] a4ndr3c: WINE is considred as an emulator, [11:06] well where is it looking for the keymap? do you haev that keymap? [11:06] kirk: oh yeah lol [11:06] kirk:no [11:06] Is there any good gps navigation software with maps on linux? [11:06] how to make it? === Eidolon_ is now known as blade740 [11:07] Wine Is Not an Emulator is an emulator [11:07] a4ndr3c: Why you would think otherwise i am unsure, but WINE is a Emulation of a windows enviornment hence the name WINE [11:07] ok [11:07] BACKRONYM [11:07] W, wine [11:07] I is [11:07] kirk: you can keep your Case sensative comments [11:07] etc [11:07] kirk: I have made a folder named syslog and runnig that command....but not working...what I need to do can you please tell me [11:08] Randompolygamy: it was a joke, Wine Is Not An Emulator, see only the upper cases... [11:08] Randompolygamy: He was joking [11:08] RandomDestructn, Wine doesn't emulate as an emulator would do... it's more a re-implementation of the win32-API that's why they 'say' WINE is not an emualtor [11:08] lol [11:08] * kirk did it for the lulz [11:08] sp0ro im not taking offence im just tired its 6am here yet to sleep [11:09] goto bed [11:09] sorry kirk [11:09] Randompolygamy: I know :) [11:09] I just installed KDE 4 on my Ubuntu 7.10 and it seems very "buggy". Everything is kind of slow, and the background doesn't load by itself, and the fonts are kind of hard to read. I usually run compiz-fusion/gnome without any trouble so I'm wondering if I might have done something wrong. But since installing it was just a matter of apt-get install kde4-core I'm not sure what could have gone wrong [11:09] lol, i cant right now.. im an insomniac [11:09] kirk:I am using it 1st time...can you please tell me how to run? [11:09] no i cant [11:09] you need to read more [11:09] kirk:ok [11:09] Emof, KDE 4 is really very new... why did you install it? [11:09] kirk:thnx a lot :) [11:09] I just wanted to try it out [11:09] sorry [11:10] Emof: kde 4 is beta i think... [11:10] I want to execute a script when I plug a USB device but hotplug don't seem to be used in 7.10, do you know where I can found doc ? [11:10] And it's a stable release, so I didn't think i would have such basic problems [11:10] and other people doesn't seem to have them :) [11:10] Emof: if you just installed the core then you are missing necessaries I would think [11:11] Hmm, this is annoying. Alright, so I am trying to access something from a webinterface via my IP address and of course a Remote Access login screen appears. I have Apache installed, but have not configured anything. It's not asking me for the "WebAdmin" password either. What would the default username and password be? [11:11] Emof: oh.. sorry but still is very new, maybe it need perfomance tweaks, wait and try it later :P [11:11] has anyone of you studied theoretical IT and is into encryption? [11:12] how can i modify nautilus side panel shortcuts ? [11:12] Emof, it's stable on the Programmers-Interface side... all Tools and applications are still about to be adapted to KDE 4... for most users KDE 4 won't appear "finished" [11:12] keisangi, the sidepanel automaticall shows you your 'favourites' [11:12] Anyone have any ideas? [11:12] stefano_, what do you need to know? [11:12] madmike: ditto [11:13] stefano_, i would like to remove 3 drives (windows partitions) that i don't use at all .. nautilus put me thoses shortcuts automaticaly, and i would like to remove them.. [11:13] madmike, i have recieved some coded information and need to decode it, and have have no idea what it's encoded with [11:14] Is there some kind of clear-text information indication how it was encriptet? [11:14] Actually, does anyone know what could be causing the remote access login screen in the first place? [11:14] Would it be Apache or ? [11:14] keisangi, that you have to do in the gconf-editor, but an easier way is to get the tool "ubuntu-tweak", just google for it [11:14] I also have a small problem with my gnome desktop; Whenever I want to shutdown/restart/logout, I have to do it twice for the system to recognize it [11:15] I am new on Ubuntu. I installed adn downloaded many times the iso. Problem is that no one it it is installable onn the HD. please can You give me the linke where i can get the installable version? Thank You [11:15] madmine no, unfortunately not. can i pm you? than i could give you some samples [11:15] Oh wow, heh. It was my modem apparently. O_o [11:15] stefano_, you can pm me... but without some clear-text hints i can tell you its going to be hard or impossible [11:15] I've got LDAP set up to authenticate with in 7.10 server. For user accounts in /etc/passwd though, pam still tries to connect to the LDAP server (this is an issue during startup since the LDAP server isn't started yet). Is there a way to set it to not check with the LDAP server if the user exists locally? [11:16] hey, I screwed up my visudo thing, and i disabled root logins, so now i am locked? [11:16] jtaby, can you still do sudo? [11:16] no [11:16] stefano_, i searhed a bit through gconf-ed already but couldn't find where to delete nautilus places shortcuts .. (above user's favorite) i'm gonna try ubuntu-tweak, thanks for the info [11:16] *searched [11:17] What the name of Installable UBUNTU, not the Lice cd? Thank you [11:18] FabParma, you can install Ubuntu just fine from the live-cd... if you really don't need the live-cdpart you can download ubuntu-alternative [11:18] you want the live cd [11:18] it ca be a life saver [11:19] is /etc/default/apache2 supposed to be used for apache2 startup options/directives? if so, what variable should i assign the option strings to? [11:19] kirk, I usually download and burn both ;) [11:19] i usually smoke weed all the time [11:19] and im going to right now [11:19] this ones for you madmike! [11:19] madmike, do you get my PMs? [11:19] kirk, this is usualy not such a good a did... at least if you do it usualy :) [11:20] a godo a did? [11:20] go for it kirk! [11:20] kirk: match me [11:20] stefano_, sorry haven't used pm in Xchat yet... didn't recieve anything yet... at least don't see anythign obvious... going to look if i need to enable anything.. sorry :/ [11:21] shit yea [11:21] dude [11:21] synchro [11:21] you ready? [11:21] hello [11:21] madmike, this has something to do with freenode network, i think we have to be registered or something [11:21] (11:30:28 AM) EminX: I've got an Lenovo IBM desk pc, with Vga onboard : Intel 965 , I've just installed ubuntu and updated it (also Compiz), but can't start Compiz (Visual Effects), Can somebody help me on that please [11:21] in Device manager looks: 82945GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller, then in Graphic card i selected driver: i810 Intel Integrated Graphic Chipsets, intel ... [11:21] In System, Preferences, doesn't appear Advanced desktop effects, like it should do [11:21] madmike, do you have jabber? [11:21] 4 [11:21] 3 [11:21] 2 [11:21] 1 [11:21] toke! [11:21] stefano_, this and if you tried to do it by dcc also (maybe) portforwarding [11:21] stefano_ madmike@jabjab.de [11:22] Does anyone have a link for setting up the wireless network key so I don't have to re-enter it every time I turn on the computer? [11:22] if I want to use a command while start of the ubuntu, what I need to do? [11:22] it should automatically start when ubuntu starts [11:22] ola [11:22] buena [11:22] is kde4 much faster than kde3? [11:22] ola [11:23] k tal?? [11:23] frawfraw: how do u conect to a wireless network? by shell? [11:23] sa1: It doesn't, it keeps asking for a keyring password, and then it doesn't work, and asks for the wireless network key [11:23] stefano_, i've installed and run ubuntu-tweak, it's nice tool and all, but there's no option to remove nautilus sidepanel shortcuts (i'm not speaking about the user's favorite, but those above them.. thoses nautilus had setup on his own ..) [11:23] sorry keisangi [11:23] eeeeeeeeooooooooooooooo [11:23] it was nice to discover ubuntu-tweak though :) [11:24] quick question: would running xubuntu on a laptop tend to maximise battery life? [11:24] a4ndr3c: I just plugged in the network card and booted the PC, clicked the wireless icon, picked my network, and typed in the network key [11:24] frawfraw: the is there any other way for it? suppose I want to start my keylogger at the start of the ubuntu... [11:24] alguien que able español?? [11:24] sa1: Sorry, we got paths crossed [11:25] frawfraw: if u do a script to connect to a specified wireless net u dont need to type the key over and over again [11:25] frawfraw: :) [11:25] frawfraw: thnx :) [11:25] a4ndr3c: Is there a link somewhere that explains it, or an example script or something? [11:26] frawfraw: I can help u doing it, the encrypt is WEP? [11:26] <_moro_bana_> please help have a prob, i buy megabytes for my intnet and i lose a lot even when im not browsing [11:26] a4ndr3c: yep [11:26] frawfraw: ok open a terminal [11:26] (11:30:28 AM) EminX: I've got an Lenovo IBM desk pc, with Vga onboard : Intel 965 , I've just installed ubuntu and updated it (also Compiz), but can't start Compiz (Visual Effects), Can somebody help me on that please [11:26] in Device manager looks: 82945GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller, then in Graphic card i selected driver: i810 Intel Integrated Graphic Chipsets, intel ... [11:26] In System, Preferences, doesn't appear Advanced desktop effects, like it should do [11:27] <_moro_bana_> which software can i use to see my internet packets [11:27] a4ndr3c: done [11:27] hi sirs, I used gparted to remove some unwanted drives and now my windows partition doesn't boot and I guess this because the drive letter is changed from C: to V:, now how can I rename the windows drive?! [11:27] frawfraw: create a file with the ssid of the network [11:28] frawfraw: gedit & [11:28] frawfraw: for example [11:29] a4ndr3c: in hex? do i need the preceding "0x" [11:29] frawfraw: ? [11:29] <_moro_bana_> Dr_willis_: [11:29] frawfraw: have u ever type in a terminal? [11:29] Hi is it possible to execute something like "sudo cp /home/userA/workspace/projectA/projectA.war /home/jboss/deploy/projectA.war" from within my ANT build file? I currently have to manually copy my built .war file but I'd like to automate this step. [11:29] how can I add my user to the vboxusers group? [11:29] some expert with wpa-encryption and a wireless adapter called prism 2.5 here? [11:30] lgc: th [11:30] mplayer users, what's the setting in config file that puts mplayer in full screen mode at startup? [11:30] a4ndr3c: hex is the numbering system 0-15. so do I write the wap key in base 10 or hex? [11:31] <_moro_bana_> jack_Sparrow: === El_toni is now known as vasigil [11:31] frawfraw: wait u want to connect to a wireless network right? [11:31] yea [11:31] <_moro_bana_> which software can i use to see my internet packets [11:32] frawfraw: so the key is already created... [11:32] useradd sourcemaker vboxusers is not working [11:32] a4ndr3c: i CAN connect, but I want to not have to type it every time [11:32] UBUNTUUUUUU [11:32] WHY DO YOU TEASE MEEE === andreas_ is now known as SilverHawK [11:33] Why does the wireless network stop working after a long period of idle time on laptops on ubuntu? [11:33] frawfraw: yes i understand it, i only dont understand the question, if the key is already created why do u ask if it is hex or decimal... [11:33] flynsarmy: my guess would be it shuts it off [11:33] FYI: It says it's connected [11:34] FYI: Just can't connect to anything on the network [11:34] Flynsarmy: weird; I am trying to figure out wireless stuff myself right now [11:34] Off topic:... [11:34] I think I figured it out... [11:35] life is basically from this | ... to this | [11:35] FYI: A reboot fixes the problem but it's quite annoying needing to reset my laptop every time i want to connect to something on my network or use the internet [11:35] frawfraw: create a file, type: iwconfig essid key [11:35] with a ... whole lot in between. I ... am the .. fluff [11:35] FYI , Flynsarmy , check /etc/reslov.conf for DNS [11:36] frawfraw: press enter and then type: dhclient [11:36] Flynsarmy, what driver do you use? [11:36] frawfraw: save the file, put the file exec then move it to /bin [11:37] stefano_: How do i find out? pete2: There is no /etc/reslov.conf file. [11:37] a4ndr3c: then what [11:37] I have a problem when trying to shutdown/restart/logout from the gnome desktop. The first time I click the shutdown button, the window closes so it appears to be shutting down, but then nothing happens. When I do the whole operation again it works. I always have to shutdown twice for the system to actually shut down [11:37] How do I run console Java applications? [11:37] hello how to install wine in ubuntu 7.10? [11:37] Flynsarmy, right click on your network manager icon next to the clock and choose "connection information" or something similar [11:37] frawfraw: when u want to connect to the wireless network, open a shell, and type the name of the file u edit before and press enter [11:37] frawfraw, the first time when ubuntu ask you for the key, does it say something about the *keyring*? [11:38] Emof: does "shutdown -h now" work? [11:38] Kalamansi, Applications -> Add/Remove ->search for wine [11:38] stefano_: iwl4965 [11:38] Flynsarmy: /etc/resolv.conf , if there is none, make one and set in it your nameserver IP [11:38] hello all [11:38] fuck you [11:38] hi [11:38] :) [11:38] pete2: Even if the file doesn't exist i still should be able to connect to network IPs shouldn't i? [11:38] dirkg3nt1y: hmm, I haven't tried... [11:38] ehh hmmm [11:38] hello all [11:38] guzu [11:38] guzu [11:38] guzu [11:38] Hi ^^ [11:38] Flynsarmy: it must exist :) [11:39] !ops | ccfggh [11:39] ccfggh: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici! [11:39] Flynsarmy, sorry no idea, i suspected a ralink chipset, but you could search the internet for driver issues with that chipset, intel wireles chips have had problems before [11:39] nymtar: there is no wine [11:39] anyone know what the name of the program that is loaded when "search for files" is run in gnome? [11:39] hi johansson [11:39] how do i configure the (isa nonplugnplay) soundcard in ubuntu ? [11:39] Flynsarmy: i dont think is driver problem, but your config [11:39] Where u guys from? [11:39] madmike: yes [11:39] Can someone help me out? Gutsy stopped automatically mounting my windows partition at boot-up and I don't know how to fix that [11:39] how come my resolution changes every time I reboot? [11:39] How do I run a console-based Java application? If I just java I get errors [11:40] Kalamansi, strange, try ubuntuforums.org .. there u can find howtos [11:40] gnome-search-tool [11:40] pete2: I haven't done any configuration. It just automatically connects when i first turn the laptop on and works fine until i go idle for a few hours and try to use it again. I'll create the file [11:40] dirkg3nt1y: thanks [11:40] !wine [11:40] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [11:40] Ok Kirk i got an issue i just apt-get WINE alright installed it and everything and now when i go to place it doesnt open anything. ill go to my home folder desktop you name it it will not open it [11:40] frawfraw, when ubuntu asks about the *keyring* it doesn't mean your routers ssid... it means the password for the keyring where you ssid is (or will be) saved [11:40] which file controls my screen resolution? [11:40] kibble Xorg.conf [11:41] do i edit it as root? [11:41] yes [11:41] ok [11:41] !ubuntudesktop [11:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntudesktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:41] Kibble, /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:41] madmike: yea, but when I type it, it doesn't work [11:41] thanks ere4si [11:41] !ubuntu-desktop [11:41] pete2: My apologies there was one. says: search Bigpond \n\n nameserver where \n are newlines [11:41] k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. [11:41] k [11:41] madmike: then it asks for the WAP key anyway [11:41] Ok Kirk i got an issue i just apt-get WINE alright installed it and everything and now when i go to place it doesnt open anything. ill go to my home folder desktop you name it it will not open it [11:42] Somone highlight me if they are talking to me about this issue [11:42] frawfraw, probably the password to the keyring was wrong so it can't access it [11:42] frawfraw: WAP? do u mean WPA? [11:42] Flynsarmy: set only nameserver IP and try [11:42] frawfraw, thus you need to enter it again [11:42] !alsa [11:42] madmike: where is the package manager on xubuntu? [11:42] *it beeing the whole WPA or WAP key [11:42] when you put a shell script in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts , it will be listed in a sub menu under scripts. how to put it in the top level of the right click menu? [11:42] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [11:43] madmike and a4ndr3c: is there a package or a link that supports automagic login, so I don't need the keyring manager? [11:43] frawfraw, i don't know too much about the layout of the xubuntu menu [11:43] >>> problem with sane backends and scanner detection, can someone help ? [11:43] frawfraw, the keyring is the thing you *are* looking for... i will need to make him work [11:43] !windowmaker [11:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about windowmaker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:43] madmike: can I start it from shell? [11:44] !icewm [11:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about icewm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:44] !fluxbox [11:44] fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox [11:44] frawfraw, I've never done it myself... maybe I find it out in a minute ;) [11:44] guzu: are u testing ubutu? lol [11:44] browse your c drive and find the .exe === Ballena_ is now known as Ballena [11:44] Anyone know why after i installed WINE my places links would just stop working, i hit it and the list comes down then i click on my home folder for instance and it does not open at all [11:44] or actually [11:45] a4ndr3c, no, i'm just learning ubuntu :) [11:45] anywere [11:45] you can rght click a .exe and open with wine [11:45] frawfraw: why do u dont do what i say.. lol [11:45] is some kind of notification deamon that send a message when computer is turned on (sending a message to me so i know i can ssh into it)? [11:45] a4ndr3c: because if I am messing with files and settings i would prefer a link, which details the process [11:45] !universe [11:45] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource [11:46] FUCK FUCK FUCK WIFI [11:46] FYI watch ur language [11:46] AYEEEE [11:46] frawfraw, I've never done this... but on xubuntu this seems like a viable solution: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=1644917 [11:46] are you an op random? [11:46] <|stefan|> is it possible to compile libapache2-mod-layout for the current gutsy apache2 package without having to compile the complete apache2 package ? [11:46] brb [11:46] ok [11:46] madmike: tnx [11:47] FYI no but im sure any OP in this room would agree with my, there are rules and one of them is no swearing act like an adult [11:47] s/my/me [11:47] j/e [11:47] err j/w* [11:47] frawfraw, y're welcome... hope the insutrctions on the page work as expected [11:47] can someone PM me some links to windows viruses? i have xp in a virtual machine and would love to observe viruses [11:47] brb [11:47] do not post them in here [11:47] Just frustrated >: | [11:47] hahaha [11:47] pete2: I tried commenting out the 'search' line. I then unchecked 'enable networking' to disconnect form the network then rechecked it and tried to reconnect to my network. I can't connect both with the line commented and uncommented. If i rebooted i'd be able to connect but i'd rather figure out what's causing the problem [11:47] ljsmithx: you expect us to believe that? [11:48] this channel is 1 step above an aol chatroom [11:48] ljsmithx u can use eicar test virus :) [11:48] but i like it [11:48] its liek the dumb end of the bell curve [11:48] but i was there to once [11:48] hmmmm?!? no midnght commander? [11:48] if you want some screen shots i will put them up in image shack [11:48] hi. is it possible to downgrade an up-to-date ubuntu system to xorg 7.1, and to make sure, it won't be updated in future? [11:48] just took a screenshot of Xchat next to my VM [11:49] anyone know of a command offhand that can show me how many files are on a particular disk? [11:49] !compiz [11:49] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [11:49] ljsmith: are you an eagles fan? [11:49] !ot | FYI [11:49] FYI: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [11:50] !1 freakin question | jussi01 [11:50] Symmetria, jup [11:50] ok im uploading to tinypic now [11:50] !guidelines > FYI [11:50] How do i install Ubuntu onto an USB stick, without formatting it? [11:50] imageshack are stupid [11:50] sort of like puppy linux? [11:50] !guidelines | jussi01 [11:50] jussi01: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [11:50] Symmetria, Files and Folder or just files [11:51] !install | Arelis [11:51] Arelis: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [11:51] "imageshack are stupid" [11:51] lol [11:51] mogrify and convert pwn [11:51] madmike both preferably, just trying to figure out how long this ls-lR is going to take and how big it is going to be [11:51] heh [11:51] !automate [11:51] Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning [11:52] Symmetria, use this [11:52] i ripped all of craigslist and im parsing it fro email addresses and deconding its hexidecimal code [11:52] its take a while [11:52] find /path/fromwhere7you/count | wc -l [11:52] madmike heh, was hoping to avoid using find, was looking for someone that looked at the disks allocation tables [11:52] find/ls will both take hours :) [11:53] Symmetria, hmm [11:53] Flynsarmy: TRY SETUP WLAN CARD CONFIG MANUALY [11:53] lol [11:53] sry caps [11:53] say [11:53] Kirk [11:53] (got an ls-lR running at the moment, its 70 meg big so far and growing :p Im expecting at least a 500meg output) [11:53] hi [11:53] table allocations can tell you more globally home much space is used (at total) and how much is left [11:53] randompolygamy: [11:53] lol [11:53] OK! === kirk is now known as ronpaul [11:53] http://i3.tinypic.com/6p4csv7.png [11:53] s/home/tell/g [11:53] ls [11:53] Heres the VM next to this chat window [11:54] i need some viruses! [11:54] ikonia: hey, u here? [11:54] ls [11:54] im going to kill my VM lol [11:54] well its nice to know ur listening now, but i installed WINE now i lost the abability to use my system off icon in the top right and places under my bars.. [11:54] heh madmike damn, was hoping to get some file info outta em :) but no biggie, can wait for this ls-lR to finish [11:55] heh so far its at 1.3 million files, probably about 5% of the way [11:55] like if i click places, it stright up doesnt do shit.. it will drop down the menu but i cant open a browser window [11:55] (this is a rather... large system Im doing this on) [11:55] PM me links people! [11:55] hi to all [11:55] Symmetria, why do you do ls-rR anyway? [11:55] hello! [11:55] madmike for the root of the ftp directory :) [11:55] pete2: How would i go about doing that? [11:55] will gzip it afterwards [11:55] ljsmithx: ths is really not the place... try ##windows maybe? [11:55] ok [11:55] heh madmike ftp.mirror.ac.za :) [11:56] Symmetria, seems to be THE ftp directory ;) [11:56] Flynsarmy: /etc/network/interfaces [11:56] heh madmike most of the big mirrors have an ls-lR for people to grab and grep etc :) [11:56] just takes a *LONG* time to produce such a thing [11:56] i have a problem with crossover , can any one help me ?? [11:57] Symmetria, this seems like a really big ftp-server no kidding [11:57] hehe madmike, this is the disk Im busy ls-lR'ing: [11:57] /dev/sda 6.8T 6.0T 445G 94% /diskspace2 [11:57] dont pm me im not registered [11:57] is there a way to check all of my in and out bound connections via eth) [11:57] eth0* [11:57] yes i see that [11:57] you mean like a firewall? [11:57] Symmetria, I hope you will engrave the result of this somewhere... poor mirror doing all this work ;) [11:57] any one [11:57] no just like a connection list.. [11:57] anyone here experiancing memmory leakage because of compiz? [11:58] heh madmike *laugh* I make it work slightly harder than this normally [11:58] yassine_, what are you trying to do with crossover? [11:58] research IDS "intrusion detectin system" [11:58] look at this: [11:58] cause my computers doing some weird stuff now and i think i might have been comprimised some how [11:58] randompolygamy: I think fiirestarter does that [11:58] portmap? [11:58] root@jhb-mirror:/public-ftp# netstat -na |grep -c ESTABLISHED [11:58] 1477 [11:58] i want to install msn messenger 7.5 === ronpaul is now known as kirk_ [11:58] How can I know how much memmory my ubuntu is using up? ram [11:58] IDS, you know the package name? [11:58] Symmetria, are you the admin of this thing? [11:58] madmike *nod* [11:59] Xintruder: top or free from command line [11:59] #free from ? [11:59] Xintruder: the nvidia driver has a really bad memory leak when using compiz [11:59] there's not much you can do about it until nvidia fixes it :/ [11:59] Symmetria, a proud admin then ;) [11:59] Xintruder: «top» and «free» are to command line programs [11:59] crdlb: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl wont fix it? [12:00] Symmetria, you got any idea as to why my places menu is un-accesable, as far as it openes but if i click home or desktop or anything it doesnt open at all and it didnt start this untill i just installed WINE via Apt-get [12:00] Xintruder: well Xgl would avoid it, but Xgl itself isn't great [12:00] heh madmike that box makes me smile :) put a huge amount of effort into making it work nicely and getting the hardware in place etc, and getting ubuntu to play nicely on some of that hardware wasnt easy either [12:00] crdlb: I have no clue what Im doing...... [12:00] hi all, my monitor (LCD TV) is really picky about what resolutions (and refresh rates) it will accept, I know how to specify horizontal refresh rate for a given res (I think "modes 1360x768@47.7"), but how do I specify vertical refresh rates? I want to produce an xorg.conf file for these resolutions: http://www.lyris-lite.net/img/32v/pcres.jpg [12:00] randompolygamy absolutely no idea, I typically avoid X windows at all cost [12:01] Symmetria, yesh figuered as much, you know anyone that would have any idea? [12:01] crdlb: so If I buy a laptop with intel graphic card, that would be better for compiz? [12:01] Xintruder: Xgl is an X server used by people whose drivers don't support compiz, it's an abstraction layer essentially. [12:01] random, probably someone in this channel :p [12:01] crdlb, you ever had an issue with that that was compiz related? [12:01] as far as menues not working [12:01] any one here can help me ???? [12:02] !anyone [12:02] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [12:02] yassine_, what are you trying to do with crossover? [12:02] yassine_: what is your issue? please be precise [12:02] Xintruder: an intel chip would work very well with compiz, but so should nvidia cards :/ (it's just nvidia's driver that has some issues) [12:02] hm, I wanted to try out kde, so I did sudo apt-get install kde . logged out, logged in (kde session) that worked. As I don't like/use it, I'd like to remove it again. How to do that? [12:02] sudo apt-get remove kde [12:02] ;) [12:03] well, that'll just remove the meta package kde [12:03] but not the apps that were installed alongside (?) [12:03] Tilllinux: manually there is no automated way of removing all the dependencies kde installed [12:03] crdlb: this is annoying. Its been weeks people keep telling me buy a laptop with an nVidia chip, like 10's of people, not one told me there was this problem. [12:03] madmike, when i try to install the messenger 7.5 form .exe it said that i need windows xp [12:03] Tilllinux: then use sudo apt-get autoremove [12:03] and all were linux, compiz users [12:03] pwnt [12:03] yassine_: try installing pdgin instead [12:03] or using wine [12:03] google for either ;-) [12:03] pidgin* [12:04] man this is fubar!!!!!!! [12:04] (Wine is not an emulator) [12:04] yassin, you need to configure crossover to tell it is "windows xp"... probably it is set to "windows 95/98" [12:04] my hole family use it ( msn messenger) for mic chatting [12:04] whats the command to disassemble a rpm ... not convert it to a deb .. but extract it [12:04] yassine_ pidgin and Gaim etc all have MSN support [12:04] how to do it [12:04] ?? [12:04] Symmetria, whats the command to open up a browser from command line? like a graphical browser to look at thwats on the HD [12:04] is there an cp "alternative" which features showing percent and speed of the currnet copy process ? [12:04] gladier: rpm2targz ? [12:05] yassine_, You don't neet msn messenger to talk to other msn messenger users [12:05] GAIM is depricated [12:05] randompolygamy: nautilus [12:05] how do i list all packages containing the string 'vesa' ? [12:05] it's replaced by pidgin [12:05] hmm.. [12:05] randompolygamy: [12:05] yassine_ what OS are you using (Ubuntu, Kubuntu etc) [12:05] sudo apt-get install firefox [12:05] then [12:05] firefox [12:05] or [12:05] ubuntu 7.10 [12:05] ./usr/bin/firefox [12:05] ok [12:05] yassine_ as randompolygamy said... use gaim or pidgin [12:05] I thnk that has GAIM installed [12:05] thats right u know what, i edited my Nutilus for compiz [12:05] heh random again, I generally stick to normal CLI utilities, but if I really really really want some form of interface, I use midnight commander [12:05] tim__b: use midnight comander (like norton comander of DOS) ;) [12:05] crdlb: what package? [12:05] eww [12:06] guzu, apt-cache search vesa | grep vesa [12:06] (apt-get install mc) [12:06] yassine_ go to your aps and find GAIM or pidgn [12:06] tim__b, thnx [12:06] yassine you can also use webmessenger.msn.com [12:06] ok , thanks guys [12:06] yassine_ np [12:06] hi [12:06] hey goth [12:06] yassin, If your wanting to use Yahoo i would suggest GyachE [12:06] erUSUL, hmm but it's a complete file manager and i just need a cp ;) [12:06] yassine_, good look, come back here if it doesn't work out [12:06] what do I need to do/install to get complete support for east asian fonts? [12:06] * Symmetria watches his ls-lR grow beyond the 150meg mark and snores [12:06] ok i will [12:06] I mean for korean/chinese/japanese fonts [12:07] see you soon , take care [12:07] bb yassin [12:07] afternoon all :) , i just scanned my own ports with nmap and it shows that i am running the TELNET service, which i am not, but when i connect to my pc via the telnet client, this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51648/ [12:07] g0th, i've never used them, do you normaly need a different keyboard to type them [12:07] how do i shutdown this service? [12:07] There are too many IM Systems... right now I'm using XMPP, ICQ, skype and IRC :/ [12:07] an example: when I open this page I just see garbage text (not asian): http://www16.big.or.jp/~zun/html/th07.htm [12:07] hmm.. [12:07] +l [12:07] http://www16.big.or.jp/~zun/html/th07.html [12:08] g0th, i'll google search [12:08] someone can pastebin me the menu.lst? i missed the part to don not uncomment.... [12:08] (http://www.google.com/linux) [12:08] Symmetria, you know Nautilus well at all? [12:08] g0th: which particular language? [12:08] yu guys and yu room [12:08] korean chinese and japanese [12:08] randompolygamy no, I already told you, I avoid using X (or any GUI) at all costs [12:08] and as far as I know nautilis is a graphical application [12:08] B-rabbit, how comes you don't know services you installed? [12:08] I need them for a korean/chinese software [12:08] g0th: http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/FaqI18nLinuxAsianFonts [12:09] Ugh, anyone have any idea why nagios.org would not be working for me? I can visit the website fine on my windows box, but my linux box does not seem to want to open it. [12:09] synacktion, yeah i know figuered i would ask ;X [12:09] Symmetria, *** ^^ [12:09] g0th: just for reading or for input as well [12:09] wana install lexmark 1200 series printer on ubuntu, bought printer but dont have the linux drivers ! Anybody here who can hep me ? [12:09] sp0ro: are you using a different browser (for example konquror instead of firefox) [12:09] hi, how to use network-manager to connect to my wireless network and set it to use a static ip? [12:09] !xorg [12:09] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [12:09] Randomtime: Using firefox [12:09] bazhang: just for reading [12:10] sp0ro, interesting, updated? [12:10] Randomtime: The title of the website shows up like it loaded, but nothing shows up on my screen. The site was working less than 15 mins ago. All other websites work fine. [12:10] g0th: using firefox? or system wide [12:10] Randomtime: Yes. [12:10] system wide and firefox [12:10] I need them mainly for a wine application [12:10] B-rabbit, how comes you don't know services you installed? [12:10] g0th: do you have the various language packs installed? [12:10] tifine: http://hardware4linux.info/component/28120/ [12:10] hmm I don't think so [12:11] though I installed all kinds of fonts [12:11] (really a lot) [12:11] basically all ttf fonts that had chinese japanese or korean in the description [12:11] madmike, err ... i didn't install the service (telnet), but i think its something to do with my router, [12:11] bazhang: what do you mean by "various language packs" ? [12:12] madmike, i think its my router that is running the service [12:12] mot my pc [12:12] not my pc [12:12] so i need to install the z600 drivers ! [12:12] g0th: there should be a menu setting called region and and accessibility (not sure of the gnome equivalent) that will let you choose which languages are correctly displayed on your system [12:12] tifine: seems like it... [12:12] B-rabbit, maybe you can shutdown the telnet-server by web-interface [12:12] ok [12:13] tifine: You might want to ask Lexmark to offer Linux drivers in the future [12:13] madmike, how is that possible? [12:13] B-rabbit, but you should be okay... telnet should onyl be accessible from the LAN side not from the internet [12:13] oh ic [12:13] g0th: if you need to type input in those languages then you should also install scim and the various plugins for it; scim-pinyin as one example [12:13] tifine: The more we pound at the door, the more likely they realise we are serious [12:13] I don't need to type input [12:14] B-rabbit, every router web interface is different... i dont' know... just open a browser and type its IP adresse and see what options you have [12:14] they r just like they think the windows is the best and always provide their drivers [12:14] B-rabbit, else you might need to read the fine router-manual ;) [12:14] just to view, and I didn't find "region and accessibility" or any settings where I can select asian fonts [12:14] hmm ohh [12:14] I missed language support below [12:14] *g* [12:14] tifine: Yh, but keep trying, it helps [12:15] how do i find out wich package provides startx? [12:15] How do I make ssh start automatically each time the computer starts? [12:15] Hello. Can anybody tell me how I can create just a plain file in /usr/bin with some information inside through terminal or GUI? [12:15] alrite couldnt be able to find anything at name of z600 at ubuntu 7.10 [12:15] guzu, startx is part of xorg [12:16] tifine: try googleing it (google.com/linux) [12:16] Hi [12:16] davvs: That should have been done during install. Set a link in /etc/rc2.d/ for ex. [12:16] madmike, i've just installed xserver-xorg and startx command is not found [12:16] ok thanks vlt [12:16] BB88: sudo nano [12:16] ok [12:16] BB88: touch [12:16] how can let ubuntu make connection at boot and not login? [12:16] hejsan [12:16] What? [12:16] how can one* [12:16] BB88, touch /usr/bin/filename; gedit ... [12:16] guzu, which ubuntu version doyou have? [12:17] madd__, [12:17] BB88: sudo nano /usr/bin/yourfile [12:17] madmike, i suppose [12:17] type, which startx [12:17] Jack_Sparrow: Then to save it? [12:17] hi, i cant use my ipw3945 in ubuntu. lrm is installed. The driver is activated under restricted drivers but "not in use". What could be the Problem? [12:17] what does it say? [12:17] madmike, ok [12:18] madmike, u are right i do get a web interface when i type in my external IP, but to change the settings, i have to provide a Uname & passwd, do i have to contact my ISP to get it? [12:18] madmike, wich: command not found :) [12:18] Does anyone know of any issues why it would not be recommended to run an existing configuration of Ubuntu on a New Motherboard. I am planning to upgrade my Motherboard and would like to know if there are any issues I should be wary of. [12:18] BB88: The commands are right there at the bottom of the screen.. ctrl whatever you want just be sure you know what you want to do in there [12:19] B-rabbit, the ISP won't help here, if it is your router the password is set by the manufacturer and *will* be written down in the manual [12:19] guzu: which not wich [12:19] Jack_Sparrow: It is to make an alternative way for opening IRC links in firefox: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25372 It is the 7th post down. === _Magilla is now known as Magilla [12:20] madmike, anyway, apt-get install xdm fixed it :) thnx again [12:20] madmike, ok, i will check right away : ) ...thnx [12:20] only now i have to install some fonts ... [12:20] guzu, okay.. np :) [12:20] B-rabbit, np :) [12:20] how to know which version i'm running,32-bit or 64 bit? [12:20] uname -a [12:21] kranny, cat /proc/version [12:21] labinnsw: I did this several times before. It always worked. Maybe you have to edit /etc/iftab before upgrading to still get ssh access afterwards [12:21] guju:like there we have to search for 64 right? [12:21] kranny: uname -r i thnk [12:21] but isnt there any ciommand lyk we get in a single line output [12:22] any hardware experts here? planning to build a new computer. have put together a hardware component list, but need some guidance [12:22] kranny, hmm I do get single line output... what do you need? [12:22] labinnsw: And if you use X on the machine you propably have to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again. [12:22] reboot required, I'll bbl [12:22] bye [12:23] kranny: uname -m [12:23] ''could not open default font 'fixed'" what do i have to install to give xorg some fonts? [12:23] guju: sorry if you din't understood me? [12:23] !fonts | guzu [12:23] guzu: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [12:23] * guzu wonders who guju is [12:24] BB88: Read it.. I see no problems with it.. be sure to chmod it afterwords [12:24] I cannot get Nautilus to open at all, ither it be through command line or through Gnome, anyone have any ideas on what i could do and see if it is hanging somewhere? [12:24] maybe guju wonders who guzu is ;) [12:24] erUSUL, thnx [12:24] :) [12:24] Randomtime:dats kernel version [12:24] What's the command if I want to use aptitude to upgrade a single application and not all applications on the system? [12:25] erusul:thats machine architecture [12:25] randompolygamy, you could open a terminal and type, ps ef| grep nautilus [12:25] kranny: if the answer is x86_64 you are on 64 bit if its i686 you are on 32 bit [12:25] madmike what would that do? [12:25] Thanks, vlt [12:25] konrad:apt-get upgrade appname i think [12:25] randompolygamy, if it outputs the same command nautilus is nor running (or hanging) [12:26] konrad: I don't know the command but you can use "=" in the aptitude UI to set the other pkgs "on hold". [12:26] Jack_Sparrow: I have done, but all that happens now is http://www.$.com/ appears in my address bar! [12:26] madd__, you want this pastebin? [12:27] kranny: tnx. I tried using aptitude but that didn't work. apt-get works fine [12:27] madmike, http://pastebin.ca/851948 [12:27] randompolygamy, I might help... as much i understand nautlius dosn't start... any other hints of why? [12:27] i -> it [12:28] sorry it should have been, ps -ef | grep nautiuls [12:28] ps -ef | grep nautilus [12:28] im unsure, i just installed wine Via apt-get [12:28] the '-' was missing [12:28] BB88: Cant help you with that.. I would suggest you read through start to finish again.. make sure you chmod the file you created, make use you make the edits to feirfox per the forum.. I dont use xchat.. and to be honest.. not quite awake yet [12:29] ok, madmike its hanging with a result of no desktop [12:29] kranny: On a second look, it didn't work. That will update all programs and not only the one specified [12:29] madmike, http://pastebin.ca/851950 [12:29] randompolygamy, it doesn't work since you installed wine? [12:29] Jack_Sparrow: Heh ok, thank you. [12:29] randompolygamy: trying to run nautilus as root? [12:30] randompolygamy, seems to running severall times [12:30] try to kill them with, killall nautilus [12:30] and restart one with, nautilus & [12:30] [sudo] password for randompolygamy: [12:30] Initializing gnome-mount extension [12:30] thats the reply and it openend the window [12:30] Yeah it appears to be running sevral times with no GUI [12:31] randompolygamy, wine should have to do anything with the nautilus problems [12:31] madmike, yeah i know its just Coincidental [12:31] randompolygamy, maybe something mounted by network? [12:31] re [12:32] I'm trying to use asian fonts in wine [12:32] as in i was comprimised? [12:32] the wine guys told me to simply install them normally on the system and then it should work in wine [12:32] konrad:go with spm [12:32] randompolygamy, no i meant maybe you have some samba drive mounted.. I'm just geussing here [12:32] what do I need to do to get korean/chinese/japanese fonts to work properly (only display not write) [12:32] why do you think you are compromised? [12:32] hmm... it is a wine drive ^_^ [12:33] ??? [12:33] i had a windows CD in that i was getting ready to run (counter strike) to install it and get that going.. but hmm [12:33] found it: sudo aptitude install package-name upgrades the package id it's already installed [12:33] Hi there, does anyone know how to fix that: http://0m-web.dalofo.de/screens/12.1.2008-13:6:30.png ? Usually, the problem appears after recording my desktop using recordmydesktop, but today, it happened without recordin the desktop. It happens to all players and videos (exept flash-videos on youtube for example) [12:34] I've never recieved a virus/worm/rootkit by installing software... either bought or copied [12:34] randompolygamy, I'd just reboot and see what triggers the problems with nautilus [12:34] k [12:35] i had the cd in the drive when i rebooted last so i thought about that... [12:35] brb [12:35] k [12:36] i have problem with cvs files i instaled, in synaptic they showing up the cvs version and i would like to return to ubuntu default version , how can one do that ? === mi is now known as MuNzE [12:42] hi there, i want to change the logical name of my wireless network adapter from wifi0 to wlan0 .. how can i do that? === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [12:42] udev rule probably [12:42] /etc/udev/udev.rules i think [12:43] can any one tell me how can i start compiz in gutsy [12:44] hello im using ubuntu 7.10 ... do i need to install the dhcp? in order to run a firestarter? [12:45] Kalamansi, no, why would you need to? [12:46] hi to everyone! [12:46] simplechat: ah ok. just want to make sure i dont mess with my iptables or my box [12:46] simplechat : firestarter will give internet connection to my second pc right? [12:47] no [12:47] least i don't think so [12:47] !firestarter | Kalamansi [12:47] Kalamansi: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [12:47] madmike, it worked.. [12:47] jetscreamer, there is only a rules.d and a udev.conf in this directory .. how can i edit rules.d? [12:47] you want something else for that [12:48] randompolygamy, nice :) [12:48] madmike, so what would the command be to um-mount the wine drives? [12:48] nymtar: it might be in rules.d [12:48] www.debianadmin.com/rename-network-interface-using-udev-in-linux.html [12:48] somebody can tell me where i can find a desk applett plugin for xmms player? [12:48] hey all. quick question involving a known installer bug: dell inspiron E1705 has a graphics issue with the liveCD. which command line do I install fglrx at? the pre-existing debian kernel's terminal, or some other location? [12:48] actually mine is in /etc/udev [12:48] randompolygamy, hmm wine has its own 'notion' about what mounting is... start winecfg there you tell which folder is what in wine [12:49] or is there simply a way to install ubuntu without having to go through x [12:49] DRebellion : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo - i will need this first before running firestarter? [12:49] Kalamansi: firestarter configures iptables for you [12:49] Jarhyn: google knoppix cheat codes, some work [12:49] !compiz [12:49] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [12:50] Jarhyn, use the ubuntu-alternative iso [12:50] jetscreamer, but who do i _edit_ rules.d? [12:51] or at least, read it [12:51] how do I enable asian fonts in wine? [12:51] nym: rules.d is a directory [12:51] whats that site where you post code? [12:51] I installed everything on my normal system (eg. firefox displays sites correctly) but it fails in wine (eg. firefox in wine doesn't display the sites correctly) [12:51] "simple internet collaboration" [12:52] !paste [12:52] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [12:52] jetscreamer, thanks [12:52] Hey everyone, I'm running the feisty live CD at the moment, I'd really appreciate it if someone would talk me through the install real quick :) [12:52] can any one please tell me how can i start compiz in gutsy [12:53] g0th: i think you have to download the windows font files and put them in a folder called 'fonts' that should be somewhere inside ~/.wine [12:53] may somebody wants to help me? [12:53] !ask | glidesurfer [12:53] glidesurfer: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [12:53] ubuntu , how can i switch to conxole? (fluxbox, xdm) [12:53] Xman: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects [12:54] i got a problem with compiling filezilla [12:54] guzu, ctrl+alt+F1 to F6 - F7 brings you back to X [12:54] Maybe I should be more specific, I just need a bit of help with my partitioning (I'm a little confused as to what partitions to set up for ubuntu), If anyone could spare a little time I'd be very grateful [12:54] hmm, I does windows have korean/chinese/japanese fonts installed by default? [12:54] ompaul, no, it's not working [12:54] Im having a spot of bother with Emerald, if anyone has a moment to help, id be greatful! [12:54] guzu, done something like tried to install some "eye candy" ? [12:55] !compiz | kodge [12:55] kodge: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [12:55] so the alternative iso allows a command line install? [12:55] Thanks! [12:55] I added this " alias xmaple='export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit && /home/jin/maple11/bin/xmaple'" line to bashrc but it does not work in the alt+f2 box [12:55] Jarhyn, for values of command line yes - it is a non gui [12:55] ompaul, no, i've only installed fluxbox, xserver-xorg and xdm [12:55] "checking for libgnutls - version >= 2.0.4... no" - but i already installed the newes version [12:55] Jarhyn, normal version allows for text mode install also [12:55] g0th: firefox in wine? you are using ubuntu right? [12:56] guzu, can you start an xterm or some such? [12:56] invertedtwisted, what do you need to know about the partitioning? [12:56] yes [12:56] ompaul, no [12:56] bazhang: it's just for testing font support in wine [12:56] crdlb: but its not puting my desktop on the 3d cube, how to do that? [12:56] guzu, no menus if you right click or left click ... [12:57] Xman: join #compiz-fusion [12:57] ompaul, menus, but no xterm [12:57] crdlb: ok thanks! [12:57] !metaquestion invertedtwisted [12:57] !font | g0th [12:57] g0th: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [12:57] guzu, any console in there? [12:57] ompaul, no [12:57] ompaul, also no way t shutdown :) [12:57] ubotu: I installed them for ubuntu hmm [12:58] ah [12:58] !metaquestion | invertedtwisted [12:58] invertedtwisted: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [12:58] didn't see the bot command ^^ [12:59] g0th: wine questions? perhaps #winehq can help out there (if anyone is awake) :} [12:59] guzu, ask in #xubuntu they know their menus - you can ctrl-alt-del and wait for the box to hit grub and get into "single" user mode from there - and choose recovery when there do sudo apt-get install rcconf and use that to turn off xdm [12:59] I tried but failed [12:59] http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ers/535469062.html === mac__ is now known as madmac [12:59] they can't help it seems [12:59] My City here!! =====>> http://kolopetinitsa.myminicity.com/ [12:59] so your hint helped more to copy the fonts from the windows directory [12:59] My City here!! =====>> http://kolopetinitsa.myminicity.com/ [12:59] ompaul, thnx [13:00] DRebellion : i have problem connecting my firestarter .. my internet is active.."failed to start the firewall .. the device eth1 is not ready" but its connected and plug in the mobo =/ [13:00] second question: how do I get ubuntu to boot directly to a terminal without loading x [13:01] who even cares about these city things? yeesh [13:01] How can I enable external monitor in my laptop ? is there any software ? [13:01] Bagoor, bios setup? [13:01] Jarhyn: add single to the boot: line (when the cd first starts to boot) [13:01] funtion f4? [13:02] Jarhyn, Googel says: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/prevent-xorg-from-starting-in-linux/ [13:02] guzu: External Monitor ! It should be software based as it is in Windows [13:02] is there a transkode package for ubuntu? [13:02] lol [13:03] hi [13:03] Mornin, anyone here good with VPN Tunnels etc? [13:03] Rapp, is transkode the same as transcode? [13:03] no [13:03] it's a kde front end he said [13:03] Bagoor, on my notebook, i have to go to bios for this [13:03] anyone know how to connect to a specific server using the X-chat Gnome? [13:03] jetscreamer, then i don't :) [13:03] i cannot connect my 2nd pc using firestarter =/ [13:03] /server irc.whatever.whatever [13:03] Jarhyn sudo apt-get install rcconf << then start sudo rcconf in a terminal and choose gdm [13:03] logicalor, /server servername [13:03] alpha232: what exactly is the question/problem? [13:03] Lograk, I do [13:04] i need help. i am done installing firestrter... [13:04] Lograk, , /server servername [13:04] Jarhyn to turn it off atm sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [13:04] DRebellion: any idea [13:04] ello does anyone know what the ubuntu proposed updates is/involves/etc? [13:04] aha thanks =) [13:04] !metaquestion | alpha232 [13:04] alpha232: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [13:05] Pirate_Hunter, it depends on the packages you are about to install on what it will propose [13:05] alpha232, best VPN imho is openvpn you can install it from the repos, and then read the FAQ on the openvpn site to make it work - brilliant [13:05] DRebellion: its kind of an odd setup but.. NetworkA is on the internet but also has a private subnet. NetworkB is behind multiple nats. I need a computer on network B to make a connection to the public address of a computer on NetworkA so computers on NetworkA can route through the private address to NetworkB [13:06] Pirate_Hunter, generally it means they are not necessary but might be useful [13:06] DRebellion: NetworkB is windows XP, NetworkA has a ubuntu host [13:06] !firestarter [13:06] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [13:07] hey guys, my flashplugin-nonfree is on version 9.0.48 and the adobe site is 9.0.115 for linux, I installed from the debs so are thye going to update the package at all? [13:08] alpha232, have a look at the FAQ on openvpn.net [13:08] ompaul: looking now... [13:08] it just needs to be fairly automatic and transparent [13:08] NET||abuse, do this, and you might figure it out, /msg ubotu flash [13:09] Guys im installing counterstrike and i cannot eject the disk because of wine... its telling me that i cannot eject is because some applications is using it, but yet i have to eject it to complete the instalation of the game.. so WTH am i supposed to do? [13:09] randompolygamy: kill all the wine processes [13:09] randompolygamy: oh [13:09] DRebellion, wont that cancel the instalation? [13:09] ompaul, ok, thanks.. [13:10] randompolygamy: didn't read the last bit properly. that's a sticky situation [13:10] madmike: kk than i dont need it [13:11] DRebellion, any solution? [13:11] ompaul, done, rcconf disabled xdm :) [13:11] weirdness ugh === _luke is now known as _luke_ [13:13] I'm having problems getting a decent resolution form my display - I've found a snippet from an xorg.conf file online for my monitor, but I still get a really poor (failsafe?) resolution [13:13] randompolygamy: umount the cd [13:13] from* [13:13] randompolygamy: then open the drive using the button on the front [13:13] bjames: system > administration > screens and graphics [13:13] DRebellion: nope [13:14] DRebellion: that seems to ignore the supported res. I put in the xorg file [13:14] DRebellion, whats the command to unmount mount -u? [13:14] umount [13:14] i am new to irc chat, how do i ask help on installing dutch dictionary on evolution email? [13:14] umount [13:14] !nl | edgar-knarretje [13:14] !ask | edgar-knarretje [13:14] edgar-knarretje: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [13:14] edgar-knarretje: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [13:14] so unmount /cdrom? [13:15] probably umount /media/cdrom [13:15] edgar-knarretje, /join #ubuntu-nl]# [13:15] edgar-knarretje, /join #ubuntu-nl [13:15] randompolygamy: no 'umount' [13:15] DRebellion: i think my eyes just went cross, that isn't a FAQ thats a dumping ground [13:15] divice is busy [13:15] ik ga naar ubuntu-nl [13:15] !pastebin | bjames [13:15] DRebellion: if you have an FAQ that dense, you need better documentation and tutorials [13:15] erro na instalaçao do instalador de games [13:15] problem with HP M1005 MFP , scanner is not detected , printer runs fine, any help on this ? [13:16] plataforma usada é 64bits [13:16] !br | Treezy [13:16] Treezy: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [13:16] DRebellion, it replys twice that the device is busy [13:17] sou novo aki.. como faço para mudar [13:17] Treezy: /join #ubuntu-br [13:17] DRebellion: here's my xorg.conf file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51652/ [13:18] randompolygamy: you probably still have something pointing at it.. do lsof and grep something [13:18] I made this myself (not with the config tool), it's based on the xorg.config file that was autogenerated and information I found online for my monitor [13:18] even a console that is cd'd to the dir will do it [13:18] jetscreamer, wine is more than likely in the directory [13:18] lsof [13:19] hello firestarter is already installed. but when i run the thing i got an error "failed to start the firewall the device eth1 is not ready" tho i plug my eth1 ... with cable... [13:19] Kalamansi: just a guess, maybe it's not named eth1 ? [13:20] algum maluco por ai [13:20] !pt | Oloko [13:20] Oloko: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [13:21] <_moro_bana_> does anyone know of an encoder i can use to change the video formats , my media palyer cannot some of the vedio files [13:21] _moro_bana_: I recommend installing vlc [13:21] !mencoder | _moro_bana_ [13:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about mencoder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:21] Ubuntu 7.10 crashes when I click the power button on the task bar to log out. [13:21] jetscreamer : http://pastebin.com/m6a0fca91 please take a look [13:21] _moro_bana_: mencoder [13:21] <_moro_bana_> bjames: thats a player? [13:22] kodge: Have you tryed using the shutdown command? [13:22] Via the terminal? No I havnt. [13:22] <_moro_bana_> DRebellion: thanks DR [13:22] _moro_bana_: no probs [13:22] kodge: try that and report back [13:22] Will do [13:22] _moro_bana_: yes [13:23] I just type Shutdown right? [13:23] ( Sorry, quite new to Ubuntu ) [13:23] <_moro_bana_> DRebellion: is it GUI [13:24] _moro_bana_: no [13:25] jetscreamer, whats the entire command? just lsof? [13:25] _moro_bana_: what sort of file are you trying to play? [13:25] kodge, 'sudo shutdown' [13:25] <_moro_bana_> DRebellion: any which has GUI ? [13:25] yes lsof [13:25] <_moro_bana_> DRebellion: avi vedios some play some dont [13:26] Kalamansi: i see... might be that avahi stuff, not sure not my forte [13:26] _moro_bana_: try avidemux [13:26] !mplayer | _moro_bana_ [13:26] _moro_bana_: mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs [13:26] it's easy to use [13:26] jetscreamer : im not familiar with the aahi thing.... what to do now? any clue? [13:26] DRebellion: ok faq was no help... oh well [13:26] mencoder is a little more complicated, but works well [13:27] Kalamansi: no i dunno [13:27] Enter text here...a [13:27] a [13:27] a [13:27] a [13:27] a [13:27] a [13:27] rycka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:27] hi! I'm a new Ubuntu user, everything seems to work fine.. there is however one problem: I got a dual screen setup on my machine, where the 2nd screen is a projector.. i'd like to run my "main" screen as 1440x900, and my projector at 1280x720.. so I set it up in "Screens and graphics" admin page. [13:27] When re-login, the projector works fine, but my main screen res is wrong, i can "scroll" around the desktop by pushing the mouse pointer to the edges.. [13:27] bitch [13:27] sex [13:27] oh yeah! [13:27] SEX [13:28] <_moro_bana_> ubotu: i have mplayer installed it doesnt even play most of the files, maybe codecs yes [13:28] lol bbuubye [13:28] AHAHAHA~ [13:28] BYBUNTU [13:28] !bot | _moro_bana_ [13:28] <_moro_bana_> ubotu: how do i intall those !codecs [13:28] _moro_bana_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [13:28] !codecs | _moro_bana_ [13:28] _moro_bana_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [13:28] I need a secure way to upgrade to Ub, 7.10 - is there a better way than online? I have a mysql apache php server running - should I use the desktop or server upgrade? [13:28] wow some people just dont know how to speak english and use proper words, they dwell on the word "sex" how immature [13:29] hello how to connect pc2 using firestarter? pc1 server is connected to the net [13:29] randompolygamy yes how amazing that some people don't speak english... moron [13:29] heheh [13:29] randompolygamy: you're the one talking random polygamy === Blue-Omega_ is now known as Blue-Omega [13:29] lets get back on topic please [13:29] Kalamansi >> use ssh and open port 22 in firestarter [13:29] punkshui, even if they do speak english, he spoke ignorance [13:30] ugh dear god this is painful.. [13:31] alpha232, yeah, im not spamming the channel with the word sex am i? my name is irreverent to my IQ or my ability to speak english. [13:31] sorry jrib just read that [13:31] Anyone that please could help me with the installation of apache2? Following a guide that told me to use the command: ./configure --enable-so --prefix=/usr/local/apache. [13:31] Hi. I cant get nautilus to start no matter what, any ideas? [13:31] asathoor: how to ssh? [13:32] Gallu1: do not install things by compiling them. Use the packages from the repository [13:32] !apache2 > gallu1 (read the private message from ubotu) [13:32] Kalamansi >> install it (sudo apt-get install ssh) [13:33] Gallu1: Is there any particular reason why you are compiling by source?? Ie missing a feature. pacakges would be easier as jrib suggested. [13:33] <_moro_bana_> ubotu: one thing please, i pay for my megabytes(internt) which tool can i use to view my uploads and downloads [13:33] Kalamanse >> then do something like this (ssh kalamansi@ [13:33] _moro_bana_: ubotu is a robot [13:33] asathoor : in my second machine? or same box? [13:33] ChrisGibbs: Would be fun to know what's happening ^^and learn some more. But probably that I just should use thing that isn't too advanced [13:33] <_moro_bana_> DRebellion: i didnt know, can u get that for me [13:34] on the second mashine [13:34] <_moro_bana_> DRebellion: no wonder he is always here [13:34] DRebellion, any idea on how to get this to unmount? [13:34] how do i make terminal display things so i can read them completely.. when i put in dmesg i'm sure that a lot of it gets cut off [13:34] asathoor : but pc2 has limited or no internet connection.... what ip to setup there? [13:34] |less [13:34] or |more [13:35] you can also use konqueror or nautilus and enter the adress of the mashine on your LAN in the adress field, like thins ssh://user@192.etc... [13:35] punkshui, [13:35] kalamansi >> is it connected by a router? [13:35] punkshui, Break with |less or |more and scroll with space [13:35] hi guys, i have a problem with dependencies. [13:35] or wifi [13:35] hi all; i've change the mount point of a volume that was mounted automatically in nautilus, but screwed it up.. does anyone know where these options are stored? [13:35] !apache | Gallu1. This might be a more appropriate guide to use. Depending on your needs. [13:35] Gallu1. This might be a more appropriate guide to use. Depending on your needs.: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [13:36] asathor : ubuntu is my box router. i dont use router like linksys or etc [13:36] whenever i install clamav, it always gives this error [13:36] randompolygamy thanks [13:36] asathoor : i am using static ip [13:36] punkshui, Np [13:37] asathoor : my isp setup static in my modem..so i will just plug the cable to my built-in NIC then i can internet now [13:37] Kalamansi >> well then you should be able to connect them [13:37] ChrisGibbs: Thanks, gonna check it out. [13:37] !ssh [13:37] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [13:37] I need a secure way to upgrade to Ub, 7.10 - is there a better way than online? I have a mysql apache php server running - should I use the desktop or server upgrade? [13:38] i get this error when i start ubuntu.. i can't really see it too well it shows up after Starting Up... all i can read is a string of numbers and no controller found after it... any ideas? [13:38] asathoor: firestarter have error like this " error failed to start firewall the device eth1 is not ready" but it is plug there [13:39] i get this error when i start ubuntu.. i can't really see it too well it shows up after Starting Up... all i can read is a string of numbers and no controller found after it... any ideas? [13:39] hello [13:39] i need help installing gutsy on an acer travelmate machine [13:39] how to enable hardy respitories? [13:39] Kalamansi >> firestarter : try Preferences > Network settings, and choose the correct device [13:39] the laptop does not want me to install any linux distro [13:39] i have problem with cvs files i added and i would like to remove them from synaptic and get defaults back on lits, any tips how to do this ? [13:40] it just fails at every attempt [13:40] my latest attempt was installing a command line system [13:40] jack ,how old is that acer ? [13:40] very very new [13:40] it came vista ready [13:41] jack, did u try alternate cd install ? [13:41] what is that? [13:41] text base install [13:41] Hi, I'm trying to set up a dual boot, anyone can help me? [13:41] asathoor: maybe my eth1 is dead? [13:41] !dualboot [13:41] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [13:41] i have the gutsy dvd and the gutsy cd, which one shall i load? [13:41] asathoor: or ill restart my pc? [13:41] Kalamansi >> perhaps, try ipconfig in a prompt [13:42] I'm already trying to follow this guide http://www.matthewjmiller.net/howtos/dual-boot-linux-and-windows/ but I'm stuck on the partitioning bit. The computer came with windows on and I want to avoid a tedious windows install, do those guides have the guide for a computer with windows already installed? [13:43] asathor : http://pastebin.com/m47c02774 [13:43] Noodles >> normally you can just let ubuntu repartitionate the drive [13:43] Noodels: would you like a video on how to install ubuntu? [13:44] hi_Br0 i% co0min6 uP [13:44] So it wont uninstall windows? [13:44] Noodles >> yes [13:44] pete1: do you mean the text install? yes i tried that but it fails after the restart [13:44] And it will let me select what sizes I want the partitions to be? [13:44] th0r : hello. you around? any idea with firestarter? i cannot connect my 2nd pc... http://pastebin.com/m47c02774 [13:44] I have the bluetooth icon in my taskbar but when i try to connect to my phone (right click - browse device - connect) it says 'not a valid location'. Any ideas? [13:45] Kalamansi let me take a look [13:45] asathoor: anything unusual to my ifconfig? [13:45] th0r : okay [13:45] could you please help me? i want to enable the hardy respitories [13:45] in which repo can I find keb? [13:45] #k3b [13:45] jack , fails how ? [13:45] Noodels: here a video describing it http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/Installing_Ubuntu_with_Windows_Dual-Boot [13:45] Kalamansi >> I can see that the network is ok, and you do have an ip adress [13:45] can you ping the other mashine? [13:46] elbermungsterses: for #ubuntu+1 [13:46] Kalamansi do you need ipv6 on eth1...if not I would suggest you turn it off. [13:46] th0r : my eth0 is connected to the net.. and eth1 is my extra nic then i dont know why firestarter wont run... failed to start firewall .. the device is not ready [13:46] Okay, thanks Zirodal, I shall try this. [13:46] pete1: i think it is GTK+ that fails [13:46] Kalamansi are you using eth1 btw? or is everything going through eth0? [13:46] jack , u tried both live cd and alternate cd ? [13:46] Kalamansi >> I think Firestarter should be reconfigured. [13:46] oh, and i have a problem installing clamav [13:47] jack, the alternate cd is the text one [13:47] cd/dvd [13:47] Kalamansi >> have to go, sorry... [13:47] th0r : i attach my modem isp cable to my built-in nic eth0 .. then on the second nic connected to switch then pc2 [13:47] 8-) bye [13:47] asathoor : its okay thanks [13:47] elbermungsterses: specifics.... [13:48] th0r : i already configured my firestarter. local network is eth1. [13:48] hi, whenever i copy files to or from my windows hard drive my computer just shuts off... also while booting windows my computer shuts off. is this an overheating problem or is my windows hard drive dying? [13:48] anyone here using HP MFP printer/scanner ? [13:48] it always says "error: dependencies not met" or something and i have everything it needs installed. [13:48] Kalamansi right, the firewall won't kick in until you get an ip address. The 169.254 address is the broadcast address used to get an ip address from a dhcp server. What is eth1 facing, a wifi hub or some such? you might have to give it a static ip address if there isn't a dhcp server out there to do it for you [13:48] where are the logs for iptables located? [13:48] pete1: yes [13:48] jetscreamer: i tried both cds, they both fail, my last attempt was installing a command line system, this worked but i dont know how to proceed [13:48] Ziroda1: did u get your scanner to work from mfp ? [13:48] elbermungsterses: can you please paste the exact error in pastebin [13:49] pete1: yes. [13:49] Ziroda1: what HP model are u using ? [13:49] Kalamansi right...if you only have a switch and a pc out there, you are going to have to give eth1 a static ip address. Are you using network-manager ? [13:49] pete1: jetscreamer: i think the hardware on new laptops have become protected that only vista will work on them [13:49] th0r : its not a wifi hub... its CNET switch 8 ports.... [13:49] jack, no way :) [13:49] pete1: HP Photosmart C6100 === playya is now known as derfreibierfred [13:49] anyone? [13:49] jack: no, they're just too new no hw support in the cd probably [13:50] jack: goodbye-windows.com [13:50] an answer maybe [13:50] anyone? [13:50] works for me [13:50] th0r : network-manager or network settings of firestarter? yes i am using network settings of firestarter [13:50] jack: if you have a command line system and are wondering how to continu you should do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [13:50] Ziroda1: i have HP M1005 MFP, but scanner is not detected, printer runs fine,how did u manage to get it working ? [13:50] so what shall i do? [13:50] a little hint [13:50] for the 'ol n00b :) [13:50] jack: i think goodbye-windows.com supports ubuntu installs also [13:50] not sure [13:50] pete1: its on a network, just fired up kscan and it detected it, and bingo [13:51] Kalamansi you will also have to assign an ip address to pc2 on the switch as well. Unless you configure a dhcp server you will have to manually assign ip addresses to each computer on the network.. [13:51] th0r : so i will copy the static ip of eth0? since my isp gave me a static ip and dns then gateway [13:51] you know, a little ;) eeh? [13:51] Ziroda1: lucky you :) [13:51] some iptable log location action [13:51] Kalamansi no.....you cannot have more than one interface on each ip.....stay with me and I will talk you through it [13:51] th0r : do i need to sudo apt-get install dhcp ? i am afraid to messed up again my ubuntu [13:51] pete1: can i have that model number again? [13:51] looks experimental though .. http://goodbye-windows.com/downloads/linux/ubuntu/ [13:51] i executed install ubuntu-desktop and it is asking me to put in Fawsty Fawn CD :S [13:51] I'm running ubuntu-7.10 on a dell vostro 400 desktop. I would like to burn an iso image to a CD. But when I put a blank CD-R in the burner, nautilus does not open a window. Any suggestions? [13:51] th0r : i am with you [13:52] Ziroda1: it is laser/color printer ? yes, HP M1005 MFP [13:52] Kalamansi no, you do not need dhcp. In fact, I prefer to assign static ips to my internal network...makes life easier. [13:52] jack: that is because your sources.list is pointed at the cd [13:52] Ziroda1: usb detects only printer which works ok [13:52] jack: add some repositories [13:52] th0r : yes you are right. better to use local ip assigned.. [13:52] pete1: usually hp printers are well supported in linix as hp has pledged and does write drivers for them [13:52] by nano-ing the sources.list? [13:53] th0r : do you want me to replace my eht1 card? and see if it will work or restart ubuntu? [13:53] jack , /etc/apt/sources.list and #cd repository [13:53] yeh.. nano -w is better though [13:53] no word wrap [13:53] Hi does anyone know how to mount a CD image in ubuntu? tried the gmount-iso but the real problem is that some of my images are in .img instead of .iso [13:53] Ziroda1: yea, printer is suported with np, but scanner on MFP is problem [13:53] Kalamansi no...if you will just be patient I will explain it to you. [13:53] hello Im trying to duel bboot Ubuntu with Xp and im following this tutorial http://apcmag.com/5459/dualboot_ubuntu_and_windows_xp but after iw selectet /dev/hda1 as boot i restart and get Error loading operation system [13:53] mount -t auto /dev/what /disk/where [13:53] th0r : okay [13:53] Anyone know why I can't chech the page source in firefox? Gets the error: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed [13:53] Location: chrome://global/content/viewSource.xul [13:53] Line Number 1, Column 1: [13:54] <[Chief]> hey, how can I enable logrotate in Ubuntu Server 7.10? [13:54] all my repos are feisty, shall i change that to gutsy? [13:54] hello , my internet connection keeps crashing every 10-15 minutes , what is the problem ? [13:55] _jack u using feisty or gutsy ? [13:55] hi, my ubuntu forgets my network is WPA2 every time I reboot, how to fix? [13:55] moad could you give a little more info? [13:55] Excuse me, how can i upgrade just one package on command line without using that sudo apt-get upgrade (which upgrades all of them)? [13:55] i want gutsy and i thought i hat the gutsy dvd but the repos are feisty [13:55] Kalamansi the 123.4.567.xxx address your isp gave you is an address in THEIR network. All that isp's addresses will start with 123.4 you need to create a private network for yourself. Your network will start with 192.168.5; that will give you 256 addresses to use in your private network. Firestarter has nothing to do with this part....we will get to firestarter later. [13:56] jack, if u downloaded gutsy, repos cant be feisty [13:56] i have an ECI router modem , its connected directly to the phone plug and into the ethernet card , i have configured the connection with pppoeconf and put the right username and pass [13:56] when i finish that i have a normal connection , everything is fine [13:56] ok, i'll deal with the updgrade later, i will see if i can install ubuntu-desktop now [13:56] hi [13:57] (ill try agein) hello Im trying to duel bboot Ubuntu with Xp and im following this tutorial http://apcmag.com/5459/dualboot_ubuntu_and_windows_xp but after iw selectet /dev/hda1 as boot i restart and get Error loading operation system [13:57] Kalamansi so...you will need to assign addresses to each computer that start with 192.168.5; I would suggest and but you can pick others if you like. I would stay away from .1 and .10 as they are often used. And if you add wifi you will also have to assign an address to the wifi hub, or let it take over the whole job as dhcp server [13:57] but suddenly after 10-15 minutes the connection stop sna di have to disconnect/reconnect again [13:57] i'm having problems with trying to reduce power consumption on my laptop. i'm using powertop and have done all that it recommends and am still getting around 400 wakeups per second [13:57] my battery life is severely reduced please help [13:57] <|Dreams|> anyone know of a good program or the command to encode a avi to 3g please [13:57] okay pete1, from what I can understand HP has not created any drivers for this device, it relies on a 3rd party driver foo2xqx, now those drivers do not support scanning at all. Now there has been a sane backend written but it is extremely experimental and really really hard to install [13:57] |Dreams| handbrake [13:57] Kalamansi so, in network-manager you should be able to configure a static ip address for your computer. Once you have that configured...you tell firestarter about your network so it can allow/disallow things properly [13:58] Kalamansi you with me so far? [13:58] LOLOL I have another problem now [13:58] what do I do to run .rv files in ubuntu? [13:58] the system does not recognize my LAN [13:58] moad. Dont know what that could be, are you sure that its ubuntu thats creating the problems? [13:58] th0r : yeah doing it right now on the pc2 [13:58] Ziroda1: yea, i am on that part atm (scanner) :) and is damn hard [13:58] <|Dreams|> thank you [13:58] Excuse me, how can i upgrade just one package on command line without using that "sudo apt-get upgrade" (which upgrades all of them)? [13:58] yeah i am sure , it never happened with me with windows [13:58] hi. could anyone direct me to a good lan chat program for ubuntu that also communicates with windows? [13:59] not taking much resources is a + [13:59] pete1: well i can give you a guide but no promises it will work, and you will probably have latter issues with ubuntu [13:59] pete1: heres a guide http://www.nabble.com/sane-driver-for-hp-laserjet-m1005-mfp-to12469670.html [14:00] Kalamansi ok. Just a note for later....if you give each computer a name, and add that name and the ip address to the file /etc/hosts, then you can call each computer by name instead of ip...for instance you could start ftp with the command 'ftp instead of 'ftp '...kind of a neat geeky thing [14:00] th0r : what is the default gateway and subnet for pc2? [14:00] i'm having problems with trying to reduce power consumption on my laptop. i'm using powertop and have done all that it recommends and am still getting around 400 wakeups per second [14:00] my battery life is severely reduced please help [14:00] any ideas or tutorial in how to run .rv files in ubuntu? [14:00] Kalamansi the subnet will be, and pc1 will be the gateway [14:00] sissec1: is there any error log in ubuntu that can show me whats wrong ? [14:01] Kalamansi if you want pc2 to get out to the net through pc1 then you will have to do a little routing...but that is a problem for later [14:01] moad: Dont know, havent really had problems with network/internet in ubuntu so never looked for one [14:01] hi [14:01] th0r : wait... pc1 is my ubuntu server right? what ip and default gateway and subnet i will assign to my pc2? [14:02] Ziroda1: yes i was trying that but no luck yet, i contacted mr santiago and he send me some updates, but still no luck with it [14:02] sissec1: if i remember well , everytime this happens , Gaim stays online , but firefox freezes and other things that require an internet connection freeze too , any ideas ? [14:02] i've installed ubuntustudio in text mode, because i've done an error. now, how can i use it in desktop mode? [14:02] t [14:02] Kalamansi pc1 is and pc2 is For each the subnet is and for pc2 the gateway is [14:03] mettao87, with text mode, do you mean the alternate cd? [14:03] moad: nop sorry, sounds pretty strange. But dont know how to solve it. Good luck with it though [14:03] pete1: ah well then you've got farther than I ever could, thats all I know sorry. Good Luck [14:03] sissed1: okay , thanks anyway :) [14:03] mettao87, I think there is an #ubuntustudio channel [14:03] Where will a (daily) cronjob make a /var/log/ entry after it executed the job successfully? [14:04] hi everyone ... [14:04] : yes [14:04] ok , many tnx for help Ziroda1 [14:04] anyone else who can help me with my internet connection ? t keeps crashing every 10-15 minutes and ia lways have to reconnect [14:04] these new kde4 packages in the updates-repo of gusty ... does anyone know where I can find additional information on them? [14:04] bullgard4, test with an hourly or minutely job, you'll know [14:04] hi. could anyone direct me to a good lan chat program for ubuntu that also communicates with windows? [14:04] i know pelo, but noboby speaks in that channell [14:04] mettao87, it's just the instller that is in text mode, when you have installed and rebooted it should be graphical [14:04] a7p: in the kde mailing list, please ask for more information in #kubuntu [14:05] mettao87, not all channels are as busy as this one , you need patience [14:05] cleaton: unfortunately, it shouldn't [14:05] mettao87, atleast that's the case for ubuntu, i haven't tried the ubuntu studio cd, but i'm gussing it should be the same [14:05] mettao87, you get to an terminal/console? [14:05] Ziroda1, okay, thx, I will do (already found something usable in the wiki. [14:05] Kalamansi another note for later. NEVER let the 192.168 addresses out on the web. Firestarter should make sure of that assuming it is configured correctly. [14:06] cleaton, what? [14:06] Pelo: Your answer was not helpful. [14:06] mettao87, what happens when you boot? where does it get stuck if you can't get to graphical [14:06] moad: call your isp. [14:07] tell them they suck... :) [14:07] then ask what's wrong. [14:07] hi everyone [14:07] when i boot it starts in text mode and i see the terminal [14:07] th0r : okay pc2 is and gateway is [14:07] mettao87, ok, try typing startx [14:07] How can i upgrade just one package on command line without using that "sudo apt-get upgrade" (which upgrades all of them)? [14:07] Listen... for some personal reasons, I have to reinstall my Ubuntu - should I go for 7.10 or 8.04 ? [14:07] th0r : how to setup in pc1 (my server ubuntu pc1) ? [14:08] mykas0: 7.10 [14:08] th0r : the one we type before with bulmer? [14:08] mykas0, 8.04 is alpha, not enduser ready [14:08] bullgard4, program your same daily cronjob , but make it run hourly a few minutes from now, then check in /var/log/system to see if the cronjob made an entry [14:09] cleaton, I know that (I'm a Computer Science student), but my problem is... will I later be able to upgrade to the next alpha(s), and eventually the final version ? [14:09] mykas0: yes, but you don't want to run development versions unless you are developing or testing [14:09] mykas0, try asking in #ubuntu+1 they know how this works [14:09] Hello, I've installed Firefox 3 Beta 2, but the fonts are not as smooth as they were in Firefox 2, anyone have dealt with this and know how to make them smooth? [14:09] ok, thanks [14:09] th0r : this one ... sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask ? for pc1 server ubuntu? [14:09] does somebody know where is source code for commnad date? [14:09] smooth font ok [14:09] Kalamansi pc1 will be with subnet For pc1 you will need to set up some routing. I know how to do it manually, but there should be some neat ubuntu gui for it...maybe someone else watching here can jump in and help with that. But first....have you set up the ip address for pc1 and pc2? are they ready to go? [14:09] mykas0: yes [14:10] cleaton: xinit package isn't installed. now i install it and probably it will be right. [14:10] Kalamansi not eth0...eth1 [14:10] roci: do: apt-get source $(dpkg -S $(which date)) [14:10] Kalamansi eth0 is facing the internet (isp) [14:10] maybe [14:10] mettao87, ok, hm sounds like your installation was incomplete [14:10] does the processor affect the speed of compiz? [14:10] jrib, do it for me, I am not on ubuntu right know [14:10] th0r : so this is correct for eth1 ? sudo ifconfig eth1 netmask [14:10] mettao87, you got no errors? [14:10] cleaton: no [14:10] Kalamansi yes...that will do for now [14:10] mettao87, while installing [14:11] Xintruder, yes it can [14:11] anyone here have a macbook that could send me a copy of AppleUSBVideoSupport? it's firmware for the isight [14:11] cleaton: Celeron 530 1.73 GHz 533 MHz FSB 1 MB L2 , is this ok to run compiz? [14:11] cleaton: is for that i ask why it stops in text mode. [14:12] roci: you grab the source for a package by doing 'apt-get source PACKAGE'. You can't do that if you are not in ubuntu. So, you have to search for the source for "coreutils". Maybe packages.ubuntu.com can help [14:12] Xintruder, it should do well =), i've seen p3 800mhz do compiz well [14:12] is there an easy way to find all the proceses that a window is using? [14:12] th0r : then after sudo ifconfig eth1 netmask is echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ? [14:12] for bonus credit is there an easy way to renice them all? [14:12] Xplicit, you can try the dependency view in the system manager [14:12] mettao87, did it work after isntalling the missing package? [14:13] Kalamansi that is part of setting up the forwarding, yes [14:13] mettao87, what graphics card do you have? [14:13] Xplicit, nice will apply to all the dep when you start the ap with nice [14:13] th0r : after that will be this sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE ? [14:13] Pelo: will it work if i renice? [14:13] #garo-shells [14:14] sry [14:14] Kalamansi that sets up the firewall. You don' t need it at this moment, but yes it looks ok and will eventually be needed [14:14] Xplicit, renice ? ... not sure what that is but in system monitor you can manualy adjust the priority of each process [14:14] !appdb > randompolygamy [14:14] th0r : so i will do this last part sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE? no? === cleaton is now known as cleaton-afk [14:14] Kalamansi yes you can do that now. === cleaton-afk is now known as cleaton_afk [14:15] th0r : okay done [14:15] It seems completely impossible to print on a paper that has an unusual size, e.g. 13x18 cm: Every way I try to print a PDF of that size results in a print with a wrong offset - as if the printer insist that the paper size is A4 or letter. What to do? [14:15] cleaton: no, it doesn't work after installing. i'll try to install all the system again. probably i've done errors during the installation. [14:15] Kalamansi then you should be able to ping from pc1 to pc2 and from pc2 to pc1. If the pings work...your private network is set up. [14:16] hi every1, any of you has SUCCESFULLY installed tinyerp ??? :( [14:16] Xplicit, this is the proper syntax for a nice command line ( may be use in a luancher) it adjust the nice for all the child processes nice -n 10 frostwire [14:16] th0r : i can ping it now yehey! [14:16] anyone here have a macbook that could send me a copy of AppleUSBVideoSupport? it's firmware for the isight [14:16] th0r : i can ping in pc2 [14:17] I'm still having trouble with the dual boot, the live cd keeps crashing. === edson is now known as puzzle [14:17] Kalamansi then try the internet from pc2...try to ping google.com [14:17] thx pelo i was worried id have to renice child processes too [14:17] Noodels, try the alternate install cd , it is usualy less fussy [14:17] Kalamansi are both computers linux? [14:17] Does that mean I need to download it and burn another cd? [14:17] th0r : but i cannot ping pc2 from pc1 ... ~# ping [14:17] PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. [14:18] Xplicit, not on a fresh start , only if you do not wish to close down and restart the app [14:18] th0r : there is no reply here in pc1 [14:18] Im having some bother with my gnome-panels. The bottom one ( at default ) acts as a task bar where I minimize programs from. ive completely lost it, ive tried running " Sudo debconf gnome-panel " and that works fine untill i close the terminal or reboot my computer. Is there anyway I can get it back permenatly? [14:18] th0r : window xp home because i am using photoshop and dreamweaver and aptana [14:18] th0r : pc2 xp home [14:19] Kalamansi: a windows XP PC will never answer to pings [14:19] <_moro_bana_> anyone know a linux music mixer [14:19] anyone can give me a hand ? i'm editing my gnome menu , and i tried to make a starter that actually just does cd and open a terminal but it keeps crashing , anyone knows how this comes ? btw the crash is : there's an error while making the sister project :s [14:19] Kalamansi right...pc1 needs a route to pc2. Try this...'sudo route add netmask eth1 [14:19] Kalamansi in pc1...the server [14:19] th0r: it doesn't need a manual route if the IP is set up right since the damn thing is int he same subnet [14:19] Hi I have a question [14:19] snicky, just ask and hope for an answer [14:20] erawfish first...no need to be an ass. Second...it doesn't ping so it was a quick check [14:20] heck you don't need nat either [14:20] th0r : route: netmask 000000ff doesn't make sense with host route [14:20] Usage: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [] List kernel routing tabl [14:20] I know that I have g++ installed but dont know how to start [14:20] erawfish: it most certainly will respond to pings [14:20] how do i start programming in c++ in the terminal [14:20] th0r : pc2 have no internet connectio but can ping [14:20] astro76: no XP will if properly updated. the SP2 firewall blocks them [14:20] snicky, try asking in #c++ if no one here has the answer [14:20] Kalamansi yeah...dns problem...will fix it shortly. Lets get pc1 talking to pc2. [14:21] ok thanks.... [14:21] Kalamansi type 'route' and pastebin the output [14:21] snicky: with "g++" of course [14:22] how do i start g++ in the terminal...sorry i am a noob [14:22] pete1: i am going to make one last attempt with alternate cd installation [14:22] g++ [14:22] :p [14:22] I am trying #c++ [14:22] snicky, try typing g++ in the terminal [14:22] g++ source.c -o output [14:22] one moment [14:22] snicky: you write a C++ source file, usually called "file.cpp", get ab IDE. Try to install "rawhide" [14:22] this is what i get [14:22] snicky@snicky-desktop:~$ g++ [14:22] g++: no input files [14:22] snicky@snicky-desktop:~$ [14:23] snicky: C++ is only a compiler. get rawhide, an IDE [14:23] snicky ... g++ is the command g++, what do you want? [14:23] you have it installed [14:23] is eclipse good for c++? [14:23] th0r : http://pastebin.com/m194007e9 [14:23] snicky: eclipse only runs under X, but yes you can use it for C++ [14:23] i want to start programming c++ in ubuntu [14:23] snicky, g++ is a command line [14:23] it needs arguments [14:24] Kalamansi looks good. let's get the dns fixed and see if we can get pc2 on the net [14:24] g++ source.cc -o execFile [14:24] snicky: geth anjutah, kdevelop, rawhide or eclipse [14:24] will do the job [14:24] !ide | snicky [14:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [14:24] !code | snicky [14:24] snicky: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida [14:24] !mp3 [14:24] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [14:24] anyone here have a macbook that could send me a copy of AppleUSBVideoSupport? it's firmware for the isight [14:24] th0r : thanks [14:24] th0r : okay still pinging [14:24] Kalamansi in pc1 type 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'. You should see some 'nameservers'. Those addresses are the dns servers for pc2 [14:24] punkshui: couldn't you get that from apple? [14:24] Hi, what would u recommend for playin mp3 files under gnome?.. i used amarok on kde, but it doesnt come with ubuntu [14:24] How can i stream music to a shoutcast/icecast server? [14:24] bpurgari: you can install it [14:24] ok I think I will go with any of those IDE's [14:24] astro76 i don't have mac os x [14:25] Kalamansi there should be at least one...maybe two [14:25] punkshui: I meant from their website, and if not it's probably not redistributable [14:25] I dint download any of them, I thought it was possible to program c++ right in the terminal [14:25] Rprp: icecast is the server thas streams. you dont stream music TO it but FROM it [14:25] thanks guys [14:25] snicky: it is [14:25] astro76: i know, but was wondering is there anything else native for gnome with similar functions (playlists, downloading covers... etc) [14:25] th0r: nameserver [14:26] erawfish: I mean 'Dj'ing' or something. [14:26] Kalamansi ok...in pc2 there is a tab for configuring the dns servers...you need to add that one [14:26] hey! can anyone tell me what the terminal is really asking for when it mentions "No package 'xvmc' found"? (i want to install a video driver on my Ubuntu GR 7.10, however there are packages from xvmc already installed). help... [14:26] bpurgari: well rhythmbox is the one that comes with gnome [14:26] Rodolfo: what command? [14:27] erawfish: excuse me? [14:27] Rodolfo: what command did you run to get this error? [14:27] Rodolfo: you entered a command in your terminal to get that message? which command? [14:28] ./configure when i finished unzipping the video driver. [14:28] Kalamansi once you add that address (no reboot necessary) you should be able to get out on the net from pc2 [14:28] do you know where i can find assembly instructions set for my core2duo processor ? [14:28] its a dependency, i think....i can't go on [14:28] Rodolfo: driver for what exactly? [14:28] astro76: thnx, checking it now, and since i got another problem ill just ask right away, any idea why my usb keyboard doesnt work when i plug it in (working on a laptop but i wanna have my old keyboard) [14:29] Hypergraphe: http://www.sandpile.org/ [14:29] thx [14:29] th0r : done adding. still no internet th0r : i can ping but i cannot connect to the internet.. i put the dns too.. [14:29] ciao [14:29] erawfish: it was recommended by one guy from Intel: xf86-video-intel [14:30] Rodolfo: xvmc dev package [14:30] anyone can give me a hand ? i'm editing my gnome menu , and i tried to make a starter that actually just does cd and open a terminal but it keeps crashing , anyone knows how this comes ? btw the crash is : there's an error while making the sister procces :s [14:30] erawfish, exactly what i neded thx [14:30] erawfish: ooh i forgot...dev packages are necessary to build the installer >_< [14:30] th0r : i can "dig" [14:31] Kalamansi: ping [14:31] Kalamansi it is probably in that masquerade command for iptables...I would have to research that but need to run soon as I have an appt. [14:31] Rodolfo: are you sure the xserver-xorg-video-intel package does not provide what you want? [14:31] ._. [14:31] jaggy: that's probably the wrong approach, how about: gnome-terminal --working-directory=/path/to/directory/ [14:32] ok astro i'll test it :)à [14:32] jrib: well i got the update from today. but it didn't solve my problem: bad performance when running CF. [14:32] Kalamansi: why don't you install ipmasq? it's what ispurpose made for you [14:32] Rodolfo: CF? [14:32] th0r :this is what i used sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE [14:32] jrib: compiz-fiusion [14:32] hello world [14:32] jrib: I mean compiz-fusion * [14:32] Kalamansi yeah...got that...it looks ok on the surface. Try that ping that erawfish sent you [14:33] How do I change a HDA's mount point in Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64? [14:33] erawfish : we are trying to run firestarter but failed to run the firewall ... [14:33] !fstab > arken (read the private message from ubotu) [14:33] thnx astro76 [14:33] jaggy: no problem [14:34] erawfish : yah i can ping in pc1 (server ubuntu) and theres a reply.. and to pc2, while trying to ping "Request Timeout.. even yahoo.com [14:35] erawfish : 64 bytes from icmp_seq=181 ttl=238 time=330 ms [14:35] anyone know how I can reinstall dhcdbd from CD? My internet died b/c i installed wicd [14:35] ciao [14:35] gudday guys anybody tried the cafepilot? [14:36] th0r : erawfish !!!!!!!!!! its working!!!!! i just enable/run the firestarter !!! [14:36] Kalamansi ok...good to go heh? [14:36] thor : erawfish =) let me try to disconnect firestarter [14:36] anyone else who can help me with my internet connection ? t keeps crashing every 10-15 minutes and ia lways have to reconnect [14:37] th0r ok pc2 cannot connect to the net hehehehe after disabling firestarter ..yehey!!! [14:37] hi how can I get list of all proftpd user [14:37] th0r : whats next? [14:38] th0r: hehe [14:38] i got another problem, i had "PCI: Bios bug found #81 ..." something error message every time i start ubuntu 7.10. I updated all the packages, and its still there. Working on a laptop with Phoenix Trusted core bios, Intel 945GM + ICH7M chipset. Any ideas what might be the problem? [14:38] i need help, i installed samba on both of my computers but whenever i waant to get something from any other place but what is in home it asks for a password and it doesnt matter what i put in it doesnt work,....help? [14:38] Kalamansi do you have samba installed on the server? [14:38] hey, I'm on 7.10 64-bit, using 32-bit firefox. I'm trying to install the realplayer plugin on this 32-bit firefox, can anyone give me some pointers please? [14:38] th0r: erawfish : thanks BIG BIG thanks its not working [14:39] th0r : nope. it is a fresh install after i have trouble before with firestarter [14:39] astro76 i can download an isight updater.. which i assume has the firmware in it.. but it is unfortunately a dmg file.. how could i check the contents [14:39] http://loggianews.altervista.org/?q=Lussuria.Seduzione.E.Tradimento [14:39] can i install 7.10 with Win XP pro 32 bit with all the windows drives formatted in NTFS, as in would there be any issues installing teh bootloader? [14:39] th0r : i am using ubuntu 7.10 desktop [14:39] nah [14:39] easy install [14:39] grub takes care of it [14:39] Kalamansi you can get to the internet now from pc2 right...you have all that working now? Then the next step would be to install samba and swat, that will allow you to share folders with xp [14:40] you won't have any issues [14:40] Kewl [14:40] lets roll then:) [14:40] th0r : i will start with how to install? [14:40] I appear to be in a bad situation. I mentioned earlier that the ubuntu livecd kept crashing, well it seemed fine a few minutes ago so I got most of the way through the install, I finished the partitioning and about 85% of the way through the install it crashed, should I switch off and wait for the alternative cd and then install it over the partitions created there or wipe the partitions and restore them to how they wer [14:40] e and start over with the alternative, or just leave it on for a while and hope it fixes itself? [14:40] th0r : can we just not use the dns ip add of my isp? im afraid if someone will ping my dns [14:41] th0r : is it posibble th0r? or dangerous to put my isp's dns? [14:41] Kalamansi you don't have a dns...the dns is outside...and not a problem for you [14:41] the problem has changed , after 15 minutes , i am still able to use Gaim and XChat (as you see) but opera/firefox dont respond to adress changes , like google or youtube , after a while i get an error that those pages arent available now [14:42] Kalamansi you talking about samba? that is just internally sharing....doesn't go out on the web unless you want it to [14:42] th0r : no i mean the dns that i put in pc2 ... [14:42] Kalamansi that dns is outside...nothing to worry about [14:43] Kalamansi all you did was tell pc2 the ip address of the dns server...you didn't make one on pc2 === chaky_ is now known as chaky [14:43] Kalamansi nothing to worry about [14:43] Goodmorning, can anyone tell me where to go to get new drivers for nvidia? I heard there is a beta version that will fix the problems I am experiencing [14:43] the problem has changed , after 15 minutes , i am still able to use Gaim and XChat (as you see) but opera/firefox dont respond to adress changes , like google or youtube , after a while i get an error that those pages arent available now , anyone can help please ? [14:43] eraawfish: what about "No package 'xorg-server' found" [14:43] hi, how can I format ntfs drive under gentoo? [14:43] Kalamansi is pc2 xphome or xppro? [14:44] sorry [14:44] under ubuntu [14:44] moad: are you on 56k dialup it sounds like you have very little bandwidth but than i dont know your problem [14:44] erawfish, do you have a link for AMD64 architecture too ? [14:45] no , i am on DSL 1,5 mb .... it worked all fine for 15 minutes , now its dead [14:46] th0r : xphome [14:46] How can I format ntfs drive under ubuntu? [14:46] Kalamansi gotta run....will leave you this.....http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/mobility/getstarted/remoteintro.mspx [14:46] th0r : sometimes i use xp pro too because im using .NET [14:46] Pirate_Hunter : no , i am on DSL 1,5 mb .... it worked all fine for 15 minutes , now its dead [14:47] : yes you cna but you should google it cause its long [14:47] Kalamansi ah...xphome can't remote...but xppro can...check out that link [14:47] Kalamansi gotta go...have fun [14:47] okay th0r [14:47] thanks th0r some other time again [14:47] BIG thanks!! [14:47] anyone able to help me find the beta nvidia driver? [14:47] BIG thanks erawfish [14:48] erawfish: I can't find xorg-server there's only 'xserver-xorg'. i guess this is simply an issue of mismatching names. is this so? [14:48] moad: herr what exactly is your problem or what did you do before [14:48] I appear to be in a bad situation. I mentioned earlier that the ubuntu livecd kept crashing, well it seemed fine a few minutes ago so I got most of the way through the install, I finished the partitioning and about 85% of the way through the install it crashed, should I switch off and wait for the alternative cd and then install it over the partitions created there or wipe the partitions and restore them to how they wer [14:48] e and start over with the alternative, or just leave it on for a while and hope it fixes itself? [14:49] quien habla españooll...!!! [14:49] Rodolfo: yes it is [14:49] Can anyone please help me with php5? When I type php5 in the terminal nothing happends... I see that it runs the program. And when I try to use phpmyadmin it says that it isn't a command. [14:49] How can I format ntfs drive under ubuntu? [14:49] Pirate_Hunter : its the first time i use ubuntu , i had to switch because windows didnt want to format or repair . i followed the ubuntu guide on setting up an ADSL modem with pppoeconf and so on [14:49] uhm guys i need help configuring x-server anybody? [14:49] heyyy [14:50] moad: herrr i see and you done something there [14:50] facing a problem with cpu fan speed control, could anyone help? here is the pwmconfig output: http://pastebin.ca/852046 [14:50] Pirate_hunter: when i finished , i checked firefox and the connection was working , i checked Gaim and it did connect [14:50] in xchat it always say my nick is in use for freenode server, wat may be the problem [14:50] thanks [14:50] composite extintion not avalible is what im getting and i think iuts because i dont have x-server enabled i had it before but i had to reinstall ubuntu cant find a guide anybody help? [14:50] moad: check to see that you net configuration is correct otherwise set dhcp as auto# [14:51] ubotu tell darkmystere x [14:51] !xorg [14:51] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [14:51] Pirate_Hunter: then after 15 minutes surfing , firefox gave me errors that websites arent available and Opera too , but Gaima nd XChat were stillw orking fine [14:51] !xorg | Darkmystere_ [14:51] Darkmystere_: please see above [14:51] i see it === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [14:51] !list [14:51] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [14:52] moad: change it to automatic than try the process again [14:52] Pirate_hunter : i dont know whow to check if my net configuration is okay , i have DHCP on auto from the beginning [14:52] I can't get my usb mouse to work. It gets detected by the kernel, but I cannot use it [14:52] I dont have a resilotuion problem i just cant enable graphics i have the driver and i know it works because i used to have compiz awn icon themes emreald ect [14:53] I am trying to edit my xorg.conf file. it says I do not have the permission, how do I enter superuser so I can save it? [14:53] I just need to know how to enable and add x-server to my bootup...is all [14:53] moad: system>administration>network check the configuration there keep it all to roaming [14:54] moad: you may ahve to restart [14:54] Steve79: Sudo (insert command here) [14:54] ciao [14:54] Pirate_Hunter : should i allow roaming ? [14:54] Steve79 u may have to type ur password afterwards so do that and u have permission [14:54] steve79: unless you are using a gui editor, then use gksudo [14:54] Darkmystere_: look at the second link for xorg help or if it is a clean install do it again but this time dont mess ith xorg [14:54] moad: yes [14:55] is there a way to do it without entering a terminal or should I make an attempt to shed myself of my old windows ways? lol [14:55] Pirate_Hunter i havent messed with xorg >.> i just did the usual update and then i enabled the driver ect usualy works 4th time iove done it.. [14:55] steve79: alt+f2, type gksudo gedit, then open the file [14:55] Pirate_Hunter, erawfish, jrib, astro76: thank you guys :) [14:55] steve79: there is sudo nautilus than the new windw that pops up will be in admin mode [14:56] I appear to be in a bad situation. I mentioned earlier that the ubuntu livecd kept crashing, well it seemed fine a few minutes ago so I got most of the way through the install, I finished the partitioning and about 85% of the way through the install it crashed, should I switch off and wait for the alternative cd and then install it over the partitions created there or wipe the partitions and restore them to how they wer [14:56] e and start over with the alternative, or just leave it on for a while and hope it fixes itself? [14:56] !gksu | Pirate_Hunter [14:56] Pirate_Hunter: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [14:56] Steve79: Sudo gedit xorg.conf i think it brings up a gui with the file in it =) [14:56] !gksu | Darkmystere_ [14:56] Darkmystere_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [14:56] Darkmystere_: so what do you get on screen exactly and what did you do to mess it up [14:56] ;) [14:57] astro76: i know but the person doesnt want to use terminal so i just told him about that [14:57] Pirate_Hunter: right, use gksudo nautilus, never sudo for gui apps, again ;) [14:57] Pirate_Hunter: Composite Extention Not avalible [14:58] Darkmystere_: have you tried googling it and i asked what did you do to mess it up that is im guessing it was working before [14:58] Pirate_Hunter (SECOND INSTALL) [14:59] Pirtate Hunter: I didnt mess it up!!! -.- not to be rude but ive said it 5 times.. [14:59] * diffreal I wanna give you my love all the time... all the time... I wanna be right next to you all the time... all the time.... [14:59] astro76: please stop i'll consder that as spamming we understand and have moved on from that, the person is not even heer that asked the question [15:00] astro76: oops worng person ignore [15:00] ;) [15:00] ubuntu livecd ships with smartmontools installed? [15:00] Pirate_Hunter all i need to know is how to Install X-server and apply it to my bootup.... Well im guessing because the last time i had to do trhat and it worked fine [15:01] !upgrade [15:01] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [15:01] !smartmontools | grub [15:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about smartmontools - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:01] !info smartmontools | grub [15:01] grub: smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 280 kB, installed size 684 kB [15:01] hi, how do I run a windowx xp partition on ubuntu? [15:01] grub: not by default [15:01] Darkmystere_: second install txt or the graphical install I dont see how that could happen unless the download was corrupted - x is installed automatically by default [15:01] hmm i see [15:01] i accidentally rm'd a directory on my external harddrive, is there anyway to just see what was there? i dont even need to recover [15:01] justblue, "run" ? you mean mount? [15:02] Darkmystere_: see i dont get what you get on screen, can you see icons or is it like dos? [15:02] Pirate_Hunter Graphical.... I know xorg is installed by default but u need x-server running to get it to work... [15:02] grub: do you know about system rescue cd? it has useful toools like that, also knoppix [15:02] Okay, I am burning the alternative disc for ubuntu now, once it's burnt will I need to wipe the failed installation of ubuntu and start over? [15:02] !xserver [15:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:02] !x-server [15:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about x-server - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:02] dang im trying to remeber the command [15:02] astro76, system rescue cd? wassat? [15:03] !sysresccd | grub [15:03] grub: SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page [15:03] grub: I know that with vmware I can install and run windows xp inside ubuntu, but I wan't to do the same but I want to run from the windows xp partition that I have and keep the dual boot [15:03] in xchat how do I turn off all the login and logout msg [15:03] is there a way to add text to the Gnome menu icon, similar to Xfce4 menu button [15:04] pkundu: right-click on the channel name [15:04] Okay, I am burning the alternative disc for ubuntu now, once it's burnt will I need to wipe the failed installation of ubuntu and start over? [15:04] justblue, you can access data on your ntfs filesystem, you cannot however "run" your windows programs unless you use an emulator such as wine [15:04] one last question, I need to run a command with both -d3d and -nosound, do I type it just like that or do I seperate with a coma? not sure how to put it in right [15:05] linduxed: testdisk might help. I've used that before to check damaged harddrives, and it works on undamaged drives too. [15:05] astro76, thanks. i want for all the channel [15:05] grub, mounting your ntfs filesystem will give you a read-only fs. If you need write access too, use ntfs-3g, but thats not really advisable [15:05] err, * justblue ^ [15:05] Darkmystere_: i dont think you understand x-server is already installed, if it is a clean install the graphics should show unless there was somethign wrong with your download and if it is not showing what is the message? how does your ubuntu show at the moment? [15:05] can anyone send me the realplayer plugin file for firefox please? Every link takes me to the same site, and it refuses to load [15:05] Well can some 1 at least point me to the graphical channel for ubuntu [15:05] I have a question [15:05] pkundu: I'm not aware of a way in xchat besides doing that for each one [15:05] Darkmystere_: graphical channel? [15:05] Anyone know how to sync a Samsung F700V with Ubuntu? [15:05] Astro: im guessing because i must not be explaining it correctly.. [15:06] Phophos: ok ill try that [15:06] I just ran update, and it trshed my mythtv install [15:06] astro76: i just dont get how x is not working and if heneeds to restart it or manually fix it [15:06] Pirate_Hunter: U need to enabled x-server at boot and make a small script and then make it excutable... [15:06] How do I uninstall updates?? [15:06] Is there a way to add text to the Gnome menu icon, similar to Xfce4 menu button ? [15:06] hi RaThing [15:06] Stone_age: What updated? [15:06] Hello [15:06] astro76, thanks [15:06] Everything [15:06] Darkmystere_: are you using ubuntu if so what version? [15:07] 7.10 [15:07] Pirate_Hunter 7.10 [15:07] Stone_age: why do you want to do this? [15:07] I am having problems mounting a hard drive [15:07] what would I use to generate the md5sum of a string? [15:07] it killed myth [15:07] It is from an unclean shutdown from WIndows [15:07] And is marked in use [15:08] RaThing : firestarter is already installed. and its running .. i can ping the pc1 server in pc2 xp home.. but pc2 cannot connect to the internet now... when i start firestarter couple of seconds it will disappear... [15:08] Well Brb Pirate_Hunter trying somthing >.> [15:08] I _really_ have to mount it, but it refuses [15:08] Stone_age: it would be easier to try and troubleshoot why myth is "killed", start by explaining what that means ;) [15:08] So I type in the command the error message tells me to, but then the terminal just gives me a long list. [15:08] what would I use to generate the md5sum of a string? [15:08] Darkmystere_: than thats wrong please verify cause youre the first trying to do that - here is a link from google http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241254 [15:09] grub: I want to do this http://oopsilon.com/Running-a-Windows-Partition-in-VMware but I was looking if there is an easy way to do it on ubuntu 7.10 [15:09] okay, I have a real and genuine question; I have a windows install on another partition; and I have some games on there... can I use wine to run the games installed on that partition [15:09] !info md5 > moduliz0r [15:09] astro76 I have the AppleUSBVideoSupport file and put it in my /lib/firmware directory.. but i still have no results any suggestions? [15:09] Switch^: No reason why not. [15:10] Switch^: Make sure you configure wine's drives correctly. That makes it a lot easier to do that. [15:10] erawfish : weird firestarter will just disappear... why? [15:10] Phophos: got a good beginners guide to wine? [15:10] erawfish : and now pc2 have no internet.... [15:10] I had myth installed, and working, ran the updates this morning, and upon reboot, i couldn't stay logged in. I had to remove myth in X to get in. [15:10] Pirate_Hunter: i enabled roaming , i wasnt able to connect to the internet [15:10] Phophos: what is it that testdisk does exactly? [15:10] Switch^: No, but I never found it very challenging. Do you have it installed already? [15:11] Moduliz0r: md5sum with - instead of file reads from standard input, so for example, echo text | md5sum - [15:11] Pirate_Hunter : i switched back to Auto and did the pppoeconf again and now i am online with everything working normally [15:11] Yes, using the synaptics thing [15:11] punkshui: I really have no idea about macs, sorry [15:11] guys, (and gals) I need to run two options on a command, do I link them by typing command -optiona -optionb OR -optiona optionb etc [15:11] steve79: command -option -option2 [15:11] but thanks anyway Phophos [15:11] moad_: weird so it does work but not with roaming? [15:11] linduxed: testdisk, when I last ran it, searched my partitions. I seem to remember it having found some stuff I'd deleted ... although might be wrong. [15:11] I'm going to study [15:11] moad_: if thats the case that its all good i think? [15:11] weird firestarter [15:12] OMG guys... [15:12] Hello there. How can I install thunderbird? what's the name of the package [15:12] ? [15:12] steve79: usually, what's the command? [15:12] Switch^: winecfg from command line [15:12] justblue, i am afraid i am unaware of any other way that using Vmware or maybe Virtualbox probably [15:12] !info thunderbird | frojnd [15:12] frojnd: thunderbird: mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 10707 kB, installed size 31992 kB [15:12] Pirate_Hunter: in 10-15 minutes , firefox and opera wont work [15:12] justblue, *other than [15:12] Pirate_Hunter All i was trying to do is figure out to get x-server to start automaticly when i login and guess what it fixed my problem .... [15:12] frojnd: try thunderbird firefox in google [15:13] Pirate_Hunter : is there a possibiity that i have to change a setting that has something to do with surfing ? [15:13] frojnd : im not using thunderbird tho. im in outlook [15:13] Darkmystere: thats the problem you didnt say that all you said was that you did a clean install and xserver doesnt work [15:13] Darkmystere: i asked you what did you see on screen and you didnt reply [15:13] Darkmystere: im not psychic [15:13] Hi... i have an encrypted drive which i mount under /media... is there any way to have an autorun script inside this drive that will run whenever its mounted? Also, is there a way to unmount it without becomeing root? [15:13] Pirate_Hunter: I said i did a new install and i know it works ive done updates and i installed the driver and it says compiste extintion not avalible [15:14] moad_: no dont mess with soemthing that works its just troublesome [15:14] Pirate_Hunter i said it 3 times Composite Extintion not avalible.. [15:14] Pirate_Hunter: then why does it stop working after a while ? [15:14] Darkmystere: you said clean install and composite ext... but not the rest at elast and i found certain topics online [15:15] Okay, can someone tell me how to get the alternative disk. I thought I was downloading it having checked the alternative disk box but for some reason I appear to have a second livecd that also crashes. [15:15] loading the alternate cd is making too many errors [15:15] Darkmystere - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=448220 [15:15] pete1: i am loading the alternate install cd now and it is just making a lot of errors [15:15] Astro76: I am running -d3d -nosound on the same command [15:15] i cant document [15:15] and it is taking so much time [15:15] Pirate_Hunter: My card was ATI Ive done it before i was basiclly asking for a guide to making it start at loggin.. [15:15] is there any source that i can trust in order to change my int name [15:15] Pirate_Hunter: well sorry for being difficult.. [15:16] linduxed: Aha, found what I was after: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=596920&highlight=emergency+undelete [15:16] Do the problems with flashplugin-nonfree carry over to dapper? [15:16] Because I updated Ubuntu last night, and Flash no longer works. [15:16] Um... Hello? Is this actually working, no-one's replied to me for over an hour. [15:16] jack: alternate is text based no graphics and it is basically easier to isntall in my opinion especially for comps with 512 ram [15:16] It doesnt say failed to start x-server just says composite extention unavalible.. [15:16] Noodels: We can see what you say [15:17] Pirate_Hunter: i know but it is not even reaching the install [15:17] reliable source to learn how to change interface name? [15:17] Darkmystere: no problem we had problem in the communication channel, good thing this aint m$ server 03 and your not a client [15:17] and my system is a new one that has 1gb ram [15:17] !flash [15:17] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [15:17] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [15:17] jack: how cna that be? [15:17] Okay, that's a start, now can someone direct me on how to get the alternative ubuntu disk for an intel computer? [15:17] But is it BROKEN in Dapper? [15:17] i need a lightweight distro for a celeron 1.6 GHz laptop. any suggestions? [15:17] !gnash [15:17] Pirate_Hunter: i dont know, i have been trying to install ubuntu on this new laptop i got but i fail all the time [15:17] An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/ [15:17] astro76: while I have your attention... I have been just living without a few things since I moved to linux, perhaps there are ways to get some things to work? namely google video, most other embedded flash, rhapsody's firfox plugin [15:18] jack: download straight from a mirror instead [15:18] I guess updating is a bad thing with Ubuntu, just like M$. [15:18] theLichKing: xUbuntu, Damn Small Linux [15:18] jack: download straight from a mirror instead http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors [15:18] hello anybody knows how to install cafe con leche in ubuntu 7.10? [15:18] jack: oh it does hang on one section its weird but you just going to have to wait, just remembered that, of course i hope the cd download is good and there are no corruptions [15:18] the flash issue is because adobe forces the package to grab flash from adobe [15:18] steve79: flash works fine with the ubuntu package, except since adobe just updated flash the package is currently broken [15:19] Pirate_Hunter: shall i try a new CD because i am using a CDRW and writing over it several times [15:19] jrib: so it is broken on Dapper? [15:19] reliable source to learn how to change interface name? === cleaton_afk is now known as cleaton [15:19] syntaxerror55: probably [15:19] If I install KDE over Gnome (so's I can select my session type from login) how does one go about automating menu cleaning? [15:19] astro76: youtube works okay tho, but most others do not [15:19] Pirate_Hunter : no clue ? [15:19] jrib: okay. [15:19] facing a problem with cpu fan speed control, could anyone help? here is the pwmconfig output: http://pastebin.ca/852046 [15:19] jack: should make no difference but than it all depends if the download is good, check md5 [15:20] moad_: sorry, i forgotten you... whats the problem? [15:20] !purekde | Phophos [15:20] Phophos [15:20] Is it safe to use visudo to grant user level access to an application (truecrypt)? [15:20] Phophos: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [15:20] Phophos: im sure there is a channel for kde [15:21] when I try to install the rhapsody extension I get an error that is saying something along the lines of not enough drive space, error 135. anyone know how to fix that? [15:21] Pirate_Hunter: Yes, sorry, should have posted it there :) [15:21] well, the update wasn't "just" it's been t his way for at least a couple weeks. unless they fixed it adobe changed it again. but i get all the hoopla. as far as installing from tarballs go, this is super simple to install and takes all of about a minute including the download time. i don't even see while ubotu says it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [15:21] Pirate_Hunter : lol , Opera and Firefox stop responding after 10-15 minutes while the internet connection stays stable [15:21] is there an eeepc channel here somewhere? [15:21] i mean i don't get all the hoopla [15:22] moad_: is it only firefox and opera it seriously sounds like something is eating up bandwdth or you got a firewall (firestarter) on [15:22] I've installed thunderbird.. how ca I install GPG for Thunderbird Portable?? [15:22] Xintruder: do a search on your irc client [15:23] !visudo [15:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about visudo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:23] !sudo [15:23] Pirate_Hunter: yeah , its only firefox and Opera . i dont know how to check if firestarter is on [15:23] Pirate_Hunter: the md5 has always been good [15:23] !rhapsody [15:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about rhapsody - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:24] hello guys [15:24] moad_: did you install firestarter if you dont know (im guessing your admin) than you havent that means its soemthing else... im checking online [15:24] hi sly [15:24] i wonder about the whole "check the md5 first" advice. in all these years i've never had it be wrong. [15:24] i wanted to know how can i set up a versioning system on ubuntu [15:24] Pirate_Hunter : i havent installed it , thank you [15:24] jack: try different CD and be patient there is one section that does hang for some reason [15:24] can anyone help here [15:25] frojnd: go see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#head-8979081b9b4f26a7cb88af1ee96bfe2d48622109 and note that it tells you to install mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail [15:26] Is there an easy way to run a bash command on GUI login ((tried using .bash_login) only works when I ssh login) [15:26] That URL is the first google hit for 'gpg thunderbird portable ubuntu' [15:26] SimonGsy: .xprofile [15:26] thanks [15:26] is it true that in debian the system configurator utilities are written in perl, while ubuntu uses python for that purpose? [15:26] awyatt, thanx [15:26] any1 here to help me with usb sata 500 GB ? [15:26] np [15:26] moad_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=431609 check that its not to informative but the last part [15:26] jrib: is that in ~? [15:26] @slylock if you want to use svn, get the subversion package and type "svnadmin create " and it will make a repository in that folder [15:26] SimonGsy: yep, ~/.xprofile [15:27] romme: what utilities specifically? [15:27] help please how can i find out how to change my interface name ? [15:27] any website or source i can not find any thing in google [15:27] kaiomatico: help you do what? [15:27] I can't mount my new hard drive to /tmp [15:27] @slylock and the you could use RapidSVN to manage that repository if you don't want to use the cli [15:27] using gparted [15:28] oguz286: I c [15:28] oguz286: does it give some visual interface [15:28] arken_, mount it to /mnt instead [15:28] jrib: thanks (trying login now) [15:28] wehre i can check in and out files [15:28] Any help [15:28] aram, some one mentioned it might be to do with udev earlier, google that [15:28] arken_: as mentioned, use /mnt [15:28] ok i got firestarter working now thanks alot!\ [15:28] kaiomatico: is your disk listed when you do 'sudo fdisk -l'? [15:28] ok [15:28] how about the outkafe doe anyone succeded to install in ubuntu? [15:29] @slylock RapidSVN has a GUI, but to create a repository you need the cli [15:29] It says "unable to mount drive [15:29] arken_: you should only be mounting to empty directories, [15:29] no fdisk -l is not displaying it [15:29] Pirate_Hunter: both work ... for now , i will check when it starts happening [15:29] because theres a / in it [15:29] oguz286: what is cli [15:29] iclebyte: who mentioned? [15:29] @slylock command line interface, the terminal [15:29] arken_: pastebin the entire command and output [15:29] kk check online im getting gibberish on google but if i find something ill post it [15:29] kaiomatico: is this an external or? [15:29] !paste | arken_ [15:29] arken_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [15:30] jrib: yes it is on usb external [15:30] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4121489#post4121489 [15:30] kaiomatico: check for interesting messages on 'dmesg' when you plug it in [15:30] I've tried everything you guys have told me to do, and nothing has worked === KnifeHat_ is now known as KnifeHat [15:31] arken_: where is your pastebin of what you did and the result? [15:31] jrib: some guis for system administration like system-config-printer [15:31] I never understood. Is it possible to run a shared hosting service without putting all users in a jail? I mean, since the webserver must have access to all the users file, wont you then always be able to access other peoples files through a script? [15:31] jrib: it is maybe sdd =) [15:32] can I fit ubuntu, some basic packages like open-office on eeepc? [15:32] bottiger: the webserver only has access to what users upload to the server [15:32] bottiger: yes it's possible, I know somehow dreamhost does this without chroot jails [15:32] hi [15:32] jrib: I didn't do anything, thats my issue, it WON'T do anything [15:32] romme: that generalization is probably not true, since ubuntu and debian share back and forth their packages [15:33] anyone else have trouble installing rhapsody extension? I get error code -235saying I do not have the disk space [15:33] Soskel: huh? [15:33] astro76: but you don't have any idea of how they do it? [15:33] moad_: http://www.neowin.net/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t475715.html - check the link barney posted it may help i dont know [15:33] arken_: you said, "It says "unable to mount drive"" earlier. Provide context for what you are trying to do and what tried that gave you that message [15:34] arken_: We want to know exactly what you're typing and what error message you get so we can help you. Please go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org, post your message there, and give us the URL you get. [15:34] bottiger: I don't [15:34] broon [15:35] jrib: it was not sdd ... but there is an error "I/O error on sr0" [15:35] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51659/ [15:35] hi: having trouble getting 7.10 to recognize my mp3 player as storage. Player is Samsun yp t9j. [15:35] arken_: we want to see what you typed that gave you that output [15:35] arken_: what command did you type? [15:36] eh , i made my xface menu disapear , how i get it back ? XD [15:36] I didn't type anything. I did that through GUI [15:36] sorry for being an idiot : [15:36] arken_: what did you click on then? [15:36] I wanted to change the mount point to /tmp [15:36] on my 8.3 GB hdd [15:36] Nah, you're not an idiot, you're learning. You haven't asked any monumentally stupid questions yet =P [15:37] kaiomatico: k, well at least now you know you are getting an error. Not sure how to troubleshoot that though. I once had a similar issue and using a different usb port fixed it, but I doubt this is the same [15:37] Pirate_Hunter: i will try now [15:37] Pirate_Hunter: when i run the Live cd without the splash screen i see lots of errors and lots of stuff failing [15:37] arken_: What is the mount point now? [15:37] hi everyone, once more [15:37] There is none. It is currently unmounted. [15:37] jrib: i tried different hubs and ports.... but it really pisses me on that puppy linux is able to mount it,but ubuntu gutsy not!!! [15:38] And what tools are you clicking on to do this? [15:38] hi [15:38] jack: your talking about the graphical errors like screen glitching and black lines if so thats because resolution is too high [15:38] kaiomatico: check bugs.ubuntu.com for the error (and google of course) [15:38] tried to use .xprofile [15:38] moad_: kk [15:38] didn't execute on login [15:38] awyatt: Computer -> right clicked 8.3 gb volume - > volume [15:38] SimonGsy: are you using gdm? [15:38] jrib: okay thanx [15:39] jrib: yes [15:39] jrib: ahyes and the sr0 was just my cd drive :D:D:D [15:39] SimonGsy: pastebin the contents of your ~/.xprofile === Luke__ is now known as Luke [15:40] And there in mount point you're typing what exactly, with what punctuation? [15:40] wow i wasnt even supposed to be here lol well going to take a break will be looking at the screen occasionally [15:40] Is it possible to load / modprobe a kernel module twice? Not that I want to do that, but I'm writing a script that loads a module and I don't want it to start the module a second time if it is already running. Or do I not have to worry? (Cos I just did modprobe vboxdrv a couple of times now and lsmod still shows it only once) [15:40] Hi there. I am new here [15:41] I'm having a problem...I pick the first install option and it seems to be used as a Live CD... afterall, how can I install ubuntu? >_> [15:41] Shapeshifter: I don't think it hurts as you have found [15:41] Hellooo [15:41] arken_: You're probably typing /tmp. Change it to tmp without the slash. [15:41] jrib: http://simongsy.pastebin.com/m5dd2cbc2 [15:42] now it is mounted to /media/tmp. [15:42] Is it possible that options of my BIOS (B. is Asus p5ld2) including AI NOS overclocking options speed up my ubuntu clock ? [15:42] I want it to be just /tmp [15:42] I'm having a problem...I pick the first install option and it seems to be used as a Live CD... afterall, how can I install ubuntu? >_> Any clue? :| [15:42] SimonGsy: you can't sudo since you can't enter a password, or did you do something to address that? [15:43] nope, any suggestions? [15:43] SimonGsy: what does this script do? [15:43] jrib: program needs to be run with sudo though [15:43] mykas0: would you care to tell me what the problem is exactly? [15:43] jrib: for the keyboard [15:43] Pirate_Hunter: no not these kinds of errors, i am talking about errors like tty4 main process ended, respawning being on the screen at least 15 times in a row [15:43] arken_: dont moun t a drive to /tmp, create a frder for that in /media [15:43] Pirate_Hunter: si3054: cannot initialize. EXT MID = 0000 [15:43] SimonGsy: k, what does g15daemon do? [15:44] Pirate_Hunter: hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout, switching to single_cmd mode [15:44] brobostigon: how do i make a frder? [15:44] Okay, I downloaded an extension for firefox and I cannot get it to install, it says error code -235 out of disk space.... anyone know how to get rhapsody to actualy install? [15:44] Asus AI NOS overclocking functions of my board speed up system clock with ubuntu, is it possible ? [15:44] arken_: Oh, I see. Ubuntu does that so it's not easy to break your filesystem. You want to change it as though you had partitioned it that way during the install, right? [15:44] Pirate_Hunter: and lots lots lots more [15:44] jrib: it allows LCDd to access the keyboard [15:44] arken_, I booted from the ISO I just downloaded, picked the first option ("Install or run Ubuntu", or something like that) and it just runs like a Live CD - I actually want to install Ubuntu in my disk... [15:44] sudo mkdir /media/foldername [15:44] and hanging at evert step [15:44] jrib: then the php script accesses LCDd [15:44] Ah! [15:45] mykas0: There will be a program in your menu, or on your desktop called "Install Ubuntu" [15:45] does ubuntu boot faster than xp? [15:45] jack: O hmmm kk what exactly happened are you running the install live CD (not alternate)? [15:45] Xintruder: it depends. [15:45] guys last thing do anyone knows how to add schema in postgres? [15:45] arken_: In that case I believe you need to do it by hand. You add a line to /etc/fstab (sudo gedit /etc/fstab) [15:45] is there a navigation program (gps) i can install on my ubuntu? [15:46] awyatt: I think I'll try to avoid breaking my system, i won't mess with it [15:46] Pirate_Hunter: it all started by installing Linux Mint, the live cd ran as smooth as silk, installation went flawless until configuring hardware where it hanged as if there's no tomorrow, then it resumed, asked for restart. I did but then the sstem would not start [15:46] Xintruder: have a look on packages.ubuntu.com [15:46] ubuntu kutubu timbutu [15:46] I use an lcd touch screen in my car, thats connected to a laptop with xp, that runs music, radio, and navigation. I was wondering if doing this with linux (ubuntu) would be any better or faster? [15:47] well, arken_, it was kinda hiding (menu -> system -> administration -> install), but there... nothing in my desktop, unfortunately [15:47] thanks! [15:47] Good call. Lots of partitions to intelligently manage disk usage on a server with a heavy workload makes lots of sense. On a desktop PC not so much. [15:47] Pirate_Hunter: i then took my ever reliable gutsy that i used to install on two other machines but it wouldnt start. then i downloaded a gutsy dvd and used it to install a command line system that is good for nothing and now i've been waiting for the alternate cd to load for the ast 2 hours [15:48] SimonGsy: one way would be to edit your sudoers file to not require a password for these two commands. Use 'sudo visudo' to edit. 'man sudoers' explains the syntax, let me know if it's not clear after reading and looking at the examples [15:48] jack: checout the link on installing ubuntu - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation - ps i know its obvious but you should choose the correct comp version for you i.e. desktop should be x86 [15:48] yet another question... [15:48] where exactly, on the live cd, do I change the resolution? [15:48] Xintruder, with linux you can set the laptop to run off some usb stick ( embedded linux ) and then you can set it not to shutdown, but to suspend, so you will get some 2-3s resume from hibernation [15:48] jrib: It's real easy, you just uncomment one obvious line. [15:48] anybody have any macbook know how my isight still doesn't work even after getting the AppleUSBVideoSupport file and extracting it using that uvc-video package [15:48] jrib: Will read into that now [15:48] jrib: Thanks [15:48] mykas0: You don't need to. When you install it it'll make it whatever it seems to think is best. [15:48] awyatt: hmm? [15:48] Xintruder, much more durable that having a mechanical hdd [15:49] how do I uninstall ubuntu [15:49] I'm bored with it [15:49] arken_, but... this is way too big for my screen, installing with it will be a pain in the ass >_> [15:49] XLV: excellent! these sdch's or something are faster than hdd's! But the thing is, setting up the right software. [15:49] jrib: I mean to make sudo not require a password. You just uncomment one line and it's very clear. [15:49] Megadork: erase the paritions with it on [15:49] how do I do that [15:49] AI NOS overclocking jumper free options of my ASUS board is speeding up the ubuntu/system clock, is it possible ? [15:49] awyatt: oh I see what you mean. With a slight modification so that it only affects the two commands SimonGsy needs [15:49] jack: if that hd hasnt got important data format it and install from the alternate CD using instructions from that link (format using win 98 bootdisk or something good) [15:49] mykas0: Oh, I get it. Hmm. Go into Preferences -> Screen Resolution [15:49] Megadork: just install another system overtop, there is no uninstall [15:50] megadork: gparted (maybe live cd) [15:50] k [15:50] arken_, hum... no such option, or it would have been easy [15:50] Xintruder, one thing to beware though, that suspended lapto will consume some power and maybe drain the battery, so you dont want to run it on the same battery that feeds the ignition [15:50] I want to give the empty space to windows [15:50] *facepalm* [15:50] Pirate_Hunter: the hd is new and has nothing on it, i have formatted it like 3 or 4 times in the past days [15:50] oh jeez. i totally missed the first part of that conversation. Sorry to stick my nose in. [15:50] I see.. [15:50] Megadork: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation [15:51] mykas0: Are you running Ubuntu 7.10? [15:51] Xintruder, a second battery installation isnt that hard [15:51] yes, 7.10, downloaded the iso a few minutes ago [15:52] XLV: in the car's engine area? [15:52] XLV: is there a full screen software I can use that has navigation, multimedia file browsing, radio, etc, that can be like a car interface, similar to the ones that run in windows..? [15:52] jack: ahhhh sorry the hd is new, your installation is not being allwed, i think mint installed a partition table that is screwed up, by formating the hd you can install ubuntu again and it dont take long but than i have no clue why you are having such a problem [15:52] mykas0: Hmm. That is interesting. Maybe It just doesn't have it on the Live CD. [15:52] Xintruder, with some circuity only to charge it with current when engine is on, and feeding the laptop off that second battery.. about navigation software, dont know really.. [15:53] Xintruder, http://tuxmobil.org/linux_gps_navigation_applications.html [15:53] Pirate_Hunter: but i reformatted and re edited the partition table using an old ubuntu version [15:53] arken_, ok, i'll try to do it like this... thanks anyway! :) [15:53] do you know of any command-line tool for reading disk SMART information? [15:53] !info smartmontools | Wyvern| [15:54] wyvern|: smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-5ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 280 kB, installed size 684 kB [15:54] jack: you re-edited the partition once it was formated how does that work especially with an old ubuntu cd "(-_-) [15:54] Pirate_Hunter: we have a new problem [15:54] ah, thanks. :) [15:54] XLV: these look like just gps programs right, nothing made for a car with big buttones if you know what i mean [15:54] anybody have any macbook know how my isight still doesn't work even after getting the AppleUSBVideoSupport file and extracting it using that uvc-video package [15:55] Pirate_Hunter: when i restart my pc , i am not able to connect to the internet , it simply doesnt work with pon dsl-provider [15:55] Xintruder, if the programs are there, i am sure skings for them for touch screen long distance UIs are available.. you aint the first running a linux pc inside a car [15:55] hi [15:55] Pirate_Hunter: i used a 6.06 alternate that managed to load and install but then the installed system failed at GTK+ [15:55] Xintruder, http://linuxice.com/ [15:55] thanks for the help man.. [15:56] Pirate_Hunter: the only way i am able to connect to the internet is restarting the pppoeconf , at the end it asks me if i want to launch the internet connection , this is the only way [15:56] anyone here with a macbook and working isight? in ubuntu? [15:57] Is it possible to get Totem to play DVD movies that are .iso? [15:57] anyone tried to extend monitor on a laptop LCD and external DVI? [15:57] Enselic, need to mount them [15:57] !iso [15:57] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [15:57] When virtualbox creates a virtual XP machine. Where does it create the virtual C drive? [15:57] Enselic: why dont you use VLC for that purpose? [15:57] bruenig: without mounting, it's not possible? [15:57] anybody successfully read the files from a Samsung YP-T9J mp3 player. The gutsy sees the device but won't show it as storage. [15:57] jack: VLC is laggy [15:57] Enselic, I don't think so [15:57] jack: the playback jumps [15:57] moad: one sec [15:58] vlc will be better than totem so if vlc is lagging so will totem [15:58] Enselic: VLC works like a charm on two of my machines, never had a single problem [15:58] I'll research more into VLC [15:58] Enselic, just mount it [15:58] bruenig: thats to complicated for a mother [15:58] bruenig: how is that done ? [15:58] Enselic: the fun thing about VLC is that it has its own codecs with it [15:59] !iso [15:59] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [15:59] jack, you mean it has mplayers codecs staticly compiled into it? [16:01] moad - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE, can this help you, its on installing and setting up pppoeconf [16:01] bruenig: it does not use the mplayer codecs, it has its own set of codecs, i never had any problem with any file [16:01] is there anyone that can help me get an extension working on firefox? [16:01] jack, it uses ffmpeg as its main codec backend which is an mplayer library [16:01] bruenig: it even plays Nokia mobile phones movies but with a very bad quality [16:01] trying to get rhapsody to work, but I keep getting error -235 saying that I am out of space [16:03] Hi All, I am using Ubuntu 7.10 AMD64, i am using HP Compaq desktop which has MCP61 board. The problem is, 7.10 detected sound card, but there is no sound is coming when i am playing the music or movie files. I have increased the volume thriugh "alsamixer" command, but there is no luck. Can anyone help me on this ? [16:03] !sound [16:03] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [16:03] !sound | roshini [16:03] roshini: please see above [16:03] roshini: is it an hda intel sound chip? [16:03] * marcx is away: Gone away for now. === marcx is now known as marcx_away [16:04] me ? [16:04] !away > marcx_away [16:04] gok,fd [16:04] ,lkb;v$ [16:04] komment on fait pour lancé mozilla kan y veut plus [16:04] ALSA is selected there . [16:04] VLC is able to play .iso files, but the playback is choppy, anyone know of what to do? [16:04] Enselic, mount the iso [16:05] hi, my wireless network doesn't even show up on my gutsy laptop whereas it works fine on my feisty laptop.. how can i debug this? [16:05] also, it works fine under windows in both laptops [16:05] bruenig: as I told you that is not an option [16:05] bruenig: thanks anyway [16:05] Enselic, that is the only thing you got, if playing the iso doesn't work, and you refuse to mount, then install windows or something [16:05] Enselic: google is your friend but it shouldnt, like bruenig said you could try to actually mount it [16:05] Enselic: why not, it's one simple command? [16:05] bruenig: relax [16:06] bruenig: or I could simply try to fix VLC [16:06] Enselic: rofl vlc aint broken [16:06] astro76: the mom of a friend of mine is using Ubuntu [16:06] i am running ALSA only. [16:06] Pirate_Hunter: obviously [16:06] Enselic: so help her do it, make a script if necessary [16:06] Enselic: relax wheer trying to help try to mount it there are steps online to doing so [16:07] Pirate_Hunter: sorry if I come across as non-relaxed, I really am relaxed :) [16:07] I know how to mount, my linux knowledge is not the bottleneck here [16:07] Enselic: if im not mistaken if you search online there are scripts to automatically mounting iso files i just forgot where ive seen it but it was a while ago [16:08] <_gtt_> i can tell ya how to mount iso [16:08] <_gtt_> what do you mean by "automatically" though ? [16:08] when there is a way to do something, and you refuse to do it or someone is too ignorant to do so, then there isn't much we can do for you [16:08] bruenig: shees dude calm down [16:09] Pirate_Hunter: how do i get permission to edit a file ? [16:09] <_gtt_> bruenig: sometimes history is our greatest ability, because we can record a successful way of doing something... but sometimes it hinders us by standing in the way of our search for a better way. [16:10] _gtt_, there is no other way, play the iso outright (which basically just mounts the thing anyways) or mount it [16:10] there is no magic alternative [16:10] moad: as it ahs be pointed by astro gksudo to open graphical interfaces or you can just sudo nautilus which is not the most appropriate way but quickest [16:10] <_gtt_> i dont understand what he wants as far as automatically. [16:10] press alt + ctrl + f9 and then turn around three times fast and see if that works [16:10] moad: what file are you trying to get permission to? [16:10] Pirate_Hunter: gksudo nautilus ! [16:10] * nickrud tests bruenig's interesting suggestion [16:10] any able to help me troubleshoot a firefox problem? there is nothing going on in the firefox channel [16:11] Pirate_Hunter: i think i have to edit Interfaces in the Network folder [16:11] _gtt_: there are online cripts already pre-made for mounting iso files just by activating them, maybe not automatic but less hassle [16:11] _gtt_: *scripts [16:11] anyone here with a macbook and working isight? in ubuntu? [16:11] moad: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces [16:12] moad: ok, you said you think where did that come from [16:12] ubuntu is cool [16:12] what is ubuntu? [16:12] Sorry, but I don't know what that is. [16:13] !ubuntu | nullbyte00 [16:13] nullbyte00: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [16:13] Pirate_Hunter: i always haveto run pppoeconf to get internet working again , editing it is described to help in that situation [16:13] jrib: I have tried editing the sudoers, can you take a look at it (I've pastebined it) [16:13] moad: i havent read the tutorial i just thought it might help, if it works you should post back here on in ubuntu forums so other cna follow your steps [16:14] SimonGsy: you didn't edit with a normal editor, right? [16:14] nullbyte00: how cna you not know what it is when your in this channel [16:14] Enselic: sudo visudo [16:14] im testing a bot i made [16:14] is there anything like Final Cut Pro on Ubuntu? [16:14] huh well if im not need will continue being distracted [16:14] nullbyte00: you need to do that somewhere else [16:15] Anyone know how I can make truecrypt dismount volumes without having to become sudo? [16:15] komputes: there is Cinelerra wich is very powerful, but it's quite buggy and you need to be hardcore to use it [16:15] nullbyte00, pm please [16:16] Enselic: I have tried debian packages for Cinelerra, cinelera generic, cinelera k7, k8, what is going on with that project, what do people on ubuntu studio use as non-linear editing tool? [16:16] how do I send a mail using mutt [16:17] komputes: Cinelerra really is your only choice if you're looking for powerful video editig on linux¨ [16:17] Enselic: Does Cinelerra come packaged correctly on Ubuntu Studio? [16:17] I am in the mail prompt but don't know how to send it [16:17] komputes: Cinelerra is really buggy in my experience unless you compile it yourself for your host sytem [16:18] Heello :) [16:18] Enselic: And then what video format do you recommend I use with it? [16:18] komputes: I use mencoder and produce MPEG2 for Cinelerra [16:18] komputes: that's a format Cinelerra likes [16:19] Enselic: MPEG2 is DVD equivalen correct? [16:19] komputes: but save your work continuolsy, CInellera has a tendencay to crash [16:19] Pirate_Hunter: Problem Solved [16:19] komputes: yeah iirc [16:19] Enselic: okie dokie, I'll try compiling the sorce if you recommend it, any good ubuntu tutorials on this? [16:19] hi to all! [16:20] malakar: you need to set up a local mail server for mutt to use .... [16:20] komputes: not really, but it's pretty straightforward [16:20] can someone helpmw with install nvidia drivers=? [16:20] Enselic: make and configure, got it - it's just so many packages [16:20] moad: oooooh im trully happy for you so the tutorial helped than? [16:20] @nickrud everything is set up properly, just that I don't know how to use the mutt client [16:20] komputes: "many packages"? [16:20] randomwalker: does that lappy have a broadcom 43xx wireless chip ? [16:20] is it possible to suppress all output when decrypting files with gpg? neither 2> /dev/null nor > /dev/null worked... [16:20] moad: if so post the link back please and go to the ubuntu nforums and make a new post explaing your problem [16:21] Pirate_Hunter: yeah , i dont have to run pppoconf again [16:21] komputes: you mean dependencies? [16:21] malakar, man mutt ? [16:21] komputes: yeah there are a few [16:21] yeah got an online tutorial [16:21] Pirate_Hunter: the link was from a Ubuntu documentation on how to set up pppoeconf [16:21] Enselic: 7 packages listed at http://heroinewarrior.com/download.php3 [16:21] moad: kl [16:21] any way I can alien the RPMs? [16:22] malakar: if I remember right, y is the default send key [16:22] komputes: yeah but you don't need to compile and install those [16:22] Wespe: 2>&1 /dev/null [16:22] komputes: you intsall dependencies with apt [16:22] moad: well now you can help other dont forget to introduce friend to linux, will make a better wold :D [16:22] Enselic: come again, how do I use apt on a local file? [16:23] Wespe: err sorry, > /dev/null 2>&1 [16:23] anyone here with a macbook and working isight? in ubuntu? [16:23] Pirate_Hunter: will do :) , thank you for the help [16:24] punkshui: i have ibook, but yours is x86 mine is powerpc [16:24] punkshui: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225621 [16:24] brobstigoon do you have isight working? [16:24] Wespe: I guess this works too, >& /dev/null [16:24] astro76, the 2nd you wrote isnt working ... [16:24] komputes: you don't use apt on local files [16:24] komputes i'm on that site right now.. that tutorial doesn't work for me [16:24] punkshui: ii dont, sorry, never tried. [16:24] i tried gpg --passphrase x --decrypt < xxx.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 [16:24] komputes: you apt-cache search for dependencies, then apt-get install them [16:25] moad: np [16:25] ciao [16:25] astro76, i still get the message 'You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for ...' [16:25] komputes do you have isight working on a macbook? [16:25] Wespe: try specifying xxx.gpg as a file argument to gpg [16:25] !list [16:25] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [16:25] Enselic: apt-cache search for dependencies, thats the part I don't get, how to i know the keyword to put in after search [16:26] komputes: from what ./configure complains about [16:26] Enselic: ah, yes I see [16:26] Enselic: thanks! [16:27] hello =) [16:27] punkshui: have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2957042 (the updated one) [16:28] komputes i think so but i'll try again [16:28] komputes: a good rule of thumb for searching libs is, say it can't find gtk , you would add lib to the front and search for that, filtering for dev: apt-cache search libgtk | grep dev . That finds about 90% very quickly [16:28] Thanks folks I was able to send mail using mutt [16:29] hi! there is anyone with some ssh experience? === esullivan is now known as eamonn [16:30] having trouble communicating with mp3 player useing rhythmbox [16:30] err using [16:30] kr0n1x: many people here use ssh, but a vague question like that won't get any bites. Why not just ask about what you want to do? [16:30] nickrud: i'll keep that in mind, I've had that happen in the past, the package name wasn't the same as for other distros so I can see how search would help in that case [16:30] !test [16:30] Failed. [16:30] Pirate_Hunter: is there a problem with installing flash or something ? [16:31] %test [16:31] %list [16:31] Admin, Bantracker, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, FreenodeAuth, Lart, Misc, Owner, Services, User, and Webcal [16:31] !list [16:31] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [16:31] ompaul, wrong channel [16:31] PriceChild, no - checking for other bots [16:31] :) [16:31] is the Java package still down like the flash package? [16:31] astro76, sorry for being afk. i tried gpg --pasphrase x --decrypt xxx.gpg >& /dev/null, but i still get this output :( [16:31] Hey guys I rebooted ubuntu and then started xmms, but it says my soundcard is blocked it worked before. Its working with gnome sounds, just not xmms. I have checked mizxer settings and they are fine. Also check what device and output device xmms using and that is fine, what can the problem be| [16:32] ompaul, realised as soon as i pressed return :) [16:32] i did do an upgrade prior [16:32] moad: not that i know offmine works fine, im in youtub at the moment [16:32] komputes: it works well enough, but it'll fail on some, like libc6-dev and zlibg1-dev (a couple you probably will need) [16:32] Pirate_Hunter , then how do i install it ? [16:32] lol [16:32] dusty-sts: gutsy? hardy? what virtual alsa device is xmms configured to use? [16:33] moad: lol follow the instruction on the site [16:33] gutsy [16:33] Wespe: I dont' think that one works with bash, the first one you tried should, > /dev/null 2>&1 [16:33] hi, should I ask here about some small but bothersome bugs in my ubuntu installation (xubuntu actually) [16:33] dusty-sts: and the virtual alsa device? [16:33] I'm having bonding issues for load balancing anyone familiar? [16:33] OSS [16:33] ok nickrud , my problem is explained in this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719&postcount=10 [16:34] moad: found it? [16:34] dusty-sts: you should use alsa. Make sure it's configured to use 'default' instead of 'hw:0,0'. [16:34] komputes i get an error when i try to do that gstreamer test [16:34] !ask [16:34] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [16:34] astro76, unfortunately, not: gpg --passphrase x --decrypt xxx.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 still shows output [16:34] apart from that i have no problems [16:34] komputes [16:34] Wespe: http://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/bash-2.05a/html_node/bashref_41.html [16:34] crimsun, in laymans terms? [16:34] is there anyone who can give advice on the "Windows Wireless Drivers" utility? I cannot add a driver [16:35] nickrud: hay [16:35] !java [16:35] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) [16:35] Wespe: this is better http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Redirections [16:35] dusty-sts: look in xmms's output plugins. Make sure the sound output is set to alsa, then make sure the alsa device is 'default', not 'hw:0,0'. [16:35] Hi. Is there any way I can set a streaming movie as my desktop wallpaper? [16:35] why did my "start menu" menu disappear suddenly once when I booted up? [16:35] Hi, I am trying to build busybox on a new install. I have installed build-essential but the compile fails. are there any other packeges i need to compile busy box? [16:36] kr0n1x: That ssh question is over my head, but it's definitely not for some people here, summarize the question (20 words or less) and give the link [16:36] nik_: ih [16:36] Pirate_Hunter: looks like i dont have to , i found it int he add/remove thing [16:36] Brian_L: if you're attempting to build the source package, yes. apt-get build-dep busybox [16:36] When setting up bonding for load balancing my routing table is lost and I can not rebuild it and all packets do not reach their GW How do I fix this? [16:36] nickrud: Why does it do that? [16:37] moad: hmm never checked there :D well thats something ive learnt lol [16:37] Brian_L: otherwise, busybox itself only requires libc headers. [16:37] Is there a method of running a program in 32 bit? or do I havet o dualboot to a 32 bit os? [16:37] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719&postcount=10 [16:37] nik_: do waht? [16:37] anyone know of a good ubuntu text editor with ftp/sftp support? === mneisen is now known as mneisen|on_other [16:37] Pirate_Hunter: this is truly the best thing with Ubuntu , its easier to install stuff with it than with windows [16:37] steve79: Are you running 64bit OS? [16:37] i type nic and it says "nickrud niceday" [16:37] astro76, ls > dirlist 2>&1 actually works, but gpg --passphrase x --decrypt xxx.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1 doesn't [16:37] crimsun, that is what they r set to [16:37] Pirate_Hunter: i just miss my MMORPG games :( [16:37] nic [16:38] see? [16:38] dusty-sts: pastebin what `sudo lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*` returns [16:38] yes, I am running 64 bit now and I need to run firefox in 32 bit if possible. and I do not remember how to PM in IRC [16:38] nik_: another nick, tab cycles through possible completions [16:39] "/msg nick" [16:39] moad: use windows for games but if you miss windows functions download virtual box and you can use m$ office inside of it but it aint suitable for playing games [16:39] I guess more importantly why do you want to run 32bit firefox? [16:39] crimsun, http://pastebin.com/m27f2c632 [16:39] nickrud: ohh ok [16:39] komputes that unfortunately didn't work.. any suggestions? [16:39] Pirate_Hunter: the functions dont interest me , i tried Wine today but ... the game was slow as hell [16:40] !flash64 | steve79 [16:40] steve79: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [16:40] Pirate_Hunter: have read that cedega would be better but thats not for free [16:40] crimsum: thanks, I am attempting to create a minimal linux for PXE booting [16:40] nickrud: btw i think the MBR is still on my internal HD because when i boot up my comp i tell it to boot from the external and it says "no such partition" and when i tell it to boot from the HDD it boots gutsy just fine [16:40] Pirate_Hunter: i am not able to install windows , something is really wrong , even the installation disc doesnt work [16:41] moad: what MMO do you play? [16:41] how do i get fluxbox on ubuntu [16:41] moad: i did something really interesting with wine, i have run quake3, using wine on a p2 333mhz, and it runs quite smotly with wine, i run it in windows and its really choppy. [16:41] : i dont know never tried it, the site says it is good but im not that sure, however if you do get it than tell me your honest opinion [16:42] i play DOMO , Dofus and puzzle pirates [16:42] the last 2 are easy to get here [16:42] nik_: while you're running the hard drive ubuntu, try sudo grub-install /dev/sdb , that should write an mbr to the external [16:42] moad: you cnat install windows through wine, it has to be inside a virtual machine like vmware, virtualbox etc [16:42] as they are flash and java based [16:42] I use WINE and CEDEGA [16:42] DOMO? [16:42] dream of mirror online [16:42] punkshui: sorry, if both of those don't help, I'm not sure [16:42] i am looking to use a pci card (ide controller) to hook up a few old drives to my newer system that doesn't include ide controllers, will this work in linux? [16:42] oh, never played that one [16:42] its open beta since 2 months now [16:42] how do I determine what audio/video codec was used to encode a movie? [16:42] try using WINE [16:43] is there a way to configure sound from the command line? [16:43] its really nice , there are 2 versions , american and european , the american worked but REALLY slow [16:43] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719&postcount=10 [16:43] the european one didnt even install [16:43] nickrud: i dont have gusty installed on the HDD though, it loads it from my external [16:43] oh [16:43] komputes i'm getting this from dmesg: [ 14.504000] uvcvideo: iSight: firmware loading finish-up failed. [16:43] kr0n1x: mention that you created keys [16:43] !sound [16:43] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [16:43] guzu: everything can be conf through command line the question is how, thats why linux decided to add x [16:44] dusty-sts: ah, you have slmodemd hogging your sound device. [16:44] i would love to be able to play DOMO on ubuntu , i would never go back to windows again ^^ [16:44] yes nickrud i did... or u means to write it here? [16:44] Pirate_Hunter, do you know how? [16:44] moad: what id domo? [16:44] so can i use a pci ide controller in linux? [16:44] nik_: yes that command should put the mbr on the external. If your boot order looks for the usb hard drive first, it should read that boot sector first [16:44] kr0n1x: yes [16:44] matt___ its Dream of Mirror Online [16:44] guzu: nope but those links are helpful you should read them and search online and in ubuntu forum [16:44] selam [16:44] kr0n1x: first of all, you can leave the port 22 for both, and add a separate higher port, which is a good idea not to expose 22 or 23 publically [16:44] Pirate_Hunter, ok, thnx [16:44] moad: never heard of it [16:44] nickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51669/ [16:45] !sound | guzu [16:45] guzu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [16:45] kr0n1x: a question that just came to me, are you trying to ssh to the machine by name? [16:45] kr0n1x: but how about showing us the command you are using to connect? [16:45] nickrud it doesn't work with name, and also with ip [16:45] how do I get this to work: http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2007/12/backlight-brightness-fix.html#c2156589185041572849 what does it mean, save it as an executable? [16:45] matt___ check it out , either the Aeria Games version or the GameTribe one [16:45] astro76 it doesn't work with 22 in both pc too, anyway how can i try higher port? [16:45] moad: i would..but i'm trying to figure something out [16:46] kr0n1x: ok, I thought it was a silly question but had to ask anyway [16:46] i try ssh user@ip [16:46] kr0n1x: what command are you using to connect? [16:46] ssh user@ip or user@name [16:46] i tried that commands [16:46] kr0n1x: if it's not 22, you have to do ssh -p user@address [16:46] nik_: that looks right. So try rebooting, and be sure the bios is looking at the external first [16:46] kr0n1x: also to check if the name resolves, try nslookup [16:47] dusty-sts: in other words, you need to stop/quit the slmodemd application. [16:47] hmm, iam using ubuntu 7.10 with nvidia-drivers (xgl) - but i have a problem. the titleline of maximized windows is broken (sometimes). here a screenshot: http://www.imgbox.de/?img=g15855h24.p [16:47] is tehre a package containing alsaconf? [16:47] ssh -p 23 pasquale@ but nothing astro76 [16:47] i can't understand what is blocking the connection.. [16:47] someone have an idea to fix it without disabling xgl? [16:47] kr0n1x: can you ping that address? [16:47] nickrud: my laptop is set different, i can pull up a menu to chooose which area to boot from, does it still matter which order the boot sequence is in? [16:48] http://www.imgbox.de/?img=g15855h24.png [16:48] andre: you shouldn't be using xgl with nvidia you should use the standar aiglx that comes with Xorg [16:48] astro76 it shows this line and stay as is: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. [16:48] nik_: you should be able to change the disk boot order in the bios setup, and it does matter [16:49] What is happening to my comp? Within the last two days, the PC has got suddenly completely frozen, three times. When it freezes, there are no error messages and I can't move the mouse, also all three LED's on the keyboards are blinking. [16:49] erUSUL, hmm, i installed only nVidia-Drivers via gnome.menu, all other was done bei ubuntu itself [16:49] andre: then you are not using xgl (you hjave to manually install xserver-xgl) [16:49] astro76 i stopped the ping and it says: 98 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 97193ms [16:49] this is ridiculous... [16:50] anyone knows a place where i can find a directory of MMORPG games that are also playable on linux ? [16:50] kr0n1x: so the problem isn't ssh at all [16:50] I just downloaded an ISO of ubuntu 7.10, and the CD integrity gives me 1 error - what should I do? [16:50] nickrud: will this work if i try boot from another comp? [16:50] andre: i suffer the same problems here even with custom drivers installed (169.07) i just live with it [16:50] erUSUL, ok sorry for my wrong information [16:50] nik_: yes, if the bios is set to look at externals first [16:50] nickrud: thats the whole point of my wanting it on an external HD [16:50] moad : eternal lands : http://www.eternal-lands.com [16:50] ok [16:50] sweet [16:50] nickrud: brb then [16:50] astro76 maybe is some firewall rules? i installed Ubuntu Server today... no rules edited. fresh installation! [16:51] do ubuntu apps support multiple cores " spread the work needed to be done evenly on both cores? " or do they work on 1 core? [16:51] erUSUL, how can i see my driver version? [16:51] mykas0: check the md5sum of the downloaded iso (the !md5 link will say how) and if it's good, burn again at a slower speed [16:51] !md5 | mykas0 [16:51] mykas0: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [16:52] andre: if you used the restricted drivers manager it would be 100.14.19 [16:52] x-X-x, they spread the load muchbetter then what ive seen windows apps do. [16:52] nickrud, I didn't burned it - I'm using it as an ISO, to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine [16:52] Dr_willis k [16:52] mykas0: do the md5 sum check, if it doesn't match you'll have to download it again [16:52] how do i install a .bin package ? [16:53] ok, i did [16:53] I think going to install ubuntu inside windows i miss it when im using XP :D [16:53] moad: chmod +x *bin ; ./*.bin [16:53] moad: google is your friend i should know [16:53] moad: but you should install things from the repos if possible [16:53] please help with isight.. anyone [16:54] x-X-x, im constantly seeing windows apps that take 99% on cpu1 for me.. and 0% on 2. :( [16:54] x-X-x, i rarely notice that under linux. [16:54] erUSUL i downloaded this .bin package (its a game) so i simply write that line in terminal and replace the * with the name ? [16:54] erUSUL, u compiled the driver urself? [16:54] o_O [16:54] I have some small and idiot question can any one help [16:54] ? [16:54] from nvidia-page? [16:54] :D [16:54] Dr_willis yeh i know bloody annoying, especially if you have a laptop with 1.6 ghz each core not 2.4 each core so it sucks bigtime [16:55] I have a SE K530i that is identified when I plug it in through lsusb. is it possible to force mount it? it isn't mounted as a mass storage device automatically [16:55] How to known lan pc ip adress [16:55] ? [16:55] moad: yes and use «sudo ./*.bin» or it wont install ;) [16:55] lnx: ifconfig -a [16:55] lnx: you can use nmapfe to find all the ip's on your lan [16:56] please help with isight.. anyone : i have no mac osx partition. i've tried every tutorial known to man.. i've reinstalled my operating system 4 times in the last two weeks. nothing changes. please help [16:56] andre: i used the *.run package from nvidia.com (if you have a custom kernel you may have to compile the module to) [16:57] too* [16:57] otto_: are you in oregon? [16:57] nickrud: it didnt work [16:57] erSULU it tells me "no such file or directory" [16:58] nickrud: i had to force it to boot from the HDD [16:58] moad: are you on the same dir as the bin file is? with the shell? [16:58] nik_: no clue then, that works for many people. [16:58] i am a total noob , i have been on linux for 4 hours :P so i dont understand what you are saying :P [16:58] nickrud: i think the MBR is located on the HDD [16:59] how can i get my plugins to work with firefox3 [16:59] ... md5 doesn't match [16:59] you got to be ****ing kidding me -_- [16:59] what is nmapfe ? [16:59] listen, don't you want to make ubuntu HARDER to use? [16:59] moad: where did you dl the bin package? the Desktop? [16:59] nik_: every disk has an mbr, it just depends on if it's written and points to the right partition to find the rest of grub. grub-install did that, said it had no problems, so I would suspect a bios issue [17:00] nope [17:00] oh [17:00] i did :P [17:00] nickrud: whould you know how to fish this? [17:00] i have to like ... navigate to the desktop ? [17:00] I guess the only thing that doesn't work now is Ventrillo, anyone know if it is even possible to get it working? [17:00] please help with isight.. anyone : i have no mac osx partition. i've tried every tutorial known to man.. i've reinstalled my operating system 4 times in the last two weeks. nothing changes. please help [17:00] how can I make my machine stop starting raids on boot? [17:01] nik_: I would modify my bios, and be sure it's allowing externals to boot. Then I'd take the external to another machine, see if it boots there [17:01] anyone know of a quick way to merge about 200 text files into one single text file? [17:01] cmd [17:01] Brian_L, are they all in one directory? [17:01] yeah [17:01] moad: when you open the shell you have to do «cd Desktop» to go to where the file is located... then do «chmod +x file.bin» and after that «sudo ./file.bin» [17:01] ;_______; [17:01] with nothing else there? [17:01] Brian_L, [17:01] nickrud: how do i modify my bios?\ [17:01] can u say where i must go and what to do ? [17:01] im yes [17:01] just text file [17:01] Brian_L, cat * > output [17:01] Brian_L, cd into the directory and do cat * > file [17:01] nice :) [17:02] nik_: press f2 or delete to get to the bios setup, depends on the machine [17:02] Uhm guys how do i Mount my windows file system Im using Wubi7.10 Ubuntu Gusty Gibbion Install [17:02] and if i want to get to somewhere else ? i write cd /media/blabla ? [17:02] thanks [17:02] moad: yes exactly [17:02] !wubi [17:02] wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html [17:02] nik_: but again, I'm not a grub expert and have pretty much exhausted what little I do know [17:02] !cli | moad [17:02] moad: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [17:03] cant anyone tell me how I stop assembling RAIDs on startup? [17:03] hello guys ... i have couple of problems [17:03] Bruenig....: i want to mount My windows file system and restore an older desktop iteams ect from my folder... [17:03] !windows [17:03] For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents [17:03] oops. :) [17:03] wrong factoud.. [17:03] nickrud: yeah. thats where i told it to ,in the usb section, to boot from my hard drive, it was even able to name my external HD, just when i try to boot from it grub says "no such partition" and it gives me the choice of loading normal ubuntu, ubuntu in safe mode, or run a memory test. [17:03] haha [17:04] first.. there is a note saying new update available .. but cant fetch it .. cant fetch from prodigy.something [17:04] Darkmystere, you just mount them as you would under ubuntu, or any other linux disrto [17:04] Darkmystere, so are you in a normal ubuntu install or are you in windows. I am not familiar with what wubi actually does [17:04] !ntfs [17:04] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubotu NTFS-3g or /msg ubotu FUSE [17:04] secondly .. cant get php through sudo apt-php [17:04] anybody ever run into a DVD .iso with a tiny 4k .mds file alongside it? Can the .mds be disregarded? [17:04] bruenig: im in ubuntu [17:04] nickrud what i must to do for lan ip list. How can i see it ? [17:04] wubi sort of makes a fancy file on the windows hd that gets mounted/booted - lets you sort of isntall linux without having to repartiion. [17:04] darklight: that would be sudo apt-get install if you are trying to install it [17:04] i think.. :) [17:04] lnx: do a ping test [17:05] Brunig: i just backed up a previous install to windows and i cant remeber how i mounted it [17:05] how to install kubuntu desktop? (i'm using ubuntu currently) [17:05] I have an HPdv9208nr that will suspend and hibernate correctly when selected from the menu, but when the power button is pressed (set to ask me) and the lid is closed, I get a popup that says "Action Forbidden: Policy Timeout, please wait a few seconds and try again" [17:05] thats what im trying to do [17:05] nothing in the logs even related, just dhcp events [17:05] BuFF, faq #1 on the Kubuntu site.. install 'kubuntu-desktop' package [17:05] erUSUL it worked , but where do i find that game now ? [17:05] please help with isight.. anyone : i have no mac osx partition. i've tried every tutorial known to man.. i've reinstalled my operating system 4 times in the last two weeks. nothing changes. please help [17:06] moad: run it from terminal or maybe the game has added a menu item in Aplications. Which game is it? [17:06] punkshui: to install ubuntu with isight support? [17:06] punkshui, i think we are still vague on the actual problem. (whats isight anyway?) [17:06] Hey [17:06] puzzle pirates :) [17:06] web cam Dr_willis [17:06] Dr_willis: an apple webcam iirc [17:06] reinstalling an OS 4 times to get a webcam going.. thats hardkore... [17:06] haha [17:06] nickrud just simple in terminal write ping test ? [17:07] anyone on my power management problem? [17:07] its says cannot connect to prodigy.ramp.net ... is it official downloading centre? is it down at the moment? [17:07] cant update or get the available update [17:07] I've used Ubuntu before, never with any troubles. Today, I got a new 320 GB HDD, and I thought I would dual-boot with my existing XP hdd. So I installed the new HDD, installed Ubuntu on the new hdd, and GRUB gave me this: GRUB loading, please wait... Error 2 [17:07] Help would be great :) [17:07] erUSUL the game has a lock on it O.o and doesnt want to work [17:07] Well i know its possible ive done it to backup a previous install because i was having difficulties so i uninstalled and then im back here now trying to get my screensaver ect back [17:07] nickrud test writing only my ip :( [17:08] lnx: no if you installed nmapfe run nmpafe in the terminal, then for scan type select ping sweep, and for target use a partial lan address, like 192.168.x.x [17:08] * darkkiller waits patiently [17:08] nickrud how to instal nmapfe ? [17:08] does anyone know if there is a way to send a fax from an ubuntu pc that has a scanner/printer multi function device? [17:08] bazhang yes to make isight work in ubuntu [17:08] Just tell me if this isn't the room for support :P [17:08] could anyone shade some light? [17:08] :) [17:08] Dr_willis my isight cam doesn't work on ubuntu [17:08] lnx: I use nmapfe very little, and am not on a lan right now so I'm just working from incomplete memory . sudo aptitude install nmapfe , or search for it in synaptic and install it [17:08] moad: dunno what's the problem never tried it myself [17:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook punkshui seen this? [17:09] lol 2 shade some lite [17:09] bazhang [17:09] yes [17:09] punkshui, i got 5 webcams.. none of them work under linux at all..... [17:09] bazhang i've tried MANY tutorials [17:09] punkshui: and that did not work for your macbook? [17:09] Dr_willis many people have their isight working [17:09] erUSUL what does it mean when a file has a lock on it ? [17:09] bazhang no, no luck at all [17:09] mabe u was doin to much nassy on da cams an u messed em up [17:09] lol [17:09] punkshui: you extracted the firmware? [17:10] Well send me a guide to doing it please The 1 earlier didnt help [17:10] louise, :) I normally point them at the fish tank next to the pc when im web-cam-chatting [17:10] louise: not helpful [17:10] What the heck, I can no longer see my M$ partition since updating [17:10] moad: some other program is accessing it? [17:10] darklight: run sudo apt-get update in a terminal, and put the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [17:10] think he was doin kiddie porn on cam all 5 burned up [17:10] my sound tends to freeze frequently, do yo have an idea what might be the source of the problem [17:10] louise: that is not acceptable. stop. [17:10] Any help with my GRUB problem? [17:10] hi, how can I get ubuntu to reconfig my hole X to it defaults values? [17:11] erUSUL thanks for the help [17:11] bazhang can you be more specific [17:11] jyrgen: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' [17:11] it was a joke sorry [17:11] Nothing else is accessing it. [17:12] bazhang i most recently followed this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=491381 [17:12] punkshui: from that tutorial you need to extract the firmware:sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdax /mnt then [17:12] bazhang i don't have os x on my system [17:12] punkshui: sudo cp /mnt/System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBVideoSupport.kext/Contents/MacOS/* /lib/firmware/2.6.22-14-generic/ [17:13] I guess I better dump it and re-install and not update. [17:13] punkshui: the tutorial lays it all out; no need for me to flood the channel any further with copying the entire thing [17:13] is there a torrent program built into ubuntu? Or else, wich program is compatible with ubuntu? [17:13] bazhang i don't have os x [17:13] !pastebin [17:13] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [17:13] Thanks =) [17:14] punkshui: ah I see [17:14] bazhang i had to download the AppleUSBVideoSupport file from the internet and put it in the /lib/firmware directory myself [17:14] freak124: deluge-torrent is getting popular right now [17:14] !torrent | freak124 [17:14] freak124: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [17:14] What do the "PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge 0000:00:1c.2" messages mean? They satrted appearing with Gutsy; also some keyboard Fn combos stopped working... Does it make sense to get back to Fiesty? [17:14] freak124: there is a simple client by default but you can install deluge (what i use), transmission, bittornado etc... [17:14] http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4098248 punkshui then this perhaps [17:14] is there any way i can install ubuntu without a cd-drive ? [17:14] i downloaded the iso but my cdrom drive isnt working [17:14] !install | klander` [17:14] klander`: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [17:15] www.pendrivelinux.com klander` [17:15] nickrud im instaled nmapfe how to run it ? [17:15] my english is very bad :) im from lithuania so :D sorry [17:15] bazhang that's the same tutorial i just sent you a link to [17:15] can some 1 help me install awn.. [17:15] :D [17:15] Im getting this Error.. [17:15] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51674/ [17:16] Anyone know if I can "arrange icons" on the gnome-panel? [17:16] Where can I get fiesty? [17:16] Darkmystere that isn't an error :) your cdrom contains files needed by apt-get to install, if you prefer to use the internet to install from then you can edit the /etc/apt/soureces.list file as sudo/gksudo and uncomment the deb cdrom line, then update and try again [17:16] lnx: in a terminal, type nmapfe . Then on scan type select ping sweep , and for target a partial lan address. For me, 192.168.0.x would be appropriate [17:16] <_starryeyedboy_> : right clicking on 'em n choosing move? also - u can use "add to panel" to add separators n stuff [17:16] cdimage.ubuntu.com [17:16] sorry typo, its /etc/apt/sources.list [17:17] if i done paste the response .. how i could get it fix? [17:17] _starryeyedboy_ - Tried moving them, but they just dont want to line up :D [17:17] hey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble running firehol for ubuntu server [17:17] <_starryeyedboy_> : i see - do u mean... there are gaps n stuff? [17:17] darklight: show me the link, so I can see it [17:17] sn0: well could u tell me how to remove the older version the uninstallation instructions not working.. [17:17] Darkmystere that should have said 'comment' not uncomment sorry [17:18] No, they're just not uniformly spaced (with a touchpad it can be tricky) [17:18] it keeps spitting out errors when translating iptable commands [17:18] has anyone else here used firehol before? [17:18] punkshui: the easiest way it seems is to have a minimal osx partition and do it that way; no idea how to it otherwise--there are several launchpad bugs associated with it not working otherwise [17:18] Sn0: its fine [17:18] <_starryeyedboy_> : hm =D i see... i don't know of an auto arrange kinda function. i've just been doing it manually... [17:18] Darkmystere try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-1d5d8ce5319742aea968112701e3a2292ac7d187 , it explains how to do it in the gui [17:19] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51675/ [17:19] Sn0: also do u know how to Mount Windows Part from a Wubi install? [17:19] why does ubuntu come with Evolution mail rather than thuderbird? [17:19] hello everybody [17:19] Darkmystere no idea sorry :) [17:19] can I install opera browser on ubuntu? [17:19] Xintruder yes. [17:19] !opera [17:19] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [17:20] !osx [17:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about osx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:20] bazhang alright thanks [17:20] nickrud, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51675/ [17:20] !Firefox [17:20] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [17:20] !Evolution [17:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about evolution - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:20] !Evolution mail [17:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about evolution mail - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:20] trying to unzip a file - wont unzip ... there is an unzip (like) utility in ubuntu isn't there [17:20] darklight: it looks like you have a proxy address , have you made any changes to any files in /etc/apt? [17:20] !botabuse | yfk [17:20] yfk: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [17:21] i am not sure about that ... [17:21] Xintruder: did you want me ? [17:21] let me check first [17:21] hey ikonia, just was a follow up after the forums post. Lemme check hold on [17:21] Well Sn0: now trying to install it i get... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51676/ [17:21] LjL, I was tryting to show that evolution mail is foul software and that using it instead of Thunderbird is wrong [17:22] hi [17:22] yfk: err, and that would be true because? [17:22] !thunderbird | LjL [17:22] LjL: Thunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 [17:22] nickrud lnx@lnxpc:~$ type nmapfe [17:22] nmapfe is /usr/bin/nmapfe [17:22] hey ikonia i'm still having problems with my isight.. if i remember correctly you have a macbook as well. tell me, is it necessary to have a mac os x partition in order to make the isight function in ubuntu? [17:22] yfk: that doesn't answer my question [17:22] the installation .iso image is located on a ntfs partition. will i still be able to install it from a usb pen drive? [17:22] ikonia: I meant adobe flash plug in in my post [17:22] Does anyone experience this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=665486 [17:22] how would I change the sudo password? [17:23] Xintruder: I advise you to remove that comment from the forum as the flash plugin has nothing to do with your graphics card issues, and it reads confusing [17:23] riddlebox: it's your own user's password [17:23] fierfox is comes out of the box, I guess a good enough reason would be needed to use a mail client other than Thunderbird [17:23] nickrud: how do i find the machines on my internal network with nmap?? === gouki_ is now known as gouki [17:23] darklight: do grep -r prodigy /etc/apt/* , see if you get back anything about prodigy and proxy [17:23] LjL, I want to give someone access to the machine for this weekend, but I dont want them to know my password [17:23] the method described in the ubuntu wiki requires linux utilities to prepare the bootable usb pen drive.. problem is i dont have any linux installed right now [17:23] Hello people. [17:23] Can somebody help me with KDE on Ubuntu gutsy? [17:23] riddlebox: then make a new user. also, you're going to give them *sudo* access? then they can get your password *anyway*. [17:24] ikonia: someone in here told me maybe the flash software i installed and codecs messed it up, thats why I included that in the post >< ! [17:24] basically, while trying to mount a volume through KDE I get: hal-storage-fixed-mount-all-options refused id 1000 [17:24] lnx: when I said type nmapfe , I meant type nmapfe in the terminal, not type type nmapfe in the terminal [17:24] Xintruder: they where talking nonense [17:24] does synpatic manager have the latest version of KDE 4? [17:24] brobostigon: I can never remember the nmap commands, I use nmapfe and do a ping sweep [17:24] is there any way i can install ubuntu without a cd-drive ? [17:24] LjL, it is a trusted person, they are working on drivers for a tv tuner card which I have, I just dont want him to know my password, I will change it as soon as he is done [17:25] ikonia: this memmory leak thing is confusing me man... I have no clue what there talking about >< ! I jusy know nVidia drivers suck for compiz because the driver has a problem. [17:25] is there a shortcut key to show the desktop in standard ubuntu? or a way to map one? (i'd like CTRL+m if possible :) [17:25] riddlebox: make a new user and add it to the "admin" group [17:25] nickrud, do i have to root myself to get it ? seems my permission is denied .. [17:25] nickrud: i looked in nmapfe but cant find reference to ping scan. [17:25] ok [17:25] Xintruder: thats not really true [17:25] How do the previews in Nautilus get generated? I have a custom file format which i'd like to create previews for if possible [17:25] nickrud: or ping sweep [17:26] darklight: have u tried sudo I forgot the 1 for text editing so ask around [17:26] brobostigon: under scan tab, scan type. Use the dropdown [17:26] yfk: is the fact that Evolution is the *default* email client in Ubuntu perhaps a good enough reason? [17:26] ikonia: #compiz told me this problem of compiz crashing linux is because there is a bug with nvidia drivers that hasn't be solved yet! [17:26] ciao [17:26] ciao [17:26] !list [17:26] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [17:26] ciao [17:26] Xintruder: there are some issues with the drivers intergration with compiz, but it's not just nvidias fault [17:26] !tell darkmystere x [17:27] !it | pirroccio [17:27] pirroccio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [17:27] pirroccio, se sei ita è meglio che vieni su ubuntu.it [17:27] ikonia: so am I being told my problem can be fixed now, or it cannot be fixed? [17:27] darklight: if you got only grep: /etc/apt/secring.gpg: Permission denied grep: /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg: Permission denied , then you got the right answer. No proxy set in apt [17:27] nickrud: i cant see ping sweep. [17:27] Xintruder: depends on the actual problem [17:28] nickrud: could it hav another different name?? [17:28] ikonia: I did post my problem... what do I do now.. [17:28] nickrud, : seems i got those what u mentioned [17:28] LjL, my question was why It's the default mail client [17:28] Xintruder: you've posted a brief summary of a problem your having, thats no way enough of an investigation to actually get to the bottom of the issue [17:28] brobostigon: wierd. I see connect scan, ping sweep, host list, and ftp bounce attack there [17:28] hey guys i keep getting an error 'C++ compiler cannot create executables'.. am i missing some kind of library or package? [17:29] cal_mac: install build-essential package [17:29] ikonia: thanks! [17:29] ikonia: im sorry, I thought it was enough. What would you suggest I do now? [17:29] Xintruder: log a bug report on launchpad - a forum is only a chat solution, not an official request for an investigation/trouble shooting [17:29] yfk: why shouldn't it be? you could converselt ask why is Firefox the default web browser, rather then Epiphany. an answer is probably that Firefox is too overwhelmingly dominant on the market not to provide it as default. that hardly goes for Thunderbird. [17:30] Hi - I'm not being notified of updates in my menu bar... what do I need to have running to get that back? Is there an applet or a service? [17:30] darklight: I'm not much of a network guy (never set up proxies, don't know to do a lot of things actually) but I have one last possibility to check. env | grep -i proxy , do you get anything back? [17:30] ikonia: I'm sorry, can you be more specific in what do you want me to do? [17:31] Xintruder: register on the ubuntu support/trouble ticket system on launchpad.net and log a bug, detailing your hardware, your operating system, the problem and any useful information you can think of [17:31] nickrud: how do i specify my network in the target box?? [17:31] has anyone here used firehol before? [17:31] brobostigon: I used 192.168.0.x to see the stuff at work last time I used it [17:31] ok [17:32] http://packages.debian.org/firehol talcite this? [17:32] !info firehol [17:32] firehol: An easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.231-7ubuntu0.7.10 (gutsy), package size 157 kB, installed size 796 kB [17:32] nickrud nmap -sP -PT 193.219.146.x and result is Starting Nmap 4.20 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2008-01-12 19:31 EET [17:32] Failed to resolve given hostname/IP: 193.219.146.x. Note that you can't use '/mask' AND '1-4,7,100-' style IP ranges [17:32] WARNING: No targets were specified, so 0 hosts scanned. [17:32] Nmap finished: 0 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.033 seconds [17:33] !paste > lnx (lnx, see the private message from Ubotu) [17:33] bazhang: yes [17:34] I'm trying to set it up, but it keeps complaining [17:34] lnx: are you sure that's the lan you are working on? And, as I've been saying over and over, I am no network guru, whenever I do network stuff I spend most of my time on google looking stuff up [17:34] nickrud, cant find the straight up sign... my keyboard i guess not properly install [17:34] Hab SoSlI' Quch! [17:34] and the version of firehol in the repos is from 2004... [17:34] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132039 talcite seen this? [17:34] nope, thanks =D [17:34] ikonia: installing that package got me to a new step.. now it is asking for a package called mysql-devel or mysql-dev, but neither of those are found by apt-get and none are intuitively similar in synaptic [17:34] darklight: on a us keyboard it's on the \ key right above the enter key. [17:35] enabling desktop settings removes my window borders, any idea how to fix this [17:35] no worries :} [17:35] Azzmodan: window decorator --replace [17:35] well when i punch the key .. the ~ sign is out instead of the straight sign [17:35] cal_mac: what is asking for that package ? [17:35] are there any other apps other than soundconverter or soundkonverter for converting audio files. I am trying to make some mp3 files a lower bitrate for my mp3 player. If I use either of the two mentioned the songs have no band or album info on my mp3 player [17:35] a dc program [17:35] not sure whether im havingproblem with my key board or its not properly installed [17:36] I've lost my virtual terminals, i just get a black screen when doing ctrl+alt+F2, is this common? [17:36] !info audacity [17:36] audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6832 kB [17:36] cal_mac: are you trying to compile this yourself ? [17:36] ikonia: yep [17:36] darklight: ah, go to system->prefs->keyboard , try looking around there for the right keyboard [17:36] cal_mac: what is the name of the software you are trying to build [17:36] ikonia: verlihub [17:36] joshritger: not sure if audacity is what you need or not [17:36] cleaton, those on ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 is not virtual terminals, they are called consoles [17:36] can audacity batch convert? [17:37] im using laptop .. dell . .the xps m1210 .. im choosing the dell inspiron .. guess it should suite the keyboard .. [17:37] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719&postcount=10 [17:37] linux 4 life [17:37] cal_mac: try libmysqlclient15-dev package [17:37] bazhang: can audacity batch convert? [17:37] but .. turn out .. im having keyboard problem .. [17:38] /j #ubuntu-br [17:38] joshritger: use soundconverter [17:38] darklight: also check the language that is selected, could have the right keyboard but the wrong layout [17:38] joshritger: or sox from command line [17:38] Hey all, I need to share a wired WAN connection with both a Wired LAN connection and a wireless ad-hoc LAN connection, anyone care to help me out? [17:38] join #ubuntu-br [17:39] hi, does anyone know of a program that can record from a webcam? i've searched google to no avail [17:39] hi [17:39] sarixe: cheese [17:39] joshritger: batch convert and normalize? [17:39] !webcam | sarixe [17:39] sarixe: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [17:39] Flare183 : thanks [17:39] hi, which filesystem is the most resistant against bad harddisks? [17:39] sarixe: no problem [17:39] Belboz99 : i'll try it [17:39] Knofi none [17:40] Knofi harddisks physical hardware failures won't be overcome by a file system [17:40] bazhang: pretty much, not necessarily normalize, but it needs to batch convert so i can convert say 100 mp3's at once [17:40] ikonia: well, thats bad... [17:40] Hi Folks - I have freshly installed Kubuntu 7.10 - I have problems setting up my Intersil Corporation ISL3886 [Prism Javelin/Prism Xbow] (rev 01) - what can I best do?? my googling didn't really help much [17:40] ikonia: Just registered in launch pad, huge site! Looking for bug report page or something >< [17:40] ok get the right language now ... (before its uk . no wonder i got it wrong all over) [17:40] !repeet | ciacon [17:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about repeet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:40] Xintruder: ok [17:40] !repeat | ciacon [17:40] crap [17:40] !launchpad [17:40] ciacon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [17:40] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [17:41] ciacon: do you see the icon on the left top corner of the screen that has two computers wired? [17:41] ikonia: i do not know the exact problem, but i do have continouus problems with my harddisks - fsck does often detect errors [17:41] bazhang: non of the other converters I have found can keep the ID tag info [17:41] Knofi: thats a file system complaint, not a hard disk complaint [17:41] what cross-platform compressed archive format supports unicode filenames? [17:41] i know 7z is [17:41] the response is http_proxy=http://prodigy.ramp.net:8080/ [17:41] I've lost my virtual terminals, i just get a black screen when doing ctrl+alt+F2, is this common? [17:41] but is there any widely supported one? [17:41] nickrud, the response is http_proxy=http://prodigy.ramp.net:8080/ [17:42] anyone here who has been using a gigabyte i-ram with ubuntu? [17:42] darklight: ah, there it is. When did you set that? [17:42] erUSUL: kubuntu... I have... ifconfig shows me the device - but I can't see any active wlan - even though I have approx 15 arround... [17:42] and know there are swapped files - iE there is an documentation-file in /var/lib/dpkg/info/.list [17:42] http://linux.blowshard.net/2007/03/10/bash-script-batch-convert-mp3/ this might help joshritger with lame installed [17:42] !mp3 [17:42] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [17:43] well i didnt set the url .. but i changed the network proxy .. from direct connection to .. [17:43] ciacon, which command you used to tell it to associate to a particular AP ? [17:43] bazhang: i will give that a try [17:43] hmm, Im trying to install Opera, but it seems to be only available for 'i386', while I run the 64-bit edition of ubuntu (Intel Core 2 duo CPU) .. but, shouldn't my CPU be able to run i386 aswell? backward compatibility etc? [17:43] ikonia: thanks that worked.. its wanted two more so far but i think i have managed to find them.. libpcre and geoip [17:43] ciacon: sudo iwconfig «iface» scan (where iface is the wireless interface wlan0 or eth1 or whatever) [17:43] ikonia: this means it is not my hardware that causes the errors, just wrong handling? [17:43] cal_mac: ok [17:43] !amd64 | Blastur [17:43] Blastur: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information. [17:43] Knofi: is this an internal or external disk ? [17:43] Knofi: what file system is on the disk ? [17:43] !chroot > Blastur [17:43] nickrud, well i didnt set the url .. but i changed the network proxy .. from direct connection to .. manual proxy [17:43] how to i move around/choose options in dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg? [17:43] ikonia: it is my internal harddisk uses with ext3 [17:44] Knofi: do you shut the system down, or just turn it off ? [17:44] nickrud, how to fix it? [17:44] Knofi: does it crash a lot ? [17:44] ikonia: yeah got it compiled.. thanks, i know how to search for these missing packages now [17:44] good [17:44] s there some sort of xorg configurator? My monitor is on auto detect and using the restricted nvidia drivers, 8600GTS but I can't select all my refresh rates/resolutions [17:44] erUSUL: iwconfig : unknow command "scan" [17:44] darklight: that's the problem you have, the proxy is not reachable for some reason. Why? Well, I'm not expert. I'd start by resetting it back to direct connection. Make a note of that proxy line for later reference [17:44] appelza: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [17:44] ikonia: i shut my system down , sometimes using /sbin/halt [17:44] well guys im off for the rest of the weekend - c ya laterz [17:44] will try [17:44] how to i move around/choose options in dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg? [17:45] truna: I am using the kubuntu tool to scan for the wlan [17:45] Knofi: well, your doing something to cause file system corruption [17:45] Has anyone else who uses zynaddsubfx (if anyone) experienced all instruments sounding exactly the same (e.g., a Guitar, Synth, whatever is chosen yet all sound the same)...like a synth piano or similar? [17:45] ikonia: massive using of the harddisk? [17:45] ciacon, thats scanning, how about to associate to the AP ? [17:45] nickrud, : ok. thanks man. [17:45] Knofi: shouln't really matter [17:45] darklight: did that fix it? [17:45] ciacon: iwlist instead of iwconfig .. sorry [17:45] hi any of you guys heard of j/xfs? [17:45] abit [17:45] cal_mac: jfs ? [17:45] i really need to use the file and ican't seem to join the forum [17:46] ikonia: ? [17:46] erUSUL: np - lemme check [17:46] was wondering if any of you has the distribution [17:46] how can I add a user to a group through cli? [17:46] jxfs.net [17:46] cal_mac: meant carloc [17:46] thansk [17:46] still cant fetch it up .. perhaps i need to restart [17:46] ikonia: If I only had better english.. i have no clue what im doing at launch pad :( !!! lol [17:46] erUSUL: loads =)) [17:46] nickrud, still cant fetch it up .. perhaps i need to restart .. [17:46] darklight: you probably set up that manual proxy for a reason ... [17:47] why cant i do the following: alias somedir='/home/me/deep/nested/dir' [17:47] can somebody tell me how to move around/choose options in dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?? [17:47] ikonia: than i dont know what could cause the error - im using a minipc, that means the harddisk is very near to my cpu - could these cause filesystem curruption? [17:47] yeah, cant remember why .. . [17:47] theCarpenter: because of your quotations [17:47] erUSUL: I just noticed, that I have several wlan interfaces... wlan0 and wmaster0 [17:47] Knofi: I don't see why [17:47] nickrud, : anyway .. i would like to restart now .. and see the effect of it .. ... [17:48] ciacon: use the kde control center to configure the wireless connection or install knetworkmanager [17:48] darklight: worth a try, I guess. The proxy should have been reset automatically though. [17:48] could it be usefull to change the filesystem-type? xfs for example? [17:48] ciacon: wmaster0 is not an actual iface [17:48] ciacon: use wlan0 [17:48] erUSUL: what is that iface for?? [17:48] ikonia: could it be usefull to change the filesystem-type? xfs for example? [17:49] pardon me: why cant i do the following: alias deep_dir="echo /home/me/deep/nested/dir" and then say deep_dir | cd ? [17:49] ciacon: iirc on drivers that support it you can use hostap and thinks like ismet and the like through it [17:49] erUSUL: oki [17:49] I lost the NetworkManager icon (that I used to connect to my wifi network) in the panel... how to get it back? [17:49] erUSUL: lemme get my lan setup [17:49] what program can i use to capture some video with my webcam? [17:49] theCarpenter, prove to yourself, is echo $deep_dir what you expected? [17:50] kazim59: alt-f2 , nm-applet should put it back if everything is ok [17:50] andreas_, camorama [17:50] is there a text-to-speech program for gnome? (I'm looking for a gui. I installed both festival and espeak [and i think festival has already been working] and tryed out kmouth and ksayit but both won't work) [17:50] is it good> [17:50] ? [17:50] nickrud: but something's wrong... network-admin seems to hang infinitely [17:51] I just tried out the latest version of ubuntu with the liveCD and I love it! Unfortunately I have to keep XP for work related stuff. Is anyone really good with partitions? Any help is greatly appreciated. Just PM me! :P Thanks! [17:51] theCarpenter, echo prints something in the stdout, its output cant be used to be piped to next command [17:51] same for the new icon..a space gets created in panel.. which exits after sometime [17:51] kazim59: how NetworkManager works is beyond me. Sometimes sudo pkill NetworkManager && sudo NetworkManager works for me, sometimes I reboot [17:52] riddlebox: assuming that you want to add an existing user to an existing group type sudo adduser user group [17:52] mmeloon, you dont want to share the knowledge with anyone else? [17:52] ok thanks [17:52] can somebody tell me how to move around/choose options in dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?? [17:53] 'good with partitions' - you mean 'understands the basics' ? :) Theres not a whole lot to get good at. [17:53] erUSUL: apt-get upgrade running through 224 mb update... that might take a mo ;-) [17:53] there's a couple things that could be a problem [17:53] 1 sec I'm registering. (usually on a different server) [17:53] nickrud: alright.. that worked. Thanks === mmeloon is now known as k3nshin [17:53] ...so can someone help me? [17:54] ïðè âñåì [17:54] íóæåí õåëï [17:54] Glam, have you started using the up down arrow keys? space bar? enter keys? [17:54] well i'm not sure what i'm suppose to use [17:54] that's why i'm asking [17:55] !clock [17:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about clock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:55] Glam, this is linux, so you get to try and experience, do not be afraid :) [17:55] hi all, I think I totaly broke something, let me try to explain what I did, and what is happening now. === Generic is now known as Ashex [17:55] Anyone want to do me a huge favor [17:55] ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/182358 done :D [17:55] * nickrud looks at Glam and looks at steve79 and laughs (not at them, the juxtaposition) [17:55] and locate the line that starts with # Default in /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default [17:55] and tell me what BACKCOLOR= is [17:56] how do i get the date/time to local instead of UTC? UTC is not check under preferences [17:56] Ok I'm all registered. Here's the deal with the partition. I'd like to keep the current 60GB of my 250GB internal sata EXACTLY how it is. I have lost a lot of CD's and install files over the years. [17:56] why know hau install wane in Kubuntu amd64 [17:56] wane? [17:56] I'm filing a bug and I need the default value, but I modified it [17:56] yes [17:56] hi [17:56] I installed the 32 bit libraries and firefox, I did something during the install which caused things to kinda lock up. reboot and shut down disappeared from the shutdown menu on gnome. now I restart, my old home seems to be gone, everything seems to be default, but some of the programs I had are still here. [17:56] jw--: change UTC=no in /etc/defaults/rcS [17:56] Xintruder, have you tried latest nvidia drivers? [17:56] !info wane [17:56] Package wane does not exist in gutsy [17:57] so....anyone? [17:57] is there a place where this info would have gone? [17:57] !info nvidia [17:57] Package nvidia does not exist in gutsy [17:57] all my media is gone [17:57] XLV: no clue. i used auto install etc [17:57] XLV: i DID NOTHING AUTO MATICALLY [17:57] jw--: erm , that's /etc/default/rcS , not defaults [17:57] sorry caps* === Traioira is now known as Dagaka [17:57] steve79, is this a new install? [17:58] nickrud: got it, thanks :) [17:58] * Xintruder slaps himself [17:58] XLV: I did nothing manually, just automatically. [17:58] I'll even tell you the command [17:58] just type cat /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default | grep BACKCOLOR [17:58] there are no virtual terminals in gusty? [17:58] And paste the result in pastebin or something [17:58] cleaton, i have all sorts of virtual terminals.. what are your efering to specifically? [17:59] Ashex: I get no results from that command [17:59] /list [17:59] Xintruder, run nvidia-settings, it will state what ver of drivers you got, latest nvidia drivers are 169.07 something... !info nvidia-glx shows that nvidia drivers ubuntu restricted drivers manager installs are v96.39 [17:59] nickrud, you're running gnome, right? [17:59] Xintruder, so i guess you should try installing latest nvidia 169.xx drivers manually [18:00] well, dangit [18:00] Should get an output :/ [18:00] Ashex, what are you looking for? how to set an variable? [18:00] XLV: i have 100.14.19 [18:00] Ashex: yes, and I see BACKCOLOR in the file [18:00] thats way out of date huh [18:00] i not have internet conektion in Kubuntu because i nide wane for load tafik inspektor help mee!! [18:00] truna, I need the default value of BACKCOLOR [18:00] I'm filing a bug [18:00] Ashex: doh, bad paste, a sec [18:00] Ashex, BACKCOLOR=`gdmflexiserver --command="GET_CONFIG greeter/GraphicalThemedColor $DISPLAY" [18:01] Dr_willis, i mean like ctrl+alt+F2-F3 etc [18:01] how can i repair half installes packages? [18:01] Hi all. I just installed Linux onto my USB stick and put portable apps on it. What more can i do with my usb stick? [18:01] truna, the value I need is right below # Default value [18:01] tracker doesn't seem to work, sigh. [18:01] XLV: any heads up of how to install manually? Do I uninstall first? [18:01] Ashex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51685/ [18:01] ah ha [18:01] Arelis, give them to all windows users to use? [18:01] thanks nickrud [18:02] i love ubuntu [18:02] Xintruder, i guess set ubuntu in restricted drivers manager to not use nvidia restricted driver, then install as stated in nvidia readme [18:02] you're in the right channel then Ironman1 [18:03] i just started using it earlier this weak [18:03] nickrud: it says i dont have required permissions when i try to change that file [18:03] easiest linux distro for me so far [18:03] Arelis: you could encrypt your HD and put your GPG key to the usb stick [18:03] jw--: gksudo gedit , to edit system files you need admin privs [18:03] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719 [18:03] nickrud: ok i will try that, thanks [18:03] vbox users? [18:03] does apt-get get have a reinstall option? [18:03] Knofi: I don't think changing file systems is a good idea [18:03] or should I remove and install? [18:03] erUSUL: I think I have just about installed the updates... what was the package I should install?? [18:04] lesshaste: use synaptic, ther eis a re-inistall option [18:04] kinroad, what does that do= [18:04] = [18:04] how is ubuntu support for notebooks are wireless cards [18:04] ? [18:04] anyone knows if there is a Spired Solitaire for linux ? [18:04] hey whenever i run camorama i get an error cannot connect to /dev/video0 [18:04] is there something i need to do to enable terminals on ctrl+alt-F2-F3 etc? [18:04] or a similar one ? [18:04] why is that/ [18:04] my camera is built in my dell laptop [18:04] Ironman1: same as every other linux distribution [18:04] Ironman1: what card [18:04] metacity does not start with gnome in gutsy [18:05] for me [18:05] something like boardcom or someting like that [18:05] ciacon: how did you set up the connection? command line? [18:05] metacity and nm-applet [18:05] anyone could help me with tracker ? [18:05] hi all, every time i boot ubuntu the swap partition if off why? [18:05] kr0n1x, does both pc have an ip address? [18:05] its a hp pv9000 series [18:05] Could anyone help with internet connection sharing? Two ubuntu desktops with a router in between. I can ping back and forth, but no sharing [18:05] cdfg [18:05] tracker search tools doesn't show anything but mails. the daemon is active, though [18:05] Arelis: nobody could use the computer without the usb stick with the key [18:05] O_o [18:05] truna have you read my topic on ubuntuforums? :< it is full of infos.. [18:06] руские есть) [18:06] inkscape in ubuntu gutsy seems very buggy [18:06] kinroad, sounds dangerous... when i do that, and i lose the usb stick.. [18:06] it core dumped and now won't draw a simple rectangle?! [18:06] kr0n1x, do you understand my question? can you answer my question? [18:06] it might be one of the restricted driveers [18:06] Ironman1: can you access the box now? enter lspci in the terminal and say the exact number of the card please no need to paste in the channel just the number [18:06] erUSUL: I have now plugged that laptop with lan so that I could a) get the updates b) get the nesesary tools for the wlan configuration.... this laptop is a bday present for my girlfriend who deffo wanted a linux installed (I hate making drunk promisses=S ) [18:06] i dont have it install on my notebook yet [18:06] unless someone can tell me how to do it? [18:06] it has vista on it, so sad, so sad [18:07] ciacon: ten try knetworkmanager [18:07] then* [18:07] truna maybe i didn't understand... both pc have 2 local ip address... 192.168.x.x... and 1 public ip... to stay on web O_o or what you mean? [18:07] !ru | gazul [18:07] gazul: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [18:07] quick question, how does one rename an interface? [18:07] XLV: Im downloading 169.07 from nvidia website for unix, I hope that will be the right file [18:07] kr0n1x, if you are going to be stingy with your ip address info, i may not be able to assist you [18:07] erUSUL: have that tool, but for some reason It says "no active device" [18:08] ubotu: robdig: fenks) [18:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about robdig: fenks) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:08] Ironman1: you can do it from the livecd [18:08] Hey all, I think something happened and I lost my home folder, when I rebooted the computer it looks like a fresh install (background, resolution) and all my bookmarks are gone and media I have on this computer, please tell me there is some way to retreive it? [18:08] !tracker [18:08] Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI) [18:08] his ip is [18:08] Quick question, don't know if anyone knows where I might find this but if I have the 128bit WEP in a ascii is there a way to find out what the "passphrase" is? [18:08] hey whenever i run camorama i get an error cannot connect to /dev/video0 [18:08] whos? [18:08] my camera is built in my dell laptop [18:08] truna i can't give my ip on public :/ to unknown men.. .thanks anyway.. [18:08] why is that/ [18:08] ?? [18:08] kr0n1x: [18:09] kr0n1x: your ip is [18:09] ciacon: :S then use the configuration tools of kde (if any) to configure it (i do not use kubuntu so i dunno) [18:09] Kuroachia: cracking wep? not supported here iirc [18:09] ikonia :D [18:09] lol ok [18:09] not true ikonia ... [18:09] it isn't my ip :/ [18:09] kr0n1x, using the 192.168.x.x is private non-routable address, i can get to it, easily [18:09] kr0n1x: then you are spoofing your IP to freenode, I'll report that now. [18:09] erUSUL: gimme a sec - maybe I can find somthing... any packages you can recomend (the control-center has the same result =( ) [18:09] lol... [18:09] peguei um programa mas to perdido pra instalar ele no ubuntu! alguem pode ajudar? [18:09] kr0n1x, since you are not trusting person, good luck in getting assistance [18:09] Hey all, I think something happened and I lost my home folder, when I rebooted the computer it looks like a fresh install (background, resolution) and all my bookmarks are gone and media I have on this computer, please tell me there is some way to retreive it? [18:10] thx truna [18:10] peguei um programa mas to perdido pra instalar ele no ubuntu! alguem pode ajudar? [18:10] ciacon: as i said i'm not familiar with the kde configuration utilities... i use gnome [18:10] bazhang: sorry, Trying to figure out why my friend can't log into her router. She has the WEP up on the computer connected to the router but her laptop (with ubuntu) won't connect. [18:10] i'd give ikonia my full name and mastercard number. Full trust. [18:10] !pt | LL0UIZZ [18:10] nickrud: ok i have changed that fie ok, how would i set date/time current now? [18:10] erUSUL: ok.. lemme have a look... [18:10] lol Xintruder [18:10] Xintruder: appriciated [18:10] bandhang: When I walked her through taking off the encryption it connected, when we put it back on it won't connect. -shrug- [18:10] LL0UIZZ: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [18:11] Xintruder, how about your first born? hehehe [18:11] could anyone please look at my xorg.conf and tell me why I cant choose 1152x864@85hz (or even 75 for that matter): http://pastebin.com/m680d16b3 [18:11] :P [18:11] Kuroachia: can she access the router? normally that can be done with a browser--though you do need to be connected via ethernet to reset it [18:11] appelza, system>administration>screens and graphics [18:11] appelza read this it helped me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=269052 [18:11] appelza, would the monitor you have even support that resolution? [18:11] Kuroachia: unless it is an apple airport [18:11] yeah [18:12] it works fine in windows at that refresh + resolution and higher [18:12] Kuroachia: out of curiosity, does she have a space in her ascii wep key? I did, which never bothered windows, but took me a while to figure out that ubuntu didn't like it :) [18:12] appelza i had your same problem, i solved it with the post that i linked [18:13] thanks === osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude [18:14] Hey all, I think something happened and I lost my home folder, when I rebooted the computer it looks like a fresh install (background, resolution) and all my bookmarks are gone and media I have on this computer, please tell me there is some way to retreive it? [18:14] Look, I really need some other place besides the website where I can download an ubuntu alternative disk, the website hates me, that [18:14] rodig: she doesn't have spaces but she does have dell router doesn't give one long encryption but rather 2 spaces per box. I told her to try it with spaces and no luck. [18:14] 's the only question I really need answered. [18:15] Is there an ftp server where I can download it or something? [18:15] Kuroachia: if it has room for 2 characters per box, then it is probably set for a hex key i think === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [18:16] Please, it's the only thing between me and finishing this install. [18:17] Noodels: the torrent or a local mirror perhaps--or just just another mirror [18:17] Noodels: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors [18:18] robdig: After I converted her key it gave me nonsense characters (( \+7FVRH?<'Cr3 )) [18:18] The latest is gutsy right? [18:18] the latest stable, yes. [18:18] hey guys i have been wrestling with my external hd for days now trying to get it to work with gutsy, and i have found a partial solution but it has caused performance issues and increased boot time. in the boot loader if i add the command irqpoll i am able to use my external normally, but overall my computer and programs are noticeably slower to load and perform operations [18:19] Could not open the file /home/nasser/Desktop/NVI…Linux-x86-169.07-pkg1.run using the Western (ISO-8859-15) character coding. Help!? [18:19] robdig: On ubuntu if it asks for a passphrase the WEP should work just the same right? I know for me I typed in the passphrase because I knew what the passphrase was to generate the encryption code, does that matter at all? [18:20] XLV: ideas? [18:20] Looks like we are having a little floodbot problem [18:21] Xintruder, sh filename.run [18:21] Kuroachia: are you doing wep or wpa? for wep, all you do is enter the key, whether it is an ascii key or a hex key. for wpa you have to generate a key using a passphrase [18:21] Xintruder, into a shell, so sudo sh [18:22] robdig: That's what I thought. She must just be typing in the key wrong. Her family is using WEP, I use WPA, I figured as much. Thanks. [18:23] cal_mac, why did you use irqpoll ? what will that supposed to do? [18:23] Kuroachia: np, and good luck :) [18:24] XLV: I need to exit x before installing, I never accessed console without X in ubuntu. [18:24] :s [18:24] Without mounting the share, is there a way I can play audio and video files over a samba share with mplayer? I don't understand why it's working from the shell, but not from within my file manager (Nautilus). I even made a dummy /usr/bin/mplayer which would dump the arguments passed to mplayer in the event it was launched to a text file. This text file returns data when launched from the command line, but returns nothing from within the fi [18:24] le manager... [18:24] anyone know how to set up fusemb for thunar sftp in gutsy? [18:24] Hello [18:25] erUSUL: I have given up for today... I'm to tired... thanks anyway for your help =) -- well apreciated! [18:25] I need to downgrade to flash8, anybody knows how ? [18:25] Xintruder, theres always a first time for everthing [18:26] how is that done :( .. i feel like a looser lol.. [18:26] I like this one --> [18:26] ubotu: !sleep [18:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:26] Hi I am thinking of switching to 64bit ubuntu I have done a lot reading about so I know about the plugins and all of that. My Q is, I use ndiswrapper to go online and they do have a windows 64 bit driver for my card so will I be able to get my card to work with ndiswrapper? [18:27] how do i re-autodetect the sound architecture? [18:27] noonan, i just happen to be browsing this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=300310 see if it will help [18:27] johnficca: i got ndiswrapper working with my wireless device and it caused my nvidia drivers to stop working correctly [18:27] johnficca, if you are using it as a desktop you will be frustrated moving to 64bit [18:28] im sorry for the noobish question, how do i get into console after exiting gnome (closing x)? [18:28] P_Kable: iirc it went from 7 to 9 no 8 [18:28] Xintruder, ctrl alt f1-6 at the same time and log in as yourself [18:28] Xintruder, you mean just a console i.e. no graphical login? [18:28] I need 7 then bazhang [18:28] yeh [18:28] Xintruder, after that to go back to ctrl alt and f7 [18:28] P_Kable: why? [18:28] ompaul: I have used 64 bit before but that is not my question I just have never used it with ndiswrapper. [18:28] typing 'init 3' as root will do it [18:29] the question is how [18:29] truna: i read that one but I can't find fusemb in synaptic - maybe cause it the forum post is for edgy? [18:29] What's your Linux background? [18:29] too long to explain [18:29] so will it work with ndiswrapper? [18:30] bazhang>> if you really want to know why: http://www.gotgtek.net/forum/index.php?topic=1632.0 [18:30] leave [18:31] ok I have somehow lost my admin privileges how can I get it back using the install cd? and chroot? [18:31] how do i autodetect sound arch? [18:31] P_Kable: flash 9 has "issues" right now; though there is a workaround [18:31] bazhang>> explain please [18:31] does ndiswrapper work with ubuntu 64bit? [18:31] !flash | P_Kable [18:31] P_Kable: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [18:31] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. === Skit is now known as Skitt [18:32] johnficca: its a good question, but dont know the answer,sorry. [18:32] ok Im one step ahead, nvidia latest driver need to compile, but it wasn't able to because i have a library package (maybe lib6??) missing, so I need that first [18:32] lol whats my next step? [18:33] bazhang>> I have all these package already thank you but it does not work anyway. The problem comes from flash9 [18:33] I've downloaded "Spamassassin.zip". I have 7zip installed. How do I unzip spamassassin? [18:33] !build > Xintruder [18:33] !alsa [18:33] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [18:33] unzip spamassasin.zip [18:34] krux0: In the terminal? [18:34] yes [18:34] ok [18:35] hi all... how do i get the icon bar like in g0S in ubuntu [18:35] /msg SiLENT-031 xdcc send #4 [18:35] Othello, where else would you type in commands [18:35] Anybody here use fuse or sshfs? [18:35] wow, so the simple work "Make" compiles the sources :D [18:35] "detlef@MD97600:~$ grep -r 'gnu make' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/Documentation" does not give an output. Where can I find a description of the GNU make utility? [18:35] sera a tutti [18:35] do i have to somehow connect GCC to geany to compile with geany? [18:35] because the compile icon is faded out and non-selectable [18:35] !list [18:35] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [18:36] hey guys how can i look at/change blacklisted ports [18:36] im having troubles getting any IDE to work, can someone help me out with it? [18:36] bullgard4: man make ;) [18:36] notv: hat IDE? [18:36] P_Kable: I'm about to head out for a bit; perhaps other fine folks here can help you out [18:36] notv: idle works for me, its an IDE for python [18:36] !addon [18:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:37] i need one for c/c++ [18:37] im trying out geany because it doesnt appear to be very bloated [18:37] i need something simple [18:37] bazhang>> ok [18:37] Sh3r1ff: Thank you very much. [18:37] HI! How do I mount my windows hard drives? [18:38] I'm using sshfs to mount an ssh computer. It doesn't appear to work, the permissions and types are all question marks, but if I login as root it is mounted and working. [18:38] notv: if you're serious about it I recomend GNU Emacs + GNU Global + GNU gdb + misc Emacs extensions [18:38] notv: otherwise you might wanna check out Anjuta [18:39] Manyo f the forums say to add yourself to the group fuse, which I have done, but I still get ???'s. Always I have to mount the files system as root, and then I can only see it as root. [18:39] melkor__: why not setup for ssh transfer with Places -> Connect to server? [18:39] enselic i have anjunta installed on my machine as well, but i dont see any options for compilation on it [18:39] notv: well there is [18:39] notv: but I don't use Anjuta so I can't tell you where, but I'd start with File -> New project [18:39] Enselic, Ill try it again, but when I do that kate can't read the files. [18:39] WHAT AM THE BEST MSN CLIENT FOR LUNIX kthxbvye [18:40] A mysterious file called something with .nfs000c2... appeared in some folder on a system where I do not have root privileges. rm -f does not work, since "the device or resource is busy". It belongs to my own user so I should be able to remove it. But how do I remove it? [18:40] melkor__: what does kate say? [18:40] enselic, it says i need the autogen package [18:40] hmm how do i make a starter that opens the terminal and cd again ? someone told me today but i forgot :'( [18:40] one sec Ill try it again. [18:40] AskHL: check what has the file opened with lsof [18:41] amsn mb [18:41] notv: then you need to install the autogen package [18:41] in the ubuntu installer, when i resize the existing partition, it asks for "new partition size" - does it mean the new size of the existing partition, or the size of the new partition? [18:41] Size of the new partition [18:41] ali1234: as it says, it means the size of the new partition [18:41] Can anyone give me the mount command so I can see my windows drives? [18:41] well, i thought that ubuntu installer made more than one partition? [18:41] 2 [18:42] workspace(ext3) and swap [18:42] how do i make a starter that opens the terminal and cd again ? someone told me today but i forgot :'( [18:42] swap should be double your RAM [18:42] my ubuntu 7.10 livecd always just mounted my ntfs partitions no sweat [18:42] the livecd does, but I'm not running the liveCD [18:42] I just installed a laptop and didn't have internet while installing. Now when I try to apt-get anything it says it can't find it (things like openssh-server, amarok) I can't figure out why not does anyone have any idea? [18:42] maxumite: mount -t auto /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 [18:42] kate says 'cannot create io slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'ktelnetservice %u' [18:42] maxxumite: swap should be double your ram? you mean if you got a gig ram swap should be 2 gigs? hmmm... [18:42] theshadow: can you reach the internet othewise? [18:43] Thanks duke [18:43] np [18:43] !list [18:43] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [18:43] Enselic, for some reason the command is not found. Though there is a man page for it... it's actually a centos system so sorry for disturbing the #ubuntu channel now that I think about it... [18:43] Hii .. last night i have configured a modem (pppoa). Now i have my regular broad band connection ..... but my port 80 is missing what might be happened? [18:43] melkor__: you should actually be in #kubuntu or kate (KDE) questions [18:43] how do i make a starter that opens the terminal and cd again ? someone told me today but i forgot :'( [18:43] So that is a kde problem, I would prefer to do it through gnome, but still use kate, so if I could mount the file system it would work. And it does work if I type sudo kate [18:44] Enselic: yes [18:44] well then, given that it makes two partitions in the freed space, how can "new partition size" refer to the size of the new partition? will it add extra space for swap as well, or what? [18:44] Hi Guys, I have ubuntu 7.10 and want to install vmware player and realplayer. I tried sudo apt-get install but didn't work for both. please advice [18:44] I need to shut down windows cleanly to get access? [18:44] AskHL: you don't have the apt-get binary? [18:44] Enselic: now it has internet access I've done apt-get update and it says nothing changed which is wrong since there should be about 160 updates [18:44] What is the reason to miss the port 80? how to get it back? [18:44] Is that feasible,t hat I can shut down windows and it still thinks windows isusing the drives because it didn't have enough time? [18:44] explore1: post the output from your shell [18:44] is there something i need to do to enable terminals on ctrl+alt-F2-F3 etc? [18:44] maxxumite: try running chkdsk from windows [18:45] theshadow: does your /etc/apt/sources.list look healthy? [18:45] well I am going to try it. [18:45] duke: E: Package realplayer has no installation candidate [18:45] jaspreet@phoenix:~$ sudo apt-get install real-player [18:45] Reading package lists... Done [18:45] Building dependency tree [18:45] Reading state information... Done [18:45] E: Couldn't find package real-player [18:45] explore1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:45] paste > explore1 [18:45] Enselic, as I said this is actually on a centos system, so I can't use apt (it is derived from red hat). [18:45] !addon [18:45] TooR4u: port 80 is used when you are running a webserver, like apache2 [18:46] okay it works now, I had to run sshfs, I cannot do it through fstab, but that is ok. [18:46] AskHL: ah right. well then please move along to the appropriate support channel :) [18:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about addon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:47] Enselic, ahh. I found the lsof binary in a non-standard path. Appears to be gnome-vfs and dbus-daemon! Thank you for the help. How I'll just have to get rid of that... but I'll move to a centos channel [18:47] Sh3r1ff, ohh .. yah .. now i got it .. last night i have edited the bootup manager to speedup my booting process ....; At that time i have removed apache2 from startup.. [18:47] s/How/Now/ [18:47] I'm looking to issue commands to my ubuntu computer from an incoming email. Any ideas? [18:47] Duke-Fluke: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51688/ [18:48] AskHL: if it's the dbus-deamon you better not touch the file [18:48] Sh3r1ff, but .. i am still able to get my internet .... ( I thought port 80 is only the way to the trafic) [18:48] AskHL: or well generally any file in use is dumb to reomve.. [18:49] Sh3r1ff, Now i have no ports opened .. but i am still able to get the net .. what might be the reason? [18:49] TooR4u: when you acces a webpage, the remote port is 80 and it uses a random local port [18:49] how do i make a command that and opens gnome-terminal and changes the current workspace to a other one ? [18:49] i need help getting my games to run on my ati x1300 [18:49] Enselic, thank you for the advice. I'll leave it alone. I guess it can be resolved cleanly from my office computer which runs that session of gnome, then [18:49] i used the restricted driver [18:50] Enselic: well then now i know... if you don't have internet when the installer is running all the repositories are commented out :P [18:50] TooR4u: when you surf, you have no ports open, just a random port that waits for an answer from the webserver [18:50] theshadow: glad you sorted it out :) [18:50] Duke-Fluke: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51688/ [18:50] Sh3r1ff, Hmm ... okey [18:50] nexiuz has texture problems and open arena reneders random stuff all ove rthe screen [18:50] compiz however is working fine [18:51] enselic do you use emacs? [18:51] should i try the driver from the ati website? [18:51] how do i make a command that and opens gnome-terminal and changes the current workspace to a other one ? ANYONE PLEAS [18:51] jonn: yes [18:52] TooR4u: you only need open ports if you are running webservices, like a webserver, ftp server, ... t accept incoming traffic, for outgoing traffic, you don't need open ports [18:52] jonn: btw your IRC client probably has tab completion. Try Ens [18:52] hi [18:52] Plses, I need help ! [18:52] Well, I can't start my ubuntu [18:52] Enselic: thanks [18:52] I have instaled [18:53] but when i'll start I see an error = (initramfs) === King_ is now known as King_Daver [18:53] Anyone know how I can have my ubuntu computer run commands sent to it through email? [18:53] can someone help me to get my ati card with restricted driver to run my games properly [18:53] Plese everyone ?? [18:53] when i'll start I see an error = (initramfs) [18:54] OldGlory747: that sounds pretty dangerous what commands do you want to run [18:54] explore1: I get the same message on my Gutsy Gibbon do you NEED realplayer? how about mplayer or xine? [18:54] Enselic: what all do i need to get to get emacs up and running for c++ compilation? [18:54] triver: try installing with the alernate cd, that might help [18:54] Enselic: just select emacs in synaptic? [18:54] OldGlory747: in evolution, you can run a program or pipe something to a program when you enable a message filter [18:54] jonn: depends on how advanced you want it [18:54] [Enselic]: yes I tried install with alternate and live [18:55] jonn: for basic compilation you don't need to do anything [18:55] how do i make a command that and opens gnome-terminal and changes the current workspace to a other one ? ANYONE PLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! [18:55] Enselic: im just starting out, so i only want the basics [18:55] [Enselic]: happen the same [18:55] jonn: do you have previous programming/build experience? [18:55] infinitycircuit: well, the premise is that I want to text the commands from my cell phone to an email address which my server 'reads'. It would use my phone number as a confirmation to run any commands texted to it. [18:55] Enselic: just a pascal class [18:55] has anyone downloaded and installed this flash player: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash [18:55] jonn you gonna start c++ ? [18:56] jaggy: next semester, yes [18:56] jonn: ok let me give you a quick intro, first make sure you have emacs installed. you want version 22.1 at least [18:56] ok nice jonn :) [18:56] Is there a place where I can find nice additions to Ubuntu, eye candy for example? [18:56] OldGlory747: hmm well i'm not familiar with the exact way to do this, but I bet you could set up mail to read from your mail server, and use an infinite while loop to read the output of messages to stdin [18:56] jonn: sudo apt-get install emacs should be enough [18:56] Duke: I want to play rm files. But I guess VLC player works for that. So I can do without this. Can you help me with VMPlayer installation? [18:56] Duke-Fluke: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51689 [18:56] KingDaver, you mean like, themes? [18:57] KingDaver: http://www.gnome-look.org/ [18:57] Enselic: done and done [18:57] Hello. Is there a way to skip the apt mirror checking when installing gutsy? [18:57] yes [18:57] jonn: start emacs and start writing your c++ program [18:57] Enselic: simple as that aye? [18:57] while true; do; COM=`mail [some commands]`; if [ -x $COM ]; then $COM; fi [18:57] KingDaver, ok then gnome-look, and you could also ask the people in #ubuntu-artwork [18:57] jonn: yeah then you do M-x compile RET and write like g++ your-file.cpp [18:58] but i don't know the exact way to use mutt/pine/whatever to output new messages to stdout [18:58] jonn: but it will take quite an effort on your part before you are able to appreiciate the power which is Emacs [18:58] infinitycircuit: ok. i don't suppose you've heard of anyone putting together software for this? I'm pretty inexperianced with python and the such. [18:58] Enselic: im sure that is the case [18:58] How do I go to ubuntu artwork? [18:58] jonn: it's totally worth it though, I guarantee :) [18:58] OldGlory747: that was just a bash script but i've never heard of such software [18:59] OldGlory747: i know you can install shells on wm6 phones that allow ssh connections [18:59] [Enselic]: happen the same [18:59] infinitycircuit:sounds like that may just be the better solution in the end [18:59] [Enselic]: happen the same when I install with live and alternate cd [19:00] infinitycircuit:Thanks for the help [19:00] Hey guys! Check out this awesome video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er-M7HKknKM [19:00] is it possible to mount swap on a usb? [19:01] can someone help me configure my ati card? im running the restricted driver, compiz is working, but none of my games are rendering correctly [19:01] Enselic: do you think you can walk me through the compilation process? i typed out some simple code and hit compile but it says no targets specified and no make file found [19:01] you lost me at M-x compile RET [19:01] explorer1: do you have gutsy gibbon right? [19:02] anyone? [19:02] jonn: ok but only if I am allowed to take off any minute [19:02] nugz1212: you can ask on #compiz-fusion, but I don't think you can play opengl games while compiz is running [19:02] how do you close out of compiz? [19:03] is their a command? [19:03] I messed up my graphic drivers! [19:03] * Xintruder cries [19:03] nugz1212: alt-f2 metacity --replace , compiz --replace to go back [19:03] Enselic: your allowed to do whatever you want [19:03] Is there a way I can reset my xorg.conf to default or something? [19:03] how do i open a file that needs me to be "root" with terminal ? [19:03] Xintruder, how did you mess them up? =) [19:03] jonn: let's do this in private [19:03] it says no command named "metacity" [19:04] Enselic: i dont think im registered [19:04] Xintruder: maybe but than have you got a backup of xorg [19:04] jonn: oh [19:04] Enselic: mdy ba [19:04] How do we rename files in console ? [19:04] Xintruder: use dpkg-reconfigure [19:04] moad, open a terminal and type 'sudo /bin/bash' it will ask you for your password then you will be root and have full access to every file [19:04] moad: why are you asking that again [19:04] moad : use sudo cat file name [19:04] Enselic: my bad* [19:04] ok thanks all [19:04] jonn: ok but do you have a program in an emacs buffer? [19:04] Xintruder, mv oldfilename newfilename [19:04] Pirate_ [19:04] Enselic: yes [19:04] Duke: Yes Gutsy [19:04] Pirate_Hunter i asked something else before [19:04] jonn: have you saved the program to a file? [19:05] Enselic: if by that you mean have i typed out some code [19:05] Enselic: yes [19:05] thx iclebyte [19:05] jonn: what is the name of the file? [19:05] moad: dont do what iclebyte told you to do [19:05] [Enselic]: Hello??? remember me? may you help me? [19:05] Pirate_Hunter why not ? [19:05] hi i did a bios update and ubuntu cant find my cd rom drive, it cant mount anything i put in the drive, any suggestions? the computer can boot from cd so the drive works [19:05] iclebyte: dont give that kind of advise you know best that you should never allow ppll to run as root [19:05] yea, why not? =) [19:05] Enselic: firstproggy [19:06] its his system... how else will he learn except by breaking it? [19:06] moad: you shouldnt run as a root only gain root access to what you need to do [19:06] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719 [19:06] jonn: is it in the directory you get if you type M-x pwd RET ? [19:06] ... [19:06] Enselic: if i type that into what, the terminal? [19:06] jonn: nope within emacs [19:06] [Pirate_Hunter]: Hi... may you help me? [19:06] iclebyte: if youre not going to give good advise that wont involve the user damaging their comp than please dont help [19:06] oh [19:06] jonn: emacs is one giant lisp machine [19:07] hi i did a bios update and ubuntu cant find my cd rom drive, it cant mount anything i put in the drive, any suggestions? the computer can boot from cd so the drive works [19:07] !ask | triver [19:07] triver: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [19:07] [Pirate_Hunter]: I have problens [19:07] jonn: when you type a key, you run a function [19:07] *sigh* okay. [19:07] jonn: you can also run commands manually if you type M-x [19:07] [Pirate_Hunter]: know the error (initramfs)? [19:07] jonn: Note: M is Alt [19:07] Quick question: Hardware: What is the standard driver in Ubuntu for nvidia cards? (open sourced) [19:07] jonn: if you have a typical setup [19:07] moad: gksudo use that for graphical interface that requires root access [19:07] jonn: but hey lets do this in #emacs [19:08] Pirate_Hunter the file is restricted to root only , i want to make it available to anyone so i can lunch it everytime [19:08] triver: be more specific.. hwta happened, how it happened and what do you get now [19:08] Pirate_Hunter , the file is on Desktop , so i think i have ti write cd Desktop [19:08] moad sudo cmod [19:08] chmod [19:08] Hi guys.. I cant get Teamspeak working at the same time of a Game in ubuntu ? is this normal ? [19:08] Pirate_Hunter but the file name is wierd , its c shortcut [19:09] moad: hmmm what file is that if you dont mind me asking and that problem can be easily found in the ubuntu forums and on google... i think i need to start amking a list of links for similar problems [19:09] okay [19:09] can someone tell me how to mount a ufs disk in ubuntu? i keep getting the error "bad special numnber" [19:09] so i quit out of compiz and i still get the same problems [19:09] Pirate_Hunter its a java file , a game , it got a "lock" on it ... [19:09] [Pirate_Hunter]: Ok ! thanks ... well I have instaled ubuntu live and after I tried with alternate cd.... normal install.... after when I boot it ... happen problens .... an error before grub (initramfs) before when Im initialing ubuntu [19:09] moad: you could just give permissiong through right click unless you want to mess with chmod [19:10] [Pirate_Hunter]: Ok ! thanks ... well I have instaled ubuntu live and after I tried with alternate cd.... normal install.... after when I boot it ... happen problens .... an error before grub (initramfs) before when Im initialing ubuntu [19:10] triver: wait you installed ubuntu with live CD than alternate? [19:10] HeY! lol, guys, check this out. my xorg.conf does not exist! lol [19:10] hi [19:10] Pirate_Hunter what does a "lock" mean ? when clicking properties it shows that permission is only for root [19:11] can someone tell me how to mount a ufs disk in ubuntu? i keep getting the error "bad special numnber" and he program fsck.ufs doesnt seem to exist. [19:11] moad: run gksudo nautilus or use sudo chmod [19:11] [Pirate_Hunter]: 2 cds I downloaded the alternate and live I tried with alternate and happened this error after I had formated my hd and instaleed live cd and happened same error :( [19:11] Xintruder:lol === bwlang_ is now known as bwlang [19:12] moad: lock its locked you cna right click on it and go to permission otherwise gksudo nautilus go to the file and give correct permission. I f you want the hard way than chmod in terminal [19:12] triver:what error ur getting [19:12] [Error number: 0x80072EFD] [19:12] hi i did a bios update and ubuntu cant find my cd rom drive, it cant mount anything i put in the drive, any suggestions? the computer can boot from cd so the drive works [19:12] I've installed the ubuntu 7.10 and when I boot I get the message in black screen: (initramfs) [19:12] urk [19:12] what's the problem [19:13] [Pirate_Hunter]: I had asked it on other channels br and pt chennel and nothing :( [19:13] hugleo, problem is we don't know the full problem :) [19:13] triver: one sec both downloads on two different CDs are giving you the same error... what exactly is the message given for the error [19:13] so i cant use cdroms at all because of a bios update and i cant revert to a different bios [19:14] triver :P [19:14] Hey [19:14] guys [19:14] can i make a script to log me out of my ubuntu session once i close a program? [19:14] Xintruder: hi dont forget there are females here as well :D [19:14] I just restored xorg.conf Iand my graphics got messed up, with out xorg.conf my driver works much better, seriosly. [19:14] explorer1: add this line :deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cschieli/ubuntu gutsy main restricted universe multiverse [19:14] lol [19:14] or is it even possible without a script? [19:14] then it should work [19:15] scusate ho appena formattato e reinstallato il sistema e non trovo la partizione secondaria... come mai= [19:15] ? [19:15] !it | Think3 [19:15] Think3: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [19:16] scusate [19:16] Optimus55: dont know maybe, this is the first time ive heard such question. however ubuntu is limitless so you never know check online [19:16] how do you delete a directory? [19:16] is there a way to share a ubuntu drive over the network so a windows machine can access it. i dont want to have to boot into vista to share the files on the drive [19:16] [Pirate_Hunter]: I don't know if an error but when I start up linux that pause in splash and go to text and show it "(initramfs)" [19:16] Othello: hmm which directory? [19:16] evil_tech: use samba [19:16] how do i make a command that and opens gnome-terminal and changes the current workspace to a other one ? ANYONE PLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! [19:16] A game that I don't play anymore. [19:17] [Pirate_Hunter]: I don't know if an error but when I start up linux that pause in splash and go to text and show it "(initramfs)" [19:17] Pirate_Hunter: okay thanks, because basically i have a separate profile for a virtual machine, so as soon as i log in, the vm boots up, but i want it to log me out of ubuntu once i close the vm app [19:17] Pirate_Hunter i still have to get used to it [19:17] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4121719 [19:17] Pirate_Hunter thanks for the help :) [19:17] triver: so your not even sure if it is an error... one question does ubuntu work with graphics or does it load you to a screen that resembles DOS (shell) [19:17] evol_tech: samba is the software you want... but you'll also need to use an ntfs driver to mount your windows filesystem if that's where your files are. [19:18] evil_tech ^^ [19:18] the drive is Fat32 [19:18] unless there is someway to get ext3 support in windoze [19:18] !samba | evil_tech [19:18] evil_tech: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [19:18] hi, can someone explain me the use of 'Public' and 'Templates' dirs that xdg-user-dirs made in gutsy? [19:19] Priate_Hunter: there's a gui by default... try out the live cd... you can get an idea how things work by just booting it up (won't mess with your hard drive) [19:19] Optimus55: if you vm loads up on a different profile take it from sessions you might have added it to session but it shouldnt do that on a separate profile [19:19] evil_tech: there is an ext3 driver for windows, but i've never used it up [19:20] moad: np it takes time to get used to ubuntu but youll like it... i barely go into windows any more, i just use windows xp inside ubuntu [19:20] Optimus55, yes its possible. if you wrote a bash script that starts your VM in the foreground, then after the VM process is closed have the script calle gnome-session-save --kill or somthing then set that script to start when you login instead of your VM [19:21] i got another problem, i had "PCI: Bios bug found #81 ..." something error message every time i start ubuntu 7.10. I updated all the packages, and its still there. Working on a laptop with Phoenix Trusted core bios, Intel 945GM + ICH7M chipset. Any ideas what might be the problem? [19:21] where do chance my keybaordlayout systemwide? not only in X11. terminal etc [19:21] bwlang: huh? [19:21] !ext3 [19:21] ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [19:21] What are some systems (either GNOME or KDE based) that would be suitable for a custom "kiosk" type thing for my grandfather? [19:21] Pirate_Hunter: i mis-read your question to triver... thought YOU were asking about the DOS business ;) === pyrak_ is now known as pyrak [19:22] bwlang: np by the way it wasnt a question [19:23] hdevalence: pardon, didnt get that? [19:23] i really havce a problem in that i cannot use my cdrom drive.... [19:23] hdevalence, depends on what you want the Koisk to do. KDE has a Kiosk mode.. of course Firefox has a kiosk plugin or 2 i recall. [19:23] hdevalence, i recall some live cd's that were designed for instant web browsing kiosks also [19:23] how do i make a command that and opens gnome-terminal and changes the current workspace to a other one ? ANYONE PLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! [19:24] i used to have a pppoe connection (created with pppoeconf). now i installed a router, how do i stop the pppoe service from trying to connect to the dsl-provider at startup? [19:24] jaggy, you mean move the gnome-terminal to a differnt workspace? [19:24] You know I have been using Ubuntu for a while now and I am still confused as to how to download and install things particularly tar files [19:24] yes Dr_willis [19:24] does anyone have any suggestions, i have never heard of this before and nobody onlines seems to have posted this problem, but i bet it happened before === x-X-x__ is now known as x-X-x01 [19:25] anybody recomend an ftp clinet? [19:25] !ftp [19:25] FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [19:25] ty === x-X-x01 is now known as baloonhead === baloonhead is now known as baloon-head [19:25] so Dr_willis ?? [19:25] maxfreestyle: whats your problem? [19:26] Dr_willis: basically I want it to do email and some other stuff, but make it *very* simple [19:26] kde4 rocks! [19:26] cdrom drive cant be found after bios update in ubuntu === suehtnilaP is now known as Palintheus [19:26] kde4 is it better than Gnome? on Ubuntu? [19:26] zubat: havent checked it out yet will do so but than i use gnome but what d heck there should eb videos online [19:26] and i cant revert to older bios because the bios update solved a crucial freezing problem [19:27] zubat: i concur [19:27] ForgetYouNot, check out FileZilla. http://filezilla.sourceforge.net [19:27] i'm having an odd problem. compiz, i believe, is causing my fonts to be super tiny (like little dots, not letters). if i turn off compiz everything's fine except for the text on the login screen [19:27] what can i do? [19:27] KingDaver, its a matter of personal preference [19:27] and why is that? [19:27] KingDaver, try them both =) [19:27] ArrPirate: change your fonts? [19:28] hello folks, how do i exit the x server in ubuntu 7.1? (loggin in as root) [19:28] How do I try them both? [19:28] maxfreestyle: hmmm you checkd online on how to make ubuntu detect CDRom and did you check bios to make sure your device boot order is still the same and it picks up CD-Rom in bios? [19:28] ArrPIrate: sounds like your compiz theme has a crappy font that doesn't work well with your settings [19:28] also, please excuse the shortcuts i take when typing and my slow responses. i'm forced to type using only my off hand because my other hand is broken [19:28] well guys im back i want to know how to make a file called "mount" that shows me my windows filesystem so i can get some files i backed up from a previous install [19:28] well i can boot from the cdrom [19:28] maxfreestyle: check bios first to see if the comp picks up cd-rom if it does than go online [19:28] gogogir: Change your runlevel to 3? [19:28] how? [19:28] all my settings and fonts are the defaults that were installed with ubuntu [19:29] can someone please explain me the use of 'Public' and 'Templates' dirs that xdg-user-dirs made in gutsy? [19:29] Uhh i think you need to edit your inittab file... [19:29] Darkmystere: you mean you wish to mount you windows partition? [19:29] or you could try CTL-ALT-F1 [19:29] !mount | Darkmystere [19:29] Darkmystere: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [19:29] Pirate_Hunter: Yea =) [19:29] Duke_Fluke: that doesn't work in ubuntu, gogogir clt-alt-f1 , hit enter, login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop . When done, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to get back to gui [19:29] In order to try them both does that mean installing 2 ubuntus? [19:30] Darkmystere: oops ignore that bot got it wrong let me get the link [19:30] Pirate_Hunter: Im using a Wubi Install i just need to get a backed up install off of windows [19:30] Pirate_Hunter: oh ok my Ubuntu version is 7.10 or Gusty Gibbion [19:30] i'm completely fine without compiz, but the login screen still uses the tiny fonts [19:30] I had KDE3.5 is 4 much different? [19:30] Oi, a quick question, if I want to read all the text that is shown on startup, where is it stored at? [19:30] KingDaver, 4 is very different http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php [19:31] Darkmystere: np i know let me get a link that is helpful === mneisen|on_other is now known as mneisen [19:31] iclebyte I notice your username is yello when you respond to me why is that? [19:31] i got network manager to recognize the wireless networks around me and when i log into my wireless network w/ a wep password then i get the blue bars, but somehow the internet still doesn't work. any suggestions? [19:31] if i try to make a shortcut to gnome-terminal, and i try to cd at the same time i get an error about the sister project , how could i fix it ????, [19:31] because im using your name =) [19:31] KingDaver, i would imagine.. [19:31] Sonicadvance1: yo, look in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/dmesg [19:32] Pirate_Hunter Lol oh yea i was here annoying the hell out of u earlier sorry about that... Was really annoyed earlier...(Im a Proffecinal Realestate Angent..) [19:32] Guys............................ Im running my graphics on safe mode..... its messed up. I want to reset it like how it was when I installed ubuntu. What do U do? [19:32] How are you using my name? You mean typing it in? [19:32] What do I do* ? lol [19:32] Darkmystere: where you? didnt notice? lol [19:33] Pirate_Hunter_: LOL if u didnt notice i think u need to go get ur brain and eyes checked lol [19:33] I got a new computer and put my old hard drive into it now the graphics all messed up and I don't know what else anyone want to help? I tried reconfiguring xorg and manually editing it. Using an SS31T's integrated card think its a SIS [19:33] xintruder:sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [19:33] if i try to make a shortcut to gnome-terminal, and i try to cd at the same time i get an error about the sister project , how could i fix it ???? [19:33] iclebyte, like this? [19:33] KingDaver, yes it'll be your IRC client that's highlighting my replies because i've used your Nickname [19:33] hi everyone! how can i make ubuntu save memory dumps after program crash? [19:33] KingDaver, yup, you just came up red on my screen =) [19:34] Xintruder: listen to evil_tech, or look if you have backups of the configuration: 'ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf*' [19:34] * iclebyte wants someone to do his Java coursework for him.. [19:34] Well guys while hes searching Can u tell me how to Apply this OSX theme? [19:34] i hate deadlines... [19:34] Thanks I was wondering how that worked [19:34] Darkmystere: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=585 this should work its not from ubuntu forums but its should work if it is too hard than download ntfs-3g from synaptic [19:34] For my icons [19:34] KingDaver, np =) [19:34] LamerMan: memory dumps? or just standard output? [19:34] core dumps [19:34] :) [19:34] http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=585: dont try to annoy someone who is trying to help you! [19:35] Darkmystere: dont try to annoy someone who is trying to help you! [19:35] memory dumps of programs that crash [19:35] LamerMan: special configuration shouldn't be necessary. Have you looked for core.* files in your $HOME? [19:35] Pirate_Hunter: ntfs-3g is Installed by default [19:35] so does anyone know of a way to remote into my ubuntu box from windows that performs better than VNC (it was slow) but has a scalable window like VNC (using nomachine right now) [19:35] soundray, are these files hidden? I can't find any of them [19:35] alright thanks for the help that worked :) [19:35] actually i use kubuntu [19:35] so, there's no help for my tiny fonts issue? [19:35] when starting up my laptop, I get tons of "sysctl table check failed" what is wrong D: [19:36] if i try to make a shortcut to gnome-terminal, and i try to cd at the same time i get an error about the sister project , how could i fix it ???? [19:36] Pirate_hunter: I wasnt trying to Annoy u but I had this annoying client that wont buy the house they have been calling and lowering offer for 3 months i can make like 1.5million off of selling it so u can feel my pain.. [19:36] try cygwin [19:36] Darkmystere: read the link or check on google [19:36] LamerMan: no. [19:36] Does KDE 4.0 have compiz? [19:36] the comp picks up bios in cdrom [19:36] Jaggy: could you restate that? [19:36] ArrPirate: probably someone with a clue will happen by later [19:36] how do you mean gerro [19:36] LamerMan: maybe the working directory of your crashed program is something other than your home dir. [19:36] jaggy: what are you trying to do? [19:36] evil_tech, with using vnc. there are some vncserver that have compression and a little better speed. But i found it best to use the most Minimal window manager you can with vnc. [19:36] Darkmystere: sorry cant feel your pain since im not the one trying to get paid any more ubuntu questions? [19:36] well you know you can make shortcuts in your menu right ? [19:37] KingDaver: KDE doesn not HAVE compiz the too are mutually exclusive [19:37] KingDaver:#kubuntu or #kde might have better answers to the questions you are asking [19:37] two [19:37] Jaggy: are you trying to make it open a gnome-terminal in a specific directory? [19:37] so gerro , i want to make one that pops up a terminal , and cd to /home/jaggy/Desktop [19:37] i dont know why VNC is so slow [19:37] soundray, i can't find anything neither in my home directory nor in the program directory :( [19:37] ArrPirate: whats your problem [19:37] Pirate_Hunter: well Want to help me get sound working and fix the size of YouTube videos I cant make it full screen all the options are smushed together [19:37] moro kaikil [19:37] ye thats right [19:37] i have gigabit connections and the computer is sitting right next to the other one [19:38] jaggy: ah you don't have to do that, open a terminal and do gnome-terminal --help, itself is a command [19:38] Jaggy: just input where it should open at and it will [19:38] how do you browse an .inf driver? [19:38] LamerMan: hmm. Are you sure your program terminated abnormally? [19:38] metal.!!! [19:38] quien escucha metal? [19:38] nomachine is nice but i cant move the window to my second screen like i could with vnc [19:38] soundray, may be its becouse i use Kubuntu? is there a big difference besides KDE? [19:38] does anybody know how to browse a .inf driver? [19:38] gerro ty :) i got it ( --working-directory=MAPNAAM ) [19:38] Eagle2160: check on google [19:38] Yo lo escucho [19:38] I like compiz It's pretty amazing [19:38] LamerMan: not really [19:39] soundray, yeah absolutelly, i provoke SIGSEGV [19:39] heavy??? [19:39] how do i install the grub stage1 and menu files into /boot/grub without installing grub to the boot record? [19:39] Eagle2160: what do you mean browse? [19:39] !spanish | juanche [19:39] juanche: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [19:39] jaggy: no prob try --help or man on anything you use bound to find out lots of tricks [19:39] pirate_hunter i have been and i cant fidn it [19:39] ye :p didn't think gnome-terminal was a real command ... [19:39] juanche: si [19:39] !French | Darkmystere [19:39] >.> interesting [19:40] WHAT AM THE BEST MSN CLIENT FOR LUNIX kthxbye [19:40] well i know a little spanish if u want i can [19:40] KingDaver, yea, compiz looks awesome [19:40] !caps [19:40] PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [19:40] Eagle2160: hmmm I would search it but im sure its there or at leats in the ubuntu forums but can i ask what is the file about or where did you get it [19:40] ahh. sorry. [19:40] soundray, maybe i could find them on entire hard drive. How do these files name? *core*? or *core.* [19:40] evil_tech well im trying to install my belkin wireless usb thing into ubuntu and the guide im looking at is telling me to browse the inf driver [19:40] glml: gaim [19:40] LamerMan: core.* [19:40] Duke_Fluke: ahem. [19:40] gaim it is! thanking you [19:40] evil_tech honestly i ahve no idea [19:40] glml: Giam/Pigeon [19:40] Duke_Fluke: it's Pidgin now ;) [19:40] Jaggy: all commands are programs and not statically linked can change your cli however you like [19:40] pidgin it is! great success [19:41] soundray, ok thanks, i';; try to look up for them [19:41] !Pidgin | glm1 [19:41] glm1: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 [19:41] glm1: and it not really is the best MSN client. [19:41] LamerMan: rather than 'find', I suggest you use 'sudo updatedb ; locate core' [19:41] gerro: ok ty good to know :p [19:41] glm1: its up to you i use pidgin, other like amsn which is much closer to msn and you could try gaim === javaccen is now known as bugpucky [19:41] niekie: 8D ...sorry I only use IRC ...haha [19:41] iclebyte, I am a bit confused when I want to download files and install them particularly tar files what do I do? [19:41] Duke_Fluke: heh, good. [19:41] I hate MSN. [19:41] soundray, ok thanks [19:41] I use it, but I dislike it :( [19:41] Eagle2160: it must want you to find a specific .inf file from the driver files for the card. can't imagine it needing you to open the .inf [19:41] i LOVED adium for os x. anything similar must be a winner [19:41] jaggy: hmm by any chance have you yet to try ls -a in your home directory? [19:41] I am used to the exe auto load [19:41] glm1: Well Read the link i sent above please [19:41] but then i havent had to mess with ndiswrapper in a while [19:42] my wife and my daughter both use msn [19:42] KingDaver, I wouldn't bother, just install stuff though the System --> Administration --> Synaptics Package Manager. [19:42] .inf files are just text files. looking in them wont reveal much information though [19:42] Does anybody here have intimate knowledge of the Broadcom wifi issue? [19:42] DanLoz: a little [19:42] LamerMan: if you still can't find it, please ask again here, or try the #ubuntu-devel channel (it's not strictly ontopic there, but there are more programmers there and they might sympathize ;) [19:42] glm1: it works with about just every IM protical out there so there u go it used to be called gaim [19:42] gaim/pidgin. thanks y'all [19:42] gerro: :p allot of time's , i need it allot for wargames ... :) [19:42] Duke_Fluke: yeah amsn is nice I got mine all themed up with blueish crystal like theme [19:42] Yeah I usually do that but like skype sometimes one needs to install the hard way.. [19:42] Pirate_Hunter: my problem is that the login text, title bar text, and gnome panel menu text is unreadibly tiny unless i turn off compiz, which fixes all but the login screen's text [19:42] gerro: nice [19:43] i cant believe they dont have more x64 bit proggies out there [19:43] evil_tech yes the install involves the ndiswrapper but when i put in the commadn cd /media/cdrom0/drivers/ it does nothing [19:43] DanLoz: what I know is that Broadcom is a bad choice. Not a Linux-friendly manufacturer. [19:43] glm1: both are the same pidgin is the newest version for 7.10 if im not mistaken [19:43] anyone knows about UUID [19:43] !uuid | kranny [19:43] kranny: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [19:43] UUID == blkid [19:43] Ali1234: I'm pretty sure I've tried everything at this point. Just about every combinatino of ndiswrapper/firmware/fwcutter/ and the "quick fix" stickied on the forum. [19:43] jaggy: yeah me too some programs take up lot of resources always nice having all the config files together [19:43] kranny: what's the problem? [19:43] soundray, that channel really seems to be more suitable :) [19:44] gerro; you play wargames ? [19:44] iclebyte, and sometimes I want to install a theme and it gets confusing [19:44] !list | glm1 [19:44] glm1: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [19:44] I guess my problem is I'm' not sure where to go next. [19:44] Eagle2160: thats something i don't like about ubuntu. no 'open command line here' right click prompt [19:44] DanLoz: try rmmod and modprobe every time you change something [19:44] glml:not that i dont know about it [19:44] how do i blacklist "ath_pci" [19:44] ? [19:44] i have a doubt [19:44] does anyone know any good wifi drivers for santa rosa macbook pros? [19:44] !blacklist [19:44] To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » [19:44] does anybody know why my domain shows up as ins.gateway.2wire.net - fatal: Socket operation on non-socket [19:44] Gerro: rmmod and modprobe? [19:44] DanLoz: that reloads ndiswrapper so you can make sure it didn't die or choke up on a piece of firmware [19:44] LamerMan: it's not really for generic support, though -- wear a flame-proof vest ;) [19:44] ArrPirate: hmm you could try decreasing resolution to something bigger when compiz is on otherwise go into the system files and change there but than it may mess up is you turn off compiz... thats what i think of my head [19:44] i checked a bunch of common files, however i didnt see anything close to my hostname. [19:45] Danloz: also did you compile ndiswrapper from source and be sure to make uninstall so all the old copies were removed? [19:45] DanLoz: it all depends on exactly what card you have. try to find some instructions that are specific to your card. some work better with ndiswrapper, and some work better with the fwcutter/open source driver [19:45] KingDaver, here you go dude: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#installing_a_package_manually scroll down to the bit that says "Source Package (.tar, .tar.gz etc) [19:45] google is your friend [19:45] Pirate_Hunter: i can't increase my resolution [19:45] glml:Are UUID unique for diff partitions created [19:45] round the world [19:45] Pirate_Hunter: it didnt work.... [19:45] do i put the module name in <>? [19:45] glml:Are UUID unique for diff partitions created round the world [19:45] DanLoz: you should know that fwcutter just extracts part of the windows driver needed by the open source driver... but it has to be the right driver for your card [19:45] Gerro: gotcha. One more question: When I do the restricted driver thing (via the desktop gui), the driver seriously slugs my 'puter. Is this normal? [19:45] kranny: they are supposed to be, but under certain circumstances (like doing a bit for bit copy of a partition) you can get duplicates [19:45] ArrPirate: you mean decrease and why not... please take into consideration i cant use compiz but i will try and help [19:46] i also can't decrease resolution [19:46] i know this is a repeat of what i said before, but i think people just didn't see it: [19:46] does anyone know any good wifi drivers for santa rosa macbook pros? [19:46] i'm on an oldish lcd monitor [19:46] Darkmystere: how cna it not work did you edit fstab like it told you to and added the correct mask [19:46] pocketprotector: what program is giving you the error message/ [19:46] if i install kubuntu-desktop package and then kde4-core...will i have any problems, or is this okay to do? [19:46] iclebyte thanks I saved it I will read it later.. I appreciate that! [19:46] Nickrud:can you make it more clearer [19:46] KingDaver, your welcome [19:46] kranny: http://www.famkruithof.net/uuid/uuidgen is a generator, has a link to more info about them and why they should be unique [19:47] evil_tech what do you mean right click prompt? [19:47] DanLoz: which driver is it? [19:47] Alie1234: Gotcha. If further experinementing doesn't work, should I just reinstall Ubuntu? Or is it probably just a nogo. [19:47] vivekb: if you have a Broadcom card, it's generally bad news. Try the help pages, though and look out for fwcutter (private message) [19:47] DanLoz: is anything output from dmesg that sounds bad? [19:47] How long have you had ubuntu? [19:47] !wifi > vivekb [19:47] KingDaver, me? [19:47] ArrPirate: can you change resolutions using xrandr -s 'widthxheight' ? [19:47] yes [19:47] ArrPirate: makes no difference you cna decrease res in ubuntu systems>prefference>screen res === tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [19:47] Well brb... [19:47] i'm actually not sure if it is a broadcom card, but unfortunately all i can find is that its AirPort Extreme and google searches haven't helped me with the matter [19:47] DanLoz: reinstalling probably wont make any difference unless you have really messed it up (ie by installing three different versions of ndiswrapper and messing about with files in /etc) [19:47] DanLoz: what wireless device is it anyway make sure you mention that because sometimes you don't need to use ndiswrapper [19:47] about a month, been using linux for the last 6 years.. since i was 15! =) [19:48] Eagle2160: xubuntu has a prompt when you right click on a drive or folder to open a terminal at that location in the file structure [19:48] whats the difference between nvidia-xgl and nvidia-xgl-new ? [19:48] mrxtambourinema, yes and you might consider leaving out the <> also you this should work> >> sudo module_name.blacklist=yes [19:48] gn all [19:48] vivekb: they are Broadcom, usually. Use lspci to find out for sure. [19:48] Xintruder: -new is for newer cards [19:48] ubuntu is one of the most productive distro's ive used yet tho, its awesome [19:48] Ali1234: I'm a total n00b. I probably borked something. [19:48] XIntruder: you use the other one if current one is broken? [19:48] so what do you think of it iclebyte? [19:48] its wikid =) [19:48] Xintruder: look at the package description in synaptic, it lists which cards each one is for [19:48] soundray: ok thanks for the information [19:49] Gerro: Good question. It's the 43xx series chipset on a laptop. I'm not sure how to get more info than that. [19:49] evil_tech ummm ok i dont really know what you mean and what is xubuntu? [19:49] my mum used it to book a flight online the otherday and she couldnt tell the difference between ubuntu on my laptop and her windows XP machine - thats the holy grail of desktop linux. [19:49] !xubuntu | Eagle2160 [19:49] Eagle2160: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels [19:49] DanLoz: lspci and lshw as root yields quite a bit of info put it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give the link [19:49] she's a technophobe [19:49] iclebyte, no.. it would be best if she COULD tell the diff.. and could tell Ubuntu was better. [19:49] vivekb: have a look at this thread, perhaps there's something relevant in it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=607044 [19:49] :) [19:50] thats just not gonna happen =) [19:50] We dont want to be held down by limitations/expectations of windows. [19:50] evil_tech ok so what do i need to do?? [19:50] I believe Ubuntu will surpass windows once they tune it a little more [19:50] how easy is it to set up multiple displays on ubuntu? [19:50] I am constantly seeing features in gnome/kde/kde4 that would be 'nice' to have in windows.. but they are never going to get to windows any time soon. :) [19:50] Dr_willis: windows has made it as an all rounder ubuntu still has long way to do until it comes to a time ppl wont need to come here [19:51] the only reason she didnt know was i gave her ubuntu with firefox running already. its cross platform software that helps for the transition [19:51] might have better luck controlling the windows box from ubuntu rather than the inverse [19:51] !dualhead > evil_tech, please read ubotu's private message [19:51] evil_tech: really easy if you are using nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-settings [19:51] Pirate_Hunter, you dont want to know the # of 'tech support' things i do for windows.. :) and a lot of time the only answer is 'reformat/reinstall' [19:51] thanks [19:51] but we wont get that discussion started. [19:51] Gerro: http://pastebin.com/d401a83c1 [19:51] KingDaver, not for a while =). i'd like to see it in enterprise more though, i'm sick of RHEL [19:51] evil_tech: although it sometimes prevents compiz from working [19:51] evil_tech do you know what i need to do? [19:51] i havent messed with installing the nvidia drivers yet [19:52] Eagle2160: i havent used ndiswrapper in ages [19:52] Dr_willis, switch it off and on again or re-install =) [19:52] Dr_willis: lol yah i cna imagine that but thats becasue ppl dont know better especially since everyone runs on root (i mean as admin) [19:52] Pirate_Hunter, i dont even try to help people remove malware any more. [19:52] Iclebyte: can you guys go to #ubuntu-offtopic no offense but I don't give a darn what my system's called so long as it out performs :) [19:52] * soundray is off to get pizza for all [19:52] They need to simplify a little more.. [19:52] what's a good irc client for ubuntu? [19:52] how do i install the grub files into /boot/grub without installing grub to the mbr? [19:52] yeah that makes my job as tech so much easier [19:52] !irc | vivekb [19:52] irssi [19:52] evil_tech so in other words you dunno what to do? [19:52] im bored no questions are being asked so i might as well get distracted [19:52] Eagle2160: nope [19:52] if you see a unix time like 1164840015.379, what is the stuff after the period? [19:53] vivekb: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [19:53] crap [19:53] Pirate_Hunter, everyone is in #kubuntu going on about kde4 :) it seems [19:53] zaxius: decimal fractions of a second [19:53] ubuto:thanks [19:53] Eagle2160: you might want to copy the driver you want to your home directory so you dont have to navigate as much [19:53] Is there anyone here who like me had compiz setup on feisty and then upgraded to Gutsy? [19:53] Dr_willis: help ppl remove malware thats a nightmare especially for windows and thanx will check out kde4 wont install it doh [19:53] Dr_willis: darn kde4 got more hype than vista I bet [19:53] gerro, it seems so. [19:53] this channels pretty strict huh, it's like being back at school :p [19:54] Duke_Fluke: yeah i did. it messed up pretty bad... [19:54] iclebyte, when you get 3000+ people in here at times.. it has to be. [19:54] Gerro: Did that link come through? [19:54] Dr_willis, that's a fair comment =) [19:54] #xubuntu is pretty stict too though. and there is only maybe 50 in there at anyone time [19:54] Pirate_Hunter, you have any insights to using avahi? maybe we can discuss the differences in using ifup or avahi-autoipd stuff? [19:54] Dr_willis: there is like one screen shot for kde 4 on the actual website so much for promoting it [19:55] Mine worked ok but I had to install one package to configure it... [19:55] DanLoz: oh sorry was browsing some stuff [19:55] Gerro: No I'm not being pesty, I just wanted to be sure. [19:55] Pirate_Hunter, its still needing a lot of work. :) [19:55] truna: no never used it sorry but will check it out since kde 4 disapointed me on their actuall site [19:55] I will leave to make room for others thanks iclebyte! [19:55] hey all, I seem to he having troubles with my graphics card in Ubuntu 7.10. I tried to set up dual monitors and screwed everything up, and now when I boot, I can't even see whats going on. The login window appears, but is all messed up. I don't really care about dual monitor that much, I just want to be able to use ubuntu again [19:55] Btw: What is the preffered IRC client? This lost thing seems a little bit....ya know....su><0r. [19:56] hello [19:56] Duke_Fluke: basically none of my compiz settings transfered. i had to make a new theme to get rid of the ugly ugly default compiz one... couldnt get the ubuntu one no matter what i did... maybe that's what was in the package you installed? [19:56] DanLoz: pidgin is nice and there is Irssi if you CLI based [19:56] truna: intersting very nice but still have no clue since i dont use it [19:56] how in the world can i get an internet connectiion on ubuntu?!?!?!?! [19:56] metguru_, have you tried the venerable technique of ctrl+alt+ + or - to switch resolution? [19:56] DanLoz, this is Linux!@ use what you like. :) we dont do no forcing of things onp people! :P [19:56] Eagle2160, hardwire [19:56] DanLoz: oh this it Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02) [19:56] monobi no idea what that is [19:56] Pirate_Hunter, there's a good article on ubuntu fridge: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/guide.php i tried it this afternoon and it's slower than my gnome desktop. [19:57] DanLoz: what does the ndiswrapper wiki list for firmware to use? [19:57] ali1234: possibly everything went smooth for me prob cause i used the default theme :O [19:57] Eagle2160, care to ask a slightly better question? that one is a little vague [19:57] I just started to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 and it says there 164 updates (around 230mb!) is this normal? or do i have some setting wrong? [19:57] Pirate_Hunter, i dont use it knowingly myself, its seems avahi is in the foreground doing all this network management that i have not control of [19:57] Eagle2160: he means a regular Ethernet connection as opposed to the wireless [19:57] truna: its not the resolution, I was messing around with the drivers to try to get dual monitor to work [19:57] Duke_Fluke: so did i before upgrade. then it turned in to that horrible red thing [19:57] Pidgin supports IRC now? Swwwwwwwweeeeeeat [19:57] Eagle2160, i just plug mine into my router.. and there we go. :P [19:57] Eagle2160, plug it into an ethernet cable [19:57] i've not ran into a wired NIC that ubuntu couldnt use [19:57] Duke_Fluke: i tried deleting all the compiz settings but no [19:57] truna: well, I'm fairly sure its not the resolution [19:57] metguru_: you can reconfigure xorg, but if you made a backup of it you cna restore that otherwise reconfigure xorg unless its loaded in fail safe monde 800x600 just go into system and do it from there [19:57] i can not do that i dont have a cord to do that [19:58] Eagle2160, are you saying your wirecard doesnt work? [19:58] *wireless [19:58] ali1234: weird... I like that behaviour of the windows better on feisty [19:58] Gerro, I'll check real quick [19:58] monobi no i cant firgure out how to install it [19:58] Pirate_Hunter: how do I reconfigure it? I know where the file is, but i dont' know what to edit [19:58] Eagle2160, install what? ubuntu ? [19:58] i have gutsy and skype 2.0, and a sound blaster live card [19:58] I just started to reinstall ubuntu 7.10 and it says there 164 updates (around 230mb!) is this normal? or do i have some setting wrong? [19:58] Monobi: he is new to *nix [19:58] metguru_, okay, am just suggesting..i kind of embarass myself showing an ubuntu liveCD, and it wont display at all after a boot..forgetting these venerable old tricks [19:58] !32 bit [19:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about 32 bit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:58] ali1234: now when you "peel" the windows back the behave differently [19:59] !flash32 [19:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about flash32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:59] iclebyte: thats the site ive checked i have no need for kde, i think its too much style and apps for my taste... gnome is good for me, simple and easy yet powerful for what i need to do [19:59] !install [19:59] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [19:59] monobi no the belkin g usb internet thingy [19:59] ...... [19:59] Eagle2160, it's USB, plug it into the USB port ? [19:59] metguru_: one sec need to find the link again and i agve it out about 1h or so agao [19:59] laminaatplaat, you can choose to update all of them or pick and choose..to lower your download a lil bit, do the updates at different times if you wish [19:59] monobi yes i know that but you must install the belkin cd for it to recognize what it is and use it [20:00] earlier someone served me a link to the instructions on how to get firefox32 bit working on the computer, since then I crashed and am now starting over, anyone know how to seed the bot to give me the link [20:00] Eagle2160: the belkin cd will not help you in linux [20:00] Eagle2160: are you 100% sure that ubuntu cant use it without messing with ndiswrapper [20:00] monobi and i can not install the cd kuzz ubuntu does not recognize it [20:00] musikgoat yes i know! [20:00] Eagle2160, ... then burn a new cd [20:00] im thinking of installing ubuntu on my core 2 dou [20:00] sorry [20:00] Pirate_Hunter, my thinking is similar, only reason i tried it was because I wanted to burn my brothers OSX =) [20:00] I search the german ubuntu channel ? [20:00] metguru_:: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [20:00] truna my internet can handle it but it is strange because i see things like Compiz in the list that isnt kinda standard software right?? [20:00] spidermankevin: What's there to think about? [20:00] spidermankevin: Runs awesome [20:01] !flash [20:01] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [20:01] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [20:01] evil_tech i have no idea all of the guides i have been looking at for the past 5 hours have all had something to do with ndiswrapper [20:01] Gerro: The NDISwrapper site does not list that card specifically [20:01] hardware compatibility's [20:01] Pirate_Hunter: how do i get to the command line to do this instead of the login menu? [20:01] I search the german ubuntu channel ? [20:01] !firefox32 [20:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about firefox32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:01] laminaatplaat, honestly I dont know what is the standard anymore, i kind of just pick and choose what I use and only update those, the ones i dont use, i dont update [20:01] metguru_: type that in terminal and follow the intructions [20:02] Pirate_Hunter: I can't get to terminal, the graphics are all screwed up [20:02] hmmm well im ultra noobie so I sure as hell dont know :P [20:02] Eagle2160: plug the adapter in then go to System-> Administration-> Network and see if it shows up [20:02] can everyone help me ? [20:02] metguru_: ctrl-alt-f1 [20:02] and let us know [20:02] ati Redeon 1300 i wnat dual screen suport [20:02] guys i am a noob to ubuntu and i am having a problem. i am currently trying to ftp a website on a windows server can anyone help me with that [20:02] ali1234: thanks [20:02] I search the german ubuntu channel ? [20:02] ?? [20:02] spidermankevin: Do you have some weird hardware? Should work ok... [20:02] spidermankevin: That is possible [20:02] evil_tech oh if it had been that easy this woulda been solved long ago [20:03] metguru_: what do you mean by screwed i.e. its all fuzzy all over the place or it is in shell base (looks like dos) [20:03] spidermankevin: Gutsy has a much better gfx system controller thing [20:03] via chip set [20:03] jalvini, what is failing? is the windows server up and running? [20:03] laminaatplaat: what dont you know? [20:03] Gusty? [20:03] spidermankevin: Yes, the newest version 7.10 -- Gutsy Gibbon [20:03] !help | Strauss [20:03] Strauss: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [20:03] does anyone know how i get the scaletempo audio filter for mplayer? i installed 1.0rc2 from the backports but using "-af scaletempo" still says it couldn't find it [20:03] anyone know why gusty doesnt recognise my sound card? [20:03] spidermankevin: Try the live CD and see if you can getit going [20:03] hi, any dosemu user here, i wanna know how can i use the turkish codepage on dosemu which comes with ubuntu [20:03] i dont have any sound [20:03] im a total noob to lunix [20:03] !install | Eagle2160 [20:04] Eagle2160: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [20:04] Monobi: he has the OS installed [20:04] oh [20:04] nik: how do you know it doens't recognize it? [20:04] nickrud: do you know anything about drivers? [20:04] then what's the problem? [20:04] ubotu I have ubuntu fully installed already but thankyou anyways [20:04] guys i am a noob to ubuntu and i am having a problem. i am currently trying to ftp a website on a windows server can anyone help me with that [20:04] he needs to get his Belkin USB wireless working [20:04] spidermankevin: Run off the live CD and mess around with the stuff in System -- Admin -- Screens and Gfx [20:04] i added a section to xorg that caused ubuntu to not know my resolution and refresh rate.....i took it out but still the same problem......how do i fix it [20:04] just plug it in [20:04] he has tried that [20:04] Duke_Fluke: it doesnt play any sound, and when i go into the hardware manager, it says unknown where the sounnd card should be [20:05] what are some good live cd's to try besides ubuntu [20:05] ubuntu apparently doesnt like his particular adapter [20:05] spidermankevin: When you start up Gutsy, and should tell you that you have an ATI card -- and it should ask about enabling the 3rd party (closed source) driver --- do it [20:05] unagi, did you try to restart gdm? maybe a reboot will correct it? [20:05] what is the output of "sudo lsmod" [20:05] ill try reboot [20:05] nik_: what is your sound card and is it restricted if so download correct drivers [20:05] spidermankevin: Well if you want to try Ubuntu... then you want to use Ubuntu's live CD [20:05] knoppix was the worlds first cool livecd [20:05] Pirate_Hunter: i dont know what my soundcard is,its in a laptop i think its an ati [20:06] spidermankevin, fedora 8 also damn small linux, install a vmware or a virtual vbox [20:06] spidermankevin: the options are many check the linux site online [20:06] nik_ what type of laptop is it? [20:06] spidermankevin: The only other distro I'd recommend to a newb is SuSE -- but Ubuntu blows suse away in many respects [20:06] monobi oh my good lord above!!!! i already did that dont you think that would have been the first thing i did? ubuntu does not recognize what the heck this stupid little stick is ok? you have to install the program on there in order for it to recognize what it is i need to figure out how in the world to install it ive been looking for about 5 hours now and im not finding any frggin help at all [20:06] Duke_Fluke: toshiba satilite [20:06] Mainly in the area of closed source drivers [20:06] good lord above!!1 [20:06] nik what is the model# and what is the output of "sudo lspci" [20:06] and package management of course [20:06] how can i see the source code of the ubuntu installer? [20:06] Cpudan80, on the enterprise side ie corporate, suse is formidable [20:06] Eagle2160:goose fraba [20:07] monobi and im sorry to snap at you but im gettin really ticked right now [20:07] nik_: boot into windows if you can and check system info or type the make and nu,ber of you laptop and it should tell you what sound card it come with [20:07] evil_tech goose fraba? whats that mean? [20:07] nik: actually you could try "sudo lspci|grep audio" [20:07] truna: Most definitely [20:07] Eagle2160:calm down man take a breather [20:07] Pirate_Hunter: A105-s2141 [20:07] never seen Anger Management [20:07] nik: that should tell your sound card: [20:07] Im having a odd ACPI issue with a Thinkpad R61 and the latest updates of Ubuntu Gutsy in that it does not seem to work at all, Shutting the lid does not make the laptop enter suspend and disconnecting the AC line makes the machine hibernate :P [20:07] Pirate_Hunter: i cant boot into windows [20:07] truna: But it doesn't do wifi and other weird situations very well [20:07] Duke_Fluke: cant boot into windows [20:08] Eagle2160: what is your problem exactly sorry i dont remeber [20:08] can ne1 help me out [20:08] Slyboots: How is power management set up? [20:08] i tried ubuntu live it was ok but i had a hard time getting my video card installed and configerd write but im dieing to try again if i can get my video and with all optian and oen gl [20:08] open gl [20:08] im checking the website now [20:08] how do I uninstall using command promt [20:08] Cpudan80, I've set it to Suspend on lid-close on battery power and hibernate on low battery [20:08] nik: i didn't ask you to boot into windows just post output of "lspci|grep audio" [20:08] i mean console [20:08] nik_: check it online and why cant you boot into windows (unless you havent got a windows partition that explains it) [20:08] Cpudan80, i comfy with suse though :) [20:08] Xintruder: sudo apt-get remove [20:08] evil_tech well you see ive been trying to get this to work for about a week when i installed this ubuntu it erased windows kuzz i guess i did something wrong but i dunno if this ubuntu doesnt work i completely screwed up a very expenisive computer to the point of basically uselessness do you know how mad my parents will be? not to mention how much i need to use this stinkin computer [20:08] Slyboots: have you tried ThinkWiki? They had some good how-tos [20:08] Hibernate does not work either as I get graphical corruption and the inablity to log into the desktop enviroment (although GDM loads) untill I reboot [20:09] truna: I used to use suse -- but then it messed up a lot with 10.3, so I came over here :-) [20:09] Pirate_Hunter: im booting linux from an external HD because my internal corrupted and i havent gotten a replacement [20:09] evil_tech, I tried following their guides with no luck :( [20:09] is gusty oa comman package [20:09] Eagle2160: it would be nice if i knew what happened and how an expensive comp is paper weight if the processor and ram work [20:09] can someone help me out [20:09] can someone help me out [20:10] Pirate_Hunter, oh one thing, on install, does one have to put the grub in the mbr or anywhere where / is mounted? i think i screwed up mine without saving the old mbr [20:10] I have Ubuntu 7.10 and I want to change it to Kubuntu? any simple way to do that? [20:10] Eagle2160:been there done that. just saying that getting mad at the people who are trying to help is not going to help [20:10] hey wats the prob [20:10] will i be abeal to play bioshock in wine with the same fram rate is windows [20:10] spidermankevin, No. [20:10] In fact, if bioshock even *loads* I would be amazed [20:10] pirate_hunter because windows is gone... if i can not access the internet i can not use it for anything at all, i have no clue how in the world to put windows back on so basically its useless [20:10] Cpudan80, as long as you are comfy, thats good enuff [20:10] hi, any dosemu user here, i wanna know how can i use the turkish codepage on dosemu which comes with ubuntu [20:10] nik_: you should try to recover your internal there are many good software CDs online that can help you restore it and sometimes a reformat does the job [20:10] truna: yep [20:11] koganei sudo apt-get gnome-desktop [20:11] Gerro: NDIS wrapper doesn't list it officially on the porject page. There are others who have made it work, according to the google. [20:11] Pirate_Hunter: formatting didnt work, i think the drive has just been worn down, [20:11] Eagle2160:its a laptop right, fairly recent model? there is a windows license key on the bottom. Borrow someone Windows disc and reinstall windows [20:11] Eagle2160: first explain what happened, how it happened and what do you get now? [20:11] thanks [20:11] Pirate_Hunter: anyways this is what the online doc says about my comp • Dimensions (WxDxH Front/H Rear): 14.2” (360.0mm) x 10.5” [20:11] (267mm) x 1.17” (29.8mm)[F]/1.45” (36.8mm)[R] without feet [20:11] • CD-RW/DVD-ROM [20:11] • Weight: Starting at 6.0 lbs (2.72 kg) depending upon [20:11] o Maximum speed and compatibility: CD-ROM (24x:read), 12 [20:11] configuration [20:11] nik_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:11] lol shit! [20:12] pirate_hunter nothing happened all i need to do is get this stupid wireless usb drive to friggin work on ubuntu [20:12] Eagle2160, we can assist you with getting your ubuntu connected to the internet [20:12] is it easy to set up a vista ubuntu dual boot with out grub [20:12] spidermankevin: no :( [20:12] i just want my mouse to work again =( [20:12] truna i would appreciate that a lot! [20:12] spidermankevin, without grub? um. not realy.. Just use Grub :) [20:12] Eagle2160 what is the output of lsusb? [20:12] SpidermanKevin: it's easy to set it up with grub too. I'm a n0000000b and even I can handle that. [20:12] can someone help me out [20:12] Now if only I could get this wifi working. [20:12] can someone help me out [20:12] duke fluke i have no idea what that even means... =/ [20:12] vista being install not on the primara portition [20:12] nik_: you mean the HD, my problem was that my IDE was messed and made the HD stop working "it took me a long while to figure that out :(" and yeah it could still be recovered check online if you cna be bothered or giveit to someone that might try to recover it [20:12] can someone help me out [20:13] can someone help me out [20:13] Eagle2160 do you know how to open a shell? [20:13] Eagle2160, 1st thing, i wanted to understand what you have, when you say wireless usb drive, as in a "network accesable" hard disk with embedded wifi on it? [20:13] Hello! [20:13] koganei jalvini whats the prob??? === kharnov is now known as Kharnov [20:13] jalvini, ask a question. the more detailed the better. [20:13] ubuntu is 15gig install right [20:13] jalvini whats the prob??? [20:13] Eagle2160: oh ok now i get it even knowing i dont know what type of hardware you have [20:13] !ask | jalvini [20:13] i am just trying to ftp a website ...the server is a windows server [20:14] jalvini: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [20:14] jalvini, what is failing? is the windows server up and running? [20:14] so maybe a 20 gig portation would suite it well? [20:14] truna its a 75d7050 belkin g usb network adapter its basicaslly a jumpdrive you stick and allows you to connect to wireless networks [20:14] or would that be two small [20:14] wow what lag... i wonder if it is my connection or the bot [20:14] ? [20:14] the website is up yes [20:14] jalvini, okay, what is the issue when doing an ftp? [20:15] i am a noob guys bear with me please [20:15] truna all i need to do is install the program that it uses but i dont know how to do that if i simply stick it in it does not recognize what it is [20:15] spidermankevin:ubuntu doesnt eat nowhere near 15gigs, so 20gig would be sufficient unless you are going to have a lot of stuff in /home [20:15] i dont know how to do it from ubuntu lol [20:15] jalvini whats the prob??? [20:15] spidermankevin, around 5GB is adequate for root (/). base install is around 1.5GB so that will give it space to grow. then you can make a home partition (/home) as big as you need for personal files. [20:15] i might just put it on my other comp [20:15] it only has a 10 gig drive as far as i can remamber [20:15] i use ipswitch from windows [20:15] hmm i gather that ubiquity uses python? [20:15] Eagle2160, do this, on a terminal type dmesg and at the very end what did your system recognize that usb thingy you plugged in? [20:15] Eagle2160 can you open "Accessories--->Terminal" and then type in "lsusb" post back what it reports? [20:16] Eagle2160: you know that little comp on your ubuntu or network in system>admin does that no pick your router [20:16] jalvini, ftp www.thatremotesite.com [20:16] it should make for a better personal webserver then windows [20:16] jalvini, ftp www.thatremotesite.com on an xterminal, you type that [20:16] what is an xterminal [20:17] jalvini, that would be like your msdos command prompt [20:17] spidermankevin, 10GB should be enough unless you intend to store gigabytes of multimedia files. [20:17] ooo ok [20:17] does anyone know of any apps for taking videos of my screen? [20:17] jalvini try a net search [20:17] duke fluke it recognizes what it is but i guess not how to use it its to long for me to type in here [20:17] put apachie php and mysql [20:17] jalvini, also i suggest buying a book or search google for some tutorial on how to use linux [20:17] copy and paste [20:17] hi, i have a bug in ubuntu, it hangs when playng mp3. I want to install the sound card driver from the card's CD maybe will fix this. [20:17] Eagle: copy and paste [20:17] !screencast | mrmonday [20:17] mrmonday: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [20:17] im not on that computer i am on a seperate one [20:17] yeah i am trying to find tutorials [20:17] on it and a few html and jpg files [20:18] Hi all, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Server, installed from CD. When I installed, I had the hard drive on master, and the CD-rom on slave. [20:18] Eagle2160, use pastebin to paste okay? [20:18] <_jwd_> ubuntu 7.1 HP All-In-One 1610 anyone have anything similiar? [20:18] im talking to you on my laptop but this is all on my desktop [20:18] jalvini try lea linux.com [20:18] thanks Jowi and ubotu :) [20:18] any sugestions about removing the old driver and installing the new one? [20:18] o ok what does it recognize the wireless usb nic as? can you type what it is? [20:18] Uaine, not a good idea, they tend to slow down install, having both on same controllers [20:18] thak you guys === lymeca_ is now known as lymeca [20:18] duke fluke ohhh great hold on thisll take a while [20:18] I have a G15 keyboard and have downloaded the G15 Daemon. How do i install it? make make install returns an error [20:19] anyone now the channel for fedora plz? [20:19] cristina: huh? whats the matter? [20:19] truna i dont know what pastebin is im using 2 different computers [20:19] Ealge: i'll be waiting ;) [20:19] cristina, man modprobe, but to remove a module is usually modprobe -r modulename [20:19] !pastebin | Eagle2160 [20:19] Eagle2160: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [20:20] anyone know the channel for fedora plz? [20:20] Truna: Yes, I know that. So I removed it, having no more use for it. Then bootup became really slow, and cryptsetup no longer can find my encrypted LVM volume when the CD-rom is disconnected. [20:20] Truna: Any guess on which book is decent? I'm great when it comes to windows, but this linux thing has brought down my world [20:20] cristina, to see whats loaded, lsmod [20:20] ghost: google it or check on your irc client you cna do channel searches [20:20] I actually logged into vista this morning to remind me of the days whne I was good with computer [20:20] ghost: fedora [20:20] And hooking the CD-rom back up seemed to get things booting normally. [20:20] #fedora [20:20] duke fluke bus 001 device 003: id 050d: 705c belkin components bus 001 device 002: id 109f:7148 esol co., ltd bus 001 device 001: id 0000:0000 [20:20] DanLoz: rofl [20:20] oh yea another unorthadox piece of hard wear i use a mac keyboard on my wintel ubutu should have drivers for that right [20:21] Pirate_Hunter ok thank a lot [20:21] So, my question is, what do I need to do before I remove my CD-rom, so that the boot process can work normally? [20:21] DanLoz, umm ubuntu bible is okay , spend lots of quarters in a borders book store for coffee while parsing a book :) [20:21] evil_tech i doesnt work :( [20:21] worked for me [20:21] Pirate_Hunter: You're laughing as though I'm kidding. Seriously. Vista is so bad that it forced me to go to linux. A real transition, ask you me. [20:21] evil_tech: behave what works for you may not work for someone else [20:22] DanLoz, you can also download an ebook version of that ubuntu bible and read the pdf, if you like reading online stuff [20:22] evil_tech mayby i am banned or something tanx anyway ;) [20:22] ghost: #fedora [20:22] could be on wrong server maybe? [20:22] ghost: you have to be a registered user. [20:22] Truna: Thanks. Will do. If I don't find some good documentation, I'm going to bash the BASH [20:22] ghost: or you cannot join. [20:22] DanLoz: i know ive used while on holiday and hated it, how it did stuff was just annyoing, they took time to do all fancy animations but didt improve the os [20:22] does anyone know anything about mad-wifi [20:22] aro hum ok i didnt know ty [20:23] ghost: you can register free type /msg nickserv help [20:23] hm anyone know what I have to restart when the window title bars go away [20:23] DanLoz, being at the bookstore and sipping coffee, you'll enjoy reading those ubuntu books or any linux howto in general [20:23] ghost: youre not banend at elats not from here.. why would you say that [20:23] also i have on more question... when i boot ubuntu i do not get a boot screen... when i first used the live cd there was a boot screen now it only goes black for about 2 mins and the login screen pops up.. also sometime right after i login it goes black and no desktop pops up and i am forced to shut my comp down... what can cause that [20:23] Can Pirate_Hunter: Here's the amazing thing: The first thing I did was play with compiz to give myself something to look at. I managed to do infinitely more than vista ultimate super premium with like half the horses [20:23] Pirate_Hunter somebody told me tat here before [20:23] is there something better than SoundJuicer for ripping to flac? it keeps hanging up at question marks and crashing [20:23] hi i get this error [20:24] what shoud i do [20:24] mount: special device /dev/hda does not exist [20:24] Eagle: it looks like you're going to have to use the dreaded Ndiswrapper [20:24] duke fluke i already know that... [20:24] Uaine, umm you installed your server in an LVM ? i think the suggestion from what i read is to have a separte partition just for /boot to install grub there, but dont put grub into LVM [20:24] Pirate_Hunter bye all [20:24] duke fluke do you know how to use it kuzz if you dont then its just a waste of time trust me iver been trying for 5 hours [20:24] well fedora channel seems strict just did a search on xchat for all channel related to fedora and #fedora seems to ban those that poll [20:25] mrga_cro:you cant mount an entire device. you need a partition number. /dev/hda1 for example [20:25] spidermankevin: Yes, your keyboard will (probably) work === illovae[bis] is now known as illovae [20:25] hello [20:25] spidermankevin: Maybe not all the buttons -- but the basic stuff will work [20:25] when i put a cd in my cdrom on lap,. nothing happens, === aro is now known as aroo [20:25] in order to add cd repo you have to type [20:25] sudo apt-cdrom add sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential [20:25] i tried to mount iz [20:25] evil_tech, I quite like it. see if you have "Strip special chars" in the prefs. you should tick it in... [20:25] but always get that [20:25] if you got dvd is it the same thing? [20:25] spidermankevin: You can remap the special keys (volume up/down, cd eject, etc) in System -- Prefs -- Keyboard Shortcuts [20:26] I've downloaded a utility that comes in the form of Qt files in a .tar.bz2 archive. How do I install them? [20:26] I have used ndiswrapper in the paste succesfully [20:26] jowi: thanks just found that in the preferences. should have looked there first [20:26] evil tech: I'm a big fan of Exact Audio Copy (EAC) but you need to run it in Wine. I'm not sure if that rules it out for you as an option or not. [20:26] hey, i just upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04 and now the boot process hangs at configuring networking [20:26] eh never mind this is all just a waste i have a whole lot more things i need to do this weekend this is a watse of time thanks for everyones help but i think my computer is trashed now but i have to do other things i cant spend 5 hours with no results [20:26] sorry [20:26] Its tricky though what steps have you taken so far? [20:26] hey Pirate_Hunter also i have on more question... when i boot ubuntu i do not get a boot screen... when i first used the live cd there was a boot screen now it only goes black for about 2 mins and the login screen pops up.. also sometime right after i login it goes black and no desktop pops up and i am forced to shut my comp down... what can cause that [20:26] DanLoz, here is a nice trick, open up a terminal and just press tab twice, it will ask you if you want to see thousands of bash commands (like your msdos commands) [20:26] cool neather my keyboard or mouse worked on the aros live cd but that a alpha or maybe beta [20:27] its just not working... [20:27] thanks [20:27] todos hablan ingles?? [20:27] could somebody help please. [20:27] How do I install a program made in Qt that comes as some Qt files in a bz2 tarball? [20:27] Truna: I think my boot is outside LVM, but I'm not sure. Is there a quick way to check? [20:27] jalvini, try this, ctrl+alt+ + or minus to see the resolution [20:27] jalvini: gmm wierd i get like a sec from grub before my boot screen come up and yeha that whole no desktop coming up might be an issue with the comp [20:27] thanks guys [20:28] jalvini: i dont exactly know the cause for you not having a boot screen especially since it has to load before login screen [20:28] What's the name for svn? [20:28] jalvini: give me a sec will search [20:28] Eagle2160: you dont happen to live int he seattle area do you? [20:29] ctrl alt + tried it on desktop nothing happened [20:29] Uaine, i am not sure when a system is LVM, i dont know how to look at the 512 to recognize it is an mbr data or not [20:29] i have problems with suspend to ram. my computer goes into sleep, but wakes up instantly. all the wake options in my bios setup are turned off. [20:29] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51699/ [20:29] thanks pirate [20:29] jalvini:: see if this link helps - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=631464 [20:29] Hi, is there a way to remove a certain package from my ubuntu system that is causing problems? when I try apt-get remove it gives out errors saying I should try to reinstall it first bu then when I try that i comes back with the same error [20:29] jalvini, control alt plus or minus sometimes you have to repeat as it cycle through the resolutions [20:30] jalvini, try editing /boot/grub/menu.lst file, there you can change the default timeout of grub [20:30] what can I use for editing screen casts eg cropping them? [20:30] truna: it goes through the preset resolutions which may not be what he/she wants or desires [20:31] jalvini and while you are modifying menu.lst maybe comment out the hiddenmenu to see the boot process messages [20:32] BitTornado has a problem uploading torrents for me, I have to close it out and reopen the torrent in order for soemone to download from me. Is there a better torrent client for linux? [20:32] Truna: Would that PDF include a listing of best practices? Whenever I download something I always want to know what directory to do it in. [20:32] !frostwire [20:32] frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [20:32] But that might be just my dos familiarity making me MStupid. [20:32] Pirate_Hunter, i was just suggesting those if no display are seen..and its a good idea to see if your system do really cycle through those rez [20:32] foug: I use Ktorrent on my slackware system [20:32] Duke_Fluke: ok i will try it out, thanks [20:33] Duke_Fluke: dumb question, it will work under Gnome, right? [20:33] Hello I would like to add on KDE 4 to my Ubuntu just how do I do this so I can switch between KDE and Gnome at startup? [20:33] DanLoz, it may have it, usually a pdf is a copy of the printed version [20:33] hi guys, someone out there experienced installation ob ubuntu on hp dl580g4? thanks a lot! [20:33] foug: I don't think so ktorrent is for KDE I think [20:33] truna: ok [20:33] you could still try it though [20:33] You can run most KDE apps under ubuntu.. it just installs a few addl apps/for overhead [20:33] what about frostwire as alreay mentioned? [20:34] KingDaver: do you really need kde? [20:34] Duke_Fluke: well it shows up in apt-get , but it says torrent client for KDE ;\ maybe I should switch to KDE, I'm unhappy with the latest version of gnome [20:34] Duke_Fluke: they say ktorrents works on gnome but i had problems with it use deluge as it is emant for gnome [20:34] No I would like to be able to check it out and switch back and forth why is this a bad idea? [20:34] how can i make a shell command like "dir1" so it goes to some directory? [20:35] i have recent install ubuntu 7.10, i can connect wifi without authentification but with wep i cant connect, how can i do please ? [20:35] without having to type "source dir1.sh" [20:35] KingDaver: You can add KDE4, but it means going outside the repos and may lead to other problems.. I would ask in Kubuntu for the best help with KDE [20:35] ttt--, i think bash has a feature like that allready.. or make an alias. [20:35] Duke_Fluke: forstwire is useless full of bugs and annoying but than thats my experience with it you could try gtk-gnutella [20:35] any idea on how to remove it? [20:35] alias home='cd home' [20:36] thanks, Dr_willis [20:36] Bash BasIcs :) [20:36] I see so maybe it would be risky [20:36] foug: you can install kde apps, but it'll install a bunch of other stuff for kde as well... why not try deluge? [20:36] How do I write a manual page? [20:36] FrostRat: deluge is another desktop environment? [20:36] KingDaver: cause youll have kde packets on your system even after you delete it and you'll mostly make kde default which casues a hasle... go online in a weeks time and look at kde 4 videos or screen shots [20:36] Syntaxe: search the web [20:37] no, deluge is a bittorrent program... I'm almost certain that there's a torrent creation plugin if you're making your own torrents [20:37] Dr_willis: it forgots the alias once i close the terminal. :( [20:37] Could anyone explain to me what LVM has to do with removable media drives though? I wouldn't have though that removing a CD-rom drive could have any affect on LVM. [20:37] forgets* [20:37] Duke_Fluke, I meant is there anything *buntu-specific [20:37] KingDaver: kde will also install a lot of apps whihc you many never use and it quite large packet [20:37] OK Pirate Hunter makes sense [20:38] ttt--, bash basics.. Yes.. you are correct. [20:38] KingDaver: np [20:38] ttt--, if you want them permentant they need to be in your .bashrc or .bash_profile [20:38] can i make it remember somehow? [20:38] Thanks [20:38] ttt--, of course. :) [20:38] oh, i see [20:38] wyldryde.org [20:38] okay this is not an ubuntu question specifically, but with lots of firefox users here anyone remember the name of the greasemonkey script that puts up a little greasemonky logo icon when scripts for the presently-viewed page exist on userscripts.org? [20:38] ttt--, time to read a few bash starter guides and get your Bash Fu Black Belt! [20:39] !abs [20:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about abs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [20:39] !bash | ttt-- [20:39] ttt--: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [20:39] Gasten: Whats that link for? [20:39] Uaine, i have not used LVM, but it seems LVM puts or groups a bunch of devices into a virtual group right? so if your cdrom was part of it and got removed...umm LVM group you created is not complete and it complains ? [20:39] i'll add it to my hundreds of manuals to read :/ [20:39] ttt--, google for the 'using bash' book by oriealy - its a must read also. :) [20:39] ok thanks [20:39] ttt--, bash is a fundamental thing.. [20:39] does ubuntu have an ntp time server? something like time.ubuntu.com or ntp.ubuntu.com? [20:39] The CD-rom wasn't part of it though. Only the fixed hard drive is part of the LVM. [20:40] ttt--, the 'advanced bash scripting guide' is also a must read. or at least skim to come back to when you want examples. [20:40] atoponce: yes it does have a time server [20:40] Uaine, did what I sadi made sense? [20:40] Pirate_Hunter: what's the url? [20:40] Would someone point me a instructions for adding mp3 support to sound juicer in Gutsy? The stuff I found with google seems dated [20:40] atoponce: it's ntp.ubuntu.com [20:41] astro76: thx [20:41] lol that im not sure you can probably find it online or by trying to set up you system time to connect to the server [20:41] Uaine, you have to look at how LVM created the groups, typically you use LVM in an enterprise systems where one does not just remove a cdrom.. [20:41] Guys, I installed the latest nvidia driver manually. How do I enable it now? [20:42] atoponce, pool.ntp.org does have a large selection otherwise. [20:42] Truna, it makes sense. I do understand the basics of how LVM works, but when I set it up, I didn't think it extended to the CD-rom. I thought it was just for the hard drive. [20:42] bored so bored [20:42] guys? [20:43] Later on, I'm planning on linking this machine to a very large RAID 5 array, which is why I opted for the LVM. [20:43] Xintruder: Why did you do it manually? Are you using an old version of Ubuntu? [20:43] Uaine, i am just thinking out loud, throwing ideas that may caused your issues..am no LVM expert [20:43] FrostRat: Because xlv advised me to do so, also, because gutsy installs an older driver [20:44] You got it from the nvidia site? [20:44] yup [20:45] Xintruder: It's been a while since I've done it manually, but I believe the readme on the site walks you through everything [20:45] :( [20:45] Is there a nifty way to get rhythmbox or some other music player to play things gapless? [20:46] Xintruder: did you have to modify your xorg.conf by hand? Once you've done that, the next time you start x it should be ok [20:46] join #kurumin-dev [20:46] I am installing Ubuntu on a new notebook. Should I partition the disk? [20:46] never install nvidia driver from nvidia site. i dont think they actually test that thing, just release it and see what happens. [20:46] Does anyone here have a Thinkpad R61, that makes a.. unusual noise when running from the abttery? [20:46] Othello: the installer can handle it for you [20:46] ali1234: scary [20:47] hi all, quick question, how do I add places to the"places" menu? [20:47] nm - i found it... it's called "monkey barrel google" [20:47] Is there a descent music player for gnome that can do gapless playback? [20:47] Xintruder: It's a good idea to print out the readme before you do it... you've got a few steps to follow exactly. As alil234 says, the latest Ubuntu will install one for you, and it's really easy. [20:47] Pirate_Hunter: the windows drivers arn't much better [20:47] Slyboots:nope T60 that runs fine. have you perused thinkpad forums? they helped me to get some power issues fixed [20:48] ali: you think nvidia's are bad, have you ever owned an ATI card? [20:48] thinkpad forums? [20:48] ali1234: i dont use it it must not be more crappier than my own graphics card i cant even run compiz [20:48] astro76: Yes, but should I partition at all, or just use the entire disk? I don't know why I should but someone here said it could be handy. [20:48] Devrethman: yes, they are at least consistently bad... with nvidia, something different is broken in each new version [20:48] slyboots: just punch it in to google. an entire forum for thinkpad owners [20:48] Kanedacorp, its so easy you will scream.. just drag/drop a folder over to the places side bar in the file manager. :) [20:48] Othello: the installer will create a / and swap partition... are you wanting to make a separate /home also? [20:48] das ist sehr cool [20:48] ali1234: lol [20:48] anyway my point is, you are generally better off with the ubuntu one, unless you really know what you are doing [20:48] Thanks evil_tech I'll check them out [20:48] Xintruder: just checked the site, looks like the script they've got there should configure pretty much everything for you [20:49] <___gary___> mm [20:49] alil234: agreed... and the restricted drivers manager makes it soooo easy to install [20:49] tritium, Thanks for thinking about it. I'll do some more reading on LVM, and maybe I can figure this out. [20:49] Pirate_Hunter, you're bored, would you like to help me figure this out? [20:49] astro76: No. I don't know of any advantage to partitioning. I've never bothered with it before. [20:49] Othello:: making a /home is very useful for preserving your files in the event of a problem with your / (root/filesystem) [20:50] FrostRat: it should, when it completes 'successfully', i reboot, run compiz and then ubuntu tries to install nvidia-glx-new! and im like what theh ell?!? [20:50] Has anyone experienced mplayer-mozzile plugin magically disappearing last night, or a day before with the updates? (gutsy) [20:50] truna: figure what out and it depends if i cna help but will give it a shot [20:50] That sounds good. How do I do that? [20:50] hey [20:50] Othello: you can mount /usr as read only if you make it a separate partition... if you are really paranoid that is [20:50] Xintruder: I've never bothered with compiz... couldn't tell you. :( === mrxtambourinema is now known as drgonzo00000 [20:50] hi how can i run disc manager from terminal ? [20:50] Pirate-King, i had a working system, two hard disk, i replaced the 2nd disk and installed ubuntu, but at the point where it ask where shall the grub be installed [20:51] i can't receive files with xchat, it never starts [20:51] xchat-gnome [20:51] Pirate_Hunter, , i had a working system, two hard disk, i replaced the 2nd disk and installed ubuntu, but at the point where it ask where shall the grub be installed [20:51] i think there was a command to fix it [20:51] How do i make a mysql server thing run on my machine? [20:51] Task: just install it [20:51] Dr_willis: Thanks! I was trying to drag and drop it onto the metacity bar or the places menu itself :D [20:51] FrostRat: :( bah....... this sucks.. lol. [20:51] Oh. Well, I'm not that paranoid. I was just wondering ehy nickrud said it could be handy. [20:51] Just loaded up a new PC, wanting the fancy graphics / eye candy...? [20:51] Xintruder: it probably doesn't realize you've got it installed, since you didn't install the driver through apt-get / synaptic [20:51] Task: (using synaptic or whatever package manager you prefer) [20:52] Pirate_Hunter, then I selected mbr, and everything is working, now If i reconfigure using the older 2nd drive, i cant boot anymore [20:52] Kanedacorp, heh - it pays to explore the os :P i just discoverd that by accident one day [20:52] hello [20:52] ok [20:52] FrostRat: your right, thats why i was thinking of to enable it or something >< [20:52] Can anyone help me with my internet. I setup ndiswrapper with the right driver and now I can see all the networks around me, but when i connect to my network i get 5 blue bars where connection manager was, but i'm still unable to use the internet [20:52] Xintruder: so I guess you were having problems with the driver Ubuntu gives you? [20:52] so many problems are happe [20:52] aye, its my first week on ubuntu :) [20:52] Thanks, eveyone. [20:52] so many problems are happening witohut a reason [20:52] Othello: yes a /home partition can be useful but if you are just starting out with Linux and want to get going don't worry about it [20:52] Pirate_Hunter, when i say reconfigure , i meant getting back to the original drives i used, [20:52] thats sight, memmory leak with compiz, crashes my laptop ! [20:52] truna: when it asked you where to put grub you could it put on any of the drives why would you edit grub? [20:52] Hey guys, just a question. Is there a good way to compleetely remove KDE and isntall Gnome? [20:52] mrga_cro: What's happening? [20:52] right* [20:53] hi [20:53] WHich version of ubuntu should i use for IMac [20:53] this FrostRat http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=665724 [20:53] Xintruder: I'd still go the Ubuntu way, unless you absolutely can't... less headaches [20:53] ircleuser, what kind of a mac do you have? [20:53] Pirate_Hunter, i have multiple boot, different versions of linux, windows, etc.. [20:53] drgonzo00000: try bringing the interface down then up again [20:53] mrga_cro: ok, I'll check it out [20:53] astro76: Yes. I'm just a beginner. But, Ubuntu is the thing I want to learn in 2008. [20:53] !compiz [20:53] FrostRat: tried that for like 5 days man, posted everywhere... seems like theres no solution yet.... [20:54] ok now how do I configure a user ? [20:54] for mysql? [20:54] truna: now i understand see if this link helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 [20:54] !ubotu compiz [20:54] WHich version of ubuntu should i use for IMac [20:54] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [20:54] Task: you have to edit the grant tables [20:54] Pirate_Hunter, i think i may have clobbered my original mbr..so i dont know.. [20:54] Hello guys [20:54] ? [20:54] Task: mysql is hard to configure :/ [20:54] <_mug> hey [20:54] Does anyone here know how to setup a email server in Ubuntu? [20:54] :( [20:54] ircleuser, depends on what processor its using.. [20:55] truna: that link should help you hopefully restore grub as long as you know where it was installed originally [20:55] I need it for the very basic server for xdcc [20:55] Xintruder: You could always do compiz manually, too. :D Not sure how hard that is, though. [20:55] <_mug> linux__: pick one, install the package or compile from source, the the docs an be happy :) unless you provide more information [20:55] Pirate_Hunter, its not the grub i need, its the mbr portion thats got screwed [20:55] hi how can i run disc manager from terminal ? [20:56] Task: well, i have no idea what xdcc is... but most apps that use mysql will either configure it for you or give you specific instructions how to set it up [20:56] what do you mean "do"?? [20:56] Which package is good? I tried post fix but it is tooo hard for me [20:56] <_mug> linux__: the=read [20:56] mrga_cro: That certainly is strange... it's only been on the forums for a few minutes... sooner or later today, I'm sure somebody will answer. Unfortunately, I've got to run. Good luck! [20:56] ajitam: to what disk manager are you referring? [20:56] ok [20:56] Hey guys. Is there a good way of deinstalling KDE and installing Gnome on Kubuntu? [20:56] truna: if you were to reisntall grub than the mbr wouldnt make a difference cause grub would taking care of you boot [20:56] astro76: I need to format one disc [20:57] !mta | linux__ (I am using postfix myself, didn't try any other) [20:57] linux__ (I am using postfix myself, didn't try any other): A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA [20:57] mug- can you recommend a pkg to install that is not as config happy as post fix? :-) [20:57] yeah it just says to create a database in MySql that can be used by the program :( [20:57] truna: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html - im sure the last time I couldnt boot into my HD i used this link [20:57] ajitam: use fdisk [20:57] <_mug> linux__: mailservers arent that trivial. there are VERY much options. read on the topic and youll realize. postfix is a good choice, but you want to read the ducomentation [20:57] Xintruder: If you were to download it and compile it yourself, just as you did with the driver. But that might be a bit difficult/confusing if you're not used to that kind of thing... and as I said, I've never been into compiz, so I'm not sure what it would take. [20:57] linux_, in terminal run tasksel and choose mail-server [20:57] shoul work [20:58] ok [20:58] What documentation? [20:58] where at I mean? [20:58] ive seen whole books at the bookstores on mailserers [20:58] Task: hmm, that's not too helpful. let me just see if i can find a quick guide on google [20:58] where are the .destkop files located for the shortcuts listed in the default applications menu? [20:59] <_mug> linux__: the mail server's docu.. find out the webpage of the proect. there youll find docu.. or google for "$mailserver howto" [20:59] One more question, did you have to make all the changes to MySQL and Main.cf that is described in the online tutorial? [20:59] truna: you could try super grub download it as floppy it has soem useful feature i should know [21:00] Task: unfortunately it look slike you'll just have to go and check the mysql manual as adding users is rather non-trivial [21:00] how do i change this whole brown theme [21:01] hello all. [21:01] I have a support question. [21:01] Ironman1: system->preferences->appearence [21:01] Pirate_Hunter, thanks [21:01] Can anyone help me with my internet. I setup ndiswrapper with the right driver and now I can see all the networks around me, but when i connect to my network i get 5 blue bars where connection manager was, but i'm still unable to use the internet [21:01] I am having a problem that I see documented in a few forums, but no answers. [21:01] how do i install more or better yet where would i get them from [21:01] truna: np [21:01] !themes | Ironman1 [21:01] Ironman1: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [21:01] <_mug> linux__: i believe there are are lot of tuts out there, so you should specify which one you mean. there is no "that" solution to YOUR mailserver-problems i guess. its a broad field and every installation is unique [21:01] The issue is that, with a fresh Ubuntu installation, I can *ONLY CONNECT TO GOOGLE* with Firefox. No other pages will load. [21:02] thx [21:02] hey guys i keep getting this After unpacking 109MB of additional disk space will be used. [21:02] Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y [21:02] Abort. [21:02] drgonzo0000: Do you at least get an ip address? what does ifconfig say? [21:02] <_mug> Darkmystere: try just hitting enter? [21:02] _mug: ok trying.. [21:02] Ironman1: there's also the blubuntu-look package [21:02] will hardy have the tickless kernel for x86_64? i know it's not in gutsy right now... [21:02] Is there a way to install ubuntu without a cd drive? [21:02] I cannot even connect to my router ( Only google. [21:03] After unpacking 109MB of additional disk space will be used. [21:03] Do you want to continue [Y/n]? [21:03] Abort. [21:03] atoponce: try #ubuntu+1 [21:03] no i can't [21:03] mug-thanks [21:03] astro76: already there [21:03] i'll be out of here by 21.30 can't believe ive been here this long [21:03] drgonzo00000: What does ifconfig say [21:03] Is there a way to install ubuntu without a cd drive? [21:03] Darkmystere: please don't repeat, and also don't paste more than 2 lines [21:03] !install | penguinguy1234 [21:03] penguinguy1234: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [21:04] Astro: i thought it was 3 lines... [21:04] <_mug> Darkmystere: strange.. try to install the packets via synaptic if possible [21:04] Darkmystere: nope ;) [21:04] Astro: i wasnt repeating the last 1 was from pressing the 1 before was with presssing Y=Yes [21:04] it'll take me a minute to paste [21:04] <_mug> astro76: he didnt repeat THAT way :) [21:04] <_mug> context [21:04] !automate [21:04] Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning [21:04] <_mug> :) [21:05] drgonzo0000: You can PM me what it says :) Don't want you to get kicked [21:05] where are the .destkop files located for the shortcuts listed in the default applications menu? [21:05] I just reported a bug, help if you can: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/182358 [21:05] neeto: try 'locate .desktop' [21:05] Anyone have a lead on the *CAN ONLY CONNECT TO GOOGLE* problem? [21:06] !Avant Windows Navigator | Darkmystere [21:06] <_mug> ThipThip: wtf? more data :) [21:06] neeto: better yet 'locate .desktop | less' because it will be a large list ;) [21:06] ThipThip:are you at a home network or work network [21:06] !msgthebot | Darkmystere [21:06] Darkmystere: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [21:06] how are you [21:06] _mug, et. al. : You heard right. Fresh Ubuntu installation, I am only able to connect to google, nothing else - not even my router. I'm on a home network but it exhibits the same behavior when connected directly to the cable modem. [21:06] ThipThip - what is the result of ping google.com? [21:06] Also i cannot find GSCodec Plugins in Add/Remove Programs i know i know -.- [21:07] hallo [21:07] <_mug> ThipThip: try to ping something [21:07] siema [21:07] ping google.com is good, unable to ping anything else. [21:07] Darkmystere: most of your question on downloading apps or how to use them can be answered by googling on google [21:07] <_mug> ThipThip: what does it say? [21:07] do you have a valid DNS? [21:07] do you speak polish? [21:07] hi everybody!!! [21:07] ThipThip: can you ping ? [21:07] hi [21:07] (Note: I am on the same computer with an XP64 installation, so I would have to reboot to try any suggestions, so pile them on and I'll try them all :-) ). [21:08] valid DNS: Yes. [21:08] Need to play streaming video. What should I install? [21:08] how can i install kde 4 in feisty, someone knows? [21:08] ThipThip, use "tracepath" to see where it gets stuck. perhaps one of your ISP nameservers are wack. [21:08] which part of my ifconfig should i post? [21:08] Pirate_Hunter: Ok Well ill get into somthing more Technical How Do i get sound working on Ubuntu 7.10 Installed with Wubi 7.10 apha Minfiel 386? [21:08] I will try to ping that IP upon rebooting. [21:08] bye [21:08] Jowi: Why would I be able to connect with the same setup with windows if it was a nameserver issue? [21:08] Ok guy i have installed 7.10 but I can not access the net. I connect thru ADSL service and I guess it is the error which was recognized soon after the release of 7.10 with regard to ADSL stuff [21:09] ThipThip: you turn on iptables? [21:09] can anyone help me get it working [21:09] how can I install kde 4 in feisty?? could someone help me pls [21:09] evil_tech: I don't know about iptables - I'm new to Ubuntu. Please enlighten. :-) [21:09] Darkmystere: have no clue since i dont use wubi but you could try searching for it or typing !sound and looking at the links... you cna find it out online... im not searching for ppl any more [21:09] drgonzo0000: eth0 (or eth1), and your wireless one [21:09] ThipThip, you never mentioned that. [21:09] Jowi: Yes, new. Sorry. [21:09] !kde4 | leviatan [21:09] leviatan: KDE 4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. - KDE 4.0 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.0/ and support in #kubuntu [21:09] Hey :( [21:10] I've been fiddling with GRUB all day - [21:10] I have searched the forums and found others with the same issue, but no solution. [21:10] it kicked me for posting all that info [21:10] Pirate_Hunter i beileave it would be the same way on a regular install.. [21:10] It keeps giving me Error 2 [21:10] leviatan: hmm welll that's good advice anyway, try #kubuntu ;) [21:10] <_mug> ThipThip, jowi: its quite stressful to keep track of a complex problem for me in here lets meet in #thipthip123 for that matter (type "/join #thipthip123") anyone else invited [21:10] I burned Super Grub to a CD, and I managed to boot into Windows. But I still can't get into Ubuntu :( [21:11] Darkmystere: if thats what you believe than do it and post here if it works or not [21:11] ThipThip, so compare the nameservers in ubuntu with the nameservers Win uses. (in ubuntu it is the file /etc/resolv.conf) [21:11] ddoung: did you see the data i posted? [21:11] I'm trying to format secondary disc in my pc. I want to write on it with ubuntu and os x. Which filesystem do I use ? [21:11] astro but I don't want to compile kde 4 I want to know if there is a source or something like that [21:11] Ok Could Some 1 tell me the channel for backtrack? [21:11] hello when you are in a terminal how do you unzip a folder from a jumpdrive that you have?? [21:11] after i installed ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop windows file system (ntfs) changed to fuseblk, so wtf ? [21:11] _mug, turn off "show join/part messages" in xchat. (right click on the channel tab) [21:11] DarkKIller: rofl i just posted links on how to reistall grub a while ago this is so hillarious - give me a sec [21:11] :D [21:12] hello when you are in a terminal how do you unzip a folder from a jumpdrive that you have?? === a_s__ is now known as a_s_ [21:12] Well, I've searched everywhere (and yes, I know how to use frickin google) [21:12] Alot of solutions [21:12] leviatan: there are kde4* packages in ubuntu but they are a beta version.. again try #kubuntu [21:12] But they didn't work for me. [21:12] leviatan: #in gutsy [21:12] How do I get kernel soruces installed? [21:13] does anybody know how to unzip a file from a jumpdrive using a terminal? [21:13] DarkKIller: check this link out the first one I think helped me reinstall grub they both have many mehtods on how to do it http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html & http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 [21:13] astro76 but I don't have gusty... but thnx anyway I'll ask in kubuntu [21:13] I'll check it out, thanks bud [21:13] does anybody know how to unzip a file from a jumpdrive using a terminal? [21:13] hey everyone. I just installed a clean version of ubuntu and I'm having probs compiling other applications. I did apt-get install build-essential and apt-get install gcc.... am I missing anything else? [21:13] !repeat | Eagle2160 [21:13] Eagle2160: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [21:13] Jowi: that can't be right, i think youre confusing yourself or something went wrong [21:14] Can anyone help me with my internet. I setup ndiswrapper with the right driver and now I can see all the networks around me, but when i connect to my network i get 5 blue bars where connection manager was, but i'm still unable to use the internet [21:14] Eagle2160: do you know where it's mounted? [21:14] astro76 umm what exactly do you mean by that? [21:14] Pirate_Hunter, ? [21:14] magic_hat: if it is a clean install why would you want to compile.. most apps are available through synaptic [21:14] Eagle2160: guess not, can you access it through the file manager currently? [21:15] I just installed another variety of ubuntu on anotehr parititon and I specified that GRUB is to be installed on the partition and not the MBR; how do I point from the old instalaltion's menu.lst to the new GRUB? [21:15] Jowi: installing ubuntu doesnt change your filesystem [21:15] Pirate_Hunter: I need to compile a version of asterisk that's not avail as a package. [21:15] Pirate_Hunter: I've tried that, didn't work. GRUB still comes up with Error 2. [21:15] astro76 im looking at it through the file browser right now [21:15] <_mug> jowi: i REALLY dont know what you mean.. sorry [21:15] Pirate_Hunter, what are you talking about? I think you should be talking to someone else... [21:15] DarkKIller: you telling me you read the first website all their methods and none work sorry too hard to believe [21:16] Eagle2160: if you hit ctrl+L in the file browser it will show you the location [21:16] Ah, no prob. [21:16] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=651302 [21:16] Can someone recommend me another bootloader than GRUB? [21:16] LILO, maybe? How do I install that from my 7.10 LIVE CD? [21:16] Jowi: yes your correct you are the wrong person sorry [21:16] astro76 ok thanks [21:16] I'm unable to install google gears in firefox because it says I have the wrong version. how can i fix this? [21:16] drgonzo000: No, double click on my name from the list so it opens up a private chat and paste it there [21:17] Eagle2160: then 'cd /media/whatever' and 'unzip filename' [21:17] I just installed another variety of ubuntu on another parititon and I specified that GRUB is to be installed on the new partition and not the MBR; how do I point from the old instalaltion's menu.list to the new GRUB? I mean i want to have the new GRUB as an entry in the old one, maybe with chainloading? [21:17] astro76 yup i got it thanks =) [21:17] DarkKIller: same method as posted on those sites youre going to have to read it an attempt i did by asking heer and being directed to those lins [21:18] DarkKIller: ppl aint going to guide you through it [21:19] what do I need to do to install/compile stuff besides build-essentials? anyone? [21:19] Help! I edited my xconf file for my mouse, and now I'm in Low Resolution Mode! [21:20] When I terminal, the screen is so damn huge I can't even see anythign other than the warning [21:20] vwfanatic, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is how you do it [21:20] Does GRUB support big hdds? [21:20] thanks [21:21] magic_hat: it depends what you need to compile, the site should tell you how to do it [21:21] vwfanatic, can you try control+alt+ + over and over til you get the resolution you like [21:21] hi. cryptsetup doesn't work on ubuntu gutsy ;(( --> "Command failed: device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument" dm_crypt kernel module is loaded of course [21:21] vwfanatic, thats without reconfiguring your xorg.conf [21:21] truna: his probably in safe mode which i never knew existed until i saw it [21:22] hi i had a dcopserver error message on amarok,and from then i don't have any sound!........some help? [21:22] im using gnome [21:22] does anyone know how to add dist and pool folders to the liveCD? I am remaster a liveCD but when I add the Dist/Pool folders for apt-cdrom, squashfs fails to load [21:22] hello [21:23] Pirate_Hunter: most sites just assume that you can run config, make and install. I'm wondering which packages I need to get to make that happen. [21:23] how to run the .cue or .bin file ? [21:23] mne: what are you trying to cryptsetup? [21:23] !hello [21:23] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:23] mne: I recently got my ubuntu system with root/swap encrypted [21:23] tifine: you can convert it to an iso and then mount that [21:23] !hello | gas [21:23] gas: please see above [21:23] !iso | tifine [21:23] tifine: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [21:24] I can't even read the reconfigure, that's how huge it is. [21:24] is there a way to install themes with apt-get [21:24] all I did was try to make my mouse buttons work [21:24] magic_hat: there should be a text file that tells you since i dont use it im just giving you simple replies [21:24] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=651302 [21:24] i just started using ubuntu so i dont know how to install these engines [21:24] astro76> ok how should i convert it into iso file ? [21:24] tifine: follow the link [21:25] can I reconfigure the Xconf if I boot off the DVD? [21:25] dmlb2000: i want to mount one of my numerous LUKS disks. cryptsetup doesn't work any more with gutsy. [21:25] mne: I noticed that if you have the right partitioning on your hard disk and you put in the ubuntu live cd it will automagically pick up the swap and do a swapon of that partition, so you might try swapoff [21:25] hey all have a question, im using gnome, on my bottom pannel i used to have like when i close pidgin and ktorrent the icons would sit in the panel at the bottom of my screen, however this seems to have dissapeared any idea how to get it back? [21:25] dmlb2000: before upgrading from feisty to gutsy it worked just fine as usual [21:26] mne: Oh, you are going through an upgrade, okay, I installed fresh... :\ [21:26] mne: have you tried the live cd and tried opening your luks partitions? [21:26] manually? [21:27] well, whatever happened and whatever defaults I selected by just pressing Enter throug that ompaul, it worked :) Thanks [21:27] Does Ubuntu Gutsy use NetworkManager by default? [21:27] goldphish: I think so [21:27] goldphish: yes [21:27] cool, thanks [21:28] hi [21:28] erUSUL: do you know how to find the devices under networkmanager's control? [21:28] im out see yah ppl will go afk [21:28] dmlb2000: no. could it be that the cryptsetup version is too old for the libdevmapper version ? this would explain the ioctl error [21:28] can someone tell me which package contains wavrec ? [21:28] dmlb2000: on one of my debian systems the versions are the samt, but the cryptsetup version is newer. is there a ubuntu unstable resository with newer versions ? [21:29] mne: usually when ever I've seen that ioctl error its been that the device was already in use my something... [21:29] is there an easy way to change the sysytem applications menu? [21:29] goldphish: if they are marked as in roaming mode in System>Admin>Net they will be managed by nm and they will be listed when you click on the nm icon [21:29] hello [21:29] goldphish: afaics [21:29] dmlb2000: no, it's definitely not in use. [21:29] erUSUL: awesome, thanks [21:29] i just installed the last ubuntu on my laptop but can't see my wireless card with ifconfig -a [21:30] can you recommend a good Python IDE ? [21:30] stupid: try iwconfig [21:30] Liber: either IDLE or KDevelop [21:30] mne: hmmm, not sure then, I'd suggest getting a live cd and trying some things off that to see if you get more information [21:30] neeto: still not there [21:31] stupid_: what kind of wireless card? [21:31] dmlb2000: maybe later. i'll try compiling a statically linked version of a newer cryptsetup version first. i guess it's a version conflict ... [21:31] I'm trying to install flash player for Firefox but it continues to ask me to install it and then when I try it says it is already installed... What am I doing wrong here? [21:31] !flash > SubOne (SubOne, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:31] is there an easy way to change the sysytem applications menu? [21:32] Sub0ne , go to Macromeida website and download the installer [21:32] !find wavrec | gribouille [21:32] gribouille: Package/file wavrec does not exist in gutsy [21:32] hey ive lost the ability to minimise pidgin and ktorrent to my task bar [21:33] how can I convert sound from /dev/audio to mp3 ? [21:33] annonymouse: it probably has something to do with a missing notification area in the panel [21:33] dmlb2000: but i think it's recognized because I can see the card drivers (these are not free drivers) [21:33] What is the command to see what version of Ubuntu I'm running? [21:33] greetings [21:33] how can I capture or listen to line-in on my soundcard? [21:33] wicked thanks Starnestommy [21:34] anybody able to help with a wacom intuos3? [21:34] fixed woo hoo thanks [21:34] Is there a way to port Visual C# apps to Linux? [21:35] theunixgeek: mono is what you want to look at [21:35] theunixgeek, somewhat google "mono" [21:35] I've seen that before; does it also allow me to develop them under Linux? [21:35] there is a c# compiler, but not all the widgets or windows specific stuff is there [21:35] theunixgeek, somewhat [21:35] theunixgeek: monodevelop is a gui ide sort of C# thingy [21:35] anyone know how to listen to line-in? not sure what app to use [21:36] dmlb2000: thanks [21:36] hey [21:36] !traffic [21:36] NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! [21:36] theunixgeek, I'd recommend Trolltech Qt for development if you want to be portable with windows or OS X [21:36] !audio | jshriver [21:36] jshriver: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [21:36] I get an error can not find package couriermaildrop [21:36] jshriver: I don't like QT :P [21:37] Hi all ^^ [21:37] GTK has been ported to windows [21:37] audio works fine, just not sure how to listen to just line-in. Tried looking around xmms [21:37] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=651302 [21:37] linux__: so it's not there :) [21:37] lOL [21:37] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=651302 [21:37] it appears so [21:37] whoops [21:37] hi [21:37] linux__: google.com/linux :) [21:37] !traffic [21:37] NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! [21:37] How do I get it? I need it for postfix.. [21:37] What was that option for the LiveCD, that allows you to launch right into the isntaller without the entire desktop? [21:37] !lol | linux__ [21:37] linux__: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [21:37] and you are making it worse ^^ .. [21:38] !google | linux__ [21:38] linux__: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com - Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux [21:38] gjk [21:38] does anyone know if you can install from the new kubuntu kde 4 cd [21:38] ubotu, no problem. calm down cuz you can be annoying too. so chill. ;-) [21:38] truedego: what? [21:39] linux__: he is a bot [21:39] What was that option for the LiveCD, that allows you to launch right into the installer without the entire desktop? === Mitraira is now known as Dagaka [21:39] javaJake: alternative cd [21:39] Flare183, no no no [21:39] Flare183: that's hardly the livecd though, is it? [21:39] !livecd [21:39] The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. [21:39] There's a little-known option I discovered, but now I can't remember it [21:39] !search install [21:39] Found: kdeincludes, binarydriver, xen, newton, proxies, firefox, font, blender, envy, usb [21:39] crap [21:40] javaJake: i saw that about 2 hrs ago... [21:40] It launches the installer window straight off the bat, without the GNOME desktop [21:40] I have a problem, i've a webcam which is mounted on /dev/video1 and i have a TV tuner mounted on /dev/video0. I want to mount my webcam on /dev/video0 because i want to use this webcam in amsn. [21:40] ali1234, oh, you did? Can you find it? [21:40] javaJake: I'd mount the cd then look in the isolinux/isolinux.cfg file and see if you recognize it there [21:40] javaJake: i think it's something like "ubiquity-only" [21:40] Yea! [21:40] That was it! [21:40] :) [21:40] Or something liek it [21:40] any idea how to restart a stuck mouse? [21:40] Aerendil: go to the manufacturer's website and look for Linux drivers :) [21:40] !minimal | javaJake [21:40] javaJake: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [21:41] fiveiron: unplug it and plug it back in [21:41] ;_ [21:41] * ;) [21:41] Flare183, stop it [21:41] !botabuse | Flannel [21:41] Flannel: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [21:41] Oops [21:41] javaJake: google says it's "only-ubiquity" [21:41] sorry [21:41] wrong nick [21:42] Theunixgeek: I already have install driver ov51x for my webcam === timmae is now known as KomBo [21:42] It seems not to be a problem of driver =/ === jordi_ is now known as jaggy [21:43] i've a problem with ssh. i'm not able to connect to my pc in LAN with SSH, router ports are open, pubkey sets, i explained the problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=651302 [21:43] !repeat | kr0n1x [21:43] kr0n1x: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [21:43] Aerendil, what software are you using? You should be able to tell it whcih one to use [21:43] kr0n1x: also, have you tried http://google.com/linux ? [21:43] hi, i was just wondering why i can't make a link to /var/www in /home/andrew/Documents/www? [21:43] i tried the following command .... sudo link /var/www /home/andrew/Documents/www [21:44] is sounds to don't be a SSH problem...because i'm not able to ping the other pc theunixgeek [21:44] hi, I have a 'problem' with my wireless router, when network-manager connects to the internet it takes the wireless router ip ( and put it as a DNS server address in the DNS tab. I still have my other two opendns servers below and I get to connect but it is slowly, I have to erase that ip from the DNS list always I login, this doesn't happen on windows but I don't know which setting is causing this :/ [21:44] TheEagle: you probably want to use ln [21:44] TheEagle, yea, you want ln not link. :) [21:44] now i get his [21:44] *this [21:44] Replace link with ln [21:45] ln: `/var/www': hard link not allowed for directory [21:45] TheEagle: 'ln -s /var/www /home/andrew/Documents/www' [21:45] how do i know if a certain driver is already installed on my computer? [21:45] <_mug> TheEagle: ln -s [21:45] thanks! [21:45] TheEagle: also, you probably dont have write access to that directory as a normal user [21:45] <_mug> TheEagle: means softlink [21:45] _mug: what's a soft link? [21:46] well.. i mean whats the difference [21:46] TheEagle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link [21:46] TheEagle: please keep various messages on one line; there's lots of traffic in #ubuntu ;) [21:46] What' [21:46] What's needed to compile from source? === JFr3ak_ is now known as JFr3ak [21:46] theunixgeek: well thats hard when i only realised i wanted to continue the line AFTER i pressed enter [21:47] What needs to be installed? apt-get install ______ ? [21:47] le: gcc [21:47] le: build-essention [21:47] tnx [21:47] i did a deboostrap gutsy /tmp/gutsy and also apt-get install locales but could not get dpkg-reconfigure locales to show the usual dialog...does anyone know why? thanks [21:47] *build-essential [21:47] le: ^ [21:47] <_mug> TheEagle: if some process tries to look into a softlink, it is pointed to a "database", where the real ressource is located. a hardlink .. i really dont know how to explain it.. is a 2nd name for one resource [21:47] <_mug> i hope u understand [21:47] Konam, you set up default dhcp setting in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf (DNS, IP etc), so if needed you can tailor it to your exact needs. [21:47] p2 processor, 176 ram, how much swap should I set up? [21:47] yes! thanks :) [21:47] Using alt. cd [21:48] <_mug> TheEagle: k [21:48] Got it, Tnx. [21:48] hi i have just change my int name and the way i change it is i have change the name from /etc/udev/ruled.d/70-..... and also from /etc/network/interfaces and when i type ifconfig it give me the new name i have change to but the problem is that when i click on network tools it give me that error [21:48] The interface does not exist ,Check that it is correctly typed and that it is correctly supported by your system [21:48] is there any where else i have to change the int name ? [21:49] p2 processor, 176 ram, how much swap should I set up? I'm using the alternate text only install cd. [21:49] JRU909, anything from 176-500MB depending on your software needs. [21:49] Jowi I don't get you :/ can you explain it to me please [21:50] K, how do I change the partition sizes after it installs? [21:50] <_mug> JRU909: what do you want to do with this installaiton? :) [21:50] hi yall [21:50] Basic browsing, little gaming, school usage [21:50] so ihr arschmaden [21:50] use gparted [21:50] By gaming I mean lower system emulators [21:50] JRu909:gparted i think [21:50] or qtparted [21:50] <_mug> socres_: selber arschmade :) [21:50] sry amsg [21:50] hi all [21:51] Ok, to give you an idea how much I need [21:51] nice to see im among linux luvers :D [21:51] I plan on using openoffice often, vg emulators, such as no$gba, and snes9x [21:51] help please [21:52] And internet browsing [21:52] how can i easily synchronize my laptop with my desktop? [21:52] !language | socres_ [21:52] socres_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [21:52] Konam, /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf contain information on what to get from the dhcp server (your wifi router in this case). you can set your own name-servers instead of using the ones your router gives you. make a copy of the dhclient.conf file, then modify it to your needs (remove domain-name-servers request for example. read "man dhclient.conf" for a quite extensive list of options or just have a look at the file in question) [21:52] what do u mean by sync [21:52] ? [21:52] <_mug> JRU909: just a guess.. 500 seems ok. but modern websites suck on slow machines (flash, overkill-javascript etc) [21:52] can somebody help me plz? I can't "reactivate" the Alt+Space shortcut. First it was assigned to [the equivalent of alt in Windows] then I reassigned it to the run dialog and then to gnome-lauch-box (which I uninstalled because it never worked) and now I can't assigne it again to the run dialog (or to anything else)... [21:53] What's the most I can really get away with? [21:53] activedaemon, well to sync particular folders [21:53] Konam, I guess gnome has an app to set that up, but I don't have gnome installed atm. [21:53] JRU909: for those things 4gigs will be plenty, use a cdrom partitioner though, they are faster... partition commander is a good one... google it [21:53] can some one help me with to unpack gzip files, the archivemanager said that file is unsupported [21:54] JRU909, on a machine like that I would recommend abi-word and gnumeric in replacement for openoffice.org. you need light apps on a P2 [21:54] well u can easilly share by just going to a folder's proprieties and set it to shared [21:54] install samba [21:54] Rimfrost: did you try 7zip? [21:54] if u wish windows share support [21:54] DrakeJustice_: Ok, but someone else told me that having too much swap is bad [21:54] <_mug> na [21:54] Rimfrost: gunzip file.gz [21:54] swap is near useless these days [21:55] keep a lil gigabyte [21:55] that will be ok [21:55] i installed it from add/remove software but i did get 7Zip to run... [21:55] JRU909: huh? 150mb swap is more than i need, i run compiz, compile kde, and use swiftfox with 9 flash pages at once... [21:55] as i said [21:55] i got a 10sec audio delay in firefox when playing flash videos anyone got an idea of how to solve it ? [21:55] its near needless these days [21:55] JRU909: were you talking about harddrive space or swap??? [21:55] DrakeJustice_, JRU909 machine is low on ram. [21:56] u use foxytunes? [21:56] hello, I installed Ubuntu yesterday and tried to get my wireless working. I tried several guides and felt that doing so may have compromised instructions from any others. So, I decided to do a fresh install. However, after rebooting when the install finished the ubuntu progress screen shows up and then it turns black. Help? [21:56] I was talking ab swap [21:56] JRU909: 4gb is enough for hd space for those things, 200mb swap will be good to you... [21:56] flash or realplayer mbe? [21:56] Ok [21:56] <_mug> FYI: maybe a videocard-issue? [21:57] press control + alt + F1 [21:57] Thx everyone [21:57] activedaemon: songbird is neat... [21:57] _mug: what would have changed from my first install and the second??? :-/ [21:57] that will get you to a terminal [21:57] <_mug> FYI: but if it worked before.. [21:57] songbird is runnin here [21:57] <_mug> right [21:57] :D [21:57] with aliyah [21:57] version 0.4 [21:58] FYI maybe updated drivers [21:58] is it possible to have a C# compiler on ubuntu? I read somewhere that C# will run on linux [21:58] or some change in xorg [21:58] Rufus_: yes, look at mono [21:58] go check the sys logs [21:58] on /var/log [21:58] mono is the name of it? [21:58] Rufus_: unfortunately someone thought that C# and .NET on Linux was a good idea, so mono was born. oops. [21:59] Thank you [21:59] dont forget to install monodevelop [21:59] release notes for hardy alpha say use "update-manager -d" but this does not work for Ubuntu Server. [21:59] Rufus_: its quite a big project [21:59] How to upgrade? [21:59] <_mug> FYI: try playing kyuss-demon cleaner while installing.. worked for me yesterday :) *duck&cover* [21:59] mono by itself wont be of much use [21:59] Rufus_: yeah, just use python, or gambas... [21:59] project? [21:59] RoC_MasterMind: ask on #ubuntu+1 [21:59] how can I record the sound played in a video with arecord ? [21:59] i kinda like gambas :D [21:59] tho its bit rookie [22:00] Hey ... Anyone knows squid conf here .. ? trying to stream mp3 from 1 squid through another squid (browsing works..but streaming doesnt ..) [22:00] hmm... [22:00] activedaemon: gambas is powerful... suprised me... [22:00] wait a sec [22:00] DrakeJustice_, project? [22:00] activedaemon: I shoot people at work that want to use mono / monodevelop / c# :o [22:00] Knuth uses Ubuntu! http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/news.html (see "A Flame about 64-bit pointers") [22:00] Rufus_: huh? [22:00] linxeh: why? [22:01] I'm using kde4, how do I get opengl running? (Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".) === Ash_server is now known as Ashfire_server [22:01] activedaemon: because its a dangerous game - especially when it will always play catchup (or sue-my-ass) with MS [22:01] install xgl [22:01] anybody here have any experience recovering dead hard drives? [22:01] xgl core or smthin like that [22:02] yup [22:02] is MONO a cli or GUI application? [22:02] maybe be willing to give me a few pointers? === Ashfire_server is now known as Ashfire908 [22:02] and besides, we dont need yet another language in use. C, perl, java, vhdl are enough :o [22:02] or point me to channel that is maybe more appropriate? [22:02] Rufus_: it's a framework [22:02] Rufus_: mono is an implementation of .net for open source platforms. monodevelop is an ide [22:02] Rufus_: www.mono-project.org [22:02] mono is cli and monodevelop is its gui [22:02] ruby ruby ruby [22:02] err .com [22:02] deb_user: smartmontools [22:02] or better its cgi [22:02] LIKAN [22:02] Rufus_: www.mono-project.com [22:03] can i do a debootstrap without an internet connection, or at most a minimal one? I'd like to use the cd instead [22:03] !welcome [22:03] Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. [22:03] activedaemon xserver-xgl was installed already. [22:03] hello [22:03] tried to install mplayer [22:03] hello, Pirate-King [22:03] and codecs [22:03] u checked for dri on your xorg.conf? [22:03] and I can't play the movie [22:04] pirate - install vlc, w32codecs [22:04] !codecs | Pirate-King (first step: sudo apt-get install mplayer then do this ---> ) [22:04] anyone get the g15 keyboard working in gentoo? [22:04] and [22:04] !codecs [22:04] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [22:05] linxeh, where can i get monodevelop? [22:05] hi [22:05] I am trying to install kde4 [22:05] help? [22:05] Rufus_: are you using pidgin for irc? [22:05] xchat [22:05] irc [22:05] kiba-kun, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [22:06] Rufus_: sudo apt-get install mono-develop ? [22:06] - [22:06] javaJake: that's not kde 4 [22:06] okay [22:06] kiba-kun, if you can't install it yo ushould not be trying to use it - it is test - beta as such for kubuntu [22:06] kiba-kun, that probably installs kde 3.x not 4 like you want [22:06] yup not kde4 [22:06] kiba-kun, but we don't support kde 4 here [22:06] sudo apt-get install kde4-core [22:06] anyone know why I can't change the group owner of a folder? [22:06] Rufus_: it might not have a - in it - try apt-cache search mono [22:06] erawfish: any tips on how to use it? i just installed it [22:06] noonan: chgrp [22:06] I dont have an ubuntu install powered up atm [22:06] javaJake: I already have kde installed [22:06] try to do it as root [22:07] I am trying to upgrade to kde4 [22:07] having some wireless issues here... windows seems to be configuring the IP addresses for the DNS servers correctly, but I have to set the DNS IPs manually in Ubuntu... [22:07] do that n u get kde4 [22:07] sudo apt-get install kde4-cor [22:07] core sorry [22:07] And they reset every now and then when I do that! [22:07] solutions? [22:07] i have two ubuntu servers that i'm using. there is software install via apt-get and via source on each, but now that i know the specific way i'd like to do things, i'd like to start over (start with default /usr and /var folders) is there any way to do this without reinstalling my system [22:07] Does anyone know of a terminal based bit.torrent client which supports DHT? [22:07] activedaemon, I hope you are available 24/7 to support a user of same [22:08] I have probelm with installing kde4 [22:08] ccoffey: doesn't work - I'm trying to change a folder to group "fuse" - it doesn't give an error but it doesn't change [22:08] Ok I installed a desktop theme last night and now my sound doesn't work, I have a sound blaster soundcard [22:08] it was working [22:08] grrr. [22:08] kiba-kun, you have already been told it is beta don't use it [22:08] why u ppl just dont use synaptic? [22:08] 's all easier [22:08] any ideas? [22:08] :D [22:08] no problem [22:08] hey we are a comunity [22:08] What does BIOS Bug 81 mean? [22:08] !bios bug [22:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about bios bug - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:08] thats what ubuntu's all about [22:09] Does anyone know why I would get the following error: "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"? [22:09] having some wireless issues here... windows seems to be configuring the IP addresses for the DNS servers correctly, but I have to set the DNS IPs manually in Ubuntu... [22:09] And they reset every now and then when I do that! [22:09] noonan: do you have permisson to change it? [22:09] solutions? [22:09] noonan: does the group exist? [22:09] maybe an old version of gcc [22:09] ccoffey: yeah, it's owned by me [22:09] !build-essential > syntaxerror55 (syntaxerror55, see the private message from Ubotu) [22:09] tried to update? [22:09] ccoffey: yeah the group exists [22:09] good morning [22:10] how do i change the workgroup name for samba? [22:10] ompaul: kde 4.0.0 is out no? [22:10] kiba-kun, no [22:10] kiba-kun, but not in kubuntu - so no [22:10] ompaul: well, I want to use it [22:10] I apt-got gcc right beforehand, activedaemon [22:10] u cant [22:10] noonan: make sure you are not in the folder also, and try it as root maybe? [22:10] i saw the message about flash, but anyone have any ides when it will be fixed? [22:10] something screwed up my sound yesterday [22:10] what is vlc? [22:10] ccoffey: if the i chgroup -v it says "changed group of 'network' to fuse" but no change [22:10] apathy, #alsa is a really good channel for sound [22:10] well [22:10] videolan [22:10] Does anyone know of a terminal based bit.torrent client which supports DHT? [22:10] now it broken apt-get [22:10] its a media player [22:10] kiba-kun, start with #kubuntu and expect them to suggest to you the same - if it breaks on you as it is bound to please don't complain to them [22:10] the best there is [22:10] brndn, there is no rollback function like that available as far as I know. see !clone to make a copy of current installed packages to a new system. That's as far as I know it's doable to start "from scratch" but keep the package selection intact... [22:11] ok [22:11] vlc rocks [22:11] LjL, oh, alright. I didn't have the build-essential package. [22:11] kama, mplayer rocks [22:11] noonan: what the ls -l output of it now? [22:11] ccoffey: i tried as root - no permisson, and i am not in the folder [22:11] sorry [22:11] should I try reinstalling alsa or something, the sound was working yesterday [22:11] mplayer is out of date [22:11] which plays all formats [22:11] never even heard of mplayer [22:11] it was once the best [22:11] ok [22:11] oldies on linux such as myself watched mplayer grow [22:11] +1 mplayer, and i used vlc extensively [22:11] OK === xero__ is now known as tanner [22:12] activedaemon, if you can use a command-line (and every Linux user should learn it) mplayer rocks [22:12] ccoffey: it is "drwxr-xr-x 3 christian christian 4096 2008-01-12 16:55 network" [22:12] I will try #alsa, thanks [22:12] i know it does [22:12] activedaemon, and then die again, being replaced with GUI mp3 players/media players [22:12] simply its codebase is way too buggy [22:12] too much update [22:12] and no code freeze [22:12] hey i use mp123 [22:12] i love my console [22:13] back to flash again, anyone?.... anyone? [22:13] hey, can anyone tell me if a package exists for fxruby? [22:13] i can't find it in synaptic [22:13] vlc play everything? [22:13] hey [22:13] malarame [22:13] try adding the gdebi repo [22:14] just a sec [22:14] how do i do that? [22:14] gdebi doesn't have a repo, activedaemon === DaRkNeSS|sleep is now known as luchador [22:14] gdebi is a graphical dpkg installer. :) [22:14] guess what ur so wrong [22:14] its allso a repo [22:14] just a sec [22:14] Ah, OK [22:14] :D [22:14] !enter | activedaemon [22:14] activedaemon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:15] sorry [22:15] what's the about: page to show the list of settings in firefox [22:15] im more of a chat maintainer [22:15] hi, i'm looking for a debhelper God :) could somebody help me out with some magic? :) [22:15] noonan: that's bizzare, testing myself now. where is network anyway? [22:15] activedaemon: not really an issue now, it's pretty quiet but man when this gets rolling [22:15] Ashfire908, about:config [22:15] Alexi, sudo apt-get remove --purge problem (and no I don't know too much) [22:16] <_mug> is there a channel to point and to unburden this chan for linux-grass-roots? [22:16] <_mug> and=at [22:16] Alexi: the debhelper gods are on #ubuntu-motu [22:16] _mug, you could try ##linux [22:16] nickrud, thx [22:16] Jowi, lol i tried everything but about:config [22:16] ompaul, from the frying pan into the fire, I say. :D [22:17] ccoffey: I made it according to instructions for setting up fusemb http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131&highlight=xubuntu [22:17] hey who the guy who wanted some packages? [22:17] please add this repo: deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ [22:17] hola [22:17] its the best damn repo I ever saw [22:17] !es | carlos [22:17] carlos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:17] puedo ayudarte [22:17] si [22:18] <_mug> ompaul: k [22:18] mira [22:18] activedaemon: thanks [22:18] ablo un poco [22:18] ;) [22:18] English please. [22:18] ske tengo un problema [22:18] donde esta la zappaterria? [22:18] That isn't a gdebi repo anyway. [22:18] alguein me puede ayudar? [22:18] English ¬__¬ [22:18] no [22:18] thats right [22:18] sorry for the mistake... u were right after all [22:18] activedaemon: how do i add a repo? [22:18] im a stubborn dumbass!!! [22:19] !repo | Malarame [22:19] Malarame: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource [22:19] noonan: are you in the fuse group yourself? id should tell you [22:19] open in root /etc/apt/sources.list [22:19] Malarame, which package are you trying to install [22:19] fxruby [22:19] and add to the bottom deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ [22:19] hey [22:19] Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) [22:19] !search fxruby [22:19] Found: [22:19] toshiba notebook [22:19] Heheheh [22:19] hey sliptees [22:19] don't work master volume! :-) [22:20] ccoffey: id? [22:20] deb_user: sure. read its docs [22:20] type id at the terminal [22:20] lol [22:20] activedaemon: what? [22:20] wierd the update manager will show that I have updates available but will not download them [22:20] what what? [22:20] hola alguien me puede ayudar con un problema de ubuntu??? [22:20] si carlos [22:20] activedaemon> hey sliptees [22:20] ?? [22:20] dime [22:20] how do i start an application in window mode [22:20] fatal could not initialize video filters(-vf) or video output (-vo) [22:21] activedaemon tu me ayudas? [22:21] ccoffey: yes I am in that group [22:21] what the hell [22:21] what command in the termanal [22:21] sliptees u one funny guy :D [22:21] tretle, what is "window mode"? [22:21] tretle, depends on the application [22:21] carlos: si [22:21] does anyone know why I would get "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" while compiling? [22:21] Stormx2, the opposite of full screen [22:21] English >.> [22:21] Ah, I see [22:21] activedaemon: help me my toshiba satellite Sound! [22:21] running the new build of elisa [22:21] HDA intel don't work [22:21] :-( [22:21] syntaxerror55, you need the x11-dev stuff [22:21] I thought you meant GUI rather than CLI or something [22:21] !es | carlos [22:21] and it automatically starts in full screen [22:21] carlos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:21] !search x11-dev [22:21] Found: [22:21] Hmm [22:21] but I want to assign it to workspace two for when i start it [22:21] y como me meto ai? [22:21] W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/abiword/abiword-common_2.4.6-2ubuntu2_all.deb [22:21] Malarame, have a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31532 [22:21] and set it to always on top [22:22] javaJake, you have got to be kidding me :| I've downloaded at least 12mb just to do this [22:22] carlos: si no me das lo modelo de tu placa de sonido [22:22] how come my laptop doesn't suspend when I close the lid if I'm running enlightenment? [22:22] syntaxerror55, nope. It takes a lot of downloading to get this to work [22:22] hi all, im getting a software index is broken error when trying to update, here is my terminal output when i run sudo apt-get install -f, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51710/, and here is the error when i try to reinstall with synaptic, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51709/ [22:22] carlos: no te puedo ayudar [22:22] zachary_, try again, maybe? There may be problems with your internet, the repo, something like that. [22:22] es de mi tarjeta grafica [22:22] !es | activedaemon, carlos [22:22] javaJake, alright. Where's the x11 dev....er...stuff? [22:22] activedaemon, carlos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:22] una ati radeon 7000 [22:22] syntaxerror55, betting it's going to be libx11-dev [22:22] damn no one is in the alsa room [22:22] i just noticed something really strange. why are normal devices like hda1 or sda1 in /dev/mapper/hda1. If i try to open /dev/hda1 is says that it's buys. However, i can open /dev/mapper/hda1. I guess this is something horribly wrong on gutsy ! [22:22] !info libx11-dev dapper [22:22] libx11-dev: X11 client-side library (development headers). In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.0-0ubuntu9.1 (dapper), package size 1210 kB, installed size 4328 kB [22:23] all I did was installed a desktop theme last night, now no sound works [22:23] lo primero s ke solo me deja meterme en mi ubuntu en gnome a prueba de errores, lo segundo es que no me deja activar la opcion personalizado de efectos [22:23] vegar: enlightment... witch version e0.5 [22:23] ? [22:23] javaJake, good guess ;D [22:23] !en | carlos [22:23] carlos: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [22:23] activedaemon: e16, 0.16.7 [22:23] I wonder if it's some sort of virus or something [22:23] in the termainal what command do i type after elisa [22:23] ? [22:23] ubotu: do i help the guy or not [22:23] ubotu: i dont mind the spanish [22:23] activedaemon: You're talking to a bot. [22:24] activedaemon: you take them to #ubuntu-es [22:24] ok [22:24] activedaemon: Help him in the spanish channel. [22:24] apathy, nope, Linux doesn't get viruses. :) [22:24] lol [22:24] !virus [22:24] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [22:24] javaJake, in general [22:24] javajake: thats not entirelly true [22:24] Heheheh [22:24] But mostly [22:24] :D [22:24] I mean, really... [22:24] it's still 0.00000001% possible [22:24] yeah thats better [22:24] Mostly true, but not totally. [22:24] sabes que me pasa?? [22:25] ok I don't get why my sound isn't working today, I don't think it changed any settings [22:25] !spanish | carlos [22:25] carlos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:25] Stormx2, I know it's not that problem, I can ping the address, and even download it via HTTP with my web browser [22:25] carlos: For god sake man, speak english here or spanish in #ubuntu-es. [22:25] should I try reinstalling alsa? [22:25] carlos... va para el .es [22:25] perdon! [22:25] zachary_, weird. [22:25] hi all, im getting a software index is broken error when trying to update, here is my terminal output when i run sudo apt-get install -f, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51710/, and here is the error when i try to reinstall with synaptic, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51709/ [22:25] ai no se acceder [22:25] apathy: do u have oss? [22:25] Which of those to virtual machine is better for USB Connection User friendly ? VirtualBox or VMWare ? [22:25] what's oss [22:25] my dog farted [22:25] javaJake, I installed the x11-dev libs, and still have the same error. [22:25] !offtopic > kama [22:26] reeeh2000: Do you have any unofficial repos installed? [22:26] !offtopic | kama [22:26] lol [22:26] kama: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [22:26] sabes la solucion o algo ke me lo pueda arreglar?? [22:26] syntaxerror55, ok, then it's something else. :) [22:26] !es | carlos [22:26] carlos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:26] stormx: let me check [22:26] reeeh: surelly dead server [22:26] I have a soundblaster card that uses alsa [22:26] javaJake, D: did I mention I have a 200mb limit here [22:26] it worked fine yesterday [22:26] ompaul, we've been directing !en and !es at him for 15 minutes already [22:26] carlos: escribir /join #ubuntu-es === dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk [22:26] synacktion, no [22:27] My faith in ubotu is shattered ;_; [22:27] what kind of souncard u have? [22:27] synacktion, sorry, not you. :) [22:27] syntaxerror55, no [22:27] hello! i'd like to edit my xorg.conf on dapper in order to use the dvi-out _instead_ of the vga-out. any advice? [22:27] creative labs audigy [22:27] Asche_83m: Be sure to make a backup, and edit away [22:27] I have a 32-bits ubuntu install and I would like to move to 64-bits [22:27] asche: do u have a ati card? [22:27] Asche_83m: they should both output [22:27] javaJake, I doubt if I would have it would have made a difference, but still. >: where is the x11-dev library, so maybe I can point ./configure to it? [22:27] loufoque: then you need to re-install [22:27] I've been looking for a while now, but I can't even find the package to change the kernel [22:28] syntaxerror55, if you installed it, you can say... [22:28] syntaxerror55: what are you trying to do ? [22:28] ikonia: I don't want to [22:28] loufoque: You'll need to reinstall. Why are you moving from 32 to 64? [22:28] apathy: http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html [22:28] loufoque: you have to [22:28] ikonia If loufoque reinstalls, will he be able to "convert" his account? [22:28] stidin sabes algo de mi problema?? [22:28] apathy: check it for support [22:28] Ok [22:28] ikonia, they don't [22:28] thanks [22:28] FactTech: convert ? [22:28] I don't have to using debian, so why should I have to with ubuntu? [22:28] !ubuntu-es | Carlos [22:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:28] !es | Carlos [22:28] Carlos: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:28] syntaxerror55, well, you can go into Synaptic, and it'll tell you where the installed files are [22:28] Rather. [22:28] !flash [22:28] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [22:28] Asche_83m: to go from 32bit to 64 bit your suggesting not doing a re-install [22:28] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [22:28] ikonia, compile a program. I get the error: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! [22:29] syntaxerror55: what program ? [22:29] syntaxerror55, find the package and click on it, then click " Installed Files" or something like that [22:29] ikonia Yeah, one of the steps is to choose accounts on the existing install to add to the new one... will that work in a 32-bit to 64-bit move? [22:29] how can i check what ports are open? [22:29] Stormx2: I want to move to 64 bits because the 32-bits kernel can't use all of my RAM [22:29] stormx: i dont believe so, this is the kde4 icons package from ppa luanchpad [22:29] FactTech: no - as it will wipe his hard disk so thre will be nothing to "convert" [22:29] ikonia, filelight (on dapper, it isn't the latest version) [22:29] ppl: just install flashplugin non free [22:29] that will solve the problem [22:29] activedaemon: that package is broke [22:29] activedaemon: it won't fix anything [22:29] loufoque: Back up /home and reinstall. You won't lose any settings, documents, etc. [22:30] I currently use it... [22:30] I guess I could try that [22:30] activedaemon: you installed before it was broke [22:30] ikonia Does he have to wipe the disk? Can't he just point the install at the existing partition? [22:30] solo me deja meterme en ubuntu server [22:30] probably [22:30] FactTech: yes, and it will put a new file system on at install [22:30] try adding external repos [22:30] k tengo ke acer pa meterme en #ubuntu-es??? [22:30] activedaemon: why ? [22:30] activedaemon: wht good will that do [22:30] what [22:31] sorry ikonia not 4 u [22:31] Carlos que programa estas usando? [22:31] ikonia: Right, but I thought the install program would recognize when there's an existing installation of linux and offer to port over existing accounts. [22:31] carlos: escribe /join #Ubuntu-es [22:31] ya toy en ubuntu-es [22:31] graficas [22:31] activedaemon: Stop recommending external repos. It's not like *verse is universally recommended. Far from it. Let alone non-official repos [22:31] its supposed to [22:31] FactTech: port over ?? there is nothing to port [22:32] not literally! [22:32] why are normal (non-lvm) block devices in /dev/mapper ??? This happened after i upgraded to gutsy. [22:32] FactTech: your going to put a new file system on - your not porting like windows to ubuntu - it's ubuntu to ubuntu [22:32] carlos: pues cual es el problema? [22:32] stormx: im updating to kde4, all the other packages aside from kdeartwork-theme-icon-kde4 installed just fine [22:32] Well that's a problem with their repo [22:32] It's not ubuntu-specific [22:32] Go whine at the KDE people [22:33] ikonia I guess what I'm asking is: He can retain his existing user accounts if he converts to 64-bit? [22:33] FactTech: you can't "convert" [22:33] you'd think that in the time they took to get KDE4 out they would have at least got decent packages for it. [22:33] ree: i installed it yest morn, worked [22:33] Stormx2: it's not out [22:33] factTech: sure he can [22:33] ikonia, yes, it is. [22:33] stormx: what is the irc for kde? [22:33] Stormx2: correct, sorry [22:33] reeeh2000: Google it. [22:33] Storm: thats just not mature to say [22:34] !info konversation > reeeh2000 [22:34] activedaemon: we can't support non-ubuntu repo's [22:34] activedaemon, My username is Stormx2, and I really don't care. [22:34] Also my nickname, bleh. [22:34] ikonia The right word is "migrate", I guess. As seen in this screenshot http://files.fosswire.com/wpu/2007/04/ubuntufeistyinstallpicture-6.png [22:34] javaJake, I can't find it in Synaptic. [22:34] ikonia: why not? [22:34] FactTech: you can't migrate [22:35] ikonia: Because he's going from 32 to 64, it's not allowed? [22:35] activedaemon: because this is ubuntu support - we support ubuntu products/software, not 3rd party software, 3rd parties can support their own software === osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude [22:35] FactTech: The ubuntu installer can migrate from windows, but not from other linux distros. I suppose there just isn't the demand for it. [22:35] FactTech: swapping from 32bit to 64bit without re-install is not advisable [22:35] ikonia: sorry i think if ppl use ubuntu and need help... i think we should [22:36] activedaemon: not in this channel, [22:36] ikonia: ur probably right [22:36] Stormx2: You mean that migration screen is looking for Windows user accounts? [22:36] FactTech: yes [22:36] FactTech, unless other distro support has been added, correct. [22:36] FactTech: that migration is for a dual boot system only between windows and ubuntu [22:36] factTech: that supposed migration tool... isnt quite there yet [22:36] FactTech: note dual boot - not replacment [22:37] activedaemon: it exists ? [22:37] ikonia, Stormx2, activedaemon: Thanks all for the feedback. [22:37] ikonia: No, it can import whether you're replacing windows or installing ubuntu side-by-side [22:37] ikonia: no [22:37] Stormx2: are you %100? [22:37] activedaemon: so "it does exist", not "not quite there" [22:37] ikonia: just basic stuff... email blah blah [22:37] doesn't [22:37] does ubuntu server take more than 10 minutes to run local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) upon first boot? [22:37] ikonia, why wouldn't it? Any disk partitioning is done after the wizard is finished. [22:38] anyone here installed ubuntu on dreambox? [22:38] I gotta shower, brb [22:38] ikonia: thats why I said supposed [22:38] Stormx2: yes, I appriciate that, but I thought the purpose of it was to be used post ubuntu file system write - eg: windows data gone [22:38] hello, I'm having problems while attaching a sata hdd to my computer. I need to recover all of the information from that disk, but the pc does not recognize it. Is there any problem if I connect the hdd to the power supply, and access ubuntu, and then I plug the data cable? [22:38] ikonia: ppl just name it migration [22:38] Question: Out of curiosity, does anyone know when win32codecs was removed from the official repositories? [22:39] gaurav_: no, if you hit enter you should see a login. [22:39] why does my sound stop working every other log in to ubuntu it seems [22:39] My sound is not working now either! [22:39] factTech its now named w32codec [22:39] I got sent back here [22:39] activedaemon: Right, but it's not in official repositories. Was it ever? [22:39] course not [22:40] FactTech, no [22:40] I've been using other repos 4 so long i cant imagin whats on them no more [22:40] hello [22:40] HI! [22:40] I have to install ati drivers for my radeon HD 2600...it comes in a install package from AMD that is only for the 2000 series cards...I tried issuing sudo ./ but it doesn't recognize the command? [22:41] i have a quesiont... what could be wrong... today my X restarted twice... and today i found the map i have on the desktop named 'Music' in trash... any ideas?:s [22:41] i have a question about 64-bit linux [22:41] How would disabling IPv6 affect my ubuntu system? [22:41] LinChaupulin: try editing the file's proprieties [22:41] haha nickrud, thanks... i didn't want to touch it just incase! [22:41] #HackThisSite [22:41] woops [22:41] LinChaupulin: and change it to executable [22:41] activedaemon: I just can't figure it out. I had a video file that was working fine, then stopped after I replaced the sound card and was mucking about with packages. Everywhere I look says that particular codec is restricted, but I don't think I had ever installed anything from the "outside" repositories. [22:41] is anyone running 64-bit ubuntu? [22:41] !anyone [22:41] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [22:41] LinChapulin: you should try http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide if possible, it allows you to upgrade/remove more easily [22:42] I'm running 64 [22:42] VvWolverinevV: many people, if you ask a question people will respnd [22:42] activedaemon: Maybe I did and just don't remember, but it's strange. This machine started out Xubuntu 6.10, so I thought maybe it had once been in there and is since removed. [22:42] activedaemon: Yeah but it still needs to execute with root priveliges no? [22:42] activedaemon: No big loss, just lingering curiosity about why it stopped working. [22:42] yes [22:42] nickrud: This is a special case where the standard install for restricted ATI drivers won't work [22:43] apathy, what are the hardware requirements? do i just need a CPU with EM64T tech, or are there northbridge, etc requirements as well? [22:43] LinChaupulin: what msg u get? [22:43] LinChapulin: wasn't sure, that's way I said if possible :) [22:43] How does disabling IPv6 affect my system? I'm trying to speed it up, but I don't want to cripple it too badly. [22:43] activedaemon: That was my question about the format of the sudo command to get it to prompt for my password? [22:43] I don't know, I thought it worked with any 64 bit chip [22:43] VvWolverinevV: emt64 will do you [22:43] hey folks, i have a sound blaster live card, gutsy, and a 5.1 speaker system.... right now i can only hear audio out of the rear two speakers.... it looks like my volume is muted from control panel..... when i unmute it (master volume) i hear a loud screeching noise....... (this did work previously at one point).... ideas? [22:43] hi all [22:43] VvWolverinevV: basiclly an x86_64 arch [22:43] VvWolverinevV, only the cpu is relevant. of course you need a chipset that supports the 64 bit cou [22:43] VvWolverinevV: I think most hardware will work fine. It can use 32-bit drivers if needed. [22:44] *cpu [22:44] LinChaupulin: i dont get ur question [22:44] FactTech: no it can't [22:44] ikonia: No? [22:44] what would cause my sound to not work sometimes and other times it does [22:44] VvWolverinevV: FYI 32bit drivers cannot be used on a 64bit system [22:44] FactTech: no [22:44] ho [22:44] hi [22:44] is it possible to run mac leopard under ubuntu 7.10 with some app like qemu or other????? [22:44] activedaemon: When I issue sudo ./ati- it doesn't prompt for my sudo password [22:44] VvWolverinevV: I stand corrected. But I had no issues installing it on a laptop with an AMD64 processor. [22:44] how can I install kernel sources with apt-get? [22:44] ubuntu wont let me connect to the drive i have shared in samba. any idea why? [22:45] anyone heard of HURD? [22:45] stupid__: why do you want them [22:45] Thoth: yes, many times [22:45] ijn: no [22:45] evil_tech: Did you create a password with smbpasswd? [22:45] ikonia: i need it to install something [22:45] no [22:45] is it still under development? [22:45] stupid__: what [22:45] hi, I'm trying to start/install 7.10 but I keep getting 'Buffer I/O error on device hdb. logical block n' at random times. the cd integrity check passes. I have amd64 with noapic. any idea what the problem is? [22:45] ikonia: nevermind what i really need it [22:45] Thoth: join #hurd and ask, hurd is nothing to do with ubuntu [22:45] evil_tech: try that and see if you can connect [22:45] hmm, would anyone mind looking at what i just ordered? https://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/Wishlist/PublicWishDetail.asp?WishListNumber=6682252&WishListTitle=Tag%27s+New+PC [22:45] LinChaupulin: have u created your superuser yet? [22:45] so how can I run mac leopard under ubuntu???? [22:45] k [22:45] LinChapulin: sudo will remember that you've used your sudo password for around 15 minutes (or is it 5?) [22:45] stupid__: please inform us what you are trying to build [22:45] why does my sound work some times and not other times [22:45] a new kernel [22:46] stupid__: then you don't need the kernel source you need the kernel source for the kernel you want to build [22:46] nickrud: Right o..thanks [22:46] that worked thanks [22:46] it is the one i'm working on [22:46] evil_tech: This the same issue that was bothering you with linux->linux connections? [22:46] ijn === LumBuntu_ is now known as LumBuntu [22:46] simple u dont [22:46] stupid__: how can you be working on it if you don't have the source ? [22:46] are the instructions to mount a sata hdd, the same as an ide hdd? [22:47] ikonia: will the intel x38 chipset work? [22:47] VvWolverinevV, maybe you'll get some issues with the board, cause the chipset is quite new and ubuntu doesn't come with the latest kernel [22:47] ikonia: i don't work on it yet [22:47] VvWolverinevV: I'm not aware of that chipset [22:47] ijn: just between us... even if u could... u would have to have the exact same hardware as in a mac [22:47] hmmm [22:47] does anyone know if i can get my soundcard to work in ubuntu 7.1. Its a realtek high definition audio on an ati board [22:47] stupid__: with respect if you don't know the command to get the source, you may struggle to buid a stable system, be very cautious [22:47] windows to linux connections [22:47] ikonia: me either [22:47] VvWolverinevV: pretty much any product that works on x76 will work on x86_64 [22:47] VvWolverinevV: mostly. [22:47] which is now faster but i lost my main screen [22:47] What's a good FTP client? [22:48] MrObvious: gftp ? [22:48] drgonzo: sure it does [22:48] That works ikonia Thanks. lol [22:48] activedaemon: how can i configure it to work [22:48] mrobvious: i like filezilla [22:48] ikonia: ok, thanks for the advice [22:48] ikonia: is there a way to get them with apt-get/synaptic? [22:48] stupid__: welcome, wasn't meant to be condensenting [22:48] o right im not on ubuntu yet lol [22:48] hey folks, i have a sound blaster live card, gutsy, and a 5.1 speaker system.... right now i can only hear audio out of the rear two speakers.... it looks like my volume is muted from control panel..... when i unmute it (master volume) i hear a loud screeching noise....... (this did work previously at one point).... ideas? [22:49] stupid__: yes, you search for the package and click "install" as you do with any package [22:49] VvWolverinevV: It works in Linux? I'm running Filezilla on the downstairs XP computer that I can't put Linux on and just got this notebook and want my music on here. [22:49] :D [22:49] mrobvioius: i just remembered, im on mac osx rofl [22:49] Anyone unlocking pipelines on bootup, im having problems with a script? [22:49] ikonia: but what is the package name? kernel-devel doesn't return anything [22:49] dragonzo: just search for drivers in realtek's site... but i think they're all supported on alsa [22:49] stupid__: kernel-devel ? [22:49] guenas...! [22:50] mrobvious: u want my advice... firefox has a nice extention for ftp [22:50] zimon: what kind of issues could the board give me? [22:50] ikonia: i thought it was the good name [22:50] Options galore. [22:50] Could someone tell me why this script isn't running properly? #/bin/sh [22:50] if [ "$1" = "start" ] [22:50] then [22:50] [22:50] rmmod nvidia [22:50] nvclock -P 111 -V 111111 -F 100 -f [22:50] stupid__: linux-kernel-devel for deps, linux-source-$version for the source [22:50] Bascote: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:50] !pastebin | Bascote [22:50] Bascote: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [22:50] quien escucha metal?Ç [22:50] stupid__: just use the "search" function rather than guessing random package names [22:50] ikonia: ok thank you [22:50] !sp | juanche [22:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:50] Grr [22:50] !es | juanche [22:50] juanche: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [22:50] !es | juanche [22:51] has anyone installed ubuntu on a ps3? [22:51] anyone else having problems where you only get sound part of the time when booting up ( i mean. i have to reboot several times before sound is initialized it seems) [22:51] Xintruder: yes [22:51] xintruder: is there a ps3 version? [22:51] activedaemon: yes, a community version [22:51] activedaemon: I have no clue [22:51] VvWolverinevV, basically .... anything. i suspect you won't have sound out of the box, unless the hd-audio drivers are fixed by now. [22:51] thanks.! [22:51] ikonia: any cons? [22:52] Xintruder: it's a pointless exercise due to playstation hardware access limitations [22:52] ikonia: sorry 2 ask ... r u a guy? [22:52] ok [22:52] activedaemon: yes [22:52] k [22:52] lol ubuntu dating [22:52] Ok this is messing with my head...I executed a sudo apt-get update to make sure term knows I had a recent sudo command...then executed the installer..it came back saying I have to have su priveliges...is there a command similar to su - that will let me temporarily run as superuser so I can get the driver installed? [22:52] activedaemon: what the hell? [22:52] nah [22:52] activedaemon: does that bear any relevance? [22:52] VvWolverinevV, i the disk controllor should work, which is the most important thing. but i can't guarantee, of course [22:53] LinChapulin sudo -i [22:53] just was wondering bout the nickname [22:53] LinChapulin: sudo -i [22:53] activedaemon: sorry, I read are you "gay". my bad. [22:53] Next question: Is there something GUI-like that does what Windows Task Manager does (yes, there is top I know). [22:53] Anyone available to help with a bootup script I'm trying to get to work? [22:53] LinChapulin: You could try launching the installer with an appropriate su command. [22:53] xintruder... are u on the right channel... are u tryin to be funny or hel any1 [22:53] zimon: are the changes between generations of northbrdges that huge? [22:53] !monitoring > MrObvious (MrObvious, see the private message from Ubotu) [22:53] MrObvious: gnome-system-monitor [22:53] thanks all [22:53] activedaemon do you have any idea why my sound dosnt always work ( it feels like i have to reboot several times before i can hear the startup sound) [22:53] Thanks guys. [22:53] is there some sort of specual client certificate packge in ubuntu to get curl to work properly with ssl urls? [22:53] hello everybody [22:53] ubotu isc [22:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about isc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [22:54] ubotu internet shared connection [22:54] activedaemon: If I was, I wouldn't of said "What the hell", in a surprised state. [22:54] !fishing > alex__ (alex__, see the private message from Ubotu) [22:54] was tryin to say help! [22:54] What is the purpose of google.com/linux? [22:54] alex__: try with "firestarter" [22:54] somebody know how to resolve this... [22:54] !ot | JerseyMonkey [22:54] [root@localhost gades]# glxinfo | grep direct [22:54] libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x71 [22:54] direct rendering: Yes [22:54] JerseyMonkey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [22:54] thanks [22:54] JerseyMonkey: a more linux focused search [22:54] jersey: search about linux [22:55] gades: why are you running as root [22:55] VvWolverinevV, that's what i don't know ... i'm not aware of the x38's new functionalities [22:55] Anyone unlocking pipelines on their geforce card? [22:55] i see [22:55] Lucky Pirate_Hunter: Darkmystere is BACK!! lol [22:55] only for administration works [22:55] Bascote: FYI: this isn't hardware/overclocking channel [22:55] Ok now im having problems Installing AWN and yes ive googled... [22:55] Its to get script help relating to that. [22:56] does anyone here use colloquy? how do i close private convos, lol [22:56] A startup script we made is not working properly. [22:56] dark: what sort of problem? [22:56] Bascote: then thats your issues, join #bash if it's a bash script [22:56] Bascote: we can't support your scripting [22:56] thank you [22:56] Arrggghhh...the video mode I'm in won't let me see the next button for the installer even with the panel set to autohide.... [22:56] Anyone want to help me ? [22:56] Bascote: also be aware that the init system is upstart not sysVinit [22:57] LinChapulin: tab will move you there, you'll have to guess a bit [22:57] dark: throw [22:57] VvWolverinevV, is there a reason you need the x38? [22:57] zimon: i just want the PC to be upgradable in a few years [22:58] and that board has a nice FSB speed [22:58] nickrud: Thank you again! [22:58] nickrud: i know ur busy but i get this when trying to install awn:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51719/ [22:58] darkmyst: go ahead [22:58] hey nickrud your around [22:59] activedaemon: read that link and tell me what u think is my problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51719/ [22:59] nuckrud can you help me figure out why my sound only works part of the time ie i log in and it works ... shut comptuer down and back on and it dosnt work [22:59] Nostahl: very vaguely [22:59] Darkmystere: why are you getting debian-keyring? [22:59] any way i can see when my ubuntu was installed? [22:59] ikonia: What u mean i was using a guide to install AWN... and i ran into a brick wall... [22:59] snkmad: date stamp on / [22:59] Hey everybody. I'm still having a problem with a fresh install of Ubuntu. I *CAN ONLY CONNECT TO GOOGLE* with firefox, nothing else. I am unable to use aptitude or IRC. [23:00] Darkmystere: you just get the error "abort" thts it [23:00] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=572019 [23:00] dark: sorry no can help ya [23:00] Darkmystere: that looks ok for compiling awn, if those are the library headers you need to do that [23:00] VvWolverinevV, maybe search for experiences with linux on such a platform .. ubuntu is popular, you should find someone who has tried it :-) [23:00] ikonia: no, that's only a suggested package, it won't get installed [23:00] ThipThip: What does ifconfig say? Can you ping google.com? Do you have a router and if so, can you get on its control panel? [23:00] ikonia: I know even when i press enter or Y for yes or N For no it just says abort [23:00] darkmyst: install from a deb [23:01] Darkmystere: thats exceptionally odd [23:01] any idea's nickrud [23:01] ikonia didnt work: date: extra operand `on' [23:01] http://www.ubuntuhq.com/content/howto-install-avant-window-navigator-(awn)-ubuntu-7.10-(gutsy-gibbon) [23:01] activedaemon: ?? he's using the properer install package manager [23:01] Nostahl: heh. sound. A black art that I don't know [23:01] snkmad: check the date stamp on / [23:01] ah [23:02] Laney: yes I can ping (google.com and other stuff). I do have a router and no, I cannot connect to its web-based admin. [23:02] my sound is screwed up today for some reason [23:02] I have tried connecting directly to the cable modem. [23:02] I installed some desktop theme stuff last night [23:02] Without mounting the share, is there a way I can play audio and video files over a samba share with mplayer? I don't understand why it's working from the shell, but not from within my file manager (Nautilus). I even made a dummy /usr/bin/mplayer which would dump the arguments passed to mplayer in the event it was launched to a text file. This text file returns data when launched from the command line, but returns nothing from within the fi [23:02] le manager. [23:02] Activedaemon: Deb link please [23:02] ikonia: u mean he's apt-get'n that? [23:02] ikonia how? [23:02] activedaemon: yes [23:02] snkmad: ls -la / [23:02] k just a sec [23:03] hey can i ask a weird question? [23:03] add this repo: deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ [23:03] VvWolverinevV, have a look at this .. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=882&num=1 [23:03] yup [23:03] snkmad: ubuntu support only please. [23:03] WELL YALL IM LEAVIN. HUGGS [23:03] ;) [23:03] ThipThip: Hmm. [23:03] * Laney thinks [23:03] Does anybody know anything about the *CAN ONLY CONNECT TO GOOGLE* issue? [23:03] !caps ThipThip [23:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about caps thipthip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:03] ikonia thx [23:03] bye [23:04] lol avtivedaemon: wait!!! instructions lol [23:04] Laney: yes very strange. [23:04] Hey :( [23:04] ThipThip: don't need caps lock [23:04] dark: ? [23:04] I still need help. This is driving me nuts. [23:04] ikonia: sorry. [23:04] ok, so xorg.conf seems to change back to the orginal file from my fresh install. i changed it to make my new monitor work [23:04] dark: what is? [23:04] ThipThip: the most lickley senario is you have a proxy setup [23:04] GRUB keeps saying "Error "" [23:04] Oops [23:04] !grub | TheDarkKiller [23:04] TheDarkKiller: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [23:04] activedaemon: Well, GRUB gives me error 2 [23:04] I give up [23:04] I've researched [23:04] on to fedora [23:05] dark: launch the live cd [23:05] I did [23:05] Activedaemon: instructions to adding that to repos [23:05] Tried reinstalling MBR [23:05] dark: and restore grub [23:05] Everything [23:05] activedaemon: im in ubuntu now >.> [23:05] Yeah, tried. [23:05] Also, I tried the Super Grub CD. [23:05] dark: just a sec [23:05] is there any program to clean windows txt files by removing the extra char for new line? [23:05] how do i change the bottom panel to show name of desktop i am in ,instead of icon [23:05] activedaemon: please be more specific ur getting me confused with who ur addressing... [23:05] I tried all the options. [23:05] Hilikus: dos2unix [23:05] Nothing [23:05] thanks [23:05] Hilikus: or a simple sed script [23:05] TheDarkKiller: what is your partition layout? [23:06] I have 2 hdds. [23:06] One Windows partition [23:06] Erhh... [23:06] TheDarkKiller: Err are u usng a wubi install if so it has to do with u shutting down the wrong way... [23:06] darkmyst: just add to the bottom of /etc/apt/sources,list -> deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ [23:06] 1 Windows hdd, and 1 Ubuntu hdd. [23:06] I installed Windows first [23:06] darkKiller [23:06] wubi? [23:06] active:Lol command please... [23:06] hi [23:06] TheDarkKiller: and where is grub installed to? [23:06] how do i change the bottom panel to show name of desktop i am in ,instead of icon [23:06] theDarkKiller: it installs ubuntu within a windows files and loopmounts it [23:07] OK I downloaded the new alsa driver from their website, but I don't understand how to install it [23:07] !compile | apathy [23:07] apathy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [23:07] thedarkiller:just like a regular install but its inside windows [23:07] GRUB is in the Windows HDD (which is master) [23:07] darkKiller: go to http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/ [23:07] Sorry, I don't read so fast :P [23:07] we don't support or recommend wubi [23:07] Brb [23:07] i have a problem with my wireless chipset (intel 3945 on a desktop with latest ubuntu), it uses iwlwifi and seems ok (module loaded and daemon running) but I can't see a wireless card with iwconfig/ifconfig -a [23:07] ok thanks [23:08] TheDarkKiller: what is your grub-install line? and what does /boot/grub/device.map say? [23:08] Let me check [23:08] stupid__: that doesn't look like the right module for that card [23:08] stupid__: check dmesg for any messages [23:08] Does anyone know what MTU is or if it has anything to do with my problem of being only able to connect to google.com? [23:08] dark mystere: [23:08] did u do it? [23:08] (hd0) /dev/hda [23:08] (hd1) /dev/hdb [23:08] ThipThip: mtu is basiclly package size (over simplified) [23:08] TheDarkKiller: and your grub-install line? [23:08] how do i change the bottom panel to show name of desktop i am in ,instead of icon [23:08] I did it from the live CD [23:09] ThipThip: it can have. do you use pppoe? [23:09] Using the wizard :P [23:09] ikonia: i checked that on google, it seems to be the right one (and it's the native driver used by default by my system) [23:09] stupid__: doesn't look right [23:09] darkmyst: did u add the repo? [23:10] ThipThip: in firefox preferences are you using a proxy ? [23:10] K PPL REALLY GOTTA GO! START WORK AT 4 AM! [23:10] !caps [23:10] PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [23:10] !caps [23:10] Err. [23:10] lol [23:10] sorry [23:10] lol [23:11] Wow, this is definitely alot more hassle than my first Ubuntu installation :'(. [23:11] its worth the push [23:11] ikonia: the exact name of the daemon is: ipw3945d-, and the module is ipw3945 === ziyax_ is now known as musfafa [23:11] ;) bye all!!! === musfafa is now known as mustafa [23:11] Bye [23:11] g nite all [23:11] good luck 2 yall [23:11] stupid__: that looks better [23:11] stupid__: ipw3945d- what's that ? [23:12] Thanks. [23:12] stupid__: why do you need a daemon to make your wirless card work ? [23:13] hi [23:13] back [23:13] hey [23:13] erawfish, you still there? === LumBuntu is now known as LumBuntu|AFK [23:14] I'm not using the Gnome DE. When I open some programs such as gnome-mouse-properties, all mmy fonts change. what is going on? [23:15] Hello, dumb question: what's the code name for the latest ubuntu? [23:15] Graargh, any alternatives to GRUB? [23:15] is feisty the same as 7,1 ? [23:15] hey guys I accidently removed nm-applet from my panel. how do i add it back? [23:15] TheDarkKiller: why ? [23:15] (and please keep in mind I only have access to the live cd and Window$) [23:15] matth: Gutsy Gibbon for the latest stable release. Feisty was 7.04 [23:15] matth: 7.10, 10 represents the month it was released in [23:15] Because I can't get GRUB to work :P [23:16] TheDarkKiller: what is the problem, exactly. [23:16] ogre, start it from the console [23:16] so it would be --arch ARCH gutsy [23:16] Well, I was thinking about dualbooting with 2 harddrives, 1 XP, and 1 Ubuntu. [23:16] for debootstrap [23:16] So, I installed Ubuntu on a new hdd. [23:16] zimon: and it will automatically run when i boot up or do I have to add to sessions? [23:16] Anyone here uses dosemu package from ubuntu, i need to fix smth on it... [23:16] And I got that error. [23:16] TheDarkKiller: what error ? [23:17] Oh, it says something like "GRUB loading, please wait... Error 2" [23:17] ogre, no, it will be loaded after logging in [23:17] I tried the Super Grub CD [23:17] TheDarkKiller: get me the error on boot [23:17] What I told you, erh? [23:17] TheDarkKiller: you've not told me any error [23:17] "GRUB loading, please wait... Error 2" [23:18] :P [23:18] hey all, just been looking at some themes on http://gnome-look.org, and they have at the bottom of the image what looks like a dash bar on a mac, does any one know how to do this? [23:18] I think it has to do with it not being able to access the stage1 and stage2 files [23:18] TheDarkKiller: one moment [23:18] For what reason, I have no idea. [23:18] TheDarkKiller: let me check the error page to get into on error 2 [23:18] No, I am not using a proxy in firefox and I don't know what pppoe is [23:19] sorry i think my connection bailed, ill repost the question [23:19] sorry i think my connection bailed, ill repost the question [23:19] hey guys i just made a reinstall going from 64 to 32 (kept my home dir), and the compiz is slower. any ideas why? [23:19] what possible reason is there for google.com being the only address to which I can connect? Such a specific problem. [23:19] is it possible to do a network install using my wireless connection? [23:19] Thanks. [23:19] TheDarkKiller: do you have a seperate /boot partition === Macuyik0 is now known as Macuyiko [23:19] Nope [23:19] !install [23:19] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [23:19] TheDarkKiller: your router has an access list ? [23:19] I've got a problem with | Properties | Open with - I have an entry (for a media file) for vlc, but when it's checked the file does not open with vlc, if I add a new vlc entry it cannot be selected and the original entry cannot be removed. How can I manually edit these values? Is there a config file somewhere with the values in? [23:20] 1 ext3 partition, 1 swap partition [23:20] TheDarkKiller: are you in #ubuntu now ? [23:20] My router? [23:20] sorry, ubuntu nnow [23:20] TheDarkKiller: not you, sorry [23:20] ah :P [23:20] TheDarkKiller: are you in the ubuntu livecd now ? [23:20] No [23:20] Windows [23:20] But I can boot into the livecd. [23:20] ThipThip: does your router have any form of access list [23:20] !compiz [23:20] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [23:20] TheDarkKiller: do that and we'll fix this [23:20] Thanks alot man :) [23:20] brb [23:21] How do I install C++ in Linux [23:21] pradeep: g++ package [23:21] breezy [23:21] pradeep: sudo apt-get build-essential [23:21] !eol [23:21] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle [23:22] sudo apt-get install build-essential [23:22] that should have been === grout is now known as grout_ === grout_ is now known as _grout [23:22] I cannot connect to aptitude either [23:22] or anything, for that matter [23:22] ThipThip: does your router have any form of access list [23:23] ikonia: yes, but I also tried connecting directly to the cable modem, same problem [23:23] ThipThip: ok - please put the output of the following commands in a pastebin [23:23] ThipThip: "ifconfig -a" "netstat -rn" "cat /etc/resolv.conf" [23:24] ikonia: please be aware that I am currently in windows - unable to connect to IRC in Ubuntu [23:24] my resolv.conf looks like this: [23:24] ThipThip: write the output of those files to a text file in ubuntu, then upload it in windows to the pastebin [23:24] search cap.coova.org [23:24] nameserver [23:24] nameserver [23:25] the nameservers are good [23:25] ThipThip: write the output of those files to a text file in ubuntu, then upload it in windows to the pastebin [23:25] I have installed g++ [23:25] ikonia: OK I'll try - thank you! :-) [23:25] ikonia: it was the right module, i found why i couldn't see my card [23:25] How do I work on g++ [23:25] Back [23:25] pradeep: can you write c++ ? [23:26] TheDarkKiller: ok, lets sort you out [23:26] yes [23:26] the damn switch (the physical one, on the left side of the laptop) wasn't turned on .. [23:26] pradeep: ok - so write some c++ files, then man g++ for compiler options [23:26] Yeah, can you see the PM. [23:26] TheDarkKiller: no [23:26] pradeep: you write your source code in a text editor and then compile it with g++, with for example: g++ -o foobar foobar.cc [23:26] TheDarkKiller: windows disk1 ubuntu disk2 ? [23:27] Yes [23:27] XP was installed beforehand [23:27] TheDarkKiller: ok, thats fine. [23:27] Do anyone know what keyboard/mouse-combination I shall use to get the cube-effect? [23:27] TheDarkKiller: how many partitions on disk 2 ? [23:27] 2, ext3 and swap [23:27] kimmey2k3: have you enabled the cube? [23:27] kimmey2k3: ctrl-alt left mouse move mouse [23:27] TheDarkKiller: ext2 first ? [23:27] ext3 sorry [23:27] left mouse button [23:27] Yes [23:27] hello, i just installed xubuntu-desktop and I put the language switcher on my top panel... the problem is that only "US" shows up when I click on it [23:27] ok "sudo grub" [23:27] TheDarkKiller: "sudo grub" [23:28] k [23:28] Someone could say me if there is a bug with timeoutd in gdm ?!? It seem doesn't work... (only in console login... and partially too... ) [23:28] i already installed spanish [23:28] jrib: I havent done anything. Only Extra is enabled in Appearence Preferences [23:28] TheDarkKiller: "root (hd1,0)" [23:28] what do you mean by foobar foobar.cc? Is it like the name given to my program file? [23:28] yes [23:28] TheDarkKiller: "setup (hd0)" [23:28] when i reboot my machine the time is allways out of wack... idk what happened previously but i booted it once and the bios complained for me to set the time. so i set it to local time and now my clock is always off when i boot [23:28] TheDarkKiller: how does that look, any errors ? [23:28] should it be set to gmt ? [23:29] kimmey2k3: INstall ccsm and see the people in #Compiz for some good help [23:29] Nope [23:29] None at all [23:29] !ccsm [23:29] Jack_Sparrow: Thanks [23:29] To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [23:29] TheDarkKiller: "quit" [23:29] kimmey2k3: ill help ya if u want [23:29] ik ben nog wanhopig op zoek naar een linux versie van een facturatieprogramma [23:29] Ive done that before, though. [23:29] jdh6403: yes please:) [23:29] Not going to help, I think. [23:29] are u registered on this irc? [23:29] TheDarkKiller: test it, then we'll work it through some more [23:29] Ill test, brb. [23:30] no matter go to #ubuntu-trivia [23:30] ill help ya there === kimmey2k3 is now known as kimmey [23:30] jdh6403: Thanks === Whats|Away is now known as Whatsinaname [23:31] Hello every one, I am new to ubuntu, but not computers. I have a quick question about raid 1. [23:31] having an issue with flash in FF, I used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 to do the install, but its still not working, anyone have any ideas to try and fix it ? [23:31] !flashissues > profx [23:32] Jack_Sparrow, and ? [23:32] hello, i just installed xubuntu-desktop and I put the language switcher on my top panel... the problem is that only "US" shows up when I click on it. i already installed spanish [23:32] profx: what did you do exactly to install it? [23:32] I have 2 750 gig drives that I have set up with mdadm, these are for data only, right now they are syncing, (taking forever) but when I am done I try using gparted to make md0 a ext3 partition, but it fails. [23:32] profx: Flash is broken.. pretty self explanatory === annika is now known as WesToland [23:32] jrib: Does foobar mean my program file name? If the program is prog1 what should be the syntax to compile and run the program? [23:32] Whatsinaname: gparted will not see meta devices (I recall a bug report on that) [23:33] I did the 'new fix' section jrib [23:33] i had windows + kubuntu. grub gave the option of windows xp at boot. but whn i reinstalled winxp the option of linux is gone. the windows start at boot . what can i do ? [23:33] hi all Is the MTU (maximum transfer unit) very critical to transfer speeds? I have to lower the MTU to below 1300 to make rsync work with a specific network card. [23:33] pradeep: if your source code is in the file prog1.cc and you want the executable to be called "prog1", then you do: g++ -o prog1 prog1.cc [23:33] !grub > abarakadab [23:33] is an upgrade from feisty to gutsy easy? [23:33] pradeep: man g++ for compiler options [23:33] oh, ikonia I wish I could find a good command line how to for it. [23:34] I might only be able to install feisty tonight [23:34] Whatsinaname: mkefs -j /dev/md0 [23:34] profx: why not just use the attached .deb files? [23:34] hi what is the command for openssh to connect to a computer remotely? [23:34] matth: Yes, but it takes awhile [23:34] :/ what going on, i just installed the flash plugin (proprietary) and firefox still prompts to install flash [23:34] hi when I try to copy a file to my fat32 disk I get File size limit exceeded (core dumped). Anybody ? [23:34] !flashissue > maddog39 [23:34] jrib: Thankyou. [23:34] ajitam: How big is the file? [23:34] jrib did u get it to work (yourself) that way ? [23:34] that's ok, I'm installing over network and debbootstrap doesn't like gutsy [23:34] mkefs -j /dev/md0 ikonia, if i want ext3 how do I do that? [23:34] hey everybody [23:34] ajitam: how big is the file [23:34] ikonia:Thank you [23:34] Whatsinaname: mke2fs -j /dev/md0 [23:35] Whatsinaname: my typo [23:35] I'm back and still having my problem of being unable to connect to anything other than google.com [23:35] Nope, I'm afriad. [23:35] how do I see how much data is in one folder? [23:35] NCommander: ikonia it's stops at 2Gb [23:35] profx: no, I just download the tar.gz from adobe and copy the .so to my ~/.mozilla/plugins/ [23:35] ikonia: I have executed the commands you instructed [23:35] How do I paste the output into a "pastebin"? [23:35] ajitam: should be 3 gig [23:35] ajitam: 4 gb sorry [23:35] dn4ia: du -sh /path/to/folder [23:35] ajitam: I thought FAT32 has a 4GB filesize limit [23:35] !pastebin | ThipThip [23:35] ThipThip: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [23:35] ajitam: I remember when I used Windows I had to use NTFS when I used larger files [23:36] Ikonia, thanks, I will try that in an hour after sync :) I am assuming I have to wait for the drives to sync even when they are empy lol [23:36] would mkfs be faster then rm -rf for a ext3? [23:36] :) [23:36] I'll show you my menu.lst [23:36] it's been a long ass time since i compiled a kernel... if i do make oldconfig, that will give me all the stuff that's in my current kernel, right? [23:36] (pasting now) [23:36] Is there anyway to take certain programs off the automatic update list? ie; compiz(I don't use it and have no plans to) [23:36] Onyx: You need the old .config file [23:36] NCommander: ok so witch filesystem has the biggest filesize limit and can be read/write with ubuntu and osX [23:36] NCommander: Uhhh... okay. [23:36] sp0ro: why not just remove them then? [23:37] NCommander: if you know [23:37] How do I start learning LINUX? My research will be mainly on writing C++/g++ programs on LINUX? [23:37] ajitam: HFS+, ext2 if your willing to install a kernel module for Mac OS X [23:37] jrib: If I remove them after installing, they come back up on the automatic update. [23:37] NCommander: I know that.... what I'm asking is if that will pass all the options from the current kernel to the new kernel. [23:37] profx: Sorry for being vague.. That link used to be very self explanatory and easy.. now it is a mess.... [23:37] libflashplayer.so <-- that file in the .tar.gz ? [23:37] pradeep, what do you want to do? [23:37] ikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/51727/ [23:37] ajitam: Maybe UFS, but I'm not sure Linux has read/write support for the version used in Mac OS X [23:37] pradeep: ask ##c++ for some good tutorials [23:37] coding c++ on linux is not hard [23:37] ikonia: I have pasted them. [23:37] is it like ssh [23:37] sp0ro: they shouldn't [23:37] jrib, libflashplayer.so <-- that file in the .tar.gz ? [23:37] Onyx: Oh, yes :-), it just won't magicially read it from th current kernel [23:37] profx: yes [23:37] jrib: Hm, no idea why they did then. :/ [23:37] and thats it ? [23:38] Alguien que hable español [23:38] NCommander: hmm so I'm guessing smaller then 2Gb and thats that :P [23:38] !es | elianosft [23:38] elianosft: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [23:38] matth: but coding it well is ;) [23:38] ah yes, it is :) [23:38] ok tanks [23:38] i forget, in grub menu.lst default 0 meant it will take the first entry that has a first root (hdx,x) ? i have so many version of root I forget how grub selects the default [23:38] !pinning > sp0ro (read the private message from ubotu) [23:38] Thanks again ikonia, Ill check back later, hopefully after I get the raid set up Ill use Samba and have a nice file server. take care [23:38] Thank you buddy === Whatsinaname is now known as Whats|Away [23:38] ajitam: Ubuntu has hfsplus support out of the box, so you should just be able to mount your OSX parition [23:38] Ok I got the drivers installed...however the icon for ati catalyst control center doesn't work when clicked...how do I look at the properties to this item listed under the drop down menu? [23:38] #ubuntu-es [23:38] sp0ro: that is how to do what you asked, but I insist that the correct action in this situation is to remove the package [23:39] yes 0 is first, saved is the last one with savedefault [23:39] jrib, i dont see a plugins dir, in .mozilla [23:39] profx: create it [23:39] jetscreamer, 0 is first? first root it finds? [23:39] cp -r CIA* /mnt/ [23:39] jrib: Alright thanks, I'll try again and if it does not work, I'll read that pinning guide [23:39] first menu entry [23:39] in ~/.mozilla/firefox, or in the profile ? [23:39] NCommander: but I need another way around Ubuntu is my server so I have to write on it [23:39] okay..thanks... [23:39] profx: in ~/.mozilla so you get ~/.mozilla/plugins/ [23:39] k [23:40] thanks [23:40] hnm [23:40] Ok well im back i got it installed but i cant find the Curve Thing i dont want 3D or Flat theres no Curve option... [23:40] truna: aka the first kernel line in menu.lst (or so) [23:40] ajitam: See your private messages; how extactly is your machines connected to each other? [23:40] jetscreamer, now if I want my default root to be like the 5th entry let say, so i use default 4 ? [23:41] haha jrib [23:41] Isn't the command to reconfigure Xorg "xorgconfig"? [23:41] thanks [23:41] bye everyone, I'll go and watch my downloads. [23:41] yeah or just move the menu entry to the top [23:41] profx: no problem [23:41] Is there a way to install Curve to Awn instead of removing and all that because readding it again gets me back here... [23:41] Capt. Jack, i hope you learned something today :) [23:41] truna: but you don't want to do it in the automagic section [23:41] I must go, but please do msg me if you think of a solution to my problem. Again - fresh Ubuntu installation, cannot connect to anything except google.com. [23:41] NCommander: Right... :) and that file can be copied with cp /boot/config-`uname -r` /usr/src/linux/.config, yeah? [23:41] jetscreamer, okay.. I forgot how those sequence anymore.. [23:41] Oh hey [23:41] you want to do it above or below [23:41] Say I wanted to take over the world, and had only a graphing calculator, an Ubuntu install CD, and some weird CD-rom drive for said calculator. How might I accomplish this? [23:41] Jack_Sparrow: Can u help? [23:41] Onyx: Yeah, that should fly [23:41] NCommander: ?? private msg ? is connected with switch [23:41] NCommander: Cool -- thanks dude [23:41] truna: because the order may get different on new kernel installs [23:42] ajitam: Er, your new to IRC, aren't you :-) [23:42] jetscreamer, okay.. good tip [23:42] NCommander: I use irc only when I don't know where to go next [23:42] Guass:Lol Erm What does that have to do with Ubuntu lol [23:42] Gauss_: avoid land wars in asia? [23:42] truna: i just put the ones i like on top :) [23:42] Darkmystere: Sorry I dont do anything with awn [23:43] ajitam: lol. Ok, Just explain how your two machines are connected (it sounds like the Ubuntu box is a server, and you have OS X as a client) [23:43] how do I use ssh to control my desktop from my laptop. [23:44] ? [23:44] johnficca hi [23:44] open terminal [23:44] NCommander: inetret -> router - > (wireless) -> PC(Ubuntu) -> (switch; LAN) -> Macbook [23:44] Nostahl: hi [23:44] type sudo apt-get install openssh-server on your desktop [23:44] NCommander: sorry internet [23:44] !ssh > johnficca (read the private message from ubotu) [23:44] let me know hwen thats done john [23:44] Nostahl: ok [23:44] ajitam: Can the MacBook see the Ubuntu machine (i.e., ping it or something?) [23:44] !wine [23:44] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [23:45] NCommander: ping yes [23:45] !AppDB [23:45] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [23:45] NCommander: and ftp [23:45] Nostahl: I have done that already [23:45] k [23:45] ajitam: Any reason you can't just transfer the file over FTP? [23:45] now if you look in the terminal on the desktop [23:45] it will tell you the username and the computer name [23:45] what i did was i typed ifconfig [23:46] and it told me hte desktop's ip number [23:46] Nostahl: try not to use enter to break up your sentences please [23:46] NCommander: currently I'm transfering from one disk to another (everything on PC) [23:46] so on your laptop you type in terminal ssh username@ipname [23:46] ajitam: OH!, so the Mac's harddrive is in your PC? [23:47] Nostahl: ok it is asking me for a password [23:48] use the password of your desktop [23:49] hey [23:49] I'm looking for presentation software (other than OO.org) for a meeting coming up, does one exist? [23:49] NCommander: no forget about the mac I just need filesystem so that mac can write on it. [23:49] !presentation > alecw1 [23:49] Nostahl: ok sorry I got the wrong ip with the right one it says port 22: Connection refused [23:50] one of my NFS mounts seem to have got stuck as the server went down, and i can't unmount it even with the umount -f option, and can't find any more processes to kill. is there any other option than rebooting? [23:50] try again [23:50] do you use the same username/password on your laptop and desktop [23:50] ajitam: hfs+ [23:50] Nostahl: yes [23:50] k it should be connecting then === Zylstra55 is now known as Zylstra555 [23:50] you can eather go ssh username@computername [23:50] do I need to reboot [23:51] ? [23:51] or ssh username@ip name [23:51] NCommander: ok thx [23:51] i didnt have to reboot when i set it up about 5 minutes ago [23:51] alecw1: do you like LaTeX? [23:51] it says Name or service not known [23:51] johnficca wrong name [23:51] Hello. I am currently installing Ubuntu 7.04, and I have three partitions. /media/sda1, /media/sda2, /media/sda3. I want to use SDA2 for Ubuntu, and have cleared it (now empty space). What should its mount point be? [23:52] johnficca or wrong name of DNS [23:52] how do I know what my dns it [23:52] jrib: no, what exactly does it do? [23:52] is* [23:52] is there any way for me to access my samba shares mounted via nautilus in a Qt application? [23:52] johnficca sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf - there should be ip's of your DNS [23:52] alecw1: it's like html for text. There is a a class that I believe is called "beamer" that I've seen some people use for presentations [23:53] Currently installing Ubuntu. What should my Mount Point be for a new empty partition? [23:53] gah [23:53] jrib: I don't know, it looks a little complicated (google). I'm looking for a simple thing. [23:53] Zylstra555: / [23:53] #ubuntu-es [23:54] maddog39: you should be able to with the gnome-vfs libs [23:54] alecw1: I agree, it would only be helpful if you already new about and liked LaTeX [23:54] astro76: just a slash? [23:54] Zylstra555: yes [23:54] maddog39: but that is going to be some annoying dependency for users [23:54] astro76: okay [23:54] alecw1: there is always google presentations [23:54] astro76: What about the swap? [23:54] Zylstra555: no mount point for swap [23:54] astro76: Thanks [23:54] jrib: Google has a presentation web application? [23:54] How can I make my touchpad less sensitive to movement? [23:54] Khisanth, well i know that but im trying to access my Qt4 project files from QDevelop which doesnt support gnome-vfs as of yet [23:55] does anybody know if KDE4 is available in the kubuntu repositories? [23:55] I feel like sometimes I'm not even moving my fingers and the cursor moves. [23:55] alecw1: yes, docs.google.com [23:55] maddog39: since it's smb why not just use mount? [23:55] jrib: thanks! [23:55] Nostahl: what is the option so I can open a program from my desktop on my laptop [23:55] hello. what is the commandline for moving a user to another group please? [23:56] Khisanth, because for whatever reason, i dont have write permissions when i use mount [23:56] olskolirc: see 'man adduser'. I'm not sure what you mean by "move" === Whats|Away is now known as Whatsinaname [23:56] Khisanth, even if i pass the rw flag and of course my credentials, i get permission denied when i try to do anything besides read/trove directories [23:57] maddog39: what filesystem does the partition you are mounting use? [23:57] Does any one have a preference for VNC client on ubuntu, I want to be able to vnc in when not logged on. (just for peridoic maint) [23:57] maddog39: who is the owner of the files when you do an ls? [23:57] jrib, smbfs [23:57] Khisanth, root [23:57] maddog39: and are you supplying a uid/gid when mounting? [23:58] Khisanth, no i didnt know fileshares had a uid :/ [23:58] any news on wubi for 7.10? [23:58] if i want to try the new kde 4.0, how would i install that if i currently have Gnome? [23:59] helluvaCSMajor, compile from SVN? [23:59] !samba > maddog39 (read the private message from ubotu) [23:59] not sure what that is [23:59] i see kde in the package manager but it says version 5.47, the newest version of kde is only 4.0 [23:59] jrib, my samba shares are NOT on windows machine(s) btw its on a home server i have running ubuntu server