[00:20] do bans ever ex[ore [00:20] expire [00:21] articpenguin3800: No. [00:21] only if we remove them [00:21] articpenguin3800: We have to remove them manually, can I help you with something? [00:22] no i am not going to bother because i tried last month and they didnt belive me [00:23] are bans applied by ip range or single ips [00:23] Depends on the bam [00:24] ban. [00:24] evading a ban usually results in more bans [00:24] If you give me a few minutes, I can take a look at what we have in our logs for you.. [00:24] go aheaf [00:24] d [00:27] articpenguin3800: Do you remember what nickname you were in here as? or what the situation was regarding the not believing you? [00:28] no i dont remember the name but they banned me because of abusing !op [00:28] or sumthing like that [00:28] * PriceChild looks [00:28] Why did you call !op? [00:29] i didnt [00:29] proabaly someone on my network [00:30] Pici, look before that [00:30] articpenguin3800, do you use another nickname on the network at all? [00:31] PriceChild: I saw it. [00:31] ive only used this one [00:34] why? [00:35] articpenguin3800: You said that you came in here like a month or so ago to ask about the ban? [00:36] yes [00:37] ive changed the name since [00:37] ok so you have used a different name on the network....? [00:37] yes [00:37] You said no earlier? [00:38] ive used this one since and i dont plan on changing it [00:38] ok well if you're ever asking for a ban to be removed in the future, please answer questions truthfully no matter what you plan on doing in the future. [00:39] k [00:41] what dates are you looking at [00:41] Did you speak to the other people in your household about the bans? We had asked that you do that when you came in previously. [00:42] i dont remember being asked but i did ask [00:43] And? [00:43] Pici, what can I grep for to find this easily? [00:43] my brother said he did it [00:44] PriceChild: grep for falcon within your -ops log [00:44] thats why i changed from falcon to the new name i use [00:45] Pici, thanks [00:46] articpenguin3800, you blamed it on your brother last time you were in here? [00:46] he said he did it [00:47] could i suggest providing him with a seperate account on the machine? keep your login name to yourself as well as saved passwords etc. ? [00:47] i am doing that [00:47] And locking the screen when you are away. [00:48] thats what i have been doing in the past [00:49] If you can do those things, we can unban you. But if we see that sort of stuff from you again, you wont be getting another chance. [00:49] How does that sound? [00:49] ok [00:50] !guidelines | articpenguin3800 [00:50] articpenguin3800: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [00:50] thanks [00:51] is it possible for people to wipe a users password is recovery mode [00:51] articpenguin3800, yes [00:51] physical access is everything [00:52] articpenguin3800: You can join #ubuntu now [00:52] what about the kubuntu [00:52] I dont have access to that, PriceChild? [00:52] one set in +1 too [00:53] can i restrict programs somehow so only i can use it [00:54] !support | articpenguin3800 [00:54] articpenguin3800: the official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org [00:55] thanks [00:56] i will make my computer more secure from people [00:57] cya [01:25] elkbuntu, i got rid of wols [01:29] directed him to here as I'm about to go [01:31] got rid of him from where? [01:32] ah, i see [02:19] i'm going to be pretty much useless [02:20] had to install windows on my laptop for some work stuff and now the cd drive is dead so i can't install ubuntu again [02:20] !install [02:20] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [02:20] * Pici ducks [02:45] stdin: Wow, I didn't realise vit was in there that many times [02:45] ardchoille: he/she/it always is, just 8 concurrent connections was the proverbial straw in that case [02:46] I agree [02:46] in #kubuntu I presume? [02:46] yeah [02:46] Yes [02:46] I need to add that to my auto-join [02:47] he always starts connected as "vit_" then goes up to "vit________" and "vit_______freeno" this time [02:47] ugh.. [02:47] And this is the second time someone has hit the @es trigger for him/her/it [02:47] *!es [02:48] he's in -es too [02:48] Ah [02:49] do "/who *vit_*" to see all the pretty _'s [02:49] Weird.. they arent even from the same address. [02:50] Hmm.. multiple ip's too [02:50] yeah, I noticed that a few months ago [02:51] he's only ever spoken a few lines in #kubuntu, mostly just joins/quits/rejoins [02:51] I wonder how many of those are compromised boxes [02:51] They could be dialup accounts.. [02:51] Ah, yeah [02:52] I'm not up on my IP subnetting, but that isp says it owns 190.198/15 [02:53] they all seem to be owned by "CANTV Servicios, Venezuela" === aryo is now known as hana === aryo is now known as hana [03:27] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) [03:27] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) [03:28] yep, clone swarm [03:28] nalioth: you're fast [03:29] nah, i seen 'em coming [03:30] nalioth: still two of them hanging out in unregged [03:30] just didn't know where they were going [03:30] ah, with your staff-spidey-sense [03:32] Pici: might be worth becomming staff for [03:37] the only thing is that you have to use your 'staff spidey sense' to the benefit of the whole network (and not just #ubuntu-land) [03:37] i think that line "with great power comes great responsibility" is apt here [03:42] pity [03:46] Is there anyway to recover a registered IRC nick's password through the e-mail I registered the nick with? [03:47] sp0ro: yes, ask in #freenode, this channel is only for #*buntu* related issues. [03:47] Alright, sorry. The Wiki said you could ask for a hostname cloak here so I figured it might be related. Thanks :) [03:49] sp0ro: i can save you a trip [03:50] Ok, any info you need then? [03:50] sp0ro: your nick can't be recovered because you didn't give nickserv an email when you registered it [03:50] Oh [03:50] great [03:50] but if you come back in 6 days, we can release it to you for reregistration [03:50] unused nicks can be released after 60 days [03:51] heh alright then, time to play the guessing game and then register a new nick when I get bored :p [03:51] Ah, might be able to release it now then, let me check [03:51] sp0ro: in 6 days :) [03:51] Oh, heh. Thanks for the info :) [03:52] Woot [03:52] I remembered it :P [03:52] * Hobbsee kicks prozilla [03:53] Now, as for the hostname cloak, who would I contact for that to be done? [03:53] sp0ro: Are you an Ubuntu member? [03:54] Do you mean on the forums or ? [03:54] sp0ro: I mean a member, from your answer, I'm going to assume no. [03:55] I have no idea what you mean by "member", so yeah, I'll assume no. [03:55] sp0ro: either nalioth can help you with that, or you can ask in #freenode [03:55] Alright, thanks for the info. :) [04:08] sp0ro: did you want an Ubuntu cloak? [04:08] sp0ro: while you're identified, why not add an email to your account? [04:08] /msg nickserv help set email [04:09] /msg nickserv help set hide [04:09] I figured he'd ask in #freenode if you werent around [04:32] has LjL returned yet? === aryo is now known as hana [06:26] What is the proper channel for people looking for support of kde4 on kubuntu? [06:27] nixternal: ^? [06:27] ardchoille: #kde4-devel [06:28] stdin: for support? [06:28] really? [06:28] stdin: Ok, thanks [06:28] well there is no kde4 support only channel yet, and who better for support than the devs ;) [06:28] that is a toughy [06:29] tonyyarusso: it's not supported by Ubuntu [06:29] not at all [06:29] use at your own risk [06:29] nalioth: right [06:29] kde4-devel might give you a hand, someone in #kubuntu might give you a hand [06:29] what isn't supported by Ubuntu? [06:29] kde4 packages [06:29] they are supported by Kubuntu [06:30] nixternal: why does the kubuntu.org page say different? [06:30] because you are reading about pre-releases [06:30] we still support the packages [06:30] um, until 'official' release, they are all 'pre-releases' [06:30] we can't release a package or application and not support it unless it is a binary blog [06:30] s/blog/blob [06:31] binary blog, now that's an interesting idea... :p [06:31] heh [06:31] we just aren't excepting KDE 4 bugs just yet [06:31] unless of course you prove they are package bugs [06:31] and if you do, then it is stdin's fault :p [06:31] So support questions for kde4 on kubuntu are ok in #kubuntu? [06:32] nixternal: you did mean "accepting", right? [06:32] the packages are community supported, yes. but not many community members know much about it yet so the best place is #kde4-devel if no one knows [06:32] ya [06:32] where at on kubuntu.org does it say we aren't supporting KDE 4 stuff btw? I don't see it [06:32] stdin: Oh, and thank you for your work on the packages :) [06:33] I just run my "backport-kde4" script :p (now I need to go make a "backport-kde4" script) [06:33] hehe [06:34] I am about 1/2 way done with the official.....ermmm top-secret, can't spill the beans in here :) [06:34] I am getting good at using dch however :) [06:34] dch -e|-i [06:34] that is all I ever use with it [06:34] eg: dch --newversion "$(dpkg-parsechangelog|grep Version:|awk '{print $2}'|awk -Fppa '{print $1"ppa"$2+1}')" "Fix FTBFS:...";;debuild -S;dput kde4 ../*.changes [06:35] for ppaN->ppaN+1 [06:35] man, you are ballsy with that one, not even testing to make sure everything got installed :p [06:36] I can't, because it's amd64 and lpia that's failing [06:36] I test when i386 fails, but anything else is just fate [07:01] stdin: wtf? [07:01] stdin: whatever happened to the dch -i "Fix FTBFS"; debuild -S;dput kde4 ../*.changes [07:01] ? [07:02] Hobbsee: that adds ubuntu1 to the end for me, so I get "~ppa1ubuntu1" [07:02] oh, dodgy [07:02] stdin: you should provide a patch to make it understand what to do with ppa versions. [07:02] I did try -i first ;) [07:02] what's dch written in? [07:02] no idea [07:03] /usr/bin/debchange: perl script text executable [07:03] ah, there you go [07:03] I know no perl, at all [07:03] should be fudgable [08:45] edo: is there something we can help you with? [10:01] jussi01: Thanks. I sometimes forget about the factoids :( [10:01] :) [10:06] Hmmm, I wonder what the preferred way is. I often think it would be better if we encourage people to use graphical means to do things - even though the command line is _very_ useful, Ubuntu is about being easy to use - and this would help with this image for new people. [10:08] Well, I agree, it should be easy-to-use. But, some folks can get impatient and in the time it takes to launch adpet_manager and wait for it to be ready to use, I can sudo apt-get install something have have it almost done. [10:23] There's a wrong factoid [10:23] !virtualbox [10:23] VirtualBox is an x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubunut.com/community/VirtualBox [10:23] look at the spelling of the URL [10:23] "ubunut.com" [10:25] Arelis: thank you. we will ensure it is fixed :) [10:26] no problem :) [10:26] Hobbsee: good morning :) [10:26] Hobbsee: Can you correct the spelling in the url of the !virtualbox factoid? (ubunut.com) [10:27] heya! [10:27] !virtualbox [10:27] VirtualBox is an x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubunut.com/community/VirtualBox [10:28] !no virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [10:28] I'll remember that Hobbsee [10:28] !no virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [10:28] done [10:28] ty :) [10:29] ubotu: ping [10:29] pong [10:29] !no virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [10:29] I'll remember that Hobbsee [10:29] good bot [10:30] !virtualbox [10:30] virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [10:31] Hobbsee: I hate to be pedantic but.... shouldnt that first "a" be "an"? [10:32] jussi01: last i checked, x is not a vowel? [10:32] or have i gotten confused? [10:32] Hobbsee: correct, BUT, its an exception to the rule iirc [10:32] x is not a vowel, true, but is it better to say " need a x-ray" or "I need an x-ray" ? [10:32] because it starts with a vowel like sound? [10:33] fwiw, I agree with jussi01 [10:33] oh, i thought y was the only exception [10:34] Hobbsee: Ive been out of the country a long time, I may be wrong... [10:34] jussi01: lp bug # is wrong, btw [10:34] Hobbsee: ? [10:34] in the patch [10:35] * jussi01 goes to look.... :( [10:36] don't worry, i'll fix it here [10:36] Hobbsee: thanks :D [10:45] cari_teman_FS: can we help you? [10:49] jussi01: you testd that, i take it? [10:58] Hobbsee: yes, persia has done, I havent a hardy system atm [10:59] ah right [10:59] * Hobbsee isn't aware of how to compile perl and such, so... [10:59] :) [11:02] * stdin hugs Hobbsee for closing 2 of his bugs in one foul swoop [11:02] :) [11:02] * Hobbsee closed all the u-r-e ones too [11:03] * Hobbsee also wrote a shell script to rsync the latest iso's of interest, off cdimage. [11:03] Hobbsee's been busy [11:03] yeah, i finally got motivated to do ubuntu stuff [11:05] stdin: and I've just closed one of yours [11:05] which one? [11:06] bug #180199 [11:06] Launchpad bug 180199 in meta-kde4 "Incorrect dependancy for kde4-amusements " [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180199 [11:07] yeah, but that's a bug I created, not one I solved :p [11:07] ;) [11:08] which reminds me to subscribe to bug mail for meta-kde4 [11:15] can we add something to nickspam that encourages people to set their nick in their client setup?there are just too many people who enter, then change nick straght away... [11:18] !nickspam [11:18] You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away " to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines [11:21] stdin: serial offender for the above ^ [11:22] * Hobbsee ponders fixing something else [11:22] Hobbsee: the flash plugin :D [11:22] pft [11:24] Hobbsee: do you know the current position on that? (or a bug number with info?) [11:24] oh wow, command-not-found doesn't bail on zsh [11:25] jussi01: erm, no. it's faily obvious in the list, though [11:25] Debian guys had it more or less fixed when I last heard anything [11:25] * jussi01 is sick of flash plugin queries.. [11:31] Can someone explain that to me? I mean isn't it simply as easy as having the package download the plugin from adobe? How bad is this flash problem? [11:31] ardchoille: the latest flash breaks konq [11:32] ardchoille: essentially yes, though [11:32] Ah, that explains it. I'd love to learn how to stop konq from asking me to install flash [11:32] stop using konq. easy solved. [11:32] hehe [11:33] hmmm, can someone hilight me using my name not as the first word? [11:33] hello jussi01 [11:34] jpatrick: thank you! [11:34] ardchoille: details: lastest Flash uses XEmbed, which Konqueror does not support (kdelibs + kdebase patch needed) [11:34] jpatrick: Oh, so it's not as simple as I thought. [11:34] jpatrick: thanks [11:34] jussi01, ardchoille: you're welcome [12:19] Well, got flash working in konqueror [12:19] Oops, wrong window. sorry [12:19] PurpZeY called the ops in #ubuntu (FLOOD) [15:33] crdlb: are you around at all please. [15:49] guys - persistant minor flooder / troll d0berman [15:49] in #ubuntu [15:49] nothing major but getting tedious [15:51] it's about to get ugly [15:51] assistance please [15:53] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (d0) [15:53] ikonia called the ops in #ubuntu (d0berman flooding/spamming/trolling in #ubuntu) [15:54] Seveas: has delt with, thank you === nalioth__ is now known as nalioth [17:04] potential issue Nahztu in #ubuntu [17:04] heads up [17:05] * Tm_T hides [17:05] oh, up, not down [17:06] chicken! [17:06] uh, I mean [17:06] duck! [17:06] assistance please, it's getting a little messy in #ubuntu [17:08] ikonia: I'm on it [17:09] ta [17:10] what's it called when you have irc on one machine, then log into that whenever you need [17:10] from say a laptop [17:10] screen [17:10] ? [17:10] PriceChild: proxy/bouncer, or, irssi+screen [17:10] PriceChild: can you expand on that a tad [17:10] I like my xchat though :) [17:11] PriceChild: I've been working on options for an X version of screen for ages [17:11] and I remember setting something up to play with a little while ago that let me connect my xchat to it [17:11] the only way I've managed to do it was a really ugly setup [17:11] PriceChild: irssi as proxy [17:13] * PriceChild tries out irssi-proxy [17:14] humm, wasn't this "debian" fellow one of those regular bypass trolls? [17:15] no idea [17:16] anyway, I need to cook and eat, so I'm off a bit, sorry :/ -> [17:20] now I'm really gone -> [17:23] 1922.41 < chuy_> What I want, is to remount the sda1 (Vagina Gentium), and then properly mount the 70 or so GB partician that cannot be found. [17:23] Tm_T, keeps connecting then disconnecting me :/ [17:23] * PriceChild wonders why he sees ipv6 addresses [17:23] (why on earth I did spot that while trying to cook) [17:23] Tm_T, that was on yesterday [17:23] Tm_T, it seems slightly legit to piracy [17:24] PriceChild: no idea what you're talking about [17:24] anyway, back cooking myself -> [17:24] Tm_T, irssi proxy 8-) [17:35] Tm_T: when did chuy_ say that [17:35] Tm_T: was that today [17:36] Hi there all [17:38] ikonia: was ~15 min ago [17:38] Tm_T: I believe this is a scam, he's been in 2 days trying to solve this problem (it's been solved multiple times for him) it looks like an excuse to keep saying "vagina" [17:40] anyway, I'm eating now [17:40] also, seems like I'm veeery busy all this night ;( [17:55] yay that's working... [17:55] ns info pricechi1d === nalioth_ is now known as nalioth [18:24] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (as) [18:33] astro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (tuxice) [19:04] In ubotu, ed_ said: What is the universe repository for? [19:04] !bot > ed_ [19:06] In ubotu, ed_ said: What is beryl? [19:06] * Pici facepalms [19:22] znc looks cool [19:22] Oh, are you here for good now? [19:24] PriceChild: are you using znc as way of connecting/controlling remove X11 apps ? [19:24] ooh I see it's an irc tool [19:24] not what I thought [19:25] Pici, i just had to reboot because i told my friend that the little smartmedia disk they had would fit in my laptop, but it didn't [19:25] Pici, and only had metal things, so turned it all off and battery out then fished it back out [19:29] ikonia, it seems to work quite well... if I run an irssi connected to it logging for me. [19:29] LjL, might want to set guard on too [19:35] PriceChild: it's not the tool I thought it was, but it looks interesting [19:36] It seems quite cool, was easier to set up than irssiproxy which I haven't completely fixed up yet. [19:36] Need to decide about hte machine first though [19:38] PriceChild: I'm not quite catching how different the solution is to say irssi and screen [19:39] PriceChild: quick summary, is there something obvious I'm missing [19:39] (I'm just reading on sourceforge) [19:40] i guess its slightly simpler just using proxy [19:40] hmm there is one difference [19:40] log into znc and it gives you a buffer [19:40] which i like [19:40] *just using irssi [19:40] ok, so the buffer is probably bigger than irssi nativly [19:41] oh sorry i misread you earlier [19:41] ooh [19:41] i would prefer to keep using xchat [19:41] rather than irssi + screen [19:41] PriceChild: yup, that bit I understand but how are you using xchat through znc [19:42] (I also miss-read you before I assumed you where using irssi+znc AS the solution you wanted) [19:42] irssiproxy + screen is good though, i'm sure there must be something letting you have a buffer in it [19:42] znc just acts as an irc server which you can connect xchat to [19:42] and then znc connect to the real irc server [19:42] ok, I see the difference, thank you [19:42] I wasn't quite getting that from the inital lines in the docs [19:48] keem an eye on tuxice in various channels [19:48] keep even - now missing from #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic [19:49] tuxick? [19:50] tuxice it was [19:50] well, I can see a tuxick in #kubuntu [19:51] ompaul, was talking with him yesterday [19:51] odd fellow [19:52] PriceChild, I just banned him from both locations [19:52] tried to convince me to make him an admin on ubuntuforums.org because he had experience on other forums [19:52] hah [19:52] I am gone cooking [19:52] obviously not enough experience to work out i'm a mod not an admin [19:55] tuxice is incoming [19:55] * crdlb thinks floodbot2 is malfunctioning [19:56] hi i need to state a case [19:56] can someone give me the guidlines [19:56] ? [19:56] !guidelines [19:56] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [19:56] !guidelines [19:57] tuxice, read the message ubotu has already given [19:57] oh [19:57] crdlb, hmm.... i forget hte command i think i need to use.... [19:58] gah nal's away [19:59] LjL, ping [19:59] 3 and 1 are in emergency mode :. [20:00] tuxice, can I help? [20:00] Hello all [20:01] What's going on with the flood bots in #ubuntu ? [20:01] im just reading the guidelines [20:01] Cpudan80, we are aware and just getting things sorted now. [20:02] Oh ok [20:02] Just thought I'd mention it [20:02] Thanks :) [20:08] so are the bots fixed? [20:10] tuxice, no need to worry about them. Can I help you yet? [20:10] tuxice: no, they're just gone [20:16] BluesKaj called the ops in #kubuntu () [20:17] tuxic1, hello? [20:18] ah man my nic messed up againg [20:18] yes [20:18] u wanted me? [20:18] according to ompaul [20:18] tuxic1, you want to contest a ban? [20:19] i do [20:19] #ubuntu-offtopic? [20:20] i was experementing with the bots and i got banned ok the first time i got kicked i deserved i was swearing but getting banned in the -offtopic (#ubuntu-offtopic is the social channel frequented by quite a few user) for social entries??? [20:21] yes so you were using bad language, and abused the bots [20:21] ya the first time and secong time (which i got kicked) and then i got banned [20:21] !!!!! [20:22] You were given several warnings... [20:22] both via channel messages, and via kicks [20:22] and your final bit of bot abuse resulted in a ban [20:22] how did a abuse the bots a third time??? [20:23] tuxic1, someone gave you botabuse... then you returned it to them. [20:23] ya because they gave it to me for aboslutly no reason [20:23] (the !botabuse factoid) [20:24] so if they shouldn't have given it to you, it makes it fine for you to abuse the bot and give it back? [20:24] ???huh? [20:24] tuxic1, you should be aware that !action now (time stamp) may cause people to react to you in 1/ 5/ 10 or even 15 minutes [20:25] i still dont think i should have been banned [20:25] tuxic1, see the following: [20:25] 2008-01-06T20:40:12 !botabuse | tuxice [20:25] 2008-01-06T20:40:52 !botabuse | pici [20:25] 2008-01-06T20:41:07 *** ompaul sets mode: +b [20:26] tuxic1, being advised of the channel policy when you are clearly skating close to the edge or over it but being tolerated but not permission to get away with it - might be a bit hard for you to grasp [20:26] tuxic1, you should perhaps read the text of the factoid, which would have helped you experiment with the bot in private [20:26] the ban was not for one thing, but your general attitude, and behaviour [20:26] To be fair [20:26] You banned him only 18 seconds after the warning [20:27] Cpudan80, "the warning"? [20:27] im still here [20:27] Cpudan80, there were multiple warnings *and* kicks before the final ban. [20:27] he had been removed several minutes earlier [20:27] Cpudan80, can I help you? [20:27] Well, after you sent that factoid thing [20:27] Cpudan80, there were multiple warnings *and* kicks before the final ban. [20:27] PriceChild: No no, I was just commenting [20:27] Cpudan80, what can we do for you? [20:27] Oh I just came in here to ask about the flood bots [20:28] PriceChild: Oh really? I missed that part [20:28] Cpudan80, so it seems, LjL can probably help if you direct questions to him. (he's /away atm though so be patient waiting for responses) [20:29] tuxic1, so... [20:30] so only technicallyviolated the rules twice and then i got banned from not only the violated forum but th #ubuntu support forum AS WELL [20:30] it is not about technically breaking rules [20:31] and even if i violated 3 times why did i get blocked from both? [20:31] tuxic1, your use of the ! in #ubuntu was trollful [20:31] ok 1 warning [20:31] tuxic1: btw we don't deal forums, sooo [20:31] doing my nick with a ! in front of it in #ubuntu well what did you expect [20:32] i wanted to see if it would say like ubuntu operator or something [20:32] tuxic1, completely unrelated, what's your nick on ubuntuforums.org ? [20:32] tux.ice [20:32] tuxic1, not a hope, you were just removed from another place what do you expect the same latitude in a busy support channel, it would never function if there was not a much heavier line taken in there [20:33] tuxic1, well - you had !botabuse [20:33] you had been informed to /msg the bot [20:33] so you don't get any latitude [20:33] tuxic1, You were given *multiple* warnings that your behaviour was not accepted. You were suggested to msg the bot in private. [20:33] on that [20:33] but its the -offtopic forum [20:33] tuxic1, you were *NOT* banned from the forums. I have given you a 1 point infraction which long expired ago. It requires 15 to ban you. [20:33] tuxic1, we don't mind people joining the community, but they do so on its terms, not abusing or trolling [20:33] **irc client srry [20:33] others is a good way to behave in this situation [20:34] Cpudan80, is there anything else we can help with? [20:34] Not at the moment [20:35] tuxic1, you said you read the guidelines and the CoC [20:35] yes...... [20:35] PriceChild: hey, i think we should adopt that point system too. [20:35] tuxic1, do you think that your behaviour was suitable in the light of that [20:35] wait, that was a broken part of my brain speaking... i DON'T think so. [20:35] LjL, what 1 point [20:35] bye [20:36] not really no [20:36] LjL, hehe... we obviously give more for more serious things.. 10 points puts them on moderation. We can also stop them expiring etc. [20:37] PriceChild: well i'd be fine with 1 point each kick and 10 points a ban, i'd just have to kick 10 time. which is fun. [20:37] tuxic1, ok so what kind of a commitment can we expect from you in relation to not annoying other users? [20:37] i wont annymore [20:39] tuxic1, a piece of advice, if you are asked to cool it, or not do something don't do it [20:39] tuxic1, still think ompaul was wrong to ban you? [20:39] from one chat no, from both, yes [20:40] even though you seemed to be doing the same thing in both? [20:40] but still [20:40] had i commited the same act 3 times in one chat? [20:41] tuxic1, regard all #ubuntu space as being the one channel [20:41] tuxic1, now answer the question again in light of this [20:41] ok one more unrelated question. why cant a user open up a #ubuntu channel if its empty such as #ubuntu-bob [20:41] tuxic1, do you think we should have waited for the 3rd time in the second channel if you'd already done it once? [20:41] Tm_T: can you give him a prod please. [20:42] or #ubuntu-help [20:42] a prod? [20:42] Tm_T: any change of a ban on that [20:42] tuxic1, freenode rules - #ubuntu-* is owned by the people who own #ubuntu [20:42] < FLUxXxX> f*you. [20:42] FLUxXxX [n=root@] has left #ubuntu [] [20:42] caaaaaaaaaaant [20:42] blast [20:43] Tm_T: I see your well ahead of me, thanks [20:43] ok so if i owned #bob anything #bob-* is also mine? [20:43] no [20:43] heads on on roy back [20:43] ikonia: yu, but I can't do any bans in there :( [20:43] tuxic1, please go to freenode and read about groups [20:43] tuxic1: i refer you to www.freenode.net [20:43] ok back on topic [20:43] PriceChild, you have a sense of humour, I'll give you that ;-) [20:44] PriceChild, vis your last removal :) [20:44] ompaul: PriceChild heads up [20:44] oooh your there [20:44] ikonia, [20:44] never mind [20:44] k [20:45] tuxic1, ok well I've gone over the logs and I believe that all kicks and both bans were warranted. I suggest you read the guidelines until you realise what you did wrong. [20:46] i realize what ive done wrong [20:46] But until now you have been debating it. [20:46] The bans will not be lifted at this time. [20:47] if were talking about all #ubuntu-* eing one big chat then he had full right to ban me. [20:47] **being [20:48] you still don't realise what you've done wrong... [20:48] i do ive violated bot abuse and gotten a bad attitude on the -offtopic forum [20:49] which is a channel [20:49] channel, not forum :) [20:49] tuxic1, and so you've been banned. [20:49] srry [20:49] channel [20:49] ** [20:49] you then started the same in #ubuntu, and were banned [20:50] someone ban randomtime! [20:50] so anyone can say !botabuse and so it is true? [20:50] tuxic1: no [20:50] Tm_T, ? [20:51] I can't ban [20:51] in #ubuntu that ias [20:51] is [20:51] where? [20:51] but i only did it twice in -ubuntuofftopic and once in ubuntu and got banned from both [20:51] [12:48] try rm - rf / in ubuntu [20:51] thanks [20:51] sorry I'm bit off here [20:52] the boys are on it [20:52] panic not [20:52] PriceChild, I am letting noor back [20:52] also quite gone -> [20:52] had a chat with him [20:52] hands where held very high [20:53] ompaul, ok [20:56] tuxic1, so, is there anything else I can help you with? [20:56] not really [20:56] Come back in a week or so and we can talk about it again [20:59] tuxic1, if there is nothing else, please read the topic for this channel, the command /topic will make it visible to you [21:02] heads up, I think I've got an old troll baiting me under a different nick [21:02] EgonStork [21:03] a guy under another nick was trying to bait me and saying I was calling all users idiots because I didn't advise them to build custom kernels [21:03] ompaul: and you are banned [21:03] ban evading [21:04] LjL, ? [21:04] naudiz/egonstork [21:04] ya [21:04] well that is known but we action what we action [21:04] banned as naudiz!*@*!#ubuntu-ops [21:04] yes, that was him [21:04] LjL, that guy isn't trying to speak a language [21:04] naudiz rings a bell [21:04] he was making thing up that I didn't say [21:05] eg: posting " all users are idiots, and dick heads" [21:05] ikonia, hmmmmm I don't know who believe... [21:05] to make it look like I said things [21:05] PriceChild, i think he is. russian with KOI-8 encoding methinks [21:05] that logs is pretty convincing [21:05] PriceChild: ???? [21:05] PriceChild: are you serious ? [21:05] ikonia, no :) [21:05] thank god [21:05] [21:05] ahhh so you have seen the logs of the old conversation [21:05] ok, cool [21:05] nasty bit of work [21:06] ikonia, if you see someone doing that kind of approach give a yell in here [21:06] I haven't seen logs :) [21:06] ompaul: hence the yell "heads up - I've got a troll baiting me" [21:06] ;) [21:06] btw there is another classic troll - I want support for breezy - you telling me I can't have it [21:06] PriceChild: ahh, in that case "thank you" [21:09] LjL, i was gonna just remove to disappoint him [21:09] heh [21:20] Hey Elidix, how can I help? [21:21] I wanted to take a look around only, thanks anyways :) [21:22] Elidix, how did you find this channel? [21:23] PriceChild: I told someone to come here to get a cloak, she saw it :) [21:23] jpatrick, who needs a cloak? [21:24] and thanks :) [21:24] PriceChild: rouzic, but he has yet to /join [21:29] LjL, wanna set irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com as the contact address for ubuntu-irc-council on launchpad? [21:30] oh wait i can do it [21:31] oh wait, no need to change that one [22:03] PriceChild, ping [22:04] ompaul, pong [22:04] pm [22:05] he has pinged me [23:08] -_- comeback LjL... [23:10] say what?