[00:00] thanks for your tiem [00:00] wolferin [00:00] your welcome [00:01] hai mn sonoma [00:02] are you using firefox or konqueror as your default web browser? [00:02] greetings [00:03] every tning all right mr sonoma [00:03] yes, just sitting down to chill out [00:04] thats good mr sonoma [00:04] hai robby [00:05] hai yoshiaki [00:08] hai rob [00:10] Hi [00:10] hi [00:10] I've installed flash player 9 but it doesn't run [00:10] gidna: flash installer is broken [00:11] ? [00:11] gidna: did u install through firefox [00:11] how did you install it? [00:11] in different way.. [00:11] tekteen: the flash package? [00:11] gidna: the flash package? [00:11] lol :-) [00:12] what is name? [00:12] its.. [00:12] gidna: the flash package is broken [00:12] I used flashplayer-installer [00:12] ok [00:13] gidna: go to a site with flash [00:13] !flash [00:13] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [00:13] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [00:13] yes doesnt' view flash site.. [00:13] gidna: what web browser? [00:14] mozilla [00:14] gidna: is there a bar at the top that says missing plugins? [00:15] no [00:15] first it was [00:16] now that I'v installed not anymore.. [00:16] but the movie is not played [00:16] gidna: ok [00:16] gidna: open a konsole and type ... [00:17] gidna: rm -v .mozilla/plugins/* [00:17] then click the enter key [00:17] so it will erase all mozillas' plugins? [00:18] gidna: should [00:18] and then?? === Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ [00:18] gidna: go to a flash site and click on the bar at the top [00:18] gidna: firefox knows better then the flash installer :-) [00:19] gidna: if the bar does not appear tell me [00:19] root@gidna-laptop:/home/gidna/install_flash_player_9_linux# rm -v .mozilla/plugins/* [00:19] rm: impossibile rimuovere `.mozilla/plugins/*': Nessun file o directory [00:19] ok [00:20] rm -v ~/..mozilla/plugins/* [00:21] rm -v ~/.mozilla/plugins/* [00:21] second one .. [00:21] it's the same [00:21] or try "sudo rm -v /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flash*" [00:22] /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash* [00:22] gidna: there was 2 . s in the first [00:22] g2g [00:22] root@gidna-laptop:/home/gidna/install_flash_player_9_linux# rm -v /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*flash* [00:22] `/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so' rimosso [00:22] `/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so' rimosso [00:23] ok it did it [00:23] he;s run off now [00:23] well goto a flash site, www.radiohead.com and go for the install plugins bar that appears [00:24] anyone have suggestions on a good video card that will do the the 3d stuff like beryl compiz xpl ui2 in linux mce [00:25] I have somehow "closed" the system-taskbar where some programs get minimized like amarok or kopete, how do i get it back? I don't mean the normal taskbar where openoffice or firefox is appearing [00:25] MRCinema: onboard intel works well, nvidia are ok too [00:25] I don't see the bar [00:26] try gnash [00:26] use adept of apt-get [00:28] it is installed [00:28] where do i install icons to? [00:28] !icons [00:28] Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) [00:28] nope :/ [00:29] !themes [00:29] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [00:29] this link describes editing HEX code in .jpg headers; is there any way to do this in Linux? vim? scripting?? http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1031&message=10291113 [00:29] billybobobo: hexedit [00:29] :) thanks [00:30] tealson: you figure out your system tray? [00:30] biovore: no :/ [00:30] i'm totally stucked [00:30] did you close it aka Removed it? [00:30] biovore: actually i think i did =) [00:31] right click on the main panel [00:31] select " [00:31] Add applet to panel [00:31] billybobobo: also see extract [00:31] I think system tray is in there [00:31] !info extract [00:31] extract: displays meta-data from files of arbitrary type. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.18-3 (gutsy), package size 50 kB, installed size 220 kB [00:32] hmm... no, i need to try to fix corrupted files, to hope they'll open in SOMETHING... [00:32] wha I have to do?? [00:32] billybobobo: fixing breakage with hexedit, *old skool* :)) [00:33] yeep [00:33] except, there are many :( [00:33] biovore: thanks! [00:33] np [00:37] billybobobo: apt-get install testdisk then look at this http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec_Step_By_Step [00:39] i keep getting this crash error in the KDE Crash Handler http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50666/ [00:40] i think i just need to uninstall the mozilla flash plugins, i don't have firefox installed so i don't think that will screw anything uo, but i just want to make sure first === Extrapan100^BNC is now known as Extrapan100 [00:40] Do you want to install the package 'mozilla-plugin-gnash [00:40] I installed it.. [00:40] i'm not useing mozilla [00:40] flash crashes alot.. buggy crud.. [00:40] but it doesn't play anithing [00:41] yeah.. konqueror, flash crashes alot.. [00:41] there is an other pugling instead of gnash? [00:41] so would running firefox work? [00:41] yes... acrobat's flash 9 [00:41] it is installed [00:41] works better.. but still crashes now and then.. a bit more stable though.. [00:42] will i be able to watch vidoes online at least? at is stand i have to reboot in to windoze to do that [00:42] youtube works fine for me on firefox and firefox.. === Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC [00:43] (firefox and konqueror) [00:43] biovore, you mean adobe's flash [00:43] yeah.. thats it.. [00:43] :p [00:43] i can't get it work work on konqueror, but i don't think i have flash 9 installed [00:43] was in the ball park :-P [00:43] bascule: thanks! I ran that last night though :) Got a good amount, more than the commercial app a friend loaned me. But i want to see if i can edit the hex for those that the commercial app got (many more files, but lower quality) [00:43] do i need to get it from adobe or is it in adept? [00:44] well atm flash from apt is busted.. [00:44] !flash [00:44] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [00:44] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [00:44] you have to go download there the tar gz and manualy install it.. [00:44] ubotu you lame robot! go get it fixed now! [00:44] bah [00:44] how do i change icon themes/ [00:45] ogre: its under system settings [00:45] you can get icons from kde-look.org and other places.. === sidney is now known as dizney [00:45] biovore, thanks [00:46] billybobobo: good luck man, there is pro data recovery called ibas there may be a vendor near you, we have it in store, ran on a 1GB keydrive, recovered 3GB off stuff :) [00:46] WOW [00:46] thats amazing! [00:46] yup, add/delete *15 gets them all [00:47] this is a bit more difficult i think: 100GB Fat32 drive, accidentally over-installed with a new XP on NTFS.... then applied a few hours of updates... [00:47] now its my turn ;) === lisa__ is now known as CyD [00:47] Darktan_, it works for firefox [00:48] but that really is an awesome amount of recovery, Jucato [00:48] i would still fancy it's chances, funny the stuff it pulls from temporary internet on 'doze install ;P [00:48] sorry! bascule [00:48] does anyone have some good docs on fixing up nvidia issues after envy/nvidia.com drivers have been used? it's causing me heaps of trouble :/ [00:48] bascule, what? 3 GB from 1 GB? So, it recovered from previous deletions? [00:48] yeah most of what I've got is temporary internet files... its like explorer keeps its own files secure in these cases! [00:48] Schuenemann: 15 deep is athe norm for it [00:49] what the... [00:49] 15 deletions deep? on F32 ? [00:49] I didn't know that was possible to recover with ordinary hardware [00:49] whats the case for ext3? i wiped some photos about a month ago... [00:49] i think this is my NEXT step: http://www.lynchconsulting.com.au/blog/index.cfm/2007/9/23/HowTo-recover-jpeg-images-from-corrupt-memory-card === litbang is now known as riefzu [00:50] billybobobo: yes [00:50] jesu [00:50] it's dedicated hardware, runs linux of course [00:50] ah its a single device? coolio [00:50] hackable? [00:50] hmmmm [00:50] one big black box, all the IDE, SATA and cards, laptop controlling it [00:50] how do i install tar.gz filed? [00:51] billybobobo: well needs to be connected to their server to run, so dodgy :)) [00:51] Darktan_: see if its available in Synaptic or Adept first [00:51] nope [00:51] installing flash 9 [00:52] that one is easy for firefox [00:52] !flash Darktan_ [00:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about flash darktan_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:52] not useing firefox [00:52] tar.gz is an archive like a zip file.. [00:52] !flash | Darktan_ [00:52] Darktan_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [00:52] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [00:52] untar it; copy the *.so file into /home/Darktan/.mozilla/firefox/plugins or something [00:52] biovore: is that a question? [00:52] not useinf firefox, so where would it go? [00:52] useing* [00:53] nope [00:53] biovore: ok [00:53] Darktan_: what browser? [00:53] konqueror [00:53] same place [00:53] Darktan_: it uses firefox plugins [00:53] ok [00:54] Darktan_: konqueror also lists where it checks for plugins, and you can add places to check. in settings [00:54] ok, now to see if that fixes it [00:54] Darktan_: konqueror checks for firefox system wide plugins [00:55] Darktan_: tell konq to check ~/.mozilla/plugins [00:55] how would i do that? [00:55] konqueror will pick up new plugins and use them as long you use the plugins scan utility in konq === luna is now known as Gusanita [00:56] Settings | configure konqueror | plugins [00:56] should show up in the plugins list once found [00:57] can anyone help fix NIC can ping router but nothing on the internet (other PCs can access internet via same router)? [00:58] route -n [00:58] there a default gateway [00:58] does anyone know a way to get 3d / beryl working w/ a nvidia 7900gs card [00:58] cat /etc/resolv.conf [00:58] there nameservers in there [00:58] !comviz [00:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about comviz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:58] well i tries to play the video.....right before it crashes again [00:58] !compviz [00:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about compviz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:58] !compiz [00:58] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion [00:58] ^ worked on my 7900 here [00:59] i'm gonna go play with that now^ [00:59] thank you! [01:00] what is the "super" button that everything uses? [01:00] left windows key [01:00] windows button I think [01:00] ok [01:01] flash is just revoltingly broken in linux just now [01:02] can anyone give advise on if the nvidia cards with hdmi are supported in linux [01:02] * tekteen has flash working [01:02] Qhw [01:02] cinemago: install the nvidia drivers and compiz stuff [01:02] !hw [01:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about hw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:02] !hardware [01:02] For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [01:02] !nvidia [01:02] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [01:03] hello, i installed KDE4 and i am greeted with a beautiful white screen [01:04] i cannot see any windows [01:04] or pretty much anything [01:04] its whit [01:04] white [01:04] Who knows how to configure apcupsd with my BackupAPC, plz? [01:04] yup.. sounds like kde4 is installed incorrectly.. that and its basicly sorta broken anyway.. [01:04] !kde4 [01:04] kde4 is KDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4 - The Release Schedule is available at http://tinyurl.com/2gqwmr - RC 2 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php [01:05] how do i fox it [01:05] it not ready for prime time yet.. extremly buggy and lacking [01:05] fix [01:05] no clue.. [01:05] is gonna be released in 7 days, should i wait and then upgdate it? [01:05] so they say.. [01:07] I think 18th is suppose to be the day [01:07] * bascule seriously considers installing hardy on machine 2, just for kicks [01:12] is there any way to have dd if/dev/sda of=/network/path when running dd on a live CD? that is, does any live CDs have mounting capabilities for sshfs or nfs or via ftp? [01:12] i want dd's output file to be on a network path [01:12] I think kubuntu live cd and do samba and ntfs [01:12] how do i find my icon folder? [01:12] (nfs) [01:13] !dd [01:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:13] do you know, is dd on the live cd? [01:13] I think it is.. [01:13] ok thanks! [01:13] can somebody please tell me what these syslog messages mean? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50668/ [01:14] looks like gaim tried to do something bad.. [01:15] someone is trying a buffer overflow exploit [01:15] and the kernel segfaulted the app [01:16] bivone: why don't you upgrade to pidgin? === Gunirus_ is now known as Gunirus [01:21] sn00zer: http://secunia.com/advisories/16379/ <-- looks a likely candidate for your log messages [01:21] thanks [01:21] do you understand or care what it means? [01:22] bascule, is there any way to trace the attack? [01:22] of course i care, i don't understand totally [01:23] i cp -a my /home/name but ive lost alot of kde settings when i mount the new home, how do i fix it [01:23] sn00zer: well iptables logging, but other than that not that I know of, unless you packet trace all incomings to the listening port while it is running [01:23] sn00zer: netstat? [01:24] but those protocols come through servers, not the originating IP, so very tricky [01:24] how do i find my icon folder? [01:25] Can Kontact connect to MS Exchange servers? [01:25] !exchange [01:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about exchange - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:25] bascule, i was running nessus against my computer from another last night, could it be related to that? I've had problems with nessus crashing when i try to start the scan [01:25] Eds`: kde groupware is the way to start, dunno for sure though [01:26] bascule *crashing on this computer when i try to scan the other,but it works fine from another scanning this one [01:26] sn00zer: well nessus doesn't actually try the exploit afaik, just tells vulnerabilities [01:28] sn00zer: best way is to nessus again and see if you get dupe packets [01:28] packets/messages from syslo [01:28] bascule: ok [01:28] cause you know the time stamp then and can compare them === juan is now known as Xbehave [01:30] how do I acess the wallet manager? [01:31] alt+f2 kwallet [01:31] sd132: is it running? if yes, is the icon in the system tray? [01:31] er.. kwalletmanager actually [01:31] yeah sorry :) [01:31] bascule: ok thanks [01:31] Hello. I need help with my new Kubuntu PC. === luna_ is now known as Gusanita [01:32] I run 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon 64 Bit, and anytime I try to run a game in fullscreen, it quits out immedietly. Can anyone assist me so I can fix this issue? [01:33] No one can assist me? [01:34] Jucato: the icon isnt in the task bar and the alt f2 thing dosent seem to want to work [01:34] arken_: is it a 32bit game? [01:34] sd132: not in the taskbar, in the system tray (the one with the small icons at the right of the whole panel, just beside the clock) [01:34] I don't know... but anything I try to run via fullscreen doesn't work. [01:35] Jucato: thats what i mean..sorry [01:35] sd132: the Alt+F2 thing, Alt+F2, enter "kwalletmanager" [01:35] arken_: what game? === |GuS| is now known as [GuS] [01:35] Tremulous and Frets on Fire [01:35] Jucato: ok thanks [01:36] you didn't like school and you know your nobodys fool [01:37] I didn't know that running the 64 Bit version would not allow me to run 32 bit apps [01:37] ia32-libs should take care of that [01:37] you install this from apt? [01:38] (adept) [01:38] I didn't install anything. I just had this PC up and running 2 hours ago. [01:38] I'll look for it though. [01:38] you download it from there site? [01:38] apt-get install fretsonfire [01:38] is looks like its in the kubuntu repos [01:38] Oh. I used the Adept GUI to get it. [01:38] ok [01:39] It is. I just downloaded it. But when I run it doesn't work >_> [01:39] you have openGL working? [01:39] Whats openGL? [01:39] well might explain why its not working.. [01:39] 3d graphics rendering [01:39] do you have a voodoo 2 card? [01:39] glxinfo | grep render [01:39] I'm decently new to the whole linux scene, so I don't know a lot of the lingo yet [01:40] what graphics card? [01:40] GeForce 8500 GT [01:40] !nvidia [01:40] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [01:40] install the nvdia graphics driver... [01:40] if it's a fresh install, it's likely that the driver hasn't been installed yet... [01:40] yup [01:40] hm.. we do have an automated GUI for that though :) [01:40] * Jucato wonders why it didn't kick in... [01:41] its busted some of the time.. [01:41] Hmm. It says that adept is already in use... but it isnt... [01:41] K Menu -> SYstem Settings -> Advanced tab -> Restricted Manager [01:42] !aptfiz | arken_ [01:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about aptfiz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:42] !aptfix | arken_ [01:42] arken_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [01:42] Just copy paste that? [01:42] yup [01:43] ok. i ran that command [01:43] Thanks a million! [01:43] =] [01:43] :) [01:43] installing now. [01:44] Anyone know what the program is that puts a mac bar in linux? :P [01:44] You guys rock hehe. I love linux. I installed 6.10 on an old PC and fell in love with it ever since. [01:45] Is there a way to make my download speeds slower? [01:46] My dad is complaining about how he's getting lag on his windows machine >_> [01:46] Eds`: you need superkaramba, there are a few widgets for the mac bar effect [01:46] Thanks === nick__ is now known as grimacexl [01:47] i wish people would wait to hear answers before they quit [01:47] to anyone who wants to tell Arken when he comes back iptables can take care of that for him. [01:47] hey im trying to intall gift as a dependancy of apollon and it has a dependancy of giftd which depends on libvorbis0, now i have libvorbis0a, wouldnt that work? [01:48] Eds`, there are a couple ways to have the launcher bar in Kubuntu. I like AWN, since I run Compiz. [01:48] unix_lappy: do you know how to throttle bandwidth in linux, -limit ? [01:49] bascule: shape, throttle, and limit are all different things. [01:49] i cant apt-get install giftd because it has a dependancy on libvorbis0 which isnt found, but i have libvorbis0a which i think is the same thing, is there anyway to force install giftd even though it asks for libvorbis0 [01:49] ok, limit is like rate and numer of connections [01:50] bascule: take a look at wondershaper. [01:50] it's a dead easy script :-0 [01:52] grimacexl: I think -f [01:52] thanks ill try === freexx is now known as jeff__ [01:53] no -f finds broken stuff and fixes them [01:57] i got it [01:57] i had to purge the old installs [01:57] just fyi to whomever has any similar issues [01:57] grimacexl: what version are you trying to install, the versions I see depend on libvorbis0a [01:58] i have a raid 5, 4 500GB disks, ntfs filesystem, sil3114, asus a8n-sli mobo, gutsy, [01:58] how can I mount this bad boy [02:00] dmraid [02:02] on a completely different note, does Linux support software RAID 5? [02:02] sure [02:02] anon32: mdadm [02:03] isnt that all controlled on the raid bioses end and the os doesnt knwo about it [02:03] ERROR: device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel === profoX_ is now known as profoX` [02:03] grimacexl: dmraid is for on-board/pci mdadm is for software RAID [02:04] (I find software RAID a lot more reliable than those cruddy fakeraid setups) [02:04] jeff__: modprobe [02:04] anon32: linux software raid is awesome [02:04] where can i find what some raid thing is? [02:04] jeff__: I wish I knew sorry :) [02:05] ok [02:05] /dev/sdd: sil, "sil_ahaedcadcgch", raid5_ls, ok, 976771630 sectors, data@ 0 [02:05] /dev/sdk: sil, "sil_ahaedcadcgch", raid5_ls, ok, 976771630 sectors, data@ 0 [02:05] /dev/sdl: sil, "sil_ahaedcadcgch", raid5_ls, ok, 976771630 sectors, data@ 0 [02:05] /dev/sdm: sil, "sil_ahaedcadcgch", raid5_ls, ok, 976771630 sectors, data@ 0 [02:05] /dev/sdn: sil, "sil_ahaedcadcgch", raid5_ls, ok, 976771630 sectors, data@ 0 [02:05] sorry [02:05] thats my dmraid -r output [02:06] try "raid456" [02:06] !paste | jeff__ [02:06] jeff__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [02:06] what's RAID 6? [02:06] and RAID 4 for that matter [02:06] "sudo modprobe raid" showed it [02:06] ahhh [02:06] nice [02:08] hm it scrolled 10 lines of white space and finished with no errors [02:08] Ehh. Someone here told me to install restricted drivers? [02:08] now what? [02:09] I did as you asked.. I reset my computer.. and now after the BiOS I can't see anything.. and my monitor is having a heart attack. [02:09] I'm on a different computer now. [02:09] arken0493, what chip? hit ctrl+alt+f1, login, and try to read /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:10] GeForce 8500 GT [02:10] hmm [02:10] what does ctrl + alt + F1 do? [02:10] switches to the first virtual console [02:10] jeff__: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2557.html [02:10] (command prompt) [02:10] Couldn't I just boot in safe mode? [02:10] jeff__: you are at 5 I think [02:11] arken0493, you could [02:11] by the way, what do you mean by your monitor is having a heart attack? [02:11] Bascule. You helped me earlier. I clicked the restricted driver on, and now I can't see anything after I reset. [02:11] All the lights are flashing [02:12] kwindowdecoration.desktop keeps crashing [02:13] Via Terminal, how do I read /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:13] nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:13] (Ctrl+X to eXit) [02:13] Type that in exactly? [02:13] or less /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:14] Ok. Brb, trying it. [02:15] <== bed [02:15] mv bed floor [02:15] * Jucato whistles innocently [02:15] mv bascule /dev/bed [02:15] heh laters people [02:15] that'd be /dev/floor now :P [02:15] :) [02:16] Ok. I believe I found the error [02:17] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/x11/cyrillic" does not exist. [02:17] arken0493: look for EE lines instead [02:17] WW are just Warnings [02:17] No EE lines. [02:17] hm.. ok... [02:18] * Jucato keeps quiet now.. doesn't know what the problem was in the first place :P [02:18] Now it says "Entry deleted from font path. /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:18] hrllo [02:18] i nrrf domr help [02:19] Talk like a human being first. [02:19] =] [02:19] lol [02:19] sorry [02:19] on the phone at the same time [02:19] lol [02:19] right happy new year [02:19] merry xmas [02:19] What's the command for yelling at people for posting too fast? [02:19] !enter [02:19] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:20] and it's not "yelling" :) [02:20] Anyhow. There seems as if there is no issue. [02:20] When I Boot, however, It doesn't display anything. [02:20] yeah..well my problem is xorg..i have big fonts on my log in screen and i don't know how to fix them [02:21] I have 2 video cards, 2 monitors, and a TV SVideo out. I can't seem to get all 3 monitors working. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50670/ Any help would be appreciated [02:21] Oh hey. Looking through these lines again, I just found this. [02:22] (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1 [02:24] arken0493: Odd I have CRT-0 in my config. [02:24] (WW) NVIDIA(0): No modes were requested; the default mode "nvidia-auto-select" will be used as the requested mode. [02:24] anyone else have a dell d620? [02:25] or, a Broadcom BCM94311MCG [02:25] (WW) NVIDIA(0) Unable to get display decice CRT-1's EDID; cannot compute DPI from CRT-1's EDID [02:26] (WW) Nvidia(0): Option "AddARGBVisuals" is not used [02:26] Alright. Those are all the warnings. Not a single error, however. [02:26] Anyone know how to help? [02:26] arken0493: have you tried running sudo nvidia-settings ??? [02:27] no I have not. [02:28] Well backup or /etc/X11/xorg.conf and try sudo nvidia-settings it might be smart enough to figure it out for you. [02:28] There's another program called nvidia-xconfig that might help as well. [02:28] How do I get out of this file? [02:28] I'm in the log. How do I quit? [02:29] oh, nevermind [02:29] Well I just walked in, if you're using less it's escape, maybe Q for quit. [02:29] nvida settings: GTK WARNING **: cannot open display [02:29] oh I thought you had it running. [02:30] Howdy people. [02:30] My bad ... nvidia-xconfig should write the xorg.conf file If I recall correctly. [02:30] And now I typed in "nvida-xconfig" and it said it backed up the file [02:30] yes [02:30] and made a new one [02:30] Should I restart and try again? [02:30] ok well then restart your kdm sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart [02:30] Could someone tell me if gnome-vfs-daemon needs to run under Kubuntu? [02:31] No such file or directory [02:31] @Erm [02:31] I wonder what you're running for your front end. [02:31] I Don't know :\ [02:31] Im at root@office2:~# [02:31] does startx work? [02:32] In safe mode. [02:32] yes [02:32] I just typed that [02:32] and it worked >_> [02:33] So in theory startkde should work as well ... [02:33] so I type "startkde" in the terminal [02:33] ? [02:33] patrik: I'm not sure. I'd guess if you're running a gnome app then yes. But I'm not even 100% sure what gnome-vfs-daemon does. [02:34] arken0493: I'm just guessing here :) [02:34] "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" is the correct thing to do. [02:34] @ the-erm. I typed it, and it said cannot contact kdeinit [02:34] to restart x [02:34] I typed that earlier. and it said it could not find the file. [02:34] nosrednaekim: I told him to try sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart :) [02:35] arken0493: try replacing kdm with gdm [02:35] oh. [02:35] in that command [02:35] I must have typed it wrong. [02:35] Lol. [02:35] maybe you need to apt-get install kdebase [02:35] It worked now,. [02:35] ok [02:35] perhaps it's something left from another program install... [02:35] arken0493: heh :) [02:35] Ok. I'll try to run my game again. [02:36] nosrednaekim: I don't suppose you know anything about setting up 3 monitors on 2 video cards do you? [02:37] Found it in Adept. It's used by the Gimp [02:37] the-erm: nah...I have one monitor, one video card... and an easy life..lol [02:37] guess it's time to bother other rooms ... [02:37] Should I try to restart now? [02:37] the-erm: ati or nvidia? [02:37] arken0493: why? [02:38] That's the fun part ati & nvidia. [02:38] To get out of recovery mode. [02:38] the-erm: hope you don'twant 3d accel too... [02:38] arken0493: oh... yes, reboot [02:38] Maybe I should explain the setup. I have an nvidia card with an svideo out, and a monitor out. Then I have an on board ati card with just a monitor out. [02:39] the-erm: in any event... thats going to be a HUGE pain to get working. [02:39] I have the nvidia card working fine with svideo out, and the monitor. I just thought it would be cool to add a third monitor. [02:39] I've been playing with it for several hours now .... [02:39] the-erm: lots of on board things can't be used at the same time as a dedicated graphics card. [02:40] not sure if thats the case here. [02:40] Alright. I reset my computer, and started in normal mode. But the thing is it does NOT want to boot in normal mode. It won't display anything. [02:40] So what can I do? [02:40] arken0493: what graphics card and what drivers [02:40] hey all :-) [02:41] hey bom [02:41] its the first time I discover the kubuntu irc. I love kubuntu [02:41] GeForce 8500 [02:42] bom: cool... how long you been using it? [02:42] arken0493: ok, and you have the nvidia-glx-new drivers installed? [02:42] about 6 months... but iv always used kde since very first release [02:44] I do not believe I do. [02:44] How do I install them? [02:44] wow.... an old timer :) [02:44] arken0493: did you install any drivers at all? [02:45] (for the graphics card [02:45] The restricted ones. [02:45] By clicking the button >_> [02:45] :) [02:45] yeah... ok, thats the nvidia-glx-new [02:45] how long have you used it norednaekim? [02:45] the-erm: your ServerLayout on pastebin defines 'screen 0' twice and for different monitors, don't know if that's intentional. [02:46] arken0493: so what you want to do is run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from the command line (which you can get to by pressing alt+f2) [02:46] bom: about 5 years [02:46] that's my issue though. I can't use the driver. After I installed them, the screen doesn't work unless I boot KDE via the prompt [02:46] ok [02:46] righton [02:46] yamal: I'm honestly lost on how to do it. I've tried setting the svideo to screen 1, but I think it broke it. [02:46] ok [02:46] attempt to autodetect video hardware? [02:47] arken0493: anything you are not sure about.. his yes to (or the default) [02:47] Ok. [02:48] execpt for what driver to use, make sure you select nvidia for that [02:48] yamal: I'll try it with screen 1 [02:50] Ok well see ya ctrl+alt+bkspace [02:50] Ok. I ran through the setup. [02:50] Now what do I do? [02:51] arken0493: are you in recovery mode? [02:52] or just on the command line [02:52] recovery [02:52] ok... reboot then [02:52] if, when you reboot, you get a blank screen, try "ctrl+alt+f2" [02:54] * Mr_Sonoma brb gonna fix a sammich [02:55] ok anyone here using apollon [02:56] wht's that? [02:56] Why is Kubuntu unable to run the up to date version of things like Gimp or Flightgear? [02:56] its a gift based p2p program [02:57] or OpenAL [02:57] I reset my computer, but the restricted drivers are no longer in use [02:57] downix: because it does not have a rolling release. [02:57] arken0493: how do you know? [02:57] arken i just got through setting up the restricted drivers, they're no fun [02:57] nosrednaekim: but being over a year behind with the latest release.... [02:58] downix: for Flightgear? [02:58] Because I looked -_- [02:58] !info fgfs [02:58] Package fgfs does not exist in gutsy [02:58] !info flightgear [02:58] well they woulda been fine, but they display by default on my first dvi out which im not using [02:58] !info flightgear [02:58] flightgear: Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.10-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2118 kB, installed size 5604 kB [02:58] shees... that is old. [02:58] told ya [02:58] im a linux newb but have you configured X arken? [02:59] and it won't compile without OpenAL, which Kubuntu doesn't have [02:59] yes... [02:59] when trying to add an event in kontact, i get a "There is no resource available!" message, running kbuildsyoca didnt fix it and it gave a couple errors [02:59] I'll work on it tommorow.. [02:59] so what does it default back to [02:59] hmm well, that really not Kubuntu's problem... its mostly Ubuntu. [02:59] downix: we just do the kde stuff [02:59] * downix nods [02:59] downix: which version of the Gimp do you want to use? [03:00] I think kde4 going to suck at first.. I think they got a good thing going.. but just like kde 3.. will start of a little lean and grow into a extremely good desktop enviroment. [03:00] I'm running 2.4.2 [03:00] patrik: At least a final version. 2.0.0RC seems a bit odd [03:00] downix: oh... yeah... are you on dapper? [03:00] to anyone who is using apollon or any gift based p2p, I cant get mines to connect to any servers, gift-d shows its doing stuff, but i still cant connect [03:00] anyone know why? [03:00] No, Gutsy [03:00] !info libopenal0a [03:00] libopenal0a: OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.0.8-4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 123 kB, installed size 340 kB [03:00] anyone use Kontact? [03:01] downix: do a sudo apt-get update followed by a upgrade [03:01] whats kontact? [03:01] bmk789: yes [03:01] patrik: ok [03:01] grimacexl: personal informtion thing.. email/calander and stuff [03:01] lol nm [03:01] yeah just found it [03:01] its a preinstalled app [03:01] pretty nice ui [03:01] patrik: nada [03:02] nosrednaekim: im having a "There is no resource available!" message when trying to add a new event to the calendar, ever seen this problem? [03:02] bmk789: sorry, I just use the email and address book. [03:02] and occasionally notes [03:02] what would happen if the first line of my kdm startup remounted my home dir, would i need to call myself [03:02] its the same with to-do and contacts [03:02] *it need to call itself [03:03] do you have all repositories checked in adept? === patrik is now known as ovopax [03:04] Xbehave: what? you can't remount it(as a normal user [03:04] bmk789: in kontact's calendar, on the bottom left section, labelled 'calendar, do you have any resources in that block? [03:05] by default it should be 'Default Korganizer resource' [03:05] hey, do flash drives still show up under /media? and why doesn't Storage Media open up /media anymore? [03:05] bmk789: if i uncheck that, i get your error, else it works as expected [03:05] crap [03:05] why didnt i look at that [03:05] my bad [03:06] not the most intuitive, i just kinda figured it out there [03:07] Alonea: yes to the first, for the second... what does it open up? [03:08] nosrednaekim: blank. though now that I try again its showing stuff when it didn't earlier. gah..so confusing. and then the /media folder only showed my cdrom. [03:09] gusty has been a little less stable than the previous ones. [03:09] sure you weren't looking at media:/? [03:09] nosrednaekim: yup. went to root, then media folder. [03:10] nosrednaekim: which gives me different results that when I click on storage media. [03:10] right, because storage media gives you everything, whether it is mounted or unmounted. [03:11] nosrednaekim: ah, ok. what about my mouse going crazy? (or should I say touchpad..) [03:11] storage media is the kio-slave,"media:/" [03:11] Alonea: what about it.... [03:11] whats it do. scurry around in its cage? [03:12] nosrednaekim: I haven't have that problem for over a year. it jumps around all over the place and clicks on stuff I didn't click on. [03:12] Alonea: even though you aren't touching it? [03:14] nosrednaekim: well, I move the pointer and it jumps and where it lands it usually clicks on. keyboard keys are also getting "stuck" a lot too. like if I press backspace once, it doesn't stop. [03:14] !named [03:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about named - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:15] wow.... weird. yeah... alot of people complain about gutsy, just like they complained about edgy... seems the .10 releases are slightly less stable for whatever reason. [03:15] Alonea: file a bug for sure.. [03:15] nosrednaekim: I don't mind too much, but problems that were fixed 2 versions ago are coming back. [03:15] this is fun [03:15] What's the name of that package that will watch a "make install" and make it reversible? [03:15] nosrednaekim: Alonea: even i have that mouse-going-crazy prob on one of my machines [03:15] apparently I'm missing MESA [03:16] we are supposed to go forwards right? not backwards...at least I can shut down my computer now [03:17] kgfix: what about the keyboard also going crazy? [03:17] Alonea: nah.. only the mouse.. am using kubuntu gutsy 64 bit version on that machine.. [03:17] * downix surrenders, I am not to play flightgear it seems [03:18] did you get gimp upgraded? [03:18] No, it tells me that 2.0.0RC is the latest package available [03:18] kgfix: also adept barely works most of the time. and now my bar at the bottom just dissapeared...not using autohide either. learned that a long time ago. [03:19] it might be my AMD64 vs i386 issues [03:19] Alonea: surprisingly Kubuntu gutsy 32 bit on another machine never gave me any trouble like that.. [03:19] well, THAT could be it [03:19] somebody any experience with gentoo (sabayon) linux [03:20] Alonea: i think Ubuntu behaves much more as expected in that regard.. and i like Synaptic more than Adept :) [03:20] kgfix: odd. this is 32 bit. then again I have an evil computer. adept keeps saying it failed to install stuff when it hasn't and at one point it tried to get me to upgrade when this is gusty! [03:21] kgfix: is their a gui version I can get? [03:21] Alonea: pretty strange.. i actually started using the apt-get from terminal when i shifted to kubuntu!! [03:21] i love apt-get [03:21] i want to marry it [03:21] Alonea: GUI version of...? [03:21] kgfix: well, I don't mind the terminal, but I don't know the name of stuff most of the time. [03:21] apt-get for president [03:22] kgfix: synaptic [03:22] hmm.. thats what i use adept for.. finding names.. :o) [03:22] kgfix: well, adept kinda doesn't load half the time. [03:23] Alonea: yeah.. u get the GUI version.. but since thats a GNOME application.. i don't know if Kubuntu will like it.. :P [03:23] Alonea: then try installing synaptic using apt-get [03:23] kgfix: how do I load the terminal with a key command? [03:23] Alonea: but you'll probably end up installing lot of other GNOME stuff with it i guess.. [03:23] my kicker bar is gone atm [03:24] u mean u want to start the terminal using a keyboard shortcut? [03:24] kgfix: yes! [03:24] thought ctrl+esc loaded that process manager. [03:25] u just need to assign any KB shortcut u choose.. [03:25] Alonea: i really forgot how i did it.. :P lemme check.. [03:26] kgfix: okies. [03:27] er, I got one open. I had dolphin up and that has a terminal link. now to redo kicker I though the command was kill kicker? [03:28] Does Kubuntu ever install *anything* in /usr/local/ ? [03:30] Alonea: okie.. i got it... [03:30] ok, I got kicker back [03:30] Alonea: open system settings [03:30] alright [03:31] under "computer administration" go to "keyboard & mouse" [03:31] ok, I see it now. [03:31] Alonea: yep..KB shortcuts >> Command Shortcuts TAB [03:33] kgfix: thanks! [03:35] Alonea: you're welcome :) [03:35] What the? [03:36] no X dev libs? === mschaef is now known as rwtuifs [03:44] hi there, does anyone know what package contains "dh_strip" ? [03:45] laelle: apt-file says debhelper [03:47] does anyone know of a real good way to resize a directory of mages in linux? [03:47] tanks [03:47] does anyone know of a real good way to resize a directory of images in linux? [03:48] Covener: dh_strip <> strip ? [04:01] jeff__: Gotta stop eating those chocolate frogs. [04:02] jeff__: What you want to do is resize all of the images in a directory? [04:02] Am I correct in my understanding that there is no difference between ubuntu and kubuntu after install, apart from initial packages that come with the install discs? [04:02] sini: The user interfaces, "desktop environments" are different, the base system is the same. [04:03] * jhutchins slaps jeff__ awake with a large, damp trout. [04:04] alright, next question... ubuntu's testing/unstable branch... how stable is it? Does it frequently break? I understand that it's probably not reccomended to use... but I come from a gentoo/debian-sid background :D [04:04] No use. Must've fallen asleep in the poppy field. [04:04] sini: If you want to find bugs, use testing. If you want to do work, use released. [04:05] sini: *buntu is far more current than debian testing. [04:05] sini: iirc the release cycle is six months, and there are backports. [04:05] jhutchins: I would hope so. :( I've been fighting tooth and nail with debian unstable today and decided to go ahead and try out ubuntu since everyone raves about it. [04:06] Yeah, unstable is for devs. [04:06] Stable is for constipated sysadmins who need to report no issues to pointy-haired bosses. [04:07] I have just landed in an environment where we are using Centos 4.4. [04:07] Constipation awaits. [04:07] I was having some crazy linking issue with compiling fglrx that's impossible to diagnose. :( [04:07] sini: Understand that that 3d shit only works for about 10% of users. [04:08] I've had it working in gentoo, but I've realized that I want an OS that does something other than compile 90% of the time. [04:08] sini: It's really cool, and within the next week I have to acquire hardware it works on and sell the sox off the Wizard of Ozz, but hey, that's life. [04:10] so when is kde4 coming to ubuntu? Is the RC backported or will I have to wait till the jan 11th release date? (I trust it hasn't been pushed back again) [04:11] sini: it hasn't been pushed back, and there's no target date yet for Kubuntu packages. they'll come when they're built... if there will be no problems w/ the build system... [04:12] sini: KDE4 is significantly unfinished. Ther are essential every-day components that haven't even been ported yet. [04:12] sini: Stop thinking latest release number is best. [04:13] * Jucato edits jhutchins sentence... s/KDE4/KDE 4.0/ [04:13] sini: KDE4 is two or three releases before production, and it doesn't even have a first release yet. [04:13] hm... well even then, KDE 4.0 is finished as far as a .0 release is concerned [04:13] Jucato: Figure nobody really used kde 3 before 3.3. [04:13] 3.0 wasn't. [04:13] jhutchins: you will have to differentiate between what KDE 4.0 is and what KDE 4 is :) [04:14] jhutchins: There are a number of features of KDE4 that I desire greatly. :D [04:14] KDE4 is wonderful - and just a future dream. [04:14] A good read: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3174 [04:14] jhutchins: um... slightly wrong [04:14] sini: There are a number of features of the next generation space shuttle that I look foreward to. [04:15] "KDE 4" doesn't refer to a single, final, one-time release. so to call it a "future dream" is a bit inaccurate... [04:15] jhutchins: >.> You wont sway me I'm an ex-gentoo user :D [04:15] * jhutchins lives in a world where people have to do daily work on the linux workstations he distributes. [04:15] sini: [04:15] sini: as it is though, you will have to use both KDE 3 and KDE 4 if ever you decide to use KDE 4 as your main session (KDE 3 apps in a KDE 4 sesion) [04:15] Former ricer. [04:15] sini: http://www.ciudadmomia.com/~krawek/xs [04:16] jhutchins: good. you can keep on using KDE 3.5 like the rest of the world will :) [04:16] my external won't mount because it wasn't removed properly..how do I fix this? [04:16] Actually, I think we're distributing 3.3. [04:16] no one is being forced to use KDE 4.0 as their main (unless you're going to use Fedora 9...) [04:16] Jucato: yeah, I used the cvs for a while several months ago. It was flakey at best. [04:16] stable and all that. [04:17] it gives me cannot mount volume [04:17] jhutchins: nice. won't upgrade to 3.4? :) [04:17] anyway.... me->isGone = true; [04:18] doesn't kde4's kwin boast compiz-like compositing and stuff? [04:18] yes and no [04:19] it has compositing and "effects", but I wouldn't compare it yet to the effects that compiz has [04:19] Jucato: Stable. [04:19] can someone help me with that? [04:19] oh quick question -- I'm not one for reinstalling. When stable jumps up a version.. I know that they boast 6 month release cycles... I can just change my sources.list and be fine right? [04:19] We must support systems that have been in the field for ten years. [04:20] sini: you're talking about Kubuntu releases now right? if so, then yes [04:20] They must not be incompatible with the elements we ship to those systems today. [04:20] jucato: yeah. Thanks :D [04:20] sini: actually, it's becoming simple and simpler lately. more automated and stuff... but sometimes it still fails :( [04:20] Everybody pile on Evolution2 now, help it out. [04:21] s/it/him/ :D [04:21] anyone here use usenet?? [04:22] next quick question -- I don't want to burn a dvdr, is it possible to install kubuntu from inside another running linux distro if I mount the image or something? [04:23] hello all. i just installed 7.10 and added sources and used aptitude to update....it errored and now when i run apt my computer becomes unresponsive(keyboad does nothing,cap lock light doesnt respond) [04:25] Oh, another question before I start trying to install it -- are there drawbacks for using a x86_64 release? I know some distros break flash/drivers/etc. [04:26] I'll prepare a USB bootdiscthing while I wait for an answer about x86_64's tendancy to break, or lack thereof [04:27] * Jucato only has a 32-bit, single core box.... [04:27] * Jucato isReallyGone = true; [04:27] Would I be correct in assuming that KDE4 packages will be added the the gutsy repos? === darkforce__ is now known as posingaspopular [04:27] When KDE4 is released [04:27] sini: as far as I know, arch linux can do that; not clear about ubuntu/kubuntu though [04:28] sonoftheclayr: depends on how soon the packages are going to be built [04:28] Thanks [04:28] dastal not really a kubuntu question :} [04:29] bazhang: actually it has a follow up question. he's looking for a newsreader app :) [04:29] (to which I answered, knode) [04:30] Jucato: sorry! :} [04:30] it's ok. he asked in another channel anyway :P [04:31] haha === benny5 is now known as spine55 [04:47] whats the name of the system tray battery monitor [04:52] corporeal_: The caption calls it Power Manager. Let me check what's running under a similar name... [04:53] I [04:53] I've got a python script called "guidance-power-" running (note trailing hyphen). Could that be it? [04:54] Nothing else with "power" or "bat" or "monitor" in the name [04:56] hey [04:57] how can i make amarok play mp3 [04:57] !restricted [04:57] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:57] i totally fogot the name [04:57] :) [04:57] kubuntu-restricted I think is the package your looking for.. [04:57] what restricted? [04:57] ok [04:58] thanks [04:58] but how can i use the command [04:59] sudo apt-get install..... [04:59] kubuntu-restricted-extras [04:59] sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [04:59] Yeah [05:00] wow [05:00] do we have to upgrade kubuntu [05:00] to install it [05:00] ?? [05:01] cause they say they can't find that package [05:01] :( [05:01] hello all i set up my laptop to use the ati drive(it works) but i only have one screen size and its realy small....i have no other screen size options. [05:01] do sudo apt-get update first [05:02] how can i get the right resolution? [05:02] do sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras onishidato [05:03] ok [05:03] se7en: thanks [05:03] oophs [05:03] still can't find that package [05:04] http://www.texnolyze.us/Graphics/snapshot1.png <-- kde4 snapshot [05:04] onishidato: are you sure you spelled it right [05:05] oh god [05:05] i know why now [05:05] he he [05:05] sorry [05:05] :) [05:05] roob_: run sudo aticonfig [05:07] last time i used the program name "yakuake", but i don't know the exactly name [05:07] can someone tell me the name? [05:07] yakuake? [05:07] is it? [05:07] the true name [05:08] Yeah [05:08] yep..it is. [05:08] ok [05:08] thnks [05:08] i'm using both Win XP and kubuntu [05:08] last time [05:09] <_Rukus> why is it when i play video, my screen has this annoying diagonal split, across the middle of the video, very noticeable in fast moving times in movie? [05:09] my window had broken [05:09] so i use Ghost program to reinstall it [05:09] but it makes my kubuntu damaged too [05:09] now i have just reinstall kubuntu [05:10] _Rukus: What program are you using to play your video, and have you tried any other programs? [05:10] can my kubuntu recover my lost data? from my old linux? [05:10] suggestion: ubuntu/kubuntu should provide out-of-the-box availability of east asian input methods [05:10] <_Rukus> its all of my programs [05:10] <_Rukus> mplayer, vlc, kaffeine [05:11] _Rukus: What video engine are you using? Have you tried others? [05:11] also, [05:11] <_Rukus> i dont know, how do i know how do i check, how do i change it? [05:11] kbuntu's chinese language locale does not show all characters correctly... [05:12] onishidato: You should always use a separate partition for your /home directory. That way you can reinstall as many times as you want/need, and as long as you don't format your /home partition, all of your data and settings will stay intact. [05:12] currently, [05:12] to install a chinese pinyin input method, [05:13] i must manually google for an instruction [05:13] MGrunde: i use 2 HDD for my winxp and Kubuntu [05:14] _Rukus: in VLC go to Settings - Preferences - Video - Output modules [05:14] MGrunde: when i use ghost for XP [05:14] they damaged my kubuntu [05:14] <_Rukus> oh i tried X11 but it makes the video ugly [05:14] <_Rukus> and the rest dont work well for my tastes [05:14] Okay. [05:14] onishidato: Windows and Ubuntu are on separate hard drives? [05:15] MGrunde: yes [05:15] <_Rukus> i wonder why it draws the way it does [05:15] MGrunde: sound strange huh? :( [05:15] _Rukus: I'm not sure. You don't have any problems in Windows? What video driver are you using? [05:16] onishidato: Very. Ghost should not have touched the second hard drive if you were only reinstalling Windows to the first hard drive. [05:16] <_Rukus> Proprietary FGLRX [05:16] <_Rukus> ATO [05:16] <_Rukus> ATI [05:16] _Rukus: Do you have the same problems with radeon? [05:17] _Rukus: What video card do you have? [05:17] onishidato: Can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l [05:17] <_Rukus> xpress 200m. and i dont plan on changing drivers if i need not. i use compiz [05:18] <_Rukus> i dont use windows [05:18] MGrunde: yep, i don't know how, cause i set my Window HDD for the master, and Kubuntu HDD for 2nd [05:18] !pastebin [05:18] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [05:19] <_Rukus> brb [05:19] _Rukus: Okay. Well, you might as well try to play some video using the ati driver. If it works, at least we know it's a driver problem. [05:20] kgfix: Thanks [05:20] MGrunde:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50676/ [05:21] MGrunde: :) i am new to IRC and all.. did it for myself.. :P =)) [05:21] !Happy New Year [05:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about happy new year - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi === Vorian_ is now known as vorian [05:21] there is an urban legend that there is no virus for linux [05:21] Haha. I'd read up on the factoids most popular list. It really taught me a lot about ubotu and the channel. [05:22] is that true? and why? [05:22] yao_ziyuan: that's almost true [05:22] onishidato: why? [05:22] yao_ziyuan: in general we don't have virus [05:22] onishidato: because linux has strict permission management for every directory and file? [05:22] !virus [05:22] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [05:23] thx [05:23] se7en: thks [05:23] onishidato: Can you run "sudo fdisk -l" [05:23] onishidato: Where l is a lowercase L [05:24] MGrunde: sure =>http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50677/ [05:26] One second. My mouse is going crazy. I think it wants batteries. [05:26] the setup utility crashes when trying to mount a samba share from the disk&filesystems window in system settings. can anyone help me? [05:26] MGrunde: wireless mouse? [05:28] it happens when i click the "scan" button to find the computer it's on [05:29] !restricted [05:29] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:30] Yeah. It's a wireless mouse. New batteries didn't help though. It's double clicking when it's supposed to be single clicking. Very annoying. [05:31] onishidato: Okay, how about "sudo df -B GB [05:31] " [05:31] Kernel who was that meant for? [05:32] MGrunde: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50678/ [05:35] * se7en_ thinks he needs a bigger hdd [05:35] onishidato: Okay. By the looks of your partitioning, you don't have a separate /home partition, so when you reinstalled kubuntu, everything would have been formatted and overwritten. [05:36] with kubuntu? [05:36] elliott_, myself [05:36] MGrunde: when i reinstall kubuntu? [05:38] onishidato: Wait. I thought you said you already reinstalled Kubuntu? [05:38] onishidato: are you using your installed kubuntu now? [05:39] MGrunde: my new one [05:39] MGrunde: yes [05:39] onishidato: Okay, then yes. When you reinstalled kubuntu, it would have erased everything previously there, as you only have one main partition right now. [05:40] :( [05:40] MGrunde: how can i make partrition for kubuntu? [05:40] Well, the easiest way would be when you are installing Kubuntu to use the manual partitioning method. [05:41] It would be very hard to do it now because you would need to resize your root partition, which you can only do when it's not mounted. [05:43] I'll be back in a few minutes. [05:43] MGrunde: ok [05:43] !flash [05:43] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [05:43] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [05:43] can kubuntu 7.10 use rpm file? [05:45] onishidato: google for "debian rpm" and have a read... but better to search the APT database for the same program in DEB format... [05:46] sorry, gotta run -- baby calls [05:46] mike: they have 3 fomat type: rpm, yum, and tar. i don't know which one [05:47] onishidato: No, you cannot use an rpm file on kubuntu. What are you trying to install? [05:47] tar will require command line. If you don't like, try going to synaptic in your ubuntu menu and search there for the program instead === hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka_ [05:47] ardchoille: adobe flash player [05:48] onishidato: kubuntu is debian based there for it uses .deb files [05:48] !flash | onishidato [05:48] onishidato: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [05:48] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [05:48] really gotta go, sorry -- baby is bashing keyboard tray. [05:48] can anyone help me get my samba share mounted? when i try to do it through the system settings program, things start crashing [05:49] ok [05:49] thanks guys [05:52] let's try this way, can anyone tell me the program name of the "mount a new disk" window so i can install the debugging symbols for it for a bug report? [05:53] elliot_: if Kubuntu: it's called HAL. if Ubuntu: best put it under "GNOME" I think. [05:54] elliot_: what are you trying to do (detail)? [05:54] well in the Kcrashhandler program there's a tracebag tab, but it just prints about 50 "no debug symbols found" [05:55] Back [05:55] when i try to mount a samba share through the disk&filesystems window, it crashes when i click the "scan" button [05:55] prolly no good sending bug trace anyway then [05:55] well i want to install the debug symbols but i won't know what the program is [05:55] don't [05:55] hold on, thinking... [05:56] !back |MGrunde [05:56] MGrunde: Hurray, I've rejoined the channel. Too many bugs :) [05:57] I just installed Kubuntu on my laptop and installed the linuxant drivers for my modem. I can dial-up very well. I can ping hosts, I can connect to irc, I can use apt-get and adept. However, I cannot browse with konqi. [05:57] What could be the cause of this? [05:57] well, good news and bad news... [05:57] good news: already a bug filed: 110128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/110128 [05:58] bad news: no-one has a clue yet [05:59] prolly subscribe to the bug and wait. if you need to access the share, I can probably cobble together some command-line hackery to get you by in the mean time.. :( [05:59] Hehe. Thanks. [05:59] Actually, one second. [06:00] well i can access it just fine [06:00] i just can't mount it [06:00] Any suggestions? [06:00] Yay! Fixed my mouse! [06:01] What's the problem ichthudion? [06:01] I just installed Kubuntu on my laptop and installed the linuxant drivers for my modem. I can dial-up very well. I can ping hosts, I can connect to irc, I can use apt-get and adept. However, I cannot browse with konqi. [06:01] elliot_: try smbmount [06:02] smbmount //host/share_name /mount_point [06:02] system menu->remote places->samba shares shows it and lets me browse and copy/delete, but i can't play music directly off the share, and i'm assuming i would be able to if it were mounted. [06:02] ahh [06:03] ichthudion: How about updating apt? Does that work? [06:03] maybe. if you use amarok, it's a whole nother way to access I think [06:03] let me try it [06:04] MGrunde: As far as I can tell the only thing I cannot do is browse. It takes ages to do anything since I'm stuck on dial-up for now [06:04] hey guys, I can't seem to be able to mount my external it tells me that its still in use and I have to force but even that doesn't work. can someone help [06:04] ichthudion: No wireless networks in the area? Heh. [06:05] elliot_: check out Amarok's documentation: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Dynamic_Collection [06:05] MGrunde, I'm in the middle of the country. I forgot that dial-up even existed [06:05] elliot_: especially: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Samba#The_Solution [06:06] Regardless of the painfully slow speeds. It would be very nice to be able to browse without having to boot into Vista [06:06] I think that may help you out [06:06] Evolution2: Did you try pmount? [06:06] um no [06:07] hmm [06:07] it didn't work [06:07] ichthudion: Well, unless images and flash are very important, and I hope they're not if you're on dialup, try Lynx. [06:07] It's a text only browser that you can run from the terminal. [06:08] Evolution2: What did pmount say? [06:08] MGrunde: it doesn't even work on windows. it tells me that its in generic mode. is there a way to force it? [06:09] MGrunde: I'm very familiar with console browsers as they have saved me many times over the years. But I find it odd that all of my services are working except for web browsing [06:09] MGrunde: well it told me its not installed but I am actually on gnome right now [06:11] ichthudion: I find it odd too. I would imagine that it has something to do with Konqueror, so as I'm not very familiar with it, I'm trying to think of alternatives that don't force you to download firefox. [06:12] MGrunde: I prefer Firefox. But I know that will takes ages to download [06:13] Oh I might like to add that it displays the favicon of every site I attempt to navigate to [06:13] MGrunde: any ideas? [06:14] dillo [06:14] But displays: An error occurred while loading : Could not connect to host . [06:14] ichthudion: dillo, minimum browser [06:15] Evolution2: If you run "sudo fdisk -l" can you see it? [06:16] MGrunde: yes I can [06:17] What device is it? === dac_ is now known as _dac_ [06:17] sdb2 [06:17] mike_ [13819.215460] smbfs: mount_data version 1935764838 is not supported [06:17] has anyone here set up kubuntu on a ps3? [06:17] mike_ when i try to run the commands on that page [06:18] i see that in dmesg [06:19] !de [06:19] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [06:19] anyone help me to get skim working? i can't figure out how to use it [06:20] Evolution2: Okay, can you install pmount then run "sudo pmount sdb2" [06:20] ok [06:21] !skim [06:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about skim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:21] !infoskim [06:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about infoskim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:22] !info-skim [06:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about info-skim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:22] !info skim [06:22] skim: smart common input method platform for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1238 kB, installed size 2688 kB [06:22] warcraft III isn't working.. it freezes.. this game always worked for me in the past... but not on the current kubuntu version [06:23] matthew: you could play freeciv instead... [06:23] MGrunde: I get the same error [06:23] graft: uh... yeah, right.. [06:23] Evolution2: Sorry, what was the exact error again? [06:24] graft: i've never really been able to figure out freeciv anyway [06:25] Error: could not determine real path of the device: No such file or directory [06:26] Hi folks, I had a drive flake out so I re-installed kubuntu on another partition (fresh) and am wondering if there is a list of packages on the old install someplace that I can get and install them all again in one shot? [06:28] !backup [06:28] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [06:28] !cloning [06:28] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [06:28] that's the one K`zan [06:29] stdin: Thank you VERY *VERY* much Sir! [06:29] Evolution2: Okay, can you pastebin your dmesg? [06:30] ok [06:30] Has anyone ever managed to set up 3 monitors on 2 video cards before in here? [06:30] I think that means I am going to have to get lucky and boot that partition to get it :-/. [06:30] Can but try. [06:30] K`zan: just chroot into it [06:30] mount it somewhere (like /mnt) and do "sudo chroot /mnt" for instance [06:31] Oy, that has been a while since I had to do that, gonna have to look it up :-). Thanks/ [06:31] Ah, ok thanks! [06:31] MUCH! [06:31] :) [06:31] MGrunde: done [06:31] HATE it when hardware goes flakey... [06:31] K`zan: you mount it, cd to its mount point, then chroot into it [06:32] matthew: what's not to figure out? [06:32] Evolution2: What's the link? [06:32] ATI setup:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50680/ nvidia setup:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50681/ both the Svideo out, and the monitor work. [06:33] MGrunde: http://pastebin.com/d3d2a0738 [06:34] Evolution2: Can you run "dmesg" then pastebin that also? [06:34] !dmesg [06:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:35] Odd. [06:35] graft, just really don't get it.. I'd have to be in it, to give you specifics. [06:37] MGrunde: can I send you a PM [06:37] Sure [06:37] I think this could be important [06:41] stdin: billybobobo Thanks, seems to be working, would HATE to do that manually (again) :-). [06:41] Evolution2: hmm, haven't been following much, but maybe this cana help: All of your mount commands in that pastebin looked incorrect. The lastone would have still needed filesystem type, I think, for NTFS. [06:42] Lynoure: so what do you the command should be? [06:46] Evolution2: if you need or want to use pmount, pmount -t ntfs /dev/sdb2 === hagabaka_ is now known as hagabaka [06:47] hello again ran into a problem installing kubuntu -- twice now. When kdm goes to launch it hangs, and shows me a pretty blue screen with my pointer, and then restarts, and restarts again and dies. [06:47] Evolution2: or with normal mount: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb2 /mnt/whatyouwannacallit [06:47] like xorg is failing, but it's not. [06:49] this is with a iso-> usb install, and a copy the livecd to a hd partition and using grub... both cases... dont want to waste a dvd to get the result again === cletus is now known as Lichte [06:49] sini did you check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file? [06:49] nothing in the xorg log, and the kdm log just shows the xorgouput [06:49] does 7.10 have a firewall turned on by default?? I can't bittorrent to work [06:50] I've just installed Kubuntu [06:50] have you tried re-running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [06:50] theres an error line (EE) regarding aiglx, but theres no mention of aiglx anywhere in the xorg.conf and i'm pretty sure it'd work even with that notice [06:51] Lichte: I don't think it does. [06:52] the-erm: I didn't this so either [06:52] the-erm: I can't understand why I can't bittorrent now though [06:52] the-erm: thanks for your support that was dumb of me not to try [06:52] sini sorry I'm stumped with my own xorg problem atm. [06:53] Lichte: I'd check a few things ... like your router, can you access the net? What torrent program are you using? [06:53] maybe it was panicing about refresh rates or dpms or something the xorg.conf file itself looked fine :-/ [06:53] the-erm: maybe I can help? I've fought with xorg a lot. :-/ [06:53] the-erm: I was bittorrenting just fine with this router [06:54] the-erm: I just plugged in this computer and it won't [06:54] sini I'm trying to set up 3 monitors on 2 video cards. I can get either the ati card to work, or the nvidia card to work but not both. [06:54] I've tried ktorrent and deluge [06:54] oh well, thanks for your help [06:54] Lichte: can you get on the net with it? [06:55] the-erm: I did that ages ago with a dual head matrox and a geforce using xinerama [06:55] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50680/ # ati config # http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50681/ #nvida config # [06:55] if you care to look. [06:55] will do one sec [06:56] Lynoure: I tried that [06:57] Maybe I should change my nick to the project I'm currently promoting ... [06:57] Evolution2: and what error did you get? [06:58] the-erm: Idunno, you might try using keywords 'rightof' instead of the absolute positions... but other than that I don't know [06:58] it /looks/ good (the nvidia file) [06:59] That's the problem ... it looks fine, but doesn't work :? [06:59] oh, you also might try adding busid's for all 3 cards [07:00] oh wait you do [07:00] shouldn't one of those nvidia's be like 2:3:1? [07:00] I know with my old matrox it was [07:01] Well the nvidia seems to work fine. [07:01] I'm on it right now, both the svideo, and monitor work. [07:02] Lynoure: did you get the link? [07:02] I'm sorry I can't be of any more help. Multiple monitors are a pain. :-/ [07:03] It's ok. [07:04] I really should have given up on it, I think I've been trying for over 16 hours to figure it out with different little tweaks. [07:04] I'm just not an expert with xorg.conf files. [07:13] installing vmware and it is asking me to say "ok" but nothing seems to work, suggestions please? [07:14] control-c,d,x does nothing, control-v pages through it. [07:14] pages through the agreement that is. [07:14] but nothing will trigger the [07:15] Clicking on it doesn't work either. [07:16] Great, 9 gazillion packages stacked up behind it to install and I can't even kill it :-(. [07:17] Killed the session, going to get to an actual console and restart it, if I can. [07:20] How does one get rid of this: [07:20] DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process [07:21] Killing off the hung vmware install seems to have made a mess :-( [07:23] hmmmm guess there is no autoresume for wget [07:23] se7en__: wget -c [07:23] K`zan: sudo fuser -vik /var/cache/debconf/config.dat [07:25] stdin: i use -c but if my internet connection crashes for a couple of minutes it will not automaticly start again ... i leave the download running over night if i loose internet at 10pm it be stuck till next morning ... [07:26] it should timeout and quit [07:28] stdin: That clears it and it goes right back to the vmware thing and I can't get past that, will try it again here in a few, thanks! [07:29] K`zan: you have to goto the bottom and use the tab key to navigate to the "OK" and use enter to accept [07:32] hi, is there command to see the ip to the servers I'm connected to ? [07:33] schiste: yes, netstat (shows then at the top edge) [07:33] yep I did it [07:33] i have a visioneer onetouch 5800 usb scanner, how do i get it to work in kubuntu? [07:34] am i missing some programs? [07:34] Lynoure but my problem is I don't directly see the ip :) [07:34] only the local adress [07:34] oh hold on [07:34] my mystake ^_^ [07:35] schiste: you are already showing loads of initiave. :) I guess you found --numeric-hosts ? [07:36] nope [07:36] Trying that :) [07:37] Exactly what I needed as I wanted to see the port it was using :) [07:37] has anybody the sam problem.. after a while.. when i open kde system guard, it opens.. but no processes will be listed.. [07:38] then after fews seconds.. about 30-60.. all is fine [07:42] suspending my pc will log me out how can i stop this? [07:44] Hi All! [07:45] !hi | r00ter [07:45] r00ter: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! === Dannilionz is now known as Dannilion [07:52] I just installed kubuntu, the network thing is pretty nice (and the encryption support worked flawless) [07:53] but I find it strange there are a number of non-installable packages in the repository. klibido, hellanzb [07:54] hi can someone help me [07:54] ? [07:55] matr1x: helps if you mention what version of kubuntu you're using and post to pastebin (see link in the topic) what the errors are [07:56] i just installed kubuntu and then i installed all the security updates but now i can't use adept package manager anymore [07:57] fair enough, latest stable version of gutsy off of kubuntu.org [07:57] of course /etc/issue says ubuntu 7.10 \n \; [07:58] see what "sudo apt-get install " throws at you [07:59] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50686/ [07:59] can anyone help a wine noob install warcraft 3? [08:00] !games | elliott_ [08:00] elliott_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [08:01] i don't have the broken one [08:01] i just reinstalled everything without updating === root_ is now known as root_kk [08:01] jj === root_kk is now known as denny [08:02] its peculiar because I have mythbuntu (based on 7.10 as well it seems) and those packages install fine [08:02] ill live either way [08:02] just seems odd [08:02] but i get SIGABRT in adept [08:02] when i try to "unlock the database" [08:03] r00ter: jsut go ahead and adk [08:03] well nto me, im leaving, but ifyou ask, you'll get help ;p [08:04] oh right, mythbuntu is 64 bit [08:05] shoulda mentionned that [08:06] name_: try just doing "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a", then open adept [08:08] stdin: Thanks, that is the only thing I didn't try LOL! [08:11] hi there. ive made a modeline for my 1080 monitor it works but the picture starts "in" from the left of the monitor cutting off some from the right [08:11] stdin: is it common for this type of problem to happen in linux? like after updating, something breaks [08:11] is there a way i can shift it back using xorg? [08:11] name_: not that common, but it's not unheard of ;) [08:25] Thanks very much for all the help stdin, very much appreciated! === spook is now known as spook[] [08:29] Ugh. Can anybody point me to a list of PCI-USB2 cards that work with ubuntu ? [08:31] hi all [08:31] hi max [08:33] spook[]: it should be on wiki.ubuntu.com somewhere [08:33] my internet browser is broken atm, but it should be easily searchable [08:34] posingaspopular: i did a couple searches there, and only managed to find pages that described how such a list should be maintained [08:36] 'pci-usb'? [08:38] Yeah; a PCI card that adds USB2 ports to my machine. [08:38] i would assume most work [08:38] its a matter of the chipset being supported of course, but i cant think why any wouldnt be [08:40] !hardware | spook[]: have you looked at [08:40] spook[]: have you looked at: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection === Pupeno_ is now known as Pupeno [08:41] i found something else [08:42] yo yo yo [08:43] how can we resize desktop? [08:43] onishidato, do you mean increase screen resolution? [08:43] onishidato, to make the icons smaller [08:43] yeah [08:44] yep [08:44] make icon smaller [08:44] or maybe both [08:44] onishidato, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [08:45] onishidato, then when the resolution section appears, select the ones you desire [08:45] ok [08:45] thnks [08:46] onishidato, np [08:47] onishidato, did you google before asking? [08:54] Hello guys. I`m trying to set up a fan speed control using lm-sensors/pwmconfig/fancontrol. But when I "sudo pwmconfig" I get this error: "hwmon1/device/pwm1_enable stuck to 1". My mobo is Abit KN9 (Nforce 4 chipset) and the fan is a 3-wire, connected to the system-fan connector on the mobo. Can somebody give a hint on what might be the problem? [08:59] itch_, have you googled for the error? [09:00] ActionParsnip : Yes. But i get no results. [09:00] itch_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=600468 look what i found [09:00] itch_, might just help, not sure [09:01] just google for pwm1_enable stuck to 1 [09:01] ActionParsnip : 10x. The odd thing is that i just search on ubutforums for the error :( [09:01] itch_, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-612828.html [09:03] itch_, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2005/10/25/%23ubuntu.html === webvicti1 is now known as webvictim [09:06] hi there, can someone please tell me howcome i can send via bluetooth any file to my cellular phone, but i cannot send to the computer via bluetooth ?? it says connection refused [09:06] itch_, its not something ive really played with as nvidia has cool n quiet which works with the kernel [09:07] can someone please help me with bluetooth [09:07] Hmm. And how do I enable the c`n`q ? [09:08] faissal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40780 [09:08] itch_, if its enavbled in bios it already there [09:09] yhx ActionParsnip [09:09] thx [09:09] ActionParsnip : do you have a 3 wire of a 4 wire CPU fan ? [09:09] faissal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34740 [09:09] faissal, that one seems better [09:11] !paste [09:11] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [09:11] !find whois [09:11] Found: whois, gwhois, jwhois, libnet-whois-raw-perl, libnet-whois-ripe-perl (and 2 others) [09:14] Hi, I added a page to the Ubuntu Community documentation. Is this appropriate? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KDERamdisk?action=subscribe [09:14] oops, sorry [09:14] don't follow that link [09:15] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KDERamdisk?action=show [09:15] hidden message [09:16] level1, i'd go to kubuntu-devel [09:16] рашн [09:16] max_, ? [09:16] it's a message on russian [09:18] max_: secret message? [09:18] ActionParsnip: doesn't seem to be very active... [09:18] ActionParsnip: kubuntu-devel, that is [09:19] i've just installed this gutsy kubuntu-ubuntu thing on notebook and was wondering if there russian keys support, sorry [09:20] level1, looks cool man. might do it on my eee to reduce writes to the hdd [09:20] the /list says there are 80k users inline in the server [09:21] the /list says there are 80k users inline in the serveronline [09:21] max_, did you select russian stuff when you installed? [09:21] ActionParsnip: EEE uses flash memory, which has a limited number of writes... this might increase the longevity of your laptop [09:21] level1: at this time, yeah kubuntu-devel is a bit asleep. someone will take notice of your post anyway. [09:21] ActionParsnip: please report your success [09:21] mm anyone knows how create a debian pack ? i need for this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652843 [09:21] Jucato: okay, thanks! [09:21] level1, yeah thats a major downside to it (added to favourites) === max_ is now known as OMFWTFITZMAX [09:22] !packaging | bucatoamano [09:22] bucatoamano: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [09:22] bucatoamano: you can probably ask for help in #ubuntu-motu as well [09:23] ok thanks [09:23] help please anyone compiled already gcc 4,2,2 on kubuntu? [09:23] !info gcc gutsy [09:23] gcc: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-9ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB [09:23] !info gcc hardy [09:24] gcc: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB [09:24] oh [09:24] OMFWTFITZMAX: it's available only in Hardy (the next release in April) [09:24] i didn't know that, i've copied the 40 mb version 4.2.2 [09:24] anyone knows how to find which version of ubuntu i m running ? [09:24] OMFWTFITZMAX: could you also please change your nick. [09:24] Ramchan: "lsb_release -a" [09:24] to what nick? [09:25] Jucato: thnx [09:25] anything that doesn't involve capital letters (considered shouting) or "wtf" (considered inappropriate) [09:25] ok === OMFWTFITZMAX is now known as max32167 [09:26] better [09:26] funny that you would compile a compiler, but I guess theres no other way, unless you write it in assembly [09:27] but, it makes you wonder what version of gcc gcc is compile against [09:27] i have a dissertation project which must be compiled with gcc 3.2 or higher [09:27] max32167: gutsy has GCC 4.1.2.. which is higher than 3.2. you don't specifically need 4.2.2 then [09:27] when I run .sh file it doesn't find g++ compiler [09:28] level1, afaik you write the compile the compiler in its own language with itself :) [09:28] jucato how do i find g++ file? [09:28] !build-essential | max32167 [09:28] max32167: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [09:28] you need to install the package "build-essential" [09:28] ok [09:29] goodnight [09:31] when i was under linux xp there were 4 c++ compilers already [09:35] i cannot send any files to my computer via bluetooth but i can send to the phone ?? any idea ? [09:35] !bluetooth [09:35] For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [09:36] i set my tv to 1920x1080 using a modeline but it doesnt fill the whole screen [09:36] anyone experienced this? [09:39] hmm g++ 4.1 is about 30 mb and gcc 4.2.2 is about 200mb unpacked [09:39] the modeline probably has too much overscan [09:42] does anyone knows any open source language translator? like microcosmos [09:43] !help [09:43] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [09:44] !ver [09:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about ver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [09:46] @calc 123.229(4563*6.54) [09:46] !calc 123.229(4563*6.54) [09:46] !info git [09:46] git: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-11 (gutsy), package size 259 kB, installed size 992 kB [09:47] !botabuse > max32167 [09:47] hmm, installed the git package but hte git command isn't recognised [09:48] git is in git-core "sudo apt-get install git-core" [09:48] and I can't find any git binary [09:49] many thanks, what the heck is the git package for then? [09:50] not sure [09:50] heh, never mind, re-read the bots info more carefully [09:50] It doesn't actually say anything about checkout etc. [09:50] Still rather confusing [10:05] anyone jas installed new kde4 package? [10:05] from today === llutz_ is now known as llutz === ubuntu is now known as cirip === cirip is now known as ciripa` === desti_T2 is now known as desti [10:32] hi [10:32] hi there llutz_ [10:41] i have mounted hdd ext3 with options rw,user,auto and still cant write to - what otions i shoud use to have automatically mounted rw exec drive? [10:41] damaged filesystem [10:42] do a dmesg check the output [10:42] then umount then fsck it [10:42] ok thx [10:45] Boruta: use chown/chmod to set permissions, its a unix-fs [10:46] ill try [10:47] Boruta: no need for special fstab-options like at vfat/ntfs etc. [10:50] well im very new to linux (one month) i try first to make my computer work smoothly - sorry if questions are stupid :D [10:51] mm amarok doesn't play mp3 now...bah before yes now no , then when i try to play a mp3 it ask me if i want install mp3 support i click on OK and nothing happend [10:51] Boruta: there aren't stupid questions, just the answers are from time to time ;) [10:51] Boruta: there are no stupid questions only stupid to not ask them :) [10:53] and i would like know if someone wants test this application :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652843 [10:54] its a bit hard on the begining but once u know how it works and always the same way - very surprising after windows experience [10:56] anyone with latest kde4 snapshot? === gukk is now known as gukk_devel [11:00] doktoreas: KDE 4.0 Tagged, Kubuntu packages will come soon [11:00] hey all [11:00] i used this http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php [11:00] that today upgraded to latest tagged [11:04] can u suggest me some complete linux manual ? i like books :D [11:07] Linux:Complete Ref should do [11:08] Boruta: the official ubuntu book is great for ubuntu [11:08] kk thx [11:11] Boruta, if you want core linux then get the LPI books [11:11] Boruta, they show you the command and functionality comman to all distros === ubuntu is now known as _supertux_ [11:14] hey [11:14] anyone know of a program sorta like cool edit? [11:15] for linux [11:16] kirk: audacity [11:21] ty [11:23] thx i have my notes about books - have a nice day [11:23] do anyone know how can i use "xargs" command ? [11:23] some egs pls [11:26] i write export RML=/home/sokirko/RML but there is now variable $RML [11:27] how to register a variable ? [11:27] question guys, is anybody here good with dvd/video encoding? [11:27] im trying to convert an AVI to a dvd-playable format, and i've been following this guide http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/AVI_to_DVD [11:28] i have tried to re-encode it several times, and about halfway through the movie i get blips and pops and it basically becomes unwatchable... [11:28] am i doing something wrong? [11:32] mot_, let me see [11:32] mkay [11:33] mot_, you tried devede? [11:34] mot_, http://mopedia.blogspot.com/2007/12/avi-to-dvd.html [11:35] mot_, this seems cool too http://www.realtimeedit.com/blog/2007/10/07/avi-to-dvd-script-linux-ubuntu/ [11:49] it's still not very easy to adapt kbunutu to a chinese computing environment [11:49] first, the default chinese font does not support all characters displayed [11:50] Hello. I was on yesterday trying to get help on my new Kubuntu PC. Everytime I use the restricted drivers for my GeForce 8500 GT, I can't see anything, when it's not on, I can see, but I can't run most of my applications. [11:50] second, installing a chinese input method requires manually googling for a command-line-intensive instruction [11:53] the best approach is to let the user select his desired desktop language upon kubuntu installation, [11:54] and if the language is chinese/japanese/korean, [11:54] the installation program automatically sets up the corresponding input methods and makes them immediately accessible as a tray icon [11:55] also, should automatically install wenquanyi chinese fonts [12:01] I have dual head set up with separated displays. If I open a program in desktop 1, it runs in desktop 1 likewise for desktop two. How can I modify the firefox command line in the k menu to allow a window in each desktop? [12:02] Nobodies on that is helping at the moment. [12:03] arken0493: Sorry, I don't use closed source drivers. [12:04] What is the command for mounting mdf images again? [12:04] arken0493: do you still hear the login sound? [12:04] No. KDE completely crashes unless I boot it via terminal. [12:04] waylandbill: I can maybe help you if you expand your question to be a bit more clear. [12:06] neville_: you might need to convert it to iso first with mdf2iso [12:06] waylandbill: is it treating your two displays as different sessions where you can't move apps between them, or are you wanting the viceversa? [12:06] oh, that's right -_-v [12:06] sini: right. I don't have xinerama enabled, so I can't move windows between [12:06] sorry, i forgot about .iso ;; [12:06] hi [12:07] i've installaed gnash but it doesn't play this video http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/11/13/how-to-stream-video-online-for-free/ [12:07] sini: with that enabled, it's anyones guess which monitor an app starts on and sometimes I have one monitor off. === thenone_ is now known as thenone [12:08] sini: right now, if I start firefox on screen 2, it comes up in screen 2. Start it in screen 1, it comes up in screen 1. [12:08] waylandbill: what driver? nv? fglrx? open source? [12:08] sini: nvidia [12:08] neville_: when you have it as .iso, it's mount -t iso9660 -o loop [12:09] sini: the question really is how to get an menu item in the kmenu for firefox that will open a new window, not try to start a new instance [12:09] waylandbill: hrm... from what I know, unless you have something in the nv driver that's doing it, if you've got multiple monitors and xinerama off, they'll be completely isolated, and things shouldn't start accidentally on the opposite monitor. :-/ [12:09] Okay, thanks Lynoure [12:10] sini: I'm saying I disabled xinerama for that reason. [12:11] oh, so the problem is isolated with firefox? [12:11] with/to [12:12] sini: correct. If you try to start firefox from the menu, with one already running, it says it can't start another one. [12:12] I really don't want another one, just another window. [12:13] I have already tried the -a command line argument, with same result. [12:13] strg -n [12:15] waylandbill: maybe -new-window [12:16] sini: okay. that got me closer. If I do that in a command line, it does open a new window.. but if I try in a konsole on the other desktop, it says I've already got one running. :-( [12:18] -no-remote looks promising [12:18] sini: looking at that right now [12:19] hi there, how can i make firefox open embedded video x-maplyer2 type ?? [12:20] waylandbill: let me know if it works [12:21] sini: nope. same result. [12:21] http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Command_Line_Options#-no-remote -- try running both sessions with the option then [12:22] because looking through the list its the one you want [12:23] sini: when I specified no-remote and a second profile, it worked just fine [12:24] didn't really want a second profile, but that's an acceptable way to do it for what I need. [12:24] Yeah, thats what I was thinking -- but I dont see why it should need two profiles. :-/ [12:24] thanks for the help [12:25] hello. can someone please tell me how can i get kaffeine to open video in firefox ?? [12:27] faissal: googling for you -- please look too because I probably wont look dilligently enough as im about to go to bed :D [12:27] !info kaffeine-mozilla [12:27] kaffeine-mozilla: mozilla plugin that lanches kaffeine for supported media types. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 136 kB [12:27] sini : thx [12:28] sini : googling too [12:29] kaffeine-mozilla however isn't embedded, I've always used the mplayer plugin personally and here's a thread on your question: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=448139 [12:30] sini : thx, but i want kaffeine... no problem tho , ill keep looking [12:34] hi [12:35] Hi everyone, I have a question about remote access. I leave my computer on all the time and I want to be able to log into over the internet so I can run programs like passwordsafe. Can someone point me to a primer on the internet for this? I have been searching the ubuntu message boards, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for [12:36] whats the most logical place to put programs into that did not come from a repository (e.g. freemind, ganttproject, ...)? /usr/local/-something? /opt? [12:38] Briareos1: whole wars could be had over that question :) [12:38] Briareos1: both of those are ok. [12:38] I'd opt for /opt. hahah :) [12:39] but yeah, either works. the most important part is access to it. in fact, you can even put it in a subdir in your home [12:47] Lynoure :) can you suggest a page where i can find definitions of the different directories? [12:47] Jucato yeah i use subdir of the home for apps that only i use [12:48] jucato - but this time it's about a multiuser sys :) [12:49] Briareos1: you're best bet would probably /usr/local/ then... unless you're sure that /opt is included in the system $PATH or each user's $PATH [12:49] hey all - working with my usb harddrive... had it working, mounted, entry in fstab. Just rebooted my computer and now the drive is hdc1 and not hdb1 - how can i make it have the same dev id every time? [12:49] Briareos1: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard [12:49] jucato when is it rather /usr/local/ and when /usr/local/share ? [12:50] cheers for the links! [12:50] you don't install in /usr/local/share/... share/ directories are usually where programs install application data [12:52] for example, if you install in /usr/local (you use --prefix=/usr/local for example), binaries are put into /usr/local/bin, app data in /usr/local/share, configurations in /usr/local/etc, and so on [12:52] jucato k then I'll do /usr/local/freemind and so forth. thanks to both of you for the help [12:52] er... hm... [12:52] !compile [12:52] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [12:53] Briareos1: you might want to read that too... I think there's some tips about using a different prefix for installs [12:53] Jucato: dream came true, 4.0 is tagged ;), Congratulations my KFriend ;) [12:54] doesn't seem to make you happy :) well i am just wondering if it does make sense to keep the usual splitting of one app into many dirs (like bin etc and so forth) ... [12:54] emilsedgh: hehe congrats too :) [12:54] Briareos1: for the system, it does make sense :) [12:54] jucato how? [12:55] working with my usb harddrive... had it working fine, mounted, entry in fstab. Just rebooted my computer and now the drive is hdc1 and not hdb1 like it was when I installed it - how can i make it have the same dev id every time? [12:55] in the case when it's not a package it's hard to cleanly remove all files (is my assumption) [12:56] Briareos1: for stuff that you installed manually, you could go for one location + links for easier cleanup [12:56] well, unless you explicitly tell it to, the system looks for stuff in specific directories, like libraries in lib/ directories, so keeping the usual structure helps the system locate those parts [12:57] e.g. i've now /usr/local/freemind-bin-max-0.9.0_Beta_15_icon_butterfly/ and a symlink /usr/local/freemind to that - and i place a symlink to the startscript as /usr/local/bin/freemind ... [12:57] spykedtomato: did you plugged in other devices either? [12:58] werner: yes, my ipod, which is now mounted where the harddrive used to be [12:59] spykedtomato: mhh ... i never had such problems, after editing my fstab ... have you every device in fstab fixed? [12:59] werner: yes [12:59] spykedtomato: mhhh ... maybe it depends on hald? [13:00] Briareos1: cleaning up what the program installed is a part of the job of the build system (automake, cmake, etc... whatever "make"). when you run "make uninstall", it will remove everything that it installed. provided the source package was done properly and you didn't delete the build directory (where you ran "make") [13:00] Briareos1: I think that's all explained in the link about compiling software [13:01] Hello, PLZ suggest me an expert DownloadManager with GUI, Multithread, TempFile settings, Schedule, SpeedControl,... These r not good: KGet, w4x, wxdFast, multiget [13:01] werner: dunno - what's hald? [13:09] jucato: i ain't compiling in that case - freemind is java so i just download a full zip file and run it from its directory [13:10] jucato: the make options i understand on the other hand [13:10] spykedtomato: may this helps: "http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/HalFAQ" [13:11] spykedtomato: and this: "http://www.mythic-beasts.com/~mark/random/hal/" [13:13] spykedtomato: got it? [13:16] hey all [13:17] SKIM should provide a Install New Input Method button [13:18] yao_ziyuan, what/who is SKIM [13:18] !skim [13:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about skim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:18] SKIM is KDE's input method manager [13:19] !info skim | ActionParsnip [13:19] actionparsnip: skim: smart common input method platform for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1238 kB, installed size 2688 kB [13:19] ActionParsnip: K Menu > Utilities > Skim - Input method platform [13:19] KDE frontend for SCIM [13:20] there are two big problems i have encountered since trying Kubuntu [13:20] one is VMware-specific [13:20] in VMware, by default, Kubuntu uses a very big screen resolution [13:21] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osSO8bHdriQ [13:21] try [13:21] much larger than my actual physical monitor resolution [13:22] the other problem is chinese locale support [13:23] that SKIM thing should run automatically after install [13:23] and it should provides an Install New Input Method button [13:23] yao_ziyuan, you could put a symbolic like in ~/.kde/Autostart [13:23] rather than letting me manually google for a tutorial of how to install an input method [13:23] ActionParsnip: i know === vit__ is now known as kanoppero [13:24] ActionParsnip: actually, if you run SKIM for once, it by default will set itself to autostart [13:24] nj [13:25] does Kubuntu let the user select his locale during installation? [13:25] yao_ziyuan, coolness :) [13:25] i remember it does, when selecting Time Zone [13:26] but that is Time Zone [13:26] it only affects your time display [13:26] to set your work language, [13:27] K Menu > System Settings > Personal > Regional & Language [13:28] but somehow the "Install New Language" feature in "Regional & Language" does not install a Chinese input method or start SKIM if you add Chinese as a New Language [13:28] it does install over a hundred MBs of junk [13:28] like OpenOffice.org help file in chinese [13:29] which is not something as essential as a Chinese input method [13:29] My Meta key doesn't act like a Meta key in xterms since i installed Kubuntu. Is this most likely a KDE thing, or an X thing? === matthew_ is now known as MatthewB [13:31] need helpo [13:31] someone who talk swedish? [13:32] !sw [13:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about sw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:32] let me ask another thing: [13:32] me wireless doesn start on kubuntu [13:32] my [13:32] !swedish [13:32] Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se [13:33] is there a cross-platform c/c++ ide for desktop rapid application development (RAD) that is as easy as Delphi/Borland C++ Builder? for Delphi, there is Lazarus; and what about for C++? [13:33] yao_ziyuan: Kdevelop? [13:34] nosrednaekim: kdevelop does not run under windows [13:34] though thats not too cross platform(will be soon) [13:35] if i need to configure my internal wired network interface over knetworkmanager with a manual ip-adress, what are the steps? [13:35] need i really configure it over system settings, network? [13:36] ore is there any other way? [13:36] yao_ziyuan: yeah... it will soon though....maybe eclipse? [13:36] noaXess: yeah... do it in system settings [13:36] if i configure my wired network device over system settings / network.. i can't use knetworkmanager [13:36] nosrednaekim: but is there a gtk/qt form designer for eclipse? [13:36] then the hint is there, manual configuration.. how to turn this back? [13:37] yao_ziyuan: use qt-designer [13:37] noaXess: back to what? [13:37] qt-designer does.. and QT does integrate into MSVC [13:38] nosrednaekim: that i can rightclick on knetworkmanager and see there my wired and wireless network interface.. [13:38] noaXess: you can't do that now? [13:38] would you all stop sying 'soon' please - My IRC client pops up to alert me when my name is mentioned :-) [13:38] change your nick... [13:39] nosrednaekim: no.. can't.. cause i have configured my wired network adapter over system settings / network, once.. [13:39] hey soon... please change your nick.. don't use any common word.. [13:39] please soon, change your nick soon.. [13:40] * soon kicks himself [13:40] nosrednaekim: after that.. no i can configure my wired device only over system settings, network [13:40] .. err.. now i can ... [13:40] noaXess: oh, right. well, erase all of the lines refering to your wireless device in /etc/network/interfaces [13:40] I'll change my nick (soon) to something like 'kubuntu' or 'linux' or ... [13:41] !de [13:41] uhm [13:41] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [13:41] thanks [13:42] nosrednaekim: aha... is this the only way? [13:42] noaXess: the only way I know of (and i'm not garunteeing that it will work either) [13:43] nosrednaekim: i will try.. [13:43] after you are done, run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" [13:46] nosrednaekim: it wok [13:46] nosrednaekim: why dbus? networking will work.. /etc/init.d/networking restart [13:47] cool [13:47] noaXess: that resets the networkmanager as well [13:47] nosrednaekim: okay.. good to know :) [13:50] once more .... [13:50] !de [13:50] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [13:51] hello everyone, I have a networking question. I want to log into my desktop remotely over the internet. My computer is assigned an IP address through DHCP by the router (which I do not have control over). Is is possible to give myself remote access when I am on another network (say on a wireless connection at the coffeeshop on the corner?) [13:52] Assuming of course that I do know what the IP address is and have allowed uninvited access through the system preferences [13:52] nick [13:52] nick__: yes, via port forwarding. [13:53] nosrednaekim: Ok, so I need to know the IP address where the main router is plugged in (which I do), but I don't controll the router, can I still forward ports? [13:53] nick__: no. [13:54] well, actually, you might be able to setty up a ssh tunnel, but I don't know how to do that. [13:55] There's really only one program I want to use which is pwsafe (who's description claims to be a good solution to ssh access) Does anyone here know how I might set that up? [13:59] nick__, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/utils/pwsafe didnt google did you? [14:00] nick__, sudo apt-get install pwsafe [14:01] ActionParsnip: I have the program installed...the question is how to setup a ssh tunnel from another network for remote access when I dont't control the router and can't forward ports to my local machine [14:02] nick__, if you cant port forward then it can never happen [14:03] ActionParsnip: Yeah, that's what I was afraid of... [14:03] nick__, the router will not compute the packets and discard them as a hack as the ssh porthas no rule to allow the data [14:03] nick__, get it forwarded and you are smug as a bug in a rug [14:04] not sure about that..... my dad has a tunnel to his work(and he does not control the routers there [14:05] nosrednaekim, to his work pc or to his home pc? [14:05] ActionParsnip: from his work pc to home [14:06] but what he does is set up a tunnel to a remote web server from work, and the connect to that tunnel when he gets home, [14:06] nosrednaekim, yes as his home router has the ssh port forwarded to his pc. The request comes in from WAN so it can come from anywhere [14:06] not sure EXACTLY how it works.. [14:06] no... he does not tunnel directly home... he tunnels to a intermediate location. [14:07] nosrednaekim, then he's using some web server thingy. It appears to not be pure ssh [14:07] I don't know how he does it, i'm just saying its possible. [14:07] nick__, why cant you port forward your router? [14:07] nosrednaekim, true, anything is possible given time, money and resources ;) [14:07] no... its not a web server function... I think I remember it having something to do with putty? [14:07] ActionParsnip: I'm studing abroad and I live in a dorm so I plug into their hardline [14:08] nick__, you could advise someone local to the router? [14:08] all I'm saying is I know its possible. [14:09] ActionParsnip: I might be able to ask if they would forward an unused port for me, but I'm still not real comfortable with the language so it would be difficult [14:09] is there a way to get kmail to use the proxy the rest of KDE is set to use? [14:09] what does that pwsafe exactly do [14:10] se7en: It saves all your passwords for you so you don't have to remember them all (or so you can make them non pronouncable and harder to crack) [14:10] ic [14:11] Another solution might be, does anyone know of a password storage program that can live on a USB stick that I could carry around with me? [14:11] nick__: check portable apps, theres something like KeyPass portable that does it [14:11] text file ;) [14:13] nick__, what about kwallet that ships with kubuntu? [14:13] nosrednaekim: Yeah that's not a terrible idea, but I'd have to change them all if I ever lost it [14:13] bmk789: Thanks, I'll look into that now [14:14] nick__, tar -czf /home/user/.backup/kwallet.tar.gz .kde/share/apps/kwallet [14:14] ActionParsnip: Do you think I could access that on a usb stick from a machine that was running a different OS [14:15] nick__, not sure about crossplatform. I saw that pwsafe is which is why im guessing youuse it [14:15] anybody there? i got a problem , i can't run software-properties-kde , i can't find the best source server automatically [14:15] i cant access any website on any browser [14:16] but i can use chat and adept plus i can ping a website [14:16] fdoving: ^^ [14:17] dhq_: what browser? [14:17] konqueror [14:17] have you tried another? [14:17] dhq_, can you access wesites by ip address rather than name? [14:17] hi all [14:17] roberto: hello there [14:17] whats up [14:17] anubisza: well i have very little internet speed i cant download another browser [14:18] [14:18] ActionParsnip: well even ipp doesnt work [14:18] i got a problem , i can't run software-properties-kde , i can't find the best source server automatically [14:18] dhq_, try that (its google) [14:18] ActionParsnip: i get error message could not connect to host [14:19] Thanks for the help everyone [14:20] ActionParsnip: so any ideas [14:20] dhq_, /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart [14:20] will flush your dns cache [14:21] u guys good at scripts [14:21] ActionParsnip: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd: command not found [14:22] dhq_, i just google that one [14:22] can you ping sites? [14:22] ping ?? [14:22] ActionParsnip: yes [14:23] dhq_, you ona laptop? [14:23] * ActionParsnip thinks this is simple [14:24] dhq_, go to file in konqueror. do you have work offline ticked :) [14:24] ActionParsnip: yes i am on a laptop [14:25] dhq_, is it ticked? [14:25] ActionParsnip: where do i find that [14:25] dhq_, under file from what i imagine [14:25] well there is no file there [14:26] dhq_, i'm not on my pc at home im on winslows xp [14:26] there is only location [14:26] ActionParsnip: i cant even access any page to see what is wrong [14:27] i think it might be under: Settings->Configure Konq.->Cache-> [14:27] is offline browsing mode enabled? [14:27] dhq_, -> Settings -> Configure-Konqueror -> Cache [14:27] anubisza, just found that [14:27] :) [14:28] ActionParsnip: anubisza thanks a ton :) [14:28] * ActionParsnip thought it was that [14:28] yay [14:28] ActionParsnip: anubisza it worked [14:28] dhq_, i use firefox which has offline shenannigans under file [14:28] dhq_, rather than hidden away [14:29] dhq_, when you were out and about your browser set itself offline [14:29] dhq_, hence me suspecting a laptop [14:30] hi, is it possible to have two users which "can use sudo"? [14:30] s/which/who (I think) :) [14:30] ActionParsnip: im using a laptop too, that has never happened. is this a new feature after 7.04? [14:32] anubisza, do you www with konqueror? [14:32] sebastiano, they can but i wouldnt advise [14:32] yup, i do. [14:33] anub, not sure then. I use firefox / dolphin [14:33] konqueror is too quirky for me [14:34] !sendmail [14:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about sendmail - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [14:34] ActionParsnip: yeah I know but in my case I think it's reasonable... I just need to add the other user to the admin group? [14:34] can anyone tell me what other mail protocols that there r available [14:34] What can I use to capture avi video of all my jobs on desktop? [14:34] !multimedia [14:34] Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [14:35] basy: look at the 2nd link [14:35] that should help ya out [14:35] !find libXm.so.3 [14:35] thank you [14:35] Package/file libxm.so.3 does not exist in gutsy [14:35] !find libXm.so [14:36] Package/file libxm.so does not exist in gutsy [14:36] sebastiano: all user in the admin group can sudo or you have to edit the /etc/soudoers file but be careful [14:36] Hi, what I have to do to connect my pc kubuntu to another windows pc? === domentarion_ is now known as [Domentarion] [14:36] se7en: in that file can one change it from sudo to su [14:37] se7en: ok tnx [14:37] !find openmotif [14:37] eagles051387: you could add a group [14:38] Package/file openmotif does not exist in gutsy [14:38] se7en: with same permissions as sudo [14:38] cuz i have a friend who refuses to touch kubuntu or any other of this distro for that matter cuz he hates the sudo command [14:38] does anybody know openmotif.. and if.. is there any deb package for it? [14:38] i guess i have only one sudo here eagles051387 [14:39] se7en: can u change the command form using sudo to su [14:39] eagles051387, if he's running apps as root he\s asking for trouble. Thats why Linux is so much more secure than windows [14:40] eagles051387, especially apps accessing the www [14:40] eagles051387: you would have to have a real root to do so [14:40] eagles051387, once it configured you rarely use sudo [14:40] There is no soft about capturing video from desktop on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications :( [14:40] what im trying to say is can he modify the command so that su is exactly like sudo but instead of typign sudo he types su [14:40] but with the same security of sudo [14:40] basy: give me a min ill take a look [14:41] !recordmydesktop | basy [14:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [14:41] yes that is what i am looking for, thanks [14:42] :P [14:42] damn [14:42] basy: run sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop [14:42] i just can't get this avi to dvd business to work well. [14:43] bazy, stupid bot doesnt know it [14:43] i mean, i have found several methods to convert AVI files to dvd format, and i've burned them [14:43] and they look find on my computer's dvd player, but they skip like hell on my home dvd player (which is a quality system) [14:43] any idea why a burnt dvd would play just fine on my laptop and skip/pop on my home theather system? [14:44] any scratches [14:44] nope [14:45] same thing happened on 4 copies using 2 different methods. brand new discs [14:45] mot_, try burning the disk slower [14:45] how would they effect it? [14:45] s/they/that* [14:45] mot_, it affects how much laser the dye gets [14:45] hmm [14:46] mot_, makes the data "darker" you could say [14:46] i'm tempted to hop over to my parents' dvd burner on their windows machine and burn it, just to see if it's possibly my burner [14:46] can't hurt. [14:46] mot_: whats the max speed the dvd can take [14:46] mot_, indeed [14:46] 16X === bmk789_ is now known as bmk789 [14:46] whats the max of ur dvd player [14:46] 11X [14:46] =\ [14:47] i would try it slightly slower and if that doesnt work then its probably a problem with ur drive [14:47] how olds the drive [14:47] ~3yrs [14:47] mot_, burn at like 4x and go for a shower / cig / beer / watch telly [14:47] hang on, lemme try it on my parents' windows box with a diff. dvd burner. [14:48] mot_: do u do alot of burning [14:48] it could just be the drive itself. [14:48] yea, i do, eagles051387 [14:48] mot_: u might need to get a cleaner for it then [14:48] silly question for #kubuntu, anybody know of a free burner out there for 'doze? [14:48] Thanks, there is another one with KDE forntend: krecordmydesktop ... [14:48] mot_: cleaner for the lense [14:48] eagles051387, software or physical? [14:48] ahhh [14:48] software [14:48] ... [14:49] i'll look into it [14:49] mot_: i could be wrong [14:49] Deep Burner [14:50] when i copy pictures from camera with digikam, no matter how i do, only half of the pictures are copied :( [14:50] neville, ? [14:50] Ax-Ax: exactly half? [14:50] mot_: i found what im talking bout ill copy link here [14:50] no [14:50] mot_: http://www.verbatim.com.au/products.cfm?productID=41838 [14:50] how is the dafault mp3 player called? amorak ? [14:51] Amarok [14:51] Lynoure: More or less [14:52] VampireKing, type ama then press tab [14:52] k ty [14:52] !amarok | VampireKing [14:52] VampireKing: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.7 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok [14:52] Lynoure, it copied 247 of 500 [14:52] VampireKing, use tab LOTS [14:52] k [14:52] ill try to remember that [14:53] VampireKing, it autocompletes app names as well as file names and usernames in IRC [14:54] ActionParsnip: thats true, just testing [14:54] j/w i have a tablet pc i just got that has winblows vista and i was wondeirng if i put gutsy x64 on here would everything work out of the box [14:54] VampireKing, its cool man [14:54] but how you write that message to which becomes red ? [14:55] VampireKing, what do you mean. you may have different colours to me [14:55] do you mean [14:55] * se7en loves Tab and hates aps lock [14:55] * ActionParsnip is testing [14:55] VampireKing: if someone mentions yoru nick in IRC, that line will be red to you [14:55] what is that command to rebuild all packages? [14:55] o [14:55] (at least in the default setup of Konversation) [14:56] ActionParsnip: does it work ? [14:56] !swedish [14:56] Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se [14:56] VampireKing, I'm on HydraIRC on XP at work so its allgrey to me but in Konversation / XChat yes it would be red [14:57] @)$%(&)@$&% [14:57] O.o [14:57] k ty, it is good to know how it works [14:57] VampireKing, the only other one you need is /me [14:57] Jucato: i have winblows vista on my laptop if i were to put gutsy x64 whats support like for tablet pc stuff like swivel screen touch sreen etc [14:57] VampireKing, type it at the start then a first person verb [14:57] e.g /me is thinking [14:58] * ActionParsnip is thinking [14:58] eagles051387: that I don't know... not very knowledgeable about tablet pc's... [14:58] * VampireKing ActionParsnip yea [14:58] (although I'd love to have one) [14:58] Jucato: i gots one and im hating windows [14:58] Jucato: im worried that ill have lots of issues setting up its features [14:58] eagles051387, what tablet do you have? === paolo_ is now known as paoligno [14:58] hp pavillioon tx1000 [14:59] eagles051387: I think a few *buntu users have been able to get *buntu to work nicely.. I think [14:59] Jucato: kool if i do go ahead with it im going gutsy x64 i have it on this machine im on and it works like a charm [14:59] and before i do i need to rebackup my data [15:00] j/w what in kubuntu can i use to make high definition videos cuz my tablet is able with winblows movie maker to make hd 1440x1080 videos [15:00] eagles051387, i'd start here http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&rlz=1G1_____ENUK248&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=ubuntu+hp+pavilion+tx1000&spell=1 [15:00] Hello everyone! [15:00] Hello to everyone... Yesterday I was abe to see a windows vista PC from my kubuntu PC using a LAN network... but today I'm not able to see a windows XP pc from my kubuntu pc using the same LAN network [15:00] can u help me? [15:00] giuseppe: u trying to share files with it [15:00] Can anyone guide me that which sound-server should I use? (which is the best one) [15:01] !alsa [15:01] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [15:01] isnt alsa the default [15:02] eagles051387: well I have shared folders, but I don't se neither windows pc [15:02] from the windows pc or other way around [15:02] eagles051387: yes, but I heard that pulseaudio or Jack is more better? [15:02] usamahashimi: jack is for audio creation [15:02] !jack [15:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about jack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:03] * ActionParsnip is outta here. Peace out y'all [15:03] !jack [15:03] eagles051387: in my kubuntu pc I don't see windows pc [15:03] giuseppe: hummmmm [15:03] mot_: r u back [15:03] eagles051387: strange right? [15:05] how do you rebuild all the packages? [15:05] there was a command for that [15:05] giuseppe: does the windows machine have the winblows firewall enabled [15:05] if it does u need to disable it [15:05] eagles051387: I disabled it [15:06] !find vncviewer [15:06] Found: svncviewer, xtightvncviewer, xvncviewer [15:07] giuseppe: is this windows machine on a home network or work [15:07] Mshome [15:08] giuseppe: is this a home network [15:08] eagles051387: correct [15:08] ibilic: And you do mean build, and not update or reconfigure? Most users never build Ubuntu packages yourself [15:09] r u running wireless on both of these machines or wired [15:09] eagles051387: u mean I have to rename name of network? [15:09] giuseppe: make sure both machines have same subnet [15:09] how can I check on kubuntu? [15:09] it could be u r on 2 different subnets. [15:09] eagles051387: yeah... probably [15:09] Lynoure: my computer is all messed up, I can't update the packages, so I remember someone once told me a command here that rebuilds/reconfigures/fixes stuff it took a long time, it was asking me a lot of questions about what fonts I want to use, the keyboard layout etc... [15:10] giuseppe: try that and see if that helps [15:10] !dpkg [15:10] dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [15:10] ibilic, dpkg-reconfigure. But you have to tell it what needs to be reconfigured. [15:10] all? [15:10] *shrug* [15:11] well... how do I know what's wrong? [15:11] ibilic: that's dpkg-reconfigure -all [15:11] thanks [15:11] ibilic: oops [15:11] ibilic: --all [15:15] eagles051387: well subnet is the same [15:16] !adept-crash-fix | ibilic [15:16] ibilic: If Adept crashed on you and you're left with a locked database, try typing this in a terminal (such as Konsole): "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a" [15:21] hfjfkgljkfrkfi [15:21] eagles051387: any help? subnet mask is the same [15:22] .............. [15:23] giuseppe: do u have a firewall on ur linux box [15:23] well, I don't know... how can I check? [15:23] eagles051387: well, I don't know... how can I check? [15:24] eagles051387, it's called iptables. We all do. [15:24] eagles051387: oh [15:24] hello all =D [15:24] Arwen: oh then i just learned something new [15:24] can anybody help me out a bit :} [15:24] Arwen: how does one check em [15:24] !ask | XxValetexX [15:24] XxValetexX: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question -- All On One Line, so others can read it and follow it easily --. and if anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:25] eagles051387, 'iptables -L'. It's set to enable everything by default. [15:25] Arwen: how come he cant see his windows machine or files. does he need samba [15:26] dunno, he might. I think the client is installed by default though. [15:27] eagles051387: well after iptables -L this the answer [15:27] Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) [15:27] target prot opt source destination [15:27] Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) [15:27] target prot opt source destination [15:27] Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) [15:27] target prot opt source destination [15:27] !pastebin [15:27] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [15:27] Arwen: any ideas [15:28] I found samba a PITA to get going even between to *buntu boxes, You need to make sure that the user and group from both machines has access rights [15:28] rothchild: u dont need samba between 2 linux boxes thats between linux and windows u need nfs between 2 linux boxes [15:28] !nfs [15:28] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [15:29] Lynoure, I found it :) I had a time-stamp-thingy that didn't add seconds.. and when i take more than one picture a minute, it doesn't work [15:29] yeah I found that to be even more fiddly [15:30] buntu offers smb as the default sharing option [15:30] eagles051387: so... nothing... [15:31] giuseppe: i have never used iptables before [15:31] giuseppe: u linking these 2 machines via a router [15:31] eagles051387: well, I can say I have not any activated firewall in linux [15:32] the connection is direct using a LAN calbe [15:32] cable [15:32] giuseppe: ok === d-miller_ is now known as d-miller [15:32] so no router in between the 2 [15:32] eagles051387: correct, no router [15:32] thats strange [15:32] do u have any firewall program other than the windows one on ur windows machine [15:33] u mean an antivirus program? [15:33] no [15:33] firewall firewall [15:34] eagles051387: let me check [15:34] giuseppe: if u do get rid of it or disable it [15:34] and it should work then [15:34] eagles051387: [15:34] ok, I check and et u know [15:35] giuseppe: ill brb [15:36] Howdy all :-) [15:38] BluesKaj: howdy [15:38] hey eagles051387 , how's things ? [15:38] BluesKaj: couldnt be better got a new tablet pc got wow to work on my desktop [15:39] BluesKaj: running it with wine on gutsy x64 [15:39] mot_: http://www.verbatim.com.au/products.cfm?productID=41838 [15:39] aha, congrats ! wow, with which card om the tab-pc [15:40] gutsy 64bit here as well [15:40] nvidia geforce go 6150 === ubuntu is now known as tmcguire === tmcguire is now known as tmg === pfein-away is now known as pfein [15:41] right , i guess nvidia fills the linuxbill nowadays [15:42] BluesKaj: in desktop i have a 6600gt [15:42] eagles051387: ehi... you were right [15:42] eagles051387: thanks a lot [15:42] giuseppe: thats what we r all here for to help each other out [15:43] giuseppe: either disable it for good or find out which port u wanna use for file sharing and somehow allow that port to be open for access [15:43] BluesKaj: what is tablet pc support like in gutsy [15:45] eagles051387: now you can help me to see my linux pc from windows pc? [15:45] eagles051387: I installed samba just yesterday [15:45] !samba [15:45] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [15:45] giuseppe: try the first link [15:46] eagles051387: ok I'l readd it, thanks [15:46] som pages never stop downloading on Konqueror and Firefox too, when i turn off javascript everithing is OK, what is wrong with javasctipt, how to fix? [15:47] !javascript [15:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about javascript - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:47] !java [15:47] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [15:47] basy: could be that there is something in the code that creates an infinite loop [15:47] basy: what site u trying to go to === datasun is now known as datasun_ === datasun_ is now known as datasun [15:48] eagles051387: www.ubuntu.com [15:49] i can see only half of page [15:49] basy: for me it loads fine make sure u have the jre installed [15:51] basy, I've seen the same thing .The poorly designed constant changing media sites are like that , where you have animations etc [15:51] can anyone tell me why thunderbird isnt automatically throwing sent messages into the sent folder? [15:52] basy, it's not the browser's fault , when most sites are written to accomodate IE [15:52] : but i have problem with www.ubuntu.com, and i belive it is not for IE... [15:53] are there any javascript libs or packages [15:54] javascript has nothing to do with java, am I right? [15:55] right [15:55] yes I see that basy..try this : sudo update-alternatives --config java , and then choose :/usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java ,if you have it [15:57] i have sun-java6-jre installed and no problems with java [15:58] ok [15:58] so be it [15:58] i got: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java [16:02] !root [16:02] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [16:03] !airsnort [16:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about airsnort - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:03] !su [16:03] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [16:03] basy, that's fine , it's the latest java ...as far as java script is concerned , I dunno much [16:04] i only know basic java and im guessing there is something in the code thats causing the infinite loop of some sort or a bug with what ever browser u use [16:04] basy: have u tried it in opera [16:05] BluesKaj: whats ur take on gutsy tablet pc support [16:06] if KU can put an icon on the Desktop, "Watch Free TV programs and movies" [16:06] a p2p internet video player [16:07] basy, a hint ... if you're using konq browser , the javascript in configure "open new windows" should be set to 'allow' instead of 'smart' [16:07] i think the world will make a beaten path to Kbuntu's door [16:07] eagles051387, sorry , i have no idea :-P [16:08] BluesKaj: i would like ot put the 64bit of kubuntu on here but im worried alot of my tablet features wont work [16:09] BluesKaj: whats ur take on 8.04 [16:09] eagles051387, tablet pc's are specialized devices , I think i'd do some research before trying 64bit [16:10] BluesKaj: if gutsy works on normal desktop what would cause it not to work on laptop [16:10] eagles051387, all I can say is i hope 8.04 does more than Gutsy ...not real impressed with 7.10 so far [16:10] KU is certainly a great distro [16:11] only if it can support east asian language displaying and inputing in a more idiot-proof way [16:11] indeed it is [16:11] BluesKaj: what u not impressed about [16:11] i'm a KDE guy, not a GNOME guy [16:12] not much diff from feisty , don't see any advantages for kubuntu, maybe for gnome-ubuntu there are some [16:12] gutsy didnt rely change much. an puting d3phin in just took it one step backwards [16:12] GNOME is plastic, earthy [16:12] KDE is glassy, crystal, shiny and liquid [16:12] yao_ziyua1: those are just looks, easily changed. [16:13] yao_ziyua1: gnome isnt as developed as kde is [16:13] sigma_123, agreed , dolphin ain't my cuppa tea either , using konq as afile manager [16:13] Lynoure: first impression is very important [16:13] gnome is ok when u are using a server. i wouldnt use it on a everyday workstation [16:13] sigma_123: i wouldnt even use gnome on a server either lol [16:14] KDE's animated effects are also attractive [16:14] yeah i use konq as well. but the dolphin in kde4 is much beta. it just needed time [16:15] konquerer suxs in my opinion [16:16] no browser can beat firefox [16:16] firefox is the standard now [16:16] yao_ziyua1, eagles051387 in your opinion [16:16] well servers usualy dont use a gui. just text mode because usually servers dnt hav monitors attached [16:17] like, [16:17] sigma_123: true but how much would they degrade from performance. i have 1gb of ram in a semi server environment [16:17] google's official toolbar supports ie, firefox, mac [16:17] firefox is ok in gnome but rather useless on kde. if they make a qt version it wil b good [16:17] but not konquerer [16:17] kubuntu is such light weight i dont think it would degread performance in server environment that much [16:18] yao_ziyua1, Google does not make the standard and it's decision to support Firefox is based purely on demographics [16:18] konq isnt all that bad as a web browser. ive learnt 2use it [16:18] demographics? then it should just support ie [16:18] eagles051387: what would be the point of having KDE on a server? [16:19] yao_ziyua1, it does :) This is off-topic anyways. (http://www.google.com/tools/firefox/toolbar/FT3/intl/en/index.html) [16:20] it wouldnt degrade performance bt as i say servers usually never have monitors so it would be pointless 2have a gui [16:20] Lynoure: only advantage is for someone like who doesnt know alot of commands [16:20] Hello I'm trying to get my fav. VLC to work. It studders and droppes files when showing AVI files. When it workes the subtitles are enormus :-) . I've googled and it seemes to be a common problem and i've not seen any solutions. Then I tried Kaffein there the pic. is good but the subtitles does't show. Any ideas? [16:21] google toolbar is available for ie and firefox [16:21] eagles051387: I'd rather then recommend them to learn more before starting offering services :) [16:21] not macos's native browser [16:22] it's google's policy to support an open source browser [16:22] !ot | yao_ziyua1 [16:22] yao_ziyua1: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [16:22] and the most popular among all open source candidates [16:22] ok [16:23] Lynoure: lol. im thinking of starting offering services in malta by partnering up with a big company that sells hardwear for machines and basically build oem systems [16:25] its always good 2know whats happening under the gui. esp 2diagnose problems [16:25] yao_ziyua1, I understand your opinion about FF as the 'std' browser , it works very well, but good ol' konq makes me feel safer on some sites. Perhaps I'm misinformed about konq's security, I'm not sure , but I wish i could run it on window$ [16:27] im with u on that one. konq blocks alot of dodgy code [16:28] but then again linux is immune 2alot of viruses. [16:29] sigma_123, granted, FF is faster than konq on my setup in most cases, that can be frustrating sometimes [16:30] yeah thats true as well. but i gues in time that will change [16:30] and I worked hard to get konq all setup to work with media heavy sites , so i'm reluctant to abondon it :) [16:31] BluesKaj, what do you mean Firefox is "faster"? [16:31] loads pages faster , NickPresta [16:31] Firefox does progressive rendering. Konqueror waits until the page has loaded before it shows it to you. :) [16:32] oh i dont use media heavy sites. thats y i dont have the same speed problem as u [16:32] NickPresta: ah so thats y it takes longer! [16:33] <--- into music and audio ...their sites are "loaded" [16:34] intersting , www.linuxtv.org was timing out for me yesterday , today it's fine ...strange :P [16:38] is there a character map for kde ? [16:39] BluesKaj: kcharselect [16:42] thx krawek [16:49] * ScorpKing waves.. [16:50] hey ScorpKing [16:50] hm.. no problems today? [16:50] well, not at the moment [16:51] wait for a few mins :) [16:51] * ScorpKing waits.. [16:51] * BluesKaj eats lunch [16:57] hello [16:58] hi [16:58] hi shadowh511 [16:59] too late.... [17:00] oh well [17:02] Hello I'm trying to get my fav. VLC to work. It studders and droppes files when showing AVI files. When it workes the subtitles are enormus :-) . I've googled and it seemes to be a common problem and i've not seen any solutions. Then I tried Kaffein there the pic. is good but the subtitles does't show. Any ideas? [17:04] camilla: try #vlc? [17:05] camilla, what resolution do have set in system settings/monitor&display [17:05] hmm NM doesn't seem to be a channel [17:05] ? [17:06] mh [17:12] heh, ppl come in, ask a question , then walk away from the pc , then come back and ask it again an hr later :( === profoX_ is now known as profoX` [17:18] -_-v [17:18] does some one know why knetworkmanager wont connect to a hidden ssid === zipper is now known as z1pp3r [17:19] ubuntu: no... but does it have encryption as well? [17:19] no it doest [17:19] security by obscurity :) [17:20] i have read the wcid should be a good network manager but i need to delete knetwork manager then [17:20] ubuntu: then do "sudo iwconfig ESSID " and then run "sudo dhclient " [17:23] mh ... i need help with su and sudo ... therefor i have different (root) passwords ... is this ubunto-specific? how can i solve this easy? [17:23] Are there any packages for javascript in Konqueror and Firefox? [17:23] no js 'just works' [17:24] :( [17:24] werner: there is no root passwd so su wont work, sudo su is how it's done, but not recommended [17:24] and when works not propierly? [17:24] basy: cause the page is broken [17:24] bascule: i donT understand .. ? [17:24] !root [17:24] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [17:24] OK [17:24] hello [17:25] I have a weird thing hppening [17:25] when i right click in konqueror, I can't create a new folder [17:25] what is it? [17:25] bascule: thx! :) [17:25] all i can create is a link to device [17:25] anyone can help? [17:26] ubotu why do i see red text thats not ment for me? [17:26] ubuntu: because it has the word "ubuntu" in it === Cursed_6_ds is now known as ^root^ [17:26] okay [17:27] saeed: press F8 and then type cd .. then run ls -l and see what the permissions is [17:27] saeed: because you don't have write access to the directorey you asre trying to create files in [17:27] !permissions [17:27] An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [17:27] i SEE [17:29] even under root account, I can't create new folders [17:30] but when I drop down to CLI [17:30] I can mkdir [17:30] easily [17:30] what's going on? [17:30] kdesudo konqueror? [17:30] gotta be [17:30] or konqueror from within su.. [17:30] (which I don't think works) [17:30] yep [17:31] I start konqueror as root user [17:31] then right click [17:31] hi [17:31] and I still can't create folders [17:31] does vlc have contrast/brightness settings? I can't seem to find them === jarle_ is now known as jarle [17:33] anybody has any ideas? [17:33] Hello, I tried to install the non-free ATI Radeon driver for my 9800 Pro, but there was an error installing the package and now my linux boot has no video after GRUB.... I have access to the files by booting to XP but I don't know how to restore it... any suggestions? [17:33] bascule: I can EASILY create folders in the CLI mode [17:33] any idea on how long it'll be until flash is fixed [17:33] but not under konqueror [17:33] saeed: xterm, mkdir whatever .. [17:33] saeed: what are the circumstances? I just kdesudo konqueror and created a dir in / of right click, is it an external drive? [17:34] Hello I'm trying to get my fav. VLC to work. It studders and droppes files when showing AVI files. When it workes the subtitles are enormus :-) . I've googled and it seemes to be a common problem and i've not seen any solutions. Then I tried Kaffein there the pic. is good but the subtitles does't show. Any ideas? I run IRC in Kopete and it crashed, so I'm posting my q again [17:34] nope, it's the main hard drive [17:34] hdevalence: I think there is an experimental fix in hardy [17:34] dont work as root in kde ... mh [17:34] gah. proprietary formats suck. [17:34] camilla2: has you thied it in #debian oder something? [17:34] jimmy51: boot recovery mode and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [17:36] Why should I try Debian? I's there any conn between debian and VLC [17:37] crap, my IRC client froze. did anyone reply to my question from a few minutes ago? [17:37] I run VLC in Kubutu 7.04 [17:37] jimmy51: hi again, I found some stuff out last night about the RAID, the dmraid util may have sorted that issue for you, still dunno if you can install on it though [17:38] bascule: wow [17:38] [12:34] jimmy51: boot recovery mode and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [17:38] camilla2: sorry, i thought, maybe in this channel somebody is able to help you with vlc ... [17:38] jimmy51: jimmy51: boot recovery mode and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [17:38] nosrednaekim: :) [17:39] jimmy51: yeah it was by chance a guy came here after you and posted a link to an indian wiki (in English) for some help [17:39] jimmy51: and select the "ati" driver... anything you don't understand, leave blank or as default [17:39] Ok I give it a try! Any ideas about Kaffein and subtitles? [17:40] camilla2: that is strange cause all my avi play fine in vlc (except I want to adjust brightness/contrast) [17:40] bascule: thanks for looking into that! i was reading about the fact that the linux software raid is better than the fake raid on my controller, so i was wondering if i can just software "raid 1" two partitions on the two drives... [17:40] nosrednaikim: thanks, i'll print that out and boot to kubuntu recovery [17:40] jimmy51: easy, mdadm, and linux software raid is awesome [17:40] Yes I know VLC usually runns like a clock [17:41] bascule: ok, that sounds like the way to go. i'll have to research that. i've currently got one driver set up with 32GB WXP NTFS, else ext3 for Kubuntu with a little swap partition at the end === mikey_ is now known as mikey__ [17:41] i'll make a partition on the second driver and mirror it to the ext3 kubuntu one === mikey__ is now known as mikey_ [17:42] camilla2, what resolution do have set in system settings/monitor&display [17:42] jimmy51: should be easy enough, I have only done linear(concatenate) but the syntax in mdadm.conf is easy [17:43] bascule: thanks! [17:43] anybody try mandiva [17:43] all: by the way, this has been the most friendly linux chat experience i've ever had... the last few times i've tried to dive into linux, i've got my head bit off for asking stupid questions [17:44] well we are a tolerate bunch in here :) [17:44] jimmy51, there are no stupid questions , jus t stupid answers :) [17:44] jimmy51: :) nice [17:45] and none of your stuff is stupid, all quite interesting and backed up with your own tests/experiments [17:45] veeery good [17:46] hehe. i was corporate IT support for a while... it's nice when a user did their homework before coming to complain [17:46] seeya guys [17:46] yeah jimmy51 , we have a very few here who just hangout to show off their "linux chops", but don't really help anyone, but not many :) [17:46] mikey was asking [17:47] mikey_, go to #mandriva and ask [17:47] this is kubuntu [17:48] is anyone running wine? [17:48] I've has some success [17:48] I run wine with some apps [17:48] makers_mark, what app do you want to run under wine ? [17:48] i'm curious about Steam *source and non-source* and Fruity Loops. [17:49] i asked on the wine channel but no one's answering. [17:49] * BluesKaj backs off ... no clue what that is :) [17:49] :( [17:49] makers_mark: have to be patient in #winehq, but they are good [17:49] makers_mark: do you (want to) play cs under linux? [17:49] !steam [17:49] Steam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/ [17:50] werner i wand to be able to play all of my steam games under wine with no issue. [17:50] werner and i also want to run Fruity Loops (music app) with now issues. [17:50] dunno if that helps, but fruity-loops is not one I know of, I know the app but not running it in wine [17:50] makers_mark: mh, there exists another software for using winapps under linux ... but i have forgotten the name ... sry [17:50] SourceOS [17:50] i know,but it's still in alpha. [17:51] makers_mark: the 'no issues' may be a large and unrealistic expectation by the way ;) [17:51] makers_mark: maybe channel #css can help you?!? [17:51] i just got tired of windows... [17:51] i'll try that,thanks. [17:51] makers_mark: i can imagine .. ;-) [17:51] makers_mark: good luck ! [17:51] thanks [17:51] *thumbs up* [17:51] makers_mark: there are programs like fruity loops for linux [17:52] lmms [17:52] ScorpKing like what? [17:52] !info lmms [17:52] makers_mark: check out hydrogen [17:52] lmms: Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 2525 kB, installed size 6436 kB [17:52] rothchild: i thing that was the software ... could that be? [17:52] yeah.. read there ^ [17:53] fruity loops should work under wine, reaper also works well check out wineASIO to get it working well low latency [17:53] i don't think it's EXACTLY like fl,i'll check it out. [17:54] makers_mark: if it's EXACTLY like fl some ppl will get sued [17:54] makers_mark: no not exactly, to get the most out of a linux music system you'll need to get your head around using lots of 'bits' and liking them all up together with JACK [17:55] 1280X1024@75hz [17:55] I think FL will work under wine, you may also be able to use it with wineASIO [17:55] i'm only talking about functionality here.i'm doing serious music production and fl is the only app i use in windows. === ui is now known as sbucat [17:56] BluesKaj [17:56] and the wine guys finally replied and apparently Steam works fine. [17:56] anyone know how to read .lit files in linux? [17:56] what are they [17:57] ScorpKing: what are lit-files ... ? can you explain that in a hsort way? === Arwen is now known as atomicpotato [17:57] .lit files are books. it's common on MS [17:57] really? what apps? [17:57] camilla2, advance subtitles , ctrl+alt+right , delay ctrl+alt+left (arrow keys) [17:57] DRMed books... [17:58] oh... [17:58] * ScorpKing nods.. [17:58] !info clit [17:58] Package clit does not exist in gutsy [17:58] makers_mark: I use Cakewalk Sonar for everything and keep an XP machine just for music, I'm still working on migrating myself to be able to do what I want music wise with linux [17:58] wait, are they PDF style books? IIRC, PDF DRM was broken a long time ago. [17:59] Microsoft Reader seems to be listed as the only reading software for them. [17:59] (the US even arrested some Russian tourist because of it) [17:59] ScorpKing: well thats what you need appaerently 'clit' :) [17:59] Is'nt that to delay/speed up the subtitles? [17:59] bascule: ah thanks. will check it out. :D [17:59] all: i read, that lit-files can be opened with any texteditor ...(??) [17:59] or not [17:59] ScorpKing: http://senthilkumaran.wordpress.com/2006/11/16/reading-lit-files-in-gnulinux/ [17:59] ty :) [17:59] +lol+ [18:00] !lit [18:00] rothchild do you think it's best to keep windows for a while? [18:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about lit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:00] i'm a noob *g* [18:00] gah, the r300 driver's xv support is BROKEN [18:01] makers_mark: if you can't do without FL and can't get it running under wine then yes but I think L works I'm sure I saw it listed in the Appdb at WINE [18:01] (*g* http://filext.com ) [18:02] werner: there are two kinds of .lit, latter being Haskell, and yes openable with any text editor, but not what ScorpKing meant :) [18:02] Lynoure: ah, that explains it , thank you [18:03] BluesKaj The subtitles dont show at all! [18:03] * werner just noobing around here *g* [18:03] makers_mark: i think lmms is as close as you'll get to fl for now. not sure how hyrdogen compares [18:03] makers_mark: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=178 [18:03] ScorpKing: hydrogen is just a drum-machine afaik [18:04] oh [18:04] yeah,i just found it myself.doesn't seem too bad. [18:04] no harm giving it a try just don't blast your xp machine just yet ;-) [18:05] makers_mark: what soundcard are you using? [18:05] makers_mark: your one of those people in a difficult situation, arguably the biggest for linux adoption, lots of intellextual investment in an app that doesn't run on linux, good luck [18:05] camilla2,you can set them under view in kaffeine [18:06] rothschild i have an intel hd soundcard in my mbp [18:06] BBL ...stuff to to === BluesKaj is now known as blueskajgone [18:06] bascule i'm going to test everything out on my pc (running ubuntu) and i'll see what happens there. [18:07] intel should run ok, is that what you use with with FL? [18:07] blueskaj:I'll check [18:08] makers_mark: once you've installed lmms open /usr/share/lmms/projects/demos/loop_collection.mmp and a few other samples to see what it can do. [18:09] blueskaj: the subtitles are detected, but they are not shown. [18:09] ScorpKing i'm going to run fl first and see how it works. [18:09] righto.. [18:09] makers_mark: is you sound card working correctly? [18:10] blueskaj: I have the videofile in avi and the subtitle in srt [18:10] how do i get mp3 support and broadcom drivers [18:10] !ristricted [18:10] jussi01 yes,why? [18:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about ristricted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:10] !mp3 | dhq_ [18:10] dhq_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [18:10] !broadcom | dhq_ [18:10] dhq_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [18:10] makers_mark: there was a bug with intel hda a while back [18:11] makers_mark: you may want this for later: http://www.joebutton.co.uk/fst/ [18:12] thanks [18:12] makers_mark: you may also want to check out !ubuntustudio [18:13] !ubuntustudio > makers_mark [18:15] jussi01 thanks,right now i'm trying to install fl. [18:15] :) [18:20] <|Dreams|> can someone tell me how i woul dmake a link to a folder that will be on my taskbar where show desktop and the k menu button is [18:22] is it possible to use a framebuffer resolution other those provided by the BIOS? [18:23] e.g., my BIOS only supports up to 1280x1024x32, but my display is 1440x900 [18:23] |Dreams|: right click -> add to panel quick launch browser , will ask the path, put it in, done [18:23] hi here [18:23] 915resolution for intel915? [18:23] i can't get amarok 1.4.8 installed on gutsy [18:23] what's wrong? [18:23] pparker, ^^ [18:24] (spidey? :) [18:24] no only peter parker :) [18:24] |Dreams|: actually add a quick file browser, not quick launch, sorry [18:25] *gg* [18:25] <|Dreams|> i was just trying that there lol thanks anyways [18:25] :) [18:26] <|Dreams|> ah i just edited the konqeuer button and chnaged the work path [18:26] <|Dreams|> problem sovled woo hooo [18:26] Impossible de récupérer http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-xine_1.4.8-0ubuntu1~gutsy1_i386.deb Taille incohérente [18:26] Arwen: wide-screen res is not possible in framebuffer consoles [18:26] argh [18:26] grijzewolf [18:27] can't it be implemented the same way it is with X? [18:27] i don't think so, it would be a kernel level hack [18:27] hmm [18:27] Hello everyone. I've been trying to make my computer move the data from my Xbox 360 to a router in another room. I have read many tutorials but none of them seem to help. I have tried using this tutorial, http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/Connecting_to_XBox_Live_through_a_linux_computer_connected_to_a_wireless_LAN, but I've read that to the last letter and it still won't work. Any ideas? [18:27] I don't know if I have to set up a DNS on my computer and feed the Xbox 360 the information from my computer. [18:27] schoonmaker [18:27] pparker have you tried grabbing the .deb straight from packages.ubuntu.com ? [18:28] arwen: console res is apssed to the kernel so kernel needs to support widesreen, it doesn't as yet [18:28] yes but i got an eroor too [18:28] pparker you'll need to close adept etc before trying to install it? [18:28] appsed/passed [18:28] Ertain: what does xbox use for connection ? [18:28] jilet zafer 07 hot[,,.com [18:29] werner: I use a crossover cable connected to my ethernet card. [18:29] hi guys, [18:29] hi guys, i have unbuntu 7.10 and want to try kde4, i followed these instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php but i don't see a "KDE 4" in my desktop choices in the login screen of ubuntu [18:29] can somoen help> [18:30] this time i'm getting them [18:30] Ertain: mh, i meant, what kind of protocol? [18:30] It uses UDP as we as TCP. [18:31] ok it's installed [18:31] Ertain: mh, okay, but what kind of service? (i have no xbox) [18:32] If someone can help me whith eather Kaffein or VLC I've posted the VLC log here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50747/ I tried to reinstall VLC but no result. [18:32] werner: now what do you mean by service? [18:32] Ertain: that is to connect 360 to the net, file transfer is a different kettle of fish altogether [18:33] Ertain: ssh? telnet? ftp? smb? or something absolutely different? [18:33] Now that I would not know. I'll look that up. [18:33] gotta be smb/samba surely [18:34] * bascule contemplates the ability to access save games on a 360 from remote, coolness [18:35] Then I guess it's smb. [18:36] i got this message every time i run apt-get [18:36] " [18:36] Processing triggers for libc6 ... [18:36] ldconfig deferred processing now taking place [18:36] Hi [18:36] Ertain: so, nmb/smb. have you tried to mount the xbox dir with smbmount? have you thied smbclient? is the xbox dir readable? (i have no idea about xbox and the tech behind it, so rorry about asking all that stuff .. ) [18:36] is it possible to fix that [18:36] ? [18:37] ahh VLC is working again, I deleted everything and reinstalled it again. But now it's just the huge subtitles. I managed to fix that before by choosing a different font [18:37] pparker, by itself, that's normal [18:37] I haven't tried that. How would one go about mounting the 360's hard drive? [18:37] take it out, put it in, mount [18:37] Ertain: thats the question, isnt it? [18:38] must log off [18:38] bye all [18:38] Can anybody recommend a database, I'm used to using MS Access 2000? Thanks [18:38] I'm sure it's complicated. [18:39] mnkln: JB4o, or mysql ... ? [18:39] Ertain: mh. nothing worked? what says the log? [18:40] mnkln: the question is: for what do you plan to use the db for? [18:40] That's the thing, I don't know where log would be. I've seen little things in the system's log, but as the log for iptables, or something of the like, I don't know. [18:40] werner: That is a very good question [18:41] Ertain, afaik, it just prints to the kernel log (which happens to be part of the syslog) [18:41] What's the kernel log, dmeg? Or is it /var/log/messages? [18:41] Ertain: mh, maybe "/var/log/smb.log" or either? [18:41] I shall look at that. === stephen is now known as steveire [18:41] I want to creat some simple membership lists [18:41] * Ertain looks at that. [18:42] I'm used to the point and click GUI way of doing things [18:42] Nope, I don't have an smb.log [18:42] mnkln: mh, i use mysql for that kind of stuff ... but thats in your own opinion... [18:43] I have two kubuntu powered laptops with wireless cards. What's the easiest way to transfer several gigs of data from one to the other? [18:43] Ertain: mh. nothing else there? exists a log-mechanism on your xbox? (to gather more information on what's happening) [18:43] steveire, over Ethernet [18:43] :) [18:43] * bascule agrees [18:43] Arwen: Can you be more specific? [18:44] There isn't a log mechanism on the 360. [18:44] Can they communicate directly with each other or do they need a router between them etc? [18:44] Ertain: it's getting complicated ... :-) [18:44] steveire, get yourself a router or a multi-port NIC. Create a share on each. Move files. [18:44] Ertain: can you stream from the 360 to windows machines? I know it is possible [18:45] Ertain: maybe you should try to create a smb-server and try to connect from the xbox to it? [18:45] steveire, or, even faster, fetch a phillip's screwdriver and a torx screwdriver, remove the hard drive from one, and place it in the other. [18:45] I'm sure I could, if I had a Windows pc. [18:45] steveire: look at ad-hoc wireless networking [18:45] What's a multiport NIC? I do have a router but I thought it would be faster to communicate directly between them [18:45] no, an Ethernet router would be much faster [18:45] bascule: Do you know anything about it? [18:45] steveire: not by a long shot, a network is a network [18:45] and a multiport NIC is a NIC with multiple ports. [18:46] OK. I'll use the router. [18:46] steveire: only that ypu can communicatre without a router, but no real point if ypu have one [18:46] werner: Can I use a GUI frontend for mysql? I need to transfer about 1,500 records once a month [18:46] I'll connect one or both to the router with a cable for speed. [18:46] they are in CSV form [18:46] So how do I set up a share? [18:46] steveire: both [18:47] * Arwen would still just physically move the hard drives for that much data [18:47] mnkln: mysqladmin may be an idea [18:47] !nfs | steveire [18:47] steveire: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [18:47] you can use SAMBA if you want, but it's a good deal slower on Linux [18:48] Arwen: It's a laptop, so only one hd slot. I do have a usb cradle, but it's generally slow. I'm thinking of a faster connection if possible. [18:48] Arwen: is it slower? I got 8.5 -9MB/s on a 100Mb ethernet [18:48] ah [18:48] Arwen: I'll have a look at nfs in a bit. Cheers [18:48] bascule, samba? yes, very. Compared to Windows at least. And definitely to NFS. [18:48] i hope, i do not messed up with ertain ... [18:48] probably can't notice on 100Mb though [18:49] but 8.5-9MB/x is standard for 100Mb ethernet [18:49] see above, and technically, 100Mbit should go to 12.5MB/s. [18:49] Arwen: it was horrible, but I changed MTU on both nodes to match the router, sorted it out [18:50] Arwen: never 12.5, overhead of TCP ACK [18:50] ah === holymoly is now known as holycow === tracy_ is now known as matteo` === hdjsa is now known as mneisen === rake_ is now known as rake [18:57] What does the command testparam do? === Swistak is now known as Swistaker [18:58] rake: checks an smb.conf configuration file for internal correctness [18:59] sourcemaker: aha, makes sense, thank you. [19:00] !man [19:00] The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or type man:/ in Konqueror's location bar. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [19:00] man testparm [19:02] or somethin' [19:02] hello [19:02] is there an easy way to revert to the default kubuntu theme? [19:02] icons, style, etc [19:03] without removing config files [19:05] is there a way i can use my 5.1 speakers in kubuntu? [19:05] enemy territory quake wars is only showing an option for 2 speakers :( === blueskajgone is now known as BluesKaj [19:06] kmix should have a 6ch option [19:06] what does SIOCSIFFlags operation not supported mean? [19:07] i don't see a 6 channel option [19:07] canen, system settings/appearance/....choose defaults with all the options [19:08] BluesKaj: figured. thanks. i was hoping for a one shot option seeing as system settings is broken for me [19:08] leileilol: sorry i only have 2 so cant help much but have you checked under the switches tab, otherwise your sound card my not be detected properly [19:09] canen, system settings is broken ...won't launch ? [19:09] yeah [19:09] there are no switches for 4 or 5 or 6 speakers in the switches tab for me [19:09] i'm using a sound blaster live 5.1 btw [19:09] it's a know bug [19:09] and it is detected [19:09] *known [19:10] hi, i installed KDE4 RC2 using ubuntu packages into a fresh Ubuntu 7.10 installation. (note, not Kubuntu). how do I get KDE4 to show up in the login manager GDM? [19:10] leileilol, alsamixer in the konsole , check the number of vol ctrls [19:10] canen, what about kcontrol ? [19:11] when I logout of GNOME it does not give me the option for "KDE 4" [19:11] for those who wants to know. a .lit file converter can be found here - http://www.convertlit.com/ [19:11] comes up but empty [19:11] let me find the bug report [19:12] canen, the run command won't bring up kcontrol ...alt+F2 kdesu kcontrol ? [19:13] nope [19:13] http://gizmodo.com/340598/drm-officially-dead-last-major-label-sony-bmg-plans-to-finally-drop-drm [19:13] it comes up just empty [19:13] Oops wrong channel [19:14] canen, wow you have bigger probs than kde default appearances...I think a reinstall of kubuntu-desktop may be in order [19:14] tried that. [19:14] what about kde [19:15] BluesKaj: the systems thing is not critical for me, neither is the default style. I was just curious [19:15] gah, 2 speakers are still the only ones detected [19:15] i've lost my taskbar, how do i get it back? [19:15] all the '3d' controls in the volume just clone the sound fromt he front speakers to the back [19:15] how do i re-configure my taskbar? [19:15] canen, you must be running 2 desktops then gnome and kde, right ? [19:16] nope === Ares is now known as Aresilek [19:17] BluesKaj: i'm searching for the issue but launchpad is slooow [19:17] i thought i had subsribed to it [19:19] leileilol, run this script , it might work for you : ./alsa-info.sh [19:20] how do i run a script i don't have :S [19:20] hello, there [19:20] how can one connect to pppoe with a fresh Kubuntu 7.10 install? [19:20] ony pppoe-conf ? [19:21] leileilol, http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh [19:22] BluesKaj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/153636 seems someone came up with a solution since the last time I checked [19:22] hmm the script nicely errors [19:23] leileilol, did you install the script from the site first [19:23] yes [19:25] leileilol, run it in the konsole again and pastebin the errors pls [19:25] ./alsa-info.sh: 202: [[: not found, [19:26] also the same error with line 208, 223, 453, 340, and 484 [19:27] leileilol, type alsamixer in the konsole, doe it show up? [19:27] yes [19:28] do you have alsa chosen as the audio device in system settings/soundsystem/hardware ? [19:28] autodetect [19:29] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4072663 [19:29] * canen is restarting X [19:30] no leileilol , choose "advanced linux sound architecture" - alsa [19:30] hi to all [19:30] Cheers [19:30] !hi michazoet, terran4000 [19:31] where should bcm43xx.ko be , my wireless is complaining it has no firmware [19:31] !broadcom [19:31] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [19:32] nope, still not seeing four speakers in quake wars [19:32] maybe it's quake that's to blame [19:34] nexuiz also only sees 2 channels [19:35] hallo leute [19:35] ICH BRAUCHE DRINGEND HILFE [19:35] BITTE [19:36] !de | karadas74 [19:36] karadas74: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [19:37] DANKESCHÖN [19:38] #ubuntu-de [19:41] adept is crased please help me [19:42] kim_, details. [19:42] !adeptfix | kim [19:42] kim: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [19:43] What does fuser do there? [19:43] FUSER(1): fuser - identify processes using files or sockets [19:44] Yeah, that's not helpful [19:44] lol [19:44] !fuser [19:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about fuser - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:44] The flags give more information though, i looked it up [19:44] It identifies the user/process accessing the file, and then prompts if you want to kill the process. [19:45] Makes sense [19:45] Same thing I said :-) [19:45] Minus the kill part [19:45] Which is important [19:45] details details [19:45] haha [19:46] Naw, I was just like, what good does identifying process do, if you're not piping it to something or acting on it... [19:46] ...its all in the flags [19:46] that's what the ppl here "in the know" who script the bot responses have decided :) [19:47] werd, I know its a bot now. === michazoet_ is now known as michazoet [19:47] As long as 'the bot' doesn't connect to SkyNet and call itself Model 2000 we'll be ok. [19:47] it's a storm bot :) [19:47] "ok" is relative. [19:48] My GF doesn't think it's "ok" that I spend so much time fiddling with the computorz [19:48] That's what the other hand is for [19:48] better than watching tv [19:48] bascule, truth [19:48] InspironUser, she'll get over it ...wifey did :) [19:49] Yeah, if she doesn't stop bitching I might reinstall her from scratch :p [19:49] wife now realizes it keeps me out of the way [19:49] <--- old retired guy [19:49] Reminds me of the xkcd comic about making a sandwitch === michazoet is now known as michazoet_ [19:50] terran4000, haha [19:50] At least one got it, my day is now complete. [19:51] * BluesKaj has no clue about comics [19:52] lenno doesn't need writers...he's just as boring/lame on his own :) [19:52] * BluesKaj waits for the OT police === michazoet_ is now known as michazoet [19:53] Gotta find a use for the jailbait sometime. [19:56] BluesKaj, the comic in question: http://xkcd.com/149/ [19:57] aranızda türk var mı [19:58] !tr [19:58] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [19:59] hi [19:59] hi [19:59] I've installed gnash but it doesn't play some videos.. [19:59] it crash [20:00] ubotu: ubuntu-tr kapalı [20:00] InspironUser, hate giving away my age, but i remember seeing the first bond movie "Dr No" ... it still holds up :) [20:00] Ah, the classics. Only way I saw it was dvd >_> [20:01] gidna: have you tried adobe flash? [20:02] !flash [20:02] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [20:02] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [20:02] BluesKaj, this is not the appropriate place to discuss bondage movies. (kidding) [20:02] adobe flas is installed too [20:03] hehe, espacially ones where the hero is strapped to a centrifuge ...even the S&Ms would be able to come up with something that :) [20:03] err wouldn't rather [20:03] yours play this video : http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/11/13/how-to-stream-video-online-for-free/? [20:03] adept says now evertime that there did go something wrong when tryingen to install a pack [20:04] gidna, did you read the second post by the bot [20:04] The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. ? [20:05] yes [20:05] gidna: The Flash plugin installation is currently broken. This is due to Adobe changing the tar file that the package downloads. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397 if you need to fix this immediately, but it's recommended to wait for an official fix. [20:05] but some files are played... [20:05] they are prolly java [20:06] Adobe is not gnash... [20:06] i'm using gnash.. [20:07] Gnash is a alternative to Adobe Flash, and thus it does not support Adobe's features 100% [20:08] the file not played is opened with gnash on mozilla.. [20:08] which browser gidna ? [20:09] turkish? [20:09] Mozilla firefox.. [20:09] !tr | ubuntu [20:09] ubuntu: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [20:11] hi everyone. Where can i find the "core dump" after program crash? [20:11] gidna, if you used konqueror browser then the flashplugin-nonfree will work as long konqueror-nsplugins is installed as well [20:12] I don''t use konqueror.. [20:12] too bad [20:12] with konqueror is the same.. [20:12] I tried.. [20:12] mine works [20:13] gidna: whats the problem hun? [20:13] gidna: Some movies won't work with gnash simply because it's not as 'complete' as Adobe flash. You're best bet would be to install that. [20:15] so I have to wait the fixining of adobe flash? [20:16] . [20:16] Does the 'kde' package install vanilla kde, but with all hardware support and drivers and CUPS etc etc? [20:17] Arelis: no [20:17] 'kubuntu' would have most stuff by default but KDE no. [20:17] ok, ctrl+esc (or was it shift+esc) loads the task manager right? I am getting nothing. Also, If I try any keyboard shortcuts in other programs, they don't work either. Like doing ctrl++ to make text bigger or ctrl+h to get the history up. [20:18] (that last bit was the shortcuts in firefox) [20:18] but the Kubuntu version of KDE feels tacked-on and incomplete. Some things do not work, some hardware does not work, and support generally (not IRC support, but support for devices, plugins, stuff..), is bad. [20:18] Alonea: yes, Ctrl+Esc does open a 'task manager' of sorts. [20:19] terran4000: alright. well, it seems no KB shortcut is working in any program. even stuff click copy paste kb shortcuts are not working. [20:20] *stuff like [20:20] Arelis: I'm not exactly a kubuntu expert/programmer or anything ... but as far as I can tell, Kubuntu was created to appeal to "most" people. A generalization. Thus some things will not work until you install drivers and software for it. [20:20] I also think it's a bit bloated, but hey it "just works" so I'm not complaining. [20:20] terran4000: But Ubuntu works fine. [20:20] (the GNOME version) [20:21] Arelis: I might try that if I continue to have problems with this. or downgrade to what was before gusty. [20:21] Arelis: Ubuntu comes with different software packages. So it'll be a bit different. As for hardware working in ubuntu/kubuntu ... I can't comment on that at all cause like I said, I'm not a dev. [20:22] Alonea: o.O Copy and paste doesn't work??? [20:22] terran4000: nope. nothing. no keyboard shortcuts at all. have to do it with mouse. its kinda driving me crazy [20:23] terran4000: my keyboard and mouse is also doing crazy stuff that was a problem in whatever version was a year ago too. [20:23] Alonea: I had the same problems with Feisty. [20:24] terran4000: keys often get stuck, mouse jumps all over, stuff I copied earlier is randomly appearing when I type. [20:24] Arelis: yeah, I think that was the version. possibly. not all awake yet. [20:24] !ssh [20:24] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [20:25] Alonea: how's Kubuntu Gutsy? [20:25] Arelis: well, for me, the driver support is sooooo much better and I can actually shut down my computer now, but then old problems with keyboard and mous and now this unable to do shortcuts has come up. [20:25] Arelis, you didn't ask, but I think the previous version was better polished. [20:26] There's an outstanding issue with framebuffer consoles, and XVideo with the ati driver is broken. [20:27] Arwen: don't jinx my computer. ati is working for the first time ever without it messing something else up (like unable to shut down computer) ^__^ [20:27] heh [20:27] Alonea: if "keys get stuck" and stuff like that sounds like a hardware problem ..... [20:28] alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device [20:28] hi everyone [20:29] i get the error everytime i type alsamixer [20:29] terran4000: well, not psychically stuck, but if you press the key, it keeps on going. I had this problem before on i think fiesty, yet after that it was fixed. [20:29] anyone know how to fix it? [20:29] i've got a strange problem in my kubuntu 7.10 [20:30] hi filip! ask away. [20:30] i can connect to any network server - i am talking at this irc server right now [20:30] Alonea: huh ... the only other time I've seen such a software issue was when a friend hacked the teachers computer (windows ME, already a good laugh) and put a crappy virus on it. [20:30] but i can't connect to localhost [20:30] filip: using dailup? [20:31] i mean - i get 100% packet loss using ping [20:31] navetz: an error like that 'usually' means that no sound card is detected. [20:31] terran4000: *shrugs* only had it on this os. never any other one. and it comes hand in hand with the mouse issue for me. [20:31] terran4000: it was working before though [20:31] terran4000: I wanted to see if there is maybe a synaptic thing I can install, but adept no longer works. [20:31] filip: how do you get online? with what type of internet connection? [20:31] Alonea: it's possessed! [20:31] How do I find out what my uid is? (cmd line) [20:32] filip: I think dhclient lo will fix that YMMV [20:32] ScorpKing: cable tv, over wireless router [20:32] terran4000: I wanted to load the processes manager thing, but the shortcut doesnt work and I don't know how else to load it. [20:32] steveire: sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep [20:32] vistakiller: vista killer [20:32] navetz: define "working before" === andresj_ is now known as andresj [20:33] :P === andresj is now known as andresj_ [20:33] best nick [20:33] filip: in konsole type ifconfig . do you see ppp0? === andresj_ is now known as andresj [20:33] terran4000: it didn't work properly, then i installed the sound drivers and it worked for about 3 months fine, then i come back from vacation and it does not work anymore [20:33] ubuntu or kubuntu or... [20:33] vistakiller [20:33] purpleposeidon: that dhclient trick did work indeed, but how is that possible? [20:34] waiting coming [20:35] filip: looks like a problem with networkmanager and some connections. [20:35] :D [20:35] thanks :D [20:35] filip: No idea. [20:35] Alonea: > ksysgaurd [20:35] ksysguard [20:36] vistakiller: wahat kind of about pardus linux [20:36] terran4000: thanks. [20:36] There is one thing worse for typing than drinking, and that's sleeping 2 hours and not eating >_> [20:36] ScorpKing: perhaps, networkmanager has its dark sides... [20:36] pardus linux is from turkey [20:36] purpleposeidon: thanks for help! [20:36] is good dist [20:36] but i like kubuntu :P [20:37] Alonea: After that loads, you can open the "process table" worksheet which is at .kde/share/apps/ksysguard/ [20:37] or something like that [20:37] vista killer: pardus is best system [20:37] than ubuntu [20:37] terran4000: ok. also, to install things in the terminal, its sudo apt-get nameofprogram? [20:37] navetz: So nothing changed? [20:38] > apt-get install [20:38] er [20:38] sudo apt-get install [20:38] what about for .deb packages though? Doesn't ubuntu use both? [20:38] terran4000: I dont think so [20:38] dpkg ? [20:38] sudo dpkg -i [20:38] i use kubuntu one and half year now [20:39] and i am from greece :P [20:39] I mean, I've seen both used, so I dunno [20:39] filip: i'm trying to figure your setup out and maybe i can learn something and even decide if you need to edit dhcclient file to prevent it from happening again. can you pastebin the output of ifconfig? [20:39] but I install a fair amount of stuff from commandline [20:39] vista killer:ı'm from turkey [20:39] i know [20:39] terran4000: there we go. knew I was missing something [20:40] you have done many steps in software we dont have here a good distro [20:40] Alonea: 3 shot wiskey, 2 shot rum? [20:40] and you have release a very good adventure game darkness within :) [20:40] Helps solve many of my linux issues. [20:40] haha [20:40] vista killer:http://pardus.org.tr/eng/index.html [20:40] i have the link [20:40] Drinking causes me more issues than it fixes. It corrupts my memory. [20:41] ScorpKing: you mean paste.ubuntu-nl.org? [20:41] yes [20:41] terran4000: heh. is that a saying? afraid I have no heard that one. but I could use that anyway. [20:41] And I always have to check lost+found afterwards... [20:41] Hi folks, got a hard drive that is flaking out and managed to recover my data from it but would like to do a SERIOUS wipe before I RMA it, something like "cp /dev/null /dev/sdb1", suggestions appreciated! [20:41] vista killer:wait [20:41] K'zan, dd I think [20:41] vista killer is vista :-) [20:41] InspironUser: Thanks, will give that a go. [20:42] K`zan, dd /dev/urandom /dev/hd? [20:42] :) [20:42] Alonea: It's the best way I found to get my friend to let my drive his benz. Works like a charm everytime ;-) [20:42] *me drive [20:42] Yorokobi: Thankee Sir! [20:42] K`zan: Yorokobi's way is how i'd do it [20:42] terran4000: lol. indeed. [20:42] navetz: honestly, I can't think of much. Except that maybe a driver isn't being loaded. [20:42] What sound card do you have? [20:42] K`zan, be careful with that one, though. It could take a while to complete :) [20:42] flash install is broken? [20:42] darkghost3 what town in turkey are you from? [20:43] K`zan: shred /dev/sdb1 [20:43] dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb1 [20:43] purpleposeidon: Will do that next :) [20:43] Thanks! [20:43] darkghost2* [20:43] K`zan: might take up to 6 hours depending on the disk size ;) [20:43] ScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/50763/ - and i almost certain that the "lo" section wasn't there before that "dhclient lo" command [20:44] man shred: CAUTION: Note that shred relies on a very important assumption: that the file system overwrites data in place. This is the traditional way to do things, but many mod‐ [20:44] ern file system designs do not satisfy this assumption. The following are examples of file systems on which shred is not effective, or is not guaranteed to be effec‐ [20:44] tive in all file system modes: [20:44] 500G, not a problem, once t hat is done I can dig it out and send samsung the serial number that they seem to desperately need :-). [20:44] Boy, Ubuntu sure has gained quite a lotta popularity lately. There 1300+ people in #ubuntu. :) [20:44] filip: so it's only those tree? [20:44] TSK: That's because they were all kicked from Kubuntu. [20:44] Shows the importance of a good logo :p [20:44] LOL [20:45] InspironUser: Running shred on sdb1 will, uh, shred the filesystem itself [20:45] ScorpKing: yes, that's all the output coming from ifconfig [20:45] * TSK just installed KUbuntu on a Compaq Presario F730US laptop last night and got nearly ALL the hardware working nearly perfectly. [20:46] Maybe [20:46] K`zan: when i send hd's back with info i don't want others to see running a strong magnet over the drive does the trick. not sure if they'll replce it after that though [20:46] purpleposeidon: Don't care, if it completes without the drive flaking out, so much the better for sending it back to samsung :-). Already got everything I really needed off it. [20:46] I might have to change my past opinions of Ubuntu based on this most recent attempt at it. It's really come a LONG ways from a short couple years ago. :) [20:46] filip: ok. looking.. [20:47] TSK: I'm doing that here too, had BAD experiences with earlier ubuntu's. Major USB issues, that seem to be resolved in 7.10. [20:48] TSK, still some minor problems (known bugs) like NFS filesystems randomly showing in df, but I can live with that :-). [20:48] filip: so you get internet from wlan0 right? did you bring eth0 up after you got connected with wlan0? eth0 is still down tho [20:48] Only thing left to fiddle with is the advanced power management stuff which is MOSTLY working, but not quite 100% just yet. Anyone have a link to a good howto or tips page re: ACPI on K/Ubuntu? Most of what I've been able to Google up is kinda old-ish and not much helpful. :) [20:48] Kubuntu/Ubuntu have come a long way, though I believe they've come a full circle and have become a bit too fat in it's age. [20:49] ScorpKing: well, i didn't touch eth0 at all, it just sits there because i don't use ethernet ;-) [20:49] ScorpKing: and yes, i get my internet connection through wlan0 [20:49] K`zan: In the past I've not had much luck with Broadcom based wlan cards on ANY flavor of Linux, but KUbuntu really gave me quite a surprise. It works with both ndiswrapper and with the "restricted" driver. :) [20:49] No reason not to use ethernet [20:49] thank kami...I think that fixed it. there were some more synaptic touchpad drivers that were not installed. [20:49] Wifi is for lamers [20:49] Unless you are using your neighbors [20:50] Wifi is for folks who HAVE to be mobile with their laptops. [20:50] InspironUser: Or lazy blokes like us. [20:50] InspironUser: wifi *with* wpa is not lame and as TSK pointed, useful for laptops [20:50] How mobile does one have to be in their home? [20:50] InspironUser: or are too lazy to run cable all under the carpet. [20:51] The lady I'm building this laptop for MUST be mobile, but she don't want the vile Windows Vista that came with it, hence, KUbuntu + Laptop = Happy lady. :) [20:51] I need my internet fix even at the piano, out back sledding, or in the hot tub. [20:51] wifi is great if you have a laptop at home of course [20:51] terran4000, you have won my respect [20:51] My damn roomated OSX 10.2 lappy doesn't support wpa [20:52] Hottub Linux... Hmmm... That could be fun. [20:52] so he is running 64 bit wep [20:52] Tell him to upgrade. 10.2 is obsolete. ;) [20:52] Wait ... 10.2 supports wpa o.O [20:52] Needless to say, I have him subnetted and firewalled off from my network [20:52] seriously, that wep/wpa encrypting powah is a little bit overrated. certainly there are situations where its needed, but not EVERYWHERE for EVERYONE [20:52] He's a developer and has dependancy hell, he can't really update [20:53] :( [20:53] thats my humble opinion [20:53] ollle: it is when your neighbor will steal it... [20:53] ollle, it is needed in NYC where you have 600 neighbors... [20:53] InspironUser: well, wep sucks ;-) and it's a shame that you don't have wpa because of os x - and guess what, they say linux is not ready for desktop :D [20:53] filip: next time you get this problem look in /etc/resolve.conf if there are dns servers listed. if not edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and uncomment #prepend domain-name-servers; but change to the ip that is currently in /etc/resolve.conf. you can specify more than one my leaving a space between them i think. [20:53] alonea: not everyone has neighbours. i mean it. [20:53] Alonea: No no, you got it all wrong. You let them use it, then install a few interesting images on their computers :-) [20:54] ollle: heh. in my town, if you don't have neighbors, you don't have internet. (internet doesn't reach outside where there are fewer people) [20:54] Funny... Linux has been on MY desktop and the desktops of half my friends for YEARS now... How is it not ready? Heck, the laptop I'm building is for a total newbie who's never owned a computer before and she's not having any complaints about Linux yet. ;) [20:54] terran4000: hmm...that would be kinda fun. [20:54] filip: like this - prepend domain-name-servers; that should work. ;) [20:54] alonea: what about slow DSL? just curious [20:54] Alonea: My neighbors learned very quickly :-) [20:55] The last newbie I built a Linux box for STILL has Linux on it 5 years later and refuses to change it even for his friends that keep trying to talk him into changing to Windows to "be more compatible" with their systems. :) [20:55] ScorpKing: thanks for help! and your devotion to analyse the problem [20:55] ollle: dsl no, satellite or dial up that is painful to use, kinda. [20:55] maybe i should clarify: i do have neighbours. but i think they prefer to steal a faster DSL. [20:55] filip: you're welcome. that's the only way to learn something. ;) [20:55] ollle: ah. ^__^. you poor dear. [20:55] He's actually tried to convince THEM to change THEIR machines to Linux more than once. :) [20:56] TSK: you're friend is a good man. [20:56] * InspironUser is away [20:56] * TSK learns SO much from these Linux channels. [20:56] -_-v [20:56] terran4000: I bet. since wpa didn't work so well on nix, I just made it so I was the only one allowed to use wireless. [20:56] heh. move to #kubuntu-offtopic guys :P [20:57] Alonea: WPA doesn't work for you? Interesting .... [20:57] hi folks - when i try to run truecrypt, i get this message: truecrypt: Running with effective user id 0 (set-euid root) is not supported. [20:57] pl? [20:57] what do i do? [20:57] i also have root [20:57] JasonCO: don't run it as root. root = uuid 0 [20:57] terran4000: its about a 50-50 shot. I got tired of trying for 15 minutes before it would work. some days it would work right off the bat. [20:58] hello how can i delete my cached session info and start a fresh session [20:58] I had trouble using the 128 bit wpa2 key here ... until I just changed from "ascii" to "hex key". Then it was just peachy. [20:58] ScorpKing: is that because i did sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/truecrypt [20:58] Aighty. I'ma go piddle around a bit more with this shiny new KUbuntu Linux laptop and see if I can get the APM/ACPI stuff 100%. It's otherwise workin' great. :) [20:59] JasonCO, sudo chmod u-s /usr/bin/truecrypt [20:59] Y'all folks have much fun. /kbye [20:59] cheers [20:59] JasonCO: that error say you cant do that [20:59] where are my icons located? [20:59] artur pl? [20:59] ScorpKing: dist limitation? or what? [20:59] terran4000: well, part of the problem is network-manager is teh evil and rarely works. so thus wireless assistant it is... [20:59] ogre: locate icons [21:00] JasonCO: not sure. maybe security, who knows [21:00] ScorpKing: i own the system and have root - is it something i can change -- its a gusty kubuntu box [21:01] Hey, does the current live CD have all the cool compiz/emerald stuff avalable? [21:01] JasonCO: haha. it's your system so it can give you errors. :P [21:01] uhuh .... crazy assed signal >_> [21:01] how can i restore an empty partition back to ubuntu through the live cd? [21:01] ScorpKing: so no resolution? [21:01] JasonCO, truecrypt isn't supposed to run as root; setting /usr/bin/truecrypt with u+s makes it always run as root. Remove the s bit and make it executable [21:02] JasonCO, sudo chmod u-s /usr/bin/truecrypt [21:02] kool [21:02] u-s then u+x should do it. [21:03] jhutchins_wk: i think not, it has to be installed from packages [21:03] makers_mark: i don't uderstand what you're asking. :( [21:03] understand* [21:04] kann mir einer helfen meinen druckertreiber zu installieren? epson stylus rx425, hab treiber schon runtergeladen [21:04] !de [21:04] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [21:04] nice irc trick, does it work with other languages as well? [21:04] !fr [21:04] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [21:05] !jp [21:05] 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい [21:05] ScorpKing i created this partition that's now empty space and i want to make the original ubuntu partition take it. [21:05] wow :) [21:05] !pl [21:05] Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [21:05] !botabuse > filip [21:05] haha [21:05] oo, polish [21:05] hi! i have a small problem with my wireless network, i have to start my interface manually with depmod -a and modprobe ndiswrapper, how can i do for it to start it up autpmatically? [21:05] can u help me install my printerdriver? for epson stylus rx425, just downloaded the driver [21:05] ScorpKing nevermind,i figured it out. [21:06] makers_mark: yeah resize it. ;) [21:06] hi all. anybody russion? [21:06] !ru | gdfgd [21:06] gdfgd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [21:06] tnx [21:06] yw [21:06] ScorpKing has skillz [21:06] :) [21:07] dadeto: add ndis to the module list on boot [21:07] hey ScorpKing can you help me out with being able to make youtube videos work? [21:07] artur__: is there any documents with the driver or on the website that you've downloaded it from? [21:07] terran h?ow do i do that [21:07] makers_mark: mine works. hehe [21:07] one moment [21:07] ScorpKing i have flash installed but it keeps on asking me for it. [21:08] !autostart [21:08] To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. [21:08] makers_mark: ah. let me see what i have [21:08] file:///home/artur/gutenprint-5.0.1-1lsb3.1.i486.rpm [21:08] ScorpKing should i give automatix a shot? [21:08] did u meen this? [21:09] Hello, please help me solve this problem: when I boot my system, a "Information - KdeSudo" window appears with a message " [21:09] No command arguments supplied! [21:09] Usage: kdesudo [-u ] [21:09] KdeSudo will now exit... [21:09] artur__: use alien to convert it to a .deb and install it the. hope it works [21:09] i am new, how can i convert it? [21:09] dadeto: echo ndiswrapper >> /etc/modules [21:09] er .. .stick sudo infront of that [21:10] makers_mark: i don't have any flash installed [21:10] ? [21:10] artur__: sudo aptitude install alien [21:10] ok [21:11] makers_mark: i have .mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so for konq flash [21:12] terran and do you thinks i should also add depmod -a? [21:12] ScorpKing i'm running automatix now and i'll see how it does after. [21:12] dadeto: no [21:13] does anybody know what should I do with the window I mentioned? about kdesudo [21:13] !automatix | makers_mark [21:13] makers_mark: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe » [21:13] thanks terran [21:13] hope it works [21:13] me too :D [21:14] noname: is there anything in .kde/Autostart ? [21:14] nope [21:14] ok i did it, it asks to unpack the program, i said yes, but i cant find my feisty-cd [21:15] noname: ah ok. that is because one of the startup programs don't use kdesudo correctly. no idea how you will find it. maybe look in /var/log/* or google [21:16] thx I'll try :) [21:16] hello [21:17] does somebody knows how to revert a driver to the linux kernel ? [21:17] artur__: if your cd is gone run kdesudo /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # before the line for the cd. then run sudo apt-get update and try again [21:17] Installed a wrong driver and want to revert to the kernel default driver [21:17] Hello. I was on yesterday trying to get help on my new Kubuntu PC. Everytime I use the restricted drivers for my GeForce 8500 GT, I can't see anything, when it's not on, I can see, but I can't run most of my applications. [21:17] ward_, did you install in via insmod? [21:18] i am using a dell inspiron 6400 the fn+upor down for brightness doesnt work it works in windows [21:18] insmod ? [21:18] that'd be a no [21:18] lol [21:18] ward_, how did you install this other driver? also, what is it for? [21:18] well I think I really messed it up [21:18] arken0493: so it goes past the login (KDM) ? [21:19] wireless card (4965 from intel), and try'd to install other drivers [21:19] ScorpKing: It starts up then doesn't work, unless I go into safe mode and startkde [21:19] Is there kernel support for the 4965? [21:20] yes it uses the 3945 instead [21:20] and that works as well [21:20] ward_, what'd you do to install the other driver? follow some instructions on a website/forum? [21:21] yes one second I'll give you the link [21:21] arken0493: that's weird. is the nvidia driver selected in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? it might be nv [21:21] ScorpKing: I've gone through this. [21:21] oh [21:21] where should i put #? what is the cd-line? [21:21] http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi [21:21] thats the driver [21:22] artur__: you'll see a line that has something about cd or cdrom in the beginning [21:22] arken0493: no idea what's happening. have you tried the binary drivers? [21:23] ward_, use lsmod to find the entry for mac80211 [21:23] ScorpKing: How do I do that? [21:23] ok [21:23] How much output is there? more than one line? [21:23] yes [21:23] mac80211 170888 0 [21:23] cfg80211 7304 1 mac80211 [21:23] artur_: its the line that say - deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.10 _... [21:23] !paste | ward [21:24] ward: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [21:24] sorry [21:24] :) np [21:24] cant do a # in that line [21:24] ward_, try sudo rmmod mac80211 [21:24] ScorpKing: I can use the computer, but when I get the restricted drivers it doesn't work [21:24] artur__: you have to put a # right in front of that line [21:24] okay [21:24] now nothing remaining of modules [21:25] ward_, it should be using the kernel-provided driver now [21:25] yes ? [21:25] in theory, yes :) [21:25] should I restart my hardware or something ? [21:25] ward, then save it [21:25] hello .... my knetworkmanager is no longer allowing me to use my wireless card ... even with the ethernet cable disconnected it still shows there is etherenet connectivity [21:25] because can't see wlan0 [21:25] arken0493: it will be a lot faster if you can get it to work. download the binary driver from the nvidia website and see if it works. remove the current ones first [21:25] cant get there [21:26] ScorpKing: Can you tell me to step by step? I'm a noob with linux. [21:26] should I restart something ? [21:26] arken0493: i can but it might break things. [21:26] oops artur_ , after the # is added , save the file [21:27] hey, where is $KDEDIR? [21:27] ScorpKing: Hold on. I may just try a few things by myself. [21:27] ok [21:28] Yorokobi what should I do now ? [21:28] reload ? [21:28] ward_, restarting the network *should* be good enough. Granted, I haven't used *mod commands in a while and I'm a bit rusty. $ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [21:28] artur_ i'll bet the sources.list file is open without permission , so no changes are allowed [21:28] artur__: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list [21:28] did it [21:28] but nothing [21:28] no interface [21:29] artur__,did it ask for a password? [21:30] ward_, you could try rebooting; like I said, I'm a bit rusty with those commands. Someone else may have a better idea ... [21:30] okay anybody :p ? [21:30] no [21:30] where is $KDEDIR in kubuntu? [21:30] arken0493: it's not that difficult. download the .bin from nvidia and then run chmod 755 . boot in safemode and run ./file.bin . i think you need the c headers or something as well. not sure [21:31] gonna try rebooting than [21:31] see you soon ) hope not [21:31] thank ! [21:31] !source-o-matic | artur_ [21:31] artur_: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [21:31] Schuenemann: i think /home/you/.kde is one [21:32] ty BluesKaj [21:32] ScorpKing, it seems not... [21:33] ScorpKing, strange , no sources.list tho [21:34] !german [21:34] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [21:35] Schuenemann: maybe /usr/local/kde ? [21:35] ScorpKing, that one doesn't exist [21:36] ok, i'll try antoher time, tnx, SorpKing [21:36] Schuenemann: try env [21:37] ScorpKing, not there... do you see it? [21:38] Schuenemann: nope. try touch $KDEDIRS/whereisthis && sudo updatedb && locate whereisthis [21:39] isn't $KDEDIR a short-hand way of referring to wherever the KDE binaries are installed? [21:39] not necessarily an actual shell variable [21:39] as far as i know yes [21:39] so $KDEDIR=/usr/bin ?? [21:40] it is / here [21:40] Yorokobi, the person it's an environment variable... anyway, where would be that? [21:40] Yorokobi: could be [21:41] Schuenemann: you might be able to find out with kde-config, for example "kde-config --prefix" gives you "Compiled in prefix for KDE libraries". to see all options, use: kde-config --help [21:42] Schuenemann: prefix is usually the top installation directory, in this case it is /usr. If your app needs this set to $KDEDIR, you can set the variable with: export $KDEDIR=/usr [21:43] that shows /usr here [21:43] oh. lol [21:43] :) [21:43] thanks Sanne, something usefull :D [21:43] Sanne, actually, I have to copy a language file to $KDEDIR/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ [21:43] I wonder where is that [21:44] Schuenemann: that would then be /usr/share/locale... [21:44] well, I have it under /usr [21:44] * ScorpKing nods.. [21:44] I'll try there, thanks [21:44] welcome :) [21:44] I hope it doesn't crash everything like my last update [21:45] nite guys.. [21:45] Schuenemann: hi again, update for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/153636/comments/21 [21:45] Schuenemann: be aware, though, that whenever you put files manually to places usually under the reign of the package manager, you might get in trouble when you update. [21:46] bascule, wow, thanks. I'll try that [21:46] Sanne, it's just a language file... you think it can be harmful? [21:46] Schuenemann: I won't think so, but better make a note about it, so you remember later, if needed. [21:47] wouldn't, even [21:47] ok, I don't plan to stay long with feisty anyway [21:48] is there any word on if kde4 will be pushed back? [21:48] Schuenemann: I think it's ok. What I'm against is to put self compiled apps or third party binaries to /usr, cluttering files all over the place. But that's not the case with your language file :) [21:49] alright, thanks [21:49] :) [21:50] brb. restart KDE to test [21:51] oh hey thats a good point, so for my new ipod i updated the libgpod to .60 from a .deb file, will the package manager update this file if a newer version than .60 comes out? [21:51] working :-) [21:52] all that work for a simple typo [21:52] supert0nes, yes it should [21:53] thanks, another instance showing the true power of package managers [21:54] Flash is playing too fast in Konqueror and Firefox! [21:54] supert0nes, the adeptupdater/notifier should [21:55] I am using Feisty! [21:55] Iam running on Gutsy [21:55] :-) [21:59] i am running a feisty CD! [21:59] you mean live CD? [21:59] yes [22:00] and how do you store your data, that you made during your work? [22:00] bascule, it worked! thanks [22:00] np === theme is now known as thetheme [22:01] all that strace amounted to nothing, oh well gotta try it :) [22:01] r_: i have a usb flash memory of 2 gigabytes. _usually_, i use a HDD installation of course [22:01] bascule, yes, of course [22:02] bascule, http://www.doingitwrong.com/wrong/wrong3.jpg :-) [22:07] Schuenemann: heh === vladimir is now known as Adorno [22:23] hi all - i recently tried kde4 by installing it parallel to kde3 - the settings are however bad (uggly panel, menu problems, icons not showing) - how do i erase all of the kde4 settings for my user? [22:23] sort of reset to defaults [22:32] lkjelwkrjvn [22:35] hello [22:35] I just deleted a file from my Desktop (not to trash). Is there any reasonable way to retrieve it? [22:38] anyone having problems with KHTML in Gutsy? I get no connection in Konqueror, but the favicon gets downloaded and displayed in the address field and firefox, ping etc. all get . This is a dial-up connection but it is not a timeout issue. [22:42] plenty of people, not talk here [22:42] Im gone === ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever [22:49] doesn anyone here have anything against swiftweasel? [22:52] jeff__➜ I like it [22:53] i'm using swiftfox for flash xD [22:53] :> [22:54] I installed swiftfox and didn't see any improvement [22:55] Schuenemann: improvement over what? firefox? [22:55] yes [22:55] it's more of a downgrade if you ask me [22:55] it was supposed to be faster [22:56] in terms of features, not sure about the speed.. [22:56] seems pretty slow to me :| [22:56] it's the same, just optimized for a specific processor [22:57] its faster for me [22:57] it loads [22:57] firefox doesnt sometimes [22:57] your fx is b0rked [22:58] Borked? [22:58] Its swedish? [22:58] InspironUser, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=b0rked [22:59] * DreadKnight is trying out swiftweasel [22:59] well [22:59] firefox failed on rhel4 [22:59] or it woul dtake 2 minutes to load [22:59] DreadKnight, swiftweasel is the same, but to iceweasel? [22:59] on all 50 machines. [22:59] Schuenemann, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=joke [22:59] and firefox gave me problems loading on every kubuntu install i did, whether it be i386 or amd64 [23:00] InspironUser, huh... I already know that word :-) [23:00] bye [23:00] Schuenemann: as far as i know the "swift" prefix indicates it only uses RAM... = more secure and stuff.. [23:00] wow [23:00] but swiftweasel works fine, and what i liek is that it comes setup with adblock filters you can subscribe to [23:00] DreadKnight, hmmm... if you check www.getswiftfox.com it says it's optmized for different processors (there is amd, p4, p3 versions, etc) [23:01] fubar > b0rked [23:01] swiftweasel has all the w32 code removed from it as well, tailoring it for linux [23:01] i can't understand how to use the adblock filter in the mozilla browsers family, in opera i just used to click on the ads to get them blocked xD [23:01] Schuenemann: oh yeah, and a bunch of procesor optimizations xD eh.. [23:02] DreadKnight, you might consider RIP (remove it permanently) too [23:03] Schuenemann: let me see if i manage to install swiftweasel... but i would just prefer konqueror at any time :( [23:04] DreadKnight➜ same here, konq > * [23:04] what do you guys think about firefox? [23:05] strange thing with gnome and firefox xD [23:05] i mean firefox 3* :D [23:05] DreadKnight, lot's of extensions === ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever [23:05] very customizable [23:06] hey, is there any software that lets u run two os's simultaneously, disregarding VMs [23:06] ? [23:06] >)< [23:06] I just deleted a file from my Desktop (not to trash). Is there any reasonable way to retrieve it? [23:06] >.< [23:07] >D< [23:07] Schuenemann➜ hrm, is a link being held open by another process? [23:07] Schuenemann➜ you could use lsof and the /proc dir to retreive it [23:07] sub[t]rnl, huh... a link to that file? [23:07] limac: no [23:07] limac: other than have a laptop and a desktop (and the like) [23:08] btw how do u use samba [23:08] Schuenemann➜ when you delete a file your essentially removing a link to it, until all processes have "let go" of it its still there [23:08] limac: which to a radio station with better music. [23:08] uwo: maybe you can try to uninstal all the [23:08] Schuenemann➜ google "rm retrieve lsof" [23:08] terran4000_: thx, what do u mean switch to a radio station?? o.o [23:09] limac: joke. [23:09] actually ubuntu uses firefox as default, not gnome (which has empathy) right? [23:09] sub[t]rnl, I don't think any process is holding it, I just deleted... no processes would have reason to link to it [23:09] !samba [23:09] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [23:09] terran4000_ good one [23:10] uwo: maybe there is some separated configuration direcotry for KDE4 - KDE3 has .kde in you home folder - aren't these settings for # and 4 versions of KDE separated? [23:10] terran4000, the tutorial will b there??? [23:10] Personally, if I 'need' to use samba I just use konqueror and something like smb://othercomp/music/passed-out-music [23:10] Anyone know how to get spellcheck working in Konversation? [23:10] limac: no idea, I guess that depends on what you really want to do with it. Worth checking out. [23:11] terran4000_ u no like file transfer between computers [23:11] in that case: question #1: is the windows computer already setup for sharing? [23:11] Tallen➜ right click in the dialog box (where you type), and click autospell check [23:12] sub[t]rnl: doh! thanks. [23:12] uwo: if you mean default settings without keeping your configurations, you can delete .kde directory completely - after next login the configuration dialog should appear [23:12] terran4000_ how do u set it up? [23:12] Speaking of spell check ... KDE programs need to get a much better spell check interface. Gaim is a good example. I know it's OT, but meh. Just wanted to get the thought out there. [23:13] * sub[t]rnl nods [23:13] terran4000_: I usually start out by drinking a whole bottle of wiskey. It helps when dealing with Windows networking [23:13] kde4 has its own ~/.kde4 dir it stores settings too [23:13] doh! [23:13] and with talking to yourself! [23:14] Success! [23:14] Now I can take over the world by confusing everyone into nothingness. [23:14] lol [23:14] Anywho [23:14] limac: On the windows computer [23:14] yeah how? [23:14] It's usually something like (assuming windows XP) right click on the folder you want to share [23:15] and selecting the "share" tab (or something like that) [23:15] Enable file sharing for that folder and pray to God (no joke) that it will work [23:15] sub[t]rnl, any specific resource? lots of nonsense stuff [23:16] sed s/God/wiskey bottle/ [23:16] terran4000_: what if I have win98???? [23:16] limac, then, my apologies [23:16] Windows 98 had file sharing?! [23:16] i don't no [23:16] lol [23:17] Sorry, but the last experience with '98 was me throwing the computer out the window, then convincing my boss the computer commited suicide and to get me a new one (it worked) [23:17] it did... you're surfing the web while sharing your whole HD [23:17] In this world, we call it H4X0R3D [23:17] I wanna just infect it with a virus too manually but can't [23:18] omg swiftweasel rocks, uninstalling swiftfox xD [23:18] the netscape browser takes like a decade to come [23:18] Really though, I don't know. It should have a 'share' tab/window/feature somewhere [23:18] You'll have to google for it. [23:18] :"( [23:18] and sacrifice a goat [23:18] :'( [23:18] Only one? [23:18] Wow, must've upgraded. [23:18] Used to take a goat and a virgin. [23:19] hehe [23:19] I have an IBM laptop and u wont belive it's processor speed [23:19] ! [23:19] o.O [23:19] As for the linux side of things: [23:19] 1 Mhz [23:19] no [23:19] 75 [23:19] biovore ^^ [23:19] Install samba, if you know how to ... [23:19] biovore: good guess tho [23:19] 750 hertz? [23:19] limac: I am running Xbuntu on a PII 366 with 192MB RAM and a 6.4GB hardrive. (IBM 570). ;) [23:20] 75MHz [23:20] I had a 75MHz laying around, not sure if it still exists though [23:20] terran4000_ no it's 2.8 mflops [23:20] I had it running on a 16 Mhz 386with 16MB of ram and 1.44 MB floppy :-P [23:21] it's incredibly fast and got it free from IBM [23:21] that's nothing, I installed Xubuntu on my TI-83 back in high school [23:21] Psh, 1.44 floppy are sooo new age. 5 1/4 disks are the way to go man. [23:21] thats mainly for the supercomputer design and stuff [23:22] limac: know how to install samba on the linux side of the issue? [23:22] 2.8 Mflop isn't very fast.. [23:22] sudo apt-get install samba [23:22] woot [23:22] biovore: u gotta b kidding [23:22] 1 tflop is fast [23:22] 1 or 1G flop [23:22] well [23:23] 1M flop is nothing.. [23:23] blue gene itself is 2.8 gflops [23:23] blue gen is 1998 [23:23] huh??? [23:24] how about 1pflop???? [23:24] 36.01 teraflops <-- what the average super computer does these days [23:24] 1Meg is 100,000 times slower then 1T [23:26] All this talk of flopping around is getting me a taste for sushi [23:26] can kubuntu write to ntfs now? [23:26] !ntfs [23:26] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [23:26] biovore, you mean 1 million [23:26] randomshadowbmg: yes, with fuse. [23:26] yeah.. [23:26] All hail Fuse! [23:28] sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g [23:28] sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/whatever (must mkdir /media/whatever first) [23:29] you may need -force if it was last used in windows. === Iradigalesc_ is now known as Iradigalesc [23:29] mm sushi [23:30] hi guys [23:31] normally, KDE 3 saves the preferred default application for certain filetypes in ~/.kde/share/config/profilerc [23:31] kubuntu seems to do otherway [23:31] could you please tell me where kubuntu saves this information? [23:33] Romina, try /usr/share [23:33] I'm trying to install fallout2 with wine but I get an error: Error initializing video mode [23:33] any ideas? [23:34] its wine.. [23:34] your lucky if anything works.. [23:34] hannes_➜ try searching the wine database [23:34] well, I searched it and nobody had any problems with fallout [23:36] Schuenemann, cat: /usr/share/config/profilerc: No such file or directory [23:38] Romina, /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config [23:39] cat: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config: No such file or directory [23:39] Romina, you're supposed to navigate there [23:39] I am on 7.04 [23:39] if it makes a difference [23:40] me too [23:40] Romina, cd /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config [23:40] bash: cd: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config: No such file or directory [23:41] now that's weird [23:41] Schuenemann, only /usr/share/ exists [23:41] /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/ does NOT exist [23:41] hello! im running compiz with kubuntu and the panel does not work as it should. it displays all my tasks from all desktops in one. How do i avoid this? [23:41] Hello all... I have a rather unique problem.. My desktop doesn't allow me to see the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.. Even after configuring it to be larger I can't see the bottom of it.. I tried to adjust the horizontal and vertical monitor inputs and also it doesn't allow a full view of the taskbar.. An example of what I see is this program, if it was in full (maximized ) screen i can't see the text field. I have to have [23:41] the program in min size to type.. Any help??? [23:41] Romina, it's empty? [23:41] it does not even exist [23:41] the pager does not work properly either [23:42] /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings: No such file or directory [23:42] Romina, see it there is any directory that makes sense... I don't know. I have that exact file you mentioned [23:44] itsjustme➜ you tried the horizontal/vertical on the actual monitor right? [23:44] Romina, sudo -name profilerc might find it [23:44] n8 [23:44] anyone? [23:44] sorry, sudo find -name profilerc [23:45] the only one is in /home/romina/.kde/share/config/profilerc [23:45] but this one seems not to work [23:45] Romina: what are you trying to do? [23:45] when I change the default application for any file, this file does not change [23:46] YES i did and it was only limited in the help it gave [23:46] fdoving, what I want to do: [23:46] walkover➜ http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=61169 [23:46] fdoving, I have to set up around 6 computers with kubuntu [23:47] it takes a long time until every file type is associated to a default application [23:47] so I just want to port the data file which contains this information to all the 6 computers I am going to set up [23:48] fdoving, goal is to find the data file :) [23:48] Romina: with the changes you make to one account, right? [23:48] so you set up one account, and want to copy the thing around to all the other boxes? [23:48] the #kde guys said it would be ~/.kde/share/config/profilerc ... well, this file contains some infos, but it does not change when I link a file type to a new default app [23:49] fdoving, not everything should be copied, but some stuff [23:49] Romina, that file (in home) seems to work for me. It has only some filetypes and I remember I changed those [23:49] the default applications stuff is one of the things which has to be copied [23:49] Romina: it is profilerc. [23:49] Schuenemann, when you change any other file type (I tried it with .mp3) this file does NOT change [23:50] http://sial.org/pbot/paste [23:50] erm sorry [23:50] http://sial.org/pbot/29591?tx=on&submit=Format+it%21 [23:51] Romina, it just did to me [23:51] I changed png to gimp and it was recorded there [23:51] Romina: but by default the ~/.kde/share/config/profilerc is only the differences in that accounts config, compared to the system-default, whcih is /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/profilerc [23:51] ~/.kde/share/config/profilerc will of course override the /usr/share one. [23:52] Schuenemann, lemme try it with the same stuff (png to gimp) [23:53] hal is no working for me... what's wrong? [23:54] I have inserted a usb but there is no window to auto-mount [23:54] кто выключил свет?? [23:54] !ru | f3ex [23:54] f3ex: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [23:54] sourcemaker➜ try sudo fdisk -l [23:55] i turn on my PC and it says: etc/init.d/rc usplash_write permission denied and die hard please help! I have not modified anything it was ok [23:55] sub[t]rnl: I know.. how to mount ... but how can I auto-mount [23:55] Schuenemann, nothing happened to ~/.kde/share/config/profilerc [23:56] fdoving, should it make me wonder that /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/ does NOT exist? [23:56] Romina, weird... you're sure it's the same user? [23:56] yes [23:57] Romina: are you missing the kubuntu-default-settings package? [23:57] um.. how to enable flash in konqueror in gutsy? :/ [23:57] fdoving, no clue, I run the default installation of 7.04 [23:57] Romina: then you should have it. [23:58] Romina, apt-cache policy kubuntu-default-settings [23:58] I think she doesn't [23:58] kubuntu-default-settings: [23:58] sourcemaker➜ anything interesting in dmesg when you plug it in? [23:58] Installed: (none) [23:58] that is interessting. [23:58] sub[t]rnl: no.. quite normal [23:58] could it change anything to my current installation if I install this package now? [23:58] Romina: how did you install kde? [23:59] it's located at /dev/sdd1 [23:59] fdoving, kubuntu comes with KDE by default [23:59] ubuntu is the gnome one [23:59] Romina: yes, some defaults, but your ~/.kde changes will stick. [23:59] !hal [23:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:59] fdoving, I hope it won't change too much [23:59] fdoving, IIRC, I installed this package yesterday. I didn't have it (although I removed some packages that might've removed it along) [23:59] fdoving, installing this package could help me solve my problem? [23:59] Romina: do you have kubuntu-desktop then?