[00:00] I just want to have the autologin option work via lxdm [00:01] What "session" is listed in the config file? [00:01] let me see [00:02] Unit193: I think I found the error. This is what I found [00:02] [base] autologin=hosoka # session=/usr/bin/startlxde # numlock=0 greeter=/usr/lib/lxdm/lxdm-greeter-gtk [00:03] so for session should be session=lubuntu [00:03] session=/usr/bin/startlubuntu [00:03] ok [00:04] do I need to change the default.conf to ? [00:04] Isn't that what you were editing? And that's what should be listed [00:04] yes [00:04] i do see the lxdm.conf and the default.conf [00:05] ah [00:05] i see [00:05] it changed by default to [00:05] thanks [00:05] will restart again and hope it works [00:06] Alright [00:10] Unit193: it did not help [00:11] still getting x-session Lubuntu error message [00:13] file /usr/bin/startlubuntu [00:13] Type that into terminal [00:14] getting this [00:15] did you got my output ? [00:15] Nope [00:15] POSIX shell script text executable [00:15] Ah, alright... [00:16] I thought this might be easy and I have seen many struggling with this. [00:19] i take it just disablng autologin, doesn't fix the issue? [00:19] Here is mine, should work http://paste.ubuntu.com/725886/ [00:21] where did you got that from [00:22] from the lxdm.conf ? [00:22] /etc/lxdm/default.conf [00:26] ok, I will try this out. [00:34] no luck with the lxdm autologin [00:35] this is my output http://paste.ubuntu.com/725893/ [00:35] after changing the lxdm.conf I encounter now the lxdm window manager to fill in my login id and password. [00:36] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1770212 [00:37] How did you install? [00:38] I did the install through the Lubuntu cd [00:38] not the live cd but the alternate [00:38] Take a look at the forum post [00:38] looks like the ciscoboy also had issue that is unsolved [00:38] I will do [00:39] I noticed that Linuxmint lxde had a nice feature in the startup tray called lxdm autologin [00:39] but thanks for your assistance. === aw is now known as Guest33118 [01:43] my installation is stuck on "Saving Installed Packages" what did I do wrong? [01:44] First, what's your RAM [01:44] ? [01:44] 1gb [01:44] 1ghz processor cpu [01:44] 40gb hard drive [01:47] extended partition [01:47] / 2.3 gb [01:47] /usr 4096 mb [01:47] /var 2048 mb [01:47] /tmp 2048 mb [01:47] primary parition [01:47] /home 2800 mb [01:47] Are you using a flash drive for install? Did you check the MD5/Check the integrety? [01:48] checked the disk integrety it says it is fine [01:49] I used the recommended minimums for the separate parititions on ubuntu's guide [01:50] its a CD [01:50] 11.10 [01:51] When I searched, I came up with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1741941 I haven't fully taken a look yet, but I need to go get the heat working :/ [02:02] well maybe it doens't like my partition setup [02:02] going for a more simple one not too complex just root 10.30 gb and another one for home at 26.96 gb [02:05] it working now [02:06] guess it didn't like my setup being so complexed or the installer doesn't except extended partitions.... [02:06] well it works now [02:08] copying files... [02:08] :) [02:08] can't wait to try out my new lubuntu!!!!! [02:09] well I'll be back gonna play some games while I wait for it to finish [02:20] Unit193 I fixed my problem don't know why it didn't except my setup because there was no error messages and I just made it less complexed just a 10gb / root paritition and a 26 gb home partition both primary [02:20] that worked [02:20] accept* [02:21] installation has completed [02:21] well I am outta here [02:39] back [02:39] Loves Lubuntu [02:39] I remember when LXDE first came out I really loved it but it was missing some features but now its implemented! [02:39] :) [02:40] my audio buttons on my keyboard didn't work in the first lxde [02:41] Great! I was afk for a while, was just you :P [02:43] lxde is FAST! [02:43] faster than last time I used it [02:44] OSMO is really cool [02:44] because its the only calender that tells you the phases of the moon each day [02:45] that I know of for linux [02:45] Well, unless you have anymore support questions, I'd recommend #Lubuntu-offtopic ;) [02:45] And Lubuntu would be quite fast on your hardware [02:45] sure [02:45] going to get some more ram [02:46] I decided to switch because of the moves gnome and kde did [02:46] too much extra crap you don't need that slows pc down [02:50] JondoFox, Tor, Firefox with all the add-ons. dual boot with key protected windows and ....we need to address security for those that need, want both. [02:51] and help [02:53] truecrypted storage [02:54] secure tray util should be auto for all one keystroke [02:55] Excuse me? [02:55] Sorry [02:55] Wrong window? [03:00] tis Lubuntu [03:01] So, what's your question? It's not clear [03:01] No ? Just statements of my like for Lubu [03:02] Default wallpaper should follow the boot though [03:03] Oh, ok. The login wallpaper is the same as the default Desktop wallpaper [03:03] Simplicity and consistency should be the norm [03:04] I don't see what you mean, what follows boot is the same background as the desktop :/ [03:04] I do not believe this to be the case [03:05] It is on a fresh install, but you can change it [03:06] I had to install gimp and create a wallpaper with Lubuntu logo [03:06] that followed the boot theme [03:06] I understand what lindolo is talking about [03:06] I am familiar with the security features he was talking about [03:07] lubuntu is awesome as is [03:07] yes indeed it is [03:07] maybe you should make a package that configures this for lubuntu [03:07] or a how to [03:07] consistency with colors would help with its simplicit [03:07] or reroll the distro [03:08] this is the best distro! [03:08] ultrafastnixsecurity you could call it [03:08] ultra fast *nix security [03:08] idk [03:09] something [03:09] Login screen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/Oneiric/Ozone?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=lxdm.png Background: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Artwork/Incoming/Oneiric/Ozone?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=wallpaper.png [03:09] those were just stuff I did to my own box... [03:09] you did that Unit193 [03:09] No, that's the default [03:09] I see [03:10] When you install, that's what you have, but you can change it.... [03:10] I've heard about key press window encryption before [03:10] I thought someone in mainstream was thinking about implementing it [03:10] bitlocker encypted with dual boot encrypted Lubuntu [03:11] why does it have to be dual boot? [03:11] brb [03:11] I need windows for school and want my Lubu on bare metal [03:12] It is the speed that gets us [03:12] its the love that keeps us [03:13] I see [03:14] we seem to have similar ideas and interests [03:14] with computers [03:14] you have skype or other im? [03:15] oh yes forgot we need to discuss this in offtopic lubuntu [03:16] Unit213 I mean the "plymouth" boot jibing with the desktop...but with the login also [03:16] upload your wallpaper so we can see it [03:16] http://filedump.net [03:17] OH! You mean Plymouth clashes with the wallpaper and login, not login and wallpaper [03:17] I just worked off a gimp tut so the logo has a box but follows the #182c scheme [03:17] well I'll be back [03:17] just installed and upgraded [03:17] requires restart [03:17] be back [03:19] Anywho, if you don't exactly have anything support related, it's perferred you join #Lubuntu-offtopic for chat ;) [03:19] Lubu has the best Plymouth and as such I would like it to be consistent with it. [03:21] How do you get a USB soundbar recognized in Lubuntu's alsa? [03:21] alsamixer will not do it for me [03:21] Soundbar? [03:22] usb laptop speaker (external) [03:23] There are no definitive answers on the wiki. [03:23] I'd google for forum or blog posts [03:24] Install Pulse Audio Volume Control [03:25] What is on topic? [03:25] Just found your forum post [03:25] On topic is any support question [03:26] Xchat with otr? [03:27] does sylspheed support master password? [03:27] sylpheed^ [03:28] how can I impliment "snap" in Lubu? [03:29] !support [03:29] The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com [03:29] Hm [03:29] I will do and tell [03:30] Doesn't seem like sylpheed does [03:31] I don't know what "snap" would be and I think Xchat does have that plugin [03:31] unit...this shouldnt be a problem as it is so quick plus we can be encrypted [03:32] snap is just the windows function that unity adopted to put one window over there and this over here...split screen [03:34] I will go ....off topic [03:34] Ah, I haven't used Unity. Normally when you drag it to a corner, it goes to the next workspace [03:35] Yes [03:36] But dont you occasionally end up on the other workspace? I do. I like one desktop. [03:52] how do i get my context menu on my desktop to be the original? [03:52] i changed some setting and now it's a list of stuff like Terminal Emulator, Restart, Exit, etc.. [03:55] lindolo what software you use for this "key protected windows"? [03:55] where you talking about [03:56] encrypted key pressing for each window so that other programs like keyloggers can read what was typed? [03:56] can't [04:00] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logging [04:02] new anonymous software everyday! :) [04:02] http://anonymous-proxy-servers.net/en/jondofox.html [04:07] Dang... [04:08] faint545: Menu > Run pcmanfm --desktop-pref and go to the advanced tab... [04:12] i need to change my desktop context menu back to the original. how can i do this???? [04:12] faint545: Menu > Run pcmanfm --desktop-pref and go to the advanced tab... [04:12] You have to type pcmanfm --desktop-pref into the run box [04:13] thanks.. ive been trying to figure out which program that is [04:13] Heh, yeah. It can be hard [04:13] pcmanfm -h will tell you some [04:14] of what it manages, lxsession does some too [04:14] this is probably a stretch but, you wouldn't happen to know anything about the Cyborg RAT 9 mouse do you? [04:14] That's a big nope, sorry :/ [04:32] Hallo hallo [05:30] how does one use otr with xchat? [05:35] otr just works for private messages as far as I know [05:35] last time I checked they where working on making it for channels too group chats [05:36] if your interested I made several firefox themes with different colors to know which profile of firefox I am using [05:37] just plain solid easy on eyes colors [05:37] I like simple... [05:38] do you use a profile switcher? [05:39] no [05:39] because then you can easily forget which one you are using [05:39] then wind up sending shit out in the open [05:39] I use JonDoFox where you select before firefox opens [05:40] like late at nate and you didn't realize how tire you were until you fucked up [05:41] JonDoFox works with both Tor and JonDo proxies and you can also have your normal browser...although my normal is similar to JonDoFox [05:44] I don't just use tor and jondo [05:44] also freenet, i2p [05:45] i2p is my favorite anonymous network [05:46] how do they work, respectively? Mixes... [05:46] i2p is very similar to tor [05:46] except it is a closed network [05:46] so it is more secure [05:47] it has its own private secure network with websites provided by users of the software [05:47] you can download torrents on there [05:47] do anything you can do on the normal web as long as there is a plugin for it [05:47] do they have repositories? [05:47] of softwaree? [05:48] I think so [05:48] for updates [05:49] freenet is a java program it seems? [05:49] it is more secure because it doesn't go outside of encryption like tor does at the end of destination where it exits to the web from tor network to give you the web [05:49] yes both are javaj programs [05:49] if you have a problem with proprietary code [05:49] use openjdk [05:49] it works great and you can download the source [05:50] almost all anonymous software and tools out there is java based [05:50] because it is multiplatform [05:50] not sure for their reasons [05:50] one second [05:50] yes, openjdk is great [05:52] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_P2P [05:52] most of that software on there is built in java [05:53] Just downloaded and am reading philosophy [05:53] this is pretty cool for making your torrent uploads safer [05:53] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StegoShare [05:55] do you know about making touchpad scroll settings permenant? And I am looking at your links...Cool [05:56] I have no idea [05:56] I prefer using a mouse [05:58] I installed gpoint settings but the scroll function does not seem to persist [06:00] Speaking of plausible deniability...the one thing that bothers me about Truecrypt is the lack of keyfile usage for system encryption [06:00] what you mean keyfile? [06:00] you mean using files and password to open the drive? [06:01] instead of a passphrase ...yep [06:01] or with a passphrase and a file [06:01] dunno I just use the full disc encryption offered by ubuntu during installation [06:02] I just finished yesterday blitlocker encrypted windows dual booted with my Lubu [06:03] you know you can use tor on freenode right to hide your ip [06:03] I have to redo one more time for perfection...or a another install [06:03] dont they block tor [06:03] you have to signup and use a special server on freenode dude to abuse [06:04] they allow tor just on a dedicated server with signin of nick [06:04] charge? [06:04] no charge [06:05] lindolo http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor [06:05] cool...just with freenode I get to spend several hours I like it. [06:08] I am new to IRC so I have a huge learning curve but Lubunutu's lean style makes this all the more appealing [06:10] Lubuntu kicks ass [06:10] break dancin' lubuntu [06:11] bleeding fast speedz [06:29] lindolo is back my popular demand === M0hi_ is now known as IAmNotThatGuy [09:52] mmm [09:52] hi [10:04] l33_: hi [10:04] morning ErwinJunge === aw is now known as Guest29870 [12:13] would anyone know why my volume settings is grayed out when i right click on the volume icon in my task bar? [12:14] maybe you have to mount the volume first...just a guess [12:14] talking about storage volume or audio? (:) [12:16] Tm_T, audio [12:16] faint545: slider greyed out? possibly mute on? [12:17] aaa....sorry [12:17] Tm_T, no not the slider, but when i right click on the icon, theres an option for "Volume Settings" and it's disabled [12:17] i wanna switch from my speakers to my USB headset. [12:18] unfortunately my guesses goes only this far, I don't use lubuntu (: [12:18] oh.. [12:21] faint545: drivers [12:21] if the option is grayed out and you do not have the ability to change anything than its probably a driver issue [12:23] stlsaint, oh... but i do have audio. [12:23] faint545: what options do you have on the audio [12:24] well, when i click on the volume icon, it just gives me a slider with a mute checkbox. [12:25] What about alsamixer? [12:25] Unit193, alsamixer can see everything fine [12:25] faint545: if alsamixer works what info are you wanting to edit? [12:26] stlsaint, i want to change the audio output from my speakers to my USB headset [12:26] stlsaint, i dont know how to do this from alsamixer if there is a way. [12:29] faint545: does a notification appear showing that the usb headset is plugged in? [12:30] stlsaint, no. I always have it plugged in anyway. [12:31] faint545: does command: lsusb see it? [12:31] stlsaint, yes. alsamixer can see it too [12:35] faint545: has it never worked before? [12:36] stlsaint, i just installed Lubuntu 11.10 [12:40] faint545: ah that may be a bug [12:41] faint545: im using 11.04, are you unable to choose the audio output with a application like gnome player [12:42] stlsaint, gnome player gives me the option to select different outputs === head_v is now known as head_victim [12:47] faint545: i see what you are referring to as i cannot seem to be able to change my output on system wide config neither, maybe just doing wrong though [12:48] hi [12:48] i am korean [12:48] stlsaint, not sure how else to do it without using terminal which i dont know how to do [12:48] Jangseokgwon, as you're here, we can assume you're from the south one ;) [12:48] how can i put the home computer icon to desktop [12:49] hellow [12:49] Jangseokgwon, you have to make Home.desktop file and put exec="pcmanfm ~/" [12:49] if I remember right [12:50] doesn`t appear [12:51] and trash [12:51] trash icon [12:51] exec="pcmanfm ~/" [12:51] just it? [12:51] and if you want some fancy icons and stuff like that [12:51] was there that lxshortcut program? [12:52] which makes it easier to create these [12:52] well can i find the softwarecenter? [12:52] faint545: within alsmixer you have option to select sound card [12:53] stlsaint, right to change the properties but not to make it as the current output [12:55] where is the lxshorcut program [12:56] isn`t there anybody? [12:56] my computer icon trash icon doesn`t appear [12:56] im thinking pulseaudio over alsa [12:57] i need to help [12:58] how can i put the my computer icon to desktop [12:59] hellow [12:59] anybody else [13:01] Jangseokgwon: yes [13:01] faint545: hrm, yea this is bother me now [13:01] stlsaint, i just installed pulseaudio, gonna restart. [13:02] but i couldn`t make a my computer icon [13:03] is there no one here? [13:03] hi [13:03] get back [13:04] how can make [13:04] my computer icon [13:04] stlsaint [13:04] can you help me? [13:04] Jangseokgwon: computer icon? [13:04] my computer icon [13:04] and trash [13:05] stlsaint, oh yeah. i installed pavucontrol and pulseaudio and now i can switch outputs using pavucontrol. [13:05] like windows [13:05] i need [13:05] i am a new lubuntu [13:05] faint545: cool, yea i figured pulseaudio [13:05] home computer icon [13:06] Jangseokgwon: well the "my computer" icon in windows is supplemented with the directory button on lubuntu which is on the panel [13:06] Jangseokgwon, can't you create a .desktop file in your Desktop folder and point it to pcmanfm ? [13:07] yes [13:07] no; [13:07] sorry [13:07] no i can`t [13:07] Jangseokgwon: my question is what are you looking for that isnt provided already... [13:08] i want to put home computer icon into desktop [13:09] and trash icon [13:09] my trash icon doesn`t change the shape when trash is unempty [13:11] Jangseokgwon: one sec [13:12] Jangseokgwon: see here: forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2018 [13:13] yes~ [13:13] i see [13:13] but my trash icon [13:13] doesn`t have empty button [13:14] Jangseokgwon: didnt you just say you wanted the trash icon on your desktop? [13:14] no; [13:14] it doesn`t change [13:15] when trash is full [13:15] dude [13:15] 16:08 < Jangseokgwon> i want to put home computer icon into desktop [13:15] 16:09 < Jangseokgwon> and trash icon [13:15] YEA~ [13:16] one problem at a time please [13:16] i know~ [13:16] are those icons on your desktop now? [13:16] i make them [13:16] yes [13:16] lol [13:16] those icons on my computer [13:17] you saw the below? [13:17] Is there anyway to enable "Right Click > Empty Trash" in LXDE? I mean as far as I know, with other DEs, one can do that from the Trash Icon on the desktop without going to the File Manager. [13:17] Perhaps I should contact PCMan  [13:18] Jangseokgwon: what version are you running cause i just right clicked and emptied my trash (and it changed) Lubuntu 11.04 [13:18] lubuntu 11.10 [13:18] and when you right click you get no option? [13:18] yes [13:19] sorry [13:19] there is no option [13:21] Jangseokgwon: ok i will probably not be able to properly help you as i am running a older version. Can you try emailing the mailing list as this might already be a feature request for the file manager [13:21] but i think contacting the developers might be unnecessary [13:21] bioterror: poke [13:25] the way trash can works is tied to PCManFM [13:25] and that has been discussed on mailing list [13:25] https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg05106.html [13:32] for filename in *.NEF ; do convert -quality 75 $filename `basename $filename .NEF`.jpg; done [13:32] what is mean [13:32] it means: that's how nikon owners rolls [13:34] where is answer [13:34] Hi PCMan and everyone, As you may know, many users including myself are wondering when it's possible to add "Trash" to desktop and have "Right Click > Empty Trash" just like the other Desktop Environment? http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2018 I followed the above steps and I have now two icons on my Desktop but there is NO Empty Trash Option from that icon, I still have to do it the old way. Beside, is there any news regarding "Drag and Dr [13:35] where is the answer [13:35] Jangseokgwon, http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?p=5680#p5680 [13:36] i followed the above steps [13:36] but there is no empty trash icon [13:37] keep some files then in trashcan and use only icon which show that it's half full [13:44] not able to mount my windows share with pcman file manager [13:44] am I suppose to install something extra? [13:44] lubuntu214, you can try installing gvfs-backends [13:45] but that problem was solved during 10.10 ;) [13:45] I am using 11.10 [13:48] hi [13:48] again [13:48] i have question [13:48] about xscreensaver [13:49] yes? [13:49] i want add video clip to xscreensaver [13:49] and [13:49] i follwed steps [13:49] http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/faq.html#mpeg [13:50] in this text [13:51] i added but they show me that mplayer : symbol 'ff-codec_bmp_tags' has different size in shared object , consider re-linking [13:51] how can i fix it [13:56] hellow [13:56] anybody here [14:01] hmm === szczur_ is now known as szczur [14:18] Hello. Why Lubuntu does not update my clock, it's already winter time and still have summer time, there is no way to change this kind of settings, eh? [14:23] osmodivs: it reads from date [14:26] brother- You mean I have to change the date settings, like %something? [14:27] I mean that your date command must return the correct settings [14:27] if that doesn't work lxpanel cannot do anything for you [14:35] Nope, it is not working for me, this is what I have %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S %Z, but perhapas the servers have not been updated to winter time? [15:02] the servers run on UTC, which has no winter/summer time [15:29] hi === EvilDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108 [19:46] hi [19:46] just installed lubuntu...and i wonder how can i add a shortcut from desktop to the panel bottom bar ? [19:47] cristian: you should be able to right click on the panel [19:47] stlsaint: i do [19:48] for example i want firefox into the panel bar as shotcut ....but i am not allowed to add other then 'panel applets' [19:48] hrm one sec [19:49] i have choosed on login the lxde [19:50] cause default has some weird behaviour...regarding bottom bar ..strange repaint problems... [19:51] cristian: right click on bottom panel>Panel Settings>Select the option "Application Launch Bar" from left side,>Hit edit button on right side [19:51] cristian: there you can select your applications you want [19:52] stlsaint: thanks !!! [19:52] that is what i wanted...:) [19:52] cristian: no prob [19:52] stlsaint: i have several choices to log in [19:53] lubuntu,lxde...and openbox [19:53] openbox seems not to work...when i login [19:53] other choices must be configured, i suggest stickign with lubuntu [19:53] where ? [19:53] where what [19:54] where i need to configure them ? [19:54] some conf files that i have not messed with in some time, sorry [19:55] np [19:55] lxde is more then ok [19:55] as well lubuntu [19:56] hi [20:04] have you heard of http://www.enlightenment.org/?p=about/e17 [20:04] E17 ? [20:04] can this be installed on lubuntu ? [20:08] seems like yes [20:14] thanks Pici [20:15] croque [20:46] haha I found a nice little bug, when using enlightenment as window manager in lubuntu. If you log out enlightenment keeps running ontop of lxdm :P [20:47] nice [20:47] i could be jaded and say something like "the bug is the fact that you're using enlightenment" but i won't ;) [20:48] you can even switch workspaces and run apps ontop of it xD [20:49] yeah enlightenment as a replacement for openbox on lxsession is not a good idea :P [20:49] i'd love to see a screen shot of that :D [20:53] wxl: here: http://www.abload.de/img/2011-11-02-215250_1280g8d0.png [20:54] omg that is hilarious leszek [20:55] :) [20:56] lol I even can hibernate from this setup ROFL [20:56] lxdm does not support hibernating :P === LinoSP|away is now known as LinoSP [21:01] question: is it difficult to switch from lxdm to lightdm? [21:01] You'd need lightdm and a greeter, best to read up on it first [21:05] bye @ all === micahg_ is now known as micahg [21:48] anyone know where i can find some application menu icons [21:49] i want to replace the default one because it looks blurry when i increase the size of my panel [21:51] have you looked at box looks or whatever it is andantino [21:51] whats that? [21:51] deviant art too although there's a lot of crap to wade through [21:52] ill check it out [21:52] http://box-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=7303&PHPSESSID=f357a4c02c17d9b1b8b4ebc77dfb3297 [21:52] kinda funny that lubuntu icons are right at the top [21:53] cool [21:55] thanks wxl [21:58] andantino: np :D [22:29] Hello, noob here, trying to install a Broadcom wireless driver and connecting through ethernet doesn't seem to get me access to the internet [22:30] uh [22:30] broadcom shouldn't have anything to do with the ethernet [22:31] are you saying you're trying to connect to the internet with wireless? [22:31] trying to install a wireless driver so i can connect with wireless [22:32] ok, so which wireless card you got? [22:32] Broadcom 4312 [22:33] and you on 11.04 or 11.10? [22:33] 11.10 [22:33] which driver did you install? b43 or sta? [22:34] haven't been able to install it [22:34] which are you trying to install? [22:36] i take it your major problem is trying to get the firmware downloaded when you don't have access to the internet? if so, i'd highly recommend getting an ethernet cable and plugging into your router direclty. i'd so highly recommend that i'd say it's even worth getting off your butt and going to the store to buy one :D [22:38] hehe [22:38] that's exactly what i'd say if i were at a call center [22:38] when i did at least [22:38] feck [22:38] i'm being dead serious [22:38] no i believe you [22:39] one of the steps to the "if you have no internet access" is "find a computer with internet access" [22:39] at that point it's like why not just go get a damn cable? :D [22:41] i probably should've mentioned that [22:41] cause i've already tried plugging in cables from the router to the port with no avail [22:41] harumph [22:41] unless i've been absolutely stupid with this 2wire uverse box, which is completely likely [22:41] what's ifconfig telling you? [22:41] do you have an eth0? [22:46] doesnt seem like it [22:46] hold on [22:47] ifconfig eth0 up [22:51] yes i have one. let me try to plug one of the uverse cables in again [22:52] if you want to check your ethernet driver try [22:52] lspci -vk | grep -iA 7 eth [22:53] might want to tweak that 7 to 8 or so if you don't see the "kernel driver" line [22:53] it should tell you "kernel driver in use" as well as "kernel modules" [22:59] hm [22:59] not seeing it [22:59] oh that's weird [22:59] even took it to 11 [22:59] what DO you get? [22:59] there's probably a better way of doing that but i'm not all that fab with regex [23:00] let me type this in a pirate pad real quick [23:03] http://piratepad.net/sy2JkIJXpR [23:05] was there a line before that dell subsystem crap? [23:05] cuz that doesn't look like it was properly grepped [23:05] nope [23:05] besides info about the ethernet controller [23:05] http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-267597.html is someone else's lspci output from what i believe to be a similar computer [23:06] oh so there you go :D [23:06] heh, nothing about kernels though [23:06] if that's to be believed you should be running tg3 [23:15] try lsmod | grep -i tg3 [23:47] hi [23:50] yo i1 [23:56] ; ) [23:56] is there a common reason for booting up to a white screen? [23:58] hm [23:58] is this with the live cd or the install? if the latter, did you have the same problem with the former? [23:58] live cd and install [23:59] not sure why [23:59] 11.10? [23:59] yes