=== rafael is now known as Guest41026 [08:04] * RyuKurisu[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/RBAZHSrSOqNFtFGQCmLvMCmF/message.txt > [10:04] Hello! [10:07] I force-powered off a laptop with Lubuntu 18.04 (32-bit), and now it won't log in. Whenever I try, it returns me to the login screen. [10:07] Does anyone know how to fix this? [10:09] Curium, rather than a power off, did you try commanding the machine to safely shutdown (ie. SysRq commands)... After a power off, I'd boot a *live* system and file-system check (fsck) your disks [10:09] I would then boot it normally, login via terminal to ensure you have free space, then try normal gui login (lack of disk space in $HOME or the user directory can cause login-loop) [10:10] Oops, got disconnected there. [10:10] After a power off, I'd boot a *live* system and file-system check (fsck) your disk. I would then boot it normally, login via terminal to ensure you have free space, then try normal gui login (lack of disk space in $HOME or the user directory can cause login-loop) [10:10] Curium39, ^ [10:11] Ah thanks. It might be low on space. How do I check? [10:11] Also don't power-off a machine, you can use SysRq keys to cause the kernel to cleanly shutdown. grab a phone and search "magic sysrq" for the commands if you don't remember them, the wikipedia article is usually near top & is pretty good at safe shutdowns [10:12] `df -hl` (disk free, -h for human output, -l for local filesystems only, the options are optional) [10:13] Available: 0 [10:13] Disk space it is. [10:13] Thanks for your help! [10:13] :) [10:15] And I'm in! Thanks again! [15:43] Hallo === lubuntu is now known as Guest89177 === lubuntu is now known as aizenma [20:23] Is there anyway to have a widget that allows you to change the brightness of the screen? [20:28] do you already have it with you Backlight tried?