[08:25] hellooooo [08:26] morning Chipaca [08:26] hi jam [08:31] jam: did we have anything to review for today's meeting? [08:33] Chipaca, probably would be good to think about a policy wrt mocking multiple interactions [08:52] Chipaca, I added a line to https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/325/files to do a debug log if we aren't using cyaml, I'm trying to test it out now [08:52] PR #325: ops/main.py: Use CSafeLoader [08:53] jam: nice [08:53] now i think i need to get ready for a meeting [08:53] and by 'get ready' i mean 'put a shirt on' [08:53] yeah, in 5min, right? [08:53] yeah [09:17] just thought you guys might be interested to know https://blog.launchpad.net/ is live with an operator charm on k8s (https://code.launchpad.net/charm-k8s-wordpress) [09:19] t0mb0 put it live earlier today ^ [09:23] mthaddon, very nice to hear [09:29] mthaddon: nice [09:29] mthaddon: how's the mattermost one coming along? [09:30] Chipaca: it's up and running, but still in preview mode (getting themes and plugins in place, etc.) [09:31] mthaddon: good one [09:32] Chipaca, are you happy with the wording of that log message? [09:33] Chipaca, I'm not sure how to test it, as yaml that comes by default on Ubuntu images has cyaml available [09:34] jam: import yaml; _nukularize(yaml); main(Charm) --> ooh look a logline [09:35] jam: granted i'm not sure how much value that adds, as a test :) [09:35] Chipaca, I was more meaning testing it practically that it actually shows up, etc. but yeah, I can add a test of main directly [09:36] jam: alternatively we could have an integration test that creates its own venv [09:37] jam: it feels like on the outside of what's a reasonable integration-in-unit-dress test [09:44] Chipaca, yeah, it was mostly that I wanted to deploy something in a fashion that caused it to trigger, so I could see how obvious it was what was going on. [09:49] jam: a charm with PyYAML in its requirements.txt should end up with a non-libyaml yaml unless you're very careful [09:50] Chipaca, because you have to have the -dev package installed before fulfilling requirements? [09:50] there isn't yet code in charmcraft to not ship PyYAML in the generated env [09:50] jam: and cython [09:50] Chipaca, and build-essential, right? [09:50] (that's one of the big things we're trying to avoid :) [09:51] jam: i'm thinking of when you 'charmcraft build' it [09:51] jam: meaning you'd need those things on the build machine, but not in the run machine [10:05] Chipaca, so how does that work across series? [10:05] jam: perfectly [10:05] * Chipaca hides [10:06] jam: sorry, what do you mean in particular? [10:06] Chipaca, I'm just thinking of "I wrote a charm, and I want to support bionic and focal" [10:07] jam: we're ignoring that until the new api supports platform properly [10:07] Chipaca, if we are defaulting to a venv that *doesn't* have system libs, then you can't get compiled extensions from the platform [10:08] I keep coming around to if 'charmcraft build' is doing too much, it has to fill too many holes [10:08] jam: but if you run on the same python as you build you should be able to get .so things even now [10:08] jam: the plan is that a charm is platform-specific, and built N times once per platform, so hopefully that makes it simpler :) [10:09] a .charm i mean, the built artifact [10:09] that's where the launchpad builders come in, also [10:09] and 'charmcraft remote' [11:30] Muy buenos días a todos! [11:42] facubatista: o/! :-) [11:46] hola Chipaca :) [11:46] jam: is there a reason but main.main and model._ModelBackend get the unit name from the environ? [11:47] facubatista: when you have time to look at a long and complicated PR, 326 is there for you [11:49] Chipaca, ack [11:52] Chipaca, I don't quite follow. "is there a reason they get the model name from the environ"? [11:53] jam: main.main does gets JUJU_MODEL_NAME from the environ, passes it into model.Model, which then creates a _ModelBackend which again gets the model name from the environ [11:53] er [11:53] jam: UNIT_NAME i meant sorry [11:53] Chipaca, ... I'm not a big fan of 'model' code reading from os.environ. I feel it should be encapsulated at a layer, but not spread throughout the code. That said, I feel like either main() or Backend could be that layer [11:54] Chipaca, I did the main() one, someone else did the UNIT_NAME one. I could be convinced that we should move it to ModelBackend [11:54] What I don't want is Model itself to look at environ [11:55] agreed on that at least :) [11:58] Chipaca, fwiw, I'm not super happy about 4+ arguments on Model [12:01] Chipaca, I just noticed that main() actually grabs both UNIT and MODEL and then passes them in, to which ModelBackend rereads UNIT name rather than taking it as an arg [12:01] Chipaca, what would you prefer? Should we move the environ call out of ModelBackend and pass the unit name in? [12:01] Chipaca, or would you rather the Model read the unit name from the backend ? [12:01] jam: haven't decided what i prefer yet, i just noticed the duplication and thought to ask if there was context for it [12:15] Issue operator#32 closed: The charm tool should offer an initial skeleton [12:42] niemeyer: when you 'transfer' an issue in github, mup gets confused about its url ^ (that is now issue 32 in charmcraft, but it was a different number in operator) [12:42] PR #32: Implement interface base layer with examples [12:53] Issue operator#240 closed: Shared StoredState between kubernetes workload pods [12:55] jam: Is the issue solved ^ [12:55] davigar15, 240 is a duplicate of 317 so I closed it to avoid having 2 bugs. I'm actively working on it now. [12:55] Issue operator#291 closed: Log event re-emission [12:56] great! [12:56] sorry, i didn't see the duplicated message :-) [13:24] Chipaca, given the earlier discussion: https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/327 [13:24] PR #327: many: move Model.name to be read from _ModelBackend [13:24] It moves both unit name and model name to be read from the backend, and cleans up things quite a bit IMO [13:25] PR operator#327 opened: many: move Model.name to be read from _ModelBackend [15:00] Chipaca, where, the meeting? [15:00] facubatista: standup? [15:41] Chipaca, so, how do we proceed about the CLA thing [15:41] ? [15:41] facubatista: in particular, or in general? [15:42] Chipaca, for charmcraft [15:42] Chipaca, shall we put a travis thing? [15:42] facubatista: we shall, if nothing better works [15:42] facubatista: i' [15:43] facubatista: i've reached out to other managers to find out if anything easier is working [15:43] there are CLA-signing web services that integrate with github [15:43] but i suspect they don't work with our CLA [15:43] Chipaca, ack; in the meantime, we should tell this person to sign that somehow? [15:43] facubatista: i already have [15:43] Chipaca, thanks [15:51] Chipaca, regarding upload-status, there's no harm in making that publicly available, it could be "hidden from the normal help", or even present in the normal help but in an "advanced" section [15:52] facubatista: I wouldn't expose it until we're sure we want to support it [15:52] Chipaca, we need to automatic do that after an upload, until "all is green", but if the developer issues that at any moment, it's fine [15:52] facubatista: but for them to do that we'd need to print that long upload id for them to use [15:52] and that sounds like a bad idea [15:53] mmm... ok, let's see later [15:57] Chipaca, I added four cards to the "core backlog" column (they're in the bottom), after separating all the commands we talked about in four groups [15:57] Chipaca, we may put those in a new "charmcraft" column? [15:57] thank you [15:57] yeah [15:57] Chipaca, I do it [16:08] facubatista: thank you [16:46] facubatista: i'm going to head out shortly. Anything you need from me? [17:20] Chipaca, sorry, was lunching; when you have some minutes for the comments in the Charm packaging spec it would be great, thanks [17:45] *having lunch [19:03] does charmcraft include config.yaml in built charms? i've got a config.yaml alongside metadata.yaml but the .charm file produced by `charmcraft build` doesn't seem to include it [20:02] Cynerva_, not yet, we have a PR that will bring that soon [20:17] ack, thanks [20:18] ah yep there it is https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/31 [20:18] PR charmcraft#31: Include config.yaml in built charm [20:54] * facubatista eods