=== Guest806 is now known as Woodpecker === Woodpecker is now known as Guest84182 === helio|afk is now known as heliocastro === juergh_ is now known as juergh === ebarretto_ is now known as ebarretto [08:52] xnox, hi question about maas transitional deb. we're considering dropping it entirely in groovy, given that users will be migrated to the snap. is that acceptable, or does it have to be demoted to universe first? [09:02] ackk: open an RM bug report in launchpad, subscribe ubuntu-archive and let it be gone. [09:03] xnox, cool, thanks [09:15] xnox https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1877973 FTR [09:15] Launchpad bug 1877973 in maas (Ubuntu) "RM request - removal from archive" [Undecided,New] === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer [12:52] paride: you wrote on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/1877575 that this happens with focal live-server as well [12:52] Launchpad bug 1877575 in qemu (Ubuntu) "kernel crash with 0010:ovl_open_realfile+0x4a/0x150 [overlay] in Qemu with focal daily" [Critical,Confirmed] [12:52] paride: does it crash the guest or the host? [12:55] cpaelzer, it's the guest that crashes [12:56] paride: while looking at that - is it concerning that on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/ the most recent arm64 image is of 2019-11-04 07:40 ? [12:59] cpaelzer, the pending->current promotion script did certainly run on much newer images [12:59] * paride checks [13:03] cpaelzer, well I think we shouldn't have focal images at all in that location [13:03] sil2100, what do you think? ^^ [14:42] paride: around? May I have some help/advice with a git-ubuntu release task please? [14:43] rbasak, yes, 1 minute as I finish replying to a bug [14:48] rbasak, available when you want [14:49] paride: I just realised that it might take far too long to type and explain. To save time, do you have time now to join a hangout? Maybe my squad's daily standup? [14:49] rbasak, joining === snowwy is now known as Snow-Man [15:45] rbasak, standups done, looking into the job [15:49] Thanks! Let me know if you need anything [16:14] rbasak, the git-ubuntu-ci-nightly job now has a parameter to specify which branch/tag to checkout [16:14] I'm testing it with the default settings (master) [16:14] Thank you! [16:14] rbasak, once it's done you can try with the tag you want to release [16:15] Will do [16:15] https://github.com/canonical/server-jenkins-jobs/pull/119 <- to be merged if everything works [16:19] bryce: ^ just FYI - that's for a 0.10.1 release as it's the first time we're releasing from not-master. [16:19] rbasak, ok [16:19] I'll update the doc [16:20] rbasak, is this new policy or just for the 1.0? [16:21] bryce: it's just the means to get a build if master isn't on the release tag. I suppose we could change the procedure to always do that in order to make the process simpler. [16:46] paride: your build succeeded, so I'll start one now against the release tag. [16:46] Oh. The "Build Now" button didn't ask me for parameters. [16:52] whats the correct way to ask for a git-ubuntu import ? [16:52] smoser: here is fine [16:52] i'm interested in sbuild-launchpad-chroot [16:54] let me run that [16:56] rbasak: is it ok to import that now, given your g-u work, with what is running on the importer nodE? [16:59] rbasak: I'll run it [17:03] smoser: it's imported now [17:03] smoser: I also committed a change so it's whitelisted from now on, but to have that effective requires a new deployment of the importer, which doesn't happen all the time [17:03] in other words, ping me if it's out of date [17:04] ahasenack: k. thank you [17:05] ahasenack: yes, that was fine [17:05] ok [17:06] ahasenack: in general, if the service is running, then it's safe to do a manual import also. If it is not, then I'm messing with it and it's not. [17:17] paride: git-ubuntu-ci-nightly seems to still have a "Build Now" button but I'm expecting a "Build with Parameters" button. Any ideas? [17:17] The git-ubuntu-ci job is an example of one that has "Build with Parameters" [17:19] rbasak, yes, the new job definition got overwritten by the auto-deploy job [17:20] Ah. That would explain it! [17:20] rbasak, now it has "build with parameters" again [17:20] It was very puzzling :) [17:20] Thank you! [17:20] I've started a job for 1.10.1. Let's see. [17:21] I hope aborting the previous job didn't break anything. [17:21] it shouldn't [17:44] rbasak, wrong tag? [18:35] paride: :( [18:35] paride: I've retried with the right one (I hope!) === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r