[06:49] good morning === popey_ is now known as popey === leden_ is now known as leden [21:54] leftyfb, is there no snap in wsl ? [21:54] :-P [21:54] :P [21:54] just a sum of the snaps published on snapcraft twitter [21:55] * besides a ton of graphics editors and mediatoys [21:55] interesting ... [21:55] Interacting with snapd is not yet supported on Windows Subsystem for Linux. [21:55] This command has been left available for documentation purposes only. [21:56] that's what I get from trying to install something from snap [21:56] snapd is installed though [21:56] :-) [21:56] I wonder if WSL2 will support it. It's supposed to be running an actual kernel [21:57] I've been saying for over 10 years now, Windows should just be a DE on top of a linux kernel [21:57] I think it's going to happen some day [21:58] leftyfb: https://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-applications-start-conquering-the-windows-10-world-529149.shtml . [22:02] it'll happen, just a matter of time. They're packaging a linux kernel with WSL2, they're running linux in their cloud stuff. They have a whole department dedicated to linux. [22:07] the trick is though, to still allow Windows applications to run natively, or close to it. Just making it all work on a linux distro isn't the solution or else people wouldn't have a reason to pay for it. Maybe support, but meh. [22:08] leftyfb: Yhe world is changing and MS is adapting :P [22:09] The* [22:09] it's better than how they used to react [22:09] good for them [22:10] leftyfb: Seems the cloud is the driving force. [22:11] and mobile [22:11] the desktop OS is becoming less important [22:12] leftyfb: Yeah - desktop is becoming a thing of the past - PDAs are it - But I stick with my ole desktop. :P [22:37] leftyfb, no, currently snaps don't work out of the box on WSL2 because systemd [22:46] oerheks: what would you prefer i tweet about from the snapcraft account, out of interest? [22:47] any short announcement about a snap, and preferably the short snap install with that. [22:47] i like the games most [22:48] sorta spammed #ubuntu with [22:48] snap install 0ad jgalaxian scummvm glimpse-editor urban-terror micropolis liveforspeed ponysay bombsquad openspades os-runes liko-12 sdlpop warzone2100 hedgewars snap install 0ad jgalaxian scummvm glimpse-editor urban-terror micropolis liveforspeed ponysay bombsquad openspades os-runes liko-12 sdlpop warzone2100 hedgewars duckmarines spelunky pin-town sudoku-game boa xonotic openra ohmygiraffe [22:48] oops, something is double [22:52] i do like sdlpop [22:53] and talk about the usage of snap; recently i learned about snap find --section [22:53] snap find --section=games and so on [22:53] yeah, that's handy [23:12] popey: yeah, I saw a post waking through getting snaps running on WSL2. Didn’t look too difficult but certainly not an out of box experience. [23:12] I think the goal is to get that all working. [23:13] We recently hired a developer advocate who works closely with Microsoft on this stuff, and we're hiring an engineer for it too. [23:13] Would make sense with all the focus on snaps [23:14] Any whispers of Microsoft adding their own x-server ? :) [23:14] Dunno actually. I'm going to WSL Conf next month. I'll ask :)