=== wallyworld_ is now known as wallyworld [09:15] hello, I have problem with importing git repo to launchpad via import service [09:16] launchpad is reporting some weird error [09:17] here is that repo: https://code.launchpad.net/~pali/ocl-icd/trunk [09:17] git clone of original git repository working fine, so there is no problem with it [09:18] launchpad show in log: bzrlib.errors.TransportNotPossible: Transport operation not possible: Transport has not implemented list_dir (but must claim to be listable to trigger this error). [09:40] Pali: I don't think the bzr-git used by launchpad supports "dumb" git repositories [09:42] jelmer: bzr branch working fine on my precise box [09:43] directly bzr can clone full that git branch [09:43] Pali: yes, launchpad is not running the same version of bzr-git as your precise machiine though [09:44] ah, so launchpad has some older version and older version of bzr-git did not supported git reposiories via http? [09:44] I have 0.6.8-1 [09:44] The particular way that Launchpad uses bzr-git does not currently work well with dumb HTTP repositories. [09:44] Smart HTTP repositories work fine. [09:44] I haven't seen a dumb one in the wild for a long time.. [09:50] so there is no way to import dump git repos over http to launchpad? [09:50] only smart protocol via ssh or git is supported? [09:51] Pali: the smart protocol works over http too [09:51] how can I check if server supports smart protocol or not (via http)? === wallyworld_ is now known as wallyworld