[09:48] hi guys, is there any way do disable every metadata check except nocloud ? [12:11] pquerna, do you have an example of the json ? [12:11] that i can just look at without thinking :) === zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi [14:26] harmw: I know I owe you testing your code. I've been distracted, so I haven't been able to upload an image and test it out. I'm hoping I can get to it today or tomorrow. [14:26] RaginBajin: np :) [14:27] Cris merged my fixes to oz btw, so when using oz you only need to checkout the master branch [14:27] or whatever terminlogy github uses [14:28] hello, is there any link on how to configure nocloud option ? [14:29] you mean explicitly use nocloud instead of just looking for something (datasource) that happens to respond? [14:29] there are not other datasources except iso that is mounted on boot [14:30] iso is automounted on boot [14:30] datasource_list: ['nocloud'] [14:30] I think you would need to try something like that [14:30] in your /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg [14:32] ok, will try that [14:32] tell me, i need to change instance id every time i mount iso ? [14:33] the instance id only changes when you nuke your instance and create a new one [14:34] ok what is the minimum configuration to see if this is owrking? [14:34] i can change hostname for example [14:34] I'm afraid I dont know, I only user datasource openstack [14:35] haven't touched configdrive/nocloud [14:36] well i am trying to change hostname [14:36] i have added this into my user-data [14:36] #cloud-config [14:36] hostname: mynode [14:36] fqdn: mynode.example.com [14:36] manage_etc_hosts: true [14:37] in meta-data i have only instance-id: iid-10 [14:37] that should do right? [14:45] smoser: yeah, will grab you a sample from our env this morning. [14:49] nvucinic, well cloud-config wont change meta-data. [14:49] that doens't look unreasonable above. [14:51] why not ? [14:51] i mean, how can i set at least hostname with cloud-init [14:52] just as you showed. [14:52] cloud-init has no control over meta-data. [14:52] but you told it to name itself 'mynode'. it will do that. [14:54] well it does not do that :) [14:54] so i thought that i did something wrong [14:54] ubuntu ? [14:54] it's centos setup, on boot mounts cdrom in /mnt/cdrom [14:55] you have user-data in /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data* ? [14:56] no, only user-data file that i have is on iso [15:00] also, i got "No Instance datasource found! [15:00] when I put datasource_list: ['nocloud'] [15:01] my cdrom is mounted on /mnt/cdrom and i have user-data there [15:01] you're on openstack ? [15:41] smoser: https://gist.github.com/pquerna/dd4313f34e98d625f351 [15:42] smoser: that is openstack/latest/vendor_data.json [15:49] thanks. [16:47] RaginBajin: ping :) [16:58] smoser: one other topic we are thinking about, but no resolution yet, if we want to start making an omni-bus of an updated cloud-init for older operating systems. [17:00] smoser: bundle the universe under /opt/$something, don't have to get into packaging python-jsonpatch to old old things. [17:22] pquerna, yeah. i will support getting cloud-init to run back to older versions [17:26] harmw: working on it right now actually. (or atleast getting the image up and going ) [17:31] nice nice [17:31] let me know if you need hlp [19:07] smoser: if I ever get neutron to do ipv6 in a proper dual stacked way in my cloud I'm going after cirros-ipv6 [19:13] harmw, +1 [19:17] yea yea [19:17] :p [19:18] someone should finish https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77471/, would make it a lot nicer [19:18] RaginBajin: you done yet? :p [19:19] harmw, [19:20] shoot [19:22] the suspence is killing me, realy [19:25] hate.. this.. smoser.. [19:26] harmw, wait. [19:26] what ? [19:27] i'm sorry. i think imight have typed into long window. [19:27] i think that cirros-ipv6 would be great. [19:27] you highlighted me, and then nothing [19:27] somthing that would eventually lead to the death of either one of use [19:28] and yes, that would be nice :) === gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi