=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso [00:10] Is there a free place where I can put arm ppas (ie like launchpad, but for armhf and arm64)? === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === NCommander is now known as Guest90962 === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [09:26] ogra_: do you know what's the exact sequence of switches to use with live-build/livecd-rootfs to generate an omap ubuntu-server image in S? T is broken so i'm first trying to get it right in S [09:27] what i want to recreate is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/saucy/release/ubuntu-13.10-server-armhf+omap.img [09:27] in that exact format dd-able to an sd [09:29] tinkering with your rootstock-ng i was able to get to a -rootfs.tar.gz, but for example the bootloader, the entire fat boot partition&c where missing (obviously since i got a -rootfs.tar.gz...) [09:30] nothing of that is done by livecd-rootfs ... you would need a cdimage like wrapper script that does the additional steps [09:30] ah, so the img creation is livecd-rootfs + $something else [09:31] livecd-rootfs/live-build only build tarballs or squashfses etc ... turning that into an iso or img and making it bootable is done by cdimage afterwards [09:31] ok [09:31] bzr checkout lp:ubuntu-cdimage cdimage [09:32] you might also need the debian-cd branch from launchpad (i dont remember exactly) [09:39] ogra_: ok, let me see if i can figure it out === doko_ is now known as doko [10:44] Hi Wanted to know where do i get ubuntu trusty arm kernel and initrd for booting it up from qemu [10:53] loki__: linux-image armhf [10:55] ppisati armhf is 32 or 64 bit [10:55] ? [10:55] 32 [10:56] how do i emulate ubuntu trusty arm in qemu-kvm [10:57] ppisati ^ [10:57] ??? [10:57] qemu-debootstrap --arch armhf [10:57] or something like that [10:57] and then you chroot inside [10:58] ppisati Can u plz provide any link or wiki for this [11:00] loki___: qemu-debootstrap --arch armhf trusty http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports [11:04] ppisati /usr/sbin/debootstrap: 384: cd: can't cd to http://ports.ubuntu.com error i get if i run it [11:07] you want "trusty trusty-chroot http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports" or some such [11:11] ogra_ i m running debian arm using qemu-system-kvm providing initrd.gz and kernel for debian similiarly i would need kernel and initrd files for ubuntu14.04 [11:12] * ogra_ hasnt used qemu-system for years ... no idea what the exact kernel would be [11:12] (or if we even have one) [11:13] there ppisati is the better person to answer :) [15:08] My current (x86) server has broken down and I'll need a temporary fix to keep email and *DAV going for a few weeks, so I thought about getting my BeagleBone Black to take care of that. Is ubuntu arm suitable for a server? === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === Tassadar_ is now known as Tassadar