[00:58] hello [00:59] why doesn't leafpad have syntax highlight! :( I think gedit uses GTKSourceView. Is it possible to incorporate this into leafpad? [01:04] thedoctar: Mousepad does. === duoi_afk is now known as duoi [01:07] cheers mate! exactly what i was looking for! [01:08] 'Welcome. [01:13] btw, do you have this problem where your desktop pager is all greyed up? [01:13] Don't think so. [01:20] thedoctar: Grayed up? Isn't that the natural color of a non-current desktop? [01:20] SonikkuAmerica: is it? I don't know. I can't access my desktop pager settings either [01:21] It started when I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 [01:21] thedoctar: Are you the guy who filed against lubuntu-artwork the other day about this issue? [01:22] if by the other day you mean yesterday then no [01:22] you mean file on luanchpad? [01:23] Yeah. We had a bug against lubuntu-artwork about that, I moved it into lxpanel [01:23] filed by "ppp" [01:24] i am not ppp [01:25] OK. I just ask because it seems to fail in the Live CD in 14.04. [01:25] !bug 1298697 [01:25] bug 1298697 in Lubuntu Artwork "Desktop pager settings don't work from panel icon using Live CD" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1298697 [01:25] caleb howland! [01:27] yeah, the desktop pager has always been a bit dodgy :(. at least it's not essential! [01:29] I'm going to write in that bug that it also affects the Saucy series, but I doubt they'll fix it there as we have 1 month to the 14.04 release. [01:32] thedoctar: In the meantime, I'd actually grab another image of an OS that uses LXDE, pop it into a virtual machine, install it and see if the problem still exists there. [01:35] sure thing [01:39] SonikkuAmerica: thedoctar the bug is marked as incomplete... it is awaiting more details. [03:26] anyone know how to get onboard or any other onscreen keyboard to be usable to login [03:26] might have to use a different login manager to do that "easily" [05:02] oh also if more people ask about desktop pager again you can open the settings in openbox configuration manager on the pager and go to the desktop tab === SonikkuAmerica__ is now known as SonikkuAmerica [05:29] hi folks. I just installed 14.04 beta 2. [05:29] Can't see the volume control or the power settings, but otherwise looks good. [05:33] The thing with the volume control may relate to the fact that the SPDIF audio comes before the "normal" sound card in ALSA default config. [05:34] * llogiq had the same problem with his wife's ideapad, so goes digging into alsa config [05:47] Setting the default sound card in /etc/asound.conf did the trick with the volume control not appearing. [07:03] so how do I set the power-related options on 14.04? === duoi is now known as duoi_afk === duoi_afk is now known as duoi === duoi is now known as duoi_afk [10:25] brb [16:47] How to edit the startmenu in lubuntu? I want to move all the "Office" link into a different folder [16:49] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/EditingTheMenu [16:50] you probably want to change the categories line of those programs [16:50] tried editing menu.xml and put it in /usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/ and ~/.local/share/lubuntu/openbox/ when i do #lxpanelctl restart to apply changes it doesnt change anything. my simple edited xml: http://pastebin.com/Sp65nLcz [16:51] tried a online xml validator. it says its valid [16:51] am confused and slightly annoyed. [16:52] I dont want to change 1 or 2 programs, i want to completely change the layout. [16:53] I think you have to change the layout /usr/share/applications for each file with categories = line [16:55] wauw, really [17:09] i still dont get it though, waht does categories have to do with it. WHen referring to .desktop [17:09] that determines which one the entry shows up in on the menu [17:09] Does openbox automatically categorize the .desktop file absed on that and if so. why does there exists a menu.xml? [17:11] menu.xml is different that is for the openbox menu that you can have right clicking on the menu or in a plain openbox session [17:12] so for example python.desktop it has categories=Development [17:12] how does that get converted into Programming menu item. [17:12] ohh [17:12] Hi friends, I install lubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 12.04. Its very lightweight and working great. Now the problem is I am seeing a lot of empty space in system tray. http://imagebin.org/302720 [17:13] Can anyone please help me with this??^^ [17:15] This is starting to turn into a ux nightmare, I know lubuntu is not the only who uses this kind of abstract categorization. Pretty much the whole lot of linux distros but im still wondering where this gets assigned and by whom? if not openbox [17:17] freedesktop.org makes them [17:18] if you want to go outside of repos I think there is a program called lxmed for menu editing as well [17:22] yer, ive seen people mentioning it. guess i will have to bite the bullet and install java. dont udnerstand why not make it in python but ugh [17:43] ok so to recast, you need to change /home/defk0n/.config/menus/lxde-applications.menu to add a category [17:43] then you can use lxmed to populate, or so i think. I need to reboot probably [17:44] for it to take effect, but ianorlin you were right, its a freedesktop specification about that whole "categories=" [17:45] i feel like being stabbed in the eyeball right now. What a catastrophy. [17:45] catastrophe* [17:49] bonjour j'ai un souci avec une imprimante workcentre xerox 615 pas reconnu en scanner ok sous win 7 mais pas sous ubuntu j'ai essaye sous fedora idem y a t''il une solution svp ? [17:49] 6015* [17:51] also where the "categories=" gets converted into menu is /etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/lxde-applications.menu i.e Development [17:52] I mean i get the whole "everything needs to work together mindset" but its just a giant eye sore, having to hover over each category to find the app your looking for. From a ux perspective its more effort then say Windows 7 where you can just hover all programs and get all programs [19:42] hello [19:45] i've installed lubu 13.10 in acer3634wlmi [19:45] but doesn't work well [19:46] many internet manuals say to create xorg.conf [19:46] i'm not able to create it [19:46] anyone can help me? [21:56] hello [21:57] anyone can help me? i've installed lubu 13.10 but doesn't work [21:58] i'm not able to create xorg.conf [22:01] none? === aiutantepazoo is now known as calimero_82 [22:09] calimero_82: boot with the CD and do a self test on the CD at the 1st screen [22:10] i've already done it, doesn't works [22:10] i've installed lubuntu with minimal install [22:11] i've acer 3634wlmi [22:12] calimero_82: what is the graphics chip in that? [22:12] sis [22:13] but doesn't work well with lubuntu [22:13] screen turn on and off repeatedly [22:14] calimero_82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Sis [22:15] "it may be necessary to add this line after the generation of /etc/X11/xorg.conf " [22:15] calimero_82: also read http://askubuntu.com/questions/362792/how-to-install-sis-771-671-video-drivers-on-13-10 [22:17] how can i do it ? how can i starts a shell if my screen turn off and off? [22:18] for such things, http://ubuntuforums.org/ and http://askubuntu.com/ are the better places to search and ask on. [22:19] you can tell the system to open in text only mode. http://askubuntu.com/questions/92276/how-do-i-boot-into-true-text-mode [22:21] yes, but whatever you must use desktop, but if desktop doesn't work how can i open a shell? [22:22] calimero_82: read the link above, that will take you to text mode at the grub (boot) screen [22:22] mmm in the grub.... ok [22:23] X has not started when grub is there... grub is your friend in these cases. [22:25] i must touch e:key and delete quiet splash and write text [22:26] in text mode then what should i do? [22:29] calimero_82: follow the link I gave you for sis drivers to ensure you have it installed [23:38] can someone help me with something? I have no cd drive or a flash drive available, so I made a small 1gb partition to house the lubuntu cd install files, is there a way to get grub to see it?