[01:54] hi [01:56] i installed ubuntu 12 through wubi, the system was very slow, now i removed ubuntu 12 and i am installing ubuntu 10 through wubi, i hope it works fast on my atom laptop [02:19] hello I'm running ubuntu 12 off live cd and I installed the flash plugin on firefox but youtube isn't loading any videos I have a ati 9800xt using open drivers is the video card the issue? I loaded ubuntu 12 live on another computer and flash plugin for firefox and it works what is the problem === komputes_ is now known as komputes === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:42] can getting grub irretrievably lock me out of a windows partition === albert is now known as Guest64962 === Guest64962 is now known as Phryq [16:07] hello sorry to disturb [16:08] who can help me a solitary second? [16:08] !ask | pigna_colada [16:08] pigna_colada: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [16:09] hello! thanks for your answer! [16:09] well the problem is ...simple! more or less. I just downloaded ubuntu cd (12.10) from the official site, and launched it on my laptop [16:10] i chose the "try" selection, and it booted [16:10] but now it asks me for a username and password [16:10] what is it? [16:10] i have tried "ubuntu" as username and nothing as password [16:10] but it doesnt go on :( [16:10] pigna_colada: it shouldnt.. i would confirm the disk integrity [16:11] I will try to boot again and lets see [16:11] maybe this laptop is too old and doesnt like it [16:11] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD [16:11] pigna_colada: if its too old, it wont boot.. it wont just ask for a password [16:12] i rebooted again, lets see if it goes well this time [16:12] Sometimes a LiveCD might ask you for a user-name or password. Just leave these blank and press enter (or allow it to time-out). [16:12] ^^ thats from that link i gave [16:12] oh... [16:13] maybe its because the first time I have put "test" as username [16:13] maybe i didn't have to put anything [16:13] still booting anyway... [16:13] lets see [16:14] (still booting, *slow laptop*) [16:14] its not the speed.. its the driver support [16:15] i am not even yet in the selection "try / install" [16:15] if you are trying to load the unity UI, it will (basiclly) require 3d [16:15] pigna_colada: i would confirm the integity of the install media.. you can do that from the menu after holding shift.. or [16:15] !md5 | pigna_colada [16:15] pigna_colada: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [16:16] then, i would try from that same alternate menu under F6 "nomodeset" [16:16] holstein i burned it with nero and also checked the verify and there it said it was all ok... [16:16] the only thing is that the image was 750 mb and i couldnt use a cd-r... so I had to burn the 750mb image in a dvd+r :( [16:17] then i would consider a distro that is arguably more appropriate for older hardare [16:17] pigna_colada: all offical ubuntu iso's should fit on cd [16:17] pigna_colada: what/where are you downloading [16:17] but when I tried to burn it nero told me there was not enough space... and in fact over the cd its reported 700 mb [16:18] while the image i downloaded is around 750 [16:18] pigna_colada: i dont know about nero. im just saying.. the offical ubuntu isos fit on CD's [16:18] pigna_colada: if you have an image that doesnt fit.. i say its not ubuntu [16:18] ubuntustudio is too big for a cd [16:18] oh! finally im in the screen -- try ubuntu --- install ubuntu [16:19] pigna_colada: sure, but thats not ubuntu.. unless you are trying the 13.04 beta [16:19] i downloaded ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso [16:19] pigna_colada: i dont think so [16:19] pigna_colada: from where? [16:20] from ubuntu.it first page [16:20] its 753 MB (789.884.928 byte) [16:20] the iso, i just checked from explorer. [16:20] (still booting) [16:21] 753 is right [16:21] see, then it doesnt fit my cd-r :( it says 700 mb on the surface [16:21] sure [16:21] pigna_colada: so whats the issue? [16:21] next is driver support [16:22] wait, its finished booting, lets see if it asks again for username / pass [16:22] *finishing [16:22] it seems stuck now :( the hdd drive is always on and it doesnt do anything [16:23] i mean the hdd led activity [16:23] pigna_colada: and how did "nomodeset" work? [16:24] pigna_colada: also, if this is older hardware, i would try soemthing appropriate for oder hardware [16:24] unfortunately i'm ignorant :( its the 1st time i try ubuntu [16:24] lubuntu.. xubuntu [16:24] its strange because before it booted, altought i had the username problem, now its stuck [16:25] maybe you can be right that the dvd was not burned well [16:25] what distro would be good on a pentium 4 laptop? [16:25] pigna_colada: anytime you say the work "maybe".. just go and rule that out.. test the iso.. test the image. then you'll know [16:25] pigna_colada: i suggested xubuntu or lubuntu [16:26] a desktop that doesnt require 3d would be a good start for an older box [16:26] also marked as 12.10? [16:27] pigna_colada: i use 12.04.. the lts [16:27] pigna_colada: the are all ubuntu.. just with different setups.. different look and feel [16:28] i just noticed that by pressing the on-off button of the laptop, a little windows showed up telling me that i am logged as live cd user etc.. and if i wanted to suspend, shutdown, and other things... [16:28] then its loaded, but it just doesnt show up the desktop icons and menus :/ [16:29] pigna_colada: i would use a desktop that doesnt require 3d.. LXDE or XFCE maybe [16:29] lubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE instead of unity [16:29] oh, then I will download lxde [16:29] but how come in the standard ubuntu there's this 3d thing on by default? :( [16:30] nowadays only few people have 3d already! [16:31] pigna_colada: feel free to file a bug or a compliant to any of the employees or volunteers who develop ubuntu [16:31] sorry, it was just a consideration... [16:32] nothing to be sorry about.. we dont make those decisions here [16:32] if you dont want 3d desktop, there are plenly to choose from [16:32] its not ubuntu's goal to support older hardware [16:32] but is it possible to disable 3d desktop once its loaded? [16:32] it is lubuntu's goal to try [16:32] pigna_colada: its all open source.. *everything* is possible [16:32] and in the normal ubuntu we cannot? [16:33] pigna_colada: there is no "cannot" [16:33] i mean a normal user with a simple "turn off 3d desktop" [16:33] there is only the default setup which doesnt meet your needs [16:33] and unity which utilizes 3d [16:33] i understand... so basically when u talk about "unity" you talk about ubuntu distro? [16:33] the one i downloaded? [16:34] pigna_colada: unity is not the ubuntu distro.. its the desktop.. the UI [16:34] pigna_colada: correct.. the "one" you downloaded used unity [16:34] lubuntu uses LXDE.. xubuntu uses XFCE [16:34] unity, gnome and KDE are typically "heavier" [16:34] LXDE is light... there are plenty of other options though [16:35] in the home page, for the download, i see only Desktop, Server and Cloud [16:35] pigna_colada: what do you want? [16:35] i want one (but most recent) which can work in my laptop [16:35] lubuntu? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu [16:35] hah, thanks! [16:35] pigna_colada: i dont know your hardware... but i typically just try live CD's til something works best and tweak from there [16:36] it still reports "desktop" in the filename though.... [16:36] pigna_colada: ? [16:36] lubuntu-12.10-desktop? [16:36] lubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso [16:36] yes [16:36] thats what you want... a desktop iso. not a server.. or alternate [16:37] but before you said that a dekstop would bring that unity (3d) [16:37] which is probably why my laptop cannot run the cd i made [16:37] or "not properly" run [16:37] the unity desktop [16:38] LXDE is another desktop environment [16:38] ah, ok.. lets call it Lunity desktop! [16:38] so its a different one [16:38] pigna_colada: for me, linux and ubuntu are all about the community and the choice... there are lots of options [16:38] unity is a desktop.. unity is in ubuntu.. LXDE is a desktop.. LXDE is in lubuntu [16:38] there is no lunity [16:39] unity dekstop and lxde desktop [16:39] now that i will download lubuntu i will access to lxde one [16:39] pigna_colada: there are *plenty* of options.. and these are just the ones provided to you by default.. [16:39] ok, I will finish the download and i will burn another *dvd* [16:40] pigna_colada: my explanation above is a little over simplified and not totally correct.. but for now, yes, thats basically the deal [16:40] well, for a noob like me it is okay for terms [16:40] I will come back later if i have issues with lxde [16:41] thanks for all suggestions [16:41] pigna_colada: cheers! [16:41] pity that I did not use a dvd rewritable :( [16:41] now I have to put this one in trash :(( [23:56] o/