[01:09] ok, I'm not entirely sure how to back up my chromebook's ubuntu install [01:09] normally, I'd just boot into another OS, then dd if=/dev/root of=/backup, but there isn't another OS that I can easily boot into [01:09] well [01:10] I guess I could boot into cros === zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun [01:56] ok, are there directions for updating the chromebook to 13.04? === chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun === zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun [02:06] mjrosenb: regarding your 1st question above, what about using rsync ? [02:08] mjrosenb: regarding your 2nd question about updating to 13.04, you could always add the raring ppa's to your /etc/apt/sources.list and upgrade that way. Of course after you do a full backup ;) [02:08] mjrosenb: if your looking for an 'official' announcement then I would have to say, google is your friend... [02:08] * sfeole is thinking about purchasing a chromebook [02:27] sfeole: i've been happy about it thusfar [02:28] mjrosenb: the last few days I was watching some youtube videos. I was impressed with the speed and video playback [02:28] sfeole: I didn't want to use rsync because I had no guarantee that the files would be consistent, since there are lots of things accessing everything [02:28] sfeole: now, I suspect that the ubuntu update scripts have *no* clue how to update the kernel [02:28] mjrosenb: mmmm , i see [02:28] and updating to 12.10 did not go spectacularly [02:29] so I suspect I also need to know how to update the kernel [02:34] mjrosenb: I see what you mean, I just came across this while googling, http://bit.ly/rFDYjt [02:36] sfeole: that does not seem to be talking about updating an already installed system, nor about a kernel [02:36] mjrosenb: no it does not, just general installation.. [02:37] mjrosenb: If I catch any good articles relating to your problems during my research I'll be sure to let you know [02:42] I've googled a bunch, but mostly find how to install it [02:42] and even less about arm chromebooks. [02:44] but yes, thanks in advance if you find anything! === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === doko_ is now known as doko [08:07] good morning [08:23] ogra_, did you check out the unity build didrocks mentioned? [09:42] dholbach, i will once everything is built [09:43] libunity is still missing ... [09:44] I tried the raring image earlier and found it impossible to enter anything at all :) [09:44] so I reflashed with quantal and will dist-upgrade and then install it manually [09:44] dholbach, yeah, havent filed that bug yet, a reboot fixes it [09:44] it didn't for me [09:44] I tried external keyboard and onboard [09:44] no dice [09:45] it only happens when the installer boots directly from the tarball installer into X [09:45] the subsequent boots it should work fine [09:45] I tried, it didn't :/ [09:45] (onboard that is, i dont use external kbds anymore here) [09:45] but I'm happy to try again some other time [09:45] ok, upgrade is running, I'll take the dog for a walk now [09:46] but touches ... i.e. button presses worked ? [09:46] yes, but I couldn't anything into any of the textboxes [09:46] or did no input work at all [09:46] k [09:46] so its the same bug, just worse for you [09:46] is there a setting to make kernel output go to the screen or not? running Debian on my tablet outputs text during boot, Ubuntu shows a black screen until the login prompt [09:46] i wonder why, HW is the same [09:47] no idea [09:47] I'll be back in a bit [09:47] yep, walk the dog [09:47] DogP, ubuntu defaults to having "quiet" and "splash" on the kernel cmdline [09:48] if you remove them you should get some output [09:48] ogra_: ah, I'll check that... thx [11:05] xnox, heh, if ubuntu archive would only accept source uploads the nvidia and ati users would be severely screwed :) [11:05] ogra_: software != hardware drivers. [11:05] well, we have enough binary only software in multiverse as well [11:06] the archive only accepts source packages, but doesnt care whats inside them [11:06] ogra_: OpenERP is pure python modules. And if a person mentions "no change debs" it's something that will be hard to support with ever changing python & OpenERP versions. [11:07] oh, yeah, i wouldnt want him to upload his cruft :) [11:07] but your statement wasnt right, we have tons of binary only software [11:07] ogra_: sure sure. Do we have binary only software in multiverse? /me thought it was more about restricted licenses (e.g. education only) [11:07] multivers means everything that is distributable, no matter what format [11:08] as long as the license allows redistribution [11:08] ogra_: I have tried to choose my language carefully =))))) (e.g. to discourage but still stay on the slippery slope) [11:08] "source uploads only" as in .changes is source only ;-) [11:08] yeah === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:09] ogra_: e.g. I have seen people put debs in a native source package and in debian/rules do "tadah" here is your package. [11:10] lol [11:10] not in any archive i hope [11:13] janimo, plars, so i played a bit with the gadget stuff ... you cant compile it as a module (the power supply needs it builtin, seems power is routed through gadget) .... using the composite or usbnet option makes NM on a desktop you attach to try to initiate a usb0 point to point connection, that looks quite weird so i think we cant do that [11:14] janimo, plars, what works really well is the cdc_serial gadget though, it simply gives you a serial device if you connect the USB cable ... serial is probably a bit harder to script than ssh though [11:15] ogra_, I know about the failing build due to power supply that is why I did not pursue it last time [11:16] if CDC works that is ok too [11:16] as I said, I never used any of these gadgety functionality with overlapping use cases [11:17] ok, silly problem-- my laptop does not seem to be setting the correct dns server [11:17] janimo, plars http://paste.ubuntu.com/1412283/ [11:17] I'm decently sure that the dhcp server is broadcasting it correctly [11:17] is there any way to see what the dhcp server is actuall sending? [11:17] janimo, plars, thats the needed changes, /etc/init/ttyS1.conf can be shipped in ubuntu-default-settings-nexus7 [11:18] mjrosenb, logs :) [11:19] ogra_: what logfile would that be in? [11:19] ogra_, any chance you tell that to kernel team as in case they want extra info they come back to bug you? :) [11:19] dunno [11:19] grep DHCPOFFER /var/log/* [11:19] such as is nothing lost when disabling g_android? [11:20] janimo, sure, just wanted to hear from plars if serial is enough for him before i move on [11:20] janimo, nah, nothing lost apart from replacind adbd with getty on serial :) [11:20] that feels a lot more "linuxy" imho :) [11:20] ogra_, but this could not be shipped turned on by default to help devs who have broken wifi or no USB peripherals? [11:21] hahha. [11:21] this image still has logs from the person who set up the image. [11:21] having something that works by default even if not adb would be great [11:21] janimo, why not ? [11:21] ogra_, just asking :) [11:21] if it can we should I say [11:21] ok, there is "nameserver" in the logfile [11:21] it shouldnt do any harm to have an extra serial port on by default [11:21] but not in /etc/resolv.conf [11:21] wtf [11:22] then we can stop recommening USB keyboard if someone wants to debug their system [11:22] janimo, definitely [11:23] ok, I killed dnsmasq, and /etc/resolv.conf still has and [11:23] but not the one that dhcp specified [11:53] hum, I get "Wi-Fi Networks - device not ready" in network manager [11:54] maybe you're discussing the same problem just now? [11:54] I was testing the raring iamge on the nexus7, but it seems that unity is showing only corruption.. [11:54] background image is fine, all panels are just noise [11:54] mlankhorst, I get the same here - do you use the unity daily build ppa? [11:55] I just used the instructions for installing the raring image [11:55] ok [11:55] unity in the daily build ppa just finished building - maybe that'll fix it [11:56] I'll just need to fix my net connection to see if it makes it work [11:56] does the image enable the ppa? [11:57] no, not AFAIK [11:57] it's ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build?field.series_filter=raring) [11:58] hm how do I even enable it then.. corruption is making it impossible :-) [11:59] attach keyboard and ctrl-alt-t [11:59] oh right [12:01] use onboard :) [12:01] its in the panel, just click blindly until you find it [12:02] (then use ctrl-alt-t in onboard and install openssh-server) [12:02] ogra-cb, I get "Wi-Fi Networks - device not ready" in network manager [12:02] not sure what to do about it [12:02] dholbach, did you reboot already ? [12:02] yes [12:03] weird, i dont get that here [12:03] man, I want your Nexus7 [12:03] everything just magically works there [12:04] "reboot" seems our equivalent of 2004's http://paste.ubuntu.com/1412338/ :) [12:04] well, the HW should be the same for all but the 3G devices [12:04] no 3G here [12:04] lol [12:04] and after a reboot it's still unhappy [12:05] geez, where did you dig that one up [12:05] 3mal darfste fragen :) [12:05] heh [12:06] I'll let you know, it's not exactly acting fast [12:06] ogra-cb, which kernel are you running? [12:07] -7 or -8? [12:07] YIPPIE !!!! [12:07] the ppa packages work !!!! [12:10] dholbach, currently some self compiled one that has serial gadget support enabled [12:11] ogra-cb, could you try to boot the current raring one and see if that breaks your network? [12:11] but its originallz the -8 package i think [12:11] mlankhorst, does wifi work for you with the -8 kernel? [12:11] that is the latest raring image [12:11] installed last night [12:14] dholbach, ome-config didnt offer you to set up WLAN ? [12:14] *oem [12:14] ogra-cb, it's a dist-upgrade - as I said earlier: installing the image didn't work for me (no keyboard input) [12:14] (or at least I couldn't enter anything into the text boxes) [12:15] upgrade with the PPA still enabled ? [12:15] i wonder if that could break something [12:16] no, update-manager disabled it [12:16] what definitely works is if you ignore oem-config and actually use NM applet to set up wlan [12:16] at least for me [12:16] non ubiquity windows seem to get the focus just fine [12:17] so i did set up wlan via NM, rebooted and onboard just worked [12:17] nm-applet tells me that "device not ready" [12:17] whatever that means [12:17] i'm talking about the installer here [12:17] oh [12:18] yes, I realise you're talking about the installer - I didn't use it :) [12:18] i have an idea what coudl eb wrong for upgrades (no easy way to solve it though) [12:18] ok, I'll try flashing again in a couple of days :-( [12:18] the linux-firmware-nexus7 package isnt seeded, upgrades wont pull it in [12:19] yes, it's not installed [12:19] can't I just copy it over with a usb stick? [12:19] dholbach, in a couple of dazs i'll be on vacation, if you want to debug it and have it fixed before end of year you should ebug it now :) [12:19] indeed you can just copy it over [12:19] yeah, but I have quite a lot of other tasks too :/ [12:19] and I spent all morning on this [12:19] ok [12:19] I'll try that then [12:19] ogra-cb: It shouldn't be seeded... [12:20] infinity, well, but depended on by something or so [12:20] i know it shouldnt be seeded, thats why it isnt :) [12:20] i assume making ubuntu/defaults/nexus7 depend on it should work [12:20] By the nexus7 kernel metapackage, yes. [12:20] or the meta, yeah [12:21] not sure whats harder to hack up ... we shouldnt make it a dep though [12:21] but a recommends [12:21] Why not a dep? [12:21] ok, package installed - let's see if that makes it work [12:21] linux-firmware is a dep of all linux-image metapackages. [12:21] infinity, so the hardcode free SW guys can use it without the firmware (and make the free drivers work) [12:22] ogra-cb, I'm happy [12:22] is there a bug report for this, or will this be fixed soon? [12:22] * ogra-cb hugs dholbach [12:22] feel free to file it [12:22] ogra-cb: Fair enough. Can make it a recommends of the linux-image, then. [12:22] * infinity does so. [12:22] ah, no need to file it then [12:22] great, thanks [12:23] i guess i can hack it out of livecd-rootfs then [12:26] ogra-cb: Uploaded. [12:27] yay, thx [12:28] we still need an onboard release in raring [12:28] the upstream folks generally seemed receptive to the idea - I'll ping them again today [12:28] well, onboard works for me [12:28] oh, for the versioning and upgrades ? [12:28] yes [12:28] yeah [12:29] new unity makes us happy [12:29] :-D [12:29] mlankhorst, ^ [12:29] yep, works quite okayish [12:29] seems eth workspace switcher has some issue though [12:30] (no icon and it seems to hang after using it a few times for me) [12:30] oh, its not the W|S switcher that hangs, the mouse is stuck in grab mode [12:30] so thats the old xinput issue [12:31] The workspace switcher is sketchy on a desktop machine, nevermind introducting touch input. :/ [12:31] yeah, but its not the switchers fault in this case [12:32] i have a firefox window stuck to my mouse atm [12:32] I disagree. The switcher's default it to attempt to grab if you left-click, not switch. [12:32] And left-click is all you have. [12:32] luckily the powerbutton causes a propwe shutdown after 60sec [12:32] *proper [12:33] It's a subtly annoying behaviour on desktop machines that's amplified on touch. [12:35] * ogra-cb wonders why we have the system settings in the launcher as well as in the session indicator [12:35] seems redundant [12:36] We.... Do? [12:36] yeah [12:36] I don't here. [12:36] Maybe you pinned it by accident? :P [12:36] i have the gear with the wrences in a fresh nexus7 install [12:37] Weird. I guess it could be a fresh install versus upgrade thing, since this is a raring machine that used to be precise. [12:37] And I absolutely agree it shouldn't be there if it is. [12:37] well, we had it in the quantal images too [12:37] at least on the nexus [12:40] the math of upower seems really wrong [12:40] * ogra-cb has 93% battery left according to it ... which results in 1.7h (!?!) [12:41] Maybe you've killed your battery already? :P [12:41] nah, i think its the new kernel or rarings fault [12:45] Man, I really want a nexus 7 now :( [12:45] why dont you have one yet ? [12:46] iirc your manager even sits on the spare ones [13:13] * sfeole wonders if the nux fix has landed for raring yet [13:15] sfeole, in the daily ppa .... it will get uploaded to the archive soon [13:15] (the unity ppa that is) [13:15] ogra-cb: thats great news [13:16] with luck it makes tomorrows image [13:42] ogra-cb: which ppa is the unity-team daily? [13:45] dholbach: yeah I forgot to hit send :-) [13:46] still a bit glitchy or slow with redraw though, not sure yet [13:47] dah i found it, in /staging [14:05] sfeole, well, the binaries are just getting published into raring [14:05] you shouldnt need the ppa anymore after thats done [14:07] ogra_: ack [14:14] ogra_, ogra-cb, janimo: serial is better than nothing at all, but it's not ideal. It lacks an easy way to transfer files. adbd or ssh would be much nicer. [14:14] ogra_, ogra-cb, janimo: how far away from working do you think adbd would be, given that janimo says he's had it working in the past? [14:15] plars, i simply heavily dislike the fact to depend on any android stuff ... the kernel patch was just sent to the kernel ML to change to g_serial [14:16] plars, I think adb could be made to work if someone gave it a day of work since we know others have done it [14:16] ogra_, is the new patch preventing adb from working even in theory? [14:16] plars, adbd would need to be packaged too though [14:17] janimo, no idea if adb can attach to a serial connection [14:17] ogra_, I see no problem leveraging android related free software, especially since it is for debugging and testing, not something that androidized the Ubuntu experience [14:18] janimo, well, the proper fix imho would be if someone fixed the kernel to accept gadget support to be modular [14:18] ogra_, if the g_android functionality is removed then adbd will not work over USB as it could now? In this case I think it is a regression even if we did not get it to work [14:18] i have no idea about adbd [14:18] I thought the patch introduces no regression whatsoever [14:18] ogra-cb: Actually, my parents wouldnt buy me one :( [14:19] janimo, how do you mean regression ? [14:20] tecnically i think the target of what we are doing here is to make ubuntu work right ... androidizing ubuntu instead of fixing the setup to just work with linux oboard bits doesnt seem right to me [14:20] ogra_, as in not supporting something the unpatched kernel does [14:20] with the current one adbd has at least the chance to work if someone figures it out [14:20] what does the unpatched kernel do ? [14:20] which adbd ? [14:20] we dont have the userspace [14:20] stock adbd binary from android [14:21] we do have the userspace to support g_serial [14:21] (we even have the userspace to support ssh over usbnet ... the issue is the androidization of the kernel that avoids us from modularizing the gardget stuff) [14:22] instead of poking at the symptoms, someone should fix the cause and sort the kernel issue here [14:28] plars, xz/yz shoudl work fine for transferring files over serial [14:29] (or however the tools lrzsz ships are called) [14:29] ogra_: those are some things I haven't used since my bbs days :) [14:29] and the good thing is that you can have that access in initrd already [14:29] but yes, might be ok as long as we don't have to transfer anything too huge. Probably mostly just logfiles and the sort I *think* [14:30] so you can have initrds with scripts you can trigger for whatever thing you do (re-flash for example) [14:35] plars, oh, note also that there was a kexec patch added recently, you might be intrested in that one for testing setups [14:37] hmm, so we still need a fix for bug 1055949 [14:37] is there someone in particular that deals with firefox on ubuntu/arm, or do the people that deal with firefox/x86 also deal with arm issues? [14:37] Launchpad bug 1055949 in unity (Ubuntu Raring) "Unity panel shadow appears as solid black bar on GLES/ARM (Pandaboard, Nexus 7)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1055949 [14:38] mjrosenb, yes [14:38] :P [14:38] chrisccoulson, ^^^ a customer for you [14:40] the overlap between #ubuntu-arm #pandaboard and #linaro is impressive :-p [14:41] #pandaboard often enough just redirects people to us [14:41] #linaro is kind of upstream from #ubuntu-arm perspective [14:41] I know, that is why I'm in here [14:41] ;D [14:41] I don't actually understand the relationship between linaro and ubuntu [14:41] there is also #debian-arm on oftc but less popular [14:41] linaro does core upstream stuff [14:41] ubuntu assembles a distro [14:42] mjrosenb: Linaro works on making linux on arm the best possible. Ubuntu (as a distro) makes use of it [14:42] mjrosenb: and Linaro makes use of Ubuntu as source of packages for test images [14:42] i.e. linaro cares upstream for kernels, bootloaders, GLES support, toolchain [14:42] multimedia, graphics etc [14:43] ubuntu just grabs these bits, applies glue and bling and whoops, there's a distro :) [14:46] gotcha. thanks. [14:50] hrw: I dunno if #debian-arm is "less popular", or just has a different focus. [14:50] hrw: We're almost always talking about toolchain type scary in there, and this channel is more about device enablement and pretty fluff. [14:50] definitely it is annoyingly on a different network [14:50] ogra_: I consider it annoying that Ubuntu settled/stayed on freenode, to be fair. :P [14:50] * ogra_ used to be there when it was still freenode [14:51] well, debian used to be here too [14:51] Yes, a very, very long time ago. [14:52] June 4th, 2006 was the switch, apparently. [14:52] yeah, i remember it [14:52] thanks for making me feel old ! [14:53] * ogra_ was already suspecting the grey hair isnt a morning hallucination [14:54] infinity: and I like that split === chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun [15:48] marvin24, did you get a chance to look at ac100 patches to the mainline kernel as a possibility of syncing to 3.8 for 13.04? [15:56] janimo: I wanted to wait until 3.7 is out before posting patches against 3.8 [15:57] marvin24, sounds good [15:58] you can allways get patches against -next at http://gitorious.org/~marvin24/ac100/marvin24s-kernel/commits/for-next-thierry btw [15:58] janimo: ^^^ [15:59] if you want to try out [16:00] * ogra_ thought the binary drivers wont work with mainline [16:11] marvin24, thanks. [16:12] I wish my ac100's wifi wasn't broken though === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [16:13] janimo, i thought you did the HW fix [16:14] ogra_, nope [16:15] I was not sure it was a hw issue and I have not reinstalled since. But it probably is even if it appeared out of the blue [16:15] it most likely is [16:18] geez that new nexus kernel really misbehaves wrt battery sometimes [16:19] "your system will shut down soon if you do not apply power to it (13min, 93%)" [16:19] inbetween it dumps to something like 8% but then it shows several hours left [16:20] and sometimes it just works like it did with the old kernel [16:20] very weird [16:34] ogra_: you don't need binary driver if you have tegra drm [16:35] marvin24, for GLES and video playback ? [16:36] for this children game stuff, yes [16:36] on the other hand, nvidia tries to upstream nvhost stuff to make it going with their binary drivers [16:36] yeah, i was expecting that [16:37] so we will get both, tegra drm, open source ddx and binary drivers for 3d/video decode [16:37] move to the community what you can, only keep the actual proprietary bity yourself :) [16:37] *bits [16:37] but its not there yet [16:37] well, I guess it's not decided yet if they also open up 3d stuff [16:37] I guess that depends on user demand [16:38] or maybe some nouveau people will step in once the user interface is in the kernel [16:38] *user api* [16:38] well, even if they dont [16:38] having the 2D stuff maintained by the community simply saves money if you can flange your 3D stuff on top [16:39] so they dont need to care for the kernel side [16:39] yes, it reduces the maintaince burden [16:39] even nvidia started to recon this [16:39] they stole that ingenoius concept from robclark ;) [16:39] but it also cause more work at the beginning [16:40] yeah, definitely [16:40] but pays off massively in the end [16:40] also device tree makes things lot of easier [16:41] but also needs carefull thinking at the beginning === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox === albert is now known as Guest63196 === Guest63196 is now known as Phryq [18:50] I'm going to buy ODROID-X2, anyone know a good reason I shouldn't? [19:14] chrisccoulson: ping? [19:25] Hey guys, I'm sure this gets asked every day but does anyone know if the ubuntu install for the Nexus 7 32GB with 3G works yet? [19:25] last time I tried it a couple weeks ago it didn't work, just wondering if there's been any progress since? [19:25] thanks [19:32] Ethernin: 13.04 should work if I'm not mistaken [19:36] anyone know what timezone chrisccoulson is in? [19:36] or what time he is likely to respond? [19:39] whois says he's from germany [19:47] tassadar_: No, /whois says he's connected to a server in Germany, which doesn't mean much, since the servers are on a DNS round-robin. [19:48] whois chrisccoulson [19:48] mjrosenb: He's in the UK. Not sure what his usual working hours are. [19:48] that was silly. [19:48] :) [19:48] infinity: thanks. [19:48] * tassadar_ will keep his mouth shut now, it'll be better for everyone) [19:59] tassadar_, hey thanks man i'll try it === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === Sv is now known as discopig [22:10] janimo: gave you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1070770 [22:10] Launchpad bug 1070770 in ubuntu-nexus7 "bluetoothd dies with glibc malloc memory corruption when used with brcm_patchram" [Medium,Confirmed] [22:11] achiang, I wonder if I need some BT peripherals or an android phone would do for debugging [22:12] janimo: you don't own any BT devices? :) [22:12] achiang, hey I only got my first smartphone 3 months ago what do you want? :) [22:12] heh [22:12] I'll get some BT headset if it is needed fo debugging though [22:13] janimo: alternative is to spin up a kernel and ask people to test it [22:13] janimo: i'm sure you'll find lots of interested helpers [22:13] * janimo checks the bug details