[09:12] I think I've found a bug in 12.10 with how dhcp and dns work on mixed interfaces (wlan vs eth), but I'm not sure which package to report it to. [09:12] cloud be networkmanager, dnsmasq, dhclient, or perhaps something else. [09:15] i sometimes have problems with ubiquity installing grub to the wrong drive (especially when installing to USB) [09:15] Deutopia: that should be fixed better for the automatic installer in quantal dailies.... [09:16] k === ara is now known as Guest39435 [13:23] hggdh, hey, could you moderate my reply to the bugsquad ML please ? [13:23] jibel: on it [13:23] hggdh, super ! :) [13:24] jibel: so, I should cancel it? [13:24] >-} [13:24] jibel: accepted & released [13:25] hggdh, thank you sir [13:52] hggdh, ping, if you're around [13:52] TheLordOfTime: consider yourself ponged in a virtual way [13:53] mind a /query? want your opinion on something [13:53] TheLordOfTime: no prob === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh === Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Ursula === Ursula is now known as Guest90196 === Guest90196 is now known as Ursinha [17:36] are firefox (ubuntu) and iceweasel (debian) related? === ara is now known as Guest53220 === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 === rickardv_ is now known as rickardv [20:59] jdstrand: Does Bug 1052098 refer to the same issue that you fixed in Bug 1031583? [20:59] Launchpad bug 1052098 in cups "AppArmor parser error for /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1052098 [20:59] Launchpad bug 1031583 in cups "dmesg reports: apparmor="DENIED" for cupsd" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1031583 [20:59] If so, could you please close it appropriately? === ara is now known as Guest17480 [21:35] Logan_: they are related but not the same. specifically, the fix for 1031583 caused 1052098 for the reporter's kernel. in other words, I believe 1052098 is because the reporter is using a kernel without block_suspend support [21:35] Ah, I see. === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 === cheako5 is now known as cheako [23:43] ogra_: when you are back -- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1212016/ we can talk tomorrow your afternoon (morning US Central time) [23:52] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/976088/comments/7 is the dev asking me to test in fedora? [23:52] Launchpad bug 976088 in gnome-mplayer "volume widget focus, crashing, persistence issues" [Undecided,Confirmed] [23:54] no, he's just saying the system he tested in [23:54] and what version(s) [23:54] at least AFAICT [23:56] k thx