[08:14] jcastro: just fyi, we've got an awesome tweeting service which tweets about upcoming sessions, we have @ubuntuonair in twitter and ubuntuonair in identi.ca [08:16] Aloha [08:18] morning czajkowski [08:45] hello === rastamouse is now known as nothingspecial [16:43] bkerensa: hook me up with some upvotes yo! http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4281843 [16:43] kk [16:44] jcastro: Cloudtura [16:44] huh? [16:44] jcastro: new domain name I snapped up :P [16:46] hey so if you want, rebench my blog [16:46] google storage = fast [17:21] bkerensa: Cloudtura? Is that like Sepultura? [17:22] snap-l: :P [17:24] Max Cavelera wants to take your Cloud STRAIGHT. TO. THE. VOIIIIIIIIID. [17:30] mhall119, ready in a few mins? [17:31] jono: whenever you are [17:31] thanks mhall119 [17:31] just wrapping a discussion [18:01] evening [18:03] good evening czajkowski [18:03] hey there [18:03] busy long day [18:03] now to tackle my ubuntu work [18:04] at least I can sit in the garden doing that and relax :) [18:04] I Assume you got home then :) [18:04] lovely heat! [18:04] I work from home [18:04] yea - smashing [18:04] I go into the office once maybe twice a week [18:04] even better czajkowski [18:04] it;s 25 in the back garden now [18:04] not Friday this week then I hope :) [18:05] wish I had a garden :) [18:05] it's even nice up here [18:05] have an uber busy week. [18:05] yay [18:05] Saturday BBQ :D [18:05] \o/ [18:05] excellent use of a saturday :) [18:05] next week then bf birthday and then his friends engagment party, then i'm on holidays! whoo [18:05] elfy: lets hope the weather remains the same [18:06] AlanBell: is host to the Ubuntu UK BBQ [18:06] I am full of hope [18:06] aah yes - seen that on the m/list :) [18:06] * elfy is not going [18:13] aww [18:13] too far AlanBell and no money makes bracknell a long walk ;) [18:13] it will be fun [18:13] when's it? [18:13] Where's bracknell ? [18:14] I'm sure - but I am seriously poor lol [18:14] but it won't be in bracknell [18:14] AlanBell: where will it be then? [18:14] farnham [18:14] surrey [18:14] still al long walk from Lymington :) [18:14] true [18:15] nothingspecial: in the sensible part of the country - that is south of a line drawn from london to bristol :) [18:15] 4 hour drive :( [18:15] AlanBell: I might be in Brighton about the time the m/l is talking of the pub thing - if so I will come along [18:16] if it ends ip being there lol [18:16] not far from you elfy [18:16] not in a car no :) [18:17] £84 on the train [18:35] balloons, all set in a few mins? [18:37] jono, sure sure [18:40] balloons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/327652fd462b9fda0c71bb576cbcb8deba34d268?authuser=0&hl=en-US [18:41] JoseeAntonioR: hey so we're going to start the hangout earlier right? [18:41] I don't see it on the fridge calendar? [18:42] coming [18:42] jcastro: yep, at 18UTC [18:42] jcastro: I'll also add it to the fridge calendar, although we have our own calendar ;) [18:43] what? [18:43] seriously, another calendar, no! [18:43] just use the fridge calendar [18:43] we can't, the bot needs its own calendar [18:43] sigh [18:43] I don't understand why we're adding all this complicated stuff [18:43] we don't need an IRC channel or bots [18:43] jcastro: otherwise, the topic, tweeting and identi.ca thingies won't work [18:44] the topic for what? it's a radio show! [18:44] and what about the tweeting/dent features? [18:44] anyway, whatever, how do you feel about starting an hour earlier? [18:44] what is it tweeting? [18:45] jcastro: twitter? [18:45] we have @UbuntuOnAir [18:45] it's the same bot as classroom but with some modifications for the on air sessions, so it tweets 10 minutes prior to the session, and when the session starts [18:45] well we could always just tweet directly on the account during the broadcast [18:45] (we can also send it tweets via a command as a PM to the bot) [18:45] so twitter followers will know when a session is about to start [18:47] jcastro: starting an hour before is fine for me, I'll be here at least 15 mins before we start [18:47] ok [18:47] bdmurray wanted a test session [18:47] aka one of our speakers [18:47] ok so 1700-1900 on thursday right? [18:48] yeah that's fine, you had someone else right? [18:48] there were like 2? [18:48] yeah, bdmurray and bkerensa [18:48] jcastro: didn't we agree in 18-20utc? [18:48] we were supposed to do it 19-21, and already changed it [18:48] ? [18:48] oh ok [18:48] bkerensa: uonair [18:48] what does the calendar say, 18-20? [18:48] yeah [18:49] ok perfect, let me add that to the fridge calendar [18:49] great [18:50] I'll grab a few more people [18:50] we should get Joey up in here. [18:50] that's fine for sure [18:50] :D I get my Chevy Volt tomorrow :P [18:50] which Joey? [18:50] omg joey [18:50] lol [18:50] oh :P [18:50] popey: were you going to pop in for a bit as well? [18:50] he uses a Mac though [18:50] ;p [18:51] popey sent an email to Joey [18:51] if you want people in the hangout, just let me know to add them to uonair circles, I can also give you the password for it [18:52] don't forget to add uonair back [18:52] ok [18:52] I'm thinking of a few people to ask [18:52] bkerensa: I think getting vanhoof on there again will be useful, he mentioned so much stuff that many people didn't take out of the onair [18:53] jcastro: good idea... you should get mims to come on :D [18:54] we'll be there [18:54] and I noticed most of the stuff was all desktopy stuff [18:54] server people are too busy RUNNING THE PLANET to be on hangouts. [18:54] wow, I am disappointed. I was expecting a onair mailing list too. [18:55] (NOTE: Do not create, that was a joke.) [18:55] jcastro: we can get one, too [18:55] :P [18:55] jcastro: someone registered ubuntuonair.com ? [18:55] bkerensa: popey did [18:56] LOL [18:56] yeah [18:56] it's awesome isn't it [18:56] not as awesome as Cloudtura :P [18:56] ok so who has control of that wordpress instance? [18:56] jcastro: popey and I, and I can get an account for you [18:56] sure, or you can add stuff [18:56] question. [18:56] go for it [18:56] maybe instead of aggregating from everywhere [18:57] we can plop a disqus right on this page? [18:57] jcastro: I was thinking on something like that, maybe a "social chat" widget [18:57] we can get people to login with their facebook/twitter accounts [18:58] do we have a wiki page? [18:59] (seriously asking, so we can schedule the order of speakers) [18:59] jcastro: nope, we don't have one [18:59] can you mail me an account for the wordpress? [18:59] I think I'll just add the stuff there [19:00] jcastro: sure, one sec [19:00] mhall119: made this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/OnAir [19:01] that works, ta [19:01] (currently it's more of a "best practices" but it can be expanded) [19:01] oh that's general best practices [19:01] ok I'll put like the speaker schedule and stuff on the page [19:01] yeah [19:01] the ubuntuonair.com page I mean [19:01] We should be smart and not use google on air [19:01] ;p [19:02] We should use Kaltura which is Open Source ;) [19:02] oooh, that'd be a nice charm [19:02] jcastro: :P I'm sure their CM would love a charm [19:02] he has already said he would comp us if we wanted to use their platform [19:03] bkerensa: the easy part of g+ hangouts are that they automatically get recorded on the youtube channel, so people won't have to spend hours uploading videos [19:03] JoseeAntonioR: Kaltura does the same [19:03] ;) [19:03] oh, then may be an option [19:03] bkerensa: file a wishlist for that in lp/charms please [19:03] kk [19:03] http://www.kaltura.org/kalorg/kalturaCE/trunk/INSTALLATION.txt [19:03] include a link to that [19:04] I just broke my 2 factor auth for my SSO so I need to fix that. :-/ [19:04] ouch, good luck [19:05] jcastro: mind a quick PM? [19:05] Mail pls, I'm about to be kicked off all the services I am on [19:05] * jcastro goes to call ISD [19:07] jcastro: have fun [19:07] tell them I said hello :) [19:51] JoseeAntonioR: link me to your blog pls [20:09] popey: around? [20:09] ya [20:10] hey so I made a disqus for ubuntuonair [20:10] can you pm me your disqus email or username so I can make you an admin? [20:10] also [20:10] ugh [20:10] any idea how to enable it for the wordpress page? [20:11] jcastro: sorry, almost fell asleep, joseeantonior.wordpress.com [20:11] yeah, sure [20:11] JoseeAntonioR: pm me your disqus username too pls [20:12] jcastro, popeydc is my disqus account [20:13] jcastro, might need to change that page to a post to enable comments? [20:13] yeah that's what I was wondering [20:13] http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-allow-comments-on-pages [20:13] if I had to change it to a post instead of a page [20:13] seems you can do it [20:13] tweak the page.php in the theme [20:13] yeah just looking where in the UI that is [20:14] appearance -> themes [20:15] and then where? [20:15] it's all like gui, doesn't show me where I can edit the templates [20:15] also what's this hosted on? Will it scale? [20:15] its on my vps [20:16] if you wanna put it "in the cloud" go ahead [20:16] I'll happily point it wherever [20:16] ok so [20:16] why not just move it over to the youtube page once that goes live? [20:16] jcastro: free for a test session? [20:16] you still need to point dns somewhere [20:16] could certainly just put in an http redirect [20:17] thats not going to take much effort [20:17] in fact that was my original suggestion :) [20:17] I dunno [20:17] that seems like asking for trouble [20:17] how so? [20:17] redirect from a VPS? [20:17] no thanks. [20:17] explain [20:18] hey so how about this, I get awesome WP set up, we change DNS, and then run the thing on the cloud, when it's over you change DNS back [20:18] as I said, i dont care where it runs [20:18] I'll point the domain at whatever you want [20:18] okey [20:18] i just set that up because there was nothing else there [20:18] and it was "easy" [20:18] * jcastro nods [20:18] this will work [20:18] I'll juju it [20:18] to the cloud! [20:18] and then when we're not live doing stuff [20:18] we'll run it off your vps [20:19] sounds like a plan [20:19] or leave up a splash page or something [20:19] ok so before then [20:19] where can I edit this theme php? [20:20] popey: we'll change it tomorrow when I can get you an ip [20:21] jcastro, http://ubuntuonair.com/wp-admin/theme-editor.php?file=page.php&theme=thematic [20:21] aha! thanks [20:21] np [20:21] man i could not find that [20:22] http://ubuntuonair.com/ [20:22] awwww yeah [20:22] this will be great [20:22] yay! [20:22] should we also get a Ubuntu On Air song? [20:24] popey: what about the Next hangout in... widget? [20:24] feel free :D [20:25] just remember whatever you do, jcastro is gonna have to replicate it in the cloud [20:25] popey: where can I find the code for it? [20:25] :P [20:25] I mean, the one you have at podcast.ubuntu-uk.com [20:26] ahhh, that [20:26] [20:26] there :) [20:27] it looks up the date of the next event by looking at the google calendar of our show [20:27] that's great, I'll try to mod it [20:27] ooh, you need /wp-content/themes/uupc4/countdown.php too [20:27] hmmm [20:29] thats not my code.. one moment [20:29] hi [20:29] * JoseeAntonioR waits [20:29] hello, daker [20:30] have emailed the author and asked if he can make it available JoseeAntonioR [20:30] great, thank you [20:30] jcastro: we may be able to get a widget like the one in the top-right corner in podcast.ubuntu-uk.org [20:31] its time-zone sensitive too, so gives an accurate countdown [20:32] we may use raw UTC [20:32] you don't need to [20:33] just put it in the calendar, and the widget shows the right time [20:33] oh, got it [20:40] hey popey [20:40] [20:40] that will be the IP [20:41] but don't point it yet pls [20:43] jcastro: will it be available before the session starts? remember we have to change the embed link 1min or 30s before [20:43] yeah [20:43] I am setting it up now [20:43] and planning for the DNS delay [20:43] we'll be way good [20:44] * jcastro deploys on HP Cloud [20:44] that's the benefit of having juju on our side [20:44] I just talked to Marco, this will be sweet [20:45] later on we'll automate it so we can do this faster. [20:45] but for now we'll have to copy the configs/etc over by hand [20:45] that shouldn't be a problem [20:45] of course there's no reason it has to be wordpress [20:45] could be a static html page in the cloud :) [20:45] held in bzr :) [20:46] true [20:46] but it's things like this which juju was made to solve [20:46] pretend it's not a static webpage though. :) [20:47] popey: post-this-hangout we'll do like off of a S3 bucket or something [20:48] when is it due to start? [20:48] in UTC [20:49] 18 [20:49] 18 on the thursday? [20:49] yep [20:49] yay, my kind of time :) [20:49] wanna cohost? [20:50] your accent brings in pageviews [20:50] lol [20:50] sure [20:50] I'll have to tidy my office :D [20:50] :P [20:55] should uonair add Robert to its circles? [20:56] yeah [20:58] jcastro: you should add back [21:48] goodnight [21:53] /3/22 === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan [23:14] * bkerensa slaps jcastro around with a large trout