=== len is now known as Guest96950 [05:57] hello === Pupuser is now known as Brown_Mouse [08:56] Hi guys [08:57] Trying out 12.04 running live disc but cant get any sound working.Anyone else see this? === daker-cloud is now known as daker_ [11:55] Cant get sound to work in Lubuntu.Any ideas anyone? [13:10] bye! :) [13:24] hi [13:30] any one here that deals with lubuntu.net [14:38] nothingspecial: I think that you should ask on the mailing list. === EyesIsMine is now known as Hat [15:08] ok Mkaysi [15:08] And remember that sending HTML and topposting are forbidden by mailing list guidelines, which aren't very followed, but they still are [15:09] yep [17:11] with both close_async and _close [17:12] oh, sorry [17:12] wrong channel XD [18:30] bye === daker_ is now known as daker