[10:46] * gmb -> afk for a bit [12:07] * gmb lunch [12:59] ...upgrading... [13:08] restarting [13:08] benji frankban gmb call in 4 [13:32] frankban, gary_poster: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes [13:42] benji, was the juju/bash reply private? I don't see a reply [13:42] gary_poster: heh, I didn't notice; let me see [13:43] gary_poster: it was indeed [13:43] benji, heh, bizarre [13:45] gary_poster: I just looked up the author, and he's a Canonical dev on the Juju team. [13:45] benji, What was his name again? [13:46] gmb: Benjamin Saller (bcsaller) [13:46] Ah [13:46] benji, He has form for unhelpfulness. In my case it was fixing a bug I had assigned to myself, not linking his branch to the bug or commenting on it and then getting kinda grumpy that I did the same work he did. [13:47] So YMMV. [13:47] heh [13:47] Also, ISTR Clint / Jorge making "Ah, him" kinda comments about him, but I could be wrong. [13:48] I like the phrase "form for unhelpfulness", it's like some misanthropic wonder-twin. [13:48] :) [13:48] * benji wonders if that cultural reference survived the travel across the pond. [13:49] It's British Police-speak for "has been convicted for" [13:49] E.g. "Has form for robbery." [13:49] Goodness knows why. [13:50] * gmb -> tea. BBIAM [14:02] benji, he was the original author of archetypes [14:02] heh, that's cool [14:02] gary_poster: a slight problem, we don't have a slave running to work on [14:03] (I have one starting now, and I've set myself a reminder to start one first thing every morning, so hopefully the future will be better.) [14:15] maybe found! https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/GettingStarted [14:16] which points to a nice screencast by Matthew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bG-SXNX9Ww&feature=youtu.be [14:23] benji, ack. I was busy writing an email about my treadmill desk for the ergo thread on canonical tech :-P [14:23] :) [14:27] benji, ok, so...we should wait till we have a system to work with, I'm guessing? [14:27] gary_poster: I suppose. We could try to simulate the problem, but that seems fraught with difficulties. [14:28] benji, if you don't have anything better to do we could pair on trying to figure out how testr works [14:28] to see if we can add a real -v [14:28] gary_poster: that sounds good [14:30] benji, I am one with the horde [14:30] "the golden borg" [15:55] Aaaaaaaaaaaagh. Tea. [16:15] gary_poster: I've succesfully built the new version of python-shell-toolbox. All in all it wasn't difficult, just used dch -v [new version] to update the changelog, and changed the recipe to take the version from the changelog. [16:16] ah cool, frankban. is it enough to add to our packaging page? [16:17] gary_poster: sure, I will do it. [16:18] ty [16:18] gary_poster: if you agree I could take the "replace sleep 30..." card [16:19] sure frankban sounds good thank you [17:54] I'm back. [17:55] me too benji. gimme a bit to sort through the fact of being back :-) [17:56] * benji comes to grips with his Existential Malaise. [18:01] heh [18:04] benji, I am hanging out [18:04] no rush [18:09] gary_poster, benji: I thought that, if you use a prerequisite branch in a MP, the diff is created against that branch... Maybe I should use the target branch to do that? [18:11] frankban: prerequisite branches are left out of the diff, the target branch is what the diff is created against [18:11] benji: ok thank you [18:25] gary_poster, benji: when you have time: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/setuplxc-remove-sleep/+merge/96422 . See you later [18:26] have a good evening frankban [19:24] bye frankban [20:31] benji, more water, then will be ready for more. [20:31] more hanging out, I should say :-) [20:31] :) [20:45] benji, I'm in hangout fwiw. [21:26] benji, I'm prepping for mtg [21:26] talk to you later [21:26] gary_poster: ok [21:59] benji, any news before EoD? [21:59] gary_poster: I just got it working [21:59] benji, yay! yay! yay! [22:00] good way to end the day, benji :-) [22:00] I still get the "couldn't bind" error and it says that it's stopping the second container, but when I console into them they each have unique macs and ips [22:00] yep :) [22:00] huh [22:00] well, tomorrow :-) [22:00] ttyl! [22:00] there must be something else that they're sharing [22:00] thank you [22:00] yeah [22:00] have a good evening [22:00] u 2