=== elmo_ is now known as elmo [02:26] hey all [02:26] can I use super_teams_collection_link to find the parent team of a sub-team? [02:30] jono: That should work, yes. [02:31] wgrant, I just started really digging into this tonight, but how do return the list of super teams from that? [02:31] I guess I am asking how to pull data from a link [02:37] jono: for team in someteam.super_teams: [02:38] oh [02:38] I was looking at the list of entries [02:38] thanks wgrant [02:42] jono: launchpadlib maps foo_collection_link attributes to foo, and bar_link to bar. [02:55] thanks wgrant [02:56] this is a pretty cool API [02:56] When it works [02:56] Or isn't misbehaving :-) === jacob_ is now known as jacob [03:51] evening/morning all. I had a question I wanted about launchpadlib.. is it possible to pull a person's avatar from launchpad? [03:51] not the picture itself, but you can get a link to it. [03:52] Its convoluted and I have a half done MP somewhere to fix that. [03:52] hmm.. right, so I can get a link to the pic and then dl and process it if I wish.. multiple steps, but possible [03:54] Yep :) [03:54] thanks nigelb [03:54] np! [05:22] I'm creating an alternative 2.10.1 build for fixing bug 856631 in windows, is there any way I can put the setup available in the pidgin project without being a member of it? something similar to a branch [05:22] Launchpad bug 856631 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "irc: periodic '/who' polling causes connection drops" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/856631 [05:25] brb [05:27] I'm back, is it possible? [06:05] is there any problem if I just commit the 12MB file onto a branch? [06:27] will it work? probably. is it a good idea? Well, its 12MB of data, what could possibly go wrong :) [06:28] RenatoSilva: is it binary or text? [06:34] lp acting funny for me.. bad time of day me guess [06:37] ops are looking at it right now [06:37] one sec [06:38] lifeless: a 12MB binary [07:03] should my branch eventually update? [07:05] sorry.. have a look at this if you would.. just want to make sure this branch published properly https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/+junk/checkbox-beta1 [07:06] balloons: Try pushing again [07:06] We had some database issues for a few minutes. [07:06] But they're fixed now. [07:08] wgrant, ok, thanks will do [07:08] "No new revisions or tags to push. " [07:08] ;-( [07:09] i could fake a commit and push again [07:09] ? [07:09] balloons: bzr push --overwrite -r-2, then push again [07:09] (-r-2 is the revision before the latest) [07:10] Like faking a commit, except a bit less dirty :) [07:11] heh.. kk [07:12] hmm.. ok, but i see one commit [07:12] there should be w [07:13] *2 [07:13] k.. bzr push --overwrite -r-1 fixed that [07:13] fun fun [07:13] -r-1 is the same as omitting -r entirely [07:13] lol [07:13] thought that might be the case [07:13] bzr is totally new [07:14] But bzr has been around for years! [07:14] Hm [07:14] So where's this a clone frome? [07:14] Another VCS? [07:14] the branch [07:14] well another good question [07:15] i'm assuming there is a good way to fork a branch in bzr [07:15] this is a manual fork of another bzr branch [07:15] Which branch? [07:15] what's a 'manual fork'? [07:15] lol [07:16] Normally you just say eg. 'bzr branch lp:unity; cd unity; hack hack hack; bzr commit; bzr push lp:~wgrant/unity/my-branch' [07:16] i mean to say I checked out the branch [07:16] i hacked on it [07:16] then i pushed it to this [07:16] if that's the bzr way [07:16] then i guess i did fine [07:17] Hm, it looks like you created a fresh branch [07:17] Rather than branching/checkingout from an existing one. [07:17] So there's no history. [07:17] ugh... I lost the history eh [07:18] You ran 'bzr init' at some point? [07:18] actually yea [07:18] it's getting late her [07:18] *here [07:18] i had to redo it at some point [07:19] lifeless: I've uploaded it to github :( brb [07:19] You should basically never run 'bzr init' unless you're starting a new project. [07:19] i got some working tree error [07:19] Use bzr branch to fork a branch. === czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging [08:59] Good morning :) === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara === soren_ is now known as soren [11:04] Hi everyone, jtv, when you have a minutes, I have a question regarding the sharing of translations between series (related to what we talked about a few days ago) [11:04] minute* [11:04] odony: go ahead [11:05] And hi :) [11:06] jtv: :) I have noticed a few new issues in translation management in our older branches... do you remember how long ago the sharing between series was implemented? [11:07] Between series was quite a while ago. [11:07] I'd say 2009-ish, off the top of my head. [11:08] oh really... wow [11:08] the thing is, apparently we're using the PO comments for even more things than I originally thought, one of them is to apply translations to their specific domain (UI, reports, object field names, etc.) [11:08] Oh [11:08] But there's a standard gettext facility for that. [11:08] Contexts. [11:08] jtv: yup, we still have to implement msgctxts ... does LP support them well, BTW? [11:09] Yes, should be fine. [11:09] great [11:09] Two identical messages with different contexts are treated as different messages. [11:10] sounds good, we should really try it.... of course we have the area of the software where the translation applies, and then we have the various contexts of translations, e.g. "Open" can be an object state or a button action [11:11] not sure how we would map those 2 things properly.. but anyways === danhg_ is now known as danhg [11:12] jtv: so our previous versions of the software rely on the PO comments to apply the translations to the right area... and now we're seeing bugs in those older versions because PO files are exported with the comments of the latest series, and they locations do not match (e.g. some term may now be used only for reports, but was used in other places before) [11:13] Yes, very unfortunate. [11:13] I do not remember seeing this in the past, but it could have been the case and we did not notice... this is not an "obvious" bug [11:13] No — and some big import may have triggered this. [11:14] yes... so I was wondering if it would be very hard to have the LP translations export consider using the comments of the series for which it is exporting, rather than the ones from the latest series where it was translated [11:15] i.e. sharing only the msgstr values between series but not the rest [11:16] jtv: my question is more like: was it harder to do it and the current implementation is simpler because of that, or is it actually trivial to change and you just did not consider it before [11:17] Unfortunately it's an integral part of the data model. [11:17] hi! I want to change the source location of a code import. I don't think I can do that for myself, and I have a few recipes depending on it. Can you do that for me? [11:17] We've always assumed that the comment on a translatable message was shared just like the message's translations and text. [11:18] czajkowski: feel up to helping diwic? :-) [11:18] diwic: sure if you file a question we can do it for you [11:18] czajkowski, a question against launchpad? [11:18] diwic: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion yes [11:18] and just let us know the detail that need to be changed an any links. thanks [11:19] czajkowski, thanks, will do! [11:19] diwic: np,will get to it shortly [11:20] jtv: I see... I'm not sure how the PO comments are supposed to be treated in fact.... they have their sense in the PO template, but what about in a PO.. For a given template it seems having the right comments/hints of where the term come from (source code line etc.) is important [11:20] filed as question 188602 [11:20] jtv: but once copied in the PO they do not carry that much sense I suppose.... though unfortunately we do give them one [11:22] odony: IIRC we treat comments in the PO as completely separate things, not related to comments in templates. [11:23] that's the key point I guess... and I understand that because the term was translated based on a certain set of comments, it kind of makes sense to carry them over when exporting anywhere, even if that does not match the series' template comments [11:24] Yeah… we had to draw a line between changes that mean you want different data for series, and changes that mean you're updating your data which should benefit all series. [11:25] yes..for some reason we assumed from the start that [POT template comments] == [PO comments], but perhaps there is nothing in the GetText standard that says it should be the case [11:26] and unfortunately handling our translations differently requires quite a fundamental change in our framework, something that is not doable for past stable series of course (which are meant to be stable) [11:27] jtv: I suppose there is no way to partially disable translation sharing for older series, short of disabling completely the export sync for those, right? [11:28] Hmm [11:28] You could rename them. [11:29] I *think* (not sure) that we have cron jobs running now that will notice that two templates are no longer identically named, and go back to duplicating messages instead of sharing. [11:30] It won't affect file names; those are based on the templates' domains. Their names are really just for how Launchpad refers to them. [11:30] I have to check up on this, but I also have to leave for a bit now. Would you excuse me? === jtv is now known as jtv-afk [11:31] jtv: right, you mean simply going through the templates list and arbitrarily changing the names without touching anything else... [11:31] jtv: certainly, thanks a lot for your help! === jtv-afk is now known as jtv [11:58] odony: I'm not sure it'll work, and if it does, it won't be instantaneous. [12:06] Hello everyone, is there a way I can check the build status of the package I uploaded recently? [12:06] to PPA [12:06] hi madrazr [12:06] jelmer: Hello [12:06] there should be a link to the build from your PPA [12:06] that will have details on the current status [12:07] jelmer: checking ... [12:08] jelmer: is this the correct URL? https://launchpad.net/~madhusudancs/+archive/madhusudancs [12:08] I see latest updates has nothing [12:10] madrazr: it doesn't look like there are actually any uploads yet [12:10] did you get a confirmation email from Launchpad after you uploaded your package? [12:11] jelmer: nope :( [12:11] jelmer: however http://dpaste.com/707197/ [12:11] I see this on my shell [12:12] madrazr: see https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/194 [12:14] jelmer: what is "distribution release's changes list", where would this information be? [12:14] also I believe I am the signer of the changes file [12:15] madrazr: the changes list isn't relevant if you upload to a PPA [12:16] jelmer: Ok [12:16] jelmer: how about the signer? [12:16] I believe I am the signer [12:16] madrazr: does launchpad know about your key? [12:16] jelmer: I have uploaded the key, but not verified [12:17] madrazr: I mean, have you added the key to your launchpad account using the web UI? [12:17] jelmer: yes [12:18] jelmer: but I received an email to confirm, afterward uploading, so I verified the keys after uploading the package [12:18] jelmer: does that mean I should try reuploading the package now? [12:18] madrazr: are you sure ? It's not listed on your Launchpad homepage. [12:18] madrazr: ah, it is now - yes, you should re-upload after adding the key [12:19] jelmer: great, sure [12:19] jelmer: I was verifying as I was talking to you here [12:19] jelmer: I will try to re-upload now [12:19] jelmer: [12:19] Package has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net [12:19] Nothing more to do for hello_2.6-1_source.changes [12:19] how to fix that? :) [12:20] madrazr: remove the relevant .upload file in your current directory [12:21] jelmer: cool! uploaded [12:21] * madrazr keeps the fingers crossed [12:21] :) [12:25] jelmer: I don't see an email or update yet, is there anything else I may be missing? [12:27] jelmer: ah I see the email(s) now [12:27] Hi there, how do I change the upstream link for precise to the 3.5 series at https://launchpad.net/df-libreoffice/+packages [12:28] Sweetshark: if you file a question with the details we can change the details. https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion [12:30] Sweetshark, czajkowski: I think you might be able to change the link yourself if you're in the right team [12:31] if you click on the relevant "source package" link you should get to another page; there you can change the linker under the "Upstream connections" section [12:31] jelmer: possibly am doing a few like that this morning but working on one right now, so if its filed will get to it shortly once I fix the one that is bugging me :) [12:32] jelmer: is it possible to specify multiple distributions series in the same debian/changelog file? [12:32] madrazr: no [12:32] jelmer: Oh Ok [12:32] czajkowski: hah, ok [12:32] jelmer: how does it work then if I have to create the binaries for multiple distributions? [12:32] like say oneiric and precise [12:34] madrazr: you can copy packages in the web UI from one series to the other [12:34] jelmer: ah Ok [12:34] thats cool! [12:35] jelmer: i tried to add an upstream connection, but it fails because precise is already wrongly associated with 3.4 [12:36] Sweetshark: you should be ablet to change the existing upstream connection [12:36] Sweetshark: from the source package page - changing that association will remove the link to 3.4 [12:37] jtv: thanks, we'll give it a shot and see how it works... in any case that would probably be needed only for a single series, if at all. I think I found a low-risk way to patch for our translation system and make older series work correctly with PO comments from other series. [12:37] odony: great news. Good luck! [12:37] jtv: thanks a lot for your invaluable help, as usual! [12:37] :) [12:39] jelmer: where on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice ? "Show upstream links" leads me back to https://launchpad.net/df-libreoffice/+packages where changing is blocked for me. [12:42] Sweetshark: directly under "Upstream connections" [12:42] Sweetshark: there is LibreOffice Productivity Suite ⇒ libreoffice-3-4 [12:42] Sweetshark: after that are an edit icon and a delete icon [12:45] jelmer: no edit/delete icons here. [12:45] Sweetshark: ah, ok. I guess you're not in the right teams to edit the source package [12:45] (I'm not entirely clear on what the right team is in this case) [13:11] any problem with launchpad karma is not updating ? === mrevell_ is now known as mrevell === oojah_ is now known as oojah === mandel is now known as p === p is now known as mandel === kirkland` is now known as kirkland === yofel_ is now known as yofel === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch [16:19] HELP! i am not able to sign ubuntu code of conduct, doing the exact same steps.. [16:20] getting 1 error [16:20] (7, 9, u'No public key') [16:20] shashik, did you upload a PGP key? did you link that PGP key with your launchpad account? [16:20] yes [16:22] on doing gpg --fingerprint, i am getting 2 pub id and keys [16:23] i have uploaded one of it === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-nom === mandel is now known as p === p is now known as Guest68461 [16:34] hi, i see many icons in front of the email addresses: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-policy/ [16:35] is that normal? [16:35] i see that too, i betcha its a bug in that page [16:35] *shrugs* [16:37] does look a bit odd [16:39] I dont see it on other pages [16:40] only see it on the debian pages [16:40] indeed [16:41] bdrung: if you want to file a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug can look at it in a bit and find out more if you want === Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha [16:46] czajkowski: done -> bug #939644 [16:46] Launchpad bug 939644 in Launchpad itself "Too many icons beside email address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/939644 === mgedmin_ is now known as mgedmin === davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] === czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [18:45] i get an error "Invalid OpenID transaction" when clicking "Log in / Register" === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [18:48] jadoe: does it say anything else? What URL is in your browser window now? [18:48] no, only that. https://login.launchpad.net/cDljL1fKp3W8lWtH/+decide [18:51] and if you start over (at https://launchpad.net/+login) ? [18:52] Invalid OpenID transaction [18:52] hm, works in other browsers. firefox only [18:53] thats very 'cool'. What version of firefox ? [18:55] 10.0.2 with at least a thousand add-ons [18:56] works with a new firefox profile. kk === michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1 === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk [20:14] Morning. I need to upload a 150 MB file as part of the release. I talked with lifeless yesterday. The upload still times out. Help! [20:22] michaelh1, how many retries so far? [20:22] james_w: ~once a half hour all yesterday afternoon, twice this morning, repacked down to 100 MB and that fails too [20:23] Hurray for uploading from the cloud... [20:23] The ~50 MB binary uploads were fine by the same method. [20:36] michaelh1: try retrying, we've just reconfigured to local disk for one step which -may- help [20:37] uploading... [20:41] 80 % there... [20:43] Nope, timedout. The upload to Launchpad seemd to go fine. [20:43] I have the OOPS if that helps. [20:50] Woo! It uploaded! [20:52] michaelh1: I would like that oops please [20:52] lifeless: sorry, I hit refresh to retry the upload and lost it. [20:52] hah ah well [20:53] So the new librarian will be up and running for next month's release? [20:53] yes, it won't solve the root cause though [20:54] which is that we are trying to process a huge amount of data in the main web-requeset loop of zope appservers. [20:54] the bug I referenced has to be fixed before this will stop being a headache [21:07] i thought SANs solved all problems [21:10] mwhudson: thats inSANity, not SANs [21:46] hey all [21:46] is there a way in which I can query the test results data in http://results-tracker.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/precise/+testruns/284 with launchpadlib? [22:08] jono: You'd need to ask whoever controls that these days. It may look like Launchpad, but it's really unrelated. [22:09] jono: chat to cr3 & co; it uses lazr.restful, but I don't know the incantation to make launchpadlib (or wadllib really) talk to it [22:32] Hi [22:32] I submitted a package to launchpad at it says the waiting time is 22h. Is this normal? [22:33] it's not normal, exactly, but its not unheard of [22:37] We have a bunch of builders missing for testing [22:42] <_16aR_> Hello [22:42] <_16aR_> Any admin of launchpad here ? [22:43] hmmmz [22:43] It seems to be pretty bad though [22:43] The waiting time has only increased over the past 12h :S [22:43] <_16aR_> Like to reset a password or so when the mail address is no more available (server hacked)