[00:01] hi aparedes [00:01] hi Riddell [00:03] i am going to update a wiki help page but is there something else i can do? [00:04] dunno why people keep saying 3.5.10, strange joke I guess [00:04] aparedes: lots of merges still to do [00:05] http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html [00:05] http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html [00:06] aparedes: take something simple to start off I'd say, kshutdown there on the universe one for example [00:06] new upstream version, one ubuntu change [00:06] work out what the ubuntu change is, do we still need it, if so apply to to the new version that's in debian [00:07] ok ill do that [00:07] thanks Riddell [00:28] haha, was chatting with my Dad, he's 61, and just started using IM, he said "ttul" which I assume he meant "ttyl", but I am amazed he had picked up the IM'isms so quickly :P [00:30] talk to you later? [00:31] :) [00:31] Riddell: i won't say anything more about 3.5.10 [00:31] Ya... [00:31] hehe [00:31] i saw it earler and about pee'd my pants [00:32] * rgreening has done that before [00:33] :o [00:33] i did alot when i was 3 and younger [00:37] pinko commie! [00:38] yah man [00:38] also [00:38] i hate to inform you [00:39] but my boss is not letting me go to CA [00:39] i thought about quitting, but then [00:39] well, the economy sucks [00:39] :P [00:40] thats too bad [00:41] yeah, i'm still pissed [00:41] maybe nixternal will get his own room though [00:42] ha. I'll crash it :) [00:42] hehe [00:44] * rgreening has /dev/random_roomie [01:07] vorian: really? that sucks dude [01:09] nixternal: yep [01:11] aww [01:11] :( [01:11] :/ [01:11] now I have to find a new roomy [01:16] what happend [01:16] vorian: can [01:16] cant mak it? [01:19] nixternal: if you dont find a roomie, I volunteer, as it currently stands I'll probably be randomly paired :) [01:19] jjesse: yeah, boss said no way [01:19] rgreening: roger that...I will pass it on [01:19] thats a bummer i took a week of vacation cause boss said that as well [01:19] hope you don't mind me coming in at all hours of the night [01:20] the "Bag Of Assholes" will all be in San Fran, so I have some partying to make up for :) [01:20] yeah, well my boss is a dickhead [01:20] he said yes way back when [01:20] then changed his mind [01:20] vorian: time to come work for me! [01:20] ok! [01:20] when I switch everything over to Ubuntu we will need more devs dude and I would hire ya [01:21] awesome [01:21] I would say in the next 6 months more than likely [01:21] nixternal: Im a night owl [01:21] rgreening: you at least 21? [01:21] you can come party with us! [01:21] try 37 [01:21] old fart! [01:21] ya [01:21] nixternal: when the time comes, give me a poke [01:21] 3 years older than me :) [01:21] heh [01:21] vorian: I will do that dude...for real too [01:21] awesome! [01:22] nixternal: not to far either, i'm sure the wife would be down [01:22] that why i ddidn twant him as my roomate :) [01:22] haha [01:22] lol [01:22] jjesse: you didn't want me? [01:23] just kidding [01:23] oh man, you are in for it in just a few weeks now dude [01:23] I'll hold him down so you can give him a wallop [01:24] I think jjesse is actually bigger than me...he might be a tough cookie to keep down [01:24] haha [01:24] that would be worth a photo [01:24] * rgreening is 6'7" and 280 lbs [01:24] holy [01:24] are you kidding me? [01:25] jesus dude [01:25] basketball much? [01:25] HA! [01:25] screw basketball, football! american style! [01:25] no, no coordination. [01:25] im not big 5 11 180 [01:25] nixternal: yes, hire some ubuntu people. That'd be fun. [01:25] All my skillz is tied to the computer, film and photography. [01:26] Hobbsee: are you saying i'd be a bad hire? >.< [01:26] jjesse: why did I think you had size on me then? [01:26] must have been that pizza :) [01:26] heh [01:26] :o [01:26] vorian: um, no? [01:26] -no clue im a little guy [01:27] good good [01:28] must habe benn [01:29] * rgreening thinks there was beer in/with the pizza based on that last statement ^ [01:30] I don't think we had a beer [01:30] no we couldnt cause i expensed it [01:30] that's right [01:31] hrmm, stupid konsole has a menu bar bug I see [02:07] ScottK: nice post, but s/fix/fixed/ [02:28] hola [02:28] hey nixternal [02:28] yo yo [02:28] Hobbsee, can you do promotions? [02:28] nixternal, what's up? [02:28] working like always :/ [02:29] nixternal, you should relax and watch the bulls game or something [02:29] the bulls game? heck no :) [02:29] waiting for the cubs season to start back up [02:29] * NCommander watched them get slaughtered in Boston [02:29] NCommander: errr...only on NEW packages, i believe. [02:29] ya, I quit watching the bulls when jordan, pippen, and such left [02:30] Hobbsee, I need a promotion in a pocket unfortantely. If something is uploaded to proposed, and when it gets stuck in unaccepted, can you promote it to main? [02:31] NCommander: i'm not sure, on multiple levels. [02:31] technically, i probably can do so. Not sure on the protocol of doing so though [02:31] a mail to ubuntu-archive@ would probably be useful [02:31] (and there's no guarentee that those overrides even work, and i'm not really happpy at the prospect fo trying that on a released version of ubuntu :-/ [02:31] ) [02:31] Hobbsee, we've tried it [02:32] and? [02:32] * NCommander cornered bigjools and we tested it in a pocket [02:32] the archive did not self-destruct [02:32] oh, right [03:31] Hobbsee: The one about be nice to developers? [03:31] ScottK: yes [03:31] Thanks. I'll take a look. [03:32] NCommander: I'd have thought you'd have just done a pocket copy and not uploaded a new one. [03:36] Hobbsee: Fixed. [03:36] NCommander: My suggestion for process on the promotion is do a MIR like you normally would, subscribe ubuntu-mir to the bug and see what happens. [03:36] * seele oggles rgreening [03:36] six feet seven inches!? [03:39] ScottK: :) [03:40] :) [03:41] look up.. look way up! [03:58] rgreening: i'm 5'1" so it is a ways up [03:59] * Hobbsee waves to seele [04:01] * rgreening offers seele a stool to stand on so we can see eye to eye [04:02] hehe [04:02] * seele waves to Hobbsee [04:03] * Hobbsee chops rgreening off at the knees, so he's a more reasonable height. [04:06] heh, I've heard that quite a bit :) I almost believe it would have been worth it (cheaper to buy clothes for short people) [06:29] After yesterday's update, I have this error for amarok-nightly -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/71694 [06:35] anyone have any ideas what's causing libplasma and friends to be so unhappy? [09:40] hrm, got a small konqui issue, anyone else experiencing it? http://imagebin.ca/view/YBvHmBx5.html [10:05] jussi01: it's gone black? [10:12] Hobbsee: fancy rescoring opengtl a bit? [10:13] it's needed for koffice2 and I'd like to get the backport moving too === sonicmctails is now known as NCommander [11:13] Riddell: where? [11:16] Hobbsee: jaunty i386 amd64 [11:16] ooh, amd64 is building [11:16] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-kde-de/+bug/203349/comments/31 [11:16] Riddell: ah, right. Yes, I rexcored it right after going "where" [11:16] ooh i386 says 1 minute to build [11:16] Launchpad bug 203349 in language-pack-kde-sv "Broken plural forms in KDE" [Medium,In progress] [11:16] "This task got lost somehow" [11:16] thanks Hobbsee [11:17] figured it was probably jaunty [11:17] Riddell: y/w [11:17] why does it sounds like "We don't care about Kubuntu"? :/ [11:19] smarter: the change from kde 3 to 4 is pretty big for them, unfortunately they seem to have totally underestimated what needed doing [11:19] probably [11:19] but this is a kde3 l10n bug [11:19] smarter: you're a few weeks late... [11:20] Hobbsee: this message is from today [11:20] smarter: the issue was discussed a few weeks ago, before release day, too. [11:20] yup [11:20] there have been lots of issues [11:20] but this is not the same issue [11:21] yes :) [11:21] each of which takes $longtime to resolve [11:21] adn apparently that one was fixed since June in LP [11:21] and nobody bothered to reimporte the .po or something [11:21] it's frustrating [11:24] arg, opengtl was the wrong version uploaded [11:24] oh dear [11:37] anyone used the new nvidia driver? [11:38] looks like it could fix a firefox issue, but nothing really big looks changed the driver is 177.82 === mcasadevall is now known as NCommander [12:25] apachelogger: was a meeting time decided? === Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex Released- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/8.10-release | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Merges! http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html [12:46] Riddell: tuesday evening afaic - hewanted to send an email to the list [12:46] s/c/k [14:18] salut mes amis! [14:19] Riddell: tue 20 UTC [14:19] * apachelogger does a fridge query [14:19] JontheEchidna: I am going to push the new hooker in a bit [14:20] nice [14:20] also I am going to creat batlib to improve scalability of allmighty magicscripts [14:20] apachelogger is pushing hookers? [14:20] oO [14:20] apachelogger is a pimp? [14:20] ~facts about apachelogger [14:20] [5/13] apachelogger has a batman pyjama. [6/13] "...and apachelogger hates workarounds". [7/13] apachelogger loves to pimp his hookers [14:20] ;-) [14:20] Nightrose: did you get a chance to test the new amarok-nightly stack? [14:20] apachelogger: no since it doesn't install - one package is still to old [14:20] * apachelogger needs to rebuild qt soon because of some patch required for kmail [14:21] let me see which one [14:22] http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1734 [14:22] apachelogger: amarok-nightly-kdelibs-dbg: Depends: amarok-nightly-kdelibs (= 20081113.7+svn883739-0neon1) but 20081102.7+svn879039-0neon1 is installe [14:22] brb - food [14:22] Nightrose: can we tattoo the kubuntu gears on one of yer cheeks? [14:23] *lol* um [14:23] nope [14:23] Nightrose: remove the dbg package [14:23] maybe my tight [14:23] meh!!! [14:23] ;-) [14:23] apachelogger: is that a definite now for meeting on Tuesday? [14:23] I want a dragon on my back [14:24] that has something hannibalish [14:24] and konqui-ish [14:24] not sure what fregl whould think about it but meh [14:24] Arby: yus [14:24] ;-) [14:24] * Arby feels the first flicker of nerves :) [14:25] so, why do I have more query buffers than channel buffers? right. because everyone queries me for all sorts of unimportant stuff [14:26] query channels make you feel like you're important :p [14:27] the clock on my desk @ work, that reminds on eating and drinking every once in a while, indicates that pretty well already :P [14:27] hm [14:27] idea! [14:28] next one who queries me for unimportant stuff will have to get a kubuntu tattoo [14:28] or I will blast him out of this universe using my incredible open invaders skills [14:32] NCommander: fancy looking at a couple of linker foo issues? [14:33] NCommander: adept in intrepid-proposed won't compile and it seems to be an issue with the kde4libs in intrepid-proposed which get a patch in what looks to me like an unrelated area [14:34] NCommander: secondly opengtl hasn't compiled on amd64 but has on i386, something to do with -fPIC in llvm [14:34] NCommander: well, just if you were feeling at a lose end :) [14:44] ah === JLP_ is now known as JLP [15:08] Riddell: I can't reach the fridge calendar, so I have no clue if #ubuntu-meeting is available on tue 20UTC [15:09] broken here too [15:10] apachelogger: toss a coin, we can move it easily enough [15:10] what day? [15:10] vorian: tuesday [15:11] :( [15:25] apachelogger: has there been a problem with kde-nightly-kdebase and amarok-nightly-kdelibs? [15:26] apachelogger is away afaik [15:27] vorian: oh.. ok, ty :) [15:53] Riddell: ping ? [15:54] hi meson10 [15:55] Riddell: Hi. as a quick intro.. i am a KDe developer from India. [15:55] Namaste [15:55] Riddell: i would just need a few pointers . [15:55] Riddell: :-) [15:55] namaste to you too :) [15:56] Riddell: I have been working on this little application... to make KDE more reachable to naive users [15:56] Riddell: one sec i will provide u the url [15:56] Riddell: http://workouts.foss.in/2008/index.php/Starting_KDE_closer_to_the_User [15:57] Riddell: i just need to know... who are the guys who handle user accessibility ... [15:58] do you mean usability? [15:59] I have to say I'm not a fan of startup tips, we tend to get rid of them in Kubuntu [15:59] Riddell: its not just a startup tip... its not for _us_ [15:59] a lot many people... did actualy point me sucha thing lacking. [16:00] like the other users who tried using gnome at first [16:00] kde* [16:00] I don't think gnome has any startup thing [16:00] yeap... it doesnt [16:00] sounds like this needs mockups [16:00] a demo app u mean ? [16:01] IMO, A first time startup option to do a overview would be nice. A mini tutorial and a getting to know the system. Something the user can close/ignore or run at a later time. [16:01] rgreening: Riddell ... yes precisely that [16:01] i am almost done with the rendered.. app core. [16:02] u just add ur tabs .. those u like to be doisplayed.. as widgets... and place them ina plugins dir [16:02] displayed* [16:02] i apologise for the spelling mistakes. [16:03] np [16:03] ... and yes... i did keep in mind that option of "Don't show this window, next time i Log In" [16:03] rgreening: i have taken care of that as well. [16:03] :) [16:03] All that is left to do... is Shuff "Needed" data to the application. [16:04] which is not just a task... a big one. [16:04] but it would be nice to consult other people already working in this. [16:04] Riddell, would seele be the one to consul on this? [16:04] meson10: lego-like tabs for the distribution or the user? [16:04] I don't know what's being asked [16:05] I think it's a usability sort of... [16:06] Riddell: i am asking... 1. will this application be useful.? 2. The Usability guys i can ping === apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Next Meeting: 2008-11-18 20:00 UTC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Merges! http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html [16:07] meson10: seele would be the usability gal to ping, she isn't too much online these days though [16:08] meson10: as I say I'm not a bit fan of startup tips/wizards/splashes etc but hard to say if it would be useful until seeing more of what it is [16:08] meson10: kde-usability list would be a good place [16:08] * apachelogger agrees [16:08] Riddell: apachelogger alright... thanks :-) [16:08] Riddell: I think a first start guide thingy makes sense for new users [16:08] i will get the application going... and ping you guys back... after i am done with a semi-presentable content [16:09] apachelogger: so long as it doesn't get in the way for old users :) [16:09] apachelogger: precisely thats what i am targetting. [16:09] Riddell: you can always set it to "Don't show...... "... the very first time it shows [16:10] I'd rather have people set it to "show" first time they want it :) [16:10] aye [16:10] but could be an icon on the desktop, the about-kubuntu does lack something [16:10] lol. Yeah, that me be a good idea. [16:11] s/me/may [16:11] that would also solve the issue that we don't have an icons on the desktop by default [16:11] Why is that an issue? [16:13] that's a feature [16:13] i love no icons on the desktop [16:13] we do have plasmoids on the desktop now though, it could be a plasmoid [16:13] i don't keep any icons on any ddesktop i have [16:13] in fact i don't use plasmoids either, i rarely even look at my desktop [16:14] I think the idea is to have in the folderview which by default points the ~/Desktop, no? [16:14] Riddell, ScottK: it makes people wonder what thing on their desktop is [16:14] the only plasmoid i have is the applicatoin launcher/taskbar [16:15] default instal has Sticky Notes and Folderview [16:15] so do most developers... new users... tend to get stuck with so many things :) [16:16] its should work to being a good thing that KDE gives u a lot... not drive users away out of utter confusion [16:30] Riddell: in answer to your "its gone black" no, the address input line/other tollbars are screwed. [16:31] mm, yes, nasty, not seen that before jussi01 [16:32] Riddell: Im using backports and proposed, so might be something in there... [16:47] Ha! Jaunty here I come... :-) [16:49] jussi01: unlikely [16:49] hunger: erk! [16:50] Riddell: ok, well Ill have a play round, but It would be nice to get it fixed... [16:51] jussi01: move ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc out the way may help [16:53] Riddell: nope, no luck. bit weird. [17:53] Riddell, sure, which one takes priority? [17:54] Anyone use IDLE or similar IDE to probram in Python? I can load python modules to view the base clases, etc. Is this possible for the kindings for KDE4 as well? Or do I simply have ot go to the KDE Techbase page or something? [17:54] Riddell, we need to fix the libplasma dependency issue [17:56] Riddell, yeah, that's nasty w.r.t. to adept [17:57] Anyone knows if ntfs and sataraid works on intrepid out of the box? (Well I guess I'll see in a few minutes when I boot it, but I'm wondering it'd still help to know if it's supposed to...). [18:01] NCommander: probably the adept issue but any help appreciated [18:01] mornfall: no idea I'm afraid [18:01] I think I see the adept issue [18:02] rgreening: I don't use Idle but there's python api docs on api.kde.org [18:04] mornfall: #ubuntu-kernel would be a better place to ask [18:07] ty Riddell. [18:09] Riddell: Well, I'm burning the ISO right now. [18:09] We'll see what happens. : - ) [18:09] -- Phonon library NOT found! [18:09] KDE in general fairly broken, isn't it :-/ [18:10] NCommander: where's that? [18:11] trying to build adept on jaunty [18:11] it built fine on jaunty, it's intrepid-proposed that broke [18:22] Riddell, not here it didn't. [18:22] brb, upgrading router [18:35] guess his router upgrade failed :( === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [19:41] Woo. I have crashed ubiquity. [19:59] mornfall: ubiquity doesn't crash! [19:59] lol [20:01] he said it so proudly [21:23] * Riddell does the kde 4.2 dance http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde42.png [21:24] Riddell: trunk? [21:24] snapshot from two days ago [21:24] ah, old then (;) [21:25] yeah, they already changed the theme and everything [21:25] kde 4.2 dance? [21:25] it's like the Qt4 dance excepts it involves cashews? :P [21:26] * JontheEchidna never got the Qt4 dance mp3 [21:26] it's probably on youtube [21:28] ooh, neon got updated [21:28] too bad it just missed kde rev 884394 [21:28] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=884394&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 884394 [21:30] you've got to have that bling [21:39] * seele would really like to see system settings improved for 4.3 [21:40] at least they renamed Nepomuk in systemsettings to desktop search for KDE 4.2 [21:40] ;-) [21:44] seele: in which way? [21:54] speaking of systemsettings.... http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=171985 [21:54] * JontheEchidna rejoices [21:54] KDE bug 171985 in kcmaudiocd "Several sections in systemsettings have unneeded scrollbars" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [21:55] Riddell: the UI itself needs to be cleaned up. we discussed reorg and redesign at prague but didnt find anyone to fix it [21:56] Riddell: some of the modules for 4.2 have been "rennovated" but not redesigned for the better. in some cases i saw a developer pulled out what was in multiple group boxes and simply created additional tabs [21:56] Riddell: there are also missing utilities which need to be converted in to modules so everything is in one place [22:55] Hi. Anyone here from the art-team? [22:56] why asking? [23:00] hi MadsRH, kwwii is but he seems to be away [23:02] I was working on the count-down banners for 8.10 and would like to discuss colabrotion between all the Ubuntu derivatives (sorry for the slow reply) [23:03] apachelogger did our lovely ones for 8.10 [23:03] scripted svg cleverness [23:04] okay, thanks