[00:01] well, looks fine to me [00:08] fta: yeah. [00:09] * asac remove --purge libnspr4-0d from chroot [00:13] jdstrand, what else is needed in the bug? [00:14] fta: what's the bug number again? (backscroll has got me down...) [00:14] bug 276437 [00:14] Launchpad bug 276437 in seamonkey "security upgrade of seamonkey 1.1.12" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276437 [00:15] looking... [00:15] i guess the .diff.gz and .dsc [00:17] * asac off doing something else [00:18] fta: yeah, I'll need the full source. the debdiff looks good (need to look at it more closely) [00:18] jdstrand, full source is already there [00:18] fta: once I have the dsc and diff.gz, please just document in the bug your testing [00:19] fta: I'm sorry, I meant full source package [00:21] fta: once I have the complete source package, and the testing is documented, I'll upload [00:22] jdstrand, hm, i've made the intrepid one complete (-sa), and the hardy one as -sd, so intrepid must be uploaded first [00:22] unless you prefer the opposite [00:23] fta: well, I do for complicated reasons dealing with the security buildd... [00:23] fta: sorry about that [00:23] fta: currently, we have a different buildd for security [00:24] fta: and that buildd doesn't have intrepid yet, cause it's not released [00:24] so, both could include the orig.tar.gz ? [00:24] fta: so I need to build hardy in the security buildd, push it to LP, then I should be able to build intrepid [00:24] jdstrand: intrepid? [00:24] why do you need to care for intrepid at all? [00:24] ;) [00:25] asac: well, I don't, if you or someone else uploads it [00:25] i thought i would push to intrepid myself [00:25] that's cool-- I'll need -sa for hardy though [00:25] jdstrand: yeah. fta will upload that [00:31] ppa publishing takes ages today :/ [00:31] yep, often longer than the build [00:32] in this case unfortunate ... everything is there except the binary-all packages :) [00:32] which come from i386 [00:32] and are not yet published [00:32] take it from the lp +archive page [00:32] fta: thats the problem ;) [00:32] fta: as soon as the .deb is there it will be quite soon in the archive index [00:32] but its not there yet :( [00:33] oh, i thought librarian had it immediately [00:33] i thought so too. most likely that has changed [00:34] amd64 bits took 15 minutes to show up after build [00:35] anyone interested in fixing ifupdown to honour a global nm setting that would make ifupdown stop from auto upping interfaces? [00:35] i hate that source ;) [00:35] its one file ... and its written in tex ;) [00:36] last time i touched it i thought it was fun ... but now i think that one time is enough for a lifetime :/ [00:36] http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/ifupdown.nw ;) [00:37] i should stop caring about that : http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/karma.png it's too volatile [00:37] thats what i am saying ;) [00:37] but still nice experiment to keep running ;) [00:38] maybe also comparison of bug, bzr and whatever ;) [00:38] i'd be curious to see yours [00:39] i'd rather not ... when i do the whole night bug triaging and then see my karma not moving at all i would certainly get depressed :-P [00:39] i am [00:40] yeah. simple cure: dont look at it ;) [00:40] fta: do you have the script? [00:40] i can add that to my crontab ... or even you can run it on your own i guess :-D [00:41] so ... anyone has a C snippet to parse keyfile formats? e.g. [00:41] [group] [00:41] key1=value [00:41] key2=value2 [00:42] and do what with it? [00:42] fta: i need to add a code snippet to http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/ifupdown.nw that parses /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf [00:43] and stops auto upping interfaces when there is [00:43] [ifupdown] [00:43] managed=true [00:43] ;) [00:43] asac: iniparser? [00:43] pwnguin: yeah. but i guess i cannot use glib :) [00:44] ? [00:44] oh, gnome probably doesn't have such a thing in their libs [00:44] pwnguin: libglib has [00:44] pwnguin: but i cannot use it [00:44] http://ndevilla.free.fr/iniparser/ [00:44] people would kill me to pull in libglib dependency on ifupdown [00:45] heh [00:45] jdstrand, all the files are in the bug now [00:45] pwnguin: is that packaged? [00:45] i think people would kill you for changing ifupdown file syntax just the same [00:45] hehe yeah. thats not my plan - i hope [00:46] in gentoo [00:47] quite a big thing for this tiny ifupdow tex thing [00:48] pwnguin: unfortunate that the tarball doesnt have a license info [00:48] the bigger challenge is that it's probably not secure [00:49] asac: the website suggests MIT license [00:49] pwnguin: yeah websites can tell a lot of things ;) [00:49] tarballs too of course ;) [00:50] but the author seems to be alive at least [00:50] so you could mail him and ask for a better clarification [00:50] wait [00:50] what's LICENSE [00:51] he? [00:51] in the tarball [00:51] hehe [00:51] my fault i guess [00:52] i also found libini now ;) [00:53] pwnguin: why isnt iniparser secure? [00:53] good question; i was thinking that sort of thing should be fuzzed [00:53] but i guess if it's a parser, those are normally built to reject invalid input [00:53] pwnguin: no [00:54] pwnguin: its only about a single key in one config file ;) [00:54] pwnguin: yeah. and that file is only writable by root usually [00:55] asac, only a few lines of C are needed for that [00:56] or perhaps a regex ;) [00:57] in perl, it's piece of cake [00:57] in fact, i think ini is fairly regular; just sections and key pairs [00:59] true. [00:59] there are also comments though [00:59] touche [00:59] not sure how the comment delimiter can be escaped [00:59] i dont think it can [01:00] i think even if multiline values are possible, we probably dont need this for our use case [01:00] new line usually terminates comments [01:00] asac, could I push sm to intrepid, or should i wait for someone to confirm the bug ? (motu-something?) [01:00] pwnguin: no .. i mean if you want a value with a ; in it ;) [01:00] e.g. [01:00] value=my;thing [01:01] fta: i doubt that anyone will complain ;) ... but you never know :-P [01:01] well, you've got the source code to a couple implementations ;) [01:01] pwnguin: yeah [01:02] I'll take the MIT one i think ;) [01:02] at least its pure C [01:02] asac, so? [01:04] fta: upload :) [01:05] fta: it will be stuck in upload queue until beta is released (or in case a release manager clears the queue) [01:05] but thats ok [01:05] in case RMs dont have time it will automatically go in after beta [01:06] ok [01:06] you can probably also kindly ask RMs after 24 hours or so [01:29] Bug 246820 [01:29] Launchpad bug 246820 in prism "Google Gears does not install on Prism" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246820 [01:31] [ubuntu/intrepid] seamonkey 1.1.12+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (Waiting for approval) [10:57] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18102344/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-hppa.seamonkey_1.1.12%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [11:17] fta2: only hppa? [11:17] thats fine then [11:17] most likely imagemagick didnt built or is outdated [11:17] you could retry in 24 hours (e.g. use launchpad "retry" button) [11:34] hi all [11:34] hi Kamping_Kaiser [11:35] asac, evening [11:56] asac: thats okay? die :P [12:03] why do you have that much sympathy for hppa? [12:06] hppa? isnt that just an alpha wannabe? [12:06] i have sympathy for all arches :P [12:28] asac, yep, only hppa [12:29] asac, how come ff/tb are not listed in the CVE pages on lp ? [12:29] asac, eg: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/cve/2008-4060 [12:35] asac, you said you fixed ff3.0 yesterday, is it in yet? [12:35] doesn't seems to be [12:36] -s [12:53] fta2: huh? [12:53] fta2: firefox and thunderbird usually dominate the USN page ;) [12:53] fta2: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn [12:54] maybe but lp tracks CVEs and ff/tb are not listed, that's too bad [12:54] fta2: not sure if the security team uses that feature seriously [12:54] jdstrand: ^^ ? [12:58] Bug 154749 [12:58] Launchpad bug 154749 in seamonkey "seamonkey installer bin will not oper in ubuntu desktop ver 7.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154749 [13:01] doesn't seem to be the ubuntu package [13:11] asac, where is your fix from yesterday? the ff-3.0 missing symlink [13:12] fta2: isnt that in .head? [13:13] *sigh* [13:13] will do that after lunch [13:13] fta2: feel free to fix it [13:13] if you cant wait ;) [13:14] or wait a sec ;) [13:14] i wanted to do it yesterday, you said in #u-desktop that you already did it [13:15] i know what i said [13:15] its on my laptop ;) ... which is in my bag [13:20] should i wait? or what? [13:21] fta2: no ... go ahead ... its such a minimal change that i dont feel any loss :) [13:26] did you do something smart for the 3.1 merge? [13:26] or just a symlink [13:29] fta2: 3.1 merge? [13:29] fta2: we have the _VER variable. i used that [13:30] i think i added [13:31] nm, i'll manage [13:32] k [13:32] fta2: can you fix that in .head pleaes? [13:33] sure [13:33] 3.0.head i mean [13:33] in theory there should be no difference in the code [13:33] we have the _META ifdef for that [13:39] wasnt 3.0.3 released a while ago? i just got email about release email date was 9/26/08 i thought we had it a while before than [13:43] gnomefreak: we released a bit early yeah. [13:43] (wasnt that a great idea ;)) [13:43] i liked it ;) [13:44] fta, asac: the CVE database in LP leaves a lot to be desired-- it is in no way surprising that ff and tb aren't listed [13:44] basically, LP imports the CVEs [13:44] then you either have to file a bug, then 'Link to CVE' in the bug [13:45] if a comment has CVE-XXXX-YYYY in it, then LP will do the 'Link to CVE' step for you [13:45] (regardless of if you want it to or not) [13:46] jdstrand: ok ... so a CVE: XXXX-xxx changelog parsing feature is missing ;) [13:46] no, it worked for sm [13:46] asac: I think it'll see it when things are Fix Released and posted in the bug [13:47] (cause it shows up as a comment) [13:47] james_w: do we have hardy backport packages for current bzr and bzr-builddeb? [13:47] just plain CVE-XXXX-YYYY, not CVE-XXXX-YYYY..ZZZZ [13:47] fta: correct [13:47] asac: no, not yet [13:47] james_w: my auto builder doesnt like the --result-dir option hardy chroot :( [13:48] asac: I'll bump it up my todo list [13:48] really, the usefulness of the CVE functionality is that *if* a CVE happens to be linked to the bug, you can click and get to the CVE description [13:49] we don't try to keep it in sync cause the API just isn't there yet. we use our own ubuntu-cve-tracker [13:49] thanks for clarifying [13:49] np [13:49] james_w: latest builddeb wont work with hardy bzr? [13:50] james_w: or could i just checkout builddeb in .bazaar/plugins or something? [13:50] asac: what's the error? [13:50] or is it the depends? [13:50] james_w: i havent tried ... i only saw that --result-dir isnt known [13:50] in default hardy [13:51] that's nothing to do with the bzr version, the name of the option just changed [13:51] at your request I believe [13:51] --result will work in both [13:54] --result doesn't work for me, i want the results in build-area as before, not above, but i get raise Error, "`%s` and `%s` are the same file" % (src, dst) === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [14:08] james_w: result works? [14:08] hmm [14:08] fta2: please upgrade to 2.0.1 [14:09] ok giving that a spin [14:09] lets see ;) [14:10] 2.0.1 is in intrepid unless he missed updates he should be running it [14:14] i'm using 2.0.1 [14:16] fta: file a bug with the backtrace then please [14:16] if there isn't a backtrace then add -Derror to the command line and run it again [14:28] fta2: we also need a versioned simlink from _NAME_OTHER [14:28] fta2: abrowser-3.0 wont work now i think [14:29] james_w, that's what i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52846/ [14:30] asac, i wanted to ask you if i can move all the abrowser stuff to the abrowser branding deb [14:31] fta2: i think the links are fine in the -common package (which currently i firefox-3.0) [14:31] fta2: in that way things that use the abrowser commands will still work with firefox and vv. [14:32] well, in /usr/bin, i don't like to add stuff that are not needed, like /usr/bin/abrowser* for people using plain ff3 [14:33] fta2: its a matter of compatibility. those scripts dont hurt [14:34] fta2: same argument would be true for abrowser. whipping firefox links everywhere but abrowser links not will make "abrowser" more a second class citizen then it already is [14:38] fta2: imo we should review how the branding split is packaged for jaunty [14:41] it's now clean for the desktop file, and for icons. i just don't like all those links in usr/bin and usr/lib [14:42] i don't expect that many users to switch to abrowser anyway, so 2nd class citizen is more than probable. [14:42] fta2: well. its a political thing [14:42] both need to be similar and all those links dont really hurt [14:42] they only serve for compatibility [14:42] users will only see the .desktop files [14:47] http://paste.ubuntu.com/52853/ [14:48] no idea how representative it is [14:49] fta2: its not ... ffox is installed by default ;) [14:49] 2nd class my ass i use it and like it ;) [14:49] but as i said. its not a matter of popularity. [14:50] the bidirectional links need to be in the -common package [14:50] asac: and you are right abrowser-3.0 doesnt work === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [14:51] we have 125 times more people using the ff branding just in intrepid [14:52] ?? [14:52] that doesnt change the fact that both packages should be 100% equivalent [14:52] thats only achieved if abrowser links exist everywhere [14:52] * gnomefreak has no way of finding that percentage out [14:53] awesome-browser?? [14:53] is that abrowser? [14:53] 6941 firefox-3.0-branding 4263 1255 0 3006 2 (Unknown) [14:53] 33650 abrowser-3.0-branding 34 9 0 25 0 (Unknown) [14:53] 4263/34 [14:53] ~125 [14:53] where did you find that? [14:53] popcon [14:54] oh [14:54] ok ... lunch and then coding NM [14:54] fta2: abrowser still gives you firefox-3.0 [14:54] 26018 firefox-3.1-branding 118 36 0 82 0 (Unknown) [14:54] 44115 abrowser-3.1-branding 7 1 0 6 0 (Unknown) [14:54] 22665 firefox-3.1 197 32 45 120 0 (Unknown) [15:10] asac: care to tell the people on bug 87101 to back off. we fix it one way it pisses others off, cant win them all [15:10] Launchpad bug 87101 in thunderbird "when opening an attachment, it should be written to tmp as a read-only file" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87101 [15:17] this is starting to piss me off === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [15:17] fta2: thanks, should be fixed in the next upload [15:29] !info libflashsupport intrepid [15:29] libflashsupport (source: libflashsupport): Support library for sound output of Flash 9+ with PulseAudio. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB [15:29] asac: do you plan pon removing libflashsupport from archives anymore? [15:31] s/pon/on [15:33] gnomefreak: i am waiting for feedback from ltsp on whether they still need that [15:34] k [15:34] people are making frigging wiki pages on how to fix the issue and i have strong feeling we are gonna get comments that that isnt the fix (because people dont know any better [15:35] )* [15:38] asac: i told guy on bug 255297 i would ping you [15:38] Launchpad bug 255297 in xulrunner-1.9 "please include debian patch to enable old certificates UI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/255297 [15:41] !info flashplugin-nonfree hardy-backports [15:41] flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy-backports), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia) [15:41] gnomefreak: when? [15:42] gnomefreak: i mean i am always in chpe's epiphany channel ;) [15:42] he could easily ping me there :) [15:42] i dont really know him but i said it on bug. my mail might have not gotten there yet [15:43] ah ok [15:55] asac: did you get my last post about tbird notification? [15:56] huh? [15:56] i dont think so [15:56] at least not here [16:01] fuck this [16:02] asac: in case you missed it [16:02] .:10:50:35:. < gnomefreak > do we have notification for tbird restart after update? if not we should really think about this [16:04] thunders1ruck: yeah we dont have it yet [16:05] k [16:05] but makes sense i agree === thunders1ruck is now known as gnomefreak [16:26] asac: do we have master bug on the the exec: 118: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.3/..... people are trying it with all different browser links. like sendible-browser [16:27] x-www-browser gets a different error [16:38] thunderstruck: thanks [16:38] thunderstruck: we should make a bug out of that [16:42] i opened the one i filed and marked all as dup and explained in bug what links fail [16:42] asac: bug 273907 [16:42] Launchpad bug 273907 in firefox-3.0 "abrowser does not start: :$pkglibdir/abrowser link missing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/273907 [16:43] updated description === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [16:44] ok i really have to work on connection now. its getting old fast === asac_ is now known as asac [17:05] jcastro: did you reping blizzard? [17:06] asac: not yet, I will do so today [17:06] sorry I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. [17:08] jcastro: too points. ask him if he thinks that anyone would come. most likely those will come during UDS and not fosscamp (as its business day for them), right? [17:08] jcastro: i am trying to sort out if i need to be at fosscamp :) [17:11] <[reed]> asac: get mconnor to come? :) [17:19] [reed]: i asked him and he said he planned to be in MV around that time and would then consider to come [17:20] <[reed]> cool [18:02] asac: where can I find a version of firefox-3.0 with debug symbols? [18:03] bfiller: you can find debug symbols [18:03] bfiller: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs#Crashes [18:03] adapt apt lines for intrepid accordingly [18:03] asac: thanks [18:05] bfiller: if you need a real debug build you need to build on your own [18:05] (e.g. with debug output and without optimization) [18:12] so now i became a ~ubuntu-mir team member :/ [18:56] james_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/52925/ [18:56] james_w: thats the error i referred to the other day [18:57] building -sa complains about binary changes missing sometimes [20:27] asac, i tried to make head or tail from the gnash package, it's really awful [20:52] asac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=935231 [21:12] fta: he? [21:12] i updated gnash.ubuntu.head today [21:12] should work [21:13] nm, it was a few days ago, i gave up and updated nf-flash instead :( [21:58] mozilla bug Bug 368428 [21:58] Error: Launchpad bug 368428 could not be found [21:58] mozilla bug 368428 [21:58] Mozilla bug 368428 in Networking: JAR "XUL FastLoad cache corruption when application running while upgrading" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=368428 === `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser