[00:00] then, reboot [00:00] how would you go about doing that? [00:00] how do i make usplash start when i shut my computer off? [00:00] how would you edit /etc/passwd [00:00] ? [00:00] oo its a file [00:00] sorry i thought you ment doing passwd then some command [00:00] :) [00:00] dethnull: don't edit /etc/passwd in a running system [00:01] dethnull: there is a command for renaming users, let me just search for it [00:01] alright thanks :D [00:01] can you remote desktop from vista to ubuntu? [00:01] anyone? [00:01] Maybe you could create a new user, then change his guid and uid to the same ones as your existing user [00:01] Tensei: google vnc [00:01] dethnull: use 'usermod -l'. Please read the hint in 'man usermod' [00:02] vision, thanks.. i was hoping the remote desktop acess in ubuntu would work.. i didn't want to use a 3rd party for security reasons, but if it's all i got... which is the best VNC? [00:02] Tensei: yes, enable remote desktop in ubuntu via System-Preferences and use a vnc client in Windows [00:03] Ah ok, so I use VNC from vista to connect to ubuntu's remote desktop.. [00:03] so it would be usermod -l correct?? i just want to maek sure i do this right [00:03] Tensei: the remote desktop feature in ubuntu uses the VNC protocol [00:03] Ahhh.. [00:03] dethnull: yes, but please read the man page [00:03] yea i was going to [00:03] Tensei: all of those can be made pretty secure. They vary according to speed and whether or not there is a windows client [00:03] dethnull: I mean, no [00:03] Tensei: I use freenx, I think it's the fastest [00:04] When will updated versions of apache and php that include bug fixes be in the repostitories? They're in intrepid I think, but obviously I'm not deploying intrepid in a production environment. [00:04] vision, does it connect directly to the ubuntu remote desktop ? [00:04] Tensei: I've heard that freenx is generally better for cross-platform use (nod to vision_) [00:04] you know yakuake is prob the best terminal i've used [00:05] Tensei: I think that remote desktop is specific to KDE or gnome. I'm talking about installing a new vnc server [00:05] I see.. boy I'm glad you guys are smart and willing to talk.. [00:05] I don't think the KDE one has a windows client [00:05] but, I could be wrong [00:05] Lunar_Lamp: security-relevant fixes go into the regular repositories. Feature updates may be available through backports and proposed [00:05] !backports > Lunar_Lamp [00:05] Lunar_Lamp, please see my private message [00:05] . [00:06] soundray: yes, but for example, there is an apache 2.2.9 which includes security fixes etc, and ubuntu only has 2.2.8 at the moment in hardy (including backports) so how can I tell if the security fixes therein have been included? [00:06] Tensei: I'm generally smart and I shut up. Just prepared to make an exception for you. [00:06] Tensei: oops, that's not what I wanted to say [00:07] Lol soundray i gathered your meaning [00:07] ok vision/soundray. i would install freenx client for linux, set up a server, download the windows client from no machine and install it on vista, then the two should talk together? [00:07] I need to figure out why Connect to Server won't work for me all of a sudden to create an SSH connection to a machine on my LAN. I replaced our router as our old one got tapped by a storm and we are running a different IP range, but I can connect using gFTP, which was weird. I've never not been able to connect to this machine using the Connect to Server. Suggestions? [00:08] Lunar_Lamp: there are changelogs in /usr/share/doc/packagename/ [00:08] !freenx > Tensei [00:08] Tensei, please see my private message [00:09] cdubya, Uhh, does the server even have sshd? [00:09] Tensei: no personal experience here. vision_? [00:09] Hello guys. Where can I find some how to for getting a windows 98 box to network with a either a ubuntu 7.10 or 8.04 box? [00:09] Ahadiel, heh, yes. [00:10] vision must have fallen asleep :-) [00:10] Ahadiel, it worked fine before.....I can connect still using gFTP, but it's weird. The Connect to Server just will not work for some reason.... [00:10] BobPenguin: what kind of networking -- file sharing? [00:10] yes [00:10] i just added a new partition, its formatted ext3 and mounted but i cannot create any folder (access denied!!!) any help? [00:10] soundray: yes, filesharing [00:11] wat mach ich bei apt-get read file system only?+ [00:12] BobPenguin: right-click a folder you want to share and go to Sharing Options [00:12] harpreet: sudo nautlius, right click on the permissions, change them to allow your user to access it [00:12] cdubya, Does an icon appear on your desktop or in the places menu once you try to connect? [00:12] hello [00:12] hi again [00:12] soundray: should I have samba installed? [00:12] i guess this usplash problem isnt gonna get fixed =( [00:12] Ahadiel, no, when I try to setup the connection, it tells me it timed out.....gFTP takes a bit, but it connects [00:12] BobPenguin: please recommend gksudo with nautilus ( harpreet) [00:12] i need some help, i have a geforce 8800.. when i first installed it was at 1680x1050 widescreen, everything was fine.. i installed the restricted gphx drivers through system - pref - drivers, when it rebooted it was at 500x350 horrible resolution, can anyone help me get it back to 1680x1050? [00:12] BobPenguin: it will offer to install it for you [00:13] where can i find an archive manager that splits an archive in a few files ? [00:13] harpreet: I would recommend creating a folder inside the mounted partition and giving users write access to that [00:13] cdubya, Hrm, that's strange. [00:13] soundray: the freenx seems to only have packages up to ubuntu 7.10.. will that work on the new version? [00:13] soundray. Thanks. I forgot to mention the ubuntubox has not an internet connection, so I will have to use AptOnCd to install samba [00:13] Hi I've mounted a Vista partition under Ubuntu, however i cant access "my documents" and the such - the folder "Documents and Settings" seems empty - how can i access them ? [00:14] Tensei: don't know, sorry [00:14] holas [00:14] alguien que me pueda ayudar con una tonteria [00:14] anyone familiar with monodevelop here? [00:14] please [00:14] ?? [00:14] amarok has my cpu pegged at 100% and all its doing is playing music... should i be concerned? [00:14] que sucede sayaleprosp? [00:14] Anyone know how to re-attach a tabbed terminal window (just using standard Gnome terminal)... I have a weird mouse combo that keeps detaching tabs.... freaking annoying.....?!?! [00:14] BobPenguin: tengo un problema con una aplicacion de ubuntu [00:15] !es [00:15] !es | SaYaLePRoSo [00:15] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [00:15] SaYaLePRoSo: please see above [00:15] i need some help, i have a geforce 8800.. when i first installed it was at 1680x1050 widescreen, everything was fine.. i installed the restricted gphx drivers through system - pref - drivers, when it rebooted it was at 500x350 horrible resolution, can anyone help me get it back to 1680x1050? [00:15] uso hace poco ubuntu [00:15] dinos tu proble sayaleproso [00:15] soundray, BobPenguin, thank you very much it works [00:15] es con el emesene no me arroja ni lista de contactos nada [00:16] !en [00:16] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [00:16] antes si me funcionaba perfectamente pero ahora no se que le pasa [00:16] y me da un mensaje [00:16] sayaleproso, cual es el nombre de la aplicación que estas usando exactamente? [00:16] emesene [00:16] soundray: if he cant read english it wont help :D [00:16] oh, sorry, we will move the spanish chat somewhere else [00:17] soundray: i can understand u [00:17] how do u make usplash work? [00:17] it wont come up on shut down [00:17] soundray, thanks for the help brother. One quick question, is there any easy way to change my user password? (only one user ubuntu 8.04) [00:17] can someone take a look at the fdisk -l output and tell me if GRUB should be set to be looking for Ubuntu in hd0,4? http://code.bulix.org/6xn1kq-67635?raw [00:17] i want to change ports. the ubuntu community documentation says "XChat users can change this by going to XChat -> Network List, selecting Ubuntu Servers, clicking Edit, and change irc.ubuntu.com to irc.ubuntu.com/8001. You may also need to change the Freenode server in the same way from irc.freenode.net to irc.freenode.net/8001.". But once I have selected Network List, I am unable to find anything called Ubuntu Servers to select. [00:17] Tensei: yes, enter 'passwd' in terminal and follow the dialog [00:18] meoblast: did you try linking it into /etc/rc0.d/ ? [00:18] terminal eh.. (my first hour on linux/ubuntu)... i'll see if i can locate it [00:18] Hi all, just in case anyone is interested I managed to fix (work around) the problem I was having earlier with upgrading from gutsy to hardy [00:18] Dog: you can grab a tab from one terminal window and drag it to another [00:18] i need help setting up my screen resolution [00:18] so... how do I create a multiple-files archive ? [00:19] hey i have Azureus installed, and forgot to change my default download place and now i cannot find what i have downloaded [00:19] as in archive-part1.gz archivepart2.gz, etc.. [00:19] Dog: not sure [00:19] edz: what is the nature of your problem? [00:19] hello, has anyone tried to sync an ipaq in ubuntu using synce or some other software? [00:19] someone help me. dolphin doesn't display files. it just says loading directory forever. [00:19] is there a way to show hidden files? [00:19] edz: and are you on a laptop? [00:19] Dog: i had to do Cnt+Alt+F1 to do some maintanance and usplash just stopped working [00:19] soundray, thanks for helping earlier, the fix was to reboot with an earlier kernel (2.6.22-14) and then run dpkg --configure -a [00:20] Hi, I'm running Hardy with gnome. For some reason this box became unable to see my windows shares on my network this week. Anyone have any experience with this? [00:20] i can view some files but I have to click "open as root" === meoblast is now known as meoblast001 [00:20] windmill: glad you got it working again [00:20] Can someone help me create a bootable cd so I can update my BIOS? [00:20] How do I configure Ubuntu to recognize the extra keyboard buttons and mouse scroll wheel my Microsoft Wireless desktop keyboard/mouse combo? [00:21] Hello [00:21] soundray: i looked, can't find it.. where is the terminal app? [00:21] hy guys! [00:21] =/ [00:21] I decided to install ubuntu [00:21] how do you show hidden folders? [00:21] Someone from ROME? [00:21] fad: you can download an iso image from the FreeDOS site [00:21] ROMA [00:21] i have an ".azureus" folder i cannot find [00:21] soundray: Legend, it worked I treat.... I had to open another tab in the un-attached window and then drag it back.... Thanks man!!! [00:21] i installed ubuntu from inside windows [00:21] Tensei: Applications-Accessories-Terminal or Alt-F2 gnome-terminal [00:21] i restarted and booted ubuntu [00:21] i see the loading screen [00:22] then i get the console [00:22] chad I installed windows from inside Ubuntu [00:22] :) [00:22] what run level should a normal user be? [00:22] Lvl21nerd ls -al [00:22] i typed help to get commands [00:22] Hi, I'm running Hardy with gnome. For some reason this box became unable to see my windows shares on my network this week. Anyone have any experience with this? [00:22] Dog: it's a bit unintuitive, but hey ;) [00:22] what command do i use? [00:22] lol.. it said my new password is too simple [00:22] in this console right after the ubuntu loading screen? [00:22] =( this is never gonna get fixed [00:23] anyone know [00:23] cause when i typed [00:23] "yes" [00:23] Anyway my only unsolved problem is 3d Acceleration [00:23] nothing happened [00:23] screen went black [00:23] meoblast: does a reboot bring it back to normal? [00:23] soundray these look like full DOS images [00:23] chad, is it a full screen console? [00:23] yeah [00:23] just a black screen which says type help for commands [00:23] i seem to have pulled it off, but perhaps by chance.. eth0 connected to one 192.168.1.x gateway, and eth1 to another, and yet a ping of a 192.168.1.y host is correctly resolved =P [00:23] ok i see that the folder exists but it still cannot find it in my home folder [00:24] Dog: no [00:24] Hello, how do I configure Ubuntu to recognize the extra keyboard buttons and mouse scroll wheel my Microsoft Wireless desktop keyboard/mouse combo? [00:24] windmill what do i do at this console? [00:24] Noob here... someone told me to read aptoncd ? where do I find this file? [00:24] has anyone mess with synce and a windows CE PDA? [00:24] i typed yes but screen went black [00:24] i can't view my filesit just says loading directory forever. I can view some files when I click "view as root" [00:25] has anyone synced their iPhone to an ubuntu computer? [00:25] simNIX: the folder exists but i cannot make it viewable in the home folder [00:25] does anyone know what i do at this console [00:25] chad, it sounds like something might have gone slightly wrong in the install process [00:25] ? [00:25] kristina: when you figure that out let me know so i can try and synce my ipaq. lol [00:25] really? [00:25] should i reinstall? [00:26] k i am now uninstalling [00:26] chad, you used the wubi installer? [00:26] yes [00:26] hi anybody can help me to protect DoS attacks with shorewall ? [00:26] !keyboard [00:26] To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts [00:26] meoblast001: I'm not that familar with usplash but did you try: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so then sudo update-initramfs -u [00:26] ok it's uninstalled [00:26] !Shortcuts [00:26] Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [00:26] Dog: ill try that [00:26] yes. i tried syncing my motoming (it's supposed to be a linux smartphone damn it!) but no luck so far [00:27] I'm going to attempt to reinstall [00:27] Dog: should i reboot now? [00:27] what should my installation size be? [00:27] I'm making an encrypted CD to store a backup of my GPG key on, what algorithm should I use? aes256? sha512? sha1? [00:27] how do i make hidden files/folders viewable [00:27] i was gonna ask for help troubleshooting wpasupplicant since my wifi has stopped working but this channel is so hard to parse i'm better off trying to glean more info first [00:28] kristina: have you looked though this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone [00:28] chad, 8GB maybe [00:28] ok [00:28] i had it at 30 before [00:28] soundray Will this update my BIOS as well/join #linux [00:28] ok it's installing [00:28] anyone have any clue on what aptoncd is? [00:29] meoblast001: yep try a reboot [00:29] fad: no, but you'll be able to run the DOS application that your board manufacturer supplies under FreeDOS [00:29] "Your iPhone or iPod Touch must be "jailbroken" so you can run Installer"... I'm not game to try that! [00:30] GeekSquadSF, http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ google is your friend [00:30] soundray this is the first time ive updated, mind giving me some direction as to what commands you areyou talking about? [00:30] hi [00:30] cool thanks... hopefully the army will let me see this site.. thanks again guys [00:30] i want to install yahoo messanger on ubuntu [00:30] can somebody help with me ? [00:31] anand, pidgin will work with ym [00:31] anand: what's the problem? [00:31] help with you you say? [00:32] sheeesh, i was moving from windows to linux finally... installing ubuntu made me change my mind! [00:32] actually i m new to ubuntu..but most of my friends are on ym so i can't work on other than yahoo [00:32] fad: just to double-check: you're looking to flash your motherboard BIOS? [00:32] anand, if you fire up pidgin (used to be gaim) you can can use ym [00:32] anyone want to help me get my logitech quickcam messenger working... it doesn't seem to want to do anything but flash the green light. [00:32] Dog: didnt work [00:33] !usplash [00:33] To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork [00:33] kristina: that seems the be the only thing on connecting the iphone. the forums point to that help i sent and does not offer anything helpful. [00:33] ok, my CPU is pegged at 100 and my fan is running like crazy, amarok just stopped and thats when it started... why is my laptop going so crazy just over playing music? [00:33] !fix-usplash [00:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about fix-usplash [00:33] dang u ubottu [00:33] can u guide me how to associate ym with pidgin [00:33] ubottu: what is the problem? [00:33] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5425869#post5425869 [00:33] soundray well only because i heard it would help me get passed this initramfs prompt from every ubuntu install cd [00:33] i tried using pidgin but not able to associate it with ym [00:34] i burned around 10 ubunto cd's by different programs , with different cd roms and all cd's came out corrupt... although the version i downloaded from the internet was complete [00:34] anand, all you need to do is fillin the appropriate info for your ym account in pidgin [00:34] yeah well I heard Canonical is working on a smartphone of their own. Is this true? [00:34] ok windmill [00:34] K^Holtz: I think amarok may be trying to index your music files [00:34] nuit!! [00:34] did any one have this kinda problem? [00:34] it's done installing [00:34] im about to reboot [00:34] soundray: they are on an external hdd [00:34] Che_Guevara, The download being complete doesn't me the iso can't be corrupt -_- [00:34] soundray: can i make it run more efficiently? [00:34] Che_Guevara, Check the md5sum of the iso, and redownload if necessary. [00:34] chad, I'm no expert on wubi but good luck :) [00:35] hello, i am forgetting how to format a disk as ext3. can anyone please give me assistance? [00:35] ok thanx hali4450 i will try to do that see u later incase of any problem [00:35] meoblast001: you having trouble with usplash? [00:35] Any chance there is a gnome panel customizer for power users, or am I stuck with the default? [00:35] K^Holtz: I'm not sure -- I gave up on amarok because I felt it was doing too many things and not giving me enough control. [00:35] KDB9000: yup... i did a Ctr+Alt+F1 and ever since usplash wont come up on shutdown [00:36] well, i downloaded the file from the official site and everything went down smooth...why would it be corrupt?? i mean it was stated that the file was in the .iso format to preserve its integrity [00:36] syco54645 what you trying to do? [00:36] how long should i let memtest86+ run for? [00:36] meoblast001: that is interesting [00:36] I installed and re installed Flash for this woman using VNC, and it still won't work, things are just white. any suggestions? [00:36] arooni-mobile, days or hours depending ont eh cpu [00:36] K^Holtz: sorry, I know I'm not helping much. Please feel free to re-ask the channel [00:36] hi all, Is there a sotware that will help me if an ISO file is not corrupted? I downloaded an ISO file which doesn't has its md5sum check [00:36] syco you can change the partition type in fdisk [00:36] Syco54645: what are you trying to do , please elaborate [00:37] meoblast001: ubottu didn't help? sorry mate, hopefully KDB can help... the next thing I would do is uninstall and install again.... [00:37] jealitio: yes I think there is something look through snayptic [00:37] meoblast001: does it only do that on shutdown or on boot up as well? [00:37] I need a Gnome panel power user sort of application to change more of it's appearance. Is there any such package? [00:37] arooni-mobile: purists run it for a week. Most problems show up within two hours, though [00:37] joelito: yes I think there is something look through synaptic [00:37] harpreet, i have an old ext3 drive that used to house my install. i want to get rid of that and make it into a storage drive. completely repartion it and all that. i know that i need to use fdisk but i cannot remember how to make a new ext3 fs [00:37] For instance, rounded corners on the panels [00:37] or a 3D look [00:37] what is "md5sum" check? [00:37] KDB9000: it originally did it for both but now its only shutdown..... on shutdown, it falls back to the terminal... shows all that shutdown work, and in the last few seconds, usplash comes up for the finally [00:38] soundray: i was looking at VNC... where is the application to set up ubuntu as a server? [00:38] i have a swap partition on my hard drive, but whenever I boot my machine says it has no swap until I go into parted and set swapon [00:38] Tensei: System-Preferences-Remote Desktop [00:38] !md5 [00:38] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [00:38] SebNaitsabes: ok [00:38] harpreet, i think that it is mkfs.ext3 [00:38] meoblast001: lol. better then my shutdown, i see lines when it shutdown and then a small flash of the splash. let me see what i can find [00:38] Che_Guevara > md5 [00:38] oh i se :) [00:38] Storrgie: you need to enable it via fstab [00:38] !fstab > Storrgie [00:38] Storrgie, please see my private message [00:39] yep a way to check that the download was not currupted in anyway [00:39] KDB9000: if i reinstall my kernel will it do it? [00:39] soundray: you rock. one last question.. viruses... is there a need for virus software to protect your linux box? [00:39] soundray: is there a flag in the fstab that i need to add? [00:39] Tensei: not at the moment no, but maybe in the future [00:40] meoblast001: i am not 100% sure. a complete reinstall will. [00:40] KDB9000: cant do a complete reinstall for multiple reasons [00:40] SebNautsabes: thats what I thought,, thanks [00:40] zn3t are you in here >_< [00:40] !virus > Tensei [00:40] Tensei, please see my private message [00:40] what is the cli command to reconfigure gtk? [00:41] Storrgie: you need a line for your swap partition in fstab [00:41] !virus > soundray [00:41] soundray, please see my private message [00:41] :-P [00:41] KDB9000: 1. to backup to my server via NIC would take forever 2. i have no CD drive anymore because Dells hardware breaks too easily 3. i lost my flash drive [00:41] !virus > James|lappy [00:41] James|lappy, please see my private message [00:41] Syco54645: mke3fs -j /dev/hda1(your drive) [00:41] lol [00:41] meoblast001: I had a problem with usplash before. i installed the other usplash packs and it change mine, but i was able to change it back so I am trying to find that document [00:41] James|lappy: what was that good for? [00:41] Can I make the gnome panels more 3D? [00:41] curiousity [00:41] and lol [00:41] Syco54645: sudo * with it [00:41] !ed [00:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about ed [00:41] the whole reason Linux doesnt have viruses [00:41] !3d [00:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d [00:42] k [00:42] harpreet, ah thanks. am in fdisk right now [00:42] is because it is a VIrgin Platform [00:42] like Mac OS X until like 2 months ago [00:42] Syco54645: you welcome [00:42] James|lappy: please stick to the topic of this channel [00:42] syco: you still trying to change your partition type? try this: http://www.freeos.com/articles/3935/ [00:42] mmmk [00:42] How do I get a podcast running on Ubuntu?? [00:43] * SebNaitsabes there have been viruses in Linux, but they all stayed in the lab, and they won't run on modern Linux's. yes in the future if desktop Linux becomes much more popular we may get viruses, but it would still take an idiot to get it isntalled, unlike default Windows. I mean an idiot that knows what they are doing to install the virus [00:43] I want to host one. [00:43] lol [00:43] soundray i have the bootable dos cd, but i don;t know what bios files i need.. [00:43] its just a matter of making a .sh file -_- [00:43] what is the cli command to reconfigure gtk? to choose screen resolutions? [00:43] jameslllappy: well there is that, but the user would still need to know how to open a .sh file right? [00:44] anyone know if you can use the apt-get command on a mac to pull apt files for ubuntu machines? [00:44] double click? [00:44] I tried that [00:44] syco: ur welcome :-) [00:44] James|lappy, if the user does not run that sh file as root it can't write to the OS [00:44] GeekSquad : OS X doesnt feature the apt-get thing, because it has an easy download and install work. [00:44] yea [00:44] but you can: [00:44] fad: the ones that the manufacturer of your board supplies via the Support section of their web site [00:44] Just watch [00:45] I believe there is a way to overload Ubuntu 8.04.1 machines by maxing out password keys [00:45] Im looking to get media support for some Iraqi guys that I have to setup a comptuer for.. I chose ubuntu so they CAN'T break it [00:45] buh bye [00:45] how come in the web developer extension for ff3 (ubuntu hardy) ctrl+shift+c works (to show css) but ctrl+shift+y does not work (shortcut for showing style information on a given page) [00:45] media support? [00:45] hmm.. [00:45] I noticed [00:45] yeah.. like mp3, avi files [00:45] motd [00:45] !multimedia [00:45] Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [00:46] !mp3 [00:46] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [00:46] it is so pwn that Ubuntu is being integrated into Dell PC's :-D [00:46] they don't have an internet connection.. and the only way I can pull stuff is through a remote machine [00:46] Dell should get a private OEM version of Ubuntu :-D [00:46] Dellubuntu :-D [00:46] !offtopic | James|lappy [00:46] James|lappy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [00:46] James|lappy: that would turn out bad [00:46] no Internet conenction and your remote connecting to them some how? [00:46] James|lappy, GeekSquadSF: this is a support channel. Please take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic [00:46] !fixres > me [00:46] legend2440, please see my private message [00:46] Does anyone know if you can get the gnome panels to become 3D? Can you theme them? [00:47] I thought del did have a tweaked ubuntu for their machines. [00:47] I've removed some partitions from software mdadm raid. Now I only have one raid array which is /dev/md3 but md2 and 1 still show up in /dev. ANyone know how to fix this? [00:47] how do i load subtitles in totem ? [00:47] soetec_prod: your probably after Compiz and Beryl that's the Linux 3d stuff [00:47] hey it worked thanx a lot, HalI4450 [00:47] soetc_prod: I think the Gnome panels them selves cannot become 3D, because Gnome is 2D [00:47] soetc_prod: same with KDE [00:48] does someone know ? [00:48] soetc_prod: altough KDE4 is more 3D I think, been quite a while since I used it [00:48] meoblast001: have you tried running the commands from here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash [00:49] illl try those [00:49] Does launchpad look funny to anyone else or is my browser broken? [00:49] how do i load subtitles in totem ? [00:49] soundray i booted from this http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/distributions/1.0/fdfullcd.iso and tried to boot from it and i get "boot failed" [00:49] meoblast001: try steps 3 to 4 [00:50] meoblast001: skip 1 and 2, you don't need to do them. [00:50] k [00:50] fad: how did you burn the iso? [00:50] KDB9000: (/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntu.so). Nothing to configure. [00:51] Mechdave, unop Did Will end up getting his MBR fixed? [00:51] I've removed some partitions from software mdadm raid. Now I only have one raid array which is /dev/md3 but md2 and 1 still show up in /dev. ANyone know how to fix this? [00:51] meoblast001: sounds like that is the only usplash you have is the ubuntu. try running the last command [00:51] KDB9000: i already did that multiple times [00:51] wait soundray i have booted from the cd now, do i want to install to hard drist? or run the freedos live cd? i have multiple options [00:51] DKB9000: im not trying to change the usplash... i just want it to display again [00:51] meoblast001: try update-grub as well.... I doubt it will help but wont hurt (if your grub is configured right) [00:52] hi everyone, can anyone send me a link from where i can download win4lin for free [00:52] fad: run the freedos live CD. You will have to find a way to access the new BIOS image and the flasher program [00:52] win4lin [00:52] you want to run Windows inside Linux? [00:52] i'll reboot again [00:53] !win4lin [00:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about win4lin [00:53] !virtualbox [00:53] virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [00:53] isnt it "free for use" [00:54] yes [00:54] free to use, but the PUEL is closed source so not free as in freedom as well [00:55] SebNaitsabes: free to use? I can only see 'buy' options [00:55] soundray: http://www.virtualbox.org [00:55] SebNaitsabes: I see, I thought you meant win4lin [00:55] getting pulseaudio to work correctly shouldnt vary between kubuntu 8.04 and ubuntu 8.04 right? [00:56] win4lin I was asking them if they wanted Windows in Linux and no answer [00:56] then I was trying to suggest virtualbox if that's what they were after [00:56] I'm on kubuntu 8.04 and having a lot of issues with pulseaudio but the folks in #kubuntu don't seem able to help, anyone in here able to help? [00:56] what kind of issues? [00:57] since 8.04 I haven't had 5.1 sound, but 2.1 [00:57] ok [00:57] try this [00:57] in a terminal [00:57] killall pulseaudio [00:57] and I think I screwed up the pulse.conf file in /etc [00:57] then well play something that makes sound [00:57] no process killed [00:57] ...which is um...odd... [00:57] ok it's trying to say pulse isn't even running then [00:57] seems so [00:58] I think I screwed up its conf file in /etc [00:58] sure, but if pulse isn't running [00:58] in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf [00:58] I guess right now that won't really matter [00:58] * Phoenix92x nods [00:58] i just updated from 6.06 to 8.04 hardy; my display resolution is 640/480 and it was high than this before installation; monitor resolution settings only has 640/480 and 320/240. what happened to the higher resolutions?? [00:58] SebNaitsabes: keep it all on one line if you can please [00:58]  how to find the version(s) of opengl installed? [00:58] however I assume pulse can be sudo apt-get purge removed and you can check .home for a pulse folder get rid of that if there is one. and re install pulseaudio [00:59] I assume that can be done [00:59] sure [00:59] jramsey: I don't know, but you can probably fix it by setting up your monitor via 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk' [00:59] one moment [00:59] command is apt-get purge foo bar ? [00:59] soundray: will try now txs [00:59] ksudeo or smoething I think on KDE acstauley [00:59] rather than sudo [01:00] ksudo or sudo whatever it is and then apt-get purge whatever it's called [01:00] oh yeah you could open up your package manager [01:00] and do it the graphical way [01:01] and then apt-get install pulseaudio? [01:01] yes I think so [01:01] soundray: still only the two smaller resolution options [01:01] ,but [01:01] make sure it's gone first including any .pulse [01:01] anything in your home folder for it [01:02] yep, erased that [01:02] so yeah it should remove with config files [01:02] jramsey: restart X to enable the changes you made in displayconfig-gtk [01:02] k, pulseaudio is reinstalled now [01:02] then don't just rei nstall music, since your speakers may now be using alsa or oss and so work a load better [01:02] whats the best "windows media player" type deal on an ubuntu box running gnome? [01:03] back [01:03] you can acstaully have WMP10 in Wine [01:03] if you really want it [01:03] soundray: i only see the two lower resolutions when i run displayconfig-gtk; how do i restart x? [01:03] same with winamp [01:03] dont reinstall music? confused [01:03] dont reinstall pulseaudio? [01:03] I've removed some partitions from software mdadm raid. Now I only have one raid array which is /dev/md3 but md2 and 1 still show up in /dev. ANyone know how to fix this? [01:03] no I meant don't just re install puleaudio since then it should be using alsa or whaetver, and your speakers may work better [01:03] because ya Id prefer to just use alsa unless there's some big advantage [01:03] KDB9000: on shutdown DHCPD3 fails to shutdown due to DansGuardian... a program i thought i uninstalled [01:03] nope pulseaudio causes a load of problems for people in this release [01:04] oh [01:04] ... [01:04] heh [01:04] ok [01:04] one sec [01:04] jramsey: did you choose an appropriate model from the dialog? [01:04] Phoenix92x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:04] Back. Just wanted to say that I got ubuntu installed and booting fine on my macbook pro [01:04] luke, what's in your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf? [01:04] (which ARRAY statements) [01:04] Swish: the ones I dont want are commented out [01:04] SebNaitsabes, after I remove the files again would you mind helping me make sure alsa is running properly with the correct amount of channels? [01:04] soundray: i left it plug-n-play [01:04] I need to kill the firfox process but I cannot see it in the list that top provides. How can I determine the process number of any given process? [01:05] so you're on the right track ;) [01:05] whileimhere: ps aux|grep firefox [01:05] Swish: i've been working on this a long time =D [01:05] meoblast001: that could cause the problem. if there is a fail to shutdown it displays it and generally stays in that mode till down [01:05] Phoenix92x: not entirely sure how to do that. and channels hummmm meaning? however if I remember correctly well I could look :d ,but I can't be bothered. for the sound control there is settiongs for alsa and what not there as well [01:05] jramsey: well, don't. Go to the dialog and select your monitor make and model if it's there, or a generic model that matches your screen's capabilities [01:05] Luke, so you've tried rebooting and all that too? [01:05] Phoenix92: for volume control [01:05] Swish: most def =) [01:05] and/or rmmod md, and stopping all the mdadm devices.. [01:05] hmm [01:05] thanks! yoyoned [01:05] and it still picks it up eh. [01:06] KDB9000: how do i uninstall DHCPD3? [01:06] channels meaning 2.1, 5.1 etc [01:06] Phoenix92: I am talking Gnome/Ubuntu here so will be a bit differnet in Kubuntu === Charitwo is now known as o_O [01:06] is the problem with recording when upgrading from gutsy to hardy going to be fixed any time soon? is a cause even known? [01:06] righto [01:06] whileimhere: try 'killall firefox', or find out the process id with 'ps aux | grep firefox' [01:06] meoblast001: DHCPD3, i think you need that for DHCP client [01:06] luke, so have you tried renaming the mdadm.conf to something else? [01:06] Swish: i still have one md device I want to keep [01:06] (and then rebooting) [01:06] nothing should come up. [01:06] Swish: nope. there's only one array line in there [01:06] Wisteso: what problem with recording? recording what? [01:06] if something does, you have to find out how it's doing that. [01:06] whileimhere: also try skill firefox-bin [01:06] KDB9000: whats DHCP? ive heard that word before and used to know what it meant O_o [01:07] is there a channel related to network security issues, firewalls etc? [01:07] Flavio23: nope, but what do you want to know? [01:07] well, rename the file and reboot or what. if your phantom second md device still shows up, you've got bigger issues ;) [01:07] i'm using hardy, have a radeon ati 9600, can't get x to start [01:07] if it doesn't, you know that mdadm is finding it somehow based on the .conf. [01:07] dbbolton: your in a command line? [01:07] this: a question for my communication networks exam ;) [01:07] SebNaitabes yes [01:07] !ati > me [01:07] legend2440, please see my private message [01:07] Flavio23: well there is a #networking [01:07] SebNaitsabes - there's a widespread problem with alsa, oss, and really any sound server and being able to record audio from a large number of audio chipsets. [01:07] aha [01:07] yoyoned the first one worked fine! :) Thank you. I have it noted on my Tomboy notes now. [01:07] Swish: many people remove their .conf and still have it detect stuff =/ I've even cleared the superblocks though [01:07] using irssi atm [01:08] meoblast001: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is the system that is in just about every router and is what gives your computer an IP address so you can get to the internet [01:08] i'll try taht thanks [01:08] Luke, google google? :) [01:08] KDB9000: how do i get it to not care about dansguardian? [01:08] KDB9000, not every router is a DHCP server .. [01:08] Swish: yes I know that from google [01:08] Wisteso: well to be honest there is no real advantage it seems to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy, plus then if you upgrade, you like many other people including myself may get pulseaudio issues [01:08] i had almost the exact same problem in debian lenny === wobblywu is now known as qobblyqu [01:08] unop: that is why i said just about every router [01:08] KDB9000, my bad .. err, i should have read .. :) [01:08] it's like x can't find my card, but lspci lists it [01:08] unop: np [01:09] Swish: perhaps it's because the conf still calls it md3 and it can only list them incrementally so it makes the first two devices blank [01:09] dbbolton: are you getting any arror messages [01:09] meoblast001: do you remember what it said when it came to that, and how do you know it is related to dansguariden? [01:09] Okay I have a tough one. Is there a way when installing via a metapackage like ubuntu-desktop to specify packages you dont want? [01:09] Luke, that's not a bad guess. [01:09] yoyoned "screens found but none with useable config." [01:09] try setting it as md0 :) [01:10] KDB9000: first thing.... and it said underneath it something about dansguardian but scrolled off too fast [01:10] Wisteso: Hardy Heron = puleaudio sound problems for many people [01:10] Swish: i'll try renaming it. thanks for letting me bounce ideas off you =) [01:10] you're welcome! [01:10] i tried mv'ing my xorg.conf, but then when i start x my monitor says no input signal [01:10] SebNaitsabes, the odd thing is that everything else works fine. Sound output is fine with almost every sound server. OSS, ALSA, ESD, Pulse all work as far as output, and my microphone worked for sure in gutsy... so I'm just surprised that such an isolated problem has no progress yet, or does it? [01:10] sounds like you've pretty much tried everything else already ;) [01:10] soundray: ok that worked; txs for ur help [01:10] dbbolton: try renaming /etc/X11/xorg.conf and try again [01:10] jramsey: you're welcome [01:10] Wisteso: maybe it's a known bug [01:11] yoyoned already tried that [01:11] KDB9000: im gonna restart [01:11] yoyoned but my monitor said "no input signal" [01:11] SebNaitsabes, it is. Lots of users know about it and im looking over launchpad but no developers have acknowledged it I guess [01:11] dbbolton: change the driver to vesa [01:11] any1 no how i can make compiz rain effects ONLY on my desktop? (cuz so far the rain is always working and it's annoying to have rain on normal windows, I just want it on top of the desktop wallpaper) [01:11] Wisteso: well like I said no real advantage it seems to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy [01:11] yoyoned ok brb, need to install screen :D [01:11] What is the general effect as far as slowing down a machine if you use kde apps like digikam on a GNOME desktop? [01:12] dbbolton: alt f2 [01:12] whileimhere: it wouldn't slow it down unless you are short of RAM [01:12] Wisteso: maybe just skip this release and get the next? ,but if you want this release to how about in a virtual machine? you know about thos [01:12] e [01:12] SebNaitsabes: no way to really downgrade though besides backing up /home/ and reinstalling. Otherwise I would. I dont have the resources for backing up all my junk. [01:13] whileimhere: they work fine. No problems with kde apps on gnome of vice versa [01:13] Wisteso: oh your on hardy now? [01:13] I only have about a gig and of that 128 is shared video. [01:13] whileimhere, apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop - gives you a list of packages that are pulled in when installing it .. you can then put them in a text file, edit the text file to your needs and have apt-get read from that text file [01:13] thanks unop [01:13] i am using at leats two partition that are used to store windows stuff so they are NTFS or FAT 32 (one of each) do i still need to defrag them if i use them under linux mostly? if so how do i defrag under linux? [01:13] there's no one in the #networknig channel, ill just ask here: Following setup: FW with Server behind it. Does a portscanner see any difference if a) FW let's traffic on port 80 through and the service on port 80 is down or b) FW blocks traffic on port 80 [01:13] whileimhere: that's plenty, unless you open a lot of gnome apps [01:13] s3a: the water effect plugin in compiz doesn't support window matching (hence no fine-grained selection possibilities), at least not the version in hardy .. better check with #compiz [01:13] unop: neat trick. how doy you get apt to read from file [01:14] SebNaitsabes: yeah I went to hardy straight away after the official launch. So I'm looking for and possible fixes. There have been a few but nothing solid. [01:14] I usually have 1 - 2 open and working [01:14] Not much else [01:14] Wisteso: well in the mean time how about a Gutsy VM? [01:14] glitsj16: k, thx [01:14] yoyoned, apt-get install $( SebNaitsabes: do the VMs allow direct access to hardware? in this case my audio card? [01:14] Wisteso: yep [01:15] whileimhere: digikam will be a bit slower to open under gnome than under KDE, because it will access some shared libraries that will already be cached under KDE. [01:15] SebNaitsabes: Awesome. I'll have to try that. [01:15] hey guys, if anyone if good with kernel updating and grub, please see if you can answer my question, thanks. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865545 [01:15] Wisteso: well yes it uses your hosts hardware and has it's own hardware thing uhmmm you will see [01:15] Wisteso: now the question is in your Gutsy VM do you need USB support or not? [01:15] SebNaitsabes: Thanks for that tip. I'll definitely give it a shot. [01:15] SebNaitsabes: No, the headset is a standard audio jack. [01:16] soundray I just hate f-spot and I see that gqview is to limited for me but I do like it === dynamethod is now known as Guest89357 [01:16] Wisteso: ok well then Virtualbox-ose should be fine you can get that from the repo [01:16] When I set this system up I gave it a 5 gig / partition is that to little? [01:16] tried the vesa driver, same error [01:16] SebNaitsabes: Great. Im familiar with it already. I have it running XP I think. [01:16] !info virtualbox-ose [01:16] admin_: run grub-install /dev/sda from the 32 bit to install on mbr [01:16] virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-dfsg-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6216 kB, installed size 20176 kB [01:16] admin_ run sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install . the mbr is pointing at the 64 bit [01:17] Wisteso: I assume you got a a Gutsy CD or ISO? [01:17] SebNaitsabes: Do you know if all operating systems have direct access or does VM ubuntu use a hack to acccess the host ubuntu? [01:17] whileimhere: I set it up in 4GB on my eeepc and it's creaking at the seams [01:17] whileimhere, depends on how much you install really, on a basic installation - 5GB suffices [01:17] yoyoned tried vesa driver, didn't work [01:17] whileimhere: I did add a lot of extra software, though [01:17] SebNaitsabes: I think I have an ISO or CD around somewhere. Or at worst I know where to get one. [01:17] Wisteso: the VM runs as if it was some sort of hardware attached or inside the computer maybe not the best explination, but that is the general idea [01:17] dbbolton: sudo X -configure [01:17] SebNaitsabes: Works for me. [01:18] Wisteso: they can also have advantages for example. XP installed on thsi computer psyically and I have no working sound since some driver I have no idea what I tryed to find one at the time [01:18] Wisteso: when I put a XP VM inside Ubuntu, well it uses my host OS Ubuntu for the sound :) [01:18] in this case [01:18] i see that at base install of xubuntu I am already at 50% with the installation of openoffice.org [01:18] SebNaitsabes: That's awesome! Alright. I'll have to hope I can get the same results with compatibility. [01:18] Wisteso: yep there should be an option use the host OS for sound or emulate sound or something [01:19] Wisteso: don't have the link for the virtualbox manual, but it is very good at explaining about it what can be done with it and all that [01:19] whileimhere: As an example, I have everything from Java, to Samba, to all of gstreamer and xine installed and I'm still barely using 4 gigs. [01:19] SebNaitsabes: Okay. I'm going to try XP first since I already have a VirtualBox image of that and then i'll try gutsy if that fails. [01:19] Wisteso: and there is #vbox ,but they will usually say did you look in the manual? [01:19] whileimhere: okay -- but openoffice takes more space than any other program or suite of programs [01:20] SebNaitsabes: Got it. [01:20] SebNaitsabes: Thanks a ton for the help. I'm quite flustered without my audio capture. [01:20] Wisteso: or refer you to the section in the manual [01:20] whileimhere: of those that are standard, I mean [01:20] yoyoned: are you sure, will grub-install mess up stuff? [01:20] Oh okay. i know that OO is a hog but I get so many different file types coming through and usually OO handles them while the ABi has issues with many. === stmiller|away is now known as stmiller [01:21] whileimhere: Yeah, you'll be fine, just don't get carried away :D [01:21] help [01:21] :| [01:21] i just managed to install ubuntu on my machine [01:22] i'm on xp right now [01:22] whileimhere: I know, I wouldn't give it up. Just saying that most of the things you might add after your basic Ubuntu installation won't be nearly as big as OOo [01:22] I decided to go this route in case I need to re-install the OS last time I lost a ton of work but having a seperate home partition should help me out right? [01:22] i installed th recomanded ati graphics driver [01:22] then i enabled it [01:22] and rebooted [01:22] whileimhere, if you have disk space to spare, you can always mount that free space that into / and move directories onto those partitions [01:22] now ubuntu is black [01:22] admin_: it will install grub from the 32 bit system that is getting updates onto the MBR. The other sloution would be to mount the 64 bit systems / partition, and maunully copy the stanzas for your new kernel into it [01:22] ubuntu is pitch black [01:22] after instaling the ati graphics driver [01:22] back [01:22] meoblast001: wb [01:23] still no fix [01:23] yoyoned i got 2 errors- modules abi and psb, 1 warning radeon no matching devices found [01:23] dhcpd3 appears to not exist KDB9000 [01:23] so now what do i do :| [01:23] meoblast001: is that what was failing? [01:23] the graphics drivers screwed ubuntu up === moo is now known as Guest75862 [01:23] dbbolton: sorry, you have exhausted my knowledge [01:23] hi anybody can help me to protect DoS attacks with shorewall ? [01:24] KDB9000: its failinig because "DansGuardian is not configured" [01:24] !x [01:24] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:24] chad what card do you have? [01:24] chad: Please try to cut down on using carriage returns. Now, which driver did you install? [01:24] whileimhere, a separate /home partition is a good idea, yea [01:24] KDB9000: DHCPD3 is failing because DansGuardian is not configured [01:24] ati 1650 pro agp [01:24] KDB9000: i dont even have DansGuardian anymore... i purged it [01:24] !home [01:24] Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [01:24] meoblast001: then we need to try and remove dansguardian. you can use synaptic and remove it that way or "sudo apt-get remove dansguardian" [01:24] What exactly does "Video mode not supported" mean? I just tried running Urban Terror and the screen stayed black with a white box with blue border that said that, but I could hear the game's audio in the background [01:25] I just installed the new nvidia drivers too [01:25] chad i have an aiw 9600 agp and can't get x to start at all [01:25] me 3 [01:25] KDB9000: i already told you i purged it but ill try that [01:25] skyligher: gl messages? [01:25] i think i'll have to migrate back to etch [01:25] so there is no way for me to start ubuntu [01:25] KDB9000: Package dansguardian is not installed, so not removed [01:25] like it was working fine [01:25] i was checking preferances [01:25] chad you can [01:25] are you in a termianl? [01:26] chad: are you in a command line? [01:26] a what? [01:26] no i'm in xp right now [01:26] KDB9000: can i remove these libglib1.2 libboost-thread1.34.1 libboost-date-time1.34.1 libclamav3 [01:26] classpath-gtkpeer libgtk1.2-common classpath-common cacao classpath [01:26] linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic linux-headers-2.6.24-16 libesmtp5 [01:26] SebNaitsabes: gl messages? what does that mean? [01:26] chad: ok so X no longer works? [01:26] X? === Swish[\] is now known as Swish [01:26] skylighter: graphics card issues yes? [01:26] whats X [01:26] meoblast001: no need too. search for dhcpd [01:26] !x | chad [01:26] chad: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:26] chad: the program that is used to run Gnome/Ubuntu and KDE/Kubuntu [01:26] oh [01:27] how do i get to command line? [01:27] chad: you got the Grub boot loader yes? [01:27] anyone want to give a newbie some help with setting up an apache server on ubuntu 8.04? [01:27] SebNaitsabes: I guess, i'm not sure. I just installed the new nvidia-glx driver. Other games play fine, like Nexuiz, but not this one [01:27] no [01:27] i used wubi to install ubuntu [01:27] chad: App/Accessories/Terminal [01:27] you probably do, maybe it's so quick you go past it [01:27] oh wubi hummmm [01:27] Tensei: what kind of help [01:27] KDB9000: found them [01:27] well if you had Grub you would have access to a recovery console [01:27] where X can be fixed [01:27] i just installed ubuntu [01:27] meoblast001: is dhcp3-server installed? [01:27] skylighter: try this program [01:27] started changing preferances [01:28] saw that it wasn't useing a driver [01:28] !info envyng-gtk [01:28] envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB [01:28] it recoomended an ati driver [01:28] KDB9000: yup [01:28] i dled it [01:28] and rebooted to install it [01:28] and now [01:28] yoyoned: I have installed the apache2 server.. i'm trying to start it and do general functions... How do I do this. Do I open up the files and edit them with a text editor (if i do it says I don't have the permission)... i read the support info but I can't seem to understand it [01:28] meoblast001: uninstall server and make sure that client is installed [01:28] the login screen is black [01:28] :| [01:28] KDB9000: it is but ok [01:28] chad: re install Ubuntu, but do it by partitions this time [01:28] chad: then you get Grub as well :) [01:28] chad: also after re install X will be working of course [01:29] how do i install it to a partion? [01:29] meoblast001: you did say server was installed right?\ [01:29] he should be able to use alt-ctrl-f1 - to get to a console to try to fix things with wubi. i imagine.. [01:29] Tensei: do you know how to use a terminal [01:29] yeah but how do i get it to use a graphics card driver [01:29] chad: you download the Live CD and boot your computer from it, and follow the installer [01:29] KDB9000: whats grml-btnet... do i need it.... and will uninstalling this stuff knock me offline [01:29] chad: I think your card is old enough that using the restricted driver is actually NOT a good idea. [01:29] wait alt ctrl f1 [01:29] KDB9000: its installed === osxdude_ is now known as osxdude [01:29] what's the wine channel, please? [01:29] yoyoned: not really i just installed ubuntu about an hour ago.. i use to set up apahce on windows xp but this is new to me.. [01:30] bobertdos: hummmm at total Linux noobs [01:30] chad, alt-ctrl-f1 through F6 for the 'consoles' and F7 to get back to X. is the normal way. [01:30] dr wukkus [01:30] Can anyboody help me with this [01:30] ahh [01:30] !tab | chad [01:30] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28862/ [01:30] chad: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [01:30] lucia_: #winehq [01:30] lucia: #winehq [01:30] bobertdos: I wonder what he is like in Windows [01:30] SebNaitsabes, there is a grub in a wubi install he just has to hit the esc key after choosing ubuntu from the win boot loader [01:30] $ screen [01:30] Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/0' - please check. [01:30] Tensei: do you have a GUI [01:30] any ideas? [01:30] meoblast001: grml-btne appears to be for bluetooth networks. I have bluetooth but it isn't installed on my system so i would say no and I don't think it will knock you offline. [01:30] yoyoned: GUI for what? [01:30] SebNaitsabes: *sigh* I know, but that's why we spend time here, after all :p [01:30] bloodrock: well why not tell Chad that, and get him to understand about it [01:31] DKB9000: so which ones do i uninstall now? [01:31] Tensei: a desktop [01:31] oh really [01:31] bobertdos: that's true [01:31] i am using at leats two partition that are used to store windows stuff so they are NTFS or FAT 32 (one of each) do i still need to defrag them if i use them under linux mostly? if so how do i defrag under linux? [01:31] ok so what do i do when in grub [01:31] yoyoned: ubuntu [01:31] chad did you see bloodrocks message? [01:31] yeah i noticed it says 5 4 3 2 1 hit esc for menu [01:31] when you got grub you want to go into a recovery mode where you can fix X [01:31] ahh ok [01:31] thanks [01:31] k so i'll go try that [01:31] yoyoned: sorry i was confused cause I said that when I posted my question :-) [01:31] brb [01:31] wish me luck [01:32] im confused [01:32] chad, once you hit ubuntu to load you should see a count down when you see it hit the esc key then choose the ubuntu recovery mode [01:32] chad: may the ubuntu force be with you [01:32] Tensei: from menu, Accessories>terminal to get comand line then type sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start [01:32] =/ [01:33] meoblast001: dhcp3-server is all you need to uninstall. to test before uninstalling, run command "sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server stop" and it will stop the server or return an error. if it knocks you off then do start instead of stop [01:33] onthefence928, FAT volumes shouldn't need defragging under linux -- not sure about NTFS, afaik, there are no defrag tools for NTFS on linux (atleast ones that do an actual defrag) [01:33] KDB9000: * Stopping DHCP server dhcpd3 [fail] [01:33] Is there any way I can tell what the start code is associated with a menu item in the Gnome menu? [01:34] meoblast001: ok, so it isn't even running. as long as client is installed it shouldn't knock you off line. [01:34] yoyoned: says command not found [01:34] i.e. what command is executed when I select that menu item. [01:34] plouffe, ive 'drug' the icon to the desktop, then right click, checkits properties.. :) there may be better ways [01:34] Tensei: are you sure you installed apache [01:34] Dr_willis: thanks tha [01:34] need a little help with server please [01:34] t that may work [01:34] KDB9000: that was a shut off... it might be running... but cant stop [01:34] oldman129: what is the probelm [01:35] yoyoned: I did the sudo apt-get install apache2 deal.. all the files seem to be there [01:35] hello, I am trying to update the grub splash image and used update-grub and it said it found it and updated menu.lst but it doesn't seem to work and menu.lst has no sign of splash.xpm.gz? [01:35] anyone in here have experience installing fuppes? [01:35] meoblast001: the command you did in the terminal confirmed it was stopped. if it was running it would say OK, not fail [01:35] !fuppes [01:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about fuppes [01:35] !info fuppes [01:35] Package fuppes does not exist in hardy [01:35] KDB9000: ok [01:35] plouffe, or right click on the gnome icon/menu -> edit menu, check the proprtties for the items [01:35] can only see from server but in index file not seen on local network [01:35] Hi, I'm trying to run Lineage 2 under wine and it seems to work perfectly except that I can't see any writing at all. Can someone please help me with this issue? [01:36] Tensei: did you try to see if its working. Open firefox and type http://localhost in the address bar [01:36] Whizko: got fonts installed [01:36] SebNatisabes: its been hellish trying to get it to run [01:36] !wine [01:36] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [01:36] Whizko, yeah you probably need msfonts [01:36] oldman129: what do you mean? what are you trying to do? [01:36] digitaltao: well I don'tk now of that program [01:36] I think I already have them installed [01:36] Dr_willis: I don't have a edit menu option , but the other method worked [01:36] Whizko: you can copy them from Windows if you have access to say a dual boot. and put them in the wine fonts folder [01:36] yoyoned: it opens a page that says "It works!" [01:37] SebNaitsabes: It is a UPnP meida server [01:37] I have a pretty simple question, if anyone would like to help me please. [01:37] !mscorefonts [01:37] SebNaitsabes: do you know what directory they are on in winslows? [01:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about mscorefonts [01:37] suppose I switch.. can I run windows-based programs such as dreamweaver, photoshop... etc. ? [01:37] switch to ubuntu* [01:37] Whizko: yep Windows and the fonts folder [01:37] KDB9000: restart time [01:37] Whizko: the Windows directory and then inside that the fonts folder [01:37] Reading state information... Done [01:37] msttcorefonts is already the newest version. [01:37] Raas: yes wine can run most of those with good compatibility [01:37] does that count? [01:37] then you can install the files you want to serve in /var/www [01:38] !msttcorefonts [01:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts [01:38] cool thx for the info.. imma go research some! [01:38] peace guys [01:38] msttcorefonts - Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts [01:38] jmarsden: I think that makes the fonts work in Ubuntu, but maybe not Wine as well [01:38] !info msttcorefonts [01:38] msttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.4 (hardy), package size 34 kB, installed size 196 kB [01:38] Tensei: i'm repeating since I forgot to put you name in. you can install the files you want to serve in /var/www [01:38] try to see site on local network and internet [01:39] I'm trying to set up home network with a WinXP workstation, and Ubuntu 8.04. I can ping both computers, from each other, but I can not view shares, or see either computer on network places [01:39] SebNaitsabes: But then you'd have the fonts on the Ubuntu system ready to copy into the Wine filesystem, at least? [01:39] !samba [01:39] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [01:39] how to add music files to mpg123 player from command prompt [01:39] use Samba for file sharing [01:39] between WIndows and Linux [01:39] I already have Samba installed [01:39] Is there a general purpose error log, that catches all causes of application crashes? [01:39] ok [01:39] have you tryed saying this open up the file manager and //:internal ip address [01:40] Hey people. Can I upgrade from Edgy to the latest Ubuntu, from the DVD? [01:40] so i get to the grub console [01:40] now what do i type? [01:40] to reset x [01:40] Tensei: but you need to have root privileges to install in /var/www [01:40] open the recovery console and it's pretty stragiht forward read what it says [01:40] says it can't find [01:40] i did [01:40] the recovery console? [01:40] oldman129: you will need to install apache. depending on what kind of site you might need to install mysql, php, and php-mysql. once that is installed you can put the files into /var/www and all you need to do it put the ip address of the server into your web browser and you should see your site [01:40] isn't that grub [01:40] Dfronius: The first thing you have to be sure matches are the workgroup names. [01:40] yoyoned: thank you i couldn't see your original post :-) i'm guessing that means it's running.. is there a reference page that gives me the commands to start and stop.. so I know what I'm doing? also... where is /var/www [01:40] yes open the recovery console from Grub [01:41] how do i do that [01:41] oldman129: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-5076696.html [01:41] you should have a kernel listed [01:41] maybe more than one [01:41] i was on a console [01:41] bobertdos: That's the first thing I did [01:41] sravan, make a simple playlist consisting of filenames - each on a line of its own. then do. mpg123 filename [01:41] oldman129: to make it seen from the internet you need to set up a nat rule in the router. [01:41] mpg123 file name to play the songs.. [01:41] Anybody know if I can upgrade Ubuntu from the DVD? [01:41] does the recovery colsole have a name at the top left [01:41] when you got Grub. you should have a list of things . kernels recovery mode and memtest86 [01:41] I am running Edgy [01:41] yeah [01:41] how to add songs to the ply list? [01:41] i was there [01:41] the recovery console suaully has that in brackets saying (recovery console) [01:41] hmm [01:41] well i went into recovery mode [01:42] and it won't boot [01:42] hello. [01:42] Grub is not the recovery console [01:42] yoyoned: for example, I beleive i'm suppose to change my e-mail address in sites-available... how do i do that? How do i get root access? there is only one user which is me with admin privlages... [01:42] bobertdos: sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf to edit the workgroup name, and they match [01:42] ok will check back [01:42] i went into recovery mode [01:42] sravan, find /path/to/media -type f > ~/my_playlist; mp3123 ~/my_playlist [01:42] newbie questions here .... [01:42] and i tried to boot [01:42] Tensei: sudo su [01:42] it didn't boot [01:42] Dfronius: mshome? [01:42] it just took me to another console [01:42] that said type help [01:42] for commands [01:42] you were in Grub and it said something was the recovery console tryed to boot and did not work? [01:42] sravan, you could also not make a file and pipe to mpg123 directly. find /path/to/media -type f | mp3123 - [01:43] bobertdos: kd0arnet [01:43] jmarsend: so i would type sudo su in terminal then...? [01:43] KDB9000: sorry... im an idiot... DHCPD3 was on the terminal from startup... and that was the startup of DHCPD3... thats not the error [01:43] yes it will take you to another console [01:43] yeah [01:43] i was in some random console [01:43] Dfronius: Oh, okay, and did you restart Samba when you made that change? [01:43] unop! im able to play the song from command prompt .. how to add more songs to plylist../ [01:43] after trying to boot in recovery mode [01:43] chadd, did it say something like busybox [01:43] bobertdos: restarted the whole box [01:43] yes [01:43] Tensei: Yes, then ype in your password when it asks for it. At that point you'll be in a terminal as root. [01:43] meoblast001: so what is the error? but you didn't need server anyways [01:43] yes! [01:43] yes it did [01:43] busybox [01:44] what do i do from there? [01:44] Tensei: the top of the linux file tree is /. It has many folders in it one of which is /var. / is kinda like C: in windows. The comands to start,stop,restart apache are sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart [01:44] bobertdos: and I can still ping the machines from each other. So there's not a network malfunction [01:44] chadd, prob best to just delete the wubi and reinstall [01:44] chadd: [01:44] damn [01:44] chadd [01:44] really [01:44] this is what you should do [01:44] Dfronius: alright, unfortunately, I have to go, hopefully someone else can pick up where I leave off [01:44] get your self an Ubutnu ISO burn to CD [01:44] and install Wubi onto partitions [01:44] capslock problem with my Thinkpad. The led works when pressing Shift Lock and the character are uppercase too. but the Number are not (I'have an azerty keyboard). anyone for some explanation ? [01:44] KDB9000: problem? usplash wont come up thats the problem [01:44] by bootting from the Live CD and following the installer [01:44] hmm [01:45] get rid of Wubi and do Ubuntu the partition way [01:45] bobertdos: thanks [01:45] usr/bin/mpg123 path.. [01:45] Dfronius: Try smbclient -L \\\\ and see if it can "see" your windows PC at IP ? [01:45] sravan, errm, keep adding files to ~/my_playlist while mpg123 is playing perhaps .. find /path/to/media -type f >> ~/my_playlist [01:45] meoblast001: so no "failed" status on shutdown and you don't have usplash on boot and/or shutdown. right? [01:45] jmarsden: in terminal? [01:45] yoyoned: awsome... is there a place where I can go online that has all the commands to be used in terminal for apahce 2 === Tuv0k is now known as darthanubis [01:45] Dfronius: Yes. Just press enter when it asks you for a password. [01:45] yeah but [01:45] how will that help [01:45] but graphics driver problem [01:45] as it was running 100% perfect [01:45] KDB9000: not sure......... everything moves to fast for me to see if there's an error [01:45] smbclient is a command line Samba client [01:46] until i installed the graphics driver [01:46] sravan, i am not sure that will work so good though. you might need to setup a queue with mkfifo - but that's offtopic and a question to be asked in #bash [01:46] jmarsden: I just get a blinking curser [01:46] How do I keep icons from appearing on my desktop? [01:46] !res [01:46] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:46] even mounted ones? [01:46] !resolution [01:46] hmm [01:46] hello every body , help me [01:46] chadd: I get the impression your very new to this? [01:46] jmarsden: so it's likely a timeout [01:46] jmarsden: how do I undo that? and when i'm logged in as root that will allow me through terminal to makes changes.. but where do i learn the commands i need to type? [01:46] Tensei: I'll look around a bit. The linux basement podcast did a series on getting an apache server running on ubuntu. Listen to the first few episodes [01:46] jmarsden: daniel@daniel-desktop:~$ smbclient -L \\\\ Error connecting to (No route to host) Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_HOST_UNREACHABLE) [01:46] unop, thank you friend [01:47] I insert a realtek 8139 in my morther board [01:47] meoblast001: hmm. what kind of graphic card do you have? [01:47] jmarsden: or did you mean for me to use the [01:47] yes [01:47] i am very new [01:47] did you get my private message? [01:47] How do I keep icons from appearing on my desktop? There are too many! [01:47] yoyoned: where can I find that podcast at.. and what do i need to download to be able to see it? [01:47] KDB9000: Intel 915GM something..... but it used to work until i did a Ctrl + Alt F1 [01:47] when the machine go to X-windows, It can't display correctly,just white screen [01:47] Dfronius: replace with the IP address of your WIndows PC that is sharing files. See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28869/ for my example. [01:48] meoblast001: what happened when you did ctrl + alt + F1? [01:48] !netsplit [01:48] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [01:48] KDB9000: it hides GDM and gives me a terminal to work with [01:48] ok, I did that then [01:48] Anyone know how to keep icons from appearing on my desktop? It's annoying [01:48] meoblast001: so nothing bad happened? you got a terminal and was able to login and run commands right? [01:49] sotec_prod, i don't mean to be funny. but you can ask your favourite search engine that very question and it will give you pointers. like this one. http://edivad.wordpress.com/2007/03/19/gnome-hide-desktop-icons/ [01:49] Dfronius: So you can ping the windows PC, but smbclient -L \\\\ shows no output at all? Are you sure you have windows file sharing enabled on the windows PC? [01:49] Hey guys [01:49] KDB9000: yeah... but ever since usplash wont work on shutdown [01:49] sotec_prod, what icons [01:49] I just wanted to say thanks for all your help! [01:49] yes [01:49] I got my wireless working and everything is great! [01:49] Dfronius: Any firewall software on the windows PC that might be preventing this? [01:50] Anybody here a wizard at printers? I have posted at a lot of forumns and this problem has stumped them all! [01:50] thanks unop, I could do that, and I usually do, but what's the point of this room if not for immediate help? [01:50] SebNaitsabes: I just copied all my fonts from windows to my fonts directory and it's still not working :/ [01:50] jmarsden: no. I have 3 laptops and another PC, all running windows XP and they all share and view correctly [01:50] meoblast001: lets try something. run "sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf" [01:50] Tensei: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Install_a_LAMP_server_for_local_web_development, http://www.linuxbasement.com [01:50] k [01:50] I can only print to a windows shared printer when I send the print job a second time. The first just sits there [01:50] sotec_prod, i'm just trying to get you to make good and effective use of your time and ours :) [01:50] Whizko: well you know about virtual machines? [01:50] jmarsden: how do I undo that command? [01:50] SebNaitsabes: yep, but can they use 3d drivers nowdays? [01:50] --22 [01:51] sotec_prod, besides, one of us has to reach out that way .. :) [01:51] Tensei: type exit and you will be back to your normal user. [01:51] unop, again, I usually do my own research, but I figured i'd see if anyone knew right off hand [01:51] true. [01:51] Whizko: vmware has experimental 3d suppourt in one of it's softwares [01:51] ?? [01:51] Whizko: there is an actsaul Wine channel here #winehq [01:51] sotec_prod, what icons are they [01:51] Whizko: perhaps you need to update the font caches --> sudo fc-cache -f -v [01:51] SebNaitsabes: yep, but they always tell me to ask on this channel [01:51] KDB9000: ok now what? [01:51] bloodrock, all icons. any icons. [01:52] Dfronius: I'm puzzled... all PCs are on the same network subnet, no routers between them or anything like that? [01:52] unop helped me already. pretty easy solution actually. [01:52] thanks unop [01:52] meoblast001: run "sudo sysv-rc-conf" [01:52] sotec_prod, but are they icons from a download or what [01:52] sotec_prod, yw [01:52] jmarsden: there's one router, in the basement. The three PCs are connected to it, and the laptops all are WiFi [01:52] bloodrock, desktop icons . [01:52] meoblast001: once it comes up use the arrow keys to go down and find usplash and 2345 should have X's in them [01:53] Guess it stumps you all also....thanx for the consideration...guess I will stay in this madness [01:53] Well, I'll keep checking forums. Thanks for helping :) [01:53] bloodrock, I got you now. No, not downloaded packages. mounted icons, etc [01:53] KDB9000: 2345 [01:53] Dfronius: sounds normal... so it should work... hmm. I literally just installed samba here to check the smbclient comamnd for you, worked for me first time! [01:53] jmarsden: thanks for the help [01:53] KDB9000: this program is cool [01:53] Tensei: You're welcome. [01:53] yoyoned: thanks for the help. talk with you later.. lots of stuff to read now :-) [01:53] jmarsden: what is the command? [01:54] meoblast001: alright, that seems correct. press q to exit [01:54] KDB9000: now what [01:54] Is there a channel for remastersys or anyone that can assist in getting in getting the network going using this? [01:54] KDB9000: i tried using this startup manager and unchecked usplash then rechecked it [01:54] Dfronius: I did sudo apt-get install samba and then smbclient -L \\\\ # use your own WIndows PC IP instead of [01:55] KDB9000: didnt restart to see if it works [01:55] i did a minimal install of ubuntu with gnome, and i want to be able to unzip files in nautilus. nothing is showing up to "open with." what do i need to install? i have the cli command "unzip" installed. === o_O is now known as kirby [01:55] !zip [01:55] Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [01:55] pound sign after it? [01:56] Dfronius: can you put a copy of the output from your smbclient -L command on pastebin so I can see it, just in case that helps? [01:56] thank you [01:56] Dfronius: The # sign is just a start of a comment... [01:56] would there be a reason why I cannot connect to a windows 2003 printer share via hardy? [01:56] can anyone provide me some basic info about keyboard problem ? [01:56] k [01:57] Hello [01:57] hi [01:57] Is there a way to detect what kind of drivers i need for my soundcard and video card? [01:57] hello [01:58] the 2003 box is not part of a domain, just standalone for that printer. I can smbclient -L and see the printer but the cups dialog browses only to the computer name and won't show the printer [01:58] hy i am installing an ubuntu web/ftp server and i am looking for an easy to use incremental backup program. The backup should go throough network. please suggest me some program [01:59] how can I detect what drivers i need for my sound and video cards [01:59] Mycah_: Boot from a Ubuntu LiveCD and see if they work that way? If they do, you don't care what drivers got used, do you? [02:00] Well, They work but the volume is really low and stops working at times. [02:00] nikin, amanda is a good backup server solution .. you can also use rsync to backup only files that have changed on the source [02:00] hi does ssh come pre installed on ubuntu? [02:00] fireants: not server === SplinTer0616__ is now known as SplinTer0616_ [02:00] fireants: but client does. [02:01] ok cool thanks [02:01] nikin: See http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/rsyncweb.htm for some ideas using rsync that might be worth a look [02:02] meoblast001: sorry but i am out of ideas. it isn't that big of a deal if it doesn't show up and it doesn't mess with the system so i would worry about it. sorry [02:02] unop thank you ... my main backups would be a 90GB partition with files with about 500MB dayly new/modifyed files and a 10 GB system partion where i want partition based backup [02:02] KDB9000: its ok... ill mess with it myself [02:02] Can anyone help? [02:02] algun programador de python [02:03] I'm having really uncool Xorg issues [02:03] nikin, not sure what you mean there .. but have a look at amanda, rsync, dump, tar, etc [02:03] !es | sistemas [02:03] sistemas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [02:03] !python | sistemas [02:03] sistemas: python is a popular Oject Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org [02:03] unop thank ypu [02:03] Mycah_: You can do lsmod | grep ^snd to see what sound-related modules are being loaded, if you want to egt down and dirty with the sound drivers...? [02:04] Can anyone help me out with some Xorg issues? [02:04] !video [02:04] Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [02:04] !x [02:04] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [02:05] ok Jmarsden [02:05] Quick question, bud is asking me to reinstall his windows for him on a dual boot Ubuntu 7.10, not sure if he updated to 8.04 machine, whats the least painful way to do this? the installs are on 2 separate HDDs [02:06] hi [02:06] hi [02:07] jmarsden: http://pastebin.com/m3b70336e [02:07] jmarsden: it shows up on the smbclient -L \\\\ now, but I still can't see it in nautilus [02:08] Dfronius: OK, that's a start. What did you change to get it to start working? [02:08] could you tellme which notebook of this is better: gateway685fx or hp pavillion dv9825nr? [02:08] jmarsden: she turned the damn computer off. [02:08] jmarsden: so I turned it back on, and it worked [02:08] have there ever been reports of the gnome system monitor showing two processors when there are only supposed to be one? [02:09] Dfronius: Yep, that might explain it... although you said ping was working...! [02:09] jmarsden: but, that still doesn't solve the problem, because I can't see any of the other computers still either [02:09] allows me to ask, which.. seems a bit dumb. I'm just a Linux end-user (I don't hack), and before I move to Ubuntu, I install software by building their source; now that I'm with Ubuntu, I install from the *.deb or grab from the repository. Say now if I have a program that's installed using aptitude, and at the same time its latest version is not available in the repository, what'll actually happen if I build and install from source? Do I have to remove the [02:09] previous package first? [02:09] hi again [02:09] jmarsden: ping worked before. When I tried to ping it after we started talking, it wasn't [02:09] what is the ndiswrapper gui tool called [02:10] i am using hardy heron, and whenever i am playing Urban Terror fullscreen with gnome, it suddenly goes back to windowed mode, and the only thing i can do ctl-alt-bkspc to log back in. [02:10] anyone else have the issue? btw, i am using nvidia binary drivers. [02:10] salut [02:10] Nostahl: ndisgtk [02:11] ty [02:11] ca ca? [02:11] ca va? [02:12] !fr | magetfab [02:12] magetfab: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [02:12] Dfronius: OK. You can try smbclient \\\\\\SharedDocs and see if you can get at the files there that way? [02:12] hola [02:13] hello [02:13] jmarsden: Domain=[KAYLA] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] smb: \> #flashing curser [02:13] Dfronius: It may be that Nautilus will take a while to realise that the Windows PC is now up and running. [02:13] Dfronius: Good, now you can do ls to see the files, etc... like a command line FTP client. [02:13] yclian, if you don't deinstall a package and build the same one from source and install it, the newly installed package overwrites files from the older package - something which is not recommended -- also if you are building from source, it is recommended you make a .deb file first and then install the .deb file so you can manage/uninstall the package later [02:13] Quick question, bud is asking me to reinstall his windows for him on a dual boot Ubuntu 7.10, not sure if he updated to 8.04 machine, whats the least painful way to do this? the installs are on 2 separate HDDs [02:13] jmarsden: what about the other ones? I have 3 laptops on right now, all on the network, I can't see any of them [02:13] can someone help me? [02:14] Dfronius: Can you ping them? [02:14] sotamanga: just ask a question [02:14] I need to use dot as decimal separator [02:14] and its configured as comma [02:14] jmarsden: yes. And they all work the same way that the other PC does. [02:14] jmarsden: I'd like to just have them show up in the Windows Network - File Browser [02:14] sotamanga: in what program? You probably need to use a different locale? [02:15] openoffice calc [02:15] and is set to use same config as locale [02:15] locale is as es_AR [02:16] all keybs in AR have dot in the numeric keypad [02:16] Dfronius: Sure, but first we need to know whether they can communicate at all.... showing up in the browser is a whole extra level of stuff to troubleshoot. [02:16] duo there is one simple answer--dont touch the ubuntu drive, and reinstall windows on the other drive [02:17] hi [02:17] sotamanga: Try using Tools -> Options -> Language settings and change the decimal separator there? [02:17] what to use for ui bluetooth in xcfe [02:17] I can't see any shared printers on my windows 2003 box, is this expected? [02:17] bluetooth works fine in cli but I have no idea how to manage connections [02:17] multisync does not work [02:17] zoreau: obviously, but what about grub throwing a fit? [02:18] Dfronius: So can you use smbclient \\\\\\sharename to get at all of the PCs? [02:18] jmarsden: yes [02:18] in openoffice? is set to use "locale configuration" [02:18] unop, thanks! yea, I was thinking about making a .deb instead from source. not sure how to do that but I will google it. another good thing about this is that, I can do a dpkg -L, which is something I like :D [02:18] OK, so the issue is just with the browser stuff. It's been literally 5+ years since I had to trouble shoot that... I'll try to research it a bit and get abck to you with ideas! [02:18] the alternative option is to set comma (....) [02:18] jmarsden: how do I navigate the folders in the terminal? [02:19] Dfronius: cd somefolder [02:19] Ubuntu 8.04 - I've got an HP LaserJet 5M hooked up via ethernet (JetDirect) - and the 'test sheets' work fine. I have a PDF file, however, that ends up printing out as ASCII Garbage [02:19] Dfronius: You can use get filename and put filename to moev files back and forth. [02:19] I think it's because it's sending it as a 54 megabyte file - is there a 'smarter' app I should be trying to print PDF files with? [02:19]  how to find the version(s) of opengl installed? [02:19] for locale is comma, the alternative option is also comma [02:19] Dfronius: typing help will show you all the smbclient commands [02:20] I thought they were installing compizconfig-settings-manager by default now no? [02:20] smb: \> get desktop music [02:20] NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND opening remote file \desktop [02:20] alguien aki habla espanol? [02:20] que me pueda ayudar en algo [02:20] sotamanga: Hmm, that's pretty odd. Let me play a little with OpenOffice here for a moment... [02:20] yo, pero estoy buscando ayuuda [02:20] jeje [02:20] y en que estas buscando ayuda? [02:20] ajuda? [02:20] hi again [02:20] estou aqui eu :) [02:20] What happened to ubotu? [02:21] !test [02:21] Failed! [02:21] quiero cambiar la configuración del separador de decimales en openoffice [02:21] desde coma a punto [02:21] que passa? [02:21] KDB9000: the reason for why i want usplash fixed is because i like to show off ubuntu to try to get ppl to switch and no one's gonna want it if they see the ugly termnial [02:21] ni idea de eso [02:21] question... i enabled a video driver and on restart it asking me for a password to access a default keyring,.. whats all this about? [02:21] ok, y tu me puedes ayudar a como poner gnome=do?? [02:21] bluetooth? [02:21] linfenix: #ubuntu-es [02:21] y vos con que tenes problema? === DBLobster is now known as U09526 [02:22] sotamanga: My Spanish is good enough to read what you are typing but not to use for troubleshooting :-) [02:22] I was wondering what the floodbots are up to, they are very active [02:22] how to find what version(s) of opengl one has installed [02:22] bluetooth plz? anybody? [02:23] oh Im sorry jm, I was just typing to linfenix [02:23] !bluetooth [02:23] For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup [02:23] si me preguntas ami, no tengo problemas con nada, solo que quiiero un poco de ayuda sobre como poner gnome-do o configurarlo, o algo asi [02:23] hey, I just installed the .19 kernel upgrade and now my taskbar is missing [02:23] jv_, what about bluetooth? [02:23] Is samba unable to printer to a windows 2003 server printer share? [02:23] =( i want usplash to work........ how do i COMPLETELY reset usplash and stuff [02:23] I can still work with shortcuts but there's no taskbar at the top or bottom of the screen... [02:23] what progrma should I use for managing devices? [02:24] bluesoleil linux package only works with eeepc deps [02:24] does anyone know how to show the taskbar? [02:24] Mechdave: tx for trying to help [02:24] there is a problem with locale configuration. [02:24] I can see both devices using bluetooth [02:24] omni: right click on the gnome-panel and click add to panel [02:24] on CLI [02:24] jv_, i use the gnome-bluetooth and when it gets down and dirty i use terminal [02:25] meoblast001: No, that's just it.. there's no panel, no status bar, no applications menu, nuthin. [02:25] but what UI package should I use to manage what folders to sync from pocket pc to my lap? [02:25] hi [02:25] oh..gnome [02:25] meoblast001: all I have is my desktop image and desktop icons [02:25] I'm having a problem with my wireless. [02:25] omni: press alt+f2 and then type gnome-panel and tell me what you get [02:25] omni: no panels at all [02:25] how do I install a 32 bit version of sun-java on a 64 bit system using apt? [02:26] for example: do you sync calendars and contacts? [02:26] sotamanga: Have you tried changing the locale setting in that same menu in OpenOffice Calc? [02:26] Anyone know why amarok does not always find my playlist files ? the mp3 files are on a NTFS Disk [02:26] meoblast001: alt+f2 doesn't bring up the launch dialog [02:26] I'l try in terminal [02:26] omni: did you try resetting your gnome? [02:26] Normally I use shell commands to configure my wireless (iwlist, iwconfig, dhclient, etc). The other night I needed to get on a network that was using WPA, so I used the GUI network mananger. [02:26] jv_, gnome and nautilus should work for you... mostly it is plug & play [02:26] Dfronius: tried logging out then back in, if that's what you mean [02:26] yes, but the options are to set comma or as locale, and in locale is also comma [02:26] ah...ok..using xfce :) [02:27] will try to install gnome-bluetooth [02:27] omni: hmmmm..... how will you get a terminal up? [02:27] Then, today, when I tried to use the wireless with an unencrypted network, I can't get a response. Other machines on the same network are fine. [02:27] is there a way to remove evolution or a way to set up firefox so that it wont open any mail programs when an email link is clicked? [02:27] sotamanga: No, I mean set the locale to (for example) English (USA) instead :-)\ [02:27] jv_, ok i am lost with xfce... sorry [02:27] will00: you can remove evolution in the package manager [02:27] I tried using the GUI as well, but the GUI connection properties dialog doesn't appear to have a setting for "no encryption". [02:27] but it will change the lang for all the applications of ooo [02:28] ok [02:28] also the writer [02:28] hi [02:28] where does usplash save logs to? [02:28] I can see the networks with iwlist, but when I dhclient, no response. [02:28] sotamanga: Yes, very probably... but it will get you a period as the decimal separator :-) [02:28] meoblast001: Ok so when I typed gnome-panel it errored out and said gnome-panel was not installed. [02:28] man, i installed a stupid program and the "toolbar menu" disappeared!!! [02:28] how can i fix it? [02:28] please help me [02:28] meoblast001: I apt-get installed it and ran it [02:29] omni: problem solved lol [02:29] sotamanga: What is your default locale? I can try adding the language pack for it here amd maybe try to duplicate the problem? [02:29] but Im trying to solve the problem, not to change one for another, he [02:29] meoblast001: when I did that, I got my panels back but I also got these three errors: [02:29] The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet". [02:29] anyone? [02:29] The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet". [02:29] at least, how can I make another account xD [02:29] I added it [02:29] The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet" [02:29] orgthingy: pay attention to Omni's problem and answers. He's having the same comflict you are [02:29] asking me if I wanted to delete them from the configuration [02:30] oh? [02:30] he's having same problem as me? [02:30] locale -a gives me all the es_XX languages and all the en_XX langs [02:30] orgthingy: can you open a terminal window? [02:30] omni: no! [02:30] Anybody here have Verizon FiOS? [02:30] i dont have terminal-shortcut in desktop :( [02:30] Anyone here that use uTorrent in Linux? [02:31] then you're a little balls'ed [02:31] Musli: ktorrent is great [02:31] try ALT+F2 [02:31] musli: I have used. what about it? [02:31] mmm fiber [02:31] wireless, anybody? [02:31] ok gotta check it out :) [02:31] sotamanga: what is in /etc/default/locale on your machine? [02:31] locale -m shows me the UTF-8, the ISO-8859-1 codification [02:31] orgthingy: what you want to do is find a way to run 'gnome-panel' [02:31] puff: what? [02:31] did u use it with wine? [02:31] omni: ok, then? wait, ill bring my ubuntu machine [02:31] anyone know of a simplist gui based video converter? [02:31] works fine here [02:31] orgthingy: F1 [02:31] musli: use Deluge torrent, it's like uTorrent, but it's native :) [02:31] ok thx m8 :) [02:31] yeah, i used it trought wine [02:32] dirus: avidemux [02:32] ? [02:32] LANG="es_AR.UTF-8" [02:32] :O [02:32] yeah, deluge is awesome [02:32] jmarsden: still no network stuff in nautilus [02:32] sotamanga: OK, I'll try to add that to my languages here, my take a minute or two. [02:32] can somebody help me with swiftweasel, I can't install add-ons on it :/ [02:32] orgthingy: before you try CTRL+ALT+F1, keep in mind that to get back to your main desktop you type CTRL+ALT+F7 [02:32] ok, im turning on my machine [02:32] rofl I love linux names... "swiftweasel" [02:33] omni: ok [02:33] jv_: my friend wants to convert flv videos to their pda or zune [02:33] "Go swiftly into the night, sweet weasel!" [02:33] USPLASH BROKEDED [02:33] how does ubuntu liveCD get dchp to work -- here's a /var/log/messages of boot info --> http://pastesite.com/1500 [02:33] jv_: I'm having problems with my wireless,. [02:33] the best in general is debian or ubuntu? [02:33] how do I install a 32 bit version of sun-java on a 64 bit system using apt? [02:33] thanks [02:33] "Error: installLocation has no properties Source File: file:///usr/local/swiftweasel/components/nsExtensionManager.js Line: 4034" [02:33] puff: what problems? [02:33] Swiftweasel is little more than a rebranded Firefox [02:33] omni: its hold CTRL and ALT then F7 not typing it :P [02:33] I think a possibility is to Gedit /etc/environment [02:34] OmiKrOn: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [02:34] Blaqlight: lol touche [02:34] anybody play world of padman? [02:34] DG19075: but I can use firefox add-ons, right? [02:34] Dfronius: iwlist shows me networks, but no response from dhclient. [02:34] dirus: http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&domains=linuxmint.com&q=flv+linux+convert&sa.x=0&sa.y=0&sa=Google+Search&sitesearch=&hl=en&client=pub-5386907765195439&forid=1&channel=4474582015&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&cof=GALT%3A%23008000%3BGL%3A1%3BDIV%3A%23EEEEEE%3BVLC%3A663399%3BAH%3Acenter%3BBGC%3AFFFFFF%3BLBGC%3AFFFFFF%3BALC%3A0000CC%3BLC%3A0000CC%3BT%3A000000%3BGFNT%3A7777CC%3B%0D%0AGIMP%3A0000CC%3BFORID%3A1&hl=en [02:34] then to add a line specifying the locale numeric configuration [02:34] jv_: actually avidemux might just work [02:34] ok, i did ctrl, alt, f1 [02:34] !network [02:34] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [02:34] LC_NUMERIC= something [02:34] jv_: tried that [02:34] omni: what should i do next? [02:34] Lasitten: I would think so [02:34] thanks [02:34] try there [02:34] orgthingy: log in and try to run gnome-panel [02:34] puff: what kind of problems? did it work be4 [02:34] ? [02:34] i want my gnome-panel back :( [02:34] how? [02:35] those steps are all old and too long and drawn out [02:35] orgthingy: thats a terminal [02:35] whats the command [02:35] can anyone point me to where I can grab a Mysql-Embedded server deb package ?? [02:35] orgthingy: "gnome-panel" [02:35] CTRL ALT F7 [02:35] ok [02:35] some boddy, know how to install xmms? [02:35] sotamanga: It might work as a "workaround", but that would be pretty inelegant. [02:35] and I need to recommend it to a friend, so I was looking for a simple gui [02:35] but how I can set swiftweasels "rights" on so it can install add-ons :/ [02:35] avidemux can do flash video though [02:35] bash: gnome-panel: command not found [02:35] linfenix: xmms is not developed anymore. [02:35] linfenix: XMMS is in the repos. Check in your Package Manager [02:35] dirus: avidemux has flv1 ..but have no idea what is it :) [02:35] installing ubuntu on my sister's computer, but i cannot see the bar to see how far along it is, so i am basically stuck waiting for it to load, is there any way to see it, if i click on it i cannot resize it or anything, it is just a really really little box, and i don't know if it is asking a question or not because there is no words seeable, any help please? [02:35] linfenix: if you really want it type sudo aptitude install xmms2 [02:36] why [02:36] orgthingy: ok so type this: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel [02:36] ? [02:36] Dirus: Maybe iriverter -- intended for iriver hardware but may work for you? [02:36] ok [02:36] ok [02:36] how can i add more HZ to the Monitor when there is only 69 HZ in the list and i want more [02:36] FAJALOU: how old is the computer? I remeber on a celeron 366 that used to take ages :) [02:36] stmiller, now what? [02:36] orgthingy: this is exactly what happened to me.. my gnome-panel mysteriously uninstalled itself when I applied a recent batch of ubuntu updates [02:36] Musli: 69 is the highest it will do. [02:37] orgthingy: once gnome-panel finishes installing, try to run it again. [02:37] ok this flat screen is abit s1p :P [02:37] jv_: not real old, maybe 2 years [02:37] Musli: Buy a newer more capable monitor? :-) [02:37] how do you fix usplash? [02:37] omni: it says "cannot display" [02:37] i installed it though [02:37] jmarsden: thanks it looks like iriverter should be able to do it since it uses mencoder, I'm just going to check how easy it would be to explain to someone [02:37] ok, hit CTRL+ALT+F7 to switch to your main display [02:37] yeah well i got another monitor that supports 800 x 600 @ 100 hz [02:38] hello [02:38] i try, but it doesnt work aptitud install xmms2 [02:38] when you see your desktop, hit CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to return to the log-in screen [02:38] why? [02:38] Dirus: No problem, I just fixed a bug in it for intrepid so it is fresh on my mind :-) Launchpad bug #91237 [02:38] Launchpad bug 91237 in iriverter "java library not found" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91237 === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:38] is there a t41 driver for the internal wifi card [02:38] dirus: install ffmpeg from the medibuntu repository (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu) and use winFF as frontend (http://www.winff.org/) .. once those are installed it works with profiles so if yiou help your friend set that correct it will be pretty easy [02:38] omni: still, no toolbar :( [02:38] installing ubuntu on my sister's computer, but i cannot see the bar to see how far along it is, so i am basically stuck waiting for it to load, is there any way to see it, if i click on it i cannot resize it or anything, it is just a really really little box, and i don't know if it is asking a question or not because there is no words seeable, any help please? [02:38] then these factors could be potential cause: bad burn or failing HD or other hardware, [02:38] and gnome-panel said that it cannot display [02:38] orgthingy: hmm ok well that did it for me... so I guess your problem goes a bit deeper. [02:38] I have experienced both with stalled install [02:39] orgthingy: it could be due to the fact that you installed it from a different virtual terminal.. [02:39] stalled installs are not fun. [02:39] orgthingy: try uninstalling it, and then reinstall it again [02:39] glitsj16: ah another lead thanks a ton [02:39] plz help [02:39] im getting very angry [02:39] orgthingy: when I did it, I just hit my keyboard shortcut to bring up a terminal window so I know when I did it I was doing where it needed to be done.. [02:39] Dfronius, jv_: The only recent unusual thing is that I used the GUI connection manager last night to get on a wpa2-encrypted network. [02:39] meoblast001: why get angry? [02:39] how can i uninstall it then reinstall it :P ? [02:39] jv_: my usplash is broke and no one knows how to fix it [02:40] brasil? [02:40] puff: connect with cable, uninstall and reinstall ..give it a try ... [02:40] Dirus: always choices indeed, you're welcome [02:40] is there a t41 driver for the internal wifi card [02:40] orgthingy: sudo apt-get remove gnome-panel [02:40] meoblast001: does it boot? [02:40] and then, [02:40] orgthingy: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel [02:40] jv_: yes [02:41] jv_: but i hate looking at the ugly terminal.... it gives me a sense of ubuntu being incomplete [02:41] Okay firefox is drawing over the top of tool bars [02:41] so hey guys - in Windows there's a super nifty add-on for Thunderbird that lets you minimize thunderbird to the status bar/system tray, so you can leave it running without it keeping a footprint on your taskbar, then have it alert you with an icon in your systray/status bar.. The add-on isn't supported in Linux, but does anyone know any similar add-on or alternative app to have a POP3... [02:41] and install it again using apt-get install gnome-panel? [02:41] ...scanner running in the status bar for icon-indications when you have new mail? [02:41] jv_: i cant explain it, you sort of have to have OCD [02:41] thanks for all the suggestions everyone, this is why ubuntu is so succesful, a community of help [02:41] is there a t41 driver for the internal wifi card [02:41] orgthingy: correct [02:41] ahahah [02:41] orgthingy: yes [02:42] didnt work :'( [02:42] man i am getting old..can't figure out my own stuff and here I am trying to help :) [02:42] ah anyone? [02:42] ehehehehe [02:42] omg, i only have ubuntu and dunno wheres recovery cd [02:42] is there a t41 driver for the internal wifi card [02:42] :'( [02:42] Anyone know how I can fix firefox from drawing all over the screen [02:42] =( [02:42] orgthingy: what is it from term, sudo stopall gnome-panel? [02:42] daggerx: google it with firmaware name of the chip... :) [02:42] could someone help me, my Genius MousePen 8x6 [WP8060U] is not working well on ubuntu 8.04, cursor doesn't move and the tip button is working as a middle mouse button, while wireless mouse works on tablet [02:42] let me log out and back in hold up [02:42] How can I list the packages I've recently installed in the terminal? [02:43] eh? [02:43] how do you reinstall ubuntu without a cd-drive or flash drive? [02:43] whats stopball ? [02:43] whats that command? === kirby is now known as Charitwo [02:43] orgthingy: well return to the log-in screen (CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE) and you can try logging in under a different session than Gnome [02:43] I'm having some weird color issues with mplayer, movies are getting a strong BLUE hue [02:43] why doesn't myspace musicbox work? [02:43] ah thanks [02:43] "error loading XML document" [02:43] ok [02:43] then? === bdobinson is now known as dog [02:43] do i type my username and pass? [02:43] ill give it a shot - in the dark!!!! [02:43] orgthingy: yes [02:43] hey how do i get multiple application to play sound, i just got hardy installed on my HP Dv6000 laptop [02:43] ok [02:44] nite nite [02:44] orgthingy: log in as normal [02:44] D= [02:44] orgthingy: just select a different session to log in under [02:44] only one application is playing audio [02:44] at encountered a problemed [02:44] but it worked :D [02:44] it worked!!! [02:44] is there anyway to make a script/launcher to turn visual effects on and off [02:44] i have the toolbar!! [02:44] hell with the error :D [02:44] orgthingy: sweet. :) [02:44] Dfronius, jv_: checking the access point webmin interface and it lists my laptop's MAC address, so it sees the laptop, it's just not issuing a DCHP lease to it. Hm. [02:44] orgthingy: Now try logging out and logging back into a Gnome session. [02:44] omni: btw, im one of Linux mint devolopers [02:44] but [02:45] i still dunno this thingies [02:45] xD [02:45] Dfronius, jv_: I had this problem with two different wireless networks, so it's not the access point. [02:45] orgthingy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:45] how lame of me [02:45] neuromit: have you tried experimenting with mplayer's video settings to check if it occurs on all available drivers ? better yet, if it improves by changing to a different one ? [02:45] Hi there...I want to add windows on grub... the win partitions is on /dev/sda3 so Is it right if i set the root line like that: root (hd0,3) ??? [02:45] orgthingy: If your toolbar runs away again, you can try just uninstalling Gnome altogether, then reinstalling it [02:45] uninstallig GNOME? [02:45] (that is, log back out then back into the session that works, and reinstall Gnome from that session) [02:45] saludos a tod@s [02:45] the whole thing? [02:45] glitsj16, thanks I'll try that [02:45] bye [02:45] Does anybody know how to LIST all the RECENTLY installed packages? [02:46] orgthingy: well you could try troubleshooting it bit by bit but if you want to be sure to get everything back with the least amount of poking around, just have it reinstall completely. Shouldn't take too long - certainly not as long as reinstalling from scratch! [02:47] hi, have anybody installed photoshop cs3 on ubuntu? [02:47] neuromit: I usually list whats in /var/cache/apt/archives by date [02:47] Is samba; cups; or ubuntu? unable to printer to a windows 2003 server printer share? [02:47] is there anyway to make a script/launcher to turn visual effects on and off [02:48] hi again [02:48] I really want to thank you guys [02:48] genii: so I tried that but packages I KNOW that i've recently installed did not show up [02:48] :) [02:48] now, i have the toolbar :D [02:49] is anybody running photoshop on ubuntu? [02:49] peefonic: you should ask in #winehq [02:49] peefonic: I ran photoshop wine. Try Gimpshop instead though. [02:49] neuromit: If you installed them by downloading a deb file, or by compiling from source, they won't show there [02:50] peefonic: Gimpshop is a mock up on Photoshop, and should fit your needs [02:50] genii: they were installed with apt-get [02:50] peefonic: i did a while ago [02:50] but i hate photoshop [02:50] Gimp all the way :D [02:50] anyone that could tell me the keys to lock a screen? (like ctrl+a+d to detach) [02:50] Bruners: Cntl Alt L [02:51] hi my adept-updater keeps saying that I need to apply the same updates I previously applied and it continues to say that I need to update with the same updates but says that they are restricted [02:51] or they break something [02:52] neuromit: that is not working, using ssh via putty [02:52] jmarsden: you back yet? [02:52] Bruners... you mean how to lock the screen from the terminal? [02:53] pteeb: you can do the work yourself or rely on either compiz-switch (menu item, but you can always drag it to your desktop i suppose) or fusion-icon (tray app) to toggle compiz on/off [02:53] On Hardy, totem (gstreamer) is playing an encrypted DVD in black and white, with a green bar along the bottom. Mplayer works fine with the same DVD. How can I "un-fuck" totem? [02:53] orgthingy, gimp is enough for me, but a friend is needing it. and i have some problems with the ps-installation trought wine-doors... do you know any tricks at wine-doors? [02:53] peefonic: Wine.. [02:53] neuromit: lock the screen so that the session is still up but locked [02:53] use Wine.. you can run some versions of Photoshop using Wine [02:54] Bruners: I only know how to do that with the desktop open, not from the terminal [02:54] I don't think PS CS3 works on wine at all [02:54] Photoshop CS2 can run in Wine [02:54] anyone know anything about phpmyadmin????? [02:54] I'm here ... there's a whole chapter on this stuff at http://us3.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch07.html [02:54] orgthingy, i've testes cs 2 +3 - nothing works [02:54] jmarsden: sweet. Thanks. [02:54] *tested* [02:54] peefonic: older versions [02:55] glitsj16: [02:55] test older versions of photoshop [02:55] glitsj16: i actually am doing the metacity --replace ,and compiz --replace [02:55] orgthingy, i've seen screenshots of cs3 working on ubuntu... [02:55] peefonic: considering CS2 works just fine on my machine in Wine, you might need to update your version [02:55] twb: you can try changing gstreamer's video output settings with gstreamer-properties (that command is part of the "gnome-media" package in the repo's) [02:55] peefonic: hmmm [02:55] Dfronius: there are more docs for Samba at http://www.samba.org some of which are for troubleshooting... see if you can find stuff about troubleshooting browsing there, too [02:55] yes [02:55] update ur version [02:55] update your wine and ubuntu [02:55] anyone can help with making Genius 8x6 mousepen work on uBuntu? I installed driver and all... just that cursor is not moving:) [02:55] pteeb: if that works for you, fine :) [02:56] nogagplz, i've ubuntu 8.04.1 - theres the newest version, isn't it? [02:56] Of Wine. [02:56] An application is preventing the volume 'External_HD' from being unmounted. << how can i force it to unmount it? [02:56] nogagplz, of wine [02:56] anyone know why Ubuntu forgets I have installed the nVidia drivers for my graphics card? I have to uninstall them, reinstall them and then restart the laptop atleast once a day for Ubuntu to remember it has them installed [02:56] i forgot the "forced" unmounting command [02:57] hi room [02:57] * Silver_Raven waves [02:57] 1.1.1 is latest Wine peefonic. As far as Ubuntu goes Pulseaudio ruins the sound part of Wine, but if all you need it for is Photoshop then you should be fine [02:57] Dephenom, sudo nvidia-xconfig, then restart X. [02:57] I want to resize my ntfs partition, but I'd rather avoid using ntfsresize and then fdisk.. gparted doesnt seem to be able to resize ntfs partitions, is there another graphical tool for that ? I remember in the ubuntu installer there was a graphical tool capable of doing that [02:58] neuromit: found it to be C-a C-x :) [02:58] orgthingy: Do you mean the -f option to the umount command? [02:58] im breathing heavy [02:58] in about 30 seconds im gonna get banned [02:58] probably [02:58] let me try it [02:59] USPLASH ISNT WORKING [02:59] orgthingy: Or, try using lsof to see what file is opened by what app, and close the app concerned? [02:59] glitsj16: upon advice from #emacs, I tried totem-xine, and it works fine. I've stopped caring about this issue for now. [02:59] Ahadiel, i have, but Ubuntu forgets I have the drivers installed and reverts to the generic drivers, can you explain why? if not im going back to CentOS the OS that does not forget things [02:59] nogagplz, my version is 1.0 - so i'll update [02:59] bash: unmount: command not found [02:59] Dephenom, pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:59] orgthingy: umount has no n in it. [02:59] wow. That was a long list [03:00] save me please [03:00] twb: no problem :) [03:00] ops [03:01] how can i install programs from intrepid in my hardy installation making as less "damage" as possible? ie, install what i want, and its dependencies, but dont use intrepid repositories for updating current installed packages [03:01] simard: gparted works fine with NTFS, and it's the same as what is on the live cd under the name 'partiton editor' .. did you unmount the partiton before trying to use gparted on it ? [03:02] zce: download the packages manually and install using dpkg -i whatever.deb ? [03:02] jmarsden, er, is it the only way? because it will require lots of dependencies [03:04] zce: I'm not sure... you could try making an intrepid chroot and so installing a separate somewhat virtual installation, if you prefer?? [03:05] hello everyone [03:05] Or just resize some partitions and do a real Intrepid install in the spare space you make? [03:05] glitsj16, yeah... no.. :) [03:05] glitsj16, that could be it :P [03:06] hi folks [03:06] I read the wiki about upgrading from a CD, cause I tried upgrading prerelease and it didn't work and then it started complaining about the failed upgrade. So I tried what the wiki said about commenting out stuff in sources.list in /etc/apt/ and tried it but it didn't work. Is there another way? [03:06] zce: why not install alpha2 of intrepid on a spare partiton if you've got the HD space ? less dependency hell that way .. [03:06] can i change the "position" of a partition on a GUID table? [03:06] I'm pretty new to linux but howcome i dont have have a root account? :s [03:06] so i want hda5 to be hda4 for example [03:06] well i might install the full intrepid then, nothing much to loose [03:07] zce: Go for it :-) [03:07] is there any chance i can change the order of partitions (hda1-5) without reformatting? [03:08] Ahadiel, sorry bout that Ubuntu crashed, my xorg.conf is http://pastebin.ca/1078021 [03:08] jmarsden, how do i install it? is there a install cd hidden somewhere? :P [03:08] zce: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha2 [03:08] when you are making a launcher, can you put more than one terminal command no the command line? [03:08] hum lets say I want to create 3 partitions for 3 linux distros, can I create only one swap and share it for the 3 linuxes ? obvisouly no two can run simultenaously [03:08] oh thanks [03:09] Dephenom, And what do you mean by, "Ubuntu forgets blah blah nvidia"? [03:09] simard: I don't really know, but I think swap is maybe used when hibernating. [03:09] simard: yes, no need to make 3 separate ones [03:10] I have firefox 3 beta 5 and when I play streaming videos I get them playing at a slower speed than they play on windows [03:10] can some one help me [03:10] puff, how much place is required to hibernate ? about equal to ram size ? more ? how much more ? [03:10] What do I need to be able to make the transparent background in GNOME Terminal display whatever is behind it and not just the desktop wallpaper? [03:10] Musli: Ubuntu does have a root account, but it's been disabled [03:10] Ahadiel, as in it does not remember I have it installed, how much simpler can that be? perhaps i should go back to CentOS, their community actually knows how to help the users [03:11] ok thx [03:11] Dephenom, With that attitude, I think you should go back to CentOS. You don't give me much to go with, you fail to elaborate on your problem. [03:11] tleeonly: what plugin do you use to play those vid's ? [03:11] Musli: only reason is that logging in as root gives an unbelievable amount of power over the system and one wrong command can trash everything... [03:12] yeah i know [03:12] hey all, got an ATI Radeon Mobility 200M and I'm trying to get a second output on the S-Video out, I've gone to the Screen Resolution menu and clicked "Detect Displays" but it doesn't pick up the S-Video, even if it's plugged in [03:12] flash player is what it uses [03:13] hello [03:13] tleeonly: if you're using the flash player 9, you might want to try the 10 beta .. lot's of issues with 9 [03:13] Ahadiel, how can i fail to elaborate on my problem, like I have said Ubuntu FORGETS I have installed the nVidia drivers, how hard is that to understand? [03:13] okay where can i find it [03:13] I need some help [03:13] I'm not sure what ati driver to install [03:13] hey whats good [03:13] i did the proprietary one [03:13] anyone running ibook gt ubuntu powerpc? [03:13] and it crash ubuntu [03:13] chadd, what video card do you have? [03:13] and i had to reinstall [03:14] Dephenom: it forgets it when? when you restart, when you have been away from your computer for 5 minutes? [03:14] tleeonly: at adobe's site, make sure you dwonload the tarball [03:14] ATI radeon x1650 pro agp 512mb [03:14] okay [03:14] Dephenom: are you sure you installed the drivers and not just unpacked them ? [03:14] thats what i have ventusignis [03:14] anyone running ibook gt ubuntu powerpc??? [03:14] That is odd... [03:14] g4 [03:14] booting up my custom ubuntu liveCD I don't have an eth0 -- help [03:14] hi [03:14] how do I open bin files in lInux? [03:15] zce: How do you install Intrepid? You can download an alpha release CD, I think! [03:15] * oc80z havin problem resume with ubuntu powerpc [03:15] Bruners, i need to uninstall and then reinstall them atleast once a day, i think my record is 8 times in the space of 24 hours [03:15] Musli, you do chmod +x binfile ; ./binfile [03:15] Musli: what do you want to do with the .bin file? edit it? run it? [03:15] oh a .bin file you need to burn it or mount it [03:15] i want to run it [03:15] i've updated wine to the newest version and the photoshop installation is breaking up after ten seconds... [03:15] it's the java file [03:15] Dephenom: do you restart each time and they are gone ? [03:15] i have searched and searched [03:15] jre-6u7-linux-i586.bin [03:15] and i have no idea what driver to dl [03:15] i want to install that file [03:16] and when i enable the one ubuntu recomends [03:16] i have to reinstall all of ubuntu [03:16] is anybody working with photoshop under ubuntu? [03:16] Bruners, well what does the helpful assistant at system > Administration > Hardware Drivers do? and no, the only time this laptop gets restarted is when I have to reinstall the drivers [03:16] Musli: just do sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre [03:17] ok thx m8 :) [03:17] and use the Ubuntu version of Java -- much safer. [03:17] i'm new on linux :) [03:17] D= [03:17] im sick and tired of fixng omputers [03:17] !offtopic | meoblast001 [03:17] meoblast001: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [03:18] how is that offtopic [03:18] Musli: always use a package intended for your exact Linux distro in preference to a generic .bin or similar package. You can use synaptic to search for software that is likely to be "safe" to install. [03:18] im sick and tired of requireing support that doesnt fix my computer [03:18] Dephenom: i have no idea what the assistant do, as i dont have ubuntu. BUT we need to know when are the drivers rolled back to the old drivers.. Do you install them and they get removed at once or is it a given time frame before they are removed? [03:18] does anyone know what drivers i should use? [03:18] yes i have used synaptic almost 4 every program that i have installed :) [03:19] ATI radeon x1650 pro agp 512mb [03:19] is my card [03:19] Musli: OK. That's good practice rather than using .bin files :-) [03:19] Can somebody tell me if it is possible to upgrade Ubuntu Edgy to the latest Ubuntu from DVD? [03:19] and the drivers that ubuntu reccomends don't work [03:19] i need help with genius drawing tablet pls :( cursor doesn't move.... anyone?:( [03:19] Hi, where's m ygnome theme saved? I want to export my theme to another machine so I've to know where they're, anyone? [03:20] Bruners, its a timeframe i would guess, i can always tell as when i watch a video, any format, the playback stalls if the drivers have been forgotten about [03:20] Dephenom: are you sure its the driver that is rolled back and not something else that is causing it? [03:20] gnome themes for your user should be in the user folder, but a hidden file [03:20] chadd: Is any info at http://www.linuxcompatible.org/Radeon_X1650_Pro__c13525.html relevant to your issue? [03:21] Dephenom: and is the driver rolled back? are you sure the assistan really installed the driver for you ? [03:21] chadd: did check out this forum post on Linux Questions? --> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/config-trouble-with-ati-radeon-x1650-pro-512mb-610120/ [03:21] I'm trying to transfer files from my laptop to my server over ssh, but I can't seem to get the permissions right. Can someone help me out? [03:21] ghindo: you using the scp command? [03:21] looking now ty [03:22] any other instant messenger other than pidgin? [03:22] Bruners, yes the assistant installs it as after the hassle of uninstalling then reinstalling then rebooting the video works fine [03:22] swamptin: Yes. Is there another command I should be using? [03:22] not that I'm aware of. :) [03:22] Any Ops around...? I see the Floodbots are battling each other again.... [03:22] ghindo: the -p option to scp preserves file perms, is that what you need? [03:23] One problem I usually have is forgetting simple things like th ":" at the end of your server address [03:23] K350: try looking for /home/(your user name)/.themes I think that is the folder you will want [03:23] Dephenom: ok, have you tried to install the driver manual from console? GUI-installers are not always 100% [03:23] hmm [03:23] they both say that the proprietary driver should work [03:24] jmarsden: I don't think so. Even with the -p option, I get a "Permission denied" message [03:24] btw my ubuntu is installed via wubi [03:24] chadd: check out the url at the top of the forum post. There's loads of info there [03:24] ghindo: Then the files at the remote end are probably not wrteable by you and you are trying to overwrite them? [03:24] Bruners, if i knew the commands i would try, but I always thought that Ubuntu was aimed at new Linux users [03:25] ghindo: You may need to set them 644 (and directories to 755) before doing the scp [03:25] jmarsden: How do I do that? [03:25] ghindo: Do you have ssh shell access to the remote server? [03:26] jmarsden: Yes. [03:26] Then ssh in there and use chmod 0644 somefile, or chmod 644 * or whatever is appropriate [03:26] Dephenom: google install nvidia drivers linux, follow the first link, the guide there should make things work. I would have given you the URL but i cant. All OS'es have trouble with some hardware, it cant always be foolproof. [03:26] or just delete the old files using rm [03:26] installing flash player 10 beta did not help it still runs slow [03:27] jmarsden: Cool, thanks [03:27] is there a Channel Ops in here that's awake? [03:27] tleeonly: too bad, are you using a proxy or anything ? [03:27] no [03:27] ghindo: No Problem. [03:28] I currently have heron running a headless torrent server/client. Does it make any sense to set up one NIC for WAN and the other for LAN to balance its interface load? [03:28] danc3, what do you want? [03:28] arvind_khadri: are you aware that the Floodbots are fighting again? [03:28] hey guys, I am trying hard to understand why podcasts are but all in vain, can anybody help me to play something in rhythmbox [03:28] danc3, i just came now... will tell the op... [03:28] arvind_khadri: one sets mode +J and then the other sets it back to -J [03:29] Dephenom: if you change the goodle search from linux to ubuntu you will find more guides directed to ubuntu [03:29] arvind_khadri: thx [03:29] danc3, well is it something serious? [03:29] is there a way to launch a program right at startup? i want to have synergy activated for my login screen [03:29] thanks Bruners ill give that a shot, at least someone in here took the time to try and help, even if i did have to ask several times over several days and being ignored [03:29] well, yeah, it's senseless, and creates quite a bit of chatter/spam traffic in here [03:30] hey i would like my ubuntu 8.04 server to install security updates automatically. i know how to do this in desktop ubuntu with the GUI but where is the actual configuration file so i can edit it for the server? [03:30] danc3, oh ok :) [03:30] how do i make it so usplash will display on shutdown? [03:30] Dephenom: I'm getting payed while sitting here so no problem :P [03:31] can anybody help me to play a single podcast in rhythmbox. [03:31] :( [03:31] now watch Floodbot1 set it back [03:31] !ops > danc3 [03:31] danc3, please see my private message [03:31] arvind_khadri: yes, i know... [03:31] jmarsden: Even after using chmod, I still get a "Permission denied" message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28882/ [03:31] hello how can i install a newer kernel from disk? [03:31] tleeonly: okay, running out of ideas on this .. are you experiencing this with .swf or .flv files or both ? [03:31] Bruners, lucky you [03:31] What do I need to be able to make the transparent background in GNOME Terminal display whatever is behind it and not just the desktop wallpaper? [03:31] Hobbsee, ?? [03:31] arvind_khadri: (no need to call ops) [03:32] Hobbsee, oh ok :) [03:32] i'm using ubuntu server 8.04 and can't get X to start [03:32] Hobbsee, never saw you around... === Desuism is now known as jlulian38 [03:32] ghindo: does the user michael own the file /var/www/index.html ? [03:32] I have downloaded videos and they play fine [03:32] dbbolton, do you get errors// [03:32] ghindo: If you want to you can try rm /var/www/index.html in the ssh shell first? [03:33] kevinO, you need to compile a kernel from source [03:33] , i posted the output here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865676 === Pici` is now known as Pici [03:33] dbbolton: have you installed X? and do you have any error codes that can help locate the problem [03:33] how do i make it so usplash will display on shutdown? [03:33] bruners, yes, and i pasted the output here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865676 [03:34] jmarsden: I tried the rm command and I'm still denied permission [03:34] Then that's not your file. Do you have root on the remote server? [03:34] ventusignis, use the Profiles under view tab [03:35] jmarsden: I think so? [03:35] ghindo: This is not a ssh or scp issue at all, just a basic Unix/Linxu file permissions thing. [03:35] Not entirely sure [03:35] ghindo: So become root on the remote machine and then rm that file. [03:35] ifel [03:35] dbbolton, how do you start X?? [03:35] ghindo, you need to be www-data not michael when logging on to the server to be able to write to /var/www [03:36] i have tried slim and startx [03:36] unop: How do I go about doing that? [03:36] dbbolton, well do you use GNOME or KDE [03:36] none, it's ubuntu server [03:37] i installed slim as a login manager [03:37] ghindo, well, the best way actually is to make michael a member of the www-data group on the server [03:37] dbbolton, ok so you dont have a GUI .. hang on === zevo is now known as The_Warlock [03:37] i do have xfce installed but havent been able to use it yet [03:37] dbbolton, meanwhile ask #ubuntu-server === The_Warlock is now known as Zevo [03:37] ok [03:38] ghindo, to do that, log on the server and issue this. sudo useradd michael www-data [03:38] whats the man page for time formats. I want to change the time from 24hour to 12 hour. [03:38] dbbolton, to start xfce use sudo /etc/init.d/xdm start [03:38] anyone know of some good taskbar applications besides tint, pypanel, and fbpanel? [03:38] Blaqlight, follow the man pages of date [03:39] I have a direct connection to the internet [03:39] xdm isn't installed [03:39] i can start the slim daemon just fine, but it fails without x [03:40] dbbolton, how did you install xfce? [03:40] why dont they have a #usplash? [03:40] aptitude install xfce4 [03:40] Hi, I was wondering if I could get some help getting my sound to work with Ubuntu? [03:40] tleeonly: can't think of anything else that might cause your issue sorry, hope someone chimes in to help you out .. [03:40] dbbolton, you should have done sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [03:40] 1 CDs requested on 2008-06-27. This request was not approved, so no CDs were shipped. [03:40] why would that happen? :< [03:41] i don't want xubuntu desktop [03:41] CShadowRun: We aren't shipit, sorry. [03:41] i ordered ubuntu, ubuntu64, kubuntu, and that order was for kubuntu64...and it got denied [03:41] it has more stuff than i need [03:41] lol [03:41] dbbolton, its same as xfce... [03:41] lame :( [03:41] hello does anyone here have an ati x1200 who can help me optimize it¡?? [03:41] i wanted to put kubuntu on my 64bit machine. [03:41] dbbolton, anyways just hang on [03:42] unop: Thanks! [03:42] CShadowRun, they probably don't shipit to your area or you have too many items on your order [03:42] ghindo, working now? [03:42] unop: Lemme check... [03:42] unop well i ordered 3 things before and they came through, but they decided not to send me kubuntu-64 :( [03:43] hello, how can i make my 128 mb video card use the other 256 mb it can borrow?? [03:43] * CShadowRun tries to get it again [03:43] CShadowRun, why dont you download it? [03:44] because i want the original disk, because it's just cool :) [03:44] i like the official ones. [03:44] unop: Doesn't look like it, no. The user "michael" is in the "www-data" group on the server, but when I try to scp the file, I still get a permission denied message [03:45] ghindo, what are the permissions and ownership on /var/www like? ls -ld /var/www [03:45] any body from indonesia? [03:45] !id | ibos [03:45] ibos: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia [03:45] unop: drw-r--r-- 2 root root 4096 2008-07-20 19:33 /var/www/ [03:46] CShadowRun, but it costs them money a lot ... :) [03:46] true, i should probably fire a donation at them :) [03:47] ghindo, ahh, root owns the directory not www-data. sudo chgrp www-data /var/www && sudo chmod 775 /var/www [03:47] arvind_khadri: thanks for the date thing. now it makes a little sense instead of me counting all the freakin time. [03:48] Blaqlight, :D welcome [03:48] hello all! i'm using an acer laptop and wanted to know if there's a way to turn off the screen while the computer is still running (for overnight downloads, for example) [03:48] CShadowRun, you probably have ordered your quota worth of CDs already - that might be a reason too [03:48] Sure. Close the screen. [03:48] maybe [03:48] dbbolton, to start xfce use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start [03:49] !metisse [03:49] Metisse is Mandriva's composite window manager. For more information, see http://www.mandriva.com/projects/metisse [03:49] dbbolton, or you can use sudo startxfce4 [03:49] what does the 'build-essential' package pul in [03:49] Omlette: I assume they want to continue the downloads... [03:49] gdm isn't installed [03:49] !build-essential | pembo13 [03:49] pembo13: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [03:49] if startx doesn't work, why would anything else work? [03:49] unop: Works great now, thanks so much! Permissions always throw me off :p [03:50] I just used EnvyNG to install nvidia support. How do I tell if it worked? Still can't get compiz to work. [03:50] ghindo, it's common sense really :) [03:50] dbbolton, ok .. how can you start X without having a gui... [03:50] like i said, startx [03:51] dbbolton, and after starting X what do you have?? [03:51] dbbolton, how does startx fail? [03:51] arvind_khadri: that link does not say what packages it pulls in [03:51] arvind_khadri: ummmm, with the "startx" command? [03:51] unop here is the output of startx http://pastebin.us/?show=d4464addf [03:51] pembo13, it pulls in a lib which has all the ASCI C header files [03:51] Hi all, I would like to set static IP for lan on this ubuntu 8.04 pc....how do I do this (preferably gui) [03:51] danc3, yeah... [03:51] hello [03:52] im using hardy [03:52] arvind_khadri: ok [03:52] dbbolton: it's telling you that there are no valid modes defined for "screen1". Edit xorg.conf to fix. [03:52] and it seems there is no way to tell grub to start in runlevel 3 or change the runlevels [03:52] kirou, ask away :) [03:52] is that truc ? [03:52] true [03:52] Right now address is something like xxx.xxx.xxx.152 and I want it to be 153 [03:52] danc3 i tried mv'ing the xorg.conf file and it still faild with the same error [03:52] arvind_khadri, I already enabled it that way. It just displays the terminal text over the desktop background. Do I need compiz since I'm using fglrx? [03:53] dbbolton: mv'ing it from where??? [03:53] dbbolton: you need to configure x without it startx is useless. [03:53] danc3 i did mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.old [03:53] can anyone help a ubuntu noob install/fix drivers for an ati radeon? [03:53] dbbolton, well, the error message here says xorg is using the xorg.conf and it has no modes defined - why don't you edit the xorg.conf and explicitly set the modes [03:53] ? [03:53] Dante123, system-->admin-->network i think [03:53] ventusignis, so you want desktop over terminal ... i have no idea about that am sorry [03:54] unop let me show you the xorg.conf [03:54] dbbolton: ok, well you don't have a valid xorg.conf, and need to edit it [03:54] Hello..installed 32 bit 7.10, upgraded to 8.04 and I am fully patched. Any way to upgrade to 64 bit without reloading [03:54] has anyone had success with Envyng? [03:54] dbbolton: the error seems to be inside your xorg.conf file, moving it would give the same error as it still cant find anything [03:54] sheesh [03:54] Blaqlight, xorq is capable of working without a xorg.conf (the newer versions of xorg atleast) [03:54] Blaqlight, it's almost automagic [03:54] unop Bruners here it is http://pastebin.us/?show=d5ecdb46f [03:54] Fezzler, i did [03:54] i mean i need to try runlevel 3 to test if gdm is posing problem to xen [03:54] <---- super linux/ubuntu noob needs help with ati drivers install [03:54] Dante123, you need to disable roaming mode, and then you can set the IP to manual configuration [03:54] unop: I noticed that, my xorg.conf references atleast 4 different other files. [03:55] how can i do else than creating an inittab file ? [03:55] TWO FACE FALLS TO DEATH RACHEL GETS BLOWN UP JOKER DOESNT DIE [03:55] TWO FACE KILLS A COUPKLE PEOPLE AND BATMAN TAKES THE BLAME TO PROTECT DENTS REP AT THE END [03:55] .....alright then. [03:55] arvind_khadri: I justed used it to install nvidia support but I can't tell if it is enabling 3D? [03:55] Hi all [03:55] hello all! i'm using an acer laptop and wanted to know if there's a way to turn off the screen while the computer is still running (for overnight downloads, for example) [03:55] some people live such eventful and helpful lives [03:55] Fezzler, after installing did you reboot?? [03:56] i'm having vnc annoyances [03:56] I can't get any sound at all on my IBM thinkpad T30 after installing ubuntu, can anyone help? [03:56] nadine close the lid :D [03:56] Hello..installed 32 bit 7.10, upgraded to 8.04 and I am fully patched. Any way to upgrade to 64 bit without reloading [03:56] Fezzler: glxinfo |grep direct [03:56] arvind_khadri: I did Ctrl-Alt-BSPC [03:56] nadine if you close the lid your down will stop. [03:56] dbbolton: :-P [03:56] download* [03:56] Blaqlight: yes, i know. [03:57] @all anyone knows how to play video in windowed mode without windowframe?! [03:57] Fezzler, that restarts only your X reboot your machine once after you have installed the drivers [03:57] nadine check under your power settings. in gnome, System > Preferences [03:57] Jeffreyf, No, the only way to go from 32-bit to 64-bit is a fresh install. [03:57] nadine, couldn't you just set your power settings to turn off the display after x minutes? [03:57] does anyone know how to manage ports using the command line [03:57] nadine: omg you do, my job is done here. [03:57] arvind_khadri: Okay. I'll reboot and BRB. [03:57] unop did you see any problem with my xorg.conf ? [03:57] vbman11, iptables? [03:57] vbman11: ports as it network (TCP) ports? or what kind of ports? [03:58] Wiil, check your alsamixer [03:58] dbbolton, yea, i'm just looking to see how the radeon driver is being used rather than vesa as per your xorg.conf [03:58] how do I check that? I'm rather new to this stuff [03:58] like my vnc hates me (port 5900) [03:58] squarebracket: uh. i'm a bit puzzled as to why i didn't think of that. [03:58] unop i tried ati driver then vesa [03:58] vbman11: Be more specific. What are you trying to do and what happens? [03:58] im considering buying a new pc... if i go with hp, will they put ubuntu on it for me? [03:58] vbman11: Maybe try 5901 [03:58] Wiil, ok open your terminal and type alsamixer [03:58] squarebracket: thanks, i'll give it a whirl. [03:58] i dont want microsoft getting a single penny out of me [03:58] most likely not meoblast001 [03:59] vbman11: firestarter will do it with a GUI, try man iptables for CLI [03:59] meoblast001: Dell has some models with preinstalled Ubuntu. Not sure about HP. [03:59] nadine, no trouble :) [03:59] dbbolton: check here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/create-a-xorgconf-file.html [03:59] meoblast001, hp likes debian :) [03:59] Ahadiel: Any way of reinstalling without losing my current setup? Or is this a case of wipe clean and go from scratch? [03:59] well everytime I want to use vnc I have to open firestarter and turn off my firewall [03:59] arvind_khadri: nothing is low or muted.. [03:59] jmarsden: im on a Dell right now and i hate it.... i want to stay away from dell [03:59] and I have tried different ports [03:59] Maybe system76 [03:59] Jeffreyf: If you have your homedir on a separate partition, you can reinstall around it. [03:59] Wiil, hmm all levels are up ?? [04:00] Jeffreyf: If you don't have your homedir on a separate partition, you can move it to one: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome [04:00] vbman11: Do you want to use a vnc client on this PC, or a VNC server? [04:00] Wiil: click System -> Preferences -> Sound & video [04:00] meoblast001: there is no fun in it if it comes preloaded. [04:00] dbbolton, have you tried reconfiguring xorg with dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg ? [04:00] squarebracket: now i remember - the power management options are "blank screen" - which isn't the same as turning it off, no? [04:00] I am looking at some CPUs on newegg.com and they all have wattage rattings, does anyone know if that is the max, average or base? [04:00] is there any way to deny specific executables audio access in ubuntu? without the process knowing /crashing? is there a program for it? [04:00] unop i haven't tried the -plow option === Exteris is now known as Exteris^ [04:00] unop what does it do differently? [04:00] Wiil: is it set to ALSA for playback or Auto? === Exteris^ is now known as Exteris [04:00] Blaqlight: I just want to have my firewall turned off as default [04:00] dbbolton, well, that wouldn't really make a difference [04:01] meoblast001: OK, try http://www.zareason.com/ maybe? [04:01] dbbolton: it mentions the correct command at the top of xorg.conf. (or did) [04:01] dbbolton, just wondering how xorg.conf was created when you tried that command [04:01] Its set to auto [04:01] shouldit be onAlso? [04:01] er [04:01] Alsa? [04:01] unop i can try it again [04:01] jmarsden: connecting to another computer [04:01] change it to alsa there and see what happens [04:01] nadine, not sure if "put display to sleep" means blank screen or turn off. on my laptop i have it set to just turn off the display when the lid is closed rather than sleep. [04:01] dbbolton: also http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/xorg-config.xml [04:01] dbbolton, ok, pastebin xorg.conf when you are done [04:02] it's a fix I just read about in Linux Mag today :D [04:02] unop ok brb [04:02] Flannel: Thanks......I will back up my /home directory AND try the link. [04:02] vbman11: If you want no firewall, why did you install firestarter at all?? Seems odd...? [04:02] Wiil, alsa [04:02] uninstalling it should do what you need? :-) [04:02] ok the tests are working, i think I got it [04:02] thanks alot guys! [04:02] What performance deficits exist by having 32 bit on a 64 bit system? [04:02] Jeffreyf, none [04:02] Jeffreyf: Also you'll want to back up anything in /etc that you've changed manually. Then you can get a package list via !cloning [04:02] Wiil, welcome [04:03] is there any way to deny specific executables audio access in ubuntu? without the process knowing /crashing? is there a program for it? [04:03] Jeffreyf, flash will work, if you call that a deficit [04:03] jmarsden: doesn't the kernel have some sort of firewall built in?... no matter whether or not firestarter is installed or not? [04:03] !firewall | Blaqlight, jmarsden [04:03] Blaqlight, jmarsden: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [04:03] My Motorola Surfuboard SB5101 cablemodem through USB cannot be detected by Ubuntu since yesterday. It was working perfectly before some Ubuntu updates. Now it is not detected and I cannot connect to the net using the USB port. Any help would be appreciated. [04:03] Blaqlight, iptables === deny is now known as cow_cari_cw [04:04] squarebracket: thanks, i'll try those optionsà [04:04] FrankiBoi: connect using ethernet, USB sucks for that use anyway [04:04] thats what I thought. [04:04] Thanks everyone.......Nothing important was customized so I will backup to a network share and reload.....thank god it isn't as painful as a windows install as far as time spent! [04:04] danc3, I've been using USB for two years and no problems before yesterday after some updates. [04:04] arvind_khadri: Ok. Rebooted. Now how do I tell if Envyng is working? [04:05] sysmy file system has turned read only several times now..... what do i do? its a brand new hard drive and has recently been running fsck. [04:05] Blaqlight: it has the iptables capabilities that firestarter manages, but by default they are not (as far as I know) turned on. [04:05] Fezzler, try using compiz now [04:05] FrankiBoi: sounds like something in the updates broke the USB... anyway ethernet is FAR preferred for cablemodem connection. Is there some reason you don't want to use an ethernet cable connection? [04:05] jmarsden: I installed it so I could turn it off, by default the firewall is on even without a frontend gui like firestarter [04:05] Blaqlight: try sudo /sbin/iptables -L on a PC with a default Ubuntu install... it is all set to accept [04:05] alt f2 compiz --replace Fezzler [04:06] Do I have to first set Appearance Preferences>Visual Effects>Extra? [04:06] danc3, yes there is a reason. I use the Ethernet for my sisters computer and the USB for mine! [04:06] vbman11: Not so. See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/28885/ [04:06] Fezzler, you have ccsm installed? [04:06] FrankiBoi: get a router [04:06] Fezzler, set on some effects there and then turn it on :) [04:06] FrankiBoi: not only will that allow you to both use the cablemodem, but it will provide a firewall for protection [04:06] danc3, I just want to undo the updates that cause my USB connection to stop working [04:06] FrankiBoi: dunno [04:06] ok [04:06] anybody has problems with ubuntu xen kernel and xorg ? [04:06] anyone know how to make a program (such as pidgin) start automatically upon login? [04:06] that's the wrong approach [04:07] FrankiBoi, try using an earlier kernel [04:07] vbman11: I'd suggest you uninstall firestarter and then we can do from there to see if any firewall rules are still set to deny on your system. [04:07] how do i change the kernetl? [04:07] is a Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100 good? [04:07] what's the best media player in ubuntu? [04:07] omni, put in sessions startup [04:07] omni, go to System->preferences->session there add pidgin [04:07] meoblast001: good for what? [04:07] meoblast001, yes [04:07] jmarsden: I'll try that [04:07] meoblast001: that question can't be answered [04:08] HI, I am in the middle of upgrading from 7.1 to 8.9 using the Update tool on 7.1 , but it is stuck in the installing the upgrade option, 80% done. Something is blocking.. What should I do . Is it safe to reboot and try to see if I can continue upgrade process ? [04:08] !anybody | kirou [04:08] kirou: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [04:08] winamp fan minus the freezing [04:08] bazhang: danc3: does it perform better than my Intel 915GM? [04:08] meoblast001: yes [04:08] meoblast001, yes [04:08] been using audacious....any recommendations? [04:08] arvind_khadri: thanks :) [04:08] bazhang: compiz -- replace produces error [04:08] danc3: bazhang: how much? [04:08] hosified, that is very good for mp3; vlc for vid [04:08] meoblast001: but it's not "good" compared to some other video cards [04:08] how much what? [04:08] bazhang: Yes, I have ccsm installed [04:08] Fezzler, no spaces after -- [04:08] danc3: how much faster? [04:09] HI, I am in the middle of upgrading from 7.1 to 8.9 using the Update tool on 7.1 , but it is stuck in the installing the upgrade option, 80% done. Something is blocking.. What should I do . Is it safe to reboot and try to see if I can continue upgrade process ? [04:09] meoblast001: dunno, google it yourself [04:09] tomvolek_, have the packages been downloaded?? [04:09] danc3: i cant even play Nexuiz without saying the frame rate blows [04:09] meoblast001, check reviews online [04:09] meoblast001: what 3D apps are you expecting to run on the new machine? [04:09] unop, you still around? [04:09] jmarsden: ok i'm going to logout and back in and check the iptables again [04:09] bazhang: thanks, I just found audacious to be a little "empty"...no skins, presets, visualization...:) [04:09] arvind_khadri: Set some effects and turn what on? [04:09] I guess i'm greedy [04:09] Fezzler, compiz [04:09] meoblast001: you probably don't have a 3D accelerated video driver loaded for it [04:09] danc3, how do I undo the updates that caused my USB cablemodem to disappear? [04:09] is there any way to deny specific executables audio access in ubuntu? without the process knowing /crashing? is there a program for it? [04:09] get an Nvidia card if you want to game [04:10] yes arvin, the "getting new [pacjkages " stage is done ... It was in the middle of installing the u[pgrade option [04:10] FrankiBoi: no idea [04:10] !ccsm | Fezzler [04:10] Fezzler: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [04:10] danc3: how would i check? [04:10] What's the command to check a programs version from terminal? [04:10] seraph_, apt-cache policy [04:10] arvind_khadri: Thanks [04:11] seraph_, welcome :) [04:11] meoblast001: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for what drivers it has in there? [04:11] usually, command -v or command --version will show it === cow_cari_cw is now known as cow_cute_abezz [04:11] bazhang: Error: Checking for Xgl: xvinfo: Unable to open display not present [04:11] Hey guys...my friend is having a problem upgrading from 7.04 to 7.10. I think his sources.list file is messed up. Where can I get a copy of another one that will allow him to upgrade to Gutsy? [04:11] Fezzler, you got the appearances set to some? [04:11] jmarsden: command? === cow_cute_abezz is now known as cow_cute-abizz [04:11] is there any way to deny specific executables audio access in ubuntu? without the process knowing /crashing? is there a program for it? [04:11] yes arvind_khadri : the "getting new [pacjkages " stage is done ... It was in the middle of installing the u[pgrade option [04:11] CTD1, which [04:12] meoblast001: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf # I said this already, I think!? [04:12] arvind_khadri: ccsm install, stuff set, not effects. [04:12] when i try to start x, my monitor says "no input signal" and turns off [04:12] bazhang which? [04:12] ajax4, build the file from scratch [04:12] CTD1, which apps [04:12] bazhang: Yes. A bunch === deny is now known as cwo_cute_abizz [04:12] arvind_khadri: How do I do that? [04:12] Fezzler, pastebin xorg.conf [04:12] tomvolek_, you can stop the install and continue it later with dpkg [04:13] tomvolek_, so its better you leave the system as it is... as if you reboot now..things willbreak terribly [04:13] jmarsden: it has 7 drivers... but i think your looking for intel [04:13] jmarsden: its intel [04:13] i'm having problems where my fs (ext3) is turning ro. i have a seagate 300gb hard drive and a bout to run seatools.... long test/short test? [04:13] its just a program im running that plays loud sounds and if sound is turned off as a program preference the program is buggy, how do i deny it audio access without it being unstable bazhang? [04:13] anyone know of a convenient translation app, perhaps as a box I can leave open on the toolbar, for translating text quickly? [04:13] CTD1, which program [04:13] does ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO have good linux support? [04:13] bazhang: ok. compiz --check reports Xgl not present. [04:13] does ATI anything have good linux support? [04:13] meoblast001, this is not the right channel to ask about hardware [04:14] the name of the program is irrelevant to my question bazhang [04:14] dbbolton: Can you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [04:14] arvind_khadri : I am not clear what i need to do. The upgrade Window is totally none responding, and I can not close the window [04:14] CTD1, well no idea then [04:14] jmarsden, just tried it [04:14] bazhang: what... is there a #ubuntu-hardware now?... i dont think there is anywhere to ask sadly [04:14] #hardware or online reviews meoblast001 [04:14] tomvolek_, you're upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04.1? [04:15] meoblast001: www.phoronix.com tracks ATI and nVidia driver support for Linux fairly well, check in their forums...? [04:15] bazhang: i like a second opinion cuz im sick of buying things and getting ripped off [04:15] i have a seagate 300gb 16MB cache PATA drive installed on a asus p5ne-sli mobo running ubuntu hardy (ext3 file system). recently i have been seeing the file system sporadically turn read only. ironically enough, i have already RMAd a drive with the same specs to seagate for this exact problem. this is a brand new drive out of the packaging a couple weeks ago. i'm running seagate's long test right now.... but if it comes b [04:15] ack ok... what else could be wrong? [04:15] HappyHater yes I am [04:15] bazhang: Whats the path to xorg.conf? etc/???/xorg.conf? [04:15] Fezzler: that is not the real error [04:15] meoblast001, as I said this is for ubuntu support not hardware check phoronix for example [04:15] there's a .1 for 8.04 already? [04:15] X11 Fezzler [04:15] Fezzler: /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:15] tomvolek_, lots of people have had the same problems with that including myself [04:15] crdlb: Okay, what then [04:15] sigh :( [04:16] Fezzler: dunno, I can't see the output :) [04:16] CTD1: if you use pulseaudio, that has a "remember volume" per application approach, try "pavucontrol" and set the level to what you want or mute even for that app, might do the trick [04:16] HappyHater .... I used the UpgradeManager [04:16] now it is stuck [04:16] Fezzler: but 'Xgl not present' is just an informational message [04:16] tomvolek_, check details it may need you to accept a license === cwo_cute_abizz is now known as cow_cute_abizz [04:16] yeah me too, I eventually had to recontinue the install through the terminal with dpkg though... and kept having to kill locale-gen for it to complete [04:17] can someone have a look at this for me and let me know if they can help me work around this upgrade issue? http://pastebin.com/m61372a7 [04:17] bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28889/ [04:17] no, sir it is stuck in installing new version of config /etc/belock/iso-639.. [04:17] how do i know if i use pulseaudio or not glitsj16? [04:17] ok questoin: while running seagate diagnostic test: it found an ERROR LBA 106532319 .... should i skip it, repair it, skip this one and all others, repair this one and all others? [04:18] when i try to start x, my monitor says "no input signal" and turns off [04:18] Fezzler, the driver seems right; when you alt f2 compiz --replace it does not respond? [04:18] what happens if i find the upgrade process id and kill it and try to run it again ? [04:18] dbbolton: If you have 2 cards or a dual-head adapter try the other plug [04:18] swamptin do sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade , that will simulate the upgrade and may give some clues [04:19] CTD1: well, see if the pulseaudio daemon is running at least, if "pidof pulseaudio" returns a process id number, it is running .. [04:19] Fezzler: pastebin the full output of compiz [04:19] bazhang: sudo glxinfo |grep direct [04:19] NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run. [04:19] Fezzler, what card [04:19] I'm having a font issue with Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox, the fonts are small and blurry. suggestions? [04:19] Fezzler: why would you use sudo for that? [04:19] does anybody know if UpgradeManager have a log file, so i can see what is it trying to do .. ? [04:20] nickrud: exact same output as before [04:20] troythetechguy, install better fonts /msg ubottu fonts for more info [04:20] ajax4, you around [04:20] crdl [04:20] what do i do for entertainment with ubuntu? [04:20] swamptin no conflicts, no nothing? [04:20] crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28890/ [04:20] arvind_k: Yes [04:20] CTD1: i believe gnome has a setting for sound as well where you can choose ALSA or any other sound server system, being on xubuntu i don't know the exact menu item for that .. browse around a bit, can't be too deeply hidden i suppose [04:20] crdlb: newbie knows no better [04:20] that process is running glitsj16 and i installed pavucontrol but it only shows preferences for pidgin instant messenger [04:20] nope. just came back with the same output as is in the pastebin post [04:20] i can't play media files and listen to firefox youtoobz at same time how do i fix [04:20] swamptin do you have any third party repos enabled? [04:21] ajax4, copy the sources.list from a working machine and then paste it to your freinds [04:21] possibly [04:21] CTD1: you need to play something with the app in question for it to show up in there [04:21] swamptin like medibuntu, etc [04:21] arvind_k: Ok thanks [04:21] genii, tried both plugs, the 2nd doesnt even work without x [04:21] bazhang: Thanks. Any idea what changes between 7.10 and 8.04? Fonts were fine in 7.10. [04:22] bazhang: nvidia GeForce FX 5500 [04:22] troythetechguy, fonts systemwide? or in FF or other [04:22] swamptin that is mentioned in your output, and I've seen it before. You can try sudo aptitude -s dist-upgrade, you may get different error messages [04:22] bazhang: APG [04:22] Fezzler: what CPU do you have? [04:22] crdlb: AMD Athlon [04:22] i want to download beastiality porn and muslims deservet to rule the world films how do i keep my family from seeing them? [04:22] bazhang: System wide, but I made some adjustments and now have only the fonts in FF to fix. [04:22] troythetechguy: xorg changed drastically between the two versions. [04:22] Fezzler: more specifically [04:23] slik ask elsewhere, we don't do porn [04:23] slik: Move out of your home? [04:23] Blaqlight: Ah, that probably explains it. [04:23] i've some issues according 2 ubuntu HH. Everyday my Ubuntu's start up getting slower and slower.. In fact, no additional application added...Any suggestion... [04:23] as did the font rendering. [04:23] Fezzler: pastebin the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' [04:23] did you update to ff3? [04:23] can someone tell me how I can put all my temp files in one location? [04:23] AMD Athlon 1202.142 MHz [04:23] troythetechguy, you checked fonts under appearances in system prefs? you can choose different options there [04:23] nickrud: it's doing something :D [04:24] my iq is 30 if i go to a group home i get sexually abused by bubba [04:24] Blaqlight: No, I'm using the FF3 that came with the 8.04 install. [04:24] crdlb: L2 cache 256 [04:24] v3nd3tta each app uses it's own setting all too often: you'll have to check each [04:24] slik, not here [04:24] nickrud thanks [04:24] hi guys, am trying to build a deb using `sudo checkinstall -D`, but am getting such error: /bin/sh /tmp/pidgin-2.4.3/install-sh -c -m 644 'icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pidgin.png' '/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pidgin.png' [04:24] chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/_inst.29824_': No such file or directory [04:24] It would not make a difference if I were to use KDE vs GNOME to correct the font issues, right? [04:25] crdlb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/28891/ [04:25] troythetechguy, not that I know of [04:25] bazhang: Still with me? [04:25] am not sure why it'll be looking for _inst.*_ insted? [04:25] s/insted/instead/ [04:25] yclian try sudo mkdir /usr/share/local/icons [04:25] Fezzler, not sure how well that card does compiz; might ask in their channel [04:25] troythetechguy: no as the WM do not render the fonts. [04:25] Fezzler: it seems that error message is not mistaken; your cpu really doesn't support SSE [04:25] bazhang: This is a tough one. No one can solve. This system work well under Fiesty and Gutsy [04:26] Fezzler: so according to the internets, you must use an older nvidia driver which does not require SSE [04:26] Fezzler, you may wish to use gutsy then [04:26] crdlb: But it worked in Feisty and Gutsy? [04:26] A lot of the forums I read said to use full hinting, but I don't notice any difference when I choose full vs medium. [04:26] Fezzler: yes, my last message explains why [04:26] crdlb: Can I use an old driver with HArdy? [04:27] nickrud: the directory is there. the install/copy part seems fine to me, looks more like the chmod part that's failing. [04:27] Fezzler: it looks like 100.14.19 is the last release that doesn't need SSE [04:27] yclian checkinstall has it's limits ... [04:27] nickrud: got this -> http://pastebin.com/m2a745542 [04:27] crdlb: Should I use Envy again? [04:27] Fezzler: yes, athough in future versions of ubuntu, you'll have to switch to the legacy 96.xx version of the driver [04:28] troythetechguy: your only having font rendering issues with FF? [04:28] in setting a nfs exports all I have to do is path/to/file/to/share 192.168.blah.blah(rw) is this correct? [04:28] crdlb: No autodetect? [04:28] whats the easiest way to vpn on ubuntu [04:28] Fezzler: either that or install nvidia-glx (which is an older version) from the repos [04:28] nickrud, Ah. I saw that /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ ain't there. let me give that a fix. [04:28] Fezzler: autodetect of what? [04:28] nickrud, thanks and "I'll be bakc in a minute :) [04:28] and from what I can tell, any third party stuff has been removed, I think. It's not selected in package manager anyway === narg_ is now known as narg [04:28] swamptin looking, a sec [04:28] anyone vpn on ubuntu? [04:28] Help I can't enter my system I get a error message grub 15 [04:29] benito, openvpn? client yes, never set up the server before. [04:29] Blaqlight: Yes. I had issue earlier with xterm, but some change I made along the way fixed it. Now I just need to fix FF. [04:29] Hey there, I'm a new user, running a LiveCD. I've got an HP dv2845se, and the only problem I'm having right now is getting my computer to pick up my wireless network... any advice? [04:29] crdlb: I have tried to install the old driver but when I enable it with Hardware Drivers after installation, HD automatically uninstalls the old and replaces it with "new" [04:29] glitsj16 ive restartant pavucontrol and the process that is continually making sounds and it still only shows pidgin [04:29] I removed my swap partition sda4 and created another one, now it's named sda7, if I change 4 to 7 in fstab, will this do ? I am asking because of the UUID [04:29] swamptin all I see happening is unused stuff (according to aptitude) being removed. I personally would let it. Not sure if that will fix your update manager issue [04:29] Help I can't enter my system I get a error message grub 15 [04:30] ExProtagonist, what does lspci in terminal show the wireless chipset to be (just the one line) [04:30] crdlb: Don't I have to use Hardware Drivers to enable the nvidia drivers once installed? [04:30] simard: UUID changes, blkid to see UUIDs. You probably have a UUID as the functioning part in fstab, the sda4 is just a comment [04:30] hey, does anyone recommend a good music player to play mp3's on ubuntu hardy? [04:30] troythetechguy: what is the minimum font size in FF? [04:30] CTD1: hang on, checking something .. give me a minute [04:30] Shish_, my favorite is amarok [04:30] nickrud: ya. doesn't though. Arragh I'll go back to poking aroud again myself. thanks [04:30] Shish_, minimal is audacious [04:31] squarebracket: thanks [04:31] Fezzler: just manually install nvidia-glx. the hardware drivers manager has no way of knowing that your system cannot use nvidia-glx-new (I wouldn't be surprised if the ubuntu developers weren't aware of this new SSE requirement) [04:31] Is there any way to install the .NET framework 3.0 in WINE? I can't find it via google, because of .net domains. [04:31] try running update-manager in a terminal, it may spit out some error messages [04:31] bazhang: thank you [04:31] np [04:31] Blaqlight: Says "none" [04:31] bazhang: ...Haha, note the phrase "new user"... I'm totally new to all of this. I can pull up a terminal window, then what do you need? [04:31] how to play Urban Terror with sound and make Totem play music in background at same time??? [04:31] FuRom, check appdb [04:31] in setting a nfs exports all I have to do is path/to/file/to/share 192.168.blah.blah(rw) is this correct? [04:31] Help I can't enter my system I get a error message grub 15 [04:31] troythetechguy: make it 16 [04:31] crd [04:31] swamptin you would have to run those commands again, without the -s . That forced a simulation, nothing was actually done. [04:31] crdlb: okay. brb. [04:31] dazhang, what is "appdb"? [04:32] ExProtagonist, simply type lspci and note the wireless chipset such as atheros broadcom intel etc [04:32] troythetechguy: then close and reopen [04:32] !appdb | FuRom [04:32] FuRom: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org [04:32] Ah, thank you [04:32] FuRom, also see #winehq channel [04:32] cow_cute_19 [04:32] troythetechguy: I know it makes no sense but ff3 is funny like that. [04:32] Blaqlight: Wow, that really brightened things up! :) [04:33] i envy someone who has to type !windows [04:33] frank999, dual boot? windows installed second? === deny is now known as coW_cUtE_19^^ [04:33] how do I read /var/log/wtmp if I can't use the utmpdump because it's not found? [04:33] ah, thanks even more bazhang, I tried #wine, but #wine was empty xD [04:33] np [04:33] no, there is no windows [04:33] troythetechguy: did it fix your problem? [04:33] frank999, what caused this to happen [04:33] CTD1: did you choose "show: --> all streams" in pavucontrol ? you can also check if you have simultaneous output ticked in paprefs (last tab labelled as such) [04:34] nothing really, I installed linux mint 3 days ago [04:34] and have been using it as usual [04:34] frank999, this is linux mint now [04:34] Baz: What specifically will it be labeled as? "Network Controller"? === coW_cUtE_19^^ is now known as cOw_cUtE_19^^ [04:34] it all started with the sounds [04:34] !mint [04:34] The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate [04:34] and suddenly I get grub error 15 [04:35] ExProtagonist, just not ethernet; something like that though if you want to paste to paste.ubuntu.com I will look for you [04:35] frank999, this is mint now? [04:35] Blaqlight: It made the fonts bigger so I can read them now, but they still don't appear to render correct. For example, the letter k is missing the part of the angled / [04:35] I'm sorry what do you mean? [04:35] how do I read /var/log/wtmp if I can't use the utmpdump because it's not found? [04:35] frank999, what error is error 15? [04:35] CTD1: .. but the app in question might use your sound card directly, without knowing which app it is (and i do digg you not willing to name that) i'm afraid it's hard to give any real help, hope you can get it working to your liking [04:35] frank999, are you using linux mint now? [04:35] troythetechguy: whats the font name? [04:35] nickrud, it didn't help by doing the mkdir. could it be checkinstall being stupid to look for a wrong file? chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/_inst.10276_': No such file or directory [04:35] no, this is my lap top with Ubuntu [04:35] !find utmpdump [04:35] Package/file utmpdump does not exist in hardy [04:35] the problem is in my desktop with mint [04:35] i cant get a vpn working [04:36] sudo networkmanager does nothing for me [04:36] frank999, Linux Mint is not a supported derivitve of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org [04:36] yclian could be, checkinstall tries but doesn't work all the time. [04:36] Blaqlight: Verdana [04:36] guys, the problem isn't linux mint, it's grub [04:36] nickrud, thanks. any other better options for making a deb? [04:36] Baz: I'm getting one thing labeled under "Network Controller" with "Broadcom Corporation" in it... would that be it? If not, I'll just paste it for you. [04:36] frank999, mint is not supported here; get the real deal at www.ubuntu.com and then we can talk [04:36] ExProtagonist, that is it [04:36] is there a filesystem that i could use to mount pop3 as a folder? [04:36] Great! [04:36] ... [04:36] Now what? [04:36] Hah. [04:37] ExProtagonist, open synaptic and search for broadcom [04:37] troythetechguy: you'll just have better luck using a sans serif (explicitly) font. such as MS reference sans serif. [04:37] but I'm using ubuntu right now in my lap top [04:37] frank999, but the problem system is mint, correct? [04:37] Blaqlight: Thanks. I'll give that a try. [04:37] yclian yeah, creating your own :) But, I noticed it was pidgin. Are you compiling 2.4.3 ? [04:37] frank999, that is good. if you have any problems with ubuntu we can help [04:37] I just need to get my data from the hard drive [04:37] dmsuperman: No. [04:37] paprefs didnt help any glitsj16, is there a way i can run the process on a limited account that doesnt have audio access? is that possible? [04:37] i cant get a vpn working [04:37] bazhang, i think he's saying that his desktop is completely down. [04:38] squarebracket, he wants mint help in here [04:38] genii, not even l;ike experimental or one in the works? i'd like to at least try something like that out...it's be pretty awesome [04:38] bazhang, i think it's a grub problem, not an OS problem. mint or ubuntu is irrelevant in that situation. [04:38] nickrud, yeap, compiling pidgin with msnp14. [04:38] CTD1: might be, don't know how though .. [04:38] exactly is a grub problem [04:39] squarebracket, in which case this is still the wrong channel [04:39] squarebracket, you are welcome to take it to PM; this channel explicitly does not support Mint [04:39] Baz: When I search, the only thing coming up is "b43fwcutter". [04:39] hi, does anyone know anything about aircrack on the ipod touch? [04:39] yclian you might try getting the source from hardy-backports, and modifying the build. It has 2.4.3 [04:39] please, I am still an ubuntu user [04:39] ExProtagonist, that is likely the one that will work; try installing it and see [04:39] * squarebracket nods [04:39] Flannel, thank you it worked [04:39] case made. [04:39] troythetechguy: even in windows ff3 doesn't use veranda as a the default font, but the sans serif. [04:39] thanks any ways glitsj16 i guess ill just have to tough it out [04:39] yclian I've done that in the far past, it's not real hard. [04:39] bazhang, or grub issues after the install of mint [04:40] nickrud, alright, I will give that a shot. [04:40] hi, does anyone know anything about aircrack on the ipod touch? [04:40] How to label a name to a patrition [04:40] IdleOne, he needs to update-grub it seems [04:40] Baz: Alright, installed and applied. [04:40] benjamin_, join #aircrack [04:40] thank you [04:40] CTD1: you're welcome, it might work if you can get a user group defined which doesn't have any sound access and running it under that user, google around a bit .. goodluck [04:41] dmsuperman: If the server your pop mail is on has nfs or something you could conceivably use that to mount the home dir mail folder. [04:41] ExProtagonist, try it out; it may disconnect your ethernet though === sean is now known as s_M_P_H__ [04:41] do I need anything special to read/write to mac partitions? [04:42] nickrud: you were right. It did pop out an error. http://pastebin.com/m2d88ac2f [04:42] reading should be fine [04:42] not sure about writing [04:42] genii, i was thinking more for my gmail, but i wanted something universal that just worked over the pop protocol...i was thinking how neat it would be to be able to have a literal folder for your emails, and how easily universally accessible mail clients would be done [04:42] asmo[B], sharing via samba with a mac? [04:42] asmo[B]: hfsplus and hfsutils [04:43] Baz: Like... what exactly do I need to do? Like, is there anything I need to run [if so, where?], or should I just disconnect my wired connection and try it out? [04:43] hello, i have an ati x1200, but in the ate website oi cant find its driver, and the driver in the restricted module sucks, i do have direct rendering but when i move windows they look crappy etc... What should i do?? [04:43] when I put my macbook pro in target diskmode it does not show up, could that be my firewire doesn't work? [04:43] anyone explain to me how to vpn apt-get install networkmanager-openvpn didnt work [04:43] ok so some major hel pis needed...... im about to pull my hair out [04:43] ivan_: wait for Intrepid and the open source driver? :P [04:44] ExProtagonist, do you have an open wifi spot to test it on? first you need to check ifconfig in terminal and see if the device appears (wlan0) [04:44] hey, is ther any program to listen to shoutcast streams a-la winamp (with browser) or an audacious plugin to browse/listen to them? or how do you get the streambrowser plugin that's in audacious-plugins source code? [04:44] swamptin argh, the dreaded dbus. run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (no -s) [04:44] dmsuperman: I don;t think it would an easy thing to implement since pop is more a file transfer protocol [04:44] asmo[B]: the HFS module isn't loaded by default iirc, you need to modprobe it and then having the hfsplus and hfutils installed probably wouldn't be too bad an idea [04:45] dmsuperman you use gmail? If so, use the imap access [04:45] genii, my thoughts were like anytime the folder were queried for it's contents it would check the server for mails, or something [04:45] nickrud: remeber the first link i sent you? Got that again. [04:45] nickrud, when it just had come out many had issues, have they fixed them yet? [04:45] anyone in here got any exp with 64bit ndiswrapper? [04:45] swamptin then sudo aptitude full-upgrade [04:45] hey, is ther any program to listen to shoutcast streams a-la winamp (with browser) or an audacious plugin to browse/listen to them? or how do you get the streambrowser plugin that's in audacious-plugins source code? [04:45] Baz: I've got a wireless router running, and I'm in range... but I'm not seeing anything labeled wlan0 under ifconfig [04:46] nickrud: no fear of losing my data, is there? [04:46] dmsuperman I've been using for about a month now. Works fine so far. folders are labels [04:46] before i hit return like :) [04:46] swamptin aptitude is a well tested program ;) [04:46] nickrud, cool...what client do you use? [04:46] ExProtagonist, this is the livecd right? [04:46] dmsuperman thunderbird, evolution, web depending on where I am [04:46] Yep. [04:46] Anyone at all? [04:46] dmsuperman even outlook at times [04:47] how do i get firefox to run javascripts like yahoo games? [04:47] ExProtagonist, the problem is that you cant test with a restart as it will undo any changes made [04:47] !java | hlfshell [04:47] hlfshell: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [04:47] dmsuperman I set filtering up in the web of course [04:47] hey, is ther any program to listen to shoutcast streams a-la winamp (with browser) or an audacious plugin to browse/listen to them? or how do you get the streambrowser plugin that's in audacious-plugins source code? [04:47] it kind of seems like my firewire isn't working though... because I should be able to atleast see an unmounted device... [04:47] thanks [04:47] nickrud, cool, when i get back to my computer i'll give it a try...i've always wanted to be able to have multiple things check my email without worrying that i'd be scattering my emails all over the place (in terms of archiving) so i'll give that a try :D [04:47] !ask |Blonde_Ambition [04:47] Blonde_Ambition: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:48] DARKGuy, what does audacious ubuntu hardy shoutcast return? [04:48] Baz: ...Oh. Haha. Well, that seems to be a problem. [04:48] nickrud: right, you can shoot me later, but http://pastebin.com/m1ecd10c0 [04:48] dmsuperman yeah, been using imap for years. Paid for access, but now gmail works [04:48] asmo[B]: do you have another Mac you can test it with? [04:48] no, and I don't have any other firewire devices either :\ [04:48] hello, i have an ati x1200, but in the ate website oi cant find its driver, and the driver in the restricted module sucks, i do have direct rendering but when i move windows they look crappy etc... What should i do?? [04:48] ExProtagonist, many have reported success with that driver though, and if not that then there is the ndiswrapper gambit; will this be a dual boot? [04:49] ok so why then does my Realtek 8185 show up when i lspci scan, but i cant get it to notice it as a network interface after i load the drivers with ndiswrapper [04:49] swamptin ok, sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start [04:49] bazhang: well there's streamtuner [04:49] !info streamtuner [04:49] streamtuner (source: streamtuner): A GUI audio stream directory browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.99-12ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 622 kB, installed size 2176 kB [04:49] bazhang: I tried it but it's closed in its own program [04:49] like, I can't control it like mpd or have it mixed with my own songs in audacious [04:49] Blonde_Ambition: is that the realtek that's wireless but usb based even though it's internal? [04:50] i dont think so [04:50] it is a realtek chip in a foreign made card [04:50] ivan_: the driver you'll find on the ATi website is the same one that'll be in the hardware drivers panel. It's a well known fact that the ATi fglrx driver sucks [04:50] would my firewire card show up in the network connections like in windows? [04:50] i am running 64bit hardy right now [04:50] asmo[B]: no, ubuntu blacklist that driver [04:50] can anyone walk me through vpn on ubuntu? [04:50] Blonde_Ambition: ah...well i ran into one of those, forget the model, but lspci would show it and it wound up working with a win98 only driver [04:50] nickrud: hehe. I'm never without an arse or an elbow really.... " * system message bus already started; not starting. [04:50] benito_, vpn for gaming? [04:50] LSD|Ninja: so how can I get my firewire to work... [04:51] Baz: Actually, if I can ever get my wireless card configured correctly, I plan on making it purely Ubuntu. [04:51] hmmm but the win98 driver is 32 bit [04:51] hi, i have ubuntu hardy and i can not play DVD:s on it ... [04:51] Oh well, guess I'll just WINE WinAmp :P. [04:51] !dvd [04:51] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [04:51] bazhang ; vpn for work [04:51] try sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbus [04:51] Blonde_Ambition: yep, had to use the 32 bit driver and os [04:51] math_b, see link above [04:51] math_b, sorry was for matthias_N [04:52] well crap....... [04:52] Has anyone used linuxant ?? [04:52] is there a device manager in ubuntu like in windows? [04:52] i tried it but it said that the hardware was not present [04:52] asmo[B]: not really [04:52] !linuxant [04:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about linuxant [04:52] yes you can add to panel [04:52] asmo [04:52] never heard of it [04:52] in setting a nfs exports all I have to do is path/to/file/to/share 192.168.blah.blah(rw) is this correct? [04:52] so how do I make sure all of my devices work? just boot the liveCD? only choice? [04:52] bazhang: the ubutto link ? [04:52] I think I've figured out what a Error 18 is in GRUB, but how do I fix the error? [04:52] matthias_N, aye :) [04:53] "Reinstallation of dbus is not possible, it cannot be downloaded." <-- someone somewhere hates freedom. [04:53] asmo[B]: try popping a normal ISO9660 data CD in the CD drive on the mac and see what happens [04:53] crdlb: Where do I get the old nvidia driver 100.14.19? I don't see it in Synaptic. [04:53] how do i open network manager on hardy [04:54] !network [04:54] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:54] read all of them thank you though [04:54] !sysinfo [04:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about sysinfo [04:54] !helping [04:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about helping [04:54] Configure VPN settings [04:54] Click on the network manager applet and click on VPN connections [04:54] Fezzler: the hardware drivers manager will usually sort out what driver you need for your particular card [04:54] LSD|Ninja: actually come to think of it, I did that and it loaded the cd, so the firewire is work... forgot that I had done that a few days ago [04:54] lets /msg the bot please [04:54] I'm trying to ssh into my brother's computer and I get this error in term. WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! [04:54] :P [04:54] wtf is network manager i dont see anthing to do with vpn settings [04:55] !GNOME System Tool [04:55] mannytu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [04:55] LSD|Ninja: but when it should be reading the harddrive it doesn't even show up for me to mount [04:55] bob3213243_: did he reinstall his oc recently ? [04:55] os* [04:55] Does anyone know how to fix a GRUB error 18? [04:55] LSD|Ninja: No it does not. It keeps installing nvidia-glx-new that requires a CPU that can handle SEE [04:55] bob3213243_: sounds like the key has changed [04:55] Leno: what's the problem? Grub error 18 or error anything dosan't mean much to anyone [04:55] Leno: to most people [04:55] kmyst how do I login if that has changed? [04:55] Leno: that use Grub [04:55] LSD|Ninja: My older CPU does not handle SEE so I was told I need an old driver for my nvidia card [04:55] kmyst like his pass has changed? [04:55] I boot from my hard drive, GRUB loads, and says error 18. [04:56] swamptin I was scrolling back for something else, noticed yours. You have sources problems. put a copy of /etc/apt/sources.list on paste.ubuntu.com [04:56] anyone answer me? how do i get to network manager [04:56] And not much else [04:56] Leno: I don't remember what it means atm, Google will tell you [04:56] Leno: what are you trying to boot? [04:56] system network? [04:56] asmo[B]: it sounds like you haven't got the right HFS stuff working right [04:56] Benito what's up? [04:56] !who | swamptin [04:56] swamptin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [04:56] bob3213243_: it should have asked yes/no on the new key iirc [04:56] Ubuntu, the latest version [04:56] bob3213243_: no, the host identification key [04:56] a duall boot with Windows? [04:56] crdlb: Still here? [04:56] I just installed those 2 packages you said to [04:56] Leno: a dual boot with Windows? [04:56] Single boot from a removable 180GB hard drive [04:56] LSD|Ninja: do I need to reboot for those two packages to work? [04:56] kmyst: it doen's, you have to manually remove the old one from the known host files [04:56] Leno: have you ever booted into Ubuntu without a problem from Grub? [04:57] Leno, does the bios see the drive? [04:57] doesn't* [04:57] Fezzler: only 96.xx (I don't know the exact version offhand) is available in synaptic (the nvidia-glx-new in hardy is 169.12 which is too new) [04:57] Yeah, from an internal disk on another computer [04:57] The BIOD sees the drive [04:57] bob3213243_: hmm ya that's right you need to yank it out of the known hosts file under .ssh [04:57] *BIOS [04:57] no one knows how to get to network manager? [04:57] Fezzler: if you want 100.14.19, you'd need to install it manually [04:57] crdlb: ? [04:57] crdlb: there's like 4 different nVidia drivers now apparently [04:57] Leno: on the computer your own now [04:57] kmyst thanks... Umm where is the ssh file? [04:57] HymnToLife: ya it just dawned on me :) [04:57] Nope, on a different computer I no longer have access to [04:57] Leno, grub was written where [04:57] Leno: on the computer your on now did you ever boot up Ubuntu from Grub without a problem? [04:57] crdlb: okay. will I have to make it [04:57] bob3213243_: under .ssh [04:57] Never, first attempt [04:58] LSD|Ninja: there are three in the repos currently [04:58] And installing to an internal drive is impossible [04:58] Won't have enough room [04:58] crdlb: Is there a Terminal command I can run? [04:58] teodato [04:58] Fezzler: unless engy can be coerced into installing that driver, you'll have to use the NVIDIA installer [04:58] Fezzler: or use nvidia-glx from the ubuntu repos [04:58] envy* [04:59] Leno: you bettery try Puppy Linux [04:59] crdlb: confused as what to do [04:59] kmyst like in etc? [04:59] Kattman, not a helpful solution here [04:59] bob3213243_: nono under your home directory [04:59] Fezzler: did you try using nvidia-glx? [04:59] From what I'm reading I need the boot info in the first 32 MB of hard disk space, how would I do that without removing my current installation? [04:59] I think so [04:59] I have a freaky thing going on with my gnome desktop. I need to reset the settings, but I don't remember the command to do it, and can't seem to find it in google. Is it gconf- something? [05:00] Leno: the first section of your hard disk is where Grub is [05:00] LSD|Ninja: works now, thanks [05:00] Leno, you read the ubuntu wiki grub factoid? [05:00] Leno: part of Grub [05:00] nickrud: here you go. http://paste.ubuntu.com/28895/ [05:00] Leno: only the boot loader itself [05:00] Bazhang, can you link it? [05:00] Leno: what sort of system are we talking about again? [05:00] Fezzler: what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' say now? [05:00] benito_: its called nm-applet [05:00] !grub | Leno [05:00] Leno: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [05:00] evolution always gets the number of new emails [05:00] in gnome. [05:00] Leno: the set up for Grub is inside Ubuntu such as menu.lst [05:00] crdlb: I believe some compiz worked with nvidia-glx but not desktop windows which worked in Feisty and Gutsy [05:00] wrong [05:00] Leno, check the last one [05:00] swamptin lol, you have no sources. A sec [05:01] crdlb: direct rendering: No [05:01] Would it work if I made a small partition in the first 32MB, and copied the Boot folder into that? [05:01] bazhang: he said it was a single boot no Windows [05:01] crdlb: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect [05:01] swamptin you are trying to upgrade only from a cd? If you have ever downloaded stuff from the net, that won't work properly [05:01] * swamptin feels like a tool. However, i have been having this problem long before I commented anything out. [05:01] Fezzler: thats never a good thing. [05:01] SebNaitsabes, windows is on his internal [05:01] kmyst I'm not finding it under home>nickolaus [05:02] Leno: a tiny bit of the boot loader must go on the Master Boot Record the rest of Grub is inside Ubuntu [05:02] nickrud: well, i can't upgrade from downloads. [05:02] swamptin this machine you're updating does have internet access during the upgrade, correct? [05:02] (network-admin:13295): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items [05:02] ** (network-admin:13295): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '13295' [05:02] bazhang: oh right ok then [05:02] nickrud: yes [05:02] what is gvfs-fuse-daemon. it always mounts gvfs-fuse-daemon at /home/abhi/.gvfs directory. of type gvfs-fuse-daemon of size 10gb. [05:02] swamptin why do you say you can't upgrade from downloads? [05:02] nickrud: cause of those errors I was posting way back an hour ago === sotamanga is now known as Leo [05:03] brb [05:03] abhi_: fuse is the group that allows you to mount filesystems. [05:03] swamptin ok. did you use apt-cdrom to add the cdrom ? [05:03] (network-admin:13295): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items [05:03] ** (network-admin:13295): CRITICAL **: Unable to lookup session information for process '13295' [05:03] hola === Guest36396 is now known as cdstudios [05:03] nickrud: yup [05:03] swamptin ok. a sec [05:04] Blaqlight, : why does it mount it self. [05:04] Blaqlight, : I have't seen this previously [05:04] crdlb: ? [05:04] it what allows you to mount file systems ... I believe its the virtual space that ubuntu used to mount those filesystems into.. i.e cdrom and others. [05:04] crdlb: Confused as to next step? [05:05] Blaqlight, : ok [05:05] Fezzler: I guess. I don't know how envy works, so I can't tell you how to switch from envy to the nvidia-glx driver provided by ubuntu [05:06] what is the command to see screen resolution from failsafe terminal PLEASE HELP [05:06] abhi_: I also believe gvfs means gnome virtual file system, which should explain it all. [05:06] crdlb: How did you know nvidia version 100.14.19 was the last to work with my AMD Athlon? [05:06] Blaqlight, : ok [05:06] i need some help...... from ppl who like Ubuntu like me [05:06] this is simple opinion based stuff [05:06] Fezzler: forum threads found when googling "nvidia sse" [05:06] meoblast001, what is the question [05:06] crdlb: And where to I get the 100.14.19 version of the driver [05:06] meoblast001, wrong channel for POLLS [05:07] hello fellow ubuntians xD how do i add this line to fstab (i need to mount /media/cdrom1 as /dev/dvd): sudo ln -s /media/cdrom1 /dev/dvd [05:07] bazhang: im torn apart here... i found this system76 place [05:07] so noone can help me here or what? [05:07] hey for some reason i cantr run as root. "su" is the proper command no? [05:07] bazhang: i like the pholosophy [05:07] Fezzler: from nvidia.com, but that's a really ugly path to follow. The best path would just be to use the legacy driver provided by ubuntu (nvidia-glx) [05:07] meoblast001, I told you several times not here. [05:07] bazhang: ok [05:07] bazhang: =( [05:07] hey for some reason i cantr run as root. "su" is the proper command no? [05:07] crdlb: Thanks for your help. You uncovered the one clue no one else has. Its the CPU that is giving me problems [05:07] benjamin_: use sudo [05:07] #ubuntu-offtopic meoblast001 [05:07] ok [05:07] ahhh [05:07] benjamin_: use gksudo or sudo [05:08] okay [05:08] benjamin_, use sudo for cli and gksudo for gui apps [05:08] benjamin: also try sudo -i to enter root interactive mode [05:08] !test [05:08] Failed! [05:08] so no one uses vpn? [05:08] 1100 ppl on here [05:09] Um this is off topic, but i need to get in touch with a freenode admin. Anyone know one that's on, or where they are, or something [05:09] swamptin one last question, to be sure. You are upgrading from gutsy to hardy, not some other release to hardy [05:09] #freenode MooCow [05:09] sorry to bother with this: how do i add this line to fstab (i need to mount /media/cdrom1 as /dev/dvd): sudo ln -s /media/cdrom1 /dev/dvd [05:10] martosurf you don't need to add that to fstab, just run it and it will exist in the filesystem [05:10] nickrud: cooool, tnx mate =D [05:10] martosurf, err no, don't do that .. that creates a link to the device [05:11] ooh, unop nice catch [05:11] and actually, its the wrong way around too [05:11] unop, nickrud: why not guys? no i can access device from any app now... [05:12] * nickrud needs to go back to one at a time. swamptin you still here? [05:12] nickrud: gutsy. 7.10 [05:12] martosurf, what are you trying to do? mount /dev/dvd ? [05:12] My Mic works fine, I can hear it through the speakers, but all that gets picked up through the sound record is staticy whining. [05:12] nickrud: and yes. sorry pottered off for a glass of water. [05:13] unop: hi, yeah, i have dvd device mounted as /media/cdrom1 but many apps including gxine reads DVDs from /dev/dvd that's why i need to do that [05:13] swamptin http://paste.ubuntu.com/28902/ use that as your sources. It's the sources as set up according to ubottu/wiki [05:13] martosurf: never had that problem. [05:13] swamptin when you've got those changed over, let me know. I've a couple other commands to run [05:14] martosurf, then you should be linking /dev/dvd to the device mounted at /media/cdrom1 not /media/cdrom1 itself [05:14] Blaqlight: hi there, yeah, but you know, linux is sooo versatile you know, every system if different from the other [05:14] unop: RIGHT! and i want to do that from fstab if possible but don't know how to do this =( [05:15] Hello [05:15] martosurf, you don't create links with /etc/fstab, you only mount filesystems with it [05:15] nickrud: changed over now [05:15] I gave up on installing ubuntu with wubi because when i have it installed and install a graphics driver [05:15] martosurf: are you actually trying to change the device name or how it shows up in apps? [05:15] wubi messes up [05:15] so i now have ubuntu on a disk [05:15] unop: yeah, now that [05:16] but when I boot from the disk [05:16] Blaqlight: YES! [05:16] swamptin ok, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [05:16] it gives me a console screen named grub [05:16] nickrud: as one command or two? [05:16] what exactly do i do at the console screen [05:16] after i boot from disk [05:16] one I'm assuming [05:16] martosurf, don't your apps read from /media/cdrom1 ? [05:16] swamptin && means, 'if the previous command completes successfully, run the next command' [05:16] martosurf: yes to what? [05:16] unop: Blaqlight: anyway, it's working fine right now with - i know it's not the best way but works [05:17] unop: gxine for example reads DVDs onle from /dev/dvd [05:17] Blaqlight: are you actually trying to change the device name or how it shows up in apps? <--- yes to that =) [05:17] martosurf, i think you want udev rules to map /dev/dvd to the right device [05:17] * nickrud wonders why udev isn't creating that link [05:18] nickrud: boom. ticking away in the other tab now :D [05:18] unop, Blaqlight, nickrud: tnx a lot for time guys, you rules =D [05:18] I'll just wait a bit until one of you guys are free [05:18] swamptin ok :) [05:18] unop: you have my attention, how do i do that, map the device thru udev? [05:19] Do i need something special to install X11 cursors??? [05:19] !udev rules [05:19] Ever wanted to make your USB-stick /dev/usbstick? Go to http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html to learn more about this feature. [05:19] martosurf, ^^ [05:19] chad not many people here know anything about wubi, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 is the best place for help with it [05:19] unop: ^^ [05:19] martosurf, i meant, look at what ubottu just said :) [05:19] since upgrading to the -15 kernel and enabling desktop effects, my desktop is screwed up: it doesn't take up the entire screen, and the mouse doesn't hit the right targets when clicked. [05:19] i'm not using wubi now [05:20] i gave up on wubi [05:20] and burnt the iso to a sic [05:20] Anyone able to get webcams to work with Adobe Flash? for some reason.. Flash finds my webcam... however it's just black picture. [05:20] disc [05:20] chad smart move :) === James_Bomb_ is now known as MooCow [05:20] :D [05:20] wexcept.. [05:20] chad you running vista? [05:20] xp [05:20] Anyone got a fix for my microphone issues? [05:20] when i boot from the dic [05:20] it gives me some console [05:20] called grub [05:20] i don't know what to do from there [05:21] chad this is after the install? [05:21] stormzen: i recommend you backup your system next time before applying such patches, Remastersys Backup will make an installable LiveCD/DVD of your system, of course there are many other solutions but this one works just great =) [05:21] how do i check for hardware problems in ubuntu? [05:21] anyone? this desktop issue is really annoying. Deleting all the .gconf .gconfd .metacity .gnome and .gnome2 didn't change anything. [05:21] martosurf: The other user's desktop looks fine. [05:21] stormzen you have to do that (remove .gconf) without the desktop running. [05:22] nickrud: Did it from fluxbox. Does that count? [05:22] ross with the hardware problem manager [05:22] What's a sound-recording and editing program that supports PulseAudio? [05:22] stormzen: logout then login again [05:22] kevin0: how do i do that? [05:22] no [05:22] stormzen probably not. ps -A | grep gconfd , if it's running, you will have to repeat [05:22] it's before th install [05:22] i burnt the ubuntu iso to a dic [05:22] insert it [05:23] boot from cd [05:23] then [05:23] !enter | chad [05:23] console [05:23] chad: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [05:23] k [05:23] :P [05:23] chad ok, you probably got a bad burn [05:23] seems fine [05:23] as i can execute it and what not [05:23] when on xp [05:23] chad you should get a screen with install, check cd, run memtest, etc [05:23] Ok. i'll just kill gdm altogether and try again. [05:23] Deluge kills my internet browsing... so does frostwire... anyone know how to prevent this? [05:23] Brb. [05:24] hmm [05:24] ross i was just kidding sorry [05:24] let me try again [05:24] k [05:24] nickrud: that was just puntastic that. [05:24] lol what the hell [05:24] brb === James_Bomb_ is now known as MooCow [05:24] chad and do a verifyied burn. Chad, don't leave yet. [05:24] stormzen: to actually restart GDM run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [05:24] ross, i typically use a process of elimination [05:24] Do i need something special to install X11 cursors??? [05:24] chad you should run an md5sum on the downloaded iso as well, see next factoid: [05:24] no [05:24] !md5 | chad [05:24] chad: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [05:25] things are going wrong with my com [05:25] such as [05:25] Why is this channel so populars? [05:25] swamptin all went well? [05:25] i can't open applications and the sound suddenly stops [05:25] Hey I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but is there any way that I can download files as .zips? I am trying to download torrents but my firewall prevents the downloading of the .torrent files themselves [05:25] or i can't get back from standby mode [05:25] that was very bad, opened up gxine and the entire computer locked up. :( [05:25] ross: standby mode sounds like proprietary drivers. Are you using any [05:25] ? [05:25] MooCow: stick around and you'll see why lots of great advice and you can learn alot [05:26] cellofllow: i don't know what you mean [05:26] ross that sounds like software issues [05:26] cellofllow: sorry [05:26] cellofllow: there are a lot of things not working right [05:26] Blaqlight: that reminds me when i was in window$... a common thing lol [05:26] ross: what is your video card make/model? [05:26] Has anyone tried out the data=writeback kernel configuration? [05:26] MooCow, because. aptitude -v moo tells you something [05:26] SEE YOU!! [05:26] geforce 8600 gts [05:26] but i haven't installed the drivers [05:26] martosurf: I think I opened up too many things at once. [05:26] nickrud: well, it's spewing out lots of "Get: [filesize]" and my connection is slowed the hell down. so I'm assuming yes === James_Bomb_ is now known as MooCow [05:27] excuse me, can anyone help me with ALSA? [05:27] swamptin lol, it's downloading stuff. Proof will be during the unpacking and configuring ;) [05:27] any idea why my dd-wrt router says that my linux lapto pis ~45% signal quality, but ubuntu is reporting 98-100% ? [05:27] suzume: perhaps. what's the problem? [05:27] MooCow: it's apt-get install moo. aptitude moo does nothing without the -v (or several -v's, try it with on then another until it stops changing the message.) [05:27] when i try to installed the drivers [05:27] nickrud: well, of course. [05:27] hello [05:27] the screen crashes === MooCow is now known as James_Bomb [05:28] ross: you still haven't told me what I asked. I asked what is the make and model of your video card. [05:28] if my right audio channel all of the sudden stops working, is it hardware of software? [05:28] geforce 8600 gts [05:28] swamptin I'm off to do other stuff, but I'll be in the vicinity for an hour or two. Ping me if there are any other issues [05:28] is there a command to check the make and model of my video card? [05:28] coolio [05:28] ross: and is the package "nvidia-glx-new" installed? [05:28] swamptin: im trying to get ekiga working, but ALSA won't do full-duplex (sound in both directions at once) is there a way to do that? [05:28] cellofelllow: it's not [05:28] ross: yes, command is "lspci | grep VGA" [05:28] !info moo [05:29] Package moo does not exist in hardy [05:29] cellofellow, apt-get install moo ?? [05:29] unop make a factoid ;) [05:29] !info ubuntu-desktop [05:29] ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.102 (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB [05:29] yeah i don't know [05:29] ross: install that package with apt. sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new [05:29] it's geforce 8600 gts [05:29] unop: no, just apt-get moo [05:29] ok [05:29] It just goes straight to GRUB [05:29] nickrud, heh :) [05:29] !help [05:29] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [05:29] suzume: remeber when I said "perhaps"? in this instance that would equate to sorry, it's all double dutch to me. [05:29] if my right audio channel all of the sudden stops working and the left gives white noise plus the music, is it hardware of software? [05:29] cellofellow, you said apt-get install moo .. [05:29] Is there any way that I can download a file, not normally zipped, in zip format? [05:30] installing [05:30] like a torrent in in a zip folder [05:30] I'm going to be building an ubuntu-server setup with four 750 gig drives in a RAID 5 array. Is there any reason I should go for something other than EXT3? This isn't going to be on a very high-end machine, I'm not *hugely* concerned about performance. [05:30] listen [05:30] unop: oh? oops. Try apt-get install cowsay instead. :) [05:30] (A software-raid-5-array) [05:30] everytime i try to install the drivers, it crahes [05:30] swamptin: that's okay, thanks for trying! [05:30] suzume: try in #lau or #lad for that [05:30] ross: are they downloaded and it just crashes while trying to configure? [05:30] cellofellow: what did i just installed? [05:31] cellofellow, i got enough of those ascii arts around already :) [05:31] swamptin: okay, will do, thanks again [05:31] ross: the binary Nvidia X.Org driver. [05:31] unop: I like boxes. :) [05:31] cellofellow: what does that fix? [05:32] ross: gets your video card working full tilt. [05:32] what package is transmission installed with? I want to remove it so I can install from source [05:32] cellofellow: ok [05:32] ross: OpenGL for games and Blender etc, Compositing for Compiz, that sort of thing. [05:32] cellofellow: so what now? [05:32] Rolcol: it comes with ubuntu... [05:32] preinstalled [05:32] well, what exactly crashed? did the whole system reboot? X freeze? what? [05:32] Overand, i'd try and use RAID10 instead .. the actual filesystem on the array doesn't really matter [05:32] oh and how do i uninstall something [05:33] ross: aptitude remove packagename [05:33] So yeah, i burnt ubuntu to a disk, when i boot from the disk, I get a grub console [05:33] Rolcol: you can still uninstall it though, just search for transmission in synaptocs [05:33] what do i do? [05:33] i don't know my package name lol [05:33] *synaptics [05:33] rolcol: I believe the packages are "transmission" "transmission-common" and "transmission-gtk" [05:33] mkay. Thanks Odd-rationale [05:33] crdlb: Here? [05:34] nevermind i figured it out lol [05:34] crdlb: Guess what [05:34] thanks a lot [05:34] now um [05:34] crdlb: You sir a a genious! [05:34] friends...could you tell me what application to set pop3 e-mail? And how? I'm newbie...Please the web addresses..Thank you very much... [05:35] Fezzler: genius :P [05:35] ibos: to use a pop 3 emil service? [05:35] ibos: evolution email client is default. others prefer thunderbird... [05:35] ibos: Evolution is included and does pop3 email. [05:35] Hi guys. I got an audio problem. [05:35] corollax: you're right. I'm removing them right now. [05:35] * cellofellow uses Gmail for his pop3 client. [05:35] ibos, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution - 17k - [05:35] I need some help, I burnt ubuntu to a disc when i boot from that disk to install [05:35] ibos: make sure that your email provider does pop3. [05:35] all i get is a grub console [05:35] No audio is playing on my system. [05:36] jbroome: Oops [05:36] but i feel confused in setting the pop3...any help pages? [05:36] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [05:36] pptpconfig: Depends: php-gtk-pcntl (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed [05:36] E: Broken packages [05:36] I just recently upgraded the kernel and reinstalled PulseAudio. [05:36] chad: grub consoles, yuck. :( [05:36] wtf does this mean [05:36] However, nothing is playing. [05:36] ibos: who is your email service provider? [05:36] thank's unop. i'll try it then ... [05:36] hello all. im having issues with mysqld.....i had a process called mysqld_safe consuming 100% cpu on one core my my machine....so i tried to restart mysqld and now there are two of those processes eaching using 100% on both cores of my cpu. i then stoped mysqld...but they are still running [05:37] benito: means the program was interupted while installing it. sudo dpkg -f all (I think) [05:37] cellofellow: Is that wisE? [05:37] Fezzler: so, what did you do? :) [05:37] benito: I suggest you just sudo apt-get install php-gtk-pcntl and then install pptpconfig ? [05:37] benito, you might not have all your repositories enabled [05:37] cellowfellow: The man page for dpkg SPECIFICALLY STATES that -f all can cause serious damage to the package management system [05:37] corollax: ok, use aptitude [05:37] unop, thank's a lot.. [05:37] unop how would i check? [05:38] HOLA [05:38] benito@ubunts:~$ sudo dpkg -f all [05:38] dpkg-deb: failed to read archive `all': No such file or directory [05:38] crdlb: You da man. I went to Nvidia site. Downloaded the 100.14.19 driver [05:38] Does anyone know whats wrong?? [05:38] benito, apt-cache policy php-gtk-pcntl [05:38] cellofellow: I understand that sometimes it's necessary (I had a TERRIBLE run in with an alien installation recently -- absolutely necessitated dpkg -f all -- but...well, I'm not sure it's wise to advise that via IRC.) [05:38] crdlb: ran it myself and now I have all compiz functions on my AMD Athlon under Hardy! [05:38] that's probably something to do with Alien then. [05:39] php-gtk-pcntl: [05:39] Installed: (none) [05:39] Candidate: 1.0.0-2 [05:39] Version table: [05:39] 1.0.0-2 0 [05:39] 500 http://quozl.netrek.org ./ Packages [05:39] crdlb: I have worked on this few weeks on end here and at #compiz-fusion. [05:39] Fezzler: fantastic, but keep in mind that you'll have to re-run that installer after any X or kernel updates [05:39] RadicalR: .. the obvious first .. after reinstalling pulseaudio, did you start it up again ? [05:39] cellofellow: Yeah. I don't really intend to touch alien again in the future. *cough* [05:39] !paste | benito [05:39] benito: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [05:39] Kernel: try sudo killall -9 mysqld or sudo kill pid number or use htop [05:39] crdlb: Only you figured it out! [05:39] sorry [05:39] any idea why my dd-wrt router says that my linux laptop is ~45% signal quality, but ubuntu is reporting 98-100% ? [05:39] If I install 8.04 and run the update manager, is this the same as installing 8.04.1? [05:39] Help? [05:39] What is the function of the directory /etc/alternatives? (For example, there is /etc/alternatives/epiphany-browser.) [05:39] that was the output though [05:39] That's what I just realized. I didn't do pulseaudio -D [05:40] However, how do I write this so I don't have to do this EVERY time I reboot? [05:40] benito: generally a broken installation needs to be fixed, which is what dpkg -f does. -f is fix. Maybe not dpkg -f all, just dpkg -f packagename, [05:40] crdlb: Heck, at least I know now! So, what is SSE and why does nvidia needed it, etc. [05:40] Still no audio [05:40] troythetechguy:yes [05:40] nomad729: yea i know that will work...was just wondering why its doing this...... [05:40] benito, not sure then - this package is from a third party repository [05:40] When i boot ubuntu from a cd to install it [05:40] ;[ [05:40] all i get is a grub screen [05:41] Fezzler: SSE is some multimedia extensions in modern processors, which unless your on an ancient 286 should be there. [05:41] I need help.. [05:41] Hmm, when I run alsamixer [05:41] chad: you boot the cd and get a command prompt? [05:41] cellofellow: I'm on an AMD Athlon [05:41] yes [05:41] Fezzler: SSE was invented by intel, so AMD didn't get it until the Athlon XP series (according to wikipedia) [05:41] i get a grub console [05:41] It states that the master is [off] [05:41] im trying to get vpn working with network manager but it wont show up in the network manager [05:42] what do i type in the grub console? [05:42] chad: I hate grub prompts. You're booting from the CD though? I thought the CD uses isolinux not grub. [05:42] chad: You need to make sure you are really booting from the CD... sounds like you may be accidentally still booting from HD? [05:42] crdlb: So whatever SSE does the GeForce FX 5500 is handling? [05:42] !isolinux [05:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about isolinux [05:42] !stupidbot [05:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about stupidbot [05:43] cellofellow it does.....that's why it doesn't make sense [05:43] i'm sure i'm booting from the cd [05:43] anyone know of a ppd for a d2545 deskjet from hp? [05:43] chad: As a test, can you disconnect all hard drives and then boot from the CD? [05:43] jmardens: same thought here [05:43] it's my very first boot device [05:43] Fezzler: SSE is used by nvidia's opengl library to improve performance, but there's no reason why they couldn't have made it optional [05:43] chad: the BIOS still might skip to the HDD instead of the CD anyway. [05:43] crdlb: This is so awesome. You are the only one who figured this out! So we believe the 100.14.19 is that last nvidia driver that will work with my CPU [05:44] let me try again [05:44] Fezzler: :( old drive [05:44] give me 2 min [05:44] chad: what is the OS on the harddrive? [05:44] xp [05:44] god damn i cant believe this is so hard [05:44] RadicalR: use pavucontrol (if you have that installed) and check there as well .. if you get things fixed you can add that "pulseaudio -D" comand to your session (system > admin > sessions i believe) to autostart it [05:44] wtf is the problem [05:44] why is it so difficult to get on vpn [05:44] benito: it's not supposed to happen. Did dpkg -f all do anything? [05:44] wbmj: it's windows XP [05:44] Fezzler: yes, and in the future, you'll probably need to switch to 96.xx, since nvidia will not update 100.14.19 for newer kernel versions (such as the one that will be in intrepid) [05:44] crdlb: Thank you so much dude. My daughter has a bunch of stuff she used that needed the GeForce card. [05:44] benito: Ubuntu includes a VPN client by default. [05:45] What is the function of the directory /etc/alternatives? (For example, there is /etc/alternatives/epiphany-browser.) [05:45] what vpn client [05:45] crdlb: I was about to give up on Ubuntu and switch distros or something [05:45] wbmj: probably a bed disk burn [05:45] Fezzler: so, use nvidia-glx-legacy [05:45] oops bad [05:45] cellofellow ; named? [05:45] let me try once more [05:45] then i'll re burn [05:45] cellofellow: that's _too_ old [05:45] brb [05:45] chad: burn at lower speed [05:45] cellofellow: I tried legacy and it didn't see to work with all compiz functions [05:45] Fezzler: nope [05:45] cellofellow ; i see no vpn by default im on hardy 8.04 [05:46] crdlb: What do you mean by 96.xxx? [05:46] cellofellow: nope?? [05:46] Anyone able to get webcams to work with Adobe Flash? for some reason.. Flash finds my webcam... however it's just black picture. Using an EyeToy [05:46] wbmj: he is total Linux noob. and wants to run games and that so he would probably be better off to begin with with a Ubuntu virtualmachine inside Windows [05:46] bullgard4 those links get switched around when you use the update-alternatives command. The intent is to allow you to have various apps that provide the same functionality (like java versions) and easily switch the default [05:46] bullgard4: It lets you decide which java (for example) you want to be run by the java command. Likewise for sendmail, etc. [05:46] benito: Applications -> Network -> Remote Desktop Viewer. [05:46] afallenhope, [05:46] is there a channel for XvidCap? [05:46] SebNaitesabes: aaaaah [05:46] Fezzler; the 5500 card has issues running compiz at its highest settings.. i have the same card on another box. nvidia-glx-new worked fine. the card is hindering your performance.. not the driver [05:46] cellofellow: The Desktop Cube and other 3D apps didn't work with legacy. [05:46] you have to use a option with the module to work... [05:46] benito: It's called Vinagre (spanish name) [05:46] how do you update stuff in ubuntu? [05:46] RadicalR, what? [05:46] what is the command? [05:47] bullgard4, if you have multiple packages providing the same functionality, i.e. multiple installed versions of e.g firefox, java, etc - the alternatives system is used to provide links to the various binaries. the update-alternatives manpage should make it a bit clearer [05:47] Fezzler: did you try XGL? [05:47] Hang on. I have it stored here... [05:47] thanks Odd-rationale. Transmission compiled fine. [05:47] is there a channel for XvidCap? [05:47] unop you're slooowww [05:47] ross: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade [05:47] afallenhope: wrong channel maybe? [05:47] bastid_raZor: I think crdl found it was my CPU that was the issue. No SSE support. [05:47] mkquist, no. why [05:47] is there a channel for XvidCap? [05:47] cellofellow: XGL? [05:47] Fezzler: nvidia maintains three driver lines for different models. new cards use the latest series (nvidia-glx-new), geforce 4 and older must use nvidia-glx which is currently at version 96.something, and really ancient cards like pre-geforce stuff must use nvidia-glx-legacy, which is 71.xx [05:47] cellofellow: do both? [05:47] adobe? [05:47] unop, nickrud, jmarsden Thank you very much for your help. [05:47] nickrud, i am, maybe, i just got meself a cuppa .. :) [05:47] Anyone able to get webcams to work with Adobe Flash? for some reason.. Flash finds my webcam... however it's just black picture. Using an EyeToy. I'm on Ubuntu Hardy Heron [05:48] cellofellow: in any order? [05:48] cellofelow ; thats not vpn [05:48] is there a channel for XvidCap?' [05:48] ross: && is a bash syntax that means "and then" [05:48] Ah [05:48] cellofelow ; thats VNC [05:48] benjamin_: no [05:48] benito: what did you want? [05:48] benjamin_: use /list to find out? [05:48] VPN [05:48] crdlb: Thanks again! [05:48] afallenhope: try loading it like this ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1 [05:48] Fezzler: the second line does not have that SSE requirement, so nvidia is essentially requiring you to switch to that version [05:48] benito: OOOOH, oops [05:48] benjamin_: -less ? [05:48] I NEED to get on vpn [05:48] afallenhope: nm didnt read your question thoroughly.. =p [05:48] cellofellow: graci [05:48] otherwise i need a new OS [05:48] benito: I use a ssh SOCKS tunnel for an ad-hoc VPN. [05:49] RadicalR, bash: ov51x-jpeg: command not found [05:49] -less? [05:49] Well [05:49] ? [05:49] whats does that mean [05:49] you need to do modprove [05:49] er [05:49] okay. [05:49] without the "?" :P [05:49] modprobe ov51x-jpeg forceblock=1 [05:49] SOrry [05:49] howto get full-duplex with alsa? anyone? [05:49] crdlb: But now I know SSE support in my CPU is the issue. I wonder if I can upgrade the CPU? [05:49] benito: so, why won't your packages install? [05:49] hah, thanks [05:49] which packages? [05:50] benito: umm, what is your problem exactly? I think I got something confused. [05:50] I still gotta figure out why there's no sound on my system :( [05:50] cellowfellow ; sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn [05:50] bastid_raZor: What performance hinderance do you see with FX 5500. Screams for me. [05:50] RadicalR: are you using hardy heron (8.04) [05:50] every time i click record on XvidCap te application closes [05:50] yeah [05:50] benito: what kind of VPN are you trying to get on? [05:50] is there any way to make a ppd file in windows? [05:50] and I followed the wiki [05:50] friends...I use 2 LAN cards..One for LAN (local office and regional office)and other for internet...Before, I just use single LAN card and always change the IP to switch between LAN and internet. But now, I can connect internet and LAN only LOCAL LAN (Local office). I can not reach regional office LAN (WAN maybe). Any suggestion? Thanks you.. [05:50] cellowfellow ; sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp [05:50] sorry for asking in ubuntu but hey i need a ppd for my dell [05:51] i have that installed [05:51] every time i click record on XvidCap the application closes [05:51] and in network manager i see no vpn connection option [05:51] like there is suposed to be [05:51] i dont know wtf is goin on [05:51] Fezzler; like you had stated, 3d cube and some other cpu intensive things. matter a fact the processor i'm using doesn't have SSE support either. crdlb has fixed two issues with one answer ;) [05:51] benito: I don't know how it's supposed to work. Have you read the manual? (I know it sounds lame.) [05:51] is there any way to make a ppd file for a printer that i only have the windows install disk, with no ppd ??? [05:51] every time i click record on XvidCap the application closes [05:51] yes ive read every manual [05:51] and it doesnt work [05:51] there is NO VPN option in network manager [05:52] RadicalR: whats the output of lspci | grep sound? [05:52] benjamin: open XvidCap in terminal......should give you a reason for the crash [05:52] can someone help me to get alsa working with ekiga? [05:52] is there any way to make a ppd file for a printer that i only have the windows install disk, with no ppd ??? [05:52] benito: have you restarted it? [05:52] Is there a way to enable auto-arrange on the desktop? [05:52] it's related to my pop3 e-mail [05:52] So that icons don't appear underneath other icons or off to the right somehwere [05:52] bastid_raZor: Do what I did and you will have Cube support on the 5500 thanks to crdlb [05:52] Blaqlight, nothing. [05:52] cellofellow ; i think whats the command? nm-applet restart? [05:52] # [05:52] Click on the network-manager in the system tray [05:52] # [05:52] Choose VPN Connections -> Configure VPN [05:52] # [05:52] Click Add [05:52] bastid_raZor: Install 100.14.19 [05:52] ^^ cant do this [05:52] how do i run it in a terminal? [05:53] sorry wrong command. [05:53] benito: I do sudo killall NetworkManager && sudo NetworkManager when my wifi acts up. [05:53] Might killall nm-applet and then nm-applet in the run dialog. [05:53] benjamin: open terminal and type XvidCap [05:53] unop...Odd-rationale...Could you help me, guys? [05:53] cpierce have you tried the hp driver? http://hplip.sourceforge.net/models/deskjet/deskjet_d2500_series.html [05:53] ok [05:53] !helpme | ibos, [05:53] ibos,: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [05:53] Fezzler; i've upgraded computers since then. i basically use that box for a web server and watch movies on my tv with. i'm soon to be upgrading it to hardy so i'll keep that in mind when i upgrade. [05:54] unop: are you a mod/op? [05:54] ibos, just ask a question :) [05:54] damn I can't remember the entire command [05:54] SebNaitsabes, no - i wish i was sometimes tho [05:54] bastid_raZor: I had trouble with the Gusty to Hardy upgrade and did a clean Hardy install (recommended here) [05:54] unop the un - op [05:54] oke...i'm sorry.. [05:55] cellowfellow ; benito@ubunts:~$ [05:55] (network-admin:9010): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items [05:55] unoffical op? [05:55] cellowfelow; have u seen this error before? [05:55] i loked it up and its a ubuntu bug apparently [05:56] unop: unoffical op? [05:56] benito: it's an error with a the GTK theme or theme engine. Not to worry. [05:56] I get tons of those, different ones with different themes. [05:56] i dont understand why this is so difficult [05:56] SebNaitsabes, no, just unop , no real reasoning behind the nick [05:56] * benito sighs [05:56] unop: oh right ok [05:57] how to set double LAN card that used to connect INTERNET and LAN simultaniously? Before, with single LAN card, switching between them it's oke. But NOw I can not reach other office server (regional LAN in my country).. [05:57] RadicalR: does your sound card show up with lspci -v? [05:57] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN < ------------ NOT working [05:57] this is f0rked [05:57] hi all [05:58] I use 2 LAN cards..One for LAN (local office and regional office)and other for internet...Before, I just use single LAN card and always change the IP to switch between LAN and internet. But now, I can connect internet and LAN only LOCAL LAN (Local office). I can not reach regional office LAN (WAN maybe). Suggestions? [05:58] benito: have you just restarted the computer? [05:58] the problem is that the arabic keymap is not the one that we use in chatting [05:58] we use latin to write arabic. and i hate it. the letter M in latin if u type with arabic map is not arabic . there is a programmer who built a key map we arab like. http://www1.architektur.tu-darmstadt.de/islam/ara/ [05:58] do i need to? [05:58] benito: or dropped to runlevel 1 and back up to 2 to give it a good reset? [05:58] the manual doesnt say anything about restarted [05:58] (I do a sudo init 1 when things act weird) [05:58] is there any way to manually enter the information to create a ppd file for a printer that does not have one?? [05:58] I wouldn't expect it to. [05:59] i cant beleive noone else uses vpns [05:59] Yeah [05:59] to offer some help [05:59] Blaqlight, yeah [05:59] It shows up [05:59] the keys are not phoetically matching [05:59] They're corporate things and this is mostly teenage geeks. [05:59] help... in system startup (welcome) screen, after entering username and password, there is an warning window appears and says: your home folder something is ignored, you must change the permissions to 644, etc.. (can't take a screenshot to remember it all). what's wrong with it? [05:59] unavailable: If you fully undestand PPD file format and have internal printer docs, maybe! WHat printer are you trying to set up? [05:59] Can someone help me with a problem installing pidgin? Here's the dump of an apt-get install pidgin: http://pastie.org/237695 [05:59] ibos, as long as you set this up right, you shouldn't need to change IP addresses, etc .. just make sure each interface has the right IP addresses set, it should be as simple as that [05:59] dell 725 [05:59] RadicalR: have you checked to see if mute was checked also are you using do you have alsa? [05:59] it takes half a second to do this on windows ffs [05:59] ive been sitting here 3 hours and nothing [05:59] cause the code is builtin [06:00] every manual is useless [06:00] I have alsa [06:00] benito: what are you doing? [06:00] my network manager is a pos its f0rked [06:00] this is extra, it's a M$ technology (PPTP) after all. [06:00] type alsamixer into a terminal. [06:00] im attempting to get on a vpn from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN this tutorial [06:00] okay [06:00] Card: PulseAudio [06:00] Chip: PulseAudio [06:00] jadams_, does this help? sudo aptitude install pidgin [06:01] help... in system startup (welcome) screen, after entering username and password, there is an warning window appears and says: your home folder something is ignored, you must change the permissions to 644, etc.. (can't take a screenshot to remember it all). what's wrong with it? [06:01] jmarsden its a paperweight on linuxprinting.org dell 725 [06:01] jadams_, note the use of aptitude there as opposed to apt-get [06:01] ugh more problems with pulseaudio. [06:01] So much for progress in technology eh? [06:01] unavailable: Then unless you have access to documentation that everyone else lacks... it is a paperweight. [06:01] RadicalR: it should have the name of your card from lspci -v [06:02] benito: You might have to restart the network-manager to get the added VPN connection on the list (killall nm-applet; nm-applet &) [06:02] benito: from the wiki [06:02] laughtear, sudo chmod 644 ~/.dmrc && sudo chown $USER.$USER ~/.dmrc # that ought to fix it [06:02] Uh. Alsamixer? no. [06:02] benito: this is a bit of an old tutorial [06:02] unop, thank you, i'll try that..:) [06:02] jadams_, did you do anything funny in terms of adding repositories? [06:02] RadicalR: which means your probably not using the right driver. [06:03] Yay. [06:03] cellowfellow i did [06:03] So how do I go by fixing this? [06:03] unop: aptitude seems like it'll be able to fix it [06:03] and when i restart it i get that Unknown property: GtkComboBox.items [06:03] jadams_: your error says you have broken packages [06:03] hi [06:03] unop, done. do you know what it is by the way? [06:03] google the name of your card -ubuntu and you should find a driver for it. [06:03] jadams_: have you tried fixing these? [06:03] Strange. [06:04] It used to work before. [06:04] I shouldn't have to reinstall any drivers. [06:04] jadams_, aptitude might only be giving you a short term remedy here [06:04] and yeah, I added a debian repo from de for some fMRI software I had to install, but I disabled it after the install [06:04] laughtear: .dmrc is the desktop manager per-user defaults file [06:04] RadicalR: after you sudo aptitude install dist-upgrade? [06:04] jmarsden, then, what could be the reason of this matter? [06:05] laughtear, if the permissions on ~/.dmrc aren't right, gnome will complain [06:05] because if thats the case then if your removed pulseaudio you'll get your sound back... [06:05] laughtear, you probably changed permissions on the file inadvertently, or copied this file from somewhere else [06:05] laughtear: somehow a program created or edited that file and set incorrect permissions on it... [06:05] jadams_: run synaptic and find what the broken packages are. You'll probably have to remove these before you can use apt properly [06:06] well, I was having problems with it before [06:06] like I could only have one application running sound [06:06] RadicalR: thats because you were using OSS and not ALSA [06:06] Hew: yeah, I already did that and it couldn't really [06:06] one of the 'broken' packages is libperl something [06:06] ALSA supports more than one app using the sound... OSS does not [06:06] and that required killing like 100 apps I use [06:06] any ideas? [06:06] benito: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=852359&highlight=NetworkManager+VPN [06:06] aptitude found a solution that just requires downgrading abiword [06:07] jadams_, you should never add debian repositories to ubuntu [06:07] benito: looks like xirbuntu might be having the same problem as you [06:07] unop: granted [06:07] jadams_, if ever you need to do things like this, build from source or backport a package, never install debian's binary packages [06:07] pl [06:07] RadicalR: unfortunately I must leave, hopefully I lead you a little closer to a solution. [06:07] I didn't know how to build FSL [06:07] I've heard there's a firewall you can download from the Universe thingy. . . how do I find that? [06:08] I'm not unacquainted with building packages, I'm a developer myself [06:08] but FSL is a finicky software package as far as I can tell [06:08] BeepII: firestarter? [06:08] jadams_: You will need to fix the broken package. Try the -f switch with apt-get [06:08] yeah [06:08] Hew, I'm already on it and don't need help anymore [06:08] sorry that wasn't clear [06:08] BeepII: sudo apt-get install firestarter [06:08] I don't see it under add/remove. . . [06:08] jadams_: no worries [06:08] Somewhat. [06:08] *sigh* [06:08] jadams_, it's not really hard .. you can find out about backporting in #debian, just ask dpkg about backport [06:08] Time to fight with this again [06:09] RR vs PA -round 2- [06:09] FIGHT! [06:09] that's it? wow I feel silly now... Thanks jmarsden [06:09] jadams_, if you still have the debian repo enabled, you ought to disable it now to stop things like this happening again [06:09] unop: disabled it long ago [06:09] mentioned that [06:09] BeepII: If not, then you don't have the right repository enabled maybe. But try that first. [06:09] unop: [Hardy, GNOME] Applications > Internet offers one one computer the menu item 'Epiphany Webbrowser (Gecko)' and on another only 'Epiphany Webbrowser'. What is Hardys default? [06:10] unop: [Hardy, GNOME] Applications > Internet offers on one computer the menu item 'Epiphany Webbrowser (Gecko)' and on another only 'Epiphany Webbrowser'. What is Hardys default? [06:10] RadicalR: take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 if you haven't already, together with http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup it should provide a nice start to see you can get sound back working as it should [06:10] !repeat | bullgard4 [06:10] bullgard4: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [06:10] bullgard4: I don't think Ubuntu install Epiph by default [06:10] cellofellow; sudo apt-get install vpnc network-manager-vpnc <----- any once again network manager has no vpn options ... network manager is f0rked [06:10] bullgard4, i am not sure - i don't use gnome [06:11] Flannel: I think you need glasses. [06:11] unop: Ok. [06:11] bullgard4, your message did appear twice [06:11] bullgard4: gecko [06:12] unop: My message did not appear twice. Rather, I corrected my first message because it contained a mistake and might not be understood properly. [06:13] bullgard4, on irc, most people understand the significance of a following s/// to denote a correction [06:14] bullgard4, meaning you could have said s/one one/on one/ [06:14] bullgard4, it's so that you don't have to flood the channel just to make a correction [06:15] how the weather like in Intrepid? [06:15] s/how/how's/ [06:16] bullgard4, like this ^^ :) [06:16] scyrma, you could find out in #ubuntu+1 [06:16] * scyrma goes to have a look === [ID]-3870 is now known as GeorgeZL [06:20] dcqian [06:20] help? [06:21] help [06:22] Strange. [06:22] I got audio working [06:22] peculiar! [06:23] with the exception of rhythmbox [06:24] UNOP said: ibos, as long as you set this up right, you shouldn't need to change IP addresses, etc .. just make sure each interface has the right IP addresses set, it should be as simple as that. In my office has 2 line of LAN. One to LAN in local and regional office (all state), and other to internet line. Before (by switcthing IP in single LAN card), I can reach regional LAN server (and internet in different time). But NOW (two LAN cards) I can not reach reg [06:24] ional server... [06:24] does rhymbox not like Pulseaudio? [06:27] RadiclR: ah yes that [06:27] [Hardy, GNOME] One Ubuntu computer lists in /usr/share/applications only 'epiphany-gecko.desktop' but another additionally 'epiphany.desktop'. What is the difference between them? [06:27] RadicalR: yes there are issues with puleaudio like that [06:27] RadicalR: killall puleaudio in terminal and play your music in Rythombox [06:27] .... [06:27] Great solution! [06:27] it works :) [06:28] where is the php.ini file in 8.04 ? [06:28] I don't think it liked that [06:28] RadicalR: don't use rhythmbox personally, it might have support for OSS, try starting it with "padsp rhythmbox" (a wrapper to get it to use pulseaudio anyway) [06:28] bullgard4: maybe gecko vs. webkit?? dunno [06:28] adityag, locate php.ini [06:29] cepy [06:29] adityag, provided you have the php package installed [06:29] adityag, this might also help. dpkg -S php.ini [06:29] UNOP: in the way to connect internet, I set the LAN card in ENABLE ROAMING mode. When I disable this card, the other card (regional LAN) is worked normally.. [06:30] nomad729: Please tell me what a 'webkit' is. So far I have found a spanish definition for it only. [06:30] *depressed* [06:30] Nope. [06:30] glitsdj16: i'll try that when I have that issue again [06:30] Hmm [06:30] ibos, are you setting ip addresses for these interfaces manually? [06:30] RadicalR: no output whatsoever with rhythmbox ? [06:30] mplayer works fine with sound... [06:30] But when I enabled the internat LAN card, I can not reach other regional server anymore.. [06:30] No output [06:31] bullgard4: webkit is what apples safari browser uses,rendering-engine [06:31] ibos: Sounds like you need a static route to the regional servers out the regional server interface? [06:31] SebNaitsabes: it might not work, it does if the sound app in questionsupprts OSS, but i don't know if rhythmbox does .. === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [06:31] UNOP: One card for LAN office set MANUALLY (no conflicts), and other card (to internet) in EENABLE ROAMING mode... [06:31] Well, you know the sound preview thingie? [06:31] I think rythombox does suppourt OSS [06:32] Where you put your mouse over the mp3 [06:32] and it plays it? [06:32] nomad729: Thank you. [06:32] That doesn't work anymore [06:32] UNOP: One card for LAN office set MANUALLY (no conflicts), and other card (to internet) in EENABLE ROAMING mode... [06:34] ibos, enable both interfaces and then run this command and post the url it returns. which pastebinit || sudo aptitude install pastebinit; (ifconfig -a; route -nv) | pastebinit === dynamethod is now known as Guest28245 [06:34] RadicalR: reading the website of rhythmbox it mentions gstreamer, so there's hope :) .. sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio and if that doesn't cut it, look at http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup#GStreamerApplications (specifically mentions rhythmbox) [06:34] ibos: can you do ifconfig -a ; netstat -nr and put the output on pastebin... ah, same idea as unop === johnanana is now known as dynamethod [06:35] where is pulseaudio GUI? [06:35] Ouch. I have the newest version already [06:36] Double ouch. [06:37] For some reason, they are already set as defaults [06:37] how can I configure a usb device, I think I can see it in lsusb [06:37] ive had lots of fun today [06:37] lucid, what does the device do? [06:37] isakey: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup has the names of additional GUI tools at the very beginning, you can find them in the repo's, so sudo apt-get install should cover it [06:38] warm my coffee :D [06:38] it's kind of a mixer for microphone to usb [06:38] unop: the device usually just sits there but occasionally will do a backflip if it thinks no one is watching... [06:39] backflip? mine does cart wheels [06:39] how can I "restart" the trackpad device? I want to force sidescrolling to work again [06:39] glitsj16: thanks [06:39] heh [06:39] RadicalR: do you have the mentioned gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed ? [06:39] !ot [06:39] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [06:39] ;) [06:40] yes [06:40] alreadyi installed. [06:40] how can i find out why the front of my laptop runs hotter with ubuntu? === d is now known as Guest22019 [06:40] Noooo, give me my rb. [06:40] :( [06:40] Sorry. [06:41] l815 it has to do with your increased cpu usage [06:41] or your fan isn't running, check that [06:41] Another thing I noticed is the music preview isn't working anymore. [06:41] *playing [06:41] kaiwen, is there a way to reduce it without much performance loss? [06:41] RadicalR: try a pulseaudio forum is the last thing i can think of right now to get the goods on rhythmbox with pusleaudio .. [06:42] alright. [06:43] l815, what is your cpu [06:43] kaiwen, intel core duo [06:43] puzleaudio .. might have been another good name for pulse ;) [06:43] l815, how is the cpu usage, can you monitor it? [06:44] kaiwen, yah hold on [06:44] a ha, nevermind. ah the powers of google [06:44] kaiwen, hmm seems to be at a constant 2-6% on both cores [06:44] ok [06:44] and is your fan running l815? [06:45] ya [06:45] ok wait [06:45] RadicalR: .. or #pulseaudio if anyone's there [06:45] seems to be running but not as strong as when I run more programs [06:45] do a acpi -t [06:46] hi... got a question/help needed xubuntu here... newbie [06:46] My laptop is crappy and runs ubuntu 6.06 I cant upgrade to 8 due to it not reading the disk [06:46] kaiwen, 46c [06:46] hmmm... [06:46] wow, and your fan is running, and it's hot [06:46] 46 doesn't seem much to me, like how hot is it. [06:46] yah that's what i find strange [06:46] my fan doesn't run until it hits 60 [06:46] um, the touchpad is pretty warm, it's under where it seems to feel pretty hot [06:47] hmmm.. so it's not under the cpu? [06:47] just the touchpad? [06:47] i think it's where the cpu is (there's a plate on there) [06:47] which is right near the touchpad [06:48] ok, then it's logical that the fan should be running [06:48] \/help [06:48] /help [06:48] Hello === HeavenPhoenix is now known as Asema [06:48] is there a way to make the fan run faster? it seems to be at a slow speed [06:48] but it doesn't make since it's that hot, since you said it was 46 degrees. right now mine is 59 [06:48] wow ;o [06:48] maybe, let me help you google [06:48] holy crap thats hot [06:48] Hello [06:48] i know i am [06:49] yah 59 seems hot to me :O [06:49] lol, it is.. but for some laptops, that is average [06:49] hmm there is a shell command you can run to find out the temperature [06:49] acpi -t [06:49] it measure how hot you are [06:49] My install is really buggy... my sound stops working and then programs stop working, and then i can't open any new programs or even press the restart button. why would this be happening [06:49] Whatever I record with gnome sound recorder has a static noise and my voice is way deeper. Yet when I allow the mic to go through to the speakers, it sounds just fine. It just won't record for me. Any ideas anyone? [06:49] Nice, I'm at 48.0C [06:49] it's only from the touchpad to the middle of the laptop where it's hot [06:49] * RadicalR learns something new. [06:50] so really what is pulseaudio for? is it able to mix audio sources, if this fail with other sound systems? [06:50] l815 try this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=557911 [06:50] pulseaudio is an audio driver [06:50] i think. [06:50] acpi -t [06:51] yup, thanks! [06:51] kaiwen, thanks ill take a look [06:51] how to install lego mindstrome software in ubuntu [06:51] hey can someone help me with some network stuff [06:51] yeah, i looked at this temperature issue on my laptop before, b/c it was burning my legs. [06:51] kaiwen: i interesting in mixing stream from game and music player (it dosnt work by default) [06:51] isakey, i have no experience about that, sry :/ === ce_cutezz is now known as ditza [06:52] isakey, actually [06:52] anyone have any ideas? [06:52] isakey, it won't work because it uses the audio at the same time. [06:52] I'm sure if you ask the question someone knowlegable will respond [06:52] isakey, how do I know this? if you run amarok, then use wine that cobtains a program with audio, it won't work? [06:52] why? because the audio driver is requested at the same time twice, for two different prorams [06:52] Can someone tell me how to keep my wireless going when i close my laptop? [06:53] kaiwen actually it depends on the application [06:53] m3gach33zy, is it on hibernate? [06:53] some apps use ALSA directly [06:53] Guest24174, true, but I'm assuming his applications don't work well together [06:53] kaiwen no i just close the lid or i lock it [06:53] isakey: install pavucontrp [06:53] pavuvontrol [06:53] kaiwen: this problem should be solved [06:53] m3gach33zy, you might want to check your session settings, to see whether it locks. [06:53] how to install NXT(lego mindstrome) software in ubuntu [06:53] the screen or not [06:53] what is required to run "sudo cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points" ? I'm getting no directory [06:54] lol [06:54] Vorbote: ok [06:54] kaiwen: how do i check the sessions? [06:54] l815 do a cd /proc/acpi/thermal_zone [06:54] then do a ls [06:54] m3gach33zy what gui are u running [06:54] anyone have any ideas? [06:54] kaiwen, worked [06:54] :D [06:54] kaiwen: umm the one before the new one [06:54] the name of the THRM is different for everyone [06:54] GNOME or KDE [06:55] !ask | Mycah_ [06:55] Mycah_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:55] i didn't. [06:55] ahh ok [06:55] i asked a question. [06:55] hi... got a question/help needed xubuntu here... newbie.. lost panels top and bottom [06:55] kaiwen: gusty gibbon version 7.10 [06:55] m3gach33zy, are you a mega noob, just wondering [06:55] trip point for one is 127c and the other 105c :O [06:56] kaiwen: yes i hardly use ubuntu and i'm trying to get into it [06:56] l-bob try ctrl+alt+backspace [06:56] l-bob: in gnome-terminal xfce4-panel --restart [06:56] m3gach33zy i need to know the window manager you are using, gnome kde, or xfce [06:56] that will kill your X session [06:56] So strange! [06:56] is it very orange? [06:56] Everything works now! [06:56] gnome [06:56] like the desktop [06:56] lol [06:56] ok [06:56] Thank you for all your help guys. [06:56] m3gach33zy, i'm on kde now, but if you search around for something like powersettings [06:56] that should help [06:56] well try the restart panel first [06:56] and turn off hibernate, lock screen, or whatever is there when you close you laptop lid [06:57] My install is really buggy... my sound stops working and then programs stop working, and then i can't open any new programs or even press the restart button. why would this be happening? [06:57] lol [06:57] trying cntrl-backspc first.. it is rebooting [06:57] well it should reboot [06:57] *oops shouldnt [06:57] kaiwen: i found power management but it doesnt have anything to do with network stuff [06:57] just restart the x-session [06:57] it doesn't, [06:57] this is the session issue not the network === Guest24174 is now known as newnickname [06:58] trust me, does it say antying about laptop under power management? [06:58] kaiwen: under sessions i'm not sure where to go [06:58] that restart did not work.. trying the other [06:58] now [06:58] i have a question. can i run Firestarter and ufw at the same time? === newnickname is now known as fsck [06:58] kaiwen, how do I know which one is the right one? http://pastebin.com/m46b45820 === fsck is now known as cantdoanything [06:58] kaiwen: it says actions put computer to sleep when inactive for... i said never [06:59] kaiwen: when i close the lid i said do nothing [06:59] there you go [06:59] that's it [06:59] hi there [06:59] l815, what is this? [06:59] kaiwen: okay got that but can i lock it and still have the network going? [06:59] jon_high9000: technically yes but the one thats run last will set iptables rules [06:59] oh i see it [06:59] kaiwen, the output of the thresholds for both directories [06:59] m3gach33zy, play around with it and see m3ga [06:59] probably since the session is still running [06:59] which app could I use to capture the key code? (I'd like to use my keyboard volume control keys) [06:59] i just don't know which one I should edit [06:59] lol [07:00] Dragnslcr: xev [07:00] l815, couldn't hurt to do both? :D [07:00] lol true [07:00] octa, thanks! [07:00] but. [07:00] look carefully [07:00] you see the second one [07:00] I got 'WARNING **; xfce4-panel is not running [07:00] contains info on your CPU [07:00] yah, the passive right? [07:00] so i'm assuming you have two fans [07:00] kaiwen: well i dont see anything under session or anywhere about leaving the network on when i lock the desktop\ [07:00] one cpu, one somethign else [07:01] m3gach33zy there isn't [07:01] how can i do sudo and put the password in the command... like sudo -something passwoereher ??? or... [07:01] just lock it and close the laptop [07:01] it should still run, it doesn't exit anything at all [07:01] oh yeah, l815, don't play with the critical setting [07:01] nomad729: thanks nomad. this issue was very confusing for me. [07:01] lol [07:02] I'll risk sounding like the new'b I am... But Had anyone run Kcron on Hardy Heron to play Music files? [07:02] leave the critical setting like that, if the temp. is any higher than that, your laptop will shutdown automatically [07:02] online change the passive, i think? [07:02] only* [07:02] nomad729 I *can get a menu by a right click on screen.. [07:03] m3gach33zy the reason why the network didn't work b/c you closed your laptop lid was b/c it went into hibernate or something similar [07:03] meaning, everything goes into memory or your harddrive and your computer shutsdown fully or partially [07:03] kaiwen: right i can close it just fine now [07:03] :D [07:03] l-bob: thats normal then try oveing/renaming your xfce files in ~/.config as a last resort,logout back in will have defaults again [07:03] that's good [07:03] l815, i hope you didn't change the critical setting [07:03] l-bob: moving [07:03] kaiwen: i want to lock the session from outsiders tho while leaving the network running [07:04] k nomad [07:04] kaiwen, didn't change anything yet :P [07:04] m3gach33zy just lock your session from the menu [07:04] then close the lid [07:04] kaiwen: i have a bunch of brothers and i dont want them to use the laptop but i still want my downloads to keep going [07:04] that's what you do [07:04] kaiwen, i dont know what im changing, all i see is to do "echo -n "65:60:50:55:50:45" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/trip_points" [07:04] ur downloads will keep going if you do that [07:04] l-bob: sorry to bail but bedtime hope it works [07:04] kaiwen: i do the lock screen thing but the network stops [07:05] idk man, you might have to do an alternative. [07:05] downloading stuff.... [07:05] hmm. [07:05] kaiwen: yeah i guess so [07:05] <\kG> how secure is the guided install with encrypted vpn [07:05] <\kG> err [07:05] <\kG> encrypted vlm [07:05] m3gach33zy, search google for locking screen in ubuntu [07:05] actually, try using kde [07:05] it might work better for you m3ga [07:05] l815, those trip points are the poitns where the fan will start [07:06] Hey, can anyone suggest a good torrent client other than deluge? [07:06] it will start the fan if it passes 45 50 55 60 65 etc. [07:06] kaiwen, so it wont touch the critical? [07:06] you can check [07:06] no it won't [07:06] btw, make a back up of those files first [07:06] Logrusmage, ktorrent is pretty good [07:06] kaiwen: ah i got it instead of lock screen i use switch user and it'll stay on [07:06] m3gach33zy there you go [07:06] radicalr: ty [07:06] kaiwen: thanks for the help :p [07:07] np\ [07:07] radicalr: does it run fine in gnome? [07:07] No problems here. [07:07] It's a utorrent clone [07:07] l815 i have to go [07:07] lotz of hw , procrastinated a bit [07:07] is there any last minute questions? [07:07] kaiwen, its okay I think i found a thread for directions [07:07] ok cool [07:07] kaiwen, thanks for the help :) [07:07] np [07:07] bye [07:07] cya [07:09] I take it Kcron and Ubunto... that would be a no. [07:09] sorry... Ubuntu\ === greg_univers1 is now known as greg_universe [07:10] hi, i have a well tweaked hardy on a desktop, i would like to clone it to 10 new computers with the exact same hardware. whats the best way of doing that? [07:11] itai-michaelson: Consider g4u or some similar disk cloning tool? [07:11] jmarsden, let me google g4u, is that a luve disc? [07:11] join #fedora [07:11] live disc.. [07:12] itai-michaelson: http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/ [07:12] jmarsden, reading... === Exteris is now known as Exteris^ === Exteris^ is now known as Exteris [07:16] somebody can help me ?.. i want to play my DVD(simpsons movie) "autoloading vlc" but.. i cant change default dvd autoplay :( [07:17] i try in /etc/gnome/defaults.list and isnot working [07:19] <[[cEuWe_fZz_yMM]> hi da org Ga [07:19] jmarsden, this is over a network , i was wondering if there is something more ghost -like as those new computers are not connected to the net. [07:19] . [07:19] What package contains GtkBuilder? [07:21] itai-michaelson: It does local disk to disk copying too, see the copydisk command [07:22] hello how to open the port for ssh in router?is it 22?so i could access my box? [07:22] port forwading? [07:22] itai-michaelson: I've used it for many years... networked and local copies work fine for me. [07:22] but what port?22? [07:23] im done installing openssh [07:23] Hi, do anybody know any alternative to network manager? [07:23] jmarsden, so i what i need to do it hook up the new computers HD to the old one maunally and then boot from the CD , right? [07:23] Im looking for a GUI'ed POS application. Any Suggestions? [07:23] eordenator: ifconfig + iwconfig + wpa_supplicant [07:24] Yes. [07:24] itai-michaelson: Or you can boot from floppy if you prefer :-) [07:24] lol floppy [07:24] radicalr: thanks a bunch... works SO much better... [07:24] no problems [07:25] :( [07:25] Armored_Azrael: via console, no graphic app? [07:26] i'm getting a input/output error when trying to change trip points [07:26] Im looking for a GUI'ed POS application. Any Suggestions? [07:27] hwo do i tell if someone is connected to my box [07:28] and whats the name of a intrusion detection app [07:28] johnny : who [07:28] what? [07:29] jmarsden, thanks -i'll give it a try [07:30] Johnny: type who or w in terminal [07:30] jan [07:30] hmm [07:30] i only have two tabs open in firefox [07:30] yet netstat -pat outputs at least 15 [07:31] I have a ubuntu install with grub installed/working, but how can I tell grub to boot my USB key instead of ubuntu ? [07:31] Hey guys, can anyone try to connect to me trough VNC just so i know it works :) [07:32] muntrue: what is the IP [07:32] webman, Is it oke if I PM that to you ? [07:32] I can detect the network in wifi-radar and network connections, but it refuses to connect whenever I try to. MAC filer, no WEP key. Works fine in Windows, just not in Ubuntu.. anyone have a solution to this problem? [07:32] muntrue i can help you [07:32] whats the name of an intrusion detection app [07:33] just pm me [07:35] Johnny: Are you using Firefox 3? [07:35] no === chaky_ is now known as chaky [07:36] somebody can help me "ubuntu 8.04" ?.. i want to play my DVD(simpsons movie) "autoloading vlc" but.. i cant change default dvd autoplay (totem) [07:36] acces, preferences > prefered applications [07:36] acces, can't u change it through System > preferences > preferred applicaitons ? [07:36] no work [07:37] just appear totem .. but no vlc [07:37] Johnny: snort is one IDS [07:37] i try in /etc/gnome/defaults.list and not work :( [07:37] Raheem: no :( [07:37] and do you know anything to encrypt passwords jmarsden [07:38] in firefox [07:38] encrypt... well, passwd does that :-) What specifically do you need to do? [07:39] johnny: there is a crypt plugin for firefox I think .... [07:39] something to encrypt passwords so that nothing going into a form can be sniffed or something [07:39] Johnny: In Firefox? Just set it not to store passwords at all. And use https connections? [07:40] does anyone know why ubuntu will detect wireless networks, but not connect to them? [07:40] if i dont store passwords id have 15+ or so id have to remember and i get them mixed up [07:40] johnny: you can't, if the server uses https, then it is done for you, otherwise, you can't enter anything into the form or else it can be sniffed [07:40] goose, i had a similar problem it has something to do with nm-applet and network manager conflict i think [07:40] cant remember what though [07:41] Johnny, do you remember how you fixed it? I have no idea what nm-applet is [07:41] net [07:41] i dont goose i sold that laptop to a friend sorry [07:41] hi i have trouble with Firefox. [07:41] nm-applet is the little applet on the bar for network manager [07:42] damn.. it originally worked straight off the install, but when I installed wifi-radar, it stopped working [07:42] i'am using windows profile on NTFS but FF on start send "Firefox cannot use the profile "Default" because it is in use." [07:42] how do i set up snort jmarsden ? [07:42] goose: to use wifi-radar you need to edit /etc/interfaces [07:43] wbmj, I tried removing wifi-radar and it still wouldn't connect after I got rid of it [07:43] wbmj, detects fine and dandy, just doesn't connect [07:44] !list FloodBot3 [07:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about list floodbot3 [07:44] does it ever connect goose and then just stop suddenly? [07:45] Johnny, nope, doesn't assign me an IP address at all [07:45] Johnny: read the docs first. http://www.snort.org/docs/#docs [07:45] goose: Do the connections have an icon next them [07:46] wbmj, not following you. what do you mean? [07:47] goose: left click on the nm-applet... the dropdown menu should list available connections [07:47] I have an odd problem with my sound. I don't really know how to put this into words, so bear with me. When I play an audio file, it seems as though there are missing channels\tracks, does this sound familiar to anyone? [07:47] wbmj, it only says "Manual configuration" [07:47] dany, are you using a laptop or a desktop? [07:48] Like, I can't hear the lead guitar something or something of that sort [07:48] goose, a desktop [07:48] hi all, Is there any command to determine the encoding of a text file under ubuntu? [07:48] dany, I had a similar problem with an old laptop. I ended up just reformatting and slapping on a fresh install and that fixed it.. :/ [07:49] goose: open System > Administration > Network and set your wireless connection to roaming [07:49] goose, this IS a fresh install :) === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [07:49] <_2> slchen file [07:50] wbmj, ok, done. How can I check to see if I have an IP assigned to my wireless? [07:50] _2, I just get ISO-8859 , seems the UTF-8 encoding [07:50] goose: now go to the nm-applet and see if you have a list of access points [07:50] but the content I tested are GB2312 , Big5, [07:51] wbmj, yes, I do. Only one, the network I'm hard wired into right now and trying to connect to wirelessly. [07:51] jmarsden, can i ask you some g4u questions? [07:51] goose: laptop? [07:52] itai-michaelson: Go ahead. [07:52] will g4u name the discs the same way ubuntu does? [07:52] wbmj, yep. I'm 30% done downloading a 700 mb file, so I'm a bit hesitant to unplug the ethernet and test it [07:52] i'm afraid to get them wrong [07:52] wbmj, is there a terminal command I can execute to see if I have an IP assigned to my wireless? [07:52] No, it runs netbsd underneath so uses its disk devcie names. [07:53] itai-michaelson: read the manual again, there is a command that lists devices... [07:53] goose: ifconfig -a will show all interfaces [07:53] jmarsden, so how can i tell which is the target disc and which the source [07:53] can i browse them somehow? [07:53] goose: ok when you finish download disconnect the hardwire and logout/in........should update nm-applet listings [07:53] goose: if you are downloading a file, and you change your interface, you will interrupt the download, because you will have a different IP on the new interface === SunWuKung is now known as SunWuKung|away [07:53] itai-michaelson: boot it with just the source disk installed, and list devices. Repeat with both installed, the new one is the target. [07:54] hello, anyone know what console-kit-daemon is and what can go wrong if it segfaults? [07:54] If you understand a bit about netbsd that's not needed, but if you are worried it is pretty safe :-) [07:54] jmarsden, i know nothing about netbsd ,but i will try your method [07:55] From you experience, can Ubuntu comfortably (i.e. without constant disk thrashing) be run on a 256 MB machine (1+ GHz processor implied) for general OpenOffice/Firefox/Ekiga(VoIP)/Pidgin use? I'm asking since the 8.04 Live CD would grind down to even freezing the mouse pointer with just 192 MB installed and the GNOME taking its toll (it's understood requirements will be a little lower for a hard disk install from the Alter [07:55] me again, I'm still trying to install ubuntu and to format partitions here. anyone available to help me? [07:55] can I use samba to share a folders in mu ubuntu only network [07:55] TEN: have you heard of xubuntu [07:56] vlc isn't playing this avi file [07:56] TEN - it can run well on 256MB but not with GNOME (the deafult grapgic environment) [07:56] TEN: highly recommend xubuntu [07:56] AlexJP: Sure, but I mean the general edition. [07:56] what is the command to move EVERYTHING recursivly from one directory to another? is is "mv --r * // ? [07:56] Can someone help me? Ubuntu is freezing up... I think it has to go with my wireless card... [07:56] **do [07:56] What do I need to download so VLC will play this file? how do I find out what codec I need and then how do I add it to vlc [07:57] itai-michaelson: Thanks, I feared I'd hear that. Not that any of the apps I mentioned would actually require GNOME though... [07:57] TEN, you can install the general edition and then run it with a different graphic environment [07:57] <_2> l3d you can but you could use something FOSS'ish [07:57] falien: install ubuntu-restricted-meta............... [07:57] itai-michaelson: Well the installer wouldn't let me (or maybe the alternate one would) given the lack of RAM [07:58] TEN, hen install xubuntu [07:58] wbmj, I think I've done that already [07:58] itai-michaelson: This would be xfce I guess? [07:58] itai-michaelson, can you give me a hand on this mv command issue? [07:58] TEN, yes, if you are just running those apps you can run IceWM much faster than XCE [07:58] TEN: Xfce in xubuntu is setup very similar to Gnome [07:59] Ubuntu is freezing up, can someone help me figure out why? [07:59] jeeves__ to recursively move you either "mv /* " [07:59] HELP my appearances in my preferences will not open, i just installed a custom theme and every time i open it, it automatically closes again! [07:59] falien : Try Medibuntu repo and install w32codecs [07:59] webman, and the recursive part? [07:59] btfx: can you do CTRL-ALT-F1 when it is 'frozen' ?? [07:59] webman: one sec, let me check [08:00] jeeves__: if the source is a dir then it will move the dir and all it's contents [08:00] jeeves__: if you move a directory you have by definition moved everything under it [08:00] <_2> webman just a thought. but mv on local fs doesn't actually move anything it only readdresses the inodes ;/ [08:00] FAJALOU: in terminal gnome-appearances-properties [08:00] <_2> which is good! [08:00] btw, in my second above it won't move the files/directories under the source that start with a . :) [08:00] wbmj: I see, and xubuntu should probably do the trick. Impressively it seems to be following the general releases with less the a week's delay... [08:01] webman, thanks. [08:01] jmarsden, thanks [08:01] _2: correct, and if target/dest are not on the same FS it will simply cp and rm :) [08:01] TEN: yes and it is LTS [08:01] wbmj: command not found [08:01] webman: anything I do while it's frozen executes after it unfreezes [08:01] ubuntu noob, I need help with formating [08:01] including Ctrl+Alt+F1 [08:02] <_2> webman correct. one q though. on local fs does it hardlink and then rm the origenal ? [08:02] FALJALOU: my mistake gnome-appearance-properties [08:02] btfs: what do you mean by unfreeze ?? does it just freeze for a few seconds or something ? [08:02] wbjm : tabbed it thx. segmentation fault :\ [08:02] wbmj, you rock [08:02] thanks [08:03] _2: no, it calls the system call "rename" which is an atomic action, so at any instant, only one of the entries will exist never both, and never neither. The OS looks after that for you [08:03] FAJALOU: that's not good [08:03] goose: np [08:03] uhoh :\ i just tried to install a customized appearance package, and it quit out on me... [08:03] webman, it freezes for 5 seconds 3 times in a row (with a few milliseconds of normal behavior in-between), then there's about 30-45 seconds of normal behavior before it repeats [08:03] <_2> webman k. cool [08:03] btfs: try running "dmesg|tail" and see if it gives any errors, it might help pinpoint the problem [08:04] wbmj: any fix for it...? [08:04] FAJALOU: Try uninstalling the theme? :-) [08:04] jmarsden: would love to,,, except to uninstall it don't you have to get into appearance settings? [08:04] wbmj: beat me to the punch jmardens [08:05] FAJALOU: No, what was the package name you installed? [08:05] question - i'm using compiz for the 1st time, whenver i hit backspace twice i get this wired brown line in the middle of the screen , what is that? [08:05] jmarsden: aero-trk-2.0.tar.gz [08:05] jmarsden: aero-gtk-2.0.tar.gz [08:05] FAJALOU: and how did you install it? That's not a Ubuntu package BTW [08:06] jmarsden: i drug and dropped it into the appearances area. [08:06] FAJALOU: the theme is saved in ./themes in your home directory...just dellete the folder named aero [08:07] the one named aero-gtk-2.0? [08:07] FAJALOUU: yes [08:07] try opening it again/ [08:07] phew. opened that time :D [08:08] what, do you think went wrong, i am new to gtk coding, and so it was prolly human error [08:08] I have got in /etc/alternatives/ 11 stale symlinks. Should I simply delete them? [08:08] FAJALOU: wouldn't even try to guess [08:08] lol. ok. can you recommend a good, vista-ish looking theme? [08:09] <_2> i wouldn't if i could [08:09] FAJALOU: did you checkout www.gnome-look.org [08:09] FAJALOU, go to gnome-look and search "linst" [08:09] wbmj: yes. but no real luck, [08:09] linsta [08:10] how/who do I ask for help? [08:10] boGGdy, just ask! === Alvin_FN is now known as ce_16_az [08:10] boGGdy, what partitioning help; please clarify [08:11] webman: "dmesg|tail" returns: http://pastebin.com/m60848d1a [08:11] bazhang> I have two NTFS patitions. on C: I have WinXP, on D... Games, pictures... stuff === Alvin_FN is now known as ce_16_za [08:11] boGGdy, need an actual question [08:11] wbmj: how can i tell if it is actually a theme or not? [08:11] bazhang> I was thinking to put ubuntu on the free space on D. what do I have to do to keep the info on my hDD? [08:12] boggdy: burn data to dvd(s) [08:12] boGGdy, back up first [08:12] boGGdy: and defrag if it's windows. [08:12] just to be safe [08:12] FAJALOU: Appearances won't accept anything thar's not a theme format [08:13] Can't type tonight [08:13] boGGdy, i second the "back-up" suggestion [08:13] :( too much work. I have over 200 GB of stuff [08:13] <_2> then it's to valuable not to === Alvin_FN is now known as ce_16_cutezz [08:14] btfs: yep, looks like problems with wireless.... I can't help you much more, since I don't really know any more, but now you can probably file a bug for your wireless and provide the complete output of "dmesg" and "lspci -v" to start with [08:14] what if I drop in another HDD, an old IDE? would 13Gb be enough? [08:14] boGGdy, yes [08:14] wbmj: ok i think i permenatnly screwed something up; not my menubar is looking funky, and not correct. [08:14] <_2> boGGdy yes [08:14] boGGdy: plenty [08:14] webman: Do you think using ndiswrapper to use the Win32 drivers might help? [08:14] <_2> boGGdy 5g should be enough [08:14] wbmj: everything else looks fine, but the menubar... [08:15] * webman usus ubuntu on the asus eeepc with a 4G HDD and it works well [08:15] FAJALOU: let me guess you can't see the words on the nenu [08:15] wbmj: now neither of the menubars are changing at all!... [08:15] they are black... [08:15] and... what type of partition should I choose? should I go with the automatic partitioning? [08:15] btfs: I think it is already using ndiswrapper... hence the messages in dmesg .... [08:15] ahh =\ [08:15] damn [08:15] * _2 uses kubuntu on a p1 with 610m hdd and it "works" [08:15] FAJOU: sound like a poorly constructed theme [08:16] i am using lxde [08:16] ya but whichever theme i change to, it doesn't chane... [08:16] and i am not able to change the wallpaper [08:16] boggdy: guided use full disc [08:16] Hi, everybody [08:16] _2: yeah, but is it useful :) [08:16] wbmj: the panels are not changing at all... [08:16] earlier i could change it but now only openbox menu is shown when i right click on the desktop [08:16] raxial> thank you. thank you, all! time for the surgeon in me to go inside [08:17] FAJALOU: open custom and change the window style then go back and pick a theme [08:17] anyone who is well versed with lxde ? [08:17] boggdy: welcome [08:17] is is difficult to start using Ubuntu, if all the time i used windows? [08:17] <_2> webman depends on what you want to do... short answer "yes" long answer is for some things and not so good for others ripping dvd's no. serfing web, chatting, remote access over sss yes. [08:17] wbmj: did that, still no change. [08:18] KestasUPSY, not really [08:18] KestasUPSY, try the Live-Cd and see for your self [08:18] i tryied, i was installed 2 operating systems [08:18] FAJALOU: trying changing controls in custom [08:18] anyone has any idea who can change the wallpaper in lxde ? [08:19] desktop environment [08:19] but when i didn't like at first time, and i uninstalled ubuntu [08:19] by windows doesn't start === desti_T2 is now known as desti [08:19] wbmj: i can change it; but it only affects the appearance prefs window. [08:19] nothing more than that. [08:19] then i had to do something like fixmbr [08:19] KestasUPSY, you need to restore the MBR [08:20] okay. [08:20] !ping [08:20] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore [08:20] Hi all - How would I go about extracting the contents of an .img file made with dd of an almost-dead ntfs hard-drive? [08:20] KestasUPSY, you can try wubi i think it runs linux without changing the MBR but not 100% sure [08:20] FAJALOU:even when you change the controls? [08:21] wbmj: yup, the only thing that changes is the appearance preferences window. [08:21] I tried loopback but it told me (in simple terms) that the hard-drive was corrupt and couldn't be read =( [08:21] cha0n1x: You could try using one of the special purpose forensic liveCD distributions such as BackTrack [08:21] how to change the wallpapers in lxde ? [08:22] NOTHING!!!! [08:22] FAJALOU: personally I would uninstall that theme [08:22] http://www.youtube.com/user/MarcusTheReverent [08:22] murlidhar, use something like feh [08:22] wbmj how?? it's not in there. there is no theme 'aero-gtk-2.0' [08:23] unop: lxde supports changing the wallpaper but i don't remember the settings [08:23] :( [08:23] jmarsden: If I made an img file of the entire disk instead of just the ntfs partition, would that have caused the problem? [08:23] murlidhar, i don't know what lxde is :) [08:23] oko [08:23] in ubuntu, what's max size of mysql myisam table ? [08:24] FAJALOU: Place > Home Folder ... hit ctrl-h.....look for the .themes folder.....aero should be there...it is safe to dellete it [08:24] unop: Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment [08:24] I'm trying to watch a trailer at apple.com and I must have installed a mplayer plugin. Only problem is the plugin buffers to 99% and doesn't work. Anyone know how i can fix this? [08:24] wbmj: the aero-gtk-2.0? [08:24] FAJALOU: yes [08:24] wbmj: it's already gone... [08:24] eHome, i'd be surprised if ubuntu has patched mysql for that behaviour to change - I should _assume_ it is the value as set by mysql AB [08:25] cha0n1x: Perhaps. There are tools for working with full disk images you can use, tct is one that is packaged for Ubuntu, so maybe try it? [08:25] unop: ok . i ask mysql then ... [08:25] murlidhar, yea, i got that much - i really meant to say, i don't know how it works [08:25] cha0n1x: You wil ahve some learning to do, tct is intended for relatively experienced forensics staff :-) [08:25] FAJALOU: probably have to logout/in [08:25] :( [08:25] ok will do, brb [08:25] jmarsden: thanks I'm happy to learn :) [08:25] does any1 no of a download page for deluge (bittorrent client) for ubuntu 7.04 32 bit [08:25] What is the difference in upgrade and safe-upgrade? [08:25] anyone is knows lxde ? [08:26] s3a google it [08:26] !anyone | murlidhar [08:26] murlidhar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [08:26] I have a question, when I try to upgrade to 8.04 via the update manager it downloads the files and fails the hash check,I am not sure how to upgrade now [08:26] cha0n1x, if your .img file was made with dd, i think the only thing to do would be to write it out on an emtpy partition/disk again to "extract" the contents [08:26] s3a, I guess you haven't tried the DELUGE WEBSITE! http://deluge-torrent.org/downloads.php [08:26] well a problem not question [08:26] I'm trying to open a document (ODT, using OpenOffice 2.3.0/openoffice.org-core 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu5.4, Fri May 2 07:39:46 UTC) that I was working on yesterday. Now, the progress bar at the bottom of the window flashes momentarily and then (I guess at the render stage) OOo just stops, and consumes ~95% CPU. I already tried making a new .odt container without the two pictures in there, no change whatsoever. content.xml looks OK at a glance. Any sugg [08:26] I have got in /etc/alternatives/ 11 stale symlinks. Should I simply delete them? [08:26] So while installing ubuntu via cd, I get a HUGE amont of device errors... [08:26] why is this? [08:27] chad: have you tried running the CD check (I believe it's in the CD's boot menu)? [08:27] s3a: for feisty getting a package would be difficult at this time but google it and see if it helps . Otherwise compile it from source. [08:27] chad: "a HUGE amont of device errors" is no exact description. [08:27] bullgard4, i believe update-alternatives has a way to delete them - you might want to use update-alternatives so as not to upset its database [08:27] unop: Thanks - I'm thinking I might just have to do that; I'd prefer to leave it as a last resort though hehe [08:27] unop: Ok. [08:27] yes [08:27] works fine [08:28] s3a, it would be there in repo's mostly [08:28] murlidhar, did you try /usr/share/lxpanel/images/background.png? [08:28] well this device error keeps repeating itself over and over but this a different 5 number digit after it [08:28] or something to hat effect [08:28] itai-michaelson: wait a sec [08:28] Ahadiel: there is only ubuntu 7.10 & ubuntu 8.04 [08:28] chad: That may be ubuntu not finding hardware [08:28] with a* [08:28] hmm [08:28] last time i installed it on the same comp it was fine [08:29] no new hardware [08:29] maybe i'll try again :| [08:29] brb [08:29] murth_, i suspect it should be in /usr/share/lxde somewhere [08:29] s3a, Maybe try this? http://howto.landure.fr/gnu-linux/ubuntu-feisty-fawn-1/software-for-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/deluge-torrent-on-ubuntu-feisty-fawn [08:30] cha0n1x, well, from what i understand . dd creates a byte for byte copy of a filesystem, so the resulting dump is one big binary file and unless you know every contained file's boundary markers - you wouldn't know where files begin and end and therefore wouldn't be able to extract contents - unless off course you could mount the img file [08:30] wbmj: it worked :D but it is huge :) [08:30] is there any command to put the monitor to sleep/ [08:30] ? [08:30] FAJALOU: that's good....but what's huge [08:30] unop: If I created a new partition on a non-empty hard-drive, would I lose data if I "Extracted" the contents to that partition? [08:31] wbjm the panels are 21 pixels, they were at 19, and they can't go any lower than 21. [08:31] abhi_, sleep [08:32] FAJALOU: may be the theme your using now [08:32] cha0n1x, well, is the .img file an image of a single partition? was the size of that partition less than or equal to the size of this partition? if the answer is yes to both these questions then no, you wouldn't lose data [08:32] cha0n1x: if it's a complete drive dump (/dev/hdX instead of /dev/hdXY) you'll need to write it out to a drive in order to make much use of it. if it's a partition dump, you could mount it loopback. [08:32] wbmj: positive it is; is there a way to fix that easily? [08:32] trying this again. I'm trying to open a document (ODT, using OpenOffice 2.3.0/openoffice.org-core 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu5.4, Fri May 2 07:39:46 UTC) that I was working on yesterday. Now, the progress bar at the bottom of the window flashes momentarily and then (I guess at the render stage) OOo just stops, and consumes ~95% CPU. I already tried making a new .odt container without the two pictures in there, no change whatsoever. content.xml looks OK at [08:32] arvind_khadri, : duration in sec/min/hr [08:32] kjor: It was a complete drive dump - If I go and do a partition dump instead, would that solve the loopback problem? [08:32] kjor: Have you used tools like sleuthkit to work with disk images? Ther are definitely things you can do with them... [08:32] itai-michaelson: i am not talking about the panel background only desktop background . actually there was a setting , where i could right click on the desktop and change the desktop background with a gui . That gui is somehow not visible now. [08:32] itai-michaelson: now only a openbox menu is shown when i right click on the desktop [08:33] if you do a partition dump, you can mount that one using the loopback device and then access it just like you would a regular partition. [08:33] abhi_, after number suffix s for seconds m for minutes d for days [08:33] unop: it was a complete drive dump, so I think my best bet is to go back and make a partition dump [08:33] FAJALOU: does the theme change the panel appearance [08:33] unop: It might save a bit of time too as I think it's the start/boot sector of the disk that's stuffed hehe [08:33] cha0n1x: if you can, that's fine. But the full drive dump can be worked with and you can extract partitions from it.... [08:33] itai-michaelson: i am not talking about the panel background only desktop background . actually there was a setting , where i could right click on the desktop and change the desktop background with a gui . That gui is somehow not visible now. [08:33] itai-michaelson: now only a openbox menu is shown when i right click on the desktop [08:33] cha0n1x, right, you cannot write a disk dump onto a partition - well you could, but it wouldn't make any sense to do so [08:34] cha0n1x, what was wrong with the drive? [08:34] arvind_khadri, : it does't work when i give it in run command [08:34] #hell is a channel [08:34] wbmj: the panels are now just bigger, 21 pixels instead of 19...but yes it is definately on the linsta-orange theme [08:34] !off-topic | James_Bomb [08:34] James_Bomb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [08:34] abhi_, should be done on the terminal [08:34] Is UBOTTU an infobot? [08:34] James_Bomb, yeah [08:34] Ahadiel: k, thx ill check it out [08:34] unop: it just stopped working - started clicking, and I didn't want it to become completely trashed so i stopped using it [08:34] James_Bomb, yes, and a smart one at that too [08:34] Major security flaw in infobots. [08:34] unop: you can do stuff with mmls and mmcat to get partition images out of a disk image... [08:35] FAJALOU: you could adjust the font size....sometimes that helps [08:35] jmarsden: How do I extract partitions from the full drive dump? [08:35] arvind_khadri, : it will not work. it will make the treminal to sleep.. i want to sleep the monitor. [08:35] cha0n1x, see what jmarsden just said [08:35] murlidhar, what controls the background image in lxde ? openbox? pc4man? [08:35] abhi_, hmm habg on [08:35] wbmj: under where? [08:35] itai-michaelson: lxde [08:35] FAJALOU: fonts are a tab in appearances [08:36] murlidhar, mmm. maybe delete the lxde dot file in your home floder and start again? [08:36] wbmj: don't think that that will help. [08:36] arvind_khadri, : r u from india? [08:36] never have been changed... [08:36] abhi_, yeah i am [08:36] arvind_khadri, : what u do? [08:36] murlidhar, just a suggestion ,,never tried it myslef.... [08:36] i cant figure out why i cannot upgrade to version 8 [08:36] itai-michaelson: now only a openbox menu is shown . k i will delete it and see if it works [08:36] abhi_, am doing engg CSE.. [08:37] arvind_khadri, :yo. i am just passed out engg. cse this yr. [08:37] abchirk, arvind is a very indian name - i'd be surprised if he were from anywhere else but india :) [08:37] abhi_, ^^ [08:37] joustin: sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude install dit-upgrade [08:37] unop, : what [08:37] unop, yours too ;) [08:37] hmm [08:38] arvind_khadri, : which yr [08:38] joustin: sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude install dist-upgrade < I mean [08:38] abhi_, personal questions in pm please... the ops would scream at us [08:38] arvind_khadri, heh, doubt it - i could be machine language :) [08:38] crap. [08:38] still wrong [08:38] arvind_khadri, : :) [08:38] jmarsden: How would I go about extracting partitions from the full disk dump? So far I haven't been able to do anything with it =( [08:39] how do i check my system specs on ubuntu? [08:39] joustin: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install dist-upgrade [08:39] cha0n1x: sudo apt-get install sleuthkit and then use mmls on it ? [08:39] CostaRicanQuaker, there are files in the /proc directory [08:39] Blaqlight, it's easier to do. do-release-upgrade # it takes care of migrating over your /etc/apt/sources.list [08:39] CostaRicanQuaker: It depends on which specs you want [08:40] jmarsden: I've got mmls - and I used it on the image file, and I can see the partition table for it. What would I do from here? [08:40] CostaRicanQuaker, try cat /proc/meminfo [08:40] that isnt working for me, it says 0 to instal [08:40] cha0n1x: I need to get some sleep, but using the various computer forensics tools you can do a lot with that image. [08:40] CostaRicanQuaker, du -ck gives used space and df shows free space [08:40] cha0n1x: Now youe mmcat to extract the partition you want? [08:40] DUCK! [08:40] CostaRicanQuaker, or cat /proc/cpuinfo [08:40] * ne2k__ hurls a duck at arvind_khadri [08:40] jmarsden: ok thankyou very much jmarsden appreciate your help :-D [08:40] cha0n1x: try mmcat next [08:41] ne2k__, what?? [08:41] Why do you guys give terminal commands when there are pretty GUI options too? You shouldn't assume everyone wants to use a terminal. [08:41] arvind_khadri: quack [08:41] Fructose, cause they are easier to give over IRC [08:41] jmarsden: Where would I get mmcat? or what is it's package name? [08:41] it is part of sleuthkit, so is mmls [08:41] itai-michaelson: Easier to give, not necessarily receive. [08:41] Hi, I'm searching for a good usenet client that has all the stuff I need to read messages and get binaries, any suggestions ? [08:41] Fructose, and commands passed over IRC tend to be accurate solutions [08:41] unop why is there always a better way than the way your taught to do things. its depressing. [08:42] j/k :) [08:42] Fructose, try explaining to someone how to download something with synaptic ..it takes years ..it doesnt fit the IRC medium [08:42] i'm having trouble, opening up html files that i've saved on folders, as soon as i get the mouse pointer on top of the file i get the following error from dolphin :/usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop [08:42] Blaqlight, everything evolves, even debian/ubuntu :) things get better in time, people get lazier, etc :) [08:42] Fructose: if you don't want to use a terminal then you don't deserve Linux [08:42] do i need to add a software channel for the new release? [08:42] itai-michaelson: That's what ubottu is for. [08:42] Blaqlight, people here are volunteers :) he may not be perfect but he helped you [08:42] ne2k__, that's a bit harsh [08:43] ok [08:43] ne2k__: That's a bunch of crap. [08:43] joustin, no you dont [08:43] hmm it doesnt like it when i put it in [08:43] arvind_khadri: wait a minute. I wasn't complaining. its just an observation. [08:43] Fructose: in fact, if you don't want to patch your kernel to support that new piece of hardware you just bought, you don't deserve a computer [08:43] hy [08:43] !ot | ne2k__ [08:43] ne2k__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [08:44] Blaqlight, its ok ... never mind [08:44] sore [08:44] hello [08:44] * ne2k__ wonders how ludicrously over the top he has to go before the sarcasm is evident [08:44] ne2k__: OK, before it was hard to tell you were being sarcastic. [08:44] Fructose: ;-) [08:44] xanax`, hi [08:44] Fructose, i personally prefer the terminal but if someone asks for a GUI i can try to help with that as well, its just that i'm a slow typer [08:45] I believe he removed all doubt of sarcasm... [08:45] itai-michaelson: Well, for instance, in the case where someone asks for system specs, my guess is they don't know how to use the terminal well. Otherwise, they would probably know that "system specs" is a very broad set of info. [08:46] does anyone have a Soundmax HD 1988 integrated soundcard ? (and succeed making work in Ubuntu 8.04 ? [08:46] Fructose, actually I don't know how to find system specs using GUI, I can only help with what I know [08:47] itai-michaelson: System Monitor [08:47] how can i make my gnome-panels be less pixels go have less pixels than aloud? [08:47] how can i make my gnome-panels be less pixels go have less pixels than allowed? [08:47] Fructose, great! where do you find that? (i'm not joking) [08:47] Hi, do anybody know any alternative to network manager? [08:47] itai-michaelson: System > Administration > System Monitor [08:47] eordenador: wicd [08:47] Fructose, ok cool === beaver is now known as Beaver === Beaver is now known as Beaver_ [08:48] .org [08:48] FAJALOU: it also doesn't work for me [08:49] eordenador: i have no idea then, network manager has worked perfectly for me. [08:49] where i can find various cli utilities for ubuntu? [08:50] abhi_, there is no command from which you can put the monitor to sleep...try using apmd package [08:50] this is odd, i still cant get this distro to upgrade... [08:50] Pulseaudio just crashed but now no apps will load - they just stall halfway through loading and eventually crash. Everything already running is stable. I've had this problem before and the only way to fix it is a full restart. The only thing that shows in logs is the pulseaudio crash. I've got tons of free RAM and I've memtest86+'d it. All my HDs are fine. Any ideas? [08:50] FAJALOU: is there any possibility to edit the network manually? [08:50] arvind_khadri, : ok. what does apmd do [08:50] joustin, get a alternate cd and make cd as a repo and then try [08:51] abhi_, its a power management package [08:51] ok [08:51] arvind_khadri, : ok. let me check it out [08:52] Fructose, you convinced me! [08:53] hi can some one help me [08:53] itai-michaelson: Sweet [08:53] anirudh, what is the problem? [08:53] i am using ubuntu 7.04 and [08:53] eordenador: i am not sure [08:53] anirudh, ask away :) [08:55] * arvind_khadri waits for the lag to clear [08:56] trying to connect to net with a wireless card [08:56] is the room really silent?? [08:56] joustin: update-manager isn't working? What error is it giving you? [08:56] arvind_khadri: yes [08:57] anirudh, what card do you have? [08:57] Flannel, oh thanks i was scared that why aint anything happening :D [08:57] i am not able to use edit /etc/wvdial.conf command [08:57] anirudh, its gksu gedit /etc/wvdial.conf [08:58] My sound stops working randomly. How can I fix this? [08:58] anirudh, there is no such command , use gksu gedit [08:58] hello arvind r u there [08:58] Hi everyone, is there an easy to know the driver my printer is currently using? (8.04) [08:59] anirudh, are you following some online guide to get your wireless working? [08:59] anirudh, yeah [08:59] sorry was afk [08:59] Fresh install of ubuntu. Sound works perfectly, except for in flash.. I don't hear anything. I'm using a usb headset as my output device. Any ideas why flash-sound doesn't work? the videos play perfectly. [09:00] in terminal i get that there is nothing to download, on the update manager it tells me that the hash didnt match after the wget [09:00] How do I find out the offset of a filesystem of an image in sectors? [09:00] but lastly i have to edit etc/wvdial.conf [09:00] Hello [09:00] using mmls* [09:00] i just burned the alternate cd and i am trying that [09:00] anirudh, what card do you use??? [09:00] Now ubuntu will not resize the partion and create a new one [09:00] partition* [09:00] anirudh, you edit by using the gedit command [09:00] reliance zte mg 880 [09:01] What should i do now? [09:01] joustin: update/dist-upgrade won't tell you there is anything to download, because thats not how it works. What error does update-manager give you exaclty? [09:01] i cannot fully install like this [09:01] anirudh, are you following some manual? [09:01] yes [09:01] it gives an error that says no information [09:01] anirudh, show it to me... [09:01] all it says is unable to resize partition [09:01] I installed Samba, but under System->Administration there is no Shared Folder options, what's wrong? [09:01] so wtf am i supposed to do? [09:01] in terminal? [09:01] Chad -can you give more info ,are you in the middle of installing ubuntu? [09:01] yes i defragmented [09:01] anirudh, wvdial is an intelligent PPP dialer, which means that it dials a modem and starts PPP in order to connect to the Internet. (not used for wireless) [09:02] !language | chad [09:02] chad: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [09:02] Yes i am [09:02] I am in the middle of installing it [09:02] Chad, what partition are you trying to resize? [09:02] my windows xp one [09:02] ok [09:02] wait 1 sec [09:02] it is a 160 gig hard drive [09:02] I installed Samba, but under System->Administration there is no Shared Folder options, what's wrong? [09:02] with 100 gigs free [09:02] Chad , FAT or NTFS? [09:03] ntfs [09:03] Can someone please take a look at a problem I am having with my laptop locking up once going into standby? -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=864952 [09:03] Chad, did you defrag it first? [09:03] yes [09:03] fully [09:03] it looks like it is updating now, i will give it a minute [09:03] Chad, you cant resize a mounted partition [09:03] I installed Samba, but under System->Administration there is no Shared Folder options, what's wrong? can anyone help? [09:03] btw thanks for you help [09:04] hmm nvm [09:04] a mounted partition? [09:04] !repeat | Akmon [09:04] Akmon: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [09:04] Chad, for resizing a partiton first unmount ti [09:04] Chad, what I would suggest is using a Gparted CD to resize the partition first , you can also do it in partition magik (on windows) [09:04] arvind,plzz have a look at this link:http://nandz.blogspot.com/2007/11/how-to-get-reliance-zte-mg880-working.html [09:04] Chad: Ubuntu automatically mounts your windows partitions so you can read them, you'll need to unmount it to resize it (its easy to unmount) [09:05] ok how should i unmount it [09:05] Btw thanks for your help guys [09:05] c [09:05] Chad, right click on the icon on your desktop,choose unmount [09:05] Chad, hang on [09:05] Chad, sorry it wasnt for you [09:06] anirudh, hang on [09:06] Chad the XP partition should appear on your desktop I think [09:06] it's not [09:06] where might it be? [09:07] anirudh, ok so where do you have problem...what happens when you run sudo wvdial [09:07] mmm...try places>computer>mnt [09:07] Chad, mount will tell you what's mounted where [09:07] anirudh, i mean sudo wvdialconf [09:08] mnt? [09:08] its trying to resolve dependencies now [09:08] Chad, sorry places>computer>filesystem>mnt [09:08] i have the ability to mount my harddrive [09:08] itai-michaelson, please dont give random suggestions [09:08] nothing inside mnt [09:09] Chad, to check your mounting points check the /etc/mtab [09:10] so do i open up the mtab file? [09:10] should i paste the contents on pastebin? [09:10] Chad, yeah ... [09:10] Chad, you learn pretty fast :) [09:11] hai [09:11] ty [09:11] anirudh, ??? [09:11] I'm back. ubuntu is installed, I rebooted and I have 'GRUB Loading stage1.5Read Error'. What is that? [09:11] i'm not completely dumb with computers [09:11] how do i open menu's in enlightement [09:11] just with linux [09:11] :P [09:11] does anybody know how to setup wireless connection useing linksys WUSB54GSC With SpeedBooster when ya dont even have the internet unless your on windows? [09:11] boGGdy, are you in Ubuntu now?? [09:11] http://pastebin.com/m15343389 [09:12] Stanton: got wired access? [09:12] no, it's a different computer [09:12] boGGdy: It means your boot loader can't find the partition where the rest of it i s installed. [09:12] LSD|Ninja, nope [09:12] boGGdy, did the install there complete?? [09:12] arvind r u there [09:12] arvind_khadri, http://pastebin.com/m15343389 [09:12] http://nandz.blogspot.com/2007/11/how-to-get-reliance-zte-mg880-working.html [09:13] Chad, hang on [09:13] it looks like sudo apt-get distro-upgrade is working... [09:13] arvind_khadri> yes, it asked for restart, I hit Restart now, I removed the LiveCD and... I got the error [09:13] arvind_khadri: k [09:13] the manual i follwed is on the abvove link [09:13] how do i open applications in applications [09:13] anirudh, i saw that ... what happens when you run sudo wvdialconf [09:13] boGGdy, re-install grub [09:13] that works fine [09:13] !grub | boGGdy [09:13] boGGdy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [09:13] i mean how do i open applications in enlightement desktop manager [09:13] LSD|Ninja, is there not away with out haveint to download stuff? [09:14] but when try to edit wvdial.conf it shows errors [09:14] Why does LinkSys have to make things difficult and mask the actual chip name? [09:14] Chad, fstab too === cpk1_ is now known as cpk1 [09:14] basic question.....how do i move a directory that has files in it? i'm trying to move a directory and it says "Directory not empty" do i have to use cp, then rm? [09:14] anirudh, what errors?? [09:14] I love this room lol [09:14] Stanton: From the looks of things you need ndiswrapper anyway which means getting a hold of the Windows driver for it [09:14] Crshman: rm -f directory [09:15] does someone have an Analog Device SoundMax HD 1988 sound card ? [09:15] Flannel, no thnx ;) [09:15] Crshman, rm -rf /path/to/directory [09:15] LSD|Ninja, soo its a good thing i have windows right now? [09:15] how do i open applications in enlightenment desktop manager [09:15] arvind_khadri, again...no thnx ;) [09:15] Crshman: Eh? That's how you do it. [09:15] arvind_khadri> I'll try that. don't move, I'll be back. ;) [09:15] Crshman, why not? [09:15] boGGdy, sure :) [09:15] bash:no such file or directory (or) dont have permissions to write etc/wvdial.conf [09:15] Crshman: We ban people here for malicious commands [09:15] Stanton: sounds like it [09:15] isn't rm remove? and -f force? [09:16] anirudh, use this gksu gedit /etc/wvdial.conf [09:16] where is the destination directory in that command? [09:16] Crshman, man rm [09:16] arvind_khadri: here is fstab http://pastebin.com/m75b298b4 [09:16] LSD|Ninja, soo. um how do i go about this? just find ndiswrapper or some thing? [09:16] Crshman: Oh.... [09:16] Crshman: Your question reads really well as "remove a directory" not "move" a directory. [09:16] i mean how do i open applications in enlightement desktop manager [09:16] ahhh [09:16] ok [09:16] Crshman: with the rm at the end and all. [09:16] sorry [09:17] Chad, arvind_khadri it would probably be easier with gParted no? [09:17] Stanton: ndiswrapper is already in Ubuntu afaik. As far as setting it up goes though I have no idea, I'ven ever had to use it [09:17] i was quite confused there haha [09:17] Crshman: mv [09:17] ok [09:17] i will try it [09:17] thanxxx a lot [09:17] how do i open applications in enlightement desktop enviornment [09:17] i tried to use mv, but it shoots back that error "Directory not empty" [09:17] Chad, there are no drives mounted at all ... [09:17] LSD|Ninja, seeing how its installed i'll see what i can do.. now knowing its there. [09:18] well then why won't it resize the partion D: [09:18] the version of eclipse in ubuntu is very very old. is there any specific reason for this? is eclipse difficult to package? [09:18] Chad, you try a gparted live cd [09:18] itai-michaelson: gparted? whats that [09:18] LSD|Ninja, i am going back to ubuntu.. and see if i can fix it up with wireless...... [09:18] Stanton: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=368931 <- I found that from a quick google search, there may be some ideas there === CoolFox is now known as CoolKitten [09:18] k [09:18] its the graphic partitioner [09:18] rohan, ask #ubuntu-motu :) [09:19] Chad, however using a live gParted Cd or Partition Magic on Windows is the safest option [09:19] Crshman: Does your destination have files in it already? [09:19] Flannel, yes [09:19] partition magic do i have to buy that? === CoolKitten is now known as CoolFox [09:19] Chad, yes [09:19] Chad, gparted is free [09:19] arvind_khadri> after find /boot/grub/stage1 I got (hd0,0). should I use grub> root (hd0,0) now? [09:20] hello all [09:20] Chad, try alt+F2 in the screen that pops up write sudo gparted [09:20] what i want to do is take the free space on my hard drive and make it a new partition so that ubuntu can install [09:20] i'm having trouble updating to 8.04. localedef gets stuck on 100% CPU [09:20] Flannel, no worries i'm just going to use a cp command then just rm the old directory [09:20] and becomes a zombie [09:20] i installed ubuntu from a hardy kubuntu cd then installed ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu destop, now i don't want to lose the programs from gnome or kde but want to get rid of them and use xfce alone as its fastest on my 248 mb ram computer, how can i dothis? [09:21] can anyone direct me anywhere on this? i've read i should remove the binary but that didn't help [09:21] I don't have a libsane.rules on my system, is it normal? Many tutorials talk about modifying it and I'm wondering if it might reveal that there's something wrong with my system... [09:21] itai-michaelson: k i did, it's scanning [09:21] itai-michaelson: k now what? [09:21] Chad, it should give you a graphic image of your disc [09:21] Hi all [09:21] yeah [09:21] you should be able to see your NTFS shares [09:21] Hi all, i want to remove the shutdown button in the shutdown window of XFCE, where can i change that ? [09:22] can anyone here help me with coding a GTK theme? right now, i am customizing a code in my ~/.themes but i cannot get the menu-bar to show up as black/gray and not funky colors. any help? [09:22] yeah [09:22] you can right-click on them and choose "unmount" [09:22] you can also resize them.... [09:22] i see a bar thats half full [09:22] how do i take the empty part and make it into a partition? [09:23] Chad rightclick on it === niki77 is now known as nikola77 [09:23] itai-michaelson: ok i resized it i now have a grey bar that says unused space [09:23] CostaRicanQuaker, you can just choose XFCe from the login screen , you should be fine [09:24] itai-michaelson: i mean unallocated [09:24] so... no one knows about this localedef problem? [09:24] Chad, right click on that to create a partition [09:24] itai-michaelson: what filesystem should i put the new partition as [09:24] can anyone here help me with coding a GTK theme? right now, i am customizing a code in my ~/.themes but i cannot get the menu-bar to show up as black/gray and not funky colors. any help? [09:24] Chad, actually - you can leave it like that, when you install Ubuntu use the "unlocate space" [09:25] where is arvind_khadri? [09:25] itai-michaelson: oh ok [09:25] boGGdy, am here [09:25] arvind_khadri> after find /boot/grub/stage1 I got (hd0,0). should I use grub> root (hd0,0) now? [09:25] hi, where can I find logs from system start - this covered by splash? [09:25] Chad, I belive you need to press "apply" or something [09:25] boGGdy, ya [09:25] mikea87, /var/log/boot [09:25] itai-michaelson: right now im back at the ubuntu install screen [09:26] arvind_k> Error 27: Unrecognized command :(( [09:26] boGGdy, hang on ... [09:26] arvind_k> my mistake [09:26] itai-michaelson: i hit apply its now doing it [09:26] was a typo [09:26] how come I cannot see my documents and settings/user folders in my other partition that runs windows? [09:26] boGGdy, hmm ... [09:26] Chad, might take a while [09:26] hang on [09:27] boGGdy, sure [09:27] there's nothing in /var/log/boot [09:27] fwaokda, can you see other files? [09:27] fwaokda, you can see them === _Kagee is now known as Kagee [09:27] rebooting... [09:27] itai-michaelson, yup like in program files and others but when i navigate to documents and settings i can't see any user folders [09:28] what is the *buntu/GNU/Linux homologue to M$ windows' alt+ctrl+del' [09:28] ?* [09:28] :(((( GRUB read Error [09:28] CostaRicanQuaker, you can only restart X here... ctrl+alt+backspace [09:28] found a way! woo [09:28] fwaokda, are those considered "hidden files" in Windows ? am not sure what you are refering to actually [09:29] boGGdy, maybe your partitions are not set properly [09:29] arvind_k> can it be because the HDD is set slave? [09:29] itai-michaelson, well i thought I found a way... im trying to find my application data folders [09:29] ctrl+alt+backspace= restart only or does it list processes to be abel to terminate some? [09:29] fwaokda, what path are looking in? [09:29] arvind_k> I did the Entire disk, guided [09:29] itai-michaelson, just found it [09:30] boGGdy, well i did a set up at some place where the drive was a slave but had no probs... [09:30] fwaokda, good! [09:30] should I try manual? [09:30] boGGdy, hmm ... ya i feel so ...try it... [09:30] and what type of partition do I choose there? [09:30] boGGdy, ext3 [09:31] itai-michaelson, thanks for the help! [09:31] fwaokda, np [09:31] cool, but I think I'll head to bed now, it's 5:30 here [09:31] :)) [09:31] thank you very much for your help [09:31] boGGdy, for the root and ya dont forget to set mount points for the rest..or else if tiresome to mount them [09:31] boGGdy, welcome .. try it when you feel like :) [09:31] arvind_k, mount points??? [09:32] CostaRicanQuaker, you can make ctrl+alt+del display system-monitor like this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/19234 [09:32] boGGdy, the other partitions should have mount point... [09:32] I only need one partition [09:32] the entire disk [09:33] boGGdy, ohh ok [09:33] boGGdy, + a swap partition [09:33] how to update vlc in ubuntu 8.04? === CoolFox is now known as CoolFox|sleeping [09:33] boGGdy, yeah a swap but isnt too necesary if you have RAM of 4gb or so [09:33] hey just wondering when im upgrading from gutsy to hardy i was wondering am i able to keep all of my current settings? and all of my stuff? [09:33] right now using VLC media player 0.8.6e want to update to VLC media player 0.8.6h [09:33] arvind_k> I only have 2 [09:33] hello, i dont have chroot in my bin or sbin directory why is it so? i have ubuntu 8.04 [09:33] Thisdude, yeah you can [09:34] boGGdy, keep a swap but anyways wont affect much [09:34] Thisdude, you should be able to, however I would make a backup,. [09:34] arvind_k> basically, I need 2 partitions, right? [09:34] so when im doing the partition am i supposd to use the whole disk or partition it and copy my stuff accross [09:34] boGGdy, yeah [09:34] boGGdy, gtg [09:35] ok, got it, Thanks again [09:35] Thisdude, to do that you need a separate /home partition [09:36] ok so if you were gunna do it when it would you use the whole disk or let it make a second partition? [09:36] Thisdude , you are talking about reinstalling, upgrading can be done through the update manger [09:37] ohhh whicked so much easier thanks [09:37] Thisdude, if you want to keep your setting during a reinstall you need to create a separte /home partiton first! [09:37] id rather just upgrade it i thought thats how to do it [09:37] Thisdude, actually creating a separate /home and reinstalling is much safer , i think [09:39] Thisdude each method has its advanatages and disadvantages [09:39] Do I have to set up a mount point for the first partition (ext3)? [09:40] boGGdy, yep / [09:40] after is switched to "normal visual effects" in the settings, my screen is white after login. How can i put bet that option through console / safe-mode ? [09:40] DistroJockey> what kind? [09:40] boGGdy, root = / [09:41] boGGdy: / isn't /root though [09:42] DistroJockey> for the swap partition, should it be primary, swap area, at the end of the disk? [09:42] Flannel, was going to say that :) But then thought it's /home/root anyway :) [09:42] boGGdy, yep, that will be fine [09:42] I can't set up a mount point for it, is it normal? [09:43] Flannel, ohh, I be wrong, sorry [09:43] boGGdy, nope, just tell it to be swap [09:43] got it [09:45] boGGdy, how big is that drive you are using? [09:45] EugenMayer: BKSP [09:45] in the Step7, I have the Advanced button. Install boot loader is checked and the device is hd0 [09:45] DistroJockey> 20Gb [09:46] boGGdy, ahh, k. It's the only drive in the system atm? [09:46] DistroJockey> I removed the SATA drive to be sure I won't mess up something [09:46] :)) === chidge_ is now known as chidge [09:46] boGGdy, good plan :) Yep, install to (hd0) [09:47] does it make any difference if the HDD is on IDE0 or IDE1? [09:48] boGGdy, not at this stage [09:48] but... it will? [09:48] boGGdy, may do. I recommend having it on IDE0 [09:49] i see [09:49] boGGdy, would only matter if you installed another IDE drive really [09:49] I have tho optical drives hooked on IDE0 [09:49] *two [09:49] boGGdy, that will be fine leaving as is [09:50] it's true that the root passworld have to be set after the installation and that the passworld of the user-id is a fake-root passworld? [09:51] Daniel1: which distro is this [09:51] in ubuntu you dont need to set the root password [09:51] !root | Daniel1 [09:51] Daniel1: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [09:52] shit can someone help me out [09:52] lol DistroJockey I forget where Im at sometimes Im also in ##linux. and its a valid question there. [09:52] m3gach33zy, maybe, whats the problem? [09:52] !ohmy | m3gach33zy [09:52] m3gach33zy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [09:52] Blaqlight, heh, fair enough :) [09:53] Blaqlight: I use xubuntu [09:53] Why I cannot activate normal or extra desktop effect. I have seen a laptop with 8MB shared VGA card can run extra desktop effect. My VGA card is old Nvidia Riva 64MB AGP [09:53] itai-michaelson: well i changed my screen resolution by accident when trying to watch a movie... now the resolution is all fucked up and i cant click anything but applications [09:53] !language | m3gach33zy [09:53] m3gach33zy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [09:53] sorry [09:53] how to add applet to AWN? [09:54] fff [09:54] what is the best NZB client for Ubuntu? [09:54] m3gach33zy, how did you change the screen resolution? [09:54] Daniel1: there most don't use ubuntu. :( [09:54] Brian88, any nvidia restricted drivers listed but not used in System - Administration - Hardware Drivers ? [09:54] Daniel1: or any variation therein. [09:54] itai-michaelson: i went to one of the top tabs on the taskbar area.... i cant see that drop down menu nor click on it anymore because its all messed up [09:55] itai-michaelson: i can only click on a few things now [09:55] m3gach33zy, did you try loging out and login in? [09:55] !best | ApOgEE- [09:55] ApOgEE-: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [09:55] m3gach33zy, sorry need to go, i'm sure someone will be able to help you out, maybe also post on the forum [09:56] can someone help me out with changing the screen resolution? [09:56] Hey people! Having problems! Ubuntu sometimes quits to black-screen, it's really a full-screen Terminal which I can't close, and then reboots [09:56] DistroJockey> Install complete> reboot now. is supposed to boot from hdd, right? [09:56] Bogaurd, yep [09:56] Bogaurd, sorry [09:56] DistroJockey: there are one : NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics driver (legacy cards), it is Not in Use, if I use it my computer is freezing, why..? [09:57] boGGdy, yep :) [09:57] In my syslog it says: Jul 20 21:00:10 viktor-desktop kernel: [ 1758.760214] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team [09:57] Jul 20 21:00:12 viktor-desktop exiting on signal 15 [09:57] GRUB Read Error [09:57] m3gach33zy: ive completely been not paying attention.. what was the problem? [09:57] Brian88, nvidia drivers can be a bit dodgy at times [09:57] boGGdy, :( [09:58] Is it safe to mount an entire raw hard-drive (not just partition) image made using dd to a partition without over-writing the entire drive? [09:58] boGGdy, what error number? [09:58] no number, that's all [09:58] GRUB Read Error [09:58] Blaqlight: i changed the screen resolution and now its all messed up and huge and i cant get back to the drop down menu that i was at before [09:58] boGGdy, k, looking for a solution [09:59] hey m trying to build package on ubuntu..but y du v neeed to use fakeroot [09:59] boGGdy, as you have tried install a couple of times now right? [09:59] i mean y du v need root privileges [09:59] DistroJockey> right [09:59] need some help [09:59] /var/log/Xorg.0.log reports: "Output LVDS has no monitor section." What does 'LVDS' stand for? "Low Volume Dissemination System"? [09:59] ok do this : logout and log into gnome/kde in safe-mode. unless you already tried it. [09:59] DistroJockey> maybe it will help you to know that my windows HDD won't boot? [09:59] boGGdy, and when you did that manual partitioning you removed all partitions that were there before you started making new ones right? [10:00] yes [10:00] kan anybody help wid the ubuntu packaging plaese [10:00] can someone help me [10:00] if i try the other disk (with XP), the computer freezes at Verifying DMI Pool Data [10:00] Hello, Windows XP restored it's boot record to MBR and i can't access ubuntu now [10:00] or help me :P having a terribly idiotic problem [10:00] boGGdy, might point to a controller failure, but can see Ubuntu installing if that was the case (unless it does limited checks) [10:01] How can i restore GRUB boot loader in MBR [10:01] !grub | Rakan [10:01] Rakan: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [10:01] Rakan: first link [10:01] the other HDD is a SATA, this is IDE [10:01] Having problem with computer shutting itself down!!!! [10:01] i cannot edit /etc/wvdial.conf [10:02] hdksha === reema is now known as Reems [10:03] boGGdy, may have found something : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/19553 [10:03] let me see [10:03] boGGdy, see 3rd post [10:03] Trackpad frozen after suspend/resume - any resources to help diagnose this? [10:03] Anyone knows how to solve ubuntu shutting itself down with signal 15? [10:03] anirudh: use sudo [10:04] Is it safe to mount an entire raw hard-drive (not just partition) image made using dd to a partition without over-writing the entire drive? [10:04] hi. is there a way to setup a second ppp connection with the nm applet? [10:04] DMA/UDMA? let me try [10:04] funny thing.. ive used ubuntu for so long I forgot the other major bootloader's name. lol [10:04] anirudh, and edit is not a command, gedit is though [10:04] can u give me the command in full [10:05] Jul 20 21:00:12 viktor-desktop exiting on signal 15 [10:05] anirudh: sudo nano /etc/wvdail.conf [10:05] DistroJockey: so how to fix it, I can run desktop effect but not crashing my system [10:05] anirudh: or gksu "gedit /etc/wvdail.conf" [10:05] distro,then how can i /etc/wvdial.conf [10:06] Brian88, "but not crashing my system" that be good yes? [10:06] DistroJockey> I only have IDE DMA Transfer Access (Enabled). I wonder if this is the same [10:06] using gedit i m able to edit but not able to save it [10:06] question, i'm on xfce, how can i make the network section on the apps menu say internet like on gnome and kde? [10:06] People, I need serious help :/ [10:06] anirudh, as you were told earlier: gksu gedit /etc/wvdial.conf or what Flannel said [10:06] quitte: if the other interface exists, it will show in nm-applet. [10:07] DistroJockey: if I activate the driver it will crash my system, so how to keep my system runs well but with desktop effect (which requires the *bad* nvidia driver) [10:07] WHICH IS BETTER VLC OR MPLAYER ( MPLAYER ASKS FOR A LOT OF SPACE RELATIVELY IS IT WORTH?) [10:08] DistroJockey> I think I got it, bot I have: CHS, LBA, Large, Auto. What should I try? [10:08] ubuntoo: its personaly preference. [10:08] Blaqlight: it's a umts card that shows up as ttyS2. [10:08] Brian88, might need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf to make it not crash or get a new card or not use desktop effects [10:08] boGGdy, LBA should do the job [10:08] okay someone help me out here... why cant i change the screen resolution higher than 640x480? [10:08] m3gach33zy: did you fix it? [10:09] by using this i am able to enter into text editor but it is regretting to sve the file.it is asking to save with some other name [10:09] Blaqlight: no but i figured out a way to get to the menu i was at [10:09] Blaqlight: which really isnt helping at all [10:09] Blaqlight: so it doesn't show up as there already as a ppp connection and no other eth device to bind to [10:09] DistroJockey: is there any apps other than ubuntu's default to make desktop effects [10:09] DistroJockey> same error [10:09] :(((( [10:09] boGGdy, is there a separate section for the DMA stuff? [10:09] m3gach33zy: so its not showing the resolution then [10:09] I went to the HDD screen [10:09] ? [10:10] by using this i am able to enter into text editor but it is regretting to sve the file.it is asking to save with some other name [10:10] Blaqlight: well it shows some resolutions to choose from but it wont go any higher than 640x480 [10:10] quitte: does the actual interface show in lspci -v? [10:10] Blaqlight: i'm not sure why it wont go back now.... all i did was try to watch a movie via VGA cable [10:11] and it has Access mode. i'll try now Large [10:11] Brian88, probably, but not sure they would help [10:11] Blaqlight: i switched screens to make a dual screen but now the resolution wont go back [10:11] another error now: GRUB Loading stage1.5Read Error [10:12] I'll try to reinstall GRUB later. I really need some sleep. thank you for your patience [10:12] m3gach33zy: alright sometimes I have to actually restart for xorg to reevaluate whats available. perhaps that might help? [10:12] boGGdy, *nods* no problem, good luck [10:12] we'll see just a sec i might hav esomething here [10:12] see ya around [10:13] Computer is shutting itself down! Help! Not overheating - it must be some ubuntu malfunction! [10:13] is there any way to use apt-cacher over DHCP? [10:14] Blaqlight: good god i got it geeze [10:14] mefi :do you get any error messages or check the terminal and see the message it gives befor shutting down . [10:15] Blaqlight: stupid thing changed from 1024x768 to some sort of weird resolution [10:15] ubuntoo: [10:15] Jul 20 21:00:12 viktor-desktop exiting on signal 15 [10:15] i couldnt change it because i had some sort of weird setting changed [10:16] What happens is that ubuntu quits to a full-screen terminal, and waits for my input. I can't return to desktop [10:17] m3gach33zy: so its fixed now? [10:17] Blaqlight: yeah thanks [10:17] by using this i am able to enter into text editor but it is regretting to sve the file.it is asking to save with some other name [10:17] anyone use apt-cacher over DHCP? [10:17] m3gach33zy: I have to ful reboot when I remove my HDTV from my laptop... xorg does strange things when I do. [10:17] Blaqlight: i just gotta figure out what my resolution was before... its all weird now [10:19] mefi : alt+F7 dint help is it? [10:19] Is it possible to open a terminal at the current location in GNOME's file explorer? [10:19] ubuntoo: what, when in terminal? [10:20] anirudh4, Using what? Last time you spoke was over 10 mins ago and as a different name. [10:20] mefi : yea [10:20] mefi : also check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=398750&highlight=Exiting+on+signal+15 [10:20] quitte: does the interface show when you do lspci -v in a terminal? [10:20] ubuntoo: yeah, I'm reading it again :/ not giving me any hints though [10:21] unbuntoo: will try that key-combo next time [10:22] ubuntoo: might have to do with my graphics-set up, cause 2 days ago I could clone my desktoip to TV, but now I ain't getting any output on the TV anymore. [10:22] quitte: lspci -v will show the interface if ubuntu detected it. [10:24] My window title bars are all kinds of glitchy how can I fix them? [10:24] hi [10:24] where can i get jboss for ubuntu8.04 [10:24] amina, install nautilus-open-terminal [10:24] mefi : you could get into the recovery mode and try reverting the changes . well i just think the xserver is screwed so try installin the graphic driver again then..but reason for restartin then confuses me [10:25] fwaokda: did you recently install a new theme? === rraphink is now known as raphink [10:25] how do i open applications in enlightenment desktop enviornment [10:25] Blaqlight, nope... if i had to guess its something with compiz since the advanced settings were installed for that recently [10:25] how to reset all the wireless networking.. network manager is not showing up anymore. not sure what i did. [10:25] mefi : you could do that from fullscreen terminal "tty1" if it doesnt restart [10:26] ubuntoo: okay. Yeah I just made a couple of changes in my graphics driver, so well see after enxt reboot. The thing is that I don't know if it reboots itself.. last time I entered sudo -s and then restart [10:26] ubuntoo: ttyl, k [10:26] lazertek: try ##enlightenment [10:26] fwaokda: if thats the case either type ccsm into a terminal to get the advanced settings dialog. [10:26] how do i open applications in enlightenment desktop enviornment [10:26] hi. is possible integrate to nautilus "add to rhythmbox playlist" ? [10:27] Flannel: nobody is on there [10:27] Blaqlight, i can get the the settings windows but i dont know what to change once I get there. [10:27] where can i get jboss for ubuntu8.04 [10:27] fwaokda: or System > Appearence > Advanced and turn down the setting some [10:27] fwaokda: you running fusion icon or ccsm? [10:28] Blaqlight, i dont recall installing any of that [10:29] hi all, where are the compizconfig settings saved? [10:29] amina, you may need to restart for something to show up though [10:29] alright then you used the appearence dialog in gnome to change the degree of settings? [10:30] I'm don't have authority to move a folder into a specified folder in Ubuntu, how to be able to do that? [10:31] oops, I don't* [10:31] fwaokda: if you goto System > Preferences and find Advanced Desktop Effects Settings then you have CCSM installed [10:31] fwaokda: use that to change the settins [10:31] fwaokda: if not change it through appearence in that same menu [10:32] mefi : u can do anything in your home folder . outside that you`ll need root previlages [10:32] ubuntoo: and how do I get those? [10:32] mefi: sudo [10:32] Flannel, ubuntoo: I want to move a folder into the Themes folder [10:32] mefi: sudo cp src dest [10:33] So what is smb.conf? [10:34] hola a tod@s [10:34] !es | soy [10:34] soy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [10:34] swamptin: its your samba configuration file. [10:34] mefi : ur gui is not working rite [10:34] Blaqlight: so keep the setting that are on it already? As in, follow to prompted option? [10:35] swamptin: I have no idea what your doing, you asked what it was. [10:35] Blaqlight: fair enough. Very valid point. [10:36] ubuntoo, flannel: Just happened again [10:36] ubuntoo: just when I clicked on the 'show desktop' button [10:37] piece of shit [10:37] mefi : hey [10:37] mefi : try reverting the setting and remove the app you used for that tv [10:38] ubuntoo: yeah I'm gonna try removing my ati catalyst driver [10:38] kjkj [10:39] ubuntoo: just can't find the package... [10:39] DistroJockey, thanks a lot that's what I was looking for [10:40] amina, excellent, you're welcome [10:40] mefi : search in synaptic [10:40] mefi: apt-cache search filename [10:40] amina, you needed to reboot? [10:40] Hola [10:40] hello [10:40] alguien habla español === n3o is now known as Crshman [10:41] !es [10:41] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [10:41] ubuntoo, Blaqlight: searched in Add/remove, found one with same filename, but not installed. Can't install it cause of conflict with other package [10:41] ubuntoo, Blaqlight: searched in Add/remove, found one with same filename, but not installed. Can't find package in synaptic [10:41] oops double [10:41] how can I disable (per-device ideally) automatic loading of USB mass storage driver? [10:41] mefi : did you try what Blaqlight told [10:42] mefi which other package. and do you need the other program. [10:42] ubuntoo, Blaqlight: I've got ATI Catalyst Control Center, need to uninstall [10:42] ubuntoo: in terminal? [10:43] sudo aptitude -purge filename [10:43] Blaqligh: I don't know the filename though? Or is it the packages name simply? [10:43] one second [10:44] mefi : try #sh /usr/share/fglrx/fglrx-uninstall.sh [10:45] ubuntoo: nothing [10:45] im not finding the package name by doing apt-cache search [10:46] DistroJockey, I can't reboot now but it's not working yet (I saw screenshots on a website so I now it will suit my needs) so I guess you do need to reboot [10:46] blaqlight, ubuntoo: me neither, searched fglrx, found a few ATI drivers === sean is now known as Guest29169 === casey_ is now known as x3on [10:47] amina, yeah, I installed it to test, and have not seen anything, so guessed a reboot is needed. Or probably just a restart of nautilus really [10:47] hi all i have dual monitors on my laptop, how do i tell gnome to default to my laptop screen rather than my external monitor? [10:47] ubuntoo, Blaqlight: Should I uninstall all those drivers that are bound to ATI? [10:47] its hard to troubleshoot if not even you know the name of the offending package. [10:47] can someone help me with genius 8x6 tablet, i installed it but it won't move cursor :3 [10:48] can anyone recomend a good GUI-graphics based app for showing wireless signal strength? [10:48] amina, yep, sudo killall nautilus did the job :) [10:48] mefi : yea anythin realted to ati just uninstall we`ll see if it stops [10:48] to show if im getting "hot" or "colder" to a signal [10:49] x3on: you mean better than the bar graph in network manager? [10:49] Blaqlight: Yeah, but I've only got 2 packages relative to ATI, can try [10:49] mefi: that might not be a good idea. you need the name of the package you want to remove. [10:49] x3on: nm-applet in gnome [10:49] ubuntoo: There is one driver not installed, if I mark that one, 3 others are marked for uninstall... [10:49] Blaqlight: why is that? [10:50] DistroJockey: yes, it works ! [10:50] amina, :) [10:50] hi. how can i play in Nautilus select directory with Rhythmbox? For Amarok is script nautilus-play-amarok but for Rhythmbox i can't find :( [10:51] Are there any key-binds that would quit ubuntu to a full-screen terminal? [10:51] mefi: ctrl-alt-f1 [10:51] mefi: just blindly uninstalling stuff will potenially break your system/packages. [10:51] mefi : ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 all are terminals [10:51] ubuntoo, vox: okay... jsut wondering.. [10:52] help! auto update just installed 'fglrx-kernel-source-envy' for me, and now when I restart my system will only go into low graphics mode :( === ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz [10:52] mefi: also know as tty's [10:52] Blaqlight: I guess... but I don't know at all what to do now :( [10:52] Blaqlight: I'm dualbooting this with Vista, don't wanna use Ubuntu if it won't work properly.... [10:54] Blaqlight: is it possible to, as in windows, restore system to restorepoints? [10:54] mefi: fair enough but linux is all about learning and probing and being better than preinstalled/preworking fun. [10:54] mefi: only with backups [10:55] Blaqlight: ok.. well so damn irritating since it was working fine first couple of days [10:55] there aren't any "restore points" so to speak. it would be a security risk among others. [10:56] i realy need help with drawing tablet... or i can't work in ubuntu:S Pls if anyone has expirience with tablets, HELP <3 [10:56] okey [10:56] mefi: so what changed between then and now... [10:56] mefi: installing the ati drivers? [10:57] is anyone aware of a firefox feature or addon that makes you able to move you to the location bar with one or two KEYstrokes? [10:57] Blaqlight: I'm not sure. I had problems with the resolutions at first, so a lot of changes were made... but would Ubuntu come with ATI drivers pre-installed? [10:57] linduxed: you mean, ^l? [10:58] mefi: no it wouldn't they are restricted drivers. [10:58] heya, just got one more question while I'm upgrading to 8.04 --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28950/ [10:58] linduxed, alt+d ? [10:59] mefi: as are the nvida ones [10:59] Blaqlight: so then I might want to try removing everything that has to do with ATI? [10:59] hello, I've a problem with my ati driver, can someone help please? === Guilou is now known as Guilou|Miam [11:00] DistroJockey: Im no where near using cutting edge software.. darn 56k so Im out of luck on that [11:00] Blaise, depends what the problem is [11:00] Blaise: you got problems with ATI too, do you :P? [11:00] Blaqlight, ahh, well, was just something I noticed that related to the convo at the time :) === Guilou|Miam is now known as Guilou [11:00] * Guilou is away: Mangeage [11:01] damn, gotta go [11:01] mefi: seems like you have no other choice. [11:01] DistroJockey, Synaptic just installed an fglrx-ati-kernal-envy thing and it screwed my display [11:01] hi, I have succesfully configured my laptop to connect to my router at the boot with this script: http://helektron.com/2006/12/10/conecta-tu-wifi-en-ubuntu/, and in the boot, the load stop and a black screen appears saying dhcp client is trying to connect to the router, but with no success, but when ubuntu enters to desktop environment it connect to the router. What I want to know is if it's possible to make at the boot run t [11:01] he dhcp client faster, it takes 2 minutes!! [11:01] mefi: when I did apt-cache search ati it came up with tons of packages, be careful. [11:02] DistroJockey: its certainly nice to know though anyway. [11:02] Blaqlight, *nods* [11:03] Blaise, I take it you've used envy or envyng previously then? [11:03] hy [11:03] fgdf [11:04] were are u came froom? [11:04] DistroJockey, I did install it when I tried to get my ATi working initially, but I ended up using the manual ATI install successfully [11:04] I am using Ubuntu 8.04, i want sudo without asking for a password. Anyone tell me what is the correct way to do this ? [11:04] <- out. [11:04] DistroJockey, I have since uninstalled the envy kernal thing, as I read on the ubuntu wiki that it's not needed in Ubuntu, but I still have the same issue [11:05] Blaise, only suggestion is to remove/purge envy stuff (never used envy/ng so not sure how exactly) [11:05] DistroJockey, envy stuff has all been removed, but everytime I reboot it goes to low graphics mode [11:05] i'm using linux ubuntu but i don't know how ti instal mesenger or winamp...or anithing else... can somebody help? [11:05] Blaise, can you pastebin your /etc/X11xorg.conf please? [11:06] Blaise, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please? ^^^ [11:06] DistroJockey, sure [11:06] shashi__: log in as root. sudo just gives you those privleges for a few minutes. [11:07] /DistroJockey, here http://pastebin.com/m78576b78 [11:08] But i don't want login as root. google gives so many results, i am looking for correct way to to do this. I believe sudo in Ubuntu is some what different from other Linux distros. [11:08] Blaise, what Ubuntu version you running? [11:08] !sudo [11:08] Hardy [11:08] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [11:09] shashi_, what are you trying to do? [11:09] Blaise, here's mine as a comparison: Ubuntu intrepid (development branch), kernel Last successful boot (recovery mode) [11:09] oops [11:09] Blaise, http://pastebin.com/f7c3f3d9e [11:10] wireless mouse i got with genius tablet works on it, but it's pen doesn't, it just acts like middle mouse click and cursor doesn't move... plsss if anyone knows how to make it work :) [11:11] DistroJockey, well mine seems much more complicated [11:11] Blaise, indeed :) [11:11] could someone please help me disable touchpad clicking? [11:11] DistroJockey, I can't tell if that's how it usually looks though as I'm not too familiar with it, but I have had the latest ATI drivers running perfectly with Compiz set up for over a month now! [11:12] DistroJockey, It's just this last update that has messed up my display, it's sickening, I'm furious [11:12] touchpad clicking switched on with my new graphics driver [11:12] Blaise, change < Device "Configured Video Device" > to < Device "device1" > maybe [11:12] Blaise, make a backup first [11:13] DistroJockey, I have many backups to my xorg.conf, perhaps it's worth using an earlier one? [11:13] Blaise, that's at line 61 in the Screen section [11:13] DistroJockey, is there a way to check the dates of files using the 'ls' command [11:13] could someone suggest as to why the wifi would just stop working.. and sudo ifup eth1 up would fail. not in frnt of the machine atm.. just wondering [11:13] Blaise, ls -al [11:13] thanks [11:13] np [11:14] Blaise, yeah, if you have a known working one, just mv it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:14] DistroJockey: thx a lot [11:14] I'll try that out [11:14] linduxed, you're welcome [11:15] Blaqlight: I searched for fglrx though, and got about 10 pakcages relative to ATI graphics, and about 3 installed.. [11:15] linduxed, I forget what I helped with though :( [11:15] DistroJockey: location bar hotkey [11:15] * Guilou is back (gone 00:14:20) [11:15] heya, just got one more question while I'm upgrading to 8.04 --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/28950/ [11:15] linduxed, ahh yeah, no problem :) [11:15] DistroJockey: i had a feeling FF should have some feature [11:16] for that [11:16] linduxed, indeed [11:17] i'm running nautilus in root, cleaned up a backup drive, need to empty the trashcan on the drive easily, nautilus wont do it [11:17] !Emerald [11:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald [11:17] !emerald [11:17] anyone know how to list the entry points a shared object provides? [11:17] swamptin, Generating locales can take some time [11:18] DistroJockey: okay. I'll go back to lurking and helping when I can. [11:18] swamptin, :) [11:18] !theme [11:18] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [11:19] swamptin, no errors so far atleast [11:19] DistroJockey: nope. Got prompted about my smb.conf file, and went with the default option being to leave it as is [11:20] swamptin, you can also take a look at top in another terminal to see if something is happening [11:21] swamptin, unless you are installing, then it probably isn't there/doable [11:21] DistroJockey: coolio [11:22] if i delete files as superuser in nautilus on a backup drive, how would i empty the trashcan on the drive ? the trashcan on wont empty using nautilus as superuser, the system wide user trash isn't applicable since they are owned by root [11:22] Whats the best way to mount another partition (ext2) ? So it shows up as a file system/disk? I mounted it in /dev/sda1/ /media/harddisk2 [11:24] avis: search for .Trash* and remove them from commandline [11:24] Hello! [11:25] PrimoTurbo, show up where? [11:25] in any file manager as a seperate disk [11:25] PrimoTurbo, ahh [11:25] for example under natilus make it show up as a disk instead of a folder at /media/harddisk2 [11:25] or in thunar etc [11:26] PrimoTurbo: You could just add a bookmark to the mountpoint, as a quick fix [11:26] thats not what I want however [11:26] I figured as much :p [11:26] i want it to show up as a hard disk [11:26] PrimoTurbo, not to sure about that. I know in nautilus you can add locations to the left panel by dragging and dropping though [11:27] I want it to show the mount as a hard disk [11:28] PrimoTurbo: do you currently have any such devices? [11:28] what devices [11:28] PrimoTurbo: do you currently have anything that shows up the way you want the new one to show up? [11:29] yes [11:29] what? [11:29] my main drive which the os is on [11:29] Hi all - I'm upgrading my Gibbon to 8.0.4 and it's been stuck at 'Generating locales: en_AU.UTF-8' for ages now - what to do if an upgrade goes wrong like that? :-( [11:29] /dev/sda1 [11:29] /dev/sda2 [11:29] PrimoTurbo: is that / ? [11:29] i mean /dev/sda2 mounted as / [11:29] yes [11:29] Peanut, how long is ages? [11:30] /dev/sda1 is mount in the same way but at /media/harddisk2 [11:30] hello everyone [11:30] PrimoTurbo: it's just that the general concept in unix is that everything are files, there is no such concept as a "harddrive", it's just present in the directory structure. [11:30] but doesn't show up as a hard disk [11:30] 1st tyme log in [11:30] huhu [11:30] Half an hour at least, and it's saying '7 minutes remaining' all the time. [11:30] there must be a way to get the filemanager to show it as a hard disk [11:30] Peanut, how much RAM has your system got? [11:31] I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me, I am trying to use IPTables to redirect all traffic on port 80 to an internal website (local.domain.local) is this possible? [11:31] PrimoTurbo, in Linux the filesystem is accessed through the directory structure, like your /dev/sda2 is mounted as / [11:31] z|Casey: squid would probably be a better method [11:31] So setup a proxy and redirect all traffic in there? [11:32] nod [11:32] It's a macbookpro, 2GB, dual core - 'localedef' is eating 100% CPU, been running for 41 minutes. [11:32] Okay will give it a go thanks [11:32] Peanut: strace it? [11:33] Peanut, this looks related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/202959 [11:33] Launchpad bug 202959 in debian-installer "[hardy] generating locales stalls on 64mb ram" [High,Confirmed] [11:33] Hmm.. seems to be doing no syscalls, no output from systrace [11:33] ltrace? [11:33] And I don't even speak 'Australian' so no idea why it wants to convert that locale :-) [11:33] lol [11:35] Seems related, especially as other people with >64MB report the same problem. [11:35] *nods* [11:36] No solution in there though :-) [11:36] DistroJockey, so it half worked changing my xorg.conf [11:36] nope [11:37] I now have my resolution back, but only if I don't use Compiz [11:37] Blaise, well, that's a start I guess [11:37] And now the fans are starting to come on.. I'm just going to kill localedef and see what happens next, or is that unwise? [11:37] DisotrJockey, I guess, I just get a white desktop, I can still see the cube, but nothing on it renders [11:38] Peanut, killing things while they are installing is probably not wise, but there may be a way to recover if you must (then again, there may not be) [11:38] Hello! I changed my 'Users and Groups', when I was testing. now I cannot use sudo, change Users and Groups, installing program or check updating. Any idea how to comeback? [11:39] Well, it won't let itself be killed, not even with -9 [11:39] Still there, happily using up a full CPU [11:39] Blaise, what does you current xorg.conf look like? [11:40] lspci reports: "00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM...Express Processor to DRAM Controller" What is a 'host bridge'? (siehe auch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lspci) [11:40] Peanut, if it's nearly bed time, go sleep and check later :) [11:40] DistroJockey, http://pastebin.com/m1a8b60e7 [11:40] /s/siehe auch/see also/ [11:41] No, actually it's lunch time - BRB [11:41] Peanut, :) [11:44] #pidgin === Brian88 is now known as chincha [11:44] Distrojockey, How does my conf file look now? [11:44] Blaise, I'd comment out Load "glx" [11:45] DistroJocky, ok I'll try that, what does it do? [11:45] hi, how to make window transparent in ubuntu?? [11:45] Blaise, still looks a bit odd, especially line 25 [11:45] DistroJockey, also can I just restart X to see the results, or do I need to reboot [11:45] Any idea, guy? [11:45] Blaise, yep, restarting X should be enough [11:46] DistroJockey, what does the Server Layout section do? [11:47] I'm trying to get something to work with wine, I've posted in the winehq channel but figured someone here might be able to make since of these lines of code -- http://pastebin.com/m6e6ee398 [11:49] DistroJockey, ok, that didn't have any effect :( [11:49] Blaise, maybe try my nice clean xorg.conf ? [11:50] DistroJockey, ok, yes, can you resend again please? [11:50] Blaise, http://pastebin.com/f7c3f3d9e [11:51] DistroJockey, now what exactly do I need to change in order to make it work? are your Identifier lines, just placeholders? [11:51] Hello. =) [11:52] Does anyone know a DVD authoring tool that lets me put a slideshow AND a small video clip on the DVD? Every single program I checked does either only videos or only slides. [11:52] Blaise, I'd start by just using what I have (i.e. replace all in xorg.conf with that) and know how to restore your backup from a terminal if it breaks xserver [11:52] hey everyone. is anyone else experiencing extremely bad performance from firefox 3 when downloading something. the entire pc comes to a grinding halt, cpu runs high, xorg process runs very high. I have had this issue since installing hardy and it's getting very annying, found a site talking about removing security checks and deleting urlclassifier files but that does not work [11:52] hallo.... [11:53] DistroJockey, I assume I'll just use the mv command to replace [11:53] psypher246, what extensions do you have enabled [11:53] Jammet: dvd authoring isnt a linux strongpoint [11:53] koshari: Yeah... [11:53] Blaise, cp would be better [11:53] ok, I'm going to restart X now [11:53] Blaise, that way you keep the backup file also [11:54] DistroJockey, understood [11:54] Blaise, *crosses fingers* [11:54] koshari: Do you know a Windows app that can do what that? A free one, perhaps? [11:54] bazhang: i have a few lemme check [11:54] <[[thufir]]> is there any reason why I can't use the ms-sql jdbc driver in ubuntu? java problem? linux problem? user error? [11:54] thufir that is microsoft sql? [11:54] <[[thufir]]> bazhang: yes [11:55] Jammet: offtopic, see you in the ubuntu-offtopic forum :-) [11:55] bazhang: better greader, download helper, downthemall, stumbleupon, torbutton and the ubuntu ff mods [11:55] thufir for what [11:55] psypher246, tor [11:55] it's not on [11:55] i just have it installed [11:55] koshari: Okay [11:55] and it's only been there in the last 2 weeks [11:55] psypher246, is it running on your system at all [11:56] <[[thufir]]> java programming. I can use the MySQL driver fine, but get errors when using the microsoft sql driver. Just not sure if that's OS, java, me, what... [11:56] !info devede [11:56] devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB [11:56] the tor srervice is on [11:56] but i'm not proxying through it now [11:56] psypher246, try disabling the extensions one by one; tor is on? that is the reason then [11:56] and wasn't before [11:56] on i'll try. so u saying on a fresh install of ubuntu with ff 3 and all the up-dates ff should not do this? [11:56] h [11:56] thufir not sure if MS has released linux drivers for that [11:57] tor is not on [11:57] <[[thufir]]> bazhang: yes, that's what I'm trying to figure out. ok. [11:57] psypher246, no way it should do this; try disabling extensions one by one [11:57] it's not tor. ff 3 has sucked since day 1 [11:57] ok will try [11:57] psypher246, the downthemall etc never made a difference here [12:00] Blaise, that took a while. Guess it didn't go too well [12:00] DistroJocky, ok, that didn't work I restarted and I still had the un rendered cube, so I went back to a failsafe Gnome session, and I no longer the Gnome panel or task bar, I had to create a new launcher on the desktop [12:00] *I no longer had [12:01] Blaise, maybe try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [12:01] DistroJocky, ok, what does that do? [12:01] -pcritical resets to defaults iirc [12:01] Blaise, says at the top off xorg.conf : #If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated again, run the following command [12:02] ok I see [12:02] Blaise, tab complete is your friend; type distr and you will get his full nick [12:02] bazhang, that work better than -phigh ? [12:02] DistroJockey, just resets to defaults afaik [12:02] bazhang: cheers [12:03] np :) [12:03] psypher246, this might not help, but that problem sounds familiar and something similar was happening to me at one point [12:03] hi [12:03] bazhang, any idea what the difference between that and -phigh / -plow ? [12:03] DistroJockey: ok I've reset to default, I will restart X again [12:03] Blaise, k [12:03] DistroJockey, the phigh is the best available if I recall correctly === master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master [12:04] hi [12:04] bazhang, guess that's why it's mentioned in xorg.conf. Cheers [12:04] hi all, i am running amd64 and only 3 of my 4gb ram shows in free [12:04] although adding more modelines would be helpful as well [12:04] how can I put the links in the Wine menu into the Gnome menu? [12:04] psypher246, maybe try enabling the -proposed repositories to get the latest version of FF3, or use an external download manager temporarily [12:05] is this the right kernel? 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP [12:05] btw bios/and in xp cpu-z detects all 4gb [12:05] asfalt, yes [12:06] I am stumped as to why free would only show 3 but I do see these lines in fmsg [12:06] dmsg [12:06] asfalt: Do you have 32 bit or 64 bit installed? [12:06] bazhang, ahh! -p = Specify the minimum priority of question that will be displayed. dpkg-reconfigure normally shows low priority questions no matter what your default priority is. [12:06] DistroJockey, nice catch [12:06] DistroJockey: ok, not there yet, it loaded up an empty desktop again, and when I opened terminal the screen went white again (no 3D rendering) the cube was still there, I've had to return to failsafe again [12:06] hateball I am under the impression it is 64bit I think i can clearly downloading amd64 iso and installing from it [12:07] bazhang, cheers :) [12:07] :) [12:07] Blaise, :( [12:07] asfalt: what does uname -a tell you? [12:07] Linux beefy 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [12:07] asfalt, lsb_release -a [12:07] Linux beefy? [12:08] bringatowel: whats the difference with the proposed updates? [12:08] i called the machine "beefy" because it's may major upgrade in 8 years, quad cpu and all ;) anyway [12:08] Blaise, ok, lets see xorg.conf again please? [12:08] psypher246, this is hardy or gutsy [12:08] hardy [12:08] asfalt: Well it's a 32bit kernel then anyhow, so it's not quite right :) [12:08] asfalt: ahhh.. I forgot that the hostname appeared there.. sorry [12:09] bazhang whats the pastebin url lsb_release -a returns quite a few lines [12:09] psypher246, not sure, it may have a never version of FF3, it says v3.0.1 [12:09] paste.ubuntu.com asfalt [12:09] asfalt: for a second I thought kernels had started using names like ubuntu =) [12:09] DistroJockey: http://pastebin.com/m1893c064 [12:09] cheers [12:09] Slart :D [12:09] bringatowel, likely not for hardy [12:10] bazhang http://paste.ubuntu.com/28959/ [12:10] i think the downthemall plugin is the culprit [12:10] asfalt: Is it a server or desktop? If it doesnt need easy install of say gfx drivers you could just grab the server kernel and you'd have PAE support [12:10] I am trying to add the medibuntu repos to my sources as described here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu ... but I keep getting a GPG error at the end of the second line of commands [12:10] psypher246, aha [12:10] hateball ahh I see, well it's a "high end" desktop [12:11] zetheroo, need to import the gpg key [12:11] Blaise, and what vedio card have you got again? [12:11] I dont leave it on all the time so not a server also i dual boot at times to answer your question [12:11] asfalt: You're in for a fresh install of x86_64 then :) [12:11] do u guys know of a better download manager thats integrated into ff? [12:11] but I was hoping to use all 4gb ram with amd64 for the VM's i run [12:11] DistroJockey: Ati Radeon X1900 [12:11] asfalt, how new is this install [12:12] DistroJockey: can't work out why I've lots my gnome desktop though :S === Fallen is now known as Guest20604 [12:12] bazhang 2 weeks, let me check the cd I burnt and installed from I could swear I downloaded the amd64 iso [12:12] Back from lunch - rebooted my machine and done a 'dpkg --configure -a' - it once again seems to hang on localedef for en_AU.UTF-8 :-( [12:12] asfalt, the only way to change from 32 to 64 you wont like [12:12] bazhang: I thought thats what the second command is doing!? [12:12] bazhang: [12:13] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update [12:13] zetheroo, you error out with that one? [12:13] bazhang: yes [12:13] bazhang this is a fresh install though, how can I check that the cd is amd64 [12:13] strace reports no output and can not be interrupted anymore either, neither can localedef... [12:14] Blaise, this may be worth a browse while I check a couple of things: http://wiki.cchtml.com [12:14] browsing the cd now, but this is the cd i used to install with [12:14] hello [12:14] DistroJockey: yes, I was just thinking about reinstalling the drivers, how tiresome [12:14] there bazhang #define DISKNAME Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" - Release amd64 [12:14] does anyone have a Soundmax HD 1988 integrated sound card ? (I can't get any sound from it) [12:14] zetheroo, what do you need from medibuntu repos [12:14] DistroJockey: I think it's more than just getting the right xorg,conf [12:14] thats from README.diskdefines [12:14] on the cd [12:14] Where can I find the source code of xdpyinfo? [12:15] what download manager do you guys recommend? [12:15] Blaise, do you have anything in Hardware Drivers ? [12:15] bazhang: DVD playback [12:15] so yeah it appears that I am already running the amd64 bit as stated earlier [12:15] DistroJockey: how can I check them? [12:15] I am at a loss with this, why does it not see all the ram [12:15] zetheroo, dont need to enable repos for that; just get the libdvdcss2 [12:15] bazhang: and I wanted to add their source to a custom Ubuntu I am putting together [12:15] asfalt: Because it's a 32 bit kernel [12:15] Blaise, System - Administration - Hardware Drivers [12:15] asfalt: Without PAE support [12:15] DistroJockey: yes but I no longer have my Gnome toolbar [12:16] DistroJockey: all my gnome panels have vanished :s [12:16] hateball is there a magic way to apt-get the PAE kernel ? :D [12:16] Blaise, ahh, yeah. Try sudo killall gnome-panel [12:16] bullgard4: apt-get source x11-utils [12:16] I don't wan't' no pain! i just want this 64 bit os to see my 4gb ram :D [12:16] asfalt: Server kernel has it enabled, else you have to build your own. Or install 64 bit [12:17] DistroJockey: didn't seem to do anything, do I need to load them? [12:17] amd64 is 64 bit already, right? [12:17] bazhang: they have the wrong command there.... [12:17] hateball oh so it would be a boot parameter? could I edit the grub menu to reboot with PAE ? [12:17] DistroJockey: ah running gnome-panel brought it back [12:17] Blaise, usually it relaods automatically, but try gnome-panel [12:17] DistroJockey: ok No proprietry drivers are in use on this system [12:17] Blaise, yeah :) [12:17] asfalt: Nope, you have to build the kernel from source. Anyhow, if you do 'apt-cache show gedit' which architecture does it say? [12:17] bazhang: It should be this: wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update [12:17] asfalt: Its not a boot paramter. If your CPU supports PAE, then if you run the server kernel you will have it. No options. [12:17] i need help with my bit distro [12:17] bazhang so it is but the other issue is that the kernel is limited to 3gb addressing without PAE ? [12:18] DistroJockey: that's not good, I'm going ot reinstall teh drivers then [12:18] 64 [12:18] now it works peachy [12:18] Hello , I am using hardy. I cannot switch from wireless to wired connection when static IP configured on wired connection. Also I cannot connect VPN networks when I am on wired connection and static IP configured. [12:18] Pici I see, but the server kernel might break my desktop functionality or not? [12:18] Blaise, mainly means Ubuntu doesn't have a nice package for them. Worth a try, yeah [12:18] hey does anyone have the problem of ubuntu 64bit using swap unstead of ram [12:18] ? [12:18] asfalt: Not all restricted drivers are available for the server kernel, so possibly. [12:18] apt-cache show gedit | grep ^Arch [12:19] Pici: Thank you. [12:19] khuz: nope [12:19] Blaise, how are you going to do that btw? [12:19] need help regarding AWN [12:19] Pici interesting, because bazhang is saying "enable PAE or install 64bit" my impression was that 64 bit would support it natively perhaps this is what I didn't know [12:19] well my install does [12:19] asfalt, not me; that was hateball [12:19] DistroJockey: manually using this http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide [12:19] khuz: some of the stuff goes to swap .. things that are not used often [12:19] oh sorry bazhang you are right it was hateball [12:19] it uses 45% ram then starts to swap [12:20] DistroJockey: it's what I used originally when I had everything working [12:20] asfalt: apt-cache show gedit |grep Arch [12:20] Blaise, k, not used it as I just run the xorg drivers. Good luck [12:20] asfalt: What's the output of that? [12:20] is there a fix? [12:20] is anyone here familiar with Reconstructor? [12:21] hateball: Architecture: i386 x2 [12:21] two lines even [12:21] yes, two lines here too [12:21] asfalt: So obviously you didnt install the amd64 version ;) [12:21] !remaster | zetheroo [12:21] Hello , I am using hardy. I cannot switch from wireless to wired connection when static IP configured on wired connection. Also I cannot connect VPN networks when I am on wired connection and static IP configured. ANY IDEA ? [12:21] khuz: use pastebin and paste this "cat /proc/meminfo" then give us a link [12:21] zetheroo: Interested in remastering the !Ubuntu !LiveCD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use Tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility [12:21] hateball omg the cd says in README.diskdefines that it is amd64, perhaps an update broke it? [12:22] asfalt: when did you install it? [12:22] zetheroo, uck works best for me [12:22] asfalt: No, an update wont change the packages arch, or you'd not be booting at all :p [12:22] bazhang: cool thanks [12:22] np :) [12:22] bazhang: did you see what I said before about medibuntu? [12:23] can anyone please help me my ubuntu 64bit is swaping instead of using my ram [12:23] khuz: see above [12:23] zetheroo, it is working peachy now? [12:23] bazhang: hehe... yeah [12:23] :) [12:23] kk [12:23] mrrti 2-3 weeks ago? [12:24] asfalt: http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/os/Linux/distributions/ubuntu/ubuntu-cd/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso for a proper cd. I've installed from this myself... [12:24] bazhang: btw .. have you tried Reconstructor ? ... just wondering if its possible to select which apps I want installed by default [12:24] 10th of this month it appears [12:24] those links right? [12:24] zetheroo, thought that was for fedora [12:24] bazhang: and is UCK easier to use!? [12:24] zetheroo, it is very easy [12:24] bazhang: all GUI driven? [12:24] zetheroo, reconstructor always failed for me [12:24] :) [12:25] bazhang: oh thats no good [12:25] asfalt: is there a way for you to be absolutely sure that you actually installed from the amd64 cd? [12:25] asfalt: cause this is the weirdest thing i've heard in a while, if that's the case [12:25] hateball I see, damn this is very uncool :D i am running the non 64bit when I thought I was. By the way does flashplugin-nonfree work now? because I was thinkign "cool ot works now" [12:25] mrrrti well I don't seem to have another hardy CD at all here [12:25] zetheroo, yes [12:25] asfalt: Flash works fine in 64bit. Well... pretty much [12:26] bazhang: with UCK can I change the default apps? [12:26] localedef is keeping one cpu 100% in 'sys', does that mean it's stuck in kernel? [12:26] yes, 64 bit works like a charm these days [12:26] zetheroo, sure [12:26] asfalt: If you burn a new ISO and live-boot you should be able to see your RAM before the install as well, so you can be sure [12:27] bazhang: downthemall is definitely the issue. what would you recommend instead of it? [12:27] asfalt: And make sure you use free -m and not free -g as the later will round down 4 to 3... ;) [12:27] psypher246, for video there is one called video downloader or some such [12:27] bazhang: I am also wondering if its possible to have WINE installed by default as well as a Windows native application through WINE!?.... [12:28] zetheroo, never tested it that extensively :) [12:28] bazhang: ok ... no worries [12:29] back in a bit [12:29] Peanut, Sorry to hear it hasn't progressed. Not seen that issue myself, hopefully someone knows something to help. Good luck. [12:29] hateball how can you tell that 64 is installed ? I am downloading the cd from .se but it's slow to .au :( is it the apt-cache show gedit |grep Arch most reliable way of telling? [12:29] i have a problem in my changelog syntax! Update Makefile and add Doc files. altough it's not long >> Update Makefile and add Doc files. !!!!! [12:30] i have this error >>> debian-changelog-line-too-long line 9 [12:30] asfalt: apt-cache show gcc would be even more reliable, but it's doubtful you'd install a default 64 bit system and end up with a 32 bit gedit :) [12:30] hi there [12:31] asfalt, get the right file from somewhere close to you and check the md5sum. That should be enough. [12:31] DistroJockey: a while back you mentioned something about "top" to me there about checking the progress of my upgrade. Care to elabourate for me. [12:31] aew [12:31] aew [12:31] quem ta on [12:31] i#ve got a small problem with ubuntu 8.04 and the x-server === u is now known as Guest79278 [12:31] hateball I am now convinced that the iso was mislabelled on local mirrow because the cd i did use the README.diskdefines file does say #define DISKNAME Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" - Release amd64 [12:31] Brasil ??? [12:31] do you have a trac? [12:32] swamptin, top basically just shows what is using CPU. Things close to the top are using the most [12:32] in the root of the CD [12:32] quem é do brazil aew [12:32] !br | Guest79278 [12:32] Guest79278: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [12:32] ok [12:33] i can#t start the x-server, in the log it says "no useble screen" [12:33] It seems like my Ubuntu upgrade is a lost cause then :-) [12:33] hello every one.. [12:33] DistroJockey: i see. Cheers. [12:33] zaphod: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' [12:34] asfalt: what mirror? [12:34] Peanut, I also prefer doing a nice clean install over an upgrade, sorry [12:34] can anyone guide me so that wireless can run on my ubuntu system.. [12:34] Peanut, over = rather than [12:34] root@beefy:~# md5sum /media/cdrom/md5sum.txt [12:34] 57ed350a282cab4da68d5f85066e9d0b /media/cdrom/md5sum.txt [12:34] DistroJockey: I did my dev machine a few days back with no trouble at all [12:34] hateball is that the md5sum that you get? [12:35] Peanut, yeah, many people have issues with upgrading [12:35] anyone to help here.. [12:35] bazhang: [12:36] Is there a package to add "Open in terminal" and "Open as Root" in the right click menu in Gnome? [12:36] bazhang: i need a good download manager inside ff, like flashget [12:37] dual: there can shell scripts which can be written for it.. [12:37] dual, install nautilus-open-terminal for the terminal part [12:37] Ok :) [12:37] asfalt: http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/os/Linux/distributions/ubuntu/ubuntu-cd/hardy/MD5SUMS [12:37] dual, you will need to restart nautilus for it to show up [12:37] ;s [12:37] I found that the root-part can be installed with nautilus-gksu, DistroJockey [12:37] thanks mrrrti [12:38] psychomieze, flashget, is it a popular download tool [12:38] dual, cool, thanks for letting us know :) [12:38] asfalt: that's for 8.04.1, can't seem to get to the 8.04 md5s anymore [12:38] what is the command to see my uptime? [12:39] mrrrti yes I just noticed my cd md5sum does not match any :* [12:39] uptime [12:39] sudo === ineffable is now known as randistan [12:39] asfalt: yeah, i saw that too... but is it really 8.04.1 you have? === randistan is now known as ineffable === bzSeamrog is now known as Smari [12:40] mrrrti according to this I am http://paste.ubuntu.com/28959/ === ineffable is now known as vidtoday [12:40] h1 everyone!!!! [12:40] cab anyone guide me how to run wireless on my ubuntu system.. [12:41] asfalt: well, it says that i'm at 8.04.1 too, but i've upgraded from Gutsy Gibbon [12:41] asfalt: so that changes with upgrades, and is not indicative of cd release used during install, it seems === co_mboies is now known as ce_pinkloveee [12:43] anyone here to help.. [12:43] DistroJockey: So, it finally worked, I'm back to where I was at 11:00 this morning *sigh* [12:44] DistroJockey: I basically reinstalled the ati drivers manually according to that wiki. Thanks for helping me out, it got me off in the right direction [12:44] Blaise, well, that's good and bad I guess [12:44] vidtoday: wireless can be tricky. what's the problem? [12:44] Blaise, you're most welcome. [12:44] DistroJockey: Well it's good because everything was working at 11 :D, I find Linux quite taxing when an update screws up soimething [12:44] !wireless | vidtoday [12:44] vidtoday: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [12:45] Blaise, ahh :) [12:45] Blaise, maybe try updating less frequently than daily [12:45] actually i have compaq c700 series.. [12:45] and it is not able to detect my wireless card.. [12:46] anyone know of a solution to this problem -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/99508 ??? Aggrivating as hell. [12:46] DistroJockey: that's a good point, I'm thinking though that it's likely to do with having unused and old software installed for my drivers that caused this mistake [12:46] Launchpad bug 99508 in compiz "Window titlebar displayed not right with compiz enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] [12:46] vidtoday: usb or pcmcia or internal card ? what manufacturer of card and what model is posible [12:46] vidtoday do you know what kind of wifi radio your pc has? [12:47] Blaise, weekly is a better time frame (gives them time to catch bugs) :) Just a theory I have not tried [12:47] Blaise, possible [12:47] it is intel and onboard.. [12:47] i don't know the exact no.. [12:48] vidtoday: type in terminal lspci [12:48] ok.. [12:49] Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI [12:50] where can i download human-theme ? [12:50] is the wireless card.. [12:50] theme.. [12:51] back [12:51] so what does " sudo rm -rf " do again? [12:51] vidtoday: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=769990 [12:51] orgthingy: removes a file and its descendants (i.e. recursing through directories) with extreme prejudice [12:51] orgthingy, deletes everything from the current directory down without asking [12:51] orgthingy: it removes something, recursively if needed, doesnt prompt you, and does it with sudo privledges. [12:52] fwaokda, sudo apt-get install human-theme [12:52] oh my [12:52] DistroJockey, ty [12:52] fwaokda, no problem [12:52] orgthingy, yeah be careful with it [12:53] i'm trying to compile just one file from a program. I ran configure already but i don't want to make the wholething. can i just make one file? [12:53] ~~ If someone asks you to sudo rm -rf anything don't do it. ~~ [12:53] forums :) [12:53] orgthingy, also sudo mkfs [12:53] orgthingy: It really depends on whether you understand what it will be doing or not. [12:53] one thing more at the time i was install ubuntu i install the 32 bit version as i had that available with me but my system is 64 bit can i upgrade this ubuntu to the 64 bit one. [12:54] orgthingy, as a general rule, if you don't know what it means don't do it. [12:54] DistroJockey, I don't see where the fix is for this problem although it states the fix was human-theme but that didn't work for me -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/99508 [12:54] hey, i want to install ubuntu on my mac, which is empty right now, but i want to install os x later too, so two partitions, how should i set up my partitions? [12:54] Launchpad bug 99508 in compiz "Window titlebar displayed not right with compiz enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] [12:54] orgthingy: yes, there are nasty ways to conceal that command too... so be very careful [12:54] 1 for os x, 1 for swap, 1 for ubuntu? [12:54] and where do i put the bootloager, grub? [12:54] hiptobecubic: probably not. but you can digg into the makefile and see hwo gcc is called on the file [12:54] vidtoday: do you have more than 3 gigs of ram? [12:54] * orgthingy is scared now [12:54] !mac [12:54] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [12:54] ok, if i deleted by mistake, how can I recover it? [12:54] erUSUL, ok well i'll just remake it then. thanks [12:54] orgthingy: you can't [12:55] orgthingy: recover? what makes you think you can recover? [12:55] orgthingy, you're boned. [12:55] orgthingy: break out your tapes :) [12:55] alokin i would be guessing you would put grub on the ubunto partition, macs use efi [12:55] fwaokda, that's a long report, reading [12:55] oh? [12:55] u cant recover deleted files? [12:55] koshari: what would my mount points be? i got really confused the last time i did this a year ago [12:55] DistroJockey, k ty ... i can't figure any fix except to disable compiz which I suppose I'll do if need be. [12:55] i saw an article before on how to do it [12:55] orgthingy: generally, no [12:55] orgthingy, it's very difficult [12:55] orgthingy: not unless you've takes some precautions.. [12:56] orgthingy: short answer is *no* [12:56] oh, there's no software for that :( [12:56] orgthingy: the preferred method is to not delete things you might need [12:56] no i have 2gb of ram [12:56] !undelete [12:56] Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html [12:56] fwaokda, I assume you are using nvidia drivers? [12:56] orgthingy: some people relink the rm command to something like "copy to trash folder" [12:56] vidtoday: no point then [12:56] DistroJockey, yes and I used envy to get the lastest today [12:56] orgthingy: there are firms that can do that for you... but it's expensive, and may not be possible at all, depending on a couple of factors [12:56] what do you mean.. [12:57] vidtoday: no point switch to 64 bit if you have only 2gigs of ram, you don't gain anything but "cool" points, and even that is questionable [12:57] orgthingy: http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel/wiki/ext3undel [12:57] alokin i multibooted a hackintosh a while back with my lappie but havnt done it with a mac, do you need bootcamp? [12:57] thanks :) [12:57] koshari: last time, no [12:58] hallo [12:58] wer da? [12:58] alokin ok, whar about refit [12:58] koshari: but i think i had to do something crazy like install grub on the os x partition [12:58] omg [12:58] my internet is slow now [12:58] what a fuck [12:58] omg [12:58] my neighbor is using my wireless [12:58] how can i check? [12:58] butti: Watch the language. [12:58] hello [12:58] i want to check how many users are connected right now [12:58] Pici: maybe we can add http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel/wiki/ext3undel to the factoid ?? [12:58] orgthingy: ask him? [12:58] to the wireless [12:58] orgthingy: what the dhcp log [12:58] orgthingy: use the console [12:58] !enter | orgthingy [12:58] orgthingy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [12:59] orgthingy: probably at [12:59] Slart: hehe, nah [12:59] orgthingy: watch the dhcp log [12:59] oh [12:59] dhcp log [12:59] hmm [12:59] org log into your wireless router and check your dhcp leases [12:59] orgthingy: check the router web interface (lan clients or something like that) [12:59] orgthingy: most wireless routers have some kind of mechanism to see what clients are connected atm [12:59] orgthingy: Please keep your answers on one line, theres no need for an enter between every two words [13:00] Pici: ok ok, sorry [13:00] all these guids want me to install os x first [13:00] but the weird thing, is, that im using WPA2 and change pass every week [13:00] there's no way that my neighbor cracked it :S [13:01] orgthingy: as we all said, check with your web interface to your wireless router [13:01] alokin, what i did is made a separate partition for grub, then you can change os's all over the place and you just add or remove entries to your independant grub list [13:01] How to do that is beyond the scope of this channel. [13:01] ok [13:01] how do i install proper drivers for: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) ive been searching google for couple of hours. [13:01] orgthingy: remember your original question? now may be the time [13:02] hiptobecubic: that sounds awesome. how do i you make grub the partition you boot to automatically/ [13:02] i had an original question :P ? [13:02] alokin, just a second i'll find the link to the tutorial [13:02] hello [13:02] what was it xD ? [13:02] hiptobecubic: sweet, much thanks [13:02] someone is trolling! [13:02] DistroJockey, is the problem because im using nvidia drivers? [13:02] !ati [13:02] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [13:03] Right, so I've been stuck at this point in my upgrade for the last 2hrs. Now, when I check my CPU usage "localdef" is constantly taking 97% or more. [13:03] I am on noobuntu 7.10 (running the live). I downloaded iso of 8.04, how to record it? I have 2 cd drives. [13:03] Any idea what I can do? [13:03] Hi, I got a driver problem, I have a nvidia geforce 6200 and I got these drivers to work 4 times in the last week but after I reboot I keep getting the low-grafic mode (they usually start working after I enable the prop. nvidia drivers at system->administration->hardware drivers) [13:03] !burniso | di23 [13:03] di23: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [13:03] fwaokda, looks that way. Just looked over most of that report. Jan de Mooij 's posts look helpful [13:03] alokin, http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/grub/grubpartition.htm I suggest you read the whole thing before you start. [13:03] Slart: but which tools are available in livecd [13:04] hiptobecubic: will do [13:04] di23: read the link [13:04] alokin, also make sure you have a live cd around incase you bork everything. there is one step that changes the mbr and if you don't do it correctly you'll be unbootable [13:04] I've tried any method I could find on the internet(envy,nvidia-xconfig,...) [13:04] btw, why there is no mc program on noobuntu cd 7.10? it is tiny [13:05] di23: then install it [13:05] di23: sudo apt-get install mc should do it [13:05] !info mc [13:05] mc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB [13:05] slart I can install it in _live cd_ ? [13:05] spec8472, disable the drivers in the driver manager and install them yourself? [13:05] how do i install proper drivers for: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) ive been searching google for couple of hours. [13:05] hello i just compiled a custom kernel 2.6.26 and now have 2 .deb files , one is named image and the other headers wich do i need to install first? [13:05] di23: give it a try.. see if it works [13:05] di23: it won't be permanent [13:05] Slart: I guess people without net access could use it too [13:06] DistroJockey, whats this - /usr/share/themes/Human/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml - is that part of the human theme or is that another one i need to download and use to fix the problem? [13:06] di23: IE once you reboot you'll have to reinstall it again, using the livecd that is [13:06] amber_, try envy [13:06] ok [13:06] Couldn't find package "mc". [13:06] wtf [13:07] apt-get update [13:07] spec8472, envy? [13:07] ? [13:07] fwaokda, part of the theme from what I gather [13:07] di23: you probably haven't enabled universe [13:07] DistroJockey, k i just checked it and looks like its already the way they're recommending [13:07] !universe [13:07] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [13:07] di23 did you enable uneverse repo? [13:07] amber_, yeah its a really easy driver install tool [13:08] fwaokda, yeah, probably patched to include it [13:08] blah problem is so annoying [13:08] amber_, http://www.albertomilone.com/envyfaq.html [13:08] fbianconi: no but this is too hard to do, it should work. [13:09] spec8472, all i want is to get compiz working is this going to be possible ? [13:09] di23: it is for human being or nerds? [13:09] amber_: Envy is in the Package Repositories, the package name is envyng-gtk [13:09] ^ fbianconi [13:09] fwaokda, did say it was only an issue for nvidia/compiz so the answer probably lies somewhere in that area [13:09] di23: edit /etc/aptsources.list and look for the universe repos and uncomment them [13:09] whats the best guide for tweaking and installing extra software on a new install these days? [13:10] /etc/apt/sources.list [13:10] dmacnutt: ok.. still I think i should be defult [13:10] well it is the livecd [13:10] How to install themes in Ubuntu?! [13:10] !themes [13:10] Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [13:11] dmacnutt: in which mc utility is helpfull,.... probably more helpfull then doven of movies/media examples [13:11] ty [13:11] DistroJockey, ya im gonna go to "none" on the advanced settings effects. Only thing that seems to work. Don't think I can use AWN anymore but that bug is EXTREMELY annoying. [13:11] di23: depends on your goals I suppose [13:12] hiptobecubic, I have tried installing the drivers myself [13:12] fwaokda, *nods* they'll work it out. If you can help by submitting a bug report on launchpad it may speed things up. Good luck [13:13] mefiboset: http://ubuntusatanic.org [13:13] DistroJockey, thanks will do. [13:13] hiptobecubic, oh wait, now it suddenly works [13:13] spec8472, was jockey still installed? the proprietary driver manager? if so then i think it 'fixes' your manual install automatically. [13:13] spec8472, lol great! [13:13] hiptobecubic, only god knows why =) [13:14] fwaokda, or just a reply to that report you sent. All the best [13:14] !iwlwifi [13:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about iwlwifi [13:14] !iwl4965 [13:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about iwl4965 [13:14] can I download noobuntu 8.04 CDs that already include some soft like say openoffice, so that after install I dont have to wait? [13:15] di23: the os we support here is called UBUNTU [13:15] oh ok [13:15] so, can I download ubuntu 8.04 extra cds with some of the soft? like in debian [13:15] slart didnt they change the name after that rsa/ssh fiasco though? [13:15] di23: open office is installed by default, gime as well and some other software [13:15] hiptobecubic, it started working after I uninstalled envy and then re-enabled the drivers under system->administration->hardware drivers [13:15] *gimp [13:16] i never really used envy. [13:16] di23: there are dvd's available with some extra packages that aren't included on the live/install cd [13:16] rike [13:16] cool [13:16] hiptobecubic, yeah envy is for desperate ppl =) [13:16] amd62 x2 processor - will i be alright with 64 bit version or should i use 32? [13:16] !envy [13:16] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. [13:16] slobad23: do you have 4gb or more of ram? [13:16] slobad23: go with 32 bit unless you have more than 3 GB memory or really really want it [13:17] note the *UNSUPPORTED* bit [13:17] slobad23: well, 64 bit version of ubuntu is full of bugs, but so is 32 bit version. I would use 64 bit one [13:17] bugs? [13:17] sorry, how can I get free Ubuntu DVD's? [13:17] DistroJockey, somebody on there says that if you go back to the nvidia driver 100.14.19 then it fixes the problem. How do i do that though? [13:17] When I install ubuntu (or any linux distro for that matter) will the installation mess with my BIOS at all? [13:17] !shipit | mxCherry might carry dvds [13:17] mxCherry might carry dvds: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs [13:17] Skyrail: no [13:17] Skyrail: nope [13:17] mhm [13:17] thanks for info - will run 32 (b ^_^)b [13:17] do I need to install a firewall to be secure with ubuntu or ? [13:17] Pici: there is this site called lunchpad, it lists literally thousands of open bugs in ubuntu (even confirmed and importnt) [13:17] 'tis very strange then [13:18] !firewall | spec8472 [13:18] fwaokda, not too sure on that sorry. Don't use nvidia or restricted drivers [13:18] spec8472: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [13:18] Thanks anyway :) [13:18] бля, а шо такое керри? [13:18] fwaokda, I don't use ^ [13:18] Я ж про двд спрашивал... [13:18] DistroJockey, k ty [13:18] spec8472: but you'll survive even without a firewall... though it will make you sleep a bit better =) [13:18] !ru | mxCherry [13:18] [13:18] di23: I'm well aware of what *launchpad* is. But to say that someone should use the 64bit version of Ubuntu because of bugs is just FUD. [13:18] fwaokda, no problem [13:18] mxCherry: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [13:18] ubottu, ok thx [13:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about ok thx [13:18] !botsnack [13:18] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [13:19] spec8472: I don't run a firewall [13:19] I just can't understand why my windows drive stops booting (as in, it comes up with a boot error) when I installed ubuntu [13:19] Pici, spec8472 : it says it found it but the driver isnt supported by my OS. only other thing i can do is select manual and its starting to download alot of stuff [13:19] I then kind of fixed it then tried Gentoo instead [13:19] ubottu: bad bot [13:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about bad bot [13:19] Only to break it all again [13:19] Pici: no no. I said that they both contain similar amount of bugs, so amd64 does NOT contain more bugs, so therefore lets use 64 [13:19] ok heres one I am sure we all heard a thousand times...... whats the best FTPD to use and why [13:19] Hi [13:19] Skyrail: booting involves several steps besides the BIOS.. there is the mbr too (and ubuntu will mess with that) [13:19] !best | phracker [13:19] phracker: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:19] !best | phracker [13:20] Does anyone know where to find xchat skins/plugins? [13:20] di23: Ah, I misunderstood then. [13:20] * DistroJockey smiles at Slart (sorry) [13:20] Slart: mhm, where's the MBR situated, on the mobo or on the HDD? [13:20] !best [13:20] Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:20] DistroJockey: I need to oil my keyboard =) [13:20] Skyrail: MBR is in the first 512 bytes of hard drive [13:20] Slart, hehe [13:20] Skyrail: it's the first sector or so on the hard drive [13:21] Can anyone suggest a good non-ipod/non-zune HD based MP3 player in the $200-$400 price range? [13:21] Skyrail: it is stored more or less with the partition table btw, so carefull about saving/restoring it! dd if=... of=... bs=512 count=1 (read man) can save/restore MBR btw [13:21] preferably linux compatible [13:21] mhm. I know this isn't a windows chat so I'll keep it to a minimum, but eh, I've tried fixing it through the recovery console and still no luck :( but they're on completely different drives [13:21] bobbob1016: Try ##hardware [13:21] I want to install a command-line only ubuntu, now I found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems that one should do a "command-line install", but on the support forums I found people saying that I should do a "server install", does anyone know which one is better for a command line ubuntu that has to run a few simple apps? [13:21] bobbob1016: or #ubuntu-offtopic [13:21] DistroJockey, is there a way to get rid of GTK borders? Will it affect me in any major way? [13:21] Skyrail: in windows I think there is a command "fixmbr".. also check out some grub manuals [13:21] !mbr [13:21] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [13:22] Pici, didn't know there was a ##hardware, I'll try both. I thought off-topic, but I thought it was kind of topic/off-topic. Thanks. [13:22] fwaokda, no idea sorry [13:22] !testdisk|Skyrail [13:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about testdisk [13:22] To get to the main point I'd have to supply a whole life story of what I've been doing trying to install linux lol [13:22] iQwerty: why not install the server version? I think it's command line only [13:22] DistroJockey, k [13:22] !testdisk [13:22] !info testdisk [13:22] testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB [13:23] Slart: Yes, thats exactly my question, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems tells me to do a "command-line" install, the difference seems to be in the kernel (linux-server versus linux-generic) and some modules [13:23] hahhah it doesnt know [13:23] Well, see the problem is that I've got two 250Gb SATA drives, they both had Windows on, so I wanted to install ubuntu on one, problem is ubuntu doesn't like to recognise my drives [13:23] testdisk and photorec are nice (used correctly) [13:24] where can i find some help about parsing and formal grammars? [13:24] ubuntu does just fine with drives [13:24] iQwerty: I'm not sure what the difference is between the server kernel and the generic kernel.. it might just be some multithreading settings and cache stuff for all I know [13:24] what is the best FTPD [13:24] phracker, you said FTPD? I don't know.. [13:24] killerboy: ##linguistics [13:25] phracker: we just did this.. didn't you read what we told you? [13:25] hi - I need some help with gdm [13:25] phracker: well it does if I boot using all_generic_ide [13:25] Pici, tried there, but there were only great laught of my nick [13:25] Slart: I did read what you said but the bots don know [13:25] phracker: go with proftpd, I've heard it's supposed to be awesome [13:25] Pici, and that was all info i got [13:25] right but I want security [13:25] !best | phracker read this.. carefully.. several times.. [13:25] phracker, try FTP or FTP server maybe [13:25] killerboy: ##linguistics or #linguistics try both. [13:26] tried [13:26] phracker read this.. carefully.. several times..: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:26] they said they are more into natural languages then parsing [13:26] ubottu: bite me...... [13:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about bite me...... [13:26] hi all! i'm trying to run install script and i get: "trap: 436: SIGINT: bad trap"...i've tried dash,bash,tcsh...same pb!any help? [13:27] ubottu: what is the most secure ftp server [13:28] phracker: ubottu is a bot. it cannot answer you. Ignore the message about -ops [13:28] phracker: have you looked at proftpd? [13:28] ok, thanks for all [13:28] yes [13:28] thanks Pici [13:29] im having issues getting 3d to work for ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) envy says legacy drivers no longer support it ?? [13:29] I have proftpd running now but I really dont like it [13:29] phracker: not secure enough? [13:29] it keeps crashing [13:29] привет [13:29] !ru | dima_ [13:29] dima_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [13:29] да [13:29] ук [13:29] phracker: crashing? got some kind of error message? [13:29] Украина [13:29] that and when I force a home dir it changes it back to /var/ftp [13:30] no error message it just shutsdown [13:30] and if I login and see Click_Here one more time I am gonna scream [13:30] <----- Screams..... and yes thank you that did help [13:30] amberif your trying to get compiz going with that card here are some ideas http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=727371&page=2 [13:31] hi - I need some help with gdm can anyone help me [13:31] amber_: if your trying to get compiz going with that card here are some ideas http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=727371&page=2 [13:32] Is there a way to get rid of the ubuntu icon from the main menu bar on the gnome panel in 8.04? I've tried everything, all distributor logos and getting started logos in /usr/share/icons have been changed and I've tried the gconf method of redoing it. [13:32] when I manually sudo mount UUID=8d83c03b-1ec4-404f-8e88-f39eeea344fd, which has an entry in fstab that reads UUID=8d83c03b-1ec4-404f-8e88-f39eeea344fd none swap sw 0 0, mount answers with mount point none does not exist [13:32] what's happening ? [13:32] legend2440, thanks [13:32] I'm trying to install nvidia drivers and it says I need to exit X before installing. How do I do this? [13:32] it seems it's not understanding that none is swap and not a mount point [13:32] simard: you don't mount swap partitions [13:33] simard: you swapon [13:33] ugh I keep responding to bots [13:33] <--- isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer I guess === afief__ is now known as afief [13:33] ahh.. well then next question, what is the /etc/file I should change to make it swapon automatically ? [13:33] Slart: thanks [13:33] oops [13:34] simard: fstab, methinks you'll find [13:34] I searched around the web and found that there IS a difference..... Though nobody really seems to know what the diff is exactly [13:34] ok I have an issue that you will all laugh at [13:34] does anyone know of some software that will convert pdf to html? [13:34] can i use the gpg command line tool to store a .key or .gpg file here locally on my hard drive ? [13:35] I have a server with an mga card in it and I cant get the resolution past 800x600 [13:35] Does anyone here know which kernel is faster and which supports more networking things, linux-generic or linux-server? [13:35] iQwerty: "more networking things"? [13:35] iQwerty: they both support generic features [13:35] what are you trying to do [13:35] iQwerty: hm.. nothing in the ubuntu wiki either? forums? there must be some kind of info out there.. [13:36] Maior: I mean wifi card drivers [13:36] rage you can hack the gnome config regestry key [13:36] iQwerty: well.. good luck with the kernel hunting.. I'm off to find something to eat.. [13:36] well since wifi would be done as a mod they both support the same things [13:36] koshari, you mean apps/panel/ ect [13:37] koshari: use_custom_icon? [13:37] phracker: do you mean that they are the same, except that the server kernel has something more? [13:37] What's the Moto guys IRC channel again? [13:37] iQwerty: I hope you didnt buy the 1.99 cheapo card [13:37] Slart: Still searching those forums, and wiki, I'm sure it's somewhere there [13:37] does anyone know a great intrusion detection system with a nice gnome front-end? [13:37] Ubuntu is logging itself out sometimes! And most often I can't log in again [13:37] iQwerty: the server kernel is meant for "servers" and the generic is meant for "clients" [13:38] Maior, yeah, the problem was that my newly installed debian on another partition shares the swap with ubuntu.. and it reformated it but didnt assign it a UUID, so it was deprecated and now by using simply /dev/sda7 it works [13:38] hello. i am trying to boot ubuntu mini cd over network with dhcp/pxe. i used this tutorial: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install and all i get now is (one the client) "No bootfilename recieved" [13:38] *help* [13:39] slobad23: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-pdf-files-to-html-files.html [13:39] rage: http://pastebin.com/d7a0b4ffd [13:39] pidginuser1: do you have the imagefile on your tftp server [13:39] phracker: yeah, I understand, but does the server kernel miss some mayor stuff? If not it may be faster [13:39] hi, would anyone here know why when i try to start gmd I get the following error : gdm: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0) [13:39] Help me please! It keeps logging me out :/ [13:39] * since I think server OS' have to be fast and stable [13:39] koshari: Thanks, already done, no effect [13:40] i guess i have. i followed the tutorial [13:40] iQwerty: they both get the same updates the reason the server would be faster is because its on server hardware [13:40] rage: did you restart gnome panel? [13:40] koshari: indeed, killall gnome-panel, and a restart just to be sure [13:40] pidginuser1: are you on a windows machine ? if so drop to a command prompt and tftp to your server and look [13:41] i am on a ubuntu pc [13:41] pidginuser1: ok open an xterm and tftp to your server and look [13:41] rage killall gnome-panel yes i dont know why yout icin hasnt changed, permissions ok? size/format acceptable? [13:41] in /var/lib/tftpboot there is a pxelinux.0 [13:42] okay w8 [13:42] its a svg, [13:42] it says not found o_O [13:42] well but what i have is that the pc seems to be connecting [13:42] koshari: Think a png make be necessary? [13:42] i gotta go :-\ [13:42] pidginuser1: theres your problem... the tfpt server isnt passing the file [13:42] rage i have only used png and jpg [13:42] okay [13:42] good luck [13:42] well i'll come back later. thanks for your help [13:43] Hi, I'm looking for the ubuntu login sound of feisty or gutsy. My sister is looking for a couple of animal sounds for her wedding (don't ask my why) and I remember I liked that specific one. [13:44] what is the command to check process? [13:44] mefi top [13:44] ps? [13:45] ah ps aux [13:45] koshari: What size do you have it? [13:45] sorry, and ty [13:45] koshari: As in pixels :-) [13:46] rage 4.9k, or 90*30pixels png [13:48] how do i get glxinfo | grep rendering to output yes instead of no for a RV250 ATI Technology Mobile card? === bstock_ is now known as bstock [13:48] rage: http://s330.photobucket.com/albums/l416/koshar1/?action=view¤t=newstart.png [13:48] ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) [13:48] to be exact [13:49] koshari: haha :-) very good [13:50] hi, someone help with RAID Software in ubuntu server? I install the raid the disk sync, but when i restarted the machine give me error " 3194.147496] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK [13:50] [ 3194.147501] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 43787168" [13:50] hey guys need a lil help... i have a files directory that i want to write to. but the web script complains that it cant create the directory. my apache runs as www-data user. so what i did was recursively set the owner on the files dir as root and www-data user. and recursvilely chmod 775 for that dir too. when i mkdir in that dir to similate what the script will try to do, the folder gets owner of root group (should be w [13:50] and my file-system [13:50] root@bla:/usr/share/mdadm# ls [13:50] ls: reading directory .: Input/output error [13:50] sudo chown -R root.www-data files and sudo chmod -R 775 files/ is commands i ran btw. [13:53] monkey12 you need to change the group of the share and add you to that group === joel__ is now known as Soopa [13:55] like change the group owner of that folder? (which i did) but also add specific user that im testing simulated webscript 'mkdir' to that group? [13:56] So I'm having trouble getting logged off Ubuntu when I minimize windows, and it might be so that it is an issue with Firefox [13:56] Is there another browser available that I can try inside the synaptic? [13:57] Hi all [13:58] mefi try konqueror (kde) [13:58] dns53: ok, is that a good option? [13:58] When I install a theme in Appearance Preferences, it says the theme was correctly installed but then it never shows up [13:59] Any ideas on how to fix that? [13:59] mefi it's an option, i can't remember the gnome option, there is also opera available [13:59] ok [13:59] dns53: ok [14:00] anyone know how to 'speak' with a scanner on xubuntu ? [14:00] how do i get glxinfo | grep rendering to output yes instead of no for a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) | i only ave mesa direct render [14:00] microwaver: use xsane [14:00] amber_: use the radeon driver «gksudo displayconfig-gtk» [14:01] !info xsane | microwaver [14:01] microwaver: xsane (source: xsane): featureful graphical frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). In component main, is optional. Version 0.995-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 299 kB, installed size 824 kB [14:01] erUSUL, doesnt work properly i believe- ill try it again brb [14:02] hi all [14:02] amber_: what does not work¿¿?? i know (or recall) that it is blacklisted for use with compiz though ... [14:02] erUSUL, i removed the skip check with compiz [14:02] brb restarting [14:03] dns53: any more info on how to do those steps, sorry im a lil noob [14:03] hello in my UPdate-Manager i have a package called Ubuntu-Desktop and i can't select it ! whats wrong?? [14:03] When getting logged off Ubuntu, one line in log says "exiting on signal 15". Every time it happens, the previous line says something about IPV4 and ip6_tables [14:04] guys, I have no sound in a newly installed hardy :( [14:04] I have this: http://paste.debian.net/11969/ [14:04] what should I do ? [14:04] !sound > zmitya [14:04] zmitya, please see my private message [14:05] is there anyway of recovering windows data from a hdd where linux is now installed? [14:05] mainly mp3 files :) [14:05] AlexJP: linux can be used as "recovery tool" [14:05] AlexJP: not if you've installed Linux to the former Windows partition [14:05] go to your C:\ (somewhere in /media) [14:05] if you formmated the drive with linux no [14:05] AlexJP: You mean you installed Linux over a Windows parition that had data on it? [14:06] you can get it back [14:06] AlexJP: you mean a freshly formated in another filesystem partition ?? no way [14:06] but it will be costly [14:06] google drive data recovery or go to a site like drive savers.com [14:07] Pici yes i did that [14:07] it'll cost you at least 3 grand [14:07] why [14:07] thats how much they charge [14:07] cant i get the software myself? [14:07] not my fault [14:07] no [14:07] monkey12 to change the group on a folder run: chgrp group path can't remember the command to change your group [14:08] you can try [14:08] whats a grand anyway ? [14:08] for some mp3s? [14:08] a lot :) [14:08] grand =1,000 [14:08] AlexJP: next time you may want to consider resizing your windows partition prior to creating another partition for linux [14:08] yes for mp3's [14:08] using gparted in the ubuntu installer [14:08] simard its a long story [14:08] lol [14:08] :) [14:08] i have two hard disks [14:08] i lost data bunches of times [14:08] a long sad story [14:08] pain in the butt [14:08] but you have to live with it [14:09] one called st380021a and one called st380012a, you can guess what i did [14:09] I just cant count how many times I lost all my mp3s [14:09] most of the time I just wiped them out on purpose though [14:09] thats why you always have a ntfs parition on your dual boot machines that everything can read and write too :) [14:09] hehehehehehe [14:09] i'm sure if you google it [14:10] i think i must have that now because its dual booting fine using grub [14:10] konquer sucks :P [14:10] heheh well now i remember there is this porgram that starts with a "P" [14:10] what are some good web design packages? i would like a gui to quickly drag and drop some links onto a page... any ideas? [14:10] hellp [14:10] that costs a bit but recovers data [14:11] hello , anybody can help me ? [14:11] !html | slobad23 [14:11] slobad23: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/ [14:11] exactly this is my problem::: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=720941 [14:11] lukas__ don't start by asking permission, just ask your question [14:11] snake ok i will have a look for that. i remember a guy at work got an it guy out and he did a data recovery for about 50 quid [14:11] snake you think he was using pirate software or something? [14:12] How can i make a Dice on Ubuntu 8.04 ? [14:12] his parition table was probably intact and he was able to mount the drive and move things off it [14:12] !cube | lukas__ [14:12] lukas__: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » [14:13] !cube [14:13] Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » [14:13] ? [14:13] lukas__ install simple-ccsm and then run ccsm, you want the cube effects enabled [14:13] lukas__: look what ubottu said ^^ [14:13] !shorewall [14:13] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [14:13] install simple ccsm ye ? [14:14] lol [14:14] whats cube? or dice? [14:14] yes and configure it to have the cube effects, there are lots of options avalable [14:14] anybody can help me to configure shorewall? [14:15] AlexJP: a geometric figure with six square sides and eight edges [14:15] LOLVM [14:15] soundray xD [14:15] is there a channel to talk to about SIP and VoIP services? [14:15] what i must say to install simple ccsam ? [14:15] !ccsm | lukas__ [14:15] lukas__: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [14:15] dns53: i guess the commands i posted orig worked for the webscript. just wanted ill look into to simulate the same stuff it did with group commands you talked about [14:15] does anyone know where i can find wine for ubuntu 8.04? [14:15] !software | lukas__ [14:15] lukas__: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [14:16] thanks [14:16] !packages [14:16] You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [14:16] john_: it's in the repositories [14:16] mIgggUeL: your problem? [14:16] !info wine | john_ [14:16] john_: wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1 (hardy), package size 7227 kB, installed size 53680 kB [14:16] !pm | john_ [14:16] john_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [14:17] !software | john_ [14:17] john_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [14:17] TuniX12: wanna block the in traffic in shorewall to prevent DoS attacks [14:17] Anyone From Poland Here ? [14:17] Usign Wine, a windows application wants me to enter a directory name using the syntax c:\folder\subfolder. The folder I need to enter is: "/home/joakim/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/EViews4 SV" so I try that (with no success) and I try also "c:\Program Files\EViews4 SV" with no success. Is there a way to make it work? [14:17] !pl | lukas__ [14:17] lukas__: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [14:17] Is there a way to get rid of the ubuntu icon from the main menu bar on the gnome panel in 8.04? I've tried everything, all distributor logos and getting started logos in /usr/share/icons have been changed and I've tried the gconf method of redoing it using custom icon. [14:17] Anyone know a fix to stop Firefox from logging me out from Ubuntu!? [14:17] #ubuntu-pl [14:17] ok [14:17] thanks [14:17] Jockeo: you have to escape the spaces, e.g. EViews4\ SV [14:18] does anyone know if this would help me: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk [14:18] The polish linux forum is sux :/ ehhh ... anyone know better forum ? [14:19] !offtopic [14:19] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [14:19] mIgggUeL: i suggest you use GUFW GUI for ufw more easy and simple [14:19] AlexJP: you can try, but don't get your hopes up [14:19] if i have installed ubuntu, how do i install kde and apply all the kde software packages? can i do it in one go, or do i need to install multiple items? [14:19] kubuntu-desktop slobad23 [14:19] lukas__: please express yourself professionally here [14:19] slobad23: install kubunutu-desktop [14:20] and that will give me the desktop enviroment which includes all kde software too? [14:20] AlexJP: Yes that product shall help you nicely [14:20] slobad23, yes [14:20] soundray: You mean like this: "c:\Program\ Files\EViews4\ SV"? That didn't work either... Also tried to escape the backslashes like this: "c:\\Program\ Files\\EViews4\ SV" with no success. [14:20] thanks :-) [14:20] Jockeo: no, that's not what I said. Read carefully. [14:20] https://launchpad.net/gui-ufw [14:21] Anyone can give me a link to make a Dice on Ubuntu 8.04 ? [14:22] lukas__: you've been given all the necessary links [14:22] lukas__: now it takes a minimal amount of effort on YOUR part [14:22] does anybody know rubyripper well? [14:22] lol [14:22] snake thanls [14:22] thanks* [14:22] no worries === C3s4r is now known as Bella [14:22] i couldn't finda free one [14:22] I have downloaded the recent firefox tar.bz2 package, how will I install this ? :S [14:22] good job [14:23] did u use google? [14:23] yes [14:23] yeah [14:23] KucukMubasir: why? [14:23] neat [14:23] lol nah i asked in xubuntu [14:23] KucukMubasir: what's wrong with ubuntu firefox? [14:23] eh? [14:23] i just installed 0.5.2 from source, and i can't scan drive or rip cd because it says: "Cdrom drive scd0 does not exist on your system! Please configure your cdrom drive first." [14:23] which one? [14:23] maxmillion [14:23] asked in xubuntu or google? [14:23] i installed apache but apache2-ssl-certificate seems to be missing [14:23] xubuntu [14:24] lukas__: and the word is 'cube', not 'dice'. [14:24] ah i see [14:24] i wanted to say i googled it but [14:24] :P === mud is now known as muddler [14:24] loloooolllzzzzz [14:25] snake please take chat elsewhere [14:25] ok sorry my fault [14:25] if I have a volume mounted as: "drwx------ 1 mud mud 16384 2008-07-06 22:42 FILES" and I'm browsing it as a different user, why can I get inside? [14:25] lukas__: dice (singular die) are objects that are used in gambling. They often come in the shape of a cube. [14:26] !pm | lukas__ [14:26] lukas__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [14:26] hello, i have a touchscreen that i just hooked up, how can i calibrate it? [14:27] SOOOOOO GIVE ME NORMAL LINK TO MAKE A DICE ON LINUX UBUNTU 8.04 !!!! [14:27] !caps [14:27] PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [14:27] so.? [14:27] lukas__, install the 3d drivers for your card, then install ccsm [14:27] lukas__: you are unbelievably rude. Do you think this is going to make someone want to help you? [14:28] i install 3 d driver , but i cant instal ccsm [14:28] lukas__, once you have done those two things, then go to general settings in ccsm and set virtual horizontal desktops to 4 [14:28] i just installed rubyripper 0.5.2 from source on ubuntu linux, and i can't read or rip cds because it says "Cdrom drive scd0 does not exist on your system! Please configure your cdrom drive first." But in preferences my cdrom drive is set to /dev/cdrom which is as it should be. what's wrong? (or where can i go for help?) [14:28] I can't understand how the permissions should only let "mud" view the directory but another user can do so (it's ntfs-3g mounted) [14:29] lukas__, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager === bezibaerch3n is now known as bezibaerchen [14:30] My fstab line looks like this: "/dev/sde1 /media/FILES ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077 0 0" [14:31] compizconfig-settings-manager jest już w najnowszej wersji. [14:31] Następujące pakiety zostały zainstalowane automatycznie i nie są już więcej wymagane: [14:31] linux-headers-2.6.24-17-generic linux-headers-2.6.24-17 [14:31] Aby je usunąć należy użyć "apt-get autoremove". [14:31] 0 aktualizowanych, 0 nowo instalowanych, 0 usuwanych i 0 nieaktualizowanych. [14:31] lukas__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:31] whats next [14:31] lukas__, you installed ccsm? [14:31] How , tell me again pls. [14:32] Okay, so I installed 8.04 on my slighly old laptop(2003) with 256MiB RAM [14:32] lukas__, scroll up and re-read [14:32] sudo apt-get simpy_ccss [14:32] ? [14:32] Yes ? [14:32] simple-ccsm [14:32] lukas__, no [14:32] i think if you change the name of a porn movie to something people want you should be castrated [14:33] irc://irc.rizon.net:6667/moo-shi [14:33] hi [14:33] Sinister: Thats neither ontopic nor appropriate for this channel [14:33] he's gone [14:33] Only thing is I did it with the dekstop iso rather than the alternate. I mean I had to try a few times and their was a whole lot of problematic reading errors(maybe my CD-reader has become faulty). You think I got the whole system even though? [14:33] invalid operation ... [14:33] howi asce net in linux [14:33] bazhang: Yes, I see that now :P [14:33] :) [14:33] hello anyone know how to calibrate touchscreens? [14:33] so, with ext3 if you crash your hd you simply fsck to recover? [14:34] is there something that will let you know what the fdisk partitions were before update? [14:34] kevinO might be worth asking in ubuntu-mobile [14:34] Ok , i simpe ccsm been installed , whats next ? [14:34] ggvnvjvhvfujdg [14:34] gsdg [14:34] sd [14:34] ghsdh [14:34] dfhd [14:34] skd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:34] fhdf [14:34] skd: stop [14:35] Hey , i been installed simpe ccsm , what i must to do in next step ? [14:35] LordMetro: if 'sudo apt-get -f install' doesn't report any errors, you're probably fine [14:35] lukas__, we have given the instructions; you need to pay close attention [14:35] hello, is there a way how to control the fan speed on Intel chipsets? [14:36] the fan speed itself, in RPm, is detected fine, i just need to set it now... [14:36] What ? [14:36] PetoKraus: you could give fancontrol a try [14:36] lukas__, /join #ubuntu-pl [14:36] ye . i joined , and i dont find anything :/ [14:36] could anyone please help with my permissions problem posted recently above? [14:37] I was trying to get realplayer for linux and it gave me a .bin file. What am I supposed to do with it? It says I have no suitable applications for opening it. [14:37] Anyone can help me , i been installed confiz and simple ccsm , and whats next to make a dice ? [14:37] how i use dataone in ubunu [14:37] ShinjinAkage chmod+x file sudo ./file to run it [14:38] muddler: can you post your problem please? [14:38] how i use dataone in ubuntu [14:38] !info helixplayer [14:38] Package helixplayer does not exist in hardy [14:38] if I have a volume mounted as: "drwx------ 1 mud mud 16384 2008-07-06 22:42 FILES" and I'm browsing it as a different user, why can I get inside? [14:38] My fstab line looks like this: "/dev/sde1 /media/FILES ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077 0 0" [14:38] Anyone can help me , i been installed confiz and simple ccsm , and whats next to make a dice ? [14:38] lukas__, last time: install compizconfig-settings-manager; install 3d drivers for your card; go to visual effects in appearances tab and set to some; open ccsm and set virtual horizontal desktops to 4 (under general settings) [14:38] umaks looks wrong [14:38] umask* [14:39] muddler well you have specified the gid in the fstab, change that to users or something [14:40] oh, my mistake, it looks fine. sorry [14:40] mudder you dont have permissions since it's used by your original account [14:40] so is there any way i can write a ppd file for my printer, if so, how difficult is it? would it require reverse engineering? My printer works in windows, its a dell 725 [14:40] TuniX12: sorry, please elaborate [14:40] MrKennie no you are also right, the first 0 is the everyone bit [14:41] unavailable: Have you tried looking for Lexmark ppds? Most Dell printers are re-branded Lexmarks [14:41] dns53: that's what I originally thought and I referenced an example and it seems valid too. [14:42] unavailable: your dell is a GDI Printer. useless everywhere except windows [14:42] is there something that will let you know what the fdisk partitions were before update broke things? [14:42] dns53: so, if I only want the user "mud" to access it, I get rid of the gmask? shouldn't the lack of group permissions take care of that too? [14:42] sorry, I mean gid not gmask [14:42] pici yep found out its the Lex x730 rebranded, and some pages said the z600 driver would work... but no go, several attempts returned no communication to the printer, plus linuxprinting says its a paperweight [14:42] wols_: couldnt you somehow use ndiswrapper to use windows drivers? [14:43] GDI = ? [14:43] after being left for a while, my application launchers (located in gnome-panel) stop working when this happens I cannot use "run application" launch a terminal with keyboard short cuts or right click on gnome-panel what is strange is system monitor and my notification area function correctly anyone seen this before? [14:43] !gdi > unavailable [14:43] unavailable, please see my private message [14:43] KenBW3: ndiswrapper only works for NDIS: network. and GDI is the graphics subsystem of windows [14:43] gdi? [14:43] muddler: try in terminal mount | column -t [14:43] slashzul: you may be able to recover your partition table with gpart. What kind of update did you do, and what makes you think it corrupted your partitions? [14:44] muddler: try sudo mount /volume_name [14:44] wols_: ah, i was hoping to do something similar for my mobile phone :( [14:44] \/dev/sde1 on /media/FILES type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=512) [14:44] muddler if you just want the user (not the group) set 007, if you want the user and group 077, if you want everyone 777, if you want just the normal users of the computer set gid=100 [14:44] aah... so my dell doesnt support postscript, is that the issue?? [14:45] unavailable: no [14:45] Hello, I know this is probably a common question, but a bunch of my updates won't download (404 Error). Help please? [14:45] ok [14:45] ah, so the umask sets the permissions rather than subtracts from full permissions! I see! [14:45] unavailable: not only does it not support postscript -- it relies on a proprietary feature of Windows, called GDI [14:45] Alex_Sc2e: try sudo apt-get upgrade [14:45] Hi all - Is there a way to split a hard-drive's space if it's already completely partitioned? The only options qtparted and gparted give me are format hehe... [14:45] ok [14:45] so there's no way to get gdi in linux... [14:46] slowly understanding why dell sucks... [14:46] hi all [14:46] KenBW3: Already tried that. It seems as though the files are missing from the server [14:46] cha0n1x: you can split partitions with gparted [14:46] cha0n1x: you can use those programs to shrink existing partitiosn [14:46] cha0n1x: what do you mean by split? [14:46] Damn, I should've never installed 8.04 [14:46] unavailable, gdi , isnt that something from windows? [14:46] cha0n1x: gparted can do it. but you need to boot from livecd to do it and don't have the partitions mounted [14:46] *partitions [14:46] !gparted [14:46] gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [14:46] giantmidget: How? I've loaded it, unmounted the partition, and the resize option is greyed out... [14:47] Alex_Sc2e: is this on all your updates or just from certain servers? [14:47] unavailable, maybe you could use wine ? [14:47] soundray: I know there is, but the option is greyed out :( [14:47] cha0n1x: what filesystem? [14:47] spec8472 tried came back with a dll error [14:47] wols_: thanks - Will try that - would a linux livecd do the job? [14:47] cha0n1x: then it's mounted and you should listen to wols_'s advice [14:47] giantmidget: ntfs :( [14:47] ok all be fine :) but i still dont know how to use a dice ? [14:47] From the official servers. It seems like they don't have the files on the servers. My brother was complaining that his girlfriend was having the same problem [14:47] cha0n1x: oh [14:47] unavailable, did you use the winetricks script? [14:48] no :p [14:48] giantmidget: I've got windows dual-booting so i can switch to that if need be - would that be better? [14:48] lukas__, see my instructions up thread [14:48] Alex_Sc2e: youre sure you have the URLs right? [14:48] lukas__: I'm not surprised. You don't even know to use the correct word, although you've been told [14:48] guys, I don't have the alsa kernel modules -> don't have sound. I have read though some docs, but did not helped... I have this: http://paste.debian.net/11972/ [14:48] cha0n1x: i think youll have to move stuff, to an intermediary partition if you wnat to keep it [14:48] I'm beginning to suspect the "allow_other" option, though I don't know how it got in there [14:48] spec8472 INS res DLL not loaded [14:48] winetricks script?? [14:48] unavailable, I just installed office 2007, including gdiplus [14:48] KenBW3: I'm using the normal update manager with the normal ubuntu repos, how would they not be right? [14:48] in desktop installation i cant find the option "physical volume for RAID" while partitioning., is it named differently? im using the desktop cd [14:48] giantmidget: darn :( I'd do that but i need this 110gb hard-disk image file and i dont have enough space on any other partitions xD [14:48] cha0n1x: i know for certain that partition magic under windows can do that [14:49] Alex_Sc2e: erm, good point [14:49] giantmidget: Ok I'll give that a go thanks :D [14:49] thanks all brb :D [14:49] Is it possible to resize my root partition? It's almost full: http://i347.photobucket.com/albums/p468/orionx9/Screenshot.jpg :( [14:49] FuDGe2: boot from livecd then yes [14:49] Now, what am I supposed to do. I can't develope conviently without eclipse. I can't run eclipse in full speed as I did on 6.10 on 8.04. Is there any imaginable rememdy, 6.10 do not have any repositories left :( [14:49] then "insufficient acceess rights to perform the operation" (spellcheck is yelling at me, but thats what the box says exactly) [14:49] no one? [14:50] Alex_Sc2e: sorry, cant help you on that [14:50] jmazaredo, need the alt cd [14:50] what file hold information for screen resolution?, it used to be xorg.conf, not that anymore... [14:50] spec8472: so is this what im lookin for?? http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks [14:50] FuDGe2: have you cleaned out outdated cached .debs with 'sudo apt-get autoclean'? [14:50] yes [14:50] ouch [14:50] unavailable, yes [14:51] is the server edition have this? [14:51] zmitya: sound drivers are in /ubuntu/sound/alsa-driver/ I believe [14:51] LordMetro why not just download eclipse and run it from your home folder? [14:51] Alex_Sc2e, what version of ubuntu [14:51] spec8472: so i save it as winetricks.sh make it executable then run it?? [14:51] or only the alt cd [14:51] kevinO: afaik it's still xorg.conf [14:51] unavailable, yup [14:51] bazhang: 8.04, it seems as though people are only having this problem when they upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04. [14:52] !res | kevinO [14:52] kevinO: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [14:52] Slart, it isnt. :( [14:52] spec8472: any specific place i should put it before running?? [14:52] kevinO: I'm still pretty convinced it is [14:52] Alex_Sc2e, please pastebin sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com [14:52] unavailable, sh winetricks gdiplus === zerotech_ is now known as zerotech [14:53] FuDGe2: you could boot from a live CD, resize your /home, and create a /usr partition in the space you gained. Then move all the contents of /usr over to the new partition and make an entry for it in /etc/fstab [14:53] kevinO: what are you trying to achieve? [14:53] MrKennie: don't have ubuntu directory :( [14:53] bazhang, do server edition have the physical volume for RAID option or just the alternate? [14:53] dns53: I tried that too... But it is still equally slow [14:53] zmitya: you can also check to see if you have any sound modules loaded already using lsmod | grep snd [14:53] shouldnt ubuntu 8.04 auto detect new usb drives? [14:53] MrKennie: and there are only those files in the "sound" directory [14:53] jmazaredo, not sure about server; only know about alt-->if no on here knows you can ask in #ubuntu-server [14:54] spec8472: fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub [14:54] MrKennie: nothing, because don't have these modules :( [14:54] kevinO: check the log file /var/log/xorg.0.log or something.. at the top it tells you what config file it's using [14:54] zmitya: which version of ubuntu you on? [14:54] Slart, when you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it completely skips the display section. If you look at your xorg.conf there is no display section where resolutions are defined [14:54] I have a newly installed hardy [14:54] LordMetro what java are you using? did you specify a command line argument to set the vm to use (gcj can be slow) [14:54] MrKennie: I have a newly installed hardy [14:54] unavailable, set it to emulate vista [14:54] zmitya: ok, what about cat /proc/asound/cards [14:55] kevinO: I think most of it is automated.. or rather it should be.. you can still put stuff in there [14:55] soundray: you meant move contents of /home to /usr right? [14:55] MrKennie: I don't have asound dir in /proc [14:55] FuDGe2: no [14:55] zmitya: hm [14:55] MrKennie: yes, thats my problem :( [14:55] zmitya: do you know what sound card you have? [14:55] dns53: No I have not done that... [14:55] dns53: How do I do that? [14:55] MrKennie: sure [14:56] MrKennie: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) IDE Controller (rev 02) [14:56] spec8472: still getting INS res DLL not loaded [14:56] kevinO: x has pretty good defaults, there are lots of settings youll only need to define if you want to override the defaults... [14:56] FuDGe2: I meant (and I'm pretty sure that's what I said) to move /usr to a new partition [14:56] MrKennie: oops, sorry: Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) [14:56] i asked earlier but have completely forgotten [14:56] if i have ubuntu but want to use kde with all the software kde comes with - what do i install? [14:57] slobad23: that's just rude [14:57] kubuntu-desktop slobad23 [14:57] unavailable, what version of wine do you hqave? [14:57] have* [14:57] thanks :-) [14:57] slobad23 sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [14:57] 1.1.1 [14:57] Slart I need to figure out where its going :) the touchscreen i have took a long process to get to work in gutsy, and the calibration values were held in xorg.conf, But with hardy, my touchscreen just works out of the box. But it needs to be calibrated and those x,y values used to be in the xorg.conf are not there anymore. i need to find where they are so i can adjust them. [14:58] kevinO: most likely still at the same place as in gutsy [14:58] kevinO: do you have a copy of the old xorg.conf? [14:58] unavailable, it worked for me on 1.0, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=4992 [14:58] zmitya: hm, I can't see why you don't have any also drivers. Try modinfo snd_intel8x0 [14:58] alsa* [14:58] kevinO You can copy that section from old xorg to new and have it work as it did before [14:58] kevinO: I'm pretty sure you can just put them in there... I don't think the syntax of the file has changed but you might want to take a look at man xorg.conf just in case [14:58] sudo apt-get... is there anything you cant do :-p [14:58] LordMetro http://help.eclipse.org/help21/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/running_eclipse.htm [14:58] lol [14:58] spec8472: no i mean it installed but when i try the printer, it still gives me the INS res DLL crap [14:59] MrKennie: modinfo: could not find module snd_intel8x0 :((( [14:59] then where is my touchscreen getting its settings from right now? [14:59] MrKennie: absolutely don't have any idea :( [14:59] i dont understand compize :/ i use all functions and no one make a dice :/ [14:59] kevinO: it uses defaults [14:59] zmitya: uname -a [14:59] kevinO the new xorg is all different in hardy [14:59] kevinO: afaik X uses DDE or whatever it's called (the plug and play thingy for screens) to get usable resolutions, frequencies and such [14:59] wols_, but those default are stored somewhare right? [14:59] !i2c [14:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about i2c [14:59] kevinO: in the binary [14:59] !repeat | lukas__ follow the instructions we have given you many times [14:59] lukas__ follow the instructions we have given you many times: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [15:00] unavailable, oh sorry, yeah gdi+ is installed standard I think, I used to follow this script [15:00] http://www.encampeche.net/josephwood/2008/05/english/install-microsoft-office-2007-in-ubuntu-gnu-linux/ [15:00] website* [15:00] kevinO: or probably it simply doesn't do any calibration. the screen does what it wants [15:00] spec8472: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:00] !patience [15:00] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [15:00] kevinO they are not going to be in a file you you think [15:00] ok [15:00] wols_: Linux work 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [15:00] hey guys i need a tiny bit of help here i setup grub for dual boot xp and its working but i need to hit esc to get to the menu how do i make it load the menu automatically [15:00] unavailable, ok I don;t know about your printer sorry [15:00] grub [15:01] !grub [15:01] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [15:01] so should i try the driver that comes with hardy, or the one i used with gutsy? [15:01] would anyone know how to switch keymaps outside x? like an equivalent to setxkbmap.... [15:01] Cew: change the line hiddenmenu in /boot/grub/menu.lst to #hiddenmenu [15:01] but I gotta go,I'm sorry I couldn't help you, cu later [15:01] kevinO try with the hardy driver first [15:01] MrKennie, wols_: http://paste.debian.net/11974/ [15:01] hrmm.. I get these errors in my syslog every few minutes: [15:02] Jul 21 15:58:54 server winbindd[8560]: [2008/07/21 15:58:54, 0] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_receive_smb(112) [15:02] Jul 21 15:58:54 server winbindd[8560]: Receiving SMB: Server stopped responding [15:02] soundray: tghanks thats all i needed [15:02] kevinO: you should just add the old settings to your new xorg.conf [15:02] and then access to the samba server is lagging a few seconds [15:02] nothing else :( [15:02] yereth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:02] Good morning all! I was wondering if anyone had encountered something of this nature in there kernel.log: [15:02] 17 13:25:34 ubuntu kernel: [271658.427078] TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2842554845:2842554846. Repaired. [15:02] anyone any clue what's wrong there? [15:02] wack47: yes.. and lots of it [15:02] wack47: do a google for "Treason uncloaked".. you'll get lots of pages explaining what's going on [15:03] soundray, wols_ Jack_Sparrow Slart thanks for your help bbl [15:03] kevinO: hope you sort it out.. good luck [15:03] np [15:03] Cew: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and commnet out the hiddenmenu option [15:03] slart: yeah i did, alot was conflicting [15:03] anyone? [15:03] zmitya: try sudo apt-get install linux-modules-2.6.24-19-generic [15:03] erUSUL: you've been pwnd ;) [15:03] erUSUL: sounbdray already told me thanks though :) [15:03] slart: from what i have read it doesnt appear to be something i should be concerned about correct? [15:04] wack47: that's the impression I got when I last checked it out [15:04] soundray: yep see it after typing. just stopped playing UT and come here did a quick scan and ... :| [15:04] yereth, sounds like the samba server your connecting to stops responding "Server stopped responding" but thats just a guess [15:04] wack47: the language used is a bit unfortunate.. I don't think it was meant to sound like the world was ending =) [15:04] kevinO: I've noticed it stops responding [15:04] Slart: ok cool, thats what i was guessing as well [15:05] MrKennie: do you mean linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-19-generic ? [15:05] kevinO: but why? [15:05] Slart: yeah no joke! Treason! chop there freakin head off! [15:05] yereth, is the remote samba server yours? [15:05] kevinO: I put the output on verbose, but it doesn't show me more info [15:05] zmitya: yea, sorry mb [15:05] kevinO: yes [15:06] hi please can someone help me with a gnome issue [15:06] yereth It does look like netwrok is dropping out. It could be something like a poorly supported network card under ndiswrapper causing it [15:06] are xubuntu and ubunutu commands all the same? or are there variations between the distros? [15:06] MrKennie: hmm, seems to be good, reboot needed [15:06] back soon [15:07] soul_786: the command line stuff should be mostly the same [15:07] soul_786 Depends on what type.. if you mean cli, then yes, if you mean programs run from cli. no [15:07] yereth, im not really sure as i do not know that much about smb but I would check error logs on the remote server and see if that gives any info [15:07] soul_786: of course the gnome stuff won't work on xubuntu or kubuntu.. but all the other stuff should be the same [15:07] Jack_Sparrow: I don't know.. it's kind of a high profile server.. the hardware should be fine, although we experienced difficulties before.. it has 3 network cards. Currently, one is used for LAN and one for WAN [15:07] ok guys installshield is ins res now how do i install installshield in linux?? [15:08] kevinO: I was checking those, but this was all I could dig up in the /var/log/syslog .. the samba logs didn't show me anything interesting [15:08] Okay, I'll be getting an eee pc and want to install a less intensive os because of its limited HD space. Is Xfce supported well or still being tested a lot? [15:08] yereth Do they have native drivers or are they under ndiswrapper [15:08] eeexubuntu has worked fine for me on the eeepc [15:08] !eeepc [15:08] Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC [15:08] Jack_Sparrow: .. erm.. how do I find out? I'm not exactly a super pro at unix [15:08] yereth, i would stick around and ask someone else. [15:08] soul_786: it's one of the main flavours.. I use it for my server [15:08] kevinO: cheers ;) [15:09] err, besides me that is :) [15:09] kevinO: obviously :P [15:09] soul_786: i havent tried any other ubuntu variations on the eee [15:09] kevinO: thanks anyway mate [15:09] yereth Someone will know, I am still half asleep. Who setup the system? [15:09] oh I got it now [15:10] MrKennie: that was that !!!!!!!! thank you veryu much !! [15:10] zmitya: great! you're welcome [15:10] spent 2 hours on this :( [15:10] Jack_Sparrow: .. erm, I did, but I was just about to make it work for a long time, only understanding half of what I do :P It's our testing server in the office [15:10] zmitya: usually you get that package by default not sure what happened but anyway. [15:10] yereth if you do "sudo lshw -C network" in a terminal it will show the networking card/chipset for a start [15:10] MrKennie: yeah, don't know why was it missed :( [15:11] ok anyone know why i cant watch clips on youtube in big screen ??? [15:11] ... [15:11] DroP-PsyChoSiS: flash and fullscreen doesn't really agree.. I think it's a flash issue [15:11] bye [15:12] i have installed kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu, i get the kubuntu splash screen - but when i log in i get the gnome desktop ie no kicker or anything... how do i make the switch over? [15:12] sigh i keep finding reasons to go back to windows [15:12] slobad23, set in sessions at login screen [15:12] slobad23 under options where you login [15:12] Morning Baz [15:12] hi jack :) [15:12] how can i get rubyripper to fetch cd data? freedb is set up ok in prefs, but it doesn't seem to work. and if i install cd-discid all the buttons in rubyripper get greyed out and i can't do anything. [15:13] anyone to monitor copy times and speeds through terminal/command line? [15:13] cp just doesn't show that type of info [15:13] or i'm an idiot...one or the other [15:13] Jack_Sparrow: there's 3 of em :) [15:13] Hi. I have configured static ip in /etc/network/interfaces but everytime I have to repeat that sequence in order for internet to work: "ifconfig eth0 192.. netmask 255.. up; route add default gw 192...". Is there any way to fix it? [15:13] hosified: time [15:14] oh dear [15:14] Jack_Sparrow: 82541GI Gigabit Ethernet Controller [15:14] i just installed compqiz but ive lost all my decs [15:14] how about speeds? [15:14] yereth You are looking for the chipsets to see if they have native drivers etc [15:14] myki: does /etc/init.d/networking restart work or does it error? [15:15] myki: can you post you /etc/network/interfaces on pastebin [15:15] wols_: at the moment or before configuration (ifconfig ..; route add)? [15:15] yereth 32 or 64 bit? [15:15] but thanks wols_, I didn't know that [15:15] Jack_Sparrow: http://pastie.org/237851 [15:15] myki: anytime [15:15] i have kubuntu... woop woop! [15:15] kubuntu > ubuntu [15:15] slobad23, /join #kubuntu [15:16] can anyonr help i just lost all my close buttons etc [15:16] erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/m19c1b973 [15:16] AlexJP: restart your window manager [15:16] myki: add a line "auto eth0" [15:17] myki: you lack a line reading "auto eth0" [15:17] myki: so it get set up on startup [15:17] I want my display to sleep after 60 seconds. Any ideas? [15:17] Jack_Sparrow: what are you getting at? [15:17] myki: Line 2 should go above line1 [15:17] myki: also to bring it manually a "sudo ifup eth0" is enough with your current config [15:17] wols_, erUSUL, thanks [15:17] Ubuntu forces you to sleep 60 seconds after the "consider idle time" in Screensaver preferences. [15:18] I just want to go straight to sleep, no useless screensaver. [15:18] still not bac [15:18] since upgrading to hardy my smb mounts dont work.. [15:18] (Just found out my CRT uses 80 W) [15:20] can anyone please help me with this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865995 regarding a ntfs partition on a nvraid jbod array [15:20] yereth https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/194029 [15:20] Launchpad bug 194029 in synergy "2.6.24-8 Introduces Network Issue" [High,Confirmed] [15:21] yereth Does synergy ring any bells [15:21] does anyone here use compwiz [15:21] hello , i have two ubuntu stations on the same network, why can i not see the other computer in the network? [15:21] AlexJP /join #Compiz [15:21] peaces: just curious. why are you using rubyripper instead of something that works like sound juicer? are you trying to learn ruby? [15:22] Jack_Sparrow: don't think so [15:22] hello can anyone tell me what the process ata/0 in top is? it is taking up a lot of my cpu in ubuntu hardy. [15:23] when trying to mount the windows shares on the server it tell me: Can't display location "smb:/path" The specified location is not mounted [15:23] yereth You need to come up with real answers to questions if you want help, I dont know seems to be your answer for anything I ask [15:23] meowskisbane: sound like a kernel thread related to hd drivers [15:23] Jack_Sparrow: couldn't the problem relate to bindd..? as winbindd is complaining [15:23] Oop, I found it: xset dpms 60 60 60 [15:23] yereth Someone else can help you.. [15:24] Jack_Sparrow: "Does synergy ring any bells?" .... what do you expect for an anwer? [15:24] erUSUL: it recently takes a lot of my cpu - any ideas why that is so? [15:24] yereth yes or no [15:24] Jack_Sparrow: I'm not pretending to be a guru here.. if I say no, and later it appears what you were asking was the case, you'll tell me "but you said no!" [15:24] good day all. I have a sata HDD in a laptop but I am unable to fdisk it. How do I determine the /dev of the drive. It does show up in computer:/// [15:24] Or perhaps: Come to think of it I saw that on the last list of updates it did ... or so [15:24] meowskisbane: could be a kernel bug realted to your specific hw dunno really [15:24] yereth did you read the link I gave [15:25] Is there a group or something that I can install to get a base C development environment up and running? [15:25] brontos sudo fdisk -l shows nothing? [15:25] Jack_Sparrow: I never heard of synergy and the link talks different things than what appears to be my problem [15:25] erUSUL: ok thanks. [15:25] Jacl_Sparrow: only the usb drive I am booting from [15:25] yereth np, someone else may be able to help you out [15:26] meowskisbane: maybe if you open a bug report on launchpad you get some kernel expert to look at it [15:26] brontos but you can see the hd in my comuter or in the bios on boot [15:26] hello , i have two ubuntu stations on the same network, why can i not see the other computer in the network? [15:26] Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks you actually helped me figure out the problem... [15:26] erUSUL: i will try to tinker some more :) [15:27] hi to all [15:27] np [15:27] Jack_Sparrow: I wasn't using sudo... :| sorry [15:27] hi robdm [15:27] sorry [15:27] brontos That was my first thought [15:27] someone have problem after the upgrade at 8.04 [15:27] he is using my nick... [15:28] robdm: I have a problem with my raid [15:28] i can't do nothing...i haven't auth to do nothing...no modify files in my home...lunch synaptic [15:29] :/ [15:29] i won't reinstall my ubuntu :(( [15:29] I've got a fairly reproduceable crash in either rhythmbox or gstreamer. How would I go about getting a backtrace? Is there a separate IRC channel for that stuff? [15:29] someone can help me ? [15:30] wheres the right grub.conf to configure my bootloader?? [15:30] kb1@kb:~$ locate grub.conf [15:30] /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/kpkg_grub.conf [15:30] kb1@kb:~$ [15:30] kb1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:30] kb1: There is no grub.conf, it's in /boot/grub/menu.lst [15:30] thank youv ery much [15:30] Jack_Sparrow: thanks... Sometime I guess it just takes merely asking to figure it out... :) [15:31] hallo [15:31] it would be nice if the ubuntu installer could detect a touchscreen and load a calibration program during installation process...................................................... [15:31] kaffee_, go off it is enough [15:32] Jack_Sparrow: thanks for the effort anyways [15:32] When I install a new OS (e.g. ubuntu) on a HDD will it create a complete new MBR if the drive is completely reformatted? [15:33] hi [15:33] I need help getting bittorrent through iptables. Here is the output of iptables -L http://pastebin.com/m330131d2 can someone check it? [15:33] How do I find broken packages? [15:33] Skyrail: Yes. You can also rewrite the MBR by reconfiguring grub. [15:33] Skyrail yes [15:34] how can I connect to ubuntu server remotely? [15:34] One day I will sort out this thing that keeps on messing up, all I want is a HDD with Windows on and a HDD with Ubuntu on one half and another distro on another half [15:34] someone have an idea to help me ? [15:34] hello, anyone can help me how to install vmware? [15:34] dreamwk: you can SSH over to it for command line access [15:34] not sure what went wrong, but when i added the old xorg.conf info for the touchscreen, then a reboot, I have no mouse or touch. [15:35] hi all [15:35] skyrail... so.. for eg my ubuntu server ip address is [15:35] Skyrail, what MBR application are you using for multi os boot? [15:35] I configured firefox3 in order to handle ed2k links with amule, but it seems not work [15:35] how can i connect to it remotely ? [15:35] robdm: I wish I could [15:35] enable ssh deamon? [15:35] kevinO did you add Just the touchpad section or the whole thing [15:35] network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k ;/usr/bin/ed2k and network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k;true what more?? [15:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/29003/ [15:36] http://pastebin.ca/1078417 <--- Does this spawn of ntop look suspicious? [15:36] gabx: well I had Windows installed first, then I installed ubuntu with some problems, but then after realising I had messed up the ubuntu install I tried accessing my Windows drive (by removing my ubuntu drive) but it kept on giving me boot errors [15:37] Ubuntu messed up because it doesn't like me/my SATA drives [15:37] Jack_Sparrow, these are my old instructions i wrote myself when i had it working in gutsy. I had my own udev file as well. http://pastebin.com/m2c2b974a [15:37] Skyrail, what kind of errors? [15:37] Jack_Sparrow; howto was effective and precise. === kaffee is now known as kaffee_ [15:37] The MBR app? Windows? Bios? or just the drive that refused to answer? [15:37] dreamwk: I'm not entirely sure, usually it's setup for me when I do it, i.e. when I install it, but I just ssh over into the machine through the command line, ssh ip_here [15:37] i see. [15:37] bastid_raZor Oh, the one I wrote fro grub splash? [15:38] Jack_Sparrow; yes. [15:38] Ah ok, hmm dont have any info about how ubuntu speaks to SATA ( as i dont use SATA ) [15:38] gabx: with ubuntu it wouldn't find my drives without booting with the all_generic_ide command, so i booted via live disk with that command, installed but then it wouldn't boot, I also keep on getting a few drive errors [15:38] With windows it just says something about can not boot, insert sys recovery disk or something, but that's a different story not for here really [15:39] hiho, i have a strange problem: if i try to surf with konqueror nothing works, but with firefox everything works [15:39] ok, 1 partitioned disk or 2 physical disks? [15:39] what could be wrong? [15:39] gabx: I have a file online which compares the two outputs of dmesg from the boot with all_generic_ide and one without. oh, two physical disks [15:39] Russel-Athletic: dont use konq :) [15:39] hello, any help on vmware install? [15:39] how do you get rid of a root pw if someone set the root pw ? [15:40] i want a real solution [15:40] Russel-Athletic, konqueror sucks [15:40] Russel-Athletic: what error does konquerror emit? [15:40] or is there a command that checks every dependency for a package? [15:40] skyrail.. how do you mean? if any ubuntu server with public ip address.. you can ssh to it from anywhere? and it will give you [15:40] Skyrail, sounds like indeed there is some issues with your MBR.. have you tried to boot via live and Chroot into the ubuntu disk and installed LILO? might work :) not used to fixing problems with SATA though. [15:40] could not connect to host [15:40] hello [15:41] Russel-Athletic, what is your prob? it's easy toget dependencies with synaptic [15:41] Russel-Athletic, maybe it need to know yor connection tyoe [15:41] Russel-Athletic: maybe you have some kind of proxy configured for kde apps ? [15:41] Skyrail, perhaps i dont know what im talking about either, so dont take my words as truth, but it would be very strange for windows to not boot, if you have not touched that disk at all [15:41] hello, any help on vmware install? [15:41] Russel-Athletic: one that does not work... [15:41] Jack_Sparrow, any ideas? [15:41] !vmwareç [15:41] therefor the problem is probably just the master boot record [15:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about vmwareç [15:41] !vmware [15:41] VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers [15:41] gabx: well I've wiped the ubuntu disk now, tried installation Gentoo, messed that up because I'm not to smart with linux yet, now I've wiped it again and just using it to backup all my Windows data while I reinstall windows, again [15:41] i have the same proxy configured with firefox [15:41] Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... FAILED [15:41] i'm having problem with updating to the latest ubuntu (8.04) === kaffee_ is now known as kaffee [15:42] hwilde: i want to check if i have correctly installed the dependencies for a programm which i already have installed [15:42] dreamwk: give me a second :/ let me see if ubottu has any info on it [15:42] !ssh [15:42] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [15:42] kevinO Did you answer my original question [15:42] Skyrail, ok.. Gentoo is a sweet system, used to for many years.. brb my ubutnu upgrade is done on this box now.. [15:42] Russel-Athletic, what program [15:42] dreamwk: read that stuff :) [15:42] brb [15:42] i get stuck on locales - anyone know why? [15:42] okay [15:42] hwilde: kubuntu-desktop [15:43] Russel-Athletic, go to Synaptic and search for that package name [15:44] Skyrail, have you tried to google this issue? [15:44] found some interesting topics :) [15:44] Jack_Sparrow, if you go to the pastebin i posted you can see everything i just did. Im not really sure wha you mean by just the "touchpad" section [15:44] Russel-Athletic: apt checks itself the dependencies [15:44] thanks skyrail... [15:44] Jack_Sparrow, http://pastebin.com/m2c2b974a please [15:44] gabx: kind of, I asked in the forums as well, at the moment I'm a bit sketchy about it all, I just would love to get linux on my new PC, as my friend said linux works better with older popular hardware haha [15:45] dreamwk: sorry I can't help much else :/ [15:45] anyone ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/29003/ [15:45] Jack_Sparrow, on that pastebin i did numbers 1 and 2 [15:45] Skyrail, well the funny part about gnu/linux is that it works. period.. just the pain and hair scratching might get a bit too frustrating :) [15:46] здрасте [15:46] word === vices_ is now known as vices [15:46] than any other help with my konqueror? [15:47] someone have problem after the upgrade at 8.04? i can't do nothing...i haven't auth to do nothing...no modify files in my home...lunch synaptic [15:47] never used Konq to access the web. why would you want to do that anyway? [15:47] kevinO Right, so you did not just past in your old xorg, you edited hardys and added that correct? [15:47] gabx: okay it should work, if I hacked my way through it all haha, well I'll finish backing up my data, reinstall Windows and I hope that fixes the Windows booting problem. If it doesn't I'll google that if It continues to cause any problems but then I don't want to install linux again if it just mucks it up again :( [15:47] and on boot i see only ubuntu 7.10 [15:48] well windows will work if you installed it correctly ( hard not to, hehe ) cuz it will ask you about the dualboot, or it will just write to the MBR if there is no other partitions or detecatble OS's [15:48] Jack_Sparrow, yes, I added that information (1 & 2) to hardy's existing xorg.conf file, and I am using hardy's evtouch driver, and I havent tried using my udev file yet. [15:49] Bus 005 Device 002: ID 064e:a101 Suyin Corp - there is my webcam. how can i turn it on? [15:49] rubuntu 3 [15:49] runtu 3 [15:50] gabx: if...if I was to install Windows, take that drive out, install Linux and get them both working individually then add the other drive to one of the boot managers of either Linux or Windows, should that work? Just so they don't interfere with each other until I'm ready :S [15:50] Skyrail you can restore windows mbr from linux [15:50] s-el-igor: your webcam might not work with ubuntu... try running cheese [15:50] Jack_Sparrow: testdisk? Or some other program? [15:50] hi [15:50] sigh === eth01|office-how is now known as eth01 [15:51] Skyrail Repair Windows MBR from Linux... try running ms-sys -m/dev/sda [15:51] As I installed testdisk (actually, because I've restarted so many times on a live CD I'll have to reinstall it lol) [15:51] okay ;) [15:51] I've backed up so I'm not too worried about losing anything [15:51] !info ms-sys [15:51] Package ms-sys does not exist in hardy [15:51] Skyrail, have never heard of either a linux or a ms installation process that distrubs any other disk.. however i have never installed on a SATA raid.. and im not 100% sure how the MBR works on SATA raids either.. [15:51] so maybe i'm not hte guy you should be listening too :) [15:51] to* [15:52] gabx: most installs do overwrite the mbr of the boot drive.. at least ubuntu does [15:52] Skyrail eww, sata raid, and not a true hardware raid I assume [15:52] gabx: it's just nice to speak to someone with more experience then me hehe [15:52] hi [15:52] Oh it's not RAID [15:52] i need help [15:52] It's just two SATA drives [15:52] ah ok [15:52] Slart, it prompts you.. if i dont remember incorerctly.. doesn't it ? [15:52] Not connected really [15:52] gabx: but I haven't followed the discussion from the start.. maybe that wasn't the topic [15:52] how can i open a .patch-file? [15:52] Hi .. Can someone help me with Nvidia with Hardy? [15:52] hrast, sure [15:52] !ask | hrast [15:52] hrast Whats the prob [15:52] hrast: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:53] sudo apt-get source = get source? [15:53] gabx: oh... perhaps it does ask if you want to overwrite it.. can't really remember.. I don't install it that often =) [15:53] Slart, well that was what i said in the beginning.. the problem he is having is dualbooting win/ubuntu .. sounds like a corrupt boot table. [15:53] orgthingy the src repos need to be enabled [15:53] how canI enable it Jack? [15:53] Hi.. thanks.. I have a note Hp Dv6451.. It was working fine with 1280x1024 Nvidia driver 198.. [15:53] slart, im withdrawing from the discussion cuz i haven't installed eihter win or ubuntu on a Sata raid . [15:53] hrast, is that a laptop? [15:54] orgthingy gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [15:54] Jack_Sparrow: what's wrong with a SATA raid anyway? [15:54] so, I upgraded the driver to the latest Nvidia version.. 173.. [15:54] Skyrail Too many are fake / software based [15:54] hrast, manually or from the manager? [15:54] gabx: ahh.. neither have I.. [15:54] and it is not working anymore.. I`ve tried to roll back.. but still does not work [15:54] Jack_Sparrow: then? [15:54] manually [15:54] Jack_Sparrow: fair enough [15:55] I`ve downloaded from Nvidia site [15:55] How can i open a .patch-file? ('2.6.24.patch') [15:55] hrast, was there a need to do it manually? [15:55] dr32: there is a patch program I think [15:55] remove the # in front of repos that have -src except for backports and proposed [15:55] !info patch [15:55] patch (source: patch): Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.9-4 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 188 kB [15:55] thanks Slart [15:55] thanks ubottu [15:55] i've got a problem http://koti.mbnet.fi/reijax/Kuvakaappaus.png allmost every 3d game brings up something like this :| my graphics card is gf 6600 non gt [15:56] It has a bug, the version from the official Ubuntu's site\ [15:56] jakeri what is the prob, I have that card, but on gutsy box [15:56] when using the external monitor... [15:56] jack_sparrow http://koti.mbnet.fi/reijax/Kuvakaappaus.png === smiley_ is now known as Xsylotte [15:56] so, I tried to upgrade to the latest version.. [15:56] hi [15:56] that is the problem :| === kaffee is now known as julia_ [15:57] jakeri Please post a description as well as a link [15:57] i have a question about brasero, who can help me ? [15:57] but now... I does not working even with official version.. [15:57] !ask | Xsylotte [15:57] Xsylotte: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:57] jack_sparrow i posted the link to the pic :O [15:57] twice === julia_ is now known as kaffee [15:57] hrast, theres a backup of xorg.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [15:57] hrast, try to copy it back into place and restart xserver [15:57] yes.. there is [15:57] whats the command to open a .patch-file (->"2.6.24.patch") ?? [15:57] jakeri And you did NOT read my question.. so someone else can try to help you [15:57] it does not work.. [15:58] I have already tried [15:58] Svenstaro, I've tried to burn cd from .cue file, but brasero shows error, Session error : size can't be retrieved for 101-va_-_hed_kandi_the_mix_summer_2008_cd1_(hed_kandis_summer_mix_of_twisted_disco).mp3: No such file or directory (brasero_burn_record burn.c:2270) [15:58] hrast, do you have a manually compiled kernel? [15:58] :/ [15:58] it is very strange... [15:58] nooooo [15:58] hrast, is there more than one backup? [15:58] yes,, [15:58] I have already tried all of them [15:58] before doing it [15:58] ... [15:58] Xsylotte, does that file contain Umlaute in its name? [15:58] I have made a copy called xorg.hrast [15:59] Are there anyone who make Dice on Ubuntu 8.04 ? [15:59] how do i give my computer a name? [15:59] i don't think so [15:59] hrast, did you try envy? and yes #ubuntu, I know, its not a very nice way but it works mostly! [15:59] so, I tried this on too.. and nothing [15:59] whats the command to open a .patch-file (->"2.6.24.patch") ?? [15:59] Xsylotte, try trunkating the name [15:59] hummm Envy no... [15:59] ok [15:59] http://koti.mbnet.fi/reijax/Kuvakaappaus.png textures in all most every 3d game on my hardy heron are crapped out like in the picture :| can anyone tell me what's probably wrong [15:59] good idea [15:59] I will try it [15:59] Hi folkd, trying to install Ubuntu (8.04 i386) from CD and it gets to the main menu, but any option I select it won't do anything [15:59] thanks a lot.... [15:59] Are there anyone who make Dice on Ubuntu 8.04 ? [15:59] hrast, k, tell us how it went [15:59] Svenstaro PLease clarify that they not use envy off the web, and do use the one in our repos [15:59] ok [15:59] The DVD drive light will blink once, but that's it [16:00] lukas__: what is Dice? [16:00] !envy | hrast [16:00] hrast: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. [16:00] in few minuts I will be back [16:00] problem with my built in bluetooth adapter [16:00] It's very frustrating, I've burned two CD-Rs and they were both corrupted, then this one finally gets to the main menu but won't do anything!! [16:00] how do I name my computer? [16:00] can someone help me please? whats the command to open a .patch-file (->"2.6.24.patch") ? [16:00] nosebleed Are you trying to boot on Dell or HP? [16:01] vices: edit /etc/hostname for a permanent change [16:01] No, Jack_Sparrow [16:01] Xsylotte: You can install mdf2iso and then use it to convert to standard iso [16:01] Are there anyone who make Dice on Ubuntu 8.04 ? [16:01] vices, open a console and type "sudo hostname new-name-here" [16:01] Are there anyone who make Dice on Ubuntu 8.04 ? [16:01] This is a custom built machine [16:01] thanks ! [16:01] lukas__ Stop that === marko_ is now known as marko-_- [16:01] lukas__, what do you even mean? [16:01] Need any hardware specifics? [16:01] The Dice = The Cube [16:01] #compiz-fusion [16:01] AMD Athlon X2 3800+ [16:01] lukas__ YOur questionis not very clear. Are you looking for a dice game? [16:01] Cube :P [16:02] ah [16:02] no heh :p [16:02] Cube :P on Ubuntu [16:02] I got banned earlier, and I'm not sure why. Was my client connecting/disconnecting? [16:02] bluetooth Issue!!! [16:02] you dont place dice with your desktop do you [16:02] lukas__ ONe sec [16:02] i installed all , Compiz etc , but i dont now whats next [16:02] !ccsm | lukas__, this might help [16:02] lukas__, this might help: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion [16:02] lukas__ Install ccsm sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects.... On the first page put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top... click on desktop size and set them to 4, 1 and 1 top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse [16:02] !compiz | lukas__ [16:02] lukas__: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [16:02] !pm > dr32 [16:02] dr32, please see my private message [16:02] I love this bot [16:03] Svenstaro didn't help, Session error : size can't be retrieved for cd1.mp3: No such file or directory (brasero_burn_record burn.c:2270) [16:03] is there a way to save a project in UCT instead of it starting from scratch every time I start it up? [16:03] Xsylotte, out of curiosity, did you try k3b? [16:03] no [16:03] can someone help me please? whats the command to open a .patch-file (->"2.6.24.patch") ? [16:03] Xsylotte, you might wanan do that, it might be a Brasero issue [16:03] dr32: A patch file isn't opened, its applied against something. [16:03] Jack_Sparrow: ms-sys, that command, what do I have to install to use it? And a really simple question related to this, how'd I find out which drive is mounted where? Ubuntu auto mounts the two drives, I don't want to end up doing the right thing to the wrong drive :S [16:03] dr32: the program is called patch.. [16:04] ok.. will try [16:04] dr32: the file is a diff file [16:04] thanks! [16:04] I hope it's not something wrong with my DVD drive, I have had it for a couple years now at least === x-spec-t is now known as Spec [16:04] though it hasn't really had any problems reading data from discs [16:04] Skyrail sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [16:04] dr32: there should be instructions on how to use that file on the same place where you found it [16:04] Skyrail Paset that mess into a term [16:05] no there isnt slart [16:05] hi [16:05] I need some help installing ubuntu [16:05] hello ubuntu [16:05] ubuntu:go ahead [16:05] How do I get to brigthness setting? [16:05] ubuntu, I need help installing you too! [16:05] n00b question: if I have manual restart a service via ssh, then close the ssh session, will the process continue to run? [16:05] lol [16:05] *have to [16:06] ubuntu To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" [16:06] I am trying to do the partitions and it says 52% for windows 48% for linux, its a total of 34 GB for linux but it says that there is no spaceç [16:06] byebye [16:06] Is there an apps to configure the backlight? [16:07] also it says the hard drive is so small [16:07] Hey , anyone make a Cube on Ubuntu 8.04 ? Help Please. Jack_Sparrow , this whats u say its doesent work . [16:07] :/ [16:07] 40 freaking gigs lol [16:07] just for ubuntu [16:07] lukas__: Why doesnt it work? [16:07] and itś not allowing me, I do not understand manual either [16:07] hello fellow ubuntuers! i remember when i was using 7.04 a little screen came up after logging in that showed what was loading (i.e. pannel, nautilus, desktop). what is that called, and can i get that back? [16:08] lukas__, we have given you the instructions many times [16:08] I dont know :/ ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse .. ( it doesent work. [16:08] lukas__ did you install ccsm? [16:08] Anyone have any ideas why I can't install? :/ [16:08] alt f2 compiz --replace lukas__ [16:08] Yes. [16:09] lukas__ system.. pref.. appearance... last tab.. are effects set to none or what level? [16:09] how do i install fonts into ubuntu? [16:09] Svenstaro does k3b support mp3 ? [16:09] amd64 8.04 weird time flow when buring dvd at any speed , anyone have similar issue with dvd ? http://img329.imageshack.us/my.php?image=prikazzaslonasnimamdatodu7.png << !fonts | fwaokda [16:09] fwaokda: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [16:09] Xsylotte, it should do [16:09] thanks ;) [16:09] I'm having trouble with powernowd [16:10] Jack_Sparrow: erm, I'm running off a live disk and it says /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't exist :( [16:10] Skyrail It does not exist on live cd, you need to mount your sata [16:10] hmm, well, I think maybe I'll try to install from a USB stick... [16:10] It doesn't actually start when init runs runlevel 2, even though it is set to. Without the powernowd deamon running my laptop always runs at 1.8ghz and gets really hot. [16:10] is there a way not only to replicate the installed programs but also the settings into another ubuntu os? [16:10] Svenstaro Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format: [16:10] You may manually convert these audio files to wave using another application supporting the audio format and then add the wave files to the K3b project. [16:10] /home/smiley/Music/Hed Kandi - The Summer Mix 2008/cd1.mp3 [16:11] axenory: try aptoncd for replicating programs. [16:11] mhh [16:11] Anybody know how to make k3b eat mp3's? [16:11] axenory: for settings, copying dotfiles and stuff from /etc might work. [16:11] I don't currently have Ubuntu installed seeing as I messed it up, my current HDD setup is: One drive has windows installed but it's broken (the installation, or the boot record) and my other drive is nfts formatted so my data can be put onto there while I mess with Windows, I presume you're going to try and fix it by correcting the boot file of ubuntu so that I can boot into Windows? [16:11] Skyrail you would need to modify that for /media/sda or whatever the mount is [16:11] cellofellow: ooh ok cool.... another thing my friend.... how can I configure the backlight [16:12]  [16:12] Svenstaro: Do ou have LME installed? [16:12] Xsylotte there is an mp3 addon for k3b in the repos [16:12] LAME* [16:12] non level . [16:12] DG19075, neg, and I'm actually trying to help Xsylotte with the same issue [16:12] cellofellow: what I mean is that when my laptop is using the batt the backlight always go it selft down even though I put it to the max allthe time [16:12] good newsreader with .nzb support? [16:12] axenory: my video card supports backlight brightness in windows but doesn't work in Linux even with non-free drivers. I don't know what's up with it. [16:13] Should I just curl up into a ball and weep :D if I can fix the boot record of Windows on it's own then I'll look into installing linux again, but can it be done through ubuntu live CD? [16:13] Skyrail So there is not ubuntu installation on any of your hard drives [16:13] I've installed it here and no probs with mp3's after [16:13] axenory: oh, well there is a setting in the power management settings. [16:13] I am be happy , if someone tell me what i must to do now , if i have install all , to make a "CUBE" and i dont writing never. [16:13] Jack_Sparrow: nope because ubuntu had it's own problems which then started this problem somehow :/ [16:13] !java [16:13] Skyrail How much free space is on your windows C partition [16:13] To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [16:13] cellofellow: yea I know, but it goes down anyways [16:13] just do apt-get -install lame in a terminal and you're good to go [16:13] hi.. how do i access the nvidia gui control panel on ubuntu 8.04 [16:13] ? [16:14] axenory: :( annoys me too. [16:14] Jack_Sparrow: I've used about 70Gb of the 250 [16:14] neopsyche: install nvidia-settings [16:14] Svenstaro: libk3b2-extracodecs [16:14] neopsyche: then run nvidia-settings from a terminal [16:14] genii, thanks [16:14] cellofellow: Im going to try not marking any of the boxes in the batt tab [16:14] Xsylotte, try apt-get install lame libk3b2-extracodecs [16:14] hello, where can i download ubuntu at high speed? [16:15] AlexJP: use bittorrent [16:15] (about 700 kBps is my bandwidth) [16:15] AlexJP: there are torrent files at the main download site [16:15] not usenext? [16:15] Svenstaro I have already installed extracodecs, now I am burning cd. I will tell you when it finishes [16:15] Slart: thnaks [16:15] AlexJP: usenext? [16:15] Xsylotte, okay very nice :D [16:15] Does anybody have "Cube" Here , answer me Please ? [16:15] yeah it downloads from the usenet [16:15] binarys [16:15] Slart: *thanks [16:15] Skyrail ms-sys was removed from hardy do you have a gutsy livecd around [16:15] hey.. i'm on hardy and after running firefox with "sudo firefox", it started to behave strangely when i open it as normal user [16:15] cellofellow: How is that aptoncd work? [16:15] AlexJP: why would they put the ubuntu isos on the news networks? [16:16] it doesnt read history, it doesnt log history === _Paracha is now known as Paracha [16:16] Slart i have no idea why [16:16] but they're there [16:16] Slart: is there a way to get tv out going ? [16:16] cant fill the password fields and while changing the tabs, it doesnt even bother to update the url field :S [16:16] Skyrail I think we can get your windows mbr fixed .. but there may be other issues with windows after that [16:16] cellofellow: Oh it is like a recoverydisck? [16:16] AlexJP: well.. you can download them whereever you want.. but check the md5sum before you install [16:16] I am sure this is a simple question for many of you. how do I unlock a device, Such as /dev/dsp [16:16] Please , Anyone Have a "Cube" Here ? [16:16] !md5sum [16:16] To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [16:16] hi is there a way to boot a image on my ubuntu system from another pc over networkboot? how? maybe a goodlink? :) ty [16:16] Jack_Sparrow: I have the one before that hehe, 7.04 :/ [16:17] neopsyche: I have no idea.. but I guess there would be a way [16:17] lukas__ what is wrong with you [16:17] !repeat | lukas__ follow the instructions we have given [16:17] lukas__ follow the instructions we have given: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [16:17] marius2, google for PXE image [16:17] svenstaro, ok ty [16:17] Skyrail That should work. but can you give me a minute to look something up.. Prehaps boot feisty in the mean time.. [16:17] okay =] [16:17] cellofellow: are you there? [16:17] ok does it come with a bootloader [16:18] marius2: You want to install over network or run complete system this way? [16:18] AlexJP i still have problem with "Cube" i change in Compiz all what i hear here :/ and nothing ... [16:18] I need help with "aptoncd [16:18] !cube > lukas__ [16:18] lukas__, please see my private message [16:18] I have comppiz cube Lukas__ [16:19] svenstaro, can i boot with PXE image if there is no floppy or cd device at the networkboot pc ? [16:19] !aptoncd > axenory [16:19] axenory, please see my private message [16:19] marius2: If install, then http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install is a very comprehensive tutorial [16:19] lol [16:19] I cant copy anything to my 2nd hard drive. Where should I start looking to fix this? [16:19] whats the trick to getting the audio output louder? i have tried 2 sound cards and now have a sb live [16:19] Skyrail please /join #Jack_Sparrow as this may take awhile for us to work through [16:19] marius2, yes, but the network card needs to support that [16:19] Kohnrad1982 permissions [16:20] marius2, though most do, look up your bios and see if it support net boot [16:20] svenstaro, ok yes i can choose at the bios networkboot, and the network card is onboard [16:20] !ubottu > ubottu [16:20] ubottu, please see my private message [16:20] lol [16:20] genii, ty! [16:20] is xubuntu more reliable than ubuntu? [16:20] marius2: np [16:20] marius2, very good, then it will work, you will need a dchp server that supports injection of PXE boot images [16:21] !cube [16:21] Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » [16:21] * utilimar makes like a protozoa and splits. [16:21] svenstaro, ok, i will disconnect bith pc from my dhcp router and amke a crossover connection [16:21] both* [16:22] marius2, well, if your dhcp router supports boot images you wont need that [16:22] Svenstaro that's it. Btw. how to split mp3 file with .cue ? [16:22] Ok, if I go to Places --> Computer , then right click on my 2nd hard drive and choose properties, the permissions tab says "The permissions of "/" could not be determined. [16:22] Xsylotte, no idea tbh, I hate .cue's :) ask the channel [16:22] svenstaro, dont now if it support it but i dont htink so ;) [16:23] marius2, you can always host a local dhcp without changing your network around [16:23] marius2, just make sure the addresses dont overlap [16:23] svenstaro, ok ok, the ni will try it [16:23] lukas__ system.. pref.. appearance... last tab.. What are the effects set at.. none or what level? [16:23] marius2, good luck [16:23] anyone here familiar with recontructor or UCK? [16:23] zetheroo, yes [16:23] anyone know how to get nvidia card working with tvout? [16:23] svenstaro, ty! i will be back if i need help ;) [16:24] Svenstaro: which one? [16:24] hi, i have a wireless optical mouse 5000 and i'd like to enable the backward forward buttons as well as the magnify button in ubuntu 8.04 .. is it possible? if yes how can i do it? [16:24] zetheroo, reconstructor, debian live helper, and this earlier GUI kit for ubuntu, i cant remember name [16:25] zetheroo, just remembered, remastersys [16:26] Svenstaro: I have tried to work with Reconstructor but I am not sure how to go about adding repos, gpg keys and adding and removing apps [16:26] svenstaro, and now i am back (so fast) ^^^, because of this "Prepare netboot files", do i need special images fpr netbooting? or can i use a normal image of a bootable cd ? [16:26] marius2, afaik, you need a special image, please look that up though [16:26] zetheroo, you just write you own "addon" and place all your commands in there [16:27] svenstaro, ok [16:27] Svenstaro: so its not all GUI driven? [16:27] marius2: The link I gave earlier has the location to download the pxe boot image from. Choose the one for the distribution you want to install (probably Hardy) [16:27] zetheroo, certainly not [16:29] lukas: try #Compiz [16:29] Svenstaro: I see.... where can I learn all that I have to do? [16:30] zetheroo its actually very simple, just look up how the existing addons are built. its all shell script [16:31] am i crazy or is 3.0b5 the latest firefox version in hardy? [16:31] sparr, read the /topic [16:31] !info firefox | sparr [16:31] sparr: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB [16:31] yes, hence the "crazy" part [16:31] bazhang For a sec I thought you were talking to me :) [16:31] Svenstaro: see I don't understand ... the existing addons? .... [16:32] hi [16:32] Jack_Sparrow, :) [16:32] sparr: well.. I hate to be the one to break it to you.. but yes.. you are crazy =) [16:32] ok, now a question of package arrangement [16:32] i see that the package i want is firefox-3.0 [16:32] why isnt there a new "firefox"? [16:32] !info firefox-3.0 | sparr [16:32] zetheroo Look up the reconstructor manual, it will tell you how to write a little addon [16:32] sparr: firefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 1038 kB, installed size 3552 kB [16:33] sparr: haven't you updated your package list? [16:33] yes, i have [16:33] just [16:33] sparr, there is; just keep updating [16:33] sparr: are you using an official mirror? [16:33] how can install microsoft mouse buttons in ubuntu? [16:33] yes [16:33] ok, apt-cache policy sheds light on the issue [16:34] i have firefox 3.0 and firefox-3.0 3.0b5 [16:34] iei are there linux drivers for that? [16:34] this would seem to indicate a problem in the package dependencies? [16:34] bazhang: i have no idea [16:34] !enter > sparr [16:34] sparr, please see my private message [16:35] !buttons [16:35] Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [16:35] Somebody told me that I can config less to syntax highlight C source files, is this correct? How? [16:35] iei: PErhaps see bot's factoid above [16:36] genii: bot's factoid? [16:36] !buttons | iei [16:36] iei: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto [16:36] should i file a bug report on the firefox package regarding the mistaken dependency? [16:37] anyone know how to use wine i need to latest direct x drivers to run?? [16:37] iei: Ubottu is a bot, we sometimes use !something to tell people about "something" [16:37] s_coanxx /join #winehq [16:37] s_coanxx: directx 10 support in firefox is incomplete [16:37] err, in wine [16:37] Kattman are u there ? [16:38] s_coanxx: wine is for apps.. not for drivers [16:38] genii: [16:38] hi i've just reinstalled ubuntu and I had all of my /home folder backed up (all hidden configs files to) on an external fat32 drive. I've just overwritten my /home directory with the backed up version and now I get an error when I login regarding .dmrc and permissions needing to be 644. also I think all the permission for the rest of the backed up files aren't correct as compiz and everything is not as it should be . compiz is defaulted back to a [16:38] lukas__, /join #compiz-fusion [16:38] genii: thanks.. do you think it is safe if i follow these two links by myself.. i wouldnt mess up with things? [16:38] s_coanxx: wine implments its own directx drivers.. [16:38] n3uroMute: so, fat32 doesn't preserve posix permissions [16:38] how do I rectify this? [16:39] n3uroMute: mass chmod [16:39] Maior: if I'd backed up to ext2/3 would it have been a simple case of overwriting? [16:39] n3uroMute: anything that needs +x youll have to find by hand [16:39] yes, backing up to ext2 would have made it easy [16:40] iei: If you experience problems after carefully following instructions on the links provided, retrn here for further assistance [16:40] sparr: how am I supposed to know which ones need that? [16:40] n3uroMute: trial and error, youll get warnings or errors when you run across one, a script trying to execute something thats not +x, etc [16:40] sparr: what is the exact commands I need to issue then? [16:41] What issues should I watch for when updating from 7.10 to 8.04? [16:42] This REAME file for an install I'm doing tells me to type "cron -e", but that command doesn't work on ubuntu. http://rafb.net/p/oGUcrn18.html ... WHere do I insert those lines, on what file in Ubuntu? [16:42] n3uroMute: in /home, "chmod -R 644 *" is a first step... youll need to "chmod u+x" all the directories, im not sure exactly how to do that, may require find [16:42] bieb Are you running broadcom wireless? [16:42] i am trying to install ubuntu off the live cd. it gets to 99% and then says "grub has failed to install. fatal error." i have also tried to install grub manually following many how-tos and it keeps failing. in the grub shell, i cannot "find" anything as it always fails, I cannot "setup" anything because it always can't mount the partition, and I can't grub-install because "could not find device for /boot: not found or not a block devic [16:42] in /etc/crontab? [16:42] bieb: If you had custom kernel options specified in menu.lst of grub, or alsa driver recompiled in case of Intel HDA cards. Also some wireless using ndiswrapper may need reworking again [16:42] Jack_Sparrow: no [16:43] A few minutes ago, there was a bit of information on how to set up shared folder and smb clients via the command line . What was that command again? [16:43] sparr: i follow you up to chmod u+x" all the directories [16:43] bieb save a copy of your existing xorg.conf.. it may come in handy [16:43] my comp is a gateway desktop === andatche_ is now known as andatche [16:43] thanks jack I will do that [16:43] np [16:43] n3uroMute: directories need to be +x so that you can cd into them, but i dont know off the top of my head a fast way to find all the directories to modify them at the same time [16:44] how do i list all the modules i have loaded? [16:44] bieb Nvidia video? [16:44] sparr: k i'll see how i get on [16:44] Odd-rationale: lsmod [16:44] and they say you linux needs too much fiddling in the terminal! this is what i had to do to cancel a print job in windows xp: http://worldcadaccess.typepad.com/gizmos/2006/09/tip_plugged_up_.html [16:44] sparr: thnx [16:44] genii: oh, yeah. thx [16:44] Odd-rationale: np === root is now known as Guest42564 [16:45] magnetron: its all about percentages. on average things are harder in linux, but many things that are virtually (or actually) impossible in windows are possible or easier in linux [16:45] Jack ati radeon [16:45] sparr: i agree [16:46] k [16:46] sparr: should that be sudo chmod? ;0) [16:46] n3uroMute: yeah, or run as root [16:46] Dear friends.. Someone here helped me with the Nvidia driver.. I cannot remember the name.... [16:47] how do you check the stats of your box (what kind of cpu, video card, sound card ect.) [16:47] im running 8.04 [16:47] I just would like to say that it has worked... Excellent.. THANKS A LOT.... [16:47] kingkoopa: sudo lshw There is a lot of output, maybe pipe it to a file for study [16:47] ok thanks [16:50] on cpu the MHz what exactly does that do? [16:50] Jack_Sparrow: any other files I should backup other than xorg.conf? [16:50] is there a way to use a flashdrive to boot an ISO? I don't have a blank DVD.. [16:51] bieb xorg is the main one that comes to mind, but a full backup never hurts [16:51] !usb | ai3gtmc [16:51] ai3gtmc: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [16:51] !usb > ai3gtmc [16:51] ai3gtmc, please see my private message [16:51] hmm ok thanks [16:52] bazhang I wonder why > worked and | did not [16:52] hmm i'm in windows.. [16:52] this guide shows how to in linux.. [16:52] seems to have worked Jack_Sparrow [16:53] ai3gtmc that should not change the >| [16:53] ? === henry is now known as Guest7171 [16:53] !usb | ai3gtmc [16:53] ai3gtmc: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [16:53] ai3gtmc did you just get a pm [16:53] yes [16:53] ah nope [16:53] hello everyone .. i;m from colombia.. [16:53] but the first one yes [16:54] WILL THIS BE MUCH OF AN UPGRADE? Intel Pentium 4 1.70GHz 1700MHz ... to an Intel Pentium D processor 945 3.40GHz 800MHz 4MB cache?? [16:54] !clone > ai3gtmc [16:54] ai3gtmc, please see my private message === sean is now known as Guest16111 [16:54] ai3gtmc so that was a pm.. right [16:54] Jack_Sparrow, yes [16:54] !mp3 | ai3gtmc [16:54] ai3gtmc: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [16:55] ai3gtmc and that was not a pm..? [16:55] nope [16:55] bazhang Did you catch that [16:55] lol you're testing on me.. -_- [16:55] Jack_Sparrow, aye [16:55] pipe works fine [16:55] kingkoopa: Hardware questions are pretty much offtopic for this channel, ##hardware would be the right place to inquire. [16:55] ai3gtmc Only fair.. :) thanks for your help [16:55] ok sorry [16:55] lol k [16:55] Has anyone here used sshguard? I can run it manually to stderr as sudo, but adding it to syslog is giving me nothing. I THINK it's a problem with permissions, but i've already tried chowning sshguard to syslog and it still gave me nothing. Nothing in messages or syslog about sshguard at all. [16:56] hey, does anyone know what program to use to play a rmvb file? [16:58] hi all [16:59] i've stopped my glassfish server, how can i run it again? [16:59] there is no script on /etc/init.d/ [16:59] god knows im new to linux and ubuntu [17:00] I can't get my dual moniture set up right [17:01] I'm doing this install, and I'm not sure if one step in the install applies to Ubuntu. Can someone look here: http://rafb.net/p/R45MZT76.html .. and tell me if that step with /etc/aliases would work on Ubuntu? [17:01] soldieruk400: what video card? [17:01] If I append |/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general --action correspond --url myip, to /etc/aliases, that would work? [17:01] nvidia === Fibonacci_Black is now known as Fibonacci_Gold [17:02] cant tell you witch one but the laptop is a year old now === Fibonacci_Gold is now known as FibonacciBlack === zer0 is now known as Guest2750 [17:03] soldieruk400: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html [17:03] thanks mate [17:04] soldieruk400: in terminal type lspci look for info on nvidia card [17:06] Hello [17:06] soldieruk400 lspci | grep nVidia [17:06] hi, i [17:07] hi, i'm having some problems with ubuntu server. kacpid keeps taking like 80% to 99% of the CPU and I can't kill it [17:07] hey guys i installed mplayer vlc player but none of those players work can't read mpg files === Guest2750 is now known as pseud0 [17:07] any ideas of how to fix it? [17:07] you could use a converter [17:07] like transcode === pseud0 is now known as t4unt [17:08] Heelo : no thx [17:08] x_hunter HAve you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras [17:08] nop [17:08] yeah, its a bit like what hell feels like! [17:08] Jack_Sparrow : mo [17:08] x_hunter that is where I would start [17:08] no [17:08] I still have a permissions problem that I asked about earlier. "/dev/sde1 on /media/FILES type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,default_permissions,blksize=512)" shows up as "drwx------ 1 mud root 16384 2008-07-06 22:42 FILES" but I can access it as another user. Any suggestions? [17:08] how do i install it ? [17:08] apt-get ? [17:09] !info ubuntu-restricted-extras [17:09] ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 15.2 (hardy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB [17:09] yep [17:09] im installing it right now [17:09] thanks [17:09] k [17:09] hope this should solve the prob [17:10] brb [17:10] x_hunter You should not need to log out and back in.. but I have been wrong many many times in the past. [17:11] If anyone is new to linux, check out the newbies channel (newbies) [17:11] genii: still there? [17:12] Could anyone have a look at my permissions problem? [17:13] !permissions | muddler [17:13] muddler: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [17:13] what's the command that allows you to do the full configuration of xorg. i've tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it's only letting me chance keyboard settings [17:13] hello [17:13] !pm > soldieruk400 [17:13] soldieruk400, please see my private message [17:13] hi [17:13] Thanks, unfortunately I've looked through that for quite some time and can't see a solution [17:14] iei: Yes, however work is requiring me so I'm not always resonding immediately [17:14] Well, I'm getting annoyed with trying to get my Atheros-Chipset to work [17:14] can anybody help? [17:14] with what wazz? [17:14] jack_sparrow . nVidia Corporation G72M [Quadro NVS 110M/GeForce Go 7300] (rev a1) [17:15] my Atheros wlan-chipset won't work [17:15] neither with madwifi nor with ndiswrapper [17:15] wazz http://www.stoltenow.com/archives/2006/12/ubuntu_configur.html may help [17:15] I'll have a look [17:16] Lux01: displayconfig-gtk [17:16] mh doesn't tell me anything new === Firebird is now known as _Firebird [17:16] the problem is I can see the device under some conditions with using madwifi [17:16] I can change essid a.s.o [17:17] !enter > wazz [17:17] wazz, please see my private message [17:17] but I can't see any wlan [17:17] ok [17:17] sorry [17:17] legend2440: thanks [17:18] Hi [17:18] I can get the device to "work" with madwifi, I can change essid and so on BUT I can't see any wlan nor connect to one, I'm using an asus f5rl-series notebook with atheros wireless-chipset [17:18] just did an ubuntu command-line install [17:19] wazz: try ath5k instead [17:19] does anyone know how to change the text above the login question? (directly after boot, now it displays: "Ubuntu 8.04.1 tty1") [17:19] kitche: can ath5k-pci finally TX packets? [17:19] ok I will try === will__ is now known as Lux01 [17:19] How do I stop the automatically-added "allow_other" option when mounting ntfs-3g? [17:20] wols_: no clue but that's what madwifi is now since madwifi project is no longer being "developed" [17:20] kitche: ath5k-pci is not ready for primetime [17:20] okay so i tried using displayconfig-gtk. it's got the resolution right now but when i'm at the GDM login screen it only shows the top left corner of the screen. it doesn't do this at the desktop though [17:20] wols_: I know the original version can not sure about the port [17:21] what are my choices to getting my CS3 web suite on ubuntu? I tried wine and it didn't work and i can't seem to get it to install on vbox either... [17:21] mh so I have no real option to get this damn atheros to work [17:21] Lux01: sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm;sudo apt-get install gdm [17:21] wazz One option is to get a wifi card with linux native drivers [17:21] @fwaokda I see no choices left [17:21] my kernel hangs saying: waiting for root filesystem, does anyone know what can do that ? my partition is a xfs one, in /dev/sda5 which is a logicial partition in my extended partition, grub is at /dev/sda and configured by /dev/sda1 [17:21] Jack_Sparrow: Atheros chipset is native now :) [17:22] !resolution | Lux01 [17:22] Lux01: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [17:22] kitche They now have native linux drivers? for which cards? [17:22] I would like to know that too [17:23] kitche I see nothing but people having problems with them' [17:23] legend2440: I've had his particular issue. The display manager uses whatever resolution it finds when it installs and not anything changed afterwards. Reinstall of it works inmost cases unless they also have some Virtual line in their xorg.conf [17:23] yes Jack_Sparrow, that's what I see too [17:23] Jack_Sparrow: guess you never heard of ath5k before === npope_ is now known as npope [17:23] I cant change keyboardlayout, and in system>preferences>keyboard, no keyboard layout is marked [17:24] kitche didnt wols just tell you that is not ready for prime time.. [17:24] legend2440, i've tried restarting X, it did nothing. the article didn't seem to help either. I'm trying genii's advice now [17:24] back in a sec ;) [17:24] Jack_Sparrow: neither is any of the other drivers I m just saying it's native now [17:24] genii: as am using ubuntu as guest in virtualbox so my /etc/X11/xorg.conf looks a bit different than normal so not sure if i can go through this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto in Beyond the Basics to be specific... this is how mine looks like though http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29026/ [17:24] kitche just because something in beta testing says supported doesnt mean it is a native driver from atheros [17:25] iei: Ok, reading. I don't use vitualisation on my box so bear with me. === majid is now known as thinkgnu [17:25] Jack_Sparrow: ah yes the thinking of a ubuntu user, but anyways ath5k is not beta driver maybe on Linux it is [17:26] genii: np [17:26] genii: so reinstalling gdm can help with Login Window resolution problems? [17:26] kitche Try to avoid being rude.. We are talking about linux [17:26] legend2440: Yup [17:27] Does anyone know how to change the text above the login question (booting to command line)? It now says: "Ubuntu 8.04.1 tty1" [17:27] back =) [17:27] genii: ok thanks i'll have to remember that [17:27] I tried completely removing and reinstalling gdm but it's still the same [17:27] legend2440: Unless as I said they have a line in xorg.conf with virtual resolution specified [17:27] iQwerty: I believe that the /etc/motd.tail needs to be modified. [17:27] genii: yes ok thanks [17:27] Jack_Sparrow: ok I just know that ath5k is not beta though but anyways it's a bit offtopic [17:27] kitche A quick google of ath5k brings up all kinds of info and also shows a lot of it relating to the dead madwifi.. [17:27] it's not a major problem, just a slight annoyance, it's not effecting my desktop at all, which is weird =P === beaver is now known as Beaver_ === Tophat is now known as Tophat-AWAYYYYYY [17:28] Jack_Sparrow: yep since ath5k is ported over by the madwifi team [17:28] dude what's up with beryl? I wanna install such things but read that it's old and replaced by something else [17:28] Is anyone available to assist me with removing grub? [17:28] wazz compiz [17:28] iei: How many buttons on your mouse? [17:29] wazz: compiz is used now beryl merged with compiz-extras to make compiz-fusion [17:29] Pici: Thanks, but that etc/motd contains the greeting message displayed after the login [17:29] AsciiForager are you trying to go back to just windows? [17:29] ok thanks [17:29] !compiz [17:29] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [17:29] And I want to change the message before the login (want to write the username and password there, since it's going to be a live cd) [17:29] genii, in my xorg.conf, Section "Screen", SubSection "Display" there's a line reading "Virtual 1280 960" i don't remember adding that, could that be the problem? [17:30] genii: it is a wireless optical mouse 5000 5 buttons [17:30] Jack_Sparrow: Yes, I am. I"ve had nothing buttrouble with this ubuntu install and I need grub out of my way. [17:30] AsciiForager /join #windows they will have you boot a windows install disk and fixmbr.. good luck [17:30] Jack_Sparrow: I've been dual booting vista 64 with ubuntu 64. [17:31] Lux01: Yes. If you change it to the highest actual resolution it should be, the gdm will use that [17:31] Jack_Sparrow: THanks! [17:31] AsciiForager We strongly suggest people dont use 64 bit until they know mopre about linux [17:31] cya guys, wish me good luck with my atheros :D [17:31] AsciiForager That could be most of your issues [17:31] iQwerty: Ah, I misunderstood. I think /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh might be what you are looking for. Check out the manpage of motd.tail [17:32] i'm going to try it with that line removed [17:32] hi, i just tried to update my nvidia drivers via nvidia's installer and now my system is hosed. [17:32] Jack_Sparrow: Had the same issues with 32 bit. thought 64 would work better on my 64 bit system. [17:32] is there a HOWTO which describes a safe way to do this on ubuntu? [17:33] this is the 2nd time i've basically destroyed an install just by updating drivers. [17:33] * delcoyote hi [17:33] I installed a program. When I try to run it it gives me an error "Error opening terminal: xterm.". [17:34] Martian How did you install the program [17:34] iei: I think if you ignore the /dev parts (since virtualised) and put the other sections like: Option "Buttons" "5" and:Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7" It will likely get someplace [17:34] hey guys i want to add someone into my op list in my chanel how do i do ? or what s the command ? [17:34] iei: Although you may want "4 5" instead of "6 7" [17:34] x_hunter offtopic in here... [17:34] yes i know [17:34] Jack_Sparrow. The instructions said to manually copy the archive into /etc. Then to un tar it. [17:34] hallo [17:35] Hi all. [17:35] If it's relevent it's a program that gives info on a UPS connected to the computer. [17:35] hi [17:35] Is there a way to temporarily scale a window down, so that it can still be interacted with? [17:35] yop yop [17:36] genii: hmm [17:36] and that its entire contents are visible? [17:36] !info xterm [17:36] xterm (source: xterm): X terminal emulator. In component main, is optional. Version 229-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 443 kB, installed size 1084 kB [17:36] Martian BEst to install from our repos [17:36] Jack_Sparrow. Okay. [17:36] !pm > x_hunter [17:36] x_hunter, please see my private message [17:37] genii: so i add buttons option and zaxismapping under configured mouse? [17:37] no ideas? [17:37] Martian sudo apt-get install xterm [17:37] theblue: What exactly do you mean? [17:37] iei: Yup, as shown in the help link [17:37] It's allready installed. [17:38] :) [17:38] Martian open a terminal and type xterm [17:38] bobertdos, i've got a window that refuses to be resized. [17:38] and it takes up more than the whole screen. [17:38] I have recently switched to FF3. When it first starts and the first time i hit the bookmark menu item it tries to save the screen i'm on. is this a bug? is there a way to set this option to just drop down the menu window as it used to do? [17:38] is there a way to shrink the window and still use it? [17:38] I get a terminal that looks different from the usual ubuntu one. [17:39] Martian that black term is xterm [17:39] theblue: Is it a window in Gnome? [17:39] Martian Are you sure you are not wanting xchat? [17:39] Dude there is nothing rude in that ;) alright suggest that i want to talk to you in pv and i d'ont want others know that [17:40] bobertdos, yes. [17:40] Jack_Sparrow, what do you mean? I am using xchat now? [17:40] hi, sometimes the user session begins but without window marquees. Dos anybody know why? (hardy heron) [17:40] Pici: Thanks for that manpage tip! I was editing a symlink to the correct file! Now I still have to figure that bootmisc.sh file out though... [17:40] there we go i've got it fixed now [17:40] Jack_Sparrow : Can i pm you ? [17:40] theblue: and you tried clicking resize in the upper-left corner menu? === lifi is now known as _lifi [17:41] bobertdos, i don't want to resize it, i want to be able to see the whole window at once. [17:41] Oh, sorry I forgot. I am using gutsy. [17:41] I mean, applications open, but no header of the window, no maximize nor close buttons [17:41] displayconfig-gtk added an extra resolution to my xorg.conf that wasn't suited for my monitor [17:41] bobertdos, on top of that, the window will not let me resize it. [17:41] kicking ppl without reason is rude :) [17:41] valiza1: Running Desktop Effects (Compiz)? [17:41] valiza1: It's a quirk in compiz or it's decorator. in gnome to do metacity --replace && compiz --replace usually fixes it [17:41] Lux01: removing Subsection Virtual fixed it? [17:42] SeveredCross: yes [17:42] x_hunter sure, I can spare a minute [17:42] How can I change my Desktop Environment from GNOME to KDE? [17:42] valiza1: Could be that the window decorator (gtk-window-decorator, or emerald if you're using it), isn't starting [17:42] bobertdos, like the built-in zoom in and out function, just zooming farther out. [17:42] amikrop try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [17:42] Couldn't tell you why, but it sounds like a likely culprit. [17:42] amikrop: install kde-desktop then select kde in the session selector at login [17:42] genii: please, refresh me where to edit, last time i touched gnome conf, was '90s :) [17:42] legend2440, that and removing modelines from Section "Monitor" and modes from SubSection "Display" [17:42] FibonacciBlack: kde-desktop or kubuntu-desktop? [17:43] SeveredCross: yes, I think it behaves like that [17:43] Note that installing kubuntu-desktop won't remove your GNOME install. [17:43] valiza1: Not any conf file. Just to execute after alt-f2 [17:43] !info kubuntu-desktop [17:43] kubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.75 (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 44 kB [17:43] theblue: Well, I can't really think of anything beyond what Compiz offers. [17:43] amikrop: sorry.. my bad.. kubuntu-desktop [17:43] Jack_Sparrow, thanks for your help. I think I solved it. After some more searching I found that I should add "export TERM=ansi" to my bashrc [17:43] amikrop you should use kubuntu-desktop . The installer will ask you what login manager to use, and you should select KDM [17:43] Lux01: ok good to know. quite a few users ask about that problem [17:43] bobertdos, hmm. [17:43] FibonacciBlack: Which installer? [17:44] Uhm, no need to use KDM. [17:44] Just type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and all will make sense :) [17:44] genii: that sort of flashed my desktop :) [17:44] GDM will work just fine. ;) [17:44] theblue: What is this window exactly? [17:44] SeveredCross: Jepp, but not KDE as KDM :) [17:44] bobertdos, an online gaming client. [17:44] FibonacciBlack: ok, thanks a lot :) [17:44] Slart: thanks [17:44] SeveredCross: is kubuntu-desktop something not already installed here , suposedly? [17:44] FibonacciBlack: Yeah, just looks nicer. :P [17:44] amikrop: No worries, have fun. [17:44] valiza1: Did your minimize/maximize/close buttons reappear? [17:44] valiza1: Eh, kubuntu-desktop is not installed unless you used Kubuntu. [17:44] bobertdos, it fills up more than one workspace, i cannot increase my resolution. [17:44] bobertdos, though if i can scale down the window and its contents, i'd be fine. [17:45] SeveredCross: I wouldn't say it looks nicer, I like GDM [17:45] Lux01: Glad to see you got the gdm situation sorted [17:45] genii: in fact, this time they were there beforehand, 'cause before i rebooted :( [17:46] SeveredCross: sorry thoght an advice was for me, but wasn't :) [17:46] valiza1: You are on kde or gnome?? [17:46] genii: gnome [17:46] Ah, OK [17:46] theblue: and this is like an average browser window, right? It isn't a Java frame or anything like that? [17:46] genii: it happens once in a while, but after ten times it happende, i asked [17:46] bobertdos, it's a wine window. [17:47] oh [17:47] valiza1: Different instructions for KDE, was why I asked after kubuntu-desktop got mentioned [17:47] genii: right [17:47] I have recently switched to 8.04 and with it FireFox 3. When it first starts and the first time i hit the bookmark menu item it tries to save the screen i'm on. is this a bug? is there a way to set this option to just drop down the menu window as it used to do? [17:47] theblue: Hmm, I'm afraid I don't have any ideas. Maybe someone would have an idea over at winehq. Consider hopping over there. [17:47] genii: this is what i added, does it look fine? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29035/ [17:48] iei: Reading [17:48] genii: ok [17:48] bobertdos, ok, thanks. [17:48] <|Zippo|> how can I set a proxy to access IRC on BitchX? [17:48] is there a hyperterm like software in the ubuntu reps? [17:49] |Zippo| You are already using mibbit right [17:49] <|Zippo|> jack: yeah [17:49] <|Zippo|> jack: but I wanna use SSH also [17:49] i client of mine runs several linux distros from years ago. Now a window guy took office as general manager and dislikes everything in linux (now fedora) , such as open office, and evolution. He really pisses me off. Is tying to show off (lessen value) to our work in linux there. Any hints? [17:49] iei: Line 5 OR line 6 but not both. Also line6 has typo of uppercase U in Buttons. I'd actually try line 6 first since might be scroll counts as buttons on 5 button which totals 7 [17:50] nevermind.. [17:50] valiza1 /join #ubuntu-offtopic for discussion [17:50] valiza1: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to discuss such things [17:50] thanks [17:50] hello [17:50] in ubuntu what is the actual wine version? [17:50] 1.0 [17:51] jack_sparrow : Dude i installed ubuntu-restricted-extra and it does changed any thing just cant read those mpg files [17:51] dam85: 1.0 [17:51] mmm i want to install 1.1.1 [17:51] !mpg [17:51] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [17:51] !info wine [17:51] wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1 (hardy), package size 7227 kB, installed size 53680 kB [17:51] genii: so delete line 5? [17:51] dam85: just add the wine repos.. two lines in a terminal [17:51] iei: Sure [17:51] but [17:51] now i have [17:52] <|Zippo|> jack: any hint for me to connect to a ssh server through a http_proxy server? [17:52] debian installed but with wine repo [17:52] i see a problem [17:52] with libldap [17:52] iei: You can always change the 7 to a 5 in same line after if first try not working [17:52] dam85 Are you running debian? what ver? [17:52] is there something that will let you know what the fdisk partitions were before update broke things? [17:52] fuck [17:52] is it possible to update the 'locate' command cache? [17:52] unstable [17:52] ferric84: sudo updatedb [17:52] thx [17:52] !ohmy [17:52] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [17:53] I mount live cdrom and run fdisk but see NO partitions [17:54] can someone gimme the command for force install of i86 on amd64 please? forgotten :( [17:54] s_spiff: dpkg --install --force-architecture or something like that [17:54] slashzul Did you mount or boot the live cd [17:54] hi [17:54] Slart: thanks.. [17:56] dam85 Then you need to go to the Debian CHannel [17:56] i am trying to install ubuntu off the live cd. it gets to 99% and then says "grub has failed to install. fatal error." i have also tried to install grub manually following many how-tos and it keeps failing. in the grub shell, i cannot "find" anything as it always fails, I cannot "setup" anything because it always can't mount the partition, and I can't "grub-install" because "could not find device for /boot: not found or not a block dev [17:57] genii: lol i wanted the backward button to work but the magnifier worked instead [17:57] panfist ONe drive or multiple [17:57] iei: You can play with the button order as per the examples in the tutorial [17:58] panfist Internal or external, regular install or some other type... [17:58] genii: the forward button is set to magnifier in windows and backward as backward.. but not sure how to make backward to work in ubuntu tried to change button to 6 or 5 still doesnt work [17:58] Kattman are u there ? [17:59] genii: and it was 7 though [17:59] hello [17:59] hi [18:00] hallo [18:00] where's the install directory for java default to? I need to install a sound bank file [18:00] iei: Ah. Aside from letting X know about the extra buttons, I don't know much about how to specify what to use specialised ones for in the window manager. There is some way, just I'm not normally dealing with multi-button mice enough to know more. [18:00] When I woke up my laptop from hibernate, USB stopped working. Does this with standby sometimes too. I think if I reload the kernel modules it'll fix it, but I can't figure out how to do that. [18:00] jack_sparrow one physical drive [18:01] Which modules to remove and then load to reset my USB? [18:01] genii: hmm np.. thanks a lot though.. this is a good start hopefully ill get to work today [18:01] panfist trying to dual boot or anything like that [18:01] Does anyone know how to enable colors in the command line? [18:01] jack_sparrow one physical internal sata drive, sata cd drive, regular install trying to triple boot [18:01] No every single word is white, which isn't improving my productivity.... [18:01] iei: Glad to help so far [18:02] iQwerty: there is a line or two to uncomment .. in ~/.bashrc I think [18:02] hello all [18:02] panfist Sounds then like you tried to create a sep /boot and go that way. [18:03] panfist I have triple booted but I just use regular grub and no /boot [18:03] I Have problem , 10 minuts later i have a Cube , 2 min ago i restart my computer and all lost :/ [18:03] lukas__ /join #compiz [18:03] jack_sparrow i dont know what you mean...no seperate boot partition? [18:03] back [18:04] I used gparted to resize a 55gb partition, its been on step 3, e2fsck, for 6 hours or so. Is it safe to cancel or has gparted already resized the partitions? [18:04] so, I want to make a new "command" in terminal [18:04] but how? [18:04] I want to make "sudo apt-get install" to "mkrist" [18:04] i Join and whats next Jack ? [18:04] like, I want mkrist to be shortcut [18:04] instead of writing long sudo apt-get install [18:04] lukas__ ask them about your compiz problems [18:05] orgthingy symlink? [18:05] how od i use the 3d cube thing i hear people talk about in ubuntu? [18:05] Burn the cd again and try [18:05] onthefence929 one sec for instructions [18:05] Jack_Sparrow: thanks [18:05] Jack_Sparrow: dunno what its called [18:05] I want a "short-cut" command [18:05] How , what dose you mean Jack ? [18:05] onthefence929 Install ccsm sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects.... On the first page put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top... click on desktop size and set them to 4, 1 and 1 top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse [18:06] x_hunter im about ready to try that but i doubt that's the problem because i verified it when it was burned and i re-verified it earlier today. [18:06] Oh liste, if i Choose to Desktop Cube on The Appearrance , and Quit , its not will be save [18:06] We had the same probleme :) [18:06] lukas__ You are approacing troll status. If you dont understand what ask them about your problem means I cant help you [18:06] Try to burn the iso image again [18:06] . === slim is now known as Sakura_Chan [18:07] Jack_Sparrow: so? [18:07] onthefence929 If your video card is not setup correctly, effects wont work right.. [18:07] orgthingy Im kinda busy, I was just pointing you in a direction that I hoped would get you started. [18:08] hi, is there a way to install linux-restricted-modules *without* the nvidia module? [18:08] Slart: Thanks! it worked!!! [18:08] !pm > slashzul [18:08] slashzul, please see my private message [18:08] x_hunter alright, i'll try. perhaps you could check out my thread about the problem while i'm rebooting/burning/reinstalling. thanks very much for the suggestion. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865847 [18:08] since the nvidia module is old/broken in some games. [18:08] is it possible that only certain small commands in linux do not work even if the OS is installed quite ok? [18:08] Jack_Sparrow: oh, sorry [18:08] np [18:08] Now I only have this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866151 (linking there because I posted an image to clarify) [18:08] jack linux ubuntu is nice... Im feeling it [18:08] NP [18:09] iQwerty Please include brief description when you paste a link into the channel [18:09] Do not burn it very speed ;) [18:09] !register > c_kaffee [18:09] c_kaffee, please see my private message [18:10] OK, sorry, here it comes: Does anyone know how to change the text displayed above the login question, after the boot, when booting to the command line? [18:10] iQwerty: /etc/motd and/or /etc/issue [18:10] Jack_Sparrow: thanks a ton [18:10] iQwerty: /etc/motd gets overridden a lot by boot scripts so I use /etc/issue myself [18:10] onthefence929 Get it going? [18:11] Does anyone know how to install x-fi big Extream problem to ubuntu 32bit ? [18:12] anyone know if it safe to cancel gparted at the e2fsck stage? [18:12] CartoonCat I would not do it [18:13] kitche: Thanks!!! /etc/issue is exactly what I was looking for!!! And about "/etc/motd", I think that /etc/motd.tail is permanent, motd is only a symlink to motd.tail (but I could be wrong, didn't research it because I was looking for the message before the login prompt) [18:13] hello..I need some HELP about UPGRADING [18:13] does anyone know what ' enabled community maintained software (universe) ' IS?? [18:13] where do you configure the printers in ubuntu? [18:14] Jack_Sparrow, is that because it has already resized the partition or because e2fsck just should never be canceled? [18:14] CartoonCat I hate the thought of cancelling a fsck [18:14] and does anyone have a idea about how long it takes to resize a 55gb partition? (im worried e2fsck is stuck) [18:14] !repos | Dexhu [18:14] Dexhu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [18:15] orgthingy How are you comming along with your issue [18:15] Dexhu: universe is the name of one of the repos [18:15] ok, I think I found it, sorry [18:15] Jack_Sparrow: finished [18:15] it was easy [18:15] orgthingy Didnt mean to drop you, but I was stretched thin [18:15] :) [18:16] well..this upgarde say you need to ENABLE so as to save PKGS that are NOT compatible to the UPGRADE [18:16] orgthingy HOw did you solve it [18:16] gedit .bashrc [18:16] well [18:16] so they may be upgraded later [18:16] i did alias thing [18:16] but it didnt work [18:16] for some reason [18:16] orgthingy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:17] Dexhu what are you running and what are you upgrading to? [18:17] so, I did it with gedit [18:17] orgthingy cool [18:17] up to 8.04 and I got this dialog..I looked all over for the info to do the enable [18:18] 8.04.1 is great [18:18] dialog said: enabled community maintained software (universe) [18:18] is the graphical makeover that was planned for 8.04 really going into 8.10 or is it completely of the planning? [18:19] hey does anyone know of an xpcom development package? [18:19] GSMX #ubuntu+1 [18:19] so how do I ENABLE this [18:19] or HWERE do I find info to do it [18:19] is there a simple way to have a bigmem kernel on x86 ubuntu? in debian it is one of kernel choices... [18:20] ejer: -server kernel [18:20] my card reader is detected but not mounting. How do i find the location of it so I can mount it? [18:20] hello..anyone here know how to do this? [18:21] !repos | Dexhu [18:21] Dexhu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [18:21] Dexhu, what are you trying to do? [18:21] is there a command to mount everything, even if its not in fstab? [18:22] Hi, anyone know if there's a way of putting the password for a dm_crypt (LUKS) root FS into the grub config so it doesn't need to be entered at boot time? [18:22] pvl1 No [18:22] Happy..I'm tring to upgrade to 8.04 and I got this Dialog saying to :: enabled community maintained software (universe) [18:22] Jack_Sparrow, ok ty [18:22] Somebody can help me with "Cube" i restart my computer and i lose it ;( [18:22] I can NOT find any referance to do this..I chack all the helps [18:23] any1 here interested in game programming for linux? [18:23] #compiz [18:23] Soeasy1, that question is offtopic, please try ##linux [18:23] ok [18:23] sorry [18:23] Soeasy1: also #ubuntu-offtopic [18:23] ill try there [18:24] I guess I'll have to find some other way to get the info [18:24] Dexhu, go to synaptic > settings repos, make sure that box is checked [18:24] settings > repos* [18:24] I'll try to do it [18:24] whatever that is [18:24] Dexhu It could be how you are asling the question.. are you asking how do you enable universe? [18:25] !repo [18:25] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [18:25] <_empemp_> where do i change my screen into 16-bit color? [18:25] Dexhu: system>administration>software sources [18:25] Jack?|>> where can I find info on::: enabled community maintained software (universe) [18:25] it's a dialog that appears when UPGRADING [18:26] Dexhu look up several people have answered and you dont seem to get it [18:26] it say you can save PKGS that are no longer supported and may be updated later [18:26] Dexhu have you read the link on repos that we have linked multiple times [18:26] I'm trying to backup all my CDs. However any software labeled "for macintosh" gives an "error cannot mount" notice thus preventing me from ripping the iso. Any suggestions? [18:26] !install [18:26] Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [18:27] ftehw: you don't need to mount them, just do an 'dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/yourusername/nameofdisc.iso' [18:27] how can i install the latest version of xchat am currently using 2.8.4 and i want to install 2.8.6 [18:27] me pueden ayudar con un juego [18:27] <_empemp_> anyone? [18:28] !es | strikeone [18:28] strikeone: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [18:28] xDD === tj13820_ is now known as tj13820 [18:28] ejer: thanks! but it'd be nice if the gnome right-click>>copy cd>>to file>> worked. Any ideas on how to get that to work? [18:28] iei http://getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=xchat [18:28] _empemp_: prefs>screen resolution? [18:28] <_empemp_> ejer: no, there is nothing 16 or 24 bit option there [18:28] ftehw: i don't use that sorry, may require disc to mount, so may not work for some discs [18:29] I've got Ubuntu 8.04 server and wget keeps returning me 404s from several download places (sourceforges that work). Namely webmin, it resolves and connects but the HTTP request returns 404 not found? [18:29] _empemp_: you will need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf but be aware you can hose your graphical login, so you should know how to backup and restore the file too === francesco is now known as Guest73089 [18:30] ejer: ok thanks. :) [18:30] _empemp_: look for DefaultDepth 24 [18:30] !webmin > Blinkenlights [18:30] Blinkenlights, please see my private message [18:30] can someone in here please help me with ubuntu? [18:30] Jack_Sparrow: i downlodoaded the file already but i dont know how to install it :S [18:30] !ask | blario6 [18:30] blario6: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [18:30] Othanks! :D [18:30] <_acid> How do I change to another channel [18:30] iei did you get the deb I linked or the one from xchat [18:30] blario6: sure [18:31] _acid, /join === Guest73089 is now known as francesco_ [18:32] I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 from XP. I have a Broadcom wireless card and I can't get it to work. I tried following the tutorial's but I think I'm doing something wrong. I'm on a wired connection on the PC w/ the Wireless card [18:32] blario6: I'm sure you tried ndiswrapper? [18:32] iei Throw that other one in the trash and get the one I just linked for Ubuntu Hardy.. then just double click it to install [18:33] !wubi > blario6 [18:33] blario6, please see my private message [18:33] i downloaded it, but i'm new to ubuntu and i'm not sure i installed it right [18:33] hey, does anyone has ubuntu on dell vostro 1000? I'm willing to know what is the performance on blender using the fglrx driver! [18:33] What program can I install to do very simple circuit (RLC) simulations, I use gnome. [18:33] blario6 Please dont consider a wubi install the same as a regular ubuntu install.. [18:33] what kind of vmx-builder do you use for your vm's on ubuntu? [18:34] Jack_Sparrow how do I install ndiswrapper? [18:34] blario6 ever heard of synaptik? [18:34] Jack_Sparrow: downloading now i had .tar.bz2 [18:35] !info xcircuit | L_inf (perhaps this? don't know much about circuit diagrams) [18:35] l_inf (perhaps this? don't know much about circuit diagrams): xcircuit (source: xcircuit): Draw circuit schematics or almost anything. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.78.dfsg-1 (hardy), package size 486 kB, installed size 1880 kB [18:35] Where can I find the latest kernel build for Ubuntu 8.4 ? [18:35] never mind [18:35] blario6 BCM43xx https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff [18:35] I can't get mplayer work with XV, i've tried to get it working with two different computers. And I still get tearing with GL even if I use vsync. Both of these work just fine with Gentoo... I use ati's drivers, and the HW is AMD 690g and 780g. Any ideas? [18:35] iei good choice, let me know if you hit a snag [18:35] HI : Where can I find the latest kernel build for Ubuntu 8.4 ? [18:35] I've also tried both 32 bit and 64 bit arch [18:36] Jack_Sparrow thanks! [18:36] !info linux-generic | tomvolek [18:36] tomvolek: linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB [18:36] Jack_Sparrow: whats the difference between xchat and xchat-common? [18:37] blario6 np. god luck and please convert your wubi install to a regular partition type of install if you decide to continue using ubuntu [18:37] iei you need both of those [18:37] Lurq: could be the file... [18:37] Lurq: don't know much about ATI cards, but have you checked that your /etc/X11/xorg.conf has XVideo enabled ? [18:38] ubottu : teh reason I ask is , I am running 64bit, Ubuntu 8, but new UBS Wireless-G doesnt work , I read somewhere the newst kernel supports it. However when I do Upgrade_Manager, it does nto pick up the latest... [18:38] tomvolek: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:38] It [18:38] it's the same file. didn [18:38] tomvolek, updating your system will always get you the lastest *supported* kernel version. [18:38] 't now you had to enable xvideo === arooni________a is now known as arooni [18:39] DRebellion, Well, It seems it has kernel 2.6.22 and not what it was mentioned here 2.6.24 [18:39] Jack_Sparrow: which one shall i use xchat or xchat-common [18:39] i have a desktop (core2duo, 2gb ram, nvidia geforce 7950, seagate 7950 300GB PATA drive) running ubuntu hardy. in the last week, i've seen the file system turn ro (twice a day), gdm freeze up so i need to restart my computer (twice a day). i already: ran fsck and corrected all problems, ran seagate's sea-tools and found no problems, ran memtest86+ for 8 hours/4 test passes with no issues, replaced the PATA cable to the harddrive [18:39] was finally able to get Compiz running with ubuntu 8.04 (had some graphics issues) but now my firefox seems to be...tearing...whenever I move the content around (scroll, AJAX events, etc.) untill I click the mouse in the window then Compiz redraws the content correctly...has anyone else experienced this issue? [18:39] iei You need to get both of those [18:40] tomvolek, the latest version is [18:40] I havn't any xvideo/xv settings in my gentoo xorg.conf tho [18:40] DRebellion But it seems my Upgrade_manager does not pick up this latest one. Is there another repository I need to hit ? [18:40] tomvolek, not that i know of. [18:41] ok Thanks DRebellion. on my 32 bit I have the latest, on 64 bit, it doesnt pick it up [18:41] Lurq: okay, i guess yo could check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to see if it gets auto-enabled [18:42] tomvolek, perhaps there is a different set of packages for 32/64. I don't know, as i only run 32. [18:42] ubottu: I thought xcircuit was only to draw circuits not to simulate them?? [18:42] L_inf: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:42] DRebellion that is my guess :( [18:42] rotzak If you turn off compiz does the problem go away === Tophat-AWAYYYYYY is now known as Tophat [18:42] Jack_Sparrow: Yes [18:42] rotzak ati cards had that issue [18:42] L_inf, I just picked that up with a quick search (apt-cache search circuit). I've never actually done any circuit drawing. [18:42] glitsj16: smart! might be because of DRI being disabled too? [18:43] Jack_Sparrow I'm on nvidia [18:43] nvidia 6200 [18:43] rotzak try asking in #compiz, they may have a way to fix it [18:43] Lurq: could be yes, that's another thing you will probably want to get working, better dive into that log file ;) [18:44] rotzak There was something about having it setup for best in gaming that made it not work well for videos [18:44] hey guys, sometimes compiz closes by itself... can run compiz --replace and got it back, but its really enoyin any ideas about the problem?? [18:44] is this a bad error: [ 628.127290] EXT3-fs error (device sda2): ext3_free_blocks_sb: bit already cleared for block 45062047 ? i see it happening several screens worth (but doesnt seem to happen after 600 seconds) [18:44] glitsj16: you're right :) just checked. thanks! [18:45] Greetings! Here is my Question: My laptop was left running all night on a surface that blocked airflow. it overheated and the filesystem was damaged. The two partitions can still be mounted but the data on one partition cannot be read. What data recovery software do you suggest I use to scan for files? [18:45] Lurq: you're welcome [18:45] If I wanted to make the kubuntu desktop similar to the gnome-ubuntu desktop in terms of having two taskbars, bottom and top, which behave exactly as in gnome with the top being a launchpad and the bottom being a taskbar...is that easy to do? Anyone done it and are there any web pages that show how to do it? [18:45] sziasztok! [18:46] extor, perhaps ask in #kubuntu [18:46] * extor sighs [18:46] Follow-up: EXT3 partition cannot be read, NTFS partition is still readable [18:46] WahbeN: there's some pointers and software suggestions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery [18:47] whats the problem Jack_Sparrow ? [18:47] glitsj16, thanx, i'll check it out [18:47] lucas_ I have asked nicely repeatedly.. [18:47] Jack_Sparrow, what? what did u ask? [18:48] here is my dmesg: http://pastie.org/237980 ... what should i do? [18:50] i got a projector, which i want to use with dualview on my ubuntu laptop, but when i configure it with nvidia xserver config, the maximum resolution for the projector is 640x480, but i know the projector supports 1024x768, and i have been able to run it with that resolution in both windows and mandriva [18:50] hi, every time flash tries to play sound in my firefox it fubars my sound, does anybody have the same issue or is it just my set up [18:51] Anarhist, describe your setup [18:51] dislo, well, i don't know exactly what to describe, most of it is a default 8.04 ubuntu [18:52] !ping [18:52] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore [18:52] Anarhist, alright what version of firefox what is your sound card what version of flash something else that i may be forgetting [18:53] can anyone please analyze this and tell me how to fix? http://paste.ubuntu.com/29044/ [18:53] ñóêà [18:53] ok, how do i check the version of flash? [18:53] Hey I'm installing ubuntu on a friends laptop and need a bit of help [18:53] õóé [18:53] I don't want to delete windows [18:53] suck [18:53] suck [18:53] So how do I do this? [18:53] juzam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:53] seck [18:53] anyone have the issue where a remote X session randomly loses its theme as you use it. [18:53] that should be a ?, but the point remains === cycom_ is now known as cycom [18:53] Hello? [18:53] new_nathan, partition the hardrive === kkkk is now known as asaaasa [18:54] Anarhist, i am not sure [18:54] Happy: Er, how? [18:54] Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008071222 Firefox/3.0.1 [18:54] I clicked the manual bit, but after that it shows some checkboxes with various memory things it looks like [18:54] there's a million different apps that allow you to partition, and the ubuntu installer allows you setup partitions as well [18:54] I know that, but I dont understand the installer :( [18:54] Anarhist, have you checked google yet btw [18:55] There are two options, guided (use entire disk) and manual [18:55] can anyone please analyze this and tell me how to fix? http://paste.ubuntu.com/29044/ [18:55] So I clicked manual and then next [18:55] dislo, i'll search, but i don't really know what to search for [18:55] Anarhist: check the "about:plugins" url in firefox to get the version number for flash [18:55] Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124 [18:56] Anarhist: try downloading flash 10. it works far better than 9.0.124 [18:56] HappyHater: Now it says "prepare partitions" at the top, and shows several /dev/sda things [18:56] Anarhist, what are the symptoms what exactly does it do [18:57] dislo, sound simply stops working, i have to restart the sound after trying to play anything [18:57] my sudo apt-get install letter isn't functioning, any suggestions? [18:57] Anarhist: many people have had the sound-hijacking issue, like Dein suggests, upgrading to flash player 10 beta usually fixes this [18:58] rgravener1, does sudo apt-get in work? [18:58] anyone know what 'mwhas' is short for? [18:58] glitsj16, can i do that with apt-get or do i have to uninstall it there, and the do manual install? [18:58] cdecarlo: in what context? [18:58] new_nathan, since you've never partitioned a drie before you might want to use something gui driven like partitionmagic [18:59] cdecarlo Do you know orgthingy ? [18:59] sipior: text messaging I guess [18:59] t [18:59] Jack_Sparrow: nope [18:59] how do i force a fsck? sudo touch /fsck? [18:59] is that a person [18:59] Anarhist, alright how about this go to a website with flash and when your sound stops working run this command "/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" see if that fixes it [18:59] !fsck [18:59] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [18:59] cdecarlo He mentioned it earlier [18:59] Anarhist: you will have to get the flash 10 beta from adobe's site (get the tarball) .. i would suggest leaving the flash 9 there for a minute, it woill make life easier whin installing the beta, if you want, we'll guide you through [18:59] dislo, it does normally [19:00] glitsj16, i'll try it on my own, i'll be back if i have some serious problems [19:00] Anarhist: no problem [19:01] Anarhist, i would concur with glitsj16 good luck i need to get back to work [19:01] does he know me? [19:01] Anarhist: just get the correct path where your firefox picks up the libflashplayer.so while you still have one, and use that to drop the new one in later and you'll be fine [19:02] unop: no [19:02] orgthingy: what does mwhas mean? [19:02] If I'm getting an error on a web page telling me I need to have Java installed...what pieces of Java do I need (or does it vary?) I've got java-common already. [19:02] mwhas? [19:02] what language is that :) ? [19:02] rgravener1, and you are logged on as your current user right? not root? [19:02] i'm on as root [19:02] Jack_Sparrow, said you made reference to it earlier [19:02] !java | gnurph [19:02] gnurph: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository [19:03] command line only [19:03] new_nathan: there should be a third option.. guided install (use free space) or something like that.. [19:03] rgravener1, how did you become root? [19:03] gnurph: in a web-browser you'll need a java plugin, like sun-java6-plugin [19:03] unop: just wiped the system clean and i'm root, haven't set up any users yet === Guest20604 is now known as Fallenou [19:03] cdecarlo this is not ubuntu related is it. that is just a shorthand message for texting [19:03] Jack_Sparrow: ya [19:04] hi, somebody could tell me that why in the world does nautilus use so much memory in hardy? [19:04] DRebellion: already installed sun-java6-jre; still have problem. is it possible that it's looking for an earlier version? [19:04] this is ridiculous, adobe's site managed to make my firefox non-responsive [19:04] Jack_Sparrow: I don't suppose there is as text messaging irc [19:04] or post me an article [19:04] ok i logged in as a differnt user [19:04] !ot > cdecarlo [19:04] cdecarlo, please see my private message [19:04] rgravener1, i'm not sure how you got to be where you are now .. but anyway, source /etc/bash_completion # if the file does not exist, install the bash_completion package and try again [19:05] whats the easiest way to add a user to sudoers [19:05] visudo ? [19:05] visudo [19:05] rgravener1, make him a member of the admin group [19:05] rgravener1: it's the only way (well...) [19:06] the only safe way :) [19:06] * rgravener1 hates system administration [19:06] Anyone else ever have issues with compiz tearing on one monitor but not the other in duel head with nvidia cards? [19:06] !info openjdk-6-jre | gnurph [19:06] gnurph: openjdk-6-jre (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Java runtime. In component universe, is extra. Version 6b09-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 209 kB, installed size 640 kB [19:06] rgravener1, well, if you installed ubuntu normally, you shouldn't have to do this [19:07] unop: its a server and i didn't install it. [19:07] slicehost let me choose from a few os's and i picked ubuntu since its like debian [19:07] but obviously they give me a bare bones setup [19:07] Jack_Sparrow: mwahs is a kissing sound [19:07] gnurph, wait, no, you want gcjwebplugin [19:07] *mwhas [19:08] one more question, how do I add a user to a group? [19:08] rgravener1, ok, well, by default - member of the admin group can use sudo - perhaps its the way you do it on a slicehost setup too [19:08] DRebellion: okay, let me install gcjwebplugin [19:08] rgravener1, sudo adduser user group [19:08] i made a group sudoers [19:08] Anarhist: it always does that, try wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_install_linux_070208.tar.gz [19:08] hello all [19:08] cdecarlo And that would be... offtopic [19:09] rgravener1, usually there is no sudoers group unless one was made [19:09] glitsj16, just got it, hopefully put everything in the right place [19:09] http://ralree.com/images/MacPCLinuxTruth.jpg [19:09] Hi there [19:09] Jack_Sparrow: that's where I found out, just reporting in [19:09] I have a dell monitor sitting here, and an acer laptop [19:09] unop: yea i'm going to add the sudoers group to the sudoers file [19:09] Anarhist: okay, hope it improves your issue [19:09] smallfoot-: of coure you meant to paste that in the !ot channel.. or course you did [19:10] I want to make the dell monitor the primary display [19:10] question: yesterday i plugged in my PC to a sound system's AUX port, when i started playing music from my PC, only the left channel worked but with lots of white noise, this has never happened to me before, any clues or ideas? [19:10] rgravener1, well, check if the admin group exists and is in the sudoers file -- that should works instead of creating a new group [19:10] i have the monitor cable hooked u p [19:10] unop: nah its not there, only root [19:10] Is it possible to list all packages by their size? [19:10] glitsj16, vlc give out sound when playing files, but flash doesn't [19:11] deserteagle: nope.. well.. unless there is a small stereo plug that's only halfway in [19:11] Hi :) [19:11] Anarhist: do you use pulseaudio ? [19:11] Slart: thanks, yeah I checked and its all the way in [19:11] TimS: you might be able to hammer something together with grep, col, sort and dpkg -l [19:11] deserteagle, sounds like a bad connection [19:11] glitsj16, how do i check? [19:11] TimS: but I don't think there's an easy way [19:11] deserteagle, small chance its software related [19:11] is that about:plugins thing? [19:11] TimS: you should be able to do that in Synapic. Add the size on disk column, then sort [19:12] Slart, im banned from there [19:12] Slart: haha, I am not experienced with that. [19:12] Anarhist: no pulseaudio like ALSA is a system wide sound system [19:12] Cobolt: any clues where i could get help with a hardware issue like this? [19:12] Flannel: Ah, thankyou, I overlooked the obviouse [19:12] glitsj16, i know, but i have also-utils in my init.d and pulseaudio [19:12] alsa-utils i mean [19:12] so i guess i do use pulseaudio [19:13] smallfoot-: hmm.. and still you paste !ot links in the support channel.. [19:13] Anarhist: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 has some things you can look into getting flash and pulseaudio to play nice [19:13] Slart, ya [19:13] i installed restricted but flash still doesn't work. i'm on hardy 64bit intel dual using ff 3 [19:13] deserteagle, try the sound system on a different PC and try using the Pc with a different PC. Unless the plug wasn't in properly one of the two may beare faulty [19:14] deserteagle, sorry that made no sense [19:14] flash10 in proposed is broken [19:14] deserteagle, but i think you get the idea? [19:14] flash9 is slow in fullscreen porno, we need an open source flash that doesnt suck === matthew_ is now known as talcite [19:14] i installed bugzilla. where was it installed? [19:14] How do I make ubuntu on my laptop go to my monitor? [19:14] Is there a setting? [19:14] what directory would be considered the "bugzilla install directory"? [19:14] ozzloy, $ whereis bugzilla [19:15] whereis bugzilla [19:15] hahaha woops [19:15] :) [19:15] anyone here have Compiz running on duel head? [19:15] douglas: Generally you just plug the VGA cable into the laptop and then go to system -> preferences -> screen resolution [19:15] smallfoot-: thanks [19:15] rotzak, heaerd it dont work [19:15] Anarhist: and check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio too, there's a section for known issues with flash/firefox and pulseaudio [19:15] ozzloy, np :) [19:15] rotzak: I do, but there's a limit to the size of the virtual desktop you can use [19:15] ASULutzy: what do you mean? [19:15] rotzak, what's a duel head? [19:15] ASULutzy, it sounds like my monitor gets a feed for about one second [19:15] glitsj16, i think i'll deal with that later, i'm going to bookmark these for now... don't really have that much time on my hands at the moment. Thanks a lot though [19:15] Cobolt: don't know how, but I'm thinking the issue is in the audio port itself (broken connection on the motherboard) [19:15] then loses it [19:16] rotzak: If your desktop goes beyond a certain width, you will get all sorts of garbage if you use compiz [19:16] Anarhist: no problem, it's indeed something you'd want to do without time-pressure, goodluck :) [19:16] deserteagle, simple sollution there buddy :) it invloves $$$ [19:16] ASULutzy: Interesting . . . any idea what that garbage is? I get some very strange behavior on one monitor but not the other [19:16] smallfoot- I just made that graphic into a boot grub splash.. very cute. [19:17] Cobolt, dual-head means two screen monitors [19:17] Jack_Sparrow, nice [19:17] But please do in the futer use a different channel to post those [19:17] future [19:18] Yea, luckily it doesn't really bother me since on the other monitor I just have a Windows VM open and the display garbage that appears is underneath the VM and not noticable [19:18] ASULutzy, goti t [19:18] shit. [19:18] smallfoot, o. sounds cool. [19:18] but the best I can get is 1024x768 [19:18] Jack_Sparrow, yeah, im begging in #ubuntu-ops to unban me from #ubuntu-offtopic [19:18] My laptop is 1440x900 :/ [19:18] hop hop [19:18] smallfoot- You will need to see what offtopic decides. [19:19] yeah [19:19] i waited month long [19:19] UGH [19:19] Whenever I close my laptop both monitors turn off [19:20] smallfoot- Please stop [19:21] Hello [19:21] -+ [19:21] Alternate install CD <--- Why is this recommended for low ram systems? What reason? [19:21] extor, it uses less ram? [19:21] Jack_Sparrow, man it was you who talked to me, i just answered you [19:22] * extor sighs [19:22] But please do in the futer use a different channel to post those was my message [19:22] extor: Doesn't launch a graphical system and isn't a live CD: therefore it does indeed use less RAM. [19:23] extor: you asked and the correct anwser is given [19:23] how to get the latest and greatest ffmpeg and other multimedia packages for hardy? === kaffee_ is now known as Guest47608 === gardar`afk is now known as gardar [19:24] humbolt look into winff === Build-A-1ear is now known as Build-A-Bear [19:25] humbolt: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Multimedia, for ffmpeg add the medibuntu repo (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu) [19:26] I'd like to run another x server at ctrl+alt+F8. What's the easiest way to do this? I want to just use metacity all the time on that xserver, so when I play a video that flickers in compiz I can just switch over there without having all my working windows re-arranged (fusion-icon does this when switching wms) [19:26] glitsj16: is that as up-to-date as debian-multimedia? === Tizz__ is now known as Tizz [19:27] so was there a reason besides bash not autocompleting? now i want apt-get install to auto complete so i can figure out what i want exactly [19:27] humbolt: don't know, i'm not familiar with debian-multimedia [19:27] jadams__: what video card? [19:27] crdlb, ati something, one sec [19:27] jadams man gdmflexiserver [19:27] crdlb, ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 2400 XT [19:28] nevmind [19:28] jadams__, as amenado said - gdmflexiserver [19:28] thanks both of you [19:28] jadams__: the fglrx driver does not support multimaster DRI, which means that you cannot have any acceleration on more than one X server === kaffee is now known as kaffee____ [19:31] crdlb Thanks for that tidbit... I added it to my crib notes === kaffee____ is now known as kaffee___ === kaffee___ is now known as kaffee [19:31] Jack_Sparrow: Do you ever publish those? [19:32] Anyone else having issues with Hardy's network authentication. [19:32] genii I have on occasion, they are just a jumble of notes that I search through as needed [19:33] genii Commands I write or find useful [19:33] Jack_Sparrow: I pretty much have same method actually [19:34] hi, I have some questions about installing Linux on a MacBook Pro [19:34] !compiz [19:34] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [19:35] compiz is very pretty [19:35] Is there a way to remove OSX but KEEP the Windows install I have now? [19:35] DodoFXP, if you bought a MacBook Pro and not gonna use OSX, then you bought a very expensive laptop lol [19:36] DodoFXP: I'd consult the Bootcamp documentation. But either way it doesn't seem to be a linux question [19:36] Oh wait I see now the earlier Q [19:36] well, it is pretty close to Linux question. Most HOWTOs keep OSX. I dont need it. The hardware is sweet [19:36] genii: It seems as simple as just putting in the Linux install disk, and using the partition OS X is installed on [19:37] Just ignore the Windows one === c is now known as Guest70152 [19:37] !ppc [19:37] PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ === braden_ is now known as zod21 [19:37] Jack_Sparrow: The ppc don't run Windows, only the Mactels [19:38] IIf I clean install Ubuntu on it, does my XP remain untouched? I used BootCamp to install it which fakes the MBR and I fear Linux will overwrite it === beaver is now known as Beaver_ [19:38] DodoFXP, the hardware is expensive, you can get much cheaper laptop if it not Apple. Apple is very expensive overcharge fanboys who pay anything [19:38] how can I reproduce and audio file from the line comand, I am programing a dictionary and I have a audio data base, when I look for a word a coincidence match and then I want to reproduce this audio file ¡¡¡ [19:38] mtx -f /dev/sg3 status [19:38] ewps sorry [19:38] genii I have a g4 doorstop here somewhere , that is about the limit of ay mac abilities [19:38] smallfoot-, DodoFXP, this is not the place to discuss the pros/cons of laptop manufacturers. [19:39] Guest46032, text-to-speak? eSpeak or Festival [19:39] dmacnutt: !?! [19:39] smallfoot-, it is something like that === porncake is now known as beefcake [19:39] Guest46032, play audio file from cli, mpg123, mpg321 or ogg123 [19:39] @smallfoot now its too late for that anyway. I am happy with the hardware [19:39] I know. that is why I asked about installing Ubuntu on it without touching XP! [19:39] can I just wipe the OSX partition and know that XP will still happly boot with rEFIt? [19:40] smallfoot-, ok those programs can reproduce audio from the comand line without open graphic enviroment ? [19:40] Guest70152, $ espeak "hello how are you" [19:40] DodoFXP, I would just wipe the OSX partition, install linux on it with the ubuntu installer, then follow the MBR recovery guides. [19:40] Guest46032, yeah, $ mpg123 test.mp3 [19:41] smallfoot-, sounds great, thanks . [19:41] Guest70152, :) [19:41] smallfoot-, Guest70152, I would recommend mplayer instead of mpg123 [19:41] dmacnutt: I see you in here lurking! [19:41] DRebellion, why mplayer ? [19:41] Pavu does not seem to be detecting my internal soundcard's rear panel outputs, it routes all audio thorough the front panel [19:41] What's going on? [19:42] Guest70152, It supports a *very* wide range of codecs and is very simple to use. [19:42] s/pavu/pulse audio/ [19:42] DRebellion, ok I will do it, thanks for the advice [19:42] Guest70152, also, you can choose some very specific, powerful options if you wish. [19:42] hi folks, I just installed a new HD into my machine and now it hangs at GRUB... [19:42] how do i check my device name my cdrom got? [19:43] styrman, ls -l /dev/ | grep cdrom [19:43] andre_ Sounds like you added a drive as master or below your ubuntu install [19:43] ls -l /dev/*cdrom* :) [19:43] DRebellion: thx [19:43] DRebellion, well. I have an audio data base and I want just reproduce this files when a script match with my text data base [19:44] unop, you just like the pretty colours :P [19:44] how can I view my files over samba on gnome but not kde? [19:44] Jack_Sparrow: myah, It's a Sata.. I'm not sure they have master/slave switches... I'll double check. [19:44] Guest70152, if you want to play the files, then use mplayer, yes. [19:44] Also the Ubuntu drive is still top boot priority... [19:44] DRebellion, ls -l /dev/ | grep cdrom # might not give you credible device names .. it might grep on the metadata [19:44] andre_ No but they do have assigned ports for each connection [19:44] DRebellion, ok thanks man. [19:45] Hello. I am trying to setup dual monitors with my laptop. I am using an nvidia gfx card and therefore trying to do it in "Nvidia X Server Settings" in the Admin menu. I would rather not have to mess with the command line if I didnt have to. Can anyone help me, or point me to a resource that explains how to do this? [19:45] unop, aaah! But, what if you *want* to grep the metadata... [19:45] Jack_Sparrow: oh yeah? my ubuntu drive is on Parallel [19:45] DRebellion, use find then, the output of ls was never meant to be parsed [19:45] do LILo and GRUB both install onto the MBR or can I use rEFIt as a bootloader? wouldn't that simplify my problem? [19:45] thanks for your patience guys :) [19:45] my two others are on sata... [19:45] see you next time [19:46] andre_ Two connectors on a sata cable? [19:46] is it possible that something is wrong with my dolphin? [19:46] bdog, is it floating at the top of the pool, or lying at the bottom? [19:46] BoomShaka: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html [19:47] ehh it does both... [19:47] Jack_Sparrow: nope one connect on a sata cable [19:47] hi there. [19:47] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5425869#post5425869 [19:48] andre_ Each connection on your mb should be a diff drive position.. like sda sdb sdc sdd [19:48] Don't know why, but after updating some packages, whenever I press a keyboard key, the mouse cursor is centered on the screen. How can I disable that? [19:48] hello! [19:48] arthurmaciel Any changes in your sources.list [19:48] Jack_Sparrow: no. I have not messed with that. [19:49] arthurmaciel sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) [19:49] hey Jack_Sparrow :) [19:49] arthurmaciel what version or release of linux are you running [19:49] Jack_Sparrow: yes, I know about that.. but Grub won't boot... [19:49] Paddy_EIRE Hey, long time no see, hope all is well [19:49] Jack_Sparrow: I'm stuck at boot where it says: "GRUB" and that's it [19:50] yeah still here still crazy :) [19:50] andre_ and if you were booting sdb with ubuntu and added an sda that would cause your issue [19:50] Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.stgraber.org/13071 [19:50] Does anybody know now how to get the compiz cube working on a dual monitor that is using Xinerama and not Twinview (I don't want Twinview) [19:50] (what a great program this pastebinit!) [19:50] hydithium Not if you are running nvidia.. === kakao is now known as JERPNYMO === JERPNYMO is now known as JERONYMO [19:51] hi all === loner is now known as Guest34802 [19:51] Jack_sparrow: thanks, but may i get more than just 2 desktops? [19:53] Does anybody know how to just maximize to one window with TwinView on dual monitor? [19:53] hydithium I am kinda busy with other people.. I was just trying to make it clear nvidia and xinerama dont mix if you want compiz [19:53] Jack_Sparrow: all the desktop effects are pretty weird now (application switch window is slow, sometimes windows borders disappear) [19:53] how can konqueror see my samba but not dolphin? === kakao is now known as JERONYMO [19:53] hydithium: hi [19:53] I cannot install last release 8.04 on my desktop PC. Athlon 64, 2G, Asus A8N-E, 250G SATA. After I choose Install ubuntu, BusyBox (initramfs) appears [19:53] fsufitchi: hi === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [19:54] openSUSE 10.3 starts without problems [19:54] hi [19:54] I have a curious compiz problem. The default alt-tab, as well as 'unrolled' desktop cubes, have all windows in white [19:54] a need to see my dns [19:54] other effects (shift switcher) show the window contents proper [19:54] Саламы [19:54] arthurmaciel Your sources list looks to have been modified and retouched. [19:54] do you hw can i doit by a console??? [19:54] anyone seen this? It's an ATI video card, installed driver with envy [19:54] !pm > cleus [19:54] cleus, please see my private message [19:55] Jack_Sparrow: oh, when I change in the program add/remove the source.list is modified, right? Yes, I've added some sources. How can I fix it now? [19:55] jadams__ envy from online or from our repos [19:55] si.. [19:55] Jack_Sparrow, repos [19:55] <_ZeuZ_|Away> !usplash [19:55] To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork [19:56] hi anyone can help me??? [19:56] arthurmaciel Adding your own sources can get you want you want for the moment but then an upgrade comes along and spoils your fun. [19:56] <_ZeuZ_|Away> cintia, most likely yes, but tell us the problem [19:56] its up side [19:56] i need to see my dns by a console [19:56] jadams__ just checking [19:56] _ZeuZ_|Away, [19:57] <_ZeuZ_|Away> cintia, cat /etc/resolv.conf [19:57] Jack_Sparrow: but removing the new sources, how can I make the system keep programs only from the original sourcers? [19:57] great [19:57] thanks _ZeuZ_|Away [19:57] <_ZeuZ_|Away> cintia, no problem [19:57] <_ZeuZ_|Away> cintia, btw I hadn´t noticed my nickname [19:57] arthurmaciel Going back is very difficult. all the more reason we try to get people to do backups and have seperate /home directories === _ZeuZ_|Away is now known as _ZeuZ_ [19:58] oh _ZeuZ_ [19:58] Jack_Sparrow: I do have separate home directory, but I really do not want to format or reinstall it. I'll see what I can do. Thanks [19:58] hi, where is fonts folder now in 8.04? [19:59] !fonts [19:59] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [19:59] helo [19:59] i need help [19:59] folder ! [19:59] hey folks, which port does aptitude runs on ? [19:59] is there a way to add themes like from a web site or somthing like that? [19:59] how do i check my laptops temp? i tried cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature and it says no such file or directory, but that used to work on 7.10. i'm using 64bit 8.04 atm. [19:59] gksudo nautilus fonts: none [20:00] !themes > thinman1189 (Please see the private messsage from ubottu) [20:00] thinman1189, please see my private message [20:00] yell0w, packages come from WEB servers. [20:00] if so whych 1 [20:00] !changethemes > thinman1189 (Please see the private messsage from ubottu) [20:00] hi..my ubuntu hardy has become extremely unstable and hangs very often...also the X session cannot start many times..and i am forced to reboot and pray...any ideas what could be the matter? [20:00] hash that page has the directory you seek, and lots of other info. see the section called manual install [20:00] can any 1 help me with the problem? [20:00] <_ZeuZ_> yell0w, 80, normal download [20:01] macd: i set ufw default to deny, so i think it block all outbounds, how do i fix it to allow apt to run [20:01] <_ZeuZ_> or 21 depending on repositories [20:01] !themes | Uriel_ [20:01] Uriel_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [20:01] no I puted that in console and that dir is not there [20:01] Jack_Sparrow: is it possible to update from 7.10 to 8.04 without reinstall? [20:01] pici: wrong person [20:01] macd: i tried ufw allow from to any port 80 [20:01] <_ZeuZ_> arthurmaciel, yes it is. [20:01] macd: still doesn't work [20:01] _ZeuZ_: how? [20:01] <_ZeuZ_> yell0w, what error does it bring? [20:01] arthurmaciel sure but if your system is messed up it may not work [20:01] how do i check my laptops temp? i tried cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature and it says no such file or directory, but that used to work on 7.10. i'm using 64bit 8.04 atm. [20:02] <_ZeuZ_> arthurmaciel, debians wayÑ change the repos to match hardy, and aptitude dist-upgrade [20:02] I want to browse installed fonts [20:02] !sensors | thinman1189 [20:02] thinman1189: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [20:02] yell0w, you should allow your ethernet cards IP access to outbound 80, so not, the other IP in there. [20:02] _ZeuZ_: no error on ufw, aptitude just won't grab the packges [20:02] _ZeuZ_: can you be a little bit more clear? what should I type into the consolo? [20:02] macd: the public ip ? [20:03] console* [20:03] yell0w, if thats your computers IP on the network, i.e. its directly attached to the internet and not through a router. [20:03] slart: thanks i'll check it out [20:03] <_ZeuZ_> yell0w for me it´s a network problem, non related at all with the firewall [20:04] <_ZeuZ_> arthurmaciel, that´s not a Linux user attitude, you cannot expect everything to be served on the table, and, by googlin you´ll find the answer [20:04] legend2440, thanks ill check it out :) [20:04] ok thx [20:05] macd: i've enabled it for all the ips, still no go [20:05] _ZeuZ_: oh, great. So on google will find how to make it. Maybe there I'll find a conduct code for linux users too, right? [20:05] yell0w, you most likely need to add the port for DNS also outgoing [20:05] hey how do u get new themes/interfaces i know that i can change collors myself but ive seen others with totaly different themes where can i get these and how do i use them? [20:06] <_ZeuZ_> arthurmaciel, go ask google search engine, first hit will give you information you need if you know how to search [20:06] <_ZeuZ_> macd, yell0w, better off: shut down ufw to test if it´s a network probelm [20:06] Uriel_: you can downlaod a theme manager..and upload custom themes [20:06] _ZeuZ_: i did that, it is [20:06] Uriel_: emerald theme manager is one [20:06] macd: 53 and 953 ? [20:06] arthurmaciel IS there not a box to click in system.. admin..update manager to get you to hardy [20:07] <_ZeuZ_> yell0w, when ufw is down, can you retrieve the -debs? [20:07] bonespur, do u have a sudo apt for that? [20:07] !themes | Uriel_ [20:07] Uriel_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [20:07] Uriel_: try searching in synaptic..not sure [20:07] yell0w, should just be 53 outgoing [20:07] !upgrade | arthurmaciel Might also want to look at this page [20:07] arthurmaciel Might also want to look at this page: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [20:07] yell0w, tcp at that [20:07] ok thank you both [20:08] Jack_Sparrow, _ZeuZ_ and genii: thanks. it is working [20:08] How can I see the devices of ubuntu? [20:08] err accessable from my ubuntu 804 OS [20:08] Ubuntu bug 804 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update (dup-of: 803)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/804 [20:08] Ubuntu bug 803 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/803 [20:08] !coc > arthurmaciel [20:08] arthurmaciel, please see my private message [20:09] I just recently reinstalled ubuntu from scratch, 8.0.4, on my thinkpad t43.p. Now it seems like my battery doesn't charge. I can't tell if it's a real hardware problem or the system is mis-reading it. The battery is only a year or so old (IBM replaceditdue to a recall) and if it were failing I would have expected it to fail less abruptly. [20:09] fg3: Usually lspci or lsusb for usb. If extreme degtails on entire system needed use sudo -vv lshw [20:09] thx [20:09] hi..i keep getting disk errors during boot (ata3:SError and the like) and X session doesnt start...usually happens when my comp hangs and i restart..how can i fix this? [20:10] fg3: Apologies just sudo lshw for that last one [20:10] * genii makes more coffee [20:10] andre_ Did you ever get your answer? [20:10] ok [20:11] Is it possible to enable direct rendering with an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950? and if so, how? [20:11] enderbean I think it will using the i915 tool.. but dont ask me how to do it,.. [20:12] I am not quite sure if the ffmpeg packages in medibuntu are really the latest version. is there any more up-to-date repository? [20:12] enderbean: it's not enabled already? [20:12] !info 915resolution [20:12] 915resolution (source: 915resolution): resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) [20:12] enderbean: mine "just works" [20:13] hi, im having alittle problem with installing muthbuntu 8.04 on my computer. im using the amd64 build on a athlon x2 64 4600+ [20:13] Jack_Sparrow: thanks I'll look into that. [20:13] when i reboot after the install is done [20:13] MrKennie: nope. Not according to glxinfo. [20:13] no boot sector is located [20:13] Jack_Sparrow: what was coc? [20:13] i have been googling some and it seems that theres alot of related problems [20:14] enderbean: ah k. [20:14] but in my case grub doesnt seem to be installed === braden_ is now known as zod21 [20:14] anyone know anything about this? [20:14] * AlexJP is recovering deleted files from the windows part [20:15] Could anyone suggest on how to connect a Hardy box to a Palm Treo? [20:16] Does anyone know of open source court reporter software for UBUNTU ??? [20:16] Im tryin to use TOSSIM with tinyOS on Hardy. I cant get the sim to work correctly. Does anyone have an idea as to why?? [20:17] houmala: What does this "court reporter" software need to be able to do? [20:17] hi i installed the latest nvidia drivers via envy and when i tried to add the hori and vert refresh rates for my monitor [20:17] the nvidia drivers got uninstalled or something === Brutuz_ is now known as |BsE|Brutus [20:17] people are still using envy? [20:18] well [20:18] houmala: court reporter software? what is that? (just out of curiosity) [20:18] macd: still not working [20:18] genome: Envy is in the repositories now. [20:18] still, is there any need when nvidia+compiz works out of the box? [20:18] the drivers that installed with ubuntu 8.04 hardy [20:18] had the same prob [20:18] i couldnt get my monitor past 640/480/60hz [20:18] court reporter software works with the transcription from the machine that the court reporter types into , i guess it converts the output to word processor like output [20:18] so i figured a new driver would detect my monitor settings [20:18] this is what glxinfo says [20:18] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [20:18] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [20:18] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [20:18] Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual [20:18] justin000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:19] !enter > justin000 [20:19] justin000, please see my private message [20:19] anyone ever get a palm treo working with ubuntu? [20:19] heh [20:19] justin000: what card do you have? [20:19] opps [20:19] houmala: ah.. one of those guys sitting in the court with a weird keyboard typing like bad things were chasing them =) [20:19] !grub | mib_2qj0j7 [20:19] mib_2qj0j7: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [20:19] right [20:19] houmala: never seen anything like that.. sorry [20:19] genome A more important question is what monitor does he have and what are the v/h specs [20:20] !restricted drivers | genome [20:20] genome: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:20] Jack_Sparrow: true. [20:20] there is a company that makes a cross platform product for sale [20:20] i researched my monitor and got the correct v/h specs [20:20] houmala: Ah, some stenography like tool then I imagine [20:20] hp p1120 [20:20] just looking for a no cost version [20:20] houmala Does it scan your trasnscript and create an expanded version based on your notes? [20:20] Hello all... does anybody have any good solution on how to convert a .xml file into a .csv in ubuntu 8.04? Openoffice doesnt open the file as a spreadsheet it seems. [20:20] FloodBot1 setzt einen Bann auf %justin000!*@* <--- nice way to help newbies [20:21] I haven't installed windows, only have one hd in the computer and i used all the disc for unbuntu [20:21] they will love the ubuntu IRC channel [20:21] Its just my 6200 had a quirk where it wouldnt enable certain resolutions untill I had run nvidia-xconfig [20:21] with the restricted drivers [20:21] or whatever its called [20:21] quicksilver|wrk: is an xml file really suited for cramming into a spreadsheet? [20:21] I am not too sure as i am trying to research this for a friend that needs to get away from windows and to linux. [20:21] mib_2qj0j7: is there a GRUB error number like 15 or 21? [20:21] claritylegalsoftware.com has it so you can see it [20:22] no error [20:22] could someone view my xorg and tell me what i should change? http://pastebin.com/d202afcf2 [20:22] Slart: Yes, it should be... The file opens in Excel, but I dont have Excel, obviously. heh. [20:22] cant find any boot loaders [20:22] Slart: It has proper tags, at least. [20:22] and theres no grub follder under the boot [20:22] quicksilver|wrk: hmm.. what happens if you start calc, select open file and open the file that way? [20:23] he only has one mode [20:23] justin000 Do you have a link to your monitor specs [20:23] on his screen 640x480 [20:23] Slart: Thats another funny thing I tried... Once I opened it, it opened in Openoffice wordprocessor. LOL. [20:24] system ive tried installing on a ide disk and a sata disk both using the guided used whole disc option and manual option where i specify a /boot partition [20:24] none seems to work [20:24] quicksilver|wrk: yes.. that's what I would expect.. either that or firefox [20:24] tried installing from wihtin the love cd and from the install option at boot [20:24] jacksparrow http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/lpv07097.pdf its on page 27 [20:25] justin000 going now, one sec [20:25] EvilDennisR: no lurk [20:25] love = live [20:25] okay thx [20:25] Slart: Yeah, pretty odd.... It gives me the "Text import" box, which looks like it would work.. but there is no "Separated by" that would work... It seems? [20:25] hey guys === xxxxxx is now known as Guest41651 [20:25] where is apache? i tried whereis apache and i get "apache:\n" [20:25] ? [20:25] Slart: Any other ideas? [20:25] dmacnutt: LURK! [20:25] anyone have any problems with gftp and hardy? [20:26] quicksilver|wrk: there should be some xml parsing tools somewhere.. you might try searching in synaptic [20:26] ozzloy: dpkg -L apache2 [20:26] or any ftp client at that. [20:26] cilaes: works for me [20:26] It connects fine, then when retrieving dir list it reports Error: Could not read from socket: Connection reset by peer [20:26] erUSUL: thanks [20:26] whereis apache2 did it === Crazyguy_ is now known as Crazyguy [20:26] Slart: cilaes huh? Ok, Ill give that a try... I looked in synaptic, but didnt know what to try... Ill give it a go and let you know.. Thanks. [20:27] quicksilver|wrk: I think that excel has the option to save the spreadsheet as xml, if the file was generated by excel, perhaps there is an oline tool that you could use to convert from xml to xls, then you should be able to open it with calc [20:27] houmala: I'm not finding much in the way of open source stenography software, unfortunately [20:27] cilaes: are you sure all the ports are open? [20:27] well nether did i, but thanks for the effort.... [20:27] cdecarlo: Nope, it was created via a web page, just simple tags. === Tizz is now known as Tizz__ [20:28] Slart, Yep. Like I said, it connect just fine. [20:28] justin000 what version of uubntu and what nvidia card are you running [20:28] quicksilver|wrk: you might have to write the conversion script yourself :( [20:28] Hi, i seem to be having a problem with Java. I have both Java Runtime and the Browser Plugin installed, but whenever i come across a site with Java in it Firefox says i dont have Java installed. Anyone know how to fix this? [20:28] Slart: Oh my. LOL. I checked synapted for cilaes. LOL... [20:29] cdecarlo: Yeah, thats what I was thinking... Unfortunately. :( [20:29] Jack_Sparrow: im using ubuntu 8.04 hardy 32bit with a pny geforce 6600gt 128meg [20:29] quicksilver|wrk: hehe.. find anything? ;) [20:29] Makuseru:: Let's start by taking a look at things from Firefox's point of view. [20:29] quicksilver|wrk: go get some coffee.. you shouldn't be using a computer at the state you're in =) [20:29] Slart: Nope, it was when cilaes said something that I noticed. LOL. [20:29] bobertdos: ok, what do i do? [20:29] justin000 LEts try something.. make a bakup of your xorg, and I will give you a new one to try [20:29] lol [20:30] Very true. :) [20:30] how do i make a backup again [20:30] Makuseru: First, type about:config into firefox. [20:30] quicksilver|wrk, I'm still in beta stages =] [20:30] bobertdos: alright [20:30] Anybody know a good channel for asking questions about working with .deb packages? === gardar`afk is now known as gardar [20:30] hi folks, my computer won't boot. it's stuck on the GRUB step [20:30] Awe well. Ill see what I can do with this for the time being. cilaes Good luck man :) [20:31] i have a problem with my microphone. Can anyone help me? [20:31] Jack_Sparrow: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup [20:31] right? [20:31] Makuseru: In the filter, type plugin_expose_full_path or something like that. [20:31] I have this .rpm package in which there is a .PPD file, how can i extract the rpm to get the .ppd (for cups btw)??? [20:31] quicksilver|wrk, let's hope. [20:32] Makuseru: When you find it, double click it to make it true. [20:32] Jack_Sparrow: ok i made the backup [20:32] bobertdos: i searched "plugin_expose_full_path" and got nothing [20:32] Makuseru: k, then just search for fullpath === niki77 is now known as nikola77 [20:33] GSMX: http://www.rpm-based.org/how-to-extract-the-content-of-a-rpm [20:33] bobertdos: its set to false [20:33] hello all [20:33] Makuseru: double click it to set to true [20:33] bobertdos: alright [20:34] Makuseru: Now, we'll be able to see where the Java Plugin is coming from. [20:34] Help [20:34] can some help me to config no-ip on ubuntu 8.04 [20:34] erUSUL: that's a package not available to apt... [20:34] My partions will not resize and split [20:34] bobertdos: alright [20:34] i've installed no-ip with apt-get install no-ip [20:34] Th ubuntu installer fails are resizing them [20:34] GSMX: then use alien to convert to tar.gz and extract it [20:34] Makuseru: Now go to about:plugins. [20:34] ok [20:34] justin000 Ok.. here is one to try.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/29076/ you know how to get back the other if this does not work .. correct? [20:34] And Gpart fails [20:34] and tried to config with no-ip -C [20:34] but no result [20:35] Jack_Sparrow: nope [20:35] hi folks, my computer won't boot. it's stuck on GRUB. During boot all it says is: "GRUB" and no loading... [20:35] bobertdos: alright [20:35] or have someone any documentation [20:35] Why can i divide a partion to install ubuntu on? [20:35] !partitioning [20:35] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [20:35] Makuseru: Do you see Java listed? [20:35] Jack_Sparrow: sorry I left there for a bit, I'm attempting to resolve my issue again ;) [20:35] bobertdos: no, i do not === Crazyguy_ is now known as Crazyguy [20:35] alright [20:35] Yeah i used gparted [20:35] it gives me an error [20:36] Chadd: Is the partition currently more than half-full of data before you are trying to cut it in half? [20:36] Makuseru: Did you install the Java plugin via Synaptic? [20:36] justin000 recovery mode.. and replace your xorg with your backup [20:36] bobertdos: Adept [20:36] no one can help>??? [20:36] k [20:36] justin000 or just let it boot to failsafe and do it [20:36] genii, no it isn't [20:36] justin000 good luck [20:36] genni, i have a 160 gb hard drive [20:36] Makuseru: You mean, apt-get or aptitude? [20:36] Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks [20:36] genni, 100 gigs are empty [20:36] bobertdos: aptitude [20:37] Chadd: Is it a Windows ntfs partition that has not had CHKDSK run on it recently? [20:37] genni, and yes i defragmented [20:37] Makuseru: sun-java6-plugin? [20:37] genni, chkdsk? what is that? [20:37] do IP table rules get lfushed on reboot? [20:37] Im tryin to use TOSSIM with tinyOS on Hardy. I cant get the sim to work correctly. Does anyone have an idea as to why?? [20:37] Does anyone know how I can make the output in the virtual terminals (command line) colored? I mean, now everything is white, is it posisble to get the output in different colors (comments white etc.) [20:37] bobertdos: yes [20:37] anyone that can help me here? [20:38] iQwerty: the output of what program? [20:38] ubottu: !help Legendario [20:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about help legendario [20:38] Chadd: chkdsk is the utility inside windows which scans the drive and makes sure there are no errors on it. If the disk is not marked clean by Windows, then gparted will refuse to do anything to it. [20:38] do IPtables' rules get lfushed on reboot? [20:38] Jack_Sparrow: glxinfo doesnt report that theres a nvidia driver installed still [20:38] Hi [20:38] genii, oh ahh ok that may just fix it, how do i use the command? [20:38] Quit [20:39] Makuseru: alright, get into the terminal [20:39] bobertdos: alright [20:39] Jack_Sparrow: if I disconnect my second drive (which isn't in Fstab) I get the following error: "grub hard disk error" [20:39] genni, ok well i went on wiki pedia executed the command it's not scanning [20:39] justin000 have you enabled the restricted drivers in the menu.. I dont know what all you have done manually trying to get this to work, but from the look of your old xorg, quite a bit [20:40] Makuseru: By the way, are you using the built-in version of Firefox or did you download from Mozilla? [20:40] genni, thanks alot nobody yesterday seemed to know the problem! [20:40] Jack_Sparrow: yea i had it enabled before [20:40] I have a problem with my recently installed ubuntu, can someone pm me and help me? [20:40] erUSUL: Everything that displays in a virtual terminal, dunno how to call it: I mean the black screen with white letters you see after you did a command-line install of ubuntu, so before booting into fluxbox or something like that [20:40] bobertdos: Mozilla [20:40] Makuseru: that's what I thought [20:40] * replace the word booting with starting fluxbox [20:40] Jack_Sparrow: then i uninstalled the nvidia drivers that came with hardy via envy, then i installed some newer versions [20:40] hey. is there any manual about building a .deb ? [20:40] Chadd: From inside Windows, go to Run then put cmd as the command. When it opens up text box: chkdsk C: /F It will ask to do it next boot. Select yes. Then reboot it and let it complete scan. [20:41] Makuseru: alright, get into firefox's directory (in opt, right?) [20:41] iQwerty: what i do not understand i what you want colored... the «ls» output? (it is by default iirc) the answers from apt-get ? ... [20:41] Jack_Sparrow: they were disabled again, so im going to try to enable then reboot [20:41] hi i've selected the wrong keyboard locale during install how can i change the default keyboard locale? [20:41] brb [20:41] justin000 use envy again. avoid the new nvidia ones [20:42] bobertdos: alright [20:42] Hail [20:42] Makuseru: you'll need to be in the plugins folder [20:42] An upgrade to Gutsy has switched my fstab to UUIDs (udev) and now I can't see /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdc1 - can someone point me at instructions to resolve this so I can see my other two drives again please? [20:42] Anyone have any idea why my gnome-appearance-properties > gtktheme viewer has a question mark on every theme except a couple? [20:42] erUSUL: Well, just everything that displays, different colors for different things, comments white for example and erros red [20:43] Thanks for the help everybody. Im just going to have to convert it myself. [20:43] TTYL all. :) [20:43] guys! need help installing a Canon MP145 all in one printer! [20:43] hi folks, my computer won't boot. it's stuck on GRUB. During boot all it says is: "GRUB" and no loading... if I disconnect my second drive (which isn't in Fstab) I get the following error: "grub hard disk error" [20:43] erUSUL: I was talking about output because I can ghet everything before the : colored (the prompt) [20:43] Is there a way to detect whether or not the currently booted kernel is the same version as the currently installed one? (ie, detect whether the kernel had received a security update since the last reboot) [20:43] iQwerty: as i see it comments only make sense ona text file inside an editopr. most cli editors support coloring you just have to turn it on [20:44] bobertdos: just a second, i was apparently in the wrong folder [20:44] anyone here has a Canon all in one printer? [20:44] iQwerty: as to errors red ... from any command?? i think that's not possible [20:44] ali3nx: System > Preferences > Keyboard, iirc [20:44] http://pastebin.org/55056 what does this mean? [20:44] Makuseru: You should ultimately be in /opt/firefox/plugins [20:44] I have a problem with ubuntu, when I try to update the OS it freezes, and sometimes it does it randomly >.< [20:44] s_spiff, based on general experience i would suggest visiting linuxprinting.org to find out which driver package you require for that printer [20:44] Hello, I'm having problems installing gcc's g++, when I go to configure it there's no install file to configure... am I going about this the wrong way? [20:45] ali3nx: okies.. thanks [20:45] s_spiff: Yes, but mine works out of the box. [20:45] suppertime, uh, sudo apt-get intsall g++ is the usual [20:45] !software | suppertime [20:45] suppertime: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents [20:45] bobertdos: it says that dosnt exist [20:45] tonyyarusso, yeah i tried that but no dice. i'm still gettin a french canadian keyboard map when the gui claims to be usa [20:46] ali3nx: May need to restart X. (ctrl-shift-backspace I believe) [20:46] Makuseru: Where did you install firefox then? Your .mozilla directory? [20:46] didn't think so, but maybe [20:46] bobertdos: i dont know, it was a .deb that in installed it from [20:46] nice, forums are down. [20:46] =\ [20:47] tonyyarusso, i'll doublecheck what it's set to on that system [20:47] Makuseru: Oh, then maybe you should search for it. [20:47] bobertdos: alrifhrt [20:47] aalright* [20:49] why are there question marks beside each theme in gnome-appearance-properties [20:49] Anyone know how to change the database association in a Writer form in OpenOffice? It keeps bombing on me. [20:49] erm, when I said Gutsy, I meant Hardy, obviously ;-) [20:50] Jack_Sparrow: i can use different res's now but i cant go over 60hz [20:50] hi folks, my computer won't boot. it's stuck on GRUB. During boot all it says is: "GRUB" and no loading... if I disconnect my second drive (which isn't in Fstab) I get the following error: "grub hard disk error" [20:50] when I run xdriinfo it tells me Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":20.0". How do I add this extension? [20:50] erUSUL: Well, on GENTOO quite a lot of things where colored: http://lwn.net/images/gentoo_devel/lwn_gentoo_development_1.png and http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/sendEmail-help.jpg, which improved readaility [20:50] NiceGuyUK: You can use sudo fdisk -l to figure out what partitions are which and then use sudo blkid /dev/sdb1 (or whatever) to figure out the correct UUID's which you can use in your fstab file [20:51] thanks ASULutzy will give it a whirl [20:51] justin000 All of the presets I used are 60, change them yourself.. but use caution.. you are running a crt [20:51] Hi is there any player in the packages for realplayer files such as rm? [20:51] erUSUL: Now since I'm a linux noob and still exploring which distro I shall choose I don't know how to get that in ubuntu [20:51] Jack_Sparrow: ok, all i want is 85hz [20:51] Jack_Sparrow: should i change the presets via xorg.conf? [20:51] plouffe: there is realplayer for Linux in the partner repository, I believe [20:52] bobertdos: looking for a way to search, cant find anything besides strigi, which never works for me [20:52] Hi. so i've enabled dual monitors using nvidia-settings (and xinerama). however my compiz and my avant window navigator are disabled and my wallpaper is split between the screens. does anyone know how I can remedy this? [20:52] iQwerty: well al i can say is thet ebuild does uses colors for its output but apt no :| nothing you can do about it (except writte patches to make apt output coloriced this is open source ;P) [20:52] justin000 save a copy of the one we just made.. [20:52] HymnToLife: the partner repository? [20:52] Makuseru: Actually, I'd just search graphically (under System), it's just easier that way. [20:52] what are cd rom drives usuall called in the device list? [20:52] erUSUL: ok, well thanks anyway for the knowledge! [20:53] HymnToLife: how do I include this? [20:53] iQwerty: using colors or not for ptrogram output is something particular for every app not something you can switch on/off globally [20:53] !medibuntu | plouffe [20:53] plouffe: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [20:53] plouffe: it should be in your repositories list in synaptic, but sdisabled [20:53] or uncomment it in your sources.list [20:53] Jack_Sparrow: ok i did that, i use res 1024/768 [20:54] i'm getting lots of PC beeps, has anyone got any idea how i might debug? [20:54] hi folks, my computer won't boot. it's stuck on GRUB. During boot all it says is: "GRUB" and no loading... if I disconnect my second drive (which isn't in Fstab) I get the following error: "grub hard disk error" [20:54] Jack_Sparrow: and for gaming i use 800/600 85hz [20:54] ok thanks [20:54] ph8: more pls [20:54] * nullcool_ haciendo prueba 1 [20:54] erUSUL: ah, k, I was thinking more of a dreamweaver like button: turn coloring of/on :) [20:55] bobertdos: ok, found it, sorry about that [20:55] andre_: looks like a disk problem, try booting off the live cd and running some checks, you might need to reinstall grub [20:55] fr4nk-k: That's all i know === Swagger is now known as swagger [20:55] it might be related to heat, but i've taken the side off and it seems fine [20:55] Does anyone know what maybe causing my system to freeze up in ubuntu 8.04? it happens when i try to update [20:55] Makuseru, not a problem :) [20:55] ph8: When do yo get the beeps? [20:55] d-snp: what kind of checks? [20:55] intermittently, in patches [20:55] d-snp: I can look up how to re-install grub [20:55] Makuseru: So navigate to wherever that is in the terminal. [20:56] andre_: like fsck perhaps, not sure what kind of graphical utilities ubuntu offers [20:56] ph8: hm, i never heard of that prob... sorry [20:56] Makuseru: again, plugins folder is what you want to be in [20:56] how can i get the bottom taskbar back on ubuntu i deleted it by mistake [20:56] hi [20:56] nuri28: hi [20:56] ASULutzy: blkid didn't return anything. I did fdisk /dev/sdc and rewrote the type to 83 (even though it already was set) and now blkid works. Weird that I had to re-apply the partition type though. Might be a bug somewhere? [20:56] Uhh, I just burned a DVD with the built-in CD/DVD Creator interface, and after it ejected the disk when it was done, it won't let me eject the tray! There's no disk in there at all and it's not mounted! What gives? [20:56] bobertdos: alright, im there [20:56] andre_: you can just run fschk /dev/nameofdisk and google the results :) [20:56] Hey the chkdsk/f option will not work because the volume is being used but when i reboot it says nothing was fixed [20:57] or browse around in the utilities on the livecd if something looks like a diskchecker [20:57] is there anygirl for chatting [20:57] NiceGuyUK: Did you sudo with blkid? For me blkid /dev/sda1 returns nothing, but sudo blkid /dev/sda1 does, member of the disk group and what not [20:57] !ot | nuri28 [20:57] nuri28: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [20:57] Hello which is the easiest virtual machine to hook up and use? [20:57] Makuseru: now try typing this: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so [20:58] ASULutzy: yup, definitely sudo'ed [20:58] d-snp: yes will try that [20:58] NiceGuyUK: Weird, no clue then ;) [20:58] Hi. so i've enabled dual monitors using nvidia-settings (and xinerama). however my compiz and my avant window navigator are disabled and my wallpaper is split between the screens. does anyone know how I can remedy this? [20:58] But yeah, how do I tell ubuntu to release the lock on a CD drive that has no disk in it? [20:58] bobertdos: alright [20:58] ASULutzy: no worries, works now, thats the main thing :) Cheers for the heads-up on blkid, not seen that one before [20:58] Makuseru: I'd recommend copying and pasting. [20:59] bobertdos: i already did it [20:59] Makuseru: alright, now type: ls [20:59] hi [20:59] is there any girl for chatting [20:59] !ot | nuri28 [20:59] nuri28: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [20:59] Makuseru: Do you see an aqua libjavaplugin_oji.so there? [21:00] bobertdos: yes, i do === vices is now known as vices-nap [21:00] Makuseru: good, now if you need to, restart firefox and try java again [21:00] hey i used the chkdsk/f command in windows and it will not fix it even when i reboot [21:00] bobertdos: alright, just a second [21:01] right im stuck now :( i cant get my dual screen to work properly with ny nvidia graphics card and i deleted my bottom tasc bar :( [21:01] bobertdos: it works. thank you very much! [21:02] Makuseru: you're welcome [21:02] how can I see if there's any op here? [21:02] or in any other channel [21:03] fr4nk-k: /names and look for the @ [21:03] jbroome: k thx [21:03] Nobody knows how to force Ubuntu to let me eject an empty CD tray? [21:04] i set up a web cam on ubuntu 8.04 server works fine how do i stop it [21:04] Jouva: on the command line, type: eject and hit enter [21:04] mulacabu: after an embarrassing incident involving much nudity, I use a cardboard box [21:04] what permissions and user:group should be set on /etc/bugzilla ? [21:04] there is a mouse tooltip permanently open on my screen. i dont know which program created it, and i cant xkill it. other than restarting X, how might i get rid of it? [21:04] Anyone know if "iptables" rules.. (if I set a bunch) if they get flushed after I reboot? [21:05] i copied over the directory and copied it back as root and now i'm getting 500 internal server errors. where are the server logs located? [21:05] afallenhope: they are [21:05] fr4nk-k: Nope. Denied. "Unable to find an open device for: cdrom" [21:05] erUSUL, okay.. so if I set a bunch right now.. when I reboot they'll be erased? [21:05] afallenhope: right [21:05] err something like that, but still denied. [21:06] Is there an ubuntu theme channel? [21:06] Jouva: means Ubuntu doesn't recongize your CDROM drive? [21:06] erUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/29085/ I have those rules I'm going to apply.. just wanted to know if that's okay [21:06] or gtk theme channel? [21:06] someone knows if ubuntu hardy works with wpa2 (AES) ? [21:07] CrocoJet, sure works here [21:07] CrocoJet: That tends to depend on the driver you use for your vard. [21:07] CrocoJet: I think that's more of an issue with the card or specific driver of said card. But that's all I can say [21:07] oh ok [21:07] Jouva: try "eject /media/cdrom0" [21:07] just networkmanager refuses to keep the settings for my wpa2 [21:07] Help when i use the chkdsk/f command to fix my frives to i can split the partion it doesn't work and says rrestart and it will check volume and fix it, the problem is it doesn't [21:07] fr4nk-k: Problem is it's not mounted ;) [21:07] ok [21:08] thanks [21:08] tonyyarusso, still there? [21:08] It's just... locked. [21:08] Jouva: hmm [21:08] The drive itself is locked with no media in there [21:09] Jouva: maybe just try restarting? [21:09] Jouva: Use a paper clip? [21:09] And I do not believe it is stuck. I haven't seen the light come on. [21:09] ciao [21:09] Jouva: They make that little paperclip hole for a reason ;) [21:09] command eject ? [21:09] ASULutzy: Unfortunately I do not have such an object or similar available [21:09] !list [21:09] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [21:10] chad, try booting from windows install cd and use the recovery console to run chkdsk [21:10] ok [21:10] I hope biful isn't looking for l33t Linux warez in here [21:10] also [21:10] another problem [21:10] when i start my comp [21:10] it says dos not found [21:10] chad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:10] so i have to put in the ubuntu cd [21:10] Hey guys do you know how can i install a-man ? [21:10] then boot from harddisk [21:10] i think i need to get jave runtime what is the terminal command? [21:10] anyone able to help with adding a pre-up line to /etc/network/interfaces to get wireless lan working at 54M instead of the 1M it loads after reboot? [21:10] chad: enter is not puncuation ;) [21:10] hehehe [21:11] chad, which windows versio were you using? [21:11] Hey guys do you know how can i install a-man ? [21:11] yassine_, what might that be? [21:11] Version? [21:11] yassine lol [21:11] i've tried adding pre-up iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M to the file but it doesn't like it. i then have to boot from live cd to re-edit the file to get it to go back to how it was. where do i put the pre-up line? [21:11] chad, yes. win 98? xp? [21:11] I'm using windows xp and i'm trying to install the newest version of ubuntu [21:12] speaking of l33t warez, this channel has/had about 1337 people/bots in it :o [21:12] i need to use chkdsk in order to split the partions [21:12] But anyway [21:12] I am trying to get Ubuntu (Newest version) to run in full graphics mode on a macbook pro. Can someone please help me. I have tried google, and none of those answers worked [21:12] ali3nx : i want to install a-msn to connect to msn that s it :) [21:12] chad: why do you wanna split your partition? [21:12] split partitions with gparted [21:13] so i can dual boot ubuntu and windows [21:13] not chkdisk [21:13] ok i d/loaded a app and when i click on it nothing happens any thoughts [21:13] chad: you don't need to, hehehe the ubuntu disk will do that for you [21:13] Jack_Sparrow: how do i enable 85hz for 1024/768 [21:13] yassine_: gksu apt-get install amsn [21:13] :P [21:13] Whenever I boot my system, I get a text screen saying that I have an undefined video mode, and that I need to choose another. How do I set the video mode in concrete? [21:13] !gparted [21:13] gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [21:13] ok [21:14] thx [21:14] Or look for "amsn" in synaptic package manager [21:14] without the hyphen [21:14] chad: all you need to do is decide how big the partition for ubuntu should be [21:14] you can use pidgin for msn too [21:14] Yes that too [21:14] swagger: He's already been down the wubi road. We suggested he try this yesterday. [21:15] ohhhh [21:15] that lol [21:15] backup and defrag windows [21:15] anyone know the command for get-app geting me java? [21:15] heyhey [21:15] chad: to split your partition use gparted, or use partition magic [21:16] hi everyone [21:16] chad: gparted is on the live-cd [21:16] kcman: apt-get or aptitude can be used to get any of the sun-java6 packages. [21:16] Hi all, I'm currently testing ubuntu to run from a liveCD on a PII 233Mhz 96MB RAM 2.9GB HDD and I need to know about the viability of running linux with some kind of GUI [21:16] you can download gparted on clubic.com [21:16] bobertdos thank you sir [21:17] chad: chkdsk is fsck in linux it isn't for splitting partition [21:17] kcman: My pleasure sir [21:17] hello? [21:18] um... [21:18] !hi | blahblahblahhelp [21:18] blahblahblahhelp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [21:18] !xubuntu > Yooshi [21:18] Yooshi, please see my private message [21:18] Hi All: Does anybody know wireless card(USB prefered) which works with Ubuntu 8.4 out of the box ? [21:18] omg thanx i need help and after hours of searchig thru mindless teen chat rooms i have found u people [21:19] tomvolek [21:19] sooo can u guys help [21:19] wich cards to you have? [21:19] blahblahblahhelp: we can if you ask a question.. [21:19] Hi, does anybody know whether pulseaudio suppose to run in system mode or in a gnome-session? [21:19] * J-_ has asked question [21:19] blahblahblahhelp: my telepathy isn't working great today.. [21:19] lol mine too [21:19] deathhowner ? [21:19] bobertdos so I could install xubuntu from ubuntu or would I be better off going straight to xubuntu? [21:20] Trying to restart networking and i'm gettign something about postfix/main.cf not existing, did I miss a step? :o [21:20] wo [21:20] oh right um i wanna switch to ubuntu but im afraid te data on my windows wont go on to it [21:20] tomvolek > wich cards do you have [21:20] 我 [21:20] 什么 [21:20] bobertdos, the CDROM drive is pretty slow... wonder if I could install a DVDROM on a PII? [21:20] save your window datas [21:20] so ya [21:20] vknet: the preferred way of doing things is to launch it using gnome. If you have the esound compatibility package installed you can get gnome to launch it by making sure 'system sounds' are turned on in system > Preferences > sound [21:20] yooshi install xubuntu its better [21:20] Blinkenlights: it shoudl be in /etc/postifx/main.cf [21:21] deathwowner... I am lookign for a card that works with Ubuntu 8.4 out of the box, no need for driver downlaod , etc. [21:21] for your configuration [21:21] so how do i switch to ibuntu and take my WoW and everything else [21:21] deathowner but I could install xubuntu from ubuntu or whats the difference? [21:21] kyncani: It is...my error... open /etc/postfix/main.cf no such file or directory... apologies for half information >.< [21:21] my keyboard map was set to the wrong locale during install and the keyboard system prefs utils havent been able to change it to the correct setting. anyone know how to set the keyboard locale manually? [21:21] yooshi , graphic interface is the difference [21:22] hey guys! do you know of any nice network monitoring tools? I saw some free proprietary package some time ago but i can't remember the name... [21:22] <__yy_> Yooshi: you could do that, the only difference between ubuntu and xubuntu is the packages that are installed, you can switch from one to the other without reinstalling [21:22] Blinkenlights: well, have you checked if the file exists ? [21:22] Yooshi: the difference is that xubuntu is more resource friendly [21:22] <__yy_> Yooshi: without reinstalling the OS that is [21:22] ... this is confusing sooo many people [21:22] bartmon, wireshark [21:22] Yooshi: I'd recommend the alternate install CD for your system. [21:22] yeah me too for yooshi [21:23] ok cool will do that then [21:23] does anyone know of any good screencast programs that dont crash? [21:23] istanbul crashes when i use it [21:23] Kyncani: It doesn't exist but it's a clean install, I'm not familiar with it so I dont know what should and shouldn't be there, but main.cf is -not- [21:23] ali3nx: I'm looking for more statistical data, not just all traffic on a LAN. [21:23] i use recordmydesktop :) [21:23] Blinkenlights: do you have a /etc/init.d/postfix file ? [21:23] deathowner: i think i tried that but i'll check it out again [21:24] bartmon: ethereal? [21:24] meoblast001: recordmydesktop [21:24] ok so i should just put in my cd and when ubuntu or xubuntu loads (i havent chosen which one yet) all my stuff that was on my xp will be on ubuntu or xbuntu [21:24] Someone might know the answer to my question(s). In gnome-appearance-settings, I go into customize a theme, but GTK themes have a question mark over the theme picture(or preview) and some themes change, and some don't. How can I fix this? [21:24] bartmon, gentoo has decent website for browsing available linux software names and related info. perhaps research a bit there. packages.gentoo.org [21:24] Hi All: Does anybody know wireless card(USB prefered) which works with Ubuntu 8.4 out of the box ? [21:24] dokwerk, ethereal is now wireshark [21:24] funkyHat: the pulseaudio-esound-compat is installed and play system sound is ticked. nevertheless pulsaudio is not running: ps aux | grep pulse. [21:25] oh, sorry [21:25] there's so many apps it's difficult to pick one [21:25] ...ill find someoneelse to hlp [21:25] <__yy_> blahblahblahhelp: definitely not, your stuff will not be saved, you need to back it up somehwere else before installing ubuntu [21:25] tomvolek , it's depending on your usb card [21:25] Whenever I boot my system, I get a text screen saying that I have an undefined video mode, and that I need to choose another. How do I set the video mode in concrete? [21:25] tomvolek, most wireless devices that use the madwifi drivers have the best support for linux [21:26] tomvolek, madwifi website has a list of supported devices [21:26] kyncani: No I don't [21:26] hi there [21:27] Blinkenlights: mmh, then nothing should look for a postfix/main.sf file afaik. What command gave you this non-existant main.cf file error ? [21:27] is gtk-recordmydesktop any good [21:27] guys, I just want to know what cards does Ubuntu 8 (kernel) support natively. so I dont have to do any driver build , etc myslef [21:27] anybody ever heard of something causing about 150 processes of python to run?? [21:27] Just get a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG. they work out of the box [21:27] anyone got XChat who can tell me how to enable the user list at the right? lol :p [21:27] :D === sean is now known as Guest44751 [21:27] hey all, i just upgraded my ubuntu install and now i get dropped into a busybox session, how do i go about fixing this? [21:28] hey i cant get the theme installer to open [21:28] J-_ have u used the Intel pro with Ubun 8 (hardy) [21:28] kyncani: /etc/init.d/networking restart and after that the computer stopped responding from the internet, however I am copying a main.cf for now [21:28] can someone help ? [21:28] i got a ram usage of 1gb during idle [21:28] tomvolek: I have the wireless card in my laptop. The one I mentioned. It works awesome. === shevek is now known as Guest57980 [21:29] u pluged it and it worked J-_ [21:29] tomvolek: it's built in. [21:29] awsome .. [21:29] it's not external [21:29] can someone tell me how to rin the theme installer [21:29] Aha, I found the user lsit [21:29] i am tired of trying to get these wireless cards working .. i have doe 5 of these [21:29] *list [21:29] its hell [21:30] tomvolek, often doing research on devices that work is something you should try not to avoid. if a device driver works in linux it may work on any distro [21:30] J-_ do u know a web site which lists these [21:30] ust happens that madwifi offers a list of those supported devices that are related to that driver =] === macd_ is now known as macd [21:31] tomvolek: google. [21:31] find one usb device on the list and go shopping [21:31] anyone configured a canon all in one printer on a AMD64 system? [21:31] craaaap [21:31] nado: Go to Administration>System Monitor [21:31] hi is this ubuntu? [21:32] hi [21:32] hi [21:32] led25: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [21:32] hi [21:32] And sort by memory [21:32] I thought I drop by here since the forums are down [21:32] oops [21:32] Does anyone know how to change the startup picture? the one that is set when "login" comes up. im using ubuntu/compiz/emerald [21:32] nathan___ been there, then what? [21:32] Does anyone know how to change the default GTK+GDM themes in a custom Live CD of ubuntu? [21:32] What's highest in terms of usage? [21:32] jokkaa gdm themes [21:32] anyone know a graphic way of monitoring systemp, cpu etc? i used a program way back in dapper but i don't remember the name and can't seem to find anything. [21:32] Jack_Sparrow, gdm themes? [21:33] thinman: conky? htop? [21:33] nathan___ you missed the point of my problem.... i got 1gig ram usage because of the about 150 python processes running [21:33] jokkaa Separ Are you running gnome for wm [21:33] yea [21:33] <__yy_> nado: have you considered not running so many python processes? [21:33] billgoldberg: they don't ring a bell but i'll look into them === erichammond1 is now known as erichammond [21:34] __yy_: that's it! thanks! [21:34] of course i did [21:34] i'd like to kill em, but if i do, x crashes [21:34] Separ you can get new gdm themes and drop them onto the open login manager [21:34] i got no idea where they come from [21:34] anyone here has configured a scanner+printer (canon) on a x64 system? [21:35] nado: you've looked what their parent was ? [21:35] where's The Right Place (/etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc don't have anything obvious) to change the default umask? [21:35] <__yy_> nado: do no idea what they're doing? Are they using CPU or just sitting there? What process spawned them? Do they have any files open? [21:35] kyncani: sorry i don't know what you mean [21:36] Jack_Sparrow, got it. thx [21:36] .channels [21:36] local: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [21:36] jokkaa cool [21:36] __yy_: process table says just "python", nothing else. they just use up my ram [21:36] Jack_Sparrow, I meant adding them to a chroot and then making an ISO. The theme is present on the ISO but it is not set as the default, is there a way to set it as default? [21:36] whoami [21:36] someone help with theme installer ... it wont load [21:36] Separ I dont help people remaster their own iso's.. [21:37] led25: This is the official channel, yes. How may we help you? [21:37] Jack_Sparrow, thanks anyway [21:37] nado: system monitor, check the processes, then view->dependencies. This may show you which process has spawned all thesepython interpreters. [21:37] juha^^: are you a communist? === gaurav__ is now known as gaurav_ [21:37] kyncani: thanks, just a sec... [21:37] hello [21:38] led25, yeah [21:40] Hello, Phoenix [21:40] Anyone know how to use ufw/ [21:40] ah, all sorted, cheers anyway [21:40] :-(can i get some help with the theme installer :-( [21:40] kyncani: don't know if that's what you meant, but i can activate a tree-like view, then the processes are all listed under kdeinit [21:40] bobertdos, never thought someone could reply :) [21:40] but thanks [21:40] Hi... can anyone explain how i can get lirc to be able to close applications? [21:41] :-(can i get some help with the theme installer :-( [21:41] hi folks, my computer won't boot. it's stuck on GRUB. During boot all it says is: "GRUB" and no loading... if I disconnect my second drive (which isn't in Fstab) I get the following error: "grub hard disk error" [21:41] dstrbdfrk Please hold down the repeats.. [21:41] phoenix: Just a tip for future reference. Don't wait for someone to answer, just ask. [21:42] dstrbdfrk: anything https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy doesn't cover ? [21:42] Thanks for the tip, but I didnt have anything to ask.. I just wanted some chat [21:42] phoenix try #ubuntu-offtopic for chat [21:42] Fresh install of ubuntu. Sound works perfectly, except for in flash.. I don't hear anything. I'm using a usb headset as my output device. Any ideas why flash-sound doesn't work? the videos play perfectly. [21:43] andre_: are you certain the disk is good and funtioning? [21:43] hi, i tried to view the properties of a file, a 6.6 mpeg and for 10 minutes it has said "creating properties window." what's taking so long, is it hashing the file? it should be done already. can i change this behavior? [21:43] milligan: most likely because you are using a usb headset [21:43] Anyone who can help with remastering an ISO? [21:43] try switching to ALSA [21:43] I have been using Kubuntu, I installed ubuntu-desktop, but the option to boot a gnome session never showed up [21:43] Any ideas why? [21:43] Jack.. don't know where it is.. I'm newbie to IRC [21:44] <__yy__> TimS: on the login screen there should be an option to change your session [21:44] Separ We try to keep this channel for ubuntu support and not for helping people create their own. [21:44] __yy__: Yes, but its not in the list [21:44] billgoldberg, isn't it ALSA that controls the sound, and sends it to the usb headset ? [21:44] I have KDE and KDE4, just no gnome [21:44] phoenix /join #putchannelhere [21:44] milligan; I think PulseAudio does it in hardy [21:44] i meant to say 6.6gigabyte mpeg -> hi, i tried to view the properties of a file, a 6.6GB mpeg and for 10 minutes it has said "creating properties window." what's taking so long, is it hashing the file? it should be done already. can i change this behavior? [21:44] hey i open my theme installer it says at the bottom startng theme installer but then it goes away... nothing happens any suggestions??????:'( [21:44] Fine Jack_Sparrow, I'll leave :( [21:44] how can i make a dir/partation user mountable? [21:45] Thanks Jack [21:45] phoenix np [21:45] <__yy__> panfist: what do you need from the properties window, there's almost definitely another way to get the same info [21:45] billgoldberg, I'm new to ubuntu, so very unsure how stuff works. What do you suggest I do? Change the output to ALSA in System -> Preferences -> Sound .. ? [21:45] hml: sudo nautilus find the folder right click permissions tab [21:45] yes [21:45] milligan: yes [21:45] !gksudo | Blaqlight hml [21:45] Blaqlight hml: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [21:45] and it might be neccesary to log out and back in or remove pulseaudio [21:46] billgoldberg, would that require a reboot, or can I just change and go ? [21:46] ah, right [21:46] Blaqlight Please dont suggest sudo nautilus to users.. it is dangerous to their systems [21:46] I think you'll need to log out and back in [21:47] hml Please use gksudo nautilus and be very careful [21:47] surley out of 1321 people someone can help me with my theme installer not starting lol ............................................ [21:47] While I'm here, how do I connect to my openssh server from nautilus. I tried ssh://user@server/ but it didn't work. It said "couldn't find /home/username/ssh:// ... [21:47] * Blaqlight quits === slayton is now known as neuromit [21:47] billgoldberg, yep, you were right about the usb headset being the problem. Didn't have to log out though :) [21:47] dstrbdfrk: What is theme installer? [21:48] :p [21:48] <__yy__> billgoldberg: have you tried user@server:/path/to/whatever ? [21:48] nope [21:48] will try it [21:48] <__yy__> billgoldberg: no gaurentees here, but that's the syntax scp uses, so it's worth a try. [21:48] hi [21:48] pici:its under allpication/other it lets you install other themes than human [21:49] dstrbdfrk: What version of Ubuntu are you running and where did you get this Theme Installer? Thats not the recommended way of installing themes. [21:49] nado: sry, I was doing smthing else. Everything under kdeinit ? You're outta luck [21:49] how do i completely remove all traces of bugzilla so i can restart from scratch? [21:49] __yy__: nope doesn't work [21:49] the current kernel in hardy is 2.6.24-16, right? is there a newer "testing" kernel i can install somehow? i have read something about 2.6.24-19 [21:49] pici:its hardy 8.04 it came stock with the install [21:50] infact i JUST reinstalled it like 5 min ago lol [21:50] dstrbdfrk: What desktop environment are you running? Gnome? KDE? [21:50] nado: because then the only thing you know is that it was a kde app that has solicited some service that's implemented with python (i think) [21:50] <__yy__> moldy_: you can compile your own kernel if you want bleeding edge... I wouldn't reccomend it unless you have a good reason though [21:50] I'm asking open nautilus and ssh because I've switched to fluxbox on my main pc and I can't use the "connect to server" script in "places anymore [21:50] moldy_: [......]19 is the latest official kernel, actually [21:50] anyone? how do i uninstall a package I've installed using -force-architecture? [21:50] moldy: current stable kernel in 8.04.1 is already at 2.6.24-19, and there's 2.6.24-20 in hardy-proposed [21:50] dstrbdfrk system.. pref.. appearance... drop your theme onto the open manager [21:51] kyncani: crap... unfortunately i don't know when that problem occured for the first time [21:51] When I connect on my latop using plain old ubuntu, naulitus lists the server as sftp://user@server/path . This doesn't work when you type it [21:51] ok where do you get the new theme? [21:51] I have an old MD array and im trying to zero the superblocks, but its saying failed to open device for write, any ideas? [21:51] glitsj16: what do i have to do to see the .19? aptitude search does not show it [21:51] nado: and as I assumed you're using a kde desktop, you must have many kde apps .. [21:51] nado: and as I assume (not assumed) you're using a kde desktop, you must have many kde apps .. [21:51] that's right... [21:51] Can somebody ban mybikinis ? [21:52] anyone here can tell me how to uninstall a package installed using dpkg -i --force-architeture ??????????????/ [21:52] Strange because fish://user@server/ in konqueror works. [21:52] It just spammed me when I joined. [21:52] glitsj16: oh, i just read that i need 2.6.25 actually. can i install this whithout compiling it myself? [21:52] go|dfish Will have a word with him [21:52] Hello [21:52] nado: yeah, well it suck, the process tree won't help you (and I'm out ouf idea right now) [21:52] I need to know if Ubuntu 7.10 will support my network card. [21:52] moldy_: that one you will have to compile yourself yes, i think only intrepid has that [21:53] Its a Linsys Compact Wireless-G USB Adapter [21:53] is there any reason Ubuntu uses mawk instead of gawk? Apparently gawk is the same speed nowadays, and a GNU project. mawk is less feature-full and doesn't even follow many POSIX regex rules. [21:53] glitsj16: it's not possible to use a backport of the kernel from intrepid? === Devil360 is now known as Fjear [21:53] PrayForPlaugues: First of all, I'd really highly recommend upgrading to Hardy. Second, I would check out the wiki too see if Gutsy supports your card. You could always search the net too. [21:54] kyncani: hmm I'll try to reduce all processes to a minimum, maybe i'll find the source of the problem [21:54] thanks anyway [21:54] Does anyone know if a Linksys Compact Wireless-G USB adapter will work in 7.10??? [21:54] moldy_: might be possible yes, might also create dependency hell .. is there anything special you need the -25 for ? === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [21:54] My drives can only be mounted from root.. how do i change this? [21:54] glitsj16: yes, the NIC in a thin client === Fjear is now known as Devil360 [21:54] pray for plaugeus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport [21:55] glitsj16: the driver in .24 is broken, and earlier kernels seem to have other fatal issues :-/ [21:55] jeffwheeler: I don't know about this mawk/gawk thing, but here both are installed and awk links to gawk [21:55] glitsj16: seems to be this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/229113 [21:55] kyncani: this is a clean install of Hardy Heron; did you upgrade? I wonder if it used to be gawk. [21:55] Launchpad bug 229113 in linux "Installation/Kernel crash with RTL8101E Ethernet" [Unknown,Fix released] [21:56] jeffwheeler: it's not an upgrade, but I've installed a great deal of additionnal packages [21:56] glitsj16: out of curiosity: why do i not see the 24-19 kernel? [21:56] moldy_: i see, well, it's either compile yourself or if you have the spare HD space you could install Intrepid and test it from there [21:57] I'm asking again Does anyone know how to connect to a openssh server from nautilus? [21:57] billgoldberg: File -> Connect to Server -> SSH [21:57] jeffwheeler: looking a little, it seems like ubuntu-minimal depends on mawk and not on gawk [21:57] moldy_: you might have to look at your sources.list and check which repositories you have active in there, you should see it at least [21:57] jeffwheeler: I'm on fluxbox [21:58] billgoldberg: but you're running Nautilus? [21:58] yup [21:58] need help wih cam [21:58] jeffwheeler: yeah, it looks like a standard default install will only install mawk .. [21:58] thunar doesn't do ssh [21:58] what im lets me ues cam?? [21:58] billgoldberg: so, can you get a standard Nautilus window open? Do you have gnome-vfs stuff installed? [21:59] glitsj16: ah, now i see the driver. how painful is a hardy -> intrepid upgrade ? [21:59] s/driver/kernel [21:59] billgoldberg, you trying to do scp? [21:59] could use some help if someone can spare it... [21:59] moldy: there is no upgrade from hardy to intrepid yet, as INtrepid is still in alpha testing fase [21:59] bbarto1: ask your question, don't ask to ask [22:00] glitsj16: ok, thanks for your help. [22:00] jeffwheeler, thor: I was able to use nautilus to browse my openssh server by using "places -> connect to server", I now switched to fluxbox. So I presume I have everything I need to get nautilus handeling ssh [22:00] guys.. i have a all in one printer, by canon, and altho the printer is working fine, GIMP cannot detect the scanner.. what to do? [22:00] i will either buy the other client or compile the kernel myself. [22:00] i installed icrii from the repos... can't find anything to open it or any helpful help files... [22:00] billgoldberg: so, are you able to open a Nautilus window by running `nautilus`? [22:00] billgoldberg, you can browse the server in thunar by installing fusesmb. [22:01] jeffwheeler: yes, with the -nodesktop behind it [22:01] bbarto1: you mean irssi? Its a cli program, there is no GUI. [22:01] billgoldberg, but that isn't via ssh...it is just the normal windows 'network neighbourhood' [22:01] no ircii [22:01] s_spiff Quite common for the pronters to work on all in ones and not the scanner and other pats, there is a $ driver that you can get for many of those [22:01] irc client [22:01] s_spiff: you could setup cups (google is your friend), but it may be overkill. [22:01] thor: oh, that's not what I need :p [22:01] billgoldberg: then just launch it and go to File -> Connect to Servr [22:01] How can I switch from KDM to GDM as my login? [22:01] s/Servr/Server [22:02] bbarto1: try running ircii on a terminal, man ircii for help [22:02] s_spiff: oops, scanner, not printer -> I don't know [22:02] moldy_: you're welcome .. ask around in #ubuntu+1 for intrepid [22:02] kyncani: it thought cups is for printer, and not the scanner [22:02] s_spiff: yeah :) [22:02] jeffwheeler: I'm not on my fluxbox pc right now. So I can launche the connect to server script in fluxbox? [22:02] glitsj16: ok, thanks === Syntux_ is now known as Syntux [22:02] jeffwheeler; where is "file -> connect to server"? [22:02] billgoldberg: you should be able to from within Nautilus [22:03] billgoldberg: do you see the Nautilus window? There should be a File menu at the beginning of the menu. === gardar`afk is now known as gardar [22:03] Jack_Sparrow: umm.. I'm trying out the ones provided by cannon itself. I used the i386 ones, which i used -force--acrch.. to install on my x64.. but the scanner refuses to work. so wanted to know if there' s a way to remove those packages? [22:03] funkyHat: thanks for the help, I found my issue it was: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/189060. Now it works!!! [22:03] Launchpad bug 189060 in pulseaudio "$HOME/.pulse and $HOME/.pulse-cookie have incorrect permissions after upgrade from gutsy to hardy alpha 4" [Medium,Incomplete] [22:03] jeffwheeler; thanks. I feel a bit embarrassed the solution was so simple. [22:03] billgoldberg: no problem === milospec is now known as hoobuba [22:04] jeffwheeler: is there a reason why ssh://user@server/path/ doesn't work in nautilus [22:04] ? [22:04] what im let u ues webcam??? [22:04] billgoldberg: you mean in the path? [22:04] !chroot [22:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box [22:04] yes [22:04] so is ircii a terminal based app?? [22:04] billgoldberg: in the main Nautilus dialog, or in the Connect to Server dialog? [22:04] in the main nautilus file path box [22:05] billgoldberg: mount the drive first using the Connect to Server dialog, then it should show up in the sidebar [22:05] hi, anybody can point me to HW discussion? [22:05] !hardware > hoobuba [22:05] hoobuba, please see my private message [22:06] jeffwheeler: I know :p But I was wondering why I can't just type it like I can in konqueror using fish://user@server/path/ [22:06] billgoldberg: err, probably because GNOME-VFS hasn't mounted it yet; I'm not really sure [22:06] !pm > hoobuba [22:06] hoobuba, please see my private message [22:07] <|Louis|> Hi, I just downloaded irssi and I'm unable to find the program to open it... where could it be :s? [22:07] jeffwheeler: oh well. It doesn't really matter. Thanks again. This one has been bothering me for a few hours. I never realised the "connect to server" option was available in nautilus as well. [22:07] I'm off. Bye [22:08] how do i uninstall all traces of a program? [22:08] !pm > hoobuba [22:08] hoobuba, please see my private message [22:08] ozzloy Depends on how you installed it [22:09] hey, how can I patch and build the ubuntu-server kernel? if i do aptitute install linux-source-2.6.24 and then copy the config from /boot/config-2.6.24-19-server to .config, the whole thing isn't built because it lacks the xen patch that's apparently in the server image. where do i find the patches that i need to apply to build the whole thing (with my patches applied?) [22:09] I have a couple questions: #1 I have limewire pro and every time my brother wants to use it it keeps asking him what kind of connection, whether to start automatically and content filtering as if he installed it for the first time... it does this every time, I also have limewire pro for windows it doesn't do this each time how can I fix this in ubuntu 8.04LTS? [22:10] ? [22:10] Yooshi Is it running under wine? [22:11] <|Louis|> Hi, I just downloaded irssi and I'm unable to find the program to open it... where could it be :s? [22:11] Jack_Sparrow I don't know, I don't think so I have the .deb version of it [22:11] |Louis|: irssi is commandline based. open your terminal and type irssi. [22:11] Yooshi deb would not be under wine.. [22:11] |Louis|: well if youre using zsh type rehash, or look in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin/, /usr/sbin [22:12] <|Louis|> ok :O [22:12] anyone use ubuntu on x64 [22:12] i need a little guidance [22:12] Jack_Sparrow, well I thought so too... but I tried google picasa for linux and people kept saying it runs under wine even though it was in its own repos [22:12] i setup ubuntu for a relative and my keyboard map was set to the wrong locale during install. i trid to change it using the keyboard system prefs utils but i havent been able to change it to the correct setting as it claims to be the correct one however the keyboard locale is clearly still incorrect. anyone know how to set the keyboard locale manually? [22:12] |Louis| open a term and type irssi [22:12] Jack_Sparrow so I thought maybe limewire was similar to google picasa [22:12] ltsp question: each time i boot my ltsp client after i installed a different kernel inside the ltsp chroot, i get an error saying that /dev/nbd0 failed to mount. what am i missing here? [22:12] netzwurm, grab the headers for the server/xen kernel as well [22:13] !frostwire [22:13] frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [22:13] hello anybody has made Winfast HDTV Cinema working? [22:13] Jack_Sparrow I could never get frostwire to work [22:13] ho can i ues webcam and what im lets me ues webcam??? [22:13] Jack_Sparrow once the options are set, it works fine but each time he wants to use it, he has to tell it what he wants every time [22:13] Yooshi, have frostwire working on hardy here. just had to install sun java 6 [22:14] ali3nx I did that too... didn't work for me [22:14] macd: and then just copy them into the source-dir? [22:14] yo [22:14] Do system updates include newer version of the official linux kernel? [22:14] Yooshi I dont use the torrents so I cant help with limewire [22:14] netzwurm, yes, also you should refer to "the master kernel thread" on ubuntu forums for building your kernel the ubuntu way. [22:14] hello, i'm trying to mount an udf dvd on ubuntu hardy, but to no avail, any suggestions? [22:15] JFCake, typically minor version upgrades, not major version [22:15] macd: i take it that is different from the debian way? [22:15] netzwurm, no its pretty darn close [22:15] JFCake If I understand your question.. no [22:15] macd: ok. well. then i feel prepared :) [22:15] netzwurm, so youll be fine the debian way [22:15] !x86-64 [22:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about x86-64 [22:16] macd: dang it, does compiling+installing newer version of the kernel affect ubuntu's performance in any way? [22:16] Jack_Sparrow ok next question, what app can I use that will do windows media player-like-similar playlists? VLC doesn't do that and I'm thinking foobar, but not sure if that works for linux [22:16] JFCake Quite often makes things worse or slows it down [22:16] JFCake, unless you need something in the newer kernel I wouldnt bother [22:16] If you bugger something up during configuring it JFCake, it's possible [22:17] brb [22:17] JFCake, it depends on what functions you build into the kernel, how you load modules, etc [22:17] Well [22:17] Theres something with the kernel wit hardydodely [22:17] and intel pro wireless is acting weird === root is now known as Guest74953 [22:18] I've read alot about it and (if I understood all right) this is fixed in the latest kernel === lionel__ is now known as termitor [22:19] macd: hm. i am confused. the build with the server config fails because there is no directory arch/xen in the sourcedir. however, that directory also doesn't exist in the headers and headers-server dirs and the headers-server package doesn't depend on any other header packages. [22:19] netzwurm, headers for xen [22:20] macd: shouldnt headers-server consequently depend on headers-xen? [22:20] where is the password used for mysql by debian-sys-maint user stored? [22:20] netzwurm, I didnt make the package [22:20] I accidentally changed it, what should I do ? [22:20] macd: so that's a bug. [22:21] anybody know of a windows media player-like/similar media player with playlists for linux? [22:21] netzwurm, I dont think so, running the server kernel, without xen patches sounds like a perfect use case for a non virt server. [22:21] playlists for Linux Yooshi? [22:21] What you mean with that? === Exteris is now known as Exteris^ [22:21] netzwurm, anyways, linux-headers-2.6.24-19-xen is what you want [22:21] Yooshi: amarok, any media player in linux === Exteris^ is now known as Exteris [22:22] abchirk music playlists [22:22] yep [22:22] Faust-C VLC doesn't do it [22:22] Yooshi nearly every player.. try kaffeine [22:22] netzwurm, and linux-headers-lum-2.6.24-19-xen [22:22] Yooshi: actually it does, its just not as 'user friendly' as media player ... [22:22] Yooshi or Totem, audacious, rhymtnbox :P [22:22] abchirk, ok is there any media players that already come with ubuntu that have it? [22:22] netzwurm, you may also need libxen3-dev [22:22] Faust-C ah ok [22:22] macd: well. my point is that the linux-source-2.6.24 doesn't build with the config from the server package if arch/xen/Makefile doesn't exist (and that is also not included in the headers for xen) [22:23] I guess rhytmnbox, but I don't know its normally isntalled if not install it :) [22:23] Faust-C I don't listen to music so I wouldn't have a clue so I'm asking for my bro [22:23] macd: i would be more than happy to build without xen, i don't need any xen [22:23] Yooshi: oic, well yeah exaile is another good one [22:23] netzwurm, interesting, you should follow up in #ubuntu-kernel [22:23] actually 'exaile' is aawsome for gnome [22:23] if I accidentally changed the password for mysql's user debian-sys-maint, what should I do ? [22:24] can I get it to use another password? [22:24] macd: thanks. [22:25] Faust-C is exaile just for music? [22:25] oh hell my bad, use mplayer or the such [22:25] I prefer amarok over exaile [22:25] foxhop: well amarok has kde deps [22:26] Yeah, I don't mind about that [22:26] Faust-C mplayer already with ubuntu? I think I've seen it not sure === zack_ is now known as Sodamodo [22:26] VLC is a better application then mplayer [22:28] Hello, how do i setup dual monitor's so it expends display two onto second monitor? [22:29] anyone know why apt-build rebuilds _all packages?, im using i386 architecture [22:29] if I have a package built in the current version in the apt-build repository it rebuilds all the _alls [22:30] smash- : system > preferences > screen resolution [22:30] this is my first time here is there where i find help? [22:30] http://pastebin.org/55146 how do i fix this? [22:30] sure [22:30] Yooshi: Totem comes by default, runs m3u playlists just fine .. there's loads of options here though, better let your brother pick one he is comfortable with .. look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications for an overview [22:30] how do i scroll on gnome-terminal (using the keyboard) [22:31] glits didn't get your email I have bigger problems === jpsantacreu is now known as mickx [22:31] * Yooshi doesn't like VLC for linux or windows... but it does some stuff better [22:31] is this where I get help for my system or am i in the wrong place? [22:31] LoCaLMaChInE: the mail about adding medibuntu as a repo ? [22:32] evon: sure [22:32] hi [22:32] oh ok thanks [22:32] I have an AMD64 system and all my 3d games crash [22:33] is there a fix for this? [22:33] arooni_____: Not sure, I use the scroll wheel [22:33] yeah but I got major problems remember the error I was telling you about deb on the terminal if not I 'll post it in a sec [22:33] LoCaLMaChInE: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu .. but what are the bigger problems ? [22:33] evon: using wine? [22:33] nope [22:33] warzone 2100 actually works in wine [22:33] evon: native linux games? [22:33] and not the linux version [22:33] LoCaLMaChInE: better re-post that one yes, my memory is always pretty bad after the weekend ;) [22:33] yah native linux games don't work [22:34] are you using 64 bit linux"? [22:34] yup [22:34] try 32-bit [22:34] or recompile them [22:34] #ubuntu-desktop [22:34] if they are oss [22:35] thats all i got [22:35] i didn't know a 32bit linux would work on a 64bit system [22:35] lol [22:35] yes it will [22:35] Umm, does anyone know much about virtualbox? I want to try finding out about it before I install it and try to put windows ME on it. [22:35] when you say i have to recompile the game you mean i have to download the regular binaries? [22:35] 64-bit means that your hardware can go up to 64-bit [22:35] 32-bit is also supported [22:35] does anyone have experience with installing ubuntu server in vmware? [22:35] no [22:35] hey there, what's the best way to get something to show up in gnome's shortcuts (for example, when saving documents and such)? I've got a windows share set up with a bookmark, but when I go to save a file, I can't see it anywhere [22:35] FuRom, I use it on the desktop, runs windows fine, if you dont need to game. [22:35] download the source [22:36] ok [22:36] another question [22:36] it does show up as "data" on my desktop, should I just be able to go to my desktop location and see it there? [22:36] have you ever heard of Athene [22:36] athene desktop [22:36] then use make and configure and stuff [22:36] nope [22:36] actually [22:36] macd: I just want to use virtualbox with windows ME to just run some windows applications that only work with the .NET framework [22:36] rings a bell [22:36] what is it? [22:37] its a another linux distro [22:37] FuRom, why winME of all things? [22:37] FuRom: cant .net frame work be installed in wine? [22:37] supposed to be the fastest [22:37] evon: oh [22:37] FuRom, should work fine [22:37] FuRom, and alot less hassle thn trying to use wine. [22:37] macd: My main question would be am I installed the package virtualbox-ose [22:37] evon: gentoo is supposed to be the fastest I though [22:37] thought* [22:38] oh [22:38] HappyHater, because I'm not too fond of XP of vista xD [22:38] well it looks like athene has not been updated since 2004 [22:38] hello room. anyone know why I am getting a kernel error in vmware under 8.04? [22:38] evon: depends though [22:38] with ubuntu server [22:38] macd: My main question would be am I installingthe package virtualbox-ose*** gah typos lmao [22:38] lol [22:38] is there a way in linux so that pressing and releasing the shift key causes the next char to be capitalized? [22:38] FuRom, yes thats what you install,. it should pull all the deps on its own [22:38] anyone know why apt-build builds generic packages again that are already in its repository? [22:39] macd: ah, sweet, I always wonder about things labeled NAME-ect xD [22:39] hi. mplayer not contrast. why? [22:39] do you know if there will be a performance difference with a 32bit version of ubuntu on an 64bit processor? [22:39] how do I make GDM allow VNC connections? [22:40] evon: its supposed to be a little slower === bdobinson is now known as dog [22:40] ListenToMyMusic: .NET 3.0 doesn't work on wine at all, you can't install it. [22:40] my grub starts up and then it says 'This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: 0:6 [22:41] furom: ah, i remember installing an older version of it [22:41] ListenToMyMusic: .NET 2.0 installs, but I need .NET 3.0 =/ === Yooshi is now known as Yooshi_PCswappin [22:41] furom: ah, maybe in a later version of wine [22:41] Hi, can anyone tell the 'adress' to Ubuntu's reposirories? (Plus universe and multiverse) Thanks in advance [22:42] (address to use in i.e: synaptic) [22:42] well that sux. [22:42] ListenToMyMusic, I hope. I hate the idea of running a virtual machine, or even windows at all. [22:42] One moment please, ListenToMyMusic. [22:42] Bonsoir [22:42] velcroMan: its all in etc/apt/sources.list [22:42] i'll install it on an external drive and see what happens [22:43] Hello [22:43] Could some one help me with a little installation problem? [22:43] ListenToMusic: I know, but for some mreason that file cleared itself :/ You can't paste your's on a pastebin? [22:44] how can i find my ip address (not my router ip address) [22:44] oh [22:44] Soulwarp-> ip a [22:44] velcroman: did you lose your entire apt in etc? [22:44] Is virtualbox's ram just a RAM limit, or does it actually eat up the ram I set even when windows isn't using that much RAM? [22:45] I tried to use without installing (live cd) Ubuntu 8.04 but after the boot screen I get a black screen with a command line. [22:45] ListenToMyMusic: sources.list, yes [22:45] furom: i didn't notice much difference so I dont think it uses it until windows does [22:45] Nothing else [22:45] amenado: can't be my ip address [22:45] FuRom, I should presume it is a limit [22:45] help? please... [22:45] Oh sorry wrong nick, ListenToMyMusic. ;-) VelcroMan, you mey like that: http://john-os.blogspot.com/2008/04/sourceslist-for-ubuntu-hardy-heron-804.html [22:46] -mey +may [22:46] ListenToMyMusic, unop, thanks =3 [22:46] Soulwarp-> i could not verify it, and why can it not be ? [22:46] nice aquina [22:46] i actually needed that before [22:46] virtualbox is nice, I just hate to see anyone install Windows ME even if it is on a virtual machine :P [22:47] I've only ever used ubuntu or fedora, do any other distros provide the same ease of use as ubuntu does? [22:47] Dragonator-> the liveCD is very slow to boot up, be patient, hopefully you waited long enuff [22:47] evon: yes. many do [22:47] Dragonator To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" [22:47] I'm getting 'Access point invalid" and "access point not associated" errors when trying to connect to a wireless network with Ubuntu. [22:47] It works on other wifi networks, but there's one particular coffee shop it just won't work with. === SplinTer is now known as SplinTer0616_ [22:48] salut [22:48] Tonren: what type of security is that network? [22:48] Tonren-> could they possibly require you to register with them before they allow you into their network? [22:48] are there other distros you would say are better than ubuntu? [22:48] Odd-rationale: I'm not sure. How do I check? [22:48] amenado: Hmmm, that's possible. [22:48] i downloaded subtitles to view through totem, but all the srt files i can download appear in gedit and are played in totem as complete gibberish (something like missing font recognition or something), any clues? === chao1 is now known as Josh2 [22:48] FuRom: what you set your virtualbox memory to it will use that much (top reports that VirtualBox is always using 36% of my memory [1GB]) [22:48] evon: that is your desicion... :) [22:48] hehe [22:49] evon: we are biased here of course... [22:49] evon You should join #ubuntu-offtopic for general discussions.. thanks [22:49] sorr [22:49] sorry [22:49] iI just want my 3d games to work in ubuntu [22:49] amenado: Hmm, taht's not it. [22:49] como [22:49] Tonren: "iwlist scanning" should give you more information about available networks... [22:49] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [22:49] i got everything else woking but not that [22:49] does anybody here have experience using wengophone? [22:49] can someone please help me get remote GDM access to my headless Ubuntu box? [22:50] xdmcp doesn't appear to be working, and neither does VNC [22:50] evon: unfortunately, gameing is not one of linux's strong point... but we're working on it. :) [22:50] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [22:50] Odd-rationale: It says "Encryption key: On" but doesn't indicate WPA or WEP [22:50] Beryllium: You'll need to enable XDMCP first [22:50] hi there [22:50] evon: Wine works pretty well at running a lot of games [22:50] Tonren: ok. that usually means hex. [22:51] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [22:51] Odd-rationale: "hex"? [22:51] I have a bluetooth usb adapter, but when I plug it in the bluetooth-applet doesn't start [22:51] Tonren: i mean wep [22:51] isn't it supposed to start when bluetooth device is present? [22:51] Odd-rationale: Hmm, OK. [22:51] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [22:51] Odd-rationale: My home router says that, but it's WPA. But it has an extra "IE" section. [22:51] !repeat | chuby_sby [22:51] it does but i want to run linux games [22:51] Tonren-> did you ask the lady behind the counter so she can give you the parameters to hookup to their network? [22:52] chuby_sby: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [22:52] all my 3d linux games don't work [22:52] nuit!! [22:52] i have an amd64 [22:52] evon: Do you have the right drivers installed for your graphics card? [22:52] evon: And what 3d game are you trying to run? [22:52] Hi!!!! [22:53] amenado: I have the key, but it never gets to the part where I get to type it in. [22:53] Tonren: if the encryption is on, and it doesn't speicify wpa, then it usually means it is wep. [22:53] How can i record my screen into mpg? [22:53] Odd-rationale: Makes sense [22:53] Flannel: Yeah, I thought of that ... I had enabled it before, but somehow that didn't survive an upgrade, I think [22:53] !screencast | Drk_Guy [22:53] Drk_Guy: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [22:53] Flannel: Anyway, just re-enabled it. Time to test :) [22:53] How can I know which files are modified when I install a package? [22:53] Thx Odd-rationale [22:53] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [22:54] jobless, dpkg -L shows the list of files in a package [22:54] I've got two monitors connected to this machine. They are different sizes, and support different resolutions. How can I set them both to max resolution ? If I change it on one of them, it seems to affect the other. [22:55] thanks macd, but if I upgrade a package, can I know which files were changed from the two versions? [22:55] milligan: Don't clone them? Usually if you just click System -> preferences -> screen resolution you can uncheck clone view and manage each one separately [22:55] !pm | evon [22:55] evon: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [22:55] evon: What seems to be the problem when you actually try to run the games? [22:55] oh [22:55] ASULutzy, they aren't clones [22:55] jobless, you can look on packages,ubuntu.com and look at the version diffs. [22:55] sorry my first time here [22:56] warzone [22:56] glest [22:56] cube 2 [22:56] boson [22:56] briquolo [22:56] evon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:56] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [22:56] what is the default behaviour of bluetooth-applet when you plug an usb bluetooth dongle? [22:56] evon: What happens when you try to run the games? [22:56] the run for a few seconds then crash [22:56] milligan: Huh? Did you try doing what I said? [22:56] i can only assume i have the right drivers [22:56] ASULutzy, yes. [22:56] heh, weird ... I wonder if my cygwin is busted. All I get is an orange screen with a grey block when I try to log in. [22:57] i followed the instruction on an ubuntu website to install catalyst drivers [22:57] Let me try restarting X [22:57] macd, here is my problem: I had a package which is from a stanford repository. They removed the old version of that package from it. I upgraded to the new version by mistake and I can't seem to find the old version to go back to. So I was wondering if I know what the changes were, I can undo them [22:57] evon: What is the output of fglrxinfo and glxinfo (use a pastebin) [22:57] Odd-rationale: I manually entered the key with iwconfig key, but it's still not working. [22:57] Odd-rationale: Should I turn off NetworkManager first? [22:57] what's a pastebin? [22:58] evon: www.pastebin.com [22:58] !paste | evon [22:58] evon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [22:58] my system seems to seize up a bit and the hard drive sounds like it's doing lots of work when it happens - is there some hard drive maintainence like defargging or something i can do from within ubuntu? [22:58] Tonren: [22:58] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684495 [22:58] arooni_____ sis you get an answer to the scrolling question? [22:58] s/a bit/a lot [22:58] jobless, I see, its possible the old package is in /var/cache/apt/archives still [22:58] ASULutzy, restart of X worked. [22:59] laeg: You probably don't need to defrag your hard drive, but you should check to make sure it isn't dying... I'd do sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda (or sdb or whatever the drive is) === VelcroMan is now known as claesson92 [22:59] Hello all [22:59] !hi | xer0x [22:59] xer0x: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [22:59] are the repos down ?? [23:00] laeg: ext3 doesn't really suffer from fragmentation in the way that FAT or NTFS does. There are special circumstances where it might, but for the most part you shouldn't need to defrag ad rive [23:00] ASULutzy: how do i check whether its sdb or sda? [23:00] http://paste.ubuntu.com/29127/ [23:00] majnoon, nope [23:00] trying to do apt-get update and nothing [23:00] laeg: Well, if you only have one hard drive, it's probably sda, but you can do sudo fdisk -l in order to list all your drives [23:00] majnoon: could be your mirror... [23:00] ASULutzy: i have one drive with a linux swap, root dir, and local dir [23:01] and when i do ping on http://us.archive.ubuntu.com i get ping: unknown host http://us.archive.ubuntu.com [23:01] Is there a way to empty the "Trash Can" without using Nautilus [23:01] evon: Does something simple like glxgears work? [23:01] Nautilus keeps hanging :| [23:01] laeg: so do sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda [23:01] thanks macd, can where can I read more about the cache policy? [23:01] majnoon: i can access http://us.archive.ubuntu.com from here [23:01] laeg: And use a pastebin, make sure it isn't erroring a lot [23:02] is glxgears a game? [23:02] jobless, anything you install via apt sits there, until you run apt-get clean, or autoclean [23:02] jlulian38: rm -rf .local/share/Trash/ [23:02] Odd-rationale: How do I know if I need s: or not at the beginning of the key? [23:02] majnoon: Maybe a DNS issue? [23:02] thanks [23:02] evon: no, it's a test for video cards [23:02] not sure [23:02] evon: Just type glxgears in a terminal, it's a video card text [23:02] THAT why asking [23:02] test that is [23:02] what is the default behaviour of bluetooth-applet when you plug an usb bluetooth dongle? mine doesn't start when the dongle is plugged in [23:03] majnoon: Can you do ping ? [23:03] Tonren: not sure. sorry. the forum post should tell... [23:03] Odd-rationale: It doesn't. :-( [23:03] works but there is a lot of flickering [23:03] ASULutzy: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29128/ [23:03] I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, I just installed it 2 days ago, and I've learned a lot about it already, but I am still having a few issues with some programs. I guess this is a good place for me to pop in and ask questions? [23:03] Odd-rationale: It just says that you need s: if it's ASCII, but not if it's Hex. How do I know...? The key I have is just numbers. [23:03] --- ping statistics --- [23:03] 10 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 9033ms [23:04] thanks macd, there is one file in there that has the application name I am looking for. But shouldn't there be two files (since I upgraded to a new version)? [23:04] laeg: What the heck is going on with /dev/sdb?? [23:04] xer0x: actually, it's usually better to search the ubuntuforums.org first, as it's a better source of information [23:04] Tonren: umm. try both... :| [23:04] but you should try nonetheless [23:04] Anyone know what "VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED)" for Virtualbox? I installed the modules-generic like the thing told me to in the full error message, and I seem to have no luck at making it roll with the working. [23:04] macd, I mean both the previous deb file and the new one? [23:04] ASULutzy: ? [23:04] ASULutzy: i have 3 partitions [23:05] what is the freedom status of linux-restricted-modules? [23:05] jobless, I guess just the most recent [23:05] laeg: Right, but that output had all sorts of weird stuff about /dev/sdb that didn't make any sense to me. FuRom usually you just have to do sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules`uname -r` but for some reason in Intrepid that doesn't work for me and I'm lazy so I just do sudo apt-get remove virtualbox && sudo apt-get install virtualbox [23:05] wild_oscar: thanks, I'll look into it some more [23:05] FuRom? [23:06] nvm [23:06] laeg: That was directed at someone else ;) [23:06] ya i got that... [23:06] eventually :) [23:06] ASULutzy: ok so i'll direct my question to the channel again? [23:06] laeg: So no weird errors on /dev/sda, I don't know what /dev/sdb is... do you have a thumbdrive or somethine else plugged in to your machine? [23:07] ASULutzy: yes i do [23:07] ASULutzy: now it's out [23:07] ASULutzy, i got this [23:07] --- ping statistics --- [23:07] 10 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 9033ms [23:07] majnoon: Weird, are you behind a router? [23:07] laeg? O_o' [23:07] ASULutzy, I'll try that =3 [23:07] i [23:07] Hey people! I have a problem with the nvidia driver in ubuntu. If I enable the driver the system works in "slow mo". even opening a menu takes at least 5 sec. looks as if ubunu is ubuntu is running at very low fps, but the mouse is moving at normal speed. anyone have any experience with this, or know what i could do? [23:07] i think so === i is now known as Guest7805 [23:08] ASULutzy: without thumbdrive http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29131/ [23:08] how do i talk to someone specifically? like making my name appear yellow to the person i'm speaking to [23:08] Hi all, can someone help me with hash for Fedora? [23:08] evon: press the first letter of their name and hit tab [23:08] thanks [23:08] macd, that means I don't have the previous version anymore :( [23:08] yw [23:08] candive: Try #fedora, this is #ubuntu [23:09] hi guys, i have a huge problem! My Hardy wont mount the DVD drive of my laptop. I get an error saying "Impossible to mount the volume UDF" or something (roughly translating into english). Can anyone please help? I googled it but no joy. thanks a lot everyone [23:09] Pici, thanks [23:09] jobless, pretty much, what about the place you downloaded it originally [23:09] what is the default behaviour of bluetooth-applet when you plug an usb bluetooth dongle? mine doesn't start when the dongle is plugged in. anyone has experience with bluetooth?? [23:10] how know disable keyring samba ubuntu? [23:10] wild_oscar: its default is too show when a bluetooth item is detected. [23:10] macd, it was a repository maintained at stanford and they somehow removed the previous version! [23:10] majnoon: That's weird that you can't ping that IP. Either you've got weird firewall rules set up (you can check these with sudo iptables -L) or you've got really weird things going on with your router [23:10] my dongle made it show but only after restarting x [23:10] ASULutzy: so any tips? [23:10] Blaqlight: do you know where it is configured? because mine doesn't [23:10] I have another pc with Hardy on it. I went in to preference about me now it want authcate a password and if I logout I want be able to login [23:11] even though I can use it if I manually run it from shell [23:11] wild_oscar: so any tips for me? [23:11] wild_oscar: preferences bluetooth. [23:11] evon: on what? [23:11] evon: Iunno, your glxgears and fglrxinfo looked okay at a quick glance. I use the fglrx drivers and 3d works fine for me... But I'm headed home from work, so gl ;) [23:12] I booted up the live vd and I removed splash and quiet and tried it like that. I noticed it got stuck at a line that said: ata1: SATA Link up 3.0 Gbps .... (bloody hand writing) and retried that a few times then moved on and really got stuck at a line that read: sr 6:0:1:0: Attatched SCSI generic sq1 type 5. As far as i know I don't have any scsi drives. [23:12] Blaqlight: plug your usb, restart x ->shows icon? [23:12] either x or the computer. [23:12] ASULutzy: did you get my revised pastebin? [23:12] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29131/ [23:12] not sure which. [23:13] Im using a bluetooth mouse right now, sometimes its a bit finiky. [23:13] Dragonator To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add all_generic_ide before the "--" [23:13] laeg: I did, the output didn't look bad, it doesn't report any errors... I have no idea why your hard drive is doing weird things... The only thing I can think of is (is it a laptop?) if it is, maybe the power settings are way too aggressive [23:14] hi. mplayer not brightness. [23:14] Jaack_Sparrow hey that link didn't seem to work out.. [23:14] Blaqlight: but it doesn't need the icon there, does it? === beaver is now known as Beaver_ [23:14] how can I have a high resolution screen on my grub boot loader? SUSE has it, why can't I? [23:14] wild_oscar: no it shouldn't. [23:14] Blaqlight which one [23:14] but you can't configure the device [23:14] blario6 which one [23:14] arooni_____:  arooni________a: crt+shift + up, scrolls the terminal === Maze_oldf is now known as Maze|oldf [23:15] Jack_Sparrow: which one what... mouse? [23:15] the one to set up a broadcom wireless nic [23:15] Blaqlight tab complete error.. was not meant for you [23:15] wild_oscar: except CLI [23:15] blario6 Do you have bcm43xx . and are you sure it is not bcm943xx [23:16] Blaqlight: cli? [23:16] command line. [23:16] when i checked with the lspci command that's what it brought up.. i think i know what step it's going wrong at. i think it's step 3 on the link you sent me [23:16] thanks, i'll try that [23:17] my system seems to seize up a bit and the hard drive sounds like it's doing lots of work when it happens - is there some hard drive maintainence like defargging or something i can do from within ubuntu? [23:17] Odd-rationale: Thanks, for some reason that worked. I thought I'd done all of that before. ;-P Thanks again! [23:17] s/a bit/a lot [23:17] ANybody knows how to install different window managers? Xfce and windowmaker especially [23:17] Blaqlight: didn't understand u. bluetooth-applet shouldn't show when dongle is on, is that what u said? [23:17] !compiz > histo [23:17] histo, please see my private message [23:17] Il brb my computer is acting really strange. [23:18] Jack_Sparrow it keeps giving me this message when i get to step 3 "sudo: unable to resolve host brian-desktop" [23:18] blario6 Which exact bcm43 do you have [23:19] Tonus: np [23:19] Jack_Sparrow i'm not sure the exact model.. i (stupidly) didn't make sure to check the model before uninstalling xp [23:20] blario6 THe first command I gave you would have shown that and it is important. [23:20] nautilus mounted a volume automatically and then an icon appeared on my desktop. i manually changed some of the mount options in the properties window, but i set them incorrectly, now it wont mount, and i cant access that same properties window [23:20] !compiz > histo [23:20] histo, please see my private message [23:20] hi [23:20] blario6 I just ran step 3 and it works fine here.. wget ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe do you have hard wired internet on that box? [23:20] which repo do i need to have in sources.list in order to get the 2.6.24-19 kernel? [23:21] Jack_Sparrow yeah I have it hard wired right now [23:21] can someone highlight my name [23:21] err mention my name I'm testing this beep thing [23:21] blario6 open a term and do this again.. wget ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe [23:21] Again: Anybody knows how to install different window managers? Xfce and windowmaker especially [23:21] histo: this do? [23:22] yeah hrm... still not working [23:22] !glx > histo [23:22] histo, please see my private message [23:23] Jack_Sparrow do i follow the steps on the other link you gave me after i download this? [23:23] blario6 BROADCOM WIFI .. if you do "sudo lshw -C network" in a terminal it will show the networking card/chipset and find the full chipset info [23:24] blario6 wget is from the instructions I gave you [23:24] !fedora [23:24] Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) === gardar is now known as gardar`afk [23:24] is it possible to get rid of both gnome panels and run a 3rd party panel instead? [23:24] jack_sparrow, please help what is the link to Fedora # fedora? [23:24] Sergeant_Pony YEs, like cairo or one of those [23:24] candive: /join #fedora === gardar`afk is now known as gardar [23:25] Pici, thanks [23:25] candive /join #fedora [23:25] Jack_Sparrow it gave me BCM43xG for product [23:25] swamptin: can you try it again. [23:25] anyone here know the keyboard shortcut to change x displays? [23:25] anybody know where the ufw coders live ? [23:25] Jack_Sparrow yes I want to use AWN / cairo applet instead of the gnome panels [23:26] wild_oscar: sorry my computer just had a huge melt-down, 100% disk usage, out of ram and no swap left for what I don't know. [23:26] Do you know how to edit the command line which is run when the key shortcut of "Run a terminal" is executed from System->Prefs.->Keyboard Shortcuts ? [23:26] I have been told I can do it using gconf-editor [23:26] But what key to edit? [23:27] Blaqlight: np - I realized I had to turn bluetooth manager on on my session preferences [23:27] wild_oscar: thats what I was getting to. [23:27] henux what exactly are you trying to do? [23:28] Jack_Sparrow: I want my gnome-terminal started with maximized (--full-screen option) when I press Alt-t [23:28] anyone here know the keyboard shortcut to change x displays? [23:28] henux gconfig-editor [23:28] Jack_Sparrow: Can you help me? [23:28] Jack_Sparrow: yes [23:28] mbrigdan: CTRL ALT ! - 9 [23:28] histo: no, unfortunately I can't [23:28] Jack_Sparrow: what key to edit? [23:28] err 1 - 6 === \\dan\\ is now known as _DEATH_ [23:28] 7 is back to desktop === _DEATH_ is now known as DEATH_ === DEATH_ is now known as \\dan\\ [23:29] henux No idea.. just need to look around [23:29] thx [23:29] Blaqlight: doesn't work for me [23:29] \\dan\\ Stop [23:29] <\\dan\\> finished [23:29] anyone know why the heck i'm using < 50% of my ram and yet ubuntu has paged some memory out to swap? [23:30] mbrigdan: CTRL ALT F1 [23:30] <\\dan\\> Jack_Sparrow: i mixed my blitzed and feenode configs up [23:30] through F6 [23:30] /quit [23:30] mbrigdan: F7 brings you back to the desktop [23:30] can i change gnome so that mounted volumes dont appear on the desktop [23:30] Ademan, the default vm split for ram <> swap with linux is 60/40 [23:30] Blaqlight: Thanks! [23:31] CTRL ALT F7 that is [23:31] swamptin: ty [23:31] panfist: yeah [23:31] panfist: use gconf-editor [23:31] panfist things monted under /media will show on the desktop , but you can stop that by editing gconfig-editor settings [23:31] thank you histo and jack [23:31] ali3nx: really? hrm, i always thought it would be advantageous to try and use swap as little as possible, thanks for the answer though [23:32] panfist: If i rmeember correctly its under apps > gnome > desktop or something like that. [23:32] hi [23:32] I've written a Firefox extension for Tomboy, would anyone be willing to try it out? [23:32] panfist To Remove Drive Icons from Desktop Use Terminal and type gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visable.. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/hide-removable-drive-icons-from-your-ubuntu-desktop/ [23:32] Ademan: swap is slow, you only want to use it when you run out of ram, or if the program isn't really using the ram a lot. [23:32] Jack_Sparrow: Don't forget gconf-editor. [23:32] mbrigdan: exactly... [23:32] No need to use the termianl. [23:33] Just burnt ubuntu to cd, will this install directly onto my hd? [23:33] thank you guys very much [23:33] hcoal Please dont do that in here. [23:33] Just burnt ubuntu to cd, will this install directly onto my hd? [23:33] i setup ubuntu for a relative and my keyboard map was set to the wrong locale during install. i trid to change it using the keyboard system prefs utils but i havent been able to change it to the correct setting as it claims to be the correct one however the keyboard locale is clearly still incorrect. anyone know how to set the keyboard locale manually? [23:33] SeveredCross LIke I just posted [23:33] Whoops, sorry Jack_Sparrow [23:33] Yeah, but you said to use the terminal, no need for that. [23:33] Just burnt ubuntu to cd, will this install directly onto my hd? [23:33] np just trying to protect our newer users [23:33] Alt-F2 works just fine. [23:33] Administrator__: if you tell it too, if its the live cd. [23:33] Administrator__: Usually, yes. With the option to dual boot to your previous operating system [23:34] thx [23:35] Blaqlight: any chance you know the terminal command to switch? [23:36] Jack_Sparrow when I put in Step 3 it keeps telling me it's unable to resolve host brian-desktop [23:36] Hmmm can't find it. [23:36] I will ask from irc.gnome.org [23:37] blario6 I cant help... that has worked for many many people.. dont know why it does not for you [23:37] Jack_Sparrow ok man, thanks for your patience! :) [23:39] hey i've just upgraded to hardy from gutsy, i want to upgrade my wine from version .59 to 1 do i need to uninstall all my wine programs and wine itself or is there sum way of just upgrading it? [23:39] Jack_Sparrow: any place I should inquire about how to remove the gnome panel? [23:39] Thisdude: For version 1 you need the wine repositories and not ubuntu's. [23:40] !rndis_wlan [23:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about rndis_wlan [23:40] blario: Do you think if the terminal were put back to normal, you could carry out that tutorial? [23:40] !2.6.25 [23:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about 2.6.25 [23:40] thnks genii [23:40] Sergeant_Pony: RIGHT CLICK ON THE EMPTY SPACE AND SELECT REMOVE PANEL. [23:40] bobertdos you mean open a new term? [23:40] sorry caps [23:40] !Linux 2.6.25 [23:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about linux 2.6.25 [23:40] !msg the bot | creeed [23:40] creeed: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [23:41] Thisdude: /join #winehq or go to their website (which unfortunately is not working for me right now) [23:41] sorry [23:41] BlaqLight: doesn't work like that for the panel up top with the programs [23:41] blario6: Well, what I mean to say, is, is host resolution the only thing getting in the way? [23:41] bobertdos it seems like that's what the problem is [23:41] Sergeant_Pony: what is it saying? [23:42] Sergeant_Pony: cause its giving me the option to delete the panel. [23:42] blario6: Go into System->Administration->Network [23:42] even after I remove all the icons the remove panel is not available. [23:42] the top panel with all the programs available, not the bottom task bar [23:43] this in gnome yes? [23:43] bobertdos k in network settings [23:43] yes [23:43] i believe you must always have at least one panel in gnome [23:43] genii: should i remove my origonal wine installation? [23:43] that's not true, you can use just a 3rd party panel like avant window navigator [23:43] blario6: Under the Hosts tab, add a new host. [23:44] Sergeant_Pony: I believe avant tricks gnome into believe its a panel and therefore alows the removal of the real panel. [23:44] can some1 help me with this please.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866261 [23:44] blario6: IP Address, alias [23:44] Sergeant_Pony: yes, you can have awn+gnome panel. but you must still keep one gnome-panel somewhere... [23:44] Thisdude: Probably not [23:45] then the support forums are wrong, they say it's possible [23:45] bobertdos: ok did that [23:45] genii: thanks [23:45] Thisdude: Mine updated auto after I added their repos to the most recent from the ubuntu default ver [23:45] Now try the terminal again. [23:45] !ati > me [23:45] legend2440, please see my private message [23:46] blario6: Now try the terminal again. I have to go, so hopefully that will help. [23:46] bobertdos: thanks a lot! [23:46] Sergeant_Pony: enable avant then restart your session and see if it changes [23:46] blario6: you're welcome [23:47] iocharset=utf8 [23:47] Why is this not working [23:47] agh [23:47] Sergeant_Pony: from the GNOME desktop user guide: "You must always have at least one panel in the GNOME Desktop. [23:47] If you have only one panel in the GNOME Desktop, you cannot delete that panel." [23:48] Sergeant_Pony: 1. Press ALT+F2 and type 'gnome-terminal' to access the terminal 2. type 'gnome-session-remove gnome-panel' and press ENTER delete gnome-panel from your /usr/bin/ folder [23:48] Sergeant_Pony: when i used awn. i had awn on the bottom and a panel on top. [23:49] when i try to load ubuntu it's just showing me an 'initramfs' command line. any idea why? [23:49] Sergeant_Pony: so now you have three different answers. [23:49] !resolution > me [23:49] legend2440, please see my private message [23:49] Sergeant_Pony: The answer is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291494 [23:50] !msgthebot | legend2440 [23:50] legend2440: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [23:50] hhos: sounds like it can't boot the kernel so it's falling back to the initrd image [23:50] why cant it boot the kernel. i had it installed fine, dual booted with vista. then vista started crashing and now ubuntu is doing this [23:51] hhos: Could be a few things. Did you try intalling by wubi on a raided disk? Do you have a SATA controller that default install doesn't have driver for? Did you interrupt an update before it could rewrite the latest kernel image? Etc [23:51] do you think i got a virus, or is my harddrive dying [23:51] crowley2: tried that didn't work... [23:51] i have a sata harddrive, it's only a year old [23:51] Odd-rationale: how does /msg work? /msg resolution? [23:51] hhos: Likely not a virus [23:51] curious question: server editions are meant for servers, can they be run on typical PC desktops? [23:51] legend2440: /msg ubottu Hello [23:51] linux and vista was working for a year until last week [23:51] Yooshi_PCswappin: Since typical PC desktops can often be used for servers, yes [23:52] i had to go into safe mode in windows just to backup my stuff [23:52] legend2440: then you should have a pm window with ubottu. you can talk to it there... :) [23:52] Yooshi_PCswappin: yep usually server edition in Linux means no gui by default and a different kernel then what the desktop edition uses [23:52] nevermind (not that anyone acknowledged me), I had a (FAT32) drive mounted without iocharset=utf8 [23:52] hhos: Sounds suspiciously like first signs of hardware death (HD) [23:52] genii what is the real difference of server vs desktop editions of ubuntu then? [23:52] so Samba wasn't picking up on it either [23:52] Odd-rationale: oh ok thanks [23:53] i have a question... is there a way to automatically mount the 2nd partition of my internal drive on startup? [23:53] so the server edition could have GUI? Are there any feature differences? Yeah, I know it runs on a different kernel [23:53] Yooshi_PCswappin: No GUI in server. i386 server version supports more than 3.2Gb ram. Kernel is optimised for multi user and networking. More drivers for raid devices, etc. Also standard installs apache2 mysq and php [23:54] ah ok [23:54] all I plan to do is run sysaid, so I don't think I need anything fancy === gardar is now known as gardar`afk === braden_ is now known as zod21 [23:55] hi ya i need some help copying files from my network drives please [23:56] anyone have a moment to answer a few Evolution send/receive questions? [23:56] what you need to know about evolution [23:56] state your problem/intent to the room and await an answer [23:56] anyone here use sysaid from ilient.com? [23:56] my send/receive button is not accessible [23:57] its grayed out [23:57] atomicsunset: thats wierd [23:57] and hence i can not send nor receive mail [23:57] atomicsunset: have you tried thunderbird [23:57] lol [23:57] thats what i got from googlingh [23:57] brb [23:57] im downloading it as i type [23:57] was just curious if evo worked :P [23:57] hrm. [23:57] why is it doing that. [23:58] yeah evolution works, i use thunderbird cause its better [23:58] test [23:58] haha [23:58] but it is [23:58] what's a good typing program on ubuntu? [23:58] i recently got a kiensis ergo keyboard; and my typing rate sucks right now [23:58] like a typing learing program [23:58] histo Read the private message from ubotu [23:58] !0 > histo [23:58] histo, please see my private message [23:59] not sure if anyone read my help request above but i need some help copying stuff from my network drives [23:59] hml: tuxtype is a bit childish but its effective. [23:59] ep1centre: what kind of help [23:59] hello [23:59] Blaqlight: great; thanks [23:59] hml: ktouch is probably the most polished... [23:59] ep1centre: since we have no clue on your setup really whether it's NFS or VFAT or anything else [23:59] hi.. does anyone know how to get tvout settings working on nvidia card? or do they happen automatically when a source is detected?