=== dudus_ is now known as dudus [00:17] how can i get kernel 2.6.24-18 in intrepid ? [00:17] wd4lko: probably better to ask in #ubuntu-kernel [00:18] ok ill try thanks === pen_ is now known as pen === evalles_ is now known as recover === recover is now known as effie_jayx [03:50] options usbhid quirks=0x046d:0xc71f:0x00080000 [03:50] I have a module (usbhid) and specified options for it in /etc/modprobe.d/options. When it loads at boot, the options aren't being used, but after reloading the module manually they are. Any comments or explanations? Thanks!! [12:15] !ping [12:15] ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore === elky is now known as elkbuntu [14:30] hello. is boo in intrepid's repo? === Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian [14:53] * hyperair wails [14:53] wtf is wrong with launchpad today?! [14:57] launchpad is messed up pretty much every day recently.. [14:57] $%^& [14:57] oh well [14:57] it sent me a late build failure notification [14:57] so i thought the new builds failed [14:57] eventhough i fixed it === Webspot_ is now known as Webspot [15:47] Hi, I'm currently running Hardy. I switched long before it was released and now I'm thinking about doing the same thing: switching to Intrepid. Anybody here running it? [17:13] YAY! - Pass clicks to the media popup window through to the underlying window === effie is now known as effie_jayx [17:24] Gaack, gnome-settings-daemon just segfaulted. === effie is now known as effie-jayx === effie-jayx is now known as effie_jayx === Dana1 is now known as DanaG === ompaulafk is now known as ompaul === ompaul is now known as ompaul_ === ompaul_ is now known as ompaul === Dana1 is now known as DanaG === Pici` is now known as Pici === ktogias__ is now known as ktogias [23:43] will "dpkg --force-depends -P sysvutils" fix my E: Internal Error, Could not early remove sysvutils when doing an apt-get dist-upgrade ?