[00:09] mdz, no problem. thanks for pointing out the issue [01:20] can a launchpad admin look at this: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu-hotfixes/+archive/+build/568707 [01:21] it's failing because its the first package in the PPA [01:21] and won't build [01:21] "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu-hotfixes/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found" [01:24] a workaround would be to upload another version [01:25] superm1: but the file exists now, so try a rebuild [01:25] stdin, okay i'll hit the retry [01:33] yup that worked [01:33] thanks [01:33] how long until the binary publishes though? [01:34] it says it built and all [01:55] stdin: Publisher runs every 20 minutes. The bug you encountered then was fixed this morning, so will be rolled out with 1.2.4 [01:55] Er, superm1 ^^ [04:03] kiko-afk: feel free to revert the cherry pick - i can't test it on production now anyway [06:16] New bug: #221276 in launchpad "email obfuscation not working in Launchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221276 === mbp_ is now known as poolie === asac_ is now known as asac [07:01] New bug: #221283 in soyuz "Not necessary to show the architecture in /+builds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221283 === mtaylor is now known as mtaylor|zzz [08:04] morning [08:35] New bug: #221296 in soyuz "Package diff component needs implementation" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221296 [09:30] Gooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! [09:33] Happy Hardy day, mpt. [09:34] Same to you, Fujitsu [09:36] New bug: #221305 in soyuz "Present last 5 PPA uploads in $distro/+ppas" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221305 === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === salgado-afk is now known as salgado === rraphink is now known as raphink [13:39] I was curious in finding out when Launchpad processed deletions in PPAs? [13:45] SteveA: see the Help link in the top right of the delete page [13:45] SteveA: *top left [13:47] stdin: okay. ;-) [13:49] * Hobbsee waves to SteveA [13:49] hi Hobbsee [13:51] how many Steve's are there, sheesh :p [13:55] stdin: lots. [13:56] New bug: #221343 in launchpad "Register a branch hosted on LaunchPad creates an empty project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221343 [13:57] stdin: They're indexed alphabetically. === gmb_ is now known as gmb [13:58] but the A looks like a K with this font ;) [13:59] stdin: What weird-ass font makes an A look like a K? [13:59] * gmb boggles [13:59] I'd have to agree with that. [13:59] some non-fixed width one, I was messing with it earlier and didn't change it back [13:59] Besides, my nick has an 'n' in it. [13:59] StevenK: This is true. Though you could be a gestalt entity... Steve 'n K... [13:59] StevenK: well, that's just me being lazy and not checking there [13:59] Maybe not. === barry-away is now known as barry === mdz_ is now known as mdz === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [14:21] New bug: #221353 in rosetta "Search through all plural forms of a translation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221353 [14:23] Okay, so now it's been 40 minutes and the package is still listed in the Packages file. [14:25] StevenK: How often does the help tab say they'll be removed. [14:25] Empirically it seems to take up to 48 hours. [14:25] "A deleted package disappears from the archive indexes in at most 20 minutes." [14:26] I can't wait 48 hours. [14:26] Oh, the indices should be quick, right. [14:26] * Fujitsu looks. [14:27] StevenK: You know, it's probably because there's nothing to make it republish. Upload anything, and it should vanish. [14:27] Argh, I didn't think I had to do that. [14:27] StevenK: fairly sure that you do [14:28] What about if it's something I already uploaded? :-) [14:28] What do you mean? [14:29] StevenK: before the delete? still won't work [14:29] I've already marked them for deletion. [14:29] upload something random, delete that too [14:30] I think you'll have to let it exist through one publisher run for it to do anything, though. [14:40] cprov: Around? [14:40] cprov: You mentionned that pagination issue fixed in edge for the list of ppa packages [14:41] cprov: However, I think the issue is still present in the /+delete-packages page [14:42] lool: there is a note at the end to the table saying how many records are not presented. You should you the name filter to refine the results [14:42] lool: the form doesn't cope with the batch system [14:44] cprov: That's not terribly usable; for example I just wanted to walk through all packages to drop gutsy stuff [14:44] I'd have to browser it in two windows or something [14:44] I am also dropping everything which has "~804" in the version string, so I was ^F / ^G-ing that and selecting delete, but that's not working either [14:45] lool: you need the distroseries filter [14:45] So I would need one page load for any additional package after m now :-( [14:45] cprov: Hmm I can't delete packages on edge either [14:45] " [14:45] "No matching source packages for ' '. [14:46] I managed to about an hour ago [14:46] cprov: It's not only per series, I have other criterions like simply looking at all changes and deciding to remove :-/ [14:47] lool: sorry, you said that the deletion is not working, is that true ? [14:47] I'm trying again [14:47] Hmm it worked for a subset of the packages I was selecting [14:47] Can't reproduce it no [14:47] w [14:48] cprov: Anyway, do you think it's reasonable to request pagination for the /delete-packages page? [14:48] cprov: Ah the error was my bad, I had spaces in the "Only show sources matching" filter [14:49] lool: no, as I said we can't preseve the selections done in previous page [14:49] lool: you can request better filtering [14:49] lool: with I already plan to do very soon in 1.2.5 [14:50] lool: filtering by distroseries and status definitely [14:50] cprov: How different is it to click "Next" in a paginated list with deleted packages selected and changing the source filter? [14:50] Wont peole loose the selected packages for deletion if they filter the list by source package name too? [14:52] lool: yes, they will lose the selection always and that's not ideal [14:53] lool: I don't see how pagination makes it any clear. [14:53] cprov: I would be more happy if I could still do it per 50 packages [14:53] Instead of having to filter package per package [14:54] lool: mass-anything is difficult in LP [14:54] Yeah [14:54] cprov: Oh well, thanks for discussion [14:55] lool: yes, np, I will improve filtering ASAP [14:55] but mass-deletion will continue to be a problem, requiring a lot of clicks [14:56] lool: btw, if you have time, file a bug about this and describe your use cases. [15:09] With pleasure [15:09] cprov: soyuz with ppa tag right? [15:10] lool: yes, please. [15:12] cprov: Did you people discuss keeping archived copies of sources uploaded to a ppa? [15:13] lool: how do you mean ? keep them published in the archive (bzr-team request) or just keeping the files somewhere you can download ? [15:15] Keeping the history so that we don't lose .dsc, .tar.gz, .diff.gz when someone uploads crap and we need ot revert it [15:16] I'd rather not see ALL ever uploaded packages published or visible, this would be a bit confusing I think [15:17] Back to that pagination, I would simply be happy if I could see all packages (no limit) [15:17] If I think about bugzilla, I think it allows you to limit how many bugs you'd like to see [15:20] Wow /me discovers /+filebug-advanced [15:25] New bug: #221370 in launchpad "Cannot checkout a Launchpad hosted project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221370 [15:25] New bug: #221371 in soyuz "Not easy to cleanup ppa for ubuntu-mobile; needs mass deletion or better filtering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221371 [15:26] cprov: So you say there's something which you can enable on the side of launchpad to keep the old sources in some place? [15:26] Or only published? [15:28] lool: only published version remain in the archive disk (ppa.l.n/xxx/ubuntu/pool) [15:28] lool: however all source ever uploaded and binaries ever built remain in librarian (lp internal storage) [15:28] cprov: Is it possible to keep the .dsc in the pool, but not visible on the web page? [15:29] Are the binaries removed? [15:29] cprov: Ohh [15:29] cprov: How can I access these in librarian? [15:29] lool: the opposite, files removed from the pool but available in the ui [15:29] lool: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/193996 [15:29] Launchpad bug 193996 in soyuz "PPA packages unavailable once deleted" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov) [15:30] cprov: What I'd like is that superseded packages (by new uploads) be still reachable; not deleted packages as deleted from the web page [15:30] lool: sources are already visible forever (see the links in the expandable area for any deleted/superseded record) [15:31] New bug: #221372 in launchpad "Beta team need updates of new features on Edge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221372 [15:31] lool: right, that was always possible for sources. I will make it the same for binaries. [15:31] We're talking about ppa here, right? [15:31] lool: yes, we are. [15:32] I fail to see how I can browse to old versions of packages which were in the ppa [15:32] And other people around me complained frequently about not being able to do exactly this, so you're about to reveal a pretty good news I think :) [15:32] lool: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive?field.name_filter=cairo&field.status_filter=superseded [15:33] Wow [15:33] Cool \o/ [15:33] lool: click in the arrow for cairo and you will see the sources files linking to librarian below. [15:33] cprov: I have to leave to jump around the office here and tell everybody about it [15:33] cprov: I missed the "Superseded" drop down near search [15:34] Probably because I very rarely use search [15:34] :) [15:35] cprov: What's the bug about keeping the binaries too? [15:35] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221372 [15:36] Launchpad bug 221372 in launchpad "Beta team need updates of new features on Edge" [Undecided,New] [15:36] No, that's something else [15:36] cprov: Should I file a bug for keeping binaries too? [15:36] Ah https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/193996 [15:36] Launchpad bug 193996 in soyuz "PPA packages unavailable once deleted" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov) [15:37] lool: yes, already in my plate ;) [15:37] Cool [15:37] cprov: People here have a mirror of the ppa just for this use case :) [15:38] lool: well, a mirror is required if you need to sign the archive [15:38] * cprov doesn't believe he mentioned that ... errrr [15:39] Indeed [15:39] But we don't really need that yet [15:42] Hmm bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.hardy has been running since 4 minutes with no output; it's over bzr+ssh this time around; a bzr pull over http was also stuck, weird [15:43] I can load bazaar.launchpad.net over http fine === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak [15:53] is bazaar infrastructure impacted by the hardy release? === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === mtaylor|zzz is now known as mtaylor [16:52] New bug: #221397 in launchpad "fmt:link icon could be presented better using CSS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221397 === fdd-0 is now known as fdd === fdd is now known as ionutjula === kiko-afk is now known as kiko [17:20] bigjools: ping? [17:22] LaserJock: yes? === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [17:45] New bug: #221418 in launchpad "Pageid isn't set for views using attribute" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221418 [17:46] can anybody help with ppa? I uploaded smart_0.52-landscape8 a few hours ago (1 or 2) and it just disappeared. Nothing shows up for it in https://launchpad.net/~landscape/+archive/+builds in any state [17:47] I got the email saying it was accepted (but only for two distros: gutsy and hardy; I uploaded to dapper, edgy and feisty too) [17:48] ahasenack: haven't you received a rejection message for the missing ones ? [17:48] no [17:49] cprov: but there might be something wrong about that on my side [17:49] cprov: I'm checking the history of the terminal where I ran the command [17:50] cprov: assuming those other three were not sent, what about the two that got sent and confirmed via email: [17:50] ? [17:52] I can see a gutsy & hardy failure, then a gutsy accepted [17:52] hardy accepted too [17:53] ahasenack: that's it you haven't upload anything else today (last 12 hours) === Hobbsee is now known as foo___ [17:53] the last accepted email I have is from 2h ago (14:50 UTC) === foo___ is now known as Hobbsee [17:53] cprov: yes, there were many failures before [17:56] cprov: forget about the other three "missing" targets/distros, it's only gutsy and hardy indeed [17:57] ahasenack: just a tip, if you allow me. If the upload doesn't show up within 10 minutes after being uploaded, *no question* it won't appear anymore, something is broken on your side, be 100 % sure your system is ok and your source is signed and re-upload it. [17:57] cprov: even if I got the accepted email, right? [17:57] ahasenack: the upload-processor hasn't failed once this year, so it's reliable enough [17:58] I guess I'm cursed then [17:59] ahasenack: if you have received the acceptance message, the package will show up in the PPA page as pending, zero change of not. [17:59] cprov: you want me to forward the accept email to you? [17:59] cprov: maybe you can see something I can't (honestly) [18:00] ahasenack: okay, forward it. [18:01] ahasenack: [PPA ahasenack] not landscape. [18:02] cprov: ah, there you go [18:02] cprov: thanks [18:02] ahasenack: np === matsubara_ is now known as matsubara === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [18:58] ==> Come join the Launchpad Developers meeting in #launchpad-meeting starting in 1 minute :-) === cpro1 is now known as cprov [19:10] New bug: #221449 in malone "Bug reported on source package begins "Binary package hint:"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/221449 === Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 1 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com [19:37] updated next meeting date [20:01] Hey, does launchpad have a list of all the projects it hosts? [20:04] https://launchpad.net/projects/+all << 6300- Wow === barry is now known as barry-away === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak === gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak === salgado is now known as salgado-afk === gnomefre3k is now known as gnomefreak