[00:00] any software to watch TV online free? for ubuntu? [00:00] xs142, try this again. sudo useradd -G admin $USER [00:00] sarah____, What benefits do you want specifically? [00:00] which tool can rip xvid video with 2 ac3 audio tracks out of a dvd? [00:00] keit1: application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf Yes [00:00] a while back someone told me to install kppp!i tried to but it didnt work!said that my pc being i386 doesnt support the software! [00:00] billy: I made a small tutorial already in a forum I visit http://usalug.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=103507#103507 [00:00] co0lingFir3, dvdrip. [00:00] sweet thanks [00:00] bazhang: there? [00:00] no need for 32bit browser [00:00] UnSuNgLoSeR: yea i had that error too [00:00] stability, and security [00:00] unop I typed "sudo useradd -G admin $USER" and pressed enter [00:00] keit1: And it has flash under .flv, too. [00:00] ChaosTheory: billy: then flash should be working if you see that in "about:plugins" [00:00] cope57 it says i need to log in [00:01] xs142, ok, now what does this report? grep -i admin /etc/group [00:01] linkinxp did u fix it? [00:01] Hello there, [00:01] ChaosTheory: thats really weird. I'd purge you mozilla folder in your home ~/.mozilla and start again [00:01] when is 8.04 coming out? [00:01] Does anyone here run Ubuntu on their Mac? [00:01] keit1: The required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable codecs to play media files. Do you want to search for a codec that supports the selected file? [00:01] The search will also include software which is not officially supported. [00:01] unop, lpadmin:x:113:xs142 [00:01] orudie: april 23rd? [00:01] macd: can i rip 2 different ac3 audio tracks to avi container with dvdrip? [00:01] admin:x:117:root [00:01] I have to manually start Metacity after each login. For some reason, Compiz is still trying to be my default windows manager. How do I fix this? [00:01] orudie, it has been delayed by 3 months .. it's is now 8.07 :) [00:01] keit1: Can I do that through Synaptics? [00:01] co0lingFir3, yeah I usually grab the ac3 2.0 and 5.1 tracks [00:02] UnSuNgLoSeR: i just choose all available applications [00:02] billy: http://cope57.pastebin.com/m642777f7 [00:02] macd: great! i will try it asap [00:02] what are the main updates in the new version? [00:02] orudie, see the topic for this room .. [00:02] billy wait [00:02] linkinxp: tried everything!it gives me the same error! [00:02] keit1: I'm "completely removing" Firefox through Synpatic. [00:02] urthmover, I have a core duo and everything except suspend and Compiz worked with Gutsy, in Hardy Compiz is working with the new ATI drivers but if you have an Nvidia card compiz will probably work with Gutsy. [00:02] cope57: okee dokee [00:02] ChaosTheory: the video may use h264, have you enabled restricted & multiverse in software sources? [00:02] how can i remove a user ? [00:02] UnSuNgLoSeR: im not sure then :( sorry [00:02] co0lingFir3, if you have more than one box to use with it, you can run its transcoder in cluster mode, it really speeds through a bunch of dvd's that way [00:03] orudie: man deluser [00:03] ChaosTheory: no don't do that! [00:03] ChaosTheory: no need! lol [00:03] linkinxp: ne idea what i386 is neway? [00:03] xs142, hmm, beats me really -- the useradd command isnt working as it should [00:03] keit1: Oops. =P [00:03] orudie: for the hardcore, man vi [00:03] ChaosTheory: lol [00:03] hello [00:03] billy: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree nspluginwrapper [00:03] macd: i dont get what u mean? can dvdrip do it's work on more computers simultaneously? [00:03] Jordan_U I think I have a nvidia how do I check what video device I have? is there a command line util? [00:04] co0lingFir3, yes, it can, since its just a fancy gui frontend for a command line program called transcode. [00:04] ChaosTheory: look I gotta go to watch shameless! but w/e you do don't remove firefox completely you're gonna make more work for yourself [00:04] LjL, maybe you know why a useradd command doesnt have any effect for xs142 .. [00:04] keit1: Oh, okay. Thanks for your help. [00:04] cope57: it said i already had that installed [00:04] keit1: I'll retry everything you told me. [00:04] now what? [00:04] neone wid solid ubuntu knowledge,need help!!!! [00:04] ChaosTheory: i'll be back in an hour, meanwhile look on the ubuntuforums.org if you can't find help here [00:04] unop: dunno, why's he using that instead of adduser to begin with? [00:04] ChaosTheory: np good luck [00:04] brb I'm gonna slap in 2 more gigs of memory brb [00:04] billy, both of them? [00:05] LjL, he isnt member of the admin group -- so i suggested "useradd -G admin $USER" .. but it doesnt do much [00:05] I realise they're not part of ubuntu but does anyone know why when i upgraded last night i lost the resolution 1680 x 1050 on my nvidia drivers [00:05] not the pastebin thingy [00:05] urthmover, lspci, lshw, or System -> Preferences -> Devices [00:05] unop, xs142: try just "adduser $USER admin" [00:05] * ChaosTheory cries. [00:05] UnSuNgLoSeR: not really lol [00:05] knifepoint, chances are your not running the nvidia drivers anymore [00:05] cope57: bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied [00:05] macd: wow that sounds fantastic [00:05] knifepoint, How had you installed the drivers? [00:05] when i do the first thing in your tutorial [00:05] envy [00:05] LjL, "adduser: Only root may add a user or group to the system." [00:06] co0lingFir3, yes, it is nice, I usually rip about 20 to the harddrive (stright vobs) then let dvdrip transcode them in a cluster queue [00:06] cope57? [00:06] complete removal and re installation and they're definitely running [00:06] xs142, prepend that command with sudo [00:06] xs142: yes you certainly need to be root. are you in recovery mode already? [00:06] when kernels get updated they usually blow out propiertary video drivers [00:06] unop, if he isn't in "admin", he isn't going to be able to sudo :) [00:06] knifepoint, well, once you bust out envy, I dont know what to tell you, other than remove it, and use the ubuntu packaged nvidia restricted driver. [00:06] damn! [00:06] knifepoint, Did the built in restricted-manager not work? [00:06] LjL, yea, but he was able to sudo before thats what's entirely strange about this :) [00:06] billy: System > Administration > Software Properties [00:06] can someone help me im new to IRC [00:07] is redhat any better than ubuntu? [00:07] enable all your repositories [00:07] cope57 don't have that [00:07] LjL, unop - Adding sudo didn't report any issues [00:07] unop, xs142: well, try "sudo adduser $USER admin" then, also pastebin your /etc/sudoers though [00:07] !best | UnSuNgLoSeR [00:07] UnSuNgLoSeR: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [00:07] yeah restricted manager drivers didnt work at all thats why i resorted to envy [00:07] helloo [00:07] KnifeHat: envy isn't necessary right now because the hardy repository has the latest nvidia drivers [00:07] cope57 just software sources [00:07] that is it [00:07] how do i join an IRC room? [00:07] o okay then wut? [00:07] spiderexpert: /join #name [00:07] xs142, also include the contents of /etc/group with the pastebin [00:07] knifepoint, do you have something newer than an 8800 or older than a geforece2 ? [00:07] i love linux and the linux comunity [00:07] /join #nameof room [00:07] interesting [00:07] thanks [00:07] nah 7600 [00:07] LjL, unop Wha'..? [00:07] cope57: then wut? [00:07] hey guys [00:08] its great to be a partof it now [00:08] !pastebin | xs142 [00:08] xs142: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [00:08] xs142: start by typing « sudo adduser $USER admin », and see what it tells you [00:08] do any of you happen to know how to access a network drive [00:08] Does anyone know of a photo viewer that can show a continously random slideshow? E.g. you have there pictures: X,Z,Y that are shown in a similair order: X>Y>Z -> Y>X>Z -> X>Z>Y etc... [00:08] Hardy??? [00:08] They have a Hardy distribution? [00:08] keit1, hey you wouldnt know how to acquire a list of modules for the current pc in linux? [00:08] ubotu is back! [00:08] Sorry, I don't know anything about is back! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:08] xs142, once you have run the command, use the pastebin to show us the output of this command. cat /etc/{sudoers,group} [00:08] billy: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree nspluginwrapper [00:08] I am so not running Ubuntu Hardy. [00:08] whoops [00:08] YES! HUZZAH! I WIN! =] [00:08] !hardy | Zambezi [00:08] Zambezi: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [00:08] knifepoint, well, Id prolly just go back with the ubuntu packaged drivers, they work fine for a 7600 I have, just make sure you install linux-restricted- and nvidia-glx-new, should work fine :) [00:09] cope57: already had that too [00:09] Lol. I'm so sticking with gutsy. [00:09] ok ill uninstall envy drivers and give em another shot thanks mate [00:09] dose any one use Gizmo project lol? [00:09] Now, to get my headphones to work. =( [00:09] LjL, unop, typing "sudo adduser $USER admin" just gives me a new line [00:09] what are the main features of version 8 ? [00:09] need help! [00:09] xs142, thats normal [00:09] dose any one use gizmo? [00:10] what does one have to do attract some attention over here? [00:10] xs142: then it worked, apparently. type « groups » and see if you're now a member of admin (do it in a new shell) [00:10] !ask | UnSuNgLoSeR [00:10] UnSuNgLoSeR: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [00:10] Anyone know how to make the speakers mute when you are using headphones? [00:10] UnSuNgLoSeR, asking a question may help [00:10] Does anyone know how I would go about disabling my bluetooth device under acpi-support? [00:10] LjL, a new shell? [00:10] xs142, a new terminal [00:10] LjL i have been doing that [00:10] is anyone virtualizing their Ubuntu? [00:10] cope57: wut now? [00:11] LjL, what command? « groups » didn't work [00:11] restart the browser [00:11] UnSuNgLoSeR, ask again, we can't keep track of everything and everyone [00:11] LjL okay i have a huawei ETS2551 wireless UTMS modem [00:11] xs142: define didn't work [00:11] How do you mute the speakers in Ubuntu? [00:11] how do i switch to root? [00:11] i cant make it work with ubuntu [00:11] !root > billy (billy, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:11] LjL, "bash: «: command not found" [00:11] I mean. . . yes. How do you mute the speakers. [00:11] xs142, without the quotes... [00:11] o okay [00:11] When upgrading to hardy, apt want to remove XMMS i want to keep it is there a solution, i don't care if it's not supported anymore just want to keep the binaries [00:12] LjL, xs142 dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev [00:12] UnSuNgLoSeR, a UMTS modem, that works how? USB? [00:12] the device manager detects it [00:12] how do i join a different server? [00:12] yeah USB LjL [00:12] ne78, just let it uninstall it, you can reinstall xmms2 [00:12] xs142, do it again in a virtual terminal (i.e. hit ctrl+alt+f2, login, type groups, see if there's "admin" there, then ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to your desktop) [00:12] ?? [00:12] macd i need xmms 1 not xmms 2 [00:12] why is access still denied to a file when i use sudo? [00:13] Someone told me to install kppp but i get an error message saying my pc being i386 doesnt support the application [00:13] billy, what is the exact command you are using? [00:13] sudo echo "deb http://www.dipconsultants.com/debian etch main">> /etc/apt/sources.list [00:13] have to reboot...ehm...maybe i have to reboot....have updated some files of ardour...from 2.1 to 2.3....probably...still showing 2.1 mmm [00:13] ne78, then dont upgrade to hardy [00:13] unop sudo echo "deb http://www.dipconsultants.com/debian etch main">> /etc/apt/sources.list [00:13] UnSuNgLoSeR, i don't understand why you'd be getting such an error message. how did you install kppp? [00:14] c u later [00:14] through add/remove programs [00:14] billy, you need this .. sudo sh -c "wget .. >> file" [00:14] billy, because the ">>" is being performed by the *shell*, which is not running as root. [00:14] macd: i think a fake glib1.2 package would do the job [00:14] Wile attempting to install Virtual Box in Gutsy, I get this error: "FATAL: Error inserting vboxdrv (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/misc/vboxdrv.ko): Invalid argument [00:14] * Reloading kernel event manager... " any help would be appreciated. [00:14] LjL, showed exactly the same thing [00:14] UnSuNgLoSeR, what does uname -r tell you? [00:14] sudo sh -c echo "deb http://www.dipconsultants.com/debian etch main">> /etc/apt/sources.list [00:14] like that? [00:14] kernel 2.6 smthing macd [00:14] UnSuNgLoSeR, I have a feeling you just need to boot the generic kernel, not the 386 one [00:14] anyone have their own ircd on ubuntu? [00:14] billy: Don't sudo the echo. Just echo "blah" | sudo tee -a /path === bluefoxx is now known as bluefox|gaming [00:15] UnSuNgLoSeR, well I need to know what the something is.... is it 386 or generic trailing the version number [00:15] i always boot the generic kernel macd [00:15] xs142: so you weren't added to the admin group. i don't quite undertand why... but do what unop said earlier: "cat /etc/{group},{sudoers}" and pastebin [00:15] billy, no, sudo sh -c "echo deb http://www.dipconsultants.com/debian etch main>> /etc/apt/sources.list" [00:15] generic macd [00:15] i have some problems with my pubkey login with ssh [00:15] UnSuNgLoSeR: I am having a hard time looking for firmware/drivers for that particular wireless card. Where did you get it? [00:15] UnSuNgLoSeR, meh doesnt make sense why kppp wouldnt install then [00:15] Ok.. this is weird. w/Fspot I exported an image to ~/Desktop/Gallery and I can find and open the directory with Tracker. However, I can't see it at all when I'm looking at my desktop or use Nautilus drilling to ~/Desktop/. What's causing this? [00:15] copyd succesfully to the remote users ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [00:16] UnSuNgLoSeR, what about « uname -a » [00:16] yeah i dont get it either:( [00:16] when i try to login it keeps prompting for the password [00:16] LjL, "cat: /etc/{group},{sudoers}: No such file or directory" [00:16] greetings all. i am trying to install a wireles usb mouse. the present config is for Ps/2. I am looking at my xorg.conf and i am wondering if it should be as simple as changing the Ps/2 entry to usb, and or, what the proper syntax for this section is if the mouse is usb. Also, of course, i am worried about being able to change it back if the usb mouse doesn't work, etc [00:16] UnSuNgLoSeR: Have you seen http://www.openpages.info/huawei.html ? [00:16] LjL havent tried that [00:16] can any one tell me how to stop kde resuming apps on login from the previous session please. [00:16] xs142: my bad - cat /etc/{group,sudoers} [00:16] xs142, this one instead. cat /etc/{sudoers,group} [00:16] UnSuNgLoSeR: tell me what it says [00:16] ne78, regardless of what you do, xmms1 isnt in hardy, and wasnt built against the libs in hardy, so you can 1. stay on gutsy 2. use xmms2 3. upgrade to hardy and compile xmms1 from source 4. build your own xmms1 packages for hardy [00:16] but when i boot through GRUB its says kernel 2.6 (generic) [00:17] LjL i am currently using winxp [00:17] d'oh [00:17] hello all [00:17] cant check it now [00:17] is there any way to change my logon session in gdm from the commandline? I have my box set to auto logon and its supposed to be starting vino, but it keeps starting up in xfce (mythbuntu) [00:17] jdk1976: Is it a laser or optical mouse? [00:17] i even set the default session to KDE and still logging me into xfce [00:18] all packages of Canonical aint supported on my pc that is what it says! LjL [00:18] macd, read the room's topic -- hardy not supported in here, #ubuntu+1 please [00:18] UnSuNgLoSeR, then i don't think i can help you without being able to troubleshoot using commands... just, make sure you aren't using the amd64 version of ubuntu (although it shouldn't really matter for kppp), and i've found this pretty generic howto: http://www.openpages.info/huawei.html [00:18] crap , i think i have it [00:18] UnSuNgLoSeR, i can't say without error messages and being able to look at files [00:18] ChaosTheory: do this then remove ~/.mozilla then reinstall again [00:18] unop_, why dont you tell the person asking the question instead, Im just answering someone. [00:18] LjL i tried this in the terminal [00:18] LjL, unop - -http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61863/ [00:18] ChaosTheory: this sorry ... sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree   then remove ~/.mozilla [00:19] amd64 version will not install to a 32bit chip motherboard [00:19] *sigh* he hasn't removed the rot13 yet [00:19] amenado: Are you there? [00:19] but when i use the dmesg -c command it says operation failed! [00:19] n00b here...I dl'ed americas army, and I installed it but nothing happens when I try to execute it [00:19] SEVEAS, it's past midnight [00:19] keit1: Hi. [00:19] keit1: I've got it fixed. [00:19] keit1: I need to fix my headphones now. =( [00:19] LjL, not in the states :P [00:19] ChaosTheory; yay [00:19] Seveas: ¤%"## you [00:20] do you know any IRC server just to have fun for a while? [00:20] =] [00:20] could someone please help me locate the error? [00:20] amenado: I figured it out-second post in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 [00:20] /join #funhouse [00:20] cope57: IT WORKS!!!! CHEA!! THANKS SO MUCH [00:20] Jordan_U I'm back wow adding memory to this thing was a breeze [00:20] xs142: type « ls -l /etc/group » and paste the output here (it's just one line) [00:20] hehe [00:21] keit1: Any ideas? My main speakers won't mute when I put my headphones in. [00:21] nothing in funhouse, he just created the room, lol [00:21] someone, please? [00:21] LjL, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 902 2008-04-01 23:54 /etc/group [00:21] i installed ubuntu from the live cd i got shipped!might be something wrong with the cd i guess! LjL [00:21] LjL, hint: the /plain urls are normal [00:21] can anyone help with compiz? [00:21] roffe__: no .exe allowed in Linux [00:21] xs142: look, reboot into recovery mode. type « adduser yourusername admin » in there. then type « grep yourusername /etc/group », and make sure something shows up. [00:22] Seveas: so is the edit box [00:22] billy hold on [00:22] ah found it... ~/.dmrc [00:22] cope: it's not an exe... I installed it even [00:22] kazol_-> and what did you have to changed? [00:22] billy: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Advanced_Desktop_Effects_.28Compiz_Fusion.29 [00:23] xs142: also, type now « sudo echo test » - does it say anything? [00:23] version 2.5 right/ [00:23] Cope57: Any ideas on how to make my headphones work properly? [00:23] is there a way to check the network's status like bandwidth usage [00:23] cope57: i have it up and running, i just want to make the desktop cube effect work cuz its not doing wut its supposed to [00:23] It created a folder called armyops in /home/roffe/ and in there there's a file called armyops, but it won't execute... 2.5 yeas [00:23] How to install libstdc++.so.5 ? [00:24] roffe__, where did you download it from? did they have any install instructions? [00:24] dimitree: tried « sudo apt-get install build-essential » ? [00:24] in terminal type [00:24] armyops [00:24] LjL, just asks for password and then shows a new line [00:24] roffe__, you can't have a directory and file by the same name in the same directory [00:24] amenado: It was a bug, so I had to add a symbolic link to a restart script for startup (after S40networking). [00:24] xs142: right. do as i said - recovery mode etc [00:24] what are the main features of version 8 ? [00:24] how i change my cursors ???? [00:24] amenado: *Many* people have the same problem yet did not receive an answer... [00:24] LjL, very strange problem he has [00:24] kazol_-> what bug? your script? [00:24] Cope57: Me? [00:24] LjL no i have these [00:24] what are the main features of version 8.04 , 8.07 ? [00:24] LjL, Roger Wilco [00:24] orudie: #ubuntu+1 for 8.04 questions [00:24] macd i patched the libglib1.2ldbl not to confilct with libglib1.2 and made a fake empty libglib1.2 packages, it weems to works [00:24] amenado: It's the second post on: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 [00:24] unop the file is inside the directory [00:24] Hi, I'm using VLC and V4L to stream /dev/video0 but it seems to be ctaking /dev/video1 also. Any ideas? [00:25] unop_: sudo should fail, since he's not in admin, but for some reason is doing so silently [00:25] sorry, ChaosTheory getting lost in the flood. ;) [00:25] LjL, thats what i thought but hmm, this is very strange [00:25] i'm not allowed to ask silly questions in there [00:25] ne78, was that the conflict causing xmms to be removed? [00:25] I can't remember where I downloaded it from, but I followed someones mini-guide [00:25] Cope57: Oh, okay. =D [00:25] macd: yes [00:25] anybody please how i change my cursors? [00:26] kazol_-> what exactly is the bug? and what did you do to fix it? [00:26] I can't stop Ubuntu from wanting to load Compiz instead of Metacity. I've searched the forums, there apparently is a huge problem with this, but no permanent solution. [00:26] roffe__, maybe you need to do this .. chmod +x ~/armyops/armyops; ~/armyops/armyops [00:26] I have to type "metacity &" after every login to get my menu bar. [00:26] unop_: well, i'm not going to suddenly remove myself from admin with the system running, but i wouldn't be too surprised if that cause sudo to fail silently. then of course, we don't know why he'd have been removed from admin to begin with [00:26] roffe__: type in terminal armyops [00:26] macd: i hope someone will put an unoffcial xmms1 repository as i need it badly, it's the only software able to deal with my very huge sample and mp3 collection [00:27] Someone7, after you do that, goto system --> prefs --> session, and remove the compiz and make sure save current session is checked, your change should be perm then [00:27] cope it says command not found [00:27] how do i run mp3 songs on ubuntu? [00:27] dimitree: install the package libstdc++5 [00:27] roffe__, maybe you need to do this .. chmod +x ~/armyops/armyops; ~/armyops/armyops [00:27] !mp3 > UnSuNgLoSeR (UnSuNgLoSeR, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:27] roffe__: try sudo armyops [00:27] UnSuNgLoSeR: just click it and it will install the codecs [00:27] ne78, ever tried amarok? it uses a sql backend, I have ~550gb of mp3, and it works well [00:27] There is no Compiz there, macd. [00:27] LjL thank you :) [00:28] Someone7, then add the metacity command to the startup tab, and it shall be done [00:28] unop... it didn't work :( [00:28] That didn't work. [00:28] I already tried it. [00:28] cope it said command not found again [00:28] UnSuNgLoSeR: install the lame plug-in [00:28] roffe__, what is the full pathname of that file? [00:28] I also tried messing with the gconftool-2 and it doesn't work. [00:28] Someone7, do you have some 3rd party piece of software installed like the compiz tray icon? [00:28] It keeps telling me compiz is my default manager. [00:28] linkinxp tried it mate!no use!i connected via lan to the internet!didnt work!something's wrong with my copy of ubuntu!:( [00:28] LjL, that could make sense, but sudo should really fail if groups doesnt report you to be a member of admin [00:28] /home/roffe/armyops/armyops [00:29] macd: i tried everything else, i have more and i want the playlist to be a flat list of full pathnames [00:29] Not that I know of, though I'm not sure. This computer came with Enlightenment/Compiz on it, and I thought I got rid of it all. [00:29] UnSuNgLoSeR: uff it didnt ask for codecs? [00:29] roffe__, what happens when you type just this then? /home/roffe/armyops/armyops [00:29] roffe__: think so [00:29] ne78, well if your into flatfiles, thats cool [00:29] LjL, unop - - <3 [00:29] UnSuNgLoSeR: if u think its the copy try reinstalling it [00:29] UnSuNgLoSeR: You'll need to state your problem more cleanly and succinctly for anyone to know what you're talking about. Details are good. Pastebins of errors and logs are better. [00:29] xs142, whats up? [00:30] unop: ./armyops-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [00:30] unop, it's solve, that would be a heart as a thank you :) [00:30] now how i change the cursors??? :O [00:30] xs142, wow, what did you do? [00:30] unop, recovery console, the two lines LjL told me to write [00:30] roffe__, try this command first.. sudo aptitude install build-essential [00:31] xs142, nice.. you had a very strange problem there but glad it's fixed now [00:31] unop it's installing something from the ubuntu cd now [00:32] roffe__, ok, you should have gotten rid of this error once that is done [00:32] hi to all i am nre to linux i just downloaded ubntu 7.10 server amd 64x, i burn the iso on to a cd, but the only file taht i see is a html file and the cd read 500+ megs i even try tobit strat with that cd but nothing happens [00:32] soon done, so we'll see :) [00:32] cant i just download packages for ubuntu using windows xp? [00:32] roffe__: otherwise, try sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 [00:32] i am burning with win xp [00:32] UnSuNgLoSeR: that's possible [00:32] !offline | UnSuNgLoSeR [00:32] UnSuNgLoSeR: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.byethost14.com/ [00:32] unop, command would be "adduser [name] admin" and then "grep [name] /etc/group" - - Now I'm off to ruin Ubuntu again ;) [00:32] Oh crap... [00:32] LjL, thanks again! [00:33] I think I've been hacked. [00:33] ChaosTheory: how did you fix firefox+ flash? [00:33] UnSuNgLoSeR, you could but you have to deal with dependencies of that package too, and you dont know what they are before hand [00:33] folks does ubuntu features any dc++ client? [00:33] Someone7: what makes you think that? [00:33] There is another user on this computer with space now called mekius. [00:33] Ljl I did that too, can't be bad I guess :) [00:33] !dc++ | Frederick [00:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about dc++ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:33] UnSuNgLoSeR-> nope..stay with ubuntu, dont use xp to dowload packages [00:33] Frederick: yes [00:33] Frederick: hm hold on [00:33] There wasn't a mekius folder before... [00:33] omg u need to install a program for changing the cursors nice ;D [00:33] !directconnect | Frederick [00:33] Frederick: Direct Connect clients: Valknut (Qt), dcgui (GTK), dc-qt (Qt, alpha), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P === kader_ is now known as abdelmalek [00:33] keit1: It turns out I had to put the *other* file in the same directory, too. =P [00:34] amenado, that's not an option if his connection won't work from ubuntu. [00:34] something happens!! [00:34] How do I change the root password? [00:34] the terminal install should do that (that is all it does! lol) [00:34] Someone7: you don't [00:34] It doesn't appear to be the same as the sudo password. [00:34] Someone7: don't. pull the plug, and reboot from a live CD [00:34] ChaosTheory: ^above^ [00:34] how can i monitor my network's activity ? [00:34] Someone7: Ubuntu uses sudo. so should you. :) [00:34] thanks [00:34] keit1: What? =P [00:34] keit1: I'm trying to fix my headphones + speakers, now. [00:35] hi [00:35] hi [00:35] LjL okay.. [00:35] hi [00:35] ChaosTheory: perhaps you didn't press "y" at the right time enough times?! [00:35] hi [00:35] hi [00:35] hi [00:35] Clockwork: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [00:35] hi [00:35] amenado: (sry for that, I changed my key), I did not fix the bug but fixed the problem temporarily. [00:35] keit1: No, I just didn't put the other necessary file in the same directory. [00:35] could someone of you please tell me why it got executed now, and not earlier? [00:35] orudie-> its monitored now by the ip_conntrack [00:35] ChaosTheory: yeah not gonna have time to help you with that but glad you flash is sorted ;0) [00:35] keit1: Thanks. =] [00:35] keit1: Oh, by the way. . . [00:35] ChaosTheory: np [00:35] I'm very thankful but I need to learn for other programs :) [00:35] billy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AmericasArmy [00:35] ChaosTheory: yeah [00:35] roffe__, your executable needed a shared library that was missing [00:36] keit1: I lose my wireless settings every time I restart. T_T [00:36] In Ubuntu you can switch CLI interfaces with Alt+FX, right? Well, when I'm running mplayer-nogui in one, i can't use the Alt+FX commandoes... is there any workaround? [00:36] ChaosTheory: you shouldn't... might need to do some research into that one [00:36] keit1: I had to spend 3 hours yesterday to get them working and I had to do it again this morning. [00:36] Wait, that folder was created before I got the computer. [00:36] nm [00:36] LjL i connected to the internet using lan in ubuntu!tried to download packages!doesnt work!ne ideas? [00:36] cope57: is it free? [00:36] keit1: In any case, I'm going to try restarting now (I just edited something with my speakers). [00:36] ChaosTheory: good luck! [00:36] i have a torrent file, how do i use it with aria2? [00:36] keit1: Thanks. [00:36] unop: ok, will I need to dl more shared libs for other softwares too, or am I set now? [00:36] tobberoth, if it's using the framebuffer, then i'm afraid those won't work [00:36] please [00:36] kazol_-> so you can reboot and retain the keys? you may have to look at the pre-up options [00:37] amenado: Yes [00:37] hah [00:37] billy: you were not asking about Americas Army/ [00:37] hello friend- how are you? [00:37] LjL: Allright, is there some other way of doing it? Using screen or something? [00:37] roffe__, if everything is working now, you should be ok. [00:37] UnSuNgLoSeR, should check /etc/apt/sources.list, but you really should reboot into ubuntu and come back here from there, so that we can give you commands to type and check output [00:37] how i keep my windows shared folders from being removed everytime i reboot from my desktop??? [00:37] amenado: I tried everything (I think that pre-up thing too)...nothing worked except this. [00:37] kazol_-> what was your solution? [00:37] cope57: nope, but sounds like fun lol, is it free and which version do i download? [00:37] tobberoth: not that i'm aware, but i can't say i'm particularly familiar with this [00:37] well, thanks.. I'm going to see if I can get ingame now... Or I'll come back here =) [00:37] LjL: Allright, thanks anyway :) [00:37] amenado: It's on the second forum post on the url I gave you. [00:37] Cheers everyone! Thanks for the help! [00:37] how can i track usage of TCP/IP network subnets in 7.10 ? [00:37] lost in the flood of chat that is all [00:38] okay LjL i'll be right back! [00:38] orudie, define usage in that context! [00:38] kazol_-> you created a script? to do what? [00:38] oh wow thats gonna take days to download lol [00:38] ubuntu and windows and dlink wireless modem hate each other [00:38] what kind of info do you need?cud u plz lemme know before hand? [00:38] How come there's no user limit in this channel? It might help to reduce flooding effects. [00:38] amenado: I told you, it restarts networking. [00:38] billy you like games, I have a few installed. http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gameslm0.png [00:39] amenado: It's all described on the second forum post. [00:39] i have a OLD Macbook running PPC ubuntu. and my USB G54 wireless adapter wont connect to my wireless network [00:39] kazol_-> im like pulling a teeth here, the post just says create a script, never says what does the script do [00:39] unop_: usage as in bandwidth [00:39] amenado: It runs "/etc/init.d/networking restart" [00:39] unop_: usage as in bytes sent, received [00:40] whoa why does ur desktop look like that? its purple lol [00:40] kazol_, why would users arbitrarily be limited from joining? [00:40] nobody here uses aria2? [00:40] hi to all i am nre to linux i just downloaded ubntu 7.10 server amd 64x, i burn the iso on to a cd, but the only file taht i see is a html file and the cd read 500+ megs i even try tobit strat with that cd but nothing happens [00:40] kazol_-> okay, cool.. [00:40] unop_: usage as in current up/down streams [00:40] jacob_: i guess i've used it. like, twice. [00:40] i don't know how to use that bittorrent client [00:40] Hello guys [00:40] I need to find a folder named "~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/" What does ~/ refer to? [00:40] LjL: But the limit would be dynamic-every minute it gets set to a certain constant + current users [00:41] LjL: I've seen it done on some other channels. [00:41] !p2p > jacob_ [00:41] jacob_, it's a bittorrent client only as a second thought, it's mostly a plain downloader... anyway, i believe "aria2 URL" should do! [00:41] xs142; your /home/username [00:41] Hi, I have lots of repository configured in my source.list and apt-check nearly kills my machine by taking about 90% of my RAM, is that a known issue ? [00:41] hi all [00:41] billy, adjust your color settings [00:41] kazol_, there is such a limit in place, anyway can discuss this in #ubuntu-ops if you want, this is not really the right place [00:41] unop_: are you there? [00:41] bastid_raZor cheers [00:41] LjL: Just saying... [00:41] orudie, i've not seen anything that can do that over multiple computers .. though it seems entirely possible [00:42] math_b, no way,sir,that is linux,it will use mem a lot [00:42] i'm trying to clear my old logs in /var/logs .. but they are owned by syslog... and I can't su to syslog or seem to clear them with '> log.0' [00:42] unop_: only 1 computer [00:42] math_b: apt-check? [00:42] dazza: you should be able to if you sudo [00:42] or apt-spy? [00:42] orudie, you said subnets? :) .. if its just one comp, examine the output of ifconfig [00:43] LjL: /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check a python script from update-notifier [00:43] dazza-> to clear as in erase them? sure you can as root [00:43] math_b: ah [00:43] hello, I need some help. I just did an upgrade from gutsy to hardy heron, and after it upgraded & rebooted my pc, the font is SUPER tiny and I get a message saying It can't start GNOME Desktop settings. [00:43] How can I activate my mouse in framebuffer? [00:43] !hardy > xNULL (xNULL, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:43] didn't take long.... the game forced me to make an account on their homepage so I clicked yes, and it wrote this "/usr/bin/xterm: Can't execvp links: No such file or directory" [00:43] after sudo I get - bash: messages.0: Permission denied [00:43] I'm looking for "~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/" but there's no /.wine/, yet if I try to create it it says it's in use.. How do I see it? [00:43] unop_: subnents because i have multiple servers set up such as apache, ftp, and srcds [00:44] LjL: Usually using about 900MB of RAM, pretty ugly [00:44] from CLI how do i see how much RAM my box has? [00:44] unop_: i want to observe statistically the bandwidth of each one [00:44] billy: that was a screenshot to show what games I have. here is my desktop http://img86.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrr9.png [00:44] unop_: if pissible with a web interface [00:44] xs142, it is ~ means /home/username [00:44] dazza, ">" won't work with sudo, because it's parsed by the shell, which is not running as root. use sudo sh -c "command" when you need that sort of thing [00:44] xs142; type it in the address bar .. .wine is hidden for the reason of it having a . in front of it [00:44] bastid_raZor: "free" [00:44] didn't take long.... the game forced me to make an account on their homepage so I clicked yes, and it wrote this "/usr/bin/xterm: Can't execvp links: No such file or directory" [00:45] roffe__: all folders/files that start with a '.' are 'invisible' [00:45] math_b; excellent, thanks [00:45] sweet all sorted - cheers guys [00:45] roffe__: use ls -a to see them [00:45] roffe__: sorry, I meant xs142 [00:45] orudie, pissable?? :)) errm, there is an apache module (forgot what it is called) that can shows stats like that .. but that might be just for apache tho and might not include your other servers [00:46] Nith: I needed that information anyway :) [00:46] lol, well, there you go [00:46] bandwidthd [00:46] does anyone know a software tool that would provide statistics of bandwidth of my 7.10 server ? [00:46] orudie, i believe it is called mod_status [00:46] orudie, ntop. [00:46] math_b: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-apt/+bug/159638 or https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/107188 perhaps [00:47] roffe__, you might want to install links .. [00:47] bastid_raZor what adressbar...? [00:47] orudie, web interface to traffic stats by proto/ip/tcp, and over time, in hour/day/week/month/yearly stats [00:47] !info phpsysinfo [00:47] Package phpsysinfo does not exist in gutsy [00:47] Where would on find good instructions re: installing Virtual Box on Ubuntu 7.10 please. [00:47] Still lost 1680 x 1050 on the nvidia drivers restricted drivers fall back to vesa drivers so thats no good... any ideas? [00:47] !vbox | Get_A_Fix [00:47] Get_A_Fix: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [00:48] macd: perfect, thanx bro [00:48] LjL what info did u need? [00:48] LjL: ha you're a better bug reports finder than I am, haven't found those, thanks ! [00:48] LjL: thx === Alan_M is now known as speeddemon8803 [00:48] unop: ummm.. you mean links as in shortcuts or some software called it? I guess this problem shouldn't be too hard though [00:48] UnSuNgLoSeR: start by pastebinning your /etc/apt/sources.list file [00:48] xs142; how are you trying to get to .wine? nautilus or CLI? if in CLI just type cd ~/.wine/andtheRestofwhatyousaid [00:48] !info links [00:48] Package links does not exist in gutsy [00:49] bastid_raZor nautilus [00:49] who wants that bindwidth be seen by others of his server,have a look at this,http://info.shallax.com/index.php [00:49] !info [00:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [00:49] roffe__, its a cli web browser [00:49] the !info is broken [00:49] what is the CLI command for detecting what video card is installed? [00:49] * Nith suggests elinks as it allows post/get vars [00:49] orudie, just a sidenote, ntop hogs alot of ram at times.... [00:49] <[[thufir]]> what's that file you edit when apt-get prompts to insert a disc so that packages are installed by dowload instead? === jeremy_ is now known as papisexy [00:49] urthmover: sudo lshw -C display [00:49] thanks [00:49] yeah... I had in mind that was a web browser... but why would I need it? [00:49] xs142; nautilus has an address bar at the top? or so mine does. you could do /home/username/.wine [00:49] LjL: I used that page, but received a fatal error after executing this "sudo module-assistant auto-install virtualbox-ose" [00:49] !info links2 [00:49] Package links2 does not exist in gutsy [00:49] [[thufir]]: /etc/apt/sources.list - but you can also use the GUI Software Sources application [00:49] macd: yeah i'm reading the docs right now, thats what they say [00:49] !sources | [[thufir]] [00:49] [[thufir]]: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [00:49] I think the bot lies [00:50] NOTICE - !info is broken [00:50] bastid_raZor mine doesn't o.O [00:50] roffe__, for whatever it is that the thing is trying to install [00:50] macd: anything else similar to this? [00:50] LjL: Ah, OK [00:50] [[thufir]]: see the last link for Software Sources [00:50] kool i found how to get my name back [00:50] xs142; location bar possibly? [00:50] roffe__, it might be trying to download a file from a server and needs links inorder to do so [00:50] bastid_raZor nvm, found the button :P [00:50] that's a good reason :) I'll give it a shot [00:50] <[[thufir]]> LjL: thanks [00:50] roffe__, maybe .. sudo aptitude install links [00:50] xs142; awesome.. i was just going to look and see how to add it [00:51] ?joine #winehq [00:51] bastid_raZor the button right below the "Back" button === teamcobra_ is now known as teamcobra [00:51] ok! should I take links 1 or 2? [00:51] papisexy cool! [00:51] Okay, I've fixed my wireless connection problem. =] [00:52] Now, to test my sound. . . [00:52] <[[thufir]]> LjL: I thought there was file which you can edit manually so that apt-get doesn't prompt for the disc? that's not what the link mentions [00:52] [[thufir]]: comment out the CD lines at the top of /etc/apt/sources.list [00:52] OMG!!! YES!!! MY SOUND IS FIXED! =D [00:52] OYG! [00:52] xs142; ahh yeah, good to store that info in my brain. [00:53] /etc/apt/sources.list [00:53] 01 * * * * bojan fetchmail -akv -m '/usr/bin/procmail -d %T' [00:53] Can someone tell me what's wrong with that cron entry? [00:54] I think I need to fix my screen resolution, though. =\ [00:54] orudie, not that I've ever seen really, I have it on a box that sits on a gig drop, and uses almost all of it alot, the box is a dual core 2gb ram, it runs fine [00:54] The cron daemon keeps e-mailing me telling me that it got: [00:54] /bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' [00:54] orudie, you can also give it a nicer "nice" value, it will just miss some packects here and there [00:54] /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file [00:54] what, hardy delayed? [00:54] OMG! I just fixed my screen resolution. O_O [00:54] dose any one kno a complete free pc-phone prgram cuz im usen gizmo and its not free:"( plz help!!!!! [00:54] pc to phone* [00:54] hello? [00:55] [[thufir]]: yes, i told you, it's /etc/apt/sources.list - just saying there is also a graphical way [00:55] -.- thats april fools juke [00:55] <[[thufir]]> sorry [00:55] SeveredCross, do you have a extra space trailing your last tick mark? [00:55] macd: I don't think so, but shall check. [00:55] armory555, bluetooth? [00:55] impatient [00:56] macd: Looks like I may have, not sure. [00:56] We'll find out in 5 minutes, the tab is supposed to run at a minute past the hour, every hour. [00:56] SeveredCross: well i don't use fetchmail but, does it also happen when you run that command not from cron? [00:56] fd [00:56] SeveredCross, you are using "crontab -e" to edit it right? [00:56] macd: Yep. [00:57] LjL: Nope. [00:57] i have ubuntu 7.10 whats the web site for free linux games? [00:57] SeveredCross, its also a good idea to always use the full path to a command in crontab @ fetchmail. [00:57] which one is the other ubuntu channel? [00:57] ubuntu-1? [00:57] uhhh hey guys? i was told to update to gutsy in order to get desktop effects to work with compiz fusion, but now i cant even turn desktop effects on, what do i do?? [00:57] linkinxp, +1 [00:58] ho ok [00:58] thanks [00:58] ubuntu+1? [00:58] yep [00:58] unop: It worked.. I can't figure out how to operate in it now, but I gotta sleep now anyway... How does one know that links was missing there?? [00:58] gusty whats that [00:58] 7.10 right? === speeddemon8803 is now known as Alan_M [00:58] roffe__, all you need to do is make sense of the error messages you get [00:59] macd: That is a good idea, I should fix that. [00:59] i was having problems with compiz fusion when i turned desktop effects on, and someone said to upgrade from 7.4 to 7.10 [00:59] * rootpt boas noites. [00:59] so i installed "comixcursors and crystalcursors" from synaptic where do I find them? [00:59] unop: yeah I figure, but e.g. what made you think links was missing there? [00:59] who knows how to get free games 4 linux if so pm me plz [00:59] jtravnick, system --> prefs --> mouse [01:00] SeveredCross: try enclosing procmail in *double* quotes, and putting a \ before the % [01:00] jtravnick, ooops! system --> prefs --> appearance [01:00] I'll try that if this time aroud it fails again. [01:00] macd, ah i was going to say mouse was the first place i looked [01:00] SeveredCross, anyway if you google « fetchmail "looking for matching" », the first four or so result seem quite relevant [01:01] roffe__, "/usr/bin/xterm: Can't execvp links: No such file or directory" < tells you that xterm has spit out a message saying it can't execute something called 'links' .. [01:01] :) [01:01] where can i get different desktop themes? [01:01] SeveredCross: as in, at least the first of them describes exactly the same problem (works from shell, doesn't work from cron) [01:01] ubuntu is the best linux! [01:01] is there a chat room 4 getting help on games for linux [01:01] he who googles first wins ;) [01:02] what are some security measures i can take in protecting my linux? [01:02] ... now I can't hear sound at all. =( [01:02] man I'm really digging this macbook....I've been diehard PC all these years....and now that I can install any OS I want on a mac its like driving a whole new car [01:02] will a restart work for me? [01:02] aha... that part was more simple than I thought :) I didn't recognize it said links as in the software links :) but I still don't understand how you understand all the others all the time [01:02] !security | sarah____ [01:02] sarah____: If you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server [01:02] macd, nope not there eather I have Theme Background Fonts Interface and Visual Effects but nothing in any of them about the mouse [01:02] But anyway, I gotta hit the sack... thank you so very much for the help!! [01:02] !server [01:02] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support [01:03] yo some1 help me dont u see me talking [01:03] how do i run an sfx file? [01:03] !kernel [01:03] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages [01:03] jtravnick, yeah under theme, customize, then you get a tab for pointers [01:03] papisexy maybe google for the free games and see what links come up [01:03] can someone help me. [01:03] macd, ah ok found it thanks [01:03] New to this and wondering why paste.ubuntu-nl.org is displaying the text I pasted in as Text only, Tex and ---- comes out as garbage or so it seem to me.. Is it suppose to be that way? [01:03] I noticed that in Ubuntu7.10 there is a Leave Message button on the lock screen. What is the treminal command for that? [01:03] How do i run .x86.run files? [01:04] is 7.10 gusty? [01:04] hey all. How do I enable direct rendering? I installed the restricted driver for my ATI Radeon [01:04] !fishing | sarah____ [01:04] sarah____: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [01:04] what is gusty? [01:04] sarah____: yes [01:04] !gutsy > papisexy (papisexy, see the private message from Ubotu) [01:04] i'm having trouble copying a cd "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/sfears/Desktop/cd.iso" gives an error `/media/cdrom': Is a directory 0 bytes written [01:04] okay [01:04] anyone? how do run an sfx file? [01:05] How do i run .x86.run files? [01:05] LjL whats your favorite linux distro? [01:05] sfx? as in a soundfont? [01:05] well, I hope you get the thank unop... and the other guys that helped me! much appreciated! Good night [01:05] my favorite linux distro is winXP SP3 [01:05] think sfx was a hashing method similar to md5 a while ago [01:05] RavenTrigun, 'chmod +x file.x86.run' then './file.x86.run' [01:05] How do I get Destop Effects to work? What I get is, "Desktop Effects are not enabled." [01:05] luddite: no to install a javabased webbrowser in ubuntu [01:05] LjL: That did it, thanks for the idea. [01:05] well i already have 7.10 [01:05] !offtopic | sarah____, luddite [01:05] sarah____, luddite: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:05] * Nith hasn't seen it in a long time [01:06] Is there a utility to set the position of the mouse every fraction of a second? A game i'm trying to play lets the mouse drift out of the side of the window, which is inconvenient [01:06] esteth, I dont think so [01:07] this chat room is fun lol [01:07] hey if you can help please pm me since I'm blind and its not possible for me to follow such a busy chanel. I have my wireless card in my ubuntu laptop v7.10 and it recognises it as eth1. How do I scan/connect to my home network? [01:07] macd. oh, ok. maybe i should try working on why the other mouse mode treats every tiny movement as a 270 degree turn [01:07] cant someone tell me why i cant turn desktop effects on? i just just upraded from fisty to gutsy. why would it stop working? === ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK [01:08] anybody somebody? [01:08] billy: sorry mate- cant help you [01:08] lluddite:thanks anyways bro [01:08] Could you take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61867/ need to get my hp nx9010 wireless working before I leave town. Thanks [01:09] I had sound for a few minutes. I don't have it anymore. I have no idea as to what happened. . . [01:09] any1 heard of a game called over kill [01:10] billy: a java web browser? eww [01:10] last chance to help a first time ubuntu user before he tries windows tricks to get desktop effects to work, which will ultimately destroy his system somehow [01:10] Ceiling_paint can you explain what gusty is to papisexy [01:11] papisexy asked what gusty is awhile ago and no one answered [01:11] eh, how do i pm with the red text them? [01:11] Zmine: i answered [01:11] !gutsy [01:11] Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents [01:11] no prob, how red text and i tell [01:11] LjL: i dunno.. i just want to have two web browsers on here.. anything else besides firefox that i can get? [01:11] !browsers | billy [01:11] billy: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) [01:11] or.... ubotu can do it...... :( [01:11] LjL oh ok..sorry I didn't see that..what's what I get for going to get something to eat :) [01:11] i'm having trouble copying a cd "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/sfears/Desktop/cd.iso" gives an error `/media/cdrom': Is a directory 0 bytes written [01:12] sFEARs: are you sure you're typing if=/dev/cdrom and not if=/media/cdrom...? [01:12] really need some help getting this hp nx9010 wireless working blink blink http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61867/ [01:12] any similar tools like ntop ? [01:12] sFEARs: is the cdrom still mounted by any chance? [01:12] yup.. but /media/cdrom gives me the same error LjL [01:12] sFEARs: what does « ls -l /dev/cdrom » say? [01:13] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2008-03-31 17:28 /dev/cdrom -> hdb [01:13] ceiling pm me [01:13] use /dev/hdb then [01:13] will try [01:14] orudie, possibly one of these: iptraf, bwm, iftop, mtr, vnstat [01:14] are there any programs to call phones from ur computer for free? === tdoggette_ is now known as tdoggette [01:14] billy: via your modem or voip technology? [01:14] no such file or directory genii [01:15] billy: Ekiga (or any other SIP client) can do that, i believe for instance http://freecall.com offers free calls to some landlines using SIP, although you do need to run a windows program to setup the account [01:15] salut === SamRose_ is now known as SamRose [01:15] !fr | cocohugo [01:15] cocohugo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [01:15] does anyone know a software tool that would provide statistics of bandwidth of my 7.10 server ? [01:16] how many ppl download free game 4 linux [01:16] Anyone able to help getting this hp nx9010 wireless working. Info at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61867/ [01:16] orudie: Not specifically for bandwidth but a good tool is webalizer [01:16] is there a web for Intel 965 Gm video drivers??? [01:16] orudie: bandwidthd [01:17] orudie, "apt-cache search bandwidth stat" will help [01:17] !offtopic | papisexy [01:17] papisexy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [01:17] !pulseaudio [01:17] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [01:17] LjL: isnt' a little to old ? [01:17] quick question, will hardy include Perl 5.10? [01:17] orudie: what is too old? [01:18] i'm having trouble copying a cd "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/sfears/Desktop/cd.iso" gives an error `/media/cdrom': Is a directory 0 bytes written [01:18] literal: ask in #ubuntu+1, or check http://packages.ubuntu.com/ [01:18] thanks [01:18] sFEARs, what you type « ls -l /dev/cdrom », is the /dev/hdb shown in red? [01:18] s/what/when/ [01:18] alright that didnt work... [01:18] LjL: bandwidthd [01:18] yeah.. /dev/hdb but that didn't work either [01:18] please someone just help me [01:19] orudie: i don't know. it makes graphs, it supports relational databases. i can't really know what sort of thing *you* are looking for [01:19] LjL: I'm thinking if his /dev/cdrom is pointing to hdb but he says hdb doesn't exist then the symlink is messed up [01:19] wait.. no, not shown in red LjL, shown in yellow letters with gray back [01:19] how about just some kind of program that restores back to default settings, like after a fresh installl [01:19] genii: that's why i'm asking if the link exists [01:20] LjL: i think its bandwidhd is what i'm looking for, but i dont know it wasnt updated since 2005 so i didnt think it was fully compatable with everything [01:20] Hi. I keep making my home directory disappear by changing the permissions on it- I can't figure it out. Check my results here: http://inkboy.pastebin.com/m76ac34b8 [01:20] orudie, if it's packaged in the official repositories (and it is), then it really should work with current Gutsy. [01:20] hey all, I have the latest ATI driver and it says I have restriced drivers in use and it says ATI Acceleration Driver in use, but glxinfo|grep render shows direct rendering disabled. [01:20] I must be doing something stoopid. [01:20] barnaby, why are you even doing that? or you are saying SOMTHING is changing it? [01:20] sFEARs, « ls -l /dev/hdb » shows what? [01:21] brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 3, 64 2008-03-31 13:28 /dev/hdb [01:21] LjL: so should i 'sudo apt-get install bandwidthd' ? [01:21] Long story kinda. I saved my home dir before a reinstall, and changed permissions on / to restore it from an external drive [01:21] orudie: it won't hurt to try it out, for sure. [01:22] barnaby, rember that /home/ has the following permissions --> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K 2008-03-27 04:17 home/ /home/USERNAMES are like --> drwxr-xr-x 62 willis willis 4.0K 2008-04-01 20:19 willis/ [01:22] sFEARs: *shrug* that's all correct... i don't know. does « mount | grep cdrom » show anything= === solid_li` is now known as solid_liq [01:22] no LjL, shows nothing [01:22] Dr_willis> see what happens when I change perms? The question marks? [01:22] barnaby, last time i saw somthing with permissions like ---> ?--------- ? ? ? ? ? home/ the filesystem was currupted. and i had to fsck the disk. [01:23] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61869/ >does that look good or bad? [01:23] sFEARs: try "sudo dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/null", does it complain? [01:23] Hmmm...Ubuntu got another new theme? [01:23] Dr_willis> I change them back to 777 and all is well, but x whines when I restart it [01:23] except this time YOU CAN CHANGE THE COLORS! :) [01:23] sFEARs: Are you using sudo with that dd command? [01:23] how do you set up samba? [01:23] I am having to run in Failsafe Gnome mode. [01:24] yeah.. sudo doesn't make a differece [01:24] It won't start any other way. [01:24] barnaby, it could be its because your USER is looking at another dir that isent '+x' to them. [01:24] bluefox|gaming: looks bad to me because in a diferent language or something [01:24] !samba [01:24] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [01:24] There is a white screen it never gets past. [01:24] barnaby, do a 'sudo ls -la home' [01:24] ok [01:24] same error with /dev/null LjL [01:24] how do i manualy start compiz fusion? [01:24] barnaby: You can lock yourself out of starting gnome that way [01:24] hey, if I'm installing a new OS (like WinXP), how do I make sure GRUB still works after? [01:24] and how do I get GRUB to redetect the OSes for the menu? [01:24] with term [01:24] how how how [01:24] barnaby, the 'x' bit - defines if other users can even enter/seeinside a directory [01:24] sFEARs: i.e. "is a directory"? [01:25] how do i start compiz fusion using terminal [01:25] Dr_willis: wouldn't it be ls -la casa? =) [01:25] actually it's now an i/o error since the switch to /dev/hdb from /dev/cdrom [01:25] hey, if I'm installing a new OS (like WinXP), how do I make sure GRUB still works after? [01:25] Anyone able to help getting this hp nx9010 wireless working. Info at http://inkboy.pastebin.com/m5706662b [01:25] and how do I get GRUB to redetect the OSes for the menu? [01:25] * Dr_willis pokes kindofabuzz in the kidneys with a rubber chicken. [01:25] bluefox|gaming, sorry if i sound like mr obvious, but i would backup your data. that thing looks like your HD is failing. [01:25] !GRUB [01:25] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:25] actually it's now an i/o error since the switch to /dev/hdb from /dev/cdrom LjL [01:25] kindofabuzz: thats apparently they're aprils fools joke. scroll down for the readable version [01:26] Heh,, drwxr-xr-x is what permission # wise? 744? [01:26] sFEARs: them put back /dev/cdrom (although it should be the exact same thing), but leave /dev/null... [01:26] Dr_willis> Now it looks better, but when I log in to x it tells me that my home dir does not appear to exist [01:26] LjL: cant be. just got it in august, its a seagate and i got a brand new cable for it[after old one was shredded last week] and it should be good for around a few hundred thousand hours too... [01:27] bluefox|gaming, the mostly likely times for HD to fail are when they're pretty old, and when they're pretty new. [01:27] sum1 help! [01:27] jeeez [01:28] barnaby, be sure /home is drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K 2008-03-27 04:17 home/, and the users /home/username is both proper permission AND owned by them - id bet one of those is incorrect. [01:28] can someone tell me how I can add a recycle bin to my desktop instead of just at the bottom right corner? [01:28] /dev/cdrom & /dev/hdb with of=/dev/null gives a < dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error > [01:28] that little thing is way too annoying [01:28] /dev/cdrom & /dev/hdb with of=/dev/null gives a < dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error > LjL [01:29] Chipsa964: Oldie but goodie for desktop trash http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-263580.html [01:29] genii, thanks [01:29] Chipsa964: np [01:29] Heh..silly floodbot. [01:29] ok, please, can someone just tell me how to MAKE compiz fusion work using terminal [01:30] Ceiling_paint; #compiz-fusion is the perfect channel for compiz [01:30] can anyone help with windows ubuntu networking? [01:30] Ceiling_paint: compiz -enabe? [01:30] --encable [01:30] jeez... compiz --enable [01:30] !samba [01:30] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [01:30] billy, you mean seeing 'shared' directories on the linux machine, from windows? if so check out the !samba factoid url. [01:30] connect #compiz-fusion [01:30] kindofabuzz; does your irc client have a spellchecker? ;) [01:30] crap [01:30] lol [01:31] it's supposed to! [01:31] Ceiling_paint; /join #compiz-fusion [01:31] Dr_willis: yea [01:31] Dr_willis> Thanks for your help. [01:31] sFEARs, know what? i don't have a clue. [01:31] ok Please can Anyone able to help getting this hp nx9010 wireless working. Info at http://inkboy.pastebin.com/m5706662b [01:32] sudo aptitude remove gdm did nothing, no errors, help? [01:32] genii, that was easier than i thought :-p [01:32] anytime i use apt tools i get an error with timidity package, it claims that it needs to be reconfigured and errors occure. what can i do to correct this? [01:32] Chipsa964: Not everything's an ordeal :) [01:32] haha [01:32] well [01:32] it took me a while to get everything working on this thing [01:32] but im pretty satisfied [01:32] How do I stop the terminal from opening a help window when I press F1? [01:33] i just wished that openoffice supported office 07 files === rbgray_ is now known as rbgray [01:34] G'Day all [01:34] g'day [01:34] do you know if a new openoffice is gonna come out that supports .docx and .pptx files? [01:34] I'm trying to install the Compress::Raw::Zlib perl module and it keeps crashing out [01:34] that's too ba [01:34] d [01:34] Chipsa964: Yea they've mentioned that openoffice will be compatiable with microsoft office 2007 on the next release [01:35] can't find anything on google about it [01:35] oh nice [01:35] any word on when itll be out? === andresj_ is now known as andresj [01:35] Chipsa964: at least a few months out I believe. [01:35] any pointers? [01:35] heh cuz im gettin pretty frustrated having to convert in windows just to open in linux [01:36] isnt it possible to repair this problem with timidity package which causes apt-get to crash every time [01:36] it is a CPAN module [01:36] and hopefully compiz-fusion works in hardy too, cuz my hardware isnt supported [01:36] i'm in the middle of installing bandwidthd and its asking me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61870/ and i dont know what to specify [01:36] how can i install avant-windows-manager for gusty? [01:36] * Nith followed a tutorial [01:37] mhhh [01:37] how do i configure samba? [01:37] sarah____: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=581620 [01:37] thanks nith [01:38] billy: /etc/samba/smb.conf [01:38] billy, personally i read the 'samba books' in the 'samba-doc' package - then edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf as needed [01:38] if you're trying to set up for the first time though, you need to read the doc [01:39] i installed samba and i can see my windows comp from ubuntu, but i can't access [01:40] file sharing IS turned on on my windows comp [01:40] hey all in xorg.log I get this err (EE) fglrx(0): [pcie] Failed to gather memory of size 262144Kb for PCIe. Error (-1007) any idea? [01:40] ok so the error giving >http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61869/ < happened approximately a week ago, the same time i tried to reinstall using a toasted cable[read:shredded and shorted out to the case] [01:40] anyone? [01:40] billy, there are no default shares defined by default ON the ubuntu box. [01:40] hey Nith thanks a lot, great thread [01:41] helped a ot [01:41] billy, i alwyas edit the smb.conf file, enable the home shares, then give the users a smbpasswd with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' [01:41] dr_willis: huh? no im trying to get into my shared files on my windows comp from the ubuntu comp, but i can't? [01:41] i don't care if i can access the ubuntu comp from the windows comp or not [01:41] billy, That sounds liek windows firewall getting in the way [01:41] drwillis: hmm okay.. ill turn it off and see wut the deal is [01:42] here is a readable version[aha! i figured it out XP] >http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61872/ [01:42] dr_willis: wut port is file sharing on? [01:42] billy, you may want to try the fusesmb tool also. (google for the 'ubuntu fusesmb wiki' page) [01:42] billy, no idea really. i alwys disable windows firewall totally. [01:42] hello all. is there someone that could help me ... I cut / paste a directory from my Destop to another place. paste didn't work and it seems my data are lost. How may I recover them ? thanks ! [01:42] sarah____: np [01:43] Nith: you think you can help me? [01:43] Dr_willis: still no luck after turning off the firewall [01:43] billy, give it some time.. windows has some delay when setting some of the samba stuff. also checkout that fusesmb wiki page. its a handy way to get to the windows shares. [01:44] cool cool, thanks dr_willis === killown is now known as darklee [01:44] orudie: I would but i've never used that tool and I don't understand the error message [01:45] Nith: its not an error messege [01:45] no one can help ? [01:45] frederic, use the shell, look where the stuff used to be? [01:45] orudie: its advising you put the ip and subnet in a particular form, but I dunno the context [01:45] frederic, or where they are supposed to be. Ive never heard of cut/pasteing loseing info befor. [01:46] so has anyone else had any luck at all booting ubuntu over a scsi drive? [01:46] orudie: your best bet is to find the conf file, find the ip and change it to your own [01:46] my lost dir supposed to be there /home/frederic/Desktop/LOSTDIR [01:46] cause it just hangs on me ... [01:46] orudie: you can find out what your ip is by typing "ifconfig" [01:46] and I wanted it to /home/frederic/newdir/DIR [01:46] WTF - is it really delayed 3 months [01:47] the beta 4 upgraded last night and wont boot past the loading screen now [01:47] luddite: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [01:47] ok [01:47] wuts so great about hardy? [01:47] Dr_willis: well when I use shell, it was unable to get into my directory (seems as a link in red) [01:47] works fine here luddite [01:47] Nith: so can i just put my ip address? the box is not on lan [01:48] # Bugs: [01:48] # * Hacks into root and issues rm -rf / that's a helluva bug ain't it? [01:48] hey guys i did this mkdir ~/src; cd ~/src; git-clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/mes now what?? is the next step?? [01:48] frederic, thats... very weird. ive seen where the gui filemanager dosent refresh properly, so you dont see new files.. but the shell should show everything . [01:48] I just installed ubuntu on an not so old machine (Athlon XP1900+) but seem to be having performance issues. For instance, viewing YouTube vids in FF eats 100% of CPU cycles. Also, playing Gnometris maxing out the CPU to the point of it greying out. Is this common? [01:48] orudie: the tool is meant to monitor bandwidth and you want it to monitor your inet bandwidth rite? [01:49] I will be back in a while. [01:49] (likely affected by roger's new rules?) [01:49] im installing hardy with the alternate disk, due to encryption setup, but i get to pick between 3 kernels, linux-generic, linux-image-generic and linux-image-2.6.24-12-generic, whats the difference? [01:49] toorima: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [01:49] MeatGrinder: how much memory on the system [01:49] Pici: ok [01:49] 1 gig [01:49] reasonable [01:50] and a radeon 8500. I am running compiz with lots of effects though [01:50] still... it's weird [01:50] When I play music for a few minutes gnome-panel freezes up and I can't open up gnome-terminal. What should I do? [01:51] I am having to run in Failsafe Gnome mode. [01:51] There is a white screen it never gets past. [01:51] It won't start any other way. [01:51] Dr_willis: I tryed to copy from filemanager. but when I use shell, my directory appears in red [01:51] (ok sorry) [01:51] Nith: correct [01:51] none as an idea ? [01:51] Any suggestions? [01:52] anyone know a good 'easy' command line tutorial [01:52] man [01:53] that's not easy. that requires previous knowledge [01:53] !cli | xenoterracid1 perhaps [01:53] xenoterracid1 perhaps: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [01:54] orudie: then yes, replace the ip with yours and the submet with yours [01:54] orudie: and if your doing this because of roger's new bandwidth rules, then note their website has a bandwidth monitor [01:55] Hello all [01:55] Nith: replace the ip and subnet with mine? its only asking to put in the subnet ip [01:55] How do you reinstall a package with apt-get? [01:55] Nith: and i dont know what it is [01:55] Cpudan80: apt-get install --reinstall packagename [01:55] hello all. is there someone that could help me ... I cut / paste a directory from my Destop to another place. paste didn't work and it seems my data are lost. How may I recover them ? thanks ! [01:55] hola [01:56] Has anyone noticed a problem with mozilla-mplayer ? [01:56] the plugin? [01:56] anyone know of a good dvd burning app other than k3b .. [01:56] It seems to have stopped working after the latest ffox update [01:56] Cpudan80: send me a link to what you're watching, it seems to be working for me [01:56] hola alguien de argentina [01:56] LjL dude i wrote in the command u gave me in the terminal [01:56] someone say my nick [01:57] IndyGunFreak: Well it's an XMRadio stream [01:57] bruenig: say my nick [01:57] i got the following error message "permission denied" [01:57] Cpudan80: oh ok [01:57] UnSuNgLoSeR: which command was that again? [01:57] brueni_: nevar! [01:57] IndyGunFreak: But like the commercials on apple.com dont work right [01:57] the sound goes all haywire [01:57] When I play music for a few minutes gnome-panel freezes up and I can't open up gnome-terminal. What should I do? [01:57] IndyGunFreak: thank you [01:57] bruenig: no prob [01:57] ,/etc/apt/sources.list [01:57] orudie: the pastbin link you sent mensioned the subnet mask (netmask in ifconfig) [01:58] UnSuNgLoSeR: that's not a command. [01:58] widout the comma [01:58] UnSuNgLoSeR: type « gedit /etc/apt/sources.list », instead, and pastebin the output. [01:58] Weird [01:58] UnSuNgLoSeR: still not a command [01:58] UnSuNgLoSeR: still not a command. [01:58] The reinstall fixed it I think [01:58] LjL: lol. [01:58] Dr_willis: back ? [01:58] where do i put drivers that i compiled? [01:59] LjL why does it say "permission not granted"? [01:59] Hai guys [01:59] UnSuNgLoSeR: because it's not a command. [01:59] so how do i write it? [01:59] the thing that u just wrote? [01:59] UnSuNgLoSeR: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list [02:00] UnSuNgLoSeR: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [02:00] it won't give you any permission errors. [02:00] or that'd work. [02:00] LjL i should use the terminal for it? [02:00] Is there someone that could help me ... I cut / paste a directory from my Destop to another place. paste didn't work and it seems my data are lost. How may I recover them ? thanks ! [02:01] Nith: dont really see anything prompting about ifconfig, but here is the output of ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61878/ [02:01] UnSuNgLoSeR: what else? [02:01] yeah sorry am a newbie:) [02:01] brb [02:02] LjL, whats with pastebin and rot13 ? [02:02] orudie: your mask is [02:02] Nith: so the subnet is what? Mask: [02:02] unop_: someone still thinks it's april 1 [02:02] Nith: so in that installation question i would put this ? Mask: [02:02] frederic: why did paste not work? [02:02] LjL, ahh right :) [02:02] unop_: look at the plain text version or at the edit box [02:03] n-lane: seems not. but the directory is not aviable anywhere (oldpath, newpath) ... [02:03] n-lane: any idea is welcome ... [02:03] I'm having a problem with gdm [02:03] LjL, yea, i was just wondering what it was all about, thats all :) [02:03] it seems to hang when starting up [02:03] frederic: in Trash? [02:03] n-lane: nothing [02:04] how do i view files on my windows comp from my ubuntu comp when they're both connected to the same wireless network? [02:04] hi, i just wanted to create a launcher that opens a terminal in sudo mode, howere it isn't working: sudo gnome-terminal [02:04] frederic: is Show Hidden Files enabled? [02:04] anyone? [02:05] billy: in gnome it should be in Places > Network [02:05] nothings showing up [02:05] then you can find you windows local network [02:05] n-lane: I am actually using a shell (ls -a) . may I try nautilus with show hidden files ? [02:05] orudie: can you please relink the question the install asks [02:05] oh nvm its workin now [02:05] anyone know what the problem could be? [02:05] I have a little question: [02:05] I am trying to link my windows and ubuntu box with a crossover cable. I manually set up 2 different ip addresses, and give each computer the address of the other as gateway. [02:05] Do I do the right thing? [02:06] marksys: [02:06] ZiggyFish_laptop: try killing compiz [02:06] I've been googling for a little while and I still can't find a fix to the error (EE) fglrx(0): [pcie] Failed to gather memory of size 262144Kb for PCIe. Error (-1007) [02:06] marksys: you need to get samba before itll work right [02:06] markys, the gateway isnt necessary here -- but thats fine yea [02:06] ZiggyFish_laptop: while its hanging, hit CTRL+ALT+F1 then log in and "sudo killall compiz.real" [02:06] billy: yes, probably [02:06] marksys: do you have samba? [02:07] ZiggyFish_laptop: then hit CTRL+ALT+F7 and see if it's unhung, if so you need to disable compiz, if not, then compiz is not the problem [02:07] billy: well, samba is only for file transfers [02:07] my windows comp shows up in the network but i can't access any files.. [02:07] marksys: what are you trying to do? [02:07] compiz isn't running [02:07] billy: I am trying to plug my 2 computers with a crossover cable [02:07] n-lane: no other idea ? [02:07] ZiggyFish_laptop: are you sure? [02:07] frederic: shell is fine. I have no idea what happened [02:07] hi to all i am nre to linux i just downloaded ubntu 7.10 server amd 64x, i burn the iso on to a cd, but the only file taht i see is a html file and the cd read 500+ megs i even try to boot start with that cd but nothing happens [02:08] marksys: why do you want to do that? [02:08] n-lane: thanks anyway [02:08] top shows that gdmgreeter is taking 100% cpu [02:08] frederic: How did you cut and paste? And what went wrong? [02:08] marksys: i did it a while back and it worked for file transfers, but wut are u trying to do? [02:08] LaptopFam: how did you burn it [02:08] billy: because I need to :P [02:08] Pici: with traditionnal (and stupid) method : right-click, cut, paste :( [02:09] Nith: i did a ps -aux | grep compiz [02:09] frederic: And it errored out? [02:09] marksys: games? wut? [02:09] billy: I am on wireless on windows, and would like e able to access internet with my linux box [02:09] LaptopFam: did you just burn a data cd, or as image === genii_ is now known as genii [02:09] surabaya [02:09] Pici: dunno. when I paste it says nothing and then my directory has become as a simlink [02:09] marksys:oh okay.. uhmm ya i dunno how [02:10] how can i completely remove/kill a package ? [02:10] orudie: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename [02:10] marya [02:10] frederic: Thats very weird... [02:10] ZiggyFish_laptop: fair enough, does it freeze just after you log in? [02:10] ZiggyFish_laptop: or just before? [02:10] no before [02:10] help installing MESA [02:10] please!! [02:10] Pici: seems so ... in shell (console) the directory appears in red [02:11] plz.hlp.. b4 i go dload beta 8.04 could I update to stable later.. or would there be issues/best to wait? [02:11] helo..anybody home? [02:11] when i try to access my windows comp it says that the contents cannot be displayed.. why? [02:11] so you never see the login screen? [02:11] frederic: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [02:11] Hi, I got Ubuntu in the mail today. I was wondering is there a Guide or something that can teach me all I need to know about linux? [02:11] hmm [02:11] yes [02:11] !hardy > fatrat (fatrat, see the private message from Ubotu) [02:11] fatrat: "if you have to ask, don't" [02:11] frederic: Is this in Gnome or KDE? [02:11] Pici: gnome [02:11] what happens if you try to start gdm from a tty? [02:11] how can i find out if my network interfaces is lo or eth0 ? [02:11] wondering if is there anyone facing same problem with me... firefox crashed when upload file using flash [02:11] Nith: same thing [02:11] !training | Falling-Inferno [02:11] Falling-Inferno: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training [02:11] Pici: shall I repeat my question in ubuntu+1 ? [02:12] orudie, lo is never a real interface, it's the "loopback" [02:12] Falling-Inferno not everything, but it gets you going [02:12] frederic: are you using Hardy? [02:12] orudie: lo is local loopback, thats not ur internet connection [02:12] Thanks. [02:12] ZiggyFish_laptop: sorry, that one's beyond me [02:12] orudie: if eth0 is ur only one, then thats ur network connection [02:12] surabaya [02:12] !en | marya [02:12] marya: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [02:12] Is shadowing or vnc sessions even possible with freenx? [02:12] anyone? [02:12] Nith: thanks anyway [02:12] Hi, I was trying the Ubuntu live cd, and it can't seem to do anything with my ethernet connection. It recognizes my card, but can't send or recieve anything. Any ideas? [02:13] can anyone help me with my networking problem? when i try to access my windows comp from ubuntu it says contents cannot be displayed [02:13] Pici: nope . using ubuntu gusty === nikrud changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Hardy will be delayed by 3 months | Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Hardy (8.04) BETA support in #ubuntu+1 [02:13] Threecorners try set static ip.. maybe u dont have dhcp server running on ur network [02:13] billy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61879/ [02:13] LjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61879/ [02:13] nith I am using the Hardy, could that be the problem [02:13] I do have dhcp on my network, it runs just fine in windows. I tried both static and dhcp and neither worked. [02:13] which should i pick ? [02:14] billy, you do have some shares enabled on the windows box? it can see its own shares? [02:14] eth0 [02:14] oh [02:14] Dr_willis: yea [02:14] ZiggyFish_laptop: it might, have you tried #ubuntu+1? [02:14] orudie: well, so, use eth0 [02:14] * Nith isn't using hardy and doesnt know any of its issues [02:14] orudie: yupp. use eth0 [02:14] Dr_willis: some more help welcome if you have a little time ... [02:14] Dr_willis: any suggestions? [02:15] frederic: Well #ubuntu+1 is only for Hardy, so probably best to just keep asking here... you could also try asking in #gnome and/or #nautilus on irc.gnome.org === LjL changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubotu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Hardy (8.04) BETA support in #ubuntu+1 [02:15] Dr_willis: i've installed both samba and fusesmb but haven't configured them i don't know how lol [02:15] sphinxx you around? [02:15] Threecorners try check the duplex.... anything else i don't know [02:15] ok, thank you. [02:15] The release was NOT delayed 3 months!? [02:15] Dr_willis: ive also turned off my windows firewal [02:15] LukeL_: april fools. [02:16] hurm.. anybody have ever face problem like firefox crash when upload file using flash? [02:16] Erickj92: did you figure out that apache issue? [02:17] Is shadowing or vnc sessions even possible with freenx? [02:17] Pici: asked question there ... thanks for your try [02:17] have anyone ever set up this bandwidthd ? [02:18] Can anyone help me to configure a crossover cable connection between Windows XP and Ubuntu? [02:18] ader10: yes. [02:18] bts3685: Are both supported? [02:18] Is there someone that could help me ... I cut / paste a directory from my Destop to another place. paste didn't work and it seems my data are lost. How may I recover them ? thanks ! [02:18] markys:1-3, 2-6, 3-1, 6-2 [02:18] ader10: oh. wait. freenx... only used nomachine.org NX... [02:18] ah nevermind guys,. reinstall flash plugin seem to be working fine [02:19] brb [02:19] linuxmonger: thx, butI already have my cable, and it is not the problem :) [02:19] bts3685: I wouldn't mind switching. What do you have to do to enable shadowing on !M nx [02:19] markys: What is it you're trying to do? [02:19] markys: take cat5. switch two wires on one end. crimp jack on. done. [02:20] ader10: well, just look through the server.cfg and uncomment it. ;) [02:20] i burn ans iso cd [02:20] is there something like "undelete" ? [02:20] ader10: just remember docs, binaries, etc. install to /usr/NX/ [02:20] bts3685: Simple enough! :D Does it scale? [02:20] frederic: yes, undelete. and unrm. and the tct [02:21] I have to go to screen manager each time I restart to make my resolution the right size. [02:21] bts3685: (my home computer has a large resolution and libraries are at 1024x768) [02:21] How do I have it use this resolution by default? [02:21] bts3685: will it work for my problem (cut/paste didn't work) [02:21] linuxmonger: that is what I did: windows = netmask gateway, ubuntu = netmask [02:21] ader10: i can't recall, but i think only two simultaneous users. or maybe not with the linux version... i've never tried more than one at a time [02:21] and it does not work [02:21] ChaosTheory: what vidcard? [02:21] frederic: if it never pasted, then it never cut essentially.. [02:22] atlef: Nvidia something. [02:22] atlef: lspci, right? [02:22] markys: Okay, so far it's good. [02:22] can I use metacity while running compiz? [02:22] ChaosTheory: and what driver? [02:22] markys: you need crossover cable, not vanilla cat5. don't know if you have that going... [02:22] bts3685: Heh, hard helping 2 people at the same time? You misread my question but that's okay :) Instead of that one, I'd like to ask if vnc gets any performance boost over nx [02:22] atlef: How do I find out these things? [02:22] ader10: OH! NX is way faster [02:23] !nvidia | ChaosTheory: [02:23] ChaosTheory:: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:23] ader10: NX doesn't use the vnc protocol. :) [02:23] nx is definitely faster on slower connections than vnc [02:23] Interesting. [02:23] linuxmonger: It looks to be working that way for everyone, so I really dont know. I will try between 2 windows computers... [02:24] markys: Are you sure that Windows is sharing? Try connecting to //name/C$ [02:24] bts3685: It's able to, though. There's a "VNC" session that you can select in the client, and I heard it's accelerated vnc basically :) Sounds like you haven't used it. Thank you for your advice! [02:24] markys, you sure that was a cross over cable you used? [02:24] bts3685: begin paste and fail [02:24] markys, also make sure that both windows and ubuntu have the network interfaces brought up [02:24] bts3685: (I ain't that crazy you think loll) [02:24] Hi all, does anyone know how to uninstall a program that was installed using ./configure and make install? I deleted the source folder, so I don't know if the make uninstall command still works anywhere... [02:24] atlef: It says "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)" is in use. [02:24] frederic: sure you have write perms in the directorys you're cutting from AND pasting to? [02:25] atlef: i burn and iso cd [02:26] ChaosTheory: do you have nvidia-settings installed? that will most likely make your settings permanent [02:26] frederic: normally an undo move right click entry would appear on the last thing you cut if that helps.. try right clicking the desktop and seeing if its there [02:26] atlef: How do I install that? [02:26] LaptopFam: as in burn image, yes [02:26] emma: oh, another thing... You may or may not know this. When you run a command at the console, if you put a "&" at the end, it will be "forked" to the background and you can continue using the same console. Example: firefox& (It will start firefox, but instead of not giving you a command prompt until you close firefox, it will give you one right away) [02:26] frederic, if you remember a part of the filenames, have you tried using find ? find $HOME -iname "*keyword*" [02:26] frederic, or even better, find / -iname "*keyword*" [02:26] bobbo, download the source again, ./configure (and whatever else is required by README/INSTALL), make .. make uninstall [02:27] frederic: although with all your clicking around since it may have since disappeared?? [02:27] Does anyone know how to get a Dell Photo Printer 540 to work? [02:27] ChaosTheory: search synaptic package manager for it [02:27] atlef i chose the file whit my burning program and just sen it to be burn [02:27] So I'm back with my question; How do I get a text message from a root cron job to pop up on the screen regardless of who is logged in? [02:27] I was able to get my Brother , networked, printer to work fine from the linux drivers at the brother site. [02:28] LaptopFam: and your machine is set to boot from cd-rom? [02:28] frederic: any joy ? [02:28] atlef: yes [02:28] Paddy_EIRE: thanks for your try. I already tried myself and the problem is that the paste did a problem (too late to "undo"). Thanks anyway [02:29] frederic: I feel your pain.. was it important? [02:29] LaptopFam: maybe you need the alternate cd, or burn it at a lower speed [02:29] !info ati [02:29] Paddy_EIRE: familly documents ... :( [02:29] Package ati does not exist in gutsy === darklee is now known as killown [02:29] :( [02:29] atlf: if i read the cd with windowws it only appear a html file but if i ask for the size of the volume it has more tahn 500 mg [02:29] how do i register? [02:29] atlef i biurn it 2 times and same resulkts [02:30] linuxmonger: it works fine between 2 windows computers... I really don't know what is the problem. What do you think I could do to diagnostic the problem? [02:30] It's nice to be able to talk in here again :) [02:30] atlef: I installed the package, but it had to remove nvidia-new-glx or something. Is that okay? [02:30] thanks unop - next question is this: I had firefox 2 as the regular "firefox" command, and firefox 3 beta was installed in my home directory. I just upgraded the regular firefox, so my question is do I have two copies? Can I remove the one in my home directory? [02:30] frederic: I frequently use external storage on stuff like that.. gotta nice 1TB hdd for under £120... great for this kind of thing [02:30] frederic: I think you need y recovery tool if nothing else works [02:31] ChaosTheory: that does not sound right. Hmm [02:31] how do I go about installing IE 7 on Ubu? [02:31] Paddy_EIRE: my fault ... I should have done a copy elsewhere :( [02:31] markys: It's been a long time since I touched Windblows, I'm honestly not the right person to ask. [02:31] romistrub: You don't [02:31] bobbo, it depends on how the version in your /home directory was installed [02:31] n-lane: tryed gogol and nothing (or I didn't understood) [02:32] markys: can the machines ping each other? [02:32] genii: I hate it, but I need it for web development [02:32] atlef: It is nvidia-glx-new. [02:32] bobbo, if you just downloaded the tarball from mozilla.org and extracted the contents to a folder under your home dir, then you can just delete that folder [02:32] atlef: To install either, the other must be removed. [02:32] bts3685: not between linux and windows [02:32] how to hide my ISP address in irc? or proxy it? [02:32] romistrub: It won't run under linux [02:32] bobbo, maybe you should tell us how exactly you installed firefox 3? [02:32] why can't i browse the files on my windows comp from my ubuntu comp? [02:32] markys: can you ping from the linux box to the win box? [02:33] ChaosTheory: do a lspci then and see what card it is [02:33] bts3685: not in both ways [02:33] genii: new question, is there a way to get the IE rendering engine working in another browser? [02:33] markys: let me guess- from windows to linux doesn't work, but from linux to windows works? [02:33] atlef: What should I look for after doing lspci? [02:33] bts3685: It does not work in both ways... [02:33] anyone? [02:33] romistrub: ies4linux google it. not sure it works with ubuntu though.. [02:34] so, is anyone here on hardy heron? [02:34] markys: answer me yes or no, please. does it work exactly in the way i asked ^? [02:34] unop: found something ... how may I get into /home/.trash-root/ ? (it's a root directory) [02:34] no [02:34] markys: okay. so who can successfully ping who? [02:34] I heard that dell printers are really lexmarks? [02:34] I enter my ssh passphrase via ssh-add. How do I prevent the stupid window to pop up that asks me for my ssh passphrase every time something uses ~/.ssh/id_rsa ? [02:34] unop, thanks - I installed firefox 3 by downloading the tarball and extracting it, then doing ./configure and make install - it ended up in my home directory [02:35] frederic: "gksudo nautilus" <-- graphical .. [02:35] bts3685: There is no successful ping [02:35] then I did an upgrade via synaptic for firefox... so now whether I type firefox or /home/bob/firefox/firefox I get the same thing [02:35] ChaosTheory: 3d controller and vga compatible controller [02:35] anyone here having problems with compiz on hardy? [02:35] frederic, try this -- gksudo nautilus /home/.trash-root [02:35] Paddy_EIRE: thanks unop thanks [02:35] romistrub: The closest thing you're going to find to IE7 under linux is ies4linux [02:35] :) [02:36] bobbo, ok, well, make uninstall would be the best way then [02:36] nikrud, are you around ? do you know anything about bash scripts ? [02:36] genii: which, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be working at all [02:36] atlef: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0531 (rev a2) [02:36] markys: AHA! okay. THAT'S what i needed to know. :) did you do /etc/init.d/networking restart on the linux box? [02:36] why is it that when i type in the IP to my windows comp he files show up, but when i click the icon for the name they dont" [02:36] atlef: I don't see a 3D controller. [02:36] Pelo a very little, only as much as I need to [02:36] * AHA hides in a corner. Too... Many... Hilights... [02:36] bobbo85: instead of doing "make install" you should propably 1st do "make" and then "sudo make install" [02:37] aha! There is one! [02:37] ChaosTheory: ok then i really do not know [02:37] nikrud, that migth be enought , can you join me in #pelo so we don'T spam this channel [02:37] AHA: oh noes! [02:37] bts3685: Yes I did it [02:37] :p [02:37] anyone? [02:37] markys: mind if i msg? it's getting cluttered in the chan [02:37] ChaosTheory: try asking your first question again and see if anyone else can help [02:37] does anyone know how to rename an sd card in linux? I can just rename it inline in windows, but rename is grayed out. [02:38] Hi, how can I restore the default files for apache2? such as apache2.conf [02:38] atlef: It seems that I've been able to fix it. [02:38] atlef: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=625635 [02:38] unop: Paddy_EIRE thanks a lot guys ! seems that you get it right ! I have found my "unpasted" directory into this special root_trash ... [02:38] atlef: I followed the instructions in the second post. [02:38] ChaosTheory: good for you [02:38] romistrub: Perhaps run a virtual machine with XP in it [02:38] atlef: Thanks for your help -- it needed to install nvidia-settings for it to work. [02:38] bts3685: go ahead [02:39] Survivorman: tune2fs can rename filesystem labels IIRC, if that's what you're asking [02:39] ChaosTheory: you are welcome [02:39] * frederic do a stand up ovation for unop and Paddy_EIRE !! [02:39] frederic, dorien :) [02:39] thanks bts3685, I'll give it a try [02:40] frederic: congrats :) [02:40] frederic: I'm glad to hear you recovered your fam docs nice one [02:40] Paavi2_0, thanks for the tip, that would make that install go to the /usr directory rather than my home directory right? Actually, I'm trying to get into the habit of doing 'make' then 'checkinstall' [02:40] atlef: Oh, I have a problem with a CD, do you have time? [02:40] wuts a good program similar to itunes or windows media player for ubuntu? [02:40] n-lane: you helped a lot too. thanks ! [02:40] billy amarok is the best IMO although Exaile, banshee and rythmbox are all good [02:40] * frederic do a stand up ovation for n-lane and Dr_willis (thanks too). [02:40] juannicolas, delete or move the file so that it is no longer in /etc/apache2 and run this command - sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2 [02:41] hello room [02:41] hi obiwannekody [02:41] * frederic says : it's nearly 4 morning there, in France ... I'm going to bed ! [02:41] Paddy_EIRE: which is most like windows media player? [02:41] ChaosTheory: ask and ye shall be answered, if i know the answer that is [02:41] does anyone here know a good AIM/Jabber client that doesn't use gstreamer? [02:41] * Paddy_EIRE cringes [02:41] new question: how do I make an ext3 partition available in windows? [02:41] billy none of them hopefully ;) [02:41] unop apache2: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: No such file or directory [02:41] bonne nuit (good night) [02:41] obiwannekody: what's wrong with pidgin? [02:42] Paddy_Eire: at least looks like it, the way the library is set up and stuff, or like itunes [02:42] How can I fix/detect my sound card? I did an update today and now I get this error: No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. [02:42] romistrub: google for the windows ext3 driver, it exists and I'm fairly sure you can map them to drives. [02:42] which one is it easiest to organize ur files and stuff, but still have the ability to do all kinds of advanced stuff? [02:42] romistrub, there are some drivers for it(somewhere), but the best way is probley using a from windows linux distro [02:42] atlef: It says "Cannot mount volume: Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'." [02:42] juannicolas, ok, just tun this command then. sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2 [02:42] billy all media players have a similar uniform layout so I would not worry.. you will only know by trying :) [02:42] romistrub, i understand that can work [02:42] Paddy_EIRE: thanks [02:43] bobbo85: usually it does that... it all comes down to that configure script you run first [02:43] unop i did that [02:43] Hi everyone [02:43] How do I get more advanced power management options? I tried looking in "Configuration Editor" but I still couldn't find other options (for example, I want to specify the time before the system hibernates, rather than going to sleep/standby). [02:43] thanks nikrud see you later [02:43] Paddy_EIRE: which one do i dl? [02:43] Pelo likewise [02:43] ampex, it pulls gstreamer as a depend - i'm trying to find something that doesn't, largely because i just don't want gstreamer(it's caused problems for me in the past) [02:43] or how do i compile it? [02:43] unop that wont reinstall the apache2.conf file to the directory [02:44] !repositories | billy [02:44] billy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [02:44] hey can anyone help me with vmware server? [02:44] atlef: Any ideas? [02:44] to get back apace2.conf you need to purge and reinstall apache2.2-common [02:44] ripped: not working with hardy yet..use virtualbox [02:44] nikrud how do I do that [02:44] ChaosTheory: when does this happen [02:45] !purge [02:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [02:45] atlef: I'm just trying to open the disc. [02:45] juannicolas, ok, backup whatever you need from /etc/apache2 and run this. sudo sh -c "aptitude purge apache2; aptitude install apache2" [02:45] any ideas on how to watch dvd's in 8.04? I've installed the restricted drivers package, but still no joy :( [02:45] atlef: It has some important books. [02:45] what do you its not working for hardy? [02:45] hardy discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [02:45] ChaosTheory: so you insert the disk, doubleclikk it's icon and get this message? [02:45] does anything like windows remote desktop exist for linux? i mean, isn't the desktop environment basically something that runs _on_ the base linux system... and, shouldn't it technically be able to be run remotely? [02:46] atlef: Right. [02:46] so like scons like make needs an uninstall target in it's script right? [02:46] !synaptic | billy [02:46] billy: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [02:46] still no apache2.conf file [02:46] :( [02:46] atlef: It also tries to open it by default so I get the message after inserting, too. [02:46] well how do i enalbe usb drives in virtual box? [02:46] Anyone here know about audio capture? [02:46] anyone please [02:46] juannicolas sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2.2-common , then note the packages that will be removed and then apt-get install [02:46] billy read those and familiarise yourself with how linux deals with software... no need to manually download and install here :) [02:47] billy: man apt-get [02:47] rycole, i use vnc for my 'remote desktop' needs. :) [02:48] I'm having problems with capturing sound from my mic input with my onboard sound card, yet I still get sound from the speakers. Can anyone help? [02:48] yeah, but, wouldn't it be more native, or whatever, if you could run the desktop environment over a network? [02:49] or, maybe not more native... but more badass :P [02:49] Paddy_EIRE: s/linux/ubuntu/ [02:49] rycole: that would be awfully slow and inefficient [02:49] Paddy_EIRE: not all linux distributions even have package management [02:49] ampex2 err yes [02:49] ampex most do 1 or 2 dont :) [02:49] can anyone help me with virtual box or vmware server so that they can reconize usb? [02:49] I'm attempting to build a mini-media center with a laptop of mine === gus__ is now known as guspad [02:50] It's connected to a 480p tv, while it's booting, the bios displays on the screen, along with the ubuntu loading screen [02:50] but as soon as X starts, it switches to the laptops lcd [02:51] ChaosTheory: and it happens with all cd/dvd's? [02:51] hmm [02:51] this should probably be in #ubuntu+1 [02:51] Ashex, depends on the video card in the laptop - to a large degree. [02:51] atlef: I haven't tried any others. [02:51] eh im too lazy to look in ubuntu web page so when is the new ubuntu release? [02:51] Dr_willis, yeah, it's a pretty old ati card [02:51] I'm having problems with capturing sound from my mic input with my onboard sound card, yet I still get sound from the speakers. Can anyone help? [02:51] Paddy: wouldn't it technically be less data being transmitted over the network? [02:51] atlef: Let me try another CD. [02:51] i think it'd be faster. [02:51] ok based on the documents I found by following the links in the channel topic, it looks like I need to be appending "ide=nodma" to my boot string to boot this live CD, but for some reason that's not helping. Anyone have any experience with the "exception Emask" errors on boot? [02:52] (p.s. 8.04 livecd) [02:52] ok [02:52] stbain: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [02:52] atlef: I put in another CD with books in it and it gives me the same problem. [02:53] ok... just reproduced it with 7.10 [02:53] lol [02:53] so I guess either or, eh? [02:53] why do ppl use older versionS? [02:53] stbain: what about a strictly livecd? like knoppix or something? i wonder if it's hardware [02:54] obiwannekody: I use Gajim (Jabber) [02:54] could be... I was able to boot a rescue CD based off of sysresccd.org, but had to choose the altker32 option (doesn't use the libata support and sticks with old school /dev/hda style devices) [02:54] thanks, MattJ [02:55] I'm having problems with capturing sound from my mic input with my onboard sound card, yet I still get sound from the speakers. Can anyone help? === reconnect is now known as recon [02:55] hrmm... doesn't look like either 7.1 or 8.04 honor the ide=nodma boot options [02:56] #AIX [02:56] join #AIX [02:57] atlef: Any ideas? [02:57] ChaosTheory: try reading here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/44233 [02:58] ChaosTheory: may help [02:58] I'm trying to find a download manager that will handle Rapidshare files, does anyone know of one? [03:00] when is the official 8.04 release? [03:00] davidconceicao: April 24th [03:00] 24. april [03:01] nice [03:01] davidconceicao, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule [03:01] atlef: I think I'm just going to do a transfer with a flash drive using the other computer. [03:01] hope some kick ass features :) [03:01] Did anyone see my question? [03:02] ChaosTheory: ok, sorry that i could not help [03:02] AdrianStrays: rapidshare is just HTTP. I doubt there are any download managers that crack CAPTCHAs for you. [03:02] I'm having problems with capturing sound from my mic input with my onboard sound card, yet I still get sound from the speakers. Can anyone help? [03:02] atlef: No problem. =] [03:02] There are on windows. [03:02] I use one called Rapget [03:02] I tried using Wine [03:02] Didn't work. [03:03] AdrianStrays: http://code.google.com/p/grapid/ [03:04] Mmmmm [03:04] That works [03:05] hi [03:05] is it possible to boot from a floppy into a ubuntu installer that can use my network connection? [03:05] a floppy? [03:06] a usb drive would be better [03:06] and is fully supported [03:06] unfortunately i dont have one atm [03:06] provided there's HW support [03:06] I just leased a dedicated server with Ubuntu [03:06] hazeh: Your computer doesn't support boot from network (PXE)? [03:06] and yeah, the motherboard does boot fine from usb sticks ;p [03:06] I can not connect with vnc [03:06] hey [03:06] i've never tried it genii [03:07] i get a fatal server error fixed font [03:07] i've got a windows machine on the network i can use, assuming its simple and quick to set up? [03:07] anyone know how to fix this? [03:07] hello [03:08] vaesoli: maybe your mic input is muted [03:08] hey all [03:08] Hey, my wanda-the-fish just "died" and it says I have to change the water to revive her; how do I go about doing that? [03:08] I just leased a dedicated server with Ubuntu. I can not connect with vnc. i get a fatal server error fixed font. anyone know how to fix this? [03:09] Colypso: X probably isn't (and shouldn't be) installed... [03:09] is there a command line tool to lookup the type of software that a server is running? [03:09] I don't have a shutdown button anyone able to help me [03:09] How do you know the right driver for your video card [03:09] ? [03:09] I just leased a dedicated server with Ubuntu. I can not connect with vnc. i get a fatal server error fixed font. anyone know how to fix this? Pm me [03:09] balleyne: nmap [03:09] Boohbah: thanks :) [03:09] style23: you look it up [03:10] kalaxal: sure, you mean the button is missing from your panel? Are you in Gnome? [03:10] balleyne: ls /var/cache/apt? dpkg --get-selections ? === earlmred_ is now known as earlmred [03:10] balleyne: also amap or vmap, there are many others. [03:10] kalaxal: right click taskbar add to panel [03:10] Colypso, I'd take it up with ubuntu [03:10] yes it is missing in Gnom [03:10] its their box [03:10] Google it [03:10] i had seen other with the problem but hadn't seen a fix yet [03:10] kalaxal: I think you can right-click on the panel, hit "Add to Panel", and select the "Quit" applet [03:11] style23 the automatic configurator is pretty good at it, and so is system->admin->restricted manager [03:11] kalaxal, u use compiz fusion? [03:11] ok i have the have the quit button it jsut dosn't have the shutdown button on it [03:11] fantum13: thanks! [03:11] it says my hardware doesn't need in restricted drivers [03:12] and i don't know about compiz [03:12] I just leased a dedicated server with Ubuntu. I can not connect with vnc. i get a fatal server error fixed font. anyone know how to fix this? === monkeypoo2552 is now known as kumarphilly [03:12] kalaxal: oooh, interesting... lol.... well, as a sidenote, you can shutdown from the command line with `sudo shutdown -h now`, but that's not a long-term solution... not sure what could be the problem [03:12] pm me [03:13] style23 then you're probably using the right one already. What video card do you have? [03:13] does anybody know a really good video converter for KDE I am using Kubuntu 7.10 installed onto my PS3 [03:13] stond: convertit [03:13] I just leased a dedicated server with Ubuntu. I can not connect with vnc. i get a fatal server error fixed font. anyone know how to fix this? pm me [03:13] the strange thing is its all there in KDE but I like the look of gnmoebetter [03:13] kalaxal type groups in a terminal, are you a member of the powerdev group? [03:13] gnome ftw! =) [03:13] stond: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567016 [03:13] kalaxal, because some plugins on compiz make that bug [03:14] atlef where do i get it and is it easy to use [03:14] stond: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567016 [03:14] i looked and yes synaptic shows that compiz is on it [03:14] mauro-bls: what bug? sorry just joined [03:14] intel chipset not really sure [03:14] I just leased a dedicated server with Ubuntu. I can not connect with vnc. i get a fatal server error fixed font. anyone know how to fix this? pm me [03:14] Colypso: i just did. twice already. [03:14] Colypso: what error? [03:14] oh font error [03:15] kindofabuzz: 98% sure he isn't running X. [03:15] bts3685, Colypso, suggest you just talk here. [03:15] ok [03:15] how do i fix it [03:15] kindofabuzz, kalaxal dont have the button to shutdown [03:15] im just now learning ubuntu [03:15] style23 lspci | grep -i vga tells you accurately [03:16] !who | style23 [03:16] style23: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:16] Colypso: first off, i'd recommend against X on a server. one more thing to break, one more thing to manage, and one more potential for security break [03:16] how do i get rid of it? [03:16] atlef: I'm periodically losing sound. =| [03:16] i need help accessing my harddrive. I've been "locked" out of it and "force mount" doesn't seem to be working. what else can i try? [03:16] how do i look at .mov movies in totem? [03:16] Colypso: ..that's the thing. it's not on it currently === nikke is now known as Nikke [03:17] how i reset my video drivers??? [03:17] Colypso: follow this guide to the T, it's how i got mine working [03:17] how i reset my video drivers??? to installation ones? [03:17] Colypso: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 [03:17] !who |nikrud i will do in one sec [03:17] nikrud i will do in one sec: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:17] linkinxp sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg [03:17] Colypso: you are trying to access the GUI layer, via vnc, which does not exist and therefore is not running. [03:17] ok [03:17] yeah is your server on ? [03:17] yes [03:18] im connected via putty [03:18] !sound | ChaosTheory: [03:18] ChaosTheory:: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [03:18] nikrud: done thanks do i need to reboot? [03:18] pastebin your /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc [03:18] Colypso: [03:18] !tab |nikrud i will do in one sec [03:18] nikrud i will do in one sec: You can use for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [03:18] kindofabuzz: ..it's a *server* therefore it almost surely does not have X. X is what gives you windows. otherwise you get just terminal. [03:18] linkinxp no, just log out and back in. That will restart the X server, and reload the new config [03:18] Hello, I installed phpMyAdmin and the documentation refers to a config.php file. Where can I find this file? How do I know where a program is installed to through apt-get? Thanks. [03:18] style23 lol, you don't have to kick them back at me :) [03:18] atlef: I did a bunch of stuff *twice* to get sound. [03:18] oh yeah, do you have a gui at all on your dserver? [03:18] server* [03:19] !who |nikrud sorry [03:19] nikrud sorry: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:19] i tried to put fluxbox on it [03:19] anyone running 64bit here? [03:19] atlef: ALSA is turned on. [03:19] style23 no, just type nickrud sorry , that's sufficient [03:19] ChaosTheory: any of them muted [03:19] Colypso: well is it on? and flux doesn't use gdm it uses xdm [03:19] atlef: Nope, none of them are muted. [03:19] and i dunno if the setup is the same for xdm [03:20] nikrud ok [03:20] atlef: Both times I had to go in and change something in a text file and restart. [03:20] Colypso: do this: aptitude show xserver-xorg|grep -i state [03:20] i need help accessing my harddrive. I've been "locked" out of it and "force mount" doesn't seem to be working. what else can i try? [03:20] Colypso: just try that guide i posted [03:20] nikrud still wrong [03:20] k [03:20] style23 wrong? In what way? [03:20] Can somone help me please. in xchat how do u hide all the joins parts and quits in the room? [03:21] but when you edit Xvnc make it /usr/share/fontsX11/misc and not /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc [03:21] I'm following this guide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone, which tells me to add a third party repo to my source list, but i get a 404 on apt-get update, which was lead to http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu/dists/gusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz [03:21] nikrud oh i didn't think it got to you [03:21] this works fine on my 32bit box [03:21] nikrud when you text me it shows in red [03:21] ChaosTheory: and in volum mixer, can you change device and see if any of the other controls are muted [03:21] that didnt help me i cant put the effects [03:21] digerati: I am running 64bit [03:21] Cope57: wanna try that deb for me? [03:22] hihi [03:22] style23 and here also. That's why you use the nick of the person, it does whats called a 'highlight' so it's easier to catch things said to you [03:22] Cope57: works great for 32bit [03:22] ok i found a topic on the boards about my missing buttons but I am still a linux newb so i am not sure how to do what they are saying [03:22] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=467841&highlight=missing+shutdown+button [03:22] arthur, if you want to do it channel specific, just right click on the channel tab and uncheck Show Join/Parts [03:22] that didnt help me i cant put the effects i use to but i change the drivers and now even putting the other ones from the list its something wrong :( [03:22] linkinxp what type of video card? [03:22] nikrud i lost the command you gave me but i'll be back in one sec [03:22] style23 no problem [03:22] dam that was easy.... lol thanks.. [03:22] man this is nice, i found a script to change curserXP themes to X themes [03:22] nikrud: INTEl 965 GM [03:23] atlef: I changed the device and it is not muted. [03:23] nikrud: but it was fine 10 min ago but i change the drivers and now it wont work [03:23] digerati: what is the deb for? [03:23] hi [03:23] linkinxp ah, that one is blacklisted, see http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist . It has instructions for ignoring the blacklist if you like [03:23] Cope57: trying to get libgpod installed [03:23] anyone have an idea [03:24] nikrud: okey thanks let me see [03:24] ChaosTheory: and in the menu, preferences, sound does it say autodetect or have you changed it? [03:24] Cope57: following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone [03:24] ChaosTheory: and pressed test sound [03:25] kalaxal that's for an old version of ubuntu. What version are you running? [03:25] Looks good, but I do not need it. [03:25] gmail's april fool's if ya haven't seen it: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/customtime/index.html [03:25] 7.10 [03:25] atlef: Menu, preferences? [03:25] Hey everyone! Just installed 7.10, but had to boot in safe mode. The system can't detect my video card, and on start up, the intro music glitches to high hell unless I move my mouse around....is all this normal? [03:25] kalaxal then that forum link won't help, that's not how compiz is started [03:26] kalaxal *anymore, that is [03:26] atlef: There is no autodetect. [03:26] ok then any new suggestions [03:26] ChaosTheory: system - preferences - sound [03:26] nikrud: sorry , can u help me i dont understand where i need to put that? [03:26] is there daemon tool for ubuntu? [03:26] atlef: Everything is on autodetect except "sound capture," which is on ASLA. [03:26] owen1: thats a damn good question [03:26] altef: *ALSA [03:26] owen1: There is gisomount or /msg ubotu iso [03:27] Pici: thanks [03:27] Pici: followed by a damn good answer for owen1 [03:27] lol === earl_ is now known as Riskbreaker [03:27] how do I get Automatix2? [03:28] Justjaden: you don't. [03:28] !automatix | Justjaden [03:28] Justjaden: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe » [03:28] I thought they are not making that anymore? [03:28] thought so, hehe [03:28] sorry i'm italian girl...when i can go for italian's ubuntu [03:28] oh....ok. [03:28] d3Lf1n0: /join #ubuntu-it [03:28] There's a huge space between my trash bin icon and my desktop squares in the bottom panel -- how do I remove that? [03:28] thenk ou [03:28] thank you* [03:28] but automatix2 is still available i think, still makes things easier [03:28] any other things I should download to get a basic user setup [03:28] im trying to add my user to the sudoers list. should i just add the name to the line, in /etc/group, that has admin:x:0 ? [03:28] owen1: and Gmountiso [03:28] right click it [03:29] unlock [03:29] move [03:29] !enter | Cope57 [03:29] Cope57: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [03:29] no luck [03:29] can someone help me with my harddrive problem? : [03:29] kalaxal is this the original user you created when you installed? [03:29] Apparently not [03:29] rycole: edit /etc/sudoers [03:29] i guess ubuntu cant be controled remotely :( [03:29] yes [03:29] ubotu is a spambot [03:29] Colypso: ssh works admirably [03:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about is a spambot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:29] Cope57: Thanks. =] [03:30] Colypso: mine works [03:30] ChaosTheory: it seem you are running into a lot of problems. you could post in the forums, or just ask once mor, but to the cannel [03:30] *more [03:30] i just followed that guide, undo anything you've done from another guide [03:30] atlef: Thanks. [03:30] rycole: or just add your user to the admin group. thats probly the best way of doing things [03:31] Does anyone here successfuly use secondlife on linux? [03:31] rycole: you can do that with: useradd -G admin [03:31] Still working on my 1st one [03:32] Colypso: what are you trying to do in terms of remote control of Ubuntu? [03:32] this is the guide i am trying to use [03:32] When i add the http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main repo, i get a 404 on reload, but only on my 64bit box. Is there a way to install the package manually? [03:32] http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/t-naqs-complete-setup-guide-linux-seedboxes-fedora-corecentosdebianubuntu-281331 [03:32] kalaxal what does grep -i allowlogoutactions /etc/gdm/gdm* return? [03:32] seedbox [03:32] does anyone know how to downgrade a package to an alternative version? [03:32] ChaosTheory: i am a self taught home user, and not well versed in unix, but getting there [03:32] for example, I have curl-7.16 and would like curl-7.15 [03:32] atlef: Oh, I see. [03:33] mweichert: have you tried sudo-apt remove? [03:33] what are my options on force mounting a harddrive that has log files saying it is scheduled to be in use? [03:33] ChaosTheory: just like to contribute as much as possible. [03:33] mweichert: if there is not a package for that version, youll have to compile it yourself [03:33] i just need some type of remote connection [03:33] digerati: I understand that would remove the package, but would downgrading to the previous version? [03:33] Colypso: use the guid that i told you, was the only one that worked for me [03:34] dougsko: I see here that the version I want exists: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/curl/ [03:34] i tried that guide [03:34] why when i put compiz i get this? Window manager warning: "" found in configuration database is not a valid value for keybinding "run_command_1" [03:34] mweichert: i would just sudo apt-get remove then sudo apt-get install [03:34] mweichert: no? [03:34] Colypso: you trying to do a ssh connection? [03:34] digerati: how do I specify the order package? [03:34] yeah [03:34] *older [03:34] Colypso: so what's not working? [03:34] mweichert: good point [03:34] mweichert: i didnt think about that, lol [03:35] mweichert: compile it yourself [03:35] Colypso: oh yeah you have fluxbox [03:35] mweichert: you can download the .deb you want and install that with dpkg [03:35] sorry about that [03:35] that too, dougsko :) [03:35] i get a fatal server error: fixed font when i check my log [03:35] i tried something ut it didn't fix it [03:35] vnc log [03:35] dougsko: but then I go into dependency hell [03:35] anyone having crazy mouse issues today in hardy? [03:35] Colypso: whoa, that was happening on a Fedora install this morning [03:36] linkinxp in ccsm , general button, commands tab -> keybindings you have something bad in command line 1 [03:36] Colypso: oh, so you're using vnc. Can you do a plain ssh connection from a terminal? [03:36] brianlight: ask in #ubuntu+1 [03:36] http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/t-naqs-complete-setup-guide-linux-seedboxes-fedora-corecentosdebianubuntu-281331 [03:36] im connected with putty [03:36] Hello, I installed phpMyAdmin and the documentation refers to a config.php file. Where can I find this file? How do I know where a program is installed to through apt-get? Thanks. [03:36] Colypso: and you can get to Ubuntu's command prompt? [03:36] I'm trying to track down the source of some wireless internet issues, everything seems fine, but it often seems to slow down a little bit. iwconfig looks normal, except that invalid crypt has a value of 406755 and I'd like to know what that means [03:36] When i add the http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main repo, i get a 404 on reload, but only on my 64bit box. Is there a way to install the package manually? [03:36] yes [03:37] Colypso: pastebin your /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc [03:37] mweichert: yeah theres probly a smarter way of doing it. although if you install the newer version through aptitude or whatever, you should get all the deps. then uninstall it and use the deb you want. pretty hackish, but it should work [03:37] Hello all. How do I install UUDeview? I can't do it through the regular add / remove. [03:37] i think that there is an issue with the gdm [03:37] I would want to learn to use linux... you can help me? [03:37] nikrud: Checking for Xgl: not present. [03:37] No whitelisted driver found [03:37] aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity [03:37] \ [03:37] linkinxp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:37] StevenX: does it need a third-party repo? [03:37] i dont know how to do that [03:37] sorry [03:37] !pastebin Colypso [03:37] I thiink I found it: apt-get install curl=x.x.x [03:37] ok [03:37] thanks [03:37] !pastebin [03:37] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:37] digerati, How do i add a repo? [03:38] is .img file is an image? [03:38] StevenX: first, do you even need to add one? thats my question [03:38] also, how do I add the bar at the bottom of the screen. I took it off, but want it back. [03:38] digerati, I believe so. [03:38] !pastebin [03:38] StevenX: let me check it then [03:38] Colypso: so why do you need vnc? you should be able to remotely control your Ubuntu box from the cli [03:38] Colypso: do a sudo nano /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc then copy those contents and paste into pastebin then post link here [03:38] im confused [03:38] digerati, thanks. [03:39] rbil: vnc is so much cooler! =) [03:39] ok [03:39] StevenX: open up terminal and type sudo apt-get install uudeview [03:39] kindofabuzz: cooler than what? I don't know anything about putty. Does it not do X? [03:39] can gISOmount work with .img? [03:39] linkinxp yup, that's right. You need to try SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz in a terminal to test your card [03:39] waiting on the link [03:39] rbil: no, and you don't even need putty, just use terminal ssh [03:40] kindofabuzz: well I thought he said he was using putty. Must be from a Windoze box [03:40] When i add the http://ppa.launchpad.net/ipod-touch/ubuntu gutsy main repo, i get a 404 on reload, but only on my 64bit box. Is there a way to install the package manually? [03:40] nikrud: can i open a PV with u? [03:40] anyone knows what is .img? [03:40] Gutsy and higher has remote desktop (vnc) capabilities built into Gnome. [03:40] owen1: same as a .iso [03:40] owen1: image file? [03:40] yeah i have a windows laptop and my server is Ubuntu [03:40] oh Colypso are you trying to get vnc from windoze? [03:40] linkinxp I prefer to stay in the mainline here, so people can catch my mistakes [03:41] a new installation and encrypting the boot partition, any suggestions? [03:41] Colypso: try #windows? [03:41] nikrud: its a big line :( [03:41] digerati, thank you. that worked. can i ask how i get the bar at the bottom of my screen that is default in ubuntu? I took that off, but want it back now. [03:41] linkinxp: digerati i am trying to mount an img file. [03:41] cchild: TRUECRYPT [03:41] Is there supposed to be a splash while Ubuntu(7.10) boots? [03:41] Colypso: servers generally run headless. So what are you trying to control with a gui? [03:41] is there a plugin for firfox that will allow me to view quicktime videos [03:41] linkinxp ah, then in that case you'd put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org so many eyes can see it [03:41] utorrent [03:41] StevenX: right click the bar at the top, click new pannel [03:41] firefox [03:41] !info ATI [03:41] Colypso: i know one thing, on your fluxbox you HAVE to have xdmcp enabled and allowtcp connections [03:41] Package ati does not exist in gutsy [03:41] StevenX: right click on new panel, and add to panel [03:41] MeatGrinder: !info is broken temporarily. [03:42] rebuilt it from scratch [03:42] I need someone to help me with my slow to almost not working wireless connection iwconfig & ifconfig is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61881/ [03:42] !ati | MeatGrinder [03:42] MeatGrinder: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [03:42] is there a way to get previous versions on apt-get? [03:42] !info Gimme ATI NOW! [03:42] Package gimme does not exist in gutsy [03:42] well those are off by default in ubuntu, not sure about flux [03:42] the new audacity is so awful [03:42] digerati: linkinxp but the gISOmount is looking for iso [03:42] MeatGrinder: Please don't do that. [03:42] guys, i've got gcc installed, but i'm getting an error when trying to use 'make' saying the command isn't found. any ideas/ [03:42] !info xserver-xorg-video-ati [03:42] Package xserver-xorg-video-ati does not exist in gutsy [03:42] i installed flux [03:42] nikrud: !info is broken [03:42] yup, truly broken [03:42] it is installed [03:42] nikrud: i put it there [03:42] nah info just gave me ATI [03:42] Hello - I'm having trouble configuring snort-mysql. I installed snort from the repositories and have installed mysql - here's some of my logs to help you help me if you have any ideas on how to get snort working on my ubuntu box - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61880/ [03:42] !encryption [03:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:42] rycole, install make [03:42] ok sorry back [03:42] linkinxp now give me the link so I can see it [03:43] MeatGrinder: I told the bot to give you that link... [03:43] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61882/ [03:43] nikrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61882/ thats what i get [03:43] thanks! pici [03:43] I'm having issues with flash playing dog slow in FF [03:43] owen1: i havent used but it must be easy [03:43] http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-guides-and-tutorials-65/t-naqs-complete-setup-guide-linux-seedboxes-fedora-corecentosdebianubuntu-281331 [03:43] If I install default ubuntu and add kde-core, will I get a nice integrated menu system. or is that problematic [03:43] digerati, thanks again. How do I make that bar list the applications running? [03:43] ok I know that it has something to do with the GDM [03:43] i get all the way to the connect part and i get that error [03:43] wouldn't it be better to install kubuntu-desktop [03:43] but I have no clue how to fix it [03:44] node357: oh, woops. i thought it came along with gcc. :X [03:44] me either [03:44] lol nope, sorry [03:44] linkinxp ok, that means you have issues that I don't know, try asking on #compiz-fusion , they're the bright ones [03:44] because I get a GDM error message when i try to switch users [03:44] package build-essential contains most of what you need for compilation [03:45] Colypso: did you google the error? i think i've read something about fonts before in vnc [03:45] yeah [03:45] couldnt find a fix [03:45] kalaxal what does grep -i allowlogoutactions /etc/gdm/gdm* return [03:45] nikrud: okey ill ask thanks [03:45] hold on let me check [03:45] StevenX: Add to panel, add a "window selector" [03:45] If I install default ubuntu and add kde-core, will I get a nice integrated menu system. or is that problematic [03:45] Signoff: asdfgh (Client Quit) [03:45] Signoff: atlef ("A reboot or Exhaustion made me do it! KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies") [03:45] digerati, thanks again. How do I make that bar list the applications running? [03:45] marcel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === [1]Rasta is now known as Rasta [03:46] what's the exact error again Colypso? [03:46] hmm it seems those instruction only apply to Radeon 9500 or better and mines only an 8500 so I guess I'm stuck with what ubuntu uses [03:46] marcel: that wasnt cool [03:46] and you still haven't pasted your Xvnc file [03:46] \join #ubuntu-laptop [03:46] devanl: try again :) [03:46] If I install default ubuntu and add kde-core, will I get a nice integrated menu system. or is that problematic [03:46] Hello everyone! My computer is affected by a bug in SATA drive, which can be solved by booting the PC in RAID mode (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/153702). I was wondering what are the effects of using the PC in RAID mode instead of default SATA... can anyone help? Thanks [03:46] fatal server error: default font fixed [03:46] something like that [03:46] Colypso: do a sudo nano /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc then copy those contents and paste into pastebin then post link here [03:46] anyone know if there are any specific drivers for a RADEON 8500? [03:46] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61880/ [03:47] how to do install from upgrade, Web version 2.0 on my server? [03:47] luis08: how many drives? [03:47] MeatGrinder as far as that goes, the free ati driver that comew with ubuntu is best for that card [03:47] digerati: I do that waaay too much [03:47] !pastebin Colypso [03:47] thank you nikrud. Guess I'm stuck with poor flash performance heh? [03:47] what are the things you should issues after make? make clean ? [03:47] !pastebin > Colypso [03:47] issue* [03:47] nikrud: I highly doubt the free driver has decent 3d performance. [03:47] coldboot, are there options for me? [03:48] u can use a 3rd parties pakage to install it [03:48] coldboot none of them do [03:48] /etc/gdm/gdm.conf:AllowLogiutAction=HALT;REBOOT;SUSPEND;CUSTOM_CMD [03:48] MeatGrinder: You can also get the proprietary driver from ATI. [03:48] too bad, this is kind of making ubuntu unusable for me on this machine [03:48] what is pastbin [03:48] coldboot, ahh maybe that will help [03:48] try to see if direct redering is already enable [03:48] i dont understand [03:48] coldboot, didn't know they had linux drivers [03:48] MeatGrinder: You can get it from the apt repository [03:48] kalaxal hm. I've reached the limits of my troubleshooting then [03:48] if yes, no need to update [03:48] coldboot, how so? [03:48] no, then google abit [03:48] Colypso: what do you not understand? [03:48] MeatGrinder: They've had them for a while, and the install process can be clunky. [03:49] i dont see your paste [03:49] open the file and paste the contents to pastebin === mrigns_ is now known as mrigns [03:49] MeatGrinder: Do: apt-cache search fglrx [03:49] what file [03:49] !pastebin [03:49] now that I was able to join though I realize its not a support channel over there... anyone have advice on getting the output to switch correctly on a laptop? (ie FN+F4 to change from LCD to CRT) [03:49] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:49] coldboot, do you have a link to instructions? [03:49] that link there [03:49] If I install default ubuntu and add kde-core, will I get a nice integrated menu system. or is that problematic? [03:49] Colypso: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ [03:49] hey, I'm trying to dual-boot Ubuntu and Mac OS X; Ubuntu works fine, but when I select Mac OSX in the GRUB menu, I get Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. Any help? [03:49] coldboot according to apt-cache show xorg-driver-fglrx , it only supports 9500 and above [03:49] for installation of programs i always needs to choose fie with termination .deb ??? like yum or rpm for redhat instllation ? [03:49] depend on ur model, u got any special button to enable tv out or so [03:50] Is there a way for apt-get to install older versions of applications? [03:50] ones that aren't listed through synaptic? [03:50] are you pasting or am i pasting cause there was nothing in that link [03:50] nikro, coldboot, I found this link which seems to indicate it's only good for 9500 or above https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI [03:50] nikrud: Really? [03:50] dose that help nikrud [03:50] diagon in the synaptic preferances you tell it to use older versions [03:50] nikrud: Oh yeah, it does. [03:50] kindofabuzz: I'll give it a try, thanks! [03:50] MeatGrinder: You have an 8500? [03:50] coldboot, yes [03:50] MeatGrinder: Use the default driver then. [03:51] nothing in pastebin [03:51] If I install default ubuntu and add kde-core, will I get a nice integrated menu system. or is that problematic [03:51] :( [03:51] coldboot, hmm why does youtube vids lag out my machine? [03:51] MeatGrinder: I've never used the other driver, I worked for ATI on the Linux Driver Team. =) [03:51] Colypso: paste the contents of your /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc to that link [03:51] vsncheng: I have a Compaq nc6000 that is supposed to use Fn+F4 to change outputs [03:51] anyone [03:51] ohh, coolbot, have u try the restrited device manager [03:51] for the 3rd time =) [03:51] MeatGrinder: Probably a video issue, are they eating up all your CPU? [03:51] nothing in my contents [03:51] coldboot, yup [03:51] its empty [03:51] kalaxal I'm not sure what's going on there. You could try sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to reinstall gdm completely, see if that does anything [03:51] coldboot, i tried all the fixes in the forums [03:51] coldboot, no dice [03:51] MeatGrinder: You probably don't have any acceleration, what driver are you using now? [03:52] coldboot, not sure [03:52] you don't have a /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc? [03:52] MeatGrinder: type "grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the console [03:52] coldboot, default ubuntu installed i guess [03:52] nope [03:52] coldboot, ok [03:52] hey, I'm trying to dual-boot Ubuntu and Mac OS X; Ubuntu works fine, but when I select Mac OSX in the GRUB menu, I get Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format. Any help? [03:52] says new file [03:52] MeatGrinder: Pastebin the result (pastebin.com) [03:52] MeatGrinder: Then give me the link. [03:52] how can i tell apt-get to install multiple packages in one line? "sudo apt-get install package1, package2, .... [03:52] maybe ur file system [03:52] ok, follow that guid i told you about [03:52] what is a .uif file? [03:53] StevenX exactly that, without the commas [03:53] StevenX: No commas, apt-get install package1 package2 package3 [03:53] let me try it again [03:53] horizonxp, did you partition the disk? [03:53] where is that link again [03:53] thank you both [03:53] is .uif the same is iso? [03:53] Colypso: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 [03:53] StevenX: Most commands that it makes sense to take multiple parameters like that actually do, and you never use commas. [03:53] how do I get ubuntu to recognize my geforce nvidia 6150 go? [03:53] argh this is so annoying [03:53] HorizonXP: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282545 [03:53] coldboot, will keep that in mind. [03:53] Justjaden: Did you just fresh install it? [03:53] yes [03:53] does anyone have experience setting up SNORT in ubuntu? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61880/ [03:53] hommeentete: yes I did, MacOS X is installed (I installed Ubuntu first), and I set up my grub menu.lst to point to the appropriate partition [03:53] coldboot, http://pastebin.com/m686a2703 [03:54] how do i do the first step [03:54] Justjaden: How do you know it wasn't detected? [03:54] im in USA [03:54] owen1: http://filext.com/file-extension/UIF [03:54] Server is in Germany [03:54] Wow, a few years ago I was this newbish. =) [03:54] huh? [03:54] marcel: I saw that thread, it didn't help; someone asked about MacOS and 7.10, but it didn't get answered [03:54] MeatGrinder: The '"Driver "ati"' line tells me you're using the open-source driver already. === digerati is now known as omgitsmit [03:54] it tells me I have to boot in low graphics mode, and I can only get 800x600 [03:54] Colypso: wanna go privat? i'll try to walk you through [03:54] coldboot, hmm that good or bad? [03:54] ok [03:54] coldboot, I'm in mass too! [03:54] MeatGrinder: That's the driver you have to use. [03:55] MeatGrinder: Fascinating, you know how to use IRC. =) [03:55] HorizonXP:http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-dual-boot-ubuntu-gutsy-and-mac-osx-leopard-1051/2008/02/28 [03:55] MeatGrinder: I bet you're not Canadian. [03:55] coldboot, been a loooong time not since Q3 days lol === [1]Rasta is now known as Rasta [03:55] MeatGrinder: I'm not sure what we can do to fix this problem. I've been using the proprietary ATI driver the whole time. [03:55] In ubuntu gutsy, whats that beep that I hear in the background once in awhile [03:56] marcel: This link looks good, let me read it. Thanks. What'd you type in google btw? [03:56] MeatGrinder: Let me look for you. [03:56] hello! Is there a way to list the installed packages with their sizes? I want to remove big packages that I don't need to cut down the size of my virtual machine... [03:56] coldboot, i know, it's too bad, it's kind of a dog on my system, google earth runs like crap too [03:56] rbil: thanks [03:56] coldboot, flickers like mad..........OK thanks [03:56] hello, how come when i do speed test in ubuntu, i cant get the upload reading? [03:56] rbil: so i need windows to open it? [03:56] owen1: no idea. just found an explanation of that file extension, sorry [03:56] i try both speakeasy and speedtest.net. both cant read upload [03:57] but in XP is fine [03:57] owen1: you can maybe try mounting it and see whether it mounts like a regular iso file [03:57] proxy maybe? i dunno [03:57] kelvin911: thats really odd [03:57] HorizonXP: "ubuntu mac dual boot error 13"...... :o) [03:57] can anyone point me in the direction of snort help?? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61880/ [03:57] kelvin911: dslreports test? [03:57] i dont think i install any proxy in ubuntu [03:57] Oh wait, guys, do you use the "radeon" Driver directive for the open-source ATI driver? [03:57] no cable [03:58] can u get the upload reading in speedtest.net? [03:58] kelvin911: no i mean are you running the speed test from dslreports.com [03:58] coldboot: ati [03:58] hey i answered you [03:58] kelvin911: let me try both [03:58] rbil: ok [03:58] i guess you couldnt read my pm [03:58] kelvin911: you on dial up? maybe it's so low that it can't rea dit lol [03:58] where can I find the runlevels or startup order for networking? [03:58] marcel: lol nice. I was too specific then :) [03:58] tritium: MeatGrinder is having 2d acceleration problems with 'Driver "ati"', any ideas? [03:58] i am on shaw cable i-extreme [03:58] Colypso: i sent you several [03:58] 10 Mbps [03:58] MeatGrinder: Is anything else that has to do with flash going slow? [03:58] i replied to all [03:58] HorizonXP: "kiss" .... [03:58] I'm having an issue with S20samba bombing after rebooting -- but working fine after a stop/restart. [03:58] MeatGrinder: Are you in 32-bit or 64-bit linux? [03:58] do i need to reg my nick on this server? [03:59] Colypso: are you registered? i think that's the problem [03:59] you couldnt hear me [03:59] kelvin911: it seems this is a flash tester, try the java one over at dslreports.com [03:59] Who just posted the snort question [03:59] coldboot: do you mean 3d? [03:59] coldboot, 32 and yes all flash is 100% cpu [03:59] what is the command? [03:59] kelvin911: thats where i test [03:59] nikrud ok i'm back [03:59] !register [03:59] By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [03:59] tritium: Nope, just 2D, although 3D might have something to do with it. He says Youtube is lagging. I realize that could be some sort of other problem as well. [03:59] coldboot, haven't tried any 3d stuff other than google earth and that seems to be lagging to with all kinds of flickering prob due to compiz effects [03:59] MeatGrinder: That's probably just flash. [03:59] what is the nick reg command [04:00] MeatGrinder: You're using compiz on a crappy video card, that's your problem. [04:00] !register | Colypso [04:00] Colypso: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [04:00] omgitsmit: where is the link to click? [04:00] coldboot, i tried all the flash fixes on that post in the forum, noc improvement === kazagista1 is now known as kazagistar [04:00] Preferring Gnome - I need KDE for it's "Kipi" plugins.... can I install kde-core on Ubuntu without issue? [04:00] MeatGrinder: Turn off Compiz, the 8500 won't be able to handle it well at all. [04:00] kelvin911: "Tools" at the top nav bar [04:00] Hi all [04:00] coldboot, yeah but I disabled all effects and youtube still is slow [04:00] MeatGrinder: I'm not sure what could be wrong with flash, what browser? [04:00] MeatGrinder: choppy or loads slow? [04:00] sudo apt-get install compiz-config-settings-manager isnt finding the package [04:00] MeatGrinder: just youtube or all flash content? [04:00] coldboot, FF [04:00] nikrud i found the code and put it into the terminal [04:01] omgitsmit, choppy, and all flash marcel [04:01] MeatGrinder: What version of Firefox and Ubuntu? [04:01] style23 and the output? [04:01] marcel: Of course. [04:01] coldboot, 7.10 with updates and latest FF (let me ck v.) [04:01] MeatGrinder: what are you running for flash in FF? [04:01] nikrud 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) [04:01] coldboot, FF is [04:01] Flannel: thx [04:01] !paste [04:01] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:02] omgitsmit, tried it all, adobe and other stuff [04:02] MeatGrinder: Is there some other 2d intensive graphics thing you can get your hands on that's not flash? [04:02] MeatGrinder: there's only two i know about.. heh [04:02] altef: I've posted on the Ubuntu forums. [04:02] nikrud where can I find a list of commands to use in terminal [04:02] MeatGrinder: I'm sort of out of ideas. [04:02] MeatGrinder: just checking to see if you've already exhausted all of your options :) [04:02] i try it on ff speakeasy work [04:02] style23 grep -i intel /etc/X11/xorg.conf , you should get back Driver "intel" , that means you're using the right driver [04:02] coldboot: so am i, heh [04:02] maybe its the flash in opera doesnt work properly [04:02] anyone know how to control compiz in Gutsy? [04:02] hi folks, I seem to have lost the ability to use my touchpad ... is ther any testprogram for that ? [04:02] style23 linuxcommands.org is a good start [04:02] FF ftw! [04:02] MEatGrinder: try my site for basic flash... http://www.specialmomentsphoto.ca & click on any gallery. There's no sound, just images. Still slow? [04:03] * omgitsmit highfives kindofabuzz [04:03] nikrud do you use windows [04:03] guys, how can I fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61884/ [04:03] is it possible to have a 2nd X session off the ubuntu livecd just for vnc? if so now? [04:03] err how [04:03] style23 no (I don't even use the office machine, I take my laptop to work) [04:03] I've been trying to fix my sound for hours. First, I noticed that both my speakers and my headphone were playing at the same time. I was able to fix that (after *a lot* of Googling). About 10 minutes later, I lost all sound. A few hours later, I was able to fix that, too. I restarted the computer and I had sound back, except I now had sound in my headphones and speakers. I fixed that, using the same method as I did before. Some t [04:03] ime later, I lost all sound (this is my current state). =( [04:03] StevenX: install perl? [04:03] :) [04:03] StevenX: is libxml-dom-perl installed? [04:04] marcel, yes, it's slow loading pics [04:04] anyone know how to control compiz in Gutsy? [04:04] just confirm, speakeasy and speedtest.net upload work in ff [04:04] nikrud I just deleted windows 2 days ago and now i'm trying to learn linux [04:04] jake2point0: install the compiz manager, it's in the repos [04:04] maybe its the flash plugin for opera is not right [04:04] nikrud Output: [04:04] Boardname "Intel 830" [04:04] Driver "intel" [04:04] Vendorname "Intel" [04:04] style23: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:04] style23 nothing like diving into the deep end of the pool :) That's how I learned to swim when I was 9 [04:04] !pastebin | style23 [04:04] style23: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [04:04] Meatgrinder: slow loading, okay - that may mean a slow connection.. but once pics are loaded, how's the transition between pics? [04:04] Starnestommy, I will try that. I searched for perl and stuff, but I had a lot of results. [04:04] style23 then you're using the right driver for your card [04:04] kindofabuzz on my cd? [04:04] Any have any ideas? [04:05] jake2point0: no the online repos [04:05] StevenX: try to locate XML/DOM.pm and make a symbolic link for it in all the folders named in the msg. if you can't locate it, then you need a pack of some sort === Colypso is now known as Colypso1 [04:05] can someone please tell me what version of ndiswrapper comes on the gutsy 7.10 desktop cd [04:05] jake2point0: use synaptic and search for compiz manager [04:05] nikrud oh ok [04:05] Does anyone know what that beep is in the background that I hear once in a blue moon, "im on ubuntu gutsy" [04:05] Can someone tell me a good text editor which I can contract/expand nodes while programming? gedit is getting on my ass [04:05] Lunks the floodbot takes care of telling people about pastebin. Before long, we won't even need human helpers here ;) [04:05] xb3rt: your pizza is done? [04:06] omgitsmit: a try dslreports.com, the upload is not working in opera [04:06] marcel, transistions are choppy and slow, doubt it's my connection as speedtest show me at 20mb down [04:06] xb3rt: Are you in Boston? I want some pizza too. [04:06] xb3rt: probably some sort of system beep, mine does it too. You can mute it [04:06] kindofabuzz: sounds that way, [04:06] Lunks isn't there a kde text editor called kedit? [04:06] Starnestommy, that fixed it. thank you. [04:06] Lunks emacs is good, eclipse has the kitchen sink [04:06] nikrud: yeah, I noticed it right after I sent the message =D [04:06] MeatGrinder: what flash version? [04:06] jourdan: what does it mean though [04:06] MeatGrinder: It's not the connection for sure. [04:06] coldboot, marcel, BTW I tried this link and tried all the fixes http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=661833 [04:06] nikrud: isn't eclipse for java? [04:06] MeatGrinder: I'm out of ideas. Maybe if you do a test of something 3d, it would help. [04:06] Meat [04:06] kindofabuzz compiz gnome manager [04:06] marcel, how do i tell what version flash [04:06] Lunks no, there are plugins for just about everything. [04:06] xb3rt: any number of things. happens somtimes if you hit backspace in a terminal with nothing to delete [04:06] I'd like a more 'generic' one. Not Kedit, plz. ;D [04:06] kindofabuzz i got it [04:06] jake2point0: yup [04:06] nikrud: hmm going for it [04:06] coldboot, google earth is 3d and that seems to dog out a bit [04:06] i wouldn't worry about it [04:06] nikrud so how come I can't use the visual effect. it is set to none and when I try to change it, it doesn't allow me [04:07] MeatGrinder: That's too heavy, find something lighter. [04:07] MeatGrinder: open FF and in the title bar type "about:plugins" without the " [04:07] MeatGrinder: Some OpenGL test would do. [04:07] coldboot, oddly gnometetris dogs out the machine on repeated keystrokes too but probably unrelated [04:07] style23 try glxinfo | grep rendering, does it say yes? [04:07] what is the command to register my nick [04:07] marcel, ok [04:07] its not working [04:07] MeatGrinder [04:07] coldboot, need opengl test somehow [04:07] Hey guys. My computer is really slow when it comes to running 2nd Life and I was wondering how to increase the swap size and also if that would even help. [04:07] marcel, yes trying that now [04:07] Maybe... /msg NickServ REGISTER [04:07] Colypso1: just try to msg some one... you will get the info you need in your status [04:07] /msg nickserv help register [04:07] has anyone had problems with bootup giving an error about pnpBios or something like that? Also during the login, the sound is crazy garbled and glitchy? [04:07] MeatGrinder, i have a 3.0 ghz dual core and gnometris lags up too [04:08] MeatGrinder: glxgears [04:08] !register Colypso1 [04:08] im trying [04:08] node357, lol that's da stinks [04:08] !register > Colypso1 [04:08] coldboot, ok [04:08] im using the command and its not working [04:08] yesh :) [04:08] marcel, File name: libflashplayer.so [04:08] Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115 [04:08] anyone? [04:08] MeatGrinder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:08] MeatGrinder: apt-get install mesa-utils [04:08] MeatGrinder: how did you install flash? [04:08] MeatGrinder: /usr/bin/glxgears [04:08] marcel, originally adobe flash but then i followed the instructions int the link above from forums [04:09] coldboot, ok [04:09] nikrud No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose), but when I run the live cd it works [04:09] Hey guys. My computer is really slow when it comes to running 2nd Life and I was wondering how to increase the swap size and also if that would even help. [04:09] Colypso1: why don't you just follow the guide i gave you 4 times now? =) it's what i used to get vnc right [04:09] MeatGrinder: For future reference: sudo aptitude install apt-file && sudo apt-file update && apt-file search name_of_some_file_from_unknown_package_like_maybe_glxgears [04:09] marcel: have you even tryed ---> apt-cache search flash <--- ? === Colypso1 is now known as Colypso [04:09] anyone has fix the world of padman error with ubuntu? [04:09] coldboot, mesa-util is already newest version [04:09] I've been trying to fix my sound for hours. First, I noticed that both my speakers and my headphone were playing at the same time. I was able to fix that (after *a lot* of Googling). About 10 minutes later, I lost all sound. A few hours later, I was able to fix that, too. I restarted the computer and I had sound back, except I now had sound in my headphones and speakers. I fixed that, using the same method as I did before. Some t [04:09] ime later, I lost all sound again (this is my current state). Any ideas? [04:09] I'm still having difficulties installing an older package [04:09] MeatGrinder: Okay, just type glxgears and tell us the FPS [04:09] MeatGrinder: It will report every 5 seconds [04:10] MeatGndr: I'm running Debian - d/l-ed flash tar ball, extracted, went to extracted folder, and as root run ./flash-installer as path give /usr/bin/firefox (iceweasel in my case) [04:10] sometimes the game change to window mode by itself and my mouse and keyboard doesnt work and i have to press reset button to restart the computer [04:10] audacity 1.26 in particular, which requires an old version of wxWidgets, which had a problem that I seem to have solved by changing something in the Makefile, but if I could just do this all via apt-get dependencies that'd be fine too [04:10] MeatGrinder: Mine goes 10713.308 FPS, but I've got an nVidia 8800 GTS with the proprietary driver. =) [04:10] er 1.2.6 [04:10] coldboot, gears looks ok but using 72% of cpu [04:10] kelvin911: that's a padman problem not an ubuntu problem [04:10] MeatGrinder: What's the FPS? [04:10] nikrud so that just means it doesn't work with this graphic card [04:10] MeatGrndr: I'd remove flash and reinstall the way I'd suggested [04:10] MeatGrinder: Type glxgears from a console, it spits out to console. [04:10] style23 I've never had an intel chip in one of my machines, I'm not sure what your problem is. But, you should try LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo > ~/Desktop/glxinfo.txt , and copying the contents of glxinfo.txt to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to show around [04:11] coldboot, dont see fps on gears [04:11] My computer is running slowly and I was wondering how to increase swap and if that would help at all. Any ideas? [04:11] MeatGrinder: Launch glxgears from gnome-terminal [04:11] k === [1]Rasta is now known as Rasta [04:11] Steven1 i don't think increasing swap is gonna help [04:11] coldboot, fps is 1800 [04:12] coldboot, in a window [04:12] :) [04:12] kindofabuzz: but how can the OS's mouse and keyboard's focus got stolen by the game it runs? [04:12] kindofabuzz: Isn't swap just like Windows virtual memory? [04:12] g2g - bye all! [04:12] MeatGrinder: I guess that's pretty good. [04:12] kindofabuzz: is there a way to force the game terminate?? without hard reboot? [04:12] Steven1 yes [04:12] it wont let me register [04:12] im using the right command [04:12] MeatGrinder: For a crappy old card. I would guess it's got something to do with flash. [04:12] :) [04:12] coldboot, yeah i think 3d is ok, maybe it is my machine but youtube runs fine in windoze [04:12] kelvin911: did you try crtl alt backspace? [04:12] MeatGrinder: You could try downloading Opera and see if flash still goes slow, then you can rule out firefox. [04:13] just resets your gdm [04:13] MeatGrinder: No, it's probably flash. [04:13] coldboot, good idea ill try it now === ts-arm is now known as ApOgEE- [04:13] i havent encounter that error so next time i will try [04:13] MeatGrinder: If 3D is good performance, there will be nothing wrong with 2d. [04:13] Steven1: how much RAM do you have? === bruenig_ is now known as bruenigphrik [04:13] :) [04:13] kindofabuzz: Well mine is at 1.86gb of swap. You think I should increase it more? [04:13] MeatGrinder: Flash for Linux is crappy and they don't pay much attention to it. It's always breaking on me. [04:13] kindofabuzz: 2gigs I believe. Something around there. [04:13] coldboot, ahhh, i should try it on another distro just for hahas [04:13] !lol | icesword (what's up, anyway?) [04:13] icesword (what's up, anyway?): Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. [04:14] How do I get WoW running on linux? [04:14] coldboot: flash has cause my ubuntu reboot 2 times [04:14] Steven1: your swap probably never even gets touched with 2 gigs of ram, mine doesn't with 1g of ram [04:14] flash in ff will crash in some heavy flash site [04:14] swap is slow anyway [04:14] nikrud http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61886/plain/ [04:14] in comparison, just get more ram if you want more speed... [04:14] nikrud, sorry,sir ,nothing,i am testing this appeance,that smile yellow face,it doesn;t work [04:14] I've got 2gig of mem, and a half gig of swap [04:15] *in use [04:15] kindofabuzz: Well I play on 2nd Life and I wanted to see if I could play it any smoother and with less lag. [04:15] coldboot, installed opera flash doesnt play, says to click to activate but I do and nothing [04:15] icesword ah, that explains it. [04:15] Steven1: well that's where your vid card comes in play too [04:15] MeatGrinder: At this point I don't know any more than you do about what to fix. I would just search for "flash 100% cpu linux OR ubuntu" in google without the quotes and keep going through the shit. [04:15] is 2nd life half life? [04:15] and the *awesome* linux drivers no doubt available for it [04:15] coldboot, affirmative [04:15] kelvin911: no [04:15] MeatGrinder: That doesn't mean anything, it usually never works in Opera to start. [04:15] kindofabuzz: Well my vid card is pretty good. Maybe the drivers just suck. [04:16] coldboot, yeah opera's not offering any info [04:16] MeatGrinder: Don't stay up all night, this is going to be very boring and unrewarding. [04:16] Steven1 do you at least have restricted drives on? [04:16] LOL [04:16] kelvin911: No. 2nd Life is kind of like a social networking version of Gmod for Half-life 2. [04:16] how can I find out what version of a package I have installed? [04:16] drivers* [04:16] coldboot, I know, I should be working important stuff like getting my CAC card working [04:17] kindofabuzz: Is there a repo to enable for that? Because I enabled the restricted driver when I installed Ubuntu. But haven't gotten any updates since then. [04:17] hobbzilla: apt-cache versin , i think [04:17] version* [04:18] Steven just go to admin > restricted drivers manager and make sure it's on [04:18] style23 dpkg -l | grep libgl1-mesa-dri , does it have ii in the first two columns of the return? [04:18] I do not know if there is an answer to this question, but is there an IRC client that is favored amongst power users in the ubuntu/linux community? I am currently using bitchX and I do not want to get comfortable with its nuances if there is a superior client out there that I will eventually gravitate toward. [04:18] Or you can do aptitude show === djhyland is now known as zeroscan [04:19] kindofabuzz: AIT accelerated graphics driver - Enabled - In use [04:19] *ATI [04:19] lindzeyn irssi is used by all the self-considered elite ;) [04:19] lindzeyn: i think mirc is very good. but it is only in windows [04:19] lol, i broke my irssi [04:19] lindzeyn: It's called Pidgin. [04:19] Q: When I plug my USB drive in, the NTFS partitions refuse to automount -- they ID as a different partition. Yes, ntfs-3g is installed, as well as ntfs-config [04:19] Steven1: i would try the 2nd life irc or boards, probably just the game itself, you don't need more swap [04:19] What am I missing? [04:19] having used both bitchx and irssi i definitely prefer irssi [04:20] kindofabuzz: Alright will do. Thanks [04:20] Steven1: I was unaware that pidgin covered IRC as well. [04:20] *different partition type [04:20] Does irssi have colour? [04:20] lindzeyn: yup. so does kopete [04:20] it can [04:20] lindzeyn: Yep. I'm using it now [04:20] Steven1 are you trying to run 2nd life and compiz at the same time? [04:20] by default not so much, but there are all sorts of perl modules you can install to do all sorts of neat things [04:20] lindzeyn: The default is this channel. [04:20] what, no one likes konversation? :) [04:20] oh yeah good answer nickrud, try turning of compiz [04:21] allyunion: make sure u safely remove the USB in windows b4 u pull it out then ubuntu can automount [04:21] nikrud: Yes. Running my pimp visuals and trying to run 2nd Life at the same time. [04:21] Steven1: Thanks. [04:21] pat5star: I'm on konversation [04:21] Mmmm.. irssi and screen.. much goodness [04:21] indeed [04:21] Steven1 definitely try alt-f2 metacity --replace , and run 2nd life. gl games and compiz do not mix [04:21] nikrud yes it has II in the first colum of returns [04:21] kindofabuzz: Do I just goto appearance and turn it back to Normal? [04:21] chatzilla baby! =) [04:21] can anyone help me with this problem? http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=629359 [04:21] allyunion: last time i just pull it out without safely remove then in ubuntu it gives me error that the usb drive still has something about windows NTFS something like that [04:21] Steven1 yeah, or none [04:21] genii: I am too, I like it personally, I have irssi as well, just find I like konversation better [04:21] Does the pidgin IRC module work in a shell? [04:22] or is it GUI only? [04:22] howdy [04:22] * pat5star smells a vi vs emacs type war starting :P [04:22] as in finch? [04:22] lindzeyn: Nope just in Linux [04:22] heheh [04:22] i am looking for someone to walk me through the process of reconfiguring my mountpoints and stuff [04:22] pat5star: Since I'm mostly in kde it's convenient :) [04:22] lindzeyn: You run the IRC thing by adding an IRC account. Really easy. [04:22] finch + screen don't get along well in putty, so i tend not to use it.. === Ghoster is now known as xoRock [04:22] since apparently i have sincerely fucked them up and can now no longer successfully mount my ipod [04:23] still nu luck [04:23] wittyphotons: have you checked your fstab? [04:23] i was using centerIM.. is there a better console IM client? === jpastore_ is now known as jpastore [04:23] Steven1: Thanks again. [04:23] Ok im registered [04:23] style23 then there's some kind of mismatch that I don't understand. Ask something like, I'm running the intel driver on my Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03) , but glxinfo returns the following error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61886/plain/ [04:23] Thanks nikrud and kindofabuzz. I'll try that. [04:23] i was using the wrong command for this server [04:23] I have a Laptop which dual boots Ubuntu and XP. How can I create a restore DVD to install both in one go? Like the restore DVD comes with Laptop [04:23] and i don't get it my computer likes the gnome desktop but not a gnome login [04:23] where can I download individual packages? I want to get syslinux.deb and mtools.deb [04:23] i have my own iptables rules from iptables-save. what is the "correct" way to have ubuntu load them for me on startup? [04:23] does this channel have a java applet interface? [04:23] i have my own iptables rules from iptables-save. what is the "correct" way to have ubuntu load them for me on startup? (i.e. something with an /etc/rc2.d/blah) [04:24] something that can be access via a web browser? [04:24] c-ron: http://java.freenode.net/ [04:24] TheOneAndOnly: i know its something to do with my fstab, but i've tried it before and have had no success. i assume it is just that i am not knowledgeable enough. [04:24] My /etc/apt/sources.list is very sparse (a minimal server installation): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61888/ What should I add? Thanks. [04:24] On an unrelated note, Has anyone been able to get those closed-source Creative X-Fi x64 beta drivers to work with Ubuntu? I am pulling my hair out over here! [04:24] c-ron: for easy and lazy user, i will say opera can handle irc channel nicely [04:25] TheOneAndOnly: want me to paste my current fstab contents here so you can see? [04:25] pkundu: try "ghost for linux" [04:25] c-ron: point and click now need to type command [04:25] MoTec, thanks [04:25] pkundu: http://sourceforge.net/projects/g4l [04:25] c-ron: now -> "no" [04:25] wittyphotons: if you can, send it to me in a private message, also see if this ubuntuforums link is of any help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=451132 [04:25] okay [04:26] c-ron: opera can read http, ftp, email, irc, and even download torrent although i dont use the torrent in opera [04:26] can anyone please help me to add templates into my create document context menu? [04:27] nikrud thanks for all the help... how long you've been using linux [04:27] I'm running the intel driver on my intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03), but glxinfo returns the following error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61886/plain/ [04:27] kelvin911: I don't care about opera. I'm trying to guide a user in from the forums who just nuked his partition table with dd_rescue [04:28] Hi again folks, is there any way to find out when the commands as listed in .bash_history were executed ? I mean the EXACT time [04:28] style23 just over 8 years [04:28] Plourd? [04:28] If I can't get internet on a laptop I"m booting from the live cd on...how can I enable the restricted driver to mount an ntfs volume? [04:28] c-ron: dd_rescue can read the partition that is destroyed? [04:29] nikrud this is my 2nd day... so when you goto work and lets say you right a word document on your laptop and send it to one of your co-workers... do you type the doc in linux or win [04:29] style23 I write it in openoffice, and send it as a doc file [04:29] nikrud write* [04:29] eww [04:29] nikrud before open office what where you able to use [04:29] jpastore: if i'm correct, i don't believe the livecd has the restricted repositories, but should contain the ntfs-3g driver allowing you access to the ntfs volume [04:29] style23 staroffice [04:29] that smile yellow face for xchat doesn't work for me,i ve already copy it to home dir [04:30] kelvin911: i don't think so... but it can certainly trash a harddrive with a good typo. [04:30] nikrud linux is truly cool [04:30] style23, well put [04:30] TheOneAndOnly, just search synaptic? [04:30] hi elexhobby [04:30] c-ron: dd_rescue can, i believe assist in "ripping" the data from a lost partition [04:30] nikrud so a good starting point is linuxcommands.org [04:30] jpastore: you are correct :) [04:30] style23 yup. I do like the control it offers me over what the machine is doing, as much or as little as I chose to use. And yes, as well as: [04:31] !training | style23 [04:31] style23: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training [04:31] hi c-ron.. tks so much for offering to help! [04:31] elexhobby has this post on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4634118#post4634118 [04:31] TheOneAndOnly: hey did my pm get through to you; i'm not sure if i did that right [04:31] Why when i right click does it say 'Open with "Wine windows emulator"' ? I thought WINE wasn't an emulator :) [04:31] nikrud thanx [04:31] wittyphotons: no, if you're not registered, it won't. you can just use the ubuntu pastebin :) [04:32] style23 welcome to the Free world :) [04:32] nikrud now I need to sell my xbox and get a ps3 [04:32] uhhh the what [04:32] wittyphotons: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ [04:33] What is medibuntu? [04:33] ubuntu for docs? [04:33] I don't think so [04:33] ugh!! I can't wait 23 days.... please release... but eh, I guess I shouldn't push the no-bug issues... release-with-care please :) [04:33] dang neat [04:33] TheOneAndOnly: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61889/plain/ [04:34] Can anyone can assist elexhobby on recovering data? [04:34] !medibuntu [04:34] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [04:34] there ya go LainIwakura [04:34] elexhobby: what sort of data? [04:34] elexhobby, what is up [04:34] wittyphotons: can you verify the mount point /media/iPod exists? [04:34] nomasteryoda: Thanks [04:35] np [04:35] icesword and stbain, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4634118 [04:35] nikrud can this mismatch be the reason why I try to watch a youtube video the whole system crashes [04:35] elexhobby: have you read the link http://www.linux.com/articles/56588 [04:35] why can i only login as root into my desktop? [04:36] nikrud when I try to watch a youtube video* sorry for the grammer [04:36] TheOneAndOnly: uh. how would i check? there's a folder there that exists, if that's what you mean. [04:36] Hi all.. I've posted my problem on ubuntuforums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742660 please go thru it [04:36] wittyphotons: that's exactly what i mean :) now, when you say it is not mounting, do you mean when you plug in your ipod it does not automatically mount? [04:36] style23 could be. You definitely have some issue in your install that I don't understand [04:37] I'm having some problems with sound. [04:37] It has been going on and off cyclically. [04:37] nikrud I don't want to reinstall because it took me the longest to get the wireless card working [04:37] ChaosTheory: what version of ubuntu? [04:37] Gutsy. [04:37] TheOneAndOnly: I shall go thru it [04:38] elexhobby: ty, that should be of some assistance :) [04:38] style23 that's why I helped you craft a good question, hopefully (since you'll be asking it regularly, every 15 min or so) someone will recognize the problem [04:38] ChaosTheory: do you know what hardware your soundcard is? [04:38] elexhobby: what exactly is (or was) stored on /dev/hdb3? [04:38] TheOneAndOnly: Nvidia, I believe. How do I check, again? [04:38] never heard dd_rescue [04:38] nikrud thank you again. [04:39] How can I check if my CPU supports reporting its temparature? [04:39] stbain: some videos/audios and documents.. [04:39] When I launch Gnome Terminal, I get "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" Googling reveals a potential fstab and udev issue, but no fix is mentione. This is my fstab http://www.paste2.org/p/18463 [04:39] ChaosTheory: in terminal try lspci -v [04:39] how big is the hdb3 partition? [04:40] askand, want to know tem when os is running?or you can boot into bios to check [04:40] TheOneAndOnly: it does not mount automatically and i am not able to mount it manually from the gui [04:40] stbain: 105GB around [04:40] elexhobby: isn't it hdb1 that is showing bad info? [04:40] ok, and the DVD you were trying to back up? [04:40] TheOneAndOnly: Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1) [04:40] icesword: yes when the OS is running..I installed a lot of cputempmonitors but it doesnt seem to work [04:40] wittyphotons: try sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /media/iPod [04:40] TheOneAndOnly: the msg returned in the error is 'mount: special device /dev/sdc2 does not exist' [04:41] Is there any change of xmonad 0.7 getting into Hardy (since it's already in Debian), or is it already pretty frozen? [04:41] askand, you cpu model is supported by that app [04:41] c-ron: yes in /media it is named as hdb1 but for dd_rescue i'd typed hdb3 [04:41] elexhobby: i see [04:41] stbain: that was full of mp3 audio files [04:41] TheOneAndOnly, thanks that seemed to have worked it out...is there a graphical file browser with search like windows? or am I stuck with the find command? [04:41] wittyphotons: this may seem like a rather obvious question, but the ipod is connected and turned on, correct? [04:41] 0.7 isn't such a big change, but the better GNOME support would make switching to it easier. :-) [04:42] hrmm... very odd [04:42] TheOneAndOnly: yeah, and it's got the 'do not disconnect' flashing shenanigan going on too [04:42] jpastore: i like nautilus in Hardy, it has that feature, catfish is a great all around search program though :) [04:42] elexhobby: the partition and the partition table may be corrupt [04:42] TheOneAndOnly: the weird thing is, sometimes it'll automount on the first connection of the boot but then never again [04:43] ok, so the cable between bridge pc and hub/router, should be crossover or normal ethernet cable? [04:43] TheOneAndOnly, kewl...I'll see if it's on the xubuntu live cd [04:43] TheOneAndOnly: but it doesn't happen often enough for me to think it's a hint towards the real issue [04:43] stbain: what do i do now? can i recover the old files? [04:43] wittyphotons: can you do me a favor, against the recommendation of the screen, disconnect the ipod, and then reset it. after the reset, plug the ipod back in, see if it will auto mount, if it does not, try the mount command again :) [04:43] elexhobby: I imagine you'll have some data loss for the sectors that were overwritten [04:43] TheOneAndOnly: yeah, alright [04:43] I'm running the intel driver on my intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03), but glxinfo returns the following error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61886/plain/ [04:43] jpastore: catfish i don't believe is included in the livecd =/ [04:43] elexhobby: and there's a chance you may have overwritten the filesystem table [04:43] stbain: no problem.. i'd aborted the dd_rescue in almost 10 secs, so not much data would be lost [04:44] TheOneAndOnly, I can download the package onto a thumb drive and bring it over...where I can get the package from? [04:44] elexhobby: you may want to boot off of a live cd and try to mount or fsck the partitions to see what can be salvaged [04:44] jpastore: what version of ubuntu livecd are you using? [04:44] TheOneAndOnly, 7.10 xubuntu i386 [04:44] Hello, can someone tell me what the difference is between the 'deb' and deb'-src' prefixes in my repository source list? [04:45] elexhobby: I literally am in my datacenter (albeit at 11:45PM) doing much of the same thing you just did... using dd_rescue to transfer a disk elsewhere [04:45] If I have a source URL with the 'deb' prefix, do I still need the same URL with the 'deb-src' prefix? Thanks. [04:45] when i select a cursor and logout/login it looks like the cursor i selected is there for a second but it always gets changed back to some black one with a watch for the 'busy' cursor, anone know what might be going on here? [04:45] hold on upgrading firmware on my router to see if it'll talk to my laptop [04:45] Can I set the language for a single app? I want to start a GNOME program in english to file a consistent bug report. [04:45] LainIwakura: deb is the binary, prebuilt packages, the deb-src is the source files so you can compile them yourself [04:45] LainIwakura: the deb lines are for regular packages, while deb-src are for source code packages [04:45] LainIwakura: deb-src is to download sources using "apt-get source x" [04:45] stbain: i'm a newbie to ubuntu.. do u mean i shud reboot and insert live cd.. what i do then? [04:45] hi, how do I type accented characters in Ubuntu? [04:45] LainIwakura: it is a good idea to keep the source repos, but not everyone does [04:45] TheOneAndOnly, Starnestommy, Kl4m: Okay, thanks for the help. [04:46] elexhobby: are you a newbie to all flavors of Linux or just new to Ubuntu? [04:46] jpastore: i'm looking for the package now, just one moment :) [04:46] stbain: to all flavors.. infact ubuntu is the first linux i've tried out [04:46] TheOneAndOnly: well...something happened. i still can't mount the ipod to access its harddrive's filesystem, but some programs popped up and noticed the ipod. specifically, music player and gtkpod. gtkpod had this nice little message which i'll pastebin in a sec for you. [04:46] TheOneAndOnly, awesome thanks! [04:47] elexhobby, plz be more specific?give more details [04:47] TheOneAndOnly: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61891/ [04:47] icesword: what kind of details wud u like? [04:47] does anyone here have experience with bandwidthd ? [04:47] ok... someone else will probably need to back me up on this, but basically what you'll do is shut down the computer, insert the ubuntu cd you used to install, and let it boot to the desktop. Once it's there, you should be able to open up a terminal shell and try to mount the partitions to see what's left on them. [04:47] wittyphotons: if a program is popping up and recognizing it, that is a great sign, it means your ipod is most likely mounted, but probably in a diff location than that listed in fstab, one moment... [04:47] orudie: be more specific [04:48] jpastore: np :) [04:48] tritium: I installed bandwidthd, need help editing bandwidthd.conf [04:48] stbain: shud i do that immediately.. c-ron had asked me not to reboot at all [04:48] elexhobby, in that post,you dd_rescue /dev/hdd ?what is hdd?you said you want to copy from dvd? [04:49] stbain: AKAIK, the partition table on that drive is toast.. so trying to remount it will produce the same results as he's seeing now.. 105 gig showing as 1.5 gig [04:49] does anybody know how to install gutsy in dualboot without havint to install feisty first ? .... Gutsy keeps on telling me 'impossible' to handle ntfs stuff [04:49] TheOneAndOnly: Do you still remember my question? =P [04:49] mouse settings in system>preferences are set fast as they go. How do I get the pointer to move faster yet? [04:49] Hi [04:49] c-ron: think a fsck could fix it? [04:50] icesword: i'd read hdd stands for ur dvd drive.. also in my /etc/fstab it shows hdd for dvd-drive.. hence hdd for the dvd drive [04:50] ChaosTheory: i'm sorry, it slipped my mind =/ === icesword is now known as youmean [04:50] I want to create a floppy disk image file ... how can I do that? === bluefox|gaming is now known as bluefoxx [04:50] stbain: fsck only fixes filesystems, not partion tables.. i could be wrong [04:50] TheOneAndOnly, sorry I had to reboot my router... [04:50] TheOneAndOnly: I've been struggling with sound. Originally I had sound in both the speakers and the headphones -- I fixed that. [04:50] TheOneAndOnly, if you sent the link could you please retransmit? [04:50] TheOneAndOnly: About 10 minutes later I lost all sound altogether. It took me a few hours to fix that. [04:50] what I need is to creat an empty vfat into a .img file to be mounted with VirtualBox [04:51] jpastore: i found the link, i didn't send it cuz i saw you were kicked :p here it is http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/catfish [04:51] TheOneAndOnly: Then, I lost sound *again.* [04:51] elexhobby: what version of ubuntu are you running? [04:51] TheOneAndOnly: oh, it seems to be mounting at /media/DAVEPOD__ [04:51] TheOneAndOnly, thanks... [04:51] ChaosTheory: i did a search for your hardware on google, i can't seem to find anything... i'm sorry =/ [04:51] TheOneAndOnly: Then I fixed the sound, and now I've lost it altogether again. =| [04:51] TheOneAndOnly: Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1) [04:51] TheOneAndOnly: Okay, thanks. [04:51] Hello, can someone explain to me why this error occurred: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) I fixed with apt-get update, but I'd like to know why the error occurred. I had no duplicate entries in /etc/apt/sources.list. What is this /var/lib/... list and how does it relate to my repository source list in /etc/a [04:51] wittyphotons: i would recommend to update the fstab with that mount point :) [04:52] Dex-Freudii: you can build your floppy then copy it to some file with dd [04:52] ChaosTheory: it's not working at all? [04:52] c-ron, so your point is his hdb 's partition table is damaged?or the problem is? [04:52] Kl4m: how do I build my floppy?? [04:52] LainIwakura: check out /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [04:52] elexhobby: nevermind, I see it on your forum post (7.10) [04:52] Kl4m: I don't have floppy drive in my computer [04:52] so...i dled the installer...and when I run it my screen goes blank...it sounds like something is running though...any thoughts? [04:52] c-ron: if he can boot into the 7.10 livecd, he'll be able to fire up GPartEd to assess the damage [04:53] Flannel: It's an empty directory at the moment. [04:53] TheOneAndOnly: Nope. [04:53] LainIwakura: So, you 'fixed' it by not changing anything? [04:53] stbain, what about testdisk or parted? [04:53] Flannel: I did apt-get update, which fixed the error. [04:54] Flannel: But do you know why the error may have occurred in the first place? [04:54] ChaosTheory: can you run alsamixer in a terminal? [04:54] LainIwakura: That shouldn't have fixed anything. The error would've occured during that same operation. [04:54] youmean: gparted is just a GUI over top of parted (if memory serves me correctly) [04:54] TheOneAndOnly: I just ran it. What now? [04:54] jpastore: any time :) [04:54] Dex-Freudii: ok, find out how many bytes a typical floppy uses, then dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile.img bs=howmanybytes count=1 [04:54] I've got a question (might be somewhat irrelevant). [04:55] check to make sure the volume on all the channels are up. if they aren't, use the up arrow to move them up, the left and right arrows to move between them. [04:55] Kl4m: bs=1440 (pretty sure on that one) [04:55] On Xfce4.4, why in the hell is there a tiny Gnome foot on the top-right corner of Thunar windows? [04:55] TheOneAndOnly: They are all up. [04:55] stbain, tha is not important,seems you and c-ron ;s point is he has to rebuild partition table [04:55] Kl4m: but how do I create the filesystem then? [04:55] any of you have verizon fios and have successfully set up a server? (httpd, ftpd, etc.) [04:55] youmean: possibly, but I think just getting in and seeing what's left will help clarify the next step [04:55] ChaosTheory: can you also hit the tab key and make sure they are all up on other screens, and there are none w. no m's next to them? [04:55] Dex-Freudii: mkfs.vfat myfile.img [04:56] looks like it's possible to rebuild with gpart and fdisk [04:56] Flannel: Yeah, that is odd.. but I did run apt-get update, get the error (which also told me to 'run apt-get update to correct these problems), which I did and which fixed the problem... Any ideas? [04:56] not gparted - gpart .. in case anyone's wondering [04:56] is there a way to have multi_key mapped to the windows key? [04:56] Dex-Freudii: then you mount it with mount, but I don't know the options or if you need to be a superuser [04:57] LainIwakura: that will occur sometimes if the repos are cached on the system, running the update again usually corrects the problem [04:57] TheOneAndOnly: All of them, even after tabbing, are up. [04:57] LainIwakura: assuming you do not actually have a duplicate source :p [04:57] TheOneAndOnly: Yup, double checked that. [04:57] TheOneAndOnly: Alright, thanks. [04:57] c-ron, then he can download gpart and try [04:57] LainIwakura: np :) [04:57] TheOneAndOnly: What do you mean "w. no m's?" [04:57] Kl4m: thank you man [04:57] hey, is there a prog for just editing trackers for torrent-files? [04:57] c-ron: should i run fdisk /dev/hdb3? [04:57] ALL: I installed bandwidthd, need help editing bandwidthd.conf [04:57] youmean: yes it looks like dd_rescue overwrote the partition table (and some other data in 15 seconds) from a dvd or whatever else got read of off /dev/hddd [04:57] Dex-Freudii: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303295 this has the mount options [04:57] Flannel: Thanks. [04:57] To re-iterate: On Xfce4.4, why in the hell is there a tiny Gnome foot on the top-right corner of Thunar windows? [04:58] /dev/hdd [04:58] elexhobby no [04:58] c-ron: ok [04:58] because that's the only place the xfce guy could fit his foot? [04:58] elexhobby: not yet [04:58] TheOneAndOnly, so catfish doens't allow multiple file selects from search results so I can move files in bulk to an external drive ... /sigh [04:58] Daisuke_Ido, lol, I'd expect the little rat/mouse or whatever. === Charitwo_ is now known as Charitwo [04:59] just seems out of place [04:59] You know how when ubuntu boots up you just see a bunch of line-by-line "starting up ______"-type code? Is there anyway to see the output of a stock boot? [04:59] ChaosTheory: i'm sorry, i didn't mean "m's" are there any of the channels that have a red L on the left, and a red R on the right? [04:59] jpastore: unfortunately, no :( [04:59] i just looked, because i thought it used to be the mouse [04:59] I am brand new to this. I am running XP and want a dualboot system with ubuntu 7.10. I have a 120gb HD with about 10gb free right now. I started the install process by booting the CD and when the partition wizard ran, it scared me. It wanted to set up a 105gb partition. I really don't want to lose anything on my hard drive and I don't have the XP CDs on me, so if things go wrong, I will be really really sad. How can I set up a small part [04:59] is anyone currently using an Ubuntu LiveCD? === artenius is now known as noble- [04:59] TheOneAndOnly: Yes. [04:59] TheOneAndOnly: "LineIn" [04:59] c-ron: yes [04:59] ChaosTheory: is that the only one? [05:00] TheOneAndOnly: Yes. [05:00] c-ron: I have one up and running on a VM at the moment [05:00] TheOneAndOnly, alright thanks let me see what else I can find [05:00] actually, I just restarted it, so gimme a sec [05:00] stbain: could you try to run gpart to see if it's included on the livecd? note that that's not gparted, but gpart [05:00] ChaosTheory: that is your input, it should be fine, but press the space bar below it, ans it should remove the Red letters [05:00] Anyone have any idea why my monitor wouldn't show the installer? [05:00] k... gimme a sec [05:00] You know how when ubuntu boots up you just see a bunch of line-by-line "starting up ______"-type code? Is there anyway to see the output of a stock boot? Because for some reason this fresh install is freezing, and i need to know what the next line is that it is freezing on [05:00] <_maw> where is the kernel sources directory? [05:00] c-ron: gparted is on the live cd [05:00] jpastore: any time, sorry i couldn't find you something better =/ [05:01] TheOneAndOnly: I'm below , I pressed the space bar, and nothing happened. [05:01] jpastore: a good KDE based file manager is Dolphin, i believe it has the funtionality you seek... [05:01] sjovan: like i said, NOT gparted, but gpart [05:01] c-ron: what is gpart? [05:02] TheOneAndOnly, let me see if I can find it by searching the packages [05:02] c-ron: i don't even have that on my system... [05:02] ChaosTheory: if you look under the channels, there should be some, or one, with an MM or a 00 under it, correct? and if so, which channels? [05:02] gpart != gparted [05:02] TheOneAndOnly: IEC958 [05:02] c-ron: i like the way you stated that, haha [05:03] why is it that on this fresh install it freezes while booting up (the last text displayed is "Running Local Boot Scripts (/etc/rc.local)" [05:03] ChaosTheory: does it have MM or 00? [05:03] c-ron: nwm... i used apt-cache show gpart [05:03] TheOneAndOnly: 00 [05:03] is anyone here experienced with bandwidthd ? [05:03] ChaosTheory: hit the m key below it, see if your sound returns... that channel is currently muted ;] [05:03] c-ron: gpart is in the universe repository, so he'll have to enable universe and install it [05:04] stbain: but it's not on the livecd? [05:04] jpastore: here is the link to the Dolphin site http://enzosworld.gmxhome.de/ [05:04] TheOneAndOnly, thanks! [05:04] c-ron: nope [05:04] ok [05:04] jpastore: let me check one other thing, i think nautilus has it as well, to prevent you from having to use a KDE app, unless you're running Kubuntu? [05:04] TheOneAndOnly: IEC958 now has "MM," but I don't have my sound back. [05:04] elexhobby7, what partition is ubuntu installed to on your other pc? [05:05] anyone ? [05:05] ChaosTheory: using tab, are there any other channels with the 00? [05:05] is wubi an Ubuntu product or just thown onto the hardy cdrom? [05:05] crap, and even enabling universe won't let it install [05:05] when i select a cursor and logout/login it looks like the cursor i selected is there for a second but it always gets changed back to some black one with a watch for the 'busy' cursor, anone know what might be going on here? [05:06] TheOneAndOnly: Actually, all of the others have "00," too, but they are at 100. [05:06] TheOneAndOnly, this is an xubuntu install [05:06] I'm trying to recover some files from an old laptop [05:06] TheOneAndOnly: But now the laptop says sound is muted. [05:06] ChaosTheory: do the same thing for all channels then, hit the m key to remove the mutes :) [05:06] TheOneAndOnly: After pressing "m" on all of them, that is. [05:06] c-ron: do i check that using sudo fdisk -l? [05:06] TheOneAndOnly, I don't see where to download dolphin...cna I not run it under xubuntu? [05:06] it says Linux opposite /dev/hdb2 [05:07] elexhobby7: check with df [05:07] jpastore: i'd recommend using nautilus then, or the xfce default file manager, but i'm not sure if either have the functionality you seek. I'm checking into it :) [05:07] jpastore: that was just the information site, not a link to the download, sorry [05:07] cron: yes its /dev/hdb2 === TheAvatar is now known as DrPaulo [05:08] hey everyone :) === solid_li` is now known as solid_liq [05:09] TheOneAndOnly: If all of them are on "MM," then the laptop is muted, apparently. [05:09] c-ron: yes its /dev/hdb2 [05:10] hey guys, im trying to compile the cisco vpn client and im getting /interceptor.c:794: error: invalid operands to binary - [05:10] anyone know how to mount a HD that is logged to be "in use" ? ... force mounting does'nt seem to be working... [05:10] ChaosTheory: hm... can you install the gnome alsa mixer, to provide you a gui? [05:10] any idea what im doing wrong? [05:10] TheOneAndOnly: Asla mixer? Should I install it through Synaptic? [05:11] jpastore: i think i found the functionality you look for w.out using a seperate file manager :) check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214059 [05:11] ChaosTheory: there should be an alsa mixer gnome or kde package, depending on which you use [05:11] hcecking into it now [05:11] Google alters time - http://scitech.blogs.cnn.com/ [05:12] TheOneAndOnly: I see something called "asla mixer gui." [05:12] hey guys, im trying to compile the cisco vpn client and im getting interceptor.c:794: error: invalid operands to binary - [05:12] ChaosTheory: that should work :) [05:12] hi! can anyone give advice on recording music in ubuntu? [05:12] TheOneAndOnly: gnome-alsamixer [05:12] what can I use for a SCP client in linux? a GUI client, that is [05:12] ChaosTheory: that would be it :) [05:12] adam...you have fios? *green with envy* [05:13] elexhobby7 do you happen to know what filesystem is on /dev/hdb3 ? [05:13] VeN0mizer: as do i ;) [05:13] bah! [05:13] lol [05:13] while booting into a debian partition the entire filesystem changes into a read-only mode. HOw to rectify this [05:13] heh [05:13] which adam? [05:13] you :P [05:13] I do, if you're talking to me [05:13] yeah, it's pretty good [05:13] VeN0mizer: it's not al that great, esp if the lines get water in them :( [05:13] I am not able to do anything. Not able to open any applications. [05:13] how do you two like it?...is it worth all the hype? [05:13] TheOneAndOnly: Okay, I just ran it. [05:13] ahhh [05:14] I haven't had any problems with it. Had it for a year. Had sat before that, and that was terrible. [05:14] c-ron: its W95 FAT32 [05:14] hey guys, im trying to compile the cisco vpn client and im getting interceptor.c:794: error: invalid operands to binary - [05:14] 'bout the same as cable in quality, but a bit cheaper when you combine TV and internet [05:14] TheOneAndOnly: None of them are muted. [05:15] adamP_: deff, esp if you get it w. phone, the quality is great, but i've had the tech's out twice because of the water in the line [05:15] I am able to boot only after remounting the / partition [05:15] quick question guys, not sure if I'm going about asking the right way...should be easy...is it possible to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy BETA, and then from the BETA to the FINAL when it gets released without any hitches? === Adlai_ is now known as Adlai [05:15] yeah I got vonage now and I hate it, always one way audio even when it is right behind the cable modem...bleh [05:15] ChaosTheory: i'm going to have you display all the channels, give me just a sec to install it on my end ;] [05:15] so i can assist you a little better [05:15] TheOneAndOnly: Okay, thanks. [05:15] Are there a graphic calculator for Ubuntu? [05:16] I there any way to recover the corrupted filesystem. [05:16] could someone quickly break down what the difference is between a pkg1 and pkg1-dev ? [05:16] or not so quickly :) [05:16] VeN0mizer: it should be, i upgraded from gutsy to the beta (running now) and it will automatically upgrade to the final via updates :) [05:16] Awp: could you explain more? [05:16] thanks! :) [05:16] Hey, got a question for you guys, I'm brand new to linux, running xfce now - and wondering how I can set up german fonts. I don't want to switch the keyboard to de, just add in a few letters. [05:16] I would suspect that dev means it is still in development, like a beta, but I'm not entirely sure? [05:17] diagon: pkg1 = the package in it's useable form, pkg1-dev = development headers for using pkg1 in a program [05:17] heroin overdose in st kilda [05:17] woops [05:17] ChaosTheory: if you go into edit -> sound card properties, check off all the boxes in there [05:17] wow...yeah I was way off [05:17] i need help with java on hardy 64 [05:17] TheOneAndOnly: They are all already checked off. [05:18] tonyyarusso like graphing calculator [05:18] hey all I have 2 daemons that I compiled (didn't come with an /etc/init.d/ entry)... how can I make them startup on boot like the rest of my daemons? (they need to run as root) [05:18] ChaosTheory: awesome, down at the bottom of the main window is there a checkbox for the IEC you mentioned earlier? [05:19] tonyyarusso like graphing calculator graphmonkey [05:19] midget try "crontab -e" to load a script with the command you need. [05:19] Awp: Depending on the complexity of what you need, there are many things, including octave and maxima on the more complicated end [05:19] (when root) [05:19] Awp: or, graphmonkey... [05:19] TheOneAndOnly: Yes, there is. [05:19] ChaosTheory: and is that checked as well? [05:19] TheOneAndOnly: Yes, it is. [05:19] *has learned more in the last 5 minutes of being here and listening about ubuntu, than in the past week using google* [05:19] ChaosTheory: and still no sound? [05:20] there is also a video on youtube training how to do the init.d thing (debian way...) [05:20] tonyyarusso graphmonkey [05:20] Starnestommy: so does pkg1 do a sort of configure/make style build behind the scenes, and then just remove the source, whereas the pkg1-dev would leave the headers? [05:20] TheOneAndOnly: Nope. [05:20] Awp: what about it? [05:20] VeN0mizer: good to hear, my brother in law will be sitting in w. me tomorrow evening to learn about this great distro :p [05:20] awesome :) [05:20] diagon: pkg1 is already compiled and ready to install in binary form. [05:20] ChaosTheory: unfortunately, i'm now at a loss, if you don't mind me asking again, what was your hardware type? [05:20] tonyyarusso how would i install it? [05:20] it's the only distro that's made me trash windows entirely, others came close [05:21] Awp: With Synaptic, same as anything else. [05:21] * ubuntufanboy has trashed windows 3 yrs ago. [05:21] How do you force close an application ? [05:21] the only thing I miss is fully working .NET...as I'm lazy :P [05:21] Starnestommy: oh I see, because it can be sure of the architecture of your system already, due to dependency-verification stuff [05:21] VeN0mizer: Gambas, i believe can do .Net [05:21] noobi. there is an applet that can force-kill the window you want.... [05:21] Gambas...hmm...*googles this* [05:22] TheOneAndOnly: Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1) [05:22] also you cando the terminal way: sudo killall nameoftheaplication [05:22] c-ron: any further instructions? what should i do next? [05:22] TheOneAndOnly: Gambas from my understanding is just Basic not .net [05:22] whats it called ? [05:22] and it's Qbasic at that I believe [05:22] killall doesn't need sudo if it's killing processes it's spawned itself [05:22] noobi: xkill [05:22] does anyone know how to mount a HD that is logged "in use" ? force mounting hasn't workedd. [05:22] kitche: i use it for .Net Dev, i could be wrong about which package i'm using though - i haven't deved in a while... [05:22] noobi -> Force Quit [05:23] VeN0mizer: check synaptic, just do a search for .Net ;] [05:23] I could be cheap and wine a copy of visual studio ;) [05:23] elexhobby7: okay write down the results for the /dev/hdb3 line when you run df [05:23] noobi, also, sudo xkill from term, or alt+f2 and typing gksu xkill will (as root) kill any open window [05:24] * ubuntufanboy needs help with java on hardy 64 [05:24] ChaosTheory: i'm checking the forums now ;] [05:24] note to self: cannot open package manager while upgrading distro version....duhhhh to self [05:24] tonyyarusso how would i install it? [05:24] tonyyarusso thanks [05:24] tonyyarusso it work [05:24] !software > Awp [05:24] TheOneAndOnly: I've posted on the forums. [05:24] VeNOmizer: been there... [05:24] TheOneAndOnly: I'm trying to install the newest driver. . . [05:24] TheOneAndOnly: But I'm getting an error. [05:25] ChaosTheory: not just the ubuntu forums :p [05:25] tonyyarusso is there any way i can make all my windows to horizontal or veritcial or cascade view === demonspork is now known as demon_spork [05:25] TheOneAndOnly: Haha, okay. [05:25] ChaosTheory: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-sound-with-nvidia-mcp67-hda-629627/ [05:25] hello [05:25] Awp: ask the channel [05:25] hello rshives [05:26] VeN0mizer: honestly, the only thing i miss is my Windows DDK, good bye writing windows rootkits using a windows tool :( [05:26] lol [05:26] TheOneAndOnly: Following the links. . . [05:26] I'm trying to add .cgi (perl) scripting support to Apache, however, when I view a .cgi or .pl script, it gives a "Forbidden" error. I've added http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61897/ to my /etc/apache2/apache2.conf so far. What am I doing wrong? [05:26] TheOneAndOnly: I've made nvidia the default card (no change). [05:27] Hello. using dvorak key map so slow typer for a while. [05:27] ChaosTheory: have you tried running alsaconf? [05:27] c-ron: /dev/hdb3 109959488 109424832 534656 100% /media/hdb1 [05:27] speaking of rootkits (not in that sense) that's the problem I face with linux...if I get a virus, much less a rootkit, I'm SOL in terms of knowing how to get rid of it or even knowing one exists [05:27] AlexHoover: for each .cgi or .pl script, sudo chmod +rx scriptname.cgi [05:27] rshives: no worries :) [05:27] TheOneAndOnly: How do I do that? [05:27] does anyone here use dvorak layout? [05:27] Starnestommy, I chmodded all of my cgi scripts to 777. [05:28] sn00zer I do. [05:28] VeN0mizer: actually, there are tools to check for rootkits, and removal is easy, not to mention, linux is pretty rock solid in terms of defending agains such annoyances :) [05:28] Is there any way i can make all my windows to horizontal or vertical or cascade view [05:28] hi, can anyone tell me how to type accented characters in ubuntu? Is it possible to assign my Windows key to be a Multi_key somewhere? [05:29] Awp: what window manager? [05:29] rshives, do you have problems switching back and forth with qwerty when you're away from your own boxes? [05:29] TheOneAndOnly where system ? [05:29] ChaosTheory: open the terminal, type in alsaconf [05:29] Awp: are you using kde, gnome, xfce? ie- ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu, or some other window manager? [05:30] does anyone know how to mount a HD that is logged "in use" ? force mounting hasn't workedd. [05:30] TheOneAndOnly: bash: alsaconf: command not found [05:30] Awp: or do you have and are currently using compiz? [05:30] sn00zer I just started using dvorak. so Im still learning it. [05:30] * ubuntufanboy needs help with java on hardy 64 [05:30] TheOneAndOnly ya its 7.10 should have compiz already install [05:30] j3kyl1: is it mounted elsewhere? [05:31] stbain : no its just local [05:31] TheOneAndOnly it just default 7.10 updated [05:31] j3kyl1: what drive is it? [05:31] j3kyl1: /dev/??? [05:31] you mean, even with root, a rootkit has difficulty pulling off its magic? [05:31] with linux? [05:32] what is the bether and secure linux music player to streamers radios and this stuff? :x [05:32] rshives, i just set mine up tonight and started learning home row but i'm already getting confused and wondered if it wouldn't kill my qwerty skills by confusing me and then once i am better at dvorak, would i lose my speed/accuracy on qwerty since i stop using it [05:32] TheOneAndOnly what next? [05:32] ubuntufanboy: /join #ubuntu+1 for hardy help [05:32] tks stbain [05:32] Awp: if it's a default gutsy, i don't believe it will have compiz, if you can use compiz and xgl (lots of info on the net to get it running on gutsy assuming your video card is supported) there is functionality in there to have the windows tile or cascade... let me see if metacity has it as well :) [05:32] np [05:32] stbain : its /dev/sda1 [05:33] j3kyl1: and typing /mount and df -h commands don't show /dev/sda1 listed anywhere? [05:33] sn00zer according to their website. you wont. [05:33] VeN0mizer: yep, even as root. I was reading an article about one of the kernels where they had to set up a lab just to get a virus to work. ie - unless you srsly mess up you should be safe :) [05:33] what music multimedia player do you guys ussually use?! [05:33] j3kyl1: err... not /mount, just "mount" [05:33] stbain : no ... the problem i believe is that it has a "in use" log on it and won't open back up [05:34] . [05:34] j3kyl1: how about umount /dev/sda1 just for giggles? [05:34] rshives, ok, thats good to know [05:34] ChaosTheory: wanted to make sure you knew i haven't forgotten about you ;p [05:34] TheOneAndOnly: Oh good, I often find myself easily typing in the root password when installing stuff in linux, and sometimes when running programs that shouldn't require but I don't know any better to trust them anyways...tracert for example! [05:34] TheOneAndOnly: Thanks. =] [05:35] elexhobby7: are you able to see the contents of your home dir with ls ~/ [05:35] TheOneAndOnly [05:35] stbain :/dev/sda1 is not mounted (according to mtab) [05:35] Thank you [05:35] gksu xkill worked [05:35] ChaosTheory: np, i know how frustrating it can get waiting for an answer, esp if the person helping you is talking to like 4 other ppl :p [05:35] i was playing world of padman, and i lost my mouse and keyboard, then i try Ctrl-Alt Backspace someone suggest and my ubuntu is restarted [05:35] TheOneAndOnly: I'm just glad someone is helping me. =D [05:35] TheOneAndOnly: I'm searching around, too. [05:35] world of padman's problem or ubuntu? [05:36] VeN0mizer: hm, i would recommend avoiding root usage as much as possible :p if you get prompted for the pw, ctrl+c to abort :p [05:36] hmmm my real name is purple? [05:36] ChaosTheory: awesome, i appreciate you helping me, help you, makes things go smooth =] [05:36] rshives: go pidgin ;p [05:36] c-ron: yes [05:36] stbain :/dev/sda1 is not mounted (according to mtab) [05:36] Grrrr. Why do .cgi scripts keep giving me a forbidden error? [05:37] TheOneAndOnly: That's the thing...how am I to know what programs _should_ need it or not...I never would have thought tracert would need it...does it use raw sockets or something? [05:37] j3kyl1: not sure [05:37] elexhobby7 well the good new is that your partition table should be fine. [05:37] Why can't I use my external DVD burner, with a Gutsy-live in another drive? [05:37] read-only won't change!!! [05:38] j3kyl1: what type of partition is it? [05:38] stbain : it was previously used with vista... i'm on my primary now... which is ubuntu [05:38] c-ron: thats such a great relief.. tks :).. so shud i run fdisk or gpart now? [05:38] VeN0mizer: if you get an error about pipes, or permissions, you can bet you'll need root, otherwise, try and stay normal... most packet programs like tracert, will need root, hping for example. [05:38] someone can help me with instalation ? [05:38] q_a_z_steve: probably because things buffer before burning, and you don't have enough ram for that. [05:38] how do i partition my disk via command line [05:38] elexhobby7: do this first, unmount /dev/hdb3 [05:38] alrighty :) thanks for answering all my noob questions ;) [05:38] mib_q40htm8y: what version of ubuntu? i'm sure someone in here can help :) [05:39] when i remove a program in add/remove does it completely remove the software? or do i need to go to synaptic to completely remove it fom my HD? [05:39] VeN0mizer: heh, not so newb, and we've all been there before... a little google searching can turn up tons of info about linux though :D [05:39] kelvin911: yes, synaptic [05:39] kelvin911: synaptic [05:39] so add/remove is not good for remove prgram? [05:39] Too much info it seems :-D [05:39] the add/remove will leave config files [05:39] c-ron: ok did that.. [05:39] tonyyarusso: I see your point, but I do have 2GB of RAM... first issue is Why won't they allow live-user, (don't know how to get root to change this) to change from being read-only [05:40] TheOneAndOnly Change it in pidgon? [05:40] q_a_z_steve: change what? what are you talking about? [05:40] TheOneAndOnly: I don't have an alsaconf. Is that a problem? What should I do? [05:40] stbain : it was previously used with vista... i'm on my primary now... which is ubuntu [05:40] rshives: you are using pidgin right now, correct? [05:40] what if i install world of padman with *.run file? [05:40] j3kyl1: what command are you using to mount it? [05:40] Correct. [05:40] tonyyarusso: I don't want it to be read only, obviously, I want to burn... [05:40] do i uninstall it in synaptic? [05:40] ChaosTheory: i'm missing it as well, and the package isn't in there, but i'm searching to see if there's a way to get it installed :) [05:40] TheOneAndOnly : 7.10 [05:40] c-ron: can i chat from the ubuntu comp itself? or u wud still recommend chatting from the other windows comp? [05:41] TheOneAndOnly: Okay, thanks. [05:41] stbain : uhh... well just mount /dev/sda1 or mount /media/Windows Vista [05:41] kelvin911: yeah, mark for Complete removal [05:41] j3kyl1: what's the fstab line for /dev/sda1 look like? [05:41] world of padman is piece of crap [05:42] kelvin911: if you want to stick to terminal you can use sudo apt-get --purge remove package to remove :) [05:42] stbain : that way has worked before... but now vista is dead and im just gonna put ubuntu on it after i back it up.. so i need to get it there [05:42] i dont know why some people say its fun , maybe it works fine in windows [05:42] kelvin911 play call of duty 4 [05:42] stbain: hold on ill look [05:42] i dont have cod4 [05:42] dl [05:42] kelvin911 download it [05:42] maybe i will try download it later [05:42] im trying to install libmtp, but i am getting a unknown error: configure: error: I can't find the libusb libraries on your system. You [05:42] may need to set the LDFLAGS environment variable to include the [05:42] search path where you have libusb installed before running [05:42] configure (e.g. setenv LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib) [05:42] chains: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:42] what do packages leave behind if you don't do the purge/complete removal of them? Linux equivalencies of DLL's? [05:42] kelvin911 you can play in crack server [05:42] elexhobby7: now run: sudo apt-get install gparted [05:42] crap [05:42] not gparted [05:43] stbain: sorry but how do i look that up? [05:43] VeN0mizer: it's just the config files usually [05:43] c-ron: i already have it installed [05:43] j3kyl1: grep '/dev/sda1' /etc/fstab [05:43] elexhobby7: sudo apt-get install gpart [05:43] c-ron: installed that too [05:43] VeN0mizer: apt-get autoremove takes care of the unused DLL's and associated datafiles usually.. [05:43] c-ron: apt-cache search gpart came up empty for me :( [05:43] Awp: please see PM [05:44] someone can help me ? The installation went fine till Grub install came up, then i got a fatal error message; Grub cannot be installed in MBR. [05:44] c-ron: haha, installed in 2 mins back [05:44] mib_q40htm8y: you need assistance w. an install correct? [05:44] tonyyarusso: I'm not allowed to change it, you know? I'm trying to think, I believe I've used this method before, should be fine... but if I mount it read-only (gee, I guess I could unmount, then remount as 777), then I can't even dd to it... [05:44] stbain : nothings coming up with what you gave me ... its a command line right? [05:44] * zcat[1] is upgrading #3 of 4 to hardy as we speak.. the last two went quite well. [05:44] j3kyl1: yes [05:44] TheOneAndOnly : yes [05:45] zcat[1]: what beta are they on? [05:45] how do i find world of padman in synaptic so that i can remove it? [05:45] beta 1 I think.. [05:45] Thx for your help stbain [05:45] ChaosTheory: it appears ubuntu removed the alsaconf utility... huh, i'm looking for a way to reconfig alsa... you are using Gutsy you said, correct? [05:45] bye bye [05:45] q_a_z_steve: uh, you can't dd directly to optical media. [05:45] lots of packages upgraded since then though [05:45] ste-foy: np [05:45] TheOneAndOnly: That's correct. [05:45] anyone want to assist mib_q40htm8y with an install of Gutsy? [05:45] !hardy [05:45] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [05:45] Cool! Bot's back! [05:45] elexhobby7: now run: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb3 >> ~/Desktop/fdiskinfo.txt [05:46] j3kyl1: try mkdir /tmp/test ; mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/sda1 /tmp/test [05:46] tonyyarusso: you can, but I wouldn't, just an example. [05:46] TheOneAndOnly: i dont know what package wop uses?? [05:46] j3kyl1: then cd /tmp/test ; ls -lRa [05:46] ChaosTheory: i got what we needed :) i'll paste it in here in just a sec... [05:46] j3kyl1: (and get ready to ctrl+c) [05:47] zcat[1]: he left? [05:47] kelvin911: wop? [05:47] stbain : mkdir /tmp/test ; mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/sda1 /tmp/test [05:47] TheOneAndOnly: world of padman [05:47] stbain : lol sorry [05:47] anyone want to assist me with an install of Gutsy? [05:47] TheOneAndOnly: Excellent. [05:47] j3kyl1: sorry... you may want to throw some "sudo" in there somewhere [05:47] I cheat [05:47] (sudo bash) [05:47] kelvin911: wrong person, i don't play wop :p [05:47] stbain : ill try [05:47] mib_q40htm8y: where are you in the process? [05:48] mib_q40htm8y: can you send me a private message? i'll walk you through it in a seperate window if you can. [05:48] q_a_z_steve:The installation went fine till Grub install came up, then i got a fatal error message; Grub cannot be installed in MBR. [05:48] i want to remove WoP but i cant find the packagfe [05:48] q_a_z_steve: he's been on and off the last week or so [05:49] * zcat[1] loves wop! [05:49] hi [05:49] kelvin911: oh, sorry, in synaptic, search for padman? [05:49] ark, playing wop [05:49] kraft: hi [05:49] *afk [05:49] zcat[1]: sucks, who's got him? Aparently it's ubotu2 right now... [05:49] Hi kraft. [05:49] i have an asus m2a-vm hdmi mobo, and i'd like to output from player to the s-video port, how do i do that? [05:50] q_a_z_steve: there's been three in and out this week.. it's ubotu that replied to me tho [05:50] i install that game thru a .run file, maybe its not in synaptic? [05:50] q_a_z_steve:The installation went fine till Grub install came up, then i got a fatal error message; Grub cannot be installed in MBR. [05:50] I saw [05:50] stbain : uhh this is what i got drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-04-01 21:49 . [05:50] drwxrwxrwt 17 root root 4096 2008-04-01 21:49 .. [05:50] ChaosTheory: in terminal, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base && sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-utils && sudo dpkg-reconfigure libasound2 [05:50] j3kyl1: run mount and see if it even mounted [05:50] ubotu 8.04 -- Hardly Here [05:50] oh, yeah, sorry, PM TheOneAndOnly? === mib_q40htm8y is now known as Lucas_simao [05:51] hi everyone [05:51] hello [05:51] hi donsmouse [05:51] is amarok one safe multimedia player?! :x it uses mysql and everything :x [05:51] can somehelp me please [05:51] Hi donsmouse. [05:52] TheOneAndOnly: did bot just kick mib........... ? what is -e? [05:52] Lucas_simao: do you have the live cd? [05:52] stbain : ill pastebinit [05:52] TheOneAndOnly: Okay, I did that, and it gave me: You may need to execute the asoundconf(1) set-default-card macro. [05:52] q_a_z_steve: he's now known as Lucas_simao [05:52] TheOneAndOnly: I think I've already set Nvidia as my default card. [05:52] how do i get the atheros 5007eg working in ubuntu 64 bit? [05:52] stbain: http://paste.stgraber.org/2205 [05:53] ChaosTheory: before we try that, are you on the same box that's having the sound issue, or is it a different box? [05:53] ok, and general hints about s-video? [05:53] j3kyl1: doesn't look like it's mounted [05:53] TheOneAndOnly: Same computer. [05:53] j3kyl1: cd .. and try that mount command again [05:53] TheOneAndOnly: It's a laptop. [05:53] stbain : change to what dir? [05:53] ChaosTheory: see if your sound has returned... if not, i'd recommend running the command it said, as sudo of course, and then restart the box... [05:54] k, well I'll help with install where I can, for the next few minutes, especially if you can help with my issue at all. Shed some light on it: I booted into Gutsy-live and had an external DVD burner auto mounted, readonly, and I couldn't change it! [05:54] Any "mutt" users here? [05:54] TheOneAndOnly: about rootkits...people can write drivers for windows that patch kernel memory locations to manipulate kernel structures...etc...is the same thing not possible in linux? does the linux kernel protect itself somehow? [05:54] elexhobby7: whoops.. typo rerun that command as: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb >> ~/Desktop/fdiskinfo.txt [05:54] q_a_z_steve: if he has the livecd, you can install grub from there :) [05:54] j3kyl1: type type "cd" and it will drop you back in your homedir, then you can try the mount -t ntfs -o ro /dev/sda1 /tmp/test [05:54] TheOneAndOnly: There is no sound. =( [05:54] TheOneAndOnly: How do I do the command? [05:55] TheOneAndOnly: Or should I just restart right now? [05:55] TheOneAndOnly: yeah... should be able... did you see my issue just there, too? [05:55] ChaosTheory: at least we are eliminating possible causes =] keep positive, we'll get it working again eventually. btw, did it stop working after an update? [05:55] elexhobby4: hi [05:55] q_a_z_steve: i did not, what is your issu, sorry... [05:56] TheOneAndOnly: No, each time it was completely random (or so it seemed). [05:56] TheOneAndOnly: I was listening to some stuff and it just stopped. [05:56] ChaosTheory: redo your modconf [05:56] dsdsd [05:56] q_a_z_steve: How? [05:57] if you have no other issues with install, reboot should do it... I think... [05:57] but explore manually doing it first, not my area, sorry. [05:57] ChaosTheory: before you restart, run asoundconf [05:57] ChaosTheory: perhaps modprobe is a better suggestion. [05:57] elexhobby4: rerun that command as: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb >> ~/Desktop/fdiskinfo.txt [05:57] stbain : now what? [05:57] TheOneAndOnly: I ran it. [05:58] j3kyl1: did it mount? [05:58] q_a_z_steve: How do I do that? [05:58] dufeeducky: yes, your keyboard works [05:58] mutt users? need to know if you can open ms office attachments? [05:59] berbs: probably will need OOo, but I don't see a reason why not. [05:59] stbain : HELLZZZ yah lol... why ? you have to tell me why [05:59] lol [05:59] ChaosTheory: man modprobe [05:59] j3kyl1: -o ro === b0x is now known as b0xxy [05:59] whats -o ro? [05:59] j3kyl1: that puts it in "read only" mode. Since you said you're just going to be archiving stuff, I figured that would work fine for your use. [06:00] q_a_z_steve berbs if it's a word document, abiword can read them (normally) [06:00] q_a_z_steve: I have ooo, it's just that office attachments loose their formatting when opened in ooo from mutt [06:00] stbain: not to be a pain but what if i want to change that? ;) [06:00] q_a_z_steve: What do I install? [06:00] j3kyl1: umount it and then change ro to rw [06:00] does x64 ubuntu's ndiswapper need x64 windoze drivers? [06:01] stbain : alright thanks a ton [06:01] j3kyl1: np, glad I could help [06:01] is it a good idea to make a separate partition for /tmp? [06:01] ChaosTheory: you shouldn't need to install anything to run a modprobe [06:01] try from Windows, OOo vs. office loses a lot, depending on understood formatting and that. Unless we're talking about total garbage [06:01] berbs: [06:02] !wrapper | tech404 [06:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about wrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [06:02] !ndiswrapper | tech404 [06:02] tech404: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:02] tech404: the nature of a wrapper is that it needs something from somewhere else... [06:02] TheOneAndOnly q_a_z_steve: the attachments open, they loose their formatting. Are you using mutt, do you see something similar? [06:02] berbs: what version of windows? [06:03] berbs: no, I know OOo, make some change, then see what it looks like in Windows [06:03] was the document created in [06:03] TheOneAndOnly: What module do I install, though? [06:04] c-ron: there's some problem with my internet connection i guess.. [06:04] Any way to save the rooms in pidgon? [06:04] ubuntu created 3 partitions, a linux, an extended and a swap. whats the difference between the ext and the linux partition? why 2? whats the other meant for? [06:04] elexhobby3: run: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb >> ~/Desktop/fdiskinfo.txt [06:04] q_a_z_steve: thanks but I knew that and I have looked over the docs, but it is failing and i cant tell why [06:05] ndis may not be ready for 64bit, I've not delved into it for a while [06:05] tech404: has it ever worked? [06:05] TheOneAndOnly q_a_z_steve : the attachments are from different word versions, but they open fine if I save them first and then open. opening directly from mutt is when the problem occurs [06:05] i got this when i am updating skype: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/skype-common_2.0.0.68-0medibuntu0.7.10.1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/skype/lang/skype_lv.ts', which is also in package skype [06:05] on x32 [06:05] should i just ignore it? [06:06] berbs: right, so make a change, then see what happens back at the source. [06:06] TheOneAndOnly: modprobe then what? [06:06] berbs: i think q_a_z_steve would be best to help you w. this issue. [06:06] thanks anyways maybe ill just try the x64 and see if it works... [06:06] hi guys. I've a 2GB partition formatted as linux-swap. But in system monitor it says I have 0MB of swap. What's going on?! [06:06] ChaosTheory: i'm looking into what you may need loaded right now :) [06:06] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWCQYcPlUng [06:06] alex123: might have to "swapon /dev/hdawhereswapis" [06:06] THeOneAndOnly: Okay, thanks. [06:06] tech404: so no? Good luck, join the mailing list, there's probably some serious work on 64, but It's probably totally in the amoeba stage. [06:07] q_a_z_steve Lucas_simao i'm looking into your issues as well [06:07] whats the command to change nickname? :p [06:07] is it still April 1 in some parts of the world?! [06:07] j3kyl1: /nick [06:07] zcat[1]: yes [06:07] themime, do I need to reboot? [06:07] zcat[1]: yes [06:07] oh.. I'll come back in a few hours then.. [06:07] now my skype is gone ? [06:07] themime, actually nevermind. it shows up now! thanks! [06:07] how to fix it? [06:08] kelvin911: sudo apt-get install skype should work [06:08] bypazz: Your mother and I love you very much, but what does your post have to do with anything? [06:08] alex123: its linux, you can solve nearly every problem by restarting services and such, you almost never need to reboot completely [06:08] q_a_z_steve: I am not sure what you mean make a change? You mean modify and save the attachment? [06:08] well, than answered the question.. [06:08] i downloaded skype-debian_2.0.0.63-1_i386.deb from skype site week ago and install it [06:09] themime, ok cool. thanks! [06:09] later all, thanks for your help [06:09] then moment ago there is an update pop up in ubuntu saying there is an update so i click apply [06:09] berbs: yeah, just type something in Tahoma and then save [06:09] <_aXXe_> bye [06:09] now it has error and skype is gone [06:09] /etc/init.d/kernel restart [06:09] "almost never" :-) [06:09] do i need to uninstall b4 sudo apt-get install skype? [06:10] Does anyone know of a compressor/uncompressor that doesn't suck? [06:10] That can do like, rars and stuff [06:10] when i goto synaptic i have You have 1 broken package on your system! [06:10] Use the "Broken" filter to locate it. [06:10] AdrianStrays: I rather like gzip [06:10] !rar > AdrianStrays [06:10] how to fix? [06:10] sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb >> ~/Desktop/fdiskinfo.txt [06:11] AdrianStrays: bzip2 [06:11] can someone help me- how do i create a partition that is completely encrypted, just a small partition that will hold a single folder for important data [06:11] gzip and bzip2 can't do rars, of course.. [06:11] not the whole root [06:11] c-ron: are u still there.. I'd lost my internet connection [06:11] sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb >> ~/Desktop/fdiskinfo.txt [06:11] q_a_z_steve: it turns out ubunt64 requires 64 bit windoze drivers for ndiswapper... just in case it helps someone in the future thanks for trying to help [06:12] how do i change my nickname? [06:12] elexhobby6 that command ^^^ [06:12] i should have follow the philosophy "if it aint broken dont fix or update it" shit [06:12] Well, I need one that CAN do rars [06:12] !rar [06:12] rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [06:12] <_aXXe_> <> [06:12] j3kyl1: "/nick Iwantsomethingelse" [06:12] What repository is skype located in? [06:12] <_aXXe_> << /msg uboto etiquette [06:13] <_aXXe_> rats [06:13] Can torrent programs shutdown ubutnu? [06:13] kelvin911: still a broken package? [06:13] Once it finish downloading [06:13] rshives, www.skype.com and they have their own repo [06:13] j3kyl1 thats not working. [06:13] kelvin911 you got my pm message [06:13] Scunizi thanks [06:14] q_a_z_steve : thats not working [06:14] q_a_z_steve: the attachment is editable, I can modify it and save it in place, however the next time I open it it is unchanged (which is expected) [06:14] how to fix? i dont know? [06:14] rshives, they also have their own .deb for ubuntu.. use the one for 7.04 [06:14] j3kyl1: what program are you irc in? [06:15] pidgin [06:15] q_a_z_steve : pidgin, is that okay? [06:15] Awp: i cant receive your PM [06:15] j3kyl1, install xchat .. much easier [06:15] TheOn [06:15] TheOneAndOnly: how to fix the broken package? [06:15] oi.. [06:15] q_a_z_steve okay ill look into that [06:16] kelvin911 you have aim sn? or gmail [06:16] q_a_z_steve : thanks and night all [06:16] i use msn [06:16] Awp: kelvin911@hotmail.com [06:16] j3kyl1: your local nickname will be different than whatever you set up in the account, just go change it there, and the next time you log in it will log you in to the new nick [06:16] kelvin911@gmail.com [06:16] Awp: and also kelvin911@yahoo.com [06:16] berbs: email it back to the source [06:17] how to fix broken package? [06:17] kelvin911: open synaptic up, go into custom filters and select broken... which package(s) are broken? [06:17] ChaosTheory: are you still w. me buddy? [06:17] sphinxx: http://www.osalt.com/freeotfe [06:17] TheOneAndOnly: skype is brojken [06:17] sphinxx: may help, I've not tested [06:17] TheOneAndOnly: Yes. =-] [06:17] Hello. Advice me please - how I can create dvd or video cd from avi | mpg | etc file? I was tryed devede - but it ignoring dvd size option, all vob files always 1024 mb. So I cannot write 1.4 gb dvd video. [06:17] TheOneAndOnly: it works fine until i just update it thru update manager [06:18] kelvin911: do you know how you installed skype? ie - a downloaded deb, an extra repo, etc... [06:18] kelvin911 i sended [06:18] ChaosTheory: awesome, i promise, i'm still looking man :) [06:18] TheOneAndOnly: Thanks. =] [06:18] hey everyone.. elexhobby is having problems with his connection.. if he pops back in here.. scream at him to look at his ubuntuforums post [06:18] i did install skype a week ago [06:18] TheOneAndOnly: Should I restart just in case something happened? =d [06:19] it works fine until i see the update popup from the update manager so i close dwon skype and update it then things went wrong [06:19] goodhabit: miniDVD's ? [06:19] hello [06:19] ChaosTheory: i would recommend it, if the reconfig worked, it should automatically load the modules we need, we can check when you get back though [06:19] could anyone please help me? [06:19] q_a_z_steve, yep. [06:19] TheOneAndOnly: Okay, then. One secnod. [06:19] *second [06:19] kelvin911: what version of ubuntu? [06:19] how do i install rpm in ubuntu? [06:20] 7.10 [06:20] my ubuntu gutsy, on my laptop, keeps freezing [06:20] hmm, well I'm not going to be much help, working on the conversion from Nero to Ubuntu myself [06:20] after startup [06:20] Could someone give a complete linux noob some assistance? [06:20] TheOneAndOnly: cant find broken package [06:20] sriramoman, what are you trying to install? [06:20] Virtualbox [06:20] !rpm [06:20] RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [06:20] i shouldnt update it in the first place...... :( [06:20] i c [06:20] !rpm > sriramoman [06:20] ok [06:20] sriramoman, I think virtualbox is in the repos.. if you try with an rpm thing will probably break [06:21] Sweet, got Skype working. [06:21] Im having so much trouble getting linux to work on this system [06:21] ok [06:21] !virtualbox | sriramoman [06:21] sriramoman: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox [06:21] c-ron: did u get my last message? [06:21] sriramoman: you can use alien to convert the rpm to a deb [06:21] Is there someone here who is really familiar with installing linux? [06:21] but will it break my package system? [06:22] TheOneAndOnly, see ubotu post above.. you too sriramoman [06:22] sriramoman: the debs for virtualbox are on their site though, and for gutsy/hardy, it should be in the repo, as stated [06:22] TheOneAndOnly: http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotyw8.png what should i do ? [06:22] !ask | rpclancy [06:22] rpclancy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:22] TheOneAndOnly: I have sound. =] [06:22] TheOneAndOnly: New problem, though: my resolution didn't stay the same. [06:23] *nod* Will do. I have trouble following so many lines, so I was hoping to find someone to work with one on one. Anyway... : [06:23] elexhobby see your forum post [06:23] rpclancy: no, none of us, we're all talking about Africa... [06:23] I imagine everyone here is 'familiar' with installing linux.. preinstalled is not that common yet [06:23] Scunizi, i was just stating you COULD use the alien pkg to convert rpms to debs, i wouldn't for vbox though ;] [06:23] i know that it is available in repo, but i already have an rpm. i just wanted to confirm if it will be stable to install the rpm. coz internet here is limited. [06:23] no === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville [06:24] zcat[1]: *sob* why can't we all get Dell's? [06:24] TheOneAndOnly: I think it's because I uninstalled one of the Nvidia packages I had early for something else. [06:24] I have a Toshiba A205-S5800 I just won. It has Vista on it, and was worthless, and Installing XP is difficult due to it not recognizing the hard drives on this laptop. SO Someone suggested Linux. It worked, but I think a lot of my drivers are wrong, and my qireless card is missing in action. I know NOTHING about linux, so, i'm kinda lost. [06:24] ChaosTheory: you'll want to reinstall your Nvid packages then... [06:24] how do I get irssi to output the uname -a command into irc? [06:24] rpclancy: maybe give ##windows a try [06:24] check out restricted drivers under system [06:24] q_a_z_steve: Dell do preinstalled? I can't find it on their website... :( [06:24] sip! [06:25] TheOneAndOnly: How do I make the certain resolution the default? [06:25] dn4: /exec -o uname -a === dufeeducky is now known as dery [06:25] how is ##windows going to help me get drivers for linux? [06:25] zcat[1], you have to dig [06:25] plux, thx [06:25] TheOneAndOnly: problem solved i just reinstall them in synaptic [06:25] Linux plux.se 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5xenU #1 SMP Wed Jul 12 00:46:43 EDT 2006 i686 GNU/Linux [06:25] Yep it was [06:25] siiiiip! [06:25] ChaosTheory: under prefrences, screen resolution i believe... [06:25] Scunizi: 'HHGTTG' style display department.. [06:26] rpclancy: check the top menus for Restricted Drivers, let us know what you see. [06:26] rpclancy: can u come private with me? [06:26] kelvin911: awesome :) [06:26] can anyone please help me about the desktop freeze [06:26] ?? [06:26] rpclancy, System/Admin/Restricted Drivers Manager [06:27] TheSandman: what are you doing before it freezes? Tell us about the specs of your system, maybe you're asking too much [06:27] i think the reason the update didnt went smoothly because i download skype and installed with .deb file [06:27] TheOneAndOnly: I lost my previous settings. . . =( [06:27] q_a_z_steve: okay [06:27] zcat[1]: They're the only one's check ubuntu.com [06:27] TheOneAndOnly: I'm back to just two settings now. [06:28] when update it thru update manager something wrong === jeffd is now known as jdrake [06:28] ChaosTheory: did you go back into the restricted drivers manager? [06:28] rpclancy: did u chk? [06:28] q_a_z_steve: I have an ASUS X51RL laptop, Intel Core Duo, ATI Radeon x1100 [06:28] workin on it [06:28] TheOneAndOnly: Yes, it says "in use.' [06:28] hey all, is there a gui i can use to see what is installed and manage all my programs [06:28] the problem occurs right after starting the X server [06:28] elexhobby see your forum post [06:29] "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers" [06:29] onefunk_, synaptic [06:29] TheSandman: how much ram, how much HDD space how much swap did you make... [06:29] My laptop had preinstalled Linux.. but only 'cos I got it second hand from another LUG member .. :) [06:29] q_a_z_steve: 2 gb ram, 160 gb hdd, 5.4 gb swap [06:29] TheSandman: as q_a_z_steve asked, what were you doing when the system froze? also, what ver of ubuntu? [06:29] Ubuntu 7.10 [06:29] Scunizi, thanks. does it show everything? even stuff that doesn't show up in applications? [06:30] and I wasn't basically doing anything [06:30] Awp: thanks for the email [06:30] the X server starts [06:30] then [06:30] after about 20 secs [06:30] Awp: how come u cant send priate message to me? did u register your nickname? [06:30] rpclancy: pls tell us what all u feel are not working the way they should [06:30] onefunk_, yep.. it's already installed > System/Admin/synaptic [06:30] no input responds [06:30] i mean [06:30] how to using tcpdump capture very detail data ? [06:30] zcat: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/ubuntu?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&~ck=mn [06:30] kelvin911 i didnt register yet [06:30] Awp: do u use msn or skype? [06:30] everything keeps running, and I can move the cursor [06:31] Scunizi, nice. thanks. [06:31] (i'm sure internet is fine?) :) [06:31] but nothing affects anything [06:31] Awp: lets talk about it somewhere else [06:31] kelvin911 gmail [06:31] omg [06:31] rwilkins: Boy, that must've took some digging.. [06:31] i find something really awesome on youtube [06:31] kelvin911 you can talk chat [06:31] Awp: gmail has chat client like msn , skype, yahoo ? [06:31] zelda main song in violin [06:31] kelvin911 email your sn to me [06:32] Awp: what sn? [06:32] ChaosTheory: can you private message me real quick? [06:32] or a carefully crafted search term of 'ubuntu' on dell's site :) [06:32] hehe .. I could just buy a eee [06:32] TheOneAndOnly: Yes. [06:32] Question on skype for linux, does it have video? [06:32] Awp: do u use any instant messaging software? [06:32] ChaosTheory: (i'm assuming your nick is registered on here) [06:32] actually if I had the cash I would buy a eee.. nice little machine that [06:33] prettyricky, the new beta does [06:33] can someone pls tell what is there in the ubuntu dvd that is not there in the community cd? [06:33] prettyricky: yes skype has video [06:33] TheOneAndOnly: It isn't. =\ Do you have an AIM? [06:33] i do, zgreatelitest [06:33] sriramoman, xubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu [06:33] nothing? :( [06:33] prettyricky: i use skype mostly because of webcam [06:33] do I got to change my settings to be able to use video? [06:33] oh, so it doesnt have any extra packages? [06:33] Awp: hello u there? [06:33] kelvin911, you should try ekiga [06:34] how should i go about installing xp on a secondary hd for dual boot with ubuntu? does ubuntu have its own boot mananger? [06:34] kelvin911 ya Kiteblackrose [06:34] TheSandman: if you could wait a few more mins, qaz will be back in a moment, he should be able to assist you w. that [06:34] kelvin911 ya for skype [06:34] I've been thinking of using it, but not sure how to set up videp [06:34] kelvin911 and gmail [06:34] TheOneAndOnly: sure [06:34] Scunizi: most ppl's problem tho is that none of their friends use ekiga.. [06:34] kelvin911 aim to [06:34] TheOneAndOnly: thanks [06:34] the ee has piqued my curiosity, but I'm still somewhat skeptical [06:34] Scunizi: problem is my gf from other end is using winxp [06:34] anyone ubuntu-studio user here? [06:35] is there a way to write to a journaled HFS+ partition in Ubuntu? I need to access something to fix my Mac OS install [06:35] see.. told you so.. [06:35] Scunizi: i either need msn or skype to talk to her via webcam [06:35] Do you have to buy minutes or how does it work> [06:35] TheSandman: np, i'm not trying to blow you off, i'm just helping out a few other users atm, so it's getting chaotic :p [06:35] j3kyl1, if you install xp after ubuntu you'll loose ubuntu's boot manager and will have to fix it.. not a big issue if you hv a live cd. [06:35] hi all, is there a way to tell linux software raid to scan the drives' partitions for the raid information? the drive order of my box changes which each boot [06:35] TheOneAndOnly: okay :) [06:35] kelvin911, skype works fine and amsn also works [06:35] c-ron: it says /dev/hdb3 has no valid partition table.. btw my internet connection has a problem. [06:35] TheOneAndOnly: I just IMed you. [06:35] HorizonXP-> not sure, but you can try to mount the subject partition and start reading it? [06:35] how should i go about installing xp on a secondary hd for dual boot with ubuntu? does ubuntu have its own boot mananger? [06:35] Scunizi: but msn webcam quality is horrible [06:36] HorizonXP: there is, there are drivers in the repos for that, you should be able to find it in synaptic, and google will turn up info on how to mount the partitions in a read-write mode [06:36] amenado: yeah, I can mount and read it just fine [06:36] kelvin911, but you didn't really want to look at her .... did you? [06:36] Scunizi: because her upload speed on the other end is only 256Kbps [06:36] TheOneAndOnly: Google's telling me to disable journaling in Mac OSX [06:36] j3kyll: install xp then reinstall grub [06:36] HorizonXP-> so try to touch a file on it. [06:36] Scunizi: i do have to look at her [06:36] kelvin911, :) [06:36] amenado: it cannot, read-only filesystem [06:36] c-ron: cud u type in the instructions on the forum, or we cud irc sometime later? my email id is elexhobby@yahoo.com.. plz send me a mail telling when u cud be free.. [06:37] kelvin911: sounds like a crappy webcam or a crappy connection [06:37] HorizonXP: are you registered on this server? if so send me a pm, if not do you have a messenger client? [06:37] Scunizi: anyway she needs to look at me [06:37] HorizonXP-> well try mounting it read+write ? [06:37] the problem is her isp [06:37] amenado: /dev/sda2 on /media/MacOSX type hfsplus (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal) [06:37] kelvin: port forwarding maybe??? [06:37] amenado: it is rw [06:37] kelvin911, use a static picture instead of motion video [06:37] no her internet upload is crappy [06:37] HorizonXP-> where does it indicate its read-only filesystem then? [06:38] Scunizi: she wants to use webcam [06:38] i have no other choice' [06:38] amenado: when I try to modify any file it says it's read-only [06:38] but mount tries to mount it read-write [06:38] i try many webcam software, found that skype is the best [06:38] HorizonXP-> i dont know then, as I've said you can try to create a file there? [06:39] amenado: touch test results in touch: cannot touch `test': Read-only file system [06:39] Awp: let me check if pidgin can connect gmail [06:40] kelvin911, it can.. i do it [06:40] HorizonXP-> well then maybe your kernel only supports read only for hfsplus [06:41] amenado: the kernel isn't what contols the read write, there are drivers for hfs [06:41] Scunizi: google talk ? [06:41] HorizonXP-> am curious as to what your cat /proc/filesystems reports? [06:41] kelvin911, yes.. pidgin will connect to gtalk [06:41] amenado: hfsplus is listed at the bottom [06:41] * zcat[1] suggests mount -o remount,rw /mountpoint [06:42] kelvin911, that is from one gtalk account to another. [06:42] Awp: what is your gmail account? [06:42] Scunizi: what is your gmail account? [06:43] kelvin911 Kiteblackrose [06:43] Hey guys. I have a corrupted disk running OSX, so I burned an Ubuntu live cd to see if I can get at some of the files and retrieve them. It turns out I can read the files, but they are in my home directory and I do not have permission to do anything with them. How can I change that from Ubunut? [06:43] kelvin911, sorry I'm on a xp laptop and don't have it loaded. [06:43] my gmail email is kelvin911@gmail.com add me [06:43] ouch [06:43] catalyst_media: i'm helping out an issue similar to yours, i'll have the person contact you when we reslove it :] [06:44] TheOneAndOnly: That would be fantastic! Thank god for Ubuntu Live cd's haha [06:45] HorizonXP: you are still on correct? [06:46] kelvin911 i don't see u on [06:46] TheOneAndOnly: I found a possible sollution, and 'till now it seems to be working [06:46] HorizonXP lsmod| grep hfs and lsmod |grep hfsplus shows? [06:46] TheOneAndOnly: if it re-appears, is qaz the person to talk to? [06:46] TheSandman: a solution for what? [06:46] morning [06:47] TheOneAndOnly: the desktop freeze [06:47] TheSandman: ah, he certainly would be :) [06:47] TheOneAndOnly: i see [06:47] and TheSandman congrats :) [06:47] TheSandman: i'd assist you too, but i'm helping about 3 other ppl still [06:47] TheOneAndOnly: thanks, let's just hope it'll keep working [06:47] TheOneAndOnly: i saw that [06:47] amenado: both show hfsplus 84872 1 [06:47] I have a drive on my system that doesn't seem to mount partitions after a reboot (/dev/sdf but no /dev/sdf1) i have checked the drive with fdisk and the partitions are there, and ideas? [06:48] can someone guide me how to triple-boot macosx86,ubuntu and xp? [06:48] sriramoman: as in a hackintosh? [06:48] yeah, sort of [06:48] HorizonXP-> i wonder if you can modprobe hsf === never|mobi is now known as neversfelde|mobi [06:48] i have an lzm of a kernal from "slax" that i want to use instead of the normal kernel. is this compatable with ubuntu somehow? [06:49] HorizonXP-> i wonder if you can modprobe hfs rather [06:49] i want to upgrade a system currently still running feisty to gutsy, however a dist-upgrade leads to apt trying to remove apt & libstdc++6 which leads to a warning (obviously) about breaking the system .. A normal upgrade doesn't seem to run in that problem - so maybe I should just do upgrade and then dist-upgrade ? It's just odd because I can't seem to remember that behavior from previous upgrades from feisty.. Does anyone have an idea [06:49] amenado: done [06:49] hfs 54664 0 [06:49] hfsplus 84872 1 [06:49] HorizonXP-> now try and see if you can write? [06:49] amenado: nope, same issue [06:50] gilligan_: yes, you should normally upgrade, I've been told, before you try to jump to a new version.. [06:50] HorizonXP-> oh well, am out of ideas [06:50] gilligan_, there's a section for upgraded from one version to another at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ [06:50] amenado: thanks, I appreciate it :) TheOneAndOnly is trying to help me too [06:50] HorizonXP-> maybe remount the partition as read write and then try the write again.. [06:51] gilligan_: also, are you using do-release-upgrade as you're supposed to? [06:51] howdy folks [06:51] hi [06:51] if i accidentally set my keyboard layout to the wrong thing during install, where do i go to change it? [06:51] adante, system/preferances/keyboard [06:52] adante: go dvorak [06:53] how do you bring up taskmanager (ctrl+alt+del on windows) to kill an application thats not responding? [06:53] hey node357 [06:53] HorizonXP-> is hfsplus package installed on yours? you can apt-get install hfsplus and use the hpmount ? [06:53] MagoonD: it's the system monitor [06:53] MagoonD: ps aux | grep applicationname to find the pid of the process, then -> kill -9 pid [06:53] alt+f2 and type in gnome-system-monitor [06:53] oh.. haha i do'nt have a GUI, so listen to TheOneAndOnly [06:53] MagoonD, i use top [06:54] themime: or you could just pkill appname [06:54] themime, sn00zer theres no gui for it [06:54] where's the chat room? [06:54] <--- hasn't chatted in years on irc :D [06:54] what if i didn't know the app name, whats the appname for firefox? [06:55] firefox-bin [06:55] ok that worked sn00zer but how can i list all the apps currently running [06:56] zcat[1]: well of course i should upgrade to the most recent packages of X before upgrading to X+1 .. so much is obvious [06:56] sculework: hrm, any idea where this option is in kubuntu? :] [06:56] greets, I just patched my ubuntu 7.10 install for the bcm43xx driver to support injection mode. However, now I cannot see any AP. Any ideas? [06:56] MagoonD, ps aux [06:56] zcat[1]: and i am pretty sure that the do-release-upgrade python script doesnothing else than just executing apt-get dist-upgrade anyway [06:56] TheOneAndOnly, thanks i didnt read your answer [06:56] MagoonD: ps aux, or top for a list of top processes [06:56] np MagoonD [06:56] thx rwilkins [06:57] np [06:57] whats the command to shutdown in 5 hours? [06:58] man shutdown === Cosmosan is now known as Cosmo-san [06:58] shutdown 300 -P i think it would be [06:58] Awp: shutdown -h hh:mm [06:59] Awp: where hh:mm are the hour and minute to shutdown [06:59] Awp: shutdown -r 5:00 would be 5am system time, so you don't have to worry about a timer [06:59] Awp: or man shutdown :) [06:59] -r is reboot [06:59] rwilkins so its five hours for shtudown -r 05:00 [06:59] -P is power down [06:59] Awp: shutdown has to be run from sudo though [06:59] rwilkins or its five hours for shutdown -r 5:00 [07:00] Awp: 05:00 at the end of that will indicate 5am, not a countdown of 5 hours [07:01] q_a_z_steve-> is that 5AM local time or based on utc time? [07:01] SYSTEM time [07:01] is there a way to force linux to rescan the partition tables of my disks? [07:01] Awp: and use -h for halt, not -r for reboot [07:01] shutdown -P 300 or shutdown _p 05:00 is the same thing [07:01] meaning whatever time you are currently, regardless of time zone [07:01] -P i eman [07:01] mean lol [07:01] the computer clock could be running off of africa time [07:02] Hello guys i have a problem on setting up the menu.lst of grub's bootManager (Ι have already Ubuntu) in order to boot slackware from there any help [07:02] rwilkins halt also mean shutdown? [07:02] TIME may have different formats, the most common is simply the word 'now' which [07:02] will bring the system down immediately. Other valid formats are +m, where m is [07:02] rwilkins so it would shutdown with out error? [07:02] the number of minutes to wait until shutting down and hh:mm which specifies the [07:02] I've mounted the slack on dev/sdsa6 [07:02] time on the 24hr clock. [07:02] kindofabuzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:02] Awp: yup (sorry, i'm not registered and can't pm) [07:02] Question: If I setup default boot option in grub menu and hide the menu, then is there option to show it? (like F8 when I boot windows)? [07:02] and the slack's boot folder is @ http://www.pastebin.ca/966206 [07:03] kindofabuzz: shutdown -P or -h 300 will count down, but then needs a time like "now" shutdown -h 5:00 means whenever the clock strikes 5am next, shutdown [07:03] Awp shutdown --help === co-djail is now known as co-silver [07:03] <_maw> just patched bcm43xx wireless driver to support injection mode. I can't see any AP now... any ideas? [07:03] Are there any decent IM programs BESIDES Pidgin + Kopete for AIM? [07:03] kopete =) [07:04] mmm4m5m: I think Esc ? [07:04] BESIDES Kopete [07:04] Does anyone know how to make the sound stop glitching? for some reason it plays normal if I move my mouse around.....which I think is odd. [07:04] there is no other [07:04] _maw: get a separate card for injection... just my $0.02 [07:04] =) [07:04] e-buddy? [07:04] does anyone use apache + mono to write .net apps? [07:04] * rwilkins cringes at .net [07:04] MagoonD: XAMPP [07:04] <_maw> rwilkins: ok, I won't rule that out. In theory I just need *one* card though right? [07:04] stunatra, have you tried gaim [07:04] GAIM has gone to shit since they've made it Pidgin [07:04] I have 7.10 and the sound is all CRAZY!! Anyone encounter this problem before? [07:04] gaim is pidgin [07:05] no shit [07:05] affirmative [07:05] !language | stunatra [07:05] stunatra: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [07:05] _maw: Correct, you only NEED one card. However, in my experience reinjection with a broadcom card is more trouble than its worth [07:05] what is wrong with "shit" ? [07:05] LOL [07:06] <_maw> rwilkins: do you know why those features are missing? [07:06] stunatra: Its considered foul language. [07:06] uh huh [07:06] Does anyone know a good tutorial that can teach me the difference between SLAB & SLUB? I need to change from SLAB to SLUB I believe in order to get this damn closed-source Creative X-Fi x64 beta driver to work w/ ubuntu. [07:06] stunatra: because like he said, it's a family channel [07:06] stunatra think of this as the disney g rated channel [07:06] It's the CIRCLE OF LIFE!!! [07:06] just cause your parents raised you wrong don't mean you have to puyt it on us [07:06] _maw: Not sure actually... [07:06] people need to lighten up and get a life [07:06] <_maw> rwilkins: stop hax0rs I guess :o ? [07:07] dude. Stunatra...your in the wrong. Don't tell us to get a life. [07:07] stunatra: maybe my 9 year old is reading this, did you think about that? [07:07] _maw: Probably something more like proprietary drivers [07:07] just fess up, and take some responsibility [07:07] not like your 9 year old never heard the word before [07:07] <_maw> rwilkins: that is indeed true. The bcm43xx is a restricted driver [07:07] <_maw> rwilkins: the patched version hacks injection code I think [07:07] pidgin is 10 times better than kopete [07:07] <_maw> rwilkins: I am still researching it [07:07] damnit.. stupid dist-upgrade is broken and/or apt package dependencies wrong.. can't seem to find a clean way to upgrade from feisty to gutsy [07:07] I need to register so I can pm [07:07] serious question. Sound glitch fixes...anyone got any good ideas? [07:08] stunatra: Why has GAIM gone to shit? [07:08] Hackerwdpi800: what?!?! no way [07:08] * rwilkins shrugs and realizes he is too lazy [07:08] Pidgin is better than Kopete, no doubt about that [07:08] I require a solution. Someone must have had this problem before. [07:08] pidgin pwns kopete [07:08] hands down [07:08] maybe pidgin will have video in version 3.0 [07:08] Kopete doesn't even have a decent logger [07:08] Kopete pwns all! =) actually i don't need the functions of netier, all i need to do is type words to the other end and reciever words [07:08] won't even let you add your own SN to the buddy list? LOL [07:09] damn i can't type [07:09] ya stu [07:09] !register > rwilkins [07:09] why would you add your own name to the list? you that lonely? [07:09] i couldnt send files with pidgin on yahoo, i have to use gyachi or something to do that [07:09] because I want it there [07:09] simple as that [07:09] mmmmk [07:09] why does Kopete so anal about such a stupid thing? [07:09] Hello, I just noticed that upon typing "users", it shows the same user thrice: user user user. I often change to su then back to su user--is that causing the problem? Is it a problem having user user user, and how do I prevent this from occurring in the future? Thanks, [07:09] get+ [07:10] why are you so anal about adding your own name? lol [07:10] because I want it there [07:10] that's why [07:10] HorizonXP-> this seem to indicate you can write to hfsplus http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?s=75f3411c5ec586a1d53ba013423f91cb&showtopic=94555&pid=674841&st=0&#entry6 [07:10] for? [07:10] so you can have someone to talk to? [07:10] LOL [07:10] <_maw> rwilkins: lol... I registered but never auth when I join the network [07:10] does Kopete have a reason why I can't add my own SN to my buddy list? [07:10] because it's smarter than you and realizes you don't need to do that? [07:11] I WANT TO do that [07:11] lol that makes no sense at all [07:11] _maw: I should but its so... many... keystrokes... [07:11] so what if it doesn't make sense? [07:11] it doesn't make sense that the program wouldn't let me do that [07:11] AIM lets me do it, as does GAIM/Pidgin [07:11] why does Kopete have to be different? [07:11] because there is no reason to do it! that's why the programmers didn't do it [07:11] <_maw> rwilkins: only cause we were talking about it I indentified myself >.< [07:11] The programmers are idiots [07:12] <_maw> rwilkins: #linux banned me cause my name starts with an underscore [07:12] lol, i believe it's the user [07:12] LainIwakura, if you use the 'who' or 'w' commands, you should see how exactly the various users are interacting with the system .. it is quite normal to see yourself logged in multiple times [07:12] is there a repository to get latest FF 3.0 beta 5? [07:12] uh huh [07:12] what's up with the logger? [07:12] unop_: I think that instead of su , I should have typed exit to prevent this from occurring. [07:12] all you see is this < > < stupid sh!t [07:12] dek: FF? [07:12] gilligan_: Firefox ;) [07:13] what logger? [07:13] LainIwakura, you shouldn't be using su anyway, always use sudo [07:13] how can one format with fdisk or cfdisk? [07:13] the one w/ Kopete [07:13] unop_: ah..no wonder I see several and root in ps aux [07:13] oh i dunno, never have looked at it [07:13] unop_: Thanks. [07:13] unop: oh come on, i would kill myself if I didn't actually su to root [07:13] instead of showing the SNs in the logs, it shows this < > [07:13] Does anyone know of a GUI configuration editor / utility for the GRUB? [07:14] unop_: Now is there a way to delete these superfluous login names? [07:14] themime: i thought fdisk repartitions the disk, mkfs.ext2/ext3/vfat/etc formats? [07:14] unop: security schmurity [07:14] Could someone please give me some information on how to fix my garbled sound problem? [07:15] rwilkins, the official ubuntu stance is to use 'sudo -i' instead of su .. there really is no need for su [07:15] does someone with hardy have any problems with tty's not working? I can't login through tty1-6, only tty7 works for X [07:15] hi! how can i install mysql gui tools using apt-get? [07:15] x1250 blinking cursor? [07:15] how do i install security updates in ubuntu server [07:15] kindofabuzz: yes [07:15] LainIwakura, you don't need to delete the 'superfluous' user sessions because they are you interacting with the system in different ways [07:16] unop_: Okay, thanks. [07:16] LainIwakura, like i said, use 'who' or 'w' to see how they are working with the system [07:16] unop: fair enough, i normally sudo -s === cE_eXeMpHe_ is now known as ce_macan [07:16] the way i fixed mine is go to your services and look for terminal multiplexor and enable it [07:16] dunno why it was enabled [07:17] ampmaniac sudo apt-get install mysql-admin mysql-browser [07:17] unop_: Okay, I see. Each is using a different screen window. [07:17] disabled i mean [07:17] that was to you x1250 [07:17] LainIwakura, right, so that's why you see your current username logged in thrice [07:17] unop_: Great, thanks for your help. [07:17] im logged in and cant install updates [07:17] np [07:18] Colypso: i thought you had to get to sleep? lol [07:18] lol [07:18] im addicted [07:18] lol [07:18] hehe [07:18] HELP: my ubuntu sometimes hand up. Very rarely. It happend just few minutes back. In such case nothing is working - keys, mouse - nothing. Which log to examine? Right now it hang during update. When I run synaptic it show <> [07:18] these updates are bothering me [07:18] what updates? on the server? [07:19] yeah [07:19] ssh updates [07:19] got all your repostiries checked off? [07:19] gnome updates [07:19] mmm4m5m so run, sudo dpkg --configure -a [07:19] what are repostiries? [07:19] sudo apt-get upgrade Colypso [07:19] !components | Colypso (see the components link) [07:19] Colypso (see the components link): The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [07:20] you on that server now through vnc? [07:20] yeah [07:20] system > admin . software sources [07:20] how to force expire the cached administrator password for Administrator tools(e.g. Users and Groups, GNOME Partition Editors) ? [07:20] check all on first tab [07:20] i dont have that option [07:20] uncheck cd [07:20] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/75527 <-- does anyone know anything about this bug where apt-get tries to remove apt ? It's filed as fixed yet I am running into exactly this same problem here [07:21] nikrud: will it proceed like default install? what if I remove/reinstall last packages? [07:21] oh you on flux? [07:21] no [07:21] what are you on? [07:21] gnome [07:21] well then you do have that option [07:21] it wont let me do anything [07:21] mmm4m5m until you run that command, and it completes successfully, you won't be able to use any of the package management stuff. [07:21] Anyone know how to fix glitchy sound? It sounds like a cd skipping anytime I play anything...including the log in theme. [07:21] says i dont have the right [07:21] nikrud: what about other questions - is it normal everything to hand including keys and mouse. Such case is very rary in windows. [07:21] Please help me, I can't find the information I'm looking for on forums or anything [07:22] oh yeah we need to make your user have sudoers..anyone know how to do that? [07:22] hey guys i'd like to tell me how can i open a file named README.initrd [07:22] mmm4m5m usually I see that when flash goes totally fubar. You might see something in /var/log/syslog though if it's something else. [07:22] hello guys good night just a quick question, can someone tell me how can i install card games from the konsole please????????????????????? [07:22] christoz: nano? gedit? kedit? emac? vi? vim? [07:23] I could really use some assistance....if anyone would be willing to help, I'd be really grateful. [07:23] luis apt-cache search card game , it'll list a bunch. sudo apt-get installl [07:24] kindofabuzz: vi /etc/sudoers ?? [07:24] If you don't have the time, at least please tell me where I can get some help. [07:24] yeah you can do that Colypso [07:24] !sound | Justjaden (and I think of sound as a black art) [07:24] Justjaden (and I think of sound as a black art): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [07:24] wait, he doesn't have the right to edit that though [07:24] nikrud: I will check it now. If you are interested will give details if I find something in syslog. "dpkg --configure -a" is done. Synaptic shows packages are installed (not broken) - do I have to reinstall for any case? [07:25] the README.initrd file is blank [07:25] im ssh root [07:25] rwilkins never suggest that, suggest visudo . It does some simple sanity checks so sudoers doesn't break [07:25] ssh root [07:25] !sudo | kindofabuzz [07:25] kindofabuzz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [07:25] Colypso: login as root and do echo 'loginname' ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers [07:25] he can't sudo [07:25] greetings everyone [07:25] kindofabuzz: haha good point [07:25] ubotu: The sound plays, it just sounds like a cd skipping. but for some reason, it plays semi-normal when I move the mouse around in a circle. This can't be normal. [07:26] mmm4m5m I'd try to keep track of what's running when it freezes. Also, ctl-alt-f2 often gets you a terminal in those cases [07:26] Is there any way to write-append-replace a CD that was formatted using NTSF software? [07:26] kindofabuzz: and he should "never" vi /etc/sudoers apparently [07:26] hello all [07:26] kindofabuzz: use visudo [07:26] Colypso: how did you lose admin rights anyways? [07:26] um [07:26] can i serve .aspx pages via xamp? [07:27] cds aren't ntfs [07:27] LOL [07:27] i dont know [07:27] Colypso: you on a local system or remote? [07:27] oops [07:27] remote [07:27] however, if you were using custom packet writing software... probably not [07:27] kindofabuzz: I have no such service enabled, but I found this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/129910 [07:27] Colypso: ouch [07:28] Colypso did you create a new user on the remote, and log into that new user? [07:28] Colypso: know any good 0-day priv escalation exploits? :) [07:28] when is a stable of 8.04 coming out? [07:28] MagoonD, what is X in this case? you should refer to it's documentation [07:28] !hardy | akbrennan [07:28] yeah [07:28] akbrennan: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [07:28] akbrennan, 8.07 [07:28] 8.04 stable will be out in about 2 and a half weeks [07:28] * nikrud checks the topic again [07:28] i created the user ssh on the command line [07:28] then logged in [07:29] Hello [07:29] i still have root access [07:29] sweet. thanks === Zelta_ is now known as Zelta [07:29] Colypso ah, as root: adduser ssh admin [07:29] unop_, um, No. There's been no mention of a delay in the next release. 8.07 is unlikely... [07:29] can we upgrade to hardy heron via the update manager when its released? I am running gutsy gibbon [07:29] MagoonD, yes [07:29] Madpilot the topic for april 1st said a 3 month delay [07:29] Colypso: oh, well log in as root and visudo to add sudo privs to the new user you created [07:29] anyone know any cool iPhone tricks? [07:30] Madpilot, what if i wanted to save my current config before upgrading incase hardy messes things up [07:30] MagoonD, please take this to #ubuntu+1 [07:30] nikrud, heh. It's still the 1st here :) [07:30] akbrennan: yeah just chunk it as hard as you can then pick it up...fun [07:30] nikrud, aprils fool maybe? [07:30] I've been having problems with ubuntu recently, and i'm trying to install Kubuntu to see if there's a problem there as well. The problem is that everytime I turn the computer on, or log out and in of ubuntu, it tells me that it can't find my monitor, and sets me at 800x600 Resolution. So I pick my monitor from the list and it says "Please log out and in or restart to see changes", and well, when I do, it does it over and over again. So I [07:30] MagoonD probably :) [07:30] it's april 2nd! [07:30] nikrud: check first 10 lines from syslog. I do not see anything suspicious. This was first boot for today. As I remember: I did login, run pidgin, run synergys, run synaptic, start installing update, open "#ubuntu" and just typed a second msg here. About Alt+F? - usually I do try these, Not sure about Alt+F2, but I am sure, I did try Alt+F1 and Alt+F7, Alt+F8, Alt+F11. It is the same, right? [07:30] unop whats ubuntu+1? [07:31] t [07:31] nikrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61906/ [07:31] !hardy | MagoonD [07:31] MagoonD: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [07:31] MagoonD, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for pre-release discussion of the next version of Ubuntu [07:31] mmm4m5m no, you need clt-alt-f* when in X to get to a terminal [07:31] this room is moving way to fast for me [07:31] im lost [07:31] Colypso, this is pretty standard for #ubuntu, actually. Slow, even. [07:31] ok [07:31] what now [07:31] Colypso: and its really slow compared to how its usually running [07:32] nikrud: sure, in this case it was not working, that is why I told - everything hang up - keys, mouse, just everything [07:32] probalby only 20-30 active right now. [07:32] unop_, my ? wasnt related to the next version but related to how do I back (create a ghost image in windows) so i can restore my config incase something goes wrong [07:32] what command [07:32] Colypso when you create a new user, it's not automatically given sudo privileges. You have to assign them by adding them to the admin group. hence, adduser ssh admin to give your ssh user admin privs [07:32] ? [07:33] so i type in adduser [07:33] then? [07:33] MagoonD, you were asking a question about how to restore if hardy messed up :) [07:33] Colypso then, get back out of root on the remote and try ssh'ing in [07:33] nikrud: update which I run was two "ssh" packages. I run my updates using synaptic (this way I am able to see more details before update) [07:33] i dont know what to type into root [07:33] Colypso: type « groups ssh » to see what groups that user is a memeber of. And if it is a member of admin, then it is allowed to run sudo [07:34] MagoonD: if yuou have to ask a question like that, its probably bestto jut wait till Hardy is stable. [07:34] why wont people Pm u in this room [07:34] ok thanks unop_ , IndyGunFreak [07:34] mmm4m5m could be memory issues. I had that happen to me once, so I ran the memtest function on the grub boot screen, figured out the bad mem stick and pulled it [07:34] Can anyone please help me? I am having problems achieving resolutions higher than 800x600 in Ubuntu. [07:35] Rkod: what card do you have? [07:35] Colypso to be clear: you have root on the remote, right? And that's the place you want ssh to have sudo privs? [07:35] Nvidia 5500 FX [07:35] x1250: well the service is called screen [07:35] With drivers installed, but everytime I start up, it asks me about my monitor. [07:35] i have root through putty [07:35] x1250: terminal multiplexor (screen) [07:35] hi... am back [07:35] Rkod: and what version are you running? [07:36] Rkod: is it a fresh install? [07:36] did someone read and answer my question? [07:36] Through wubi [07:36] Colypso ok, and you want the user ssh on the remote to be able to sudo ? [07:36] The newest stable, I believe [07:36] 8.04 [07:36] yes [07:36] i need to re-write an appendable CD... what should i use, and how? [07:36] nikrud: I never used memtest, have to try. this is P4 laptop - meaning I did not notice problems before. Anyway, will check it. Thank you. [07:36] Rkod: the channel you want to join is #ubuntu+1 [07:36] i want the user to be able to do everything [07:37] Colypso ok, in root in putty, type: adduser ssh admin . After you do that, anyone logging in as ssh will be able to use sudo [07:37] Allright, thanks. [07:37] the DVD/CD Writer tool doesnt seem to do it... the CD was created with Sonic Read Now 8.0 on my previous WinXP build, which I am no longer using! [07:37] for the beta release [07:37] x1250: screen is in the repostitories [07:37] i have about 300 CDs that need to be re-written [07:37] adduser: The user `ssh' does not exist. [07:37] Colypso then, what user on the remote do you want to have sudo privileges? [07:38] colypso [07:38] Colypso you said you'd added the user ssh , we had a communication problem. sudo adduer colypso admin [07:39] he can't sudo! [07:39] we tried that earlier [07:39] Colypso typo: adduser colypso admin [07:39] oh as root [07:39] that worked [07:39] why didn't that work before? [07:39] Colypso now, try ssh'ing in as colypso [07:39] didnt try before [07:40] thought we did [07:40] x1250: you still here? [07:40] * nikrud is so sudo-fied he often types it in when in sudo -i anyway [07:40] i probably couldnt keep up [07:40] Colypso what irc client are you using? [07:40] mirc [07:41] Colypso doesn't it colorize when someone types your name in a line? [07:41] nope [07:41] btw, i am new here [07:41] hey how come my ftp server home directory always change back to default /var/ftp ?? [07:42] Colypso in fact, the only reason I was able to keep up with you was I kept my eyes on the screen all the time. If you had typed, for example nikrud nope , that line would be red in xchat [07:42] i want it to be /media/NTFS500GB-A but everytime it changes back to /var/ftp [07:43] kelvin911: check the servers config file? [07:43] system is up to date [07:43] thanks guys [07:43] im sure ill be back tomorrow [07:43] Colypso is always welcome :) === Colypso is now known as Colypso|sleeping [07:44] isnt there anyone who can assist/help me? [07:44] i'm a "nood" peeps [07:44] lol [07:45] hey Mzalendo. [07:45] Mzalendo: k3b [07:45] what's k3b? [07:45] Mzalendo: sudo apt-get install k3b [07:45] Mzalendo: Just ask your question and someone will answer it. Be patient and ask again in several minutes if you don't get a response. [07:45] !info k3b [07:45] Package k3b does not exist in gutsy [07:45] k3b handles appendable cds? [07:45] LukeL !info is borked [07:46] word [07:46] thanls [07:46] thanks [07:46] does it run from the command line or from GNOME? [07:46] kde [07:46] Mzalendo it's gui, runs in gnome just fine [07:46] can run it either way- [07:46] i use gproftpd [07:46] ok [07:47] it's installing [07:47] how to set it properly? [07:47] can run it anywhere i guess. [07:47] last time it works now it doesnt work [07:47] i guess i'll find it somewhere after install? where does it place itself? sound and video or....? [07:48] Mzalendo somewhere ;) [07:48] Mzalendo : Applications->Sound & Video [07:48] lol [07:48] danke [07:48] bitte [07:48] does anyone know why my Evolution Mail is failing to send a simple attachment of 80 kb? it's a JPEG file [07:49] i keep getting timeout errors [07:49] as a long time lover of evolution, I'm using thunderbird [07:50] nikrud: so, if i go to thunderbird, is there a way i can export my evolution mail inbox messages to thunderbird's invox? [07:50] Hi all, how to set geany as my default text editor? update-alternatives says that gedit is the only editor... [07:50] I'm a new Ubuntu user, I just switched from openSUSE. openSUSE automatically installed a driver so that my webcam would work, how do I get my webcam to work in Ubuntu? Using Hardy Beta 32 bit, Logitech Quickcam Ultra SE. [07:51] oops [07:51] i mean inbox [07:51] !webcam | corinth [07:51] corinth: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [07:52] !webcam > corinth ( see private message from ubotu ) [07:52] Mzalendo hm, not sure. I've been using imap for a while, I don't have to worry about that stuff anymore. [07:52] Mzalendo: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-export-your-mails-from-evolution-to-thunderbird.html [07:52] Hi all, how to set geany as my default text editor? update-alternatives says that gedit is the only editor... [07:52] don't be afraid to google my friend. [07:52] sidis405: am not... but when i get stuck this is where i come running to... thanks a lot! [07:53] should i add a link in /var/ftp? [07:53] to point to my USB HD? [07:53] sidewalk heh, mbox files? [07:53] any body no how to get F1-F6 terminals back all i get is a curser [07:53] kelvin911: did you get that msg i just sent you? [07:53] pro-rsoft, right click on document, properties, opens with... [07:53] Mzalendo: no prob man. basically rhetorical. [07:53] waht message? [07:53] guess not [07:53] i've got a sblive (emu10k1) soundcard isntalled in addition to my MB sound (which isn't hooked up). I have a .asoundrc which makes the emu10k1 (card2) the default and most everything works well, save for the volume up/down/mute keys on the keyboard which seem to ignore both the settings I specify in gnome-volume-manager (which I set the emu10k1 as the controlled/default card) and asound.rc... Any clues on how to make my mute and v [07:53] olume keys work? [07:53] sidis405: looooooooooool [07:53] that one [07:54] whcih oenm? [07:54] what client do you use? [07:54] Survivorman, i don't have a file manager installed. I hate them. [07:54] gproftpd [07:54] for irc? [07:54] ? [07:54] and 'ls' cant rightclick>openwith :P [07:54] anyone know how to get my terminals back [07:54] the program you're typing on now, just wondering why you didn't get my messages [07:54] getty says it is running [07:55] kindofabuzz: i am trying to set ftp hree [07:55] syrus, Where did they go? [07:55] good ? [07:55] i am currently using opera to view irc [07:55] i had a possible wop fix for ya, sent you a message 5 times [07:55] pro-rsoft, set the VISUAL and EDITOR environmental variables .. and also have a look at ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list [07:55] guys i am starting squid for the 1st time, but i am getting error msg which says that FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /home/techsup/cache/squid: (13) Permission denied [07:55] syrus what I found (for my ati) was removing the splash from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst and rebooting got back my terminals [07:55] oh i see [07:55] well opera sux if you ain't getting the messages [07:55] i had a crash so reset and they are gone my gui F& is fine [07:55] i didnt check the tab wait [07:55] unop, thx [07:56] syrus, I agree with nikrud, ditch the splash if you have one [07:56] ok so its the screensaver [07:56] so how to fix? [07:56] possibly, i'm gonna try it [07:56] turn it off [07:56] Hey guys anyone know where i can get a driver for a linksys wusb11 v2.6 [07:56] unop, $VISUAL and $EDITOR are empty... defaults.list is almost empty [07:57] ok ill try that , i had to reset my system and poof they were gone [07:57] advanced linux user with two sound-cards wants to know how to make volume up/down/mute keys work with (ALSA) card2 (which is an EMU10K1 device)... Anyone? [07:57] anyone can fix my FTP problem/ [07:58] kelvin911, what is the problem? [07:58] cant get it runnning now [07:58] kelvin911, msg me [08:00] pro-rsoft, export VISUAL=$(which geany); export EDITOR=$VISUAL; echo -e "[Default Applications]\ntext/plain=geany.desktop" >> ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list [08:00] guys i am starting squid for the 1st time, but i am getting error msg which says that FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /home/techsup/cache/squid: (13) Permission denied [08:00] Is there a tool to share a desktop for tutoring? Preferably one which works across firewalls? [08:00] Viper111, how are you starting squid therE? [08:00] unop /etc/init.d/squid start [08:00] rrowell: i did pm you [08:00] Viper111, using sudo? [08:00] I guess VNC allows the local and the remote user to share a common desktop? [08:00] and i responded [08:00] yes for sure [08:01] Viper111, sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart [08:01] Gatestone: try tightVNC [08:01] kelvin911, what FTP daemon and how are you changing the "home dir"? [08:01] Gatestone: works for me [08:01] ok hod do i edit the line out just remove it [08:01] unop_ yes thats wat am writing [08:02] rrowell: i am using gproftpd [08:02] Viper111, i wrote restart not start [08:02] k3b worked fine, thanks everyone [08:02] how do i remove the line for the splashcreen [08:02] kelvin911, and how are you "changing the home dir"? [08:02] rrowell: is there a screenshot tutorial how to set it properly? [08:03] in default home dir: i enter /media/NTFS500GB-A [08:03] but everytime i click apply it changes back to /var/ftp [08:03] unop_ yes the same if restart or start [08:03] kelvin911: what if both parties are behind a firewall? [08:03] kelvin911, I'm not sure what you mean by "in default home dir: i enter /media/NTFS500GB-A", are you making a sym-link or ? [08:03] Gatestone: portforward i think [08:04] unop_. thx [08:04] kelvin911, or at least the desktop that should be shared is behind a firewall. Portforwarding is not possible: I have no access to these corporate firewalls. [08:04] ?? [08:05] rrowell: http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1bu9.png [08:05] Viper111: type chown -R nobody.nobody /home/techsup/cache/squid [08:05] then /etc/init.d/squid restart [08:05] indenget compiz ubuntutify kristy!heart [08:06] Gatestone: then i am not sure? maybe pcanywhere? netbus?? sub7?? backdoor hack? [08:06] kelvin911, and you have write perms to the file you are trying to modify? [08:06] rrowell: what do u mean? [08:07] rrowell: it works last night [08:07] rrowell: for some reason now wont work [08:07] how do you make ubuntu boot default to run level 3 [08:07] nolf thanks man it started now [08:07] kelvin911, that is the config file that the UI you are using to modify the configuration file is running with sufficient permisions to modify said config file? [08:07] how do you unblacklist something [08:07] rrowell: is there an easier ftp server then gproftpd? [08:07] rrowell: something like servU in windows? [08:07] rrowell: i think it is [08:08] rrowell: because it is in ugly theme which mean the program is running as root [08:08] Kelvin911 Nice theme !!! [08:08] There seems to be xvnc4viewer installed by default in Gutsy. Which of the several vnc server alternatives should I use with it? [08:09] Gatestone: i use xtightvncviewer [08:09] Gatestone: its the best [08:09] kelvin911, so you are running gproftpd as root then? [08:10] rrowell: i think so [08:10] kelvin911, I guess you recommend tightvncserver also? [08:10] it works last night but then it doest work today [08:10] How much size does the Ubuntu partition need? Whats recommended? [08:10] Gatestone: yes tightvnc [08:10] marlun: i would say at least 50GB? [08:11] kelvin911, it does the same for me [08:11] marlun: around 2.5 GB is needed. Recommended depends on a) how many non-default programs you want to install, b) how much you have in files. 10GB is a good minimum. [08:11] huh [08:11] is there any way to run ubuntu without x by default? [08:11] kelvin911, but it looks like it is doing it on purpose [08:11] hi guys [08:11] 2g is at least [08:11] kelvin911, makes me wonder if it is a permisions thing [08:11] rrowell: what u mean? [08:11] my linux kernel source tree seems to be incomplete or missing... how can i update that? [08:11] rrowell: is there other better FTP server? [08:12] marlun, after the install just remove oopenoffice will save a lot space [08:12] kelvin911, IE, maybe the UI knows the FTP daemon wouldn't have sufficient permisions to read/write that directory [08:12] kelvin911, AFAIK proftpd is pretty damned good [08:12] rrowell: like more user friendly even your mom can use it ftp server? [08:12] justmozzy sudo apt-get install linux-source , it'll drop a tarball in /usr/src [08:12] darkscript: of course - servers do it all the time. [08:12] kelvin911: seems a little much doesn't it? :) [08:12] tonyyarusso: Ok, thanks :) [08:12] nikrud: thanks :) [08:12] kelvin911, maybe not super user friendly, but you aren't running a MAC now are you ;-) [08:12] yes tony, but i want to know how [08:13] is there FTP server for dummy? [08:13] darkscript: if you already have a desktop setup, you can remove "gdm" from a runlevel, and boot that runlevel. If you install a server, you don't have it in the first place. :P [08:13] as i am running a server of regular ubuntu, however i did not have the resources at the time to use [08:13] icesword: I think I need OO since I want to be able to write from templates created for Word and Google Docs for example can't do that from what I know. [08:13] kelvin911: vsftpd is the best I've found - reasonably good documentation out there. [08:13] you cant just change a grub setting or add an extra line? [08:13] like perhaps runlevel 3? [08:13] rrowell: is vsftpd gui based? [08:13] kelvin911: no. [08:14] i need something easy [08:14] kelvin911: good servers usually aren't gui [08:14] marlun, if you want a better choice,eioffice is alternative,but it is not fre [08:14] e [08:14] kelvin911: search for 'ftpd howto' [08:14] kelvin911: there are tons of very good guides available [08:14] darkscript in ubuntu, levels 2-5 all run gdm (gui) . You can rename S30gdm to K30gdm in any of them to enable the action you're looking for [08:14] how do you edit runlevels in ubuntu, from command level [08:15] hey ubuntu! [08:15] hey ubuntu! [08:15] hi.. [08:15] darkscript best way is to install sysv-rc-conf [08:15] ok my task is very simple, just share my external hd i have 3 external HD on usb: how to share them just allow download only [08:15] lol hey Chea [08:15] !sysv-rc-conf [08:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about sysv-rc-conf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [08:15] that in /etc nikrud? [08:15] darkscript remembering that best is subjective, of course [08:15] kelvin911: google for a howto.. its really simple [08:15] darkscript: if you don't know them already, use sysv-rc-conf :) [08:15] I dont even know what Ubuntu is... [08:15] they are /media/NTFS500GB-A /media/NTFS500GB-B /media/WDC120GB [08:16] nikrud: and if you do, what is it, update-rc.d? [08:16] i google and spend like 3 night still cant get those command base ftp running [08:16] kelvin911, how do I run the VNC server so that it shares the existing local X server desktop? [08:16] Chea> you familiar with linux or unix? [08:16] No sorry. [08:16] kelvin911: so you want someone to explain how you should do step-by-step here? [08:16] my task is very simple , i just want to share 3 USB HD [08:17] tonyyarusso yes, but the time it takes to construct the right command line (especially if you only use it a few times a year) is more than installing and running sysv-rc-conf [08:17] Chea> familiar with Mac? [08:17] yes please albech [08:17] No. :( [08:17] i dont need fancy setting [08:17] but need username and password [08:17] kelvin911: what ftp server are you using? might want to try vsftpd [08:17] Chea> have you previously heard of any of those? [08:17] i install vsftpd the other nightm cant get it to work [08:17] nikrud: of course :) [08:17] Yes ofcourse, I wonder what advantages Ubuntu has over any other distrubtion around Linux? [08:17] command is too much for me [08:18] Is it only the fancy GUI and the nice start up sound? [08:18] kelvin911: did you read the guide on help.ubuntu.com? [08:18] I tried emulate it on VMWare, it totally blowed. [08:18] Chea: that would be a question for #ubuntu-offtopic [08:18] Well I have questions. Would it not be a suitable channel to get answers about Ubuntu? [08:18] offtopic people kick me back to here [08:19] so i am thinking people in here are more intelligent [08:19] Chea: support questions, sure. distro comparisons would be offtopic though. === manado_ is now known as ce^peramal [08:19] So what has Ubuntu to offer me other than what I've read on the website? [08:19] Chea: a good community and plenty of tested software/tools [08:20] How is it running a server off it? [08:20] Chea: i personally dont.. i prefer it for desktop systems [08:20] please send me a good easy guide to how to set up ftp with gproftpd or vsftpd [08:20] Chea: that doesnt mean it cant.. i hear its pretty good for servers too [08:21] assuming i dont know anything about networking [08:21] albech> for a desktop system you're running an x server... [08:21] Hm interesting. [08:21] Can you shoop da woop with Ubuntu? [08:21] Chea: I have five production servers running Ubuntu at work. Great so far. [08:21] Like photoshop but on Ubuntu? [08:21] kelvin911: the one on help.ubuntu.com is the place to start. [08:21] question about k3b.... there is existing data on the cd, when i made a New Data Project the files were not replaced/rewritten... why? [08:22] pteague: ? [08:22] i spent 2 night finding help on there no help [08:22] Any specific program that handles graphics, similiar to Photoshop? [08:22] Chea> the gimp is a good alternative to photoshop... it's pretty much the same thing [08:22] Chea: gimp [08:22] Chea: gimp [08:22] Ah thanks for the questions. [08:22] <3 === arief is now known as c0w26_dboongnCEW [08:23] I'll be considering Ubuntu. === rey is now known as ce_manizz_smp [08:23] Chea: id recommend photoshop cs2 through wine though [08:23] whats a terminal with more features than xterm that doenst use gnome or KDE stuff? [08:24] icesword: never heard of eioffice, will take a look, thanks! [08:24] kelvin911, and SCP won't work? [08:24] sidis405: do you know why the existing files on the appendable CD were not erased/replaced when i made a new data project and executed, with k3b? [08:24] So what is WINE then? [08:24] advanced linux user with two sound-cards wants to know how to make volume up/down/mute keys work with (ALSA) card2 (which is an EMU10K1 device)... Anyone? [08:24] !wine [08:24] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [08:24] hi all [08:25] !k3b [08:25] k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto [08:25] How do I run a VNC server so that incoming users can share the regular X server desktop (mouse, keyboard) with me, for tutoring purposes? [08:26] Gatestone: System > Prefs > Remote Desktop [08:26] Gatestone: i think u need to run tightVNC server === rey is now known as ce_manizz_smp [08:28] What would I need to do if I wanted to package something for ubuntu? [08:28] bye all [08:28] !packaging | woodwizzle [08:28] woodwizzle: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [08:29] hi, can someone help me with the inetutils-talk and inet-utils-talkd programs, I can't get them to work ? [08:29] f === widyanet-06 is now known as elisa-chinese [08:29] Is it normal that my admin user cannot even issue a mv command in /var/www? [08:30] Or does that folder normally require a sudo prefix to modify? === Azer_ is now known as Azer [08:30] LainIwakura sudo is needed there, as it is anywhere outside of your home [08:30] LainIwakura, Correct. === wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu [08:30] LainIwakura, that's normally a folder that needs sudo [08:30] nikrud, cody-somerville, Madpilot: Okay, thanks. [08:31] does anyone here know something about the talk command ? [08:31] kelvin911, it is a permisions issue === rey is now known as ce_manizz_smp === sy001 is now known as edieson [08:34] is there an easy way to give user "guest" no permissions what so ever except to execute shared apps? [08:35] j3kyll: What sort of things are you suggesting you take away? [08:35] in the process of installing ebox on my computer, I removed sysvinit and replaced it with upstart. Now my computer won't boot up. Is there some way to undo what I did using a live cd? [08:36] Flannel : all priveledes, ...file making, etc... except for excuting apps. (essentially the user will have the same files each time they log in. so they won't "muck it up") [08:37] j3kyll: Well, just having a non-admin user will restrict them to their homedir, without being able to make any system wide changes. As for not creating files within their homedir, they need those files to do a lot of stuff (web browsing, etc). but you could write something to clean out the homedir everytime they logoff, for instance. === ce_kesepian is now known as p_mbalap [08:38] nikrud: hi, memtest done. I do not see log files. You were right. There are errors with test #5 (block moves), 200M-500M. Errors are consistent, but error address is random. What is the conclusion? I bought this RAM one year ago. It was bad or it become bad (for example because of temperature - my laptop from time to time is very hot)? [08:38] so... something like a livecd environment, but with the major things preconfigured [08:38] Flannel: how complicated would writing that script be? (im a pretty novice user) [08:38] mp3 playback, things like that [08:38] nikrud: errors which memtest shows, are they all critical? does it mean it is very risky? [08:39] Daisuke_Ido: are you asking a question, or what? [08:40] IndyGunFreak, clearing up what j3kyll is looking for [08:40] oh ok. [08:41] i c whats causing my ftp not working [08:41] j3kyll: the 'script' itself is easy: `rm -rf /home/guest/` as for getting it to run on logout, I'm not familiar enough with gnome/gdm. [08:41] can anyone help me with the boot sequence? [08:42] i activate the ftp b4 i turn on the USB drive so now my drive is /media/NTFS500GB-A_ instead of the orginal name [08:42] Flannel : well thanks for atleast letting me know what i'm up against (ill save it for a later project) ;) [08:42] hi all, what do you say: errors shown from memtest - are they critical? does it mean it is very risky? [08:43] j3kyll: It should be relatively simple, I just don't have any experience with how gnome/gdm (gdm is the login screen thing) handle users logging off. Assuming someone knows, it'd take you all of 30 seconds to implement. [08:43] mmm4m5m: depends on the intended usage of the machine and the position of the corrupted sectors- [08:44] Anyone can tell me why is gnome limited to 1024x768 when the monitor is at 1280x1024 [08:44] Like here: http://img91.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotqa6.png [08:44] BlackBishop: what card r u using. [08:44] any idea when's gcc 4.3.0 will be available on hardy? [08:44] btw i use gnome at 1280x1024 [08:45] sidis405: yeah .. well .. firefox seems to get on the whole screen [08:45] but not the app bar or xchat [08:45] ( see picture ) [08:45] Flannel: ill keep looking, someone knows :] ttyl [08:45] I'm using a ati mobility radeon 7000 with 128M ram. [08:46] blackbishop, have you tried system->preferences->screen resolution? [08:46] LiraNuna, i dont think it will ever [08:46] guh [08:46] on a 19" monitor which I know it can do 1280x1024 and it seems to do that. [08:46] hi people! [08:46] gus__, got a gamble on why? [08:46] I've heard some rumors about ubuntu not being able to compile on it === rey is now known as ce_manizz_smp [08:46] trevheg: Yeah, it says 1024x768, but why is the monitor resolution at 1280x1024 ! [08:46] LiraNuna, nah [08:47] I mean .. I'd like gnome to stay at 1280x1024 too ! [08:47] !fixres | BlackBishop, This hopefully will help, sounds like your xorg.conf doesn't have a 1280x1024 setting in it [08:47] BlackBishop, This hopefully will help, sounds like your xorg.conf doesn't have a 1280x1024 setting in it: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [08:47] how to get rid of that NTFS500GB-A ?? http://img514.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2mx9.png [08:47] is it a folder or mound? [08:47] LiraNuna, it's just because you can not add new version of software now, a month from the release [08:47] mount [08:47] * BlackBishop checks [08:47] gus__, I see [08:47] Flannel, PM me please [08:50] Please help me, I'm beyond frustrated. I just fresh installed 7.10 today, and my video card was just fine. I added the restricted drivers for it and rebooted, now it can't detect my card and the max resolution I can get is 600x800. Please help. [08:51] Justjaden: System>Admin>Screen & Graphics [08:51] blackbishop, I agree with ubotu, if you can't find the resolution you want in preferences->screen resolution, the solution at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto helped me with my system [08:51] what are the filesystems that Ubuntu uses :? .. like windows Fat32 and NTFS [08:51] Ububegin: ext3 [08:51] blackbishop: there's a particular section : SubSection "Display" [08:52] how can I delete a user from the system? [08:52] erUSUL: is it case sensitive [08:52] and I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but when I boot up it keeps loading a text screen that says BCmu43xx Cannot register IRQ0, it does this about 3 times with a weird flashing screen inbeetween. [08:52] clicking 'delete' in the 'user settings' dialog doesn't do it - it just disables the user's account [08:52] blackbishop: and add to the line Modes the desired resolution. [08:52] restart X of course.- [08:52] should to the trick. [08:53] erUSUL: This does nothing being as the max resolution is the 800x600. [08:53] hi who made course fundamentals of linux? [08:53] It says on boot up it cannot detect my card and I must log in with reduced graphics [08:53] How do I get into a directory on my desktop named /portaudio19-19+svn20071207/debian? It says "bash: cd: /portaudio19-19+svn20070125: No such file or directory", but it's clearly there. On my GUI, it has a lock on it. Do I need to "sudo su" or something like that? [08:53] But everything was just fine when I first installed the system....what happened? [08:53] if i want to add http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/ to my sources.list what line would i put? [08:54] deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/? [08:54] Monona: unless you are running a custom fs structure no top dir is called portaudio---- [08:54] noe [08:55] can anyone tell me how to replace upstart with sysvinit on my computer using the live cd? [08:55] Can i say ubuntu filesystem is case sensitive [08:55] now**, what is the problem anyways? [08:55] Ububegin: safely. [08:55] Ububegin, yes, it is case sensitive, capital letters and lowercase are different [08:55] Thanks guys [08:55] i'm haveing problems setting up gutsy 7.10 to duel boot with xp [08:56] Ububegin, its not just the file system, usernames, passwords etc are case sensitive as well [08:56] Phreakin318: have you installed both os's? [08:57] Ububegin, linux/unix in general is case sensitive [08:57] yeah sidi i have [08:57] sidis405: ~/portaudio---, I guess then. I'm trying to disable a line in the makefile ~/debian/rules. [08:57] REPEATED>>> question about k3b.... there is existing data on the cd, when i made a New Data Project the files were not replaced/rewritten... why? [08:57] hmm, windows was case insensitive.... so linux is case sensitive... K,cool [08:58] Monona: ~/portaudio means /home/your_username/portaudio [08:58] Hi all. [08:58] I have 3 servers, and would like to purchase a KVM switch to switch between them. Can someone recommend me a good setup? [08:58] Phreakin318:ok, so when you boot up, which os starts up? [08:58] Phreakin318: so we pick it up from there. [08:59] sidis405: u seem to be the only K3b expert in here... (maybe?), so, can u assist? [08:59] it ask me to boot xp xp safe mode or ubuntu i boot ubuntu it comes on loading then i get a black screen after a few min [08:59] Mzalendo: not closely :) 1 min and we can talk inprivate- [09:00] Phreakin318 : hmmm. which os was installed first ? [09:00] Phreakin318: how did you install the 2nd one. [09:02] sidis405: Gotcha. That's right where it at. So, this directory, ~/portaudio19-19+svn20070125 is on my desktop. I can't get into it through my terminal, although I can get at it through GUI. When I try to save the changes I've made in the makefile "rules" in gedit, it tells me: "You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again." [09:03] Am want to syncronize my Firefox 3.0 passwords so I have the same file on my three computers. Currently am using unison and it's working quite well. Anyway, I now have a new problem. With ubuntu 8.04 firefox is now located in .mozilla/firefox and not .mozilla/firefox-3.0. This create problem with unison. How do I sync folders that do not have the same path on both sides? [09:03] from the terminal go on your desktop and do a ls -la ans check who owns the folder. [09:03] Monona: "ls -la " [09:05] sidis405: It says "root" [09:05] what's your user? [09:05] anyone help me my scanner does't detected [09:05] With unison, can I have more than two roots? [09:06] sidis405: orpheus. Everything else is owned by that. [09:07] sidis405: I'm trying to follow the instructions in this post: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/183011/comments/9 [09:08] Monona: yah it's fine but your user is not root right? [09:09] hi [09:09] anyone with dapper having troubles with sshd? [09:09] soul9: using dapper for a particular reason? [09:09] yup [09:09] for lts reason [09:10] actually, it's not even me, it's someone in #ubuntu-hu [09:10] there was an upgrade for openssh [09:10] soul9: yes [09:10] and now sshd can't fork into the background [09:10] hmm [09:10] so if running with -D option, it works [09:10] but without it it exits [09:10] sidis405: No, user is orpheus. I was using sudo to get portaudio, but that's it. [09:10] when was the update released? [09:11] he updated today [09:11] i guess it's pretty recent [09:11] Monona: look, you could do 2 things [09:12] either edit the file as root, meaning sudo gedit /path to file [09:12] where can i learn about irc commands used in these channels? [09:12] so when you save it, you're root. [09:12] Hola , can someone help my problem? [09:13] I get a error when i open Bin files. [09:13] j3kyll: tyr /help [09:13] try even [09:13] sidis405: so noone having this issue? [09:13] soul9: not that i know of. [09:13] 8ball/help [09:13] hi.. how do i rename a directory using command-line? [09:13] i mean if anything, i've never heard it on dapper before- [09:13] Anybody help me? I was told to go to this shannel for help... === mEck0 is now known as mEck0_ === mEck0_ is now known as mEck0 [09:14] sidis405: the error in auth.log is daemon() failed: No such device [09:14] Monona: or you can chown the whole directory to your user and get it over an done with. [09:14] soul9: hmm :| [09:15] Radit: mv currentdir newdir [09:15] soul9: does this seem like the problem : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/sshd-fatal-daemon-failed-no-such-device-279664/ [09:15] hey guys, what do i put in the terminal to find the model/make of my video card? [09:15] Please can someone please just help me with my small probkem? [09:15] gob1029: try lspci [09:15] sidis405: yup, found it [09:15] that was it [09:16] I cannot open any BIN files , its drivin me cwazy!!! [09:16] sidis405: so an install script is messed up [09:16] thanks, DistroJockey.. [09:16] gob1029: lspci | grep VGA [09:16] Radit: you're welcome [09:16] soul9: let me know how it works for you. [09:16] DistroJockey , Can you help? [09:16] I'm having trouble getting the mic from my webcam to record. Is this a good channel to ask for help? [09:16] that does give me the version, it's the Radeon x1200 series, but I need to know the exact model [09:16] sidis405: it does [09:16] soul9: seems like it. yes. === arief is now known as cow26_pngen [09:17] that was the problem [09:17] soul9: good then- :) [09:17] so prolly sshd install script is messed [09:17] DistroJokey? [09:17] n00b-e: you download a .bin and want to run it? [09:17] soul9: it's not that it hasn't happened before ;9 [09:17] heh [09:18] Monona: did you work the permissions out= [09:18] sidis405: I changed the - in the directory name to _ and it's working fine now. [09:18] well, i wonder why an install script would touch the /dev/null file, though [09:18] gob1029: *poke* [09:18] * corinth hides. [09:18] how do i change my real name in irc? [09:18] Can someone help me now?' [09:18] ok, bye [09:18] n00b-e: in terminal: chmod +x nameofbinfile [09:18] I just need help opening Bin files. [09:19] monona: true- the same trick would have been done by putting the path between 2 in the command. [09:19] blah [09:19] i've tried chmod 755 then ./ but it gives me a weird error [09:19] n00b-e: was trying to help, but you didn't answer my question [09:19] Oh sorry i dident see the Q. [09:19] sidis405: I'm sorry, could you explain that? [09:20] DistroJockey: yes i want to run it. [09:20] n00b-e: np, try the command I said up there [09:20] wtf is hardy heron [09:20] okay..lemme give it a test. [09:20] !chown [09:20] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal === Zelta_ is now known as Zelta [09:21] hi all, if I install the hardy beta, how easy or hard will it be to upgrade to the final version when it's released? [09:21] /usr/bin/tty: line 1: Holy: command not found [09:21] Thats the error i get in terminal. [09:21] Monona : a sure. basically : sudo command_here "/portaudio19-19+svn20071207/debian" [09:21] silentmind, aptitude dist-upgrade [09:21] :) [09:21] !hardy [09:21] n00b-e: hmm [09:21] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [09:21] hi all I am trying to download a dir using svn..but it is just freezing there any ideas why this is happening [09:21] i tried the command followed by ./graal4setup.bin and it gave me that error. [09:21] talntidwrk: that sounds too good to be true [09:21] sysadmin-lb22: is it trying to connect? svn sometimes appears to be froze while it is connecting [09:22] n00b-e, what error? [09:22] its simple, silentmind :) [09:22] /usr/bin/tty: line 1: Holy: command not found [09:22] Monona: whatever the desired command is. [09:22] talntidwrk: ok, I'll give it a try, fingers crossed! [09:22] i googled the error also , and found nothing. [09:23] anyone able to help me figure out why my integrated bluetooth isn't detected in 7.10 x64? [09:23] n00b-e: what are you trying to do to this file. burn? extract? mount? explain pls. [09:23] its a setup file. [09:23] just trying to install it. [09:23] how do i change my "real name" in irc? [09:24] is it possible to access weather information from command line? [09:24] j3kyll: U using Chatzilla [09:24] sidis405: Seems to have worked. Thanks much for the help. [09:24] Monona: you're welcome [09:24] Ububegin : no, pidgin [09:24] Guys? Anything? [09:25] n00b-e: what does: sudo ./your_file.bin do? [09:25] like 30 terminals pop up saying /usr/bin/tty: line 1: Holy: command not found [09:25] j3kyll: sorry, i have no idea , then [09:26] n00b-e: what is this binary anyways? [09:26] i think i should change my nickname to 'noob-africa' untill i learn how to use Ubuntu properly [09:26] compwiz18, thx I waited for a while and it worked (y) === Mzalendo is now known as noob-africa [09:26] A online game. [09:26] done [09:26] registered too [09:27] now eveyone can relax [09:27] n00b-e: see this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-276170.html [09:27] n00b-e, try running "file " [09:27] DistroJockey: hi... what's the post about? [09:27] that will tell the exact file type. [09:27] noob-africa: the program and issues with it that you are trying to install [09:28] n00b-e: bc i'm starting to believe the issue is not ubuntu. let's check- how big is this file? [09:28] so my package system is messed up. the list of what package are installed or not installed got corrupt. any way to rebuilt that list, or should i just start over since home is on its own partition? [09:28] DistroJockey: you mean K3b? appending and replacing data on appendable cds? [09:28] noob-africa: ohh, no, I was talking with n00b-e [09:28] noob-africa: sorry [09:29] lol [09:29] hehe [09:29] DistroJockey: well, now u can also help me... [09:29] noob-africa: lol [09:29] noob-africa: maybe ;) [09:29] DistroJockey: u know much about K3b? [09:29] noob-africa, interesting nick,hehe [09:30] noob-africa: ohh, not with K3B sorry, don't use that often, and never append stuff [09:30] it's the only one that handles appendable cds [09:30] icesword: thanks... at least it lets u know that i am in africa [09:30] icesword: if i am not mistaken, noob means newbie, right? [09:30] yes [09:31] noob-africa: how about brasero? i think it handles it too. [09:31] great, now everyone will know that i am not-fully-conversant when i ask so many 'silly' questions [09:31] sidis405: i never got past the Brasero GUI... i just didnt get a grip, maybe i can re-try [09:32] sidis405: doesnt brasero handle mainly audio files, or it handles everything? [09:32] what's the prob with k3b anyhow? [09:32] handles everything- [09:32] it's even included in Hardy distro. [09:32] sidis405: it should be able to 'mask' existing data and only show data from the new session? [09:33] sidis405: which is the best way to install it? sudo apt-get or through Synaptic? [09:34] synaptic is fine. [09:34] noob-africa: maybe you are needing a CD-RW rather than a CD-R? [09:34] DistroJockey it dident work. [09:34] andrew@h4ck:~/Desktop$ sudo sh graal4setup [09:34] graal4setup: 32: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi") [09:34] n00b-e: :( [09:35] Your telling me...Big time :'( [09:35] DistroJockey: i am trying to do what i was able to do with Nero, on Windows XP [09:35] ah right. [09:35] !burn [09:35] CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [09:35] noob-africa what are you trying to do? I scrolled up a bit but couldn't find it [09:35] DistroJockey: Nero was able to create a new session over an existing one, and make the new session default, thereby successfully append an appendable CD [09:36] could someone kindly assist me with my silly little problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742874 [09:36] noob-africa why do you want hidden sessions on your discs? [09:36] thanks! [09:36] so my package system is messed up. the list of what package are installed or not installed got corrupt. any way to rebuilt that list, or should i just start over since home is on its own partition? [09:36] n00b-e: sorry, can't be of any more help. Except to say, maybe start from scratch (re-download etc, and follow that post) [09:36] negge^: am trying to append an appendable cd, masking the existing session, making the new session default... right now the existing session is not masked, and i am getting multiple sets of data [09:36] Alright thanks. [09:36] negge^: which is pretty messy [09:36] hey guys [09:36] n00b-e: you're welcome [09:37] noob-africa: well i was goint to ask the same as negge^. [09:37] I need to update a single package, from a debian volatile archive... I'm on feisty [09:37] noob-africa have you tried nero linux 3? [09:37] if you could do it in windows I'm sure you can do it in the linux version [09:37] Do I use etch or sarge colatile ? [09:37] MrMist, debian?goto #debian [09:38] Well can anyone give it a shot and help me get this BIN setup running? [09:38] !debian | MrMist [09:38] MrMist: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [09:38] icesword: Nooo. It's a ubuntu system. But I need some antivirus binarty package updated [09:39] MrMist: antivirus for Ubuntu? why? [09:39] dgjones: meaning, If I want antivirus, I need to compile stuff myself? [09:39] could someone kindly assist me with my silly little problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=742874 [09:39] sidis405: Never heard of running Ubuntu as a server ? [09:40] Brasero cant remove existing files on an appendable CD the way Nero and Sonic Record Now does in Windows XP. [09:40] <|Cain_|> why do i keep gettin highlighted here TELL ME [09:40] isplicer someone replied in your thread [09:40] isplicer: you saw the reply to your post? [09:40] So, what Ubuntu/Linux app does? [09:40] hehe [09:40] MrMist: lol. i dunno why i assumed differently. [09:40] oh thanks guys [09:40] isplicer: np [09:40] MrMist, which antivirus is it, is it not in the Ubuntu repo's? Its normally not recommended to use debian specific packages as they sometimes install to slightly different places [09:41] thanks for the reply jockey, but it didnt work, i posted back [09:41] !fakeroot [09:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about fakeroot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [09:41] dgjones: u mean there antivirus software for Linux? i thought Linux was impervious to viruses? [09:42] dgjones: only old ones exist in the ubuntu repository [09:42] !virus | noob-africa [09:42] noob-africa: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [09:42] Hi all, [09:42] isplicer: ahh, k. Checking... [09:42] noob-africa how do you do what you want in Nero (in Windows)? [09:42] I have something odd going on... when I view files with Nautilus all is fine... when I want to SAVE a file, Nautilus will show all HIDDEN files, I don't want to see any hidden "." files... I made sure the hidden file setting in Nautilus is off... but it will still show all hidden files whenever I want to save something, or even opening something while using Open Office for example. So its strange isn't it... regular nautilus browsing no pro [09:42] i'm checking to see if it's possible in the linux version [09:42] isplicer: did the setup complete successfully? [09:43] MrMist, I would guess you'd have to compile from source, although maybe ask here for a bit longer to see if somebody can give you any advise first [09:43] sid [09:43] sidis405, yes it did [09:43] thanks for assistance guys btw, [09:43] i installed build-essential but cant compile c/c++ progs : error stray ´\302´ for ¨ [09:44] Meneertje right click in the save files dialog, you should have a option for hidden files [09:44] isplicer: how about just visualboyadvance. [09:44] oh... ok. So when I click save I should see a save files dialog with the hidden option file...? I'll try that. [09:45] negge^: well, with Nero in Win, you open up an appendable CD (unclosed) and select the files and then press the remove button. then just drag and drop the files you want to replace, and voila, the new cd is burned with the new data, the old data (although not erased) wont show up on the directory listing [09:45] negge^: this is what Nero does... even Sonic RecordNow... [09:45] negge^: i cant seem to be able to do this in Ubuntu... if i burn data i get duplicate sets of data... very confusing [09:45] I didn't know that was possible, would never occur to be to use such a feature [09:45] cant compile c/c++ progs ; stray ´\302´ in program === ApOgEE- is now known as ts-arm [09:46] noob-africa you should try Nero Linux 3 [09:46] it should do the trick [09:46] hi [09:46] when i do fdisk -l [09:47] it just return to next line [09:47] negge^: they have it on Linux? wow! let me find it... will be back [09:47] don't list all partition [09:47] what to do ? [09:47] jfhoie: sudo fdisk -l [09:47] noob-africa visit www.nero.com [09:47] you'll find it there [09:47] yeah [09:47] sudo fdisk -l not working too [09:48] jfhoie: hmmm [09:49] try : sudo cat /etc/fstab [09:49] jfhoie: what does that output? [09:49] !pastebin [09:49] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [09:49] what is the default partition manager for ubuntu install? [09:50] !parted | j3kyll [09:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about parted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [09:50] !gparted | j3kyll [09:50] j3kyll: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ [09:51] no such file or directory [09:51] jfhoie: !!! [09:52] when i do sudo cat /etc/fstab [09:52] it display no such file or directory [09:52] eek! [09:53] yikes [09:53] jfhoie:damn. how about "locate fstab"? [09:53] jfhoie: you running from a live cd? [09:53] leaving. [09:54] yes [09:54] does anyone undrestand POSIX threads [09:54] -ash: locate: not found [09:54] Hi Can somebody please explain what the variable malloc=0 does? thanks [09:54] ok leave it i prefere windows [09:55] lol [09:55] i am having problem with ¨(double quotes ); using 7.10 ; keyboard layout (us:int1); cant compile c programs; i have to press quotes twice. [09:55] what are you typing to compile the programs ? [09:55] getting error stray \302 in gcc comoilation [09:56] I have installed cdemu. I mounted the cd iamge successfully right now when I try to unmount it.. I get "Failed to unload device 0:XYZ: Device is locked." [09:56] bharadwaj: do you have another app browsing it or something? [09:57] anyone try using their linux box to be the media server for a xbox 360? [09:58] sidis405: I was installin NFSMW in cedega..it is using the devise..I am just unable to figure out how to unmount it and mount the second CD [09:58] hi folks, back again [09:58] i am having problem with ¨(double quotes ); using 7.10 ; (hp)keyboard layout (us:int1); cant compile c programs; i have to press quotes twice [09:58] Nero Linux 3 is downloading, let's hope it does the job [09:58] now i have a different question [09:58] why does this command gunzip, chmod +x sauerbraten_unix fail to work? [09:58] when i minimize my adobe air application fresh it is lost from my desktop and i don't see it anywhere except in sytem monitor [09:59] bharadwaj: is cedega running? [09:59] noob-africa, k3b > nero [09:59] sidis405:yes, you want me to close it? [09:59] murlidhar: well, u can terminate it then re start it [09:59] if you don't need it open, then that might be hanging it. [10:00] murlidhar: well, K3b didnt work for me the way i want nero to work... [10:00] noob-africa: gunzip and chmod are 2 separate programs [10:00] sidis405: ut that isn't preventing..it might the be the setup file of NFMW [10:00] noob-africa, so u mean i can't use the function of minimize for adobe air applications? [10:00] is the setup still on? [10:01] can anyone tell me how to get hold of Adobe AIR thru synaptic? [10:01] still installing? [10:01] noob-africa, once u get used to k3b is works wonderfully well [10:01] murlidhar: i didnt say that... i just said, perhaps the easiest way would be to re-start it.. have u tried looking for it with control-tab? [10:01] sidis405:its' done installing and right now asking to insert a second CD [10:02] hey [10:02] abhi_:I don't think adobe would release an official repo for it's product.. [10:02] abhi_, it is not in the repository . so u cannot download it from synaptic [10:02] SALAM [10:02] can anybody help me ? I need to create 45 sql database accounts , i would like to use a script , anybody any ideas ? === c is now known as cWe_canTiQ [10:03] noob-africa, it doesn't help [10:03] bharadwaj murlidhar go any tips on how to get adobe air apps off the internet? the website doesn't allow me to get air apps without having air installed natively. i have managed to get AIR working with wine. [10:03] u dont see it with control-tab? that's very strange [10:04] abhi_, yes wait a second while i find the link for u [10:04] murlidhar: the reason i am downloading Nero Linux 3 is that, K3b doesnt cancel out an existing session on a multisession CD [10:04] bharadwaj: getting confused. [10:04] abhi_, here it is http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/04/01/adobe-air-for-linux-released/ [10:04] i am having problem with my keyboard layout ,(double quote) [10:05] murlidhar: yea i think i'll use the bin. this wine approach could give me problems :) [10:05] noob-africa: actually does. but not if created with another software/pc- and neither does nero, from what i remember. [10:05] knightWse: maybe try in #bashscripts [10:05] noob-africa, cancel out a existing session on a multisession cd .. can u explain this to me bit more [10:05] abhi_, it is not wine === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [10:05] murlidhar: i keep getting multiple sets of data, when what i need is only for one set to show up... the other sessions keep showing up [10:06] murlidhar: i know this is the linux build of AIR [10:06] thanx DistroJockey [10:06] knightWse: np, yw [10:06] sidis405: well, not true, even the duplicate sessions cant be cancelled out by K3b... i have tried... the files cant be removed [10:06] abhi_, i have installed it the same way follow the first way . [10:06] murlidhar: ok [10:07] noob-africa: the session you created with k3b you can't cancel it? [10:07] sidis405: no [10:08] noob-africa: hence me thinking you would need a CD-RW instead of a CD-R [10:08] murlidhar: how about AIR app development? can we do that in Ubuntu? or do i have to get on WinDOZE? [10:09] hola [10:09] morning [10:09] abhi_, there is an SDK kit available at adobe labs for linux [10:09] abhi_, http://www.picturewizard.com/pic.asp?u=1326712/0/Screenshot.png [10:09] noob-africa: oh wow. would have sworn on it. hmm. well that changes everything. [10:09] DistroJockey: let's wait for Nero Linux 3 to download and install, before we give that verdict [10:09] noob-africa: not all burning programs do things the same way either, so adding with one, and changing with another may not work [10:09] abhi_, air rocks on my distro [10:10] noob-africa: fair enough :) [10:10] murlidhar: even at alpha? what distro? rnt u on ubuntu? [10:10] abhi_, i am using gutsy [10:11] murlidhar: ok. [10:11] noob-africa: You do know it's not free right? [10:11] A small riddle [10:11] omg. [10:11] Please help::::: stray error while compiling c prog ; problem with keyboard layout (double quote) [10:11] I still cannot run this file. its almost been 3 hours. [10:12] I'd like to use "tail -f" on a log, but just dump the lines I'm interested in when they appear [10:12] n00b-e: :( [10:12] abhi_, well because it is alpha which is a lower version when compared to other versions given in mac and windows , there are applications that don't support this alpha version [10:12] is there a procmail room in here? [10:12] something like "tail -f | grep tralla" [10:12] murlidhar: which is why i'm trying to Wine the WinDOZE one [10:13] :( [10:13] murlidhar: apparently it works very well [10:13] murlidhar: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/03/howto-adobe-air-and-xdrive-desktop-lite.html [10:13] abhi_, on wine? [10:13] Guys, how can I activate screensaver from compiz rather than from system-Preferences-Screensaver. When I press ctrl+alt+l to lock, the screensaver from compiz did not active. [10:13] anyone know much about procmail Rules [10:13] murlidhar: yea [10:13] murlidhar: where i'm getting stuck is trying to download an AIR app. there is no direct download link without detection of AIR being installed [10:13] abhi_, k but i will wait for future versions for linux since i hate using wine [10:14] murlidhar: me too i hate wine but can we do anything about it? :) [10:14] n00b-e: been so long I've forgoten what you were trying to do [10:14] i have a usb pen drive that apears to be unpartitioned. when i fdisk /dev/sda i get "unable to read /dev/sda" [10:14] abhi_, i am using linux air [10:15] BigMcLarge-huge, mount ? [10:15] murlidhar: where i'm getting stuck is trying to download an AIR app. there is no direct download link without detection of AIR being installed in linux ?? or wine ?? [10:15] murlidhar in linux [10:16] abhi_, shouldn't be . did u install the AIR the way the instructions were given? [10:16] hiii [10:16] hi. I've just discovered that large amounts of email on the Exchange server isn't appearing in Evolution. Is this a known problem? [10:16] rgefjk [10:17] murlidhar: no i installed it for Wine [10:17] abhi_, probably that's why [10:17] icesword, i cant really mount it be cause it is unpartitioned. when i open up gparted it wont let me reformat it at all [10:17] hiiiiiiiiiiiiii [10:17] murlidhar any way to circumvent that check? [10:17] abhi_, should ask in #wine channel [10:18] hi, can someone help me with this: X is running on tty7, I'm logged in using ssh (/dev/pts/0), how can I now send command so that an X application can start ? [10:18] BigMcLarge-huge, ls /dev/sd* [10:18] abhi_, should ask in #winehq channel [10:18] murlidhar ok [10:18] murlidhar maybe u can e-mail me AIR apps that u downed? [10:18] icesword, only returns /dev/sda thats the only dev there [10:18] abhi_, k [10:18] murlidhar or share them at someplace like rapidshare? [10:19] need some help with hardy beta release... [10:19] abhi_, i will just upload them [10:19] !hardy | orthodoc [10:19] orthodoc: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [10:19] abhi_, is there a reason you're not using the linux version? [10:19] BigMcLarge-huge, sudo cfdisk /dev/sda [10:20] @ubotu: sorry didn't know that [10:20] Survivorman: two reasons 1) it's alpha 2) it's not in the repositories 3) i have no easy way of getting rid of it if i don't like it :) [10:20] Any experiences of Cisco VPN client? The package "vpnc" claims to be compatible, and Cisco offers their own... [10:20] that's three sorry :D [10:20] icesword, FATAL ERROR: Cannot read disk drive [10:20] which means device doesn't exist [10:20] icesword, happened after connecting to a windows box. dont know what happened to it [10:20] i am having problem with ¨(double quotes ); using 7.10 ; keyboard layout (us:int1); cant compile c programs; i have to press quotes twice [10:21] abhi_, http://www.sendspace.com/file/0nbbbh [10:21] abhi_, I understand. Seems to be rather stable for me though, but it IS an alpha. [10:21] Guys, how can I activate screensaver from compiz rather than from system-Preferences-Screensaver. When I press ctrl+alt+l to lock, the screensaver from compiz did not active. [10:21] BigMcLarge-huge, re attach it? [10:21] msdtux: you can put a lock button on your panel [10:21] icesword, tried many times on 2 different ubuntu installs [10:21] How do I update CompizFusion in a newbiefriendly way? [10:22] hi [10:22] xs142: wait until the version you want to update to appears in the update manager :P [10:22] \s -m icr. qua [10:22] xs142: if you installed from repos: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade [10:22] BigMcLarge-huge, your harddisk is /dev/? ? [10:22] murlidhar: hope i can trust u haven't sent malware? :) [10:22] abhi_, betcha [10:22] please help ::::i am having problem with ¨(double quotes ); using 7.10 ; keyboard layout (us:int1); cant compile c programs; i have to press quotes twice [10:23] abhi_, http://www.sendspace.com/file/w8zxug [10:23] LSD|Ninja: the problem is, screensaver from compiz not active when I press the button... [10:23] I can't seem to get sound working... what's the standard way to set it up? [10:23] LSD|Ninja ActionParsnip - Sure but that thing doesn't have an up-to-date version for some reason.. [10:23] i can't find what is bundled in a ubuntu server edition ? [10:23] lesshaste: depends on your soundcard. there is no standard way [10:23] d_rwin, u can configure it at preferences>keyboard [10:24] lesshaste: what soundcard do you have? [10:24] icesword, hdd6 [10:24] ActionParsnip, card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC262 Analog [ALC262 Analog] [10:24] xs142: just how out of date is it? Don't expect it to show up as an update within 5 minutes of the developer putting it on sourceforge, stuff has to be tested [10:24] abhi_, http://airapps.pbwiki.com/ [10:24] murlidhar: blah the apps don't work in wine! :( i think i'll just install the binary [10:25] LSD|Ninja I think the version I get is from roughly June '07.. [10:25] BigMcLarge-huge, reattach it,then sudo mount -a,then mount ,see where it is mounted to [10:25] msdtux: sure it's set up right? the Lock button works for me (getting to lock when you press Win+L, that's the thing that I can't seem to figure out) [10:25] lesshaste: this might help some [10:25] lesshaste: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564239 [10:25] LSD|Ninja It's 0.5.2, there's been 0.6.0 and now 0.7.2 released, 0.7.2 is in dev [10:25] abhi_, the site that i have given u has many applications that aren't compatible with air linux . Most of them are compatible with air windows and air mac [10:26] hi guys... I'm trying to install the driver for the WT-2000USB... I downloaded the driver followed the readme... but when i insert my device it is still unknown to the system :S [10:26] lesshaste: or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616845&page=3 [10:26] LSD|Ninja, the lock button do the same with CTRL+ALT+L right ? [10:26] msdtux: it isn't assigned a keyboard shortcut by default [10:26] lesshaste: do you have the latest updates? [10:26] ok i just finished installing air linux. === pankaj is now known as cheggery [10:26] ActionParsnip, yes.. I think it used to work as well [10:27] murlidhar: ok i just finished installing air linux. now how do i fire up the apps? [10:27] How do I install a .bin copy of google earth [10:27] LinTux: sh ./whateverthebinfileiscalled.bin [10:27] hehhe [10:28] sudo chmod +x Googleearth.bin or whatever the file is. then sudo ./Googleearth [10:28] abhi_, just go to applications > other > adobe air installer [10:28] icesword, doesnt look like it is mounted anywhere [10:28] cheers LSD} [10:28] justmozzy: what do you get from lsusb? [10:28] LSD|Ninja, my lock assign with those combination. [10:28] LinTux: yeah, you proibably have to sudo it too [10:28] cwe_inez [10:28] ActionParsnip, ah... aplay [10:28] ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave [10:28] aplay: main:545: audio open error: Device or resource busy [10:28] to open the file Graal4setup [10:28] LSD|Ninja, so when I try to create lock button to panel, it does the same... [10:29] Lintux, you don't need to sudo it, but if you don't, it gets placed in your home. otherwise, it's opt/googleearth [10:29] .... [10:29] www.ifayruz sungkar@yahoo.co.id [10:29] Can I get some help with the Hardy beta here, or is there a specific channel for it? [10:29] ubuntu+1 [10:29] !spam [10:29] Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [10:29] !hardy | Sep1 [10:29] Sep1: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [10:29] msdtux: when I tried assigning the Win+L shortcut it caught that I wanted the Win key but not in combination with the L so it would lock on just hte Winkey. I simply concluded the keyboard shortcut thingy was a heap of crap and gave up [10:29] !spam | windo_ [10:29] windo_: please see above [10:29] thanks [10:29] LSD|Ninja, the screen saver from system is active, but screen saver from compiz didn't. [10:30] ActionParsnip, that looks like alsa isn't happy [10:30] DISTROJOCKEY: Graal4setup its a bin file with no extension but throughs me a weird error. I took screen shots a few mins ago. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i81/SmurfnDrunk/Screenshot-1.png pic 1 of what happens after commands are typed in terminal , and pic two after i close terminal http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i81/SmurfnDrunk/Screenshot-3.png [10:30] Anyone using CompizFusion 0.6.0 or later that can tell me how to update it from 0.5.2 ? === corneliu1_ is now known as c9s [10:30] murlidhar: weird the twhirl application is running but i don't know if it's buggy yet === Co_sby is now known as macx [10:30] lesshaste: get googling my man :) === Seveaz is now known as Seveas [10:30] n00b-e: k, I'll take a look [10:30] xs142: they're probably saving it for Hardy [10:30] DistroJockey: am happy to inform you that Nero Linux 3 did exactly what i was looking for... it burned a new data cd and left only one copy of the data... all previous three copies were 'erased' [10:30] abhi_, does it look stable ? [10:31] LSD|Ninja, so what I wanted is replacing system screensaver with compiz screensaver... [10:31] so much for K3b! [10:31] murlidhar: it's running i don't have a twitter account so i wouldn't know [10:31] noob-africa i told you it would do the trick:) [10:31] hey what does every1 think of ubuntus decision on renaming the top level directories? [10:31] xs142: if you want the latest stuff within minutes of it aappearing on the developers web sites, Gentoo is over there --> ;) [10:31] now, where do i find the correct serial number for Nero Linux 3? the download is only good for 15 days! [10:31] noob-africa: ahh, nice. Now I guess you need to give them some money to keep using it? [10:31] abhi_, neither do i [10:31] Signil they've changed names? [10:31] noob-africa: you pay them and they'll giove you one :) [10:31] no :/ [10:31] noob-africa: I'd imagine you send some cash to ahead [10:31] LSD|Ninja - Suuuch a hassle to switch now :P [10:31] did you look Distro? [10:32] abhi_, u could check the file named fresh.air that i have sent u [10:32] What are Ubuntu planning to rename the top level directories too? [10:32] abhi_, brb [10:32] to* [10:32] murlidhar: ERROR [10:32] http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/ [10:32] n00b-e: yes, just finished. I suggest you create a new user and try from that profile [10:33] is it a joke? [10:33] ActionParsnip: 3 entries... on of which is actually the Wifi device: Bus 003 Device 009: ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. === windo_ is now known as cwe_inez [10:33] negge^: thanks a lot mate... now, where do i get the serial number? [10:33] abhi_, in twhirl ? [10:33] no in FRESH [10:33] justmozzy: ok what ralink is it? [10:33] you think that would work? [10:33] huh... I have FRESH running fine [10:33] abhi_, what does it say? [10:33] Signil: Bugger that. They should stick to LSB conventions [10:33] murlidhar: update required [10:33] n00b-e: not sure, but it's worth a try [10:33] ActionParsnip: What do you mean? (me is a nooooooooob ;)) [10:34] abhi_, did you get fresh from adobe? [10:34] heh. [10:34] noob-africa check your PM [10:34] no murlidhar sent [10:34] negge^: there's nothing in my PM [10:34] noob-africa weird [10:34] abhi_, weird could u download the application again from http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/air/samples/ [10:34] justmozzy: ralink make a tonne of different chips. you need to find out which one you have and gofrom there [10:34] murlidhar: i did and it worked [10:35] LSD|Ninja - But there are releases on their site, I just dunno what to do when I've downloaded it [10:35] noob-africa you see anything now? [10:35] negge^: nope [10:35] damn [10:35] :d [10:35] weird [10:35] justmozzy: http://web.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html [10:35] justmozzy: been there? [10:35] and i registered my new nickname [10:36] xs142: are they in Ubuntu .deb format? [10:36] negge^: anti-piracy bot? hehe ;) [10:36] ActionParsnip: I already downloaded the right drivers :S it is the RT73STA (well actually on the chip is written RT2571WF but it was listed within the driver decsription for RT73STA) [10:36] DistroJockey maybe:D [10:36] DistroJockey: maybe... lol [10:36] hehe [10:36] LSD|Ninja What? [10:36] ActionParsnip: Downloaded exactly this one: http://www.ralinktech.com.tw/data/drivers/2008_0117_RT73_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0.tar.bz2 [10:37] justmozzy: ive found it as an rt73 [10:37] xs142: the compiz-fusion packages you have [10:37] murlidhar: MALWARE? :) lol [10:37] LSD|Ninja I figured, but I have no idea how to check that [10:37] justmozzy: ok then there should be a readme or install file you can read [10:37] noob-africa check this hxxp://neggelandia.dyndns.org/nero/ [10:38] xs142: I'm getting the impression that you're better off leaving well enough alone [10:38] LSD|Ninja Breaking things is just fun [10:38] ActionParsnip: he he, yupp. followed the readme... compilation and installation went without any problems... except that i cannot start the 'load' command... [10:38] xs142: Again, Gentoo is onver there --> [10:38] this is why PMing don't work: [10:38] [freenode] -!- Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! [10:39] negge^: well, register ur nick then [10:39] LSD|Ninja Looks like it takes so long to do things in Gentoo.. :) http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Distributions is the link if you care to have a quick looksie [10:39] anybody know how to make the clearlooks theme that comes with 7.10 look ok? all the icons in the menus look blurry/unfocused [10:39] justmozzy: there is no load command. skip to the next bit. the load bit is saying you are about to load it [10:39] justmozzy: i can see the confusion === negge^ is now known as negge [10:40] justmozzy: you need to modprobe the modules [10:40] ActionParsnip: modprobe? [10:40] noob-africa yeah I'm doing it right now [10:40] Anyone been successful in installing Sauerbraten on Ubuntu? [10:40] where can I find the list of available repositories? [10:40] noob-africa: you're making me hungry [10:41] justmozzy: hungry for what? [10:41] noob-africa: Sauerbraten [10:41] justmozzy: sudo modprobe /sbin/insmod rt73.o [10:41] noob-africa: It is a german dish :) [10:41] justmozzy: use tab to autocomplete [10:41] ActionParsnip: am not THAT noob ;):) [10:42] justmozzy: hohoho... i didnt know... what's it made of? [10:42] noob-africa: Deer :) With lots of sauce.... cooked for a few hours in the oven :) [10:43] Sauerbraten (German, from sour + roast meat) is a roast from Rhineland, Saarland, Silesia, and Swabia. While Rhineland Sauerbraten is sweetish and contains raisins and gingerbread, Swabian Sauerbraten contains neither sweetening nor raisins. [10:43] hehe [10:43] justmozzy: sounds delicious! when i next go to munich i will speciically ask for it! [10:43] yummy! with raisins too? [10:43] :) [10:43] hiya, anyone know if it is possible to convert an i386 .deb. file to a 64 bit deb or will I need to repackage / compile from source? === RaceKondition is now known as RaceCondition [10:44] so, back to Sauerbraten THE GAME... any luck anyone? [10:45] ActionParsnip: FATAL: Module /sbin/insmod not found [10:45] Could someone help me figure out why Firefox will always just stop working after a while? It doesn't crash, but just sits on "Loading..." indefinitely. This happens every single time I use Firefox after about a half hour or so of browsing. It works fine again when I restart it... [10:45] Creationist: maybe u need to upgrade it? [10:45] sorry, update it [10:45] LSD|Ninja Ok ok screw that, think I just got it.. How do I save changes in /etc/apt/sources.list? Says I lack permission :( [10:45] noob-africa: Uhm... no. It's fully updated. [10:46] noob-africa: installing soon... [10:46] or maybe some of your extensions/plugins are out of date [10:46] Creationist: try sudo apt-get update [10:46] can someone tell me the command to restore the MBR to ubuntu please? [10:46] Creationist, are u using firefox 3 beta [10:46] xs142: sudo your editor [10:46] murlidhar__: No... Firefox2 [10:47] firefox 3 beta isnt really good... i advise against it [10:47] Creationist, strange [10:47] xs142 if you want to edit the file in textmode, you have to open it as root. sudo gedit for example [10:47] apt-get update [10:47] Peddy, sudo grub [10:47] noob-africa: 230MB eek! [10:48] ubuntu has a MBR? [10:48] i didnt know [10:48] how to copy the vfat file to my pc (linux) [10:48] noob-africa, it's not that bad... [10:48] justmozzy: you basically need to modprobe the .o file you have so the kernel can talk to it === UrbanFlash is now known as Hoellp [10:48] LSD|Ninja marius Cheers [10:48] murlidhar__: and then? [10:48] noob-africa: so what was you problem with Sauerbraten? [10:48] noob-africa, i guess he meant to say was to install grub in mbr [10:48] noob-africa I'm not sure if its called that [10:49] noob-africa: will be 20mins before I can test though [10:49] DistroJockey: well, i have already downloaded the .tar... installing it is not as smooth as it seems [10:49] hi [10:49] hi there I got the link from the ubuntu website I am in search of some support can anyone lend a hand [10:49] are there packages for win32codec and xine and mplayer for 64bit ubuntu? [10:49] murlidhar__: it brings me to a minimal bash prompt [10:49] noob-africa: ohh, I'm doing it via Synaptic [10:49] DistroJockey: i tried the installation command for Linux as advised here.... http://sauerbraten.org/docs/config.html [10:49] Peddy, wait [10:50] DistroJockey: the gunzip. chmod commands give me an error [10:50] !ask | zkizzo [10:50] zkizzo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [10:50] Peddy, do u want install grub in mbr? [10:50] how to copy the vfat file to my pc [10:50] noob-africa: you did not find it in Synaptic or apt-get ? [10:51] DistroJockey: u found it there? but i have already downloaded it... what's the point of going to synaptic and/or apt-get? [10:51] ActionParsnip: i typed (tabbed also all files are there) sudo modprobe /sbin/insmod rt73.o :S is i try /sbin/insmod rt73.o it tell me that the module is in an invalid forma [10:51] murlidhar__ wait, nevermind [10:51] thanks anyway ;) [10:51] Peddy, do u want install grub in mbr? [10:51] the .ko works... but also fails the modprobe [10:51] murlidhar__ I got it working [10:51] DistroJockey: can i use sudo tar fxv command instead? [10:51] murlidhar__ essentially its already installed [10:51] justmozzy: weird. hmm [10:51] noob-africa: no idea [10:52] Peddy, for dual boot? [10:52] justmozzy: id try recompiling it. follow the instructions again [10:52] All: This will make interesting reading... it explains why viruses arent an issue in Linux... http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [10:52] can anyone help with setting up a postgresql database and inserting database shema [10:52] ?? [10:52] ActionParsnip, it's a problem with pulseaudio it seems in gutsy [10:53] ActionParsnip, if you remove it and restart then playblack works at least [10:53] hi all I am trying to compile iksemel using make..it runs for a few lines then I get this error http://pastebin.com/m37f59ca6 [10:54] /home/alinux/Desktop/iksemel/missing: line 54: makeinfo: command not found [10:54] ActionParsnip: I'll do ;) [10:54] make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 [10:54] lesshaste: its a step forward at least :) [10:54] So there is no way of getting pulseaudio to work in Gutsy? [10:54] ?? [10:54] can anyone help with setting up a postgresql database and inserting database shema [10:54] ActionParsnip, :) [10:54] brb [10:55] can anyone help with setting up a postgresql database and inserting database shema [10:55] or [10:55] Toznoshio, pusle audio is in the repos of gutsy . so probably it will work [10:56] can someone tell me where to get help with that if not here [10:56] hi all. I'm in doubt about the following: I ran "netstat -anp", and i get lines with status "TIME_WAITING", but in the programm column all I see is "-". There is no PID, there is no programm associated. How can I see which programm opened this port ? [10:57] zkizzo, #postgis [10:57] How do I create a full machine image so that i can replicate my machine on another machine? [10:57] thanks [10:57] hi, is it possible to have 2 keyboards and 2 mice connected simultaniously? I want one set at my desk and one by my bed (I have another monitor by my bed) [10:57] Im thinking USB and extension cables... [10:58] madsporkmurderer, probably. Try it and see [10:58] l0tU5: take a look at remastersys maybe [10:58] ??? [10:59] !remastersys [10:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about remastersys - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [10:59] !cloning | l0tU5 [10:59] l0tU5: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate [10:59] !info remastersys [10:59] Package remastersys does not exist in gutsy [11:00] I havent got any lying about, I dont want to buy them if its not going to work [11:00] ubotu, Some history of this network... === co_dJAiL__ is now known as che_ril [11:02] hi can anyone here help me truecrypt / general encryption questions [11:02] madsporkmurderer, why don't u carry the cpu to the bed when not on desk ;) [11:02] ubotu, I've got a server on the network that holds .tar images currently... We boot off it via the network and install the other computers this way.... I have loaded ubuntu on 1 machine and is exactly how i want it... what now? [11:03] Its a desktop... [11:03] sphinxx, why don't u google it for truecyrpt for ubuntu . there is a nice article given about in a blog . [11:04] l0tU5: ubotu is a bot not a person [11:05] !ubotu [11:05] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [11:05] !sauerbraten [11:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about sauerbraten - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:05] !anything [11:05] So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. [11:05] hi guys. i would like to use an usb device with vmware. however, the usb device seems to be claimed by linux (host system). How can i eject the device ? I think there was a command to that ? [11:05] Can anybody help me with imaging my machine?? If not, send me to the right channel for help [11:07] l0tU5: http://www.remastersys.klikit.org/ [11:07] sphinxx, http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2008/01/02/truecrypt-in-ubuntu/ [11:08] Thanks [11:08] noob-africa: still downloading sauerbraten-data :) === murlidhar__ is now known as murlidhar [11:08] l0tU5: I told you about that when you asked ;) [11:10] Question: what is wrong - all memtest86 tests are ok except test #5 (http://www.memtest86.com/#details)? [11:11] DistroJockey: i decided to install it via Synaptic... so i guess we're in the same basket [11:11] Only test #5 is reporting errors. This is correct URL: http://www.memtest86.com/#details [11:11] DistroJockey, did u get my pms ? [11:11] murlidhar: nope, sorry [11:12] murlidhar: twhirl is working fine for me now i'm trying Google Analytics [11:12] anyone got any idea why browsing through network shares would be really slow? [11:12] murlidhar: pms = pre menstrual syndrome... better use pm, which means private message... :-P [11:12] DistroJockey, i mean when u pm'ed me i replied to u but i guess they were not sent since i was not registered to u [11:12] noob-africa, oops [11:13] abhi_, great to know that [11:13] lol [11:13] negge: u r registered now... u can send me that pm [11:13] noob-africa: works fine here using Applications - Add/Remove === SeTam is now known as NexT [11:14] DistroJockey: is it any good? [11:14] to switch to runlevel 1 i need to type init 1 right? [11:14] murlidhar: yeah, I wasn't sure if you would get the PM, but I didn't get yours === SeTam is now known as fantazi_erkek [11:14] lol [11:15] noob-africa: looks ok (was only in there for 5 secs) === SeTam is now known as aySenurr [11:15] has anyone installed and setup outkafe\ [11:15] has anyone installed and setup outkafe [11:15] noob-africa: I need to fix my flicker with the ati driver before I do any 3D stuff :) [11:15] murlidhar: yes GAnalytics works well too! [11:15] DistroJockey, i did get ur's and i asked to google about it [11:15] :) [11:16] i am just waiting for AIR linux to get more matured [11:16] murlidhar: refresh my memory please? [11:16] hello all [11:16] i m facing problem to starting ubuntu 7.10 [11:16] took to much time to boot and finnaly black scrren appears... what to do ? [11:17] Has anyone succeeded in installing Serious Sam 2 on ubuntu? [11:17] DistroJockey, u asked me if i found the info for remastersys to which i replied back to u to google it ;) [11:17] DistroJockey, anyways could we leave the topic [11:18] besides i am newbi to linux [11:18] murlidhar: ahh, I thought you were the one looking for it originally. I know where it is :) [11:18] murlidhar: sure :) [11:18] DistroJockey, no i wasn't looking for it [11:18] murlidhar: ok, dropped :) [11:19] l0tU5, is it compatible to playonlinux ? [11:20] yego el rey k en la k ye voy sin ley y en la cama me disen el rey [11:20] to switch to runlevel 1 i need to type init 1 right? [11:20] !es | pakillo [11:21] yahuuuuu, what is the graphic card that u have [11:21] i am facing ubuntu 7.10 starting problem, took to much time to boot and finnaly black scrren appears... what to do ? [11:21] its Intel 946 Express chipset [11:21] murlidhar [11:21] yes [11:21] i just installed truecrypt on my XP machine [11:21] and it was working fine before :( [11:21] i created a file-hosted container [11:22] yahuuuuu, are u using usplash? [11:22] moutned it to a volume [11:22] mounted* [11:22] so what does it mean when its mounted- i know i can read/write to it, but what would be the reason for unmounting? [11:22] compiz flash screen ? [11:23] sphinxx, try and keep your question in one sentence [11:23] its easier to read [11:23] yea sorry [11:23] actually i had a couple questions, ill post a link to a forum where i asked it, so i dont have to paste it all here [11:23] * uChuL Time tO go HOme [11:23] sphinxx, any volume having different fire system be it ntfs or fat it it is mounted [11:24] anyone whose worked with truecrypt could probably help me [11:24] anyone speaks english and french, or french and spanish? [11:24] sphinxx, any volume having different filesystem be it ntfs or fat it it is mounted [11:24] murlidhar: so any suggestion please? [11:24] so what is the point of unmounting, is there some security measure for having it always mounted [11:25] here is the link to my questions [11:25] http://forums.techguy.org/windows-nt-2000-xp/699514-truecrypt-general-encryption-questions.html#post5753186 [11:25] i love ubuntu and today i was planning to make a network with my xp machine and ubuntu.. but i cant start ubuntu now :( start fail to load ubuntu [11:25] n3uro5i5_: try #ubuntu-fr [11:25] yahuuuuu what did you do to make it fail? [11:25] yahuuuuu, no usplash screen that i u get a logo while booting [11:25] hi geng [11:25] nothing blv me [11:26] yahuuuuu can you boot in recovery mode?+ [11:26] when i push the power button to start ubuntu, it shows a black scrren and thats why i am here [11:26] yahuuuuu, are u not able to boot it all? [11:26] i dont know a single word abt ubuntu, i m newbi [11:26] thxs DistroJockey [11:26] yes i am not able to boot [11:26] n3uro5i5_: you're welcome [11:27] DistroJockey, can u help yahuuuuu ? [11:27] my lenovo thinkpad t60p dont have sound..............plzzz help me [11:27] iam newbie [11:27] * DistroJockey scans the posts he missed [11:27] i have 2 HDD in this machine, in 1 HDD XP is installed and in other ubuntu is installed, now ia m using XP [11:28] anyway id appreiate if someone could take a look at this [11:28] http://forums.techguy.org/windows-nt-2000-xp/699514-truecrypt-general-encryption-questions.html#post5753186 [11:28] i havent slept in 30 hours so i have to go [11:28] but ill leave this open, thanks for the help guys [11:28] sphinxx, i am sorry i might not be able to help u [11:29] I'm running the intel driver on my intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03), but glxinfo returns the following error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61886/plain/ [11:29] no problem [11:29] murlidhar: yes no usplah scrren while start ubuntu, totally black scrren [11:29] cya [11:29] I wish you can rename files in the browse dialog of gnome :( it would be so much easier, without having to open a new folder and browse to the path to rename the file instead of just rename it within the browse dialog. [11:29] i search in google but no luck :( [11:29] hello [11:29] sphinxx, why don't u put the same post in ubuntu forums u might get help htere [11:30] yahuuuuu: can you edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file and remove splash quiet ? [11:30] how can i make proftpd daemon start when i want it to, not at boottime [11:30] ? [11:30] yahuuuuu, u have windows as well ? [11:30] SliMM, update-rc.d -f proftpd remove [11:30] yes murlidhar [11:31] but its on seprate HDD [11:31] yahuuuuu, are u able to boot windows? [11:31] yes iam using XP righr now [11:31] ok, thanks [11:32] kinda not ubuntu related.. but someone here should have some advice... [11:32] cable management for racks/switches... tips? [11:32] Seveas: is there a gui for managing daemons? [11:32] yahuuuuu, so while booting, do u get the option to choose to boot ubuntu? [11:32] cause mine looks like: http://www.overclock.net/attachments/networking-security/69631d1207122674-my-first-ground-up-business-network-img00112.jpg [11:32] SliMM, gnome-terminal is a gui (around the terminal) [11:33] talntid: you need more cables ;P [11:33] murlidhar: as i already told u , i have 2 HDD , and seperatly installed ubuntu and windows , i chose boot sequence from setup and then i enter in ubuntu and windows, NO DUEL BOOT SYSTEM [11:33] Seveas: haha; you know what i mean [11:33] i have 40 more about to go in, DistroJockey [11:33] but i want to ensure they don't look like crap first :P [11:33] talntid: label them [11:33] and that they are organized [11:33] yeah, planned on that one.. [11:33] they are going to thin clients... [11:33] yahuuuuu, that is a dual boot system [11:34] so labeling them was a must [11:34] i need to join mIRC from my notebook, [11:34] brb [11:34] talntid: not much more you can do really [11:34] =[ [11:34] hi [11:35] how can you configure wpa access [11:35] in ubuntu [11:35] http://www.geeksaresexy.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/right1.jpg [11:35] Seveas: anyway, how do i list all the daemons? [11:35] provider uses certificayes [11:35] talntid: except for channeling them neatly [11:35] yeah [11:35] with 1 rack, channeling them isn't really viable [11:36] http://www.neatpatch.com/Upload%20800/Blue%20Closeup.jpg [11:36] talntid: I did mean physically [11:36] THOSE [11:36] thats what I need! [11:36] talntid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:36] provider uses EAP-TLS using certificates [11:36] talntid: looks fine :) [11:37] back [11:38] wb ango! [11:38] ye [11:38] ugh. [11:38] i read that using cables under 3 feet was not a good thing. [11:38] but i see it on all of these cabling jobs. [11:39] i could make mine super clean if i could use like 6 to 8 inch cables [11:39] talntid: over maybe, but not under surely [11:39] talntid: shorter the better [11:40] but ye, could someone give me a link to the download page i was looking for... [11:40] if it exists [11:40] ango, which download page [11:40] what about noise attenuation by the twisted pairs? [11:40] if it exists... [11:41] talntid: I would assume it is worse the longer the cable [11:41] !pronoun | ango [11:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about pronoun - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:41] !it | ango [11:41] ango: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [11:41] opps [11:41] addon for making ubuntu server (textbased) run under gutsy [11:42] run under gutsy-desktop? [11:42] yes [11:42] hola [11:42] instead of textbased [11:42] hi [11:42] Is there any 3gp to avi converters for linux? [11:43] im gonna test. :) [11:43] Who can give me advice on setting Buffalo WHR-G125-wlan station [11:43] ango: sudo apt-get gnome-desktop [11:43] it's not connected to the internet so it will not work [11:44] i am on a different computer currently [11:44] how do you manually close a process in ubuntu? I get a msg saying that firefox is already running and that i should close that process first before starting another one [11:44] wack an install between apt-get and gnome-desktop ;) [11:44] i remember in windows there was the "monkey grip" ctrl alt del [11:44] Hi I have ubuntu and I would like to use xfce from xubuntu [11:44] is there something similar in ubuntu to kill a process [11:44] how do I do that? [11:45] ango, i am not sure but perhaps using ubuntu alternate cd may sort out ur problem [11:45] hi i have ubuntu and i want to install windows XP on my PC how do i do that? [11:45] i have tried... [11:45] belkinhelp2; application killer? [11:45] i mean is it safe? about the grub.. [11:45] i would do a google search...but as you can see i cant get another copy of firefox running [11:45] but the thing is, none of the cds will boot [11:45] tadej...ya, an application killer [11:45] even if i tell the computer to boot from them [11:46] belkinhelp2; right click on panel --> add to panel [11:46] Hello there. [11:46] ai3gtmc, make sure u use empty partition for windows [11:46] I have some issues with my soundcard. could anyone give me som help, please? ;p [11:46] belkinhelp2: killall firefox [11:46] belkinhelp2; Force Quit [11:46] thank you [11:46] hi all. I'm in doubt about the following: I ran "netstat -anp", and i get lines with status "TIME_WAITING", but in the programm column all I see is "-". There is no PID, there is no programm associated. How can I see which programm opened this port ? [11:47] ai3gtmc, yes it is safe provided u installed it in a empty partition [11:47] murlidhar, i have a 20gb empty partition.. im planning on installing it there.. so im safe? no boot problems? [11:47] brb [11:47] Tadej: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu [11:47] firefox: no process killed [11:47] grrr [11:47] what will happen to grub? [11:47] ai3gtmc, how many hard disk do u have? [11:47] 3 [11:48] belkinhelp2: sudo killall firefox [11:48] please.. someone? [11:48] 1 for data 250gb 1 for linux 60gb 1 for xp 20gb [11:48] i did sudo [11:48] that was the error [11:48] ai3gtmc, i am asking how many hard disks not how many partitions [11:48] belkinhelp2: ps -e show any firefox's ? [11:49] yes i have 3 hard disk... [11:49] 1 maxtor 60 gb for linux 1 seagate 250 gb for data and 1 20gb maxtor for linux [11:49] 6441 ? 00:00:22 firefox-bin [11:49] 6472 ? 00:00:00 run-mozilla.sh [11:49] 6476 ? 00:00:00 firefox-bin [11:49] but the error msg is that there is no process to kill [11:50] firefox: no process killed [11:50] i thought rebooting was a "windows thing" [11:50] ai3gtmc, ok when u install windows xp . that hard disk will be recognized as hd0. [11:50] belkinhelp2: that's they way to kill something though I guess. (ps-e then killall ) in general [11:50] oh...so i should firefox.bin? [11:51] murlidhar, what will happen to grub? will grub add windows? [11:51] sudo killall firefox.bin? [11:51] belkinhelp2: yeah [11:51] k [11:51] thanks [11:51] belkinhelp2: it work? [11:51] firefox: no process killed [11:51] no...didnt work [11:51] ai3gtmc, grub will have to be manually installed using livecd. [11:51] ai3gtmc, which forturnately is easy [11:52] its ok....i can just reboot and see if it resets...im used to rebooting....i used to be a windows user. :) [11:52] belkinhelp2: so you see firefox.bin in the terminal command ps -e ? [11:52] murlidhar, so that means windows will destroy grub? [11:52] yes [11:52] twice [11:52] belkinhelp2: hehe [11:52] ai3gtmc, most probably yes [11:52] belkinhelp2: try sudo killall firefox.bin [11:52] i did [11:52] :( [11:52] firefox: no process killed [11:53] murlidhar, oh k.. so imma install xp now.. bbl thanks [11:53] belkinhelp2: I'd reboot :) [11:53] no biggie...tahnks anyway [11:53] :) [11:53] kill with a pid [11:53] ps -Al | grep fox [11:53] meh. windows users. [11:53] ai3gtmc, when mbr is rewritten grub is removed . then again grub has to written on the mbr. [11:53] Juhaz: killall accepts names === desti_T2 is now known as desti [11:54] ai3gtmc, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html [11:54] certainly, but if it did not work, for some reason or another, and he did see things in ps list, just drop killall and go for kill. [11:54] Juhaz: fair enough [11:55] Juhaz: but why should one work and not the other? [11:56] say, what's a good chat client for lan-based chats, one that has pics for emotes? [11:56] i just moved to ubuntu from XP [11:56] shouldn't, really. based on the error he pasted, he didn't actually use the right command, but who knows... worth a try [11:57] Juhaz: nods, and killall does accept process numbers [11:57] middag [11:58] hi === freddo is now known as DragonLarma [11:58] how to delete a folder and sub [11:58] hi Fuo [11:58] folder etc.. [11:58] fuo, do u use nautilus [11:58] no [11:59] fuo in CLI rm -Rf folder [11:59] i prefer with command [11:59] how to ? [11:59] Anyone with a G15 that can guide me through the install? [11:59] hey everyone, how do i kill something that is in process? [11:59] thx bastid_raZor [11:59] My HP printer works occasionally in Ubuntu and requires constant powering off for Ubuntu to see it. My user.log is full of messages about the printer http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61917/ Any idea if this is something I can fix? I thought HP played nice with Linux? [11:59] fuo, i am not good at command but u first have to give chroot to the folder and then delete it [12:00] crash on linux [12:00] fuo, something chroot xxx [12:00] yes i finish [12:00] murlidhar; negative ghost rider.. you are incorrect [12:00] thx murlidhar [12:00] first time, that happens to winbows users [12:00] Lyricaldogg: ps -e (to find the name) then killall [12:00] bye [12:00] DistroJok=ckey : thanx [12:01] bastid_raZor, i said i didn't know i just gave him a hint [12:01] any one around, who might beable to help me start processes i've added on bootup [12:01] Lyricaldogg: you're welcome [12:01] i beleave its called cron, but i dont have a clue. [12:02] hi [12:02] hello xtreme. :) [12:02] X-Seti: cron is good, and needed [12:02] X-Seti: i think you want to look in your rc folder [12:02] hi [12:02] well i have 4 things id like to start up, ircd, apache, and uae [12:02] dfgfddg [12:02] gshgh [12:02] shgh [12:02] ghgfh [12:02] ghg [12:02] hgf [12:02] hghsh [12:02] has anyone knows how to get flash 9 working? [12:02] xtreme: please stop [12:03] dsl430: what's the problem ? [12:03] !spam | xtreme [12:03] xtreme: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [12:03] hey ikonia [12:03] hello [12:03] X-Seti: in the /etc/rcX.d folder where X is the run level [12:04] ikonia, how to delete a folder using terminal? [12:04] murlidhar: rm [12:04] im just getting up the shell now [12:04] murlidhar: or sudo rm [12:04] ikonia: rm -f [12:04] murlidhar: depending ont he permissions [12:04] compwiz18: or -rf if your lazy [12:04] ikonia: that's me :) [12:04] ikonia, do i have to give chroot permissions before removing the folder [12:04] What's a "linux kernel uniput module" and how do I get it? :S [12:04] lazy is good for me. [12:05] murlidhar: chroot ? is the directory in a chroot environemnt ? [12:05] xs142: in what sense ? [12:05] murlidhar: what are you deleting? maybe you should just move it to /tmp in case you need it later [12:05] be carefull where you rm -r though :) [12:05] DistroJockey: i'm trying toi kill firefox but it's not working [12:05] In a "This module used to send the new keypresses for the additional keys" sense? [12:05] ikonia, when the folder is in home directory [12:05] ikonia In a "This module used to send the new keypresses for the additional keys" sense? [12:05] murlidhar: you want to delete your home directory ? [12:05] please i need help in getting flash 9 working, i installed it in .mozilla & /usr/local/firefox and still no flash on firefox, please help? [12:06] How do I get my system to shutdown when I press the power button? [12:06] Lyricaldogg: kill -9 PID [12:06] xs142: so the kernel module, not X11 module [12:06] ikonia, oh no just a sub directory [12:06] I want to be able to just tap the power button and have it shut down. [12:06] Lyricaldogg: can you pastebin a copy of: ps -e [12:06] ikonia I guess? [12:06] Lyricaldogg: please [12:06] murlidhar: ok - so if the directory is /home/murlidhar/mess you would do "rm -rf /home/murlidhar/mess" [12:06] when you say rx(x).d you mean it could be any of those 1-9 [12:07] dsl430: have you not done "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" ? [12:07] how to copy the vfat files to desktop from usb [12:07] X-Seti: do you know about runlevels? you should read up on them quickly [12:07] DistroJockey: paste it here ? [12:07] raju: drag and drop ? [12:07] does someone know what helps me using 'e what will be an e witha stripe above it ? Like in Windows ? [12:07] quentusrex; system>preferences>power management .. the third tab [12:07] k, reading [12:07] !pastebin | Lyricaldogg [12:07] Lyricaldogg: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [12:07] hello. I'm trying to get sound in my fresh installation of Gutsy Gibbon. I'm following this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and I'm stuck in the TroubleShooting part. Can someone help me? [12:07] murlidhar; see. you were wrong. [12:07] raju: or just copy them from file system to file system, the actual file system underneith the command doesn't matter [12:07] i am doing but it says IO error [12:08] bastid_raZor, what about for a headless server? what's the configure file? [12:08] quentusrex; that i don't know. [12:08] raju: are you dragging and dropping or using a command line ? [12:08] I only have an ssh connection... [12:08] thanks though. [12:08] ikonia I did a sudo modprobe but it just returned "FATAL: Module uniput not found" [12:08] !flash [12:08] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [12:08] bastid_raZor, yeah i was :P [12:08] ikonia, both i did but it shows err [12:08] xs142: I'm not aware of a module called "input" [12:08] raju: sounds like the usb drive is having an issue then [12:09] ikonia, i am not getting [12:09] raju: try copying to another location say /tmp [12:09] ikonia Uniput, not input.. [12:09] ikonia, what is chroot and why is it used? [12:09] xs142: I'm not aware of that module [12:09] murlidhar: chroot is a virtual root file system or "jail" [12:09] ikonia Fair enough, thanks anyways [12:09] ikonia, why is it used? [12:09] xs142: I know there are a fair few X11 input modules hence why I was chekcing [12:09] ikonia, yeah everything i did but it shows error cannot copy the whole files ,something is missing [12:09] murlidhar; i didn't see any response to you needing to use chroot to delete a folder .. rm -Rf works fine as you were told by ikonia . [12:09] murlidhar: various reasons, security, enviornment seperation etc [12:10] raju: sounds like your usb drive is having issues [12:10] could anyone please help me with some issues regarding my sound card? the sound just disappeared when i restarted my computer [12:10] bastid_raZor, is it wrong in learning? [12:10] murlidhar; no, learning is great. [12:10] ikonia, if the actual size of the file is 68mb it is coming onl 31 mb [12:11] is irc.gnome.org offline? i can't seem to connect to them [12:11] ikonia, sounds like iossue means [12:11] raju: because your getting an input/output error the file stops coping [12:11] ikonia, sounds like issue means === Seveaz is now known as Seveas [12:11] hi everybody, have problem: can't start hardy, only get login-prompt xdmcp; whatś going on ? [12:11] DistroJockey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61918/plain/ [12:11] Leeuw: if you have a login prompt hardy is started, try discussig in #ubuntu+1 channel [12:12] clubber--: have you looked in your syslog for messages? [12:12] Leeuw, join #ubuntu+1 [12:12] nono, is not login-prompt for desktop, is for XDMCP; no welcome screen, no servers [12:12] actuaaly it is 1 GB usb if i copy it to desktop it is taking the 2 GB & says the device doesnt have space [12:12] i can't get youtube videos in fullscreen to work properly in 8.04 beta [12:12] Lyricaldogg: did you try: sudo killall firefox ? [12:13] lol [12:13] no ..... [12:13] help installing and getting flash working? [12:13] Lyricaldogg: :) [12:13] what channel is ubuntu+1 please ? [12:13] Does anyone have any pointers to recent research about Linux market share? I am mostly interested in the number of poeple who use a Linux desktop daily, or almost daily. [12:14] Leeuw: #ubuntu+1 [12:14] is anyone connected to irc.gnome.org --i want to ask a question about f-spot but can't seem to connect [12:14] I get that, I mean whatś the topic [12:14] dsl430, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [12:14] Leeuw: Hardy [12:15] murlidhar: kill that folder ok? [12:15] Leeuw, the channel's topic is hardy [12:15] DistroJockey, Aha, great, thanx, bye all [12:15] when i switch to fullscreen it is as if the video isn't accelerated by the video card and has very choppy movement [12:15] Leeuw: as in the next release due in 22 days [12:15] Leeuw: np [12:15] ok im reading some bable babel, blah stuff, not making alot of sense [12:15] Scooma, err can u refresh my memory [12:15] DistroJockey, yeah, i'm running beta (off course) [12:15] bable babel, blah stuff makes a lot of sense to me [12:15] :~ [12:15] just kidding [12:16] DistroJockey: i had killed firefox but not firefox-bin .... what a sillymistake [12:16] Leeuw: nice, me too (and I'm there) [12:16] DistroJockey: thank you [12:16] hello. I'm trying to get sound in my fresh installation of Gutsy Gibbon. I'm following this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and I'm stuck in the TroubleShooting part. Can someone help me? [12:16] I wish I still had my old amiga box, that was a good little server, with easy user-startup options [12:16] !offtopic | web_knows [12:16] web_knows: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [12:16] yay, it worked... [12:16] Lyricaldogg: heh, that's why I like killall after a ps -e [12:16] DistroJockey, you like it ? [12:16] Lyricaldogg: and you're welcome [12:17] DistroJockey, me; I do [12:17] murlidhar: sorry, never mind :) [12:17] see you later guys [12:17] murlidhar, sure! [12:17] Leeuw: yeah, it's very stable, some initial bugs, but they be fixable [12:17] DistroJockey, what do you mean 'I'm there' [12:18] DistroJockey, you have former experience with beta, and how much gets fixed in those last days ? [12:18] Leeuw: ment I am in the #ubuntu+1 channel where Hardy is talked about [12:19] DistroJockey, getit, i switch; sbetter right ? [12:19] * ofl a la bouffe [12:19] Leeuw: I get maybe +40 patches a day on average [12:19] X-Seti: you want to put a shell script into /etc/init.d/ that starts your programs [12:19] Leeuw: maybe less [12:19] DistroJockey, I go switch now, see you other side [12:20] !flash [12:20] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [12:20] Leeuw: I'd wait till it's released and do a clean install personally [12:20] Leeuw: but it is very stable [12:21] init.d looks good, i know the paths of the programs i want to start [12:22] holly hell [12:23] its there a simple option just to put startup; cd .opt/lampp/lampp start [12:23] lammp ? [12:23] i have problem with recording from builting in microphone anyone for help ? [12:24] multi webserver with sql/php/webmin [12:24] X-Seti: you mean lamp [12:24] xerophyte: what do you want to do ? [12:24] X-Seti: are you sure you want to run webmin, your box is a big target for cracking [12:24] root@UKscifi-Events:/opt/lampp# [12:24] its lampp [12:25] X-Seti: then it's not an ubuntu package, and how you configure it is nothing to do with ubuntu [12:25] i know about that, and i dont have that running all the time. [12:25] X-Seti: great. [12:26] its not an ubuntu package I know, i had to config it first, but starting with thing with command line is tiresome [12:26] DistroJockey: still downloading Sauerbraten... 3 hours plus remaining... lol [12:26] X-Seti: so what's your question [12:28] hello. I'm trying to get sound in my fresh installation of Gutsy Gibbon. I'm following this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and I'm stuck in the TroubleShooting part. Can someone help me? [12:28] I guess this isnt a question just my lack of understanding rc, however it would be better to have stuff start up with the machine, then me having to start up 8 things manauly at boot [12:28] !it [12:28] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [12:28] X-Seti: so write a start up script. [12:29] X-Seti: ubuntu packages normally come with a startup script, but as you've not used ubuntu packages you'll have to write your own [12:29] is there a template or syntex this has to be in? [12:29] there isn't a template [12:30] !sound | southafrikanse [12:30] southafrikanse: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [12:30] the syntax is up to you, there is a functions include that that the ubuntu scripts use, you can include that in your script if you work out the syntax [12:30] so, help me out here, i have something in opt/lampp/ [12:30] its started by ./lampp start [12:31] X-Seti: so either look at what the start commands are and put them in a well formateed init script, or write an init script that calls it [12:31] now, i cant think just by added a script that says something like that could be that simple === elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu [12:31] X-Seti: adding that script won't work (probably) as it will have paths/varibles that may be locked into that directory, calling it from an init script would be ok [12:31] noob-africa: hehe [12:32] so, I think I figured out what might be my problem when trying to play ogg files, everything is looking for my codecs in the wrong place, but how do I fix this? [12:33] ok, im looking at no-ips script and i think i know what to do.. im using this as a template. [12:34] X-Seti: easiest thing to do would be to put /opt/lampp/lampp start in /etc/rc.local [12:34] cpk1: thats a good call [12:34] :) [12:34] cpk1: use vlc it has everything [12:35] ok ive made a script in the format, example, rebooting the machine, lets see what happens [12:35] Scooma: perhaps I would rather use amarok to play my audio files since it does a much better job? [12:35] hey all ... installed moinmoin and it required pyXML to do the docbook thing but cant find a package for it?? any ideas [12:35] cpk1: heh [12:36] how do I let desktop icons appear on the left side of the screen by default? :) [12:37] wers: that IS default :) [12:37] hehehe, its in funny [12:37] oops. I meant right [12:37] sorry :D [12:37] april fools? hehehehe [12:37] wers: ok [12:37] wers: :P [12:37] nothing happen, nevermind [12:37] wers: alt+f2 [12:37] wers: and type in gconf-editor [12:37] uhumm [12:37] theunixgeek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:37] FloodBot1: sorry ;) [12:38] FloodBot1 is very picky today [12:38] :P [12:38] wers: now under desktop [12:38] uhumm [12:38] wers: it should be there somewhere.... :P [12:38] hold on [12:38] nautilus? [12:38] i suppose [12:38] i need to get my computer sorted, what website can i download the gutsy addon? [12:39] wers: aha [12:39] werapps > nautilus [12:39] no never mind [12:39] werapps? [12:39] plz can someone help [12:39] !google | wers [12:39] wers: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux [12:39] it's not under apps/nautilus/desktop [12:40] !question | ango [12:40] ango: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) === MrMist is now known as MrMist-bbl [12:40] i need to get my computer sorted, what website can i download the gutsy addon? [12:40] ango: define "gutsy addon" [12:40] trying cpk1 suggestion.. [12:40] the image [12:40] ango: I'm not sure I understand your question, what do you mean by "gutsy addon"? addon to what? [12:40] trying it on this box, brb, rebooting [12:40] the thing that makes it runas gutsy [12:40] do i need to use "-" in front of "xvzf" when using the "tar" command? [12:40] * run as [12:40] !download | ango [12:40] ango: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low! [12:41] b4l74z4r: nope [12:41] b4l74z4r: I don't think you do -- try it, it won't hurt anything [12:41] thx, i will try that [12:43] grr [12:44] oh my, that worked on here, but not on the other box [12:44] wenas [12:44] cpk1, your on my xmas list buddy, thankyou [12:44] hola yonkis del linux [12:45] \0/ [12:45] cool [12:45] now i can add everything else too [12:45] wow [12:45] HIJOOOOOS DE PUUUUTA [12:45] HIJOOOOS DE PUUUUTA [12:45] !es | equipo7 [12:45] equipo7: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [12:45] equipo7, language ! [12:46] HIJOOOOS DE PUUUUTA === [1]dahlia is now known as dahlia [12:46] !ops [12:46] X-Seti: technically using rc.local is the quick dirty way of doing it I think, but it gets the job done [12:46] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01! [12:46] MARICONAS QUE HACEIS A ESTAS HORAS EN UN CHAT [12:46] equipo7 [12:46] wers: he left [12:46] i wasnt to sure what script format it was mant to be in, becuase ive worked on so many platforms, things dont seem to be that easy anymore [12:46] anybody knows a good channel to talk about mobile phones and PC connections to manage the mobile phones? === jason___ is now known as flemnos [12:47] Lamego, please use !ops with a message for quickest result, like !ops | equipo7 is being annoing :) [12:47] adding opt/lampp/lampp start is logical [12:47] Hello. I'm having trouble starting the X server (Hardy Beta). It's an S3 Unichrome chipset on a laptop. [12:47] !hardy | mingorosario [12:47] anyone here use Virtual Box? [12:47] mingorosario: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [12:47] Seveas, I will next time, tks [12:47] on the amiga in user-startup it would have been RUN <>NIL: GG:Lampp -start [12:48] pajamian: Yes, it's Beta, but Gutsy won't start it either. I'm stuck with Feisty.... [12:48] X-Seti: I guess if you wanted to be neat and tidy you would put the /opt/lampp/lampp script in rc2.d I think, that way you can call it with invoke-rc.d [12:48] ive worked on other systems where is been so different again, but on ubuntu you seem to have 100's of startup scripts [12:48] !anyone | ricanelite [12:48] ricanelite: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [12:49] ricanelite: and there's almost 100 people on #vbox who could help you [12:49] Any hints? [12:49] hi all [12:49] Helo Bob [12:49] its keep to init, i can put it all in one place, the way i look it [12:49] X-Seti, ubuntu as most of unixes/linuxes has a script for each service [12:49] look, like [12:50] ok .. I still don't get it .. [12:50] that to me is annoying [12:50] X-Seti: it shouldnt be too hard to have the script be able to run from a different directory, just use absolute paths for everything [12:50] I followed all the manuals on the web .. [12:50] X starts at 1280x1024 ... gdm doesn't ! [12:50] well thats one less problem of my little list [12:50] but I can make some programs ( like firefox ) to use all the screen ... but not the terminal for instance. [12:50] can anyone help me with google-earth -. i go here http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html, click "agree and download" and nothing happens , should i enable anything in the browser? [12:50] X-Seti: the problem with mashing everything into rc.local is you cant just call one script with invoke-rc.d if its in rc.local [12:50] I need a good C compiler for ubuntu, what's the best, it's needed to ./configure an IRCd? [12:51] gcc? [12:51] Erosion: gcc just *might* be a good place to start [12:51] Erosion, sudo apt-get install build-essential [12:51] Erosion, install build-essential [12:51] well having everything local is fine, there is only me on here. [12:51] that will install the base development tools, which includes GCC [12:51] I just installed Virtualbox on my Desktop machine which runs slow, which i understand but what is the suggested Base Memory and Video Memory I should be in? I have about 2gigs Nvidia 512mb [12:51] Lamego: Thanks [12:51] not like im running accounts for others [12:51] yo les naabs [12:51] !earth | itai-michaelson [12:51] itai-michaelson: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository [12:52] vous etes laids [12:52] !fr | Gripsou [12:52] Gripsou: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [12:52] Gripsou: #ubuntu-fr s'il-te-plaît [12:52] ricanelite, 2 GB is fair enough to run a small VM [12:52] Lamego: I typed that and it's asking for the ubuntu CD to be inserted, I don't have this anymore... [12:53] Erosion, do you have internet access right ? [12:53] Lamego: Yes [12:53] go to the Software Properties [12:53] !repos | Erosion enable universe and multiverse [12:53] Erosion enable universe and multiverse: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [12:53] dgjones, whats the package's name in medibuntu? [12:53] disabled the cdrom and enable the internet based repositories [12:53] How to configure the xserver? [12:53] yeah, but what should I put in the settings for Base Memory and Graphics Memory? [12:53] !X [12:53] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [12:53] mingorosario, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [12:53] !X | mingorosario [12:53] mingorosario: please see above [12:54] ricanelite, base memory, whatever you need for the OS you are running inside the VMbox, are you running ubuntu on it ? [12:54] ricanelite: personally, I'd go with vmware server [12:54] Lamego: Thanks, did that but it won't start X. [12:54] X-Seti: the local doesnt actually mean that. here's an example, you have 4 scripts you need run at boot x y z t and decide to put all them into rc.local now lets say you want to restart y, you would have to call invoke-rc.d rc.local restart which would then cause x z and t to also restart [12:54] Hi everyon! I'm experiencing very laggy ssh sessions.. what could be the cause? [12:54] Lamego: Is there another way? [12:54] ricanelite: it's free and for memory it makes a file instead of actually using your system memory, so if you want 800 MB ram, make sure you have 800 MB free on your hd [12:54] itai-michaelson, I'm not sure what the package name is, but if you add the medibuntu repo's and search for google, that should find it so you can add via synaptic [12:55] I understand :) [12:55] hi [12:55] I need some help [12:56] some1 here? [12:56] z999, just write your question [12:56] ok, lets also try the other way again, i have more then 1 ubuntu install [12:56] xeer: Try -C ? [12:56] kk, I have win XP and it F**d up, a virus, now is there a way using my liveCD to fix it? [12:56] it's not X .. X starts at 1280x1024 just fine ! .. it's gdm .. gdm get's restricted at 1024x768 [12:56] dgjones, what the medibuntu address, you know? === ango is now known as anon3645 [12:56] !question | z999 [12:56] z999: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [12:57] altough there's no 1024x768 in xorg.conf [12:57] !medibuntu | itai-michaelson [12:57] itai-michaelson: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [12:57] z999: a live Windows CD? [12:57] i'm gay [12:57] no, a live ubuntu CD [12:57] he means a magical linux live CD [12:57] z999: well, you could always stick in a Ubuntu CD [12:57] ubuntu liveCD [12:57] z999, sure, put in a livecd and then click the 'install linux' button. that should do it. [12:57] z999: and recover your data to a USB drive or a server or something [12:57] I'm using right now an ubuntu liveD [12:57] !ot | TheSandman [12:57] z999: ok, go into places > computer [12:57] TheSandman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [12:58] z999: then find your hard drive [12:58] z999: copy ur data somewhere [12:58] sorry, atupid jokes :( [12:58] stupid* [12:58] z999: close the window and double-click on install on the desktop [12:58] no, no, is there an anti virus software for liveCD to help me? [12:58] can it be the reason it runs kind of slow is because i have compiz running? [12:59] z999, the linux antivirus only scans, it is not able to remove some virus [12:59] using ubuntu is not a good option for virus cleaning, just if you want to backup your data, and reinstall the system [12:59] Lamego: I had already changed the respitories, do I have to install all the updates (200+) it's telling me too before I can install build-essential? [12:59] I heard of a liveCD that can, so you know it's name so I can look for it? [12:59] *do you [12:59] Erosion, you don't have to, but you should [12:59] dgjones, the reason i ask ,is because i have upgraded from feisty and when i try to add medibuntu in synaptic it gives me the feisty address, while it should be a gutsy repo. anyone i found it in the link you provided so thanks. [13:00] Lamego: OK. sudo apt-get install build-essential is asking me for the gutsy CD rom? [13:00] z999, there are such CDs, but they are not linux, off topic [13:00] Why? [13:00] kk [13:00] z999: Try asking in ##linux. Our channel is only for Ubuntu support./ [13:00] sry [13:00] Erosion, you didn't disabled the cdrom entry [13:00] z999: or #windows [13:00] /#linux [13:00] woops [13:00] z999, best ###windows [13:00] ops, ## [13:00] z999: /join #linux [13:00] z999: or /join #windows [13:00] Erosion: nano /etc/apt/sources.list ;) [13:01] eth01: OK. In there I disable the cdrom entry? [13:01] Erosion: yeah, it'll be the few first lines :) [13:03] Erosion: and once you've done that, you can do sudo apt-get update/upgrade -- and bobs yer uncle [13:03] Erosion: sorry not upgrade. [13:03] just update [13:06] do you know if there is a irc channel for GTK+ development ? [13:06] toplok: try /msg chanserv list *pattern* [13:07] no matches :( [13:09] does Ubuntu take advantage of Dual Core Processors? [13:09] toplok: You could also try looking on irc.gnome.org I bet theres at least one there ;) [13:09] mactaylor: Yes. [13:09] mactaylor, yes. Most all disrtos do these days [13:09] i need help [13:09] im planning to install ubuntu [13:09] and hi [13:09] I mean hyperthreading. [13:09] can i put it on another hard drive? [13:09] im doing dual botting [13:09] booting* [13:09] Adantan_Alex, yes. [13:09] !enter | Adantan_Alex [13:09] Adantan_Alex: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [13:10] Adantan_Alex, thats how i always do it. [13:10] Adantan_Alex, i would say its proberly the 'best' way to do it. [13:10] like my C drive has windows can i put it on my D drive which doesnt have windows? [13:10] Adantan_Alex: d on which OS? [13:10] Adantan_Alex, has long you delete that partition, yes [13:10] i got 10 gig free on the hard drive [13:11] but i want to dual boot windows and ubuntu if i put ubuntu on the hard drive which doesnt contain windows will i still be able to use windows? [13:11] Adantan_Alex, You mean you have ONE hard drive? or 2 hard drives? one hard drive with 2 partitions is not the same as 2 hard drives. [13:11] is it normal for dual core to lag when mutitasking when accessing the harddisk? [13:12] as i said.... but i want to dual boot windows and ubuntu if i put ubuntu on the hard drive which doesnt contain windows will i still be able to use windows? [13:12] Hello when I try run the MMORPG game called Regnum Online it gives me an error [13:12] LONG one [13:12] can someone help plox [13:12] I have had it working [13:12] but after my computer formating [13:12] dot, paste a url to the game perhaps? [13:12] not working anymore [13:12] u need a plug in for the game? [13:12] dot, and we can read more then 5 words on a line. :) [13:13] mactaylor, dual core is not related to disk I/O, if a process is pending on disk I/O it will not get any improvement from multicore, multicore provides mostly cpu improvment [13:13] can someone post a link of xubuntu as minimum install [13:13] but i want to dual boot windows and ubuntu if i put ubuntu on the hard drive which doesnt contain windows will i still be able to use windows? [13:13] Adantan_Alex, yes [13:13] so ultamitaly the harddisk will always remain a bottleneck? [13:13] Dr_willis: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/ [13:13] so when i turn on the computer [13:14] the boot loader will still appear even though put ubuntu on a hard drive which doesnt contain windows? [13:14] mactaylor, yes [13:14] i put* [13:14] Adantan_Alex, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes [13:14] soz i dont want to wreck my computer lol [13:14] kk bb with ubuntu [13:15] #pidgin [13:16] I need xubuntu minimum size download cna someone post the link for that or is it only available for ubuntu? [13:16] I'm gonna install Hardy Heron today, I already have Kubuntu and Windows XP installed and use GRUB as bootloader [13:16] when I install Hardy should I skip the GRUB installation? [13:16] Adantan_Alex, I have 4 hard drives in this machine. 3 of them dont even have drive letteres in windows since they are all for linux. :) You can have a C: and D: and still have ony ONE physical hard drive. is what i was getting at. [13:16] or just reinstall it [13:16] negge: are you actually going to use all the different OS and if so how? [13:17] pirate_Hunter: I'm not sure where that is, I would think one would be available. You may want to ask in #xubuntu too [13:17] pirate_Hunter I'm gonna delete the XP partition and use it for Ubuntu instead [13:17] I just don't wanna mess up the bootloader [13:17] pirate_Hunter, the minimal install does not include the windows manager, so, it is not xubuntu, neither ubuntu, neither kubuntu, it is just ubuntu-minimal [13:17] Pici: thanx will pop over there right now [13:17] Hi, could someone help me get sound working in zsnes? [13:18] dot, weird that site says it has linux support. but then downloads a .exe for me. :) [13:18] which you can use to install whatever flavor you need, assuming you have an internet connection [13:18] Dr_willis: not for me [13:19] I have the rolauncher [13:19] when I run a game in zsnes the sound skips. Does anyone know how to fix this? [13:19] pirate_Hunter, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [13:19] and it ain't exe [13:19] Lamego: thanx :D [13:19] anyone can take a look at http://img98.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotxi2.png ( desktop ) and http://rafb.net/p/peR5dG66.html (xorg.conf) ... I just don't get it ! [13:19] dot, well the 1 - Download the game --> goes to a windows.exe for me [13:20] there we go.. a linux installer on the downloads page [13:20] i have built in web cam but i cant make it work anyone for help me? === Shubbar__ is now known as Shubbar [13:21] Dr_willis: I found the help already [13:21] Lamego: you wouldnt for any case know where the xubuntu minimum download would be? [13:21] Thanx alot still [13:21] this channel own [13:21] s [13:21] dot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:21] !X [13:21] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [13:21] mauro-bls, read that .. 3 times ! [13:21] any specifics ? [13:21] pirate_Hunter, again, minimal means no windows manager, a minimal cd can be used for any flavor [13:21] pirate_Hunter so when I install Ubuntu 8.04 should I let it install GRUB again or not? [13:21] I'm trying to fix this since yesterday .. [13:22] negge, it will not hurt you, yes, install it [13:22] BBishop, it's ok, ty :) [13:22] Lamego okay thanks [13:22] well .. it's not ok .. I don't get why gdm is acting like this [13:22] Hey all. I have a residual software that I can't get rid of on my hard drive. can anyone help me get this removed? [13:22] I'll maybe try Debian too, couldn't get it installed in VMWare but installing natively usually works [13:22] I hope [13:22] Lamego: ok [13:22] hi all [13:22] if I move a window outside the 1024x768 area .. and maximize it .. it gets on full screen .. [13:23] oops. It is a residual raid md0 [13:23] but not if it stays in the 1024x768 area ! [13:23] Hi all... I would show gnome-menu clicking the right button of mouse, is it possibile ? [13:23] is there any native english speakers around? [13:23] shovi I'm a decent speaker [13:23] does "coming up in autumn" sound better than "coming up autumn" or "coming up in the autumn"? [13:23] or something else [13:23] my english is little bit rusty [13:24] shovi "coming up this autumn" sounds best to me [13:24] shovi: depends on the context :) [13:24] okay, thank you negge [13:24] would you prefer fall or autumn? [13:24] but like DistroJockey said it depends on the context [13:24] shovi, #linguistics is a good place to discuss that [13:24] Gutsy uses Pidgin as the default IRC client. Pidgin uses gtkspell, which uses the LANG environment language and does not allow changing the language at run-time. There is a "switchspell" plugin for Pidgin, but I can't find it in any Ubuntu Pidgin related packages. Compiling it from source looks difficult. So the short question: HOW DO I TELL Pidgin that this not all my conversation are English? [13:24] What's the default root password for ubuntu server? [13:25] pidgin is awesome :) [13:25] Invisionfree there's no default root password [13:25] Invisionfree: there is no default root password [13:25] IdleOne: yeah, but this was the first place I thought about :) [13:25] Invisionfree, there is no root [13:25] !rootsudo | Invisionfree [13:25] Invisionfree: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [13:25] hahaha [13:25] redbrain, is that irony? [13:25] sounds like the matrix... there is no rootpass haha [13:25] There is no root user? [13:25] Hi, is there a way I can quickly locate all .torrent files on a server through ssh? [13:25] hi. how can I change the screen resolution to 1440x900 without root access? [13:25] Greyhound_, find / -name "*.torrent" [13:25] :) [13:25] Invisionfree, there is a root user but the password is locked. use sudo [13:25] Invisionfree one should use sudo for all adminstrative tasks instead [13:26] smartface: Greyhound_, find / -name "*.torrent" [13:26] can anyone guide me on getting rid of a raid 1 partition on my hd [13:26] sorry Lamego ;) [13:26] thanks :) [13:26] Invisionfree: sudo -i in terminal if you really need to [13:26] ops :P [13:26] talking about root just tested dsl on vbox it asks for root but you dont need to input pasword, im left thinking, huh? [13:26] Invisionfree the root account is only used in recovery mode (normally) [13:26] S1.LT.RO:2534. [13:26] I think you mistabbed [13:26] DistroJockey: Thanks. [13:26] Invisionfree: np, yw [13:30] Errore: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 127 ????????????? [13:32] DSL has only the root account i thought. [13:32] What kind of font configurations do you suggest for 1280x800 LCD screen? [13:33] Are there any differences besides desktop environments between Ubuntu and Kubuntu? [13:33] ok, alot of worked and im very happy [13:33] so .. any idea at http://img98.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotxi2.png ( desktop ) and http://rafb.net/p/peR5dG66.html (xorg.conf) ... I just don't get it ! X is at 1280x1024 but gdm isn't .. [13:34] however there is one thing, that not yet being run by rc.local [13:34] hazard, 1 runs gnome .. the other runs kde ... [13:34] cpk1, j [13:34] BBishop, That's why I asked "besides desktop environments." [13:34] didn't find any other [13:34] oppps, how do you start binaries, like say xpenguins with the system [13:35] BBishop, I was just curious if they're maintained by different groups, and thus might have differences in software choices as well. Say one using dhcpcd and the other dhclient, or any oddities like that. [13:35] more to the point, i have a folder called home/k/e-uae/ [13:35] um dhcpd is the server, dhcpclient is the cilent [13:35] will find out after I fix my gdm problem ... [13:35] he he [13:35] cpk1, in there is e-uae86k [13:35] doppelgaenger, No, what I said was accurate. You mistook both names. [13:36] you start this by doing ./e-uae86k [13:36] dir [13:36] whats the best setting in dvd::rip in the tab "clip & zoom"? [13:36] cpk1, ive added this to rc.local /home/k/e-uae/e-uae86k [13:36] thats not going to work is it? [13:37] so .. why oh why the heck is gdm only running 1024x768 [13:37] BBishop, your lucky, im stuck with 800x600 [13:38] ? [13:38] is x.conf perhaps configured for a higher res than the driver can do? [13:39] HI EVERYONE! I'm having some ssh problems. -vvv shows it has connected and it has loaded the identity file, but it hangs after that. what could be wrong? [13:39] I don't see the luck in having 1280x1024 and gdm at a lower resolution .. it's more anoying than having a lower resolution [13:40] BBishop, Did you already paste your x.conf somewhere? [13:43] ehe didnt work so good that time === nami is now known as maurelio1234 [13:45] http://www.fsckin.com/2008/04/01/what-happens-when-you-call-microsoft-support-to-remove-linux/ [13:45] !offtopic | complexity [13:45] complexity: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [13:45] Hi to all !! [13:45] Is the RC out for Heron yet and if so, can someone point me toward it? [13:45] Tpop: Nope. [13:46] Nope to now out or can you point me toward it? [13:46] do you know where my "TEX macros directory" should be found? [13:46] Tpop: RC on the 17th, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule [13:46] Thanks Pici [13:46] Tpop, not out yet [13:46] hi there [13:46] Tpop, you are welcome to beta test :) [13:46] Tpop: Further Hardy questions should be directed to #ubuntu+1 :) [13:46] I have a small problem with my hp laptop , and I need help with it [13:46] will wubi kill grub? [13:47] Thanks, that was my next question Pici [13:47] yaselmane, whats the problem? [13:47] Idleone, I probably will, no more meetings after 10am so plenty of time to trash my system [13:47] I've installed openvpn through the command line, why isn't the tun device enabled??? [13:47] Ubuntu recognize my 6 cell battery as a 12 cell battery [13:47] when I run ifconfig I don't see the tun0 there..... [13:47] Tpop, lol unless you have some special hardware you will be ok [13:48] what can I do to fix it ?? [13:48] Hello, I'm having problems with fat32 partition. It appears that explosions near by might have effected my hard disk. My mbr also appears to be broken. I have tried to run "fsck.vfat /dev/hda1" when I get ""Logical sector size is zero.". I also tried fsck.vfat -a with same result. Any suggestion on how to fix this prolem ? [13:48] Another partition on the disk is working correctly [13:49] . [13:49] any body can help me ???? [13:49] yes i am thinking [13:50] ok thx man [13:51] HI EVERYONE! I'm having some ssh problems. -vvv shows it has connected and it has loaded the identity file, but it hangs after that. what could be wrong? [13:51] yaselmane, wich version ubuntu? [13:51] Hello, dos the Ubuntu live CD use the hard drive at all? [13:51] 7.10 [13:51] mib_978kfj: It doesn't touch the harddrive. [13:52] Hmm.. does the live cd use the swap partition if it sees one? [13:52] ive seen a lot of live cds do that. [13:52] Dr_willis: yeah === jono is now known as serveredfifth [13:52] yaselmane wich hp laptop? nx7400? [13:52] What's the swap partition? === serveredfifth is now known as severedfifth [13:53] dv6000 series === severedfifth is now known as jono [13:53] yaselmane: I'm pretty sure that's fixed in current 8.04 [13:54] yaselmane: I have a 12-cell I can verify with later [13:54] ok [13:54] yaselmane: (and indeed my current 6-cell is identified correctly) [13:55] yaselmane : so maybe the best thing to do is wait for the stable release of hardy and do an new install? [13:55] ok [13:55] no problem [13:55] thx man [13:55] i looked around but there seems not to be an solution to the problem other then that [13:56] mib_978kfj: partition reserved for use as extra memory if needed [13:56] macd: hei! can i ask u some more stuff about dvd::rip? [13:56] I have also another problem with the built-in webcam [13:56] and built-in mic [13:56] they do not work [13:56] Im Not suprised at the built in webcam not working. [13:57] jrib: Ok thanks [13:57] hello [13:58] http://sexy-lena.com./?uid=179275 haha fantastic stunt [13:58] how will i configure my sound? command " sudo alsaconf" doesnt work [14:00] and the mic problem , is there any solution [14:01] yaselmane : the best thing i can do for you right now is to send you to this web page, bookmark it for later reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HP_dv6000_Series [14:01] !sound | drmarwat [14:01] drmarwat: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [14:01] hi, I fell asleep with my headphones on and now I have no sound :( :( [14:01] you will have to read some though..:) [14:01] thanks man [14:01] got to run, work work [14:01] can I restart sound in someway just to see if it might be a software problem [14:01] bye all [14:01] yo [14:01] aoupi: look at above link [14:02] How's everyone tonight? [14:02] !ot | slashjamiec [14:02] slashjamiec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [14:02] oh god. [14:02] IdleOne: perfect timing :) [14:03] I've been a user of this for over 12 years. If you're telling me i can't come in here and ask everyone how they're going tonight, you can boycott it. Ciao! [14:03] itchy bot finger ;] [14:04] how can i open a *.sdd file?? === rbgray_ is now known as rbgray [14:05] rootpt, that is not a common file extension [14:05] :f [14:06] Lamego, u're portuguese right? [14:06] yes, not that it matters for this channel :P [14:06] rootpt: is that like dd? or something other [14:07] prontos Lamego, eu sakei um manual_webmim.sdd e nao sei como abrir :-\ [14:07] !br [14:07] Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [14:07] !pt | rootpt [14:07] rootpt: please see above [14:07] rootpt: open office might do it [14:07] rootpt, according to google, sdd is an open office/start office presentation file [14:08] era fixe se alguem responde.se [14:08] bem ok obg [14:08] grrrr try #ubuntu-pt [14:08] http://www.fileinfo.net/extension/sdd rootpt [14:08] bazhang, thanks mate. [14:08] no worries ;] [14:08] hello all! [14:08] how can i do this: [client_machine (winxp)] -->[OpenSSH server (freeBSD)] -->[internal network] [14:09] he goal is connect for instance with putty and map remote ports to localports in winxp client machine ( till here all is good an fairly easy) the problem is, i nee that openssh server box acts like a "port mirror" and forwards the the port which i'm connected to a specific host on internal network, such as the machine [14:09] any ideas? [14:09] how to copy the vfat files to desktop from usb [14:09] byte_slave: how is this anything to do with ubuntu ? [14:10] raju: I thought we'd discussed this, it looks like you have an i/o problem or your usb drive [14:10] sorry [14:10] raju: what files do you mean exactly; could you specify please? [14:10] i mentioned freeBSD but imagine is a ubuntu server machine with openssh [14:10] is the smae [14:10] *is the same [14:10] byte_slave: no - your using freebsd, and it's not the same [14:10] Hi. I'm using ubuntu 7.10, fresh updated with gnome desktop. I cannot disable F10 shortcut key(displays right click menu - application relevant). I've searched for this in accesibility options, keyboard shortcuts, and nothing to find. [14:10] ikonia, you are correct , we discussed [14:11] ikonia, ok, i'll try freebsd channel. [14:11] byte_slave: Try asking in ##freebsd, ##linux or ##networkign [14:11] bazhang, the usb is formatted in vfat that is mounting but not able to copy it desktop [14:11] prodigel: you wish to map it to something else? [14:12] byte_slave: look into ssh port forwarding [14:12] raju: the i/o errors you get during the copy suggest for some reason at %50 of the copy the data can't be read (hardware/driver error maybe) [14:12] bazhang: no. Just to disable it. It conflicts with the F10 shortcut from another app I use [14:12] gre0, so port forwarding is the key? thanks i'll google it [14:12] ikonia, if it is hardware problem ., how it is mounting [14:12] can any one help me in changing mac address since i have dual boot [14:13] raju: you can mount a damaged file system [14:13] siraj: why do you want to change the mac address ? [14:13] byte_slave: ssh port forwarding specifically [14:13] siraj: having dual boot has nothing to do with changing mac adress afaics [14:14] erUSUL: I think we know thats not the reason...... [14:14] ikonia, the mounted files i checked , i am not able to read the file name [14:14] what kind of permission allows me to modify any file in a directory, but not add files to a directory? [14:14] my internet cable gives different address it has already taken into memory from xp and when i boot ubuntu it gives different address and i cant log onto internet [14:14] raju: as I explained to you early [14:14] especially on a windows share? [14:14] siraj: your isp doesn't dish out mac addresses [14:14] ikonia, it may be a problem by hardware [14:14] siraj: your mac address shouldn't change between windows and ubuntu [14:14] raju: as I told you........ [14:14] can it be like the directory is protected but the files in the directory aren't? I'm lost... [14:14] I'm trying to give a user FTP access via proftpd such that they are locked into a certain directory on my box and can write and delete files as well as create new directories. How can I do this? [14:15] ok i will try one more time thanks [14:15] CreativeEmbassy: look at the chroot option in ftp [14:15] CreativeEmbassy: sorry, not you [14:15] QuickGold: look at the chroot otion [14:16] having a strange problem. I am running hellanzb and from this computer it downloads at 15kbps on another computer on the same network I tested it and it downloads at 10Mbps. This computer only seems that slow using hellanzb. Using a browser I can download at my normal high speeds. I think something must have been changed somewhere but I don't know how or where to look. Any ideas? [14:16] ikonia: can you elaborate? Or give me a link explaining chroot? [14:16] thank you all , bye [14:16] http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/16/disabling-the-f10-key-menu-accelerators-in-gnome-terminal/ prodigel have you seen this? [14:17] QuickGold: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=299439 [14:17] QuickGold: have a glance through that, that's NOT the answer, but should point you in the right direction [14:17] ikonia: Thank you [14:18] bazhang: I've seen it, didn't help. Probably I'm at bug section of that article [14:18] prodigel: ah I see sorry [14:18] hey macd! can i ask u something about dvd::rip? [14:19] bazhang: Anyway it's global, either I click only in gnome-terminal, or on desktop it still displays the menu. That one was gnome-terminal specific [14:21] hey guys, i got a problem with multi-booting. i had ubuntu installed and i installed windows alongside ubuntu, but now grub isn't showing up and the computer is booting directly to windows === _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_ [14:22] zackyramone:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114332 [14:23] when i installing package through sudo apt-get i got error E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [14:23] E: Unable to lock the download directory [14:24] hi im back [14:24] i got another problem [14:24] terminal: do you have synaptic package manager open? [14:24] what that did not work [14:25] no [14:25] got alittle question that a can not find on google? [14:25] lets say xpenguins [14:25] terminal: have you already tried a reboot? [14:25] now im setting up partitions for the dual boot for window and ubuntu and its saying you need to specify a partition for the root file [14:25] what does that mean? [14:26] ya [14:26] thats installed on here somewhere no idea where, now how to you assign another task like /home/k/e-uae/uae [14:26] did you type sudo in front of apt-get? [14:26] hold on [14:26] so you can just type uae in the shell [14:26] adantan_alex: the root partition. You need to assign a partition to be the main file system, or / [14:26] i got a partition file called free space [14:26] ya [14:26] yeah what path do i put? [14:27] the root path is / [14:27] ubuntu/files [14:27] ? [14:27] ok so am i putting that in the free space partition? [14:28] when i installing package through sudo apt-get i got error E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [14:28] terminal: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/yoper-linux-help/18223-apt-get-problem.html found this on google [14:28] australa [14:28] lol [14:28] australia* [14:28] now do i put the / in the free space? [14:28] partition? [14:28] !enter | adantan_alex [14:28] adantan_alex: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [14:29] soz just forgot to put partition in [14:29] ok so whos helping me again? lol [14:29] Does anyone know how to specify a negative relative y offset in xorg.conf for serverlayout? [14:29] no soz [14:30] ok so i got 4 partitions one is free space do i put the root file / in it? [14:30] help [14:31] lol [14:31] adantan_alex: What paritions do you have? [14:31] ok one is /media/sda1 [14:31] the other is /media/sda2 [14:31] crypt you need to actually ask a question before anyone can help [14:31] adantan_alex: Those are your windows drivers? [14:31] thanx [14:31] s/drivers/drives/ [14:31] i fix it\ [14:32] the other one is media/sda3/ thats the partition im using [14:32] hi all, how can I use MSN with pidgin? [14:32] no im not using the hard drive with windows.... [14:32] yw [14:32] someone said to me it doesnt matter if i use the hard drive that doesnt contain windows [14:33] Laurenceb: add an account of tpe msn [14:33] adantan_alex: It doesnt, I'm just a bit confused by your choice of mount points. [14:33] Laurenceb: open pidgin add/edit and add it to the list [14:33] Laurenceb: Go to Accounts> Add/Edit and add in your MSN info [14:33] adantan_alex: Did you create those paritions? [14:33] do I need a msn account? [14:33] no i created free space from the partition with out windows [14:34] as in do I need to register the account seperately with msn? [14:34] adantan_alex: The drive without is empty? [14:34] free space is empty yes [14:34] Laurence: I believe so [14:35] Laurenceb: of course [14:35] stupid microsoft [14:35] adantan_alex: So, just free space on that drive right now? [14:35] how can I configure firefox/totem to play the video links on the bbc? For example at news.bbc.co.uk "MDC claims election win" just open the video playing window but doesn't play it [14:35] so I have to sign up for a hotmail account? [14:35] um [14:35] Laurenceb: yes [14:35] I don't mind using mplayer if that is easier to set up [14:35] i took some space from one of the hard drive that doesnt contain windows.... and its made a partition called free space [14:36] and im not sure which partition ubuntu is going through [14:36] * Laurenceb wonders why anyone bothers with MSN [14:36] Can someone give me an uber-noob how-to on creating a FTP user which has full access in one specific directory using proftpd? [14:36] adantan_alex: It wont go unless you specify. 'free space' is not a partition, its where there *is not* a partition defined. [14:36] free space = empty [14:36] ok so can u help me? ty [14:36] adantan_alex: How big is the free space? [14:37] adantan_alex: I'm trying :) [14:37] 7.642 gig [14:37] lesshaste: BBC puts roadblocks if you want to use anything other than Windows, you have to install User Agent Switcher in Firefox and switch to Netscape/Windows and it works [14:37] 6.641 gig* [14:37] omg 7.641 gig* [14:37] adantan_alex: And how much ram do you have in the computer? [14:37] Toznoshio, oh?! [14:37] 512 [14:37] megs [14:38] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/59 lesshaste [14:38] adantan_alex: Okay. Make a new partition in the free space. set it as type swap. The size should be 1 gb. Then take the rest and set it as type ext3 and mount point of ./ [14:38] adantan_alex: sorry, of / [14:38] its ok [14:38] um [14:38] lol [14:38] hi,ever1 [14:38] adantan_alex: easy on the enter key [14:39] so i delete free space and make it with 1 gig? [14:39] what about a new download manager in GNOME???? [14:39] im expecting for the new ubuntu [14:39] #ubuntu+1 for Hardy discussion dondong [14:39] and im now using the beta [14:39] okay [14:39] adantan_alex: Get rid of anything you put in the free space area. Create one 1gb partition in that spot and set it to type swap. [14:40] ok primary partion? [14:40] partition* [14:40] bazhang: I never remember the parition types, can you advise? [14:40] hi ppl - i'm trying to use apt-proxy on my pc so that other pc's will update through mine instead of directly. i have a slow pipe, and my pc is kept up to date, so only my pc should have to fetch the updates. I'm having a problem with apt-proxy-import - which seems to be flagged under bug #4844. Does anyone know how to get the .debs already in the apt cache into apt-proxy manually?? [14:41] Pici: primary right? he is not using a lvm I presume ;] [14:41] bazhang, actually ubuntu just installed lots of gstreamer plugins which means the video is working at least [14:41] bazhang: nothing fancy :) [14:41] ok is it a primary partition? [14:41] i don't approve of changes being made on the fly in gnome instead of there being an apply button in menues [14:41] adantan_alex: yep [14:41] beginning? [14:42] adantan_alex: sure [14:42] and it was 1 gigabyte? [14:42] /leave [14:42] adantan_alex: yes [14:42] ok thanks [14:42] mount point / [14:42] ? [14:42] Can someone give me an uber-noob how-to on creating a FTP user which has full access in one specific directory using proftpd? [14:42] adantan_alex: no. set type to swap. [14:42] yes i done [14:42] oh ok thanks [14:43] ok so wheres my 10 gig free i needed gone? [14:43] adantan_alex: Then you need to make another parition, fill up the remaining free space and set mount point to ./ [14:43] fat32? [14:43] adantan_alex: again / , I keep hitting two keys at once. [14:43] adantan_alex: ext3 [14:43] QuickGold: you want to setup a ftp site? what is your ultimate goal? [14:43] ok thanks [14:43] Hello, I've a very strange problem: I'm running hardy and the other day my notebook has started to behave oddly [14:43] soz im new to this [14:43] folp: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [14:44] folp: #ubuntu+1 for hardy please [14:44] adantan_alex: We were all new once :) [14:44] bazhang: I want to set up FTP server on my web server box to allow users to access the website via FTP to edit files there [14:44] Pici: bazhang: Thanks! [14:44] :) true i remember when i was new to windows about 8 years ago [14:45] nobody using apt-proxy? === nirmalh is now known as lam64 [14:45] no [14:45] ;) [14:45] http://www.ubuntugeek.com/settingup-an-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-with-proftpd.html QuickGold like this? [14:45] ok so how much space do i need in the remaining partition? [14:46] bazhang: I've seen that but it doesnt list anything about configuring users [14:46] mzungu: no, I just apt-get [14:46] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 QuickGold this might do it or here: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10_p6 [14:46] hello everyone [14:46] hi nkk [14:46] i cant get rid of free space.... [14:46] !hi | nkk [14:46] nkk: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [14:47] adantan_alex: huh? [14:47] er,,what's .rpm and YUM for linux? [14:47] Fetenhits [14:47] ActionParsnip: ok - thx [14:47] nkk: .deb and apt-get [14:47] !alien | nkk [14:47] nkk: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [14:47] do i click on undo changes to partitions? [14:47] mzungu: how much space do you have? if a lot then you might consider apt-mirror [14:47] how do i get the sound working for movies? [14:47] i just start again.... [14:47] nkk: try to use apt-get instead, what are you installing [14:47] i downloaded a .run file and do not know how to install it. help [14:47] !sound | smallfry [14:47] smallfry: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [14:47] jake2point0: what program is it? [14:47] bazhang: The second link has nothing about configuring users and I've refered to that first link but no luck...no explanation of how to configure and what commands mean, etc [14:48] jake2point0: which program is this? [14:48] no..i'm installing this flaash player...so i guess i'll use tar.gz? [14:48] compwiz18 Savage Free edition game [14:48] !flash | nkk [14:48] nkk: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (for !Dapper and !Edgy, a recent version is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [14:48] *Adobe flash player [14:48] nkk: definately [14:48] thanx [14:48] QuickGold: well looks like you have background reading to do then [14:48] Savage Free edition game [14:48] ok so what ur telling me will help me dual boot windows and ubuntu? [14:48] nkk: you using firefox? [14:48] nkk, you can install the flash plugin from the repositories [14:48] yes [14:49] i extracted it fine usiing a rar program [14:49] jake2point0: chmod +x file.run && sudo ./file.run (if you are on the folder the file is) [14:49] QuickGold: those three links lay out quite clearly how to get it going--you should delve into and then ask informed questions when you hit a snag [14:49] bazhang: Yes, I'm trying to find some noob friendly info online on it so I can properly set up an FTP user [14:49] « /msg ubotu etiquette » [14:49] hmm..i never checked there [14:49] bazhang: I can get the user to be able to login but I can't make a directory or upload a file [14:49] nkk: sec, theres a mega easy way to install it [14:49] jake2point0, from the terminal, chmod u+x file.run ; ./file.run [14:49] whow people are giving me different results here [14:49] who is right? [14:49] jake2point0: Lamego's will not work it lacks the sudo ;P [14:50] jake2point0: what's the question? [14:50] ok i need some more help.... [14:51] eracc, well, it could install home wide :P [14:51] adantan_alex: This may be a good site to take a look at for what I'm trying to explain: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning [14:51] nkk: if you read the link ubotu send you it is as easy as «sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree» [14:51] yeah but i just need to say a few more things [14:51] nkk: put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins [14:51] i got free space witch contains 6.637 gigabytes [14:51] ok [14:52] nkk: you'll have to create the folder yourself but it works :) [14:52] jake2point0: erUSUL's isn't safe - it uses sudo, which would allow it to infect your entire system [14:52] and i got the swap one which contains 1003 megabytes [14:52] adantan_alex: Make a new partition in the free space that is type 'ext3' and mount point of / [14:52] bazhang: Can you look at my user config and tell me whats wrong (I want user to be able to write and make directories): http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m2e160572 [14:52] free space is now called unusable [14:52] I designed a new download manager in GNOME..where should I upload it to be included in distro??? [14:53] i cant use my 6637 megabyte [14:53] 6637 megabytes* [14:54] adantan_alex: How big did you make the / partition? [14:54] yeah...you'll need to format it to ext3 format.. [14:54] the free space partition is now saying unusable [14:54] and the other one is called swap [14:55] the unusable one contains 6637 megabytes [14:55] adantan_alex: Change the unusable parition to type ext3 and set the mount point of it to . [14:55] dooglus: many games leave no other option but is a fair objection nontheless [14:55] arg! /me kills keyboard [14:55] haha [14:55] i cant the only option its telling me is to undo changes to partitions [14:55] is there a list of ubuntu-compatible TV tuners? [14:55] adantan_alex: mountpoint of / [14:55] what do i do? [14:56] adantan_alex: I need to run to a meeting right now, I'm sure the rest of the channel can walk you through this :) [14:56] QuickGold: what walkthrough did you follow; also how trusted are these other users [14:56] Sorry for leaving so abruptly. [14:56] no one else is talking.... [14:56] to me.... [14:56] what was the partition link? [14:56] the broken kb excuse ;] [14:56] adantan_alex: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning [14:56] bazhang: This walkthrough: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 and this user is very trusted [14:57] bazhang, so the problem just seems to be sound now [14:57] can anyone help me setup an MSN account using pidgin? [14:57] lesshaste: the bbc news main site? let me check [14:57] bazhang, ah no.. gstreamer has killed the sound :( [14:57] bazhang, ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave [14:57] aplay: main:545: audio open error: Device or resource busy [14:58] bazhang, I had this problem before with pulseaudio which I removewd [14:58] QuickGold: any reason not to let him/her ssh in? [14:58] lesshaste: this is gutsy? ;] [14:58] bazhang, yes [14:58] bazhang: User prefers FTP [14:58] bazhang, it seems to have some problems with incompatibility of alsa and some other sound related packages [14:59] how do I enter my info? [14:59] whats the server? messenger.hotmail.co.uk ? [14:59] or .com ? [15:00] I need a Tidge of help [15:01] hi everybody. I just set up a computer with the latest version of Ubuntu and all my fonts lack "crispness" (for lack of a better word). they look kind of blurred. any idea of what might be causing this? [15:01] lesshaste: I chose realplayer and it would not play; let me try user agent switcher [15:02] I have tried using my live disk and when it booted it brought up a login screen i do not know why, Any Help? [15:02] I cant connect to messenger.hotmail.co.uk or .com :-/ [15:02] can anyone tell me how to do this? [15:02] gNewPower: System>Preferences>Appearance Fonts Tab tweak the rendering settings maybe that helps [15:03] Laurenceb: you mean webmessenger.msn.com [15:03] bazhang, ok but you really don't need realplayer [15:03] oh, trying that... [15:03] bazhang, totem can do it with gstreamer help [15:03] bazhang, no need to switch user agent either [15:03] I have tried using my live disk and when it booted it brought up a login screen i do not know why, Any Help? === Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale [15:04] i've been wondering about this for a long time. in a file open/save dialog in gnome, how can i go to a path by typing it? in windows, i'd type the path and hit enter, and then it would show me that folder's contents in the dialog. looking to do the same [15:04] no luck :( [15:04] can someone let me know the full details? === hon` is now known as hon [15:04] server, port ? [15:04] erUSUL: I will try that, thanks [15:05] Will VESA drivers only support up to a certain resolution? Will it go up to 1280x800? [15:05] when i boot my sistem linux it start util login later start only walpaper without icons and folder!!!!!!!1how can i resolve? [15:05] if I want to completely remove proftpd, I just need to type: sudo apt-get purge proftpd ? [15:05] I have tried using my live disk and when it booted it brought up a login screen i do not know why, Any Help? [15:05] ...right now it seems i've got to drill down manually by clicking the path node buttons at the top [root button] [home button] [jamie button], etc. [15:05] lesshaste: dont use gstreamer here; user agent switcher does the trick for me [15:06] bazhang, what plays it then? [15:06] realplayer lesshaste but it is a bit jumpy--likely the streaming though [15:06] oh I'm connected :P [15:07] nvm [15:07] bazhang, what player are you using? [15:07] realplayer in the bbc popup window lesshaste; let me try some others [15:07] bazhang, ok [15:07] Hello? [15:07] the sound thing is really annoying [15:08] HELP! Can anyone point me to the adobe flash/firefox solution? It seems all flash videos "skip" at random times. Ive found quite a bit online about this problem but no solution. [15:08] using the latest firefox and flash [15:08] on ubuntu [15:09] belkinhelp2: are you using firefox and flash provided by the ubuntu repo's [15:09] belkinhelp2: ff3? on hardy? [15:09] yes [15:09] belkinhelp2: then you need to join #ubuntu+1 [15:09] : er...i can't find the ,mozilla directory u mentioned.. [15:09] belkinhelp2: hardy is still beta, there will be problems [15:09] I need Help i cant Log on...SO i cant use my ubuntu [15:09] *.mozilla [15:10] +1 eh? [15:10] jPratt: what's the problem [15:10] belkinhelp2: /join #ubuntu+1 [15:10] im there now [15:10] belkinhelp2: or type "/topic" and read the output [15:10] belkinhelp2: your in #ubuntu though [15:10] I get a log on screen first time i used the Live disk [15:11] jPratt: are you sure, it should take you into the desktop, not the login screen [15:11] no wait...im not beta [15:11] But it did... [15:11] im 7.10 Gutsy gibbon [15:11] belkinhelp2: and your using firefox 3 ? [15:11] or is it feisty fawn [15:11] jPratt : tried root/root? [15:11] i forget....i updated last using the update manager [15:11] belkinhelp2: please type "lsb_release -a" in a console and show me the output [15:11] firefox2 [15:12] Nope but i will and if it dont work i will be back [15:12] wait...live disk shoudln't show logon screen [15:12] No LSB modules are available. [15:12] Distributor ID: Ubuntu [15:12] Description: Ubuntu 7.10 [15:12] Release: 7.10 [15:12] Codename: gutsy [15:12] belkinhelp2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:12] wheni boot my linux system it start until login screen and later start only the walpaper desktop without folders and icons!!!!!i have looked for on google and i read that is a bug compiz!!!how i can resolve it? [15:13] yeah....gutsy [15:13] belkinhelp2: you sure this gutsy? saw you in #ubuntu+1 the other day ;] [15:13] sorry...didnt mean to flood [15:13] ikonia: Gutsy [15:14] minervaroma: what was the compiz bug? have you tried removing compiz? [15:14] jPrat : you've got Ubuntu 7.10 live cd? [15:14] Hello to everyone [15:14] hi kingtech [15:14] hello, can anyone help me salvage some files from a corrupted ubuntu install? I'm getting massive kernel panics when I boot the machine. :( [15:14] and here is the browser....Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080325 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/ [15:14] Hey.. anyone got idea how to install shockwave to ubuntu? [15:15] bazhang yes but i have not resolve!!!! [15:15] bazhang: No, never in +1 [15:15] * QuickGold giggles at the mention of shockwave [15:15] Juhis: not sure that is possible.. [15:15] belkinhelp2 can you give me a link of one of the videos that is skipping, [15:15] belkinhelp2: also what video card and video driver are you using [15:15] yeah...the all do on youtube...let me find one [15:15] belkinhelp2: are you using compiz [15:15] Can anyone tell me the major reasons why I should use 7.10 instead of 6.10? I've just managed to install 6.10, it's me first ever linux install. [15:15] bazhang: Ok [15:16] Vixen_: 7.10 is later and improved [15:16] good question....where do i find my video card and driver? [15:16] Vixen_: 7.10 has longer support left [15:16] !en [15:16] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [15:16] and what is compiz? [15:16] belkinhelp2: what video card do you have [15:16] Vixen: What hardware are you running it on? [15:16] wow gutsy is no longer supported? ;] [15:16] Hi all, a lot of applications crash with this error: undefined symbol: dbus_watch_get_unix_fd [15:16] someone can help me ? [15:17] ikonia: Radeon 7500 [15:17] Vixen_: It's my humble opinion that if 6.10 does everything you want/need and you are current on updates and you don't need the latest whiz-bang technology and features, then you're fine where you are. But most people won't tell you that because most people want the latest and greatest at all times. [15:17] Kleedrac_: I'm running on a fairly up to date rig [15:17] belkinhelp2: ahhh ati, in that case I can't really comment ont he drives as I don't use ati and they are known issues [15:17] how can i make a hidden folder show? [15:18] Vixen_: try the livecd and decide for yourself; if there is something newer you like then go for it; if not stay where you are [15:18] cannonball: very sound/sage advice [15:18] Vixen: I agree with cannonball with the exception that if you have newer hardware which seems unsupported by 6.10 you may wish to upgrade to something newer [15:18] nkk: how is it hidden ? [15:18] by default? [15:18] nkk, Press ctrl-H on Nautilus [15:18] ikonia: are you saying this is a driver issue and not a flash/firefox issue? [15:18] Vixen: If 6.10 supports all your hardware and you're happy with it then enjoy ^^ [15:18] that worked! thanx [15:18] cannonball: My thoughts too, I was just asking in case there was any real reason. I tried a live CD of 7.10 which had some massive error on my machine. 6.10 is fine, however, and considering this is my first linux install, and I've no clue how to do anything.. [15:18] before i went to 7.10 everything was working [15:18] I was just checking really =] [15:19] belkinhelp2: no, I'm saying that I don't use the ati drivers so don't know how they effect things as they have known issues. [15:19] whats the package name for kde? [15:19] oh [15:19] Kleedrac_: Aight, just as long as there's nothing major I'm missing =] [15:19] kubuntu-desktop JohnnyHempseed [15:19] so I'm special? [15:19] belkinhelp2: yes, 7.10 has updates in [15:19] lol [15:19] Vixen: Nothing beyond built-in prettiness with Compiz etc ... nothing functional ... more aesthetic [15:19] Vixen_: well there is things your missing, such as compiz as an easy example, but thats up to you if you want it or not [15:20] Vixen_: Chances are that errors on newer kernels are acpi related, at which point a simple noacpi fixes much of the issues. [15:20] Kleedrac_: there is more than just compiz, but thats an easy exmaple. [15:20] bazhqng i have a new sistem linux installation now!!! and it ask me to upgrade comliz but I've spooky to upgrade spoky now!!!!! [15:20] ok so with Feisty Fawn i did not have this issue, now with Gutsy Gibbon I do. Im assuming it has to do with the update [15:20] ikonia: Agreed but there's really nothing functional if 6.10 supports all his hardware ... more aesthetics [15:20] cannonball: I'm afraid I've no idea about any of that [15:21] how do i reload all ALSA sound modules? [15:21] hola a todos [15:21] greetz all. when i want to start my wine in the console, it tells me "bash: /usr/local/bin/wine: No such file or directory". when i write which wine, i get "/usr/bin/wine" what do i have to do that wine will start if i only write WINE in my console? [15:21] !es | profesor_ [15:21] profesor_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [15:21] Vixen_: And I will testify how ubercool compiz is. We had a really wide range of distros here in the office (Fedora, Mandriva, Gentoo, Ubuntu, Debian), now nearly everybody uses Ubuntu with compiz and multiple monitors. None of us want to go back. [15:21] I wanna mount a RAMdisk, how can I ? [15:21] Only two holdouts left, the Debian guy and the Fedora guy. [15:21] bazhang it says it couldnt find the package kubuntu-desktop [15:21] getting a tad offtopic ;] [15:22] Heh, classic ;] [15:22] cannonball: Ah yes you have a point, Vixen: if you wish to use multiple monitors then 8.04 would be worth a shot as it's easy as pie ^^ [15:22] JohnnyHempseed: you want to switch to kubuntu? or kde4? [15:22] !de|bash [15:22] bash: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [15:22] I've only one moniter, and no real idea about anything linux [15:22] how do i reload all ALSA sound modules? [15:22] i want to put kde4 on there [15:22] Vixen: What do you wish to do? [15:22] using ubuntu 64 bit [15:23] Vixen_: Then you are on the way to enlightenment. Just keep digging into things and keep learning. BAM! Englightenment... [15:23] #kubuntu-kde4 would be the channel for you JohnnyHempseed [15:23] ok...so what is the solution to flash/firefox video playback issue? [15:23] go back to 6.10 and cross my fingers? [15:23] how do I mount a RAM disk? [15:23] bazhang thank you [15:23] Kleedrac_: Well, I've been trying since october to get some form linux on my machine, not I've managed and I'm currently trying to find out how to install GTK [15:24] Vixen: If you're running gnome you've got gtk ;) [15:24] cannonball: If I've got to dig through code to find enlightenment, I'm buggered [15:24] Kleedrac_: Uuuh.. In that case, I'm absolutely crap at following simple instructions =/ [15:24] Vixen: Well did you install Ubuntu or KUbuntu or SomeOtherBuntu [15:25] Kleedrac_: I was trying to install Xchat, which needed a load of unpacking and compiling, but I kinda.. couldn't do it [15:25] hi. i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? [15:25] hi all, is there a unstable branch like the debian one for configuring in the sources.list ? [15:25] Kleedrac_: Ubuntu 6.10 [15:25] Vixen: Either use Synaptic or open a console and type sudo apt-get install xchat [15:25] how do i add a program to a start up list. [15:25] Vixen_: sudo apt-get install xchat no compiling needed [15:25] StereoSkit: umm no there is the beta branch but you need to run the beta version of Ubuntu [15:25] Oh [15:25] Just that command? [15:25] deb http://pe.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ unstable main multiverse <-- can it be done like that ? [15:26] Vixen: You'll quickly find that one of the biggest advantages to Ubuntu from other distros is that installing software is ridiculously easy [15:26] kitche: what!!! [15:26] StereoSkit: you may be thinking of backports [15:26] StereoSkit: as I said no [15:26] Kleedrac_, bazhang, thanks [15:26] weird [15:26] I'm sure I'll get it one day [15:26] Vixen: No problem ... welcome to a real OS ;) [15:26] And now I'm off to work :P [15:26] Kleedrac_: Ahah, I've been trying to get onto linux for ages xD [15:26] Have fun with that work ;] [15:26] While I just sit here [15:27] Vixen_: One of the things provided to you by a distribution is packages of applications. Rather than you having to compile and install apps, you just install the package. You can use package maanger applications to help you take care of the hard stuff. Follow the guys' advice on using symaptic or aptitude (fromt he commandline) and you'll be installing all kinds of things you didn't know were available to you. :-) [15:27] Vixen_: And in case it's not clear, "packages" are "precompiled source code packages" that you were trying to build yourself. [15:27] cannonball: Oh nice, I'll be looking for that. [15:27] Oh [15:27] I understand now [15:27] how do i make a program start up when ubuntu reboots. a start up list of sorts [15:28] Right, two secs, while I whizz that code you gave me through [15:28] what is the command to see what version of flash i have installed? [15:28] jaffarkelshac: there is one way to start programs when you log in.. there is another way to start stuff on boot up [15:28] Vixen_: And I'm not trying to dissuade you from compiling your own apps, it is a great learning experience, but know for now that you (in almost all cases) probably don't need that capbility right now. [15:28] is it possible to have different wallpapers per workspace?????????? [15:29] jaffarkelshac: try system, preferences, session to set stuff up to start on login [15:29] belkinhelp2: perhaps apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree [15:29] xphisherx: not in an easy way, no [15:29] <|Dede|> How can I make my Desktop icons smaller? [15:29] Slart, i will try that [15:29] i read somewhere in kde it's possible.. any gnome possibility? [15:30] How do I check the boot log? The system doesn't start unless I use recovery mode. [15:30] genii: this is my plugin version File name: libflashplayer.so [15:30] Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115 [15:30] xphisherx: if you use compiz, you can configure it in compiz settings. If you use metacity, google for wallpapoz [15:30] <|Dede|> How can I make my Desktop icons smaller? [15:30] how do i restart scim? [15:31] from the terminal [15:31] Uuh right, apparently I don't have the xchat package [15:31] genii: on adobe's website the latest version is Versions: 9.0r31 [15:31] belkinhelp2: 9.0.115 is also the version my system reports (Gutsy) [15:31] FooFoo: they are on /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog if you want to see boot msgs press "e" when in grub and edit the kernel line remove quiet and splash from it and press b to boot [15:31] Vixen_: install it? [15:31] USB sticks are no longer recognized by my computer. They used to be auto mounted when I would in sert them, can anyone help me fix this? [15:31] hi. i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? http://pastebin.com/d3b557105 [15:31] genii: do you have playback issues with flash? [15:31] Vixen what version are you on [15:31] jrib: I'm completely new to this business, apparently I would have it with the os [15:32] jaffarkelshac: I'm on 6.10 [15:32] I've downloaded xchat [15:32] does anyone know if Amd, or intel is more supported with ubuntu [15:32] And I was trying to manually compile it, on the website's instructions [15:32] Vixen_: you don't download things to install them, use System -> Administration -> Synaptic [15:32] <|Dede|> How can I make my Desktop icons smaller? [15:32] Oh [15:32] jonas3d: cpu the same || chipsets intel is more supported [15:32] Michiny: should try in #wine - and why the heck are you running mirc on linux :s [15:32] Aight |D [15:32] genii: with 6.10 everything was fine, with 7.10 some videos dont play smoothly...the seem to skip a few seconds at random [15:32] Michiny: I would say that wine that is in ubuntu is dumping a core not easy thing to fix but I would need to see the output of the core as well [15:32] Vixen_, use "sudo aptitude search irc" should find irc programs you have in repository [15:33] jaffarkelshac: Ok, will do [15:33] LIRC apparently [15:33] kitche how can i give you that? [15:33] Vixen_: lirc is not what you want... [15:34] belkinhelp2: I don't find the skipping problem. But if I have many tabs open which al have flash inside the system eventually crawls to a stop [15:34] rightclick on the icon, stretch icon, and than you can stretch out the drawing [15:34] Michiny: you need gdb and you would do gdb /path/to/core wine /path/to/mirc/ [15:34] erUSUL, Thanks [15:34] FooFoo: no problem [15:34] kitche whats the paths [15:34] Vixen there was only 1 irc program? [15:34] <|Dede|> How can I make my Desktop icons smaller? [15:34] hey whats up people [15:34] genii: no, i can have just a single tab open with one video and it will sometimes...not all the time... skip [15:34] jaffarkelshac: Aye, LIRC apparently [15:35] Dede: rightclick on the icon, stretch icon, and than you can stretch out the drawing [15:35] Michiny: umm how am I suppose to know but the core is usually in /home/ and mirc is under /home//.wine/drive_c/ === Sinn3rman is now known as Sinnerman [15:35] erUSUL: ok thanks thats nice to know [15:35] is it possible to change the ubuntu installation source from cdrom to a http server? [15:35] Michiny: the core is usually where ever you ran the program before it cored [15:35] have you added universe to your repository [15:36] Hmm? [15:36] jonas3d: ;) [15:36] Can anybody tell me how to create a .tar disk image??? [15:36] !netinstall [15:36] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [15:37] vixen system > administator > synaptic .... [15:37] belkinhelp2: Offhand I don't know a solution to your skipping problem. It may be related to the quality of your internet connection to the source of the video. [15:37] tar image of a whole disk? [15:37] kitche it seems to complain about a missing office assistant component ... what does mirc use that for? [15:37] l0tU5: do you want something like ghost ? [15:37] Yes [15:37] jaffarkelshac: I've sorted it, sorry for wasting your time >.> [15:37] not at all [15:37] genii: this started immediately after upgrading to 7.10(Gutsy) [15:37] Michiny: it doesn't but if your using a script it might be tied into it someone [15:37] Michiny: somehow* [15:38] genii: this was not an issue with 6.10(Feisty) [15:38] Vixen_, check this out to familiarise yourself http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ [15:38] genii: the internet connection and videos are the same [15:38] !info partimage | l0tU5 [15:38] l0tu5: Package partimage does not exist in gutsy [15:39] read the man tar [15:39] erUSUL Tried that... Doesnt work right... It only allows 1 partition not the whole system === arief is now known as cow26_gatel [15:39] l0tU5: install and use partimage you can use a especific partimage livecd to save the partitions [15:39] ubuntu sucks [15:40] Use Knoppix live cd for creating a disk image [15:40] erUSUL, It doesnt operate with a .tar format [15:40] immuteableDark: mute [15:40] Knoppix has great tools for disk management [15:41] It's taken me about 6 months to manage to get ubuntu onto my machine, but I love it already [15:41] Even if I can't use it [15:42] A< Vixen_: you should read through the starter guide at help.ubuntu.com [15:42] Vixen_, what problems are you having using it [15:42] l0tU5: do you want to tar up a hole instalation spanning multiple partitions ??? [15:42] Vixen_ , funny eh ? it always manage to get us hooked :) [15:42] jrib, jaffarkelshac, I'm slowly getting the hang of it, thanks for all your help [15:42] this is what i get one startup of mirc by wine. loguser1@pc1:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC$ wine mirc.exe [15:42] fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x34f988 [15:42] fixme:dwmapi:DwmIsCompositionEnabled 0x34eb20 [15:42] err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {d45fd2fc-5c6e-11d1-9ec1-00c04fd7081f} not regist ered [15:42] err:ole:create_server class {d45fd2fc-5c6e-11d1-9ec1-00c04fd7081f} not registere d [15:42] Michiny: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:42] err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {d45fd2fc-5c6e-11d1-9ec1-00c04fd7081f} could be created for context 0x5 [15:42] how can I tell whar group a user belongs to? [15:43] how can I tell whar group a user belongs to? [15:43] what* [15:43] !paste | Michiny [15:43] erUSUL, The whole machine so that it can be redistrobuted on other machines to be an exact copy... [15:43] i used slax and other mainly for file recovery when windows crashed, i switched sort of permanently last week [15:43] [15:43] Michiny: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [15:43] QuickGold: 'groups' [15:43] B_166-ER-X: I'm glad it had that ability ;][ [15:43] Michiny: while that is obviously not the solution you want, why not use another irc client, that is, one native to linux? [15:43] hello. can anyone help me with problems getting online with my laptop? [15:44] jrib: how do I tell what group a specific user belongs to? [15:44] Sinnerman it works for many others [15:44] !question | Enigma [15:44] Enigma: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:44] ty [15:44] groups user [15:44] QuickGold: groups USERNAME (see 'man groups') [15:44] jrib: thank you [15:45] l0tU5: maybe clonezilla or ghost4unix are more up to the task ?? or maybe dd the whole disk... if the disks of the machines are simitlar in size etc... [15:45] !training | Vixen_ [15:45] Vixen_: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training [15:45] !freenx [15:45] FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX [15:45] Hello everyone! It's been a few months that I've had this problem, but maybe I can fix it now that it'ssummer. The problem is... /boot is missing. === Jimme1 is now known as Jimmey [15:46] How do I change files that are in chm format into pdf one ? [15:46] !question | Enigma [15:46] [15:46] I'm here under LiveCD< any way I can return it? [15:46] Vixen_, another link i read when i switched. http://strabes.wordpress.com/useful-links-for-ubuntu-beginners/ [15:46] erUSUL, The actual machines have exactly the same hardware and I just need them to have the same OS and software now [15:46] is anybody here getting errors when they try and log into gmail? [15:46] jaffarkelshac: Thanks, I'll take a look [15:46] Hello, all. Can someone tell me if it's possible to set one of my workspaces to be an RDP client? I'm using VirtualBox to run XP, and I'd quite like to be able to switch between the two instantly. [15:46] l0tU5: also i do not see to much problem of having to restore 2 or 3 parimage files as opposed to one... [15:46] shadeofgrey: what errors pleae specify [15:46] ion>i think the best way would be to use a chm decompiler then convert html to pdf [15:46] shadeofgrey: not me [15:47] We?re sorry, but your Gmail account is currently experiencing errors. You won?t be able to use your account while these errors last, but don?t worry, your account data and messages are safe. Our engineers are working to resolve this issue. [15:47] Please try accessing your account again in a few minutes. [15:47] kitche now it says fixme:xrender:X11DRV_AlphaBlend not a dibsection [15:47] Oh, bye! [15:47] did anyone answer the question about different wallpapers in for different worskpace [15:47] briareos90: I don't know how do I do that [15:47] shadeofgrey: that happens on occasion nothing to worry about [15:47] jaffarkelshac: yes [15:47] briareos90: so let see if I understood [15:48] erUSUL, Well we have 13 machines and not that much time to do it... [15:48] ion:lemme see if i can find a chm decompiler :p [15:48] jrib, i hope the answer is not you cant. what is the solution [15:48] briareos90: first I have to change into html and afterwards pdf ? [15:48] Okay it Worked that time [15:48] jaffarkelshac: if you use compiz, you can configure it in compiz settings. If you use metacity, google for wallpapoz [15:48] how long do they usually last? i started as a beta tester for them like 2 weeks after gmail started ive NEVER had any access problems [15:49] ion:http://archmage.sourceforge.net/ [15:49] which approaches of running a 32-bit VM on 64-bit ubuntu actually work? (planning to run a hostile java app, wondering how to sandbox it) [15:49] my laptop wont connect either wired or wireless. what should i do? [15:49] jrib, metacity? huh first time coming across metacity [15:49] briareos90: first I have to change into html and afterwards pdf ? [15:49] ion: You might find some info on chm convertin in ubuntu here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-convert-chm-files-to-html-or-pdf-files.html [15:49] jaffarkelshac: metacity is the default window manager in gnome [15:49] briareos90: cool cheers man..I gonna have a look. [15:49] i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? http://pastebin.com/d3b557105 [15:49] ion:yeah .. because as far as i know there isnt a way to directly convert chm to pdf [15:49] ion:or [15:50] erUSUL, Clonezilla seems to be the right man for the job... Just downloading it now... [15:50] ion:u might use print to pdfwriter from the chm viewer itself [15:50] Enigma857: you have the machine there with easy access to it? [15:50] yes. [15:50] briareos90: I thin won't be a easy task... [15:50] l0tU5: then dd may be the answer «sudo dd if=/dev/xxx | gzip > disk_image.gz» [15:51] and this room keeps disconnecting me. yikes. [15:51] Enigma857: open up a terminal and type lspci; is there a ethernet cable connected or a wifi to connect to btw? [15:51] ion: i found this after googling --> http://code.google.com/p/chm2pdf/ [15:51] jrib, i have compiz fusion on, do you know which setting to tweak? [15:51] is there a channel specific to ubuntu...firefox...flash users with plugin issues? [15:51] erUSUL, Whats dd? [15:51] I need a little more help [15:51] Enigma-> which machine are you on now? same as the one not connecting? [15:51] belkinhelp2: you rin t [15:51] your int it [15:51] Enigma857: then pastebin lspci output [15:51] in it [15:51] ethernet connected to the laptop, through a router [15:51] yes [15:51] jaffarkelshac: something with the cube [15:51] ok....what do i do to correct this problem [15:51] k [15:51] I have two problems [15:51] no. [15:51] belkinhelp2: what problem ? [15:52] im on a pc [15:52] ikonia: flash plugin for firefox "skips" on video playback [15:52] Enigma857: who are you talking to? add their nick please [15:52] ikonia: i mean video streaming, not playback [15:52] jaffarkelshac: #compiz-fusion can probably tell you the specifics, I don't use compiz-fusion [15:52] briareos90: many thanks [15:52] One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless [15:52] hola [15:52] Can somebody guide me how can I share my internet connection with windows users using wifi ? [15:52] belkinhelp2: video streaming not play back ??? [15:52] l0tU5: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-copy-compressed-drive-image-over-network.html [15:52] thanks all for the help [15:52] ion:no probs :D [15:53] l0tU5: to make the copy over the network [15:53] belkinhelp2: as in stuff thas streamed over the net rather than held locally [15:53] ikonia: yeah, just when i goto youtube or other sites that use flash [15:53] ikonia....correct [15:53] Mudassar: iptables or a bit of proxy software [15:53] belkinhelp2: well, what about your network connection ? [15:53] Enigma857-> do the basic checks, light indicator on? is laptop powere up? cable connected snuggly on both ends? [15:53] One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless [15:53] belkinhelp2: it may just be slow buffering [15:53] belkinhelp2: what about stuff from youtube downloaded by miro? does that play okay? [15:53] please guide me how can I do that, I m new to Ubuntu [15:53] Mudassar: thats not a 2 minute job [15:53] has anyone here tried hardy beta yet ? is it stable enough for desktop install ? [15:53] hmmm [15:54] !hardy | briareos90 [15:54] briareos90: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [15:54] briareos90: join #ubuntu+1 and read the topic [15:54] ikonia: how do i increase buffering...i moved the tab all the way to 10mb [15:54] briareos90: aye; #ubuntu+1 for that [15:54] belkinhelp2: thats not what I meant [15:54] Help Please [15:54] oic thanks :D [15:54] Mudassar-> describe what devices do you have and how are you accessing the internet now? ie describe your network layout [15:54] belkinhelp2: if your network connection is slow/capped/shaped you may be watching faster than you can download [15:54] !help | jPratt [15:54] jPratt: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [15:54] oops [15:55] ikonia: it doesnt happen with any video.google video [15:55] !ask | jPratt [15:55] jPratt: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [15:55] belkinhelp2: your connection to google may be better ? [15:55] I am using internet using cable ... (Lan Card) and I want to share it to other windows users (using wifi wireless network cards) [15:55] ikonia: i can watch the bar increase well beyond the point that im viewing it [15:55] One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless, I have twice >< [15:55] it still "skips" [15:55] .com [15:55] erUSUL, Thanks... How long have you been using ubuntu for? [15:56] belkinhelp2: flash is closed source so it's very hard to debug [15:56] Mudassar: best do as amenado asked and give a very clear layout--maybe a sketch that you could pastebin [15:56] hello!! good morning [15:56] "_" [15:56] what more should I tell ? [15:56] belkinhelp2: as no-one else is reporting this issue (I'm watching youtube fine) I'd guess it's something specific to your setup, like the video card [15:56] I can even turn the volume down and wait a bit, come back to the PC and pull the tab to the beginning and its still "skips" [15:56] ikonia: hold that thought [15:56] Mudassar: install some sort of proxy software on your machine [15:56] Mudassar-> how many nic cards is your desktop? and what is the client operating system? do you have a hub? do you have an AP ? [15:56] Mudassar: squid is good [15:56] belkinhelp2: try downloading via miro and see if that makes a difference [15:57] I have installed squid [15:57] amenado: he wants to share using his box as a server and over his wifi link (bad call - but it's his idea) [15:57] but no idea why doesn't it work [15:57] Mudassar: great, configure it [15:57] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=718285 === _coldboot_ is now known as coldboot|work [15:57] l0tU5: ubuntu since first public beta linux from long ago ;P [15:57] bazhang what do you mean via miro? [15:58] Mudassar: you will not see flash support for linux for a while, just kill npviewer.bin everynow and then if it acts up [15:58] Anyone got any idea about a console based internet browser? [15:58] ikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=718285 [15:58] belkinhelp2: I saw that [15:58] l0tU5, w3m [15:58] l0tU5: lynx [15:58] flea: huh flash is supported on linux [15:58] QuickGold, w3m is preinstalled [15:58] Mudassar-> so you would like to have something like those internet cafe where you bunch of users share same internet access but the clients will be having wireless cards and not ethernet? [15:58] hey guys [15:58] flea: what are you talking about ? [15:58] I'm at the command line. How do I get detailed info about an available package? [15:58] kitche: if so, should he not be in # [15:58] belkinhelp2: it is a youtube downloader; download something then play it and see if you have the problem; if not then ikonia's suggestion of shaping is correct [15:59] e-head: apt-cache search [15:59] yeah, i did that already. [15:59] flea: if you don't know what your talking about - please don't make random comments [15:59] flash works half the time in linux, u show me where i get support from adobe [15:59] flea-> i think thats only on fedora or rpm based -- npviewer.bin ; I have not seen those on ubuntu [15:59] e-head: what info do you want exactly? [15:59] I found the package. I seem to remember some command line tool that would give you a little synopsis of it. [15:59] i use wine to run mirc 6.31. its very buggy. gui shuts down on fast clicks. not good graphics. but i met someone whos uses it and its fine for him. what can be wrong? http://pastebin.com/d3b557105 [15:59] erUSUL, Haha Awesome!!! I grew up on linux but I was off linux for a bit because of the games issue... But i'm now thinking about porting back... Ubuntu is really cool! [15:59] The version mainly. [15:59] * Michiny waits [15:59] Kinda silly question- what can I keep running while I install packages through the terminal? [15:59] Michiny: join #winehq [15:59] we are three people living in a room with one internet connection using (cable), I attach that cable with my lan card, and share the other two people (windows users) using wireless cards [15:59] e-head man dpkg [15:59] e-head: apt-cache policy [15:59] Michiny: i would recommend you use xchat instead [16:00] Vixen_: anything really [16:00] yeah. I think that's the proggie. dpkg. [16:00] anyone, please point us all to adobe's linux flash support [16:00] The two problems i need i help with One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless [16:00] Mudassar: yes, I get that. You need to configure squid for web browsing [16:00] apt-cache policy workds too? cool. [16:00] flea: please stop being silly. [16:00] I have installed it but I don't know how to run it [16:00] yeah. thanks jrib and amenado [16:00] hi guys [16:00] ikonia: u mean real [16:00] I forgot how I run it [16:00] l0tU5: wellcome back then :P [16:00] Mudassar-> would you be able to get an Access Point to share your connectivity with your roomies? [16:00] flea please stop [16:00] flea: , no, we are supporting an ubuntu user with a potential issue. If the plugin is at fault we can do nothing, if it's something else we can [16:01] I have an issue that I'm not familier with. [16:01] I am able to share my internet connection if I do so from windows [16:01] jrib: thanks [16:01] Mudassar: you need to configure squid [16:01] ikonia: ? I only removed an old ban [16:01] Vixen_, you can only install one instance at a time, but when installing and you know all the packages, you just add them on ie "sudo aptitude install vlc xchat seahorse......." and so on [16:01] at random intervals, my pc (running gutsy) locks up completely, and the system load and processor usage are at 100% [16:01] jrib: ooh I thougt you added flea (his part message) [16:01] I have a simple web server that I run, but when I try to start it today it fails saying something is allready listening to the port [16:02] erUSUL, Thanks... :D [16:02] jrib: scrolled fast [16:02] Mudassar-> if you can share with your windows, all three of you or only two out of three? [16:02] though netstat -ln shows nothing. [16:02] Hey i Really need help with those problems [16:02] Mudassar: firestarter can configure conection sharing quite easily afaik [16:02] hi guys just asking for some advice here. i have a ubuntu lamp (edgy) running but it have started to do wierd things and i just got another old pc that i was thinking for replaceing it with. i want to run it as a router/firewall for my broadband connection with a FTP server on it, VPN thru pptp and samba to access the disks from local network. u guys have any advice on what version to chose (7.10 server)? or if you could [16:02] flea: the flash plugin has worked reasonable for me, if it does not for you, please go to adobe's, if their support is not enough for you, complain to them, not here [16:02] where can I check to figure this out? [16:02] ateh0h211 netstat -ran ? [16:02] These problems are as follows [16:02] One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless [16:02] kablam: ubuntu 7.10 - or 8.04 if you can hang on until release, desktop edition will be fine [16:02] jaffarkelshac: Ah, I followed the link you gave me, just installing some rythmbox codecs [16:02] hi im looking for a tutorial in which shell-builtins like : () & | etc. are explained, but could only find ones with other regex [16:03] could anyone help ? [16:03] amendo: shows my routing table [16:03] ateoh211-> try to use lsof -i and it should show listening ports [16:03] I have opened firestarter and started the wizard [16:03] belkinhelp2: have you read the posts in the ubuntu forum thread you showed [16:03] Vixen_, mp3 was the most annoying thing when i switched, used vlc for everything till i got amarok working [16:03] I mean firewall wizard [16:03] amenado: ok, got it [16:03] skurk12lx_2-> you'd get help also on #bash [16:03] now somebody help me [16:04] where can i get the windows font packages? [16:04] ah thanks amendo [16:04] amendo: thanks! forgot about lsof [16:04] ikonia: how long until 8.04 release? beta unstable? [16:04] Mudassar: you need to decide how you want to do this [16:04] \join #bash [16:04] kalpik: on paper, some time this month [16:04] kablam, 22 days [16:04] atcla_ubuntu, sudo netstat -nlp [16:04] where can i get the windows font packages? [16:04] just guide me how can I configure firestarter [16:04] ....I need help with these two problems please, One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless [16:04] jaffarkelshac: Mmm, I'm hoping it won't take long to get mp3s supported on my PC, since I just found that ubuntu can read the windows filesystem, so I still have all my tunes [16:04] !info msttcorefonts | Michiny [16:04] michiny: Package msttcorefonts does not exist in gutsy [16:04] erUSUL, Got any idea about sound and ID games? I cant seem to run any of my ID games without running like 4 other commands too... [16:04] Mudassar: firestarter is gui it's self explanitory [16:04] info is still broken [16:05] !firestart > Mudassar [16:05] Mudassar-> it is not just the firestarter you need, you need to share your wifi first okay? [16:05] !mscorefonts [16:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about mscorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:05] Vixen_, so you have not mounted any of your drives yet? [16:05] Mudassar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing [16:05] amenado: thats what firestart will do, provide connection forwarding or "sharing" [16:05] erUSUL: genius [16:05] Hello? [16:05] jPratt: hi [16:05] Mudassar-> and the best way to share the wifi is for you to have an AP..so it can take care of ip address allocation to users [16:05] jPratt: we can see you fine [16:06] Is there any good programs to run benchmarks on my machine? eg Video Test, Ram Test, CPU etc [16:06] !fonts | Michiny [16:06] Michiny: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [16:06] Ok well I need help as i have been asking for almost 5 minutes it is very important, or at least to me [16:06] ikonia he needs first some kind of AP or his wifi drivers has to support adhoc and he has to know how to share the wifi connectivity with multiple wifi clients [16:06] jaffarkelshac: Uh, got to be honest, I'm not even entirely sure what that is. I'm running ubuntu on an external HD, and I made a windows backup partition on the same dick. After putting all my backup files on the windows partition, I booted ubuntu, and found that I could access the files in both OS [16:06] One it wolnt let me access my External and two it doesnt see my wireless [16:06] i will come later on [16:07] jPratt: wow - a whole 5 minutes ! [16:07] after seeing the thread [16:07] jPratt: just wait until someone has time to help [16:07] jPratt: as you can see the channel is busy and people are busy [16:07] jPratt: what is the wireless card? [16:07] madmanwoo_ the HardInfo package has some nice benchmarks [16:07] ikonia: ;P [16:07] jPratt-> we are serving number 799, what number is yours? :P [16:07] hahahahahah [16:07] I also just noticed my epic typo. I didn't make a backup dick, I made a backup disk. [16:08] !it [16:08] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [16:08] erUSUL: Got any idea about sound and ID games? I cant seem to run any of my ID games without running like 4 other commands too... [16:08] hello, by using firefox and adobe flash plugin I get really high CPU usage, is this normal? [16:08] jPratt: what card? [16:09] Its a usb Device its a netopia 802.11 b WLAN usb adapter [16:09] PredaGR: depend on the flash media your viewing [16:09] Vixen_, then you are ok, the partitions auto mounted. mine are ntfs and can be tricky sometimes, it does not show up so i have to mount it myself. ie make it appear in my "my computer section" [16:09] and high disk activity that is [16:09] PredaGR: some "movies" can cause high disk/cpu [16:09] l0tU5: quake? i have tried the Enemy territory (original) and quake wars demo and both worked fine [16:09] PredaGR: also dpends on the performance of your machine [16:09] jPratt: open a terminal and type lsusb for the chipset please (just the one line) [16:09] jaffarkelshac: Ah right, mount = make readable [16:10] ikonia: thanks for the info, if it is known I guess it is not local fault [16:10] PredaGR: no no, you shouldn't get it by default, but as I said, it depends on what you are viewing and the spec of your machine [16:10] Ummm i would but i am freeing up space Windows side ><.... [16:10] Vixen_, pretty much [16:11] some naruto episodes about 20minutes in length on a P4 2.66GHz with an 80GB disk hitachi I think [16:11] erUSUL: enemy territory works well... Return to castle wolfenstein has issues though... [16:11] jPratt: if you want help you need to provide precise info thanks [16:11] anyone use zsnes on gutsy ? [16:11] PredaGR shouldn't be getting %100 on those things, are you just watching them in firefox, [16:11] l0tU5: dunno both use the same engine afaik so both should work equal... [16:11] jaffarkelshac: Oh yeah, mp3s are working ;] Cheers for that link [16:12] briareos90: sure is there a problem? [16:12] inside firefox tab [16:12] Vixen_, its all good [16:12] anyone useing mirc with wine??? [16:12] erUSUL: it's pretty messed... Got any ideas of good games for running in an internet cafe? [16:12] bazhang: i installed the alsa-oss driver as per a faq on the forums , but still i am having problems with sound over 8000Hz [16:13] ikonia even when they paused and low quality setting they eat 50% cpu [16:13] bazhang: so i have to stick to <= 8kHz [16:13] PredaGR thats interesting [16:13] briareos90: but it still works? [16:13] PredaGR: I wouldn't expect that [16:13] PredaGR: how are you on ram and useable disk space ? [16:13] !faq [16:13] A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage [16:13] bazhang: yeah works fine, but with real bad sound quality [16:13] l0tU5: openarena (free quake 3); nexuiz; warsow; cube etc [16:13] bazhang : :p [16:14] briareos90: same here [16:14] erUSUL: And commercial? [16:14] bazhang : oh .. i thought it was some issue with my hardware ;) [16:14] ikonia: 786MB RAM half full and other half as cache file system is 11% full [16:14] ikonia [16:14] PredaGR: so you should be pretty comfortable with that [16:14] Michiny: yes ? [16:14] bazhang : doesnt the new nvidia glx drivers have a control panel ? liek the one you get with the official driver ? [16:14] anyone useing mirc with wine??? [16:15] Michiny: join #winehq for wine specific support [16:15] Michiny: only you apparently [16:15] I have a PC running Ubuntu on an IDE drive. I want to take that drive, stick it in an external USB case, plug it into a laptop and boot off it. Is there anything I need to do other than set the BIOS on the laptop? [16:15] l0tU5: afaik only id games are native to linux (may exist others) [16:15] Were do you get wine [16:15] !games | l0tU5 [16:15] l0tU5: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [16:15] maybe I reinstall the flash plugin or install the non adobe one [16:15] briareos90: likely wont help with that though--zsnes has bad sound on mac and windows for me as well [16:15] Reliant: your grub settings will change, and if your disks are not identified by uuid your fstab will be borked too [16:16] bazhang : aw :( [16:16] fstab is using UUID [16:16] erUSUL: Using an emulator... [16:16] PredaGR: did you install using the ubuntu package "flashplugin-nonfree" [16:16] bazhang : ubuntu makin me an rpg addict :p [16:16] Reliant: so only really grub should lchange [16:16] fiesty to gutsy upgrade, what will it break on feisty, or is it smooth sailing? [16:16] does the grub changes happen after I move the drive, or do I need to change something first? [16:16] BJB007 should work [16:16] BJB007: try the live cd first [16:16] Reliant: your hd(1,0) style parameter sill change, it's a pain booting from usb [16:17] bazhang: what would live cd prove? [16:17] BJB007: i upgraded from fiesty without much problem .. but i usually prefer a fresh install [16:17] ikonia: thats the one installed, done automagically by firefox and apt [16:17] BJB007: your wireless and other items; feisty was a no-go for me and gutsy has been great [16:17] PredaGR: so that should be fine [16:18] bye [16:18] cya [16:18] l0tU5: try wine and check appdb.winehq.org for compability info [16:18] I'm unfamiliar with how grub works. Is there a page I can go to read about setting up Grub for USB booting? [16:18] bazhang: fiesty is installed an working preloaded on dell laptop. i have heard of things breaking when you upgrade. [16:18] e [16:19] Reliant-> try this? http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ [16:19] BJB007: thus the advice to see if the livecd catches your wireless etc [16:19] erUSUL: I've got like 3 emulators and VMware... I just need names of games that are very popular lately [16:19] games for emulators ? [16:19] how can i get an older version of wine? [16:20] l0tU5-> soduku [16:20] Michiny you don't, the ones in the repo's are what you should use [16:20] bazhang: ok, does it stomp on anything you have installed? I had to do special stuff to get Moneydance to print, had to install blackdown java [16:20] does someone has work with smstools? [16:20] ikonia newwer versio i gues is not good with mirc [16:20] Michiny: why do you guess that ? [16:20] ikonia: ohh well just asked before I tinker with it, if I break it more then I come for more questions I think [16:20] Michiny: have you gone to #winehq channel and asked the wine specialist support channel as I suggested ? [16:20] l0tu5 > for emulators try : chrono cross, tales of phantasia, zelda [16:20] ikonia: thanks alot [16:20] how do i disable desktop drawing in nautilus [16:21] BJB007: never used either of those; gutsy has been good for me (but works for me is not solid advice) [16:21] Hello , does it possible to create new user with root privileges from the recovery mode ? [16:21] Acxty-> maybe you'd get better know how support from java people in #java ? [16:21] PredaGR: sounds goo, but I don't think you should be seeing that much cpu us on idle [16:21] it gives details on how to make a new install, but nothing about how to change grub, or what would need to change for an existing install [16:21] Reliant: you'll just need to change the disk that grub looks on for stage1/2 files, but you can only do that once you move the disk so you know it's new id [16:21] Kate_mins-> recovery mode is single user..not multiple user log on [16:21] Kate_mins, yes it is, you just need to add the user to the admin group, usermod -g admin user [16:21] Michiny: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html [16:21] ahh [16:22] ehem or gpasswd -a foo admin [16:22] amenado I though it was written in C hehe ;) [16:22] how do i disable desktop drawing in nautilus [16:22] Kate_mins-> and yes you can create additional users while in single user mode [16:22] any one know of a good alternativ to hamachi? i can't install it :/ [16:22] Lan Games? [16:22] or edit /etc/group or .... he he [16:22] amenado: i forget my ubuntu password , i try to do the steps in the guide by adding rw init=/bin/bash.... but its still not working ? how i can reset my password ? or create new admin user? [16:22] i forget my ubuntu password , i try to do the steps in the guide by adding rw init=/bin/bash.... but its still not working ? how i can reset my password ? or create new admin user? [16:23] Kate_mins you can only do the steps you have been told to do [16:23] Kate_mins, just boot into rescue mode and change your password with passwd [16:23] Kate_mins: boot in recovery mode and run "passwd" [16:23] passwd your_user [16:23] i run a dhcp server and i want my hostname to be coupled with my ip address each time. how would i do this? [16:24] setup a linux bridge, traffic is so damn slow [16:24] erUSUL: i have another problem on my server, when i boot in recovery mode i get black screen? (the recovery working without the screen) [16:25] Kate_mins: are u getting a prompt ? [16:25] i run a dhcp server and i want my hostname to be coupled with my ip address each time. how would i do this? [16:25] Kate_mins: o_O maybe tweaking the vga=xxxx parameter on the grub entry ? it seems a frambuffer resolution isuue [16:25] legend2440 thanks [16:26] Kate_mins-> something like vga=normal perhaps ? [16:27] Kate_mins: yes try amenado suggestion... [16:28] Hey all. How do I take a full desktop installation back to a basic server install? [16:28] Kate_mins: when in grub menu hit "e" to edit the entry you highlight then on "kernel ..." line add vga=normal at the en and hit "b" to boot the modified entry [16:28] Creeture, sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop [16:28] Exteris: Thanks. [16:29] Creeture, sorry sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop [16:29] Exteris: apt-get does not have purge (aptitude does) [16:29] Creeture: sudo apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove ubuntu-desktop -y [16:29] that will not remove the desktop packages [16:29] hey... [16:29] Hey: If I install the eggdrop package, where are the configuration files and stuff? [16:29] Invisionfree: type whereis eggdrop in a terminal [16:30] Hi... I've ran "sudo chown -R root:vboxusers /proc/bus/usb" to fix USB bluetooth in Virtualbox (Gusty). Is there a better way to do this? Possibly something to do with "mount –rbind /dev/bus/usb /proc/bus/usb" in mountdevsubfs.sh? [16:30] Invisionfree, i would expect configs to be in /etc somewhere [16:30] Invisionfree, or ~/ if they are user-specific configs [16:31] Invisionfree, dpkg -L package to see which files were installed [16:31] chazco-> am not even sure it is a good idea to directly modify /proc/bus/usb, isnt that the domain of the kernel to write on the directory? [16:31] hey guys, is it possible to have a countdown timer in the terminal? [16:31] how do i sighn in with my other nick? [16:32] amenado - No idea... it just made it work. I think that bit isnt used at all by default in Gusty, so hopefully wont break anything [16:33] Lamego: I did that, I see no conf files .. [16:33] chazco-> i hope so too, that it does not break anything..but you tried anyways...status? [16:33] amenado - It worked, made bluetooth run... Just wondering if its the wrong way... [16:33] bod_, can't see anything in the repos, but it would be trivial to code [16:33] Invisionfree, that is very odd, eggdrop should package some example conf files [16:33] (probably a bit late for that, but still) [16:34] check man eggdrop [16:34] DRebellion, could you tell me where i could find such trivial how-to's [16:35] chazco-> it doesnt look like it, if they had put a script in init.d, most likely admins has access to modify it.. [16:35] bod_, python? c? [16:35] DRebellion, python [16:35] May undo the change, see if it keeps working... [16:36] anyone know how to uninstall freenet?? [16:36] bod_: there is package called timer-applet in synaptic [16:36] Lamego: I still see nothing, should I compile from souce? [16:36] chazco-> what does --rbind option do on mount? i have used -bind to move a partition to another mount point, but not --rbind [16:36] Invisionfree, no, the package should include everything you need, just read the documentation [16:36] legend2440, how would i go about gettin the source code for it? [16:37] amenado - Not sure. It was inside the init script already, but commented out saying they used something else by default now [16:37] bod_, apt-get source timer-applet [16:37] Lamego: I did, still no conf. [16:37] hello. Is there an .asp server for ubuntu? [16:37] DRebellion, ok 1 sec [16:37] chazco am reading that script now too.. [16:37] Ok [16:37] bod_, will download the source to the current directory [16:37] rhineheart_m-> equivalent maybe is jsp? java server pages? [16:37] anyone know how to uninstall freenet? [16:37] I need VirtualBox to work, but naturally dont want to have that at the expensive of stability of Ubuntu etc [16:38] rhineheart_m: Perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server [16:38] rhineheart_m-> so tomcat and jetty are good, so as the oracle's webapp or jboss [16:38] hey. I have a intel cure duo 8400 processor. Can anybody advise wether I should get the 64bit ubuntu or the 32bit one? [16:38] Lamego: It doesn't have a conf file ANYWHERE .. [16:39] sliht problem with it DRebellion -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61933/ [16:39] amenado, rbind = recursive bind, will bind submounts [16:39] Can someone just check if /proc/bus/usb exists on an unmodified Gusty, and if there is anything inside it? [16:39] which is better.. Apache Harmony or the apache2? [16:40] bod_, 1) don't need to run it as root 2) have you installed dpkg-dev? [16:40] rhineheart_m: different things afaics [16:40] Lamego-> curious as to the difference with the option -bind only? [16:40] what's the channel for hardy heron support? [16:40] DRebellion, 1) ok cheers, 2) should i have done? [16:40] Lamego: Found it, the package was eggdrop-data [16:40] w0nder: #ubuntu+1 [16:40] bod_, if its not then install it [16:40] does anyone havea webcam working under ubuntu? [16:41] chazco-> mine is empty for /prob/bus/usb [16:41] DRebellion, what is the dev file its depackaging? [16:41] amenado, bind will not make submounts available like /mount_point/whatever [16:41] chazco: mine too but i use a custom kernel ;P [16:41] Lamego okay thanks.. [16:41] ljmeijer: Core Duo = 32 bit Core 2 Duo = 64 bit [16:42] genii, Core Duos does also support 64 bits [16:42] Ah, thanks amenado and erUSUL - That would suggest its not used by default, and presumably, changing its ownership wont cause any major damage [16:42] does somebody speak dutch? [16:42] bod_, ? [16:42] bod_: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=127778&package_id=139889&release_id=504361 [16:43] Is it possible to move files with exceptions using "mv" ? [16:43] Marchewa, exceptions ? [16:43] ah, cheers legend2440 ,.,. thanks DRebellion [16:43] I mean without some files [16:43] or directories [16:43] genii: thanks. [16:44] Marchewa, man mv, I don't think so [16:44] now I have to mv * and use mv another time to move back some files [16:45] question, my laptop have a dual core but should i install 64 bit then? Is the 64 bit version troubling ? === lmr__ is now known as lmr[lunch] [16:46] is there a howto to installing a new disk on server? [16:47] espenxmd - Same situation here... i was told that the 64 version currently has more disadvantages than advantages in most cases... [16:47] anyone can give insights on using the one-time password system (opie?) how difficult is it to manage or administrate? [16:47] is there a way to do copy-paste between a terminal server client RDP session and the local machine? [16:47] espenxmd: The question for 32 vs 64 for me is always RAM. Do you have RAM >= 4GB? [16:48] HorzA_: power down, plug it in, format it (parted, or other methods), then stick it in your fstab [16:49] Flannel, i need to find it and format it and stuff first [16:49] creeture. no dont have 4 gb ram ... [16:50] espenxmd: also do you hate youtube? [16:50] HorzA_: How many disks do you have right now? [16:50] fuck not even most stationary computers have that [16:50] !language | espenxmd [16:50] espenxmd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [16:50] Flannel, 3 now, i cant remember what i did when i was installing the 2 one [16:51] HorzA_: If you have three, they're sda, sdb, and sdc, so the new one will be sdd [16:51] HorzA_: this assumes you're not using dapper [16:52] Hi! When lanching windows programs wine i get a "FileSystemTOC: Filename truncated" It's really annoying 'cause I can't launch windows programs. It only happens with one game. [16:53] Hi. What happens if I, for example, resize my swap space, which is part of the same extended partition my linux is mounted on? [16:53] amenado: this is what you refer to-- http://www.heise-online.co.uk/security/One-time-passwords-for-home-users--/features/88570 ? [16:54] lgc: Ubuntu will malfunction. Not sure [16:54] ok i want to change my getty resolution so the text isnt so big. i followed the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258484&highlight=kernel+booting+parameters [16:54] bazhang possibly, am interested on how sysadmin insights to it, like if it is a big headache to manage, track users or what not, key distributions difficult? [16:54] lgc: I think it's written somewhere how big it is so if you make it smaller it will malfunction because it tries to write more to swap than it's allowed [16:55] Those were just guesses [16:55] Hi! When lanching windows programs wine i get a "FileSystemTOC: Filename truncated" It's really annoying 'cause I can't launch windows programs. It only happens with one game. [16:55] lartza_, I mean I want to shrink it. [16:55] lgc: I think Ubuntu might malfunction [16:56] lgc: Not sure, you should get answer from someone other [16:56] lartza_, thanks. By the way, Wine in Ubuntu is broken, so you have to do some extra work to get it going. [16:57] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197350 amenado well likely depends on your skills--this is a brief how to [16:57] nalioth, you there? [16:57] lgc: You mean the pkg from wine rep is broken or every wine no matter ow to use it is broken? [16:57] lgc: You can resize your swap parition with no penalty. [16:57] lgc: It needs to be unmounted before you do so, of course. [16:58] Pici: Even smaller? :O Does it automatically notice the new size? [16:58] lartza_: Yes. [16:58] amenado: reportedly easy to setup in Suse; so ubuntu must be easier ;] [16:58] is there any support for radeon 9250 for gusty, I have read that ati driver does not support it any more [16:58] lgc: But you can't shrink it too small [16:58] Is there another driver? [16:59] Hi! When lanching windows programs wine i get a "FileSystemTOC: Filename truncated" It's really annoying 'cause I can't launch windows programs. It only happens with one game. Also I don't get sound in any game. [16:59] lartza_: Actually, its possible to completely disable swap, but not reccomended unless you have a reason to. [16:59] Hi my ubuntu won't sart [16:59] But it works in safy mode [16:59] Darkus: What errors? [17:00] Darkus: First install? [17:00] Anything [17:00] no [17:00] After updating [17:00] Darkus: NEw install or Got new part like GFX card? [17:00] i reooted [17:00] feisty to gutsy? [17:00] lartza_, you're better off removing the ubuntu version of Wine and then enable the wine repository so you can 'apt-get install' it again. Go to the wine page (winehq.org, I think) and follow the instructions. Or /join the #wine channel for more. It is much more likely that you get Wine going that way, although it is no guarantee that your specific app will ever run (Wine is far from complete). [17:00] Gusty [17:01] lgc: I have thtt rep enabled [17:01] Darkus: You updated to or from gutsy? [17:01] lgc: And using the newes wine, iäm on wine irc cahnnel but nobody answers :D [17:01] no i update gusty [17:01] oh [17:02] hi, I must have messed up, installed 7.10 off live CD, was working ok (with video shift of 1440x900 on the Dell 19", otherwise fine). Did the check for updates, and it talked about proprietary drivers during that update. I said fine, use them. It did its thing, now the net driver doesn't work, and the video seems to be resorting to VESA (800x600 or 640x480). === Dannyboy is now known as Danielg42 [17:02] What did I do wrong? [17:02] What did you update or was it large that you can't name all the parts? [17:02] Large [17:02] And if you could give any error it would help the most [17:02] 180mb [17:02] The Restricted Driver Manager seems to have taken away what was working. [17:03] lartza_, you have to be patient. There are usually few users around, and most ask questions, not the opposite. [17:03] Otherwise I can't really help [17:03] Al203: What video car? [17:03] !nessus [17:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about nessus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:03] I have the NVIDIA accelerated graphicd driver enabled... Maybe it doesn't support the card in this macine? [17:03] !omsa [17:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about omsa - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [17:03] lgc: Well now there are only people coming and leaving [17:03] hi, gnome-keyring have a conflict with gdm. sometimes, when i restart gdm, that no start (still with a gray screen and X cursor). the netstat -anp|grep 177 show me the gnome-keyring using that port. that a bug?! [17:03] I tried to install ubuntu it said Faulty cd/dvd...But i downloaded the image and Burned it correctly and i can run off of it... [17:03] is the desktop release a "livecd" like release? [17:03] Hello ! Where is /etc/inittab ? Or How does it work now on ubuntu ? [17:03] it doesn't show any error [17:03] apparently the restricted manager thought I had an nvidia, I have not looked at the physical card myself, but suspect it is nvidia [17:04] jPratt: Sure you did everything correctly? [17:04] the_sniff: aye [17:04] Darksu: WHen does it crash? [17:04] bazhang thank. nice nickname [17:04] Al203: In my case I have a radeon 9250 and it is not suported from feisty. I think this is not the case for nvidia [17:04] hi [17:04] After taping my pass [17:04] Darkus: On splash or after it in gdm or after? [17:04] Yes i did i Downloaded and then i Used Sonic Record now to burn hte image [17:04] ok [17:04] So on the login [17:04] somebody can help me? i didn't connect to msn more, i try all them [17:04] and no error? WHat happen then? [17:05] No [17:05] tuiutu: using pidgin? [17:05] i can connect to msn fine [17:05] In the device manager, it says I have a 3c905B 100 Base TX [Cyclone] interface (not working now, but did before updates) [17:05] and the video ard is.... [17:05] eu tentei o pidgin [17:05] i'm on windows xp [17:05] hmm [17:05] bazhang i try all [17:05] Darkus: DOes it reboot or what? Crash so you need to reboot? [17:05] Anyone try ubuntu 8.04 with an ATI graphics card? [17:05] tuiutu: did you enter your msn info in pidgin correctly? [17:06] Nothing happen [17:06] Al203: did you try to reconfigure the driver package? [17:06] How can I run a command inside a chroot from a script? For instance: "chroot /mnt/gutsy && apt-get update" [17:06] #ubuntu+1 for that Danielg42 [17:06] bazhang i try mercury but i don't know how i change the server [17:06] but "apt-get update" only runs when my shell exits the chroot [17:06] Darksu: You just type the pass and get bac to login or it freezes? [17:06] not inside it [17:06] Pici, thanks. The bottom line is if I can wreck my system by messing with some part of the same extended partition of "/" and "/home", though not actually having to move or resize these. Gparted doesn't throw any warning when I program such ops, but I better have a second opinion. [17:06] german1410: not even sure how to do that, so the answer would be no, unless that is to enable the video driver that the system thought I needed. [17:06] ty benanzo [17:06] It freezes [17:06] And you need reboot? So,,, [17:06] lgc: If you arent touching the actual partition that you're using, theres no harm. [17:07] get ubuntu to the login window [17:07] Al203: dpkg-reconfigure [pkg-name] [17:07] I have a 440 bx/zx/dx 82443 bx/zx/dx/ host bridge [17:07] Ok [17:07] with a nv5m64 [riva tnt2 model 64/model 64pro] [17:07] bazhang do u know how i change server in mercury? [17:07] don't know if that helps. [17:07] Pici even though the extended one will have to accomodate the changes? [17:07] it works with the safety mode [17:07] so I have an nvidia tnt2 [17:07] tuiutu: sorry never used msn [17:08] Darkus: Yea, get to the login screen [17:08] I guess i will have to redownload it....and reburn it and fight with it some more [17:08] maybe I'll just plug in the rage 128 I have and see fi that works. [17:08] brb [17:08] hi, gnome-keyring have a conflict with gdm. sometimes, when i restart gdm, that no start (still with a gray screen and X cursor). the netstat -anp|grep 177 show me the gnome-keyring using that port. that a bug?! [17:08] jPratt: try isorecorder2 for windows [17:08] i'm thre [17:08] lgc: I don't see why it would. [17:08] I still need to redownload it [17:08] would like to know why my network card isnot working now though :( [17:08] without it I can't do much. [17:09] Pici, I don't know, the partition table maybe? [17:09] was working great last night when I started the update process, it finished update and this morning when I woke up it is no longer working on reboot. :( [17:09] Darkus: Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 [17:10] lol maynards Girl Like MJK of Tool? [17:10] I tape my lngin ? [17:10] yes [17:10] What can I type in terminal to see what my current IP address? [17:10] first login and then pass [17:10] I tried ip addr [17:10] but it showed everything but [17:10] Done [17:11] Al203: what updates did you run? [17:11] Darksu: Any errors there? [17:11] By the way, when is the next Ubuntu release due? [17:11] lgc, 22 days [17:11] April 24th [17:11] Exteris, thanks. [17:11] no [17:12] hey, how do i install fonts thru the GUI in Hardy? [17:12] mattl: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Hardy/8.04 support/discussion. [17:12] :( [17:12] Darkus: Jus googled, hang on. [17:12] what ? [17:13] mattl: Or just take off the Hardy part of your question and ask again. [17:13] Darksu: Trying to find if there is solution. Without the errors it's hard to tell 100% working solution [17:13] Well i have requested a CD so i will get that and DL it i will now switch back over to my Windows [17:13] MinusSeven: ifconfig -a [17:13] ok thx bro [17:14] <|MaX|> who have already install campcaster ? [17:14] ok, thanks [17:14] <|MaX|> on ubuntu [17:14] I'm trying to install ndiswrapper, but when I do "make", it gives me a bunch of errors. === _elemental_ is now known as __elemental [17:15] benanzo: I think what you want is something like: chroot /the/new/place apt-get update [17:15] Darkus: WHat GFX card? [17:15] ifconfig -a didn't show it. But, that command does jog my memory [17:16] so, its weird its not showing it [17:16] mattl, you might want to do 'apt-cache seach font'. You'll see there are many font packages available, and some font-handling applications, like gtkfontsel. [17:16] Geforce 8600m GT [17:16] I'll go play around a bit [17:16] yeah that only shows the lan inet address [17:16] ChaosTheory: why not just install the ndiswrapper package that is in synaptic? [17:17] legend2440: I think I did that. [17:17] genii: Yes that works thanks [17:17] mattl, or use synaptics if you want it more tersely displayed. [17:17] legend2440: I install ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper-utils in Snynaptic. [17:17] Darkus: Are you in text mode after the login? [17:17] YES [17:17] benanzo: np [17:17] press alt+f7 [17:17] ChaosTheory: so why compile it? [17:18] DArksu: SO you get back to graphical login [17:18] legend2440: I don't know. Do I have it installed, then? [17:18] hi all, anyone have any ideas on this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4637164&posted=1#post4637164 [17:18] Hi i have just got a MCE remote and installed LIRC. I was just wondering if there is a way to set the remote up to tell ubuntu to shutdown or to sleep? [17:18] I'm stumped [17:18] legend2440: It shows "ndiswrapper-common" and "ndiswrapper-utils-1.9" as green. [17:18] yes [17:18] legend: What do I need to do now [17:18] Where can I download Ubuntu 8.0.4 for 64-bit CPU? [17:18] I'm there [17:19] Darkus: Login in graphical and when it freezes, wait 5 secs and press ctrl+alt+f1 [17:19] While I was trying to install ALSA utils for my desktop I am getting "make: *** [install-recursive] error" [17:19] tomoyuki28jp: only beta now--discussion in #ubuntu+1 [17:19] ChaosTheory: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper [17:20] bazhang: thanks [17:20] Returing to the text mode [17:20] hey everyone, I have a question [17:20] my flash and java keep on messing up [17:20] is there an good opensource web control panel for hosting web/mail/database [17:20] Darkus: But it's different then when you pressed with f2, errors? [17:20] when I am surfing multiple websites [17:20] with errors [17:20] Nice! [17:21] Well, you know what i meant. [17:21] Yeh === co_kesepian is now known as co_biasa [17:21] i'll gve u the errors [17:21] hi [17:21] Howdy [17:21] g'day [17:22] here /etc/init.d# i got lots file in green color what is it ? [17:22] Darkus: pastebin [17:22] rerzerty: symlinks [17:22] legend2440: I'm behind a router, ifconfig -a didn't show the IP assigned by my ISP, only the IP assigned by the router. If that makes sense. [17:22] what Pici ???? === _Wiseguy is now known as Wiseguy [17:23] so what do I do [17:23] rerzerty: Green filenames in the terminal denote that the file is a link, its like a shortcut. [17:23] I don't understand why flash and java is messing up [17:23] ok [17:23] is it a script ? [17:23] so, I've looked around and haven't found any useful info... anyone got a recommendation for a tv tuner card?? I know this is prolly the wrong place to ask, but linuxtv wasn't much help :| [17:23] Hey guys. What's the best file recovery tool. I messed up my system, a ubuntu vista dual boot, and i need to go back in and recovery data from vista before i reinstall everything. thanks. [17:23] MinusSeven: http://www.myipaddress.com/show-my-ip-address/ [17:24] I have a problem mounting remote file systems using sshfs into subdirectories in my $HOME directory. After a period of time it seems to lock up. The result is that I can no longer do an "ls" of my home directory nor can I access the remote directories. I can access other $HOME subdirectories. If I unmount the remote file system and remount it everything comes back to life. Anybody have any ideas what might cause this? [17:24] ok [17:24] usplash:setti up mode 1920*1440 failed (same thing for 1600*1200 ; 1280*1024 ; 1152*864 failed) [17:24] Pici: ? [17:24] hmm... [17:24] Wait a sec [17:24] hi, would the wireless macintosh bluetooth keyboard work on my ubuntu box? [17:24] usplash using mode 1024*768 [17:24] rerzerty: What? [17:24] legend2440: So, the way it works, linux isn't bothered about what the IP address is assigned by the ISP, right? Because it doesn't need to know? [17:24] adrock358, ghost, or if you get hiren's boot CD or UBCD4WIN there are lots of tools on those to recover/backup data [17:25] including ghost [17:25] MinusSeven: yes [17:25] can i run ghost on a system that doesn't boot? [17:25] how to create a script ? [17:25] legend2440: Ok, that would make sense I guess [17:25] rerzerty: What are you trying to do? [17:25] legend2440: Thanks for your help [17:25] sinbox, can i run ghost on a system that doesn't boot? [17:25] Darkus: What resolution are you using? [17:25] get hiren's boot CD or UBCD4win(but you'll need a box to build this on) and then boot from them and backup [17:25] adrock358, ^^ [17:26] MinusSeven: yes my router address is different than my ip address just like yours is [17:26] sinbox, you are saying that i need a secondary computer to di this? [17:26] i just have to copy and paste a script i don't in which extension i have to save ? [17:26] back to wrok.. later days... [17:26] knite name to dev t(dev/sda5)=sda5(8,5) [17:26] i just have to copy and paste a script i don't knwo in which extension i have to save ? [17:26] rerzerty: Linux has no concept of file extensions. Just put your script in a text file and save it. [17:27] okay here is something crazy, i have ubuntu linux 7.10 installed on both my notebook and desktop both machines are working awesome, compiz fine and everything only for one thing. Amarok runs perfect on my notebook and on my desktop it does nothing opens and just runs so slow or dont run at all. why is that? [17:27] Knit trying to resue from /dev/sda5 [17:27] sinbox? [17:27] rerzerty: you may need to mark it as executable though: chmod +x yourfilename [17:27] yes that's what i want [17:27] no resume image doing normal boot [17:27] Darksu: That's one error? You have any USB devices plugged? [17:27] adrock358, if you want to go with the UBCD4WIN yes you would, if you get hiren's boot CD then you just need a machine to burn the ISO to a CD [17:27] thx Pici [17:28] Darksu: Well, that's maybe not error and the resume image thing isn't [17:28] sinbox...ahh ok. how about ghost, does that need a secondary box, or just a comp to burn it on? [17:28] Darkus: What's last of errors [17:29] Ubuntu 7.10 ubuntu tty1 [17:29] that's all [17:29] Darkus: What reso are you using? [17:29] You had an nvidia GFX? [17:29] I forgot ... [17:29] apparenntly you can't just plug in a different video card (rage128) and have it work. [17:30] Yes [17:30] legend2440: Okay, I'm following the instructions. . . [17:30] hello guys [17:30] legend2440: I installed the bcm43xx-fwcutter thing. [17:30] Darkus: The reso won't matter much [17:30] adrock358, http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd it has ghost on it, and comes as an iso easily found on torrent sites, if you have a computer to burn it on I suggest you find a release with the keyboard patch so you can make sure it has the vorrect keyboard layout for the machine you are going to use it on [17:30] Darkus: Have you installed nvidia-glx? [17:30] legend2440: It doesn't say "firmware" in the restricted drivers manager, though. [17:30] yes [17:31] how disable keyring ? [17:31] emm [17:31] Darkus: Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 [17:31] Ok [17:31] so I installed eeexubuntu 7.10 on my eeec, but, I have problem to listen the .mp3 .wma files [17:31] Darkus: Do in there: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bup [17:31] I need this lib libxine-extracodecs [17:32] eeepc: join your channel #eeepc ;] [17:32] but i need the repositories to download and install it [17:32] oh [17:32] eeepc: are you using eeepc ? [17:32] yes [17:32] eeepc: they have an excellent wiki as well [17:32] Darkus: Then sudo nano etc/X11/xorg.conf [17:32] ok [17:33] eeepc: how disable keyring ? [17:33] browser better than firefox? [17:33] i'm guessing there is no difference between open source pcs that dell sells compare to downloaded it from the website [17:33] but I think this is a normal ubuntu problem I guess [17:33] i'm just curious [17:33] how to manually boot hda1? or hda2? from grub ? [17:33] aguitel : I dunno [17:33] Darkus: Find lines "Section "Device"" Identifier "Your GFX card" Driver "nvidia or something else" [17:33] Looks like nobody has experience with sshfs eh? [17:33] they should be on top of each others [17:34] grub is set to boot from hdc1.. [17:34] I've just installed bcm43xx, but I don't see "firmware" under the restricted drviers manager. [17:34] eeepc: every time you type the password for the wirelees? [17:34] linkinxp : try opera? [17:34] yes anymore :( [17:34] I am new [17:34] Hi any body help me, I am beginner, Ineed the help tofind the printer driver for Lexmark 2400 series ( Dot Matrix) I am Using Xubuntu 7.10 === shabba is now known as siofwolves [17:35] eeepc: is there a package xubuntu-restricted-extras? [17:35] Acomaco, you would have to manually change the grub boot lines -- but unless there is an os on you hda1 or hda2 it wont work (afaik) [17:35] ChaosTheory: what brand wifi card are you trying to use? [17:35] legend2440: Broadcom. [17:36] legend2440: I can do right click -> permissions on the firmware file, but it won't let me check "Allow executing file as program." [17:36] ChaosTheory: is there a model name or number? [17:36] legend2440: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11/a/b/g/n (rev 03). [17:36] ChaosTheory, do you have full permissions & ownership to modify the file? [17:36] Sorry for interupting, Can you help me? [17:37] bod_: How do I get full permission? [17:37] ChaosTheory, chmod 777 [17:37] bod_: Sorry? I'm a N00B. [17:38] ChaosTheory, ok 1 sec [17:38] windows media player plugin not installed???? [17:38] GNUKid, look at this -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49714 [17:38] ChaosTheroy; If that won't work put "sudo" in fron of the chmod without quotes [17:39] Thanks [17:39] bod [17:39] macd: can i ask u something? [17:39] Ye [17:39] lartza_: sudo chmod 777 then what? Do I need to go to the directory where the firmware is and type the filename after the "777?" [17:39] yes i fin it [17:39] find* [17:40] ChaosTheory, to modify a file you have to have the correct permission, this is why you cant set the file as executable, to solve the problem you can give yourself temporary access to super user privileges with 'sudo' but the easiest way is to allow everyone to modify the file,. so cd to the file cd /path/to/file then sudo chmod 777 ./file.exe [17:40] Use sudo chomd -R to get permission to files in that folder [17:40] Darkus: What does the driver say? [17:40] Darkus: Nvidia or some other? === jaggy is now known as jagggy [17:40] Nvidia [17:40] change that to nv [17:41] Then find Section "Screen" And from there SubSection "Display" [17:41] And Modes [17:41] ChaosTheory: is this a dell ? [17:42] bod_: Do I type the .exe at the end? It says "chmod: cannot accesss `.exe': No such file or directory [17:42] legend2440: This is an HP dv6000. [17:42] bod_: I couldn't get there Lexmark 2400 Driver :( [17:42] ChaosTheory, no no, that was an example, i meant for you to substitute everything for the correct words,.,. [17:43] bod_: I know, I typed the file name without the .exe at the end and nothing seemed to happen. [17:43] is there a predefined shortcut key to lock your system ? [17:43] It's already displayed [17:43] GNUKid, im not to good with printers im afraid,.,. try googling "'exact model of printer' driver ubuntu" [17:43] Darkus: WHat? [17:43] i need some help, my fiance's laptop detects wireless networks but has tons of trouble connecting [17:44] It's already in display [17:44] ChaosTheory, in ubuntu, if you et no output its usually a good thin, chances are it worked and you can now modify the file [17:44] what is a good bitrate to encode xvid from dvd? [17:44] Check what there says after Modes [17:44] modes 1440*1440 [17:44] bod_: Okay, I can execute the file as a program now. [17:44] DArkus: Only? [17:44] bod_: How do I execute it as a program, though? =D [17:44] ChaosTheory, good stuff ;~) [17:45] endsection [17:45] ChaosTheory, what is this file/proram? [17:45] bod_: wl_apsta- [17:45] Only mode is that, change it to [17:45] bod_: It's the "firmware" for the bcm43xx-fwcutter thing. [17:45] ? [17:45] "1024x768" [17:45] ChaosTheory, is it meant to be an executable proram? [17:46] press tab and insert "800x600" tab again and "640x480" [17:46] bod_: The website wants me to run it in the restricted drivers manager after installing the bcm43xx but I don't see it. [17:46] bod_: The last time I installed ndiswrapper, I had to use the bcmwl5.inf and .sys files. [17:46] bod_: Do you think I should just do that again? [17:47] bod_: But when I try to do the "make" command with ndiswrapper, it gives me a bunch of errors. [17:47] bod_: I think it's not recognizing the C. [17:47] ChaosTheory, this is a bit out of my league,.,. can i have the web link plz [17:47] ChaosTheory: Have you runned ./configure? In some rpograms you have not to, but check file INSTALL [17:47] bod_: Oh, . . . I need to install ndiswrapper? [17:48] yer [17:48] lartza_: There is no configure in the INSTALL. Should I run it anyway? [17:48] Done [17:48] ChaosTheory, no harm in trying [17:48] Darkus: Press Ctrl+X and choose yes, when it ask where just press enter [17:49] lartza_: What's the exact command? ./configure ? [17:49] is there a way to make a file immortal in ubuntu? like keep it from being deleted by anyone? [17:49] ChaoTheory: You trying to compile something? [17:49] including a sudoed admin? [17:49] lartza_: ndiswrapper [17:49] lartza_: "make uninstall" seems to work, but "make" gives me *a lot* of errors. [17:49] After? [17:50] ChaoTheory: Check file INSTALL and if it says ./configure, make and make install [17:50] if i add a line to pg_hba.conf will /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 reload load in the new configuration or do i need to restart postgresql? [17:50] CT: Run those [17:50] lartza_: I extracted the ndiswrapper-1.52.tar.gz to my desktop. [17:50] cycom: you can make a file immutable, which is probably what you mean. Read man chattr for details [17:50] chattr! THANK YOU!3~ [17:50] cycom: man chattr [17:50] CT: If only make and make install i can't help, if anything else on configure the run it [17:50] lartza_: This is what it says: "Download the latest version of the ndiswrapper sources from here and extract it with the command tar zxvf ndiswrapper-version.-tar.gz" (the version is 1.52). [17:50] chattr. that's exactly what I was looking for and couldn't remember [17:50] when you print to postscript, where does the file go? [17:51] lartza_: I did that. [17:51] Darkus: Now back in terminal? Run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [17:51] hi there, i'm remotely administrating an ubuntu machine. is there a chance to obtain the "release version" somehow? [17:51] cycom: sudo chmod 600 file && sudo chattr +i file [17:51] e.g. dapper or how they're all called :) [17:51] ChaosTHeory if configure doesn't give error i can't help [17:51] lartza_: Then, it says "This will create ndiswrapper-version directory. Change to that directory and run make uninstall, make." [17:51] impulze: lsb_release -a [17:51] ah thanks a bunch [17:51] lartza_: Then it says "Login as root and run." [17:51] lartza_: Okay. [17:51] and run sudo make [17:51] not jus make [17:51] lartza_: Login as root and run make install, that is. [17:52] lartza_: Okay, let me try sudo make. [17:52] wait! [17:52] you have done make succesfully? [17:52] lartza_: It gives me a bunch of errors starting with "loadndisdriver.c" [17:52] lartza_: No, these errors come up *when* I do sudo make. [17:52] Comand nt found [17:52] Are you sure those are errors or just messages? [17:53] command nt? [17:53] lartza_: A lot of errors, a lot of warnings. [17:53] ChaosTheory, usually, make doesn't require you run sudo .. 'make install' usually does [17:53] Command not found [17:53] Darkus: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart jsut like there [17:53] unop_: I can't do make install yet, though. [17:53] unip_: Yea just realized it was make install that migt require [17:53] ChaosTheory, just 'make' on its own, no sudo [17:54] Darkus: Odd... [17:54] unop_: Just did that. It gives the same errors. [17:54] Lolz [17:54] /msg ubotu etiquette [17:54] sorry [17:54] Don work [17:54] ChaosTheory, ok, use the !pastebin (dont paste in here) and show us what you have there [17:54] doesn't work [17:54] Darkus: try cd /etc/init.d and sudo gdm restart [17:54] no [17:55] unop_: This is on another laptop. [17:55] I get this error while installing ALSA utils..http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61940/ [17:55] Have done it [17:55] Anyone know if exist a dock that not require xgl? [17:55] worked? [17:55] or what do you mean? [17:55] Yes [17:55] ChaosTheory, ahh, well, nevermind then, and i think i've come into this conversation too late too [17:55] You got the graphical login again? [17:55] But can't lunch ubuntu [17:56] unop_: Oh. I'm trying to install ndiswrapper. [17:56] sstill freeze? [17:56] Ye [17:56] ChaosTheory, i wonder why you arent using the ubuntu ndiswrapper package? [17:56] yes [17:56] unop_: I think I've already installed that, actually. [17:56] unop_: ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils? [17:56] uno_: Is that all I need? [17:56] ChaosTheory, right, it is installed, you should be able to use them for your needs [17:56] Darkus: do the gdm restart thing again and on lgin, restart from bottom left menu [17:56] ChaosTheory, yes [17:57] unop_: Okay, then all I need to do is get the right Windows drivers. [17:57] No [17:57] How do you mean "No"??? [17:57] any body know of a good irc channel for c programming for beginners. [17:57] it freezes after taping pass [17:57] ng9324: ##C [17:58] ChaosTheory, right, yes [17:58] ng9324: is there one that is called #c++ [17:58] DArkus on text mode? [17:58] No [17:58] on graphic [17:58] i cannot get a nickname registered, and it doesnt allow non-registered nicks [17:58] unop_: Okay, I'm doing ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf and it says "bash: ndiswrapper: command not found" [17:58] so do the ctrl+alt+f2 and the gdm restart again so you get to grapgical so you can restart from bottom left menu [17:59] !register | ng9324 follow this and join #freenode if you need further help [17:59] ng9324 follow this and join #freenode if you need further help: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [17:59] Exist an alternative to Avant Window Navigator without using xgl? [17:59] unop_: Doing "ndiswrapper -l" gives me "The program 'ndiswrapper' is not currently installed." [17:59] thanks [18:00] ChaosTheory, hmm, ok, what i would do then is download the package from here and manually install it.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/all/ndiswrapper-common/download [18:00] DArkus: After reboot login from graphical and if it freezes press ctrl+alt+f1 [18:00] unop_: Can I try reinstalling through Synaptic? [18:00] ChaosTheory, are you connected to the net tho? [18:00] whats the name of the process that handles automounting usb drives in ubuntu? [18:00] unop_: It has ndiswrapper-common as green. [18:00] I would like to do a install of the ubuntu server version of 7.10 on software RAID for boot disks. Is this possible? [18:00] unop_: I have the LiveCD. [18:01] unop_: Maybe I should just purge the ndiswrapper altogether since I've messed with it a bit and reinstall through Synaptic? [18:01] !netsplit === lucas2 is now known as ljmeijer === erich is now known as erichj [18:01] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [18:01] ChaosTheory, that should not be necessary [18:01] What Versions of Ubuntu do you all use? I'm having all kinds of problems with Gutsy, and am wondering if it is worth it to just go back to a previous Release? [18:01] unop_: Okay, I'm going to try reinstalling ndiswrapper-common. [18:01] Justjade: I'm using gutsy [18:01] ChaosTheory, no no, you need just the ndiswrapper package thats all [18:02] unop_: I don't see an "ndiswrapper." [18:02] unop_: There are only two: "ndiswrapper-common" and "ndiswrapper-utils." [18:02] !info ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 [18:02] Package ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 does not exist in gutsy [18:02] Yes [18:02] unop_: Also, I just got an error when I tried to reinstall ndiswrapper-common. [18:02] lartza: what was the one before gutsy? and is it that much different...for a beginner I mean? [18:02] the sam errors [18:02] ChaosTheory, right , which is why you need to download and manually install ndiswrapper from here- [18:02] unop_: "E: bcm43xx-fwcutter: subprocess post-installation script return error exit status 1" [18:02] unop_: Okay, I see. [18:02] http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/all/ndiswrapper-common/download [18:03] Darkus: Sorry, then my knowledge ends here. Try to google some errors [18:03] Ok [18:03] ChaosTheory, once you have installed the package, you should see have the ndiswrapper util to do what you need to do [18:03] wow, I'm really surprised this NVidia legacy card is having problems. [18:03] thank u very much [18:04] Darkus: Anytime [18:04] I'll reinstall it [18:04] anyone from Naples Fl usa? [18:04] :( === uu is now known as x3cion [18:04] anyone else have had problems with legacy nvidia tnt2 riva cards? [18:05] does anyone know where I can download Feisty from? That is the one before gutsy right? === king is now known as armedking [18:05] I'm stuck with 640x480 or 800x600, but the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file shows that I have the right card, and also many more resolution options. [18:05] www.ubuntu.com [18:05] I have tried to disable the legacy driver, and it shows in use still. [18:05] http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download [18:05] unop_: Okay, doing "ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf" says "driver bcmwl5 is already installed" [18:06] Ubuntu 7.10 [18:06] unop_: But ndiswrapper -l gives "bcmwl5: invalid driver!" [18:06] anyone have any tips for a first time install? [18:06] (I installed the .deb you gave me, by the way.) [18:06] ChaosTheory, right, remove the driver and try installing it again [18:06] unop_: How do I do that? [18:07] Ok So looks like i have to use gOS to get ubuntu, how would i go about this [18:07] ChaosTheory, errm, i'm sorry to do this but i have to go now -- but you should find instructions on that here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper [18:07] epsol: tip #1: don't settle on the first install being the final one. Give yourself time to install it a few times until you've got a good feeling about it. [18:07] unop_: Thanks for all your help. [18:08] Justjaden: e.g. http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ -- why an old release though? [18:08] lartza_: Are you still here? [18:08] Hey o have gOS i need to burn the Ubuntu image how can i do this [18:09] ChaosTHeory: Well now cause you noticed [18:09] soundray: okay, the only concerns I really have are I have dual monitors and 2 PCI SATA/IDE controllers.... [18:09] Justjaden: or go through the mirrors list to find a not-so-busy one: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors [18:09] ChaosTheroy: But only couple mins [18:09] lartza_: How can I reinstall the bcmwlf5.inf driver? [18:09] ? [18:09] lartza_: Okay, thanks. [18:09] epsol: two controllers will work seamlessly. Dual monitors can be tricky [18:09] !dualhead | epsol [18:09] epsol: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama [18:09] :D === eeepc is now known as usm00j7 [18:09] lartza_: It says "bcmwl5: invalid driver!" when I do "ndiswrapper -l" [18:10] I would help if i would know [18:10] epsol: what's your graphics card? [18:10] hmm... [18:10] soundray: I'm having so many problems with my video card not being recognized, I figured it was just not going to happen on this os. So I'll just try something else. [18:10] an ATI [18:10] i could give it a try [18:10] I have a problem with y USB harddrive, when it is connectet it briefly appears in /media and is one after a couple of seconds. (dmesg: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/147964/) [18:10] Ok i know Never mind ^^ [18:10] jPratt: Perhaps try askin in #gOS [18:10] soundray: 2400HD.... it sucks under Windows.... [18:10] hey guys tryin to register a nickname with /msg nickserv register , all it says is wait 120 seconds before using register again. Then try to /msg nickserv identify and it says my nick is not registered [18:10] any ideas what this is about [18:10] epsol: what make? [18:10] Justjaden: what video card? [18:11] soundray: its a visiontek [18:11] hti_pro: ask in #freenode please [18:11] I have a 2 monitor setup. If I run a game it most often runs "fullscreen" with half the image on one monitor and half on the other, and my crosshairs (if its a FPD) right in the middle. How can I start a game and force it to use just one monitor? [18:11] thanks [18:11] ChaosTheory: That's an wireless driver [18:11] epsol: I mean the chipset -- ATI? NVidia? S3? [18:11] wireless ccard driver [18:11] lartza_: Right. [18:11] You have one? [18:11] hti_pro I had the same problem but it said my password is incorrect and it's not..so I gave up on it for now [18:12] soundray: ATI 2400HD, I think the trickiest part is going to be the 1400x1050 resolution [18:12] lartza_: I have a what? [18:12] Broadcom 4318? [18:12] lartza_: My wireless card is Broadcom. [18:12] Wireless card and laptop [18:12] lartza_: Yes. Broadcom BCM4328. [18:12] Nvidia 6150go for a laptop. It worked just fine when I fresh installed. but then I installed a restricted driver for both my BCM43xx and the video card. Rebooted and bam! stuck with 800x600 res, and it says I can't find my video card. Plus the sound glitches like crazy on start up and only loads if I wiggle my mouse around a little. [18:12] oh *thumbup*, guide for Briadcom 4318 might work === voici is now known as v0ici [18:12] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102 === v0ici is now known as voici [18:13] iam using ubuntu. why i see .9.46 in repos? but the latest is 58? [18:13] ChaosTheory: MIGHT work [18:13] So you can't get the wireless card work? [18:13] epsol: I don't think so -- 1400x1050 on a single screen won't be difficult. For dualhead, you will have to look into fglrx (ATI closed source driver), Xinerama and the configuration generator, aticonfig === voici is now known as wonderworld [18:14] lartza_: Okay, I'm taking a look. [18:14] Michiny: Because Ubuntu is not a rolling release. We do not publish version updates (unless they are security updates) for programs. see also !backports . We release a new version of Ubuntu every 6 months with new package versions. [18:14] lartza_: I've gotten it to work fine before, I'm just trying to do the same thing over again. [18:14] soundray: yah if I remember correctly I should be about just to do the normal atisetup --initial-dual-head with the additional options [18:14] ChaosTheory: OR... [18:14] lartza_: The only thing I need to do is to purge the driver bcmwl5.inf and reinstall it. [18:14] soundray: just waiting for the CD to burn... lol [18:14] lartza_: Not *purge*, but I just need to reinstall it -- it says invalid driver with ndiswrapper -l. [18:14] ChaosTheory: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper [18:14] epsol: you're not exactly a first-timer, are you? ;) [18:15] soundray: I've done my research already... lol [18:15] Now i gotta go [18:15] epsol: I'm pretty sure it's aticonfig, though [18:16] ChaosTheory: Cya [18:16] lartza_: Thanks for your help. [18:16] epsol: logging off now. Good luck [18:16] Hi: I have a USB Network Adapter designed for Windows, but I need to run a CD that's used on Windows but I don't have X .. How can I do this? [18:16] aiutooooo!! [18:16] ChaosTheory: Np, in a year you can find yourself in here helping others [18:16] I have used ubuntu a year [18:17] how do i find out what dev and ven ids are in the terminal [18:17] i found the proble [18:17] ChaosTheory: And remember "Follow the white google site" [18:17] Invisionfree: is a wifi usb dongle? [18:17] djg.. [18:17] Darkus: Really? [18:17] Dpkg [18:17] erUSL: It's a Linksys Wireless ne adapter :x [18:17] How can I get keyboard shortcuts to work across different keyboard layouts in firefox (bilingual settings... just a minor frustration) [18:17] Darkus: dpkg? [18:17] qualcuno che parla italiano è in grado di aiutarmi con la mia "prima volta" con Linux? [18:17] yes [18:17] !es | giuseppe [18:17] giuseppe: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. [18:18] And you got ubuntu work? [18:18] OR have you located but not fixed? [18:18] Hi: I have a USB Network Adapter designed for Windows, but I need to run a CD that's used on Windows but I don't have X .. How can I do this?? [18:18] okay everyone wish me luck... Im giving this a shot [18:18] Invisionfree: lsusb while plugged should tell you the chip that the usb uses. Tell us so we can help you further [18:18] Not fixed [18:18] Darkus; Error? [18:18] !it | giuseppe [18:18] giuseppe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [18:18] hi, ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and that seems to have solved some of the problem. [18:18] Just fixed * [18:19] Darkus: Now try === Peng__ is now known as Peng_ [18:19] erUSUL: Bus 004 Device 004: ID 13b1:000d Linksys === Jonathan__ is now known as Kurban [18:19] The monitor I have, a dell 19" FP is capable of 1440x900. That was detected when doing the screen detection, but if the card is not able to support that resoution, it seems the option is not available in the Screen Resolutions Preferences. [18:19] Darkus: I really gotta go. If you can't find help here, send me an e-mail to abc2463@hotmail.com and i will look at the prob [18:19] can i install office2003 with ubuntu ? [18:20] ChaosTheory: any luck [18:20] Darkus: Cya [18:20] Is it safe to say that if the video card (this a legacy NVidia card, TNT2 Riva) may be not allowing that resolution to be availalbe? [18:20] have 1280x1024, which is ok, but the dithering is a bit annoying. [18:20] would like to have a desktop at 1440x900 [18:21] erUSUL: Hello? [18:21] can i install office2003 with ubuntu ? [18:21] Invisionfree please pastebin the entire output of lsusb -v [18:21] !pastebin | Invisionfree [18:21] Invisionfree: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [18:21] I have to type all that?.. [18:21] It's a diff comp erUSUL ... [18:22] It's working [18:22] :D === DeadLy_sp is now known as DeadLy`afk [18:23] Invisionfree: oops :| no no need maybe we can figure out it some other way... [18:24] Invisionfree: do «tail -f /var/log/messages» on a terminal then plug the usb and whatch the new lines appearing.. [18:24] Say what? [18:24] Unplug it, type that, plug back in? [18:24] Invisionfree: does it says what network chip it uses? ralink rt7x or rt6x broadcom atheros etc... ? [18:25] excuse me, how can I run an ubuntu live cd from grub? What parameters should I pass? Can I make it loading the isolinux.cfg file in the ubuntu live cd? Thanks [18:25] Invisionfree: yes [18:25] ⚙_⚙ ubuntu has no shockwave player? [18:25] Skiessi: nope [18:25] hey guys, how do the nautilus scripts work on a riht-click bases? i wanted to write a script that moved any picture i used the script on, to a folder /home/bod/this_folder i have no idea how to make a script act on what uve clicked on,.,. any thouhts? [18:25] Skiessi: you can install the windows version of firefox via wine and install shockwave that way. [18:26] Skiessi: or you can use IEs4Linux [18:26] erUSUL: All I see if new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5 [18:26] Invisionfree: nothing else? [18:26] sidelil, u dont run it from grub, you chane your system bios's boot order to boot cd's before hard drives [18:27] configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice [18:27] Thats it [18:27] hi [18:27] erUSUL: Did you see thaT? [18:28] iam using ubuntu. why i see .9.46 in repos? but the latest is 58? [18:28] wine [18:28] bod_: basically, you make a script and put in the ~/.gnome2/nautilus/scripts folder. Then the script will be accessibble via the right-click --> scripts menu [18:28] Michiny_: sudo apt-get update [18:28] k [18:28] Invisionfree: yep; and does not help me very much :| still do not know what chip the da*** dongle uses... [18:29] can anyone help with this compiler error: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" ? Gutsy 64. Compiling anyremote [18:29] Odd-rationale, yer, got that bit, but im confused as to how it acts on what file ive clicked on? [18:29] bod_, yes, I know, I'm trying to do something different, ie to make a cd with many live CDs inside. In the grub menu at the beginning I need to boot the ubuntu disc, but it's not working, even if it's working with other live cds [18:29] scudDA, have you installed the build-essential package? [18:30] DRebellion. I don't know. Probably not. How do I do that? [18:30] bod_: how does yours look like rith now? [18:30] scudDA: install build-essential [18:30] sidelil, no idea then im afraid [18:30] scudDA, sudo apt-get install build-essential [18:30] erUSUL: Is there a way I can check if it installed it automagically? [18:30] Odd-rationale, non-existant i know that if i make this a script " sudo cp ./* /home/bod/this_folder" that doesnt work [18:30] Invisionfree: maybe you can search google with the exact model name for the usb and ubuntu or linux as keyword and figure out which driver/chip it uses [18:31] is the installation cd also a live cd? [18:31] Drebellion: OK, that's installing. What is it? [18:31] Invisionfree: yes do "iwconfig" and see if you got a interface with wireless extensions [18:31] scudDA, essential stuff you need to compile software [18:31] oh k. I thought Linux came with compilers built in... [18:32] scudDA: as everything you have to install it first ;) [18:32] ha! Oh well. Thanks, i would like to be able to compile stuff from scource. [18:32] writing source would be even better... [18:32] scudDA: install build-essential [18:33] scudDA: i told you earlier [18:33] bod_: i see. hold on... [18:33] is there a way to tell oss to go away, and instead use oss-alsa for everything? [18:33] erUSUL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296959 [18:33] Odd-rationale, thankyou ;~) [18:33] erUSUL: THanks. that's installing now. [18:33] anyone ever connect to a nortel vpn from ubuntu? I found a client on Nortel's website that has a 30 day eval period; I also found a client from a company called Abani. Was curious if anyone has any recommendations... [18:34] is there a ubuntu livecd? [18:34] so you did. thanks [18:34] spiderfire, yes [18:34] yes spiderfire [18:34] spiderfire: The default desktop CD is a liveCD [18:34] Invisionfree: so it seems that it uses rt2570 ?? can you check "lsmod | grep rt25" ?? [18:34] so the desktop cd will boot to desktop? [18:35] and run off the cd? [18:35] spiderfire: yes [18:35] Invisionfree: also "iwconfig" didin't detected an interface with wireless ?? [18:35] can i have the desktop cd write to a home directory on an ntfs? [18:35] spiderfire, if u mount the hard drive yes [18:36] spiderfire: Yes. [18:36] ok thanks [18:36] Invisionfree i did updated. its stil 46 [18:36] Odd-rationale, brb [18:36] spiderfire: bod_ ntfs does not support unix type permissions so *no* you can not have home on a ntfs partition [18:36] well that didn't take long to screw up === eth01`` is now known as eth01 [18:36] spiderfire: you can write to it though [18:37] this channel is great... [18:37] anyone have any suggestions as to why it would just lock up when you boot the install cd? [18:37] hi [18:37] erUSUL: Should I restart? [18:37] is hardy not released yet? [18:37] hello, I'm trying to compile esound but I have the following error : http://pastebin.com/m7937ad18 [18:38] any ideas ? [18:38] Invisionfree: ?? no afaics [18:38] erUSUL, he asked if it could write to a home on an ntfs -- insinuating that a home already existed on an ntfs, leading me to answer the can live cd write to ntfs question [18:38] iam using ubuntu. why i see .9.46 in repos? but the latest is 58? wine [18:38] Odd-rationale, back [18:38] epsol: Some older machines run really slow from live CDs. Is it really locked or just really really slow? [18:38] erUSUL: I'm going to try it [18:38] bod_: fair enough ;P just wanted to clarify the issue [18:38] erUSUL, fair play ;~) [18:38] bod_: take a look at this: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/faq.php [18:38] bod_: I think the "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" is what you're looking for [18:39] Michiny_: in winehq you can download latest version for ubuntu if you want [18:39] scuDA: its locking.... the very first time I saw a Kernal is Alive message then it rebooted, but after that it just locks now === encryptz is now known as atoponce [18:39] Odd-rationale, cheers dude,. il have a read,. ;~) [18:39] Michiny_: The ubuntu packages are updated every 6 months for everything except security updates. You can get a .deb file for ubuntu from winehq [18:39] erUSUL esteth why ubuntu repos dont show the latest? [18:39] erUSUL: Still not detecting it. [18:40] erUSUL esteth ok [18:40] Michiny_: no; as esteth explained [18:40] Has anyone gotten Postfix to run on Ubuntu Server 7.10? I'm having seperate issues w/ Postgrey and reject_unverified_sender [18:40] wut r some good programs similar to wmp or itunes? [18:40] billy: I like Banshee [18:41] PcPixel: have u used amarok? [18:41] billy: banshee, exaile, quodlibet, amarok [18:41] never used amarok [18:41] billy rhythmbox is ok [18:41] Invisionfree: System>Preferences>hardware info may have the info about the chip used by the usb dongle... [18:41] im tryin to install amarok.. anyone in here ever use it? [18:41] has anyone been able to get multiple desktop wallpapers? [18:41] billy yes [18:41] is thsi freenode / [18:41] *? [18:41] billy: yes. You should be able to install it easily from add/remove programs [18:41] dsl994: yes [18:42] noodlesgc: wuts it like? [18:42] amarok** [18:42] erUSUL: I don't have GNOME/KDE, it's Ubuntu server [18:42] is there a way by xen to have full hardware control? use tv card or modem in windows as guest and linux host? [18:42] jk_: gnome? you can do it in kde, i know [18:42] esteth, thanks ! [18:42] i am in gnome [18:42] billy its pretty good, it has a tray icon, and it works well and does not crash [18:42] Invisionfree: ouch «lshw» [18:43] noodlesgc: is the way it organizes ur library any good? [18:43] erUSUL: How do I scroll up? [18:43] jk_: You can also do it with compiz. you use compiz? [18:43] billy yes it organized really well [18:43] Odd-rationale, funny enough i do [18:43] wuts up? [18:43] noodlesgc: k cool.. im really gonna miss WMP i think.. [18:43] Odd-rationale, i have been trying but does not work [18:43] billy: Audio players are really down to personal preference. Rhythmox that you most likely allready have is somewhat similar to iTunes. Banshee is probably the most iTunes like player. amarok is very popular but somewhat unusual [18:44] ive been using ubuntu almost exlcusively and i so dont miss Windows === atoponce is now known as encryptz [18:44] Invisionfree: use a pager «lshw | less» [18:44] esteth: wuts the one most similar to windows media player? [18:44] erUSUL: What am I looking for? [18:45] jk_: In ccsm, go to Desktop Cube --> appearence and put several images in the backgound [18:45] billy: I don't think we really have anything all that similar to windows media player. [18:45] esteth: oh okay lol, [18:45] Invisionfree: the linksys usb dongle info [18:45] billy i think the the most complete media player is VLC which also could be install on windows [18:45] erUSUL: I did lshw | grep -i Linksys [18:45] erUSUL: Nothing. [18:46] jk_: Also look at http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/Wallpapoz to see how to do it without compiz. === thomas__ is now known as Bruum [18:46] dimas_: where do i get it from? [18:46] Odd-rationale, i am only able to get the top cap to show my first image [18:47] Invisionfree: lets just asume the forum thread is right and it uses rt2570 driver... [18:47] erUSUL: I think it's right :P [18:47] Invisionfree: try «sudo modprobe rt2570» [18:47] jk_: Are you talking about the cube caps or desktop wallpaper? [18:47] dimas_: nvm lol [18:47] Hello all [18:47] billy: You can get vlc from the add/remove programs menu, i think. It will play many many formats, but it has no real library support [18:47] billy videolan.org [18:47] okay I reburned the cd and this is what I get now "Kernel is Alive ....kernel direct mapping tables up to (some memory addresses)" then it just reboots [18:47] philliplima: hello [18:47] !hi | philliplima [18:48] philliplima: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [18:48] erUSUL: FATAL: Module rt2570 not found. [18:48] thank you all [18:48] I have a 2 monitor setup. If I run a game it most often runs "fullscreen" with half the image on one monitor and half on the other, and my crosshairs (if its a FPD) right in the middle. How can I start a game and force it to use just one monitor? [18:48] Odd-rationale, i disabled cube caps and now one of my images is on the cap. but my wallpaers are still same [18:48] how is it work to install a media player on a web page? [18:48] jk_: do you have several images in the wallpaper section? [18:49] dimas_: meaning? [18:49] Odd-rationale, yeah [18:49] Invisionfree: try «sudo modprobe rt2500usb» [18:49] No error, erUSUL [18:49] odder i want to stream music and set up my own webpage for the people to access it [18:49] woodwizzle: do you have your screens setup as "1 monitor spanned" or "2 monitors" === Naota is now known as Cosmo-san [18:49] jk_: hmm. try wallpapoz instead and see if that works better. [18:49] erUSUL: Nothing, no error or anything. [18:49] Invisionfree: iwconfig shows anything new ?? [18:50] erUSUL: No, but there is a wlan0 that says IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"" [18:50] odder i have the server already straight up [18:50] billy: you can try Xine or Mplayer... they dont look that "windowsy" but they work... and if you REALY want windows media play use 'wine' and run it! [18:50] Invisionfree: thats it [18:50] would anybody know of a way to make a key, when i press it, press itself again? [18:50] erUSUL: Now what? :P [18:51] Invisionfree: now you only have to configure that wlan0 interface... [18:51] How? :P [18:51] Invisionfree: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan [18:51] dimas_: do you mean something like an Internet radio? === Kurban is now known as Kurban_Haydarov [18:51] recon, wouldn't it be easier to just press it twice? [18:51] erUSUL: Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down [18:51] odder yes but i want to be my own server and have my own web page [18:51] DRebellion: not with my reaction time. [18:52] DRebellion: (for gaming) [18:52] Invisionfree: sudo iwconfig wlan0 up [18:52] Invisionfree: and then try again the scan [18:52] erUSUL: iwconfig: unknown command "up" [18:53] how can i play counterstrike in ubuntu? [18:53] odder i want no just stream the music but make business from it you know what i mean?, i seen most of free music server provider make the money for themself [18:53] does anyone know how to adjust the size of image preview without using stretch icon [18:53] billy, wine [18:53] !wine | billy [18:53] billy: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [18:53] Invisionfree: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up === Jonathan__ is now known as Kurban_Haydarov [18:53] Guys i have a question, im trying to install ubuntu 7.10 on my desktop, well everything go well when i started the cd after selecting the language i just hitted the Run ubuntu, ok here is the problem after that ubuntu looks like is loading and show 3 loader on my screen, after the one in the middle is full loaded my screen goes blank well i cant see anything, im able to hear the sound of the system starting but no video to install ubun [18:53] erUSUL: Done. === StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt [18:54] Invisionfree: do the scan again... [18:54] erUSUL: Cell 02 is the Linksys one. [18:54] dimas_: I'm googling for it atm [18:55] Invisionfree: and does not find your Access Point...? [18:55] erUSUL: I did do the scan again. [18:55] philliplima: hmmm.... well it sounds like the xorg.conf is bad... try reburnng it [18:55] ok, new question. is there any way to bind a command to a single key, or a ctrl-* shortcut? [18:56] Does anybody know of a program that allows you to make another gnome session in a window? [18:56] hello, I'm trying to compile esound but I have the following error : http://pastebin.com/m7937ad18 [18:56] odder i just want to know where i can get one those flash media players that i can set up in my web page [18:56] is there a problem with feisty fawn and proftpd umask setting? [18:56] dimas_ like adobe flash player? [18:57] erUSUL: HELLO? [18:57] odder like yahoo perhaps that has the video player on the page so the people dont have to use their own media player [18:57] ... [18:57] Invisionfree: if you can not "see" you access point we can not progress i'm afraid [18:57] could i run windows media player in wine? [18:57] I DID. [18:57] I TOLD YOU. CELL 02 IS MINE [18:57] Hi. I've got this problem with Gutsy. Suddenly my sound in Firefox stopped working, and when I play other files (.mp3, .mpg, .avi) via mplayer, they sound horrible. [18:58] !caps | Invisionfree [18:58] Invisionfree: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [18:58] billy: doubt it... [18:58] its the second CD i burned when i try to load using the in security graphical mode, the screen flash's 6 time then says that en error ocurred and i have to wait 2 minutes [18:58] Hello, I like to execute a command at boot up on gusty. ex : X -query servername :0 (I disabled gdm) I did try rc.local .. No success, Where I can put this ? ty ! [18:58] It's almost like someone has messed with the treble and bass settings. [18:58] yay its going [18:58] erUSUL: Continue. [18:58] Odd-rationale: why is that? [18:58] Invisionfree: please calm down i'm helping [18:58] Ubuntu has 1337 users [18:58] billy: i know wmp 6.4 works in wine. but why would you use it? [18:58] I'd like to extend the timeout of when the screen blanks due to mouse/keyboard inactivity. Looked in System, Preferences, Power Management but can't seem to get it to change. Where is this defined? [18:58] Any idea how to re-install sound card drivers? ... [18:58] erUSUL: I told you I found it, you disappear, come back, and then say I said I couldn't see my access point .. [18:58] dimas_, if you need to install flash, in a terminal and after quitting any browsers, type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [18:59] billy: Actually, you might. but not very well: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=131 [18:59] Any help anyone? I have an intel sound card (integrated) in my HP laptop. [18:59] slimeQslimedog: This could be because some app is stealing your sound. run lsof /dev/snd/* and try killing everything that's there, then playing a sound file. Save anything you're working on first in case you accidentally kill it [18:59] billy, i would give banshee and amarok a try, just install from the add/remove menu, you can remove it if you dont like it [18:59] frank: i like WMP lol, but wmp9 or 10, 6.4 is too old [18:59] Invisionfree: sudo iwconfg wlan0 essid "your_essid" [18:59] esteth: Okay. [18:59] is there a problem with feisty fawn and proftpd umask setting? Changes i make are ignored [18:59] Invisionfree: do you use wpa wep or something?? [18:59] dimas_: looks like I don't know how to help you. Sorry :( [18:59] erUSUL: No. [18:59] does anyone know how to adjust the size of image preview without using stretch icon [18:59] survivorman i just want to know how i can provide that service on my web page [18:59] What exactly are the backport repos? [18:59] waylandbill: go to system>pref>screensaver and you will see a bar move it to desired lingth ;) [18:59] !patinece | Invisionfree [18:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about patinece - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:59] erUSUL: Done. [19:00] odder thanks anyhow [19:00] esteth: It's only displaying mixer_app accessing the device file. [19:00] is it somehow possible to use a different install source instead of a cdrom? [19:00] how do i set the data transfer rate on eth0? [19:00] esteth: Should I kill that? [19:00] dimas_, that's not really an appropriate question to ask here. Perhaps search for a web programming channel or try google. [19:00] tealson: Go into the synaptic package manager and disable using the cd, it will get stuff from teh repos instead [19:01] bonjour a tous [19:01] slimeQslimedog: To be honest, i'm not sure. But i can't see any harm in doing so and rebooting if it causes a problem [19:01] !fr | labotest [19:01] billy: newer versions might work too but there is no reason not to use the linux media players. I use kaffeine mostly and it plays everything I throw at it [19:01] labotest: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [19:01] Alex_Gaynor : i am trying to install ubuntu from text mode, so synaptic is not available [19:01] odder lets say you have some files you want people to see from your web page and you want to have your media player on your page [19:01] tealson: yes go to system>adminastration>software sources [19:01] esteth: The worst part is that this happened before, with Feisty. [19:01] erUSUL? [19:01] trey__: yup. exactly what I wanted. thanks [19:01] esteth: But I never fixed that, 'cuz I installed debian etch the same day :( [19:01] frank: yeah.. i just like to hang on to wut im used to sometimes lol [19:01] does anyone know how to adjust the size of image preview without using stretch icon [19:01] tealson: You'd probably need to edit the sources file then [19:02] trey__: i am trying to install ubuntu from text mode, so synaptic is not available ;-) [19:02] waylandbill: your welcome! [19:02] Invisionfree: sudo dhclient [19:02] !patience > Invisionfree [19:02] Alex_Gaynor : is this possible from command line? (like in debian sources.list?) [19:02] dimas_: I'm not a big flash expert, so I really can't help you. I tried google, but couldn't find any good results. [19:02] Invisionfree: does the dhclient suceed on getting an ip address from the ap ?? [19:02] billy: using wine is a last resort option for me. [19:02] slimeQslimedog: Ah. I'm not too versed in sound problems myself, but i've had a similar problem before that killing off the apps listed with lsof /dev/snd/* returned me to normal. Sorry if i can't help any more [19:02] tealson: so your trying to install ubuntu without the disk?? [19:03] erUSUL: I don't know :x [19:03] thanks odder [19:03] tealson: You can use apt-get install packagename to install packagename from the terminal [19:03] tealson: I think so, I'm not really an expert [19:03] hi, using LyX is proving frustrating because there doesn't seem to be an easy way to get latex classes for it? it only comes with about 5 classes :\ [19:03] esteth: Okay, thanks. It didn't work unfortunately. I'll try rebooting and see if the problem gets fixed. [19:03] Invisionfree: it should tell you... it gives up after a while or prints the ip it gets [19:03] esteth: Any other forum you can direct me to? [19:03] how do install a windows program in wine? [19:04] trey__: : no i am not, i can boot from my install disks, but install failes because my cdrom drive can't read all the files (its broken, the cd is okay, i md5sumed it), so i need a different source like a http mirror which offers the suitable files [19:04] Doing "sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl.inf" gies "driver bcmwl5 is already instaleld", but it also says "driver 'bcml5' is not instlaled (properly)!" [19:04] slimeQslimedog: The ubuntu official support forums are very good. www.ubuntuforums.org [19:04] How do I uninstall the driver and reinstall it? [19:04] billy: double click on the setup.exe ;) [19:04] esteth: Okay, thanks. It's almost like a karaoke effect with treble! ... [19:04] erUSUL: It's going a lot of for a bunch of things, then No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. [19:04] erUSUL: its a .msi file [19:05] and tools > reconfigure fails! this is poor compared to most my experience with ubuntu packages :( [19:05] erUSUL: for steam [19:05] tealson: um... i dont know...i didnt think you could do that.... [19:05] Invisionfree: then it failed... :| [19:05] How do I uninstall a driver? [19:05] ChaosTheory: blacklist it [19:05] sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [19:05] erUSUL: Is it possible to install GNOME/KDE without internet? [19:05] billy: How do I do that? [19:05] billy: there are a lot of guides in google about installing steam on wine [19:06] billy: well .msi works on wine now actually but you need to do a few things to get steam up and running [19:06] ChaosTheory: then type the driver in there and save [19:06] ChaosTheory: then restart [19:06] kitche: how do i get steam up and running? [19:06] Invisionfree: you can use the alternate CD burn it and add it (sudo apt-cdrom add /dev/cdrom) to apt [19:06] billy: So it opens up the text editor. [19:06] billy: you should google around for instructions on installing steam on ubuntu. It's very possible that it needs a specific configuration to run [19:07] billy: I just save it? Without doing anything? [19:07] ahhhh, I have a ton of classes in /usr/share/texmf-texlive/ but ubuntu wants to see them in texmf/ [19:07] Invisionfree: then install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop [19:07] hi [19:07] billy: wine's homepage actually has excellent instructions [19:07] does anyone know how to adjust the size of image preview without using stretch icon [19:07] ChaosTheory: no, write the name at the bottom of the list of the driver [19:07] ChaosTheory: then save [19:07] erUSUL: I installed the Ubuntu server from CD, would that CD work? [19:07] !hi | bolan1 [19:07] bolan1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [19:07] kitche: oh okay i'll look at that then [19:07] billy: you go a lot of work to do... LOL [19:07] erUSUL: simple apt-get cdrom add works, too [19:08] trey__: why is that? [19:08] billy: Okay, now I restart the computer? [19:08] you could do that [19:08] Invisionfree: no the server cd doesn't have the required packages afaik [19:08] or sudo modprobe -r [19:08] billy: i mean all these questans... its like billy billy billy billy..... [19:08] erUSUL: How big is the Alt CD? [19:08] billy: FATAL: Module bcml5.inf not found. [19:08] Invisionfree: about the same size [19:09] Invisionfree almost 700mbs [19:09] ChaosTheory: wait are you trying to remove a driver from ndiswrapper? [19:09] I don't have time to download that big a file, I'd be better off installing Windows and making this a Windows server .. [19:09] does anyone know for what ubuntu uses the wmaster0 device? [19:09] billy: ndiswrapper already installed a driver but it installed improperly. [19:09] ChaosTheory: or are you trying to stop ndiswrapper all together? what are you trying to do in the first place? [19:09] billy: So I'm trying to *uninstall* the driver and reinstall it properly. [19:10] ChaosTheory: then type this; sudo ndiswrapper -r [19:10] bolan1: google says for wireless networking, afais [19:10] klogd is eating up my CPU! Why? [19:10] ChaosTheory: in a terminal type ndiswrapper -l to list installed drivers if any [19:10] I'm trying to setup ndiswrapper to use the proprietary broadcom wireless driver. I install the driver w/ ndiswrapper -i then i do ndiswrapper -m, then i do modprobe ndiswrapper and modprobe throws the error that it couldn't locate ndiswrapper.ko--isn't ndiswrapper -m supposed to make that file? [19:10] Invisionfree: your server your choice [19:11] billy: "couldn't delete /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5.inf: No such file or directory" [19:11] erUSUL: Why wouldn't sudo dhclient work? [19:11] ChaosTheory: type ndiswrapper -L but lowercase L [19:11] ChaosTheory: and paste the output [19:11] !paste [19:11] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [19:11] legend2440: bcmwl5: invalid driver! [19:11] legend2440: bcmwl5: driver installed [19:11] ChaosTheory: type sudo ndiswrapper -r bcmwl5 [19:11] billy: This is on another laptop. [19:11] does anyone know how to adjust the size of image preview without using stretch icon [19:11] Invisionfree: dunno really maye the signal is not good or whatever with wifi you never now :| (or is hard to find out) [19:12] ChaosTheory: ok ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5 to remove it [19:12] Invisionfree: then request a free cd or start right before you dgo to bed ;) [19:12] ChaosTheory: i was going thru the exact same thing you are [19:12] trey__: My internet will crash and restart before it's passed 300MB [19:12] legend2440: Okay, now it just says "bcmwl5: invalid driver!" [19:12] odder: but the device wlan0 gets the dhcp ip address of my accesspoint and the wmaster0 device gets an unknown address [19:12] ChaosTheory: you should just forget tryin to get ur bcm card to work and go get yourself a wireless bridge [19:12] billy: Actually, I got it to work *perfectly* yesterday. [19:12] Invisionfree you have a trasfer rate cap? [19:13] mw-home: dunno why, but found a solution: http://lists4.opensuse.org/opensuse/2001-07/msg02926.html [19:13] jk_: gconf-editor under nautilus [19:13] billy: But my sound and video card settings were thoroughly messed up so I installed a clean copy again. [19:13] ChaosTheory: the problem with the bcm stuff is that it slowly 'decays', and sometimes quickly [19:13] bolan1: I'll googling it [19:13] ChaosTheory: it could be working perfectly for 10 mins or 10 hrs, then all of a sudden stop working all together [19:14] ChaosTheory: thats why i went with a wireless bridge lol, wayyyyyyyy easier to set up [19:14] odder: thanks! [19:14] 2 stupid questions : I don't have internet at the house. I download at a cybercafe. I try to install "libxine1". It refuses, mentioning a dependancy for libxine1. Why? [19:14] i ask because i cant connect to my remote server anymore (ping works but ssh and vnc causes a "no route to host" ) is it possible that this device cause this trouble? [19:14] billy: Well, it was working fine from about 12PM to 3AM yesterday. [19:14] using the ndiswrapper module found in synaptic, after I install the bcmwl5 wireless driver and running ndiswrapper -m, modprobe ndiswrapper fails because it says that ndiswrapper.ko cannot be found. Am I missing a step here? [19:14] sburwood: do you have the cd? [19:14] ChaosTheory: but it randomly stopped huh? mine did the same thing [19:14] afternoon all. [19:14] ChaosTheory: and i tried to get it working for like 3 months to no avail [19:14] I need to scan my documents. I have a HP Scanjet 2200C. It should work, but doesn't [19:15] billy: No. [19:15] billy: It was working fine. [19:15] billy: I just reinstalled Ubuntu. [19:15] billy : I installed Gutsy from a Live CD [19:15] billy: I reinstalled due to problems with my sound and video card. [19:15] this device has a route entry to the network [19:15] ChaosTheory: i reinstalled after i started having problems again with bcm, and i never got it working again [19:15] as well as the wlan0 device [19:15] what bcm card is it specifically? [19:16] sburwood: then put the cd in the tray and it should have that file ur looking for [19:16] billy: Broadcom. [19:16] billy: One second. [19:16] erUSUL: That appears to be the v1 version of WUSB54G. It uses a Prism chipset and not the RaLink chipset used by later versions. So be careful when applying instructions that might be based on different versions of the product. <- According to that, mine should use RaLink [19:16] sburwood: whoa. Have you tried XSane? It should work for most scaners without any problems. [19:16] ChaosTheory: mines BCM4311MCG for example [19:16] billy: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n [19:16] ChaosTheory: k gimme a few [19:16] odder, I downloaded what I thought was sane 1.0.19 [19:16] a/b/g/n [19:16] hrnn [19:16] billy: I think all I need to do is follow the "INSTALL" in this ndiswrapper 1.52 tar.gz file. [19:17] billy: That's how I got it to work the first time. [19:17] !info | xsane [19:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [19:17] ChaosTheory: 64 or 32-bit? [19:17] billy : I might try libxine1 on the CD, but hadn't thought of that [19:17] i just relised that people that help me aret imbasible to help... 0.0) [19:17] sburwood: yeah it'll prolly be on there lol [19:17] i am trying to install the latest ubuntu and i am getting this error Loading hardware drivers...error receiving uevent message: No buffer space available can anyone help ? === Azer_ is now known as Azer [19:17] odder, what could you suggest for xsane? [19:17] billy: 32 [19:17] could you send it to me? [19:18] sburwood: or type sudo apt-get update then go to the package manager and search for it [19:18] ChaosTheory: k gimme a few [19:18] hi is it possible to upgrade a 32 bit system with a 64bit version without reinstalling everything practically on the fly? anybody know [19:18] sburwood: well, I'm sure it's in the repos [19:18] I don't have Internet at the house and the cybercafe uses Windows [19:18] tehlam3: no [19:18] Given the sequence: M, T, W, T, F... - What's the next letter? [19:18] odder : repos? [19:18] ChaosTheory: hey did you blacklist bcm43xx when you installed ndiswrapper? [19:18] praktora: this is more of a "last resort" but you might try reburning the disk? [19:18] sburwood: aah.. I'll try to find you a .deb file [19:19] !offtopic > ed-[bnc] [19:19] tehlam3: not possible. to my knowledge at least [19:19] billy: Yes, I believe I did. [19:19] hi guys, do you know the best software to watch TV on my laptop - need to watch Arsenal Vs Liverpool [19:19] billy: Sorry, can you paste the command to go to the blacklist again? [19:19] a little help please with the iwl3945 module? it works for minutes, then goes really slow [19:19] type cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and check if the bcm43xx is a the bottom [19:19] trey__ by reburning the disk it could be fix ? [19:19] ChaosTheory: and also check ifthere is a # to the left of it [19:19] I've installed and configured openvpn. Why don't I see a tun connection??? [19:19] tehlam3, no [19:20] sburwood: you've got a pm, have a look ;-) [19:20] billy: There's a "blacklist bcm43xx" above the "blacklist bcmwl5". [19:20] praktora: could... id try it cuz the pc i use burns it in minutes but that might not be the problem... [19:20] billy: You told me to do the second one. [19:21] any people here running games (quake 1) on linux ubuntu?... I can't get it to run at acceptable speeds [19:21] odder : pm? [19:21] trey__ can i make the installation using an external disk ? [19:21] ChaosTheory: yea get rid of the bcmwl5 entry, i didn't know u were doin stuff with ndiswrapper [19:21] odder : I am not fast [19:21] not sure if this is the appropriate place, but does anyone know of a program like dvd-mulleter but that will run on ubunutu [19:21] doing many things at once [19:21] Why does ubuntu give me these errors for openvpn??? [19:21] ChaosTheory: do you have a flash drive? [19:21] billy: Okay. [19:21] Wed Apr 2 11:20:38 2008 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) [19:21] Wed Apr 2 11:20:38 2008 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed [19:21] Wed Apr 2 11:20:38 2008 Fatal TLS error (check_tls_errors_co), restarting [19:22] sburwood: a private message :-) that's not a problem, I'll wait [19:22] billy: Yes, I do. That's how I've been getting these files onto my laptop. [19:22] !paste | quentusrex [19:22] ChaosTheory: k, if you could paste the output of ndiswrapper -l in a text document and transfer it to the machine ur on then pastebin it [19:22] odder, why won't openvpn work??? [19:22] billy: How do I open the text editor for the blacklist? [19:22] praktora: yeah... IF you can boot from it AND hen you write it... make sure it looks EXACTALY like it would on the disk it cant have just an .iso file... [19:22] !paste|chaostheory [19:23] ok thx [19:23] ChaosTheory: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist [19:23] gksudo [19:23] quentusrex: no idea, sorry. [19:23] billy: Okay, I saved that. [19:23] !gksudo | billy, ChaosTheory [19:23] gOS is built from ubuntu correct [19:23] !info [19:23] praktora: your welcome! if you need any more help just ask! [19:23] >_< [19:23] !info w3m [19:23] billy: ndiswrapper -l gives two things: [19:23] looks like ubotu has some problems atm ;-) [19:23] is ubotu tired today? [19:23] "bcmwl5 : invalid driver!" [19:24] odder : I answered the PM [19:24] "bcmwl5 : invalid driver! [19:24] That's all. [19:24] ChaosTheory: sudo ndiswrapper -r bcmwl5 [19:24] slart: from my experiance (two days) hes (she?) allways tired... [19:24] sburwood: I don't see any answer. You probably don't own a registered freenode account. [19:24] ChaosTheory: then do ndiswrapper -l again [19:24] billy: Okay, I did that. [19:25] I need to execute a command after the update has been up .. But more then that, after the network gained his IP , How can I do that ? [19:25] billy: "bcmwl5 : invalid driver!" [19:25] okay [19:25] billy: Only once this time. [19:25] ChaosTheory: then do the sudo ndiswrapper -r bcmwl5 again [19:25] trey__: hmm... perhaps some new batteries will make things better.. well well [19:25] Adylas, what? [19:25] ChaosTheory: ok sudo ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5 to remove it billy -e removes driver not -r [19:26] alrt: your buyin! [19:26] billy: "couldn't delete /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5: No such file or directory" [19:26] do ndiswrapper -l again? [19:26] Skiessi: I need to start a service after the network received his IP , How can I do that ? === macros__ is now known as macros_ [19:26] legend2440: Same thing. [19:26] I installed Ubuntu onto an external USB drive. This was for dual-booting XP and Ubuntu. However, the XP system resides on a Promise RAID controller. When I installed Ubuntu, it wrote GRUB over top of my XP RAID and I can no longer boot to XP. How do I fix/remove GRUB [19:26] billy: "bcmwl5 : invalid driver!" [19:26] Adylas: as far as I know, it depends on the service itself [19:26] ChaosTheory: okay, ill give you a link to downoad a good driver, gimme a second [19:27] billy: Okay. [19:27] ryanhull76: boot an XP disk in recovery mode, and run fixboot and fixmbr [19:27] odder, I don't think that I have registered [19:27] ryanhull76: use the windows XP installation CD to get a recovery prompt, then issue the commands "fixboot" and "fixmbr" [19:27] odder: If the service is started without an ip, it just fail and the bootup continue. [19:27] that should clear grub off the master boot record [19:27] Adylas, if you use command line then it's something like "command1 && command2" [19:27] ryanhull76: That will remove grub and give you back windows default bootloader [19:27] odder : how do I register? [19:27] !register | esteth [19:27] is ubotu off duty again? [19:27] IndyGunFreak: ubotu is on holiday [19:27] ryanhull76 | !grub [19:28] Skiessi: I have no clue what you are talking about. I play with /etc/init.d and I want to start a service when the network interface got his IP. [19:28] Slart: friggin slacker [19:28] ChaosTheory: wut kinda computer is it? [19:28] sburwood: try /msg nickserv help register [19:28] !register | sburwood [19:28] I keep getting errors after updating [19:28] IndyGunFreak: esteth: I've tried that, but XP setup disc requires drivers for the raid card. When I install them (F6 - then s to add device) it won't show the array. However, I can see the 3 drives in Ubuntu. (i'm in LIVE CD right now) can I just edit/wipe GRUB and go from there? [19:28] sburwood: ubotu's off a moment [19:29] brb everyone [19:29] ryan8403: i don't think so.., [19:29] I use Gutsy [19:29] I've already tried reinstalling but after I update ubuntu gets fucked up [19:29] ryanhull76: you can edit grub i'm fairly sure, but removing it.. i don't think so [19:29] billy: HP dv6000 [19:29] k [19:29] ryanhull76: i think if you remove grub you cant boot ubuntu... hmmm... oh! you mean... (slaps himself) LOL never mind [19:29] ChaosTheory: what is listed in System>Administration>Restricted Driver Manager? [19:30] IndyGunFreak: Damn. I was hoping I could just edit a few lines and get XP back. I'll screw with ubuntu again some other time. [19:30] legend2440: Only one thing: "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)" [19:30] legend2440: And it isn't in use. [19:30] I've already tried reinstalling but after I update ubuntu gets fucked up [19:30] ryanhull76: you might be able to, problem is, you went about a silly way of installing ubuntu [19:30] ryanhull76: You can edit grub in /etc/grub/boot.list i think, but removing grub without replacing it with another bootloader will render you unbootable. We cannot include the windows bootloader due to copyright restrictions [19:31] IndyGunFreak: I figured installing to an external drive would allow me to dual-boot when I chose too, without touching the existing install. [19:31] esteth: he'll have to mount the drive to do that [19:31] ryanhull76: well, that obviously was false... [19:31] ok how much money do you got i have a peny and a lint ball.... who wants to buy a new bot?? [19:31] IndyGunFreak: yeah, that's the problem. I can't mount the drive right now. [19:31] esteth: /boot/grub/menu.lst not /etc/grub/boot.list [19:31] ChaosTheory: ok where did you get the windows driver you are using with ndiswrapper? [19:31] sburwood: okay, just give me your mail and the machine architecture, so I can send you a proper .deb file [19:31] genii: Aha, thanks [19:31] !language | armada [19:31] legend2440: Oh. . . I've been all over the place. [19:32] esteth: np [19:32] hey guys [19:32] erUSUL: ubotu has taken a leave of absence [19:32] is there a way to run kde instead of gnome on ubuntu [19:32] legend2440: The file is called "bcm4328.zip" [19:32] IndyGunFreak: :| it will be missed... [19:32] hi DrHala1, welcome to #ubuntu! [19:32] looks like i installed the correct packages but doesnt seem tos how in sessions [19:32] :-) [19:32] flinttown420: yes, install the KDE desktop from the repositories [19:32] erUSUL: yes, we all miss him, [19:32] I get errors about not being able to configure phyton or openoffice [19:32] ChaosTheory: go to this page and download the file at the bottom: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=ob-53245-1&lc=en&cc=us&lang=en&os=228&product=1842155&dlc=en [19:32] IndyGunFreak: is there a way to mount that raid? [19:33] hello [19:33] from the synaptic package manager IndyGunFreak ? [19:33] ryanhull76: probably, but i'm not sure how. [19:33] cause this gnome is just not workin to well [19:33] hello zypcu [19:33] can someone help me? [19:33] flinttown420: yes... but why is gnoe not working wellI(KDE is even slower) [19:33] ChaosTheory: billy that link is dead [19:33] billy: "sp36684"? [19:33] ChaosTheory: yeah [19:34] can someone please help me? [19:34] flinttown420: what issue are you having w/ gnome? [19:34] ChaosTheory: then u gotta get the drivers and firmware out of it with cabextract [19:34] billy: It's an .exe. Where do I install it? [19:34] firefox closes instantly for no reason [19:34] billy: Okay. [19:34] armada: we all dropped out fo mindreading 101 [19:34] ChaosTheory: gimme a sec ill find it for ya [19:34] firefox closes instantly for no reason [19:34] flinttown420: i sincerely doubt KDE is gonna fix that. [19:34] ryanhull76: what raid ? [19:34] well i like the look of kde honestly [19:35] Promise RAID0 - 3 disks [19:35] heh [19:35] slart: um... ooops! i just broke the bot! you want to buy a new one? hehe [19:35] IndyFunFreak: I've asked the same question 3 times now [19:35] ChaosTheory: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/cabextract and click the i386 one [19:35] i have problems with dvdplayback [19:35] armada: then you need to be more patient [19:35] can anyone help me [19:35] I keep getting errors after updating [19:35] zypcu: well, only if you state the problem [19:35] I get errors about not being able to configure phyton or openoffice [19:35] erUSUL: Promise Fastrak100 3-drive RAID 0 [19:35] armada: i see.. sorry i can't offer much of a solution on that, i've updated w/o issue, but what is the error? [19:35] i tried to install the gxine.. [19:36] ChaosTheory: lemme know when you have both of those downloaded [19:36] but it says not intallable [19:36] billy: Okay. [19:36] etx [19:36] billy: So this will get rid of the invalid "bcmwl5," too? [19:36] I thought I copied it but it's not on my clipboard, sry [19:36] is there any log I can get the errors from? [19:36] hi [19:36] zypcu: well what reasoning does it give for it not being installable [19:37] hi DexterF [19:37] bbiab. Going to try and get Windows CD to fix things. [19:37] ChaosTheory: we're gonna reinstall the drivers [19:37] But the error was about not being able to configure phyton and openoffice [19:37] didn't supply anymore info [19:37] I'd like to backport the ati video driver package from 7.10 to 7.04. I've done some backports, but not with that many dependencies, anyone got advice on obvious tripwires? [19:37] greetings [19:37] armada: well, i havef no idea what that is, sorry [19:37] billy: Okay, but ndiswrapper -l still gives the "bcmwl5 : invalid driver!" right? [19:37] greetins! [19:37] i have some issues with xmms [19:37] ChaosTheory: for now [19:38] pancho: because its an old, unsupported program, use audacious [19:38] billy: Okay, just making sure. [19:38] plz wait a sec.. [19:38] when i had gutsy, i found on synaptip a plugin pack for xmms [19:38] maybe i can copy paste that [19:38] I'll try reinstalling for a third time '-_- [19:38] *synaptic [19:38] armada: what error? could you please give us more info? did you try apt-reinstalling it? [19:38] i forgot my nick password 0.o [19:38] pancho: xmms hasn't been updated in about 2yrs, use audacious [19:38] I completely reinstalled [19:38] i installed now feisty again, and i am not able to find it [19:38] they're similar, and audacious is maintained [19:38] still no luck [19:38] pancho: try and put it all in one line please [19:38] But the error was about not being able to configure phyton and openoffice [19:38] really? [19:38] didn't supply anymore info [19:39] gxine: [19:39] Hängt ab: libxine1 (>=1.1.4) but it is not installable [19:39] pancho: no, i just ty ped all that for practice [19:39] I'm back [19:39] o i c [19:39] pancho: yes, really. if you write one line for three words youll scroll everything in oblivion. [19:39] billy: Okay, I've just installed "cabextract." [19:39] pacho: use pastebin.com [19:39] billy: What do I do now? [19:39] pancho: use audacious, they are very similar programs, you can even use xmms skins w/ audacious, and audacious is maintained [19:39] zypcu : vie gechts mit libxine1? [19:39] ChaosTheory: now make a folder called ndiswrapper on ur desktop [19:39] armada: that's weird. Please, tell us everything you've done to fix that. [19:39] let me try [19:39] billy: Okay. [19:40] ChaosTheory: and put the sp36684.exe file in there [19:40] odder: reinstalling ubuntu [19:40] okay, let me check that audacious thing, i use xmms because its memory saving for me [19:40] twice [19:40] armada: ah. That should have worked, you're right ;-) [19:40] pancho: well, audacious is almost identical to xmms as far as i can tell. [19:40] Hi, i installed OverKill last night and i dont know where the file has been saved to and i can find it in /usr/bin anyone got an ideas? [19:40] billy: Okay. [19:40] go to terminal type cd Desktop/ndiswrapper [19:40] odder: the first time I installed ubuntu the updates worked fine [19:41] hey, I have an idea ... if someone could help me figure how to access an Ovislink ARM-104 modem, I'll ask for DSL and can perhaps get the information myself [19:41] billy: Okay. [19:41] i got a slight weird feeling that ubuntu+1 doesn't carry the support energy that is passed around in this channel :/ [19:41] I'm new to ubuntu and linux in general, but I'm a fast learner ;) [19:41] alex101: places>search for files ;) [19:41] I tried that. [19:41] so, i can play m4a, aac, and other formats?....even listen to internet radio? [19:41] someone helped me before, but I think I'm annoying him with all my question [19:41] alex101 oh? [19:41] Yeah. ;/ [19:41] pancho: it depends... some internet radio works well, some are difficult to get workinjg, some won't work. [19:41] sburwood: we're all here to help you :-) just ask [19:41] But i installed the package. [19:41] ChaosTheory: just to make sure sudo ndiswrapper -r bcmwl5 again [19:41] ubuntu update just shot my 8.04 beta install [19:41] What is the 8.04 like [19:42] hot news all here. [19:42] i see [19:42] jpratt, don't upgrade once you installed it ;) [19:42] pani1: ask in #ubuntu+1 [19:42] alex101 lol... did you reboot/see a needs to reboot thingy? [19:42] so why does libxine require itself to install itself? [19:42] billy: "couldn't delete /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5: No such file or directory" [19:42] IndyGunFreak: i did... the answer is long dark heavy silence. [19:42] could there be something wrong with the update service? [19:42] <_ZEPLIN_456_> brah grah [19:42] pani1: well, thats what you get for using a beta [19:42] <_ZEPLIN_456_> anyone hawe source of nvidi drivrs ? [19:42] how can I find a way to use my HP Scanjet 2200c? [19:42] how do i make a launcher to a program to run as root [19:42] IndyGunFreak: i'm happy to help you to improve ubuntu! :) [19:42] armada: well, that happened before [19:42] I mean an update on a completely clean system should work [19:42] I need help trying to figure out why tls handshake is failing. please someone help... [19:43] and how can I get into my modem (Ovislink ARM-104) [19:43] ChaosTheory: okay, then sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf [19:43] pani1: i use the beta, but i don't complain went help isn't immediately available [19:43] I didn't even install my GPU drivers [19:43] how do i use chmod in order to make a file accesible/editable for everyone? [19:43] a DC client for ubuntu? [19:43] 3 good questions [19:43] No i didn't. [19:43] billy: "installing bcmwl5. . ." [19:43] Hermano1: try putting 'gksudo yourapp' in the command thing [19:43] IndyGunFreak: well, if an update made your os inaccessible, wouldn't you get a feeling of... urgency? [19:43] billy: "couldn't open bcmwl5.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 181" [19:43] alex101: so... are you gonna try? [19:43] pani1: no, because i dual boot the beta and a known stable OS [19:43] IndyGunFreak: clever you! [19:44] hey can i get some help with gOS while i am waiting for ubuntu to download [19:44] Yeah i'll try reboot. [19:44] thanks. [19:44] then search it? [19:44] can someone write me an e-mail to tell me how to get into the modem? [19:44] updates are fucking up my ubuntu too [19:44] Hermano1: sorry, gksu* [19:44] ChaosTheory: did u extract the exe file? [19:44] stable one [19:44] ChaosTheory: crap i skipped a whole step lol sorry [19:44] alex101: your welcome if that does not work just come back! [19:44] armada: watch your language, please [19:44] billy: Yes, the .exe is in the "ndiswrapper" folder in the Dekstop. [19:44] billy: Oh, okay. [19:44] ChaosTheory: cd in terminal, then cd Desktop/ndswrapper [19:44] odder: okay, sorry [19:44] billy: I already did that. [19:45] will a disk burnt with XP work with linux [19:45] then sudo cabextract sp36684.exe [19:45] IndyGunFreak: i also just booted from a known stable OS, but i'm trying to keep the colorful fenaître from me as far as possible [19:45] hi [19:45] billy: " [19:45] the updates are making my OS not work so good :P [19:45] All done, no error." [19:45] *errors [19:45] like with pictures and music [19:45] !hi [19:45] armada: hm. try apt-get install --reinstall openoffice or something like that [19:45] ChaosTheory: k then sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf [19:45] armada: as with most :'( [19:45] jPratt: yes why not [19:45] sorena: ubotu's off a moment [19:46] billy: driver bcmwl5 is already installed [19:46] Well for some reason i open it and it closes it self [19:46] akramsaleh: Vista makes backup dvds with udf2.5 which linux takes issue with. But XP ones should be fine [19:46] ChaosTheory: ndiswrapper -v [19:46] what version is it? [19:46] who do i connect to wifi a installed the driver then what should i do ? [19:46] billy: utils version: 1.9 [19:46] jPratt: you mean the nautilus window closes itself? [19:46] jPratt: u r right geni [19:47] What [19:47] not utils-version, just version [19:47] billy: driver modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/misc/ndiswrapper.ko: No such file or directory [19:47] i am having issues with compiz too, when i activate it, the titlebar goes away [19:47] billy: That's what "ndiswrapper -v" gave me. [19:47] I open it and then a few seconds later it closes [19:47] ChaosTheory: ur ndiswrapper isn't installed right.. [19:47] billy: Oh. [19:47] pancho: that was an issue w/ some Nvidia cards, but i thought it was fixed.. try askign in #ubuntu-effects.. [19:47] billy: How do I install it properly? [19:48] ChaosTheory: wow, thats where all these problems are coming from lol, h/o lemme find somethin for ya [19:48] billy: Haha, okay. [19:48] thanks [19:48] #timisoara [19:48] jPratt: i dont know ... i am sorry i can't help u :( [19:48] Hmm And MY external HDD does that to [19:49] REGISTER me [19:49] doesn't work [19:49] or I misunderstood [19:49] i am having a problem setting umask in proftpd for feisty fawn. proftpd.conf is ignoring my directives. Is there a problem with feisty and proftpd? [19:49] you misunderstood [19:49] ChaosTheory: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93482 and download the stable version [19:49] ho do i connect to wifi i installed the driver then what should i do ? [19:49] id type !register but i broke the bit [19:49] sburwood !register [19:49] jPratt: really weird.. which ubuntu do u use? is it updated? [19:50] !register [19:50] tried reinstalling openoffice.org-core, got the same errors but with more info [19:50] I'll paste it on the paste site [19:50] bye [19:50] sburwood: 1, you're doing it wrong, you put the ! command first, second, ubotu is on vacation [19:50] Hmmm Well ATM i am using gOS wich is based off of 7.10 and i am downloading 7.10 as we speak [19:50] ok [19:50] sorry [19:50] it's been a while [19:50] billy: I already have this on my flash drive. [19:51] sburwood: try /msg nickserv help register [19:51] ChaosTheory: okay, then gimme one sec.. [19:51] and follow the commands nickserv prints out [19:51] sburwood: through my mysterious google powers, i'f found your help http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration [19:51] screw ubotu, we should have indygunfreak [19:51] the paste site is loading sloooow [19:52] thx [19:52] I'll be back [19:52] jPratt: i believe u wont have any problem with 7.10 everythink works fine with me on 7.1 and now on 8.04 [19:52] the paste site isn't loading at all [19:52] time-out [19:52] hi.. im trying to install ubuntu 7.10 the cd boots and i press install ... the loading stays and then i get error saysing /sbin/modprobe error.. [19:52] ChaosTheory: get that folder onto ur comp and cd into it from terminal [19:52] once I figure how to access the DSL modem and get Internet at the house [19:52] Ok well what is the diff between 7.1 and 8.04 [19:52] hi.. im trying to install ubuntu 7.10 the cd boots and i press install ... the loading stays and then i get error saysing /sbin/modprobe error.. what could be that?? [19:52] * IndyGunFreak thinks sburwood will be gone a while [19:52] jPratt: 7.10 is stable, 8.04 is not [19:53] Lol [19:53] jPratt: try reading the hardy release notes, there's a whole bunch of information on that [19:53] paste.ubuntu-nl.org isn't loading for me [19:53] armada: i think it changed to paste.ubuntu.org [19:53] billy: Okay, done. [19:53] 8.04 is still under development [19:53] no one knows what can me my problem? [19:53] .com [19:53] armada: check.. paste.ubuntu.com [19:53] is there a howto on installing ubuntu manual using debootstrap? [19:53] ChaosTheory: so ur in the ndiswrapper-1.52 folder right? type sudo make [19:54] debootstrap? [19:54] it's partly in dutch http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372/ [19:54] <|Dede|> How can creat a key-shortcut for the system monitor? [19:54] <|Dede|> *e [19:54] that's the errors I get when updating [19:54] billy: That gives *a lot* of errors and warnings. [19:54] |Dede|: add it to your panel is what i done [19:54] is 64-Bit ubuntu horrible like 64-Bit XP/Vista (99.9% of software doesn't work) ? [19:54] billy: Most of them start with "loadndisdriver.c:" [19:54] <|Dede|> I want a key shortcut though [19:54] |Dede|: try menu --> preferences --> keyboard shortcuts or something like that [19:54] <|Dede|> but thx anyway [19:54] CShadowRun: i wouldn't say 99%, but there are several programs th at are problematic [19:55] hi.. im trying to install ubuntu 7.10 the cd boots and i press install ... the loading stays and then i get error saysing /sbin/modprobe error.. what could be that?? [19:55] |Dede|: oh sorry, thought you wanted a *shortcut* [19:55] ChaosTheory: what when u run make? [19:55] i see. [19:55] menu --> system --> preferences*, of course* [19:55] billy: yes. [19:55] <|Dede|> cant find it at keyboard shortcuts [19:55] ChaosTheory: hmm.. try a different ndiswrapper file, sounds like that one is missing stuff [19:56] it seems to have something to do with the fonts [19:56] Quick question, will there be monodevelop 1.00 packages available in the repo's anytime soon? :) I can't get it to compile [19:56] ho do i connect to wifi ,i installed the driver then what should i do ? [19:56] billy: Or, I think my computer is missing some header files or something. [19:56] billy: I think all of them are errors that have to do with the C. [19:56] no one ? [19:56] crap !lol [19:56] <|Dede|> How can I create a key-shortcut for the system monitor? [19:57] ChaosTheory: hmm.. yeah, this is why i gave up on my broadcom card lol [19:57] billy: A bunch of "undeclared"s and "implicit declaration"s. [19:57] |Dede|: it should be somewhere there. I'm not using X atm, but gooogle says its System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts [19:57] zCk try the alternate cd [19:57] billy: No, I think it has something to do with the Linux kernel itself -- it just cannot recognize the C code or something. [19:57] ChaosTheory: ill try to find u this really good tutorial i used before, but you'll have to do another couple things before using it [19:57] Can anyone take a look at these errors? [19:57] <|Dede|> how can I add it there? [19:57] <|Dede|> cant find it there [19:57] ChaosTheory: paste them [19:57] I'll copy them onto my drive and put them into pastebin. [19:57] please how can I find out to which /dev/... correspond my sound card ? I'd like to use esound [19:57] noodlesgc dl it again lol :S [19:58] ChaosTheory: ill look at them to see wut i can get from it [19:58] xCk theres an accelerator called axel, you may want to look at [19:58] billy: Where do I put it in Ubuntu? [19:58] !wifi [19:58] billy: A text editor or something? [19:58] ChaosTheory: yeah [19:58] billy: Can Windows recognize it? [19:58] Hi people [19:58] ChaosTheory: if you open the file from wordpad [19:58] |Dede|: try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-125981.html [19:59] !wifi [19:59] billy: Okay, I pasted it into gedit. [19:59] Joseh55: hi [19:59] ChaosTheory: now save the file and ya [19:59] ChaosTheory: there's a way to save it as .txt but i forgot [19:59] <|Dede|> I am searching for a shortcut for Sys monitor though [20:00] <|Dede|> not any others [20:00] damn [20:00] hey guys, I have a problem with lirc, lircd is running and I get signals in /dev/lirc0. But when I start irw I don't get any reaction at all. lircd tells me that a client connected, but then nothing happens. Irrecord is working at the beginning but when I try to configure some buttons i get " Something went wrong". Thanks for your help! [20:00] well, think, that's really simple [20:00] please how can I find out to which /dev/... correspond my sound card ? I'd like to use esound but I dont know which dev I have to use [20:01] <|Dede|> odder: http://strabes.wordpress.com/2006/11/13/create-custom-keyboard-shortcuts-in-ubuntu/ [20:01] <|Dede|> just wanted to let ya know ^^ [20:01] billy: I saved it into my traveldrive but it's not showing up when I plug it into the desktop. . . [20:01] |Dede|: you press your own keyboard shortcut and write your own command, I'm not using X atm, so I'm telling you everything I remember [20:01] Tex-Twil: /dev/snd [20:01] hey all, I've compiled a few new daemons from scratch and I want them to start when I boot. They need to start as root, though. Can I make a custom init.d entry for them or what's the easiest way to get them to start on boot as root? [20:02] ChaosTheory: create a .txt file on ur desktop, put it in the drive, then paste the stuff in that file in ubuntu, then back again [20:02] ChaosTheory: too complicated lol [20:02] billy: Okay. T_T [20:02] IndyGunFreak: find anything? [20:03] armada, /dev/snd is a directory [20:03] |Dede|: okay, that's cool you've found that :-) However, when I wanted to create my own shortcuts, I managed to do it throught keyboard shortcuts entry in the main menu ;-) [20:03] Hola Pendejos!!! [20:03] billy: Okay, I did that, but when I put it into the desktop and open the file, nothing shows up. . . [20:04] through* [20:04] armada, the /dev/snd contains controlC0 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p seq timer [20:04] billy: This is like playing "Whack the Gopher." [20:04] Tex-Twil: woops, probably got those confused [20:04] Hello [20:04] wdhrwntdc [20:04] where can i find the numerical values for mouse sensitivity and acceleration, so that i can get back the default settings after having played around with them? [20:04] ChaosTheory: lol it really is, i remember going back and forth between two laptops, one ubuntu and one windows, until i figured out how to do file sharing lol [20:04] !offtopic | TheBiker [20:05] sorry justy playing [20:05] can someone help me with my problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372/ [20:05] ompaul: ubotu's off for a bit ;-) [20:05] odder, thanks [20:05] billy: Okay, I got it to work, but it is all bunched up. . . [20:05] I am running wubi 7.4. I have never gotten my sound to work. I just installed alsa stuff and I can hear music when ubuntu boots. when I try playing an mp3 when booted, the application playing the mp3 freezes up. any ideas? [20:05] ChaosTheory: copy and paste it into pastebin, sometimes that fixes the formatting issues === clutsy-ribbon is now known as re1 [20:06] billy: Oh, right. [20:06] billy: http://pastebin.com/m42f7166 [20:06] heya [20:06] can someone help me with my problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372/ [20:06] hi re1 [20:06] hi [20:07] ChaosTheory: those files are just missing.. thats all don't worry about ur ubuntu install === re1 is now known as cluttsy-ribbon1 [20:07] billy: Oh, okay. [20:07] billy: So should I reinstall from sourceforge? [20:07] can someone help me with my problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372/ [20:07] ChaosTheory: yeah, have u tried using the restricted drivers yet? === Dave2 is now known as Dave3 [20:08] billy: The only thing in my restricted drivers is the NVIDIA soundcard. [20:08] armada: try following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400473 [20:08] can some one tell me the sudo apt-get for compizconfig please [20:08] billy: *video card [20:08] billy: thanks [20:08] clutsy-ribbon1: You can download compizconfig from Synaptic. [20:08] can u? [20:08] cluttsy-ribbon1 sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [20:08] ChaosTheory: really? hmm.. so u kinda got no choice but to use ndiswrapper === _Dave2_ is now known as Dave2 [20:08] please how can I find out to which /dev/... correspond my sound card ? I'd like to use esound but I dont know which dev I have to use [20:08] I'll find out [20:08] billy: Right. T_T [20:08] cluttsy-ribbon1: Try it. [20:09] Tex-Twil try /dev/dsp [20:09] hi, is ubuntu using dd in cron scripts? [20:09] ChaosTheory: first, go into synaptic package manager and uninstall all the ndiswrapper stuff.. ALL of it.. [20:09] i saw it in top [20:09] ChaosTheory: the sourceforge dist should be enough [20:09] brb [20:09] Slurpee-_: Please try Wubi 8.04 Beta, 7.04 is woefully outdated. [20:10] Gah, wubi [20:10] billy: so using sudo touch on all those dirs will solve it? [20:10] ok [20:10] genii: Problem? [20:10] or raher is ubuntu using dd in any scripts on livecd? [20:10] rather [20:10] evand, is it easy to upgrade ? [20:10] how do you get totem to play wmv and all those other closed formatS? [20:11] billy: I said "completely remove" for both "ndiswrapper-utils" and "ndiswrapper-common," but the error is: "E: bcm43xx-fwcutter: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [20:11] !netsplit [20:11] noodlesgc, it doesn't seem to work [20:12] Slurpee-_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide?action=show&redirect=Wubi#head-e5faeecbc70e86cff6edccde4a1e6f7f009de2f3 [20:12] http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=6700 what app run this screenlets? [20:12] billy: it works! [20:12] Tex-Twil cd to /dev/snd and there are devices there [20:12] billy: now I'll reinstall and when I update I'll first use the command on all those dirs [20:12] i want to make a bunch of files hidden, how do i put . infront of it in one go. any command? [20:13] noodlesgc, I tried all of them but it doesnt work [20:13] someone want to takeover the channel? === Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale [20:13] how do you get totem to play wmv and all those other closed formatS? [20:13] evand thank you [20:13] noodlesgc, in /dev/snd I have this controlC0 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p seq timer [20:13] jk_: probably mmv, basename or sed [20:14] lesshaste: Have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? [20:14] Tex-Twil ok, i dont know where it is [20:14] noodlesgc, ok [20:14] is ubuntu using dd program in any scripts on livecd? [20:14] Odd-rationale: yes [20:14] k back [20:14] Odd-rationale: I have a feeling there are gstreamer things needed? [20:14] Slurpee-_: You're welcome. [20:15] ChaosTheory: have u reinstalled ndiswrapper yet? [20:15] billy: "E: bcm43xx-fwcutter: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [20:15] ChaosTheory: it worked through synaptic --- thank you :) [20:15] ChaosTheory: whats wrong with ur comp lol [20:15] odder how do i use any of these commands [20:15] billy: That's what I go when I tried to completely remove ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils. [20:15] jk_: depends on what you want to do :-) [20:15] clutsy: You're welcome. [20:15] !restricted [20:15] try manning all of these to get some information [20:15] lesshaste: yes u need gstreamer plugins which should be downloaded automatically when u try to open wmv or other closed stuff [20:15] evand: Some of only a few issues with Wubi http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=234 but since will be officially supported I won't bother dissuading anyone from using it [20:15] ChaosTheory: yeah.. i have no idea lol [20:15] Odd-rationale: ubotu's off a moment, please be patient ;-) [20:15] akramsaleh: ok but if they aren't what are they? [20:16] ChaosTheory: i never had to deal with any of that [20:16] billy: It's time to Google. =D [20:16] billy: Or, it only takes about 20 minutes to clean install. [20:16] lesshaste: let me check plz [20:16] wow this is turning out horriably [20:16] akramsaleh: thanks [20:16] ChaosTheory: yeah it really is lol. my best suggestion to keep you from having any more headaches is to spend $20 on a wireless bridge [20:16] ChaosTheory: they're really easy to set up [20:16] i have enabled desktop cube but how do I get it to go on? [20:16] jk_: try pming me so we won't flood the channel, I'll try to help you [20:17] clusty-ribbon1: Right ctrl + alt and drag your screen around. [20:17] lesshaste: I don't remember the exact names of the gstreamer packages you need. I use xine and I can play wmv just fine. [20:17] billy: Will I have to go through this ndiswrapper stuff? [20:17] ChaosTheory: with a wireless bridge? no [20:17] clutsy-ribbon1: I meant "try" not "right." [20:17] Odd-rationale: ok so I need to reconfigure firefox for mplayer maybe [20:17] billy: I'll take a look at it. [20:17] huh? right? [20:17] genii: Ack'ed, though the bugs that I'm aware of should be fixed in tomorrow's daily live CD builds. [20:18] oh :P [20:18] clutsy-ribbon1: Ctrl + alt + drag. [20:18] ChaosTheory: to set up a wireless bridge, all you do is set a static ip on ur 'wired connection' in ubuntu, type the ip of the bridge in firefox, and go from there [20:18] ChaosTheory: its really, really,really simple [20:18] lesshaste: That maybe one way. [20:18] billy: Hm. But for now, I'll have to get this working. [20:18] Odd-rationale: any idea how to do that? I installed the plugin [20:18] <|Dede|> I have no sound when running a java applet in firefox, any solution please? [20:18] ChaosTheory: no money im guessin lol [20:19] billy: And no time. =D [20:19] ChaosTheory: it takes alot less time to set up a bridge [20:19] ChaosTheory: took me five minutes [20:19] lesshaste: the mozilla-mplayre plugin or whatever its called? [20:19] Odd-rationale: yes [20:19] billy: Can I get one at Circuit City? [20:20] billy: And will the connection be stable? [20:20] lesshaste: Another Idea is to use totme-xine instead of totem-gstreamer. [20:20] Odd-rationale: how do I do that? [20:20] lesshaste: idk. maybe open with firefox? [20:20] ChaosTheory: yes you can get them at circuit city and yes they're stable, thats how im talkin to ya lol [20:20] lesshaste: sudo apt-get install totem-xine [20:20] billy: Haha, okay. And they are only $20? [20:20] lesshaste: It will warn you that it will remove totem-gstreamer [20:20] Anyone here is using Monodevelop 1.0? Can't compile it :( [20:20] ChaosTheory: about that, maybe cheaper [20:21] billy: Sounds great. I'll research them and hopefully I'll be able to get one today. [20:21] ok [20:21] ChaosTheory: ill find u somethin right now lol [20:22] a little help please with the iwl3945 module? it works for minutes, then goes really slow [20:22] billy: The thing is, I had a very stable (95%+) reception yesterday. . . [20:22] lesshaste: have u found ur answer ?? [20:22] #NY [20:22] akramsaleh: working on it [20:22] billy: Do you know how I can purge bcm43xx-fwcutter, maybe? [20:23] ChaosTheory: no lol. [20:23] ChaosTheory: u gotta walmart near u? [20:23] I'm really tempted to do another clean install. [20:23] billy: Yes. [20:23] <|Dede|> I have no sound when running a java applet in firefox, any solution please? [20:23] ChaosTheory: yeah.. they're cheaper than circuit city lol === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [20:24] lesshaste: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and/or gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad i think [20:24] billy: But I don't know if it is *necessary.* I had the wireless connection set up manually and I made it my default and it worked like a charm. [20:24] akramsaleh: ok.. odd names [20:24] <|Dede|> I have no sound when running a java applet in firefox, any solution please? [20:25] what command is used to hide files [20:25] lesshaste: lol i have them installed and they are Good :D [20:25] ChaosTheory: once my broadcom worked i was happy, but then it stopped working completely, and i haven't gotten it to wrok since [20:25] jk_: just put a "." in front of the filename [20:25] is ubuntu using dd program in any scripts on livecd? [20:25] billy: Okay, I'm going to do a clean install again -- I've already messed with ndiswrapper and the drivers. [20:25] billy: Hm, I see. [20:25] jk_: e.g. ".file.txt" would be a hidden file [20:25] jk_: I type "eject" and then put the DVD under a plant pot [20:26] ChaosTheory: yupp,, broadcom is just too much of a headache imo [20:26] dooglus, wow [20:26] jk_: darn. I'm going to have to find a new hiding place now :( [20:26] billy I'm still going at it because I have *absolutely no obligations.* [20:26] is there a way with dd to make a compressed image of a hard drive? is there another app to perform this task? can I pipe dd to gzip for example? [20:26] billy: I can't imagine Linux is really friendly to people who actually have things to do. [20:26] ampex3: you can indeed [20:26] your bcm43xx.. How were you able to get it to work.. I'm having problems with ubuntu 6.07 on my HP nx9010 laptop.. [20:26] Odd-rationale, i wanted to know how to do it for many files, just got . mv file .file how easy [20:27] ChaosTheory: it is if you have the right equipment lol [20:27] billy: But I'm a poor N00B. =| [20:27] jodie: try 6.06 or 6.10. those two actually exist, and so might work better. [20:27] ChaosTheory: i like it, just yeah.. it does take alotta time to get it working and stuff [20:27] ampex2, dd uses raw i/o .. so it can't be piped to gzip that way -- although you can just use tar (with gzip or bzip2) to create a compressed 'image', sure [20:27] jk_: maybe a mass renamer would help. purrr for example [20:27] ChaosTheory: im just as much of a noob lol [20:27] lesshaste: any improvement ?? [20:28] billy: At one point yesterday, I had wireless, my screen resolution, sound, *and* Compiz working. [20:28] billy: AND I had my text-based IM client working. [20:28] Can someone help me figure out why the tls key negotiation isn't occuring between my openvpn server and my openvpn client??? [20:28] billy: It was absolutely amazing. [20:28] jk_: for i in * do mv $i .$i; done [20:28] billy: Then I had wanted to make my resolution the default setting. [20:28] ChaosTheory: yeah it is pretty amazing, i got all of that right now lol [20:28] billy: So I did something with the NVIDIA-settings. [20:28] is ubuntu using dd program in any scripts on livecd? [20:28] ChaosTheory: i even got the desktop cube thing working. .its really cool lol [20:28] billy: Then I lost sound. So I did some stuff at restarted. [20:28] billy: Yes, I had nearly every single extra setting on. :D [20:29] dooglus, what about renaming txt file beginning with s [20:29] billy: I got sound back but my graphics was still not working. [20:29] jk_: for i in s*.txt; do mv "$i" ."$i"; done [20:29] billy: Then I used some program called "Envy" and *everything* messed up. [20:29] ChaosTheory: its a royal pain in the... [20:29] billy: It couldn't recognize my sound card, wireless card, or video card. [20:29] ChaosTheory: wow... that sucks lol [20:29] billy: So that's when I did a clean install at 3 in the morning. T_T [20:29] billy: And 12 hours later, here I am. . . [20:29] ChaosTheory: oi.. thats too early lol [20:29] dooglus, i was forgetting ¨ thank, thanks [20:30] billy: Doing another clean install, back to where I was two days ago. [20:30] hey guys. i have a multi-boot problem: i had ubuntu installed and grub would load perfectly but after i installed vista grub wont show up, instead a windows bootloaders would show up [20:30] ChaosTheory: yupp [20:30] dooglus, what does $ do [20:30] i can't seam to get anything to work from compizconfig- it says ins enabled but i can't get it to work? [20:31] jk_: it expands variables [20:31] jk_: x=hello [20:31] jk_: echo x [20:31] jk_: echo $x [20:31] jk_: the first will show "x"; the 2nd will show "hello" [20:32] ampex2, hmm, i was wrong -- this appears to work.. dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -9 > /path/to/sda.gz [20:32] dooglus, well, i am perplexed i need to brush up more on command line [20:32] jk_: when you set a variable in bash, you dont use a $, but when you use the variable, you need the $ [20:32] is there a program like deamontools in ubuntu? mount isn't good enough. can't patch games and stuff when i use mount :/ [20:33] because it doesn't detect the "cd" [20:33] dooglus, i get it now, by defining x=hello $x calls the definition hello [20:33] tiger === playya_ is now known as playya [20:33] dooglus, much appreciated [20:33] okay Im giving up on ubuntu you for now [20:33] jk_: right. x=hello sets x, and $x gets replaced by the value to x [20:34] hello [20:34] hey guys, i have a problem with my "avant-windows-manager" its installed but, doesnt work, any ideas? [20:34] billy: Once it finishes, do you have the time to run me through it again, from the beginning? [20:34] billy: Assuming everything will work properly? [20:34] help,i'm using fot the first time xchat on ubuntu 7.10 and i don't no how to login with my login usrname and password..plss help [20:35] ChaosTheory: yea suere [20:35] ChaosTheory: sure** [20:35] billy: Okay, thanks. It shouldn't be so hard this time. [20:35] dose any one kno good free games lol? [20:35] billy: Just last night I transferred 4.5GB of books onto my laptop. . . [20:35] billy: It took nearly an hour. [20:35] billy: A few minutes later I realized I had to reinstall Ubuntu. T_T [20:35] sarah___: do you have compiz enabled, or some such? I think avant needs some kind of compositing window manager [20:36] billy: Ubuntu can't mount that CD. =| [20:36] ChaosTheory: 4.5 gigs? psh.. try moving 25 gigs then reinstallin ubuntu lol [20:36] ChaosTheory: wut cd? [20:36] billy: Wow, did that happen to you? [20:36] billy: It's just .pdfs and .djvus -- math boks. [20:36] *books [20:37] ChaosTheory: yea it did happen to me lol [20:37] billy: Ouch. =| [20:37] douglus i belive compiz is installed [20:37] armory http://rangit.com/software/top-8-linux-games-of-2007/ [20:37] <|Cain_|> WHY THE FUCK DO I KEEP GETTING HIGHLIGHTED HERE [20:37] Bah he left [20:37] hi everybody! [20:37] Raduk: if your registered, go to the main page(don't type it here in the channel, and type "/msg NICKSERV IDENTIFY " where password is your password, and no quotes [20:37] |Cain_|: no idea :) === MattRyan is now known as MattRyanAFK [20:37] ChaosTheory: yea.. just a little ouch tho [20:37] so hardy's got this nice feature where it dims my laptop screen when its inactive, but when i start using it again, it doesnt undim [20:37] ChaosTheory: but it only took me about an hour for all of it [20:37] billy: Oh, wow. [20:38] ChaosTheory: i hooked up the two comps via ccrossover cable [20:38] does somebody know where the different ist between the kubuntu CD and the kubuntu DVD version???? [20:38] billy: Oh, I see. [20:38] 有中国的吗? [20:38] ChaosTheory: worked pretty good actually lol [20:38] i guess cain was a bit frustrated [20:38] billy: I see. [20:38] ChaosTheory: yupp.. brb [20:38] philmo1, on the dvd version are a bit more packages i thought [20:38] IndyGunFreak: he wasn't abel to take it any more? [20:38] lol, apparently [20:38] ChaosTheory: actually how much longer till its done installing? [20:39] philmo1: the DVD has more packages in it's archive, both install the same system [20:39] billy: About 5-10 minutes [20:39] philmo1: Exteris all the packages on the DDV, are installable from the repositories [20:39] ChaosTheory: k.. brb [20:39] philmo1: the dvd has all of the main repository on it (so you don't need to use the web as much) [20:39] billy: Alright. [20:39] its not like the DVD holds some mysterious powers the regular CD doesn' [20:39] <|Dede|> DVD > Cd :p [20:39] please tell me what was the command to reconfigure xorg-driver-fglrx via the terminal [20:39] sarah___: i noticed there is an avant channel at #awm. you might get more help there [20:39] :( [20:40] greak dougsko [20:40] thanks [20:40] I messed up the screen badly! [20:40] |Dede|: thats open for debate, i hate the DVD.. but i don't have dial up.. if i had dial up, i'd use the DVD [20:40] <|Dede|> white, it's whole black or what? [20:40] so CD and DVD both install exactley the same basic system? [20:40] no [20:40] !cn | cfy [20:40] cfy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [20:40] the resolution is veeery smal [20:40] philmo1: yup [20:40] hey, ubotu is back! [20:40] thank youuuu :p [20:40] after I messed up with the resolution [20:40] nice [20:40] and those %#%$#%$ ati drivers [20:41] white_eagle: put the resolution back to default [20:41] i can;t === tonyyarusso is now known as anthony [20:41] white_eagle: why not ? === bugsy101 is now known as SR71-Blackbird [20:41] <|Dede|> white_eagle: To reconfigure your xserver, do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure --phigh xserver-xorg [20:41] it has only 1280*1024 which my 15'' laptop doesn't support [20:41] THANKS [20:41] ubuntu-cn,这个时间没人 [20:41] and it has [20:41] 640*480 [20:41] white_eagle: what did you do to break it ? [20:41] white_eagle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:41] no 800*600 [20:41] white_eagle: what where you messing around with to break it [20:41] or 1024&768 [20:41] <|Dede|> white_eagle: after that do Alt + Cntrl + backspace [20:41] lol === anthony is now known as tonyyarusso [20:42] ok [20:42] white_eagle: what where you messing around with to break it [20:42] wait a sec, I'll tell you [20:42] I'll do that reconfiguring [20:42] <|Dede|> with the xserver conf, ikonia [20:42] !resolution | white_eagle [20:42] white_eagle: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [20:42] hi... I have unallocated partition (droped windows xp) and now I want to merge with my /home (reiserfs at /dev/sda8)... Im in livecd and trying to do this with gparted, but has no options... What should I do? [20:42] |Dede|: what ? [20:42] white_eagle: before you go doing random commands, what did you do to break it [20:42] hey [20:43] clutsy-ribbon: Hi. [20:43] huh? that gives me, unkown option phigh [20:43] its a long story ikonia [20:43] veery long [20:43] white_eagle: for the last time - what did you do to break it, make it short bullet points [20:43] * nikrud loves randome commands, gives him something to fix, every time [20:43] Unxuxu: boot from the disk, if u already have ubutu installed [20:43] <|Dede|> we got time white_eagle [20:44] white_eagle: Make sure you put the - in front of phigh [20:44] <|Dede|> it's two "-" [20:44] <|Dede|> -- [20:44] <|Dede|> or wait [20:44] <|Dede|> argh [20:44] <|Dede|> its _- [20:44] <|Dede|> lol [20:44] billy: It is finished. [20:44] billy: Restarting now. [20:44] <|Dede|> white_eagle: To reconfigure your xserver, do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [20:44] <|Dede|> that would it be [20:44] |Dede|, it's sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [20:45] stop telling him to reconfigure the xserver until we know how it's broke [20:45] billy: Yeah... I have... but /home always be in use... [20:45] <|Dede|> Just noticed, Exteris [20:45] xserver's don't just break on their own [20:45] it WAS working [20:45] he's done something [20:45] <|Dede|> Ati drivers... [20:45] thats is the reason that Im trying with live cd [20:45] white_eagle, what's in /var/log/Xorg.0.log [20:45] |Dede|: in that case reconfiguring wouldn't do anything [20:45] white eagle, you can see with 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE [20:45] <|Dede|> it would, I had a problem with Ati drivers [20:45] ikonia: he coudl default it back to the vesa driver though,c ould he not? [20:45] <|Dede|> 3 days ago or something, it helped [20:46] horay for me! [20:46] How do I pair a bluetooth headset with gnome? [20:46] billy: Okay. =] Let's start again? [20:46] I have downloaded and installed wolfenstein enemy territory, after installing i have woflentein menu option saying start game? everything works fine..after exiting game and loading again by typing "et" in terminal screen or loading thru apps , other ,,the maps will no longer download data needed or enter map at all. Any ideas to get them loading again. [20:46] IndyGunFreak: he totally could, but unless we know the situation - what's the point [20:46] clutsy-ribbon: What's up? [20:46] i got it all to work [20:46] ikonia: i agree, just saying, taking generic defaults, should get him back to a GUI... but it is a good idea to figure out the issue. [20:46] IndyGunFreak: everyones's full of random commands, but no-one will be able to resolve his issue [20:46] my first time of seeing desktop effects! [20:46] :) [20:46] im so proud of myself for getting everything set up [20:46] lol [20:46] clutsy-ribbon: Very nice. =] [20:46] I have an external mouse (Logitech) that my Feisty system is having problems with. When I left-click, it often (2/3 of the time) treats it as a "click-lock" event, dragging whatever I've clicked on [20:46] billy: Are you here? [20:47] :D [20:47] clutsy-ribbon, now you should spend an hour or so playing with the settings [20:47] yeh and then i would like to put a theme on [20:47] im amazed by the cube [20:47] so clever! [20:47] clutsy-ribbon: Try upping the number of desktops. [20:48] clutsy: Try 10 or 20 sides, if you can. =D That should be interesting. [20:48] i have 4 at the moment [20:48] I have downloaded and installed wolfenstein enemy territory, after installing i have woflentein menu option saying start game? everything works fine..after exiting game and loading again by typing "et" in terminal screen or loading thru apps , other ,,the maps will no longer download data needed or enter map at all. Any ideas to get them loading again. [20:48] there you have it [20:48] razorback, you ran as root the first time [20:48] white_eagle: you've not said anything [20:48] :( [20:48] its huge [20:48] I'll give you pastebin [20:49] wait [20:49] white_eagle: just cut to the chase what is the thing you did to break it [20:49] razorback, the game doesn't have write permissions in ~/.etwolf [20:49] sorry i am a newbie to this how do u mean [20:49] hello... anyone using the hardy beta is having problems with the screensaver/power management? my laptop's backlight doesn't turn off at all [20:49] aah right [20:49] Okay. Guys, I just reinstalled Ubuntu, and I haven't done a thing. I need to install ndiswrapper in the simplest manner possible. =P [20:49] ikonia: I'll tell you, little patience [20:49] it preventys me from changing permissions [20:49] I have an external mouse (Logitech) that my Feisty system is having problems with. When I left-click, it often (2/3 of the time) treats it as a "click-lock" event, dragging whatever I've clicked on [20:49] razorback, this command shtould fix it: sudo chown -R `whoami` .etwolf [20:50] ill try now [20:50] doctorow, you can see what events are sent using the program xev, try if the codes are the same for all of the clicks [20:50] here -> http://pastebin.com/m1e244522 [20:50] I need help with EVE Online.. I installed EVE the official way (Cedega) but when I start eve I get a splash screen and when the other screens (with the login boxes and such..) appears I get just 1 frame (I started it and then slept, and still the same frame when I woke up).. ubuntu doesn't crash, and neither does EVE, but nothing more happens... there's no text in the first "Agree/Decline-licence-or-so-box".. so anyone [20:50] has any idea? I have direct rendering working :] [20:51] Exteris -- thanks, I'll try that! [20:51] im looking for something to help me record tv [20:51] how can i switch on my wireless ? [20:51] so, now I booting from recovery mode [20:51] sorry whats the who am i bit about [20:51] because the normal mode doesn't boot at all [20:51] <_maw> hi all, I recompiled the bcm43xx driver to support injection mode, but now I cannot see any Access Points... any suggestions? [20:51] Exteris: Can you help me? [20:51] billy: Are you here? [20:51] white_eagle, can you pastebin the output of 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE' [20:52] hey guys. i have a multi-boot problem: i had ubuntu installed and grub would load perfectly but after i installed vista grub wont show up, instead a windows bootloaders would show up [20:52] ChaosTheory, i have absolutely nil experience with wireless networking on ubuntu [20:52] zackyramonee, boot into a livecd [20:52] Exteris: Okay, thanks. =] [20:52] and restore the grub [20:52] Exteris: and then what? [20:52] I'm on 640*480 now! [20:52] god damn slow internet [20:52] zackyramonee, run a grub-install (hd) [20:53] lo. I just installed 7zip from the add/remove, but its not in the menu. I found the cmd line 7z, but how do I find/launch the gui and how do I assign .rar files to it? [20:53] white_eagle, what was the output of the command i sent you? [20:53] My wireless is dissable how can i enable it ? [20:53] Exteris: wait [20:53] Exteris: i tried but it keeps telling me that /dev/hda is not a block or volume [20:53] lol [20:53] I'll give you a link [20:53] why is it the internet's fault? [20:53] ChaosTheory: you got it installed yet? [20:53] zackyramonee, you probably need to try /dev/sda [20:54] hello [20:54] billy: Yes. [20:54] is it possible to setup speedtouch 780WL to work with ubuntu via USB, i can't find usb driver anywhere [20:54] billy: I've got a new copy of Ubuntu now. [20:54] i think white_eagle needs a paxil [20:54] ChaosTheory: so ur ready to start from scratch [20:54] could you tell me what software i should use for „remote desktop”? [20:54] billy: Right. [20:54] Exteris: /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device. [20:54] or, whats the best gui archive tool for .rar files? [20:54] ChaosTheory: k gimme a few [20:55] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93482&package_id=99148&release_id=573476 [20:55] ChaosTheory: download that [20:55] zackyramonee: shouldn't it be a partition of sda, such as sda1? [20:55] where shold i go to get help with screenlets? [20:55] *should [20:55] SliMM: yes my ubuntu is on hda3 [20:56] My wireless is dissable how can i enable it ? [20:56] praktora: software or hardware? [20:56] SliMM software [20:56] billy: Okay, it's on my travel drive. [20:57] is there a guide or somethin, i really need to get this working if possible, thomson speedtouch 780 WL router can only forward ports that i need if i connect it via usb (yeah lame), anyone knows how can i set it up? do drivers exists at all? [20:57] praktora: turn the switch on the side of your laptop on, or use the fn + combination [20:57] ChaosTheory: k uhmm one sec [20:57] Ace2016 i am meaning software [20:57] Exteris: http://pastebin.com/m36b44d16 [20:57] ChaosTheory: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/cabextract download and install that [20:57] i have the drivers [20:57] is flash still a pain under 64bit? [20:57] praktora: [right] click the network icon and check the checkbox labled with wireless [20:57] there is the output [20:57] * Ace2016 was only trying to cover all the bases [20:57] and im sure u still have that driver on ur driver [20:58] drive** right? === Randomtime is now known as RT|AFK [20:58] anyone knows what should I do? [20:58] * whiteeagle is worried [20:58] praktora: did you compile the drivers yourself? [20:58] billy: Yes, I do. [20:58] mynyml: no, i got flash workin pretty easily [20:59] Intel 3945ABG Wireless - No driver installation needed . But i cannot connect to a wireless network. [20:59] mynyml: but not on my own lol [20:59] whiteeagle: have you tried loading a generic driver when you reconfigure xorg? [20:59] ChaosTheory: k install the cabextract and the ndiswrapper i told u to dl [20:59] whiteeagle, are you on a thinkpad T60 perhaps? [20:59] in Terminal it is dissable [20:59] whiteeagle: like vga, or vesa [20:59] Exteris: no [20:59] SliMM no [20:59] whiteeagle, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/184992 [21:00] billy: got it to work as in after reading the forums, or did you just install properly on its own? [21:00] praktora: sorry, i don't know what the problem is... [21:00] IdleOne: I don't get you [21:00] oh [21:00] IndyGunFreak: I don't get you [21:00] billy: How? I don't want to mess anything up. [21:00] mynyml: no someone in here had a tutorial that worked really good for me [21:00] mynyml: lemme see if i can find it [21:00] whiteeagle: when you reconfigure xorg, what driver did you choose to use? [21:00] billy: Extract the ndiswrapper to a folder in the Desktop, then run cabextract on it, right? [21:00] Exteris: do you know what should I do now? [21:01] ChaosTheory: just extact the ndiswrapper folder on the desktop, which should make a new folder without the .tar.gz [21:01] hello? [21:01] billy: did you notice any speed inprovement with some apps? [21:01] speedtouch thomson 780WL USB on ubuntu... possible or not? [21:01] mynyml: not really [21:01] hey guys. i have a multi-boot problem: i had ubuntu installed and grub would load perfectly but after i installed vista grub wont show up, instead a windows bootloaders would show up [21:01] billy: Right. [21:01] billy: Now what is the command for cabextract? [21:01] !grub [21:01] IndyGunFreak: I don't know how to reconfigure it [21:01] ChaosTheory: go into the cabextract folder by cd [21:01] Bah ubotu fails me [21:01] IndyGunFreak: I think that would solve the problem [21:01] ChaosTheory: then sudo make [21:01] ubotu needs to get w/ it. [21:01] ChaosTheory: then sudo make install [21:01] whiteeagle, you should first get a normal desktop running, try editing the xorg.conf and putting vga or vesa in there, instead of fgrlx [21:01] Cabextract folder? [21:02] IndyGunFreak: get w/ it with what? [21:02] ChaosTheory: yeah [21:02] billy: It's a .deb, so I just click on it and installed the package. [21:02] billy: we were talking about ubotu, needs to get on the job. [21:02] ChaosTheory: oh yeah.. the cabextract its a deb so just click and it inslats [21:02] IndyGunFreak: oh yeah lol [21:02] billy: i'm thinking it wouldnt matter unless someone's gonna run mathlab or render graphics, uh.. [21:02] billy: Right. [21:02] @ zacky: windows has no respect for other bootloaders in the hdd MBR. You are going to have to boot with your Ubuntu CD and reinstall Grub [21:03] ChaosTheory: then with ndiswrapper, put the tarball on ur desktop, right click, and click 'extract here' [21:03] I lost my terminal [21:03] grAv|ty: right now i'm on the livecd but i dont know how to install grub [21:03] aaaaargh this kills me [21:03] question to hardy, this channel? [21:03] @ zacky, if your linux install was new, it would be easiest to just reinstall your Ubuntu [21:03] ChaosTheory: then open a new terminal and type cd Desktop/ndiswrapper-1.52 [21:03] billy: Wait, wait, wait. [21:03] please just tell me what is the command to reconfigure the xorg [21:03] ChaosTheory: lol sry [21:03] billy: I have the ndiswrapper-1.52 folder on the desktop. [21:03] grAv|ty: it wasn't new...if it was i would have had a fresh intall [21:04] the previous one didn't work [21:04] Iowahc: #ubuntu+1 [21:04] thx [21:04] hello world ! [21:04] the previous one you gave me [21:04] ChaosTheory: k, you extracted it right? [21:04] lemme double check this. [21:04] whiteeag1e: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [21:04] billy: Right. [21:04] is there any estimation of how many man hours has gone into all of the software in the ubuntu repositories? [21:04] thanks! [21:04] ChaosTheory: then in terminal: cd [21:04] does anyone know why my computer freezes when i try tu turn it off using the GUI button? [21:04] whiteeag1e: and just take generic defaults, tll you get back to a GUI. [21:04] ampex3: umpteen bazillion. [21:05] ChaosTheory: then, cd Desktop/ndiswrapper-1.52 [21:05] IndyGunFreak: and there is the obvious advice [21:05] sooo...can anyone tell me how to install grub using the livecd? [21:05] <|Dede|> does Ubuntu CD install have NdisWrapper implemented? [21:05] ikonia: well, i've only tried to tell him that 3x..lol [21:05] so maybe it wasn't so obvious [21:05] |Dede|: yes [21:05] zackyramonee, join #grub [21:05] billy: Okay, so I'm in the folder I just made on the desktop. [21:05] zackyramonee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [21:05] he apparently didn't do it whe he tried to reconfigure a few minutes ago [21:06] ChaosTheory: okay, then type sudo make [21:06] billy: This is the moment of truth. . . [21:06] Can someone help with bittorrent on ubuntu 7.10? [21:06] ChaosTheory: yea lol [21:06] billy: NO! Same thing! [21:06] i cant download [21:06] <|Dede|> Does that mean it will probably use my USB Wlan device automatically? [21:06] ChaosTheory: oi.. [21:07] * ChaosTheory cries. [21:07] ChaosTheory: where did u get ur livecd from? [21:07] billy: From the website. [21:07] i'm looking for an msn client with which i could use "shared folders" (excuse me for my medium english... :/ ) [21:07] ChaosTheory: did you check it to see if it was corrupt or not? [21:07] any one here have ldap auth setup on ubuntu? [21:07] <|Dede|> billy: Does that mean it will probably use my USB Wlan device automatically? [21:08] |Dede|: i dunno [21:08] billy: Yes, I did. [21:08] billy: The CD had no errors. [21:08] ChaosTheory: hmm.. i dunno then.. maybe something to do with ur laptop? [21:08] billy: Okay, so let's run through what I did. [21:08] billy: I took the .tar.gz and extracted it to my Desktop. [21:08] ChaosTheory: i ordered a couple cd's from ubuntu directly so ya [21:08] billy: That made a file called "ndiswrapper-1.52." [21:09] ChaosTheory: okay [21:09] billy: I went to that file in terminal. [21:09] billy: And I did "sudo make." [21:09] billy: Is that right? [21:09] ChaosTheory: yeah [21:09] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why? [21:09] billy: Make I need to do ./config or something? [21:09] ChaosTheory, sorry if i barge in, but can you briefly explain the problem? [21:09] billy: Where does cabextract come in? [21:09] ChaosTheory: nah.. [21:09] when i use xrandr to set my resolution from 1280x1024 to 800x600 the screen says that the frequency is out of range, what can i do to solve this? [21:09] ChaosTheory: to extract the firmware from the driver you dl'd from hp [21:09] I'm trying to install an SAP demo package on Ubuntu Server 7.10, 64-bit. When I launch the install rpm, I get a list of failed deps. similar but shorter than https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1742. How do I go about getting from component name to package for apt-get? [21:09] xrandr -s 800x600 -r 51.0 , same result [21:09] iositd: "sudo make" gives me 225 errors when installing ndiswrapper. [21:10] iositd: broadcom wireless issues [21:10] iositd: trying to install the drivers [21:10] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why? [21:10] iositd: http://pastebin.com/m42f7166 [21:10] how can i change icon sizes without using stretch icon [21:10] So, not to derail anything, but when's the next Ubuntu out officially... as in, not beta? 8.04 is what I'm talking about. If it's already out... then, uh.. nevermind. [21:11] seeks, 22 days [21:11] seeks: April 24th is the expected date. [21:11] billy, may i suggest this to install all building dependencies ==> sudo apt-get build-dep ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 [21:11] seeks there is a countdown at ubuntu.com [21:11] jk_, like 22 grams :.p [21:11] Hm, alright, cool. Thanks everyone. [21:11] How do i go about creating an encrypted raid 1 array in the livecd? [21:11] any idea? [21:11] Exteris, 22 grams of what [21:11] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why??? [21:11] ChaosTheory: yeah try that lol sudo apt-get build-dep ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 [21:12] and then do the make stuff [21:12] billy, ./configure first iirc [21:12] i'm looking for an msn client with which i could use "shared folders" (excuse me for my medium english... :/ ) [21:12] jk_, it's a movie i thought, or was that 21 grams? if so i'll say it again tomorrow :P [21:12] iositd: ChaosTheory is the one needing the help [21:12] billy, iositd: "E: You must put some 'source' in your sources.list" [21:12] billy, you're the one helping him :-) [21:12] The labels on tabs at the bottom of my spreadsheets in OpenOffice are INCREDIBLY small -- unreadably so. I've tried to fix it with System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts, but that doesn't seem to control the fonts in the UI in OOo. [21:12] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why? [21:12] MatToufoutu: erm, I've never heard of such a thing as shared folders over IM - could you elaborate? [21:12] iositd: i gave up on my bcm43xx and decided to go with a wireless bridge lol [21:12] haha Exteris got it [21:12] iositd: yeah i kno [21:13] Hey guys [21:13] ChaosTheory, did you install by alternate/have internet now? [21:13] tonyyarusso, well, i'm not fluent in english, but i'll try to explain that [21:13] ChaosTheory: crap.. you need to have the ubuntu hooked up to the net for that [21:13] iositd: I do not have internet on the laptop with the problems. [21:13] Does anyone here know what the game where you take down alien space ships by moving your mouse around and shooting is called? [21:13] ChaosTheory, can you temporary get internet on it? jack a cable in? [21:13] ChaosTheory: is there any way you can get the ubuntu hooked up to the net thru an ethernet cable? [21:13] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why? [21:13] !repeat | Invisionfree [21:13] MatToufoutu: there are also channels for many other languages f that would be easier. [21:14] isoitd: I have an ethernet cable but I'm not sure how to. . . [21:14] It's sort of 3Dish. I had it installed before, but I forgot the name. === _jonathan is now known as orbited === orbited is now known as aventin [21:14] !fr | MatToufoutu [21:14] iositd, billy: I've tried it before and I didn't get any kind of connection. [21:14] hmm, no bot still [21:14] ChaosTheory, did what, jack a able in? [21:14] iositd: Yes. [21:14] ChaosTheory: you have to wait a minute for it to wrok [21:14] tonyyarusso, i tryed but got no answer, so i try there [21:14] work** [21:14] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why?? [21:14] iositd: I just took the ethernet out from the router and put it into my laptop. [21:15] speedtouch thomson 780WL via USB on ubuntu... possible or not? [21:15] Invisionfree: probably a better question for an eggdrop channel? [21:15] ChaosTheory: is ur desktop comp windows? [21:15] ChaosTheory, don't unjack the router, that's the end where the other cable goes in [21:15] tonyyarusso, u see with windowslive messenger u can share files with contacts using a specific folder, and i'm looking for a client that could do this under linux [21:15] Hi room. I'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to recognize my scanner. I have installed the HP 3900 series driver, but it doesn't recognize my scanner. any help? [21:15] !hcl | kebab [21:15] Anyone? [21:15] it died again :( [21:15] hcl what [21:15] iositd: The router is hooked up to the modem, though? billy: Yes. [21:15] ubotu is dead [21:15] R.I.P. [21:15] Oooh [21:15] MatToufoutu: well, you can send a file with pidgin (or over IRC for that matter) [21:15] ChaosTheory: if anything, unplug ur desktop and plug that into ur ubuntu comp, and log onto irc from pidgin [21:15] Chromium? [21:16] seeks: Thanks! :D [21:16] iositd: hcl what? what should i look for? [21:16] ChaosTheory, don't unjack the router. Unjack the desktop and use that one. Plug a cable from your laptop to the router. [21:16] The labels on tabs at the bottom of my spreadsheets in OpenOffice are INCREDIBLY small -- unreadably so. I've tried to fix it with System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts, but that doesn't seem to control the fonts in the UI in OOo. [21:16] total respect for you guys [21:16] iositd: Let me look at the cables. . . [21:16] I have my resolution back now [21:16] thanks very much [21:16] No prob. It's a badass game, wish my opengl would work. [21:16] hi all, my Ubuntu find an USB Cam [21:16] Bus 004 Device 004: ID 0ac8:307b Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. [21:16] kebab, that was supposed to trigger a bot response, yet he's dead. Google for the hardware compability list. [21:16] thanks [21:16] tonyyarusso, the matter is that with msn direct file transfer, it's really too slow (i dunno why), so i'm forced to use this for big files [21:16] but when i run camorama [21:16] I'll go and fix the direct rendering now ;) [21:17] MatToufoutu, why not use ssh for file transfer/ [21:17] tonyyarusso, with pidgin i mean [21:17] ? [21:17] could not conect to /dev/video [21:17] iositd: I'm not sure what I should be looking for. . . [21:17] !telnet [21:17] someone cam help me ? [21:17] The labels on tabs at the bottom of my spreadsheets in OpenOffice are INCREDIBLY small -- unreadably so. I've tried to fix it with System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts, but that doesn't seem to control the fonts in the UI in OOo. [21:17] where is ubotu? [21:17] iositd, it's to use with people that dont know a thing into computers.. :/ [21:17] MatToufoutu: how big? why not just user bittorrent or sftp? [21:17] hell there [21:17] ChaosTheory, you should be looking for a cable that goes from your laptop to your router, and not use the cable that goes between your router and modem. [21:17] MatToufoutu, use a webserver? [21:18] white_eagle, dead again :( [21:18] iositd: There is no cable from my laptop to the router. [21:18] ChaosTheory, i'm asking you to put a cable there. [21:18] ChaosTheory, it's to be able to install the packages needed to compile ndiswrapper [21:18] iositd: And that cable is originally hooked up to the desktop, correct. [21:18] ChaosTheory: yes [21:18] ChaosTheory, then unjack the desktop and plug it on the router please [21:18] Hi, I installed eggdrop, and it's connected and running, but I can't telnet to it, anyone know why?? [21:18] anyone know how to get just pure servers in wolfenstein enemy territory and get rid of the mod that has changed my menu [21:19] hello. I want a command to run every time I log in. Which script should I put it into? [21:19] iositd, well, even when i use direct transfer with them, it seems to be hard for them, so... making them go on a webpage to upload the file etc... never possible :( [21:19] Can anyone help me? I need desperately to get my scanner working. How do I get my scanner up and running. [21:19] iositd: Okay, I have found it. [21:19] ChaosTheory: from scratch.. unplug the cable from the desktop and plug it into ur laptop so that your laptop is connected to the router which is still connected to your modem [21:19] iositd, billy: Okay, I'm unplugging now. . . [21:19] ChaosTheory: make sure to log on to this via pidgin [21:19] ChaosTheory, once your laptop is online, install xchat and come back here please === olegb_ is now known as olegb [21:20] iositd: you can get in here using pidgin [21:20] ok I want to increase the timeout in grub how do I do that? [21:20] billy, yes, i prefer xchat due to easier use and having the default channels being for ubuntu [21:20] where is a startup script for an X login? [21:20] !grub > PurpZeY [21:20] iositd: yeah.. [21:20] #sane [21:20] I have recently installed Ubuntu 7.10 server edition, though I do not like the font face at ALL. How may I change that? [21:20] @ zacky sorry, it took me a minute to double check it.... you're on a livecd, so check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows [21:20] PurpZeY, ubotu is dead. [21:21] I'm trying to boot Ubuntu from a USB drive, but it freezes on boot, and the Ubuntu loading graphic is covering everything so I can't see why [21:21] iositd: For purposes or the bot dead temporarily? [21:21] How do I get pure servers only in wolfenstein enemy territory and get rid of mod that has changed my menu [21:21] Reliant: how big is ur usb drive? [21:21] PurpZeY, i hope temporary [21:21] couple hundred gigs [21:21] Reliant, hit e on the grub screen and remove quiet and splash. [21:21] Ok my work has been pushing for ms software and im stuck using word, excel, and outlook for exchange server, also now ive been told i can use Live messanger with exchange Requiring windows of course...ive been using vmware for handling these small tasks while using ubuntu for these past two yrs but ive been really unhappy with the speed factor since my laptop is really fast too? im trying to... [21:21] ...decide what is better Xen or virtualbox or to reinstall windows and some how integrate ubuntu ontop of windows so i can just make things happier [21:21] I've removed quiet, and splash isn't on the list [21:21] Reliant: uhmm.. i dunno what to tell u [21:22] @ zacky go to the bottom of the page to the "troubleshooting" section. [21:22] Reliant: pendrivelinux.com? [21:22] How do I get pure servers only in wolfenstein enemy territory and get rid of mod that has changed my menu [21:22] do creative sound cards have good drivers on linux? [21:22] It's an existing desktop Ubuntu install from a PC IDE that I'm trying to reconfigure as a USB drive [21:22] iositd: There has to be a bot somehow or rather. . .Usually there's an ubotwo or somefin'. . . [21:22] a simple question based on the marky declarations: [21:22] is it true that the ooxml was approved? [21:22] razorback, the mod is in the .etwolf directory, remove the correct .pk3 file and restart et [21:22] Reliant: check out pendrivelinux.com you might find something useful there [21:22] PurpZeY, yes though it doesn't seem to respond to commands ( ubotu2 is there) === Corty|AFK is now known as Corty [21:23] thanks, billy [21:23] Reliant: cuz i really don't know much about booting from a usb drive, tried it once but it didn't work out too well [21:23] Billy? [21:23] ChaosTheory [21:23] Ok how do i burn Ubuntu using gOS [21:23] Are you the same billy? [21:23] anyone else experiencing dependency-issues when trying to install kde4 [21:23] ChaosTheory yup [21:23] ChaosTheory_, you're back. I presume on the laptop? [21:23] ? [21:23] iositd: Yes. [21:23] iositd: I'm on the laptop. [21:23] ChaosTheory cool [21:23] ChaosTheory_, good. [21:23] sudo apt-get build-dep ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 [21:23] I have recently installed Ubuntu 7.10 server edition, though I do not like the font face at ALL. How may I change that? [21:24] Hm. [21:24] ChaosTheory_, sudo apt-get build-dep ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 [21:24] I'm still here, right. . . [21:24] Strangelet: download additional fonts [21:24] Right. [21:24] Strangelet: right click the desktop, click change desktop background, then click the font tab [21:24] ChaosTheory_, if it complains about sources, run sudo aptitude update. [21:24] how do I install a compiz theme ending in .emerald? [21:24] ikonia: What package is it? and how do I select the fotns from there? [21:25] can i use wildcards in iptables? [21:25] like 213.112.220.* ? [21:25] Acomaco: * maybe? [21:25] Strangelet: use synaptic to search for fonts, restart the xserver and it should be available in the font tool [21:25] iositd: I did "sudo aptitude update." [21:25] iositd: It's still asking for sources. [21:25] I want to ask since i'll get banned from my own server if it don't work xD [21:25] ChaosTheory go into the package manager === Spec is now known as x-spec-t [21:25] ChaosTheory_, sudo apt-get update should give you a long list of urls. Correct? [21:25] from Grub, the recovery option does get me to a console, but I don't know where to go from there [21:26] ikonia: Oh! I am using the server edition! There is no x server. [21:26] how do i select pure servers [21:26] iositd: Yes. [21:26] only yes or not, is it true that the ooxml was approved? [21:26] Uh oh [21:26] Houston we have a problem [21:26] Strangelet: so what are you talking about fonts, as in the console ? [21:26] ChaosTheory_, then follow billy's guidelines to enable extra sources. [21:26] Hello. I am trying to set up the OS disk as RAID with LVM using the 7.10 Install CD. But it showing an error about the kernel being unable to read the partition parameters. Anyone have any idea on how to solve the problem? [21:26] billy: Yes? [21:26] razorback: pure servers ? [21:26] ChaosTheory then clik settings repositories [21:26] elventear: whats the error [21:26] iositd: I've got everything but "source code" checked in Software Sources. [21:27] ChaosTheory_, check again to be sure please. [21:27] New upgrade just popped up with new kernel on my 8.04, however the linux-restricted-modules package doesn't have a new version, so my nvidia driver fails to load. [21:27] yes in enemy territory, i dont want servers that are tampered with [21:27] iositd: Yes, I just checked. [21:27] razorback: how is that anything to do with ubuntu [21:27] ikonia: Could not stat /dev/md/0p1 [21:27] http://en.oreilly.com/ubuntu2008/public/content/home <- my god! look at the price it's rape. [21:27] This is on the message log [21:28] I am using the Server Install CD, btw [21:28] ChaosTheory_, alright. Can you pastebin the output of /etc/apt/sources.list? [21:28] can anyone tell me how to install a compiz theme please? [21:28] I'm trying to install an SAP demo package on Ubuntu Server 7.10, 64-bit. When I launch the install rpm, I get a list of failed deps. similar but shorter than https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1742. How do I go about getting from component name to package for apt-get? [21:28] evand: ok - use alt+F2 to view the console and try to view that device, I don't believe it will exist as /dev/md$n should be the meta device and volume groups should be /dev/$vg_name/$lv [21:28] Fatal server error: could not create lock file in /tmp/ [21:28] maybe i have gone off on a bit of a tangent [21:28] iositd: Permission denied? [21:28] ChaosTheory: ill let iositd help you from here cuz he seems to know a lot more than i do about this stuff [21:28] sorry [21:28] rbgray: rpm's are not meant for ubuntu operating systems [21:28] billy: Okay. Thanks for all your help. =] [21:28] ChaosTheory, precede with sudo. [21:29] billy, experience is a wise teacher. [21:29] How can i burn ubuntu i am runing gOS [21:29] iositd: Command not found. [21:29] jPratt: we don't support Gos here [21:29] ikonia: of to Redaht or Suse then, I guess :( [21:29] I need to know how to burn ubuntu [21:29] >< [21:29] ChaosTheory, "" sudo aptitude install pastebinit "" [21:29] rbgray: well, the rpm will be built for redhat/suse/fedora/centos - it will be built for one, not all [21:29] iositd: oh yeah.. definately lol [21:29] rbgray: find out what it's build for and use that OS [21:30] see ya guys [21:30] jPratt: we don't support it [21:30] billy, and i don't know everything :-) [21:30] billy, iptables v1.3.3: host/network `213.112.220.*' not found ... should i use -s for it? [21:30] rbgray, RPM isn't for ubuntu. Don't try to use it. [21:30] jPratt, not sure if this will help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [21:30] ikonia: thanks, off to Redhat or Suse, I guess [21:30] rbgray, it will more then likely fail. [21:30] rbgray: is the rpm meant for redhat or suse, make sure you know which one as if you try to put the redhat rpm on the suse box, it will fail [21:30] jPratt, but we don't support gOs here. Sorry [21:30] iositd: Done. [21:30] I can't tell, is http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/en/linux/debian/2008040101-renaming-directories.html supposed to be an april fools or is that actually going to be done to the distribution? [21:31] whats the best way to have a transparent terminal over the desktop? conky? devilspie? something else? [21:31] ChaosTheory_, the output? [21:31] iositd: I saw ref to a thing called alien which converts , will that help? [21:31] iositd: Of sudo aptitude install? [21:31] rbgray, it is possible to use it, yet highly unrecommended and more then likely to break your box. Use the .deb or compile from source. [21:31] rbgray: no it won't help [21:31] rbgray: as the dependencies will not be met [21:31] hi hello every body [21:32] where are you from [21:32] ? [21:32] thanks all, I'm outta here (until maybe I setup a home system :) ) [21:32] ikonia: Yah, the fonts in the console. Currently, it looks unpleasant. :( [21:32] no body want to talk to me [21:32] powertool08: compiz-fuson, hold alt and scroll up&down with your mousewheel while the cursor is hovering over the window. [21:32] how do i watch movies in fullscreen in mplayer-nogui? [21:32] nadir_ where r u from? [21:32] nadir_: this is a support channel, for chatting join #ubuntu-offtopic [21:33] do you know if this card will work on ubuntu : http://www.hercules.com/us/Sound-Cards/bdd/p/56/muse-pocket-lt/ [21:33] ChaosTheory_, the install command will have given you output. As will the content of /etc/apt/sources.list. I'd like to see both if possible. [21:33] please, tell me: is it true that the ooxml was approved? [21:33] i am from france [21:33] !ot | anka-ar [21:33] !ubuntu-fr | nadir_ [21:33] ubotu is dead [21:33] :| [21:33] oh :o [21:33] :( [21:33] anka-ar, keep on topic [21:33] http://pastebin.com/m2dacee47 [21:33] okok [21:33] anka-ar: http://www.groklaw.net/ [21:33] :( [21:33] ^ sudo aptitude install, iositd. [21:34] I've narrowed down my USB problem. 2.6.20 works, and 2.6.22 doesn't [21:34] hi [21:34] afreu [21:34] And the next command is /etc/apt/sources.list? [21:34] hi [21:35] ChaosTheory, ==> cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (provide link in channel please) [21:36] iositd: http://pastebin.com/m5356bef1 [21:36] Does anyone know how to fix the problem where the titlebar of a window looks messed up sometimes when using the gtk decorator with compiz-fusion? [21:36] hi all [21:36] Just a suggestion, but wouldn't it be nice to include a program with 8.04, called pastebin or something, that pastes input to the ubuntu pastebin and gives you the link ? [21:36] I'll put that one on ideastorm [21:36] iositd: That's the result of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" [21:36] is there a channel related to the beta? [21:37] plurt: #ubuntu+1 [21:37] oki, thx [21:37] What is the difference between, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Ubuntu [21:37] jPratt: the desktop [21:37] jPratt, KDE, Xfce, Gnome [21:37] jPratt: the preinstalled desktop environment [21:37] jPratt, in that order. [21:37] ChaosTheory, you have to update it ... system -> administration -> update manager. From there select check and then run the previous command again please. [21:37] jPratt, Ubuntu uses GNOME, Kubuntu KDE, and Xubuntu Xfce [21:37] Ok [21:37] Is that the only true difference? [21:38] jPratt, and you have fluxbuntu to make it complete, which has fluxbox [21:38] Pretty much yes [21:38] JaxxMaxx_, yes it is [21:38] jPratt: but you can post-install any other desktop environment once you installed one of them [21:38] They all share the same package repository, it's just that have different packages preinstalled. [21:38] JaxxMaxx_, yes (well, some programs might differ, but that's all part of it) [21:38] i actually install kubuntu-desktop / xubuntu-desktop to check them all out. [21:38] ChaosTheory_, from where the previous command the one with the build-dep is. [21:39] Does anyone have good experiences with the Asus eee ubuntu derivative? I think I want to replace the Xandros on this thing [21:39] packages: ubuntu-desktop, xubunu-desktop, and kubuntu-desktop [21:39] oh lol it already exists [21:39] xubuntu* [21:39] iositd: Sorry, I don't understand. [21:39] Exodus, don't forget fluxbox :( you make me sad forgetting it. [21:39] fluxbox ftw? [21:39] is there fluxbox-desktop? [21:39] ChaosTheory_, go to the update manager. Make sure it checks for any available updates. If it finds them, install those. [21:39] when i press ctrl alt down, it zooms out (cube desktop), is there a way to adjust the zoom on that? [21:39] JaxxMaxx_, imo yes. [21:39] Exodus, no, just fluxbox [21:39] * Exodus used to use fluxbox a lot, and before that enlightenment. [21:40] iositd: There were no updates. [21:40] * iositd has a real liking for fluxbox [21:40] iositd, fluxbox is sweet. [21:40] ChaosTheory_, did you tell it to manually check for updates? [21:40] iositd: Well, I pressed check. . . [21:40] Exodus, i'm customizing my conky app on the background now ... for some reason all the windows users at school are astonisched by it. [21:40] Hey i need some help =D [21:40] and to check the "brand spanking new" kde : http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.2.php [21:40] As3: ask [21:41] What would be good for someone Just moving over from Windows [21:41] jPratt: anything, linux is totally different [21:41] ChaosTheory_, ok since it appears there's no other way to do this ==> sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [21:41] I have notices [21:41] jPratt: ubuntu is the most supported over ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu [21:41] you should wait for kde 4.1 ;) [21:41] I just can't wait for 'salasaga' (former flameproject) is out, so I can just link people 'macromedia captivate'-like help. [21:41] lol pwuertz :) [21:41] jPratt, just start with Ubuntu [21:41] ChaosTheory_, you'll see a lot of lines that have a link and the line above saying it's been commended out. Remove that line, and the # from the next line. Then save. [21:41] i know [21:41] I have a strange and stupid problem: I used 'cat /etc/issue' in bash to show my version of ubuntu on login, but it breaks the line oddly === jpiccolo2 is now known as [jpiccolo2] [21:42] plurt: breaks the line ? [21:42] <[jpiccolo2]> anyone know how to tunnel vnc though ssh? [21:42] GlenQuagmire: I'll also have to wait for Trolltech&NVidia to fix some severe performance issues until I can use desktops based on Qt4 :/ [21:42] Setup an SSH server, then use putty.exe to set up port redirects. =] [21:42] Hello there [21:42] [jpiccolo2], http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html [21:42] jPratt, Although I love many many kde apps, I'd recommend you to install ubuntu over the rest, has better support currently. Just remember you can run any kde/gnome application on any other desktop, it'll just load some extra libraries. [21:43] like Ubuntu 7.10 gets displayed on first line, then \n dissapears and \l comes on next line [21:43] Exodus, i _never_ had that problem with fluxbox (at least, no notable higher mem usage.... top of 180 <3 [21:43] [jpiccolo2], you need to setup an ssh tunnel for the vnc port, check http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Tunnel_VNC_over_ssh [21:43] hello [21:43] Hello [21:43] iositd, fluxbox 1, rest of them 0 =b [21:44] iositd: Okay, I did that. [21:44] where cat /etc/issue just displays Ubuntu 7.10 \n \l [21:44] ChaosTheory_, then do ==> sudo apt-get update [21:44] you tell me ;) [21:44] why the \n \l anyway? [21:44] pwuertz: i have an old nvidia :) so didn't experience any probs [21:44] plurt, that is the default issue file [21:44] I know [21:44] plurt: \n \l are executed in /etc/issue, they are printed when you cat it [21:44] Exodus, if you know how to adjust it to your likings, then absolutely [21:44] <[jpiccolo2]> well thing is, i ssh to pc #1 using dyndns then i need to vnc to pc #2 on the NAT [21:44] GlenQuagmire: yea.. you should try Qt4 with an nvidia8800... its a mess [21:44] How do Iptables prioritize? The first condition goes first or the latest? [21:44] Could someone please help on taking care with an external disk mounting error? [21:44] <[jpiccolo2]> is that doable? [21:44] Acomaco, first goes first [21:44] iositd: Okay, done. [21:44] dem: explain the problem [21:44] I see [21:45] hi there [21:45] I want to allow all ips at 213.112.220.*, and deny all others for port 80.. [21:45] [jpiccolo2], that is something regular, to make an ssh tunnel to a foreign machine [21:45] pwuertz: whoa , yeah must do upgrade soon...5600fx :D [21:45] ChaosTheory_, sudo apt-get build-dep ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 [21:45] using the ssh server as an entry point [21:45] Trying to fix a partition on a HD for a friend of mine. Getting these errors. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61955/ any one know a fix for this with out losing any data? [21:45] should i first allow all then deny the rest? [21:45] I am using kubuntu feisty, and having problems setting up my Linksys USB wireless WUSB54g card, can someone please help [21:45] no other way to get a version of the system? [21:45] iositd: E: Unable to find a source package for ndiswrapper [21:46] dabbill, are you sure the disk is not damaged ? [21:46] will abiword 2.6 be in hardy? [21:46] Acomaco: look in the apache config file, see if the order is allow or deny first [21:46] biggahed_, for hardy, join #ubuntu+1 [21:46] ChaosTheory_, what does aptitude search ndiswrapper give? [21:46] need some help with ubuntu xorg configuration on mac mini [21:46] where shoul I go? [21:46] Lamego, The out side is not damaged but no clue about the disks. [21:46] in 'File Browser' mode, how can I see ALL files (ie: .xxx)? [21:46] Jeruvy, hit ctrl + h [21:46] How can I enable x11 forwarding or even XDMCP login. the enable remote desktop (via VNC) is not a viable option as I don't want to keep a session open. [21:46] p ndiswrapper-common - Common scripts required to use the utiliti [21:46] v ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 - [21:46] p ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 - Userspace utilities for the ndiswrapper li [21:46] dabbill, the I/O error frequently indicates an hw failure [21:47] Luenkun: try asking in here. if someone knows the answer to your question, they will answer [21:47] Ok [21:47] ChaosTheory_, copy each of those packages onto a seperate line in the form of ==> sudo apt-get build-dep [21:47] dabbill, run dd if=device of=/dev/null, to do physical disk read [21:47] Lamego, the drive was transported from US to germany and back to US worked fine till last try back to US. [21:47] I type 'xhost +' and I get ' xhost: unable to open display "" ' [21:47] how do I cat the 'Ubuntu 7.10' out of the /etc/issue file then? [21:47] with awk? [21:47] Hello. Could someone help me on mounting external disk errors [21:47] Hey guys [21:47] heya [21:48] I have this problem on mac mini, when I have compiz on, or even in KDE4. The fullscreen has a margin on the right and bottom sides at 1440x900 [21:48] iositd: It found an upgrade, apparently. [21:48] plurt, head -1 /etc/issue and cut or awk, or whatever [21:48] iositd: Should I install? [21:48] iositd: Okay, I'll do that. [21:48] ChaosTheory_, yes [21:48] plurt, : grep --only-matching Ubuntu..... /etc/issue [21:48] I know its a stupid question, but... any idea on when will 8.04 be released? :P [21:48] Does anyone know where I can get wxWidgets 2.8 static libraries for Hardy? [21:48] ChaosTheory_, update first, then those commands. [21:48] ugh... banshee has potential. but oh lord is it ever stiff. [21:48] plurt, and what about using lsb_release instead ? [21:48] The ones in the main repository are shared libraries. [21:48] hobbzilla: i do the authorization via ssh -X [21:48] can someone help me get my wireless working on Kubuntu? [21:48] plurt, man lsb_release [21:48] Lamego, the drive is /dev/hdc so do i run .. "dd if=/dev/hdc of=/dev/null ? [21:48] ChaosTheory_, from that point on you should be able to install it via the way you were using without errors. I have to get some sleep now. [21:48] !ask | mike-ekim [21:48] ChaosTheory_, good luck [21:49] iositd: Okay, thanks. [21:49] dabbill, yes, that will read from the disk, if you get I/O error, you have a damaged disk [21:49] ¨cool, seems like the nicest option maybe, thanks Lamego :) [21:49] plurt, np :) [21:49] GlenQuagmire: Is that equivelent to "enable X11 forwarding" option in PuTTY? [21:50] btw, it's lsb-release not lsb_release ;) [21:50] magnetron: i am pretty lost, i have the usb wireless device connected to usb, and I think lsusb is showing it it shows no text. [21:50] yes hobbzilla [21:50] i have noticed a bug a year or longer ago, concerning xorg.conf, i assumed it would get fixed but 7.10 still has the same trouble, who do i need to talk to? [21:50] mike-ekim: please direct your questions to the channel. [21:50] when i use xrandr to set my resolution from 1280x1024 to 800x600 the screen says that the frequency is out of range, what can i do to solve this? [21:50] xrandr -s 800x600 -r 51.0 , same result [21:50] any idea? [21:50] well can you help me out in just getting started? [21:50] hobbzilla: make sure /etc/ssh/sshd_config has a line like X11Forwarding yes [21:51] does X11 forwarding have to be enabled ? [21:51] beat me to it? :) [21:51] :) [21:51] mike-ekim: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [21:52] hobbzilla: if you change it you have to restart the ssh daemon [21:52] uhh [21:52] GlenQuagmire: looks like it is enabled by default [21:52] mike-ekim, maybe you can pastebin the output of lsusb, then people have something to go on [21:53] mike-ekim, pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [21:53] hobbzilla: is it putty under windows ? [21:53] how can I change the default kernel in grub? I found the problem with my external USB, 6.2.22 has a bug that stops it from booting, and 6.2.20 boots fine [21:53] iosit: thank you [21:54] GlenQuagmire: yup. [21:54] hobbzilla: what x-server do you use ? [21:54] http://pastebin.ca/968125 [21:54] that is my lsusb output [21:54] Lamego, dd: reading '/dev/hdc' : Imput/output error, 130272+0 records in, 130272+0 records out, 66699264 bytes (67 MB) copied, 184.436 seconds, 362 KB/s [21:54] the 1915:2234 is the usb device i believe cause when i remove it, it goes away [21:54] dabbill, ok, it is damaged [21:54] Hello there [21:54] GlenQuagmire: okay so I have setup my PuTTY session to use that option and setup `export DISPLAY=` and ran `xclock` and it is just sitting there.. [21:54] GlenQuagmire: using x-ming [21:55] hello all, trying to use open office database, and when I try to connect to my localhost mysql database, I get the following error: The specified driver could not be loaded! com/mysql/jdbc/Driver. has anyone run into this? based on my limited research I'm thinking this is a ubuntu specific issu [21:55] i have noticed a bug a year or longer ago, concerning xorg.conf, i assumed it would get fixed but 7.10 still has the same trouble, who do i need to talk to? [21:55] Lamego, so no way at all to read it? except for maybe like a data recovery company? [21:56] dabbill, well, you could try a recovery software, it may be able to read the data skipping the damaged areas [21:57] Lamego, any apps you reccumend for linux? [21:57] dabbill, teskdisk [21:57] hobbzilla: i have no experience with x-ming, but it looks like its started maybe, but not displaying? [21:57] hello [21:58] xming should display an icon on the system tray [21:58] GlenQuagmire: I have this working fine from another linux server. with xpdf & xclock ,etc all displaying via xming. [21:58] hobbzilla: you don't see an error of any kind, after typing xclock ? [21:58] hobbzilla, echo $DIPLAY on the terminal, shows a localhost string ? [21:58] GlenQuagmire: not on my ssh session nor in the xming logs. [21:59] ops, $DISPLAY [21:59] <_boto> when i try to use LOGNDROP in iptables configuration then i get an error: ...`LOGNDROP':/lib/iptables/libipt_LOGNDROP.so : cannot open shared object file: ... [21:59] Lamego: localhost:11.0 [21:59] <_boto> any idea what i have to install? [21:59] I used the Add/Remove Applications thing to install Azureus. It was version Is there anyway to install the newest version 3.something without WINE? [21:59] ok, so X11 forwaring is working [21:59] * ChaosTheory_ gives up. [21:59] * ChaosTheory_ cries. T_T [21:59] hi: is it relatively easy to update ubuntu versions? if I were to install gutsy gibbon now and wanted to upgrade to hardy heron when it's released would I be able to without losing any data or having to reinstall all my packages etc? [22:00] luciddream, yes, it is. [22:00] luciddream, yes [22:00] if I don't enable X11 in PuTTY (another session) i have : [22:00] niether are working. [22:00] I have an external disk of approx 500GB. [22:00] 195.3GB is ext2 (165GB of data) [22:00] 195.3GB is NTFS (not used) [22:00] 75GB is NTFS (not used) [22:00] The ext2 disk gives me a Cannot mount Volume – Unable to mount the volume error [22:00] dem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:00] wonderful ;) thanks [22:00] By pressing details I get: [22:00] i need some help here, how can i resize my icons without right clicking and strecthing [22:00] it is correct, X11 forwarding is done throw a localhost display [22:00] where is saved the icons? [22:01] Lamego, thanks for the help :) testdisk is running [22:01] i'm dont remember [22:01] luciddream, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-to-ubuntu-804-lts-hardy-heron-beta.html [22:01] How can i remove this window thats ask for the cd every time i try to install somthing in synaptic package [22:01] anka-ar, do you mean me [22:01] hobbzilla: i personally use cygwin under windows (installed the xserver part) and that works great, i will give x-ming a try though [22:01] smok, just diable the cdrom from the software properties [22:02] xming is so much easier to install compared to cygwin :P [22:02] ?? [22:02] how can i encrypt file using pgp keys that is available in hary in gutsy. already installed seahorse [22:02] disable [22:02] Lamego: but most of my ksh scripts works pretty good under cygwin ! :) [22:02] Update Manager problem on Gutsy, pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61956/ [22:02] GlenQuagmire: I have setup cygwin as well.. [22:03] jaffarkelshac, man gpg, look at the encrypt option [22:03] Exodus: thanks, this is just what I was looking for [22:03] GlenQuagmire: and have used it.. but for whatever reason it is not working with this host. [22:03] GlenQuagmire, :) [22:03] luciddream, you're welcome. [22:03] hobbzilla, do you get any error when executing the X client ? [22:03] Lamego, i want to right click and choose encrypt as available in hardy [22:04] GlenQuagmire: XDMCP is broken under Ubuntu 7.10 which may be part of the issue here (if gdm is broken) [22:04] hobbzilla, X11 forwarding does not involve XDMCP [22:04] Hello, how can I get help? [22:04] Lamego: no error that I found. I'm willing to look anywhere you tell me to though! :) [22:04] Lamego thanks [22:04] it is a straight X client app, it should just be piped over the ssh tunnel to the win X server [22:05] hi, @ll [22:05] I just ran 'xclock' but didn't CTRL-C it this time and my PuTTY session just crashed. [22:05] hobbzilla, that is very odd, if you dont get an error, the connection to the X server is beeing established, have you checked xming logs ? there is a logfile option for xming [22:05] due to "Network error: Software caused connection abort" [22:06] When using the gtk decorator with compiz-fusion, my titlebars sometimes get messed up when a window is maxamized. Example: http://i25.tinypic.com/20av4w6.png [22:06] Help? [22:06] Lamego: the only logs I'm looking at are via "right-click" "View-Log" on the xming systray [22:06] hum, ok, it should be enough [22:07] who can tell me, why i cant see my cardreader [22:07] !compiz [22:07] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [22:07] Lamego: I also have "No access control" checked. [22:07] Lamego: is there any additional parameters to pass to enable more verbose logging? [22:07] that is not needed with ssh tunneling, but it wouldn't hurt [22:07] hobzilla, you gotta allow tcp connections [22:07] Say - how do I ensure that all automatically installed packages are removed when I remove the package that caused them to be installed? [22:08] hobbzilla: ssh -vvv -X from cygwin [22:08] dont remember, check the xming command line options [22:08] GlenQuagmire, well, that is verbose ssh :P [22:08] kindofabuzz: allow TCP connections to/from where? [22:08] Draggin i dont think that you can [22:08] Say, does anyone know howt to make samba just use the unix accounts and passwords? [22:08] Lamego: yeah...maybe overdone there.. :) [22:08] kindofabuzz: Windoze firewall & iptables are both off. [22:08] from whatever your trying to push an app from [22:09] I am trying to install GNS3 on fiesty, but it depends on python-qt-4.3 [22:09] the source has an error with configure, and 4.3 is only available for gutsy [22:09] as a package, how do I get that package with apt [22:09] tonyyarusso, I am not sure that is possible [22:09] how do i get 'detailled' (hardware) information about my laptop? [22:09] on ubuntu ofcourse [22:09] stefano, hardinfo [22:09] kindofabuzz: the server and my workstation are 5 feet apart and on the same switch. I can connect to the server's SMB mounts, SSH, www -- dunno what else kind of TCP "allowing" I need to do. [22:10] S [22:10] ops, was Steffanx [22:10] Steffanx hardinfo or sysinfo [22:10] !factoids [22:10] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [22:10] Lamego: really? why? === Naota is now known as Cosmo-san [22:10] hobzilla, is the box you are conneting to a linux box? [22:11] tonyyarusso, because samba does not use local os auth, it uses a dedicated user db [22:11] how do i make rhythmbox reload the whole library? I changed some album tags and it still hasnt updated them in the library browser [22:11] hobbzilla, are you using any kind of vpn on the windows box ? I had some issues with mingx while using a vpn dialer [22:12] hi, I am trying to copy a graph from OO calc into OO writer however all I get is the blank grid with no data on it [22:12] hobzilla, if the server is linux, edit your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and change disallowTCP=true to false [22:12] hobbzilla: what display you have set when you connect ? (echo $DISPLAY in putty) [22:12] if windows, i dunno [22:13] hey, ubuntu boots, after the ubuntu logo and orange loading bar, etc it says loading kernel, etc and everything, after the screen just goes black..and it stas lke that cd oesnt rnu or anything, etc. whats wrong with it? [22:13] madsporkmurderer you might get better help in #openoffice.org [22:13] i treid start with safe graphics mode too same thing [22:13] thanks [22:13] thanks [22:13] hobbzilla, since you are on LAN, have you tried without ssh tunneling, by just setting DISPLAY to your windows box ? [22:16] i 'd like to buy a NAs, from QNAP, a TS-09 pro, anybody who has some experience with this device, and i mean off course who it behaves with Ubuntu ?:-) [22:16] who= how [22:16] hey, ubuntu boots, after the ubuntu logo and orange loading bar, etc it says loading kernel, etc and everything, after the screen just goes black..and it stas lke that cd oesnt rnu or anything, etc. whats wrong with it? [22:16] i treid start with safe graphics mode too same thing [22:16] it's a TS-109 pro, sorry [22:17] !ubotu custom [22:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about custom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:17] can someone help me firgure out a routeing issue with openvpn??? I seem to have my routes set up wrong. I can't ping the server from the client, nor can the server ping the client. [22:17] Lamego: I have cisco VPN installed but not running. [22:19] wew [22:19] join [22:19] GlenQuagmire: when I'm logged in with ssh -X I don't set any DISPLAY var. When I don't use -X I set `export DISPLAY=` [22:19] can i run a program as low privillaged from # prompt [22:19] Lamego: Yes I tried without SSH tunneling and still no dice. [22:19] suraj: sudo -u someuser [22:19] suraj, sudo -u anotheruser command [22:19] hobzilla, are you pulling X from a linux box? [22:19] hobbzilla, expoirt DISPLAY=IP:0 [22:19] quit [22:19] export [22:20] you need the :0 for the display nr [22:20] Lamego: I've tried that as well as :0.0 [22:20] he means ::0 [22:20] oops [22:20] no, i mean :0 [22:20] :P [22:20] tried not to make the face [22:20] Okay I just restarted xming with -logfile option [22:21] how to recover a document of ABIword that I didn't script because the program broke [22:21] hobbzilla: so are you pulling X from a ubuntu box? [22:21] i need some help. I have a 3G USB modem that have incorporated a storage device, i want to do modem work in ubuntu, but it just recognize storage. Could anyone help me please?? [22:21] kindofabuzz: I'm not sure that is the technical verbage... but yes I am attempting to run an "xclock" client on my xming X server. [22:22] actually, I'm _really_ trying to run "VirtualBox" and not "xclock" but that is a different story! :) [22:23] is there any security program that clears cache, internet activity and clears "recent documents" etc? [22:23] Okay! I just restarted xming (for a 3rd time) didn't specify -logfile and left my ssh with x11 tunneling open and ran xclock again. [22:23] is there a repo which hosts firefox 3.0b5? [22:23] hobbzilla: sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, search for DissallowTCP=true, change it to false, save and exit, do a sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd stop, then sudo killall Xvnc, then sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd start [22:23] guess what I'm looking at now. a clock. [22:23] dunno what happened or changed but it appears to be working (for now). [22:24] kindofabuzz, gdm is not invovled on this task [22:24] oh what is it? [22:24] hobbzilla, guess what I'm looking at now. a big ugly dinasour [22:24] hobbzilla: did you install putty and x-ming together ? [22:24] xdm? [22:24] kindofabuzz, there is no *dm involved on running xclock :) [22:24] GlenQuagmire: nope. Putty & xming are seperate (and not installed at all -- think portableapps.com) [22:24] co0lingFir4, whu would u want to install firefox 3.0b5? [22:25] is there any security program that clears cache, internet activity and clears "recent documents" etc? [22:25] hobbzilla: and you should'nt export a display when you tunnel with putty, it shoud say something like this : localhost:10.0 [22:25] i'm telling you, you have to have that setting to false to push X, which is in your gdm.conf [22:25] I have 7.10. How do I get LAMP going? I.e. how can i upgrade to server edition without isntalling new? [22:25] tomtommy, not that I am aware off [22:25] !lamp [22:25] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [22:25] kindofabuzz, hey man whts a good movie editer? [22:25] tomtommy: oh i forgto to say i'm using hardy. gonny ask in ubuntu+1 [22:25] haker, dunno [22:25] tomtommy: put your "dinasour" away and zip that up! [22:25] natlinuxnewb, server edition is just a group of packages, it not a specific edition per si [22:25] it's possible use an higher resolution than my LCD resolution?? [22:25] k anyone know a movie editor ?!?! [22:25] co0lingFir4, ok :) but i still dont understand what firefox 3.0b5 can do that your current firefox cannot? [22:25] i mean use, for example, 1280x1024 in a 1024x768 lcd? [22:25] haker, lives [22:26] hobbzilla: just try what i said, it has to be false to push X [22:26] <__elemental> chester_m, probably not a good idea [22:26] tomtommy, Lamego: thanks [22:26] GlenQuagmire: I didn't set any DISPLAY var for my PuTTY session with -X option set. [22:26] i just want to have more desktop area [22:26] tomtommy: firefox 3 beta 4 comes preinstalled with hardy beta and if possible i want to have the newest version... [22:26] проблема с установкой драйвера nVidia для 7600cs , ubuntu 7.10 [22:27] co0lingFir4, go #hardy [22:27] !ru [22:27] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [22:27] <__elemental> chester_m, you won't get anymore desktop area that way, you'll just have portions of the desktop not on the screen [22:27] ops, i mean #ubuntu+1 [22:27] chester_m - do you have a max resolution of 1024x768? [22:27] y [22:27] kindofabuzz: nano? what's that :) ( vi baby ) [22:27] после установки драйвера отказывается грузится графический интерфейс ,лечится редактрированием ксорга в режиме консоли [22:27] !ru | radish_ [22:27] radish_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [22:27] hobbzilla: hehe your choice [22:28] __elemental but with smaller things i have more space [22:28] Lamego: u mean #ubuntu+1 [22:28] <__elemental> chester_m, it doesn't work that way man [22:28] chester_m - have a look at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto?highlight=%28modeline%29 Sure helped me out of that infernal problem :) [22:28] why doesn't my theme manager show a theme after installation? [22:28] kindofabuzz: gdm.conf has :DisallowTCP=true [22:28] and it is working now.. [22:29] ok :) [22:29] i clicked install, selected the theme file, and then it says that the theme was installed, but it wont show up in the theme manager [22:29] btw, I never changed gdm.conf [22:29] thanks anyway [22:29] oh ok [22:29] change it to false [22:29] hobbzilla: you have just enabled x forwarding , without the setting display part in putty ? [22:29] any ideas? [22:30] how do i use ssh for ubuntu with a specific username ? [22:30] GlenQuagmire: not sure I understand your Q. [22:30] GlenQuagmire: I had opened two PuTTY sessions. [22:31] sarah____: ssh username@hostname? [22:31] sarah____, ssh -u username? [22:31] ok thanks [22:31] mine was maybe wrong, trust Starnestommy more ^^ [22:31] GlenQuagmire: one with "Enable X11 forwarding" and one without. [22:31] hobbzilla: in putty you can set X display location. i leave that empty [22:31] ah ok [22:31] so did it work hobbzilla ? [22:31] in the theme manager on ubuntu, i clicked install, selected the theme file, and then it says that the theme was installed, but it wont show up in the theme manager... does anyone know why this is happening? [22:32] GlenQuagmire: In the one without X11 forwarding checked, I specified once authenticated the "export DISPLAY=" [22:32] see you all later [22:32] Ciao! [22:32] GlenQuagmire, can you see x11 with putty ? :O [22:32] Is there a nice way to start a second X server using a different video driver? [22:32] kindofabuzz: It was working after I restarted xming for the 3rd time. I didn't change any gdm.conf or sshd_conf settings anywhere. [22:32] rumplesmigskin i wish i had one working video driver xD [22:32] rumplesmigskin, or even a different desktop manager..:) like kde in one and gnome in another [22:33] GlenQuagmire: I never had set an X display location in the session (and didn't know that was an option -- I usually control that in the .bash_profile) [22:33] hobbzilla: well that's the only way i got mine to work was to change that to false [22:33] how can i use C++ on ubuntu? [22:33] haker [22:33] haker: gedit [22:33] =) [22:33] you write a script, then gcc [22:33] kindofabuzz: I dunno.. All I know is that XDMCP is busted on Gutsy and I would prefer to have that setup as well. [22:34] jagggy, almost every word in that sentence was wrong [22:34] in the theme manager on ubuntu, i clicked install, selected the theme file, and then it says that the theme was installed, but it wont show up in the theme manager... does anyone know why this is happening? [22:34] :) [22:34] kindofabuzz: the VNC remote management ain't cool. [22:34] Daisuke_Ido, i know, sorry, i talk bad english [22:34] kindofabuzz: You have to keep a console session logged in order to connect. [22:34] jagggy: it's ok, i can understand you fine :) [22:34] jagggy, just teasing you :) [22:34] you're doing great [22:35] What is the advantage of using LAMP over just getting a 'free' website managed by others? [22:35] Hi. I lost mu Manual Network Configuration widget on my panel; How do I add it back? In the "Add to panel" window, there's the network monitor but not the one that lets me configure. Halp? [22:35] hobbzilla: yeah i can get XDMCP working, vnc is working flaswlessly [22:35] i really should put more effort in my english, but in school, everything we learn is wrong :s [22:35] jagggy: what country? [22:35] belgium [22:36] jagggy: ah yes. i understand :) [22:36] So... I suppose no one can help? [22:36] i typed example.cpp -o example aint that how u type it? [22:36] jagggy, don't feel bad, i'm in the US and most english taught in primary schools is wrong there as well. [22:36] I'm having some trouble with my sound...my PC has an internal audio card and a Creative CT510 PCI card. I'd like to use the PCI card, but Xubuntu is outputting to the internal card... [22:36] Daisuke_Ido: wrong, its just no one listens to english taught in primary schools [22:36] kindofabuzz: you got XDMCP under gutsy working? [22:37] hehe Daisuke_Ido its really bad here, i mean, if i write decent words they're wrong :s [22:37] does ubuntu have the gnu multi-precision library in its synaptic? gmp? [22:37] hobbzilla: no, just VNC === Byan_ is now known as Byan [22:37] Hi! I can do an arp poisoning using the ettercap`s gtk interface, but I can't do it at command line (don't know how to select "sniff remote connection" at mitm option). How can I do it? [22:37] hey, ubuntu boots, after the ubuntu logo and orange loading bar, etc it says loading kernel, etc and everything, after the screen just goes black..and it stas lke that cd oesnt rnu or anything, etc. whats wrong with it? [22:37] i treid start with safe graphics mode too same thing [22:38] maloax can you describe your installation process? [22:38] Hi. I lost mu Manual Network Configuration widget on my panel; How do I add it back? In the "Add to panel" window, there's the network monitor but not the one that lets me configure. Halplllp :( [22:38] iNoob, been to a primary school recently? it's gone downhill horribly [22:38] Has it? [22:38] Its probably because all the teachers are on drugs now :P [22:38] no child left behind *throws up a little* [22:38] hey [22:39] who isnt'? [22:39] lol [22:39] does anyone have the problem were NetworkManager maxes out their cpu? [22:39] I don't like no child left behind.. the kids that are struggling need a separate class [22:39] i need to restart the process every couple of days [22:39] Maloax: Are you using the Live CD or the installed version? [22:39] AshyIsMe: never experienced that, you using propriatary network drivers? [22:39] maybe [22:39] !ot | iNoob [22:39] i think i have an atheros card [22:39] iNoob: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [22:40] AshyIsMe: Yes, I would suggest updating to latest MadWifi drivers if you have a compatible Atheros card. [22:40] hey can i install ubuntu too by dumping the iso on the eee ssd [22:40] sorry, someone brought it up and i thought i would finish my thought. [22:40] AshyIsMe: you should get Madwifi, or is it maddogwifi, it's for atheros cards i think [22:40] but yeah.. is there anyone here that can help me with my theme problem? [22:40] AshyIsMe: also, if you'd like to wait, Hardy comes with them by default. [22:40] AshyIsMe: if you leave your computer running that long, I'm guessing its a desktop... nm is not needed. Just disable it and configure manually. [22:40] !ask iNoob [22:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about ask inoob - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:40] huh? [22:40] ArthurArchnix, it's a laptop [22:41] good afternoon. I'm looking for alternate solutions to fixing flash crashes in firefox using gutsy [22:41] iNoob: heh, please don't ask to ask a question, please just ask the question :) [22:41] ~[ natlinuxnewb ]~ i just pop the cd in, restart, and it bootes. [22:41] !netsplit [22:41] AshyIsMe: Wow. [22:41] pistoria: that pretty much happens to everyone in my experience. if there's a fix i'd like to see it [22:41] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [22:41] pistoria: forums.mozillazine.org is agood place to start [22:41] Maloax: What monitor do you have? [22:41] ArthurArchnix, why is that surprising? [22:42] ArthurArchnix, it's my main comp at home, i never really move it [22:42] i asked the question a couple times and no one acknowledged it :P but here it is: in the theme manager on ubuntu, i clicked install, selected the theme file, and then it says that the theme was installed, but it wont show up in the theme manager... does anyone know why this is happening? [22:42] iNoob: please just wait a moment. sometimes people need to research a question so it takes a minute. [22:42] Ok. [22:42] ~[ natlinuxnewb ]~ i just pop the cd in, restart, and it bootes. [22:42] !info rhythmbox [22:42] Package rhythmbox does not exist in gutsy [22:42] thats what i was afraid of. i've seen adding an extra line in xorg.conf, or changing display settings, and still nothing. i'll check out that forum, thanks [22:43] AshyIsMe: Ah. Ok. So why not do away with network manager altogether? You'd just need to change the setting back to roaming mode if you did move it. But while it's at home if you disable roaming mode then you can configure manually. Maybe your problem will disappear? [22:43] oh, if only we were that lucky === neuro_ is now known as OldManSmithers [22:43] iNoob: you're on gutsy i assume? and can you further describe "theme manager"? is this with metacity? === OldManSmithers is now known as neuro_ [22:44] huh? [22:44] anyone else find the system very sluggish when using rhythmbox. it uses lots of cpu up [22:44] ok the theme manager is found in System>Preferences>Appearance, and yes its metacity [22:45] keit1: I don't use rythym box. I use exaile. Sorry. [22:45] hmm still stuck with xmms i gues [22:45] guess* [22:45] iNoob: very sorry, honestly i use Emerald so i'm not that familiar. [22:45] how do you use emerald? o.O [22:45] ArthurArchnix, i'll try that, thanks [22:45] thanks everyone [22:45] iNoob: install compiz, #compiz-fusion [22:45] hey, ubuntu boots, after the ubuntu logo and orange loading bar, etc it says loading kernel, etc and everything, after the screen just goes black..and it stas lke that cd oesnt rnu or anything, etc. whats wrong with it? [22:45] i treid start with safe graphics mode too same thing [22:46] i already have that, and i have the emerald theme too [22:46] Maloax: What monitor are you using? Is this the first time its happened? Could you successfully load ubuntu before? [22:46] natlinuxnewb first time, no i never did load it successfully on tihs (tihs is a laptop) hp pavilion dv9000 [22:46] iNoob: well then compiz is not running currently. do you have DRI enabled? (find out by "glxinfo | grep direct") [22:46] hey guys. I'm currently on an Intel Core2duo using Ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386. If I plan to upgrade to 4GB ram, what should I get? i386 or amd64? === windjungj is now known as _A [22:47] hi all, I just downloaded firefox 3 beta 5 - I know I can just run it from its own directory when i extract the tarball, but how can I just install it? As in, how can I have it replace the current mozilla firefox? === _A is now known as _icwalkin [22:47] Maloax: Ok. Can you tell me the monitor type you have? Whats the make and model? [22:47] rico: the max mem fora 386 machine is 4gb === _icwalkin is now known as _`icwalkin [22:48] Hey I am having a little trouble with my apache ubuntu home server, I have a ftp user account set up but when I look on the web, cause I am not DNS registered, its just my IP address, but how do I look at the ftp accounts of my other users [22:48] natlinuxnewb it's alaptop how can it have a Monitor make ? It's a HP pavilioon dv9000 thats what it says on the monitor it's a 17" widescreen [22:48] I'll ask again... Does anyone know how to add the network configuration widget back to the panel..? [22:48] bobbo85: here's a guide, but adjust accoeringly http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-firefox-3-beta-2-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html [22:48] Maloax: nvm i just read the laptop part :) [22:48] how is everyone? [22:48] thanks kindofabuzz. I've also noticed that no programs seem to be able to launch links in firefox [22:48] hey all, newbie here. i downloaded some packages and am trying to use to install them but i can't seem to figure it out. i've checked various "how to's" on the net but i'm still confused. any help? [22:49] anyone built a driver for a edimax wifi card? [22:49] bobbo85: the line that says sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/* . make it /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*. [22:49] rico , sinds you have a 64 bit processor , you should use amd64 [22:49] Maloax: you HP laptop uses a NVIDIA GeForce Go 7200 card. Have you upgraded to the latest drivers? [22:49] hey, my system seriously underperforms.... it takes 10 minutes from power on to a usable gnome desktop, and it takes 2 hours of idleness before the hard drive stops going crazy... Saving simple Text files takes a few seconds, just about every program regularly blocks... [22:49] AntiWeja: There's two that I know of. One is installed by default in ubuntu. To use that one, just set your card to roaming mode >system >administration >network then pick card, and set to roaming. If it's already set to roaming then add the system tray to the panel. [22:49] and my system is a 2GB Ram dualcore Laptop.... [22:50] elTigre: sounds like you have xgl running. do you recall downloading/installing it? [22:50] ArthurArchnix: is it fast? [22:50] Ok probably a stupid question. But for some reason my 'make' and 'make install' doesn't work. How do I fix it? [22:50] elTigre: what does cat /proc/cpuinfo say ? the mhz [22:50] well I think I tried once, but I used aiglx last time I tried to use 3D Desktop [22:50] Steven2: sudo apt-get install build-essential [22:50] ~[ natlinuxnewb ]~ No, this use Nvidia GeForce Go 6150 -- Yes i have all updates installed, i did hp update and everything is good [22:50] keit1: ??? [22:51] ArthurArchnix: exaile [22:51] elTigre: proberly the dynamic proc scaling feature [22:51] my system sees the card but it does not work from there [22:51] running firefox-bin is now giving me this: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [22:51] 2 Ghz [22:51] elTigre: please try the following: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl [22:51] elTigre, but is it scaled to something less than that? [22:51] Hi, has someone tried to compile linux-kernel 2.6.25-rcX on 8.04? Here after make install_modules the dir /lib/modules/2.6.25-rcX is about 450Mb in size and the initrd is also very large (about 46Mb) -- This seems a big large is. I used make oldconfig to configure the kernel [22:51] how do I know? [22:51] evermind-: ubuntu+1 channel for hardy support [22:52] Oh... yes, it's very good in many respects, if you have less than 5,000 songs you should use it for sure. But use the version from the website. The version in the repositories is badly out of date. === _Vermux is now known as Vermux [22:52] GlenQuagmire, but I'm not using AMD. would that be fine? === RT|AFK is now known as Randomtime [22:52] <_`icwalkin> Is thisc channel for all buntus? [22:52] rico it should work fine [22:52] keit1: ^^ [22:52] _`icwalkin: it is [22:52] <_`icwalkin> k [22:52] All supported ones, except hardy [22:52] elTigre: you'll know because if you have it, when you go to remove it it will ask you if you're sure, if you don't have it it will tell you it's not installed. [22:52] xserver-xgl was not installed [22:52] <_`icwalkin> hardy ? [22:52] <_`icwalkin> lol [22:52] bobbo85, maybe this command will help. sudo aptitude install libxul-dev [22:52] ok :) [22:52] ikonia: thx [22:52] yes. 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron [22:52] no I didn't mean you icanhasadmin [22:52] elTigre: I see. when you boot up do you get a splash screen or is it just black untill login screen? [22:53] Daisuke_Ido, how do I know? [22:53] Maloax: Ok. my bad. was reading off a website. Good on the updating. What version is the linux CD? [22:53] After adding the medibuntu repositories, I suddenly have about 10 updates that can't be installed - it asks me about doing a partial install, what is that about? [22:53] splash [22:53] ArthurArchnix: i have a tad more than 5000 songs. I'm wanting something to manage 500GB+ without the lag [22:53] <_`icwalkin> zxcvbnm,./?.,mnbvcxzZxcvbnm,./?.,mnbvcxzZxcvbnm,./?.,mnbvcxzZxcvbnm,./?.,mnbvcxzZxcvbnm,./?.,mnbvcxzZxcvbnm,./?.,mnbvcxzZxcvbnm,./ [22:53] ArthurArchnix: perhaps I need a dual core and more than 1GB ram [22:53] <_`icwalkin> oops [22:53] keit1 lol :) [22:53] elTigre: please try running "top" in terminal, it should show you what's taking up all your cpu [22:53] how do i force ubuntu to uninstall wine apps? [22:53] elTigre, i just use the frequency scaling monitor applet [22:53] <_`icwalkin> delete them manual [22:54] <_`icwalkin> manually [22:54] hey guys, what do i need to run IMAP.SMTP on ubuntu? [22:54] <_`icwalkin> lol [22:54] trying to make my computer dedicated to email [22:54] icanhasadmin: that's the problem.... there are mostly no programs consuming more than 10 or 20 % [22:54] ~[ natlinuxnewb ]~ ubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso [22:54] <_`icwalkin> dammmit [22:54] <_`icwalkin> too many logins [22:54] <_`icwalkin> lol [22:54] sarah___: any imap and smtpy server, sendmail, postfix, exim, dovecot, postfix [22:54] GlenQuagmire: i remember when my spec was top-end visual workstation -- lol :) [22:54] icanhasadmin_: but the "waiting" portion is about 60-90 usually [22:54] ikonia thanks [22:54] frequency scaling switches between 800 and 2 GHZ on both cpus [22:55] smtp server comes default with ubuntu? [22:55] anyone ever heard of momolight or atmolight before? [22:55] keit1: then maybe amarok is better for you. But exaile's performance should be better than rythym at anyrate. [22:55] <_`icwalkin> Aval0n : nope. [22:55] elTigre: that's extremely strange. you running off an external harddrive? [22:55] thanks un0p, after installing libxul-dev, I now get this error: symbol lookup error: firefox-bin: undefined symbol: NS_LogInit [22:55] k [22:55] Make is still not working. Message reads: 'make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.' [22:55] icanhasadmin_: no [22:55] ArthurArchnix: yeah waiting for kde4 to mature a little till trying it out again [22:55] Steven2: you need to run make in a directory with a make file in it [22:55] by now for example, the system is relatively quit [22:55] quiet [22:55] Steven2: try cd src; make [22:55] keit1: times fly, when you're havin fun ! it goes pretty fast yes. im also working on bare-metal-scrap over here :) [22:55] bobbo85, uh oh, no idea what that is -- which version of firefox? [22:56] I have ubuntu server not DNS registered and multiple ftp users, but how do I access the accounts via the url [22:56] 3 beta 5 :-) [22:56] why when people type back to me do I see keit1 instead of keito? [22:56] but when I start running programs or surfing or something, I feel like on a five year-old PC or worse [22:56] LOL elTigre [22:56] 5 years old? [22:56] keit1, because that's your nick. [22:56] keit1: because your name is keit1 [22:56] TMcD: that doesn't make any sense [22:56] i had mine since 99 with no hardware upgrade ok? [22:56] Maloax: Heres some reading for you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512059. Ill do some more searching see if theres anything about your specific problem. Reason I asked all those questions before was I had a black screen problem same place in one of my installations. What you have is different to mine prob but similar. [22:56] WheelsOnFire: Well then the program install is broken then. Because I'm trying to run it in the directory for the install. [22:56] mine sounds like a rocket when i run more than 3 programs [22:56] well whatever I could afford 5 years ago I mean ^ ^ [22:56] keit1: Yeah. Exaile is the gnome version of amarok. Keep in mind, that exaile considers itself adequate to about 20,000 songs. http://www.exaile.org/wiki/index.php?title=Exaile:Faq [22:56] GlenQuagmire: no my nick is keit o with and oh not one! strange [22:57] WheelsOnFire: All of the installs that I run are like that though. [22:57] * DOOM_NX eipa feugw feugw feugw, 8a vrw allh gkomena, na mai egw kala mwro mou kai apo gunaikes NA! [22:57] i wish i could afford a new computer elTigre [22:57] Steven2: make is for compiling the source. it needs a file called Makefile which tells it what to do [22:57] keit1, bite the bullet and just use amarok [22:57] sorry keit0 , strange indeed, im reading keit1 :D [22:57] keit1: You should try the latest. But amarok will work fine on gnome. Just needs a few libraries. Not a big deal. [22:57] Ok heres the thing I can ftp into the server but the files I place go nowhere near the place I can access them on the web [22:57] I think it has something to do with Disk IO [22:57] WheelsOnFire: Well the install doc said to run ./configure make and make install. [22:57] i know, i know, wahhhh, i dun wanna use anything kde, but if it works, there's absolutely no reason NOT to use it... [22:58] <_`icwalkin> Daisuke_Ido : why? [22:58] TMcD: a URL is not a local directory [22:58] does anyone run a ircd from their ubuntu? [22:58] TMcD: the file path on the URL will start from your ftp root [22:58] sarah___: yes [22:58] _`icwalkin, why what? [22:58] i googled ns_loginit it seems to have something to do with xul, so i am installing all of the packages in synaptic that come up when i search for libxul [22:58] might try amarok again at some point. hated the way it had it's own database for cover-art though -- who idea was that?! [22:58] Steven2: yes I know how to build from source. [22:58] oh...huh that makes some sense then [22:58] Steven2: you know how to pastebin? [22:58] WheelsOnFire: Well it doesn't work. None of them do. [22:58] keit1: i use mysql with amarok :) [22:58] <_`icwalkin> Daisuke_Ido: I didn't understand what you just said [22:58] keit1, you can set it up to store cover art in the folder with the albums [22:58] works pretty nice [22:58] keit1, you could try Listen or Quodlibet [22:58] WheelsOnFire: No. [22:58] ikonia do you lease from a dedi server? [22:58] elTigre: your issue is very strange to me. i'd have to suggest someone who is more experienced than myself to help :) [22:58] GlenQuagmire: perhaps coz i didn't register my nick? [22:58] <_`icwalkin> keit1, maybe [22:59] sarah___: no [22:59] Steven2: pastebin.com paste the results of ls -R [22:59] ok... [22:59] <_`icwalkin> Αποχώρησε [22:59] well I am running out of angles to try [22:59] Steven2: it's a website so that you don't flood this channel with a whole bunch of lines of code [22:59] this hdparm thingy got me confused, too [22:59] _`icwalkin, was just referring to some gnome users' absolute refusal to use anything kde (and vice versa) [22:59] Daisuke_Ido: already have *most* cover art [22:59] ikonia so why run a ircd on your ubuntu. I run unreal ircd on my ubuntu, but only on "local" [22:59] im just learning it thats why [22:59] keit1 , yes maybe. or try change it /change keit0 [22:59] Steven2: so you temporarily post it on a website and give me the link [22:59] _`icwalkin: thats the 4rd time you've done that, can you please stop, this is english only [22:59] I think I have a scsi drive or something (sda etc) [22:59] <_`icwalkin> Daisuke_Ido, ohh! Anyays I thought you said something else [22:59] elTigre: fdisk -l [22:59] <_`icwalkin> ikonia: first. [22:59] ikonia: thanks [23:00] Exteris: yeah seen them too. they all look SO similar though! i used to love winamp and foobar2000 [23:00] sarah___: I run it to have a private session for some collegues over the internet [23:00] cool, did you enable SSL? [23:00] sarah___: yes [23:00] did somebody tried to boot from a ltsp server with qemu? [23:00] keit1, try BMP or XMMS or MPD [23:00] adac2: from kvm yes, not quemy [23:00] wheelsonfire: sda1,sda2,sda5 [23:00] i cant figure out what good moduels to add to make it secure [23:00] ikonia: i read unreal can be "unsecure" if you dont load certain moduels [23:00] elTigre: that would be sata (or scsi) [23:00] sarah___: depends on your server and your needs. [23:00] i just installed a game called Savage. it will not Startgame after installing it. i have the terminal output of the failure data. can someone take a look at it. it might be easy to fix. thanks [23:00] ikonia: do you know a good tutorial perhps? [23:00] Hello! I have a problem with my software sources. When i type "sudo apt-get update", i get this message "temporary failure resolving server_name" many and many times. [23:00] true [23:01] Just did an upgrade and am having dependency issues with cupsys, can anyone help me? [23:01] Any idea ? [23:01] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61959/ [23:01] Exteris: got xmms... want cover art support and more of a manager than lightweight player now [23:01] maybe you can help me ikonia: [23:01] adac2: I've only got my notes, I spent hours working it out [23:01] Maloax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [23:01] ok libxuldev doesn't work, i'm trying xulrunnerdev i think it's the 1.9 replacement from 1.8 [23:01] Exteris: beep was ok if a bit buggy alst time i tried it [23:01] Steven2: well? [23:01] wheelsonfire: so how can I make that thing work better? [23:01] sarah___: what do you want from me [23:01] ikonia: ok..thx anyway [23:01] Hello [23:01] WheelsOnFire: I think this is the link. http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=d3ae1d49a [23:01] moez: the sources.list doesn't try to load http://server_name/ does it? [23:01] how to setup a good unrealircd.conf :P [23:01] Can someone assist me with openoffice.org? [23:01] keit1, amarok, exaile, songbird, rhythmbox, and banshee (in that order) [23:01] keit1, I like listen and quodlibet, mpd is nice too but i don't know it but you should try all :p [23:01] elTigre: what's your problem? [23:02] sarah___: I'd discuss that in unreal support groups === keit1 is now known as bladerunner [23:02] ok [23:02] wheelsonfire: my system regularly is in about 90% or more "waiting" [23:02] hah, ok installing libxuldev causes one error, installing xulrunner removes libxuldev, fixes the error, and causes a new one! [23:02] no #unreal for freenode!? [23:02] <_`icwalkin> whats Ubuntus offtopic channel again? [23:02] wheelsonfire: and the performance is really really bad [23:02] _`icwalkin: #ubuntu-offtopic [23:02] sarah___: I don't know [23:02] like 10 minutes to boot [23:02] can someone help me.. Savage the linux game wont start up. terminal says stuff. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61959/ [23:02] Daisuke_Ido: Exteris: tried all but exaile quodlibet, mpd will have to give them a razz [23:02] troxor : Yes, it's the name of the server i mean (for example : security.ubuntu.com) [23:03] elTigre: tell me please the mb/sec of your sda [23:03] can someone please help me with my wireless adaptor? I followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400236&page=4 but still cannot get it to connect [23:03] and I can recall when I installed ubuntu it was a lot better (2x2 GHz 2GB Ram) [23:03] bladerunner, just keep exaile's limits in mind... [23:03] elTigre: hdparm -t /dev/sda [23:03] Steven2: you sent me a link to download the file, just tell me the link of the page it's posted at [23:03] how do I shut down gnome properly? [23:03] log out [23:03] 40.24 Mb/sec [23:03] elTigre: that's not too bad [23:03] moez: can you ping it? can you ping your nameserver? either of those by IP? try `dig @nameserver server_name` [23:04] hm [23:04] WheelsOnFire: Did you see the link? http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=d3ae1d49a [23:04] Does anyone know of a CLI screenshot program which can take screenshots of a true terminal? Without X [23:04] that's not the correct link steven [23:04] I also have to stop beagled and gdl_indexer [23:04] tobberoth: import, xwd ? [23:04] but then how do I log in to shell instead of gnome again? [23:04] because they make everything even worse [23:04] Steven2: let me pastebin something so you can see [23:04] !netsplit [23:04] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [23:04] Daisuke_Ido: Exteris: I want more than is available at present.. it make me wanna delve deeper into development! I want cover-flow to browse _all_my_music_ easily [23:04] tobberoth: er, sorry, no.. fbdump or somesuch [23:04] Hi, i modified my ubdatedb.conf to not prune /media, but calling updatedb still does not index my drive at /media/external [23:05] troxor: Thanks, I'll look it up [23:05] Daisuke_Ido: Exteris: someone should create some plugin for amarok [23:05] guess he left [23:05] elTigre: run the command top and find out what is hogging your resources [23:05] WheelsOnFire, might be because of the netsplit [23:05] bladerunner, or for Listen or some other player [23:05] HI! [23:05] how can i make a program start up when i loggin [23:05] troxor : dig ? [23:05] Exteris: yeah, it would be sweet [23:05] bladerunner, you may be interested in amarok 2 [23:05] at the moment nothing, but at startup its gnome-panel [23:06] moez: yeah, it's good for diagnosing name service problems [23:06] Daisuke_Ido: i'm interested in it all bro [23:06] and after I can work with the desktop it's stuff like beagled [23:06] and gdl_indexer [23:06] jk_: be clear if you want it to happen every time you log in or everytime anyone logs in or only once when only you log in or only once when the computer starts, etc... [23:06] then I kill that off.... [23:06] bladerunner, looks like amarok 2 has a coverflow-like feature [23:06] troxor : command not found [23:06] Maloax: Let us know if something helped in there? [23:06] Daisuke_Ido: music to my ears! [23:06] I don't know I don't use gnome [23:06] it's still early alpha though [23:06] and currently everything works fine...... [23:07] WheelsOnFire, is firestarter the firewall. I keep having to start it everytime. in windows i would just stick it on start up list [23:07] * bladerunner wants to know what the ISO were thinking!!!! ??? :/ [23:07] jk_: I don't care what you did in windows [23:07] elTigre: try running : sudo dmidecode | grep "Current Speed" | head -n 1 [23:07] jk_, welcome to linux. it's all closed by default anyway [23:07] Maloax: Theres also this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-273767.html [23:07] jk_: you still haven't answered my question [23:07] firestarter is NOT a firewall [23:07] any ideas about updatedb not indexing? [23:07] jk_: add it to your sessions! [23:07] moez: it's in the dnsutils package [23:07] it is a frontend to iptables [23:08] what do i need to open this website?? ?http://www.pandora.com/ [23:08] jk_: and firestarted is a way of editing you iptables [23:08] if I plan on upgrading to 8.04 LTS (server use) when it's released, would it be better to install 6.06 LTS or 7.10 right now? or does it not matter? [23:08] linkinxp: a web browser? ;) [23:08] what do i need to open this website?? http://www.pandora.com/ [23:08] WheelsOnFire, i only compared to windows for explanation and clearity. [23:08] linkinxp, well, i'm guessing a browser. [23:08] troxor, LOL [23:08] no! guys [23:08] linkinxp: don't spam [23:08] GlenQuagmire, 800 MHZ [23:08] elTigre: there it is [23:08] im meant (sorry) PLugins [23:08] jk_: comparing it to windows makes it more confusing because I don't use windows [23:08] elTigre: just the dynamic scaling i said :) [23:08] the frequency usually goes up to 2 GHZ usually [23:08] troxor : I can't install packages, when i try "sudo apt-get install something", i get "Couldn't find package" [23:08] rawb I'd have thought upgrading from 7.10 would be easier than from 6.06 [23:09] linkinxp: the page is html [23:09] jk_: just answer the simple question of when exactly you want it to run as I asked and you will get a good answer [23:09] elTigre: hmm, ok, its not constantly on 800 mhz ? [23:09] ikonia, javascript? [23:09] GlenQuagmire: giggidy giggidy ... alright [23:09] WheelsOnFire, ok, i want a program to start up when i login [23:09] no it isnt [23:09] ONLY YOU? [23:09] troxor : This is because the system can't reach the servers specified in the sources.list. [23:09] bladerunner: :) [23:09] GlenQuagmire: sorry, just had to [23:09] or anyone? [23:09] WheelsOnFire, yes [23:09] linkinxp: just html here [23:09] and I have 2 cores, too [23:09] ikonia, it uses something else that i dont have therefore i cant open it [23:09] Hello [23:09] so if you log out and back in you want it to run twice then? ok got it [23:09] ikonia, which browser are u using? [23:09] private [23:09] linkinxp: firefox [23:09] so usually both are chilling.... it's the "waiting" portion that worries me... [23:09] linkinxp: firefox should tell you of any missing plugins [23:09] Hi, could someone tell me about the status of tcp_lp.ko kernel module in Ubuntu? I am not running Ubuntu in my system. [23:09] ikonia, me too and i doesnt open [23:10] moez: ok, try this- determine your name server by doing `cat resolv.conf` [23:10] ikonia, nop [23:10] linkinxp, you need flash [23:10] and it works great [23:10] WheelsOnFire, i thought if you logout everything closes, so it would not run twice [23:10] <[_`]mewok> SunilGhai : what are you asking for ? [23:10] Daisuke_Ido, hummm ok ok [23:10] Hmm, seems that lynx doesn't like downloading tarballs [23:10] Daisuke_Ido, thanks [23:10] at the moment everything is fine... maybe because I forcably killed beagled and gdl_indexer [23:10] that was actually the first useful non-ubuntu-related link i've seen here :D [23:10] tobberoth: it has no problem doing that [23:10] jk_: linux is a multi user OS, just logging out doesn't close everything in the system [23:10] <[_`]cDray> lol daisuke [23:11] ikonia: Mine just crashed or something while "downloading" a 130k tarball.. [23:11] jk_: you can certainly add it to the 'sessions' settings in your gnome desktop. this will cause gnome to run it when you log in [23:11] no one to help with my updatedb question? [23:11] hi all - quick question with 64bit ubuntu - 71.0 desktop [23:11] troxor : Result => "nameserver" this is the static address i specified when i install the server. [23:11] tobberoth: I've used it regular [23:11] <[_`]mewok> now3d : repaste it [23:11] first 64bit OS...i've got 4 gig of RAM but only 3.4 shows.... [23:11] elTigre: try setting them on 2000mhz constantly and check the performance ? sudo cpufreq-selector -c 0 -f 2000000 && sudo cpufreq-selector -c 1 -f 2000000 [23:11] WheelsOnFire, add it to sessions, got it [23:11] just remember, the universe works on a math equation... [23:11] any ideas? (brand new dell that came with 4 gigs..) [23:11] jk_: you aren't very clear about what you want because you aren't aware of the 20 or so different things you are categorizing as one, since you are from the land of windows which has about 3 total options [23:11] pdxkid: show me uname -a please [23:12] moez: are you using your own nameserver? [23:12] linkinxp, thank you for that :D [23:12] 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 02:46:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux [23:12] troxor: it's his adsl router which will forward to the isp resolver [23:12] [_ `]mework: I want to know does latest version of Ubuntu package tcp_lp.ko kernel module? [23:12] <[_`]cDray> AWAY. === [_`]cDray is now known as kkenny[A] [23:12] pdxkid: please show me cat /proc/meminfo [23:12] ikonia: I press the link and it downloads or something.. then it says "/bin/tar tvf -" in the status bar and nothing happens. [23:12] ikonia: ah, thx [23:12] Daisuke_Ido, like it? its pretty good [23:12] jk_: because really, there are many different things that people mean when they say the same thing 'start when i log in' [23:12] moez: the cheap way is just to use opendns ;) [23:12] troxor : No, i just specified a static IP to reach the server from the outside. [23:12] MemTotal: 3354908 kB [23:12] pdxkid: you may want to put that in a passtebin [23:12] jk_: anyways, what else can I do for you [23:13] pdxkid: can the bios see all 4 gig [23:13] ikonia - do you needi t all? [23:13] all the cat /proc/meminfo i mean.. [23:13] yea, bios sees it all [23:13] free -m [23:13] ?---------  ? ?      ?                ?                ? Reality [23:13] much nicer =] [23:13] pdxkid: thats quite odd/annoying [23:13] How come I get that when mounting with sshfs? [23:13] troxor : But, my router have a static IP address, why should i use opendns ? :) [23:13] Reality is the name of the mountpoint directory [23:13] hm seems to be better now... [23:13] Daisuke_Ido, when its loading (for me) its frozes :(( [23:13] ikonia - tell me about it! ha [23:14] ubuntu 8.04 beta keeps looking for updates and displaying the icon notifying that updates are available even though i've disabled automatic updates [23:14] pdxkid: show me lsb_release -a [23:14] new pc too...just finishing the installs/customization and i noticed it [23:14] hit google and ubuntu forums [23:14] moez: in case your ISP's name server is as reliable as mine ;) opendns is pretty good, at least as a backup [23:14] make sure you install flashplugin-nonfree and completely restart the browser [23:14] im trying to uninstall several apps in wine and even went on virtual c drive and deleted but the apps are still there!! how do i force the comp to uninstall them? [23:14] WheelsOnFire, there was this other one, how can i make certain folders hidden (not single ones) for instance folders starting with u and how to make them not hidden. i am not sure if you get what i mean [23:14] Daisuke_Ido, i think i installed let me see [23:14] how do you add a user to samba? [23:14] No LSB modules are available.....Description says Ubuntu 7.10 Release 7.10 Codename: gutsy [23:15] Daisuke_Ido, yes is installed [23:15] troxor : Yes, it's true. Good idea! [23:15] billy, smbpasswd username [23:15] jk_: there really is no truly hidden files first of all. but most programs will not show directories or files starting with '.' by default [23:15] pdxkid: very frusting, all looks fine [23:15] pdxkid: can you show me uname -a [23:15] jk_: so the short answer is just put a . before the name [23:15] pdxkid: it scrolled off screen last time [23:15] jk_: wut about passwrd? [23:15] 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 02:46:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux === patrick_ is now known as newyorkerjj35 [23:16] pdxkid: thats REALLY odd [23:16] i did see something in the forums about adding a 4gig memory line in Grub [23:16] jk_: just to get it out of the way.. linux doesn't have something equivalent to the "hidden file" attribute of windows.. not as far as I know at least [23:16] is that needed for 64bit? [23:16] i couldn't find a place that showed me the syntax either.. [23:16] pdxkid: nah, shouldn't be needed === patrick_ is now known as newyorkerjj35 [23:16] jk_: if you really want to, you could create a folder you can't open until you change it.. but it will give you an error message I think.. [23:17] WheelsOnFire, i know the "." but how do i do it for several folders. i am aware they are not completely hidden, cctr+h shows them [23:17] troxor : so, any idea for my problem ? I have just installed Ubuntu Server, i modify the soucres.list file and i remplace his content with this file (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine), then, i type "sudo apt-get update", but i have many errors. [23:17] jk_: if you mean that you want all folders in your system to automatically be 'hidden' based on whatever their names contain, that's extremely complicated because you have hundreds of different programs to list files with and you would have to tell all of them to not list the dirs get it? windows = 1 huge p.o.crap program, gnu/linux = hundreds or thousands of programs [23:17] ikonia .. i am going to reboot and verify bios [23:17] pdxkid: good call [23:17] jk_: I have no idea what cctr+h is [23:17] i wasn't specifically looking for it before as trouble shooting....just enjoyed seeing it on the first bootup of a new PC [23:17] jk_: did you mean ls -a ? [23:17] thanks for your help - much appreciated! [23:17] hey i installed gutsy on my laptop (was running xp sp2) i have touch sensitive volume controls, and no matter how high i turn em up i can still barely hear anything out of them, how do i fix this? [23:18] pdxkid: not done anything, your doing the sensible things [23:18] year ctr+h yeah ls -a [23:18] i mean yeah not year [23:18] im interested in the answer to newyorkerjj35's question as well [23:18] moez: can you ping the servers in your sources.list? [23:18] ikonia - even friendly folks to bounce ideas off of help :) [23:18] later.. [23:18] Is there a log/history kept anywhere of my cpu temperatures over the last while...? [23:18] jk_: you are fresh to linux, I can tell you still think as if you are on windows =] [23:19] everyone leaves after they talk to me haha [23:19] WheelsOnFire: thats bad advice [23:19] !lnw ¦ WheelsOnFire [23:19] I didn't give any advice [23:19] I've seen people on the forums saying they can play zelda on ubuntu. And there are nes emulators in the repos... but how does it all work? [23:19] !lnw [23:19] Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm [23:19] you should read what I said again =] [23:20] whoops X) [23:20] WheelsOnFire: sry dude [23:20] np man =] [23:20] i need help with samba.. how do i add a user? [23:21] troxor : No, "unknown host" [23:21] Paddy_EIRE: as a sign of good faith I will share with you a bash trick [23:21] i installed gutsy on my laptop with touch sensitive controls, however even if i turn the volume up all the way i barely hear anything out of my laptops speakers, how do i fix this? [23:21] billy: I think samba has it's own set of user utils.. smbpasswd is one.. I think they all start with smb* [23:21] WheelsOnFire: :) [23:21] Paddy_EIRE: you don't know this one yet it is obscure [23:21] Slart: ya but how do i use those utils? [23:21] go to terminal and type out but dont press enter: cp target source [23:21] ArthurArchnix: they might have been playing a link to the past :) [23:21] notice the order is incorrect [23:21] billy: well.. man smbpasswd will get you some info [23:22] moez: ok, put this line in resolv.conf --> "nameserver" [23:22] let me know when done [23:22] moez: before any other lines that have nameserver [23:22] Khisanth: :P [23:22] Paddy_EIRE: this is for you I'm talking to [23:22] troxor : But now, i'm connecting to the server from an other machine, so if i change the address, i will be disconnected, no ? [23:22] does anyone know a quick and easy way to get rid of the suspend/hibernate buttons on logout for all users (even new users that get created)? [23:23] WheelsOnFire: 1 sec while I run it by the ops [23:23] ArthurArchnix: but apt-cache search nintendo shows several nes emulators as well [23:23] How odd, I found an image viewer for the framebuffer, fbi. It only works in alt+FX consoles though, not in screen. Is that normal? [23:23] while you run what by the ops? [23:23] teamcobra: You need to open gconf with gksudo and then create a new default key. In order for that to work, you'll need to know the key in question. [23:23] moez: resolv.conf is just for DNS resolution [23:23] I'm showing you a bash trick, it doesn't matter what you type in just any three words [23:23] ArthurArchnix: ah missed the last part, you would need a copy of the ROM from the cartridges [23:23] type in... apple1 apple3 apple2 [23:23] how do i add a user in samba? [23:24] billy: smbpasswd -a username [23:24] troxor : You are genius my friend ! It works ! [23:24] my evolution is seg-fauting what do I do? [23:24] WheelsOnFire: I'll let the ops verify if you are being malicious or not ;) [23:24] troxor : My update works. [23:24] troxor: i get an error when i do that tho [23:24] Steven2 what does the readme say you need as deps? This one at a time piecemeal method will get old fast [23:24] Paddy_EIRE: are you new on linux ? [23:24] moez: great! your other nameserver (, iirc), probably wasn't working.. so the new one (OpenDNS) did :) [23:24] Steven2 they are the library headers that allows you to compile apps that use the X server [23:25] you're back! [23:25] billy: what's the error? [23:25] thanks ArthurArchnix [23:25] WheelsOnFire: just show the darn bash trick man :P [23:25] troxor : Everything work fine. Thank you ! [23:25] WheelsOnFire: no [23:25] moez: no prob, have fun [23:25] finally someone interested [23:25] yes yes ! [23:25] troxor: one sec [23:25] Damn Pidgin crashed [23:25] troxor: New SMB password: [23:25] Retype new SMB password: [23:25] Failed to modify password entry for user wbreslin951 [23:25] I downloaded the latest TAR of Azureus and extracted it to where I want it installed and ran ./azureus from the terminal. But when Azureus starts up the terminal needs to remain open. Is there a way around this? [23:25] ok so here it is, you type in for example cp target source ~oh whoops I want to switch those last two words~ [23:26] now press ESC-T [23:26] yes you read that right [23:26] Nikrud: Did you say anything? Cause Pidgin crashed on me. [23:26] presto you just learned a kick ass bash trick [23:26] compliments of me, proprietarysucks [23:26] WheelsOnFire: that's awesome... sweeet =) [23:26] troxor: ? [23:26] WheelsOnFire: dude, great :) i didnt know that one :) [23:26] nice huh [23:26] hey, can someone help get my evolution to work, It just crashes when it opens I have the terminal out put in this pastebin url http://pastebin.com/m49db9e0b [23:27] WheelsOnFire: Is that originally an Emacs command, or did they take it from the UNIX terminal? [23:27] !samba [23:27] Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [23:27] I think it's old school [23:27] Steven2 must not have been able to handle the flood of missing people rejoining us. X includes are the library headers that allow you to compile apps that use the X server, just as the zlib1g-dev headers allows you to compile stuff that uses compression [23:27] !toribash [23:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about toribash - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:27] !nfs [23:27] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [23:27] Steven2 so, you should read the README file, probably tells you all the stuff you need to compile successfully [23:27] nikrud: How do I get it? From synaptic or no? [23:27] billy: hmm, what kind of passdb backend are you using? [23:28] nikrud: I didn't see any of that in there. [23:28] Paddy_EIRE: did you do it yet?? [23:28] troxor: wuts that? [23:28] NeoJew: add an ampersand at the end, run it in screen, or use the run dialog of your favorite window manager :) [23:28] Steven2 xserver-xorg-dev [23:29] WheelsOnFire: sorry 2 secs I have a moody niece :S [23:29] nikrud: Installing [23:29] is it possible to boot my usb installed ubuntu with a livecd, because the machine i'm on can't boot usb from bios [23:29] Hi! Hoe can I enable the ATI binary X.Org driver for my graphics card. My desktop is totally filled with dots arranged in a chees table like mode. [23:29] word1 word3 word2 (press esc-t) --> word1 word2 word3 [23:30] billy: the backend for storing user passwords [23:30] troxor: i have no idea [23:30] anyways I'm off to smoke, have fun.. I have lots of little tricks like that =] [23:30] nikrud: It still says that it cant find 'x includes'. [23:30] Steven2 then try xorg-dev , I tried to get you the minimum [23:31] troxor: I tried the ampersand and it's still keeping the terminal open. When I try to launch it from a window manager, it just runs it with terminal [23:31] how do I find what my LAN ip is in ubuntu? [23:31] iNoob: ifconfig [23:31] is it better to install desktop or server edition? [23:32] iNoob: ifconfig shows you the ip etc of your network interfaces.. [23:32] !hardy [23:32] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 24, 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE BETA SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [23:32] erUSUL: thanks [23:32] iNoob, ifconfig | grep inet the first number on the left [23:33] NeoJew: add "& exit;" at the end instead, then? heh [23:33] arthus: well.. is it better to drive a big car or a smaller one.. [23:33] hi guys [23:33] iNoob: sorry about that. something came up. as far as the window problem you can either alt+f2 and then emerald replace, or use the "disown" command to gain your terminal back [23:33] troxor: passdb backend = tdbsam [23:33] what should I do here? "ATI binary X.Org driver cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type. " [23:33] billy: samba needs a usermap, iirc.. i.e. the user you're trying to add has to exist in the /etc/passwd file [23:33] oh that worked, icanhasadmin_, thanks [23:33] Frodolix: try installing fglrx manually? [23:34] Slart: lol. My situation: I have a spare box I would like to have a server on. I'm not great at Linux or command prompt, but I'm not a noob either. It'll essentially be a server. [23:34] troxor: how do i put that there? [23:34] billy: you can add users that aren't on the system, but you have to use a smbusers file or somesuch [23:34] How can I block access from the other users account to my home folder? I'm the only administrator. [23:34] !ati | Frodolix [23:34] Frodolix: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [23:34] canhasadmin_: I am new to ubuntu how can I do that? [23:34] arthus: I'm not entirely sure about this.., but I think the only difference between the server and desktop version is that the server version doesn't have gnome/kde installed by default [23:34] nikrud: That time is said it didn't find libjpeg or QT. So I'm installing a bunch of QT stuff. [23:34] DarkSpirit221: set stricter permisions on your files/folder home folder [23:35] billy: this is the page I got started with samba on. it's a great reference http://www.samba.netfirms.com/ [23:35] arthus: I use a regular desktop version for my server.. (via mini-itx box with 256Mb memory).. it runs nicely [23:35] when I try to launch a link in liferea, I get this error: Error showing url: There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location. Any ideas? [23:35] erUSUL: How? [23:35] thanks troxor [23:35] Slart: right, I'll try Desktop [23:35] billy: np [23:35] DarkSpirit221: with nautilus the file manager for example [23:35] arthus: and you can always shut gnome down if you don't need it.. services and such will still be running [23:36] arthus: good luck =) [23:36] Thanks Troxor, that worked. Any idea why this is happening though? I'm pretty noob at Linux, so maybe I'm not installing it right? [23:36] DarkSpirit221: right click on your home folder>Properties Permisions Tab [23:36] nikrud: It reads: 'checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!' [23:37] erUSUL: After that? [23:37] Hello, I am trying to run WUBI on windows Vista, I went through the installer and nothing on reboot, so I made it through Easy BCD and now there is an entry on boot but when I go to it, I end up at a blank grub prompt. Any Help? [23:38] DarkSpirit221: well i think is pretty easy set the permisions you like and press the button to apply the permisions to files contained on the folder (in this case your home) [23:38] NeoJew: simple answer: it's expected behavior :) === Traveler2 is now known as Kasuko [23:39] Hello, I am trying to run WUBI on windows Vista, I went through the installer and nothing on reboot, so I made it through Easy BCD and now there is an entry on boot but when I go to it, I end up at a blank grub prompt. Any Help? [23:39] oh [23:39] I had that before [23:40] NeoJew: helpful answer: something has to run every process, and a terminal can do all of them (essentially) === ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris [23:40] Perhaps it didn't complete downloading [23:40] NeoJew: most complex programs are launched by shell scripts, which iirc, azureus uses [23:40] Thanks Trox [23:41] figured out the link opening problem (hits self in head) - system->preferences->preferred applications had "ubuntu sensible browser" not "firefox" [23:41] NeoJew: np [23:42] How can I add programs like Azureus to Ubuntu's list of programs so it shows up when I try to set .torrents to open with it and be in the Applications menu? [23:42] hello i tried to install handbrake from source and i did but now after it downloaded its stuff and installed them and after i installed some dependencies i cant get a few programs to work such as pidgin and amsn also my cpu monitor is reading high usage percentages in all 3 of my monitors including top [23:42] NeoJew, I can help you with that [23:42] Cause the Package manager makes everything so clean, but installing it myself seems kind of jerry-rigged [23:42] icanhasadmin_: how do i get back to the other window manager? [23:43] iNoob: metacity --replace [23:43] thanks :) [23:43] Damnit. What do I need to get ./configure to work? It keeps coming up with errors at the end. [23:43] :) just share the wealth [23:43] NeoJew: for applications: right-click the menu>edit menus and create a launcher pointing to your application, wherever you whant [23:43] NeoJew, to add azureus to the list of "open with" programs, just right click a .torrent file and click "properties" - then go to "open with" and pick azureus. It should set that as the new default, as well as leave it in the list of programs when you right click and hit "open with" [23:43] Steven2: please describe the errors? and did you install build-essential like i suggested? [23:44] NeoJew: to add azureus to the context menu, you could also have a look over nautilus-actions [23:44] NeoJew, if you want to add azureus to the applications menu on the panel, right click the panel where the word "applicatoins" is, click "edit menus" [23:44] Thanks SliMM and bobbo85 [23:44] Does anybody know anything about packet injections? [23:44] icanhasadmin_: Yes I did. The error(currently) is: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 2.2.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! [23:44] For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log. [23:44] can someone help me with my wireless usb adaptor? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400236 followed that guide, no luck getting it to connect to my router [23:44] jacob_: hopefully handbrake didn't clobber any system files along its way [23:44] No problem [23:44] is there a difference between testicles and testes? [23:45] np :-) [23:45] 3rd time ... Help Please ? Update Manager problem on Gutsy, pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61956/ [23:45] i ask cuz im doing an assignment for hw on steroids btw [23:45] deniz__: neither one is really good here [23:45] icanhasadmin_, lol, but its a fairly easy question [23:45] well most of the other things work but is there a way to see what it installed and what i installed [23:45] deniz__: i don't think this is the right channel for that [23:45] deniz__: Isn't testes the singular form of testicles? [23:46] Steve2 [23:46] Steven2, thx ill check if ur lead or wtv is right [23:46] Steven2: Testes, is another plural form of testicles isn't it? [23:46] come on, there must be others that have problems with youtube fullscreen in 8.04 using a geforce 8800gt [23:46] Steven2 was away for a sec, install libqt3-mt-dev [23:46] Steven2: please don't encourage chat not about ubuntu in this room :) your problem is you need Qt installed [23:46] ahh... my AWN is gone now.. how do i get it back? [23:46] Don_Miguel: can you post the packages to pastebin? or, better yet, in a terminal, run `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade` and paste the output of that? [23:46] Steven2: yes exactly, sudo apt-get install libqt2-mt-dev [23:46] iNoob: Applications>Accessories>Awn Window Navigator [23:46] nevermind.. i think i got it [23:47] Steven2: may i ask what it is you're trying to compile? [23:47] Antireligion: #ubuntu-1 for 8.04 [23:47] jacob_: unless it's a package, tracking down where all the files went probably won't be easy [23:47] icanhasadmin_: koncd. But the problem is with compiling anything. [23:47] Antireligion #ubuntu+1 is handling 8.04 questions until release [23:47] #ubuntu+1 [23:47] jacob_: that's the purpose of package management :) [23:47] sorry [23:47] Hmm, whenever I try to view a .cgi or .pl file, it gives a 403 forbidden error (Apache2). I added http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/61897/ to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf [23:48] All of my perl scripts are chmodded to 777 too [23:48] Steven2: odd, you shouldn't need Qt for ANYTHING, but ok... please follow previous instructions :) [23:48] Steven2 your issue is getting the necessary support libs for the things you want to compile. You're slowly getting the ones for this app, and you need to do the same for anything you compile [23:48] trollboy, yea is there a way to view recent downloaded packages? [23:48] anyone have problems with youtube fullscreen in 8.04 using a geforce 8800gt [23:48] ? [23:48] trollboy, sorry wrong person [23:48] Antireligion / #ubuntu+1 [23:48] sorry [23:48] libqt3-mt-dev I already installed. [23:48] troxor: Will try that ... will have to be in a few more minutes ... thanks ! [23:48] ugh.. whenever i do metacity --replace, it disables compiz [23:48] wrong window [23:48] hi all, I'm trying to boot Ubuntu 7.10 on my PC but it says X server crashed and will be restarted in 2 mins... the PC is a dell dimension 530, any ideas? [23:48] and vice versa [23:49] I installed as much of QT as I could find. [23:49] iNoob: you may need to compile and run fusion-icon using git, go to #compiz-fusion for more info [23:49] iNoob if you want the metacity like borders, try gtk-window-decorator --replace [23:49] troxor, is ther a way to view recently downloaded files in synaptic package manager? [23:49] Can anybody point me to a how to on converting avi's to mp4's? The ones coming up in google aren't helping much. [23:49] jacob_: I'm not sure about synaptic, but you can check /var/log/dpkg.log [23:50] ok thanks [23:50] warriorforgod: try ffmpeg [23:50] SliMM: What is a good front end for ffmpeg? [23:51] warriorforgod: i don't really know; try gnome-terminal :p [23:51] It's odd that the creators of Ubuntu wouldn't include all that you would need to compile source don't you think? Otherwise what are you going to do when they aren't debs? [23:51] yea thats alot of files [23:52] nikrud: that worked, thanks [23:52] Steven2: That's not really a question for here, but the answer is the average user never has to compile anything in their lifetime. it's just more bulk to add to the install [23:52] will there be a new wine version out soon with sorted keyboard issue? [23:52] Steven2: Plus, which packages do you install for compiling? there are just too many to include them all [23:52] warriorforgod: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html <-- check out the mencoder frontend section [23:52] Steven2 get the -dev stuff you need. No reason to clutter ubuntu systems when only a small percentage will be doing compiling [23:53] "volume control" can not open, who can i fix it? [23:53] Does anyone know of a good framebuffer browser? I know of Zen, but that isn't in ubuntus repositories [23:53] tobberoth: w3m? [23:53] Starnestommy: I'll look it up, thanks [23:53] Steven2: sudo aptitude install build-essential [23:53] warriorforgod: try winff [23:53] I guess I'll just do a search in synaptic and download anything that has -dev in it. [23:53] marx2k: he's way past there, just having issues with other dependecies [23:53] ah [23:53] marx2k: I got that already. But thanks. [23:53] Steven2 don't [23:53] Steven2: lol, that's alittle over the top my friend [23:54] nikrud:icanhasadmin: Well I need a list of what I need then. Because otherwise I have to get EVERYTHING. [23:54] Steven2: it will tell you when you try to compile [23:54] warriorforgod: http://www.winff.org/ [23:55] Hello love, I am excited, I am very pretty and if you want to see me naked by the webcam, [23:55] adds my msn: angie_sexy_cam@hotmail.com (only if you send text messages or calls) [23:55] is it possible to mount hard drive across my network [23:55] Hello love, I am excited, I am very pretty and if you want to see me naked by the webcam, [23:55] adds my msn: angie_sexy_cam@hotmail.com (only if you send text messages or calls) [23:55] Jennifer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:55] Wow that makes sense [23:55] icanhasadmin: It just keeps saying I need Qt >= Qt 2.2.2(headers and libraries). [23:55] icanhasadmin: But I downloaded all the Qt I could see. [23:55] troxor, thanks for the help [23:56] jacob_: np [23:56] WheelsOnFire, would you know how to mount a dev across network. I would like to access my hard drive from my desktop on my laptop [23:56] hey guys, when writing a script to use as a 'nautilus script' i need to have gksudo in it, now this is fine, the script is to chmod 777 whochever file i use it on, the first time i ran it it was fine and worked, but it now doesnt work because its no longer prompting me, in the same way you can use sudo for 5 mins or whatever it is and it only asks you once,.,. how can i make gksudo prompt me for a password 'everytime' in this script? [23:56] hello all, anyone a ubuntu god that can help a newbe [23:56] ?? [23:56] Steven2: Qt3-apps-dev? [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] Ok. How do I get ffmpeg to recognize the xvid codec? [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] jaffarkelshac: you mean an nfs share? [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA [23:56] Oh god please kill him [23:56] lol he's dead. === Pooky is now known as pooky-5ce8 [23:58] shall i repost or r u guys gonna scroll? [23:58] bod_: repost ;) [23:58] WheelsOnFire, i answered my own question, simply share the folder in /media [23:58] well that's just plain annoying [23:58] NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. [23:58] !don't feed the troll [23:58] The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. [23:58] I bet. [23:59] Okay, I have a problem that I don't understand what is going on, When I try to install Ubuntu 7.10 I get the loading linux kernal.. message then the monitor goes blank and the power light flashes and the leds on the keyboard all flash too, and it just hangs there.. any ideas? [23:59] hey, i got a problem installing projectM-xmms. any one who knows what could be wrong ---> http://pastebin.com/d668edb9a [23:59] Codedragon: acpi problem maybe? [23:59] how do i reload all ALSA sound modules? [23:59] did someone break apache2 in feisty? [23:59] i just did an upgrade and apache2-common is hosed... and our site is now offline [23:59] sjovan: Why don't you just 'sudo apt-get install xmms' ? [23:59] http://rafb.net/p/vrtbSb15.html