[00:00] is alsaconf a command? cos it doesn't work [00:00] why cant i change it to 22 [00:00] or it has to be 5900 [00:00] have a good weekend everyone [00:00] icanhasadmin: it might be alsamixer... let me go look [00:00] LHX2: I have read MANY MANY 20 page threads where people have tried different things to get it working a little [00:00] YBH_1: it wont>? [00:00] ForzaPalermo: Yo can change it [00:00] skaflem, how> [00:00] ForzaPalermo: Youst edit the sshd_config file [00:00] ForzaPalermo, you can change it in the sshd_config file but you have to restart the service /etc/init.d/ssh restart [00:01] icanhasadmin: i'm going to PM you... [00:01] kk [00:02] Jupp2, skaflem , i dont see a password anywhere in there [00:02] ForzaPalermo: password ? [00:02] Anyone have any ideas why I have sound when I get to my user login screen but after I log in it won't work? [00:02] anyone aware of any opengl issues under 7.10 when using two 6600GT's in sli? ;/ [00:02] ForzaPalermo: Change the Port from 5900 to 22 ? [00:02] icanhasadmin:: check this link out..its abt ur toshiba laptop >>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=635215 [00:02] ForzaPalermo: save and restart ssh :-) [00:02] When I changed the network interfaces file when I was making a static ip, could that be the cause of the slow loading of NFS daemon kernel? [00:02] thanks macogw. I got fstab edited. Didn't solve my problem, but I'm not quite so a-feared of vi now [00:02] Are you with me, ForzaPalermo ? [00:03] skaflem, there is no port in that config file [00:03] skaflem, so no im not with u :( [00:03] hello [00:03] oops [00:03] i found it [00:03] ForzaPalermo: On line 5 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config you have "Port 5900" [00:03] thank you [00:03] ok but i dont see a key in there [00:04] i enver entered one === tempeldirne is now known as Miss_Geschick [00:04] ForzaPalermo: what key ? [00:05] ForzaPalermo: when you logg into ssh just use your standard username and password that you use to logg onto ubuntu :) [00:05] mak_: I think i have made progress. I can now open the Desktop folder, and the trash bin. But now all the icons on the desktop are gone? [00:05] mak__: I think i have made progress. I can now open the Desktop folder, and the trash bin. But now all the icons on the desktop are gone? [00:06] skaflem, ok guys we got past that, but now look at this error [00:06] i put in my login in putty [00:06] now i get [00:06] icanhasadmin: sheet... i'm blocked from PM'ing you because i haven't reg'd... go here to read about alsa and amixer http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ALSA#Making_sure_the_sound_modules_are_loaded [00:06] is there a way to bring all minimized windows to the forefront? [00:06] disconnected. no supported authentication methods available [00:06] go to /username/home/Desktop folder [00:06] i did [00:06] and find out whether there are any icons file or not ..if not then recreate those icons... [00:06] ForzaPalermo: Ok, thats strange [00:07] icanhasadmin: that's about all i know [00:07] skaflem, lol i feel like we are almost there [00:07] seems that isn't the issue [00:07] ForzaPalermo: try "ssh localhost" and se if you are getting the same error [00:07] good moaning [00:07] anyone have any clue why glxgears wouldn't display properly on my setup? opengl is enabled and it does give fps rate greater than 7k fps just doesn't display as gear displays as a bunch of boxes scattered accross sscreen [00:08] Bah, it's starting to get late here in Norway :P [00:08] skaflem, sent in IM [00:08] hello [00:08] can anyone tell me if theyve had this error b4 [00:08] Anyone have any ideas why I have sound when I get to my user login screen but after I log in it won't work? [00:08] Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration. - Documentation [00:09] NativeAngels: who gives that error? [00:09] fgl_glxgears runs great just not glxgears [00:09] anybody uses ktoon in xbuntu? [00:09] install php5-mysql NativeAngels :) [00:09] i have ejer [00:09] NativeAngels: you see it in a browser when you load a php file? do what ejer says [00:09] but im still gettin it [00:09] NativeAngels: restart apache and mysql [00:10] NativeAngels: did you just install the stuff? [00:10] how do i do that [00:10] yes [00:10] but when i do phpinfo [00:10] it dont show mysqli [00:10] hi Bullaballa:: Go to add remove softgware in main menu and install Alxa mixer after installing play with some setting for a while it will work.... [00:10] NativeAngels: right [00:10] sorry, had to go to the bathroom [00:10] NativeAngels: first thing to try is restart the servers [00:10] ok [00:10] what driver do I need to get my VIA Technologies, Inc. CX700M2 UniChrome PRO II Graphics to work???...please help. [00:10] how do i do that [00:10] NativeAngels: /etc/init.c/apache2 force-reload [00:11] How could I mount a fat32 usb stick? I do "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb" but it asks me for the filetype [00:11] icanhasadmin: Taken fm http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=635215&page=3 >>> Re: No Sound for Toshiba A105 - I just fixed this for someone yesterday. The answer I got from google was to open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and at the end of the file in the options area add this line: options snd-HDA-Intel auto and then reboot. At least I think that's what it was.Good luck. [00:11] Anyone have experience with G3 installing xubuntu alt? I'm at the end of my rope. [00:11] Technoid_India: it's a .i386 file I think, how do I view file types? [00:11] tinin, sudo mount /dev/sda /media/usb [00:12] it's just called "teewars" and it is NOT a .deb file [00:12] did someone say my name just now? :( [00:12] mak__: thanks I'll give that a shot [00:12] because my xchat flashed and I don't see any highlighted messages [00:12] AntiUSA: r u sure ??? [00:12] AntiUSA, anti what? [00:12] AntiUSA: what kind of file is it? [00:12] isn't everyone antiusa? [00:13] icanhasadmin, do you have the admin? [00:13] sure why not? [00:13] when I right click it it just says "executable" === __justin420 is now known as justin420 [00:13] hello, somebody have ubuntu 7.10 with 4GB ? [00:14] AntiUSA: in terminal, cd /path/to/file and then:: file file_name [00:14] yes eduardo [00:14] hum - which opengl implementation would be best for me to install? [00:14] mak__: yeah that doesn't seem to work, its blank when it opens and if I choose sound card properties is closes itself [00:14] AntiUSA: may be that its a windows .exe file ! [00:14] I see 3,5GB only... ejer... [00:14] I have downloaded a NVIDIA driver off the NVIDIA website. It is a .run file and I'm using the command listed in the instructions to execute it but it is not running [00:14] icanhasadmin, that means you can do hack,can you teach me [00:14] why?? [00:14] prince_jammys yes [00:14] teewars: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped [00:14] NativeAngels: yes to what? [00:14] yes. type sudo reboot [00:14] icesword no, I'm on an old pc with other linux distro, and when I try to mount the usb stick I need to use sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb -t somethingmore [00:15] it ask me for filetype [00:15] that's what it says when I do that command prince_jammys [00:15] intel 80386? [00:15] So, question. I want /var to be on an encrypted partition, but a number of special filesystems get mounted by default in ubuntu in /var (tmpfs on /var/lock and /var/run, for instance) early in the boot process, before /etc/init.d/cryptdisks gets called. [00:15] eduardo: running 32bit? [00:15] tinin, sorry,i have no idea [00:15] thanx [00:15] ejer: yes [00:15] tinin: whats ur system config... r u using ubuntu on it ??? coz i also wanna try ubuntu on ma damn old pc... [00:15] so how do I install a game into the OS that is "teewars: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped" [00:15] Is there a good reason not to move /etc/init.d/cryptdisks earlier in the boot process? If so, how is this *usually* handled? [00:16] hey anybody know of a search engine with an opensource algirythm [00:16] Technoid_India, no it's not [00:16] Technoid_India 366mhz notebook with 32 of ram, but even fluxbuntu wont run on this [00:16] htdig exneo http://www.htdig.org/ [00:16] what driver do I need to get my VIA Technologies, Inc. CX700M2 UniChrome PRO II Graphics to work???...please help. [00:17] tinin, your mem is too low, [00:17] Technoid_India only dsl linux and deli linux [00:17] I'm trying to run a Java application (.jar)... I rightclick on it and select "open with 'sun java * runtime'" and nothing happens.... how do I fix this? [00:17] tinin: damn, thats a tiny amount of ram [00:17] and chmod +x filname did nothing [00:17] AntiUSA: did you follow the directions from teewars.com? [00:17] install java 1.6 and open your jar with it [00:17] there were none that I saw [00:17] it should be in add remove or synaptic [00:17] ! java | max_ [00:17] max_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) [00:18] but I don't know where to get an old sdram sodimm pc66 memory, :( [00:18] Woohoo! === Draigfaol-away is now known as Draigfaol [00:18] not for sale [00:18] hi johnficca: i hope u might already tried it , but just in case, if you not tried visiting there website...just visit offical website of via chipset and search for linux driver, they may not have..but still u can get some information , which might be helpful to u.. [00:18] I have this line in my /etc/fstab but it is not loading the usb parittion on startup : /dev/sdb1 /media/dbhdd extfs rw 0 0 .. i need this partition to load so PostgreSQL can use this partition as its storage space [00:18] tirin: Search online. [00:18] Google search. [00:18] tinin: if you did find one, it'd probably cost more than the machine is worth [00:18] tinin, win98 can run on it,hahah [00:18] tinin: http://pacificmemory.com/pc-15-2-128mb-pc66-laptop-memory-br-pm-pm08so1664lp128-66.aspx [00:18] that's it nickrud [00:18] how do i configure opengl to use fglrx instead of the default one? [00:18] johnficca: go n visit >>> www.viaarena.com n download appropriate drivers for ur display... [00:18] mak__: thanks [00:18] AntiUSA: apparently this:: http://www.teewars.com/?page=docs&id=293 [00:18] Dum de dum dum [00:18] icesword I have just uninstalled it, and you suck [00:19] :( [00:19] tinin, :( [00:19] ok i rebooted apache [00:19] Okay, back to what I was originally asking for. [00:19] prince_jammys: interesting, thanks [00:19] tinin: will flux not run? [00:19] AntiUSA: you probably don't have to "fetch" the files if you have them already. [00:19] but am still gettin the error prince_jammys [00:19] Does anybody know on how to put this command into the boot sequence? [00:19] ejer not even === chiriri is now known as Elda [00:20] "toshset -fan on" [00:20] I'll seek a sdram donator [00:20] NativeAngels: did you restart the mysql server? [00:20] well, the version of the game I have is already compiled. they have one that is complied and one that is source on their website. I just want to be able to play the compiled version from my application menu [00:20] i did this to restart [00:20] I have the NVIDIA driver on my desktop [NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.09-pkg1.run] anyone know how to run it? Supposed to be self executable........ [00:20] tinin: i am sure you could do it, but I am also sure it would not be worth the possibly many hours it could take [00:20] sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart [00:20] So what's going on with Nautilus crashing when you try to burn a CD/DVD after the most recent update?? [00:20] Bleh... had a fun time >.< When I had to reinstall the Vista that came on this laptop as XP runs badly due to lack of drivers it wiped my the little pointer thing that said "This is a linux partition" so I had to reinstall >.< [00:20] tinin: go n visit >>> ebay.com n order ur self a set of SDRAM... [00:21] NativeAngels: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart [00:21] HELP [00:21] SDRam is ultra cheap. [00:21] PLEH! [00:21] Elda, what is up [00:21] I'm running Kubuntu and I hozed my Kmenu and I need to know where the Kmenu configuration file is so I can restore it to defaults [00:21] I dont know... I was just saying help backward >.> [00:21] Hey, how do I turn colours on in vi? [00:21] Hello...Do you know if phpbb channels actually work? [00:21] and I need to know where the default KDE file is located [00:21] NativeAngels: then restart apache also, just for kicks [00:21] I managed to get everything working atm :D [00:22] anyone familiar with cvs cedega? [00:22] hey Elda: remove the xp from your system and install linux totaly and if you need winxp then install in vmware..its totally worth it..... [00:22] Draigfaol: ya u get these rams for abt $5 - $20 for 256mb in india... [00:22] no im still gettin the error prince_jammys [00:22] NativeAngels: ok hold on [00:22] I use MS stuff for my games :s === whaley_work is now known as whaley [00:22] anyone know where it is? [00:22] Mainly atm Eve [00:22] ejer fluxbuntu seems good, but did not install, now I'm using deli linux or damn small linux. But I need a 2.6 kernel (not 2.4) to plug in a usb wifi stick to connect it to net [00:23] NativeAngels: do : sudo tasksel install lamp [00:23] fabio: i was just trying to installl cedega in my laptop...but it cost 5 euros /month so skipped.....cedega is used to run windows games in linux.... [00:23] :( [00:23] Hello does anyone in here know KDE? [00:23] NativeAngels: are you able to access mysql without php? [00:23] owner: it is in ~/.kde [00:23] mak_: the source is freely available [00:23] thanks [00:23] Does postgresql server run from init.d in Ubuntu ? [00:23] I looked in there [00:23] but I don't know what I'm looking for [00:23] Technoid_India, Draigfaol: Is not easy to find sdram for old notebooks here in spain, few ones had those machines [00:24] but you have to compile it yourself [00:24] also where is the original default file [00:24] What is the filesystem for an Mac OS 9 disk? [00:24] owner: rm ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu [00:24] Package do I need to compile things with MinGW? [00:24] What* [00:24] anyone familiar with configuring VirtualBox for Ubuntu using Host Network Interface. [00:24] thanks ejer [00:24] hfs? [00:24] hmm owner no sorry that won't work i dont think [00:24] I am reading this page that tells you how to disable virtual terminals to save memory. it says to edit /etc/inittab but I see no such file. [00:24] prince_jammys: did you see my response? [00:24] hey fabio: thanks ...may be i can try to compile it myself...can you pass the link to download the source ... [00:24] tinin: wait i will give ya a website link... [00:24] I'm quite proud of myself... I can now reinstall linux on this computer with 0 porblems. And have even learned how to go about restoring my grub list :D [00:24] AntiUSA: no === Fyda is now known as Fryda [00:25] owner: try 'kbuildsycoca --incremental' [00:25] This being though, because I've broken my Ubuntu install so many times :/ [00:25] well, the version of the game I have is already compiled. they have one that is complied and one that is source on their website. I just want to be able to play the compiled version from my application menu [00:25] anyone know why Alsa mixer won't find my sound card but its listed in hardware information? [00:25] Anyone know when Hardy Alpha 5 is being released? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule says today, but it's not up yet [00:25] mak_: http://www.cedega.com/cvs/ [00:25] thanks fabio; [00:25] joer ? [00:25] that didnt do anything ejer [00:25] Hey, how do I turn colours on in vi? [00:25] BullyBalla: because you have a toshiba laptop [00:25] dholbert, #ubuntu+1 [00:26] * Elda is using a Toshiba >.> [00:26] thanks icesword [00:26] icanhasadmin: nope I gots me a desktop [00:26] What you have to do is get a DSDT patch or compile your own [00:26] I am reading this page that tells you how to disable virtual terminals to save memory. it says to edit /etc/inittab but I see no such file. [00:26] I've 2 problem with Ubuntu.... [00:26] shoot [00:26] AntiUSA: try this:: chmod u+x teewars(or whatever it's called) and then ./teewars(the file name) [00:26] it reboot only... [00:26] Elda: I decompiled my DSDT but i don't see any errors, can you help me out with it? [00:26] 16:26 < Steve^> Hey, how do I turn colours on in vi? [00:26] 16:26 < icanhasadmin> BullyBalla: because you have a toshiba laptop [00:26] er [00:26] sorry [00:26] How can I probe to locate the /dev/xxxx of another hard drive on my system? [00:27] ...? [00:27] overly sensitive touchpad :( [00:27] urrm I'm by no means a pro with making dsdt files :x [00:27] prince_jammys: ok, thanks [00:27] sorry, I fall again [00:27] Huffalump, what you mean by another [00:27] yes but you seem half way intelligent, can you just tell me what model tosh you have? [00:27] My Toshiba is a P100-st9752 [00:27] ah, yeah no where near there, a105-s2011 [00:27] toshiba? [00:27] icesword, I have two hard drives. I have installed on /dev/sda2 and I want to mount the other hard ddrive but first I must find it [00:27] Would you like the url for the dsdt patch I obtained [00:27] welll [00:28] Huffalump: you could dry "sudo fdisk -l" [00:28] Technoid_India: We have a linux user group to recicle old pcs and give them to non gubernamental ornanizations, I'll ask them first. If not, I'll try to do my first buy on ebay. But I do not want (or could) expend money on this donated pc. I only need it as word processor [00:28] Ican, have you looked at the forums? [00:28] Huffalump: That lists all hard drives and their partitions [00:28] THere are a number of fixes on there [00:28] how I can see why me laptop reboot only...in ubuntu 7.10 ? [00:28] NativeAngels: while i look around for the solution, try also #mysql [00:28] huffalump: try fdisk -l [00:28] I think the dsdt one for the a105 is not that hard to find [00:28] let me look actually [00:28] fdisk command not found [00:28] thanks [00:28] Huffalump, sudo mount -a [00:28] there are many a105 series patches.. i've tried... almost everything. But i'll try again if you have a link [00:29] tinin: k whats the sys configuration ??? === ^SteVie^ is now known as |Stevie| [00:29] WARNING: The desktop entry file /home/owner/.local/share/applications/%2fhome%2f.desktop has Type=Link instead of "Application" or "Service" [00:29] Is there any other way to find/probe for my 2nd hard drive, when fdisk command not found? [00:29] What is your bios version hun? [00:29] tinin: u can use xubuntu on a system wid 128mb ram... [00:29] ejer [00:30] thats for you [00:30] Me? [00:30] Yep [00:30] Well actually [00:30] just flashed it, not sure exact number. a phenix one [00:30] ok owner, is your menu ok? [00:30] i can get it i think? [00:30] Let me back up one step; have you tried booting with the command acpi=off? [00:30] prince_jammys: ok, that will launch the game from the terminal... but I want to be able to launch this game from the Application menu [00:30] no ejer [00:31] but [00:31] yes [00:31] Does this give you sound? [00:31] no [00:31] I went here ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu and I found that it is the config file [00:31] Okey then, it is indeed not your dsdt file then [00:31] well hold on [00:31] I dont' know how to navigate to ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu [00:31] AntiUSA: ok [00:31] in a browser [00:31] where do i drop the command acpi=off? i'll check the file [00:31] prince_jammys: and right now, if I make a link to it in the application menu, the game loads up bugged out [00:31] got there in the terminal and nanoed the file [00:31] i think that was it but it might have been something else [00:31] you do it when you get the grub menu... let me find the instructions for that [00:31] I have to either launch it from terminal or browse to it right now [00:32] Technoid_India, I think I'll use fluxbox or icewm. I only need the apps, not a desktop. I need a 128mb sdram sodimm pc66 144pin [00:32] owner, your root's kmenu is right,right,you can configure it by yourself [00:32] in /boot/grub/menu.lst right? [00:32] AntiUSA: one sec [00:32] owner: gksudo gedit ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu [00:32] icesword the root's menu is fine [00:32] but where is it? [00:32] icanhasadmin: No, you do it in the actual menu when you boot up [00:32] ok [00:32] is /usr/local in the user's path by default? [00:32] owner, logout,then log in as root [00:33] though this is not recommended [00:33] yes prince_jammys... i think :) [00:33] ejer: thx [00:33] One sec while I find it [00:33] Wait, I have apci=off set in my menu.lst, it does it automatically [00:33] i just checked [00:33] icesword [00:33] alo pci=noacpi [00:34] owner, ? [00:34] AntiUSA: cd /usr/local and see if there's a folder there called "bin" [00:34] I did this instead sudo nano ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu [00:34] !tab > owner [00:34] So it's not a dsdt problem? [00:34] ??? [00:34] owner, i dunno how to edit [00:35] i'm getting an error when trying to run opengl based programs, it will scatter the image across screen without properly displaying them.. any ideas? [00:35] oh [00:35] I don't care about editing icesword [00:35] I know how to do that [00:35] there is [00:35] I just need to know where the root's file is for kmenu [00:35] prince_jammys: there is [00:35] so I can copy it over the top of mine [00:35] owner, /root/ [00:35] well ya but then where inside the root directory? [00:35] AntiUSA: ok sudo mv /full/path/to/game /usr/local/bin [00:36] What is the correct syntax for: apt-get ftp ....I am trying to install any ftp command/client through a subshell during an installation [00:36] Try SFTP [00:36] or FileZilla [00:36] AntiUSA: that will stick your executable there... this is where you want to put custom-installed stuff that you didnt get from repository. best to put it here so as not to make a mess [00:36] filezill does not work in a subshell, luisa [00:37] so the game should be a directory in the bin folder or directly in the bin folder [00:37] do you now any turkish ubuntu chat channel ? [00:37] owner, .kde ,maybe [00:37] If I go into /root/ where is the config file? [00:37] AntiUSA: is the game a single file? [00:37] I tried that one already [00:37] icanhasadmin: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/44917-apci-off.html [00:37] or just type ftp://ftp.address.com in firefox..... [00:37] no, it's a folder full of stuff [00:37] Apparantly you can edit your grub/conf [00:37] grub.conf [00:37] But I did it on booting it [00:37] AntiUSA: move the whole folder in /usr/local/bin [00:37] Huffalump: I'm confused... Are you just looking for "apt-get install ncftp"? [00:38] owner: find /root/ -iname '*kmenu*' === magical_trevsky is now known as magical [00:38] Huffalump: That should work to install an FTP client, ncftp [00:38] the answer was apt-get install ftp [00:38] thank you [00:38] k [00:38] AntiUSA: technically could go anywhere, but this is the conventional place [00:38] Hey, where is the ubuntu suspend quirks file located [00:38] Actually icanhasadmin, don't alter your main grub.conf if you have any of the restricted drivers running for you video card or you will muck up your xwindows/gnome startup [00:38] k, done [00:38] like chvt, restore vesa bios, etc [00:39] Try running with acpi=off when booting the Ubuntu live/install disc [00:39] prince_jammys: now what> [00:39] if you get sound like that, then your issue is the dsdt file [00:39] ? [00:39] sami that find thing didn't work [00:39] elda, i did [00:39] no sound [00:39] so my problem isn't dsdt [00:39] i don't know if that's good or not :P [00:40] AntiUSA: now do whatever you did to create that launcher, replacing the command with the full path of the executable [00:40] still can't find the root's kmenu conf [00:40] Maybe the root has none [00:40] AntiUSA: you had made a launcher right? [00:40] heyyao [00:40] in Edit Menu of the application menu? [00:40] no I added a shortcut in the application menu [00:40] i also tried the chmod command you told me [00:41] AntiUSA: do it in Edit Menu or whatever its called [00:41] hello to see a list of chanels how to? [00:41] there [00:41] I just switched users and added kmenu to the root [00:41] owner: updatedb; locate kmenu then [00:41] Where is the ubuntu sleep quirks configuration file? [00:41] Hey, how do I turn colours on in vi? [00:42] anyone have any idea? [00:42] icanhasadmin: and you still got no sound? [00:42] there sami it's doing something [00:42] ciao [00:42] sorry for see the list of chanels what can do? [00:42] If so, you got lucky-ish and it is most likely that you got the wrong alsa drivers [00:42] there is anyone that speak italian that can help me [00:43] What is your lappy model again? [00:43] !it > federica90 [00:43] !it | federica90 [00:43] federica90: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [00:43] prince_jammys: does the same thing, when I use the link I made in Application menu, the games graphics don't load and none of the text is visible. the game is totally screwed up [00:43] AntiUSA: Preferences->Main Menu [00:44] AntiUSA: but it worked from terminal right? [00:44] correct [00:44] and it worked if I launch from Nautilus [00:45] a105-s2011 [00:45] AntiUSA: you mean when you double click the file?\ [00:45] Uh sami [00:45] yep [00:45] I did that but it didn't tell me where the file was in root [00:45] ? [00:45] only in owner [00:45] so I'm still lost [00:45] sudo locate kmenu [00:45] I once installed a package from a .deb file [00:45] how can I remove that installation? [00:46] AntiUSA: i'm stuck :) [00:46] Hello ubuntu users [00:46] Marbug: sudo apt-get remove [00:46] Marbug: just like always [00:46] sami I'm loged in as root [00:46] :( [00:46] Marbug: or use synaptic [00:46] k [00:46] Let me switch users again [00:46] just for the fun of it [00:47] damn [00:47] :( [00:47] owner: then there are no files called anything with *kmenu* inside /root [00:47] how can i backup files in ubuntu? [00:47] whats up fellow 'nixers? === dholbert_ is now known as dholbert [00:48] I am reading this page that tells you how to disable virtual terminals to save memory. it says to edit /etc/inittab but I see no such file. [00:48] Elda: i'm trying something, about to reboot, brb [00:48] peter121: you have a few options, are you trying to do mass backup or individual files? incremental backup or archive? [00:48] individual [00:48] how ya use sh properly? [00:48] kk [00:48] I am new to ubuntu [00:48] sami you are right [00:48] peter121: you could just copy them and save with ~ after the extension. are you wanting them compressed to save space? [00:48] I went back into root [00:49] Welcome to the community peter121 :D [00:49] and found that it does not save it's menu configuration there [00:49] no [00:49] * TigerTails growls at ubuntu.. [00:49] even though the directory is there [00:49] * TrustNoOne growls like a Tiger [00:49] Ubuntu like any other linux (in my opinion at least >.>) can be quite scary to use at first lol [00:49] AntiUSA: when you do it from terminal, does it open a new window? [00:49] peter121: are you familiar with the command line (terminal) yet? [00:49] yea its much different from windows or mac [00:49] I accidently removed the 2 monitors from System Guard (the thing you can put in you're systembar) how can I get them back those profiles? [00:49] Elda, any OS to use at first is scary (even vista) [00:49] Learning to use it I broke my ubuntu install about 6 times in the first day [00:49] I installed ubuntu earlier today, worked fine, impressed with it, etc.. But i rebooted, and now its on 640 resolution, and the charsets are a little dodgy >.< [00:49] True [00:50] Well I think I'm going to give up unless someone else knows what I should look for [00:50] But I have to say that Ubuntu is the first OS I've broken so fast xD [00:50] owner: It might use some kind of universal config. Something like /etc/kde/blabla.kmenu if there are any. [00:50] Elda, although you can't really "break" the installs of windows as easily as linux [00:50] yeah, ive managed to break ubuntu too, its not wooorkiiing [00:50] That being because it allows you to do WHATEVER you want lol [00:50] peter121: well, if it makes you feel better there are methods similar to mac and windows if you like. in fact, there are a couple of programs akin to mac's time machine [00:50] yeah i know [00:50] AntiUSA: i have an idea ... try in the launcher this for "command":: gnome-open /full/path/to/executable [00:50] its as easy as sudo [00:51] zomg brain freeze [00:51] xD [00:51] Sudo is evil, in that it makes it so easy lol [00:51] Help - Attempting to install my sierra wireless 881 aircard and can't get it loaded. Followed sierra's instructions and I am failing to succeed. [00:51] Well now I'm done [00:51] I guess I need to reinstall it and back up my kmenu this time [00:51] maybe [00:51] <3 my Ubuntu now and I find Im usingi t more and more [00:51] *it [00:51] or maybe I can just create a new user [00:51] i never use sudo unless i try a command and it says access denied or gives back an error, then i do it with sudo [00:52] i would be using ubuntu a lot .. if it worked [00:52] owner: deleting ~/.kde* as a last resort should reset everything [00:52] ubuntu works, you just have to know how to make it work, i ran into like 20 different problems, fixed them all but 1 so far [00:52] i didnt even DO anything [00:52] i only rebooted! [00:52] then you did something [00:52] rebooting shouldnt cause everything to break >.< [00:52] I am reading this page that tells you how to disable virtual terminals to save memory. it says to edit /etc/inittab but I see no such file. [00:53] peter121: yes, no? anyways, if iust need to do a simple back up, i usually just use a cp command and save with ~ file name. there are scripts for more complicated backup procedures though [00:53] nothing happens with that in the Command line [00:53] is there a simple way to .. kill everything? [00:53] Rael: disable ttys? [00:53] TigerTails, hammer [00:53] i am NOT waiting hours reformatting the hard drive again :| [00:53] Hello. [00:53] TigerTails, init 0 [00:53] ttys? is that in services? [00:53] HElOl [00:53] woops [00:53] can anyone tell me how to find the mysql.so please [00:53] whatsup TrustNoOne [00:53] TigerTails: did the livecd resolution look ok? [00:53] Rael: i mean is that what the web page is suggesting? [00:54] I have 2 problems. First one: Don't have sound [00:54] TigerTails: it takes you hours to reformat your hard drive? [00:54] ejer: Yes, and the full install was fine too, until i rebooted.. [00:54] EnvoyRising: its a pretty old PC [00:54] THis is a fresh Ubuntu installation [00:54] southafrikanse, dont have sound at all? or just while doing certain things [00:54] i use it as a sandbox, wanted to give ubuntu a tray [00:54] TigerTails: try first just CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE [00:54] try* [00:54] xD [00:54] Rael: i think i know what the web page you're talking about, and if it's what i think it is i recommend you don't do it [00:54] errr [00:54] that disconnected my VNC.. [00:54] no dice prince_jammys, nothing launch when I add that [00:54] what was it supposed to do :|? [00:54] oh yeah [00:55] TigerTails: where are you coming from? what distro/ os? [00:55] TrustNoOne, I have sound when I put my headphones on but that's only that [00:55] disableing the 6 terminals just leaving 2 [00:55] TigerTails: restart your graphics system [00:55] !sound | southafrikanse [00:55] southafrikanse: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [00:55] EnvoyRising: XP pro, but i fully reformatted, there was no trace of anything.. [00:55] Rael: you really don't get anything out of that ... just a hack for no reason [00:55] ejer: ok.. im now gonna walk all the way downstairs because VNC wont connect -_- [00:55] What is the package named for GTK+? [00:55] TigerTails: i was just asking to get an idea of what paradigms you're used to [00:56] Rael: unless you have a computer from the 80s, that hack is a waste [00:56] need some help with my display drivers, my system is running slow, but just two days ago is was running perfectly fine, I think updates cause it' [00:56] TrustNoOne, i love you [00:56] Hello. Is this the channel I should ask questions about the development/translation of Ubuntu or is there another channel for that? [00:56] also I get line on my desktop for some reason [00:57] hey all [00:57] OMG this support process is more a CLUSTERF*** than the actual compilation process. Is there anyone here that actually has a cxlue? [00:57] i'm having an issue with file-roller's drag-drop support === tiger__ is now known as TigerT-Ubuntu [00:57] gtk+ > libgtk2.0-0 and libgtk1.2 [00:57] before, it used to uncompress stuff dragged to nautilus windows [00:57] Hello from the other PC.. [00:57] !ohmy | ZZzzbbssmm [00:57] ZZzzbbssmm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [00:57] recently, it won't do that anymore [00:57] only works when I drag to desktop [00:57] ok so.. what now :| [00:58] I need to go prince_jammys, but if you think of anything, shoot me a PM [00:58] EnvoyRising: thanks a lot [00:58] when i try to change resolution, theres not even any other options now.. [00:58] it went all the way to 1440x900 last time -_- [00:58] TigerT-Ubuntu: what video card type? you are currently in low graphics mode, which is a failsafe [00:58] AntiUSA: mmm well i'll let you know if i come up with something.. you should repost (update) your question ... post the ELF executable stuff so people can see what file it is. mention that it works from terminal and all that [00:58] video card 'type'? [00:58] what card? [00:59] is it possible to install ubuntu server on 4g flash drive? Need it for experiments. [00:59] some old nvidia FX, dont know specificaly [00:59] simgislab: should be. [00:59] !install > simgislab (simgislab, see the private message from Ubotu) [00:59] simgislab: there's a howto floating somewhere, but you realize there are linux distros spec tailored for flash disk use, right? [00:59] TigerT-Ubuntu: you can try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from terminal [01:00] TigerT-Ubuntu: sudo before that command [01:00] its kinda hard to remember that.. [01:00] you can use defaults for most things, you should probably select the nv driver [01:01] EnvoyRising: i didn't really work with linux, wanna start with something...can you suggest something? [01:01] Rael: basically people are blogging to make some bucks from advertising, and they have to have some kind of content, so some of their tweaks are pretty useless, and sometimes even dangerous [01:01] any chance you could repeat the command? [01:01] TigerT-Ubuntu: you could try using the restricted driver manager in admin menu to see if it will offer a new driver [01:01] it went out of screen -_- [01:01] TigerT-Ubuntu: you can try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from terminal [01:01] simgislab: a lot of people like puppy linux for usb installs. theres also dsl (damn small linux) but it's kinda ugly [01:01] sudo [01:02] I get a random freeze with most music players (Banshee, Rhythmbox). It playsn for a few minutes (or more) and then just stops - and the program eventually hangs. I have no idea whats wrong. [01:02] simgislab: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [01:02] simgislab: there are plenty of others (too many to count) === james899 is now known as james [01:03] ejer: the default nv driver is crap. then, he's using an fx, so maybe he'll be alright [01:03] could someone check out my thread possibly? [01:03] I SEE. SO THIS IS ALL A HUGE GEEK EXPERIMENT NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY AND IT APPEARS I HAVE WASTED A CD AND ABOUT A WEEK WORKING WITH THIS CRAP. I UNDERSTAND WHT MS CHARGES FOR SUPPORT BECAUSE NOTHING GETS ANSWERED OTHERWISE. UBUNTU IS GOING INTO THE TRASH CAN WHERE IT BELONGS. IT"S A WIST OF TIME AND EFFORT. [01:03] I hate to keep bumping it.. [01:03] Can someone help me out really quick? i need a lot of help [01:03] well it is all some have EnvoyRising, i use it all the time [01:03] EnvoyRising: thanks, the link by ejer looks good, I'd go with something well documented [01:03] I have a older laptop and im trying to install ubuntu. When i put in the disc and restart it, it doesnt boot up. how do i boot it up [01:03] i use that simgislab works great [01:04] Hey guys is there a video card test in ubuntu ? The reason why I ask is I think my video memory is bad is there any way of testing this ? [01:04] ejer: my system wouldn't function with it. had to use proprietary (8600m gs) [01:04] ejer: thanks! I'll try that [01:04] ms support answers questions? [01:04] If anyone could take a look at this I'd appreciate it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=703137 [01:04] forget it... ill just reformat for the 5th time today -_- [01:04] TooShort4: http://www.pcguide.com/byop/byop_SettingtheBIOStoChecktheCDDriveWhenBooting.htm [01:04] Thanks [01:04] TigerT-Ubuntu: what's wrong? [01:05] it didnt sort anything.. [01:05] !ignore ZZzzbbssmm [01:05] is there a program i can use to place rss feed on desktop ? :-) === james is now known as jamesx [01:05] ms support:: "check if your computer is plugged in" "still doesnt work: reinstall" [01:05] ejer: I assume I need regular ubuntu server iso to begin, right? [01:06] I'M EMBARRASSED TO EVER HAVE ATTEMPTED IT. HEY FUCK YOURSELF ER [01:06] it already has windows installed. i want to change from windows to ubuntu [01:06] i need to have wvdial terminal window open all the time is there any way i don't have to have that terminal window open all the time??? [01:06] tockitj: screenlets and gdesklets has a widget for adding rss feeds to the desktop. so does karamba (kde) [01:06] simgislab: i used desktop edition, but yeah you need an iso [01:06] EnvoyRising, that is all i need. thanks a lot :-) [01:06] where can i get glibc? [01:07] sorry to ask twice: [01:07] SamusMan: repos :P [01:07] drowner_: twice? i didn't even see the question [01:07] I get a random freeze with most music players (Banshee, Rhythmbox). It playsn for a few minutes (or more) and then just stops - and the program eventually hangs. I have no idea whats wrong. Interestingly, it also appeared to unmount some partitions on the usb drive plugged in [01:07] (but not the one it was playing off. [01:07] EnvoyRising: i'm not finding it...what universe is it in? [01:08] ejer: i'm not sure, I need to practice a little with installation of different web server stuff, I guess server will suit me better, right? === MasterShrek` is now known as mastershrek === mastershrek is now known as MasterShrek [01:08] envoyrising: i can't find it under the name glibc [01:08] simgislab: a virtual machine is excellent for this [01:08] SamusMan: package name libglib2.0.0, located in ... [01:09] I need help installing ubuntu over PXE boot. [01:09] ejer: you mean on my pc desktop? [01:09] Hi all. for some reason I have two network managers in my notification area. I've tried to remove all instances of it from my session, but they keep coming back! How do I remove it for good? [01:09] SamusMan: did you find it using that package name i gave you? [01:10] arrrrrrrrh [01:10] i still cant get phpmyadmin to work [01:10] envoyrising: yes...and i already have it installed...when attempting to make ndiswrapper, i am receiving alot of errors pertaining to the glibc header being missing [01:10] SamusMan: oh, easy fix: you need the dev package as well, lol [01:10] ah [01:10] thank you very much envoyrising :) [01:10] i need help [01:10] my ubuntu alternate install CD contains '2fsprogs-udeb_1.40.2-1ubuntu1_i386.udeb' but it is looking for 'e2fsprogs-udeb_1.40.2-1ubuntu1.1_i386.udeb' so it bails and won't continue installing :-( [01:11] NativeAngels: explain the issue. [01:11] Thanks to everyone for your help all night. It took some serious hackery well beyond my skills, but I actually got it done. A G3 now running Ubuntu [01:11] anyone have a clue about an issue with a laptop? i've got ubuntu 7.10 on it and when i start it, it says something about "cannot allocate resources to region 7....blablabla" i can't catch the rest it just flashes up and then goes black for about 30 seconds before it starts...takes a lot longer to bootup than it should...it's an HP laptop [01:11] no ideas then guys? [01:11] is there a way to initiate a suspend from cli? I've started using fluxbox and I want to suspend my session.... [01:12] i keep gettin mysql not installed read documentation [01:12] WhoaItsPhil: i get the same message (also on an hp laptop), but i don't boot all that slow === MasterShrek` is now known as MasterShrek [01:12] yeah it goes black and hangs for at least 30 seconds before booting...quite annoying [01:12] Anyone know how to increase the timeout for the installer to wait while grabbing packages? If I do a netinstall it keeps timing out on random files. [01:12] i stil lcant get it to work =[ [01:12] mysql is installed [01:12] cause it boots on my desktop lots faster even though my laptop is newer with decently better hardware [01:13] but its still sayin its not [01:13] WhoaItsPhil: I get the same thing for my desktop. The OS doesnt recognize a hardware device on the motherboard. It should just ignore it. [01:13] drowner_: no clues but could you start the music player with the command line, reproduce the error, and paste teh command line output to a pastebin? [01:13] is suspend a dm/wm-specific feature? [01:13] !suspend [01:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:13] WhoaItsPhil: which hp is it? [01:13] hmm...but what would it not be recognizing? any way to find out? and does that mean that there is something in my laptop that won't work? [01:13] Gahhhh. Someone help me install ubuntu over windows xp [01:13] it's a HP dvr-5115nr [01:13] sorry dv-5115nr [01:14] TooShort4, just let the partitioner do its thing, use entire disk, format entire disk [01:14] hey guys, i want to back up to a universally read/write cifs share, and encrypt my data, I'm planning on making a truecrypt volume on this share and mounting it then using rsync to mirror my filesystem to this truecrypt volume, would this be a good idea? [01:14] i dont know how. i just bought an old laptop with windows xp, and it doesnt boot up [01:14] maybe I just have to tell the installer ethat I'm installing from CD instead of from a full mirror. Anyone know how to do that? [01:14] it doesnt boot from the disc [01:14] WhoaItsPhil: thsi is going to sound really retarded, but do you have any usb devices plugged in on boot? i used to get funky errors when trying to boot with a usb hard drive plugged in [01:14] NativeAngels: did you follow any tutorials? [01:14] envoyrising. i've tried that [01:14] but of course, now it hasn't happened hahaha [01:14] yes ctothej [01:15] NativeAngels: which? specific to ubuntu? [01:15] 7.10 server ed [01:15] hmmm...i was about to say no but then forgot i have had my wireless keyboard/mouse plugged in...let me try unplugging and rebooting it [01:15] WhoaItsPhil: type dmesg in terminal and you shold be able to see what the exact message is [01:15] drowner_: lol. hmm.. i'll need more info to give you any kind of useful help. otherwise i'm left with "try google" lol [01:15] NativeAngels: so you cant access mysql? [01:15] hmm ok i'll do that in a sec...its rebooting now [01:15] NativeAngels: so it took you through configuring apache, mysql, and phpmyadmin? [01:16] yes [01:16] Sandbox is now reformatting. [01:16] NativeAngels: can you link me to the tutorial? [01:16] NativeAngels: are you getting a mysql error? [01:16] i did everyting to finding the mysqli [01:16] yes [01:16] hmmm nope its still giving me the error on boot even with no USB devices plugged in at all [01:16] envoyrising: the external drive i have music on once became corrupted - i had to reformat it. I *think* maybe some files became corrupted, and i understand that some of the gstreamer things have issues if the song length it expects is different to what it seems - maybe some of the files became a bit spazzed. [01:16] I cant fix a problem with apt-get [01:16] has anyone here got anything to do voice chats with google talk? [01:16] i'll see what happens. [01:17] NativeAngels: you get an error about sockets? [01:17] Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration [01:17] can omeone help me? it tells me to run -f install but returns an error and the problem persists [01:17] Hey guys, im trying to play a video in totem, and it states the sound device is already in use, what was the command to check what is accessing /dev/dsp? [01:17] NativeAngels: have you tried to access mysql directly (without php)? [01:17] jscinoz, lsof [01:17] My internal speakers are not working. Only when i put headphones on. [01:17] cheers [01:18] drowner_: try vlc player just to see if its uniform across all players [01:18] !who | NativeAngels: type the first few letters "princ" and the tab key to autocomplete [01:18] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-f23816a61d5dc93fe2430a8e2a149414f015250e [01:18] NativeAngels: type the first few letters "princ" and the tab key to autocomplete: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [01:18] thats what i folloed [01:18] hmm ok i'm gonna say my first estimation of 30 seconds to boot it is a little bit of an under estimation...it's more like a minute and a half or two minutes...but apparently i can just press ctrl+alt+f1 and it forces it to boot at any time? i found this link in google with something very similar to my problem if not identical http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-632131.html [01:18] mikespic, strangely it says nothing is accessing /dev/dsp >_< [01:18] if you use ls, do you have a /dev/dsp? [01:19] !prince_jammys [01:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about prince_jammys - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [01:19] NativeAngels: :) no exclamation [01:19] woaltsphil, if you want to check boot time more accurately, try sudo apt-get install bootchart, it will autogenerate a png graph of boot time and active processes during boot [01:19] mikespic, yes [01:19] j #gnome [01:19] j #debian [01:19] jscinoz, thanks that sounds cool i'll check it out [01:19] hmm [01:20] envoy rising - its been playing pretty consistently now, so, meh LOL [01:20] its weird. [01:20] NativeAngels: have you tried asking at the channel #mysql? [01:20] yes [01:20] WhoaItsPhil: whats the output from ifconfig in command line? [01:20] i know the mysql is runnin [01:20] does the boot sequence take advantage of multiple cores? [01:21] want me to paste bin it? [01:21] jscinoz, you are using 'lsof /dev/dsp', right? [01:21] WhoaItsPhil: please [01:21] mikespic, yes it returns nothing [01:21] jscinoz, yes, it should. [01:22] http://pastebin.com/m4d01bc1f [01:22] jscinoz, could be a permissions thing .... try using 'play' on a .wav file in /us/share/sounds as your user, then try again with sudo. [01:22] ok, gtg. [01:22] <|Prometheus|> hi - how do i make a script, or command run right after grub, as the system boots - before any other script runs? [01:22] mikespic, neither work === JohnMM is now known as krfkeith === krfkeith is now known as JohnMM [01:24] |Prometheus|: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ [01:24] NativeAngels: were you able to create the database and a user for it? [01:24] yes [01:24] NativeAngels: can you add or remove entries in the database with that user? [01:24] got it! [01:25] Grr how do i make my laptop boot to a disc when i turn my laptop on [01:25] hd to remove kde4 repo and then run -f install [01:25] this kde4 is full of caca booboo [01:25] TooShort4: you'll have to change device boot order in your bios [01:25] is it possible to when rebooting go straight to Ubuntu without going to the Grub menu first? [01:25] WhoaItsPhil: what about sudo lshw -v ? [01:25] I did. [01:25] southafrikanse: yes it is you gotta configure grub [01:26] it sounds liek it loads [01:26] but it doesnt [01:26] southafrikanse: i guess you could set grub to only run for 1sec, and then default to Ubuntu [01:26] NativeAngels: ctothej: ok so it seems this is strictly a problem connecting php to apache, right? mysql seems to be set up otherwise [01:26] is there anything i need to press to boot it? [01:26] NativeAngels: ctothej i mean connecting php to mysql, not to apache [01:27] <|Prometheus|> EnvoyRising, thank you. but i think i need the script to run before anything else... Ill explain my problem. I am getting DMA timeouts on y old hdd (/dev/hda).. i have appended kernel string to use ide=nodma, but still get the timeouts.. i have also tried /etc/hdparm.conf and added /dev/hda dma=off but still get the timeout. its very frustrating as it has increased my boot tie by almost two inutes [01:27] -v isn't a switch for it [01:27] <|Prometheus|> *time [01:27] NativeAngels: right, the error seems more like a php incompatibility error. Maybe a php5 vs php4 incompatibility issue? === chaky_ is now known as chaky [01:27] <|Prometheus|> {blasted M key isnt working properly on this keyboard - sorry} [01:27] WhoaItsPhil: guess i'm thinkin lspci -v lol [01:28] haha its ok [01:28] it wont let me uninstall windows [01:28] NativeAngels: do you have the php5-mysql package installed? [01:28] yes clothej [01:28] http://pastebin.com/m3d7a0283 [01:28] its installed [01:29] |Prometheus|: could always just recompile a kernel without that module, right? [01:29] NativeAngels: ctothej: i have had this problem and don't remember the solution. other than the compatibility issue, which seems unlikely if you followed the tutorial, there *might* be a configuration file that needs to be edited (a guess) [01:29] NativeAngels: http://www.wallpaperama.com/disp-post91.html fond that maybe helps [01:29] EnvoyRising, modules can be unloaded... [01:30] hey envoyrising: [01:30] did a bit of googling - *similar* problems may have been solved with the installation of jackd, whatvever that is [01:31] NativeAngels: ctothej: the other thing to triple check is your php code [01:31] so, i suppose i'll try that (of course, it hasn't crashed for ages now) [01:31] this is so stupid [01:31] my GRUB menu.lst file keeps resetting after every kernel update. I configured it to point to my ubuntu install on my current partition, but every time the kernel upgrades and the grub updater does its thing, it keeps wiping the menu option that I added [01:31] PriceChild: i know they can be unloaded, but my point is that if he removes the module intirely, it'll eliminate the assumption that his kernel options are getting ignored at config [01:31] Argh... I just tried installing Nvida driver through restricted driver manager and now it does not boot past running local boot scripts [01:32] PriceChild: ie, if he still has the same errors, then obviously he's passing the wrong params, right? [01:32] NativeAngels: did you try a reboot, just for kicks? [01:32] any ideas? [01:32] FuriousMojo, boot the recovery mode and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , select the vesa driver when you are asked use the defaults for everyting else [01:32] drowner_: strange you'd need jack installed, especially since ubuntu moved to esd [01:32] NativeAngels: unlikely to work, but worth a shot if you haven't tried it [01:33] drowner_: anything is worth a shot though i guess, right? lol [01:33] any clue on my grub list problem? [01:33] FuriousMojo, that will get you back the gui so you can try with the binary driver [01:33] ahahaha....ubuntu help... [01:33] well [01:33] Pelo: ok, that'll take me back to basic driver. Any ideas to get it successfully installed w/ my 2 screens [01:33] prince_jammys i looked at that b4 [01:33] i'm not going to do it yet, in case it works. [01:33] FuriousMojo, not realy [01:33] how do i get 7.10 to access a bin download ( googleearthlinux.bin ) [01:33] ive got rhythmbox -d running in a terminal [01:33] the7thmagus, please restate you problem I just joined [01:33] so i want to see what goes wrong [01:33] my GRUB menu.lst file keeps resetting after every kernel update. I configured it to point to my ubuntu install on my current partition, but every time the kernel upgrades and the grub updater does its thing, it keeps wiping the menu option that I added [01:34] although, knowing my luck it will run for 4 days without hanging now [01:34] necodemus, cd to the folder where the .bin is, sudo chmod 777 filename.bin , sudo ./filename.bin [01:34] hey, where is output from boot saved? [01:35] WhoaItsPhil: will need that to isolate your issue :P my guess though ,from what you sent is you're boot is hanging on wifi detection [01:35] I have a tv connected to my computer. Until now i have used a DVI-cable to connect the TV to the computer, which have been working great. Now, i want to connect a HDMI to the TV. I use an adapter from the DVI output on my grapic card, to an HDMI-contact which i connect to my TV. The problem is that there is no picture on the TV. (Yes, i have changed to the proper channel) [01:35] EnvoyRising: i know mine did under fedora [01:35] Hello, im having great trouble with xserver, if someone who could help would query me (because im with my mobilephone and cant read fast text with it) [01:35] So, my question is, how do i do this? [01:35] the7thmagus, it does that , sorry can't realy be helped, you can make a copy of the lines you realy need further down , after the place where it says end of automaticvaly added lines, or something similar [01:35] necodemus, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel [01:35] will need what to isolate my issue? did you get my pastebin? [01:35] http://pastebin.com/m3d7a0283 [01:36] Pelo: k, thanks I guess [01:36] WhoaItsPhil: i got those, but they tell me what you're running, they dont tell me what errors you're getting :P or were they identical to the errors posted in that thread? [01:36] how do i manually boot it up from a disc? isnt there a button to push [01:36] ah...yes they were identical [01:36] How do I mount a directory to a FTP server? Ubuntu's "connect to server" option only uses passive FTP, not active. [01:37] i have an idea of what may be wrong...gonna feel stupid and lazy if i'm right...testing right now [01:37] TooShort4: Usually it is f10 or f12 or esx while booting [01:37] the7thmagus, towards the end of the /boot/grub/menu.lst file, it says , end of automaticaly generated lines or something like that, what ever is after that does not get changed when the kernel updates [01:37] *esc === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [01:37] WhoaItsPhil: oh ok then, i'll leave you to it then :P [01:37] bazhang: whats up bro? [01:37] hey guys, i want to back up to a universally read/write cifs share, and encrypt my data, I'm planning on making a truecrypt volume on this share and mounting it then using rsync to mirror my filesystem to this truecrypt volume, would this be a good idea? [01:38] hmmm nope nevermind i was wrong...still no clue what it is lol [01:38] ok...how do I cd to my desktop [01:38] yeah, the errors are identical to http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-632131.html [01:38] hello everyone [01:38] necodemus, cd Desktop , linux is case sensitive [01:38] necodemus: cd ~/Desktop [01:38] i'm new arround here [01:38] ahhh [01:38] f10, esc. or f12 didnt work [01:39] i can bypass the long hang time by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 but it just seems stupid that i should have to do that lol...if anyone knew what the problem is or how to fix it, it would be awesome [01:39] tpratt_, welcome to the mad house, ask your question in one line, breifly and hope for the best [01:39] EnvoyRising: heya! [01:39] TooShort4: Can you get to the bios settings? [01:40] Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated [01:40] I dont know how. I just got this laptop today. I pressed F2 at startup and it said boot from primary drive or whatever, and it said something disc [01:40] please, anyone able to help me in query? Im with my mobilephone, cant keep it up here. :) [01:40] bazhang: we must be working shifts becuase when you come i go ,lol [01:40] sorry about the private...irc just scrolls fast :) [01:40] how to set a server as preferred in mldonkey? [01:40] necodemus, just use the nick of the person you talk to in each line, it helps keep track [01:40] Can someone help me install my nvidia driver? Using restricted driver manager did not work [01:41] later guys [01:41] !nvidia > FuriousMojo [01:41] Help please! (alpha) At-sign doesn't work longer on the keyboard! [01:41] TooShort4: There was no option to boot from the cd drive? [01:41] needhelp: This one? @ [01:41] needhelp, change the keyboard layout in menu > systsem> prefs > keyboard layout or someting [01:41] Odd-rationale: exactly [01:42] this is for my laptop. it says dell computer configuration. Boot First Device: Diskette Drive [01:42] are there any plugins or browsers out there that would allow firefox or some other program to view a live feed that only seems to work with windows media player running in internet explorer? for example, www.channelsurfing.net none of the live feeds on there work with anything i've tried except on my windows machine with internet explorer [01:42] Pelo: have already set it to the right layout (norwegian) [01:42] are packages still accepted for universe for hardy? [01:42] is there a UGA irc? [01:42] needhelp, do the other symbols on that key work ? [01:42] needhelp: Like Pelo said you need to change you keybaord layout. Either there of in your xorg file. [01:42] FuriousMojo: download the binary from nvidia and run it in init 3 [01:42] Maddeth: ask in #help [01:42] ffm, wrong place to ask , try #ubuntu-dev [01:42] WhoaItsPhil: You could open the stream manually using vlc. [01:42] NativeAngels: try installing :: sudo apt-get install php5-mysql [01:43] Pelo: yes, '2' works [01:43] needhelp, did it use to work ? [01:43] hi [01:43] WhoaItsPhil: Find the link, copy it, open vlc, click on "open-network stream" and paste it. [01:43] any good kde distro of ubuntu [01:43] i dont know where to go to boot from cd drive [01:43] NativeAngels: if you have php5 [01:43] * Pelo waves to pawan [01:43] pawan: Kubuntu: #kubuntu [01:43] Pelo: yes [01:43] pawan, kubuntu ask in #kubuntu [01:43] the link, when i click on properties is a javascript...how would i get the exact address for it? [01:44] needhelp, on my keyboard I need to use the alt-car key wth 2 , on the right side of the space bar, donT' know if that helps [01:44] Pelo: same here, but nothing appears [01:44] needhelp, try in different txt editor ,it might be part of the issue, [01:45] if i just burn the image as a bootable disc and load that up would that automatically load up? [01:45] needhelp, also the watchamacall it , codepage , ( utf-8) and stuff, that might have some bearing on it [01:45] TooShort4: It should. [01:45] Pelo: same everywhere. Neither in irc, not in gnome text editor, not in firefox.... [01:46] il try it, but i dont know how to boot the actual ubuntu disc [01:46] needhelp, did you change the language of the os or the watchamacall it ? [01:46] <|Prometheus|> I'm having some problems with my kernel.. and am pretty new to linux in general.. the kernel 2.6.22-14-generic does not seem to recognise the ide=noda parameter. Can i go to an older kernel that does support this, without having to reinstall or lose any data [01:46] <|Prometheus|> *ide=nodma [01:46] Pelo: what is 'watchamacall' ? [01:47] Pelo: have changed it to norwegian (At login window) [01:47] TooShort4, if you burn the iso and have it in when the bios begins to boot, it will load the cd, and you can either select the first option or just wait 30 sec for it to auto pick the first option [01:47] needhelp, I don't remember what is it called, the character set or someting [01:47] hey all, um, how would i update inkscape to the latest release in ubuntu? [01:47] Pelo: where do I adjust the charset ? [01:47] needhelp, goodquestion [01:47] i dont know how to boot from the cd drive tho. i dont have that option, i dont think [01:47] needhelp, before ,when it worked, what language were you using ? [01:47] TooShort4: is your cd drive the first boot device? [01:48] it says Diskette Drive [01:48] needhelp: so i take it that what you did the other day didn't work? [01:48] TooShort4: do you see an option to change it to cd? [01:48] TooShort4, if you have a cdrom drive and havn't messed with the bios settings it should work... [01:48] TooShort4: if you can do that all you'll need to do is put in the cd rom and reboot === ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK [01:48] TooShort4, al you need is for the cdrom to be higer on the list then the hard drive [01:48] then how come the real ubuntu disc doesnt do it? [01:49] TooShort4: do what? [01:49] TooShort4, "real" ubuntu disc? [01:49] hey every one [01:49] prince_jammys: after what i did yesterday - 3 letters/characters now works properly. But there are still a few left that still doesnt appear .. [01:49] hey [01:49] Pelo: norwegian also [01:49] needhelp, can you get any other 3rd level symbols from your keyboard ? [01:49] OK, I have a few questions, Im useing ubuntu gutsy and Im trying to acces a windows shared folder on my LAN , I can see the computer in network but when I try to open it I get an error msg that says "The folder contents could not be displayed. Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: cap"." Please help me or direct me to the solution to my problem. [01:49] TooShort4: you have downloaded the ubuntu iso and burn it to cd right? [01:49] hi [01:50] TooShort4, just pop the cd in and then reboot/boot the comp. it should just work. [01:50] Pelo: the AltGr -symbols ? [01:50] can i find a plug for write img files ? [01:50] needhelp, yes [01:51] Is there some setting or program I need to view windows network shares? [01:51] !samba | deep [01:51] deep: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [01:51] yes. i put it as make bootable [01:51] needhelp: i see [01:51] brb , afk [01:51] samba://ip or pc name [01:51] TooShort4: have you tried it? [01:51] not yet [01:51] Pelo: No. only level 1 and 2 (shift) [01:51] Cool I heard that samba sucks is it true? [01:51] TooShort4: well give it a try..leave it in the cd drive and reboot [01:51] TooShort4, just try it. [01:51] k [01:51] TooShort4: we'll be here if you have problems.....1156 users online [01:52] there. can i write .img files in ubuntu? [01:52] deep: no. It works as advertised. There are better methods, but windows doesn't support them [01:52] yeah [01:52] Thanks. [01:52] its burning right now [01:52] Fing windows [01:52] I only have sound with my headphones. From my internal speakers forget it [01:52] deep: what do you mean samba sucks? [01:52] back [01:52] TooShort4, if you burn the iso it will automaticlly make it bootable? [01:52] anyone here have a thinkpad T61 with 7.10 on it? If so, does the screen brightness, even at "reported" maximum, stay dimmer when the power isn't plugged in? [01:52] Radiergumm1 should just be able to right click the image and burn it to disc [01:53] <|Prometheus|> I'm having some problems with my kernel.. and am pretty new to linux in general.. the kernel 2.6.22-14-generic does not seem to recognise the ide=nodma parameter. Can i go to an older kernel that does support this, without having to reinstall or lose any data [01:53] I used Roxio Creator Premier and hit make bootable and then burned the iso [01:53] could someone help me with edid and gdm in query, please? [01:53] 2 minutes left on the burn so il try it then [01:54] TooShort4: hrm not sure what that will do, but the iso is already bootable [01:54] eh, worth a try anywho [01:54] I have the ubuntu 6.06 disc from the ubuntu website [01:54] TooShort4: this is what i use when in windows - http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm [01:54] TooShort4,are you just burning the iso file itself to the disc? [01:54] and that didnt boot [01:54] Ashfire908: yes [01:54] TooShort4: then just right click on the iso and choose "write image file" [01:54] TooShort4: When you view the contents of the disk, do you see a single "iso" file? [01:55] TooShort4, you need to burn the iso image [01:55] Flannel: he's still burning it [01:55] TooShort4, not the file itself [01:55] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, get IMGBurn if that fails mate - it will automatically discover the cd as bootable. its totally freeware too.. www.imgburn.com Open the iso with it. [01:55] TooShort4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [01:55] TooShort4, go get a burner with a burn from iso image feature. [01:55] TooShort4: that has freeware for windows if your current burning software wont work with isos properly. [01:56] why isn't noatime default? [01:56] it booted to windows [01:56] TooShort4: then download one of the programs we provided links for and reburn [01:56] is it possible to redirect a window that's already opened locally to another computer that's ssh'd in with X11 forwarding? [01:56] is your bios set to boot from cd ?? [01:56] TooShort4: and check your bios and make sure cd is the first option prior to harddisk [01:57] i dont know., i dont know how to view that [01:57] it syuas first boot diskette drive or something [01:57] unholymarriage, sdsheeks, he isn't burning hte iso image but instead the file itself. [01:58] is there a porgram i can download that i can change the bios to? [01:58] or how do i view it [01:58] TooShort4, read above for info on getting a burning program that supports burning iso images. [01:58] mine does [01:58] does anybody here have any experience with the broadcom 4318? [01:58] um...when you first boot it will say at the bottom to change sytem settings press F10....or it may say F12...or something else [01:58] Roxio Creator does. this is an older laptop though [01:58] has anyone here tried Google Earth on Ubunto 7.10? [01:59] the only thing mine says when booting is System Setupo: F2 [01:59] that get s you into bios [01:59] TooShort4, i thought you said you burned the iso file and not the image [01:59] Ashfire908: understand that is why he was provided several freeware links to iso burning software [01:59] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, i think you have put the iso directly onto the disc though - you should not have to choose make cd bootable. it should be detected as a bootable iso [01:59] prince_jammys, Pelo: so any ideas how to make the AltGr-characters work ? [01:59] oops. i gotta burn the img and not the iso? [01:59] well f2 is what you push...before it boots to windows [01:59] TooShort4, yes. [01:59] TooShort4: the iso is just a container that you burn...there are many many files inside of the iso [01:59] ah woops [01:59] TooShort4: :) [02:00] hey all, so i have an appt from synaptic, but there is a newer stable version, how do i update what i have to the newer stable version? [02:00] TooShort4, :) [02:00] question: how do you add something to an autoboot process? [02:00] !update [02:00] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [02:00] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, get imgburn from igburn.com - open it after installing (its 1.96mb) - select burn iso to disc... select your 7.10iso and notice it automatically selects bootable.. burn that with verify selected - then try :) [02:00] i have attempted https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_%5bAirForce_One_54g%5d?highlight=%28broadcom%29 as well as several other howto's, but none have worked for me [02:01] needhelp: i've been away, but did you look at this?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139039 [02:01] SamusMan: ahhhh [02:01] Noneone has tried google earth on 7.10? [02:01] SamusMan: got mine working but took me an hour or so [02:01] I have [02:01] SamusMan: just to make sure we are talking about the same thing...wireless device right? [02:01] I have a hard drive with about 400 gigs of data on it.. is it possible to use truecrypt to encrypt that drive without moving/erasing the data from the drive first? [02:01] sdsheeks: yes, a wireless card. how did you get yours working? [02:01] Tooshort4, its imgburn.com incase you didn't guess. great software =) [02:01] SamusMan: honestly? not sure [02:02] unholy -- did you have any problems when it boots up it kicks you out of the system then relogs on? [02:02] SamusMan: and i've been using linux since 96..it was a pain [02:02] gardenhose, check /etc/rc.local file [02:02] SamusMan: let me go back through some of my bookmarks [02:02] i had no problems with it myself [02:02] sdsheeks: thank you :) [02:02] thank you [02:02] <|Prometheus|> i use the bcm43xx driver also - its the firmware you have to enable as its locked by default.. you need bcm43xx-fwcutter [02:02] unholy -- crapola then... [02:02] prince_jammys: yes, seen it, done it, but still... [02:02] SamusMan: here is the page I followed -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190177 [02:03] sorry..... [02:03] SamusMan: do note that you will need to reboot [02:03] unholy -- np... [02:03] needhelp: check this (also relates to norwegian):: http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=1366 [02:03] prince_jammys: I AM able to write norwegian letters now, it's only the "3rd level chars" (altgr+2)-type characters that dont appear [02:03] ah, that's one i haven't tried yet, sdsheeks. thank you :) [02:03] ok, so, i need to get EDID reinstalled, and GDM, as X wont start on startup, says "get-edid not installed". [02:03] Xserv is off, and it should be restarted once GDM is in order. Im not able to connect to internet, so i need to use the livecd. Would be nice if someone could help me with this :) [02:03] SamusMan: couldn't get it to work no matter what I tried....but then I read to reboot and poof it worked so try that if it looks like it isn't working [02:04] needhelp: gotcha. i am searching for that specific problem [02:04] ok then...here is another one for ya'll...how do I get 7.10 to recognize my home network. [02:04] SamusMan: is this a laptop? [02:04] Hey thanks for the links, When I try the command " sudo mkdir /Ebooks/EbooksCAP" I get an error that says "mkdir: cannot create directory `/Ebooks/EbooksCAP': No such file or directory [02:04] um you mean a windows based network ?? [02:04] my terminal iss [02:05] deep that mean that /Ebooks does not exist [02:05] do i click create image file from file/folder and then select the iso then burn it? [02:05] Any suggestions is this a syntax error or somthing else [02:05] Hi, I have two machines on the same wireless network. They can both get to the internet itself, but I can't ping either from the other, nor ssh from one to the other. I just upgraded one from Kubuntu feisty to Kubuntu gutsy - and the problem's existed since then. [02:05] going slow, is that... a problem? lol [02:05] unholy -- yes [02:05] deep: check the case [02:05] I have a txt file, how do I get my computer to read it to me? [02:05] dn4: festival [02:05] TooShort4, yep [02:05] cobolfoo What do you mean "check the case"? [02:06] deep: on Linux, Ebooks and ebooks, or EBoOks is not seen as the same folder [02:06] TooShort4, oh no [02:06] anybody know what a good site for streaming movies/tv shows is? [02:06] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, no.. you already have the image created - you want to choose burn image file to disc [02:06] TooShort4, sorry. [02:06] deep: in other words..it is case sensitive [02:06] TooShort4, you need to... do what |Prometheus| said. [02:07] so write image file to disc? [02:07] <|Prometheus|> Ashfire908, I saw you just realised yourself :) [02:07] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, Yep [02:07] ok so with this command I should be entering the name of the shared folder on the windows box, is that correct? [02:07] will ubuntu server install and run ok under virtual pc? [02:07] never mind, the IP just changed [02:07] its an iso though, dont i have to make it a .img [02:07] |Prometheus|, just before you corrected me... i need to not skim... [02:08] mkdir: cannot create directory `/Ebooks/EbooksCAP': No such file or directory [02:08] sry [02:08] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, no buddy - the iso is an "image" file - of a cd [02:08] hi there. i was wondering is there any way of downloading ubuntu for powermacs? [02:08] <|Prometheus|> Ashfire908, :) I do it all the time [02:08] deep, does Ebooks exists in your / directory? [02:08] sdsheeks: still no wireless support...there was only one step in that list i hadn't tried [02:08] hello [02:08] cant help me pls [02:08] ok im burning it [02:08] SamusMan: did you reboot? [02:08] sdsheeks: yes, that's what i was just doing [02:08] necodemus try this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy ...read the samba section [02:09] does ubuntu have an /sbin/chkconfig file? [02:09] SamusMan: oh didn't notice :) hrm okay where did you get your drive.inf file? [02:09] cause i'm not getting anything on my system [02:09] sdsheeks: from my windows partition [02:09] i cant u browse website [02:09] SamusMan: is this a laptop? [02:09] cobolfoo: No there is no ebook directory on my u-box [02:09] sdsheeks: yes [02:09] <|Prometheus|> SamusMan, to get my bcm43xx card working was simply a case of "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter", then "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-firmware" [02:09] SamusMan: brand/model [02:09] because cant resolv to host [02:09] |Prometheus|: you're lucky that didn't work for me [02:10] i just wanna make sure it will boot though. i dont know how to check the bios [02:10] |Prometheus|: that was the first thing i tried [02:10] ropiee, can't resolve the host? check your dns servers. [02:10] unholy -- thanks, loading it up...floodbot3....makes me think of the old warfare stuff we did on IRC back in the day [02:10] deep you cannot create a folder inside a unexisting folder :) [02:10] sorry, im probably a real bother, but im a n00b. [02:10] sdsheeks: dell inspiron 1420 [02:10] how [02:10] how to generate resolv.conf by networkmanager??? [02:10] SamusMan: i would go to dells website and get the latest drive for your wireless device and unzip to a tmp folder..then use the inf that comes with that. [02:10] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, don't know if that method unlocked the restriction - i went to restricted drivers in system-> restricted drivers manager and ticked allow on the bcm firmware too [02:10] ropiee, right click the network icon in the top right of your screen and clikc the net info option [02:11] SamusMan: i tried from my vista partion, but it didn't work..had to go get an xp version [02:11] wait Werdna wow do you by chance research AC? [02:11] |Prometheus|: it never showed up there for me [02:11] ah, ok, that might be my problem [02:11] how do you remount dvd drive without ejecting it ?? [02:11] ropiee: sudo dhclient [02:11] |Prometheus|: only thing that would show in restricted was my nvidia driver [02:11] sdsheeks: i had disregarded that my .inf ended in 6 instead of 5, assuming i had a newer version, but i guess that's the difference [02:12] SamusMan: possibly yes..in my case there was [02:12] SamusMan: my laptop came with vista and i tried that one first. [02:12] cobolfoo can I pm you? [02:12] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, ahhh - don't know then buddy. its prob a newer chipset than my card [02:12] mad_max: something like: "sudo umount /media/cdrom0", then "sudo mount /media/cdrom0" [02:12] SamusMan: it will work..just takes some tweaking...very stable at least for me been up for days without an issue [02:12] deep: not having time for PM :] [02:12] the reason im installing ubuntu is cause i bought this lapopt for $20 but it came with XP and it was made for 95. next best thing is ubuntu [02:13] ejer....sudo dhclient??... [02:13] so it was uber slow [02:13] |Prometheus|: i'm an old gentoo hack...so i knew i would get it....just had to go the hard route [02:13] ropiee, are the primary and secondary dns servers in the net info ""? [02:13] is diskette drive the same as cd drive [02:13] gotcha [02:13] TooShort4, no [02:13] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, :) cool bud [02:13] TooShort4: no [02:13] the primary is diskette. how do i change it to cd? [02:13] No default voice found in ("/usr/share/festival/voices/") [02:13] |Prometheus|: started with slacker .04 or something like that back in 94-96 range [02:13] any ideas on how to solve this? [02:14] s/slacker/slackware [02:14] sdsheeks, i have found information saying that i should be using bcmwl5a.inf instead of bcmwl5.inf, but i can't seem to find it anywhere >.> [02:14] ok thx [02:14] TooShort4, the cd drive does not need to be the complete top. it just needs to be above the har drive entry [02:14] do you have primary highlighted ?? [02:14] can resolv right now [02:14] thxx [02:14] how do i set it there? [02:14] thx [02:14] SamusMan: not even from dells website? [02:15] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, wow... I havent been using Linux long at all... Hoary was when i made the switch over from doze [02:15] dn4 : check for package named: festvox-kdlpc16k [02:15] TooShort4, from the bios setup screen. reboot and when it says "press F2 to enter setup" or whatever hit f2 [02:15] sdsheeks, i'm on my way there, but their website has some loops to jump through [02:15] |Prometheus|: i have been off and on for 10+ years now [02:15] i did [02:15] SamusMan: yea tell me about it....so does HP [02:15] but i dont know how to change it when i get there [02:15] it goes diskette drive, internal HDD, none [02:15] use your arrow keys [02:15] i did. it wont move [02:15] |Prometheus|: ubuntu is pretty neat though..just have to get use to the layout [02:16] well, you made it creeps [02:16] haha yeh [02:16] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, Yeah I know what you mean... I'm getting there - pretty much I think... Too used to Slax 6 (backtrack build) [02:16] so it wont let me change it [02:16] TooShort4, select none and hit enter or whatever and chant it to cdrom drive, then hit + (that usally moves it up) [02:16] hi there. i was wondering is there any way of downloading ubuntu for powermacs? [02:16] Funny how my name mutates a little accross networks...oh well. [02:17] yes jon ... you need the ppc version [02:17] !ppc | jon_high9000 [02:17] sdsheeks: it's an exe; should i wine it to get the files i need? [02:17] jon_high9000: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [02:17] not working [02:17] TooShort4, there should be some key of what buttons do at the right or bottom of the bios screen [02:17] SamusMan: you can try to unzip it [02:17] how do i go root or set root password? [02:17] anyone know a way to get a video stream to work through firefox or VLC that i can only seem to make work on my windows machine with internet explorer? [02:17] creeps: sudo su [02:17] thnx [02:18] sdsheeks: are you saying it might be a zip folder in disguise? [02:18] !root | creeps [02:18] creeps: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [02:18] it says <> change values, but when i go over it doesnt change it [02:18] creeps: normally you would just put "sudo" in front of the command though [02:18] SamusMan: might be yea..some are [02:18] irc.freenode.net [02:18] Has anyone had any problems with the Toshiba U300-NS6 that were not fixable? [02:18] SamusMan: HP's are [02:18] oops [02:18] Well last night my Video card was working fine. I dusted my computer out today with a can of compressed air, and It was probably on not even a couple of hours, until I clicked on the Synaptic Package Manager to update, and then it said "Please Check Signal Cable" I noticed my fan on my Video Card was not moving anymore, I got it back going, then it did the same thing, but this time the fan was moving, I noticed there was a Wireles [02:18] yep [02:18] s card basically RIGHT under the Video Card practically touching the Video Card, I removed that, I havn't had any more problems, oh by the way, it would say "Check Signal Cable" every 4-6 Min, I've been on it atleast 20. I also noticed the Monitor cable was loose, but again I tightened that up, and still same result, it's only when I removed the Wireless card that my Video Card worked, my question is, do you think that sovled the [02:18] it sure is, sdsheeks [02:18] issue? [02:18] TooShort4, so "<" and ">" doesn't do anything [02:18] SamusMan: :) [02:19] SamusMan: i need to jet for a few..wife is yelling at me about something [02:19] nope [02:19] SamusMan: |Prometheus| should be able to help :) [02:19] sdsheeks: there is a setup.exe inside it [02:19] it doesnt change it. neither does enter [02:19] SamusMan: ick! [02:19] sdsheeks: ok, thanks for your time [02:19] sdsheeks: i'll just wine it [02:19] right now to install ntfs-3g [02:19] TooShort4, hmm. [02:20] TooShort4, did you just try booting the cd? [02:20] i got a webcam and msn/aim on this computer i can show you if [02:20] booting it in regular windows? [02:20] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, if you cannot get your bios to change to boot from cd - in windows, download sbminst (smart boot manager). start a cmd window and use the command "sbminst -t us -d 128 -y" from the directory it is located in. this will install the smart boot manager to your first hdd mbr. it has a list of options and one of them is boot cd rom [02:20] TooShort4, no just insert the disc and restart. [02:20] hey guys, i want to back up to a universally read/write cifs share, and encrypt my data, I'm planning on making a truecrypt volume on this share and mounting it then using rsync to mirror my filesystem to this truecrypt volume, would this be a good idea? [02:20] Ash yes i tried that [02:21] Prom thanks a bunch il try that now [02:21] Hellow Im trying to edit my Fsatb file to mount a drive with samba how to I access this file as the root? [02:21] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, np buddy [02:21] !fstab | deep [02:21] deep: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [02:21] but hey i got this laptop for $20. can't beat that. its in great shape [02:21] |Prometheus|, which then adds a boot manager that might get destoried by the ubuntu installer... [02:21] unholymarriage: I also have a 2006 Athlon 64 bit Compaq Presario that had by accident the ethernet card was fried by an electrical storm three weeks back. i imagine it would fairly inexpensive to get a replacement ethernet card eh? [02:21] deep: ALT-F2 : gksudo gedit /etc/fstab [02:21] * Ashfire908 is going [02:21] Hey guys, im running gutsy on a dell xps m1330, (i bought it with windows preisntalled, wiped it and put ubuntu on), i'm wondering if dell maintains a repo with dell specific tools (e.g. bios updaters) as they sell ubuntu-preinstalled computers. [02:22] anyone running koverartist on ubuntu 7.10 i installed through synaptic but cant find the program any where HELP [02:22] type sudo nano /etc/fstab [02:22] <|Prometheus|> Ashfire908, it will get destroyed by the ubuntu installer - yes, but grub will detect the windows partition and add that to the list, then over writing the sbinst manager with grub and the options to boot kernel, recovery, memtest and windows [02:22] yes deep :) [02:22] dont type deep: just read the information and follow it. [02:23] so i just download that then run cmd and put sbminst -t us -d 128 -y and it should let me boot from cd? [02:23] |Prometheus|, would problay be better to later just try to fix the bios settings [02:23] sudo gedit /etc/fstab is all you need to do [02:23] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, yep - it'll show a blue screen before windows boots - dont be scared of it - just select boot cdrom from the list of options [02:23] unholy your helping deep too? [02:24] haha okay. [02:24] that usually scares me [02:24] if so, ill back up :) [02:24] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, :) [02:24] right i have dl ntfs-3g to my desktop and when i type in command to install it says no target specified and no makefile found [02:24] after i run that do i manually restart? [02:24] well cause it's usually a BSOD [02:24] i guess i did not see the other fellows entry [02:24] how do i get it to install ? [02:24] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, yes - it should give confirmation of it installing [02:25] bah, dell gave me the wrong drivers [02:25] !ntfs-3g | creeps [02:25] creeps: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions [02:25] creeps : sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g (no need to compile the driver) [02:25] inc wots in () [02:25] cl [02:25] what you wrote in linux,windows will treat it as fragile [02:26] "configure: error: this packages requires a curses library" how can I solve this? [02:26] anyone know if there's a joomla channel? [02:27] southafrikanse: install libncurses5-dev ?? [02:27] southafrikanse: what are you compiling? [02:27] I was compiling alsa-utils-1.0.16 [02:27] hey guys, how do i expand a ext3 partition?? [02:27] unholy: no reply necessary. understand you busy helping others. besides thank you very much for the help. it is appreciated. [02:27] right im on ubuntu 7.10 but my ntfs storage drves cant been found [02:27] How do I enter directories with spaces in them? [02:27] !joomla [02:27] joomla information can be had here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Joomla [02:28] jrib, I was compiling alsa-utils-1.0.16 [02:28] deep in the console? [02:28] Yes [02:28] deep like home/speeddemon8803/Desktop/What_is_this [02:28] deep: scape the espaces dir\ with\ space [02:28] deep cd "dir with spaces" [02:28] or escape the spaces with \ [02:28] or...any of the following after ;) [02:29] Ill try the "dir with spaces" method [02:29] deep: easier use tab completion ;) [02:29] deep dir "with spaces, not "dir with spaces" === SkuLL is now known as Mr-K [02:29] deep: You can also drag&drop the folder from the graphical interface into your console, it will happen the full directory at the end of the current command [02:29] append [02:30] anyone know a way to get a video stream to work through firefox or VLC on gutsy that i can only seem to make work on my windows machine with internet explorer? trying to get www.channelsurfing.net content to stream on my gutsy machine...won't even run in firefox on windows...only thing that works is internet explorer :-( [02:30] festival myearlylife.txt SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : I. [02:31] phil does the stream require direct x ?? [02:31] it wont let me type it in [02:31] it loads up, and then files come up, and then it closes [02:31] right ivehit a nouther prob [02:31] well, I broke something now [02:31] unholymarriage, i'm not sure...doesn't say [02:31] how could i find out? [02:31] it loads up a bunch of stuff in cmd comes up then it closes [02:31] my sata drive is stopping it mounting my drives [02:32] "an error occoured" in add./remove programs and synaptic manager.... [02:32] its my windows drive [02:32] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, OK - open a cmd window [02:32] E: Type 'wget' is not known on line 56 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list [02:32] E: The list of sources could not be read. [02:32] Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem. [02:32] E: _cache->open() failed, please report. [02:32] ok [02:32] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, now navigate to the path where you saved the sbminst.exe file [02:32] ok [02:32] Is there anyway to install ubuntu with just the base command line tools? I suppose it goes against the point of Ubuntu but I'd like start off with a minimal system and not all of the extra stuff it installs. [02:32] !minimal | Knifa [02:32] Knifa: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [02:33] necodemus: the line 56 on your /etc/apt/sources.list is bogus check it wirth a text editor [02:33] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, now type sbminst.exe and tell me the output please [02:33] phil it requires a directx plug in so....unfortunatly its my understanding its windows only... [02:33] wait so in cmd do i type the path [02:34] !alternate | Knifa [02:34] Knifa: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [02:34] prince_jammys, is this an actual minimal install or just a smaller CD that downloads from the repositories instead of getting it from the CD? [02:34] ugh...no way at all to get a directx plugin for linux? hmm...is it possible to install internet explorer through wine or cedega on ubuntu and get it to work that way? [02:34] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, I mean navigate to where the file is located... so if its on @ c:\sbminst do cd \ [02:34] Knifa: you make it as minimal as you want by choosing the packages [02:34] Knifa: begin with a server install and add packages from that [02:34] Now the console says that line 11 of ect/fstab is bad. line 11 of ect fstab is "//CAP/"10 Ebooks" /usr/ebooksCAP cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0" where //cap/"10 Ebooks" is the computer name and directory im want to mount [02:34] prince_jammys oh ho, thank you [02:35] Who is watching ChrisPirillo? [02:35] erUSUL that also sounds good, i will look into that too :3 [02:35] Knifa: or you can begin with a server install as suggested above [02:35] okay excellent. [02:35] thanks. [02:35] you can get ie on linux...but directx wont work , as far as i know [02:35] I've just done this: http://thio4linux.wordpress.com/2007/10/06/intel-hda-intel-corporation-82801g/ [02:35] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, or if on desktop - do "cd \" then "cd "documents and settings\YOURUSERNAME\desktop" [02:35] And it doesn't work =/ [02:35] festival myearlylife.txt SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : My <-- Any ideas why this is happening? [02:35] deep replace " with ', if not working replace "10 Ebooks" with 10\ Ebooks [02:35] mysql SET PASSWORD: is 'root'@'localhost' enough or do i need to explicitly specify my host name? [02:35] you know what works good in winedoors opera [02:35] ok it came up [02:35] Knifa: you dont even have to install the server components in the server install [02:35] wooo it works thanx fellas [02:35] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, ok - what did it say [02:36] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, did it run through the options? [02:36] hmmm...so the only way i'm ever gonna watch streams on that site is with a windows box through internet explorer? that sucks...what about mac users? my friend has a macbook and he can never get it to run on there either...just doesn't make sense...why so little support? [02:36] er -- it says I cant change it...I see the wget [02:36] jramsey: localhost is fine [02:36] ustream? [02:36] prince_jammys, txs [02:36] did you get flash and or divx [02:36] ok i did what you said and it said an application attempted to directly access the hard disk and it isnt allowed. click close or ignore [02:37] it says I dont have permission [02:37] oh you have my permission [02:37] necodemus: editing sources.lst? [02:37] well if your friend has a intel mac he could use parralles to see it, but there are many sites that use windows drm that are windows only.... I have to watch netflix on windows.... [02:37] thanks pip :) [02:37] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, You may have to restart in sfe mode and do the command from there... disable your antivirus before you run the command as its probably protecting your disk mbr too [02:38] prince -- yes [02:38] <|Prometheus|> *safe mode [02:38] okay cool. [02:38] bleh...thats terrible [02:38] necodemus: in a terminal or in gui? [02:38] meh i want some coke [02:38] prince_jammys, have you used joomla? [02:38] jramsey: no [02:38] yes it is unfortunate [02:38] prince -- gui [02:38] Im still getting the line 11 bad [02:38] WhoaItsPhil, have you tried installing directshow filters/codecs ? http://ubuntu.flowconsult.at/en/mplayer-codec-update/ [02:39] no but i'll try it [02:39] dont forget to restart firefox after installing the codecs [02:39] k thanks i'll let you know if it works [02:39] When trying to edit this line do i need to put the workgroup name in there somewhere? [02:39] how would i go about adding root to the fuse group from a command line? [02:40] necodemus: close it and in a terminal:: gksudo _name_of_file and it'll re-open and you will have permission [02:40] k..brb [02:40] ponzi mandy kat and michelle [02:40] necodemus: you can't edit that file as normal user [02:40] just want to spread the good news, I am mirroring the whole gutsy repo [02:40] lol [02:40] on an external HDD [02:41] http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h61/southafrikanse/Screenshot-9.png WHat happened?? [02:41] runemast644: edit the file: /etc/group, go to the line fuse:x:106: add root at the end, you have to edit this file as root [02:41] necodemus: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [02:41] changes are not active until you relogin [02:42] necodemus: do that, not what i said the first time, i forgot "gedit" [02:42] i tried to put a screensaver on my desktop and i have the wrong version of compiz and the wrong version of ubuntu now my screensavers wont play [02:43] Now Im having the same problem as before-------> The console says that line 11 of ect/fstab is bad. line 11 of ect fstab is "//CAP/"10 Ebooks" /usr/ebooksCAP cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0" where //cap/"10 Ebooks" is the computer name and directory im want to mount [02:43] it does the same thing in safe mode [02:43] im in the file...wha should I change the line to say? [02:43] deep ivve never been able to put shares with SPACES in the names in the fstab properly. [02:43] i'm having problems using postgresql as my database for amarok [02:43] I get this when I try to sudo mount -a [02:43] wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- [02:43] how do i set it up? [02:43] deep it may be best to rename that share to 10_Ebooks [02:43] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, what virus software are you using? [02:44] none [02:44] lol [02:44] deep or use the smbfuse tools to access the share. [02:44] Ill try mounting to a share with no spaces [02:44] <|Prometheus|> lol [02:44] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, do you have a floppy disc drive? and a blank disc? [02:44] smbfuse? where can I find this? [02:44] is anyone else using enlightenment [02:44] i have a blank disc. no floppy [02:44] !info smbfuse [02:44] Package smbfuse does not exist in gutsy [02:44] its a laptop, remember that [02:44] or extasy [02:44] !info fusesmb | deep [02:44] deep: fusesmb (source: fusesmb): filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 140 kB [02:44] will try it thank you [02:45] deep theres a ubuntu wiki page on fusesmb also that walks ya through it. Its very handy. [02:45] I have have a folder on my main partition (ntfs) for torrents and when I copy them to my music partition (fat32) I seem to lose ownership of them and my media player doesn't pick them up when it scans. It didn't used to do that, any thoughts? [02:45] deep: I remember a tool called: smb4k (a KDE package), when you choose a share, it does all the mount thing for you [02:45] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, yes... one second - let me boot my windows machine and try to get sbm working [02:45] nobody? [02:45] samba [02:45] I installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy, I installed it with the alternate ISO and when the installation completed and the computer restarts I see a menu with the Operating Systems, there is Ubuntu... generic and Windows XP because I have two OS installed on my laptop but this error occurs: Checking root file system... fsck /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY RUN fsck MANUALLY and when I run it manually, this appears... Group 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with s [02:45] deep https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb [02:45] ok [02:46] does geeksquad suck? [02:46] Dr willis is fusesmb somthing I can use insead of samba or does it work with samba? [02:46] Can someone help me get my wireless, and get my resolution past 800x600? [02:46] TrustNoOne, from bestbuy? Yes - they really do. [02:46] TrustNoOne: they're terrible [02:46] wow you guys should really pay for your distros [02:46] Dr_willis, i got hired there as a tech [02:46] deep it allows the user to access the samba server on the other box. [02:47] Can someone help me get my wireless, and get my resolution past 800x600? [02:47] TrustNoOne, They totally rip off people - from what ive seen/my friends have seen. [02:47] prince...you still there? [02:47] i need to run XMACRO, but i can't find a shortcut or and executable. how do i run it? [02:47] I dont have samba running on the windows box [02:47] necodemus: yes [02:47] necodemus: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [02:47] do you have a video card andy [02:47] TrustNoOne, Document/keep notes. so you can make a blog later about it. :) [02:47] did that... [02:47] Dr_willis, was referring more to how they treat employees, I know their service isnt that awesome, but you can't expect much if your taking your comp in to get fixed [02:47] wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- === stevie__ is now known as |Stevie| [02:47] I installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy, I installed it with the alternate ISO and when the installation completed and the computer restarts I see a menu with the Operating Systems, there is Ubuntu... generic and Windows XP because I have two OS installed on my laptop but this error occurs: Checking root file system... fsck /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY RUN fsck MANUALLY and when I run it manually, this appears... Group 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with s [02:47] what do I need to change? [02:47] A video card? [02:47] yes [02:47] deep samba IS the linus name for how windows shares the folders.. samba = windows sharing (sort of) [02:47] necodemus: let me see ... [02:48] How else would my monitor work [02:48] Dr_willis, i can tell you one thing right now, they ask you technical questions in the interview but you don't have to know all the answers (from what ive seen with the other applicants) and they still hire them [02:48] thanks dr willis will take a look at the wiki and try connecting to a share with no spaces [02:48] to get past 800x600 you need at least 256mb of video memory [02:48] i need to run XMACRO, but i can't find a shortcut or and executable. how do i run it? [02:48] How do I dedicate more to it [02:48] Suddenly I get "no such device" in alasmixer for my soundcard, and mplayer and xmms don't work either! It's a neomagic 256zx, and I'm running gutsy. The drivers (snd_nm256) still show up in lsmod, and I don't see anything suspicious in dmesg. [02:48] no it cant be virtual memory [02:48] I think its capabale of 1 gig [02:48] pipcoke: that's crap, I've run 1600x1200 with 32mb on voodoo3 [02:49] o.o [02:49] Then let me ask again [02:49] Can someone help me get my wireless, and get my resolution past 800x600? [02:49] really on what type of screen? [02:49] TrustNoOne, its all about Profit. :) they chargeed my friend $50 to remove all the 'crapware' off his new Vista Laptop.... so for 4 min of work running some cleanup app.. they made $50 - and they still missed it all.. and if he restores the machine..its all back [02:49] necodemus: where did that line come from? did you copy it from somewhere in the internet? it's a command -- that file shouldn't have commands [02:49] andatche: what kind of video card do you use? if you're not sure lspci | grep -i vga will tell you (in a terminal) [02:49] andy: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [02:50] necodemus: if you put a # at the beginning of the line, it will be ignored [02:50] he uses an onboard video card intel to the extreme [02:50] andy: heh. tab completion, see my question above [02:50] I installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy. I installed it with the alternate ISO and when the installation completed and the computer restarts I see a menu with the Operating Systems, there is Ubuntu... generic and Windows XP because I have two OS installed on my laptop but this error occurs: Checking root file system... fsck /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY RUN fsck MANUALLY and when I run it manually, this appears... Group 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with s [02:50] i need to run XMACRO, but i can't find a shortcut or an executable. how do i run it? [02:50] i was following the instructions on http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#How_to_install_Google_Earth_.28World_map_utility.29 ---it didnt owrk :) [02:50] OK i changed the share to //CAP/FileShare and I got this error after sudo mount -a "mount error: could not find target server. TCP name CAP/FileShare not found [02:50] No ip address specified and hostname not found [02:51] nick let me private chat you [02:51] prince -- ok [02:51] necodemus: ok let me check it out [02:51] its crowded [02:51] andy if you have ubuntu try right clicking the network icon [02:51] necodemus: delete the line [02:51] prince 10-4 [02:51] I installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy, I installed it with the alternate ISO and when the installation completed and the computer restarts I see a menu with the Operating Systems, there is Ubuntu... generic and Windows XP because I have two OS installed on my laptop but this error occurs: Checking root file system... fsck /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY RUN fsck MANUALLY and when I run it manually, this appears... Group 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with s [02:51] clubs: install the package xmacro (if you're looking for something that plays keystrokes in X) [02:51] Asturias [02:52] andy: I prefer to stay on mainline, so someone can catch me if I give bad advice [02:52] prince -- deleted and saved...let try it again... [02:52] necodemus: something went wrong when you cut and pasted that stuff [02:52] Yes [02:52] G [02:52] deep you do have the ip# of CAP in the /etc/hosts file? if not use its ip# instead of its name. Or edit the hosts file. [02:52] ah [02:52] ok [02:52] well [02:52] prince -- i figured. [02:52] !mirror [02:52] Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low! [02:52] !nvidia [02:52] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:52] i read your scroll drool so many times i forget what it said [02:52] andy: you running pidgin? [02:52] prince -- I downloaded the bin file from Google but it crashed the system when I load it up...I guess Im giving up on googleearth [02:52] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, ok - i do not appear to be able to get around that either.. its been a while since i have installed this so i did not think this error would occur [02:53] necodemus: what's the line after that? [02:53] whats that [02:53] Here it is... I installed Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy, I installed it with the alternate ISO and when the installation completed and the computer restarts I see a menu with the Operating Systems, there is Ubuntu... generic and Windows XP because I have two OS installed on my laptop but this error occurs: Checking root file system... fsck /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY RUN fsck MANUALLY and when I run it manually, this appears... Group 0's inode table at 4 co [02:53] MemTotal: 4149100 kB , this is what I got from cat /proc/meminfo, do I just divide 4149100 by 1024 to get how much ram do I have ? [02:53] necodemus: just to check if some other stuff made it's way in there [02:53] i have an idea reinstall [02:53] ASTURIAS: you need to shorten that question down, and not repeat so often [02:53] nick whats that? [02:53] *its :) [02:53] necodemus, google earth was in oneof the alternative ubuntu repos. i recall. [02:53] sup [02:53] Dr willis i can get the ip BUT i use dhcp for that sort of thing and I dont want to have to reconfigure the mount every time, where and on which box do i need to edit the host file. [02:53] prince...same error...hang on. [02:53] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, whats the make / model of the laptop [02:53] necodemus, i just dont rember where. :) [02:53] I have have a folder on my main partition (ntfs) for torrents and when I copy them to my music partition (fat32) I seem to lose ownership of them and my media player doesn't pick them up when it scans. It didn't used to do that, any thoughts? [02:54] * solid_liq wavess at Dr_willis [02:54] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, i will try to find the bios setup [02:54] did you know it only takes me 6 mins to install ubuntu [02:54] * Dr_willis pokes solid_liq [02:54] andy: the instant messenger. If you install xchat (not xchat-gnome) any post with your name in it will show up red, that makes it easy to follow a convo [02:54] it is a Dell Latitude model PPS [02:54] Someone have an answer for this question? - When I turn on the computer and Ubuntu is loading the File System check fails... [02:54] necodemus: same error after doing what? [02:54] PPL* sorruy [02:54] prince -- sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update [02:54] sudo aptitude install googleearth [02:54] <|Prometheus|> np :) [02:55] ASTURIAS: and give the complete error, not one that's cut off short :) [02:55] the file system check fails and ubuntu still boots? [02:55] prince_jammys delete those also? [02:55] necodemus: say bye to that line too, and paste the next one [02:55] nick: im on vista right now [02:55] Prometheus, do you happen to have aim or msn? [02:55] necodemus: yes, those commands where supposed to be executed, not printed to that file [02:55] andy: ah. So, look at the hardware stuff, tell me exactly what video card you have [02:55] this question has probly been asked 100000s of times but, where is the compiz settings manager? I know it's running but I can't change the settings. [02:56] necodemus: that file only contains urls [02:56] he has an on board intel to the extreme [02:56] Dr willis i can get the ip BUT i use dhcp for that sort of thing and I dont want to have to reconfigure the mount every time, where and on which box do i need to edit the host file. [02:56] Hmmm, here are some amusing screenshots: the first is before I activated the restricted drivers, and the next is after xD http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v366/BlueSprite/Linux%20SSes/before.png - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v366/BlueSprite/Linux%20SSes/After.png [02:56] prince -- delete both lines? paste what? [02:56] TheLorax: install compizconfig-settings-manager , it will be in prefs as advanced desktop settings [02:56] nick: my display adapter is the mcp67m [02:56] necodemus: delete the wget line and the sudo blah blah line and paste whatever comes after that, if anything [02:56] nickrud, thaks [02:56] has anyone tried to setup a microphone on an AudigyZS? [02:56] no dont install compiz what ever you do [02:56] prince -- ok...nothing comes after that [02:56] The error is: /dev/hda2: Resize inode not valid /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY but I run it and a Grouop 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with some fs block occurs [02:57] necodemus: ok good now save it [02:57] What's wrong with compiz? >.< [02:57] andy, boot with a live disc, and run fsck -Cr on it from there [02:57] what'll that do? [02:57] I need to run XMACRO, but i can't find a shortcut or and executable. how do i run it? [02:57] nothing something is wrong with his computer [02:57] ah [02:57] solid: i also am dualbooting ubuntu, should i just go into ubuntu then? [02:57] necodemus: you know how to pastebin here? [02:57] andy, that'll fix your filesystem corruption [02:57] Elda, any time you try to run anything 3d it buggers up :D [02:57] prince -- its up and running [02:58] necodemus: what is? [02:58] hello folks [02:58] solid: i have filesystem corruption? [02:58] I need to run XMACRO, but i can't find a shortcut or and executable. I HAVE IT. how do i run it? [02:58] prince -- just wish I could get googleearth to work, im tired of winblows and want to get away from it [02:58] has anyone tried to setup a microphone on an AudigyZS? [02:58] andatche: yes, boot into linux [02:58] andy, no, you need to use a livecd to fsck the root partition of the ubuntu install... the install disc you used for ubuntu will probably work as a livecd for that [02:58] Can someone help me mount a harddrive? [02:58] <_icesword_> if i download alternate cd,could i install the parts what i only to install [02:58] only $400 to get my compiz running [02:58] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, ok - we will just have to use trial and error to get your bios setup [02:58] prince -- synaptic manager, whats a pastebin? [02:58] okay cool [02:58] <|Prometheus|> restart and enter into your bios again [02:59] <|Prometheus|> f2 or delete [02:59] F2 right? [02:59] k [02:59] <|Prometheus|> yep [02:59] andy: Ok, I've found something that describes what you need to do [02:59] ok great [02:59] andy, oh crap, wrong person heh [02:59] LOL [02:59] anyone know where configuration.php might be? it's unwriteable and an install is failing [02:59] ok im there [02:59] !paste | necodemus:: sorry, paste the contents of the file you were editing here so i can check it and make sure [02:59] necodemus:: sorry, paste the contents of the file you were editing here so i can check it and make sure: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [02:59] my sisters win 98 is TAB-Delete to get in the bios [02:59] any idea how to get my external usb HDD to mount? it says it had an unclean shutdown and so i do sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force to force mount it but it tries to then says FUSE mount point creation failed [02:59] Someone mind helping me mount a hard disk [02:59] ASTURIAS, boot into your system with a livecd and run fsck -Cr on the root partition [03:00] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, right goto the boot priorities page - or boot sequance. something along those lines [03:00] My CD does not work and I'm using an USB Flash Drive [03:00] a usb flash drive!!!!!!!!!! [03:00] ok [03:00] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, if you dont see one tell me what you have. start ay page 1 [03:00] then what [03:00] nick: can you send me a link? if you found something lol [03:00] <|Prometheus|> ok cool [03:00] andy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=562767 describes it. In a terminal, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg . Hit enter for everything, but select the video [03:00] <|Prometheus|> right whats the curtrent order? [03:00] halo [03:00] ? [03:00] Diskette Drive, Internal HDD, None [03:01] hello [03:01] prince...ahhhh...hang on [03:01] <|Prometheus|> *current [03:01] can you get to the os choices on boot? [03:01] Yes [03:01] <|Prometheus|> and your cdrom drive is connected now? [03:01] my wireless internet connection will only work for about 2 minutes after each startup on ubuntu 7.10, any ideas? [03:01] Well to the installation again [03:01] andy: That should get you to a 1024x768 screen. At that point, you can take another step. [03:01] yep [03:01] type lower case e [03:01] I tried to edit my fstab with the ip address and floder of the shared drive and now im getting "mount error: can not change directory into mount target /usr/ebooksCAP"\ [03:01] ok [03:01] in windows when i put ubuntu in it came up [03:01] nick gona go try that [03:01] so yes it is working [03:01] <|Prometheus|> what happens when you press > on disk drive? [03:02] nothing [03:02] Modular Bay says CD_ROM if that does any good [03:02] no intiende espanol por favor [03:02] <|Prometheus|> yes. but you should be able to select that as a boot option unless the bios doesnt support booting from modular device [03:02] how do I use gimp to rotate a picture less than 90 degree ? [03:02] <|Prometheus|> and thats gonna be the problem [03:03] I need to run XMACRO, but i can't find a shortcut or and executable. I HAVE IT. how do i run it? [03:03] needhelp: how did the other problem go? [03:03] it wont let me select anything else [03:03] BIOS version says A10 [03:03] <|Prometheus|> walk e through everything you see on the page [03:03] prince_jammys: gave up for a while :-\ [03:03] needhelp: argh sorry === server_ is now known as shaary [03:03] just popped into say - ubuntu seems pretty cool. so there you go. :) [03:03] Can anyone help see question above [03:04] Do I have to run a fsck -Cr or fsck -cr when the installation loads? [03:04] any idea how to get my external usb HDD to mount? it says it had an unclean shutdown and so i do sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk -o force to force mount it but it tries to then says FUSE mount point creation failed [03:04] hey how do I check if the pci VIA 6421 sata/esata controller is working in ubuntu 7.10, the online company was not nice enough to send cords when I bought a controller and a esata external hdd, maybe they thought it would work w/o them [03:04] Diskette Drive A: Not Installed Diskette Drive B: Not Installed. BIOS Version A10 [03:04] halow!!!!!!!!!! [03:04] ubotu, come on i love,give me something about alternate cd [03:04] how about just fsck of format c [03:04] prince -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57026/ [03:04] is this where I can ask questions about hardy? [03:04] my wireless internet connection will only work for about 2 minutes after each startup on ubuntu 7.10, any ideas? [03:04] clubs: dpkg -L xmacro will list all the files in the package, one of them should be it [03:04] syke: #ubuntu+1 [03:04] <|Prometheus|> ok [03:04] of format c? [03:05] there was no package contents listed on the website as well [03:05] scunizi: thanks! [03:05] lspci? [03:05] is there a way I can change the sensitivity of the volume control on my keyboard? I want it to move less per tick [03:05] WhoaItsPhil: first choice: boot into windows and use windows tools to fix windows formats. second choice, install nftstools and use ntfsfix [03:05] prince -- you get that? [03:05] needhelp: sudo apt-get install grokking-the-gimp and view the manual in /usr/share/doc/grokking-the-gimp/html/index.html [03:05] necodemus: yeah hold on [03:05] necodemus: use my full nickname in your messages here so they're highlighted on my end (type the first few characters and the tab key to autocomplete) [03:05] an,i remember [03:05] I need help with PDF Reader [03:05] prince - k [03:05] 02:02.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller (rev 50) [03:05] !alternatecd [03:05] The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [03:06] it says Dell Latitude CP 166ST Setup [03:06] prince_jammys: I knew there was a trick :) [03:06] thanks nick [03:06] Incorrect version of Adobe Reader was found in PATH. Please make sure Adobe Reader >= 8.1.2 exists in PATH. If the problem persists, please reinstall the application [03:06] So that should fix the problem when booting? [03:06] Anybody watching the google android phone give away on live.pirillo.com [03:06] <|Prometheus|> 1###right - give e two minutes.. i'll take a look for the 166st support [03:06] necodemus: the file looks fine [03:07] prince_jammys: thanks [03:07] nickrud, can i install from alternatecd part by part,i mean only install the parts i want [03:07] necodemus: now follow the instructions again but paste only one line at a time in the terminal [03:07] icesword: no, but there's a net install you can do that with. A sec [03:07] necodemus: don't retype, paste [03:07] prince_jammys: invalid url [03:07] can someone help me with burning my ubuntu iso onto a disk ? [03:07] nickrud, netinstall is not a good choice [03:07] Magic ISO [03:07] Power ISO [03:07] !minimall [03:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about minimall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:08] icesword: the 10mb disk? [03:08] necodemus: when do you get that error? [03:08] !minimal [03:08] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [03:08] yeah:( [03:08] icesword: you've used it? I used the equiv in debian by choice [03:08] can someone help me with burning my ubuntu iso onto a disk? [03:08] type [03:08] prince_jammys: i did cut and paste...one line at a time... [03:08] type [03:09] nickrud, i only want the parts i need to use [03:09] I tried to edit my fstab with the ip address and folder of the shared drive and now im getting "mount error: can not change directory into mount target /usr/ebooksCAP" the line I entered in ect/fstab is "// /usr/ebooksCAP cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0" How do i mount this network share? [03:09] chud [03:09] prince_jammys: the error popped up when I tried to load synaptic package manager or add/remove [03:09] hola [03:09] prince_jammys: its fixed now [03:09] nickrud, i installed ntfsprogs but how do i go about using ntfsfix to fix my external hdd/ [03:09] untermensch: Use any software that can record ISO's like, PowerISO or MagicISO [03:09] alguien sabe si los repositorios de http://ubuntu.nooms.de/ estan para gutsy? [03:09] or NEro [03:09] o ok [03:09] well [03:09] that's the thing [03:09] i asked my teacher to help me [03:09] 02:02.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller (rev 50) [03:09] Subsystem: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller [03:09] Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 21 [03:09] I/O ports at 9000 [size=16] [03:09] I/O ports at 9400 [size=16] [03:09] I/O ports at 9800 [size=16] [03:09] and he used nero [03:09] I/O ports at 9c00 [size=16] [03:09] icesword: you've used it before? [03:09] I/O ports at a000 [size=32] [03:09] and same thing happened with him... [03:09] damn, is me error [03:09] I/O ports at a400 [size=256] [03:09] [virtual] Expansion ROM at 50000000 [disabled] [size=64K] [03:09] Capabilities: [03:09] cd came out blank... [03:09] sorry [03:10] did he just give a german repository in spanish? [03:10] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, doe pressing enter on the boot optio thats disabled not let you select cdrom? [03:10] Did you try using PowerISO? [03:10] no [03:10] yea,. it wont let me do anyting when i hit enter [03:10] just nero [03:10] and w\e came with my compy [03:10] is poweriso free ? [03:10] Try it, and see if the ISO is not corrupted [03:10] if I backup my home directory, and install ubuntu 64, and then unzip my home directory on the new ubuntu's home dir, what can I expect to happen? [03:10] the repo for ubuntu of http://ubuntu.nooms.de/ are available for gutsy gibbon? [03:10] correct me if I am wrong, but am I able install software as normal user? and not necessarily as root in Ubuntu? [03:10] i got it from the ubuntu web site [03:10] yes linux trojan [03:11] WhoaItsPhil: sudo ntfsfix /dev/ , but read man ntfsfix first [03:11] No [03:11] winows update rulz [03:11] prince_jammys: thanks for all the help, time to put the kids to bed. [03:11] pipcoke: isnt that a little dangerous? security issues? [03:11] doctor_thunder: you will have the same personal desktop you had to begin with [03:11] so being that it listed in lspci does that mean the generic kernel is recognizing it? [03:11] <|Prometheus|> I'm afraid that i do not think there is a way to boot from your modular bay... it should default to it by standard... i do not know why it is not doing. And you dont have the modular floppy drive to use? [03:11] necodemus: ok... you should be able to install google earth now [03:11] not really unless you want my ip? [03:11] cjae: yes [03:11] nickrud: Do I need to keep the same username? [03:11] it doesnt let me change the modular bay [03:11] I can get your ip in this room I think [03:12] or I can get it if you go to my webserver [03:12] ok linux user [03:12] nickrud, no,i haven't used miniiso before,the basic system,no [03:12] linux_trojan: no, you don't install software with the permissions of the normal user; you use sudo to escalate your permission temporarily [03:12] This is free: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm [03:12] or my ftp server [03:12] etc [03:12] whats your webserver? [03:12] linux_trojan: no, only admin users can install software [03:12] so i cant install linux? [03:12] I have have a folder on my main partition (ntfs) for torrents and when I copy them to my music partition (fat32) I seem to lose ownership of them and my media player doesn't pick them up when it scans. It didn't used to do that, any thoughts? [03:13] linux_trojan: a regular old user cannot sudo [03:13] * wease| shakes his head [03:13] TooShort4, what is your problem [03:13] prince_jammys: I am installing software by using my regular user password [03:13] i sudo all the time [03:13] my ubuntu crashed and now it cant seem to detect my graphics card any ideas [03:13] doctor_thunder: the user id (1000 by default for the first) is what is stored, not the name. If you user id is 1000 ( grep /etc/passwd will tell you) whatever username you chose will be the new one [03:13] linux_trojan: you are an admin user :) [03:13] my laptop wont let me boot from a disc so i cant install ubuntu [03:13] new graphics card? [03:13] nickrud, so why does it say [virtual] Expansion ROM at 50000000 [disabled] [size=64K] [03:13] ... Capabilities: [03:13] in a terminal my user has a $ not a # [03:13] cool [03:13] linux_trojan, do you make trojan for linux? [03:13] <|Prometheus|> icesword, he cannot set his bios to boot from cdrom and he doesn't have a floppy drive [03:13] linux_trojan: you can set up normal user accounts, and they wont be able to sudo [03:13] Anyone using a bluetooth headset to listen to audio/video etc? [03:13] cjae: sudo lspci will show you that data [03:14] I tried to edit my fstab with the ip address and folder of the shared drive and now im getting "mount error: can not change directory into mount target /usr/ebooksCAP" the line I entered in ect/fstab is "// /usr/ebooksCAP cifs guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode 0 0" How do i mount this network share? [03:14] linux_trojan: that's not the same thing as the question you posed - no software exercising the authority of your user account could install software - the whole point of sudo is that you escalate your permissions to those of root, the admin user [03:14] |Prometheus|, what about hd install [03:14] !hd install [03:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about hd install - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:14] i get the following from fglrxinfo http://pastebin.com/m642f3ef7 [03:14] icesword: so, why would the minimal not be right? [03:14] my headphone cabe is 6 feet long and does reach my bedc [03:14] I am confused, honestly [03:14] Hey nickrud:: [03:14] <|Prometheus|> icesword, from within vmware? - thats the only way i think he can boot fro the cdrom [03:14] <|Prometheus|> *from [03:14] Can this command "fsck -Cr " fix this problem when booting Ubuntu: /dev/hda2: Resize inode not valid /dev/hda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY but I run it and a Group 0's inode table at 4 conflicts with some fs block occurs [03:14] nickrd: will it save my bookmarks too? [03:15] [virtual] Expansion ROM at 50000000 [disabled] [size=64K] [03:15] Capabilities: [e0] Power Management version 2 [03:15] thanks nickrud [03:15] nickrud, if i can install what i want,then it is good,but takes time [03:15] icesword: unless it does the complete install (in which case I see your point). Do the server install to get the minimum [03:15] il try anything [03:15] I type in my user password at synaptic prompt [03:15] Chapulin: hey [03:15] hey this is what i use in my cifs //brent-pc/C$ /var/www/internal/brent-pc cifs exec,credentials=/etc/cifspw 0 0 [03:15] i mean what i put in my fstab [03:15] linux_trojan: an administrative user can use his password to temporarily act as root. your user is an admin user, so you can make those changes... you can create other user accounts (non admin) and they wont be able to install anything, nor make any system changes [03:16] charlie chaplin was a friend of mine why did you do it johnny depp [03:16] my normal user account doesnt have # though in terminal [03:16] how can it be a admin account? [03:16] is there a way i can boot it from a folder? [03:16] !rootsudo | linux_trojan [03:16] linux_trojan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [03:17] stfu dil hole [03:17] make a file with 2 lines one with username= and the other with password= [03:17] !stfu | pipcoke [03:17] pipcoke: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [03:17] call it cifspw an put it in your etc/ [03:17] how about the word Period? [03:17] if no one has any ideas who might i ask [03:17] linux_trojan: it's admin in that it can excercise temporary root priviliges (without actually being the user "root") [03:18] * nickrud feels superseeded ;) [03:18] prince_jammys: I think I see, you mean ubuntu comes that way out of the box? [03:18] linux_trojan: if you were the user "root" you would have the # and never have to type a password, except on login [03:18] linux_trojan: yes [03:18] ubuntu is built to prevent anybody being a root all the time [03:18] ok I see [03:18] thats pretty neat [03:18] linux is reminding be of the days of win ME [03:18] linux_trojan: so that people think twice before destroying their box [03:19] is there any way i can install linux without booting from a cd? [03:19] linux_trojan: among other things [03:19] <|Prometheus|> TooShort4, I think its possible.. but soeone with more experience using vware virtual machines might be able to help you. I know you can create a physical link to your actual hdd in it, and it will overwrite data - i think if you resized your partiton, and installed ubuntu under vware onto the free space on your actual disc then it might be possible... i don't know about grub installing to the mbr under windows though - [03:19] <|Prometheus|> or through a virtual machine... its something i would have to try myself, before advising you to do. so if nobody here can hlp you with that procedure, i will try it tomorrow and tell you tomorrow night [03:19] root + linux + novice = disaster [03:19] <|Prometheus|> sorry fror the flood [03:19] windows tried to foolow suit with vista but they went a bit beyond the means to the point of irritation [03:20] linux_trojan: you can't even run a program that attempts to install something without being prompted for a pass.... if you were root, you could download some trojan and have copy files into your system, no questions asked [03:20] lol I been using rpm based distros for a long time, I even have installed knoppix on my hd but this is kinda different === regeya_ is now known as regeya [03:20] how do i change my screen resolution to the one i want when it doesnt show up on the list [03:20] ahorner, change drivers [03:20] or build one [03:20] errr... [03:20] how [03:20] im assuming no one has any ideas on how to fix fglrx [03:20] linux_trojan: makes sense? [03:21] oh yes [03:21] acee1234: what fglrx problem do you have? [03:21] http://pastebin.com/m642f3ef7 [03:21] btw, im running ubuntu in a virtual machine if it makes a difference [03:21] I feel a little nervous that ubuntu does install a firewall at first [03:21] acee1234: do you have xserver-xgl installed ? [03:21] harddisk install is possible [03:21] ahorner, if its on a VM then change the settings on the main machine [03:21] How do I install acrobat reader in Linux? [03:21] just use grub for dos [03:21] I need some help [03:21] nickrud: ill check synap [03:21] no... === IceGuest_7 is now known as KillerPacMan [03:22] i have to change it from inside ubuntu [03:22] |Prometheus|, did you ever help out samus with his bcm card? [03:22] NETWizz: the package manager has tones of acrobat readers [03:22] icesword could you help me install linux without a cd? [03:22] hi [03:22] the more i use VISTA the more i like UBUNTU.. ugggg !$#!$# [03:22] Hypothetically speaking, how would one install the entire Ubuntu repository on a system? Selecting every package in the package manager locks it up and sudo apt-get install * does not do it either. [03:22] <|Prometheus|> icesword, he cannot write to the mbr in windows though, and does not have a floppy drive to boot to dos [03:22] from like 800x600 to 1440x900 on my ati radeon x1550 pro [03:22] ahorner, yer runnin it VM but you HAVE to change it in ubuntu? [03:22] dl grub for dos [03:22] floppy drives ftl [03:22] the VM makes the changes [03:22] nickrud: no [03:22] justinmiller87: in reality, you can't install every package in the repos, some conflict with each other [03:22] check it yourself [03:22] im running it in ms virtual pc 2007 [03:23] ubuntu has no real control over the VM [03:23] i have something to d o nw,wait a min [03:23] acee1234: ok, pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log [03:23] vmware is great for pr0n [03:23] what ? how? [03:23] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, no, he left i think and i havent seen him since which means he got it working or he has given up.. [03:23] the window resizes to what ubuntu is set at [03:23] I am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and as it starts to install it says "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" failed to load and then it just sits there [03:23] if your OS gets hacked just delete the vm and start over [03:23] nickrud: gxl>fglrx? [03:23] hijoo ubuntus [03:23] |Prometheus|, alright...felt bad I had to take off for a few [03:23] ahorner, no, before you VM into ubuntu check the settings [03:23] prince_jammys: mike@mike-desktop-linux:~$ chmod +x ~/Desktop/GoogleEarthLinux.bin [03:23] mike@mike-desktop-linux:~$ sudo ./~/Desktop/GoogleEarthLinux.bin [03:23] [sudo] password for mike: [03:23] sudo: ./~/Desktop/GoogleEarthLinux.bin: command not found [03:23] fine... gimmie a min [03:23] i dont quite understand. if i download that, and have the image on my harddrive, will it let me install it like that [03:24] can somebody please help me? [03:24] prince_jammys: what am I doing wrong? [03:24] acee1234: xserver-xgl is used with fgrlx to allow compiz to run; but it causes errors with fgrlxinfo when it's installed [03:24] nickrud thx for the info. I was just curious how much space it would take up if it were all downloaded and uncompressed. [03:24] I have found that only vmware player can in stall in ubuntu, I couldnt install vmware workstation, dont know why [03:24] <|Prometheus|> sdsheeks, Its ok buddy.. i have a feeling he got it working... [03:24] hahah yeah i see [03:24] i am willing to pm for help [03:24] NETWizz: now that was dumb [03:24] i have a problem with bluetooth conection, i need to use pin helper to acept automatic pin without input, but it not works [03:24] I am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and as it starts to install it says "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" failed to load and then it just sits there [03:24] anyone actually installed vmware workstation with a licence? [03:24] necodemus: a . references the current directory - so you're saying look for .// [03:25] I am using workstation 5.5 maybe thats why? [03:25] nickrud: http://pastebin.com/m2e4daf95 [03:25] what is a licence [03:25] whats up all [03:25] ^^ [03:25] *license [03:25] Im trying to mount a windows network share when i do a sudo mount -a nothing happens? [03:25] lisense? [03:25] how come my driver won;t change from vesa [03:25] I dont know [03:25] linux + license? what? [03:25] acee1234: well, you're not using the fgrlx driver, you're using vesa [03:26] I have a quick question [03:26] deep, have samba installed? [03:26] no, vmware workstation with a license [03:26] nickrud: i am now that only happened after it crashed [03:26] linux dont need no friggin license [03:26] NETWizz: before youf looded off-topic, i told you the answer.. its in the medibuntu repository [03:26] heh, linux does have a license [03:26] sure you do..gpl [03:26] a license to drive it freely [03:26] geebus [03:26] no i never have [03:26] :) [03:26] how's everybody doin [03:26] wonderful [03:26] acee1234: hm. Did you use envy to install the driver? or did you use the restricted manager? [03:26] but the license is virtually non existent [03:26] smbmount //windowsbox/windowsfolder /home/user/mnt/myr0n [03:27] deep, if you have a windows share on another machine and you want to mount it you can use the following [03:27] sdsheeks i have it installed and have edited my fstab file so that it points to the ip/sharedFolder on the network and the directory [03:27] nickrud: both at one point or another [03:27] no - the license is very important [03:27] deep, sudo mount //ipaddress/sharename /mntpoint [03:27] prince, no it isnt [03:27] smbmount //windowsbox/windowsfolder /home/user/mnt/mypr0n [03:27] where the hell i gparted in the menu? [03:27] deep, try mounting it manually first and see if it works [03:27] if i use grub for dos will i still have windows? [03:27] or can i get rid of it [03:27] acee1234: ah. You have what's called an 'undefined' system then. I've never used envy, so I don't know how to back out of it. [03:27] Yeaaaaa...its uncompressing...lets see if it crashes my system once it installs. [03:27] TooShort4, perhaps a vmware image would be best for you so you can get use to linux [03:27] torvalds even says it isnt important to follow the license [03:28] its just a statement [03:28] nickrud: joy [03:28] acee1234: true. If this is a recent install, I'd start over. [03:28] nickrud: reinstall linux for the 5th time this month? [03:28] so has anyone actually installed a firewall software for ubuntu? [03:28] wease|: well i don't know if you are referring to "linux" as only the kernel or as all the GPL software you have in your OS [03:28] does the ubuntu repo server throttle your bandwidth if you download too much? [03:28] what is a good easy gui configureable one? [03:29] how do i change from a vesa driver [03:29] acee1234: yes, but this time use only ubuntu sources. I've run the same install since I started. [03:29] linux_trojan have you tried firestarter> [03:29] demonspork: It shouldn't, no. [03:29] linux_trojan, i use a seperate server and route my traffic through that [03:29] acee1234: that sounds like me an win, every 30 days fresh install so it will keep running :) [03:29] wease|: but the license is key to open source [03:29] ahorner: restricted drivers manager [03:29] acee1234: what kind of video card do you have? [03:29] i am trying to install ubuntu on a laptop [03:29] says i dont need any [03:29] firestarter? [03:29] demonspork: of course, the mirrors are free to do whatever, they may even be being throttled [03:29] no, I will give it a try [03:29] and keep getitng an error [03:29] ahorner: What graphics card? [03:29] hi guys!! i'm trying to use winFF and i get an error can anybody help??? [03:29] I can't use vlc-mozilla-plugin [03:29] echo -n "\033]0; Converting 3.mpg (1/1)\007" [03:29] /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "/home/al/Documents/back up/video/3.mpg" -r 29.97 -vcodec h264 -s 640x480 -aspect 4:3 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0 -b 1250k -maxrate 1500k -bufsize 4M -bt 256k -refs 1 -bf 3 -coder 1 -me umh -me_range 16 -subq 7 -partitions +parti4x4+parti8x8+partp8x8+partb8x8 -g 250 -keyint_min 25 -level 30 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qcomp 0.6 -trellis 2 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -acodec aac -ab 112k -ar 48000 [03:29] -ac 2 -s 480x272 -aspect 4:3 "/home/al/Documents/3.mp4" [03:29] rm "/home/al/.winff/ff080222192822.sh" [03:29] ati radeon x1550 pro on ms virtual machine 2007 [03:29] I have a router but still, I want a local firewall [03:29] sdsheeks i dont know how to mount it manualy and I tried sudo mount //ipaddress/sharename /mntpoint [03:29] linux_trojan : its basically a control panel for Ubuntu;s IP tables [03:29] !pastebin [03:29] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:29] Flannel, I have been mirroring the ubuntu gutsy repo to an external hdd, and I have gotten about half way through and the download rate seems to have cut from 350 to 10kbps [03:29] prince_jammys, i run open source and i disagree completely. the "license" is just a small agreement that you will do well to to the software and community in promoting changes and sharing said changes [03:30] deep, what did that command do for you? [03:30] I uninstalled other video plugins, but it doesn't work [03:30] any idea? [03:30] ahorner: I don't think virtual machines accept accellerated drivers [03:30] god am I hungry, I mean hungry [03:30] I am out, thanks [03:30] hey guys, im loading a USB stick into my laptop, but it says i can delet anything , whats goin on ? [03:30] i think they might :-/ [03:30] wease|: and not being able to change the software without it becoming open source [03:30] prince_jammys, the license is key to closed source more than it is anything in the open source movement [03:30] wease|: it's a bit more than that, it's a legal document defining how you are allowed to use the software [03:30] !firewall [03:30] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [03:30] nickrud: i just uninstalled the sti driver through envy [03:30] ToddEDM>>check if it's no blocked in writting [03:31] acee1234: as far as fglrx is concerned I would direct any opprobrium strictly towards ATI [03:31] acee1234: it's very buggy [03:31] deep, ? [03:31] gpl is very important [03:31] it asked me for a pw i enterd my root pw and nothing happend its still sitting idle, my console does not have a prompt [03:31] nickrud: going to attempt to reinstall [03:31] every one, I have an announcement to make...if I crash off here its because I am killing my computer for crashing :) [03:31] deep, when it asks for a pwd just hit enter [03:31] acee1234: ok. I'll be around most of the evening [03:31] thiblahute: i dont understand [03:31] ahorner: I am not aware of any functionality like that. Maybe someone else is [03:31] k gotta log [03:31] nickrud, no. its called GPL. open for everybody and malleable at will [03:31] wease|: you must never have read it [03:31] deep, also note that whatever you set for the mountpoint must already exist [03:31] nickrud: i would gladly burn my ati card to ash had i to replace it in my laptopa way [03:32] is it important to have firewall sets up in a regular desktop env ? [03:32] if you dont think GPL is important...take a look at the BSD liscence and all that [03:32] nickrud: mouse mixed that one [03:32] dunia, security is always important in my opinion [03:32] nickrud, i have and it isnt binding like a normal license with major software [03:32] acee1234: I have an ati 200m, I don't use the fglrx at all ;) Open source all the way [03:32] ToddEDM>>You don't have a button on the mp3 player to block it when you don't use it? Sometime you can't write on it because of that function [03:32] wease|: I think the writers of it would disagree [03:32] nickrud: xgl? [03:32] sdsheeks i just created a dir with mkdr is there a command to make a mountpoint? [03:32] acee1234: no, the ati driver. [03:33] wease|: read the leaked MS documents that show how GPL ruins what would be their attempts at using, rebranding and closed-sourcing opensource software [03:33] deep, nope what happens if you just hit enter when it prompts for the password [03:33] nickrud: what do you use [03:33] acee1234: open source ati driver, xserver-xorg-video-ati [03:33] nickrud : the ati drivers are open source, or at least partially [03:33] nickrud: ah [03:33] deep, then change to the mountpoint you indicated and do an ls [03:33] is there a fix for Firefox using up to 90% processor when idle? [03:33] thiblahute: its not an mp3 player, its a USB stick and i think its set as read only, how do i change it [03:33] deep, after you mount it it will just return you to the prompt [03:33] sdsheeks, i've been use ubuntu for about 5 months without firewall, what's the worse could happen ? [03:34] Look in the doc about fstab [03:34] dunia: you running any servers open to the world? If not, nothing. [03:34] dunia, identity theft would be the worst for me..i like my identity [03:34] dunia : Ubuntu, out of the box comes with iptables, and stock, doesnt listen on any ports [03:34] nickrud, you can't say that for sure.. [03:34] I'd like to run the Ubuntu 7.10 CD as a live CD (e.g. not install) on my brother's new computer. But it comes up with a yucky video mode ... I tried to change the resolution but the correct value was not in the list [03:34] How can I rebuild the CD so it includes 1440x900 in the video mode list? [03:34] You can mount it with th e writting permissions if it didn't automaticly [03:34] dunia : but to be safe you could install firestarter [03:34] my theory is if someone wants something bad enough they will get it [03:34] thiblahute: it worked last night , i transferred files to it [03:34] ANy idea about VLC_plugin? [03:35] sdsheeks: yes I can. Firewalls in linux protect ports, they are not virus protection [03:35] me to but since i been going in irc which is about 1 day my computer keeps crashing and i had up time of more than 60 days beofre that so i think some nasty people are in irc [03:35] nickrud: why is ubuntu so unstable [03:35] ToddEDM>>Try to unmount it and remount [03:35] nickrud, like httpd ? it's only run on localhost:80 and polipo on localhost:8123 ... [03:35] why is stability in Gutsy so much worse than previous Ubuntu versions? [03:35] nickrud, okay :) [03:35] acee1234: it's not [03:35] prince_jammys, that is my point...GPL allows for changes and includes SOURCE....other software does not include and is not inclined for including source. the GPL is open to anybody willing to participate in using it and making changes at will as they see fit. Ubuntu wouldnt be around without it. so you can argue it is very important but it really is a very miniscule event when you call it a license.....it is a free agency license that a [03:35] llows freedom to the OS, software, etc for ways to work it how you see fit [03:35] hey there, i want to create a 2gb partition for /home and move the current home to the new partition and make it default, how to do that? [03:35] I'n using the free wifi at the hotel I'm in and I need to do some online banking. Potentually "the guy next door" could see my banking data right? Would I be safer to ssh -X to my server back home and do my banking from there? [03:35] dunia: that means they are only listening to the local machine, so not open to the world [03:35] Z_o-s-o, i'll try to [03:35] Thanks [03:35] nickrud: just a bit frustrated i guess.. [03:36] nickrud, k thanks [03:36] My system have an error when booting Ubuntu, How can I edit /etc/fstab and put /home as read-only? [03:36] wease|: plus the key item: that all changes must also be open source [03:36] deep, get it? [03:36] EADG: your bank doesn't use HTTPS? [03:36] prince_jammys, exactly [03:36] dunia : its pretty light, its basically a config gui for iptables that ubuntu has by default [03:36] EADG, banking sites use 128bit encryption, no-one can read that information [03:36] thiblahute: , that is not working [03:36] lol doesnt use https [03:36] EADG, pull your curtains shut and turn off the lights [03:36] prince_jammys, anybody using open source keeps it as such. we're not talkin SCO [03:36] never say never Diplocat [03:37] acee1234: the thing about linux is it's so open to the user, the user can screw things up without realizing it :) [03:37] acee1234: the dark side of having total control [03:37] Z_o-s-o, well... I didn't say never... but no-one can read that info yet [03:37] nickrud, you can do the same in vista..it will just ask you if you are sure :) [03:37] hehe.. K, . I'm taking off my tin foil hat too. Yes, bank does use 128bit... [03:37] EADG, no leave it on! :) j/k i travel every other week and have been fine so far. [03:37] no sheeks [03:37] how can i make all the 7960s in my work ring ARE YOU THERE ?? all at the same time? any cisco people??/ [03:37] EADG: then the guy next door better have access to the NSA key cracking server farm [03:38] deep, using gnome? [03:38] its not that you CAN'T...it takes TIME [03:38] ? [03:38] thousands of years [03:38] nickrud: just seems like my ati graphics card kills ubuntu ....compiz doesnt work properly it freezes when i log out glitchy video etc [03:38] after a while this is what returned [03:38] with current technology [03:38] mount error 110 = Connection timed out [03:38] Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs) [03:38] Skapare: true dat. K, forget banking for a moment, what about watching my irc session? [03:38] deep, try to ping the ip of the windows machine [03:38] nickrud: and thats been the case from install [03:38] can i have .home woth fat32? [03:38] sdsheeks: I think we're talking about two different things, I'm talking about firewalls protecting vulnerable servers listening to the world [03:38] just did a fresh install of gutsy and after installing emerald nautilus crashes on boot [03:38] super E makes me smile [03:38] acee1234: the problem as I say is often fglrx itself - ati can't write drivers it seems [03:38] mmmm [03:38] ideas? [03:38] acee1234: that's ati, not linux, not ubuntu. [03:39] nickrud, we are and that's fine. He was talking in terms of a normal everyday user... [03:39] EADG: now that you could do SSH for ... I actually do that from home to my server via SSH so Comcast can't spy [03:39] How can I edit /etc/fstab and put /home as read-only since Ubuntu wont load an an UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY running fsck occurs [03:39] diplocat : google "how to crack 128 bit security in 60 seconds" [03:39] nickrud: true but it all has to work or none of it does [03:39] Z_o-s-o: doesn't that go to a spammer web site? [03:39] no [03:39] nickrud: ill reinstall... [03:39] I would, but I had to close Firefox to stop it using 90% processor when it was idle... now I have to reboot to use it again... I may as well use Winblows [03:39] i dont think so i was just at the link [03:39] acee1234: That's why I use open source. I know who to talk to, and they're responsive. Closed source usually isn't [03:40] sheeks pinging now it looks as if its hittig the win box "64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=128 time=0.373 ms [03:40] hello? [03:40] EADG: I take it you know how to do the SSH port forwarding === kathryn_ is now known as crunchyfroggie [03:40] Skapare: K, the more I think about this the more I feel I've sortta answered my own question, but thanks for the confirmation guys. [03:40] deep, are you using gnome? [03:40] CVD-PR, hi [03:40] Skapare: hmm, nope. [03:40] Can I find a Linux expert here? [03:40] anybody messin around with firefox 3.0bpre? [03:40] its pretty schweet [03:40] no we are all mac users [03:40] nickrud: agreed their i love the freedom i just cant seem to get my system up to par with the abilities of windows without something crashing [03:40] sdsheeks: lmao.. good one [03:40] Because my questions seems to be hard to answer... [03:40] j/k yes of course ;) [03:40] |Prometheus|, is him stiil there [03:40] Can i make /home in fat32 [03:41] how can i tell [03:41] still [03:41] mac? [03:41] yes it is a great improvement all the little things that shit me with ff2 are fixed in ff3 [03:41] EADG: ssh -L 6667::6667 -N username@hostname [03:41] * wease| vomits [03:41] deep, ummm well...did you install ubuntu or the kubuntu? [03:41] hi [03:41] Skapare: I'm ssh'd into my server now... [03:41] nickrud: restarting brb [03:41] im chatting using irssi [03:41] * sdsheeks hides [03:41] nickrud, how can i see who taught lately? [03:41] acee1234: we're heading way off topic here, so I'll say this and stop. Would you blame adobe or microsoft if photoshop didn't work? [03:41] Is there a way to use Global Hotkeys with songbird? [03:41] EADG: do it the way I showed so you get the port forwarding ... the -N will make NO SESSION ... do it in a separate window [03:41] if your sshd into your server type irssi [03:41] <|Prometheus|> icesword, no he has gone i know what you mean by grub4dos now as well i did not think you could write to the mbr of your main drive through windows with it but you can forgot about the boot.ini aswell - being able to insert grldr in there [03:41] ubuntu [03:42] deep, yes i would assume that...do you have a gui? [03:42] Skapare: lemme try that now... sec [03:42] icesword: I don't understand the question [03:42] EADG: then run IRC specifying as the IRC server [03:42] <|Prometheus|> icesword, i was about to walk him through it [03:42] Can someone answer a question? [03:42] also sdsheeks i just tried sudo mount // /usr/ebookCap and got "retrying with upper case share name [03:42] mount error 6 = No such device or address [03:42] Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs) [03:42] !language | cet [03:42] cet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [03:42] yes i have gui [03:42] yes. there. i answered [03:42] oh hai guise [03:42] how are you [03:43] deep, okay at the top left do you see "System"? [03:43] yes [03:43] nickrud, i mean i want to see who talk to lately,use what command or something,coz this chan is too busy [03:43] lul [03:43] just did a fresh install of gutsy and after installing emerald nautilus crashes on boot [03:43] deep, click it and do you see "about gnome"? [03:43] |Prometheus|, here you go [03:43] yes [03:43] i have to restart nautilus from terminal every time [03:43] icesword: ah. No, there's no help provider tracker. Would be nice, though [03:43] you should uninstall emerald [03:43] has anyone successfully installed apache2 and php5 and gotten them to work together? [03:43] deep, okay you are using gnome..just to the left of system is something called "places" click that and go to "network" [03:43] you can use compiz with metacity [03:43] ok [03:43] Ubuntu is having problems booting, an UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY occurs while running fsck and when I do it mannualy a Group 0 inode table at 4 conflicts occurs too [03:44] deep, anything show up there? [03:44] can anyone explain what would happen if I have 2 network cards (different ip addresses) on a system. Will they share the bandwidth? [03:44] chill: all i installed what the emerald theme manager [03:44] was* [03:44] and avant window navigator [03:44] oh [03:44] if you have two nics ? no [03:44] prohna: what graphic card do you have [03:44] ASTURIAS: sounds like you might have a bad disk. [03:44] two interfaces wont share the bandwith do you have two seperate connections? [03:44] asturias : how old is the disk? [03:44] chill: not a good one [03:45] Regardless that the Installation finished successfully? [03:45] nvidia or ati? [03:45] chill: im not even sure how to find out [03:45] Hello! How to monitor login attempts in SSH? [03:45] ASTURIAS: or a bad connector on an IDE cable ... there is a way an error can occur in IDE that causes writes to the wrong sector than intended and this goes undetected [03:45] Skapare: server asked for password, but it's just sitting there, hung. Slow connection I fear. [03:45] Hello, This is a automated from me Pc Gamer 2007, I have noticed that you are on my contact list and would like to present you with my brand new website! The website is a great site! cheack it out http://web-cave.net we offer image hosting http://image.web-cave.net and file hosting http://file.web-cave.net Thanks Have a superb day! [03:45] a bit of a technical question...i'm trying to compile a program that uses strlcpy(). it works fine on my mac and on my campus slackware machines, but on ubuntu i get an error: "undefined reference to 'strlcpy'". when i compile to object files first with a makefile, it throws a warning: "implicit declaration of function 'strlcpy'", and the subsequent compile fails with the same error as before. i'm reading that this may be a *BSD thing, which explains [03:45] I am trying to install something but I think it wants me to compile it... and I really have no idea what to do. Can someone give me a step-by-step in PM? [03:45] too check that look in var/log/ssh??? [03:45] nickrud, on that minimalcd image page,one part is called cell ,what is it for,cell phone [03:45] Z_o-s-o, that's cracking the password isn't it? as opposed to the encryption... so to do that to a banking site you'd need to try 50,000 user/pass combinations? [03:45] you can uninstall emerald, with sudo apt-get remove emerald [03:46] Someone had the same poblem,and he fixed it editing /etc/fstab and making /home read-only [03:46] EADG: no ... the -N made it "hang" ... that means NO SESSION ... go to another window now and do IRC to server [03:46] EADG: of course substitute the necessary parts in the example command I gave [03:46] Hello, This is a automated from me Pc Gamer 2007, I have noticed that you are on my contact list and would like to present you with my brand new website! The website is a great site! cheack it out http://web-cave.net we offer image hosting http://image.web-cave.net and file hosting http://file.web-cave.net Thanks Have a superb day! [03:46] you think its emerald doing it? [03:46] ASTURIAS: that's not a fix, that's a proof of problem. [03:46] could be [03:46] sigh [03:46] Hey, Is it possible to connect to ventrilo through xchat? [03:46] my nautilus crashes some times when i have compiz active [03:46] Skapare: off to anouther window. [03:46] Will someone help me compile a package? I really need a piece of software. [03:47] sdsheeks yes i can see all of my pcs, how ever the on i want i have to navigate to windows network>r-net(workgroup name)>CAP(name of the computer with the shared drive) when I click on that i get an err msg that says "Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: cap". [03:47] why? [03:47] !compiling | alex_ [03:47] alex_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [03:47] Hello! Is there a way to monitor login attempts via SSH in UBUNTU? [03:47] deep, i would go to that pc and make sure the share is setup properly and the firewall isn't blocking you [03:47] !packages [03:47] You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [03:47] irssi is better than x chat [03:47] or use adept, a pretty good package manager [03:47] I see your no stranger to ubotu eh alex? [03:47] :) [03:47] I've been messing with the shell prompt http://img131.imageshack.us/my.php?image=archlinuxscreenshotpk1.png [03:47] Hey, Is it possible to connect to ventrilo through xchat? [03:48] rhineheart_m, i suppose you could do tail -f /var/log/messages [03:48] What about running fsck -cr booting from the installation? [03:48] diplocat : honestly Ive never tried cracking a bank so im not 100% sure, and really I dont care to find out [03:48] ok will do [03:48] Skapare: repairing a mistake. [03:48] where is passkey agent in ubuntu?? [03:48] :D [03:48] sdsheeks: what would be the command? [03:48] lol [03:48] rhineheart_m, just gave it to you [03:48] rhineheart_m, tail -f /var/log/messages [03:48] chill: that sucks this theme is nice too [03:48] lol [03:48] bte sdsheeks how do i tell windows fierwall to let my unix box in [03:48] ubuntu has a passkey? [03:48] *btw [03:48] you could substitude nautilus also [03:49] do you mean gpg passkey seyacat? [03:49] hi,does ubuntu have software like mac time machine? [03:49] there is pcman, a very good and super fast file manager [03:49] too flooding,i am going to have a rest [03:49] deep, just make sure filesharing is on and go to the firewall in control panel and make sure it is selected there. [03:49] does nobody else experience Firefox chewing up all processing resources while it's idle? or is this just me? [03:49] ok to check that SSH AUTH logs look in auth.log [03:49] icesword: wait till april 25th :) [03:49] chill: would i need to remove nautilus or not even bother since it doesnt start anyways [03:49] DiploCat, i've heard of it, but have not experienced it sorry [03:49] DiploCat: it does not do that for me [03:49] sdsheeks: will it show the IP add and the password being used? [03:49] I am a mac user, trying to help my PC friend put ubuntu on an old PC laptop [03:49] What is the best why to connect to Ventrilo if you are using Ubuntu 10.4? [03:49] speeddemon8803, That compiling stuff is all greek to me ... [03:49] i downloaded ubuntu live cd... [03:49] What is the best why to connect to Ventrilo if you are using Ubuntu 10.4? [03:49] rhineheart_m, hrm....might try it give it the wrong pwd and see [03:49] which i tested on a newer PC... [03:49] dev1n: what are the specs of the machine? [03:49] IP yes not the password they are trying for obvious reasons [03:49] you can't remove nautilus without removing thousand packages more === j_ack_ is now known as j_ack [03:49] rhineheart_m, but i wouldn't think it would show the pwd [03:49] ubuntu 10.4? you on crack? [03:50] yes [03:50] what you can do is use pcman instead of nautilus [03:50] but took forever to load on the laptop, so we gave up [03:50] alex.... try this: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ the part you want is about 60% down the page [03:50] alex_: Me too ;) [03:50] it hang at 100% booting the kernel [03:50] sdsheeks: are you familiar with honeypot in redhat? [03:50] chill: thats what i thought, ill give that a shot, thanks. [03:50] hahaha [03:50] there is no ubuntu 10.4 [03:50] if there is an Ubuntu 10.4 then I want it now [03:50] speeddemon8803, Ha, well... at least I have company :P [03:50] there is a nice installation package in getdeb.net [03:50] rhineheart_m, i know what a honeypot is, but never worked with it [03:50] I know the websites like the back of my hand alex_...still doesnt help me out sometimes :P [03:50] passkey agent manages default pin in bluetooth, i see it launch at default but i dont know where a config it [03:50] Hey, Is it possible to connect to ventrilo through xchat? [03:50] with the latest pcman, get it from there [03:50] EADG__: is that you? [03:50] wease|: there is, it just hasn't been made yet :) [03:50] speaking of sshd logs probly about time i checked my own [03:50] Skapare: Aye [03:50] is there any way at all to use a pptp VPN while I have a static IP on my nic? [03:50] nickrud, hahaha does it have ponies?? [03:51] speeddemon8803, Yeah... I am trying to add music to an .avi video I made... I really am trying to find a video editing program! [03:51] sdsheeks: Is ubuntu doesn't have like it? [03:51] EADG__: you are on Shaw cable w/o reverse DNS [03:51] but wait [03:51] rhineheart_m, not sure buddy ask the channel. [03:51] anyone know if ubuntu has a software same as mac time machine? [03:51] wease|: of course. haven't you heard? ubuntu 10.4: promiscuous pony [03:51] where are the kernel source files contained after installing them? [03:51] you need to do a little hacking to substitute completly nautilus [03:51] !video | alex [03:51] alex: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications [03:51] demonspork, usually in /usr/src/ [03:51] jobias, LMAO that was awesome [03:51] Skapare: I think thats right. Gimme a sec to jump in from the hotel. [03:51] demonspork: /usr/src [03:51] wait a little [03:51] nickrud, to fast for you! [03:51] :0 [03:52] i missed out on the _ in your name but you know im talking to you :P [03:52] speeddemon8803, UBUNTU can play my avi file... but "kino," what I am using currently to edit video files, can't import avi files. [03:52] sdsheeks: you said usually, I was definite ;P [03:52] you guys handle the touch questions..i'll do the simple ones! :0 [03:52] Is there such thing as an application/script that works like a honeypot in redhat? [03:52] alex -- if you dont know how to compile a package.... video editing in Linux will be beyond your abilities... (not a putdown, just a fact) ... Linux video editing apps aren't .... userfriendly... [03:52] man i can't type tonight...tough! [03:52] EADG__: so rather than the hotel and its guess spying on you, your rather have shaw and your neighbors spy on you :) [03:52] guests [03:52] lol u too [03:52] Bossmanbeta, I am sure I can handle it once I get into the program. I just don't really want to stress my brain learning to compile a package. [03:52] bossmanbeta, i was trying to get around saying that, but that is a fact :/ [03:52] sdsheeks My firewall is set to allow fileandprint shareing [03:53] Can someone tell me whi this isnt working? xclock -display :0 -geometry 96x96-0-0 & [03:53] prohna: http://lifehacker.com/software/linux-tip/change-gnome-menus-to-use-pcman-file-manager-288616.php [03:53] sorry alex, bossman is right :( [03:53] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY gangsta87 [03:53] Skapare: diffrent or same as EADG? [03:53] geez im getting demolished by brute force my sshd [03:53] speeddemon8803, I can't compile it because mainly I am too lazy to learn too, not because it's too hard. "Kino" is very user friendly, but I don't know how to COMPILE THE UPGRADE that lets me import avi! [03:53] have fun then alex... But before you try .. let me sprinkle some Holy Penguin Water on you .... In naminae Padre, Spiritu Linus, amen. [03:53] presumptious85, please identify and change your password asap. [03:54] ows..be careful of showing your pass presumptious85 [03:54] bossmanbeta, LMAO [03:54] EADG_: EADG_ is same as EADG__ [03:54] littlepinkdot: it does, shows up lower right here [03:54] alex, eventually you do realize you will have to learn compiling, fact of life :P [03:54] speeddemon8803, Ugh... is there an easy way to do it. [03:54] wow [03:54] ok [03:54] Hi I installed irc2(IRCNET Irc server) and it runs correctly but I wan to add some IRC Services like ChanServ and set a user in IRC to be Operator what I have to ? [03:54] Bossmanbeta, I don't get it. [03:54] this place is funny afterall [03:54] not sure how to change pass though [03:54] alex, not really. [03:54] Hi I installed irc2(IRCNET Irc server) and it runs correctly but I wan to add some IRC Services like ChanServ and set a user in IRC to be Operator what I have to do ? [03:54] does ubuntu has any repository with gnome 2.20.4 packages? [03:54] I know alex... it's ok :) [03:54] Skapare: hmm, that means both are coming from the hotel. [03:55] EADG_: the hotel is shaw? [03:55] * speeddemon8803 looks at bossman, i hate being so blunt with the users..but...someones gotta be :/ [03:55] Bossmanbeta, i am too lazy to learn how ... maybe I will just tough it out [03:55] Skapare: after giving ssh the password I opened a new win and typed irssi [03:55] Bossmanbeta, Will you answer my questions as I compile or no? [03:55] !info libgnomeui-0 edgy [03:55] hi guys [03:55] libgnomeui-0 (source: libgnomeui): The GNOME 2 libraries (User Interface) - runtime files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 347 kB, installed size 832 kB [03:56] Skapare: looks like I travel 1100Km in the same province to get the same provider. EADG should be Telus. [03:56] alex, lazy and linux =/= [03:56] EADG_: and that should be going through the SSH session ... if you ^C that ssh command it will kill the connection going through it [03:56] wease|, Well, it's mostly for compiling. It just seems so tedious. will you help me do it? [03:56] Skapare: ... and one of the EADG will die :) [03:56] EADG_: tell me the IP address of the computer you SSH'd to (priv msg OK) [03:56] alex, if you think about it ... the amount of time you're spending trying to get someone to do it for you, you could be spending learning how to do it ..... then next time you need to compile something, you'd have no need to ask anyone... so it's actually less work to learn it that to ask for step-by-step handholding... oh and to answer your question, no. [03:56] i am trying to install ubuntu... [03:57] hello [03:57] and it keeps crashing [03:57] does anyone know if HP is still talking about coming out with ubuntu machines? [03:57] Bossmanbeta, Thanks anyways. [03:57] DancerGirl06: what sort of machine do you have? [03:57] besides, I saw 2 or 3 links, one of which I posted that would help you just fine. [03:57] its a laptop [03:57] DancerGirl06: have you run the disk check on the startup menu? [03:57] dsmith_, I know DELL has ubuntu only machines [03:57] alex_, compiling requires your own intelligence to what you are doing. i cant hold your hand and wait for the outcome only to fix it further. my suggestion is to RTFM [03:57] alex_: I know that lol [03:57] an HP laptop [03:57] it has vista on it [03:57] wease|, RTFM? [03:57] DancerGirl06: did you test the cd? [03:58] dsmith_, Okay. [03:58] yes [03:58] whats the model HP laptop? [03:58] anyone know of a way to convert dvd-format files to .avi? [03:58] umm [03:58] EADG: then your first session is going through that IP ... hmmm [03:58] wease|: that's another vorboten acronym :) [03:58] I can't get the nvidia-glx-new package to install, so I am trying to use the driver directly from the nvidia website, and it is having trouble finding the kernel source, even though I went in and installed it in synaptic [03:58] dsmith_, I actually bought the Dell Nseries box (w/ubuntu) .. I wiped it in favor of Gutsy ... but damn if it's not a nice box [03:58] DancerGirl06: did you try to install with the alternate cd? [03:58] pavillion tx 1000 ? [03:58] DancerGirl06, What crashes? The install? [03:58] Bossmanbeta: hmmmm... I am still waiting till one other major player comes out [03:58] yes the install [03:58] nickrud, i apologize [03:59] it will start to install [03:59] EADG: you are currently running irc from a shell at the hotel? or the ssh shell to home? [03:59] well from 1st hand experience, the box is sweet.... good video card .. the 1 I got has 4gigs of ram... really runs smooth [03:59] wease|: no problem at all, the advice was good [03:59] Skapare: Yes, I'm ssh'd into that box from hotel... just regular, plane ol' ssh. [03:59] it says "Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed" then a few lines later it locks up [03:59] alex_, you know enough to compile. you chouldnt require me to help you when there is a manual that can help you do the things you want to do. [03:59] Bossmanbeta, i just picked up an HP limited edition with 4gb 64bit very nice [03:59] errm [03:59] sdsheeks, 64 bit ....... nice.... [03:59] where do fonts go? what folder? [03:59] i need help building building a module [03:59] wease|, Okay, thanks. [04:00] Bossmanbeta, yup only issue is that darn flash player :) [04:00] Skapare: this nick is using the hotel connection straight to irc.freenode.com [04:00] DancerGirl06: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS232US232&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=ubuntu+tx1000&spell=1 [04:00] EADG: then maybe something in your setup is too odd for me to see ... I'll need too much info about what you have set up to diagnose this [04:00] !fonts [04:00] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [04:00] how to shutdown gutsy using ssh? [04:00] i actually have a hauppauge capture card I put in it .... I watch TV with Mplayer... and stream it over SSH to watch from work with VLC :-) [04:00] So I tried to install the sun-java6-plugin package and it says it doesn't exist to install? Like no package is in the repos? I'm so very confused. [04:00] EADG_: and yet this nick did irc to ?? [04:00] rhineheart_m: sudo reboot? [04:01] thanks dsmith [04:01] !info sun-java6-plugin [04:01] sun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-03-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1 kB, installed size 80 kB [04:01] sdsheeks, what isue w/flash player? [04:01] dsmith_: thanks but it will just reboot the server.. it won't shutdown [04:01] issue* [04:01] prince_jammys: so very werid [04:01] EADG_: the ssh connection maybe doubled back on you? [04:01] dxdt: 64bit? [04:01] dxdt: you checked that "multiverse" is enabled? [04:01] nickrud: yeah :( [04:01] Skapare: I tried to in a new window on this laptop in the hotel, but I think it used the same IP as this nick when I did /connect irc.freenode.com in irssi. [04:01] 6.03 + 7.10 on 64bit is iffy at best on 32 bit [04:01] Bossmanbeta, well the adobe flash player doesn't support 64bit [04:01] oh............. [04:02] dxdt: yup, it doesn't exist. Sun doesn't have a 64bit browser plugin [04:02] didnt know that -- but then again I'm running 32bit [04:02] nickrud: sigh I knew you were going to say that haha [04:02] Bossmanbeta, i can live with it [04:02] EADG_: doing /connect irc.freenode.com will bypass the ssh ... do /connect [04:02] can one make synaptic use aptitiude instead of apt? [04:02] not much speed diff between 32/64 is there? I never saw much [04:02] I got a question? [04:02] anyone [04:02] Bossmanbeta, can't tell...it's just FAST :0 [04:02] is there anything like a Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Icon Theme pack [04:02] the dual cores seem to help though [04:02] that's the only thing I think the "64bit?" question can lead to [04:02] cjae: it doesn't use either [04:02] I want my 7.10 to look like Dapper [04:02] Skapare: don't sweet it. Now I've got something to keep my busy for a few days... finding out about port forwarding. [04:02] bossmanbeta, diff is in the processor more than anything [04:02] Bossmanbeta, yea it is the turion dual core 64bit [04:02] nickrud, what does it use? [04:03] have installed Koverartist in ubuntu but how do i run it [04:03] well... thanks a lot sun microsystems............... hmm. [04:03] Skapare: ahhh, K, I'll give it anouther go :) [04:03] .... this is cool :) [04:03] well I mean experientially-speaking... does it "feel" faster... I've run fedora on a 64bit box... didn't seem much faster [04:03] i run 64 bit 7.10 but running 32 bit apps with java 6.03 wont work [04:03] EADG_: OK ... but -L is what you want to make a local connection come out at the remote point [04:03] !synaptic [04:03] synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [04:03] anyone want to give me some pointers on how to get a live CD to boot on a Dell Laptop? [04:03] !flash64 | cjae [04:03] cjae: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [04:03] nickrud, you're my hero [04:03] i put it in, rebooted...and hit F12... [04:03] rhineheart_m: shutdown -r now [04:04] rebooted? [04:04] no need for that [04:04] sdsheeks: mine too ;p [04:04] Bossmanbeta, can't really say..had the laptop for an hour and put ubuntu on it...64 bit never tried the32 bit [04:04] Skapare: umm, so use L or stick with the -N? [04:04] but it hang for 20+ mins loading the kernel [04:04] think it's bad ram or what? [04:04] [04:04] EADG__: both ... as I described [04:04] o [04:04] there's about 8 gigs free on it [04:04] Hi I installed irc2(IRCNET Irc server) and it runs correctly but I wan to add some IRC Services like ChanServ and set a user in IRC to be Operator what I have to do ? [04:04] !flash64 | dxdt [04:04] dxdt: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [04:04] nickrud, ?? [04:04] dsmith_: I think it will just reboot...it won't shutdown.. are you sure with it? [04:04] must suck tho ... no YouTube browsing... [04:04] cjae: yeah, typo sorry [04:04] dev1n: hit f6 after it starts [04:04] soo, anyone know when flash is going to be fixed again? [04:04] anyone willing to help me install a module [04:04] ok, what does f6 do? [04:04] or perhaps alt-f6 [04:05] This compiling stuff is rather confusing. [04:05] cjae: got lost in the scroll for a bit :) [04:05] hrm kind of hackish..you are not really running the 64bit you are running 32bit [04:05] nickrud: Yeah I'm looking around there right now. I actually already have flash installed, so hopefully I can do this really quickly [04:05] but i'll give it a try [04:05] nickrud, :p [04:05] EADG: ssh -L 6667::6667 -N @ [04:05] rhineheart_m: local or remote box? [04:05] Skapare: ssh -L 6667:irc.freenode.com:6667 -N my@myipaddy is what I'll use, then on local machine fire up irssi and type /connect [04:05] dsmith_: remote box accessible thru putty [04:05] alex_, before you attempt to compile you need to know exactly what youre doing and why you are doing it [04:05] sdsheeks: nice thing about 64bit, you can run 32bit as well [04:06] it is hard to reverse [04:06] nickrud, yea [04:06] EADG: if you leave out the -N you also get a shell session ... no big deal, but a bit harder to quickly take down if you need to [04:06] eek 32but emulation libraries............... that sounds like fun ................. (not) [04:06] does ubuntu has any repository with gnome 2.20.4 or 2.20.3 packages? [04:06] Bossmanbeta, :) [04:06] wease|, Oh, then I suppose I should scratch my "try-random-stuff-in-terminal" plan [04:06] rhineheart_m: look around on google [04:06] nickrud, so it is not possible [04:06] killown: no [04:06] Skapare: K, here goes... [04:06] I have a book here but its not handy [04:06] EADG__: sounds workable ... doesn't irssi have a way to specify server on command line and auto connect? [04:06] dsmith, are you suddgesting hitting F6 instead of F12 [04:06] Does anyone know why my firefox always crashes when watching flash video, I havent been able to solve this [04:07] alex_, that would be inherently worse, you may as well play roulette with the command line [04:07] EADG__: you should be able to configure that in your setup if an icon [04:07] nickrud, I know where I got full source of gnome 2.20.3? [04:07] cjae: java in 64bit firefox? No, but you can run 32bit java in 64bit os. I do myself. Don't really know why, I never use java plugins [04:07] dev1n: from what your saying the gui is hanging when your booting? [04:07] killown: gnome.org [04:07] wease|, I see. I wasn't really going to type in random stuff, but I don't know how purposeful it would have been :P [04:07] nickrud, i run 6.03 in 64bit [04:07] it works fine [04:07] Z_o-s-o: ive had the same problems [04:07] Anyone well-versed in mic problems under Ubuntu? The should be *relatively* simple... [04:07] nickrud, no make synaptic use aptitude instead of apt [04:07] 20-minute hang is way too long [04:07] Z_o-s-o: try removing and reinstalling firefox [04:07] Skapare: Yep, it does. I'll look it up, I have it in screenrc [04:07] is there a way to let mldonkey keep connected to a certain number of servers? [04:07] killown: look up jhbuild, it will make compiling relatively painless [04:07] thats what i did [04:08] Basically, sound-in works, but evidently only under 'sound-recorder'. [04:08] and it seems to not do it AS much [04:08] yep, the progress bar get's to 100% loading the kernel...and then it hangs there. [04:08] Skype, gnome-sound-recorder, etc. can't capture sound. [04:08] prohna : have you found a solution? [04:08] alex_....its all all about super cow powers [04:08] so i should hit F6 then? [04:08] !! [04:08] cjae: ah, brain re-engages. synaptic, apt-get, and aptitude all use the same backend, apt. [04:08] Z_o-s-o: just reinstalling firefox [04:08] I've tried messing with alsamixer... and it doesn't seem to be doing much. [04:08] what does it do? [04:08] DancerGirl06: your welcome, your not the only to have had that problem [04:08] Z_o-s-o: and it still does it sometimes, just not as much as before [04:08] is there anything like a Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Icon Theme pack [04:08] prohna : I never thought of that [04:08] wease|, I think I am going to go ahead and give up. Let me know if you know of any pre-built packages that will edit avi files (add music/transitions/etc.) [04:08] he doesn't need super cow powers........ I've already blessed him with penguin water [04:08] Bossmanbeta: ol [04:08] lol [04:08] can i run ubuntu without any kind of graphics driver running locally and control the thing exclusively over the network? [04:09] yes you can control over network [04:09] cjae: in fact, the ubuntu devs are 'strongly' recommending not using aptitude since they are adding functionality to apt-get that may or may not get to aptitude [04:09] panfist: yea, vnc? [04:09] alex_: have you considered Kino or PiTiVi? [04:09] nickrud: since when? [04:09] a blessing with penguin water gives +5 INT and +7 Bash scripting abilities .. with Keyboard of Might you also get +2 on even-die rolls [04:09] cet, dsmith_ my question is not how can i control it remotely, i know how to do that, my question is can i disable all of the local graphics hardware, and physically remove it [04:09] you mean without a gui ssh apt-get install sshd [04:09] Skapare: Hehe, it worked, look at this nicks' ip, should be same as EADG [04:09] alex_, i think Audacity can edit AVIs [04:09] dsmith_: I was told by one of the official ubuntu support team [04:09] nickrud, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37736 [04:10] nickrud: interesting [04:10] hello [04:10] EADG__: yay! [04:10] fredmv, the prebuilt kino package does not import avis. I was actually trying to compile the updated kino that can indeed edit avis [04:10] help me pls [04:10] EADG__: you should set up your laptop to "phone home" with a cron job that makes an ssh connection with key authentication to a dummy userid on your home computer, with port forwarding back to the laptop (-R) in case it gets stolen [04:10] how to install file kerberos [04:10] fredmv, I haven't tried pitivi... I'll try it. [04:10] I guess no one ever played D&D :) [04:10] Dam!! how sweet is that?!? [04:10] wease|, Thanks, I'll check it out. [04:10] alex_: ah, alright... yeah--look into it--it's decent. [04:10] Skapare: I kindly await your thesis on how to do that :) [04:10] skapare thats cool [04:10] cjae: I've been using aptitude since the first day I used debian. Even wrote the AptitudeSurvivalGuide on help.ubuntu.com. I love aptitude [04:10] wease|, you familar with mic input problems under Ubuntu? [04:10] panfist: while its still running? [04:10] i'm going to try getting out of a GUI hang with F6, but i'm still wondering what it does...or is supposed to do. [04:11] how to install file kerberos [04:11] fredmv, like what? input issues? [04:11] fredmv, i am not necessarily justifying my laziness here, but I think it is developers' responsibiliy to prebuild packages to make ubuntu more user-friendly and thus more popular. [04:11] Alex, have you looked at Cinelerra ? [04:11] dsmith_ no not necessarily while its still running. i am just wondering if its possible to run a file server without any graphics hardware using power [04:11] dev1n what do you want it to do? [04:11] dev1n: i had that issue with two laptops, you just need to boot verbosely [04:11] dsmith_: the only thing I've seen myself that may fit the bill is the authentication stuff that's going into hardy [04:11] wease|: Well, yeah. I can get input but nothing captures output (well, except sound-recorder [command line sound recording app]). [04:11] primarily I'm trying to use Skype [04:11] Bossmanbeta, No I haven't, thanks though. I'll check it out after I check out pitivi and audacity [04:11] panfist: yes, the mobo vga port should work fine [04:12] Skapare: I knew Linux was good for something besides robotfindskitten and nethack :P [04:12] have installed Koverartist in ubuntu but how do i run it [04:12] ok, cool dsmith...what is booting verbosely? [04:12] dsmith_ there is no mobo vga port, only add-on graphics [04:12] fredmv, so skype doesnt give output? [04:12] panfist: wont need an x-server [04:12] http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3 probably the best I could suggest (handholding unavailable) [04:12] is there anything like a Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Icon Theme pack [04:12] fredmv, try akiga? [04:12] Bossmanbeta, Do I have to compile it :P [04:12] panfist: hmmmm, I would leave the thing in the box [04:12] lol [04:12] codename: it's called human-icon-theme [04:12] * dev1n googles [04:12] wease|: doesn't seem to... I was testing with echo123 and it doesn't seem to work. But the weird thing is that not even gnome-sound-recorder can capture sound... [04:12] dsmith_: set up a dummy user with no privs ... make a key pair for the laptop to do this with ... authorize that key in the dummy user ... cron this: ssh -R 34567: -f dummy@myhomecomputer [04:12] actually I *think* you can apt-get it [04:12] what happens if you need to get access back into the machine later? [04:12] I haven't played with it in a few yrs so..... [04:13] That's the dapper theme? [04:13] codename: or something very like that [04:13] alex_, i dont think that word means what you think it means [04:13] nickrud, so I you recommend using aptitude to install alternate desktop environments [04:13] how do you configure sound in ubuntu? I have an ensoniq 1371 sound card and can't seem to get any sound... [04:13] dev1n: verbosely is when you set you it so that all the messages show up as you boot [04:13] It has the blue Firefox logo as well right? [04:13] compile is different than installing [04:13] alex_: I agree with you to an extent. It sure is damn nice when you can just sudo apt-get install stuff... [04:13] cause im used to dapper lol [04:13] nickrud, -I [04:13] I suppose you can instal it then turn it off and yank the card, like you do with a crt and keyboard [04:13] cjae: I'm not recommending aptitude in this channel any more [04:13] wease|, compile dev1n: rather than a logo splash screen [04:13] ok, so i should hit f6 when? [04:13] after it hangs? [04:13] egg b4 the chicken [04:13] dsmith_ i will do all access remotely, if i need to access the physical box i would rather just rmeove the hard disks and put them in another known working system. accessing this box through vga is unneccessary, i will never need to do it, and i would rather save power by disabling any video hardware, if possible [04:14] bossmanbeta, im old skewl. compiling requires a lil effort and programming [04:14] :P [04:14] or earlier...when i select the CD to boot from [04:14] ISO dlna-3 server solution? [04:14] hi, does anybody know a shop where they sell e8400 [04:14] i do not want to yank the card. that is bad. no thank you [04:14] nickrud, what's the problem with aptitude? [04:14] codename: might. You'd probably have to go to packages.ubuntu.com , search for the human-icon-theme in dapper, and download it from there [04:14] !who | dev1n [04:14] dev1n: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [04:14] skapere: lets create a package and sell it for $5, lol [04:14] well I'll take a precompiled kernel any day over that Gentoo B.S. [04:14] dsmith_: if laptop gets stolen, watch for dummy user to get logged in ... if it happens capture its IP then login to the laptop via port 34567 [04:14] !source [04:14] You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html [04:14] the problem with aptitude is that it no longer has super cow powers [04:14] * wease| cries [04:14] uboutu: good idea [04:15] no more cow invader [04:15] can i get an addon with super cow powers [04:15] no more cow screen splash [04:15] wease|, what compile means? [04:15] aptitude just went weird [04:15] lol [04:15] dsmith_: we have to test it first ... send me your laptop :) [04:15] lol [04:15] dev1n: ubotu is a bot, by the way [04:15] mjs: nothing is 'wrong' with it, as one of the official canonical support team members told me, the 'uber-geek' dev are strongly pushing apt-get over it [04:15] prince_jammys: thanks, i didn't know that. [04:15] nickrud, i miss the cow [04:15] sorry [04:16] * sdsheeks hugs ubotu [04:16] i use apt-get anyway so i dont care [04:16] dev1n: you can type the first few characters of someone's nick and then tab to autocomplete [04:16] prince_jammys: sweet [04:16] prince_jammys, great now he is dangerous! [04:16] Skapare: could you everything in laymans terms I kinda get everything you just told me [04:16] wease|: I only saw the cow when I wanted to root out a package hierarchy, like apt-get remove libglib2.0-0 :) [04:16] dev1n: i sent you the message from the bot cuz what you were typing was gettinglost [04:16] what options to put in the fstab for my new /home partition? [04:17] hi there anyone know how i can get my media players to use opengl - seem to be having problems with compiz-fusion and direct rendering meaning videos go orangy [04:17] dsmith_: define layman [04:17] Skapare: that would make an awesome .deb for everyone [04:17] sdsheeks: :) [04:17] Skanoob [04:17] !layman [04:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about layman - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [04:17] Skapare: noob [04:17] help here pls [04:17] dsmith_: needs to just bee a HOWTO [04:17] Skapare: clueful user === _max` is now known as max` [04:17] Skapare: yes, agreed. I dont know how to code or I would create a .deb from what you just told me [04:18] nickrud...sudo aptitude -v-v-v-v-v [04:18] but I think its a great idea [04:18] * wease| frowns [04:18] nickrud, I really never came to a conclusion what was the best, i've read it somewhere that aptitute has better dependencies resolver dunno if that's true, but my favorite is still yum :P me likes the progress bars :) [04:18] they killed the cow [04:18] anyone willing to help a noob [04:18] dsmith_: problem is lots of references need to happen ... like for example someone that doesn't know how to create a crontab entry ... do I need to teach them how to do that, too? [04:18] !anyone | presumptious85 [04:18] presumptious85: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [04:18] 6.06 had a screen splash and a game [04:18] !ask presumptious85 [04:18] * sdsheeks bangs head on keyboard for doing that wrong [04:18] bot attack [04:18] !botsnack | mjs [04:18] mjs: Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [04:18] Skapare: hmmm, i don;t know how to that myself [04:19] !ask | presumptious85 [04:19] presumptious85: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [04:19] lol [04:19] :) [04:19] in other words..just ask the question [04:19] feeding the bot? [04:19] ok [04:19] anyone know how to fight with the 'device eth0 is not ready' error within firestarteR? [04:19] so i just made an install of a module [04:19] dsmith_: something to learn ... sure there is some GUI app to do it ... else read the man pages and do it from commandline [04:19] from linuxtv [04:19] man pages.. [04:19] Hello, I had Ubuntu 7.10 64bit for a month and all worked fine. Then I reinstalled it (still Ubuntu 7.10 64bit, same live cd install) and now I cant get rid of one big issue: any application i execute will take forever to start. I am talking 10 secs for Nautilus, 16 secs for Firefox). The CPU load and the RAM usage are very low, i cant figure out what is wrong. I installed again to see if there had been some mistake while installing, bu [04:19] :) [04:19] i wanna know wat to do next? [04:19] brb [04:20] Lorenzo_: you probably have a bad /etc/hosts , put a copy on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [04:20] dsmith_: Windows is the OS for people that don't want to learn how to use a computer [04:20] presumptious85, you created a .deb? [04:20] If I am using screen, and a particular application uses ctrl+whatever, how do I send that while in screen to the app? [04:20] no windows is for windows [04:20] I need help with raid, anybody good at that? I migrated from gentoo to ubuntu, but the setup is different... [04:20] Skapare: YEP, totally agree [04:20] nickrud: ok thanks a lot! I will [04:20] hey all, I'm running Hardy, after the latest update Firefox disappeared from my launcher, anyone else have that problem? [04:20] no [04:20] i took the .bz file from http://linuxtv.org/hg/~hverkuil/cx18/rev/03d4d8d84c4f [04:20] Newbuntu2: 3ware card [04:20] Newbuntu2: should be simpler no ? [04:20] bz2 [04:21] i need help burning the ubuntu iso onto a cd [04:21] presumptious85, did you extract it? [04:21] What is a 'uevent'? [04:21] and followed the instructions on http://linuxtv.org/repo/ [04:21] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> aceraxon, so can u still launch firefox with command line? [04:21] untermensch: what are you running now - what kind of computer is it ? [04:21] yeaa [04:21] i extracted [04:21] what's really scary is my 5.5 year old niece knows how to enable administrator privileges on Windows [04:21] presumptious85, okay then I don't get what your question is. [04:21] wetn to the directory from terminal [04:21] Hardy, I sure can [04:21] i'm using a compaq. with an amd turion 64 processor [04:21] with windows xp [04:21] Skapare: haha, no way [04:21] after i make install [04:21] so you want the 64amd version ? [04:22] and there was no error [04:22] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> aceraxon, so just readd the launcher [04:22] yes [04:22] presumptious85: you want to watch tv on your computer, right? [04:22] I'm using software raid. I used raidtools in the past, and my drives showed up as hdb1 - hdd1; now in ubuntu I only have mdadm, and my drives are sdb-sdd [04:22] i wan to know wat to do next? [04:22] yeaa [04:22] have you downloaded it ? [04:22] yes [04:22] and i have the iso on my computer [04:22] but i can't get it on a cd [04:22] Newbuntu2: get yourself an actual raid card [04:22] ok what burning software do you have ? [04:22] Hardy, will do as soon as I remember the command line [04:22] nickrud: here it is, thank you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57031/ [04:22] presumptious85: did you search on the internet to find linuxtv? why linuxtv? [04:22] dsmith_: that girl is very smart ... for example she hooked up the new DVD player to the TV ... via RGB component cables ... correctly! [04:22] i tried... nero, some crud that came with the compy, and poweriso [04:22] !enter | presumptious85 untermensch (help keep down the scroll) [04:22] presumptious85 untermensch (help keep down the scroll): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [04:22] neuro or poweriso should do it [04:22] !hardy > aceraxon [04:22] i tried them both [04:22] didn't work [04:22] Night all. 37hrs on the go, need sleep. I appreciate your time for the port forwarding lesson Skapare, it's something I'm going to look at abit more in depth. [04:23] didn't work for me, or my teacher [04:23] wb Alex [04:23] did you select burn iso to disk ? [04:23] on four seperate computer [04:23] EADG, take care. [04:23] untermensch, download cdburnerxp and choose wrte data cd and then click on file menu and choose burn iso from file [04:23] yes [04:23] dsmith_: I need to get her turned on to Linux ... trouble is, she likes her Dora and Hello Kitty games [04:23] untermensch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:23] Jeeeeeah! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-5/ [04:23] dsmith_ I need to get my data off it first [04:23] so.... that is interesting - is the iso high quality [04:23] Lorenzo_: what does /etc/hostname have in it? [04:23] Skapare, same with my daughter [04:23] * EADG_ the EADGs have a smile as the 2 extras type /q [04:23] because i had to get the driver for my tv tuner on linuxtv [04:23] confused on that one ? [04:23] how would i know ? [04:23] presumptious85: you can include my nick in your response by just typing the first few characters and the tab key to autocomplete [04:23] Newbuntu2: dump everything onto a usb drive [04:23] check the md5 sum... [04:23] hello kitty games... how .. interesting :) [04:23] hello [04:23] ok [04:23] Bossmanbeta, heh kids love em [04:23] * dsmith_ doesn't have kids [04:23] well what happens when you burn it ? [04:23] prince_jammys: [04:24] dsmith_, have two. [04:24] presumptious85: like that :) [04:24] and then put it in... [04:24] lol [04:24] dsmith_: sure, but first I have to mount it to access the data, right? [04:24] nickrud: lorenzo.laptop [04:24] EADG: goodnight [04:24] presumptious85: otherwise the messages get lost [04:24] yeaa i get you [04:24] should automount if it is formatted to ext3 [04:24] prince_jammys: [04:24] we can tell [04:24] Lorenzo_: edit /etc/hosts , so it's the same (without the .@liberolight) [04:24] * sdsheeks hides [04:24] ok [04:24] ok. i'm a total idiot... how do i check that ? [04:24] * alex__ seeks [04:25] prince_jammys: so yeaa, i got the drivers from linuxtv [04:25] the md5 sum don't worry about that what happens when you put the disk into your computer after you have burnt it [04:25] presumptious85: anyway, what i was asking is why this specific software? i don't know linuxtv, and there's probably easier stuff to install for watching tv [04:25] Type cat vmlinuz > /dev/audio to hear the Voice of God. [04:25] !tv [04:25] http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out [04:25] dsmith_: how do I mount the drives? [04:25] presumptious85: ok i take that back [04:25] i click to burn it.. it takes the time to burn it.. says the iso should be on the cd... i go to put it in my computer.. and it shows up as blank [04:25] ireally Bossmanbeta and what happens to vmlinuz after that ? [04:25] presumptious85: :) [04:26] * alex__ waves [04:26] prince_jammys: lol [04:26] really untermensch ? [04:26] lol nothing [04:26] Newbuntu2: as I said if the usb drive is formatted in ntfs or ext3 it generally should come up on its own [04:26] yup [04:26] just a joke ... [04:26] prince_jammys: was about to corect u [04:26] (harmless) [04:26] if not you need to mkdir in .media and possibly edit your fstab [04:26] seems a bit odd [04:26] nickrud: that looks like something that has to do with the Internet connection, does that affect Nautilus and Firefox and all of the other apps? [04:26] yea.. [04:26] it does [04:26] Lorenzo_: did you say lorenzo.laptop, or lorenzo-laptop? [04:26] that's why i'm so conused [04:26] well have you tested it on another computer [04:27] yes [04:27] dsmith_ the problem I have is how do I mount the raid drives to get the data off them. [04:27] prince_jammys: so maybe u understand [04:27] Lorenzo_: that's only used internally by ubuntu, it won't affect internet access [04:27] 3 other computers [04:27] my teacher tried it aswell [04:27] you are buring a cd - which iso image and where did you get it from [04:27] same thing.. could download to the computer. but couldn't burn it [04:27] what version of neuro [04:27] !burn [04:27] CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [04:27] nickrud: i am not sure, I'll check again [04:27] im back [04:27] i got it from the ubuntu website ? [04:27] im sure i wasnt misse [04:27] prince_jammys: iguess all i need to do is reboot [04:27] if somebody knows how to set up ubuntu box for watching tv please -- newcomer presumptious85 is having trouble [04:27] Lorenzo_: I'd recommend lorenzo-laptop in both. [04:27] but I cant get into Terminal anymore, it crashes upon start [04:27] nickrud [04:28] nickrud: ok [04:28] untermensch: go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [04:28] nickrud...apt-get moo [04:28] :P [04:28] Lorenzo_: ctl-alt-f2 , log in there, do your work, then clt-alt-f7 to get back [04:28] sudo in here weasel [04:28] brb [04:28] presumptious85: beats me... i don't know this tv business, as you can see === badboy is now known as bad_boy [04:28] lol [04:28] wease|: if it wouldn't scroll, I'd put up the graphic :) [04:28] haha [04:29] \m/ [04:29] i should get to mythtv room === bad_boy is now known as bad-boy [04:29] #mythtv [04:29] presumptious85: what you need is to post a detailed question (all on one line) and someone might know.. it's too hard to read questions when their all split up ... and yeah try that channel also [04:29] * bad-boy ciao a tutti [04:30] hai [04:30] presumptious85: *they're .... grammar lol [04:30] sorey, im not much help tonight. im just here for the fun [04:30] cheeese, i dont remember the last time someone here answer me [04:30] prince_jammys, I stopped correcting grammar... I found it really angers people when you point that stuff out :) [04:30] prince_jammys: how do i get on that channel #mythtv [04:30] CVD-PR: it does get hectic, some questions get lost in the scroll or the right person isn't around at the moment [04:30] Anybody know anything about getting .inf files for Linksys WMP54G? Got some suggested driver to Ralink Technology, but I'm lost now. [04:30] presumptious85: /join #mythtv [04:31] hey how may I change my gdm theme in gusty? ... Is theme what you would call it... I like stuff that looks like the ps3/psp theme if anyone has seen them [04:31] cjae, ALT+F2 --> "gksu gdmsetup" [04:31] presumptious85: but you should also post a question here [04:31] thanks prince [04:32] someone speak spanish? :) [04:32] One quest, what to put in the fstab for my new /home? [04:32] nickrud: it says gedit cant open display, and it suggests i enter gedit --help [04:32] * bad-boy ciao a tutti [04:32] ?¿?¿ somenonse [04:32] konan, portuguese here [04:32] mm so so jaja [04:33] dunia, do you know where to get alternate ubuntu gdm themes [04:33] *bad-boy: sei nel canale inglese :) quello italiano è #ubuntu-it-chat [04:33] nickrud....sudo apt-get install cowsay....then type cowsay what the [04:33] hehehe [04:33] better tock in english is more diff portuguese === adante_ is now known as adante [04:33] Now if there was someone who could speak ndiswrapper. :s [04:33] for me :P [04:33] Lorenzo_: do ctl-alt-f2 , log in there, make sure that /etc/hostname has lorenzo-laptop in it, and /etc/hosts has the line lorenzo-laptop. (use sudoedit ). Then reboot ( sudo reboot) [04:33] konan, speak in spanish i understand it :) [04:33] dunia, they do not have to say ubuntu of course actually would be preferable [04:33] wease|, apt-get moo [04:33] a ok :) de donde sos? [04:34] Lorenzo_: the /etc/hosts line shouldn't end with a period, that was a sentence ending period :) [04:34] lisboa [04:34] apt-get moo is funny but cowsay what the is better [04:34] cjae, gnome-look.org [04:34] es en portugal? [04:34] !pt | konan [04:34] konan: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [04:34] are those .deb or taarballs dunia [04:34] -a [04:34] konan, yes I am [04:34] is there any way at all to use a pptp VPN while I have a static IP on my nic? [04:34] nickrud: ok, thank you very much, i will try that! [04:35] okay im from argentina :) [04:35] first off, ubuntu fucking rocks my socks. but I made a big booboo :P i messed with my graphics card (GeForce FX 5200) and messed the res up and cant login to fix it. Is there a way to change it from console? ie change it from using builtin VGA to the PCI one and change the res? [04:35] cjae, no but easy to install -->> cd /usr/share/gdm/theme ; tar xvf theme.tar.gz [04:35] cjae, */usr/share/gdm/themes [04:35] bricker, blacklist it [04:35] What is a 'uevent'? [04:35] pardon the language if its not acceptable, but ubuntu so far is my favorite distro [04:35] konan, I understand written spanish just don't obligate me to writte it :P [04:36] a okay jaja yo soy de argentina conoces? [04:36] bullgard4: it's an event (like plugging in a usbstick) that udev handles [04:36] konan, no unfortunatly not! [04:36] Zzz [04:36] pero sabes donde queda argentina? [04:36] konan, just know where it is never visit it [04:37] konan, claro! [04:37] bricker you can log in from cmd line and edit your xorg.conf file from VI [04:37] aa okay, q hora es en alla? [04:37] ello everyone :D [04:37] Anybody know anything about configuring wireless to work? [04:37] Hey, how can I just download the .deb files from the repos without installing them? [04:37] nickrud: I will think ybout what you said. -- Thank you or commenting. [04:37] Bossmanbeta: awesome, thanks boss. [04:37] konan, 4:34 de la manhana [04:37] * Bricker loves his KVM switch LD [04:37] boosman, cant he just blacklist the vga? [04:37] :D* [04:37] bullgard4: http://vrfy.org/log/recent-state-of-udev.html is a little old, but still relevant [04:37] mjs, aca son las 2: 37 [04:37] konan, mui tarde, deveria estar a sleep :) [04:38] jaja de q equipo sos de alla? [04:38] !en [04:38] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [04:38] Bricker, try ctrl-altF2 if the display doesn't come up ... then login and sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:38] is this right for my new /home /dev/hda7 /home ext3 defaults 0 2? [04:39] anyone using exaile? [04:39] Hi, all. I've managed to hide the Preferences and Administration menus in the System menu. Is there any way to undo this or launch the Main Menu preferences window from a command line? I tried looking for an answer elsewhere, sorry if this is already written in something. [04:39] <[Hardy]TuTUXG> used to use it [04:39] Bulwinkle, yeah I use exaile [04:39] msj, de que equipo sos alla? [04:39] Bricker, then to get back to the X display... hit ctrl-alt-F7 [04:39] CVD-PR: looks right to me, but you might want to use UUID instead of /dev/hda7 blkid shows the uuid's for all your devices [04:39] msj, what foolball team ? :) [04:39] DiploCat: any idea why it isn't saving my settings? [04:40] konan, enlish channel this one, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat go there and u ill find spanish speakers channel [04:40] ahh... is there a .exaile/ directory in your home dir? [04:40] gracias :) [04:40] cuantos años tenes? [04:40] demas [04:40] :) [04:40] nickrud, i dont understand what you mean with the UUID [04:40] DiploCat: yes [04:40] DiploCat: and it contains a settings.ini [04:40] jaja yo tengo 16 :p soy adolescente jaja [04:41] CVD-PR: what version of ubuntu are you using? Gutsy uses uuids, you'd see an example in the /etc/fstab [04:41] !UUID [04:41] To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) === l7_ is now known as l7__ [04:41] === tuan_takur is now known as tempe_penyet [04:41] nickrud, gutsy [04:41] Bulwinkle, if you do ls -l ... does that file looks like it's been updated recently? are the permissions ok? [04:42] Never mind, right-click: Edit Menus did it. XD [04:42] * vonunov lurks [04:42] CVD-PR: the idea behind uuid's is they are permanent identifiers of a partition, if you change your partitioning (causing hda7 to become hda8 for example, by splitting up hda6) you won't have to rewrite your /etc/fstab to match [04:43] DiploCat: -rw-r--r-- 1 bmoore bmoore 1598 2008-02-22 16:42 settings.ini .... [04:43] Bulwinkle, err... what settings isn't it keeping? [04:43] DiploCat: I had to exit manually (quit) it doesn't seem to do it when I just exit Gnome.... [04:44] konan, what's jaja means? [04:44] and why is my clock set to GMT and not my local time? [04:44] haha [04:44] to late [04:44] jaja = haha [04:44] lol, ok [04:44] konan, what is best in life? [04:44] DiploCat: You'll have to pardon me, I'm a KDE convert and so I'm used to Amarok [04:44] hes gone [04:44] best in life = retirement === dunia is now known as jaja-miharja [04:45] Bulwinkle, not entirely sure why it wouldn't keep them after Gnome logout... perhaps it's just bad code [04:45] wease|, u are kind in a hurry no? [04:45] mjs, yes i am! [04:45] To All: SWEEEEEEEEEEET i got it to work i got it to work I can now see my fing windows sharefiles thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [04:45] ehehe [04:45] Hi! one non-ubuntu question. I wonder if the network address of an ip-address always has a 0 (zero) as the last octet? and if the broadcast-address always has 255 as the last octet? [04:45] DiploCat: for example... when I used to log out of KDE it would kill Amarok and when it started it would start out with the same song at the same place [04:46] !ntp [04:46] Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) [04:46] mjs, i am trying to get on a fast track to retirement [04:46] ahh [04:46] hello [04:46] mecko it will if its not subnetted [04:46] Meck0: no [04:46] Bulwinkle, I'm not sure if exaile does that... it should keep the playlist, but I don't think it remembers the place [04:46] wease|, u'll get bored! :P [04:46] bibby, hmm, okay, how does it work? [04:46] once a network is subnetted the net id and broadcast id can change [04:47] to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of exaile... it seems to be the best of a bad bunch [04:47] deep, aha, the network id is always first host -1 and the broadcast is last host (last octet) -1? [04:47] mjs, nah...ill just be worse of a geek than i am now [04:47] i am boreddddddd! [04:47] DiploCat: my problem is that if I logout before quitting exaile, it doesn't remember anything that has changed since the last time I quit. Does that make sense? [04:47] Mecko: sorta hard to explain, each oct. can be up to 255 just depends on how the ip is set. and depending on the adress gives you the subnet [04:48] what happened to dunia [04:48] bibby, okay [04:48] Bulwinkle, well... what you're saying makes sense... but why that is happening I am not quite sure [04:48] dunia is still here [04:48] mecko if the network is subnetted then the net id and broadcast id will change [04:48] Mecko: look up a subnet calculator and mess with it, ull understand after a few minutes. [04:48] DiploCat: no problem, thanks for your help === syc_ is now known as psychode [04:49] you know what, im going to do a fresh install of ubuntu cuz this thing is killing me, and it hates my graphics card anyway :P [04:49] what other music players are there that are as close to Amarok in features? [04:49] thanks for the help guys, talk to you later [04:49] songbird [04:49] \m/ [04:49] bi bricker [04:49] Bulwinkle: banshee and rhythmbox are two popular GNOME ones [04:49] xmms is pretty schweet as well [04:50] nickrud: hi, i am back just to say thank you! You solved my problem, it was bugging me to death. Thanks! [04:50] levander: yeah, I've checked them both out... banshee has promise [04:50] Lorenzo: you're welcome [04:50] mecko try http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb726997.aspx Microsoft explains how to subnet well [04:50] sweet [04:50] ok I went to gnome look and downloaded a gdm tar file and extracted it to /usr/share/gdm/themes and now it is not in login window preferences [04:50] nickrud: none of the people I had talked to so far had been able to help me. I'm glad you solved this, have a nice day [04:51] Bulwinkle: what was wrong with rhythmbox? that's what i'm using, but haven't tried anything else [04:51] now that I can see my network folders time to setup an apache intranet server any sugestions on where to start? [04:51] levander: to be quite honest the only reason I've stuck with KDE for so long was Amarok.... [04:51] deep: sudo apt-get install apache2 , put your html in /var/www [04:51] deep: 'sudo apt-get install apache2' [04:52] deep: buy the server. [04:52] levander: I'm looking for something that is going to be as close to Amarok as possible. I'm looking at songbird now. [04:52] you people need to try songbird. [04:52] what's the difference between the two double quotes in regards to bash scripting? “ and " [04:52] <3 [04:52] I also don't want to load a bunch of KDE stuff in GNOME (just like I didn't load GNOME stuff in KDE) [04:52] Bulwinkle: Why is amarok so great you use an entire windowing environment because of it? [04:52] rilo: the difference between " and what? [04:53] wease|: But it in the hardy repositories, and when hardy is released I will. [04:53] nickrud: http://vrfy.org/log/recent-state-of-udev.html gives a nice overview. -- Thank you very much for referring me to it. [04:53] rilo: I don't think that first one has any meaning at all in bash. [04:53] what is songbird? [04:53] prince_jammys: the slanted double quote, I don't know the name or code for it offhand [04:53] levander: I run compiz-fusion on top of either one anyways... the two have equivalent apps, except for amarok [04:53] levander, it is an easy install regardless of what is in inclusive to the release [04:53] levander: I'm changing now, sue me :) [04:53] rilo: the second one can be used around a phrase so that no shell expansion is done [04:53] levander: well they are in these scripts I'm reading lol [04:53] amarok works fine in gnome though? [04:54] levander: I've read that, what does that actually mean [04:54] Bulwinkle: why is amarok so much greater than rhythmbox? i'm just curious [04:54] i havent had too many problems running it in gnome [04:54] rilo: go to #bash and type !quotes [04:54] rilo: #bash - it's too much to answer in here with all the traffic, i'll come in too [04:54] levander, amarok actually has a lot more options [04:54] levander: mysql, last.fm [04:54] why not sonata ? [04:54] any has tried superGrub Disk http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/? [04:54] man compiz fusion is rad [04:55] levander: feel is totally different. [04:55] CVD-PR: yes, it's marvelous [04:55] can i unmount / right know? [04:55] no [04:55] Bulwinkle: i've never been overly impressed with rhythmbox, but it does what i need it to do, maybe amarok is just a lot slicker in how they've arranged the UI? [04:55] you can kill-9 too [04:55] :P [04:55] CVD-PR: you need that to run :) [04:56] oh wait, that doesnt work anymore [04:56] so how ca i use gparted to create a partition from /? [04:56] nevermind [04:56] I'm having some trouble with azureus. I opened it up and I got a message saying to download an update. then when I went to reopen it gave me the option again, this time a window popped up in the corner saying it had shutdown wrong. now whenever I open it it closes within 2 seconds of showing the main screen. [04:56] Hey guys where can I get kiba-dock and a how to install?? [04:56] CVD-PR: get the gparted live cd [04:56] banshee looked a touch better than rhythmbox, but banshee is written on mono, so I stuck with rhythmbox [04:56] levander: it isn't it is just that I'm so used to it and so opposed to iTunes and the way they handle things [04:57] CVD-PR: http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ [04:57] I have a problem installing emdebian-tools. 'apt-get install emdebian-tools' fails with 'Unable to determine apt-cache policy for Debian main! at /var/lib/dpkg/info/emdebian-tools.postinst line 132.' I don't know how to get around it. Anyone have thoughts? [04:57] ok Thansk [04:57] Bulwinkle: You're really intimate with your music player apps. [04:57] I'm loving pidgin... although it isn't as feature rich as kopete [04:57] bulwinkle, i concur [04:57] levander: when I listen to music 8 hours a day I get that way [04:57] i love pidgin, i wish it was as feature rich as kopete or aMSN [04:57] alandd: why are you using debian main? [04:58] i listen that much too sometimes, but i like to put it on one thing, like a Pandora station I've made, or a radio program I listen to and jsut let it go, not fuss with it all day [04:58] the problem as I see it is that unless you've used KDE you really don't appreciate what you are missing in configurability with some of the gnome equivalents... [04:59] ah, KPLU . Listen to that all day, no problem [04:59] Hey guys where can I get kiba-dock and a how to install?? [04:59] or KPIG [04:59] is there a keyboard shortcut to open terminal? [04:59] its there a better way to copy old-home to new-home than cp? [04:59] but I really don't use 5% of what KDE does anyways (as a GI) [04:59] bulwinkle, i will argue to a degree...i love KDE but i still am a big fan of Gnome. i will swap constantly between both [04:59] Im also making a big switch in distros so that isn't helping [04:59] is there a keyboard shortcut to open the terminal? [05:00] for some reason [05:00] nickrud: I found debian main for endebian-tools first and tried from there. Then i took it out seeing it could come from ubuntu repos. I guess I may have messed up the repository and mixed dependencies now. [05:00] when i open an app [05:00] wease|: yeah... I've been a KDE guy for the longest but to be honest, if you're running c-f on top, what difference does it make. I can make GNOME looks exactly like KDE and vice-versa [05:00] ? [05:00] alot of the time its possible for it to start with the top bar up off screen [05:01] almost like it thinks my monitor is bigger than it is [05:01] wease|: once KDE4 gets to where it isn't crashing all of the damn time, maybe things will change [05:01] alandd: probably. If you only tried getting that one package, disable the debian repo , do sudo apt-get update and try again [05:01] deep: system>prefrences>keyboard shortcuts [05:01] bulwinkle, exactly. but KDE has been unstable for me so i kept to Gnome so i agree...i am waiting on the stable KDE [05:02] deep: last one in desktop if you cant find it [05:02] wease|: KDE has had issues with stability from day 1 [05:02] hello [05:02] nickrud: That one package pulled a bunch of dependencies at the same time. Now without debian main configured as source, it still errors. [05:02] bulwinkle, i grew ill of the constant crash messages [05:02] back again [05:02] bulwinkle, it worked pretty stable in other distros [05:03] wease|: I don't run my graphical linux system for longer than 8-12 hours at a stretch without rebooting anyways [05:03] so i installed a module and now ubuntu won't detect my video card, how do i reverse this installation [05:03] ? [05:03] wease|: I moved from kubuntu to opensuse and it was MUCH more stable [05:03] bulwinkle, i have kept my system up with graphics for 40 days or until the kernel image needs an update [05:04] wease|: My primary desktop is a laptop so it goes where I go. [05:04] * alandd finds this a very busy channel. :^) [05:04] bulwinkle, KDE worked best for me under suse [05:04] alandd: about all I can suggest is install apt-rdpends, and work your way through, switching to the ubuntu version from the debian. [05:04] * bibby waves [05:04] argh [05:04] alandd: not an easy task [05:04] how do you get messages from ubotu? [05:04] i'm screwed [05:05] nickrud: Well, I made the mess now I get to clean it up. [05:05] wease|: I'm on day 5 of my ubuntu experiment [05:05] uptime[2h 38m 42s] [05:05] anyone get emerald themes to work on Hardy yet? [05:05] MilitantPotato: /msg ubotu nvidia for example [05:05] os[Linux 2.6.22-14-386 i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[1 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 2800+ @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical : 504MB, 46.0% free] disk[Total : 120.57GB, 77.30% Free] video[nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]] sound[] [05:05] well emerald/beryl themes [05:05] I'm having some trouble with azureus. I opened it up and I got a message saying to download an update. Then when I went to reopen it gave me the option again, this time a window popped up in the corner saying it had shutdown wrong. Now whenever I open it it closes within 2 seconds of showing the main screen. The update seemed weird because it mentioned OSX but I wasn't sure. [05:05] bulwinkle, i stick to usin the tower cuz i like to pick it apart and change it on the fly as needed hehe [05:05] aceraxon: yes [05:05] nickrud: thanks :) [05:05] MilitantPotato: now, in the window that opened, type ati [05:05] aceraxon: what problem are you having? [05:05] bulwinkle, im on my 3rd year with ubuntu hehe [05:06] wease|: I've tried them all... literally [05:06] Bulwinkle: what do I need to get it running? I have compiz and emerald but nothing to gets the themes running [05:06] bulwinkle, name them and i have tested them [05:06] Hey is there a way to read microsoft help files in ubuntu(.chm files) I have some ubuntu ebooks in that format [05:06] deep: gnochm [05:06] a better cp way to duplicate a folder contents to another folder? [05:06] !compiz [05:06] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [05:06] thanks [05:07] bulwinkle, with exception to redhat. i had no interest in that [05:07] thinman1189: I'd suggest #azureus-support [05:07] !compiz | aceraxon [05:07] aceraxon: please see above [05:07] so i installed a module and now ubuntu won't detect my video card, how do i reverse this installation? [05:07] thanks all! [05:07] aceraxon: I [05:07] nickrud thanks, didn't know it existed. [05:07] 'm there too [05:07] thinman1189: neither did I, but google to the rescue ;) [05:08] nickrud I hate being owned by google [05:08] ? [05:08] nickrud: 'apt-get install apt-rdpends' fails to find the package. Not knowing what apt-rdpends is, I must be doing something wrong there. [05:08] * alandd goes to learn about apt-rdpends... [05:08] anyone have the compiz cube working? [05:09] alandd: sorry, typo: apt-rdepends [05:09] oh.. [05:09] alandd: my typo originally [05:10] nickrud: It's going now. thanks. [05:10] i think i set up compiz right for the cube [05:10] but when i activate it [05:11] thinman1189, how are you pwn'd by google? [05:11] prohna: Do you have compizconfig-settings-manager? [05:11] it just zooms out and i get four desktops in a row on the screen [05:11] instead of a cube [05:11] need some help getting a Dapper theme in 7.10 [05:11] who suggested songbird? [05:11] Odd-rationale: yeah [05:11] bulwinkle, i did [05:11] need some help getting a Dapper theme in 7.10 [05:11] its just not actually building a cube when i hit ctrl alt and a direction [05:11] wease|: it looks super sharp [05:11] it lays out all the desktops flat [05:11] bulwinkle, it is pretty awesome and it was developed by mozilla [05:11] maybe something else is on too [05:12] prohna: Try this. Open ccsm. Go to General Option. In Desktops, Set H=4, V=1, and #=1. [05:12] need some help getting a Dapper theme in 7.10 [05:12] i want to run an application when I login to X, where do I do this at again? [05:12] k [05:12] nickrud: OK. It appears that apt-rdepends shows various dependencies. Having found the 'broken' ones, I'll have to 'apt-get remove' them as I go, right? [05:12] prohna: Also make sure that you have the Desktop Cube plugin enabled and the Rotate Cube plugin enabled. [05:12] no change [05:12] todd: system->prefs->session [05:13] both are enabled [05:13] when i hit ctrl alt left arrow [05:13] the screen rotates [05:13] like a cube [05:13] pro [05:13] i just cant zoom back and see the cube [05:13] prohna: Do ctrl+alt+leftmosebuttin [05:13] wease|: nickrud found the azureus channel using google and told me to try there. thus, I was owned by google. [05:13] thanks [05:13] alandd: that's one approach. Without actually putting myself in your shoes (not very likely :) I can't really tell you what steps you want to take [05:13] prohna: Hold and move the mouse [05:13] sir [05:14] Does anyone know if there are special settings to use in the xorg.conf file for using a TV for a monitor? [05:14] you were corrent [05:14] thanks :) [05:14] Odd-rationale: this is awesome [05:14] prohna: np, enjoy compiz! [05:14] thinman1189, we are all pwn'd by the omnipotent g00gle [05:14] i tried it with beryl and it just locked up my laptop [05:14] cp -u /media/files/documents/ /media/backup/documents/ [05:14] cp: omitting directory `/media/files/documents/'? [05:14] now its smooth and working great [05:14] g00gle has all the answers [05:14] we must pray to the googleplex [05:14] haha [05:14] * prohna bows to google [05:15] live at the googleplex [05:15] google dont tell me the next lotery numbers [05:15] hahaha [05:15] Viva Viagra! [05:15] CVD-PR: need -r too [05:15] alandd: but I will say that I'd use aptitude in interactive mode as my main tool. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide , and at the bottom of each package description both the debian and ubuntu packages will be listed. You can choose which version to install there [05:15] prohna: Here's some good tips on setting up a cool compiz config: http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/29/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion === lian_ is now known as Pacifik [05:15] wease|: yes but it doesn't stop me from hating it [05:16] how do i zoom out? [05:16] is that possible? [05:16] thinman1189, we all hate the beast...that is why we look to the wiki! [05:16] prohna: Have you enabled Cube Reflection? [05:17] I had some card come with my motherboard that has an S-Video out and VGA out.. My TV will output the bootup text but won't get past the Ubuntu progress bar.. anyone know why? [05:17] not yet [05:17] prohna: Try [05:17] Odd-rationale: this laptop is pretty old im surprised alot of this working so im taking it slow [05:18] Odd-rationale: yup working [05:18] * prohna is amused [05:18] i just go with super E [05:18] beats installing those cheesy 3d things [05:19] * bibby afk [05:19] my compiz doesnt work, although Beryl worked on Fiesty, after installing gutsy it just would not work tried everything possible [05:19] need some help getting a Dapper theme in 7.10 [05:19] Housefly7k: thats weird cause i had the exact opposite problem lol [05:20] beryl wouldnt work but compiz is [05:20] Compiz is a bit lighter. [05:20] super E is even lighter! [05:20] !beryl [05:20] Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz [05:20] it requires no software [05:20] :P [05:21] Dell inspiron 8500 laptop [05:21] wease|: Super E? Link? [05:21] VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 01) [05:21] no *additional* software [05:21] !compiz [05:21] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [05:21] Rampentampen. [05:21] odd-rationale - windows button + E [05:21] its good enough eye candy for me [05:21] some people claimed it worked for them using the same video card, but i have had no luck following countless guides and how-tos [05:21] ah, expo . that is almost enough by itself to use compiz [05:22] wease|: A gnome thing? [05:22] wease|: what is Super E? [05:22] ccsm, enable the expo plugin. [05:22] Housefly7k: what does it do? can you enable any compiz effects? [05:22] windows key and e [05:23] odd-rationale, AFAIK it is a gnome thing [05:23] housefly7k, windows button + e [05:23] wease|: OK. Didn't do anything on my KDE... [05:24] im not big on the compiz, beryl thing [05:24] wease|: Me neither [05:24] prohna: no, none if i try from the System -> pref -> Appearance to enable Visual effects [05:24] Expo doesn't work without Compiz. [05:24] wease|: windows-e, that's expo in compiz : the desktops all in a row, able to drag windows around? [05:24] prohna: then it doesnt work it just says it was not able to switch or something like that, wait let me try [05:24] nickrud, i dont run compiz [05:25] wease|: ah, so it's that minimal effect: nothing :) [05:25] how to make my new home the default? or ubuntu know that automatically? [05:25] wease|: I don't run compiz either [05:25] Housefly7k: install the compiz config manager [05:25] yeah, songbird has a LOOOOONG way to go [05:25] nickrud, it shows a nice display with water reflection [05:25] CVD-PR: if you mount it in /etc/fstab, /home/you is /home/you [05:26] it is basically iTunes made over [05:26] prohna: "Desktop effects could not be enabled" [05:26] its prettier than alt-tab [05:26] wease|: hm. Not in any gnome I've used. How'ed you set it up? [05:26] Who can speak Chinese~~~~please help me~ [05:26] nickrud, i have to put /home/me, not just /home? [05:27] CVD-PR: /home for the mount point [05:27] o ok [05:27] nickrud, i went from preinstall 7.10 to stable 7.10 and that is what i got [05:27] !cn > rex [05:27] prohna: installing now [05:27] CVD-PR: assuming you're doing the standard [05:27] or was that pipe... [05:27] prohna: although i have pretty much given up hope [05:27] wease|: bet you're running compiz & don't even know it :) [05:28] prohna: installed ccsm [05:28] k [05:28] !cn > rex //////what [05:28] then see if advanced desktop effects is in there [05:28] I want to look at the channel's warning text for language... I'm not sure how to send it only to myself though. Does anyone know? [05:29] Odd-rationale: the focus window effect is rad too [05:29] can you speak Chinese [05:29] !cn | rex (chinese spoken there): [05:29] rex (chinese spoken there):: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [05:29] ok [05:29] rex: no but i think there's a chinese channel. i made a mistake with the command [05:29] thank you [05:29] nickrud, only if it defaulted to it when i installed the nvidia drivers...during the aplha and beta i installed compiz and beryl and had a blast but when i was forced to install the stable i just let it install and never added to it as far as the gui went [05:29] !language | emmajane [05:29] wease|: ps -A | grep compiz [05:29] emmajane: /msg ubotu whatever [05:30] astro76: thanks. [05:30] oh~~~~~thank you [05:30] aha [05:30] * wease| shakes a finger [05:30] it must have installed by default [05:30] prohna: but what would installing ccsm help if the basic desktop effects wont work? [05:31] astro76: Hrm. it doesn't seem to send me the warning text when I do /msg ubotu !language [05:31] hello [05:31] Housefly7k: idk worth a shot [05:31] cuz i never saw it running nor do i have the ability to adjust it in the usual place (system) [05:31] emmajane: Try without ! [05:31] Housefly7k: mine acted wacky till i got it working [05:32] LinuxID10T: hey :) I'm happy to help out. But I find "IDIOT" screamed at me sort of offencive. Can you pick a new nickname? Thanks! [05:32] Housefly7k: especially switching that setting yer trying to change would lock me up for 15+ seconds sometimes [05:32] Odd-rationale: tried that first... [05:32] nickrud, interesting it is there and i never manually installed it [05:32] I want to install Ubuntu on a laptop drive [05:32] Sorry about the nickname I have used it in forums for at least 8 years === bra1 is now known as brad1 [05:33] Um. === brad1 is now known as brad01 [05:33] bra1: external or in a laptop? [05:33] external [05:33] wease|: it's a default install in gutsy, I think it's enabled by default for some nvidia cards [05:33] emmajane: Hmm. Are you !registered? [05:33] Odd-rationale: my nick is registered, yes. [05:33] Hello, Is it true that Hardy will not feature a new theme and a new makeover is scheduled for Hardy +1 ?? [05:34] I have an adapter to hook it up and the ubuntu live cd see's it [05:34] Does that mean I'm supposed to not find it offensive, LinuxID10T? I'm confused. [05:34] kavoor: I've seen a link to a new desktop background somewhere ... [05:34] kavoor: #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic [05:34] prohna: so now that ccsm is installed...should i disable all the effects and try enabling some? is that what you suggest....and what effects should i try first? [05:34] nickrud, thats why i was thinkin it may have been done by me installing the drivers but the standard compiz button is nonexistent [05:34] !compiz [05:34] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [05:34] but when I try to install it it either has an error or when I connect it to the laptop it won't boot from it [05:34] so i guess i never thought much about it [05:34] wease|: system->prefs->appearance, effects tab [05:35] Flannel: OK sorry [05:35] Odd-rationale: where do i go to set the cube to be hollow? [05:35] Housefly7k: does it let you open ccsm? [05:35] nickrud, not the same as a compiz tab in the pre-release [05:35] If I want to stream video (using VLC) can I use a (multicast reserved) address? This is all within a private (home) network; but I I'm not sure a 192.168 address would work for multicast === dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen [05:36] prohna: Go to Desktop Cube --> Transparent Cube and adjust the transparnecy durin rotation [05:36] prohna: yeah [05:36] Housefly7k: try some of them then [05:36] see what happens [05:36] How do I get on a wireless network with WPA encryption? [05:36] it's not one of the options on the thingy [05:36] I'm trying various lite window managers...I'm in icewm which seems to be running fine but now my mp3s sometimes skip, its like the mp3 player is not given as much cpu priority in icewm [05:36] when you try to connect === cE_cRi_cO__ is now known as ce_sma === slaytani2 is now known as slaytanic [05:36] emmajane: there was no reason to chase him off [05:37] prohna: but the desktop effects are not enabled...i am not sure i understand [05:37] nickrud: I didn't. It was a valid question. [05:37] nickrud: I honestly didn't understand the response. :/ [05:37] so ignore him. [05:38] prohna: Did that suit you? [05:38] nickrud: I thought it was like a conversation where we each had a turn. [05:39] anyone know how i can get my clock to show regular time instead of UTC [05:39] emmajane: seems to me that you were picking an argument. [05:40] dareii, just rt click the clock [05:40] the !compiz suggested #compiz-fusion but the channel is empty...is that right or its just not a busy channel? [05:40] Can anyone here help me trouble shoot key based SSH authentication? [05:40] i did there's no option for it in the window [05:40] go to preferences........... [05:41] for some reason I can't get it working [05:41] did that too - i'm using latest updates on hardy [05:41] Housefly7k: There is about 180 peeps in #compiz-fusion [05:41] oh hardy [05:41] well it should work on hardy also... but I'm running gutsy [05:42] bring on hardy! [05:42] the gui in the preferences has changed and no utc option [05:42] !hardy | dareii [05:42] dareii: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [05:42] i loved testing out gutsy in prerelease mode [05:42] what do you guys think about Hardy so far [05:43] i wanna do the same with hardy [05:43] Odd-rationale: thanks i just realised i connected to it on a different server... sorry for the inconvinience new to irssi [05:43] so far hardy rules it's the only ubuntu i can get to boot on my laptop [05:43] what is ide? [05:43] i havent installed hardy yet as it is unavailable for me as of right now [05:43] darelli, what laptop? [05:44] acer aspire 5520 [05:44] IDE = integrated drive electronics [05:44] duh [05:44] what it does? [05:44] the only other distro i can get to work on it is opensuse 11.0 [05:44] IDE makes your computer have an extended brain [05:44] so to speak [05:45] ok [05:45] IDE is the friggin hard drive [05:46] so my hardrive spins if ide0 or ide1 shows on powertop [05:47] your drive will spin until it finds a point that the software finds a start [05:47] has anyone seen the optimus maximus?!?! its amazing! http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus/ [05:47] can someone point me in the direction of a linux version of free allegiance? [05:47] i know there is a version.. [05:47] optimus maximus is schweet [05:47] but, i can't find it :( [05:48] well i have powertop and it constantly show me ide1 so i was wondering what it was [05:48] but it isnt linux firnedly and is a very expensive piece [05:48] *friendly [05:48] wease| it isnt? [05:48] thats what i was hoping to figure out :P [05:48] so much for that! [05:48] simplyubuntu, it is for windows and mac as of now [05:48] why doesnt linux run well on laptops? [05:49] wease|, it's very very expensive for me [05:49] it depends on the laptop [05:49] but it is too much eye candy and for so much money [05:49] Lartza_: Runs just fine on my tablet. [05:49] well yea, but linux runs almost in any desktop computer, but number of laptops arent supported [05:49] Lartza_: I had mixed experiences with that, and it runs great on some [05:49] dunia, some schmuck bought it on ebay for 2750 bucks [05:49] its 400 dollars... [05:49] pretty expensive [05:50] wow 371euros! [05:50] Toshiba a100 and a900 it worked beautifully... everything just did [05:50] for keyboard!!! [05:50] o0 [05:50] keyboard is not something i would consider spending tons of money [05:50] does anyone know if ubuntu works with those new colurful dell notebooks?? :P [05:50] me neither [05:50] what model? [05:51] simplyubuntu: You mean the xps? [05:51] dell actually offers the latest xps with ubuntu 7.10 [05:51] :D [05:51] yep thats what i mean [05:51] they start at just under 1 grand [05:51] very schweet setup [05:51] really wease|? [05:51] yesh [05:51] my mom was thinking of buying one [05:51] ill give you a link [05:51] just checking out [05:51] brb to find it [05:51] thanks :) [05:52] 999$ [05:52] XPSTM M1330 [05:52] XPS M1330 [05:52] id rather get a macbook pro [05:52] i love mac and linux [05:52] yup [05:52] they beat windows anytime [05:53] i have an HP right now and I like it alot....specially with Gutsy [05:53] Vista sucked [05:53] except mac costs, but its still good [05:53] Vista REALLY sucks [05:53] xp is ok in emergy situation [05:53] for playing commercial games etc. [05:53] http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&oc=DYCWTU1&s=dhs [05:53] the problem with laptops and Ubuntu so far is that laptop makers like to add lots of hokey buttons a features that you really dont need [05:53] there you go [05:53] thanks wease| [05:54] anytime [05:54] Zoso: so then they just wont work? or whole system doesnt work? [05:54] no...it takes more work to get the little things to work correctly [05:55] sony is notorious for adding unnecessary junk to the Vaio laptops [05:55] ok, i wouldnt need those [05:55] wease| isnt there a red one too? [05:55] anywhere else i can go for compiz help, #compiz-fusion is full of very silent ppl :) [05:55] !minimal [05:55] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD === Lilly is now known as Lilacor [05:55] Housefly7k: Make a lot of noise! :P [05:55] 'ello [05:55] help with cairo-dock [05:55] i can not see it [05:56] simplyubuntu, you can customize it [05:56] wow, http://www.geekabout.com/2008-02-19-479/40-most-disastrous-cable-messes.html [05:57] brb [05:57] plase help with cairo-dock [05:58] What is a simple system information application I can have always running on my desktop? [05:58] Lilacor: conky [05:58] Lilacor: what it needs to do? show cpu usage? [05:59] cpu, memory, network, i/o...etc [05:59] ssl [05:59] Lilacor: or grekm (sp?) [05:59] there is one applet to the panel [06:00] I mean one that updates and is almost like part of the background graphic.. . . . [06:00] Lilacor: Then use conky [06:00] i dont know then [06:00] oh cool that's exactly what I was looking for :D [06:00] thanks folks === Fryda is now known as sure [06:02] my fan is also constantly running on a Dell inspiron 8500... [06:02] constantly ... i tune it out but if i can find a way for it to work properly i wouldnt mind [06:03] Hey, I just installed on an external HD but my BIOS doesn't give me the option to boot from a USB drive, even though it seems to recognize it before the actual boot... anyone know how I can make it happen? (Sony VAIO VGN-550G) [06:04] hey does anyone here use an iphone with ubuntu? [06:04] simplyubuntu: that'd be a trick I'd like to see. . . [06:05] simplyubuntu, have you seen the docs regarding it? It doesn't look too hard to do actually. [06:05] Lilacor, why? [06:05] simplyubuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone [06:05] simplyubuntu: I think it'd be interesting to see...that's all [06:06] ubuntu phone?that is interseting [06:06] ! [06:06] fredmv ive seen them too... have even transferred music wirelessly. i was, however, wondering, if i could transfer music with a cable, wireless b is pretty slow (10 secs per song) [06:06] should work fine via USB [06:07] how fredmv? mount it at media/ipod and let banshee see it? [06:07] wow...that's a lot of people [06:07] simplyubuntu, I've done something similar with my iRiver. [06:07] Was a pain, but I eventually got it to work. [06:07] Not too familar with Apple stuff though. [06:08] There seems to be plenty of docs available though. [06:08] i see... what about syncing contacs etc [06:08] take a look at gtkpod [06:08] Very solid app. [06:08] fredmv that doc you just linked was the only one ive been able to find! [06:08] Have you taken a look at gtkpod? [06:08] i know about gtkpod, but it doesnt offer the library support that banshee does... at least for me [06:08] nickrud, command to view the UUID's [06:09] CVD-PR: blkid [06:09] Audacity might also be an option. [06:09] I wish I could help further but I never really bought into the Apple thing. [06:10] Is it normal for both xgl and xorg to be running at the same time [06:10] thanks anyway fredmv [06:10] No prob man. [06:10] hey is this going to work with nvidia 5500 and 7.10 ?? [06:11] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98456 [06:11] I'm sure you've taken a look at ubuntuforums? [06:11] what is kde 4 [06:12] not sure what changes have been made to the new nvidia driver [06:12] !kde4 | pawan_ [06:12] pawan_: KDE 4.0.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.1.php - More information can be found at http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0.1.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [06:12] how to upgrade gutsy to kde 4 [06:13] pawan_: See the first link [06:13] used to work fine under edgy with this card but the auto detect capabilities of nvidia driver didn't go over so well this time through [06:13] plus I don't like xineramam [06:13] -m [06:14] or twinview [06:18] nickrud, i am woking on mini ubuntu 6.06 now [06:19] icesword: cool. What do you plan on adding to it? [06:19] nickrud, gnome,mac4lin,haha [06:20] icesword: sounds big ;P [06:20] nickrud, you said big,why,i will give up open office sort of thing ,too big [06:21] icesword: gnome, one of the biggest things in the repo :O Anyway, off to eat. See you later [06:21] nickrud, yeah [06:23] is there a config option to make dpkg always run niced? [06:23] how to remove a non-empty directory? [06:23] CVD-PR, rm -r /dir/name [06:23] CVD-PR, but be careful with that [06:24] hey? [06:24] CVD-PR, or just use nautilus, although currently that won't help much if it's a system folder (in which case, be super careful with anything resembling sudo rm -r /path/to/folder) [06:24] need some help [06:24] !ask [06:24] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [06:24] how do i set up a network card? [06:24] i mean as in network settings thro the command line? [06:25] ? [06:25] ac1d, /etc/network/interfaces holds most of the settings [06:25] how do i edit it thro the CLI... bit of a newb here [06:25] changing it to pretty much anything by hand will disable network manager though [06:25] gedit /etc/network/interfaces [06:25] ac1d, you can also run ifconfig ... and related commands to directly change the current settings [06:25] im trying to set up an ubuntu server here, just very new to it all and learning [06:26] try rm -rf * [06:26] ac1d, dhclient eth0 will use dhcp to configur eth0, for instance [06:26] i want to configure it statically because i want to be able to SSH into it [06:26] ac1d, I usually use static dhcp still [06:26] other question, how do i page up in CLI? lol [06:26] shift+pageup [06:26] thanks [06:26] anyone know how to turn off opening things with a single click...its driving me crazy and I want to go back to doubleclicking [06:26] I am going to say this once and once only...NEVER tell a user to rm -rf * as root or even as a regular user..... [06:27] Does wireless lan assistant thingy not support WPA or am I stupid? [06:27] Not even as a joke! [06:27] devrethman, depends on the chipset, some of them have issues with dpa [06:27] what happened to ubuntu bounties? [06:27] wpa rather [06:27] so i would set up a network card statically by... [06:27] is it possible to target a workspace when starting an application? [06:27] ifconfig [06:27] zoredache: devilspie [06:27] cwillyu: I've got an oldish laptop, so if it's not on the dropdown thing it means I can't do it? [06:28] ac1d, look at 'man interfaces' [06:28] yeah...speeddemon he thought he was clever [06:28] !devilspie | zoredache [06:28] zoredache: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning. Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie [06:28] devrethman, do you know what chipset you have? [06:28] cwillu: nope [06:28] ah, thanks [06:28] how do i check [06:28] would lspci show it? [06:29] devrethman, yep, although it's a somewhat chicken and egg problem that way :p [06:29] so how would i set up the settings on a network card (eth0) statically? [06:29] devrethman, lspci|grep -i wlan might do something [06:29] ac1d, type 'man interfacse [06:29] bah [06:29] 'man interfaces' [06:29] read that [06:29] nothing [06:29] devrethman, try 802 [06:29] (instead of wlan) [06:30] no [06:30] i just read the list, nothing looks like wireless [06:30] anyone know how to turn off opening things with a single click...its driving me crazy and I want to go back to doubleclicking [06:30] oaky i really do need some linux help [06:30] how do i quit out of man pages now? [06:30] ac1d, q [06:30] "q" [06:30] thanks [06:30] aaaaaaaaaaa [06:30] can u set up a network card by using ifconfig [06:31] i dont know how to edit text files using the CLI [06:31] ac1d, only temporarily (i.e., till the next reboot) [06:31] devrethman: lspci | grep Net ? [06:31] (actually, it depends on thze pager you are using ;) ) [06:31] ac1d, sudo nano /path/to/file [06:31] loslalfos, safe assumption that a cli newbie won't have customized the pager :p [06:31] intel 82801 ethernet controller [06:31] ac1d, if you are using gnome, you can do it through the GUI... System > Administration > Network [06:31] okay [06:31] im in Nnano [06:32] nano... [06:32] cwillu: that's why i put a smiley... ;) [06:32] It's just the hardwire one though [06:32] now how do i change stuff? lol [06:32] i need to be shown once then ill remember how to do it for next time [06:32] !nano [06:32] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [06:32] When I open alsamixer, and try to increase Front Mic and Mic Boost on the capture tab, it resets when i open alsamixer again [06:32] bah [06:32] ac1d, nano is pretty self explanatory [06:32] ac1d, if I was mean, I'd point you at vim :p [06:32] Are there any op's around? [06:32] devrethman: What wireless do you have? [06:32] how do i open the file then? [06:33] wireless in a Toshiba sattelite 5105 [06:33] devrethman, I think that's the wired card [06:33] I do to [06:33] *too [06:33] i did the whole sudo nano etc/network/interface and its got nothing [06:33] devrethman, try lsmod|grep bc [06:33] ac1d, /etc, not just etc? [06:33] mbcache and usbcore [06:33] not wireless [06:33] devrethman: You're trying to find your chipset, then? [06:33] etc/network/interfaces -- with an s on the end [06:33] Odd-rationale, yes [06:33] speeddemon8803: what is the issue? [06:33] k [06:34] thanks [06:34] dw im closer :p [06:34] odd-rationale: WPA doesn't show up on the dropdown [06:34] may i private message you bazhang? [06:34] supposedly some chipsets fdon't support [06:34] sure [06:34] it [06:34] For anyone new in here: DO NOT do sudo rm -rf anytime anywhere until you know EXACTLY what it does [06:34] so I'm trying to figure out if I have one of them [06:34] cwillu: actually, i wasn't just putting a smiley in for the people "in the know". i think i wanted to hint that there's more to know. anyhow... :) [06:34] speeddemon8803: sure [06:35] it DELETES EVERYTHING! [06:35] anyone know how to turn off opening things with a single click...its driving me crazy and I want to go back to doubleclicking [06:35] gnome? [06:35] Rael, there might be an option in the prefs somewhere, you can do it from gconf-editor as well [06:35] Rael, open a file browser, go to edit|preferences | behavious, and change double to single [06:36] GSF1200S, sudo rm -rf will do nothing... if you put a / at the end though.. [06:36] well yeah, thats what I mean- we had a troll in here who wrote that down [06:37] rm -rf / em,that is a good command [06:37] oh [06:37] okay so im typing sudo rm -rf / [06:37] kool [06:37] thanks guys for all ur help [06:37] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> ... [06:37] wtf? [06:37] is this channel mad? === rikkimaru_ is now known as rikkimaru [06:37] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> hahaha [06:37] hehehe [06:37] ahh [06:38] cwillu thanks I checked there but double click is already enabled...this was happening in windows too...maybe its the mouse === fubu16________ is now known as fubu16 [06:38] ac1d dont do it [06:38] hes gone already [06:38] and sadly [06:38] I think he was "joking" [06:38] * speeddemon8803 sits here still steaming [06:38] what if i setup miniubuntu to my disk,what os i will gain [06:38] he must have been joking (?) [06:39] this is not funny [06:39] can we just kick everyone who's suggested that command in the last 5 minutes? [06:39] what if there is a curious new user in here and he deletes his home folder or worse? [06:39] !repo [06:39] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [06:39] not a bad idea cwillu [06:39] !restricted [06:39] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:39] guys, rm -rf is NOT a command you want to do unless you absolutely know what the heck your doing! PERIOD! if someone tells you to do this to a folder like /home...DONT! [06:39] tempting [06:40] windows supports format system disk too,hahah [06:40] okay, so it I sudo rm -rf /home/devrethman my wireless will work? [06:40] devrethman: no dont do it [06:40] okay,okay,okay,okay,okay, [06:40] Dev...quit trolling [06:40] I'm having some trouble with azureus. I opened it up and I got a message saying to download an update. Then when I went to reopen it gave me the option again, this time a window popped up in the corner saying it had shutdown wrong. Now whenever I open it it closes within 2 seconds of showing the main screen. The update seemed weird because it mentioned OSX but I wasn't sure. [06:41] that's obvious enough [06:41] hey guys okay lol [06:41] need some more help [06:41] hello ac1d [06:41] my /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: [06:41] ac1d: don't paste here [06:41] oh wait [06:41] i see the problem lol [06:41] at least it's still there :) [06:41] arch.ubuntu.org.cn is org.cn,it is damn slow [06:42] why did i get booted? [06:42] -_- [06:42] so how do I tell what my wireless chipset is in order to see if it supports WPA or not? [06:42] speeddemon8803: don't be repeating that here, same for you devrethman . Not a humorous subject [06:43] nickrud [06:43] i was saying NOT to do it [06:43] if you were reading it very closely [06:43] nickrud, i am installing base system,now at 6% [06:43] speeddemon8803: I read it. [06:43] nickrud it was Neutralise [06:43] devrethman: most chipsets support WPA... [06:43] is there something like apt-get or aptitude that I cal install a downloaded package which isn't in the repos, and it will sort out the dependencies .. I used gdebi at home but the server has no GUI [06:43] it doesn't show up in the dropdown in the wireless thing [06:44] speeddemon8803: no worries mate; he knows who did it [06:44] and somebody earlier (cwillu) said it might be cause my chipset doesn't do it [06:44] devrethman: thats... odd [06:44] I didn't think that made much sense, butI'm going with it anyway [06:44] Err, is it possible to update wine without removing my C Drive...? like from source [06:44] i've got an older laptop [06:44] i listed my reason why not to do it :) oh well water under the bridge :) [06:44] with an 802.11b [06:44] no G or anything [06:44] my wine is still ver 0.9.46....and i want to update to 0.9.55 [06:44] zcat[1]: dpkg -i packagename.deb? [06:45] I hate to keep spamming this question, but does _anyone_ know how to fix the following problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4385541 [06:45] Darkmystere, have you tried to build it from source, [06:45] devrethman, faileas, some cards didn't have good driver support, wpa was one of the trickier things to get working in my experience (mostly broadcom cards, which I don't think he has though) [06:45] Starnestommy: that takes care of the 12 other libraries that the package depends on (which are all in the repos) or do I have to take a note of everything gdebi installed and do them manually? [06:45] devrethman: what does lspci show--just tell us dont paste it here [06:45] what is there fun to do on linux [06:45] cwillu: ahh === quantum is now known as quaternary [06:45] Darkmystere msg me for a moment [06:45] TrustNoOne: sauerbraten [06:45] bazhang: depends on your idea of fun [06:46] bazhang: nothing that looks like a wireless card [06:46] er TrustNoOne even [06:46] just like video card, ethernet card, modem, the usual stuff [06:46] saurbraten sucks.. try urban terror or world of padman or even tremulous.. [06:46] zcat[1]: I think it still checks for dependencies [06:46] devrethman: this is pci card or usb dongle? [06:46] TrustNoOne: check out stellarium and hydrogen [06:46] hi all [06:46] hi Reenen [06:47] It's internal [06:47] so I'm assuming PCI [06:47] I started a bit torrent download (by clicking on the link in firefox), and now I want to continue it... [06:47] how do I do it [06:47] devrethman: what computer make and model [06:47] RedHeron, ? [06:47] Toshiba sattelite 5105-S901 [06:47] Reenen: just start your torrent client again [06:47] if it's come down to looking up specs, i can do it [06:47] did you start the .torrent in azerus? or what? [06:47] icesword, did you get my query? [06:47] Darkmystere, you follow the read me [06:47] or did you just download the .torrent to your computer? [06:47] devrethman: does ifconfig return anything like wlan0? [06:47] Starnestommy: no it doesn't, I just checked [06:47] I have no idea what that is [06:48] because remember kids: the .torrent only lets your computer find the file. It isn't the file itself [06:48] eth0 and eth1 [06:48] I only have one ethernet card, so one of the is wireless [06:48] Darkmystere, usually ./configure [06:48] and it works fine on WEP [06:48] so the card itself works [06:48] I'll bet it was azerus... I'll try it [06:48] can I use aptitude or apt-get but install a deb that I have in ~, not in a repo? [06:48] * speeddemon8803 sits in the room and doesnt say a word to anybody...aparently thats what im supposed to do ;) [06:48] nope [06:48] Darkmystere, if you don't have some packages,it will stop , and ask for it [06:48] no result when az{tab} in terminal [06:48] devrethman: is there a hardware switch on the machine to control the wireless? my laptop has one [06:48] like how I could use gdebi except as I mentioned, this is on a server and has no gui [06:48] zcat[1]: use sudo dpkg -i [06:49] yeah, it's on [06:49] the card is working fine [06:49] it sees the SSID [06:49] I'm having some trouble with azureus. I opened it up and I got a message saying to download an update. Then when I went to reopen it gave me the option again, this time a window popped up in the corner saying it had shutdown wrong. Now whenever I open it it closes within 2 seconds of showing the main screen. The update seemed weird because it mentioned OSX but I wasn't sure. I'm using ubuntu gutsy. [06:49] and everything [06:49] icesword, oh ok i thought compiling from source removed wine and all its things and installed the new one.. [06:49] I just connect and it says "this network is encrypted" [06:49] nickrud: it wants a shitload of dependencies.. gdebi takes care of them fore me.. there must be something in the command line that can do the same job [06:49] devrethman: the card is working just wont get wpa is that it? [06:49] and WPA isn't one of the options [06:49] yeah [06:49] exactly [06:49] Darkmystere, you must uninstall the former install mannula === carlo__ is now known as carlo [06:50] I don't even know if WPA is working, the only way I know how to use wireless is through that wirelss assistant [06:50] I hate it, so It's not something I've become an expert in [06:50] devrethman: then you will need to do it via cli [06:50] icesword, so backup my fake C: Drive and then reinstall it.. [06:50] thinman1189: move the .azuerus folder to a location on your desktop and open it again. It will reset all your options, but it will regenerate the folder [06:50] Darkmystere, you must carefull y read README [06:50] bazhang: okay......... [06:50] is there something like aptitude install --local-package=~/whatever.deb instead of having to get it from a repo? [06:51] icesword, its talking about a patch....all i really see about update [06:51] does anybody ubuntu under virtual pc 2007? Can't figure out how to copy text from it to the main machine [06:51] devrethman: I have had very mixed results with the network-manager; another option for gui would be to try out wicd [06:51] man cli redirects to man mono, which AFAIK isn't a wireless anything [06:51] zcat[1]: sudo dpkg -i testname.deb [06:51] zcat[1]: you can use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal to create a local repo, then apt will pull in the dependencies [06:51] nickrud, where is cn.archive.ubuntu.com,i am installing base system.now at 6%:( [06:51] GSF1200S: I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both with add/remove and with synaptic (full remove). [06:52] icesword: china [06:52] :( too slow [06:52] WICD isn't in aptitude [06:52] icesword: try tw. [06:52] im not sure if that will remove the config folder in home thinman1189 [06:52] GSF1200S: I tried that, it spews out a bunch of package names I don't have. and then exist. gdebi goes ahead and sorts them out for me.. I want something that sorts them out for me.. [06:52] but not gdebi.. something I can use with no gui [06:52] In synaptic, I have bittorrent installed... [06:52] bazhang, then i will have a ubuntu-tw? [06:53] but how do I run it again? [06:53] surely this exists somewhere? [06:53] icesword: no just faster repo [06:53] GSF1200S: according to synaptic a full uninstall removes config files as well [06:53] Reenen: gnome-bt-download ? [06:53] zcat[1]: after trying sudo dpkg -i testname.deb, try sudo apt-get -f install [06:53] devrethman: just a moment let me check something [06:53] bazhang, then i have to reinstall:( [06:53] the package name is "bittorrent" [06:54] Reenen: Yes, I know [06:54] hmm, ok... [06:54] hmmm thinman1189.. I had the same problem, and removing that folder worked for me, so I would try it. Obviously something isnt being completely removed... [06:54] Hey, that worked... yay!! thanks. [06:54] Reenen: Try running it with gnome-bt-download (I think that is correct) [06:55] zcat[1]: yeah that automatically retrieves all dependencies that dpkg couldnt find trying to install the deb package [06:55] Odd-rationale: Oh, I see... but it's not continuing the download [06:55] http://www.ventanazul.com/webzine/articles/fix-wireless-connection-problem-gutsy-gibbon devrethman look at this [06:55] Reenen: Or Unhide it from your gnome menu. [06:55] icesword: nay; just restart the update with the new repos enabled [06:55] What would you guys say the best lightweight IM client is? gAIM? Or is there something superior? [06:56] where will it save the "bittorrent" metafile? [06:56] bazhang, are you from tw? [06:56] Reenen: Open your torrent and point it to your half-donwloaded file [06:56] aye icesword [06:56] fredmv: pidgin or kopete IMO. [06:56] fredmv, pidgin btw [06:57] icesword, thanks synaptics wasnt showing the updates for wine but doing an sudo apt-get upgrade showed the update and its doing it :), Would you know why my network manager applet doesnt show if i reboot i have to reinstall it (its still installed) but to be able to connect to internet i need to reinstall it to get the applet back... its adding a new applet every time could this be a malfunction with the applet? [06:57] i pinged the tw.ubuntu.org.com.it is 300ms [06:57] hmmm: Error: Got bad file info [06:57] I'll look into Kopete. Thanks guys. [06:57] Reenen: Maybe you do. :) [06:57] Darkmystere, not sure [06:58] icesword: just a suggestion; you cn connection may pick up--mine usually slows down then speeds up again [06:58] Odd-rationale: Thanks... [06:58] quick question... i'm thinking of upgrading my video card. Given that the only graphic intensive things i'll be doing is playing WoW, running MythTV frontend, and possibly running Compiz Fusion/Beryl, which manufacturer's card/driver has the best support/performance on a linux machine? ATI or Nvidia? [06:58] Odd-rationale: I'll restart it, it was only 10mb in [06:58] Man, SDL is a freaking headache. [06:58] icesword, it gets annoying having to go into synaptics and reinstalling it every reboot just to use internet...its just about the only netowrk manager ive tried that works for me wifi-radar never worked for me neither kwifi-manager [06:58] nvidia noclue [06:58] Reenen: no p [06:58] hey all, i've been messing around with my vid drivers and xorg.conf file today, and i just realized that NO videos are playing... trying vlc and mplayer... just get a screen of green static, with sound [06:58] Darkmystere: you tried wicd? [06:59] does that sound familiar to anyone? [06:59] thanks... [06:59] they were working fine yesterday [06:59] final answer everyone? thanks bazhang [06:59] saff what happened in the meantime [06:59] bazhang, i never could get it installed kept saying it meshed with network-manager.. [06:59] Darkmystere, what you use to get online now [06:59] bazhang, i've reinstalled my nvidia prop drivers many, many times [06:59] noclue the ati is a real pain to get working; trust me on this ;] [06:59] with different methods [06:59] bazhang: haha okay. thanks a lot! [06:59] anyone know why this is not working?! http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-8-386/filelist [07:00] and really messed around with xorg.conf... using a custom one, and various generated ones [07:00] Darkmystere: want a link? [07:00] icesword, network-manager...it has 3 applets open for some reason...it adds one it looks like everytime i reinstall [07:00] it's the same whether or not i use compiz [07:00] bazhang, i have source and package [07:00] Darkmystere: a how to? [07:00] and it's cross-vid format... [07:00] hi, is there any way to do videochat over in ubuntu? [07:00] bazhang, sure [07:00] .avi, .mp4 [07:00] .mpeg [07:01] http://www.ventanazul.com/webzine/articles/fix-wireless-connection-problem-gutsy-gibbon Darkmystere [07:01] how would I search all files in the system for a certain string via grep? [07:01] (yeah, I'm a newb) [07:01] saff when you say 'different methods' what would those be? [07:01] fredmv, a sting in the file, or part of the file name? [07:01] in the file... [07:02] bazhang, the ubuntu restricted manager, envy, and by hand [07:02] Darkmystere, no,i mean what link you use,adsl? [07:02] Darkmystere, what app do you usually use to gain ip addr? [07:02] dchp [07:02] icesword, yea [07:02] bazhang, i've been trying to get my drivers working properly... i thought i was back at square one till i noticed this video problem [07:03] This SDL problem is killing me... [07:03] saff and then you removed the previous ones before installing subsequently? care to pastebin your xorg-conf? [07:03] dhcp* [07:03] sure 1 sec [07:03] icesword, dhcp [07:03] Darkmystere, dhcp,that is it,but do you have to use some apps to to dial or something to gain ip addr? [07:03] bazhang, http://pastebin.org/20853 [07:04] icesword, no i dont think network-manager does it all.. [07:04] saff, are you familar with this type of problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=703137 [07:04] it's killing me [07:04] this is the closest answer I've found: http://www.devolution.com/pipermail/sdl/2001-October/039456.html [07:04] but it's still not working for any [SDL] games [07:04] Darkmystere, oh,i got it,you got the link plug in,then you get online,right [07:05] fredmv, no clue man [07:05] icesword....., i just used what was installed by default although i did accidentally install the VPN Plugin [07:05] fredmv, looks like a bizzare problem [07:05] sorry they aren't helping you much on the forums [07:06] When I open alsamixer, and try to increase Front Mic and Mic Boost on the capture tab, it resets when i open alsamixer again. Thus I can't use my mic. Any suggestions? [07:06] Darkmystere, did you have some program running that conflicted with your system,like input method [07:06] bazhang, any ideas general? [07:06] saff: it's all good. I appreciate you checking the thread out. I guess this is what makes Linux so fun.. lol. [07:07] fredmv, haha you got it [07:07] saff just a moment, looking at my xorg.conf ;] [07:07] recompiling the SDL source again as we speak but with 'make distclean' [07:07] frustrating as hell, but once you fix it you feel like a champ [07:07] Absolutely. [07:07] hey guys [07:07] icesword, err...i did try and run a partioned installed OS from Vmware Workstation...and my file system was complaining about read-only and i had to do fsck on /dev/sda5 (ubuntu partion) from Backtrack 3 beta...and then it wasnt reconizing the group root.... [07:07] sure beats the stagnant, brain-melting feeling of Windoze [07:07] Darkmystere, for now,i am not sure what caused your problem,eccept your give a better description [07:08] icesword, i tried it with root privs... [07:08] bazhang, sure thing professor, i've got all night [07:08] icesword, running hte partion in VMWare Workstation that is [07:08] When I open alsamixer, and try to increase Front Mic and Mic Boost on the capture tab, it resets when i open alsamixer again. Thus I can't use my mic. Any suggestions? [07:09] Darkmystere, you told me so much,but i am still not sure what is your problem?:( [07:09] hi guys, how do you remove a PPPoE connection? [07:09] icesword, it was acctually complaining about unknown usr group "root" [07:09] Thank for your help icesword [07:10] np [07:10] :) [07:10] can anyone help please? [07:11] My ext3 partition has 7GB "free" that is not "available" for me to use. What is using this space? How can I recover it so it can be used? [07:11] * speeddemon8803 backspaces my "ask" flag as i see you did ask :/ [07:11] !pppoe [07:11] Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE [07:11] I have have a folder on my main partition (ntfs) for torrents and when I copy them to my music partition (fat32) I seem to lose ownership of them and my media player doesn't pick them up when it scans. It didn't used to do that, any thoughts? [07:11] i have a problem: adept notifier keeps telling me i have an update. when i get the update, it says update complete, but the adept notifier is still there. when i click it again, it gets the same update, then tells me its complete...and the process continues. NOTE: i've already done 'sudo apt-get -f install' [07:12] sean_, fat doesn't support ownership [07:12] when you say "media player scans" [07:12] saff: Why can't Songbird scan them then? [07:12] you mean like to add to a library? [07:12] yessir [07:12] two thoughts occur.. [07:13] 1. the fat partition isn't getting scanned [07:13] or 2. you dont have the right permissions [07:13] It scans stuff fine when I extract it from archives to put there [07:13] Much like your mother? [07:14] not sure i know what you mean.. it does scan some stuff on the fat partition, but not everything? [07:14] please dont do that here Liempt [07:14] Yup. Everything that was already there is fine, it's just the new stuff, specifically the new stuff I took from the ntfs partition [07:14] what i mean is, can you manually add songs from the fat partition to your player? [07:14] Please don't do what here? [07:15] insult people [07:15] your mother [07:15] I was just saying it was hard to understand. [07:15] yeah, but i need to remove my pppoe connection. [07:15] anyone here use songbird? [07:15] elbermungsterses, look at /etc/ppp/peers/ [07:15] sean does [07:16] :-P [07:16] icesword, well....i cant seem to get a game called lastchaos to run in wine... its soppose to work by default with the 0.9.55 version [07:16] sean this is getting over my head... when you copy them from your ntfs partition, do you own them? [07:16] When I go to add the folders in songbird the folders are gray, all of them in the fat partition are. but some of them get added when I do the whole drive [07:16] I would assume so yes, I'll check [07:16] tryin to get songbird workin, but not sure how much ppl here use it [07:16] yeah I do... [07:17] Darkmystere, wine is not a end solution,if you cannot forget your games,i recommended you go back to win [07:17] Just make a songbird folder in your home and extract everything there then run songbird, it's pretty straight forward [07:17] could you get the album art working? [07:17] no i can get it running [07:17] but i cant view album art [07:17] Nope, but I haven't tried [07:17] icesword, yea...but its rated platinum and windows doesnt want to boot right now.. [07:17] icesword, i havent been in windows in just about 3-4 weeks [07:17] do you have the albumapplet add-on? [07:17] ok sean so you transfer a song from ntfs to ext, then to fat [07:17] yea [07:17] !pastebin [07:17] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [07:17] and you can't view it? [07:18] yea just dont know how to turn that view on [07:18] saff: no, it never goes to ext [07:18] icesword, here's the terminal output if i try and run it [07:18] straight to fat [07:18] where is the root trash directory? [07:18] Darkmystere, cannot boot windwos,what caused it,will you give a better description [07:18] prasanna: yeah I havent ben able to either [07:18] well, technically permissions shouldnt even enter into the equation, afaik [07:18] oh ok, cause they claim you can [07:18] Darkmystere, just give me msn? [07:18] except mount permissions [07:18] but i have yet to find someone who was able to do it [07:18] anybody uses Prozilla ? [07:18] check the mount permissions in your /etc/fstab [07:18] icesword, simple, i was foolish enough to take a pieace of a windows install with Gparted [07:19] you want to make sure users can read/write to your partitions [07:19] Darkmystere, wait [07:19] or maybe just read, whatever you prefer [07:19] icesword, and to anyone who can help here's terminal output. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57036/ [07:19] http://paste.stgraber.org/894 saff here is mine; yours seems to have some issues--you can compare [07:19] "defaults" [07:19] Well hello mayteeees [07:20] is looking for a good download accelerator and resumer [07:20] can anyone explain what this process "system-tools-backends" is doing running all the time? [07:20] on the ntfs partition it says i'm not the owner just like the fat partition [07:20] Hi. Anyone know the difference between "free" and "available" disk space on my ext3 partition? There seems to be several GB of space I cannot access! [07:21] sean_, yea, the files dont have owners, but you still need permission to read/write to the partition [07:21] Darkmystere, your msn is not online [07:21] saff, whats up holmes [07:21] bazhang, glx is the only module you load? [07:21] icesword, oh lol i forgot was logged off for a sec [07:21] heyyy ph0rensic [07:21] still alive [07:21] Hewus: the filesystem has to use space for stuff too [07:21] # /dev/sda5 *line break* UUID=F889-2C34 /media/sda5 vfat defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 [07:21] saff aye [07:21] like journaling [07:21] still messing with X [07:21] saff, thats good ... whats the word? [07:21] saff, really? good lord! [07:22] saff, nvidia card right? [07:22] hmmm I keep seeing stuff that tells me how to port forward based on knowing my WAN ip, but can I set a rule that works regardless? [07:22] saff it seems that there are some 'leftovers' from what ever envy did [07:22] yea man it's a never ending joke [07:22] Hewus: so you can't take up all the space on the drive, or the filesystem wont be able to do what it needs to do [07:22] yea nvidia 7600 [07:22] thundercles: I'm missing 7GB on one partition. Any idea what it's being used for, and how I could go about recovering it? [07:22] bazhang, no, envy didnt touch my xorg.conf [07:22] Ugh, messing with xorg.conf is the most annoying thing ever. lol I have a 7800 [07:22] well how big is the whole drive [07:22] thats all nvidia-xconfig [07:22] thundercles: I would have thought a few MB was reasonable for this purpose. FAT doesn't seem to have the same issue [07:22] saff, hmm yah where did we leave off last time? I believe you said screw the restriced manager yo were using envy right? [07:23] how do i give X a custom resolution in ubuntu? I looked in xorg.conf where i would normally expect to see resolution listings and I see none. I go into display preferences from gnome's menu's and I see 3 resolutions listed. I guess my question is also if gnome believes that these three resolutions exist where does it store this list so I can edit it? [07:23] ext2 defaults to allocating like 10% or something to root, which doesn't show up as free in df -h [07:23] no, on really big drives, the filesystem tends to need more space [07:23] ph0rensic, yea, tried envy, installing by hand, and the restricted-manager [07:23] saff well there are just a ton of modules in yours; that eludes me how they got there [07:23] hello all [07:23] yeah, all the exts do that too [07:23] they do allocate filespace just to root [07:23] only thing that seems to work for me is uninstalling with restricted, cleaning up with envy, then installing by hand with the nvidia installer [07:23] need some help [07:23] saff, I still think that when you tried the restricted manager there must have been something left over from envy [07:23] Fuzzy: Why do you want a custom resolution? Can't you just take an assigned one from System > Admin > Screens And Graphics? [07:24] Fuzzy: check the logs, its probably auto detecting. gnome just lets you change resolutions that the window manager is configured for [07:24] i think something was left over by the nvidia installer [07:24] it's an lcd wide screen tv with vga input [07:24] can u tell me where to find a RTL8187 drivers? [07:24] anyone got Geforce 8400 nvidia problems [07:24] it uses a special resolution for it's native resolution [07:24] saff yeah might be that as well [07:24] i get this weird problem where when i start X, the "nvidia" module it loads is different than the X version [07:24] Hewus: that is actually what I'd try [07:24] so i have to rmmod nvidia [07:24] then when i start X [07:24] sean_: how do i add to that list? [07:24] Fuzzy: be lazy and google a modeline for it ;) [07:24] it loads a different module [07:24] When I open alsamixer, and adjust my microphone capture input (default 0). It does not stick when I restart alsamixer. Can anyone help me? [07:24] i have also nvidia problems [07:24] and it works [07:25] Hewus: I'd go into the options for that partition, and see if it'll let you scale down the space saved for root [07:25] I usaully don't mess with filesystems much when they are made [07:25] after they are made I mean [07:25] Fuzzy: Hmm, there are no resolutions at all in xorg.conf? [07:25] but the xorg.conf which i would normally expect to have these resolutions listed has none. last i checked X wouldn't boot without a resolution [07:25] but in the good news, i got direct rendering=yes [07:25] sean_: want a pastebin? [07:25] sure [07:25] heck if your running 7.10 [07:25] saff, I basically use what the distro has setup to use if at all possible and if not, I build from source or try to find another repo somewhere, that way I can always have apt remove the files if something goes wrong [07:26] look it's the default x.org for 32bit [07:26] thundercles: neither. but I have a lot of space around on my system. My 200GB partition has 10GB I cannot use, which I think is unreasonable. Any idea where these options are? [07:26] * TrustNoOne hugs everyone in the channel [07:26] Hewus: but usaully they do things like that for good reason, if the partition is your root partition, I wouldn't use up too much of the space allocated for the root [07:26] but yeah 10GB is quite a bit [07:26] yea... i should do it from source. i think the problem is that i just cant clean up well enough.. something is getting left behind [07:26] ummm yeah, go into the options for that partition [07:26] Fuzzy: I'm running a modified one on 64 :-P [07:26] despite my purges and envy cleans [07:27] thundercles: it happens on every partition, on creation. I have about 6 ext3 partitions over my drives [07:27] yeah it does that [07:27] sean_: no worries, i'll pastebin [07:27] alright [07:27] Hewus, and it's not really important for partitions not system critical [07:27] saff, If you use apt to install stuff, you can clean everything, but if you don't you can have problems removing what was done [07:27] Fuzzy: the installer made one for you, because the default is no xorg.conf ;) [07:27] When I open alsamixer, and adjust my microphone capture input (default 0). It does not stick when I restart alsamixer. Can anyone help me? [07:27] * bazhang recommends pastebinit to everyone [07:27] hi people can u tell me where to find drivers for RTL 8187 [07:27] ??????? [07:28] saff, You probably dont want to reinstall and start with a fresh restriced setup no? [07:28] mage__: how do i get the installer to remake it? [07:28] Heuws: I'm pretty sure the point of it is that if you fill up your hard drive and the root can't even write do it, then you'll have some issues like not being able to download and install critical updates [07:28] ph0rensic, i really don't, but i'm afraid that's what it will come to [07:28] thundercles: I have partitions just full of data (like the 200GB one) and that 10GB could really be useful :S. Sorry, where are these partition options? [07:28] what was that channel for talking about random stuff? i feel like being random [07:28] this install has been a little wonky since i upgraded from edgy eft [07:29] saff, Fortunately the install doesn't take anywhere near the windows install! [07:29] thundercles: my root partition isn't an issue, I'm happy for it to have its allocated space. It's my data partitions which are much larger that I need the space for. [07:29] Fuzzy: ATI or nVidia? [07:29] tharsis is that the madwifi atheros rtl8187 or the ralink rtl 8187; they changed chipsets midway through [07:29] VIA [07:29] Hewus: well, when you make an ext3 filesystem, that's where I generally set that kinda stuff and don't really mess with it after that, but it's probably [07:29] EPIA [07:29] Fuzzy: whats the native resolution [07:29] mini-itx [07:29] saff, Oh yah dist-upgrades seem to have problems.. atleast ones from especially edgy [07:29] you're using gnome? [07:29] yea...i actually enjoy reinstalling linux most of the time. [07:29] When I open alsamixer, and adjust my microphone capture input (default 0). It does not stick when I restart alsamixer. Can anyone help me? [07:29] ph0rensic, depends, sometimes can take just as long depending on disc speed that it was burnt to, disc drive speed, hard drive speed etc..., mine was on 4x disc, took me a while to install [07:29] 1366 x 768 [07:29] k [07:29] Hewus: you might consider using a non-journaling filesystem like ext2 instead of ext3 [07:30] Hewus: because that's what's taking up the space [07:30] thundercles: yes. I've just made some more using gparted. [07:30] #ubuntu-offtopic TrustNoOne [07:30] i have a problem: adept notifier keeps telling me i have an update. when i get the update, it says update complete, but the adept notifier is still there. when i click it again, it gets the same update, then tells me its complete...and the process continues. NOTE: i've already done 'sudo apt-get -f install' [07:30] anyone here know how to manually set the screen resolution using the command line? [07:30] astro76: ah ok, thank you! [07:30] saff, Yah I would certainly recommend getting the gutsy disk [07:30] ph0rensic, yea i heard upgrades are bad business, but i really wanted to keep my setup [07:30] Oooh, that's tough. [07:30] TrustNoOne, I suppose your right.. real fast for me though [07:30] in my Apperance -> Visual Effetcts i have now "none" but it looks really shitty when i close a window [07:30] nvidia-settings is really nice. :-\ [07:30] DDragon: reconfigure or write manually? [07:30] which is the most lightweight? icewm, fluxbox or jwm? [07:30] actually ph0rensic maybe this latest problem means something to you [07:30] saff, Gutsy has been best desktop for me so far, well worth the clean reinstall for me === Liempt is now known as StevenMacGregor [07:31] astro: that's what I thought at first too [07:31] where can i find nvidia-settings ? [07:31] bazhang: reconfigure [07:31] since messing around with X, i just noticed that i can't watch videos... [07:31] flux Lartza_ [07:31] Astro: that it was the journaling [07:31] bazhang, thx [07:31] just get a green static screen [07:31] Why the .dmrc get corrupted? [07:31] saff: i got that to yesterday [07:31] whats the difference between flux and jwm? [07:31] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg DDragon [07:31] Astro: but I'm pretty sure it is the space reserved for root usage only, and ext2 does that too [07:31] tried different videos (avi, mpeg) [07:31] http://pastebin.com/m698f9d1a [07:31] and different players [07:31] saff, hmm weird... and you have all the codecs? [07:31] nios, oh yea? [07:31] is it possible to use the Ubuntu RDM drivers for nvidia chipset graphic cards and use the nvidia drivers configuration? to specifically enable TwinView for a KVM switch on a Laptop??? [07:31] Fuzzy: I'm not sure how it works but maybe you could use nvidia-settings ? [07:31] thanks bazhang [07:31] Lartza_: you can google for screenshots [07:31] ph0rensic, yea, was working fine even earlier today... just been messing with drivers [07:32] Astro: the filesystem wont display the space used for journaling even as free space [07:32] saff: i had a geforce 6100 but now i try with geforce 8400 [07:32] Can someone please help me get my microphone working? [07:32] thought maybe i lost something in linux-restricted, but they're installed [07:32] Astro: and with a lot of data to sort through, I would use journaling if I were wanting to slog through alll that data [07:32] saff, what do you have on your setup that would take a while to get it back after a reinstall? [07:32] saff: nvidia are really shitty for ubuntu [07:32] Hewus [07:32] nios, no way dude [07:32] saff and win32codecs from medibuntu in there as well? [07:32] thundercles: I would too, and I wouldn't worry about 5% of my hard drive ;) [07:32] nios, way better than ati [07:33] nios, I've never had a problem with my nvidia card and ubuntu all the problems seem to be from ati [07:33] nios language please [07:33] ? [07:33] bazhang, yea both.. like i said, it was working even a few hours ago [07:33] i've just been playing with the drivers [07:33] astro: do you know where you can edit options for the filesystem after it's created tho, cause that's what Hewus needs [07:33] aha [07:33] and my xorg.conf [07:33] astro76, thundercles: I just made an ext2 partition of 67GB to test, and 1.1GB is immediately used :S. It has a lost+found folder there, is that using the space somehow? [07:33] ugh too tired too think [07:33] bazhang, what to do after i finish base system install? [07:33] Hewus: no a lost and found folder wont [07:33] saff, All this time messin with the drivers, could have had done a reinstall with clean dist disk and be over it [07:33] I run nvidia-glx-new [07:34] driver [07:34] Hewus: did you make sure you didn't allocate any root only space? [07:34] thundercles: I just made one in gparted, as simple as it can be done [07:34] ph0rensic, yea you're probably right. just stuff like the apps i've compiled by hand [07:34] but still wierd lines sometimes when i watch a xvid [07:34] getting Flash working on 64bit firefox [07:34] it's just a drag to redo [07:35] Hewus: it should be one of the filesystem options when you make a partition in gparted [07:35] !ops | #ubuntu-offtopic [07:35] #ubuntu-offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud! [07:35] yello [07:35] I dont find any nvidia-settings [07:35] saff, What apps?? [07:35] ubuntu is not using swap how do i force it to do so? [07:35] icesword: for the minimal install? [07:35] I NEED DRIVERS FOR REALTEK RTL 8187 [07:35] bazhang, yeah [07:35] actually, i haven't even restarted since i got this problem [07:35] Pirate_Hunter: do you have a swap partition and an entry in fstab for it? [07:35] brb, gonna try a restart [07:36] saff, ok [07:36] what is the .dmrc? [07:36] is it possible to use the Ubuntu RDM drivers for nvidia chipset graphic cards and use the nvidia drivers configuration? to specifically enable TwinView for a KVM switch on a Laptop??? [07:36] Pirate_Hunter: if so then: swapon -a [07:36] icesword: well that is up to you--what DE do you want? what apps, etc? [07:36] astro do you got a private IM, I actually have an installation question you might be able to help me out with? [07:36] http://pastebin.com/m2dc9884b [07:36] astro76: yes i do i will try swap on [07:36] brb and ty bazhang [07:37] thundercles: ask in here, if I can't help someone else might [07:37] bazhang, that you mean ,i can do apt-get install?i wanna apt-get install gnome-desktop ,is it ok? [07:37] WGGMk, yes [07:37] astro76: swapon -a gave me nothing [07:37] ya i give up, i mean i jus spend 30 min tryin to get songbird album art working [07:37] and nothing [07:37] Pirate_Hunter: how do you know the swap isn't enabled? [07:37] thundercles: no options about space being allocated to root, just what type of filesystem and its size [07:37] well, basically the device manager detects my SATA HD and RAID controller, but /dev in the terminal and gparted sure arn't, anyone encountered this? [07:37] Pirate_Hunter, is it a new swap partition? [07:37] WHAT adress is that nios [07:37] ph0rensic: is it just nvidia-settings? are they installed with RDM? [07:37] WGGMk, you should be able to do so .. haven't tried with kvm yet though dont know why it wouldn't work [07:37] is there a way to get Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5756ME network adapter working on 6.06 [07:38] WGGMk, you talking to setup twinview? Best bet is to edit the xorg.conf [07:38] icesword: you want to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop for the gnome one [07:38] astro76: it used to be enabled but i had to edit fstab because i was adding new hds however i dint touch swap [07:38] ph0rensic: the issue im having is I can see everything on the Laptop and the LCD Monitor attached to the KVM switch. But once the X server starts the KVM Switch monitor goes blank (No Signal) [07:39] cwillu: no same partition as always in hd0 [07:39] Hewus: hang out for a minaute unless someone else chimes in on this, I'm in gparted myself, but I gotta wait until I can get gparted to recognize this SATA HD before I can get into filesystem options [07:39] Is that with twinview setup?? [07:39] bazhang, yeah i want the gnome ,but how big is it [07:39] Pirate_Hunter, hd0 or hda0? [07:39] Pirate_Hunter: if you changed things on that drive the UUIDs could change, use the blkid command to get the new ones and edit fstab [07:39] which is what I came in here for in the first place [07:39] !uuid | Pirate_Hunter [07:39] Pirate_Hunter: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [07:39] Pirate_Hunter, that's a weird looking device regardless [07:39] Pirate_Hunter: are you verifying if swap is enabled with the free command? [07:40] icesword: how much space you got? [07:40] WGGMk, are the nvidia drivers installed and twinview setup? or does the second monitor just clone your screen in shell? [07:40] bazhang, 4g [07:40] Hewus, what IM do you have? I'll give you a sn for it and I can try and find out for you from some of my friends on IM the answer to your question, I just don't use gparted very much to make partitions and filesystems [07:40] icesword: well that should do; pretty tight squeeze though [07:41] astro76: /dev/sda3: TYPE="swap" UUID="fbc5832c-254c-486a-b134-145d06d31eb3" well thats what it shows dont know what to do [07:41] ph0rensic: im gonna give it shot with TwinView but i gotta run for now.. thanks for the info bud.. im not sure if its already enabled [07:41] astro76: i dont even know if swap is on or off but it should be on [07:42] Pirate_Hunter: check with the command free, if it lists swap then it's on [07:42] Pirate_Hunter: if not, then verify that UUID matches the one in your fstab [07:42] astro76: what is this supposed to mean? Swap: 979956 0 979956 [07:43] and I'm back :P [07:43] astro76: it just shows that im not using it but i should even if i have 2GB ram [07:43] Pirate_Hunter: free -m would list in megabytes, that's in bytes [07:43] Pirate_Hunter: it shows it's enabled and you are not using it, *because* you have plenty of ram [07:43] thundercles: jabber/XMPP and msn [07:44] msn mine is gul_dan14x@hotmail.com [07:44] message me there [07:44] astro76: well what about now and yeah i thought of that but before even with the same amount of ram it still used swap - Swap: 956 0 956 [07:45] is there a way i can increase the font size of wine emulated programs ? [07:45] solike, i installed some recommended packages (libc etc) so I could install my nvidia driver. I opened terminal and did sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to close x server [07:45] and run terminal to install it, but then it just shuts down X and nothing else. my monitor says "shutting off in 5seconds" cuz it doesnt detect anything [07:45] Pirate_Hunter: I don't understand your question, but everything is normal [07:45] it worked before restart, any suggestions? [07:45] opera dont recognize anymore the flash plugin, how to repair? [07:45] Pirate_Hunter: remember swap is slow, you *don't* want to use it, with 2GB of ram I never swap [07:46] astro76, how much swap have you set aside? [07:46] /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so? [07:46] astro76: if you say its normal than im :D well if thats the case than i wont be taking your time any long ad thanx for the info on swap [07:46] * DiploCat set 2gb of swap, with 2gb of ram... and it's turned into a wasted 2gb cause it's never used [07:46] bazhang, i have a strange problem which puzzled me for a long time,coz i cannot ping other computer in my same ip range,and get respond.always time out?what is causing it [07:46] how do i check if Capture 1 in alsamixer is connected to my microphone device? [07:46] DiploCat: if it weren't for playing with hibernation on this laptop, I would have used between 512MB and 1 GB [07:46] back, yea movies work fine [07:46] just needed a reboot lol [07:47] brb going to swap hd for a sec [07:47] astro76, ahh yeah, hibernation... never thought of that... though rarely use it [07:47] been screwing with this poor install pretty badly, its bound to be pretty fubar by now [07:47] DiploCat: my non-laptops use about that [07:47] saff, haha .. too bad your x is still jacked though?? [07:47] ph0rensic, yea :\ [07:47] just ran glxgears... i'm getting 5fps [07:48] 5fps ftl :( [07:48] how do i check if Capture 1 in alsamixer is connected to my microphone device? [07:48] yea no kidding [07:49] and compiz works, but a bunch of the effects are choppy... but nvidia mod is loaded, and i'm not getting any complaints in xorg.0.log, dmesg, or anywhere else [07:49] how do i fix packages manually? [07:49] anyway, next weekend i'll do a fresh install [07:50] icesword: you finish the ubuntu-desktop install? [07:50] is there a way to get Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5756ME network adapter working on 6.06 [07:51] bazhang, no,i am right now at base 75% [07:51] saff, Wanna see a screenshot of my desktop? [07:51] sure [07:51] http://www.flickr.com/photos/24040049@N05/2284837943/ [07:51] how can I close X Server and run in terminal? [07:52] cuz when i close it, it doesnt run in terminal [07:52] bazhang, is saving languauge,has been there for a long time [07:52] icesword: lets solve this first problem then get the second one next okay? [07:52] ph0rensic, is that over 2 monitors? [07:52] Bricker: ctrl+alt+F1 through F6 for the six virtual consoles [07:52] bazhang, yeah,i know you are busy [07:52] Bricker: then if you want to shut down x from there, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop [07:52] so, prob like F3/ [07:52] DiploCat, Yah, I dont see the hard color change line because it is [07:52] oh you bastard. that is nice [07:52] icesword: nah, just like to take things step by step ;] [07:53] astro76: should I not use /etc/init.d/gdm stop then/ [07:53] ?* [07:53] how do i check if Capture 1 in alsamixer is connected to my microphone device? [07:53] it is nice [07:53] Bricker: that's fine too [07:53] same thing [07:53] alright, thanks boss [07:53] although not sure about the top bar stretching across two screens [07:53] how do you have the two moniters going? what card? [07:53] saff, hehe I got my setup how I want it, and most of the theme packages saved to disk in case I have to format or reinstall [07:53] i'm thinking about getting another 7 series and using SLI [07:53] saff, nvidia 7300GT I think [07:54] thing did it again! avastye [07:54] maybe i'll adjust the Hz [07:54] saff, I have no problems running compiz + movies + effects with my nvidia over dual screens and I dont sli... unless you want a gaming rig, its a little overboard IMO [07:55] ok, after i finally DO get this graphics card installed, how can I make sure that after every restart, it boots to that card and not the onboard. cuz that was my problem prior to fresh install [07:55] how do i check if Capture 1 in alsamixer is connected to my microphone device? [07:55] saff, You like my avant navigator? Took about 3 hours to find all and replace the generic icons [07:55] duno if this is the right place to ask, but any one know of a gameboy advance emulater that would work with debian or any linux distro ? [07:55] Bricker, You could disable the onboard in bios?? [07:55] mm, never tried [07:56] suppose i could [07:56] DanThirst: i know of them for win32, but not linux, sorry [07:56] Bricker, that is your best bet.. I always disable that thing the second my gfx card goes in [07:56] sounds like a plan, hoping my bios will let me [07:56] Bricker, how about just commenting out that section of xorg.conf ? [07:56] Bricker, maybe he could VM windows then use the emulator in it? [07:56] * Bricker loves having a KVM for quick-switching ;D [07:56] true [07:57] Bricker, hehe how may boxes you have? [07:57] ph0rensic: what gfx card do you have? [07:57] kinda defeats it :p [07:57] www.davillageidiots.com/pics/desktop.jpg thats my current desk config [07:57] nios, Did you see the pic of my desktop? [07:57] ph0rensic, man it's too sexy... [07:57] ph0rensic: nope [07:57] then i have a couple laptops and old PC's laying around [07:57] nios, its geforce 7300 GT [07:57] nios, http://www.flickr.com/photos/24040049@N05/2284837943/ [07:58] re sis [07:58] akou kanis? [07:58] i've never used avant but it looks nicer than the desktop applets one [07:58] Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows XP Pro, Ubuntu 7.10 and OpenSuSE 10.3 and a freebsd box in the closet [07:58] ph0rensic: nice [07:58] actually uninstalling opensuse, dont care for it much [07:58] prob replace with gentoo [07:59] i like that icon reflection [07:59] fatsas what language? [08:00] it keeps doing it, when i do ctrl+alt+F(1-6) it just kills something. the monitor goes black and it says "off mode in 5seconds"...wtf? why wont it go to terminal [08:00] what is the .dmrc [08:00] sorry [08:00] ph0rensic: i bought just a simple card yesterday Geforce 8400GS and i have problem when i watch a movie in vlc [08:00] I Tried a screenshot during a cube rotation and I pushed the wrong button and logged out [08:01] I use latest nvidia-glx-new [08:01] nios, install through the restricted manager? [08:01] any ideas on getting it to goto terminal ph0rensic? it seems to just go black and monitor cuts off [08:01] ph0rensic: yep i did [08:01] ph0rensic, lol [08:01] ph0rensic, how does cube rotate work with dual head? [08:02] do both moniters go to cube? [08:02] Bricker, what up? [08:02] anyone use Fluxbox as their primary WM? [08:02] saff, You can rotate individually, but I have both as one big cube [08:02] sweet [08:02] hi, i have a slight problem with networkmanager. [08:02] when i hit ctrl+alt+F2 to goto terminal, my monitor goes black like its going to terminal, and then cuts off. it wont goto terminal properly. where can i edit the properties of terminal so its not "out of range"? [08:02] ph0rensic: is that bad or good ? [08:03] buenas [08:03] oki have my screen back but i cannot go higher than 800 X 600 resolution but i could before. any ideas?? [08:03] hi, im trying top run a command in the terminal but it sais i dont have permission, how 2 unlock that and become root again? [08:03] Bricker, are you using compiz by chance? [08:03] wait nevermind [08:03] nipzor, sudo [08:03] sudo [08:03] nios, its good, I use the zoom feature so I can see the cube better when it rotates, it also turns semi transparent [08:03] ddragon: make sure you have the correct monitor chosen if the driver is correct [08:03] the tray app doesn't show "enable wireless" and wireless connections since i creted a PPPoE connection. [08:04] cwillu, just sudo in front of that command? [08:04] nipzor, yep [08:04] cwillu, apt-get purge wine-doors -> sudo apt-get purge wine-doors [08:04] nipzor, yep [08:04] Bricker Im not sure precisely where you would want to look, I'd imagine it would be in xorg.conf but Im not sure [08:04] Err, im back would there happen to be a 2008 Version of compiz-fusion..the site doesnt show much and i dont really know my compiz-fusion version just used the version that came with ubuntu [08:04] ph0rensic: i dont want any cubs or so just normal in visual effects [08:04] ive done that but none of my settings will stick for some reason im doing it all through root so i dont know whats happening === Fatsas is now known as Zorikos [08:04] cwillu, okay ty [08:04] kk, i'll check it out [08:04] nios whats the card again 8400? [08:04] can anyone help? [08:05] ph0rensic: yeah [08:05] ph0rensic: Gecorce 8400GS [08:05] ph0rensic, are you familar with SDL issues? [08:05] fredmv, no sorry [08:05] bazhang: to set the monitor i use the Screens and Graphics tool right? [08:06] ph0rensic, thanks man, this SDL stuff has been killing me. No one seems to know what to do. [08:06] ddragon: that would be one way--are you having resolution problems still? [08:06] yeah [08:06] nios, Im sure that card is just fine, My old card was about those specs and it works great [08:06] bazhang, is it (support) your job? or something interest? [08:06] fredmv, what is SDL hehe [08:06] basically a graphics lib for linux [08:06] icesword: haha job? just for fun ;] [08:06] i got it working with 800 X 600 but all i have listed is 800 x 600 and 640 x 480 [08:06] A _lot_ of 3D games use it. [08:06] ph0rensic: cant you take a fast look on my xorg.conf please -> http://pastebin.com/m2dc9884b [08:07] and I can't get it to work. [08:07] fredmv, Ahhh [08:07] bazhang, for fun,your fun is so different [08:07] is there a way to get Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5756ME network adapter working on 6.06 [08:07] !ot | icesword bazhang [08:07] icesword bazhang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [08:08] fredmv, Did you have to compile it from source [08:08] Hi! [08:08] icesword: care to join #ubuntu-offtopic ;] [08:08] bazhang, never mind it [08:08] nios, What am I looking for now, whats the problem? Just that videos wont play?? [08:09] I've generated my gpg key, but still get the key-signing error.. while doing debuilb -b. [08:09] http://paste.ubuntu.com/4914/ [08:09] !PGP key [08:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about pgp key - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [08:09] bazhang: you said it was one way to use the Screens and Graphics tool. whats a better way? [08:09] checkinstall is the way to build .debs? [08:09] ph0rensic: i dont play games. just watch movies [08:09] ddragon, edit xorg.conf by hand [08:10] ph0rensic, I tried installing it via apt-get/synaptic and compiling it [a couple times] still to no avail. the weird thing is that it _used_ to work for some games, and then ever since I tried running sauerbraten, I can't get any SDL-based games to work [08:10] nios, right but whats wrong, what am I looking for [08:10] ddragon: for multiple monitors or the single monitor resolution? [08:10] ph0rensic: i get sometimes when i watched prison break yesteday wierd lines and so [08:10] that got me to where i am now ph0rensic [08:10] bazhang, Pici: Hi. I discovered the source of the problems, although i'm not completely sure (it was the harddisk), but i used SpinRight and Western Digital Diagnostics "write zeros" on it, and now have Ubuntu and it's been running a whole night without hassle! [08:10] ph0rensic, here's what I've tried : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4385541 [08:10] single monitor bazhang [08:10] wow I have way too much to look at [08:10] Arelis: good to know! [08:10] lol... [08:11] ph0rensic: vlc with no codec pack i use [08:11] ddragon, so whats up your display is jacked? [08:11] ddragon: you did the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [08:11] nios, do you have all the codecs downloaded (libdvdcss2, w32codecs, ubuntu-restricted-extras) [08:11] ? [08:11] aaf [08:11] well it was working properly a few days ago b4 i tried to install a restricted nvidia drie (which is no longer installed) and it gave me resolution problems and im still having them now [08:12] bazhang: yes i have done that [08:12] ddragon, yes do the dpkg ^^ [08:12] ph0rensic: ok, i'm in recovery mode, runlevel 1 or w/e. if i do telinit 3 it takes me back to GUI, should I try to do telinit 2? [08:12] ddragon: and what is the issue now? do you have the proper drivers installed? mind posting your xorg.conf to pastebin? [08:12] is there a program out there where i can download complete websites, including the linked downloads? [08:13] Bricker, that i couldn't tell you [08:13] Hi... i've just started Gusty to be told the signal is out of range. It was working fine before it was switched off yesterday. I have an on-board nvidia graphics card. Any ideas? [08:13] bazhang: how do i get the info to paste?? [08:13] alooohaaaa...... [08:14] chazco, resolution settings could make it say out of range [08:14] quit [08:14] okay, i have a problem. wireless networks won't show up on networkmanager and i can't enable it either. can anyone help? [08:14] ph0rensic: no idea, should i install them? [08:14] anyone know what pkg the X11 dev libs are under? [08:14] Bricker, sorry man Im not that in-depth in my knowledge yet [08:14] ph0rensic - I didnt change them so a little unsure... can enter text mode, but not sure what to do next [08:14] nios, install what now?? [08:14] (libdvdcss2, w32codecs, ubuntu-restricted-extras) [08:14] its all good man [08:14] its 3am so im wiped out [08:14] ima goto bed, finish in the morning [08:15] night [08:15] thanks for the help all [08:15] ddragon: well I just install pastebinit and then cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit you can do it manually as well--the advantage to pastebinit is that it posts it for you automagically and then you just post the pastebin link it gives you here [08:15] nios, oh haha yes do that, go to medibuntu.org to find how to add the repos.. the ubuntu-re one is ready right now for you [08:15] ok ill try that (install pastebinit [08:16] bazhang, hey thats pretty nice [08:16] ph0rensic: okay brb reboot [08:16] ph0rensic: still drooling over your rig; I have that same card but nothing as nice [08:16] chazco, true so it says this on boot? [08:16] dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg -- seems to fix it, but now i have a nvidia splash screen... [08:16] Yep, when it usually starts the gnome login screen [08:17] ? [08:17] Text + usplash works fine [08:17] bazhang, its just a dual monitor and Ive spent some time getting wallpapars and themes [08:18] very nice ph0rensic [08:18] bazhang, thanks.. I can point you in the direction of the files if you like it [08:19] chazco, You can set splash screen to off in xorg.conf [08:19] Just ran nvidia-glx-config was seems to have turned it off.... stuff still looks slightly different though (fonts mainly) [08:20] Think I may need to reinstall from scratch [08:20] chazco, probably not but easiest yes.. you have gutsy? Check out my desktop Gecorce 8400G === klownish is now known as klown [08:20] what's the package for google earth [08:20] ? [08:20] chaz ahh hold [08:20] jangari its in medibuntu google-earth i think [08:20] ph0rensic - Its not to bad to reinstall, i have a script that restores most stuff and a seperate /home [08:20] chaz http://www.flickr.com/photos/24040049@N05/2284837943/sizes/l/ [08:21] medibuntu, right, cheers [08:21] chazco, Nice, what did you use to make that script [08:21] ph0rensic - gedit? [08:21] jang np [08:21] Nice desktop :) [08:21] !googleearth [08:21] Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository [08:21] chazco, gedit? === Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo [08:21] Yep, just wrote it manually [08:22] Its a string of apt-get, dpkg and some confiuration commands [08:22] chazco, you referring to the xorg? [08:22] Nope, that normally sets up by itself during install [08:22] Totally lost as to why it suddenly stopped working earlier [08:22] bazhang: http://paste.stgraber.org/922 [08:23] man, i'm impressed with how lightweight ubuntu is, i've liberally been installing software and my entire installation is still only about 3GB, compared with 5GB for an installation of windows with next to nothing on it [08:23] Its running at 1440x900 (which is right) but not how it should look [08:23] chazco, ohhh I got ya .. I just remember hearing of a script that does that .. so you copy all the hidden files in home too ? [08:24] chazco, I have heard that copying your home to a separate partition is best for back purposes [08:24] ddragon: no drivers for that card? you would be best served using the restricted driver manager and installing some [08:24] ph0rensic - /home is on a seperate partiton. I just tell the installer to ignore it and everything in it remains as it is [08:24] bazhang: mind the monitor i have is a SyncMaster 957df [08:24] hmmm [08:24] anyone help please? [08:24] Jangari, yup... Windoze is a hog. [08:24] i tried that and thats what started he problem :S [08:25] ph0rensic - My script configures stuff thats not in /home, or shouldnt be backed up in the fashion [08:25] ill try the restricted drivers again [08:25] Does anyone know where the X development libraries are located? [08:26] is there a way to setup a static ip in nm, for wireless [08:26] anyone having problems with azereus on amd64? [08:27] msingh, Umm I dunno I haven't tried it yet.. just reinstalled to 64bit I could test it if you want? [08:27] ph0rensic, i've just installed it for the first time here .. and it crashed on runtime [08:28] msingh, Ok Let me download real quick and see [08:28] msingh: how about transmission; that is much lighter imo [08:28] ph0rensic, cheers. i think im seeing the same error as this fellow https://bugs.launchpad.net/azureus/+bug/93769 [08:29] msingh, is there a 64-bit version to download? [08:29] ph0rensic, not sure, i just installed it using apt-get without doing anything special [08:29] brb gotta reboot [08:29] msingh, Oh really? Last time I had to compile it and it worked, but that was on 32-it [08:30] ph0rensic, ah i see. nah i didnt compile anything, just apt-get install azereus [08:30] msingh, Ok maybe you might try compiling it [08:30] I'll try the apt way first though [08:30] ok [08:31] Has azureus always been in the repos? [08:31] OK, this is very likely a newb problem, but why the hell is it that when I try to compile source via 'make distclean' that it just prints back to me the (what appears to be) bash script that executes when I use the command rather than actually executing it? [08:31] ph0rensic, dunno [08:32] is there another good client to try? [08:32] transmission, deluge ktorrent msingh [08:32] deluge is _sweet_ [08:32] Err, Guy who told me about wicd thanks it pwns :) [08:32] isn't transmission going to be default in Intrepid? [08:32] Bye bye network manager x3 hellow wicd :D [08:33] Synaptic writes: "The DEB program package 'sysfsutils' provides the means for the program 'systool' to query the sysfs: systool can list devices by bus, class, and topology." But "detlef@MD97600:~$ LANG=C apropos systool; systool: nichts passendes." How to explain this contradiction? [08:33] or so I hear [08:33] msingh, DOing config ... [08:33] HOLY... DAMN... [08:33] SDL FINALLY WORKS [08:34] _YES_ [08:34] msingh, Hmm hasn't crashed yet.. its open [08:34] who kick me out [08:34] Darkmystere: it works? [08:34] i am innocent [08:35] ok installed the drivers bazhang but its still only giving me: 640 x 480 ans 800 x 600 :( [08:35] bazhang, YEP, +) [08:35] ph0rensic, cool. it didnt crash for me until about an hour into using it .. then restarting it, it would consistently crash on startup [08:35] Darkmystere: where did you get it from? [08:35] bazhang, sorry for forgetting your name but you know 1119 #ubuntu users...and only one person.. [08:35] Hi all. I'm running Gutsy on an old Dell Dimension 4400, on which I have fitted 3 different IDE disks. Why are they declared as /dev/sd[ac] on my system, and not /dev/hd[ac] ? Thanks [08:35] klown, Source forge [08:35] Darkmystere: thanks. [08:35] ddragon: now try the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again [08:35] klown, the one that has 2008, in the date [08:35] msingh, I remember that happening to me on the 32 bit .. i downloaded the source and compiled it myself and had no problem, just try that would be your best bet really [08:36] klown, i can get you a link if you like..or i could upload my .deb package that i have [08:36] argh - I have a screen problem... Im running 640*something... I have a ATI mobilty Raedon X300 grafic card... [08:37] Can anyone tell me how to upload a new application in ubuntu? [08:37] MrEgg964: the scsi driver has been unified and now does ide/sata/scsi - hence sda [08:37] grr.. [08:37] ok it isnt showing any Nvidia in the Xserver driver list what do i select? [08:37] guess you mean download and install? [08:37] guess: you mean add an app into the repositories? [08:37] Does wicd allow static ips, via wireless. === bashca is now known as ^^bashca^^ [08:37] klown, yea [08:38] fredmv,yes, adding a new application [08:38] klown, its basically a kinda more advanced and usefull version of Network-Manager with less problems [08:38] !deb | guess [08:38] guess: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. [08:38] Darkmystere: nice, thanks alot. === ^^bashca^^ is now known as bashca [08:38] i am trying to mount /dev/sda7 but i get this.. mount: can't find /dev/sda7 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab [08:38] guess: if you don't mean that, you do a sudo apt-get install [08:39] klow, im pretty sure this is the link:https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=194573&package_id=229460&release_id=577210 [08:39] klown,https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=194573&package_id=229460&release_id=577210 Scroll down and select the .deb [08:39] ubotu, hai I have developed an application.Is there any links in Ubuntu to upload new applications. [08:40] someone suggest a cool program like poser 7 to me [08:40] but free [08:40] bazhang: Will i need to reboot for it to take affect? [08:40] !packaging | guess [08:40] guess: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [08:40] howto re-run Ubuntus automatic screen detection tool? [08:41] !xconfig | frold [08:41] frold: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes [08:41] ddragon: aye [08:41] frold, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?? [08:41] or maybe the linux version of bryce 3d [08:41] thanks bazhang ill brb after reboot [08:42] k guess no ones in to 3d graphics in here today [08:42] zhanx, wait [08:42] zhanx, Im trying to remember it [08:42] http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10093690&catid=25313&atab=3&logon=&langid=EN# will the hardware with that laptop run Ubuntu? [08:42] ph0rensic: k [08:43] zhanx, Your not talking about blender are you? [08:43] zhanx, Or you looking for more like 3d landscape?? [08:43] ph0rensic: more landscape [08:44] ph0rensic: belnder has a steep learning curve [08:44] My sound's not working anymore after I compiled alsa from source from the guide on ubuntu. This is my dmesg output ---> http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=12018 [08:44] how can update virtaulbox ?? [08:44] zhanx, http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/ [08:44] zhanx, where you from,china,where [08:44] zhanx, wait .. [08:45] Leechzilla: need more info card type etc.. [08:45] bazhang: no dice didnt do anything really its still only giving me the same to resolution settings [08:45] icesword: nope.. not in china [08:45] zhanx: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller [08:45] how can use mdsl usb modem please i tried all stuff but no answer [08:45] zhanx, where [08:46] Darkmystere: how do i install this..do i have to remove NM? [08:46] icesword: right now umm.. my proxy is a korean one :) [08:46] klown, yea let me find the guide :) [08:46] thanks [08:46] proxy [08:47] astro76: and ph0rensic thank you [08:47] I will try a reboot :D [08:47] icesword: sony or the dell laptop [08:47] klown aye; want a how to? [08:47] zhanx, cant find anything like that either .. did you look on sourceforge?? [08:47] zhanx, ? [08:47] bazhang, tell him the guide name.. [08:47] bazhang: yes please. [08:48] iceworld research a proxy. [08:48] ph0rensic: not yet [08:48] http://www.ventanazul.com/webzine/articles/fix-wireless-connection-problem-gutsy-gibbon klown [08:48] Synaptic writes: "The DEB program package 'sysfsutils' provides the means for the program 'systool' to query the sysfs: systool can list devices by bus, class, and topology." But "detlef@MD97600:~$ LANG=C apropos systool; systool: nothing appropriate." How to explain this contradiction? [08:48] bazhang: thx [08:49] np klown ;] [08:49] gpppp [08:49] bazhang: http://paste.stgraber.org/923 <-- there is the xorg.conf file [08:49] zhanx, wow look at this http://dmytry.pandromeda.com/voxelworld/index.html [08:50] holy sh|t google earth on linux bites, it's so damn buggy [08:50] ph0rensic: nice very very nice [08:50] My sound's not working anymore after I compiled alsa from source from the guide on ubuntu. This is my dmesg output ---> http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=12018 [08:50] ph0rensic: its for windows [08:50] yesterday I have set "umask 002" in "/etc/apache2/envvars" (which is sourced by "apache2ctl"), but it seems that it is overruled somewhere else in apache's configuration. [08:50] Leechzilla: sony or dell laptop [08:51] zhanx, yah buts its a nice app [08:51] zhanx, Sony [08:51] ph0rensic: true [08:51] Leechzilla: it didn't work from the get go. it should have [08:51] any 1 familiar with usb modem mdsl ?? [08:51] zhanx: get go? [08:52] seems much better now :D [08:52] Leechzilla: from the default install [08:52] zhanx: Yeah it did, but it's not working after I compiled from source [08:52] Leechzilla: that was your mistake.... dont do that. [08:53] zhanx: The headphones jack and SPDIF port did not work with the default install. I was told to compile from source [08:53] Leechzilla: ubuntu uses packages and has files in certain locations and compling for source can screw that up [08:53] bazhang: is there a way of tricking it into use the higher resolutions? === xIRC is now known as silent^touch [08:54] ddragon: what driver are you using? the new or the legacy? [08:54] zhanx: So what did I need to do then, to get it to work properly [08:54] bazhang: not sure ill check synaptic [08:56] nvidia-glx the legacy one isnt installed should i install it? [08:57] Leechzilla: i am not really sure, never installed from source and had to remove it [08:58] meh [08:59] ph0rensic: i am gonna see if wine can run that [09:00] bazhang: its showing the nvidia-glx is there but the nvidia-glx-legacy isnt installed should i install the legacy driver? [09:01] this dont work: sudo chown -R cvd:cvd /media/files "operation not permited" [09:01] ddragon: that card is capable of what resolution? how old is it? [09:02] ph0rensic: nope big no go there [09:03] bazhang: not sure of its age but its been capable of above 1024 x 768 as i had it on that before on here and windows [09:03] [ 2989.068000] usb 2-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 how can resolve this error ?? === jscinoz is now known as OMGOMGOMGWTFKEKE === OMGOMGOMGWTFKEKE is now known as jscinoz [09:03] My sound's not working anymore at all (internal speakers worked before, but no headphone/mic/internal-mic/SPDIF ports worked) after I compiled alsa from source from the guide on ubuntu. This is my dmesg output ---> http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=12018 [09:04] ph0rensic: http://www.lightflowtech.com/ [09:04] ? [09:04] this dont work: sudo chown -R cvd:cvd /media/files "operation not permited" [09:04] this dont work: sudo chown -R cvd:cvd /media/files "operation not permited" [09:05] Alright, onto yet another problem. The SDL problem is fixed by installing the X11 dev libs which are in xorg-dev. Now, is anyone familar with an error like: "X11 driver not configured with OpenGL" and what the solution may be? [09:06] bazhang: mind i will be upgrading my hardware in a few weeks so i dont think it will matter much here but i would still like to have a large screen to look at rather than everything squashed together :S [09:06] hello everybody [09:07] can anybody tel me please how can i have a bar like macosx? [09:07] how can I get sound working in wine? I read a way on the ubuntu forums but it did not work for me [09:07] [ 2989.068000] usb 2-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 how can resolve this error ????? please [09:08] i saw a lot of screenshots of ubuntu + a nice application bar in the lower middle [09:08] how is it done? [09:09] please suggest a paritition manager or tool for resizing paritition * / * ext3 paritition ? [09:09] i think that's the standard kde applications bar, cacaduu_ [09:09] gad0: gparted? [09:09] or might have been xfce, i don't know [09:09] hi === pawan_ is now known as pawan1 === pawan1 is now known as pawan12 [09:10] dodobas: gparted doesnt have that feature :-? === pawan12 is now known as pawan1 [09:10] Jangari : it is ubuntu+compiz fusion on it, but i have no idea how they made that bar [09:11] any good ubuntu application [09:11] thanks for the help bazhang i appreciate it :) [09:11] is there a similar command 'portupgrade' (like in FreeBSD) in Ubuntu? [09:11] ddragon: I know exactly what you mean-wondering if the horizontal refresh rate might be too low? 30-96? [09:11] fredmv: u mean database updating command ? [09:12] fredmv: portupgrade upgrades installed ports (from source) [09:12] fredmv; apt-get dist-upgrade === Zyklon-B is now known as Leechzilla [09:13] thanks guys... piju, that seems to be it. I'm trying to update my nVidia drivers. [09:14] having some openGL issues... [09:14] fredmv; ok, are u freebsd user too ? [09:15] sauvin, please join ##ddalton... this channel is slightly to busy... ;-) [09:15] piju: Nah, I'm an Ubuntu user (7.10/gutsy). But the solution to the problem I'm having that I found on a newsgroup was given in a FreeBSD context (i.e. portupgrade). [09:15] fredmv; ok === else_ is now known as elsebasbe [09:18] zhanx, wow that looks nice [09:18] How do you spoof an IP in ubuntu? [09:19] I need to remove some free space in fedora(shrink fedora partition) & allocated same space to ubuntus partition without affecting any data to both distro, can someone PROCEDURE & software for doing it ? [09:19] Luke, spof an ip? You can get a proxy, i dont know that you can spoof an ip [09:19] hello, i have a problem with installing my wireless driver! I have downloaded it from the page of my manufacturer, but i get the following error -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57037/ [09:19] Hello all [09:19] does anyone use swiftfox?> [09:20] sbox: you mean swiftweasel? [09:20] swiftweasel is debian specific [09:20] hello, i have a problem with installing my wireless driver! I have downloaded it from the page of my manufacturer, but i get the following error -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57037/ what is the problem here? [09:20] hey how would a debian kernel from kernel.org compiled patched and built under debian lenny run on say hardy or 7.10 or 7.04 go? [09:20] fredmv: no, swiftfox.. it's another version of firefo [09:20] firefox [09:21] how would it run on ubuntu basically. [09:21] sbox: well, if it's anything like swiftweasel, I tried it, and wasn't too impressed. seemed a lot less stable than Firefox [09:21] helloooooooo [09:21] any 1 help me ? [09:21] ddalton: why not just compile it on ubuntu so it has everything needed [09:21] ph0rensic: why would I want a proxy instead of spoofing an IP? :P [09:21] ddalton: at a guess it will work, but it's not supported [09:21] fredmv: swiftfox is very good, but they seem to have realised a new version and it's no so hot [09:22] I know that you can do it with netcat but I havent found any tutorials or something about it... [09:22] cause the guy im going to give it too... (a blind friend.) has know terminal text-to-speech... ;-) [09:22] * BaD_CrC prepares for war. it's gonna be a long night... [09:23] sbox: have you checked out Firefox3b? it's pretty sweet [09:23] yup [09:23] buggy buggy crashy crashy [09:23] ^_^ it is [09:23] fredmv: no i haven't actually.. shall do.. i find FF a little thursty [09:23] Beta 3? [09:23] yup [09:23] it's been out for like a week [09:23] :\... i've found it very stable [09:23] no crashes at all so far [09:23] lukl, you can set an arbitrary ip address via ifconfig. If you mean sending packets that are marked as being from a different IP than your own, your best bet is to look at the raw packet interface [09:24] Beta 2 was a the very buggy and crashy one for me [09:24] fredmv: you got any idea where I can get it, google isn;t showing up much [09:24] bazhang, [09:24] aye icesword [09:24] ok so its not a good idea? what's the differences with a ubuntu and a debian kernel? just debian patches? [09:24] http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-beta.html [09:24] hi there, have a bit of a prob and know there is guides and I've been following them... but still get faulty screen rendering [09:24] hello, i have a problem with installing my wireless driver! I have downloaded it from the page of my manufacturer, but i get the following error -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57037/ what is the problem here? [09:24] bazhang, i just inform you now is time or dinner [09:24] for [09:24] anyone with radeon 9800 pro here to help? [09:24] icesword: haha thanks [09:25] fglrx [09:25] bazhang: hello there :D [09:25] fredmv: ok.. serious blonde moment.. thought it was a derivative of ff [09:25] DaveEngland: hi! [09:25] lol, it's all good. [09:25] bazhang: could you check out, why i get this problems? -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57037/ [09:25] just a minute DaveEngland [09:26] tnx m8! [09:26] DrOnline: okay, but for example: If a internet pay service lets you connect to their routers and see a site where you can pay to get access shouldnt I be able to use someone elses IP and get in to the internet without paying? [09:26] fredmv: if u get a chance try swiftfox, its just for some reason their latest versions only work with one theme.. a kack theme at that === ke_ is now known as ke- [09:27] sbox: I've tried swiftweasel which is evidently a Debian/Ubuntu specific version. simple things (e.g., setting wallpaper) and using the DOM inpspector crashed it... didn't like that one bit. [09:27] lukl: not likely. Payment and authentication mechanisms are rarely IP based (and those that are are asking for problems) [09:27] i have a launchpad page, but where again do i find "report new bug" ? (/me finds launchpad a searching exercise everytime) [09:28] DrOnline: It was works to do like that on McDonalds pay service, but I don't know how to do it and it would be intresting to know :P [09:29] sbox: you wanna see some cool stuff, install stellarium [09:30] http://www.stellarium.org/ [09:30] DaveEngland: sudo modprobe try that instead of insmod--that will handle dependencies--too bad there is not a nice .deb of that file around [09:31] bazhang: yes, i have donwloaded these drivers from the manufacturer page.. but i cant get it working:( [09:31] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug here stelt [09:32] Morning all [09:32] DaveEngland: sudo modprobe instead of the insmod command [09:32] bazhang: i will try yes! tnx for now! [09:32] lukl: I don't think I've quite understood what you're attempting to do. What was it you were specifically trying to do again? [09:33] luki you want to get someone else's wifi? or what [09:33] I appreciate Im probably in the wrong place to ask this question its a port query [09:33] Get internet without paying by using an IP of someone who have allready payed, but I just want to know how to do it :P [09:34] luki that is illegal in many places and not supported here [09:34] Just so I know...can anyone see what Im t yping?? [09:34] I shall not do it, I just want to know the tecnique [09:34] is there anything better for playing DVD's than Totem ? [09:34] VLC [09:34] luki not supported--wrong channel [09:35] BadBatch: yeah; what is your question? [09:35] right [09:35] thanks bazhang [09:35] jim smplayer [09:35] np stelt ;] [09:35] ty bazhang..thought I was talking to myself [09:35] haha BadBatch === square is now known as squarebracket [09:35] Where do i find what software is default in ubuntu? My Google skills are not working on this question [09:35] I am usiong a NAT router ok [09:36] gad0, will it index [09:36] okay [09:36] Does anyone know why Audacity creates lame (v3.97) mp3s around %10 larger than those made by MediaCoder for the same vbr level? [09:36] I have just noticed that I cant seem to stealth port 30001 only close it [09:36] could someone tell me why i don't have option change size of partition and use free space when i am installing ubuntu? [09:37] jim probly it'll, it based on mplayer [09:37] Thanks [09:37] Noobie, windows on it previously? [09:38] yep xp, i want to keep it [09:38] any ideas bazhang? [09:38] Noobie, okay, reboot into xp, tell it to run a scan disk (it'll reboot and scan at this point), and then do a _clean_ shutdown (i.e., no reset switch) [09:39] Noobie, the installer won't touch a windows partition that may be damaged due to an unclean shutdown [09:39] ok, i used reboot button :) [09:39] http://teqnix.blogspot.com/2008/01/arnos-iptables-firewall-on-my-ubuntu.html like this BadBatch? [09:39] ty for help [09:40] I have this problem....... When i try to do this: Appearance Preferences >> Visual Effects >> I try to put it on Extra.. But it says:/!\ Desktop Effects could not be enabled! [09:40] BadBatch: there is also a thread or two at ubuntuforums that may help [09:40] kk ty [09:41] Nitroray: you have ccsm installed? and the correct 3d drivers for your card? what card? [09:41] I can stealth it using iptables thats no problem...I was just wondering why I cant with my oruter!! [09:41] I am installing ubuntu now but it is hanging at 82% saying 'Scanning the mirror' === drainman__ is now known as drainman [09:41] BadBatch: that arno's thing does work with nat from reading the blog post [09:41] Relaed: for how long now? [09:41] It has been hanging for 10 minutes [09:42] BAZHANG: I have NVIDEA 256 mb.. and it automatically installed updates succesfully ( it was working at 800*600 now 1024*768 ) [09:42] please any 1 help to check this post http://www.pastebin.ca/914914 [09:42] Relaed: let it do that for a bit [09:42] bazhang, but the hard drive doesn't seem to be working and either is the dvd-rom [09:42] Nitroray: what exact card please [09:43] BAZHANG: Ill check it now... [09:43] Relaed: give it a bit please [09:43] bazhang, ok, I gonna wait for some time. [09:44] Nitroray, damn man, ugly resolution [09:44] Relaed: it will time out eventually or successfully scan the mirrors--either nothing to worry about [09:44] BAZHANG: I have this: Graphics Card: NVIDiA GeForce 256 (GENERIC) [09:44] bashca could you please briefly describe your problem with some precision please [09:45] and i have a Packard Bell WideScreen (im on mums pc, not my stuff i run @ 1600*1248) [09:45] Nitroray: is there a number with that? ;] like 8800 or something [09:45] How to check that... ? [09:45] Bazhang ? [09:45] the box the computer came in? [09:46] perhaps the 7 series though [09:46] Mhh.. my mums is forgetting to keep them mostly, but i;ll search for now.. brb [09:46] need help here, installed steam via wine and trid to run some game with it (tf2) it starts up pretty well but the menu won't load, it said that i need directx. so i treid some tutorial about installing direct x on linux, but it didnt work, terminal gave me that error: http://pastebin.com/d3a56d4b7 [09:46] what about lspci in the terminal Nitroray [09:47] bazhang, it's still not working. what should I do ? [09:47] bazhang, may i post it to u ?? [09:47] Bazhang: My mums threw it away :@ [09:47] I follow a guide - but I dont understand this: Then we log out of our current desktop session. On the login screen, go to Options > Select Session..., choose Beryl and click on the Change Session button. Then log in with your username and password. You will then be asked: [09:48] bazhang, http://www.pastebin.ca/914914 [09:48] howto logout of current desktop session? [09:48] Relaed: two minutes? I meant more than that ;] [09:48] * twosouls82 wonders if there is an 'afterupgrade-event' mechanism for apt-get [09:48] Nitroray: lspci in the terminal please [09:48] bazhang here? [09:48] Yes, im in it.. [09:48] DaveEngland: aye! [09:48] Bazhang: Im in lspci in terminal.. [09:49] bazhang: this is what i get, if i try with sudo modprobe: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57039/ [09:49] copy all ? [09:49] guys, maybe this is a stupid question, but, is there a "replacement" for total commander in linux? I want a program which will have similar functionality [09:49] gad That player worked well thanks. [09:49] Nitroray: nay! just tell me the last bit with the card number ;] [09:49] 00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8366/A/7 [Apollo KT266/A/333] [09:49] 00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8366/A/7 [Apollo KT266/A/333 AGP] [09:49] 00:05.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10) [09:49] 00:07.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB22/A IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link) [09:49] 00:09.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 50) [09:49] 00:09.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 50) [09:49] Nitroray: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:49] white_eagle: midnight commander ? [09:49] DaveEngland: looking now [09:49] Frogzoo: ??? [09:50] ok [09:50] bazhang, did u got it [09:50] found it, thanks ! [09:50] Bazhang: Did you read it? or shall i put it in a pastebin ? [09:50] Frogzoo: is it in the repos? [09:51] Nitroray: haha dont paste it here--just tell me the very last bit (only the number like 7300 or something) [09:51] DaveEngland: did you try to reinsert the modules with sudo modprobe? [09:51] Bazhang: ITs short, i pasted it here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57040/ [09:52] whyking_: sure - 'mc' [09:52] bazhang: how do you mean reinset? with hand? [09:52] Frogzoo, leave me out of this! [09:52] whyking_: ok :) [09:52] Bazhang: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV10 [GeForce 256 SDR] (rev 10) [09:52] ;) [09:53] Got it Bazhang ? [09:53] It's moving, bazhang, thanks very much. [09:54] How to explain that systool considers acpi a sysfs bus? [09:55] Nitroray: how old is that card? do you have the restricted drivers new or legacy for it? [09:55] relaed np ;] [09:56] sameone cna help me to configure my webcam? [09:56] I dont have a cd-rom or something, i just started in the world of Debian / Unix etc.. I was a follower of B.Gates :[ [09:56] Windows. [09:56] My sound's not working anymore at all (internal speakers worked before, but no headphone/mic/internal-mic/SPDIF ports worked) after I compiled alsa from source from the guide on ubuntu. This is my dmesg output ---> http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=12018 [09:56] DaveEngland: remember before when you did the insmod? instead of insmod try doing sudo modprobe [09:57] It seems that Nautilus isn't generating thumbnails for any of my video files. However, I upped the limit to 1GB, so why won't it generate the thumbnails for any type of video? [09:57] bazhang, did u check the paste [09:57] bashca please briefly describe your problem here first [09:58] bazhang, i have usb mdsl modem ,, i can'y connect through it [09:58] Nitroray: open up synaptic and search for nvidia--what driver does it say you have [09:58] bazhang: i have tryed with sudo modprobe but i get this error -> FATAL: Module ieee80211_crypt_rtl.ko not found. [09:59] Bazhang: What do you mean? How to open Synaptic?? Just in terminal ? [09:59] DaveEngland: this is in the same directory that you are trying to modprobe from? the ones where the compiled modules are? [09:59] sudo synaptic [09:59] bazhang yes [09:59] Nitroray: the gui synaptic [09:59] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> jumbers, try to run gconf-editor and check thumbnails under /desktop/gnome/ [10:00] Bazhang: Synaptic Packet Manager ?? [10:00] yes! [10:00] *Package [10:00] okaay [10:00] im in it. [10:00] ;] [10:01] !webcam | hola [10:01] hola: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [10:01] Erm.. BazhanG: for what im looking here ? like some name i can search on ? [10:01] bazhang: it should be works [10:01] nvidia Nitroray [10:01] bazhang: but is not in the list [10:02] hola just a minute [10:02] http://www.linuxlove.org/2007/11/12/linux-webcam-microsoft-lifecam-nx-6000-on-ubuntu-and-fedora/ hola check this list [10:02] bazhang: yes, it is in the directory! [10:03] BAZHANG: COuld not find anything with Nvidea in it. [10:04] Nitroray: nothing with nvidia? do you have the restricted repos enabled? [10:04] bazhang: which is the link you given me [10:04] DaveEngland: that is the digitus card correct? [10:04] bazhang: yes, digitus! [10:04] bazhang, ?? [10:04] Yeah, it says: Working Fine. [10:04] Bazhang: Yeah, it says: Working Fine [10:05] anyone that can help with Beryl? [10:05] bazhang: if i type modprobe -l i can see the modules listen in the list! [10:05] listed* [10:05] please i hope any 1 can help meeeeeeee ?? [10:06] frold, beryl is now compiz0fusion [10:06] DaveEngland: try a restart and see if that holds [10:06] bazhang ok [10:06] But I run Beryl... [10:06] I just follow a guide :S [10:06] Nitroray: nothing with nvidia or nvidea ? (first spelling correct) [10:06] hello [10:07] bazhang: which is the link you given me [10:07] * syc_ mohon pamid dulu.. [10:07] hola scroll up please ;] [10:07] ph0rensic: composite wouldnt work.... [10:07] frold, your not running gutsy? [10:07] hello everyone, I'm having a problem playing a dvd with gxine. I have libdvdcss installed and when I attempt to open the DVD in gxine I get the error, "xine-lib: error: The xine engine failed to start.: No demuxer found - stream format not recognised.", I've been hunting for a solution but so far have been unable to find one, any suggestions? [10:07] Bazhang: Thanks!!! it was not nvidea =P but it was Nvidia =( [10:08] bazhang: i dind see my webcam [10:08] haha Nitroray [10:08] ph0rensic: Yes I run 7.10 [10:08] hola no idea then [10:09] frold, hmm 7.10 uses compiz-fusion by default.. did you do a dist-upgrade to get 7.10? [10:09] Bazhang: I have alot found, what to do now? mark them all for installation? (some are already marked) [10:09] pajamian, you have the libdvdcss2? [10:09] ph0rensic: yes [10:09] nope a fresh installl - and composite didnt worked so I just followed this: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_beryl_ati_radeon [10:10] ph0rensic: from medibuntu [10:10] Nitroray: which are marked? I have to step away for a few minutes, can continue later [10:10] seems like I shouldnt then :S [10:10] What could a noob know about that ..... [10:10] Bazhang: You leaving now ? [10:10] frold, Yah you dont want beryl on gutsy [10:10] Nitroray: dinner time ;] [10:10] why not [10:10] Howto get rid of it... [10:10] frold, Its a good idea to keep within your dist when following tutorials if possible [10:11] Bazhang: When Ur back, Will you answer ? [10:11] when you installed your drivers for your vid card did you use the restricted manager? [10:11] Nitroray: your problem can be solved; if I am not here for the next little while certainly many other fine folks can help ;] [10:12] hi , i have an arch distro installed , i download hardy_alfa5's ISO , can i use arch's grub to install with hard disk ? thanks [10:12] Nitroray: and of course I will help when I get back ;] [10:13] pajamian, I dunno man cant think im soo tired [10:13] ph0rensic: ok, thanks anyways. [10:13] frold, is your gfx card wkg no? [10:13] can anyone else help me with this? [10:14] pajamian, Not sure if it would help but do you have the w32codecs? [10:14] Im remove beryl... yes it worked but composite didnt... [10:14] ph0rensic: yes [10:14] Ill return when Im rid of Beryl [10:14] frold, you can stay here [10:15] frold, type sudo apt-get remove -purge beryl beryl-manager [10:15] I did: sudo apt-get remove beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes [10:15] -purge? [10:16] frold, you probably want to keep the themes but eh [10:16] frold, thats to remove anything left behind afaik [10:16] * pawitp just resized his seamlessly integrated Windows >_> [10:16] in ssh, what's the command to zip an entire directory incl subdirs into a file at the dir above that? [10:17] sorry but this channel i guess not helping ...... [10:17] howto get rid off: /usr/bin/startberyl.sh [10:17] I did this in the install progress: sudo gedit /usr/bin/startberyl.sh [10:17] Bazhang: Already back ? Just asking.. Because i haveit pasted :) [10:18] frold, sudo rm /usr/bin/startberyl.sh ? [10:18] hm what to do, last damned thing to get it floating again it seems [10:18] brb [10:18] (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727) [10:18] seems like kinda old shit aswell [10:19] How to explain that systool considers acpi a sysfs bus? [10:19] haha Nitroray give it to me--then I will go [10:19] !bash [10:19] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [10:19] manson language please [10:19] ah sorry [10:20] np ;] [10:20] hi to all , i have a question... How can i to recover video driver in ubuntu? [10:20] ph0rensic: I just installed vlc, that seems to be working. [10:20] ph0rensic: Im back - I now running the session gnome [10:21] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> eX_, u mean reinstall them? [10:21] pajamian, oh yah?? odd.. [10:21] It now looks like before Beryl [10:21] Gnome doesn [10:21] 't [10:21] boot [10:21] only cmd [10:21] frold, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [10:21] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> eX_, what did u do? [10:22] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- mm this is main problem i don't know what to do :) [10:22] | # # | [10:22] \ @ | [10:22] \ _|_ / [10:22] |_____ \ \__/ [10:22] | \__/ [10:22] Looooooongcat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:22] isnt working [10:22] in ssh, what's the command to zip an entire directory incl subdirs into a file at the dir above that? [10:23] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> eX_, what did u do to make it unable to start X session? [10:23] ph0rensic: is done... [10:23] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- i change video driver... [10:23] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> eX_, ok, through apt-get? [10:23] frold, ok go to system preferences - advanced desktop effects settings === Looooooongcat is now known as NiggPlz [10:24] ph0rensic: cool :D [10:24] Why was that package not there from the start :D [10:24] frold, I dunno [10:24] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- no... [10:24] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> eX_, and what video card u have? what driver u changed? [10:24] frold, they decided you should install it.. no big deal.. good thing is compiz comes default [10:24] bazhang: yo! i dont know.. i just cant get ubuntu to recognize my card:( [10:25] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- i install ubuntu on dell latitude d505 [10:25] frold, now check to see if it works [10:25] where to see if my grafic card support "extra" [10:25] it does :D [10:25] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- intel 82855 gm/gme [10:25] I have set it to normal... === Johnson is now known as obf213 [10:25] I have a ATI mobility Readon x300 [10:25] test [10:26] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- then i change driver to other standart but for this video card... [10:26] I dont know if thats "a faster grafic card" [10:26] test? [10:26] frold, type in ccsm from the cli [10:26] cli? [10:26] -= [Gutsy]TuTUXG =- Main problem how to recover old video driver :) [10:27] ahh terminal.. [10:28] hi all, I noticed that when you run `w`, some users show their action clocked with '[priv]'. How can I do this to my own account? [10:28] eX_, you talking about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? [10:28] -= ph0rensic =- i dont't know ... :) [10:28] How to explain that systool considers acpi a sysfs bus? [10:28] ph0rensic: there are many settings in there :D [10:29] eX_, If you want to reconfigure you graphics drivers thats what you would do, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [10:29] frold, yes this is like the beryl-manager [10:29] /\___/\ [10:29] | # # | [10:29] \ @ | [10:29] \ _|_ / [10:29] |_____ \ \__/ [10:29] | \__/ [10:29] NiggPlz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:29] frold, but with a little more stuff [10:29] NiggPlz, dickhead [10:29] Hi, when i installed rpm package in ubnutu, i said: error: Failed dependencies: [10:29] /bin/sh is needed by [10:29] afancy, ubuntu uses deb not rpm [10:29] -= ph0rensic =- i can to write it in command line? [10:29] -= ph0rensic =- sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [10:30] eX_, yes [10:30] my my package is rpm === c9s_ is now known as c9s [10:30] -= ph0rensic =- thank's [10:30] Bazhang: I was drinking coffee.. Want it now? ? [10:30] but my package is rpm [10:30] afancy, what package? [10:30] anyone knows how to install java on a firefox64? [10:30] adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm [10:31] RooNey, don't you just install the ubuntu-restriced-extras package? [10:31] Nitroray: go ahead--and I will then go eat dinner ;] [10:31] Bazhang: When you want it, its here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57042/plain/ [10:31] deb [10:31] bash: deb: command not found [10:31] afancy, That your packages are .rpms has no bearing to the fact that ubuntu uses .deb packages [10:31] it is useless, 'coz it doesn't work well with facebook's applets [10:32] so, how to install it? [10:32] .deb is from Debian right ph0rensic ? [10:32] Nitroray, yes [10:32] afancy, what are you trying to install? [10:32] i want to install flash plugin on my seamonkey browser [10:32] hey guise whats going on [10:32] Nitroray, .deb is the form of debian packages, which ubuntu uses [10:32] Because Ubuntu is based on Debian, And debian on Linux? [10:32] lol [10:33] ph0rensic, I just read that java6 does not support firefox64 [10:33] Nitroray, Yes but debian is linux, it is one of the many distributions or flavors of linux [10:33] Yes. Im from Windows, sorry :( grown up with it.. [10:33] RooNey, ok [10:33] : how to install it? [10:34] Nitroray, no its fine [10:34] just installed ubuntu on 100th machine. [10:34] Thanks.\ [10:34] afancy, Seamonkey doesn't use .xpi installers? [10:34] ph0rensic, that is why i am asking if anyone knows how to install a java in fireofx64 [10:34] xpi?? [10:34] what is the xpi? [10:35] RooNey? What for you use Java, Online for some site or offline? [10:35] afancy, I think that is the mozilla install files [10:35] Nitroray, online e.g. facebook photo upload [10:35] noone know how to fix this? [10:35] (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727) [10:35] yes, i have install seamonkey. but it cannot display flash [10:35] ph0rensic: I say thank you for taking your time to help! [10:35] how do i run flash cs3 on ubuntu??? [10:35] is there anyway to change the colour of the text on the panel on ubuntu 7.10??? i have a dark bkg so cant see anything on the panels [10:35] frold, no prob everything wkg ok? [10:36] RooNeey: Yes, well for example: When you go to www.Youtube.com it will say (on mozilla firefox it does) Want to install Missing Plugins ? [10:36] Try that. [10:36] rahul_: via Wine but which CS3 photoshop or dreamweaver? [10:36] RooNey, Would firefox say firefox 64? Or does firefox auto d/l the 64-bit if my system is 64 bit [10:36] Nitroray, I installed icedtea7java version but it still doesn't work well in facebook [10:36] Strange. [10:36] rahul_: they aint fully support.... I run DreamWaever 8 that way and it works okay.... [10:37] cs2 works on wine. what about cs3??? [10:37] afancy, I haven't used that one, but they should have something similar to get extensions like firefox right? [10:37] ph0rensic, if you have a 64 system, most pro'bly you've got a firefox64, unless you make a force-install of a 32bits version [10:37] RooNey: Why dont you un-install that Java, go again to the site with mozilla firefox, and wait untill it says: Install Missing Plugins? [10:37] RooNey, Ok, let me see if my flash is wkg then [10:38] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> rahul_, ps cs3 is not working yet under wine w/o some works [10:38] Or do some updates. [10:38] any ideas?? :( [10:38] Nitroray, I did that, it doesn't work [10:38] ph0rensic: seems like it does... [10:38] Can anyone help me get helix or realplayer working on 64bit gutsy? [10:38] Facebook is not having problems ? Technical ? [10:38] RooNey, It tells me flash is wkg on my pc [10:38] RooNey: Or you try opera.. [10:39] help please, ultrastar-ng isnt working [10:39] toast, i dont think that real released a version for 64bit [10:39] hello everyone, i just upgraded from a 2 year old geforce card to a new 8800 gt, but drivers arent working now, i can only get 640x480 and no 3d acceleration. can anyone guide me through updating drivers etc, im very new to linux [10:39] ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:803:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream [10:39] -!- ALSA snd_pcm_open failed: Invalid argument [10:39] Nitroray, Facebook applets don't work well with linux but with windows [10:39] toast: you'll probably have to force-architecture it in. [10:39] ph0rensic, wkg? [10:39] what apps are in dvd iso? [10:39] joshuaRL, will it run? [10:39] lassesandberg42, If you pm me i will try to help you [10:39] RooNey, working [10:39] brb [10:39] Bazhang: You readed it ? [10:39] toast: not sure, haven't tried it myself. running 64bit though, feels ya. [10:40] ph0rensic , how do i do that? im new to irc as well :P [10:40] ph0rensic, but I am dealing with Java not flash... [10:40] How to explain that systool considers acpi a sysfs bus? [10:40] RooNey: Why dont you try the emulator 2 windows ? [10:40] Forgot its name. [10:40] I think when I next reinstall, I'm going to move to 32 bit, but I can't do that for a couple of months. [10:40] Nitroray, it's a fxxxking mess [10:40] Really ? [10:40] YOu mean the emulator ? [10:41] help please, ultrastar-ng isnt working [10:41] ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:803:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream [10:41] RooNey, haha oh yah [10:41] -!- ALSA snd_pcm_open failed: Invalid argument [10:41] Nitroray, yes... 'coz I don't want to re-install it... I've already have a windows in another partition [10:41] Toast, just stay with it. we're all gonna be there eventually anyway, and the more people we have the faster stuff like this gets fixed. [10:41] lassesandberg42, are you registered? [10:41] ph0rensic , sorry, what do you mean? :P [10:41] Nitroray, and emulating from another partition, you need to change your system profile as you are having differente hardaware devices [10:41] !register | lassesandberg42 [10:41] lassesandberg42: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [10:42] joshuaRA, Truecrype doesn't install, either. Was thinking about building it, but don't really have the time to mess around :( [10:42] RooNey; I think i dont know it.. :| SOrry [10:42] RooNey, any good sites i can test java? [10:43] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> sun.java.com [10:43] ph0rensic, java? www.yuanta.com.tw or facebook.com uploading pics [10:43] and yeah sun.java.com [10:43] Are there any players available on gutsy x86-64 to play real player streams, other than realplayer or helix? [10:43] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> mplayer? [10:44] will try it again. Last time I tried on another machine (debian), it wouldn't have it. [10:44] toast, im not sure but I don't think so. look in the x86_64 forum for getlibs. should help if you want to force it. [10:45] * Toast added getlibs to my reading list [10:45] yuck, messed up my 1st/3rd personage [10:45] * Nitroray thinks Bazhang is having dinner [10:46] any one knows can i use tv out as second monitor on ubuntu? [10:46] betim_, Yes you should be able to [10:47] hmm, any tutorial on this ph0rensic ? [10:47] can anyone tell me a time lapse program for ubuntu??? [10:47] guys 1st hi all :) 2nd -_- I can't connect to the internet on Ubuntu I have ethernet card [10:47] working with a pholips webcam [10:47] PC3: ifconfig [10:47] Does Ubuntu automaticly install Intel Pro Wifi drivers for laptop or is that still an iffy driver? [10:47] working with a philips webcam [10:47] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, which nic u have? [10:48] PC3:WIFI or ethernet? [10:48] trying to figure it out right now but windows seems to have fubard the driver itself [10:48] I rarely use the laptop [10:48] betim_, you can try this one .. is for twinview in general but there is an option to say what type second screen is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1773584 [10:48] betim_, eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1D:7D:BB:DD:94 [10:48] UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 [10:48] RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:4294967272 overruns:0 frame:0 [10:48] TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:368 overruns:0 carrier:0 [10:48] collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 [10:48] RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b) [10:48] PC3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:49] Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [10:49] ph0rensic: thanks a lot :) [10:49] can anyone tell me a time lapse program for ubuntu???for a webcam [10:49] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, install the restricted module will help [10:49] the Ubuntu installer has it? [10:49] PC3: hmm, do you have static ip or dhcp, and do you use pppoe? [10:49] betim_, I haven't tried the new method.. old method has worked wonders for me [10:49] see I'm deciding between doing a deb install or ubuntu for ease [10:49] What is the status of wifi in the latest version of ubuntu? [10:50] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, yes, and have u try to use the restricted manager? [10:50] betim_ dhcp [10:50] I've actually never used ubuntu before [10:50] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> it should tell u what driver u need NetEcho [10:50] PC3: sudo dhclient eth0 [10:50] been using slackware for the last 10 years and deb for the last [10:50] for wifi, use easy wifi radar === ajmorris is now known as ipcheck [10:50] is a very good program [10:51] and I'm just not in the mood for a lot of configuration since I just need a quick and dirty webserver setup [10:51] gcc -o hello hello.c === ipcheck is now known as ajmorris [10:51] PC3 : be careful to special character in your WPA key [10:51] [Gutsy]TuTUXG thanks man [10:51] My desktop = http://www.flickr.com/photos/24040049@N05/2284837943/sizes/l/ [10:51] it says the header files are missing [10:51] what am i doing wrong? [10:51] trying to compile helloworld simple program [10:51] t.org [10:51] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, found it? [10:52] betim_ , it give no DCC Clinet or somthin like that -.- and I have to restart to get u the exactly msg should I ? [10:52] ph0rensic: cool, i'm trying to make a tv channel :P [10:52] [Gutsy]TuTUXG nope is it on the cd or on the website? [10:52] if its on the cd I haven't downloaded it yet [10:52] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, both [10:52] are the header files for the gcc installer not there by default? [10:52] ah [10:52] help.ubuntu? [10:52] PC3: try to set static ip, go to any machine where internet works, and find a free ip on that range [10:53] oddalot, I haven't compiled much of anything but... you have build-essentials? [10:53] no [10:53] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, just try sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules [10:53] what is build essentials? [10:53] PC3: then try sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up; sudo route add default gw === JoshuaRL is now known as JoshuaRL_ [10:53] oddalot, do sudo apt-get install build-essentials [10:53] ah ubuntu uses sudo by default? [10:53] NetEcho, yes [10:54] smart [10:54] quit [10:54] ok thanks [10:54] betim_, we haven't static Ip I'm in my home and i have a speedtouch router with DHCP system and PPPOE connection [10:54] NetEcho, why switch from slax to ubuntu.. make life a lil simpler?? [10:54] PC3: then try sudo ppppoeconf eth0 [10:54] PC3: then try sudo pppoeconf eth0 [10:54] ph0rensic just because I don't wanna fiddle with all the settings on a non-production machine [10:54] sudo apt-get install build-essentials [10:55] err sorry [10:55] E: Couldn't find package build-essentials [10:55] > [10:55] ? [10:55] it get no connection I tried it [10:55] I know I can get Debian systems up and running quite quickly then I figured ubuntu would be even faster because its meant to be user friendly [10:55] oddalot: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [10:55] oddalot are you sure you have all the repos enabled? [10:55] NetEcho, heeh got ya.. bt3 is based on slackware right? [10:55] no s on the end [10:55] i think [10:55] bt3? [10:55] NetEcho, backtrack [10:56] hrm good question [10:56] oddalot: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list; and comment a first or second line with something cdrom [10:56] build-essential [10:56] no s [10:56] oddalot, yep build-essential [10:56] oddalot, ahh haha [10:56] odd sorry [10:56] :D [10:56] got me too [10:56] ph0rensic haven't looked at it at all [10:56] oddalot, i do that sometimes [10:56] as if you guys have a mirror at U of Waterloo [10:56] NetEcho, oh k... was there another branch of slack not too long ago? [10:56] thats pretty sweet [10:57] Im getting 5mbps from it [10:57] hey, I'm having trouble with udev, anyone know a lot about it? [10:57] betim_, I tried it nothin :/ [10:57] ph0rensic quite a few actually a few 64bit branches and the slax I believe is the livecd version [10:57] hey [10:57] i have downloaded a couple of logon screens... but how do i install them ? [10:57] * NetEcho sure hopes the windows burning crap can burn a bootable ISO lol [10:57] betim_, when I tried the liveCD it was workin -_- [10:57] PC3: try sudo dhclient3 [10:57] AfroRowan === JoshuaRL_ is now known as JoshuaRL [10:58] are you using KDE or gnome [10:58] AfroRowan, Its in system - admin - login window [10:58] hey all, it's my first day with ubuntu 7.10 on a new Thinkpad T61. Things are working great. Does anyone know how to make the left windows key act like caps-lock? Something to do with .Xmodmap, but i'm not sure the details [10:58] ph0rensic: so aside from the excessive user friendliness ubuntu still operates basicaly like debian right? [10:58] as far as upgrading stuff via apt and what not [10:58] ph0rensic, i dont have that... [10:58] NetEcho, afaik yes .. minor tweaking here and there [10:59] betim_, I noticed astarnge somthin the Ethernet card led didn't work @ all [10:59] AfroRowan, you on KDE? [10:59] good good [10:59] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, if u browse ubuntu home page under download there should be some free burning programs links there [10:59] wat u mean [10:59] i have ubuntu gutsy [10:59] PC3: then check cable [10:59] AfroRowan, what ubuntu is it kubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu? [10:59] ubuntu [10:59] [Gutsy]TuTUXG not the burning programs I have an issue with I just don't wanna go through a lengthy install of nero and then a long reboot due to the raid arrays [10:59] they are diferent window managers [10:59] no k x or ed [10:59] betim_, not a caple prob cause it workin now on windous [11:00] sys-admin-login .. you dont have it? [11:00] hrm the laptop should actually have some [11:00] no [11:00] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> NetEcho, i dont think u need to reboot with those programs [11:00] your using gnome right? [11:00] [Gutsy]TuTUXG thanks [11:00] dunno... i have ubuntu gutsy 7.10 [11:00] hrm, maybe he doesn't have all the gnome packages instaloled somehow phorensic [11:00] PC3: paste somewhere lspci [11:00] i dont know more [11:01] thundercles, possibly but more than likely he would [11:01] * NetEcho needs to setup a webserver environment so he can get started on an online game guide [11:01] i have a problem. ever since i created a PPPoE connection networkmanager doesn't show wireless anymore. can someone please help me? [11:01] but i do have the dutch version [11:01] betim_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57045/ [11:01] my webhost had to shutdown due to excessive ddos :( [11:01] well, AfroRowan, what menus do you have in the System menu [11:01] AfroRowan, it should be somewhere off of the system menu === ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK [11:02] Whats up? [11:02] hmm [11:02] AfroRowan, do you have system - pref - main menu? [11:02] PC3: try to set a static ip on range that dhcp gives you should get something [11:02] yes p [11:02] *ph0rensic [11:03] ok open that up and lets see if we can find it [11:03] anyone have compiled mupen64 (no gui)? [11:03] thundercles, maybe its not selected as being shown [11:03] betim_m K I'll rebooot and login to Ubuntu and try to set Static Ip [11:03] hrm, that's a possibility, it's been a while since I've used gnome tho [11:03] Got it [11:04] AfroRowan, did you find it? [11:04] yes [11:04] ah, those tricky dutch reorganized the menus [11:04] was it checked? [11:04] lol [11:04] nop[e [11:04] wait a minute Alpha Centauri runs on linux too [11:04] too bad most other games don't [11:04] hello to everybody [11:04] hey ph0rensics, do you know a lot about udev here on ubuntu, it's giving me a hard time and I havn't used udev since I was running gentoo like 4 years ago [11:05] thundercles, no idea sorry.. i still haven't even learned much bash yet [11:05] arg, the ubuntu support hasn't been much help on this [11:05] thundercles, I may appear to know things.. but Im really an idiot [11:06] there's gotta be someone else whose SATA drive is just being shanghaied by udev which isn't allowing the os to do much with it :/ [11:06] thundercles, I've noticed alot of the really knowledgeable people have been absent lately [11:06] !mupen64 [11:06] I tried to get on earlier before I knew it was udevs fault [11:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about mupen64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [11:06] thundercles, Oh the woes of sata [11:06] please? [11:07] and tried to ask the question then, but no one would answer, then I started answering questions :( [11:07] hey does anybody knows how i can set my wallpapers to random choice at startup ? [11:07] and tell me about it, the only reason I have this SATA drive is cause XP wouldn't touch it [11:07] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> AfroRowan, wp-tray? [11:07] so the owner of it gave it to me [11:07] freenode.net [11:07] whats that [11:07] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> google it [11:08] the weird part is that I installed FC6 on this drive on that computer to make sure the drive even works [11:08] how to capture youtube videos in firefox browser [11:08] thundercles, hmm.. dont most motherboards now a-days have mostly sata and 1 ata?? [11:08] thenI bring it over here and I have trouble with FC6, Debian, and now Ubuntu [11:08] i have a nero *.mdf dvd image, how do i mount it as a virtual cd ... i forgot ??? [11:08] ph0rensic if I can settle into Ubuntu with ease I may do a dual boot system and just use windows for gaming [11:09] yes, it has two IDEs [11:09] pawalls, download the extension..downloadhelper i think its called [11:09] but I don't want to thrash around in any of those HDs to make room for a fresh install [11:09] cause I'm a data packrat and all of my IDE drives are full of unsorted data :( [11:09] NetEcho, ubuntu IMO is very easy to work with..then again Im not too in-depth into the crazy bash programming and what not.. dualbooting is a cinch to set up with xp [11:10] that's why I was stoked when I found this drive that I forgot I had, and found the SATA controller built into the mobo I didn't know existed [11:10] oh yea [11:10] in ubuntu [11:10] ph0rensic just not easy to setup with XP on a Raid array supposedly lol [11:10] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> pawan, after u watch the video, don't close/switch it, the flv file should be in the /tmp [11:10] apperently not easy to set up a raid array period :( [11:10] NetEcho, haha yah you could have problems with that [11:10] BASH scripting is fun [11:10] actually BASH uses the same syntax as BASIC [11:11] and yes automating stuff with BASH scripts is very useful [11:11] thundercles, haha yes raid has given many people trouble [11:11] thundercles depends on the controler [11:11] my mobo has an onboard controller [11:11] -l [11:11] yeah, this one is onboard too [11:11] so the raid array took me like 2 minutes to setup [11:11] NetEcho, Do you do any python programming? [11:11] just getting windows to install without a floppy drive was interesting [11:11] how do i mount a dvd image ?? [11:11] but it is via, and via doesn't like to play with others well [11:12] ph0rensic not really [11:12] NetEcho, what raid you use? [11:12] just the image not on a drive willscarlet? [11:12] ph0rensic RAID 1 [11:12] I mean not on a DVD? [11:12] like you have an iso [11:12] NetEcho, so thats what, just mirror? [11:12] willscarlet^^, use acetoneiso [11:12] the image is a dvd image ..... on a dvd in my dvddrive [11:12] yea [11:12] well I'd try acetoneiso, I've only done it in console... [11:13] but if that doesn't work I can tell you how to do it in the console [11:13] willscarlet^^, the easy way? download gmountiso [11:13] hmm i found drapes in add/remove is that also a good wallpaper randomizer ? [11:13] ooo they are coming out with all kinds of handy tools for the GUI nowadays, arn't they [11:14] thankyou!! [11:15] well anyways NetEcho, the controller appears to be working fine [11:15] I modprobed and all the proper modules are running for it [11:15] and udev is managing the drive on it and is reporting it [11:15] I just have no idea how to use udev, it's been like 4 years and I used it on gentoo last [11:15] thundercles nice [11:16] nice? [11:16] whats nice about his drive not wkg? [11:16] hmm i found drapes in add/remove is that also a good wallpaper randomizer ? [11:16] AfroRowan, dunno try it, if it doesn't work get rid of it [11:17] lol [11:17] I usaully like to use the net to see what packages I think I'll like before even getting them off a package manager, it helps you not get crappy packages [11:17] AfroRowan, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/01/random-wallpaper-in-gnome/ [11:18] because lord knows my other computer running server programs on debian's whole 8 gig root drive is full of nothing but packages [11:18] Hi all, I need help: I cannot change the numbers of desktops [11:18] gnome or kde? [11:18] slider [11:19] where do I add daemons in ubuntu? [11:19] gnome [11:19] ubuntu 7.10 [11:19] floppy, which kind of daemons [11:19] and slider, it'll be in the system-preferences [11:19] and in there it'll be in [11:19] like mpd daemons [11:19] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> thundercles, try apt-get autoclean? [11:19] I can't find it... [11:20] where is the $IFS variable set for bash? I thought it would be in .bashrc [11:20] ummm I will right now [11:20] BAZHANG: Your back ???? Read-ed it ? [11:20] and then try system-admin slider [11:20] slider, is this for compiz?? [11:20] drapes is a great program ;) [11:20] easy and working very well [11:21] but not now, it turned grey [11:21] AfroRowan, cool. if I didn't ..haha [11:21] I use compiz... in the desktop selector in the bar there's 4 desktop but i can use only 2... [11:21] o [11:21] damn it turned grey [11:21] well [11:21] slider, probably use the ccsm to change it [11:21] ok, I'm trying... [11:21] what happened ? [11:22] is there a app where I can see the daemons and kernel modules? [11:22] ack, same with mine, If it's like that when I'm done installing I'll have to change that too [11:22] AfroRowan, Did you try that site i gave u [11:22] and oh yeh, remember that gnome calls them "workspaces" not desktops [11:22] thundercles, you install drape too? [11:22] drape? [11:22] yes ph0rensic [11:22] yes there is floppy [11:23] but it's in the console [11:23] i've installed a program through wine ... if i wanna uninstall it i only must delete the relative installation folder in C:Programs ? [11:23] it's in the console ps [11:23] where I can choose the number of desktop in ccsm? [11:23] that will show you what's running [11:23] weltall [11:23] i've installed a program through wine ... if i wanna uninstall it i only must delete the relative installation folder in C:Programs ? [11:23] slider, I think it is in the general section [11:23] hello everyone, i just now upgraded from a 2 year old crap geforce card to a brand new GT 8800 , but im having trouble configuring my drivers to work, i got no 3d acceleration and can only take 640x480. my old card worked with a driver in "restricted drivers manager" but i cant select that for my new one.. keep in mind im new to linux [11:23] are you from CWCheat ? [11:24] lassesandberg42, your back did you register? [11:24] go to the nvidia website lassesanderberg [11:24] ph0rensic sorry, can you send that link again? [11:24] !register | lassesandberg42 [11:24] lassesandberg42: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. [11:25] wow I call in a noise complaint and 4 cops show up within 10 mins [11:25] lassesandberg, if you go to the nvidia site, they have the drivers there, whether or not ubuntu has it's own installation thing for them, you will need those [11:25] i've installed a program through wine ... if i wanna uninstall it i only must delete the relative installation folder in C:Programs ? [11:25] because the ubutnu repo can't distribute the nvidia drivers without their permission [11:25] thundercles, Id reccomend him using the restricted manager [11:25] hey, how much space would I need to mirror gutsy/main? I can't see it anywhere on the internet, after a bit of googling? [11:25] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, if that program has an uninstaller, it should work [11:25] who? [11:26] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, with wine, of cuz [11:26] hello, I am looking for help to solve a network connection with ubuntu 7.10 [11:26] what is the network problem draker [11:26] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> Werdna, around 5 g [11:26] yeah i've noticed it now in application -> wine thx :D [11:26] my wired connection worked well so far [11:27] [Gutsy]TuTUXG: ooh, not too bad [11:27] this morning stop working. I can connect to the DHCP [11:27] [Gutsy]TuTUXG: where'd you find that out? is there a list someplace [11:27] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> Werdna, that's only for the main tho [11:27] nvidia was pretty big on wanting you to download the drivers from them so they could make you agree not to mess with thier drivers [11:27] I get an address and receive packets [11:27] but cannot send any [11:27] okay drake [11:27] can you ping anything else on the network [11:27] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> Werdna, read an article about it, forgot where it is [11:27] no thunder, I can't [11:27] how much with universe? [11:28] not even it's ip adress 192.erue [11:28] try and ifconfig [11:28] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> Werdna, gonna be more [11:28] and see what pops up [11:28] [Gutsy]TuTUXG: o rly? [11:28] wait a moment :) [11:28] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> Werdna, there are a lot of pkgs my friend [11:28] indeed [11:29] nothing to be done... [11:29] if it's just a dhcp issue, and not a bigger networking issue, sudo dhcpcd will probably fix it drake [11:29] [Gutsy]TuTUXG, damn i've deleted the folder yesterday, now in application - wine - programs i see the name of the program and some files related to it ... and i can't delete them from the scroll menu !!! is there a solution ? [11:29] thunder, ifconfig correctly shows the settings for eth0 [11:29] I switch the number of desktop to 4 in the ccsm but doesn't work... [11:30] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, it's really doesnt matter to leave them there [11:30] try running sudo dhcpcd then [11:30] i can ping myself ( but not any other address [11:30] that'll restart the dhcp client daemon [11:30] if i install wicd, what would happen to the default network manager? [11:30] [Gutsy]TuTUXG, so it's not a problem if i keep them there ? [11:30] or start it if it isn't even started yet [11:30] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, no [11:30] jojojoojjo thc ;) [11:32] slider i think there is one that says horizontal spaces .. set that to 4 [11:32] what if my ccsm don't change the desktop number? [11:32] thunder, i can restart the network with /etc/init.d/networking restart . It get an address and even the DNS servers are configured correctly. I repeate, the connection worked fine since this morning [11:32] ok [11:32] slider: restart compiz [11:33] are you sure your router is working right drake? [11:33] right thaks... [11:33] my ccsm doesnt apply until i restart [11:33] but it is supposed to do [11:33] have you tried connecting to it from another computer? [11:33] now works... 3 rather than 4 but works [11:33] anyone else having sound card troubles? I'm trying to play a movie and things are just broken. [11:33] how to save youtube videos [11:33] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> pawan, after u watch the video, don't close/switch it, the flv file should be in the /tmp [11:34] how to save it [11:34] delete it [11:34] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> ... [11:34] because 9/10 when all services are running fine, and it was working just a second ago, with networking, it's the router or the cables [11:34] I love you all.. see you. Thanks [11:34] is there an alternative to logging into ubuntu with a password? (i remember reading something about clicking images in the right order a while ago) [11:34] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> cp /tmp *.flv ~/ [11:35] TuTUXG I did do the apt-get autoclean [11:35] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> ya? [11:35] but udev is still puzzling me [11:36] So im trying to install good ol world of padman and im stuck. "sudo ./worldofpadman.run" creates this "sudo: ./worldofpadman.run: command not found" === b0ha_ is now known as b0ha [11:37] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> thundercles, how does that relate to udev? [11:37] umm that's my problem [11:37] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> oh, i c [11:38] udev has shanghaied my sata drive [11:38] and isn't sharing it with the rest of the OS [11:38] knifepoint: either chmod +x blah.run or sudo sh blah.run [11:38] hello, i try to install ubuntu on my ps3, but at the install i get an kernel problem, some1 can help [11:38] sami: tried that no luck [11:38] sami: im stumped [11:38] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> thundercles, shanghaied? [11:38] channel: #gnucash [11:38] how to save it [11:39] Well i never liked sudo at the first place so.. Sorry. [11:39] sudo passwd is my opinion. [11:39] sami: im an idiot....... i did -x.... haha thanks for the help champ [11:39] \gnucash [11:39] youtube videos [11:39] knifepoint: hehe everyone make mistakes like that. [11:40] wait until you get to quick for your own good and do rm -rf /*/* instead of rm -rf */*/ [11:40] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> ... [11:41] I'm seeing if I can use du to get to the bottom of it right now [11:41] hello, can somebody help me with a livecd - apache - no images problem? [11:41] betim, back and not workin :) [11:41] Is nVidia 8800GT supported in Ubuntu 7.10 ? [11:41] hi all, the sound just stopped working on my comp...any ideas? it's not the headphones [11:42] stupidwhiteman, have you checked the system-preferences menu on sound? [11:42] hello [11:42] I'm running xfce how do I get there? [11:42] what kind of sound card are you using [11:43] how to download youtubevideos [11:43] open up the console [11:43] MrStein, I believe the answer is no ints not supported because of the proprietary drivers, but yes it will work [11:43] how do I check if my ubuntu install is 32 or 64 bit? [11:43] thundercles, okay [11:43] pawalls, I told you, download downloadhelper from the firefox get extensions [11:43] pawan: checkout youtube_dl [11:43] well what kind of sound card are you using first swm? [11:43] ph0rensic: I just booted the 7.10 desktop CD and have no picture, that's why I ask. (yes, I know about the licence "wars") [11:43] I'll find out what you are modprobing for [11:43] sami, please dont type that stuff in channels... some people may accidentally take it as advice [11:43] Or copy the tmp files while watching [11:43] thunder, sorry for the delay, I am doing an experiment in the mean time. The router works fine, the computer I am using is connected to the same network. The problem is definetly on my computer, since once obtained an IP address it stops talking with the network. If i ping whatever address, there is no network activity (no packets sent). The strange thingh is that the card receives packets from the network [11:44] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> pawan, install miro [11:44] elkbuntu: hahaha seriously? [11:44] I'm not sure, thundercles [11:44] ummm well can you open up the device manager [11:44] and find out real quick? [11:44] hi [11:44] sami, it's happened before, yeah [11:45] try ifconfig -d eth0 then [11:45] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> sami, i didnt tell him to do it while watching [11:45] Um.. Ok. [11:45] e d någen så snakke norsk her????????????????? [11:45] and try putting it back up with ifconfig -u eht0 [11:45] !no > q_ [11:45] okey [11:45] then [11:45] I'm sorry I don't know where the device manager is [11:46] ummm [11:46] [Gutsy]TuTUXG: It might clean the temp while the movie's closed [11:46] I've never used xfce [11:46] well I've got a console [11:46] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> sami, ya, but he wants to save it [11:46] can I tell if a soundcard is working? [11:46] well try modprobe [11:46] installed now [11:46] and after it put [11:46] lets see [11:46] is debian the biggest distro out there in terms of application count? [11:46] mahogny, did anyone answer you? [11:47] guys can't connect to the net on my ubuntu :( and it was workin when LiveCD [11:47] then cp /tmp/whateveryoutubecallsitsmovies.flv /path/ [11:47] try modprobe snd-card* first [11:47] what you doing know [11:47] gold44, more than likely but that is offtopic for here [11:47] ph0rensic, not that I can see [11:47] mahogny! [11:47] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> sami, so before close it u save it, what's the problem? [11:47] NetEcho hello :) [11:47] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> cp /tmp *.flv ~/ ,that's what i said [11:47] mahogny, try uname -a in a term [11:47] hi! [11:47] long time no see bud [11:47] is ubuntu the biggest distro out there in terms of application count? [11:47] I see I need the name of the soundcard [11:48] yikes [11:48] [Gutsy]TuTUXG: Find what's wrong in your command [11:48] ph0rensic if it doesn't mention 64 bit, shall I assume 32 bit? [11:48] halo [11:48] no you don't need the name [11:48] actually try this [11:48] mahogny, yes, more than likely it is 32 bit.. if it was 64 it would say x86_64 after UTC [11:48] modprobe -l *alsa [11:48] if you have a card and it'd working with alsa [11:48] something will show up [11:48] yes [11:48] what shows up? [11:48] hello, can somebody help me with a livecd - apache - no images problem? [11:49] lollo@lollo-desktop:~/Desktop/stardict-3.0.1$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man ------------- why ? ? ? ? ? [11:49] /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/media/video/saa7134/saa7134-alsa.ko [11:49] /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/media/video/cx88/cx88-alsa.ko [11:49] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> sami, right, my command is wrong, then why didnt u just point it out? [11:49] ph0rensic ok, thanks [11:49] Oh my god. Never mind! [11:49] yes, alright, now try running alsaconf in the console [11:49] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> 'smart ass [11:49] command not found [11:49] alsactl it looks like actually [11:49] alsactl [11:50] ahh [11:50] Sorry for trying to help. Wont do it again oh all mighty master! [11:50] i ve ubuntu server, i ve apache, sshd. what else can i (should i) run or install? [11:50] specify command.... [11:50] lollo@lollo-desktop:~/Desktop/stardict-3.0.1$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man ------------- why ? ? ? ? ? [11:50] guys :| I can't connect to the net on Ubuntu and it was workin when LiveCD [11:50] hello [11:50] yes I'm getting used to this distro, just gimme a second to figure this out [11:50] thankyou very much for your help [11:50] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, y dont u just install the deb pkg? [11:51] hello [11:51] is there any chance that UT3 installer get released any soon ? [11:51] hmmmm i try it now thx Gutz ;) [11:51] *any time soon [11:52] lollo: Do you want to know what the command does or what it the question? [11:52] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, the whole prefix thing just helps u to install everything in the right places [11:52] alright stupidwhiteman [11:52] . [11:52] find a .wav file somewhere [11:53] hello, can somebody help me with a livecd - apache - no images problem? [11:53] has to be .wav? [11:53] and run aplay -vv thewavfileyoufound.wav [11:53] yeah, there should be a bunch of system .wav files [11:53] so the installation files " .deb " are suitable with ubuntu ? [11:53] oaky [11:53] My sound volume is much lower after upgrading to Kubuntu 7.10! I have tried adjusting the volume in both alsamixer, aumix, kmix, etc, but none of it helps. How do I fix this? I do not even know how to investigate this problem any further. [11:53] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, as i can tell [11:53] guys I need help :| I can't connect to the Internet and It was workin when it was LiveCD [11:53] it doesn't matter what it is, but this is the alsa player that's part of the drivers running your sound [11:53] hello world [11:53] thunder I'll be back in half an hour. thank you [11:54] hi [11:54] Hi. Anyone here use XFS and gparted able to quickly check something for me? [11:54] who will help me? [11:54] if aplay doesn't work then it's definetly a problem with alsa [11:54] okay [11:54] if it does play it's a problem somewhere after there [11:54] what bothers me, is that everything was fine 30min ago [11:54] yes, that is weird [11:55] I was listening to an mp3, hit pause, came back, and nothing works [11:55] I'm not used to things spontaneously not working in linux, but I've been hearing that a lot here [11:55] anyone know what initiates the restricted manager to tell you there is a device that needs restricted drivers? [11:55] uhm .... when i open the deb file it says " an older version is avaible in a software channel " .... uhm what does it ean ? [11:55] aplay -vv [11:55] right? [11:55] yeah [11:55] then the name of the file.wav [11:55] I'm trying to install Gutsy 64bit, and I can't get a GUI. I get the boot screen, the loading bar, then I see a corrupted screen of the loading bar, then just a flashing prompt. Gutsy 32bit boots and gives me a gui just fine, could it be something with my ATI card? [11:55] from how it broke it sounds like it's a problem not with alsa [11:55] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lollo, it means the pkg in ubuntu repo is older than this one [11:56] did you try running anything else that plays sound besides the thing you were listening to sound on? [11:56] lollo: That means that the version you are installing might not be supported yet, since the one in the software channel is older. [11:56] uh ok so it's better if i keep that one thx [11:56] I do have some problem setting up xserver-xorg with openchrome [11:56] yes, i'll risk :s [11:56] oh, actually swm, I bet whatever you were running is tying up the alsa server and not letting anything else use the sound card [11:57] hello :) [11:57] do you remember what program you were running when it stopped working? [11:57] I am trying to see the log file for X, it seems to get overwritten by the fallback utility for Ubuntu 7.10 [11:57] okay aplay looked like it worked, except no sound [11:57] I was running xfmedia player [11:57] mozilla [11:57] xchat [11:57] well I mean the xfmedia player [11:58] firefox I should say [11:58] I restarted the comp twice [11:58] okay, first close up xfmedia player in the desktop as well as you can [11:58] I can not change the xorg.conf to the openchrome driver nor to the via one though I installed the openchrome driver. [11:58] now run ps in the console [11:58] if xfmediaplayer [11:59] shows up in the processes and you think it's not running, there's a good chance it's tying up your card [11:59] correction the X server doesn´t start correctly with the openchrome or the via driver and sends me to the fallback utility for X configuration. [11:59] PID TTY TIME CMD [11:59] 5168 pts/0 00:00:00 bash [11:59] 5227 pts/0 00:00:00 ps [12:00] can somebody help me with a livecd - apache - no images problem? [12:00] hi can anyone help me with tor please? I am using vidalia and tor on ubuntu with torbutton on firefox [12:00] well did aaplay work? [12:00] did you hear anything with that? [12:00] it looked liked the program run, and played the .wav, but no sound [12:00] hrm, you can stop the program with ctrl-c btw [12:01] how can i remove a directory ? rm and then ? [12:01] neopsyche, what u trying to do [12:01] lollo, rmdir is the command to remove empty directories [12:01] I have loaded the required module, I have edited xorg.conf to change the graphics driver to openchrome or to via. [12:01] !nexuiz [12:01] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [12:01] ph0rensic I'm actually considering stealing the drive from this system and putting it in my mini-itx system [12:01] hrm, we're gonna set up your alsa then real quick swm [12:01] only empty ? [12:01] that will fix it almost certainly [12:01] well 1 of the drives [12:01] NetEcho, nice, what do u use that for? [12:01] ph0rensic, I am trying to surf websites that seem to be blocked by my isp.. as well as anonmymise myself on the internet.. i would also like to be able to use torrents which it seems are throttled down to a data trickle. [12:02] Both drivers failed to start the xserver with my desired resolution. [12:02] cool thanks again, thundercles [12:02] Please help. [12:02] i wanna remove a folder with some files within [12:02] ph0rensic: the mini-itx system is gonna be a nas/server [12:02] neopsyche, so tor and whats the other one? [12:02] NetEcho, ahh sweet...freenas? [12:02] ph0rensic,vidalia [12:03] ph0rensic I'm considering a homemade NAS setup since freenas doesn't really allow you to run a fully capable linux system [12:03] ph0rensic, ubotu vidalia [12:03] neopsyche, vidalia is what now? Are you trying to get the thing setup or are you having problems wit it [12:03] unless I misread [12:03] brb [12:03] hi all [12:03] NetEcho, thats cause freenas is UNIX [12:03] ph0rensic,i am having problems with it vidalia is a gui for tor and privoxy [12:04] ph0rensic BSD right? [12:04] NetEcho, yup [12:04] does it allow you to compile your own crap? [12:04] How do I mount a FTP folder? The "connect to server" option does not work because it uses passive instead of active FTP. [12:04] neopsyche, you have it setup globally or just in firefox? [12:04] cause BSD has some stuff to be compatible with linux [12:04] alright swm [12:04] k [12:04] do what's on this page [12:05] http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=971 [12:05] NetEcho, that i dont know...but i hear nas server isn't best way to share data ..slower than samba or whatever [12:05] do you have IM [12:05] ph0rensic,firfox [12:05] seems no one knows the topic. [12:05] ph0rensic yea thats probably true [12:05] I just need it for backups [12:05] does anyone here has trouble with microphones under gutsy? [12:05] stupidwhiteman20 on aim [12:06] neopsyche, Ok I have setup tor a few times, never used that vidalia app, not needed since tor button contains all the data you need [12:06] alright, I'm gonna message you in a minaute, I'm about to head off this IRC [12:06] thanks alot thundercles [12:06] if that page doesn't solve it, we'll figure it out, but it should [12:06] neopsyche, probably have to edit your config files for privoxy and refresh the daemon [12:06] aiight [12:06] ph0rensic,how do i do that? [12:06] ph0rensic: You can reach a NAS though samba if you want to. Depends on what the NAS can handle [12:06] neopsyche, lemme see if I have a page for you [12:06] ph0rensic,ok [12:07] neo http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/11/02/how-to-install-tor-privoxy-kubuntu-606-610/ and get rid of vidalia :-) [12:08] hi. how can i reinstall grub if i installed windows after ubuntu ? [12:09] first install windows [12:09] !grub | Tiven_ [12:09] Tiven_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [12:09] (if it's a dualboot) [12:09] thx guys [12:09] what is the .rpm file ? is it suitable with ubuntu ? [12:09] tThomas, if possible yes, but if not he needs that [12:09] !alien | lollo [12:09] lollo: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) [12:09] lollo, no ubuntu uses the .deb packaging system [12:09] phorensic, ok [12:10] lollo, Dont use alien if you dont have to [12:10] thx kissù [12:10] How do I restore the Kmenu in Kubuntu to its default settings? [12:10] <[chr0n0s]> how do i make evolution use a socks proxy ? [12:10] I've accidentally removed my Wine menu from it, and now it's not reappearing [12:10] but can someone help me with my microphone probs (gutsy) [12:10] I did a bad bad thing and messed things up. I really wanted the latest version of the music brainz tagger (available only in hardy) so I grabbed the .deb for it in launchpad. Well, it ended up that I now have libc6 2.7.5, but everything expects 2.6.1. Is there any way to revert back? I can't really uninstall libc6 since like everything depends on it [12:10] <[chr0n0s]> neville, use wine command in terminal [12:12] my gutsy gives a weird error about pipelines when clicking on Test in the Audio dialog [12:12] CoasterMaster, I think there is a -force option when installing it ?? [12:13] ph0rensic, what do you mean? [12:13] CoasterMaster, But im not sure if you can revert w/o uninstalling [12:13] CoasterMaster, I think there is a way but Im not the one to ask [12:14] chr0n0s: I tried that just then, even with an installer, and nothing in the Kmenu changed D: [12:14] i have a problem with steam and wine. installed it but when i try to run a game like tf2 it wont start it properly and just return to the desktop http://i28.tinypic.com/2qi4w3t.png [12:15] nipzor best to ask in #winehq about that problem [12:15] neville, okay === miip_ is now known as miip [12:16] Hi [12:16] any body 14 f? [12:16] 14 f? [12:16] mkr r u serious!? [12:16] I am 14 f [12:16] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> lol [12:17] I am 14 f and horny too [12:17] what is this .. to catcher a predator .. ubuntu edition? [12:17] some say ubuntu is an ancient african word for "i dont know how to configue debian"..? [12:18] hehe [12:18] Haha [12:18] consfearacy, no its for "debian is a pita, so i'll do something easier" [12:19] ph0rensic, I found that force version setting you we're talking about and it did it. Nicely done! [12:19] CoasterMaster, hehe sweet what did the command end up being? [12:20] ph0rensic, I just searched for it inside synpatic and it's under Package -> Force Version [12:20] ahh sweet [12:21] well it was fun but i gotta hit the sack [12:21] goodnight all [12:21] could someone tell me why i cant use option change size of partition and use free space when installing ubuntu, i used scan disk in xp and shutdowned by alt + f4 way.. ?? === Shaffox_ is now known as Shaffox [12:22] Noobie, if windows wasn't shutdown properly it does odd things .. Id retry after a complete shutdown.. I recommend doing a defrag before you resize the win partition as well [12:22] consfearacy: Or to some "I don't want to configure debian" [12:23] i wanna put xchat and stardict in the startup ( they run automatically when i login in ubuntu ) how can i do this ? === f4lt3r is now known as f4lt3r_essem [12:24] lollo: You put them in the "sessions" [12:24] i used shutdown button in xp , i need to defrag too? [12:24] lollo: You put them in the "sessions" [12:24] LoLLo, you get that ^^ system pref sessions [12:24] where are the sessions ? [12:25] <[Gutsy]TuTUXG> gnome-session-properties` [12:25] LoLLo: Administration I think, maybe preferences, in the System menu [12:25] yeah [12:25] ok time for sleep [12:26] i must keep the driver notifier ? [12:27] and user folders update ? [12:27] i found them in session and looks linke useless [12:27] moin moin [12:28] Oo [12:28] HI guys. Have installed ubuntu on 2 seperate partitions - how can I transfer my ssh / pgp keys from the old to the new install? [12:28] kann ich mit gnupg auch ganze verzeichnisse verschlüsseln oder nur einzelne dateien ? [12:28] !ge | narfu [12:28] narfu: ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge [12:29] is there an alternate to ctrl+alt+del at ubuntu? (task manager) [12:29] hi, is it possible to take my system disk and put it into another computer without reinstalling? [12:30] johnf, your users settings and keys will be in their old home dir. Not sure about system keys [12:30] johnf, proberly in /etc/ somewhere. [12:30] chr0n0s: I found the problem. I had to edit '/home/neville/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu' [12:30] reloop: I think so. [12:30] Thanks for the suggestion though [12:30] bobbob1016: i 'll see soon :D [12:31] Thanks, Dr_Willis - so I can just copy the keys over and they shall transparently continue? Is this different from apt-get GPG keys? [12:32] hmmm i've a problem .... in session i gave as command /usr/share/applications/xchat.desktop ... but at the startup xchat is not loaded sigh [12:32] johnf, the apt keys are stored somewhere else on the system. Users keys are in their home dir. [12:32] DR WILLISSSSS HIII !!!! [12:32] LoLLo, thats just a menu definitionfile. You shouldjust run 'xchat' [12:32] /usr/bin/xchat [12:32] [12:33] so i must type xchat in command ? [12:33] oh ok ;) [12:33] make the session just run xchat. :) you are trying too hard. [12:33] so what's the difference between bin and share folders ? [12:34] bin are where binaries are at. share is other system stuff. [12:34] Theres some site/docs that detail all this. :) but i forget where [12:34] http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html [12:35] <_Bart_> Hi, can someone tell me how to get your grub like this? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2157/1634931700_d04652fdd6.jpg [12:35] thx dr always a gentleman [12:35] whats a good program for ubuntu gutsy which reads .rar files? [12:35] !rar | mysterycool [12:35] mysterycool: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [12:37] sif pay for rar [12:38] wine winrar.exe [12:38] works also. :) [12:38] Hi All [12:38] yep chan [12:39] How to can i remove a user from Terminal ? [12:39] howto install a proper sound driver... I dont think the sound in my laptop is as good as it was when I used XP [12:39] userdel, or deluser MohammadBoozary [12:39] wiki grub [12:39] MohammadBoozary, userdel [12:39] with sudo ? [12:40] minffe, saurait-il qqu'yn me dire comment j'ai acces au wikis svp? [12:40] MohammadBoozary, well - think - would you want users deleting each other? :) its a system type task.. so yes.. sudo is needed [12:40] of coruse thats the joy of sudo. You COULD set up where users could delete each other.. [12:41] or set up 1 user to be in controll of adding/deleting other users. as a helper admin. :) [12:41] It'd be a new kind of war....users deleting other users [12:41] is there an alternate to ctrl+alt+del at ubuntu? (task manager) [12:41] <_Bart_> NiSoOo: it's in the systemmenu somewhere [12:41] NiSoOo, System -> Administration -> System Monitor [12:42] NiSoOo, theres lot of task manager type apps out there. :) you could use the termnal if ya wanted to., [12:42] ok thanks, i found it... [12:42] how can i bind this system monitor to ctrl+alt+delete? [12:43] <_Bart_> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/19234 [12:43] <_Bart_> NiSoOo: [12:43] NiSoOo, xbindkeys [12:43] tnx _Bart_ [12:43] hello [12:43] Firefox is using 50% CPU all the time, when it is just idling. I think it is the Flash plugin that is causing problems. How do I fix this? It is extremely annoying on my laptop, because it drains the laptop battery. [12:43] <_Bart_> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2157/1634931700_d04652fdd6.jpg , is this done with GRUB 2? [12:43] umask=000 automounts ext3 volume as root right? [12:44] is it possible to install something from a tar.gz :S? [12:44] hii, howto searching samba file from nautilus [12:44] * TigerTails is confused, not used any linux before :/ [12:44] <_Bart_> TigerTails: it's like a zip file in windows [12:44] TigerTails: what are you trying to install. In general, you avoid tar.gz and stick to the Package Manager [12:44] TigerTails tar fvxz file.tar.gz [12:44] yeah, but i dunno what to really.. do with it xD [12:44] then follow the readme [12:45] <_Bart_> Or just double click it ;) [12:45] hehhe [12:45] btw, howto searching samba file from nautilus [12:45] i can search using konqueror but from nautilus (or maybe i dont know how) [12:45] coolbhavi, umask sets the default umask option. Things normally get mounted as root. and thats nothign to do with automounting [12:46] ./configure && make && make install [12:46] :D [12:46] !w32cocec [12:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about w32cocec - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:46] <_Bart_> sickonnet: with the search button maybe? [12:46] its basicaly [12:46] it search local filesystem [12:46] hmm what is the keyword for the w32 codecs? [12:46] :( [12:46] a .tar.gz, with a folder in it, which has loads of files, one of which is a .pl file [12:46] whileimhere: w32codecs [12:46] oh lol cant spellll [12:46] lol [12:46] not samba server file [12:46] thanks [12:46] TigerTails: again... what are you trying to install? [12:46] !w32codecs [12:46] The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages [12:47] hi [12:47] !help [12:47] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [12:47] _Bart_ im trying set up share on LTSP with samba [12:47] i just want to know who to create custom desktop [12:47] vmware if you must know, copied it over from my main PC because at the time PC2 didnt have net xD [12:47] is there any better solution for share on LTSP? [12:47] like showing in youtube and other stuff [12:47] !vmware > tigertails (read the private message from ubotu) [12:47] <_Bart_> hmmz then I don't know [12:47] not the player [12:47] :| [12:48] VMWare Workstation, infact :P [12:48] <_Bart_> guest_: what do you mean? [12:48] TigerTails: the link ubotu gave you tells you how to do that as well [12:48] oh :S === f4lt3r_essem is now known as f4lt3r [12:48] TigerTails, you mean vmware server? Theres docs on exactly how to install that. [12:48] vmware server != vmware workstation [12:48] isent vmware server in one of the repos now? or was it moved? i forget. [12:49] so we got a workstation, a player, and a server.. Joys. :) [12:49] <_Bart_> guest_: what do you mean? -- i found many video in youtube about ubuntu 7.10 [12:49] Ill stick with the vmwareserver. [12:49] <_Bart_> guest_: give an example [12:49] BAZHANG: Your done dinner ? [12:50] <_Bart_> guest_: give an example -- sure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv5Z1B-pGIM this is it [12:50] when running commands from terminal, how can i pipe the command into a file AND still show progress on the screen? [12:50] Is there a bug in ubuntu that prevents modprobe etc from working correctly? If I try modprobe someModuleIKnowExists I just get an error "Fatal: xxx not found" [12:51] however, i'm new in linux [12:51] and also ubuntu [12:51] ugh.. [12:51] when i try to download build essential [12:51] The issue is that I've changed my network card and Ubuntu obviously doesn't detect this and throws a fit. [12:51] it says "Insert disc lablled 'ubuntu 7.10 gutsy gibbon (etc etc)'".. [12:51] TigerTails: disable the cd-rom repository in Software Sources [12:51] hey guys [12:52] yeha er.... how :|? [12:52] is there have any gui tool for lvm2 config ? [12:52] <_Bart_> guest_: ok wait [12:52] thanks [12:52] <_Bart_> guest_: you mean the effects? [12:52] * Nitroray is listening Youtube now [12:52] yea.. [12:52] all the effects [12:53] TigerTails: click on the checkbox next to cdrom [12:53] <_Bart_> guest_: It's compiz fusion, it's integrated in ubuntu latest version [12:53] TigerTails: Software Sources is in your administration menu [12:53] <_Bart_> guest_: Go to system -> Settings -> [12:53] how can i check my version? [12:53] <_Bart_> uhhm [12:53] ahah, i see it [12:53] yeah [12:53] !version | guest_ [12:53] guest_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell [12:53] !iso [12:53] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [12:54] !cam [12:54] Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [12:54] where is shell? [12:54] !terminal | guest_ [12:54] guest_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [12:54] !sudo [12:54] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. === tiger is now known as TigerT[Buntu] [12:55] !cpu [12:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about cpu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:55] lawl i know about CPU... [12:55] <_Bart_> guest_: you have 7.10 ? [12:55] is that something similar to DOS?? [12:56] <_Bart_> yeah a kind of :P [12:56] No LSB modules are available. [12:56] guest_: it looks similar... but thats where the similarities end [12:56] Distributor ID: Ubuntu [12:56] Description: Ubuntu 7.10 [12:56] Release: 7.10 [12:56] Codename: gutsy [12:56] ecstracyfly@ubuntu:~$ [12:56] How to suggest more ! to the uboto ? [12:56] <_Bart_> yeah it's ok [12:56] !pastebin guest_ [12:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebin guest_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [12:56] lawl [12:56] !pastebin [12:56] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [12:56] !ubotu > nitroray (read the private message from ubotu) [12:56] <_Bart_> guest_: go to System -> Settings -> and then lookings or something [12:56] so, from where i can setup the effect? [12:57] JRIB: I know what Uboto is. But i want to request more ! quests. Like !CPU.. he should know right ?? [12:57] guest_: System/Prefs/APpearance/Visual Effects tab [12:57] do you have your graphics drivers installed? [12:57] <_Bart_> Appearance that was it ;) [12:57] Thers a bot channel/web site where you can suggest more factoids [12:57] !bot [12:57] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [12:57] Nitroray: the wiki page that he linked you to tells you how to suggest factoids [12:58] <_Bart_> guest_: already found it? [12:58] ok Thanks Doctor Willis [12:58] okok thx [12:58] yea.. [12:58] who wants !CPU to be added ? === joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ [12:58] it just show only extra..normal .. and non [12:59] Nitroray: if youw ant to know about cpu's, go to #hardware [12:59] Hi all, it is allowed here to ask configuration questions? [12:59] <_Bart_> guest_: put it extra [12:59] and it's already in Extra mode [12:59] maciek, sure [12:59] <_Bart_> guest_: ok you want more? [12:59] yea... [12:59] <_Bart_> go to: [12:59] :) [12:59] i want some more... [13:00] <_Bart_> Applications -> install/remove [13:00] hey all, ive installed phpmyadmin in ubuntu, but it fials to show up in localhost, any ideas? [13:00] guys im having problems, i just upgraded my old geforce card to a new GT 8800. but i cant get drivers working now? i can only run with vesa drivers, i have ubuntu 7.10 and in restricted drivers manager it dosent show any "nvidia" anymore, as it used to with my old card. [13:00] <_Bart_> guest_: and Install "Advanced Desktop effects" [13:00] ok, I have a 32bit ubuntu installation... but top is showing only 3600MB. Is there any way how I could unlock the remaining 400MB to my system? [13:00] MIRC [13:00] maciek, most likely.. No. [13:00] <_Bart_> maciek: nop [13:01] Hello! Is it possible to monitor who attempted to access the server via putty? [13:01] maciek, with exactly 4gb. ive seen people lose anywhere from 0 to 600mb. [13:01] lassesandberg42: well, the 8800 is very new, is it not? [13:01] maciek, there is a kernel build option, but I would expect it to already be set as you need. [13:01] <_Bart_> guest_: got thtat? [13:01] rhineheart_m, ssh has logging features and loggin attempts can be logged also [13:01] while we're waiting for the irssi GUI to be finished, does anyone know of a graphical IRC client that DOESN'T suck? I'm using gnome [13:01] But I have seen, that suse can manage it. Do they use a special kernel? [13:01] rilo: xchat [13:01] indygunfreak it is soupposed to work i think, there are drivers for it for linux [13:01] maciek, not a special kernel, just a kernel built with different options [13:02] jrib: no no, that DOESN'T suck [13:02] rilo: well, which ones do you think suck? [13:02] screen + irssi :) [13:02] xchat :/ [13:02] rilo: are you sure you tried xchat? not xchat-gnome? [13:02] Dr_Willis: How to read the log? [13:02] * IndyGunFreak likes xchat-gnome.. :) [13:02] !stats [13:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about stats - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:02] Ok, thank you. [13:02] <_Bart_> guest_: got thtat? --- thanks i got your point, but i can't find any advance desktop effect [13:02] jrib: no, xchat-gnome [13:02] rilo: yes, try regular xchat [13:02] rilo: why do you think xchat-gnome sucked? [13:02] <_Bart_> Select 'all available programs' [13:03] rhineheart_m, they are text files in /var/log === klown is now known as kLownish [13:03] <_Bart_> Then you will find it [13:03] Is there a tool I can install on Ubuntu that can detect hardware changes and prompt to install (like a network card)? [13:03] every time when i try to burn with my cdrecord it say "Cdrecord has no permision to open the device" how i solve this ? [13:03] hi all [13:04] IndyGunFreak: it's seems to be very limiting. I can't even do basic things like /whois on a popup menu [13:04] SmashCat: it'll usually detect them [13:04] im trying to install some drivers from nvidia http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.07.html <--. but the install script says x must be closed. how do i start ubuntu only with a terminal/console. no x. when i boot up form recovery mode and execute command: telinit 3 (or something like that, the install script told it) it automatically starts x and gnome [13:04] rilo: if you say so. [13:04] aguitel: login as root. man su [13:04] <_Bart_> guest_: you have it now? [13:04] aguitel: Add your user to the group that can access the device [13:04] !pidgin [13:04] pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 [13:04] IndyGunFreak: is there some way you know of doing it? [13:04] ok...i got it _Bart_ ... thank you...it's now downloading [13:05] I LOVE UBUNTU [13:05] after updating ubuntu I get "GRUB error 18" and it does not boot any more. Any similar incidents? [13:05] <_Bart_> Ok if that is complete you have an extra option in the apparance screen [13:05] :) [13:05] IndyGunFreak: No, doesn't seem to. modprobe doesn't work either, so a reinstall is looking like the only option - this is worse than windows, having to reinstall to handle a minor hardware change ;-) [13:05] IndyGunFreak: it doesn't seem configurable at all. the only chance you have to do anything is plugins [13:05] SmashCat: you're assuming thast what you have to do... [13:06] jrib: I thought xchat was the text version, I'll check it out [13:06] ok _BART_ ... [13:06] Thanks once again [13:06] I have this issue: Every time I will update my site the page will deliver me to cannot be displayed.. I have joomla and drupal. But they behave the same thing. I guess there must be a problem with the server. Any comment? Thanks. [13:07] IndyGunFreak: If modprobe worked, then I'd just add a line to a startup script to force the right module in, but that's broken here - can't find any module I try. Maybe it was a bug in an update... dunno... [13:07] Dr_Willis: yea, as soon as that guy finishes his irssi GUI, I'm there -- that is, unless he breaks it :| [13:07] SmashCat: my user can access to the cd-roms [13:07] Dr_Willis: I cannot find the log files you're talking about earlier.. [13:07] rilo, write your own. :) [13:07] aguitel: Needs write access [13:07] turns out theres a new VMware version anyway, downloading it now :/ [13:08] Dr_Willis: I need a GUI for IRC though. It's just so much nicer [13:08] which VMware product has a new version? [13:08] Dr_Willis: If I had the time, I would consider it [13:08] SmashCat: how i get this? [13:08] rhineheart_m, /var/log has no files? - You can set ssh to log to specic files, by default i think its logging is rather minimal. [13:08] <_Bart_> !grub [13:08] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [13:08] <_Bart_> !grub2 [13:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about grub2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [13:09] hello [13:09] Dr_Willis: I think it's a very worthwhile project [13:09] Dr_Willis: It has no files but I cannot see there something like putty [13:09] i have some questions about wifi [13:09] does every router work with another usb wifi stick? [13:09] rhineheart_m, it will NOT be called putty. Putty is just another ssh client. (and other features) [13:09] whats the best wifi manager - I would like to be able to connect to my wifi at home but can only connect via cable [13:09] rhineheart_m, some of the logs will be logging every user that logs in. and other info about them. [13:09] frold wicd imo [13:10] Dr_Willis: so what would it be then? [13:10] I have a script owned by root with the suid/sgid bits set yet it cannot perform any root only tasks i.e smbmount when run by a regular user? Works fine run by root. [13:10] does anyone know how i can stop x and gnome and get a terminal or something to run commands? x needs to be closed while i run a install sh [13:10] speedsix: you can't suid root scripts [13:11] lassesandberg42: Try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [13:11] every time when i try to burn with my cdrecord it say "Cdrecord has no permision to open the device" how i solve this ? [13:11] To start it again when you're finished, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start [13:11] jrib: oh, I thought I could make a script with root ownership that could let regular users do su tasks? [13:12] speedsix: binaries yes, scripts no. At least that is what I remember reading. It's a security precaution [13:12] <_Bart_> I want to make my grub menu some nicer, do I need grub 2 for that? [13:12] jrib: oh right thanks === kyle__ is now known as eedge [13:14] speedsix: cant find a application called wicd [13:16] <_Bart_> How to update GRUB to 2 ?? [13:16] Ok, I need to reinstall Ubuntu, is 7.10 the best stable edition? [13:16] SmashCat: yep [13:16] <_Bart_> SmashCat: the latest stable yes [13:17] frold: sorry it's in a different repos, I didn't realise. You need to add the repos to synaptic. URI=http://apt.wicd.net, dist=gutsy, components=extras [13:17] frold: Cool, I've already got the disks then ;-) [13:17] can root be blocked it wrong pass will be key in by putty? === sinsun is now known as sinsun- [13:18] SmashCat: how do I do that? [13:19] frold: Eh? [13:19] yeah where to put in: URI=http://apt.wicd.net, dist=gutsy, components=extras [13:20] hello, I was trying to compile something, I got checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables [13:20] jrib: wow, xchat even has a user list pane... now this is more like it :) [13:20] rhineheart_m, i got lots of ssh logging info going into /var/log/auth.log [13:21] SmashCat: Im in Synaptic now, but dont know where to put the link: URI=http://apt.wicd.net, dist=gutsy, components=extras :S [13:21] and I can set an alternate nick too, amazing! [13:21] Dr_Willis: Yeah.. I have checked it too! Are you a doctor? [13:21] rilo, and xchat has only been around for... years! :) [13:21] rhineheart_m, i play one on tv. [13:21] :P [13:21] Ray_, maybe that's 'cos you cannot create ELF binaries or something or maybe a.out [13:21] Dr_Willis: yea! I wonder what is up with xchat-gnome [13:21] both seem highly unlikely [13:22] rilo, over the past few releases xchat has been getting dumbed down more and more.. xchat-gnomeis the next incarnation of irc-4-idiots it seesm [13:22] frold: Think you're speaking to the wrong person? [13:22] CharminTheMoose: I was trying to compile an eggdrop. [13:22] Dr_Willis: are you a docot? [13:22] ahh sry!! [13:22] rhineheart_m, I got my degree in Loveology, for i am the Dr of Love. [13:22] :) [13:22] hi all [13:22] Dr_Willis: oh, so like Linux :D [13:22] does anyone here play nexuiz [13:22] I was just asking about latest release, as I need to reinstall Ubuntu so it detects a new network card ;-) [13:22] speedsix: Im in Synaptic now, but dont know where to put the link: URI=http://apt.wicd.net, dist=gutsy, components=extras :S [13:22] rilo, No.. xchat has just been removing features... linux is getting more polished. [13:23] frold: synaptic>settings>repos>3rdparty>add [13:23] rilo, for fun, some day compile xchat 2.4 and see the differances. :) [13:23] <_Bart_> can someone tell me how to update Grub latency (ubuntu) to the new grub 2? ??? [13:23] Dr_Willis: That sounds interesting.. hehehe! [13:23] i dont have a problem w/ Xchat, i jsut think xchat-gnome has a cleaner look... i don't really need any features that xchat has, that xchat-gnome doesn't have [13:24] Yo #ubuntu, is there anyway to force increase your wireless tx-power? [13:24] every time when i try to burn with my cdrecord it say "Cdrecord has no permision to open the device" how i solve this ? [13:24] speedsix: it doesnt let me add it... [13:24] IndyGunFreak: don't you miss the user list? [13:24] brb [13:24] for some bizarre reason I get really bad signal on the bcm43xx fireware. [13:24] rilo: i have it, its a button on the side. [13:24] thats how i prefer it actually [13:24] but noticed that ndiswrapper puts tx-power to 25db, whilst the firmware has it at 18db. [13:24] frold: what happens? [13:24] IndyGunFreak: yea... I don't want to have to click a button to see who is in the channel [13:25] and refuses to push it any higher. [13:25] please can someone fix my sources.list so that adept installer downloads packages rather than using the cd? [13:25] different strokes for different folks i guess [13:25] the add function is gray... [13:25] oh really, maybe it was run with your regular user [13:25] shouldn't be though [13:25] Hi folks [13:26] have a query on Virtualisation [13:26] Dr_Willis: yea, yea ;) it's just that for a long time they packed everything they could in the GUI as to lose less functionality than if you were using the cli [13:27] please can someone fix my sources.list so that adept installer downloads packages rather than using the cd? - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57053/ [13:27] Dr_Willis: They're just trying to be more inclusive pushing the whole Linux-on-the-desktop thing [13:27] My friend says its better to run Windows XP Virtualised from Linux/Ubuntu [13:27] is it true? [13:27] better than what [13:27] speedsix: http://apt.wicd.net/dists/dist=gutsy/components=extras/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [13:28] <_Bart_> yeah better then what :P [13:28] better than the 'normal' installation of XP [13:28] hello, somebody knows how to get a wireless card Atheros AR5007EG working on a 7.10 live-cd ? [13:28] swatto, put a # in front of this line (top of file) deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)]/ gutsy main restricted << removes CD [13:28] no probably not [13:28] <_Bart_> music`freak: of course not :P [13:28] ugh [13:28] does anybody know an IRC Client for ubuntu, which doesn't have eye candy GUI, looks kinda like Irssi, but still has a switchbar? [13:28] the vmware workstation installation is basicaly clicking enter, a lot [13:28] <_Bart_> music`freak: only if you want to use ubuntu and only one or two programs in windows but don't want to reboot each time [13:29] What about Gaming _Bart_? [13:29] thuderclese has been, by far, the most helpful person I have ever interacted with online! [13:29] Can somebody take a look at my error: http://pb.ucoz.com/photo/5-0-1-3 [13:29] you can't really run games in virtual windows [13:29] <_Bart_> music`freak: you can't game in vmware, if you like games that are windows only try wine /cadega or use windows [13:30] K [13:30] another query,,,, [13:30] do i need to Install a Firewall on Ubuntu? [13:30] like Firestarter? [13:30] Anybody know something about this graphics error : http://pb.ucoz.com/photo/5-0-1-3 [13:30] can do if you want [13:30] anyone got gimp experience? [13:31] !gimp [13:31] gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. [13:31] thanks [13:31] what about an Anti-virus? [13:31] Nitroray: euh.. well thank you enormously! [13:31] do i need 1 for Ubuntu? [13:31] unneeded [13:31] no you don't [13:31] Jargs, i wouldn't say unneeded... [13:32] pretty pointless if you ask me [13:32] IndyGunFreak: why do u say so? [13:32] Jargs: not if you're acting as a server to windows boxes. [13:32] hello. My resolution in the login window is to big. I don't know how to fix it. I've tryed reconfiguring Xorg but it's still the same problem [13:32] !virus | music`freak [13:32] music`freak: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [13:32] No , i don't run a server [13:32] i don't think he is acting as a sderver to windows boxes though is he ;) [13:32] the danger isn't to linux machines, its linux machines accidentally spreading crap to MS users. [13:32] Jargs: *think* [13:33] it says Desktop Effects could not be enabled [13:33] http://pb.ucoz.com/photo/5-0-1-3 [13:33] what graphics card you got [13:33] d [13:33] Nitroray: you probably need to instal your graphics drivers [13:33] I did Indy. [13:33] But it still doesnt work. [13:33] what card is it [13:33] then apparently you didn't install them correctly [13:33] thanks and so will download from internet then? [13:33] TEST MY COMPUTER FOR INTERNET IRC FROM LINUX TLE. [13:34] k.... [13:34] any good Guides for a Linux newbie in simple/non-jargon Language guys? [13:34] music`freak: google "Ubuntu wiki" [13:34] its a good one, [13:34] music`freak help.ubuntu.com is a good start :) it links to the wiki and help pages [13:35] how can i "uninstall" something ive installed? [13:35] Yeah. [13:35] TigerTails ? [13:35] thanks... [13:35] TigerTails: package manager [13:35] TigerT[Buntu]: what and how did you install it? [13:35] also, need help with my display.... [13:35] go to Applications >> Add/Remove [13:35] vmware workstation [13:35] i'm having lots of trouble with display [13:35] oh sorry [13:35] but i had to close the config half way through, and now i want to reinstall completely :/ [13:35] Hi, using gutsy, with pressing alt+ctrl+F1, i am unable to see any thing in real mode?? shuld i need to change something in menu.lst file?? [13:35] TigerT[Buntu]: sudo apt-get remove vmware should do it. [13:36] TigerT[Buntu]: then you'll likely need to purge it, then reinstall it.. i forget the purge command. [13:36] How do i know if i have the right display driver installed guys? [13:36] apt-get remove --purge [13:36] sarthor ctrl+alt+f1 is the physical console login, try ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to the gui [13:36] i am not able to open anyother web pages excpet goole pages [13:36] sandr-_: lol [13:36] hi, I would like amsn with character's antialiasing, what can i do? [13:37] sandy37: that sounds like a router issue, do you have a router? [13:37] i am in a desperate situation and i need help immediately. someone help please? [13:37] sn0, i am already in GUI mode. i wnat to move to text mode from GUI. [13:37] elbermungsterses: ask your question [13:37] Hi can someone suggest a linux distro that is small but good that can be installed via USB and loaded onto an 18GB hd... the comp will be for personal use but it will perform simple task i.e. surfing the net, reading email etc [13:37] dam small linux? [13:37] sarthor then ctrl+alt+f1 - ctrl+alt+f6 will give you a console login [13:37] Pirate_Hunter: any of the small linuxes, DSL, Puppy, .. [13:38] Pirate_Hunter ubuntu can be crafted to boot from usb quite easy [13:38] IndyGunFreak, no i dont have router, even i am not able to use xchat right now i am in windows [13:38] every time when i try to burn with my cdrecord it say "Cdrecord has no permision to open the device" how i solve this ? [13:38] sn0, i cant see any thing there. the screen is just black. no loing place. [13:38] sandy37: well, you've got something going on, that makes little sense [13:38] sarthor are you using ati ? :) [13:38] too late, gone [13:38] sandy37: did you install Firestarter, or some other software firewall? [13:38] sn0: ubuntu too big, too many packages for the comp im working with and even xubuntu will take a lot from the HD [13:38] IndyGunFreak, but i am able to sgin in gmail and gooogle maps [13:39] i created a pppoe connection a few days ago with default settings and when i rebooted network manager doesn't show wireless anymore. [13:39] IndyGunFreak, NO [13:39] Pirate_Hunter debian can also be made to boot from usb, maybe try that and choose what you wish to install, or create your own customised iso of ubuntu and boot that from usb [13:39] the choice is yours really [13:39] IndyGunFreak, any help? [13:39] sandy37: well, if you're getting to gmail, and googlemaps, then this is clearly a permissions issue. === theo_ is now known as FaBoO [13:39] IndyGunFreak: Hi indy yah i got puppy and DSL but isnt there anything better than puppy even knowing it has progressed quite well (excl dsl) [13:40] IndyGunFreak, ya i guess then what to do? [13:40] Anyone really familiar with NVIDIA? I can do google earth smoothly, but it seems like the gnome interface itself draws very slowly, any idea what I can do to speed it up? [13:40] sandy37: have you set certain permissions for your users that might have effected that? [13:40] Pirate_Hunter: there's af ew out there that will run pretty good from USB.. [13:40] zuira [13:40] Vector might also. [13:40] sn0: how can I do that, customise the packages to be installed and yeah i just want ot boot once from usb as the CDRom drive dont work yet :( [13:41] sorry [13:41] Pirate_Hunter: i must ask though, why not just carry around a live CD?..lol [13:41] IndyGunFreak, No but i uninstalled gnash flash of firefox [13:41] sandy37: that shouldnt' cause that. [13:41] Pirate_Hunter well to start with you need ubuntu either booted physically or from a livecd, then you can customise the package list and re-image the iso before creating a bootable usb drive [13:41] IndyGunFreak: CDRom dont work on this comp as I got it for free lol so i thought why not revive it and leave it for simple tasks [13:41] IndyGunFreak, from than the problem started [13:42] Please help guys about openchrome graphics driver and ubuntu gutsy. [13:42] IndyGunFreak,even APT is not working [13:42] sandy37: what *I* would do, is go back to your ubuntu install, and create a new user.. Log out, and log in to the new user, and see if you have the same problem, if you do, then its something in the user settings [13:42] sn0: Ive got a full ubuntu liveCD image but how to customize it for usb isnt there any tuts? [13:42] i am using a HP pavilion dv1000 special edition with an intel 915 GM chipset and a intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG card, IndyGunFreak. hope that helps. [13:43] IndyGunFreak,ok i will try wait a sec [13:43] Pirate_Hunter nothing official as far as i can see, maybe someone else knows but google has some instructions [13:43] ive just installed compiz but how do I use it? i dont understand plugins [13:43] !wireless | elbermungsterses [13:43] elbermungsterses: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [13:43] sn0: you got the actual link? [13:43] jrib: oh man, nick settings per network. I'm enjoying this ;) [13:44] Pirate_Hunter maybe something like http://code.google.com/p/uremix/ but "remastering" is what you wanna do [13:44] says dapper only though [13:45] "remastersys" is another tool Pirate_Hunter [13:45] sn0: if it gets too complicated I'll just indatll puppy but wouldnt mind gutsy meh guess i cant have always what i want in life :( [13:45] HI, i am using GUI, in i want to go to text mode the help of alt+ctrl+F1, but i am not able to see any thing there, the screen is black. Help please [13:45] Pirate_Hunter well it definately works, might be difficult the first time (like all things in life) [13:45] sn0: kk will check that tool out thanx [13:45] np hope it helps [13:45] I'm facing this problem with my LCD monitor, after the grub menu when it tries to load, it says "input not supported" instead of the splash screen, I tried to fix it using the following link http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen but I get an error in one of the steps mentioned in this guide [13:45] sn0, you were helping me but i lost connectivity with irc!! [13:46] sarthor i remember :) are you using ati drivers or something? there used to be a bug a while back where if you went to physical login it caused problems with displaying the text [13:46] hello. My resolution in the login window is to big. I don't know how to fix it. I've tryed reconfiguring Xorg but it's still the same problem [13:47] sn0, i dont know about my driver, how to check about my driver. its HP computer. [13:47] sarthor you can check which graphics chip you have by typing lspci at the terminal, it should say [13:48] finally, i got VMware on ubuntu [13:48] now i need to somehow get my XP iso over there.. damn you ubuntu -_- [13:48] TigerT[Buntu]: use your CD? [13:49] sn0, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04) [13:49] i changed setting in Advanced Desktop Effects - but how do i use the plugins? anyone know please? [13:49] southafrikanse: are you using a custom image on your login window, or just one of the defaults? [13:49] hi, is it possible to upgrade individual package in ubuntu? [13:49] IndyGunFreak, default [13:49] sarthor ok so its not the ati drivers causing the problem, what exactly do you see when you press ctrl+alt+f1 ? [13:50] southafrikanse: LCD? [13:50] IndyGunFreak, notebook from LG so it's a TFT monitor [13:50] ok. [13:50] sn0, pressing alt+ctrl+F1, f2, f3, f4, etch. [13:51] IndyGunFreak, but it's only in the login windows. In the desktop everyuthing is ok [13:51] southafrikanse: but the rest fo your desktop is sized properly, correct? [13:51] ok.. [13:51] southafrikanse: go to System/Admin/Login Window [13:51] IndyGunFreak, I'm there [13:51] hi, is it possible to upgrade individual package in ubuntu? [13:51] southafrikanse: on the local tab? [13:51] yes [13:51] sarthor sorry i didn't understand that reply, could you explain what you want to do exactly, in the console login [13:52] southafrikanse: do you have "Set position of the window" checked? [13:52] is there a simple is_* function for testing is parameter $p a PDO object? [13:52] psandeep [13:52] IndyGunFreak, I don't see anything like that [13:53] if im controlling ubuntu over VNC.. is there an easy way to get a file from my PC to the ubuntu PC? [13:53] IndyGunFreak, i created new user and still no use [13:53] southafrikanse: itzs under Behavior [13:53] sn0, I think i need some change in my /boot/grup/menu.lst, in this line /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=67d58f59-ab04-4c48-8aaf-66a9f484b88e ro quiet splash but i dont know exactly, is that like vgq=normal [13:53] sandy37: ok.. and that user was able to got o gmail also? [13:53] sn0: ive been wondering why cant I just boot ubuntu a.k.a. xubuntu and remove the packages not needed instead of trying to remaster the live CD which is dodgy...? [13:53] TigerTails a few ways, depending on the pc you are controlling ubuntu from and what it has installed and set up. You could use scp/sftp if ssh is enabled on the ubuntu system [13:53] IndyGunFreak, ya i was able to google and gmail and maps [13:54] Pirate_Hunter: best to get the minimal install and only add what you want [13:54] IndyGunFreak, no. I also don't see anything called Behavior lol [13:54] IndyGunFreak, even orkut [13:54] southafrikanse: what version of ubuntu are you using? [13:54] ugh.. ill just put it on a flash drive and wander downstairs [13:54] Pirate_Hunter: its only 9MB ;] [13:54] IndyGunFreak, Gutsy Gibbon [13:54] bazhang: how do you do that, im sure there isnt an option to do that or is there? [13:54] sarthor ok well im not sure why you don't see anything in the physical login, but maybe we can bypass that problem and just edit the file directly. Try pressing alt+f2 in the gui, then type gnome-terminal, from there you can sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst and edit [13:54] sandy37: ok there's something w/ your connection, either a firewall, or something. [13:54] sandy37: have a live CD handy? [13:55] IndyGunFreak, gusty [13:55] Pirate_Hunter removing the packages from the livecd doesn't physically remove them, only for that session [13:55] sandy37: boot the live CD, seee if you can surf the internet normally rom it. [13:55] can I upgrade individual package with aptitude or something? [13:55] IndyGunFreak, ok [13:55] that wil narrow it down to your connection settings, but i suspect that anyways [13:55] sn0: :/ ok hmm well i'll think of something i hope [13:55] Pirate_Hunter if you did use a usb pen drive to install ubuntu from, you can make it persistant - ie it saves your changes, so you could remove/install what you like, save changes then next time you boot (persistant mode) it will save the changes [13:56] sn0: Woah, ubuntu on a pen drive? awesome D: [13:56] i want [13:56] root____1: if its a package with a newer version in the repos, just type apt-get install package [13:56] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD Pirate_Hunter [13:56] TigerTails the ubuntu wiki has steps :) [13:56] bazhang: thanx will read it [13:56] np [13:57] skold: thanks for the hints (^_^) [13:57] root____1: np [13:57] Is there a problem with the keys on the Gutsy packages? I'm getting "NOT AUTHENTICATED" on all my packages this morning. [13:58] bazhang: what is that? it looks like a livecd.iso do i just burn it like normal and run it or should i say cna i ran it from usb? [13:58] Pirate_Hunter: if you manage to boot from USB, tell me how, brb [13:58] Pirate_Hunter: need to burn it; if you want a pendrive you can check www.pendrivelinux.com for more info [13:58] TigerTails i used https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent iirc [13:58] o meu ecrã de login está maluco. Está tudo grande [13:58] TigerTails: will do so but have to find out first :D [13:59] sorry wrong window * [13:59] Hello, can someone help me with my sound issues? [13:59] haha [13:59] sn0, i am back, but no difference. i change, in menu list,.. like vga=normal [13:59] Deeppact: not if you don't tell us what they are [13:59] Sarthor why are you editing grub's boot config at all? [14:00] how do you get the FTP connection to work right using Places > Connect to Server? [14:00] sn0, this what i know only ;) [14:00] i am new to linux [14:00] uhm I start my ubutnu, but my sound is not working and it says my mixer is good because thats my sound card [14:00] Yo #ubuntu, is there anyway to force increase your wireless tx-power? [14:00] Deeppact: what sound device do you have [14:00] Deeppact, when you put headphones do you have sound? [14:00] Hi. How can i pipe a text files text as a message body using mail -s. I mean something like this: mail -s "otsikko" vnaatane@students.oamk.fi < maili [14:00] cdubya work right? once you add the details (for login or anonymous) it should add a link on the desktop, double clicking it will open the connection [14:01] IndyGunFreak, do you have any idea what my problem could be? [14:01] lmee se my headphones [14:01] southafrikanse: none at all... [14:01] :/ [14:01] TigerTails: check this out but it wasnt meant for gutsy http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-610/ [14:01] sn0, I realize that.....I guess I may be typing it in wrong then.....do you need the whole domain......and what's absolutely required? Like on my ssh connection to another machine on my network, I didn't have to tell it the folder...... [14:01] no sound with headphhones asswel [14:01] southafrikanse: but ar eyou sure you're running gutsy,b ecause you should have saw "behaviour" on that local tab [14:02] il lookup my sound device [14:02] Deeppact: open a terminal, and type "lspci" no quotes, and see what your sound device is [14:02] IndyGunFreak, I've just installed it from the CD [14:02] don't know. [14:02] Mornin' folks [14:02] cdubya you can tell it the minimum needed really: server: username: name to use for the connection: [14:02] i have an interesting problem. sometimes noises that aren't suppose to go to the speaker do. for instance, sometimes the fan noises come through the speaker. [14:02] thats for ftp with login [14:02] 04:00.2 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Creative Labs SB Audigy FireWire Port (rev 04) [14:03] larson999: ?..lol, thats the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard [14:03] sn0, that's what I thought...hmmm [14:03] Deeppact: i don't think thats your sound device [14:03] well, it might be. [14:03] 04:00.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04) [14:03] this one maybe? [14:03] I just installed powertweak-gtk from synaptic... I can't find where on earth it put the launcher... is there any way to tell where it would have put this?? [14:03] probably... [14:03] Deeppact, it should say Audio DEvice [14:04] sn0, ahh....got it. thanks [14:04] Deeppact: is that the only one there that looks like an audio controller? [14:04] IndyGunFreak, i know. i thought the same thing. but it's true. i can't figure it out. also, when this happens, the sound my hand makes when it makes contact with the laptop comes through there too. like it's amplified somehow. [14:04] 00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03) [14:04] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! <-- what's the fix for that? [14:04] np [14:05] i am unable to move to text mode from gui by pressing alt+ctrl+F1, F2, F3, F4 etc. what to do? i am using ubuntu gutsy. Help Please [14:05] !pastebin | Deeppact please pastebin your entire lspci [14:05] Deeppact please pastebin your entire lspci: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [14:05] Anyone know what echo mode means please? [14:05] * bazhang wishes pastebinit came by default [14:06] * IndyGunFreak agrees [14:06] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57054/ [14:06] i am unable to move to text mode from gui by pressing alt+ctrl+F1, F2, F3, F4 etc. what to do? i am using ubuntu gutsy. Help Please [14:07] http://www.ss64.com/bash/echo.html swatto [14:07] Deeppact: do you have like the "horn" volume adjuster in your taskbar? [14:07] what's the command to unamount a virtual drive ? [14:08] IndyGunFreak, i had to take this laptop to work to get a coworker to believe me! maybe i should see if record-my-desktop captures that. [14:08] i love vmware T_T [14:08] Sorry i dont really know what ur talking [14:08] its in login manager bazhang - says 1 star, 3 stars or something [14:08] "horn" [14:08] in one vnc window, i have ubuntu (the host PC) [14:08] anyone use powertweak??? [14:08] in the other smaller window, i have XP pro (virtual) [14:08] xD [14:08] Deeppact: do you have the volume adjuster in your taskbar.. i guess you could say it looks like a speaker, i don't know, looks like a horn to me [14:08] yes [14:09] my mixer is [14:09] Deeppact: right click it, choose preferences [14:09] Deeppact: what does it have there in the pulldown bar for "device" [14:09] is there a better sound-controller then the one shipped with 7.10? I dont think my sound sounds proper compared to when I ran XP.... [14:09] Audigy 2 [SB0350b] (Alsa mixer) [14:09] Ah. sudo apt-get update fixed my problem. I wonder why Synaptic didn't do that for itself? [14:10] Deeppact: can you cahnge it to Intel? [14:10] yes [14:10] try that [14:10] Is there anyway to force your wireless tx-power up? [14:10] erm [14:10] i minimised VMware in ubuntu.. where did it do [14:10] No sound [14:10] its not on the taskbar [14:10] morning all [14:10] got 1 more option a Oss mixer [14:10] but its still running because im still controlling a virtual PC [14:10] Deeppact: yeah,i doubt that will help.. [14:11] In ndiswrapper its 25db but with the firmware I get 18db and rubbish signal (talking like 5feet from router, then dead) [14:11] Deeppact: do you have for instance, a sound card, and onboard sound?.. on your computer. [14:11] where did my VMware go xD? [14:11] where did you put it? [14:11] I have a Pci soundcard [14:11] i dont know :( [14:11] ne idea how to force a package to install [14:11] wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update [14:11] Deeppact: do you also have onboard sound? [14:11] but version is ok [14:11] oh! [14:11] its ok [14:11] doh...wrong paste sory [14:11] uhm I guess not [14:11] anyone know how i can check if compiz is working correctly? [14:12] It's a Dell 8400 Pc [14:12] how can i check if ubuntu recognized the parallel port? [14:12] it seems VMware workstation keeps going even after i close it xR [14:12] xD* [14:12] Deeppact: i'm guessing you do. [14:12] brb time to try and get ubuntu on usb :/ [14:12] hello guys. I have a network connection problem. Anyone really expert wants to chat in a private session? [14:12] please! [14:12] Deeppact: cuz it looks like you have two different sound devices, i'm wondering if you switch your speakers to the other one, do you have sound [14:12] draker951: best to do it in channel what is the issue [14:12] IndyGunFreak, is there a GDM manager where I can try to see the options for the login window? [14:13] xchat-systray: Depends: xchat (> 2.0.4) but it is not going to be installed [14:13] ne1 familiar with this one? [14:13] southafrikanse: i realy don't know. [14:13] sorry wait [14:13] bad_boy [14:14] Still had my headphones on but they dont work to === badboy is now known as bad_boy [14:14] !info xchat-systray [14:14] xchat-systray (source: xchat-systray): xchat systray notification icon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.5-6 (gutsy), package size 50 kB, installed size 236 kB [14:14] hy === bad_boy is now known as bad-boy === neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde [14:14] how do I make email links in firefox open in evolution? [14:14] instead of thunderbird? [14:14] nm...got it [14:14] Deeppact: i'm at a loss on this one.. [14:15] Ok np [14:15] http://www.isarapix.com/pix30/1203776098.png [14:15] il try fixing it myself [14:15] sorry [14:15] IndyGunFreak: yes i got a sound out of my boxes [14:15] good morning guys, i was wondering about my panel up top there... the time has somehow shifterd from its usual home in the top right , and it is near the middle of my screen, my question is... How do i get it back to the right?" [14:16] Deeppact: well how did that happen? [14:16] i did go to system -> preferecns -> sound [14:16] ah.. change the default device [14:16] changed Music and movies [14:16] ToddEDM: try right clicking on it, and choosing move [14:16] hi, i have a problem and need to see the error that shows up during boot but i cant because it scrolls by too quickly [14:16] and i cant scroll back up since it goes to xorg shortly after [14:16] and i get a beep out of one of them [14:16] sofiankrt: move is grayed out [14:17] Deeppact: which device is it sayiing your'e using? [14:17] ToddEDM: then you can just move your cursor to the right [14:17] ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback [14:17] ToddEDM: try unchecking lock to panel [14:17] ok. [14:17] ok [14:17] and i get a beep from Multichannel Playback [14:17] well, at least its working now. [14:17] hi! what do i need to have in the first line of amsnplus quicktest line, i accidently removed it and now my quicktests arent showing [14:17] Deeppact: can you plays ounds? [14:18] and from P16v [14:18] omg i feel like an idiot now [14:18] quicktest list [14:18] sofiankrt: thank you :) [14:18] ToddEDM: lol [14:18] ToddEDM: any time! [14:18] where can i see all the messages from the bootup? [14:18] i tried off and on for 2 days now [14:18] lol [14:18] hey guys! [14:19] but the music from Totemplayer doenst work [14:19] hi peeps [14:19] Fougner: hello! [14:19] how can I unload a module? modprobe -r wlan doesn't work [14:19] rmmod [14:19] Fougner, rmmod [14:20] Is there a way to find where an installed application would have put its launcher?? [14:20] Deeppact: i have no idea, sorry [14:20] Thx again [14:20] but i have to leave [14:20] hello! my network connection doesn't work properly after a kernel panic [14:20] Bye [14:20] Aquahallic: try running the programs name in the terminal [14:21] cya [14:21] any help? you must be very very expert!! :) [14:21] Aquahallic: does it work? [14:21] Aquahallic, try looking in /usr/share/applications [14:21] is there any gui tool for editing mounts and mounting points ??? [14:21] sofiankrt: I tried and it's not there... it's powertweak-gtk [14:21] it's supposed to be a gui frontend for powertweak... but I can't for the life of me find where to launch it [14:21] Aquahallic: check in synaptic if it's installed, if it is, make sure you have the name right [14:21] Can I align the icons in the desktop but not by name? [14:22] I just want to have them in the "mesh" (like the win32 option). [14:22] nice...found the greatest cpu monitor around! [14:22] I want them to be strictly aligned and not able to be moved a little. [14:22] If you understand what I mean. [14:22] laters all [14:22] How can I use my mobile broadband (with the USB dongle) with Ubuntu? [14:22] hello, I get No Signal in tvtime, anye ideas? [14:22] sudo rmmod wlan [14:22] Aquahallic: when you find the name, just try launching it from the terminal [14:23] ERROR: Module wlan is in use by ath_pci [14:23] Aquahallic: if that works, we can create a launcher on the desktop/panel/menu [14:23] !expert | draker951 [14:23] draker951: one persons expectation of expert is different to that of another, why not ask the question with lots of useful information on one line and see what happens [14:24] hey, all, how to uninstall ubuntu, TIA [14:24] notyeta just get gparted and delete the partition voila [14:24] whats TIA ? [14:24] thanks in advance [14:24] thanks in advance [14:25] sofiankrt: it shows in synaptic as powertweak-gtk when I go look in /usr/share/applications there's nothing in there for powertweak at all [14:25] notyeta, boot from CD/DVD and install :D [14:25] thanks for info :D [14:25] it's supposed to be a gui frontend for powertweakd [14:25] only need to delete the parttion? [14:25] Aquahallic: what happens if you run powertweak-gtk in the terminal? [14:25] hi there, I asked this yesterday without luck, perhaps someone today knows how to help me... I'm trying to install a printer via win xp vmware image [14:25] from within the image, I cannot find any printers [14:26] I have many network printers attached [14:26] notyeta, you need some free space or u can prepare partition urself. There is a diskpart tool in the installation so you can do it later [14:26] to the network, but I guess this is because vmware creates a seperate subnet === frold_ is now known as frold [14:26] gives me command not found [14:26] I mean u can do it while installing [14:27] Aquahallic: ok, run : sudo apt-get install powertweak-gtk [14:27] after a kernel panic my network connection stop working properly. I get an IP via DHCP but then the computer stop sending packets. The network card keeps receiving but if I ping or ssh or so, no packets are sent. help!! [14:27] i have two systems on my pc, one is windows, the other one is ubuntu, now, i wanna uninstall it, thans mad_max02 [14:28] notyeta: I would just format or remove the partition [14:28] notyeta you can do it via windows as well; info in ##windows ;] [14:28] What's best for me, Atheros AR5006EG, madwifi, or ath5k ? [14:28] says it's already at the newest version [14:29] yet when I run it from term says command not found....:/ [14:29] notyeta, you wanna uninstall it ?? hm you need to delete that partition and edit boot sector. [14:29] guys, was trying to compile eggdrop, I got checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables [14:29] Fougner: i had a helluva time getting that device to work, stil not 100% successful.. i think its just to new [14:29] okay, i wanna know how to uninstall it from windows? [14:29] Aquahallic: but it says command not found when you run powertweak-gtk? [14:29] anyone got an idea? [14:29] Aquahallic: ok, hold on [14:29] that's correct [14:29] notyeta ##windows will know ;] [14:30] notyeta, I told you. Delete linux partition with disk manager and fixmbr [14:30] Nubae, can you print directly to the ip address, the vmware should do the nat for you [14:30] ur..but how to fix mbr? [14:31] IndyGunFreak, sounds bad, but I've got it in a laptop, and I'm pretty stuck, and I want to try [14:31] notyeta wrong channel [14:31] Fougner: well, there's a lot of FAQ's out there to try.. check the forums. [14:31] Aquahallic: ok, run: sudo apt-get remove powertweak-gtk [14:31] yeah, I'll try the madwifi n00b-guid first ;D [14:31] guide* [14:32] IndyGunFreak, what drivers did you try with then? [14:32] okay, thanks all [14:32] done.. it removed powertweak and powertweak-gtk [14:32] madwifi, or their new ath5k ? [14:32] madwifi, ndiswrapper, never tried ath5k.. where did you find that [14:32] salll [14:32] hacknslash, I've got interenet working from within the vmware XP image [14:33] Aquahallic: let's try reinstalling it sudo apt-get install powertweak [14:33] but trying to look for printers is a no go, and putting hte printer's ip in directly like this [14:33] doesn't work either [14:33] messenger pt linux de unde pot sami iau?? [14:33] Aquahallic: it should automatically install powertweak-gtk [14:34] yes it did [14:34] how can i check if ubuntu recognized the parallel port? [14:34] Nubae, can you add a local port and print to the network ip address [14:34] no [14:34] IndyGunFreak, ath5k is their new project [14:34] hadn't heard of it. [14:34] i've not tried to really get it going for about 2mo. [14:34] =) [14:34] Hi, how to install Google Earth to ubuntu [14:34] I just tried running powertweak and powertweak-gtk from term and got "Command not found" [14:35] Aquahallic: that's weird, I got the same thing... [14:35] hack, not sure what you mean [14:35] Aquahallic: hang on [14:35] Nubae, hang on i'll test it here [14:35] Automatix installs Google earth easily, but is frownd upon [14:35] * Agion needs help installing google-earth [14:35] Fougner: that looks like it only supports fairly old atheros chipsets at the moment. [14:35] and not near stable. [14:35] !googleearth | Agion [14:35] Agion: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository [14:36] looks promisng though. [14:36] !medibuntu > Agion [14:36] Hi there, I typed in "find $HOME -depth 0 -name foo" and it returned the complaint "paths must precede expression." I think the syntax is correct .. can someone identify what I did wrong, please? [14:37] hi [14:37] IndyGunFreak, maybe, I haven't looked at it. Pain in the ass that Toshiba have to ship their laptops with such unknown devices [14:37] I am using kopete and can not see my webcam [14:37] Fougner: well, its a windows world, they work fine in windows, thats all they worry about... [14:37] I already installed it [14:38] my webcam is a trust 1200p [14:38] puppyuser2007045, Agion: Google Earth can be installed pretty easily, as a .deb packages, from Medibuntu. [14:38] !medibuntu | puppyuser2007045, Agion [14:38] puppyuser2007045, Agion: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [14:38] and when I enter configurations I can see it [14:38] Anyone use compiz? - i press a key combination but nothing happens [14:38] Aquahallic: ok run sudo apt-get remove powertweak [14:38] Schmao-Fmao: depth doesnt take a number [14:39] I'll stick with Automatix, works fine for me. [14:39] IndyGunFreak, yeah. But what brands will work fine with Linux? [14:39] done [14:39] prince_jammys, I dunno why I did that. :) Thanks [14:39] hello [14:39] puppyuser2007045: sure, just recommend Medibuntu here instead [14:40] Is there any way to load the entire LiveCD into RAM? [14:40] Fougner: unfortunately, Intel seems to be the only one tow work "out of the box".. but they dont' reallys ell any aftermarket. [14:40] Schmao-Fmao: np [14:40] webcam in kopete HELP! [14:40] I'm off to google medibuntu, see what it has to offer. [14:40] Is there an irc channel specifically for ubuntu bugs? [14:40] puppyuser2007045: no reason for google, http://www.medibuntu.org [14:41] so how can I install the package from the desktop? [14:41] Aquahallic: now run sudo apt-get install powertweak-gtk powertweakd powertweak-extra [14:41] ja_: #ubuntu-bugs [14:41] thanks jpatrick [14:41] sofiankrt: I also have powertweakd installed that wouldn't have anything to do with this would it?? [14:41] does someone know if I can manage what kind of xorg.conf I want to use during my starting of X ? [14:42] hi all !!! [14:42] hi zhora! [14:42] hacknslash any luck? or still testing [14:42] MatBoy, just rename it and name the copy like the original [14:42] Hello, anyone who can help me set up my wireless network? [14:42] fevel, taht is what I do now... [14:42] Hello all, i had a spare partion on my hdd so i formatted it to Ext3 but no I dont have write access to it, anyone got any ideas? [14:42] sofiankrt: says they're all already installed and latest versions [14:42] Nubae, just printing a test page [14:42] matboy or dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [14:43] but I would like to have a drop down and an automatic restart of X [14:43] Aquahallic: powertweak only ensures that the three packages are installed [14:43] Hi, need some help with sound and ubuntu gutsy. Sound used to work (clean install), but I'm not able to revert the changes (compiled alsa from source). SO how can I reinstall the sound system (ALSA) again on ubuntu again to the default packages in ubuntu? [14:43] prince_jammys: I downloaded the file, how can I install it [14:43] ? [14:43] Aquahallic: ok, sudo apt-get remove these packages [14:43] !alsa [14:43] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [14:43] anyone to help me? I can not send or recieve images from my trust minicam 1200p, despite I see it configurations under KOPETE [14:43] Agion: didn't the link include directions? [14:44] Agion: i thought it did [14:44] salve raga [14:44] sofiankrt: removed [14:44] no it didn't? [14:44] fernando was it pluged in when you booted ?? [14:44] Or at least I think it didn't [14:45] Aquahallic: try reinstalling them, does it give you 'already installed'? [14:45] Agion: yeah, just checked... different page from what i thought [14:45] There is question, has anybody installd on ubinta Cdma usb modem CCU550 [14:45] k [14:45] So, what's the command to install it? [14:45] is there any way to change the font colour on the panels on ubuntu???? [14:45] sofiankrt: it installed them.. and started the powertweak service [14:46] Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-mrunagi" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Error: "/tmp/kde-mrunagi" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. Error: "/tmp/ksocket-mrunagi" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.............anyone here using kde and know what this means? [14:46] thyultimate: you mean gnome. [14:46] Aquahallic: so it's working now? [14:46] my webcam wont work unless i have it plugged in when i reboot... perhaps yours is simular [14:46] Jaymacdonald: yes [14:46] powertweak service is running... but it's the gui frontend I can't get to launch [14:47] Aquahallic: just a moment please [14:47] thx unholymarriage ... but I tried it and it does not work [14:47] does anyone know how to run a ICS service like windows does on ubuntu? === vorian_ is now known as vorian [14:47] but kopete does detect it ?? [14:47] does anybody use amsn? [14:47] Agion:is the name of the file GoogleEarthLinux.bin ? [14:47] Jaymacdonald-> what does that ICS do? [14:47] and amsnplus? [14:47] what seems very strange is kopete accepts the webcam in configurations and I can change webcam setings [14:47] it is [14:47] amenado: internet connection sharing [14:47] hello, is it any patch for intel wireless lan 4965 (iwl) ?? [14:48] Jaymacdonald: any ideas? i tried running something a website said (made a file and something) but then gnome kinda stopped working and i had to use the bootsafe terminal more to restore the file backup [14:48] but after when i send or request webcam the window opens but is empty [14:48] hello, is it any patch for intel wireless lan 4965 (iwl) ?? for inject packet purpose.. [14:48] amenado: shares your internet to other computers, sets up DHCP etc [14:48] yes kopete detects [14:48] Jaymacdonald-> easy, do you intend to run a dhcp server? [14:48] does anybody use amsn and amsnplus [14:48] amenado: if required, yes [14:49] Agion: apparently you can change to the directory where it is and type [14:49] Agion: sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin [14:49] hm... whats the model of your cam?? [14:49] plesase bcm 43xx help [14:49] Agion: http://ubuntuanswers.wordpress.com/2007/12/31/installing-google-earth-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy/ [14:49] I know [14:49] trust 1200p [14:49] Jaymacdonald-> okay, then install a dhcp server and set ip_forward to 1 and enable MASQUERADE [14:49] is there a better sound-controller then the one shipped with 7.10? I dont think my sound is as good as in XP [14:49] so how can I just know where is the desktop ^^ [14:49] i tested it in conosle as well and it is ok [14:49] media/... what? :D [14:49] Aquahallic: how do you know the service is running? [14:50] i just installed ubuntu &unable to play any songs or video... [14:50] I have the same idea frold [14:50] amenado: oh ok thanks [14:50] sofiankrt: when it installed... it showed it starting the service for powertweak [14:50] dont work wireless [14:50] frold, the shipped one must the best available i think [14:50] Aquahallic: My guess is, powertweak-gtk wasn't installed in your PATH [14:50] uday: are you in BBO? [14:51] Aquahallic: try sudo updatedb [14:51] hmmmm [14:51] Aquahallic: it should take some time [14:51] Jammys, thx for help! [14:51] sofiankrt: it did.. and it's done [14:51] fernando: i did not get you. [14:52] I found a site that has trust drivers i think....through ubuntu forums...but it is potugese ( i think ) [14:52] frold, i don't really know for sure [14:52] i will see if google can translate it [14:52] Aquahallic: now locate powertweak-gtk [14:53] sorry ...booted [14:53] did someone ask me while booted? [14:54] sofiankrt: found it in /usr/share/menu/powertweak-gtk [14:54] how can I set some files to run in the boot? [14:54] hacknslash, sorry to keep bothering you, but any more luck? [14:54] Aquahallic: try cd /usr/share/menu [14:54] Aquahallic: then ./powertweak-gtk [14:55] hey [14:55] Agion: what do you want to do exactly? [14:55] anyone to help me? I can not send or recieve images from my trust minicam 1200p, despite I see it configurations under KOPETE [14:55] sofiankrt: permission denied [14:55] your trust minicam? [14:55] When my computer starts and I go to linux I want that Pidgin is on automatically so I dunt have to run it myself [14:55] yes assid [14:56] whats trust minicam [14:56] !startup > agion (read the private message from ubotu) [14:56] Aquahallic: sudo ./powertweak-gtk [14:56] Agion: add it to autostart [14:56] and kopete can see it in configurations, and set it! [14:56] kk [14:56] thx ^^ [14:56] but when I request or send webcam chat the window is empty [14:56] Nubae, nearly but not perfect, i can print a test page however its font is not correct [14:57] 1200p [14:57] alternatively you can addd it to sessions from system > preferances > sessions [14:57] Hello, anyone who can help me set up my wireless network? [14:57] "Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"." [14:57] what does that mean? [14:57] hacknslash: it shows in the preview? [14:57] anyone can help me.i just installed ubuntu.i am unable to play any songs.it says codecs are not installing. [14:57] err.. fernando it shows in the preview? [14:58] uday: how are you trying to install them? [14:58] uday, lagu apa? [14:58] hack, if you tell me your methodology, I can have a play too [14:58] Aquahallic: [14:59] sofiankrt: Ok that doesn't work either.. BUT... I just went and looked at the file in nautilus [14:59] !gutsysources | uday (do this, then try again) [14:59] uday (do this, then try again): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates). [14:59] and it shows root as owner.. and the file isn't executable [14:59] what preview? I open kopete, go to configurations dispositifs and it is there [14:59] Aquahallic: can chmod chgrp and chown the file? [14:59] while running google earth console says "Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". [14:59] " [14:59] wHATZ THE PROBLEM? [15:00] sry caps lock [15:00] sofiankrt: should I make it executable? [15:00] Howto reinstall the standards drivers (in ubuntu gutsy) from alsa again? [15:00] what would cause me to loose the option to shut down after hitting "Quit" [15:00] nickrud: thank you. [15:01] uday: are you playing bridge in BBO? [15:01] Aquahallic: yes [15:01] Aquahallic: sudo chmod 755 powertweak-gtk [15:01] Assid: any more ideas? [15:02] configurations dispositifs ??? [15:02] in configurations of kopete i can see the webcam and set it .. and change settings [15:02] ok [15:02] do u see a preview [15:03] sofiankrt: did that [15:03] yes === hyakuhei is now known as hyakuhei-lightni [15:03] Aquahallic: did you change the ownership and group? [15:03] are u sure the opposite party can receive webcam requests ? [15:03] yes [15:04] and send [15:04] <_moro_bana_> how do i add users to vboxusers groups [15:04] okay odd issue then.. try restarting kopete [15:04] Hello folks [15:04] sofiankrt: no but I did a sudo -s and became root and did ./powertweak-gtk and got an error [15:05] whaat do you mean with oddissue? [15:05] _moro_bana_: System > Administration > Users and Groups [15:05] Do any one know if and how to change the size of that "volume popup" thingie? [15:05] Aquahallic: try changing the ownership and group [15:05] exactly what i said.. its an odd issue [15:05] ok ...thank you very much [15:05] i'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from disk media [15:05] i am rebooting [15:05] i have: [15:05] c:\grldr [15:05] _moro_bana_: select the user and choose manage groups [15:06] c:\boot\vmlinuz [15:06] sofiankrt: change to my user? [15:06] _moro_bana_: you can then add the group [15:06] fernando: you dont need to reboot [15:06] c:\boot\initrd.gz [15:06] bah [15:06] Anyone here using dual screens ever have xvid videos being able to play on one but not the secondary screen? Really weird. [15:06] Aquahallic: yes, sudo chown (your username) powertweak-gtk [15:06] _moro_bana_: useradd -G vboxusers [15:06] err sudo it [15:06] and i have a c:\menu.list which includes: [15:07] kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz [15:07] initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd.gz [15:07] but when i boot grldr, it says: error [15:07] why? [15:07] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: did you read the whole of my ? === XpoMa is now known as WeRReD [15:07] <_moro_bana_> Assid: thanks [15:08] c:\ ? [15:08] anyone running into an issue where the time in gnome doesnt update [15:08] sofiankrt: ok.. my user is owner but group is still root... should I change the group to my user also? [15:08] Nubae, i've got to go out, i'll finalise it later this afternoon [15:08] the system's time is correct but whats displayed is broken [15:08] Assid: check your ntp settings/server [15:09] _moro_bana_: you should be able to do it in GUI from there [15:09] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i was talking about vbox or that still applies [15:09] Firefox is using 50% CPU all the time, when it is just idling. I think it is the Flash plugin that is causing problems. How do I fix this? It is extremely annoying on my laptop, because it drains the laptop battery. [15:09] Aquahallic: sudo chgrp (your group) powertweak-gtk [15:10] Frogzoo: as i said.. the time is correct in the system [15:10] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i did it , thank you [15:10] My sound volume is much lower after upgrading to Kubuntu 7.10! I have tried adjusting the volume in both alsamixer, aumix, kmix, etc, but none of it helps. How do I fix this? I do not even know how to investigate this problem any further. [15:10] nothing wrong with the ntp settings [15:10] _moro_bana_: yeah, vbox, I have it too. That's how you do it in gui [15:10] hi is there a channel to ask about emulation on Ubuntu with progs like Hugo? [15:10] its tdn flash? [15:10] _moro_bana_: any time [15:10] tdn: you running compiz ? [15:10] whileimhere: what is hugo [15:10] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: my first time, does the OS run well [15:11] Frogzoo: it just doesnt update the gui -time [15:11] Assid, nope. [15:11] hacknslash, if you could put it into a wiki or send to an email, that would be really cool, but I'll be around later on, have fun... [15:11] _moro_bana_: yeah, just make sure you disable all the messages to and ctrl-f to go fullscreen [15:11] tdn: very very strange.. flash takes load for higher dimension video.. [15:11] _moro_bana_: video acceleration doesn't work, however [15:11] anyone here ever use linuxsampler? [15:12] sofiankrt: check your PM... I just pasted the error I'm getting [15:12] hello === TheKiNG is now known as JohnnyBlaze === JohnnyBlaze is now known as DeathKing242 [15:12] cant get no sound out of it [15:13] Hi. I'm setting up a ubuntu installation for a windows user who hates computers. I had to put in the sudo password just to mount the windows volume. How do I make it so that doesn't require a password? [15:13] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: still giving me the"kernel is not accessible to the current user.make sure....." [15:13] Hugo is a PCE or TG16 emulatoir [15:13] Aquahallic: PM? You can PM in pidgin? I didn't know that. Where can I check the messages? [15:13] sofiankrt: dunno... let me pastebin it [15:13] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: a sec [15:14] _moro_bana_: which OS are you trying to use? [15:14] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: xp [15:15] _moro_bana_: hmm... I've only tried Linux. do you have the .iso? [15:15] hi [15:15] assid: you there? [15:15] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: the problem was with me, just a min [15:15] Hey, how can i resize a software raid0 (mdadm), its a 220GB array with 2 disks that i want to want to split up to a 170GB and a 50GB partitions [15:15] yeah ? [15:16] Anyone? [15:16] hrmm i need to make a software raid for my projects/mails [15:16] in my hostel all the computers are connected by lan, my friend has challenged that he will delete a certain file from my ubuntu system over lan, hes running windows, its a bet for a lot of money, think its safe to accept??? [15:16] trust webcam 1200p under kopete ...rebooted [15:16] sofiankrt: http://paste.uni.cc/18377 [15:16] anyone seen an issue where you have grub menu items that dont show in menu.lst [15:16] tryed to send webcam [15:16] thyultimate: offtopic here [15:16] the file wont be on a shared folder [15:16] other part accepted === MasterShrek` is now known as MasterShrek [15:16] bardyr: use gparted [15:16] thyultimate, yea [15:17] and the window is empty [15:17] thyultimate, unless you have ssh running and he has and user/knows you pw [15:17] bazhang: sorry didnt know where else to ask, i dont know much about ubuntu even though im running it, im new [15:17] #ubuntu-offtopic thyultimate ;] [15:17] Aquahallic: ok, try locate powertweakd [15:17] ubuntu should be pretty safe. just make sure your passwordpolicy is good [15:17] fernando: do you use msn ? [15:17] sorry :D [15:17] try amsn and see if it works there [15:18] Aquahallic: and powertweak-extra [15:18] thyultimate: no I mean come in there and ask ;] [15:18] but in kopete setings i see the webcam and can chage its setings [15:18] jameswf-home-> what do you mean? can you elaborate? [15:18] allright [15:18] Aquahallic: And change the user, group and make them executable [15:18] sofiankrt: powertweakd returned a WHACK of 'em [15:18] erUSUL, anyway i can do it when its mounted as / ? [15:19] I do not have windows on this computer [15:19] Aquahallic: Perhaps from earlier installations [15:19] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: be back need to reboot [15:19] bardyr: i though you want to partition an empty raid volume if you are resizing partitions use a liveCD [15:19] Aquahallic: which one seems most relevant? [15:19] erUSUL, kk [15:19] I have 2 ubuntu installs 1 both show in the grub boot menu only 1 shows in /boot/grub/menu.lst so I cant edit the boot line of the one install [15:19] but I can chat in kopete [15:19] sofiankrt: there's one in /usr/sbin and one in /etc/init.d [15:19] bardyr: and as usual a backup of important stuff is a good idea messing with disks has allways a risky component [15:20] sofiankrt: rest are like docs and stuff [15:20] #torrent [15:20] jameswf-home-> paste into pastebin both the menu.lst so we can peek and make comments [15:20] sofiankrt: I'm assuming the one is /usr/sbin is the actual application and the /etc/init.d is a startup script? [15:21] there is only 1 menu.lst [15:21] Aquahallic: try powertweakd [15:21] !who | jameswf-home [15:21] jameswf-home: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:21] sofiankrt: says need to be root [15:22] sofiankrt: let me do sudo -s and then run it [15:22] %C2 what was the idea about msn? [15:22] hello, I removed my samba config files to start from scratch, what package are they in because when i installed samba again it doesn't retrieve config files === mjs is now known as mjsilva [15:22] hello, how to edit the startup manager ? like when the PC starts the hightlight is at ubuntu but I wanna change the default hightlight into other OS [15:23] sofiankrt: as root I try powertweakd and it returns nothing.. if I do a /etc/init.d/powertweakd restart.. it shows it stopping then starting with no errors [15:23] Ray_: grub [15:23] Ray_: edit your /etc/grub/menu.lst [15:23] Ray_: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and read the comments about "default" [15:23] boot :/ [15:23] Does anyone know where I can get the gutsy samba config files, are they in a package? [15:23] Aquahallic: ok, let's try compiling it from source. the binary doesn't seem to be working [15:24] because samba doesn't install them when i do it [15:24] !samba > thechitowncubs (read the private message from ubotu) [15:24] Aquahallic: sudo rm -f `locate powertweak` [15:24] Aquahallic: don't do that [15:24] wow [15:24] thechitowncubs: sudo apt-get remove --purge samba && sudo apt-get install samba , that will reinstall the config files [15:24] sofiankrt: are you sure about that command? [15:25] sofiankrt: errr..... no? [15:25] it seems powertweak is running fine.. it's the powertweak-gtk frontend that's not working [15:25] jrib: yeah, I'm trying to remove files from previous powertweak installations and compiling it from source [15:25] My menu.lst http://pastebin.ca/915131 [15:25] why? [15:25] linxeh: give me time to type! [15:25] sofiankrt: why would you recommend using rm if it was installed using apt? [15:25] I can use lspowertweak and it returns back everything [15:25] Does anyone know how to switch windows in irssi? [15:25] thechitowncubs: alt-# where # is a number [15:25] sofiankrt: when you install from source its usually advisable to configure the build to install to somewhere like /opt/packagename/ - much easier to remove [15:25] i want to read my pm :P [15:25] jrib: because apt-remove isn't removing these files [15:26] sofiankrt: use aptitude purge if you really need to do this [15:26] jrib: I mean [15:26] jrib: apt-get remove [15:26] sofiankrt: yes it does [15:26] Aquahallic: it didn't for me [15:26] apt does remove them fine [15:26] did here [15:26] jameswf-home-> from what you pasted, which lines do not show up during boot? [15:26] Aquahallic: I apt-get removed all these files, and then located powertweak, and found a bunch of unremoved files [15:27] !who | jameswf-home [15:27] jameswf-home: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:27] Aquahallic: apt-get removed powertweak, that is [15:27] amenado: there are additional lines that show up beyond whats in menu.lst [15:27] sofiankrt: powertweakd is working properly.. it's just the gui frontend that isn't [15:27] !GTFOI [15:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about gtfoi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [15:27] Aquahallic: do you still have the files when you locate powertweak? [15:28] how can I add a voice to menu of gnome? [15:28] does anybody now how to make a encrypted file system with the alternate hardy cd? [15:28] Aquahallic: how do you know powertweakd is working properly? [15:28] he says: "Cannot delete data on device, so I cannot create this file system" [15:28] Cubitus: hardy support in #ubuntu+1 [15:28] jrib: ok thanks [15:28] hello world :) [15:29] err is making a softraid easy now [15:29] sofiankrt: I installed lspowertweak and run it and it returns back everything properly... it's a program to look at powertweakd [15:29] err. thru gui? [15:29] after a kernel panic my network connection stop working properly. I get an IP via DHCP but then the computer stop sending packets. The network card keeps receiving but if I ping or ssh or so, no packets are sent. help!! [15:29] http://wiresmash.com/windows/the-windows-xp-soundtrack/ [15:30] Aquahallic: ok, I've got one last idea. perhaps when we installed the packages separately, the powertweak-gtk wasn't installed properly [15:30] Aquahallic: so just apt-get remove them, and apt-get install powertweak [15:30] powertweak-gtk is a gui frontend for configuring powertweakd .... lspowertweak is a script to return how powertweak is currently configured [15:30] i can see why the linux workd thinks so highly of ubntu users.... windows users who think they are 1337 but still cant use a cli [15:30] Aquahallic: and check it with lspowertweak [15:30] jrib: I'm in /boot/grub/ and did pico the menu.lst but how to make WinXP starts by default ? was reading and didnt get how to do it :< [15:30] quit [15:31] oops [15:31] you can't remove powertweakd and have lspowertweak.... [15:31] powertweakd is a dependancy [15:31] !grub > Ray_ [15:31] how can I add a voice to menu of gnome? [15:31] Aquahallic: remove them all, install powertweak, and then install lspowertweak [15:31] Aquahallic: does everything work now? [15:31] nickrud: that did not reinstall, daemon.log still reports cannot read smb.conf [15:32] powertweakd works... lspowertweak works... it's just powertweak-gtk that doesn't work [15:32] thechitowncubs: strange, /etc/samba doesn't exist? [15:32] err how does powertweak help? [15:32] nickrud: right, i removed it but its not coming back [15:32] Aquahallic: try creating a launcher for powertweak-gtk [15:32] E.Heide [15:33] err brb [15:33] Assid: powertweak just installs all three [15:33] thechitowncubs: a sec [15:33] nickrud: thank you very much [15:33] E.Heide [15:33] Aquahallic: what error message does it give? [15:33] hi whats the command to copy all file? [15:34] Pirate_Hunter: cp * [15:34] good afternoon [15:34] Pirate_Hunter: specific extensions, cp *.txt [15:34] Pirate_Hunter: cp * (where you want them) [15:34] thechitowncubs: thanx no I want all file not matter the extension type [15:35] Pirate_Hunter: cp * (target directory) [15:35] sofiankrt: launcher doesn't work either [15:35] prince_jammys: http://paste.uni.cc/18377 [15:35] sofiankrt: thanx [15:35] Pirate_Hunter: any time [15:35] nickrud: do you think its a bug, reported by another user: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=242594 [15:35] sofiankrt: :D [15:36] Aquahallic: I really have no idea.... I would try to install it a different way, from source, perhaps [15:36] that is my exact error [15:36] Pirate_Hunter: ;-) [15:36] how can i open my xorg.conf for editing? i opened it manually but it won't let me save, i figure i have to sudo cmd it, but I don't know the command [15:36] Is there anyway to force your wireless tx-power up? [15:36] this error is a syntax error... [15:36] In ndiswrapper its 25db but with the firmware I get 18db and rubbish signal (talking like 5feet from router, then dead) [15:37] thechitowncubs: could be. Looking at some stuff, trying to find where it comes from [15:37] drpcken: gksudo gedit xorg.conf [15:37] hm could this fuck up aiglx? Loading extension ATITVOUT [15:37] !language | manson [15:37] manson: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [15:38] thechitowncubs: purge it again, then look in /etc/samba . Is it still there? [15:38] ah sorry again [15:38] _moro_bana_: how's it going? [15:38] could this make trouble for aiglx Loading extension ATITVOUT? [15:38] how do i know which window manager i have installed [15:38] hello! could anybody help me install drivers for my wireless card? [15:38] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: aha , logged in to say its ok [15:39] how do i know/determine which window manager i have installed [15:39] _moro_bana_: good! [15:39] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: im installing xp, what do you have as your host [15:39] nickrud: no, never was [15:39] DaveEngland: which card do you have? [15:39] OMFG... I am SO RETARDED! [15:39] thechitowncubs: never there at all? [15:39] _moro_bana_: in the virtual machine? [15:40] brobostigon, that comes up with a blank xorg.conf [15:40] I need to find a game that switches to a screen mode lower than 640x480 to run fullscreen [15:40] Assid still there? [15:40] ubuntu seems the most popular distro now? [15:40] nickrud: well, it wasn't there before the purge because i removed it because i wanted to start from scratch [15:40] sofiankrt: do you still have those files installed??? [15:40] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: no [15:40] consfearacy: it is [15:40] nickrud: after purge, not there [15:40] my soundcard is not recognized. how do i solve this prob? [15:40] Aquahallic: I removed them [15:40] Hi all! Good afternoon [15:40] ok [15:40] _moro_bana_: your installing it from a burned cd? [15:40] fernando_: good morning [15:40] sofiankrt, i have a digitus wireless card, DN7006gs with a realtek chiš [15:40] drpcken: what folder is xorg.conf in?? [15:40] chip* [15:40] I just opened that powertweak-gtk file as a text document... [15:41] * Aquahallic is a RETARD [15:41] DaveEngland: let's try using ndiswrapper === mehteenager is now known as MrObvious [15:41] brobostigon, /etc/x11 i opened it manually with the viewer, it just won't let me save any changes [15:41] Assid: still there? [15:41] brobostigon: /etc/X11/ [15:41] thechitowncubs: ok, looking elsewhere [15:41] DaveEngland: go to synaptic [15:41] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: from the original cd that came with the box, hp installation disk [15:41] hm strange, why does x load extension atitvout after I apt-get remove --purge atitvtool === z4w3p is now known as z4w3p_ [15:41] DaveEngland: search for ndiswrapper-utils [15:41] drpcken: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [15:41] sofiankrt, i allready have tryed that! i used the drivers from my CD, but it doesnt work :( [15:41] nothing in xorg.conf that says to load it either [15:41] helloo [15:42] brobostigon, yea i tried that too, blank document [15:42] DaveEngland: do you have the .inf file? [15:42] sofiankrt, i have installed those drivers, but the card is still not recognized :( [15:42] nickrud: thank you [15:42] bye again [15:42] that launcher is broke.. but inside that launcher you can see the name of the actual executable... so when I do a sudo gpowertweak it opens [15:42] sofiankrt, yes, i have the inf file! [15:42] When I switched my xorg driver to neomagic from vesa (which wasn't working properly), my neomagic soundcard stopped working! Doing sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/dsp works, but mplayer complains that it can't find any alsa devices and doesn't have permission to access /dev/dsp. [15:42] _moro_bana_: are you trying to install it on the virtual machine? [15:42] brobostigon, i have a restart pending after today's updates, maybe I should restart first [15:42] drpcken: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [15:42] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: exactly [15:42] Aquahallic: don't forget to change back all the permissions [15:43] drpcken: yes, restart [15:43] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: will that be a prob [15:43] DaveEngland: run ifconfig [15:43] hm, might do a wider search then, anyone that is guru on xserver here? :) [15:43] brobostigon, want me to run the reconfigure anyway [15:43] sofiankrt, i didi, but the card is not displayed! [15:43] before i restart? [15:43] you should never have to restart just drop runlevels === soneil_ is now known as soneil [15:43] prince_jammys: can you clarify something for me??? [15:43] does kopete allows talking with microfone? [15:43] _moro_bana_: I don't know, I've never tried installing from a CD, I only install from .ISO images [15:43] drpcken: that will give you an proper xorg.conf [15:43] _moro_bana_: hold on [15:43] Aquahallic: what? [15:44] drpcken: just make sure you no how to setup your graphics before you do. [15:44] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: ok [15:44] DaveEngland: Sorry, I have no idea. It probably isn't supported by ndiswrapper. Check their website, they should have a list of supported cards [15:44] prince_jammys: when I installed this package it dropped a file /usr/share/menu/powertweak-gtk file down... it's a plain text file [15:44] Yes find the vertical and horizontal refresh rates for your monitor [15:44] _moro_bana_: do you have any .iso images? [15:44] brobostigon, well i don't :) [15:44] if you have a weird one [15:44] sofiankrt, thnx [15:44] brobostigon, like the memory it asks for [15:45] i'm gonna restart first [15:45] I'm assuming that should have been a launcher am I correct?? [15:45] Anyone got udev or sg down in ubuntu yet [15:45] ? [15:45] drpcken: i wouldnt recommend it then. [15:45] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i can copy the disk to make one [15:45] one of the two is giving me hell [15:45] assid: if you are here receive my gratitude...it works now...I can see and send my webcam images [15:45] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: no i dont [15:45] _moro_bana_: can you create one? [15:45] assid: thank you very much [15:45] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: k [15:45] what's the config file for my panel's? I'm trying to back stuff up, but I want to backup my panels as well [15:45] New issue [15:45] Aquahallic: launchers usually have the extension .desktop [15:45] I havn't used udev, or at least havn't had to mess with it in like 4 years [15:45] ok, might aswell describe the problem xorg loads perfectly accept (EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727) [15:45] but ubuntu is wantint me to [15:46] and (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering [15:46] _moro_bana_: I've got to go for a while, brb [15:46] does someone know how to talk with microfone in kopete? [15:46] that causes my screen to flicker and making diagonal rendering glitches [15:46] manson sounds like a driver thing [15:46] hi guy [15:46] what kind of grafix card do you have manson? [15:46] prince_jammys: here's what's in that text file.... http://paste.uni.cc/18378 [15:46] tried to remove fglrx driver and reconfigure and installing and reconfigure again [15:46] Aquahallic: you were trying to execute a non-executable file [15:47] my panel disappeared behind the taskbar [15:47] what do I do? [15:47] using guide in ubuntu forums [15:47] thechitowncubs: apparently smb.conf is supposed to be built on the fly, it's not owned by any particular package. Looking for where it's generated [15:47] please help [15:47] nickrud: interesting [15:47] worked like a charm with dual heads [15:47] I am using Kubuntu [15:47] hi [15:47] well, I'm having a lot of trouble with getting good support from the ubutntu site myself [15:47] _moro_bana_: I'm back [15:47] I am running vsftpd 2.0.5 on Ubuntu 7.04 [15:47] oh yes, I had big problems in Fedora Core when I knocked it down to 1 from 2 heads [15:47] but after update total impossible to get it back [15:47] I used the panel hiding with the hiding buttons [15:47] i want to upgrade it to 2.0.6 [15:48] I mean from 2 to 1 [15:48] How can i do that [15:48] Aquahallic: if you want to view a typical launcher, do : find -name *.desktop and open with a text editor to see what they look like [15:48] not using compiz anymore either [15:48] does someone know how to talk with microfone in kopete? [15:48] well basically, have you tried reconfiguring xorg? [15:48] prince_jammys: so what would that text file be?? here's the contents.. http://paste.uni.cc/18378 [15:48] yes [15:48] hrm [15:48] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: making the iso [15:48] Aquahallic: i looked at the file. i don't know what purpose that file serves [15:49] have you tried looking elsewhere for the driver then the ubuntu repo? [15:49] SOMEONE help [15:49] Aquahallic: it does look like a launcher [15:49] i can;t view my panel [15:49] getting drivers off repos has never been a great idea in the past [15:49] nah there is one not supported and one ati****.run [15:49] Aquahallic: but it's not in the format i'm used to seeing [15:49] does someone know how to talk with microfone in kopete? [15:49] sofiankrt: thank you for your help btw... you did get me to the point that I broke into that file and found the actual executable...:) [15:49] graphics drivers I mean [15:49] not other drivers [15:49] might aswell try them on [15:49] thechitowncubs, nickrud: tried samba-common? [15:49] try the graphics driver for linux [15:49] Aquahallic: any time, glad to be of help [15:49] from the actual comapny that made the card [15:49] I am suffering random browser crashes with firefox. Sometimes when I am watching youtube videos or porn, it just crashes for no reason [15:49] ati? [15:50] Aquahallic: ;-) [15:50] ooooo [15:50] ati driver linux? [15:50] ati just released open source drivers [15:50] DaveEngland - hi dave - have you tried using the rtl8180 driver for your wireless card? [15:50] hello [15:50] jrib: not yet [15:50] brobostigon, still a blank xorg.conf [15:50] but they arn't quite [15:50] done yet [15:50] <_KAMI_> Hello! [15:50] ah will test them [15:50] <_KAMI_> I am the current hungarian Localizator of Seamonkey. How can I get my translations into Ubuntu? [15:50] no, that might be your problem [15:50] drpcken: sorry i am out of ideas?? [15:50] prince_jammys: thanx to you also...:) [15:50] how can I chnge the java im using from ice tea to suns [15:50] ubuntu may be using the open source drivers [15:50] Hey, I downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 from the website and burned it to a disk, now that I try to start it I get errors - like this: [ 593.999153] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen [15:51] thx, am not interested in dual head anymore anyway just to get screen non flicker to have som terminals open and watch one or other movie on screen :) [15:51] but ATI hasn't released all the parts of the drivers to open source because of patent issues [15:51] And a lot of stuff relating to I/O [15:51] Hi! I've uncomented a line in /etc/sudoers to allow members of group sudo to not need password. I added myself to a group sudo. Why do I still need to type in passwrds. [15:51] jrib: BINGO, thank you [15:51] will test open from ati [15:51] Anyone here good with Ubuntu server and VMWare, I have networking problems, networking goes down after some time. [15:51] well, the screen is just flickering that's all? [15:51] nickrud: thanks for all your help [15:51] jrib: oddly, samba-common isn't installed on my machine, although I have a samba common. grep just found it [15:51] Aquahallic: now it's working? [15:51] smb.conf [15:51] thx for your time thundercles [15:51] Aquahallic: i suspect those files are used to automatically place an app in the right category of your menu [15:51] jrib: is samba-common installed on your machine? [15:51] wait manson [15:51] are you sure your refresh rates are right [15:51] ok [15:51] nickrud: i got it thanks [15:51] yes [15:51] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: how do i turn this off, my internal speaker booooms! when im typing [15:51] Hi guys, is it possible to increase the number of packages that apt downloads in parallel? [15:51] manson? [15:52] thechitowncubs: I know. I think samba-common not being installed is the bug [15:52] monitor found by xserver [15:52] I dunno, if your drivers were way off, your car dwouldn't even work [15:52] _moro_bana_: beeps? [15:52] but you said that using software rendering is the main prob? [15:52] does someone know how to talk with microfone in kopete? [15:52] sofiankrt: when I broke open that txt file I found the actual executable file... when I do a sudo gpowertweak it works fine and opens the grafical configurator [15:52] yeah and only that 2005 prob [15:52] with aiglx [15:52] prince_jammys: yeah... that is what it looks like [15:52] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: yes , i lost that word [15:52] in Xorg.0.log [15:52] well go to the ATI website [15:52] hi [15:52] _moro_bana_: go to the terminal and run: [15:53] some warnings though but none that have effect of what I can see [15:53] Aquahallic: the launchers (non-user level) are in /usr/share/applications [15:53] Hey, I downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 from the website and burned it to a disk, now that I try to start it I get errors - like this: "[ 593.999153] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen" and "[ 606.0476770] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0 [15:53] KOPETE, does it allow to talk with microfone? [15:53] yeah have been fiddling around 2 days now :) [15:53] fernando [15:53] nickrud: nope, I don't use samba [15:53] I don't think so [15:53] so just for the sake of it test other stuff [15:53] drpcken: my xorg.conf is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, so you should just have to, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [15:53] :) [15:53] because there is no option init [15:53] nickrud: erm, it is installed though [15:53] _moro_bana_: rmmod pcspkr [15:53] nickrud: right, i will report it [15:53] MANSON [15:53] because the commercial drivers before they may have parts that havn't been included in the open source ones yet for patent reasons [15:54] yes chartoin [15:54] so do I [15:54] i need suggestion on accomplish an interactive presentation ASAP ... any software for ubuntu can do that? [15:54] yes [15:54] jrib: I checked for samba-common long ago, I did a history: typo! thechitowncubs no, not the bug, my typing was the hiccup in my troubleshooting [15:54] My panel is hiding behind my external taskbar [15:54] goldsniper: openoffice [15:54] how do I get it out [15:54] danand_, where can i get that driver? [15:54] and in setings it have not sound to configure, l [15:54] I used hiding :( [15:54] how do you get what out [15:54] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: thats going to shut it off permanently [15:54] goldsniper: openoffice is like an open source MS office, it'll have all that stuff [15:54] prince_jammys: I'll just use the paths to the executable and icon from that text file and make my own launcher...:) [15:54] danand_, oh, hi Daniel! :D [15:54] the panel with the K menu [15:54] ah am not using k [15:55] Aquahallic: yes, that'll do it [15:55] _moro_bana_: if you want it back run: modprobe pcspkr [15:55] I used the panel hiding option with the panel hiding keys [15:55] I use KDE a lot, what's the question? [15:55] thanks much for both you folks help sofiankrt and prince_jammys....:) [15:55] Is there anyway to force your wireless tx-power up? [15:55] thx chartoin [15:55] how can i delete logging of pidgin? [15:55] Aquahallic: no probs [15:55] thanks, openoffice ... any other suggestion? [15:55] I accidentallly made my panel hide behind external taskbar [15:55] it's in the preferences zsiavash [15:55] Hey, I downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 from the website and burned it to a disk, now that I try to start it I get errors - like this: "[ 593.999153] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen" and "[ 606.0476770] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0 [15:55] Aquahallic: np [15:55] how do I get it out [15:55] (don't laugh) [15:55] goldsniper: powerpoint! (as a last resort) [15:55] DaveEngland - it should be on your system already. try modprobe -l | grep rtl8180 [15:56] goldsniper: actually [15:56] sofiankrt: he'd have to wine powerpoint [15:56] welcome fernando [15:56] there's some ppt -> open office converters on the net aswell [15:56] goldsniper: check koffice or goffice [15:56] thundercles, help me [15:56] it'll only take a minute [15:56] yes just a minaute chartoin [15:56] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: there peace off mind, but you know it just started a minute ago, think i pressed one key by mistake and turned it on [15:56] thundercles: who would want to use powerpoint, anyway? [15:56] danand_, i have seen a post on the internet now, and the driver 8185L should work good with this card! ill try this one.. [15:56] _moro_bana_: try running the command again [15:57] bye all folks [15:57] and have some buddies that have done presentations in open offica and saved them as ppt but they dont look the same as in open office as on powerpoint [15:57] goldsniper: use openoffice if you need it to be in powerpoint file formate when you are done, openoffice will save to all the MS office file types, and open office does everything MS office does [15:57] bye fernando [15:57] ^ [15:57] and thanks for your support [15:57] okeay now on to chartoin [15:57] DaveEngland - output would suggest to install the module with sudo modprobe r8180 [15:57] thnx [15:57] so the net converters might be better [15:57] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: to turn it on or off [15:57] thundercles: but ooo base sucks [15:57] DaveEngland - have you seen http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/net/wireless/cards.html [15:57] I used the panel hiding option with the panel hiding keys [15:57] _moro_bana_: off [15:57] and as of a week ms is open code so maybe open office will be totally compatible soon [15:57] and I used and external taskbar on the left [15:58] and Manson, see what ATI drivers you are using and see if they are the open source or closed source ones [15:58] if you must use ms standards [15:58] i used the left panel hiding key [15:58] Manson: then try the other ones [15:58] manson: they're going to opensource ms office? [15:58] and now no panel [15:58] and chartoin [15:58] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: it says module pcspkr does not exist in ... [15:58] no kicker panel [15:58] ? [15:58] danand_, this is for Digitus DN-7006G-RA, DN-7001G-RA, but i have DN7600GS [15:58] manson dont hold your breath on that one [15:58] ok guys.. thanks... but here is the real task... i need something like moving background... i dont know flash [15:58] whats a kicker panel [15:58] yes I will, had to give back some feedback due to you helping me :) [15:58] _moro_bana_: activate it and then deactivate it [15:58] the one with the kmenu [15:58] I think thats it [15:58] sofiankrt: no, they wont open source office [15:58] the kicker panel is [15:58] bazhang: nah I won't [15:58] yes that is the kicker panel [15:59] Is there anyway to get gedit to have smart indentation for when i write c programs? [15:59] DaveEngland - the cards may have the same chipset (hopefully) so that driver may work for your card :) [15:59] brobostigon: I wish someone would make a database management system as good as ms access [15:59] danand_, i will try to install these! [15:59] danand_, thnx! bbl [15:59] * bazhang hopes DaveEngland can get wireless going too [15:59] norty: vim, gedit, emacs, ... [15:59] :-( hate to admit if we short of proggie like that [15:59] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: done it, why [15:59] alright chartoin [15:59] try a run: kicker [15:59] sofiankrt: i have never used acccess, so no idea, sorry [15:59] thundercles: yes but just i can inactive logging to not save messages anymore i want to delete all messages has saved till now [15:59] that doesn't work [16:00] bazhang, oooo hello there! how are you m8? card still aint working :( [16:00] then you have to find the log [16:00] is there anyone here who knows if photoshop is able to be installed? [16:00] _moro_bana_: it shouldn't be annoying you now? [16:00] I think thats because its is already there [16:00] rabidsnail, I prefer gedit.. [16:00] only, its behind the taskbar [16:00] !wine | Skullmonkey [16:00] brobostigon: the problem is, we're using it in our school [16:00] Skullmonkey: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [16:00] the kicker is the whole taskbar [16:00] that's the kicker [16:00] you can install photoshop with Vbox at least... [16:00] DaveEngland - brb [16:00] not sure about wine [16:00] so what's not on the kicker then [16:00] brobostigon: so, I can't practice with base [16:00] ive already tried wine [16:00] danand_, tyt [16:00] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: aha nothing, peace of mind i said [16:01] the whole bar on the bottom, in KDE is the kicker [16:01] there is an external taskbar option [16:01] !emulation | Skullmonkey [16:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about emulation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:01] _moro_bana_: great! [16:01] that you can dock at the side [16:01] anyone good with wifi problems here? [16:01] what do you mean external? [16:01] brobostigon: finally baffled ubotu! [16:01] meaning another panel [16:01] oh you made another panel [16:01] and it's gone now [16:01] hmm [16:01] Help! Sound problems! [16:01] which only accumulates the tasks [16:01] sorry how can i update the cache [16:01] for apt-get [16:01] _moro_bana_: you mentioned you were going to install xp? [16:01] rabidsnail, hold on [16:01] sofiankrt: baffling ubotu is easy [16:01] the original one is gone [16:02] i trying apt-cache update but it s not that [16:02] behind the external taskbar [16:02] Ok, I tell you exactly what I did [16:02] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: yes the copying .... [16:02] vasco: sudo apt-get update [16:02] you could ty it out [16:02] I just helped someone else with sound earlier rabidsnail, you probably have the same problem, lemme just finish up with chartoin, k? [16:02] !baffling ubotu | brobostigon [16:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about baffling ubotu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:02] k [16:02] right click on panel [16:02] prince_jammys, thank you [16:02] yeah ati radeon .run open source driver on it's way down [16:02] lol [16:03] _moro_bana_: finished with the image? [16:03] okay manson === xGeek_ is now known as xGeek [16:03] anyone good with wifi problems here? [16:03] yeah the open source driver should help [16:03] maybe whats the problem eedge [16:03] also, it there anyone here that knows how to code in javascript? [16:03] go to add panels - > external taskbar [16:03] dock it on the left [16:03] yeah, [16:03] anybody knows where the log file of pidgin is, i want to delete logs that it has saved till now [16:03] yup [16:03] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: still copying, first time my its taking this long [16:03] Skullmonkey: what for? [16:03] ATI Catalyst™ 8.2 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver [16:03] I am suffering random browser crashes with firefox. Sometimes when I am watching youtube videos or porn, it just crashes for no reason [16:03] that one right? [16:03] _moro_bana_: aren't you happy with ubuntu? [16:03] it's probably in pidgins folder in the /usr/bin [16:03] activate panel hiding and the panel hiding buttons on left and right [16:03] that's where they keep a lot of the logs [16:04] reduce the size of your panel to 60% [16:04] im working on a skin for an IPB host and i just need to be able to do some links when something is enabled. ill PM you [16:04] i am trying to use grep to locate all files with vmware is this syntax correct "grep vmware* /* [16:04] ah well at least thats what atis page told me to use with my card :) [16:04] now click on the left panel hiding button [16:04] I'm using the propriety broadcom driver (bcm43xx) and I'm getting really rubbish signal, and I was wondering if theres a way to boost the tx-power. With ndiswrapper it shows as 25db but with this driver it shows as 18db. [16:04] okay [16:04] voila, your panel is gone [16:04] hey guys. could someone please help me out. I have wine and wanted to install version but dont know how. Thanks. [16:04] now, get it out and tell me how [16:04] I installed Google Earth but I cant lounch it, help please [16:04] yeah, well the button that it pops out from [16:04] wine [16:04] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: im more than happy, i love the system, i dont use windows anymore [16:04] And by rubbish signal, I mean I'm sitting a few feet from the router and getting rubbish signal :) [16:04] is probably hidden unter something [16:04] DIL: you can just do "locate vmware" or sudo find / -name vmaware* [16:04] Agion: [16:04] _moro_bana_: why do you want to install xp, then? [16:05] yes, under the external taskbar that we creatd [16:05] well, have you tested your router with another computer completly [16:05] thanks [16:05] Agion: try running it from terminal [16:05] I can't get it out [16:05] 2 month windows free here :) [16:05] how? [16:05] DIL: vmware is the name of the file or the string INSIDE the file? [16:05] _moro_bana_: just out of curiosity? [16:05] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: just that i need to install mathcad ,for school labs [16:05] Agion: google-earth [16:05] wel, go into the kde windows manager [16:05] bash: google-earth: command not found [16:05] and get rid of it [16:05] and make it again, that's what I'd do [16:05] how do I do that [16:05] _moro_bana_: what about edubuntu? [16:05] how do I run it? [16:05] but you might be able to salvage it in the kde administration deal [16:06] thundercles, yeah, theres loads of systems all throughout the house using the same router. [16:06] with good signal. [16:06] What files are included in file /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/Documentation/DocBook? In other words, what is the function of this directory? [16:06] _moro_bana_: I've never tried it, but I've heard good things about it [16:06] prince_jammys: yea i have some left over files from a previous install attempt that has to be deleted [16:06] ummm it's kcontrol command I think [16:06] try that [16:06] eedge, did you try a different card [16:06] ok thnx [16:06] laptop. [16:06] brobostigon: bash: google-earth: command not found [16:06] whats eedge's problem [16:06] internal broadcom card. [16:06] hrm, always try and make sure that hardware is not the problem first [16:06] ok am at start of gui install of atis now [16:06] and it gets good signal if I boot to windows [16:06] :S [16:06] lol [16:07] really? [16:07] did sh ./atifilename.run [16:07] signal should be the same no matter what os [16:07] well, run in the console eedge [16:07] thnx guys [16:07] so lets hope it goes well :) [16:07] just a minaute lemme see what the module would be fore your card [16:07] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i never tried it, the thing is im learning mathcad at university-i will be having questions for that specific app [16:07] broadcom you said [16:07] it depends where your card is in relation to the router that gives you signal [16:08] !broadcom [16:08] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx [16:08] bcm43xx [16:08] _moro_bana_: tried it with wine? [16:08] yeah, do a modprobe -l bcm43xx [16:08] and see if that pops up [16:08] Is the following statement true: "/proc/acpi is being removed soon - it's considered deprecated in 2.6.24."? [16:08] or at least a modprobe -l bcm* [16:08] anyone know about bind? [16:09] yeah, it's definitely there. [16:09] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i tried yahoo msg on wine , didnt work and i got dicouraged [16:09] brobostigon: any other tips? [16:09] I've tried various versions of the propriety firmware. [16:09] eedge [16:09] Agion: try and find google earths executable, [16:09] Is there anyone who have tried PlayOnLinux and likes it? In that case, what games/applications are you running? [16:09] ubuntu forums appears to have a page on broadcom cards [16:09] have you tried that stuff? [16:09] _moro_bana_: why not try mathcad with wine? it might save you a lot of work on xp! [16:09] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174 [16:09] z5000man: One meaning of 'bind' is an association of a key sequence to a command. [16:09] bullgard4 - think all of /proc interface is now deprecated in favour of /sys [16:09] Generating package: Ubuntu/7.10 [16:10] will check it out now :) [16:10] seems fine so far thundercles [16:10] :) [16:10] julle: whats playonlinux?? [16:10] alright eedge, send me a PM here on IRC if it doesn't work [16:10] that suxx [16:10] julle: [16:10] no good according to me [16:10] danand_: May I challenge. In Gutsy /proc works fine. [16:10] I may not see your message through everyone elses if you come back in a few and something doesn't work [16:10] some winealike [16:10] just remembered I do have a blown up laptop upstairs under a bed I could rip the intel based minipci wifi card out of if it comes to it :P [16:10] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: yeah maybe i should do that, you one of em ubuntu guys [16:11] tested it to play the other week [16:11] Rabidsnail [16:11] _moro_bana_: I know! [16:11] did you stick around [16:11] but wine is better and gives better output debug [16:11] am ssh from other machine [16:11] so my drivercard is on different box [16:11] thundercles: I have a neomagic sound and video card, and when I changed the x driver to neomagic the sound stopped working [16:11] _moro_bana_: militant supporters... [16:12] thundercles: the driver is there, and i can dd to /dev/dsp, but i can't use it for much else [16:12] hrm, well your alsa drivers are probably in need of some work then [16:12] bullgard4 - yeah. /proc is still around, predominantly to enable all the developers to get their stuff up to speed with /sys. /proc should still be around for a while yet... [16:12] hey [16:12] modprobe -l *alsa in console rabidsnale === recon is now known as theotherbot [16:12] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: you said you run linux on the virtual disk, which is the other OS [16:12] tell me what comes up [16:12] can you guys help me? [16:12] what vinooo? [16:12] i have a 23 partition with ubuntu 7.04 [16:12] *23gb [16:13] _moro_bana_: I'm running ubuntu on the laptop, and experimenting with 10 other distros (from Linux Format) on the VM [16:13] thundercles: cx88-alsa.ko and saa7134-alsa.ko [16:13] & then? [16:13] only is 13gb is used [16:13] _moro_bana_: do you read Linux Format? [16:13] all right, your sound drivers are working at the kernel module level [16:13] my sound driver is snd_nm256 [16:13] go into alsamixer in the console now [16:13] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: dont understand [16:13] but df -h returns me thar [16:13] wait [16:13] *that [16:13] danand_: So your wording "now" is not correct.m May be a matter of the future. [16:14] thundercles: No such device [16:14] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: what is linux format? [16:14] /dev/hdb1 23G 22G 485M 98% [16:14] nm256? [16:14] that doesn't sound right [16:14] _moro_bana_: it's a magazine. this month's issue has a gigantic dvd with 10 distros! [16:14] Could I be getting errors in installing Ubuntu because I have not yet formated and it still has Windows on it? [16:14] Hi all [16:14] give me two seconds to look up that stuff rabidsnail, don't send anymore messages at me for a second cause I'll be in firefox [16:14] ok thundercles .deb have been configured using atis open source installer [16:14] thx [16:15] bye all [16:15] hm, how do I run .deb in terminal? [16:15] ./nameof.deb? [16:15] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: aa! i know that, saw that at home"pc format" before i came to russia , here i never see those [16:15] _moro_bana_: your russian? [16:15] manson, i think it is dpkg -i file.deb [16:15] ah thanx [16:16] _moro_bana_: you're* [16:16] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i requested my cd, no im from botswana [16:16] bullgard4 - i should probably reword that then... /proc is deprecated in favour of the /sys interface. /sys is now the prefered interface that people / applications should be using. /proc is being kept around until all applications have been ported over to use /sys [16:17] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: here for my studies [16:17] danand_: i have type lsmod | grep rtl and it doesnt reply nothing! [16:17] _moro_bana_: cool! [16:17] _moro_bana_: Priviet! [16:17] kubuntu PWN0R UBUNTU [16:17] hm sorry if it's spam [16:17] danand_: Ah, very interesting! -- Thank you very much for your help. [16:17] Installing new version of config file /etc/xdg/compiz/compiz-manager ... * Starting atieventsd /usr/sbin/atieventsd: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [16:18] bullgard4 - np [16:18] seems like I'm missing som gl file though [16:18] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: oh boy!! priviet kak dila [16:18] i get this error: init: runlevel invalid HELP¬!!!!! [16:18] ma2k8, look http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8018/capturadatelaod2.png [16:18] _moro_bana_: rastsvetali yabloni i grushi! [16:18] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: otkuda ti snach ryskii === DaveEng is now known as DaveEngland [16:18] danand_: i have type lsmod | grep rtl and it doesnt reply nothing! [16:18] i get this error: init: runlevel invalid HELP¬!!!!! [16:18] ah sorry am not using compiz anymore but it's installed so files should be there [16:19] it looks like there are only 1,6 gb free but the / occupies just 12,5gb [16:19] !en | sofiankrt _moro_bana_ [16:19] _moro_bana_: actually that's pretty much all I know in russian... [16:19] sofiankrt _moro_bana_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [16:19] er [16:19] DaveEng - have you run sudo modprobe .... [16:19] jpatrick: yeah I know, we weren't actually talking... it was kind of a joke [16:19] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i dont know how to write that in latin, where did you learn that [16:19] DaveEngland - have you run sudo modprobe .... [16:19] _moro_bana_: the song? wikipedia [16:19] !ot [16:19] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [16:19] danand_, you mean sudo modprobe rtl ? [16:20] what is a grub 18 error [16:20] my wife has a laptop that hangs during the fsck during boot. why does this happen? [16:20] howdie folks [16:20] hiya [16:20] Now I got Google Earth on, but: "Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"." [16:20] someone here who knows how to boot an iso image over network [16:20] I've set up dual boot systems before but I want to do it again and it's been a while. I'll be running the newest ubuntu dual booted with windows xp. [16:20] _moro_bana_: how's your iso goin? [16:20] going* [16:21] cook: isnt that dependant on your motherboard [16:21] cook: if you find out how to boot an iso overthe network I'd be very interested [16:21] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: wiki is great,just finished now, i have it on the desktop [16:21] hey [16:21] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: whats next? [16:21] _moro_bana_: yeah. so do you want to install xp, or try with wine? [16:21] I made a dir using Sudo and want to change it to normal access? How do I do that? [16:21] my computer i want to boot has only the chance to boot over network. there is no chance to boot over usb oder cd [16:22] Error! Could not locate fglrx.ko for module fglrx in the DKMS tree. [16:22] can anyone recommend something to view hdd bandwidth? [16:22] You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.22-14-386 (i686) first. [16:22] danand_, you mean sudo modprobe rtl ? [16:22] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: let me try xp now, for knowledge [16:22] eh whats's that [16:22] * Agion needs help: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". [16:22] cook, i dont konw about iso's, but if you use a pxe server and an nfs share you shold be able to apparently, never done it myself tho... [16:22] !install | cook [16:22] cook: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [16:22] Agion same as for me [16:22] is there any other instant messenger program on gnome compatible with msn which is like kopete but lighter? i like kopete but it has lots of extra compatibility i don't need and is kde, any alternatives? [16:22] but will tell you if what I'm doing now will fix it [16:22] benny269, pidgin [16:23] benny269: pidgin, amsn [16:23] manson: u've got the same problem? [16:23] is it possible to install ubuntu from the network? [16:23] !pidgin [16:23] cook: try smat boot manager [16:23] pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.0 [16:23] yeah [16:23] _moro_bana_: open vbox [16:23] I am suffering random browser crashes with firefox. Sometimes when I am watching youtube videos or porn, it just crashes for no reason [16:23] DaveEngland - no. if you type modprobe -l | grep rtl that should list a number of modules with rtl in their names. You need to then choose the module for your card and insert it into the kernel with a sudo modprobe r8180 for example. After that lsmod | grep 8180 should show some output, meaning the module is in the kernel. Patience Dave - I'm a slow typist :D [16:23] k... [16:23] at least some part of it [16:23] ok [16:23] have you searched in /var/log/Xorg.0.log [16:23] TrustNoOne: blame flash [16:23] for (EE) [16:23] AstralSin, i want to fix, not blame [16:24] nope [16:24] if not do that [16:24] i dont think there is a fix, complain to adobe [16:24] i have a really crappy laptop with no hardrive.. it has minimal ram (like 98 megs) and i know it can run Damm small linux however all ubuntu distros fail. I am looking for a live cd that can run on a crappy computer like mine with iptables because i'm planning to use the laptop as a means to connect my xbox to the internet [16:24] danand_, sorry if im anoying! i f**nk with this drivers for 2 days now.. omg :D thnx, i`ll try! [16:24] nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log [16:24] AstralSin, so this is a common occurance? [16:24] then ctrl+w [16:24] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: yes i opened it, it booted from the cd [16:24] it happens to me all the time [16:24] (EE) [16:24] enter and do ctrl+w enter untill you see all [16:24] MasterShrek: tried both, pidgin seemed to dissimilar from msn, amsn was better but i preferred kopete. any others? [16:24] might be at tipp to copy those rows aswell [16:24] _moro_bana_: it's installing now? [16:24] AstralSin, it sucks to be watching porn then it shuts down on you [16:25] TrustNoOne: i just deal with it, firefox restores my session so its not that big an inconvenient [16:25] brobostigon: tried both, pidgin seemed to dissimilar from msn, amsn was better but i preferred kopete. any others? [16:25] TrustNoOne: oh, i know, believe me [16:25] benny269, i dunno, i always use pidgin, even in windows, less bloat than msn [16:25] AstralSin, ya its enough to lose your "vibe" when your goin at it ;) [16:25] DaveEngland - np - I understand your fustration - i spent about a week getting wireless working on Debian GNU/linux [16:25] whats the azureus channel name? [16:25] manson, I opened the file, so what do I have to search+ [16:25] or cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep (EE) === alex_ is now known as bibby [16:25] Has anyone worked with xoscope? When i connect to the sound card, it reports "sound ioctl" "bad File Descriptor" and it doesn't display anything when I put signals into the sound card. [16:25] (EE) [16:25] TrustNoOne: it might be a good thing, in the afterlife, you know [16:25] ok [16:25] thats errors in loading of xserver at least [16:26] sofiankrt, what?! [16:26] so what next? [16:26] TrustNoOne: you don't want extra sins, do you? [16:26] sofiankrt, yes i want all the sins [16:26] copy those rows that start with (EE) [16:26] does anyone know if its possible to install ubuntu server from the network instead of the cd? [16:26] anyone? a linux distro that can run on a 98 megabyte of ram off of a live cd on a computer with no hardrive with iptables? [16:26] here's my question: if I want to dual boot xp and ubuntu should I install xp first or ubuntu first? [16:26] lol i have a computer with ubuntu 6.06........weird [16:26] twavisdegwet: damn small linux [16:26] twavisdegwet, dsl [16:26] (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. [16:26] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Feb 23 18:13:09 2008 [16:26] (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" [16:26] (==) ServerLayout "Default Layout" [16:26] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen" (0) [16:26] (**) | |-->Monitor "VG2021wm-2" [16:26] Agion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:27] savageone: xp [16:27] make a /boot for the boot record etc and then the normal ubuntu partitions that are default and resize the main one to make room for a ntfs partition right? [16:27] savageone: windows first [16:27] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: aha its installing , i will let you know when it gives me a problem-why were you interested in russia, you cant tell me you know the other songs in other lingo [16:27] TrustNoOne: do you really? [16:27] astralsin: i have used dsl it dosn't have iptables [16:27] savageone: xp first [16:27] oh snap son [16:27] hibby: thanks [16:27] is that the only (EE) you get? [16:27] doesn't ubuntu have a "use remaining disk space" option [16:27] sofiankrt, yes, yes i do, but you cant be talking about religion in here (i dont think) [16:27] savageone, your wish! [16:27] twavisdegwet: you could roll your own slax, its quite easy [16:27] yes [16:27] either way itr's a new machine so it's a good time to experiment [16:27] i'm thinking i don't like gutsy too much. [16:27] I think... [16:27] hm thats strange [16:27] savvageone : yes [16:27] savageone, it works both way! ;-) [16:27] whats the command to reconfigure x [16:27] savageone: yeah it does it will auto fill that [16:27] dpkg --reconfigure xserver? [16:27] then your dri should work just fine [16:27] now back with the iso over the network thing, that's a decent idea [16:27] _moro_bana_: give me your yahoo or hotmail, the ubuntuer's will be angry if we talk about it here! [16:28] TrustNoOne: or porn... [16:28] astralsin: what do you mean? a link to some sort of tutorial would be helpful [16:28] But it doesn't [16:28] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg mrunagi_ [16:28] -.- [16:28] it could be accomplished with some soret of pxe boot server that has an interface to choose which iso to boot from from some sort of file share [16:28] and then wammo [16:28] that would be killer for my it shop here [16:28] absolutely killer [16:28] twavisdegwet: slax.org <-- all the info you need is there [16:28] test cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep (EE) [16:28] Agion: [16:28] astralsin:thank you [16:28] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: the pm [16:28] sofiankrt, i wasnt talking about porn, i was talking about a browser crash problem that affected my viewing of porn, its legit ;) [16:28] should give you better :) [16:29] twavisdegwet: but if you can boot to usb on that system, i would highly recommend that over cd [16:29] will Ubuntu teach me linux? or is it lamer-friendly like windows? [16:29] lkooks like someone already had this idea I'm reading into now [16:29] bash: syntax error near unexpected token `EE' [16:29] SatMan: you can learn linux with ubuntu, yes [16:29] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: did you see the pm? [16:29] hehe bad of me [16:29] AstralSin, can I learn ubuntu with linux? [16:29] yes [16:29] SatMan: slackware or gentoo for harder ; ubuntu is much new user friendlier [16:29] remove () [16:29] <_moro_bana_> TrustNoOne: it it linux [16:30] slack is pretty easy too, really... well, for me anyway [16:30] got it [16:30] SatMan: if you wanna really get in deep, go with gentoo [16:30] bazhang, even tho gentoo is harder, once you get it going perfectly, its 100x sexier [16:30] Agion: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE === ma2k8 is now known as ma2k [16:30] ieg [16:30] is it possible to load the synaptics driver without reloading X? [16:30] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57076/ === tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek [16:31] what's the difference if Ubuntu is ALSO linux? [16:31] _moro_bana_: no... can you pm in pidgin? [16:31] are all complex settings and functions absent? [16:31] seracht: sudo chown youruser:youruser directory/ [16:31] ubuntu is a distribution of linux, they're all configured differently and aimed at different audiences [16:31] can someone please help me find a decent shooter for nix? [16:31] yup LjL I got it. Thanks [16:31] manson u looked the link? [16:31] AstralSin: what is ubuntu aimed at? [16:31] frost0: sauerbraten [16:31] * BernardB luistert naar Toto - Gypsy Train [16:31] bazhang, got it. [16:31] bazhang, any others? [16:31] SatMan: ubuntu has tools to make it easier to use, gentoo is more geared towards people that want complete control of how their packages are built [16:32] !games [16:32] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [16:32] frost0: enemy territory [16:32] same as for me [16:32] see above frost0 [16:32] frost0: quake 3 [16:32] totally [16:32] k -.- [16:32] got all of those :) [16:32] if someone's looking for a good FPS game for ubuntu, alien arena is where its at [16:32] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: i dont have you mail [16:32] but have installed open source drivers now [16:32] quake 3 [16:32] wait [16:32] bazhang lynucs [16:32] what?? [16:32] so who could help us? [16:32] will test them out :) [16:32] frost0: american army [16:32] do you have gmail? [16:32] is there a mirror availabe for slax? there website appears to be down.. or not done yet === desti_T2 is now known as desti [16:32] quake 3 is frigging, 5 years old... [16:32] lynucs, discontinued for nix [16:32] america's army sucks :) [16:32] _moro_bana_: I can give you my gmail address [16:32] frost0: can't we have control in ubuntu even if it is easier? [16:33] hm you said something bout dropping rundevels instead of rebooting [16:33] how to? [16:33] SatMan, i'm sorry, i don't understand you...? [16:33] Manson have you had any help with this? [16:33] sorry *AstralSin [16:33] not yet [16:33] OK I think I'm about to move my root partition. I have lots of empty space before it due to resizing of an NTFS partition and I'm planning to use gparted to move the ext3 root partition to the beginning of the free space and resize it to 10gb. Is there anything else I should know? [16:33] k [16:33] frost0: i meant astralsin [16:33] frost0: then use windows for fps and solitaire :) [16:33] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: aha that is ok [16:33] was some old post in an old forum [16:33] SatMan: sure, just run everything in screen [16:33] _moro_bana_: sofiankrt@gmail.com [16:33] SatMan, huh [16:33] hello anyone know how to make a rather Small PNG into an icon on gnome? [16:33] Hi everyone... I am testing hardy alpha 4 on a toshiba portege tablet pc. Does ubuntu have support for stylus? I would like to use stylus to draw in GIMP. Any ideas? [16:33] ur using radeon right? [16:33] _moro_bana_: I'm online on gmail [16:33] can anyone tell the command to restrat the network after changing IP address?? [16:33] SatMan: gentoo is a source based distribution, you compile all(most) of your programs from source code, and in the process you have USE flags and your make.conf to dictate what features are built into your packages [16:34] !hardy | InsClusoe [16:34] InsClusoe: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [16:34] is it possible to load the synaptics driver without reloading X? [16:34] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt:ok [16:34] AstralSin: that must be too hard for a newbie? [16:34] to _reload_ better said [16:34] bazhang: ok.. Thanks.. [16:34] well will reboot now, am here so will check backlog when back [16:34] if back :S [16:34] SatMan: its pretty complicated, the install process is done from the cli (i think they have a gui, but screw that) [16:34] bazhang, what about multiplayer simulators? [16:35] hello, i don't find alsaconf on ubuntu. which package contains it? [16:35] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl [16:35] manson look that [16:35] can anyone tell me the command to restart the network after changing IP address?? [16:35] iwk0: i don't think there is one [16:35] wow on wine frost0 ;] [16:35] Xman: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [16:35] bazhang, i don't want that addictive of a game! :) [16:35] AstralSin, it was changed with another package? [16:35] bazhang, can't afford therapy... :) [16:35] iwk0: i don't know, i couldn't figure it out [16:35] hi all: is it possible to upgrade directly form 6.06 to 7.10 ? [16:36] xman sudo dhclient eth0/wlan0 [16:36] how can I open email links from firefox on evolution? [16:36] aww RMS is no longer maintaining emacs [16:36] AstralSin: thanks [16:36] qwerkus: nay but will be to 8.04 [16:36] mist [16:36] thanks for help [16:37] danand, if i type sudo modprobe -l | grep rtl i get this -> /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl8180/rtl8180/r8180.ko but if i try to load it, i get this -> dave@dave-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl8180/rtl8180/r8180.ko [16:37] bazhang: is this command works for DGCP server or DNS servr? [16:38] xman dhcp [16:38] anyone know if its possible to install ubuntu server over the network instead of with cd? [16:38] iwk0 - take a look at the command alsactl - that may help you out [16:38] bazhang: but i am running DNS [16:38] _moro_bana_: added me yet? [16:38] hello anyone know how to make a rather Small PNG into an icon on gnome? === ma2k is now known as manusia_makmur [16:38] Install Instructions : Available in "Add Remove" search for "supertuxkart" [16:39] I SEARCH BUT ITS NOT THERE! [16:39] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: in a minute, was on xp [16:39] sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart then as AstralSin said xman [16:39] !info supertuxcart [16:39] Package supertuxcart does not exist in gutsy [16:39] !info supertuxkart [16:39] supertuxkart (source: supertuxkart): a kart racing game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 192 kB, installed size 624 kB [16:39] bazhang: ok thanks and AstralSin you too [16:39] np [16:39] DaveEngland - you just need to shorten that sudo modprobe command to this - sudo modprobe r8180 ie you shouldn't add the whole path [16:40] AstralSin-> i believe it is possible to install from the net, extra stuff you have to do to setup though [16:40] cadefy: make sure "universe" is enabled from System->Administration->Software Sources [16:40] DaveEngland - or the .ko extension :) [16:40] guys guys guys [16:40] Hello all ;) [16:40] you know what i had to do [16:40] All available applications [16:40] dont turn this into microsoft support :P [16:41] danand, i have typed sudo modprobe r8180 and nothing hapened :D [16:41] danand that will not work if he was not in same directory where the module is..so having specified the full path is okay [16:41] what should i do now? [16:41] I've got a problem... was hoping to get some suggestions here. ;) [16:41] :) i was wondering if the room can help me out wiith a program... iam trying to copy the data from the cdrom to the hda / 1.iso... [16:41] danand, what should i do now? [16:41] DaveEngland-> having full path should be okay [16:41] ask away RexxMast [16:41] rexxmast: don't say you have a problem just say the problem [16:41] thanks [16:41] amenado, but it doesnt work with full path :S [16:41] amenado - modprobe will auto search the correct path [16:41] hm a little better with those .deb that ati open source made [16:42] RexxMast: is it aids? [16:42] I have a strange problem, my computer will not boot. It loads BIOS then it says Grub Loading.. and restarts [16:42] but no cigarr :) [16:42] I run Ubuntu on my Dell laptop. Should the fan usually be controlled ok, or should I install something to tweak it? It's not particulary noisy, but I'm striving for the best :-) [16:42] #ubuntu-pt [16:42] 7.10 will not boot on my machine live [16:42] I use grub to dual boot vista and ubuntu [16:42] cadefy offtopic [16:42] danand and if you happen to have your module in a different path..it should work [16:42] hey can someone help me i have an ipw3945 wireless card it worked when i first installed ubuntu but now it is not being recognized at all in the network connections or anything? can someone help me figure out how to fix this please [16:42] on the previous version I had to add irqpoll to get it to boot [16:42] rexxmast: does your computer meat the minumium system requirments.. if it dosn't try xubuntu [16:42] RexxMast: sometimes the alternate cd will do when the live cd chokes [16:42] can someone help me out getting a program to copy my cdrom data to a file ??? [16:43] DaveEngland - check to see if the module has been inserted into the kernel with the command lsmod | grep r8180. If you get some output the module has successfully been loaded [16:43] EdwardXp: you mean cd burning software or what [16:43] that will not even work with 7.10... it starts loading and goes for awhile but nothing appears on the screen then the drive just stops [16:43] Dave2-> what kind of error where you getting when you have the full path on the command line? [16:43] RexxMast: make sure also to burn the live CD at a slow burn speed (4X) [16:43] danand, dave@dave-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe -l | grep r8180 [16:43] /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl8180/rtl8180/r8180.ko [16:43] my internet farted [16:43] yes it meets the minimum requirements [16:43] danand, now what? [16:43] bazhang, no i just want to copy the data of whats' on a disc to a working iso image [16:44] Question: how sane is the Ubuntu installer? If I simply delete everything from my hard drive except /home, move my /home/alan, and then install, will my backed up /home/alan still be there (assuming I don't format the partition) [16:44] ? [16:44] I burned it at 6x but will give that a try [16:44] EdwardXp: dvd rip k9copy may work then acid rip perhaps also [16:44] DaveEngland-> it is loaded, now use it [16:44] Alan yes, it should be there if you make a separate /home partition [16:44] Alan_: do you have porn on it? [16:44] DaveEngland - did you get any output from lsmod | grep r8180 [16:44] Alan_: if /home is a separate partition you can elect not to format it, but the / partition must be formatted by the installer [16:44] amenado, and how can i use it? (sorry for lame questions, im still a noob) [16:44] bezhang thanks... how about straight data via the cmd line? [16:45] cadefy stop [16:45] lol [16:45] i've tried every option... machine is nothing out of the ordinary. Asus PK5 Deluxe Wi-Fi mobo, Core Duo 2 E6600, nVidia 8800GTX, 4 GB Ram etc [16:45] he left [16:45] Alan_-> the install will not need to touch a partition if you dont want it to [16:45] danand, yes, it replys /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/wireless/rtl8180/rtl8180/r8180.ko [16:45] hey can someone help me i have an ipw3945 wireless card it worked when i first installed ubuntu but now it is not being recognized at all in the network connections or anything? can someone help me figure out how to fix this please [16:45] DaveEngland-> what is that driver for? ethernet? [16:45] astro76, you can't elect to not format / ? [16:45] amenado, yes! wireless card! [16:46] is there anyone who knows about using iptables ?? i need a second opinion about my actual config [16:46] Alan_: correct === hyakuhei is now known as hyakuhei-fosdem [16:46] astro76, bleh, that sucks.... [16:46] anyway I'll try burning the .iso at 4x and see if that will solve the problem. Thanks! [16:46] i have only a single partition on the machine I want to re-install on [16:46] AFAIK [16:46] EdwardXp: Turn a CD/DVD into an .iso sudo umount /dev/cdrom dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=1024 [16:47] DaveEngland-> then try /etc/init.d/networking restart to activate your wireless, you may still have to configure the essid [16:47] DaveEngland - are you sure thats not the output of modprobe | grep r8180? lsmod | grep r8180 should either give no output or something like lsmod | grep vesa would give output of vesafb 9092 1 [16:47] :) thanks... [16:47] RexxMast: yeah that's the first thing to try [16:47] Does anyone know of a flash drive or cd boot disk that will let me reinstall grub somehow, it seems to be messed up. (It loads through bios and says Grub loading.. then reboots, effectively making my computer a paper-weight) [16:48] how do I make my tango icons red? :) [16:48] kylekyle-> try the liveCD rom [16:48] danand, i get this -> r8180 89868 0 [16:48] ieee80211_rtl 80648 1 r8180 [16:48] kylekyle: there's something out there called "super grub disk" [16:48] hey can someone help me i have an ipw3945 wireless card it worked when i first installed ubuntu but now it is not being recognized at all in the network connections or anything? can someone help me figure out how to fix this please [16:48] ahaha, never mind! i thought i was on single-partition, but i actually did make /home its own partition in the first place [16:48] !irssi [16:48] Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. [16:48] !zd1211 [16:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about zd1211 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [16:48] how do i install irssi [16:48] from terminal [16:48] please add wine 0.9.56 to repostitory!! [16:48] ajricoveri_-> is it simple enuff? [16:48] danand, mm..ubuntu does not find my audio card so that i was searching alsaconf [16:49] cadefy: sudo apt-get install irssi [16:49] cadefy: read the link [16:49] ta [16:49] danand, alsactl seems to don't do the job of alsaconf [16:49] why when i can get help from astro76 ;) [16:49] DaveEngland - :) ok that means the module has been loaded [16:49] danand, yes! and now what? [16:49] amenado, yes is it actually simple ... it was made for allow all traffic and redirecting http traffic to squid [16:49] julabask-> what shows when you do ifconfig -a; and iwconfig paste into pastebin please [16:49] cadefy: not unless your momma gave it to me! [16:49] DaveEngland - try your wifi card :) [16:49] ajricoveri_-> paste into pastebin please [16:50] hahaha failsafe gnome works better than ordinary :) [16:50] danand, its not recognized :S [16:50] cadefy: because there's only so many simple questions I will answer ;) [16:50] and better resolution [16:50] moomo1: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb [16:50] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: you there still? [16:50] that's a first [16:50] amenado, let me show u -> http://pastebin.com/m132d59f [16:50] cadefy, heh, i left accidentally... i meant to paste a /command into a channel, but forgot the extra leading / [16:50] amendo, what is the url to pastebin again [16:50] What extra package is needed to get the webcam-server java application to work? [16:50] ok [16:50] DaveEngland - try something like iwlist scan [16:50] I have installed the webcam-server package. And it works on http://ip:port but not on the html page. [16:50] _moro_bana_: oh, i'm here [16:50] well a bif holler to ya'll with great admiration to your efforts and good will [16:51] _moro_bana_: I was just playing a game [16:51] big [16:51] lol [16:51] amenado, squid is blocking https transactions over between server and hosts on my network [16:51] hi - has anyone had any luck getting audio on asus a7n8x ?? [16:51] DaveEngland - when you say its not recognised what did you try [16:51] !pastebin [16:51] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [16:51] what's the command for configuring wireless cards gain? it's like iwfongig or something right? [16:51] will go for failsafe untill new screen is at home hehe [16:51] someone experienced with the new ath5k ? [16:51] hello [16:51] amenado, i want to know if u think that iptables rules has something to do with it ... [16:51] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: aha, sent you mail [16:51] _moro_bana_: yeah, I've got it, I'm reading it now [16:52] twavisdegwet: iwconfig [16:52] my wine program don't open .exe files for installing :S cen anyone help me ?? [16:52] ajricoveri_-> it looks okay to me, what were you expecting? [16:52] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: had to use my browser to add , gonna open pidgin now [16:52] amendo, here is what i got when i did those commands, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57078/ [16:53] amenado, here is what i got when i did those commands, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57078/ [16:53] What files are included in file /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/Documentation/DocBook? In other words, what is the function of this directory? [16:53] ah agion has left [16:53] my wine program don't open .exe files for installing :S cen anyone help me ?? [16:53] my wine program don't open .exe files for installing :S cen anyone help me ?? [16:53] my wine program don't open .exe files for installing :S cen anyone help me ?? [16:53] amenado, with those rules im expecting the server to allow all traffic and to redirect http traffic to port 3128 [16:53] !repeat | beestkiller [16:53] beestkiller: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [16:54] hm otherwise thundercles using ati own open driver seems to be the way [16:54] can someone help me out with "cdrecord" [16:54] Hi everydoby here! [16:54] that cmd line in ubuntu [16:54] how do I change my language [16:54] # = british pounds [16:54] julabask it says you have eth0 as ethernet, your wifi is still not recognized [16:54] some config to do though will let ya'll with ati radeon 9800pro now how it goes [16:54] how do i get into ubuntu recovery mode from the install cd, F6- ROM? [16:54] amenado, but is not doing it for some reason =( by now im trying to connect to a counter-strike server to see if other protocols are being blocked ...and yes, i cant even get the master server list =( [16:54] Jack_Sparrow, that' cmd line im going to try out in a bit; but i want to keep it simple for software thats' already installed on ubuntu [16:55] Jack_Sparrow, i need some help me that cmd line "cdrecord" in ubuntu [16:55] amenado, btw: have u heard by chance if there is any issues between debian and hp proliant servers ?? [16:55] ajricoveri_-> can you elaborate on your network layout? where is the server you attempt to connect to ? from which client? and where is the client? [16:55] The help said there is no rescue mode on this cd? [16:55] but will for sure backup this failsafe xorg.conf :) [16:55] ajricoveri_-> nope, not aware of it [16:55] !locale | cadefy [16:55] cadefy: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf [16:55] manson, any help yet? [16:55] amenado, thats correct i am right now using a wired connection. so how can i get my wifi to be recognized [16:56] yeah [16:56] who helped? [16:56] Jack_Sparrow, cdrecord -RAW dev=1000,0,0 ~/Desktop/windowsxp.iso <<<<< i tried this but it didn't copy over cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/home/edward/Desktop/windowsxp.iso' [16:56] amenado, it a soho network, all connected statically, including the proxy, which it should behave as a gateway and web cache server [16:56] get ati-driver-installer**** [16:56] julabask you have initiated /etc/init.d/networking restart and your wifi did not activate? [16:56] from ati driver download page [16:56] is there a command to see how much ram i have [16:56] but I have xorg.comf [16:56] if you're not interested in dual heads [16:57] amenado, if u need details, i will tell u so =) [16:57] yes I know u have [16:57] and using fglrx [16:57] so I have to install ATIs driver? [16:57] Can someone help me out with the terminal cmd line "cdrecord" [16:57] right [16:57] ajricoveri_-> it does not describe enuff, you have to tell me where is device, which side of the server/firewall/ as complete info as you can [16:57] well not for certain [16:57] how long does that take? [16:57] amenado, i am kinda new to this issue so i have no clue what that is i have never had my wifi fail on me [16:57] but I did and it works like a charm better failsafe then confed fglrx at least [16:57] but am not finished yet [16:58] amenado, how do i initiate that [16:58] can u give me a link? [16:58] julabask-> well it is time to learn [16:58] Can someone help me out with the terminal cmd line "cdrecord"??????// :( [16:58] so dont' do anything without doing backup of ur xorg.conf ure using now [16:58] amenado yea can you teach me lol [16:58] how can I do a backup? :D [16:58] julabask sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart this may cut off your network connection temporarily [16:58] and remember wich drivers u used [16:58] julabask not all of it, you can do your part by reading tutorials [16:58] amenado, server has 2 interfaces, eth1 for lan and eth0 for wan ... if u want to i will paste u my interfaces config [16:59] cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/user/Desktop/ === fubu16__________ is now known as fubu16 [16:59] amenado okay [16:59] is one way to go [16:59] k [16:59] EdwardXp: do "ls -l ~/Desktop" and paste the line that has the iso here. [16:59] amenado, iptables rules are defined to let pass all traffic and to redirect http to squid http proxy [16:59] what do i do after i restart [16:59] Is there a simpel and easy way to mount .ISO and .BIN files with GUI ? [16:59] ajricoveri_-> what about the clients? where are they? how are they connected? what devices is in between, i need a complete picture [16:59] or cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/user/Desktop/xorg.conf.bkup [16:59] is another [16:59] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4087573 EdwardXp [16:59] How can I mount my harddrive from boot/live cd? [16:59] amenado, server physically is a hp proliant dl145 g2, with only one amd opteron 64 processor 2.6 ghz and 2gb ram [17:00] or if you use mc go to /etc/X11/ [17:00] well you get the idea [17:00] ajricoveri_-> what about the clients? where are they? how are they connected? what devices is in between, i need a complete picture [17:00] amenado, it did not do anything [17:00] just copy the xorg.conf file to another dir [17:00] amenado, do you know a good tutorial for this [17:00] amenado, clients are connected thru a cisco switch and a linksys ap who is actually connected also to the switch, server is connected physically into the switch as well [17:00] julabask sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart this may cut off your network connection temporarily [17:01] amenado, yea i did that [17:01] ajricoveri_-> maybe a drawing would ease the load on my brain..just cant have them on mine right now :P [17:02] anyone here using irssi [17:02] julabask-> and do same again, ifconfig -a and iwconfig and paste into pastebin to see if anything changed [17:02] julabask: you want to connect wirelessly while a wired connection is active? [17:02] amenado, ok hehehe ... lets describe the stuff one thing at a time =p [17:02] I have to run the command "xset fp+ /usr/local/Wolfram/Mathematica/6.0/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1; xset fp rehash" to set up fonts whenever I want to use mathematica. I don't really know what this does, but what's the right way to have it do it automatically? [17:02] Wolfram is the company at least [17:02] ajricoveri_-> yeah a drawing does equate to thousand words.. [17:02] so might be some instructions on their url [17:02] bazhang, once my wireless works then i would disconnect my wired connection [17:03] anyone here using irssi [17:03] amenado, clients are connected thru a switch [17:03] bazhang, once my wireless works then i would disconnect my wired connection because i am using my access point wired which i would like to move back [17:03] amenado, an ap is connected to the switch as well [17:03] and as I see it it uses math fonts [17:03] julabask thats not how it would work, you would have two routes, via your wired and then your wireless. [17:03] lesjohn: you should be able to add the font path to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, there you will find a section at the top with existing font paths [17:03] julabask the card is not recognized? [17:03] danand, it just wont recognize the card :S [17:03] to type in and see equations of some sort [17:03] amenado, and some clients are connected thru the ap [17:03] anyone here using irssi? [17:03] bazhang, yea [17:03] amenado, nothing changed [17:03] ajricoveri_-> i follow so far [17:04] what card julabask [17:04] !anyone | cadefy_ [17:04] cadefy_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [17:04] !pastebin [17:04] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lines texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [17:04] pl [17:04] ok [17:04] amenado, now, server is connected to the switch thru eth1 interface, which from now on it is our lan interface [17:04] julabask then your driver has not been enabled yet on your wifi card [17:04] How do I switch between channels in IRSSI? [17:04] cadefy_: yeah am using irssi === Alan_ is now known as Alan [17:05] what ya wanna know? [17:05] bazhang, ipw3945 [17:05] cadefy_: ctrl+n, ctrl+p, ESC then window number/letter are a couple [17:05] read up [17:05] ajricoveri_-> a managed switch? are the ports isolated between each? what features you have set on those switch ports? [17:05] amenado, how do i enable my wifi card driver [17:05] cadefy_: you saw the link from the bot - read the directions, it's there [17:05] thanks [17:05] :) [17:05] what link? [17:05] ah alt+windownr [17:05] !irssi [17:05] Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. [17:05] julabask try to enable or activate it from your network manager [17:05] or alt+a [17:06] or ctrl+n [17:06] guys, I installed the restricted extras, and I can play MP3s in RhythmBox. But I still cannot play mp3s in amarok [17:06] and ctrl+p [17:06] I keep getting - NO MP3 Support when I start it up, but even after choosing to install nothing happens [17:06] if using standard keyboard with standard layout [17:06] aiutooooooooooooooooooooooooo [17:06] amenado, huh that does not even show anything about wireless their i think reinstalling it may be first required it may have gotten ruined or something. [17:07] evening everyone [17:07] well, how do you enable an xchat theme. [17:07] seracht: amarok uses the xine engine iirc [17:07] julabask-> can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file please [17:07] for more info look at http://irssi.org/documentation/startup [17:07] amenado, switch is a lanpro lp-sw2400, i cant tell u more than that =p i do not manage it ... im a server admin hehehe [17:07] How can I uninstall grub [17:07] amenado, office network is\24 [17:08] :( [17:08] kylekyle2: install another bootloader [17:08] Just a quick question... could someone point me to a mediwiki setup howto based on ubutnu/synaptic package manager? I've heard it's not hard to set up [17:08] you can use lynx or similar console based to watch irssi url without a lot of trouble due to not many pics :) [17:08] ajricoveri_-> well if the switch is managed somehow and do additional filtering and such, it may not get to your client or not redirect correctly [17:08] non riesco ad installare ubuntu [17:08] if no x is available for you :) [17:08] sul mio pc [17:08] albe: english is easier [17:08] e due giorni che provo [17:08] hello, does anybody know a linux messenger which works with windows live messenger shared folders? [17:09] portuguese albe? [17:09] amenado, that can be one case ... i want to tell u about server by this point [17:09] no i m italian [17:09] I need some help with changing panel font colors in Gutsy [17:09] ah italian [17:09] !it [17:09] bazhang: so how can I fix that? [17:09] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [17:09] amendo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57082/ [17:09] yes [17:09] !info libxine1-ffmpeg [17:09] libxine1-ffmpeg (source: xine-lib): mpeg related plugins for libxine1. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.7-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 435 kB, installed size 908 kB [17:09] amenado, server is a hp proliant dl145 g2 rack server [17:09] kylekyle2: what are you trying to do? [17:09] ajricoveri_-> well you know your server can reach the internet correct? [17:09] amenado, it can reach it perfectly [17:09] oh nice function [17:10] usable for anyone bazhang ? [17:10] seracht sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg [17:10] julabask that shows none of your wifi is mentioned or will activate when reset [17:10] "sudo /usr/sbin/grub-install /dev/sda" gives me the error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device" [17:10] well that could be a problem right [17:10] manson sure but better to /msg ubotu keyword [17:10] amendo well that could be a problem right. so how do i fix that [17:10] lol [17:10] so how do I change languages in ubuntu [17:10] ajricoveri_-> the is on the wan side of the server? [17:11] julabask-> nick is amenado [17:11] amenado, lan side, eth1 ... [17:11] ah nice [17:11] amenado, on server eth1 is this way [17:11] amenado sorry i type quick sometimes [17:11] what's the diff bet industrial-icon-theme and industrialtango-theme? :) [17:11] ajricoveri_-> your client ip addresses are? [17:11] amenado,\24 dhcp [17:11] scusate ma non riesco a connetermi ad ubuntu-it [17:11] thanks bazhang fixed it :) [17:11] cadefy_: there's an obvious item in system > administration [17:11] cadefy_: system>administration >Language Support [17:11] nice seracht ;] [17:12] ajricoveri_-> so they can easily ping each other right? [17:12] va aggiunto il server? [17:12] amenado, they r static, - [17:12] lol thanks [17:12] albe /join #ubuntu-it [17:12] sorry everyone, please disregard my wiki setup question. I've figured it out [17:12] amenado, do you know what i should put in that file to tell my wireless card to start up [17:13] julabask, i did suggest some tutorial readings right? [17:13] amenado, actually from here i cant reach ping to my other laptop on the office ... interesting [17:13] amenado, i can reach which is the server but not [17:13] ajricoveri_-> those are minimum, so your switch may be preventing you [17:13] amenado, you did tell me to look at tutorials do you have any urls to some useful ones [17:14] or they can be secured against pings [17:14] :) [17:14] julabask not off hand, but google for ubuntu+interfaces+wireless [17:14] amenado, u think that the switch is not doing its job well ?? i think maybe thats it =p [17:15] Hey guys, I'm getting an error when trying to launch jUploader. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/jonathan/Desktop/jUploadr-1.1.2-linuxGTK-i386/lib/libswt-pi-gtk-3232.so: Can't load IA 32-bit .so on a AMD 64-bit platform [17:15] . I already have java 1.5 installed. Any ideas? [17:15] julabask: get the livecd and boot into that--disconnect the ethernet and see if the card starts up--make sure the hardware switch for the wireless card is switched to on [17:15] _moro_bana_: where were you? [17:15] Hey guys, what is the channel for yellow dog linux ? [17:15] ajricoveri_-> it maybe doing its job, thats why i asked you to elaborate on the network layout, because things like manage switch can prevent your connectivity depending on how the vlan and stuff are configured [17:15] how do I make email links in firefox open in evolution? [17:15] !irc | CruCio [17:15] CruCio: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [17:15] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: can you see me online now [17:16] !java64 | beilabs [17:16] beilabs: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [17:16] hello, does anybody know an IM program which can use windows live messenger shared folders [17:16] ? [17:16] astro76, that wasnt the question [17:16] _moro_bana_: no [17:16] <_moro_bana_> sofiankrt: my account went to zero, went to pay, ok i will launch ti again [17:16] hello, is there a chat room for helping test the hardy alpha? [17:17] yes [17:17] !hardy | mellery_ [17:17] mellery_, #ubuntu+1 [17:17] mellery_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [17:17] What files are included in file /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.22/Documentation/DocBook? In other words, what is the function of this directory? [17:17] amenado, another detail is that if i specify proxy on browsers https transactions are up and running [17:17] thanks [17:17] beilabs: I didn't feel like explaining why, because the it's obvious from the error message [17:17] heh [17:17] how do i enable wireless from live cd command prompt [17:17] julabask-> here is one i just found http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-166187.html [17:18] ajricoveri_-> on the clients? [17:18] kylekyle2: sudo dhclient wlan0/or name of card [17:18] amenado, yes .. [17:18] a [17:18] does anybody know an IM program which works with windows live messenger shared folders? [17:18] I get sudo echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save [17:18] bash: /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save: Permission denied [17:18] amenado, i think transparent proxying its not doing well ... [17:18] what's the right way to do that? [17:18] amendo,thanks [17:18] How can i get the name of the card? [17:18] ajricoveri_-> and the proxy settings on your client browser is pointed to where [17:18] ? [17:19] anyone use compiz and get pink dropshadows? [17:19] iwconfig kylekyle2 [17:19] amenado, [17:19] bullgard4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DocBook may be useful [17:19] bullgard4: do you know what docbook is? === pattarika is now known as chatsiri1 [17:19] ajricoveri_-> and your said server is the ? [17:19] hey anyone knows how to change the font colour on the panels???? [17:20] amenado, correct [17:20] How do i select network to connect to [17:20] you know I wish compiz had some built in sample configurations that users could choose from [17:20] iwlist scan kylekyle2 [17:20] I made my own [17:20] hello everyone [17:20] and I export it etc [17:20] ajricoveri_-> and your client is in the .20x range and you can not ping it from your server? [17:21] but if they had it alkready there sort of as a starting point it'd be a lot easier for some people [17:21] guys ive got a second problem. my computer im using as a "iptables firewall" is crashing two or three times a day. only freezing nothing more. i dont know why. [17:21] ajricoveri_-> how about the client? can it ping the server? [17:21] If I compile apps, will they be recognized and updated by apt-get? [17:21] why doesnt somene make a sidebar like Windows Vista? [17:21] cook what indications you have that the iptables is the culprit? [17:21] question: in windows they have a function we call a "repair installation." If the os gets a little messed up it sort of gets in and repairs it. is there a similar thing for ubuntu? If I have an ubuntu machine thats acting up can a repair install type of thing be done [17:22] kazol__: nay [17:22] so you can have weather, clock, rss, sysinfo, stats, etc [17:22] moomo1: gdesklets [17:22] amenado, clients can ping the server but not the other way [17:22] screenlets moomo1 [17:22] savageone: i think its fsck from cmd [17:22] also, how can I go about doing remote support on an ubuntu where I take over the main screen via vnc or something like that but not in a different session actually so the user can see the mouse moving etc [17:22] ajricoveri_-> i suspect its the device in between them, ie the switch [17:22] fschk is for like the filesystem right [17:22] I guess that does make sense [17:22] ich bine la dne batioe qo ? [17:22] moomo1: There are a couple apps for that kind of thing besides gdesklets and screenlets. [17:22] yeah [17:22] amenado, if i only start the pc and let it and do nothing, its not crashing. only when the iptables are started and im Surfing! [17:23] ich bine la dne batioe qo ? [17:23] it will find bad blocks, then you can replace [17:23] hello everyone [17:23] can anyone tell where to get intel 945 chipset drives [17:23] gkrellm? [17:23] manual but it works, i just reinstall less time consuming [17:23] icd doe fle qir slke [17:23] ??? [17:23] cook do you get an actual error? have you seen its /var/log/messages ? [17:23] !de | Heoz [17:23] Heoz: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:23] amenado i only looked to /var/logs/syslog [17:23] five acres of what [17:23] amenado, an instance is this, is connected this way ... -> (the ap) -> switch -> [17:23] suggestion: fedora, ubuntu, etc. should include the grub way of installing linux from hard disk iso file in their installation guides [17:24] cook iptables rules? can you paste it in pastebin? [17:24] ela deutch oqef dlueo nid od [17:24] no [17:24] only the rule to forward my internet from wlan to eth [17:24] nothing more [17:24] i need intel 945 chipset drivers [17:24] !nl | Heoz [17:24] Heoz: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [17:24] cook also if you have no rulez ie flush the firewall rulez and left it open, is it working still? [17:24] how can i get tahoma font in my ubuntu? [17:24] hi [17:24] yes the computer is only crashing if the iptables are active and im surfing with my pc [17:24] !fonts | moomo1 [17:24] moomo1: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [17:24] how do i convert a picture from .png into .jpg ? [17:25] ela nederland oqef dlueo nid od [17:25] too [17:25] dsqo ?? [17:25] boris_, use gimp? [17:25] ajricoveri_-> but that AP maybe in same domain/vlan as your server but the other clients connected to other ports on the switch maybe in diff vlan [17:26] !english | Heoz [17:26] cook crashing? as in you can not access the firewall even from the console? [17:26] Heoz: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [17:26] !who | cook [17:26] cook: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [17:26] Jupp2: how ? [17:26] boris_, open the file then use "save as" [17:26] !de | Heoz [17:26] Heoz: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:26] amenado: i cant do nothing. i think its only freeze. the screen is freezing and i cant connect over ssh or typing something in with the keyboard [17:26] Is Ubuntu getting so much popular? There are so many new people joining all the time. [17:27] test [17:27] cook not think, i'd like you to really try and see if you get into its console..then let me know once you verified [17:27] gThumb boris_ [17:27] hello [17:27] kazol__-> potential customers :P [17:28] Jupp2 and bazhang : thanks [17:28] kazol__: asking the #ubuntu channel is kind of no brainer "answer" on that one, right? ;) [17:28] boris_, gThumb will also do it [17:28] xq haha [17:28] amenado, i did already. yesterday and today two times. i only said i thin its 'freeze' dont know if its a really crash or only freeze. but i cant connect to over ssh or write something with keyboard or take the mouse. [17:28] i have 4 desktops and i use the rotating cube here in ubuntu how can i put so many icons on one desktop so they dont show up on the others? [17:28] kazol__-> now only if we can convince mainland china to use ubuntu..wow the potential customers..hehe [17:28] kazol__: but there seems to be a lot of research indicating Linux, as an operating system, is gaining popularity among the general public every day :-) Which is what we're aiming for. [17:28] brambo: i dont think that's possible [17:29] so every desktop has to have same icons? [17:29] xq: It makes sense that it's widespread-ShipIt, Dell computers, etc. [17:29] cook no, i want you to verify by visiting the pc and actually typing things in its console once you think it frozed [17:29] brambo: four different wallpapers etc? [17:29] that too if possible [17:29] i just want to have certain icons on one and not so many on others [17:29] amenado, i did. dont know what i have to do. if its freezed then i clicked the mouse and typed on the keyboard - nothing [17:30] brambo: using compiz right? [17:30] so if i wanna i can see my wallpaper by switching around with the cube [17:30] yeah i have compiz [17:30] amenado, cant get to init 3, too [17:30] kazol__: Yes, the adoption rate by vendors and the marketing scheme that Canonical (and other supplies that have backed Ubuntu with the cash flow...) is definitely in Ubuntu's favor. [17:30] kazol__: Compared to other vendor's...And RedHat still is focusing on Enterprise... [17:30] cook okay, thats all i just want you to verify..."i think" is sort of you not being sure [17:30] Is there a mac ubuntu irc-channel? [17:30] grrr, can't remember the name of the guy helping me before... [17:31] void^: I have read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DocBook in the past. I have re-read it. It does not answer the question which I have put. [17:31] lilleman: well, is it a specific mac problem? are you running ppc or intel? [17:31] is there a good electronic circuit simulation program for ubuntu? [17:31] like Multisim? [17:31] cook as soon as you enable the iptables rules you can not access the internet and the pc frozed? [17:31] amenado, i only didn't know if its a freeze or a crash. dont know whats the difference. the main point is - the computer doesn't interest about keys pressed and so on [17:31] What is the command line for updating all installed packages via apt-get ? (server) [17:31] xq: Running intel, and I cant get the xmodmap to address my modifications [17:31] lilleman: and is it current version? ;-) i think you're in the right place if you're running current version. [17:31] oh well, fixed my wifi signal problem.... by ripping the better wireless aerials out of an old laptop and bodging them onto my minipci card [17:31] :P [17:32] xq: dl and installed 7.10 like 20 min ago ;) [17:32] Alpo, maybe not for ubuntu specifically, but if you google a bit you might be able to find one for linux someplace... [17:32] bcardarella: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [17:32] amenado, no. i activate this and then its running. one time it was running two days without the problem. then only twenty minutes. but first its running [17:32] http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=6199 brambo [17:32] Alpo: thanks [17:32] cook not able to type from its console/keyboard is adequate to verify it is not available, but using ssh to connect to it is sort of incomplete [17:32] its loading up the page now ill have a look [17:33] bullgard4: kernel documentation in docbook format then? [17:33] lilleman: Ah, so do you have a customized modmap ruleset already? [17:33] alpo there are several you can search synaptic as I can not remember them at the moment [17:33] cook well it depends on what you are doing in your iptables, if you are doing bunch of logging, possibly you run out of resources, it could be anythings [17:33] xq: edited /home/lilleman/.xmodmap according to the macbookpro ubuntu wiki, added to sessions and rebooted [17:33] i just installed the industrial icon theme from the repos. now, the proper folder icons don't appear. any idea why? :) [17:34] what are the chances of a laptop LCD out of one laptop working on another. [17:34] :S [17:34] eedge, if you know what you are doing, pretty good... [17:34] amenado, i only start iptables with the rule : 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE [17:34] I have no idea what Im doing :) [17:34] only this [17:34] haha [17:34] that was it [17:34] nothin more [17:35] astro76: It is some generic stuff whose nature and use I cannot analyze. [17:35] eedge: then the chances are poor ;) [17:35] So anyoen get HDMI audio working yet? [17:35] xq: When I booted it asked me wich files I wanted to load into xmodmap, and I choosed my shiny new file and clicked ok... and it just didnt work :( [17:35] cook am surprised it allows clients on its lan side to access the internet, without activating ip_forward [17:35] is it possible to get xchat-gnome anchor the user list in the right side of the window? [17:35] bluefox83, its just that I've cracked the screen on this fairly badly (and its progressive), and I've found another panel complete with converter from an older laptop thats in great condition... [17:35] hello peeps [17:35] maybe a simple question, but what can I do to see what disabled my sound ouput? [17:35] but I have no idea how todo it, and I assume it won't be plug and play so to speak [17:36] amenado, ok i activate this, too [17:36] amenado, i thought you only want to see the iptables rule [17:36] eedge, well...give it a try...can't really break anything worse than it already is, can you? [17:36] good point. [17:36] cook well look in the /var/log/messages to get some telltail signs or clues [17:36] lilleman: Yeah, you followed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro ... that should fix it. Which MacBook Pro if you don't mind me asking? I use a Macbook Pro myself. [17:36] well, I don't know, I do have an amazing skill of making things worse :) [17:36] lol, sounds like me [17:36] lilleman: And which keys (or is it the mouse) that is causing the issue(s)? [17:37] be back after I've got blue smoke coming out of something :)) [17:37] cook btw with that rule, it is open, assuming your default policy is open [17:37] I'm thinking about switching distros. Any problems with running cpan as a user in ubuntu? [17:37] amenado, http://paste.frubar.net/7653 [17:37] sameone can help me to configure my webcam? [17:37] About my sound problem, This is like the third pc with ubuntu on it where my sounds just stopped working. I want to know what I can do about it besides rebooting. Is there anyone who experienced the same issues? oh and alsamixer is not muted. [17:37] storm-zen-> perl is supported from what i gather === WhiteHat_ is now known as alanhaggai [17:37] xq: Yeh, I hoped so. It was pretty straight forward. It's a first generation, 1.83Ghz ATI, 1.5GB RAM and 80G disc. :) [17:37] anyone experience any problems with PulseAudio on 64bit Gutsy? [17:38] storm-zen: No, it can be done easily. [17:38] storm-zen, no, cpan works fine...not that you really need it that much though, a lot of perl mods are available in apt [17:38] storm-zen: It's in the "universe" reposity and can be setup to be run as a user. [17:38] * bluefox83 nods [17:38] cook thats from which log? [17:38] xq: I dont know whats causing it. The keys just arent doing anything else than what they did before. That is; lefter enter is still lefte enter and apple-key doesnt do much of anything. :) [17:38] nova - I'm running 32bit and don't use pluseaudio, so can't help [17:38] hmm.. that might be cause to switch by itself. [17:38] amenado, thats my var/log/messages [17:38] Anyone switch from FC to ubuntu, here? [17:39] cook thats it? [17:39] what is pulseaudio anyways? is that for replacing alsa? [17:39] not all [17:39] amenado, i can copy all buts very much :) [17:39] lilleman: Remove the file it told you to create and re-create it. There is no need for a reboot (complete reboot). Just use the CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE method, it should save you some time. And maybe start back on the Wiki at step one. Something may have been mistyped or placed. I'm not entirely sure what happened. [17:39] cook am basically looking for clues.. [17:39] i believe it is, but for me it has cause more problems that it fixed [17:39] what is pulseaudio anyways? is that for replacing alsa? [17:39] no it uses alsa [17:39] sameone can help me to configure my webcam? [17:40] ah [17:40] anyone know how to get netbeans 6 to work with icedtea on 7.10? [17:40] xq: ty, I'll try that. :) [17:40] brb [17:40] storm-zen-> i use both fedora and ubuntu, am on fedora 8 [17:40] Surkow, is it a player? [17:40] lilleman: Sorry I couldn't help more. If that doesn't fix it, I'll look into bug reports. [17:40] !pulseaudio [17:40] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [17:40] amenado: Which do you like better? [17:40] hrm >.> [17:40] @ bluefox83 - it's a sound server [17:40] noolness-> i dont think netbeans supports other jdk other than sun or ibm's [17:40] ( and why? ) [17:40] it can do lots of interesting stuff [17:41] storm-zen-> none, i prefer suse really :) [17:41] like altering volume levels per program [17:41] amenado, i dont know where my problem is. im already searching. all these f**king logs dont say anything about the problem [17:41] Surkow, i was under the impression that alsa was a sound server too [17:41] heh. Will so much for that. [17:41] xq: Yeess! I've redone it like 3x before getting here. But now, it just works. tyvm! :) [17:41] storm-zen: I use Debian on a personal server environment and Ubuntu on my desktop environments. [17:41] *Well [17:41] well...about sound systems in linux bluefox83 it can be very hard to understand all of it :P [17:41] lilleman: Great :-) [17:41] sameone can help me to configure my webcam? [17:41] cook is it a good pc? enuff memory? stable i assume? [17:42] xq: Since you seem to have a good knowledge of mac and linux; is there a way to reproduce the touch pad-safety that is on osx? So that I dont accidently tap the touch pad when typing. [17:42] @ bluefox83 - http://www.linux.com/feature/119926 [17:42] lilleman: Glad to have helped. Enjoy your Saturday in Ubuntu. [17:42] amenado, i think stable it is. but not very much ram. only 256 [17:42] well naturally it might not be supported but that doesn't mean i don't want to do it [17:42] ;) [17:42] xq: \o/ === z4w3p__ is now known as z4w3p_ [17:42] storm-zen-> its one of those, you know, you started with one, got intimate, and just kind got familiar with the quirks [17:42] lilleman: Yes, let me find you a good post on that. It's a little script you can run and have it run on bootup. [17:42] cook that seem plenty enuff as firewall/router to front your home network [17:43] amenado: Yeah. I was fine with FC until I had a nasty experience yesterday with trying to get CPAN running. [17:43] xq: splendid! :D [17:43] lilleman: Here you go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=434625 [17:43] !it [17:43] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [17:43] is there anyone who knows howto kill all programs stopping the alsa from responding? restarting alsa did not solve any problem for me. I really have to reboot/logout etc [17:43] amenado, i hope so. ubuntu is not very fast on this computer but i think its enough to route the traffic. [17:43] #ubunt-it [17:43] lilleman: That will do the trick perfectly. If you have any problems with that feel free to msg me or come back here. [17:44] amenado: ... cpan2rpm might hold the answers, but I think I borked things up too much for it to work now, and can't figure out how to get anything signed... (having to use --no-sign (or whatever) as root... which is ... uncomfortable. ) [17:44] cook is that the only app running on it? no others that possibly is a resource hog? [17:44] xq: tyvm! I'll get on it right away :) [17:44] amenado, no only the iptable. i only use this pc to route my traffic. nothing more [17:44] sameone can help me to configure my webcam? [17:45] lilleman: It's a 3 - 5 minute thing. Enjoy Ubuntu! MacBook Pros are a great laptop :) I love mine. [17:45] cook it seems adequate..dont know what to tell you where to look [17:45] how can i compile wine to enable v4l2? [17:46] storm-zen-> just save your important data and re-install perhaps [17:46] amenado, i dont know what to do. this problem is fu*** me up... [17:46] lilleman: Read that post just a few posts before delving into it. The first poster doesn't give much background (so read down a bit first for some details if you're not familiar) [17:46] amenado: It wouldn't make much sense to reinstall a distro that didn't play nicely with the program that I'm trying to get working, though. [17:46] cook-> since it is not doing much for you other that being a router, dont lose sleep over it, enjoy life :P [17:46] fdsajkl: well, download the source, and compile it.; [17:46] know what i mean? [17:47] what I have to install to fix it error checking for XML::Simple... configure: error: XML::Simple perl module is required for icon-naming-utils? [17:47] amenado, but the problem is. i cant do anything without knowing it could crash every second [17:47] is there an easy way to go from hardy alpha 4 to 5? Of do i have to download all of 5? [17:47] bullgard4: those are xml docbook files, named templates because they'll be filled in/completed by using the Makefile there. to do that successfully you'll need to symlink some bits of the kernel source tree though. [17:47] storm-zen-> try ubuntu then, maybe it is friendlier [17:47] DanglyBits: #ubuntu+1 for hardy support but you just let update-manager do its thing [17:47] DanglyBits: would would think if you update, you'll be at herd 5 [17:47] after a kernel panic my network connection stop working properly. Did a fschk and now the filesystem is ok. At the starting up the computer obtains an IP via DHCP, then the network card keeps receiving pakets but does not send any. if I ping or ssh or so, no packets are sent. help!! [17:47] DanglyBits: hardy channel is #ubuntu+1 [17:47] thinking about doing just that. Does ubuntu keep up with the latest as well as FC? [17:47] cook how about removing it from the network? what risk do you take by doing that? [17:48] DanglyBits: Just run an update and you'll be at Alpha 5... [17:48] some log on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57074/ [17:48] please help me... [17:48] storm-zen-> i believe ubuntu does keep up, it just uses a different packaging system, dpkg vs rpm [17:48] amenado, the problem is. my wlan is not strong enough. my parents want to use it. and its a very long way from the access point to their room. i use this pc als repeater.. [17:49] how do i enable v4l2 in wine? [17:49] amenado: What is the difference between the *buntus? [17:49] fdsajkl: ask in #wine [17:49] cook well there are trade offs one must make in life..heh til you get a nother pc to replace it perhaps [17:49] void^: Ah! Very interesting. -- Thank you very much vor explaining. [17:49] amenado, but i want to know where the problem is.. [17:50] i can't get update with apt-get update it stays on the message; connecting to blabla i am not behind a proxy, dns is correct set [17:50] how do i play mp3 files with ubuntu [17:50] storm-zen-> some uses kde the other uses gnome pretty much similar to fedora flavors [17:50] void^: for [17:50] amenado: But I can always switch my windows manager right? [17:50] ( Like fluxbox, here. ) [17:50] deep: enable it, or use medibuntu [17:50] !medibuntu | deep [17:50] deep: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [17:50] cook you can spend your entire life getting to the minutae of issues or you can go forward and save yourself some time.. [17:51] deep: use medibuntu, and just install the w32codecs pack, and mp3 shoudl work fine [17:51] thanks ubotu [17:51] storm-zen: yes, that is common in any linux distro [17:51] storm-zen-> sure it is linux still, so its window manager can be swapped [17:51] !thanks | deep [17:51] deep: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [17:51] amenado, but not whit computers. i think if i let this maybe later i let another things etc [17:51] xq: Just wanted to make sure. Don't understand why ubuntu would fragment based off of desktop managers... [17:52] anyone know about ipod touch? [17:52] does it work with ubuntu? [17:52] cook get another pc to act as the router, see if it helps solve it [17:52] haymaker: last i heard, they aren't working yet. [17:52] bots rule [17:52] this is weird. I installed the industrial icon theme from the repos. The folder icon wont display until I open the file manager as root. any idea? :) [17:52] amenado, i dont have the space for this. and this pc only needs low voltage and so on [17:52] storm-zen: kind of an internal hot topic, but it's best for the development community and getting the best for those that "love" KDE or Gnome, really...but then again, Ubuntu supports them all [17:53] IndyGunFreak, thanks, you think in 8.04? [17:53] What can I use to create interactive ubuntu apps. I want to create a aizard for adding windows network shares [17:53] storm-zen: The original has support for them all via the package manage and you can install and run them all very easily at any time you fish (Xfce, Enlightennment, KDE, you name it -- it has it) [17:53] i need help burning ubuntu onto a cd [17:53] Hello [17:53] cook sometimes the power supply is going cuckoo maybe it is in its end-of-life, or loose power connectors..anything [17:53] haymaker: i would think its unlikely, my understanding is its not an Ubuntu issue, its something apple done to the hardware on the Touch... makes it only work in Windows/OSX, etc.. i could be wrong though [17:54] could anyone guide me setting up my partitions before installing ubuntu? [17:54] I have a 200 gb hard disk [17:54] barbarian-irc: what are you wanting to do? [17:54] i need help burning ubuntu onto a cd. [17:54] I want to install unbuntu on the notebook I just bought [17:54] barbarian-irc: ok.. [17:54] untermensch: the problem? [17:54] i go to burn the cd [17:54] and it's bank [17:54] blank* [17:54] cook thats why you have to learn the sort of break-even point, continue to troubleshoot or swap units and spend time socializing [17:55] untermensch: what software are you using? [17:55] I have no idea how big I should make my partitions.. [17:55] cook it is your call [17:55] there is / and /home and more [17:55] i tried: nero, poweriso, infrarecorder, and w\e came with my computer. [17:55] I am trying to run "grub-probe -vv / > blah" and it is not redirecting output to blah, it creates the blah file, then outputs grub-probe to the screen, not the file. [17:55] IndyGunFreak, I'm not gonna use windows unless it makes me money, so I guess I need a mac [17:55] amenado, im not very good in english so i dont unterstand everything what you say. maybe better for me :) so i think i understand that i cant do very much about this problem. so im going to watch tv and shit on it :P [17:55] barbarian-irc: well.. if it were me, I would probably set aside 30gigs for Ubuntu(especially if you're new to it)... [17:55] will ubuntu automatically create its own swap partition of the correct size? I have 2gb or ram [17:56] barbarian-irc: 30gigs.. I'd probably make a 2-3gig swap, and the rest your filesystem. [17:56] haymaker: lol, or take it back and get a player you know works w/ Linux..lol [17:56] Hey, I need some help with permissions if anyone doesn't mind. [17:56] barbarian-irc: nope.. you'll have to do it yourself [17:56] cook not nice to say, you meant throwing it out of the window? [17:56] Hi, i reinstalled Ubuntu. how I have saved all the half-dowloaded torrents in a folder; how do i make deluge resume the download? [17:56] gig means 1000 MB? [17:56] amenado, what the computer? [17:56] GB.. [17:56] 1024 I think] [17:56] yes 1024* [17:57] cook for whatever you despise [17:57] barbarian-irc: something like that, around 31000mb will be close enough to what you want [17:57] barbarian-irc: 1024 actually.. but they keep changing that around.. 1000-ish megabytes.. =) [17:57] IndyGunFreak, nah, this thing is sweet, its not just a player with wifi and all that, i use it to look at the net and my email while i'm roaming around at work, its good [17:57] this is weird. I installed the industrial icon theme from the ubuntu repos. I do not see the folder icon on file managers except whenever I'm running them as root. any idea? :) [17:57] How can I change the permissions for a second hard drive through the terminal? It's set as root so I can't edit it. [17:57] haymaker: ok. [17:57] does the order matter in which I create them? [17:57] amenado, i dont despise it. im only angry about that its not really working. but if i cant do anything i wont try anymore :) [17:57] Shinjin: sudo chmod -R... [17:57] Shinjin-> mounting it via fstab? [17:57] untermensch: you still there? [17:57] I guess I want my swap on the very first part of the disk [17:57] yes [17:57] i am [17:58] hi guys how can i unamount a volume [17:58] ???? [17:58] LoLLo: umount [17:58] untermensch: sorry, i missed, are you burning the iso as an image? [17:58] what's the command from the terminal ? [17:58] yes [17:58] should i not be ? [17:58] LoLLo: umount.. possibly sudo umount [17:58] no, you should be [17:58] ok [17:58] and i tried 2 different comping speeds [17:58] cook just take a break, it may come back to you after a few sip of coffee while watching gorgeous ladies at the cafe..heh [17:58] copying* [17:59] untermensch: are you sure your drive is working?.. the burner? [17:59] well.. [17:59] i tried on two different computers [17:59] i doubt two of mine + someone elses is messed up [17:59] amenado, thanks for that tip. but now im going to sleep a while. chill aroun you know [17:59] and i checked the md5 so ik it's not bad [17:59] sudo unmount /media/DvDiso [17:59] sudo: unmount: command not found [17:59] cook good for you, take a nice nap man.. [17:59] :s :s :s [18:00] umount [18:00] untermensch: ok, so if its happening on 2-3 pc's,m then the problem is likely something you're doing.. but my question was, are you sure your BURNER isn't messed up, in other words, not burning th edisk correctly [18:00] is there a way to soft update to 7.10? [18:00] i believe it's workig [18:00] working* [18:00] ok, thats fine [18:00] algum BR na lista? [18:00] like update gnome, kde, etc. but dont upgrade system packages [18:00] so, what should i be doing ? [18:01] untermensch: hold on a sec. [18:01] mmmk [18:01] untermensch: have you looked at htis page??? http://www.petri.co.il/how_to_write_iso_files_to_cd.htm [18:01] i looked at the ubunto, howtoburniso. but i havn't looked at that one i don't think [18:01] or do i have to upgrade it all [18:01] untermensch: ok.. another question [18:01] Can anyone help me install LILO from a boot-cd [18:01] I am tired of grub [18:01] yes ? [18:02] uhh im checking out the v4l2 site and it looks like the latest driver is from 2005? [18:02] Hi guys [18:02] this cant be right [18:02] I~lKyleKyle2: [18:02] I have a lil problem [18:02] untermensch: if you put your CD in your drive, it shows no data on the disk, correct? [18:02] Compiz isnt starting [18:02] yes [18:02] kylekyle2: start console at live-cd [18:02] hm, thats strange... [18:02] no data. like 736 free mb of space [18:02] Yeah i am there [18:02] kylekyle2: mount yer disk [18:02] and i have mounted sda3 (my ext3 partition to hd0 [18:02] Ive added the missing info to the X file with the nvidia-config [18:02] Rebooted and then, nothing [18:03] untermensch: type this w/o quotes, and i'll try to work this out with you.. '/join #indygunfreak' [18:03] Woah [18:03] kylekyle2: so type a 'chroot' n enter with "lilo' [18:03] A retry did it [18:03] just it [18:03] is anyone having problems with firefox not updating it save session data? [18:03] runemaste644: you have to upgrade the whole system, usually the differences in the base system are not trivial and affect the software that runs on top (such as the desktop environment, among many) [18:03] :P [18:03] hi everyone there!.........I'm just wondering if you could give some terminal commands that I might use...... [18:03] wait what [18:04] crass: arent u deleting yer register after leave session automatically? [18:04] rouini: sudo init 0 [18:04] !grub | kylekyle2 (note this url for when you break your machine) [18:04] kylekyle2 (note this url for when you break your machine): grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:04] well i used wubi to install, so if i upgrade system files, it will break the system [18:04] K_Wolf: I'm not sure, what is the register? [18:04] some important or useful web site where I can find terminal commands [18:05] but i do think it would be possible to install gnome 2.20 in 7.04 [18:05] crass: all your history data [18:05] !cli | rouini [18:05] rouini: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [18:05] crass: see? [18:05] rouini-> on a terminal press tab twice [18:05] what's this grub command in lilo - find /boot/grub/stage1 ???? [18:05] rouini choose amongst the thousands [18:05] thanks a lot [18:05] but I have more questions [18:06] K_Wolf: no, I mean the function of firefox where if it crashes it will restore the previous session if you want [18:06] teo ubuntu uses grub lest you change it to lilo [18:06] rouni: this site is an excellent place to learn about the shell and the CLI: http://nixshell.wordpress.com/ [18:06] runemaste644: if you've decided you are going to keep using linux, then install 7.10 for real, otherwise I guess you need to reinstall again with wubi? [18:06] runemaste644: it's really only recommended as a way to evaluate ubuntu [18:06] rouini, this is not a shell programming support channel if you want to discuss stuff like that #ubuntu-offtopic might be the place to get some clues but note it is not a support channel [18:06] crass: like when you enter with 'ctrl+SHIFT+Del' [18:06] amenado do u know how can i add backtrak 2 to the menu.lst what should i write?? [18:06] ok [18:07] When I do "play /file" how do I suppress all those lines flying through? Thanks! [18:07] Who can i start Firefox 3? [18:07] well, if i reinstall again with wubi... [18:07] *in terminal [18:07] teo--> i dont understand what you meant by backtrak [18:07] I installed from Synaptic, but FF 2 keeps opening [18:07] but could tell me what I can dicuss here [18:07] Gran paradiso? [18:07] K_Wolf: I'm not familiar with that key command. I mean if firefox crashes or is abnormally shutdown [18:07] O.o [18:07] 1 i need to boot into windoze 2. i need to wipe out the whole virtual partition [18:08] runemaste644: that's why you should install ubuntu for real and be done with it [18:08] amenado backtrack is linux os but i has lilo not grub and i want to add it into the menu.lst but i don't know how :S exactly i dont know if it is on hd0,1 or hd0,2 how can i see? [18:08] crass: Okay. Your historic about the last pages that u visited is correct [18:08] i used wubi to avoid partitioning [18:08] teo- you can use grub to point where backtrak vmlinuz and initrd is [18:08] !dualboot | runemaste644 [18:08] runemaste644: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [18:08] crass: ? [18:09] K_Wolf: yes it is correct [18:09] crass: Okay. Your historic about the last pages that u visited is correct? [18:09] so [18:09] teo--> you know which drive it is on, then mount the drive and look for it [18:09] I'm having trouble with the chmod. [18:09] amenado it is on sda7.. how can i see the initrd and the vmlinuz ? [18:09] K_Wolf: have you seen the files in the firefox user profile directory? (where the bookmarks.html is) [18:09] crass: have u interrupt any update? [18:10] teo--> well mount sda7 and find where the vmlinuz is on that partition [18:10] K_Wolf: no, maybe if I uninstall an reinstall? [18:10] crass: maybe it works, but... [18:11] crass: u can learn more with this trouble, huh? [18:11] Shinjin-> we can guess wrong til you tell us the problem [18:11] crass: =D [18:11] Can I use chmod to change the owner of somthing? [18:11] Shinjin-> nope, use chown [18:11] ok [18:11] hi [18:11] amenado it is in /boot .. [18:11] K_Wolf: haha, yeah, that's why I''m here [18:11] crass: well lemme see [18:12] teo--> your current os vmlinuz is in /boot what about for your backtrak? [18:12] amenado it is in /mnt/sda7/boot .. [18:12] crass: I guess that theres a cache dir for session restoration at system [18:12] I need help... I just set up 2 screens, which seem to work fine. Problem is, I can 'scroll' arount both screens (meaning I con't see the entire screen). What do I need to do? [18:12] K_Wolf: there is a file called session.js which stores the session data, the problem is that firefox is not updating that file when I open other tabs or go to other urls [18:12] teo--> then modify an entry in menu.lst to point to that [18:13] crass: about yer java? [18:13] crass: updated? [18:13] Anyone quite familiar with sox? How do I make "play" and "rec" less verbose? [18:13] So anyoen get HDMI audio working yet? [18:13] crass: ".js" is a Java script [18:13] K_Wolf: everything is updated, but it doesn't have to do with java, because this is native firefox feature [18:14] K_Wolf: yes ... I know [18:14] crass: Am I wrong? [18:14] fus10nx-> is HDMI even supported yet in linux? [18:14] amenado: video, yes. audio im not sure [18:14] !iso [18:14] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [18:14] my HDMI video is perfect [18:14] K_Wolf: but java script is not java [18:14] I've tried everyhting to setup audio with nvidia but no luck [18:14] so im hoping HH fixes that [18:14] crass: T_T sorry [18:14] fus10nx-> more of my curiousity, how did you enable that? [18:14] I can't get the stupid permissions for this hard drive right. I've tried everything [18:14] crass: I'm a newbie yet [18:15] Shinjin: Is this an external hard drive? [18:15] No [18:15] Shinjin-> take a deep breath, relax for a few, then re-attack the problem..heh [18:15] amenado: HDMI video? it worked oob [18:15] K_Wolf: haha, ok, I've been using linux for almost ten years and am a programmer, so I'm usually pretty good a solving these problems myself [18:15] Shinjin: Whats the issue? [18:15] It's an internal 80 gig drive mounted as hdb1 [18:15] It's set so only root can access and change it [18:15] crass: relly? [18:16] fus10nx-> really? i did not know that..well i dont have an hdmi capable card so not able to test.. [18:16] Well change I can still read [18:16] Shinjin: Aha, have you been editing /etc/fstab? [18:16] no [18:16] K_Wolf: yeah, except that I'm getting frustrated with this problem :( [18:16] Shinjin: Alright. Do you know what the format is? (NTFS, FAT32 etc) [18:16] ext3 [18:16] Ok. Gimme a second. [18:16] Sometimes when I boot I try to open a terminal and it never shows up. After a reboot it does. Anyone know what's going on here? It's started happening more and more after I ran updates yesterday. [18:16] crass: I'm using linux since last year [18:17] Shinjin-> you have it mounted? what was your mount command and options? [18:17] crass: I started with ubuntu [18:17] amenado: Its internal, this is going to be fstab [18:17] anyone also having problems with areca raid controllers [18:17] I don't know. I used to storage device manager and just clicked the mount button [18:17] K_Wolf: cool, I think ubuntu is one of the best/easiest to use [18:17] rukuartic-> has he defined it in fstab? [18:17] Shinjin: Have you ever worked in a terminal before? [18:17] Guys, having just installed ubuntu I rebooted, get to login, and my keyboard (usb) is not detected. Im guessing either the right module is not compiled into the kernel or is not being loaded. Anyway I can compile a kernel using gentoo with the correct modules, or is there another solution? [18:17] amenado i get file not found:S [18:17] amenado: Guessing not. [18:17] A little. [18:18] I've done basic stuff. [18:18] crass: Sure. My teacher wants that I use FreeBSD [18:18] Can I, not I can, sorry [18:18] rukuartic exactly thats why i asked for his mount options [18:18] Shinjin: (its easier for me to see what you say if you type ruk and hit tab, it highlights my name.) [18:18] teo--> which file? [18:18] I have it open, thats what I've been trying to use cause I would need to be root to change it right? [18:18] rukuartic: okay [18:18] Shinjin: Yes you would. Can you unmount your hard drive? [18:18] amenado when i try to selec it from the boot list i get file not found.. [18:18] rukuartic: Yes [18:19] Shinjin-> use the command line mount to mount it, so you have better control than just point and click [18:19] Shinjin: Go ahead and unmount your hard drive really quickly. Is this a HD you plan to leave in your box permanantly? Or is this just a one time use move? [18:19] rukuartic: Permenantly [18:19] teo--> did you verify that it was really in sda7/boot as you said? what is your entry like in your menu.lst ? [18:20] is there a guide equivalent to this that will work on 7.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone === pelesije is now known as NoirFluo [18:20] Shinjin: In this case we'll want to put an entry into /etc/fstab (filesystem tab, I think). [18:20] what command in terminal should i use for entering a wep key? [18:20] Shinjin: This is a file that's read every time the computer boots, and it tells the computer what hard drives to mount where, and with what options. [18:20] twavisdegwet-> are you prompted to enter it? [18:20] rukuartic: Okay, I'm with you so far. [18:20] no but i know i need one [18:20] Shinjin: If your hard drive's unmounted, go ahead and open up a terminal and become root (sudo -i) [18:21] i do iwconfig [18:21] and it shows up and stuff bot now what? [18:21] rukuartic: Done [18:21] twavisdegwet: I think its 'iwconfig eth0 key ' [18:21] twavisdegwet-> i dont know it by heart,so you may have to man iwconfig key [18:21] .ptnet.org [18:21] Shinjin: Now cd into /etc, and open up fstab (gedit fstab) [18:21] I'm trying to integrate the git version control system with emacs. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've found an rpm that does it on rpmfind (wonders of google), but I'm kinda hoping to find something in either deb or elisp form. [18:21] i'll try that thank you [18:22] or how do i get it to mount as a hard drive over ssh [18:22] runemaste644: man mount ? [18:22] its sshfs [18:22] Oh, fuse? [18:22] but when i try it it fails to mount [18:23] runemaste644-> remote hard drive? [18:23] it just sits there doing nothing [18:23] I haven't done that for a long time. I've forgotten... [18:23] hi, anybody using ubuntu under Virtual PC? How to make it copy text from it? === dmb__ is now known as dmb [18:24] rukuartic: I'll be done in a sec. It had to install gedit [18:24] what i use is connect to server [18:24] is there a way to change the default 80x25 console resolution at boot-up to something a little higher, wider would be ideal, because im running off a laptop with display size of 1280x800. it's booting in verbose, text mode. [18:24] Anyone know of other places to get help with vmware? [18:24] #vmware is about as helpful as jumping out a window.. [18:24] Shinjin: Oh, are you on KDE? === priscila is now known as help [18:25] <_KAMI_> TigerTails: You can use VirtualBox === help is now known as priscila [18:25] rukuartic: Yeah, using xubuntu 7.10 [18:25] i need some help with my proxy .... =( ... it is configured to be a transparent proxy who allows all traffic and redirects http to squid ... i need some other opinions about my actual server config [18:25] i want vmware though :| [18:25] Shinjin: My fault, I didn't know that. You could have used another program like nano. [18:25] rukuartic: Okay [18:25] rukuartic: How do I do that? [18:25] ssh works fine, i can browse it with cli, but i want to browse it with nautilus [18:26] Shinjin: If you're in /etc, type 'nano fstab' [18:26] rukuartic: I have fstab open now [18:26] <|Prometheus|> is there a problem with kernel 2.6.22-14-generic where it doesn't recognise the parameter ide=nodma? I am getting a dma timeout on boot on /dev/hda and its increasing boot time by almost two minutes [18:26] rather than sshing in, sshing out, scping, sshing back in [18:26] Shinjin: Great. Now there's some pre-existing lines on there. Its very important that you don't modify these lines--but you could probably guess that. [18:27] hi, I installed all gstreamer packages ubotu told me to install for dvd playback, however, totem still gives me this error about not having the apropriate complements to read the disc. [18:27] any ideas? [18:27] Shinjin: Go down to the bottom and make a little room. We'll put our line here. [18:27] rukuartic: Gotcha [18:27] look it: http://debian.pastebin.com/m6fa46283 [18:27] I have a problem [18:27] Shinjin: Now whats the name of your device, /dev/hdb1 was it? [18:27] and do know how solve it [18:28] Yes [18:28] Shinjin: where do you want to mount it? [18:28] <|Prometheus|> S4nD3r, you have to sudo apt-get install, not just apt-get [18:29] |Prometheus|: He's root, see the #? [18:29] rukuartic: Doesn't matter as long as I can easily access it [18:29] Ok... but this is not the problem [18:29] Shinjin: I'd recommend /media -- thats a good directory. You can create a shortcut on your desktop to it. [18:29] Shinjin: Become root again, and cd into /media [18:29] <|Prometheus|> rukuartic, ahhh yes - my bad :) [18:29] rukuartic: Um... I was reading at the top. /dev/hdb1 is already on there [18:30] Shinjin: Could you put the file up on pastebin for me? http://pastebin.com/ [18:30] rukuartic-> he wants it permanent .. /media is by convention transitionary [18:30] well gftp works fine [18:30] hi there I've got a problem with tcpdump, can somebody help me? the question is: tcpdump is not printing icmp fragments as shown in manual... I tried to send icmp packets larger than mtu and it is supposed to fragment, in other host, cant see the fragments like shows [18:30] amenado: Where would you recommend then? [18:31] how often is /tmp cleared? [18:31] is there anyway to to add a command to my shut down script? so when the comp shuts down, it runs the command i enter in as well?! [18:31] nightwatch: I think... ...I might be wrong with this. But isn't ICMP != TCP? [18:31] rukuartic: okay, do I just send you the link in the address bar? [18:31] is there a way to change the default 80x25 console resolution at boot-up to something a little higher, wider would be ideal, because im running off a laptop with display size of 1280x800. it's booting in verbose, text mode. [18:31] Shinjin: Yup! [18:32] rukuartic: http://pastebin.com/d19c99cea [18:32] it [18:32] !it [18:32] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [18:32] I have two monitors, ubuntu 7.10, but both workspace switchers only affect my left monitors. likewise, if I type nautilus in console it opens up in the left one. what could be off? [18:32] Shinjin: It says hdb1 is formatted as ext2. Thats not the problem, but are you sure its ext3? [18:32] rukuartic perhaps a permanent mount point, my own preference is i have bunch of dirs under / like /u01 /u02 [18:32] it is a problem both with my new nvidia setup and the old ati setup [18:33] rukuartic: I thought it was but I could be wrong. [18:33] aight guys, any1 know of a program to pipe video through? [18:33] rukuartic: Im sure it is.. but why did you ask me that? fragmentation can be made in network layer as transport layer as well... I didn't say any weird thing... [18:33] i have a bit of a problem [18:33] Shinjin: Well ok lets leve it sa ext2 for now [18:33] hi quick question guys. For a DELL XPS 1330 specifically the Volume up/down media keys. Why is the icon that shows the volume indicator so big? [18:33] rukuartic: Okay, sorry for the mistake [18:33] seracht, it's always that big :-) [18:33] nightwatch: Not a networking guy, I just remember hearing something like that =B [18:33] Shinjin: Its fine. [18:33] iositd: can I make it smaller? [18:33] hi, i have an issue, when i turn on laptop, dont show me the loading bar , i have a black screen [18:33] no matter what i do to try to install ubuntu 7.10 on my other computer, it won't work [18:33] seracht, i think you can, but i'm not sure [18:34] rukuartic: ok, thanks for trying help :D [18:34] seracht, go google it :-) [18:34] Shinjin: Anyways, what we want to do is change where it says 'defaults' to 'auto,user,rw' [18:34] iositd: what is that called though [18:34] i tried the CD .iso file [18:34] I'm not sure what to search [18:34] checked the md5 sums === weechat_user is now known as AstralSin [18:34] Shinjin: auto means mount the drive on boot, user means users have access to the system, and rw means read write capabilities. [18:34] tried it on a usb stick [18:34] is there a way to add a command some how so it runs when i hit "shut down" ?!?! [18:34] Garth: Could you explain to us what you're doing with the CD? [18:35] rukuartic: Okay, do I need to keep everything lined up? [18:35] Shinjin: Its just to keep things easy to read. Its nice to have it lined up, but not necessary =P [18:35] is there a live cd text based version of ubuntu? [18:35] rukuartic: Done, now save it? [18:35] guys, on rebooting into my new ubuntu install my usb keyboard doesnt work. Figure a module not loaded. Whats best solution (other than ps2 adaptor) [18:35] on my other computer [18:36] i would download the .iso file from the ubuntu website [18:36] Shinjin: Yup, save and close. Now you'd need to reboot your computer to have fstab remount it, but we're going to try it by hand. [18:36] how can i start ubuntu in secure graphics mode? [18:36] and burn it onto a cd-r using the infra recorder [18:36] then, i would set up the BIOS on the computer i am trying to install it on to to boot from the cd-rom drive [18:36] What's up everybody in #ubuntu? [18:36] how do i start the text version of ubuntu? [18:36] rukuartic: Okay hold on a second [18:36] help... i'm trying to change permissions of my /archive folder (chmod -R 666 /archive), but it keeps saying stuff like "chmod: changing permissions of `nfslockfile.lock': Read-only file system" Soo.. why is it mounting this FS read only all of a sudden?!? [18:37] when i would try to boot it from the cd-rom drive, nothing would happen and i would get the windows xp boot screen asking me if i want to boot in safe mode [18:37] rukuartic: Okay done [18:38] Squawk-> i guess you can modify the initrd image to give you more waiting time [18:38] amenado, waiting time? [18:38] Squawk-> yes, to give the usb driver to load and finish up the initialization [18:38] Garth: When you burned the ISO to the cd, did you burn it as a data cd, or an image cd? [18:38] how can i start ubuntu in secure graphics mode? [18:39] as an image [18:39] amenado, surely all required modules just get loaded as and when, dynamicaly as needed or during boot? [18:39] Garth: Did you check any option like "Make this CD bootable"? (If you did, that might be the problem.) [18:39] andrey_: Not sure here as I'm still new to this but I think you need to hit one of the Function buttons while it's booting. [18:40] i don't think infra gave me any sort of option to make the CD bootable [18:40] Shinjin: How's it going? [18:40] Squawk-> somewhere I read, thats the difficulty of booting off of a usb disk, it didnt wait long enuff for the usb driver to get loaded and initialized [18:40] <|Prometheus|> how can i disable dma at boot??? the kernel parameter ide=nodma seems to be being ignored [18:40] anyone know anything about dmsetup and snapshots? [18:40] rukuartic: Fine, I'm just waiting for you to tell me what to do next. I had a little problem saving and had to reopen the file. [18:40] Garth: Thats good. And you configured your BIOS to boot from the CD drive? [18:40] rukuartic: It's done now [18:40] Shinjin: Oh, my fault! XD [18:40] andrey_-> what secure graphics mode? is there such a thing? [18:41] i want to write programs in gtk, are the include headers already included with ubuntu? [18:41] yes, the bios was configured to boot from the CD drive [18:41] I have /proc/bus/usb, but nothing inside of it - does Ubuntu do something differently? [18:41] amenado, thats booting for a usb disk, which could be bios related. Im trying to use a usb keyboard with a normal install. The problem I suspect is a module not loaded/compiled, but with no keyboard I cant see how I can load it [18:41] Shinjin: Try this command. 'mount -t ext2 -O user,rw /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1' (where /media/hdb1 is that directory I had you make) [18:41] hi, i have a black screen on booting ubuntu [18:41] Garth-> you can verify too, if you just disconnect all your hard disk and run off of the liveCD.. [18:42] Garth: You shouldn't need to do that... [18:42] Garth: Disconnect your HD's that is. [18:42] hi, I don't know if this is a bug from ubuntu 7.10, but the command "df -m" and nautilus are showing that the memorystick from my PSP has 160mb free, but actually has 1400mb... why this is happening? [18:42] Squawk-> i dont see the difference, a usb driver has to be loaded and initialized [18:42] Garth: When you boot the computer, does the CD drive spin up? [18:42] Squawk-> it just takes time, so it has to wait longer [18:42] amenado, if your booting from a usb disk then the driver has to load before the OS. Im trying to use a usb keyboard under ubuntu, so the OS is loaded [18:43] rukuartic: Okay I typed it in. Nothing comes before mount right? [18:43] Shinjin: (assuming you're root) no, thats the whole command. [18:43] can't install ubuntu .. just stalls there searching for cdrom. New hardware e8400 c2d , ddr2 2 gig. IDE harddrive. [18:43] rukuartic: Okay because I didn't get any messages from it [18:43] yes, the cd drive does spin up [18:43] Shinjin: Thats good. Try to cd /media/hdb1 [18:43] amenado, even if you are right, how would I alter it? Given that I can't access ubuntu, since no keyboard? [18:43] i know for sure that it isn't a hardware problem, with the CD drive at least [18:43] I'm missing a plugin in banshee, can anyone help me figure out where it is and how to get it back? [18:44] Squawk-> oh i get you, you already are booted and just want to use the usb keyboard? [18:44] rukuartic: Okay I changed successfully [18:44] amenado, yes [18:44] Garth: And it looks like the computer's actually reading from it? What happens from there on out? (No... ...it doesn't sound like hardware) [18:44] how can I set up a PPoE connection in ubuntu 7.10 ? [18:44] Shinjin: Can you make files on the HD? (touch testfile) [18:44] Greyhound-: You're not on a router? :( [18:44] Squawk-> is it on the network? ie does it have an ip address and you can ssh into it from another pc? [18:45] rukuartic: No, I can't [18:45] no, that's how my ISP lets its users connect [18:45] amenado, actualy hadnt considered that, but is an sshd server started by default? [18:45] from there on out, it will attempt to boot from the cd drive, but will take me to the windows XP screen that asks me if i want to boot in safe mode [18:45] hiall [18:45] Is the updates server working right now? I just installed Gutsy on my laptop and it won't install the updates, seems to can't resolve the server or something? [18:45] amenado: sorry. correct is safe grahics mode [18:45] Squawk-> depends on your install, you could have added it but defer loading it at boot..so it depends [18:45] amenado, I can only guess at what configuration it has regarding ip addresses, since its a clean install and I have never booted it [18:45] Greyhound-: Ok... I don't know about how to set up PPoE connections, but from my router you plug it in, and it just acquires an IP address (no username or password). You might just need to run dhclient. [18:46] guys, I want to to run screen with a command from startup, from man it should be something like screen -m -d -X foo but that doesn't work [18:46] Shinjin: What happens when you tried touching a file? [18:46] andrey_-> it should be in the menu safe mode or if not, f4 to select the low rez [18:46] well that's just it.. pppoe requires user and pass [18:46] rukuartic: I can't open anything. [18:46] greyhound: the way i do my PPPoE connection is my router handles all the authentication and stuff ( i have it configed for PPPoE) and my router deals with it. I guess for it to be handled on your comp you need some sort of PPPoE sofware [18:46] Shinjin: Did you try the command 'touch testfile'? [18:46] rukuartic: I'm using thunar to try. That what I'm supposed to be doing? [18:46] Squawk-> well try it, from another pc, ssh into it [18:47] amenado, im installing ubuntu so I can cehck it out, see whats running by default, whats not, what needs configuring etc. I have good working knowledge of linux (gentoo mostly). But if I cant get into it once... [18:47] Shinjin: the command touch creates a blank file. I'm just doing a sanity check to make sure it can make the file. [18:47] rukuartic: touch: cannot touch `testfile': Permission denied [18:47] amenado, will have a go now, but I doubt sshd started by default in normal install? [18:47] Squawk-> am not questioning your know how.. [18:47] Squawk-> actually sshd is not installed by default [18:47] on ubuntu [18:47] <_uriel> hello [18:48] Squawk: apt-get install openssh-server [18:48] amenado: in grub menu? [18:48] anyone know if netflix works in linux? [18:48] rukuartic: I copied that directly from the terminal [18:48] andrey_-> when you boot it gives you a menu to select from [18:48] sdsheeks: no [18:48] usser, I cant get into my clean install of ubuntu cos my usb keyboard wont work (kernel module not loaded/not compiled). ssh was a possible means to get access [18:48] usser, bah okay thanks. [18:48] Shinjin: Dang. Maybe I'm not as good at this as I thought. >< [18:49] greyhound: you still here? [18:49] <_uriel> i need help not sure what can i do somehow the partition of my mp3 player got crrupted and isnt recongnized and i would like to fix it / recover the files from it, does any1 has any idea what can i do ? [18:49] usser, how about with crossover IE? :) [18:49] Squawk: oh bummer [18:49] how do I install a .package file ? [18:49] rukuartic: I think the hard drive is possessed. Took me forever to figure out how to mount it yesterday [18:49] amendo: im booting from hard disk, not live cd [18:49] Squawk: It might just be your motherbord doesn't support USB until its booted. I know my USB keyboard doesn't work until you're ll the way in the operating system. [18:49] Squawk come to think of it, i just realized DELL and others are not fielding usb only keyboard, so ubuntu developers should be aware of this and make the initrd modifications accordingly [18:49] sdsheeks: ie in crossover is crippled it doesnt support activex [18:49] rukuartic: Nothing wanted to work [18:49] Shinjin: Haha.. ...there's way to do this. I know it. [18:49] rukuartic, it does, I run gentoo on this box, usb enabled in the kernel, usb works [18:50] Squawk: Ok, I'm wrong then =P [18:50] i meant fielding only usb keyboards now [18:50] rukuartic, keep throwing out ideas, im open to anything [18:50] how can i get the full dns information about a domain ? i mean, the MX records and stuff like that. thank you [18:50] Greyhound: try typing "sudo pppoeconf" in a command prompt [18:50] usser, you are ruining my day :) j/k [18:50] Squawk: do u have a live cd [18:50] rukuartic: What do I need to do? [18:50] Squawk: does it work in livecd? [18:50] usser, yeah just installed using it [18:50] sdsheeks: im sorry :) [18:51] Squawk: so boot up from it chroot to your installation and install openssh-server [18:51] Shinjin: Well... a little research. You could try rebooting your computer and seeing if fstab handled it right... I might have had the mount command wrong. [18:51] usser, yes, thats why I figure its a module thats not loaded/compiled. Live cd uses it fine [18:51] Greyhound: read the second post on this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138&page=2 [18:51] usser, it's okay. Just wanted to watch a few movies on my laptop, but I do have several vista boxes I suppooooose I can boot up [18:51] hi, I don't know if this is a bug from ubuntu 7.10, but the command "df -m" and nautilus are showing that the memorystick from my PSP has 160mb free, but actually has 1400mb... why this is happening? [18:51] Squawk: and then go from there [18:51] usser, excellent idea [18:51] rukuartic: Okay I'll try and get back on to tell you if it worked. [18:51] usser, kernel compile any different from other linux distro? [18:51] Shinjin: I should be here ^_^ [18:52] Squawk: nope its a pretty standard procedure [18:52] Has anyone installed GGMud on 7.10 before? [18:52] hi, I can't get my Fight Club DVD to play, I already installed libdvdcss2 from medibuntu repositories, and a lot of gstreamer plugins, any ideas? [18:52] usser, k, back in a bit [18:52] totem gives me this message about not having apropriate complements. [18:52] should i try formatting my hard drive so i get windows off of my computer? [18:52] Garth: come again? [18:52] Garth: what are u running now? [18:53] well [18:53] chuy_max: vlc player probably works [18:53] Garth, chuy_max Have you guys tried VLC? [18:53] I find it just works better. [18:53] help... i'm trying to change permissions of my /archive folder (chmod -R 666 /archive), but it keeps saying stuff like "chmod: changing permissions of `nfslockfile.lock': Read-only file system" Soooo..... why is it mounting this FS read only all of a sudden?!? [18:53] what exactly is vlc? [18:53] guys, I want to to run screen with a command from startup, from man it should be something like screen -m -d -X foo [18:54] grndslm: theres a nfs lock on that directory which means it probably exported across the network and maybe even mounted by other computers [18:54] rukuartic, HEP85, no, it doesn't work: libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB (0x0001e710) [18:54] I had to reinstall Ubuntu... I'm trying to disable HAL in restricted drivers as part of wifi setup (which I know works, I've done it) but even if the box isn't checked, it says "in use" i've restarted and everything. [18:54] chuy_max: No idea. :x [18:54] Is there a terminal command I can use or something? [18:54] maybe changing it to libdvdcss2 ? [18:54] anyone know how to install gtk+-2.0 on 7.10? [18:54] but I don't know how to do it [18:55] usser: ok, it's an lvm FS that's used for mythtv... but i don't understand why i can't change permissions anywhere on that FS because it's read-only! [18:55] shigutso, is the hidden .Trash-yourusername folder in the PSP empty? [18:55] ahorriblemess: No idea. I just got an intel wifi card so I wouldn't have to deal with all that mess. [18:55] rukuartic: It didn't work. Stil having the same problem. [18:55] <_uriel> how can i fix partition of a usb drive ? [18:55] grndslm: hm even with sudo? [18:56] <_uriel> flash disk // [18:56] Shinjin: Ok I have a few more ideas. [18:56] usser: definitely with sudo [18:56] Shinjin: Type 'mount | grep hdb' and see if you get anything [18:56] kostkon, no... there is nothing hidden... PSP and Windows says there it has 1400mb free, but Linux no... check this screenshot [18:56] kostkon, http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3701/capturadatela1oz1.png [18:56] rukuartic: Didn't say anything [18:57] grndslm: hm, what FS does it use? ntfs? [18:57] rukuartic: Wait, was that a bar line? [18:57] shigutso: Open up a terminal, cd into the directory. ls -lah | less and look for big files? [18:57] shigutso: Yes shift + \ on my keyboard [18:57] usser: ext3 [18:57] Shinjin: Yes shift + \ on my keyboard [18:57] usser: mount -l shows this -- /dev/mapper/BigVG-Filez on /archive type ext3 (rw,noatime) [] [18:57] rukuartic: Okay, cause thats what I put [18:58] Shinjin: Ok and you get nothing. That means that hdb isn't mounted... ext2 might be the wrong partition. [18:58] grndslm: hm i really have no idea why it does that [18:58] shigutso, ok, I see [18:58] rukuartic, I've already seen... there are no hidden files... check this screenshot and pay attention to the sum of the files [18:58] rukuartic, http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/3701/capturadatela1oz1.png [18:58] Shinjin: Become root again (sudo -i) and try mounting it. [18:58] hi, i'm trying to use backupninja between debian etch and ubuntu gutsy, but the versions of rdiff-backup are way out of line.. there are dependencies betweeen rdiff-backup and python.. any solution ? [18:58] shigutso: No, this is just to help you find big files. Not hidden files. You can add up the numbers and make sure its right. [18:58] how do i start ubuntu in texy mode? [18:58] ok.. how can I find out what chipset my wifi card has? [18:59] Shinjin: The command is... [18:59] Shinjin: mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 [18:59] I thought we dexided it was ext 2 [18:59] nm [19:00] i need help [19:00] rukuartic, oh sure... I saw that too... but you see in the image the sum of the files? 2,4gb... in a 3,8gb memorystick... 169mb free? [19:00] ubuntu needs better wireless support [19:00] rukuartic: Didn't we decide it was ext 2? [19:01] Shinjin: Yeah, it was a typo. My fault. [19:01] doesn't detect hardly any wifi cards and when it does it doesn't make it obvious [19:01] rukuartic: Okay it's mounted [19:01] Shinjin: do you see it in the mounted list? mount | grep hdb [19:01] Back|Track is good for wireless [19:01] I'd like to copy a file from Ubuntu remotely to XP. How can I do it? Is ther an FTP server in Ubuntu? [19:01] what's back track [19:01] rukuartic: I think it did mount on startup I just couldn't change anything [19:01] live cd supports most wifi chipsets [19:02] a linux hacking distro [19:02] i duno sudobash, every time I've tried it it's been no go [19:02] i'm not so sure backtrack is great for just anyone :) [19:02] around 700 mb [19:02] for ubuntu [19:02] I'm not looking for a hacking distro ;) [19:02] i love it [19:02] it does perform quite well though [19:02] rukuartic: Yeah, the list came up this time. One entry [19:02] I'm looking for a full desktop os and ubuntu is the bomb [19:02] i dont even hack with it [19:02] thats what i use on my laptop [19:02] ahwell [19:02] but I love Ubuntu also [19:02] I've used a few different "war driving" or "hacking" distros [19:02] i do, i'm a security professional [19:02] Shinjin: Great. Try 'ls /media/hdb1' [19:02] and Slackware [19:02] but it's not what I need or want [19:02] !enter [19:02] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [19:02] !offtopic [19:02] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [19:03] so hi [19:03] if I'm hacking something it's generally with words and such [19:03] ;) [19:03] a$$wipe [19:03] that's called social engineering :) [19:03] and its fun [19:03] Could somone tell me whats wrong with this command: scp -p 222 -r mknesco@mknetworks.co.uk:~/public_html [19:03] rukuartic: says lost+found [19:03] rukuartic do you think you are the founder or IRC or something? [19:03] IRC Nazi [19:03] MrKnights: you don't have a destination [19:03] sudobash: No, but this is a regulated channel. [19:04] My vista crashed today, i couldnt get xp to install because i have a sata drive and no floppy, so i decided to give linux a shot, im now in a fresh installation of ubuntu [19:04] how do i install drivers etc? [19:04] yeah i help people here everyday [19:04] Shinjin: So was there anything else on the hard drives? [19:04] or try to at least [19:04] sorry im a very noob [19:04] Jezz: drivers for what? [19:04] for geforce 8600gt [19:04] AstralSin: okay ill try that but it isnt even loging into the remote server [19:04] restricted drivers manual [19:04] is here anyone who can help me. I have big problems with lirc [19:04] rukuartic: Nope I just formatted it the other day. [19:04] i have ubuntu 7.04 btw [19:04] MrKnights: are you sure -p 222 is correct? [19:05] Shinjin: Aha good. Try putting a file on it. 'cd /media/hdb1' then 'touch testfile' [19:05] Jezz dl the sh script from nvidia.com [19:05] ok [19:05] er, s/restricted drivers manual/restricted drivers manager/ [19:05] no [19:05] don't get the script from nvidia [19:05] AstralSin: yes the remotes servers ssh is on 222 [19:05] not? [19:05] use the restricted drivers manager [19:05] How can I copy a file from Ubuntu to XP? [19:05] :S [19:05] its in System -> Administration [19:05] sorry first time on linux [19:05] ok [19:05] rukuartic: I didn't get any messages back [19:05] anyways Nvidia drivers are screwed up right now for a lot of people,,, [19:06] Shinjin: try typing 'ls' to see if youc an see "testfile" [19:06] they're fine for me [19:06] rukuartic: Yes [19:06] then again, i'm using an older chipset [19:06] what card? [19:06] i get this: [19:06] Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers [19:07] check this out... Im on an FX 5200 and everytime I run GDM it crashes X and corrupts Nvidia driver and also Xorg files... [19:07] Shinjin: Great. We're in business. Now to get the hard drive mounted for all users. Drop out of the directory (cd ..) and umount it (umount /dev/hdb1) [19:07] i'm upgrading my nic in my box to a gigabyte nic card, pci, and need to know if there are any steps i need to take to do so [19:07] I disabled GDM and use startx to run my Accelerated Drivers which is not very secure I imagine [19:07] draven: Shouldn't be too difficult. I'd just plug'n play. [19:07] can anyone tell how can i see man pages for exit function? [19:07] i can't get update with apt-get update it stays on the message; connecting to blabla i am not behind a proxy, dns is correct set [19:07] hi all [19:07] how do change the console window font size at boot time so it becomes smaller during verbose mode? im running on 80x25 right now, on a widescreen 1280x800 laptop display, i'd like to squeeze some more text in. [19:08] Jezz download the script [19:08] draven: not really plug it in if ubuntu detects it, it detects it if not well tough luck [19:08] dra\ [19:08] oh ok [19:08] rukuartic: Done [19:08] draven: but u should be fine [19:08] Hm, is anyone using synce here? [19:08] Lettuc3: http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/248181-how-change-console-size.html [19:08] Shinjin: Ok, lemme just figure out this command again... [19:08] rukuartic, are there command line tools that i can use to see what the specs are? or do i just check for the info under /proc? [19:08] rukuartic thanks. [19:08] execute this command in the dir you dl to: sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.09-pkg1.run [19:08] hello [19:08] my system has booted into some weird system where the keyboard is QWERTY instead of AZERTY and the icons are huge as are file windows, um help? [19:09] for some reason, firefox and flash keep crashing on me, there is no error message output tho when run from terminal, any ideas? [19:09] but you will have to shutdown X first like this: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [19:09] AstralSin: got it, i needed -P not -p [19:09] draven: 'specs'? [19:09] Shinjin: Ok I think this is the command. [19:09] just wondering... is it safe to apt-get dist-upgrade from edgy to hardy? [19:09] Shinjin: mount -t ext2 -o auto,user,rw /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 [19:09] that will drop you to a prompt and then you install the script like I said above [19:09] ie so i can see if it's set at full duplex and 1000 rather than 10/100 etc [19:09] saintsim: edgy->festy->gutsy->hardy [19:09] ah man [19:10] ok [19:10] thanks [19:10] saintsim: and no its a pretty dangerous operation [19:10] sudobash: hi need help [19:10] i wanna know how can i see man pages for exit function. [19:10] When I mount an image containing a DVD movie, I can view the VOB files in a media player (VLC Player). But how can I play it like in a DVD player, so I can click menus, selects language etc? [19:10] Hi, input boxes in firefox 3.0 are black and so is the text that I write in them. How do I fix this. I had the same problem in 2.x and I fixed it by replacing usercontent.css with the one provided with the gtk theme to fix that very problem. Now it doesn't fix the problem :( [19:10] Xman: I don't know if there are man pages for the 'exit function'... [19:10] how can I reinstall gutsy without a live cd? [19:10] jonnymac: does the screen flicker 4 or 5 times before X starts and maybe gives you a message about safe graphics mode? [19:10] is the server version of ubuntu a live cd? [19:11] no [19:11] twavisdegwet: Nope, you just install the server version straight onto the disk. [19:11] your resolution is just big? [19:11] 640x480? [19:11] low i mean [19:11] rukuartic: when i write "man exit" it says no manual entry for exit [19:11] for some reason, firefox and flash keep crashing on me, there is no error message output tho when run from terminal, any ideas? [19:11] rukuartic: I got an error message saying wrong fs type [19:11] well then is there a text version of ubuntu? cause my computer has no hadrive and i only want to hook it up to my xbox for internet.. what's the best means of doing this? [19:11] twavisdegwet: server doesnt have livecd, u install from text mode and it has no GUI installed by default [19:12] so i d/l the linux display driver rite? [19:12] <_uriel> how can i fix partition ? [19:12] it starts up just as usual but all the settings on the computer are differentm keyboardm desktop etc [19:12] you just want exit codes for ubuntu kernel? [19:12] Shinjin: Whoop. O__o [19:12] Shinjin: mount -t ext2 -o user,rw /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 [19:12] Shinjin: Try that one? [19:13] ould not open the file /home/jesse/Desktop/NVID…Linux-x86-169.09-pkg1.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding. [19:13] why? [19:13] rukuartic: I got the same message [19:14] Hello everybody [19:14] !hi |andx [19:14] andx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [19:15] rukuartic: Still there? [19:15] Shinjin: Dawgone. Try... -t auto and getting rid of the -t param all together. [19:15] I have a problem with an PGP Key I addet some sources @ Synaptic [19:15] first time on linux, how do i install graphic drivers? [19:15] and the result iss http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/44083/ [19:15] ould not open the file /home/jesse/Desktop/NVID…Linux-x86-169.09-pkg1.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding. [19:15] i get this error [19:15] Jezz: Do you really need them? [19:15] well yeah [19:15] coz i cant work like this, its even slower then xp === pyrak_ is now known as pyrak [19:16] where do you change resolution? [19:16] Xman i think exit doesnt have a man page because it is a simple command that has no arguments that can be passed... [19:16] hi what command could I usE to gEt a physical listing of my hard drivEs [19:16] If you're on gnome, alt+f1, ystem -> preferences > screen resolution [19:16] hi what command could I usE to gEt a physical listing of my hard drivEs that arE installEd [19:16] marc_: 'mount' [19:16] anyone know what dir gtk+-2.0 is located in in 7.10 ? [19:17] gtk+-2.0.pc [19:17] how do I run a pidgin daemon everytime I log in? [19:17] that will show you your mounted drives (partitions) [19:17] ah much better [19:17] but no 1024X1048 [19:17] or something [19:17] 1248 i dunno lol [19:17] rukuartic: Neither is working [19:18] sudobash: but if i wanna know how its working or any kind of help then what should i do [19:18] Shinjin: Dawgone. [19:18] could someone help?= [19:18] Do anyone have a link to a beryl downloader? or are there any command i can do for installing beryl?:) [19:18] Hello! I used ubuntu a while ago. I just reinstalled it now. How can I search for packages with apt-get? [19:18] lulz [19:18] Shinjin: This is the right idea. I just can't figure out how to do it. [19:18] zakke ?? [19:18] xman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=390504 [19:18] andx= :) [19:18] do you use ubuntu 7.10 [19:18] yes id o [19:18] rukuartic: While you think about it I need to go check my mail. BRB [19:18] i do* [19:18] Zakke [19:18] thank you [19:18] Lectus: use aptitude search [19:19] why? =D [19:19] Lectus, apt-cache search *something* [19:19] So, still looking for someone who has experience with software RAID setups. I have a few questions to ask =P [19:19] thats more towards programmers though xman [19:20] Hey Guys i see that the things that I posted is in Grman I know that you can't understand this [19:20] Isearcha german speaking channel [19:21] andx: #ubuntu-de [19:21] sudobash, ehh the reason exit does not have a man page is actually because it is a subset of something else, in the case you are referring to it is called a "bash builtin" and your nick is the fastest way I know to do something stupid ;-) [19:21] I forgot that that isn't my computer [19:21] what is the best IDE supporting C++ [19:21] anyone here familiar with wubi? [19:21] you understand [19:21] ??? [19:22] Thank you skold [19:22] andx, #ubuntu-de [19:22] I wish all users a great Day evening whatever [19:22] rukuartic: Back, I got my new postsecrets book today [19:23] zakke: you should have desktop-effects by default woth 7.10 [19:23] suxxor: Thats a broad question. Go for kate / eclipse / anjuta [19:23] andx: ubuntu-de [19:23] how can I list the packages i have installed from command-line? [19:23] Lectus, dpkg -l [19:23] emet: Fastest fingers in the west. [19:24] lol [19:24] where can i get the 7.10 iso? [19:24] rukuartic: What do I need to try now? [19:24] CorruptTerrorist, www.ubuntu.com [19:24] ompaul: because you're a familiar screen name and smart... ...could I pester you for an answer? [19:24] Shinjin: D8 I honestly have no idea... There's a few things out there like umask=000 in your options, but I'm not sure. [19:25] rukuartic, careful I may fail better to ask the question to the channel (hint you now have my attention) [19:25] ompaul: Ever worked with RAID? (I've tried twice over the course of my stay here, no results =p) [19:25] test [19:25] BigDaddy2: Hello! [19:25] anyone here ever used wubi to install ubuntu? [19:25] has anyone yet used garnome to compile gnome packages? [19:25] rukuartic why hello thart [19:26] rukuartic, the _only_ way to do software raid with Ubuntu is to use the alternative disk [19:26] ompaul: now are you saying that because its impossible, or because thats the best way to do it? I remember installing mdadm and working on it myself, but I never got to fully use it. [19:26] Hi [19:27] ompaul: I'm looking to do a RAID 1 (mirroring) and I'm just trying to figure out if software raid 1 is the same thing as just rsyncing the hard drives ever night. IE: If I pull one of the two hard drives out, and put it in a foreign computer, will the computer be able to read it (assuming it can read the filesystem type) === rikkimaru_ is now known as rikkimaru [19:27] ompaul: or will the hard drive appear to be filled with garbage / unreadable if I use software raid? [19:27] rukuartic, if you were to travel from where you are to one kilometer from where you are there are two possible ways, the direct route, or walk/swim/sail around the planet -- I just gave the direct route [19:28] rukuartic, that is two of many possible but if they were your choices ;-) [19:28] hey i'm trying to make my mouse cursor move MUCH faster when using my Synaptics Trackball. I have the xorg.conf open but what do I edit? [19:28] Hi [19:28] libervisco: Hey :) [19:29] Anyone has a ma-660 or similar USB IR adapter?? [19:29] Not here, sorry ;_; [19:29] I'd like to set it up on Ubuntu.. I followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206896&highlight=ma660 [19:29] but it doesn't show on ttyUSB0 [19:29] Anyone use that newsground thing? I forget what it's called, like NANDI or something? it stands for Not Another Newsreader something something [19:30] has anyone yet used garnome to compile gnome packages? [19:32] gawd darn it [19:32] rukuartic, ehh the kind of guide you want is for debian installer anything else is beating yourself up trying to do it - much more sensible to start as you mean to go on === bluefox is now known as bluefox83 [19:32] !raid [19:32] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [19:33] I need to find a for GRUB loader to load the default OS without a keyboard attached [19:33] rukuartic, those guides work but man it is so much easier with the alt cd [19:33] I need a terminal based clock, does anybody know a good one? [19:33] * ompaul goes looking for something better [19:33] No, I don't want to type "date" :) [19:34] rukuartic, this looks good: http://knowledge76.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Server_Install_With_Software_RAID [19:34] ompaul: Well, the big important thing I'm worrying about is, lets say my box just absolutely crashes and fails and I want to move one of the two raid disks to another system. Will it just be plug and play? [19:35] rukuartic, if it is that bad no - what it saves you against is if the disks die [19:35] rukuartic, sorry if one of the disks dies [19:35] ompaul: Ok. So the only thing that software raid does is make the computer think its one hard drive? It doesn't change the formatting of the hard drive or anything? [19:36] has anyone yet used garnome to compile gnome packages? [19:36] zinox: no. [19:36] rukuartic, that is not the best way to think, do this [19:36] rukuartic, create partitions on both disks no FS choose raid for them [19:37] Has anyone used LAMP for setting up a web server? [19:37] rukuartic, then configure raid then apply paritions and install it will work out the rest over the next bit of time as it works out what you installed where and copies it correctly to the other slices [19:37] how do i replace the content of multiple files while making the name remain the same [19:37] Joe_S: Yup, LAMP is just an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP / Python / Perl etc. [19:38] Rademaster22 [19:38] rukuartic, Can you point me in the proper direction for an UBUNTU version? [19:38] ompaul: Ok. I figured things would work that way. My fear is just that if the OS goes down, and I want to just transfer my files across from one of the RAID drives on another computer without the RAID setup it would work fine. [19:39] when I boot kubuntu, my screen is just black with the loading screen, how can I solve that? or how can I do that I only see the text loading style ? (same happens when shutting down) [19:39] Joe_S: Ubuntu holds its own package repository. You can run a command to install it. [19:39] rukuartic, Was the installation fairly straightforward? I'm a bit of a Linux nubie. [19:40] Joe_S: The command should be 'sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-ssl php5 php5-mysql mysql-server-5.0' or something like that. [19:40] do I have to restart after editing the xorg.conf? [19:40] rukuartic, Thanks, I check it out. [19:40] Joe_S: Each of those names is a package that contains almost everything you need for a LAMP server. But you can customize it yourself. [19:40] i can't get update with apt-get update it stays on the message; connecting to blabla i am not behind a proxy, dns is correct set [19:40] rukuartic, I'm setting up a website for a startup real estate brokerage. [19:40] Joe_S, try looking at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP [19:41] rukuartic if the hardware is the same then you will be ok - if the hardware needs different drivers and is untested -- well I will let you work out that situation -- there is a balance between having always working machines and having great backups [19:41] Joe_S: If you use the alternate CD I think you can have it install a lamp server from the get go. [19:41] because i'm not getting any results when trying to update the xorg.conf to let me use gsynaptics [19:41] hello [19:41] drpcken: just restart the server with ctrl+alt+return [19:41] skold, THANK YOU! [19:41] been looking for that command :) [19:41] ompaul: Yeah, agreed. I was read somewhere that a hardware raid drive will only work on that hardware chip, and that operating system install [19:41] drpcken: np [19:42] rukuartic, Thanks! [19:42] ompaul: whether its RAID 0 or RAID 1, but I'm not sure. [19:42] Joe_S: check the link that rencore_ sent you too, I'm sure its useful ;) [19:42] rukuartic, -- not strictly speaking true -- you would need to tell the next machine what was raided and how it was and that the partitions where data partitions etc [19:42] rukuartic, remember you can rebuild it if it falls over [19:43] <[CroX]> Does 8.04 have a channel of its own? [19:43] ompaul: Thats what I'm just making sure. OS Host dies, can I get my files. [19:43] [CroX], #ubuntu+1 [19:43] [CroX]: #ubuntu+1 [19:43] Dang. [19:43] skold, should ctr+alt+return show anything? nothing is happeneing when I do it, or is it silent? [19:44] drpcken: In the terminl? [19:44] Hey guys, figured out ¨sort of¨ my usb woes. Turns out that to get my keyboard recognised I had to unplug my usb mouse. Anyone else come accross this? [19:44] hello guys, any expertise on TV Tuners here today? [19:44] :) no, i'll try that [19:44] Squawk: O__o; woah. [19:44] Hey, I'm having some problems connecting to a new wireless router.. I just can't seem to access the internet. Can anyone help me out? [19:44] drpcken: Wasn't a suggestion, I was just trying to figure out what you were doing XD [19:44] rukuartic, not something I even considered... [19:44] rukuartic, if they are personal then okay if a company then it depends on what the cost would be in lost data and in lost time trying to piece together what happened and really that level of professional support is better done by canonical [19:44] rukuartic: no it wasn't in the terminal [19:45] ompaul: =P Personal [19:45] /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER [19:45] when i did it moved to the next line and show ^] [19:45] drpcken: what are you trying to do, shut down / reboot your computer? [19:45] drpcken: i meant ctrl+alt+backspace, sorry [19:45] I dont suppose irssi is available in ubuntu, but under a different name? xchat is just awful when your used to a console based client [19:45] rukuartic, i was asking if i had to restart everytime i changed something in xorg.conf [19:45] Squawk: I'm on irssi right now. sudo apt-get install irssi [19:46] skold, lol np, thanks! [19:46] ubuntustudio installed the real-time kernel on my machine but it wont boot into it so how can i remove it? [19:46] rukuartic, then to be honest I would suggest that you use the second drive and copy the new data to a platter once a day so you just copy the delta between yesterday and today [19:46] drpcken: Ctrl+alt+backspace restarts xorg, so does /etc/init.d/xorg restart [19:46] Squawk, yeah sudo apt-get install irssi-text irssi-plugins should work fine for you [19:46] rukuartic, not all packages can be seen with the ubuntu add/remove application? [19:46] ompaul: Rsync? [19:46] Squawk: I like the terminal better. apt-cache search irssi [19:47] rukuartic, that would be good tar with newer than would be useful also [19:47] rukuartic, depends on your skill [19:47] rukuartic, I prefer terminal too, but as I said im trying ubuntu out to see what its like for family. I used debian a while back, so apt-get/cache not new to me (though im outta practice) [19:47] ompaul: I'm fairly confident with what I can do... ...this is just something I've never done before. [19:47] nevermind, i found the problem. the ap is WPA2.. [19:48] Squawk: Heh, I gotcha. [19:48] blind: XD Oh no... Thats no good. you'll need to use wpa-supplicant or something. [19:48] rukuartic, hokay got irssi, il brb [19:48] Squawk, you might like synaptic then, it's really good for what you need [19:48] ok i am installing a new printer on Gutsy, its a brother, but it doesnt seem to have the driver for my printer. How would i go about fixing this? [19:48] wow ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't play does it :) [19:48] how do I install software when in terminal the message "could not open lock file /............/- 13 permision deniad ........ are you root?" [19:48] matej: put sudo infront of your command [19:48] rukuartic, well imo the second platter with a couple of gigs at the start for a fresh o/s install and the second partition to be a ghost of your first partition [19:48] is there a command to calibrate the eraser head mouse (on the keyboard) the cursor tends to get sparatic at times [19:48] ompaul: could we go to /msgs? I'd like to talk in depth about this =P [19:49] and right now it doesn't even move horizontally, its random [19:49] rukuartic, pm me - back in a moment [19:49] Anyone know how I can setup my windows boot to include ubuntu? I have tried multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(0)\="Ubuntu" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect in my Boot.ini but not luck in have it start without rebooting my computer. [19:49] What options do i have to install printers in Ubuntu? [19:49] im using a 250W PSU unit right now, but as im only just using 1 hdd, a lame old video card and a celeron 2.1GHz on my ubuntu system i wonder if i could use a weaker PSU to save electricity, any tips? [19:50] hmm i used gsynaptics to try to make my touchpad sensitivy faster but it doesn't seem to work [19:50] why the file zippet with rar don't extraction make [19:50] Has anyone had any problems/experience with printing from ubuntu 7.10 an HP DeskJest F4180 shared on an XP machine? [19:50] my thinkpad x22 run on ubuntu 5.04 ... how to get Fn key to work? [19:51] can't believe. I asked a question about tv tuners, because nothing worked in the past 2 days. [19:51] DivineSpectrum: install unrar [19:51] After I asked that question the tuner suddenly started to work. [19:51] thanks guys! [19:52] DivineSpectrum: What is the native language that you speak? [19:52] Does ubuntu upgrade between releases well? [19:52] Is there a service I can install to share music with other computers on my local network? I used to use RhythmBox, but am trying to avoid having a user automatically login, would prefer a service to share a folder at boot. Ubuntu 7.10 [19:52] i've resolt [19:52] releod: You could try samba... [19:52] rukuartic: I managed to get the pppoe connection running :D I used pppoeconf :P [19:52] GreyhoundU: Tada! Congrats! ^_^ [19:52] hi, i have an WPA network, but i can't seem to enter the password in ubuntu 7.10 passwd screen, (the connect is gray) why is that ? [19:52] rukuartic, thanks for pointing apt out, irssi so much nicer ;) [19:53] anyone here ever used wubi to install ubuntu? [19:53] Squawk: np ;) [19:53] hi guys [19:53] rukuartic: I have AFP (netatalk) setup, I would also like to have the library on the ubuntu server showing up as a shared library in iTunes on the other comps as well.. [19:53] does RhythmBox have a service that runs in the background or any other software? [19:53] anybody here using a WPA network in ubuntu ? === Cpudan80 is now known as StupidSpammer [19:53] DB42 I use one [19:54] spq2, how do i enter the password for the network ? === StupidSpammer is now known as Cpudan80 [19:54] DB42: i use [19:54] It just popped up for me [19:54] it pops up [19:54] but when i enter the password, it seems to short, cause the "connect" button is gray... [19:54] do i need to enter it in HEX value or something ? [19:54] releod: I've never quite worked with iTunes, so I'm not too qualified to help you out =P [19:54] >8 [19:55] I've allowed Roaming mode, so it discovers the networks. Then I selected mine from the list and entered the passward [19:55] ur PassWord must > 8 [19:55] ownlinux, if it's not ? [19:56] DB42: My PassWord > 8 it works [19:56] DB42: have a try [19:56] and if i have a shorter password, what can i do ? [19:56] i don't want since other windows machins are connected to it.. [19:57] if u have shorter password u couldn't conncet the network [19:57] I believe WPA has a minimum length. When I set it up in my router it asked for quite a long passward [19:57] hmm.. mabye i forgot my passwd then :) i need to check [19:58] AFIK, wep is restricted to either 5 or 13 characters, WPA is not restricted in length [19:58] length >8 [19:58] I installed ubuntu, and at the end it said grub didn't install correctly but that it might be ok. It finished soon after, and so I restarted [19:59] I get a kernel panic when trying to boot the intsalled system now, something about not being able to sync because there's no init [19:59] and suggesting I use the init= kernel option [19:59] I've just built a new computer with a "Radeon Saphire HD 2400 PRO" graphics card and followed all steps on: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-546756.html but I still can't enable desktop effects, what am I missing? [19:59] any ideas? [20:00] jonty, have you got an initrd line in your grub.conf, and does it point to the right file? [20:00] yes [20:00] scraga1: have you checked your restricted drivers? [20:00] well I think I checked one sec [20:00] bibby: say's that I don't need them [20:01] scraga1: :( not sure then. [20:01] yes, the initd is valid, Squawk [20:01] Hi, struggling to get my broadcom wireless card working on ubuntu 7.10. Native drivers didn't work, now trying ndiswrapper, however can't find the device id. Any ideas? [20:01] Jonty, sorry im outa ideas then [20:02] steve176: bcm43xx? [20:02] wiki says the device id should look like 14E4:4324 [20:03] Using WUBI to install Ubuntu will take some problem,really? [20:03] Steve176: enable all the software sources in ur admin menu, then go to ur restricted drivers and enable it, it should download the .sys u need [20:04] !wubi [20:04] wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html [20:04] does anyone know if it is possible to use an Xbox 360 controller with Linux? [20:04] is using pulse instead of alsa a real possibility right now? i'm running ubuntu 7.10 [20:04] AntiUSA: it is, but I don't know how, although I do know someone who does if you wanna wait while I ask. [20:05] hi [20:05] sure [20:05] http://wiresmash.com a great site to check out if you are bored (how to increase your connection speed,games,gaming tips,funny pictures,videos and much more) please check it out and if you want to help msg me http://wiresmash.com great [20:05] thanks scragal [20:05] mpeters: pulseaudio is not a substitute for ALSA, which always remains the sound driver [20:05] is necessary reinstall ubuntu when the graphics card is changed? [20:05] !pulseaudio | mpeters [20:05] mpeters: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [20:05] thank you [20:05] chrono: no [20:05] Is it possible I've blacklisted as part of the install? [20:05] !wubi | ownlinux [20:05] chrono:NO [20:05] ownlinux: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html [20:05] how could i install a printer driver if i have the windows .exe? [20:05] ? [20:05] zero88: uhm, you don't... [20:06] ljl how do i install my printer if its not supported? [20:06] zero88: if it's not supported, then it might mean you cannot install it. which printer is that? [20:06] i changed my graphics card and now ubuntu dont start [20:06] I have a ATI Mobile x600 and don't get Desktop Effects to work. Error message when I put in fglrxinfo is: "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [20:06] someone there to help me? [20:06] chrono: tried starting in safe graphics mode? === priscila is now known as priscilA === priscilA is now known as priscila_ [20:07] !ESD [20:07] esd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead [20:07] ljl its a Brother mfc3360c [20:07] chrono: reinstall graphics driver [20:07] !cfblacklist | nino [20:07] nino: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu [20:07] choro: yes, with the live cd. But the keyboard dont response === lordmetroid__ is now known as LordMetroid [20:08] I uncommented my Graphical Card in the blacklist! [20:08] zero88, http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Brother-MFC-3360C this is a clue not the ubuntu answer [20:08] i need help configuring things so that jack audio will work [20:08] ompaul ok thanks so much [20:08] nino, if it's in the blacklist, it means it's not supposed to work correctly, don't you think? :) try asking in #compiz-fusion if you really insist on enabling it. [20:09] chrono: choose safe graphics mode [20:09] AntiUSA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller how to from ubuntu site here(for 7.10), my mate isn't online unfortunatly :() [20:09] does amarok need anything for it to work with iPods? [20:09] zero88, try a live CD and then you will know if ubuntu does anything with it [20:09] ni1s:Maybe [20:09] ompaul thanks, i have cups, just the basic cupsys but cant get it to work still [20:09] GNOME/HAL mounts it, rhythmbox sees it, but not amarok [20:09] What is the location of the root of the 'kernel source tree'? [20:10] Trying to get my broadcom wireless device working in ubuntu 7.10. Have been told by several people to enabled restricted drivers and tick all sources, but this doesn't seem to work [20:10] How do i determine what audio card I have? [20:10] thanks scragal! [20:10] rikkimaru: $ sudo lspci [20:11] zero88: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/cups_wrapper_install6.html follow the "for dpkg users" instructions, but there is *no guarantee* that it'll install properly without breaking things. [20:11] ljl ok thanks [20:11] zero88, ask system - administration - printing to work for you -- if that fails you may have to follow the url [20:11] ompaul ya ive tried that already [20:12] Note to anyone thinking about using VMware :: Don't bother.. [20:12] TigerTails, what you trying to emulate? [20:12] ownlinux: i did that, but ubuntu starts wothout keyboad [20:12] TigerTails the reason being? [20:13] TigerTails : explain [20:13] Its got unbelievably ammounts of bugs in it [20:13] Most recently: the mouse emulation is completely bollocks [20:13] !language [20:13] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [20:13] TigerTails i've had no problems with it. [20:13] !ot [20:13] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [20:13] i have, and my friend has [20:13] so its not just me [20:14] I'm trying to install ubuntu, and X keeps failing to start [20:14] Hey, I downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 from the website and burned it to a disk, now that I try to start it I get errors - like this: "[ 593.999153] ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen" and "[ 606.0476770] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0" Anyone know what's wrong? [20:14] I changed to vc/1, but saw no errors in Xorg.0.log [20:14] Cyntrox: have you verified your burn? [20:14] It says something like "X failed to start 6 times in the last 90 seconds, etc" [20:14] Eaglewolf: tried safe graphics mode? [20:14] How can I start the Safe Graphics mode in a installed ubuntu installation? [20:14] hi, what about if I have big problems with linux-image-2.6.24-8 and want to go back to linux-image-2.6.24-5 (that I've removed from my system)? repository show only last version, not previous ones [20:14] oh duh [20:15] what is that ubuntu version optimezed for vmware? [20:15] nino, it's in your boot menu. if you don't see a boot menu, press Esc just when Ubuntu is starting. [20:15] LjL, if you mean by the option when I boot from the disc, then it gives the same errors... [20:15] I'm used to text-mode installers, didn't think of that [20:15] !verify | Cyntrox, it can be done from Windows [20:15] Cyntrox, it can be done from Windows: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [20:15] LjL: thanks for the tip... time to reboot and try again [20:15] Thanks [20:16] hi [20:16] ello [20:17] I want encrypted swap [20:17] ehlo [20:17] What to do? [20:17] wohoo... finally downloaded and burned the iso... off to install now [20:17] kbrooks: isn't swap slow enough unencrypted? :P [20:17] kbrooks, you don't [20:17] anyone using evdev with ubuntu 8.04 ? [20:17] ompaul, Why? [20:17] is there a way to make VNC part of the startup? [20:17] what if I want a previous vesion of a program? in repositories I find only the last one... [20:18] wish me luck... and lots of it [20:18] Anybody else having trouble with updating to linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic? [20:18] kbrooks, see LjL's comment [20:18] ompaul, for security reasons I do [20:18] VNC as a service before login. [20:18] kbrooks: well couldn't you just disable swap? i mean, i don't usually recommend that, but if you have a "modern" amount of memory, it's pretty feasible to work without swap [20:18] i suspect performances would tend to be better than with an encrypted swap... [20:19] LjL, i cant work without swap, i have 256 mb of memory [20:19] !info cryptmount | kbrooks [20:19] kbrooks: cryptmount (source: cryptmount): Management and user-mode mounting of encrypted file systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 62 kB, installed size 236 kB [20:19] Umm... I feel stupid, but that site you directed me to refers to mirrors - but I see none. Where can I download MD5SUMS and MD5SUMS.gpg? [20:19] hello [20:20] how can I get VNC to startup before login? [20:20] ljl ompaul how do you use lpr [20:20] What port does the remote desktop server use for Ubuntu [20:20] is there a specific irc chan for jack audio? [20:20] zero88: why do you want to? [20:21] zero88, lpr options textfilename [20:21] ljl becuase http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/lpr_install.html it had my driver [20:21] LjL, how do i configure cryptmount? [20:22] ompaul i have installed the debian LPR driver for my printer [20:22] zero88: that doesn't mean you're supposed to use LPR. if you read that page, and http://solutions.brother.com/linux/sol/printer/linux/cups_wrapper_install6.html , carefully, you'll find that you can use plain CUPS [20:22] LjL: I get the same problem with safe graphics [20:22] ljl yes but cups does not have my driver [20:23] This isn't my computer, so I'm not sure what model graphics card it is, and lspci wasn't very specific. I do know it's integrated on a VIA motherboard [20:23] zero88, I use cups I have forgotten lpr but man lpr tends to explain it [20:23] ompaul k [20:24] Eaglewolf, lspci -v for more info [20:24] zero88, *read* what i gave you. you need the LPR driver *and* the CUPS wrapper for it. [20:24] ljl Aieh sorry im trying to go too fast for myself thanks, i will read it over again [20:24] lemme see if I can figure it out from here.. I didn't think to bring my laptop with me so this is all I have to get online with at the moment [20:24] heh. of all the times i've told people to not use envy, its the only thing that fully worked for me. -_- [20:25] there is any repository gnome 2.20.3 packages? [20:25] !worksforme [20:25] Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [20:25] ompaul: ha. well your ubuntuforums.org tells people to use it too. :P [20:26] in my gnome-panel systems monitor i've got something eating up 50% cpu (dark blue), but when i launch systems monitor proper, it does not tell me what process it is that's doing it, how do i find out about that? [20:26] ompaul: only reason why i tired it. [20:26] zinox, given how tight your desktop is tied to your base system I strongly suggest you stick with the gnome you want [20:26] AtomicSpark, ehh I don't own that nor do I support it, the only thing that worked - is a script that you may regret when you get your next kernel / whatever upgrade [20:27] Should I format my system HD before I install Ubuntu, or should I let Ubuntu do it? === GreyhoundU is now known as Greyhound|NB [20:27] L3ttuc3, run ¨top¨ from command prompt === Eaglewolf is now known as Daenyth|Rawr [20:27] Cyntrox, it's part of the installer [20:27] Squawk that does not either. [20:27] Cyntrox, let the installer do it for you [20:27] Cyntrox, yes, it does it for you === Daenyth|Rawr is now known as Eaglewolf [20:27] Okay, thanks [20:27] Cyntrox, or you are doing the same thing twice [20:28] if I want to dual boot Ubuntu/Windows XP, which one should I install first? [20:28] Cyntrox, windows [20:28] Cyntrox, windows [20:28] Cyntrox: Windows ;p [20:28] ompaul: I fully realize i just broke full upgrade compatibility. I still won't recommend it to others. Most people wont read the fine print that you have to uninstall it before updating. :P [20:28] Squawk, ompaul, xq: Okay =P [20:28] can compiz do LookingGlass style rotatable windows? [20:28] Cyntrox: Otherwise, Windows will overwrite GRUB (the boot loader) and it's a PITA. [20:28] Cyntrox, just install windows on the first primary partition and ubuntu wherever else you want, install grub, and your away [20:29] Aww, Windows is so mean [20:29] ConstyXIV, ask in #compiz they know way more [20:29] kbrooks, in /usr/share/doc/cryptmount/examples/cmtab.example, the last example is about swap [20:29] is there a reason why my monitor keeps going on idle after 5 minutes of not touching it (i.e when watching something) I have disabled the screen saver and asked it to consider itself idle after2 hours, but it still does it. How can I solve this [20:29] LjL, ty so much [20:29] does anybody have AWN working nicely? i cant seem to get the notification area applet working [20:29] Squawk for example, if it's trackerd, and it's indexing in the background, even when i do top, it won't show up eating up system resources, only the gnome-panel shows it as dark blue (labelled as IOWait) - neither top nor system resources show what application is causing that... or is that the kernel itself? [20:29] join #trivvie [20:29] Why does my usb audio device only allow one program to produce sound? When I try the "test sound" in sound preferences it tells me: "resource busy" [20:30] i mean, if i find out what application is causing the hog, i could terminate it. [20:30] ConstyXIV: Yes it does [20:31] buenas [20:31] xq, how? [20:31] Ljl hm for some reason when going to /usr/share/cups/models it doesnt have anyhting in ther [20:31] /server piscis.irc-hispano.org [20:31] ConstyXIV: I am assuming you mean something similiar to adding depth (i.e. Aero-Glass)? [20:31] L3ttuc3, not sure man, something useing 50% system resources and not showing up in top strikes me as odd, regardless of where its operating, 50% cpu usage is still 50% cpu usage [20:31] sldjk [20:31] LjL, I checked my ISO file hash and it matches the one that's listed on Ubuntus webside... Any other idea what could be wrong? === flo_ is now known as groovehunter [20:32] xq, something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:LG3D.jpg [20:32] how do I go about rebuilding the kernel bzImage and initramfs? [20:32] how do i get beryl for 7.10 ? [20:32] hi...how can I update the boot manager ubuntu uses as default [20:32] I have looked through all the menus and don't see anything listed to modify it...I know it's easy..just not sure how === Greyhound|NB_ is now known as Greyhound|NB [20:33] Squawk that's what i'm saying, whatever's billed as 'IOWait' in that resource monitor applet does not show up in either top, or system resource monitor under default settings. i usually get that when trackerd is indexing files, but this time something else was taking up the processor time. [20:33] **gets LjL something hot to drink** good work sir =) [20:33] dannyboy20: dont you want to use compiz fusion? [20:33] dannyboy20: beryl's been discontinued and merged into compiz-fusion, which ships with 7.10 [20:33] zero88, i expect that since it's just a wrapper, you need to select some "CUPS wrapper" or similarly named "model", rather than the actual model. [20:33] ok yea that...how do i get it? [20:33] dannyboy20: you have it [20:33] Cyntrox: you should check the *CD*, not the ISO file [20:33] How can I make it so a user has no permission to read *anything* outside their /home/user directory? [20:33] dannyboy20 should be installed by default, you might need to enable it. [20:33] LjL oh, ok [20:33] purely SSH user [20:34] LjL: Ah... [20:34] do i just type apt-get install compiz-fusion ? [20:34] * Cyntrox feels dumb [20:34] benanzo: you don't. every user needs to read files outside of their own directory, for the system to let them do anything at all. [20:34] dannyboy20: if you've got your 3d set up, go to Sys->Prefs->Appeareance->Visual Effects [20:34] hi [20:34] Oh OK [20:34] dannyboy20: Compiz is installed by default, and enabled if supported [20:34] I've got a brand spanking new ALSA install and everything works fine, but if I start Audacity, it kills the whole sound server. Help? [20:34] LjL: I think he just means so users can not browse outside of their directories -- i.e. list files and "snoop" around the system. ... [20:34] How can I access the functions to modify the boot options for the default boot manager for ubuntu [20:34] dannyboy20: system > preferences > appearance > visual effects > extra [20:34] you can make it so users can only read what's in their own home directory i guess if that's what you wanted [20:35] xq, benanzo well, he'll always be able to. you cannot really stop them from listing, say, /bin, without making a mess. of course you *can* (and it's a good idea to) block them from seeing other directories in /home [20:35] theres a lot features that either i dont know how to access them or they r not enabled or something.... [20:35] hey guys I gotta funny question: is it possible to install any of the mac software in linux/ubuntu ?? [20:35] how can I make the desktop effects work on the livecd? [20:35] dannyboy20: you'd want to install compizconfig-settings-manager [20:36] whois nubae [20:36] i've installed ubuntu first time on a laptop, a lenovo 3000 N100 anything i should do ? power/cpu managment, etc ? === Xoferif is now known as Firefox [20:36] I lost several icons on the top panel including the wireless strength indicator. How can I get it back? [20:36] LjL how do I do that? is it just basically setting 750 on all the home directories? or is there something I can do to restrict just that user === Firefox is now known as SnoFox [20:36] hacknslash: that's /whois [20:36] oh ok..do isntall it from a terminal ? [20:36] Greyhound|NB: if you can activate them without installing anything, they should be activated by default [20:36] how do I make the initrd work with SATA devices? [20:36] dannyboy20: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [20:36] is there a reason why my monitor keeps going on idle after 5 minutes of not touching it (i.e when watching something) I have disabled the screen saver and asked it to consider itself idle after2 hours, but it still does it. How can I solve this? [20:36] Umm, can anyone help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu, and I'm downloading the iso file now, but I don't know what I do with it when it's finished. [20:36] LjL, how do I get the sum of an entire disk in MD5SUMS...? I only get one for each one of the individual files... [20:37] oh ok...imma work on it now then... [20:37] skwaHeriF: you'll need to burn the iso to a disk [20:37] So I love Ubuntu, worked flawlessly on my old Acer. Willnot boot on my new Acer (5520), who can help me get it running in my cheap Averatec 3200 laptop? [20:37] so I just drag it into a blank CD folder and click burn? [20:37] I can't activate them.. it says "could not be enabled" (I have an ATI xpress 1100 gfx card) [20:37] skwaHeriF, burn it to a cd using something like ¨iso recorder¨, and then reboot with the cd in the drive [20:37] sa2 does whois only work if the user is online ? [20:37] benanzo: Perhap see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/restrict-linux-users-to-their-home-directories-only/ or this thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244080 with great links. [20:37] benanzo: I think those are what you are looking for? [20:37] you can use any iso recording software, like nero, or a free one like ISO recorder [20:37] Ffs... Jonathan... [20:37] Someone PM me about my Averatec 3200 wifi issues, broadcom 43xx chipset. [20:37] hacknslash: must be online, right [20:37] help me, plz. I can't install ubuntu 7.10 because have got [Errno 5] input/output. [20:37] ok and how or where do i get more themes for it? [20:37] i've installed ubuntu first time on a laptop, a lenovo 3000 N100 anything i should do ? power/cpu managment, etc ? [20:37] xq yes that looks intersting [20:37] thnx [20:38] hacknslash, whois searches registrations of domain names, doesnt matter if the ip referenced is accessible ornot [20:38] skwaHeriF: get imgburn, use it to burn the iso [20:38] ok I followed the instructions for postfix on ubuntu and I get this error messgae ...postfix/smtpd[27060]: cannot load Certificate Authority data [20:38] DB42: poke around and check ;p [20:38] I accidentally lost several icons on the top panel including the wireless strength indicator. How can I get it back? [20:38] faileas, poke where, i don't know where to look ... [20:38] benanzo: No problem, I restrict access like that (and most hosts do as well) for anyone that offers shell access or FTP access. It's security. [20:38] DB42: I'd recommend look up the linux on laptops files for that laptop and closely related models. [20:38] does anybody know how to install a BNC into a serve? [20:38] benanzo: Good luck. Come back if you need more assistence and feel free to ping me. [20:38] Squawk: I think he's talking about irc whois. ;) [20:39] Thank you very much, everyone. [20:39] is there a command for setting the screen brightness ? [20:39] hi FireHawks [20:39] does anybody know how to install a BNC into a serve? [20:39] does anybody know how to install a BNC into a serve? [20:39] ConstyXIV: I recommend checking in Compiz. I think that is either upcoming or that is a mockup. I'm sorry, I haven't seen that...it looks more transparent that glassy. The "water" on the bottom is the user's desktop background. [20:39] seriously [20:39] benanzo: yes, sudo chmod 750 /home/* should do [20:39] nahtanoJ, BNC as in ipmi module [20:39] Cyntrox: on linux or windows? on linux, you can just md5sum /dev/cdrom, on windows i'm not sure [20:40] I'm on Windows. [20:40] sa2, heh ok didnt see the first bit of the question [20:40] Kyle: Change your nickname :p [20:40] sa2, unless he left (I cant remember who it was), tell him to try whowas, that can work on some servers [20:40] fliegenderfrosch: I can't activate them.. it says "could not be enabled" (I have an ATI xpress 1100 gfx card) [20:40] Anyone know how to check an md5 sum of a CD on Windows? [20:41] Anybody else have this problem? My (alsa) soundserver just dies when I start audacity, and audacity is super laggy. [20:41] Anyone available to help me? [20:41] Going to reinstall Ubuntu (again)... any way to integrate all the updates into the install CD? [20:41] all sound ceases to exist [20:41] Cyntrox, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM === Everget3 is now known as Evergete [20:41] Parsec300, ask your question, dont ask to ask. If someone knows, they will answer. If you dont get an answer, repost in 5 mins, repharsed if needs be [20:41] how do i edit boot manager for ubuntu? === PureBNC is now known as BlueRay [20:42] Greyhound|NB: then it's probably blacklisted or you would have to install the proprietary driver and restart the x server [20:42] !grub | dannyboy20 [20:42] dannyboy20: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [20:42] Squawk, I asked it twice, but there was absolutely no response. That's why I asked to ask. [20:42] DB42: check if wifi works, run glxinfo to check the video ext [20:42] *etc [20:42] any laptop users here ? [20:42] yes [20:42] is there a reason why my monitor keeps going on idle after 5 minutes of not touching it (i.e when watching something) I have disabled the screen saver and asked it to consider itself idle after2 hours, but it still does it. How can I solve this? [20:42] Or should I try Using 8.04? [20:42] laptop here! [20:42] thinkpad T61p, DB42 [20:42] Parsec300, best bet is slight rephrase and ask again, nobody will answer a question asking to ask [20:43] any tips to check / do ? [20:43] Squawk, I've accidentally lost some icons in the top panel on the right. Like the battery indicator and the network/wifi monitor/strength. [20:43] ubotu: i need to permantly change the booting options fot the kernel...because if i dont add "nosplash -- vga=791" at the end the computer freezes for some reason... [20:43] !panelreset | Parsec300 [20:43] Parsec300: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [20:43] DB42, to what? === manu_ is now known as manuquadros [20:43] DB42: check the http://www.linux-laptop.net/ site, that and google are your best firends [20:43] Hey does anyone know a good shell-based utility that will give me a constant update of what's going on on eth0 (ethernet) port? Like speeds and such? [20:43] *friends [20:43] saffiyah i had that problem on my laptop.. had to configure acpi (advanced control and power interface).. not sure if desktops are the same [20:44] Parsec300: right click panel, add notification area [20:44] changing the user's default shell to /bin/rbash (restricted) does the trick -- also setting secure permissions on the /home directories as well. Thanks all [20:44] Parsec300, oh, right click add to panel? or, add new panel, followed by right click add topanel? [20:44] PriceChild, dunno, power managment [20:44] k [20:44] marx2k_, vnstat for perioditc updates, or iwlist for real time [20:44] marx2k_, sorry, not iwlist [20:44] marx2k_, one sec, I forgot the command === mjs is now known as mjsilva [20:44] :) === demon_spork is now known as demonspork [20:45] marx2k_, iptraf [20:45] Excellent...do you know if either one actually eats up traffic like netshark or whatever that util is? [20:46] marx2k_: iftop is anouther monitor. [20:46] marx2k_, not used that so dont know what it does, but iptraf just shows you whats happening in real time, transfer speeds, ip addresses connected to, port numbers. === herko is now known as Rooibos [20:46] bbl [20:46] Thanks Squawk and EADG [20:46] nickrud, your solution was a good quick and easy solution. Thanks, also to Squawk and LjL. [20:47] ooh ptraf is nice [20:47] Squawk, are you in aviation? [20:47] iptraf i mean [20:47] Parsec300, as in flying? no [20:47] So, I have 4 partitions on my harddrive and 2.5 gigs of unallocated space right in the center, if I were to put the ubuntu LiveCD in, and use Guided - find the largest free space, would it automatically pick up that 2.5 gigs of unallocated space and install there? [20:47] Squawk, ok. [20:48] taggartbg2: i dont think 2.5g is enough [20:48] marx2k_: There is a nice little deamon that collects bandwith stats... trying to remember the name, gimme a minute. [20:48] Parsec300, what was the solution to your prob btw, for future reference. Im a bit of a command line junky tbh, so if I ever mess up gnome its a pain [20:48] EADG: iftop looks like it does that [20:48] banbhfive: according to ubuntu support forums 2 gigs in the minimum for a full install and a swap partition [20:48] EADG, its vnstat [20:48] whoa... these are some seriously useful programs [20:49] prova [20:49] !es | stravogin [20:49] stravogin: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [20:49] Squawk, I've right-clicked on the panel and clicked add-to panel (which I've tried before) and added notification area (which I haven't tried before). [20:49] taggartbg2, tell you what you do that and wonder why it fails - you need 3.5 at least and to be frank that is not enough for a usable system [20:49] marx2k_, get vnstat running in a crontab, google for vnstat frontend, and find the php, and have a looksee at that. its great [20:49] Parsec300, notification area, il remember that, thanks [20:50] Squawk: hmm, nope, doesn't sound familiar. I had it running on my boxes with Dapper, haven't re-installed since wiping and upgrading to Fiesty. [20:50] Squawk: Ok thanks :) This is just what I was looking for [20:51] heu guys, My fan is always working on the laptop Dell inpiron 8500 any help? === schlort_ is now known as schlort [20:51] ompaul: what about xubuntu, according to wikipedia that only needs 1.5, how accurate is that? [20:51] Squawk: The proggy collected the stats for ftp, http, etc in html format. Had daily, weekly, monthly, yearly charts. [20:52] taggartbg2, not bad - but then again to have fun and do cool stuff other than just read web mail and look at some web stuff you really want to give it some more room [20:52] Do I really need to defragment my windows 98 partition before installing a linux os, or is that just to make it so i can resize the partition more? [20:52] Nihilist_Nerd, you do and that is the reason [20:52] any commands to see the temperature of my CPU or why my fan is always constantly working? [20:52] @ Nihilist: the latter [20:52] Bah... this is gonna drive me nuts 'till I remember the name. [20:52] ompaul: well, if i have enough space for another os left, will i be okay? [20:53] hey guys... [20:53] how do you check what group a user is located in? [20:53] i mean, if gparted says that only so much is used and i resize the partition to something bigger than that? [20:53] !hardy [20:53] Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [20:53] ompaul: yea :-\ I figure I just want to be able to at least have linux support on this laptop. I may end up cutting down the windows partition at some point and installing ubuntu with some more space at a later date. For now I think i'm going to install xubuntu on the free space I just happen to have right now. Thanks for the input [20:53] how do you check what group a user is in? [20:53] Nihilist_Nerd, I don't know what you want to do - so I'll say yes if you are going to give it around 5 gigs for some inital playing around [20:53] I've accidentally deleted an attachment in the wiki [20:53] is there any way to revert it? [20:54] if i wanted to use a printer as a network printer, do i have to have it connected to a computer or just a router or hub? [20:54] sits, pm me and we'll see [20:54] ompaul: lol, the hdd capacity is 6 gb. i'm hoping to resize an old partition to give fluxbuntu some space. [20:54] zero88: depends on the router [20:54] Nihilist_Nerd, well you know my opinion [20:55] ompaul, what bash command checks to see what group a user is in? [20:55] ompaul: yah, thanks, but do you mean that it's totally crucial? will it damage my windows partition if i don't? [20:55] faileas its a 2wire router and has a usb connection to it [20:55] zero88: can it act as a print server? [20:55] please help, what command checks what group a user is in? [20:56] faileas let me check [20:56] well, the install failed... [20:56] x server error [20:56] EADG, oh, yeah not what I was thinking of at all. you mean ntop maybe? [20:57] Squawk, how do i check what group a user is in? [20:57] ac1d, grep username /etc/groups [20:57] hey, how can i see what proccesses are taking up my memory, top indicates that i only have 26 mb free [20:57] ac1d, /etc/group not groups [20:57] Is there any way to get the command line SSH to use the graphical ssh-askpass? [20:57] Squawk: No sir, not that one. Can't find it in apt-cache search either. But i did find nload, which I've never tried... [20:58] faileas im not sure [20:58] can ANYONE HELP ME with an X server error? [20:58] utnick, try ¨free¨ [20:58] zero88: then give it a shot ;p [20:58] utnick, but linux will cache a lot in memory thats not being used, so be careful thinking memory is overused [20:58] zero88: Look it up, download the manual. "Search" for "printer." [20:58] ok [20:58] utnick, it will free RAM up as and when required [20:59] faileas ya but do you need to install drivers if its connected to the network? [20:59] Nihilist_Nerd, ehh it won't but it will be pretty and usable without the space to download more [20:59] EADG, to be honest im guessing at stuff ive used in gentoo, I only installed ubuntu today as a trial for family [20:59] zero88: in my experience,probably [20:59] CorruptTerrorist: without a problem description, probably not [20:59] ac1d, try id it might be what you want but your question is unclear [21:00] I just got a Thinkpad x60 Tablet and I want to dualboot Gutsy and Vista. What's the best way to start? [21:00] nickrud, i have a pic of the error [21:00] CorruptTerrorist: so, what's the link [21:00] one sec... still uploading [21:00] Tu13es, if you can go for a clean install, partition the drive, install vista on teh first partition, and then do what you want with gutsy install [21:01] Squawk: how should I partition? [21:01] or you could resize the vista partiton and load gutsy [21:01] does Vista have a partitioner? [21:01] Squawk: Found it, bandwidthd. How is the trial so far? [21:01] can anyone recomend a gaming server, ggs maybe ?, that runs on ubuntu ? [21:01] Remember that linux can read/write from ntfs drives but vista can't read ext3 when you partition [21:01] anyone running hardy having problems with gnome? [21:02] Tu13es, fdisk under linux, dunno bout vista [21:02] client rather... [21:02] !hardy > Jewfro-Macabbi (Jewfro-Macabbi, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:02] Hey people [21:02] EADG, mostly I like it, with a couple of negatives [21:02] Z_o-s-o: how do I resize nondestructively? [21:02] Vista should have an option to partition your drive when you're installing.. XP did anyway [21:02] EADG, whoever designed the install is a genious, for a non techie user its simple [21:02] hello ubunuters :) [21:02] Tu13es : You can do it from inside Vista in safe mode [21:03] LjL, Yes I know it's a beta - I was wondering if anyone else had found their away around the bug yet [21:03] I need to get newest kernel from www.kernel.org/ I dunno how to get restricted drivers working the customones [21:03] Jewfro-Macabbi: the channel is #ubuntu+1 [21:03] Squawk: agreed. Very nice. [21:03] I dunno how to make them [21:03] Z_o-s-o: interesting, I'll take a look. Is safe mode still F8 for Vista? [21:03] I made linux image and headers [21:03] Lukasz: why do you need the newest kernel? [21:03] when does new version come out? March? [21:03] Tu13es - I think so [21:03] hi I can't update the grub menu.lst [21:03] permission denied [21:04] EADG, I dont like the fact that you dont set a root password during install, and for some reason my usb keyboard doesnt work after boot unless I unplug my usb mouse,which is just bizare [21:04] PulsarFl: don't forget sudo [21:04] Well Some people say the fglrx freezing is fixed on logout and ctrl-alt-backspace Ljl [21:04] is the default account created for me by the ubuntu installer not root? [21:04] pulsarf1: sudo gedit [21:04] nickrud, links: [21:04] !rootsudo | PulsarFl [21:04] PulsarFl: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. [21:04] PulsarFl, interestingly, no, you can su to root with sudo su - and then set a root password [21:04] thanks [21:04] !new version [21:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about new version - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [21:04] makes snese [21:04] no sound in ubuntu? (no one hears your screams@#!% [21:04] Hi, I've changed some files with text editor and now when I try to browse files for uploading to web(via browser) browsing window shows filename~.extension. For example: I changed file document.doc and when I try to upload file from same directory I see document.doc and document~.doc [21:04] http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s26/joethecomputer/100_0103.jpg | http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s26/joethecomputer/100_0102.jpg | http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s26/joethecomputer/100_0101.jpg [21:05] I install the prioritary drivers and visual works it just freezels LjL on so I get no Ctrl-alt Backspace and no logout [21:05] PriitM, those are temporary files, ignore them [21:05] ^^ that's the error [21:05] just to let you guys know, my problem with the monitor is a bug caused by installing compiz-fusion. the fix is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4148833 [21:06] How do i set up ubuntu so that when it boots, it boots into a text-only environment without the usual gdm graphical logon screen? [21:06] caiao [21:06] I honestly don't know what to do about The fgkrx freezing [21:06] fglrx* [21:06] Squawk: my biggest complaint is codecs, having to recompile (I think thats what it's called) ffmpeg to conver vids. HA! Unplugging stuff to get it running is wierd. Oh... 'nother complaint is frame buffer is disabled by default, not cool for some one (read me) who likes to spend 90% of touch time in CLI. [21:06] CorruptTerrorist: hm, what video card do you have [21:06] nVidia 8800GT [21:06] How do i set up ubuntu so that when it boots, it boots into a text-only environment without the usual gdm graphical logon screen? [21:07] LjL you there? [21:07] Lukasz : what about fglrx is freezing [21:07] aiuto sono in cerca di aiuto per drive marvel g400 [21:07] It freezes Logout and I dunno how to fix it Z_o-s-o [21:07] What is the location of the root of the 'kernel source tree'? [21:07] update-rc.d -f gdm remove [21:07] How do i set up ubuntu so that when it boots, it boots into a text-only environment without the usual gdm graphical logon screen? [21:07] sp219, actualy wondering that myself, first day in ubuntu (used to gentoo where it just happens by default) [21:07] Lukasz : What graphics card and driver? [21:08] CorruptTerrorist: ah. clt-alt-f2, log in, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , hit enter for nearly everything, vesa as the driver, and 1024x768 and 800x600 for resolution. Then reboot [21:08] graphics card: ATi ATI MOBILITY Radeon XPRESS 200 (1280x800x32bit 60Hz) [21:08] Lukasz, if you really have to use a newer kernel, it's possibly easier and safer to just use the one from Hardy [21:08] !it | ubuntu_ [21:08] ubuntu_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [21:08] bullgard4 - /usr/src/ [21:08] what is Hardy and how LjL? [21:08] Lukasz: I use that one just fine with fglrx [21:08] sp219, and ctrl-alt-backspace just takes you back to the login screen, in case you were gonna tryi t [21:08] Squawk: sp219 I think miyarstim spelled it out for us. I was wondering too. [21:08] Lukasz, nickrud: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/107115 [21:09] miyarstim, cheers [21:09] nickrud, since i'm using wubi, do i hold it down while it's loading kernels? [21:09] I think i just found something about it -- called the "runlevel" [21:09] Lukasz, Hardy will be the next version of Ubuntu. currently it's not stable, but you can (no guarantees, but you can try to) install its kernel over Gutsy. that's usually something not recommended at all, but then again compiling your own kernel from kernel.org is not much more recommended [21:09] sp219, runlevels i was gonna look for when I played about with ubuntu for a bit, for now im satisfied its quite nice here, so im off back to my gentoo ;). Thanks for the good expereince guys, ubuntu now gets my firm recomendations to new users [21:09] Lukasz : are you running the latest Ati 8-02 driver? [21:10] come si va dove c? e' l'italiano??? [21:10] ubuntu_: /join #ubuntu-it [21:10] yeah Z_o-s-o [21:10] Lukasz : it fixed the same issue for my 1300 Pro [21:10] ahhh [21:10] ok I use hardy then hehe :) [21:10] sp219: miyarstim gave us the easy way to do it. update-rc.d -f gdm remove [21:10] dove italia? [21:10] Url pls? [21:10] ubuntu_: scrivi /join #ubuntu-it [21:10] sp219 - you used to be able to specify the runlevel you wanted at the grub boot screen by adding the runlevel to the end of the kernel line. Not sure that works on ubuntu though - that was on a Debian system [21:11] I got it [21:11] CorruptTerrorist: oh, wubi. I have no idea what's gonna happen with an 8800gt and wubi, sorry. [21:11] re-enable with update-rc.d -f gdm defaults [21:11] danand: I doubt that your answer is correct. [21:11] LjL link to Hardy pls [21:11] LjL: hm. wonder why I never ran into that. [21:11] sup yall [21:11] !hardy > lukasz (lukasz, see the private message from Ubotu) [21:11] miyarstim: thanks, gonna rebootthis lappy :) [21:12] bullgard4 - like i said - that worked on Debian... not sure it works for Ubuntu [21:12] anyone here an Ubuntu expert? [21:12] I should download HardyHeron/Alpha5? [21:12] Lukasz: enable the hardy repositories, install the kernel, then *disable* the repositories. [21:12] CorruptTerrorist: the main issue is the 8800gt is too new to have full support from the ubuntu drivers, and I don't have a clue to how wubi gets itself running [21:12] I got no Linux atm [21:12] any1 familiar bash here [21:12] danand: Thank you very much for commenting. [21:12] I need help re: bluetooth [21:13] Lukasz, Hardy is unstable and may break. it's your decision. [21:13] !anyone | newbie [21:13] newbie: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [21:13] hey all, im interested in testing pre-release versions of ubuntu. do I have to run the beta versions from an actual hard drive, or can I boot from a flash drive? [21:13] Lukasz: boot into recovery mode, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg , that will get you back to a standard video driver [21:13] Please PM me f you feel you would be able to help me out with bluetooth problems re: mouse and keyboard [21:13] I have to install Ubuntu and I will upgraded it [21:13] jsav: /join ubuntu+1 [21:13] I will see toomarow [21:13] ok ciao [21:13] I am suffering random browser crashes with firefox. Sometimes when I am watching youtube videos or porn, it just crashes for no reason [21:13] jsav: u can use vmware instead ..... [21:14] So how do I upgrade? [21:14] i iknow its alpha but i installed hardy heron. i set the password in the setup but its completed the installation but i cant login it says the login is wrong... [21:14] what's vmware? [21:14] jsav: go join #ubuntu+1 [21:14] joined [21:14] nickrud, when do i hold down ctrl+alt+f2 ? [21:14] jsav, you're kidding right ? [21:14] Is there some kind of tool to allocate memory and then unallocate it, to free up memory? I have no xserver running but somehow only a bit of memory remaining... [21:14] jsav, why dont you use google to find out what it is [21:14] jsav: go google up vmware.... [21:15] towlie: check ur caps? [21:15] Lukasz: if you want to just get your video back, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg [21:15] im still here [21:15] yea [21:15] weird === Eaglewolf_ is now known as Eaglewolf [21:15] I delete it the partion cause didn't know of that command nickrud [21:15] CorruptTerrorist: press it when you see that error screen, it will give you a terminal to log into [21:15] ok, it seems as if my laptop wifi ubuntu 7.10 doesn't wanna connect to my WPA network [21:15] how can I remove duplicate echo when using grep [21:15] i enter the password, but it doesn't work.. [21:15] Lukasz: ah. [21:15] ohh duh, wow im a tard [21:15] oh ok [21:15] So how do I upgrade from Ubuntu nickrud [21:15] nickrud, ty for all your help. see you soon [21:15] at least you admitted it [21:15] is it possible to pause all processes besides gnome-system-monitor (and it's dependents/parents) so that it starts up much quicker [21:16] newbie: duplicate echo ?? [21:16] i find it almost impossible to recover from some scenarios with high CPU usage [21:16] Hi everyone just wondering if anyone is using kiba-dock and if so why cant I get options to move dock around (special effect stuff [21:16] newbie, try grep -v [21:16] I could install Ubuntu toomarow and then upgrade it [21:16] Is there some kind of tool to allocate memory and then unallocate it, to free up memory? I have no xserver running but somehow only a bit of memory remaining... [21:16] i see the laptop's MAC on my AP page, but they just dont seem to talk, what could the problem be ? [21:16] if you find the message in here y [21:16] tnx erUSUL hacknslash [21:17] DB42: what is your wireless device? [21:17] newbie, yw [21:17] So what is the command for upgrading nickrud? [21:17] whats the best way to get .pst files to work on Ubuntu? [21:17] Lukasz: for upgrading to hardy help, ask in #ubuntu+1 [21:17] Is there some kind of tool to allocate memory and then unallocate it, to free up memory? I have no xserver running but somehow only a bit of memory remaining... [21:17] Worked as advertised :) [21:17] ok thnx [21:17] DB42: Is it a PCI or USB device? [21:17] join #ubuntu+1 [21:17] anyone getting "Could not resolve ‘omicron’" when doing an aptitude/apt-get update? [21:17] oops\ [21:17] frohike, try installing outlook with wine, office 2003 installs no problem [21:17] nullmind: a 3com officeconnect router [21:17] sorry, frold not frohike [21:18] :D [21:18] i can connect to it from windows on the same laptop [21:18] what does `iwlist scan` output? [21:18] hacknslash: it doesn't work [21:18] DB42: It's usb? [21:18] newbie, what exactly are you trying to acheiv [21:18] nullmind: all the info on wifi connection points the system can see. [21:18] DB42: does `iwlist scan` have your WPA network in the list? [21:18] Hi everyone just wondering if anyone is using kiba-dock and if so why cant I get options to move dock around (special effect stuff [21:19] TrustNoOne: It could be a solution... But I would like to migrates my outlook pst backup to Evolution... [21:19] and I dont have XP anymore :S [21:19] nullmind: n/m [21:19] sp219: how do i know ? i think it's USB [21:19] DB42: are you using network-manager? [21:19] DB42: the network applet in the gnome panel [21:19] How big should I make my Ubuntu partition? [21:20] anyone getting "Could not resolve ‘omicron’" when doing an aptitude/apt-get update? [21:20] hacknslash: e.g. grep '^*toValue' -R . --include=*.c | awk '{printf "%s\n"}' > mfile_result.result [21:20] frold, you want to use evolution as your client and import the pst file? [21:20] i see the network connections around me in the wifi menu [21:20] and i can connect to unsecure ones [21:20] but my home network is WPA protected with a password [21:21] TrustNoOne: yeah or something :S Im not able to import my pst file to Evolution or Thunderbird - I have tried all ready [21:21] DB42: right click that applet and select "Connection Information" [21:21] frold, i remember dealing with an issue like this before, i will find out for you but you can import it [21:21] DB42: what is the "Wireless Driver" ? [21:21] Cyntrox: How big is the drive? Is Windows installed on it? [21:22] uhh oh [21:22] newbie, grep -R '^*toValue' location | grep -v whatever_toavoid | rest of your stuff [21:22] sorry, i've got disconnected [21:22] as i've said i can connect to unsecure netwoorks, but not to my home network which is WPA protected [21:22] frold, this should tell you what you need to know: http://linux.uta.edu/article.php?pid=5 [21:22] TrustNoOne: I found a package thay could convert pst filrs to mbox format, but that didnt support Outlook 2003 which I have used... :S [21:22] DB42: what is the "Wireless Driver" ? [21:22] DB42: right click that applet and select "Connection Information" [21:22] EADG: I'm installing Windows as we speak... Well, setting it up anyways, and I want Windows and Linux on seperate partitions. The disk is 150 gig [21:23] buggered up my desktop by removing compiz/beryl/emerald in vain attempts to fix things... now i want them back without having to do a reinstall, anyone interested in taking this on? :) [21:23] In the ubuntu installer, it doesn't give me an option to resize my partition [21:23] frold, http://outport.sourceforge.net/ [21:23] it says I can do manual or guided using whole disk [21:23] nullmind: it's an ipw3945 [21:24] it seems to get an IP in the "connection information" [21:24] I think I have tried that one.. Doesnt support Outlook 2003 [21:24] How big can I make a VFAT partition I wish to share with Windows XP ? [21:24] but everything else is [21:24] TrustNoOne: I think I have tried that one.. Doesnt support Outlook 2003 [21:24] frold, here is another solution http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/moving-outlook-email-data-to-linux-evolution-mail-client.html [21:24] hacknslash: tnx [21:24] DB42: my friend has that same chipset (on a System76 notebook) and said it has many different drivers, in which some work better than others [21:24] whats the command to determine a chipset in terminal? [21:24] Why isn't the installer giving me an option to resize the partition? [21:24] newbie, did it work ok [21:25] nullmind: but the driver works ok in non-encrypted mode [21:25] what should i do ? [21:25] Cyntrox: lots of space... entirly up to you. I'd give Windows 20Gb, 10Gb more if your going to install and play games and the rest to Ubuntu. Remeber that Ubuntu can read NTFS, but Windows can't read ext3 without drivers. [21:25] DB42: if possible see if WEP works, although it's broken :-/ [21:25] can i install 386 on core 2 duo`? [21:25] hey [21:25] how yall doing? [21:25] nullmind: i can't other use this network with WPA.. [21:25] rambo3: yeah [21:25] DB42: Does WPA work in other operating systems? [21:25] nevermind, gparted is telling me why [21:26] hacknslash: it remove the unwanted but i would like to remove the duplicate like distinct in sql statement [21:26] EADG, I was planning to have one partition for WinXP, one for Ubuntu and one for general storage [21:26] EADG Can I use an NTFS partation to share data with my xp box ? [21:26] thankyou TrustNoOne Ill book mark that article and give it a shot tomorrow :D [21:26] nullmind: yeah, it works in the same laptop in windows xp [21:27] wx9j: yes sir [21:27] frold, only other thing i can think of is install outlook 2003 on wine, since office 2003 works fairly well in the latest version of wine [21:27] how do i get JDK 1.5 thru apt-get? whats the package name [21:27] can i see debugging information on the connection ettempts of the wifi driver ? [21:27] DB42: have you tried using the "Connect to other Wireless Network" ? [21:27] yes [21:27] EADG , is there any limit on size as with VFAT ? [21:27] I dont have a a outlook 2003 install Cd here :D === bina is now known as freudinator [21:27] TrustNoOne: I dont have a a outlook 2003 install Cd here :D [21:28] I just installed swiftfox and a page isn't loading correctly... (Facebook Status Updates).. Any reason why? It works fine with FF, FF3, Epiphany, IE, etc [21:28] Cyntrox: Win 30Gb, Ubuntu 30Gb rest NTFS storage. Hows that sound? [21:28] DB42: im reading here that sometimes ipw3945 doesnt work if your router doesn't broadcast ESSID [21:28] it does [21:28] frold, im sure you can find one somewhere ;) [21:28] EADG, does either really need 30 gb...? It sounds a tad much. [21:28] TrustNoOne: then I need to get the whole officepackage-... [21:29] frold: then why dont u try Thunderbird instead.... [21:29] where is the connection debug info ? [21:29] TrustNoOne: damn M$ [21:29] wheres the sources.list buider? [21:29] Indiadev_Techie, he is trying to import pst file into his mail client [21:29] DB42: it may be in dmesg [21:29] ok, when i enter password, it connects, one green led, then 2 green led, then i see connection strength (full) then it stops [21:29] wx9j: Not sure. Vat32 is 4Gb... thats about all i know. === sparkley1one is now known as sparkleytone [21:29] Indiadev_Techie: Because it aint a better solution [21:29] DB42: you can get the latest dmesg log by doin `dmesg | tail` [21:29] TrustNoOne: hmmm... [21:30] i looked in dmeg, there are some dhcp errors, but i dont know what to make of them [21:30] DB42: im checkin it out, gimme 1 sec [21:30] Indiadev_Techie: Im still not able to import a .pst directly into it [21:30] Cyntrox: Chop it in half. [21:30] DB42: can you paste them into a pastebin and paste link? [21:30] !info kazehakase [21:30] kazehakase (source: kazehakase): gecko based web browser using GTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 763 kB, installed size 2148 kB [21:30] it's on the laptop.. i can't conenct to send it [21:30] seanw ping [21:30] I dual booted my machine with xp pro and ubuntu... honestly i think xp pro is just a waste of disk space now [21:30] lots of [21:30] frold: did u google abt it... [21:30] is it possible to change in Kaffeine, how big the step is to skip forward or backward? because it does it with 20 sec thats too much :s [21:30] Indiadev_Techie: I think I did [21:30] Indiadev_Techie, i did some googling for him and found him an article [21:30] dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not foudn under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.host_name [21:30] DB42: did it say "Schedule failed." ? [21:30] and for domain_name and nis_doman and nis_servers [21:30] nop [21:30] EADG, will do [21:30] thanks [21:31] TrustNoOne: But not without the need of Outlook... ;) Ill have to install it tomorrow... [21:31] nalioth, hey? [21:31] JAVA [21:31] DB42: Have you tried "creating" the same network [21:31] if i de-load modules in my laptop (like sound card, touchpad, etc..) does it reduce power consumption ? [21:31] How can I get flash to work in opera [21:31] good moaning [21:32] wx9j: sorry, mis-typed last msg, should read fat32 is 4Gb... [21:32] nullmind: no, what is that ? [21:32] EADG thanks for the info, I have been using VFAT and that is limited in size, NTFS will make things easier [21:32] I just installed swiftfox and a page isn't loading correctly... (Facebook Status Updates).. Any reason why? It works fine with FF, FF3, Epiphany, IE, etc... [21:32] What do I type in front of terminal commands to get root? [21:32] * Flare183 moaning [21:32] heheh [21:32] I think my computer has booted into safe mode automatically, graphics are huge and all default settings have weirdly changed and I have an essay to finish, help? [21:32] frold, yeah, thats why i used web based email like google, its so much simpler :D [21:32] wx9j: how would ntfs be easier? last time i used linux to write to it the partition got messed [21:33] Indiadev_Techie: and TrustNoOne sad there aing any .pst --> convert to... But most sad is Im such a noob that didnt exportet to CVS instead of .pst how could I know it was a "closed" or "protected" format [21:33] AlbinoClock: sudo (super user do) [21:33] How can I get flash to work in opera? [21:33] thank you [21:33] well you can take to another comp with outlook, import it, then export as CVS, then once thats done, use webmail from now on :p [21:33] EDGA I don't need to worry about size with the NTFS right ? was going to go 5 g for win, 10 for Linux and 100 g for NTFS for data [21:34] DB42: From the nm-applet select "Create new wireless network" using the same info [21:34] TrustNoOne: I have many emails and need one place to collect my daily mails and I need a calendar solution as well.... [21:34] DB42: that's how I connect to ad-hoc networks for example [21:34] nullmind: isn't that for ad-hock network ? [21:34] lex, not sure , that is why I was asking, with vfat I was liimited to 32 g per pertation [21:34] TrustNoOne: email = email accounts... [21:34] but this isn't a ad-hoc network [21:34] DB42: Yes, but for a bad driver it may work [21:34] frold, yeah well if you need it, you need it, just webmail is easier IMO [21:34] DB42: I believe 802.11 gracefully will join two networks of the same info [21:35] Anyone want to please help me? Swiftfox is not displaying a page (Facebook status updates) correctly - It works with all other browsers though [21:35] (anyone correct me if I am wrong) [21:35] I tried sudo cat /dev/random > /dev/audio1 but permission was denied [21:35] k [21:35] Why? :( [21:35] wx9j: I'd add abit more for Linux, once you discover apt-get/Synaptic the Gb's can get chewed up pretty fast. [21:35] ep2011: Swiftfox has problems.... it's not Firefox [21:35] TrustNoOne: Yeah - most of my account have a webinterface as well... [21:35] nullmind, Oh... I didn't know it has problems... I thought it was just firefox with some tweaks? [21:36] nullmind: why isn't there no debug msgs for netowrk connection attempts ? [21:36] anyone got an idea what's happened to my computer? I am severely Ubuntly challenged but hate the other operating system i was dependant on... [21:36] wpa_supplemnt doesn't output the stuff somewherE? [21:36] ep2011: it is, and the tweaks are optimizations which can obscure, and it has a separate code trunk that needs to be updated upstream [21:36] approximately how long does it take to compile a custom kernel? [21:36] jdk-1_5_0_14-linux-i586.bin: 413: ./install.sfx.3540: not found [21:36] i got this error when i did sh jdk.... [21:36] DB42: I'm not sure what role WPA_Supplicant plays in the Wifi stack these days [21:36] EADG, OK I will do that, say 20 g, I store all my data and such on the common partation, but now when I do the new hardrive I will use NTFS for the common. [21:37] wx9j: Not that linux programs are overly large, it's just that I find people install 'em to check 'em out, and they just sit there... taking up space. [21:37] I have two soundcards on my machine, one of which is on-board, but I've never actually used them until now. Ubuntu sees them, and I can use the audio mixers, but I'm not getting any sound. One of them uses ALSA, the other uses OSS. [21:37] * Javid punts nullmind * [21:37] Javid: hey nick [21:37] can anyone answer a dual-monitor question? [21:37] Javid: how is merlin? [21:37] Is there a way to restore default fonts? I overwrote some mono-space font with this peculiar one and I don't know what it is. [21:37] hi all. any experts on Gutsy and Broadcom 43xx [21:37] nullmind, is there an alternative to do something to firefox to make it like swiftfox? the speed boost is really nice and I don't really know if I can go back.. lol [21:37] ask remmy, i'm in idaho [21:37] !ppc [21:37] nullmind: does't help [21:37] PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [21:37] ethand: i might be able to help you [21:38] EADG I understand, I have about 75 gigs of mp3's on here that I like to share with both OS, need window$ for some ham radio programs [21:38] Javid: random to see you idling here like me [21:38] nullmind, i need to go quickly.. I'll be back in a few [21:38] !sound | AlbinoClock [21:38] AlbinoClock: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [21:38] ep2011: np [21:38] frold: u wanna import ur .pst file to Thunderbird... [21:38] ethand: have you tried install with restricted drivers ? [21:38] hello [21:38] j_humphrey: depends on your system and config choices, usually around 30 minutes [21:38] russel: cool - thanks. So everything works fine with the Broadcom after enabling it. [21:38] thanks void^ [21:38] I have a monitor and a TV hooked up to my NVIDIA card, is there any way to make each monitor a separate work space? [21:38] :v [21:38] Indiadev_Techie: If I could [21:38] Thanks. [21:38] russel: but after i log out/reboot - it only works if i disable/renable [21:39] wx9j: yep, NTFS will work for both OS's. Windows can read ext3 with drivers too... that's anouther option, but I have no experiance with that... don't know any pros/cons. [21:39] anybody else here can help me troubleshoot my wi-fi network issues ? [21:39] Db42 what is it? [21:39] frold: k lemme google it up for u.... [21:39] russel: is there a way to load it at startup or login? [21:39] Indiadev_Techie: I dont understand [21:40] frold: i can't seem to connect to my WPA home network (but i can connect to unencrtyped networks) [21:40] EADG, I was unaware that Linux could now handle NTFS, was still stuck in VFAT days, thanks. Time to get to formating this new drive. [21:40] ethand: look at the pm i sent you [21:40] when i connect to my WPA network, it starts ok (1 led, 2 led, signal strench icons) then it immidetly fails [21:40] ethand: talk in that [21:40] wx9j: just be cautious writing to NTFS with linux [21:40] DB42: whats your WIFI controller the one in Ubuntu 7.10 or? [21:41] frold: yes, the builtin one [21:41] I can recommand WICD instead of the default one, DB42 [21:41] nabend! hey kann mir einer verraten wo die Helligkeitseinstellungen zu finden sind wenn der shortcut streikt? [21:41] what is that ? (i have no idea in wifi on ubuntu :) ) [21:41] DB42: for wireless networks dl wicd from sourceforge and get rid of network manager its useless http://wicd.sourceforge.net/ see download page for instru [21:41] lex, no writing to NTFS from LInux is absolutely nowadays [21:41] lex, safe* [21:41] is there an ubuntu ready package for it ? [21:41] !de | mar77i [21:41] mar77i: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [21:41] DB42: I find you are link it takes a little hack to change wifi-controller [21:41] oh sorry... wrong movie [21:42] kostkon: that change with the latest kernel? i haven't tried since.... [21:42] frold: ok, thanks, waiting [21:42] russel: hmmm, no pm came thru. [21:42] can someone tell me where the brightness props can be changed... my shortcut's striking [21:42] did you get mine? [21:42] wx9j: I'm gonna have to look vfat up, not familiar with it. I just searched apt for "ham radio" and it returned about 21 programs. Do a search in the program named Synaptic when you get Ubuntu installed... enjoy. [21:42] DB42: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD [21:42] lex, the ntfs-3g driver now supports safe ntfs writing for some time now [21:43] i need wicd. thx [21:43] Hello, real-player freezes and plays, while playing a file any ideas? [21:43] thanks, i'll try it ! [21:43] I have no idea what I'm doing, the graphics have gone all weird on me, extra large all applications uber-large too, can't get any work done [21:43] hello [21:43] kostkon: lol, i've just been using fat32 for quite some time since i borked it so long ago. thanks. [21:43] ethand: there should be a sperare window [21:43] leblinux, are you using crossover or wine by iteself? [21:43] hey [21:43] I myself installed it today DB42 as I had the same problem as you... [21:44] Hi [21:44] hey i need some ideas [21:44] ethand: like another chat [21:44] leblinux: what do you mean? like one thread (plays but the window's blocked)? [21:44] Can someone name a few really good text editors? [21:44] frold: do i need to remove the first network manager ? [21:44] gedit :D [21:44] Andeh, vim, gedit [21:44] or they can co-exist ? [21:44] EADG well for radio the digital modes are covered well in linux but the loging programs I use and rig control programs are all in M$ thanks for hte imput. [21:44] Andeh: joe, nano [21:44] i have ubuntu on my compaqnc600 and it takes like 5 minutes to start up [21:44] lex, :) [21:44] you need to do the tutorial I gave you: DB42 thats it... [21:44] hmm. maybe I should ask somewhere else D: [21:44] hi all, i'm trying to pull data off a mac formatted drive via firewire (also tried installing internall via ide) but ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize it... can ubuntu not read mac formatted hard drives? [21:44] ok, i'll go tryi t and report back, thanks ! [21:44] you guys telling me I should use vim and nano [21:44] D: > [21:45] no, I installed real-player from debian, anyhow when i play a file, it does play it for 2 secs then it freezes for 2 secs then plays for 2 secs then freezes for 2 sec! its weird! [21:45] Which Intel GMA x3100 graphics chip works better, GM965, or GL960 with Ubuntu? [21:45] Andeh, what do you want from a text editor, you will struggle to beat bim and gedit as pure text editors [21:45] Andeh: naah, you asked for 'em, no binding agreement that you have to use em :) [21:45] Squawk: Okay, let me rephrase that. What are some good editors for CSS, HTML and PHP? [21:45] Hello all, How do I format and detect a new hard drive i Just added to my ubuntu box? [21:46] run dmesg [21:46] pushpop: start with connecting int [21:46] Andeh, oh you want syntax highlighting. Well, vim or nedit [21:46] i have ubuntu on my compaqnc600 and it takes like 5 minutes to start up [21:46] Andeh, if you browsed around in Synaptic Package Manager, I'm sure you could find a good IDE for HTML development. [21:46] Andeh: Screem [21:46] ewook: I did that much thanks [21:46] if its detected you can see the device name. chances are its hdb or hdc depending on if you have a cd/dvd drive [21:46] andeh: on linux vim, on os x textmate [21:46] andeh: on windows, reformat and install linux and use vim [21:46] pushpop: use gparted gnome partition manager.... [21:46] russel: strange, no window [21:47] LOL [21:47] joecurlee, lol [21:47] I ran df and I dont see a new sda drive? [21:47] Andeh: But I use DreamWeaver under Wine [21:47] god. you guys are horrible. how about I google it [21:47] pushpop, df just shows you mounted drives [21:47] reccomending me dreamweaver and nano for php development D: [21:47] Andeh: now what ^^ [21:47] Andeh, bgest suggestion all night [21:47] Squawk: how do I mount it format it and partition? [21:47] push it wont show up in df [21:48] Andeh: if you only need highlighting and stuff like that - go joe. [21:48] pushpop, I missed the start of the discussion, what is it exactly? [21:48] Realplayer: I installed real-player from debian, anyhow when i play a file, it does play it for 2 secs then it freezes for 2 secs then plays for 2 secs then freezes for 2 sec! its weird! any ideas? [21:48] Andeh. System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager. It will prompt for password. Enter it. Press enter. Search for 'html ide' and browse through the list of options. Check one. Click Apply. Close program. [21:48] He left [21:48] Squawk Just bought a second hard drive for my system, for additional space. [21:48] lol [21:48] i have ubuntu on my compaqnc600 and it takes like 5 minutes to start up i need some ideas [21:48] pushpop who makes it [21:48] /headdesk [21:49] towlie WD [21:49] Andeh: vim scite emacs gphpedit screem notepad tea medit and loads more take your pick. why not try some and find one you like [21:49] jimmyboy: are you using the default kernel, or the generic? [21:49] ubuntu takes 2 min to boot on my laptop, can I make it go faster, is there a minimal installaton I can do, and build the rest on my own? [21:49] sorry for the noob question, but where does trash go in Ubuntu [21:49] ok do dmesg and search for WD if its detected it will show up there or u can check in /proc [21:49] so can ubuntu read os x formatted hard drives? (not that os x is installed, just formatted by it and used as a backup drive) [21:49] $HOME/.trash ? === cet is now known as rakehour [21:49] AntiUSA: /home/user/.Trash [21:49] I'd guess [21:49] ok [21:49] cool, thanks [21:49] pushpop, ok, do you know how the drive is identified (hdb?). Fdisk to patition, mkfs.whatever to make a file system , mount -t filesystem device mountpoint to mout it [21:49] My unprivileged users are complaining about a missing "shutdown" button. Any suggestions? [21:50] pushpop do u have a cd/dvd rom drive [21:50] Squawk thats the problem i dont know what sd it is [21:50] how would I found out [21:50] hostf4cekilla: afaik it is not bug, but feature [21:50] DMESG!!!! [21:50] hehhe [21:50] I assume the source files from the repositories show you exactly what configs were used in the build...but I can't seem to figure out how to interpret them. [21:51] pecisk: yeah, but this "feature" is adding to my trouble tickets [21:51] pushpop, dmesg will give you a clue, but try cd /dev/hd [21:51] Realplayer: I installed real-player from debian, anyhow when i play a file, it does play it for 2 secs then it freezes for 2 secs then plays for 2 secs then freezes for 2 sec! its weird! any ideas? [21:52] ok wicd doesn't work [21:52] frold: still here ? there seem to be permission errors [21:52] the wicd daemon doesn't star [21:52] Hi room. I just reboot my Linux box and now I can't access my samba shares. There is no monitor on the Linux box. What do I do? [21:52] hostf4cekilla: you can report it as bug on www.launchpad.net and request availability to do that as wishlist request [21:53] hostf4cekilla: I googled for it but there is nothing about that, it could be bug too [21:53] hostf4cekilla: what version? [21:53] DB42: hmm.... Cant help with that.... [21:53] im using default kernal [21:53] :( :( now i don't have any network working [21:53] DB42: dont know anything about permission... [21:53] pecisk: Gutsy, running gnome [21:53] anybody here using WICD ? [21:53] pushpop, cat /proc/diskstats to see what devices you have [21:54] I've been googling the hell out of it... seems to be a gdm issue of some kind [21:54] hostf4cekilla: there is no shutdown and restart buttons I guess then? [21:54] lordleemo: help me out with wicd... [21:54] DB42: did you any reboot or something? ctrl+alt and backspace? [21:54] pecisk: you guess correctly [21:54] hostf4cekilla: damn, I am on Feisty can't reboot to verify that [21:54] i logout/login [21:54] and you did the "Adding they tray icon" DB42 [21:55] Jaszbo, ssh to the box and see whats happening? [21:55] hostf4cekilla: users login from gdm? [21:55] I can't even ssh to it. Nothing works [21:55] frold: yes i did it all [21:55] Jaszbo, then you gonna have to put a monitor on it [21:55] hello [21:55] I had substitute kdm for gdm when that XDMCP bug hit.... been with kdm ever since [21:55] DB42: sorry was busy m8 whats up [21:56] does wicd have an irc channel ? [21:56] i don't have the right power box for my speakers therefor it does not power them enough so i need to turn down the overall base of the whole PC audio, any ideas? thx [21:56] lordleemo: offered your help DB42 [21:56] just before you left DB42 [21:56] bass* [21:56] That's a tough one. I just sold my monitor. [21:56] :( [21:57] hostf4cekilla: could not they reboot/shutdown from kdm then? Just suggestion for workaround, I will check this feature/bug in Gutsy when I get there, so I will report bug if necessary [21:57] will ubuntu 8.04 have a new default theme?????? [21:57] anyone know how i can adjust the bass overall on my system? any application i can get? [21:58] pecisk: oh, yeah, but that's not good enough for them... they "need" to shutdown from inside a gnome session [21:58] can anyone mention a better sound controller then the default ubuntu one? [21:58] gr8.. now it seems if my whole desktop is borked !! [21:58] frold: what do you mean with sound controller? :) [21:58] pecisk: if it was a simple permissions change or something, I do it and roll it out to all the clients [21:59] frold: that installation seems to borked something... [21:59] hey all just wanting to get better with ubuntu is there any crucial skills i need to be a good user, i know its a hard question to answer but i like to tinker and want to lean more [21:59] hostf4cekilla: I am afraid that it is intentionally, but I suggest you to check gnome-session gconf settings, maybe something is hidden there [21:59] Cew27: vi, shell scripting [21:59] pecisk: I think my sound sounds weird on Unbuntu compared to when I used XP [21:59] id say u should know how to use the terminal [21:59] hostf4cekilla: also, kdm could be to blame too, not sure though [22:00] usser: thanks is there any documentation on that or tutorials and what is it usefull for apart from automation [22:00] speeddemon in here? [22:00] frold: define "wired". Cracking sound, too low, too high, etc. [22:00] pecisk: I started reading the gconf docs before I came here... there's a lot to read [22:00] sorry, wierd [22:00] can anybody help me get my WIFI WPA to work on my ipw3945 ? [22:00] brambo: yes i would like to know how to do that but how can i really, wouldnt a list of cammands and discriptions be as good [22:01] you can type help in the terminal that will give you some commands, there is sudo apt-get sudo apt-install [22:01] Cew27: pretty much any bash scripting guide will do [22:01] im sorta new to it too but i can try to help in any way i can [22:01] Hi, I am having trouble with Gnome on my Ubuntu Install [22:01] bring it on [22:01] pecisk: to low to little base - no like stereo [22:01] usser: cheers, could you tell me the differance between shell scripting and bash [22:02] My problem is that Metacity is starting when Gnome starts [22:02] isnt [22:02] DB44: hmmm [22:02] Cew27: bash is one of many shell programs u can use in linux] [22:02] frold: then I suggest you to check mixer settings then [22:02] brambo: i know sudo apt-get install ect [22:02] Cew27: its the one used in ubuntu [22:02] zach: wht problem ??? [22:02] reboot fixed the desktop [22:02] frold: sounds like PCM too low [22:02] Cew27: sh - is standard, others include ksh, csh, tcsh [22:02] usser: so is it a sort of easier command line interface ? [22:02] how do i run the gui without the tray ? [22:02] does anyone know an application that can adjust the overall bass of my audio? [22:02] my problem is that Metacity isnt starting when gnome starts [22:02] i dont have the correct power box for my speakers so i cant have much bass on [22:02] Cew27: no it is the command line interface [22:03] Cew27: http://wooledge.org/mywiki/BashGuide [22:03] It might be but why having PCM and master - I just want to be able to mute, or turn the sound up and down... [22:03] usser: what are the differences and thanks for answering all these questions [22:03] Cew27: one of [22:03] bash is a shell. [22:03] brambo, xmms has an equilaizer no? [22:03] pecisk: it might be but why having PCM and master - I just want to be able to mute, or turn the sound up and down... [22:03] hostf4cekilla: so far I can't find anything in gconf [22:03] Cew27: linuxcommand.org [22:03] i need to turn down the bass on my whole system [22:03] but i cant my speakers dont have a dial for it [22:03] prince_jammys: thanks [22:04] Cew27: for beginners [22:04] frold: PCM is wave sound, Master is all sound, including incoming sounds from CD, Phone, etc. [22:04] Cew27: well bash,sh,ksh are probably 80% similar, csh is a different beast entirely, but those are details u dont need to know really, important thing to know is that bash is the one responsible for processing user input in ubuntu [22:04] pecisk: and Im not even sure Im using the right wound driver... It says Intels ICH6 [22:04] the equalizer on XMMS isn't very good for me [22:04] how can i change the screen resolution? abouve 1024x768? [22:04] pecisk: thanks for checking, man... I appreciate the interest [22:04] hi [22:04] pecisk: sound driver.... === jacek is now known as jacekowski [22:04] frold: it uses right driver, if you have sound. At least if it is standard intel, everything should be ok [22:04] System > Preferences > Screen Resolution [22:04] i have intel HDA soundcard [22:05] usser: brambo thank for all the help [22:05] brambo, well then search freshmeat.net for "equalizer" then shouldnt you? [22:05] frold: ok, got it to run, but it tells me "no wireless netowrk found" [22:05] Cew27 yw [22:05] DB44: phew nothings broke - glad to hear... [22:05] and problem is volume controll [22:05] HELLO? [22:05] oh, sorry [22:05] frold: just check Mixer settings via clicking alt.button on speaker icon in right top corner, choosing Open Volume Control and vola [22:05] i need to make it higher that 1024x768 [22:05] *than [22:06] CorruptTerrorist: try CTRL+ALT+"+" [22:06] frold: it doesn't seem to find any nearby networks (i have quite a few) [22:06] and - [22:06] CorruptTerrorist: your hardware may not support it [22:06] Ctrl Alt + + changes resolution? [22:06] brambo: yes [22:06] brambo: should [22:06] oops [22:06] + numerical [22:06] bad connection [22:06] brambo: never worked for me [22:06] Should cycle through all available resolutions and depths. [22:06] Anybody know how to make the gnome window manager startup when gnome starts up? [22:06] usser why does your name appear yellow with certain messages you send ? [22:07] CorruptTerrorist: CTRL+ALT+"+" [22:07] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:07] ctrl alt (numerical) +/- [22:07] NB2000, again please, i wasn't here [22:07] can anyone tell me when we download packages using script where they are stored???? [22:07] ok [22:07] brambo: lol, i have no idea [22:07] got it to show the wireless networks ! [22:07] or System > Preferences > Screen Resolution [22:07] in menu [22:07] frold: do i need to set soemthing for WPA ? [22:07] i need it higher than 1024x768 [22:07] zach: run the app on the session startup [22:07] Xman: /var/cache/apt [22:08] Just chiming in about resolution. Whats up? :) [22:08] Ok thnx ill try that [22:08] CorruptTerrorist are you sure your sceen supports more then 1024 x 768 ? [22:08] usser: ok thanks dude [22:08] Xman: np [22:08] brambo, yes it supports much higher resolutions [22:08] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:08] brambo, 1680x1050 [22:08] hola, have you googled help about it? [22:08] frold: it doesn't ask me for any password when i connect to the WPA network.. [22:09] CoasterMaster, have you xorgconfig ? [22:09] pecisk: In sound settings - I also have under "standart mixer" Sigmatel STAC9750,51 (OSS) and then I have Intel ICH6 (Alsa mixer) which one should I use? [22:09] hi... is there any way to make the X server accepts network connections using only the console? [22:09] ahhh DB44 [22:09] Klanticus_: im not sure what do u mean? [22:09] CorruptTerrorist: What happens when you go to, System > Preferences > Screen Resolution ? [22:09] frold: any ideas ? [22:09] it's highest value is 1024x768 [22:09] CorruptTerrorist: are you sure your *drivers* support the higher resolution? [22:09] brambo, it's highest value is 1024x768 [22:09] Maybe you need video drivers? [22:09] CorruptTerrorist: when you go in to the system -> admin ->screens & graphics, set the monitor to the type and check the wide screen check box [22:09] im trying to install a metacity theme, and it works somewhat, but the buttons, downarrows, uparrows and other images dont get loaded [22:10] ok. i'll look [22:10] DB44: go to Programs > internet > wicf [22:10] DB44: go to Programs > internet > wicd [22:10] check that your restricted drivers for video are enabled [22:10] i am in the gui [22:10] CorruptTerrorist: then change the resolution there. you'll have to restart X for the changes to be visable [22:10] what would cause some images to not load in GTK themes? [22:10] as to what he is saying he is saying it wont let him above what he is at [22:10] i can connect to unencrtpyed network in the GUI, but it doesn't even ask me for passwd for WPA network [22:10] finde a WIFI eg MyRouter or in my case froldnet - press Advance [22:10] usser, I want to gdm to accept remote sessions [22:11] lex, it's not there [22:11] screens & graphics is not there [22:11] finde a WIFI eg MyRouter or in my case froldnet - press Advance DB44 and then use cryption I use WPA½ [22:11] usser, but I only have a console to configure this [22:11] brambo: it more than likely won't display the 1680x1050 because it's not set to widescreen; at least mine didn't until i did [22:11] WORKS [22:11] frohike: THANKS ! [22:11] CorruptTerrorist: did you change the generic monitor to yours? [22:11] frold: THANKS !! [22:11] Klanticus_: well u can use ssh to forward X traffic [22:11] i have wifi on my laptop ! :) [22:11] lex, where? [22:11] * DB44 is happy [22:12] that is possible lex [22:12] i'm trying to do what I can, I also am pretty new to linux in general [22:12] usser, don't I need to configure something at the X server for this to work? [22:12] frold: ALSA mixer, because OSS version is just alsa_oss compatibility layer [22:12] CorruptTerrorist: in the screens & graphics, you can set the monitor model type [22:12] im glad to be part of the ubuntu community [22:12] Klanticus_: not really [22:12] Klanticus_: just apt-get install openssh-server [22:12] lex, screens & graphics is not in the menu [22:12] pecisk: thank you [22:12] if anyoen would like a free remote linux shell feel free to apply at www.learningshells.com [22:12] usser, I'm already connected at the machine using ssh [22:12] How do I check specfications on my RAM modules? using ubuntu 7.10 [22:13] Klanticus_: then from remore machnie ssh -X -C username@localip [22:13] it's not in the system -> admin menu? [22:13] Klanticus_: did u use -X -C flags? [22:13] no [22:13] CorruptTerrorist: are you running unprivileged? [22:13] There is some things that I changed on my system that I forgot about that never enabled or came up until I totally rebooted....Have you Tryed that CorruptTerrorist ? [22:13] try a few things and reboot to let them take effect? [22:13] Hello, I am having a problem, the gnome window manager Metacity isnt starting when Gnow starts like its supposed to [22:13] frold: where does WICD save my router password ? [22:13] hostf4cekilla, how would i tell? [22:14] anyone here getting a "could not resolve omicron" message whilst trying to do an apt-get update? [22:14] Anyone here managed to play warcraft III on eurobattle.net ??? I cant connect [22:14] Klanticus_: also make sure u have X11Forwarding yes in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config [22:14] try using Synaptic package manager instead of apt-get [22:14] zach: aptitude is broken too [22:14] Hi... I have a TV card with a remote control working without LIRC (someone told me is a module in kernel now to get working)... but my RC keys are mixed, wrong and same keys are not working ... How can I configure that?? [22:15] DB44: I cant tell you... [22:15] Klanticus_: after that u should be able to run X applications [22:15] How do I check specfications on my RAM modules? using ubuntu 7.10 [22:15] it happens with aptitude, apt-get, and synaptic [22:15] Klanticus_: try xclock [22:15] CorruptTerrorist: can you administer anything? add printers? install packages? [22:15] hmm.. now it seemed to stop to connect :( i'll investigate, but atleast now i have a lead [22:15] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/Release.gpg: Could not resolve ‘omicron’ [22:15] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:15] what the heck is going on? [22:15] Klanticus_: if that works u can go on to more resource hungry ones [22:15] pecisk: do you know howto set that when I scrool up and down in music it the PCM I control and no the Master? [22:15] hostf4cekilla, i can [22:15] So I have a new install of ubuntu 7.10 on my thinkpad and I see that ssh-agent is started automatically, but it never asks me for my passphrase, so i have to type it every time. Is this expected? [22:16] Can anyone help me with my problem? Metacity the gnome window manager isnt starting when gnome starts like its supposed to and i have tried the session startup [22:16] Klanticus_: nautilus or even a full blown gnome-session [22:16] fialar: What do you mean? [22:16] CorruptTerrorist: have you restarted Xserver? [22:16] any other newbies to ubuntu that I may help with little things, feel free to PM me. [22:16] haxit: whenever I try to use apt-get update or aptitude update, or synaptic (reload button) I get errors [22:16] hostf4cekilla, i will now [22:16] CorruptTerrorist: try right clicking and editing your menu [22:16] fialar: what is your error? [22:16] Its hard for me to keep up in the room here.. [22:16] how do you restart it? total reboot? [22:16] No error here fialar. Must be an entry in your sources.lst ? [22:16] haxit: "Could not resolve ‘omicron’" === james737 is now known as james [22:16] it's not sources.list [22:17] CorruptTerrorist: ctrl+alt+backspace restarts X server [22:17] CorruptTerrorist: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace [22:17] I changed sources.list to a stock Ubuntu gutsy one [22:17] CorruptTerrorist: then make sure that the checkbox next to screens and graphics is checked under the admin section [22:17] Cool. [22:17] Hello? can anyone see me? [22:17] no [22:17] I'm in the middle of a new install, while switching over from FC6. The installer appears to not see a hard drive. .. At least, I think that is what is happening. [22:17] fialar: Wow, i have never run into that problem [22:17] lex, i would if it was there [22:17] fialar: Sorry :( [22:17] well speaking of Resolutions, on that other OS you know it....I can do 1280 x 1024 60Hz here I can just do 50Hz how can i put it to 60Hz [22:17] it dont let me [22:18] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:18] I want to see if I have two or one RAM stick in my laptop. Does it exist a command/program that will show me this information? [22:18] brambo: its lcd right [22:18] No, I have regular CRT [22:18] zach: can you add it as a session startup app? [22:18] i think he missed my comment about editing the menu heh [22:18] 17 inch [22:18] is there anyway to install azureus 2.5 via repos rather than the new azureus vuse? [22:18] it dodn't work [22:18] CorruptTerrorist: try right clicking and editing your menu [22:18] amicron ? [22:18] usser what did u do to have ur name come up like that to me? [22:18] CorruptTerrorist: then make sure that the checkbox next to screens and graphics is checked under the admin section [22:18] http://pastebin.ca/915571 [22:18] check that [22:19] it has all the errors [22:19] i have, it's not there [22:19] brambo: u probably will have to dig into xorg.conf and create a modline for your monitor [22:19] yeah [22:19] probably [22:19] I can't run alienarena on fullscreen [22:19] Any known problems with the installer for 7.10, I think, not seeing a hard drive? [22:19] brambo: oh that well its just that i probably put your name in front so my phrases to you are highlited [22:19] CorruptTerrorist: try this in a terminal: gksu displayconfig-gtk [22:20] usser: do you see my name in yellow also? [22:20] anything fun i should install on my brand new installation ? :) [22:20] brambo: in red yes [22:20] ok thx [22:20] I searched for the word "omicron" in /etc and /var.. found nothing [22:20] lex, whoa weird [22:20] CorruptTerrorist: did it open? [22:20] Same here fialar [22:20] lex, the admin tasks window [22:21] usser: do you know any good application that I can use to get rid of some applications that don't work, I tryed installing the Kunbuntu desktop but it left me with more applications 88% dont work, i need to clean them out i need my hard drive space...any idea? [22:21] DB44: openarena, enemyterritory. google earth etc [22:21] usser: heh, didn't play ET for years [22:21] CorruptTerrorist: it opened the system monitor? or it prompted you for the admin password? [22:21] prompted for admin password [22:21] brambo: u use kde now? [22:21] CorruptTerrorist: yeah, it should. if your making a system change it asks for it [22:22] i did, then nothing [22:22] this omicron thing.. could it be a bad repos key? [22:22] CorruptTerrorist: >.< [22:22] usser: I am on Gnome I only use KDE desktop once in a while [22:22] i think i'll install eclipse on my laptop :) [22:22] brambo: and u dont want it? [22:22] CorruptTerrorist: go into synaptic and search for displayconfig [22:22] usser: I would like to keep it [22:22] and sun java [22:22] usser: i just odnt need all the junk it left in my menus [22:22] CorruptTerrorist: if it's box on the left is green, right click and mark it for reinstall [22:22] brambo: in that case u have to delete those apps one by one [22:23] CorruptTerrorist: then apply the changes [22:23] usser: ouch ok i c [22:23] lex, i need to install it XD [22:23] brambo: cause kde comes with a shitload of apps [22:23] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:23] usser: yea i noticed [22:23] wow, why does "sun-java6-jdk" package need so many deps ? [22:23] usser: its cool n all but i like wobbly windows n my desktop cube here under Gnome [22:23] now what? [22:23] stock sources.lst with universe enabled. No errors here. sorry. [22:23] brambo: but sudo dpkg --purge appname should let u delete some of it [22:24] Hi. I have a little problem with access rights. I had two partitions (/home and /data), which I wanted to put together. I copied everything to a external HD with "cp -aR", deleted the two partitions, created a new one, formated it (ext3), adjusted /etc/fstab with the new UUID of the volume, copied everything back and chowned everything to my username. Nevertheless, as normal user, I can't access anything on the newly created partition. I [22:24] can access it as root without problem [22:24] brambo: u can have the same in kde [22:24] CorruptTerrorist: restart x one more time and see if it is in the menu. if not try the command line command again [22:24] i see it in command line [22:24] usser: what will that do? search for un needed apps? [22:24] hi, i wanted some help [22:24] CorruptTerrorist: it opens up the option box to change the stuff? [22:24] hello [22:24] brambo: no it removes the appname that u dont need [22:24] lex, yep [22:24] CorruptTerrorist: awesome, have fun then! [22:24] lex, btw, nVidia 8800gt [22:25] lex, further help please? [22:25] CorruptTerrorist: i ahve the gtx ;-p [22:25] I have to build a proxy server @ the company I'm working for, never done that before, the HW-part is done (EPIA EK10000G, 512MB, 4GB flash drive SSD) I just need to decide the distro to do so - options, narrowed down are Ubuntu Server, CentOS or OpenBSD just wanted to know your thoughts... oh, need to manage the box via ssh [22:25] brambo: or u can open synaptic and look for anything that has kde in it [22:25] usser: I can have wobble windows and desktop cube under KDE in Kubuntu desktop? [22:25] if I shrink my C: drive, no data will be lost from it, right? [22:25] brambo: yes sure [22:25] CorruptTerrorist: ok, are you using the nvidia restricted drivers as well? [22:25] !rar [22:25] rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [22:25] I just might restart my session into KDE soon [22:25] I get this message from Synaptic: E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. [22:25] lex, how can i tell? [22:25] hi [22:25] usser: can you accept private messages? [22:25] !info unrar-free [22:25] unrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB [22:25] CorruptTerrorist: system -> admin -> restricted drivers [22:25] brambo: if it currently works in gnome, then upon loading kde press alt+f2 and type in the run window compiz --replace [22:26] i'm having major instillation problems : ( :: ubuntu won't detect my monitor... and when i try graphics safe mode .. it just sits and does nothing [22:26] brambo: no im not registered [22:26] why doesn't ubuntu come preloaded with sun java ? [22:26] DB44: java is evil :) [22:26] CorruptTerrorist: should be a line in there with "NVIDIA accl. graphics driver" and it's checked saying it's "in use" [22:26] usser: compiz --replace just how you typed it? [22:26] brambo: yes [22:26] lex, says my hardware doesn't need any [22:26] ill be back in a few thx [22:26] do u recommend ubuntu server for that? [22:27] usser: gonna try some things [22:27] DB44: I think because it's non-free [22:27] is there an apt cache that can be cleared out someplace under /var/lib/apt/lists ? [22:27] CorruptTerrorist: ok, go back to the screen & graphics preferences [22:27] usser: am i allowed to put my ym name 4 u in here? [22:27] does anyone in here know whether I can just compile and install openssl manually on 7.10 to get the camellia block cipher, or might this mess up my system? [22:27] i just downloaded and installed a new gnome panel applet, but its not appearing in the "add to panel" dialouge ... what should I do ??? [22:27] CorruptTerrorist: what driver does it say your using under the graphics card tab? [22:27] absolute512: ubuntu server is a joke just use debian if u want a stable OS [22:27] hi [22:27] lex, there [22:27] Synaptic is complaining: "E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report." [22:28] or should i use something more basic like CentOS [22:28] debian, plain and basic? [22:28] i want to set up 5.1 sound with my fresh ubuntu 7.10 can you help ? [22:28] lex, what now? [22:28] usser: will you be here much longer if i return soon? [22:28] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:28] CorruptTerrorist: what's the driver combo box say? nvidia? [22:28] absolute512: that really depends if u have familiarity with redhat already or u prefer .deb based distros [22:29] can anyone tell me how I could clear out my apt cache properly? [22:29] lex, in hardware tab? [22:29] absolute512: i'd say go with debian [22:29] hey [22:29] CorruptTerrorist: you have the screens and graphics preferences open right? [22:29] i have some problems [22:29] haven't used RH since V6.X, but i liked ubuntu as desktop os [22:29] absolute512: ubuntu server is a derivative of debian, so why not get to the source [22:29] lex, screen preferences [22:30] my ubuntu does not start anymore [22:30] lex, via that terminal command [22:30] and im almost sure it has to do with Desktop Drapes [22:30] absolute512: on server it really doesnt matter much ubuntu or debian differences are slim all u gonna be working with is command line [22:30] CorruptTerrorist: the gksu displayconfig-gtk one? [22:30] absolute512: but in my opinion debian is more stable [22:30] lex, yeah [22:30] hello folks, trying to make a friend switch from windows to ubuntu, can he run his windows games on linux easily? [22:31] CorruptTerrorist: ok, so click on the graphics card tab [22:31] I can't get a panel applet to apear in the "add to [22:31] robboplus_: some of them [22:31] Panel" dialouge [22:31] lex, hardware tab? [22:31] usser is there a list? [22:31] can any1 help me [22:31] CorruptTerrorist: sure, what version are you running btw? [22:31] I could try it, haven't burned iso yet... :) [22:31] robboplus_: take a look at http://appdb.winehq.org/ [22:31] hi, has somebody experienced xchat /ignore command not working on ubuntu? [22:31] usser thank you [22:32] lex, where is version no.? [22:32] how do i get a newly installed panel applet to apear in the "add to panel" window """ [22:32] CorruptTerrorist: i meant of ubuntu, ie 7.04 or 7.10. what's undre the hardware tab? [22:32] will debian fit in the 4GB flashdrive? [22:32] absolute512: no doubt [22:32] lex, where is linux version no. as i can't remember? [22:32] easily absolute512 [22:32] deb would prob fit easy on your 2GB [22:33] base install would fit in 512 [22:33] !version [22:33] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell [22:33] I have ubuntu server on a 6gb flash. Doesn't even use 1gb. [22:33] hello! Is there a good open source program for video editing (home video style); preferably ported to win/mac as well? [22:33] kk, ty [22:33] !cinelerra | Newbuntu2 [22:33] Newbuntu2: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu [22:33] !kino | Newbuntu2 [22:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about kino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:33] CorruptTerrorist: get that? [22:33] 7.04 [22:34] Does any1 know how to include a new panel applet in the "add to Panel" window ???????? [22:34] can i upgrade? [22:34] great; will check those two out. any others? [22:34] lamp server with a CMS. 774mb. [22:34] usser: ? [22:34] brambo: yes [22:34] CorruptTerrorist: ok, makes sense now. i'm in 7.10 so it's a smidge different, no problem though. I had 7.04 working with this stuff. what's under the hardware tab? [22:34] usser: I put compiz --replace and now I lost my windows where it has minimize close or maximize [22:34] CorruptTerrorist: yes, you could upgrade if you wanted to [22:34] lex, (VESA Driver (generic)) [22:35] usser: i cant move my windows or minimize / close them im on KDE now [22:35] CorruptTerrorist: BAM, you want that to be nvidia; change that [22:35] brambo: ok try alt+f2 again and see if it has focus ie if u can type in it [22:35] Hi, is it possible to use a 2.4 kernel with Ubuntu 7.10 ? [22:35] any1 have any clue on what i should do........ [22:35] ok i got Alt F2 [22:35] type what? [22:35] sound doesn't work, it is plugged in. and I have tried all settings in the System>prefs>sound but nothing appears to work, what should I do? [22:36] oh wow.. it gets even weirder [22:36] I tried wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy-updates/Release.gpg [22:36] lex, which driver? [22:36] usser: its a command window, what should i type? [22:36] and I got: Resolving omicron... failed: Name or service not known. [22:36] brambo: kwin --replace [22:36] CorruptTerrorist: the one called "nvidia" or "nv" [22:36] usser java is evil ? mono is better ? [22:36] Wierder yes! [22:36] usser: oh okay i have it back now [22:36] usser: i guess i cannot use compiz under KDE on here? [22:36] brambo: u may need to install some packages for compiz to work in kde [22:37] usser: yes probably [22:37] lex, there are a lot of nVidia's [22:37] usser: certain things for example, ubunut tweak aren't avaliable under this KDE sceen [22:37] CorruptTerrorist: are you able to chose it by model? [22:37] scraga1, not used to ubuntu, but try running alsamixer and make sure the varioud channels are unmuted [22:37] brambo: in terminal do sudo apt-get install compiz-kde [22:37] lex, it has GeForce series [22:38] is there a package for gearth or i need to manualy d/l and install it ? [22:38] CorruptTerrorist: ok, try that [22:38] brambo: whats ubuntu tweak? [22:38] usser: it helps you change some aspects of ubuntu i believe it is on getdeb [22:38] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:38] brambo: oh its in the section "useless apps" eh :) [22:38] DB44: apt-cache --names-only searchpackage [22:39] DB44: apt-cache --names-only search package [22:39] usser: yeah it is kinda useless lol [22:39] DB44: i didnt say mono is better [22:39] lex, which one? [22:39] usser: ok its getting compiz for kde now [22:39] DB44: but java is just useless, whats the target of java? [22:39] anyone know a RAR password cracker for Linux? [22:39] usser: done, should i try compiz --replace again? [22:39] Squawk: dont see google earth there... [22:39] brambo: yes [22:39] compiz works just fine with kde :-> [22:39] CorruptTerrorist: it's hard for me to tell since I can't see your entire list, but select the one that says "Geforce series" or series 8 or something of that effect [22:40] I ended up having to put a script in ~/.kde/Autostart but I don't know that that's 100% necessary [22:40] DB44, I cant check it, im in gentoo atm, but try searching "google", rathern that google earth [22:40] CorruptTerrorist: if it isn't "right" you can always reconfigure / change it [22:40] Squawk: i did [22:40] usser: now how do i get into setting to turn on wobble windows, etc? [22:40] usser: to help program easily ? [22:40] I just installed a new gnome panel aplet ... but it doesn't appear in the "add to panel" window ..... what do i do ??? [22:40] brambo: hm they should be enabled if all went well [22:41] usser: no they aren't...just smoother window moving and when i minimize stuff its nicer looking [22:41] There was a new release of python today, how long do you think it will take until that hits apt? [22:41] lex, displayconfig-gtk: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :9.0. [22:41] DB44: nope not even, im sorry but digging through piles of api docs [22:42] tom2002: right click the panel and in the add to panel option create a custom application launcher that will run the program. you'll have to know the command line command to invoke it though [22:42] DB44: and including whole trees of objects just to get a single one that is buried under makes apps bloated beyond belief [22:42] what the best settings for spamassassin in Evolution, anyone knows a good link? [22:42] CorruptTerrorist: put gksu in front of that. have to be privelaged [22:42] brambo: well in terminal type sudo apt-get install ccsm [22:42] Anyone here know what's involved in switching Ubuntu 7.10 to use a 2.2 or 2.4 kernel? [22:42] I found out the problem :) [22:42] usser: and thats for? [22:42] DB44: is not my kind of ease of programming [22:42] SmashCat: why would you want to do that? ;p [22:43] was stupid E17 module :P [22:43] brambo: this is advanced compiz config settings manager [22:43] brambo: ccsm [22:43] Anyone good with setting up LVM here? [22:43] lex, doesn't work... black screen [22:43] faileas: Network card I just bought only has driver source for 2.2 or 2.4 kernels. [22:43] LVM is half voodoo, nobody is good at it [22:43] heh [22:43] How can I confirm my ssh port 22 is open? [22:43] usser: E: Couldn't find package ccsm [22:43] SmashCat: thats odd [22:44] .me has no idea tho [22:44] n2diy: like, netstat -ntpl or something else? [22:44] CorruptTerrorist: are you able to change the driver back? or is that not open anymore [22:44] it closes [22:44] brambo: oh sorry sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [22:44] lex, it automatically changes back after a while [22:44] faileas: Yeah, it's a pretty common Netgear FA311 - I used to use one years ago, but I guess the developers don't bother writing drivers for it any more... ;-( [22:45] CorruptTerrorist: oh, so it's back to the vesa one then eh [22:45] mage__: I don't know!? That's why I'm asking here! :) [22:45] usser: compizconfig-settings-manager is already the newest version. [22:45] usser: maybe i have to reboot KDE ? [22:45] brambo: oh alt-f2 ccsm [22:45] brambo: no [22:45] n2diy: then do it! netstat -ntpl | grep 22 even maybe [22:45] CorruptTerrorist: your using the 32 bit os right? [22:45] usser: oh duh sorry, im new in ubuntu but im trying very hard to figure it out cause i love the system and the people :) [22:45] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [22:45] brambo: and we love u :P [22:46] What is the best password password manager? [22:46] !best!jcg42 [22:46] *What is the best password manager? [22:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about best!jcg42 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:46] !best | jcg42 [22:46] jcg42: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, join #ubuntu-bots and ask there. [22:46] lex, yes [22:46] !best [22:46] lex, i get signal out of range [22:46] brambo: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_compiz-fusion [22:46] So has anyone here tried changing from a 2.6 to a 2.2 or 2.4 kernel? Wondered what's involved. [22:46] oh heh [22:47] * regeya notices that that url says 'gentoo' sry [22:47] mage__: yep, it lists it as "listen", thanks. [22:47] regeya: i know how to adjust this, thank you [22:47] SmashCat: hmm... why? something not working with the 2.6 kernel? [22:47] SmashCat: using a different distro [22:47] !compiz [22:47] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [22:47] CorruptTerrorist: download http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_169.09.html and install that. there's a HOWTO on the page as well. that should update the driver to the current one [22:47] Are there tools to mount iso's ? [22:47] brambo: sorry :-) [22:48] regeya: not a problem :) [22:48] SmashCat: 2.6.17 seems to be the oldest kernel in the repos [22:48] Slart: Yeah, looks like support for some hardware has been removed in 2.6 (although the hardware is actually on sale in stores) [22:48] !iso | jlulian38 [22:48] jlulian38: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [22:48] jlulian38: built in mount command does it [22:48] SmashCat: huh? what hardware? something exotic? [22:49] usser: great now i have KDE acting like Gnome and looking better :) thx buddy [22:49] SmashCat: and there is no way to just add a module? or recompile? [22:49] Slart: Nope, Netgear FA311 ethernet card. Pretty common [22:49] though as it turns out brambo I just helped myself; I jsut had a script in ~/.kde/Autostart that fired off 'compiz --replace -c emerald' and I think that'd be a much better solution for me...so I helped myself :> [22:49] brambo: oh hey no problem, u should try kde4 its a shiny new release [22:49] lex, does wubi support 7.10? [22:49] usser: how can i do that? [22:49] Slart: The card comes with source for 2.2 and 2.4 kernels, but nothing for 2.6 [22:49] regeya: good [22:49] oh [22:49] neat [22:50] How do I use nmap to see what hosts are in the range [22:50] CorruptTerrorist: no idea, but there should be an upgrade button in the System -> admin -> update manager [22:50] usser: can i install the new KDE through typing in terminal? [22:50] brambo: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-kde-4.html [22:50] oh wait...I DON'T. whiskey, tango.... [22:50] Cusoon959: wouldn't the man page give that as an example? [22:50] brambo: yes u can anything using terminal [22:50] lex, you know how there is a list of screens in display config... can i get more? [22:50] !kde5 [22:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about kde5 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:51] !kde4 [22:51] SmashCat: ah.. and noone has ported the stuff to 2.6... well.. the kernel has come quite a way since 2.4.. are you sure you won't miss out on something else instead? [22:51] * regeya remembers...you don't have to do either. silly regeya [22:51] there is 5 and 4 or did you miss type there? usser [22:51] brambo: messed up sorry [22:51] Slart: It's a headless server, so I don't really need compiz etc on it ;-) [22:51] brambo: 4 is the latest [22:51] usser: no problem, just was wondering...okie ill try out 4 :) [22:52] SmashCat: you're sure that hardware isn't supported in 2.6? [22:52] CorruptTerrorist: if you have the screen driver i suppose. you should be able to use a "generic" wide screen lcd and it work theoretically [22:52] SmashCat: well.. whatever makes you happy.. but I guess ubuntu isn't really the way to go... perhaps [22:52] Slart: I'm surprised nobody has bothered adding a driver for it tbh. But there you go. [22:52] kde4.1 will be awesome [22:52] kde4 is a nice concept, really shows a lot of promise :-) [22:52] How do I view the MAC address for just one host? My arp -a list is really big. [22:52] grep? [22:52] regeya: im working on getting KDE 4 for unbuntu 7.10 now [22:53] brambo: there' [22:53] mage__: It takes a long time to display the arp list... grep would work, but it would be slow. [22:53] brambo: there's a nice set of instructions on the kubuntu website [22:53] arp -a | grep sometext ? [22:53] Cusoon959: grep? [22:53] Cusoon959: so arp -an [22:53] what happened to the source-o-matic? [22:53] its down [22:53] regeya: i am at http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-kde-4.html [22:53] ... [22:53] mage__: Oh thanks... I didn't know about -an [22:54] Anyone? Averatec 3200, Broadcom 43XX wifi? Tryed the guides no luck. [22:54] mage__: Nope, it's not. On boot, the system suggest adding the 8139too module. I did that, and the syslog reports the driver finding the card, however, ifup eth0 fails, so I'm thinking the driver is screwing up while accessing the card. [22:54] ed1t: it's gone [22:54] !sourceomatic [22:54] source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages. [22:54] hi [22:54] brambo: yep, that'll do it [22:55] Is there a DVD install for Ubuntu Server? [22:55] WhiteNerd: there was before.. I got a torrent for it [22:55] Cusoon959: try nmap -sL [22:55] usser: is there another way to do it, say through terminal like how I got Kunbuntu on Ubuntu? this web site gives me a head with how this might not work type this do that... [22:55] kde4, while incomplete, is freaking amazing, especially how much changed between releases in so little time. I'm really looking forward to more being ported over [22:55] * regeya leaves to log back in under kde4 :-> [22:56] usser: headache* [22:56] miyarstim: Thanks :). I used -sP... why sL? [22:56] brambo: it will work, its just that its not "officially" supported [22:56] DELETE SYSTEM32 AND BECOME A REAL MAN [22:56] usser; once done it will come up under my sessions at logon screen like Gnome and KDE original etc? [22:56] !ops | SpunkWang [22:56] SpunkWang: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow or nickrud! [22:56] brambo: yep [22:56] DCC CHAT startkeylogger 0 0 0 [22:56] *groan* [22:56] At least the bot handles that one for us [22:57] usser: cool thanks, Im gonna close this for now buddy and look into this ill come back later if i get it working alrighty [22:57] WTF did u do that for? [22:57] Go bot go!!! [22:57] !exploit | usser [22:57] usser: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit [22:57] usser: who did what? [22:57] WhiteNerd: hmm.. I'm looking for it.. they seem to have hidden it pretty well.. [22:57] Slart: lol [22:57] Ubuntu says cant load module snd_hda_intel [22:57] also [22:57] nvm [22:57] DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 0 [22:57] I don't see this covered in the FAQ. I'm switching over from FC6 (where I installed some partitions as LVM). When I run install, it doesn't see any of those partitions, so I can't manage them during the install process. Is there some information somewhere that can help with this? [22:58] ... [22:58] hahahaha, moron [22:58] and what would be the best ubuntu to install on P4 mobile laptop with 32MB gfx? [22:58] alright im out........peace n thanks.......linux 4 ever :-) [22:58] He didn't even get anyone, just got klined [22:58] won't he be supriese [22:58] i want to run compiz there too [22:58] robboplus_: how much memory? [22:58] !suspend2 [22:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about suspend2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [22:58] anyone know an app that would split a large video file into small chunks after I specified split points ? [22:58] usser 512 [22:58] !don't feed the troll [22:58] The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. [22:58] robboplus_: As long as that's Intel graphics in there you're fine [22:58] robboplus_: i'm running KDE+compiz or gnome on less so, whichever you feel confortable with [22:58] robboplus_: try xubuntu but ubuntu should work just fine [22:58] Amaranth it's not, it's ATI [22:58] robboplus_: With ati you might be alright, depends on a lot of things [22:59] robboplus_: xubuntu will be more responsive [22:59] Like the alignment of mars with venus [22:59] robboplus_: ati is generally a headaceh [22:59] hm so it's all about gfx chipset compatibility? [22:59] usser: I think a P4 can handle Ubuntu [22:59] Hey folks. [22:59] well that's 1.5ghz, not too bad [22:59] hiii room [22:59] WhiteNerd: aha.. found them.... here are torrent links http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/gutsy/release/ [22:59] Question: anybody here familiar with "pen" for load balancing? [22:59] usser: too bad [22:59] Amaranth: yea sure [22:59] thanks [22:59] but how about ATI in ubuntu? really a PITA? [22:59] robboplus_: a 1.5Ghz P4 with 512MB ram will run Ubuntu great [22:59] robboplus_: What ATI is it? [23:00] Amaranth glad to hear that [23:00] Cusoon959: -sL is just lists targets to scan [23:00] * Slart runs xubuntu on a mini-itx thingy.. 600Mhz.. works great [23:00] Amaranth ATI 7500 mobile 32MB [23:00] usser: " and including whole trees of objects just to get a single one that is buried under makes apps bloated beyond belief" WTF ? [23:00] robboplus_: i hear Nvidia and ATI are a bitch in ubuntu [23:00] how do i install google earth ? [23:00] up_the_irons :( [23:00] robboplus_: Ah, you should be able to use compiz then, but not fancy stuff like wobbly [23:00] manually or in a package ? [23:00] Amaranth well it's supporting OpenGL etc. [23:00] up_the_irons: Only nvidia and very new ATI [23:00] robboplus_: But it's too slow for wobbly [23:00] folks, anyone know a good package for controlling the camera [23:00] ? [23:01] Amaranth i read you [23:01] Question: anybody here familiar with "pen" for load balancing? -- I'd like to know how I could get it to run at system startup under root. [23:01] DB44: i find google earth installer to be a breeze [23:01] robboplus_: yeah, sorry; ATI and Nvidia won't release open source drivers AFAIK [23:01] Dingbat: check out the rc.d scripts.. [23:01] DB44: manually worked pretty well for me [23:01] up_the_irons: ATI just released documentation for 3D acceleration for r300, r400, and r500 [23:01] up_the_irons so what do i end up with when installing ubuntu? no gfx support or just some tiny one? [23:01] Amaranth: oh cool [23:01] up_the_irons: and for cards older than that we already know how they work and have great open source drivers [23:01] DB44: plus you're not dependent on repo maintainers to update it when new version comes out just download it and install [23:01] up_the_irons: so the only thing we can't currently make a 3D driver for is Radeon HD cards [23:02] robboplus_: i don't know honestly [23:02] it's ibm T40 laptop if that rings the bell.. anyone here running ubuntu on such? [23:02] robboplus_: With that card it'll just work on install [23:02] Amaranth: ah ok, gotcha [23:02] robboplus_: Compiz will also automatically be enabled [23:02] hola acabo de llegar [23:02] CorruptTerrorist: everything still going well? [23:02] robboplus_: Amaranth knows a lot more than me on the subject [23:02] Amaranth hm so it's integrated in ubuntu? that's amasing [23:02] robboplus_: i'm using ubuntu on my new T61 [23:02] robboplus_: Yep, we have an open source driver for that card [23:03] up_the_irons: This is sort of my area :) [23:03] torrellas de llobregat [23:03] up_the_irons i'm going to grab a newer one but for now T40 must be enough :) [23:03] Amaranth: cool :) [23:03] up_the_irons: That has an intel 965, right? Works just fine with compiz in gutsy :) [23:03] up_the_irons: err, in hardy i mean [23:03] Amaranth damn that's sweet so there IS support for it [23:03] Thinkpads are great for linux ;p [23:03] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. [23:03] !es | jose1 [23:03] jose1: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [23:03] faileas i guess so :) can't be arsed to use xp on it anymore [23:03] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. what could be the problem? [23:03] thinkpads are great... [23:04] Amaranth: i've had no problems on my T61 with 7.10, works perfect [23:04] lex oh i got another one.. T23 :) [23:04] robboplus_: i dual boot ;p [23:04] the KING. [23:04] up_the_irons: Compiz too? It must be a 945 then [23:04] Amaranth: 965GM [23:04] faileas hm i will rather use wine or something [23:04] faileas or isn't it what i really want? [23:04] robboplus_: yeah the T40 is a nice older laptop [23:04] gracias [23:05] robboplus_: few apps i use won't run on wine ;p [23:05] robboplus_: if the x300 or whatever (macbook air competition) one wasn't so darn expensive, i might get one. [23:05] what is that thing that enables 3d workspaces on ubuntu? [23:05] Amaranth; thanks for the great work.. keep it up.. ubuntu would be lost without your repos [23:05] that lets you switch workspaces like a cube [23:05] excuse me im new on ubuntu and im trying to install my sound driver card but i dont know where to see what driver i need to look for someone could help me_ [23:05] bastid_raZor: Ah, those. You should really upgrade to gutsy :) [23:05] CorruptTerrorist: compiz fusion [23:05] any here use gusty pcc [23:05] ppc [23:06] Amaranth; gutsy doesn't need you anymore? [23:06] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. what could be the problem? [23:06] excuse me im new on ubuntu and im trying to install my sound driver card but i dont know where to see what driver i need to look for someone could help me? [23:06] argh... my sound no work!! [23:06] bastid_raZor: Nope, the packages in gutsy are newer than the ones in my repo. My repo was a backport of the stuff we were doing in gutsy and I stopped updating it around the time of gutsy beta. [23:07] CorruptTerrorist: so you got the driver installed and the resolution changed? [23:07] do you have any idea how to force 5.1 sound into VLC (ubuntu 7.10 realtek ALC882) ? [23:07] lex, no [23:07] i'm gonna upgrade to 7.10 first i think [23:07] bastid_raZor: If you have gutsy-backports enabled you'll also get a version even better than was in gutsy release :) [23:07] CorruptTerrorist: then don't bother trying to fix other issues until you do :-p [23:07] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. what could be the problem? [23:08] heh, easy question: i'm running ubuntu 7.10, stock window manager (gnome), how do i get my desktop icons to appear on the *right* side by default? [23:08] Amaranth; interesting. that is good to know. [23:08] CorruptTerrorist: also, if you didn't know, there aren't "official" X-Fi drivers out, just beta x64 ones that I know of [23:08] is it safe to shrink my C (NTFS) partition with gparted from the ubuntu 7.10 liveCD? [23:08] lex, x-fi? [23:09] Greyhound|NB: what Windows version do you have on C? [23:09] Greyhound|NB: windows xp or vista? [23:09] mahmoud2: xp sp2 [23:09] should be ok [23:09] CorruptTerrorist: never mind, i thought since you had an 8800 you might also have a soundblaster X-fi sound card too [23:09] excuse me im new on ubuntu and im trying to install my sound driver card but i dont know where to see what driver i need to look for....... someone could help me? [23:10] there's no chance of data loss, is there? [23:10] lex, built-in Realtek [23:10] Greyhound|NB: Oh, there is [23:10] gRaCiOsO: open a terminal, and type "lspci" no quotes, and see how it identifies your sound device [23:10] I really need some one to one help. My computer has screwed up and I have three essays on the go [23:10] Greyhound|NB; from my experience you'll still have to do a repair on windows with the install CD.. windows puts system files all over a partition and some will be erased [23:10] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. what could be the problem? [23:10] which 7.10 works faster? desktop or server? [23:11] i mean what are the main differences? [23:11] robboplus_: probably server cuz its CLI [23:11] the partition is 28 GB GB, of which 14 GB are free and I want to make a 5 GB partition for ubuntu out of those 14 GB that are free... [23:11] Greyhound|NB: for the best results, boot the windows install and defrag a few times in an attempt to move everything you can to the inner parts of the drives platter [23:11] robboplus_: server is to.. run a server, and does not have a GUI.. desktop is for a desktop/laptop and has a GUI [23:11] IndyGunFreak: i tryied it but i did not know what was the sound driver card name if i do a pastebin of it could u see and help me with that? [23:11] so server one isn't the one for fancy desktops etc. [23:11] gRaCiOsO: sure.. [23:11] i [23:11] robboplus_, desktop gives you a desktop computer, server gives you a gui-less server. [23:11] I [23:12] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. what could be the problem? [23:12] the computer keeps booting into safe mode, I can't recover my documents and am beginning to freak out a little bit [23:12] No , Brasilian [23:12] suse [23:12] i lost my wireless conection all the time using the roaming. what could be the problem? [23:12] robboplus_, the only (main) difference is the default packages. [23:12] how do I make a remote bell ring on an ssh connection [23:12] wireless [23:12] jonnymac: even in safe mode you should be able to access the files ? [23:13] hi there, is anyone here aware of where I might find some help with SILO for SPARCbuntu? [23:13] zz [23:13] zz [23:13] zz [23:13] it's failing to install [23:13] noelferreira: are you using multiple AP or single AP? [23:13] Heloooo [23:13] install server then apt-get xubuntu-desktop :P [23:13] :o [23:13] it wont let me recover the file since I can't click the button, the window is larger than the screen [23:13] anyone know how to set up a static ip? [23:13] I have no idea what's going on [23:13] lol [23:13] jonnymac: we are talking about ubuntu right? [23:13] yep [23:14] vaylence: you can manually configure ur network connections...is that what u mean? [23:14] IndyGunFreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/57133/ it is [23:14] I'm trying to set up this port forwarding business for Azureus [23:14] and I'm failing epicly [23:14] single bibby [23:14] jonnymac: you should be able to right click the file browser in the menu bar on the bottom and resize it [23:14] :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D [23:14] All of a sudden theres two different sets of ubuntu startup in GRUB and all the icons are supersized [23:14] ok [23:14] vaylence: /join azureus-support [23:14] hi everyone, does anyone know, please, how to install ndiswrapper under Wubi? (the synaptic manager doesn't have this option) [23:14] I found a bunch of tutorials for XP and what not, but nothing really helpful for linux or ubuntu [23:15] !offtopic | susa [23:15] susa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [23:15] jonnymac: did you recently upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 or something of the like? [23:15] noelferreira: what client manager are you using? [23:15] but all the windows are huge [23:15] :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D [23:15] :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D [23:15] :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D [23:15] nopedon't think so [23:15] anyone can help, please? [23:15] I guess susa is having a good day [23:15] network manager 0.6.5 bibby [23:15] susa's smileys just blocked out my entire screen [23:15] gRaCiOsO: i'm guessing this one... 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia [23:16] !ask | Mega_byte [23:16] Mega_byte: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [23:16] jonnymac: oh well, it's normal i think; just boot into the top one. your graphics driver may have gotten reset and the resolution is just really small [23:16] Ashfire908, I already asked the question above ;) [23:16] hey, i have a linksys wusb11 wireless adapter [23:16] hi everyone, does anyone know, please, how to install ndiswrapper under Wubi? (the synaptic manager doesn't have this option) [23:16] that's what I've been doind [23:16] msg MoN|008 XDCC SEND #1 [23:16] Mega_byte, i really need to stop skimming...... [23:16] gRaCiOsO: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-570442.html [23:16] jonnymac: changing the resolution or the driver? [23:16] IndyGunFreak: well but do i have to look for the driver with that name? [23:16] I've rebooted several times [23:16] i am connected to the internet but the network manager doesnt think so, this is a problem because some apps (pidgin) relayy on the net manager [23:16] how do I do that? [23:16] does Wubi support ubuntu 7.10 ?? [23:16] noelferreira: ruined that idea, ill keep thinking about it but not sure what would cause that at this point. [23:16] gRaCiOsO: follow that link i just sent you [23:17] yup wubi does support it but in beta version [23:17] I'm seriously Ubuntly challenged, only use it cos I hate Windows and really like Ubuntu [23:17] CorruptTerrorist: you need to find the alpha build, but yes it does [23:17] sorry :( [23:17] jonnymac: in the system -> preferences -> screen resolution === eitreach is now known as eitreach_zzzetc [23:17] is there anyway i can completely turn off network manager>? [23:17] IndyGunFreak: ok thanks for ur help jeje [23:17] np [23:18] 640x480 [23:18] and it doesn't list any other choices [23:18] jonnymac; or in a terminal run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [23:18] jonnymac: that'd be the problem; so your driver isn't right then; reconfigure your xserver [23:18] err; thanks bastid_raZor [23:19] Hi, do you know how to say to VLC to set up 5.1 by default and not 2.0 stereo? [23:19] lex; oh i guess that was intended for you. [23:19] anyone know, please, how to install ndiswrapper under Wubi? (the synaptic manager doesn't have this option) [23:19] jonnymac keeping using it... give it a year and you will knowit [23:19] I am installing Gutsy, trying to reuse LVM partitions during the install, but the installer doesn't see them. I found this link: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-over-lvm-filesystem, which gets me to being able to see the volgroup, but the installer still doesn't see the paritions. How do I get the installer to see them as well? [23:19] bastid_raZor: no, it was for him, but that's what i was getting to; you just beat me to the punch [23:19] Mega_byte: it should be the same way as a normal install [23:19] how do I ring the "bell" on the other end of an SSH connection? [23:20] how do i enable multiverse? [23:20] xserver driver nsc or nv? [23:20] Ive been using linux for a long time but I have been using ubuntu for a year and a half or so and I love it [23:20] nv [23:20] failaes, the usual .debs won't work, and compiling says that the lib6 is old, but updating it needs a connection which I don't have yet :/ [23:20] jonnymac: assuming you have an nvidia video card [23:20] stormze2 i think you need to use the alternate cd's installer and then select configure lvm partitions or smoething like that. [23:20] hi ppl [23:21] who got leopard [23:21] mac os x [23:21] Hi Fioz [23:21] hi Vaylence [23:21] Fioz i do [23:21] stormze2, idk if the normal installer understands it [23:21] how much memory to be used by the video card (kb)? [23:21] have u got mac leopard [23:21] ?? [23:21] ok [23:21] yes [23:21] no [23:21] faileas: any ideas? [23:21] when u connect usb key [23:21] Ashfire908: Can I download that installer by itself, or do I need to re-download a whole ISO to get it? [23:21] negatron, no mac here [23:21] ARGH!!! i need to download the 7.10 distro which has the wubi on it [23:21] in u macbook [23:22] Mega_byte: it should work the same way as for a real install [23:22] it mount a disk [23:22] yes [23:22] jonnymac: eh, just leave it what it's at; for the most part the default settings should be ok. when the resolution comes around just make sure the check 1024x786 and up [23:22] stormze2, i doubt it... [23:22] what is the path of this mounted image ? [23:22] hmm [23:22] Stormx2: the alt. install cd is a separte ISO file... [23:22] faileas, it doesn't :/ it says Errors were encountered while processing [23:22] does the normal desktop cd support configuring lvm partitions? [23:22] Does anyone know how to set up a static IP in Ubuntu? [23:22] ash: i dont think it does?? [23:23] Vaylence: man ifconfig [23:23] cauz on my ubuntu systeme i install samba [23:23] IndyGunFreak: is it now? [23:23] or you can use the system->administration->Network to set static IP [23:23] i can read and file [23:23] Vaylence, either edit the /etc/network/interface file or use network manager [23:23] Stormx2: as far as i know.. but sorry, that wasn't for you.. :) [23:23] but ifconfig is a good command to learn [23:23] :) i know [23:23] i can't see the usb key via samba [23:24] Fioz /Volumes === ajmorris|AFK is now known as ajmorris [23:24] is 1280 x 800 normal resolution? [23:24] excellent ed1t [23:24] thx a lot [23:24] stormze2, i think you have to download the alt cd iso and reburn. [23:24] np [23:24] with full of my heard [23:24] i waist 1 hour [23:24] stormze2: you need to download a separate CD for the alt. install cd [23:25] thx [23:25] u very helpfull [23:25] bye [23:25] jonnymac: that sounds like widescreen, 1024x786, 1280x1024, and 1600x1200 are the most common i think [23:25] is there a way in ubuntu to "collect garbage" ? free up memory [23:25] thankj goodness, one more 1 line sentence, and i'd go nuts. [23:25] nothing has changed should I now reboot? [23:25] hi.. i'm having problems to get php5-gd working in ubuntu 7.10.. can someone here help me? x.x [23:26] jonnymac: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [23:26] what is the bittorrent downloader's file name? [23:26] stormze2 you can use azereus or utorrent (with wine) [23:27] stormze2, idk off the top of my head, i think you can find the url on the download page [23:27] utorrent works very well with wine [23:27] Stormx2; or transmission.. i hear transmission is going to be the default torrent app in hardy [23:27] anyone plz? :P [23:27] Ashfire908: stormze2 yes, the alt. install cd is on the ubuntu page.. you have to select "alternate download locations"... then find it on a server, the filename will have alternate in it. [23:27] i am trying to use Artweaver via wine. I installed it successfully but when I try to run it the program pops up a message that says "The TAHOMA and/or TIMES NEW ROMAN font could not be loaded. Please install the missing fonts". [23:27] * i [23:27] rtorrent is my personall fav now [23:27] bastid_raZor: is it now? [23:27] hi there. i have this Acces point. i don`t have a manual . i need to know how can i found my default factory IP adress. http://www.zioncom.net/products/wireless/ap0103_features.htm# [23:28] any help ? [23:28] CorruptTerrorist: so with this wubi or whatever are you running linux as a seperate os or in windows like it's a program? [23:28] Is unbuntu known to not have a working install with 8800 gt cards? [23:28] Stormx2; no [23:28] lex, yes [23:28] mysterycool: ok, download the font and install it. [23:28] zphinx: it may take a smide more work, but it can work just fine [23:28] kharloss: is most defaults have u tried that [23:28] lex, aparrently wubi comes on the 7.10 iso [23:28] IndyGunFreak: I already put Tahoma in the Fonts folder of wine and copied a .ttf and renamed it to times new roman.ttf [23:28] anyone know, please, how to install ndiswrapper under Wubi? (the synaptic manager doesn't have this option, and the regular debs for ubuntu won't work) [23:29] zphinx there a few different ways to install drivers [23:29] sudobash: like? [23:29] anyone know the path to bittorrent-gui? [23:29] *putted [23:29] restricted drivers manager, synaptic or apt, nvidia website [23:29] aptitude is my choice [23:29] ehm [23:29] how do you fiugre i do that during an install? [23:30] i am trying to use Artweaver via wine. I installed it successfully but when I try to run it the program pops up a message that says "The TAHOMA and/or TIMES NEW ROMAN font could not be loaded. Please install the missing fonts". [23:30] lex, if i have to do a ctrl+alt+f2 on boot of 7.10, what driver should i choose? vesa? [23:30] zphinx are you having trouble booting the live cd? [23:30] I can't seem to get youtube to work, anyone help me with flash? === adante_ is now known as adante [23:30] yes [23:30] brambo firefox? [23:30] yes firefox [23:31] Hi, i got a problem: I installed ubuntu on a machine using the desktop install cd - worked fine and booted from cd, but now, after instal, it won't mount any cd [23:31] CorruptTerrorist: nv or nvidia [23:31] go to the flash site it will install to firefox for you... I think there is a script you can run also and you could check synaptic [23:31] lex, ok thanks [23:31] zphinx what are the errors you are getting? [23:31] zphinx: you should be able to install with all the generic drivers then change them later [23:31] no screen availible *x* [23:32] cant remember the resolution. [23:32] yeah live cd uses vesa drivers i believe [23:32] zphinx: you don't have two monitors plugged in atm do you? [23:32] no [23:32] check synaptic for flash? [23:32] omg... the flurry screensaver is like mac osx [23:33] one second brambo [23:33] ty [23:33] zphinx: have you finished the install or is it just not loading x [23:33] Not loading x. [23:33] brambo:http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash [23:33] zphinx: have you reconfigured the xserver-xorg? [23:34] how could he do that when booting live cd [23:34] if he isnt at a prompt [23:34] i guess the xorg files couldbe corrupt === z4w3p is now known as z4w3p_ [23:34] oh, i was under the assumption that he'd already installed but it was botching on the startup [23:34] the iso he downloaded [23:35] maybe he did [23:35] lex did you finish install or not? [23:35] No, it actually locks up after it cant find a screen. [23:35] And its on a viritual image via wubi [23:35] sudobash: i'm not hte one installing / having probs :-p [23:35] oops sorry... st0ned [23:35] sudobash: that all seems to be for 32bit [23:36] sudobash: i have 64bit [23:36] lex: it still hasn't worked [23:36] morning guys.. [23:36] zphinx: if your wanting to play with linux from windows, you could always try vmware, the applets are free [23:36] sorry i didnt see you say 64 [23:36] Nice wording there. [23:36] jonnymac: eh, where were we? [23:36] I do have vmware, and i dont "play" with linux from windows. [23:36] If you have Ubuntu AMD64 Flash doesn't natively work on the Ubuntu 64-bit edition [23:36] but you can you a wrapper i think [23:37] I restarted the computer and a window came up saying that the expected screen wasn't found etc [23:37] !flash64 [23:37] You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [23:37] guess your not the only stoned one sudobash ;-p [23:37] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341727 [23:37] there is the 64bit flash plugin wrapper [23:37] is ther eanyway i can rerun a previous version of ubuntu, like before the last update? [23:38] i swear... google is your friend. [23:38] jonnymac: remember that second linux option on the GRUB; try loading that [23:38] have already tried that, it's just the same resolution [23:38] sudobash, ok i will try that new link you said [23:38] ok, so i have this computer with three six gig drives in it, and i want to rename the extra two fujitsu and maxtor respectivly for /dev/hdd and /dev/hdb, how can i do this? [23:38] isn't there also a really good post about using the wrapper for flash x64 on the fourms as well? [23:39] or indygunfreak said:You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [23:39] brambo: flash is pretty easy in gutsy [23:39] brambo: just apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [23:39] jonnymac: weird, so you can't change the resolution after you log in? [23:39] yeah thats at the link i sent him usser... [23:39] google is magic [23:40] nope, there's no drop down options [23:40] woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo [23:40] jonnymac: eh, when you click system the menu doesn't show up? [23:40] Yay! Got my new network card working, and it only took 2 hours! Turns out that Ubuntu stores information about new network cards in some rules file. Every time a new card is added, OR a card is changed, the number is incremented, and the old, nonexistant hardware is left assigned to the old number. So as I'd tried several cards, my eth card was actually eth4 - even though there were no other cards in the machine. Great! [23:40] sudobash: oh ok [23:41] odd... [23:41] some ideas about my drive-is-not-mounted problem? [23:41] I'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop following these directons https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QuickNetboot [23:41] I don't understand step 3 [23:41] when I enter screen resolution it only offers me the one option 640x480 [23:42] jonnymac: go into the admin menu and open screens and graphics [23:42] jonnymac you may need to edit your xorg config [23:42] Wish I'd known that, it would have saved a hell of a headache :-) [23:42] sudobash, $nick =~ s/bash/ -s/ :) [23:42] !res | jonnyboy37 [23:42] jonnyboy37: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [23:42] benpicco, How are you trying to mount it? [23:42] we've done that with him guys [23:42] I've just done that and I didn't work [23:42] we're one step away from editing his xorg manually [23:42] hmm.. my sound on my laptop doesn't seem to work.. how do i know if it's outputing via headphones or the speakers ? [23:42] Brad01, thats setting up your puter as a dhcp server (thats what dnsmasq is) [23:43] jonnymac: did you open the screens and graphics? [23:43] jonnymac: then you did something wrong [23:43] can i not just go back to my old ubuntu [23:43] SmashCat: just be happy you didn't actually go as far as getting kernel 2.4 ;) [23:43] Squawk, I don't know what to put in the places [23:43] jonnymac: what are you using now? [23:43] if you send me your xorg file jonny i will see if it is right for 1280x1024 === Squawk_ is now known as Squawk [23:43] video problems... My videos is only black and white.... where colour yesterday... Anyone know whats wrong?? [23:43] screens and graphics... in Systems -preferences? [23:43] how do you use wget to download files larger than 2gb [23:43] Brad01, the box below gives you pretty good examples [23:43] ?? [23:43] system -> admin [23:43] Jordan_U: it should be automounted, but also manual mount gives me mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb (using -t iso9660) [23:44] yeah that will let you change your res if your xorg will allow it [23:44] Squawk, Can I just use those? [23:44] achandrashekar, What file system are you saving them to ? [23:44] i have a lenovo 3000 n100 laptop, but the audio isn't working (i have mixer, but i don't hear anything, and the sound tests fail) any ideas ?? [23:44] I have Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.10 and the Desktop Effects wont work. I have ATI Radeon 200M XPRESS Video Card [23:44] anyone know how to use the rename command to rename a internally root owned volume?i think it should be "sudo rename -v /dev/hdb " but that doesnt work, gives me a fuzzy message about incorrect suntax. help please? [23:44] achandrashekar: wget has no such limit, what filesystem are you writing to? [23:44] I'm using ubuntu, everything works but I had to change my keyboard config cos it came up as Englsih as opposed to French [23:44] benpicco, What FS type is it really? [23:44] how do I ring the "bell" on the other end of an SSH connection? [23:44] Jordan_U: default ubuntu files system...errmm..i think its ext3 [23:45] the only other thing I don't know how to do is the screen resolution [23:45] Jordan_U: it´s a ordinary CDrom [23:45] Brad, do you actualy needs a dhcp server? [23:45] jonnymac: did you go to system -> admin -> screens and graphics? [23:45] ubuntu-tr [23:45] I run du, it shows that my disk is 100% full, how do I go about to delete some files and make some room? [23:45] du [23:45] how do i stream radio in ubuntu for free ??? [23:45] anyone know why my videos is black and white??? [23:45] are medibuntu, cannonical partner chanel and security updates repos having problems? [23:45] glam, rm filename? [23:46] astro76: are you sure ? - http://software.lpetrov.net/wget-LFS/ [23:46] benpicco, I assume you have tried other CDROM's / using the same drive with another OS? [23:46] still only offers me the one option, no dropdown option [23:46] chocolatewithmin: mine's been fin [23:46] Indiadev_Techie: take a look at icecast [23:46] *fine [23:46] !icecast | Indiadev_Techie [23:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about icecast - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:46] achandrashekar: I didn't think so ;) [23:46] jonnymac: change the monitor type [23:46] is wubi 7.10 on the guttsy gibbon iso? [23:46] Jordan_U: i tried several cds, also booted from other live ds, so both the drive and the cds should be working [23:46] IndiaDev XMMS [23:47] *cds [23:47] astro76: I tried to wget a 4.4gb iso, and it only gave me the partial download [23:47] actuall I run df, it shows that my root directory is full, and I only have one partitions for my installation, my questions is what kind of files, I could remove to make room for my system. [23:47] Jordan_U... @? [23:47] Squawk, My router does dhcp [23:47] Brad01, if you dont know what/how a dhcp server is/works, are you sure you need to install in the way you are? [23:47] jo [23:47] CorruptTerrorist: I do believe so. [23:47] glam: start with a sudo apt-get clean [23:47] CorruptTerrorist, Sort of. I believe it only has the functionality to use ntldr to boot from the CD without changing BIOS options, not to do an actual wubi install [23:47] kk, just checking speeddemon8803 [23:47] CorruptTerrorist: no [23:47] IndyGunFreak: maybe national server is under maintenance, but what does mean when synaptic says ''404 error''? [23:47] NAFAIK [23:47] Help! - Desktop Effects could not be enabled... Ubuntu Feisty 7.10 - ATI Radeon 200M XPRESS Video Card [23:47] faileas, you sure? [23:47] but...im not sure... [23:47] Squawk, The laptop has no other way to install it, it's a Laitude L400 [23:47] i have a lenovo 3000 n100 laptop, but the audio isn't working (i have mixer, but i don't hear anything, and the sound tests fail) any ideas ?? === nevermore_ is now known as nevermore [23:48] chocolatewithmin: not connecting for soem reason i do believe [23:48] or is there some way i can have them changed so user owns the extra two internal drives and hey are mounted automatically into some folders in user's home folder, EG /dev/hdd into /home/user/Docs and /dev/hdb into /home/user/Multimedia? [23:48] astro76: I did that sudo apt-get clean, but still 100% full. [23:48] CorruptTerrorist: wubi 7.10 is an alpha so i doubt it [23:48] Brad01: what about usb flash drive [23:48] Brad01, ok I would skip the dnsmasq config, I dont see why you would need it [23:48] glam: you could start with Open Office, it can be replaced with Abiword and Gnumeric. [23:48] Jordan_U are u an @? [23:48] anyone??... [23:48] faileas, i thought it was...maybe im wrong.... [23:48] * speeddemon8803 shrugs [23:48] bluefoxx: edit your fstab to mount them [23:48] usser: thax :) [23:48] what kind of monitor shall I change it to, it doesn't have my model... ASUS [23:48] Indiadev_Techie: np [23:48] jonnymac: generic with the resolution you want should suffice [23:49] hi, i'm running ubuntu 7.10. i have an external firewire hd and when I plug it in it isn't recognized by the system at all... it does power up, but does not auto mount [23:49] Help! - Desktop Effects could not be enabled... Ubuntu Feisty 7.10 - ATI Radeon 200M XPRESS Video Card [23:49] asks me to choose a driver file? [23:49] the system may be recognizing it, but i'm not sure how to check for this sort of thing... have been doing research but nothing is helping out too much [23:49] joecurlee find out what it represents in /dev/ and mount it === Alp-3 is now known as Alp- [23:49] do I clean up the /var/log file? [23:49] Squawk, Should I follow the rest of the article then? [23:49] how can i check why i have no soudn ? [23:49] jonnymac: you should be able to just choose one [23:49] joecurlee: see if anything new appears in /dev [23:50] !sound | db44 [23:50] db44: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [23:50] ie unplug it [23:50] hey yall [23:50] joecurlee: unplug it and do ls /dev/*d* [23:50] DB44: whats your sound device? [23:50] anyone know how to append my pgp signature to the bottom of my messages as opposed to the top in thunderbird? [23:50] just finished setting up my ubuntu from fresh install :D [23:50] joecurlee: then plug it back in and do ls /dev/*d* again [23:50] IndyGunFreak: do yo know the name of the application which allows you change server country? (i have currently installed linuxmint, a ubuntu based distro, so the application is not installed by default) [23:50] ZerolsAHuman, nice isnt it? :D [23:50] ok [23:50] joecurlee: see if anynithing new appeared [23:50] IndyGunFreak: sec i'm rebooting [23:50] Brad01, your just trying to install ubuntu via netboot, right? then I would do what it says at the top of the article, since I don't see how that particular guide is relevant to your situation [23:50] now i'll plug it in and do it again [23:51] problem: everything boots normally (as far as I can tell) and I enter my username and password but the screen just sits there... forever [23:51] chocolatewithmin: no i don't [23:51] Jordan_U: the drive is owned by the group 'disc', but i already added my to it [23:51] Brad01, sorry man I gotta go [23:51] What exactly is the wubi.exe file for? [23:51] usser: yes list changed after plugging it in [23:51] I can get to the terminal however I don't have an internet connection to be able to 'apt-get' [23:51] joecurlee: u are looking for something like sda or sdb or something like that [23:51] Help! - Desktop Effects could not be enabled... Ubuntu Feisty 7.10 - ATI Radeon 200M XPRESS Video Card [23:51] usser: any idea why it won't auto mount? [23:51] i realize it was just released but does anyone have an idea as to when the python 2.5.2 release will make its way into the repositories? [23:51] !repeat | asturias [23:51] asturias: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [23:51] does anyone know how to launch ie 6 once installed thru tatanka.com [23:51] ? [23:52] Is any here familiar with net-based installs? [23:52] !patience | asturias [23:52] asturias: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [23:52] joecurlee: dunno because it doesnt know where to mount [23:52] usser: found sdb [23:52] Hoe do I transfer files between my mac and my Xubuntu box [23:52] joecurlee: whats its name in /dev? [23:52] IndyGunFreak: i have an intel corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controlle (Rev 02) [23:52] swatTX when you say it sits there [23:52] ASTURIAS: are you using dual monitors? [23:52] is it a blink cursor? [23:52] No [23:52] blinking* [23:52] How do I transfer files between my mac and my Xubuntu box [23:52] !intelhda | DB44 [23:52] DB44: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto [23:52] sup [23:52] joecurlee: any partitions on it ie sdb1 sdb2 or such? [23:52] See...patience pays off asturias :D [23:52] sudobash, no. it is a laptop [23:52] thanks ! [23:52] sameone is able to help me to cofigure my webcam? [23:52] so it is loading [23:52] usser: /dev/sdb... before and after plugging in there were sda1, sda2 and sda5 [23:53] for a long time and then what? [23:53] I installed xserver-xgl and changed the 0 to 1 on the xorg.conf (I think) and nothing fixes the problem [23:53] joecurlee: looks like its unformatted is it a new drive? [23:53] hola: have you installed cheese? [23:53] How do I transfer files between my mac and my Xubuntu box [23:53] ASTURIAS: so compiz or whatever is installed then? [23:53] no it's got content but formatted by os x [23:53] chocolatewithmin: it is not recognized [23:53] No [23:53] ftp transfer comes to mind. [23:53] IndyGunFreak: i need to recompile ALSA ?? [23:53] lol [23:53] Can someone please help me install linux onto a Dell Latitude L400 with no optical/floppy drive and can't boot of usb [23:53] WhiteNerd: you'er gonna have to set up a partition that they can both see, Fat32 is the most common i do believe. [23:53] usser: can linux not read a mac formatted drive? [23:53] WhiteNerd: lots of ways the easiest is probably to setup a local ftp server [23:53] I did a fresh install [23:53] WhiteNerd, samba or scp [23:53] DB44: most of the time. [23:54] does anyone know how to launch ie 6 once installed thru tatanka.com [23:54] DB44: what model PC do you have [23:54] joecurlee: nope should recognize it [23:54] !netboot | brad01 [23:54] brad01: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [23:54] ubuntu has a great ftp client its called sudo nautilus [23:54] joecurlee, Linux can read hfs+ [23:54] nothing. i can ctrl+alt+f2 and login and look around but otherwise it just sits at the blank default screen with just a working mouse [23:54] ASTURIAS: isn't that a compiz feature? or am i mistaken. try installing it and see if that help [23:54] joecurlee: in any case try sudo /dev/sdb /mnt [23:54] IndyGunFreak: lenovo 3000 n100 [23:54] joecurlee: err sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt [23:54] in Synaptic? [23:54] yeah [23:54] usser: will do [23:54] Ok [23:54] joecurlee: and see if it mounts [23:54] Does linux not recognize hfs+? [23:54] i realize it was just released but does anyone have an idea as to when the python 2.5.2 release will make its way into the repositories? [23:54] i have vista... can i use wubi with gutsy gibbon? [23:55] joecurlee, Linux can read hfs+ [23:55] I have another question [23:55] hey guys how to i run winedoors [23:55] anyone know how to append my pgp signature to the bottom of my messages as opposed to the top in thunderbird? [23:55] i have vista... can i use wubi *8.04 with gutsy gibbon? [23:55] Lex: I love you and want to have your babies, you are the champion of all the Ubuntly Challenged as well as all the other beautiful people in this room [23:55] correction [23:55] i installed the deb file but dont know how to run it [23:55] jonnymac: worked eh? [23:55] hola: not recognized, i'm spanish i dont understood you? could you express yourself by another way? [23:55] I see many times that I can go to System > Preferences and Appearance, But I don't have Appearance in my panel!!! [23:55] ASTURIAS: what? [23:55] I'll admit that I blush when I think how easy it was to fix [23:55] lex, looks like you made someone VERY happy :P [23:55] !es | chocolatewithmin [23:55] chocolatewithmin: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda. [23:55] ASTURIAS: right click the system menu and edit it [23:55] DB44: i might have a fix for you, type this w/o quotes... "/join #indygunfreak" [23:56] ??? [23:56] speeddemon8803: yeah, appears so lol [23:56] wait room your going to fast... im stoned... slow down to my speed :p [23:56] chocolatewithmin: in italina is fine? [23:56] Ok,Thanks [23:56] thank you again, must dash to my essay now, mwah, x [23:56] sudobash, sorry. the screen was scrolling a little too quick for me to keep up. any ideas? [23:56] good luck [23:56] sudobash: keep up then ;) [23:56] lol [23:57] the laptop issue swat? [23:57] swatTX: what drivers ect you using? [23:57] !gfxboot [23:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about gfxboot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [23:57] I'm trying to follow this installation guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QuickNetboot [23:57] so it is loading at a black screen? now blinking cursor for input? [23:57] hola: italian? i don't understand it, sorry, but what do you tried to say, you don't know the cheese app? [23:57] lex, just the defaults that gibbon comes with. i never activated the restricted drivers. this is a fairly new install [23:57] n8 [23:58] chocolatewithmin: the problem is that kubuntu does not recognize the cam [23:58] no /dev/video is created [23:58] intel chipset swatTX? [23:58] usser: just mounted :) [23:58] !netboot > speeddemon8803 [23:58] swatTX: it sounds like an xorg config problem with the graphics card or monitor. i think i've had the problem before. what video card do you ahve? [23:58] Here is my network info http://pastebin.com/m1882fe87 can someone show me what to use in the places? [23:58] sudobash, AMD [23:58] hola: so, have you tried to install an app which detects it? [23:58] !netboot > consfearacy [23:58] chocolatewithmin: of course [23:58] usser: (had to answer phone)... so i'm assuming i'll have to do this every time I want to use it? [23:58] thats your processor... maybe ATI video or Nvidia? hopefully not intel :p [23:58] what is Alpha5? [23:59] pre-beta [23:59] hola: waht apps have you tried? [23:59] lex, i think i might've deleted some core files on accident when trying to undo some other changes. [23:59] haha [23:59] !hardy | chocolatewithmin [23:59] chocolatewithmin: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - CONSIDER IT TO BE PRE BETA (ALPHA) SOFTWARE - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu [23:59] chocolatewithmin: amsn, gqcam, camorana etc [23:59] swatTX: hate when that happens [23:59] swatx it doesnt let you input anything from kb? [23:59] sudobash, sorry. kb?