[00:58] fj [00:58] finally got a VM working woop [01:33] congrats PriceChild [01:34] maybe tomorrow afternoon i'll get a chance to do something with ti [01:34] lol... you could just stay up as long as me... [01:34] PriceChild: you should blog it [01:35] (im 2 hours ahead of you remember :P) [01:35] vorian, you've an obsession with people blogging it now? :) [01:36] jussi01, meh... viewing 2 houses and playing a hockey game tomorrow *morning*. [01:36] PriceChild: first you should write a blog telling people you are going to blog about it, then a day later do the real blog [01:36] This will be the most productive morning in some time and I am not going to oversleep 8-) [01:36] vorian, and blog the blog? [01:36] PriceChild: right... [01:36] exactly [01:37] right before you release the next version of ubuntu [01:37] all my own work [01:37] hehe [01:37] yep [01:38] either of you into embedded stuff at all? [01:42] not really [01:42] well then, with that, Im off to bed [01:42] [03:41] here... [01:43] nighty night [01:48] hola [01:48] hay alguien vivo?? [01:49] porque nunca hay nadie [01:49] ¬_¬ [01:50] donde estan los ops de #ubuntu-es [01:52] o_0 bueno chau [01:52] jdt [02:52] mikem was causing trouble, it apperas [02:52] Where? [02:53] #ubuntu-devel [02:54] grr... he should know better. [02:54] mikem? know better? [02:54] made my day [02:54] I've never had a problem with him in the past. [02:54] you luck bastarxd [02:55] me terrible typist [02:55] * Hobbsee has seen various [02:55] * Hobbsee banfowards [03:01] <__mikem> hey hobbsee, did you just send me an invitation to this channel? [03:01] __mikem: yes [03:01] __mikem: can i suggest that you actually follow channel topics? [03:01] <__mikem> Um, sure. [03:01] and that if others are telling you to, that you don't just ignore them, because they're not ops? [03:02] <__mikem> Hobbsee: seveas already repremanded me for that earlier. I was wrong and I admit that. [03:03] right. good. please don't do it again [03:04] <__mikem> Okay. [03:04] <__mikem> Thanks [03:04] also, some of them in there probably *are* ops ;) [03:05] <__mikem> Hobbsee, I know, thats why I checked the access list before I made that faux pa ;) [07:43] nemilar called the ops in #ubuntu () [07:46] Hey we need in an op in #ubuntu if anyone is around [07:48] Austin_ (n=chatzill@pool-72-75-153-48.atclnj.east.verizon.net) needs a kicking or a banning or just a plain old a-whooping [07:57] or a letter to abuse@verizon.net which has just been delivered :D nevermind, all [10:35] LjL: had fun in #u-es last night I see... :-/ [10:38] guys: co_gokil* in #u - possible nick spammer - keeps joining and quitting [10:43] * Gary giggles at Seveas [10:51] !staff [10:51] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel or Gary, I could use a bit of your time :) [10:51] --> incognito (n=ircap8@77.Red-88-11-66.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) has joined #ubuntu [10:51] http://bitxarraco.myminicity.es/ [10:52] Seveas, What's the deal with banning me for stating that the term facist does not necessarily equate to nazis and/or godwin's law [10:52] Azzmodan, I've said repeatedly in that talk that offtopic talking and second-guessing the ops is not welcome [10:52] everyone had stopped, then you start it again [10:52] man, why do they never join #u-es [10:53] I can forward them theree if you want ^_^ [10:53] I wasn't second guessing your actions and was just talking about the term facist/godwin's law [10:53] Seveas: he's spanish by the ip :) [10:56] Seveas, how about you drop that uncalled for ban you bestowed on me? [10:56] Azzmodan, how about not [10:56] a) it wasn't uncalled for [10:56] b) see a [10:56] Seveas, how was it not uncalled for? [10:56] Azzmodan, I've said repeatedly in that talk that offtopic talking and second-guessing the ops is not welcome [10:56] everyone had stopped, then you start it again [10:56] now please stop going in circles [10:57] Are we allowed to question op's decisions in here? (in front of all the ops?) [10:57] Seveas, I wasn't second guessing you, but you misused the "godwin's law" term, since this is a quite common term and many people in the ubuntu channel are relativly new to internet lingo that wasn't offtopic for me to attempt to clarify either [10:57] Or are we not allowed to inquire about their actions, anywhere [10:57] nemilar, that's one of the reasons this channel was created [10:57] nemilar: you're permitted to here [10:58] ok, let's emphasize [10:58] Ah. Yes, it would be offtopic for #u [10:58] :) friendly [10:58] Azzmodan, I've said repeatedly in that talk that offtopic talking and second-guessing the ops is not welcome [10:58] emphasis enough? [10:59] Is it standard to kick+ban someone on first offense rather than just kick? I'm just curious, I've only been around for a couple of weeks, I've never seen such drama as tonight [10:59] nemilar: depends what the offense is [10:59] nemilar, for calling people fascists: yes [10:59] Seveas, not only did I only see you mention that once before in this channel before you first stated it, you could also have asked/warned isntead of dropping a ban immediatly [10:59] nemilar: (and the likelyhood of the user coming back, just to do it again) [10:59] he called the bot a fascist, not you (not Azzmodan, the other guy) [10:59] for continuing offtopic talk after all have stopped: not always, but common [10:59] Hobbsee: yeah, I definitely get what you're saying [11:00] nemilar, calling the bot a fascist is calling the people who operate the bot a fascist since they write the texts and make it tell them [11:00] At least that guy actually called an entity a ban instead of trying to clarify a misused term that I was attempting to do [11:00] *an entity a facist [11:00] it's a figure of speech, though, as off-topic as it may be [11:00] it's actually a toned-down figure of speech [11:00] and guess what: DiploCat understood he was out-of-bounds, apologized and was unbanned [11:01] but you had to continue the mess... [11:02] So you're saying that I deserve to be banned for trying to clarify on a term that you misused, just because you somehow relate this with me second guessing your actions? [11:02] Seveas: I think you will understand if most of the #ubuntu crowd is instinctually weary of any authority's use of power, justified or not [11:02] Azzmodan, I've now told you thrice why I placed the ban [11:03] nemilar: this is possibly true. [11:03] nemilar: as to why, i've no idea [11:03] I'm not going to waste more time on this [11:03] Hobbsee: I think (just a hypothesis) it's a libertarian thing [11:03] Seveas, I see you repeat the same untrue line over and over yes. Still I don't see how me saying 1 line would somehow require a ban even if it where a single offtopic line as you claim [11:04] nemilar: possibly. that tehy're on a free OS, so can say whatever they like, i expect. [11:05] Hobbsee: well, they/we/etc can't say _whatever_ we like... but I think as a generalization geeks (especially FOSS ones) have a harder time accepting authority, and are more suspicious of it [11:06] I have a problem with authority when it is abused by banning me when I attempted to clarify on a misused term that contained no personal attacks or misinformation or second g uessing any operator's action [11:06] Seveas: did someone respond to you earlier? [11:07] essy, nope, I just pointed out another myminicity spammer [11:07] Seveas, repeating the same line is no clarification. You also never issued me a warning and we disagree on wether it was offtopic [11:07] oh, actually, now that there are a bunch of ops here, did anyone see my message about Austin_ (n=chatzill@pool-72-75-153-48.atclnj.east.verizon.net) ? [11:08] Seveas: I see he's gone now though [11:08] good [11:08] I sent a log about him to abuse@verizon.net since there were no ops around at the time, and I was feeling a bit cranky [11:08] essy! [11:08] nemilar: this is true [11:08] hobbsee!! [11:09] I'm actually off to sleep - about 3-4 hours too late, but thought I'd check to see what was going on [11:09] was leaving a message for pleia too [11:09] heh [11:12] * essy pokes hobbsee into another window [11:12] What'd be the best way to get a petty ban revoked when the op that placed it isn't open to conversation? [11:12] essy, hey, leave a bit of Hobbsee in here, will you :) [11:13] Seveas: no way - you get too much of a monopoly as it is [11:13] please, just a small bit [11:13] preferably a bit that I can tickle :0 [11:13] ;) [11:13] a toe? [11:14] Seveas: wait a minute - this from the guy that avoids hugs and being tickled himself? hrmph! [11:15] Azzmodan, you don't [11:15] Azzmodan, now where is this ban [11:15] Azzmodan, with which nick [11:15] * essy hugs ompaul [11:16] morning essy [11:16] hiya ompaul [11:16] * ompaul says that it being 11:15am and no fewd eaten [11:17] * jussi01 throws ompaul an apple [11:17] I have read my Daemon Runyon for this morning, and currently listing to black sabbath [11:17] I have just been informed that I must depart to an eatery for the purpose of a late breakfast [11:18] jussi01, thanks I'll grab that when I get back [11:18] Azzmodan, I asked a question [11:18] if you are not interested in answering it why are you here>? [11:20] * Hobbsee beats Seveas [11:20] * ompaul tickles Hobbsee [11:20] * Hobbsee beats ompaul too [11:20] essy: Seveas likes hugs - at least, australian ones [11:20] Hobbsee, there is too much of me to beat [11:20] essy: when you get time, ask him about the airport :P [11:21] how to get lost [11:21] yeap anywayz [11:21] * jussi01 hugs Hobbsee [11:22] Seveas, as I am about to leave I won't remove Azzmodan perhaps you can entice them to explain what they want [11:22] * Hobbsee hugs jussi01 back :) [11:23] ompaul, basic summary: Azzmodan wants to be unbanned from #ubuntu, I don't want to do that [11:23] backlog says why [11:27] Seveas: this !thing of you and me may carry on for some time ;) [11:27] ompaul, I'm banned with the nick "Azzmodan" [11:27] jpatrick, hm? [11:27] nm [11:27] k [11:28] ompaul, Someone called the bot a facist in regards to seveas using the !u comment, I checked the window sometimes later and saw that Seveas banned him with the note to look up godwin's law. I attempted to clarify that godwin's law is about nazis/hitler specifically and not facist at which point Seveas banned me [11:29] Azzmodan, you're conveniently leaving out a lot of things there. That's not really appreciated by any ops [11:29] Then what am I leaving out? [11:30] the entire discussion in between in which I warned numerous times that the discussion was offtopic and both offtopicness and second-guessing the ops aren't welcome in there [11:30] This is how the incident occured in my eyes. I tried to ask you why specifically you banned me but you just kept copy pasting the "second guessing / offtopic" line [11:30] and the fact that the discussion ended after the warnings and before the comments that got you banned [11:30] I was just attempting to clarify the term that you used, it's common internet lingo but probably unfamiliar to many of the people in the channel [11:31] sigh... [11:31] that does not change that it's offtopic and that I've warned about that [11:31] You could have just issued a warning, or even have asked me to stop it and I would have disagreed but done that [11:31] You made it ontopic by using the term [11:31] !ops [11:31] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Jack_Sparrow! [11:31] Seveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [11:32] can someone explain this to Azzmodan please? He's not understanding me... [11:32] I can understand that you wanted me to drop it, you could have asked or warned. What I do not understand is why you resorted to immediatly banning me [11:33] Azzmodan, I did issue several warnings. And I'm now gonna issue one in here. Stop lying and start reading what I say [11:34] jpatrick, your quit messages have too many quotes :p [11:34] You never issued a warning that I saw, or was directed at me. I did saw you ask people to drop the discussion about the person being banned for calling you a facist [11:35] Seveas: and the TZ still hasn't updated :P [11:35] hehe [11:36] I'm 7 hours behind.. [11:52] So how does one deal with having a conflict with an op, and then having this op also ban you from this channel. Should I use that irc-council list email? [11:59] applewyrm: I would read !guidelines, and follow the instructions there. [11:59] !guidelines [11:59] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [12:00] yeah I tried that, but the wiki says that if the outcome of the meeting wasn't successful that then you should email, but there never really was a meeting just the op that I had a problem with banning me claiming that I was lying [12:01] I would question the policy that allows the person I had the issue with banning me from this channel but that's for another time [12:03] Thanks for the answer at least jussi01, I have to go now but I'll ask again later. [12:11] Azzmodan ?? [13:00] DRebellion called the ops in #ubuntu (ali) [13:09] a;; [13:09] jussi01, most certainly [13:11] ompaul: yeah, figured... [13:17] yat yet another troll [14:31] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [14:32] ugh, banlist full [14:33] three victims, one forward? [14:33] * PriceChild waits to see if it does the rest [14:33] monster is on a different nick anyway grr [14:33] PriceChild: banlist is full [14:33] okies [14:34] i'll clear some of the reaaaaaally old ones [14:35] I can't log into ban tracker... keeps saying I'm trying to login anonymously when I click ubotu's link [14:36] and as soon as I say that, it works... [14:37] Seveas, the read-topic bans are removed automatically now [14:38] jrib: I got 90% of crimsuns alsa-info script working in upstreamdev log-modules.. but I may have some questions later on a couple things.. [14:38] I'm removing the jan 21st ones to get some room in the banlist [14:39] k [14:39] jrib, where? [14:39] ompaul: was in #ubuntu [14:40] Jack_Sparrow: sure [14:40] * ompaul larts self I was going to do that [14:40] last night and instead turned off the computer [14:43] That ought to last us a few days. [14:44] agh, *now* banlist full... [14:44] in about an hour, the floodbots would have started removing obsolete forwards [14:45] LjL, PriceChild and myself played the floodbot game now, emphasis on flood :) [14:45] yeah you unbanned some people who are *currently* in -read-topic though :P [14:46] hehe [14:52] I kind of fell down on what I normally do there [15:08] Seveas, your connection is faster it has to be :) [15:10] I have pmed that last one [15:13] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [15:13] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [15:13] If they're going to do it, why don't they do it in ctcp? [15:14] I don't see the advantage in doing it in a normal message? [15:15] PriceChild: because they're stupid? [15:15] because staff can catcjh them [15:15] staff catches them anyway [15:15] and they want to let people know they are there and they are trolls of a different sort etc [15:15] they are l33t trolls :) [15:16] jpatrick, was the ban needed? :/ [15:16] and you know what I think of trolls so ehh that has to make for the top 7 ironic statements I am likely to say this year [15:16] jpatrick, they drop the proxy most of the time so you get pointless bans [15:17] ompaul: heh, just in case :p [15:17] jpatrick, better automation takes care of them [15:18] uh? #kubuntu? [15:18] that wasn't a proxy [15:18] ahh [15:18] not there [15:18] :) [15:18] the exploiter in #ubuntu then? i don't see a ban for that one [15:18] LjL, so sue me I assumed something ;-) [15:19] if nothing shows up when you google it, then it likely is not a proxy :) [15:19] hehe [15:35] TiDiaBLoTiN|Busy> comment ca ce fait que sa soit sorti comme ca ? :s || Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. - however you are using a machine based in the US and that channel speaks english - no further comment from our friend [15:38] pauvre petit troll [15:40] what a nick tho [16:20] jpatrick, ? [16:21] I don't grok the nick [16:22] sarcasm.. [16:24] jpatrick, okay [16:24] * ompaul fights with "album" -- I am missing something simple and can't see what === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [17:54] the unbans have begun [18:02] * ompaul cought [18:02] coughs === no0tic_ is now known as no0tic [18:34] @pi [18:34] !pi [18:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about pi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [18:35] ompaul, pi is 3.14159 [18:35] pi is 4 [18:35] pie are squared [18:35] mmm...square pie [18:37] Pici, you here? [18:39] its an offtopic specific factoid [19:05] PriceChild, I saw that ;-) [19:18] fractal wrongness [19:18] The state of being wrong at every conceivable scale of resolution. That is, from a distance, a fractally wrong person's worldview is incorrect; and furthermore, if you zoom in on any small part of that person's worldview, that part is just as wrong as the whole worldview. [19:18] Debating with a person who is fractally wrong leads to infinite regress, as every refutation you make of that person's opinions will lead to a rejoinder, full of half-truths, leaps of logic, and outright lies, that requires just as much refutation to debunk as the first one. It is as impossible to convince a fractally wrong person of anything as it is to walk around the edge of the Mandelbrot set [19:18] in finite time. [19:18] ompaul, ---^ :) [19:18] we've seen some of those [19:23] Seveas, !troll should return that [19:23] hehe [19:23] cos they aim to be wrong [19:23] * ompaul takes a break [20:37] upgraded to hardy... *reboots* [20:44] PriceChild: everything working ok so far with Hardy? [20:47] new kernel dumps me into busybox [20:47] nautilus is dead [20:49] time for a bit of fun :) [20:49] PriceChild, I've had 3 lockups since upgrading earlier this week [20:49] and had to revert back from intel to i810 for video [20:49] and still it's not flaswless [20:49] my 945 seems to be working fine... [20:50] gnome-settings-daemon is crashy [20:50] killing my compose key and touchpad scroll [20:50] j.dong suggested forcing the memory allocation to max to increase performance [20:50] !jding [20:50] jdong [20:51] * jdong smacks Seveas [20:51] and PriceChild [20:51] all 3 ping me [20:51] :) [20:51] you shouldn't have hilights on stuff like that :P [20:51] PriceChild: did you search up the balls bug I told you for the Xorg option? [20:52] jdong, i'm just trying to get nautilus back on its feet first... i don't think it likes generating thumbnails [20:52] intel performance seems fine [20:54] aww [20:54] PriceChild: have you turned on compix yet? [20:55] yes [20:55] notcing lag in compiz scrolling etc. [20:55] PriceChild: and firefox scrolling isn't horribly slow? [20:55] whoops [20:55] s/compiz/firefox/ [20:55] PriceChild: so it is slow [20:55] PriceChild: good, then I'm not crazy [20:55] hehe yup [20:58] yay nautilus will stay open [20:58] "reopen when ready" XD [20:58] jdong, get in #launchpad now [20:59] NO! [20:59] I'm not gonna make a fool out of myself in there too :) [20:59] ah having mail-notification installed stopped nautilus upgrading [20:59] I liked that tray app :( [20:59] jdong, awww please :( [20:59] PriceChild: ROFL [20:59] jdong, i won't bash it [20:59] NO [20:59] NEVER [21:00] EVER [21:00] I already appear insane enough :) [21:01] ok... now to search for that bug... then after I will try and figure out how to start troubleshooting the not-happenning kernel. [21:01] jdong, lol just read the name of the bug [21:04] PriceChild, in the busybox, look at dmesg and your logs [21:04] PriceChild: gotta love Keybuk [21:06] jdong, wow didn't realise how poor it was until doing that! [21:06] Seveas, Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" in the device section [21:06] PriceChild: isn't it amazing how much faster it is now? [21:07] jdong, its ridiculous... and all that is doing is taking more memory? [21:07] PriceChild: the other alternative is to set accelmethod back to XAA which produces similar gains but also loses XV entirely [21:07] PriceChild: I'm not sure exactly what the downside of the greedy option is [21:07] PriceChild: but whatever it is, I'm not feeling it :) [21:07] PriceChild, is that with "intel" or "i810" ? [21:07] Seveas, intel [21:08] PriceChild, that crashes for me, I'll stick to i810 [21:08] jdong, maybe we should look it up.... :) [21:08] Seveas, ah okies [21:08] :) [21:08] Seveas: intel still crashes for you? [21:08] yeah [21:08] "this options increases performance one hundred fold but shortens hardware lifetime to 2.3 minutes" [21:08] PriceChild: haha [21:08] PriceChild: that sounds like viagra [21:08] * PriceChild has quit ("Fire") [21:08] jdong, http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/MigrationHeuristic [21:09] PriceChild, nouveau != intel [21:09] Seveas, its talking about exa though... i'm pretty sure it still applies [21:09] ah yeah [21:09] Seveas: the option probably means similar things though [21:10] its talking about "older xorg" so doubt its nouveau specific [21:11] jdong, you said "appear insane" hmmmm could you tell us why you used those specific words, scratch that, the specific word I would like explained is "appear" ;-) {actually dude if you knew what I was doing now you would breaking your heart loling so guess what I ain't saying} [21:11] * ompaul goes to read man page for cp [21:11] hahaha [21:11] just cos I can [21:11] * ompaul rofl [21:11] * PriceChild reboots to take a look at dmesg [21:11] PriceChild, dmesg has a way to write to syslog - doh he is gone ;-) [21:12] ompaul: haha you have no idea what pricey wanted me to ask the LP folks to do [21:12] ompaul: if you knew that, I think you'd question the word "insane" and want a better adjective [21:14] jdong, well I actually was installing apache and some other stuff and could not understand why mysql connects were failing - ehh no mysql-server installed might have something to do with it [21:14] * ompaul wonders why he has been tired all last week and now knows - he should not touch a keyboard about serious work after 5:30 any day of the week :) [21:14] now I am happy I will install a second box [21:15] ompaul: oh don't worry, I made a far worse slip up, but I think that to see it without pointing it out requires SUCH a twisted mind that it will escape unnoticed" [21:15] jdong, next commit can remove the blemish :) [21:15] ompaul: oh no, it's a LP comment :) [21:16] let's hope people ignore their bug mail [21:17] jdong, you has said it here it is traceable :) [21:18] * ompaul goes to do some more install stuff [21:18] ompaul: yes, but nobody with a twisted mind reads this channel :D [21:18] twisted as in python? ;-) [21:18] :) [21:18] twisted as in, me. [21:21] nothing in dmesg that i can see [21:21] alt+f1'ing goes to "PANIC: Circular dependencies detected. exiting" :P [21:27] sigh, that was keyboard/mouse not responding [21:27] go hardy! [21:36] PriceChild, best every PANIC was -- Kernel panic - returning to cosmic dust [21:36] it was during a failed install [21:36] Seveas, nothing in dmesg that i can see. alt+f1'ing gives "PANIC: Circular dependencies detected. Exiting." [21:36] ompaul, hehe [21:39] I'll think about it tomorrow anyhow. [22:52] hi Omar-C [22:52] ok I ran apt-get install xserver-xorg and it didn't download anything cause Im not connected [22:52] hi [22:52] so you lock your computer every time you aren't using it? [22:52] you are not in #ubuntu [22:53] Omar-C, you were invited here [22:53] not my windows one, sorry that was my brother, Im switching between both computers to try and figure out how to fix this problem [22:53] Omar-C: ah, so you know what happened [22:53] look, we get a *lot* of spam in the channel [22:54] and every time we do, people claim it was "their brother" [22:54] i'm willing to believe it actually was your brother [22:54] but ensure it won't happen again [22:54] because you won't be believed next time, you understand [22:54] !etiquette > Omar-C (Omar-C, see the private message from Ubotu) [22:55] ok sorry, Im just switching between both computers real quick [22:55] Omar-C, see we don't really think that people should tell us things and expect us to be really gullible - cos mostly we are not all that young [22:55] anyways back to my problem, I've been working on this problem all day and I still can't figure out what to do, so any help is highly appriciated [22:55] Omar-C: your brother spammed the channel with several lines of text, and it would have been many more if an op hadn't stopped him quickly [22:56] Omar-C, ask about your problem in #ubuntu, this is #ubuntu-ops [22:56] you can't get into ops atm [22:56] you can only get here [22:56] opposite actually [22:56] you can't get into #ubuntu atm [22:56] should have been what I typed but there ya go [22:58] Omar-C: now that's a no-no [22:59] if we tell you that you currently "can't join", it doesn't mean that you can put on another nickname and join [22:59] it means that we want some feedback from you before letting you join [22:59] Omar-C, just a minor thing for you think about [22:59] Omar-C, now please conversation [23:00] that was called ban avoidance [23:00] hmm [23:01] is this nick just about to timeout perhaps? [23:01] PriceChild: you win. [23:02] welcome [23:02] looks so [23:02] you didn't want to do tthat [23:02] PriceChild: ping says so. [23:02] that is called ban avoidance [23:02] and that can get you removed from the server [23:02] well, i think it's called not being registered to the network in this case [23:02] Ubuntu_Omar, are you reading this? [23:03] yea [23:03] LjL, this one doesn't respond anyway. [23:03] Ubuntu_Omar, now don't go running off to change your nick again please we want a word [23:03] I had to change my name cause someone else had it in Ubuntu [23:03] (a) you were invited [23:03] (B) don't take us for fools [23:03] Ubuntu_Omar: it was yourself [23:04] I am a an IT professional and have been for years I have been in paid employment for over 25 years [23:04] Why are you guys treating me like this? Im here just to fix my problem with my new computer thats all [23:04] so much like LjL I don't like being told [23:04] little storys about "my brother" or [23:04] someone else had my nick [23:04] Ubuntu_Omar: but meanwhile, someone at your computer spammed our channel pretty badly. [23:05] so excuse us if we want to clear this up. [23:05] ohh and that [23:05] No-one can steal your nick while you use it, without us knowing. Each user has the same nick in every channel. You can't steal a nick in just one channel. [23:06] ok I tried to join #Ubuntu then it says Omar-C already in use [23:06] so I had to change ti [23:06] it* [23:06] the nick is registered [23:06] Ubuntu_Omar: it was your own connection. [23:06] * [Omar-C] (n=wolf_sca@bas5-hamilton14-1177898952.dsl.bell.ca): Omar Nassif [23:06] * [Omar-C] #ubuntu-ops #gentoo #suse [23:06] looksk like you to me [23:07] what do you think? [23:07] Ok look, Im new to mIRC so I don't really know how to get around here [23:07] so stop messing about [23:07] Im not I just want to fix my Ubuntu problem, and you guys are making a huge deal out of something I already forgot [23:08] now can we forget about that? [23:08] i'll remind you then [23:08] ok now how come I can't join #Ubuntu? [23:08] it says that the address is banned [23:08] correct [23:08] you were asked to join here [23:09] you did not [23:09] we ban forwarded you to here [23:09] [23:44:16] im omar-cp little brother [23:44:21] not me [23:44:31] i don't even know how to programs lolz [23:44:34] WGGMk, did you check the theming tutorials ? [23:44:35] faggs [23:44:42] s [23:44:42] s [23:44:43] s [23:44:44] s [23:44:45] s [23:44:45] s [23:44:46] s [23:44:48] s [23:44:49] s [23:09] Ubuntu_Omar: is it clear enough without further explanation that the above is utterly, completely and totally unacceptable on an IRC support channel? [23:09] Omar-C, ever one of those > indicates a new line [23:09] WHAT I honestly did not see that much text [23:10] well your nick on your computer delivered it [23:10] ok Im sorry guys [23:10] yes that was my brother I had to leave the room to get to my other computer [23:10] Ubuntu_Omar: so you understand that if this even happens again, and you then tell us that it was your brother, next time we will *not* believe that it was your brother, and you will stay banned? this is to say - do lock your computer when it's connected to IRC [23:11] !etiquette > Ubuntu_Omar (Ubuntu_Omar, see the private message from Ubotu) [23:11] cos we can't afford the overhead of spammers [23:11] s/when it's connected to IRC/whenever you leave it/ [23:11] s/can't/won't [23:12] ok can I go into Ubuntu now? [23:12] anyways I have to go now [23:12] Ubuntu_Omar: yes. i'm assuming from now on that you are aware of the channel rules, which i made Ubotu send you [23:12] password protect your account [23:13] ok thanks [23:13] [00:13:34] howlingmadhowie, technicaly ubuntu can use the debian repos so , add those to the official ubuntu ones [23:14] wth [23:14] ewww [23:14] omg [23:14] nooo [23:14] that no nice [23:14] "fractally wrong"? [23:15] iewie [23:15] kill that pelo