[02:37] Any main sponsor who could upload http://emilio.pozuelo.org/~deb/gedit.debdiff for me? It fixes a FTBFS. TIA! [02:38] what policies/mechanisms are in place to work more with upstream/debain and to reduce deltas ? [02:41] pochu: ACKed. [02:42] crimsun: thanks :) [02:44] zoke: that's an interesting question [02:50] zoke: patches are automatically sent upstream, we encourage all developers/contributors to move things upstream [02:50] I see [02:50] but specific policies I'm not so sure [02:50] mostly we just try to "do the right thing" and work with upstreams [02:51] certainly not perfectly all the time, but that's the goal [02:57] LaserJock: Don't lie, we never give back.. ;-P [03:01] I think the stats on http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html and http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html show us doing a reasonably good job over time. [03:02] ScottK: :_) === RAOF_ is now known as RAOF [04:56] elmo: no point updating seed management before cjwatson does his stuff with the new seeds [05:33] anyone know how to compile an application .exe file extension using the gcc command? [05:33] linos2: gcc -o foo.exe foo.c [05:33] However, that (a) doesn't do what you actually want, and (b) isn't a question for #ubuntu-devel [05:35] RAOF, sorry, but do you know where I could find such a channel? [05:35] Well, #gcc might be a good one. [05:35] I tried, but nobody home [05:36] i'm not sure, but take a look at the "winegcc"-command included in wine [05:36] ok.. thanks guys === Hobbsee_ is now known as LongPointyStick === Hobbsee_ is now known as LongPointyStick === fabbione is now known as thegodfather === fabbione is now known as thegodfather === Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette === Hobbsee_ is now known as LongPointyStick === LongPointyStick is now known as Hobbsee [13:21] Hi [13:22] i'm investigating #181561 [13:22] what's the difference between kernel in desktop and alternate iso ? [13:27] kagou, there shouldn't be a difference afaik [13:27] bug 181561 [13:27] Launchpad bug 181561 in linux "Hardy alpha 3 daily-live i386 dont't boot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181561 [13:29] Seveas, or this is the case :( === jkt|_ is now known as jkt| [13:30] do we have tools to re-create (and to customize) "official" iso ? [13:31] nixternal: yeah, there was a mistake in communication between us and kde folks [13:31] thanks for a hint [13:54] kagou: yes, the livecd is casper (see LiveCDCustomization or something like that on the wiki) [13:54] kagou: and alt CD is just debian-installer; Debian has great docs on customizing that === bigon` is now known as bigon === bigon is now known as bigon` === bigon` is now known as bigon === nturner_ is now known as nturner === bigon is now known as bigon` === bigon` is now known as bigon [16:09] pitti: Are you around by any chance? [16:10] Hi bddebian [16:12] Heya geser === Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_ [16:45] hrm... which package do I reassign bug 120829 to ... (pmount/gnome prefs/etc, apparently fixed in gutsy) [16:45] Launchpad bug 120829 in util-linux "/dev/sda3 is mounted despite the 'noauto' option in fstab" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120829 [16:55] lamont: gnome-volume-manager [16:56] thanks === DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz === j_ack_ is now known as j_ack [18:59] is webmin called something else these days? [19:04] hmm, http://packages.debian.org/webmin shows 2006 as last update [19:04] there is a fresh .deb on http://www.webmin.com/ though... perhaps there were some licensing issues or something [19:05] * jcole googles [19:06] !webmin | jcole [19:06] jcole: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. [19:06] thanks ScottK2 [19:06] !ebox [19:06] ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See the plans for Hardy at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EboxSpec [19:11] Sjimmie: ebox looks very nice :) === davies is now known as jpatrick [19:12] * jcole is surprised there is no ftp server admin module in ebox? [19:12] jcole: but it's easy to develop a shinny new one ;) [19:14] jcole: anyway, you could install your preferred ftp server and control the firewall access with ebox [19:14] dexem: true, and there is already a samba admin module there that can probably be used as a template... [19:22] http://xmb.stuffucanuse.com/xmb/viewthread.php?action=attachment&tid=4782&pid=13894 [19:22] oops [19:22] nm that === jcole is now known as jcole_awy === Lure_ is now known as Lure === _emgent is now known as emgent === bigon is now known as bigon` [21:24] hey, do I need to patch the kernel 2.6.24 from kernel.org with some ubuntu patch to get stuff working? i tried the normal kernel.org version and my sound(alsa) and wireless (iwl4965) isn't working [21:28] SR71-Blackbird, i think u need to patch the src with ubuntu specific changes [21:32] i know it's freaking saturday O_o === Pici is now known as Nyx === Nyx is now known as Nyx` === Nyx` is now known as Nyx- === Nyx- is now known as Nyx === Nyx is now known as Pici [22:17] can sounds get trapped? [22:24] can sounds get trapped? [22:26] Yes. [22:28] poodlesucks> how and where? [22:30] poodlesucks: I think you're off topic, please notice the /topic [22:49] fucking assholes [23:12] can lights and air get trapped ? can it crush us? where does all the sounds produce go to? is the sound/light/air radiation bad for our health? can air take away all of our cells by blowing wind like a sand?:D thank you